#I didn’t get frustrated and overwhelmed like I usually do when I have to shop for clothes
sodacowboy · 9 months
anyway I’m gonna list some good things that have happened to me/in my life in the tags
#1. I am very proud of my art progress this year!! I’m literally gonna do actual studies of people tomorrow too!!#2. My weekend trip up north last May! That was so fun and I loved seeing iargo springs#3. I found that doing dishes is calming and meditative for me (if certain accommodations are met)#4. So far bullet journaling is really helpful for me! I love having a list of tasks and being able to cross them off#and it helps me keep up with habits and it keeps me more on track and it’s easier to switch between tasks when they’ve been preplanned#5. The cake I made for my grandpas birthday was a hit!! He really liked it and so did everyone else who tried it#6. My brother bought me a set of Bluetooth headphones and I fucking love these things#(aside from general tech issues)#it’s so so nice to not be bound by a cord and to just wear them as noice cancelling ones too#it’s GREAT to not hear the light in my kitchen or any other little noise that bothered me#7. I found a pair of jeans!!! that fit me really well!!! and I found them practically on the first try!!!#I didn’t get frustrated and overwhelmed like I usually do when I have to shop for clothes#8. I started crocheting again this year! I’ve made two and 3/4 blankets and I love to have a blanket#9. Saved a cat from being put down unnecessarily. My aunt was neglecting her bc she couldn’t get close#meanwhile she let me hold her within ten minutes#and I found out her claws had started growing into her paw pads#and my aunt just wanted to put her down#and I was very insistent about Not Doing That#because the cat isn’t that old and she’s such a sweetheart!!!!#and now my brother takes care of her!!#10. I’ve made friends with some of the feral cats in the neighborhood#they’re not Friendly Friendly they’ve very much only friendly when I feed them#but they let me pet them and they like being pet#and so that definitely helps in being able to see if they need medical attention and getting them caught if they do#11. My cat has started a routine where she crawls under the blankets as I’m laying down to go to bed#and she’ll cuddle up for a half hour give or take#12. Blue Eye Samurai. That’s it. That’s number 12. I fucking love that show.#13. Across the Spiderverse. Same reasons.#14. I came out to my mom and brother and it went so much better than I feared it would#15. Fostered a cat we named Lux. He was the nicest most sweetest cat Ever!!!! He was adopted before the shelter even got his picture taken!
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imightgetbetter · 2 years
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this picture is literally not the same vibe as what this story is but he's so - you know - that anything works. matty acting a little bit over protective. it's cute. i like her. thank you all for the support and love. happy reading -warning: mentions of pregnancy (this was requested abundantly today but if you don't like that, i have others that don't include anything like that)
Quiet. That’s all you really wanted. Quietness, a break from the overwhelming sounds coming from the studio and the excessive laughter (that in every other circumstance you have always found so heartwarming) and the horrible screeches from instruments being using improperly. Heaviness weighed at your front, your hands rubbing at your swollen belly as you lay lazily on the mattress settled in the center of your bedroom. Coming through the walls, you can hear the thrum of a cello and the terrible clanging of an instrument you couldn’t name, and that was it, you finally had enough. Quickly, you send a text to your husband, telling him that you need to go for a walk, and you’ll be back in a bit. Easy. He likely wouldn’t even notice until you’re back.
Messily getting yourself off of the bed, you steady yourself on your feet, your eyes falling to the floor, where your stomach is now hiding your toes. Usually, Matty is there to give you any help with your shoes that you might ask, but the idea of calling him and having to explain where you’re going (when you don’t actually have any idea) is making you angry. Normally, it’s very rare that you get angry or irate with him. Matty has always been nothing but sweet and loving to you, always wanting what’s best for you, however, what’s best for you at nearly thirty-four weeks pregnant is going on a walk by yourself without the clanging of instruments ringing in your ears. Matty would tell everyone to leave if you asked, you know this as well, but they need to work and you want to be alone, as much as telling him that would absolutely kill you.
“God damn it!” you groan, rolling your head back against your neck in frustration. “I love you so much already, but you are in the way,” you say to your belly, the gentle rolls relaxing your frustration only slightly, because as soon as you look up, there’s a knock on the door and twisting of the knob. “Can you put on my shoes for me? I need to take a walk, get a bit of fresh air and see the world, but our daughter is kind of in the way of me getting my shoes on.”
“I, I can ask everyone to leave for a bit, I suppose,” Matty sighs, pursing his lips and looking from you to the hallway. Matty shakes his head, seemingly making a decision quickly before walking towards you and grabbing the shoes that you always left outside of your closet for moments like these. “I’ll grab my shoes and I’ll take you. Can grab a tea from that shop in town, if you’d like? Are you still nauseous?”
“Matty, I want to go alone,” you say, a softened whimper leaving your lips as his fingertips gently massage the soles of your feet. “I know you need to work. I just want a bit of quiet.” His last question finally registers, and you suddenly feel guilty for how annoyed you are at him. “No, I’m okay, right now. I just need a break.”
“I can work any time, baby,” he says surely, leaning forward to kiss your bare belly and stand on his feet. “I’ll tell everyone to leave. It’s not a bother. I’m sorry I didn’t ask them to go earlier.”
“Matty, I love you dearly, but please listen to me when I tell you this,” you say, standing on your feet and taking his face in your hands. “I have not had a minute alone in nearly three weeks. I am going to go insane. Clinically unwell.”
“I’m not comfortable with you going out by yourself,” Matty says certainly, taking your hands in his gently and pulling them away from his face. His hands leave your wrists and settle on the curve of your stomach. He’s the only one that can do this without you getting violently angry. “I don’t want to think about what could happen if you get lost or someone from a bloody tabloid finds you or you start feeling ill or something. I just, I would feel more comfortable if I came. Call me annoying, that’s fine. Can you please just let me come? I’ll be quiet the whole time. Not even a sound.”
“One inkling of a sound, Matty, and you’re sleeping on the couch, without a blanket,” you say warningly, standing in front of the mirror and adjusting the way your chest is sitting in the sports bra on your torso. “My tits are ginormous.” Matty turns to you, tying the laces of his shoes, and you can see him trying to hide the laughter wanting to break free. “You can laugh.”
“I agree, your tits are ginormous.” Matty stands on his feet and walks over to you, grabbing a pair of your favorite sunglasses and slipping them over your nose when you turn around and lean your forehead against his chest. “You’re not feeling great, are you?”
“I am miserable,” you murmur, your voice muffled by his chest and the drawled moans leaving your lips as his fingers scratch your head soothingly. “I’m hot. I’ve got an extra forty pounds on my belly. My tits do not fit in anything. And, I love your band and I love the guys, but you make the most fucking noise I have ever heard in my life.”
Matty laughs breathily, leaning down to kiss your head sweetly. “I’m sorry you’re miserable, darling. I would do all this instead of you, if that was humanly possible.” His honey eyes are soft when you tilt your head to look at him. “And I’m sorry that you’ve felt like you’re going insane the last few weeks. I just want to make sure that you’re safe, and I cannot do that if I’m not with you.” He leans his forehead against yours, “Have to keep my girls safe, don’t I?”
“That was a very evil thing to say, and you know it,” you grumble, pulling away from his hold around you and adjusting the sunglasses, your arms reaching around your head to tie your hair out of your face. “You can’t use the ‘my girls’ thing and get away with it!”
“I’m coming on the walk, aren’t I?” Matty opens the bedroom door and gestures for you to walk ahead of him, the hallway quiet and still, meaning the guys had already left for the day. “I would say that this is me getting away with it, but I know you’ve got at least another twenty minutes of anger left in you.”
“You made me this way,” you say, taking his hand and using his steadiness as you descend down the stairwell. “Not only did you get me pregnant, but you also waited until I was about to leave for college in New York City to tell me that you had feelings for me.”
“Not this again,” Matty groans, opening the front door and waiting for you to walk outside before he follows you, closing and locking the house. “It’s been years. And we’re married!”
“I have twenty minutes of anger left on the clock,” you say teasingly, smiling brightly at him as you hold out your hand, waiting for his fingers to lace through yours. “Have ten seconds to back out of the walk, starting now.”
“Not a chance,” he says, rolling his eyes and grabbing your hand. “Get walking.”
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morathicain · 1 year
It’s time for a new happiness - Pisaeng/Kawi
Warning: breakup, miscommunication, the author’s frustration about episode 10 screams loud in this one
!Don’t like don’t read and don’t complain if you still do it!
Anyway, have fun? I guess?
When Kawi entered their apartment around midnight after his latest concert gig, exhaustion weighing heavy on his shoulders, the lights were still on. Was Pisaeng still awake?
They rarely met at nights like this because Pisaeng  had to get up early and Kawi usually came home late and needed some time to rewind, even if his body screamed for the bed already. Sometimes he’d even sleep on the sofa just so he wouldn’t disturb his partner of eight years. But today, it was different and when Kawi met Pisaeng in the kitchen, sitting on one of the chairs with only a glass of water in front of him, clearly waiting, the dread finally settled in his bones.
He hated this. He’d always hated this. The tension of a serious talk to come, the helplessness of not knowing what would be said, the inability to anticipate the next words, the outcome and what he was supposed to say to make it right, to make it better. Kawi would much rather figure things out on his own and change them so that there was no talk necessary. It had come to the point where Pisaeng didn’t even try anymore and in Kawi’s book that was a win, right? Right?!
“Oh, hey”, he laughed awkwardly, carefully putting his bags away instead of dropping them into the most convenient corner, “You can’t sleep?”
Pisaeng’s voice was somber and calm, not the way he’d usually greet Kawi with a smile that could be heard in every corner of their rooms: “Hello Kawi. How was the gig?”
“Good, good”, Kawi let out an awkward laugh, the tension in his neck so high by now, it was a wonder he hadn’t turned into a stone statue yet, “A full house and the owner gave us a bonus for getting so many people in.”
The following chuckle was a bit softer, Pisaeng’s “I am glad then” almost normal enough for Kawi to persuade himself that everything was well. That it was nothing but his exhausted imagination, that ...
“Kawi”, the seriousness was back and Kawi’s breath caught in his throat, “I know you’re tired and I’m sorry but we need to talk and I haven’t seen you for three days.”
“Ah”, Kawi straightened and scratched his neck with an awkward laugh, avoiding his partner’s eyes desperately, “I’m sorry, it’s been such a busy week with the festival and our usual gigs. I promise it will get better soon. Did you eat anything already?”
“Kawi ...”
“You probably did, of course”, Kawi forced himself not to run to the fridge, taking the longest way possible so he wasn’t anywhere near Pisaeng, “Did you go shopping as well? I am starving, I tell you. They always want to give us drinks but never food.”
“Kawi ...!”
Not even perceiving what was in the fridge, Kawi closed it forcefully again, wincing. “Was your day okay? I know the office has some deadlines coming up, right? You really shouldn’t have waited, I know you don’t get enough sl ...”
A loud bang made Kawi flinch and shut up, involuntarily turning around towards Pisaeng. Pisaeng who was standing by now, leaning on both his hands on the table, trembling. It was a foreign experience to see Pisaeng’s anger so clearly, mixed with a new kind of helplessness, for once not covered by a smile.
“Pisaeng, why ...”
“I’m in love with someone else.”
Kawi’s whole body froze and he could do nothing but stare. What?
Taking a deep breath, Pisaeng reigned in the anger, leaving only sadness: “I have fallen in love with someone else and I want to break up.”
Break up? Nausea overwhelmed Kawi’s mind, flashbacks of their moments together, of bad futures and trying pasts threatening to overcome him.
“I’m sorry”, Pisaeng looked as if he wished he could step close to comfort Kawi but he stayed put, didn’t move even for one centimeter, “We tried and you tried, I know. But while trying to give everyone a happy future and make the right decisions, we can’t forget our own. And this right now? It’s not making either of us happy.”
The words sank in like stones and Kawi felt sick to his stomach. He could do nothing but curl his hands into fists and stare and wish himself away.
A look of pity crossed Pisaeng’s face and Kawi hated it, hated the whole man suddenly, no matter how afraid he was to let him go, to be left alone, once again.
“He”, Kawi swallowed, “Doe he ...” make you happy?
The pity vanished and Kawi didn’t know what to make of the mixture of emotions he now saw: “Of course, that’s the thing you’d ask about. You’re not even angry, not ... Kawi, I didn’t cheat on you, I only fell for someone else and had to realise that we don’t work out anymore. Haven’t done so for a long time actually.”
“Who ...”
“Does it matter? I haven’t even told him yet and I’m not sure I will. Not for a while at least, not while I still struggle with my feelings for you.”
Kawi swallowed: “Do you still love me?”
Pisaeng looked away for a moment, choosing his next words carefully, deliberately, putting another knife into Kawi’s heart anyway: “Not like I used to. Not the way I need to, to stay your partner. I still love our memories, your fondness of food, your puppy eyes and your voice, but it’s different. It’s not enough.”
 ‘You’re not enough’ was the addition Kawi couldn’t but hear next to Pisaeng’s actual words. It hurt despite knowing that Pisaeng would tell him it wasn’t the case if he uttered those thoughts. It hurt ...
“Kawi”, Pisaeng said after a long moment of silence and Kawi could see and hear the old fondness again, proof of what they’d once had, “It’s not your job to make everyone happy. We’re all our own people and now it’s your job to find your own.”
It was as if a big weight had suddenly dropped from the centre of his chest. Tears threatened to overcome Kawi and he didn’t even know why. Was it heartbreak? Was it relief? All at once?
Tentative steps made him look up, his sight foggy from the tears in his eyes, his breath trembling. Now, Pisaeng was finally in front of him, so familiar and strange at once, his face and body screaming “sorry” and Kawi didn’t want to hear it. But he also did and he didn’t know, wouldn’t know ...
“What do you need, Kawi? Right now?”
The softness was killing him but with the gates that had been closed for so long open suddenly, he couldn’t stop the flood, the sudden surge of needs and wishes and dreams and broken hopes.
“Can you hug me?”, he asked, voice trembling, “One last time?”
And Pisaeng smiled, almost like in old times.
“Of course.”
The next morning, Pisaeng packed a small suitcase and a bag.
“What about the sheets you chose?”
“You can keep them.”
“They’re ugly, I don’t want them”, Kawi pulled a face and Pisaeng laughed.
“I’ll get them later when I have a new apartment.”
Kawi hummed in agreement and watched his now ex-partner considering his packing carefully. Still in his pyjamas, Kawi was sipping his coffee, his heart weirdly calm and peaceful. Maybe it was because he’d cried so much last night or maybe it was just a short moment, maybe it was real relief. Whatever it was, Kawi didn’t want to think too much about it currently because right now, he felt more relaxed than he’d done for ages. Which was a realisation he for sure had to delve into later but not now.
Now, he was laughing at his boyfriends ex-boyfriends friends (?) struggles with the knowledge that this wouldn’t be the end, no matter what path they’d choose in the future.
“Don’t go the lone wolf route, alright? Tell Max, tell Pear if you want to and I know Fluke will be happy to support you, too. Don’t think you’re alone again, okay? Because you aren’t.”
“Okay, okay”, Kawi rolled his eyes fondly, “I’ll let you know I’m still alive from time to time.”
Pisaeng huffed and flicked Kawi’s forehead before turning to the door: “I’ll tell you as soon as I have an apartment and we can sort out the rest then.”
“Sure, sure ... wait!”
Confused, Pisaeng stopped and stood there while Kawi ran into the kitchen suddenly and came back with an old, battered up mug full of blue turles which he pushed into Pisaeng’s hands: “Don’t forget your old favourites. Even if you’re on your way to find new ones.”
And Pisaeng smiled, pressing the mug against his chest: “I promise I won’t.”
the End
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jadethest0ne · 2 years
In need of Refueling, Chapter 29 - Braiding Hair
Summary:  “You?! Why would I trust you? You have brought me nothing but failure. Time and time again; nothing but disappointment!”
His father’s words might have been a result of his possession by the  White Bone Spirit, but whether or not they were his true thoughts, Red  Son vows to prove them wrong. To do so he seeks to attain a power strong enough to destroy his father’s immortal enemy. After all, he’d much rather throw fire at his problems.
Word Count: 2505
Ratings/Warnings:  Teen and up; injury, burns, angst and hurt/comfort, toxic thoughts caused by toxic parents, panic attacks, abuse.
Notes: Mei braids Red Son’s hair and they talk about dreams.
Credits: Big thanks to @painted-arachnid and @simplyfornardo  for helping me bounce ideas off of them. And also thanks to @lemonsqueazie for providing me with “Journey to the West” lore. I don’t know much about the original novel or other iterations, but I still tried to keep  some things compliant with the lore. You should check all of them out, since they’re really great content creators with neat ideas!  
Read on AO3
 It is hot. Uncomfortably so. Even for a fire demon.
 There are flames everywhere. Buildings are burning. People are screaming. The smoke is overwhelming. He coughs harshly and sinks to his knees. The fires swirl around him, coming close. He tries to push the flames away, but they don't listen to him.
 He calls out to the fire and pleads for it to obey his command, holding out his arm as if to physically keep it at bay.
 Beyond his outstretched hand there is a large bull-like figure and a flash of blue.
He wakes up with a startled yelp.
His hand is still stretched out, and a small red fireball had unconsciously formed there which falls clumsily to his covers. Red Son quickly pats out the flames, and luckily the blankets appear undamaged except for a small charcoal smudge. He rubs at the spot in tired frustration. He wipes at his eyes tiredly and looks at the clock. It’s much earlier than he meant to wake up, but despite this he gets up and gets ready for the day anyway. If he gets moving maybe he can take his mind off of what woke him up. But his dreams and the weight of little sleep cling to him throughout the day.
He was getting rather sick of these dreams and his flames not entirely responding well to his emotional state.
Despite having practiced meditation and self-control with Sandy for several weeks, suddenly reintroducing emotion-laden fire powers to the mix and suddenly having a lack of sleep didn’t help Red Son’s control of his usual temper. Many times when Red Son forgot himself, his fire would activate or his hair would flare up. It wasn’t too often, but it was often enough that Red Son started to feel embarrassed at how many times he just let his fire flow freely without regard to those around him.
Sometimes it was helpful. Like today as he worked at the shop, when MK was being harassed by an entitled customer. Red Son was there to put the "Karen" back in their place and scare them off. Pigsy chewed him out a bit for doing that in front of other customers, but Red Son felt justified for it.
Unfortunately, more often than not, his lack of control of his temper did more harm than good. For instance, when he accidentally activated the stove without warning, which could have burned the soup Pigsy was working on; or worse, burned Pigsy. Luckily, neither happened, but it was too close for Red Son’s liking. Another time he got upset at losing a card game against Tang, and simply burned up the deck of cards. And worst of all, after stubbing a toe at Sandy’s, his angry shout, which was accompanied by a burst of flames from his fiery hair, scared Orange Claw. She was unharmed, but the wary look on her face and the fact that she ignored him for the entire afternoon hurt him more than expected. He didn’t want something like that to happen again.
He had a few meditation sessions with Sandy after that, some involving bringing forth his flames and dissipating them as they went. It was an interesting mix of both emotional and power control training. Red Son appreciates this, but it’s the “mindfulness” part of Sandy’s lessons that gives him trouble. Red Son finds it difficult to be aware of his emotions and his powers in a, quite literally, heated moment. Sandy mentioned using visual or tactile reminders, but he’s not really sure what he could utilize for that…
“Your hair always bursts into flames, when you get angry - what if we tied up your hair in a way to remind you not to do that?” the Dragon Girl says, after listening to Red Son lamenting on the subject.
Red Son perks up, not really realizing how much his brooding mutterings had been out loud. They were in the shop after closing. Red Son had just finished cleaning up and was leaning on a broom he was meant to put away before he started his not-so-internal monologue. Mei is sitting at a table, scrolling through her phone while waiting for MK to get back from his last deliveries for the evening. So it’s just them.
Red Son blinks at Mei’s comment, and his first inclination is to object to any suggestion by her, but he stops and thinks. Red Son did always put his hair up in a ponytail because it kept his hair, and any errant flames that sprung from it, away from his face. So the suggestion wasn’t too far out of left field, to work. But if a ponytail was something that he was used to, perhaps it wouldn’t have been enough of a “reminder”.
So instead of a rebuttal to the Dragon Girl’s suggestion, he says, “What did you have in mind?”
“I was thinking like some sort of braid. It’d, like, tie it up, and you could feel it on your back, or look at it over your shoulder. Especially if maybe you added a heavy or fluffy hair tie to fidget with or something.”
“Uh… I don’t know…” Red Son didn’t have any experience with fancy hair styles. He usually was very practical with his hair care, but didn’t do anything special. He wasn’t even sure if he could do a proper braid.
“I have some nice hair ties and accessories you could try out if you want,” Dragon Girl says.
Red Son twists a handful of the hair in question through his fingers, and says, “It’s not that, it's just… Not something I usually do.”
Sensing the reasons for his trepidation, Mei offers, “I could braid your hair for you, if you’d like.”
Red Son blinks at her. It makes sense, but the idea of having someone else mess with his hair causes him to unexpectedly tense up.
Dragon Girl waves her hands, “Only if you’re comfortable, though. I get it if you don’t want to, or if you can do it yourself.”
Red Son scoffs and says, “I know how to do it! I.. just… want to make sure you wash your grubby peasant hands before you touch my hair! It’s only logical that someone else does it to make sure it’s even, after all!” He folds his arms over his chest, while puffing it out, making sure he injected the right amount of flaunting into his statement so she knew her place, while also inherently accepting the offer.
Dragon Girl raises her eyebrows and smirks, obviously not biting at the opportunity to snap back, “So, that’s a yes then?”
“Of course!” Red Son quickly stashes away his broom, and stomps hautilly over to the table she is sitting at and sits down in an adjacent seat.
Red Son can practically feel the eye-roll as she walks past him and goes to wash her hands. She comes back with a box of hair accessories and slides back into the chair behind him, ready to start braiding.
Mei runs her fingers through Red Son’s hair, and a nervous tingle runs up and down the fire demon’s spine. He thinks the only other person who’s ever done anything with his hair was his mother, and it felt oddly intimate to allow someone else to touch it. An unbidden flicker of flame twitches through his hair and Mei flinches back, dropping the lock of hair she was holding.
“Yipe! You know if you’re going to let me do this, you can’t be lighting up your hair to begin with!” Mei scolds.
“M-maybe be more careful with my hair!” Red Son bites back with little heat. “This is just… strange is all…” He peters off.
Mei immediately stops and slowly pulls her hands away. “We don’t have to do this, you know?” she says softly. “If you’re uncomfortable with it, I can stop.”
“No, it’s fine. I can sit still long enough. I’m not a child.” Red Son huffs out. But he makes sure to take a calming breath and center himself. “You may continue,” he says with a wave.
“Okay,” Mei responds and picks up a brush.
She carefully brushes through the tangles of his hair. Red Son usually keeps his hair clean and neat, but working at the noodle shop, and with his fire occasionally causing it to flare, it can often get a little bit messy. Still, Mei makes sure to be gentle in her brush strokes. After his hair is tangle free, Mei combs through it with her fingers, carefully separating the locks into three sections, and proceeds to start braiding. The feeling is tingly, but very relaxing, and Red Son’s eyes start to flicker shut as he melts into the touch with pure content.
After a few moments of peaceful bliss the Dragon Girl speaks up. “So why are you so cranky lately, anyway?”
Red Son sighs, some peace lost, but reminding himself to remain calm, and still feeling pleased at the pampering, he answers with a small one-shoulder shrug, “I have been having dreams lately, and I suppose it has affected my sleep.”
“Oh? What sort of dreams?”
Red Son hesitates, shoulders tensing up slightly in a way that he knows Mei catches notice of.
“Red Son…? What.. what dreams?” Mei asks again cautiously.
“They’re… I think they’re about the Samadhi Fire and my father. But it’s mostly nonsensical noises and imagery. Hardly worth mentioning.” He tries to brush it off despite stuttering a bit at first.
“And yet you mention it, heh heh,” Mei teases gently.
“Oh thanks for the concern,” Red Son grumbles sarcastically.
There’s a bit of silence, and Red Son resists the urge to turn around while Mei works on his hair. She makes an annoyed harrumph, apparently dissatisfied with the braid, and works it out, attempting again. Red Son doesn’t mind the extra strokes through his hair, and remains quiet.
“It’s funny you should mention it, actually,” Mei says with a laugh that sounds too trembly and tight to be sincere. “I’ve had some weird dreams, too.”
“Oh..?” is all Red Son can think of to respond.
“Yeah, hah, and I think they might be about The Fire, too. Or at least… when DBK had it,” she says the last part quietly.
Red Son kneads the fabric of his pants slightly, but picks up a confused part of her statement. “You ‘think?'” he repeats.
“Yeah, well, it’s weird, I don’t remember anything about them, but when I wake up, there’s this weird weight on my chest that kind of reminds me of when we fought your dad.” Again, Red Son resists the urge to turn around, but the Dragon Girl must sense how his neck stiffens up and quickly corrects. “And I don’t mean like, ‘oh no I’m sad and that was scary’, kind of heavy; I mean more like there’s this weird pain sorta in my chest? Like a jolt, I guess.” She shrugs with Red Son’s hair, and in doing so loses a few strands and she has to start again.
“Huh,” Red Son says and thinks. “Sounds more like you need to see a doctor if your chest hurts,” he says matter of factly.
“Pft, it’s not that bad,” Mei laughs. “But thanks for your concern, Red Boy.”
Red Son rolls his eyes, and this time can’t help but bob his head a little bit. The Dragon Girl manages to keep hold of the current braid, though and there’s a slight tug reminding him to position his head back to neutral.
There’s another slight pause before Red Son speaks up. “Does Noodle Boy have dreams like that…? I– I can imagine that that encounter was not easy on him…” Red Son does his best to keep the shame out of his voice. All was forgiven. It was fine.
“Hmm maybe?” Mei says. “Usually MK sleeps like a rock. If anything, he spends all his time worrying about things while he’s awake. Preeeetttty sure he’s managed to stress-hallucinate a couple times. So if he had any nightmares, they were more like day-mares, I guess. He was especially worried about the Monkey King.” She laughs without much mirth.
Red Son lets out a harrumph, “Stupid Noodle Boy, always worrying about others too much.”
“Yeah, but that’s part of why I love him, ya know?”
Red Son makes a short murmur of understanding.
“Anyway, I think we’re all getting better, right?” she says, easily sliding back to her usual peppy cadence. “And here you go!” The Dragon Girl lays the now complete braid over Red Son’s shoulder, presenting it with flourish. It’s loose, but neatly woven, and tied together with a shimmery golden hair tie complete with a pin in the shape of a yellow-orange flame. “Now you have to be careful about getting angry and lighting up your hair, or else you’ll ruin my beautiful work! What do you think?” She flashes Red Son a bright smile and hands him a mirror.
Red Son looks at it laying at his shoulder, and then in the mirror. He gently fingers the tuft of hair at the end curiously. It looks almost professional, if he were being honest, and the added touch with the flame hair tie was greatly appreciated. After a bit of admiring the braid and himself in the mirror, he nods and says, “It will suffice.” He turns around and faces her, “Thank you, Dragon Girl.”
“No problem, dude!”
At this point the Noodle Boy walks into the shop. "I'm baaaack!" he sing-songs. "Now we can check out that new arcade, Mei!" He pauses and finally notices Red Son. "Oh hey, Red Son!"
"Hello, Noodle Boy," Red Son says with a respectful nod.
MK looks Red Son up and down and gives a soft smile, "Nice hair! Did you braid it yourself?"
"No, it was your companion here who did the honors." Red Son gestures to Mei.
"Oh cool! It looks good on you!" He smiles openly, and the demon can't help fidget with the end of the braid, as he attempts to not blush at the compliment.
"It was a practical decision as well as a fashionable one." He nods curtly and turns to the Dragon Girl. "Either way, I appreciate it."
"Like I said, it was no problem! Happy to help!" She turns to Noodle Boy. "Anyway, you ready, MK?"
"Yeah! I'm all set, let's go!"
Red Son watches them as they run out of the shop together, feeling an odd tug in his chest. He turns to pick up the mirror and looks again at the braid, tracing the edges of the flame pendant on the hair tie. It's smooth and just heavy enough that it certainly does its job of holding the braid together and providing that needed tactile sensation. It would do. And it looked nice. A small smile forms on his face which stays there as he finishes closing up the shop for the evening, and remains as he leaves for the houseboat.
start || <– previous // next –>
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sleepydrabbles · 1 year
A question I get a lot as someone who’s neurodivergent and painfully shy is, shocker of shockers, ‘do you hate me?’
Lovely question to answer when you spend half your life stressing about the effect your presence has on those in your social circle, by the way. /sarcasm
Because the fact is, I don’t generally hate people. I can dislike them, of course, based on repeated patterns of behavior and their own attitudes towards me and other people around me (please tell me I’m not the only one who has to fight back resent and frustration when other people just bulldoze through the social rules I’ve spent years learning and suffer no negative consequences for it). I think I’ve only truly hated one person, and that was because my relationship with them revolved around their suffering, dropped off the moment I suggested they get actually professional help, and then started back up again four years later like nothing was wrong, WHILE STANDING IN THE WAY OF OTHER POTENTIALLY POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS. When I learned people had avoided me because they didn’t want to talk to this person I was furious.
The people who ask have usually accidentally overwhelmed me, and, much as I hate it, I do get snappy when I’m overwhelmed. Word to the wise: if you like to amble and explore, don’t go to a big city with three girls intent on visiting every shop in the goddamn shopping district within an hour. For people who are emotionally attuned this switch from fairly mild and/or excited to clearly upset and near-nonverbal can be incredibly unsettling. How do I know this? I have a nasty talent for attracting empaths. I don’t know what the fuck they’re thinking and I’m very worried. Do you know how stressful it is to try to manage your emotional output because it could potentially overwhelm someone? I sure as hell hope not because it’s impossible to do and always ends with this exact conversation:
“Are you okay?”
“Huh? Uh, yeah.”
“You don’t look okay.”
