#I could be wrong of course
bethesdaglitch · 1 month
I do think Varric is gonna die, for the record. I didn’t at first but the bit they showed us where he confronts Solas, how it cuts off right as the ritual fails, combined with the fact that we haven’t seen him in any trailers since, leads me to believe it’s not just Bianca who gets killed in the beginning
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seekaster · 8 months
I think it’s worth emphasising that Cassandra said “I thought you were dead”, meaning that who/whatever that voice and the red stars came from probably isn’t from any currently known pantheon of gods.
So while it being Galicaea/Sol/Helios is a really interesting theory, (and they still might be involved somehow) we might be dealing with something hereto unknown
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subpar-celestial · 11 months
Just saw that scene in Rapunzels Tangled Adventure where Varian is pleading for Rapunzel to help him with his dad.
And look I understand both of there sides but where Rapunzel looses me is when the guards drag Varian away because he's in distress and she DOES NOTHINGGGG!!! I understand she's under a lot of pressure and stress with everything going on, but she just stands there. And all she says is "don't hurt him", how about telling them not to kick this 14 year old out into a severe blizzard that could KILL HIM.
She should have at the very least tried to convince him to stay there until the storm had passed and she could go with him to help. Yes by that point it'd be too late and yes Varian likely wouldn't have agreed but that's so much better than throwing this heavily distressed child into the harsh conditions of the storm outside.
All I'm saying is if I were Varian I might have kidnapped the queen too.
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juliemolinaz · 8 months
So, here's my general theory on what happened to Jeong-woo's patient. The brother of the heiress wanted her dead so he'd be the one to inherit the money. But, he didn't the murder to be traced back to him. So, when he heard that his sister wanted to get some plastic surgery in South Korea, he knew that was his chance. It was going to look like it was the surgeon who killed the sister, not the brother. The anesthesiologist, who was going to be the one to make sure that the sister died, got hired earlier as to not have it look suspicious. And now, the brother is going to use the court case as a way to make sure that Jeong-woo takes the blame for it and no one will ever suspect him. The person lurking around who planted the listening devices is to make sure the brother knows what's going on so he can stay one step ahead of Jeong-woo and make sure that Jeong-woo is the one blamed for her death.
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whatafuckerybro · 11 months
I don't know if you have noticed, but there is an error in continuity between Ed crying while holding Izzy and Stede and Jim with their hats down, grieving. First of all, because Stede wasn't there, he was getting supplies.
My main theory is that the scene was way longer. It included Stede coming back and learning he was late, probably. That also comes with some shots of the crew grieving more. In editing, they had to mix it because they needed the entirety of Izzy's speech but also give the crew at least one shot of reactions. It wasn't enough, I agree with that. But there was no time, the episode contains a lot already.
And I wouldn't be saying this if we didn't have literal proof by this error in continuity. Also, I don't want to be one of those people, but I'm a professional video editor with a film school background, I see these things because I was trained to fix them. There's clearly a whole bit there that was cut.
Also, a bit less important, the letter scene probably contained more than one letter. We saw a frame of Ed reading a different one. They don't plan shots or scenes just for a pic. It costs money - and they had a low budget. They wouldn't shoot something just in case -. Because of they way Ed comes into the scene, my guess is that he found the first one at the beach as soon as he came out of the water. Then maybe another one and then saw the english reading one. Or something like that. He is like way too purposeful about his actions for someone who just saw a piece of paper on a man's hand. And I think the whole thing was probably supposed to be many different lines in different letters, intertwined.
Maybe not, because he does say 'You wrote me a lovely letter', singular. But it just feels like there's something missing there. Something that was shot but not shown for runtime reasons.
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alwayysblue · 2 years
I think there's definitely missing dialogue sprinkled throughout the scene. It seems like an odd conversation about sexy times as is, so it's either about something else or the missing dialogue helps it make more sense.
Either way, why is Tuesday so far away?!?!?!
