#I didn't think he'd be so chill with having it on but hes orange and unpredictable so i guess that checks out
thecryptidwizard · 8 months
Not feeling super energetic today, but I did make a crochet daisy cat collar!
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I got one of my best men (Butters) to be my model for the pictures :]
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irisintheafterglow · 13 days
Hey there!
Saw your requests were open (if it isnt,just ignore this)
But i just love your satoru x reader and co parenting megumi????and i would KILL to see like, something bad happening to reader (like a mission going wrong,she passing out or getting sick or all) and boys just panicking cause satoru loves reader,and megumi sees her as his mother???
Sorry,im a sucker for hurt/comfort trope
Lots of love!!! you're amazing!
aww this is so cute, thank you for the request anon <3 wrote it as sick fic instead of injury since i,,,, have written like 3 things with that trope recently so let's do a fluffy sick fic instead lol. hope you like it :))
cw/tags: established relationship (pet names babe, baby, sweetheart), gn!reader, some explicit language, mention of eating
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"the kid thinks you're gonna die," your boyfriend says as he enters your room, setting a grocery bag on your desk and digging around for the bottle of orange juice. "you're starting to worry me too, honestly."
"i'm not gonna die, babe; i think it's just the flu," you groan, propping yourself on an elbow and attempting to sit up. you're unsuccessful, the throbbing in your head and the chills in your arms too overwhelming. you fall back against the pillow with a less-than-ceremonial thump. satoru crouches in front of you, eyebrows drawn and forehead wrinkled in concern. he pulls down his blindfold and you're met with the bright blue eyes you loved so much.
"yep. looks like you're dying soon," he declares with a curt nod and you scoff, a chuckle turning into an aggressive fit of coughing. satoru is lightning-quick, grabbing a new bottle of water and snapping off the cap before holding it up to your lips. "here, drink." you push his hands away, wordlessly insisting that you can drink on your own while still hacking relentlessly. "nuh-uh, just let me help you." with a frown, you let him tilt the bottle toward you and take a few careful sips. "you are frustratingly stubborn," he sighs.
"i have to be if i need to deal with you all the time," you joke hoarsely, sips of water becoming gulps.
"yeah, but you love me for it," he finishes and you agree with a shrug. "easy, there," he warns as you keep downing the water. "don't want you choking again."
"i'm fine, satoru."
"you've been working yourself too much, you know."
"hypocrite," you counter and he frowns, taking a seat on the edge of your bed. you were right, even though he didn't want to admit it. satoru was always the first one to say that someone was working too hard, just to take the burden for himself. it was a red flag, you said a few weeks ago over convenience store sushi; you also noted his 'concerningly inflated ego, lack of spatial awareness, and general disinterest in things that could be momentarily unpleasant.' you'd finished it, though, with a long-winded comment about how his red flags, in all their scarlet glory, made satoru himself. maybe it was just his melodrama, but he'd cut off his hand if it meant you were able to joke like that again.
"i'm serious. i think your body's shutting down because-"
"because i've been away too long, i know. i don't need a lecture right now, satoru." you swallow the last of the water and settle back onto your pillow, grumbling when you feel the side of your bed sink with your boyfriend's weight. "baby, you're gonna get sick, too."
"that means i get to take a day or two off," he points out, fitting his face into the divot between your shoulder and neck. despite your complaints, he throws off the comforter and replaces the blankets with his arms. "don't grrrr me, babe. you need to burn off your fever and i run warmer than any of these sheets."
"aren't i sweaty and stinky and yucky? how can you be touching me when i'm all gross?"
"you mean, how can i love on you right now when you're just being a human?"
"mhmm. you don't find it gross?"
"of course not, sweetheart," he reassures you with a kiss to your shoulder. "i'd be a real dickhead if i only loved you when you were feeling 100%."
"yeah, you're only half a dickhead for other reasons," you murmur into the pillowcase and he laughs, the sound reverberating against your back. before your eyes settle shut, you catch the door of your room opening and vaguely make out a messy head of black hair peeking around the corner. "megs?"
"oi, adults only," the other occupant of the bed threatens, pulling you closer and attempting to flip you to your other side to face him. you unbuckle satoru from around you, though, and manage to sit up. megumi pads carefully into the room, like you'd crumble into sand if his steps were too loud. "come in, i guess," your boyfriend says dramatically with a wave of his hand.
"satoru, i swear-"
"sorry, baby. shutting up." satoru flops back onto your bed and you reach out to megumi, who stares at your hand for a moment before rushing into your arms. "hey, megs. since you're here, you mind grabbing me a soda from the breakroom?"
"i thought you were shutting up, satoru," you remind him, voice poisonously sweet. he echoes your reminder in a mockingly high-pitched voice. "i'm gonna kick you out of my room if you don't stop, mister."
"you wouldn't dare," he gasps.
"oh, i would."
"yeah," he concedes. "you definitely would, but i love you for it." with satoru temporarily placated, you return your attention to the small child in your arms.
"you doing okay, megs?" he nods, eyes shut against your chest and holding you tight. "i'm not gonna die, buddy. i promise." you rub your hand up and down his back, combing your fingers through his hair when you're abruptly swung backward onto the bed. "jeez, satoru, what are you-"
"get the kid, it's nap time," he mumbles with finality, resecuring his body around yours and motioning for megumi to climb in. he does, and you drift off sandwiched between your boys, feeling a little lighter for the first time in days.
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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azrielbrainrot · 5 months
Fire on Fire
Pairing: Eris x Reader
Description: Being female in the Autumn Court was hard enough before you got engaged against your will. You try to avoid your fate at any cost.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 3966
Notes: Writing Eris is hard, I hope this isn't too bad. Also meant for this to be so much shorter but oh well. Feedback is always appreciated! (unless you're mean about it)
Fire on Fire Masterlist
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You watch elegant gowns in all shades of green and orange against tasteful brown and scarlet three piece suits flowing to the music. Your own floor length gown is a muted burnt orange that complimented your figure enough not to be considered provocative. The dress is undeniably beautiful but you would have liked it more had you been allowed to choose it for yourself, it was only upon arriving that you realized the color was meant to match your fiancé's. Orange and burgundy, symbolizing the fire in your hearts, burning for each other. Such a shame you didn't choose him either.
Lively music and laughter can be heard all around the extravagantly decorated ballroom. A proper celebration fit for… you can't even remember what the purpose of this ceremony was. Just another in a long list of mindless parties you aren't allowed to fully indulge in, celebrating people you don't like or traditions you'd rather never participate in.
In any other situation you might have loved to take in the beautiful decorations around the room and lose yourself in the music, dancing and laughing to your heart's desire. But, as you stare at the same intricately decorated chandelier, with magical flames swaying to the beat, you can't take your mind off the people around you.
Your engagement ring clinks against your wine glass slightly, both useless props. You were only allowed a couple modest sips of the wine before putting it aside, as no female should indulge in such a thing, let alone an unmarried one. And the ring seemed more like a mockery than anything else. It symbolized your purpose in this life, to be someone's trophy wife just as your parents had raised you. You think a noose around your neck would feel less haunting.
Thankfully, your parents had left you alone shortly after arriving, letting you sit by one of the tables while you watched the celebration from afar. They must have been content with your demure act, the promised beauty standing off by the side while the married and unclaimed fae reveled in the center of the room. You wonder if you approached the table filled with deliciously smelling goods your mother would winnow to you, lest you look fat in your already too tight corset. It's not even worth the effort for a simple bite of food, you'd rather starve until you're alone.
With a soft sigh you let your eyes wander away from the chandeliers, if you stare at them any longer you might blind yourself with the flames. Pretending no one else was here was an impossible feat anyway. As much as your room feels like a prison sometimes, you'd give anything to go back home right now.
Your eyes meet your future husband's and a chill immediately runs through your body. Eris looks as impeccable as ever in his intricately decorated suit, not a line or hair out of place just as it was expected of the Autumn Court Heir. There is no doubt that he is an exceptionally handsome male, you don't even want to imagine how many fae would kill to be in your place. It's just a shame that his personality is less than desirable, and so is his attitude towards you, and his manners when no one is looking, and that he was the final nail on the coffin that is your stupid fate.
You knew an arranged marriage would eventually become your reality ever since you were a child and your father had told you not to bother with romance, he'd pick someone suitable to marry you and all you had to do was be good to him. In his eyes love is not worth it. You wonder if he even believes it exists, he's certainly never felt it, not even for you, his own child. It makes you feel more at ease knowing no one has ever loved him either, as cruel as that might make you.
For a while you didn't pay your future too much mind, you'd have secret crushes, read romance books behind everyone's backs and even had fleeting affairs when you were a teenager, but it came to a point where you couldn't ignore your fate anymore. When you were freshly seventeen, your mother started intensifying her lessons on how to be a good wife and a good mother - this was the biggest irony since she had never been anything but cruel to you - and your time was consumed with preparations for a future you'd rather run from.
Shortly after, your father put you officially on the market for a husband that would compliment the family's powers, and the High Lord himself came forth, interested in having you marry his eldest son. You knew your family's power was coveted in the Autumn court, your fire was only second to the Vanserra line and the current Lady of Autumn, but this still came as a surprise for you and your family as the High Lord never appeared interested in you. There was no point deluding yourself anymore, your fate as a glorified brooding mare was staring you right in the face.
You had briefly thought of escaping, but the chances of succeeding were slim and you had nowhere to go. You knew the other courts didn't operate on such archaic rules, for the most part at least, but you were also aware that none would accept an autumn court noble female. Your High Lord had burned every bridge with the other courts a thousand times over. You didn't blame any of them for being wary of anything that crawled out of this sickening court.
Words cannot describe how much you hate Beron and everything he stands for which is a good thing because you'd be burned alive in public for speaking those words out loud. Still, you know your feelings of hatred could never hold a candle to Eris' distaste for his own father, and this is how your bargain came to be.
Upon hearing that your future husband would be the heir to the Autumn Court, you had only felt fear like never before. Eris had a reputation of cruelty that preceded him, he was a favorite for the throne among the despicable nobles of this court for a reason after all, but following your first meeting, you had seen a side of him that you'd bet not even a handful of people had glimpsed before and had ultimately came to an agreement that benefitted both of you: you'd push back the date for as long possible while playing the role your fathers expected of the both of you and, if you were lucky, you'd be able to avoid the marriage altogether when Beron wasn't High Lord anymore.
Eris wanted to dispose or Beron, burn down the ruins of this old-fashioned, cruel court and have Autumn be reborn from the ashes. You never intend to call him your husband, but you would gladly help him so you could, one day, come to call him your High Lord.