“(Awkward laughter)”
“It’s okay if you want to do something el-”
“Look. Yes, I’m not feeling so hot. But it’s not you, and I don’t want to leave, and I promise you I’m gonna be okay!”
Dear fucking god. Empaths are so sweet. And so fucking scary. If you know an empath in your life please make sure they are well taken care of because dear. Fucking. God. Fucking terrifying.
I genuinely don’t hate people, though I will often avoid those who are overwhelming, loud, or who quickly attempt to take charge without having prior authority. And, darned perceptive human beings with feelings that they are, they will often notice this, especially if when I got to know them they weren’t like this, and the switch results in new distance. People don’t like new distance. It scares the shit out of them. They always think they’ve done something wrong when it’s got more to do with the person doing the distancing. Why I can’t tell you. I have one off day where, frazzled in the middle of a convenience store, I shoot someone a quick smile and then turn around to talk to someone else I’m already socializing with, and suddenly I hate people. Nevermind that there are five people squished into three square feet of space and that wasn’t healthy BEFORE covid, nevermind that we’re all in a new country and I’ve got a basket on my arm and two other people talking in my ear, oh no. I must be snubbing them. Whatever did they do wrong?
The answer is nothing, you twits, and I say that with all the affection my exhausted heart can manage at the moment.
I will continue to get these questions for as long as I live because, despite all attempts to the contrary, I happen to be imperfect, temperamental, and easily overwhelmed. And as alarming as it is to be an extroverted kid but an introverted adult (can someone explain to my relatives how hard it is to perform in these conditions), like I said, I don’t hate people. And if anyone is patient enough to afford me the absolute privilege of listening in on a conversation and chirping in with my awkward half-slur accent thing and mangled grammar with no expectation of further contributions, I would very much appreciate it. Thank you.
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fangurk · 3 years
Puppy Love (The Cullen Family x Child! Werewolf! Reader)
Y/n - Your Name
Y/h/c - Your Hair Color
Y/e/c - Your Eye Color
Y/f/c - Your Favorite Color
Y/f/f - Your Favorite Flavor
Prompt (given to me by @inrice): but could you do something along the lines of the cullens (mainly alice) takes upon the job of raising a werewolf!reader? who's a child of course.
Summary: Alice Cullen stumbles upon a very strange, very lonely child while out on a hunt and, in true Cullen fashion, decides to take them home. Nobody knows how to take care of a werewolf or a child, but when they put in a collective effort (and bring in the help of Bella) things start getting easier...
Warning: Is this kidnapping? It might be kidnapping, fluff, slightly angsty at some parts, AU because Caius is cruel, and potentially odd genderless terms of endearment.
A/n: family fic makes the brain go brrr. so like i didn't really know how to handle the whole werewolf thing because the twilight lore is so... bare... and i wanted to write more on the family parts so it's not like a real focus but it is mentioned quite a bit. I hope that's okay! /gen
Word Count: 1.2k+
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Alice wasn’t able to foresee you.
She simply stumbled across you one day on a hunt, your tiny body curled up at the base of a tree. You smelled so much of dog she almost mistook you for one, and then you looked up at her with big y/e/c eyes and she knew.
Carlisle wasn’t very happy when she brought you home.
“The Volturi will have a field day with this.” He says as he repacks his doctor bag. “The child is dangerous to have around.”
“But they're all alone, Carlisle. You said it yourself, they looked like they were out there for days— and I waited there with them until nightfall, no one came…”
Her shoulders fall and she looks at the door separating them from the rest of the family.
“Oh please just let them stay, we’ll all take care of them— if anything we’re better suited for it than anyone!”
Carlisle opens his mouth to protest but is interrupted by Esme opening the door, you asleep in her arms. All of his hesitance melts away at the sight, and at the sound of your small snores.
He sighs. “Fine, the child can stay— but we have to be careful.”
Alice nearly erupts with her joy, and Carlisle tries to hide a smile.
They give you a nice bedroom.
Rosalie, Alice, and Esme take an entire day to shop, nearly clearing out three children’s stores in the process. They build you furniture and they paint the walls a pretty shade of y/f/c; you now own more toys and clothes than a kid can possibly comprehend.
You spend the day with Emmett, the only Cullen boy who’s comfortable getting close to you, and he introduces you to the wide range of children’s cartoons. Your browsing ended with Crashbox, something that had the big man far more into it than you, but it was fun nonetheless.
“Want to see your room, Y/n?” Rosalie hums, poking her head around the corner and flashing you a dazzling smile.
The ladies let you wander around the new space, excitement brightening your features.
Emmett is still enraptured by the TV long after you’re put to bed.
Most days are good days.
Even if two of the family members seem a little afraid of you, you’re happy. You’re fed and clothed and loved.
But then there are bad days.
You wouldn’t eat. Nothing Esme made you was satisfactory and you were too upset and overwhelmed to let anyone know what you wanted; everyone tries to comfort you, even Jasper with his powers, but none of it really seems to work.
And then Edward comes home.
He left at some point during the crying and everyone figured that he was just bailing ship like he usually does when it comes to you. But, in reality, he somehow managed to get a cohesive reading of your mind and immediately went to someone who could help him.
“I brought Bella.” He says, gesturing awkwardly at his equally awkward girlfriend when five sets of frustrated eyes land on him.
“And I brought chicken nuggets…” The brunette human raises the bag up with a smile.
Everyone watches in confusion as you perk up a bit.
“Uh, here.” Bella crosses the room and places the bag down in front of you.
You open the bag and immediately start eating, sniffling but no longer upset. Every Cullen is reeling in shock.
“Well. What do you have to say to Bella?” Alice clears her throat, giving you an encouraging smile.
“Thank you, Bella.” You mumble, mouth full of food.
“Oh- it was actually Edward’s idea.”
You turn and thank him, beaming, and he gives you a crooked smile in return.
Afterward, Edward doesn’t really avoid you anymore.
‘Children of the Moon’ don’t pass their lycanthropy onto their offspring.
Alice doesn’t like to think about it, but sometimes the implication that someone bit and infected you consumes her mind and it makes her want to cry.
On the days they go to school, you do too.
They figure it’s good for you to spend time with other kids your age, and it seems to be. You always come home with crazy stories of playtime adventures and smelling of paint and crayons; the teachers love you, or more so the bright little woman who picks you up from school.
“Draw your family.” The teacher encourages one day.
You draw the Cullens.
When you proudly hand it to Alice when she picks you up from school, she lifts you up in a hug. Jasper frames your little drawing and puts it up next to all of their graduation caps.
The full moon is pretty horrific.
In order to keep everyone safe from your tiny claws, they keep you in the basement. For hours before the transformation, you just lie down there and wail-- you’re only little, it’s only fair.
Alice sits outside and talks to you the whole time, her voice wavering and her hands shaking.
She doesn’t move after the wails turn into howls, even if it would be safer to do so.
“Does Jasper hate me?”
You’re wrapped up in bandages, sitting on the picnic blanket with your adoptive mother and eating a sandwich too big for you as her husband pretends to do something down by the water. Alice is completely blindsided. They’ve sort of explained what they are to you, and you’ve kind of filled in blank spaces to the best of your ability, but she’s still unsure how to explain Jasper’s hesitance.
She doesn’t wind up having to.
“No,” He says, sitting down next to you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders, “I don’t. I’m actually quite fond of you darlin’.”
That alone seems to satisfy you and, over time, he loosens up a bit.
Jasper seems happier than he has in a while, listening to you talk about things little kids talk about, and Alice watches fondly with a smile.
One of them reads a story and tucks you into bed every night.
Most times it’s Alice, sometimes Jasper joins in.
Tonight is one of those nights. You’re clean and showered, dressed in a cute little pajama set, and nestled under the covers; she’s lying down next to you, Goodnight Moon open in her hands, and he’s in a chair next to the bed.
“... goodnight noises everywhere.” She finishes, smiling at your drooping eyes and lulling head.
Carefully, she unwinds herself from you and, with the help of her husband tucks the blanket under your sides. You tug your favorite stuffed animal close to your chest, y/e/c eyes closed, and a smile on your little face.
“Goodnight, y/n.” “Night, kid.” They each say, Alice bending down to kiss your head and Jasper opting to stand there and smile.
“G’night mom and dad.”
Jasper’s eyes nearly bulge out of his head and he turns to face his wife quickly.
Alice Cullen, the girl who forgot half of her life, never felt more whole than she did standing in your room, holding her mate’s hand, and turning off the light as the hushed sound of a cricket’s song filled the big house...
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marlena-immortale · 3 years
New Experiences: Part 1
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Summary: Damiano wants to explore a new kink and is nervous to bring it up with you, but you ease his nerves. 
CW: SMUT, masturbation, anal play, choking, d/s dynamic (dom reader), dirty talk, discussion of pegging 
Word Count: 2.3k
Damiano David is a confident man. Anyone that’s met him can see it. He knows he’s hot and he doesn’t care what other people think of him, except for you. He holds your opinion very highly and definitely cares what you think about him. So when he discovers something new about himself that he wants to try out, he is very hesitant to bring it up to you. He knows that you’d never judge him and you’d probably even be into it, but his nervousness seems to still be weighing on him. 
A few weeks ago, Damiano was scrolling through Instagram when he found a post of a man dressed in panties, arching his back and bent over, with a woman’s hand on his back pushing him down. He could feel his cheeks heat up and couldn’t help but screenshot the picture (for research purposes only of course). He didn’t know why it had such an effect on him but he decided to file that away to deal with at another time. 
Days later, you were out with your friends and Damiano had the whole house to himself. He lays down on your shared bed, cuddled up in the freshly-washed sheets. He opens his phone and finds the picture his mind just won’t let go of. Without realizing it, his other hand drifts down his own body, pretending it’s the girl’s in the picture, or better yet, your hand. He imagines your breath in his ear as you push him down into the mattress. His hand tucks inside his underwear and starts playing with his half-hard dick. 
He lets out a frustrated moan as he imagines your hips pressing into his ass. He puts his phone down, his imagination more than enough now, and brings his other hand down the back of his underwear, reaching in as he shifts to lean more on his side. His finger makes its way down further and he presses it lightly to his hole. He gasps at the new sensation but it turns into a moan once he decides that he really likes the feeling. He lets himself experiment a bit and starts rubbing little circles against his rim. His mind clouds with thoughts of you telling him what a good boy he’s being, moaning so loud and making such pretty noises while he explores himself. He can feel this new sensation all over his body and instantly knows that this will be a staple in his self-pleasure routine from now on. 
His other hand quickens its pace on his cock as he reaches his climax much quicker than expected. He can feel his hole contract on the very tip of his finger as he cums all over himself, his body shaking with pleasure. He sits there for a moment, processing what he just did and how good it felt, realizing that he definitely has to work up the courage to bring it up with you now. 
The next day, he wakes up to an empty bed and the smell of coffee and carries himself to the kitchen to find you making espresso. You turn around to see your lovely boyfriend clad only in his snug underwear and open oversized flannel falling off his toned shoulders. A smile spreads across your face at the sight, pouring two cups of coffee. You can tell that he seems a little nervous for some reason by his hesitancy to walk closer to you like he normally would. He stays rooted by the doorway, shifting his weight from one foot, to the other, to the doorframe, and back. 
“Everything ok baby?” you ask while setting cups down on the table in front of him and pulling out the two chairs and sitting down. Damiano follows your lead and sits across from you, taking a sip from his coffee. 
“Yeah, everything’s fine…. I just have something I wanna talk to you about,” he confesses, his eyes casting down at his cup held tightly in his hands. 
You try not to get nervous yourself at his hesitancy to tell you. “Okay, what is it? You can tell me anything,” you respond, reaching to take one of his hands in your own, stroking his thumb. The gesture calms him down a bit and he takes a deep breath before replying.
“There’s something new I want to try…. like, in the bedroom,” he says, attempting to maintain eye contact the whole time. You instantly relax, a small smile now on your face, knowing it’s not anything serious and that you’d be happy to try anything he’s interested in.
“I’ve been thinking that maybe we could try…. pegging?” he says, surprised at his own hesitancy to admit his secret to you. You’re not sure why he was so nervous, it’s not like you haven’t casually brought it up before or joked around about it. In fact, you’re more than willing to try it out with him and already have some fun ideas swirling around in your head about how this could go. 
“Is that all? I’d love to fuck you darling,” you offer with a smile, threading your fingers through his own now sweaty ones. His face fills with relief and he lets go of some of the tension in his shoulders. “How about we go to my favorite sex shop and pick something out together?” you offer. 
“That sounds good. You’re really into this right? You’re not just doing this for me?” 
“Oh trust me, I am most definitely into this,” you say as you stand up and stalk over to his side of the table, climbing onto his lap, running your hands over his chest. “I can’t wait to have you trembling beneath me, my cock deep inside of you,” you whisper into his ear. You hear a soft whimper come from his mouth.  
Your words ease his worries, and also makes his heart beat a little faster and breath get a little heavier. You take his jaw into your hand and guide him to look up at you as you continue, “I’ll take it slow though baby, don’t worry. I’ll have you all stretched out and ready for me. You’ll be making such pretty noises for me, I promise it’ll feel so good”. You can see his eyes dilate and feel him getting a little excited when you shift your hips in his lap. Your hand travels lower to wrap lightly around his neck and his head tilts up, allowing you more access to feel his blood pumping under his skin. “How’s that sound baby boy? Do you like the sound of that?” 
He nods dumbly and you let him try again. “Words sweetheart,” you urge. 
“Yes, yes that sounds… really nice”.
“Yeah? Good. Why don’t you use that pretty voice to tell me exactly what you want” you whisper. It’s so easy for you to have him blushing and whimpering like putty in your hands. You just barely tighten your fingers around his throat and listen to his breath hitch and a pathetic noise leave his mouth, surprising even him. 
“I want you…” he trails off. 
“Aww, did my baby get all shy?” you coo at him. 
“I um, I want you to… I want you to shove your fingers inside me and thrust so deep I can feel you everywhere. I bet you’d just love to see me all helpless and fucked out,” he says, his bratty energy coming out in full force. His eyes are dark and lidded as he looks at you with a smirk. You raise an eyebrow, a smirk appears on your own face, seeing how he wants to play this game now. 
“You’re right baby, I would love that, to have you writhing and desperate, grinding your hips down onto me,” you say with a tight grip on his throat and the other hand slipping down to his inner thigh for emphasis. A broken whine escapes his pretty lips and you feel his erection growing against your ass. 
“But I guess you’ll just have to wait for now,” you say with a cocky smile, and swiftly lift yourself off of him with a quick kiss to his cheek, leaving him turned on and missing the feeling of you on his lap. 
   The next day, you’re on your way to the sex shop, Damiano practically hanging off of you as you walk to the entrance, a lazy smile plastered across both of your faces. When you get to the shop, you immediately guide him to the section in the front where you know the strap-on harnesses are. His cheeks heat up, imagining you wearing it, and his head instantly goes to burrow into the space between your neck and shoulder. You run your fingers through his hair, stroking his scalp soothingly and when you see that it’s just an embarrassed smile on his face and not anything bad, you pick out a nice leather harness and lead him to the dildo section. 
You can tell that he’s getting all shy and a little subby so you decide to play with him a bit. “Why don’t you pick out one you like, sweetheart?” you ask him, your fingers tilting his chin up and to the wall of dildos in front of you. He looks around, flustered and slightly overwhelmed by all the decisions. He’s still attached to your side, acting less bratty than usual, being too out of his element to attempt to annoy you. This sweeter side of him is just about the cutest thing you’ve ever seen and you plan to see just how sweet you can make him. 
“I want you to pick it out for me,” he whispers, still a little ashamed even though there’s no one nearby. 
“Are you sure baby?” you ask, honored that he trusts you to make the best decision for him. 
“Yes,” he says, nodding while pawing at your waist like a little puppy wanting all of your attention. You melt seeing him be so cute and submissive for you. 
You look to the wall of dildos and find the perfect one; a pretty pastel pink one that’s as close as you can find to Damiano’s actual size, “so you can get a taste of your own medicine,” you say with a wink, placing it in your basket. 
His blush deepens pinker than the dildo realizing that he’s intimidated by his own length. You guide him further into the store, the both of you still with stupid smiles across your face, so enamored and in love with each other. You find the lingerie section and pick out a pretty white lacy set for him, knowing he loves the feeling of lace against his skin and knowing just how sexy  he’ll look in it.
You pick up a few more supplies you’ll need for the big night and check out at the counter before walking back to the car. As soon as you put the bag in the backseat and get situated in your seat, you look over at your beautiful boyfriend and sub to find him looking more embarrassed than he has been all day which was strange considering you’re alone now and not staring at a wall of dildos. 
You look down to see the cause of Damiano’s embarrassment; the growing bulge in his pants. You smile, knowing how shy he gets about getting hard so easily. 
“Aw, my poor sensitive puppy, always so easily turned on,” you say, leaning in close, your breath on his neck and your fingers brushing gently across his clothed erection, teasing him. As soon as he whimpers and starts to buck up into your hand, you sit back up and start the car. 
“Nooo, please touch me,” he whines when you start pulling out of the parking lot. 
You laugh and respond, “Well if you behave like a good boy, I’ll give you a nice reward when we get home”. He pouts but doesn’t say anything else. “Are you gonna be a good boy for me?”
“Yes, I promise,” Damiano desperately responds, needing some sort of release. 
“Okay then, I want you to unzip your pants, pull your cock out, and make yourself cum,” you instruct him, keeping your eyes on the road ahead of you. His hands immediately fumble at his zipper, trying to get it down as quickly as possible. He pulls his pants and underwear down just far enough to pull himself out of them and immediately begins softly stroking. You can feel yourself getting turned on hearing his noises beside you as you navigate your car along the highway. He gasps as his thumb rubs across his tip, his head thrown back and hips moving of their own accord.    
“C’mon baby, I know you can do better than that,” you encourage him condescendingly. 
“Please, I need your hand,” Damiano begs you as he desperately strokes himself, staring at your hands clutching the steering wheel. 
“Aw honey, I know you can do it yourself. You’re being such a good boy for me,” you say. Your words bring him closer to his climax as his hand speeds up on his cock. The car fills with the beautiful sounds of Damiano’s moans and gasps and quiet whimpers of your name that barely are able to make it past his lips. He only needs a few more strokes until he’s loudly moaning and spilling all over his own hand and shirt. 
“This is gonna be fun,” you say, a big smile on your face as Damiano catches his breath, recovering from his orgasm.
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sibling hybrid!creeper reader headcannons/one-shot for SBI ( + ranboo? 🧍‍♀️ ) hurt/comfort. like maybe the reader struggles with emotions and doesn't know how to deal w/ them healthily, so they end up bottling them up and kinda explode at times.
sorry if this is too specific, i just really like your writing :) congrats on 1k!! <3
and one last thing,.. can i be 🫂 anon?
(A/N): I had a lot of fun with this one, and thank you : ) I hope you don’t mind that I added Tubbo. Also one more thing, I imagine the explosion is kinda like a Bakugou situation but uncontrollable
Warnings: anti-hybrid rhetoric/slurs (speciesism???), swearing, blood (not much, just mentions of a nose bleed)
It was completely an accident this time, it all just came so fast. You were standing in front of a store window when you felt something rub against your leg. When you looked down, panic engulfed your entire being when you saw an orange cat rubbing and nuzzling against your leg, letting out deep purrs. You had no clue why this cat wasn’t chasing you like all other cats usually did, but you didn’t want to ponder. You felt the familiar pressure building up inside of you as a startled hiss left your mouth and you jumped away from the creature. Your skin was sparking and popping as your freckles lit up in a glowing green light. 
Finally, explosions left your skin as the glass shattered next to you and gravel was turned up and thrown about. You fell to your knees and rubbed at your burning eyes and wiped the blood from your nose. Exploding like that had always taken a lot out of you and made your nose bleed. You suspected that it was because of the sudden build up and release of pressure and energy. 
The back of your shirt was grabbed and you were yanked off from the ground. There staring at you was the owner of the shop that you accidentally blew up. His green eyes were ablaze as he gritted his teeth and looked into your eyes.
“Do you have any idea what you just did?! You blew up my window!”
Small hisses left your mouth, “I-I’m sorry sir I swear I didn’t mean t-”
“Like hell you didn’t! Your kind always destroys everything!”
You stopped struggling and narrowed your eyes at him, “my kind?”
“Yes, hybrids! Filthy mutts, all you do is destroy! You’re a bunch of freaks.”
You could feel another explosion coming about and this time you did not even attempt to hold this one back. You stared him dead in the eyes with the harshest glare you could muster. As soon as the hisses started to leave your mouth and the freckles once again glowed green, the man’s eyes widened before he threw you into the street away from the building. Another explosion left you and disassembled the neat cobblestone of the road. A single stone flew and shattered what was left of the store window. Another flew and hit the store owner in the head knocking him out. 
And here you were now; hisses left your mouth as you ran down the beaten path of the village towards the exit. The iron golem following you was hot on your tail, it’s booming footsteps picking up dust clouds from the gravel. Villagers around you scattered and started to whisper fearfully amongst themselves. You could feel their fearful and angry stares burning holes through you. After you got out of the village and the iron golem was still chasing you, you ducked into the forest where you knew it wouldn’t follow you. You climbed up a tree and watched as the golem angrily smacked the foliage out of the way before it gave up and hobbled back into the village. 
You dragged your feet tiredly back home, wanting nothing more than to collapse in your bed. Your senses were on overdrive as you were hyper aware of everything around you. You’ve never exploded twice within the span of ten minutes before, and it wore you out. Small exhausted hisses left your mouth as you trudged along the path. 
After getting home you walked past a confused and concerned Wilbur, dodging his hands that were trying to grab you so he could get a better look at you. You walked up the stairs ignoring his questions and walked past Tommy.
“Hey sparky, what’s got you lookin like shit?” He asked you before he started to laugh to himself at the nickname he knew you hated. You winced at the volume of his voice before you hissed angrily and stomped off into your room before you passed out immediately in your bed the second you threw yourself onto it. 
You didn’t wake up until a hand shook you awake firmly. You peeled open your eyes to see Tommy hovering over you looking slightly scared. When you fully opened your eyes, he sighed in relief.
“Oh my fucking Ender, I thought you died for a second.”
You only groaned and covered your head with the covers trying to block out the morning light streaming into your room and Tommy’s voice. He shook you more, your entire bed shaking with it. “Get up. Dad wants you downstairs for breakfast cuz you skipped lunch and dinner.”
You said nothing as he ripped the covers off from you eventually and pulled you out of your bed. You landed on the floor with a thump and hissed a little in frustration. You stood up and pushed him out of your room and slammed the door behind him. The locked door handle jimmied before it stopped and everything was silent. You prayed that he went away, but alas he didn’t. You rubbed your forehead when he started to knock at your door in multiples of two.
Knock knock, “(y/n)?” Knock knock, “(y/n)?” Knock knock, “(y/n)?” Knock kno-
“I’ll be down in a minute fuckface. I’m gonna get dressed.”
“If you aren’t down in five minutes I’m getting Techno. He’ll carry your ass down.”
Downstairs, you shambled into the kitchen past the table and poured yourself a cup of coffee. Your family silently watched you before the conversation started back up again. You plopped down next to Wilbur and sipped at your coffee deliriously. He eyed you in concern, “you okay?” You hummed and poked at your eggs. You didn’t feel hungry at all. “You su-”
“Yes, I’m sure Wilbur.” You glanced at him from the corner of your eye and returned to your coffee. After your fourth cup of coffee you were cut off by a concerned Philza. Even after four cups of coffee, you still felt slightly physically drained and it showed in your sluggish movements. Your day went by with you holding in your frustration and anger from everybody constantly asking if you were okay. Days of holding in explosions passed with them finally leaving you alone. However, that did nothing to alleviate your bottled up frustrations.
Techno was sitting on the couch reading a book while Wilbur was sitting in the chair across the room trying to find the lyrics of his next song. Philza was in the kitchen doing who knows what. You were currently walking up to Tommy’s room to say hi to your old friends Tubbo and Ranboo after getting home from a trip to another village. 
That trip was rough for you but not as rough as the one a few days prior; you could only stand so much fear filled and hateful staring after all. Your creeper features consisting of pitch black irises and dark gray sclera, a mop of dark green hair, and green freckles sprayed randomly across your skin was definitely an attention grabber for anyone. A few of the kids even threw rotten tomatoes and stones at you, it was so hard holding in explosions by the time you left that you just felt very overwhelmed. Hanging out around the self proclaimed ‘bench trio’ always enough to calm you down from a rough day. Mellohi’s muffled relaxed beat makes the corners of your lips twitch into a small smile. 
However just as you opened the door to Tommy’s room, you could hear their conversation end. “Hey guys, how’re-”
A yelp left your throat as something very cold drenched your body. An iron bucket came tumbling down and hit your head before falling to the floor with a clank. The pressure that has been building up in your chest increased tenfold, but you closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and turned to walk to your room for a change of clothes. Behind you, you heard Tommy laughing hysterically while Tubbo tried to apologize between his own laughter. You didn’t even have to look at Ranboo to know that he was guiltily fiddling with his sleeves as his tail flicked back and forth sharply. 
After you went into your room, you grabbed your pillow and screamed as loud as you could into it to blow off some steam. After that didn’t work, you tried punching the pillow relentlessly but that didn’t work. You could still feel pressure and energy inside your chest lingering and threatening to burst. 
You sighed and made your way downstairs walking past Tommy’s door. You could now hear Ranboo laughing with them, and that just made you even more angry than you were before. 
Everything around you was pissing you off. Philza’s wings fluttering behind him subconsciously, Technoblade’s little ‘heh’’s as he read something that caught him off guard in his book, Wilbur’s humming and mumbling to himself as he composed his next song, Tommy’s, Ranboo’s, and Tubbo’s loud laughter echoing from Tommy’s room. Every little sound was enough to send you over the edge. Just as you were about to leave the house to calm down again, a knock sounded at the door.
Philza gently pushed you behind him with furrowed brows and a hand on the sword hung around his hip. Techno’s book snapped shut as he stood up to grab his axe while Wilbur walked over to you and put a protective hand on your shoulder. You understood why they were cautious; you didn’t normally get visitors and the last time the house did, it was someone that decided to try and attack Technoblade on sight when he opened the door screaming about how hybrids aren’t natural. Keyword: tried. Techno absolutely would’ve killed him if it wasn’t for Philza holding him back. 
You felt anxiety creep up inside you as you fought against the small hisses trying to escape your mouth. The door opened slowly to reveal the store owner from a few days ago. His eyes hardened when he saw the wings sprouting from Philza’s back before his eyes flicked to you. He did not look happy to see you behind your dad’s massive wings. Without another word, you turned and ran up to your room when you felt the pressure become almost unbearable. 
You ran past Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo who were leaving Tommy’s room with hesitance. You didn’t respond when they tried to stop you. Slamming your door closed, you sat on your bed with your head clutched in your hands desperately trying to fight against the pressure building up. Small pops sounded on your skin as you grit your teeth in concentration. You could hear knocking at your door, thank god you locked it behind you. You had no idea how long you were sitting there trying to hold it back.
When the pressure became too much and you felt yourself losing grip on your control, you knew you needed to get out of the house as soon as possible. This was going to be a huge explosion, probably the biggest one you were going to do. The loud continuous hiss that left your throat was something you weren’t actively doing, another telltale sign that you were about to explode. You ripped open the door, pulled yourself from Tommy’s grasp, and ran as fast as you could downstairs. Philza followed you with a furious expression when he saw you, the store owner seemingly having left. 
“(Y/n), what in the hell did you do?” He grabbed your arm and pulled you to the living room. You tried your hardest to pull out of his grasp, but he was holding on too tight. The hissing had gotten slightly louder, but you moved a hand up to your mouth to try and muffle it. He sat you down on the couch and started pacing in front of you, his feathers puffed up angrily. Wilbur and Techno were eyeing you warily from across the room. 
“What were you thinking, blowing up his store like that? Were you even thinking? Cuz that was stupid (y/n). Hybrids get enough bad rap, and you go and pull this?!”
“Not now Wilbur. As I was saying, you could’ve killed someone! What would you do then-”
“Dad,” Techno’s assertive tone stopped Philza in his tracks as he ran a hand down his face. “What could you possibly want right now, boys?”
“(Y/n)’s gonna explode soon.” Wilbur hurried over to you and helped you up. You could hear the three younger boys’ steps thundering down the stairs. By now, you were visibly shaking and sweating with the effort of holding explosions back. You could see the glowing of your freckles through the reflection of Wilbur’s glasses. 
“Shit,” Philza sounded panicked in that moment as Wilbur ushered you out of the house and into the forest. You pushed him away and stumbled your way deeper into the forest. You heard them attempting to follow you, but you gestured for them to get back. You had no idea how big this one was going to be, but it was definitely going to be large. 
You ran deeper into the forest until you couldn’t hold it back anymore. Leaning against a tree, you finally let yourself explode. This one was painful; your skin burned with every pop that emanated from your freckles, the burning making your free nerve endings scream at you. The last thing you saw was a wave of dirt splashing up before you blacked out. 
You were in and out of consciousness for the next week or so. Whenever you would wake up slightly, it would only be for a couple moments before you would pass out again. It was in those moments that the pain and the lack of energy hit you at full force. You supposed being unconscious was better than the mental and physical fog and the pain. 
By the time you fully woke up, your senses were slightly hyperactive, but nowhere near how you felt when you blew up that store. You reached up with a heavy hand to wipe at your crusty eyes before you heard rustling next to you. You looked over to see Philza standing at the door with a glass of water in his hand. When he saw that you were awake, he rushed to your side and helped you sit up. You took the water gratefully and drank it, the liquid refreshed your dry throat. 
“How’re you feeling?” 
“Tired and a little sore. How long was I out for?”
“About a week, you really worried us. That was a really big one. Do you know why it was so big?”
You nodded and looked down at the water in your hands, swirling it around the glass. You didn’t want to tell him about feeling angry and overwhelmed at every little thing around you the past few days. You felt guilty at that, they were just trying to live their lives while you were cursing them for merely existing. A finger under your chin made you look up at Philza. His eyes were full of gentleness and empathy, “c’mon, you can tell me. I want to help you.”
