#14. I came out to my mom and brother and it went so much better than I feared it would
f1smutwriter · 6 months
so excited to see that youre willing to write about so many drivers i feel like a lot of them do not get enough love. anywhooo maybe arthur x pierres younger sister, where everyone always thought they’d get together and pierre was always just like “no. not gonna happen” but it definitely happened anyway 😩 ly pookie definitely wont be my last time requesting 💁‍♀️
|𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲 (𝐚𝐥𝟏𝟐)
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Arthur Leclerc x little!Gasly reader
Summary: Little Leclerc and Little Gasly aren’t so little anymore. They end up showing each other their true feelings but how would their brothers react
Warning: nothing just me ugly crying while writing this
Notes: Stop girl thank you so much. I do feel like a lot of the drivers get unappreciated. I love your energy and yes please request more would love to hear your ideas ♡︎
April 9, 2005
“Look at them both, they’re so cute” Pascale said to mine and Pierre’s mom as they see me and Arthur in the front yard riding bikes together when our older brothers are at karting practice with our dads.
“I feel like those two are gonna get together in the future” My mom said to Pascale while smiling on the front porch drinking tea together. “Arthur you can’t do that you have to go straight no zigzag” I told Arthur the rules again to our game we were playing. “petit lapin that wasn’t part of the rules” he told me while still going in zigzags. “Thur play fair, and y/n that wasn’t in the rules” Enzo said making sure we didn’t argue anymore making Arthur stop and me pouting.
“Look at her pout” Pascale said to my mom pointing at my pout on my face. “Watch he’s gonna feel bad” Pascale laughed softly and without a heart beat Arthur came to me and said sorry. “I’m sorry petit lapin I won’t zigzag anymore” He said to me while holding my hand making me laugh a little.
When I see my dad’s car in the drive way I run to it wanting to see my older brother and Charles. Once they got out the car they had their bags in their hands making me help them. “Soleil it’s too heavy for you” Pierre said to me before kissing my head making me pout because I wanted to help. I skip over to my dad and jump into his arms “Papa I won racing with Arthur” I said to my dad while Arthur is talking with my brother and Arthur “I let her win” he whispered to them loud enough for me to hear.
“Hey no you didn’t I won fair and square” I say pouting at him not liking that he said he let me win. “Okay, okay I’m sorry you won fair and square” He said telling my little five year old self before I skipped to my mom and Pascale. “She could barely reach the petals so Enzo gave her a push” he laughed before going to me and the mom’s. “Maman can I have some water” I asked my mom when she put me on her lap. “Go ask your brother mon amour” she told me softly before kissing my head softly. Instead of asking my brother I skip to Arthur. “Thur can you help me get water” I asked with my puppy dog eyes that got him every time. Without a second to waste he gets up and walks with me to the kitchen.
“Soleil why didn’t you ask me” Pierre called out from the porch stair where him and Charles were talking. “Because Thur does it better” I shouted back before going back to Arthur. “I hope you know she has a crush on my brother” Charles said chuckling to Pierre who was an upset. “No she doesn’t, she’s not allowed to have crushes anytime soon” Pierre said a bit angrily not liking the idea of his little sister having a crush.
“Sorry buddy but she does” Our mom said while chuckling softly while sipping a bit of her tea. All of a sudden they hear my giggles from the kitchen, they all look inside and see me on Arthur’s back as he spins me around a bit. “Told ya” Charles chuckled before making Pierre roll his eyes staring at his little sister and his best friends little brother.
October 14, 2010
“Thur where are you” I call out from outside his room. When he didn’t answer I went to Charles room. “Cha have you seen Thur I have his present but he’s not opening his door” I asked holding his birthday present in my hand. “Yeah he told me to tell you to go in the tree house” Charles said while doing his hair. “Thank you cha” I giggled before running to the tree house hearing Arthur.
“Thur” I sang from the bottom of the tree house before giggling when I see him stick his head out. “petit lapin what are you doing here” he asked me looking confused on why I was at the house so early. “Got you a present that I want you to open in private” I said softly before climbing the ladder to the tree house. He just smile at me helping me up the last step before looking at the present in my hand. “You didn’t have to petit lapin I don’t expect anything” he whispered softly to me holding my hand still.
“Here open” I squealed excitedly giving him the present. He just smiled at my reaction before opening it and seeing a red bracelet. “I know your favorite color is red because of Ferrari so I made you a red bracelet, so that one day when you become a Ferrari driver you have a perfect bracelet” I explain before looking at him. “Do you like it” I asked him before feeling him pull me into a hug. “I love it Mon petit lapin” he whispered softly into my ear making me smile before hugging him back.
“Love you Thur” I whispered to him softly. “I love you too Mon petit lapin” he whispered back to me before we get called down by Charles and Pierre. We get down and Pierre sees the red bracelet on Arthur’s wrist. “She spent all day and night making that for you” he whispered to Arthur before looking at his little sister who was laughing with Charles about something stupid Charles had said. “Really” Arthur mumbled not believing that his petit lapin did that for him. On that very day he realized he was gonna be friends with her forever.
February 14, 2016
“No Thur it’s embarrassing everyone has a valentine but me” I mumbled against my pillow as he just chuckled rubbing my back. “Come on petit lapin, it’s not that bad” he laughed making me groan loudly in my pillow. “It is bad because even you have a date” I grumbled looking at him holding the teddy bear that he got me at the fair. “Your fifteen do you really need a valentine” he says to me softy rubbing my leg to make me feel better.
“You act like you’re so much older then me” I say smiled before looking at him with a bigger smile. “Go have fun your girl is probably waiting for you” I encouraged him to go have fun while holding my bear. “You sure because I don’t have to go” he asked me groan. “Yes go don’t be miserable here with me go have fun on your date Thur” I reassured him before I see him get up and walk out the door to go get ready for his date.
I sigh going into the kitchen and getting by all the good snacks we had. My mom just comes and sees me confused “what’s wrong Mon amour” she asked me seeing me get the good snacks. “No Valentine equals a very sad day maman” I said with a sad smile trying to lighten up the mood. “It’s okay Mon amour there will be many men lined up for you soon” she reassured me kissing my head before going back upstairs.
A few hours I hear the doorbell, then I hear my mom call me down stairs. “Y/n it’s for you amour” she called for me from the door. I groaned getting with my big pajama pants and Pierre’s hoodie that i never gave back going down stairs. “Who is it” I asked from the stairs before going to the door seeing Arthur with a big box of chocolate chips cookies along with white and pink tulips. “Wow look at you she’s gonna love it” I said softly with a smile before fixing his glasses that I loved on him. “Do you like it” he asked me with a smile as I fix his glasses. “Of course I do and she will too” I replied before looking at the beautiful flowers again.
“Well then my girl here are your favorite flowers and since you hate chocolate and can’t be normal whatsoever here is your cookies with chocolate that make no sense” he says to me giving me the flowers and cookies. “Thur what are you doing” I asked him holding the flowers and cookies. “Y/n Gasly, my petit lapin will you do me such an honor of being my Valentine” he questioned making me look up at him with a huge smile on your face. “Are you being serious right now” I asked almost about to cry from the sweet gesture.
“Actually now that I think about it I asked the wrong Gasly” he grinned at me making my eyes roll automatically. “Your stupid Leclerc” I said before hugging him wrapping my arms around his neck. “Not as stupid as you Gasly” he whispered to me wrapping his arms around my waist. My mom and dad just looking at us with awe on their faces when Arthur did all that for me. “I got more stuff in the car like food from your favorite restaurant, your favorite drink and everything else Mon petit lapin” he said softly kissing my head making me look up at him with the biggest smile on my face.
That was the day I realized I was in love with Arthur Leclerc.
November 18, 2023
Me and Arthur are walking down the strip of Las Vegas for the very first time. “This is Las Vegas, don’t really get the hype” Arthur laughed while walking around and looking at all the buildings. “Well Las Vegas is about gambling and drinking so” I giggled swinging our hands back and forth. “Yeah my pockets are done for the day” he told me before we walk in the lobby of our hotel. “Wanna go bother Pierre and Charles” I asked him with a slight smile on my face making him chuckle. “Let’s go” he says dragging me to the poker game they were playing with the other f1 drivers
“Hey tripod” I say to my brother before kissing his cheek and placing my head on his shoulder. “Soleil go bother someone else like max he’s winning right now” he whispered to me so no one else heard him. “No he scares me” I whispered back making him laugh and me just giggle. “Just go please and I’ll buy you sushi tomorrow” he offered making me going over to max placing my chin on his shoulder. “Max verstappen what are you doing on this fine evening” I say before he looks at me making me smile big and bright.
“Trying to ignore a certain Gasly” he says back with the same smile making me laugh. “Okay, okay I’m sorry please forgive me” I said before going to Arthur and sitting next to him at the booth where the rest of the drivers were. “I just realized is little Leclerc and Little Gasly dating” Max Fewtrell asked Lando who was drinking his drink. “Yeah they’ve been dating for like a while now, I think their childhood sweetheart.
“Wanna go back up and order room service” Arthur asked me while rubbing my thigh softly. “Always” I whispered before getting up off him and going to the elevators. “I still can’t believe you still have this” I say holding his hand and pointing at the red bracelet I made on his twelfth birthday. “A very special girl made it for me” he whispered softly to me before we walk to the room. “Yeah how special is she” I asked softly still holding his hand.
“Well she’s really special, the day she made me this was the day I fell in love with her” he says to me softly making me stop in my tracks. “W-what” I stuttered softly not believing the words that came out of his mouth. “I said the day she made me this was the day I fell in love with her, even though it was my twelfth birthday and she was 10 I fell hard” he whispered softly to me making me tear up.
“Please tell me you’re not joking, because if you are imma die Leclerc” I ranted fast making him look at me with his smile. “Never Mon petit lapin” he said before holding my face and kissing me. I kiss him back the guy I’ve loved for the past eleven years. The boy I had a crush on at five years old. I was kissing him I was finally kissing him.
He pulled away putting his forehead on mine. “I love you so much Mon petit lapin” he says while he tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear. “I love you so much more Thur” I say back tearing up happy tears now that I finally had the love of my life in my arms. He kissed me the man that I’ve been in love with for eleven years counting finally kissed me.
March 6 2024
“Gosh this feels so surreal” Charles said fixing Pierre’s and his bow ties in the back room. “I know I mean I always knew they were gonna end up together but wow it doesn’t feel real” Pierre said softly tearing up realizing his little sister his Soleil was gonna get married. He hugs Charles tearing up in his shoulder as Charles tears up with him.
“Oh come on I can’t have my best men cry on me” Arthur says before hugging them both softly laughing at the two. “Bunch of cry babies” he teased them before Pierre pulls away. “Hey my baby sister is gonna be a Leclerc let me have my moment” Pierre told him before wiping away his tears and looking at Arthur. My dad calls for Arthur telling him it’s time. “Promise me you’ll take care of her” Pierre said looking at him with a smile.
“I promise” Arthur said back before hugging him quickly making his way down to the doors where everyone is. They open the door for him and he walks down the aisle first seeing everyone he loves is there. His mom, my mom, all our friends and family. He makes it down to where the priest is taking his spot before all the maid of honors and best men walked down with each other. After then were the flower girls spreading white and pink tulip petals. After them I come in with my arm entangled with my dad’s as he tears up and tells me how much he loves me. He walks me down to my spot in front of Arthur where he mouths to me with tears in his eyes how beautiful I was.
The priest starts the reception not hearing anything but just staring at Arthur with so much love in my eyes showing him I couldn’t wait to be his forever. “Do you y/n, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live” the priest says to me making me squeeze his hands a bit making sure he knows I will first. “I do” I say softly while looking into Arthur’s eyes.
“And Do you Arthur, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live” the priest asked Arthur making him squeeze my hand like I did to him. “I do” he said back to me making a smile pop up on my face along with tears. I turn around and grab the wedding band from Kika and he turns around to grab it from Pierre. I slide it on his ring finger as he slides his on mine.
“I know pronounce you husband and wife, Arthur you may now kiss your bride” he said making Arthur grab me and kiss me softly. Feeling the feeling I’ve had in my body for eleven years slowly come back. I kissed him back before pulling away as everyone is clapping for us. I grab his hand and we both walk down the aisle hand in hand going to the car to go to our honeymoon. I kiss him one last time before kissing and hugging everyone good bye before I get in the car where Arthur is waiting for me. “So Mrs. Leclerc Gasly where would you like to go first” Arthur asked me as he puts the car in drive.
“Anywhere you are Mr. Leclerc Gasly” I said before rolling down our windows and driving off wherever we will go. Only we know that and that’s only for us to know.
Notes: I’m not crying you are. I know you asked me something so little but I just had to make it um how do you say it. ✨extra✨ which made the story a masterpiece. I did this scene twice because I forgot to save it and I left and everything went with me sooo. I really hope you like it and more story’s coming soon.
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raapija · 8 months
So, let me introduce you to Nando's Nuggets aka his three little McChildren aka Carlito, Landito and baby Oscar 😘😘😘 (...aka the ultimate nepo baby trio of F1)
This kind of (I feel like this is a hedcanon more) belongs in the pookie au, go check it out ! ->
Huge thanks to everyone in my inbox for fueling this obsession 💚
Lando was a happy little accident born when Fernando was just 18. The relationship with Nando and Lando's mom, Ms. Norris, was pretty chaotic and turbulent and they ended up breaking up before he was even born. Lando stayed mostly with his dad and grew up as a grid-baby with other F1 drivers taking turns in babysitting him. He went through school in the UK since Nando kept his residence there most of the time and Lando got the English accent from there. He's always been around motorsport and it was just a matter of time before he would end up in F1.
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Lando and Oscar grew up apart from each other, as Oscar was living in Australia. But whenever they were together while it was Nando's turn to have Oscar for a week or so, it was the highlight of their childhood. They got along well since they were pretty close in age and quite similar in other ways, too. Lando's mom wasn't around a lot when he was growing up, but as of lately, she has reached out to him again and is in good terms with the whole bunch.
After Fernando separated from Landito's mom in the late nineties, he got together with this little known Aussie GT driver named Mark Webber. It was love at first sight and they had a really strong bond from the very start. They decided to get a kid together, which was wild since both were quite young and because of how difficult it was at the time for two men to get a child together. But, they somehow pulled through it and in April 2001, baby Oscar came along. (He is biologically Nando's through a surrogate) After a few quite happy years with this little family of two boys, Mark and Fernando eventually started to drift apart and the relationship fell flat. Through a mutual decision, they broke up and Oscar went off to live with Mark in Australia. Fernando still spent a lot of time with Oscar of course, but it was never enough. It was always sad to say good bye at the airport.
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As time went on and Oscar grew older, he wanted to stay in the UK more. He got interested in karting like his two other brothers, and eventually moved over to try and make it into motorsport and connect better with Nando's side of the family. Mark was still very much around as he became Oscar's manager and pulled all kinds of stunts to get little Oscar in the best possible teams. Mark and Fernando are still very good friends and get along well. Oscar is definitely the most spoiled of them all.
Carlos was an absolute menace and a troublemaker when he was young. When he was around 13-14, he took part in one of Nando's karting camps in Spain and that was really the only thing the kid was interested in. Later, tragically, Carlos would lose his parents in an accident and since he was such a difficult child, no one would take him in. But alas! Fernando heard about it and since he had seen how talented and passionate Carlos was about driving, he wanted to give him a chance and enrolled him into more karting classes at his own expense. Eventually, they became close and Fernando figured out since nobody else was gonna have him and the poor kid needed a proper home, he adopted him. Carlos immediately took the role of big brother to Lando and Oscar and would start to settle down since he now had a responsibility to be their role model. In time (and with lots of trial and error), Nando raised Carlos to be a sensible and well-adjusted young man who could safely be let out into the world knowing he was gonna be okay.
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Carlos' protective nature over his little brothers and dad resulted in him beefing with Lance for years since he didn't exactly like the idea of his dad dating a guy who's four years younger than him. When Nando and Lance got married, it was finally enough proof that Lance wasn't going to leave and break his dad's heart like others had before. Now they're in good terms and Carlos thinks of him quite fondly, but will never admit it. Fernando is incredibly proud of how far Carlito has come and how he's now at Ferrari.
Lance has a pretty good relationship with the bunch overall despite Carlos' apprehensions. He often takes Lando or Oscar on fun trips and likes to hang out with them. Carlos sometimes asks Lance to go golfing with him since he can actually give him some competition.
It's strange for everyone that their step-dad is almost the same age as them (and younger, in Carlos' case), but somehow they make it work. He never actually considers himself to be a parental figure to them, more like a weird kinda fun uncle 🤷 It's weird, the whole family is weird, but they make it work. ❤️
Family portrait:
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+This son inherited the magical powers:
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Sonic HRT #14: what did erian say?
First - Previous - Next (coming soon)
^_^ Family. I love my mates so, so much. The kink etc dynamic isn't super explicit here, but yeah, my mates have a caretaker/little and mistress/slave dynamic and my dynamic with the both of them is its own thing.
Autism, bro.
I like having these domestic scenes where I'm talking to my mates about stuff. Reflects our real experiences, especially with transitioning under capitalism.
Hey, concerns about doctors blocking your necessary medical procedures! Whoa!
So when I was setting up to get top surgery, I was still working for and lived near though fortunately not with, my abusive-ass parents. I told them I was getting a "breast reduction" and they insisted I would convalesce with them. Great. While in one of the final appointments leading up to the surgery, my surgeon asked what my post surgery plans were. And was, admittedly rightfully, horror-struck at the idea of me trying to recover from surgery in my abusive-ass family's house.
However...I couldn't do anything about where I would be directly post-surgery. I had no choice. I planned to get home as soon after surgery as I could, maybe ask my friends for help if needed...but staying at my parents' was Not Something I Could Get Out Of. My surgeon was so sure her team would correctly gender me and let the secret out of the bag (this did not happen, they did not gender me correctly even once), and looked like she would cancel the whole thing unless I came out to my parents. Cuz again, I didn't have better options. I fully expected to be blowing up my life, losing my job, the whole thing. But at least I'd be able to get surgery.
I came out to my parents. Drafted a letter, went to a restaurant with two of my best friends, met my parents there, and gave them the letter. It went...it was civilized. There wasn't explosions right then. Everything was very contained. What with the public and all. The shoe didn't drop immediately.
But both of them, separately, got me alone to vent their spleens about the whole deal. My dad told me I was his "Horse riding, jean wearing, girl," and more sensitive than my sister, and therefore more girly. My mom told me that me being trans was literally "Worse than her brothers dying."
So about what I expected. Fucking horrible. Honestly, would've almost been better if they just tossed me. I wouldn't have had years more of abuse at their hands.
So yeah. Came out to my parents because my doctor pressured me in ways that jeopardized my transition (after 10 months waiting for my surgery appointment), it went predictably poorly, I still had to "recover" at their house.
Interesting post-script to that story, I apparently have a pretty good pain tolerance? I was able to drive home after about two days? And drove 40 minutes out to got out with friends at Halloween before my drains had even been removed? ^_^ That was rad.
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AITA for going to an out of state event rather than helping my older brother with moving my injured mom to a new apartment?
