#I did watch ITSV a few days after
ice-tornado-millie · 1 year
I know this is definitely gonna piss someone off but um. I did not watch Into the Spiderverse before going to see Across the Spiderverse. Idk despite hearing nothing but praise for the movie I never had an interest in watching it.
Frankly it’s a miracle that I even went to go see ATSV. My brother wanted to go see it and I decided to tag along. To be perfectly real, I did not expect much. However, little did I know that I would be blessed with one of the best movies I’ve ever seen in my life.
So…that’s on me lmao
Anyway if you somehow haven’t seen either of these movies go watch them. Don’t be like me and let these literal masterpieces pass you by
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erinwantstowrite · 3 months
Erin I have a question ⁉️
How did you start writing LoF? Like,.not writing it in general, I mean like how did you get—or learned—or studied—all the information regarding the Batfam and their backgrounds, and also about Peter and the Avengers, etc.
Currently, I'm honestly planning on writing a small fiction about Peter ending up in Gotham (You must know your words hold a very dangerous power to inspire) but unfortunately, I don't have the right information to actually START writing it TT_TT. Do you have any tips on how I can start?
(P.S Apologies if this sounds a little confusing, I am not entirely the best at explaining 😞🤞)
There's one person to blame for getting me into DC, and it's @alighterwood
I've always been a fan of Spider-Man. He was my first hero, I wanted to be him soooo bad. I had gotten around to sort of writing my own fic for it with my own version of Peter around last year? (Very much inspired by ITSV, LoF Peter came about because he's his own universe and is based on Spider-Man lore from multiple media versions). I had never thought about writing a Spider-Man fic until ATSV, but at the time I was pretty much dead set on rewriting VLD. I got inspired after rewatching ITSV and then watching ATSV.
But it wasn't until alighterwood got me reading their favorite Batfam fics (specifically Tim) that I started to enjoy Batfam or DC in general.
(My favorite Batfam fic is "The Lone Ranger Never Had to Deal with Bruce Wayne" )
From there I started branching out into learning more about Batfam, what is and isn't fanon, and forming my own opinions. It was a natural progression into "I want my favorite characters to meet each other" and alighterwood's evil genius plan ended up working.
I've read a few comics (mostly the Red Robin series, because Tim was my intro to Batfam so I figured I'd start there) but most of my information?
Wikis, reddits, forums from years (a few of them from decades) ago, my father (who was a Batman fan as a kid) and his friends (my uncles, who were all DC and Marvel nerds), my own friends- basically anything I can get my hands on. If I had a question, it was (probably) answered somewhere, or there was someone else with the same question that made me feel better for not getting it. The internet has a BOATLOAD of information about both Marvel and DC.
It's a LOT of research and note taking, to be honest. I have a physical notebook where I take notes on lore so I don't forget it. I comb through fanon AND canon and I decide from there what I want and what I don't want/what doesn't work and what does work for what I'm writing.
But here's something to keep in mind: at the end of the day, you're not writing FOR anyone else. You're not out to please people who are 100% canon, all the time, nor are you trying to accommodate people who only read fanon material. You're writing for YOU. This part is fun for me, but could be very tedious for other people. I'm a little weird like that (I started writing essays for fun since I learned about them in school).
I like doing research. Like a lot of writers, I go down multiple rabbit holes a day. I start by googling a simple question that should take five minutes and then I see something and go "oh! What's this!?" and pick it up, and the cycle continues when I see something else and eventually remember that I was writing.
I enjoy the research and figuring out the balance. Because DC and Marvel do the same shit with their own works! Shit gets retconned, or they bring characters back from the dead, blah blah blah. The fun part for me IS going insane trying to figure out the Flash Family and their STUPID family tree, or learning about characters that were basically forgotten by everyone- even the writers. The best part is that since it's my fic I'm writing, I can go: "What's the most entertaining way I can use this?" And no one can stop me.
But if YOU don't enjoy that part, and you try to do it, you might lose your spark!! Your inspiration!! You might not have fun, and that's what writing is all about!! My thing is, is that basically every fan interpretation, whether they try to stick to the original source as closely as they can or not, IS FANON. And fanon is fun!!
Basically it all stems down to: it's your sandbox and you can play in there however you want to. And sometimes, people see what you're doing and they're like "Can I play too?" and you're like "Yes that'd be awesome!!"
If you find that you do enjoy the research, I think it's well worth it. It's very satisfying to put together all that work and then get a comment from someone where they say "OMG!! I know that reference!" or "I love this interpretation of this very obscure thing!!"
My advice for writing a Peter in Gotham fic is to know where YOU are starting at, before you start writing your fic. If you're a Spider-Man fan and you don't know much about the Batfam, try reading a comic about them, or find some favorite fics and base your information on that. It works vice-versa, if you know more about Batfam and not a lot about Peter.
Imagine there are two people sitting in front of you. One is a Marvel fan, the other is a DC fan, and they know NOTHING about the other comics. But they both want to hear your story where you have combined them. It's important that you don't lean too much into either side: you keep both of their interest by appreciating the details from both DC and Marvel.
The Marvel fan will be happy to see Peter reacting to a new world and situations, even if they don't know everything you're referencing. But the DC fan will be excited because you care about the place that Peter is interacting with enough to make a joke that maybe only they would get.
So: have fun, explore everywhere you want to, and get a little crazy. Don't worry too much about not knowing everything there is to know. I don't know everything about DC or Marvel either!
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achillesmonochrome · 1 year
Peni Parker Headcanons
There are multiple snacks in her robot, in different compartments; she insists they are for her but in reality, she keeps so much variety for her friends.
Her sleep schedule is basically nonexistent; she would hyperfocus on a project for whatever hours her energy drink can keep her awake and then pass out for days. She spends so much time indoors on labs she normally has no concept of time.
Noir was the first spider she found when she crashed on Earth 1610 in ITSV; they helped each other navigate Miles' New York since both of their universes are different time periods and they were confused as heck. They ended up becoming close for that reason.
Noir sees Peni as an adoptive daughter and Peni sees him as a father figure, but neither of them had admitted that to each other. Noir doesn't want to come across as crass by suggesting being her father when she lost her biological one. Peni doesn't want to make things uncomfortable by forcing that role on him.
Uses she/they pronouns.
She is also bi, this was her awakening
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Super embarrassed about it though, so she is planning to keep that to herself to her grave.
She needs to be in her suit at all times in the Spider Society. Mostly because of the different halls that need the spider to be upside down or at an awkward angles. However the first few days she refused to show her face because she continued to be flustered.
"Why all the spiders around my age are attractive!? Here I am being an awkward plain twig around runaway models."
"Oh don't say that, you are cute sugarplum."
"Noir you are making me sound like a little kid."
"Come to think wasn't that guy Gwen brought with her an ex-runaway model-"
"Thanks for that B."
(Since they have the same name, Noir calls Peter B well, B.)
Peni went to see Noir first after she got her watch, then shortly after went to see Ham with Noir. Noir and Ham aren't part of the organization (Noir said he didn't the like way Miguel was running things once he heard about it, and Ham didn't vibe with the idea either.) She visits them regularly though.
She likes to give Noir cute colourful key chains when she visits; Noir actually has them on a cork board on display.
Current events in Peni's timeline had made her try to lean more on the Spidey side of things, dropping less and less frequently on her own universe. Noir has tried to mitigate this, but Peni interprets it as him not wanting to be around her. Noir also doesn't have the details of what happened to Peni either.
She actually has her own room in Noir's universe. Is technically the guest room, but Noir has actually worked his best to make it homey for her and would rather give up his own bed that let people get in "her" room without her permission. Peni is unaware of that last bit.
She has a MASSIVE crush on Margo, it all started with her going to the help with the go-home machine and feeling the most comfortable with Margo since their time periods are similar enough.
Peni actually is very insecure about herself and her position as a spider person. Even if she was accepted into the Society, she feels kind of left out because everyone else can stick to walls, super healing, as well as other array of powers; while she only has her psychic link to the spider and a robot.
That's another reason why Margo and her connected so well; she understands not feeling special enough considering her Spidey persona is an avatar, while she is a regular human too.