“I don’t know where to start.”
“Start wherever you feel comfortable. Take as much time as you need.” He sat on the edge of your bed and looked around your room while he waited. You took a second to gather your thoughts before you took a deep breath. Philza perked up and diverted his full attention to you. 
“It started when I first blew up that guy’s store. I swear it was an accident that time, a cat snuck up on me and rubbed on me,” you shuddered, small hisses leaving your mouth. “The guy came out and picked me up by my shirt. He called us some names so I kinda got mad and blew up on purpose.”
You nodded, “hybrids. He said that ‘our kind’ destroys everything.” You glared at the glass in your hands, hissing in contempt and watching the freckles dully glow green. “He called us ‘filthy mutts’ and freaks, Dad.” Philza looked slightly peeved at the name calling, “still, you shouldn’t’ve blown up on him. You could’ve killed him, (y/n).”
“So you’re saying that it’s okay for him to call us slurs? Should we just let people slander us?” You narrowed your eyes at him. He shook his head, his medium length blond hair swaying with the movement. “Hell no, I’m not saying that at all. You should never let someone call you things, but violence is never the answer.”
You huffed, crossing your arms, “frankly, he deserved what was coming to him. I just wish he didn’t throw me before I could blow up.” 
“Hold on, he fucking threw you?” You nodded and watched his eyes darken and anger flash across his face, “violence is sometimes the answer then. Did he hurt you?” 
“No, but I just felt so… so drained. But so overwhelmed at the same time. I’ve never exploded twice in the same day before.”
He hummed in realization, “so that’s why you slept through most of the day. Sorry, go on.”
“After Tommy woke me up everything just felt worse. It was like everything around me was amplified. It was hell, the last few days I was just hyper aware of everything and it was pissing me off. Every little thing drove me crazy, I could feel myself getting closer and closer to exploding but I held it back until I couldn’t anymore.” 
“(Y/n), you know that’s not healthy… I talked to Sam, you remember right?” You shook your head, “well, he was an old friend of Wilbur’s. He used to come here all the time before he had to move away. He’s a creeper hybrid like you,” he chuckled when you perked up, “he gave me some advice on your anatomy when you were growing up. Anyways, he told me that sensory overload is common when you explode. He said that it’s normal to feel drained afterwards and to definitely get plenty of sleep. The sensory issues apparently get worse if your rest is interrupted, so that was probably why you felt overwhelmed in the past few days… He also told me that it really isn’t healthy to explode more than once a day or to hold it in for longer than necessary. Please just come to me if you’re feeling overwhelmed again or if you need to rest after exploding. I can even build you an obsidian building where you could go and not blow up anything.”
“...I’d like that. What- what else did he tell you?” Philza chuckled and started to tell you more about what Sam told him about his anatomy. He even gave you Sam’s comms contact so you could contact him if you had any questions or wanted some advice. He was a nice man when you talked to him, always having an answer for your questions. You even found old pictures of you as a baby following him around. Apparently you could tell that he was part creeper; wherever he was in the house, you were bound to be near him.
The rest of the day, you hung out with the rest of your family and the bench trio. 
Techno wasn’t one for open affection, being the type to give you little trinkets and giving you suggestions on what to read next. Every time you woke up, you would find small objects ranging from gold to emeralds and books on your nightstand. He would vehemently deny being the one that gave you the items, but you and the rest of the family knew better. Sometimes, he would drop into your room to ask you what you thought of the book and have a thorough discussion about it with you while you were recovering. 
You leaned against Wilbur’s side with his arm wrapped around you. The hand that was around you was rubbing circles into your shoulder. After he scolded you for bottling up your emotions, he climbed into your bed and pulled you to his side. Small hums left his throat. 
“(Y/n)?” You hummed, your eyes half lidded and almost about to fall asleep. “Would you mind if I wrote a song about you? It would fit with the next album’s theme.” 
“Knock yourself out.” Your words were slightly slurred as you nuzzled closer to him. He laughed a bit, the sound being muffled and reverberating his chest. “Get some sleep. I’ll brainstorm some ideas to run by you before you wake up.”
Hanging out with the self proclaimed ‘bench trio’ was always fun, even if you were on strict orders to stay in bed by Dadza. Nobody argues with a concerned Dadza, but they found other ways to hang out with you. Tommy had moved his jukebox into your room and was playing cat, the music soothing you immensely and putting an end to your worries. However, what didn’t soothe you was the card game in front of you. 
You were watching in horror as everybody put down a plus two card stacking the amount the victim would have to draw. So far, the plus two streak had already gone around the circle once and is now going around once more. It was nearing your turn and it was with great horror that you realized you didn’t have a color changing card or a plus two card. The two cards in your hand felt heavy as you watched Ranboo pull out another card.
“Please Ranboo, I’ll do anything. Don’t put that card down.” You watched as his ears twitched before he smiled innocently at you, putting the card down and laughing at you when you started the long process of drawing fourteen cards and sorting them. 
“Sorry, my hand slipped.”
“Get fucked (y/n)!” Tommy cackled at you. You flipped him off before you went back to sorting the cards. Tubbo put down a plus four color changing card and smiled at Tommy. 
“Sorry Tommy, but uno and the color is now red!”
“Goddamnit Tubbo! That’s the one color I don’t have,” he grumbled and drew four cards. Ranboo smiled triumphantly and put down his last card before showing you his empty hands. “What?! You didn’t even say uno!” You eyed his smug smile with disbelief. 
“You guys didn’t call me on it though.”
“That’s not the rules, Ranboo! You have to say uno!” Tommy argued. Long story short, the rules had to be looked up and the family had to be consulted before your group came to the conclusion that you in fact do not have to call out uno and the other players could call them out on it. Eventually after a few tense games, the three were sitting on your bed. Ranboo had some difficulty with it due to his height, but he managed with his legs crossed. 
“(Y/n) do you reckon you could become charged if you were hit by lightning?”
“Tubbo, you’re a genius,” Tommy breathed out, “let’s go see!” 
“No, you will not go see. Sit back down.” Wilbur called out as he passed your room. The group slumped slightly. “We’ll see when I get better. Mark my words, the next thunderstorm that happens I will see if I can be charged.” You whispered to them, your eyes glinting with mischief. 
“I don’t really think that’s a good idea.”
“Of course it is, Ranboo. It probably won’t kill them.”
“Probably?” Ranboo raised an eyebrow at Tommy’s nonchalant answer. “Yes, probably.”
“I still have three lives left. If I die, I die.” You wove a hand in the air as you spoke and watched as Tubbo nodded in agreement. “Do it for science, (y/n).”
“Oh I will. For science!” You raised your water glass in the air and Tommy and Tubbo followed suit with wide smiles. “For science!”
You three turned to stare at a deadpanning Ranboo. He sighed before he raised his glass of milk and let out a monotone “for science.” You, Tommy, and Tubbo cheered as you clanked your glasses together. You could see a hint of a fond smile on Ranboo’s face as he watched you three chug your waters before he downed his milk in one swallow. 
You smirked at them and leaned close, talking lowly so that anyone passing by wouldn’t overhear you. “So, what’s our plan?”
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@crybabyjabby  @izzybobizzy13  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @bunnyz-pxstel  @averytiredfanfictionwriter  @dcml04  @sparkling-gayyyy  @bbigbbrainn  @thaticecreambish  @kiinokochii  @satansphatass  @bxkubitch  @bxmentchildxx  @roxy3457  @montygator17  @feverish-dove  @the-fictionwriters-hairdo  @jichuuchaeng  @404rynnotfound  @luluwinchester  @laura--444  @the-cult-classic-bitch  @youngstarfishdinosaur  @nottheotheruser  @ohworm-writes  @localwolfanon
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (Nine-pt1) (Final)
Summary: you and Jungkook have been best friends since freshmen year of college, there’s a lot of unsaid feelings and tension but neither make a move. what happens when his friend Taehyung (also your crush) needs a fake girlfriend?
Pairing: Jungkook x Female reader
Genre: friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, slight slow burn, roommate au, college au, SMUT (starting ch2), fluff, angst (in later chapters) slight crack, lots of drama
Word Count: 13.6k
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, sexual tension (!!!), mentions of sex, protected sex, jealous!oc, sensual touching, dry humping, oral (female rec.) face riding
Notes: The end is finally here! But no worries I will most likely do drabbles for you guys:) Thank you SO much for reading this story and sending so many loving comments. Enjoy this last chapter of ‘Always You’ and feel free to send me an ask to chat about the story, I LOVE talking with ya’ll!
Taglist: @mooniyooni @thisartemisnevermisses @giadalin @kookiebunny097 @cosmosjk @moonchild1 @just-jeon @anpanman-sonyeondan @starlight-night0 @yessii-i @apollukee @mikasaredscarf1 @kaye-rosales @bunnyjeonjk @dyriddle @hsneptune @betysotelo18 @aclowe13 @bishuthot @271101 @seagulljk @hass-mich-los @bunnyjeonjk @surfacesanity @peachy-skz0325 @wonusbitch @not-your-lion @flowersgirl02 @justinetingball @fiantomartell @fairysunooo @taebae19 @hardcarrykookie @fancycollectormoon
© taestefully-in-luv
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Jungkook stares into his bathroom mirror and sees and feels nothing, absolutely nothing. He looks into his eyes and see nothing behind them. He tries to smile, but falls short. Does this have anything to do with the fact he told you he loves you but you completely misunderstood him? Yup, it probably has everything to do with that.
But Jungkook also feels like shit. He let his feelings become too overwhelming in the moment that he totally and completely forgot he has a girlfriend. So, he is almost glad that you most definitely thought he was just telling you he loves you like one normal friend to another instead of him confessing his deep and passionate feelings towards you. Yup, totally glad.
So, now he looks into the mirror and actually does see and feel something: Shame. Guilt.
And regret. Regret is written all over his face. Not regret because he told you he loves you, no. Regret that he didn’t tell you 4 years ago how he feels. Even if you didn’t feel the same he thinks he should have had the courage, instead he slept with you like a fucking idiot. But that is something he can’t get himself to regret at all…he just can’t regret that amazing night he shared with you.
“Bro! You have been in there for like ever dude, I gotta take a piss!” Jungkook hears Nick from the other side of the door, his insistent banging going completely ignored by Jungkook.
“Seriously man, I will pee in the fucking sink!” Nick threatens and Jungkook rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah man, I’m coming.” He looks into the mirror one last time before taking one deep breath and turning towards the bathroom door.
“Bathroom’s all yours.” Jungkook says as he opens the door with Nick already pushing past him.
“Fucking finally!” Nick doesn’t even bother to shut the door behind him as he quickly approaches the toilet to release himself.
Jungkook walks into his room and pulls out his phone as he sits on the edge of his bed. He goes through his message threads, his fingers hovering over your name when he gets to you.
It’s been a few weeks since the trip to your parent’s house. He had such an amazing time. That Saturday your mom cooked one of her famous homemade meals…something Jungkook hasn’t really had in years. Your dad would casually slip in the word ‘son’ in conversation, making Jungkook’s heart glow. You laughed and talked and cried and just looked so at home the entire time, like all your worries were vanishing.
He knows you’re struggling with what to do…but going abroad? Were you serious? You mentioned it to your parents too while there visiting and they loved the idea…making Jungkook’s heart sink. They just encouraged you more while you were there…telling you it was such a fun, and great idea and that it totally suits you. This only made you feel more motivated…Jungkook could see that.
Jungkook wants nothing but the best for you…he just wants you to be happy. Your happiness is his happiness but how could he survive if you left? How could he go a day without seeing you? Or worse…a week? A month? A whole fucking year? He went three months without you and he spiraled pretty bad.
Jungkook continues to sit here, his fingers right over your name and he clicks it.
Jungkook 8:14pm
I have a cold beer with your name on it
y/n 8:21pm
:( I cant hang tonight, sorry boo…im hanging with yoongs and tae. You can come by if youd like to?
Jungkook 8:22pm
No no its okay, you have fun :))
Jungkook brings his phone to his chest, right over his beating heart and he sighs out in frustration. Why can’t everything just be easy? Why is everything so complicated?
“And I will be the youngest curator they’ve ever had at this museum!” Tae finishes proudly, cheering his wine glass with yours and Yoongi’s.
“That’s so amazing Tae.” You bring your glass back to your mouth and take a gulp in his honor.
“Proud of you, kid.” Yoongi smiles fondly at Taehyung and you can’t help but also feel very proud. Taehyung got offered the main curator position at the museum of art downtown and you three are at the record shops cozy corner celebrating.
“Anything else new going on?” Taehyung asks, he eyes both you and Yoongi. “Like, any new love interests? Job offers? Juicy drama? Literally anything.”
“Nothing from me.” You laugh, you and Taehyung look over at Yoongi who is sipping his wine with the biggest blush painted on his cheeks.
“Yoongi?” you pry. “Did something new happen with you?”
“Well…I wouldn’t really call it news.” He begins shyly, “But I maybe met someone.”
You and Taehyung share a look of shock and excitement.
“Wait dude, you mean like a romantic interest?” Taehyung asks, setting his glass down on the table.
“Yeah, like you have a crush on someone?” You smile at Yoongi and his blush deepens.
“I wouldn’t go that far,” he admits, “But they’re really nice and have been coming in the store every week and we sort of just end up talking…and they asked for my number—”
“This is definitely a romantic interest!” Taehyung basically shouts. “Did you give it?”
“Yes…” Yoongi takes another sip of his wine, his eyes sliding to the side. “Did I mention they’re cute?”
“You in fact, did not mention that.” You say with a grin. “I’m happy for you Yoongs.”
“I think I’ll ask them out, what do you guys think?” Yoongi whispers.
“I think that’s a great idea man!” Taehyung basically shouts again and you laugh.
“I think I really admire you for going for it…” You sigh. You wish you had that kind of courage.
“You know…” Yoongi sets his wine glass down, and turns in his seat to face you, “It takes a lot of bravery to open up to someone…it takes a lot of strength to admit when you’re wrong and to admit when things aren’t going right. It takes real courage to open your heart to someone like, romantically. You’re like, the coolest human being in the world if you can do those things.” Yoongi folds his hands out in front of him, he bites his lip as he thinks.
“y/n…you don’t have to be some sort of super human.”
You tilt your head in confusion…you thought Yoongi was going to a place where he tells you to go for it too.
“You shouldn’t always be the one doing things. Others need to form the courage too. You’re worth it. You’re worth that risk…that you may not feel the same. Trust me, I would know.” He chuckles light heartedly. “I think he will come around.”
“I don’t know about that.” Taehyung cuts in. “I want to believe he will but…” Taehyung looks over at you with pity. “…He’s…” Taehyung doesn’t know what to say without spilling anything so he decides to let the words die on his tongue.
“To be honest with you guys…” You reach for your glass of wine and chug back the remainder of what’s in the glass rather quickly before slamming it back down on the table.
“New Year’s Eve.” You say. “Four years ago. Something happened. Something major, he…”
“Four years ago, New Year’s Eve?” Taehyung scrunches his brows together as he tilts his head. “Wait something happened between you two?” you only nod your head at Taehyung’s question.
“Did Jungkook say what he wanted to say?” Taehyung asks with big eyes, completely shocked, this is news to him. But now it’s your turn to tilt your head in confusion.
“Say what he wants to say? What are you talking about?”
“Huh? Uh,” Taehyung guesses it’s not what he’s thinking. “It’s nothing. So what happened?”
“We slept together.” You blurt out quickly, giving yourself no time to regret it.
You hear Yoongi chuckle from beside you and you snap your head in his direction.
“What? What’s so funny?” you ask.
“You thought I didn’t already assume that? That you two haven’t already slept together?”
“Damn,” you say, “Observant as usual.”
“WAIT WHAT?” Taehyung sputters out, quite fucking loudly.
You guess Taehyung isn’t as observant.
“We got kind of drunk, kissed at midnight and went back to his dorm and you know…”
Realization hits Taehyung hard. When Jungkook was pissed about the fact Taehyung slept with you it wasn’t just because he was some heroic friend. It was also because Jungkook has already had you and he knows he doesn’t like to share. Fuck.
“Holy fuck, y/n.” Taehyung closes his eyes for a moment, “Wait, and you guys didn’t talk about it after? Didn’t he have something to tell you perhaps?”
“What are you talking about? He totally brushed it off. So I got bitter and didn’t talk to him for a month. Now we just…I don’t know, we just…I feel like we are more than friends but less than lovers.”
“Makes total sense.” Yoongi adds, “You two are that but more than anything you two are complete and total idiots.” “Well, that we can agree on.” Taehyung grins.
It’s the middle of December meaning it’s time to do your Christmas shopping! You, Trina and Holly are at the mall perusing around and trying to find the perfect gifts.
“Let’s do what we always do y/n.” Trina bumps her elbow into your side, with a smile on her face.
“Couldn’t agree more.” You respond.
“And what do you two always do?” Holly asks, feeling a little left out.
“Oh you know, we agree to no presents.” You say, “One less person to stress over, that’s our gift to each other.”
“Wow.” Holly deadpans, “You guys are so lame.”
“Or are we geniuses?” Trina asks with a grin, she walks closer to Holly and links arms with her, “But don’t worry Hol, I am getting you something.”
“Good.” Holly says, a shy smile making its way on her face.
“Me too!” you say trying to include yourself. “What would you like anyway? Just show me and I’ll buy it for you!”
“That takes out all the fun in gift giving.” Holly pouts, “It’s supposed to be a surprise!”
“Ah, fuck.” Trina spits out, “I suck at gift giving. Just tell us what you want.” She whines.
“No!” Holly laughs. “Look, I’ll be back.” She gestures towards her left, “I gotta use the bathroom.” She waves at you and Trina and walks away.
“Dude what am I going to get Holly?” Trina asks you, her frustration as clear as day. “It’s got to be special.” She adds in shyly. Special? Now’s your time to finally ask her what is up with her and Holly.
“Why special?”
“Oh you know.” Trina’s sheepish grin gives her away. “I don’t got to say it, when you know.”
“Fair enough.” You laugh. “Oh!” you point towards the window of one of the stores to your right, “You see those mugs? Let’s go check them out.”
“What why?”
“Christmas gift.” You say simply.
You both walk towards the glass window and eye the mugs, there’s a whole bunch but there’s a mug with music notes all over it and you’re reminded of the record shop and your two friends. You walk inside and grab three of them. Yes, three matching mugs for you, Yoongi and Taehyung. Even though Taehyung doesn’t drink coffee, he can still put whatever beverage he wants inside.
You pay for the mugs and have them wrapped in Christmas paper! You got some of your first gifts done with! Now you need to find something for Jimin, Jungkook, Holly and your parents. Crap, should you get something for the rest of the boys too? You’ll be seeing them on New year’s…maybe you’ll get them all scarves. That’s easy.
Jimin is easy, you know he’s been eyeing this channel necklace for far too long and you happen to be able to afford it for him. Jungkook isn’t easy at all. So you go with something simple, a new pair of chunky black boots that he’s been talking about for months. Your mom gets a necklace with her birth flower and your dad gets tickets to his favorite sports team…cheap tickets, sorry to your dad. Holly loves penguins so you find a cute penguin pin for her purse, you think she will love it.
Shopping takes almost the whole day, you, Trina and Holly are seated in the malls food court sipping on a smoothie.
“I am so freaking tired.” Holly leans her head on Trina’s shoulder as she speaks.
“Me too, girl, me too.” You respond. “But Christmas is soon!”
“Are you guys excited about going home?” you ask.
“Yeah, my parents promised they would take me ice skating like when I was a kid.” Trina chuckles.
“I’m excited too! What about you y/n?” Holly lifts her head from Trina. “What are you doing for Christmas?”
“Going home, of course. I’m bringing Jungkook with me.” You admit with a soft smile, “My mom and dad love him, they practically beg me every week on the phone that I bring him.”
“You guys are such a couple.” Trina rolls her eyes playfully.
“We’re best friends! He doesn’t have parents to spend it with so he’s coming with me, is that such a crime?” you say lightly.
“No, no. Of course not.” Trina rolls her eyes again. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you guys get together during your trip.”
“Need I remind you he has a girlfriend?”
Jungkook slides his dick in and out of Vanessa as she clenches around him, he holds her body up as he fucks her from behind. He’s been at it for a while but…
“I’m going to come!” She moans out, “Please tell me you’re close!”
“I—I” Jungkook tries fucking her faster and harder as she comes undone. But Jungkook is still trying, he’s fucking struggling. He screws his eyes shut and thrusts into Vanessa at a fast and hard rate but nothing is working.
“Sorry…sorry.” Jungkook begins to slow down, “I can’t. I just can’t” He admits, totally defeated. He’s tired. He eventually comes to a stop, and pulls out.
“I’m sorry Vanessa.” He says quietly, “It’s not you, I promise.” His voice is hoarse.
Vanessa stands and walks to the bathroom to clean herself up, when she returns she sees Jungkook sitting on the edge of the bed with his pants back on.
“It’s okay, Jungkookie.” Vanessa’s smooth voice doesn’t waver as she speaks, “It happens.”
Jungkook runs his hands down his tired face before looking up at Vanessa, his eyes slightly watery.
“This isn’t fair for you, I should be able to fucking come.” He grits out. “At the fucking least.”
“Don’t beat yourself up over it.”
“How are you so calm about this? Hm?”
Vanessa sits on the edge of the bed next to Jungkook, she breathes in and out before raising her head to speak to him.
“He wants to get back together with me, you know.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen at her words. She couldn’t be talking about her ex, could she?
“It’s okay. I said I no. Somehow I feel okay.” She smiles at him, it isn’t one of those coy or secretive smiles she mostly hands out but a real genuine smile.
“I think I just feel good that he wants me again but now I have the upper hand, you know? I’m the one with power.”
“You told him no?”
“And not even because I am supposed to be your girlfriend…but because I decided I need to respect myself. You’re right…what I was doing…it wasn’t healthy.” She admits, she shakes her head to rid herself of her bangs that keep falling in her eyes.
“I…I’m proud of you.”
“I want to be proud of you too.” She whispers.
“What are you talking about?”
“Nothing,” she says quietly, “You’ll see eventually.”
“What does that me—”
“Let’s take a small break.” Vanessa tilts her head to get a quick look at him, “Just until New Year’s.”
“We just need some time to like, miss each other? You know?”
Jungkook shakes his head, “You mean, break up?”
“Just a break. But technically yes, we aren’t together in the meantime.”
“Why?” Jungkook stands up, “We can make this work Vanessa.”
“Please stop.” Vanessa says more sternly. “It’s what I want. Just until New Year’s.”
Jungkook paces back and forth with his bottom lip caught between his teeth. He doesn’t understand why she wants this? Because he couldn’t come? All because of that? He stops pacing to stare at her and she’s already looking up at him with a sickingly sweet smile.
“Fine.” He says. “If that’s—that’s what you want.” He clears his throat and tries smiling for her, she all but nods her head.
“You ready?” you ask Jungkook when he walks up to your car. You came to pick him up, insisting that you drive this time.
“Yeah.” Jungkook shows you his bunny grin and you melt, you love that smile of his. He sets his bag in the backseat and walks over to the passenger door and sits down inside.
“I’m excited to spend Christmas with you and your family.”
“Oh, it’s going to be a handful. You’ll be meeting my grandma, some aunts and uncles and some cousins of mine.”
“And I cannot wait.” He repeats. “Do you have my Christmas present here in the car?” he smiles cheekily, “Just give it to me now.”
“Yeah, right. You have to wait until tomorrow dummy!”
“Hey, don’t call me a dummy.” Jungkook pouts. He leans back in the passenger’s seat and closes his eyes.
“Hey, you’re not thinking of taking a nap are you?” You reverse your car out of the parking spot at his apartment.
“Maybe.” Jungkook snickers from beside you, “If you don’t want me falling asleep, tell me something interesting.”
“I think I want to work on getting a TEFL.” You blurt out, “To you know, teach.”
Jungkook’s eyes stay shut as he processes your words, he thinks to himself carefully—he can’t react negatively. He can’t.
“That’s nice, y/n.” He settles for. “You’ll like it.”
“That’s it?” you twist your head to look in his direction, he opens his eyes and stares at you for a few moments.
“Eyes on the road.” Jungkook closes his eyes again.
“Jungkook…you aren’t sad I might be moving away for like, at least a year?” You grip the steering wheel tighter, “You know I would be leaving right?”
“What do you want me to say y/n?” Jungkook opens his eyes and leans forward, “Want me to tell you no? That you aren’t allowed to leave?”
“Well…no. But you could act like you care a little.” You whisper out in pout.
“I do care.” Jungkook huffs, “But I just want you to do whatever makes you happy.”
“You make me happy.”
Jungkook quirks a brow and smiles, “So, you want to do me?”
“Gross,” you reach over and hit his arm. “You know what I mean. I just…I mean I value your opinion.”
Jungkook’s smile begins to fade as he stares at the cars floorboard. He zones out for a few moments, not entirely sure what to say. While it is true he wants you to do whatever makes you happy he also doesn’t want you to go anywhere.
“Do what’s best for you baby.” He all but whispers. “I will believe in you and support you no matter what.”
“I guess I’ll take that for now.” You whine. “How’s work going for you?”
“It’s good.” Jungkook’s eyes light up, “The director is letting me edit some pretty important scenes.” He gushes. “I brought my work stuff so I can show you over the next couple of days.”
“Yeah? That sounds exciting Jungkook!”
You finally merge on the high way for your few hour trip, you got your ‘Chillin’ playlist on and a few snacks on hand. You and Jungkook chit chat every so often but you mostly jam to the music.
“Let’s listen to Disney radio station!” You hand Jungkook your phone, “Hurry, put it.”
Jungkook takes your phone with a grin and selects the Disney option on pandora, the first song to come on is Lion King’s ‘Hakuna Matata’. You and Jungkook sing your hearts out, smiling, giggling and belting out the notes.
A couple hours pass like this, your throat getting admittedly sore. But Jungkook on the other hand is still going strong, he is singing all the parts in ‘Kiss the Girl’ with such passion…you can’t help but chuckle as you listen to him.
“Phew, I am worn out!” you say, laughing. “But I see you can keep going?” you turn the volume down.
“Oh, we can switch it up…but to answer the question you know I can keep going.” He winks. And you know he meant that innocently but you can’t help but blush.
“Right.” You hand him your phone again, “Our trip is almost over…you can just put on a playlist.”
“Are you excited to see your parents again?”
“Well, I just saw them last month…but yes.” You admit, “Being home is always nice. My parents have been bothering me for weeks making sure you are actually coming with me for Christmas.” You chuckle, “They’ll be glad to see you.”
Jungkook grabs a hold of his ears in excitement, you can tell he’s genuinely happy as he sits here and smiles that smile.
“I’m glad to see them too. And I am excited to meet more of your family.”
“There will probably be misunderstandings…but don’t worry, I will make it clear we are just friends.” You nod your head as you speak. Jungkook just shrugs in response, just fucking shrugs.
“Isn’t that your house up there on the corner?” Jungkook points forward towards the house.
When you pull into the driveway your parents are making their way outside, they smile at you and you wave from inside your car. You turn it off and turn to face Jungkook.
“You ready?”
“Yes.” He grins.
You step out of your car and your mom and dad are rushing to bring you in for a hug, they hold you close and you feel yourself feeling right at home. You begin to pull away and head towards the backseat when your mom grabs your arm,
“You two can get your things later—before bed, before bed.” She guides you towards the house, “And hello, Jungkook.” She smiles widely, “So nice you are here again! Let’s go see everyone!”
“Yes mam.” Jungkook says with a small smile, he walks forward and shakes hands with your dad.
“Nice to see you again, son.”
“Yes sir, you too.”
“Stop being so formal!” you look back at him, teasing. You and your mom walk to the front door, waiting for your dad and Jungkook to catch up.
The four of you enter the house, it smells like pie and cookies and warmth and you know, like Christmas. You hear the chitter chatter of your relatives filling the house and you want to smile. You can hear your cousins gossiping in the kitchen, you hear their children playing in the backyard (The back door is open), you hear your grandma snoring on your dads recliner, while your aunt and uncle quietly talk on the other sofas. You hear what it’s like to feel at home.
“Look who is here, everyone!” Your mom announces obnoxiously. “It’s y/n and Jungkook!”
First your aunt and uncle’s attention are caught, they nod your way with smiles on their faces and you head over to the sofas to hug them each. Your grandma stays snoring on the recliner and you giggle, classic grandma.
Next, your cousins are coming in from kitchen. Three of them to be exact, Daniel and his wife Larissa and your other cousin who is your age Manny. Daniel and Larissa have 3 beautiful children who are playing in the back, you can hear their giggles from inside. Manny is much shorter than you, she’s petite and curvy and really, really pretty. You go in to hug her first, she wraps her arms around you loosely.
“y/n!” she yells excitedly, “It’s been since last Christmas right?!” she asks, still holding on to you.
“Something like that.” You giggle, “Hi Daniel, Larissa.” You go in to hug them as well.
“Guys this is Jungkook.” You finally introduce the awkward boy, he stands here swaying from side to side waiting to meet everyone. He bows his head in greeting and everyone says their hello’s. All except sleeping grandma.
“Well, hello.” Manny smiles at Jungkook, “I didn’t even see you there, which is crazy because you’re like crazy hot—”
“Okay, Manny.” You try cutting in early enough, but are a bit late.
“Oh?” Jungkook eyebrows climb to up his forehead as he looks at Manny.
“I’m Manny.” She winks, “ You must be y/n’s friend, I presume?”
“y/n!!!!” Your grandma comes up to you all, her sweet perfume filling the air around you. “You’re here, sweetie.”
“Grandma!” you lean in and hug her frail body, she smells like she always has your whole entire life, sweet.
“And this must be your boyfriend, Jungkook? I have heard so much about you, dear.” Your grandmas opens her arms, signaling Jungkook to lean in and hug her—which he does.
“Actually grandma—”
“You finally have a nice boyfriend, your parents have told me all about him.” she winks, “I am so happy for you sweetie, I think I can finally rest easy.”