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fortheloveofexy · 6 months
Nora said it’s going to be a dual pov for both tsc1 and tsc2 iirc
I can't find the post where she said it but from what I understood, book 1 is Jean's POV and book 2 is Jeremy's (bc Nora said she struggles with alternating POV, she split it into two books).
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Steve’s full name is Steven Grant Rogers, so here’s this theory. In the 1990s or whenever they made a movie about a treasure hunter and decided to name him after Captain America. Steven Grant. And then came young Marc, obsessed with that movie, needing someone to protect him and creates the alter Steven Grant.
So that’s my theory on why Moon Knight and Captain America have the same name.
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jackinalex · 10 months
Yeah, I follow her too, she posted a couple of stories from NYC yesterday with a friend.
Okay, I see. Doesn’t necessarily mean she saw Jack, but I bet she did.
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salemoleander · 11 months
I am BARELY resisting going full red-strings-corkboard on this season. And by barely resisting I mean not resisting at all here is an extremely long list of the events those pins would be marking out.
BigB getting a Task that was a different color than everyone else's. It's not just a randomly assigned Hard Task, bc Scar rerolled for a Hard Task and his was also just a white envelope. It's fundamentally different.
That task taking BigB away from socialization, and seemingly being an incredibly time-consuming and dull request. Of profound disinterest to any watchers.
The phrasing of his Task!!
Dig a big hole. All the way down. At least 3x3. Make it your base if you want.
Everyone else's are direct and formal - the only one with more than one sentence was Skizz's, with the rule clarification of "One attempt only." Bigb's Task is four short abrupt sentences. It is also the only Task to contain extraneous information, 'Make it your base if you want.' The requirements (at least 3x3) feel like an afterthought to mimic the numerical/specific demands of the other tasks.
Evo symbol on the face of the Secret Keeper statue.
The fact that there's a statue at all; the fact that there is a physical representation of what is assigning tasks that everyone must complete, when previously everything was always handled via commands and unseen RNG.
Grian talking to the statue, and (bc of his Actual Role as game organizer) acting as a mediator for the impartial decisions handed down, speaking for it.
Grian making one last bad joke and saying he doesn't know if it counted or not- depends on whether we the audience laughed.
Grian asking for task recommendations from the audience. The watchers are making the tasks. The Watchers are making the tasks.
Again I could be off-base, and I'm not usually even that smitten with bringing in Evo lore. I don't want a Big Bad really...but. It feels like something very unusual and intentional and cool is happening in this series. And I'd guess we'll know if theres something going on once we have more than one data point.
My largely unfounded suspicion is that there is another being (maybe Listeners, maybe something else) trying to reach out to the Players via decoy Tasks, and BigB was the first recipient. Get them alone, make them of disinterest to the watchers, and tell them something we don't get to know.
Because that's the really, really fucking cool part (if my wacky theory is remotely right): We're the bad guys. We're the ones giving out tasks - hell, we're the ones actively brainstorming harder and crueller tasks in Grian's comments!
If they actually made a story where the Players have to keep secrets from us I will be delighted. Bc that is the same genius bullshit that made Evo Watcher lore so fun
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toadtusks · 2 months
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I’ve seen some people thinking that the Mighty Nein cartoon isn’t adapting the texblade accent for Fjord, but the clip shared takes place pre-campaign in which canonically he wasn’t using the accent yet. Which Travis seems to have confirmed on Twitter. So it’s still quite likely Yeehaw Fjord will be making an appearance.