(rather than listing specifics just know everyone involved is an adult with their own living spaces and lives) A few weeks ago my mom injured her knee at work and has to wear a knee brace. As soon as I heard I made the 2 hour drive to go help her at the hospital and drive her back to her apartment. Her current apartment is up 3 flights of stairs (no elevator). I couldn't stay longer than that as I had work, so my oldest brother drove 4 hours to stay with her for three days. I came back on the last day he was there to get her dog, and have been watching her dog since. It's apt to be a 4-6 month recovery period, and my mom wanted to live closer to me and my other older brother anyways, so she decided to find a new ground level apartment and is moving.
There was a large event over the weekend that I've been planning to go to since well before her injury. The Wednesday after the event was the move-in day, and I was back Sunday at 3am and was planning on helping her move Tuesday and Wednesday. She was aware of this and excited for me. So, I went to my event a few states away, had a great deal of fun. Over the weekend while I was at my event, my brother made the trip to help pack and make a couple trips back and forth between the new and old apartment (4 hours there and back) It was around 14 hours worth of driving for him. I was never asked to assist with this, I didn't actually even know he was making the trip down and assumed my mom was just going to have the movers and I help her on Wednesday.
When I got back and chatted a bit in the family group chat, I was surprised by how much work my brother did over the weekend. I called to check in on him and thank him for his help. While we were chatting, he mentioned it was better that I wasn't there, it was too crowded. I took this at face value. I asked him how it went and gave him the opportunity to vent. I started talking about my show, what a great deal of fun it was and how happy I was that I went- it was for something I'm really passionate about! Thinking back, it may have sounded like I was boasting, I wasn't meaning to.
He suddenly got irritated and said he was put off by me going, went on to say it bothered him that I was complaining about my mom's dog in the family chat so much- the dog is VERY annoying, whines and barks frequently, her presence has prevented me from letting my pigeon have quality time out of her cage because the dog whines when kenneled. It wasn't constant complaining, more humored things along the lines of, "just 7 more days of this awful beast," and send a picture of the dog doing nothing in particular, or "why is she like this?" and a video of her staring at me and making weird dog noises. My family is all aware of the fact that I don't like dogs, but I was willing to put up with my mom's dog of course. I didn't think I needed to be happy about it. This is mostly unrelated but he did bring it up as a point.
Anyways, my brother said I was doing the bare minimum and selfish. I stood my ground and said I did not regret going to the event, I was happy I did it and had planned to months in advance. I suppose I could've apologized for seeming like I was boasting, but frankly that wasn't my intent- I was just happy about an experience I had. He did try to change the subject, but I think I must have said something along the lines of, "I'm not going to apologize for doing something for myself." I should have brought up the fact that our mom did not once ask me to come help over the weekend, just during the week.
Instead, he got mad and abruptly said he'd talk to me later, I started to say, "oh, okay, I love you," and he hung up...which really upset me. I cried afterwards and my other brother had to console me because I took it very personally. We always say I love you and never fight, we bicker from time to time but not about, like, real stuff.
I know I shouldn't have talked so much about how good my weekend was when he spent his driving back and forth, on top of that when he got home he discovered something was wrong with his car (my mom already told him his car is ancient and she would help cosign to get a new one), so I understand why he was upset and I do understand that he was in the wrong for being a dick about not saying I love you back...however, I can't tell if I should have come help move things even though I wasn't asked to. Is that something I should have just offered to do even though I'm helping during the actual move? Was I the asshole for talking about my fun thing after he did something laborious?
What are these acronyms?
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the-au-collector · 8 months
Random Things I forgot to add in my braindump for my Radio AU:
Twilight is Time and Malon’s nephew. I think I’m going to make his relation through Uli, so that makes Uli and Malon sisters in this AU
Legend used to go to college in Mabe City, but moved away after his Koholint Trauma happened. He still has friends there, like Ralph, Din, and Nayru, but he rarely visits
Sun races cars. Not professionally or for sport, no. She’ll just drive at 80mph down some old country road for the hell of it. Sky and Groose often join her
Sky, Sun, and Groose all came from Sky City. That said, they somehow never met until college. They find this very funny and will call each other “strangers”
Legend and Fable’s biological father is Raven, but he was very inconsistent with his job and eventually left them with Alfon, his adopted brother (and I am realizing I need a family tree for this AU😵‍💫).
Time is an orphan. He was never adopted growing up, but he was closest to the Kokiri family. They had a daughter named Saria who he still calls his older sister. She’s an ecologist now
Time secretly spoils Wolfie
Twilight will take Wolfie for “walks” (aka, he will sneak Wolfie into his and Wild’s house despite there being a strict no dogs policy. Revali has tried getting them in trouble before but hasn’t succeeded yet)
Wolfie is the favorite whenever Wild hosts a party
Time has somehow become emotionally attached to these radio kids. He was not supposed to get emotionally attached
Sky and Sun hope to get married sometime after graduation, preferably sooner than later
First is everyone’s favorite when he’s around. That said, he’s still the oldest and most responsible when having fun.
Crimson swears
Ravio has tried reaching Sheerow to talk
Legend doesn’t drive (anymore)
Warriors has the gaudiest car, according to Legend. Legend’s right
Styla and Legend are like BFFs. They also met when Legend did Fashion Design. Styla often makes costumes for the school plays as well
Shadow hung out with a bad crowd in high school. He’s doing better now.
Where are the colors you ask? Four’s genderfluid so he uses them to indicate his gender. Vio = she/her. Green = he/him. Red = they/them. Blue= any, they don’t care.
Vaati is Shadow’s biological father, who married Four’s mom when Shadow and Four were 12. Four’s mom died when they were 14, then Vaati went into prison when they were 15 (they really are unrelated incidents). They began living with Grandpa Smith after that.
Yuga is Ravio and Hilda’s dad. He’s really strict and not a good person. He wants them both to go into business. Ravio is playing his hand until he can be totally independent. Hilda is a high school senior and wants to major in fine art. Yuga hates this. He especially hates that Ravio is completely supportive of Hilda… and also that Ravio never comes around anymore.
Hilda’s started being invited to Legend’s uncle’s house for holidays. She can’t come to all of them because of Yuga but she does come to Thanksgiving now
Alfon refuses to let anyone be alone over the holidays. He will force Legend and Ravio to bring their friends over if they have no one in the area or anywhere to go
Flora and Fauna grew up under a lot of pressure from their dad. Fauna feels it more since she’s older, but Flora definitely feels it too. They’re both perfectionists
Impa and Purah are Paya’s cousins in this AU. Paya’s very shy so they try to get her to go out more. Paya has a huge crush on Wild and is teased endlessly for it
Flora has this huge crush on this one guy in her anthropology class. His name is Tauro
Age and Wild didn’t get along for a long time after the house fire. Wild got his burns and amnesia from protecting Age but obviously doesn’t remember this. As a kid, Age thought Wild was purposefully forgetting everything. Wild honestly feels horrible for forgetting and is trying to get his memory back, but he hasn’t had much luck
Age and Wild are both named Link. It’s a family thing. They go by their middle names. Wilder is Wild’s official middle name. Age’s official middle name is August.
On the other hand, both Flora and Fauna’s middle names are Zelda. Flora’s full name is Florence Zelda Hyrule. Fauna’s name is just Fauna.
^ this is the same for Dawn and Aurora too
Hyrule, Dawn, and Aurora come from a very small town named Mido. Hyrule would play “Knights of Hyrule” with Dawn in the farm fields all around them. It’s where he gets his nickname from
Hyrule’s friends in high school were Bot, Error, and Bagu
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ramspatula · 6 months
Arrowheads | Nya Smith x fem! reader
I believe that there are things out there that want to hurt me. Will hurt me. That’s a thought I can’t get to ever leave my head. But she calms them. Only her.
Next part, Masterlist
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I had never been to Ninjago city. Cole said it was too unsafe. I was a musician. Well a songwriter. A ghostwriter to be specific. I get paid to not leave my room and write lyrics for some big artist or little artist to take credit for. I wanted to be a singer. I wanted to perform but stages weren’t a place for me to be. The world scared me. People scared me. It requires so much effort to live in the world. Especially as a girl. I needed to look perfect, act perfect, be perfect. And I wasn’t. I had too many flaws to count. My wardrobe doesn’t have a new outfit for everyday. I own more pyjamas than clothes. I talk better in rhyming words on paper than I do to people.
I wasn’t always like this. I wasn’t scared. I’m not now. But too many ghosts walk around outside for me to be comfortable. Not literally. That was years ago. And in stixx. And that was the last time I saw my brother. Granted, he was older. But after mom died and Dad drank himself into sobbing onto his music sheets, I thought we were closer. I understand he raised me. Not a job for a grieving 14 year old boy. Not a job for any teenager to be raising a horribly paranoid 8 year old. I was almost 9. Nether less, Children shouldn’t be raising children. I never got over that paranoia. It grew. It grows inside me even now. After the second round of snakes. Not the serpentine. The one who had fire powers. I covered my apartment windows in newspaper and bought 3 locks for my door. I called Cole in tears for over 4 hours. He didn’t pick up once. After all that, I got a message 4 days later, asking me if everything was okay. We called for 10 minutes before he had to go. He sounded tired and exhausted the whole time. Maybe I was too much. I had grown use to the thought he might resent me. That he wasted the rest of his youth raising me and comforting me through everything before Dad sent me to a programme in Jamankai for young music protégés after he had mailed in my notebook of lyrics and video recording of me playing various instruments and singing. All lessons he made me take. I was 11, almost 12. Cole was 18 and never came home after I left. The programme led to me getting in to a songwriting degree at 16. And last year I graduated. On the day of that snake attack. The fire one. Cole promised to be at my graduation just outside ninjago city. He lived there. He was the only reason I went. He promised to come on the stage with me if I needed him to. He didn’t turn up. Answered none of my calls. Until 4 days later with his infamous everything okay message. Later I got an ‘I’m sorry’. So a year later, I decided I’m tired. I would go to ninjago city. Talk to him myself. That’s what I was doing right now. I decided writing songs about reuniting and rebuilding relationships was not the therapeutic release I needed. It was to see my brother, now 28, as an adult, 21. I deserved to know why he treated me this way, I deserved to not be caged in my room. To see the world I feared so much. Even if the thought of the train ceiling collapsing in on me was the only thought I had right now. Luckily, the train wasn’t too busy but barely anyone lived in Jamankai these days. I might even see a ninja in ninjago. Or a dragon. I hope at least. As long as I am far away from wherever they are headed. I had his address, and I would be there, tonight! Maybe this afternoon if I sped walk.
I hate myself. This was an awful idea. He can hate me. I don’t care. I see a dragon and a ninja. And robots trying to kill me. Why did I do this? They may be on TV but that was close? Right? Ninjago city isn’t that big.
“Don’t look too worried darling, that was yesterday’s highlights. And about 50 minutes away from here.”
“Oh.” I said and walked away. I am utterly embarrassed. Why did I leave my room? Was he trying to be funny?
“Miss do you need a ride anywhere?” I looked back at him and continued walking. “No! It’s not like that! I’m Chen! I own a cab company- here’s my card-! There’s my company car-! I was just trying to do my job! I’m gay!”
“Oh, me too king.” I said and he nodded, with a smile.
“Okay, well, front or back?” He asked and I looked at him weirdly before I realised he was talking about the car and not a weird way of asking me if I was a top or bottom.
“Front. I don’t like the back.” I said and he went to take my bag and I didn’t let him. The ratty bunny teddy I had since I was 2 was in clear view if I moved my jacket off the top and I couldn’t handle anyone seeing it. He nodded and just opened the passenger door for me.
“Where are you going?” Chen asked and I paused before telling him.
“Here.” I said and showed the address in my notes, he frowned before nodding.
“That’ll only cost a 20.” He said with a smile but I didn’t share it. Any money out was money I wouldn’t see again for a month. And I hadn’t paid my water yet.
We sat in silence whilst he played a long playlist of purely Azealia banks. I recognised some songs. And some lyrics. Although I’m sure I hadn’t wrote for her.
“Not much of a talker?” He said and I looked up at him.
“This is the first time I’ve left the house in 3 months.” I said and he nodded, surprisingly understanding.
“My mom had agoraphobia. I get it. I’m proud of you for even getting out at all. She hasn’t left the house in 4 years. The great devourer swallowed her coworkers in front of her and then when the time twins happened she got jumped by all those mini snakes and almost strangled to death so… I should not be telling you this!” I stared at him wide eyed.
“I think I might have agoraphobia…” I said and he nodded.
“Well… uhm. Just stay away from the main part of the city. It’s still pretty levelled from the sons of Garmadon but it’s every new villains favourite part. I’m taking you well out to the outskirts so… actually I’m surprised you even got a train into the city. It’s basically just forests and one blocked off area where a boarding school used to be but crumbled after the stone warriors.” Chen said and I nodded.
“So nothing that can kill me?” I said and he nodded.
“Nothing ever happens there. People don’t even call it part of ninjago city with how barren it is.” My nerves slowly calmed. Emphasis on slowly.
We parked in an empty car park with 3 beat, old cars and one truck that lucked equally beat. We both got out and Chen looked around calmly. Like he hadn’t been here in ages. I immediately called Cole. 1 ring. 2 rings. 3 rings. 4 rings. 5 rings. Voicemail. I sighed. Chen looked at me worriedly. Why would Cole give me a fake address? I sighed before debating to myself. I scrolled down. Well I didn’t have to. I only had 5 contacts. And two were my landlord and the building maintenance man. I tapped on the ‘Pearl (Cole’s girlfriend)’ contact. Were they even still together? I rung anyway. 1 ring, 2 rings, 3 wings…
“Hello?” She didn’t sound too happy.
“Uhm- hi… I’m uh-“ how the hell did I speak.
“Who is this?” She asked and I stuttered before getting my words out.
“I’m Y/n Brookstone. I’m Cole’s sister, he said he lives here but, I’m staring at an empty parking lot-“
“-Wait- Cole’s sister?!” She asked and I nodded.
“Yes, Y/n Brookstone, is this Pearl?” I asked and she took a moment before responding.
“Yes. What- sorry I didn’t catch your name, what was that?” She asked and I repeated myself again.
“Y/n Brookstone.” I said and I heard her sigh.
“That’s not Cole’s sister’s name.” She said and I froze. Yes it was?
“No, that’s my name- I have ID! I can prove it-!” I immediately defended.
“I don’t know what sick prank call this is- I get that his family are upset we didn’t invite them to the our wedding but this is- this is weird.” Pearl said and I froze.
“Cole’s married?” I asked and she sounded even more annoyed.
“Yes! To me! And if you were his sister you’d know my actual name and not just ‘Pearl’- anyone can know that!” She exclaimed and my insides tensed up. I didn’t want to argue with my brother’s apparent wife!
“That’s what he called you- he gave me your number! I have 5 contacts- I’ve tried calling him but he’s not answering-! Please! Is he there?!” I pleaded and she ignored me.
“5 contacts? That just gives burner phone! I don’t know you are- Cole’s sister’s name isn’t Y/n. And I’m not giving it to you! I’m going to block you.” She said and I let out an actual sob.
“No, please! I will send you my location! I am his sister! I don’t know what he said my name was but I wouldn’t have this address if it wasn’t me! He’s really big on privacy and security- you’d know that- but- please just let me talk to him. Is he there?!” I begged and I heard her scoff.
“No. I’m coming outside, and if you’re in that fucking parking lot-“ there was some commotion on the other line, “no it’s just some girl with a fake name, claiming to be Cole’s sister! She’s literally in the parking lot-!”
“End the call then.” It was another girl’s voice. She sounded very unbothered.
“No, please-! I’ve tried calling Cole- I wouldn’t bother you if I didn’t have to.” I said and she ignored me again.
“I’ll tell him you called.” She said.
“Just come outside- I can prove it-“ the line went dead. I stared at my phone in shock. Pearl already hated me and I hadn’t even met her yet. She made Cole so happy. And the one thing that makes him happy, hates me.
“Hey… do you have anywhere to stay?” Chen asked and I turned around quickly, I didn’t know he was still here. “I didn’t want to leave until I knew you were safe.” He said and I sobbed. He quickly hugged me and I held onto him. I had just met him and he was already comforting me.
“No…” i practically whispered.
“Are… are you- what happened? If you don’t mind me asking.” He asked and I had to look up to try and stop the tears.
“She hates me.” I said and he frowned.
“Who hates you?” He asked.
“My brother’s wife! And she makes him so happy- and I-“ he cut me off and separated from the hug.
“Well she sounds like an asshole then. C’mon, it’s starting to rain.” Chen said and we got back in the car.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
The monastery was unusually quiet. With the monks doing outdoors training, Wu’s barking orders couldn’t be heard. The monastery was, for once, all girls. And it was quiet. Misako was sat turning pages of her ancient scripture, Peach was nursing a headache that came from teaching over excited 6 year olds how to stay still for an hour, Cherry was busying herself trying to perfect her own nails. She had to give up getting her nails done after going into ninja-witness protections. Snowdrops was lingering somewhere in her own world of systems. Pixal was sentinel, probably with Snow in their world of digital beings. Pearl was stress-cooking, she had been thinking of the phone call since it had happened. And how she had been so rude and how the girl was so distressed.
“Try meditating, watching you stress like this is not helping my head.” Peach said, mug of some kind of tea pressed to her head.
“I’m sorry…” Pearl said but only stilled for a moment before pacing again. The curry she was making didn’t even get to bubble before it was being stirred again.
It went back to how it was, Peach had took to laying on the counter in this time. She still found it hard to sleep without Lloyd. Her dragon crooned lowly outside and she looked to the window where the eye of the dragon was visible. She smiled and the dragon raised its head again. Peace was nice. Quiet was nice. It was what everyone needed. But it never lasts long. Not in this home. To be a ninja was to be quieter than silence herself but to be a part of this family, was to be on the same volume level as a foghorn:
The bangs and clatter of ninjas coming home was undoubtedly recognisable. It was the same everytime. Groaning, complaining, whining, that all came from the men as they made their way to the living area. Pixal sprung to life again. Making Cherry jump and curse as she smudged her nails. Peach whined as she turned on her side. Pearl sighed as the familiar arms wrapped around her. She could almost ignore the grime and oder that came from the ninja when they had been on a three-week stake out. A kiss was placed on her temple and she smiled before the smell became too much and she pushed the large man off her.
“Smells good.” Cole said and she frowned.
“You don’t.” Pearl said which was backed up by Peach who made a noise of agreement.
“I’m talking about the food, you too.” He said and she smiled.
“It’s not done yet.” She said and smacked his hand that was reaching for the ladle. He laughed and put his hands up. Jay and Nya were next to come in. The recently separated fiancés were better than ever. Both relishing in not having to suffer their deteriorating relationship anymore and Nya’s confession. She wasn’t into men. Not anymore at least. She was ashamed it took her this long to realise that men were not it for her at all. Jay didn’t hold it against her. He took it better than anyone could. He loved Nya but even he could admit that their love for each other had changed. They were friends and they cared for each other. But not in the way they once had. It was refreshing to see both of them so free and happy even after a 3-week stake out.
“Who wants patrol tonight?” Cole asked to which the ninjas in the room groaned. “No one takes it, Lloyd will decide.” He added to which another groan followed.
“I’ll take it. I wasn’t really involved in that last fight.” Nya said to which they both thanked her.
