#I didn't hate it but it took me longer to vibe with the sound
orphicwitt · 8 months
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note; yes i somehow got into poppy playtime fandom and here a little treat.
You were exhausted, scared yet you continue to push foward. Shaky hands gripped onto your shirt, wrinkles formed on the battered dirty used to be white fabric.
you wanted to leave the moment you step into this place, your very gut screamed to get out while your logical side of your brain begged you to leave and don't go further.
but you didn't, you ignored every red signal that was present to you. you continue foward like it was nothing, it was your own action and you once questioned yourself.
do you regret being here?
the answer was, ...Maybe
one side of you regret setting a single foot here yet the guilt consumed your very being, it haunt you to the bones. you hated it, you want to get rid of it, to relief it, to ...
Focus! you thought, shaking your head. you are getting distracted from your main task, the longer you take. the more time you are forced to stay at this damn wretched place.
you came across an area, an area that look like a prison cell judging by the numerous cell that was littered and sat beside each other.
as you look around the place, a voice spoke. scaring the shit out of you, "you... you're poppy's angel" the voice was raspy yet sounded so tired, you turn around to look for the voice, only to be horrified to see who's belong to.
it was a smiling dog mascot, hanging, you guess it was dogday due to you encountering his cardboard. "come to save us" the mascot wheezed out, it sound like it was taking a toll on him heavily just to speak.
well... he only has half of his body afterall, dear god. it must be so painful for him just do the simplest thing.
"nothing left to save,..."
"not here"
you furrowed your brows, progressing the dog mascot's word. before you could let out any words, dogday continued. "you're in catnap's home, angel... their home"
their home? is he referring to the little smiling critter version of them? you guessed so.
"a million pairs of eyes are on you, now" dogday lifted his head up trying to meet your gaze, gosh. you will never get over how some mascot are just giving you creepy vibes.
"watching, waiting, hungry. they want nothing more then just to crawl beneath your skin, and eat away at you bit by little bit..."
now that's just... you shudder unintentionally at his word, well. your not letting yourself to become food or basically fresh meat to them also not him aswell.
dogday took a short intake of breath before he continue "and fill what empty inside themselves." he then fully face you, "that ...thing... catnap" you take notice of his change of tone when he mentioned catnap, a lingering of fondness yet so distant.
"the prototype is his god"
"and this is what he does to heretics, these little toys... they followed catnap to avoid that very fate...- and in return, they are fed"
"we tried to fight it, the prototype control."
"i'm... the last of the smiling critters" he then look at you, despite his endless depth of darkness eyes and the never ending wide smile, you could tell he was desperate.
"listen to me angel, you need to get out of this place" this time you spoke up, "without you? i don't think i can do that" you huffed, crossing your arms.
"angel... you don't have to, i will only slow you down-"
"Dogday, i'm not leaving you, not on my watch." you stubbornly stated, even he was half of catnap's size without legs, you don't want to leave him, to die in an endless painful toture. you wanted to save him, it was the least thing you can do after defeating huggy wuggy and mommy long legs.
you shakily curled your fists up, you didn't mean to kill them but can they blame you? you did it out of self defense yet you still feel terrible. you wish you can save all the toys.
from this mess.
from this toture.
from this pain.
"you can say all you wanted but i will state firmly that i won't leave you behind." after saying that, you went to set him free. it took some time as well firing some flare to keep those nasty little smiling critters away from attacking.
although you doubt you can carry him but you still tried it away, oddly successful and huffed as you stood up with dogday wrapping himself around your form.
"angel... are you sure this is not heavy for you? i can-"
"i am doing very wonderfully, dogday. don't mind it" it was a flat lie, he was heavy by dear lord. but you endure it for him.
"thank you, you're ...really are a angel in disguise."
"you're welcome, now Off we go!"
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shiggysimp69 · 5 months
Public Restrooms
Warning: Implied non-con, Reader gets followed.
You never liked public restrooms. They were filthy, claustrophobic, and always smelled like body odor. There was something inherently nerve wracking to be engaging in something so private next to complete strangers. You only hated one thing more than using public bathrooms, and that was using them at night.
Gnats fluttered around the bright street lights as you tightened your multicolored scarf around your neck.
“It's colder than it was yesterday…” You thought, blowing on your frostbitten hands. Work had ended an hour ago, however, you decided to stay longer for a little overtime. But now your bladder was practically bursting and you needed to make your way to the nearest restroom before things got ugly. You looked around, the shop was all closed up and your home was a whole bus ride away.
“Maybe there'll be one on the way?”
Snow crunched beneath your feet as you made your way to the bus stop. The air smelled of frost and gasoline. Winter came with a vengeance this year, covering almost everything with a fresh coat of glittery white snow. It would be nice to have a car at a time like this but with your rent already sky high, it would be virtually implausible. You approached the stop, blowing on your hands once more as you scanned the area. You couldn't see any stores still open at this hour. In a perfect world, someone would make an exception and let you in just to pee. But it was not a perfect world. You looked to your left and there was a bench with a roof to keep out the snow or rain; but there was also a person there, sitting. You didn't wanna bother the man, especially if he was homeless, however, it was becoming more and more difficult to hold yourself. You were tempted to just go in a bush at this point. Walking over to the man, you waved at him.
“Excuse me.”
He looked up at you, his messy hair falling over his face. You would be lying if you said he didn't give you a weird vibe. He sat hunched over, dressed in all black, with sharp red eyes. You almost peed right then and there.
“S-Sorry to bother you but do you know anywhere I can use the restroom?” You asked, swallowing your fear. He stared at you for a while, and you swear he was undressing you with his eyes. His tongue swiped his bottom lip. That's when you realized just how dry and chapped they were. Actually, the man's whole face looked a little dehydrated…
“Down the street to the left.”
You blinked.
“There's a park and the bathrooms should still be open…” He spoke again.
“Oh, right! Thank you.”
You laughed a bit to clear the nervousness in your voice. He looked away and you took that as the end of your conversation, turning around and heading for the park. As you walked you felt his gaze on you once more. It made you shiver, his eyes colder than any winter. But you kept going, he was probably just some homeless guy that you'd never see again after tonight. Right… Just some bitter homeless person.
To your surprise, the man was right. You half figured you'd get led around in circles listening to someone who clearly wasn't mentally sound. But there it was. You hoped that you'd be able to go inside somewhere to pee. Like a restaurant or convenience store. It just felt safer that way, and it was more than likely cleaner than the restroom you just stepped into. It reeked of feces and hot piss, and questionable stains and toilet paper seemed to be everywhere. This was one of the many reasons why you absolutely hated public bathrooms. You could catch a disease sitting on some of these toilets. However, beggars can't be choosers and you were about to bust.
The creaking of the bathroom door caught your attention as you looked for a clean stall. Great. Now it was worse. Doing your private business next to a stranger was embarrassing and you avoided it at all costs. You sighed.
“It's whatever, just hurry up and pick a stall.” You thought, pushing open another door. Heavy footsteps approached you but you didn't turn to face them. It wasn't until they stopped that you looked over. Your eyes were met with deep crimson ones. It was him, the man from the bus stop. You took a cautionary step back.
“Y-You can't be in here.” You spoke, trying to convince yourself that he was just confused and didn't know that this was the women's restroom. He didn't respond, eyes still locked on yours. He sat with a hunch before but now he towered over you. At least a five inch difference between the two of you. For some reason he looked more cognitive than when you first saw him. Something about the look in his eyes told you that he definitely wasn't confused and that he knew exactly what he was doing. Suddenly, you felt warm in thirty degree weather. Fear heating you up and making you sweat bullets. Your heart sank as he took a step closer. You shook your head, a silent “no” escaping your lips.
“What's wrong…?”
Your eyes widened, shocked to hear his voice.
“A cute little thing like you stumbles across my path and you think I'm just supposed to let you go?”
His voice was smooth yet raspy, and it definitely wasn't something you'd ever forget. He stepped forward again and you backed up, straight into a wall. You looked behind you and in that moment he closed the gap between the two of you. He chuckled as he gazed upon your face. Horror. Absolute terror was written all over it. With tears filling your eyes and dampening your full lashes. You were beautiful.
“little one… You are nothing but a sheep waiting to be herded. Now you're gonna sit here like a good little lamb and let me fuck that sweet pussy of yours until we're both spent and my balls are completely dry.”
Without warning, hot liquid ran down your legs leaving a dark spot right at your crotch. He looked down at the area and smirked.
“How adorable. I guess you have no choice but to take them off now…”
Writing requests are open!
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elysiaheaven · 3 days
𝐋𝐢𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞-𝟏𝟕-(The Fox's wedding)
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You walked through the bustling streets of the Luofu, you adjusted the fox mask on your face, feeling the familiar weight settle over your features. Jiaoqiu glanced at you out of the corner of his eye, raising an eyebrow at the sudden reappearance of your mask.
"Why are you wearing that again?" he asked, his voice laced with curiosity. "I thought you were done with it for now."
You laughed lightly, shrugging as you turned your head toward him. "Oh, this? I just feel like a chipmunk," you said with a grin, your playful tone making light of the mask. "It suits the vibe, don't you think?"
Jiaoqiu gave you a skeptical look, his lips pressing into a thin line as if he didn't believe a word you were saying. "A chipmunk?" He repeated the word as if testing it on his tongue, clearly unconvinced. "You don't even know what that means, do you?"
You chuckled, sidestepping his question. "Of course I do! It's all about attitude and style. You wouldn't understand," you teased, sticking your tongue out behind the mask. "Besides, it gives me an air of mystery."
Jiaoqiu sighed, shaking his head but not pushing the subject further. He knew there was more behind the mask—something you weren't willing to share just yet. Still, he decided to let it go for now, even though the tension between you two simmered just beneath the surface.
The two of you continued walking, the lively sounds of merchants and travelers filling the air. You felt a slight pang of guilt as you kept the mask on, knowing you weren't being fully honest with him. But hiding behind the mask had always been a way for you to protect yourself, especially when it came to the more vulnerable parts of your heart.
After a moment, Jiaoqiu spoke again, his voice quieter this time. "You don't have to wear it around me, you know."
You paused for a second, feeling his words settle heavily in your chest. "I know," you replied softly, not meeting his eyes. "But sometimes, it's just easier this way."
He walk in front of you. Took your mask away.
Why! Now! STOP!
Tears streamed down your face as you stared at Jiaoqiu, your body trembling as you tried to compose yourself. You reached for your mask, the one you wore when you felt too exposed, too vulnerable, and quickly put it on, hiding behind its cold exterior.
"I enjoyed doing what I did," you said, but your voice cracked under the weight of the lie. You hated it—everything about your past, the choices you made, the lives you hurt. Yet, here you were, trying to convince yourself, convince him, that none of it mattered.
Convince yourself you hurted them!
You did all of those.
Lie, Lie and Lie...So this kind-hearted fox won't leave you to live.
You couldn't..
Jiaoqiu's sharp eyes narrowed at you, catching the quiver in your voice. "If your voice breaks, you're lying," he said softly, but with a firmness that cut through the air between you. He stepped closer, his hand gently touching the mask's edge. "What happened in your past?" he asked, his voice gentler this time. "Tell me."
You looked away, unable to meet his gaze, the words sticking in your throat. "It's no use," you muttered, swallowing down the emotions that clawed at your heart. "Talking won't change anything. It's too late for that."
Jiaoqiu stayed silent, his frustration evident, but he didn't push further. He knew that whatever was haunting you was deeper than words could fix. You pulled away from his touch, your hands trembling as you turned your back to him.
  You couldn't face the past—not yet. You needed to bury it a little longer, hide behind your mask and move forward, pretending everything was fine. "There's no point in staying here."
Jiaoqiu sighed, knowing you were deflecting. His eyes softened, but he didn't stop you. "Fine," he said quietly. "But this conversation isn't over. You can't run from this forever."
You walked ahead, the silence between you and Jiaoqiu felt suffocating. The mask on your face was a barrier you couldn't seem to lower, even as every step felt heavier.
"Y/n," Jiaoqiu's voice broke the silence, and you stopped, your heart racing, knowing what he was going to say next. "I need you to open up to me."
You didn't turn around, your hands clenched into fists at your sides. His request was so simple, yet it terrified you. He stepped closer, and you could feel the warmth of his presence behind you.
"You can't keep running from whatever it is that's eating you up inside. I see it, Y/n," Jiaoqiu's voice softened, a strange mix of care and frustration. "If you don't trust me, if you don't open up... how can I help you? How can I even begin to understand?"
You closed your eyes beneath the mask, biting your lip to keep yourself from breaking. The pain you had been carrying, the guilt, the darkness—it was like a storm swirling in your chest. "I'm not... ready," you whispered, barely audible. "I can't... I don't even know where to start."
Jiaoqiu moved in front of you, his hand gently lifting your chin so you had to face him. His eyes bore into yours, filled with an emotion you weren't ready to face. "Start with me," he said quietly. "Start with the truth. I'm not asking you to spill everything all at once, but you need to let me in. Just a little."
You shuddered, feeling your resolve crumble under his gaze. The weight of his words pressed down on you, and for the first time in a long time, you felt like you could crack. "You won't understand..." Your voice broke again, the mask doing little to hide the tremor.
"Try me," Jiaoqiu said, his tone unwavering. "I'm here, aren't I? Even after everything, I'm still here. So stop pretending like you're alone in this."
Your heart pounded as you felt the familiar wave of fear and guilt rise within you, but instead of surrendering to it, you forced a twisted smile onto your face. The mask was back—this time, not on your face but in your words, in the way you carried yourself. You laughed, a hollow sound, and turned away from Jiaoqiu.
"Ah, there it is," you said with a mocking tone, stepping forward with a sway in your hips. "You really fell for it, didn't you? All that crying and pretending to be broken... so easy to get your sympathy." You tossed your head back with another cruel laugh, refusing to look at him. "God, you're so gullible."
Jiaoqiu stood frozen behind you, his eyes narrowing as he tried to understand the sudden shift. His expression was a mix of confusion and something darker, like he was searching for the truth behind your words. "What are you saying?" he asked, his voice calm but with an edge of warning.
You smirked, turning just enough so he could see the coldness in your gaze. "I'm saying it was all an act. The tears, the confession. I knew exactly what to say to make you pity me." You shrugged, nonchalant, though your insides were twisting painfully. "And it worked like a charm, didn't it?"
Jiaoqiu's eyes hardened, his jaw tightening as he watched you carefully. He wasn't buying it, not entirely. But you could see the doubt forming in his mind, the uncertainty creeping into his features. It hurt to see, but you couldn't stop now. You had to push him away—had to make him believe you were the monster you always feared you were.
You walked ahead, turning your back on him, keeping your head high. "I can't wait to kill you, Jiaoqiu," you said, your voice sickeningly sweet, like it was all a joke. "Maybe not today, but soon. It's going to be so easy."
The silence behind you stretched painfully, and for a moment, you almost stopped—almost turned around to take it all back. But you didn't. You couldn't. You were too far gone in this act, and the pain inside you was too deep.
But he didn't respond the way you expected. No sharp retort, no anger in his voice. Instead, Jiaoqiu's voice was calm, steady. "You're lying."
Your steps faltered, but you didn't turn around.
"You think I can't tell?" His voice was closer now, soft but certain. "You're trying to push me away because you're scared. But this—this isn't who you are, Y/n."
You clenched your fists, nails biting into your palms. "What do you know?" you spat, but the venom in your voice was faltering, cracking.
"I know enough," Jiaoqiu said, his hand brushing your arm lightly. "I know that everything you just said is a lie. You don't want to kill me. You're scared of losing me."
You laughed, a wild and bitter sound, pushing away the tenderness of the moment with a cruel edge. "You're an idiot," you sneered, the words coming out sharper than you intended, but you leaned into it, masking the pain in your chest. "Such a damn fool. I hope the worst for you." You stepped closer, grabbing the front of his shirt, and pulled him into a kiss—harsh, needy, and far from loving. It was filled with desperation, as though you were trying to convince him, or maybe yourself, that you were still in control.
Jiaoqiu's body tensed against yours, and when you pulled away, you saw the confusion in his eyes, the shock. "What... what are you doing?" His voice wavered slightly, not with fear but with a kind of disbelief. He searched your face, like he was trying to find the real you beneath the mask you had thrown on.
You laughed again, leaning back as you waved your hand dismissively. "The lust, Jiaoqiu. That's all it ever was," you said, voice dripping with false amusement. "That's why you care, right? Why you're so obsessed with me?" You tilted your head, a twisted smile curling your lips. "I mean, who wouldn't be? That's all this is—a game to feed your desire. And when you're done, I'll just kill you."
You laughed, the sound hollow and bitter, though it masked the trembling inside. "You're such an idiot, Jiaoqiu. An idiot for even trying to understand me." You pushed against his chest, but it wasn't to break free—it was to pull him closer, as if mocking your own pain. "I hope so many bad things happen to you. I hope you regret everything."
Jiaoqiu's face twisted, a flicker of something dark flashing in his eyes as he stared at you, unsure whether to believe the cruelty in your words or the pain you were trying to hide.
"I can't wait to kill you," you repeated, your voice breaking as you forced yourself to smile, to laugh. "Can't wait." The laughter felt foreign, bitter, choking you as it tumbled out. You moved closer to him, your breath hot against his skin. "Now kiss me again. Like it's all about lust. That's all it is, right?"
He hesitated for a moment, the weight of your words sinking in. But then, as if something inside him snapped, he grabbed your waist and pulled you into him, his lips crashing onto yours. You kissed him back with the same intensity, frantic, desperate to make him believe your lie, even though it hurt more than you could bear.
You cried as you kissed him, your tears wetting your cheeks, but you laughed in between, trying to mask the truth. "See? It's all lust," you whispered against his lips, laughing even as the sobs wracked your body. "That's all it's ever been."
Jiaoqiu pulled back slightly, his eyes searching yours, his face tight with frustration and something else you couldn't place. He cupped your face, his thumb wiping away your tears even as he kissed you again, trying to silence the lies you kept feeding him.
Jiaoqiu's lips crashed against yours, his kiss rough, trying to shut you up. But you kept laughing, each kiss making the laughter more manic. "It's lust, Jiaoqiu! All lust!" you giggled between breaths, your voice rising with each word, mocking the bond you once shared. You could see the conflict in his eyes as he kissed you, but it only made you laugh harder. He was falling for your lies, the very lies you'd built around yourself like a shield.
"More lies on top of lies," you whispered against his lips, your laughter hollow and sharp. "It's so easy to fool you." Your laughter filled the small alley, echoing off the walls as if you were trying to drown out your own emotions.
He didn't stop. His grip tightened on your waist, and his kisses became more desperate, as if he were trying to make sense of the chaos you were creating. He could feel something was wrong, but he couldn't see past the mask you'd put on. Your tears mixed with your laughter, the contradictions within you swirling into a mess that you couldn't untangle anymore.
"Lies... so many lies," you kept saying, your voice shaking now, the laughter sounding forced, like it hurt to keep it going. "I'm so good at this, aren't I?" You kissed him again, biting his lip just enough to make it sting, as if punishing yourself for every word.
Jiaoqiu pulled back slightly, his breathing ragged, his eyes searching your face for something—anything real. "Stop this," he muttered, his voice low but firm, as if he didn't know whether to be angry or heartbroken. "Stop lying."
You laughed again, louder this time, pushing him back playfully, though the ache in your chest grew heavier. "What's the matter, Jiaoqiu? Can't handle the truth? Or is it that you can't handle the lies?" You laughed, but it was more of a sob now, your body trembling as you forced out the sound.
You wanted him to see through it, to call you out, to make it stop. But instead, he kissed you again, and the bitterness of it all consumed you. "Lust... lies... lust," you chanted between kisses, the weight of your own deception crushing you inside.
You grabbed Jiaoqiu's face, pulling him closer, your hands trembling as they cupped his head. Your laughter was broken, the sound manic and desperate as you choked out, "It's all lust, Jiaoqiu! Just lust!" You laughed, but your voice cracked, betraying the real emotion underneath.
Your fingers dug into his scalp, and his eyes locked onto yours, searching for something, anything that would make sense of your words. But all you could do was laugh, the sound twisted and hollow. Tears streamed down your face as you clung to him, your laughter bordering on hysterical, the pain in your chest threatening to tear you apart.
"It's all lust!" you shouted again, your voice raw as the tears continued to fall. But the laughter wouldn't stop, even though it hurt, even though you knew it wasn't true. You laughed like you could drown out the truth, like you could bury the pain under your lies.
Jiaoqiu's hands gripped your wrists, trying to steady you, his eyes filled with confusion and pain. "Stop," he whispered, his voice hoarse, almost pleading. But you couldn't stop. You didn't know how anymore.
"It's just lust, you idiot!" you cried out, forcing a grin, trying to convince him, trying to convince yourself. But the laughter gave way to sobs, and you collapsed into him, burying your face in his chest as you broke down completely.
Your shoulders shook as the sobs wracked your body, and Jiaoqiu held you tight, his arms wrapping around you, no words left to say. He didn't care about the lies you told. He could see past them now, see the torment in your eyes, the pain you couldn't hide anymore.
Your voice was barely a whisper now, muffled against his chest. "It's all lies..."
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thetopichot · 4 months
•° The Middle Ground °•
☆ Chapter II ☆
Ya'll we are soooo back
Word Count: 1.3k
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As the sun rose to let the people know that it was a new day, so did Auron. However it did take quite some time to open his eyes but he eventually did as one has to for another day at work. Auron sat up in his bed as he stared blankly at the fancy door frame across from his bed blankly, without a thought in mind besides just being exhausted from yesterday. 
The afternoon before was long but the night before was even longer. Secret Shipments & just having those annoying, diplomatic discussions with other allies that helped make his secret underground running. However throughout that night, a little voice rang through his head. 'Be confident in what you do'. 
He said that to Finn after the whole outburst  from both him & that.. brat. He took a moment to think about that statement. It felt so.. hypocritical & felt so shallow. As much as Auron holds onto this facade of being a leader, there are a few times where he himself questioned his confidence. 