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wallissa · 2 months
One thing I love about Hughie is that he’s the main character, but in such a “y/n” way. Completely unremarkable, ordinary loser who gets dragged into a life of crime and adventure by accident and whom everyone falls in love with upon meeting him, most of the time for absolutely no reason. Butcher wants to be his manic pixie dream psycho so bad, but then also breaks his own back to protect him. Frenchie and MM would kill Butcher if it weren’t for the fact that it’d make Hughie sad. Annie is a 10000/10 and wants to spend the rest of her life singing cringy teen music with him and and easing her way into pegging him. A-Train ended up with his life hopelessly tangled with Hughie’s and can’t seem to let it go. Victoria spent her breaks sharing snacks with him, knowing he’s murdering Supes — and never stopped trusting him, to the point where she came to him when she had every reason to believe he’d want her dead. Soldier Boy literally escaped endless torture and spent 90% of his newly won freedom trying to impress Hughie by putting on a little macho man show for him. The only person who’s truly immune to Hughie and his “putting his hair in a messy bun before getting sold to 1D” charm is Homelander, who genuinely just hates him. Fascinating character design, all in all.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Unknown, the Wandering Hero
So! We all know the typical Vivisection AU, right? Danny is revealed to his parents and they take it in all the wrong ways. They capture him, Vivisect him, and eventually he manages to escape with the help of his friends.
But what about his Rouges?
Sure, we all like to think of some of the more friendly ones like Ember, or Sydney, or Johnny 13 and Kitty, but he has WAY more Evil Rouges than good ones.
Without Danny there to reign them in, the Rouges spread out across the world to fulfill their obsessions, unhampered by the Heroes and Villains of the world that have no means to fight them.
And Danny? He feels responsible. He was the one to open the Gate, he was the Sacrifice, the one to let them through. And when the going got tough he just up and left? No, that won't do.
His Obsession is Protection for a reason, and nothing has changed. All he needs to do is expand his area of focus a little.
Danny, after healing up, starts wandering the world in search of the Ghosts who have escaped into the Mortal Realm. He battles all of his old foes, as well as many new ones who he hadn't met before.
His travels take him far and wide.
He defeats Skulker in Metropolis, as he is trying to hunt down the Super Family for their pelts. They are the last of their race after all, so he is inclined to try and hunt them. Honestly dealing with Skulker was easy, dealing with the Rich Asshole who was funding him was a nightmare.
He chases down Spectra in Gotham as she tries to feed on the misery of an entire City. (Thanks to @impyssadobsessions for the idea, this Prompt specifically). She is actually a very tough fight, especially powered by both the Misery of an Entire City as well as his Own Misery, but he manages.
He defeats Technus is Central City, as he tries to Raid Star Labs for their advanced Tech. It actually took a while to beat him after he amped himself with all that Power, and he did need help from the Local Hero to deal with him. He's just thankful Technus is one of the more "Harmless" ones.
After every Victory, he sends them back to the Realms using the Banishing Spell that Sam taught him a while back (the only bit of magic he ever really managed to master).
He knows they'll eventually find their way back out, but it's all he can do anymore. It's his eternal Punishment for unleashing them out into the World in the first place. He was the Catalyst for this Situation, now he was tasked with Fixing it, no matter how long it took.
The Justice League is caught in a tricky situation a the moment.
In the past few months, they have been encountering more and more of these Extra Dimensional Beings known as Realms Ghosts across the World.
Justice League Dark has had some success in battling them, but even they are getting tired of having to deal with every single incident alone.
They did get approached by a Government Agency known as the Ghostly Investigation Ward that seemed to want to help, but it didn't take long to realize that their main Aim was to Genocide the entire Race. The JLA had quickly cut ties after realizing that, and took what little Tech and Information they had been able to gather.
Still, it wasn't easy to deal with these Entities.
Thankfully, they have had some outside help. An Unknown Being has been routinely showing up whenever a Realms Ghost appears and defeating them, before using a (as described by Constantine) "Rudimentary Banishing Spell held together by willpower and luck" to send them back to their home Dimension. There's honestly no way it should be functional, but he did make it work either way.
They don't know much about this Unknown, aside from the fact that he seems to be the only one able to consistently damage the Realms Ghosts. His Powerset leads them to belive he may be from the same Dimension, or at least drawing his power from the same Source, but as he actively avoids the League and takes every opportunity to not talk to them, they know they aren't getting any answers any time soon.
Over the past few months, they had affectionately started referring to him as Unknown, creative they know, because they could never get his Real Name. Sure, some of the Realms Ghosts seemed to recognize him, but they always called him stuff like "Whelp" and "Punk" and "Usurper", which were not very good names to use when referring to him. Although the last one was a bit concerning.