“Did I just hear I don’t have to do patrol?” Kai asked, Zane in tow. Snowdrops physical form appeared to hug Zane in a way that no one was sure was possible with her form. Somehow physical but not?
“I don’t care as long as I’m not moving tonight.” Peach said.
“Well, you’re in luck! Lloyd stayed behind to check everything was still running smoothly! Won’t be back till tomorrow!” Cole said and Peach sighed.
“Perfect.” She said, unamused.
“Anything happen whilst we were gone?” Jay asked.
“Pearl’s been getting prank calls.” Peach said to which Pearl stiffened.
“What?” Cole laughed. Cherry swerved a kiss from Kai in his grimy state to which Kai reacted in outrage.
“You haven’t seen me in three weeks-“
“It was one, and some girl claiming to be your sister- she was outside and all. Used a fake name too-“ Pearl ranted and Cole froze.
“What-?” He said and Pearl nodded.
“I know-! But her name wasn’t Papita! It was some Y- thing, I can’t remember exactly-“ She said and Cole grabbed her, gently, by the shoulder.
“When was this?!” He questioned, alarm in his eyes.
“A couple hours ago- Cole!” He rushed out the room and the monastery. Pearl turned in shock.
“What just happened?!” Jay asked and Peach sighed.
“I think Pearl may have just left Cole’s sister out in the rain in a city she doesn’t live in.” Peach said, still unmoving.
“What?! Why would you do that?!” Jay asked.
“I didn’t know-! It wasn’t the name I was told-! Her name wasn’t Papita!” Pearl tried to defend herself.
“Oh my god- Papita is a nickname!” Jay said to which Pearl became speechless. “Her actual name is- uhm… Kai?!” Jay asked and Kai sighed.
“I met her a few years ago, it’s Y/n.” Kai said and Pearl’s hand found its way to her mouth, fast.
“Who’s Y/n?” Cherry asked.
“Cole’s sister.” Kai told her and she nodded.
“Where could she have gone?!” Pearl asked and turned immediately to Snowdrop and Zane.
“Her in-phone tracker says that she is in ninjago city.” Zane said and Pearl nodded, trying to process everything. How could she leave her sister-in-law out in the cold? What a great first impression.
“We have to find her!” Pearl said to which Peach finally sat up.
“This is bad.” Peach said and slid off the counter. “Let me know what happens.” She said, walking off and turning to the side to let Cole rush past on her out.
“My phone! Where’s my phone?!” Cole questioned.
“Bedside table!” Pearl said and followed him.
“I’m so sorry-! I didn’t know-“ Pearl apologised, frantically. Cole cursed at the dead phone and immediately put it on charge.
“She’s out there, all alone, in a city she doesn’t know-! This is all my fault! I should have been here.” Cole said, more to himself.
“You were on a mission-!” Pearl tried to justify but Cole ignored her.
“We were planning on coming home early- if I just hadn’t agreed to check out the east side-!” He cursed himself as he waited for the phone to have enough charge to turn back on.
“It’s my fault- I should’ve gone out there! I should’ve heard her out-!” Pearl said and Cole turned to her.
“Why didn’t you?” He asked.
“I don’t know- I just- with everything I thought it was what to do! I didn’t want to risk anything!” She said and Cole shook his head.
“How do you not know your sister-in-law’s name!” Cole asked and Pearl stumbled for an answer.
“You always call her Papita, I thought it was her name! I haven’t heard your call her anything else.” Pearl said and Cole sighed.
“It’s a nickname! It means little potato!” Cole said and Pearl shook her head.
“I’m sorry, I thought I was doing what’s right. Clearly, I wasn’t.” Pearl said and Cole sighed again. The phone lit up and he immediately unlocked it and scrolled to his contacts. Hitting one specific contact.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
Chen took me to some diner. It was near here and we were the only two there. He had ordered us some water and had been speaking with the man behind the bar for a very long time. I couldn’t believe what had happened. Giving me a fake address? His wife yelling at me? He’s clearly been hiding a lot from me. I wondered if Dad knew. Pearl said that his family knew but I didn’t? I was part of that family. I might have to call Dad.
I tried not to jump when the drinks got sat down in front of me. Chen smiles and I had only just noticed the man had followed.
“This is my boyfriend, Reece!” Chen said and I smiled.
“I’m Y/n.” I said and the man smiled.
“Nice to meet you.” He said, politely. I nodded.
“Anyway, we were just wondering if you had any plans tonight, anywhere to go?” Chen asked and I shook my head.
“I don’t have a ticket back to Jamankai for another couple days.” I said and they nodded.
“Want to stay at ours? Until then, hotels around here are quite expensive.” Reece asked and I looked at both of them before nodding.
“Please…” I said and they smiled.
“Our apartment is above the diner so, you can put your stuff up there if you want?” Chen asked and I took a moment to consider how dangerous this is. They were strangers. Gay. But still strangers. They could kill me. We’ve been here for 20 minutes and no one has come in the diner since we sat down.
“Okay…” I said and Reece smiled before leading me to a door around the side of the kitchen which just led to a case of stairs. Reece unlocked the door and let me go through first.
“It’s not much but we don’t have much.” Reece said and I nodded. “The guest bedroom is this way!” He said, cheerily. He held the door open again for me and I looked around the room. There was a bed and a discarded vinyl player with some vinyls.
“There’s so many…” I said, not touching them, scared to get fingerprints on them.
“Oh yeah, Chen had a phase of being really into Jazz. Can you tell he was a theatre kid? Anyway-! We keep them in here because we don’t really use it anymore.” Reece explained and I nodded before the Vinyl next to the player caught my attention.
‘Lou Brookstone’s classics’
I smiled. I hadn’t seen any of my Dad’s albums in a long time. I used to love them. When Cole left and I came home for a few years, my Dad and I bonded over music and his stories of his band and his few classical hits. That life had since been forgotten and now he was a vocalist trainer and a piano teacher. I’d never seen my Dad look so proud and happy as I did when I told him what I had chosen to do my degree in. Those years were still rough. Especially without Cole. Dad had finally started sobering more and had joined Alcoholics Anonymous. I went with him sometimes. He said I reminded him of my mother. One night he slipped and got drunk again, he called me Lilly. That was my mother’s name. I was gone the next day. I went to stay in the college dorms. I should call him. He wasn’t a bad father. At least, he never had bad intent and he tries now. He sends me random musician’s biographies with notes and tags all over it for me to read and maybe gain inspiration.
“I’m going to call my Dad.” I said and Reece nodded.
“Was he a big fan of Jazz too?” He asked and I smiled.
“He’s Lou Brookstone.” I said and he gasped before nodding and walking away.
1 ring- line connected.
“Hello mon chou, it’s lovely to hear from you. Is everything alright?” His words were sincere.
“Hey… I’m in ninjago city.” I said and he made a noise of concern.
“Oh, that’s rather spontaneous.” He said and I nodded, even though I knew he couldn’t see it.
“I know… I came to see Cole.” I said.
“Ah, I see. How is he? I haven’t heard from him since he told me he married that girlfriend of his. Pearl. Very fierce woman, have you met her?” Dad asked and I paused for a moment. “Mon chou?”
“Uhm, not officially. He wasn’t home and I only spoke to Pearl over the phone… I’m at a friend’s house.” I said and he made a teasing noise.
“A girl friend’s house?” He asked and I felt my cheeks heat up.
“No… they’re guys. And gay.” I added quickly before he freaked.
“Okay… is everything alright? You don’t usually call me like this.” Dad pointed out and I sighed.
“I didn’t know Cole was married… and Pearl didn’t know who I was.” I said and he went silent.
“Your brother didn’t tell you? He- he said you and Pearl were going to meet a long time ago. At your graduation?” He pointed out and I tried not to cry.
“Cole didn’t come to my graduation. Neither did Pearl… you had food poisoning from that salmon place.” I said and he sighed.
“I’m sure your brother didn’t leave you for no reason… his job requires him to be on call at all times, you know that.” Dad told me and I shook my head.
“I don’t even know what Cole does other than security.” I said and he sighed.
“I see… well, I’m sure your brother will contact you soon. He’s not one to leave you worrying.” Dad said and I nodded.
“Okay, love you.” I said and I heard Dad chuckle.
“I love you too, mon chou.” The phone line disconnected and I sighed. I stared out the window for a while until a blue, massive dragon flew past it and made me scream. On the back of it, sat the water ninja. 4 more dragons followed and I couldn’t help the way my breathing sped up. I thought the ninja would be more in the main part of the city? I pulled out my headphones quickly and shut the door that had no lock. I wedged my bag between the door and the wardrobe so no one would be able to get in. I put my headphones in quickly before laying back down.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
My phone buzzing made me open my eyes and freeze. I slowly raised my phone to look at the contact. Cole. I debated answering it. I really did. But then I remembered why I had came here in the first place.
“Hello?” I said and I heard a sigh of relief.
“Hey, it’s me. I’m- I was at work! I didn’t have my phone on me- are you okay?!” He asked and I paused.
“Yes.” I said, simply.
“Okay that’s good, where are you?! Ninjago city really isn’t the safest place, Papita.” Cole said and I took a deep breath in. Clearly.
“I’m at a friend’s.” I said and he went silent.
“Friend, what friend?” Cole asked and I paused.
“Chen and Reece.” I said and he didn’t sound happy.
“I’ve never heard of them- you’ve never told me anything about them.” Cole said and I looked out the window.
“I met them today.” I said and he made a noise of distress.
“Today?! And you’re staying there?!” He asked and I hummed in agreement. “Y/n, this is… that’s not safe. I’ll pick you up, see if we can find a hotel or I can see if I can clean up a room here- just-“
“I’m okay here. They’re nice.” I said and he started to sound annoyed.
“It doesn’t matter if they’re nice, you don’t know them!” He exclaimed and I laid back down. “They could be hiding anything from you!”
“Why didn’t you tell me you got married?” I asked and he went silent. “I’m not a kid anymore, Cole. You don’t have to protect me anymore. You don’t have to hide anything from me.” I said and he sighed.
“It’s not like that… I honestly forgot. It wasn’t like a ceremony or anything, we exchanged rings, we haven’t signed any papers yet! Just in traditional terms, we are married.” He said and I sighed.
“This is the first time I’ve left the house in 3 months.” I admitted and I heard his breath hitch.
“You don’t call, you don’t message and if I get a reply sometimes it’s not for months.” I said and he sounded even more stressed.
“It’s my job-! Sometimes I’m gone for months! I don’t mean to-! I’d love to see you again! See you more even!” He said and I looked to the street outside. That noodle stand looked really good.
“I haven’t seen you for 4 years. You’re like a ghost, Cole.” I said and Cole sighed.
“Can I please come and pick you up?” He asked but I ignored him.
“Why would you give me a fake address?” I asked.
“It wasn’t fake-! You have to go into the forest-!”
“Why didn’t Pearl know my actual name? Why don’t I know hers?” I questioned.
“I don’t know- I thought you both knew! I was wrong, okay! I want you both to meet. I want to see you. I want to know you’re safe. Let me pick you up.” He pleaded.
“I’ll message you my address tomorrow. If you’re not there, I’m going home and not my house! I’m moving back in with Dad.” I said and I heard the way Cole took a sharp breath in.
“Okay, fair enough. Send me it tonight and I’ll be there by 9am latest.” He said and I nodded.
“Fine…” it went awkwardly silent.
“Love you, Flump.”
“Bye.” I hated that nickname. I hung up the phone and rubbed my temples. I could smell that noodle stand. I’m getting it. With the last of my confidence, I will get it.
The noodle stand was actually further than it looked. And I chose a horrible time to go. It was getting dark, really dark, and the line was going down very slowly. Finally it was my turn.
“You’ll have to wait 10 minute, the next batch of noodles isn’t ready yet.” I nodded and sat on a bench. Directly under a street lamp. It was really dark now. And slowly getting colder. I looked up to see the man still stirring noodles and sighed. I looked up again to see him making a container for me and I shot up and watched as he put the sauce on top.
“4.65” He told me and I nodded.
“I’ll have what she’s having, it smells really good Pablo. I bet you can rival Chen’s noodles now.” That was a woman. I handed him the money and stepped to the side for her to move in. He put her noodles together quicker than I’d seen him server anyone. It wasn’t until I looked up did I notice that the woman was actually a ninja. She reached into one of the pouches on her gi.
“No! No! You know you don’t pay.” Pablo said and she shook her head.
“C’mon, I’ve been away for 3 weeks and I’m missing out on Pink’s curry which it really good. Let me pay.” She said and the guy shook his head.
“No. Payment comes in saving all our lives and the city.” He said and I didn’t want to interrupt them to tell them I had no chopsticks. So I decided to turn away and walk back home. Except I was more or less walking to the bench again. I wasn’t expecting her to sit next to me a couple moments later. I looked up in shock. This was a real life ninja. I met her eyes before she handed me a pair of chopsticks. I smiled in thanks.
“So what’s a pretty girl like you doing wandering the streets at night like this? Fella done you wrong? Or just hunger?” She asked, enthusiastically and I took a moment to respond. Perplexed that one- a woman was talking to me, two- a ninja was talking to me.
“Hunger… Fellas aren’t really my thing.” I said and she nodded.
“Me either. Well, not anymore.” She said and held her noddles up to cheers mine and I did it, awkwardly, but we did it. She chuckled. Before pulling her mask up and over mouth, I looked away quickly. She laughed. “Don’t worry, you won’t know who I am just from my mouth.”
“Okay… feels weird.” I said and she smiled. “Did you really call me pretty?” I asked, not sure what she had said as I was more in shock.
“Yes, or no- did it weird you out?” She asked and I smiled, shaking my head.
“No, it was nice.” I said the water ninja smiled.
“Then yes. And I’m serious.” She whispered the last part and I smiled harder.
“You’ve got pretty lips…” I said, hoping it didn’t sound weird or suggestive.
“Really? You from around here?” Fuck. It did sound suggestive.
“I’ve never been to ninjago before, I saw your dragon earlier… it was cool. Really scary- but cool.” I said and she smiled.
“Her name is Tidal. I can introduce you two if you want?” She asked and I shook my head.
“No, I don’t think I can handle meeting a dragon right now. Sorry” I said and she chuckled.
“No hard feelings. Dragons are intimidating, especially Peach’s dragon. Her dragon is massive! And powerful. Took down half an army of onis on her own with him.” She said and I nodded.
“I forgot about the Onis.” I said and the water ninja nodded.
“That was a tough fight.” She admitted. “Were you affected by them?” She asked and I shook my head.
“No, I live in Jamankai but I do have 3 locks on my door.” I said and she nodded.
“Not a bad idea.” She told me and I looked up at her. “I’m not going to lie to you, you should head home. Tonight’s quiet but this city is so unpredictable and I don’t think I’d be able to console myself if I heard that your pretty face got hurt.” She said and I flushed, warmth spread across my face and I just hoped she couldn’t tell how flustered I was as she pulled the bottom of her mask back down.
“I’m nearly done.” I said and she frowned.
“Wow, I should call you nibbles. You almost ate that quicker than me.” She joked and I smiled.
“I don’t think nibbles suits me then.” I said she tilted her head in thought.
“No, but dustbin isn’t as cute.” She said and I laughed, actually laughed.
“Okay, what can I call you then?” There was something so easy about talking to someone in a mask.
“Anything but squirt. My brother still calls me that and he’s almost 30.” She told me and I laughed.
“My brother calls me little potato and little cabbage.” I said and she laughed.
“What?!” She asked, amused.
“I refused to eat cabbage when I was younger so he started calling me that to spite me.” I said and she laughed again.
“My brother- fire- just calls every kid that. He still calls Green it.” She told me and I nodded.
“I’m done.” I announced and put my box in the bin.
“Hey, can I walk you home? It’d just make me feel more comfortable knowing you got home safe.” She said and I nodded.
“I’m staying right there!” I told her to which she frowned.
“The diner?” She asked.
“My friends own it, they live above it.” I said and she nodded.
We mainly walked in comfortable silence until we stopped outside the diner. The walk seemed longer, like we were both trying to stretch the moment.
“I guess I’ll see you around then, Nibbles.” The water ninja said to me and I smiled.
“See you later, squirter.” I said and she laughed.
“Squirter?!” She asked, dumbfounded.
“Because of the whole water thing…” I tried to explain before it hit me what is sounded like. “Oh no- not like that…” I tried to defend myself but she waved me off. “I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. Just took me by surprise. Anyway, thank you for turning a boring patrol into a good night. I’ll be thinking of you and your cute face tonight.” She said and I smiled.
“Not that I could see your face, but you have a pretty mouth and eyes.” I said and she met my eyes. She looked smug. She winked and my face fell. This was real.
“Thank you, no one has ever said that before.” She said before disappearing into the dark alleys. Was that flirting? Did we flirt? Were we in love now? Why do I have the urge to ask her what we are?
“Did you just pull the water ninja?!” I heard a voice yell and I looked up to the see Reece and Chen, leaning out the window.
“Oh my god…” I said and rushed inside.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
It wasn’t unusual for Nya not to talk to anyone after patrol. It wasn’t unusual for most the ninja to be catching up on sleep at this time. However, it wasn’t usual for her to bump into Jay around the monastery. He was sat on the counter, bowl of cheerios in his hands. The box itself had a cartoon ninja on. She smiled as she went in pouring a bowl for herself.
“Long patrol?” He asked and she shook her head.
“No, quiet actually. Almost boring.” She said and he laughed.
“Almost?” Jay asked, hinting something in his voice.
“Do you think it’s too soon? I mean… we were together for so long. Do you think it’s too early to even think about moving on?” Nya asked and Jay shook his head.
“No, I think it’s good.” He admitted, to her surprise. “I loved you, I really did Nya and not to say that I don’t still love you but it’s different. When we were good, we were great but… you were never as into me as I was to you, and now we know why. I don’t hold it against you. You shouldn’t hold it against yourself. You shouldn’t hold it against me.” He told her and she sighed.
“I don’t know why I feel so guilty, I was never taught what I am is wrong.” Nya told him and he nodded.
“Buts it’s not what you expect, think of for yourself. You’ve never looked at me the way you look at a girl and thats okay. We can still love each other without having a romantic aspect of our relationship. We’re family here, let’s just be family.” Jay said and Nya smiled.
“You’d be alright if started seeing someone?” Nya asked and Jay smiled.
“What if I’m already seeing someone? Would you be okay?” He asked and she laughed.
“Really?” Jay shrugged.
“I might be.” He said and she smiled.
“What’s her name?” Nya asked and Jay shook his head.
“No! No I’m not doing this! Because once you know, Kai knows and then Cherry knows and if Cherry knows, everyone knows!” Jay exclaimed and Nya nodded.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry, I won’t ask again.” She said and Jay smiled.
“I think these cheerios are expired.”
“Yeah, me too.”
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
“Okay I have to pick Y/n up in like 20 minutes, Papita, in case you don’t know her actual name.” Cole announced to the team and Pearl rolled her eyes. “When she gets here, we’ve gotta act normal.” He announced and everyone protested.
“She doesn’t know you’re a ninja?!” Peach’s voice came out on top.
“No, and I don’t plan on telling her today.” Cole said.
“Not telling someone you love you’re a ninja? That always ends well.” Cherry commented to which Kai frowned.
