#I didn't edit this because I was too eager to post it
moonsplit · 1 year
i was wondering if i could request some fluffy or angsty toh hunter×gn!bard!reader headcannons.
that's the overall request, but if i can get a little specific, i would like if you'd include something about the reader being an actual half witch half human, maybe they get angry/sad because everyone uses the term half-a-witch as if it's something to be ashamed of being.
seeing hunter being so appreciative of willow in for the future made me get back into my hunter brainrot and honestly your fluffy hunter hcs were one of the only good hunter×reader work i could find here, i got SO SAD when i realized that was the only work you had published, so here i am, begging for more.
anyway, thx byeeeeee!
↠ "Half-a-witch, huh?" ↞
* pairing ↠ TOH - Hunter x gn!bard!reader * word count ↠ 881 * tags ↠ fluff, soft angst,
* notes ↠ This is the biggest compliment ever omg!! Thank you anon :D
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You had a rough time growing up, hearing everyone use what you were as an insult
"Half-a-witch" this and "half-a-witch" that
It wasn't fun having everyone berate and doubt you for it either
People with better intentions would praise you for basic spells
Things you learned in grade school
Even if it did take you a bit longer to learn, they didn't have to treat you as if your existence was weird and wrong
Joining the bard track at Hexside was a choice you'd never regret, but some days people would get insufferable
As if using an instrument was "easier" than spell circles and didn't take even more training and practice just to get right
But noooo, the only thing easier than the bard track was potions, clearly
Meeting Hunter for the first time was certainly.. an experience
Why was this guy camping out at school?
The Boiling Isles was unique, sure, but as far as you knew there weren't many people living in the hidden areas of school
He stumbled over his introduction before running off, you chasing after him
Through a series of convoluted events, you got wrapped up in everything
It started with Hunter, you bringing him snacks and trying to pry any information from this weirdo you could
But, well, the whole school got covered in illusions
You managed to run into him and Gus, the three of you joining forces
Music was useful after all, while Gus could see through the illusion, you could use what was essentially echolocation
The panic attack he had.. wait-
He was the freaking golden guard??
Okay, okay, more important things to think about
But still, pretty important revelation that you're definitely gonna ask about later
And.. the day of unity? It was a sham?
You learned so much in the past day it was hard to digest
You went home, sulking into the familiarity of your bed
And the next day, or, next few days- leading up to the day, you joined the CATS, and their plans-
You were too deep, even if you didn't want to help, which you did, you also probably had a target on your back from being seen with Hunter
When the day came, you were shaken to your core
Everything was happening so fast, so many people to their knees-
Not to mention you were in the freaking human realm
You had been told by your mom that she managed to wander through a door, getting trapped in the demon realm
So you'd only ever heard stories of rain that was cold, the lack of magic..
You had always wanted to see it, your other parent had too- but the two of you only ever got stories from your mom
The victory of it was overshadowed by the fear
Everyone was badly injured, only one of you had been here before, and oh yeah, let's not forget to mention, you had no way of knowing what happened after you left!
It was high tensions for everyone
You spent the months growing close to the group, particularly Hunter
He was the first person you had made your friend, it was only natural you gravitated towards him
You ended up spilling your life's story to him, just a smidge
He listened as you told him about your parents, a brief complaint about "half-a-witch" sending him into a rant
"That insult is stupid, you have some of the most unique bard magic I've seen despite being half human! Luz beat me in a duel with her glyphs, and she's not even half witch, Willow's plant magic is seriously powerful, even-"
He cut himself off, faltering and putting his hands back in his lap. "Sorry."
He shook his head, when you tried to get him to keep going. Well, that was alright- baby steps, I guess.
"You think my technique is unique?"
"It's similar to old wild magic, your spell circles- were they plant or construction? They could both be useful with bard magic now that I think about it..." he trailed off, mumbling as he tried to work it out in his head.
"You saw those? I thought I was subtle! They were so tiny too,"
"It's my job to be observant, I'm the Golden Gua-"
It went silent
Hunter fiddled with his hands and shirt.
You put a hand over his own, causing him to flinch harder than you had seen someone flinch before and push your hand away
"It's okay, it takes time."
"How long is this going to go on? I can't take it."
Neither of you had an answer, of course.
Sure, you guys were safe- relatively, at least
But you couldn't stay in the human realm with no way back
And neither of you had gone through what Hunter was going through
You didn't even know the full extent of it
You spoke up after a few moments of pure silence, save for breathing
"I don't know, but I'll stay by your side. If you'll let me."
"I think I'd like that. Is that weird? That feels weird?"
"Nah, I think Luz made a bet on it though."
"A bet on what?"
You shrugged. "Who knows? It's Luz."
If you could capture the snicker that came from him for eternity, you would.
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hobiesdump · 5 months
How are you even cooler under your mask? (Headcanon edition. Canon's Razor version here)
Warning- i cannot decide what to do with Hobie's pronouns
Some context - I'm so here for the headcanon that Gwen was gushing bout Miles to Hobie while she crashed there. Totally accidentally hyping him up and getting um excited to meet him.
-First taking off the mask
'Ok. Keep it steady. Don't seem too eager to know what he looks like'
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-Noticing Miles looking to final frame before Miles says it
Glancing over all chill and casual. Even adjusting the nose piercing with a potentially unattractive face (lol sorry, Hobie. Miles maybe thought you were winking at him)
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-The first and last frame of Miles saying it with some well lit ones between
-The first frame and 3 after Miles says it
But then Miles has absolutely zero chill. Does not control his expression. Just straight up calls him cool. Not hiding a damn thing and Hobie cracks lol (Miles looks like 'it's literally not even fair how cool you are')
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-In summary~
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-Hobie's so upset to be going into the spiders' den without clear allies and then Miles thinks he's cool and e just lights up and it's so adorable
Some further headcanon context: I think Hobie tried too hard to be impressive, made Miles feel inferior and defensive, misread that defensiveness as playful teasing and reciprocated what was actually antagonism. This moment was a second chance for first impressions. Miles had really not been picking up on what icebreakers Hobie had been laying down so there was no reason to expect things to go so well so fast.
(And I have several additional notes depending on what multiverse we've stumbled into. I'll start from my least favorite so the post ends on the best note imo)
-Hobie clocked Gwen for the failed ally that she's being and came into this knowing e was going to be the only person actually looking out for Miles. This would make first impressions super important and Hobie probably had already realized a few mistakes were made while masked up. Of course it would be immensely relieving to know that things weren't already horribly damaged between them!
-Shipper Hobie. Especially if Hobie is actually older, e's just doing is best to be a good wing spider to Gwen. Hobie makes sure not to place emself between the two (ok once in the panic of Mumbattan and once to allow Miles to shove im). They even consistently walk ahead of them so they can be as alone together as is possible in a crowded place. The only time they walk without Miles is when Gwen hurried to catch up. (And this isn't because Miles is putting himself between them intentionally. I don't think that ever happens)
-Polyamory mission. Gwen is down for it and Hobie just needs to play it cool enough that they can build up to talking to Miles about it without freaking him out. The main focus would have probably been just making sure he didn't feel so threatened that Gwen seeing other people wouldn't be cool. But then Miles thinks Hobie is cool. And then oh no he's cute. Maybe there's a chance for turning that potential poly angle into a potential poly triangle and the plan has definitely evolved.
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horizon-verizon · 20 days
Have you met Daemon Targaryen ?? No seriously, what book did you read? For god’s sake, did you read the scene with Blood and Cheese? It’s unspeakably horrifying! We are supposed to come out of that room realizing that nothing is worth this, that a line has been crossed and innocent lives utterly destroyed, that the man who ordered this is not roguish, but GENUINELY EVIL AND MONSTROUS. Daemon is responsible for ordering his 6 year old great-nephew killed. That the Greens betrayed Rhaenyra does not mean they can be held to account for everything the Blacks did for the rest of the war. This is Morality 101, Daemon is a grown man who knew exactly what he was doing, if he wanted to avenge Lucerys death, why he didn’t murdered Aegon or Aemond?
Really, I know that the ASOIAF fandom is full of male obsessed pick me, but how is it that Daemon, sexual predator and child murderer, never lacks for defenders? Are people just confusing their archetypes and thinking of him as an appealingly roguish and dashing rulebreaker? Because, no, he’s just a blatantly and consistently terrible person. He’s a bland and deathly boring parody of Oberyn (and it’s highly offensive to Oberyn because he seeks vengeance for the violent death of his sister and her babies, while Daemon violently murder children and drive their mother to insanity and suicide).
