#I carry this sentiment in my daily life
thepunkmuppet · 9 months
“what’s wrong what are you crying about?”
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strangespector · 1 month
Summary: A bad habit that has consequences
Words: 1046
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The flashing lights of paparazzi cameras illuminated the night, capturing Jenna Ortega in a moment that would soon be plastered all over social media. The young actress, beloved by millions, was caught with a cigarette in hand, the smoke curling up into the night sky. The pictures went viral almost instantly, eliciting reactions from fans, critics, and, most notably, her family. Jenna's mother was especially vocal about her disapproval, a sentiment echoed by the rest of her family. They knew Jenna had started smoking on set, a habit picked up in the chaotic world of Hollywood, but seeing it publicly displayed ignited a firestorm of concern and frustration.
Despite their pleas, Jenna continued smoking, a habit that became a part of her daily routine. She would often light up at home, the scent of tobacco lingering in the air. I, on the other hand, had never touched a cigarette in my life. The smoke bothered me at first, the acrid scent clinging to the furniture, my clothes, and even my hair. But I loved Jenna. She was my world, and though I disliked her smoking, I endured it because I knew how much stress she was under. I figured it was her way of coping, a temporary crutch in the high-pressure world she navigated every day.
Years passed, and Jenna's star only continued to rise. She became a household name, and with every new role, her fanbase grew. But alongside her success, her smoking habit persisted. By now, it had become second nature to her, a part of her routine as much as brushing her teeth or making coffee in the morning. I often found myself coughing, my chest tightening uncomfortably whenever the smoke hung too thick in the air. There were days when I felt short of breath, but I chalked it up to a cold or allergies. The thought that something could be seriously wrong never crossed my mind.
It wasn’t until I started losing weight rapidly, my energy levels plummeting, that I decided to see a doctor. The cough that had lingered for months turned into something more sinister, a persistent ache that gnawed at my insides. After a series of tests and a tense waiting period, the diagnosis came: lung cancer, stage three. The words hung in the air like a death sentence. The doctor explained that the cause was likely secondhand smoke, a byproduct of living with a smoker for so many years.
When I told Jenna, she was devastated. The color drained from her face as she realized the implications of what the doctor had said. This wasn't just any illness—this was a direct consequence of her habit. A habit she had nurtured and indulged, not realizing the price I would eventually pay. She cried for days, apologizing over and over, but I reassured her that I didn’t blame her. After all, it had been my choice to stay, my choice to love her despite her flaws. But deep down, I knew she carried the weight of this guilt, a burden she would never fully shake off.
The chemotherapy was brutal. Each session left me weaker than the last, my body battered and bruised by the relentless assault of drugs meant to kill the cancer. Jenna was by my side through it all, her eyes red-rimmed from lack of sleep and constant worry. She quit smoking immediately, the sight of a cigarette now repulsive to her. She did everything she could to make me comfortable, but the cancer had spread too far, too fast. The doctors were honest with us—it was only a matter of time.
As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, I grew weaker. My once-strong body was now frail, a shadow of the person I used to be. Breathing became difficult, each inhale a struggle, each exhale a sigh of resignation. I knew my time was running out, and I accepted it with a calmness I hadn’t expected. I had lived a good life, a happy life, despite the challenges. And Jenna, for all her faults, had made me happier than I ever thought possible.
When the end was near, I made one final request: I wanted to go home. The hospital was cold, sterile, a place where people went to fight for their lives. But I wasn’t fighting anymore. I just wanted to be in a place that felt familiar, surrounded by the memories of a life well-lived. Jenna arranged everything, bringing me home and setting up a bed in the living room where the sunlight streamed in through the windows.
The last few days were a blur of pain and medication. I could feel myself slipping away, my consciousness fading in and out like a weak radio signal. But Jenna was always there, holding my hand, her presence a steady anchor in the storm of my fading life. I remember the last time I opened my eyes, her face blurry but unmistakable, framed by the soft afternoon light. She was crying, her tears falling silently onto our clasped hands.
"I'm so sorry," she whispered, her voice breaking. "I'm so sorry for everything."
I mustered what little strength I had left and smiled at her, a weak but genuine smile. "I forgive you," I said, my voice barely a breath. "You gave me a happy life, Jenna. That's all that matters."
And in that moment, as I looked into her tear-filled eyes, I felt a deep sense of peace. I had no regrets, no anger, only love for the woman who had been my everything. I closed my eyes, holding onto that final image of her, my heart full even as my body failed. And then, with one last breath, I let go, slipping away into the quiet darkness, leaving Jenna with the memories of our life together and the lesson learned from a habit that had cost us both so dearly.
Jenna would go on to live her life, forever changed by the experience. She would tell our story to others, a cautionary tale of love, loss, and the heavy price of a moment’s indulgence. And though I was gone, I knew she would carry me with her, in her heart, every step of the way.
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
Can’t love in the dark (Part 2)
Tommy Shelby x reader
Sequel to “All I ask”
Request: kind of 🤭 @l1-l4 Andy threw a fantastic idea one day and I saw it, and from that moment I’ve been thinking about it daily… until this idea worked perfectly with another request for my Adele challenge ♥️ Andy, you asked for an angsty story, here you go! I hope you and everyone else like it 🥰 that gif was amazing and summed Tommy’s anger.
Summary: (There’s a time jump between this and the first part) Tommy keeps watching over Y/N, sending flowers, even after getting married to someone else. Until one day he exploded after finding the truth that caused a terrible accident.
“Can’t love in the dark” is one of my favorite Adele songs, the sentiment she sings with every time she performs it on stage gives me chills 🥹
⚠️ Angst but with a little surprise at the end 🤭
Word count: 4,727 (without the lyrics)
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Making the decision to let Tommy go was the hardest thing you ever had to do, but it was for the best, or at least you tried to convince yourself of that. Crying your heart out at night you tried to comfort yourself by thinking that his baby would be able to grow next to his father. Forcing yourself to push aside the feelings and expectations you started to develop towards Tommy and the future he had shared with you that’d be taking off right after the races.
He’d have another priorities from now on.
The following day you quit your part time job at the Shelby Company Ltd. and focused entirely on the shoes shop. Tommy tried absolutely everything in his power but all he got in response was a sad glance that broke his heart or you leaving him at the shop speaking to himself while you pretended to be busy in the back.
There was nothing to be angry or resentful towards him, he slept with Grace before meeting you after all… but deep down you wished it was you instead of her the one getting pregnant.
With a heavy heart you thought how you could only dream of what could’ve been.
You had been on the edge ever since, struggling to sleep, eating the bare minimum, you felt like a fragile thing that’d break at the slightest contact, trying to hide from your poor father the sadness that you carried around like a heavy weight on your shoulders.
Nothing seemed to be working out the way he had planned. Not after you made it very clear that the future he had envisioned of the two of you together wasn’t possible, he held the hopes still, thinking you’d accept the marriage proposal and he could be there for his son, but you quickly let him him know that was way too modern and looked extremely bad for you. He tried convincing you over and over, assuring that it would be just fine because it was you the one he wanted to get married to, not Grace.
There was nothing he could say would convince you otherwise.
But what really hit him was that one time when you on the edge of crying asked him to leave, you actually yelled at him frustrated because it was too damn painful to accept the fact that he didn’t belong to you, you accepted out loud that you were jealous of Grace for giving him something you wouldn’t.
As weeks went by, he got the news that Grace’s husband ended with his own life, he decided to not get involved in that matter but it was hard to stay away at the same time because she was pregnant with his baby. She was deeply affected by the way events turned out, constantly on the edge and his major concern was the wellbeing of his unborn child so he did everything he could to ensure it. One thing led to the other and he ended up getting married with Grace because it was the right thing to do.
So here he was, stuck in a marriage for the wrong reasons, thinking of another woman, dreaming of another woman that was slowly, little by little slipping away from him. It was impossible to focus on the fucking papers in front of him, work had been pilling up because he was always looking for a ridiculous excuse to see you, even from afar.
Polly stormed into her nephew’s office fuming after learning that he had blinders guarding Y/N when she took the train to the south to see a new vendor. Despite what happened, Polly still had a good relationship with her.
“It’s been over a year Thomas, you have to let her go, you got married to Grace, have a son now… Y/N needs to live her life, rebuild and start over.”
“What the fuck do you mean start over?” He squinted his eyes, blowing away the smoke of his cigarette.
“Oh! Please don’t play dumb with me, do you really expect her to remain single forever?”
The realization sinking in, it felt as if he got kicked in the gut. The long gulp of whiskey didn’t help.
“No… no, there can’t be another man in her life.”
“Are you even listening to what you say?! She deserves to be happy!”
“What do you know? Ey?!”
“There’s someone who’s interested in her but he can’t get close because of your bloody guards!” Polly exploded.
Jaw clenched at the thought of another man starting to court you. No, anything but that.
“I’ve to protect her.” Tommy leant on his desk with palms wide open. Head hanging low.
“You lost her and all for your stupid revenge towards the woman you’re married now!”
“I never thought she would get pregnant, trust me that wasn’t my intention.”
“But it’s too late now for that… just let the girl move on.” Turning on her heels she walked towards the door. “And be more discreet, the maids keep gossiping about how you are sleeping in the guest room.”
Hearing the bell, you called from the back of the room; “The store is closed now, I just forgot to change the sign” but you cut yourself after finding him at the other side of the counter.
“Y/N… please.”
Take your eyes off of me so I can leave
I'm far too ashamed to do it with you watching me
Defeated, you gave up, manners long forgotten. “How many times do I have to tell you that you’re not welcomed here anymore?”
Your attitude made him remember the first time he saw you and Tommy had to hide the smirk that was about to appear on his lips.
Please, stay where you are
Don't come any closer
“Just leave, Thomas, for good.” You pointed at the door. “Goodness, sometimes I wish you could keep your fucking promise and burn this fucking place down so I would’ve a reason to go away.” You admitted with anger, pacing the small shop.
Don't try to change my mind
I'm being cruel to be kind
“I could never do that to you.”
“That look doesn’t charm me anymore, your shoes are new, I bet all bloody Birmingham has new shoes so you really don’t have anything else to do here.”
“I want to help you.”
“Don’t.” You stated bluntly. “I don’t want your help or anything for the matter.”
“When I look around and see all I got, I should be pleased by the way things turned out. But I can’t… because I’m not sharing it with you.”
He was sincere and genuine, you knew that.
“Those were your dreams, not mine.” You added one more -an unnecessary- coat of product to clean the shoes, just to distract you from his gaze.
“Polly mentioned you need to move on. But I can’t let you go.” He was selfish without question, but those strong feelings for you didn’t go away even after marrying Grace.
“So I assume you’ll just go and use that razor blade in any potential man I lay my eyes on.”
“That’s not a bad idea, I’ll consider it thanks.” He added with a smile, loving the irritation in your eyes.
“What do you want Thomas?”
It was one word but it included everything he really wanted.
“And what do you suggest then? You want me to be your mistress? That’s not going to happen.”
Emotions got the best of her, her eyes filled with tears. “I can’t love you in the dark.”
“Do you nee-”
I can't love you in the dark
It feels like we're oceans apart
There is so much space between us
Baby, we're already defeated
Shaking your head you gave him a warning look. “If you don’t leave right now, I’m going to start throwing shoes at your head for real.”
That was an image he would’ve loved to see, and deep down he knew you would do it without a doubt. So he decided to save himself the embarrassment and headed to the door, but before he even got to open the door, he turned to give you one more look.
Everything changed me
“Please just don’t kiss him the same way you kissed me… cause if you do, you’ll remember me.”
Your fist closed around the shoe you had been holding, way to expensive to throw it away, so instead you threw the brush you had been using. Letting out a groan in frustration.
Time didn’t make it any easier to forget him, all the opposite the feelings for him seemed to be stronger than ever, you wouldn’t stand between him and his son. You returned every single present and basket with fruits and flowers he sent over the last months right after reading every note he added to whatever the present was. His words were tattooed in your heart.
You have given me something that I can't live without
You mustn't underestimate that when you are in doubt
If only he didn’t see Grace back then, you’d be enjoying life together.
“You wanted to see me Tommy?” Scudboat poked his head from the door.
“Come in, close the door.” As he saw the blinder step in, he took a long swing of his whiskey, the liquid burning. “I need you to ask your wife to go to Y/N’s shoes shop.”
“Again?” Asked in shock Scudboat, he just went last week, but as Tommy gave him a dead stare, he hid his hands in his pockets.
“Yes, again, but ask her to go on Monday after eleven o’clock that’s after Y/N left for the market, and it will take her a while to go back to the shop and you’ll give her mother this money.” Tommy planned. He knew you’d go then to prepare lunch for your father and eat with him, then you’d take over the shoe shop while your mother returned home.
Tommy knew every single step you took, at what time you got the newspaper and each vendor you’d visit. Yet, you were so far away from him.
It was unfair for you, he knew that. He’d never ask you to be his mistress or anything, he just wished to find a fucking way to get you back. It was hard also for him to admit there was a time when he thought that maybe, just maybe over time he’d learn to love Grace like he used to years ago, but deep down he knew he’d never fully forgive her for betraying him. Let alone having a son together would make their marriage work.
But I don't want to carry on like everything is fine
The longer we ignore it, all the more that we will fight
“What happened Johnny?” Tommy cleared his throat getting anxious by the minute.
“Ehh you won’t like I-” Johnny muttered but he cut himself off when Grace stepped into the office.
“Tommy…” she looked over at Johnny several times, like trying to give him a hint to leave them. “It’s getting late.”
He found it extremely annoying to get interrupted, leaning back in his chair he flicked his cigarette. “I know.”
“Are you coming to say goodnight to Charlie?” She tried batting her eyelashes at him, the sweetest smile on her lips.
“Later, I’m working.”
“Bu-”One annoyed look and a loud sigh and Grace brought a hand to the end of her hair to disguise her disappointment. “Alright.”
Rolling his shoulders, Tommy looked at Johnny again. “So?”
“Tom I don’t like this, why can’t you just leave the poor girl alone? You’ve a family now, a boy.”
But Tommy kept shaking his head. “I’m paying you to watch her and report her moves to me, not asking if you like it or not.”
Polly knew him, his uncle Charlie was able to read him like the palm of his hand, but Johnny couldn’t understand the motives to keep tracking Y/N down.
“You broke up a year ago, got married… there’s no reason to-”
“Johnny, I’m not going to ask you again.” He dragged the words, if it wasn’t for the desk between them, he would’ve Johnny Dogs by the collar of his shirt now.
“Y/N is dating someone.” Johnny murmured, keeping his head down.
A heavy silence filled the Arrow House office.
Please, don't fall apart
I can't face your breaking heart
Tommy got up from his chair and walked quietly towards the window finding darkness only.
“Who is he?” He asked with more control than he expected.
Johnny made a face. “Don’t do this to yourself Tommy, let her move on.”