“Even if we all act normal, how’d you suppose we hide the prophecies engraved in the walls? The frames of all of us in our gi? The senseis? The monks? The weapons? My dragon?!” Peach asked to which the dragon himself growled from outside.
“Lloyd was right about not keeping a dragon that can’t disappear by the way.” Kai said.
“Apologise, he saved your life.” Peach said.
“I’m not apologising to a dragon!” Kai argued.
“Apologise!” Peach demanded.
“No!” Kai protested.
“Apologise or I’m not talking to you.” Peach said and Kai shrugged.
“Don’t then!” Peach crossed her arms and faced away. “You’re not serious.” He said but she ignored him.
“I’ll be back in half an hour.” Cole said and kissed Pearl’s cheek before leaving.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
“Thank you for letting me stay.” I said, turning go to both men as a battered truck, the one from the car park, parked itself outside.
“Anytime.” Chen said with a smile.
“Let us know if you need anything.” Reece said and I nodded before heading outside. I hadn’t seen him in years. Would he be mad? Upset? Annoyed that I even came here? I didn’t tell him, is that a problem?
Cole rushed out the truck and before I could even get a word out he pulled me into a tight hug, I returned it awkwardly before he looked me up and down.
“Have you grown or is it just me?” He asked to which I shrugged.
“I don’t think so.” He took my bag and smiled. I didn’t return it and just got in the car with him.
“I’ve uh- Pearl told me everything- Dad also rang me. She’s really sorry and he’s- he sounds good.” Cole said and I nodded.
“Are you?” I asked, he nodded.
“I was going to ask you that, are you serious about moving back in with Dad?” Cole asked and I shrugged.
“I can’t live alone anymore.” I admitted. “It’s getting worse.” I told him and he sighed.
“I’m sorry I can’t be closer.” He said and I nodded. But were you?
“Why… why can’t you?” I had to think about whether I wanted to know the answer.
“It’s… complicated. If that word even sums it up. My job is unconventional and- I’ll explain everything! -but it’s just hard to find the time to come back.” He said and I nodded.
“What is your job?” I asked as we stopped at a traffic light. He turned to look at me.
“To protect those who can’t protect themselves.” He told me and I paused. What the hell did that mean?
“What?” I asked and he laughed. “Are you a police officer?” I asked.
“No!” He laughed. “I’ll explain everything when we’re inside. The others have made it extremely clear that they won’t cover for me.” Cole said and I frowned.
“Cover what?” I asked.
“You’ll see.” He pulled into the abandoned parking lot where I had been the day before. When we got out he gestured for me to follow him into the forest.
A monastery. There was a monastery inside the forest. There were bald people outside doing chores. Monks. This place was massive. I followed Cole inside as the monks called him ‘master Cole’. It was an upgrade from McCole. Which was his nickname during his teenage years due to the fact he ordered McDonald’s almost everyday. He opened the door for me and let me walk beside him as we went down the long hallway. There were paintings on the wall and ceiling, massive paintings and it took seeing the painting of a gold figure fighting a black dragon with smoke coming off it to realise that they were paintings of the ninja and famous battles. They were murals not paintings. I looked down, not wanting to admit what might be happening here. We stopped at an archway. I looked up to see a small kitchen and then to the side and the bottom of the room was a massive living area with couches, a TV, a gaming console and many people. There was a couple on the couch, a brunette with very well styled hair and a very pretty girl whose own hair looked like it is being taken better care of than a newborn baby. There was another boy and girl on the couch although they were sat well apart with the ginger playing with a controller whilst the other girl, hair tied up high on her head as her bangs fell in front of her face, framing it perfectly. She wore a loose vest, showing off her sculpted arms and scattered tattoos. Mainly in the ancient language. That was hot. Reluctantly, I looked away from her to the two girls in the kitchen. One was eating a bowl of cereal whilst the other pulled out a tray of cookies from the other. The first girl had few scars lingering her bare arms and what looked to be a burn on her forearm and a scar on her exposed neck that looked like a bite mark. She might be a ninja. Somehow, her face remained untouched. The other girl slammed the tray down, making me jump and focus on her again. She was more dressed up than the others, well I think the girl with very nice hair was actually wearing a juicy tracksuit but she made it look like loungewear rather than an expensive tracksuit.
“How do you not burn them?!” The cookie girl complained.
“It’s only burnt on the corners.” The scarred girl said.
“You’d know all about being burnt.” The cookie girl insulted, the scarred girl hit her on the head lightly with her spoon. “Did you just get milk in my hair?!”
“I raised a dragon, what’s your excuse?” Scarred girl clapped back and Cole cleared his throat. Gaining everyone’s attention. Did she just say she raised a dragon?!
“This is Y/n, or Papita, as you may know her as.” I noticed how Cookie girl’s eyes hardened at Cole. The room went silent.
“Hi.” I said, awkwardly.
“Hey.” Scar girl said. Putting her bowl down and coming near me. “Nice to meet you.” She said.
“You too, what’s your name?” I asked. Was this Pearl? What would she do if she knew I called her scar girl in my head?!
“Everyone calls me Peach, nice to meet you Papita.” She said and I nodded.
“Y/n’s fine.” I said and she smiled.
“That’s Cherry, thats Pearl ,who you may know, and Snowdrops is around somewhere. She’s always around. You’ll catch on soon enough.” Peach winked but I didn’t catch on. Not yet at least. Was that not their actual names?
“So what’s your actual name?” I asked and she smiled, I heard Cole stifle his laugh.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” She said and walked away. The man with very good hair spoke up and I turned to them. Cherry was the one with really good hair. I knew good hair guy. I had met him before.
“Kai, if you don’t remember. Blabber mouth here is Jay and that’s Nya, my sister. Zane is around somewhere and Pixal is out right now. Lloyd should be home soon.” Kai filled me in and I nodded.
“Hi.” I said again, trying to avoid Nya’s eyes. She was staring hard at me. I turned to face Cole again who smiled.
“As you can tell, we all live together and work together. Lloyd’s the leader, Peach is his wife-“ I looked to Peach and watched as she disappeared in a pink, purple and peach haze that I had only seen on the news before and with the peach ninja. She appeared on the counter again, no bowl in hand this time. “-she’s special.” Cole said and glared, my own mouth hung in shock.
“Don’t be mad because I showed my party trick.” She said and Pearl smiled in amusement. It started to click. It shouldn’t have took a blonde man practically shoving past us clad in green to be my final push to realise everything. He stunk and had dried blood and mud on him and in his hair, the green clothing had been torn in places. He had a dual katana holster strapped to his back with actual katanas sheathed in. The walls looked like they were coming closer. He needed that many weapons for a reason? Was there a threat?
He apologised as he slid past, not noticing my impending panic. He dapped up Cole and leaned in to kiss Peach who didn’t look pleased after. She actually frowned in disgust.
“I’ve missed you too.” He said at her face.
“When was the last time you brushed your teeth?” She asked.
“I don’t want to talk about it- who’s this?!” He asked, pointing to me. Oh my god. This isn’t happening.
“Lloyd, meet Papita, my sister.” Cole said and Lloyd nodded.
“Nice to meet you, sorry I’m all dirty and everything. 3 week stake out.” Lloyd said like I was supposed to know what that meant. “Being a ninja is a lot less cleaner than you’d think.” He tried to joke but I’m pretty sure I had the thousand yard stare right now. Suddenly the green costume with katanas made sense. It wasn’t a costume. It was gi. A green gi.
“I can smell you from over here.” Cherry commented.
“You’re the green ninja?” I asked, well more stated.
“Who would’ve thought? Lloyd Garmadon.” Peach said and Lloyd rolled his eyes.
“You’re all ninja?!” I exclaimed. I looked back at Cole in alarm who looked away from me. Then I looked back at the others and Cherry looked at them all before breaking the silence.
“I’m not! But they all are.” She confirmed, she then hit Kai’s chest.
“Fire.” Kai raised his hand like it was an ice breaker game.
“Lightning.” Jay raised his hand next.
“I don’t need to say, do I?” Lloyd said, eating some multicoloured cereal with his bare hands out the box.
“Peach.” Peach and shrugged. Like it was obvious. I looked back to Cole.
“Earth.” He admitted, my eyes watered. What the hell was going on. Everyone looked towards Pearl.
“Pink. Who else would I be?” Pearl asked.
“Y/n, are you okay?” Cole asked. I felt ill. And my heart was racing. What the fuck was happening?
“Nya! You haven’t-“ Kai’s words distorted in my head as another person walked into the room. Well, what I thought was a person.
“Can someone please check my internal hatch, I believe there is something stuck in there I cannot see.” A tall, metal man said as he walked in the room and proceeded to open his stomach open like it was nothing. Only to reveal a bunch of wires and a few boxes that wires were coming in and out of. Safe to say, I passed out.
I am never leaving my house again.
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touchoflaughter · 3 months
how old were you and your cousins when you started having the infamous tickling battles? 🥺
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Hello everyone! Long time no see!
Since I received numerous messages (there are even more) about one of my Cousins, I decided to come back with a little Q&A!
First of all, I think it’s time do give him a name so y’all don’t have to refer to him as ‘MMA cousin’ 😂 for better understanding we’ll call him Aiden, alright?
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So i generated two pictures for y’all by describing us in much detail and I gotta say he actually looks almost exactly like that! While I look a little more linke the girl in the left, he resembles the guy in the right a little more. Aiden and I are almost the same age (actually 10 days difference), so we grew up like twins and many said we even looked like twins until the age of 13. When we were little, I didn’t like him that much because he always teased me (and also used his brothers for backup). That was his only form of communication until we were about 10 years old.
One day, all of a sudden, he came up to me from behind and tickled my sides in front of our whole family! I was so embarrassed that I ran away 🫠 and he came after me…
Oh well that day was the beginning of our Lee & Ler dynamics. He continued tickling me the whole day, chasing me around the house and I didn’t know what to do! I was in that age I started realizing my fixation on tickling is probably out of the norm and I was highly afraid anyone would notice. And then he came around and just made no freaking secret of his own liking for it! I was in shock 😂
When he continued tickling me every time we saw each other, I started realizing it’s his new way of teasing and it was almost adorable how much he loved making people laugh. Tbf when we were little, he was always the victim of tickle attacks since he was the youngest out of his siblings. He got humbled right before my eyes about a hundred times and I never came to help him (because I was afraid myself, ok?). When we were ten, he finally started striking back and seemed to develop a taste for the powerful position.
As you can see in the pictures, he’s a big, tough guy and he started getting big in the tender age of 13. We both got into Martial Arts and Powerlifting at the same time what welded us together but he made muuuch more progress (at least in the Gym) in a short time. He became bigger and bigger and I tried to keep up through technique. But since He learned almost the same stuff it was impossible to be a match for him. We loved to play fight and show each other tricks we’ve learned but when we turned 14 I knew I’d only win with a good portion of luck and on our 15th birthday I knew, I wouldn’t win at all. Never again. He’s one of the very few people I can’t overpower fighting so I stand no freaking chance when it comes to tickling.
We’re now both 22 (to the Anon who asked that question) and I definitely had the most influential and intense tickle experiences with him. Since we fought all the time (for fun though) it often lead to tickling. When we grew older, he insisted in a fair win but as soon as he had me in a chokehold, leg lock, armbar or whatever, he started tickling ruthlessly. I had no chance, no way to escape. Sometimes our showdowns got a little too wild and our moms were really mad about the injuries we suffered. But we had our fun, believe it or not 😂
Oh well, I realized I still didn’t answer most of the questions… alright let’s get into that:
1. Here’s the irl-story the Anon is referring to. I don’t exactly know how long it went on. I get the feeling it always seems to be longer than it actually is, cause it’s torture ya know? Probably two minutes or so. And he definitely does both. When he has me in a good headlock or another position I can’t move, he love’s to go for the light scribbles, pokes and little squeezes. He loves to tease and enjoy my helplessness. In all other scenarios he has to tickle more rough cause I’m fighting back with all I got. But I couldn’t say who ich one is worse. Both are!
2. I’d say every time Aiden had me captured with no one around was pretty intense. Sometimes I was actually pretty afraid of him, cause he often goes overboard when we are alone. Somehow he pulls himself together when we have an audience. But I remember one time, we were about 16 years old, we had a sit-in with our cousins and some friends, when he and one of our cousins sat on each of my arms and tickle my upper body without any mercy in front of all these people! That one was even worse than the merciless attacks in private. What made it even more unbearable, was that the other cousins gf was watching us as well. Ugh I was so ashamed! Her face said it all: She hated seeing her boyfriend having the time of his life by tickling the shit out of his female cousin.
3. Yeah I have a pretty entertaining story in mind but I guess that go beyond the scope completely. I’ll write another irl-story about it soon!
Hope you liked the little story time! See you soon! 🌞
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crescentcampbell · 4 months
Wouldn't You Like to Know, Ch. 14
AO3 link here and Wattpad here. Fourteen
Colin hadn’t really planned on kissing Penelope in the elevator. But she was wearing that pastel blue dress that showed off her curves, she smelled of perfume, and he hadn’t been able to stop himself. His whole family seeing them kiss was a happy accident that he planned to use to his advantage even though Penelope kept looking at him like he she wanted to murder him. Meanwhile, Benedict had walked over to him and whispered, “Was that planned? Mom will be sending out wedding invitations before Christmas.”
Colin smirked. “Kissing her? Yes. Her hitting the elevator door button to open it so the whole family would see? No.”
Benedict chuckled. “Better you than me.”
They went into the family room. Hyacinth and Gregory were away at school, so they wouldn’t be there. “Where’s Anthony and Kate?” Colin asked.
“They’re running late,” said Violet, “so they said we could start without them.”
“Where’s Francesca?” Penelope asked.
“In Scotland,” Violet said, “she’s been studying abroad there. She keeps on joking she’s never coming home.” Violet laughed in a way that Colin knew she was in denial, but he shook his head. Francesca had always complained about how loud home was because there were too many of them. Simone and Daphne are still in London, but they’ll be coming for Christmas. Penelope, will you be here for Christmas?”
Colin glanced at the redhead, who was blushing almost as red as her hair. “Uh….I just got here,” said Penelope, “and I’m not sure what my Christmas plans are.”
Colin smirked. “Count Pen in, Mom.”
Penelope looked at him like he’d lost it. “Colin---I uh, I have a family of my own, you know, and I don’t know how long…”
He reached underneath the table and squeezed her thigh. He had brought her to Sunday dinner because he knew that once Violet had the idea in her head that he was dating Penelope, she would stop at nothing to make it happen. Penelope had always been her favorite of the Featherington’s, and the favorite of her children’s friends. Violet had always reminded his brothers to dance with Pen when they were at school, or a party, so she wasn’t such an outcast. He often thought his mother saw something of herself in Penelope, and that was why she liked her so much.
After Violet was in on the relationship, he could work on bringing Penelope around to actually dating him for real. But he had to get her to admit to being Lulu Rochester first. He didn’t want there being any secrets between them.
He also wished he could be rid of his family, and be alone with Penelope. She looked so hot and sweet in that dress, he wanted to tear it off her. “We’re here!” his brother’s fiancé, Kate Sharma, called cheerfully.
She came in with Anthony, holding hands.
Colin eyed the two of them. The last he had seen them together; they’d been bickering at a corporate anniversary party for the magazine his father used to own. When he first met Kate, he had thought her domineering, and didn’t see how she would manage to work alongside his brother. But once they both admitted their feelings for each other, the work became a lot smoother.
Kate was all smiles, and his usually hardened, arrogant brother had at least some now, compared to when he had none.
“Sorry we’re late, Mom.” Anthony walked over to where Violet sat at the head of the table and kissed her on the cheek. “We had a few things we needed to get done at the office.” Anthony’s gaze landed on Penelope then.
“Penny!” he smiled when he saw her. “I didn’t think you’d ever come back here. Did you and Eloise finally make up?”
Eloise rolled her eyes. “No, I’m not the sibling she’s here with.”
Benedict chuckled. “No one’s made up, but she has been making out with Colin.”
Colin grinned.
Penelope through a spoon at Benedict’s head and he narrowly dodged it.
“Hey!” he shouted. “That was unnecessary.”
“Funny, because it felt necessary,” Penelope hissed.
Colin winked at Pen. “Good to be back, isn’t it?”
“Wait, you and Penny are dating, Colin?” Anthony said.
Penelope groaned and sank down in her chair, covering her face in her hands. Even Eloise laughed a little at this, but Pen, he noted, did not throw a spoon at Eloise.
Colin chuckled. “Absofuckinglutely.”
Anthony walked over and patted him on the shoulder. “Good on you, brother. It’s about time you two finally got together. You two had that crush on each other for ages.”
The room fell silent then, and Penelope was suddenly not sliding down in her chair. She glared at Colin. “I’m sorry, CRUSH?”
It was now Colin who wanted to throw a spoon at his brother, only Anthony instead of Benedict. He winced. “Listen, Pen, I think we should discuss this---”
“No!” she said. “What’s he talking about? What crush, Colin Bridgerton? Because you always told me that you didn’t like me like that and that we were better off as friends. Were you lying to me this whole time?”
“Pen I---”
She got up from her seat and stormed off. So much for a nice, fucking family dinner. He got up and ran after her. “No!” she turned and shouted at him. “I fooled myself into thinking that I could do this, but you----you always find a way to make me feel small somehow.”
She pressed the elevator door.
“Pen, come on. You can’t leave.”
“Can’t I?” she said. “It’s not high school anymore. I definitely can.”
The door to the elevator opened. She stepped through. Maybe she was right. Maybe there was too much history between them, and bringing her to the house was a mistake. But she didn’t know everything about him and Marina. And he might have read her story, but he hadn’t told her his.
The elevator door closed and Colin stared back at his family.
“Did I say something wrong?” Anthony said.
“Fuck, Anthony,” Colin hissed, “I never told her I liked her in high school. I lied about it because of the movies I was doing with Marina.”
Benedict coughed. “Don’t stand here arguing with our idiot brother, Colin. Go after her. Obviously.”
Colin sighed. “You are all a pain in the ass.” He didn’t take the elevator. He took the stairs instead and he ran all the way to the bottom floor, somehow managing to get there exactly right as the door opened.
Only it wasn’t Penelope that came out. It was Portia Featherington. Penelope’s mother. “Fuck.” 
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nescaveckwriter · 9 months
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Paintbrushes And Romance 🥰🐞 - Part 14
Dean x Fem/Reader
Part 14🥰🐞
A/N: This might be triggering for people suffering from PTSD!💓 Side Note: thank you all so much for the support. Much love, my bugsies 🥰🐞
Warnings: hospital scenes, trigger warnings, sadness, violence, swearing, PTSD triggers, suicidal tendencies, drug use,🥹
The tear stained note, was short, when Cas read it, "Sorry Mom, I need some space, will call I promise, Love you" , shaking his head in disbelief.
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In a soft low voice, Cas told Dean he could enter the house.
The broken ceramic pieces still scattered all over the open plan kitchen, Dean searching for her, the look in his eyes took Cas by surprise, it was filled with hurt, fear, sadness and guilt. He just handed Dean the note, he expected his best friend to have one if his outbursts of anger, but instead, all Dean did was crumble up the note, looked at him with bloodshot eyes, saying, I've lost her again Cas, his voice was low, barely audible but shaking.