He observes you for a few heartbeats before downing the content of his glass and setting it aside. In the next moment he's walking straight to you, not ever letting his eyes stray or giving you a moment to breathe.
You can't help but think he looks every bit the High Lord in this moment, with his suffocating power untamed and wicked gaze trained on you. Eris walks to you in slow, intentional steps, like a predator would walk to his prey. His three piece suit was clinging to his frame perfectly, showing off his physique with every step. The pushed back hair only made the intensity in his eyes more noticeable and the strands he left out were framing his face perfectly. Eris looked extremely handsome from afar but he's suffocatingly entrancing when he stands in front of you.
You barely exchange pleasantries before he holds a hand out to you. You can feel everyone's eyes on the two of you, observing every interaction in hopes of finding any detail to gossip about. They all know your marriage is arranged but they're under the impression that, as a female, landing the most sought-after bachelor in the court was your endgame. And there are plenty of people who would go to extreme measures to ensure that they or their family member would be the one becoming the next Lady of Autumn. You're not sure if they'd spare you even if you told them you didn't want anything to do with the title.
“Time to put on a show, doll.” Trying not to let your face show the distaste of the petname he chose for you all those years ago, you take his hand and let him lead you to the middle of the dance floor.
The music changes right before you start, the band knows this is one of the highlights of the evening - the heir and his fiancé. People will be talking about this moment for the next weeks, it's not often you and Eris interact in public after all, just enough for him to show his claim on you as your father so eloquently put it.
Eris leads you through the dance effortlessly, your body following instinctively in turn. You've yet to see him be less than amazing at something. You wonder what kind of picture the two of you paint, moving together so gracefully to the music, orange against burgundy, fire on fire.
“How are you enjoying the evening?” You'd rather he was quiet and ignored you in these moments you have to show up together in public like so many husbands and fiancés do. Eris loves to fan the flames and it's just your luck that they're usually yours. He might not have as much as to lose if you snap and let your fire show, but Beron wouldn't let him go unpunished if his fiancé caused a scene.
“Lovely,” you make sure your gaze is both timid and kind, avoiding his gaze as if you were inferior to him. As he spins you around and brings you in closer, you add in a hushed tone, “Haven't been allowed to eat since this morning and my hair is pulled up so tightly I can barely think.”
“You females sure have it rough.” He means it as a sarcastic comment but you've known him long enough to identify the distaste behind his words. Eris doesn't have the liberty to speak his mind so he's learned to do it behind mockery and sarcasm over the centuries. He knows how rough you have it, unfortunately he's seen it first hand.
“Oh I'm sure you have it so much worse,” you say in a tone you hope matches his, “It's not like you don't spend your mornings walking your hounds around the forest and nights only the Mother knows where.”
You see something spark in his eyes, something akin to satisfaction, before he's tightening his grip on your waist and bringing you in closer. He looks around the room first, as if daring anyone to keep staring while he talks to his soon-to-be wife. Of course, no one does.
“Spying on me, little doll?” Your breath hitches and you know he hears it because you can feel his smirk grow. You'll blame the blush spreading through your flesh and chills moving through your body on your performance later, but in this moment you know they're very much real.
Eris has an effect on you. The male is undeniably attractive, you doubt you'd find any fae or human who wouldn't think so, and that wicked tongue of his only makes him more enticing. You like to blame your body's response to him on your lack of experience, but you're not sure it would be possible to not feel at least tempted to indulge in Eris even if you'd already made your way through the entire court.
“I wasn't trying to,” you swallow, fighting to keep your tone steady and not show any more reaction to his proximity. This much was true, you could barely sneak around to find time for yourself, let alone spend it looking for your fiancé. “Maybe you're just easy to find,” you tilt your head slightly, “This doesn't bode well with all your plans.” You swear you can feel a small chuckle coming from him but he's hiding it before you can be sure.
The song rises in tempo and Eris takes this opportunity to spin you around again, effectively putting some space between you. It's hard to keep a pleasant smile on your face while spewing venom filled words at your husband to be, but letting anyone overhear you or find any little crack in your performance would only bring trouble, and this is routine for you after all. You'd never admit it but with his hand in yours the stares are easier to digest, even if your arrangement was involuntary, at least you weren't alone for once in your life.
The song finally comes to an end. You rush to bow to him slightly so you can go back to an emptier corner of the ballroom and escape everyone's prying eyes, but Eris takes your hand before you can. He takes it up to his mouth, kissing it softly before whispering in your ear.
“Meet me at the cabin later.” It must be an important subject for Eris to even bring this up at a place like this. Though you're sure it had simply looked like he left you with some teasing parting words.
The rest of the ceremony is uneventful. You go back to the same place you had spent most of the night in and ignored the whispers around you. Aside from your mother coming by to ask you what Eris told you - to which you promptly lied and feigned bashfulness - you sat in the corner quietly wondering what your fiancé wants to talk to you about.
As soon as you walk into your room you let out a loud sigh. You wish you could just fall into your bed and not emerge until the sun is high in the sky tomorrow. Unfortunately, you still need to let the maids bathe you and get you ready for bed. Your mother insists on having them help you, especially on days like these, as if you could drown in the bath.
It takes what feels like hours to go through the whole routine, getting you out of the too small corseted dress was a feat in itself. If you had been alone you probably would have already burned it off your body in frustration, it's not like you'll be allowed to wear it again either way.
You lie down in bed as soon as the maids leave, keeping an ear out for everyone else in the house. Trying to leave before everyone was asleep was too risky. They had no reason to think you would leave in the middle of the night like this, but you couldn't help being a little paranoid. There's too much to lose.
When you think it's safe, you climb out of bed quietly. You look down at your nightgown and contemplate changing into something warmer. It barely reaches your knees so you'll definitely be cold, but you were already late and it would be easier to just get back into bed like this. You decide to put on some boots and throw a green hood over it.
Taking one more look around, you winnow to your meeting point. No one knows you have this ability, which is how you can sneak out as often as you do. You've kept this secret from everyone but Eris, though you didn't intentionally reveal it to him either.
He'd shown you this place when you first made your bargain years ago. You're not entirely sure what the cabin was used for before but it was probably only meant for storage. Eris must have found it deep into the forest and decided it was a good place to hide, you can only imagine the things he's gotten up to inside these walls.
As soon as you materialize into the cabin you see Eris standing by the fire. He's changed out of his suit but it doesn't look like he was getting ready for bed with the black ensemble he has on. Yours is probably not the only secret meeting he's having tonight.
“You're late.” Incredible how Eris always strives to be the nicest person in the room.
“I had to wait for everyone to think I was asleep so they didn't see me,” you start as you push the hood off your head, “Excuse me if I took a bit longer making sure no one followed me.”
“You're perfectly excused, doll.” The flames in the hearth climb higher, fueled by your anger that only escalates when you see the familiar smirk on his irritatingly beautiful face. “Oh my. How have you managed to hide your powers with such a fiery disposition?”
You ask yourself that same question often. Fortunately, he might be the only person who can make your temper boil so easily. You don't even want to think what would happen if your father found out how powerful you could be.
Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing you lose your composure, you take a deep breath and walk closer to the fire. The cloak is doing little to ward off the cold of the autumn forest, you hope he at least ends this conversation quickly.
“I was hoping you'd keep the dress on,” he takes on a seductive tone and looks down at your bare legs before locking eyes with you once more, “but this might be even better.” You will never understand why he insists on playing this game with you, you're more than aware that he has no such feelings for you. You also know you probably look ridiculous.
“Well I was hoping you'd get eaten by a wolf on the way here,” you give him a sweet smile, “but we don't always get what we want.”
The disinterested hum he sends your way in lieu of a response is somehow more infuriating than anything he might have come up with. The fact that Eris managed to live over 500 years with this personality might as well be one of the biggest mysteries in Prythian.
“What did you want to tell me anyway?” You just wanted to get this over with and go back to your warm bed so you can finally sleep the day off.
“Our marriage will take place within the year.” The world fell silent at his words. You always knew this day could come, that Eris could only delay it for so long, but hearing the words makes your heart sink.
“Beron hasn't talked to me about it yet but he told my mother to start preparations for my wedding.” He runs a hand through his hair, you hadn't noticed how messy it already was. He's as worried about this as you are. “She warned me he'll probably announce it soon. I thought it would be tonight.”
You don't know how to process this. It may have been foolish but you had hoped this would never actually happen since Eris was on your side. You sit on the bench and Eris follows suit. Your masks drop in the small comfort of the secluded cabin, there's no use pretending now.
“What about your other plan?” This was your last chance: if Eris was High Lord he could simply call the engagement off and your father wouldn't be able to argue against it.
“I will need more time.” You close your eyes tightly, wishing you could just disappear. “I'm trying to move things along as fast as I can but I won't be able to finish all the preparations before the end of the year. There's too much at risk.”
“We will be married by then.” It's over.
“It can't be helped.” You'd give anything to see Autumn rid of Beron, if the price has to be your freedom so be it. Still, you can't help feeling defeated, it feels like you're mourning a life you never even had the chance of living.
You don't know if Eris had any hope of finding love like you did but, even if he didn't, you know he didn't want to be chained to someone he didn't choose either. He had witnessed how awful his parent's marriage had been just like you did yours so he must have at least hoped for a companion of his choice or to stay alone.
“I've thought of sending you away,” you look up at him, surprised at his words, “but my father would order me to find you, and I'd have to obey him. Failing Beron's orders brings too big of a punishment for me and my family.” His gaze moves from the fire in front of you to meet yours, “I would hate to ever hurt you, doll, so I need to keep you here.”
If there was one thing you could respect about Eris was his commitment to keeping his family safe. You're not actually sure if any of them are aware of the sacrifices he makes for them - from what you've heard the family dynamic is interesting at best - but it tugs at your heart strings. You used to pray for someone to care for you that much, to protect you like this.
You wonder how things ended up like this. Maybe thinking you could have avoided this future when it was written for you when you were born had been simply a foolish delusion. At least Eris was one of the best options, as much as you hate to admit it. You'd at least not have to worry about him being violent with you or treating you like you were less than an animal.
“Well,” you sit up straighter and stare right into the fire, feigning nonchalance even through your shaky voice and teary eyes, “I guess we'll have to get used to each other.” No use crying over spilt milk. It was better to accept this reality sooner than later. “Being Lady of Autumn might still bring me some perks in the end.”
You might have to give up on your chance at love and to build a life for yourself, but you can at least help Eris change this court for the better. When you turn your head and meet his amber eyes you find an intensity you weren't expecting, if you didn't know any better you'd think he was proud of you.
