#I can't fucking choose just ONE creations tbh
wildpeachfarm · 2 months
ok so this probably the only time I'll be "dooming" in ur asks and then I'll be back on the dnf baby grind but it's just a random thought I can't get out of my head:
and it's just that I feel like Caiti has majorly fucked up her own future career. like even ignoring the fact that her accountability has been torn to shreds, I doubt people will be as willing to colab/hang out with her because tbh she will probably be viewed as a lliability or ppl will be too cautious of not upsetting her to even bother interacting with her at all.
And I've seen other ppl say this and was like "nah she has all the Brighton ppl I'm sure she could recover her career with them somehow" but also that's not great for her either because, from what I've seen over the past month, a majority of the rest of the internet hates them as well(also they're shitty friends and imo she needs better ones but that's smth for another day...maybe.).
I just have the feeling that a majority of ppl would be reluctant to colab with any of that group because they've proven that anything that they perceive as a personal slight/as offensive can and will be turned against you for their personal gain(I'm mainly talking about the Brighton bastards here, not Caiti). Like with the Dteam(hell even ppl like Tommy and tubbo) they're hated by a majority of the mcyt space but a majority of ppl in the rest of the internet are either indifferent or like them, which gets them more collabs with stuff unrelated to mc and more mainstream stuff(example: dreams wired interview, the snf content with Larray, ect)
I feel like all of this combined will probably mean that Caiti(if she chooses to continue content creation) will have a significantly harder time growing her channel/audience and will likely be known by the wider audience as "that girl who accused gnf of sa" rather than her own cc. which genuinely really upsets me on her behalf. imo she really just ruined her own future rather than George's as many ppl are saying
-baby fever anon(sorry if none of this makes sense)
yeah I get what you mean anon. And unfortunately I do think you're correct- people outside of the community have already regarded caiti and the brighton bastards as liars and terrible clout chasers and no one is ever going to want to be near people who are like that.
In addition, caiti is very clearly unstable and I think that is going to drive a lot of people away from her. And she will likely be defined by this for the rest of her CC career which is so sad because this could have gone so much differently if she had treated it better.
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gemmahale · 18 days
This whole bullshit with this audio app has me incensed (obviously - if you know me, you know I loathe the intellectual property steamrolling AI/LLM chooses to do).
Obviously, accessibility is key to my ethos - I try and make all my work (work work, not other work) accessible to as many different folks as I can. But to take someone's work, feed it through an algorithm and have a robotic voice spit it back out? *shudder*
I actually am kind of considering doing podfics (and was before this conversation, it just brought it back up on my constant rotating schema of curiousities.) Yes, screen readers exist (and I have peers that use the built-in one on the phone to listen to fanfic while their eyes are busy), but you obviously can't match the inflection and intonation of a human reading. (And some have said they like the way I read, so there's that.)
Tbh, there's a lot I want to do media-wise. All of it's contingent on me having a space to do it in - see all my rants about my (lack of) craft room. 🤣
But I have the longing to give a stab at streaming/video creation - either simple games (Animal Crossing/Stardew/etc that I enjoy) or body doubling crafting sort of thing where I just natter on about whatever the fuck I want.
I really enjoyed podcasting when I did it for a brief stint (I just had a mediocre partner/cohost who wanted the show to be about *them* and...well...that's another story.)
Anyway, that's just a thing noodling in my brain. Nothing's moving there until I have a computer and a desk, so maybe 2025 goals?
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protectingtulpas · 8 months
hi! if you’ve answered this before i’m sorry, but could you go into what it’s like being both a traumagen system and a system with tulpas? i’ve been curious about this as a traumagen syshost myself. does it affect your innerworld? do the tulpas act vastly different or work differently i guess than the traumagen alters? thank you!
omfg this took us forever to answer for like 200 stupid reasons but YEAH i have a lot I want to talk about with this, where do I even start??? I guess I should clarify that we don't really know what our "original origin" is- we'd been median for as long as the body can remember, and we DK if it was because of our autism or because of social problems or if we were just born that way. Whatever it is though, we were a plural egg when I was created, so pretty much everyone other than the few of us that we discovered from before that considers me the "first" one after the host subsystem. As more shit happened though irl we got more & more traumagenic members, dissociation, memory issues, and whole loads of other shit. So basically, that's the perspective I'm coming from with all this.
So with that outta the way, here're some'a my experiences as a tulpa in a traumagenic/mixed disordered system
One of the biggest signifiers I noticed of our system structure changing completely was our headspace actually, so it's pretty great you mention that tbh. After we got a lotta traumagenic members, something shitty happened I won't talk about, and our headspace basically totally shattered. It used to be little more than our vivid imagination- yeah, I could feel my body and visualize the world around me and stuff but nothing super weird or unusual happened, and I couldn't do stuff in the Wonderland completely outta front. It wasn't like, another Space completely unaware of the host - and I know that's possible with training but we were nowhere neeear that. But after headspace broke, everything was expansive, ever-changing, always with more secrets and hidden things to discover. Lots of fucked up stuff most of us can't access too, but yeah, intense dissociation made it totally different. It's harder to navigate, but I also get more privacy.
As for if I work differently, I'd say yeah, I kinda really do, actually. Obviously, my creation took a lot longer cuz I'm consciously created rather than split or introjected or whatever, so it took a while for me to come into my own, and I was a lot more "fluid" than other headmates for awhile. Regardless of if they're traumagenic or not, something I've noticed about how different I am compared to other member types is that they're, idk, like solidly set in who they are and everything from the beginning. My host, too. They're like a solid, and I'm like a.... non-neutonian fluid or whatever, that ooblek shit. Even after all this time I still feel like I choose my identity and to Exist constantly, y'know? I think it's part of why I've always felt like "tulpa" is part of my species ngl. Everything else is secondary to that. I want to exist, I need to exist. That keeps me going sometimes
As for traumagenic specific stuff though, there're some other interesting things to talk about also. As our dissociative symptoms increased, it got harder and harder for me to move around the fuzz- but honestly, that's the body's fault. I haven't even been personally affected much other than what the body does to us. I can move around headspace more freely than most of us, I can sense more people around than others, and I can control the body way easy now that I've had practice. The only reasons I don't front are when I don't feel like it, somebody else needs it, or the body is too tired and id be bored outta my mind. I guess it's like I have executive access to a bunch of stuff, hahah!