She is fairly close to Gwen too, while neither of them likes to be too vulnerable, they both understand what losing people and having complicated feelings about your home dimension. They may or may not talk about their crushes, hard to say because both of them deny it.
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Indeed Gwen later would also insist a big part of the reason she did it was because of Peni.
That's it for all, I didn't think I had that many but that's how it always starts.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
helloooo ^~^ I was wondering if you could do a noir fic where he and the reader were in itsv and now have a daughter together so since they were in the spider society they were able to reunite with miles? tysm have a nice day/night ;D
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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"oh, sweet marmalade, look out everyone!" noir exclaimed in a hurried voice as he chased down a loose spider daughter through the halls and winding pathways of the spider society, his daughter babbling and giggling the whole while at the chase. you had followed behind your husband, despite having no powers of your own, you were practically superhuman already by being your daughter's other parent, which was no simply responsibility.
thanks to jess, you were able to have access to a few spider mom equipment she made in preparation for her own baby once it was born, and you promised to put everything you found back in its proper place--if you could just figure out how these darned devices worked. noir, on the other hand, was already wearing himself thin from all this chasing his daughter around the building, causing for a small scale alert to be sounded as a spider baby was deemed on the loose.
as noir was about to give out to his fatigue, he caught his daughter swinging over to the other side of east wing of HQ to the west side. "darling!" he called out for his daughter as you passed by noir, stopping abruptly and almost tripping as noir helped you up and ran with you to catch your daughter before she did serious harm to herself. everyone else was panicking too, they had missions to take care of on their own watch, but they all scrambled in panic to save your baby.
before you and noir could faint at the sheer pressure and anxiety you two were feeling right now, a black and red spider man swung in immediately to save the day. "gotcha!" he exclaimed as your daughter squealed and cooed as she squirmed in miles' arm. "ay, whose baby is this?" miles asked as he lowered himself to the ground, with you rushing over to miles as you called out for him and your daughter. miles couldn't believe it, she was your baby? "figures why she's so pretty, uh, who's the da--" "that'd be me, miles. glad to see ya again, fella." noir said in an exhausted tone, feebly tipping his hat as his legs finally gave out and he knelt on the floor due to sheer tiredness.
miles' eyes widened as he pointed from him to you and you to him, his mask's lenses widened as he realized--you two have a family now. "no way, first peter b, now peter, too?" he asked aloud in a surprised, happy voice. you and noir nodded in your out of breath and tired state, with your daughter trying to crawl out of your arms, but you not letting her. "sorry she's... phew, such a handful..." he breathed out as miles approached you two and entertained the young girl for a little to get you two to recuperate for a bit after that whole chase.
"she's a cutie! yes you are, lil cutie--ow!" miles exclaimed as your daughter pinched his cheeks when he got too close and she giggled. "right... i forgot to mention, she has spider powers, so..." noir said in an exhausted breath as miles managed to get her to let go, with his cheek stinging. he chuckled, however, and looked at you two. "if you'd like, i could try babysitting her with gwen. you two really look like you could use a break." he offered as you two practically lay on the ground, breathing heavily. "thanks, kid. we appreciate that." you answered for noir as he gave miles a weak thumbs up and slumped his arm back down on the ground as miles scooped your baby up from your arms, looks like he's gonna be a big spider brother in training this time around.
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @fiannee @thee-fantastic-mrfox @fictarian @yuridopted0
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cucumberteapot · 1 year
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse - Afterthoughts
On Friday evening, I bought a ticket for ATSV and it wasn't until the remaining five minutes of the film did I hear gasps and squeals among the audience. Generally, theaters in my country are quiet during screening. It's only on rare occasions did I bare witness to my theater reacting in real-time to something that encapsulates the film and what it could mean for the characters in the future.
Warning!! Please watch the film before reading. This post will go into some heavy spoilers about the finale and some predictions for BTSV!!
It's truly astonishing how talented the crew for ATSV was to convey so much subtle information about Earth-42 Aaron Davis and Prowler!Miles with only five minutes left of runtime. However this analysis is around 1000 words long and I'd like to keep it as readable as possible. From the view of Earth-42's skyscrapers, it's clear this different New York has been overrun by the Sinister Six and we can theorise they'll be the primary antagonists of the next installment. However, until we get more information on them in the lead up to March 2024, I'd like to focus on our two new antagonists and not only their dynamic with Spider!Miles but with also each other.
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If Spider!Miles takes after Aaron as Jefferson implies in this film and (honestly) the entirety of ITSV reinforces, then Miles G takes after his father. Or did. Which if we take the brief two minutes we meet him, this kind of tracks. Miles seems to have ITSV's Jefferson's no-nonsense attitude that's been informed by the death of his dad and Aaron's career. It would make sense if Prowler!Miles was more similar to Miles prior to his dad dying before being corrupted by Aaron's influence and the absence of a Spider-Man, where in Aaron's case he was enabled by Jefferson's death to go full villain-mode. When watching ITSV again and comparing to ATSV, it's so wild to see how different Earth 42-Aaron is not only with Spider!Miles but with Prowler!Miles.
In Earth-1610, he wanted to separate Miles from his life as the Prowler to protect him all the while serving as his laid-back, artistic uncle, but here the front is entirely for Rio. It's why when Spider!Miles hugs him, he's not caught off-guard because it's such an intense reaction from what should just be another day coming home from "work". It's because he's not his Miles. Spider!Miles has a lot of love for the people in his life and what he enjoys, whether it's his art, music and surrounding himself with friends and family although its hard. We see Prowler!Miles' room in Spider!Miles' conversation with 42-Rio and all the posters, action figures and journals are replaced with milk crates, a few books and a speed bag. Whoever this other Miles is has fully adopted the identity of the Prowler to the point where "Miles Morales" is the alter-ego - "I'm Miles Morales. But you... You can call me The Prowler."
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But now we know who this Prowler!Miles is - What does he want?
Pull a Kingpin and find another dimension to bring back his dad.
Intercept Spider!Miles' dimension and take his place there.
Use Spider!Miles as a bargaining chip for the Sinister Six.
Or just straight up kill Miles Morales. Because why not?
Spider!Miles doesn't tell Aaron his uncle died in his dimension. He says, "I have an Uncle Aaron, too. I had one." The use of "had" is purposeful here because the writers are making a point of not revealing to Aaron (or Prowler!Miles who is listening in all this time) that his counterpart is dead because working as a villain got him killed. If Prowler!Miles doesn't respond to the knowledge of his father existing still alive and well in another dimension, then how would he reaction to knowing his mentor and uncle is dead there, too?
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When Spider!Miles reveals his Aaron was the Prowler, we see 42-Aaron's eyes sink in the reflection. It's minor but it delivers so much characterisation as to what kind of person this Aaron is and his relationship to Prowler!Miles. For all of Aaron's faults in ITSV, he always assumed responsibility by concealing the truth from Miles and in his final moments, pulls Miles mask back over to conceal his truth from Kingpin. While this Aaron is far more terrifying, he's trying so hard to hide his own cowardice by letting his nephew take on the mantle of Prowler instead. It's why he smashes the punching bag near Miles' head when he says, "I know you don't want to be the Prowler."
Because, yeah. He doesn't.
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And it's why he chuckles sardonically when Miles tells him he could be a "good guy"... because it's not about that.
This entire movie has never been about being a "good guy".
Miles hides the truth about being Spiderman from his parents when it's clearly harming his relationship with them. Gwen and Peter hide the truth from Miles about being an anomaly. Miguel is a hypocrite and attacks Miles out of self-projection and Jess just goes along with it. As for the other Spider-people, they also just follow Miguel's orders except for Hobie and Margo who are the only ones to help Miles escape Nueva York. Both characters take responsibility not by allowing Miles as an anomaly to cause havoc and destroy dimensions, but by identifying that Miguel has neglected his own responsibilities by acting as the aggressor in this situation and trying to control and exclude Miles' identity as a Spider-Man.
Before Gwen is forcefully returned to her own dimension, she shoots back at Miguel's principles, "We are supposed to be the good guys." and it makes him pause for a moment before repeating he and the Spider-people are just to convince himself they are doing the right thing.