However without that same confidence, he wouldn't be the same man he was today. Yet, he wished he wasn't. Bygones are bygones so there isn't much he could do to change the past. Time moves on & if people cannot move along with him then, they were never truly worthy of his time.
However, he couldn't help but to be overcome with worry whenever he thought of Finn. He never truly knew why he took such an interest in this florist & came around his shop somewhat often. Could it be the down to earth vibes that the shops bring that's quite similar to his stories or could there be more to it? 
He brushed this thought away for he thought it was useless to think about it & then, he began his routine.
Auron came to his job as usual with a bit of tiredness but luckily enough, today was the last day for now & the weekend was approaching. Despite it being closer to the weekend, the day felt so sluggish & repetitive.
Of course, the repetitiveness was a sign that things were under control & he had faith in his workers. Although, he did wish that something was different. Something that catches his eye & just took him away from the thought of work in general. He doesn't want to bury himself in his own work for the sake of his own entertainment. 
He wanted more than that. Then the thought of Finn reaches his thoughts once more.
Whenever he went to that shop, Finn would always greet him with a smile. It didn't really impress him at first because that's what a person within the service industry always does including him as well. However, Finn was quite different. He would always talk to him about his floral facts all of the time.
He wasn't doing it to sell him something.
"So it's not a sales pitch?" Auron inquired Finn & he softly chuckled in response as he snipped the roses.
"Why would it be a sales pitch?"
"To make it more appealing?"
"Oh, I never really thought about it like that." Auron quirked an eyebrow. "I mean, I've been quite nervous to tell my facts. People often find it bothering them. They just want the flowers & do what they need to do. Speaking of which, why are you interested in my facts?"
Auron thought about that question. "Maybe I just want something different. Something that breaks the cycle of repetitiveness occasionally. I just want to hear something different than something I've already heard thousands of times."
"Jeez, you sound so dramatic-" Finn caught himself. "Oh, crap! I'm so sorry that it sounded so rude! Um I-" Auron laughed. Finn paused as Auron genuinely laughed. His smile was so bright & Finn was attracted to it like a moth.
"I suppose you're right," Auron smiled, "I can sound quite dramatic."
"But that was no excuse to say that to you!" Finn said.
"Finn." Auron said. "You shouldn't have to apologize. It's better to say what's on your mind rather than just to fake it. I hate when people play suck up to me." Finn becomes nervous.
"I'm assuming I have this whole time?" Finn nervously asks & Auron nods in response.
"You have to be less insecure & I don't converse with people who aren't confident in themselves. You have to believe that you can do it or else, people will walk all over you." Finn looks away from Auron with a soft frown. His eyes averted him as he felt guilt in himself.
He was right, ya know. A Lot of people have taken advantage of Finn because of how easy & lenient he was. He gladly drop anything if it meant for them to stay but they didn't stay. 
& now, he's alone with someone who he barely even knew in his own shop lecturing him about how to be less like a doormat that you walk on & cover in someone's own filth. That's all he was to most people. A doormat.
Auron sighs as he resumes his speech. "I don't want that for you. I don't know why I care so much. Maybe it's because I just feel pity for you or maybe I drank too much the night before but, I don't want that for you."
"But why are you telling me all this, Auron? Why do you care so much?"
Auron didn't answer that question at the time but as the memory lingered, he reached his answer. As he spoke aloud in his office without knowing, he answered the memory.
"Because deep down in the bitterness of my heart, I adore you."
He was soon interrupted by the sound of the intercom on his desk. He pressed the button.
"Talk." He said neutrally as he snapped back into reality.
"Hello to you too, sir." Trish's voice came from the intercom.
"Oh good morning, Trish. Finally got to work?" Auron said all snarky but in a playful, harmless manner.
"Haha, really funny. However, that's not why I called you." Trish went from sarcastic into a serious tone. Auron noticed the change & straightened his back & cleared his throat.
"Then, what is it?"
"Finn, the florist from Talk Floral, requested a meeting from you at a tea shop named, Hattie's."
"He wants to what?" Auron curled an eyebrow as he leaned over his desk staring at his intercom in confusion.
"Finn has requested you for an outing."
"Yes, I know that, Trish. I heard you for the first time." He rubbed his eyebrows together, "I'm asking you why."
"I'm not too sure. I don't think he ever talked about the reason why plus I also don't think I get paid enough to be nosey. Either way I wouldn't have much of an answer for you, kiddo." Auron audibly sighs. "Come on, don't pout. I think it would be nice for you to get out of the office & actually enjoy yourself for once. You always brood in your office alone."
"I don't brood, Trish. I do perfectly fine just being by myself. I don't need anyone to accompany me."
"More like you're accompanying Finn but, Finn is such a sweet boy & don't forget, you did give him quite the hassle with the Valentine's bouquet. Either way I don't see anything wrong with it. Wouldn't hurt to bite into something sweet." Auron softly laughs at the last sentence. "Quiet you."
"& you get mad at me for making jokes, you're quite a prude. However," Auron thought a bit. "Maybe it wouldn't be too bad to indulge in something. Things have been pretty bland around here. Wouldn't hurt to indulge into something, I suppose."
He leans back. "When is it?"
"This sunday after 12pm. He said that's when his shop closes & is able to meet with you." Auron thought about it as he opened his laptop to check for his schedule. Obviously, the office was closed for the weekend for him & the office leaves early today because it's a friday. 
But what he did after hours, it's something very hard to reschedule.
"Tell Finn that I accept his offer," He knew he was going to do something stupid but for some reason.. "& I will pick him by 11." His heart couldn't help but beat.
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☆ミ Author's Notes Underneath 👇 ☆ミ
🩷 - THE HOMOS ARE BACK AFTER LIKE 2 OR 3 MONTHS OF BEING GONE!! This was supposed to be intermission but they told themselves they didn't want that so I said oh okay & here we are. I hope you enjoyed this chapter because it took alot outta me to finish it.
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queer-ragnelle · 2 months
I read for spoilers for The Bright Sword, it sounded self indulgent -- The Lady of the Lake is the girlfriend of unprepossessing OC, fix-it for King Arthur but also colonialism is bad... am I picking up the right vibes or should I just read it and form my own view? 😂
Hi anon! I'm going to put my longer answer under a cut since the book is still really new and people may want to avoid spoilers. But firstly, all good stories are self indulgent. Writing for the market is dead, writing for yourself is thriving! So that never deters me from any book or movie. Please do some whacky stuff, I love it! Secondly, I encourage you to ignore bad faith spoilers that only offer criticism without any bright sides. (See what I did there?)
The Bright Sword has the kindest portrayal of Sir Palomides ever written and that means something to me!! It should mean something to anybody invested in the Arthurian literary tradition, I think, as it's been a long time coming. It’s no small thing. I really enjoyed the main cast—Bedivere, Palomides, Dinadan, Dagonet, Nimue, Morgan, Constantine, and OCs Collum and Scipio—they’re all wonderful in their own ways! They're queer, dealing with mental illness, disability, all sorts of things I've wanted from Arthurian retellings for years and haven't gotten in a satisfactory way. I bought the book for those characters and Lev Grossman delivered!
TL;DR I recommend the book! There was more done right than wrong. I shared lots of samples on tumblr and in my Arthurian Theater Server as I read along so people could make their own judgement based on the text itself, and they also liked it.
So my longer answer is—I thoroughly enjoyed the first 30/40 chapters. I couldn't put it down! I was reading at work!! After 31 it crashed and burned a little. There were still a handful of flashback chapters to "the good ol' days" between 31-40 that I also liked, but didn't care for the main post-Camlann conflict resolution, unfortunately.
However, I think I understand how Lev Grossman ended up there. In his Author's Note he stated his inspirations—Mary Stewart, Bernard Cornwell, and Nicola Griffith. And in his Reddit AMA the other day, he said it took him 10 years to write The Bright Sword. I believe all of this culminated in a bit of a disconnected story, as the ending seemed to blindside me. Let me explain.
In Bernard Cornwell’s Warlord Chronicles trilogy, Lancelot is a huge piece of shit from the start. Cornwell’s clearly an Arthur enjoyer. I don’t prefer that approach, but I respect it, and I love Cornwell’s writing. His main character, Derfel, was also plainly a huge inspiration for Grossman’s Collum. That’s a good thing! What I didn’t enjoy was The Bright Sword seeming to shift gears suddenly near the end and make Lancelot out to be a villain that didn’t feel sufficiently foreshadowed. Prior to that, he felt much more like Mary Stewart’s poet-eyed Bedwyr (a hybrid with Lancelot) or Nicola Griffith’s sweetly awkward Lancelot, only to turn around and, literally, snap. BOOM! Cornwell’s garbage-tier Lance. [Insert “He would not fucking say that!” meme here.]
Now regarding Nimue: in Stewart's series, Ninian is with Merlin and then later marries the Fisher King. In Cornwell's series, Derfel is a childhood friend of Nimue and eventually her lover. And in Griffith's book, Peretur ends up with Nimue. So Ninian/Nimue has a long tradition as a spouse/lover of other characters and I enjoyed all of those examples. In The Bright Sword, she was a badass the entire novel, fighting in the battles with intense magic, and she even got her own pov chapters. I liked Collum well enough, he's not my favorite Arthurian OC, but I definitely didn't hate him! His back story was a little eye-roll worthy and his infatuation with Nimue was meh at times, but he’s literally 17 leaving home for the first time. That tracks. It’s not a deal breaker for me by any stretch. Cursed (2020) is where the worst Lady of the Lake romance is at. Nimue/Arthur with some weird shoehorned Gawain love triangle thing? Blech. Get it away from me. It can always be worse!
As a known Arthurian OC enjoyer, I’ll go on record in defense of Collum. He’s fine and characters like him are often paired with canonical characters. I much prefer Nimue end up with someone her own age, whether it be Pelleas or an OC, than stay with Merlin. And The Bright Sword goes to great lengths to show that Merlin is a creep and Nimue a victim who was in the right to bind him in the cave. So this didn’t bother me that much at all.
As far as "fix-it" King Arthur and colonialism bad, not sure what you mean by that. Arthur is dead. That's literally the plot. Did you mean writing Arthur as a decent husband to Guinevere in flash backs? Lots of books and films have done that already, Lev Grossman isn't the first to write Guinevere in love with her husband and an Arthur who is on-par or even better than Lancelot. Personally I prefer when it's balanced but this isn't new or noteworthy. Now, obviously colonialism is bad. That’s the point of King Arthur—the Saxons are colonizers he expels. Not sure what point the spoilers you saw were trying to make there. But it’s irrelevant since The Bright Sword doesn't touch on colonialism very much. Palomides travels west from Baghdad after hearing outlandish stories about Camelot but none of his friends have ever encountered westerners before and they have wildly inaccurate ideas. So Palomides wants to go there and write a book about it (which he does). There’s no talk of the west reaching east from his perspective, and the Saxons are moot, as the focus is a land in want of a king after Arthur’s death, not expelling the Saxon invaders. Could the spoilers have meant monarchy? I don't think anyone is reading Arthurian Legend, which is strictly fantasy, to dismantle the monarchy (or the crimes committed by real life monarchies, such as colonialism). Fantasy, and by extension Arthurian Mythology, is not true to life in any stretch. So that feels like an unfair criticism to make of the genre, even when it takes historical inspiration.
But anyway yes I think you should read the book for yourself! I always advise reading a book before passing judgement. Sometimes a trusted friend will read a book and tell you, knowing best what you like, that it’s not for you. That’s all well and good. But I generally don’t trust the internet’s opinions at large. Much better to feel it out on your own time. I’d love to hear from you again once you’ve read it! Let me know! Have a great rest of your weekend. :^)
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scaryspears · 9 months
My rant on ITSV and ATSV
So I've just finished watching the ITSV and ATSV because I'm a late watcher, and when the movies came out I wasn't myself. I'm glad I took the time to watch them, although I had to buy ATSV online because it's no longer in the cinema. This means I got to watch my favourite scenes without issue. With that being said, I have a lot of things to get off my chest regarding both films, mostly with the characters. 
Warning: Long post and slight bashing of characters and terrible screenshots.
I don't want to be one of those people who hate Gwen just to hate on her, and I don't hate or dislike her character, but right from the jump her vibe was just off. She felt like one of those characters that disliked the main character for no reason despite barely interacting with her/him (them). I know that isn't the case but I didn't like the way she was blankly talking to him. I'm using the word 'blankly' because I can't think of another word other than 'coldly'.
During the chase scene where Miles and Peter steal the computer, she comes out of nowhere and helps save the day. I was glad but at the same time what the hell. Anyways, Miles compliments her haircut and she snaps with "You don't get to like my haircut.", referring to when he accidentally got his hand stuck to her hair and she had to get half her hair shaved off, I understand getting angry about that. It was an accident, and Miles could've apologised (I don't remember him saying sorry), but she's acting like he did it on purpose.
To top it all off she knew he was like her, which meant she knew what he was going through as he was transitioning. Getting taller, hearing multiple voices, hands sticky, and all that stuff. So that means she's aware that it was an accident, and there's also the fact that she pretended to be a student at his school and hovered around him. She bumped into him on purpose knowing he was a fellow spider.
When you think about it, why didn't she try to get to know him and investigate with him about what's going on? She just left him to discover his spider side chaotically. She should know how scary and confusing that is, but not once does she attempt helping him out. 
I'm gonna sweep it under the rug because they are teenagers, and even if they were adults they shouldn't be expected to be more sympathetic to each other. But you'd think she'd be a little bit more understanding. (Don't get me started on her going into his artwork and opening his collectable in ATSV)
Now, Uncle Aaron. I love his dynamic with Miles, the true cool uncle. His love for his generation of hip hop and us seeing Miles' taste of music. The graffiti art bonding, loved it. There were small hints that he was the Prowler. The 1610 Peter getting killed near where Miles and Aaron did the graffiti, Miles calling him while he's being chased by the Prowler, and the Prowler appearing in Aaron's home. I'm thinking "Where's Aaron in all this?" dun dun dun, he's the Prowler. I loved every bit of it. This also makes Miles different from other spider men, being the fact that his loved one ended up being an antagonist, and one scarier than Kingpin. There's no "With great power comes great responsibility." instead it's "In a bad person you can find good in them." Also, the inner torment that he was about to harm his own nephew is chef's kiss. Uncle Ben who?
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Moving on to ATSV. It opens up with Gwen and her meeting Miguel and Jess. She looked at Jess and said "Will you adopt me?" Like??? Where yo mum at? I know she passed away, but still. You've only had one look at this woman and that's one of the things that comes out of your mouth? You don't know this woman! Jess sounds like one of those women that only talk with attitude no matter what so I had a hard time rocking with her, like what is her problem??? And she's fighting while pregnant... smdh.
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Spot. Funny villain, I liked his banter with Miles, but he's a pu**y punk bi**h. He's blaming Miles for what he became, when he's the one that decided to become a mad scientist and work with other mad scientists under Kingpin. I'm pretty sure there's more to it than a bagel. Lesson is: once you become a mad scientist something happens to you. Norman Osborn became Green Goblin, 65 Peter (Gwen's home) became a monster and died, Shang Tsung got Rick Rolled by himself, you get the idea. Spot made himself like that not Miles.
So Gwen didn't talk to Miles for a really long time because of the whole Spider society thing. When you think about it, none of the other spiders he met did, and I get that they couldn't with the exclusion of Peni. But not one visit? Not one letter? Something??? Now Miles has a little short conversation with Hobie and admits that he only wants to get into the Spider society to talk to his friends and help out with defeating Spot. He just wants to hang with his friends, but Peni and Gwen decided not to do that.
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Moving on, I'd like to talk about Miles' walk through within the spider society. They acknowledge Gwen and only Gwen, they don't bother saying hi or even looking at Miles. It was like Miles wasn't even there. Never thought I'd say it, but these Spider men are arse holes. I also got annoyed at the way Jess was talking to him, I get that he's not supposed to be there but she needed to chill.
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This anger went when Miles bumped into Margo, and she looked like she was about to lose her cool but she lightened up once she saw who it was, a complete stranger. I'm not a MargoMiles shipper, but I don't mind it (granted so long as they are the same age).
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So the scene that goes 0 to 100 quick: I watched a bunch of memes and edits that painted Miguel as racist and I didn't understand why, and thought it was like a Millie Bobby Brown situation. Re-watching the scene where Miles meets Miguel I can see why.
All the other spidermen showed up to gang up on Miles.
"You can't ask me not to save my father."
"I'm not asking."
And hit him with this.
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While Miles is freaking out at the sudden imprisonment we can hear Miguel say "We just need to hold him a few days." They were treating Miles like a criminal and/or a confused wild animal. And then Miguel had the nerve to say "All he had to do was listen." when Miles escaped them. I don't think Miguel is racist, but the memes I will support.
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Hobie was looking out for Miles as soon as he met him, and I love that so much. He knew Miles wasn't like the ones in the spider society, and made sure to tell Miles to be better. Gwen didn't do that. She did, but she didn't if you know what I mean. She followed along with the crap Miguel was spitting.
And then there was the chase scene. Bro had a bunch of spider men chase Miles and not one of them could catch him. That is the biggest L I've ever seen. One 15 year old boy, and he didn't use his other 2 powers until after Miguel slammed him onto his back. Miles was not playing. Also, Miguel was endangering the lives of people who were driving. And yes, Miguel's at fault and not Miles.
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They gave Miles crap just because he didn't want his dad to die, unlike Miguel who actively replaced the life of his other self. Gwen was really going to let her dad die, and Peter B tried to justify it by saying their uncle's death made them who they are. Pavitr was just supposed to get over his love interest's dad dying? They knowingly let that happen.
Miguel calling Miles an anomaly is mega projecting. Miles becoming Spiderman wasn't on purpose it just happened, and that's always how the story goes. No one is simply meant to be Spiderman, they just become him/her. It's also funny coming from a man who crawled on all fours chasing down a teenager.
42 Miles. Prowler Miles. Gonzales. Kilo Immorales. I love him already, can't wait to see the next film where we'll see him in full action. I love how we as a fandom collectively agreed that these two would have a sibling dynamic even though we've only seen 42 Miles for like a minute. I love the Boondocks comparisons as well. I need 42 Miles to hate everyone. I need Miles to be full of rage in the 3rd film Adult Gon style. Prepare for double and make it double.
In conclusion, I should've watched these films when they first came out, they are so great. The art, the incorporation of hip hop and correctness of Afro related backgrounds and the storyline. I honestly felt like Miles was a great representation of the new generation. I saw myself in him, and not just being black but the graffiti and finding out that a family member of yours isn't really a good person. I don't do graffiti or art but I do find them beautiful whenever I see them. Also, the Air Forces. Step aside Peter Parker, we have a Spider man with more drip.
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Forbidden_Hanyou of ao3 asked!
A request for my friend as there is not enough Wolfwood content? I was thinking maybe something where Wolfwood is an angel (a fallen one maybe?), and the reader is a demon? The forbidden love type deal? Not sure how they met, but would be nice to read something with a little fluff and angst
A/N: it gives Good Omens vibes ✨ love me a forbidden love trope! Also, this has a TriMax spoiler, as it uses TriMax continuity! (Not that it changed too much???) Just a warning!
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Til the End of The Universe, I Guess
They've been a pain in my ass since The Fall. Not the one to Gunsmoke, but that one too I guess. The Fall that I mean is my fall from grace. I remember it almost too well. I remember the burning. It didn't matter that I was falling at thrice the average velocity, I was on fire.
My wings. The beautiful pearly wings I had once taken so much pride in, ones which I often received compliments on, crackled, popped and sizzled, turning a deep charcoal, nearly Raven black. The heat was so unbearable that I nearly passed out four times. The action itself maybe took a minute, but felt like a thousand years. I don't remember the impact.
When I awoke, I was in the bed of a small cottage. At my bedside tending to my wounds, was a demon of all things. I hated myself for gawking at the beauty they held, despite once being my immortal enemy on principle.
To the trained eye, you could tell their skin was a redder shade just off of that of a humans, a set of horns, also unable to be witnessed by humans, protruded from the back of their head, curving up over their head. The horns stopped just above their eyebrows, threatening to stab their eyes if they didn't cut off the ends of their horns. The ends were flat, and unsharpened. I had met a few demons in my day, but none so undemon-looking, and none so beautiful.
"Oh, you're awake." They spoke gently, as not to spook me, "Can you move? Flip over and I'll get your back." They turned to me revealing a goopy mixture in a small wooden bowl.
"What is that?" My voice, now hoarse, growled at them.
"A mixture of Divine water and Lily of the Desert." It was then I noticed they were wearing thick arm and hand coverings. Such a holy mixture would surely burn my newly acquired caretaker, yet they were still willing to tend to my wounds.
"I got most of your visible form while you were asleep, but I was unable to start on your wings. Can you move well? Can you lay on your stomach?" They asked. Noting I could move with only a minimal ache in my newly human body, I flipped over into my stomach, propping myself up with the pillow that was once under my head.
"So… What's your name, Little Angel?" They asked as I felt the mixture being pressed to my butchered wings.
"I guess in the human's language it would be- tch! Ow!" I spat at a tender spot, "Nicholas D. Wolfwood."
"Quite the fancy name, Mr. Wolfwood." Their giggle sounded like the chimes of clashing metal before they spoke their own name to me.
"Ah, Sunspot." I mused.
"Excuse me?"
"Sunspot. I'm really bad with names, so I give nicknames to remember people by." A lie of course. It was because it would hurt more when they became a target in God's efforts to continue my suffering. If I don't invoke their real name, they can't be targeted.
After my wounds healed, Sunspot and I would pal around for a century or two. Thankfully my human vessel didn't age at all, meant to prolong my suffering, yet I was grateful to have such a healthy and nimble body. We would often move from place to place like the gypsies, and often pose as a couple.
We would spend our nights talking about our memories until I could no longer remain conscious. They would often give the food they posed to eat to those who could not afford food. Despite their human appearance, their visage was merely a façade. They could reveal their horns and other devilish traits at will. Meanwhile my wings could only be seen by those with gifted sight, like small children, or those bothered by spirits.