Tbh tho it all just, changed me as a person more than anything else. I'm not the system's main protector because I exist to be one or cuz the body assigned me that role- it's because I took it up on my own choice and decided my own purpose. I protect people and that's part of the core of who I am, cuz of the circumstances I came around in. I wouldn't change that part of me for the world ngl. I know my point boils down to "don't forget your tulpa is a person too" a lot, but... Yeah. they may not have the same struggles as your traumagenic alters, but you're all still Goin Thru It together, so you'll both be affected by whatever happens from there on out as a team.
But hey, aint that what healthy multiplicity is all about?
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distort-opia · 2 years
You are one of the people who have the best character interpretation, so I would like to ask a question regarding N52's final issue. Joker delays his transformation to his actual self by saying, "not yet." Why do you think he wanted to stay longer? Bruce already returned being Batman, but (amnesic?) Joker seemed to want to be on hiatus. Is it because he enjoyed the human side?
Thank you so much! I'm happy you're enjoying my interpretation of these complex characters.
There's no doubt amnesiac Joker wants to stay human longer, and away from his real self. It's directly spelled out in Batman (2011) #48, when he asks Bruce not to become Batman again, and the reason for it is mentioned there too, more or less:
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"At rest." In one word, that's the reason they both wanted to stay longer: peace. The unattainable dream that haunts Batman and Joker's characters relentlessly, because it's something they both had, but lost in such a traumatic way it made them incapable of having it again.
I'll go in more detail as to why he wants to delay his return as Joker under the cut, because I ended up citing comic panels and making this long again -- but also because there'll be heavy discussion of depression and suicidality, so. If that is something that triggers you, please take care.
Sigh. So the thing about Joker is... that he's deeply suicidal, and always has been.
Snyder's origin for him in Batman: Zero Year -- Secret City has the original Red Hood letting himself fall into the acid vat, refusing Bruce's outstretched hand, grinning as he falls:
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Then, this is how Bruce recalls it in Endgame:
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So. This is how Bruce remembers it going down, as shown in both of these comics. However, in Death of the Family, when Joker records himself talking out of the Red Hood helmet as Harley is parading as him, he says this:
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"Where you knocked me off this very catwalk and bathed me in fire and burned away my false skin."
Interesting, isn't it? Joker doesn't remember it as him choosing to fall, he remembers it as Batman tipping him over. And the pattern continues with Endgame. In DotF, Joker gets so terrified by Bruce's bluff of knowing his identity he jumps off a cliff himself:
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And yet, this is what he says in Endgame:
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"You dropped me off a cliff!" It keeps happening, and I love the parallel Snyder made here-- not only the perpetual thread of a Joker always falling and a Batman who's unable to save him (even in Flashpoint), but the way they both remember the fall in entirely different ways. (Tbh, I think neither of these versions are the truth, and that it's much more impactful if we as readers don't know the truth either. This way, it's all about what Bruce and Joker need to believe. But that's a meta post for another day.) Bruce thinks Red Hood chose to fall, but Joker thinks Bruce pushed him towards his death, every time.
It's because he needs to believe that. The identity of Joker that he's forged for himself after the fall into the acid (and after the trauma that came before it) fulfills many functions, but a crucial one is just... keeping him alive. The same way Batman and The Vow is a way Bruce has come up with to stave off his own suicidal tendencies (something explicitly stated in Tom King's Batman: I Am Suicide). Joker can't believe that he tried to kill himself both times he fell, and that Batman tried to save him; he has to believe Batman did it on purpose. If he believes Batman had a hand in his creation, made him, that means Joker has a purpose. As long as that purpose is Batman, he cannot die. This is how he fights to stay alive... by throwing himself against the wall that is Batman's no-killing rule. It's all so goddamn tragic, I swear to fucking God. Joker genuinely wants to die, but by believing only Batman deserves to kill him, and by doing everything in his power to make him go dark and break his rule, he's keeping himself alive. Batman is, paradoxically, both his preferred method of suicide and his reason for living. (I’m fine. This is fine.)
However, amnesiac Joker doesn't have this to rely on! He's wiped clean of the memories that made him Joker, the decisions he's made to get there. And as a slate wiped clean, he's shown to still be craving death -- still fighting what is unavoidably depression. Without Batman, in the initial months, his life as a normal person felt meaningless, so he nearly kills himself... But then, he finds a way to survive. He finds this island of peace with the bench and the lake, this sliver of hope. He goes to that bench and puts the gun in his mouth and doesn't fire, and that's how he manages to stay alive, and content, and happy with his normal job and normal apartment. 'I have the power to leave everything behind at any moment, but there are things here to live for.'
And here's where my main point comes in: amnesiac Joker is so desperate to preserve this, because his original Joker identity is incapable of this by design. Joker, as we know him, is incapable of being truly happy, the exact same way Batman is. Amnesiac Joker and Bruce are parallels and inversions of each other in this story, like they are in everything else; Bruce is driven to become Batman again, while Joker is the one fighting against it. Alfred is so desperate to preserve Bruce as he is, keep him away from being Batman, because as Bruce Wayne he has a chance at happiness. And Joker doesn't have an Alfred to spell it out, but it's the same thing for him. Without Joker, he has a shot at genuine peace. But Batman and Joker are too deeply intertwined for Joker not to come back if Batman did, and that's ultimately why amnesiac Joker asks Bruce not to become Batman again. Their peace, and their torment, are inextricably linked.