*EDITED POST* (6/11/24)
We are supposed to come out of that room realizing that nothing is worth this, that a line has been crossed and innocent lives utterly destroyed, that the man who ordered this is not roguish, but GENUINELY EVIL AND MONSTROUS.
Anon may be answering to this post or any of the last dozens of helaena posts.
So....apparently, you didn't think this way when Lucerys (13) died, who was the first child who was killed in cold blood by his older uncle, Aemond (19) after said dude rushed after him, incensed and eager to prove his masculinity after Maris Baratheon mocked him for not fighting this 13 year old. Who killed a child who was acting as an envoy, who was acting as an envoy because their side decided to takeover the Red Keep to hold a council to persuade/force them to crown Aegon and usurp Rhaenyra, thus pushing the blacks to search/survey those who would be at their side in case a war broke out?
Who drew first blood? Who was the first to kill a child? Who invited the inevitable anger and grief of the family of the murdered child? This isn't Romeo and Juliet where the origins of the rivalry are unknown, lost to time.
Who created the heft of the conditions that lead to Rhaenyra's usurpation?
And when did I say Daemon was just and deserved to wreak revenge through a another child's murder, anyway? IF HE ACTUALLY ARRANGED B&C. Show me where I say that, anon. There's such thing as "nuance",
(if Daemon actually did it, bc again link above where I note that GoTHistorian of TikTok explains how it may not have actually been Daemon bc it was just too strategically stupid and risky, and Daemon has shown enormous restraint during the black council--for him, or the expected/reputed version of him--it could have been a party who wanted to either push the sides to war or want to sow discord amongst the greens and withi the blacks as well) Daemon was wrong and responsible for his own response, yes...AND it wasn't an act he just decided to do willy-nilly, as if the other side hadn't done anything likewise.
Look, I'm sorry that not everyone is as sympathetic or as hateful towards Daemon AFTER said kid's adult relatives decided to begin the war in the first place and murder Rhaenyra-Daemon's child. When they were never in any actual danger from either person (you'd have to prove that Daemon was making plans to and under Rhaenyra's nose other than vibes, aside from his last act w/Nettles, he has performed no serious act of rebellion against Rhaenyra's authority/clearest orders). No, his laughing, making fun, and ignoring his own nephews in favor of Rhaenyra is not evidence of him actually plotting their deaths. Does that mean that every time someone you hate or hates you laughs at you, they have to be willing to murder you if they have the chance? The nephews didn't present any sort of active threat, but neither was Daemon really fond of them bc--as the text states--they made him more insignificant....or more likely, bc they happened to be the scions of his own rival, Otto/the Hightowers instead of someone like Aemma Arryn, who was both his first cousin (through his aunt Daella) and from a more dedicated house. We have never seen Daemon perform violence against a perceived enemy unless there are imminent or already-done attacks done against him and those close to him. The greens attacked, so he went after them.
Yes, it ruins Helaena and leads to her suicide. Yeah, murder is bad, and yes this was a tragedy...did you (Aemond) have to invite the anger of the other side without the assurance of meeting them in arms?
And once, more, if we trace the fault, who exactly taught Aemond to be so hostile and mocking of his own nephews? To see Rhaenrya as "stealing" his and Aegon's supposed "birthright"? Since you claim to have read F&B? To inspire him to stoking his rage and jealousy towards the ruin of these "bastards" who he feels has what he is owed--again, not just recourse for the idea, but actually the "birthright"?
I suppose the counterargument is that Jaehaerys' death was "more" tragic or horrific bc he was younger than Lucerys and he wasn't on a dragon or had anything substantial to protect himself. But Lucerys' dragon, Arrax, was way smaller and younger than Vhagar. He was lunchmeat. And Lucerys was still much younger than Aemond, his killer while also being a child himself as Jaehaerys' childness was to Daemon's adultness.
how is it that Daemon, sexual predator and child murderer, never lacks for defenders? Are people just confusing their archetypes and thinking of him as an appealingly roguish and dashing rulebreaker? Because, no, he’s just a blatantly and consistently terrible person. He’s a bland and deathly boring parody of Oberyn (and it’s highly offensive to Oberyn because he seeks vengeance for the violent death of his sister and her babies, while Daemon violently murder children and drive their mother to insanity and suicide).
Well, do you know who Lestat the Vampire is? He's a sort of "rogue" figure in his own way--while being one of the most charismatic figures in literary and fiction history. Called the "Brat Prince", too. Also hates to be told what to do, but very loyal to those he loves. I imagine that some fans' love or awe for Daemon is similar. Lestat is also an objectively terrible person...doesn't stop people from loving and "loving" him for his unpredictability and ability to shake stuff up. People like devil-may-care attitudes with hearty hearts who nevertheless value loyalty, and Daemon's got it all that. So does Oberyn. Both are extremely loyal to their houses and families and indifferent to every one else.
Also part of it is that many of the stuff that people accuse Daemon of doing bc of HotD, he can't have done or he wouldn't have done not out of morality but because it'd bite him in the ass--therefore he's not as "crazed" or irrational as some make him out to be. What's offensive to some people is the disingenuous and/or misinformed indictment of a person--even when that person is evil OR morally ambiguous. Because that disingenuity is more often not about them but about stifling the roguish behavior, the disorder element or because they feel that this attitude reflects an event they experienced at the hands of someone like this character and perceive/relive--like the greens and Otto did--it is a way for people to resist or become some sort of threat to their own plans. Last one may be too personal & reaching, but I'm covering my bases here so I won't have to repeat myself.
I also wouldn't say that Oberyn was a "good" person either. We should probs be careful: but one could say that there's an indication that the way he raised three of his eldest his daughters into them also not doing great things to kids--or planning to--in his name for revenge shows a lack of real care for altruistic morality on his part. Oberyn himself, yes targets the right person, but this doesn't mean he also wasn't doing crazy shit--Obara's mom? Alayaya, the 16 year old prostitute he has sex with while at KL?
And before we say Daemon and the maidens, IF Daemon did that in his youth...
and Oberyn did that to Obara's mother in his youth // Oberyn sleeping with 16 year old Alayaya in his adulthood (42-43)
Daemon didn't continue to sleep with young girls into his 30s or by some evidence b-y-the-text like he did in his late teen-early 20s. There's more evidence from the respective texts to say Oberyn is still sleeping w/teenagers into his 30s and 40s while with Daemon it's much more up in the air officially. Me, I think he didn't--the greens/maesters/people around Dragonstone and Driftmark and KL would have talked of it either against Rhaenyra or just to gossip.
Well. Doesn't look good for your guy.
Look, I do like Oberyn, but I'm not going to say he was Mr. Angelman, that he was Daemon's moral superior either--esp to women, compare his morality to another person, or erase Daemon's decision to sublimate his own claims to support/protect his own family by the Gods Eye episode to do so.
Oberyn, Elia/her kids--Daemon, Rhaenyra/their kids.
It certainly doesn't help that Daemon is a character we have no PoVs for, and we see Oberyn through other characters' PoVs--namely Tyrion's. Or that we aren't in Oberyn's head. Much easier to paint Daemon as categorically worse if we just desire to without feeling the need to support our own thoughts with text-based evidence. But by text-based evidence, Oberyn is not at all a moral superior to Daemon.
I really hope to god you are not also a DaemonxNettles truther. Please. The "sexual predation" better be more about him and Rhaenyra, where it's much comparatively more plausible. The mentioned comparison to Oberyn is sending red flags.
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my-mt-heart · 1 month
TBOC Showrunner
I wanted to wait to address the showrunner issue until I got confirmation either way. I still don't have that. I'm fearful of getting anyone's hopes up only to be disappointed for the millionth time in the last two years and I'm dreading the bullying I'll invite without attaching "proof" again (last time, a few people provoked someone to send me multiple threats demanding my personal information). But I'll deal with it if it happens again. Seeing the comments on another fan's post earlier, I thought maybe a brief update would help clarify a few things.
Zabel is showrunning the version of S3 that's in pre-production right now. Hence, what you see on the WGA. That's been true this whole time. However. What's also true is that AMC reopened negotiations with a female showrunner a few weeks ago for S3. I was told she is very experienced, pro Caryl, and has Melissa's stamp of approval. So basically, we'd be hitting the showrunner jackpot. They're still negotiating. I have no idea where it will land or when. If that deal closes, she'll replace Zabel and write her own Spain edition of S3, which IMO will be worth the wait. I think I'd be the most excited I've ever been for TWD/Caryl content and I think every Daryl and Carol fan would be too. Good content beats fast content by miles and miles.