When I began to forget things. Little things, like that chateau we called home in Brazil, or the mountain we climbed in the Alps, I began to keep a diary of all I could remember. I filled book after book with whatever language I wanted, often mixing them together as I found a word that best fit every intention.
Good luck to anyone who finds it though. Unless they know every language from Spanish to Cuneiform, there's no telling how long it would take them to crack the inconsistent and nonexistent code. I fear that even I may forget how to read my own diaries someday.
We decided to leave Europe to check out the North American continent, particularly this new little colony of New England. We explored the lands that had yet to be bought by these colonizers, and interacted with the local animals and the native people.
One of the tribe's medicine men was very interested in my relationship with Sunspot. He saw me as a Raven Spirit, and Sunspot as one of the creation deities. I insisted that we weren't in a romantic relationship, nor anything to be worshiped, but he seemed to see us differently.
"Your fates are intertwined so strongly, It will never break." He also suggested that we leave this continent, because those settlers would be causing nothing but trouble, just like the Spaniards in the south. We heeded his words and went back to Brazil for quite some time.
It was the early 1930's when we found ourselves up in southern Canada. We had a little place near Niagara Falls, able to cross the border into the United States as we pleased.
I remember a conversation we once had in the early 1990's as our legs were tangled up on the couch one night while the TV played something to fill the void.
"So… I've known you for a while now, and I gotta ask. Why are you on Earth? Why haven't you gone back to hell, Sunspot?" I asked them. It was a question that had always been on my mind. They always seemed content by my side, and never left this realm, as far as I was ever aware.
"Ah… well, they kicked me out of hell. I… I tried to have people's judgements revisited after they had repented. But… I was told that once you're in hell, you have to stay there. You don't get to move on to reincarnation or get a second chance. "The God of second chances, huh? What a bogus line o' lingo." They said, obviously hanging around their human friends too much,
"I tried to help those seeking repentance no matter what layer I was moved to. Eventually, I was barred from my home. Even the hottest of places up here are too cold. I spent a week inside the magma of a volcano, and only ended up with igneous rocks formed in places I don't wanna talk about." They shook their head, hating the memory,
"That's why I always wear clothes as if I'm freezing, because I am." They said lifting the baggy sleeves of their thick sweater they wore.
"Ah, so that's why you insist on constantly sharing body heat." I smirked, I moved to lay on top of them, I heard them give a light giggle as they pet my wings with one hand, and my hair with the other.
On a vacation to Greece, where the Pantheon we hailed from feared to tread, we sat on a beach shoreline, as the moon began to cross in front of the sun.
"I've really enjoyed the time we've spent together." I found myself getting sentimental, "I think there's no one else I'd rather spend the rest of my damnation with."
"Aw, Nicky, you're just saying that." They rolled their eyes.
"No, I mean it." I said, cradling their face, and softly speaking their name. Something I never said, "I wanna spend the rest of eternity with you. I love you." My eyes begged for them to feel the same way. Sunspot could see it.
"I love you too, Nicholas. I always feel warmer by your side." They smiled, leaning in for our first kiss as the moon covered the sun, darkening the sky. The Gods could not see us here. This short moment of bliss was ours and ours alone.
We had spent nearly a thousand years together. It was in the 2300's when we boarded the seed ships. On the ship we slept, our pods next to each other. But it was only a matter of time before disaster struck.
The familiar heat awoke me as my pod was falling. My pod was near the flaming exterior of the ship. I don't remember this impact either.
I awoke in a hospital bed. But Sunspot was not at my side this time. A nurse who still looked as banged up as me tended to my wounds. I asked where Sunspot was, asking them by name. They hadn't seen or heard of them.
It was a lonely first few years. I stumbled from colony to colony trying to find Sunspot. There was no way they died in the crash. They couldn't have. They could stand such hellish temperatures, the crash would have been nothing to them…. But what about the impact?
In my adventures, I found a pair of young boys out on their own. Twins with blonde hair and blue eyes. We shared a meal, and then departed the next morning. Just a simple case of: same place, same time coincidence. How wrong I was.
The next time I saw one of them, the Little Needle Noggin was chained up to a post, passed out from blood loss from apparently having his arm cut off. I brought him to the floating ship I had seen. They could care for him better than I ever could. Besides, I had to keep searching. They graciously accepted him, still wondering how I had gotten up there. I was relieved my wings still worked.
Along the way, I picked up this large cross shaped gun I called The Punisher. As I looked for Sunspot, I made cash as a mercenary. My gun was powerful, and my determination to find my lover was stronger.
I thought I had seen the last of Needle Noggin when one day, I saw him all grown up. I had made the mistake of thinking he would stay on the ship. Here he was roaming around once again. His eyes were sad as he walked.
But.. wait… that had been nearly fifty years since I took him to the floating ship. How did he still appear to be in his twenties? There had been something off about him and his brother. Where was that little shit, anyways? I let him be for the time being.
I had been walking for a hundred iles before passing out in the desert. I felt myself get pulled into a bus, and given water.
"Oh wow! Thank the Lord, I'm saved!" I played up my preacher persona I'd acquired over the years. And there he was again. That Needle Noggin boy, still a young man, yet another fifty years later he had to be well into his hundred and thirties by now. Just what was he?
"So, what's your name, stranger?" He asked.
"The name's Nicholas D Wolfwood! Preacher, Undertaker, at your service!" I smiled. His friends who sat next to him outed the Needle Noggin as Vash the Stampede. Hm, who would have thought? I made some jokes about taking the money for myself, but they had no merit to them.
I traveled with Vash for a while. He allowed me to take the time to see the beauty in this world, and the charm of its people I had been ignoring for the past hundred and thirty years.
A year passed by, and Vash and I sat in his room, drinks in hand. I had just found out he was a plant from an incident the day prior.
"I knew you weren't human. I just didn't know how." I said, taking a drink.
"And that goes the same for you, Wolfwood. I remember you. That night, that Knives and I had dinner with you. I still remember that."
"I'm much older than you, Needle Noggin. You don't wanna know what I am or what I'm doing here."
"That's not really fair, now is it?" Vash knocked back another shot. I rolled my eyes and told him. My fall, Sunspot, living on earth, falling to No Man's Land, and my eternal search for them.
"Don't tell anyone. I don't deserve to be worshiped, or adored as an Angel. I'm just as much a sinner as the rest of humanity is."
"You got to live on Earth though… that must have been super cool…" Vash slurred, lying his head on the table. He passed out shortly after, probably dreaming about what I told him. I took the last shot of the bottle we had left, and went to bed.
In a little town, we walked down the street, chatting away, when a person caught my eye. Someone who looked human to all of those around them, but I knew. I could see the little horns that curved over their head.
"Sunspot!" I yelled louder than anything I had ever yelled before, running to them. Their face turned to shock, a wide smile crept across their face that mirrored mine.
"Nicholas!" They ran to me, jumped into my arms, and I twirled them before setting them down again, tears falling down my face.
"Oh my God I thought I'd never find you!" I hugged them again to make sure this was real. They were really here, in my arms.
"I'm sorry that I ever stopped. I'm so sorry. I just wanted to feel like I had a home again."
"No, you're okay, you're here now. I didn't want to think you had died. I knew it couldn't be possible." I pressed many sultry kisses to their lips, whispering their name to them between each kiss, as I had longed to do for so long.
We must have looked like a mess in the streets, crying, and kissing as if we hadn't seen each other in over a century. But it was true. A hundred and thirty years apart felt worse than my burning wings, or any gunshot wound I had ever received.
We eventually regained ourselves, and made our way to their house, where they lived alone. They had never married, and spent their time painting places we had been to in our time together to cope. They had many paintings they often gave to friends, or to museums. They used a psuedo name of course.
"So, is this where we part, Wolfwood?" Vash asked, after he'd finished looking at all of the paintings.
"I'm not sure yet. I'd go anywhere, as long as Sunspot is there." I still held their hand. They smiled up to me, then to their paintings.
"I've been cooped up in this house for too long. I'm ready for an adventure. Why don't we travel for a bit, then we can return here so you can finally rest?" Sunspot gave a radiant smile, brighter than any sun in the galaxy.
"I'd be honored to have your help. Vash and I are cleaning up his own family life. We can teach his bratty older brother a lesson in what it truly means to fall from grace." I stroked their cheek, "You can finally rehabilitate the biggest sinner on all of Gunsmoke…"
"But you don't need rehabilitation, Belovéd." They gave a snarky smile.
"Holy Hell, I've missed you." I have a tired smile, absolutely flabbergasted at their audacity.
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October/Autumn Books
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Over the years, I've been trying to collect books good for reading around this time of year. I thought I'd make a masterlist of sorts. There will be categories, and books may be in several of them.
Each of these books I feel have something to offer in terms only that they fit what I feel is readings for the season within their vibes. Any YA books will be explicitly marked as such. Additionally, my actual opinion of the books will be marked with 1 through 5 asterisks (stars), and because I hate rating books, I'm going to preface by saying I'm being very loosey goosey with them XD
Autumn Vibes (weather)
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Autumn at the Willow River Guesthouse by C.P. Ward**
Feelgood fall read. It makes efforts to evoke autumn, having a bike trip be a part of her work routine sometime between the months of late August to October. I don't know that I personally thought it succeeded, but it tries, and I'll give it that. It also has themes of shedding an old life. In her late 20s, Lily loses in the span of a couple days her job, her apartment, and her fiance. She leaves the city to go back to her country home to figure out what she wants to do with her life. The book has the bones for a good autumn read, but the execution didn't do it for me. Judge for yourself if this sounds interesting. (I probably should just give it one star because it doesn't even MENTION Halloween, but I did like that it spent so more time with Victoria than the love interest XD)
The Coldest Girl in Cold Town by Holly Black *****
YA. Vampires exist, and the world knows about it. The world is dealing with it as best they can. Barriers between overnight workers and the public, habits to close all windows every night, avoid evening events, and the conversion of large towns into prisons for vampires and those who wish to become them. Within this world, Tana is just trying to have a normal teen's life, but that all changes when a drunken night at a friends and a forgotten open window results in her waking up seemingly the only survivor of a vampire attack. That's enough for a teenager to have to deal with, but as it turns out, not all the vampires are gone. (The audiobook for this one is exceptionally creepy and good.)
Doll Bones by Holly Black *****
Contemporary. YA. Kids try to keep the magic of youth alive by going on an adventure (running away) to a doll they want to believe is haunted to her grave site in early-ish autumn.
Cemetary Boys***
YA. Takes place during autumn, and much of the book is set outside, not infrequently in a cemetary no less. Pretty good for autumn vibes. It's been a while since I've read it, so it may be more just the general weather climate that's evoked than falling leaves and such, but still, definitely feels like fall and is a story about ghosts and witches, and blood rituals. How do you go wrong with that?
The Girl in the Green Silk Gown by Seanan McGuire *****
Sometimes, living is the true thing of nightmares. Such is the case for the hitchhiking ghost Rose Marshall. She's hitched the ghost roads for decades longer than she's been alive and content with her undead existence despite being haunted still by the man who killed her, demon-pact and all. When he curses her, she finds that only by living again can she remove the curse. It was only supposed to last one evening, the only evening the dead can return to flesh: Halloween night. (This is a book 2)
In the Woods by Tana French ****
In his childhood, Adam Ryan was out with his friends when those friends went missing. It became a huge story, especially because when they found him, he was so traumatized, he had no memory of what took place. They never solved his mystery, but he became an investigator himself. He thought that was all behind him, except he is put on a case that has a mysterious link to that cold mystery. Ryan shouldn't be working this case, but no one has linked him to it yet, and he can't help but try and see if this new case will reveal anything about his own.
The Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo ***
Alex Stern is in the fall Semester at a college that deals in magic. Normally, an outsider like her wouldn't have been recruited to help keep order among the magic houses that operate out of the college, but there's something special about Alex: She can see ghosts, a rare gift. At least that's how she's seen. To Alex, it can be more of a curse. One she will have to use though if she is going to find the mentor who mysteriously disappeared earlier that semester under supernatural circumstances.
Plain Bad Heroines by Emily Danforth *****
Half historical, half contemporary. Chunks of the book occur during autumn months and lovely descriptions of the weather and orchards, and a repeating motif of apples.
The November Girl by Lydia Kang ****
YA. Hector is a runaway, and he has planned his time hidden away until his 18th birthday perfectly to escape being in his uncle's custody any longer. On the last day a tourist island on Lake Superior is open, just before the November storms are expected to come and batter the island, he boards the fairy there and remains in secret. The island is expected to be abandoned and dangerous. It does prove to be dangerous, but what it doesn't prove to be, is abandoned. There is a strange girl also still left upon the island, and the creeping cold and raging storms only seem to give her power. She doesn't seem fully human.
Tithe by Holly Black ****
YA. Halloween approaches, and Kaye finds that her world may just be more preternatural than she expected as suddenly she is encountering fairies. Her encounter does more than open her eyes to a new world, it seems to be changing her too, and the stakes will reach a peak Halloween night.
Horror Vibes
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Alice Isn't Dead by Joseph Fink *****
When her wife goes missing and doesn't reappear, one woman gives up the life she knows to become a trucker. On the road, she expects to find herself... or her wife. What she finds are mystery and horror instead.
Dracula by Bram Stoker *****
Does anyone actually even need a summary? Look, if you like to read books for Halloween and haven't read this one, just do it. You're on Tumblr; make sure you know what all the Dracula Daily posts are going on about. They're excellent.
The Exorcist by William Blatty ****
What is more horrific than watching a beloved child deteriorate into self harm and bad health and getting no answers, having to trust to faith instead of anything you've trusted before. Or how about a believer faced with evil powers one never expected to truly come face to face with?
Juniper & Thorn by Ava Reid ***
The witch daughter of a cruel wizard is persuaded by her two elder sisters to sneak out of their carefully controlled home to see a ballet. For her, this is out of character to disobey her father, but she finds the show changes everything. She is enraptured by the performance, and more specifically, the lead, who she chances upon meeting while going out to get some air. For once, she has found something worth coming out of her shell for, but should she have left home when there are dark rumors of a man-eating monster stalking the night and the tentative tranquility of their home, and their voracious father, is as risk? Contains explicit sexual content.
Mexican Gothic****
Noemí leaves her bustling city of Mexico City to go to London to visit her cousin who married into an old family. Her cousin seems sick, having sent for Noemí to rescue her. It is believed her cousin is suffering the effects of a mental illness. Once there, Noemi is struck by how isolated the home is, how run down and mildewy it is. It is not at all what she imagined, nor are the people there, or the family dynamics she could never have guessed at. All she wants to do is get out of there as soon as possible, but first she has to her cousin, and then, she finds she simply cannot leave.
The Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo ***
Alex Stern is in the fall Semester at a college that deals in magic. Normally, an outsider like her wouldn't have been recruited to help keep order among the magic houses that operate out of the college, but there's something special about Alex: She can see ghosts, a rare gift. At least that's how she's seen. To Alex, it can be more of a curse. One she will have to use though if she is going to find the mentor who mysteriously disappeared earlier that semester under supernatural circumstances.
The Girl with All the Gifts *****
I was so hooked starting this book with zero information about it other than it was a good spooky read, and since it was such an experience, I simply cannot get myself to say much about this. It follows a special child student, her teacher, and the head of the locked down school's security team as they navigate a dystopian world behind walls, and attempts to reach the outside world have proven unsuccessful so far.
The Lamb will Slaughter the Lion by Margaret Killjoy****
Danielle is a hitchhiker headed to a socialist commune in Iowa that has largely been abandoned by government interests. The town takes care of itself, and they have a unique way of protecting their own against charismatic leaders who want to make this community their own. Danielle's friend had been living there before he comitted suicide, and so, she needs to know what has happened. A spirit of judgement and execution stalks the daylight hours, killing those with darkness in their hearts. But who doesn't have some amount of darkness inside of them?
The Mall of Cthulhu by Susan Cooper
Danielle "When Ted stumbles onto a gropu of Cthulhu cultists planning to awaken the Old Ones through mystic incantations culled from the fabled Necronomicon, calling forth eldritch horros into an unsuspecting world, eh and Laura must spring into action, traveling from Boston to the seemingly-peaceful suburbs of Providence and beyond, all the way to the sanity-shattering non-Euclidian alleyways and towers of dread R'lyeh itself, in order to prevent an innocent shopping center from turning into... The Mall of Cthulhu
The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones ****
Most people experience the past coming back to haunt them in some way, shape, or form. But three men who grew up on a reservation feel like they are being haunted by more than the memories of the past. They don't talk about the incident much, not since they were banned from that part of the reservation, but they feel like perhaps they should as they find themselves fighting for their lives against the ramifications of that day.
Plain Bad Heroines by Emily Danforth *****
Half historical, half contemporary. A haunted swath of land, or a curse? The deaths may seem natural, but are they? And why do all these wasps keep showing up every which way?
Thirteen Storeys by Jonathan Sims ***
The apartment complex must be haunted. What else explains the series of horror visitations that happen upon 13 different residents who live in the building? Each storey is unlike the other. Almost a series of short stories, except... they do seem to be connected. Everything seems to point in the direction of the apartment's landowner as each resident receives an unexpected inviation to a dinner at his top floor penthouse in too timely a manner with the unexpected.
Under the Pendulum Sun *
Gothic Horror. What happens if the fairy are real and known of during the Victorian era? Well, we must preach to them of course! But it may just be that within the strange land of fairy a brother and sister find themselves in for their purpose of the gospel, the lords and ladies of fairy are more interested in the sins at the heart of the people than their hope for their souls. Very Victorian Gothic. The prose was gorgeous, and an atmosphere of eerie unease was well painted; however, beyond the stunning prose, I did not find the stories or the characters' choices all that compelling. The plot/character work wasn't for me, but if one is in the mood for eerie, haunting prose, then this would be the perfect read.
A Winter Haunting by Dan Simmons ****
Separated from his wife and broken up with by his lover, a professor returns to his home town in the Midwest in late November where the snow has already accumulated. He finds himself lingering over the death of a childhood friend and haunted by his past. Isolated in a small town with wanna be skinheads probably isn't the best time to suddenly feel like shadows are moving in, and he feels like the target.
Eerie Vibes (Horror Light)
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Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu *****
Only a novella in length, Carmilla is a fascinating read. Follow a lonely girl outside of her country of origin come to have a visitor, Carmilla, stay at her estate under mysterious circumstances. She quickly finds herself enamored with Carmilla and quickly grows ill with her worry over unhappy events which seem to plague Carmilla overnight. Despite them however, Carmilla seems just as robust as ever despite her habit to sleep away the mornings. This book predates Dracula, and it strikes me that it lent much of its lore to Stoker's later novel.
Cemetary Boys****
YA "In an attempt to prove himself a true brujo and gain his family’s acceptance, Yadriel decides to summon his cousin’s ghost and help him cross to the afterlife. But things get complicated when he accidentally summons the ghost of his high school’s resident bad boy, Julian Diaz – and Julian won't go into death quietly. The two boys must work together if Yadriel is to move forward with his plan. But the more time Yadriel and Julian spend together, the harder it is to let each other go."
The Coldest Girl in Cold Town by Holly Black *****
YA. Vampires exist, and the world knows about it. The world is dealing with it as best they can. Barriers between overnight workers and the public, habits to close all windows every night, avoid evening events, and the conversion of large towns into prisons for vampires and those who wish to become them. Within this world, Tana is just trying to have a normal teen's life, but that all changes when a drunken night at a friends and a forgotten open window results in her waking up seemingly the only survivor of a vampire attack. That's enough for a teenager to have to deal with, but as it turns out, not all the vampires are gone. (The audiobook for this one is exceptionally creepy and good.)
Doll Bones by Holly Black *****
Contemporary. YA. A child's parent keeps an eerie doll locked up in a cabinet, and the children's playtime has turned her into a queen of sorts. Then suddenly one of the children has a dream; a girl was murdered and her ashes placed in the doll. Her soul is restless and wants to be laid to rest in her grave, and the kids — her subjects — must find it and take her to it.
The Dead and the Dark by Courtney Gould ****
YA. Why is it that the worst of humankind can flourish so proliferous in the most beautiful of places? The small town of Snake Bite is littered with shadows and mystery, and it seems to be targeting the town's teens. First, Ashley's long time boyfriend goes missing, and then newcomer and outcast Logan's new friendly acquaintance is found dead. The town might hate Logan, and Ashley might come from the most prominent family in the town, but the two girls can't help but investigate the odd happenings that disappeared Ashley's boyfriend and implicated one of Logan's dads in that disappearance. The town believes he killed him, Logan is determined to prove him innocent, and Ashley still believes he's alive. She can feel his presence still all around.
The Best of Edgar Allan Poe
I have never read an author that, in so little time of story, manages to dredge up so much feeling of dread. If you want to set a dark and dreary mood, Poe's your man. In today's age, I don't know that his stories come off nearly as spooky as they once did, but they certainly evoke a sort of low mood spooky stories often aim for. It's like the counter of a thriller which often evokes high, frantic energy instead of the low, desolate mood of Poe's work.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley ****
For current readers, I don't know if this quite works as horror, but there is definitely something to the carelessness of men who create without considering their creations.
The Girl in the Green Silk Gown by Seanan McGuire *****
Sometimes, living is the true thing of nightmares. Such is the case for the hitchhiking ghost Rose Marshall. She's hitched the ghost roads for decades longer than she's been alive and content with her undead existence despite being haunted still by the man who killed her, demon-pact and all. When he curses her, she finds that only by living again can she remove the curse. It was only supposed to last one evening, the only evening the dead can return to flesh: Halloween night. (This is a book 2)
The Lamb will Slaughter the Lion by Margaret Killjoy****
Danielle is a hitchhiker headed to a socialist commune in Iowa that has largely been abandoned by government interests. The town takes care of itself, and they have a unique way of protecting their own against charismatic leaders who want to make this community their own. Danielle's friend had been living there before he comitted suicide, and so, she needs to know what has happened. A spirit of judgement and execution stalks the daylight hours, killing those with darkness in their hearts. But who doesn't have some amount of darkness inside of them?