But... you know what moment haunts me most in Batman #48? Fuck it, if I started ranting about this, might as well get it all out of my system.
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Bruce turns back. When the explosion goes off, he starts running towards Jules and the people in danger, but then he stops and looks back at Joker... but there's no one there. Joker is gone. There's no one near the bench. And when he goes off running again, his face is in shadow, as if to symbolize a return to Batman.
Insert me going 'Snyder!! What does it mean?? What does it all mean??'. What would've happened if the explosion didn't go off? Was Joker actually intending to kill himself? Was it because he sensed Bruce would become Batman again no matter what he did, and would rather die while still having this fleeting happiness than go back to being Joker? If so, why didn't he kill himself any of the times after? Was Bruce's presence while he did it, in any capacity, something he needed? And if so, why? Did he need Bruce there to try and stop him from killing himself, or did he need him there because he didn't want to die alone? Is this a parallel to the end of Endgame, in which it was Joker desperately trying to stay alive while Bruce doomed them both to death? Is this a reversal of it, with Joker trying to stay human this time while Bruce is slipping back into Batman?
And why, why did Joker run away? The implication in those panels is that Bruce hesitated. What if Joker had still been there when he looked back? If Joker had insisted, or went with Bruce to the location of the explosion, if he had stayed... would that have made a difference?
God, this is why I would have loved more insight into amnesiac Joker's head! In the issue you're referring to, #51, we're shown both visually and textually that he's fighting becoming Joker again, and all this after the events of #48 transpired. Leaving aside him saying "Not yet," in DotF and Endgame, Snyder has used flies as a way to signal Joker's influence or presence. And in these panels we can see amnesiac Joker crushing the flies that keep coming at him, symbolically keeping his real identity at bay:
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This does indicate a certain degree of self-awareness, at least an unconscious knowledge of who he used to be, and I need to freaking know why he ran away that time, and how he reacted to Batman returning, how he managed to stay this person instead of becoming Joker again. For that matter, we are also never told how that happened! Snyder intended to have a comic explaining what transpired after the events of Batman (2011) #48 and #51, but that comic unfortunately never came to be. Between these, which have an amnesiac Joker with no bleached skin or disfiguration, and Dark Days: The Forge and Dark Days: The Casting, there's nothing yet in canon to explain how he became the classical Joker again. We know how Batman regained his memories, but not Joker, and it bugs me immensely. In The Casting Joker says that even when he was not himself, he felt the call (of Barbatos, essentially, since both Bruce and Joker have been revived by dionesium, one of the Nth metals) -- so did he just spontaneously freaking get white skin, a grin and green hair at some point? Or did he intentionally throw himself in a vat of acid again once the memories came back? How did Joker end up imprisoned in the Batcave then, how did Bruce drag him there and why did he actually need him? Also, why did the dionesium pool restore Joker to life at the end of DotF but kept his physical Joker-like traits, but post-Endgame it healed him entirely of everything, restored him to pre-Joker appearance? Snyder!! I need answers!!
[deep breath] Anyway! I'm sorry anon, this went off the rails more than a little. Any in-depth talk of Snyder's stuff tends to send me spiralling. But I hope you still enjoyed some of my rambling!
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safyresky · 3 months
Hello, hey, dropping in with a query.
Since CS has officially concluded (congrats by the way!) I wanna ask about your own interpretation of Mother Nature.
She is absolutely my girl, I adore her, queen, but I wanna know how exactly she fits into the CS world structure. How does she keep looking so young when everyone else ages normally? What was her relationship to Mother Gaia? What kind of magical creature is she and was mother Gaia also the same kind? How does she fit into the government structure? HOW IS SHE SO TALL???
Idk, she's been on my mind a lot and I'm assuming we'll know a bit more about all that at some point but I can't wait that long lol
Thank you!! You know, it's so funny, bc while I was oot and aboot yesterday/Friday I was like "I can take a breather from writing, just focus on other things--" and not 24 hours later I had the Into the Shadows plotting doc open, as I finally figured out what happens in Chapter 7 🫠🫠
I WILL NEVER KNOW PEACE! But what can I say, I love this world and I love writing. Shit's FUN
It's all kinda rough tbh??? More like scattery thoughts if anything but HERE YOU GO! HAVE SOME CS LORE!
Okay okay so Mother Gaia was essentially the personification of ALL nature, and as such, could wield all Nature :) She looks like a sprite, tho, and for all intents and purposes would call herself a sprite--same with Mother Nature
This also checks out bc in CS, sprites are specifically fae who can control weather/nature/the elements! :)
Gaia was the Goddess's connection to the people, and got a little lonely when the Goddess was like "everyone is safe, things are going well, take it easy, Gaia!" so, she created a companion. A fellow personification of nature that she named Tara, who could do everything she could do
The Goddess gave her a light life, which is like a little ball of life that brings things to life (I am soo creative at naming things I swear) and Gaia used it to give Tara, well. life!
So, Mother Gaia was in all senses of the word, Mother Nature's Mother! Tara called her Mother and meant it in all the ways :)
Gaia trained her, raised her, loved her very very much and eventually started training her to take her own place one day
And that day came faster than expected for Tara when Mother Gaia fucking SNAPPED mid fae war and scorched the land to stop the fighting, in a stretch that has since NEVER GROWN BACK. It's known as the scar. Autumn lives close to it in modern-day CS.
Once that happened, Gaia was like APPALLED. She'd been just as bad as the fae fighting over who was best, using her powers for what she wasn't meant to use her powers for: hurting the Earth
She was beside herself; went to go talk to the Goddess and was gone for DAYS. All the fighting stopped, tho!
