#I can't afford the insurance
cerise-on-top · 11 days
hello lovie! would it be possible to do a T141 with an american S/O? It always makes me giggle when i read them to see the culture differences! thank you lovie!!
Hey! Not gonna lie, I think all of them would almost get a heart attack from the culture shock! I know I do everytime I talk to my American friend! Also, I am neither British nor American, so I don't know a whole lot about either of those countries! I based this off of what my American friends have told me about the States!
TF141 with an American!Reader
Price: The moment you tell him about any of the human rights violations that are completely normal to you regarding your work he feels as though he’s going to die of a culture shock. What the hell do you mean you don’t get paid vacation??? He gets a whooping 28 days off, so why don’t you??? If you even get any days off in the first place. And then there’s the fact that you need to “earn” your sick days. What the hell??? What kind of shithole are the United States if you can’t even stay home when you’re sick??? I feel as though you could genuinely stun him into silence if you tell him those things like they’re the most normal thing in the world. He’s going to grow very concerned with you. Don’t you want to move in with him instead? Live in a new country that respects your rights as a human being at least somewhat? He will genuinely offer you to move in with him here and there, especially if you tell him some more concerning things. Theft at work? Just by picking up a pen from the ground? Really? The more you tell him about the States, the more he comes to resent that country.
Gaz: Oh, the two of you are gonna be arguing a lot. He’s well aware that there are quite a few regional differences with words, but Gaz is going to pretend he’s always right, even if he knows that there’s no right or wrong. Ghost is a leftenant, not a lieutenant. Those are chips and not fries. Love, that’s a bloody biscuit. He smirks at you every time he mentions his superior British English. Call him a colonizer and he’ll shut up, though. In fact, he’ll be super shocked. Seriously? You joke about that? He doesn’t make any jokes about 9/11 either, for example. It’s very surprising to hear how chill you actually are about 9/11, considering how much bad it brought with it. He doesn’t dare to make any jokes about it. He’ll call you Mr./Mx. Oppenheimer, though. He knows it’s disrespectful towards Japan, but if you have the audacity to call him a colonizer of all things, surely you can take a little joke. You gonna shoot the missiles, love? Gonna go to bloody Walmart and buy an AK-47?  He loves you, but man, if he doesn’t need to be there, he doesn’t want to go to the US either.
Ghost: You’re a very perplexing creature. Because??? How can one human being be this loud in public??? Are you not afraid of being judged??? Of getting bludgeoned to death because you looked at a YouTube Short in public??? Naturally, he’ll protect you, but man, you’re very daring. Besides, how can you just??? Walk up to people and talk to them like that??? You don’t know them and you weren’t forced to talk to them either?????? Sure, you’re friendly but?????? Are you not afraid of getting judged in public for your accent or dialect??? You’re an American in England, people are gonna mock you??? You seem to take it in stride, though. Good on you for that one, lovie. But are all Americans willing to be this social??? Do you just walk up to people all the time and talk to them??? Do you not mind your own business at all times??? Congratulations, you’ve confused this man beyond repair just by being American and being a little bit social. Also, how in the world are you this touchy? Just because his touch starvation kills him doesn’t mean he’s gonna do anything about it. And yet here you are, hugging someone you’ve met a few hours ago. What???????
Soap: For Soap, it’s the small things that confuse him. Like, do you just guesstimate how much you pay at the store? Bonnie, what the hell do you mean YOUR STORES DON’T INCLUDE TAXES IN THEIR PRICES?? Also, bonnie, you can actually rely on public transport here in the UK. It’s okay, you don’t have to be afraid of the double decker bus or the metro. Because why in the world do you need a car to get literally anywhere in the world??? Also, why do your housing estates look like that?? It’s all squares?? He’s never gonna let you live down how ugly it all looks. Besides, your houses can literally be blown away this easily as well. You should come live in Scotland with him. This is not a suggestion, by the way, as you will be living there with him eventually. He refuses to live in the US. He’s gonna show you how nice Scotland really is! In fact, he’s gonna give you your very own kilt as well! It’s very comfortable, you should know! This, in actuality, is a bribe to get you to forget about the US. Please, never mention them again. They’re the peace police, but no one likes them, bonnie!!!
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katabay · 1 month
lmao sorry to everyone in my inbox, this month has been a mess and I'm just not really around enough for it. someone in my immediate family got a new cancer diagnosis, my not-art job got restructured because management is a joke and it's been.... not great, to be honest! to top it off, my mom's cousin just died because the major hospital didn't have enough beds open for the provincial hospital to transfer him. etc etc etc.
anyway. it's been a lot and I'm Very Tired Of Things Happening 🙃
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forcebookish · 2 months
had to stop taking the new adhd medication but the good news is i can drink coffee and iced tea again
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butmakeitgayblog · 9 months
ADHD here, please tell me, teach me, write instruction to how brush and floss your teeth three times a day.