Mexican Gothic****
Noemí leaves her bustling city of Mexico City to go to London to visit her cousin who married into an old family. Her cousin seems sick, having sent for Noemí to rescue her. It is believed her cousin is suffering the effects of a mental illness. Once there, Noemi is struck by how isolated the home is, how run down and mildewy it is. It is not at all what she imagined, nor are the people there, or the family dynamics she could never have guessed at. All she wants to do is get out of there as soon as possible, but first she has to her cousin, and then, she finds she simply cannot leave
Our Wives Under the Sea****
Miri's wife returns after having been missing on a submarine dive deep into the depths of the ocean, and she must contend with the fact that her home now feels a host to a stranger. She feels lonelier as ever as Leah slowly seems to turn farther away from the woman Miri knew into something completely Other.
Sparrow Hill Road by Seanan McGuire *****
Follow a hitchhiking ghost over the breadth of the continental US. She was run off the Sparrow Hill Road in 1952 on her way to prom and never made it there. Instead she haunts the highways of the US, hitchhiking her way from roadside diner to roadside diner. She finds a calling in spending time with someone before their last moments, fated to die on the road. Sometimes though, she gets to alter that fate. But there is one out there who has an unpleasant fate in mind for her, and he haunts the roads in his immortal demon car, determined to get the prey who escaped him in the early 1950s.
Sorrowland by Rivers Soloman****
Vern escapes the cult she was brought into pregnant with twins. Her escape only extends to the forest surrounding the commune though. A single young woman shouldn't be able to survive with two children alone like this, and yet Vern does with ease. Something is different about her. Her body starts to become foreign in parts, to change, and she realizes something was done to her. Something that haunts her and alters her. It helps her protect her children, but can will she survive it?
True Irish Ghost Stories by St. John Seymour & Harry Neligan***
Interested in 'true' ghost stories? Well find here collected stories Seymour and Neligan sought out from real people in Ireland who vouched to the veracity of their accounts. The stories are disjointed and with no real beginning or end, but read much like tales told around the campfire in the dark of night.
The Vampyre; A Tale by John Polidori**
Vern "A short work of prose fiction written in 1819" "often viewed as the progenitor of the romantic vampire genre of fantasy fiction." Our protagonist becomes fascinating by an intriguing gentleman and takes up with him only to begin to suspect a dark explanation of the man's behaviors.
Dark Stories
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A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson ****
A letter from one vampire to her maker whom she has murdered. The story is their story, the one of living under a man she thought a savior, who turned her into a monster, and showed her an initial love that hid a vindictive, controlling menace amidst the monotonousness of his vampirism. Explicit sexual content.
Fledgling by Octavia Butler****
What if vampires were born and not made? And how fun would it be to have a book that's a thriller, complete with a justice system, but all made up of vampires and their symbiotic humans? If that sounds appealing, it might be for you. Just check the trigger warnings if you are one who benefits from that!
The Girl with All the Gifts *****
I was so hooked starting this book with zero information about it other than it was a good spooky read, and since it was such an experience, I simply cannot get myself to say much about this. It follows a special child student, her teacher, and the head of the locked down school's security team as they navigate a dystopian world behind walls, and attempts to reach the outside world have proven unsuccessful so far.
Juniper & Thorn by Ava Reid ***
The witch daughter of a cruel wizard is persuaded by her two elder sisters to sneak out of their carefully controlled home to see a ballet. For her, this is out of character to disobey her father, but she finds the show changes everything. She is enraptured by the performance, and more specifically, the lead, who she chances upon meeting while going out to get some air. For once, she has found something worth coming out of her shell for, but should she have left home when there are dark rumors of a man-eating monster stalking the night and the tentative tranquility of their home, and their voracious father, is as risk? Contains explicit sexual content.
King of Battle and Blood by Scarlett St. Clair **
The princess and heir to a kingdom besieged by a vampire army finds herself preparing for her father's surrender to the Vampire King. An unexpected and unpleasant stipulation of the treaty of surrender is the princess's hand in marriage. For her people, she agrees, but her people expect her to assassinate her new husband despite his immortal durability. Fairytale elements. Intrusive thoughts. Contains smut.
The Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo ***
Alex Stern is in the fall Semester at a college that deals in magic. Normally, an outsider like her wouldn't have been recruited to help keep order among the magic houses that operate out of the college, but there's something special about Alex: She can see ghosts, a rare gift. At least that's how she's seen. To Alex, it can be more of a curse. One she will have to use though if she is going to find the mentor who mysteriously disappeared earlier that semester under supernatural circumstances.
The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones ****
Most people experience the past coming back to haunt them in some way, shape, or form. But three men who grew up on a reservation feel like they are being haunted by more than the memories of the past. They don't talk about the incident much, not since they were banned from that part of the reservation, but they feel like perhaps they should as they find themselves fighting for their lives against the ramifications of that day.
Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin***
Talk about a book that feels like horror for me in particular! You can tell that this is an older book, but for those who knew what it was like for a married woman then, that adds all the more to the horror. This is a slow and quiet horror for the most part but very poignant. I anticipated that after all the buildup, the ending wouldn't be able to live up, but I actually quite liked it. Though don't let that allow you to suspect a peachy resolution XD
Thirteen Storeys by Jonathan Sims ***
The apartment complex must be haunted. What else explains the series of horror visitations that happen upon 13 different residents who live in the building? Each storey is unlike the other. Almost a series of short stories, except... they do seem to be connected. Everything seems to point in the direction of the apartment's landowner as each resident receives an unexpected inviation to a dinner at his top floor penthouse in too timely a manner with the unexpected.
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The Dead and the Dark by Courtney Gould ****
YA. Why is it that the worst of humankind can flourish so proliferous in the most beautiful of places? The small town of Snake Bite is littered with shadows and mystery, and it seems to be targeting the town's teens. First, Ashley's long time boyfriend goes missing, and then newcomer and outcast Logan's new friendly acquaintance is found dead. The town might hate Logan, and Ashley might come from the most prominent family in the town, but the two girls can't help but investigate the odd happenings that disappeared Ashley's boyfriend and implicated one of Logan's dads in that disappearance. The town believes he killed him, Logan is determined to prove him innocent, and Ashley still believes he's alive. She can feel his presence still all around.
Fledgling by Octavia Butler****
What if vampires were born and not made? And how fun would it be to have a book that's a thriller, complete with a justice system, but all made up of vampires and their symbiotic humans? If that sounds appealing, it might be for you. Just check the trigger warnings if you are one who benefits from that!
In the Woods by Tana French ****
In his childhood, Adam Ryan was out with his friends when those friends went missing. It became a huge story, especially because when they found him, he was so traumatized, he had no memory of what took place. They never solved his mystery, but he became an investigator himself. He thought that was all behind him, except he is put on a case that has a mysterious link to that cold mystery. Ryan shouldn't be working this case, but no one has linked him to it yet, and he can't help but try and see if this new case will reveal anything about his own.
Mistress of the Art of Death by Ariana Franklin ****
Under the rule of King Henry II, within Cambridge, there is amongst the people a deranged serial killer targeting children. The people point the blame at the local Jewish population, but after a raid sequesters them within the castle walls and the killings don't stop, a woman of the station of what we might call today coroner is summoned from out of the country to learn from the dead children what she may to uncover the identity of a serial killer eager to target those who would try to track them down. Historical fiction. Some explicit sexual content.
The Witch Elm*****
Toby experiences a series of devastating events, the first of which is a break in and assault that leaves him with literal brain trauma, hazy memories, and a sense that he is no longer himself and will never be so again. So when a corpse shows up in the old summer home he and his cousins stayed at and it turns out to be an old pal from school, he is left absolutely untethered from all he understands in his world, and every attempt to make it makes sense seems to send him down the wrong path. The later part of the book does take place in the autumn months, but I didn't really get the sense that this took up a whole lot of the story
Classic Halloween Elements
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The Coldest Girl in Cold Town by Holly Black *****
YA. Vampires exist, and the world knows about it. The world is dealing with it as best they can. Barriers between overnight workers and the public, habits to close all windows every night, avoid evening events, and the conversion of large towns into prisons for vampires and those who wish to become them. Within this world, Tana is just trying to have a normal teen's life, but that all changes when a drunken night at a friends and a forgotten open window results in her waking up seemingly the only survivor of a vampire attack. That's enough for a teenager to have to deal with, but as it turns out, not all the vampires are gone. (The audiobook for this one is exceptionally creepy and good.)
Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu *****
Only a novella in length, Carmilla is a fascinating read. Follow a lonely girl outside of her country of origin come to have a visitor, Carmilla, stay at her estate under mysterious circumstances. She quickly finds herself enamored with Carmilla and quickly grows ill with her worry over unhappy events which seem to plague Carmilla overnight. Despite them however, Carmilla seems just as robust as ever despite her habit to sleep away the mornings. This book predates Dracula, and it strikes me that it lent much of its lore to Stoker's later novel.
Cemetary Boys****
YA, Featuring ghosts and witches and blood rituals. What is more Halloweeny? "In an attempt to prove himself a true brujo and gain his family’s acceptance, Yadriel decides to summon his cousin’s ghost and help him cross to the afterlife. But things get complicated when he accidentally summons the ghost of his high school’s resident bad boy, Julian Diaz – and Julian won't go into death quietly. The two boys must work together if Yadriel is to move forward with his plan. But the more time Yadriel and Julian spend together, the harder it is to let each other go."
Dracula by Bram Stoker *****
Does anyone actually even need a summary? Look, if you like to read books for Halloween and haven't read this one, just do it. You're on Tumblr; make sure you know what all the Dracula Daily posts are going on about. They're excelle
The Best of Edgar Allan Poe
I have never read an author that, in so little time of story, manages to dredge up so much feeling of dread. If you want to set a dark and dreary mood, Poe's your man. In today's age, I don't know that his stories come off nearly as spooky as they once did, but they certainly evoke a sort of low mood spooky stories often aim for. It's like the counter of a thriller which often evokes high, frantic energy instead of the low, desolate mood of Poe's work.
The Exorcist by William Blatty ****
What is more horrific than watching a beloved child deteriorate into self harm and bad health and getting no answers, having to trust to faith instead of anything you've trusted before. Or how about a believer faced with evil powers one never expected to truly come face to face with?
Fledgling by Octavia Butler****
What if vampires were born and not made? And how fun would it be to have a book that's a thriller, complete with a justice system, but all made up of vampires and their symbiotic humans? If that sounds appealing, it might be for you. Just check the trigger warnings if you are one who benefits from that!!
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley ****
What can have more than classic Halloween elements than a classic horror tale??
The Gilda Stories***
Vampires always fit this season. Follow a girl willing to kill to obtain freedom as she merges into life as a vampire and seeks out her people and a place to call home. 200 years of finding places for herself allow for a nice exploration of what it means for a vampire to live for a very, very long time.
The Girl in the Green Silk Gown by Seanan McGuire *****
Sometimes, living is the true thing of nightmares. Such is the case for the hitchhiking ghost Rose Marshall. She's hitched the ghost roads for decades longer than she's been alive and content with her undead existence despite being haunted still by the man who killed her, demon-pact and all. When he curses her, she finds that only by living again can she remove the curse. It was only supposed to last one evening, the only evening the dead can return to flesh: Halloween night. (This is a book 2)
The Girl with All the Gifts *****
I was so hooked starting this book with zero information about it other than it was a good spooky read, and since it was such an experience, I simply cannot get myself to say much about this. It follows a special child student, her teacher, and the head of the locked down school's security team as they navigate a dystopian world behind walls, and attempts to reach the outside world have proven unsuccessful so far.
The Mall of Cthulhu by Susan Cooper
Danielle "When Ted stumbles onto a gropu of Cthulhu cultists planning to awaken the Old Ones through mystic incantations culled from the fabled Necronomicon, calling forth eldritch horros into an unsuspecting world, eh and Laura must spring into action, traveling from Boston to the seemingly-peaceful suburbs of Providence and beyond, all the way to the sanity-shattering non-Euclidian alleyways and towers of dread R'lyeh itself, in order to prevent an innocent shopping center from turning into... The Mall of Cth
Mexican Gothic****
Noemí leaves her bustling city of Mexico City to go to London to visit her cousin who married into an old family. Her cousin seems sick, having sent for Noemí to rescue her. It is believed her cousin is suffering the effects of a mental illness. Once there, Noemi is struck by how isolated the home is, how run down and mildewy it is. It is not at all what she imagined, nor are the people there, or the family dynamics she could never have guessed at. All she wants to do is get out of there as soon as possible, but first she has to her cousin, and then, she finds she simply cannot lea
Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin***
Talk about a book that feels like horror for me in particular! And though a lot of the book has a veneer of the mundane, don't be deceived. There are witches and blood rituals and demonic entities tipping the scales. Perfect for those who love the spooky elements of Halloween! Also, I anticipated that after all the buildup, the ending wouldn't be able to live up, but I actually quite liked it. Though don't let that allow you to suspect a peachy resolution XD
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson***
One of the classic horror books has to go among classic Halloween! You think you know this story, but if you haven't read it, you likely know less than you think! This is the perfect time of year to check out the original.
Sparrow Hill Road by Seanan McGuire *****
Follow a hitchhiking ghost over the breadth of the continental US. She was run off the Sparrow Hill Road in 1952 on her way to prom and never made it there. Instead she haunts the highways of the US, hitchhiking her way from roadside diner to roadside diner. She finds a calling in spending time with someone before their last moments, fated to die on the road. Sometimes though, she gets to alter that fate. But there is one out there who has an unpleasant fate in mind for her, and he haunts the roads in his immortal demon car, determined to get the prey who escaped him in the early 1950s.
Thirteen Storeys by Jonathan Sims ***
The apartment complex must be haunted. What else explains the series of horror visitations that happen upon 13 different residents who live in the building? Each storey is unlike the other. Almost a series of short stories, except... they do seem to be connected. Everything seems to point in the direction of the apartment's landowner as each resident receives an unexpected inviation to a dinner at his top floor penthouse in too timely a manner with the unexpected.
True Irish Ghost Stories by St. John Seymour & Harry Neligan***
Interested in 'true' ghost stories? Well find here collected stories Seymour and Neligan sought out from real people in Ireland who vouched to the veracity of their accounts. The stories are disjointed and with no real beginning or end, but read much like tales told around the campfire in the dark of night. I mean what is more classic than ghosts, poltergeists, banshees, and the like?
The Vampyre; A Tale by John Polidori**
Vern "A short work of prose fiction written in 1819" "often viewed as the progenitor of the romantic vampire genre of fantasy fiction." Our protagonist becomes fascinating by an intriguing gentleman and takes up with him only to begin to suspect a dark explanation of the man's behaviors.
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From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death by Caitlin Doughty*****
Is the west too disconnected from death thanks to a 20 billion dollar industry that makes loved ones disappear nearly the moment they leave the world of the living and their bodies corpses? What if we returned to a not so distant practice of taking part in death rituals, to have a purpose, be a link, in a loved one's passing from this world and the next? Doughty explores those rituals and more from cultures across the world and asks us to imagine a more fulfilling grieving process that included the body of those who've passed on.
Haunted Wisconsin by Michael Norman, Beth Scott****
Collected from around Wisconsin, this book contains tales of an "assortment of ghosts, apparitions and other supernatural occurrences."
I'll Be Gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara***
"A masterful true crime account of the Golden State Killer—the elusive searial rapist turned murderer who terrorized California for over a decade—from Michelle McNamara, the gifted journalist who died tragically while investigating the case."
Penguin Book of Hell by Scott Bruce **
Let's talk about hell. That's what this book is all about, from the ghostly afterlife of the Greeks to the hell we force on others. This follows in a pretty straight line from the Greek/Roman concepts thru the Christian concepts, to attitudes about endless punishment held today.
True Irish Ghost Stories by St. John Seymour & Harry Neligan***
Interested in 'true' ghost stories? Well find here collected stories Seymour and Neligan sought out from real people in Ireland who vouched to the veracity of their accounts. The stories are disjointed and with no real beginning or end, but read much like tales told around the campfire in the dark of night. I mean what is more classic than ghosts, poltergeists, banshees, and the like?
Vampire Forensics: Uncovering the Origins of an Enduring Legend by Mark Collins Jenkins*****
An "engrossing history draws on the latest science, anthropological and archaeological research to explore the origins of vampire stories, providing gripping historic and folkloric context for the concept of immortal beings who defy death by feeding on the lifeblood of others. From the earliest whispers of eternal evil in ancient Mesopotamia, Greece, and Rome, vampire tales flourished through the centuries and around the globe, fueled by superstition, sexual mystery, fear of disease and death, and the nagging anxiety that demons lurk everywhere."
The World of Lore Books by Aaron Mahnke ****
These contain the books Dreadful Places, Wicked Mortals, and Monstrous Creatures. I haven't actually read Wicked Mortals yet, but the other two were perfect for the season and am confident so too Wicked Mortals will be too. Follow Mahnke as he explores the history of these folk tales and spoopy histories! They also work as great audio listens.
It's October, so get ready to see this even more! I still have books I want to add to it that are pending, and more will be added as I read. But I'm always looking for more books to queue up for some spoopy time (and/OR Autumn reading), and when I find there's something I wish there was more of out in the world, I find it helps to put out into it what we'd like to see.
That is to say, please feel free to add to this! I will excitedly look forward to more spoopy recs.
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mulletmunson · 2 years
shook me all night long ( munson )
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author's note: had a rather intrusive thought in the middle of my shift today n couldn't let it go. like i know that ac/dc was very well known globally in the 80s but i feel like aus kinda took it to the next level? like there is undoubtably not an australian that grew up in that decade that doesn't know every word to every song. n say that reader has moved from aus to hawkins to live with extended family and they're a metal head like eddie and introduces him to ac/dc? ( edit: i was high when i wrote this and it took me days to edit omg )
the reader lives in the trailer next to eddie's and they end up exchanging cassettes from time to time.
warnings: 18+! MDNI! strong language, smut ( eddie x gender neutral reader ), oral ( m!receiving ), use of y/n - i think it's like two or three times idk, eddie just straight up being whipped for the reader it's kinda cute
word count: 4.2k
moving to hawkins, indiana at the beginning of your senior year wasn't the first thing on your to do list but you didn't end up with much of a choice. your uncle had received the opportunity of a life time and as your legal guardian ( even though your 18th birthday was merely a month away ) you were involuntarily dragged along with him and your aunt. you didn't necessarily hate the town. it was a weird place. mall fires and stories of a lab killing a teenage girl. nothing seemed like it at all fit. like the town was a puzzle with several, very important, pieces missing. regardless of all this, you couldn't help but be drawn in. like the darkest parts of hawkins were begging you to explore them.
maybe that's also what drew you to your obnoxiously loud neighbour and his impeccable taste in music. eddie munson, who you'd seen around school leading his D&D club through the halls, was exactly the kind of person that would have your mother rolling in her grave if she ever saw you around him. she'd never taken a liking to the way you expressed yourself, all dark clothes and sterling silver, loud music blaring through your cassette player at all hours of the day. and so, in typical fashion, you'd left your worn out judas priest cassette on his doorstep one morning ( along with a return address ) in hopes to spark up some sort of conversation. it was returned two days later with a red circle around the sixth track, a note sticking out of the casing. this one was my favourite was scribbled across the lined paper in red marker. "eat me alive, huh?" you mumbled and flipped the cassette in the air as you moved into the trailer, laughing to yourself.
the day after your tape was returned you almost crushed one under your foot as you left for school that morning. looking down you spotted 'theatre of pain' sitting right by your toe. you'd heard theatre of pain in passing some time last year. a few songs were played on the radio. motley crue wasn't, however, a band that you pictured eddie actually listening to. the makeup and glam-rock sound didn't really seem to be his type of vibe. you were proved wrong again on that regard though when the next week he left a def leppard tape at your door.
even though these exchanges were small and quite insignificant, you felt like you were learning a lot more about eddie through the tapes and the notes he left with them. always circling his favourite song on the back of your tape in the same red marker. the note always flirty. you also felt like you were opening yourself up a little more as well. you never really had anyone to share your music taste with. your dad had died when you were ten after he introduced you to rock music so you'd never really felt good about sharing what it meant to you with anyone else. it was your thing that you cherished because of him. that was obviously until you moved to the trailer park and the loud music blasting from the house next door made you feel at ease. safe in a way that you hadn't in a long time.
the exchanges went on for a while. each of you leaving longer notes which lead to exchanging glances in the hallways. on a dreary sunday night, perhaps two or so weeks after the judas priest tape was left, you decided to take a risky step and leave your all time favourite cassette on eddie’s porch in hopes that he’d find it and listen to it before school the next day. the sticky note you stuck to the cover of the who made who album simply read this one is my favourite of all time. treat her with respect please x. you knew that ac/dc was renowned throughout the world but there was a high likelihood that a small town like hawkins hadn’t heard much of them. it was a shot in the dark, their sound being something that felt so central to australia, but it was a step that you were willing to take if it meant it brought you closer to eddie.
so here you sat, alone at your lunch table with your walkman by your side as it played the ozzy tape that eddie had left you a few days ago. you were watching his table, seeing dustin and mike laugh at something that gareth must of said. eddie was normally there by now, ranting about one thing or another in his typical exaggerated way. but he wasn’t. frowning to yourself, you pulled your headphones off your ears and began to collect your things. he obviously wasn’t coming in today. perhaps you’d catch him tomorrow.
you were pushing yourself out of your seat when you felt a hand on your shoulder and suddenly you were shoved back down into the chair. a small yelp escaped your lips as your ass hit the hard plastic. whipping your head around, you locked eyes with eddie as he pulled out the chair beside you and practically slammed your ac/dc tape on the table. “how have i never heard of these guys!” he exclaimed, shuffling the seat closer to you in the process. “never?” you asked, a little surprised. you already knew that it was a risky move but you never would have thought that he’d never heard of them. “not even on the radio?” eddie looked at you, raising his eyebrow. “sweetheart, do i look like i listen to the radio?” you melted a little at the pet name. “i have more of their stuff back home if you want to come over after school?” you tried really hard to not sound too excited at the idea of eddie being in your house, in your room. he grinned at you, teeth nipping at his bottom lip in the process. if there was a god, you knew he was testing you.