“Already thinking of ways to rule my court?” The smirk on his face wasn't quite as cutting as usual. “How ambitious of you, doll.”
“Our court,” you clarify, “What's yours is mine, husband.”
He studies your face for a few moments with a glint in his eyes, noticeable even through the reflection of the fire. You're not sure what he's searching for. Any signs you'd back down or try to run away despite his warnings? Whatever it was, it seems he reached a conclusion.
“We'll rid this court of Beron,” he extends his hand towards you, holding his palm up, “and give it a new worthy ruler.” Another bargain. He wants to add to your former agreement, that one would disappear the moment you got married anyway.
“We'll make this a better place to live, a court we can be proud of.” You have nothing else to lose. You take his hand and feel the magic instantly. You're now bound to Eris in an oath you intend to fulfill at the cost of your life. You'd make him High Lord or you'd die trying.
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asarajaa · 2 months
can I get some headcanons about jealous Kenma?? Thank you!!
Sure! Hope you like it <3!
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Warnings: gn!reader Words: 565 Disclaimer: English isn't my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings!
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Jelous Kenma hcs
₊˚ෆ I don't think Kenma is the jelousy type tbh.
₊˚ෆ But sometimes he has insecurities because, look at you, how is it that you-a beautiful, incredible, gorgeous (and the list goes on) person- ended up with a guy like him?
₊˚ෆ The boy thinks that you're out of his league and that he's so lucky to have you.
₊˚ෆ However, if you're ignoring him, well, that's different.
₊˚ෆ At first, he doesn't notice beacuse, why would you ignore him?
₊˚ෆ But once he does- proceed with caution.
₊˚ෆ This boy will make anything to caught your attention.
₊˚ෆ There was this time when you decided to try videogames, but no Kenmas videogames, no, otome videogames.
You were just chilling in your boyfriends bed, scrolling through social media while your boyfriend was playing in his computer until you saw this new viral otome game. In your boredom, you decided to give it a try and- omg
What is this thing and where was it your whole life???
The hours went by and you were just giggling and moving while playing with your phone. After failing the mission for the 34th time in a row, Kenma decided to have a little break.
Kenma lay down on his bed only to find you 100% focused on your phone. At first, he though you were only watching a video and when the video's over you'll give him attention.
With that in mind, he waited patiently on the other side of his bed for you to notice him. But when the minutes went by and you weren't paying him any attention, he though he had enough.
"Uhm, babe? What are you watching?" he asked calmly, with no signs that he wanted your attention because he's not attention starved.
(Oh, but he is)
You shuddered and give a small jump "Kenma? I didn't notice you" you said while you returned your gaze back to the game, his brow furrowing. "What were you saying?" you asked.
"I asked you what were you watching" he repetead himself.
"Actually, I'm talking to a guy of this ne- oh my god" you let out a giggle while your fingertips were tapping.
His brow furrowed more because who were you talking to and why was he more important than him, your boyfriend?
"A guy? I know him?" he asked, moving closer to you.
"I don't think so?" you chuckle imagine your boyfriend playing the otome game "His name is Zach, he's 24 and has electric blue eyes with baby blue hair" you gave him hints, hoping that he'd hear of him since he's the main male lead of the game.
"Who on this earth has baby blue hair' Like-"
"Shoyo has orange hair."
"...Do you want me to dye my hair baby blue?"
"Baby- What?" you asked shocked, what on earth was he talking a- oh.
"Are you jelous?" you were teasing him.
" You know I'm p-playing an otome-game, r-right?" you were trying your best to not laugh but his cute red face was not helping.
He quietly gets up of the bed and started walking towards his computer.
Now you were laughing.
"B-Baby! Wait! I didn't mean to but-"
₊˚ෆ He thinks that's the most embarassed time he's ever been.
₊˚ෆ Kenma will start playing videogames again like nothing happend.
₊˚ෆ At the end, you had to cuddle with him and explain him all the situation, while you tried your best to not laugh.
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Thank you all for sending request! I'm so happy to do them!
Please, tell me your opn about this one, I really appreciate if you guys comment on how can I improve <3
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© asarajaa — Please, do not copy, translate or reuse my work without my permission.
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loupy-mongoose · 7 months
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(Banished to the long dimension lol)
The two felines teleported into the mountains northeast of Lavender Town.
Akoya looked around for a moment, before pointing happily. Ah! There! Smiling, Lav followed her mother as she floated over to a crevasse in the cliff wall.
She was startled to find the entry blocked by a green bubble.
As soon as she noticed it, however, it burst.
Suddenly she was charged by a tiny, peach-colored pompom.
In her astonishment, Lav did a backwards flip in the air, propelled by the unexpected force. Hahaha ha ha ha ha! Momo! Hey, Lil Sis! She ruffled the little Mew's head, sending them both into a giggling fit.
Lav looked toward to cave entrance to see Midas crouched there, staying away from the edge but watching her longingly. Persim hovered protectively close, watching his little nephew carefully. Akoya approached the two and scooped Midas up. Lav felt a pang as she realized how big he had gotten. It's a good thing Momo can fly now.
The small collection of Mews gathered into the cave, which was barely big enough to fit their biggest member comfortably.
Before he could say anything, Lav managed to snatch her uncle up in a hug.
Sorry, Uncle Perzi. I know you're not really into hugs. But I'm so happy to see you!
I-It's fine! Just this once, for you, Lavvy. His voice was strained as he fought the urge to teleport away.
Soon Lav released him, and noticed Midas looking up at her with big, pleading eyes.
Instead of hugging him, she crouched down and wrapped her tail and arms around him. Hi, Midas. It's good to see you, too!
The little Mew gave her a lick on the cheek, startling Lav and melting her heart. She pulled him into a gentle squeeze, being careful to not overwhelm him.
Beside her, little Rosemary poked her face out of her daddy's pelt. Mee?
Hello, Rosie~! Lav carefully held her finger toward her. The little red Mew dabbed it with her nose before disappearing back into her orange shelter.
Persim flicked his fluff-tipped tail, a concerned frown on his face. Where's Randy?
Akoya settled into a crouch, tucking her arms under he chest. He went for a walk with our unexpected host. Something came up, and he's... having a rough time right now.
We thought we'd come check in while he's gone.
We're doing alright. Aren't we, Kiddos?
Momo and Midas stared blankly at him.
...Okay, so the kits have been a bit bored.
Akoya looked at her two Mew children. Midas was contently loafing beside Lav's face, while Momo was pawing a pebble around on the floor.
Her ear flicked thoughtfully. Hmmmm....
What's up, Mom?
Akoya turned to Lav. Maybe we could bring them to Fuji's place?
Persim tilted his head. Fuji? Is that that "host" you mentioned? Is... is it a human?
Lav sat up, earning a protesting Mah! from her brother.
Yes. She ignored Persim's horrified glare. He feels like a good man to me, and we already showed him that we're Mews. So that's one hurdle out of the way.
He takes care of hurt and mistreated Pokemon. So I'm sure he'd have the twins' best interests at heart. He'd love them!
Seeing Perzi's still uncertain face, Akoya went on. I'll talk to Randy about it first, of course. If he doesn't think that's what's best, I'll listen. But I think they'll be safer there than here.
You don't have to come with us, if we do. But I trust Mr. Fuji. I trust we'll all be safe there.
Persim still looked uncertain, but didn't argue. Well, you've met him, and both seem to agree. So who am I to say otherwise? Just... be careful.
We will.
The Mews settled around the cave, just chilling and chatting, or attempting to curb Momo's excitement.
As Lav waggled her finger for the little puffball to to follow and catch, Akoya turned to her.
Lav, has Nico mentioned Mo to you?
Lav thought for a moment, caught off guard by the question. She jolted when Momo bit into her finger. Ouch, gentle mouth, Momo.
Sowwy, Sisi.
Lav smiled and gave Momo an accepting head ruffle before turning to her mom. No, he hasn't. He didn't get to know Mo. He's told me that he remembers seeing his parent Mew float away, and that's all he knows.
Ah. Okay.
Lav didn't say the continuation of her thought; that Nico seemed to feel his parent--Mo-- abandoned him.
She drifted into her own thoughts as Akoya and Persim engaged in their own conversation. Thinking about how her dad was doing. Thinking about how she should go about approaching him.
Thinking about how she should approach Nico.
Lav hopped onto her hands and feet, her eyes wide and pelt standing on end. She scanned the cave wildly.
Lav? You okay, Hon?
The pale Mewtwo shook herself, attempting to flatten her telltale fur. I-I'm fine. Just one of those... falling asleep nightmares, y'know? She turned toward the cave entrance. I'm gonna go get some air.
Lav ignored the doubtful look on her mom's face as she walked out. Once certain that she wasn't followed, she sat down and took a few stabilizing breaths.
When she was calmed down, she carefully reached out, keeping out of her family's mindfields.
His response was immediate. Lavender!
Lav smiled. Nico! Jeez, you scared me! It sounded like you were right next to me!
You made it to Kanto, didn't you?
Lav struggled to not react to the statement, afraid that one of the Mews would notice.
How did you know?
Our connection is stronger...
Lav felt a strange thrill rush through her body.
So you must be closer to me.
Y... You're in Kanto?
Lavender took a moment to control her feelings, and the energy they might be giving out.
...We could meet...
We could actually meet. In person.
If my family would be okay with it...
Are they with you?
Yeah... They caught up really quickly... Impressively so, really.
Lav flicked an ear in annoyance. "Good"?
I'm glad they followed you. I told you from the beginning that coming on your own was risky.
Lav sighed quietly. Yeah, you did. Despite her best efforts, her ears fell back in guilt. And it ended up being for nothing anyway.
What do you mean?
I came alone to keep my family from getting hurt, but my dad's still the one suffering from this...
She stopped to consider how much she should tell him.
I... I don't want to tell you too much right now, okay? I already feel like I betrayed my dad's trust, and I don't want to do it any more. I want to talk some stuff out with him first.
I understand.
You're a sweet girl, Lav. Considering your family's needs.
Be patient, okay? I'm sure we'll meet someday, but I would rather have it be on good terms. With everyone involved.
Lavender smiled. ...Yeah... I agree...
We'll talk later, Nico. I hope we can meet soon...
I hope so too, Lav. Talk to you later.
Akoya floated over to her Mewtwo daughter in the cave entrance. She purred to make herself known, causing Lav to turn her way.
She nuzzled Lav's face before speaking quietly. You were talking to Nico, weren't you?
The 'two's tail flicked. H-How'd you know?
Akoya ignored the words of the question, and decided to focus on the feelings behind them.