The man with icy eyes gave him a side look, it was enough to make him talk.
“He’s a Doctor, respectable, good background, treats her right, sends flowers every four or five days, walks with her to the park on Wednesdays and Fridays, on Saturday he goes in for dinner but leaves right after that. On Sundays she brings him food to the hospital and...”
“Apple pie?” Tommy completed while Johnny nodded.
Tommy knew the fucking recipe from start to finish, he could almost smell it and his mouth watered by the simple memory of how it tasted.
Did she give the doctor a small piece with her fork like she used to do with him?
Did she kiss the corner of his mouth after having a bite to remove the remains of sugar?
“That’s all Johnny, thank you.” He swallowed hard, memories making his chest ache.
Johnny wondered if he should also tell Tommy another thing he found out while following them.
Stopping right in front of the heavy door, Johnny twisted the peaky cap between his hands.
“He bought a ring two days ago Tommy.”
“Johnny,” His emotionless voice stopped him, “don’t follow her, you can go back to the gypsy camp.”
Once alone, Tommy pinched the bridge of his nose, defeated he took the glass of whiskey upstairs.
Looking at his son sleeping in his crib he couldn’t help but wonder why he made the mistake of fucking Grace that one time, he swore he could contain himself and he’d only use her to drive Campbell mad. But no, he was weak and the only time they were together she got pregnant. This wasn’t supposed to be how he envisioned his life, he wanted to date you, then propose to you, get married and start a family… you had been there for him to pick up the broken pieces from the ground that Grace left. Somehow you managed to make him softer, showed him he could trust and love again.
It wasn’t a surprise when you took a step back, didn’t accept his apologies, didn’t want to hear his explanations, packing your belongings from his office the very same night of the races, and closed the doors to your heart.
He begged, was willing to get on his knees to ask for forgiveness but you wouldn’t listen. His first mistake was to sleep with Grace that night, the second, marry her because she was with a child.
Was he being selfish? How could he let you go when you got so deep inside his heart?
You were slipping away from him, little by little, if you officially started a relationship with someone else, that man won’t waste time after realizing how fucking awesome you were, and if that happened, there was nothing left he could do to get you back.
I can't love you in the dark
It feels like we're oceans apart
There is so much space between us
“Why don’t you come to bed, Tommy?” Grace circled his desk and slipped her arms around his neck from behind. “It’s late.”
“In a minute.” He replied pretending to look at the papers scattered over the oak desk.
“I think you sho-”
“I said in a fucking minute!” He lost it.
Grace made a little jump when he raised his voice. “I heard what you said, I’m just trying to be a good wife.”
“Don’t try, Grace… just don’t try.” He added sharply.
“I’m doing everything I’m supposed to be doing Tommy, I take care of our house, look over Charlie, I make sure you’ve everything you need and yet I’m always alone here and when my husband is finally home by the end of the day I want him to take care of me.”
Tommy saw Grace toying with her wedding band.
“I’ve a load shit to do, alright?”
“Is that true or are you sleeping with some whore around?”
Her accusation made him snap his head at her. “What did you just said?”
“You haven’t even touch me in weeks…”
He wanted to sarcastically laugh at her question. You wouldn’t let him set a foot in your shop, let alone sleep in your bed.
“The way I see it, if you’re not with me that means you’re fucking someone else. Just tell me what you want and I’ll do it.”
He didn’t have the balls to say that the last time they slept together, he fantasized it was you instead of her, your name almost slipped out of his lips. But it would’ve drive Grace mad.
“I’m trying to go legal, Grace. That’s all… just go to sleep.”
“Tomm-” She started again but he cut her off.
“Don’t make me repeat myself again.”
Before she left, Tommy could swear he heard a sob but he was busy emptying the whiskey in his glass as he stared into the fire absently. Throwing his head back atop of the couch he wondered if you were by yourself that night.
The following day Grace insisted on joining him to visit his beloved horse, who was being trained at another facility. She started telling Charlie he’d see horses and the kid got too excited to advice her against the idea.
“… as I walked into the jewelry, I saw these lovely earrings that match perfectly…” Grace chatted non stop as they were on their way to the stables. He was looking forward a quiet day, but Grace had other ideas.
He just wished she could sleep just like Charlie was doing in her arms.
“Are you listening?”
Tommy dragged his eyes from the road to look at Grace for an instant, snapping out of his own thoughts.
“So what do you think?”
Shuddering, he took a long puff from his cigarette, feeling the smoke burn in his throat.
“I knew it, Tommy… you’re not paying attention.”
“Can you please stop this?!”
“Don’t raise your voice, you’ll wake up Charlie.” She tried but it was too late, the kid was already fussing. “See what you did?”
“You started this.” He pointed angrily.
“Shh, shh Charlie don’t cry.” Grace tried to get his boy settled, luckily he found a couple of horses out there.
“Look over there Charlie.” Tommy pointed. “There’s a horse.”
“Joshiee.” Charlie repeated, clapping.
Stopping the car, Tommy took Charlie in his arms, leaving Grace behind him. The gentleman in him wouldn’t be proud. But each passing day it was harder to pretend that he cared.
Placing his son on the ground, Tommy offered his hand to guide him.
“Come ‘ere.” Pointing at the fishes in the water trough, Tommy looked at the kid smiling with his chubby hand extended. “Goldfish keep the water clean.” He explained as if Charlie could understand. Grace joined them minutes later.
“I’ve been thinking… we should go away, for a family holiday.” Grace proposed brushing away a lock from her face.
Tommy shook his head instantly.
“Can’t do that, I’ve lots of work to do.”
“For a few days.” She tried again.
“No, you can go with Charlie though.”
Grace unamused expression didn’t have any effect on him. He was used by now.
Tommy felt a rush of adrenaline through his body as he pushed past the people gathered on the street. The flames consuming the small shop, people trying to use buckets to attempt to extinguish the fire.
“Y/N!” Was all he could think of as he was desperately looking around for you.
We're not the only ones, I don't regret a thing
Every word I've said, you know I'll always mean
Everything was chaos.
Someone shoved him from behind, but since he let his guard down, he never noticed. An angry voice called for him and he recognized it right away.
“You must be happy now, finally kept your promise of burning my place down… MY MOTHER WAS INSIDE! You bastard! Get outta here!” Your fist landed on his chest as he was trying to process everything.
Tommy felt a rush of relief wash over him as he saw you were alive, but then he got in defensive mode.
“You destroyed years of hard work! My grand parents opened this store, my father started here cleaning shoes until he got a promotion and met my mother.” You spat with tears in your eyes, not caring about the venom and anger in your voice, or the people staring. “I HATE YOU THOMAS SHELBY, and I hope you pay for this.”
“I didn’t do this.” He let out a heavy sigh, shocked by your accusation.
His heart was shattered to know you thought he could do something like this. His stomach turned into a tight knot as he found the disappointment in your eyes.
“As if I didn’t know you, leave for good and don’t you ever come back.” You spat with anger oozing from every pore.
It is the world to me that you are in my life
But I want to live and not just survive
Walking backwards, he stumbled with someone who was trying to help. On his way to his vehicle he saw your mother sitting next to another woman on bench, at least she wasn’t injured.
“Find whoever did this.” Tommy instructed one of the blinders before leaving the place, he still couldn’t believe this was happening, but he had an engagement to attend and besides there was nothing he could do if you didn’t want him there.
Rushing into Arrow House he needed to hurry up to be on time, luckily Frances had his outfit prepared. The phone had been ringing in his office, but he really needed to get out of the house as soon as possible, after adjusting the last touches to his tuxedo, he moved to walk around the car, finding Grace already waiting for him. She welcomed him with a smile and a kiss that took him by surprise, there was something in her eyes different, it seemed like she didn’t had been bothering him about another woman in his life.
“Everything will get better for us after tonight Tommy, I just know.” She checked her reflection.
He doubted it was a possibility, but decided to have a peaceful night for once, specially at an event like this. He needed to raise funds.
“Where have you been? You were almost late.” She asked casually disturbing the peace he was looking for.
“Had some trouble at the shop. Finn messed up.” He lied.
“Hmm that’s weird, I looked for you there and couldn’t find you.”
“Went to the Garrison afterwards, that’s the reason I was late.” The lies slipped from his lips so easily.
She wanted to add something else, but Polly intercepted him by the door. “Scudboat has been looking for you, he looked deadly worried but wouldn’t tell me what’s going on.”
“Polly not now, please.” Turning around his head, he found the city Council leader with Grace.
And as they engaged in conversation, Tommy’s gaze was fixed by the entrance, as Father John Hughes and that insufferable MP entered. He couldn’t even stand to watch them, they weren’t welcome so he better hurry up to finish whatever the hell they’re wanted.
“Brother you need to know something.” Arthur whispered into his ear pushing him towards the staircase for some privacy.
With a heavy sigh, Tommy shook his head. “Not now Arthur, I can’t deal with anything else right now.” He spotted his wife talking to that mad Duchess.
“It was Grace.” Arthur admitted.
Confused, Tommy gave him a long look.
“Grace started the fire at the shoes shop, she saw a woman inside and thought it was Y/N. Someone recognized her.”
His head was spinning, anger building up and reaching unknown limits. Everything was so confusing, the bile rising up in his throat. Y/N could’ve been dead by now.
Storming like a bull he pushed past the people to find his wife.
“Come with me.” He grabbed Grace by the arm roughly making her gasp.
“Tommy I was talking to-”
“Why are you so worked up Mr. Shelby?” Tatiana smirked. His head was pounding. “I was telling your wife about the sapphire she’s wearing.”
“Tatiana said it’s Russian.” Grace interjected eager to participate.
And somehow the conversation escalated quickly, Tatiana kept pushing Grace’s buttons but at the moment he needed to keep the Duchess at bay. He’d deal with his wife’s jealousy later.
Scanning the room, he found Ada, fucking finally! Now he needed to deal with a spoiled princess he thought unamused. As his sister charmed Grace about a fucking donation, he tried to convince Tatiana it was a bad idea to go to the factory, but she was stubborn and had certain urgency to fuck him. There was nothing more discouraging than a woman selling herself off.
He was done. Fucking done of everything; the economic league, the duchess, his wife’s lies. This woman was absolutely mad
But time stopped as the duchess told him the sapphire had been cursed by a Gypsy. His ears were ringing, a shiver ran down his spine. Tommy had lost his faith back in France, but if there was one thing he believe in was spirits and Gypsy curses.
Speechless, he reached his wife in a few long strides.
“We need to talk.” Waving his hands anxiously he pointed at Grace’s necklace. “Take it off.”
“No, why?” Grace hissed visibly pissed off. “Tommy you gave it to me. Why are you doing this? You want to give it to someone else?”
“Here we fucking go.” He scoffed bothered. “I don’t fucking care, you want me to say this in front of them? Fine, I’ll tell you what I just learned.”
Anger was boiling inside of him, he simply didn’t care anymore.
He couldn’t explain the real reasons behind his request. “You told me you stopped by the office earlier huh?” He glanced someone passing towards the grand salon for diner. “But you forgot to mention that afterwards you stopped by at a shoes shop, the last place where a woman like you would be, Grace.” Looking up at the ceiling he blew the air he had been holding. “You started a fire at that shoes shop and don’t even try to lie, because people saw you.”
Grace’s features contorted. “Yes, I did it… because you’re distant with me, I know you wanted to marry that shoe saleswoman.”
Tommy saw red. “Yeah, I was going to marry her and when she heard you were pregnant she took a step back, walked away from me. That’s the biggest and selfless act of love.”
That's why I can't love you in the dark
“And where would you be today if it wasn’t for me?” She asked with her jaw clenched.
“Right here with her giving a beautiful speech about kindness.”
“I’m glad she’s dead by now.” She attempted to walk away, but Tommy took her by the shoulders.
“You should be thankful sh-”
“I don’t care about anything related to her.” Grace replied.
“Well, you should.”
“And why would I care about her?”
“BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT HER!” He lost control, Polly turned her head around at the shouting. “MORNING, NOON, AND NIGHT… I CARE ABOUT HER.”
Grace walked backwards, looking down.
“You’re lucky she wasn’t at the shop, she’s alive and I’m going to find her after the gala is over.” Tommy admitted triumphantly.
A man stormed in his direction out of the blue.
“For Angel!” He shouted right before firing his weapon.
The gunshot echoed in every corner of the room.
In the middle of the chaos, Tommy noticed Grace’s body leaned against him harshly, there was blood everywhere and people screaming. Tommy fell to the floor by the impact and Grace’s weightless body.
He called for help, and ambulance, anyone but Grace was already gone…
Someone took her lifeless body away from him and he wasn’t able to react, he remained frozen on spot in a corner. Replaying the images over and over.
Y/N swallowed hard after debating the entire afternoon whether if you were doing the right thing or not, yet here you stood if front of the venue where the Shelby family was leading a gala to raise funds to help people in need. One of the many dreams Tommy had shared with you.
Once the fire was controlled and people started to leave, one of the blinders who helped your mother to come out of it unharmed to let you know it had been Tommy’s wife the one who caused it, not him.
And guilt had been eating you alive ever since.
You needed to apologize for all the terrible things you said to him. You didn’t hate him, said it out of anger.
“Y/N! Oh, there’s been a tragedy… Grace is dead.”
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I’m so happy the first part was so well accepted, hoping this following part will like you too… did you see that coming? If you have a few minutes, I’d LOVE to hear what you think!
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spacexseven · 2 years
Thinking about a lil au idea of DOA or Rats of the House of the dead being basically your cult in the god reader idea.
Of course, the other “members” of the cult don’t see you in that much of a big light as Fyodor does (he’s the only one to be THAT devoted to you, really). But they are still members, and little by little they just
Start to like the idea wholeheartedly.
(I love the god reader idea so much it has me in a chokehold rn)
!! anime only's, you have been warned! the following includes spoilers for 2/3 of the unknown (as of now) members of the doa, and other stuff involving the doa.
i'm not writing for kamui 'cos this was a little long as it was. also am sticking w doa 'cos im more comfortable writing for nikolai, sigma and my little vampire rockstar :^^
cw: its kind of a cult, yandere themes (near the end)
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you had always known that the rats were only the beginning of fyodor's reign.
and maybe he knew that too—you could hear the soft smile in his voice when he asked you if you thought that the decay of the angel was a better-suited name for an organization that would carry out his plans and catalyze the great destruction you always said he would bring. you don't grace him with an answer, though even you have to agree that it was a name that, once uttered, could unsettle the bravest souls and fill them with trepidation. it was a fitting choice; symbolic, powerful, and ominous.
if anything, the other members were just as unpredictable and unnerving as fyodor was to you once. nikolai was the first you met. you later learned that he went against fyodor's words to come see you, seized by curiosity. bitterly, you realized that the reason why he stared at you so much was because he was studying you, like one would an insect. you almost wanted to seize some of that divine order you had and strike him down for being so blatant about his interest. but when you thought about how fyodor could never look you in the eyes, and how lonely it was as his god, you found yourself taking a liking to the eccentric clown.
there was a side to him, however, you're not sure you like at all. bloodied hands and a wicked grin to match, when anyone else seeks your time. fascination that was both lustful and violent in nature, and a possessive grip that didn't seem to let go of you.