“sounds like fun” he said and you reached for your tape. he snatched it up before you could wrap your fingers around it. “i think i’ll hold onto this for a little bit longer, thank you.” and with that he was up and moving towards his table, the boys all eyeing you as eddie walked towards them.
you sat on your couch, arm resting on the back as you stared out the window. you’d sped home so that you’d get to the trailer park before eddie, hoping that your uncle's motorcycle he let you ride to school on the odd occasion, would beat his old van. you had. and you also had time to change clothes, find every ac/dc cassette you owned and sort them by release date. school was let out 30 minutes ago and he still wasn’t home. you were starting to regret even asking him over. sighing to yourself you moved away from the window and headed towards the speaker on the kitchen counter. your aunt and uncle wouldn’t be home from work until later that evening. it was like that most days of the week, which meant you had time to yourself with your music for a few hours. 
you slipped the led zeppelin tape into the player and grinned when whole lotta love started blasting through the speakers. you swayed your hips slightly to the music as you moved through the kitchen. as the chorus swelled and the music grew louder, you didn’t hear eddie enter. didn’t hear him throw himself down on the couch and like he lived there, arms spread over the back of the seat and head cocked to the side as he watched you move through the small kitchen. he smiled to himself, resisting the urge to pinch his thigh to remind himself that he’s not dreaming. that he’s actually here. he’d been hoping that the little flirtations that had been going on between you for the past month were not entirely one-sided. that there was a chance you might be interested in him as well.
he’d never met anyone like you. foul mouthed and unapologetic. you’d caught his eye the moment that you walked into the lunch hall. you’d dressed almost exactly like he was, given you were wearing a very cropped metallica shirt and not a hellfire one and your worn leather jacket looked like it was going to fall apart with each movement. and then you’d been the one to make the first move. he’d be lying if he said he didn’t listen to the tape over and over again because he knew that you had. because it was yours. he waited patiently each time he returned your tape with one of his. dreaming of your handwriting on the yellow sticky notes you always used. even when he wasn’t waiting for something to appear on his front porch he was thinking of you. of the way you power walked through the halls, never stopping to let anyone look at you a second time. he admired it. admired you.
you spun on your heel and jumped, a small yelp escaping your lips when you spotted eddie lounging on the couch. “eddie!” you shouted, throwing the juice box you were holding at him. it hit him square in the chest and he let out a soft laugh. “sorry, i didn’t mean to scare you” he said, leaning forward on the couch and resting his elbows on his knees. his dark eyes were locked on you, dragging down the line of your waist and the curve of your ass. you felt hot all of a sudden, watching him watch you. you averted your eyes and cleared your throat, moving towards the coffee table in the middle of the living room and kneeling in front of it. it was the only thing that was separating you from him but with the way he was leaning over it to get closer to you, it wasn’t that much of a distance. “these are all of their records so far. the earlier five were recorded with their original lead Bon. he passed away in the early 80s and the band then found Brian and have since released four other albums. he was the only vocalist they could find that was the closest to Bon’s sound.” you looked up from the tapes to see eddie grinning at you.
“sorry i’m rambling” you muttered, sitting back on your heels and watching as he looked over the tapes laid out on the table. “it’s cute. i like that you’re so invested in this” he said, tucking his hair behind his ears. “it’s pretty much the background of my childhood. i heard it every day. dad loved it and so does my uncle. they’ve been a part of my life since the day i was born pretty much.” eddie smiled and reached into the pocket of his leather jacket, pulling out the tape you gave him. “which one was your favourite?” you asked, reaching over to take it from him and sliding it in line with the others. he chuckled and flipped the tape over to show you the red circle around you shook me all night long and you chuckled to yourself. “what’s with you and the songs filled with the most innuendos munson?” you said, taking the tape off the counter and getting up, moving towards the speaker on your kitchen counter. “they’re always the best ones sweetheart. the ones that hype me up the most” he said and you could hear the smirk in his voice. there was a part of you, deep down, that was hoping he would be choosing those songs to send you some sort of message.
you placed the cassette in the player and skipped to the track that eddie had circled. you spun, a flutter of butterflies in your stomach as you faced the metal head on your couch. “that was the only reason?” you asked, sauntering over to the coffee table and perching on the end of it. you heard brian's voice play throughout the room, the lyrics to the song egging you on as you leant a little towards eddie. a shit eating grin spread across his face and you couldn’t help the goosebumps that arose on your skin at the sight. “what exactly are you implying here y/n?” he asked, his tongue darting out to swipe across his bottom lip. you bit your own, the sudden intrusive thought of what his tongue would feel like on yours passed through your head. you wanted to know what he tasted like. what he would feel like when he pressed his weight on you. how his hands would feel on your skin. “i don’t know. were you implying something when you chose those songs?” she told me to come but i was already there. eddie smirked at you as that line played through the trailer. “maybe i was, maybe i wasn’t. did you want me to be?” he asked, leaning even closer to you, your faces mere inches apart.
all confidence left your body. you thought you had control of the situation, inviting him over with the full intent to instigate something. yet here you sat, nerves running wild as you tried to think of something to say to eddie. “i, uh- uhm, i don’t know” you stumbled over your words, not being able to look away from his face but trying so hard to do so. his large, brown eyes kept staring into yours and you couldn’t stop from staring right back. “sweetheart, if you want something from me, all you have to do is ask” he said as he scooted towards you, reaching out a hand to place it on your exposed thigh. his calloused hand continued to slide up your leg and began toying with the hem of your shorts. goosebumps riddled your skin as his fingers rubbed circles up and down your leg. you hummed to yourself and moved sideways so that you were sitting on the table directly in front of eddie. he reached his other hand up to your other thigh and tugged, trying to pull you closer to him.
“so?” he asked. you could barely even think about a response let alone make one but you opened your mouth anyway and the words fell out. “wanna taste you.” eddie chuckled, leaning in further. “yeah? which part of me?” made a meal outta me, and come back for more. “a-all of you” you said, eyes darting down to his lips and slowly grazing over the rest of his body. drinking in the veins of his hands and the way his skinny jeans hugged his lower half perfectly.
he let out a low, animalistic grunt and tugged you off the coffee table until you were planted in his lap. my mind was aching and we were making it. his head was tilted back to look up at you, lips ghosting over each other as you lowered yourself into his lap fully. eddie hummed and moved his hands from your thighs to wrap them around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest. the thin material of the basketball shorts you were wearing did nothing to hide how turned on the both of you were. you whined a little at the feeling of him underneath you, grinding down ever so slightly and pulling a simultaneous whimper out of the both of you. “been hard since i got here honey. thought of bein’ alone with you tonight got me so riled up. could barely hold myself together on the way here.” eddie was mumbling into your skin as he pressed his face into your neck, dragging his nose along your jaw to breathe you in. his lips brushed against your throat and you gasped, arching into him at the sensation.
it felt pathetic really, that a touch so soft and innocent had you melting into a puddle on his lap. you could feel him smiling against your skin as you tangled your fingers in his hair and pulled. his head jolted back and he looked up at you with a sly smirk before leaning forward and pressing a harsh kiss to your lips. it was hot. all teeth and tongue as your spit mingles together. the grinding of your hips had become more consistent as eddie slid his hands over your ass to guide your movements.
you had to pull away to breathe and as you did so eddie immediately moved to suck at the soft skin just under your jaw. you were panting, trying so hard to catch your breath whilst he was doing everything to take it away. you shifted in his lap and felt his cock press right into your groin. eddie let out a low moan into your skin and you felt his teeth nip at you ever so slightly. “eds.” the word came out airy, like a whisper. “want to– need to–” you couldn’t form a sentence. weren’t exactly sure how to word it really. you wanted him in your mouth so bad but you didn’t know how to ask. eddie was humming along to the song, shocked that all of this had happened so quickly and it was still playing in the background.
you moved your body away from his carefully, sliding back on his legs so you were sitting over his knees. a worried look crossed the boys face as his hands slid to the tops of your thighs. “are you okay? do you want to stop? what’s wrong?” he asked, brows furrowed together in a mixture of confusion and concern. you smiled at him and did your best to slide of his lap and onto the floor in front of him. you managed, without falling backwards into the coffee table and making a fool of yourself in such a heated moment. kneeling between his spread legs, you looked up to meet his gaze. “y/n. you–” he was cut off by his sharp intake of breath when you dragged your hands up the front of his jeans. “said i wanted to taste all of you eds. meant it too” you spoke softly, eyes flicking down to where your hands were placed just above the waistband of his jeans – fingertips gliding softly at the skin of his stomach just under his shirt. 
he was breathing heavy now, eyes locked on you as you dragged your nails across his skin. eddie sucked in a breath and you smiled a little. the power you were holding over him in this moment had your nerves vibrating, your whole body fizzing with excitement. you hadn’t had any control of the situation from the moment that eddie walked in the door, but now that you were on your knees in front of him and touching him with such delicacy – all the ropes were in your hands. you moved your hands down his pants, slowly popping open the button and dragging the zipper down. eddie lifted his hips with your movements, trying to get some sort of friction from your hands. “sweetheart. if you want something from me, all you have to do is ask” you said, mimicking his words from earlier. eddie laughed lightly but it was soon cut off by a hiss through his teeth as you snapped the waistband of his exposed boxers against his hip. “i need you to tell me eds. need to hear it in words.” "fuck," he breathes unsteadily and you can see how tense he is as he tries to restrain himself. the muscles at the line of his hips spasming as he tries not to buck up into your touch. "need you to touch me, sweetheart," he almost whimpers. "need to feel that mouth of yours, please." the please has you drooling. the knowledge that he’s begging you for it. that he wants it as badly as you do has every part of your body hot.
you grip the waistband of both his jeans and his boxers and tug, eddie lifts his hips as you do, although it takes almost all your strength to pull them down to even his knees. his cock lay heavy on his thigh, the tip almost purple from straining against his tight jeans. you couldn’t help but stare, running your hands up his bare thighs and causing his hips to jump. “it’s so pretty, eddie” you whisper as you reached for him, taking him in your hand and squeezing lightly. “sweetheart” he grunted out, shuffling forward a little more so he was perched on the end of the couch. he hunched over you, long curls falling to the sides of his face. they seemed to envelop you, caging you off from the rest of the world. you smiled up at him and pressed a swift kiss to his swollen lips before bending down again and taking him into your mouth. you hummed around him as the salty taste of precum landed on your tongue and eddie moaned loud at the feeling. you looked up to see his head thrown back, slender neck on display.
slowly you began to suction and hollow out your cheeks, taking him in little by little, your hand working at the space you couldn’t fit in your mouth, pumping back and forth. you were already gagging a little around him as he hit the back of your throat, but you didn’t care. the weight of him heavy on your tongue and the lewd sounds he was letting out as you bobbed up and down were making it all the more worth it. “huh-, god, fuuck…” eddie had placed his hands on the back of your head, gently pushing you further down his cock as your spit dribbled onto his crotch, dampening the unruly curls at his base. he was trying so hard to open his eyes to look down at you and when he finally managed to do so, he found you already staring intently up at him. your mouth full of him, lips swollen and cheeks red as you worked your mouth down him. “so fucking good, sweetheart, you’re so fucking good. been thinking about this from the moment i saw you. been jacking off to the thought of you since you arrived.” you hummed around him at the thought of that, arousal growing more intense as you reached down to touch yourself through your shorts, hoping for some sort of relief.
he shudders, his chest moving up and down in rhythm with your head and hand. “you touching yourself honey? getting off to the feeling of me in your mouth yeah? so dirty. so, so-” he’s rambling and bucking up into your mouth, practically fucking your throat at this point. all you can do is nod at his words, tears spilling from the corners of your eyes as they mix with everything else that had spread across your cheeks. your moans were blissful vibrations around his throbbing cock which only made his own louder. “o-oh, shit, you feel so fucking amazing, so fucking good….shit, baby, you’re so fucking good - god i fuckin’ love this.” his hands make you go faster, choking you more on his dick as your nose begins to rub against the matted curls at his base, his musky scent filling your nose. your gags were going straight to his head and it spurs him on even more.
he was rambling uncontrobbly now, words spilling out of his mouth as frequently as the delicious moans, “holy shit, sweetheart, y-yeah, hmm, fuck just like that,” he’s muttering for you to go faster, thumb wiping away at your tears as he whines, keening loudly as he feels his release quickly about to come, “yeah baby, fuck! shit, you’re doing amazing. taking me so well. oh god, I’m gonna cum. you’re gonna make me cum honey…is it okay if i- fuck - if i cum? please, fuck, y-you okay with that?” you’re trying your best to nod, humming around him to indicate that it’s okay. that you want it.
it’s what sends him over the edge in the end. hot, white spurts of cum running down your throat as he pushes your head down, your salvia covering your own hand as you try your best to swallow everything that he has to offer. eddie stopped writhing and you noticed the muscles in his stomach unclench as his breathing slowed again. “holy fucking shit” he said, pushing his hair away from his forehead as you pulled your mouth off him with a wet pop. you let go of his now, softening cock and reached to wipe the dribble from the side of your mouth. eddie beat you to it, catching your spit and a little of his own cum onto his thumb. he stared deeply into your eyes as he put his thumb to his own lips and sucked it clean.
blushing heavy, you stood up and rubbed at your achy knees as eddie shucked his boxers back up over his lower half. the tape moved well into the next song by now and the loud guitar filled your ears as you and eddie stared at each other in silence. his hands were on your thighs, pushing up under your shorts tentatively, as if to ask if it was okay. like you didn’t just have his cock in your mouth. like you weren’t touching yourself whilst doing so. “think it’s your turn now sweetheart.”
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thedeluluverse · 1 year
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First time doing a crossover/multi-fandom fic, I was so nervous throughout writing this, but I hope it’s decent! Obviously, no hate towards Jimin-ssi, ult is BTS just a fun idea I had inspired by the song “Boyfriend” by Dove Cameron.
Summary: Despite the love you have for your boyfriend, you can’t help but feel invisible at this party. He would rather play games but all you want is to feel seen. Will your wish come true?
Pairing:  idol!Jimin x curvy!freader x idol!LeeMinho
Genre: idol!au, angst, fluff, mentions of smut-related topics, acquaintances to lovers, secret mutual pining, crossover, hurt/comfort, songfic, oneshot, RPF, toxic relationship, neglected partner, slight slow burn
Word Count: 4,148.
Warnings:.  swearing, angst, toxic/strained relationship, feeling neglected, jealousy, manipulation, guilt, crying, mention of sex, illusions to cheating, gambling, reader is made to feel insecure about their weight, slight bullying due to weight, lack of self worth, gaslighting.
Six months ago, you started dating one of the most talked about K-pop idols, Park Jimin. You met him at a fan sign event for his new solo album 'Face' and hit it off immediately! However, it was still quite shocking when he slipped you his phone number and said he couldn't wait to see you again upon that first meeting. Chalking it up to fate, you texted him later that night.
Y/N: "Hey, it's y/n from the fan sign earlier today. This seems surreal, but I wanted to message you before I lost my nerve. It's late, so I hope I didn't wake you, talk to you later!”
Not even a full minute later, your phone buzzes with a flurry of new text messages from none other than Jimin himself.
PJ: "Hey there, y/n! I'm so glad you messaged me so quickly! You were so beautiful; I just had to get to know you more! Are you free to grab some boba and hang in the park tomorrow?”
Staring at your phone for what feels like 5 whole minutes (it was 30 seconds, calm down, drama queen, lol). You shakily manage to compose a reply.
Y/N: "Oh my, you got me blushing, Mr. Park! Lucky for you, I'm available all day tomorrow! Where should I meet you?”
PJ: "Don't worry about a thing! Just send me your address, and I'll pick you up myself! I am getting rather sleepy, but I will text you the details in the morning, cutie 😉”
Y/N:    "Sounds like a plan; get some rest!"
            In the beginning, at least for the first 2 weeks, he was a perfect gentleman and doted on you hand and foot. Until his first visit at your place, you cooked him dinner, and everything was magical! This led to quite an intense make-out session on your couch; once y'all took a break to breathe, he says
PJ: *raising an eyebrow and smirking* “Shall we move this to the bedroom?”
Y/N: *bites lip and looks down while fidgeting with your fingers* “I…um..thing is..”
PJ: *confused* "What is it, y/n? I'll be gentle, don't worry, unless told otherwise."
Y/N: "It's not that; I…ugh, here goes. I didn't know how to bring this up before, but I'm a...still a virgin..”
PJ: *processing* "Oh well, that's no problem! I mean, what better first time than with myself?! We can go slowly, and don't worry, I’ll make this night as memorable for you as it is for me” *lust clouds his eyes*
Y/N: “I wasn’t done…
PJ: "Well, c’mon then, someone is eager to meet you” *glances down at his bulge, growing with the thought of how tight you must be and how lucky you are. *
Y/N: *slightly frowning, not liking the vibes* "That's the thing, I want to wait a bit longer before we take that step. I have no doubt that you know what you're doing, and I want to, trust me… just... not tonight. I know that feelings will be intense after, and I don't want to just be a quick fuck, and then you move on and never speak to me again. I don't see you as that type, but you are an idol, after all, with girls throwing themselves at you constantly. You can understand where I’m coming from…right?”
PJ: “Wow, y/n… I thought you trusted me... I'm not that kinda guy. What the fuck??!! Well, I’m just gonna go since I’m so sleazy” *hurriedly puts shirt and shoes back on and grabs his keys*
Y/N: *prancing behind him, trying to stop him* "Wait, no!!!! That's not what I meant. I promise, come back. I have dessert...”
PJ: *ignores you until he starts his car* "Just let me cool off, y/n. It's messed up for you to get me all riled up and not put out. I need to mull some things over. I'll talk to you later…maybe."
            Tears well up in your eyes as you watch him drive away, nauseated with worry that you may have just lost your one chance with one of your long-time biases. After multiple failed calls and unread texts, you fall asleep, exhausted from the constant sobs since he left. The next day, you sleep until noon, grateful you don't have work until 5. Eyes still blurry with sleep and post-cry puffiness, you check your phone to see no responses from your (ex?) boyfriend, Jimin. Heavy-hearted, you shower and get ready for work, unable to eat anything due to the dread in your heart. The shift is relatively slow at the coffee shop you work at, which does no good for your preoccupied mind repeating, "If he would just contact me, I'm sure we could work this out…." As if summoned, in strolls Mr. Park in all black, including his baseball cap; barely lifting his head, he gives his order avoiding eye contact. He occupies a corner of the café at a perfect angle to keep an eye on you while also blending in with the shadows so as not to be disturbed. As you clock out, you see him get up and head toward the door. Determined not to miss this chance, you jog after him as he gets to his car.
Y/N: “Hey! What gives? Did you yeet your phone to Hawaii as soon as you left? And then what’s with coming silently stalk me at work?? I had to lie to my boss and say you were a secret shopper observing the shift so you wouldn’t get kicked out for loitering.”
PJ: *scoffs and rolls his eyes* "Oh, I'm the problem here? You really are naïve, aren't you? You can't just do things like that to a guy. It was painful hence my reaction last night. I came here to ensure you were physically alright because your messages worried me last night."
He may be a jerk, but he had a point. You were naïve. Evidenced by his "being worried about you" being enough to melt any negativity you still had toward him.
Y/N: *lip quivering* "You…you were worried about me??? I'm so sorry; I was worried about nothing. You're so sweet. If you can be patient, I promise I'll be the best girlfriend ever!”
PJ: *his gaze darkens, knowing his plan worked, then switches to comfort mode* “Aww honey, of course, I was worried! I care about you! Now, what do you say we go grab some ramen and watch a movie, huh?" *Brushes a tear off your cheek with his thumb and gives a quick peck on your nose*
            Things are on the mend until you see a tabloid cover 2 days later with him in the outfit from that fateful night he stormed out, surrounded by girls at a club. You confront him, but it's useless as he knows exactly what to say to soften you up and make it seem like he was just a victim of circumstance or was picking up a friend and got swarmed when they used the bathroom. Over time, you believe him less and less, but you stay with him because of your feelings for him and not wanting to seem like the bad guy anymore. After that night at the café, you compromised and agreed to exchange oral frequently. Still, it is to the point where with all of the rumors you hear and headlines you see about him with girls much thinner than you (which he makes sure to point out), you are never letting this dude anywhere near your pussy, even with his tongue. As a matter of fact, it's been about 4 and ½ months since anything but yourself has made you cum.
Having been cooped up in the house or work for months due to his “overprotectiveness” (a.k.a. making sure you aren’t going to catch him in the act or meet anybody actually decent), you jump with joy when he tells you about this colossal idol party, they are throwing this weekend with any group you can think of in the industry. Keep in mind he doesn't actually invite you. He only mentions it and says, “I mean, you can come if you want, I guess…" when you ask if you can accompany him. You both know he does not intend to stay by your side, but you don't even care. You need a night out around different people and scenery, plus it gives you a chance to wear that cute little dress you bought 3 months ago for your anniversary but never got to wear since he had to "work late"; yet came home with hickeys right as you were headed to bed.
            As predicted, no sooner have y'all gotten checked in, and he is already antsy to leave your side. He quickly grabs and downs 2 glasses of champagne for himself, then looks you up and down and remarks.
PJ: "Damn baby, you look so fucking good…."
Y/N: *slightly blushes as it’s been a while since he’s complimented you* “Oh yeah? I’m glad it finally got to see outside of my closet” *giggling ensues with both of you*
PJ: *catches his breath and smirks* “Think tonight is finally the night?”
Y/N: *immediately stiffens* "I mean, I'll let you know, but not sure right now…."
PJ: *sighs* “Ugh, whatever. I’ll catch you later”.
Y/N; *feeling deflated, you catch a chill* “Wait!!”
PJ: *turns around exasperatedly* "What now???? I'm a very busy man, y/n."