That's the hope I'm hanging onto by a thread. If the deal doesn't happen for S3, I have to walk away and I will do so knowing I'm not hurting Melissa or Carol. I can't support David Zabel. His writing is appalling. The imagery he uses is inappropriate and tone deaf. He does not understand who Daryl and Carol are. I will not watch him ruin them (further?) in S3. I don't know how AMC can claim to celebrate strong female characters like Carol when the title leaves her out and the showrunner doesn't respect the incredible actress who plays her.
Melissa didn't get to weigh in when Zabel became showrunner. She deserves to have someone she trusts to write Carol's story in ways that honor her. Someone who will lift her up, not try to keep her "in her place." Fans never get to weigh in on these decisions. I shared the info about the female showrunner several months ago because I thought, why not give them a chance? Your voices have more power than a lot of you realize.
We were able to bring Carol/Melissa back to the spinoff because we were passionate about how we felt about her. It brought us a step closer to giving ourselves and Melissa the spinoff we were all promised. Genuinely, that's been my only angle all along. Again, there's no guarantee of anything, but for now there's at least a glimmer of hope. That hope gets stronger when we speak up about how Zabel makes us feel, how the marketing makes us feel, and how the possibility of a good showrunner, good writing, and good marketing strategies makes us feel differently i.e. more eager to watch the next part of Caryl's story, plus however many "next parts" come afterward.
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akuma-tenshi · 1 month
posted on youtube because tumblr absolutely destroyed the quality
happy birthday to the world's most beautiful man!! i made this edit earlier this month but decided to schedule it for his birthday instead, since it was happening soon anyway lmao. so here's an edit for my favourite frederick skin in story, characterisation, theme, and design!! phantom sail is genuinely such an incredible skin and i love how this turned out; with each edit i make i only get better >:-D
song is culpability and the panopticon by ghost and pals. 'twas promised in the tags for my emil edit and now i deliver <3
several paragraphs of super sappy shit + frederick appreciation under the cut
so back before frederick was released, my best friend @sunset-of-the-void and i had been talking about him. we didn't know much about him, but we liked what we did know: a beautiful, mentally ill musician with family trauma, auditory hallucinations, and perfectionism issues. void was a lot more fond of him than i was, but the more we talked about him, the more i liked him too. i found myself eager to learn more about this upcoming survivor.
so now here we are. a little over a year after his release, and with his inclusion in ashes of memory, his complete lack of new skins until coa7 and voyage of oceanus, and playing him initially just to fulfill one side of a ship (i'll get talking about emilerick in a sec), he's only grown more on me. i've made jokes that frederick is one of only two men who i as a lesbian am attracted to, but in all seriousness, i genuinely adore him as a character. he is truly very well-written and designed and in one short year, he's become a huge comfort for me. he's one of my favourite idv characters to write about, and i'm pretty sure i'm more than a little annoying about him to my idv friends (terribly sorry about that </3).
and yes, maybe part of that comes from void coming up with the brilliant, beautiful ship that is emilerick. making content for what's quickly turned into one of my biggest comfort ships has given me a chance to look even deeper into his character outside of stressful situations. frederick is a fascinating and complex character, and i have greatly enjoyed writing him interacting with emil, who, in my opinion, is just as fascinating and complex as he is. as long as frederick has existed, we have had emilerick, and i wouldn't have it any other way.
on his own, too, frederick is a wonderful character, and i love him dearly. from surface-level traits such as his posh appearance and the music that disrupts the game itself, to what aom introduced with his relation to mary and his proficiency with firearms, to even the smallest details like his chimerism and the family crest on his a-tier accessory, frederick is incredibly well-thought-out and it's clear that a lot of love has gone into his character. as both a fan of the game and a writer, i adore him.
the consistent themes between his skins certainly help, too. i hope they keep it up while also finding new ways to make him fucked up and evil, it's delightful.
i love you, frederick. never stop being your concerning, weird, obsessive self.
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sapphyreopal5 · 3 months
I have a problem with saying things without sounding rude, but I promise I'm not being mean: I feel like JD got together with Gen because of his mental health problems, with this I mean that I think he subconsciously thinks he doesn't deserve real love and just stuck with her. I have some best friends who were in these sort of situations (I was in it too) and the more I learn about the couple, the more I feel strongly about this. Also Gen gives me snake vibes...
Hello Anon, thank you for coming by and sending me this ask. I am guessing you may have seen at least some of my more recent posts pertaining to Gen and Jared. I have spoken with a few people in PMs about my views in more depth and have similar sentiments you do. If you have not looked at some of my posts I'll happily link them in this post for your and others' review. I speculated about a month ago actually on Leap Day on my J2 relationship timelines post that Jared and Gen may have had some conflicts with say number of kids they would like and even when they want to start having kids. I believe Gen was more ready and eager to get married and have kids but Jared was more or less... wanting to wait. Of course, a friend just yesterday sent me a video clip where Jared pretty much said "have fun" with conversations of this nature with Gen and confirmed my suspicions: He wants no more kids but Gen does.
I made a noteworthy mention of the palmistry reading Jared received many years ago on a "blind date" he mentioned in one of the old Supernatural magazines back in 2008 that I believe 100% is relevant to what you are saying Anon.
"I believe deep down Jared is afraid of taking an honest look at things romantically (thus all this "extra" shit coming from their way), and it all goes back to this palmistry reading where he was told he will be financially rich but his love life will be bad and confided part of him is waiting for his love life to get messed up. Do note this was from the May/June 2008 issue #4 of the Supernatural Magazine, which was published around the time he broke up with Sandy and not much longer later met Genevieve...."
For anyone that is interested in the direct quote from that magazine about Jared's palm reading, that tidbit states:
"Interestingly, Padalecki has mixed feelings about palm readings. "I went to a palm reader years ago [on a blind date], and I don't remember exactly what she said, but she said I was going to be rich and have a bad love life. And I was like. 'That's crappy. Can you switch it?’ So, good news and bad news. But it was kind of kooky and funny, and she was kind of crazy…" Padalecki hasn't forgotten what the palm reader said, and he confides that a part of him is just waiting for his love life to get messed up." [X]
I also threw in this edit on that post March 13 around 12:04pm EST a couple weeks after I made the post initially that I think also greatly applies to what you are saying here Anon:
"EDIT (added 3/13/2024 @ 12:04pm EST): A good friend of mine brought up a very good point when we were discussing this topic a little after I was done making this post. She brought up how Jared had his first breakdown on the set of SPN while filming the episode "A Very Supernatural Christmas" which was back around Nov or Dec 2007. She said it's possible that given this happened months before Sandy and him broke up it is entirely possible he was not in the "right" mindset when all this dating and breaking up stuff was going on in his life. It should also be discussed in this context how Jared had his breakdown May 14, 2015 while he was in Switzerland alone (Gen had flown home within a day or two before this happened). I don't for a second buy the story she saved his life at any point. I hope some of her stans come at me for saying that because facts hurt, don't they? His so called "hero" flew home before the fact, and didn't stop to think if Jared was doing okay before she did. This trip to Europe in her eyes was a paid vacation to her, point blank. Also, given he was arrested in 2019 while intoxicated and also the bad behaviors on Twitter he's displayed in the past before Charlie seemingly took reign as his and Gen's social media manager, I honestly doubt she "saved" him from anything but being single and alone is about it."
Now for the "snake vibes", alright so I have some interesting things to say about this one. I am going to guess you're not talking about this from any metaphysical standpoint or spiritual point of view but more or less from a general, every day observations point of view. If you want to talk about the "extra" shit I spoke about, I can point you to the absurd Jared kissing her billboard here last summer, post sex (allegedly) photo here from May 20, 2022, and that stupid yet super cringe shower TOWWN ad posted on Valentine's day in 2022, and let's not forget the time Jared quickly deleted a post back in July 2021 (this Tumblr post being from the 31st but am sure this post was made on Jared's page a little before then) because it showed a container of pills and a black dildo besides it, and remade it with the photo cropped out for starters. Some people in this fandom have said that Gen had this photo on her page that was quickly around the same time period. Coincidence? Hmm maybe but I'll bet I know who took the photo to begin with, especially given what this Anon has observed with the Pads' social media behaviors.