"time for a quiz!" nikolai exclaims, "will the decay of the angel succeed?"
"of course," a wry smile plays at your lips, "who else has a god on their side?"
he laughs in response, loud and uninhibited. it's the most noise that's ever filled your room
sigma was a mystery that had too many missing pieces to be solved. a part of you could sympathize with him, having lost your own self to the blurred-together years and the exhaustion that came with being the only one with your level of sentience. however, you don't let yourself think about the book fyodor had used to create sigma, and what it meant to you. there are some things, you decide, that are best kept to yourself. some things that fyodor should never learn about.
sigma, in your first meeting, was slightly awkward; a perfectly natural response, but not in awe of your presence, not like fyodor. his voice was firm, but not unkind, and his words were respectful, but not...obedient. it was perfect.
in sigma, you found an unlikely friend. he told you about the mundane happenings in the outside world; a customer caught cheating, an employee that struggled to keep up, all the paperwork that was involved in the running of a casino in the sky. these things, as compared to your daily life, were nothing of the sort you would care about, but you listened all the same. regardless, you could tell sigma appreciated the sentiment.
you, however, don't appreciate his strange habits. recently, you think, he's been acting a little too much like fyodor. as much as you liked sigma for the natural ease that you felt by his presence, you couldn't brush off the ominous feeling that came with sigma seeking you out more and more. you start feeling like he's looking for validation of some kind from you, one you didn't wish to provide in fear that he may find this an encouragement. he reaches out for your hand often, something you might find amusing if not for the way his hand trembles.
"are you planning to leave?" nikolai, knowing the fool, must have said something to scare sigma.
"no," you say simply, "not yet."
"so you will leave," sigma frowns. you've seen that look directed to many a clumsy employee and messy files, but never to you. it's almost frightening, "don't you like it here?"
"besides, i..." he stops himself, "dostoevsky won't let you go. and...i don't want you to either. you should stay. we take care of you too, don't we?
unlike most people, you weren't surprised to see bram stoker. though in your memory, he was a lot more...whole and formidable of an opponent. more than that, you remembered him as a man turned into a monster that brought unimaginable destruction because of an ability he never asked for. it was a strange reminder of how much had really changed over the years. now, he seemed sullen, and defeated; it was a depressing sight.
now, he was exhausted. you could tell he didn't want to be here, with the decay of the angel. you could also tell that something was terribly wrong with the sword that was inside him and the pained look in his eyes. fyodor tells you of a kamui when he brings the coffin in, and just by the current state of bram and the utterance of his name, you know already you would not get along with him.
bram doesn't ask you questions, not about why you were here, or what you were doing for all those years. he doesn't explain his situation, and you don't pry. you can put the pieces together by yourself, and when it dawns on you what the kamui planned to do with bram, you realize that there were greater evils than fyodor.
there's a silent solidarity between you and bram, perhaps stemming from being something non-human. you get him the radio he's always wanted, insist that he be allowed to converse with you more often, and so on. these days, bram talks more, and it almost feels like you're talking to an old friend. bram's lived through some, though not most, of the things you have, and he remembers what nobody else does. you wonder, one day, if the two of you could have been friends had you met a lot earlier, and if you hadn't brushed off the news about the vampire ability user the first time. when you voice this out to him, bram has the most adorable reaction. your words make his eyes widen and, stupified, cause him to awkwardly change the topic, fumbling over his next few words.
ah, now you really wish you went to see him earlier.
it's that odd sensation of having a friend, caring for another, that urges you to offer your help to bram. you tell him you can get him out of here, out of the mortal angels' grasp; somewhere safe. you say you can help him regain his former state, help him survive within the shadows of humanity, like you had before. kamui, fyodor, or the doa; nothing will be able to stop you if you really wanted to make it happen, regardless of how complacent you were now.
at the very least, you thought, he might be pleased. grateful. maybe not elated, but, at the very least, relieved. instead, bram looked shocked. you can't tell if the idea horrifies him because he doesn't think you can do it, or because he believes that the decay of the angel was the only connection you had to him. perhaps he thought that saving him, freeing him, would also mean removing yourself from his life. you almost felt bad—you were very likely bram stoker's only friend in his miserable life.
still, you're not quite sure what to think when he extends his stay and starts contemplating, seriously, to cooperate with kamui. you can't wrap your mind around why he'd want to stay, and the possible loss of so many lives as a result unsettles you deeper than it does him, but he's steadfast in his decision. he tells you, with an unfamiliar tinge of scorn, that he was tired of trying to protect people, when all they did was try to kill him.
"if you're so sure, i suppose i'll have to stay here with you." concern weighs heavily on your mind, but more than that, suspicion lingers.
bram smiles, then, and seemingly relaxes in his coffin. an uncomfortable feeling seizes your chest. how had you not noticed?
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matan4il · 8 months
Daily update post:
Another independent Palestinian terrorist attack happened today, wounding two Palestinians who happened to drive by the terrorists, who intended to shoot at Israeli soldiers. The IDF neutralized them, while one soldier's life was saved thanks to his gear (I found the report on the shooting terrorist attack in both Hebrew and English, I only found the info on the two wounded Palestinians in Hebrew).
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During the International Court of Justice's decision regarding provisional measures against Israel, only the majority opinion was read out loud. The minority opinion was published separately. The short of it is that the judge from Uganda found that South Africa didn't have a right to make this case at all, and therefore decided against every single provisional measure SA asked for, while the Israeli judge had the same conclusion, and a few words to add, as a child survivor of the Holocaust. He wrote, among other things, "Genocide is not just a word to me" (a sentiment that should be shared by everyone, not just survivors of genocide, IMO) and that essentially, the ICJ became a stage to put Able on trial for having been murdered by Cain, or in Barak's words, by focusing on Israel instead of on Hamas, South Africa "wrongly sought to impute the crime of Cain to Abel."
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This footage aired a few days ago, but since I couldn't find it anywhere in English, I ended up editing it out of an article in Hebrew. What you can see here are two things... First, you'll see the Israeli Air Force following a Hamas squad, where the terrorists are carrying RPGs and going into a building. The IAF then strikes from the air that building, and what really stands out is the secondary explosions after the initial hit, indicating that the building was full of explosives. Second, you'll see Gazans evacuating to safety. As they do, they chant against Hamas. But what really got to me is how they're moving slowly next to Israeli tanks. If they were scared that the Israeli army would shoot at them indiscrimintaely as part of some attempted genocide, they would be rushing it out of there, and likely they wouldn't have even stepped anywhere near the tanks. They can walk slowly next to the IDF, because they're sure that the Israeli soldiers are NOT going to fire at them.
In the last couple of days, we've had repeated reports of Israelis being injured by Hezbollah fire into northern Israel (after civilian communities were continuously targeted, and people got killed by this Iran-funded terrorist group), and that IDF units which have concluded their fighting in Gaza, are now starting to train for a possible war in the north. Let's hope it won't come to that, but the only thing that might stop that option is a diplomatic agreement leading to Hezbollah leaving Israel's border, and there are no signs of those efforts succeeding for the time being.
The final warning before a subponea that the House committee investigating antisemitism had to issue Harvard, because the university hasn't produced the documents it was asked to, sure does make it sound like Haravard has nothing to hide...
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Today, 4 months and a day after the Hamas massacre, they started removing the ruins of houses in kibbutz Be'eri, where over 100 members of the small, agricultural community had been slaughtered on Oct 7. This is a first step in re-building the kibbutz.
And this is one of the kibbutz members, Meni Goddard.
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In continuation of yesterday's info on the number of Israelis already murdered by Hamas, and their bodies held hostage, today it was confirmed that Meni was murdered on Oct 7, and his body was kidnapped to Gaza. It was already known that his wife Ayelet was also murdered during the massacre. Kibbutz Be'eri currently has 11 members who are known to have been kidnapped to Gaza, of which 6 are bodies held hostage, depriving the dead of their right for decent burial, and their families and community of closure. May his memory be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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tswhiisftteedr · 9 months
Hair Prank! ☆ One Shot
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☆Dorm Leader!Vil Schoenheit x Choatic!Pomfiore Student!Female!Reader:
After pulling a prank causing Vil’s appearance to change, you try to your best to run away from his now angered self. But isn’t hate and love two side of the same coin, at least passion wise…
Warnings: Making out, Graphic language, suggestive tones but nothing happens. Not proofread.
Note: This is based from this ask, also I’m sorry I didn’t know how to incorporate the clothing style into the fic, maybe I’ll rewrite it. Sorry again, but I hope you still like it! Mentions of Yuu but reader is not them.
| Part 1 | Part 2 |
☆ More under the cut. ☆
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It was your daily dance lesson after school with Vil as your instructor. Epel had skipped out on practice, making your strict instructor, even stricter than the usual due to his irritation. But his constant critique of your technique was getting on your nerves.
"You made a mistake again. We'll start from the beginning once more," Vil sighs as he walks over to the speaker. On his phone, he restarts the same song that you've been dancing to in your lessons.
Ever since being assigned to Pomefiore, your life had been but relaxing. Being the only official female student admitted this year, after the school board had decided to transition from an all-boys to a unisex school, you were sure to attract eyes, Vil’s included. In his mind he would’ve brought you by his side to unlock your potential, even if you’d have been assigned to another dorm. But goody him, as the dark mirror had chooses to put you in his care. But to you it was all a waste of time and energy, you already did skincare and took care of yourself, you truly needed him to interject. Well that was your opinion, but it was plain obvious that it wasn’t his.
Even when you had try to coax him into taking Yuu under his wing instead of yourself, bless her heart, he had shot down the idea right in front of her. Saying something along the line that she was too much of a potato to be able to shine the way he was sure he’ll make you do.
"Don’t even think about, don’t you dare try to leaving again," he turns to glare at you. You were so close to the exit... It's like he had eyes behind his head.
“Lisent Vil. hon’, darling.” You say to him with a faux kindness and sympathy “You’re really starting to piss me off.” You continue, but this time, with a tone of voice that actually carried your sentiments.
"Shut it!" Vil's face is full of disgust. He cannot stand how easily you dismiss his words as if they don't carry any weight at all.
"I don't care how hard it is or how much you despise dancing," he continues in a demanding voice, "You WILL become an ideal beauty or else..."
“Or what my ‘Queen’? Gonna make me dance on hot burning coal, maybe carve my face off and place it on Mannequin head so you can play dress up with it, or make me all old and wrinkly with one your potions as a punishment, yeah the third one seems more like your style. You pussy.” You say to him spitefully, following it with a snicker.
His eyes widen with anger as he steps closer to you, invading your personal space. "Do you have any idea what I'm capable of doing to you?"His tone is cold and threatening.
“Oh I don’t know, since you actually never do shit. You just talk and talk, you must really like the sound of your own voice, and not in the regular person type of way, no that’s not it, you like it and yourself in the narcissistic type a way, you probably get off on simply hearing the sound of your own voice or looking at your reflection.” You continue taunting him, with a snicker that is irritating the shit out of him.
Vil's anger boils over as he grabs your arm sharply and pulls you up against his body. "I warn you. Never, EVER insult my ego again. I'm done taking your attitude lightly. The next sentence you utter from your pathetic mouth had better be filled with an apology. Do you understand me, worm?"
As he says that you secretly take out a pouch full of powder out of your many pants pockets. ‘Cargo pants are the best’ you think to yourself. The powder was enchanted, it made the person it lands on, temporarily change hair colour, about 24 hours.
As he finishes, “I’m sorry Vil,” you tell him apologetically. But in the reality of things, gears wear turning in your mind. “I’m really sorry about this!” you shout at him, as you open the pouch and throw the contents of it on Vil.  The shock from the situation causes Vil to let you go, and you start booking it, running out of the room as fast as possible. “See ya later handsome!” You say teasingly, knowing he would be displeased with his current appearance.
Vil's eyes widen as his beautiful blonde locks turn a dark shade of purple. His face grows contorted in outrage as he screams, "Get back here!" without thinking of the fact you've probably already left.
Suddenly, his expression turns into one of disbelief and horror. Vil looks at himself in the mirror. His heart skips a beat as he takes in his new look. "... No," he says in a strained voice.
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After leaving the dorm through the magic mirror, you head towards the Ramshackle to tell Yuu and Grim about what had transcended, and probably Epel too, that’s were he usually hides to skip out on Vil’s lessons.
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Meanwhile, Vil is still looking at himself in the mirror with a shocked expression on his face. After what felt like hours, Vil finally begins to process what just happened. "I can't believe she did this to me."
Vil's mind races as his hands tremble slightly. He clenches his fists in anger as he thinks to himself, "That girl... that ungrateful, selfish little...!"
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You were sat on a couch in the Ramshackle, retelling the events to Epel and Grim, Yuu wasn’t there, apparently she was with the Ignihyde dorm leader right now.
“And then he grabbed me, and I was like literally against him, body to body type of shit. He started going on about ‘Never’ insult his ego again and that the next words that came out of my mouth should be ones of apology.” I tell them, 
“So he at did you do next??” Epel asks, wondering if this story was headed where he anticipated it to go, after all he was the one who helped you craft the magic powder. 
“Well then I secretly pulled out the beautiful, hair color changing magic powder we crafted, I was all like ‘I’m sorry Vil’. After I opened the pouch the powder was in and threw it on him, with a ‘I’m sorry for this!’. The look of horror on his face was priceless.” You tell them with a victorious laugh.
Grim raises an eyebrow as he listens to your retelling of the event and lets out a sarcastic chuckle at your story. "You must've really struck a nerve." He turns to look at Epel and prompts him to respond to the story.
Epel nods eagerly. He looks excited as he waits for you to continue.
“After everything I ran away to come to you guys, but as I was leaving I could his screech in the distance lol”
Grim begins laughing heartily. "I bet you could hear him all the way from here, huh?"
In the distance, you could still hear Vil's shouts of anger. Grim and Epel continue to laugh at your hilarious prank.
But then you all simultaneously realized that it was impossible to hear his voice, since the magic mirror connecting each dorm to campus didn’t project noise for within the dorm. This meaning only one thing, Vil was here on campus and he was headings towards you…
The laughter quickly dies down as the three of you come to terms with the fact that Vil had just followed you here. Grim gets up to brace himself for a confrontation. "Well, it seems our little game has finally caught up to us," he says in a resigned tone.
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A little bit earlier,
Vil was standing in front of a mirror, trying his best to hide his new appearance in a hood, in order not to attract too much attention(too bad the angered noise he was making did the opposite affect). He thinks back to the incident, a look of rage and embarrassment on his face. "That girl thinks that she can one-up me, does she?"