Y/N: *thinks 'yeah, busy cheating'* "I'm chilly. Can I borrow your jacket? *thinks 'you seem to like taking your clothes off anyway’*
PJ: *cackles making a few heads turn* "You must be joking. Did your eyesight get worse? No way I’m letting you stretch out and ruin this custom piece. Why don’t you dance? That way, you'll warm up AAANNNDD burn calories" *walks away snickering*
            Tears threatening to fall, you rush to the bathroom to salvage your makeup and gain your composure, all while simultaneously cursing him and believing he has a good point. Poor gaslit y/n!! After a few minutes, you emerge from the bathroom, and his all-too-familiar laugh draws your eyes to the gambling section of the party. You know he can afford it, but that doesn't change the fact that he seems to care more about winning than he ever did about you. Feeling invisible, you sit on one of the luxurious couches on the quieter side of the room. You scroll through the apps on your phone with one hand while the other is wrapped around your elbow, trying to warm up. You hold your head in your hands because you are actually considering taking his advice and dancing since you're about 5 minutes from becoming an icicle.
Suddenly, you feel fabric hit your leg. Snapping your head up, ready to chew out whoever is inconsiderate enough to not give you space, you are met with the kindest pair of brown eyes holding out a jacket to you. Furrowing your brows, you clear your throat and ask.
Y/N: *slowly standing up* “I… is Lee Minho really offering his coat to m..me?”
LM: *chuckles at your adorably flustered state while rubbing his neck with his other hand* “I mean, that’s my name last I checked, and I am not holding a ghost corpse so, I'd say you're right, y/n."
Y/N: *looking like you HAVE just seen a ghost* “Wait. How do you know who I am?!” *Legs threatening to give out*
LM:  *wraps jacket around your shoulders with room to spare, then holding your hand as he sits back down with you* “I mean, for one, you’re almost as famous as I am. Disregarding dating an idol, the commercial for your photography studio has taken off! Second, you are many idols' favorite fans with your respect and thoughtfulness levels. Thirdly, you are easily the most beautiful girl here. How could I not be drawn to you?!” *Shyly smiles and looks down*
Y/N: *face has been a tomato since the jacket touched your skin* “I... I don’t know how to respond to any of that, but I appreciate all of it so much! *Dimple appears*
LM: *tucks your hair behind your ear, admiring your smile* "All I ask is that you believe everything I said is true. Just one question, and I don’t mean to pry… where is that boyfriend of yours? I don’t mean to offend, just... It’s bad form to leave your girl alone at a party, much less shivering too."
Y/N: *scoffs, rolls eyes, and waves hand in the general direction of gambler's corner*
LM: *purses lips in anger* Ah...I see…Well, I’m kind of bored and was headed to grab a snack and figured it only polite to see if you wanted me to grab you an appetizer platter, too, when I saw you freezing over here.”
Y/N: “Sadly, I'll have to decline. I've been trying to stick to this diet to look like I belong to this industry. Thanks though!”
LM: "Nonsense. You are gorgeous, and your talent makes you a part of this world, not your dress size. If anyone says or implies otherwise, they’re an idiot and I’ll be more than happy to relay that message to them as well… can’t promise it won't be with a fist, but…anyway, I'll be right back, okay?"
Y/N: *nodding and grinning ear to ear while you wait*
LM: *returns with hella snacks* "I wasn't sure what you'd want, so I just got a variety to be safe.”
Y/N: “You're such a sweetheart, even though you just threatened to fight people." *You chuckle*
LM: *raises an eyebrow and turns to face you* “Oh, it’s not a threat. I can’t stand people who think like that or treat people like shit because of their fucked-up mentality. Especially someone as amazing as you. Let me know if you know anyone who needs a knuckle sandwich, okay, pretty?" *Places a gentle hand on your knee*
Y/N: *you feel butterflies for the first time in months* “I’ll keep that in mind. But…what if...oh, never mind...”
LM: *grabs your hand, looking into your eyes* "What is it? You can say anything to me, I got you.”
Y/N: *holding back tears, feeling safer than ever* "Well, I was gonna say I'd make a sandwich order, but not sure my boyfriend would appreciate that since he would be on the receiving end" *you lightly chuckle and look away, realizing how unhappy you are*
LM: *abruptly stands up with clenched fists* “Wait are you saying…. he rea...really gives you shit about how you look?? Is he fucking blind?! That's alright; lucky for him, we have a combo special." * He says as he rolls up his sleeves*
Y/N: *eyes widen as you bolt up and lay a gentle hand on his forearm* "No, really, it's okay; he does have a point. I just am having a bad night. Please, let it go for me." * You knew it was a risk pulling that card, having just met Minho, but you could tell there was more he wasn’t telling you about how he knew you*
LM: *intensely exhales and unfurls fists* “Let’s get something straight. The only reason I am not putting that dude in the hospital is on your behalf. OOOOHHH, the things I want to say to that weasel!! *Sits back down, taking both of your hands in his* “Sorry, I'm calm now. I'm not trying to freak you out, but I must be honest…."
Y/N: *leans head to the side* "What's on your mind? If I can be candid with you, it goes both ways, okay, Rocky?" *Stifling a laugh, but your eyes are shining with joy*
LM: *raises an eyebrow" "Rocky? That's a new one, haha; you're cute. Oh, right, my point! *facepalms* “SOOO, the ways I knew you earlier are all completely true; but there’s something else. Did you go to our concert about a year ago?”
Y/N: “I..uh..yeah, actually…how'd you know?"
LM: *twiddles thumbs* “See, the thing is, I've been trying to find you since then, but like not in a stalker way. Ugh, I'm messing this all up. Okay, let me rewind. We were performing 'Taste,' and I saw this radiant Stay holding up a sign that said, ‘I’m looking to adopt a kitt-ten if you need a MinHOE.' It caught my eye right at the beginning, and I couldn't help but laugh as my part began. It was adorable and funny, plus the owner was stunning, so I'll admit I was flustered."
Y/N: *soul leaves body* “Wait…I caused that chuckle?? You not only saw my sign but liked it???”
LM: “I loved it; super creative, honestly! So, I was in the back changing for the ‘Case 143' performance, and I couldn't stop blabbering about it to the rest of the guys. I knew I stood no chance against your charms when I saw the perma-grin on your face and damn near perfect choreography to the song. I tried to get your attention before you left, but you didn't see me. Ever since I've been hoping to get a chance to meet that magnificent girl again. And here we are!”
Y/N: *staring into space, processing what he said* "I... You…wanted to find me?? From a goofy sign?? I'll admit that you were more of a bias than Jimin. But...what now? I can’t just leave with your fairytale ass; I am not single, y/n, that I was a year ago when I made that sign. Thanks for the jacket, snacks, and honesty Min, but I gotta get going."
LM: *stands up before you and extends his hand to you, helping you stand* "I understand and respect where you're coming from. If you ever change your mind or want to order that combo, let me know, okay? It made my year just meeting you and getting that off my chest.” *Turns to help you find the way out while hiding the mixed emotion tears accumulating on his waterline*
Y/N: *checks phone and sees a message from Jimin saying he’s going to an afterparty and not to wait up* *chuckles incredulously while looking at the ceiling, stopping dead in your tracks*
LM: "Is everything okay, y/n?"
Y/N: *shows him the message* “I hate to ask this, but could you give me a lift back to my apartment? I know nobody else here, and no Ubers will be near here. I completely get; if not, I can try to see if his driver will pick up I ju…."
LM: “No no problem at all! I was going to offer, actually. Do you actually want to leave right now, or were you because of him?”
Y/N: “You know what? I think I want to dance. Because I want nothing else, I promise, but if you're ready to go, let me know!"
LM: *holds out his hand* "I have all the time in the world for you, darling. If you don't think my company is unethical, Ms. Not Single." *smirking*
Y/N: *gives the sassiest look ever* "Ha…ha, sir. Plus, the heat made me talk out of my head because I don’t think I’ve had a boyfriend in months.” *Raises a flirty eyebrow* (idk just go with it, y'all XD)
LM: *picks you up and spins you with glee* "THANK FUCK! I would've respected your decision to stay with him, but I am glad you didn't… why did your change suddenly? Not that I'm complaining AT ALL, just wondering what is going on in that pretty head of yours”.
Y/N: *wraps arms around his neck as ‘Slow Motion’ by AMARIA BB plays* “Well, I may have met someone tonight who helped pressure wash the brainwashing and gaslighting away and helped me see my worth in just a few sentences. I know it sounds crazy, but I feel genuinely good about them. I just hope I can get the courage to ask them out soon...” *looks down, nervous as hell*
LM: *can't help but give the biggest grin ever grinned* "I'd say your odds are excellent. They seem very gentlemanly and would gladly let you wear their clothes that are adorably baggy on you anytime. Also, would never have left you alone on your phone while dancing is an option or make you feel like you have to starve yourself to be worthy of love. Generally, feel like they’d do anything and everything for you. Not only because you more than deserve it but to show you that not every guy at this level is a douche.
Y/N: *butterflies return with a vengeance as the song’10:35’ comes on, and your back meets his firm chest as his strong hands find your voluptuous curves* "Well, in that case, I think I hit the jackpot, hehe, sorry I couldn't help it. It's true plus ironic given my ex’s, god, that feels good to say out loud, obsession with gambling. *Turns and hides face in his chest as y'all sway, and he kisses the top of your head*
LM: *smiles while tilting your chin up with his finger* “He may have been a gambler, but he can’t be that good if he didn’t bet on me finding you and you eventually realizing you deserve better."
Y/N: *stifles a laugh* “You did NOT just make a gambling pun… I loved it! He never appreciated my jokes…."
LM: "Well, you no longer have to worry about that. I'm here for all the jokes, whether good or bad. You can tell me anything, and I'll be open-minded, okay?” *Song ends, so he guides you to the couch again by his hand on the small of your back*
Y/N: *palms get clammy getting flashbacks to the disagreement that started it all*
LM: *notices immediately and cups your face with his hands* "Hey, hey, you, okay? What's going on, hun? Talk to me, please."
Y/N: *takes a deep breath and recounts story* "I didn't wanna drop that on you, right away, but I guess it’s better for you to know earlier so I don’t disappoint you too…tonight’s been really fun, but I understand if you bring me back home, and that's it."
LM: *pulls you into the warmest hug ever and strokes the back of your head down your back* “Oh sweetheart, if that’s enough to scare someone off, that’s their issue. I completely understand where you're coming from, and honestly, I'm proud of you for standing your ground. Also, I’m glad that selfish prick wasn’t your first glimpse into the world of sex cuz…yeesh…."
Y/N: "Honestly, same." *cackles* "I will say, while I can't promise a timeline, I feel like it won't take as long for me to be comfortable with the idea this time. *Instantly blushes*
LM: *kisses your forehead* "How do you look so sweet, yet that look in your eye is giving succubus? Anyways... I will wait however long you need to make sure you are truly ready, okay? Just let me know when you want things and what you want, alright princess?”
Y/N: *is too shook to be coy* “Wha..what did you just say??”
LM: *plays dumb* “Which part? The sweet yet succubus part confused you?”
Y/N: *both get up to leave* “Now you know damn well that wasn’t the part… to that point, however, … I dunno guess I'm just the perfect balance of everything." *Flips hair*
LM: *smiles at the newfound confidence and quietly catches up to her* “I guess that must be it.” *Puts coat on her*
Y/N: *is speechless and just grins, taking in the scent from his coat*
LM: “As for the ‘princess’ comment, I figured it only fair since you called me sir...*snakes hand around your waist*
Y/N: “I didn’t mean like th...oh, who am I kidding? I may have thrown it out there to gauge your reaction for future reference, science, or whatever…but I figured it flew over your head, or you didn't like it since you said nothing until now, haha! Is..is it bad that I did that?"
LM: *gently but firmly pulls her closer as they approach the car* “Hmm…" *opens the door and lets her get settled in the car as he starts it up* “I don’t mind that you called me that if that’s what you’re asking.”
Y/N: "Oh, thank god I was so nervous!"
LM: “I mean, it wasn’t bad in the dislike way. It may have been dangerous because it only made the desire to kiss you tenfold, so only that kind of bad did you summon.” *Smirks but keeps fiddling with the car’s settings and setting up music*
Y/N: *bites lip* “I mean… all I’ll say is you aren’t alone in that feeling...”
LM: *undoes seatbelt and leans over with superspeed and breathily says* “Thank goodness” *gently grips the underside of your chin with one hand, pulling you towards him as your hands roam into his hair, kissing with more love than you've ever felt*
                                                    THE END
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isleofdarkness · 1 year
The way I screamed when I saw you had uploaded the second part. I was so excited I stayed up all night reading it and writing this and I don't regret anything at all. Also, this part was in Ben’s pov which I absolutely loved, he's such a fun character to read about.
WANT AND FACILIER, YES!!!! You truly did an amazing job with these two. I love the backstories you gave them and how much they expand the lore despite the fact that Want was not more than ten minutes in her original film, you used her full potential and made her an extremely interesting character.
I didn't know how you would get them through the barrier but that was completely amazing.
“ The second the van passed through the mouth of the cave, the world outside the windows changed. The midday sun went out, replaced by some torchlit nighttime. [...] The two other people were replaced by at least a dozen. And those dozen people didn't look happy. ” Oh, this is so good, it embodies the depressive vibe the Isle has perfectly and also intensifies the feeling of anticipation just fine. It's great.
“ This, Ben was willing to bet, was Mara. ” fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck omg I can't do this fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
“ None of them had the chance to answer before Mara spoke. "Of course you can, Chaos. If they have a problem with you doing something to save lives," she levelled a glare directly into Ben's soul, "They can take it up with me. ” I'm obsessed with this part. I love both Mara and Chaos.
Something I forgot to mention last time is that I love the fact that you pointed out (if you did, because my mind might be making this up) a vague similitude between Riah and Maverick in the first part. But you made it so much bigger in this, not only with Riah and his family but also with the other characters and their families, highlighting what their similarities and differences are. I’m just a huge fan of it.
“ He didn't understand why they needed to. The hospital had been left fully stocked and it got plenty of supplies, so why did they need to learn how to make a ventilator? Shouldn't they already have some? “ Ben, I have shocking news for you…
“ The longer Ben looked at her, the more she looked like Anxelin Fitzherbert. ” I'm so unwell right now.
“ "So," Molly turned cos attention to Ben, grinning. "Are you Riah's boyfriend?" ” OMG??? This just confirmed my love for Molly.
Mara it's finally here and i'm enjoying it like you have no idea.
Ben's great, Mara not only told him but SHOWED him The Horrors™ and the best things he finds to say are "I like your tattoos" and "That's incredible". Also, wtf? Mara's life is horrible, hope she gets to stab Beast MINIMUM.
"This one's not very bright." She's so funny but like, I didn't understand either.
Did I mention that I hate Beast? Because I hate him. Ben deserves a better father, hope he gets to stab his current one.
I hate Maleficent too.
I've only had Molly for a third of a chapter but if anything happens to cos I will kill everyone in this room and then myself.
The sound I made when I saw this- thank you thank you thank you thank you. I love long reviews like this, where someone tells me exactly what they like.
Want once used her telekinesis to rip one of Bill Sykes's warehouses to tiny pieces and proceeded to beat him with the pieces for a solid four hours and only stopped because she got the news that Agony was out of surgery and would be okay. Maleficent is kind of scared of her and so help her gods, she will fight Maleficent, Bill Sykes, or even Thanatos himself to protect her kids. Like... look, I love her and I'm really glad you like what I did with her and Facilier (Gonzalo is Facilier's first name, just in case it wasn't clear to everyone reading this)
Yesss that's exactly what I was going for!
It took a lot of restraint for Mara to not open those doors, grab Ben by the shoulders, and judo flip him. If Riah weren't actively dying, she would have. She was pissed.
I'm so glad you love them. I love them, too.
All of the Mim kids just have the same vibe. Except for Malcolm. Malcolm is the prep member of the family.
"Plenty of supplies" I can't wait for him to figure out that they were given two (2) supplies and get one expired/broken thing every few years
You're about to be so much more unwell because there's a reason the full family is there
Molly, like all seven-year-olds, thrives on chaos.
Mara is pretty sure she likes Ben now after that response. There's just one last test- she's going to tell Ben about her plan to beat his father with her Stygian iron femur and see how he reacts. If he reacts well, he has her permission to date her brother.
Gods you have no idea how bad I want to say it. You have no idea
Eventually, Ben is going to get new parents. Hades and Persephone are going to go "Is anyone going to give this child a real family" and they aren't gonna wait for an answer.
Maverick gets one day off and, in only two hours, she has to ask Desire to come to the Isle and help her because Maleficent went and did all that. She is so tired.
I am so, so glad you also love Molly. Don't worry, Molly can't die because co sold cos soul to Maverick and is immortal. And if someone tries to kill cos, Maverick will conjure The Book just to beat that person to death with it.
I can't wait to see how you react to the final part. You have no idea
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windalchemist001 · 11 months
I was rather unamused. But than again how can be ok with this? After telling grim not to he ingored me and made Crowley send us on this trip. And while I do understand he wanted the free food and all, I still was not fond of all this.
But I soon found myself being told to go and though crowely seemed to lie though his teeth about the reason, I knew what it really was for, but I hoped at least for a little bit i could relax, but knowing this school that wouldn't be the case.
Sighing I walked down the hall, I was meant to meet the others here. And from what I recalled I would be in a group with a few I didn't like. The only one I would really like is duece. Though I do get along with ruggie, epel, riddle, azul, silver, sebek and idia though it wasn't so much of friendship, But more of an aquatics type of relationship rather than anything else.
And rook and Jamil are on the hate list for me. Because they both give me an unsettling vibes. Something about them was wrong that it set off all the alarm bells. Maybe because I'm a girl and thus have to be more aware of anything dangerous. (Though I did hate to think like that because gender shouldn't mater but even I know some times being a female meant I thought and did things differently)
Sighing again I made it to the mirror chamber I couldn't hear anything since I did have music playing in my ears as I held to bags for me and grim for the three days two nights getaway. Grim who seemed hyped up had darted off and while i did call for him he had ingored me. So when I did get there I was srupised.
Quickly pulling out the headphones letting the music blaring in the air. As I found myself waving at him. "Hey!!! How are you, I thought i wouldn't see you till I got back!" I found myself quickly moving to to the familiar male as my heart flutter in my chest since this was the guy I had feelings for.
He smiled in a way that had its way at getting to me and was again glad unlike my mother I took my father's darker completion (at least for these moments) which did well to hid any blush since I could feel the slight warmth of my cheeks.
"I was invited, and it seems from the luggage you are coming along as well?"
His voice like always did things to me with how good it sounded. Real asmr that soothens the soul.
"I am, grim despite me telling him no, seemed to do the same thing we did to Leona but to Crowley, ans welp here I am, but honestly im super happy to have someone to talk too." Was it shade, maybe a little bit, but the thought of being able to talk to Horton more made me rather happy. "Oh but I guess that means the letter i left for you might not do any good." I slightly sighed and hummed in thought.
Though before I could say anymore Crowley decided to intrupted us and begin talking which I found myself tuning out. But not wanting to deal with grim I decided to get the pet pack ready to stick him in. Thougu while I was setting it up even getting some snacks for him.
I could hear that one of my favorite professors seemed to be coming along which sort of made me hopeful. And like always i was distracted by the adorable of a feline that lucius was. And I moved to give him a snack which grim was quick to protest.
Rolling my eyes I lifted grim in my arms before lightly tapping his nose. "If you don't want to share than you are going to behave, or I will give away all your snacks."
Grim being grim was loudly protesting before huffing as I moved to put imhim away with his snacks and I apologize for grims behavior once again. Who was now grumbling in the pack. And with grim no longer able to see and with quiet permission I gave lucius a few pets and a little bit of cat snacks.
Unfortunately my happy mood again was intupted by Crowley and he motion us to head into the mirror and honesty it reminded me of the genshin screen that blinded on with bright light, so I did my best to be one of the last ones in and before I knew it we were in the new place.
Looking about I was in awe. This place, had a feeling that seemed familiar to me. Not in the way that I've been here before, but like I've seen it before. Though I could only wonder why for it was like an itch I did not fully know why.
Not to long into looking about I would hear a voice seeming to address all of us ans just a look between all the tall people around me and I found the need to hide myself behind Horton. Something felt wrong.
Not in the way that I sence something wrong with Jamil or rook. No. This felt wrong in a different sort of way. Like a darkness so much more evil. That the alarm bells weren't just ringing they were screaming! And of course the guys didn't sense nothing.
Honestly as their seemed to be all sort of talking and what not the guys couldn't seem to feel it like I can. Girl things I guess. Men do seem to be dumb to danger, while women sense it much to strongly. At least I was able to remain hidden as we were lead on and this guy. (What was his name again? Something flame-o? Honestly I wasn't listing thanks to my music being plug back in around this point.)
We moved along with following glad grim was put in his pack since I'm sure he would have bought attention to me as I did ny best to hide, in fact we made it a good while hidden by everyone while following along at least till after a lot of walking we had to meet my most hated enemy.
Stairs! So I of course went up the stairs feeling tried and wanting to cry while also trying to keep control of my breathing (since I didn't want to look like a loser) and due to the much smaller stature and the fact that stairs are in fact the top five evil things known to man, I took a rather long time getting up to the point grim complain and I decided to let him out of his pet pack and he raced up the rest of the stairs. Shaking my head I took on plug out just to make sure he didn't cause any problems I wouldn't know about.
Though by time I did make it up everyone seemed to be busy with something or another. As they all seemed to be in their own little groups. And all I wanted to do was sit down as my legs hurt and I wanted to relax. Unfortunately my lone visit away from everyone made me a clearly easily seen target. And the guy who I was trying to avoid came up to me.
Demanding to know what I was doing here, and that this was a private area. And me being me, froze like a frighten rabbit. Eyes widen and all thought seemed to go blank as I was scared. Though I didn't have to fear for to long as my favorite teacher spoke, who followed by riddle and duece came to my rescue and informed our guide that I was in fact with them.
And while eyes weren't on me I moved more into the room, hoping to find someone to hide behind, or at least actually look around to examine everything since I did find learning fun. Though I didn't get far as I was addressed and I turn to look hating the fact that my name again having been given put like Halloween candy.