You don't need to be shy about connecting with him, Hon. So far we really don't have any reason to say you shouldn't... She thought for a moment. Well, aside from you thinking what you know about him would make your dad more afraid than he already is.
Lavender's ears fell back as the words from her note were spoken to her.
Akoya's face grew serious. ...Lav, tell me the truth. Is there anything your dad and I should be afraid of about Nico?
Lav took a second to form the words. Once she was ready, she looked steadily into her mom's eyes.
As he is now, no. I don't think so.
But as he was...
Akoya raised an eyebrow at the hesitation, urging her to go on.
He was made to be a weapon... and... for a while, he lived it... He killed Pokemon and people...
But he changed. He's not like that anymore. Fuji helped him learn what kindness was, and Jovie helped him practice it.
He regrets what he did in the past.
The blue Mew kept her face even as Lavender spoke to her. Her thoughts tumbled in her mind as the little Mewtwo watched her expectantly.
After a while, Akoya sighed and shook her head lightly. I don't think your dad or I will ever have a clear picture of him until we talk to him ourselves.
All I can do for now is take your word for it, Lav. But if you start keeping vital information from us... We may have to put a stop to you connecting with him.
Lavender gave a solemn nod. I understand, Mom. I promise, I'll bring everything to you guys as soon as I can from now on. And I won't tell Nico anything until I get the okay!
Akoya smiled lightly, though her eyes were still thoughtful. She hovered over and gave Lav a kiss on the forehead.
We don't want to control you, though... We know you're your own person, and can make your own decisions... We just want to make sure you know how to make them safely...
I know, Mom. She gently butted her head against Akoya's with a warm smile of her own. I love you.
I love you too, Lav.
The blue Mew floated back from Lav a little bit.
I'm going to check on your dad. I'll be back soon~
Mom, wait.
She stopped and glanced back.
There's one more thing about Nico, that I just learned...
He's in Kanto.
I never had them talk about it on screen, but Lav did tell Nico that she was planning on coming by herself.
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yorshie · 7 months
SFW Blurbs with the songs that I listened to
Leo (Oh Children by Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds)
Leo pulled you closer against his plastron, face tipped up and eyes closed as he slowly allowed himself to relax.
Your fingers were soft on his scales, tiny points of connection that he was hyper aware of as you slowly mapped your way across his skin.
The tip of one nail scored along the side of his pectoral scute, and he shivered underneath you, letting out a low hum at the feeling.
"Sorry." You whispered, pressing a kiss to his shoulder in apology.
"S' alright." He said softly, not moving when your palm pressed flat agaisnt his bicep. "It's doesn't hurt, not anymore."
He was aware of how your expression had crumpled upon seeing the almost surgically clean crack up on side of his top left scute, though your expression and scent when his whole shoulder had been covered in bandages had been far worse. In a way, he's morbidly thankful that the blade had been so sharp and well maintained. Now that the wound was fully healed and filled with ceramic epoxy, there were no harsh edges to scrap against you, barely any sign of how deep the wound had been.
It hurt though, to watch you touch him so hesitantly. He loved it when you let your fingers travel over him, had lost count of the hours you'd gently explored his tattoo or the whorls on his shell.
And now...
He reached down, palmed the back of your head, held you close while you stared at the scar on his shoulder.
Now, if he could go back in time, he wouldn't have hesitated to gut his opponent when he had the chance.
Your head tilted upwards towards him, brows drawn up in the middle and lower lip quivering, and he blanked on what to do, had no idea how to make it better.
Slowly, so slowly, the very edge of your finger traced along the healed crack, and he fought not to let his breathe stutter at the feeling, chills erupting along his limbs.
"I love you, Leonardo." You whispered it against his skin, but he heard the words you were really saying.
I almost lost you.
"I'm here." He answered, and knew from the warmth of tears slipping across his collar that he was right.
Mikey (Another Love by Tom O'Dell)
Mikey was sure you thought he was asleep, the way you moved so slowly, your touch whisper soft as you pet over the curves of his arm, tracing the orange flowers and shaded dots, running your finger over and over the carefully ink lines. It felt so nice, and he was content to let you explore for as long as you wanted, until your finger whispered over to rest on the scar tissue right at the edge of his plastron.
You gasped when he moved, when he pulled your hand off the damaged, raised scales and tucked your appendage around the far edge of his chest. His heart twinged at the sound, so he pulled you closer so you wouldn't think he was pushing you away.
"I'm sorry." Your whisper was small, and the regret in those two words had him rubbing a hand soothingly up and down your back, internally cringing once more.
"Don't have to be sorry, baby." He said softly, pressing a kiss into your hair. "It's just a little sensitive when I'm not expecting it."
You were quiet against him for a moment, and he silently hoped that you'd drop it, that you wouldn't ask...
"What happened, Mike?"
He breathed out slowly, hope dashed, and tried to decide what to say. Some time had passed, he technically should be ok to acknowledge the wound, but whenever his thoughts trended towards that night, the hurt bubbled up once more.
He didn't want to spoil his time with you bringing up old ghosts. Didn't want to make you wonder if he had ever accessed you as a potential threat despite the length of your relationship.
"I love you." He said instead, giving you a squeeze and pressing his mouth once more to your hair.
Your arm tightened around him, holding him close, hoping one day he'd be able to tell you. That one day he'd let you help soothe whatever wound he hid.
Raph (Dangerous Man by Little Dume)
Raph could feel you, barely, draped over his carapace, your soft hands rubbing that coconut scented lotion across his scutes and making sure the various cracks across the surface were still filled with ceramic epoxy and smooth to the touch.
"Feels good, sweetheart." He rumbled, relaxing into the sweet treatment, letting a churr come out when you finished and simply splayed across the width of his shell.
"You'll have to let me do the front in a little bit, big guy."
He grunted at the thought of your soft fingers ghosting across his chest. "Not all the ones on the front are filled in yet. Don wants to give 'em another week."
You gave a little sigh at his words, and his heart twinged heavily at how weary the sound was. When you remained silent however, he shifted one arm back, letting his fingers curl around your ankle in silent askance.
"You always have new cracks, Raph." You whispered, voice almost breaking on his name, and something slimy curled up under his plastron, stifling his throat.
He had to swallow twice before he could gruffly say. "Sometimes it just happens, sometimes it's just the only way."
Your foot twitched in his grip, your next words pressed against the central scute on his shell. "No one else has this many cracks, Raph."
He let spark of anger in your sentence boil under his skin, tried to breath it back down before giving a little tug on your foot. He rose up and tipped to the side, sliding you off his carapace to land with a huff on the mattress.
"No one else has this many cracks because I take 'em for them." He said, trying to sound serious, knowing you probably saw through to the ire beneath. "These cracks could be on Mikey, on Don, hell a few even got Mr. Perfect Ninja's name on 'em. So don't-" He broke off, suddenly aware of how your face had done deathly still and red.
You were trying not to cry. He sighed heavily, letting his head hang and brush against the bed, taking a deep breath of the combined scents of you and him to calm himself down.
"I'm sorry I-" The feel of your foot on his plastron cut him off once more, when you used the leverage to push away from him and slid to the edge of the bed. You stood, turned to look at him, eyes red.
"You're more than just a protector, Raphael." When he opened his mouth to retort, you held up the empty bottle of lotion. "I'm gonna go get that disinfectant lotion from Donnie."
And then you were gone, and he slumped fully on his shell to wait for your return.
Donnie (Hey There, Delilah by The Plain White Tees)
Donnie doodled away one-handed on the notepad balanced on his thigh, his other hand softly rubbing back and forth across your lower back where you were tucked in close, snoozing away to the point a gentle snore burred in your nose.
The Lab was relatively quiet, only the sound of soft classic rock playing from his main computer around the bend and the gentle ping of the Atari game still on standby where you'd fallen asleep halfway through the game an hour earlier providing the background noise Donnie needed to sit still.
He didn't pause writing when your snore caught, and you sleepily turned into his hand, a secret smile ticking the corner of his mouth when you grabbed his hand with gentle pressure and moved it so he was palming the soft swell of your stomach.
"Time?" You asked, voice sleep laden and raspy, and he hummed back, letting his thumb press against your flesh in acknowledgement.
"Only an hour later." Donnie assured you, eyes flicking over briefly when your soft hands started trailing up and down his arm, over the bubbly texture that even after all this time he knew you didn't expect.
"S'cold." You said, nails gently scratching over his ruined scales, and Donnie twisted his hand, the stretch a burn in his wrist, to trail the rough texture of his thumb over your own, conscious of the pressure he was exerting against you.
"That hand's always colder." He could go into detail, explain restrictive blood flow and damaged, seared nerves, but the press of your lips against his palm quieted his mind, let him focus instead on the pressure and tingle that shouldn't be there instead.
You sighed, tucking his hand into the neck of your hoodie, and he huffed out a laugh that could have been a snort, returning to his notes, his half ruined hand slowly warning up inside your clothes.
"Are you doing your exercises?" You asked, sounding closer to sleep once more, and he nodded before remembering you couldn't see.
"I have to," He clicked the pen, set aside his notes, and sighed heavily, rolling over to spoon against your back. "If I wanna keep being able to grip my Bo."
He flexed his hand inside your hoodie, and you grumbled, hiking up his arm so the both of you could lay properly, trapping his misbehaving hand in a position that hopefully would keep it from falling asleep.
Donnie smiled against your hair, snout whispering over the soft texture, drifting off to the soft pressure of your thumb on his arm, high enough where he could truly feel the sensation.
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noisyquokka · 11 months
The In-Betweens
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PAIRING - Minho x GN!Reader
SYNOPSIS - After a year of cat and mouse, Minho realizes his mistake too late. Will he be able to convince you that he's invested in something more?
WARNINGS - Angst, hurt/comfort, some fluff, a lil suggestive, miscommunication, One Night Stand turns to No Strings Attached turns to Fear of Commitment, Minho is bad with serious romantic relationships, emotional-support Soonie (it's a warning in its own right, thank you very much!)
A/N - It's been a while friends, but I'm back...? And I'm bringing the angst train with me! I've written a lot (and I mean A LOT!) of fluffy, happy, cute shit over the years of having this Tumblr, and I've been absolutely hankering for some good angst because I'm a little masochist who loves ripping my own heart out and splattering it onto concrete. So without further ado…
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The 8th floor apartment is deathly silent for being situated in the heart of Seoul, Minho thinks. Or perhaps it's the indisputable ringing in his ears that scrambles his senses. He shoulders the front door closed, leaning back into it once the mechanism latches as tired optics scan the dimly lit space. 