Then she and the Goddess came up with Rosehaven and the Call, and Gaia went with the old fae during the Call, leaving Tara to be the Next Mother Gaia
And she chose the title Mother Nature and here we are!
SO. In modern day CS, she is: the connection to the goddess for the magibeans, if they need her to be; guards the magic of creation/life/balance??? (a system I'm still trying to figure out lol, I'll have to dig up those notes at some point), and heads the Council with Father Time.
She's on the Assembly because when it was formed NOBODY felt right not having her on there, so she's kind of like. She's the approver of decisions lol. She lets them do their thing but if they ever come to an impasse they turn to her, and her word is essentially law
That's sort of why when the Twin Princes were born she was called to choose who'd rule next! Well, Gaia was, but Gaia left the decision to Tara as they were at That Point in training: POLITICS. If magibeans had an issue that couldn't be solved amongst themselves OR by the royals, MN/MG would be called upon and what she'd say, GOES
Which left for a lot of last minute swerves bc Gaia was clever and MN is just as clever. See: that story about the two people fighting over the chicken???? I forget what it was, anyway, the person presiding went CUT IT IN HALF and one was like okay cool! And the other was like SOB NO MY CHICKEN and the person deciding was like GOT EM LOL. That sorta shit.
In the event of an emergency, Mother Nature and the CS Governor (so Blaise since this mans just can't seem to lose an election, and he has TRIED some years) become de facto co-rulers and both have to agree on decisions before acting on them. This would be like. In a nasty war or like. end of the world circumstance kinda thing
Why is she so young looking compared to everyone else? Well, if you asked her, she'd say you're only as old as you feel and offer no explanation. In terms of height, she'd look at you quizzically and go "Why not?" and that'd be her answer
this is Dani for "bc she can choose how to present herself and that's how she chooses too!"
kinda like Steven's gem reacting to his mindset sort of thing.
and also, tall Mother Nature just fucking SLAPS. She SHOULD be tall as FUCK! I subscribe to that! I LOVE tall MN. EVERYONE looks up to her--quite literally!
Except for like giants and trolls and other very tall magibeans and folklore creatures and the like 🤭🤭🤭
Hopefully I got all your questions! Thank you for asking! I LOVE thinking of early CS lore, it's so FUN and Mother Nature is one of my FAVES. I get so ragey in tsc fics where's she's written as a HUGE MEANER, super angry, etc etc and even borderline villain? GOD. I JUST. SHE'S A BADASS AND VERY SWEET AND EVERYONE FORGETS THE SWEET BIT!!! SHE WAS SO KIND TO SANTA AND THE OTHER LEGENDS IN THE MOVIES AND EVEN WHEN JACK WAS JACKING ABOUT, SHE WAS GENTLY CHIDING HIM!!!!!!! FUCK MAN! I'M GONNA EXPLODE JUST THINKING OF BAD MN CHARACTERIZATION! AH!
Please excuse the rant and uh, enjoy the heckin answer 😅😅😅
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cody-helix02 · 4 months
Miscellaneous Tag Game (pt. ii)
Thanks for the tag @onehelluvamarine ! Some of these questions show that I am a Hater at heart 💀🤣
A band you don't like that many others do:
Rammstein. 😒 Disliked them since I was a lil kiddo lol
A childhood memory that you remember vividly:
There are only a few I remember but one funny one when I was like uh I think 6 or 7 is: We were at our Zoo and they got deer and there was this young buck behind the fence and my stupid ass lowered my head...like when bucks do when they fight...and he took it as a threat or whatever and charged the fence. 💀 His antlers pierced through the fence but I was fine cause I was further away.
Least favorite animal and why:
Dolphines. They're assholes. I can't write what fucked up things they do just google it. 😒
Hot fandom take:
Do you wear any jewelry, if so, what's your favorite piece:
Yes two bracelets and a Necklace. I like them all tbh cause most were gifted to me by my Ma and one bracelet is from my first visit to scotland.
A movie others liked but you didn't:
I have a whole damn list and it is loooong but what came right to my mind was fuckin Dracula Untold.
Three things you love about yourself:
My eyes. My stretchmarks aaaand my chaos brain even tho it frustrates me sometimes lol
A place you hope to visit in the future and why:
Again I got a list BUT maybe either Ireland or Aotearoa (New Zealand) cause they look absolutly beautiful and I find them very interesting when it comes to history/culture and food.
An actor that gets on your nerves and why:
Oh god who to choose...there are way too many and I can't pick one right now lol sorry
Things you're excited for in the nearby future ?
I am simple lol. I ordered a shirt and I am waiting for it right now lol.
Least favorite ship in a fandom you're in:
What's the most toxic fandom you've been in ?
HA! Supernatural. Moving on.
List three things you find beautiful about life: (I only got two lol sorry)
How it can grow into giant things when it came from something so little.
How one life can uplift a lot of other lives.
Any dreams for the future ?
Being able to extend my artskills and maybe one day get my own online store or comic or animated show. Who knows.
How are you really feeling today ?
Tired. Motivated to draw but still tired af lol
Tags: @latibvles @fayestardust @bobparkhurst @mash-the-buttons @multifandomlover01 @mutantmanifesto if ya want to guys!
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egg-emperor · 2 years
Man the people who downplay Eggman's evil really don't consider how much of a tyrant ruler he would really be. The world would be beyond polluted, everyone would be expected to blindly worship Eggman, and anyone who disobeys or even just annoys him will be in some seriously deep (and polluted) water. Everyone would be expected to do everything exactly how Eggman wants them to. Not to mention his hobby of building dangerous theme parks is gonna result in some serious casualties.