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By the end of ATSV, Gwen reconciles with her father about being Spider-Woman and collects allies in their search for Miles. While Miles, who has reclaimed his sense of identity and accepts both halves of who he is, unflinchingly stares down this shadow of himself that is equally self-assured in his own responsibility as Prowler but far more dangerous than any antagonist he's encountered.
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It should be obvious by this point but this is why the phrase, "With great power comes great responsibility", is the thematic core of every Spider-Man film. It was throughout ITSV and ATSV and now waiting less than a year for BTSV in 2024, this theme of responsibility will resonate with every single character as they enter the third act of this trilogy. And whether it's living their authentic truth with the people they love and love them, or about owning up to their mistakes and choosing to do better...
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I, for one, can't wait to watch.
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imagine-silk · 1 year
Pre itsv platonic yandere PB in ur most recent post hits different... sorry for rambling, but im like obssesed with this idea.
• maybe his object of affection is a friend's kid, who he helped raise. He's the coolest person ever in their eyes! He'd be there whenever he could when they were younger, and he still tries now that they're college age.
• but he slowly becomes more jaded and depressed from the stress of being spiderman, and then him and mj divorce.
•he's depressed, he can barely get out of bed nost days ... and his object of affection, worried about their family friend, starts to visit him nearly daily. It's little things, like helping him clean, or taking him out to get coffee, or just... talking. And Peter clings onto that kindness. This kid (they're college age, but they'll always be a kid to him) saves him in a way.
• its only fair that peter looks out for them all the same-- When he patrols, he follows the kid from a distance and makes sure to lead villians away from their part of town. And for a while, it's enough to just keep them safe as Spiderman, and peter is happy for the first time in so long.
•...and then the kid says they're moving out of state for college, and peter can't bear it. He's started to see this kid as his own, and all he can feel is betrayed. How could this kid leave like everyone else in his life? He wouldn't let that happen. Whether it be hiding their letter of acceptance or straight-up just locking them away in his apartment, he'd be keeping them close by. He's delusional enough that guilt evades him-# his kid loves him, right? They'll adjust eventually.
This is a little ooc but like ^^^ platonic yanderes r my passion + im a sucker for depressed yanderes who become obsessed over people who made their lives light up for the first time in ages.
》 That may be so but your OOC is welcomed. Honestly I love prompts like this cause I can get a different angle from what I typically imagine so this was real nice. So yeah, ramble all you like.
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In high school he was your dad's best friend. And he had you at the age of sixteen. Shortly after Peter got bit. To say they were stressed was the biggest understatement in the world. They got through high school intact and went off to college while you were with your mother who was and is a fucking legend.
It took a few years to find out he wasn't actually related to you but he laughed and told you no one would ever want to drink blood so water wasn't bad. He always had a quip, was super strong, and he always seemed to know what to do. Having that thought consistently throughout your life had a big impact. You wanted him to be proud of you, you wanted to be him, and your dad laughed while he encouraged you. You would chase him across the world and further.
Looking back on it you realized he had his moments though. Sometimes he would get iffy and leave for a while only to come back like he didn't leave. When you were thirteen you visited him during one of his iffs. He told you to go home. When you were fourteen you did again. He told you to leave again. When you were sixteen he straight closed the door on your face after you said your piece.
Normally his episodes didn't last long, two weeks, maybe three if it was bad. You went over when it lasted a month. When he opened the door you shoved yourself in and said hi. That only took five years. He didn't force you to leave, he didn't have the energy to, but he told you to million times.
You looked around and then at him. He'd never been the cleanest person but the mess he had was almost impressive. But you weren't going to turn around, this was your moment to finally prove yourself as an adult. So you started picking things up and throwing it away while talking about nothing.
Watching you cleaning his mess and talk was the most horrible thing to see. It proved to him he was in such chaos you felt you needed to pick up after him. This shouldn't be happening, he should have handled it better. That was a bad thought and he knew it; no one would brush off people dying because you were too slow, no one should. But you didn't know that so he let you clean a bit and leave.
Having you shove yourself in the next day with a bag under your arm was also horrible, it was cleaning supplies. You still didn't go away when he said. You went around cleaning, you asked if he remembered when he taught you how to clean to get yourself out of trouble, to use bleach and made sure you didn't accidentally make mustard gas. He wondered if he was in hell, that he was to live a pitiful life with no way to fight it.
The next time he didn't open the door. You threatened to break down it down and he said have at it, and to not cry when you hurt yourself. You didn't cry when you hurt yourself, you came back the next day with a lockpick instead. At that point he accepted the idea he wasn't in hell. Then you saw his dishes weren't piling new ones. He didn't know if he was going insane while you cooked and cleaned or if he actually died while he wasn't looking.
You pushed him into the bathroom to get him to shower, when he couldn't get up you stayed and made him laugh with varying success, washed his clothes. He hated every second of it, hated that he was so useless you felt like you needed to do any of this.
Every new thing you found you stitched. It hurt but it made him better. He let you cook new things in his kitchen and take him out to coffee, all under the guise that he was doing you a favor of course. Before he knew it he let you in without a fight, his house was spotless in a way it never had been and you were visiting daily with a smile, he was smiling.
So he tried to return the favor. He stocked up on thing you wanted and liked, things to mess around with in the kitchen, those weird imported snacks you always got, even domestic things for the rare occasions you stayed over. And Spiderman did the same. Made sure you were unbothered when you were out and about, at the time he didn't realize he was punching harder. If a villain was in town he took the party elsewhere. He got used to this life.
His brain malfunctioned when he heard you applied for colleges out of state. Why would you go to Harvard? That was in Boston. California is just as bad if not worse than New York you know. There's nothing for you in Connecticut so there was no reason to apply for New Haven. He's lost a lot, aunt May is gone, his wife left him, he sees the people he can't save up close, Gwen. Now you were so close to slipping away.
You knew he'd be taken aback so you tried to reassure him by saying you weren't leaving them, him, and you'd come back every chance you got. He wanted to take that answer and leave but so many people have said that to him it was hard to. You brought him to tears and broke them with a hug and a key phrase, "I love you." How was he supposed to just let you leave?
The more he thought about it the more his mind swelled with looming regret. But then he visited you when you were opening your letter. Denied. You were frustrated and groaned it was the second letter you got, both denied. Under the excuse he was visiting to keep updated and the help of Spiderman your letters seemed to stop coming all together. No one knew where they went. He saw it as a job well done. You would get too upset to keep applying. Then you applied by email and explained to the recruiters what was happening. He couldn't stop that. A pile of letters in his closet for nothing.
There was so many things he could but he knew they would only go half way or not work at all. He couldn't just tell you no for so many reasons and threatening the recruiters would work but it would also be out in the open. However there was a way to keep you in Queens for sure and he had the energy to do it. Did it feel morally wrong? Yes, but the ends justify the means.
The next few days while he was getting everything ready he reminisced about your life. He asked if you remember how you would always ask him if he liked you're hair when it was obvious you did it by yourself, with too much gel or unnecessary accessories. Did you know he tried to take care of you by himself while you were just a few months old and you got sick, but you didn't really do anything other than sleep and spit to medicine out as much medicine as possible. You might not have remembered the time you were twelve and got lost so you called him to get you because you forgot your parent's number. And you took the stories. It was proof that he always paid attention to you and that's what you wanted, his approval, his pride.
You couldn't remember what you were doing, how far you got in the college process or if you were getting there but you remember having a drink with Peter. Something was wrong and you asked him to help you because you couldn't keep yourself up. When you woke up you were in his bed. Not very weird, it was a one bedroom apartment, what was was the restraint on your ankle connected to the bedpost. You called out for him and tried to get out of bed only to fall hard on the ground. The light from the hallway offended you and he was next to in a second.
You realized a few things; you were in pajamas, you were very weak and you throat was dry, but the worst thing was Peter not helping you the way he should. And his answers to your questions didn't nothing but tell you this was real. Never in a million lifetimes would you say he would be capable of doing this, or rather going through with it. You asked to leave and he said no.