His face curls in anger, "She's going to pay for humiliating me!” he shouts to himself. Vil turns away from the mirror and quickly leaves the room to find you. He then heads towards the lounge of the dorm to pass through the mirror chamber and arrives campus, he guessed you probably wouldn’t have stayed on dorm site with the stunt you just pulled.
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Now back to the present.
Vil is walking through campus, his mind full of thoughts ranging from fury and rage to confusion and disbelief. As he walks through the crowds, he tries his best to maintain a neutral or at least stern expression in order to not draw attention to himself.
Vil finally reaches the Ramshackle and he takes off his hood, deciding to face you and whoever was in there without hiding himself. Still, he is visibly pissed as he glares at the thought you.
You hear knocking. And you shush your to friends up, you’re now as quite as mouses.
There is a moment of silence as you hear Vil knock again on the door. His voice can be faintly heard, "Open the damn door, girl! I know you're in there!" The knocking then become more aggressive as he continues, "Come out here this instant!"
It felt like he was going to soon break the door down, so while he continue his knocking you sneakily left the ramshackle through a window at the back.
Vil grows even louder upon realizing that you aren't responding to his calls and knocks. He starts banging on the door in a fit of rage. "I know you’re in there! Come on out. Now!"
He decides that he had enough of the wait, and breaks the door down with magic not damage his manicure, he was still an actor and beauty influencer afterall.
But you was obliviously gone by then, Vil steps into the ramshackle, seeing his two classmates sitting before him. His eyes narrow as he searches the room for any signs of you. He looks at Grim and Epel with disdain and contempt in his eyes. "Where is she?" His voice is demanding.
“We don’t know.” They tell him at the same time.
Vil's eyes flicker with annoyance as the two of them blandly lie to him. "She can't have simply vanished off the face of the world." His tone is angry and condescending. He knows what they are doing and he knows that you are nearby, or at least that was what he thought in the moment. He walks right up to the two of them, his presence imposing itself as he gets closer.
But then Vil decided that it was a waste of time to talk to them, they were only going to back you up afterall, probably give him wrong information. So he decides to search around for you instead. As he snoops around, he sees that the back window was open, then he realized how that’s the way you made your escape.
By then you was already far away, in the mirror chamber, making your way to Savanaclaw to hideout.
As Vil paces around the ramshackle to collect his thoughts on where you could’ve gone and what to do now. He over hears Epel and Grim whispering to each other.
“So you think she made it there already?” Epel asks grim, “Yeah she probably at Savanaclaw by now.” Grim answers him.
What had happened was that, when Vil was still knocking you had whispered to them about your plan to go and hideout at the warmed temperature dorm, before you had made your escape.
Vil's eyes narrow as he watches Grim and Epel converse with each other. He has a strong suspicion of what they are talking about based on their demeanor. "She thinks she's funny. And these two idiots are helping her." Vil mumbles to himself.
He walks over to the window once more and looks outside to see if you is anywhere in sight. When he sees the empty space, his rage only grows in intensity. His face contorts into a bitter scowl as he clenchs his hands into fists.
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By now you had a pack of candy in hand, trying to bribe Ruggie into letting you stay in his dorm for cover.
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Vil walks back over to Grim and Epel after not being able to spot you anywhere.
He glares at both of them while trying his best to restrain his temper. "So, you decided to help her with her little prank? What a surprise you two were so happy to assist an ungrateful little girl in humiliating me."
Vil glares at the two of them one more time as he storms out of the ramshackle.
Meanwhile, you're still bribing Ruggie with candy. "Let me hide in your dorm, and I'll give you this candy." Your words are accompanied by an innocent smile.
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By the time he had arrived to Savanaclaw, you were already well hidden in Ruggie’s room, more specifically, under his bed.
Vil searches all over the Savanaclaw dorm building, but he can't find any trace of you. "Where is she hiding? I KNOW she's around here somewhere!" Vil thinks, as his anger grows. He starts pacing back and forth in front of the dorm with gritted teeth.
Vil's eyebrows twitch and his jaw clenchs tightly as he sees Savanaclaw dorm leader, Leona Kingscholar lying down on a nice sofa, without a care in the world. He glares as his eyes narrow. "Have you seen a student named F/n L/n around here by any chance?"
“Why? Did your favourite doll go missing?” The lazy lion teases with his eyes still closed.
Vil rolls his eyes. His patience is worn thin by this point. The mere mention of that stupid nickname makes his blood boil. "This is no game Kingscholar. Have you seen her or not?!"
“Hm? I see, well I can tell you that i saw her talking to Ruggie about staying in his dorm about 15 minutes ago, though I don’t know if he actually accepted or not.” He tells him nonchalantly not wanting the angry dorm leader to pester him even more, rolls around ready to back to his nap.
Vil sighs with frustration. He knows he can't go into Ruggie's room to look without possibly getting into trouble. "Damn it all." Vil thinks. His tone is sarcastic and irritated as he responds. "Oh really? You think he let her in?"
“Don’t know, don’t care, maybe he did, but she had some candy on her person, and that guy sure loves free food.” Leona finishes, before falling back asleep.
‘Of course she would offer him candy. Something she’s not even supposed to have if she was properly following the meal plan I made for her! She really is an absolute menace.’ Vil thinks with a scoff, his tone dripping with cynicism.
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Vils asks around for Ruggie’s dorm number as Leona already headed back to sleep before he could ask anymore questions.
As he arrives at the room Vil knocks on the door a bit sharply, making it clear that he is not happy to be outside of Ruggie's dorm in the first place.
It seems he's already lost a ton of patience and is becoming more agitated with each passing moment. His face is twisted into a scowl as he waits for someone to answer.
“Yes?” Ruggie asks as he slightly opens the door.
Vil's eyes narrow even more, it's not a good sign. His tone is tight and impatient as he responds. “I'm looking for someone. They were supposed to be here. Have you seen anyone by the name of f/n l/n?"
“Maybe, what’s in it for me if if tell you?” He says to him with his signature snicker.
Vil scoffs in annoyance, this situation was growing even more aggravating for him. He was used to being in the upper hand, being the one to call the shots. Now he's reduced to begging some low-life delinquent for information about someone that should be under his jurisdiction. Vil is NOT pleased. "Oh come on, will you stop with your nonsense already? This is serious business." He tries to coax him but Ruggie doesn’t budge.
Vil's anger grows stronger but he refrains himself from lashing out. ‘This insolent bastard. As if the information is wordly classified. What a selfish prick.’ Vil thinks. "Fine. What do you want?" His tone is tense, he's gritting his teeth as he asks him.
“Well, you got something tasty for me?” Ruggie inquires, after candy is great and all but it doesn’t have a long lasting effect for soothing hunger. So he would be opposed to selling you out if he got something better than the sweets you gave him, in exchange.
Vil sighs in annoyance. He's not the type to give in to someone else's childish demands. But he must admit that these demands are quite reasonable for someone like Ruggie. ‘Of course he wants sweets.’ Vil thinks. ‘I'll play his stupid game.’ "I suppose I could spare a small piece of candy or two. Would that be enough to get a straight answer from you?" He offers the hyena beastmen.
“One or two pieces? You got to better than that, afterall I got a full bag of them for my silence. Buying me dinner is bare minimum for what you’re asking.” Ruggie shoot down his proposal,
Vil's eyes narrow as he frowns. He can't believe this stupid bastard has the nerve to ask him for this much. But he's running out of options. Reluctantly, he nods his head in defeat. "Dinner. Alright, whatever you want. Just give me an answer already."
“Okay then!” He snickers once more. “You can look around my room for her, if you want, but that’s it.” He tells Vil.
Vil sighs in annoyance. He can't believe he has to stoop this low. He glances at Ruggie with disdain as he responds. "That is absolutely ridiculous, you know that right?"
“I don’t know what your talking about~” The hyena says, then heads out.
Vil's eyes twitch in annoyance as he searches the room for the slightest hint of your presence here. However, the room is in its usual state of messiness, making it impossible for a casual observer to find anything of value. Vil seems more agitated than before as he continues to look for you. He even opens the closet to look for you in there. He was about to head out until you accidentally made a noise.
Vil pauses mid search, hearing the noise he heard. He turns his head in your direction, instantly knowing that the little sound he heard was due to you. He glares at the location from where the sound came from. "I know you're under that bed little girl," he says, his tone sarcastic as he addresses you, his scowl only growing in intensity.
But you decide to play with him more, and stay quiet.
Vil steps forward, getting closer to the bed. He stands up and leans over it, looking under it. The scowl on his face is so intense, his expression is almost terrifying. He spots your body hiding under the bed and glaces down at you. "I know you're in there, so you can come out now. Or do you prefer me making that decision for you?" He asks and his tone is angry and condescending.
But even after being caugh, you don’t say anything or more for about 3 minutes, so Vil drags you out from under the bed by the ankles. An expression of satisfaction covers his face. He was getting tired of this game. Vil's eyes glare at you, his expression a mix of irritation and annoyance. The moment he has you in his grasp is when he finally speaks. "Now listen, I've had enough of this. You're coming with me."
“Whatever, you’re no fun” tell him, still messing with his temper.
"You think this is supposed to be fun? This was never meant to be entertaining. I just want to get the job done." Vil glares at you, his tone becoming even more agitated. "Now stop your pathetic whining and get moving."
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As you were heading back to Pomefiore, you had decided to pull another stunt, by ‘pulling’ hood down. His new hair colour in plain view for all students to see. That pissed him off so he drag you to his room to scream your ear off…
Vil was already getting impatient, and your actions only made him even more irritated. The moment he gets you into his dorm, he locks the door behind you and starts glaring at you once again. His tone is stern and cold as he speaks to you. "Just what did you think you were doing? You think you're clever, but you're nothing but a nuisance."
“Chill out, it was just a joke.” You tell him, not taking him seriously at all.
Vil's eyes flicker in a mixture of frustration and rage as you talk back to him. He stares down at you, his eyes narrowing to narrow slits. He can't possibly find any aspect of you or your actions to be amusing at all, instead he feels only a deep loathing and hatred. His tone is harsh as he responds. "Oh you think this is some sort of joke? That you can just get away with messing with me like this"
“Yeah, pretty much.” You say nonchalantly.
Vil's fist tightens as he glares at you, a vein on his forehead is visibly twitching. His eyes are so intense that they seem like they can burn right through you. His tone is filled with cold and hatred, he's getting angrier by the second. His lips curl up in disgust as he responds. "Listen to me. You think you have been annoying enough, but trust me. I can make you suffer worse in a million ways. So I suggest you stop being such an irritating little girl and start behaving properly."
“God, you’re so hot when you’re mad.” You admit out of nowhere, looking up at him with mischief.
Vil stares down at you with sheer disgust and disbelief. He can't believe that you would actually tell him something so ridiculous, let alone at a time like this. His eyes narrow and his jaw tightly clenches. "Are you out of your mind? Just who do you think you're talking to?" his tone is harsh and condescending, his scowl is even more intense now.
“Duh, I’m taking to the hottest and sexiest man in all of Pomefiore.” You keep pushing.
Vil seems stunned by your ridiculous compliment, his eyes flicker with rage once again and he snarls at you. "Do you think you are actually seducing me? There is not a single thing about you that I find attractive or appealing. So if you have nothing of value to say, I suggest you shut your mouth before I shut it for you."
“Please do so, I’d love to how this scenario could escalate into something more spicy~” You tell him.
Vil's eyes narrow as he raises an eyebrow. He can't believe how bold you have become now that you were in his room, behind locked doors. He glares at you in indignation, unable to hide his disdain for your actions. "That's it. I had enough. You want spicy? Than spicy it shall become"
Perhaps it was the want to put you in your place, perhaps it was it was the fact that Vil had been crushing on you for quite a while but didn’t confess because your antics, or perhaps it was just a spurt of the moment type of thing that cause Vil do to do what he did.
In one swift motion, Vil grabs you and pins you against the wall.
“Yeah, I like we’re this is going” You say not letting up the teasing.
Vil stares down at you with a fiery-glow in his eyes. His voice becomes smooth as his tone grows more intimate. One of his hands moves down your body to grab you by the waist, holding you close to him. "You really do know how to push my buttons, you little pest."
“It’s one my best traits”
Vil lets his thoughts go wild and allows himself to surrender to the rush of emotions that are overwhelming him right now. His facial expressions soften as his grip on you becomes a little bit looser, he's more relaxed now. His tone is almost as silky as his skin."Perhaps, that is one of your best traits. Perhaps, you are more than just some troublemaking little thing."
“So are y’a going to kiss me or just stare at my dazzling face.” You say with a wink.
Vil pauses for a moment. His eyes are darkening and his lips curl up in a slight smirk. He leans down until he can feel your breath on his skin. His voice is a husky whisper. "Oh, I'm definitely about to kiss you alright. But not because you requested it, but because I wanted to."
Vil's lips press themselves against yours with a lot of force, almost as if he can't wait to get a taste of you, and of course the emotions of anger you caused the man. His tongue quickly moves into your mouth and his hands wrap themselves around you in tight grips. His body is plastered against you, and every movement he makes is smooth like butter. His kisses are passionate and full of aggression, but somehow still very tender. He moans, his sounds being low and husky.
Vil pulls away, his breathing is heavy and he looks you deep in the eyes. The expression on his face is calm and tranquil now, his lips curling into a light smile."You know, you're not so bad after all. Your ability to get me so riled really is quite fascinating."
“Thanks! So are you still mad me my queen?” You inquire.
Vil laughs softly, his voice is almost a purr. A playful grin forms on his lips as he responds. "Mad? No, I don't think that's correct anymore. Irritated? Yes, very much so. After what you did earlier, it'll take a lot more than this to compensate for that."
“I guess I’ll get punished tomorrow, huh. But it doesn’t seem so bad of a though anymore.” You say to him all sweetly.
Vil smirks, his eyes twinkling with amusement. He's starting to get used to your antics and is starting to respond with sarcasm. “Oh, you bet I'll have lots of fun with you tomorrow. I think I've found the right kind of punishment for you. And I'll make sure that I'm really thorough."
“Oh yes, I wonder what the big bad evil queen will do me as for punishment.” You say semi-seductively, it’s more to mess with him then anything else.
“Well starting with extra dance practice to make up for today sounds like a plan.” He states, shooting down any type of sensuality that might been a couple seconds prior.
“Oh come on!” You complained.
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©tswhiisfttedr. dn translate, or plagiarize.
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kitasgloves · 7 months
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— ♬ "Melting like an ice cream when you smile"
— ♬ Akaashi x Reader, timeskip, SFW, fluff, gen reader, neighbors to lovers, no beta
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Moving into a new apartment complex marked a new journey in your life. A new journey means changes, and changes lead to adjustments, which truthfully you weren't a fan of. Somehow moving into your new place became a hassle, to be fair, you were doing all of the moving alone and you had a ton of stuff that held way too much sentimental value to get rid of. So, the first day felt like you were about to snap your spine in half.