The apartment sat the same as it always had at this hour - shadows crawling up beige walls, reaching toward the empty sofa that Minho swore he would replace at some point. The damn thing is about as comfortable as a cardboard box. 
Still, Minho found himself stalking towards the godforsaken thing, tossing his jacket over the back as he crashed against the back of the couch like a crumbling building. An exasperated grunt leaves his lungs, muscle and bones sinking into the weaved cushions like soil reclaiming his remains. 
The apartment was so quiet because you were gone. No longer a home as he had began to think every time he walked in to see your shoes by the door, or a spare toothbrush in the bathroom cabinet next to his. You weren't humming along to the playlist you'd put on whilst making dinner for the two of you. Because you left. Brown eyes close at the realization. Not that Minho had to realize it, no. It was merely a reminder along with the white-noise that whirred within his eardrums as he stumbled closer and closer to his apartment door every night. 
The whirring in his ears stopped only at the weight of a furry shadow against his calf and then his chest. Brown optics met green feline ones as Soonie hopped onto the couch beside his caretaker. Minho visibly relaxed at the cat's presence, deft fingers conforming to orange tabby fur. Content purrs vibrated through one being into the other, melding the two souls into one.
"Soonie..." He breathes, melting even further into the couch as Soonie nuzzles his head against Minho's jaw, white-socked paws kneading softly into his clothed chest. "I fucked up, didn't I?"
The question was more rhetorical than anything. Of course, you fucked up, dumbass! You led them on for months. It was stupid of him to think that you would stick around after months of the push and pull. To be frank, Minho didn't expect this fling to last as long as it did - nevermind evolve into more. 
What could he say? 
He began to enjoy your company a little more than he anticipated. Those moments with you were ingrained in every wrinkle of his brain, more than half of them in this very apartment. Hell, you had never moved in with him, but the amount of time you spent here made it seem as such. Along with the amount of personal belongings that slowly accumulated. He remembers the night he'd teased you about it.
"Not even three months and you're already moving in?" His breath tickles the skin at the back of your neck, chills raising over the exposed flesh as he presses a chaste kiss there. You shudder at the contact, attempting to keep your focus on the eggs currently sizzling over the stove top. The Seoul skyline burns with the start of a new day, casting a persimmon glow through the apartment.
"Mm, I wouldn't consider a toothbrush and a few clothes 'moving in', Minho." You counter, reaching down for the arm that rests over your waist, holding you against him. "Offer's tempting though. Your shower's a hell of a lot better than mine."
Lips twitch at your comment, a faux smirk that chokes him out.
What the fuck...
You had stayed the night again - the fifteenth time in a row now, Minho notes. Not that it bothered him; having a warm body to lie with in place of cold sheets. It had the muscle in his chest working overtime, pumping blood to every last inch of his being, washing over him like a drug. 
That was what bothered him. 
Before you get a chance to turn around, nimble fingers reach for the spatula in your grip, a murmur of, "I got it". A sly grin. That arm around your waist leaves you as the man's attention is taken up with finishing breakfast. 
The usual sounds of the kitchen take over - the sizzling skillet, dishes and utensils clinking, low-fi thumping through the Bluetooth speaker on the kitchen island. Feline trills are a welcome sound as you pull the dishes out of the overhead cupboard. Orange cream hops onto the kitchen counter and nuzzles against your torso in greeting. You glance down to meet sea glass and twitching whiskers.
"Morning, handsome." You coo, fingers carding through the short hairs atop his head. Soonie meows in response, stretching his neck into your palm as you massage his cranium in circular motions. He purrs at the contact, completely mesmerized by your magic fingers. Minho catches the interaction from the corner of his eye, lips pulling back in a grin. 
You hum to yourself as you continue - one hand petting the greedy feline, the other pulling the dishes needed from the cupboard - and Minho can't help his gaze from straying to the source of the sound.
Fucking stunning, he thinks to himself, spatula resting against the edge of the pan. Sun-kissed legs sway along with your hips as you get lost in the beat of the seemingly endless playlist. 
And he gets lost in you.
He swallows as his gaze travels upwards. The shirt that covered your shoulders had belonged to him at one point, baggy and loosely hanging low enough to hide the expanse of your thighs. Were you even wearing shorts? He couldn't recall if they were still strewn somewhere in the hallway with the rest of your discarded garments from the night prior. No matter, it seemed you'd staked your claim to his clothes like Soonie claims the warm, sunny spot near the window in the living room. Even farther, and Minho finds himself at your neck and jaw - the flesh there peppered in deep hues of red and purple. A temporary claim of his own. He grins at the thought -
"Ah, fuck!"
You're beside him in an instant, turning the burner off and rushing the skillet to the sink. Cold water douses raging heat, burnt eggs slipping over the edge of the pan into the sink along with bits of melted plastic. You sigh, leaning against the marbled countertop. You feel Minho's presence over your shoulder, a sigh of his own leaving him. A quiet moment passes, save for the fading sounds of the cooling pan hissing.
"When you said you had it, I sure as hell didn't expect you to mean you were cooking the spatula." You chide, turning to face him. He chuffs at your comment, eyebrows raising as the space between the two of you dwindles to none. 
"I'll have you know that you are the worst distraction this side of interstellar space." 
'Fuck, did I just say that? Out loud?' Minho swears his head is spinning, the scent from your body wash egging it on in the close proximity. 
Your gaze narrows on him and you tilt your head, instinctually wrapping your arms around his neck. Pulling him impossibly closer. Contact that has the man inwardly keening. Like fucking magic, you were.
"Oh, so I'm the problem, huh?" You say, mock disbelief laced in your tone. Your ability to keep the energy playful was godly, even as Minho felt the snare tighten around his neck. You don't seem to notice though, and he keeps up with your banter ten-fold, warm hands settling on your waist. The fabric of your shirt bunches in his grip.
"The biggest problem, baby," He mutters, leaning so close that his breath fans over your lips. His grip on you is firm, one hand traveling up the side of your body until it finds a home at the junction of your neck and shoulder. He feels your pulse sing beneath the skin. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were distracting me on purpose."
He watches you roll your eyes, even as you lean into that touch, a hint of a grin on your lips. Heat floods the back of his neck when you run your fingers through the dark tresses of hair that reside there. Minho catches the groan in the back of his throat.
"Are you sure you're not just... terrible at focusing?" You prod, smoothing down the wrinkles in his t-shirt before your eyes lock with his again. There's a spark in yours - notes of collected mischief that only you could hold for the man in front of you.
"I am more than capable of focusing," He says, but as large hands squeeze the flesh at your waist, you read his actions well enough. 
His hand on your neck moves north, capturing your chin in his fingertips to angle your head upward. Brown optics bore into yours, flitting down to bitten lips, long fingers smoothing the skin with delicate strokes. Then, he's leaning down, and you barely have time to react to the all-encompassing feeling of his mouth on yours. 
He's already deepening the kiss, a rumble within his ribs that sounds like the purring of a cat at the sensation of your nails embedding themselves in the back of his head, teeth grazing the plush of his bottom lip. He revels in the sound that leaves your chest - something between a groan and a sigh. Minho feels himself crashing, the floor beneath him shaky as if a sinkhole is ready to give way. 
This feels too domestic. 
Too real. 
His lungs shrivel in his chest, heart thundering behind its marrow cage with a vengeance. Buried six feet below the surface, alive and struggling to survive long enough to dig himself out. But you've got him ensnared - every time he attempts his escape, you're pulling that cord tighter - like a raptor struggling to break the net caught around its wings. The feeling akin to... anxiety, was it? He needs out and you're not allowing it. 
Minho feels you pull back before he has the chance, heads in a collective haze as you laugh breathily. Foreheads connect, a semblance of comfort for the man; grounding him to the present moment. The apartment is quiet again, aside from two erratic hearts beating and a feline purring somewhere. Finally, you speak up - whispered words kissing his cheeks.
"Got any baking soda?" 
Those brown eyes blink open at your question, brows creasing against your forehead. 
"Saving your skillet."
He chuckles, velvet and silk bouncing off the walls of the kitchen, and you can't help how much you love the sound. 
"Bottom cabinet next to the fridge. Middle shelf." 
Minho thinks that your smile never looks as genuine as when you direct it at him. So much authenticity from one individual... for one individual. Was that even possible? 
The cabinet door shuts with a thud, bringing him back to you and the current mess. You work like a well-oiled machine - pulling the handle of what was once the plastic spatula out of the pan, emptying the soggy eggs and water. Minho watched from over your shoulder as you filled the pan just enough to cover the melted plastic and mixed in the right amount of baking soda before placing the pan back on the stove. In reality, you didn't need to do this. Minho would buy a new one if he had to. But you were so quick to fix the mess he'd made, he didn't even bother telling you to stop.
"There! Once it starts to simmer," You clasp your hands together, turning away from the active burner with a look of pride, "the plastic should come up and your skillet will be saved."
The kitchen stared back at him, shrouded in a void. Even without the lights on, Minho could see the demons in the deepest shadows, phantoms that swirled and floated over the space like lions hiding in tall savannah grasses, surveying. Sizing up potential prey. 
And Minho was the prime rib of a wildebeest grazing away from its herd, none the wiser to the salivating maws camouflaged in the desert brush. 
He spots that same skillet on the stovetop - melted plastic a distant memory as you did, indeed, save it. Now, he wishes he'd bought a new one. 
You and Minho had agreed to keep this fling 'no strings attached' from the beginning. And while you had agreed, he couldn't help but notice the difference in your behaviour as the weeks progressed to months. Perhaps you had just gotten more comfortable with him. Let your walls fall the more you got to know him. All Minho knew was that the way you treated him made his chest fuzzy, like carbonation rising to the top of a just-opened soda can. 
The first time he'd felt that was five months in - a simple text message... 
'Can we talk?'
In any other circumstance, Minho would've been unbothered by those three words. Can we talk. It was what you'd expect from your spouse when things weren't going too hot, or an ex wanting to explain themselves, wanting another chance. Someone who wanted to end things. His heart had never tightened in his chest like it had that evening. 
He wondered if he had done something to offend you. Expected you to tell him things weren't working for you and this whole fling was over and done. In the anxiety of it all, he still managed a calm reply of, 'Yeah. Whenever you're ready.'
The reality was that you just needed an outlet to rant about the shit day you'd had at work. Something about your supervisor expecting more from you than the rest of the team you were working alongside. Minho barely comprehended what you were upset about, too enthralled by the searing embers in your eyes through the video call and the passion in your chest as you spoke about the job that you loved and the people that made it less enjoyable for you. If anyone would have walked into his apartment and saw him, they would've thought he was talking with his spouse. The man held nothing but admiration and respect in his eyes for the person on the other end of the call. 