You wanted to be there. You did anything you could to get in. You always said you'd be there for him so do it now. You love him don't you? You've never lied to him so you meant it. You love him. You don't need to leave ever. If he had to force it to happen he will.
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decoysouled · 9 months
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𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 ���𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑(𝐒): Any shade of blue, although darker / mid-tone are more appealing than lighter colours. I prefer any colour that doesn't reflect much light, really, since it helps me avoid migraine town.
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑(𝐒): Honeycomb, and sometimes gingerbread. And also chocolate. Cinnamon + marshmallows too. I have a lot of favourite flavours, but those are the ones I can list off the top of my head. I have a pretty big sweet tooth. Overall, my favourite gingerbread-type thing would be lebkuchen. It's pretty easy to find here during the winter and it does pair pretty well with the honeycomb hot chocolate I have. So I guess that answers the question better.
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐂: Mostly rock & pop punk type stuff? Starset is my favourite band, but most I listen to would be classed as the other two. Not necessarily always into very heavy rock, though. Outside of my usual categories, I only really listen to genshin / hsr music & big time rush (for that childhood nostalgia, though it's good for energy levels too since it's very high energy music) & a few odd songs from eurovision through the years.
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄(𝐒): Into The Spider-verse & the sequel. While I've had a lot of favourite movies growing up, I don't typically find the same enjoyment in them as I get older. ITSV is an exception, since I find I still love it even years after first watching it.
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: Honestly, the only series I'm currently watching & enjoying would be the One Chicago shows (except med & the lawyer one, those bore me a little but alas, medical dramas are not my thing) & Stranger Things. I need to watch BNHA again, since I really did enjoy that, & hopefully the Percy Jackson show will be good when it releases and become my favourite, since I love the books.
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆: Fake Out - Fall Out Boy
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: Currently watching an episode of Chicago Fire with a friend while writing this, so that would be it, I think.
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄: The Hunger Games, but only because I was watching it with my dad a few days ago. A welcome respite before the holidays when I get asked to watch a muppet christmas carol & the polar express again, but I'll take it. The last film I watched that I chose out, though, was ATSV.
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆: I've been trying to read the Percy Jackson books again, but I got sidetracked by a different book, so the answer would be Just Haven't Met You Yet by Sophie Cousens. Hopefully, it's going to continue being a good read.
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍: Replies & job searching, mostly. With a few breaks for games every now & then.
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TAGGED BY: @maquiscursed (thank you for tagging me) TAGGING: Whoever is reading this. I don't know who has / hasn't been tagged or done it.
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oliveroctavius · 3 years
i recently watched the raimi trilogy for the first time and its sooooo good. it made me cry multiple times (like the scene where aunt may talks to peter about heroes in 2 - love this trilogy's may). i'm not sure whether i like 1 or 2 better, but they're my 2nd favorite spider-man movies after itsv. after nwh a lot of people have been clamoring for more spider-man movies with andrew or tobey, would you have any interest in seeing a 4th raimi entry, or is it better left alone? i was thinking a mayday movie with tobey!peter mentoring his daughter could be cool.
I love em!! Glad you did too.
I'm a bit of a sequel-nihilist... Everything gets endless spinoffs and sequels these days. I would rather have a good, self-contained story than a shambling wreck of a zombie franchise stumbling onwards endlessly, propelled by nothing but a desire to wring every possible cent out of the property. This is, of course, why I got into the comics.
...But seriously, folks. Mayday Parker is one of the few things that could get me seriously excited for a SM4. Four spidey spinoffs and countless TV shows and we still haven't gotten dad/teacher Peter and mom/famed actress MJ yet! When else will we get the chance?
All this with the caveat that it would have to be a Sam Raimi movie, not just a Tobey Spider-Man movie. His strong stylistic sensibilities endear me to the trilogy as much as any of the characters.
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meggannn · 4 years
the Into the Spiderverse #QuarantineWatchParty on twitter yesterday revealed a lot of neat stuff about the film. a lot of the creative team (directors, writers, producers, composer, editors, animators, and Shameik Moore) participated. 
there were also a few tidbits about the sequel I found interesting. no plot stuff was revealed, but I found confirmation that certain names that are back on the team, which I found reassuring (especially since I am a little wary of Joaquim Dos Santos being on the sequel, but that’s just me)
behind-the-scenes ITSV
Co-Producer Chris Miller: “We pitched the Sony brass an ambitious tag involving Spider-Ham, Tobey [Maguire], Andrew [Garfield], and Tom [Holland]. They felt it was “too soon””
the Spider-Verse edit suite (during the final crunch weeks)
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ITSV stuff:
Visual effects/computer graphics supervisor Michael Lasker: “We built about 140 uniques buildings for Manhattan and Brooklyn, and every building had a night and day variation. We build skyscrapers, residential, modern, industrial, pretty much anything you'd find in New York!”
Co-Director/Scriptwriter Rodney Rothman: “We recorded Shameik Moore singing "Familia" too. The movie almost opened with that.”
Peter Parker would order a latte from Foam Party “and that's what we love and hate about him.”
Co-Producer/Scriptwriter Phil Lord: “[Miles’s science teacher] is based on my cousin @ceciliacallero5 who is very funny and inspiring science teacher.”
“Pine recorded a lot of very silly ad libs with us in London and I will never forget him for it.”
During the death scene, Chris Pine had to “lay down on the ground for a few minutes because he was breathing so heavily. He got light headed.”
Associate Editor on ITSV/Film Editor on ITSV2 Andy Leviton: “An early version had Miles breaking the USB on the train tracks.”
Phil Lord: “The movie started with this scene [introduction of Peter B. Parker] at one point. at the end of the opening sequence. And we zapped Peter B we went to Sunflower.”
Other ideas for animals that Peter B would be crying over (instead of seahorses) included albatrosses and gibbons
Doc Ock’s desktop was based on Phil Lord’s desktop
Michael Lasker: “Doc Ock's villain costume was the most complex outfit that we created. Her tentacles have fx wire geometry published on a per shot basis, and her suit has subsurface scattering, chrome and other metals and translucent materials.”
“Turning Doc Ock into a woman was a Bob Persichetti idea. He and Katherine Hahn are friends through their kids. In earlier drafts she was a Big Lebowski type dude.”
“A whole lot of really good stuff in the movie came from the comics” (this image he shared is from the Spider-Men mini-series, where Peter meets Miles)
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Andy Leviton: “We often ask all actors to give us some efforts (such as laughs, yells) whether we need them or not at the time. We asked Nic Cage to laugh. He gave us a small one. Then we said, make it bigger. HE WENT FULL CAGE! The most insane laugh I have ever heard. Sadly, Not in the movie.“
John Mulaney improvised an entire Spider-Ham theme song called “Spider-Ham, the most handsome Spider-Man.” Andy Leviton said on Twitter that he would try to look for the theme song to share it. He also confirmed that everything John Mulaney said in this interview with Jimmy Fallon is correct and not made up.
Rodney Rothman: “There was a moment Mahershala Ali didn't want to perform the death scene again -- the way he explained that to us taught me a lot about how to handle oneself at work. He is an amazing performer and person.”
Tom Rothman (Chairman of Sony Pictures) was behind the scene with Jefferson at the door speaking to Miles. originally it was going to be Aunt May but then Tom basically said "you guys are dumb."
Chris Miller: “Whether Spider-Ham was allowed to say that legally was a real question for several months but thankfully we have a good relationship with our friends at Warner Bros.”