"Three more boxes to go"
You groan as you settle a box in the living room. Sweat trickled down your face and your back as you went to fetch another of your boxes. As you reached to pick up the unsuspecting box, you didn't anticipate the weight it held that sent you almost stumbling back and losing your balance.
Your body tilts backward with the box in hand when suddenly a pair of firm hands catch your shoulders, stopping you from falling. You momentarily freeze at the sensation of large hands keeping you in place.
"Are you okay?"
A deep but velvety voice sends your heart to a screeching halt. Your head whips around to be violently smacked in the face by the sheer beauty this stranger held. Gunmetal blue eyes, dark hair, thin-framed glasses, and a face sculpted by gods? Your breath hitches.
"Oh! I-uh..."
"Do you need help with your boxes?"
You were nearly about to decline until you bit your tongue and nodded to the handsome man. You stood there like an idiot gawking at this tall pretty guy carry two of your boxes inside your apartment without breaking a sweat. Oh, he must be packing under those layers of clothing. You shake your head hoping it will dust off the heat on your cheeks.
"Th-thank you for helping me out! I'm [Name] by the way"
"I'm Akaashi and you're welcome. Let me know if you need any more help"
He gives you a curt smile that makes your toes curl as you watch him retreat inside his apartment next to yours. Oh my god, this hot dude is your neighbor, talk about luck. When you enter back inside your place with tons of boxes to unload, that's when you begin to melt replaying the moment his hands held your shoulders.
Only weeks later your tiny crush on Akaashi developed further to full-on attraction that you're too shy to admit. Denial was futile not when he's so gorgeous and has a heart of gold. Akaashi makes you revert to a high school student giggling about their first crush. You're a grown adult yet you can't help but leave tiny notes on his mail whenever you pass by his door, like a student would to their crush's locker.
You are my church, you are my place of worship. I heard you're the plug, can I be the circuit?
When Akaashi finds this unusual note sticking out of his junk mail, he is perplexed. It was written in cursive and on pink paper...oh. He pauses. It almost resembles a deja vu moment. Nonetheless, it feels familiar and reminds him of when he was younger. Akaashi thinks if this note just happens to accidentally get mixed up with his mail. It was a possibility considering his name was not on the love note, or anybody's name for that matter. He scratches his head but discards the note under a stack of paperwork on his desk.
When I got court, I hope that you're the verdict. When you're around, my insides turn inverted
You delicately wrote on a piece of light pink paper with your fountain pen, it's been a while since you've written in cursive but you made an effort. You waited until the coast was clear as you snuck the folded note between Akaashi's daily stack of junk mail by his door before slipping off to leave and get groceries. Coincidentally, you meet him at the nearby supermarket. You go short-circuited when he offers you a smile and wave as you awkwardly return the gesture. God, you feel like melting again.
Take one look at you, you're heaven's incarnate. What is this spell, baby? Please show some mercy
Akaashi has been staring at this love note for thirty minutes already, unable to decipher what he felt. This was the third letter he had received and he had concluded that it wasn't accidental. Someone was intentionally sending him love notes. He tucks the note along with the others inside his favorite book and sits back. He feels like a high schooler contemplating their emotions after receiving their first confession in their locker. Akaashi has experienced this before and even politely rejected some of those love letters back in high school because romance wasn't a priority back then but now, he doesn't know what to do but wait until this secret admirer sends another note.
Melting like an ice cream when you smile. Melting, you're a daydream, stay a while
You're stuck in your apartment on a day of watching YouTube videos. Your search history was embarrassing. You recently snuck another note in Akaashi's mail and you're here praying you'll learn to be funny, so you're watching every stand-up comedy. You hoped that it'll at least rub off on you so Akaashi will smile at everything you say. You screamed against your hands, you truly felt like a frustrated teenager and hopelessly crushing on someone out of their league. But something in your heart tells you to persist or maybe you're delusional thinking your neighbor will return your feelings.
You got some soft lips and some pearly whites. I wanna touch them in the dead of night
For the first time, Akaashi smiles at the love note he has received. Albeit, small but visible. Something stirred in his chest that he had to double-take. He re-reads the note over and over again, he assumes that his secret admirer is a true romantic, and something about it makes his insides go fuzzy. He has zero clue about who could be giving him love notes, but god he wants to know.
Your smile ignites just like a candlelight. Then somehow, I know everything's alright
You wrote another letter and you were about to stick it in Akaashi's junk mail as always when you almost got caught. Thankfully, you slip the note in your pocket when Akaashi goes to pick up his mail, you pout, and you realize you're a second late to sneak your note. Your neighbor notices you and waves.
"Hi, [Name]"
"Hey, Akaashi"
"Do you mind if I ask you a question?"
He asks you as you nod, curiosity burning through your eyes. Akaashi invites you into his apartment and stores away his mail. Your heart stops when he shows you the oh-so-familiar pink note, and your flight or fight instincts almost go off. But you stiffy sat there, hoping your oblivious facade wouldn't give anything away.
"So, I've been getting these love notes for five days straight and I don't have the faintest idea who could be giving me these"
Akaashi shows you the love notes you've been anonymously giving him and you pretend to inspect them while deep in thought.
"Hm, it could be one of our neighbors"
"I'm not close with anyone besides you, [Name]"
God, you hope the blush won't be evident on your face. You pretend to cough on your hand to cover your face as you try to make up an excuse to leave because you have no idea how long you'll last without crumbling in front of Akaashi.
"I'll let you know if I find someone suspicious"
Akaashi watches you leave his apartment, seemingly in a rush. He sighed and was about to sit back in his office when he noticed a folded pink piece of paper left on his couch, right where you sat. He holds his breath picks up the note and unfolds it to reveal the same cursive handwriting to his secret admirer. His mouth goes agape. He didn't want to jump to conclusions but if he were right and you were his secret admirer, he wouldn't be more glad.
"Shit! Where's the note?!"
You searched all your pockets to find the note you previously wrote for Akaashi but never got to drop it off missing. Then your sweat turns cold, did it slip from your pocket and land on Akaashi's couch? There is no way. You grabbed a nearby pillow and screamed against it. You were beyond mortified. That's it, you're moving places again, probably in another country. Preferably while also changing your clothes, your hair, your face, and your name. It was impossible to look Akaashi in the eye anymore once he found that note and discovered you're his secret admirer, you doubt the guy has feelings for you in the first place.
You hugged your pillow and frowned, you shouldn't have done that. When you're about to sulk in your room and play some sad music to help you make you feel even more pathetic, a knock on your door interrupts you. Your stomach drops, you know it is Akaashi. Great, just fucking great. Maybe you should jump out of your window and escape? Or maybe just ignore him until he goes away? Or maybe just face him like a grown adult. You sighed and swallowed your fear as you dragged your feet towards the door.
Astoundingly, Akaashi was standing at your doorstep with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. You let out a silent gasp. Your neighbor was giving you a smile that never fails to make you melt.
"Akaashi, what's...what's this about?"
"I know about the notes, I know it was you"
"Oh. But why give me [Favorite flowers]?"
"Because I want to give it a shot. I want to let you know that you also make me melt like ice cream when you smile"
Hold up, could someone pinch you awake holy shit this feels so surreal. You stumble over your words before ultimately letting out a laugh, there was no way that your delusions came true and that you have an actual fucking shot with Akaashi Keiji. He stands there patiently, waiting for your answer.
"Are...are you for real?"
"I wouldn't have gotten to know you and what flowers you liked if I didn't like you"
"Holy shit, yes!"
You squeal as you go over to hug Akaashi, almost knocking the bouquet out of his hands. He laughs and holds you securely in his arms while his heart pounded wildly against his ribcage. When you both pull away and he sees that perfect smile of yours he never gets tired of seeing every day, he feels beyond ecstatic, fuzzy, and most of all, he feels melting like ice cream.
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©kitasgloves (do not steal or copy)
133 notes · View notes
kittyadore · 1 year
I wait for you
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—𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘦!42 𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘴, 𝘢𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱
—𝘴𝘢𝘥, 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴, 𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨
—𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵; 3𝘬
—𝘢/𝘯; hi lovelies, i know i was supposed to post this like 2 days ago AND it wasnt supposed to be longer than 1,5k but i got a bit carried away.. also yall aint ready for this i promise i put my heart into this
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You always hated waiting for your boyfriend. You absolutely despised it, every time you had to wait for Miles, because he had something 'important' ruin your plans. Not talking about him being a couple minutes late, but whole hours. This man got you waiting hours for him to come to your date, cause of his important shit.
In anticipation of the day, your heart brimmed with excitement for the long-awaited date you had planned with him. The nostalgia swept over you, knowing that today, you were destined to revisit the very restaurant where your first date happened, a place tinged with sentimental memories.
As you prepared for the evening, a soft melody escaped your lips, a reflection of the contentment that filled your heart. The sight of your boyfriend never failed to make your heart flutter, even though you two see each other on a daily basis. How could it be otherwise? In your eyes, he embodied perfection, a sentiment that filled you with gratitude for his presence in your life, day after day.
You got abruptly brought back to the reality as you heard the chime of a notification coming from your phone, the fleeting joy that had enveloped you dissipated as you reluctantly opened a text message from Miles, its contents shrouded in uncertainty.
[mi novio]: sorry ma, ill be abit late
[mi novio]: just a couple minutes dw, its something really important
[mi novio]: ill make it up to u
[you]: ur joking miles
With a mixture of frustration and resignation, you flung your phone onto the bed, releasing a heavy sigh that echoed through the room. It was a familiar scene, for his perpetual tardiness had become a predictable pattern. Yet, deep down, a glimmer of hope persisted, longing for a change this time.
Despite your longing to remain nestled in the comfort of your bed, the difficult struggle to secure a reservation at the coveted restaurant compelled you to get up to embark on your journey. Reluctantly, you grabbed your phone and tucked it into your purse. . A light mist of perfume adorned your being, a final touch of preparation. As you approached the front door, ready to step outside, you got stopped by your mother.
"Have fun sweetie! You going out with Miles?" Your mother's words echoed in the air as you gazed at her, a confused expression etched upon your face. Who else could you be going out with, considering your carefully chosen attire.
"Yeah mom, Miles." Under your breath, a mutter escaped your lips accompanied by an eye roll. You said goodbye to your mother and slowly made your way to your destiny. As you traversed the crowded streets of Brooklyn, you found solace in the sanctuary of your thoughts, determined to fend off mounting frustration aimed at Miles.
However, your patience had reached its breaking point. Despite your unwavering love for your boyfriend, you couldn't understand why was he always so late. His explanations of "it's important" or "it's my work" fell short, leaving you yearning for a deeper understanding that he seemed unwilling to provide, despite your heartfelt appeals. You couldn't help but wonder, could his reasons truly be so dire as to justify the constant disregard for your feelings?
Abruptly, a sharp masculine voice shattered the confines of your trance, jolting you back to reality. You strained to place the unfamiliar sound that pierced the air, it was definitely not Miles.
"Hey, hottie!" You visibly cringed at the words, walking away from the man. "Come on, talk to me."
"I have a boyfriend."You retorted firmly, refusing to stop. The stranger's advances failed to sway your resolve. "He doesn't have to know, really." He grabbed you by your shoulder, compelling you to meet his gaze, a physical imposition that demanded your attention.
"Fuck off." You firmly pushed him away in utter disgust, asserting your boundaries with unwavering strength. "No means no, and you better remember that." Accelerating your pace, a surge of urgency propelled you forward, fueled by a desperate need to escape any potential danger, trying to reach the destination as fast as possible.
Sitting yourself at the fancy reserved table, you took your phone out, but seeing no messages from your boyfriend made the faint smile fade off your face.
[you]: how long do u think it will take u
[you]: im waiting
As silence persisted from Miles, a heavy sigh escaped your lips, prompting you to seek solace in the realm of social media, curious about the lives of your friends. However, upon encountering a picture of your best friend and her girlfriend, accompanied by the "I love you" caption, a pang of unease twisted your stomach. Sure, you were glad she was happy, but the an insidious jealousy gnawed at your insides. In an attempt to stifle those feelings, you left a like on the image before returning to the conversation with Miles, desperately hoping that perhaps you had missed a message from him.
[you]: how long do u think it will take u
[you]: im waiting
Seen. Three simple letters stared back at you, a stark departure from the norm. Miles had never once left you hanging, always quick to respond with a brief "can't talk rn" or "one sec." You tapped your nails on the table nervously, as a torrent of worrisome thoughts flooded your mind. Yet, among the anxiety, you desperately clung to self-reassurance, convincing yourself that he must be preoccupied with matters at hand, nothing more sinister or distressing.
[you]: miles?? everything okay?
[you]: im worried
Still nothing. . Concern mounted within you as minutes slipped by, morphing into an agonizing hour, with nothing but deafening silence emanating from your boyfriend. As the time was passing, it was finally time to leave the fancy place and make your way back home. Rising from your seat, a sense of hesitation clung to you like a shadow, your fingers lingering over the final check of phone notifications, before reluctantly leaving the building.
On your way back, you decided the best way to make all the bad thoughts go away is to grab a coffee. The very place where Miles had always whisked you away to after your dates, serving as a comforting refuge upon your return home, teemed with bustling crowds. Undeterred, you made the conscious choice to partake in your usual order, braving the crowd before embarking on the remaining walk homeward.
"Can I have the same as always, please?" you addressed the familiar cashier, whom you knew by name, as it was your turn to place an order. She received your request, responding with a gentle smile that graced her face. Completing the transaction, you exchanged payment for the awaited drink, patiently waiting for its preparation. With the warm cup now in your hands, you travelled the bustling streets of Brooklyn, a decision solidified within you to pay a visit to Miles' mother, consumed by growing concern for your beloved boyfriend.
Knocking on the door of the familiar place, you were greeted by Rio's radiant smile and tender embrace, a comforting presence amidst the storm of your emotions. Her perceptive eyes swiftly captured the worry etched upon your face, prompting an immediate shift on her face.
"Hey, what's the matter sweetheart? Did mi hijo do something again? I swear this boy is only trouble." she inquired, concern evident in her tone. She shook her head, almost as if she had already anticipated the nature of the problem. In response, a gentle laugh escaped your lips, a reassurance that the situation was not exactly as she presumed.
"Well, he simply didn't show up for our date. I mean he said he was going to be late, but it's been over an hour now and there's been no response to my texts," You explained, your voice tinged with worry. Anxiety flooded your thoughts once more, flooding you in a torrent of unsettling possibilities. "I'm really worried about him, this kind of thing never happens. I'm just scared something happened to him" You confided, seeking solace in the comforting embrace of Rio, not wanting to imagine a world without her son, your boyfriend.