They had only managed to trade a few quick words with Unknown in the past few months, but it was enough to get the Gist of it. He was just doing his job, sending the Realms Ghosts back where they belonged. There was apparently a Tear in Reality letting them through, but he seemed hesitant to reveal what he knew about it.
After a few months of sparse interactions, they eventually managed to convince him to at least take an Emergency Communicator. Just in case. They even let him take it apart to look for any Tracking Devices, which earned them a small bit of trust. They took whatever wins they could.
Fortunately, it seemed he never did need it. In fact he was getting more and more efficient with every battle, defeating his foes in half the time it would have taken before.
Unfortunately, it didn't last forever. One day, the Communicator went off, a distorted voice quickly saying, "Need backup, some of them decide to Team Up" before cutting out.
They quickly rushed to his location, finding an active battlefield with no less that a dozen Ghosts battling Unknown. And he seemed to be on the ropes.
With their arrival, the combined force of the Justice League and Unknown eventually managed to defeat the Group of Ghosts. Justice League Dark volunteered to work on the Banishing Spells while the others cleaned up the damage from the Battle.
One of them approached Unknown to make sure he was ok, and froze.
During the battle, Unknown's Mask had been Torn off, and they could finally see the face of the Hero they had been working with for the past few months.
And he was a Child.
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inkskinned · 1 year
it mattered because when my brother asked me what if this is the happiest you'll ever be? the best you'll ever get? the thing i felt was fear, not peace. everybody thought you were so perfect for me. even i thought you were "helping me grow". i had to challenge every internal clock. make myself more thoughtful, more kind, more beautiful.
i told my therapist it was good because i like the changes i made and there's something so strong about saying i did that. the problem is that i can like the difference all i want, but i changed for you. something akin to getting your name tattooed, all my progress is stamped with fuck you.
it was the happiest i'd ever been and also the best i'd ever gotten. i would still get in the car and think what the fuck just happened.
#warm up#writeblr#i spent a lot of time picturing our future#how funny to think: in each version of our future#i was never myself#i was someone smarter kinder braver#better adept.#who could navigate the way you shouted and got angry at small things and never fucking believed the best of me#i would never be needy and you'd never get tired of me#people usually talk about how we picture people as being “fixable”. but i assumed i was the problem. my idyllic picture wasn't of you.#it was a version of me that wasn't ill. that needed no extra help. that could be your wife and happy#the fact i wasn't happy was because there is something so wrong inside me. it's always been that way. i convinced myself:#if i stay i can change. if i stay i can make it worth it. i can apologize and fix this. and make us both okay.#for the last year i've been thinking about how you blamed our whole breakup on me. how it was my fault for whatever thing.#and i agreed with you. because of course i did. you'd trained me to believe everything was my fault . that you wanted to love me and i made#it far too hard. that i was always finding ways to ''set you off'.#a few days ago while i was doing something else#i realized that while i was in crisis you told me to fuck off and find someone else to get help. and you never fucking apologized .#you said i made you do that because i wasn't being sensible. i had been crying too hard to speak clearly.#you said: you're doing this to manipulate me.#you forgave yourself for that. i had to forgive you without apology. you said you were right to react that way. and then you were SO#SO annoyed. any time i said: i feel like you aren't nice to me. it is hard to trust that you love me.#i don't think about you that much anymore. but these days when i do: all i can think is that im not sure u ever really understood kindness#you were the cruelest to the people closest to you. and most of the time. that meant it fell to me.
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aro-aizawa · 1 year
i like to think everyone has a colour associated with them, whether its just your fave colour or what you generally wear most of or what colour your bedroom walls are. i always associate the name sophie with dark blue, my mum is always a nice turquoise, i like to think my colour is a bright sunflower yellow.
if you have a specific shade pls tell me i adore when ppl have associated colours and tell me them, bc i think of them when i see that colour
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tart-miano · 1 year
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angry that your parody has a degree and you don't, victor
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