Phil Lord: “There were many versions of Gwen's goodbye where she and Miles kissed. None of them felt right. This [ending] is so much better”
Phil Lord: “Directors felt really strongly that Miles needed his own one on one with Kingpin after everyone left... and they were really right”
Chris Miller: “On the last day of animation I forced Josh Beverage to reanimate the Kingpin punch of Miles with only one hand because the two handed punch killed Peter”
Chris Miller: “This final Miles V.O. Was a real 6-person team effort written during the final mix by the directors, Phil, me, and editor Bob Fisher. It was the last piece of dialogue written and recorded for the film”
Rodney Rothman: “My 4-year-old was really upset Peter B. Parker never got to eat a bagel and he made me storyboard a post-credits scene where he got to eat one at home, it's in my sons room and it really should'vee been in the damn movie”
behind-the-scenes ITSV stuff
The team was inspired by Japanese contemporary artist Yayoi Kusama’s work
Composer Daniel Pemberton, Dec 2019: “Last month I went back [to Sony Animation Studios] for the first time since finishing #Spiderverse. The whole building was now covered head to toe in everything spiderverse. It was genuinely quite a moving moment for me...” (Megan note: I happen to have a wonderful friend who works at Sony Pictures and showed me pictures of these cut-outs a few months ago, and now that someone “official” has shared them, I think everyone should see them because they’re delightful)
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behind the scenes photos from Rodney Rothman one / two / three / four / five. One interesting photo:
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Rodney Rothman shared a lot of photos, one of them a text convo with Phil Lord when they were back in production stages
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stuff about ITSV2
Phil Lord is working on the sequel. in what capacity, he didn’t say, but presumably a producer. Producer Chris Miller is also apparently returning in some capacity but I couldn’t find hard confirmation; it’s probably a good bet he will also be a producer, since they are a creative team. On the sequel Lord said on May 6 2020: “worked on it all day yesterday and had a ball. Watching this got me pumped for all the surprises in store for 2022″
Michael Schroeder, who animated the opening logo for ITSV1 and also did the ITSV2 announcement animation, is also working on the sequel, apparently on and off. Someone asked if he was going to [do] a similar variant to the first film’s opening logos for ITSV2 and he said “I believe so”
Japanese Spider-Man will be in the sequel, or at the very least, he has been designed (I know that’s an old link but it was news to me!)
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akirakan · 5 years
Sony’s Universe would work much better if they focused on legacy heroes
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Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past weeks, we all know that Spider-Man is not going to show-up in the MCU anymore. Sure, they could arrange a new deal, but for the moment, forget about seeing him again alongside The Avengers.
Sony is very likely to integrate him into their own cinematic, Sony’s Universe of Marvel Characters (SUMC), and do at least a soft-reboot, with the same cast but ignoring the events of the MCU. They already kick-started their little universe with Venom, with it’s sequel coming and Morbius starring Jared Leto, as well as the announced Black Cat, Silver Sable, Silk, Dusk, Nightwatch, and (*sigh*) Jackpot. Although, from all those announced, god knows how many will actually enter production (Silver and Black, Sinister Six, anyone?), specially now that they have Spidey all for themselves, he’s very likely to take priority. They’re very likely to continue with more spin-offs entirely focused on Spider-Man villains.
Okay, so honest question: outside of maybe Black Cat, Silk and maybe Silver Sable, does anyone really care about the others? Do you even know who Jackpot and Nightwatch are? Did Sony ever looked at Leto’s track and didn’t noticed that his only financially successful film is Suicide Squad? Does anyone really think that a universe build with villains turned into heroes as the leads is feasible?
If the answer to most of those questions is no, then you can see that the SUMC is heading to disaster. Sure, Venom was success, but let’s face it, building your cinematic universe on a “so bad it’s good” base is really shaky.
Sony is not entirely lost, however. They still have plenty of heroes. If there’s something that has characterized the Spider-Man mythos the past decade or so (I would go even further, to the 90′s and the clone saga) is the expansion of the Spider-Family. The aspect of legacy has been heavily played-up since the introduction of Ben Reilly, and the introduction of more diverse heroes with rich backstories, and (in most cases) independent from Peter Parker, opens a huge door for Sony to exploit. It’s much better having a universe where Spider-Man pressence is felt instead of awkwardly having Spider-Man villains headlining the universe with no Spider-Man on sight.
So let’s call this, The Spider-Man Legacy Universe, Phase 1.
Miles Morales - Spider-Man
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I won’t even bother to explain him. I know you all saw ItSV. And if you haven’t, go watch it.
He would be the main face of this potential universe. He is THE Spider-Man. He would be slightly older in here, already being Spider-Man fo a few years by now, to show that he has more experience than all the upcoming heroes. Gwen would be introduced as the new girl at school, but she has her own agenda,
Mayday Parker - Spider-Girl
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The daughter of the true Spider-Man! She’s Peter’s and MJ’s daughter, whose powers kicked-in when she entered high school. Her origin could be done fairly quickly: she’s Spider-Man’s daughter. There you go. Introduce villain.
Though, this would work to give more of a backstory to this world. Peter’s fate, for instance. He didn’t die in his last battle with Green Goblin. He was, however, incapacitated. He still lives a happy life with her wife and her two daughters. Yes, I said two.
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At least in this version, I would introduce both of them. Annie being younger like in the earlier Renew Your Vows series, she would be the younger sister of Mayday. And no, she doesn’t have powers... yet.
Anya Corazón - Araña
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Objectively speaking, the best superhero of all time (okay, I might be a little bit biased on that. JUST a little bit ;)). Anya Corazón is a mexican-puerto rican brooklynite who one night was caught between two warring factions: the Spider Society and the Sisterhood of Wasps. After almost dying during the attack, the mage of the Spider Society, Miguel, uses a ritual to save her, kick-starting her powers. After that, she becomes the hero Araña and fights alongside the Spider Society, at the same time that she tries to discover the dark side of the organization and other secrets, like what or who is inside the bunker...
This one would introduce mystical aspects into the universe. Kinda like being the Dr. Strange equivalent, introducing concepts such as the Web of Life, The Other, and, therefore, the Spider-Verse. This concepts would be key moving forward with the next heroes...
Kaine - Scarlet Spider
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Kaine “Parker”, after living a miserable life as a failed experiment and seeing his brother die, he ultimately dies... before inexplicably coming back to life. He retires to Dallas where he tries his best to live a normal life. However, being a Parker means that you will always be dragged to something. And so, after encountering a young immigrant girl almost at the point of dying, he suits up once again and reclaims his place as the Scarlet Spider.
More exploration into the concepts introduced in Araña and a look into the Clone Saga, which will also spawn stuff.
Flash Thompson - Agent Venom
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Flash as Venom is best Venom. There, I said it. Former bully of Parker, later one of his best friends, and #1 Spider-Man fan. Has been operating for years as a government agent after being disabled since his time in the army. Ex-husband of Felicia Hardy aka Black Cat, and father of Felicity Thompson Hardy, now a coach at a Philadelphia high school.
We take a little break from the more Spider-centric narrative into the symbiote world. As well, the more worldwide adventures of Flash would let us see the rest of the world in a post-Spider-Man era.
Jessica Drew - Spider-Woman
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A former CIA Agent, she now works as a private investigator alongside her partner Lindsay McCabe. Everything seems normal until one day she’s contacted by Parker Industries (!) for a special mission related to her past. She’s gonna have to suit up again in order to discover more about herself and get her bread.
Similar to Agent Venom, more worldbuilding and we see the existence of more organizations and factions within. I would also like to throw in Ultimate Jessica Drew as a potential partner, but would need more development to see if it isn’t too convoluted.
After all the establishment, we get a team-up movie where all this heroes meet for the first time, and I’m gonna leave this here. There’s already hints about heroes around, without going overboard like certain other failed cinematic universes had (Dark Universe, TASM). The most important thing is to not rush things and take their respective development. Focusing on the legacy heroes shows how important Spider-Man truly is in the world, and that’s what they should aim for.
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deniigi · 5 years
Prompt: Matt let slips an incident from his teenage orphan days that he thinks is normal but is actually not.
Welcome to sad town friends
references to child abuse and abuse in general below. This is ITSV Miles, Matt, and Jefferson in this bit.
Jeff was impressed but also somewhat concerned with the training regimen Matt had developed for Miles. It was intense to say the least.
But Miles had been so excited when Jeff had mentioned coming to watch him one night that bowing out now was nigh impossible, so he did his best to bite back all commentary in favor of tossing out the occasional whistle and call of encouragement.
Eventually, after a series of wrestling-like exercises, Matt put Miles through some paces which involved a great deal of repetitive punching and kicking and then left him to his own devices for a few moments to practice. In the meantime, Matt slunk over to investigate Jeff in his usual soft way.