Also, I can't stop laughing every time I see the blacked out background photo seen in this post Gen made for her birthday this year. I admittedly also once noticed a notification on my phone that Jared made a post and the caption talking about Father's Day last year in 2023. Like a dummy, I fat fingered and hit the notification before I could screenshot this. Lo and behold by the time I hit the notification it was GONE. However, right after that post was deleted it showed on Ge's page. Hmmm... It's also funny on those posts where they are being all "extra", Jared is no where to be seen "liking" these posts on Gen's Instagram. Also, I find it curious how the original Nowandgen page tagged in some of his posts that Gen once had is now gone and is now taken by a Gen stan named Julie. Hmmm but we are SO in love, aren't we? Also, we all know Jared's toboggan is a source of his comfort, we don't care if he wears this hat. In this Instagram livestream Gen and Jared did talking about the book "Happy Place" by Emily Henry ironically so, in the first couple minutes of the clip you can hear Gen saying "No, don't wear your hat". Don't get me started on the stupid comment I saw below circled in green (totally agree with the comment circled in orange I copied and pasted on this screenshot I took today, April 2, 2024). I've noticed a lot of Jared's more recent posts have been what I suspect are in fact in their guest house not the main house (ex. the "Channeling Walker at Home" post, this SPN family hoodie post), outside, or just not at home.
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I listened to a podcast Gen did with Dave Hollis back in Nov 2020 someone sent to me not too long ago, which I posted on March 25, 2024. I talked about this in the context of how Gen just doesn't seem to really like her husband all that much afterall. Please review the highlights of the podcast below again straight from Gen's mouth herself:
4:30 (in the context of Dave and her discovering what really matters to them the most continuing from the last question): "This is the first time I lived with my husband. I know that sounds really crazy but my husband had been filming a TV show for 15 years in Vancouver so when all of this started you know he came down here. He had 2 episodes left and then that was the completion of the series. Personally, it meant that I had to live with him and deal with coparenting which was really stressful like the thought of it. And to make that work, and it was crazy because we were always in this tight bubble with just us and our kids and it really was simplifying. It was you know like the layers are gone. The interference is gone, drama is kinda out the window in a way, and we got to really simplify basic needs. It's so weird how much unlayering we had to do and that's what I'm finding through all of this is a lot of unlayering to get to the core".
7:25 (con't from above) I'm finding creativity in that work and you have to work on, on that relationship and um find creative ways to 'cause you know especially after the two of use have been together for 12 years, we're really different people and you grow at different times and sometimes you are like "I really don't like you right now" and then the other person grows in a different direction and you kind of have to find the balance and that creativity to come back together and that commonality to come back together and you know..."
This must be one of the best parts of the whole podcast right here:
26:25 "I was just talking to someone about this that my favorite relationship with him is a work relationship. Sometimes it's hard to be married to him because he's like, Jared is so interesting because he's so analytical. I mean my husband, I'm going to toot his horn because he's literally one of the smartest human beings I've ever met in my life and it's annoying because he will correct you on words you think he didn't even know. I have a book of SAT words just because I'm like I am going to get him. And so I'll just casually talk about something and use a crazy word in a sentence and he'll be like well you pronounced it incorrectly. It's so frustrating. Also in our marriage he's very giving and emotional and supportive. He's supportive in everything that I've done and I feel really lucky and grateful. I think even more so when it comes to work he is your biggest cheerleader and it's going to be a lot of time together. But funny enough, I think we'll be better at work than sometimes we are at home. Because I'm like, this is how the kids are, this is how I like them, this is the order that I like things in. And it's hard for me to let go I think, at home. But at work, it's just a really nice exchange and I feel really lucky, and he'll sit there too. If he's not working, he'll take it, pull up a chair and talk on the phone and watch at me and I can hear him bragging about me and whether he's doing it for my benefit I don't know but it makes me feel good and I feel really lucky that he does stuff like that."
But but.... we're so in love aren't we?! And let me just say this, maybe Gen really is a snake and is very two faced. What we see on camera is totally different from what really happens behind closed doors. I mean... who puts their young kids in therapy and calls it "brain exercise"?
29:50 "but for us specifically we both are in therapy, actually all of us, the kids are in therapy as well. We feel really strongly like it's a workout. So you know, we know we put so much emphasis on exercise."
Bottom line is, I highly doubt they are in a truly loving marriage. Can't convince me otherwise, what we see publicly is smoke and mirrors. You will rarely see how things truly are when it comes to public figures and most people generally speaking. I'm sorry to hear about your past relationships Anon and hope you have found greener pastures that have stayed greener. I myself have stayed in relationships too long after they stopped serving me in part due to my own mental health issues.
Now onto the spiritual side of things I want to delve into but gotta hit "keep reading" below in case some readers here are not interested in this kind of thing ha ha...
If you are like some of my other followers, I also talked recently about Gen partaking in black magic in multiple posts. Even if you and others find it to be hogwash or superstition, I think we can all agree that the things she talked about in making these so called boxes to "keep the marriage alive" and even keeping a box he used is odd at best and even creepy from certain points of view. I talked about it here with Gen's "snow dance for the gods", as well as this post where I discussed it in further depth and then when I first started speculating on her witchy habits here along that with one of her suspected partners in crime Charlie Capen, their social media manager. Lots of things straight from Gen's mouth also from this podcast she did with Dave Hollis. Some noteworthy things she said with respect to this topic include:
6:15: Dave said "talk a little bit about the ways you have had to be creative in maintaining the relationship that you have, the love that you have with the distance that has historically existed and the complexity of what it means to do the work that you both do. To which Gen responded "yeah I think it's finding the little things and I always enjoyed having a long distance relationship with him. It's kind of silly 'cause like it's in some ways it's like this vacation you have when you're together and then they're gone and so it's almost like super- not superficial but but it's not realistic and when we were apart, what I would do is create boxes. I mean he still has this box from um when we first met he was a port drinker. And he had a bottle of this Pinto port that he loved and so I took the box and I put in you know love letters and n' what have you and then once we had kids you know it obviously gets a little more complicated and you're strapped but just making that time. It's so silly but it's work and you have to treat it as such but without it becoming monotonous I guess.
Even if you aren't into witchcraft or just don't necessarily believe in that stuff, I myself have spoken with a psychic guy who made comments on Jensen's birthday post addressed to Danneel earlier this year who did end up talking to me some about Gen doing black magic herself amongst other things via PM. He said the following things. One of the noteworthy things from below he discussed a "strong protective field so she cannot be exposed". Maybe this relates to why so many people including admittedly himself perceive her as a cheerful, bright person who is a friendly woman. It could also be why I have yet to come across other psychics who have talked about Gen in relation to her doing witchcraft.
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Note that this guy isn't in the SPN fandom, he is not a fan of Jensen or Jared's and doesn't actively follow J2 or the wives on social media or anything so much. I chose to share these screenshots crossing out his name and icon, and only showed certain parts of the conversation that are relevant to the topic here (apparently lives across the sea from where I am here in the USA, doesn't speak English and uses a translator to send messages). I do not believe personally Jared will stay with Gen forever, although from a spiritual context, some of what we are shown today can change tomorrow.
I will say that at the direction of my guides, strangely enough a few days before I even started talking to him and he made these comments, I was instructed to make a tarot card reading post I made last summer private. Months ago on this very same post that's now private, I was told also to cross out the parts where I talked about Gen and Jared "working things out" and "rekindling things". I also spoke of a "quiet separation" that won't be public knowledge which I believe is going on. Very interesting stuff, the things our guides know that we don't at the given moment. Hmm..... Thanks for the ask Anon.
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cealesti · 5 months
Hello! May I ask you, out of pure curiosity, why you are (I’m assuming) choosing to wait until you’ve finished Arc II of with eyes like these to release the couple chapters you have finished writing for a while now? Is it to help smooth the editing process? Is it an update schedule thing? Again, *only* curious! Either way, I’m very eager for what’s to come :D
Hello! You may ask indeed, Nonnie, it's no problem!
Well, I suppose it's a matter of editing, or what I usually refer to as "my second draft phase". Basically, I want to have the entire fic written (not just the second arc, love, I'm very sorry to say) before I post again, because I feel that's the only way I'll be satisfied with this fic. Having it written out beforehand, I can read it and figure out if I need to flesh something out, if x thing is happening way too fast and needs to be spaced out, if the character dynamics are shifting too drastically or frequently, if this particular plot point even makes sense, etc etc. You know?
I didn't feel this need with the first arc (or, rather, I felt the need to write just the first arc but not the entire fic) because the first arc was more self contained and easier to handle. I thought I'd be able to do the same for the second arc, but it's turning out a tad more complex (more plot threads and planting the seeds of future events). Plus, the third arc is still very fuzzy in my mind, apart from those big plot beats.