Seated together on the couch, both you and Miles' mother found yourselves in a state of uncertainty, unaware of where the boy is. In an attempt to distract your troubled mind, she kindly offered you a slice of cake she had recently baked. As conversation flowed freely, spanning topics both trivial and profound, a sudden realization washed over you. In the warm embrace of this space, a sense of belonging enveloped your being, stirring a feeling that extended beyond mere comfort. Here, within these walls, you felt an unexplainable sense of safety, an assurance that surpassed any other place you had ever known.
The light-hearted conversation between you and the woman was abruptly interrupted by the distant ringing of her phone emanating from another room. She let out a small sigh, rising from the couch and making her way towards her bedroom to retrieve the device. While a wave of curiosity washed over you, it didn't feel appropriate to ask about the caller, knowing it wasn't your place to do so. Yet, deep within your heart, a glimmer of hope flickered— a silent wish that it would be Miles on the other end, assuring his mother of his well-being and providing an explanation for his absence.
A heavy breath escaped her lips as she returned from the other room, her trembling hands struggling to maintain a grip on the phone. Your attention instinctively turned towards her, and the expression on your face shifted abruptly as you took in the state she was in, a mixture of concern and apprehension washing over you.
"Is everything okay?" you asked, your voice trembling with fear and genuine concern, as she seemed to have heard something quite bad. "Is it.. Is it about him?" You questioned, your voice barely above a whisper, anxiety tightening its grip on your heart.
Her gaze fixated upon your face, a swift nod affirming the gravity of your concerns. "The hospital." she uttered with a sense of urgency, the weight of those two words lingering in the air. In a swift motion, she hastened towards the door, leaving you rooted in place, unable to move. The two words echoed through your mind, causing you to freeze in utter disbelief. The hospital? What happened? Questions swirled within, leaving you yearning for answers, your heart gripped by an unsettling sense of unease.
Not wanting to stay behind, and desperate for answers, you hurriedly trailed after her to the waiting car, realizing the urgency of reaching your destination as swiftly as possible. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on your heart, knowing that your boyfriend's life hung in the balance, yet unable to understand the extent of the danger. Unwilling to burden Miles' mother with probing questions, you refrained from seeking specifics. As daunting as it appeared to you, you couldn't help but acknowledge that the ordeal was undoubtedly even more distressing for her.
On your way to the hospital, an undeniable tension enveloped the car, willing to broach the unfolding situation. The weight of the unspoken words hung heavily in the air, intermittently interrupted by muted coughs and the rhythm of pounding hearts, mirroring the whirlwind of inexplicable questions that consumed your thoughts. Each glimpse of crimson traffic lights intensified the sense of urgency, causing both of you to lose your minds, as reaching your destination with maximum haste became the main objective in that critical moment.
Exiting the vehicle in haste, the two of you stumbled towards the entrance of the hospital, urgency propelling your every step. With a sense of determination, you swiftly reached the reception area, conveniently located near the entrance. You, your voice laced with concern, immediately inquired about the whereabouts of your boyfriend.
"I'm sorry sweetheart, but that's the information only the family can get." She spoke, looking up at me from her seat, as I tapped my fingers nervously on the table. Her words echoed in my mind as Miles' mom stood up "I'm his mother!"
"Alright, ma'am, I get it. But her?" she gestured towards me, her finger pointed in my direction. "I'm sorry, I don't make the rules." Hearing those words, I moved away to the side, hoping that the woman at the reception could provide any information to Miles' mother. She shook her head in disappointment, releasing a heavy sigh, and then guided the two of you towards the room where your boyfriend was laying. As you traversed the corridor, your breath grew heavier, permeating the air with anxiety, while the glimpse of other occupied rooms passed by in a blur.
As you finally reached the desired room, you found yourself standing before its closed door, grappling with mixed emotions. While a part of you yearned to lay eyes on your beloved boyfriend, another part hesitated, fearing the sight of him in a vulnerable state. Miles held an irreplaceable position in your heart, and the mere thought of witnessing him in pain inflicted a pang of distress within you.
As the woman entered the hospital room, requesting you to wait outside for when she's finished, you decided to settle into one of the unwieldy chairs that lined the sterile hallway.Grasping a fashion magazine, you attempted to distract your racing thoughts, seeking solace in its glossy pages. However, your mind couldn't help but be consumed by a constant stream of questions, each one a knot of concern, wondering about what happened to Miles.
The sound of the door creaking disrupted your focus, drawing your attention away from the tightly clutched magazine. In response, you swiftly rose from your seat, hope and anxiety intertwining in your gaze as you awaited the woman's response. A faint smile played upon her lips as she met your gaze, her voice barely above a whisper as she murmured, "He's fine… I think." Her hand gently settled upon your shoulder, urging you forward, and you obediently followed her lead, guided towards the room.
With deliberate steps and hushed breaths, you entered the room, treading softly to minimize any disruption that might disturb Miles. The sight before you stopped your movement, capturing your attention and evoking a mix of relief and concern. There he was, your beloved boyfriend, laying on the hospital bed, hurt by quite a dangerous situation.
His braided hair laid loosely on the sides of his peaceful face, his eyes closed, and his head slightly tilted to one side. Taking a seat on a small chair positioned by the hospital bed, you delicately intertwined your hand with his, craving his touch and connection. Despite yearning for his warmth, you exercised caution, not wanting to cause him any discomfort. Your thumb gently traced patterns on his hand, letting out a deep sigh of affection as you admired his face, finding solace in his presence even amidst the current circumstances.
His shaking voice disrupted your thoughts, drawing your attention away from your contemplation of his features. Startled, you realized he was awake, his eyes still closed as he spoke. "Hey, ma," he began, his words laced with regret. "I'm sorry I couldn't make it. I'm sorry I kept you waiting." His apology hung in the air, permeating the room with a mixture of vulnerability and guilt.
"Miles, what on earth are you talking about?" you responded, disbelief tinged with deep concern in your voice. Your gaze scanned his face, your eyes stuck on his. "Look at yourself; this is not the time nor place for apologies. I'm just glad that you're okay. You have absolutely nothing to apologize for. Your words carried a genuine reassurance, urging him to recognize the profound relief you felt at his safety, and your inability to comprehend why he would blame himself in such a moment.
"I wanted to see you, ma. I know I'm always late or cancel our plans, I wanted to change that. I knew how much it meant to you, believe me. I realized how late I was, and I hurried to be with you, mami. But then this happened." he explained, his voice loaded with a mix of regret and urgency, his grip on your hand tightening. As his breath grew deeper, a sense of concern washed over you. "Are you okay? Miles?" you asked, worry etched in your voice, your attentiveness catching the shift in his breathing pattern.
"I'm fine," he reassured, though his attempts to calm himself proved pointless. "It's nothing, really. They'll release me soon, and I'll be back home before you know it, I promise, ma." You looked at him, concern deep in your eyes, as he spoke. You gazed at him, your eyes filled with deep concern as he spoke. The worry for his well-being weighed heavily on your heart, knowing that the state he was in was far from one that would warrant his immediate release.
"Miles, you can't be released soon. Just look at yourself, you need time to heal and regain your strength. I promise, I'll visit you as often as I can, but your health comes first. You don't look well at all," you started, wanting to express your genuine concern for your boyfriend. However, your heartfelt words were abruptly stopped by a long, uninterrupted sound that pierced the air, causing you to gasp in fear. Your eyes darted towards the nearby device, and your heart sank as you noticed a significant change on its display.
The door swung open, revealing Miles' mother standing outside, her face etched with worry. In a sudden rush, a couple of doctors rushed past her and into the room where Miles layed. Your body felt frozen, still gripping his hand tightly as chaos unfolded around you. One of the medical workers gently guided you out of the room, his voice a hushed reassurance, "He'll be fine." The door closed, separating you from your boyfriend, and you crumbled against the wall, sinking to the ground. Tears welled up in your eyes, tracing a path down your cheeks as the weight of uncertainty and fear pressed upon your heart. Miles' mother tenderly joined you, enveloping you in her embrace, her soothing words offering solace to both of you in this harrowing moment.
The words of your boyfriend echoed through your mind, a fragile strand of hope clinging to your thoughts.
"I'll be back home before you know it, I promise, ma"
I wait for you.
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chycoin · 7 months
Last part of my acoustic review!
First Previous
(Ik @lizaluvsthis pointed this out but I still wanted to talk about this scene as well)
When Smg3 hides Mario inside his hat for almost a good minute, Mario jumps out of there claiming that Smg3 needs to use shampoo or in other words needs a good shower.
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Now, if we look into the latest video from the SMG4 Crew, if you’re one of those people who looks closer into the background details to find lore or clues that can lead up to a possible plot in future episodes of the series, you can see that Smg4 has researched if Smg3 takes a shower (as if Google is going to know that ._.xD) because he also has noticed that 3 stinks to the point that is kinda unbearable to be near him and even calling him out on it.
During the writing of this, I was talking to my partner and pointing out that Smg3 hasn’t taken a shower in days if not weeks, which I didn’t expect to have the same idea as him about the reason that he hasn’t taken a shower could be because maybe the guy is depressed since having depression can lead to not care about your hygiene that much or even yourself.
Which I’m going say that its probably going to get worse but who knows, maybe after this episode Smg3 will open up more but trust takes a long time to build up and specially when you lived almost your entire life alone, with no one to trust or cry to. Being in someone else’s shadow and everyone just viewing you as just the bad guy and never looking underneath that evil persona that you built up over the years.
But moving on, after Mario complains about Smg3’s odor. Getting poisoned, carried has a football, kidnapped and pulled like a rag doll…
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Some may think that Smg4 still sees Smg3 as someone selfish and all but here’s the thing…
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How was he supposed to know that Smg3 wasn’t feeling alright, if 3 isn’t letting his feelings out and just bottling himself to the point he snaps to Smg4 and tells him how he feels. How he’s been viewing himself as. Not caring anymore if Smg4 judges him or makes fun of him for being vulnerable, just like it happened when they wrecked his studio.
He even sounded like he was about to breakdown in front of Mario and Smg4, definitely a lot of emotion right there. To which I’ll say that James really did a good job with the voice acting👌
Now that Smg4 knows how 3’s been feeling, he does what a friend does and he well said it at the beginning of the episode
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He lets Smg3 have the USB that was going to make 4’s channel popular, so 3’s café can be popular instead because he knows how much it matters to Smg3. He knows that this is going to give 3 that love and fame he’s been wanting for years.
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If you guys remember that Sun and Moon example I did on the first part of this long ass review.
If I well said that the moon (Smg3) can’t shine that bright because is just a floating rock, it doesn’t mean the moon can’t receive help from the sun (Smg4) to shine a little bit by sharing some of that light. So, that’s what happened here.
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(I expected a hug but I still like the fist bump 🤲✨)
After a beautiful and sentimental moment between these goobers, they see a light that at first they thought it was a sunrise but of course, they forgot that the dump was having a daily clean up that same night and like any normal human being, they would freak out and try to escape the place before getting blown to ashes.
Smg3 blames Mario for running away and Mario tells him that if only they knew how to BLJ, they wouldn’t have taken that long to find him. That’s when Smg4 has an idea to get them out of there, telling Mario to BLJ for their lives.
Eventually they get out of there and land on 3’s CnB. Smg3 grabs the video and starts to upload it to endorse his café buuut the plot twist is that the video with “Michael Jordan” didn’t have “Michael Jordan” and instead had a snail with name of “Mikel Jorden” endorsing the café.
Here’s where I question if Smg4 really know’s how to read? Like I get it, people can misread and it isn’t crime at all but man, there’s no way you didn’t catch the differences between “Michael Jordan” and “Mikel Jorden” ._.xD
Anyways, Smg3 was about to hand 4’s ass to him, after realizing he went through all that trouble for nothing and Smg4 wasn’t going to do anything about it since he would’ve probably done the same thing in 3’s place.
Though, someone enters the place, to which 3 & 4 turn around to see who entered the establishment and realized it was no other than Mikel Jorden and a bunch of more snails entering the place, causing the place to temporarily close down due to snail infestation.
My final thoughts of this episode:
Without a doubt one of my favorites. James really did a great job with the voice acting in this episode.
He’s done a great job with Smg3 over the course of the series but this episode he really sent it with the emotion 👍
The jokes landed nicely, making me laugh more than once of course.
And finally, the plot was really good. I like that we get to dive into Smg3’s character and see what’s going on with him a little more. I wonder what other things the next episodes will have in store to discover ;)
With that said, that’s it from me.
Thanks for reading this attempt of a review I did and sorry for taking long to finish this part but I kind of procrastinated this and not to mention I had other stuff going on. If ya’ll find grammar errors, misspellings, or some misplaced arguments or thoughts, that’s because I’m no good writer nor reviewer.
Though, I wanted to give it a try since I’ve been a fan of reading and watching this kind of stuff and I’ve seen a lot of people sharing their opinions and povs about Smg4 episodes, which gave me the courage to give this a try.
Will I do this again? Idk, maybe if I get the courage to try this again but let’s see what happens ;)
Welp that’s it (frs this time xd)
Have a goodnight guys *passes out*
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skeletonpunching · 2 years
Buddy Daddies interview with Ayase
Interview with Ayase (musical artist for the opening theme, SHOCK!)
Interviewer: What impression did you have of the series "Buddy Daddies", which features "SHOCK!" as its opening?
Ayase: When I first received the basic rundown of the series, I thought, "This girl's (Unasaka Miri's) level of cuteness is going to be really essential when it gets animated." And then I actually saw the footage, and Miri was absolutely adorable.
Interviewer: Did the anime production staff have any specific instructions for the composition of the song?
Ayase: They didn't really request anything specific. Just that since it's meant to be an anime opening song, they'd like something more fast-paced, rather than mellow... That was the vibe they were going for, and it was what I had in mind as well.
Interviewer: How did the worldview and atmosphere of the series inspire your ideas for the song?
Ayase: I knew that the plot of the series was the protagonists parenting, and so I wanted to use that as one of the themes of the song - the part where they confront the question of "love", and find themselves steadily changing. But in fact, this song isn't entirely about the series itself; it's connected to the series, but it addresses the themes of what I've personally experienced in life, and my feelings about the responsibility of loving others. 
Interviewer: And is that also what inspired the title "SHOCK!"...?
Ayase: When you're emotionally devastated, or when you've turned away from precious feelings like romantic love, you suddenly meet someone who has a huge influence on your mindset and your way of life. The title is connected to the anime storyline, but it also expresses that sort of tremendous effect. "SHOCK!" is meant to literally convey that impact.
Interviewer: Is there anything you were especially concerned with when creating the song?
Ayase: I'm usually part of a group called YOASOBI, where I have the role of composer - I focus exclusively on songwriting. But YOASOBI's central concept is "making novels into music", which means I'm always drawing inspiration from other people's stories and sentiments for my own writing. So I inevitably come up with a lot of songs that have strong narratives and thematic messages.