Exactly, I have no idea how it goes over their heads or how they can ignore and deny it so hard, let alone try to find reasons why him ruling the world is actually a good thing and misinterpret his actions and make up different intentions, even though he's always made them very blatantly clear. He's the villain and has been for 31 years for a reason, he very clearly isn't here to be a big friendly guy and help people! I know that they'll only see what they wanna see regardless if they don't like him being evil but logically it just doesn't make sense in the game canon at all. And after all he's done, I can't see a way to make it work to change that now.
He has the deeply selfish goal of gaining power, attention, and full control over the world where he'll build his Eggman Empire with all his fucked up deadly creations that will cause tons of environmental damage and pollution, hurt and kill tons of people, and everyone that survives will lack free will and be forced to worship or be punished or discarded, like we've seen him treat his lackeys in the games. He's never genuinely promised anyone absolute shit and I don't get how people can think otherwise, unless they somehow believe his blatant lies and propaganda for manipulation and trickery. I have seen some people do that tbh lol
If his goal were really to genuinely help, be caring and considerate, benefit people, and change the world for the better beyond what his own selfish egotistical definition of that is, he could just say and show it and wouldn't have to lie, manipulate, brainwash, and create propaganda to get what he wants. But he knows people will have to be forced to submit to his rule because they aren't going to like the genuine conditions one bit. That's why he tries to take over by force, through great evil and striking fear into people's hearts so they have no choice. And he's not just apathetic but even sadistic in some situations.
He isn't trying to help people and create an innocent theme park, he demands power and control over everyone, wants to be worshipped blindly, and wants to rule his empire with deadly theme parks with fucked up dangerous lethal rides and attractions. That isn't going to help anyone lol. 💀 People would die from the conditions of the polluted world and his deadly creations and he knows and it's part of the fun. He only cares about being powerful and hailed and using the world as his fucked up plaything, making it his idea of perfect and beautiful which is a nightmare for everyone that has to suffer for it but they can't have a say, he controls their entire being.
He'll do whatever it takes to get what he wants and takes pleasure in specifically choosing the most fucked up methods possible to accomplish his goals, even though he could stop and change his ways any time. But the only time he'll promise to change his ways is when it's a trick to stab people in the back when they're no longer of use to him and goes right back to doing more fucked up evil without hesitation. And he lies and uses propaganda in an attempt to use people and lure them into his empire too, while those that aren't deceived are forced and eventually all of them see it for what it really is and it's something terrible.
He isn't going to do twisted evil acts that cause great destruction, death, pollution, and damage to the environment, wildlife, and thousands of people, just to reveal he genuinely wants to help and turn the world into a better place for everyone. He only does it for lies and manipulation and the games consistently show why it's a terrible idea to trust him when he promises good things for anyone. He'll lure in, use, and trick people to get what he wants and discard them the second he doesn't need them anymore, then mocks them for believing him. No good hearted good intentioned person is going to do that.
People can woobify and glorify the robot and theme park stuff and believe his lies and propaganda but all he really wants is power and control, his creations are harmful and deadly, and it's all beautiful only to him for being created in his own perfect image that's dark and twisted to everyone else. He's a maniacal, egotistical, tyrannical, selfish, extremely dangerous man and his idea of a perfect world is a fucked up one that's dark, dangerous, polluted, and full of his deadly creations, where he's far above everyone else that's forced to worship him and never know freedom again.
Unlike those that feel the need to sugarcoat and downplay, I don't need to believe that his rule would be genuinely helpful and beneficial to anyone but himself in order to love him and the idea of him succeeding in his goals to dominate the world. I love him because he's a truly evil, selfish, egotistical, tyrannical bastard with delightfully fucked up plans for the world and his methods for conquering it XD 💜
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shizuu-chann · 1 year
Favorite Places in Skyrim - Ranked
Solstheim - honestly, I just really love this place. It's my favorite map, I love all the creepy sounds in the distance, for some reason I love the ashes everywhere. I don't even care about the Dragonborn questline all that much, tbh, but I love all the side quests. Just *chef's kiss*
Riften/The Rift - In terms of the city, I love the bridges everywhere, I love that it's the home of the Thieves Guild (the best questline in the whole game and I will die on this hill), and I love the scenery, how it's mostly woods/forests and just chock full of trees <3. I just hate the house, Honeyside. I think it's boring and weirdly laid out, and after building your own house with the Hearthfire DLC, all the houses seem a little too small and claustrophobic. *The Shadowfoot Sanctum house you can get with the Anniversary update is nice, but again, a little too small (save for the SICK secret room), and your kids glitch out on console if you try to move them there. At least they did for me, when I tried to move them from one Creation Club house to this one, so I won't be risking that again.
3. Whiterun/Whiterun Hold - This is just my favorite city on principle, because it's so quaint and cozy feeling, and I love how it's laid out. It also has the most impressive Jarl's palace outside of Solitude. Breezehome is a great starter home, but I wish it was a little more impressive, because I would probably stay in Whiterun full time if I liked the house OR if I could build a house. However, I don't really care for the plains areas that much. I like trees, so the flat areas kind of bore me, which is the only reason it's ranked below Riften.
4. Solitude/Haafingar - The city is beautiful, and Proudspire Manor is a nice house (if narrow and HELLA expensive, thank you cupboard hack). The quests are fun, but since it's in the northern area of Skyrim, it's very snowy and cold, like visually cold. Of course not EVERYTHING is covered in snow and ice, but a lot of it is. I prefer warm-toned colors, like that of Whiterun and Riften, but otherwise Solitude is one of my favorites.
5. Falkreath/Falkreath Hold - Love the forests, the abundance of spriggans, and the house you can build because there's a beehive. The village itself, though? Nah. Not for me. Very small, insular, not much going on visually, and both jarls get on my nerves.