Do you set alarm clocks? Do you have apps that reminds you? T_T
And no, wisdom teeth ARE NOT easy.
I gotchu
Nope no apps or alarms. It's all less about a schedule, and more just working it into your eating routine. Making flossing and brushing part of your eating process is the easiest way rather than just relying on memory or "oop it's 1pm, gotta brush!" when you may not even eat lunch until 2, you get me?
Here's my process:
1. Brush before you eat breakfast. If you feel a bit nauseous in the mornings, try and sip some water to settle it down, but whatever you do, do not eat or drink anything other than water before your first brush. Why?
Eating softens the enamel! Acidic drinks (coffee, juice, etc) softens the enamel! If you eat/drink and then brush, you are quite literally brushing away your teefie's lil coat of armor!
2. Brush yo damn tongue. I know it sucks. I know you'll gag. It's hell. Do it anyway. I'm suffering with you ✊
3. Don't just go crazy everywhere in there. If you're zigzagging around your mouth like it's Mario kart, you're missing spots. I brush in sections to guarentee coverage. Top right molars - front, bottom, back, back edge. Bottom right molars - front, top, back, back edge. Etc. In total, six sections each brushed exactly the same.
I'm fully aware written down it sounds OCD levels of bullshit, but I promise, it's the same 2-3 minutes spent brushing as usual, just organized and effective rather than pure chaos and a prayer of plaque removal 🥴
Also, don't brush too hard. If your bristles are bent and smooshed, ease up my god you're brushing away the enamel by force 😳
4. After you brush and spit - Do. Not. Rinse.
Put the water down.
If at most you have to refresh the tongue from feeling weirdly coated, take a tiny sip of water and gurgle only on the back of the tongue and spit.
I say this because the longer the toothpaste stays on your teeth, the better. You want that flouride and whatnot doing its thing on your enamel and gum line as long as possible, so give it as much time as you can and let your mouth naturally clean it out. It will.
5. Floss after every meal. Every one. It will become a habit and you'll start to hate the feeling of not flossing after. Floss after snacks!!! If it's solid food, floss. Period. Flossers can and will become your best friend because they are so convenient. I love them, I just keep a few in the zipper part of my wallet and whenever I'm out, I can (and do) floss on the go.
Side note, there is a right and wrong way to floss. So, be mindful of that.
6. Other than morning time, brush after meals when you can, HOWEVER!!!! WAIT AT LEAST 20 MINUTES (see part 1.) In those 20 minutes after you finish eating, drink water and thoroughly swish it around your mouth to help dilute the acid sitting on your teeth. Floss during this time as well to get the crud out from between your teeth so it's not just sitting there. If you're out in public or at a job where you can't brush after lunch, brush as soon as you get home. Literally take off your shoes, hang up your coat, kiss your pet (or spouse or... idk houseplant) hello, and then go brush.
8. After your final brushing of the day, eat or drink nothing else but water. Nothing.
Look at me
Nothing else ಠ_ಠ
If you do want to eat or drink again, gonna have to wait 20 min and brush again 🤷‍♀️
So you see, it's less about a schedule and more just working the act of brushing and flossing into your normal eating routine. Make the two synonymous. Make it part of your meal process. Eat. Floss. Rinse with water. Wait, then brush.
For those who have days when they cannot mentally or physically make themselves brush, listen to me. I understand. It's ok. Believe me, I do know more than I ever say on here. But don't do nothing. If that is you, keep a small bottle of listerine next to your bed/chair so you can swish and spit. Buy a bag of flossers and keep those near you to at least floss. Buy those little one use brusher sticks/a clean rag and toothpaste and use those. If that's the best you can do, there's no shame in that. I promise your future self will be so, so grateful for these little things, because even a little is better than nothing. And in the end you deserve to have your mouth feel fresh, even when you yourself don't have the spoons to do much else.
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cleverclovers · 4 months
My food is definitely*not* going to make it to the 8th. Fml
I'm so tired of begging for help online. I'm so tired of barely scraping by with help. I'm tired of skipping meals to try to make food last a little longer.
Listen. I'm not very good at keeping my patreon up to date. I'm trying, but I'm not good at it, because most of my patrons are friends on other services that I throw art at on a regular basis anyway. But if you want to support me, if you want to help me get to a point where I can just. Pay my Internet bill with my patreon money and not worry about it coming out of my SSI?