Of course he tried explaining to best of his knowledge, that she didn't really mean to say all those things, it was merely because she was suffering from depression and the trauma but of course his friend didn't really believe a single word he spoke.
Eversince that day, he would check on Dean occasionally, finding out how he has been doing, he'll always get the same answer, just fine, never been better.
One night about 2 months since she left, he went by Dean's house, he just had a feeling he should check on him, walking up to the door, he could see the image of the once strong man, sitting at the table, bottle of whiskey, nearly finished, what looked like photos scattered out in front of him, the chain with the diamond ring in his one hand, but what really scared him was the gun in Dean's right hand, he didn't knock, he just barched in, making Dean look up from where he sat.
Not a single word was uttered at that moment, He just took the weapon out of Dean's grip, tossed it to the side away from them, begging him to talk to him. The only words that ran over his whiskey lips, was that he was tired, he misses her, and he tried searching for her, but she withdrew all her money at a gas station two towns over, and well as for her phone, she threw it in the closest trash can, she only called back home about three times from a damn payphone, Caroline said when they spoke her words seemed few and sort of slurred. I reviewed the cameras man, you should've seen her, his eyes filled with sadness, the body he came to know like the back of his hand was now only skin and bones, she seemed high Cas! Like she's using, she's doing drugs because of me.
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Dean stood up, running his hands over his face. I did this Cas. If only I caught the bastard sooner. That night was the breaking point for Dean, and if he didn't show up, Sam would've lost a brother and their parents a son.
He explained to Dean that what very few people knew, is that its not just the trauma victim, but their loved ones that also get affected by it. He didn't leave his sight that night, promising Dean that he is there for him every step of the way and that they will get through this.
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Its been almost a year now, and Dean has gotten better, he has healthier coping mechanisms for the dark days, and when those doesn't seem to work like it should, he throws himself into work, and taking care of Bobby, making sure he gets to physical therapy. Of course every know and then he sees Dean subconsciously play with the chain around his neck, still keeping his eyes and ears open for a clue of where she might be, hoping she'll just show up one day, and say she's sorry, and he knows for a fact Dean will take her back in a heartbeat. He knows that it isn't either of their faults that this messed them up so badly but, it still breaks his heart that all of this happened to two of the most generous, loving people he knows.
Its been three months since she left, the images replaying over and over. What am I even searching for, what was even the real reason why I left, fumbling in her handbag for some of the painkillers she bought by some sketchy looking dude at the corner, the only way of making the images of every damn thing disappear is by getting high, is it wrong? Hell yeah I know it is wrong. But really do I even care anymore.
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More coffee comes a deep voice, looking up you can tell the man had gone through hardships in life but the smile on his face met his eyes. Yeah, thanks you said, your voice doesn't sound the same anymore, its gotten slower and well it sounded like you had given up on life. He just nodded and refilled your cup. Something to eat, the voice came out a little sweeter than before.
No thanks, you didn't really felt like eating, everything made you nauseous. How did I get to this point, a junkie who can't wait for her next fix, who's living out of her car, driving from one town to the next. Maybe it was a wrong decision to drive off that day, thinking back to the first time you felt high, you were about to towns over, tired off driving and crying, and in all honesty the pain in your leg was driving you crazy, busy searching through your bag, seeing the antidepressants and opioids the doctor and your psychologist gave you, with clear instructions on how to take them, you just took some, washing it down with an energy drink you bought at the fill up station. And that combination felt amazing.
For the first time the images in your mind weren't so scary, and you felt good, real good. Early morning came and the effects wore off, you made a promise to yourself that you won't do again. After you freshened up you might've took some more, for the pain of course, just saying that to make yourself feel better, that day was also the last time you spoke to your mom, just stating your okay and she shouldn't worry and you loved her. You could tell she was concerned and crying on the end of the line. But there was nothing you could say to make her feel better. If there was you would've tried it yourself. You just hang up the payphone, throwing your cellphone in a trashcan close by, you knew Dean had the resources to trace your phone, and you weren't ready to be found.
Over these past few weeks the using got more, wanting to feel the effects for longer, you started popping pills more than once a day, and before you knew it, the pill bottles were empty, and it ain't exactly over the counter drugs, so you drove around searching for someone who sold them, at first you were scared but know your just desperate. Taking any pills you can get that will do the trick.
The guy who sold this last batch to you, told you to take one, and it will make you feel good, and at first you did, but that didn't just quite cut it, so you took another two, swallowing it down with your black coffee.
After a while you started to feel Nauseous, walking as fast as you can to the bathroom, not really seeing how the man from the diner that refilled your coffee were watching you, after closing the door behind you, you could tell something wasn't right, everything started to look it was swimming before your eyes, you felt like you were burning up, sweat coming from your forehead, your legs felt weak and just gave in underneath you, you felt your head hitting against the basin and then the floor, your body started to shake violently and then it all went dark...
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Summary: Months have passed since the training camp, now entering October, successfully passing the preliminaries. The Spring Interhigh was about to happen, however a call from the All-Japan Youth training shakes the Nekoma team, an unexpected invite to join.
Kenma x reader; Haikyuu x reader
Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14
From the beginning
In these past months the guys have practiced a lot, with a lot of practice matches between different schools. It's the 26th of October. Today is the Spring High preliminary, which will decide which schools will go to Nationals. Since Tokyo was the host of the Spring High, they have 3 spots available to represent the city, you just have to be one of them. This was the last chance for your third years to make it, so everyone was a little worried.
You are now in the gymnasium, waiting for the female volleyball teams to finish. You were standing near the team watching the most recent match of one of the schools when you heard a loud voice behind.
“HEY, HEY, HEY! Chibi-chan!” Bokuto back-hugs you while pressing his cheek on the top of your head, causing a lot of people to look in your direction “It's been way too long! Let me buy you some food later!”
“Thank you, Bokuto-san” you chuckle while patting his head “are you guys ready?”
“Of course we are, we will beat you guys” says playfully while moving you side to side
“Oh, I want to see you try, you owl, my cats got better”
“I know, but I will still beat you. Don’t worry, you still can make it to the Nationals. And if not…I will avenge your third years!”
“That’s not the most encouraging thing to say Bokuto-san” says Akaashi arriving “but we will win against you Yn-chan”
“Akaashi! You too!?”
“Sorry, but Bokuto-san has bee-”
“Sakusa-kun! Komori-kun! Hii!” screams Bokuto interrupting Akaashi
“he has been in a really good mood lately” continues Akaashi
“I noticed, he seems even more confident than normal. Hi Komori-kun, Sakusa-kun” you smile at the boys
“Yn-chan hi! Akaashi-kun, Bokuto-san how are you” says Komori arriving, followed by Sakusa who just nods “what were you talking about?”
“About the game, we have a match against chibi-chan!” says Bokuto excited
“Were you analyzing their plays too?” Komori chuckles
“Nah, I already know how they play. I was watching Nohebi’s match just in case”
“Be careful with them, they’re cunning” Sakusa adds, looking around uncomfortable, there were a lot of eyes on you, after all Bokuto and Sakusa were really respected here “don’t be too nice to them or trust them too much”
“Are they that bad?”
“Yeah, although I’m sure you can handle them. Good luck today” he hesitantly pats your head before leaving, making Komori surprised
“He never touches someone unless there’s no option” whispers amazed “anyways, good luck guys!”
“We have to go too, let’s have a good game” says Akaashi
“See you guys”
“Chibi-chan, I’ll buy you food later!”
“Sure Bokuto-san, I can’t wait to see you play. My brother and mom came too, by the way”
“My little fan came to see me! HEY, HEY, HEY!”
With that you go back to your cats, passing by a bearded man in a suit, who looks at you interested while whispering something to another one. Although he looks like a normal dude, you can’t help but feel creep out by the interaction, so you move fast to where the team is, seeing Kuroo and Yamamoto talking to someone while the rest of the team is behind
“What is happening?” You asked Kenma and Kai, who were at the back “And where is Lev?”
“Nohebi High and their antics, Lev went to the bathroom” answers Kai
“…After all, you’re only good at defense” you were able to hear as you get close. Out of nowhere Lev appears behind the dude, saying that Nekoma is different this year only to be scolded by Yaku
“Yeah sure, how different things can be? Being tall doesn’t mean shit”
“Daisho, do you have no-”
“What is happening Tetsu?” you move to look at him, while you knew that the team wouldn’t start a physical fight, it was better to avoid any confrontation
“Ehh…nothing chibi-chan, don’t worry” says moving in front of you
“Aaww you got your cute little manager protecting you” says the captain of the team, looking at you up and down “look hot stuff, I understand if the cats don’t…pleasure you enough, that’s why you go to the Fukurodani and Itachiyama boys. You can always come to us; we can always pleasure you in ways that the kitties here wouldn’t be able to”
“Let’s go” you roll your eyes taking both of their arms
“Yeah, yeah, you probably want to suck their di-ouch!” you punch him before he could finish his sentence, surprising him by the sudden move
“Don’t call me a slut ever again. Leave” you say angry
“You’re crazy” the dude caress his cheek, redness appearing before walking away, leaving with the rest of the team following behind. You feel a pair of arms through your waist, slowly pulling you back.
“Relax chibi-chan, it’s me. How come you’re scarier than me?” says Kuroo pulling you towards the team
“Because you’re not scary”
“I will say you look more like an idiot than intimidating” says Yaku, earning a glare from Kuroo and a chuckle from you “Thank you for defending us chibi-chan”
“Yeah, and don’t believe them, you’re not a slut” Yamamoto adds
“I know Tora, I’ve been call like that before. Anyways, let’s go to the gym, the match is about to start” you push them slightly towards the entrance, for some reason the words of the Nohebi captain still ring on your head. Kenma comes to you and grabs your hand, squishing it in the process with worried eyes, you just smile back at him in an attempt to not worry him; you can see that he doesn’t believe it, but let it go
“Are you nervous Kuro?” he asks when you arrive besides the tall boy
“Of course I am, did you see who are we playing against?” says Kuroo right when cheers start sounding, Bokuto entering the arena throwing his jacket in the air. At the same time the cheers from your side start to go louder.
The game begins with Fukurodani serving, Yaku easily receiving it and sending the ball to Kenma. He sets it to Kuroo who scores past a single blocker. After receiving the serve of Yamamoto, Bokuto marks a poitnt despite the blockers being there, sending it into the stands. As Bokuto is praised by the Fukurōdani cheer section, you applaud him, surprised by the strength.
As the game progresses, Bokuto is able to score several points though Yaku is able to move in time to catch a cross-shot. When Nekoma’s spike is received, Bokuto does a line shot, and while Kenma moves into the right spot, he is unable to receive it due to the force.
“Bokuto-san is playing incredibly good, I see why Akaashi told me he’s in a good mood” you say in the time-out
“Yeah, both Bokuto-san and Yaku-san are in top condition today”
“I can see his spikes clearly”
“Did you notice the line shots of Bokuto-san?” asks you Kenma
“Yeah, he hasn’t failed a single one yet. He truly seems to be doing extra good on those”
“Yeah, and he knows that Yaku-san is waiting for the cross-shots”
“Should we start blocking the straight shots then?” Kuroo asks
“I’m pretty sure that Akaashi told me something about Bokuto being too good at something, he kinda just use it unconsciously”
“Then let’s wait until he gets more comfortable with line shots, then we change”
The game continues Bokuto spiking one more time, however Kuroo successfully blocks him by changing places with Kenma. You see Kenma tell the team something, probably to start blocking the straight shots now. The game continues and Bokuto is about to spike, however he does not have anywhere to send a shot, so he sends a line shot over Kenma but it’s out.
Kenma sets for Lev in the next rally, but Lev nearly misses and barely gets the ball over. Fukurodani are able to save it but the ball goes directly over the net, making Lev jump and attempt to spike, however, he completely misses.
Coach Nekomata calls for a time-out, so you go to Lev to talk to him after passing the bottles
“Lev! You’re not doing good today. Relax”
“I know! But I genuinely thought I could hit it”
“Lev” Kenma arrives with an annoyed face “you get scared and try too hard all at the same time, at least look at the ball, don’t lower your elbows, you need to prioritize height over speed”
“Kenma-san, don’t say it so fast! Yn-chan tell him!”
“You deserve it, Lev”
“I have told you all of this before” says Kenma with a face that makes Lev shake “You are nowhere near good as Shoyo” taking your hand, he pulls you away from Lev, who does an offended noise “Lev tires me more than the game” he lays his head on your shoulder
“I’m sure he’s nervous, first official match with the pressure of being the last opportunity for the guys. It can be a lot”
“I guess”
“You’re doing good, c’mon you can do this” you brush his hair out of his face before he has to come back
The game continues after that conversation, Lev goes to spike, jumping higher than before, however Konoha is able to chase the ball and send it back, landing it right in the corner. In the next rally, Lev lands a powerful spike, his height helping him a lot, however Fukurodani still manages to get the set.
You change sides, the coach giving them a little speech before the game continues, both teams refusing to let go while your cats build their defense. After being blocked by Lev and Kai, you noticed that Bokuto was looking sad, probably one of his emo modes appearing, making the team ask for a time-out.
The last rally starts again, Akaashi fooling Lev and setting it to Bokuto. As Bokuto jumps you can clearly see his big smile while making an extremely powerful cross-shot, giving them the win
“Seeing Bokuto-san play is always amazing to watch” you say to Kuroo and Kenma when they come by, looking at Bokuto who is celebrating with your brother and mom.
“I can’t deny that” Kuroo adds while you go out the gym
“Have you seen Lev? I don’t see him”
“I’ll go look for him, you two go and eat something” Kuroo walks away, while you and Kenma go to where the bags are to not be around so many people.
“You still thinking about it, aren’t you?” asks Kenma
“Huh? About what?”
“You’ve been quieter since Nohebi appeared” he explains taking your hand “it’s not true, you know that”
“I know, it’s just made me wonder if people tend to think that about me…I mean, most of my friends are men, and my interactions with them aren’t particularly normal”
“Come here” he pulls you to his chest, hugging you “who cares what they think about you? It’s not your fault that they don’t have friends that love them”
“Not you saying that, you hypocrite” you chuckle “but thank you”
“I don’t like seeing you all down” he hugs you tighter; both of your phones ring with a message, you look at it seeing a message from Hinata ‘We won! We’re going to the nationals!’ “he told you too?”
“Yeah” you write back a congratulation towards Hinata “he told me when they won against Seijoh too, and a little later Oikawa-san and Iwa-san told me that they lost, I didn’t know how to feel”
“Oh yeah, you’re friends with them too”
“Yeah…let’s go, the game is about to start” you stand up, dragging Kenma to where the team are, getting ready to play
“Alright Nekoma, let’s win this!” says Kuroo
You enter to the gym once again, Nekoma now facing Nohebi Academy for the last spot for the Nationals. You see Kuroo talking to the captain, annoyance in his face
“We know this already, but they’re tricky players…”
“They seem to use a lot of feints too, be careful”
“Well, if they score 5 points we just need to score 10” says Yaku, making the team say how cool he looked.
The game begins with Kenma’s serve, when Lev and Kai try to block, Nohebi attempts a feint shot, Yamamoto receives it quite messily, leading Nohebi to do a direct spike and score. When they go to serve, you were able to hear the players say something, some looking at Lev, some shifting their eyes to where you are, making your team clearly annoyed. As Nohebi spikes, you see that Yamamoto moves too far getting hit directly on his head. Since you were the manager, you were allowed to go in the court and make sure he’s okay
“Tora, you okay” you ask while putting the icepack on his head, the rest of the team coming close
“Yes, I’m fine, I thought he would do another feint but I was wr-” he stops looking behind you, the other team bowing as an apology
“That’s a fake apology if I ever seen one” you mutter helping Yamamoto up and taking him to the bench with Inuoka, since the coach ask for a time-out
“Have they always been like this?” asks Lev
“The captain recently started to act as a Goody Two shoes, it gains admiration from the referees and the crowd”
“But you can basically read FAKE on top of them, how nobody notices?”
“I don’t know, but I never thought they would stop so low. I know that they want to make us angry, but they don’t have to use you for that” Yamamoto looks at you sad
“It’s alright Tora, don’t fall for those”
The game continues with both sides scoring until eventually Yamamoto tries to save the ball, but it heads toward the crowd, Yaku rushing to successfully send it back to Nohebi. You noticed that Yaku was grabbing his leg after saving it, so you go to where he is to help him.
“Yaku-san! Here let me help you”
“He landed on someone’s foot” explains Shibayama to the team while you go back, Yamamoto coming to help.
“I’m sorry sir” says Yaku trying to go back to the court, but falling due the pain
“Yaku-san don’t move, you’re going to hurt yourself more” you tell him
“Shibayama, go to warm up, you’re up now” says coach Nekomata
“I’m sorry guys”
“We always cause you problems, Yaku, it’s not going to hurt anyone if you see us win from the bench” says Kuroo
“Don’t worry, it’s just a break before we go to the Nationals. Go with chibi-chan so she can help you” adds Kai
“And I have been so careful this year” Yaku sighs while you walk to the bench with him
“Yaku-san, these things happen, they are out of your control” you help him sit, putting his leg on top of yours to put some bandages “you just need to take care of it now so it doesn’t get worse. Besides, Nekoma is known as defense specialist, not just you. They’ll be fine”
“I know” he looks at his ankle “thank you chibi-chan...You sometimes act like a mom, you know?”
“It’s a compliment”
Kenma serves, but Nohebi digs it aiming for Shibayama, who fails to receive because of his nerves. Coach Nekomata decides to call for a time-out, so you pass them their bottles, feeling the tension rise up
“Shibayama, relax. You are really good, I’m sure you can do it” you say to the first year
“Thank you, Yn-san”
“I’m going back to help Yaku-san, relax we’ll be fine”
“Yeah, I think so too” says Kenma, who begins to explain something while you go back to help Yaku
And true to his words, Nekoma ends up winning the first set, Shibayama being able to relax and dig the ball, and with an amazing back row attack by Kuroo. Halfway through the second set, Nekoma has a two-point lead. When Fukunaga spikes, he hits it towards the back, a spike that he never fails, however two of the Nohebi team dives to receive it in a really weird position, making the referees give them the point since it was supposedly out
“But that was in” you say to yourself however the coach and other people around seem to hear
“How are you so sure about that?” says a voice behind you , making you turn around to see the bearded man in suit from before. You look at coach Nekomata, who gives you a little nod, confirming that it was safe to talk to him
“Ehh…well Fukunaga, the number 6, has never fail those shots…also the back of the divers was a little higher than what normal dives look like, it would have been impossible to dig it like that”
“Ha! I agree with you, it did seem like the ball went in, however this is a high school match, is not serious enough to have a bunch of cameras to prove your point”
“I know”
“You seem to know your team really well, you pay a lot of attention to the match and you seem to be able to analyze the plays and help your team with information, have you consider being a coac-”
“Chibi-chan! Can you help me?” calls you Kuroo coming to you. You immediately shift your attention towards him, seeing blood on his hand
“What happened to you?” you ask taking the bandages and some alcohol
“I couldn’t receive it properly, but it’s nothing, don’t worry too much…Who were you talking to-Aagh!”
“It’s nothing, huh?” You raise your eyebrow playfully, putting the bandage on his finger “and I have no clue, seems important though. Better?”