6. Dawnstar/The Pale - One of my faves only because I love Heljarchen Hall, and I would always choose this house if only there was a beehive, because I could almost mistake it for living in Whiterun. Otherwise, again, cold and snowy, and there's a fucking giant that always kills my cows.
7. Windhelm/Eastmarch - Only ranking this high because I like Hjerim and where you live in the city. I feel important when I own that house, but I never live there because I don't like the housecarl you're assigned. Otherwise, the blacksmith always calls me a milk-drinker (since I always side with the Imperials, which is whatever but it gets old), the city is full of racists, and it's perpetually winter and snowy, so the color palette is shades of grey only.
8. Markarth/The Reach - It would rank higher, because I like the house a lot, but I hate the mountainous area (because it's annoying to try and navigate), and there's fucking FORESWORN. EVERYWHERE. Just because of them, honestly, this place ranks low on the list.
9. Morthal/Hjaalmarch - Not a fan of swamps. That's about it. I love that there's deathbells everywhere, because they make a great poison, but the spiders, the mudcrabs, the chauruses (hate the motherfuckers)? No, thank you. I genuinely can't think of one thing here that draws me to it. There's not even that many quests, so the place feels like an afterthought, imo.
10. Winterhold - I like his place a lot, to be honest. I want to know more about the Great Collapse so badly, and the Sea of Ghosts is such a cool name. But, like, there's just nothing there. You can't build or buy a house, which is sad, because I think it would have been cool to be able to rebuild one of the destroyed houses and move in. But, it's also just so snowy and cold, and once the College questline is finished, I don't really have many reasons to go there until the Dawnguard quests and Azura's shrine. Missed opportunities all around.
Please reblog with your faves in the tags! I wanna see what they are~
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Maybe shelve your wips for now and try and focus on something new, that might take some pressure off and maybe share updates here on tumblr if you still need the external stimuli, but not sharing it until you feel comfortable enough too. English is not my first language so idk if this makes sense.
It makes sense, don't worry!
Tbh my issue is sort of the opposite? Where I keep making new WIPs, talking about them, sharing ideas and starting the outlining/drafting process, then getting bored and coming up with new shit.
My one successful (aka finished) WIP was one where I made a separate sideblog for it and sort of held myself accountable by making it feel more real to me, but also where I got a lot of external validation for it in the form of people and friends engaging with it and its characters and story.
And it was both a blessing and a curse, because yay, I got a thing finished! But oh no, without that validation, I'm back on my old bullshit of having a thousand different ideas and a thousand started projects just sitting there gathering mental dust while I struggle to either pick one to focus on or split my attention and enthusiasm evenly.
I know it's dangerous to rely on others for your creative process, but it seems I really can't figure out a different way of stimulating my brain? And it wouldn't be such a huge deal if it didn't get harder and harder each day to build that audience, that following of a few interested people who are there to keep me motivated.
And the thing is? The more new ideas and projects I come up with and then drop, the more people start losing interest in my new things, because they know I'll probably drop all the new shit I make up, too, so what's the point in getting invested? So like, I don't blame people for not giving a fuck, I haven't really given them any reason to do so.
Plus, I've always been the sort of person who likes to create things in isolation more than I like to #network and Engage with the Community, which sucks ass when you're apparently someone who needs a group of pals to cheer you on. It's like my brain is backwards. An ouroboros of bad. I can only expend enough mental energy on creation or on networking, I can't do both, and each time I'm forced to choose creation because at least then I'll have something to base any potential future networking on, but without the networking, the creation becomes stagnant and unfinished.
This is all extremely stupid tbh and I hate that my brain works like this and I wish it were different. I'm trying really hard to find a solution that doesn't rely on external stimuli but it's tough to rewrite how your brain works.
I also sometimes wonder if the faery wip was just lightning in a bottle. Or if maybe there's another idea somewhere in my brain that's waiting to become another "hit" in my mind that'll be a self-sustaining circle of motivation. Hence why I keep making up new shit, in the hopes of recreating that success.
Or maybe I'm just completely wrong and there's a different reason for why I finished one WIP but abandon the rest. I genuinely don't know.
It's hard out here, man. Sucks for real.
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pinkydude · 2 years
> Favorite creations of 2021
Tagged by @eurodynamic THANK YOU 🤲🧡
Showin’ off my 10 favourites of what i’ve created this year, be it writing, art or edits, gifs & graphics-  I’ll probably post a bunch of Everything ahueuhahu
Tagging - @northern-wolf6 @mrssmasher​ @sidver @vos-videmus​ & anyone else who want to do this! Feel free to feel tagged 👁👄👁
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In no particular order
> 1. Halloween MODS & Photoshoots
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Probably one of my favorite project this year! If not *THE* favorite, I had a lot of fun doing it! And the fact that some devs saw it too, and liked it, will forever make me soft auhgezhu
> 2. FixSwaps + Unlock Camera + Replacer MODS
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The panzer scene is what got me into modding- I wanted to have the perfect scene for my own canon, meaning having Mitch on V’s place and having Valentin on Panam’s place. Digging into the files, discovering that this scene uses 4 different entities, how it all works, and then breaking it to achieve what I wanted was one of my biggest break through this year. Same for the player replacer- finally playing as Mitch was an INCREDIBLE feeling!