“Rest easy?” you question, “No grandma you are mis—”
“It’s nice to meet you.” Jungkook smiles at your grandma and she cheeses hard.
“You can call me grandma, dear.” She pats his back lovingly, “I want to hear all about you two. Shall we drink some tea together?”
“Boyfriend?” Manny asks, confused. “I didn’t know you guys started dating?”
“We aren’t—”
“Its new.” Jungkook cuts in. He slides his arm around your waist and you audibly gasp.
“What’s new?” Your mom walks up to you all.
“They’re dating.” Manny says, looking unimpressed.
“WHAT! Darling, get in here!” She calls your dad over, “Jungkook and y/n are together, together!”
“No we are—” you try cutting in but you feel Jungkook dig his fingers into your waist.
“THEY’RE TOGETHER?!” Your dad yells out, his excitement clear as day. You stand here confused as hell as your whole family starts congratulating you two.
“Wait, wait.” You try getting out but Jungkook leans in to whisper in your ear.
“We can’t disappoint grandma.” He says softly.
“I met my Roy at a party too.” Your grandma says between sips, she holds her tea in front of her face as she reminisces.
“Was it love at first sight?” Your grandma asks, wiggling her brows. “Me and my Roy didn’t get together for quite some time so I don’t think it was love at first sight for us…when did you know?”
“Grandma…” you begin, “Can we talk about something else?” you beg.
“I knew only a few months later.” Jungkook admits shyly, he smiles at your grandma while bringing his tea cup to his lips. “I knew no one could take y/n’s spot. But I was content with being friends.”
Your eyes grow in size, his confession warming you up. You know it’s all for show but you can’t help what it does to you.
“I also knew after a few months.” You say quietly.
“Oh, how lovely!” Your grandma claps her hands together softly, “And now here you are! Jungkook…” Your grandma sets down her tea cup and looks over at Jungkook. “I trust you will take care of y/n no matter what, right?”
“No matter what.” He says quickly. “She takes care of me too.”
“And how does she do that?” Your grandma raises a drawn on brow.
“She is always there for me…she always tries to understand me even when I am in the wrong…she always tries to get to know me like she doesn’t already know everything,” he chuckles, “She always hugs me when I need it.” Jungkook looks at you with a soft smile, “She really loves me and I can feel it.” Then his mouth falls open and his eyes expand a little, “Do you… love me y/n? Like—”
“Okay, that’s enough about us babe,” you cut him off, “When did you get in town grandma?”
“Oh, just last night.” She mumbles, “I—”
“So,” Manny comes into the kitchen, her v neck lower than it was 20 minutes ago, you can’t help but roll your eyes. “What do you do Jungkook?” she leans down into his space, one hand squeezing his bicep as she asks her question.
“Um, I work as an editor for a film company.” His eyes shift to you and you roll your eyes again. “What about you?”
“Oh? Me? I work at a marketing firm. Was hoping to see y/n there.” She smiles at you. “But guess she didn’t apply? Maybe?”
“I didn’t get hired.” You state plainly. “But I didn’t want to work there anyway.” You grip your thigh in annoyance.
“y/n is probably too good for that company anyway.” Jungkook says, his hand reaches for yours and you relax a little bit.
“Right.” Manny nods her head exaggeratedly, “That’s got to be it…” she winks at you and you give a half ass smile.
“So Jungkook…” she finally takes a seat next to him, her hand still on his arm. “Film, huh? That’s soo cool. What do you do in your spare time?” she squeezes his bicep again, “Besides working out, of course.” She laughs.
Jungkook looks at you in panic, his eyes shifting from yours to his arm and you just roll your eyes.
“Manny.” You cut in, “How’s Luis?”
“Oh, we broke up.” She says smiling at Jungkook. “Nothing to worry about it.”
“And what’s to worry about,” you lean over and detach her fingers from Jungkook’s arm. “Hm?”
“Oh nothing.” Manny shakes her head.
“Manny, did you ever take my things out of the drier?” Your grandma speaks up, “Please put them in my room if you haven’t already.”
“Speaking of rooms.” Your mom and dad walk into the kitchen, their hands joined together.
“What?” you ask.
“Grandma is in Jungkook’s room. So Jungkook will have to stay in your room with you.” She says nonchalantly.
“Hm? Okay.” You shrug while Jungkook’s eyes widen just slightly. “Where are aunt and uncle sleeping? And Daniel and the rest? “Oh, we got a hotel.” Manny says, “Which sucks because it would have been fun to have a little slumber party.” She says in pout. You give her a tight smile and nod.
“Sure.” You get out, “Guess it’s just me and Jungkook for the slumber party.” You wink at her and Jungkook laughs as he squeezes your hand.
“Can’t wait baby.”
“Oh, you guys are gross.” Manny gags, “We get it.”
“Yeah, behave.” Your mom gives you a pointed look, “You’re still in your parent’s house.”
“Sorry, sorry. We’re just messing around.” You wave your hand, “Also, I can get your things from the drier grandma, I am going upstairs anyway to change.”
“Thank you sweetie.”
You let go of Jungkook’s hand as you stand up, he looks up at you in panic. You’re leaving him here with Manny?! He’s not stupid, this girl is clearly not caring about the whole boyfriend thing but he doesn’t want to make a scene by saying something to her.
“I’ll go with you.” Jungkook rushes to say earning strange looks from your parents. “Be—because I should bring up our bags from the car.”
“Ah, yes! That’s true, that’s true.” Your mom nods her head in agreeance, “You two go.”
Upstairs is much quieter, Jungkook thinks to himself. Just the background noise of muffled voices and occasional laughter. You two are in your childhood bedroom with both of your bags on your small bed. You are digging through your own luggage when you hear Jungkook clear his voice.
“What’s up?” you don’t look up to see him, you continue digging into your bag for some sleep shorts and a t shirt.
“This bed is tiny.” Jungkook groans, “How are we going to sleep on it?”
“I suppose one of us could make a palette on the flo—”
“—No.” Jungkook shakes his head, “I just mean, you’ll have to sleep super close to me.”
“That doesn’t bother me. Does it bother you suddenly?” you grab the small shorts from your bag and set them on the bed.
“W-What? No…” he admits shyly, his teeth on full display at he smiles at his own bag. “I was just saying.”
“Will Vanessa not like it?” you whisper as you find the t shirt. “Because—”
“Actually we—”
“—ask her?”
“No, it’s fine. Trust me.” Jungkook brings out his own change of clothes and stands here awkwardly, not knowing where to go.
“I do trust you.” You breathe out, “We can just turn around and change.” You offer, already spinning on your heels and lifting your sweater over your head. Jungkook continues to stare at you until he’s hit with realization. He quickly turns around and starts changing as well.
“You sure let Manny touch you however she pleases.” You spit out quietly. Jungkook freezes mid shirt lift, his eyes growing in panic.
“It’s not that I was letting her…I just…I didn’t know what to do…I’m sorry—”
“Yeah, I know.” You roll your eyes even though he cannot see. “I’m just—it’s my fault. Me and Manny grew up together. The boy she liked in high school liked me…and ever since then she’s always…” you wiggle into your sleep shorts, slipping the material over your ass.
“Oh, I get it.” Jungkook slips on a new t shirt, “I’m done. Are you?”
“Yeah, I am.”
You both turn around, smiling sheepishly at one another. He’s wearing black sweats with a plain white t shirt and you in your sleep shorts you always use to wear around the apartment that use to drive Jungkook wild and one of his black t shirts.
“Hey, that’s mine.” He pouts, pointing at the shirt you’re wearing.
“Mine now.” You poke your tongue out. Jungkook pretends to reach over the bed to grab your tongue which makes you laugh.
“Don’t let Manny touch you again.” You blurt out, “I don’t like it.”
Jungkook bites down on his bottom lip as he stares at you, he begins walking to the other side of the bed until he’s standing in front of you.
“Why don’t you like it?” he asks softly.
“It’s annoying to look at it.”
“It irritates you to see another girl touch me?”
“It’s irritating when that girl is my cousin.”
“Why does it matter who it is specifically?” Jungkook steps closer to you, he pushes his hands in his sweat pockets.
“I don’t want you to fuck my cousin, Jungkook. Sue me.” Your straightforwardness makes Jungkook chuckle.
“I wouldn’t fuck your cousin, y/n.”
“Yeah, because you have Vanessa.” You remind him.
“Actually we—”
“—we should head back downstairs.” You try pushing past him but he catches your wrist.
“Tell me why it irritates you so much.”
“I just don’t like it, Jungkook.” You huff.
“Are you perhaps jealous?” Jungkook lowers your wrist, but he doesn’t let go.
“Why would I be jealous?” You yank your wrist from his hold and push past him, walking towards your bedroom door. “Come on.”
You basically told him you weren’t jealous but why did it have to happen that when teams were being chosen for this game night, Jungkook and Manny would get paired together.
The universe is laughing at you. Manny is…shameless. She has no problem flirting with someone else’s man…you’re no exception. You can tell Jungkook is slightly uncomfortable and not really enjoying the attention but still, somehow you are fuming. It’s not like he’s being exceptionally nice to her, he’s just not being standoffish enough to your liking.
“Oh, Jungkook!” Manny giggles for no reason, she leans into Jungkook’s space, just laughing away while sit you here and watch. He chuckles awkwardly, his hands messing with the playing cards in front of him. You hate this view. You thought any view with Jungkook would be a nice one, but you were wrong. Watching your cousin fawn over him like this is making you angry as fuck. As it should, right? Jungkook is your boyfriend! Well—not actually. But still! As far as Manny is concerned, Jungkook is your man, and she needs to back off.
“Manny, could you maybe give my boyfriend some space.” You snap, your voice cutting in through your family’s chatter. The room quiets down and all eyes are on you.
Manny looks all around the room, red creeping on her cheeks as she sits here, embarrassed. She opens her mouth to speak when you hold up a hand to stop her. Then you use that hand to gesture towards their bodies,
“He’s clearly uncomfortable that you are sitting so close, and frankly, I am too.”
“And he’s too nice to say anything.” Your cold eyes look at her then they slide to Jungkook, “Which is something you need to work on babe.”
“I am not even sitting that close, jeez, you are as dramatic as ever.” Manny tries to roll her eyes, while subtlety scooting away. “And really? You try to call me out in front of everyone?”
“Oh? Should we talk in private then?”
“y/n.” this time the one saying your name is Jungkook. “Maybe we should go to sleep. Start new tomorrow, huh?” The tension between you and Manny too much for him to handle right now, especially in front of everyone.
“I think that’s a great idea.” It’s grandma. “It’s way past my bedtime too.”
“I think your aunt and uncle were just talking about how it’s almost time to leave too. Perfect timing!” Your mom chimes in, “Let’s all say goodnight.”
You don’t say anything to Jungkook as you peel back the baby pink duvet on your bed, you just stare down at your twin mattress with hard eyes.
“Are you okay?”
You continue to stay silent as you slip under the covers, scooting all the way towards the edge of the bed as far as you possibly can.
“y/n…” Jungkook pats in the last of his facial moisturizer into his skin, “I asked if you’re okay?” his back is facing you as he sits on the edge of the bed, placing his moisturizer back in his bag. “It was interesting,” (Hot.) “To see you all…protective,” (Jealous.) “Tonight.”
“I’m going to sleep.” You are laying on your back, staring up at the ceiling fan. “I don’t feel like talking tonight.”
Jungkook lays down next to you, his body so freaking close. He lays on his side, facing you. His right arm going under his head, trying his hardest to get comfortable in such close quarters.
“No talking, but maybe cuddling?” Jungkook whispers, and you of course hear it clear as day because he is so fucking close to you.
“Call me crazy but I don’t feel like cuddling with a guy who can’t even tell another girl to fuck off.” You shut your eyes. “Not in the mood.”
Jungkook blinks a few times, your words sinking in. You’re kind of right, he should of said something too but he didn’t know what to say. It’s your cousin! In front of your family! And he tried his hardest to lean away from Manny as much as possible.
“I’m sorry, y/n. You’re right. I should have said something.” His left hand reaches out to grab your hand that rests on top of your stomach.
“Yeah, you should have. But now I’m the asshole who called her out in front of everyone.”
Jungkook remembers it, and he darkly chuckles.
“Yeah, and it was hot.” He admits, making you open your eyes as you snap your head towards him.
“You think me being crazy jealous was hot?” you give him a look like he’s crazy.
“So you are jealous?” Jungkook smirks, “But I don’t see it that way. I see it as being protective over what’s yours.”
“So, you’re mine?” you turn to lean on your side, your body bumping into his. “At least until the end of this trip right?” you laugh, “I can’t believe you just don’t want to disappoint grandma.”
“At least until the end of this trip.” Jungkook leans his head closer to yours, “You finally brought home a boyfriend.” He grins as his forehead slightly bumps into yours.
What does Jungkook mean at least? And why does he always become closer and closer to you?
If you were to lift your head up at all, his lips would be dangerously close to yours.
“Jeez, how many fake boyfriends am I going to have this year?” you joke, keeping your head down, “I really got to find a real one by now.”
“I know the room is dark,” Jungkook begins, “But I still want to see your eyes when we talk.”
“Didn’t I say I didn’t want to talk?”
“y/n…” Jungkook whines, “You’re still mad at me?”
“Not really, it’s not your fault. I’m just still pissed at the situation.” You admit quite easily. “It’s honestly so disrespectful of her. You’re my boyfriend. You’re my man. You’re mine.”
Jungkook’s hand settles over your waist, he grabs on and brings you in closer to his body. He inhales you, taking in your scent. You smell so good to him, he could inhale you forever. Your words echo in his mind as he snuggles you closer. Your man? His heart races faster and faster as the echo gets louder.
“I’m yours, hm?” he runs his fingers down your side, starting from your shoulder until the top of your hip bone. “Does that make you mine?” He breathes out, “Are you mine baby?” his fingers dance over your hips, your shirt and shorts separating his fingers from touching your warm skin.
“You know what I mean.” You huff out, closing your eyes from his gentle touch.
“Do I though?” Jungkook’s hand lingers over your hips, until he is playing with the end of your shirt.
“Let me touch your skin.” He softly begs, “It’ll feel nice.”
Your eyes open in surprise, what skin? Where will he be touching?
“Innocent, I swear.” Jungkook adds, “Just want to make you feel nice.”
“Isn’t that weird?” you finally ask.
“I don’t think so.”
“Fine.” You close your eyes again, “Touch me.”
Jungkook bites his lips when you give him the green light, he wasn’t expecting you to agree so quickly. Because what if it is weird? He just wants to touch your skin, no harm done. Jungkook leans up on his arms and tugs at the bottom of your shirt,
“I am going to slide this up a bit, okay?” he asks and you nod your head but you hear him chuckle.
“Words, baby.”
“Yes.” You breathe out, your eyes still closed.
Jungkook takes the material between his fingers and begins to slowly, very slowly ride the shirt up. His eyes have finally adjusted to the dark, where he can see you just enough. The shirt slides up your body, exposing your skin inch by inch. He gulps.
He lifts the shirt up until your pretty blue bralette is showing itself, your breasts falling to the side giving you a good amount of cleavage. He gulps again.
When the shirt is all bunched up at your armpits, Jungkook lays back down on his side. The cold air that spins in circles thanks to the fan is causing your skin to get goosebumps, your stomach feeling extra sensitive.
“Touch me, Jungkook.” You softly command. “I want you to.”
Jungkook swallows hard at your straightforwardness. His hand slowly creeps up to your shoulder, his fingers brushing against the material of the t shirt before he’s lightly dragging his fingers down your side. His fingertips hit your exposed skin, he lightly glides them down, just barely touching you. When he reaches your hip bone he dances his fingers lower until they’re grazing your lower stomach. His touch is so light it’s got your breathing getting just a bit heavier. He repeats his action a few times, starting from your shoulder until his fingers glide across your bare stomach. He’s right, it does feel nice. Too nice, almost.
“How do my fingers feel?” He clears his throat, his voice nice and low. Your eyes shoot open at his question. This is all innocent, but why does that question feel so dirty?
“They feel so good.” You breathe out, “So good.”
Jungkook smiles and continues sliding his fingers over your lower stomach, causing you to release a long, shaky breath. His touch is so fucking good, his touch leaving a trail of fire. As his fingers lightly skid across your stomach he leaves behind such heat. His fingers finally glide up, they barely reach right under your breasts. Your breath catches in your throat, his fingers so dangerously close to your tits and you want to smash your head on something. God, what it would feel like to have them being touched by his large hand.
Jungkook uses just his pointer finger to drag his finger down from the center of your lower chest until he’s passing your belly button, until he’s reaching your lower stomach again, his finger stopping at the drawstrings on your shorts.
You can’t help but release a long, quiet moan as his finger does that over and over. You clench your stomach muscles with each stroke of his fingers. Why does Jungkook have to make you feel so fucking good?
Jungkook feels himself getting hard against your thigh, but he doesn’t care to hide it. Touching your warm, soft skin feels so intimate and that moan you released? His cock needs to hear more. He grabs a hold of your hip, the material of the shorts in the way of your skin.
“Can I lower these a little?” he pants out. “Just a little.”
“Yes.” You feel your breaths getting heavier.
Jungkook slips his fingers under the shorts and slowly drags down the material over your hip, your panties sliding down as well. Jungkook grunts in approval, he thumbs your hip bone causing you to quietly whimper.
“You really like your hips and stomach to be touched.” He states.
“S-Sensitive.” You admit.
Jungkook massages the skin of your hip, very, very lightly. Almost like he isn’t touching you at all, like he’s just trying to tease you. And it’s working. You feel your breaths become more erratic. You keep your eyes closed as the light feeling of his fingertips begin to make you wet. You can’t help but slightly rotate your hips in circles as he touches you, and you can’t help but moan when he puts more pressure into his massage on your hip.
“You like that?” Jungkook breathes out, “Feel good?”
Your hips move faster underneath his electric touch, you start to become desperate, needing more. You finally open your eyes, Jungkook notices how dark and captivating they look. You reach forward until your own hand is at his shirt.
Jungkook looks at you, very confused. But he doesn’t waste another moment when he sits up and throws his shirt off.
“Good.” Your hands go to grope his chest. His strong muscles flex beneath your touch. You drag your hands down his chest until they stop at the waistband of his sweats, he throws his head back as you explore the front of his body.
“Want to touch you too.” You admit between harsh breaths.
Jungkook’s hand goes to the shirt bunched around your shoulders and tugs on it,
“Off too.” He guides you to sit up and he helps you take off your shirt. Your strappy bralette leaves almost nothing to the imagination, Jungkook thinks. The material is so very thin that he sees your hard nipples and he wants to brush his thumb over them. But he refrains.
“Much better.” Jungkook says in one breath. “Now lay down.”
You do as he says, this time you lay on your back instead of your side. You try breathing in and out normally but can’t help how irregular your breaths are.
“Jungkook.” You whine, “Touch me.”
“So needy.” Jungkook’s hand hovers over the top of your stomach, “My baby is so needy.” He whispers.
You reach up and caress Jungkook’s cheek, “I am.” You admit. Jungkook throws his head back, biting on his lip as he grins.
“Good girl.” His fingers lightly dance below your belly button and you whine. He glides his fingers lower and lower until they’re at your waistband.
“Going to pull these down…just a little.” His voice cracks as he stares down at you.
You nod your head and tell him yes over and over.
He drags the shorts just a bit lower, right before your pussy is exposed. His fingers lightly touch your new exposed skin, and you moan. The feeling getting you so worked up.
“I want to do the same to you.” You try say between your rough breathing. “Let me touch you, Jungkook.” Your hands go to his stomach, your touch anything but light as you drag your hands down with pressure. You reach the top of his waist band and begin pulling down until he’s catching your wrist.
“And what do you think you are doing?” Jungkook’s low, deep voice sends a shiver down your god damn spine.
“Innocent, I promise.” You mock, “Want to touch you too.”
“I think we have had enough,” he teases lightly, bringing his hand back to his own body. “Let’s go to sleep.”
“Fine, cuddle me.” You say, annoyed. You turn to your other side, where your back is facing him.
“Fine by me. But…” He sinks down further into the covers to spoon you, one arm going beneath your head and the other pulling you in by the hips, “Remember what happens when we get in this position.” You feel his hard cock poke your ass and you moan out quietly.
“What happens?” you play dumb.
“4 years ago, you asked me to cuddle you like this because you wanted to get fucked.” he says easily and you choke on your spit. He’s referencing that night?
Jungkook is so lost in you, he doesn’t care anymore. He will bring up that night a million times if he has to. He loves you. And he’s starting to get real tired of the constant tension between you two. He pushes his hips into your ass, you feel how hard he is and you squeeze your eyes shut.
“I also said this position makes me feel safe.” You play innocent as you bump your ass into his crotch.
“I make you feel safe?”
“You make me feel a lot of things.” You whimper, backing your ass further into his cock, it’s so hard and poking against you in such a way that drives you nuts.
Jungkook groans as he feels you circling your hips into his crotch. His hand goes to your hip and he squeezes tightly making you moan out.
“You got to be more quiet baby.” Jungkook warns softly, “We don’t want your parents or your grandmother thinking we are really having that ‘slumber party’.” He jokes.
“Then what are we having?”
“Just some innocent massages between friends.” He comments with a snicker.
“Oh? Is my ass massaging your dick so innocent?” you whine out, “I don’t really do this sort of thing with my other friends.” You keep your eyes screwed shut.
“It’s very innocent.” Jungkook teases, he begins lightly humping you. He pushes his cock further and further on your ass cheeks, he moans when you two find a rhythm. He remembers when he fucked you in this position, he remembers it well. How you sounded, how you smelled, how you felt. He memorized the feeling of you.
“Fuck, y/n…” Jungkook quietly groans out. He rocks his hips into you faster, and you hate everything. You want to touch yourself so bad. You want to slide your fingers down your shorts and rub your aching clit, you would like it even more if it was Jungkook’s fingers.
“Not fair…” you say in pout, arching your back.
“What’s not?” he pants.
“I want to feel good too…” you say, flipping to your other side, facing him. You scoot impossibly close until his cock is pressed against your lower stomach.
“Innocently, of course.” You throw a leg over his waist as your hands go to his chest to guide him to lay on his back. “Gonna make us both feel good.” Your eyes are glazed over in lust as you speak.
You straddle his hips and find the right placement in sitting down…his cock nice and snug between your clothed folds. You begin moving your hips until you have the right angle on your clit and you moan.
“Is this okay?” you breathe out and Jungkook nods his head quickly.
You begin rocking yourself against his clothed cock, he quietly whimpers at the feeling. Jungkook screws his eyes shut as his mouth falls open and wonderful panting leaves his lips. You watch him lose his composure as you hump him, you pick up the pace, becoming more and more desperate. Your clit is thanking you. ‘Thank you bitch’ it says.
“I—I can’t” Jungkook moans out, “I—I can’t do this.”
You immediately slow down, rejection sinking in. “What do you mean? You don’t want to do—”
“—I don’t want to do this with clothes on.” Jungkook groans, his fingers digging into your hips. “I need you naked. Fucking now.” He grits out.
You finally still as you process his words. Are you two about to fuck? Is this really a good idea? Again? But you are so far gone…you are so beyond horny that you are able to push your logical thinking to the side.
“Okay.” You look at him with lust filled eyes, “Take off my clothes.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen but he’s nodding his head so fucking fast it’s almost comical. He rushes to unclasp your bralette, your breasts bouncing as they are freed. He sits up, and you are graced with the sight of Jungkook’s mouth sucking on your tit. You arch your back, pushing your breast further into his mouth, his tongue swirling over the hardened nub. You throw your head back in pleasure, his hand giving your other breast all the attention it needs.
“Shorts, Jungkook.” You beg. “Take them off me.”
Jungkook detaches his self from your breast and looks up into your eyes and smirks,
“Say please, princess.”
“Fucking please, please.”
Jungkook’s hands quickly find their way to your shorts and your rise to your knees to help him slip them off your legs. Your panties go down with the shorts and Jungkook couldn’t be more pleased.
“Oh my god baby.” Jungkook stares at you with dark eyes, “Your wetness is literally dripping down your inner thighs. You are so fucking wet.” He comments and you smile shyly.
“You…” you begin to say.
“What about me?” he teases, his fingers grazing your inner thigh, he wipes some of your cum off your sensitive skin.
“You did this to me.”
“Yes I did baby. And I will take full responsibility.” He guides your body up his own, you follow his lead.
“Ride my face.” He commands as he lays back down, his hand in yours still guiding you when you stop abruptly.
“Ride my face baby.” He tugs on your hand and you hesitantly make your way closer to him. You stop when you are hovering over his chest, knees on either side of his neck when you start to get shy.
“I’ve never…”
“Keep going,” his hands go to your hips and he’s guiding you further up until your pussy is hovering over his warm mouth.
“Now sit.”
“I said, sit.”
And you do, you lower yourself over his mouth…you slam your eyes shut, feeling nervous. But then you are met with his wet, warm tongue. You stay still as he begins licking at you, his tongue licking a strip from your hole to your clit. You start to relax as the sensation fills you up, his tongue swirling around causing you to release a long, breathy moan. You can’t help but start to rock your hips back and forth…the feeling even more spectacular. You try to keep quiet, you really do. But Jungkook’s tongue is quite literally fucking you.
“Ah, Jungkook.” You throw your head back, your eyes rolling all around as you ride his face faster. You feel Jungkook moan into your pussy, making you whimper even more.
You don’t know how much time has passed but it does not matter. Jungkook shows no sign of stopping anytime soon, his tongue working to make you feel so fucking good. You ride his face even harder now, your thighs shaking as you squeeze around his head.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” You pant out, “I think I’m going to—”
You rock your hips as fast as you can as you feel your orgasm approaching, Jungkook’s hands squeeze your ass cheeks. He encourages you to rock against him even harder as he guides your hips. His tongue is laid flat against your clit as you ride him faster, you can feel how close you are. You thighs shake and you feel your pussy clench around nothing as your orgasm hits you. It hits you so fucking hard, like a strong wind that’s knocked you over.
“Fuuuuuucckkk.” You squeeze your thighs together, probably crushing Jungkook’s head as you come. You breathe so fucking hard as you try to hurry to come down from your amazing orgasm, you struggle to rise to your knees, so Jungkook helps lift you a bit until you are rising from his mouth.
You inch backwards until you are hovering over his chest, when he makes you sit down. You open your eyes, and take a look at the man before you.
His entire face is glistening with your cum and he looks so fucking happy about it. He’s trying to catch his own breath as he eyes you, his entire face wet with your cum. He is fucking grinning at you.
“You did so amazing baby.” He breathes out.
“That was incredible.” You admit. “Want to…” you start off hesitantly, “Want to fuck my mouth?”
Jungkook slams his eyes shut, and takes a few deep breaths before he slowly opens his eyes again.
“No…We should get cleaned up and go to sleep. Don’t you think?” he asks softly.
“Go…to sleep?” you ask, disappointed. “Sure.” You say kind of detached. “If that’s what you want.”
Shame. Guilt. Regret.
It’s the next morning and you are trying your hardest to sleep away from Jungkook. But the bed is so small making it almost impossible. You didn’t sleep at all. Which feels unfair because Jungkook is next to you snoring away with a lazy arm thrown over your waist.
Shame. Guilt. Regret.
Jungkook has a girlfriend but you and him…oh my god you made Jungkook a cheater. You are the fucking worst. You let lust win in this dangerous game you two are playing, you let it win and shove it’s victory in your face. You hate yourself. You feel so fucking bad! Vanessa may not be your favorite person but cheating is never okay.
Shame. Guilt. Regret.
You wonder if Jungkook will feel these things too as he wakes up…you wonder if he will feel worse. Jungkook is a lot of things but a cheater isn’t one of them. He’s always felt strongly about the subject because of his mom and dad. Will he be weird with you? Will he feel worse than you? Will he be able to forgive himself?
Suddenly, Jungkook’s light snores go quiet and his arm is tightening around your waist just the slightest. He’s awake. He begins pulling you in closer to his body and then you feel his lips on your neck. He leaves just an innocent peck and then you think he may be going back to sleep with how comfortable he’s getting.
“Let’s get up.” You break the silence in the room, “I can hear people downstairs.”
“Oh, good morning.” You feel him smile on your neck, “Why don’t we stay here for just a few minutes?”
Has he not processed what he’s done? Where is his shame? His guilt? His regret? You feel sick.
“We really should get up.” You repeat. “I’m hungry.” You detach yourself from his body and rise from the bed. You don’t even look at him as you grab a change of clothes and exit the room to head towards the bathroom.
Jungkook is left on the bed wondering what’s up with you? Are you feeling awkward after last night? He thought you might be in a good mood…considering your orgasm…but instead your mood seems to be sour.
“Great.” Jungkook mutters underneath his breath. He gets up too, going to his bag to change for the day. When he’s done, he grabs his toiletries and makes his way to the bathroom. He stands outside the door, softly knocking. You swing the door open with your toothbrush hanging out of your mouth when you usher him inside.
“I’m going to wash up too…” Jungkook warns. He sets his small toiletry bag on the bathroom counter and takes out his face wash, moisturizer and tooth brush.
You nod your head as you continue to brush your teeth, toothpaste foaming at the corner of your mouth.
“How do you feel this morning?” Jungkook tries to make decent conversation as he applies his face wash to his face.
You spit out the toothpaste and rinse your mouth, wiping your face dry with a towel.
“Fine.” You spit out. “Just fine.”
Jungkook washes his face with water, and pats his face dry with a small towel, just nodding his head. He feels awkward.
“I feel fine too…” He adds, trying to add more to the convo. “Do you think grandma heard us last night?” he asks.
“Let’s not talk about last night.” You snap, “Can’t you read a room?”
You grab your things and leave the bathroom, leaving Jungkook wondering what the hell he did to make you so mad. Did you hate it that much? Maybe in the past he would have thought that but now…he knows how much you liked it. Loved it even. Jungkook doesn’t feel as insecure as before, he just knows the only way to solve this is to talk to you. Communication.