I tried to get around this problem by following an outline more strictly, but, eh. Allowing myself to write more freely has resulted in a lot of new scenes that I hadn't thought of but which I now love. It's made me fall more in love with the story again, and I feel super excited to tackle act 3 (which is!!! almost here for me!!! screams!!!!)
Of course, the consequence of going about it like this is that I'll be following a clearer and more frequent update schedule when I go back to posting, which I'm sure will be more pleasant for everyone :p but yeah, that's not the main reason.
Hope this isn't too tedious to read, I'm a little long winded at times ;w; I'm also looking forward to sharing my little baby with you guys!! And I hope you're doing well, anon!
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moccabunie · 5 months
things I've learned after a year writing fanfiction
This is a post from a non-writer who, apparently, now writes (❓) And this is a little crazy to me, considering that a year ago writing less than 1k decent words took a lot of effort. But this year I have completed a +100k project. (It's still difficult, though.)
I found out that the more I wrote, the easier it was to get into the story. So I think that being captivated by my own story has made a lot. I am an eager fanfiction reader, but I had yet to really try to write something on my own.
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That was until I got hyper-fixated on three characters and wrote a small story about them sharing a room, and it was one of the funniest and most rewarding things I've done. So I was like "oh, maybe I can try to imagine stories I would like to read?"
(1) story one - a bird told me to wait
The first thing I considered was to make it completely self-indulging. The second was to make it as evocative as possible, not only telling what was happening. I like sensations and emotions, so I really wanted to write things I would like to feel as a reader. I wrote this story, and after that, I added a second longer part because I was enjoying it a lot. I used to doodle about the characters and make small annotations about their dynamics, but there wasn't really a lot of planning here.
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(2) story two - beneath the moonlight
My second attempt was a three-chapter story (not so distant from the previous one that can be read as three parts too). But for this one, I wanted to challenge myself because I wanted to explore new themes and tropes, so I made a brief list of the things that should appear here. (but honestly, I just wanted to write a soft mating bite scene lmao, because I was super into a/b/o at that time.) I used keep notes app this time.
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I barely showed explicit themes here but I got to enjoy the story anyway. This one wasn't difficult to write because I felt familiar with the characters. It's a light story but these 20k words gave me the courage to take a step further. I said to myself
"stop being a coward. you have enjoyed this. keep writing."
(3) story three - lucid dreams
This one was planned for four or five chapters, quite in the same line as beneath the moonlight. But, and the keyword is planned, it became a full 13 chapters as I developed the story and the characters. If I wanted it to be coherent then I needed to explain the things, build the context, and introduce the world. But it was also an experimental work. I took my notebook and listed the new things I wanted to try, such as - write in past tense - write first and edit later
my process was something like this • imagine random scenarios with pretty imagery as I listened to music • doodling the characters doing things so I didn't forget • open the notes app to write random sentences and dialogues in the middle of the night, I'll find a place for them later • dream about the story and daydream about the story
as for the physical notebook, I have scribbled A LOT there during the writing process.
(a little bit chaotic but functional enough)
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One thing I wanted to keep in mind was the evolution of the characters, or in other words, how they were gonna be at the start and the end of the story. And this made things a lot simpler because it gave me an insight that was helpful whenever I had to decide what kind of decisions the characters would make along the story.
Parallelly, I was aware of my narrative flaws, as well as there was a lot of vocabulary and grammar that would escape me in a different language. So I used the notebook to do writing research. Some of my pages were like "how to write action scenes," or "tips for flat scenes." Whenever I felt blocked I read again these pages.
I'm going to copy down here some tips that were useful during the writing block days.
• read another book or fic you like, since sometimes, getting yourself caught by another writer's style can help you to flow through your own. • scroll on pinterest and try to find pictures that capture the vibe of your story, maybe try to describe them or setting a scene in a similar environment that you can see? • changing the setting (for example, day to night, or sun to rain) can add more variants and ambiental tools to play with. • or, changing the character's pov. maybe a scene feels flat because it's narrated by the wrong character. • use objects, not just the characters.
(4) finishing a story
To have an insight into the plot, I wrote the main scenes in really short sentences. That was useful for the first chapters, but suddenly I had 70K words of the story and a lot of details to track. Frequently I had to split chapters into two parts because the "short sentence" became a very long scene. See this comparison: the scenes' guide in the last chapters usually are fragmented into shorter scenes. That's how I avoided losing my mind as I wrote (?)
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These are a few tips that were useful to me during this last part.
• write the important plot points as they are mentioned so you can come back to them later and don't forget about them. • keep a scrip to annotate significant things about the characters to make the story consistent. • notion pages is a great place to make inspo boards (usually I added 4 pictures for each scene). During the last chapter, I used the to-do list tool to keep track of the closed story points and the things that were yet to happen • list some of your favourite past scenes, those that have been nice to write, so you can pursue the same vibe again.
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The last two months writing the fic I joined the nanowrimo to keep myself motivated but also to have an impulse. My only goal was getting the habit of writing everyday, not minding how many words (usually it was around 400-600 daily). I ended that month with 16k added on my wordcount (to me, that was a lot!). Since I enjoyed that little challenge, I did the same on the next month, resulting in finishing the fic :)
The most important thing during this time was remembering myself from time to time why I am doing this. Let me say I am an utter perfectionist, so I would easily get trapped in making-the-story-perfect, which would end in a writing block. So each time this happened I repeated to myself that I didn't want to write a good story. I just wanted to enjoy and have fun while writing a story, so I should write only things I enjoy. And this simple thing was incredibly helpful whenever I wasn't able to continue a scene.
I think that this is what most writers say, but now I have come to understand that it's true: just have fun. Write what you wanna read.
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(5) the next story - requiem of the sleepless
This would be the third part of my first fic. I miss these unhinged boys and I have a little draft of (unholy) things I want to happen to them! Now I want to unlearn everything I know. I want this story to be zero planned, I just want to ~feel~ the characters and make a lot of random things happen. This is about not forgetting why I started, so here I am again.
Being a non-writer writing.
thank you for reading ♡ 
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jimmycarterghostland · 4 months
Writers, remember to edit your work. It will be worth it.
I can tell when a story I'm reading hasn't been edited. Because there would be things like spelling errors, punctuation issues, and other mistakes. Things that could've been prevented if the writer reread their work or used something to check for errors.
No matter how much I enjoy a story, errors will take away some of my enjoyment. If you're a writer, make sure you never post or publish a work that you haven't edited or checked for mistakes. If you don't take your content seriously, why should a reader?
When I was younger, I never edited my stuff. Especially my online stories. I was too eager to be done with them and get validation. As soon as possible. I remember one story I wrote got some hate, because it wasn't edited. Errors in your literature will irritate the reader. And if you think your first draft of your story, novel, etc. has no errors, think again.
I've been rewriting my Royal Road exclusive web novel, 33, for a year now. Nobody can read it until it's finished. Even before the rewrite, I would edit each chapter before publishing it. I always found errors in the first drafts. Typos, mainly. Sometimes I would find continuity errors, too. I also tried making most of the chapters 5000 something words long. Which means if you have a first draft of a short story, or a chapter of your novel, that is at least 5000 words long, it definitely has errors. Most likely typos.
When I finish the first draft of a work of mine, I go back to the beginning, then edit it as I reread it. Then I use Google Docs spellcheck to check for typos I missed. Unfortunately it doesn't recognize missing quotation marks, which always makes me paranoid that some of my published content has missing quotation marks.
Editing is important, simply put.
Have you ever watched a movie and saw the non-actor crew members in a reflection in the film? Or maybe you spotted a cameraman. It broke your immersion, didn't it? It reminded you that you were watching a film.
Errors in a piece of literature break your immersion, too. It reminds you that you're reading fiction, which is a bad thing. You never want the reader to be sucked out of the story.
Continuity errors break immersion as well. Something like a character being described as having blue eyes and then green ones five chapters later will remind you that you're reading a piece of literature. If you want to write something great, you can't afford to make mistakes like that. I enjoy one of my former favorite book series a lot less because of the numerous continuity errors found in the books. Now I have no love for that series. There were other reasons why I stopped liking it, but the continuity errors were a big one. And there were massive plot holes that were absolutely unacceptable.
Edit your works. Publishing a first draft, a draft that hasn't been edited or improved at all, is something a fool would do.