Turning our guide was addressing me and trying to avoid looking people in the eye I did noted the pretty design on the cloth he was using. Mentally making a note of the fabric, that I would love to try and use on a project.
But that was for a side note for later right now I was dealing with this guy who seemed seemed to be waiting for a response. Which honestly I didn't fully understand since it didn't make sense at least at the moment and might need more thought something I didn't have so I simply nodded. "Oh... un ok?"
I was even looking at him my eyes off else where as not to deal with, this. I really rather be else where at the moment. But it seemed the guide's attention was drawn else where and I used that to get away.
And the safest place go me anyway was closest to Horton, why he made me feel like that, I don't know but o do. And it's why I longed to be beside him.
Though since he seemed busy I just decided to plug my headphones back in and just hang out with him and the other two since being a third wheel is better than fully being alone. Though I did reach out and lightly tug at Horton's sleeve.
Horton glanced down at me while I up at him and he seemed to smile and give a soft nod. Glad for the wordless confirmation that I would in fact not be forgotten made sure my music was at a good level and made my way with spending time this group.
And once we begin moving again did we make our way down the stairs to do what I didn't know nor did I care so long as I can remain hidden though grim did seem to return and from his grab-y motions i knew he wanted to be carried this i lifted him in my arms and and carried him the rest of the way down though once he hit the bottom grim shifted wanted to be put down thus I let him down and he walked on his own
I followed quietly and before I knew it we were being lead somewhere our guide seemed to switch to the ones from before, these guys seemed kinder and I didn't feel as stressed or worried unlike before, but I wasn't to fond of being lead somewhere with out knowing and pauses my music to see if I could pick up context clues as to what was going on.
After a bit of putting it together I decided to speak up. As they were leading off a few of the guys to their own changing room asking if it was possible that they would have anything that would fit me and that would we have time to clean them before wearing.
Unfortunately that wasn't the case and decided to use some wipes and some hand sanitizer I carried to at least wipe the clothes they ended up giving me.
And while I had assumed they wouldn't, what with me never been here before the clothes actually fitm which was deeply worry some. But all alone I didn't want to open my mouth to say to much. So with clothes cleaned as best as I can grim dressed and sent put i begin looking myself over. And honestly the outfit was really cute.
It also helps that its sort of hits the type of style I like. So I was throughly happy with it. And not one to let this moment slip by I was quick to snap a few pictures and send them to Horton, Trey, my vp and my only female friend that I've only know from online (I did crop out my face before I sent the picture of me in the dress to my online only friend.)
Once that was set I spent a good while thrilling and attempting to dance with myself as I imagine all sort of things in my head giggling a romantic moment with a handsome man, or even thinking up fanfic ideas till I heard the guys who escorted us to the rooms ask if i was alirght and that it was time to meet the others for I was late.
I hummed and moved to wrap up before heading out the door. I was than lead outside where it seemed everyone including grim was already there. Seeing Horton, I found myself taken aback with how good he looked. Though I also pushed away a thought that should not be acknowledged.
Either way I made my way to him. "Yoi look really good." Why did those words make my face warm up?
I watched as Horton smiled again at me. "I thank you for the compliment, though I am also glad you arrived when you did, since I wish to take a picture of sebek and silver to send to lila since ny own phone broke."
Hearing that I rose a brow. "Broke it again?"
The sound of his laugh sent chills down my spine. As Horton nodded. "Unfortunately I did."
I chuckled and rolled my eyes and moved to take the photo. Once the photo was taken out attention was drawn to our guide and I sighed deeply shifting slightly. Seems we were going to be split up in groups which honestly I wasn't to found of since I had a feeling I would be alone. I just had to hope that wouldn't be the case.
I sighed, even if it was I hope everything goes well.
Unfortunately while not completely wrong also not right. Since I was with the professor, which at least meant i was with someone I can trust i left the guys alone in the city and honestly given the crew we have i was mildly worried that we would be banned from the city and know as swindlers and maybe tax evasion. After a another moment of thought i scratched that and changed mildly to deeply. Because again I fear what these guys will do.
But I couldn't think more on that as every one split off to look around. Though as we looked around I couldn't help but wonder if this would be how it would feel to go to France in my own world, and should I cross that off the bucket list since I'm going here? While not fully sure I just continued to look around. After all not only is this educational, but I get to be with Horton! Though would sort of not like to have Jamil here, but I'll deal.
Soon we would be at the waterway and I found it relaxing sort of something I always wanted to do but was to chicken was to go to things like this and just look about. Though given how everything is and as everyone spoke I felt like something people would use as escape tunnels, to flea.
And while I don't know this world's history to well I know my own and I recalled that France did happen to have a lot of fights for powers. And had changed hand more than once. And while I was lost in my own thoughts mumbling about wars from a world a wasn't in. I soon realized grim was walking away. And with a curse quickly ran after him.
And it seemed no one notice till I manged to catch up and lift grim into my arm's. Grimm though seemed to be distracted and when I noticed what he was seeing I sighed softly again wondering why he tried to deny his cat-ness.
None the less when the group caught up to us i explain grim seemed to be mesmerized by the barber pole. In which everyone begin discussing hair cuts which honestly made me want to roll my eyes cause these guys sometimes were a bit much. Though I was unamused by them teasing grim.
And I asked them to not do so, and I was very clear with it as well, grim for his part was annoyed and somewhat throwing a but of a fit, which given the teasing was fair. But that seemed to be the point where we would have to leave which sucked, since I wanted to spend more time with Horton, but who knows what the others were doing. So it makes sense we make sure they are not doing anything illegal.
Sighing sadly I waved at everyone though my eyes were mostly focused on Horton and the way his smile made my heart flutter and the butterflies in my stomch, dance. My face grew warmer as he promised to see me (and grim too but that part is ingored) again. And I promised to see him again. And than turn to follow the professor to where we are going next
And while I didn't not keep track of the time which perhaps I should have. We soon found ourself meeting azul's team. They seemed to be looking for gifts. And I also found myself trying to muffle a laugh at the sky insult, which duece try to say was a joke. But given who was saying it made not so sure.
None the less we found ourself looking at necklace that made that familiar feeling go off. As if I recalled them and even what the man said seemed to make the feeling worse. "Holding the city in your hands" the pain grew a bit worse causing me to wonce slightly as my fingers touched the noting and the stone peice.
Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath despite the pain something told me to get one even not for gifts for others but at least for myself. Though when question I said it reminded me of a dream catcher and that reminded me my own home, and that was good enough for me. And though I had said that I hadn't thought of it at first but it was partly true.
And with the necklace in my hands we parted from the group to look for more stuff though after looking about while getting a good history lesson which I found interesting (grim for his part did not)
We bumped into idia's group. Or rather grim ran off and I had go after him which then lead us to meet idia's group.
After some talking we ended up following idia to a stall that seemd to sell both grape juice and while grapes. And I admit I was reminded that grapes have seeds in them, luckily I didn't voice my confusion and looked stupid. After all I was so use to seedless grapes that I was begin to think that was the default.
No mater it didn't happen if I didn't say it. Though I was also reminded how much of a dick Crowley was when grim who wanted both was denied it. And I was about to suggest that grim could have my portion before rook suggested paying the underclassmen, though it seems idia also decided to pay for half and thus grim got his both and o got the juice I had said I wanted. And honestly it was really good.
Though it would be cooler if I put it in a wine glass and pertented it was wine. Though after all France was known for their wine (though here it was the grapes it self but well ingoee that for now)
Oh and in genshin my first husbando liked wine to and his least favorite was grapes juice. Just thinking about it made me giggling to myself at how that handsome fave of keaya would look like if he saw me (if I was the traveler) drinking grape juice. Oh my gosh just thinking of the plot bunnies had me attempting to keep my fangirl self inside.
But like all good thing that had to end and off we left the group to look around for a bit more before we went to the meeting spot. Which i felt happy about because I would get to see Horton again! Which honestly I was always up for that.
Though I also had to admit I did want to sit down for a bit since it seemed we were doing a lot of walking. And the weather while cool was still warm for the layers I was wearing, didn't help that I unfortunately had dark colors as well which did not do well in helping with trying to stay cool. Though at least with my sunglasses (seems unlike azul they didn't have my prescription) it wasn't as bright)
I soon found myself dealing with everyone and like usual the high engery of the group as well as everyone around us, was rather much for me, but by staying quiet I just listened to everyone speak. At least till everyone idia and malleus pointed out a few things happening in some tents.
And while I did feel a bit overwhelmed by both males trying to draw my attention to two different directions i glanced to where malleus had pointed since, how could I deny my crush anything (well I did have my limits yes, but looking wasn't going to kill me)
Turning to see what was that caught Horton's eye I found myself seeing a stilt walker. Grim for his part seemed shocked and amazed at the thought of being so high.
Though grim being well grim begin claiming he would taller than Horton if he were on it which the male seemed to dash those hopes for the feline. And grim not one to give up, decided he would bring me into the conversation, when all I had been doing was watching wondering what made them want to fight about height.
Seeing both eyes now on me I again felt that slight overwhelmed but answer anyway. "That seems kind of scary and dangerous, cause what if we fall?" Not to mention as someone who is rather close to the ground, I wasn't to sure how I would feel much higher in the air.
Horton smirked, which like always did things to me that I had to do my best to hold back. Afrer all no need to make myself look like a shameful idoit after all.
Though he was clearly speaking to grim telling the feline to not do things that would get himself unnecessary. Which was fair, give grim's plain was to use me and the stilts as a boost to try and be taller than the male. Though I found myself wondering what Horton meant by it not working.
Though it seemed that would be unanswered as soon duece. Azul and than grim would bring my attention to other things. Not truly able to decide with azul's choice since between the both of them grim wasn't as much as a threat. So I turn to see what drew azul's attention and found myself seeing tight rope walkers. Which both azul and grim seemed to be fascinated by.
Though I also was interested in it I was also worried since for some reason I very much recalled what happened to Robin's parent's. Which might not have been a good thing to recall while watching people tight rope walk.
Though after that everyone's attention would be bought to the students from royal sword academy, which honestly I didn't care about since I've only knew one person from there and that was trey's cat friend. Though I was also reminded that riddled was their childhood friend. Which while not completely forgotten was never really bought up. And I'm a take more including to recall things involving Trey and Horton. Since I really want the both of them to see me in positive light.
That thought did make me wonder what sort of outfit trey would be wearing if he was here with us. Though I didn't get to think to long on it before it seemed everyone moved to head to the seats and I quickly moved to follow as not to be left behind.
And with out my input it seemed I got voted to sit with professor terin, azul and idia which I wasn't against since they were ones I can get along with. Though I felt my heart soar when Malleus asked to sit near me "but of cor-" though my words were cut of my grim's interjection which made me frown as it seemed that grim wanted to sit by me. Which he could just sit on my lap.
But before I could even mention that tid bit of information sebek begin with his angry expression and booming voice spoke up wanting to take the spot from grim so that he could sit near Horton. And while idia mention someone stepping in, I knew it wouldn't be me. Not when sebek was angry, nope not at all. Rather I was doing my best to make myself look as small as I could and actively trying to hide behind some of the taller guys around me.
But like my home life where their was the ranging fire that was my father, came the calm water like my mother. So too did sebek have his own water, to lower his temperature and calm him down. To be able to take the flames of his emotions to act as his counter balance, and thus helping all around the taller male be more resonable in public society. silver.
Perhaps it was because silver notice my distress (maybe the only one unless Horton notice and hadn't had a chance to say anything) but like my mom would interjected and thus calm, The raging flames of the beast. Silver would.mention that sebek and grim should play a simple game to see who would win the spot. A rather simple solution. Though watching the simple interaction made me long for home again.
Because while not perfect my parents did what they could for me and my siblings. And I grew up rather well, despite all the cards against us. And while not rich, their wasn't a day I wasn't able to eat, drink, with the protection from the elements and even given a few extra things on the special occasions like birthdays and holidays. And even now I am still greatful for all I've have given to me.
Just thinking of my family made my heart ache more, for I wonder would I even see them again? Lost in the thought of home I didn't realize grim and sebek play a round of rock paper scissor, till grim was celebrating his win. And I found myself blinking. Looking to grim and than sebek.
And while sebek was now depressed and voicing it (which was nothing like my father) I mumbled to myself rather confused to how he lost. Since a game with grim should have been rather easy since it is more of a game of fifty/fifty with them stack in your favor. since the feline can only do rock and paper. So the winning way, is to do paper and only paper because you'll he stuck with a tie or a win, and if you paper long enough grim will change the choice to rock thus another paper would win you the game.
None the less now that everything was decided and sebek got pulled talked to sit nearby with the others though it seemed I was unluckily as the out guide from before returned and much to my annoyance azul invited him to join us. And like I thought before azul mention for grim to be in my lap. And of course I was given no room to say anything (not that I would have the courage to say so anyway especially in this unfamiliar place.)
My only blessing was that Horton had moved over to sit next to me thus giving flamey(?) A spot to sit on the otherside of Horton. Sebek of course complained but was shot down by azul and told to quiet down as the main even begin.
Which would be best since its wouldn't be wise to draw unwanted attention to us, especially so since we're meant to be representives of NRC, and I don't want to even begin dealing with Crowley's bull shit when I get back... well about things that aren't necessarily anyway.
Pushing that thought aside I figured i would watch the event after all its meant to be something interesting and new knowledge to randomly tuck away. Which i do love learning. And than pulling out random tid bits like the nerd I am.
What I hadn't expected as the show went on the ache in my head to start and grow wrose, and as I continued to watch the familiar feeling of familiarity to fill me and with that feel the pain and a word slip past my lips, in a soft murmur, but in doing so the pain increase ten folds. And it suddenly felt as if I had been slammed in the head by a metal object.
But it seems my distress wasn't unnoticed this time as a soon found myself pulled to one side and a soft gasp leaving me as I than found a gloved hand upon my face. And everything around me seemed to blur into the back ground while I found myself staring into the other worldly green eyes of malleus. And if not for the fact that my head felt like it was going to split in two, maybe I could enjoy this postion a bit more.
I found myself unable to look away with how close he was to me, and I felt like I would surely faint as it felt that he was drawing closer my eyes seeming to take a moment to look away from his own only to glance at his lips before back into his eyes. And it wouldn't be till he pulled away from me that I would realize that the pain in my head had stopped and that I had seeming to remeber to breath.
"Are you feeling better ----?" His voice scent chills down my spine. As I wonder if he could feel the heat in my face though his gloves though I hoped he hadn't.
"Yeah, thank you." Though he did heal my head, his actions caused my heart to ache as I wonder if I was a fool for thinking he was going to kiss me. How dumb of me, like, he would want to, yet that very thing had given me hope. Not to mention we now were sitting even closer with our legs touching and maybe it was false hope that maybe just maybe with the smallest of chances that he at least likes me a tiny bit.
I was again distracted from my own thought by music and dancing and idia seemed to voice my inner thoughts and luckily it was him being scolded for not wanting to do what I to amd fully in agreement with, but I wouldn't want to admit it, though it seemed I would be forced to do so. I just nodded when asked to get up and pray that no one would make fun of me, a whole reason why despite loving dancing only do so in the privacy of my room or where ever I am sure no one would see me.
So getting up from my seat i made my way to the area where everyone was dancing grim who I had held in mt arms was carefully put down and given a soft pet and making sure I was hidden slightly by the sides I mindful of my movements, doing my best to not do to showy movements as to not draw attention to myself. After to big and I'll be seen, but not moving at all will draw attention as well so small movements.
Bouncing from one foot to the other. A small spin clock wise than some arm motions but not full extended unless pointing downward. Turn counter clock wise. Fluter the hem of the dress a bit. Another spin, another flar of the dress before spining again. Some bouncing from on leg to another. Etc etc. This while not to showy would make it so I appeared to be into it more so than anyone would think, at least at a glance anyway, since I was indeed counting on no one noticing me since I should blend into the crowed despite being at its edge.
Though it was my fake dancing which let me remain in the same spot that allowed me to see grim having the time of his life, which made me happy, as well as to see the guy I liked dancing so nicely. And at one moment it looked like grim and Horton were dancing with each other, though at the end of the dance grim seemed to have taken the spotlight at least for out little group which had me clapping happy for him
I would than cross from the edge where I stood and make my way to everyone. Where we all (or rather they guys talked), well before grim decided to do something stupid, though I noticed maybe a bit to late. As I worried tried to stop the feline only for the are to be covered with fireworks.
And while pretty, it was something grim wasn't meant to do, though before I could scold grim it seemed the other people around us seemed to enjoy it. Still what if something had happened? So thus I begin to scold grim like the naughty cat he was and lifted him in my arms before speaking to him like I would my cats back home. Giving him belly scratches and belly rubs but being rather rough with it as I baby talked him or rather baby scolded him.
After all what better way to scold a naughty cat that to mess with them? And i had been in the middle of smothering grim with love (who was trying to wiggle away) before the sound of more fireworks filled the air. As I looked about my grip losing enough for grim to escape my grasp.
looked about i noted many of the other schools begin using their magic to make fireworks. Frowning it seemed we started a chain reaction of fireworks. Though it seemed like everything was ok given we weren't being yelled at.
Though all I can do was let out a deep sigh of expression. I swear I'm going to end up aging like milk with the rate these guys continue to give me panic attacks and axsity. But at least we're not in trouble, so a small blessing I guess. But I sighed again and did find myself looking into the sky for the fireworks. Honestly they were quite pretty.
Though like always the sound of my name alreted me as I quickly turn to where the voice came from. What had been said before I don't know, but my attention was now draw to Horton. "Join us in the festivities. I'll be right over there." The male would motion to where he was going before walking off. And I felt worth in. My cheeks as my heart flutter. He was inviting me somewhere! Stupid yes. But these little things kept me hooked into believing maybe I was at least tolerated.
Though happiness only last a moment when another voice much to close to me seemed to speak and the unsettling feeling begin to stir in me as I looked to who I had been left with. (For it seemed even grim had left me alone)
Rollo pollo beging speaking like one of the crazy Christians that give us fellow Christians a bad name. Very much reminded of them protesting at the cons I've gone go to or when they crazy west borrows do stupid shit. But rather than answer him. I musterd up my courage or rather maybe just putting on airs as not to seem weak. Glared darkly looking at the male like he was less than dog shit at the bottom of one's shoe, before attempting to walk away.
What I hadn't expected was a hand to grap onto me and the act I was putting on shattered like wet paper. As I looked up at the male with fear. Who demanded i answer him. My voice was stuck in my throat as the fear filled me, but it seemed no answer was not right as the grip on my arm tighten and I manged to find words to his answer.
"Its unsettling, sometimes." My eyes darting back and forth looking for a way out as I kept trying to tug my arm away from the grip that held me. My response seemed like it was good since the hand let go and I was quick to be able to pull my arm free. And the male said something that set the alarm bells off, like something from a movie or video game. And I quickly whipped my head back to the male who once held my arm, which I now protective held close to my chest as if that would protect the limb from being grab again.
As I wonder what in the world that villian line was; grim came to me drawing my attention to him. Before setting off another firework with his magic. He was such a good cat. But not wanting to be here I glanced behind me to see the male still there. And quickly lifted grim into my arms and make my way to where malleus was in hopes to be protected.
And it would take a few hours before the unsettling feeling would go away enough that I was able to have fun again. Only it seemed that the jerk who had assulted me was bought up and as I listened to the two guys from the college speak I couldn't help but frown, since they spoke of someone who it seems they truly didn't know. If the phantom feeling of a tight grip on my hand had anything to say about it. But what would it do me to bring it up? Thougj I really wanted to. Though I had posted it online I haven't bought it up in the physical plane.
Sighing I wonder if I should after all maybe it would be good to let the know. But what if they didn't belive me? Or worse didn't care? That very thought made a lump form in my thorat. After all what importance am I? Soon though we all found ourself caraled like cattle into the collage. Which didn't help me feel any better and I really wanted to grab onto malleus's sleeve, but at the same time I wouldn't want to be a burden.
While now in a large area that reminded me so much of the hall of a church. A catholic church to be more persistence, and while not part of that branch I'm not stupid not to mention I do have a few distinct relatives who are. Not that any of that matters as I found myself shifting slightly in postion unable to really see anything from my position
But that didn't mean I couldn't hear as the mention of flowers were bought up and soon I too noticed flowers that seemed to appear upon the pillars of the room. And from what I could see I soon found myself begin srounded by the flowers. I could hear duece and rook shouting and I froze up and closed my eyes as knew I was going to be hit by this wave of flowers that had block all my exits.
A tick, and second and moment passed by and nothing. Opening my eyes I blinked. Nothing confused and greatful I moved to get away from everything and back to the safety of the group. As I did so it seemed 8 had to pause and grab my sunglasses that fell since I wasn't going to leave those behind, I need to stick those in the pocket of the dress as not to lose them rather than hang then from my neck line. But it seemed that moment of dealing with my glasses trey's (and less extent) riddle's friend was trap by the flowers. Concered I made the rest of the way to the problems in hopes he had the answers.
Which it seemed he did since he called the flower 'fire lotuses' which they did remind me of flames. Though going into detail was not professor trein, rather was malleus who spoke of the flower and what it does, and how it was meant to have vanished ages ago. And I found myself clushung at my arm recalling the villian line, and the unease feeling I had felt, the one of darkness that made me rather fearful.
And it seemed that I was right as malleus than told us to ask someone who than responded to him. As we all turn to see who spoke. And ehyup, bad feeling was rather accurate on this one. And of course villian speech. Right out of a dann book, was this guy reading the same book as senior senior senior?
Anger bubbled inside me as he continued to give his villian speech and which than had us running to the windows to see that in fact the horror of the flowers covering the city. And I could no longer hold me rage. "How fucken dare you! You fucken monster! You God damn sinner! What you're doing could very well end up with people dying! And for what?! Some selfish gain! You fu-" before I could speak more i was hit with another wave of pain as the image of flames appeared in my mind, like a familiar sight.
Covering the city and the church(?) Collage(?) What was this image. As I delt with my own pain it seemed that basted continued his evil speech before the very ground beneath our feet gave way with the sounds or metal.