Communication would be a lot easier if he was given a god damn chance at talking to you but your mom is keeping you so busy in the kitchen with your gossipy aunt’s chitter chatter filling every crevice of the room. You nod along, even laugh as you listen. Jungkook is in the backyard with the three kids, keeping them entertained as you, Manny, Larissa, your aunt and mom bake in the kitchen with grandma sipping her tea at the table. Your dad, uncle and Daniel are in the living room watching some show, clanking their beer bottles together in celebration. Today is Christmas eve. Apparently this is when your family does most of the major celebrating, you guys bake and cook all day, eat a grand dinner and open presents. And Christmas day you just eat leftovers and chill.
The youngest kid has grown quite fond of Jungkook, she tends to feel left out by her two older brothers. Jungkook plays with her and she has already formed an attachment making your cousin in law laugh at them fondly.
“Your boyfriend is great with kids! Lucky you.” Larissa winks at you as she rolls the cookie dough on the counter.
“Yeah, yeah.” You say plainly.
“y/n…what’s wrong?” Manny comes up to your side, “Trouble in paradise?”
“No, Manny.” You snap. “But I bet you would like that.”
“Girls, let’s not fight.” Your aunt cuts in while your mom just looks at you worried.
“I would hardly call it a fight.” You hear your grandmas sweet voice over everyone else’s. “Now how are those drop cookies coming along girls?”
“They’re coming.” You say. “If Manny ever finishes with the dry ingredients.”
“I told you I was almost done, chill out.”
“Girls.” Your mom warns, “y/n, why don’t you go keep Jungkook company?”
Your eyes go from your moms to outside where Jungkook is and you panic.
“No, it’s okay…he’s fine.”
“You know what?” Your grandma speaks up, “I think I will if you won’t.” She sweetly chuckles. She stands from her place at the table, grabs her tea cup and makes her way to the outside table instead, closing the backyard door behind her.
“Hi dear.” Your grandma nods towards Jungkook as he plays pirates with the boys. He is laughing and pretending to have a hook hand, while the boys giggle and run around. The youngest claims she is the lost princess and that Jungkook has to save her. Grandma watches with joy, loving how well he gets along with the children.
“Hi.” Jungkook says out of breath from playing. He tells the kids to keep playing and that he will return shortly, they beg and whined that he stay but he says if they keep playing he will steal them some of the first cookies. The kids nod their head aggressively in agreement.
“How are you this afternoon?” he takes a seat across from her.
“Why is my granddaughter mad at you?” She smiles at Jungkook and his face drains of all color.
“Um…what do you mean?”
“Anyone with eyes knows you two have been strange all morning and afternoon.” Your grandma brings her tea to her mouth, “Maybe Manny was right, there is trouble in paradise.” She smiles again, “The key is to talk to her. Find out what’s going on.”
Jungkook groans, throwing his head into his hands. He lifts his head up again to speak but decides to just groan again in frustration.
“She won’t give me a chance to speak to her.” He admits. “She’s avoiding me.”
“Make the chance happen.” Grandma advices, “You’re a good kid, Jungkook. Even though you decided to lie to poor old me.”
“You think I really couldn’t tell that you’re not really dating my granddaughter? I’ve been around too long to get fooled by something like that. But I see your feelings are real. So are hers. So why aren’t you two together?”
Jungkook sits here, absolutely stunned silent. He doesn’t know how to respond! Grandma begins sipping on her tea again when she lowers it to speak.
“Go talk to her honey. I want to see my grandbaby happy.”
“I guess we don’t have to pretend anymore.” Jungkook finally speaks.
“No, no. Keep going, it is quite entertaining, dear.” Your grandma chuckles, “Plus, it keeps Manny on her toes. Best if she thinks you are taken. Once she finds out that you are single…I fear for your life, boy.” Your grandma laughs out loud, making Jungkook join her.
“Fair enough.” He says, “But how do I…how do I get her to talk to me?”
“I’m sure you know her better than I do.” Grandma points out, “You’ll figure out what works best for her.”
And your grandma is right, he does know you best. But what will work? When you have avoided things in the past he has usually been the one to force answers out of you. Now is no different.
All the baking for the day is complete, you sit down at the table in the kitchen and let your head fall to the table top. You moan out in satisfaction that you all are finally done…how unfair that the guys got to just chill all day? Your mom has been cooking with your aunt for Christmas dinner while you and your cousins worked on pies and cookies. And they sat and drank beer. Typical.
“Hey.” You feel Jungkook’s warm breath hit your ear and you look up at him, his face so close to yours as he is leaned down to speak to you.
“Can we talk?”
“Nothing to talk about.” You lay your head back down on the table until you feel your arm being pulled upwards, causing you to stand to your feet.
“Don’t be a brat. Let’s go.” Jungkook pulls you up, and starts pulling you in the direction of the staircase.
“Let go of me.” She say weakly, “I can walk myself.”
Jungkook let’s go of your arm and instead reaches for your hand, he interlocks his fingers with yours and you roll your eyes.
“I said, I can walk myself.”
Jungkook only shakes his head in response, guiding you up the stairs until you two reach the bedroom, you both walk inside as Jungkook closes the door behind you two.
“Now talk.” He softly commands.
“Nothing to talk about?”
“y/n…” he warns and you feel your eyes start to sting.
“We fucked up, Jungkook.” You blink back the stinging in your eyes, shame, guilt, and regret joining you.
“How so?”
“What do you mean ‘How so?’” you ask incredulously. “Do you not remember the events of last night? You have a girlfriend!” you throw your hands in the air, “You are a cheater! I’m the one you cheated with…oh my god…”
Jungkook’s eyes widen at your words and he starts shaking his head. He tries walking closer to you but you only step back until your back meets the wall.
“We fucked up.” You cry out. “I’m so sorry.”
“What are you sorry for?” Jungkook asks softly. You are starting to wonder why this dude is not panicking.
“I made you a cheater.” You cry. Jungkook walks closer to you again until he’s wrapping his arms around your waist.
“You didn’t.” he whispers. “Vanessa and I…we aren’t together right now.”
You sniffle into his shoulder as you process his words…not together right now? What does that even mean?
“She broke up with me.” He begins to explain, “Said she wants to break up until New Year’s but I don’t think we will be getting back together.”
“Why not?” you whisper.
“I…I don’t know.”
“Oh.” You untangle yourself from Jungkook’s arms, “But you aren’t a cheater?”
You sigh out in relief, a huge, long, heavy sigh. Thank God. You feel shame, guilt, and regret leave your body making you feel ten times lighter.
“So I have nothing to feel bad for?”
“Absolutely nothing.” Jungkook smiles at you, “Now can we go enjoy Christmas? I cannot wait to give you your present.”
You pull on your hair, feeling nervous suddenly. Is he just going to brush past this too? Are you two not going to bring up last night in more detail? Figure out what it means for you two? Are you two just friends who occasionally hook up? That’s not what you want. What do you want? “Sure.”
“Dinner was delicious, honey.” Your dad says reaching over to cup your moms cheek. “I think I ate way too much this year.”
“Oh sweetheart, you say that every year.” Your mom laughs, “What about everyone else? Eat enough?”
Everyone around the table groans in happiness, nodding their heads yes and complimenting the dinner.
“Well, I suppose we should get on to the presents portion of the evening?” Your mom stands from her chair, “Let’s all go into the living room around the tree.”
Everyone makes their way into the living room, you and Jungkook being the last two to make it inside. You two stand here awkwardly, not entirely too sure where to sit since it is a bit crowded. Your grandma points at you two with a cheeky smile.
“Mistletoe.” She yells out. “Mistletoe!”
You point at yourself in question and then at Jungkook. What mistletoe? Then you see Jungkook looking up and his face turning completely red. Oh.
“We really don’t—”
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” you hear your various family members chanting. Your parents grinning like fools as they chant as well. Your grandma winks at Jungkook and Jungkook goes even redder.
“We don’t have to Jungkook” you whisper. Jungkook clears his throat repeatedly until his face begins going back to his normal color.
“No, it’s tradition right?”
“I mean, I guess.” You shrug, you begin to turn red yourself.
“C’mere.” He reaches for your hand and pulls you in to his chest, then his other hand goes to cup your jaw. “Just one kiss.” He whispers.
You feel all his body heat enter your body, his touch making you so fucking warm. You nod your head pathetically as you tilt your head up. Jungkook smiles down at you and leans in just a bit, his forehead pressing against yours. Your eyes go to his lips, they are pink and his bottom lip is plump. Jungkook leans lower until his mouth is hovering over yours and he very innocently pecks your lips. You wish his kiss had lingered longer but it is short but sweet. He leans away from you, his forehead still pushed up against your own when you surge forward and kiss him again.
You hear the hollering of your cousin Daniel and his wife Larissa, Manny probably pouting. Your aunt and uncle are giggling and your parents laughing but telling you to behave. Your grandma snickers to herself and starts softly clapping her hands together.
“I thought I said just one?” Jungkook teases, his hand lowering to his side but his other hand keeps holding yours.
“I couldn’t help myself.” You admit confidently “Now let’s do presents!” you turn to face everyone else.
“Agreed!” your mom yells out excitedly. “First, we have Manny from Daniel…”
The night continues, everyone exchanging presents. Your parents loved their gifts, your mom thought the necklace was very thoughtful and your dad says he would love to take you to the game with him. You give Jungkook your gift, he yelps in excitement when he unwraps his gift when he sees the boots.
“Thanks baby, I know I haven’t shut up about these shoes for months!” he leans in to hug you. “Now it’s my turn.” He grins.
He searches the tree for the last gift of the night: Jungkook to you. He grabs the box and hands it to you, a shy smile making its way on his lips.
“Here, for you.” He sits back and waits for you to unwrap it. Your parents and the rest of your relatives wait as well.
“Okay, here I go.” You begin unwrapping the box, throwing the gift paper to the side on the floor and are met with a brown box. You raise a brow at Jungkook and he just smiles widely.
“Go on,” he says, “Open it.”
So you do. You carefully open the box and pull out a wooden box—a music box. The top of the music box is glass with a photo of you and Jungkook, your heart absolutely melts into two.
“Open it, open it.” He urges excitedly.
You lift the top of the music box, revealing its insides. Your absolute favorite song in the world starts playing and you feel the waterworks coming. This song means everything to you. He knows it is your favorite.
“Read what it says…” he mentions shyly. “There’s a message.”
I will always believe in you. I will always support you. And I will always love you.
You read the message to yourself a few times over and you start sniffling, a few tears leaving your eyes. You look up to make eye contact with Jungkook and he smiles. You close the box and slip it back inside the box and set it to the side, you crawl towards Jungkook and hug him. Your arms wrap around his neck and you throw your head into his shoulder, and you start mumbling your thanks.
“Of course baby.” He whispers into your hair, “I mean it.”
“I know you do…” you murmur. “I know.” You sniffle harder. “And I love you more.”
You, yourself aren’t entirely sure how you meant the words ‘I love you’ in this moment. You are so overwhelmed and overjoyed that you aren’t sure if you said it platonically or romantically. All you know is that you meant it.
“That’s impossible.” Jungkook chuckles. You slowly leave his arms, feeling embarrassed now that you’re crying in front of everyone.
“What did it say?” Manny asks, “You didn’t even share!”
“Let’s leave it between the love birds.” Your grandma says.
“Love birds indeed.” Your mom grins, “Well, Santa comes nice and early tomorrow!” she says to the kids.
“Are you sure about leaving them here tonight?” Daniel asks, “Santa can come to the hotel too.”
“Don’t be silly,” your mom says, “I will put them to bed on the sofas. It will be fine.”
“Okay, we will see you all bright and early tomorrow morning then.” Larissa begins packing up their things.
“Heading out already?” Your dad asks, “Well, take some food with you.”
You and Jungkook stay seated on the floor, as the rest begin cleaning up. Your mom picks up all the gift wrapping paper off the floor while your dad puts away gifts and you and Jungkook sit side by side.
“Did you like your gift?” Jungkook inches closer to you.
“I love it, Jungkook.” You lean into his shoulder, resting your head on him. “It makes me so happy.”
“What about me…do I make you happy?”
“So happy.” You admit. “I hope I can make you this happy too.”
“You do.” Jungkook leans his head on top of yours. “Like, you have no idea.” He reaches for your hand and tangles his fingers with yours.
“Do you two want to head to bed? We got the cleaning covered.” Your mom offers. You yawn in response, showing her that you could use some sleep.
“Yeah, okay.” You accept gratefully, you stand up taking Jungkook with you. You two say your goodnight’s and head towards the stairs up to your bedroom.
“Goodnight you two.” Your grandma sings, sending a wink to Jungkook and he goes red again.
“Why does she keep winking at you?” You wonder out loud.
“No idea…” Jungkook is quick to respond. “Weird…”
When you and Jungkook get to your room, you both rush to get changed and wash up in the bathroom. He finishes before you, settling into the bed. You come in next, wearing your sleep shorts and a tank top. You turn the lights off and make your way to your bed, you slip inside and groan in satisfaction…ah, sleep time.
“Hey y/n…”
“Hm?” you sleepily roll over to your side to face Jungkook, “What’s up?”
“I just want to say…” he pauses and bites his lip. “Thanks. I just want to say thanks.”
“For what babe?”
“For bringing me for Christmas…this is the first time I have felt so at home in years.” He admits, “You have no idea what this means to me.”
“I’m glad you’re happy Jungkook.”
“More than happy.” He corrects. “You have no idea what you mean to me.”
“Then tell me.”
“Can I show you instead?” Jungkook leans closer to you, tilting his head at the right angle. “Can I kiss you?”
You can’t help but swallow hard, Jungkook wants to kiss you? To show you what you mean to him? That’s romantic right? You aren’t totally reading this wrong?
“Why?” you ask, gulping down your spit.
“Because.” He breathes out softly, “Please.”
You can smell the toothpaste on his breath, you can smell his laundry detergent on his clothes, you can smell the shampoo in his hair. You inhale him and hold your breath.
“If I say no?” you blink up at him and he smiles softly.
“Then I will respect that.” He answers honestly.
With your eyes still adjusting to the darkness it is hard to see his eyes but you just know they are soft and inviting.
“Jungkook…” You scoot closer to him, moving your head to be at level with his face. “Baby…” you whimper out as you lean in closer to his face.
“Is that a yes?” He asks, his breath hitting your lips. “Because—”
Your lips find his in a slow, tender kiss. You peck his lips over and over and you can feel his lips shaping into a smile. You pull away after a few seconds, feeling breathless after the short kiss.
“Goodnight Jungkook.” You scoot down until your head hits his chest and you snuggle into it.
“Goodnight baby.” Jungkook smiles, laying on his back as he stares up at the dark ceiling. How will he find sleep tonight? His heart is racing in his chest. Are you finally starting to understand his feelings? He knows he hasn’t talked about them yet…but he will. Yes, he definitely will.
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hansensgirl · 3 years
salvatore. | vii.
summary. | Bucky Barnes doesn’t believe in love anymore. Especially after the tragic, unknown death of his wife, Natasha. He thinks it’s stupid and a waste of time and- oh my. Hello there, you. There you were, with your notebooks and your novels, writing your heart away. He’s hellbent on saving you from this nasty world, his elusive neighbor that has him under the stupid spell of love. You soon find yourself trapped in a tragic love story with Bluebeard, not Prince Charming.
warnings. | NONCON/DUBCON, dark themes, manipulation, gaslighting, arguments, toxic relationships (reader and steve), cheating, nightmares, violence, mentions of death/murder, spying, voyeurism, stalking, use of cameras, angst, fluff, dark!bucky, protectiveness, obsessiveness, creepy bucky, perversion, kidnapping, choking (not the kinky kind), passing out, suffocation, and more. 18+, MINORS DNI.
word count. | 3.4k
pairings. | Dark!Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Steve Rogers.
a/n. | we’re nearing the end!! please read all the warnings before you click the ‘keep reading’ button! don’t forget to enjoy and don’t forget to reblog! salvatore masterlist.
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“I’ll be back before you know it, doll, don’t worry. I’ll call you and text you nonstop, okay?” Bucky reassured, pecking your lips between each word of his. You pulled further away from him and laughed. “Yeah, yeah. Where are you going, again?” you asked, hating yourself for forgetting so easily. It was almost like he never even told you. “That bachelor party, remember? For my friend Sam?” he repeated, almost as if he had told you billions of times before.
Truth be told, you didn’t remember.
“Oh, that’s right! Okay, baby, have a good trip and stay safe. Tell your friend Sam I said congratulations––wait, you have a friend named Sam?” you questioned, not knowing of this friend. You may have been quite forgetful but you didn’t recall him speaking of any friend by the name of Sam. “Yep, but I don’t talk about him too much,” Bucky informed, and you tilted your head. You opened your mouth to ask him another question, but he checked the time on his wrist before sharply inhaling.
“Gotta go now, doll, don’t want to be too late,” he told you, kissing you once more. “Love you, bye!” he shouted as he closed the door behind him. “Bye!” you called back, and you were left all by yourself in his home. He already gave you a tour a week ago, the day after he spoke to you about your nightmare. You never slept after that, but it wasn’t shocking. That kiss was everything you could’ve ever dreamt of.
You felt like Sleeping Beauty, finally getting that kiss from Prince Charming that you needed so badly. You sighed with a half-smile on your face, and you could already feel boredom settling into your bones. With Bucky, every second of the day was filled with fun. Whether it be through stupid conversations or through needless movie commentary. You hadn’t written in all that time, and it was just a tad bit upsetting for you.
Your notebook was untouched, and so was your nice fountain pen along with your computer. It wasn’t like you had writer’s block, and it wasn’t like you had no motivation to finish your first chapter… No, wait, it was exactly like that. Every time you thought of your story, you’d have to stifle a loud, loud groan that would be savoured for when you stub your toe or when you’d accidentally burn your hand on the stove.
You didn’t resent your story. It just felt like a burden at that point in your life. But with nothing else to do other than writing, you felt oh so pained. Not physical pain, no, just the kind that would be a burden. You were sure that the floorboards were tired of feeling your feet stomp on them throughout most days. Sometimes, you’d sit on the stairs and hum to yourself—some sort of random rhythm that you would then mess up and forget about.
“What to do, what to do, what to do…” you whispered to yourself, hooking your thumbs through the loops of your jeans. If it weren’t for Bucky and his easily distracted behaviour, you could’ve had a belt there. But mistakes were made, and even though you offered to help, you officially knew then that Bucky never wanted you in his basement. Not in the past, not in the present, and definitely not in the future.
You joked around, saying that he just has dead bodies buried behind the shelves that were covered in cobwebs. But his forced chuckle had you apologizing quickly, and he told you to go drink some water and throw out your energy drink. You did exactly that, and he was back to his happy self. Spewing stupid puns like hilarity was his college major, with a big silly grin on his face.
Steve was always stoic, so maybe that was why you weren’t used to the almost overwhelming (yet lovely) company of Bucky.
Though Bucky spoke most hours of the day, you never heard of this man named ‘Sam.’ You had hung onto every single word of Bucky’s whenever he spoke to you. Even if he was repeating himself most of the time, you still made sure to listen to everything. He had never spoken about his friend to you, ever. As a matter of fact, you didn’t know much about him personally. You knew bits and pieces about his life as a soldier, but you didn’t know anything else.
He had no family pictures, no childhood stories, no generation-old recipes, nothing. Absolutely nothing. It weirded you out because he knew every bit about you. Even things that you’d never tell your mother, even if you had to. You didn’t even know about any past girlfriends of his… Except for one. He’d call her by the name of ‘Natalia’ but only when cursing or spewing out on the grave swears that could have someone rolling even if they didn’t decay yet.
Only a man with something to hide wouldn’t tell you anything about him, right? Because that was what Steve did, and he had one too many things hidden from you.
You spun around, making a full beeline for the stairs that didn’t creak under your feet (unlike your staircase). You envied Bucky for that, but you also envied him for more practical, more reasonable things. Such as the way he just couldn’t fall for pranks easily or the way he’d get something right almost all the time. You gripped the railing tightly, careful not to fall as you were climbing up the steps as quickly as you could.
Cardio wasn’t really your thing, not then, at least. You preferred simple stretches and long walks. Maybe the occasional weight lifting, but your little coloured dumbbells never did much. You were faced with the first bedroom at the top of the stairs. It was a guest bedroom, and he told you that it was pointless to go inside and clean it. At the time, it made sense. But maybe he was just trying to avoid having you go in there and see something you shouldn’t have seen.
You exhaled shakily and pushed the door open. You were met with a gust of cool air only because the window was left open. Bucky did that a lot, only because his home would become predominantly more humid than usual. You didn’t search the drawers or anything else in that room as well as the other guest bedrooms because you knew you’d find nothing in there.
There was only one bedroom left to check, the one that you and Bucky shared. It was a work in progress. Not in the sense that you were renovating or something along those lines. It was a bit… bland, to say the least. Not one piece of that room felt like home. You asked Bucky if he had any mementos or paintings to keep, but he shook his head and walked out. He wasn’t a very personal man, and it had more flaws than perfections.
You turned the doorknob and walked inside, taking in the notes of that vanilla body spray that Bucky loved so much and the lingering scent of his aftershave. You went to his bed and lifted the fluffy mattress up. Nothing. You gently placed it back down, hoping that your muscles wouldn’t give out. You opened up some of the bedside drawers, and you even peaked underneath them. Nothing. You let out a groan that was also a sigh of relief.
You weren’t sure if you wanted to find something bad or if you wanted to find nothing at all.
You slowly brought yourself up to your feet. You strode a few steps over to the closet and slid the mirror door to the other side. Half of the closet was filled with your clothes, and the other half was filled with his clothes. He had more leather jackets and sweaters than anything. Steve had the opposite of that problem. The blond hero loved his white tank tops and his white t-shirts. The dryer would constantly shrink them, and you could never complain about that.
Neither could Natasha.
You ran your hands between all the pockets and fabric in your closet, but you didn’t find anything. You snapped your hands back, bringing some hangers down to the ground. “Fuck,” you gritted out, looking down at the mess. You wordlessly kept staring at it, all while flailing your arm around to find the door. You grabbed it and slid it close. You had more pressing matters to deal with.
You didn’t check the dresser because you’d know if Bucky ever touched it. Your next best bet was to check the bathroom, even if it might’ve been fruitless. You searched the cupboards underneath and above the sink. Still, you only found freshly purchased products that you would find yourself stocking up on at least once a month—pads, tampons, shampoo, conditioner, razors, and everything else you needed, not him. Nothing there belonged to Bucky.
You once again didn’t know whether you should be elated or frustrated.
You dragged yourself out of the bathroom and out of the bedroom. You wore a pout on your face, resembling a little spoiled kid in a candy shop. In the hallway, you were at a crossroads. “Goddammit,” you groaned, squeezing your hands into fists. You walked down the stairs, not even bothering to hold onto the railing or the wall. You always loved to run your hand against the wall, especially when you were descending down the stairs.
You knew that he was too smart to hide anything in the living room and the kitchen. You felt like you were losing your mind. Even though you couldn’t find anything, you knew Bucky was hiding something from you. It was the same gut feeling that you had when you were with Steve. You listened to it, and you were right. Therefore, you believed that you were right about Bucky being secretive.
You stood at the bottom of the stairs, with your hands on your hips and your bottom lip between your teeth. You didn’t know where else to check. The garden seemed idiotic, and none of Bucky’s floorboards creaked in a peculiar manner. No can or jar in his cabinets looked off, and his shelves didn’t seem like they could move. His stack of books about the human mind didn’t seem fake either.
You spun in a circle, and so did your mind. Everything merged into a colourful blur, and you nearly missed the large splash of white that suddenly intruded into your vision. You stopped moving and looked over just to see the door to the basement. The door was never opened, even when Bucky was downstairs doing the laundry. You smiled to yourself. It was perfect, and it made so much sense for him to hide something in there.
The airport was loud. Families and couples yelling at each other and the sound of suitcase wheels against the floor. A lovely voice came on the intercom, announcing a flight that was departing. From New York to some city in Arizona. In Bucky's hands were his passport, his ticket, and his backpack. Bucky wasn’t sitting in one of those enormously uncomfortable chairs that everyone else was.
He was meters away from the waiting area, contemplating whether the trip was a good idea or not. He didn’t need to be plagued with guilt by what happened to Natalia. He was doing much better now that she was gone. The gothic house probably needed to be cleared of cobwebs and creepy crawlers, but he could’ve just hired someone for that. The only reason why he was contemplating his trip was because of you.
You seemed to eat up every lie he spewed since he met you, but you didn’t appear to buy his cover-up for the flight. Bucky never felt bad about lying to you because you needed to be protected. You were bawling in your bedroom about your job, taking insults from your mother and getting carelessly drunk with a stranger just before he thoroughly swept in on his white horse. You needed him; you always did.
Bucky knew that you’d let your paranoia and suspicions get the best of you. He was glad you allowed that to happen with Steve, but he wasn’t going to let it fly when it came down to himself. “Fuck,” he grumbled before turning on his heels and making his way out of the area and out of the airport. He had to protect you from the harsh truth, only because he’s your knight in shining armour.
You didn’t grab ahold of the railing because it was made of wood. Splinters were the worst; you simply just loathed them like anybody else. You placed your hand against the wall for support and tried your hardest to not make too much noise. Basements always gave you the creeps. The air in the room was thick and heavy, week-old vapour stuck in there, and you wondered how the wood hadn’t begun to rot yet.
Your fingers clashed with what seemed to feel like a light switch. You were at the bottom of the stairs, an old carpet resting beneath your feet to protect you from the cold floor. Your nose was filled with the scent of different detergents and softeners that Bucky would use. Against the wall were the washing machine and the dryer. Next to the dryer was a small, worn-down sink. It was clearly stained and dirty, and you wondered how old the house was.
In the corner was a little wire deck shelf. On it were boxes and many other random objects. You managed to push yourself into the small space that was between the washing machine and the rack. You grabbed the first and the only box on the highest level, surprised that it was lighter than it seemed. You looked inside, only to find old leather gloves and a first aid kit. The white of the kit had a bit of dried blood on it, and the gloves were creased.
You grimaced, but you figured that they were from before he retired. You put the box back and reached for the other one that was two levels down from the top. It was much heavier than the previous one, and you were scared that you would drop it. You peered into the box and found a sleek black gun. Your eyes widened, and you nearly let go of the six faces of cardboard.
But it also made sense for him to own a gun. You didn’t want to think of the possible reasons to scare yourself, so you pretended as if you didn’t see it and put it back. The rest of the shelf just had little old objects that seemed like they came from a thrift store or a pawn shop. One was a small porcelain deer in a pink skirt with glitter on its spots. It made you smile; of course, Bucky would have something like that. The deer’s bright doe eyes looked up at you, but they seemed more sad than anything else.
Though you marvelled at the statue at first, it eventually made you feel uneasy. You tore your eyes away from it and slowly made your way out of the cramped space. You didn’t know where else to look, and your gut feeling didn’t seem to go away. Though the lightbulb was turned on, the room was still dark. The area next to the staircase was particularly shadowed, and your stomach dropped just a bit as you stared at it.
You swallowed thickly and nervously, but you were also elated at the fact that you finally found somewhere worthy of checking. You stepped into the darkness, and you pulled your phone out of the pocket of your jeans. You turned the flashlight feature on and shined the light throughout the space. The ground was barren, and so were the walls. Dust covered them, though.
You rested your off-hand against the side of the staircase, sighing to yourself before realizing that there was a space underneath the stairs. You bent down and shone the light there, moving it around to try and find something. When that was of no help, you stretched the hand that was on the stairs to try and feel for something, anything. Your digits brushed up against what felt like a shoebox. Your heart jumped, and you fumbled around trying to grab it.
You dragged the box out from the staircase while you bit your bottom lip. You sat down on the dirty floor, and you hesitated in opening up the box. You wondered if it was best to let sleeping dogs lie, to just ignore your intuition and to trust Bucky. But you knew better than that. You really did. Your shaky hand lifted the top of the box, and you set it down on the ground.
You pointed your flashlight inside the box, and you gasped loudly. It was filled to the top with different things that were oh so familiar. Maybe it was because they belonged to you. A pair of pink panties that you thought your washing machine ate was at the top. You took them out of the box just to find a few old notebooks of yours. You believed they were under your bed, but it seemed to be otherwise.
A few lipsticks and a hairbrush were there, too. You didn’t recall them being missing, and you certainly didn’t remember giving them to Bucky because you never did. You dug everything of yours out of the box. Polaroids, more panties, jewelry, polaroids of yourself and your body, as well as much more. At the bottom was a bunch of folded papers in a Ziploc bag.
You pushed the square slider at the top to open the bag, and you pulled out the papers. You opened them up just to be faced with a file detailing almost everything about you. There were pictures of you around your house, at work and doing other things. One was of you showering, and you felt sick to your stomach. You didn’t know whether you should cry, call someone, or be angry.
But what you did know was that you needed to get as far away from Bucky as possible. You quickly shoved everything back into the box, and you put the lid back on. You grabbed it and placed it under your arm before trying to stand up. You unlocked your phone and searched through the screen for the Phone app. You needed to call your mom, maybe ask her if you could stay with her for a bit. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you panicked, not being able to find her contact.
You turned around and managed to click on her name, and you began to make your way up the stairs. You clicked the call button and put the phone on speaker. You listened closely as it rang, and you waited for the ‘ringing’ to turn into a timer. But you didn’t look where you were going, which is why you let out a scream as you bumped into something. No, someone.
You looked up slowly, just to see Bucky staring at you. His face was filled with hurt, and you heard his metal arm whir as he clenched his fist. “Where do you think you’re going, doll?” he asked innocently, smiling at you. “Uhm, I- I was just going to go eat lunch!” you lied to him. Your voice was shaky, and so was your entire body. You felt nauseous, and your legs felt as if they were going to give out.
“Good, I’m glad you’re going to eat lunch. It’s important to have all your meals, y’know. But do you really need to go through my things and steal, too?” Bucky questioned, taking a step towards you. “Please let me go, Bucky. I won’t tell anyone!” you promised, ready to sob and beg to him. He clicked his tongue and shook his head. “No can do, doll. Can’t let my best girl go,” he exasperatedly explained to you, almost as if you didn’t learn about his stalking ways.