He'd only realized how little he'd been listening when you huffed in exhaustion, heavy palms pressing into sleep-ridden optics. 
"Alright, alright, I'm done ranting for tonight." You'd mumbled, lips twitching into a shy smile. You were never shy with him, what with the way your first meeting ended with the both of you in his bed. And yet you sat in your room, picking at the skin of your cuticles and tried your darndest to evade those brown eyes like a child being scolded by an adult. You had just unloaded about something that didn't even pertain to the guy, never mind your relationship with him. 
He probably doesn't even care. Why did I text him, of all people?
"For tonight?" Dark brows shot up in amusement, a smirk slashing his lips. "So I should expect another call tomorrow?" 
"N-no! That's not what I meant, Minho."
He watched on as you fidgeted with the charging cable that had been connected to your phone, still avoiding his gaze. You had been frazzled, but Minho's teasing had twisted the frayed wires that made up your nerves and grounded you a bit; he could tell. Finally, your gaze slipped from the oh-so-fascinating charging cable and back to him. Somewhere in Minho's foggy mind, letters subconsciously swirled into syllables - and syllables into words - until a full phrase was crafted. Sitting there in a ribcage that fluttered with butterflies. Longing eyes stared at one another through a screen, two people separated by a few city blocks. The phrase weaved through glass and pixels - every molecule that inevitably made up a sentence slithered up vocal chords only to get snuffed out in the last second once you spoke up.
"Thank you."
Minho's ears had twitched at those words, the genuine whole-heartedness in your tone. It had just about bowled him over. He recovered, though; back to his playful and teasing self. A simple jerk of the shoulder. 
"It's no problem."
The connection had gone dead for a moment, your smile frozen in a fraction of time even as your voice rolled through the speaker again.
"I'm being genuine, you know."  The connection returns and Minho remembers to breathe. "All teasing aside, I don't normally rant about my frustrations to my hookups..."
"Well, I'm happy to help you release your frustrations in more ways than one."
"Aaand I'm hanging up!" 
He had to chuckle at the memory, even as the demons on his shoulders cackle like jesters. Something shifted that night. Minho didn't know exactly what that shift meant for his relationship with you, but he felt it in every interaction from that moment on. He still feels it now as the blue light of his phone glares back at him. His thumb scrolls aimlessly through his social feed, posts and photos flying by in a blink.
It's not the distraction he was hoping for. The search bar at the top of the screen beckons him; just one tap of the finger, and their profile is at the top of your history. It has the muscles in his hand twitching. 
With a few swipes, all background apps are closed and the phone is put to sleep. He shoves the device away with a heaving sigh. Things were going... good? 
Weren't they?
This was what he had wanted, right?
It was a fling. No strings to complicate it. Just a way to pass time. To not be alone.
Shaky hands press into distressed denim, nails tearing the fibers apart as he wracks his brain. He digs deeper and deeper, excavating the mountainous terrain of thoughts and memories that he's had over the past year with you. Evidence that one could hold against him if he denied his feelings. Feelings were dangerous.
We weren't lovers. We were just two strangers wanting to fill spare time in our lives.
If the worst lies can torch the soul, Minho was a living effigy; burning alive with each lie he tells himself, affirmations to rewire the way he thinks about you. It's the homecoming to Hell and he'll be lucky to walk away from such torment. Demons get off on torment, after all.
You never thought you'd get attached, did you?
His shoulders set, muscles beneath the skin knotted with tension. The ringing swallows his hearing again. Soonie can't calm the death rattle this time, as much as he tries to.
His excavating turns impulsive and desperate; the metaphorical rocks, mud, and clay displaced from the caverns ceilings, only to crush him under its weight. The earth shifts as he attempts his escape, but he's only digging himself a deeper grave. He's fucking helpless. And yet, through the haze, he spots the ray of light that promises comfort and release.
A tear tracks down his cheek as he reaches for the discarded phone once more. Deft fingers navigate back to the homepage of his socials. One tap of the search bar. Another tap on the first profile in his search history.
And there you were to save him, digging through the mass of soil like a trained canine successfully sniffing out the soul trapped under the rubble. 
Your profile was a mix of your favored things and selfies. Minho had found himself checking your posts when he was bored, unbeknownst to you since neither of you followed one another. He found your posts to be interesting at first. Didn't take long for periodic profile peeks to turn into subconscious ones. 
You had him before his mind could even attempt to intervene with what his heart wanted. 
Truth's pain can never be outrun, but Minho was stubborn enough to try. He'd run himself into the ground instead, assisted in sparking the flames that engulfed your relationship. Fractions of the argument he'd started echo in his head. Words he could never take back.
"What, you thought just because we spent more time together these past few months that I'm suddenly obsessed with you? That all this bonding and bearing souls is gonna end in some fucking fairytale ending for the both of us?"
Your eyes widened, the sudden change in his demeanor made your head spin. The two of you had gone out to the movies tonight, even spent some time at a nearby arcade afterward. Everything was going so well, until it wasn't... 
You didn't expect your teasing joke about having a "date night" to so catastrophically backfire. 
"Where's all this coming from, Minho?"
For the first time since you met, you swore the person talking was an imposter. The words that spilled from his lips seemed to flow so easily for him. You hated it. Minho's gaze darkened, shoulders wound tight in a way that sent up a flag of caution in your mind. It had you so confused that you didn't even realize the snake coiled in the grass. 
"You knew what you were getting into." His voice is unnervingly low, fists clenched so tight you swear they crack under the pressure. "This was nothing more than a fling. It's not my fault that you can't control your feelings."
Your gaze hardened. The air between you had shifted; it's charged. Tense. He's standing so close to you and yet a concrete wall separates the two of you for miles. Your eyes find his and you can't recover. Those same eyes that had become a safe haven for you - warm and teasing and always inviting - were now pools of stagnant muddy water. The viper grows restless the longer you stare, baring fangs in a show of agitation. You shake your head.
"Well fuck, tell me how you really feel. Please." 
You hated that your voice cracked. 
Minho hated that your voice cracked. 
His chest strained with every word from you, ensnared by glassy eyes and the attempt at sarcasm. Still, the emotions flowed from you like a broken dam. It came to you so easily; expressing emotions. Minho loved that about you. And he hated that he loved it. The man sees red because of it.
"This was a mistake. I knew it from the moment we agreed to this."
"Then why bother wasting all this time on me, huh?" Your quick response only fuels his frustration, but you don't notice. "We've been at this for a whole year, and now you're trying to tell me this has been nothing but a-"
"You really think I enjoy spending all my time with someone so fucking needy?" The venom drips from the viper's fangs as it strikes, piercing the muscle deep within your chest. His words reverberate through the kitchen as he unloads his frustrations on you. A flash of orange and white zips past the kitchen entrance, searching for comfort deeper in the apartment. Somewhere deep in Minho's psyche, the rational little guy is attempting damage control, to no avail. The man is wound so tightly that words fly with no filter. Venom floods your veins.
You're nothing more than a fling. 
Just like every other person before you.
You stand there, waiting for him to come down from his epic high. You didn't know where this had came from, considering everything seemed fine between you two since the beginning. Perhaps it was a lapse of judgement on your part. Even so, you didn't deserve the modest amount of insults and hurtful words that he threw at you.
Once he's done, you wait with baited breath and a maimed soul. The apartment is deathly silent aside from the rasped breathing and shuffling of pacing feet. Slender fingers run rampant through dark locks. When Minho turns around to face you, you finally speak; voice as calm and steady as you can muster.
"Are you done?"
You hadn't looked away in the past three minutes since he'd began tearing into you. You couldn't allow yourself to. You had yet to say anything in this exchange that you would regret. As much as he had hurt you, you couldn't allow yourself to hurt him back. Shots had been fired and you had taken every last bullet, felt it tear and burn the chasms of your soul like acid.
Minho breaks first. Dark optics shut, accompanied by a heaving sigh that shrivels his lungs. The guilt hits like a freight train, metal slamming into his chest repeatedly. But he doesn't get ample time to recover from it because you're moving in his peripheral. He watches you reach for your belongings on the kitchen counter - phone, bag, earbuds. You reach for the jacket you'd brought along. The night had been going so well.
It wasn't supposed to end like this...
You shrug the piece on with a heavy heart, the fleece cloaking you in a warmth you know you won't find in this place any longer. Minho stands there wracking his brain for the apology he's searching for. God, he fucking despises himself.
"You know, all I needed to hear was that this wasn't working for you anymore. I would've just left it as it is." Your voice was as steady as before. Soft. Even. A whisper through the trees. Minho swears you have more to say, a pause that has your throat visibly taught. If you did, you shoved it down, turning towards the door where your shoes sit in waiting. They slip on easily, bringing you one step closer to what Minho is dreading. 
But how could he expect anything less after everything he'd said?
You turn to face him for the last time, searching voided optics for any semblance of guilt or regret from the past fifteen minutes of back and forth. But even as Minho's dealing with his internal battles, his expression on his face is one of stoicism. You couldn't read him. 
Fingers grasp the door handle, subconsciously tightening around brass. You take in the apartment for the last time, tongue darting out to wet dry lips before you find his shadow again. The door opens with a subtle click and your brows crease. You can't bring yourself to say a goodbye. It's not what you want, after all. So you settle on the current thought that stabs at your skull.
"Mixed signals aren't as sexy as you might think." Your eyes pierce through him, a fire extinguished as you make your leave.
The door closes behind you with a thud. A gunshot, Minho believes. Because as much as you had tried not to hurt him, your attempts were futile. 
His soul bleeds out on the kitchen floor.
How foolish one could be. 
Minho knew there was some truth to his words that night. He knew he would probably break your heart at the end of it all, mostly on account of his shitty communication when he felt it was time to quit an arrangement. But then again, he'd never dealt with feelings like this before. Never had to fight with himself over whether or not the spike in his pulse was just a mish-mash of lust and desire, or an all-encompassing love that set his heart aflutter. 
And then there you were.
With your domestic affections and your heart-shuttering behaviour. How the fuck could he think over anything when you were around? He may as well cease to exist.
Brown optics rove over the latest post on your profile, a photo that he had taken during one of your many "dates" together. A weekend trip that Minho had mentioned to you on a whim after you'd had a particularly shitty week of work. He had planned everything out, much to your surprise, but you couldn't have asked for a better weekend. You'd spent all night talking about anything and everything during the train ride, and while Minho wouldn't have chosen the night train in any other circumstance, he knew that he'd enjoy it with you. Even if you had fallen asleep, having you there would've been enough. You had arrived at Jeongdongjin station and made it to the coast just in time to experience the ocean waking in tandem with the sun. You hadn't noticed at the time, but Minho had pulled his phone out and captured the fleeting moment with the press of a button. He had never confessed that you had been the main focus of the photo.