My life flashing before my eyes as as I cried out reaching out for the male I loved as I cried out for help. While said male yelled out for me. I know not if he reached out for me as I found myself plunge into darkness as I feel and I did the only thing I could do and pray to not die and for use to figure out how to get out of this alive. For all I had was my faith.
Thankfully my prayers were heard and professor trein manged to cast a spell that prevented those of us who couldn't do so to make it out to safety by leasing our landing speed.
Once in the ground we were quick to realize that many flowers seemed to be here as well. An unsettling thought. And I couldn't help but wish I had a sythe to cut all these flowers that seemed to grow like weeds.
Which unfortunately had all of us attempting to pull the flowers out like weeds and honestly it was a shit plain but the only one he had so thus I found myself having to get rid of these things glad to have gloves to yank at the stupid things since I rather not hurt myself.
And what would feel like forever we ended up seeing they sky and being free, though we did find ourselves in a familiar area that we had come to visit before... well some of us anyway. Though from down here we can hear the cries of the people and my stomch twisted in a knot. And I inched closer to malleus wanting some sort of comfort.
Ask the while everyone discussed what was going on and it made a lot of sense I even manged to pipe up about I had been feeling uneasy around Rollo, since the moment he appeared. After a pause i mention how at the festival I had been roughly grab and forced to answer a question I hadn't wanted too. Ingoring the fact that that recalling said thing had my hands trembling.
The discussion went on for a bit longer before the attention was bought to malleus. And before we knew it thunder and lighting sounded as the ground shook and I will only admit to myself, but damn was it rather exciting and very much hot to see this side of the normally relaxed and chill male. It was like the good type of hunter/prey dermatic. The very same thing that made me love zhongli.
Though his attractive and rightus anger aside. Those flowers were getting way to close to malleus, and the thought of them hurting him made me move. Though it felt like I was walking in a moving vehicle.
"Malleus? You need to calm down, please?" I found myself looking at the flowers behind him, and than back to malleus himself. It also seemed sebek and silver were also trying to calm him down. Though before I could grow closer and in great anger after expressing said anger a loud explosion and than dust filled the air and I did what I could to keep from breathing it in though I still coughed rather ugly.
And it took a moment for the dust to clear and to discover malleus was ok that I found myself tearing up as malleus was scolded by professor trein, sebek and silver. I finish making my way to his side and hesitantly reached out for his sleeve. "I... I was worried, you were going to be hurt." I looked up at the male wanting him to understand that the mere thought of him being hurt, caused my very heart to ache. Even if I could not say it in words I wanted him to know how much I loved him.
For a moment his face held an expression that I could assume was surprised before he smiled a soft smile that made my heart skip and beat before the hand of the sleeve I wasn't holding carefully found its way to my head to give me a couple of gently pats.
"Do forgive me, I hadn't meant to worry you."
I found myself softly smiling back up at him. "I know, but I can't help it, you know?" I looked away for a moment as I felt my face become warmer. Though this small moment between me and malleus seemed to be intupted by a cough that was clearly on purpose and I quickly let go and took a step back while turning to who had coughed and I tried to pertented I hadn't been lost in the most lovely of green eyes.
It seemed the moment was for the moment being brushed under the rug for now, while the discussion about the flowers begun. After all the flowers were now wilted and while epel was speaking it reminded me over over watering where the routes would also act the same way.
Though we also learned another unsettling thought, of the flowers draining more magic than one would think from malleus. And it seemed malleus did try to save me, I swear if it wouldn't make me look stupid I might just swoon.
I hummed as we all begin trying to think of a way to save people. And it took me a bit before it clicked while and I gasped sharply as it hit me like a frate train. "The bell."
Though azul and idia got it rather well as well, the bell had to be explained to malleus, and while I did love the man, I did have to agree with idia that my crush did seem a bit spacey (well not the exacted wording idia used but still)
And so while the guys seemed ready to storm the bell tower it seemed that professor terin try to deny them from going up there.
Though it was easily found out he really shouldn't go due to the elder hurting his back. And I couldn't help but wonder if I should go. After all the flowers don't effect me. But those words were caught in my thorat.
And as I tried to work the courage to speak those words it seemed the choice was made for me and it seemed I would be helping professor trein save the towns people, and with a bit of encouragement it seemed grim was on bored as well. Though while everyone else seem to be going to the bell tower, and it seemed the point was made that the jerk was most likely in the tower a possibility I was hoping wouldn't be the case but, most likely it is.
And fearful for everyone's safety and most of all malleus's I reached into my pockets that the lord these type of dresses had a hidden pocket in them. And a bit of a stretch I grab onto the bandana that I sowed my inntals ages ago, and had been my very first project. And while the work isn't the best and the lettering could have been thinner (I hadn't realized I shouldn't use the same method as one would to sow for embroidery)
But it was still something i dare not part with. And would like to not lose it what so ever, so thus it was perfect for what i wanted to use it for. Once I had it in hand I moved to grab malleus's attention by tugging at his sleeve again. Who than paused talking with the others to look down at me.
Despite the nervousness I spoke. "Can you take this?" I held out the folded cloth to the male hoping he would. "I know its dumb, but I think I'll feel safer knowing you'll have to return this back to me." I couldn't look him in the face as a part of me feared he would reject taking something randomly from me, though it seemed the others were going to add their two cents.
And I suddenly felt stupid as I delt with the negative remarks. After all where would malleus put the cloth if he didn't have a pocket. "Um... uh his horn?" A dumb remark but they were pushing me for an answer I hadn't really thought of, and hey his hat can sort of be a hidden pocket right?
Though with more angry responses I wanted to hide. As I felt smaller and smaller. And I couldn't help as a tear fell down my face. Due to all the yelling on top of the stress from the day.
Movement beside me had me turn back to malleus before his hand rested on my cheek wiping away the tear before he got down on one knee while taking off his hat.
"I would be honored to wear your favor" the look on malleus's face and the fact he was on his one knee i swear I this man is going to kill me with this type of shit.
I had to hide my mouth with my hand as to not be seen biting my inside of my mouth just below my lower lip. Because I sweat if I didn't I would make a bigger fool of myself by stretching like a pterodactyl. Rather because of my muffins I only squeaked and not tusting my word I simply nodded.
Ans I honestly didn't care what was being said around me since it was all simply white noise, even sebek yelling was nothing but white noise to me as I was more focused on wrapping and tieing the fabric to his left horn. Though to me it would be on his right side.
Once done I took a step back, malleus return the hat to his head all the while standing to his full hight. It was enough to make me want to swoon, but I did my best to hold it together.
My heart was pounding in ny chest at the expression on his face that I wish to see more. If only I knew how he felt about me, I just wished he would like me the way I did him. "Again please be safe." The words left me and I truly found myself worrying about the male. Maybe if I had been brave I could be the one going to the tower to ring the bell, so that he wouldn't risk getting hurt. But I had been to much of a coward and now he along with the others were going, I just had to hope for the best.
What i hadn't next expected was for my hand to be grabbed and watched as malleus placed a gentle kiss to the back of my hand. "I to ask you to be careful, ----."
My brain having decided to short crucit at this very moment. Only manged to let me nodded as he gently let go of my hand and moved to walk towards the others who had already been walking a bit away. And with that everyone than proceeded to head off to the tower.
While I was left with grim and professor trein though after a moment of finally rebooting I moved to walk some distance to muffle a loud high pitched squeal as I was to over whelmed with excitement and pure joy. Because oh my gosh that was something straight out of manwana! Like ah! And taking a few more moments to try an rein in the crazy fangirl i was. I manged to calm myself down and recall that we were in fact in a love or death type situation and I should act like it. So quickly moving back to the other two I apologized and waited for us to head out. But still I worried for the guys and let put another pray that everything will end up ok.
((Note i will be editing this when the rest of the event realses in English, and this but will taken put to add the rest but for now I wait ))
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wejustvibing · 2 years
Hello there I'm relative new to the F1 been watching since 2020 my brother got me into it. He promised me Lewis supremacy FIA Mafia for only him 😭 He lied. I have never cared for sport and 2021 destroyed me, i will never recover that horrible night. Anyway twitter is full of merceds has betrayed Lewis and listened to G, etc. So I want you opinion on this, my brother thinks it's impossible for them to throw lewis away this soon, but it happend to Seb at Ferrari so it will happend, for me it seems impossible but since last year something feels terrible wrong and maybe is just Totto who betrayed him, after all he his prodigy gets the best outcome of "beating" Lewis, but I still think Mercedes would want to keep using Lewis a little longer to praise G. I have seen your asks and at the moment you seem like a neutral person who is calm and can have a more informed opinion about this, do you think toto has wrong Lewis this year listening to the new guy who has never won anything before or is just fandom going nuts over a long time coming hate towards G.
For me,now it's that it just took time for people to see him for what he is. For me the moment he went to hit Valterri went he was "trying" to prove himself to Totto that's for me is who he is. (Another dirty driver as Max) Lewis is older now and clever and I believe that even if G turns worst that Nico, Lewis will handle things destroying him in a way that he didn't do NR because that shit was in another level because after all it was the betray of his childhood friend, Lewis seems so chill about G is like he is not even there to begging with.
I don't want to believe Mercedes actually did this wrong to his fucking best guy but Totto is not giving me any good vibes these days.
I hope this is not rude or anything. I just want to know your opinion.
hey! putting the whole thing under the cut because i don't want to be negative or whatever this answer is going to make me sound like. might regret answering but oh what the hell. so yeah, 2021 has changed a lot of things and nothing's the same ever since for me too and i get you.
anyway i have to say the vibes are off and i'm not liking it at all. lewis himself has said they didn't listen to him although we don't know exactly which suggestion. also i don't know if they listened to george over lewis. amid everything toto's waffled in the last few days, one thing that matches with everything that's happening is, there's a fundamental issue that lewis isn't happy with. it could be the same issue he asked to get fixed and they ignored. toto also said it will take time to fix it but a) we don't know how long and b) he didn't necessarily say they're going to fix it?
lewis on the other hand sounded hopeful and despite the shit he's trapped in, he's waiting for a major update they might get after the first 3 races are done, so i'm hoping things might start looking up for him. i'm going to hold onto that and remain calm. because the only fight he can have is with that damn car till then sadly.
and about them pushing him out, it's a real possibility with all the teams so i don't see why this team would be any different. (i'm saying this knowing full well his loyalty, determination to stay and all the long term plans he has for diversity, sustainability, etc. btw) not saying it will happen but if it does, i won't be shocked is all i'm saying.
i've avoided adding to the clusterfuck and doom & gloom fully thus far but i have a feeling something monumental is afoot behind the scenes. he's either making the big shuffle for the preparation of a round two per se or he is leaving or a secret third thing (we'll die a slow and painful death watching him continue to struggle).
but whatever it is that happens, i'm here for him.
maybe this isn't what you expected but this is how i'm feeling the past few days. hope i'm not being rude traumadumping on u
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
since i am going to see the jonas brothers in concert, i figured i would give you guys my reaction to 'the album' since it just dropped !
first listen thru, i had not a single clue what the ever loving fuck they were saying. like, at all. thank god for genius for the lyrics lol
joe's vocals are INSANE on this album. already, with just this song. i always thought nick's were better, but damn… joe is giving him a run for his money.
fun song. like the piano being the leading instrument. good song to vibe to.
montana sky
country jonas brothers? i would be into it.
this song is really fun. a different vibe than the previous one, but equally as vibey to listen to.
kinda reminds me of sister golden hair by america, just not as sad
would have loved a bridge but it's fine.
this song came out before the album. i like it. i wouldn't say it's my favorite.
i think lyrically it's a bit too simple to be a song really. it's also extremely short. but i like the general idea of it.
i wish it was longer, more flushed out into a fuller song. or at least repeated for one more verse.
sail away
one of my immediate favorites first time i listened. the pre-chorus is so groovy. highkey a great song to dance to.
and as if it wasn't obvious, every song is about their wives. which is nice, but does make me feel perpetually lonely lol
first listen thru, again, couldn't understand wtf they were saying. but i looked up the lyrics and… they're fine i guess.
there is a bit of a nostalgic feel to them. the imagery they give. feels like a summer song.
but a bit too idealistic for me, if that makes sense.
i was dancing to this song, so that let's you know how i feel about it.
one of the tops ones of the album for me.
genuinely love this song.
waffle house
i've seen a lot of ppl not like this song. i get why some might not. but that's not me lol
i vibe heavy with this song. one of the better ones off the album. makes sense why it was single.
highkey wish they would just curse tho lol
vacation eyes
i've always said this about the jonas brothers: they know how to write a romantic song.
and i think weirdly this song is the most romantic on the album. but a light-hearted romantic.
i need a man like the jonas brothers please and thank you :)
summer in the hamptons
…i hate this song sksksks
it's just, not good.
the music itself is fine. the lack of drums is a bit off-putting to me personally. but lyrically….. garbage. like borderline 'pizza girl' level.
summer baby
kinda hate that they have two songs back to back with 'summer' in the title. they could have easily called this song something else. not the point tho.
this is in the similar vibe of 'vacation eyes'. i like this one, and it's pure sweetness.
also the ending of nick and joe saying nonsense, it was adorable.
little bird
i bawled my eyes out :)
i miss my dad a lot.
this song is amazing, and a great end to the album. the choir is a beauty touch to the song, makes the song so much more majestic.
i will say the only part i didn't like about this song was the almost-dubstep electronic breakdown that happens towards the end of the song.
but that's the only part i didn't like. the rest is top notch.
every song is too short. it's kinda weird how many of these songs are barely over 2 minutes. not that the jonas brothers ever wrote super long songs, but these feel incredibly short to me. i also think that whenever the jonas brothers work with someone new, they absorb them and their style. and here, it's a bit of a toss between being really fun to hear these funky, 70s-esque mixed synth songs and not as fun bc it ends up not sounding like them to me. you can tell jon bellion was on this album, and i barely know any of his music. i will say the one true downside, to me, of this album is the amount of autotune that is on the vocals. i understand it's not bc they suck at singing, it's an artistic choice. but i feel like some of the songs didn't need it, and kinda took the authenticity that the jonas brothers bring to their music away. their vocals are their shining star, i think, and covering that up with noticeable autotune flattens a lot of these songs. also, a lot of the songs end abruptly or just don't really have an ending that makes sense.
i have a feeling that this album will be more of a grower on me, bc as of right now i think it's fine but not my favorite. i said the same thing about pretty much every new album i've heard this year, and the jonas brothers' last album, happiness begins. i think the first half of this album is the best. and i kinda wished there was one more ballad on here.
i'm also gonna make a bit of a controversial take (possibly): i love that the jonas brothers love their wives and their daughters. that's great, and there is nothing wrong with writing about either of those two things. however, please write about something else. back in the day, the jonas brothers - on top of being fantastic at writing romantic songs - were also very good at breakup/heartache songs. i don't want them to experience hardships when it comes to their spouses or children, but you need to break up the "i-love-my-wife-and-kids" fest with other songs. a whole album like that is kinda boring, and this is somewhat proof of that. like, we get it… you love your wives. but please find something else to write about.
you can write about the past, you know lol
i feel like i was kinda negative about this album, but i do genuinely like it. i just wanted more, i think. or had a different idea in my head of what it would sound like. but i know i will grow to like this album, like i have with all of their albums. just some came more easily than others haha
Sail Away
Waffle House
Little Bird
Montana Sky
Summer Baby
Vacation Eyes
Summer in the Hamptons
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basiliskonline · 2 years
Started Paid GMing 3 months ago
This Post has Advice/Thoughts about starting Pro-GMs here.
I started paid GMing 3 months ago, here are my experiences:
When I started in mid-September it took me a while to figure out the process of getting set up through startplaying, a lot of amazing help from @sun-gone, who was familiar with the process.
I'm not a crushingly successful pro-GM yet but I'm happy with how it has gone, I'm closer to where you are as you read this, so I figure I'd share the perspective of someone who muddled there way through and where I am 3 months later.
I tried to focus on indie and small game one-shots, that... didn't work. I realized I was gonna need to do 5E if I was gonna get people, and that sounded just awful.
Most of September I poked around the website, looked at what other people did, how they set up their templates and familiarized myself with Startplaying while I considered if I wanted to do this knowing I'd have to play a lot of 5E.
My buddy asked if I wanted to join their PF2E game, I was hesitant (i hated PF1E and I am not exactly thrilled about supporting Paizo) but figured it was another option, and I'd heard it was much better than 5E so I dove on in.
Honestly I'm still shocked and somewhat dismayed by how much I like PF2E. I found an Adventure Path, The Quest For Frozen Flame, and I fell in love. It seemed like a module made for me, specifically. I started a personal campaign while still fiddling with Startplaying.
I then put together my pages for The Quest for Frozen Flame on Startplaying.
I started my price point at, I think, $18, per person with an aim to get 6 people. However, I had no reviews from confirmed/paid customers, no games played, I was fresh. I slowly walked my price down.
At $14 I got my first person to join, they were patient and waited while we tried to hit the minimum player count, but eventually they found another game in the same time slot, so understandably took that option.
I moved down to $12 per person, and I started to get some interest.
It still took me a few weeks to get a game together, i had some people drop. (needing 1 more, someone leaves literally days before another person joins was frustratingly common) my numbers and roster would fluctuate.
Once you get a couple people though, it has been in my experience now, much easier to get people in there.
By November my first campaign had filled up, I was aiming for 6, but capped it at 5 because my players were concerned about game drag (this is something I am no longer concerned about, the 5 of them are flying through the content, even with some new to PF2 people).
Just before the game started we lost 2/5 of our group to schedule changes, one after the Session 0, and one just before. That put me right on the edge, if people couldn't make it or someone drops, I go down to 2 players and the game stalls out. I was sweating.
Thats when I found this page about places to promote your games on startplaying.
I put together a google doc with the rules-appropriate formatting for each location so i could easily post and adjust as needed for each place.
By the end of November I was full 5-people and making $60 a game (3 hour sessions) so about $20 an hour. not.. *amazing* but sufficient to *start* for my situation.
While I ran my first paid campaign I started planning to start my second paid campaign, but moving into the holidays, I specifically set it up to start in the New Year, 1/4/2023.
This new campaign would be once again, The Quest For The Frozen Flame.
I am aiming to run the same campaign a lot for a few reasons:
I am, through weird brain stuff, basically immune to burnout, so thats not really an issue.
I am very excited for this module and its dinosaur, ice-age, paleo megafauna hunter-gatherer vibes.
If I play the same campaign as I am running for my personal campaign this greatly reduces extra game prep I need to do. Any game-prep is something I would have done anyway. This is very important to me, especially while I'm working at a lower than desired price point.
I get lots of practice, familiarity and tested feedback with this Adventure Path, which I'd imagine is alluring.
My second campaign I posted at $14 per person, aiming for 6 people.
My second campaign, just hit the minimal player count I set to start (3), so my session 0 will be Wednesday the 4th. I have no doubt, that it will fill up during the early days of the campaign, if not before session 1.
Once my second campaign gets underway, I'll be aiming for a 3rd paid campaign (also Frozen Flame) and probably aim for $16/person.
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
I don’t know if you took my previous message as “hate” or what but I’m kind of baffled by the fact that you accused me of being “weirder” about the song?? You were posting about the song saying you haven’t listened to it but want to know a couple of clarifying points, and I assumed from that that you hadn’t heard the song so wouldn’t know that it was structured differently from the original song so I thought I would point that out as I think the fact that it’s structured differently addresses a lot of your criticisms about the song (while also introducing new ones).
The fact that you then accused me of trying to “start discourse” is really… look; I took your posting about the song and asking questions about it to be inviting discussion; but instead it kind of feels like you’re insulting me?
But to answer some more of your questions; in a way; yes, there is a FOB equivalent to that. The COVID-19 pandemic doesn’t get a mention at all in their lyrics, but like Joel, they do have a whole song devoted to the rather culturally and historically important event that they missed.
And no, they do not use the line “England’s got a new King”. They do reference the death of the Queen but not with a direct callback to Joel’s lyrics. I think the only direct callback is “Shinzo Abe, blown away”.
Okay anon I apologize, the discourse comment was lighthearted because I just think this this whole thing is kinda funny. You didn't suicide bait me or call me a c*nt so no, I would not call your ask hate!!
I wasn't exactly inviting a discussion on purpose, but I'm definitely not opposed to having one!! I'm just used to being unhinged about this song by myself.
It also didn't occur to me that you would have seen my posts, but not the replies from my mutuals who already answered my lyrics questions and told me it was non-chronological. That was my bad, forgot replies aren't shown unless you look. I was pleased they didn't go for too many obvious lyrical callbacks, especially the King one, but I was really disappointed by the Shinzo Abe lyric (I get that it's tempting but if you want the song to stand on its own it's better not to do it) and "prince and the queen die" just sounds bad to me. It doesn't scan that well, it gives the vibe of the weakest line in a parody. You have to stretch out one of those monosyllabic words and it just sings badly. I get why this happened, though; it probably comes back to having to use the existing melody. But that's why I kinda think this was a bad idea in the first place!
I don't think you understood what I was wondering about an equivalent for, though. I mentioned Billy Joel leaving things out to address the oft-raised claim of "you couldn't even fit these years in a We Didn't Start the Fire, 2020 would need its own verse!" which is not something I've seen Fall Out Boy specifically say, but is relevant to why I like the forty years unit. I was looking for an equivalent of Billy Joel unintentionally documenting the Cold War, to the point where it's often referred to as a song about the Cold War by people who think he did it on purpose. Does 1989-2023 coincide so closely to a particular period like that? It doesn't have to be exact; the Cold War wasn't exactly 1949-1989, but it was a guy born toward the beginning of the Cold War writing a song toward the end of it. Depending on how things end up in Ukraine, I actually could see 2023 ultimately being close to the end of some kind of era, ironically again involving Russia, but it doesn't feel like an era that started in the late eighties. We may not have the answer to this right away!
Edit to add I thought you were being weirder because I took your first ask as thinking I was mad at Fall Out Boy and being upset about it but with the context of this ask I no longer think that!
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