His hand came up to your face, and he stroked your cheek. The metal felt weird against your sweating skin. He moved his hand down to your neck, and he suddenly wrapped his fingers around your throat. You dropped your phone and the box, and you wrapped your hands around his wrist. “Shh, it’s okay, you just need to take a quick break from reality. That’s all,” Bucky cooed, and you found yourself struggling to breathe. Your vision began to darken, and you eventually passed out in his arms.
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frankiekatt · 3 years
Wowy hii, saw that you're writing for slasher, so here I am!
Can I plz have some hcs about any slashers with s/o, but their s/o is a literal gremlin, like they're not serious at all, always joking and annoying people around, but sometimes might be quite soft and quiet.
Thank you and have a nice day! ❤️
This was fun to write lmao
Warnings: Sexual harassment, NSFW, murder, blood, canabilism
Characters: Thomas Hewitt, Bo Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, Billy Lenz, Stu Macher, Michal Myers
Slashers With An S/O That Never Takes Anything Seriously:
Thomas Hewitt:
Thomas is a little overwhelmed by your personality at first.
He’s a quiet and reserved man who’s never had any kind of friends, so goofiness and jokes can make him feel uneasy at first.
But!! He gets used to everything very quickly!!!
Thomas loves everything about you and he finds you to be incredibly charming.
He can get a little anxious when he sees you annoying Hoyt because he doesn’t want his uncle to do anything bad to you in irritation/retaliation.
Your jokes are always a stress reliever for him, since he spends most of his days in a dark basement, surrounded by blood and gore. Your humor just shines a little bit of light on his day, and he loves you for that!
While Luda Mae and Hoyt might not like the fact that you never take anything seriously, Thomas finds it relieving. At the beginning of your relationship, Thomas was terrified of losing you because he thought you would be terrified of all screams, murder, and cannabilism, but he was pleasantly surprised to see that you didn’t pay much mind to it.
Thomas’ family mostly saw you as a clown, but Thomas could only ever look at you as the brightest ray of sunshine that has ever graced his life.
After all, he was the only one that saw your softer side.
Your soft and quiet side mostly shone through during the evening. Something about the sunset and cicada chirping calmed your heart.
You would often take Thomas by the hand and lead him outside to sit on the front porch with you, so the two of you could cuddle and watch the sunset together.
Thomas was always so used to your voice, because you loved to talk about anything and everything, so your temporary quiet nature was new, yet comforting.
During these moments, there didn’t need to be any talking between the two of you. You deep emotional bond allowed you both to communicate through actions.
You would lay your head on Thomas shoulder, stroking his chest, and Thomas would wrap his big arms around your smaller frame, resting his masked cheek against the top of your head.
This was Thomas’ way of saying, “I love you, you’re the best thing in my life,” and your way of saying “I could never live without you.”
Bo Sinclair:
You’re gonna annoy the fuck out of this boy
Sometimes you both wonder how the two of you even got together, but the nights you and Bo spent pleasuring each other, going round after round, reminded you both how. (Your both just sexy okay its that simple)
Bo was a serious guy, so he was a little miffed that he was always the one having to take the lead in everything since you just couldn’t stop making a joke out of everything.
Sometimes you would actually make him really irritated due to your tendency to irk people endlessly, so he would have to step away to cool off and blow off some steam.
Sometimes he would yell at you in anger, which always made him feel like shit after, so he tended to stalk off to his shop to calm down before speaking to you.
You would have to go see him a couple hours later to wrap your arms around him from behind and shyly apologize to him.
He favored these moments the most.
Your voice quieter than usual, focusing on just him, touching him gently.
He would always accept your apologies, of course, and would let you know by kissing your lips softly.
Bo liked to take advantage of your softer side by lifting you up by your waist and setting you on the hood of whatever car he had been working on and kissing down your neck.
As revenge, Bo liked to draw out his teasing as long as possible. Kissing down your neck, chest, stomach, massaging your pussy through your skirt, palming your breast roughly.
It gets to a point where you just have to tell him, “Bo, I need you to fuck me.”
And he would oblige.
He would take you right then and there, on the hood of the car.
The metal beneath you was always shockingly cold, making you shiver against Bo’s chest.
“You cold, Darlin,” Bo would ask teasingly as he pulled your panties off. “Don’t worry, I’ll warm you right up.”
He would spend hours licking your pretty pink pussy if he could. He licks and sucks and kisses your most intimate part until you're shaking and crying above him, begging him to fuck you sensless.
After he’s satisfied with your helplessness, he’ll lean back up and ram himself inside of you. There have been many nights where he has taken you gently and slowly in his garage, holding your hand with every thrust, kissing your sweet lips to quiet your whimpers, but tonight was different. There was a primal need shared between you two. Bo wanted to let his frustrations on through loving you, and you wanted to be taken hard and fast.
When the two of you are done, you lounge around inside the car to catch your breath, holding hands. Everything seems so perfect.
“Hey, Bo? What did the toaster say to the slice of bread?”
“I want you inside me! Eh ha ha..”
Lester Sinclair:
You like constantly joking and never taking things seriously? He does too!!
Lester would find you absolutely hilarious. Every joke you cracked would have him doubling over in laughter. Which would make you double over in laughter. Which would make Lester laugh harder, because now you both have the giggles and both of your laughs are just too infectious.
Everytime the two of you would go to Ambrose to visit his brothers, you guys would annoy the hell out of Bo and Vincent. Bo just wants to be left alone to work in his shop but instead he’s stuck listening to you tell a 40 minutes story about how you burnt dinner last night.
And Vincent just wants to be left alone to paint and sculpt but instead he’s here listening to Lester crack jokes that are a.) not funny and b.) don’t make any sense. -_-
Your and Lester’s trailer is always filled with so much love and laughter and the two of you could not be any happier.
You both have your own soft and quiet moments that hit at random times.
Sometimes it happens when the two of you are play fighting in the living room, howling with laughter. You both fall to the floor, wrestling and giggling until the both of you run out of breath and just gaze at each other as you lay on the carpet.
“You look so cute,” he giggles.
“No, YOU look so cute!”
“W-well!!! I love you!!”
“Uhm...well...I love you MORE.”
And it just turns into an argument about who adores the other more.
Billy Lenz (1974):
The perfect couple.
The two of you are always joking around, cackling and goofing about every little thing.
Billy has finally found his soulmate and he could not be happier.
He two of you prank the sorority girls together, making sex sounds in unison to sound even more vulgar.
Everytime you crack a joke, you get worried Billy is joking because of how hard he’s laughing.
“Umm Billy you okay? It wasn’t even that funny.”
“HA haha...piggy makes me laugh...Billy loves your jokes.”
Needless to say, your relationship is filled with smiles, laughter, and praise.
Billy will tell you you’re the funniest person he’s ever met and he wants to keep you forever.
You tell Billy you love how much he laughs at your antics and that you can’t live without him.
It’s impossible to annoy Billy. It’s just not feasible.
Any time you try, he’ll just giggle and pat your head, telling you you’re his ‘favorite piggy ever.’
He LOVES when you annoy the sorority girls thoug!
Hearing you moan and squeal and speak so sexily vulgarly to Barb and Jess makes Billy so proud. And horny.
Almost all of your sexual encounters are filled with complete silliness.
Sometimes, however, the joking and cackling subside. The two of you will just be chilling, nothing else to do, and you just feel the need to profess your love for your boyfriend.
“I love you so much Billy.”
Billy will look startled at your sudden outburst, before he breaks out in a huge grin, launching across the room to tackle you into a hug.
“Billy loves you too! Billy loves you more than anything!!!”
Now the rest of your day will be spent in Billy’s arms, whispering sweet nothings to each other.
Stu Macher:
Match made in Heaven!
Stu loves to joke around.
He hardly ever takes anything seriously.
He annoys everyone.
And once he meets you? It's love at first sight.
The two of you are always in detention because you guys just cannot shut up in class. You are always disrupting something.
But you know what that means!
Detention dates <3
As long as the two of you together, Stu couldn't care less about where he was.
He and Billy appreciate your habit of not taking anything seriously because once the murders start occuring, you don't think too much about it, never asking questions or arousing suspicion around your boyfriend and his bestie.
When Billy had told Stu his plan to kill Sydney, and asked him if he was going to kill you as well, Stu’s heart sank.
He remembers when he was dating Tatum, just a few months ago, before he broke up with her for you, he had no qualms about killing her,
But you?
He loved you. You were his other half. The one person who understood him, who accepted him. He could never hurt you.
“Nah dude. I’m leaving her out of this.”
That night, he sneaks through your bedroom window to see you.
“Stu! (where the hell have you been loca) What’re you doing here?”
The sparkling smile you flash at him and the love swimming in your big, beautiful eyes makes him feel even guitler.
He feels bad that you’re dating a serial killer. He thinks you deserve better, but he would never let you go.
“Hey babe! I just missed you!”
You rushed over to him, dressed in kitty cat pajamas, and hugged him tight. He had only snuck through your bedroom window a couple of times before, and they had all been planned. Seeing him in your room as a surprise made your heart burst with happiness.
Stu led you to your bed and pulled you up onto his chest to cuddle you. It was late, and the both of you were tired. Stu just wanted to lay with you in silence, appreciating your presence.
You didn’t feel like releasing your usual high energy at the moment. Right now, you just wanted to fall asleep on your boyfriend’s chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.
Michael Myers:
Michael does not appreciate your antics.
Annoying him is easy, but you would never know that.
He keeps his emotions very private, so when he is annoyed he’ll just stalk away from you.
He does not think you’re funny :(
He does enjoy your quiet moments. He likes to come home when your energy is low.
He’s usually covered in blood when this happens, so you clean him up without cracking a joke which he appreciates.
You’ll turn on a movie for the both of you, and Michael lets you cuddle up with him.
He does like you, he just doesn’t want you to know that...
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Word Count: 5796 Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Reader Gender: Female Era: The prison Summary: After a close call on a run, the archer explodes at you.
Warnings: Language
Your name: submit What is this?
Another run, another disaster. You needed supplies. What you got was a pile of problems. Daryl, Maggie, Glenn and you ended up in a tight spot with far more walkers than you had expected. You were trapped inside a small flower shop with walkers banging on all the exits.
“How many you got, Glenn?” you whispered harshly to him over the banging fists and gnashing jaws.
“Uhh, too many out this way. Maybe twenty. Possibly more.”
“Fuck…” you muttered. You rushed back to Daryl and Maggie who were both leaning against the side door with all their weight to keep it closed. “Too many out Glenn’s way,” you relayed. You sighed and wiped a slightly shaky hand across your sweaty brow. “I—I’m gonna clear out the back.”
“What?!” Maggie snapped, readjusting her back against the door. “You said there were ten walkers out there.”
Daryl shook his head vehemently. “Nah! That’s too many. Ya can’t—”
“We don’t have a goddamn choice! Look, it’s the exit with the fewest geeks, so unless either of you can suddenly come up with a new and brilliant idea in the next five seconds, I’m doing it!” You waited, staring at both of them.
You shook your head. “You’ve gotta keep this door shut with Maggie until the back is clear. She and I won't be enough. I’m going.”
“Wait—Y/N!” Daryl yelled after you but you were already gone, disappearing into the back stockroom. “Son of a bitch!” Daryl was letting fly a lengthy string of expletives and there was panic in his eyes. Maggie noticed the overwhelming distress on his face as her own stomach flipped.
“She’s—she’s a good fighter,” Maggie stammered.
“And she’s too damn impulsive!” Daryl yelled, straining to keep his weight against the door behind them. “If we get outta this, and she makes it, I’mma kill her,” he growled. Maggie gulped.
In the back room you could hear the walkers still on the other side of the door and you steeled yourself, checking the magazine of your pistol and making sure there was a bullet chambered. You unsnapped the loop on top of your knife’s sheath and heaved in a forced breath. Here we fuckin’ go. You unlocked the door, barely opened it, putting your boot in the way to try and hold it open just enough for you to get your knife into the space. But the pressure of the walkers on the other side was too great for you to manage it for long. You stabbed your knife into the temple of the nearest walker pressing its face toward you in the opening and it was immediately replaced with another.
“Can ya hear anythin’?” Daryl asked desperately.
Maggie shook her head. “No! Just hold on,” she urged. Her back was sweaty from exertion and the stuffy air inside the store and she was starting to slide down the door behind her, constantly having to readjust her position to keep her bodyweight against it beside Daryl.
Just then there was a tremendous crash from the back room followed by gun shots. Daryl and Maggie exchanged a desperate look but the walkers outside the door just behind them had obviously heard the noise too and they attempted to surge forward. Daryl’s boots began to slide on the floor.
“We aren’t gonna be able to hold this much longer!” Maggie yelled, straining to press back into the door and hold the flood of walkers at bay. Over the groaning and mawing she and Daryl could hear more bangs in the back room.
Daryl leaned his head back against the door and shut his eyes for a moment. He felt sick, terrified. What if you were—? He couldn’t hear anything else from the stockroom. “Fuck this,” he growled, glancing at Maggie next to him. As if on cue, Glenn showed up and added his weight to the door behind them.
“I got the entrance jammed shut finally. Where’s Y/N?” he asked, incredulous.
“She went to clear the back way out,” Maggie said.
“What?!” Glenn’s eyes went wide.
“We ain’t waitin’ anymore! C’mon. On the count of three we make a run for the back,” Daryl said. “One. Two…”
Right then you emerged from the back room covered in walker blood, sweaty, your chest heaving, and looking completely exhausted. More concerning was a stream of blood pouring down the side of your face from a gash near your hairline. You absently wiped it out of your eye with your sleeve. “It’s clear! Let’s go!” you yelled at the trio, who were all staring at you in bewilderment.
“…Three!” Daryl said, and they threw themselves forward off the door. It immediately flung open and a flood of walkers began to pour in behind you all. “Go, go, go!” Daryl roared. He tossed anything he could get his hands on in their path behind him as he ran.
They leaped over the bodies of fallen walkers and debris as they rushed through the stockroom, but there it was—the back door standing open, sunlight streaming in, free of any biting jaws or clawing hands. Daryl slammed the door closed behind him as he exited the building but there was no telling how long it would hold.
You were all out of breath but had to keep going.
“Let’s get to the van. Now,” Daryl drawled, not even stopping to glance at any of you.
“My God,” Maggie said, looking over at you as you ran. “Your head—are you alright?” she asked you.
You pressed your sleeve to the gash again and nodded. “Yeah. I think so. You know, head wounds always bleed a lot. Looks worse than it is.”
“What happened?” Glenn asked, running beside his wife, one hand on the strap of his pack and the other entwined with Maggie’s.
“When they started coming in, I had to slow them down. They were coming too fast for me to kill. I pulled those shelves down but it was a bit of a domino effect.”
“Ain’t the place for story time,” Daryl snapped over his shoulder. “Let’s just get the hell outta here.”
You made it back to the van, exhausted, clutching a stitch in your side, your head pounding. You collapsed into the passenger seat as Daryl slid in behind the wheel. You shut your eyes for a brief moment, finally feeling the tightness in your lungs lessen, but you could feel Daryl’s eyes on you and you glanced over. They were narrowed but his expression was unreadable.
“What?” you asked in an undertone.
You thought you saw the muscle in his jaw tense but he simply looked away and started up the van. Soon you were behind the safe, high fences of the prison, climbing out and truly feeling the pain in your head now that the adrenaline had worn off.
Carol and Carl ran to greet you all when you came in. Her eyes clouded with concern as she saw your bloodstained face. “Are you alright?” she asked you urgently, taking your chin gently and turning your head to the side so she could inspect the gash.
“Fine,” you said. “I think. Hurts a bit…”
“I’ll get Hershel so he can take a look at you. I think he’s planting in the garden plot with Rick. I’ll send him up,” Carol said. She paused to give Daryl, who was hanging back, a friendly squeeze on the shoulder and a once over.
You glanced back and he had the same moody expression on his face. It had been a close call for all of you but you couldn’t help but feel like his irritation was directed specifically at you. You tried to shrug it off, but couldn’t suppress the twisting knot in your chest.
Maggie and Glenn broke off to grab some fresh water and Carol went over to talk to Hershel, Carl trailing behind her. That left just you and Daryl heading up to the cell block. The air was tense between you as you crossed the yard but as you stepped into the small common area just outside the cells, it was like it suddenly ignited white-hot.
Daryl threw his bag down angrily on one of the tables and your eyes snapped over to him.
You were a little worried your voice would shake when you spoke. “What’s the matter?” you asked him.
“Are ya shittin’ me?” he challenged you, his chest thrust forward, his eyes now locked on your face.
Your heart started to race and you gulped at the constriction that had suddenly appeared in your throat.
“That was real dumb what ya did back there today!” Daryl roared, pointing an accusatory finger directly at you. His eyes kept flickering up to the gash in your head and his stomach twisted every time. “You’re lucky all you got was that thing on your forehead!”
“What—I—” you stared at him, in shock from his rage. “I got us out of there… I had to.” “Nah. It wasn’t your call to make,” he spat back venomously.
You scoffed. “It was nobody’s call to make, Daryl! We were trapped and we had to get out. We were sitting ducks. Sooner or later they were going to come through the glass up front by Glenn or through that door right behind you and Maggie. I made a choice. And what I did, it didn’t thrust anybody but me right into danger. I can choose to gamble my own life if I want to! Hell, you do it all the time!”
This only seemed to infuriate him more. “Ya ain’t goin’ on runs anymore,” he roared, turning and stalking toward the door that led to the cells. His broad shoulders were squared and rigid.
You let out a noise of disbelief. “That isn’t your decision! And don’t walk away from me! I’ve had enough of this bullshit!”
“Yeah, well that makes two of us,” Daryl spat back over his shoulder.
You let out a frustrated groan. “Ugh! You are so infuriating! What is your problem with me? I haven’t done a damn thing to you and you treat me like I’m a complete waste of space! It’s like I can never do anything right for you, even when I save your ass!”
He spun around and took a few powerful steps back toward you, a scowl on his face, his blue eyes darker than usual. You refused to wilt under it. “This ain’t a shrink’s office, okay? And I sure as shit didn’t sign up for a little feel-good chat. So, why don’t ya leave me alone and go get your damn head stitched up.” He thrust a hand against the back of a nearby chair and it toppled over, echoing harshly in the high ceiling. You watched his broad shoulders shrinking away from you.
“No,” you said loudly, forcefully.
He froze mid-stride and you watched his fist clench and unclench at his side. He slowly turned to face you. “The hell did ya just say?”
You crossed your arms over your chest, resisting the urge to back down beneath his intense stair. “I said no. I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what the fuck your problem is with me.”
His jaw clenched hard and he started back toward you, that familiar stalk and swagger in his gait. “You are my problem. You’re always getting in my damn way!”
You were trying to stay cool, but your confusion and his unwillingness to explain his anger was infuriating. “In your way? What the hell do you mean?”
“I mean what I said.” He pointed a finger in your face, standing hardly a foot from you now. “On runs. On hunts. Scavenging. Hell, even around here!” Daryl wasn’t prepared for the flash of hurt that crossed your face. You were always so tough, admittedly one of the things he loved about you. He hadn’t considered that his words might actually impact you so heavily, but he saw it flash in your eyes as plain as day and it snapped him out of his rage and filled him suddenly with regret.
Your brow furrowed and you just stared back at him, unwavering, puzzled, like you were trying your hardest to understand just what he was talking about, scrutinizing every past interaction you’d ever had with the archer, running over the events of the day, trying to decode his harsh words. Daryl would have preferred it if you had yelled back again, even if you had stormed out. But this? This was tying him up in knots inside in a worse way. You just went on looking at him… with that blood all down the side of your face.
And when you did finally speak your tone was so soft, so controlled in contrast to his that it only made him feel worse. Your words were measured. “Well, uhh… Sorry. I guess I’ll just—try harder to stay out of your way.”
And that was it. You just breezed past him and headed toward your cell, the sun coming through the high windows glinting off the shine in your hair before you disappeared. Daryl rubbed a hand over the stubble on his face. You worthless piece of shit. Why the hell did ya do that? He cursed himself internally. You’re such an asshole.
_ _ _ _ _ _
That night the air was unseasonably cold but despite the chill you were spending the night on the outside balcony of the guard tower during your shift to keep watch. Every so often you shivered in the cold, but something about the bite of the air matched your mood after Daryl had exploded at you the way he had earlier. It was sharp, unexpected.
You still didn’t really understand what he had meant and you couldn’t stop puzzling over it. In his way? What the hell did he mean? Literally? Or did he mean something more… figurative?
The clank of the door behind you snapped you out of your swirling thoughts and you looked over your shoulder to see Rick emerging.
“Hey,” you greeted him, shrugging a little more deeply into your flannel.
“Hey,” he drawled back, coming to lean his forearms on the railing beside you and stare out across the yard. It was quiet tonight. He was grateful for that. “Cold tonight isn’t it?” he mused aloud, glancing over at you. When you didn’t respond and just continued staring into the night his brow contracted. “Are you alright?”
“Hmm?” your eyes finally snapped to his. “Oh. Yeah. I’m fine. I thought you were supposed to be resting tonight,” you said pointedly. “I can handle the next shift. I’m not tired anyway.”
“Mmm,” he nodded, turning back to let his eyes wander across the perimeter. “Not tired? Even after that run today? Maggie said you all had a close call.”
You nodded. “We did. But we all came back so… about as good a day as any. Can’t ask for more than that.”
“Mmm,” Rick hummed again in agreement. There was a long silence and you could feel some growing tension in it, sensed that Rick was searching for how to say just what he was mulling over. He did finally manage it. “This whole ‘not tired’ thing have anything to do with that fight you and Daryl had this afternoon?”
You gulped and looked down at your hands. “You heard that? I really thought everyone was outside…”
“They were. I just happened to be coming in to clean up a bit.”
You sighed heavily and felt your cheeks redden a little. You put one hand up to your face. “That’s… great…” you muttered.
Rick turned so he was facing you, just leaning on the railing with one elbow now. “I wouldn’t worry about what Daryl said or how he said it…” he drawled. You looked at him like he was insane.
“…you did say you heard him, right?”
Rick nodded. “Oh, yeah. I heard ‘im. But there’s a saying and it truly does apply to Daryl Dixon.”
“And what’s that?” you asked, cocking a skeptical eyebrow.
“The dog that barks the loudest? That’s the one that’s the most afraid.” Rick watched you puzzling over his words for a moment before you turned back to the night.
“Afraid?” you repeated. “Daryl? He’s like—the most fearless of all of us.”
Rick sighed and followed your lead, again looking out into the darkness. “He is. Until he isn’t. Listen, I’m not making excuses for how he yelled at you. All I’m saying is not to think on it too hard.” He straightened up and pulled off his jacket, holding it out for you. “Take this. It’s cold. I’m gonna take this opportunity while Judith is asleep to also sleep. Let’s hope I didn’t just jinx it. Ya sure you’re alright up here?”
You nodded and slipped Rick’s jacket on. “I’m fine. Thanks.”
“Alright.” He patted your shoulder kindly before again leaving you alone with your thoughts, possibly even more confused than you had been before.
_ _ _ _ _ _
You were exhausted by the time you climbed down from the guard tower the next morning as the sun was cresting over the trees. All you could think about was collapsing into your bed. The prison was still fairly silent as you came in, most people still sleeping. You yawned as you turned the corner into the room just outside the row of cells. When you looked up you saw Daryl sitting on one of the tables sharpening some bolts for his bow. You actually froze, before forcing yourself to move out of your falter.
You could feel his eyes on you as you crossed the room, purposefully giving him a wide berth, your head tilted down. When you turned into the cell block you let out an exhale you hadn’t meant to hold. You breezed into your cell and collapsed down onto your bed, hugging the pillow as you sank into it, too tired even to pull the sheet across the doorway. You were asleep the next minute.
Carol was up and found Daryl still in the same place you had seen him, but although he had a bolt in one hand and his knife in the other his hands were still. He seemed frozen there, just glaring into space across the room, obviously in some deep thought.
“Mornin’, Pookie,” she said, ruffling his hair just to annoy him.
He let out a growl and leaned away from her hand before glancing over at her, his lips pressed together in a thin line. She knew the look in his eyes. Something was eating him. “What’s wrong?” He let out a non-committal hum and shrugged his shoulders vaguely, his hands suddenly fidgeting endlessly with the bolt between his fingers. “Obviously something,” she prompted him again. Daryl glanced back over his shoulder toward the cell block. “What?” Carol pressed.
He only hummed again and shrugged. “What’re ya doin’?” he asked quietly.
“Just gonna go out and haul some water. Wanna come?” she asked.
He nodded and hopped to his feet, slinging his crossbow over his shoulder and sheathing his knife. He followed Carol out into the morning light and trailed behind her as she went to the waterline. As she waited for the bucket to fill she straightened up and wiped the dirt from her hands. “Are you going to talk to me or not? I can tell something is bothering you.”
Daryl pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth and thought hard for a moment. He’d hardly slept. He’d laid awake on his bed roll all night, staring up at the cracks in the ceiling and tracing them with his eyes over and over in a futile attempt to distract his mind. It didn’t work.
“I just—I screwed up yesterday. Big time. And I—” he shrugged. “I dunno how to fix it. Or if I even can,” he drawled.
Carol watched the turmoil in his eyes. She crossed her arms and studied him. “Is this about the run yesterday? Did something happen out there?”
“Kinda. Not exactly.”
She quirked an eyebrow at him. “You’re going to have to give me a little more than that to go on.”
“I just—I said some things yesterday and… they ain’t even really true.” He was staring down at his boots, and in that moment, it struck Carol how boyish he looked.
“We all say things we don’t mean from time to time. You just have to apologize,” she said thoughtfully. “We’re a family here. Family forgives.”
Daryl’s eyes shot up to hers again and he shrugged, chewing on the side of his thumbnail. “Just like that? I dunno. Don’t seem that simple.”
“Daryl, it happens to all of us. We say things out of anger, exhaustion… hunger. Fear.” She stooped to turn off the flow of the water.
“But—when ya’ve said somethin’ and—and, I mean, ya can’t unsay it. Even if ya apologize, whatever ya said is still out there,” he mused. There was a gruff rasp in his throat, the gravel in his deep voice heavier than usual.
Carol sighed and picked up the bucket. “Well, the first question you have to answer for yourself is why you said whatever it was you said in the first place. And just apologize and try to explain.” She watched his expression. He didn’t look any less uneasy. “Just try. See what happens. If it blows up in your face you can come back and let me have it,” she joked.
Daryl rolled his eyes and watched Carol head back up to the prison. He remained standing down by the fence, leaning against it, and wondering how he was going to explain away his outburst at you… wondering if you would, if you could, forgive him.
The truth was that he was terrified of something happening to you, and being helpless as he held the door while you so willingly threw yourself into danger was agonizing. And that fear had come out in a blast directed right at you, with all sorts of unsaid things behind it.
There was a shuffle near the entrance of your cell and you shot awake, sitting partially up on one elbow and barely catching a glimpse of the back of Daryl’s vest as he moved out of view. Had he been standing there looking in at you? Did he need something? You puzzled over it and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. You were probably just imagining that shuffle. He was most likely just walking by. Just then you saw Rick going past your cell in the opposite direction with Judith in his arms and you jumped up, realizing you were still wearing his jacket. You hastily pulled it off and jogged to catch up with him. “Rick!” He turned. “Hey. Thanks for this,” you said, holding it out to him.
He accepted it with a nod. “You can borrow it anytime you want to take over my shift,” he said, a twinkle in his eye.
You laughed lightly. “I guess the little one let you get some sleep then, huh?” you asked, fondly stroking Judith’s soft hair.
“She did. I think she’s getting better at this whole sleep thing. Soon she’ll go straight through the night,” Rick said.
“That’s great,” you said.
“Hey, I know you were up all night but… I think there’s a bit of a pile up on the fence. If you’re rested up enough would you mind—”
“No problem,” you said urgently, grateful for a task to distract you. “I’ll get out there right away.” In a few minutes you were down at the fence, a sharp metal rod in your hand. You plunged it into a walker’s skull through the fence and immediately moved to the next one… and the next… Despite the cooler temperatures in anticipation of autumn, you were drenched in sweat. You were grateful for the ability to focus on the heaviness of the metal rod in your hands and the snarls of the walkers separated from you by nothing more than a thin barrier of chain link. It was hard work and you’d been at it a long time.
Maggie was just thinking the same thing and she came to stand beside Daryl, who was also looking out across the yard and seemed to be watching you. “She’s been out there for hours. We should tell her to come in and take a rest. Get somethin’ to eat,” she thought aloud.
“Mhm,” Daryl agreed, not looking away from you.
Maggie glanced over at him. “Well, do you wanna go and try to convince her or should I?”
The archer chewed his bottom lip for a moment before straightening up. “I’ll do it.” He headed for the far end of the yard. As he approached, he could see your skin was glistening with sweat in the sun, the hair on the nape of your neck sticking in the heat. He tried to ignore the jump his heart gave and the warmth blooming in his chest as he approached. “Ya keep at it like this you’re gonna drop out here,” he said loudly, trying to make sure you would hear him over the snarls of the walkers.
You spun in surprise, the metal rod hanging along your side, a bit of walker blood and gore dripping off the end. Daryl’s voice was just about the last one you expected to hear. You turned back to the fence and stabbed another walker. “I’m fine,” you said over your shoulder.
“Nah. Ya been out here long enough. C’mon.” You only continued at your grim work, your shoulders tensing as you raised the rod. “Ya deaf or somethin’?” Daryl yelled.
You turned and looked at him again, your expression mostly blank, except for your furrowed brow. “I’m not deaf. I’m—” you sighed and crossed your hands over your chest. “What are you even doing down here?” you asked, genuinely confused.
Daryl’s blue eyes looked away for a moment. “What d’ya mean?” He was gripping the chain link in front of him, his fingers poking through.
“I mean, yesterday. Me down here working on the fence is about as out of your way as I could get, Daryl. And now you’re here.”
You watched as he pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth and bit it anxiously. “That why you’ve been out here so long?” he asked.