The entirety of that weekend had chewed your relationship up and spit it out somewhere in between for Minho. 
Somewhere in between nails tearing bed sheets and plush lips pressing against knuckles. Borrowing old T-shirts and sharing breakfast in bed. Somewhere in between two strangers giving in to their carnal desires and a thick band of silver sitting pretty in a velvet box, weighing heavy in one's front pocket. A much needed weekend getaway spelled more questions than answers that only brought on more conflicts between head and heart.
Only now, he realizes that's exactly what he needed. 
The time on his phone reads 9:57 PM. Minho's fingers curl gently through Soonie's fur as he thinks over his options.
Drowning in his guilt sounds fitting, maybe a bit unhealthy. But he's fought his heart tooth-and-nail for the past few months. And it's gotten him a front row seat to his own self-destruction. Nowhere good, that's for certain!
Minho zeros in on the apartment door with a burning in his gut and a newfound determination. Feline eyes track the shape of his caretaker, hardwood creaking with each hurried step. The door shuts with a resounding thud. 
The apartment is quiet until a quiet chirrup! leaves Soonie's throat. Tabby fur preens as pink toe beans reach forward in a big stretch, tail high and nails protracting with a lazy abandon. A moment passes - tail twitches, a yawn presenting little white fangs, a pink tongue wetting whiskers - before he hops off the sofa and makes the long journey to his human's bedroom. Green eyes survey the room upon entering. 
A pile of dirty clothes lay on the floor at the foot of the bed, Minho's no doubt from the scent. Soonie knows his human hasn't been doing too well. He can sense the inner turmoil every morning when he wakes up, every evening when he comes home. And as much as he tries to comfort him, Soonie knows he can only bring so much relief. 
Whiskers twitch at the familiar scent he's searching for, padding through the bedroom towards the bathroom. A hoodie lays in the doorway, hiding a few other garments beneath. Your clothes. Left behind like most of your belongings that night. He greets the fabric with short trills and soft sea glass; a sort of joyful hello, I've missed you to a long-lost friend. He analyzes the heap before making the executive decision of curling up in it. 
Minutes pass, a city muted by glass barriers. Green eyes close. A deep sigh is released. 
The feline settles in for a cat nap.
The city bustles with nightlife, even at 10:26 on a Wednesday. Your feet ache from the busy work day, having been pulled every which way since the start of your shift. Now, all you wished for was to get home and melt beneath a steaming showerhead. 
Unfortunately, the promise of a nice shower doesn't hold off the severe storm in your mind that is Lee Minho.
You wish that four weeks of no contact would've been the cure for you, but alas. One year with someone doesn't exactly make it easy to erase them from your memory, fling or not. And right now, you'd give anything for some concoction that would wipe the slate clean. The distance didn't help. It only kept you locked inside your head, Minho's words - the good and the bad - glued to every last nerve ending of your brain. 
If you were honest with yourself, you would admit that this illusion that you had manifested was crazy. You and Minho weren't anything beyond two people messing around. You'd fucked around with other people before him without feelings getting involved. But as they say, you can't help who you fall for. The heart wants what it wants. So on and so forth. 
You shake your head as you enter the apartment building, keys rattling in your grasp. One of two elevators is waiting patiently for you and you silently thank the elevator Gods for such hospitality. You press the floor to your apartment, stepping back until your back hits the wall. A sigh leaves you, free hand finding purchase at the bridge of your nose. Your fingers press into the corners of tired eyes, encouraging fuzzy stars behind the lids.
Fuck, what a fool you had been.
All this overthinking has you utterly exhausted.
Perhaps Minho was right; you should have hit the brakes, sealed the cap on your own feelings months ago. But then the what ifs invade your rational thoughts. What if this fling would've worked out? What if Minho had felt the same way for you? What if you had moved in after all, and all those lingering glances and teasing banter was more than a lustful attraction?
What if you keep up this stupid fantasy until the band-aids no longer hide the cracks? 
The thought stings, like slicing your heart with a serrated blade. 
The elevator halts it's journey, pulling you from your intrusive thoughts with a Ding! You make your exit and head down the main hall of the fourth floor. You really need some closure, or a distraction. Maybe both. Both sound good, you think. Or maybe some good ol' reverse psychology. 
What's the point of moping about some guy who was only interested in a quick fuck, right? 
God, now you're fucking grasping at straws. 
All you're realizing is that, lately, your mental hurdles begin and end with Lee Minho. You give up for now, because at this point, there's no winning with your rose-colored glasses on. What you need is a warm shower and a comfort food to go along with a comfort show. 
You turn the corner, steps faltering at the familiar shadow standing a few feet down the hall. Your heart strains against your chest.
Your voice knocks him from his stupor, glancing away from the numbers adorning your apartment door to lock eyes with you. He was here, like an answered prayer. Only you crossed that prayer off your list the moment you left him standing in the entrance of his apartment. Lucifer was laughing up at you from the deepest circle of Hell.
You knew that as much as you attempted to hide your feelings for him, Minho could read you like an open book. On the other hand, Minho was a novel of riddles, every sentence more cryptic than the last. You spent the last few months trying your hand at unscrambling the secrets behind his mannerisms, to no avail. The man rode the middle line at all times. And now, you needed to heal the papercuts that littered your heart.
You straighten at the sound of your name falling from his lips. 
"I uh - you.. you're home late." His voice wavers, and suddenly the carpet beneath his feet is super interesting. Fingers anxiously rub the nape of his neck. Again, you stand before this man, confusion etching the lines of your forehead. 
The Lee Minho you know doesn't act like this. Anxious and fidgeting like a nerved up school boy. He's quite the opposite; bold, confident, if a bit effervescent. 
You remember you haven't answered him, blinking back to the present.
"Yeah... double shift." 
He nods at your short response. You can't be bothered to mask the exhausted irritation in your tone, too focused on the fact that he's standing here at all. Minho's expression holds something akin to relief, and for a moment you find yourself hoping that it's because of you. You internally slap yourself on the wrist for it.
"You don't usually take doubles."
"Why are we doing this, Minho?" You ask, exasperation heavy in your tone. Keys clatter against bits and bobbles, attached to the keyring that's hooked securely around your index finger. "What are you doing here?"
You're already sick of this forced small talk. Sick of tip-toeing around feelings. You're not sure what Minho's intentions are after weeks of no contact, and frankly, you aren't sure you have the energy to care. 
Minho tears his hand from the base of his neck, fingers lacing together at the crown of his skull. The frustration that radiates from him is obvious, even more so when his lips thin into a snarl. You're suddenly wondering if he's here to rip into you again. The fluorescent lights hum a monotonous tune as you stand there watching him shoot daggers at unseen phantoms down the hall. Realization hits then.
"You can't answer that because you don't even know, yourself." 
You can't help the mocking chuckle that rumbles through your chest. He walks all this way only to stand here like a cornered feral cat. That's fucking rich! 
Minho startles at your shoulder brushing his arm, wide eyes narrowing as you fumble for the key to your apartment. Dark optics burn steady on your back, but you do your best to ignore them. Nickel-plated brass shimmies into the lock, aligning the pins in the mechanism. You turn the key.
"I was right," His voice is permafrost, freezing the muscles and joints of your hand on the door knob like some kind of magic spell, "when I said this thing between us was a mistake."
"Go home, Minho-" Your fingers press against brass, slipping into the entrance with a steeping burn beneath your skin. Minho has lived this scene once. Didn't like the ending the first time. He's the only one who can change it.
Minho feels you pushing away, so he pulls back. 
The door stops short of the frame. You look up to find sharp eyes already on you.
"I was right because I knew I would fuck this up with you."
Your body freezes in its place, hips stiff as his words bounce off ringing eardrums. Slim fingers clench against the woodgrain, broad shoulders taking up the sliver of space that's left. Your brows crease above narrowing optics, taking in the enigma of a man before you. There's a cautious plea swimming just beneath dark, tired irises. 
Hear me out. Please. 
A moment passes of just this; a staring contest between two souls, peeling back epidermis to discover the treasures hidden under it's surface. Down the hall, a door rattles it's frame, slammed shut by the careless and exhausted tenant who resides there. It's a draw, with the both of you blinking simultaneously. Maybe... 
When you haven't made a move to close the door, you know your mind is already made up. You release the breath you've been holding. Minho's gaze softens, and although this conversation would be best discussed in private, he doesn't push you to let him in. You're still standoffish, as you should be after the shit he'd said weeks ago. But you pull the door open a bit, allowing him enough space to - at the very least - breech the threshold. He shifts forward, leaning a shoulder against the steel door frame.
"You have every right to slam this door in my face." He says, bores a hole in the damned thing as he speaks. "Hell, I'll even do it for you. I've spent so much time fighting with myself. Telling myself that every stolen glance and lingering touch was part of our arrangement. But then you started to treat this as more than just sex, and I-" 
He falters, runs a hand through his hair, pulling at the roots. Fuck, why was this so hard for him? You may have been right; He doesn't know exactly what he wants to say to you. But he's here, and you're willing to listen. 
So he's gotta try his hand. Lay all his cards on the table. 
"I'm not the guy who settles down. I don't take anyone on dates, or plan trips to de-stress. I spend more money on my cat in a year than anyone else, including myself. And yet, somehow, I've done all of that with you." Minho's eyes glow as he speaks, you swear you spot little embers aflame in gold - A sunrise you've yet to behold. His tone is low, but there's no doubt that he's bearing his heart with every word.
“That trip to Jeongdongjin… I barely remember it because I spent all my time caught up in you. It’s been that way since three months in when I teased you about moving in with me. You’ve had me wrapped around your finger since then, double-knotted for good measure. And that scares the shit out of me! Because I’ve never felt this way with anybody. Like something’s missing when they’re not around.” He shakes his head, as if he's scolding himself. "I said a lot of shit that night that I'm not proud of. Let my own walls cave in on me, and I hurt you in the process. And no amount of sorry could make up for that, I know. But I don't think I could live with myself if I saw you around this city with someone else. And I know you deserve so much more than what I've offered. I don't know how to love someone like that."
The muscle in your chest goes into overdrive as he rambles. You weren't sure what you were expecting when you saw him standing there in the hallway, but you're certain it wasn't this. For a moment, silence fills the space between you two. He sucks down a deep breath, swallows his nerves away. 
"But I want to try. With you."