Would you rather have people read your error-infested piece of literature that irritates them because of the errors? One that you published without editing because you're eager for that validation? One that could have had better description, dialogue, etc?
Or would you rather have people read your edited, error-free work that they love and that they praise you for writing?
It's your choice. But I highly recommend you edit your content before you publish it.
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jerzwriter · 1 year
For His Girls
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Book:                   Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing:                Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey MacTavish)
Featuring:           The Carrick Girls
Rating:                 Teen
Category:            Holiday/Fluff
Summary:           The girls want to have a nice holiday party, just like those Mommy & Daddy have been attending.  So they ask Daddy to make it happen.
Words:                 1000 Words + Edits
A/N:                     This fic is going out to @secretaryunpaid, who sent an ask to see what would happen if the girls asked their Daddy to throw a holiday party for them. It was too cute of an idea to not turn it into something more. I hope you enjoy it!                    @choicesdecember2022 - Day 15 – Dance     
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The week between Christmas and the New Year had quickly become a favorite in The Carrick household. After all, having more time with their little girls was one of the main reasons they started their own practice, and even when Tobias and Casey were overwhelmed by the three little firecrackers, never once did they regret their decision. Not even today, as Casey tried to bundle the three sugar-fueled girls into their winter gear for a trip to the skating rink at the local park. Tobias normally helped, but he was engaged in a far more daunting task: convincing grandma Vivian to watch the little angels so they could attend a party that night.
Wrapped up in their little world of domestic bliss, they had forgotten about the event, and it wasn’t one they could skip. Not only were the Navarro’s good friends, but they were generous supporters of the couple’s non-profit, so skipping it was out of the question. And while Grandma was always eager to spend time with her girls, the last-minute notice meant rescheduling her plans, not something she took kindly to. So, given a choice, Casey was happy to lasso in the three little ladies.  
She listened in on her husband's conversation as she buttoned, tied, and snapped, and later she found out she wasn’t alone.
“You know this might be the time to remind you how many years you begged for grandchildren,” he teased.
“I know, Ma… and you know we wouldn’t ask if….”
“I mean, do you even like attending Mrs. Smith’s holiday dinner? You bitched about it every year when I lived at home.”
“I can’t bribe you with another grandchild anymore. Would you like a puppy, maybe?”
It was all part of a game; everyone knew the eventual outcome. Vivian Carrick would drop plans with Idris Elba at the drop of a hat if it meant spending more time with her little girls, and she loved Idris. But letting her son off the hook easily wasn’t something she was willing to do. She always told him that she didn't care how many women he charmed, she would never be one of them. She birthed the man and was immune. Someone had to keep him humble.
But when he walked down the hall to join his family, quickly dropping to the floor to help Casey tie six little boots, the smile on his face made it clear he won.
“So I suppose I should get my little black velvet dress ready,” Casey winked.
“Oh yeah,” he hummed. “And those black patent heels, too. Maybe I’ll have Ma watch the girls at her house tonight,” he smiled.
Casey blushed at the look he shot her way but didn't dare say another word in front of the girls. But she didn’t need to worry about that because Samantha had her own agenda, and she was about to let loose. Standing with her arms crossed in front of her chest, she eagerly said her piece.
“Daddy!”  She implored. “This is the third holiday party you and Mommy have gone to!”
“So it is,” he said, grabbing her nose. “You keeping count?”
“Are holiday parties fun?” Brooke asked. “You and Mommy always look so pretty when you go.”
“They can be,” Tobias shrugged, “they can also be a pain in the butt.”
“They are nice,” Casey agreed, “and it’s important for us to get grown-up time; but most of the time, we’d rather be home with you.”
“That’s because we’re fun,” Samantha nodded.
Tobias shook his head with a laugh. The Carrick sass gene was strong in his seven-year-old. “That you are, Sammy. That you are.”
“Then why don’t we get to go to the party, Daddy?” Brooke asked sweetly.
“Exactly!" Her older sister chimed in.
“Because these are grown-up events,” he said, now bundling up himself. “You wouldn’t have much fun at them anyway.”
“But we should have our own party!” Samantha stated. “If we did, we can make it a not-grown-up event.”
“Yeah!” Brooke squealed! “We could have it here. Our own holiday party! Could we? Could we, Daddy?”
“Well, I don’t know, the holidays are almost over, and….”
“I mean, it’s a week before we’re back at work or the girls are back at school,” Casey smirked, earning her an “I’ll get you later” look from her love.
“Well, parties take planning,” he argued, “and….”
“It doesn’t have to be big,” Brooke said excitedly. “Just us and a couple friends.”
“We want a party, Daddy!” Samantha stated matter-of-factly. 
Even little Kayla got in on it. Dancing around the foyer of their home, she began to sing. “Pawtee! Pawtee! Pawtee!”
“See, she wants a party, too!” Brooke beamed.
“Mmm. Maybe not,” Casey shrugged. “I think she wants a potty.”
Tobias’s shoulders dropped. “After we just got everyone bundled,” he exasperated. 
“Better now than halfway to the park,” Casey shrugged. “I’ll take her.”
The relief on Tobias’s face was evident. “Thank you.”
“Remember when you wanted nine of these,” she winked. "Because I do.”
“I was completely out of my mind.  But you married me… so you’re not all that sane either.”
Lifting Kayla on her hip, she stepped next to him to whisper so only he could hear. “But, I’m smart enough to realize taking Kayla for one more potty run is less work than you're about to endure. Looks like you have a party to plan.”
“Oh no, I don’t,” he insisted as his wife walked away.
“We’ll see!”
Fifteen minutes later, Casey and Kayla reappeared in the hall.
“Ready to go?” she asked.
“All set,” Tobias nodded.
“And when is the party?”
Bundled like a snowman, Brooke still managed to jump up and down as she screamed. “In three days, Mommy! We each get to invite two friends!”
“Well, except Kayla,” Samantha corrected. “She doesn’t really have friends yet.”
Tobias could see the laughter in Casey’s eyes as they met his. 
“Shut up,” he grumbled. “You know I can’t say no to any of you.”
“Tobias Carrick, Ladies, man has a different meaning for you now, doesn’t it?” she laughed.
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Permatags: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @crazy-loca-blog @differenttyphoonwerewolf @doriopenheart @fayeswiftie @genevievemd @gryffindordaughterofathena @inlocusmads @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @onikalover @openheartforeverinmyheart @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @secretaryunpaid @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks @openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations
OH Only: @annfg8 @coffeeheartaddict2 @mysticalgalaxysstuff @ofmischiefandmedicine @peonierose @youlookappropriate
Tobias Only: @icecoffee90 @kyra75
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agoddamn · 2 years
I had my Teenage Girl Hate phase with Sakura (I was twelve, it's allowed) but over time I found myself really digging her concept...or, her apparent concept at the time. The whole thing where her shallow girly facade is completely fake and her mimicking what she thinks popular/well-liked girls act like because she's self-conscious and anxious, I dig the hell out of it. The self-sabotaging complexity of her relationship with Ino where she so badly wanted to be as cool/respected/self-actualized as Ino that she was willing to torch the friendship--love that.
The potential comphet reading of a hyperfeminine-looking girl forcing herself to act even more feminine for social acceptance--that's some chef's kiss shit, especially when you take her homoerotic rival parallels with Ino in the context of Naruto and Sasuke's relationship (where Naruto has a shallow crush that he grows out of and comes to admit that the real most important relationship to him is someone he clashed with was there some irrelevant girl involved? Ah, whatever).
She's also got the coveted everyman angle into the story, where she doesn't have a special bloodline or traumatic childhood like everyone else in Konoha.
All Kishimoto had to do was keep doing what he had already set up with her--finding her feet and growing into a real person as opposed to the shallow caricature she acted like as a child when she had no self-confidence.
But...we all know how that went. I honestly think he kinda psyched himself out, focused too hard on "omg she's a girl I can't write girls" because her building blocks are solid. Yes, young Sakura is obnoxious, but so are young Naruto and Sasuke! And then he had to pivot to franchising and setting up a "next generation" series, and her ability to give Sasuke another Uchiha overrode any other potential narrative value. Kishimoto was eager for any excuse to get out of developing her and giving her Main Character levels of focus. Those interview segments where he talks about how she was really unpopular so he tried to fix that in Shippuden by making her prettier...painful.