“No, I—Rick asked me to come down and—”
“Mmm. Mhm,” Daryl hummed, his nose inclining a little. “Ya, that makes sense. You’d do anything Rick asked of ya, right?”
You gave him a confused look. His tone was so… odd, almost hostile. “What are you—”
“Yeah, I saw ya earlier. Wearin’ his jacket. Givin’ it back to him…” He felt a swell of jealousy in his chest as he thought of you laughing, your eyes fixed on Rick’s face, light in your eyes.
Your jaw dropped open. “I was—it was cold last night. I was on watch. I was taking over Rick’s shift too and he came up to check on things and left me his jacket… What are—are you—?” You were bewildered. It sounded like Daryl was jealous. What the hell was happening? One day he’s screaming at you to stay out of his way and the next he’s acting like he’s under the spell of a particular green-eyed monster. Daryl scoffed and straightened up off the fence. “Yeah, I’m sure that’s it. Just you and Rick up in the guard tower. Alone,” he growled, flicking his hand in your direction.
“Are you kidding me? What the hell is going on with you?!” you asked, flabbergasted. “Not that this is even relevant or any of your damn business... and Rick’s a good man but I’m not interested in him like that. I don’t know what—”
Daryl interrupted you again. “Uh huh, ya. He is a good man. Only one here now, right?” Daryl spat back.
You were stunned. “Daryl! Daryl!” He had turned away again and started stalking back up toward the prison, but you were now infuriated and let out a frustrated growl before booking it for the gates that would let you get back into the yard.
By the time you made it, he was a good distance ahead of you, out in the middle of the grassy area and you had to run to catch up to him. “Hey!” you yelled, grabbing onto his shoulder lightly. He threw your hand off and spun around, but you were surprised to see that he didn’t look mad anymore. He looked… defeated. But now you were mad. “Are you gonna fucking explain to me what the hell is going on with you?!? I don’t know what to think! One minute you’re screaming at me to stay out of your goddamn way and the next you’re acting jealous because—what, you think I’m fucking Rick? Which, I’m not, by the way, not that it is any of your damn business.” You scoffed. “And just FYI, I don’t appreciate you trying to tell me what I can and can’t do! Now, what the hell is going on?” you demanded.
He stood there in front of you, his fists clenched at his sides, just looking back at you for a long moment, blue eyes narrowed in either a glare or a squint against the Georgia sun. He couldn’t stop looking at the neat row of stitches on your forehead and the dark bruising around them that had developed over night. His stomach twisted every time. He tore his eyes away and stared down at his boots, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck. “I—you’re right.”
He sighed heavily and looked back up, meeting your eyes again. “M’sorry. Ya just—I thought I was gonna lose ya out there yesterday.”
You just continued to stare at him, confusion muddying your expression.
He chewed his bottom lip for a moment trying to come up with the right words to explain, to apologize. “Ya scared the shit outta me, pullin’ what ya did. And every time ya go out there, I can’t stop thinkin’ about what if somethin’ happens to ya. And it almost—it’s like I can’t breathe.”
You just stared at the archer, your heart continuing to race in your chest, but not from anger anymore.
“And I know it isn’t fair that I yelled at ya like I did. I was bein’ a jackass. I guess it was just how all that fear… came out. And I didn’t mean how it sounded.” Now that he had started talking it was almost like he couldn’t stop.
“Then what did you mean?” You felt like you were imagining this.
“I meant that…” he licked his bottom lip nervously and his blue eyes met yours. “I couldn’t bear it if somethin’ happened to ya.” He studied your expression for a moment, his eyes landing on the soft pout of your lips. “And I was jealous of you and Rick.”
“Daryl, there’s nothing—”
“I know. I know…” he trailed off. “But I was an asshole and then ya were wearing his jacket and smilin’ at him, laughin’, and I just—” He gulped at the restriction in his throat. “I—I wanna be that for ya.”
Your brain still wasn’t entirely registering what he was saying, but the way he was looking down at you was certainly sending jolts of electricity through you. “Be what?”
His eyes flickered between your lips and eyes repeatedly and you felt like you were waiting in anticipation on the edge of something. He shrugged vaguely. “Everythin’. Anythin’ ya need,” he said simply.
“…so, when you said that I’m in your way—?”
“I meant I can’t hardly think of anythin’ but you all the time.” Daryl was quickly losing his courage, nerves starting to take over and he pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth and chewed on it anxiously. You were looking up at him but he couldn’t read your expression. It was seemingly blank, and finally he was so anxious he started to turn away, but your hand landed on his arm gently and he looked back at the contact of your skin on his before his eyes rose and met your gaze.
There was a small smile on your face and Daryl’s heart leapt even as he tried to prepare himself for disappointment. “Where do you think you’re going?” you asked quietly. He again squared his feet to yours, shifting his weight from one foot to the other nervously. Your hand was still on his forearm and it felt like it was sending out radiating waves of heat.
Your smile faded and your expression became more serious. “Everything you just said—is how I feel about you.”
Daryl gulped, feeling suddenly breathless in disbelief. Your hand dropped from his arm, leaving a tingling sensation behind.
“Listen, I’m on watch duty again tonight. First shift. I’ll probably be cold. Why don’t you come keep me company and maybe bring me a jacket,” you said, with a small smile.
Daryl’s heart leapt at the thought of spending so much time with you alone. He nudged his nose up in a nod and was about to leave when he felt your hand on his arm again. You arched up onto your toes and placed a kiss on his cheek, giving him a warm smile, he felt he didn’t deserve. He stood rooted in place in the middle of the grassy field, a hesitant excitement blooming in his chest, as he watched you disappear into the safety of the prison.
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obey-only-me · 3 years
The Brothers and Diavolo’s First Kiss with MC By: Akuzondelivery
- You had stayed behind to help clean up after the student council. Lucifer stayed as well to walk you home.
- On the way out you dropped some of the folders and documents from today’s meeting.
- “I’ll help, you’ve already done so much. Thank you MC.” Those eyes and that smirk looked up to you.
- You suddenly felt how close you were to him and stiffened.
- It was Lucifer who was so good at reading you, he noticed your tensed demeanor.
- “What’s wrong?” His gloved fingers reached to tuck a strand of hair away from your face. Though you were trying to hide it at the moment.
- “No, nothing’s wrong. Ready to go?”
- You hurriedly placed the stray papers away and turned to a looming gaze.
- “Oh-!” Lucifer gently lifted your chin and placed a soft kiss on your cheek. Something he’d done to tease you in the past.
- He pulled away with a smirk, fully intending to stop there but something just clicked.
- He eased forward again to ensnare your lips in his. You let your impulses get the best of you as you kissed back, bracing yourself against his chest.
- Breaking for a moment his crimson eyes focused solely on you
- “I...lets continue this in my room.”
- You sat together on the floor of your room while watching a drama.
- He had spent some time during the episode play on his DDD.
- “Hey! MC! Check it out, I’m on the new ad for that last shoot I did!”
- A lot of attractive female and male demons wore formal wear mixed with sportswear.
- And there dead center was Mammon looking as gorgeous as ever. For some reason you felt a rush of heat run to your face.
- “H-hey, what’s with that look?” Shit he noticed right away.
- Instinctively you covered your face with your hands to hide. “Don’t look dummy!”
- You hear him come closer, laughing like an asshole.
- “Oh so MC can’t be charmed by Asmo but by the Great Mammon?”
- You feel his hands on your wrists as he gently placed a kiss on your forehead.
- “C’mon, let me see your face. I want to enjoy this moment!”
- You lower your hands with a frustrated pout, face red like a cherry.
- “Aw don’t pout at-“
- You cut him off with a lip crashing kiss, leaning into him with a little more enthusiasm than you expected.
- There was a long pause after as you both stared at each other’s redden expressions of surprise.
- “You...you should...do that again.” He whispered, staring at your lips.
- You knock on Levi’s door with the final season of the newest anime craze from the human world.
- Today the two of you are bingeing the whole thing! Levi almost snatched you into the room already excited to start.
- You sit side by side with your finale survival kit. Tissues, bandaids, chocolate, blanket, Teddy Beel, and of course a Ruri-Chan plushie.
- Fast forward four hours and the chocolate is gone, the blanket is in use, and Levi had a bandaid on his hand that he slammed into the floor after a particularly hard to watch scene.
- “It’s just...so hard to say goodbye to this world.” Levi sobbed.
- “I know, my heart isn’t ready to say goodbye to Akira senpai!”
- “MC! I! Will be your Akira senpai!” Levi had turned to hold your hands together as he spoke.
- He seemed so serious but you knew he was caught up with the story.
- You smiled but couldn’t reply as he gave you a sweet and tender kiss.
- “That’s-that’s my confession...to you MC. I’m! I'm confessing to you MC!”
- You are absolutely stunned, thinking carefully a moment you return his kiss, throwing the blanket over you two to hide your blushing face.
- You met up with Asmo to shop for a new casual outfit.
- After finding a store with lots of things you liked, Asmo asked for a fashion show.
- If a piece looked particularly good he would applaud and ask for a strut.
- After you were done changing into your street clothes Asmo is standing right outside the changing room door.
- Kabe Don, obviously still trying to enchant you even though it’s never worked.
- “You know I'd love to see you model some things for me privately.”
- You laugh, knowing how flirty he gets.
- “Well that’s too bad, I’d rather put on a show”.
- Without warning you leaned in to give him a quick peck on the lips.
- You whimsically brush pass a frozen Asmo toward the checkout counter.
- Asmo is taken completely off guard and sputters out an inaudible response.
- Determined to return the favor tenfold.
- You were in the library in Satan’s room, returning a book he leant you.
- He turned from a shelf he was scanning to greet you.
- After placing the book on a nearby table you leaned against the table while resting against it, facing Satan as he walked closer to you.
- “I’m glad you liked the book, there are a few more in that series you should try.”
- He brought over three other volumes and placed them on the table next to you. Very slightly his face grazed yours.
- He realizes how close he is to you after noticing your blush.
- “Your face is so red...what are you thinking?”
- You let out a small noise as he closes the distance between you, fitting himself between your legs as you hop to sit on the edge.
- Kisses you gently, intending to pull away until he feels you push back slightly.
- Thought he would just tease you but ends up holding your hips closer as he continues.
- Tongue gently asks for permission to enter before twirling and kneading yours.
- You’re a red, blushing mess when he’s done with you.
- “Hm hm, you’re so cute MC...”
- Goes for a few more kisses.
- You were meeting Beel at the gym to get a bite at Hell’s Kitchen.
- A game was coming up and he’s been training a lot more than usual.
- He had just finished his last set on the weight bench.
- “Give me a sec to clean up.”
- You wiped the bench down and waited for him to get out of the locker room.
- Beel had a twisted look of discomfort when he came back.
- “Ugh, my arm is sore. I might have done too much.”
- “Here, show me where.” You said while already grabbing the right bicep.
- Your fingers kneaded gently where the muscle felt tense, focusing on how firm his arm and the rest of him felt. All while standing so close together.
- Beel stayed silent until you looked up to gauge his reaction.
- Before you could ask anything he kissed you gently, lingering when you didn’t pull away.
- “That feels better, thank you”
- Maybe he didn’t think anything of it as a demon but you as a human were glued to that spot, savoring the moment.
- “C-can...I have another?”
- You were waiting in the garden at your favorite napping spot.
- Belphie was on his way to join you but you’ve been studying a lot and couldn’t fight it anymore.
- He saw you spread out on your blanket asleep already and pouted slightly.
- “No fair, we were suppose to nap together.” He mumbled as he threw a pillow down next to you and slowly slithered himself around you.
- Loooong cuddles turned into tight hugs. Has your body always been this warm and soft? Suddenly he couldn’t get enough contact with you. He wanted more.
- You shifted slightly before turning around in his arms to face him.
- The way you smiled in your sleep was irresistible to him.
- Softly Belphie pressed his lips against yours. Trying not to wake you, he gave you several more kisses.
- After deciding he’d pushed his luck enough he pulled away, but you were already heading towards his lips with another kiss.
- You wore a sly look as his cheeks grew flush.
- Completely shocked he froze. “I couldn’t help it...I want to kiss you more too.”
- Was very excited to have you visit the palace. You had asked him for a gift next time he went to the human world.
- He had just arrived back and summoned you to his palace to show it off.
- You watched as he brought out a 2000 piece puzzle of kittens in a basket.
- “Humans love these right? I found so many of them and so cheap!”
- So precious, you can’t help but start the puzzle with him. He watched as you shared your strategy to make the puzzle easier.
- Diavolo listened to you intently, smiling while watching your nimble fingers dance around for the right piece. Spending time with you was more important to him anything.
- After completing a corner you noticed Diavolo had stopped putting pieces together.
- “Do you need a break?” You asked with a smile, knowing this could be overwhelming.
- Instead he lifted your fingers and gently brushed his lips against them. Your face beamed with a deep red glow.
- But the prince didn’t hesitate to take advantage of your frozen state, placing an equally soft kiss on your lips.
- “I’ll take that as repayment...”
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aggravatetheaxe · 3 years
This title is SAFE FOR WORK. Pt. 2, Over the Moon, will be NSFW. I'll link that here when it's written!
You met Bo while you were still presenting as a woman. Suffice to say things have changed, and you can't keep your secret from him any longer. You have no choice but to tell him or leave ... but what if he makes you leave anyway?
CW: descriptions of dysphoria that get very intense, deadnaming/misgendering, mentions of murder and mortal peril, it's 2005 and Bo is from the south so just be advised it's not all fluff and rainbows (but there is payoff, this isn't straight angst, it's just a journey)
Soundtrack: x
Words: 4,175
Part Two
Your shoulders were stiff. Your throat was dry. Your leg was bouncing, the only thing you could do to release the nervous energy juttering through your body.
You were going to tell him.
You'd put it off for months now, not quite sure how to say the words. Then, when you'd arranged them in your head, fear had kept you from saying them out loud. But you couldn't wait anymore. You couldn't live like this any longer.
You'd been hiding the secret for too long. Every time Bo called you by your birth name or made some quip about you being his girl, your heart shriveled just a little more. It had gotten to the point where you didn't even want compliments from him ... you didn't want to talk. You didn't even really want to sleep with him, didn't like to think about him looking at you as a woman during sex.
He didn't know, of course. But that almost made it worse. He couldn't stop hurting you and you couldn't yell at him for it. It was always the same: you lost control, you got frustrated, wouldn't tell him why, he'd get frustrated, you'd fight ... it was a mess. You knew all that was putting a strain on your relationship.
So it had to be tonight.
It had to be tonight.
You had everything planned. You'd already gone into town with Lester and picked up some stuff for a nice dinner; there was a fresh, cold six-pack of Bud in the fridge; and Rocky III was sitting in the VHS player, ready to go. Once he was relaxed, you'd talk to him.
You'd convinced yourself so fully that you'd stick to the plan that when you heard his truck pull up and your heart leapt into your throat, you nearly cried. Fuck, not again. Not another night. You were supposed to be stronger than this.
Stomping boots on the porch. You heard the door swing open from the kitchen. "I'm home."
He didn't sound like he was in a particularly good mood, but it didn't sound like a bad one, either. That was good news, at least. Things must have gone okay down at the shop. "I'm in here!" you called back.
Bo appeared in the doorway of the kitchen, tracking a little gravel into the house as always. He leaned against the doorframe with one hand on his hip, gesturing with his chin. "Hey, sugar. What you got there?"
You looked down at the meal you were plating. "I thought I'd try a pot roast? I dunno. I don't think it came out very good, but I guess we'll see."
He didn't say anything. You glanced over your tense shoulder to see him simply staring at you, like he was trying to read your thoughts. You could sense the gears in his head turning behind those clever blue eyes of his. He knew there was something wrong; you were guarded.
For a moment, you thought he might say something. That familiar little bit of irritation was beginning to creep into his face, right around his neck and jaw. But after a few seconds, he simply said, "A'right," and straightened. "M'gonna go change."
"'Kay." As he stomped up the stairs, you finished getting the food ready and brought the plates to the living room. Bo usually ate at the table—"I ain't a savage"—but you could tell he liked eating on the couch. It was like a special treat. And clearly, you were short on charm at the moment, so you'd have to use your environment to your advantage.
You pulled up two tray tables and set the food down, then fetched the beer. By the time everything was set up, Bo was coming back down the stairs.
Taking a deep breath, you forced yourself to look at him. He was wearing jeans and a red flannel, sleeves rolled up. At this point, he didn't care about you seeing his scars. You hardly noticed them anymore.
He came closer and slowed to a stop, forehead wrinkling as he eyed your set-up. "What's all this about?"
"I was thinking dinner and a movie." You paused. "I thought Rocky might get the taste of my cooking out of your mouth."
You succeeded in making him laugh a little, crow's feet crinkling, but as he took a step closer, his smile faded. "Did you do somethin'? Is somethin' broken?" He glanced quickly, running his gaze over the clutter his parents had left behind.
"Nothing's wrong," you reassured him quickly, stepping back into his line of sight in the hopes of distracting him. "I just thought, you know, we could have a nice night. Like ... romantic?"
He stared at you for a moment. Then, his gaze lit, a toothy smile appearing. "Romantic, huh? Well hell, sweetie, why didn't ya say so?"
He clearly thought you meant sex. In fact, the way he was looking at you, you thought he'd jump you right up against the pool table if you let him. Your dysphoria made sex so unbearable that you'd been avoiding it when you could lately, and you were sure he missed it.
You were lucky he hadn't gotten mean yet. You guessed that was a testament to how much he must like you. But who knew if he'd like you after tonight?
Quickly, you shoved a beer into his hand, redirecting his attention as you slid onto the couch and clicked play. He slid into place beside you, relaxing back with his legs spread.
You both picked at your food—you because you were way too nervous to eat, and him because ... well, you assumed it was because he was waiting for you to initiate the "romance." He did eventually finish his meal, though, complimenting you with one of his "So good, baby"s and a boozy kiss.
The movie droned on, and eventually, he wrapped an arm around you. As he did, you relaxed, if only a little. You wanted to settle into him ... you wanted it more than anything in the world. You did love him. But who did he love? The woman he thought he was putting his arm around wasn't you.
"What's wrong?" His tone was firm and sudden after such a long stretch of silence.
You blinked at him. "Nothing."
He wasn't buying it, and he didn't look impressed. "There's no point in lyin'a me, darlin'. I know when somethin' ain't right." Then, with a little edge to his voice, "You know I get pissed when you brush me off."
"I'm just..." You sighed, setting your beer aside and rubbing your forehead. "I'm just tired, that's all."
"Let's go to bed, then." In one fluid motion, he stood and turned off the TV. "Hope you're not too tired," he added quietly.
It was equal parts insult, warning, and come-on, and it exhausted you as much as it panicked you. You weren't ready to tell him just yet. You'd figured you still had a few hours, but ... well, if you pissed him off now, all this nice set-dressing had been for nothing. Then you'd either have to tell him while he was in a bad mood or spend another night as someone you weren't.
Biting back a sigh, you stood, too. He was waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs, and let you go up first.
"Nice view from back here," he said smoothly. "Almost wanna tell you to start runnin'."
Shit. You needed an excuse to buy yourself a little time. "Can you shower first?"
You knew the question ticked him off because he didn't answer it. He followed you to your shared room, grabbed a towel, and left for the bathroom in heated silence.
The shower would make him feel better. It always did. He'd scald himself like he liked, then come out much calmer. Hopefully. You changed and took your place in bed, sitting under the blankets with your pillow propping you up. Waiting.
You were wrong about the calm. When he came back into the bedroom—red-skinned and completely naked, towel occupied in his hair—he was scowling at the floor. You waited for him to yell. It was inevitable.
When he did finally say something, his tone was quieter than you imagined, though simmering. "Why are you doin' this to me?"
You didn't respond, mostly because you had no idea which this he was talking about.
"Hurts my pride, y'know." He began toweling his body. Rather roughly, you noticed. "My girl don't wanna fuck me. You know how that feels as a man? You think I wanna have to— hurt you?"
A pause. "Bo..."
"Am I gonna have to get it somewhere else? Fuck, Deadname."
You shrank in bed. That name made you feel rotten to the core. It was like poison slowly choking your veins. You had to do this ... but you couldn't. But you had to.
Bo was unaware of the war going on inside of you as he turned, leaning against the dresser, arms back to clutch the edge. "Is it someone else?" You could tell he was murderous just thinking about that possibility, gaze aflame, jaw clenched so hard you thought he might break teeth. "Is it Vincent?"
"What? No!" Why he'd think that when you'd only ever expressed mild concern for Vincent's well-being, you had no idea. "There's no one else, Bo, I just—"
"Then what's a matter with you, huh?" He raised his voice. "Am I too rough, am I too— Jesus Christ, you gotta at least tell me what the damage is!"
Your conflicting emotions threatened to overwhelm you. You yelled back, "It's not you!"
"Then what the hell is it?!"
"It's me!"
He opened his mouth to shout back, but only managed, "What in the f—" before he lost steam, searching your face helplessly. Something about the way you looked must have given him pause. You meant what you said. Desperately, desperately. It was you. You were the problem.
Finally, he spoke, his voice low, glare pointed. "You been off all night. Hell"—one of those incredulous laughs that betrayed his genuine anger—"you been off for a while. Least you can do is tell me what the fuck is goin' on."
He was right. No turning back now. You took a deep, grounding breath. "Okay."
A moment of hesitation. Did you want him close or across the room like that, just in case? Eventually, you decided you needed him close. You patted the bed beside you.
Bo grabbed a pair of boxer-briefs, stepping into them on his way over. His expression was still twisted sourly, but you could sense him relax as he sat in bed next to you. He didn't meet your eye, simply looking down at the sheets. Beneath the anger, a begrudging expectation simmered. Did he think you were going to break things off?
That thought spurred you into taking his hand, squeezing lightly. "I love you so fucking much."
He glanced to the side. At length, he mumbled, "You, too."
You took another deep breath, trying to keep your voice from shaking. "There's something I haven't told you about me. And it's really been stressing me out lately. That's why I've been acting so weird." When he didn't reply, you continued, "It's been making it ... hard to be close to you. I don't like the way lying to you makes me feel, and I've been ... scared, so fucking scared, Bo."
He glanced at you again, brows drawn, this time with confusion rather than anger. "So what is it? What the hell can be so big an' important that you can't stand bein' around me?" A pause. "I mean shit, Deadname, you know I kill people for a livin'. My fucked up twin turns 'em into wax. You know about the fuckin' dungeon—what could be bigger'n that?"
That fucking name. You couldn't take it anymore. Your voice cracked as you whispered, "You need to stop calling me Deadname."
"What? Why?" He frowned deeply. "That's your name, ain't it?"
"It's not the name I want to be called."
You could almost hear the gears in his head turning as he tried to figure out what was going on. "Okay ... so it ain't your real name. Why you goin' around using a fake name?" His gaze turned flinty and cold. "You're a cop."
"No!" You held up your hands. "No, I didn't lie about who I was, not ... not in the way you're thinking. I was born with that name; everything I've told you about my life and where I came from, all those things were true. I never lied about any of that."
"Then what is it?" He was getting angry again. "Spit it out!"
Well, since he asked... "I don't want to use that name because ... it's a woman's name. And I'm not a woman. I'm a man."
Bo stared for a few seconds, then scanned you up and down once. His shoulders slumped, just slightly. "You were ... born a man? Then how come your name—"
"No, no." You pursed your lips, taking his hand hesitantly again. "I was ... I guess for simplicity's sake you could say I was born a girl. I was born with a vagina, I developed breasts and started my period naturally. But I'm not a girl. Like, in my head. In my brain, I'm actually a man."
He didn't believe you. You could see it in his face. But you weren't planning on giving up that easily. You knew what he'd be thinking; you'd planned this whole thing out so carefully, chosen your words so precisely.
"It's not ... a delusion or anything. It's actually more common than people think. It's called being transgender. When you're born one gender but you want to be another."
He frowned, obviously completely lost. He wasn't getting it. He just didn't fucking understand. And you were growing desperate.
"Bo." Your throat was raw, tears threatening your eyes. "Every time you call me your girl, or you refer to me as a woman, or you use that name ... I fucking hate it. It hurts. It hurts so goddamn bad to know you're not seeing the real me. It makes me not see the real me. I look in the mirror and I just want to ... tear my skin off. Sometimes I just wanna take a knife and— and fix me. Cut out whatever part of me makes it hurt so bad. I just want to be seen as who I am so bad."
"Okay." You didn't like the way he was looking at you, but the anguish in your voice had at least moved him to speak. You could see in his eyes that he was working overtime to puzzle this out. "So, what? What're you gonna do? What's it mean for us?"
"Well..." You had to break eye contact, staring down at his hand. "What I'd like to do is start living as a man. You know, dressing like a man—which I already pretty much do—going by a different name, maybe cutting my hair. You could call me 'he' ... I might even get medicine later on down the line, like hormones, to make me look squarer. Maybe even surgery."
"You gonna get a dick?" The almost mocking tone of his voice made you want to shrivel up and die. He seemed to pick up on the change in your body immediately and shifted his tone. "I'm askin'."
"No, that's not a thing. But I'm gonna be a man regardless." Finally, you released his hand, though you still couldn't look at him. "What that means for us is ... up to you, I guess. It'd mean you were dating a guy. I mean, you have been this whole time—"
"I didn't fucking know," he cut in firmly.
A jolt of fear lanced your heart. "I know. That's my fault; I didn't tell you. I was ... scared."
"Scared of what?" he pressed, tone growing aggressive.
"I don't know. Of you being mad. Or not loving me anymore." You glanced up. "I love you. Seriously, I do. More than anything. I still want to be with you, just ... as a man."
There was silence. A horrible, stretching, heavy silence that made you want to hang your head and cry. After a while, Bo rose from bed, going to the dresser and pulling on jeans and a T-shirt, all in that silence.
Was he ... leaving you? No, he wouldn't leave his own house, he'd make you leave. Or kill you. But he certainly wasn't opening his arms to you. Waves of sadness crashed over your chest, so intense you thought you'd throw up.
He seemed to contemplate the dresser for an extended period. Then, he glanced over his shoulder, just barely. "I need ta' think."
And with that, he was out the door. He didn't come back to bed that night. The next morning, you found his pillow on the couch.
Vincent was next on your list of people to tell. It turned out he was a big help, bigger than you could have ever realized he would be. You had to explain yourself, but he took it in stride, calling you by your new chosen name and even helping you come up with a sign for it.
« Did you tell Bo? » he eventually asked you.
"I told him last night." Your eyes were still puffy and red from your night alone, and the morning following it. You still hadn't seen him, but you could hear music blaring from the garage, so you at least knew where he was.
« How did he take it? »
"He isn't speaking to me."
Vincent paused. His wax face was blank as always, but you could tell he was considering something. « Did he yell? »
"No ... he just said he would think about it."
A low grunt, and Vincent nodded. « Then let him think. »
And he did think. He thought about it every night from then on. You could see him thinking during meal times, when you brought him lunch down at the shop, when he was watching TV. You noticed him zoning out in the middle of reading sometimes: paperback crunched and folded in one hand, other hand pressed to his grim mouth, those blue eyes glassy and staring at nothing. Thinking.
He hardly ever spoke to you outside of necessary communication. Before bed, he told you goodnight, but it was ... heavy. He didn't roll over to touch you or hold you anymore. The distance was yawning and heartbreaking, especially when you were alone. The silence was so pregnant with unsaid words and all his damn thoughts.
You wanted to ask if he was mad, but you didn't dare. He didn't seem mad, and you knew a thing or two about his moods. This seemed ... different. So you simply didn't say anything.
And then, one day...
"Hey, handsome."
His voice practically made you jump out of your skin. You, Vincent, and Bo—and sometimes Lester—divided who would have to go into the houses in Ambrose to dust and clean, and today was your day. He'd snuck up on you in the middle of oiling some of the rigs like he'd taught you.
"Uh. Hey." You managed a hasty smile, uncertain you'd actually heard him call you what you thought he had. "What're you doing here?" After a week of him barely speaking to you, it seemed odd that he'd start now.
Bo took a few steps in, looking away and reaching to fiddle with a knick-knack on a nearby side table. "Just thought I'd come check up on you. You are my, uh ... boyfriend, after all."
You stopped dead in the middle of spraying WD-40, staring over your shoulder. What?
When he felt you staring, he lifted his gaze. There was an uncertainty there, discomfort, along with a challenge. "What?"
"Nothing." You turned back to your work. After a few seconds, you added, "Thank you."
He didn't respond, but he eventually sidled up to you, surveying your work. "Not half bad. Yeah, you're doin' real good." He reached up to adjust his hat, and you could feel his gaze on you. "We'll make a man outta you yet."
You couldn't help it—your face burned. "Girls can maintain machinery, too, Bo."
"Yeah, I know that, but you—" An edge of irritation entered his voice. "Now you're just confusin' me."
You set down the WD-40 and turned, searching his face. By god, he really was trying, wasn't he? It was almost cute how bad he was at it, but he was trying. Vincent had been right.
"You never asked my name," you eventually muttered.
"Vincent told me it. Y/N." He said it again, rolling it around on his tongue. "Y/N ... in'erestin' choice. I guess it suits ya." A pause, and he lowered his voice. "Gonna take me some gettin' used to."
"That's okay," you said quickly. "As long as you're trying."
"Yeah, well..." Bo paused before reaching out, brushing his fingers through your hair. "Gonna miss all this."
You leaned into his hand. "I might not cut it. I haven't decided yet."
He grunted, continuing to brush his fingers through your hair. You could see his expression drift back to that thoughtfulness you'd gotten used to seeing. Eventually, he said, "Guess this makes me gay."
He sounded so begrudging and yet so decisive that you almost laughed in his face. Thankfully, you were able to bite back your reaction. "You don't have to be. You can be whatever you want. But ... if you stayed with me, it would mean you were attracted to at least one man, yeah."
"Fine." He pursed his lips, huffing through his nose. "Bi-sexual or whatever."
"You don't have to put a label on it right now. You've got time." You hesitated before taking his large hands in yours, bringing them to cup your jaw. "This ... you know ... it isn't something that has to happen overnight. I'm not asking that. It's a process for both of us ... a lot to get used to for both of us."