> 3. Mitch’s shoulder
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Looking back at it now it’s hilarious how big of a trouble that was to MAKE! I was baby modder, new to blender, not knowing what the fuck I was doing- and again, giving Mitch a “finished” shoulder was one of my biggest goal at the time, this man really made my brain bigger
> 4. Panzerboy Mitch
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AAAAAAHHH ageuzuhigez beloved Panzer Boy, I pulled an all nighter making the mod and shooting those pics. I loved exploring his past like that, and I will probably do it again in 2022. THIS SHOT Also got featured in the community collab CDPR made and I got really fucking emo
> 5. Mikoshi Kiss
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I was in one of the biggest art block before CP77 got my ass, and this was the first time in a long time that I spent lots of time and energy on an art piece for myself! First time drawing one of my OC too, and first time exploring my own canon in art like that auhgehu it holds a lot
> 6. Valentin Da Silva
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Might be dumb for some, but this lil man is the first OC I made that got out there in public. He’s me, but he’s also my son, my lil baby, and I’m so proud of where he is now, how I was able to build him 🤲
>7. Story Comics
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Something I never thought I would even get into AUHGEHUZ  I have 0 writing skills, and I’m new to exploring self made canon, and- writing, creating around it. I love creating this kind of content, that explore my canon, and sharing it with you guys
>8. Posters
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AGAIN I CAN’T FUCKING- Express how much CP77 means and how much it helped developping tons of skills! Since I got into Virtual Photography I always wanted to make those amazing edits, and now here I am, doing it, with characters I love and cherish- HAVING IT IN MY ROOM Fullon printed, it’s blowing my mind
>9. Freaks Family
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This isn’t a creation per-se but- Zuz, Cam and I created this clowning server, that since got filled with beloveds friends and freaks, and I’m proud of it. I’m proud of this group, and of each individuals in it, and how much they all grown in their creativity, in their own canons, lil stories, and also in this community 
>10.  Mitch Tattoo
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First tattoo. 25th anniversary. A forever reminder of CP77 and of Mitch. Forever reminder of this year and all the friends I made during it 🧡  Again, not really a creation of mine- but I’m proud of how much time and energy I spent analysing this little pixel man, grabbing every single crumbs I can. He means a lot to me 🦝
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breelandwalker · 3 years
Hey Bree! Haven't been keeping up with you so I hope you're doing well ^^ My coworker at work (who is wiccan) has been criticizing me recently on being a witch. Stuff like you can't call yourself a witch because you're a boy, you have to be a warlock, why do you use the wiccan calendar and holidays if you're not wiccan (in response to my mentioning Mabon coming up), I can't be a pagan witch and not wiccan, and I *have* to chose a pantheon, etc etc. And while I'm not really mad, it's kinda got me thinking that I actually don't know much about the wiccan religion itself! (I kinda have an aversion because an ex tried to force me into it and I didn't like the seemingly strict "harm none." I think I was too hex positive tbh) anyways! Sorry for the mini rant! Can I have a history/religion lesson please?
-sound of Bree gnawing through a table leg before answering-
Witchling, I want you to listen to me and I want you to internalize what I'm about to tell you, okay?
Witchcraft is for everyone. And witch is a gender-neutral term.
The whole "male witches must be warlocks" thing is a misnomer. And unfortunately, a lot of older witches still believe it and parts of modern pop culture still perpetuate it. And there are certain sects, such as Dianic Wiccans, that believe people who identify as anything other than AFAB can't be witches at all.
I don't usually like to wholesale naysay other people's beliefs, but these people are full of shit and so is your coworker. There is more than one way to be a witch and nobody gets to tell you you're not "doing it right" simply because your way is not the same as their way.
If you identify as male and you want to call yourself a witch, you go right the fuck ahead. If you want to be a pagan witch and not choose a particular path or pantheon, you go right the fuck ahead. If you want to keep your witchcraft and your religious practices separate, you go right the fuck ahead. All of these things are entirely up to you.
And while the Wheel of the Year cycle IS a Wiccan creation, most of the holidays it includes were borrowed from other traditions and the concept of celebrating the harvest cycle is hardly original to any one path, let along Wicca.
If you want to celebrate those holidays, there is nothing stopping you. Granted, Ostara and Mabon as we know them were created by Aidan Kelly in the 1970s, so if you'd rather just celebrate Harvest Home or the autumn equinox or the fall harvest, you can do that too. There's a ton of overlap that's open to everyone, regardless of their spiritual preferences. (You may want to check out Ep. 12 of Hex Positive, "Secular Celebrations," for some ideas and suggestions.)
Also, if Wiccans hadn't spent literal decades trying to convince the entire witchcraft community that Wicca was the only legitimate path for modern witches and insisting that their ways and traditions were supposed to be universal, maybe there wouldn't be so much confusion. But that's just my opinion. 🙄
Since I'm not Wiccan, I don't think I can give you a proper overview of the whole story there, but I can tell you that it's been around since the 1950s and is still very much in the process of evolving with the times. I highly recommend checking out @traegorn's discussion of the history of Wicca in Ep. 3 of BS-Free Witchcraft, appropriately entitled "The History of Wicca," and talk to them about any Wicca-related questions you may have.
Stay strong, poppet. The only one who can decide whether or not you're a witch is YOU. Don't let the haters bring you down! And if anybody gives you shit for not conforming to their way of doing the thing, you tell 'em come talk to me. If I can't set 'em straight, I'll certainly chew their ear off in the process.
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samsa19 · 3 years
more theory on who the frick dazai is
I mentioned a while back that I personally think Dazai is derived of the Book.
And I believe this because, there's literally nothing hinting on what Dazai is. He's neither an orphan Mori picked up, a child born of wedlock, even a hidden child, or a mafia at 14. The relationship between them is simply stated as "destiny".
(If he were the son of the former boss, that expression would be invalid on Asagiri's part.)
The reason why he joins the assassination plan is, at first, because he wants a simple and painless method to die. It makes sense, Mori is a doctor who wants to kill someone, and Dazai is someone who could get something out of it. By entering the mafia a year later, after countless failed attempts, this eventually changes into a motive to find a reason to live instead.
So there's the figurative birth of a mafioso so cruel and cunning, that he becomes legend in the most powerful underground association in Yokohama, and is permanently etched in criminal history.