(I feel like SasuSaku is like the narrative inversion of VegeBul where Bulma ended up being Trunks's mother because she was the only unmarried female character Toriyama remembered he had, except with VegeBul their relationship added an unexpected, interesting texture to both characters and created a surprisingly memorable relationship running counter to many common tropes at the time*. VegeBul came out stronger for its narrative practicality-related origins and SasuSaku did...not.)
[*Please do not mistake this for me trying to claim that "DBZ is woke actually," I'm only saying that 90s shonen didn't often have successful unmarried moms.]
So I think that she also ultimately ends up as another casualty of Naruto's narrative paradox--that thing where the series is set up on "shinobi shouldn't just be tools" but it's a shonen and it cannot follow through on that principle because shonen need to have cool fights. In a shonen framework, making her a healer limited her even further thanks to narrative values of shonen (beams = good).
(I could make a whole post on how fictional healing is extremely hard to write tbh)
tl;dr my personal edition of the "Sakura was done dirty" post.
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chaoticrobotics · 10 months
Please don't rush your comics take it slow and steady I know many people are eager to see more from your comics but please don't forget your human you need to take breaks from time to time art burnout isn't a joke I myself was once a artist and i quit that because it didn't bring me much joy anymore because of excessive burnout so please from one artist to another Take a breather maybe plan what your gonna do for the story going forward maybe take some inspiration from the game or something though whatever the outcome I will honor it.
Oh don't worry about the story itself. I have it all planned out and am absolutely not changing it (other than possible dialogue changes, I have the major plot points all set though). So that's not the issue.
It was the actual art itself. You are right, art burnout isn't a joke, and honestly I'm pretty sure I've never been closer to quitting art than when I was making Security Alert. The only difference with me is, art is one of the very few things that bring me any sense of joy. It's literally either a select few video games, or making art/stories, and at the time of making Security Alert I was in a video game burnout too and struggling through college.
All of that built up to make me miserable to draw and probably super depressed looking back at it (though I wouldn't hit a true low until my last semester, if I was still trying to do the comic then I don't think I would have made it).
Anyway, thank you for your words. I do appreciate them! I am going to take my time with this comic. Maybe even try out a different format or something. Smaller parts or less detail in the art. I just want to get the story out, and since I am not a writer, I have to draw it. But I'll definitely be taking my time when drawing it.
I'll be honest, I don't know how many people might have realized it, but I am a serial procrastinator that needs deadlines to get shit done, and I get stuff done all in one go or not at all. So all those big parts I posted? Those were all done in basically one sitting. Some of them were done in 3 days with me getting a total of like 3-4 hours of sleep on the weekend, not even counting the editing I did for videos. So you can probably see why I started to resent the comic and start to burn out from it.
I'm literally just rambling now, but I wanted people to know a little bit about what I went through since I know not everyone will be as understanding as you or other people who have sent in kind words to me in the past. I've learned my lesson then, and since I am not in college anymore, I won't feel rushed to get things out before the weekend is done or be rushing myself to make people happy.
It honestly all really sucks because I was always so happy to post the comic/tiktok and pass out finally, then to wake up to a flood of nice messages. But it would all too soon go away because only a day (sometimes not even) after posting people would be demanding the next part. It just sucks since I did have fun a lot, but also had that fun drained away just as quickly.
I don't even know what I am trying to say anymore. Thank you for the nice words. I will keep to my word about not rushing myself or pushing myself too much. I do feel like I am, at some point, going to try doing what I did before and pull all nighters and fuck up my sleep schedule drastically, but I'm hoping I will recognize the signs this time and take a step back once I possibly start doing that.
So don't be upset (saying this to the general audience/whoever reading this, not specifically you) if at some point in the future, if the comic does continue, that there might be another hiatus. Will definitely try not to go on a basically year long hiatus like I did last time, but depending on how my mental state is, it might be a pretty long one.
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#pre-fall scene#all im saying
Myabe I'm being dense but what exactly are you saying?
oh god okay anon i'll be honest but even i don't really know what im saying!!!✨ well no, wait, i do but essentially im gonna need to use this ask to parse it out (and save @teddybearbutchh from being spammed with my stream of consciousness)
so, let me be clear - im open to any take on this line. we're clear, right (and was laid out brilliantly in that post!) that aziraphale seems to know something about miracling love that the archangels and crowley do not - this is an experience unique only to him (as far as we're aware). it's something he has presumably tried to do, and seen the lack of desired result, to be able to reach this conclusion. and in order for him to get away with the lie to the archangels, its something he knows they won't have done. pretty obvious summary, but bear with me - it helps me lay out my thoughts!!!
now look, it could be that he's tried to miracle crowley in love with him. it could be that he's tried to miracle himself out of love with crowley (heartbreaking). it could be that he's tried to miracle two humans in love with each other. but here are my thoughts on these three things:
i don't personally hold the belief that they've been in love with each other since eden. ive talked about it in other posts, i won't go on about it, but their interactions through time, for me, have been them falling in love with each other in a rather organic way. some of those interactions towards the beginning of their story have been stilted, cold, even arguably antagonistic at times - that's my personal read, anyway. so, if we hold that aziraphale didn't realise he was in love until 1941, it makes no sense, for me, for him to have attempted miracling crowley in love with him between these points...? i also think 1941 is where aziraphale realises that crowley at least feels something for aziraphale in kind - he saved the books! - and this gives aziraphale some sort of... hope? (right up until 'oh shit, we're too close now and it actually might have Consequences - "you go too fast for me, crowley"). so yeah, i don't see, personally, any point in this history where this version of the attempted-miracle might have happened. (edit: sorry, to clarify - 'this history' being between the beginning and essentially modern day)
second one? okay look, this kills me. i hate it (i love it), and i could see this being the case - a bit of a bait-and-switch, that it wasn't making people fall in love, it was that aziraphale couldn't handle being in love. horrendous thought... but if we go with this - again, where is the point where aziraphale would have attempted this? well, the only point for me would be between 1941-1967... and that would make sense!!! but... is it in aziraphale's character to do this? personally, i think not. imo, i think aziraphale would see being in love with crowley as a gift - one that hurts, definitely, but one that he is honoured to have. he's a being of love, can sense it as easy as... well, breathing - and i don't think it's something he'd wish away. lmao @ tennyson, mad lad: "it is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all." (he's definitely read, and probably liked(?), tennyson, if his line re: the kraken is anything to go by... god absolutely has, too)
this is absolutely possible - 100%... but for what feels like a pretty important line, especially in the romantic-plot-context of s2, wouldn't it have been important to see this happen? to have seen an instance where aziraphale may have tried to miracle a couple in love, and it have failed?
which brings me to the pre-fall scene, because it is the outlier in all of this, imo. aziraphale starts off very polite with AWCW (angel who crowley was), but as soon as AWCW starts becoming... yk, bubbly and excited, aziraphale's entire demeanour changed - he's suddenly eager to interact with him, tell him his name, and establish a connection. if nothing else, it's an instant crush for aziraphale, an immediate moment of '...oh shit, he's cute-cute', and this carries throughout the entire scene... and isn't reciprocated.
now, i don't necessarily think this is the moment where aziraphale would have attempted to miracle AWCW in love with him - in fact, i have to wonder if it was a conscious miracle at all? - but aziraphale seems both pleasantly surprised and... a little expectant? that AWCW is talking to/about him?
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and has a rather rude awakening... so idk, perhaps out of angelic innocence/not-thinking-things-through/subconsciously willing it, tantamount to a miracle... aziraphale was hoping for AWCW to 'fall in love' with him back? or at least, pay back the same kind of attention that he was paying AWCW? and obviously it didn't work, so aziraphale knows - by s2 - that miracles don't work like that?
this is all a musing, im not at all firmly set on this and am happy to be argued (nicely!) back on it, but i think... potentially... it has some merit?✨
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akitasimblr · 2 years
hello Ana, a random challenge for you. because your legacy is so expansive, how would you rank each generation? in terms of enjoyment, how memorable it was, etc.
awww this is so kind of you! and such an interesting ask! this will be a very long post, i fear 😊
i've completed the eleven generations of the life for something legacy challenge. and yes, i loved some generations more than others - not so much for the generational goals themselves (because they are pretty well drafted and very cohesive) - but the side-story for each character played an important role to the level of attachment and enjoyment of the game!
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it's going to be loooong 🤓
Zelda Harper - GEN5 - my favourite because of the side story, because of the generational goals, because of how relatable she felt to me and because it was during this gen that i started learning how to edit pictures!
Leonardo Harper - GEN7 - memorable because of how crazy this gameplay was! i derived a lot from the genrational objectives, but it was worth it! also loved the engagement and how other simblrs knew who leo was <33 thank you!!