"Sure the hell is." He scoffed and shoved his hat up his forehead, scratching his hairline. "Now I want you to tell me somethin'. Why were you so damn scared of tellin' me?"
You took a breath. "I mean ... Bo."
"I'm in the south ... alone, no family ... in a town where you could kill me if I pissed you off and no one would ever know." He made a face, but you pressed: "You know where I come from. Things are dangerous there, and things around here are even—"
"You think just 'cause you're in the country folks are gonna treat you different?" He sounded offended.
"Bo," you said again. "Let's not kid ourselves. How many guys do you know who would beat my ass if they found out? If they found out I liked other men, even."
"Couple assholes. But they ain't gonna bother you with me around. B'sides, plenty a' gays around here, like any other place ... they're just drillin' and weldin' and workin' the factories." He fixed you with a look. "Country don't mean stupid."
"Did you just quote The Stand?"
"No," he said hastily, taking his hat off and shoving it in the back pocket of his Dickies. "All I'm sayin' is ... I'm not some dumb animal."
Your shoulders sank, heart softening. "I know you're not, baby. But you have been known to, y'know, murder people. You can understand why I was scared, can't you?"
His mouth twitched, but reluctantly, he mumbled, "Yeah, I guess." A pause. "I can't promise I won't never hurt you, Deadn— Y/N. I know I can be real careless with my words on occasion. But I won't kill ya. Don' know if I could reconcile that shame. And, uh ... I love you."
Your heart swelled, and you leaned forward, hugging him tightly around the middle. It wasn't long until you felt his strong, warm arms enfold you in return, one hand tangling in your hair. His heartbeat was steady and comforting beneath your head, and the heat radiating from him relaxed every muscle in your body.
The two of you stayed that way for a while, hugging tightly while the TV droned in the background. Eventually, he shifted and spoke, his voice rumbling deliciously against you.
"Now if you don't mind," Bo started casually before dropping into a purr, "I'd like a kiss from my handsome lover."
You couldn't help but grin up at him. "You sure?"
"Lay it on me, big boy."
Maybe you were evil for loving him despite it all. Maybe you were complicit. Those weren't your judgments to make. But as you craned your neck to kiss him and euphoria exploded through your chest, you knew one thing for certain:
You were you.
Part Two
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mindofharry · 3 years
here’s a part 2 to ghost!harry and medium!Y/N. enjoy, loves!!! part 1.
“Is there a reason you’re following me around harry?” Y/N asked smiling to herself. Harry had been a little clingy, to say the least. Y/N absolutely loves the company ands it’s new territory for her too, she’s loves to learn. But she’s worried for harry. She thought the thing for him to pass on properly, would to get answers from his mom. Talk to her for a bit. But that doesn’t seem to be the answer because he’s still following Y/N around like a lost puppy. So harry definitely has some unfinished business, but he likes Y/N way too much to answer any of her questions.
“I like being near you” He shrugged, Y/N sighed and turned around lighting the candles near the shop window. Halloween is coming up very soon, which is the shops busiest time of year. Y/N does free readings and even dresses up. It’s her favourite time of year. Her mother used to bring her trick or treating all the time, even when she was much older.
“Don’t you have a house to haunt?” Y/N teased turning around to see harry leaning against a shelf. She didn’t mind him being around here, it’s just getting a little frustrating not knowing what his unfinished business is. It’s got to be something to do with how he died right?
Harry tilted his head to the side and crossed his arms over his chest. Harry knew what he had to do to cross over — he just didn’t feel like doing it. He found so much comfort in Y/N, so much peace. Why not stick around for a bit. No matter how many times shes asks harry to leave, she’s secretly hoping he’ll fight and stay. Harry knows that.
“Listen, harry” Y/N started walking towards harry. She sighed itching the back of her hair, then wiping her sweaty hands against her satin skirt. Her mother’s actually.
“I love having you around. You’re really great company, but sooner or later you need to find your unfinished business and move on. Bad things happen if you don’t” Y/N said, she then nodded to herself.
“We’ll find out what your unfinished business is together, how about that?”
Harry bit his lip and instead of speaking up, telling her that he already knew what he had to do in order to pass on — he kept quiet and nodded smiling brightly at her. It’s definitely going to come and bite him in the ass later on, but he liked Y/N. she’s kind. Kinder than any girl he’s ever met.
When he was alive ladies (and men) adored him. Harry was popular in school and in college. Although he wasn’t in college for long, all he can remember is having a great time. Partying, sex, drugs. But he was getting good grades and making genuine friends - even had a girlfriend for a bit. Harry was liked everyone and everyone liked him.
Even though he had girlfriends in his time on earth and recently before his death, they had never been like Y/N. She’s bubbly, weird but cute and the most beautiful person harrys ever seen. If he had known about her gift when he first became a spirit he thinks he would’ve crossed over a lot sooner.
When the day is done and Y/N decides to close up the store, harry heads to her car. He likes cars a lot, he used to race a bit with his college friends and surprisingly that wasn’t his cause of death. Harry was a good driver, the feeling was exhilarating and the adrenaline rush he got afterwards was something he chased for weeks after. He had never felt something like that before — harry felt the same way about Y/N. His feelings were exhilarated and the rush he got in his bones from just seeing her smile was electric.
Once Y/N was in the car and they were on the way home, Y/N felt like it was a right of passage to talk a little about harrys family, seen as he’s not visited them a lot since the last meeting. She’s not too sure way because he was so eager when they met.
“You know emily is asking for you?” Y/N asked softly, turning off the music. Harry rolled his eyes and looked out the window.
Y/N knew it was hard for harry seeing his mom move on - sometimes she thinks harry forgets he’s dead and people are supposed to move on. And if that means her adopting a new child and giving her a better life, then so be it.
“Harry she has a gift too, she can sense what you’re feeling. She’s just a little girl trying to help her mom” Y/N said trying to reason with him, but she could feel the jealousy coming on again.
“Just tell them i’ve passed on or whatever shit terminology you use. I don’t want to see or talk to them again. I’ve got you now” Harry said, making Y/N slightly worried.
Harry is so dependent on her, it scares her sometimes. She just wants to be kind and help him. But he’s not making it easy.
“I don’t want to talk about them anymore” Harry said clearly agitated. Y/N sighed and nodded keeping quiet.
The car ride home was silent from then on, Y/N felt bad for questioning harry - but she did not feel bad for trying to help another family get some relief and heal. Harry is being extremely selfish, and she just hopes he’ll come to terms with that soon enough. She just needs to settle down and try and help this kind soul.
While Y/N was getting ready for dinner, harry had popped back into the house. She could sense him behind her, but she didn’t make a move to speak or connect with him like she usually did.
Not this time.
“I’m sorry. I’m just so overwhelmed trying to find my ‘unfinished business’ and i didn’t mean to take out on you, mom or emily. i really appreciate your help” Harry said leaning against the wall, Y/N smiled softly and put a plate down on the dining table.
“I’m always here, wiling to help, harry. You know that. Now let me eat and then we’ll get started”
After a rather quiet dinner, the ghost and medium resided in the living room. Paper upon papers scattered around them, a comedy on in the background and a cold tea on the coffee table in front of them. Y/N was determined, it almost made harry feel guilty. But she would understand in the end why he kept it from her right? He wanted to stay longer, learn more.
Be with Y/N for as long as he could.
Harry didn’t care about the repercussions it could have on his spirit or Y/N for that matter. It would all work out in the end, right? It always does.
“I have a ton of people i need to talk to. Maybe i’ll get your mom to come with me so it won’t look suspicious” Y/N giggled and harry couldn’t help but laugh with her, almost forgetting his previous thoughts immediately.
“What’s wrong?” She asked feeling his anxiety.
Harry couldn’t keep it in any longer.
“I know my unfinished business”
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and almost let out a gasp.
“It’s you, Y/N. You’re my unfinished business”
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squiggledrop · 4 years
Trust - Spencer Reid x Reader
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Summary: Spencer and Reader have been dating for two months, and haven't done anything more than kiss. But, when Reader has to go undercover in a revealing outfit, Spencer finds Reader hard to resist.
Word Count: 5.2k
Pairings: Spencer Reid x Reader
Category: Smut, Angst, Fluff (NSFW, 18+)
Warnings: Swearing, Sex (oral and penetration), Mentions of Sexual Assault, Crying, Guns, Shooting
You and Spencer had been dating for two months. It had been the most amazing two months of your life, but also the most sexually frustrating. Your nights consisted of heated make-out sessions followed by lots and lots of cuddling. Spencer was the first guy you dated that didn’t try and get in your pants on the first date, which was something you admired about him. However, his gentle and caring demeanor, one of that many reasons you fell in love with him, was starting to become the bane of your existence. Whenever you tried to have him move his hands away from their respectful, stationary position on your fully clothed waist, he would tense up. This broke your heart because the last thing you wanted to do was make your amazing, but insecurity-ridden, boyfriend uncomfortable.
You knew it wasn’t due to him not finding you appealing in that way because multiple times when he hadn’t heard you come home, you could hear him moaning your name through the sounds of water falling on his bare chest in the shower. One time you got up the courage to creak the door open and ask him if he wanted you to join him, but you were quickly met with him coughing, trying to cover up his previous activities, and saying that he was just washing off the last of the soap. He never mentioned what happened, and you respected his wishes of not questioning him about it any further. 
You wanted to feel his touch all over your body and for him to completely devour you, but you loved this man so much, that you would be willing to wait as long as he needed. The two of you had decided to take things slow when you first started dating, you just didn’t realize slow for Spencer Reid would be this agonizingly slow. 
That is why, when, for the first time since you had started dating, you had friction on your crotch that wasn’t just your own hand, and both your phones rang, you actually wanted to scream. That night, you and Spencer were having one of your usual kissing sessions in bed- which you wouldn’t trade for the world- when he pulled you onto his lap, therefore causing him to move his hands off your waist and grab your thighs, the tops of his fingers grazing your butt cheeks. Your heart raced at the feeling, causing you to moan even more into the kiss. Spencer smirked at the reaction he elicited from you and gripped your hips with even more fervor. Not wanting to overwhelm him, you began to gently rock your hips against him. You could feel the already formed bulge in his pants begin to grow, which you took as a sign to move with more purpose. The pleasure you felt was immeasurable, and you thought you might cry at how good the man you loved with your whole heart was making you feel. Just as Spencer let out the moans he had been holding back, your heart sank. He quickly jumped out from under you, and you could see the realization of what just happened wash over his face as he answered his phone. You sighed and reached for your own, dreading the sound of Hotch’s voice saying you were needed.
The two of you got ready in silence, not sure what to say about what had just happened. Spencer’s silence worried you, but when he grabbed your hand and kissed your head as you finished locking the front door, you knew everything would be okay because you had your goofy, loving Spencer by your side.
Garcia delivered the case, relaying that the unsub was killing prostitutes in Las Vegas. When the team arrived, you and Spencer were sent to set up at the local police precinct to get started on the geographical profile. After two days and two more bodies, the team had figured out who the unsub was and where he would be striking that night. 
“Alright, to catch him, we will need to go undercover so he’ll bring himself to us. (Y/l/n), you match his type and will be our best shot, are you okay doing this?”, Hotch said. Spencer looked up, a mixture of anger and terror violently swirling in his eyes.
“Of course”, you replied, gaining an even more intense look from Spencer.
“JJ and I will help you get ready”, Emily said.
“Alright, let’s get to work”, Hotch said. As everyone got up, you began to walk towards JJ and Emily when you felt a tug on your wrist. You turned around in confusion, only to be met by the piercingly concerned eyes of your boyfriend.
“Can we talk?” Spencer whispered in a gentle tone that juxtaposed his facial expression.
“Yeah, sure”, you replied and gave Emily and JJ a glance before Spencer took me into the empty file room next door.
“Is everything o-”
“Please don’t do this”, he interrupted with pleading eyes.
“Spencer, its just work. It’s no different than any other time we have to go undercover”, you reassured him. His eyes traced your body before he met your gaze and bit his lip.
“I just- This guy is dangerous (y/n). I don’t want you to get hurt.” Knowing this wasn’t the full story, you raised your eyebrows and gave a knowing look. When he still wouldn’t confess to what this really was about you sighed before continuing.
“Spence, we deal with guys like this all the time, I can handle myself and you and the rest of the team will be right there, and if that’s all, I really have to go get ready”, you said, glancing up at the clock above the door. Just as you were about to leave, you heard indistinguishable mumbles coming out of Spencer’s mouth. “Huh?”, you questioned.
“I...I don’t want you out there for any guy, especially this guy, just-just as something they feel they have the right to touch”, your eyes softened as you gave him a small smile and grabbed his hand with both of yours. You opened your mouth, but before you could say anything to relieve his anxieties, he said, “I just don’t want to see you get hurt again”. At this, you knew he was no longer talking about the case, and everything began to make sense. 
Before you and Spencer were dating, you had gone on a date with a guy you met at a coffee shop. You had said hello to each other a few mornings in a row, and on the fourth day he asked you out. At first, you were reluctant because you had a massive crush on Spencer, but you decided you couldn’t just pine for him forever, so you agreed. That night, Spencer had received a call from you in tears, causing his heart to clench at the thought of you so upset. He came and picked you up on some random street corner and you got in, flashing him a small tear-stained smile as thanks for getting you. When you finally got back to your apartment, he parked the car and broke the silence.
“(Y/n), you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, and I don’t want to pry into your personal life”, at this you took in a sharp breath, trying hold back your tears, “but, I really need to know what happened so I can help you, okay?” He had looked up at you and went to place his hand on your thigh to reassure you that you were safe with him, but at his touch, you tensed and your eyes grew wide with terror and he quickly flinched back, as if you had electrocuted him.
“I-I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you”, he said with guilt. The sadness on his face made you cry even more.
“I...I went out with this guy tonight”, you started, as Spencer’s face fell at thought of you with someone that wasn’t him, “He seemed nice and I was having fun. We-”, you chocked out another sob, “We went back to his place because the movie theater we were going to go to was closed, so we were just going to watch one there.” You stopped for a moment to try and catch your breath. You could feel Spencer’s eyes on you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to meet his gaze because you felt like such an idiot. You had poor judgment and went out with a jerk and had to call the guy you had the biggest crush on to come get you because you were a mess. “A couple minutes into the movie he kissed me, and it was nice so I kissed him back, but-but then he-he”, you closed your eyes, the painful image in your head causing you to break down again, “he started to touch me and I pushed him off because I wasn’t comfortable, but he just kept going… I didn’t know what to do and-Ugh! I can still feel his hands on me.” You finally looked up at Spencer who’s eyes were burning with anger.
“(Y/n)”, his voice was so soft, in direct contrast to his eyes, “I am so sorry that happened. You are such an amazing person, and you deserve someone who treats you as such.” You smiled at this and thanked him.
“Um, you don’t have to, but, could you stay with me tonight? I really don’t feel like being alone…”, you asked.
“Yeah!-uh-uh, yeah, yes of course”, he stammered, trying to conceal his excitement at getting to spend time with you because of the terrible circumstances that brought you to call him tonight. That night you asked him if he could stay in your bed with you, to which he happily obliged. In your sleep, you both had drifted towards each other. You woke up in each other’s arms with a grin plastered on your faces. From that night on it had become your routine to sleep while holding each other, and on the third night, you hesitantly placed a kiss on Spencer’s cheek, causing him to blush and place one on your cheek in return. The next morning you had woken up before him, so you let yourself admire the dark curls that brushed against his forehead and his cute nose with little crinkles from him scrunching it so much. When you moved your way to his beautiful plump, pink lips, you couldn’t help place a chaste kiss to his lips, causing his big hazel eyes to shoot open. After realizing what was happening, he smiled and melted into your kiss.
Unknown to you until now, Spencer made himself a promise that night you called him full of tears: He would never do anything to cause you to hurt like that again. It all made sense. He never wanted anyone to touch you like that guy did, including himself, for fear he would make you uncomfortable or do something you didn’t want. 
“Spence…That guy didn’t take no for an answer. But, I know you-”
“Yeah well neither does this unsub!”, he shouted, cutting you off. It pained you to see how much this hurt him, but you really had to go do your job if you wanted to stop him from killing again tonight. Before giving Spencer a kiss on the cheek, you made a mental note to show him all the things he could do to you without hurting you when this was all over. Well, maybe him hurting you a little bit wouldn’t be such a bad thing with what you had planned.
“Look, I have to go. I love you”, you said, placing a kiss on his cheek.
“I love you”, he sighed in defeat, with a grin on the half of his face that you placed your lips on.
When Emily and JJ were done getting you ready, you looked in the mirror in amazement. You were never super confident in showing off your body, but this outfit left very little to the imagination. You couldn’t help but smirk at the thought of Spencer’s face when he would see you in this.
You stepped out of the bathroom, everyone’s eyes falling on you. You shrugged and walked towards Spencer so he could put your mic on you. As you walked towards him his eyes were glued to you. For someone who you were dating and had spent the past 63 nights in the same bed as you, even he hadn’t seen this much of you. You were wearing a skin-tight black dress, that with one wrong move would expose the black lace panties you had on, which also didn’t cover very much. The dress was very low cut, leaving your breasts out on display as they bounced as you walked in your heels. You had never seen Spencer’s eyes this wide and you swore you could see a bit of drool as his mouth was left open in shock.
“Alright, wire me up doc”, you teased as you approached him with a smirk.
“Um, yeah, right”, he said as he broke out of his trace, and the two of you went back into the file room. Spencer’s hands hovered over your body as he hesitated to put the wire down your back. He took in a breath and fed it down the back of your dress. “Is this okay…”, he questioned, whispering in your ear. His breath on your neck made you shudder. You nodded in response and he stopped again for a moment before bringing the wire towards your right breast. “Uh, here, I’ll let you do this part…”, he sheepishly looked away.
“Could you do it, please? You have steadier hands than me and the last thing we need is him seeing the wire”. Spencer looked in your eyes before nodding and grabbing the wire. His hands brushed against your breast, causing your breath to hitch at the sensation. He quickly dropped the wire and looked at you with scared, apologetic eyes.
“I’m so sorry-” he started, but you grabbed his hand and cut him off. “Spencer”, you smiled at him, bringing his hand back to where it was, “it’s okay. You didn’t do anything wrong. That felt nice, I just, I’ve never felt you do it before. It was just new okay, but... good, really good”, your angelic laugh released the tension in his face and he bit his bottom lip, holding back a smile. He finished attaching the wire, his movements causing you to shift from how turned on you were. He looked up at you, and you brought him in for a kiss. His hands gently laid on your waist and your hands ran through his hair. When you broke apart, breathless, you gave him another quick kiss. “Alright, let’s go catch this guy”, you winked at him, causing him to smile and shake his head at how you could be making jokes right before meeting a serial killer face to face.
“We’ll be right there the whole time, and I promise we won’t let anything happen to you”, he said sincerely.
“I know you will”, you smiled. He interlocked your hands as you left the file room. As you headed for the door to head to the black SUVs, you could hear Derek behind you saying “My man” at the sight of Spencer’s disheveled, more than normal, hair. You gave Spencer’s hand a quick squeeze as you both laughed and shook your heads at Derek’s comment. Spencer held your hand for dear life and didn’t let go the entire ride there, and when he finally had to let go, he brought your hand up to his mouth and placed a kiss on your knuckles. He wished you luck as you walked into the brisk night air.
You saw the unsub’s car approach you, and your heart rate sped up, but you took a breath and calmed down. You turned your head and gave him a lustful smile and you leaned on the open passenger window.
“How much?” he asked, getting out of his car. Shit, you thought, the team never planned on him getting out and forcefully taking the girls, you always thought they got in willingly and then he took control over them. Your heart rate sped back up again. “I said, how much?”, he growled while grabbing your arm. You tried to pull away, but his grip was too strong. But, before you could even let out a scream, you heard the voice of the man you loved with all your heart.
“FBI! Let her go! You are under arrest for the murder of five women”, Spencer shouted at the unsub. The unsub tightened his grip on your arm, causing you to wince. He reached for his gun in his pocket, but before he could, Morgan shot him in the arm, causing him to drop the gun. As he stumbled backward, you freed your arm and ran to Spencer, who enveloped you in a hug. You closed your eyes and put your cheek to his neck as his arms warmed your cold, and still very exposed, body. Feeling you shaking under him, he handed you his FBI jacket, which you gladly took as he draped it over your shoulders before bringing you in for another hug. He put one hand in your hair and whispered in your ear, “I’m so sorry (y/n), I promised nothing would happen. I’m so sorry he hurt you”, he said, pulling away slightly to examine your bruising arm from where the unsub grabbed you. 
“Hey… Spence…”, you said wiping a tear off his cheek, “none of this is your fault, we didn’t know he would get out of the car. I’m totally fine, and you saved me okay? I’m fine and I’m safe because you were there okay?”, he nodded as you wiped another one of tears away before he brought you to his chest again. “Come on, let’s go home,” you said as you brought him in for a quick kiss. However, much to your surprise, as you started to pull away, he cupped your cheeks and brought you into a deep kiss, you reciprocated, causing him to smile. “Hey um, maybe we can go back to the hotel so you can help me take my wire off”, you said in between kisses, pushing up against him even more. He smiled and let out a breathy laugh.
“Yeah, I’d like that”. You walked back to the black SUV, Spencer stopping you and putting his arm out protectively as Morgan took the bandaged and handcuffed unsub to the back of the police car. You looked up at Spencer with pure love because you trusted him and knew he would never hurt you.
When you made it back to the hotel room, you closed the door and took Spencer by the hand, setting him down at the edge of the bed. You stood in between his legs so that he was face to face with your chest. You brought his hands up to your chest and he took the wire out. You turned around but grabbed his hand before he fed it out of the back of your dress, causing Spencer to tense with fear that he did something wrong, a face you had seen far too many times.
“It might be easier if you unzip me and then take the wire out”, you suggested coyly.
“Oh um, are you sure?”, he asked, hesitant to touch you again. You looked down at him and could see the bulge that had formed in his pants.
“Yes, there is nothing I am more sure of”, you said while rubbing your thumb over his cheek. You turned back around and sat in his lap. His hands hovered over your zipper and then he began to slowly unzip it. You could feel the bulge growing in his pants with each inch of your back that became more exposed. As you felt his hands trace down your back, you became more and more turned on and you could feel your black panties getting wetter by the second. Desperate for some relief, you shifted your hips, causing Spencer to let out a quiet moan and his bulge to grow even bigger. When he finally got the wire out, you stood back up and turned around so he was once again staring at your breasts. Because your dress was unzipped, the shoulders of the dress began to fall, exposing even more of your chest. You smirked at seeing Spencer stare at your breasts, unable to peel his eyes away.
“You can touch me”, his eyes grew wide, realizing what he had been staring at and he looked up into your eyes, making sure not to break contact.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare”, he said sheepishly.
“Spencer”, you let out a soft chuckle, “You are my boyfriend, it’s okay, I want you to stare. I’d be a bit concerned if you didn’t like what you saw… You do right? You do like what you see?”, you said with a smaller waver to your voice.
“Of course I do! I-I, (y/n) I think you are the most beautiful person in the world. I would stare at you all day if I could, I mean, I kinda do.”
“Then touch me”, you almost whined, desperate for some friction to your crotch.
“I… I just don’t want to hurt you...” “You won’t.”
“But what if I do. I couldn’t live with myself if I knew I ever hurt you or made you uncomfortable”, he said staring at the floor. You brought his chin up to meet your gaze.
“Spencer, I want you to touch me, okay? I want this. And I trust you. I know that if for some reason I ask you to stop, you will. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable either, so if you don’t want this that is also totally okay, and we can just kiss and cuddle like normal okay? I love doing that too.” Spencer looked at you with such love your heart fluttered.
“I really want this, but only if you do too”, he said grabbing your hands and running his thumbs over your knuckles.
“I really do”, you said as you leaned in to kiss him. When your lips met he stood up and spun you so that the backs of your knees were against the bed. He ran his hands up and down your back, hinting at what he wanted to do.
“Is this okay?”, he asked. You nodded. He began to pull your dress down as he left sloppy kisses down your neck. Your exposed skin was on fire and everywhere he touched sent shocks of pleasure through your body. He pushed you onto the bed and got on top of you. His kisses got lower as he began to kiss the outline of your very much see-through lace bra. You were squirming beneath him as he sucked on the soft skin of your breasts, surely leaving marks to be admired for days to come. Your hands laced through his hair and your hips jolted up towards him in hopes of any form of release. He smiled into your skin and moved his hands down to the hem of your dress. He played with it before taking his mouth off of your breast and he looked you in the eyes.
“Is this okay?”, he asked.
“Yes, please Spencer, yes please.” With that he pulled your dress off your body, leaving you writhing beneath him in your soaked lace panties and bra. You lifted your arms up to start unbuttoning his shirt. You pushed it off his shoulders and ran your arms down in lean arms and then up to his subtly toned chest. “Please, Spence, I need you…” Hearing you beg for him made his heart do somersaults. He brushed his hands over your hips and slowly pulled down your panties, exposing you to him. He looked at you with desire.
“Is this okay?”, he asked, motioning towards your dripping entrance.
“Yes, please”, and that was all he needed before smiling up at you and connecting his mouth to your slit. He ran his tongue up and down you, eliciting loud moans from your mouth. He sucked on your clit and then ran his tongue in circles. You had been imagining this for months, and now that it was finally happening, it didn’t take long for you to come, your whole body shaking, your thighs tightening around his head, and his ears filling with you moaning his name. When you finally came down, you looked up at Spencer who stared back, matching your lustful gaze.
“You are so beautiful”, he said, running his fingers along every curve of your body. You looked down to see he was about to burst out of his pants. “Was that okay?”, he asked. 
“That, Dr. Reid, was more than okay, that was perfect.” He chuckled at you calling him doctor and placed a kiss to your forehead. He didn’t know it was possible to love someone this much. He thought his heart might burst. “I want you”, you said longingly.
“You have me”, Spencer replied with a confused smile, not quite understanding what you were saying.
“No, I want you, in me, please. I need you so bad”, Spencer’s eyes shot wide open.
“Are you sure?”, he said, running his hand over your cheek.
“I have never been more sure.” His smile grew to match yours and his mouth was back on yours, kissing you like he had been lost in the desert and you were the oasis he finally found. 
You reached down to his waist, “Is this okay?”, you asked. He nodded and hummed into your mouth. You unbuckled his belt and threw it to the side. You then undid his pants and ran your hands over his bare hips and up to his back, lightly scratching your nails into his skin, he moaned in response, jolting his hips towards you. He broke apart from the kiss to remove his pants and boxers to reveal his very hard length. You stared in amazement. Sure, you had felt your fair share of Spencer’s erections through his pants while kissing and cuddling, but this was even better than you imagined.
“Are you sure you want this?”, he asked as he positioned himself above you, his member ghosting over your entrance.
“Yes.” That was all it took and he slowly started to insert himself into you. You sucked in a sharp breath from feeling him inside you. The stretch hurt a bit, but it felt so good. Spencer noticed the discomfort you felt and immediately stopped. You looked up at him, wondering why he stopped when he felt so good.
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”, he asked, searching your face for an answer.
“No, I’m great. Please don’t stop. You feel so good”, you whimpered, caressing his cheek. He nodded sheepishly, trying to hold back a smirk, and continued. When he bottom out you both let out a moan, and he stayed there for a moment to let you adjust. 
“Okay, I’m good”, you smiled at him, “please move”, you begged as your hips thrust upward. He started kissing you again as he began to move at a slow pace, as not to hurt you. You moaned into his kiss and whispered into his mouth, “Faster, please. Ruin me.” Spencer, completely enchanted by you, hanging onto every sound that came out of your mouth, happily obliged and began to thrust harder and faster. “Mmmuhhh Spence… Fuck… MMM Spence!”, you moaned. He was so high off of you he began to zone out in how good you felt.
“You feel so good (y/n), you feel so good around me”, he panted between kisses. You could tell that you were so close, but there was something you wanted to do first.
“Spence, wait…”, you said, putting your hand on his chest. He froze. Horrified he hurt you. You took his chin in your hand and met his gaze, “Can I ride you?”, you asked softly.
“Yea-Yeah, yes, yes please”, he said relieved. He turned both of you so that you were on top. You hovered on his tip, tracing circles at your entrance. You slowly lowered yourself as he moaned your name until he was fully inside you. He stared at you and reached for the clasps of the bra you still had on. “Is this okay?” You smiled and nodded as he unhooked your bra, releasing your breasts. He ran his hands over them, causing you to tip your head back in pleasure. You tightened around him, causing him to thrust into you at the sensation. You took that as your cue to start. You began rocking your hips, grinding on him as he grabbed your hips and dug his fingers into your sides. You began to bounce up and down on him, picking up your pace as you moaned even louder. Spencer was in pure bliss, looking at you ride him, moaning his name, as your breasts bounced in sync with your hips. He ran his hands over your ass and gave a tight squeeze, causing you to squeal. 
“Spence”, you warned, “I’m close.”
“Me too”, he moaned. As you came down, he thrust up into you hard, causing both of you to reach your climax together. You both sat there for a moment, just enjoying the feeling of one another. Spencer sat up, still inside of you, and you leaned into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. “I need to clean you up”, he whispered as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“In a minute…”, you said, “You feel so good”, not wanted to lose the full feeling you had with him inside you. So that’s exactly what you did. You stayed, sat on Spencer’s lap, him still inside you, holding each other in your arms as you laid your head on his shoulder. He was so warm, and you loved the feeling of your bare chests together. After a few minutes of holding each other, he finally got you to get up so he could take care of you. He got a wet wash towel with warm water and came back to clean you off before doing the same to himself. He crawled under the covers with you and pulled you into his chest, his arms enveloping you in his warmth. He placed a kiss to the top of your head as you put your head in the crook of his neck.
“(Y/n)?”, you hummed in response, your eyes still closed, “I love you so much. Thank you for trusting me and letting me be with you”. You opened your eyes and looked up at him.
“Thank you for loving me and for always respecting me. I love you, more than you will ever know”, you said before placing a kiss to his cheek. He smiled in response and pulled you closer, never wanting to let go.
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