This is where I want to bring in three things:
1. What he says to Atsushi on the subject of his headmaster
2. What the Book can and cannot do
3. Dazai's ability
What he says to Atsushi
The panel, for reference (credit to dazaiscans):
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What an interesting thing to say.
Here, he basically tells Atsushi, that 1) the headmaster was a father figure, and that 2) the (healthy) emotional response would be to cry.
Meaning, Dazai has no idea what to say or do, but because he is Atsushi's mentor, he's just said the most generic thing, the most "human" thing, to guide him.
If he were to have assassinated his parents, or had run away, I wonder: would he really say something like this?
Because he wouldn't he have some sort of grudge? And wouldn't he naturally sympathize with this resentment Atsushi had for his headmaster?
But there's not a single sign of that. And he even says that the pain was beneficial to him.
That can't be the same for Dazai. Canonically, he hates the person he was in the Mafia. If he had an upbringing that led him to join the Mafia in the first place, why would he deliberately embrace that?
Now, building on the possibility of him being created by the Book:
What the Book can and cannot do
The Book cannot cause something to be overpowered. One thing has to be lost in order for another to be gained; and it must follow the karmic stability of the world.
But the Book can, by those guidelines, manifest anything. Even people. And it can self-destruct if those guidelines are not followed.
Basically, writing in the Book means choosing the evils and justices. It's a balancing act; the judgment of deciding how one thing would exert an equal force upon another.
Which is why it becomes important when considering
Dazai's Ability
A complete and ruthless nullifier, with seemingly no consequence (from what we are shown).
As mentioned in Dazai's Entrance Exam, that's OP as fuck.
Almost too OP.
But also, almost ridiculously basic.
Like it was scripted.
And thus, I conclude that Dazai was situated as some sort of repealing factor when he was written into the book.
In the midst of the multitude of ridiculously strong ability users, he's the null. Whereas abilities have all the power in the world, this overwhelming force can't even hurt him.
There's a theory or two around (I think) that the Book was the origin of abilities. If this is the case, the creation of abilities can't just be put on uncontrolled rampage. There needs to be equilibrium. A buffer.
(tbh although I have more I'm really scared that this theory is like completely wrong so imma just cut it there lmao)
Thanks for reading my shitty theory. Please leave your opinions below if you feel compelled :)
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themistakengenius · 3 years
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-> The "about me" section is inspired by the one and only @cosmiksims 1.) Do you prefer to be referred by your name or blog name? I don't share my real name online but I answer to both MistakenGenius and Blue,(Why blue? Honestly just because it's my fav colour hehe) 2.) Where are you from? I'm from Romania 3.) Do you have pets? 👀 I in fact do, I have 3 cats and a dog, sadly I don't have any pictures of them on my computer so I can't show you them but trust me, they are adorable <33 They're like my children haha 4.) Tell us about your “dream.” Honestly I just want a stable job that I love (I do not want to wake up complaining about going to work, I want to enjoy it!. Be able to financially support myself on my own without depending on other people or a s/o. I want to have kids in the future and I hope my future includes a loyal s/o <3 5.) Aside from art, what are your hobbies? I used to skateboard before Covid, I would go to a skate park and basically just do crazy shit lmfao. I also edit photos and take photos irl and in sims, it's sort of like a passion of mine. I love capturing the moments :P
6.) Does anyone irl know about your blog? Nope
7.) Do you know anyone from your blog irl? Nope
8.) What are some fun facts about you? I've been playing sims for almost 3 years now. I never broke any bones in my body. I used to have a tumblr gameplay but got bored of it lmfao
9.) What’s your day job? I work as a waitress, and I love my job 10.) What’s your aesthetic? I don't think I have any tbh, I just kinda go with whatever vibe I feel like at the time
11.) What kind of artist are you? I draw by hand on paper. I tried digital art a few times and I liked it but I prefer drawing by hand.
12.) How did you get into your form of art? I still haven't gotten into my form of art but it shall happen soon.
13.) What do you watch/listen/read/anything else while you create? I don't like watching anything while I draw because I get distracted easily but I do listen to spotify while I draw
14.) What is your favorite of your own creations so far? Probably this one: I just finished it today. It's Hinata Hyūga from Naruto (I'm such a big fan of Naruto, if you couldn't tell already lmfao)
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15.) How would you describe your art style? So far I'd say anime looking/cartoonish
16.) What is more satisfying to you coloring or outlining? Outlining, because you finally get to see your creation coming together. Something about outlining just gives it more depth and I'm so here for it.
17.) What meme would you use to describe yourself?
I have two, because I'm indecisive as fuck >:) (Also replace sir with miss ^-^)
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18.) If you were on the run, what would you change your name to? GeniusMistaken ;) I'm kidding, I don't actually know. Probably a very common name so they would take forever to find me. With no face ID, no DNA, no fingerprint ID and just a name you're kinda stuck so. For legal reasons you did not hear that from me wriowjrgjr lmfao
19.) Have you ever or do you want to change blog names? I have in fact changed my blogs name. If you look back at some of my older poses I used to be called "BlueSkies" but I changed to MistakenGenius because I thought it was more fitting with the theme I wanted to go for so yeah
20.) God forbid Tumblr decides to pull a MySpace and lets us have page songs, what song would you choose? I have so many songs in my mind right now and I'm so indecisive I can never pick just one *sobs*. I would probably go for the song "Chicken Tendencies" Please do not feel pressured to do this but imo it was v fun >:D Now for the tags... @peefarts69 @cherryael
@geeky-simz @asplashofsims @rainypurpleskies @orchidlyhere @amelettes @simlishslurs @kubysim @asimofmanyhats @whitemoonshine98 @insimnious @sunniesimmer
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