Jeff didn’t know where they stood with each other nowadays.
On the one hand, this guy was keeping his kid as safe as he could be kept out in the city at night, but on the other hand, Matt was a two-faced, wily, and incredibly dangerous sonuvabitch. Jeff wasn’t sure just how far he could be trusted; no matter how many times he bumped into the guy and talked to him, no matter how many times he left Miles in his apparently capable hands, Jeff still felt like he barely knew him.
He figured that Matt felt similar. What with the way that he was always inspecting Jeff and keeping his distance.
“Is he any good?” Jeff asked impulsively. The black mask moving slowly around him paused.
“He’s improving,” Matt said.
Well that was something.
“Don’t worry, I always take him for food afterwards,” Matt added.
“That’s nice of you; you don’t have to do that,” Jeff said. Matt’s eye-less mask twisted to the side, but not in reaction to the little war-sounds Miles was making on the other side of the old gym.
“Yes, you do,” Matt said, picking his words carefully. “Otherwise he won’t know.”
“Won’t know what?” Jeff asked, already hating the direction this conversation was going.
“Won’t know he’s doing the right thing,” Matt explained as he crept forward a bit. “You work, you eat. You don’t work, you don’t eat.”
Oh, okay.
So that was a whole new pit Jeff had stuffed his foot into. This is why you don’t ask questions, he told himself. This is why you need to learn to just be content with things as they are.
He didn’t really know where to go from there. He wasn’t a counselor, which was what this man evidently really needed.
“In our house, you don’t need to work to eat,” he tried to explain non judgmentally. It was hard to keep his tone even, and the lower half of Matt’s face gave nothing away about how he’d received this information.
“I think Miles understands getting to spend time with you afterwards as a reward,” Jeff expounded, hoping that maybe that would trip a switch in his new problem’s unknowable head.
“That’s what I meant,” Matt said.
Oh, no, honey. Jeff knew what was going on here; once you’ve seen it once, you start to see it all over.
Matt trying to patch up a mistake he just now realized he’d made.
Jeff had seen the kinds of people who put ideas like that into young folks’ heads. They were twisted. They were angry. They were so much more brutal than Matt was, here, making Miles punch a bag over and over again, and then taking him out for burgers and fries afterwards.
The fact that Matt did that out of a sense of responsibility towards Miles was a testament to his nature and the gravity with which he was approaching this training.
He didn’t seem to understand that, in terms of abuse-behavior, he was really fucking things up, here. He was supposed to withhold food first, if he was really going to do this the way someone had obviously done it to him. That wouldn’t work with Miles, however, since Matt didn’t have that kind of control over him as a person. Miles wasn’t isolated. Miles wasn’t dependent on Matt for anything, really. And it soured Jeff’s teeth to think that Matt, this poor fucking kid, had been in a position where he had been that isolated and dependent on someone so cruel for his basic needs. He must have been that way for a while, too, if he saw this whole so-called reward system as so important to his and Miles’s training relationship that it was the second thing he said to Jeff after nearly an hour of silence.
Jeff wondered if Matt even knew how deeply affected he was by this so-called teacher of his, the one who he had allowed to beat him in his own apartment right before the first and only time Jeff and Rio had been there.
Oh, no. That was worse, actually.
Because Jeff, watching this young man head back to go give Miles a new instruction, could see plain as day now that this wasn’t just about a history of abuse.
Matt was still living this nightmare. Day by day.
It was his normal. It had to have been his normal for years now.
That was intolerable. Inexcusable.
Jeff wasn’t sure he could let it slide anymore either. He clasped his suddenly cold hands together and breathed out slowly. This was maybe something that he needed to discuss with Rio. Maybe even Peter Parker, Matt and Miles’s close friend.
Sometimes, he thought. A hero needs a hero themselves.
And then everyone plots how to find and get Stick behind bars for the rest of his mortal existence.t
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sergeanttpoliteness · 6 years
➹bruised knees➹ (peter parker x reader)
The one where you wish you had spent more time at the roller rink as a little kid, because you just so happen to be on a date with Peter Parker in a roller skating place and you can't exactly impress him with your extravagant arm movements as you try to keep your balance.
word count: 2.4k, short and sweet
a/n: hello @ whoever’s reading this! this my first time ever posting my writing here so i’m sort of nervous? it’s certainly not the last, tho, so feel free to help me out w ideas and send me requests if you want :) (more mcu pete, ps4 pete, itsv peter b. parker, miles morales, gwen, other mcu characters, don’t hold back!!) hope you enjoy !!
There were several things in your short life that you were proud of yourself for doing. Like how back in third grade, despite how complex subtractions were for you, you worked hard and were the only person to get an A in your math test. There’s also that time you won second place (and some tasty chocolates) in your science fair in middle school; and getting a good grade on your last physics exam, even if you procrastinated studying until the night before. Most importantly, though, you also made the fluffiest, most mouth-watering pancakes in the world (it wasn’t a proven fact, but still). What you couldn’t stop appreciating past you for, however, was mustering the courage two months ago during your chemistry class to approach the cute sweater-wearing boy called Peter.
Alright, that was a lie; you didn’t directly make the decision. Rather, you didn’t share that class with any of your friends and neither did he, so it wasn’t a surprise when you two were the last two people left without a partner to work with. But that wasn’t the tragedy of the year— far from it, actually. Every single chemistry lesson, your gaze never failed to take a stop on his pretty curls; brown like the chocolate you eat after a particularly terrible day. Peter was just like that: his serene posture, sat where the golden daylight lovingly showered over him, warmed your body and left a sweet and addicting taste behind. You didn’t even know him; he was nothing more than a magical reverie in your swirling head, yet he never failed to embarrassingly heat up your entire body and make your heart run the mile. Perhaps all that staring resulted in more studying at home, seeing as you barely paid attention to your teacher’s lectures, but that boy deserved all the admiring in the world and you’re glad to deliver just that. So when his eyes met yours from the other side of the class, you wasted no time in raising from your seat, your hands clammy and clenching closed as you walked toward him with determination.
Obviously, he agreed to be your partner. Or tried to, at least, for he couldn’t stop fumbling over his words. Throughout the whole period, his cheeks and ears were the shade of roses in valentines day, but it couldn’t mean anything, you thought. He did always sit in front of the window, after all; possibly the forceful sunlight was finally getting to him. He also accidentally spilled a substance all over your lab coat and shirt— thankfully, nothing toxic, and your upper half didn’t burst in flames. On the other hand, it left you smelling like a dead town during the Black Plague, and Peter hasn’t stopped apologizing for it ever since. You forgave him without a doubt; not purely because of your-slightly-too-big crush on him, but you undeniably had to when he lent you his sweater for his mistake, and that was when you knew you were a goner.
Regardless of that catastrophe, you two really got along. That was what drove you to confidently approach his table at lunch, ready to ask if you could sit with him and his friend. You may or may not have lost that confidence once his curious puppy eyes blinked up at you, leaving you frozen and muttering a long ‘uh’ as you rummaged your brain for the words you had practiced over and over again beforehand. Nevertheless, if you forget about that one part, you handled it like an absolute smooth legend and earned a daily seat with them.
Two months of blushing attacks, you and Peter staring at each other with bashful smiles, chemistry, and Ned rolling his eyes at the both of you for being so ridiculous have gone by; and for the third time, you were giving yourself a pep talk to ask Peter out on a date once and for all. The tables turned this time, though (thankfully), and one morning Peter pulled on his sweatshirt’s sleeves and bit his lip as he asked if you wanted to hang out with him.  
And that was the story of why you were here right now: tying the shoelaces of your heavy roller skates, and then grabbing onto the bench in great distress as you prepared to stand up. You panicked when Peter suggested going to a roller skating rink due to a small, somewhat important fact: you had no idea how to roller skate. The only time you’d ever done it was when you were five and your classmate invited you to her High School Musical themed roller skating birthday party— it ended with you skating (or, to be correct, stumbling) into the birthday girl, and her screaming as she held onto her broken ankle. Was it a silly trauma? Maybe; just like the time you showed up at kindergarten dressed as your favorite Disney character on the wrong day. But it certainly kept you away from ever practicing the activity again, which meant you had zero skill, and a hundred percent chance of turning out like the five-year-old birthday girl. However, you never confessed this fear to Peter. Because you’re dumb? Yes, indeed, but also because his eyes shimmered with excitement when he proposed the idea, and you really simply couldn’t bring yourself to shut him down. Instead, you marveled at him like you always did.