God id love you forever
I'd try so much harder to keep things up to date
I'm going to start offering patrons monthly sketch requests. I don't do enn ess eff double you. I love fluffy art, I'm willing to try my hand at furry characters, I'm awful at Mecha stuff but willing to try, I do my best with animals but I make no promises. I can work from photos.
I just. I want to stop struggling so badly. And. I want to work on personal art without guilt.
I'm Rosesinclover on patreon, just like Ven and Cash, and DA. I'm super easy to find.
Also.. uh. If. Anyone is willing to help me with food today? I'm shaking really bad. I think it's anxiety, the residual effects of yesterday's migraine (which is possibly still going) and blood sugar. I don't have butter to properly cook eggs so I haven't had much in the way of protein in a couple days. I don't know if I can safely make it to the pet food bank like this, today. I have like. Five? Days worth of wet food, so I could make it to Thursday when it's open again, if I can get something for breakfast and some butter, maybe some chicken or ground beef to have more substantial protein? Cereal just. Isn't going to cut it.
I. Uh. Thanks.
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blueboyluca · 1 year
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Luca has a little indent on his nose from when he injured it early in the year. I'm glad it regained all the nice black colour though.
I didn't do anything for his birthday because it was in the middle of puppy stuff (and to be honest I don't celebrate dog birthdays because it's not like they care or notice and I do lots for them on a daily basis), but Luca turned 8 on August 1st.
I decided to purchase pet insurance for all three dogs as the cut-off age was 9 years so Luca just scraped in. It's expensive and I've never had it before (I've been lucky) but I figured it was worth doing now because three dogs feels like a major risk with potential health issues. Especially with Luca now considered "old" and with no pre-existing conditions, it seemed smart. Hopefully I won't really need to use the insurance, but now I'm covered for at least some of any future emergency or illness bills.
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mushtoons · 2 months
hey babes, craving salt can be concerning, but if you've had stress, lack of sleep or dehydration it's probs that xx
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pretty sure i got an iron deficiency cuz I've eaten pure salt my whole life, and crave salty things on the daily but alas im too poor to go to the doctor
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cappurrccino · 2 months
i was gonna say "i shouldn't have to go to work when my brain feels like a depression slushie" and then i was like "wait but then i'd basically never ever go to work" and i'm actually doubling down on the first part now bc my god how am i supposed to heal my brain from burning out 5 years ago if i can never get an actual break
#//juri speaks#i also at this moment: do not know if i have health insurance anymore / if i will be able to get insurance#if i can't get insurance i will not be able to take classes this fall#if i can't take classes my loan repayments will kick in immediately#i already don't have enough money for anything and i certainly don't have a spare $150 a month for the government#at any rate i need to submit my tuition waiver Soon but i can't until i know if i can get into the second class#so i have to wait for the prof or my advisor to get back to me#all the while a funeral day draws nearer#and then AT work i still feel like my position doesn't need to exist#but i desperately need it to exist because i need the money#and this big mchuge data migration project we were SUPPOSED to have had done in JUNE is being pushed to the absolute last minute#not by us but by the folks in control of the software we're moving to#so we're not going to have any safety margins with the old software#it's going to be GONE and dead and unlicensed while we're trying to learn the new shit#and i'm going to have to deal with the other branch cataloger trying to do everything for us which Won't Help#and i need!!!!!! a break!!!!!!!!!! from everything!!!!!#i need the world to stop and i need to go sit in the desert for like 6 months#instead best i can do is go buy the new taz gn for a little crumb of escape. maybe a little coffee drink while i'm there#even though i've been hitting sugar hard lately and really do not have the funds to buy more clothes if i gain a few more lbs#and can't afford a walking pad/treadmill and don't want to go outside bc it is a billion degrees all day every day rn#uuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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idkmynameiskat · 2 months
so poor people don't deserve to have animals? what a bad take
lmaooooooooo please I cannot, what the fuck?
You're reaching soooo hard to try to make me look bad. You can be rich and not deserve to have a pet just as equally as someone who doesn't have money. The difference is if you willingly put that animal at risk and/or allow that animal to suffer while not doing anything about it/not caring. That is the difference.
I personally do not have the money in my checking account (and since I don't work at a vet clinic anymore, I have no discounts so you can't even use that against me anymore lol) to take care of my cats if they get severely injured/sick/need a long hospital stay. Because I know this, I know to not let them outside where they can get fucked up and to keep up with things that keep them as healthy as possible like yearly vet exams/vaccines. Since I know I cannot afford it, I have also made sure to know what options I have in case they do get very sick/injured. It's about being responsible, making a plan, and treating your pet like a living animal that deserves to not suffer.