Maria Harper - GEN11 - she hasn't appear yet but let me just say, her life was as crazy as leo's!! i decided to approach this generation following @ rebouks gameplay, which means i didn't focus so much on legacy goals and just captured the funny, fluffy and ridiculous moments while playing. i am eager to start posting this gen.
Ulysses Harper - GEN4 - because i loved the goals for his gen and i loved the traits of this gen too (ulysses is like a me-version). and also the idea of sending him to live alone on an island with a bunch of dogs was adorable. this gen allowed me to play in a very serene and fulfilling manner.
Theresa Harper - GEN1 - my founder! excelent generation goals and traits and loads of fun. i had never played a sim challenge before and theresa shall always be in my heart. she is also the responsible for my decision to hve all harpers immortal, simply because i couldn't imagine a game without theresa around <3
Virginia Harper - GEN6 - my favourite sim toddler EVER. i didn't enjoy her adult and elder life that much, i would have played it very differently if it was today. but her young adult days were chaotic in the partihaus!! other aspect i had never played with before - the clubs. but i loved it.
Heathcliff Harper - GEN9 - he is still being published, i know. but heathcliff life is very interesting! he recovers a bit of leo's adventures but it all turns around vampires - an occult i had never played before. and i really enjoyed it. loved forgotten hollow too.
Paris Harper - GEN8 - my sweet and silly paris doesn't get a top position mostly because after leo it would be diffcult to be THAT interesting! but sulani is marvellous and i really needed a vacation world after chaotic leo. however, paris elder days were... meh - i still haven't made peace with komorebi (it's a beautiful world, but i get bored too easily).
Ruth Harper - GEN2 - i loved child ruth soooo much now that i think of it! and this generation goals were amazing! i just had too much trouble in the beginning... i blame the mods i installed. i had planned a lot of things and then it all went poof! because she had a miscarriage. it made me so sad... that's probably why she's in this position, to be honest. also, i never got very fond of her looks...
Isaura Harper - GEN3 - isaura had such an interesting life it's almost unfair to be in this position. but the truth is that scientist career is soooooooo boring to me. and newcrest... i don't know, it was a gameplay that didn't sparkle!
Marcello Harper - GEN10 - my poor marcello... you haven't met him yet. he's such an handsome boy! but it's not his fault... the problem with this generation are: strangerville and evergreen harbor. i don't like these worlds and i was not imaginative enough to make the gameplay more interesting to me. i hope i can change it once i start editing pictures to publish!
honorable mentions to my new challenge founders -- grace harper and katherine harper, because alongside with charlie harper and wanda harper, they are my favourite spares and they totally deserve a chance to shine!
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Speaking of The Viscount's Daughter, any chance of a snippet??
I've likely posted this before but I've definitely edited it since.
"Ah, Your Royal Highness!" Lord Rowena exclaimed. "What a pleasant surprise to happen upon you here!"
He contorted himself into a preposterously fervent genuflection that his body was far too broad to sink into with even a whisper of grace. Such as he was inclined to do these days. James had in fact begun to suspect that the viscount's attentions to him were not entirely genuine, and even floated the idea to Sirius one afternoon. His friend's response was to demand that James stop trying to start conversations from the other side of the washroom door whenever he went to take a shit, however, so he hadn't had much feedback on his theory.
Still, the evidence was there. James took the same path to Quidditch training every Monday afternoon and made no secret of his routine. Lord Rowena ought not have been surprised to find him close to one of his usual haunts.
Besides which, the pinched mortification that tugged on every muscle in his daughter's face shed more light upon the situation than Sirius ever could have offered from the commode.
"Erm," said James. "It's good to see you both again, my lord. My lady."
Of course, he'd seen them both at breakfast. Barely five hours had passed since he'd furtively watched her nibble at a square of buttered toast. It was ridiculous that he was expected to speak with such pomp and ceremony during every conversation with an acquaintance, just because he was a sodding prince.
When he sired an heir of his own, he would get rid of these stupid rules.
"We were just admiring the gardens," Lord Rowena explained, as if mid-afternoon on a gloomy winter's day was an ideal time to slide about on frost-impacted muck and exclaim over a bunch of dead plants. "My, what a fine broomstick!" 
James instinctively moved his broomstick to rest against his left shoulder, which was furthest from the viscount. "Thank you?"
"Headed to the pitch, are you?"
"Yes. This is usually when I practise."
"Then we would both be much obliged to accompany you on your walk," the viscount offered. "Come along, darling!"
He slipped his hand behind his daughter's arm and swung her off course with such enthusiasm that she stumbled a little on the slippery ground, but righted herself, her little silver earrings jiggling from the sudden motion. James hadn't even an opportunity to refuse the company.
He couldn't think why he used to be so eager for this grovelling sycophant's approval.
For a moment, he considered pretending that his croquet mallet measurer had died so he could run back to the palace, but Hooch and the rest of his team were waiting for him already, and Lord Rowena probably knew that James was not the sort of prince to employ his own croquet mallet measurer, if such a person did indeed exist. Which they probably didn't. James didn't even know if croquet mallets had to conform to a standard size. His mother probably knew because she knew everything, but his mother was at a luncheon with members of the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, so she wasn't available for consultation.
"D'you think that croquet mallets have to conform to a standard size?" he asked the viscount and his unwilling hostage, jogging to fall into stride beside them.
Lord Rowena fumbled for words, his forehead wrinkled into three pronounced folds.
"They don't," said his daughter. She had recovered her dignity at speed. "It depends upon the player's preference."
"Oh," James replied. "That's interesting."
She shot him a questioning glance. "Is it?"
"Not really."
"Oh, dear!" the viscount loudly interjected.
He halted his gait abruptly and lifted his hands to rest below his ribs, screwing up his face in some inelegant impression of discomfort, no doubt bent upon enacting a plot that held all the cunning and subtlety of a sack of bricks to the face, which ultimately might have been less painful to endure.
At least, James glumly observed, he couldn't reasonably be blamed for this.
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sashi-ya · 8 months
Hiii Sashi! It’s me again! My first step to see if Bleach is worth watching will be obviously to read your spicy stories about the characters (like any normal person would do it). Also I was afraid of using my user name in my asks back them, but I remember when you appeared on tumblr with your blog and one piece requests, and before I knew it I was already sending requests (I don’t even know if you will remember, but the first ones you did for Law and Ace, the ones about taking s/o virginity and the aphrodisiac ones, It was me in anonymous, because you looked so eager to write and I was so eager to read your writing but I thought was rude to send two requests almost at the same time), and a lot of time passed and you became a pillar and I remember of your strength every time I see a new post of yours, it is weird, because a lot of things changed in my life (for worse, I’m going through the worst things that could happen to a soul), but every time I open tumblr, you are there, and every time I think the same thing (sashi is here, she is saying something abou bleach or one piece, nice, she is writing, well, at least after all, she is here). I panic when you say you might leave tumblr, because your write is wonderful, you are wonderful, and because you won’t be there anymore, don’t know why I’m telling you this now, maybe I just want to have no regrets, but I think I just wanted you to know, you have impact in peoples lives, you are this beautiful. Thank you and sorry for telling you all this!
edit: I am beyond ashamed to say I found this in my drafts. I apparently thought I had answered and posted it BUT NO, I SAVED IT IN MY DRAFTS!!! I'M SORRY.
PLEASE DO READ MY BYAKUYA AND AIZEN ONES ABOVE ALL. now, kdjsfkfjsd if you end up watching bleach because of my fics I will feel the proudest mf ever!!! KUBO COME SEE THIS PLS!!
omg. OMG. I owe you absolutely ALL my success in here BECAUSE THOSE 2 REQUESTS (BELIEVE ME I REMEMBER THEM TOO WELL) were the ones that put a spotlight on my blog and made me gain A LOT of followers. Thanks to those two fics -that I still get daily notif of- I felt like I wanted to keep going!! I AM MORE THAN GRATEFUL!!!! 😭😭💖💖💖
There was one thing I wanted to do when I started posting, and it was to give people what I didn't have myself: to know someone is there, for you and to make at least the people that read a little happier. And believe me... you have made me tear up a little... thank you, thank you thank you... Believe me I am here, and I'll always be here for you. Do not say sorry for telling me this, it is for me the best thing I've heard about my blog. It's all worth it.
you are wonderful, and just as you said "you have impact on peoples lives". You did the same for me. for real... thank u 💖🥺
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