Peter swiftly rose to his feet, doing a suave spin in his roller skates perhaps to impress you; not that he would admit that to you, though. A wide precious smile spread across his face and he reached out his hands to you, offering his help. You accepted it, your fingers intertwining and spouting that glee within your chest that you repeatedly experienced whenever you touched; even if it was an accidental brush against your shoulder. “Ready?” He asked, squeezing your hands.
“Uh, yeah, of course,” You smirked, as if you hadn’t just been planning to twist your ankle so you wouldn’t make a fool out of yourself in front of the boy you liked. “I’m a freaking pro.” Why did I say that?!, you thought, wincing internally.
Peter was thankful the darkness and the dancing neon beam lights left you oblivious to his flustered face after you stumbled a little and your hand shot out to grab his shoulder, throwing yourself flush against his chest. Now you were hugging him like a koala, with your other linked hands squished between your bodies. You sheepishly smiled up at him, gently pushing yourself away from him. “Hah. Sorry, I’m just a little rusty. It has been like fifty years, y’know?” You lied, avoiding his gaze.
“Y-yeah, no, it’s alright. Let’s just take it slow,” He took a step back and moved further away from you, your hands still connected. You didn’t think twice (it really wasn’t that deep) before raising one foot to advance, but you instantly regretted that decision when your other foot slid backwards. Your feet skidded all over the place, until Peter grabbed your waist and steadied you. “Whoa! You sure you know how to roller skate?” He laughed.
“Just a little rusty!” You insisted again, and to prove that your lie was indeed true, you began to slide your feet. “See? I got it!”
You did not have it. Not at all— you looked ridiculous. Since you couldn’t lift your left foot without falling, you only picked up your right foot and it made it appear as if you were limping after someone kicked you in the shin. You accomplished to skate into the rink; however, it was possible that it was thanks to Peter, considering he didn’t let go of your hand in fear of you falling. The truth was that he also just wanted to hold and touch you.
A turtle could’ve been considered faster than the two of you at that moment; you kept your hand plastered against the wall, squealing each time Peter tried to pick up the pace. “I’ve got you, don’t worry,” He smiled reassuringly, but you stayed fixed in the same place, glaring down at your roller skates. “Y/N, we literally haven’t even moved an inch away from the entrance—
“No, not really, we moved like ten inches!” You grinned nervously, inhaling deeply. “Gimme a few seconds, okay? I’ve got it! I’m just preparing myse— oh my fucking God!” You screamed too dramatically when Peter stopped listening to you and began to glide forward. You held onto his sweater’s sleeve for dear life, not moving your legs at all; he was the one dragging you slowly. In your head, it was the most terrifying thing in the world, but then you looked up at Peter’s wrinkled eyes as he burst into laughter and, just for a second, you forgot about the deadly wooden floor beneath.
For some idiotic reason, the designer of the rink decided it would be a fantastic idea for the railing not to start until the wall all the way across from the entrance. Once you reached it, you launched yourself toward it, clutching the metal rail tightly, your skates bumping into the wall. Peter extended his hand again, and you gladfully took it, this time one hand on the railing whilst the other in his. It took about eight long minutes, but first, you released the railing and eventually, you released Peter too.
"You did it!" He cheered as he watched you carefully glide your feet, your palms facing forward to balance yourself. "Look at yourself, what a professional!"
You loved it, you had to admit, how proudly he beamed at you and applauded your below mediocre work; even as a five-year-old sped by you two, doing some Olympic-like tricks with recognizable grace. That was when you noticed the adoration in his gaze— that same infatuation laced in your eyes whenever you happily admired him during chemistry class; that same syrupy sweetness that engulfed your self just because of him. His face made you lose your balance, which wasn't a big deal, until you transformed it into one with your alarm. You flailed your arms wildly, staggering, and Peter reached out, ready to stabilize you. However, you managed to stop your fall.
You breathed out in relief at your victory, giggling. "I really just defeated death— ah!"
You immediately fell forward. Peter hissed at the painful sound of your knees smashing on the floor, quickly crouching down in front of you to see if you were okay.
"Ohh my God, are— are you okay?" He couldn't help the way his voice wavered as he tried to keep in his laughter. He didn't last a moment longer, though, a quiet laugh slipping through his lips. "You didn't defeat death after all, huh?" You rolled your eyes at him, but who were you kidding— you snorted, chuckling along with him.
"You really have the nerve to laugh at me. Just wait for the tables to turn once I see you fall on your ass." You playfully nudged his shoulder with your hand, yet gripped his own outstretched one to lift yourself. You advanced to continue skating, but stopped when Peter stayed put, smirking at you. "What?"
"I've got an idea," He said, smoothly sliding to stand in front of you with his back facing you. "You're not gonna get to enjoy if you're just worrying about falling, so hold onto my shoulders."
You lifted a brow, scoffing. "Wow, I can't believe you don't think I can do this on my own," You teased and shook your head, but did as he said nonetheless. He glanced back at you, telling you to prepare yourself and hold on tight, and then began moving at a normal pace. "If I fall on my face, then I swear to God—"
"Not gonna happen. Don't worry," He reassured, sliding his feet with ease. After doing one lap around the entire roller rink and you had the chance to become acquainted with the movement, he picked up his speed. "Tell me if you want to slow down, okay?"
You don't say a word, and soon you and Peter were dashing past the people, both howling in excitement and the muscles of your face aching from smiling so brightly. You watched the blurs of colors go by, similar to vehicles in a highway at night while the music blasted from the stereo and the breeze invaded you through your open window, embracing your cheeks with its icy fingertips. Peter occasionally grinned back at you; they were just short glances, but in that split second he got to see you, a heat blossomed within him just like a small and shy plant opening up to the soft daylight of the sun. That exact moment— the one he hoped would never come to end— he realized how deep he was in, and how content he was that it was you, and not someone else. 
On the other hand, that also was the moment a little girl accidentally hit the back of your roller skates and sent you down straight to the floor, bringing Peter down with you.
Yet again, you crashed your right knee and this time your elbow, too, against the hard surface. Peter tumbled on his back, almost underneath you. Of course, you groaned internally, of course we had to fall on top of each other. Can't miss that. You're sure you broke your knee as well and after a quick check, you saw that your elbow was bleeding.
But despite the pain and embarrassment, you two laid there wheezing— your hand on his vibrating chest and his hands on your shoulders. And it happened, just like always: your laughter stopped, and you both stared into each other's eyes with adoration, timid smiles adorning your faces. His smile vanished, replaced by wide, big nervous eyes. He sneaked his hand up your skin until it reached your cheek and it remained there, his thumb caressing you tenderly. He lifted himself up to his elbows, and without a word or a second to hesitate, he leaned forward—  a gentle, careful peck on your lips. He broke away. "I'm sorry," He whispered, "I probably should've asked, but you just looked s-so pretty and I didn't want to waste the moment—"
You collided your lips against his, kissing him deeply, your arms around his neck. He raised his other hand, cupping your face lovingly. And you're just there, on the ground, in a roller rink, with bruised knees, and creating quite the traffic. But you didn't mind at all; even if later you'd squirm with humiliation, even if your knees hurt so badly. Because you weren't going to break away from Peter, and neither was he.
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deniigi · 5 years
Confused anon and I found it!! I can now definitively say that one conversation is the 45th time MJ is typed and then the second conversation is typings 46-48. And now that I've found that, what thoughts/musings do you have/want to share about how Peter met Matt and when their meeting falls with respect to Pete and MJ. That was also a confusing question, sorry. But I love your writing!!
I know what you’re talking about now. ITSV Matt and Peter’s relationship! (I was tripped up by trying to figure out which verse you were talking about, but I got it now!)