This time, I was inspired by "Buddy Daddies" as well, but since I was performing it as a solo vocalist, I wanted the phrasing of the lyrics to also reflect my own personal tastes to some extent. I was trying to make something that would be easy listening, and could be enjoyed with no constraints. But when I say "easy", I don't mean I didn't put any effort into it. What I mean is that I wanted people to enjoy it simply, and so I kept things simple and loose as well. It doesn't carry any sort of deep message - rather, it's about the fleeting doubts that surface as I go through life, the feelings I have for people who are kind to me, and the casual thoughts I have on a daily basis. I took all those things and focused on putting them into words. I couldn't have done this if I wasn't releasing it as a solo artist.
Interviewer: I guess it's different when you're performing the vocals yourself.
Ayase: I just thought, "Man, singing sure is fun." (laughs) I'm also a Vocaloid producer, so when I compose songs for other artists, I often send them a Vocaloid demo with Hatsune Miku first. But since I was performing this song myself, I recorded the demos with my own voice right from the start. I explored my comfort zone as I sang, and I had a lot of fun striving for the best results. 
Interviewer: Please tell us how you felt when you saw the opening sequence accompanied by "SHOCK!"
Ayase: I usually picture scenes in my head while composing, and since I'd gotten to see the "Buddy Daddies" character designs, I had thoughts of "it would be cool if they put in a shot like this at this point", or "that might be interesting". And I think it turned out incredibly close to what I had in mind. Of course, I didn't say anything like "I'd love an opening like this", so it's not like they were trying to reflect my preferences, but I could tell that they crafted the footage while taking into account the song's intent and atmosphere. So it made me very happy to watch it.
Interviewer: Is there anything you keep in mind when working on tie-in songs - not just the one for "Buddy Daddies"?
Ayase: Different musicians and artists all approach songwriting with different mindsets, and there will be more tie-in songs in future - for anime, commercials, and so on - but when I'm lucky enough to be chosen, I always want them to come away thinking, "I'm glad I worked with Ayase." That's my top priority, and I think that's how it should be.
I said just now that I produced this song simply and loosely, according to my own tastes, but I still thought carefully about the series. I want people to feel that I have a strong sense of professionalism and am producing work that no one else could do. Not just for anime, but for other tie-in songs as well - I don't just want to make cool songs. I understand that I've been called on for a certain purpose, so I want to create the best work I possibly can. That's why I give it my all, every single day.
Interviewer: How has the public reaction to "SHOCK!" been?
Ayase: When I release songs as part of my regular YOASOBI activity, or when a tie-in series gets broadcast, I'm usually very curious about the public reception. So I check online almost right away. But this time, since I was singing the song myself, I couldn't quite bear to see the reaction. Plus when the anime first started airing, I was really too busy to be on social media much. Honestly, I'm kind of scared to vanity-search myself this time. I've just been getting LINE messages from my family and close friends, saying things like "it's good", and of course that's a huge relief. As a vocalist, I still haven't built up a resistance to public reactions, so if anyone says anything mean I'll probably cry. (laughs)
Interviewer: Please tell us what you think are the selling points of this series "Buddy Daddies".
Ayase: It's got lots of comedic elements and lighthearted scenes, but the serious parts are also legitimately serious. And that also makes the comical bits stand out all the more - it's like a fun black comedy. It kind of has the vibe of a foreign series, and that's an interesting aspect I haven't really seen before.
Interviewer: Finally, please give a message to everyone who is enjoying this series.
Ayase: To all the viewers watching "Buddy Daddies" every week, I hope you enjoy both the opening sequence and the song "SHOCK!" Thank you so much for everything!
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good-beanswrites · 1 year
Yor Week Day 5: Family ☕🍵
A quick drabble of Yor and a teen Anya! I just wanted a sweet little snapshot of their daily life post-canon/post-reveals
“Your birthday’s coming up.” Yor stirred her coffee. “Are you busy? Your father and I were thinking of taking you to the aquarium, he said there’s a special event going on the same day.”
“I’m not sure,” Anya leaned her chin in her hands. The pair sat at an outdoor table at the local cafe. “Becky wanted to go out. She and a few friends wanted to spend the day together.”
The aforementioned friend’s sense of fashion had started to rub off on her. Happy to lose her high school uniform on breaks like this, she was dressed in current trends and styles. She’d grown her hair long to style in her own way, refusing help from her friends. Yor never said anything, but she recognized the way the thick braids tucked just at her neck, with curling pink locks framing her face.
Anya’s features scrunched up, lost in thought for a moment. “So...” 
She was slowly ridding herself of the habit, but Yor couldn’t help her thoughts from carrying her away in nervousness. Of course the girl’s friends would want to take her out. She thought the aquarium was a good idea – Yuri had loved going too, as a kid. But that was just it, Anya wasn’t a baby anymore. She had to stop thinking she knew how to care for a family just because she’d cared for her brother for a little while. Having a daughter was different.
“That sounds fun,” she forced a smile. Knowing it wasn't the most convincing of looks, she flooded her mind with the thought. She did believe it. It did sound fun. Things with friends were always great. Yor was so happy Anya had such wonderful friends in her life. Anya deserved to have fun with them.  “Yes, you should do that!”
Sure enough, she saw Anya’s bright eyes studying her. Though her mind was spilling with positivity, the conflicted look on the girl’s face didn’t lessen.
“The thing is… we’ve been doing a lot as a family recently, and, well…”
Yor’s hands clutched around her mug. Hairline cracks appeared on the side. She willed herself to calm down, but her heart was breaking as much as the cup. It was no wonder her daughter would rather spend the day with others! She’d been too overbearing, too enthusiastic to do lame things. She’d been keeping Anya from being the free teenager she wanted to be. 
She’d heard accounts of children growing up too fast, but it was even more painful than she’d expected. It seemed like only yesterday she was threatening parents of students who were insulting Anya’s tiny stature, and now she was grown and running off to make her own birthday plans.
“So it was you that scared Mrs. Greene our first year!”
“What?!” This time, the mug did shatter. Coffee and porcelain shards spread across the cafe table.
“I knew it!” She let out a giggle. “You had papa fooled, though.” Anya handed her a napkin, and helped to mop up the mess. “And mamaaaa…” She tugged on one of her pink curls, looking away.
Yor was surprised; that little gesture was a habit of her own. “What’s wrong?”
“I was going to say… I really want to hang out with you two.”
Her eyebrows raised.
“I just thought it would be silly to cancel on Becky, you know? Since we’ve already done so much together lately. But… the aquarium sounds fun. I really want to spend my birthday with you.”
Yor nodded, trying not to let her face betray her giddiness at the sentiment. “That sounds wonderful!”
The two continued making plans. Yor wanted her to be able to see her friends as well, and there was certainly room for everyone at the aquarium. Anya wanted to make sure the 'special event' wasn't an invention of her workaholic father. The three were used to working cases together, but it was her birthday, after all.
Suddenly, Anya’s eyes narrowed. Her lips twisted into something mischievous. “So… what are you guys getting for my present?” 
“I told you, it’s a surprise,” she said as her daughter stared intently.
Her look of triumph immediately turned to horror. She swatted her hands at Yor. “Noooo! Stop that! I don’t need to hear about you and papa making out!”
“Maybe you shouldn't have been snooping.” Yor grinned shamelessly. “Come on, I get to keep one thing from you all year.”
“That’s still gross.” She made a theatrically disgusted face, which only made Yor’s smile soften. “Hey! It's not adorable when I do that.”
“You’re always adorable.” 
Anya huffed. 
“And also,” Yor grimaced.
“That whole thing about Charles’ parents stays between us, alright? Your father can never know.”
The girl let out a laugh. “Aw, mama. I'm you're daughter – you know I can keep a secret.”
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cynosdaydream · 1 year
Cercis Canadensis
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With the season of leaves turning red approaching, you couldn't help but be reminded of his eyes--and how much you miss him.
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : 演劇 / ナノウ (Engeki / Nanou)
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
Word Count: 2.1k Author's notes: Kazuha is the love of my life I need him to write me a poem or I'll fall ill CWs: Not much, just you missing Kazuha and him coming back after a long expedition
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Autumn was fast approaching, with the once jade coloured leaves now turning a brilliant vermillion. The weather was turning chiller, the cold gently grazing your skin as a reminder of the fading summer. This approaching season only made your heart long harder for your lover, the wandering samurai yet to return back from Inazuma. Kazuha never failed to send you a letter or two every week, each one containing a poem or a short line about you. 
“Just as the sky waits for the sun and the land waits for the rain, I hope you await my return just as much.” 
You smiled as you tucked the letter into a box that was specifically for all the letters that you received from him. It was almost filled to the brim with various coloured envelopes, each sealed with a bittersweet shimmer red wax seal. Gently putting a cover on the box, you then headed down to the docks of Liyue. It had become a part of your daily routine, to go down to see the ships, each time hoping that you would see your grey-haired lover standing there with open arms.
Oh, how your heart pined for him, each rise and set of the scarlet sun a biting reminder of another day that the spot on the other side of your bed was empty. You couldn’t fault him though; if he wished to travel the entirety of Teyvat, who were you to hold him back from his passions? “Although I wished he was home a bit more…” You tried to stop this selfish thought from entering your mind. If wandering and traveling was his ambition, then you were more than happy to let him pursue it. 
The wooden boards beneath your feet creaked at the pressure you put on them as you speedwalked to the port. In the distance, you spotted someone wearing red robes, claymore in hand. Beidou! This means the Crux has arrived in Liyue, and maybe bringing Kazuha with it. The Captain already knew your daily routine, and her smile slowly thinned into a line. “Sorry, no luck today, ___” Ah. You haven’t even asked her, but she knew.
The expression on your face morphed into one of disappointment, but you still managed to hurriedly smile and say, “No worries, Captain Beidou. I’ll come back again tomorrow then.” She waved you goodbye and continued chatting with some other Liyue citizens before calling to her crew to start preparing the ship for departure. Being filled with hope then being let down was not uncommon. You stood at the docks until the glorious Crux became nothing more than a tiny dot in the horizon. 
Oh well. Guess you’ll have to wait a bit longer, is what you tell yourself each time. This time, you just decided to wander around, letting your legs carry you wherever they wished. After a while, your feet started to ache, and you noticed that the sun was stretching into the west, the sky changing from a soft blue to blazing red. As you looked around, you noticed you were near Wangshuu Inn, but didn’t feel like going inside. The cool weather and quiet atmosphere made you feel a bit sentimental.
A wine coloured leaf drifted into your hand, just like how it made your mind drift back to Kazuha. When he finally arrived back in Liyue, he would definitely enjoy this environment, no loud noises and surrounded by nature. This just made you miss him even more, his eyes which looked like the finest of rubies, his heaven-sent smile, and the way he would recite love poems he made for you, the sweet words making you feel flustered. 
The next few days were just a blur to you. The weather had gotten a few degrees colder, and you now had to wear an extra layer if you wanted to go out for long periods of time. You still stuck to your routine, going down to the ships every day, keeping an eye out for your silver-haired wandering samurai, all to no avail. Although, a letter did arrive at your house, 
“Dearest ____,
   I hope this letter reaches you in good spirits.  Every day we are apart, my soul yearns for you even more. I am currently waiting for the boat that takes me back to Liyue to arrive. Apologies for this rather short letter, but I hope that I get to see you soon.  Captain Beidou  says I should arrive by tomorrow evening, and I could not anticipate that time any more. Rest well, my dove.”
I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again, Kazuha.” 
Holding the letter close to your heart, you slid it into the box of letters. It was always comforting to receive a letter to him, each curved stroke on the parchment felt like a comforting embrace from your lover. You couldn’t wait for him to come home tomorrow, ready to enjoy this brisk weather, thinking of all the fun activities you could do. Pointing out white, fluffy clouds which resembled certain things, and counting the infinite stars in the sky as the cerulean landscape drained into a brilliant midnight blue. Sighing in a lovesick daze, you decided to quickly head to bed, determined to pass the time faster. 
That night, the reddening Cercis canadensis outside your window seemed to be more vibrant than usual. 
Sleepiness still crusted your eyes shut in the morning, even with the bright sun shining through. The weather was cold, but your bed was so warm, making you reluctant to get up. It was far too comfortable to get out of bed and be productive. Then you realised that today was the day that your partner was arriving home. He usually isn’t away for very long, but this time was an exception. So when he got home, should you prepare a special meal for the both of you to eat? Or should you book a reservation at a restaurant for tonight? You thought he would prefer some alone time between you and him, so you finally decided to buy ingredients for a picnic basket. After all, having snacks under the starry sky was the best way to welcome your lover back home. 
Stifling a yawn, you took your time to change into comfortable clothes and threw an extra layer on yourself. Then you took a bag off the table and headed out to the markets of Liyue. It was quite therapeutic to stroll through the streets, meeting a few friends on your way to the market. “What should I get? Kazuha likes grilled fish, right? Maybe I should buy some of that.” Browsing through the stores, you finally found the store that sold seafood. You pointed at the fish that you wanted to purchase and handed the storeowner the money with a polite smile. They smiled kindly back at you, returning your change with the standard ‘Have a nice day!’ You then bought a few food items for yourself, and hummed as you headed home, excited for the plans that you had made for tonight. 
Little did you know that Kazuha’s plans had changed. After he sent the letter informing you about his arrival time to Liyue, the captain had told the passengers that the ship would be leaving and arriving to Liyue early. He was a bit frustrated as he had just sent the letter, but it wasn’t that big of a bother. After all, this would make for a good surprise, right? Maybe he should purchase a bouquet of flowers for you before the ship left. That was exactly what he did, picking up a small bouquet of white roses for you. “Come on, Loverboy. We’re going to depart soon.” Beidou smirked as she noticed the flowers that Kazuha was clutching in his hand. He flushed, giving a nod and rushing onto the ship instead of his usual smile and laugh. “What a strange boy.” 
Meanwhile in Liyue, you were packing all the food that you had bought and made into a picnic basket. Fish that was grilled exactly to Kazuha’s liking, a few sticks of Dango, and 2 bowls of rice that were covered with aluminium foil. You weren’t finished putting them inside when you heard the door unlock. Swiftly turning behind, you materialised your weapon and prepared to attack. Only two people had the key to your house: You and Kazuha. And he wouldn’t be back until tonight, so who on earth was outside–or now inside, your home? You peeked your head out of the kitchen, only to be met with your lover. 
Heaving s sigh of relief, you forgot to even dematerialise your weapon before excitement took over you and you jumped straight for Kazuha. “It’s so nice to see you again, love.” His vermillion eyes gazing at you with the utmost affection. None of you wanted to let go, so you stayed in his arms for a good while longer, basking in the warmth that he brought to you. His bandaged hands moved from your waist to intertwine your hands together, burying his face in your neck. 
Once you had finally let go, only then you realised the bouquet of flowers in his idle hand. “Are these for me?” You asked, gently grazing over them with your fingers. “Who else would they be for, silly?” Kazuha chuckled, placing the bouquet in your hand. “Ah, and your weapon, dove. It’s getting a bit too close for comfort.”  Your eyes widened slightly, forgetting that you had not yet dematerialised your weapon. You hastily apologised, turning away quickly to put the flowers in an empty vase. 