“Yeah, thank you” says passing an arm through your shoulder while waiting for his turn “is it me or Lev looks more concentrated than before?”
“He is” you notice when Lev spikes the ball, Nohebi saving it just in time. However when they are about to spike, Lev aura seem to totally change, an intensity that you have never seen before from him, making the ball go directly to Shibayama and helping Yamamoto to mark the last point for Nekoma, making them the winners
“WE WON!” screams Kuroo, pulling you and Yaku into a tight hug. While some of the team comes to Yaku, who’s crying from happiness, you go to where Kenma is, looking at Lev and Shibayama celebrate
“You won” you hug him tightly despite the sweat, surprising him by the sudden hug “We’re going to the Nationals!”
“Yeah, we are” he passes his arms through your waist, pulling you as close. You take his face and smile at him before giving him a kiss, until you realize that you still were in front of people.
“Sorry, I wa-”
“If that’s my price for winning I might try a little harder to win” he nuzzles his head in the crock of your neck
“We are literally dating Ken, we can kiss every time we want” you chuckle
“But you still are my favorite reward”
“Aww young love” Kuroo arrives to your side “we should go out now though”
“Yeah, let me go and grab the bag”
“I’ll go with you” says Kenma
“Are you going to text Shoyo after?” you ask, receiving a nod from Kenma “Ok, I’ll tell my foxes about it too” you sit on the floor to put all the bottles and towels on the bag. Out of nowhere a paper bag appears in front of you, seeing a yellow and green jacket.
“Take it, some meat buns” says Sakusa when you look up
“T-thank you Sakusa-kun, but why?”
“Well…ehh…” while hard to see, you still could notice a faint blush behind his mask
“There are rumors about what happened with you and the captain of Nohebi” Komori answers instead “and what he said about you…”
“I told you to be careful with them. Congrats on winning” with that Sakusa leaves, not before patting your head one more time
“You’re nice, so don’t believe any of those things they told you, we appreciate your friendship a lot. Sakusa too, he seems to like you a lot” says Komori
“Thank you Komori-kun”
“See you in the Nationals!” says before leaving.
After eating with the guys and talking with Fukurodani, you get into the bus ready to go to the school to finally arrive home. All of the guys are exhausted after 2 long games, so they start falling asleep quickly, Kenma leaning on your shoulder. Once you arrive at the school the coach gives a little speech and lets you go, everyone leaving immediately to finally rest. When you arrive at your houses, Kenma instinctively moves you to his house so you go to sleep there, falling asleep on your chest while hugging you tightly.
You are a week away from entering December, the cold air getting even colder than before. Ever since they won in the preliminars the team has gain a lot of attention, gaining new fans. Occasionally there was a brave girl who comes up to the boys, normally Kuroo, Yaku, Lev and even Kenma, giving them a letter or some snack, leaving the boys in awkward situations; for some reason nobody seem particularly interested in a relationship. Luckily, all of the girls were really nice and respectful, nothing compared to Atsumu’s.
“So you’re telling me that having tons of girls confessing to Kenma doesn’t make you jealous at all?” asks you Kuroo one day on your way home
“Nope, it just frustrating that only now people start to notice how amazing he is”
“Well, I never wanted attention from anyone until I met you” says Kenma looking up from his phone “it’s annoying, and I hate it, but at least I get free food that I can share with you”
“Excuse me while I go to vomit” Kuroo smile at you “at least say that you will share with me too, I’m your best friend”
“And Yn is my girlfriend, so it’s only for us. Deal with it”
Today’s Friday afternoon, you were in the gym with the boys practicing while you were taking care of them and helping them with some things, since the coaches had an important call to answer. You were helping Lev with some receives alongside Kuroo when the coach enters and call you to a meeting.
“Everyone here? Yes? Okay, I have some…surprising news”
“What is it coach?”
“Have all of you heard about the All-Japan Youth training camp” says mostly looking at you, making you nod while drinking some water.
“Yes, why? One of us was invited? That hasn’t happened before” asks Kuroo confused
“Well, you could say so…They want to invite you, Yn-chan”
“ME?!” you say surprised, alongside the rest of the team
“Yeah, I was surprised too. Do you remember the man that talk to you on the match against Nohebi? When you said that Fukunaga’s point was in?”
“He is the coach for the Japan’s men’s Olympic volleyball team, Fuki Hibarida. He was there to look for candidates for the training camp. This year he decided to do an exception and invite you to see your capabilities at coaching; apparently, he has noticed you helping Inarizaki before and now Nekoma”
“Coaching…why that?”
“According to the call I had, he sees potential in you for that, not only your analysis of games, but how you connect with everyone in your team. He wants to train you” he says before giving you a paper with the information “It starts on Monday, so if you decide to go, you will be excepted from classes for a whole week while you there”
“It will be a good experience chibi-chan, none of us have go before, you’re really good after all” Yaku says
“While I don’t want to pressure you, don’t let this opportunity go to waste” Kuroo squish your cheek “don’t worry about our practices either, I’m sure we can survive without you for a week”
“…Sure, why not? It can’t be that bad”
“Good, let me call back then, I will give you all the information after. Keep practicing”
With that the coaches leave, the boys erupting in excited screams right after he closes the door. Kuroo lifted you by your armpits, causing you to swear at him; Yamamoto and Yaku were crying; the first years were running around. The only normal ones were Kai, who just laughed at the chaos, and Kenma, who had a little smile.
“Our chibi-chan got invited to a super exclusive camp!!” screams Yamamoto
“I knoow” Yaku wipes a tear
“I’m jealous of you chibi-chan, I always wanted to go there” Kuroo puts you down “literally the best out of the best are there”
“That doesn’t mean anything”
“Do you realize that the coach of the OLYMPIC TEAM just said you could be a great coach? You and your charms can definitely end up being a coach of a professional team” he pinches your cheeks again, making you roll your eyes.
“Yeah, yeah whatever. You should go and practice before the coach comes back though. Go, go, go”
“Yn-san, we will not lose. We will practice so hard to be as good as the training camp players” says Inuoka with Shibayama and Lev behind before going to practice all fire up.
“I can definitely see you as a coach” Kenma gives you a quick kiss “you’re smart, and everyone you meet likes you and values your opinion, you will be good”
“Thank you, love”
On Monday morning you go with the guys to the station like normal, but instead of going to school you have to go to Ajinomoto National Training Center, which luckily was quite close.
“Is the next station, right Chibi?”
“Yep, it’s pretty close to school”
“You can’t go back home? You’re like 5 stations away” asks Kenma this time
“They told me I could since I live so close, but they’re going to practice until late, and for safety reasons they rather for me to stay in the dorm”
“Aren’t you like, the only girl going? Would it really be safe?” says Kuroo
“I have my own room and bathroom, away from where the boys are. Plus, Tsumu’s going too, I’ll be fine”
“Did you tell him?”
“That wouldn’t be fun. Anyways, I need to go down. Tetsu, you’re in charge of my duties until I come back. Ken” you take his face with your hands and kiss him “see you in a week”
“See you” he blush at the sudden display of affection, yet a little smile was creeping in while you go down the train, hearing Kuroo laugh.
The coach wanted to present you to the boys right after the introductions, but before going to the actual gym, you got told to leave your things in your dorm, a nice room next to the bathroom. Once you leave your things you went to the gym, hearing the end of the coach speech
“…What truly matters is not 'what you are blessed with', but rather 'what you're able to draw out'” the person who guides you goes to tell him something, so he adds “Finally, for the ones that have already been here, we have a new change that can help you achieve this. This year I’ve decided to have someone who is going to practice as an assistant coach, I have seen her with some of her teams and I’m sure that she can be an excellent coach in the near future. Can you come here Yn-chan?” says while the guide push you slightly next to the coach
“Hello, I’m Yn, nice to meet you” you bow. Once you stand up, not only you can see Atsumu with widen eyes, shaking while holding back his urge to come to you; but you also can see Kageyama, Sakusa, Komori and Eikichi Chigaya, from Shinzen Academy, all with surprised expressions.
“For the ones who don’t know her, she’s currently Nekoma’s High volleyball manager. From what I have notice, she’s able to catch the plays of other teams incredibly fast and with a lot of precision, I also heard that she gives good feedback to her team. Now I will let you get to know each other before we start”
With that the coaches move a few steps behind, leaving you all to interact with each other. You see some confusion in some eyes, confused as to why a girl was suddenly there
“Chibi-chan!” you see Atsumu running to you, crushing you into a hug
“Tsumu!” you pass your arms through his neck while he passes his through your waist, spinning you around
“How dare ya to not tell me ya were coming! I thought we were friends!” whines after putting you down
“And lose the opportunity to see your face? Hell nah”
“Am I just yer source of entertainment?”
“Yeah, why do you think I've dealt with your shit everyday?” your words made him pout
“Ye’re mean chibi-chan, and here I was sad that I couldn’t see ya despite how close ya were, just for ya to hurt me like this. My poor heart” says dramatically, playfulness in his eyes
“Deal with it” you hug his waist, putting your face in his chest as he hugs you back “I missed you, you big idiot, but you should go and say hi to the rest”
“I missed ya too” he kisses your temple “let’s talk after” he walks away to say hi to the rest while you go to Kageyama, who’s just standing there without talking to anyone
“Hello Tobio-kun, how are you?”
“Yn-san, hi. It’s nice to see you”
“Same here, I had a feeling you will be here”
“Did you?”
“Tobio-kun, you’re talented. How’s Shoyo by the way?”
“T-thanks Yn-san, means a lot” he puts his hand on his neck, blushing a little “That idiot is okay”
“That’s good, have yo-”
“What are you doing here?” Sakusa says behind you, it surprisingly didn’t sound mean despite the choice of words. You see Kageyama’s eyes widen when looking at Sakusa, shaking a little.
“Sakusa-kun hi. I have no clue, they just invite me”
“It makes sense really” Komori comes and pats your head “you are really observant, and I am not even in your team”
“Thanks Komori-kun”
“It’s nice having you here” Sakusa smiles at you while moving to pat your head too, bowing to Kageyama before leaving
“Hope we can actually get to know each other better, see you” says Komori leaving with Sakusa
“You know Sakusa-san?! How?!” asks Kageyama, his voice shaking a little
“Yeah, I met him last year, he’s really nice. Now, as much as I don’t want to, I have to meet the rest, so see you”
“Sure Yn-san, talk to you later”
You go around saying hello to everyone else, they were all really nice, some were a little awkward, but nice overall. You go to say hi to the last person, which you only could see his white hair, but for some reason seemed familiar.
“Oh? Hi! I’m Kōrai Hoshiumi from ka-”
“Kamomedai, right?” you say surprised
“Oh yeah! I feel like I have seen you before”
“Inarizaki played against you last year, I was their manager”
“Ahhh that’s why! It’s nice to see you again!”
“You were really good last year; I wonder how much better you got”
“Oh, I’m sure it will surprise you!”
“Yn-chan, please come here” calls you the coach, so you go to him after bowing to Hoshiumi “we are going to do a match, help us divide the teams”
Since Atsumu and Kageyama both were setters, they obviously needed to be on different teams, so Atsumu end up being with Hoshiumi while Kageyama with Sakusa and Komori. On the first rally, you see Atsumu setting for someone, but it’s received by Komori without much problem. Kageyama then sets it to Sakusa, yet Atsumu is able to dig it sending it to the other side of the net. After being blocked by Hoshiumi, Kageyama sets it really fast, making the ball fall untouched
“Tobio-kun, you’re not at Karasuno!” you chuckle
“Sorry, it was out of habit” says Kageyama
“It’s okay it’s the first one”
“What Kageyama said it’s good, means that he can get used to plays” says one of the coaches
“Yeah, he adapts really fast to the spikers” you say as you continue watching them. The day continued with a lot of practices, changing teams every match so all the boys could play with each other. At lunchtime you went to eat with Atsumu, who faced Osamu and Suna so you could talk to them while you were texting Kenma and the team.
After all the practice matches of the afternoon, you were waiting for Atsumu to grab dinner, who went to shower after all the practice they did, so in the mean time you decided to go to where Kageyama was sitting.
“…we lost on the finals of our own tournament, how pathetic” says Eikichi
“You lost? How? You were good in the training camp” you sit down next to them
“Ah Yn-chan, yes, we did. I guess we had a bad day, we barely were able to get into the finals, what about you guys” he eats
“We’re going to the Nationals this time” you say
“Yn-san, you’re not eating? Here, have some of mine” Kageyama offers you some rice
“No, no, I’m waiting for Tsumu, just enjoy your food”
“But you’re my senpai, I should help you…”
“Thank you Tobio-kun, I’m okay, don’t worry. And I told you to not treat like a senpai or whatever, I don’t like it”
“Oi, I haven’t seen the video but why did Shiratorizawa lost? Was Ushijima in a bad condition?” asks Sakusa to Kageyama when he approach
“Hm? No, I think he was playing okay…” answers Kageyama. Sakusa looks at you, like asking for a confirmation
“I don’t know, sorry, haven’t watch the video either” you say, so he nods focusing on Kageyama again. Eikichi looks at you confused by the interaction between Sakusa and you.
“Then how did he lose? Did someone stop him?”
“Yeah, someone did” Kageyama says simply, making Sakusa shock
“Who was it? What year? What’s his name? What middle sc-”
“Sorry!” Komori arrives “he’s way too negative, he wants to know everything he can about possible threats”
“I’m not negative, it’s called being careful”
“This sounds familiar, didn’t you ask me the same when Inarizaki won against Ushijima last year?” you look at the two boys with a smirk
“Yeah, he did”
“Again, I was being careful”
“I’m not judging, I do the same…just nicely” you make him mutter a small ‘I know’, his eyes relaxing a bit
“You still don’t play seriously, right” asks Kageyama, shocking everyone
“I thought so, so far you’re more normal than I thought” says Kageyama, shocking Sakusa while Komori and you laugh
“He thinks his shoulders aren’t okay, although it’s pure imagination” Komori adds while Sakusa whines lowly
“That was it? I noticed it too, but didn’t want to say anything yet. Sakusa-kun if your shoulders weren’t okay, you wouldn’t be able to spike at all without feeling pain” you chuckle
“I told him that! But he doesn’t listen to me!”
“Then why do I feel it so tense?” asks you Sakusa
“Maybe you’re stressed, you seem the type to worry about everything. A massage should help”
“I don’t want anyone’s dirty hands on my shoulders, I rather be tense” Sakusa almost whines stubbornly
“That’s not good for your health Sakusa-kun”
“Whatever, I’m going to take a bath”
“So soon?” asks Komori
“I’ll do it before everyone’s germs are on it”
“Put warm water in your shoulders for a while, that should help a bit with your pain. But if you do want a massage, you can tell me”
“…okay, eat something” says before leaving
“You know the pain was in his head, right Yn-chan?” Komori asks
“Yes, but it should help him relax a bit”
“Yeah, at least it’s something. Sorry to disturb you guys!” He leaves behind Sakusa as you see Atsumu entering the cafeteria
“Tsumu is over there, so I’ll take it as my cue to leave. See you tomorrow guys” you stand up leaving, arriving next to Atsumu “Finally, I was starving”
“Yer fault, I told ya to eat without me” says with two trays while you put some food on them, him taking both trays before going to sit “Thank ya for waiting though”
“Of course, I’m not leaving you to eat alone”
“Chibi-chaan! I swear, ye’re the best” he hugs you tightly, his eyes shining with happiness
“I know, I know. Let’s eat, okay”
You continue eating while talking, both of you sharing stories of what had happened to you these past months. After eating both of you went to your respective rooms, you went showering before Face Timing Kenma, who was playing his game while talking about what had happened today.
At some point you take your laptop out and put some headphones, Kenma still on call. Sakusa had brought up the fact that Karasuno won against Shiratorizawa, something that you hadn’t really thought about until now, so you were curious about the game too. While watching the match you decided to take some notes, since they could be handy in the future. After watching the match, and Kenma scolding you for continue working on your free time, you played with Kenma for a while before you call it a night at 2:30 am.
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how would your aus be like now that we know more stuff about the show?
oh god there would be sooooooo incredibly many changes. some I'm gonna leave alone unless directly asked but for some main ones atm--
Four Years: oh dear god so many changes. both just from learning more and also from the fact of being an au I came up with when I was 14 and I would never recommend anyone ever be the age of 14, my sincerest apologies to one luz noceda. I could make a whole other post about this but just to keep it simple lets sayyyyyy...first of all, Amity doesn't go into the Emperor's Coven. I personally still like the idea, but it doesnt really fit. theres helping her mom show off to customers, and then theres being forced into a Coven that wants to murder her crush and her crush's adoptive mom. Amity gives me the impressive of someone who would just start biting. Escaping Expulsion was Amity's "standing up to her mom" episode and I love that sm for her, I'm thinking maybe it could be redone in this au to also involve refusing to even consider the Coven? Dunno, but I know Amity doesn't join it, and neither do the twins.
Keene doesn't exist anymore, obviously. we're back on the Hunter show babey and his redemption arc (like most arcs here) take a much longer time to get on with. most remains the same, but he has a lot more interaction with Luz & the gang prior to Eclipse Lake. that episode becomes more of a "we were making so much progress but then the Panic Button hit in and everything collapsed in on itself" and then some tension between the gang of Hunter feeling shitty and not talking, the guys trying to figure out whats with him, and then Hollow Mind comes in an fucks up everything, as per usual
No more angsty fics about Camila missing her daughter because Vee's here now! yaaaaay. but this does mean Camila went a longer time without ever realizing her daughter was someone else, although I imagine at some point she WOULD feel that something was just Off. obviously shes a regular human shes not gonna think a shapeshifter took the place of her daughter, but shes gonna know something is Off and Strange but she cant put her finger on it and Luz seems happy...most of Yesterday's Lie remains the same but since it's at least been two years, maybe three, since Luz has seen her mom, she looks MUCH different than how Vee changed her appearance, so it throws Camila off quite a bit
smaller things will also stay, such as Luz becoming the Owlet and everyone being their own kinda brand of rebel. I'd have to figure out how to slide in Raine, Darius, Eberwolf, etc, somewhere in here. I'll figure it out
Beta: this one stays the most unchanged I think? granted I was updating it slightly more with updates in the show than Four Years. Hunter is still local nephew of principal and Belos's plan still involves killing all witches but its just in the "saving humanity from these evils" instead of "saving humanity from these evils and then going home". still unsure how the grimwalkers would tie into this, if my guy was just continuously making kids or if hes not actually a puritan and just a nasty old guy, and all the other golden guards are Hunter's older brothers? and he was possibly kidnapped when he was a baby or something? that part im the least sure on
Emperor: well, first of all, the duo of Amity & Luz becomes the trio of Amity, Luz & Hunter. none of them get along. Amity is constantly exasperated by Luz and her dumbassery & Luz thinks shes uptight and a tryhard at times. Luz and Hunter are dumbass on dumbass hatecrimes because Luz also thinks hes uptight but also a massive brat who thinks hes better than everyone & Hunter thinks shes annoying as hell and beneath him on every level. Hunter and Amity just take one look at each other, smell the Gifted Child With Parental Issues Trying To Be Perfect In Every Single Way on each other, and immediately drop into offensive hissing cat positions.