You're not a bad pet owner if you don't run to the vet and spend hundreds the second your pet has something small going on, and I have never once said that. As long as you are trying and ensuring your pet is comfortable and not suffering, that's all I care about. Period.
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goldkirk · 9 months
question: have any of you personally seen a dietician (not looking for experiences with nutritionists, only dieticians), and did you find it helpful or useful, and if you did see a dietician and you ALSO have seen a GI doctor, how did the experience compare for you in terms of helpfulness + how much you felt listened to and helped?
#i'm trying to figure out which doctor appointments I want to bother making and spending money about for potentially no return on investment#and right now i'm trying to figure out if I'd get way more practical help from a dietician or if I need to suck it up and find a#not-elderly not-male not-dismissive GI doctor first and THEN see a dietician#although I cannot afford a bunch of tests#so like???#trying to figure out if a dietician would be more helpful overall with me not HAVING any GI diagnoses or eating disorders#and just really struggling with food in both sensory ways and unpredictable digestion ways that don't correlate with food allergies#god i sometimes wish i had food allergies so i could have some predictability#but yeah. i'm leaning towards dietician but figured i should crowdsource experiences#since I know a lot of you have health issues you've also been trying to manage for years and probably have good advice#if it helps i'm also in a major city now and have a decent-but-not-great health insurance plan so I'm good on those two fronts#to do#health#I know a dietician can't diagnose anything but I'd love help figuring out how to get maximum nutrition even when i can barely eat anything#or when my body decides to start getting sick from or (tw emetophobia) puking up fiber or fatty foods#which thankfully isn't often#now that I do cannabis daily in microdosing I have so much less pain and bloating and nausea#but when it hits it HITS#and the last time I tried going without cannabis for a couple days and then eating a fiber muffin I was sick six times in one morning#and didn't get my normal eating ability back until dinnertime#luckily that's not normal for me#but my issues bounce up and down so much#and I lose weight so fast whenever my appetite goes from 'barely ever there' to 'negatively nonexistent'#and I had like. two months last year where I think i reached my body's natural healthy set weight#and i needed so much food but it felt so good energy wise and temperature wise#and i'd like to STAY THERE FFS#and I feel like a dietician would be helpful for making meal options for good#*good and hard and nuclear alert level eating difficulty times#anyway. crowdsourcing. yay!
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oldmanyaoi-jpeg · 5 months
everything is falling apart last second for my top surgery/spay. again. awesome
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naomiknight-17 · 2 months
As unpleasant as my walk was due to the humidity, I gotta say I am not in as much pain as usual
Don't get me wrong, I'm still in pain
But I've been doing physio again for what, almost a month now? And it really does make a difference
It's a pain in the ass, but it helps reduce the pain in my back. Who knew
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quemirabobo · 5 months
I just realized that I've been putting too much on my plate lately and instead of getting some of that shit done all I end up with is feeling sick every week and things keep accumulating and I stress myself ten times more and I end up doing nothing, reading something to distract myself of the fucking titanic quest I put my ass on
#i want to graduate so fucking much but i need to take so many finals for that and i need a good job because i can't afford my almost 200k#meds without a good medical insurance and i need to take as many finals i can while i have this more chill job but I'm taking 2 classes that#just require time but i also have to deal with it's deadlines and i have 2 investigation projects going on and i want to make a paper with#my friend and it would fit so perfectly with the Complutense meeting we want to be part of but it's deadline is the day after my final so i#have to give it a shape before that so our professor can gave it a look and tell us if it's ok BUT I'm feeling like shit and I'm on bed s#since yesterday because my ovary might have some cyst going on and it's painful like shit but my lab it's going to be ready next monday#so i have to wait until then and i need to call my insurance to talk about money because the only gynecologist who treat me like a human#doesn't work with my insurance anymore so i have to pay for her but i want to know how much they'll cover and then i have to make an#appointment with her AND I also feel tired and have slight fever that comes and goes and i might have some autoimmune shit going on too#and those lab are ready for the 16 and I've been calling all afternoon to make another tests but no one does it and i should be studying and#reading for the paper#and my room looks like a storm broke in and i need to clean it so i can use my fucking desk to study‚ read and search for fucking jobs#I'm at my fucking limit#not to mention how i go onboard of any project or volunteer work i come across#chronicles of Yu's life
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 months
i love being crushed under the weight of late stage capitalism
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knivestothroats · 8 months
hm i was able to write out a bullet list outline of an itws sequel but have no desire to write it. life is like that sometimes.
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mysdrymmumbles · 7 days
there are no therapists that accept my insurance in my city
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