“I thought you were coming back later, Kazu. That’s why I started making dinner at this time. If I had known you were going to arrive early, I would have starting preparing lunch for us instead!” He made an apology, explaining to you how the news that the ship was leaving early was only announced to him after he had sent the letter. After hearing his explanation, you decided to ask him to help you to finish packing the food. The both of you then headed to the kitchen, where the grilled fish was still on the table. “You know me so well, dove.” Kazuha said, putting the aluminium wrapped food into the picnic basket with a soft smile on his face. 
“Shall we head out now?” You asked, taking the basket in your arms, keys in hand. “Sure, I think that going out to see the scenery in Liyue while eating would be lovely.” 
The sky was already turning into stunning shades of pink and orange when you had reached your destination, the outskirts of Qingce village. The journey was marginally tiring, but the view from the point you were at was breathtaking. The sunset blended perfectly into the sprawling flower field packed with vibrant flora, contrasting perfectly  against the bright blue water, now turning a darker blue due to the fading sunlight. You looked over at your silver-haired lover, whose hair was flowing freely in the gentle breeze. The evening hues complimented his face delightfully, making him seem like an angel sent from Celestia itself, and you couldn’t help but stare for a while longer, admiring how his lips formed a tender smile while he gazed at the setting sun.
“Are you staring at me, dove?” Ah, you got caught. But you didn’t mind–where did the wrong lie in admiring your beautiful lover?
“With a face like yours, how could I not?” You replied, with an mischievous smirk on your face. Kazuha’s face flushed, although it was a bit hard to see with the lighting. But the way his eyes widened and his expression was one of surprise was a dead giveaway to his flustered state. How cute, you thought. You picked up the picnic basket and set out all the food nicely, and Kazuha picked up one bowl of rice as well, cutting the grilled fish into small pieces before mixing them in his rice. He looked so calm and at peace while eating, you didn’t have the heart to interrupt him by loudly talking about your day, instead opting to eat your share of food as well. 
As you were eating, you hadn’t noticed that Kazuha had leaned over. You only knew of his presence when his smooth voice whispered in your ear, “I love you. Thank you for going out of your way to prepare all this for me. I’m truly grateful for you, my dove.” Now it was your turn to be flustered. “It’s no problem, I’m glad you’re back.” You smiled at him, linking your pinkies together. 
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im new to your blog, i understand your perspective and agree with a lot of things you've said regarding wanting an increase in sex education and safer contraception and support to victims of abuse and orphans, but id also like to present a perspective to you, that in the absence of betterment in everything listed above and in some other situations, abortion is valid, and id like to know your opinion on some of these. a survivor's choice of not wanting to carry their rapist's child to term, especially by risking complications caused by pregnancy like pulmonary embolism and the strain caused by pregnancy on the body along with the triggering of trauma should be respected, its a harrowing and cruel experience and not everyone can choose to continue. ectopic pregnancies and the like where the fetus is doomed require a medical termination of pregnancy, and if there's an option of choosing between the mother and the child then the mother should be prioritised, nothing breaks a family apart quite like the death of a mother and the mother also has a right to life. wanting sex education and availability of contraceptives to improve is a good sentiment but in the absence of such improvements, should the only other way be taken out? hoping to hear what you think soon
Hi Anon! Thanks for the ask and for your kind attitude! It's a breath of fresh air amid all the hateful anons I get on a daily basis! I really appreciate it.
You seem to be coming at this situation for a place of compassion and I can respect that. However in my heart of hearts I cannot believe there is compassion in the intentional taking of a vulnerable human life. A human who has no say, has done no wrong, and is full of potential. I think there are many ways to show compassion and love to victims of rape (like myself,) but I do not believe that enduring suffering gives one a free pass to hand the violence down to another. You say that "in the absence of betterment in everything listed above and in some other situations, abortion is valid," and I have to disagree. In the absence of a society that prioritizes human life we have to be the people who stand up and say "No. We deserve better." Not accept a culture of death and ongoing oppression of women and their children. We live in a world that does not give women the protection they need. Does not provide sufficiently for pregnant mothers, does not accommodate pregnancy, and has failed to protect victims of rape. Should our unborn children suffer death at our hands because of of societies failings? Do two wrongs make a right?
In the second half of your ask you are talking about medical priority and ectopic pregnancy, which is not the same procedure as an abortion and the major majority of prolifers will agree is a non-applicable situation. In fact you will find that ectopic pregnancy treatments are explicitly excluded from bills that ban abortions, or aren't mentioned at all; because again, it's a different medical procedure. When only one life can be saved, doctors choose the strongest, or most likely to live, which is always the adult in these cases. These instances are always tragic, as it is always tragic when a life cannot be saved. But this is not the same as a procedure that exists for the explicit purpose of violently and brutally ripping a human to pieces, or poisoning them to death. That choice is not a valid choice to make. Saving one life over another is not the same as intentionally killing someone. I definitely encourage you to research medical priority and what tends to happen when such a choice must be made. I believe family also gets a say, but I could be wrong on that front.
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clivedenniscole · 4 months
Giulietta's Memoir
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Giulietta Capelletto is no ordinary young woman; with a heart full of curiosity and a spirit ablaze with passion, Giulietta is on the brink of womanhood, ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and exploration.
As Giulietta opens the pages of her memoir, you are invited into the lively world of her teenage self. Through her own words, Giulietta paints a picture of a young woman eager to unravel the mysteries of life and love, to cut across the winding pathways of the city and soak up its energetic  sights and sounds.
During the hustle and bustle of daily life, Giulietta's memoir is a reflection on the central theme of love, a force that shapes her experiences and defines her journey. Giulietta will speaks of the innocence of her youth, of the thrill of first love that set her heart racing, and of the turbulent emotions that accompanied matters of the heart.
But woven into the structure of her account are hints of the challenges and obstacles Giulietta would face on her quest for love. The age-old hostility between her family, the Capelletto’s, and Roméo's family, the Montecchio’s, casts a shadow over her tale, threatening to tear her apart from the man she loves most dearly.
Yet, despite the threatening shadow of tragedy, Giulietta's memoir is not just a story of sorrow; it is also a celebration of the joys and sorrows of teenage life. Through her words, Giulietta invites readers to join her on a journey of self-discovery, passion, and ultimately, tragedy. And as we turn the pages of her account, we are reminded of the timeless power of love that echos through the ages, touching the hearts of all who dare to experience its depths.
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Love At First Sight: 1
thin line between love and hate
Today, I experienced something extraordinary – a moment that felt like destiny. It all began with a glance, a fleeting meeting of eyes that sparked a fire within me. — Tonight finds me immersed in deep contemplation, my mind a whirlwind of this evening's events and the intricate emotions they've aroused. Nurse's revelation about the identity of the young man who held my hand at the torch dance has left me in a state of turmoil: Roméo Montecchio. His name looms ominously in the air, laden with both anticipation and uncertainty.
In the flickering candle light, I find myself torn between conflicting sentiments, pulled in opposing directions by duty and my own desires. Roméo's name stirs within me a potent blend of fascination and apprehension. Despite the longstanding ill-will between our families, I cannot suppress my curiosity and yearning for something more.
Alone in the sanctuary of my room, I grapple with a myriad of thoughts and fears, uncertain of the path my emotions may lead me down. As I prepare to surrender to sleep, a heavy veil of uncertainty shrouds my emotions. Yet amidst the confusion, I cannot ignore the fluttering anticipation of love's potential. Despite the perilous nature of our clandestine encounters in the lane, Roméo dares to pass by my window once more, his eyes brimming with love and longing.
Each fleeting glance he bestows upon me ignites a emotional passion within my heart. With a tentative gesture, I open my window, hoping to convey my own affection in return. These wordless exchanges, steeped in love and sincerity, somehow bind us together in an unspoken language of devotion. As I close my diary for the night, I carry with me the memory of that fleeting moment when our eyes met, a moment that has left an indelible mark on my heart. For even though our encounter was fleeting, it has planted the seed of love within me, a seed that I know will blossom into something beautiful. As I close my diary for the night, I carry with me the memory of that fleeting moment when our eyes met, a moment that has left an indelible mark on my heart. Until tomorrow, when I can once again relive the magic of love at first sight.
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artknifeandglue · 1 year
WIP Whatever-day!
Because this piece has taken so much work today that I now have a headache, and sharing (the suffering) is caring. Have an excerpt from the first draft, y'all.
Tagging @lovingherwasgay because we are both suffering with exams in various ways lol
Over eggs and bacon one morning, Harry lowers the newspaper in front of him and looks at the chipped mug of coffee by Eggsy’s plate, horribly out of place with the words HANDS OFF MY MUG, YOU CUNT plastered across the side in stark contrast to the bone china of Harry’s teacup. Plodding footsteps echo from the staircase and down the hallway into the dining room as he takes stock of the things that don’t belong to him but have surfaced in his home anyway: a coat in the wrong size on the hook by the doorway; the pair of oxfords not in his size sitting by the shoe cabinet where their owner leaves them every single time despite Harry’s near-daily reminders to put them away; the box of absurdly sweet breakfast cereal with no nutritional value whatsoever, perched proudly next to the coffee machine as though that space was never empty; the second toothbrush by the bathroom sink where there was only one before; the sleepy brunette currently padding into the dining room, rubbing his eyes and colliding with the doorframe on his way in, still in his pyjamas with his hair sticking up at odd angles. Instead of all of this making his head spin, the realisation settles into a quiet sort of clarity, as though this is how it ought to be.
Still, Harry waits until the end of breakfast, when Eggsy’s coffee has disappeared from the mug, his plate is empty, and all that is left of his cereal is a lonely blue Froot Loop sitting at the bottom of the bowl, surrounded by a few spoonfuls of milk tinted an unappealing colour by copious amounts of food colouring. As Eggsy scoops it up with his spoon, Harry bites the bullet and asks, “How do you feel about moving in?”
The spoon pauses on its way to Eggsy's mouth, a drop of milk dangling dangerously and threatening to fall onto the placemat. Harry drops his gaze to his own nearly-empty plate, cutting the last mushroom into half and spearing it on his fork just to give him something to do in the unbearable silence. A second passes, and then he ends up being the one to break it anyway. “Of course, you don’t have to if you would like to remain-”
“Yes,” Eggsy cuts in, and Harry looks up in time to see his shocked expression give way to a delighted grin. “Obviously yes, Harry, I want to.”
Relief and joy swell in Harry’s chest, too much and just perfect and crowding out almost all speech except the words I love you. “Excellent,” he manages to say when his throat finally unsticks. “Will you need help with your things?”
“Nah. Haven’t got that much to pack, and I can get Rox to help. She’s been offering for ages.” Eggsy tips the last bit of cereal and milk directly into his mouth and swallows. “Can I bring my stuff over tomorrow?”
“You can do as you like,” Harry points out, “since it’s now also your house. You live here.” With me, he wants to add, horribly sentimental as it is. You live here with me.
“Sweet. Thank you, Harry.” Eggsy is smiling again, this one beatific and soft and gentle, the way he smiles only when they are alone. What Harry wouldn’t give to keep that smile, to keep Eggsy like that forever, bright and brilliant and happy.
He shelves the thought, because now isn’t the time for impassioned declarations of love. “I’m glad you’re open to it,” he answers instead.
“Open to waking up next to you every morning for the rest of my life? Fuck yeah.” Eggsy’s chair scrapes against the floor as he gets up, now-empty bowl stacked neatly atop his plate as he carries his dishes to the kitchen sink. As he passes Harry’s chair, he leans down for a quick kiss, leaving on Harry’s lips the faint taste of sugar and artificial fruit and in Harry’s chest the fierce warmth of love.
Every morning for the rest of their lives. What a prospect.
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tuttocenere · 1 year
What are the hallmarks of a "Cosi Fan Tutte" production by people who "just don't get it"? What do you think are the most typical mistakes that directors make?
So in Regietheater they like to translate stories in a certain way. Here we have Don Carlos, which appears to be about a terminally sentimental prince failing to escape the Spanish court with his bestie. Here we have Salome, which appears to be about a lady dancing to get a guy killed so she can make out with his corpse. Or here we have Lohengrin, which appears to be about an elf-lord traveling with a swan and making unreasonable demands. No, say opera directors, appearances are deceiving. All these stories are actually about bourgeois family dynamics.
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Well, in the case of Così fan Tutte, we have to translate in the other direction; dig through the trivial relationship story down to the exciting bits. This story appears to be a farce about exchanging fiancees. But it really has a lot to say about love, about fidelity and friendship, about masculinity and femininity, even about foreigners and wars, and the question to what degree all these things are real and to what degree they are just pretense.
The basic idea of Così fan Tutte is that the characters learn true and real things about themselves through the contrivance of a masquerade, and end up hurt when the masquerade ends. There's a lot of potential in that. Maybe it's a reality TV show that Don Alfonso is running. Maybe it's just a coffee-house philosopher's personal project as in the text. Maybe it's a scientific experiment, maybe it's a party game. I personally really like the circular versions where the inciting incident is a production of Così fan Tutte. In any case, you have to come up with something. Just making Don Alfonso a sex enthusiast is not going to cut it, this is clearly not something he does every day.
Met 2013 (… nothing?),
Berlin 2021 (hippies),
Munich 2022 (sex dungeon)
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Excellent examples:
ROH 2016 (theater),
Lausanne 2018 (reality show),
Paris 2022 (music)
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And related to that is the concept of the costume itself. I'm always a big fan of opera characters seeing through every disguise. Especially in Così, where it is not likely that the sisters wouldn't recognize the men they've seen every day, whose portraits they are carrying around. But the idea of being disguised allows them to do things they would not normally dare. Things such as becoming soulmates with your sister's partner, or even just practising some free love.
So yes, strictly speaking you don't need the costumes at all, but if you're going to use costumes, they should be elevated from daily life. They might be attractive, or they might just have a dream-like quality that explains the disinhibition of both the men and the women. They should ideally not be orientalist, unless you have something really important to say about that aspect.
ROH 2010 (rockstars?),
Salzburg 2013 (kaftans and terrible wigs)
Salzburg 2020 (hawaii shirts)
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Excellent examples:
Glyndebourne 2006, where it's pretty obvious why you'd fall for the disguised men,
Salzburg 2009, where they're covered in soil because things are getting real,
Madrid 2013, where there is practically no disguise because this is about the soul
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Ultimately what makes this opera good is the music. So my other demand is that the production can't be too busy, it must give the music room to breathe. This has mostly been fine IME, I've only seen one production that felt the need to have a bunch of stuff going on during the big arias. But that production was so bad overall that it shall not be named lest someone be tempted to look it up.
Sorry this is long, I tried to cut it down as much as possible, but this is my second favorite opera in the world.
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