Luz and Hunter are the ones who get along first, mostly cause Luz getting brought over to the Emperor's Coven kind of guaranteed she'd run into Hunter first and they'd end up sticking to each other and realize they're massive nerds. Luz and Amity get along next through the power of Luz being stubborn and wlw. Hunter and Amity are last and technically it only really happens because they may be petty and spiteful but they can and will set that aside for one goal: being even pettier and even more spiteful to anyone being mildly annoying to Luz
This AU in particular hasn't had a lot of updates to it so theres a lot of room to work with her. Luz technically becomes friends with Willow and Gus because shes undercover trying to get new recruits (shes terrible at it). this also means that Hunter is more easily converted to the side of Oh Belos Fucking Sucks because he already has adopted sister Luz telling him to Run and her mildly okay girlfriend yoinking him along. course this also means it fucks up Luz even more to see that Hunter is a grimwalker and, per paraphrased word of Belos, she was the favorite. if it came down to it, Belos would've happily let Hunter die, hell, would've even done it on purpose. by virtue of being human, and Hunter being a clone, she was, in fact, given special treatment, and if anything went slightly wrong then Hunter would've died. these kids are fucked up
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grimgoregrimoire · 11 months
A Slice Of The Birthday Train-wreck
Tumblr media
Characters & story by Izzy Gentz (me!)
Drabble sent in by @stargazer-sims
693 words
Trigger warnings: swearing, family problems, drug use mention, dark humor.
Yes, I know a drabble is supposed to be 100 words, but I DO NOT CONTROL THE AMOUNT OF WORDS I WRITE!!!! Also, I know this drabble was supposed to be about "cake," but evidently, this is the story that wanted to be told... I mean, cake, birthday... That's not too much of a stretch, right?
Thank you again to everyone who sent me one of these, and thank you for your patience.
A Slice Of The Birthday Train-wreck
No-where-fucking-good, WA
November 2 2005
Conner, I know you opened this 'cause you're always bitching about being the only one who checks the mail so do me a favor and just hand this to Courtney.
Dearest Courtney, YOU ARE A BITCH! I wish I never met you never mind let you talk me into going home for my birthday!!!!
Thanks to you I've had the worst three days of my life, and that's coming from someone who has been legally dead.
You know, shit was actually going okay and I was delusional enough to think this might be the first of twenty-three birthdays that wasn't pure shit.
You know, my dad picked me up from the train station, he didn't once remind me how much easier it would be if I still had my car.
When I got to the house my little brother wanted to draw with me, we watched cartoons for like three hours straight. My sisters didn't just ignore me the entire time we had dinner, my middle sister even said she liked my hair. My mom made a cake that I swear was probably the second best thing that's ever been in my mouth and I didn't wake up with a broken spine from the couch.
Even when I was going to leave this morning, my ice queen of a mother gave me a HUG for Christ's sake! She even packed me a huge slice of this triple chocolate orgasm for the train.
Speaking of, this tall, gorgeous, professor-looking dude sat right next to me at the train station. He started talking to me, I got annoyed 'cause he could clearly see my headphones but he talked smoothly so I got over it.
And when he told me to get up and follow him, I thought "Damn, this week can't get any better!"
He took me into the bathroom and told me to get on my knees, and when I did he slammed and locked the door in my face, and took off with my bag!
I jimmied the lock and found out he was nice enough to leave my ticket and slice of cake of all things.
Luckily the train showed up almost as soon as I came out of the bathroom, but the ride sober and without headphones was going to last an eternity!
At least, that's what I thought before the train broke down three hours into the trip!
Did you know trains could break down? I didn't even know trains could break down!
But all of a sudden the train stopped in the middle of nowhere and the power went out and someone had to come tell us it would be a few hours before we got rescued unless we could call someone to come pick us up but guess who doesn't have a fucking quarter.
So anyway, I'm stuffing my face with the only thing that has survived the Alanis Morissette song that is my life, this beautiful chocolate cake (which is in pieces btw), while I'm writing this, and the reason I'm writing this? 'Cause I'm assuming you'll get this around the same time they call you to come pick up my mangled corpse after I've finally had enough and laid across the tracks, and if not it will be amazing proof for me to NEVER TRUST COURTNEY EVER AGAIN!!!
Should this be the words I ever speak I leave a message to each of you;
Nate, you know the rule we made and you know all the hiding spots, I never made new ones. I know I said I did but I didn't so don't worry about it.
Conner, I know you've been waiting for this day since we met in high school, my only request is that you make the dance on my grave sick as fuck and not just the regular jig.
Aaron, as the baby daddy of our beanie baby, I leave you all twenty-seven dollars and ninety-six cents in my bank account. Make sure Beanie goes to a good college.
With love,
Parker W.
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prosopopeya · 9 months
2023 meme!
it's time
1. What did you do in 2023 that you’d never done before?
went to ireland.
got married again to the same person in ireland. (we finally had our originally planned ireland elopement.)
went to physical therapy
went to the gym and lifted weights (unrelated to the physical therapy)
took my husband to the er
saw death cab for cutie and postal service in concert!!
2. Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions and will you make more for next year? i don't like to make those so probably not. and also no.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? no
4. Did anyone close to you die? jon's aunt passed away, which was very sad and sudden. jimmy buffett also died. not close to me but a significant loss.
5. What countries did you visit? ireland! not a country but we visited my aunt and uncle in maryland and had a great time!
6. What would you like to have in 2024 that you lacked in 2023? i would like to get a new job that pays more with better benefits. but we'll see.
7. What date from 2023 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? same date as last year's meme, which is june 9. now it is the date where we got married in ireland. :)
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? working on healing my shoulder pain was pretty significant. also getting 69 bookmarks on a porn-centric fic of mine that's close to my heart. luckily i managed to catch it before it tipped over to 70.
9. What was your biggest failure? quitting going to the gym. i did genuinely enjoy it, but then i got that pinched nerve in my shoulder and the pain was pretty bad. i need to start it up again.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? yes, the pinched nerve in my shoulder. in ireland, i pinched my sciatic nerve and also nearly passed out from heat at the top of blarney castle. had a bad sinus infection when we came back and couldn't hear out of my ears very well for like a week.
11. What was the best thing you bought? the dress i wore to the ireland wedding.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? various tour guides and people in ireland who made our time there so awesome.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? i mean like most americans.
14. Where did most of your money go? wedding, travel, door dash, hotels. same as last year.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? ireland, obviously. starfield, and then womp womp. heartstopper. death cab and postal service concert! seeing the eras tour by myself in the theater.
16. What song(s) will always remind you of 2023? olivia rodrigo's guts album. noah kahan. the eras tour concert.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you: i. Happier or sadder? the same i think. ii. Older or wiser? both i think iii. Thinner or fatter? i reject this iv. Richer or poorer? richer.
18. What do you wish you’d done more of? talk to people, exercise.
19. What do you wish you’d done less of? ordering door dash. but it's just so easy...
20. How will you be spending Christmas? we went to my mom's house this year. my brother broke up with his girlfriend (a good decision on his part) and she proceeded to start a barrage of threatening texts from different numbers that is continuing to this day.
21. How will you be spending New Year’s Eve? we watched candlenights and then took turns playing music in a joint spotify jam while he played powerwash simulator and i started working on some of my legos.
22. Did you fall in love in 2023? with the game coral island.
23. How many one-night stands? at this moment i have several games that i started and abandoned because something new came out: tears of the kingdom, red dead redemption 2, baldur's gate 3, starfield, octopath traveller 2. and i'm currently installing spiderman 2 to play that. i do want to go back and finish all these games but god. it's so much work.
24. What was your favorite TV program? heartstopper, probably. i feel like i don't really know what tv i watched this year. i did watch a bunch of sister wives to keep up with tiktok conversations, but i would not rank that a favorite.
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? i wouldn't say i'm loving where i work right now. my now ex sister in law isn't high on my list of faves but hate is a strong word.
26. What was the best book you read? i did reread the horse girl au again so there's that. i read most of 91 whiskey. i investigated some a/b/o stuff just to give it a shot. i don't know how many actual books i read.
27. What was your greatest musical discovery? noah kahan.
28. What did you want and get? a new ipad, which was nice. powers johns lane, a new fave whiskey. married in ireland. 69 bookmarks. squishmallow. adhd diagnosis and medicine, which is going pretty good.
29. What did you want and not get? an interesting slime rancher 2 update. haunted chocolatier (jk concerned ape take your time).
30. What was your favorite film of this year? i saw everything everywhere all at once which was pretty great. i also saw the eras concert, the barbie movie, dungeons & dragons, the newest puss in boots movie. but there was a bit where i just watched a bunch of gay movies and i might have to give it to this english version of brokeback mountain that i enjoyed: god's own country.
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? i mostly sat around and bought myself presents and it was great. i turned 35.
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? feeling like writing more often. <- last year's answer is still true.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2023? comfy. comfort. comfortable things.
34. What kept you sane? quitting teaching <- still true. my husband. supernatural, bizarrely.
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? i had a real olivia rodrigo moment this year.
36. What political issue stirred you the most? i mean i'd rather not think about any of it bc it all is depressing.
37. Who did you miss? my teacher friends. <- still true
38. Who was the best new person you met? we had a contractor at work who really talked me up and made me feel like i could find another job and get paid better. she was nice.
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2023: work to live, etc.
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
Oh, yesterdays are over my shoulder, So I can't look back for too long. There's just too much to see waiting in front of me, and I know that I just can't go wrong with these changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes; nothing remains quite the same. With all of our running and all of our cunning, If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane
- jimmy buffett, "changes in latitude, changes in attitude"
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kinnsporsche · 1 year
Thank you for your kind words on my AITA for calling the police on my sister.
I'm sorry you've been through that. It's very rough and it's hard especially in situations where the child is abusing a parent.
hiiii op!!! (context, it's this @am-i-the-asshole-official post)
my brother was around the same age, maybe a little bit older, when everything went down with them. when i was growing up he'd always been abusive to me physically and emotionally (the worst thing i remember is him pushing me into a bunch of thorns and nettles and then him and his friend shooting me with a bb gun and when i was super young maybe 4 or 5 he hung my toys from the ceiling with rope) but he didn't start getting physically abusive with my own mum until somewhere between 16-18.
unlike your situation, i was young so i was home with my mum when it happened and so she never had to ask for our help, but i do have core memories of her hiding me and my little sister behind her whilst my brother was going off on one, i remember him shoving her and her hitting her head on the counter and splitting her eyebrow open and there was blood all down her face, i remember her having bruises all over, i remember him holding a knife to her, i remember her pulling one back to defend us (i was 11/12 which made my sister 7/8 at the time) and for most of his teenage years, he never changed. my mum made a lot of excuses for him until it got really bad - he was abused by his own dad (not my father, he's my half-brother) and she felt guilty for that, she felt like she messed up his childhood so this was her fault and she deserved it.
i dont think she started to understand how bad it was until the knives got involved, until he brought a group of people into our house whilst some man waited for them outside and threatened to tie everyone in the house to the back of his car and drive around our estate, until i, a twelve year old child, had to go up against him to protect my own mum whilst she was bleeding on the floor until my dad came over and got him out of the house. and after that is when my mum also became heavily involved with alcohol and alcoholism and lost herself until i was about 16/17. she's okay now, we're both in good places and super close, but i lost my childhood to the both of them because of how bad things got with the abuse and the drinking. i was kicked out of my own house at 14 iirc, i have ptsd (which fucking destroys my memory hence the broad age range bcs i cant remember shit), depression, social phobia, and anxiety from it all, i'm still scared of my brother, i'm terrified of confrontation, i have attachment issues, but the worst part of it all are the nightmares and the flashbacks. my mum doesn't know i have them, i've only told a few people, but they happen regularly. most recently my brother in one of them my brother tried to drown me and poured scolding water on my face so theres that.
op you did the right thing by showing her that there's consequences for what she did, if your mom was willing to let it lie, i am 100% sure it would and might still will grow into a situation like my brother. i cant believe there's people on that post claiming yta for calling the cops on your sibling when they laughed in the face of your own mother almost dying at her hands. yes acab, we know this, but until there is a better system in place to help and protect in situations like this, what else are you supposed to do? wait for your sister to one day do too much damage that your mom can't recover from? fuck no you have every right to defend your mom from her and, even if your mom understand it now, one day she will, especially if your sister continues to walk such a dangerous path.
please please see what i went through as a warning, and if you want to share this with your family so there's even the slightest chance that they might see how bad things can get if she isn't punished for her behaviour, if it's left to fester and root, if she thinks she can get away with it, then please send it to them. i'm wishing nothing but love and safety for your family, especially your mom.
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blazehedgehog · 2 years
Roughly how many hours do you spend working on your major videos? Have you ever tried to figure out what sort of hourly wages you earn when you divide your YouTube and Patreon revenue by time spent working on content? I get the feeling that it's becoming increasingly difficult to make videos for a living, but I don't have any hard numbers to support that suspicion because creators tend to keep that info close to their chest (for good reason)
It's not really something I can easily measure. This isn't like I'm traveling to an office, clock in, focus on work for four hours, take a 30 minute break, work for four more hours, and then go home.
I try to do that, certainly, but there are also a lot of days where I get distracted for hours at a time with something on twitter, or discord, or whatever. Depending on the job, that could happen at real work, too, but not as much.
Like, when I worked at the thrift store back in Colorado, they actually patted me on the back for being one of the few people they had who took it seriously. Sure, I often took long lunches (45+ minutes) but they didn't seem to care and they were very happy with my work ethic outside of that.
Being your own boss is very difficult and unfortunately I am in a place where my work space is the same space where I do everything else -- I eat here, I sleep here, I relax here, and it can be hard to shift gears between different modes.
So I can't accurately tally up how much work I do in a given day because some days I work for what feels like 14 hours and some days it feels like I only work for a few minutes. Most of that depends on the stage of production -- script writing seems to be the slowest grind these days. Capturing footage goes the fastest. Cutting the final product together is where the longest, most intense hours come in.
I do, however, routinely think about "hourly wages" when it comes to Twitch, because they print "here's how long you streamed vs. how much you earned" in pretty black and white terms. Hopefully I don't sabotage anything by saying this (I know Youtube Networks don't like you sharing earnings analytics), but the two Twitch streams I did for Halloween, I streamed just under 6 hours and made about $9. That's, like, what, $1.50 an hour? Not great.
(But it was also totally impromptu, super low key, and in the middle of the night. More "for fun." I didn't even break 10 viewers for most of it.)
I will say, though, bare minimum, this has been one of the more profitable years for me on Youtube. But I need to do better.
Which natureally leads me to wonder what the purpose of this ask is.
As my Patreon has grown over the last couple months, and I've declared I'm finally making enough from it to cover my food groceries, I've had people ask how that's possible because I'd need more money for rent and things like that. Which is true! I cannot cover rent yet. I pay what I can when I can to my brother for the room I am staying in currently and I keep my fingers crossed that the hammer doesn't drop.
I have sat around and had a lot of panic attacks whether or not I can make this work. Doubts and questioning whether I can get things up high enough fast enough to make a dent in... I dunno, life, I guess. I don't need people drilling me about it, because I'm already drilling myself every second of every day.
For now, as long as the number keeps going up instead of down, I am going to close my eyes and pray for the best.
(Further reading beyond this point becomes very serious and heavy.)
To some extent, this is what my Mom wanted. When she went in to the hospital last year and her leg mysteriously broke, she came here to live at my brother's. Same room I'm in now. And I had this sense that even if she recovered, she may never drive again, she may never walk again, so by the end of that second or third week we sat down and had a loooong talk, because it was clear that no matter what else happened, there was about to be a shift in the dynamic.
So we cleared the air. There was a lot of crying. Up to that point, she had still acted like The Mom. She did the cooking, she did (some of) the cleaning, she managed all the finances, she was the head of the household. I'd offer to cook dinner and she'd either refuse, or only let me cook for myself only. Like, there would be times where she'd be full on asleep on the couch or whatever, and if she heard me trying to cook, she'd get up and try to shoo me out of the kitchen so she could fix dinner for us.
But after her leg broke, she was traumatized. She'd been suffering from very bad sciatica (back pain) for a long time, and every time she'd go to the hospital, they would brush her off and push her out the door. The circumstances in which her leg broke were horrible. She told us time and time again she begged them to go easy on her because her leg hurt before it broke, likely due to weak bones. After it broke, they refused to believe her. I think she said they left her laying in bed in the worst pain of her life for hours because they didn't think her femur actually broke. I actually saw her during this time and she was writhing in her hospital bed, barely coherent. It was awful.
That hurt her mentally as much as physically. My strong, independent, "I'll do it MYSELF" mother was suddenly frail and timid and prone to crying over something as small as me forgetting to make her a cup of coffee.
So even though it was a months and months and months before we knew she was actually just dying of cancer, I knew we had to sort things out and shift the balance of power. Even if she made a recovery, nothing would ever be the same again.
And when I brought up the prospect of taking Youtube more seriously, she was all for it. She said that "I always told everybody you were going to be famous some day."
My impostor syndrome never really rationalized that. In that moment, and especially now in retrospect, I believed her, but prior to that moment, all the praise she had given me over the years smashed in to a brick wall and ceased to exist. But it was her, when I'd have my one video a year take off, tell me about the "serious money" I could be making if I applied myself (which I never did, because she was my safety net and my comfort zone.)
And then I think about all the times she tried to tell me how smart I was, and about how, when I was 14 years old, there was some manager from IBM that "wanted to talk to me" because I had made a game in Clickteam Fusion over a weekend to sell at a craft fair she was attending.
Or how she'd push me to give out business cards to people who would compliment me on my Redbubble shirt designs when I'd wear them out in public. She always wanted me to hustle and I never had the drive or the energy for that.
I am trying to summon the energy up for that now. And it's hard, but at least I'm trying. Am I trying hard enough? Shit, I don't know. Maybe ask all the sleep I've lost in the last three months. I used to be the kind of guy who would zonk out and fall asleep within two minutes of my head touching the pillow, but now I routinely lay in bed for close to an hour, wondering and worrying if I can make this work.
As long as the number keeps going up instead of down, I am going to close my eyes and pray for the best.
I would like to end this saying that I'm pretty sure you aren't actually drilling me or anything like that. Honestly, no need to apologize. I always expect the worst from these asks and nobody is ever really that mean, outside of like... what probably amounts to one guy.
You're fine. And hopefully I'll be fine.
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puckhq · 6 days
yeah we knuckin' and buckin' and ready to fight || PUCKERBROS (ft. Gabe)
tagging: Jake Puckerman ( @puckjake ) & Noah Puckerman ( feat. Gabriel Puckerman )
date & time: September 14, 2024 sometime in the afternoon
location: Puck's home
warnings: physical fighting between parent and child, mentions of blood, mentions of alcoholism/drug addiction, bad dad, abusive language (??)
summary: Jake and Puck agreed to having lunch with Gabe mostly to get him to do what he said and give Jake more financial support while he's in school, it turns into a shit show.
word count: 4,610
PUCK was not looking forward to this dinner. First, it took Gabe four fucking plan changes to settle on Puck cooking, his dad's favorite meal, at his place. Which of course just made everything more stressful, but at least Jake would be there. Although, it seemed like Puck was going to have to stop his brother from knocking their father out because there was no way Gabe wasn't going to say something out of pocket that warranted an ass beating. So, maybe that's worse and not better. Guess, he was going to find out. Thankfully, Maya wasn't there, the last time Puck allowed Maya to be there when Gabe was, it didn't go well, at all and ince then Gabe hasn't earned the right to see his grandkid. Going out to the backyard, he brought the seasoned burger patties, "Hey, can you get the plastic cups and shit on the counter and put them on the table out here? Then imma show you how to make a perfect burger." He said to his younger brother, setting the aluminum pan down next to the grill.