Right, so ITSV Matt (Little Red) is around 18 months older than Blondie, so they’re much closer in terms of age than other Matts and Peters, but they have reversed starting points.
Blondie became Spiderman way before Little Red became DD, so basically, Little Red starts out around 24ish as DD and runs into Blondie who’s been doing the vigilante thing for like, around 8 years by that point and so Blondie sees this new guy on the scene who’s kind of feral and very skittish and decides that they’re gonna be friends. Blondie sees Little Red, at first, as kind of a pet project–like trying to gain the trust of a stray cat. And about six months or so into this gradual trust exercise, Blondie and MJ break up after a rough patch. And that lasts about 2 years. So in that time in between, Blondie and Little Red grow pretty close, as people/friends, and start fooling around. It’s not serious until it is and about when Little Red works up the courage to ask for something a little more committed is when MJ comes back into the picture for Blondie. He makes the decision to go be with MJ and Little Red is hurt by that, like, really hurt, but does the typical Matt thing with smiling and saying, ‘no, no. that really is for the best. You absolutely should do that.’
Blondie feels really really bad about the whole thing and makes an effort to show Little Red that he is absolutely not being cut out of his life because of his and MJ’s marriage; his and Little Red’s relationship is on the mend when he gets tanked.
In Into the Multiverse, after Blondie comes back, he and Little Red kind of struggle to re-find their place with each other, trying to make a Team Red among themselves and Miles without being weird about it.
But straight up? Blondie still has major feelings there. And Little Red is still very hurt–relieved that Blondie is okay and totally willing to work with him, but hurt. Little Red has finally decided to try to move on by attempting to seduce his Foggy (I am actually calling this Foggy ‘Blue’ in my head atm, it is very cute) and Blue is starting to reciprocate and be charmed. He and Little Red have just started dancing around something a little more committed/stable around the time Blondie comes back, which is why MJ (all four, MJ, Blondie, Little Red, and Blue are friends, more or less) freaks out when she learns that Little Red is DD.
Anyways, I wrote a practice piece a while back, trying to sort through what ITSV Wade is gonna look like and in that, there is a lot of that tension between the many bodies involved here, so here’s a bit of that, below the cut.
I am very interested in this version of team red and the relationships here right now so this was great timing anon!
Matt was pissed at him for havingmade him say words about emotions the day before and so refused to answer anyof Peter’s texts. But Peter had the day off and zero shame. He caught the trainto Hell’s Kitchen and opened the office door.
The place was the zoo it usuallywas, although this time, Karen the Blonde was sitting at the desk in the centerof it, directing people to chairs in front of offices.
Karen was unspeakably beautiful.Too beautiful. Peter smiled at her and said he was there to see Matt Murdockand she didn’t know his face and so told him to take a seat. Foggy came out afew minutes later to fetch his next client and his face went wide on seeingPeter.
“Hey, what’s up?” he asked.
Karen behind him went stiff inrealization that she’d made a mistake.
“Not much, just waiting for ourfavorite problem child to have a minute to chat,” Peter said.
Foggy frowned at him.
“He’s not in,” he said, “Took ahalf day, said he wasn’t feeling well.”
Yeah, sure. Of course he was.
Karen apologized for themisunderstanding and Peter waved her off with a smile and a dull throb in thebottom of his heart. She didn’t mean to be upsetting Matt. And given that Fogsdidn’t seem too worried about anything, he certainly hadn’t talked to him aboutanything yet.
“Right, well. I’ll go see if he’sat home, then,” Peter said. He left.
Foggy caught him in the hallwaybefore he could hit the stairs.
“You okay, Peter?” he asked.
“Hmm? What, no, I’m fine. Why?”
“No, it’s just. Uh. Listen, I’msorry for going off on you the other day.”
“It’s no problem, man,” he said,“Boundaries and all that.” Foggy’s smile flickered a little. Peter made surethat he saw him notice it.
“Are you alright?” he asked.
“What? Oh, sure. Ah, you know.The usual. Matty’s been spending a lot of time out the last few weeks and I’mjust—well, you know.”
He did know.
“Has he been with you?”
Nope, but Peter had a feeling heknew who he was with now.
“I’ll go see if I can find him,”he said. Foggy was relieved, his forehead smoothed out a bit.
“Thank you.”
Uh-huh. Don’t mention it.
Matt wasn’t back where thesniper’s nest had been, so Peter went and checked the other Wade’s junk-foodpoint. No one was there either. He then searched out the favorite haunts of theother versions of Murdock he’d encountered. It was getting dark when he finallypuffed out his cheeks and headed down south to Brooklyn to meet Miles. Twoheads, he thought. They needed two heads.
Miles got on with Matt with acasual ease which Peter kind of envied. To be fair, those two spent more timetogether than he and Matt did these days. Matt was very concerned about Miles’sabysmal lack of fighting form and practice. He dragged the kid to half of theabandoned gyms in the city on the regular and put him through some thoroughlyunnecessary routines.
Miles, for his part, seemed toenjoy them. He also like to take the piss out of Matt when he could and Peterwas pleased to find that Matt accepted this more easily than he’d originallyaccepted Peter’s presence. They’d gotten there but it had taken some work.
Miles made a perfect sad facewhen Peter told him what was up. Then he declared that he’d find Matt, noproblem.
“I don’t doubt it,” Peter said.Miles squinted at him in suspicion.
Two hours in and Peter was tryingto believe his own words.
“Maybe he went home?” Milesasked.
They headed south to check.
No dice.
Maybe Peter was fixating on this.Maybe Peter was more worried about this than necessary. Maybe Peter was stillfeeling a couple of feelings towards Matt.
He couldn’t help it, they werejust there.
“Why’re you so sad?” Miles asked.“Matt’s a ninja, he’ll be okay.”
Mmm. Okay was relative.
“You’re married, Peter.”
Fuck this kid. Peter didn’t needgremlin interference in his head. He already had anxiety interference in hishead.
“We’re just friends,” he said.
“Kay, so why’re you mad aboutKaren then?”
Dude, what? Who said he was madabout Karen?
“You keep making this face whenher name comes up.”
“No, I don’t.”
“Yeah, you do. Are you jealous?”
Aigh. It always came back tothis, didn’t it.
“I’m not jealous,” he said. “I’mjust, I dunno, protective. Matt’s one of my people, now. I don’t like anyonewho hurts him. He’s already got enough people hurting him.”
Miles cocked his head and lookedout at the twinkling lights of the city.
“Maybe that’s why he likes DP,”he said. “He doesn’t worry about him. Probably makes him feel less guilty.”
That was.
Remarkably insightful.
He waited a second and then gaveMiles a playful shove.
“You’re a smart cookie, you knowthat?” he asked.
Miles shoved him back.
“Jesus, Pete. Wear a bell orsomething.”
He shouldn’t have to. Matt wassupposed to have superhearing.
“MJ’s out for a thing tonight.I’m lonely. Come eat garbage with me.”
Matt laughed and shrugged on hisjacket. Loosened his tie.
“Sorry, man. I’m booked.”
Peter made sure to put on hissour-puss face.
“Fogs?” he said.
Matt paused and then turned hishead in his direction and cocked it.
“What’s the matter with you?” heasked.
“Nothing. I’m just being nosy.”
“Why don’t you like DP? He hasn’tdone anything to you.”
“Oooooh, well. You know. He’s amurderer, for one. And—yeah, no. Mostly because he’s a murderer.”
Matt’s face was smooth while heconsidered him. Then he finished pulling on his coat.
“Not all of us are so squeakyclean, Pete,” he said.
“You guys fucking?”
“I’m just askin’, man. I thoughtyou and Fogs—”
“Can we not?”
Peter was taken aback by thetone. He recoiled without meaning to and caught himself doing it. Made himselfstand up straight.
“Sorry,” he said.
“Whatever,” Matt grumbled. “I’mheaded out. I’ll catch you around.”
Peter watched him go. When thedoor closed and locked, he ducked back out of the window and clicked it shutfrom the outside. He didn’t like this. He didn’t like quiet Wade. He didn’tlike sad Matt. The only thing going for them right now was Miles’s seeminglyendless enthusiasm.
Shit was giving him heartburn.
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