JAKE was not looking forward to this at all, but he was glad that they were doing this at Puck's place. Now, if he needed to throw a right hook at Gabe, at least it would be in private, and he probably wouldn't go to jail for it. It was truly a win win in his opinion. But he was going to try to listen to everyone and refrain from socking the man for as long as he could. He'd been outside taking a few thirst trap pictures when he heard his brother's voice. "This is just perfect for you, huh? Trying to get me to cook for myself?" He groaned as he went and grabbed everything from the counter and carried them out to the table, laying them out around the table. "I still stand by my decision of just coming over here for food, or letting all of my queer besties cook for me." He laughed.
PUCK threw a few bratwursts on the grill, laughing as Jake went inside to get what he asked him to. It had been a while since he'd posted a thirst trap and maybe he'd finally grown out of that. Or maybe he wasn't capitalizing on his DILF status enough. Everybody loved a hot dad. He wondered if Morgan and Eva considered him a DILF. As Jake came back out to set the table, Puck smiled as he determined the grill was almost hot enough and he made a mental note to do outdoor cooking more for family dinners. For a moment that's what this felt like, a normal stress free family dinner. Then he looked down at the pan of burger patties he took the time to grind himself, because honestly, his burgers were fucking elite and he didn't wanna hear his dad complain because he 'always takes the easy way out' and that he 'can't do nothing right'. Shrugging, he waved his brother over to come learn a thing or two. "I don't know man, Bree seems like the kinda chick who'd appreciate a man who can cook."
JAKE had been content with spending family time with his brother and his niece, and quite frankly that time had become the only real idea of family he'd ever witnessed. His mom wasn't as bad as Gabe, but she wasn't exactly the most reliable mother either, so what he had here now was much better than anything else. He was livid that Gabe wanted to roll in and disrupt that, but he would at least try to respect Puck's home until the man gave him a reason not to. Walking over and standing next to Puck, he rolled his eyes at the mention of his ex. "Oh please, she's fucking rich. She's probably used to fancy ass chefs cooking for her, not me or that white boy she called a boyfriend or whatever." He scuffed. "Besides, why date some poor ass dude from 'Bama if she expected me to cook for her?" He was sure that Bree was probably just gonna date someone of her caliber now, and he didn't blame her, but he was also trying not to care. "Anyways, why would I learn to cook when you've gotta do it for the world's coolest teenager anyways? It's free food and spending more time with my favorite niece, this arrangement works out better for me."
PUCK turned the brats over on the grill to get some color on the other side, scooting them over so there was room for Jake to put the burgers down. Of course, he'd already explained his charcoal and wood chip mixture, whether Jake was listening or not was another question. "Grab 'em by the paper." He said, picking one up to demonstrate. "Then put it own on the grill and pull the paper away." He scooted over so Jake could do it. "Put three more down." Now Puck was no relationship expert, but he was pretty well versed in what not to do. "People with her kind of money don't give a fuck about material things. They got nice stuff but that's becase they don't know anything else, doubt she even knows how much anythign she's got is. So money ain't gonna satisfy her, and your dick aint th e gist you think it is. But you time and energy, that's shit's priceless so she'll appreciate it. It'll impress her." It was his two cents that his brother didn't ask for, but it was his job as an older sibling to weigh in on shit no one asked him to."I'll still cook for you and the kid, but you're a grown man and grilling a burger ain't hard." He said, as his phone rang in his pants pocked. Of course it was Gabe, he showed the screen to Jake before picking it up. "You here?" he didn't even bother with a hello. "I'm five minutes out." Puck took a deep breath, watching the sausages on the grill turning them again. "Alright, the door's unlocked just come in and come to the back." He instructed. "Make sure my beer is cold." and with that he hung up. "Gabe's five minutes out." he said putting his phone back in his pocket.
JAKE wasn't sure why Puck was ignoring him and insisting on teaching him a thing or two, but he assumed it was just some big brother thing. And who was he to ruin that for him? Groaning, he tried to pay attention to what his brother was doing, nodding along before it was his turn to demonstrate what he'd learned. "This is torture, just so you know." He whined, but he still went ahead and mimicked Puck's actions, putting three more down and doing it exactly as he'd seen. Listening to Puck define how people with money were, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. It was probably very much true and it annoyed the hell out of him honestly. "You're half right there, but she does care about the money. She won't tell her parents to fuck off 'cause she's worried about getting cut off, so me cooking for her might be nice but she'd prefer the money." He hummed. But that wasn't his issue anymore anyways so he didn't care. "Isn't this what big bros are for?" He decided before the phone rang, and he just rolled his eyes at the mention of Gabe. he just toyed with the food as he let Puck deal with that. Once he ended the call and announced that Gabe was almost there, he groaned. "Fucking great." He muttered. "Does he know you're bisexual?" Jake asked. "Not that I'm gonna say shit, but just so I can be prepared in case he says some homophobic shit and I need to deck him."
PUCK smiled with pride as Jake put those burgers on the grill like a fucking professional. Thankfully, none of this shit took too long to cook, since the brats were beef instead of pork, they were already cooked so they just needed some color and that classic snap when you bite into it. As Jake spoke, it sounded like something he was telling himself, rather than something Bree actually said to him, but they had bigger bullshit to wade throuogh today, so his little brother's relationship problems were gonna have to take a backseat. Something he's sure Jake will be pleased about. I mean, if he's anything like him, talking about feelings and relationships and all of that was not his thing and it usually just made him mad. So he dropped it. "Alright, man, now we gotta flip them." He moved on once he hung up the phone. Getting the grill spatula he made sure Jake was watching before flipping it. "All you." he handed the spatula to the younger Puckerman, before answering his question. "Yeah, he knows. I didn't have some big moment about it or anything, one day he just called me up and was talking about random shit. Then asked if i was seeing anyone, any chicks or dudes." It had been weird and fucking random but probably one of the nicer convos he's had with his old man. "To this say i don't know how he knew, but i didn't deny it, just said nothing serious, then he hung up." Shrugging, Puck took the burgers off the grill to add four more patties and just like that, their Puckerbros bubble was popped. "My two favorite sons, that I know about. One of them sausagues ready for me?" Puck put the finished brats on a paper plate. "They ain't pork are they? Gonna have to stop wearing the star of David if they are." It took a lot not to roll his eyes. "They're beef and beer's in the fridge." Naturally, Gabe went to get the beer. "You good?" He asked Jake while they had a few moments.
JAKE was relieved when Puck didn't comment on the Bree thing again, since he wasn't sure just how long he could handle keeping up his 'fuck her' charade in one evening. Texting her had already been enough to make him falter just slightly, but he couldn't focus on her and Gabe all in the same day so he had to put that aside for now. Nodding when Puck said to flip the burgers, he watched him do it first before taking the spatula and doing it too. This wasn't really hard but that didn't mean he had to like it either. Listening to Puck explain the sexuality thing, he was somewhat relieved that he wouldn't have to fuck Gabe up on his brother's behalf for that, which was a great thing for them all. Maybe. "That's good." He nodded just before they were being interrupted by the most hated man of the hour. The man coming in and calling them his favorite two sons made Jake furious, and now he was the one who needed a drink, but certainly not a beer. He watched the older man walk inside before turning back to Puck. "You got any bourbon? Scotch? Whiskey?" He questioned. Anything but a weak ass beer would take the edge off at this point. Gabe grabbed a beer and popped the top off before walking back outside to the table. "Alright, boys, grab some food and come sit down with your pops." The man stated, and Jake glared over at him. "Pops? Man, you ain't been my pops my whole life, so don't try to start that shit now." he hissed, and Gabe just chuckled. "Man, I don't know what's gotten into you kids, but I'm gonna blame your mamas. They ain't raise y'all right." Gabe stated as he dug into his sausage. "Alright, I'm gonna go...inside for a minute." Jake insisted, and he didn't wait for a response before he took off. Meanwhile, Gabe just shrugged it off. "Where's that feisty girl of yours, Noah? I liked her. Did you invite her so I can make her your new step mom instead?" He joked.
PUCK knew cooking wasn't something Jake had any interest in but he appreciated that he was doing it anyway. And he was doing it correctly, which meant his little bro was actually paying attention to him, and quite frankly that shit would've made the older Puckerman tear up if it weren't for the circumstances. But it did make him wonder what life would have been like if he'd always known about Jake, a part of him felt sad for them both that they only just now found each other. But hey, better late than never. The sweet moment was quickly replaced by tension when Gabe spoke, Puck could tell Jake was already pissed and he didn't blame him. Truly their father had a way of acting like every space he was in, he owned. It was fucking annoying, especially at a house Puck built with his bare hands. Fuck, Gabe. "Yeah, in the freezer i got a handle of Jack, get me a triple shot, at least." Puck said knowing that he was gonna need something to help take the edge off. Watching the exchange between Jake and Gabe, it broke his heart to know that Gabe was really this fucking shitty to all his kids. Somehow, he wanted to believe that maybe it was just him and Jake didn't have to hear his bullshit too, but he knew better. Watching his brother go back inside he grabbed a patty and started building his burger, deciding to ignore his father asking after Eva. "You just here to have a new table to get drunk at or you want something from us?" Puck decided to ask, before sitting down accross from his old man. "A man can't just wanna spend a little time with his kids?" Even Gabe laughed at those words. "Birthday's coming up." Jesus fucking christ, is this dude serious? "So what, this lunch is your gift or some shit?" He asked as his dad devoured his sausage and grabbed some fries, washing it down by chugging his beer and opening another bottle. "Don't get a fucking attitude with me, Noah. You're still the same pathetic little boy running around doing dumb shit trynna make other people see you 'cause ain't nothin' about you worth noticin;." Gabe spat out and Puck just sat there staring his father down but not saying anything. "That's what I thought."
JAKE might be interested in this cooking thing if Bree would grow a backbone and stand up to her parents, and then maybe he'd think about wanting to do this for her. Maybe. Not for now though. He did appreciate his brother looking out for him like this though, and maybe life would have been a little better if they'd found one another sooner. He was already over their dad now so as soon as Puck said where the booze was, he headed right back inside for it. Grabbing the Jack, she grabbed some glasses down, filling one for himself before chugging it back. This was about to be a long ass evening, that's for sure. He was trying to quell his over anger but as he walked to the back door and just observed the two. He truly didn't understand their relationship, or why Puck kept bothering, but he just refilled his glass and drank some more as he listened. Clearly Gabe was out of his fucking mind, that much he could tell. But when he heard Gabe talk shit to Puck and his brother didn't say anything back, Jake walked over and sat next to the older Puckerman. "Aren't you a convict? An addict or a drunk? A fucking deadbeat?" He asked, filling up the glass for Puck and pushing it over to him before he refilled his own. "Now you listen, half breed—" Gabe started before Jake waved a hand dismissively. "You're the one who fucked a white woman so me being a half breed is on you, dumb ass. Now, if you want all your teeth to still be in your mouth for your birthday, I'd advise you to watch how you talk to me and my bro." He warned. "And spending time with us ain't free, Gabe, so start writing a check or dropping some bands. I ain't Puck so in case you ain't noticed it, I have no problem beating your ass and kicking you out of here." Gabe was shook that one of his spawn had the audacity to talk to him like that, and he quickly turned to Puck. "Who does this lil punk think he is? You didn't teach him how to respect me?" The old man scoffed.
PUCK didn't know why he let his father talk to him the way he did. If he was anybody else he'd have decked them, fucked their girl or their man, laughed in their fucking face, at least a middle finger would've made an appearence. Maybe it's because he's his father, or maybe it's because this is how he had talked to him his whole life, maybe it's because deep down Puck's thinks he's right. One thing he knew for certain was the voice in his head that told him he was worthless and useless and dumb and unwanted and unlovable, was his father's voice. Just echoed words really. Every negative fucking thing Noah had ever thought about himself since he was six years old, had been embedded in his psyche by his own father. Being face to face with him, hearing it outside of his head was surreal, it left the usually loud and blunt man, speechless. Apparently Gabe read that as respect, which made Puck want to vomit. It felt good to have someone on his side, a voice that never wavered in it's rebuttal of the deadbeat. It gave him some of his confidence back and it felt good to sit up straight in Gabe's presence. "He'd probably respect you more if you did what you said you would and write him a check, give him a monthly allowence. You know, basic ass shit." Puck said knowing his dad wasn't gonna like that. "Now you got yourself a bitch and my bastard, you got balls?" Just llike that, Puck was on his feet and in his dad's smirking face. "The fuck did you just say?" And Gabe's smirk only grew, Puck knew it's what he wanted and he hated to give it to him but, "I said your bitch and my basta- and before he could finish that word Puck's fist was connecting with Gabe's jaw and in slow motion Puck saw the fight in his father's eyes as he lunged at him. Before he knew it, he was on the ground, elbow shoved into Gabe's neck as his dad kneed him in the ribs.
JAKE didn't know why Gabe was expecting Puck to have taught him to bow down and take his bullshit, but clearly the man was bonkers. He had no idea what life was like in Alabama and how he'd had to learn to defend himself over the years, so backing down wasn't in him. Puck finally talking back and even defending him, to an extent, was a move in the right direction, but he should have expected what played out next. It almost felt like he was watching it in slow motion with the way Gabe said something, and then repeated it when Puck questioned it, and then the next thing he knew was that they were on the ground. "What the fuck?" He finally groaned out once he had time to process that this was happening. He had repeatedly said he'd knock the older man out but he hadn't expected him to have Puck pinned to the ground like this. "For fuck's sake!" Jake hissed before he stepped over and put Gabe in a headlock, tightening his arm around his neck tightly enough to choke him as he dragged him off of his brother. "Who's the dumb ass now?" He huffed as Gabe slapped his arm to tap out. "It's two against one, so unless you want to stay like this all night, you're gonna respect your grown ass sons, got it?" When Gabe slapped his arm again, Jake finally let him go and shoved the man a few feet away. Coughing to regain control of his breathing now that he was free, Gabe slowly stood back up and glared at his sons. "Oh, so y'all standing up for each other now?" He chuckled dryly, and Jake just shrugged. "Obviously. Now, can you write a check — for me and for Puck since he's had to deal with your bullshit for all these years — and then take some food to go?" The older man almost lunged at his youngest (that he knew of) for that, but he just turned to Puck instead. "Isn't this your house? Why is he calling shots around here? He bossing your punk ass around too? Man, I knew you were a little bitch but this is a new low, even for you."
PUCK sputtered as Jake got Gabe off of him, checking his ribs to make sure it wasn't worse than a bruise, but given his breathing was pretty easy he already knew the old man didn't have the strength to break anything. It was oddly cathartic to watching Gabe get choked out, finally he couldn't run that vile ass mouth of his. It was kinda peaceful. But Puck knew it wouldn't last, so he got up as he watched Jake throw their father away from him and Puck moved closer to his brother, moving subtly between them once Jke started speaking again because he knew Gabe might start swinging now that bo had been opened. But instead he reverted to what he always did which was make Puck feel like a pathetic useless little bitch and Puck could feel thirty years of this shit bubbling to the surface. "Why don't you come say that shit with your fists, I'll even let your old ass swing first." Puck said with a smile on his face, stepping a little closer to his dad and of course his drunk ass took the bait. One thing you could always count on with Gabriel Puckerman, he wasn't gonna back down from a fight. As Gabe threw his first punch, Puck easily dodged it. "For a guy who's famous for his bar fights I expected better." He said with a shit eating grin. Gabe didn't like that, and this time he managed to backhand Puck, but he wasn't phased. "My girl slaps me harder than that." He said, spitting the blood out of his mouth from his split lip. His dad had always liked rings. This time Puck didn't wait for Gabe to make a move, in a swift motion he got his arm behind his back and slammed his face into the plate of hamburger buns. But of course Gabe was still trying to fight, but Puck had a good grip on him and leaned down. "Don't make me put you in an ambulance, Gabriel." He whispered hoping Jake wouldn't hear. Once the fight left his father he let up. "I know your geriatric ass got a checkbook, so him him his fucking check and set up his monthly allowance." As his father turned to look at him it was the first time he'd ever seen him look at him like that, with some semblance of respect. "That boss enough for you?"
JAKE was so over this man at this point and she was hoping he'd shape the hell up and stop being a fucking idiot, but of course he had to make this hard. He refilled his glass with Jack and deciding to chug more of it down as his dad and brother went at it again, which was an insanely poor decision on Gabe's part. But hey, it was a show and he wasn't gonna complain about it. Grabbing a burger for himself, he watched Puck smush the other buns with Gabe's face before he picked up an untouched one, tossing his patty between the top and bottom slices and taking a bite. Clearly Puck had some pent up shit he needed to get out with his old man, and Jake wasn't gonna interrupt. H kept eating his burger until Gabe seemed to be coming to his senses as he took his check book out. "Nah, it's just you showing out in front of your brother. I'll let you have it for now. But little half breed won't be around at all times." He scoffed, making a check out to Jacob and adding a few zeroes before he tossed it over to him. Jake rolled his eyes as he picked it up and glanced over it. "Oh, so you do know my name? Shocker." Jake chuckled dryly. "But just so we're clear, I'm gonna be around. Puck and Maya are the only real family I have so if you think you're gonna keep treating my bro like shit, think again. We can kick your ass every time we see your sorry ass if that's what you want." He offered with a smirk, and that only made Gabe even more annoyed but Jake just shrugged at the dirty look he gave him. "We're not expecting you to be a father at this point, but how about you grow the fuck up? Get some help, get your shit together, and at least be better than the sack of shit that's standing here? If not for your kids, do it for Maya." He suggested before he turned to his brother. "Anything else you wanna add, or can I drag him the fuck out of here?"
PUCK honest to Jewish God didn't give a fuck about anything else Gabe had to say right now. Maybe it was the adreneline pumping through him still, or the fact that his dad just looked so pathetic to him now, but the talking down to him thing just wasn't hittin' like it use to. Letting Jake say his peace, Puck just sat his ass down at the table, and poured himself some Jack and downed it. Fuck his side hurt but no way in hell was he letting his father see he left any kind of mark on him. Thankfully he didn't think the backhand was gonna leave a bruise, since Gabe's drunk ass missed most of his cheek, but his bottom lip was definitely a bit fucked up. Watching this man he's been so terrified of his whole life get lectured by his 25 year old son was fucking entertaining. I mean, nothing more humbling than that. Puck made a mental note to contact his dad in a week or so to get the monthly allowence set up for Jake, because unless there's six zeros on that check, it isn't enough. At the mention of Maya, Puck knew he was going to have to figure out what to tell her about my dad's lip is fucking busted and he just wasn't sure he wanted to tell her the whole truth, he was still her grandpa and she loved him. But she was fifteen now, maybe it was time to just be honest. Shaking his head in response, Puck smiled, "I'm good." With that, Gabe grabbed some food and Jake pushed him out and the rest of the day was actually good. They laughed, they ate and for once in Puck's life, he didn't let Gabe ruin shit.
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