You zero in on the man, eyes deadlocked on one another as you process his words. Minho wants to try. And you want nothing more than to accept his proposal as truth. But every neuron in your brain is firing off red flag like a siren. As much as you've fallen, you've also shattered like a box of fine china sitting on the highest shelf - the height too great to salvage such a delicate parcel. The chemistry is - was there. Undeniably. But now?
Part of you wants to slam the door and forget that this conversation, this connection ever happened. The other part of you wants to give him everything. Pull him in and never let go.
Quit entertaining these fantasies!
You shake your head, eyes closing as shaky fingers press against dark lids, attempting to quell the pounding that's settled in your temples. You wish it'd quell your anxiety. Your ringing ears. You sigh, leaning into the width of the door as you let your hands fall to your sides. Minho's gaze is almost thoughtful when you look up; those hidden embers dulled, but still illuminated by the warm glow of the floor lamp in your apartment. He closes the distance by a half-step and your heart rattles in your chest. 
But you don't back away. 
You don't slam the door in his face. 
And when his bold step doesn't get him in trouble, he brings a cautious hand up. It's unlike him to be so slow like his, hovering over you as if you're a wild animal that's in need of rehabilitation and about to bolt. But you're still here, by some miracle, and you allow him into your space. Because in the moments where Minho's emotions seem to break the barrier of cool rationality he's built for himself, you wonder just how deep his feelings for you really run.
He's gonna break your heart into a million little pieces again. Could you really handle that?
The thoughts tumble until he makes contact, drawing you out of your mind and back into the moment. Warmth bleeds into warmth as his fingers press into the skin behind your ear, calloused thumb skating over the expanse of your cheek bone. You wonder what it'd be like to forget such a tender touch. Your hands find Minho's wrists, sliding lower to grip strong forearms as you rest your forehead on the center of his chest. The rhythm of his heartbeat is steady and soothing - a lullaby for your tired mind.
There's no mistaking the intimacy in these actions, no longer an exchange of rough leather and torn linen, but of pressed lavender and well-worn journals. It's comfortable. Feels like a safe haven. It drowns out every single worry in your head. Even so...
"I need time..." Your voice is a whisper, laced with an exhaustion that dominates your being.
"I can't just fall back into your arms because you say you want this now. That's not how this works."
You feel his voice rumble in your head; sweet like honey, as intoxicating as wine.
"We can start over."
He pulls away from you, lifting your head up to look you in the eyes. 
"Take things slow."
He nods.
"Take things slow... see where this goes."
"But if you ever chew me out like that again, I'm gone."
"Shit, baby, I'll buy you the one way ticket out of Seoul." He says it so seriously, you can't help but laugh. The sound ushers forth galaxies in raw citrine.
You allow yourself to slip into a state of warmth and comfort, your body leaning subconsciously as you bump your forehead with his. Minho's hand slips from your cheek, his fingers splaying at the back of your neck to pull you in until your lips meet. A duet of profound sighs tame rabid nerves. It's slow and delicate, technicolour - Everything you don't expect from him, yet everything you need from him. He takes up your space like he belongs there. 
Maybe he does.
You peel back with a soft smile etching your face. When you press yourself further against his chest, he wraps his arms around you in a gentle embrace, fingers running the span of your back in soothing motions. If this is what taking things slow feels like, then it might be the best thing that's ever happened to you.
"It's getting late." He states, catching the time on the wall clock a little ways from the door - 11:03 PM -and you hum, acknowledging the fact even as you stifle a yawn into his jacket. "I should go."
You crane your neck to catch his gaze.
"Stay for tonight?"
You take in the look of shock on his face because, obviously, he doesn't expect you to ask. But he's already here, basking in your beauty and joy and all the things he's missed while he's been distant. It's written all over his face. And if you're honest, the close proximity and your exhaustion are both catching up to you.
Before you can explain yourself further, Minho's hand finds yours, lacing your fingers together and pulling you into the apartment. The door finally shuts.
Minho doesn't quite know how he'll do it, but as long as he's got this chance, he'll gladly spend the rest of his life making it up to you. 
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Psst!! If you made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read my work 💕 I appreciate you!
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minhosimthings · 9 months
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Skz when you reveal to them that you used to be a stripper/pole dancer
Synopsis: Just some headcanons about boyfriend Skz. Reader is female
Warnings: Smut, fluff, suggestive. Seungmin's is comfort. Im sorry Changbin and Innie's are so short!
A/N: guys I'm telling you writing this was therapy. Im gonna try to do more headcanons because I like writing these a but more than I like writing actual fics! Anyway please enjoy this! And feel free to give feedback!
Bang Christopher Chan
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He'd be ok with it. Like so chill. But I have a tingling that he'd remember it sometimes, and ask you about it, whenever he needs to release his frustration.
The front door slammed roughly against its edges, as your boyfriend Chan, walked in throwing his bag to the floor roughly. His gaze avoided yours, as he slumped down on your red couch and held his head in his hands, rubbing his temples slowly. It was definitely one of those days, when every melody in Chan's insomniac mind, seemed like boring mathematical figures instead of pretty flowing colours on a water filled palette. "Rough day baby?" You asked him, silently putting his dinner down on the table. He sighed quietly and started eating his dinner. Oh that's how he wanted to play is it? The silent treatment. Not wanting to unload his emotions on you because he felt guilty later on. You knew enough about this habit of his to know exactly what to do when exactly what to do. You smiled sweetly at him and disappeared into your shared bedroom.
Oh fuck did he mess up? Chan's thoughts were spinning through his head like an electron. Shit he should have talked to you. Chan got up and put his plate in the sink and grabbed two cupcakes from the fridge, which you both had made the day before (correction: felix made them you guys decorated them). "Babygirl? Where are you?" Chan got into the dark void which was your bedroom. Searching for the lights, Chan switched on the red party light you had in the bedroom. "Hey Channie." Chan's jaw dropped to the ground. There you were, wearing your old stripper uniform, Red devil horns and all, looking like the most expensive thing in the room. If Chan was an angel, he would definitely fall from heaven, just to be with your devilish form. "Baby, w-whats this?" Chan came forward as you grabbed his collar and shoved him into the bed. "Shh baby. Just enjoy it." You whispered in his ear, as you started your old dancing routine, while Chan watched on, silently asking the universe, why it hadn't shown you to him earlier.
Lee Minho
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Dude. He'd be so fucking ecstatic that it's kinda scary. As a dancer himself, he would like the idea of having a partner who can dance as well as him (and maybe even better.) He would inculcate your steps in some of his dances and sometimes both of you would silently fuck in the studio.
"Jagiya I don't know what to add here." Minho was nudging your shoulder, while both of you stood in his personal dance room. The guys had left you all alone, since he had been stuck there since the morning, trying to figure out a choreo to the new slut anthem that 3Racha had made for DanceRacha (yes I am still not over taste). While Felix and Hyunjin had tried to help, they knew that the only person who could get Minho out of this dancer's block was you. You watched Minho's dance over and over again, trying to think of something good to add to it. "Min, how about you take a break baby? You're really tired and we all know your PaboRacha brain can't work on just water and orange juice. How about you eat some of the pudding I brought?" Minho looked at you with a pout, as you looked at him sternly. The pout wasn't going to work when you wanted your boyfriend to feel better and he didn't want to feel better. "Jagiya-" Minho began to whine as he wrapped his arms around your waist, trapping you in what was the best prison in the world. "How about we dance together for a bit hmm? Just a little duet?" "If I do this, will you eat and rest?" Minho was quick to nod his head, as you sighed and took off your jacket to reveal the lacy black bra you had on underneath. "I was going to surprise you with this when we get home. But since you wanted to dance, let's dance baby." Minho's entire world stopped. That was the bra he had gifted you, when you first told him you used to work in a gentlemen's club as a dancer. The slow, sensual music started as Minho slowly touched your waist and both of you moved your hips in syncronicity, the cotton of his shirt grinding against the lace of your bra. One step forward, then another to the side and then one lowering down to Minho's legs as he looked on, mesmerised. "God you're so fucking hot kitten. You never let any of them touch you at the club right?" You let out a hum in response to Minho's question as you noticed the bulge in his black trousers, which you began to unzip. "Good" he growled in your ear, as he nibbled it with his bunny teeth, "they shouldn't touch what's mine."
Seo Changbin
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Oh my god, he would immediately question you about it so much. Like baby would be so curious about it. He'd buy you so much shit at Victoria's Secret or something, that you'd question why you ever told him about your old job.
"Baby baby that one!" Yet again, your boyfriend Changbin had rushed towards a shelf, while you stood in the huge (and expensive) Victoria's Secret store. Changbin had taken you here immediately after you told him you used to be a stripper and showed him your old costume. "Baby will this fit you?" He held up a lacy blue bodysuit, entwined with fake jewels. "Binnie, baby this is expensive." You looked at the price tag nervously. Changbin rolled his eyes and called the store worker. He handed her a card from his wallet, while saying "Whatever we buy goes on the black card." Rolling your eyes, you went over to the swimsuits, hoping to see something that you can surprise your boyfriend with.
Hwang Hyunjin
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Two words. His muse.
"Jinnie how much longer?" You whined as you shifted a bit on the wooden stool, while Hyunjin sat in front of you, blue stained paintbrush in hand, star shaped eyes focused on the canvas in front of him. "Just a minute more, my muse. And could you move your hand to the left please?" He had been begging for you to let him paint you ever since he found your lingerie and you had to tell him about what you used to do before you became an architect. Of course you had said yes to him, after a week of begging and him trying to bribe you with food (spoiler alert: it worked). You donned your most favourite costume, a baby pink one, which was fluffy and had detachable angel wings. Perfect for Hyunjin. Perfect for the artist who used soft colours to paint those who he loved. "Hwang Hyunjin if you're not done in five minutes, the blood flow to my hand is going to stop and I'm going to die." Hyunjin looked at you, amusement all over his perfectly carved face. "Using the government name are we my muse? And I'm done already I was just looking at those nice little tits bouncing around in that costume." A smirk spread on his face, as you raised an eyebrow and carefully got down from the stool, walking towards his canvas. God he had painted you so pretty, with blues and pinks outlining your figure, a green cutting in for shade and flowers adorning your body. "You know my muse, I am an ambassador for Versace. I can't wait to get you the most prettiest scarves, which you can wear and fuck yourself. Maybe I can join you afterwards after I'm finished with my painting of this amazing fucking body." You smirked at him, taking the paintbrush away from his hand, slowly sliding into his lap and kissing him full on the mouth. Oh there was about be a lot more than just paint in that studio tonight.
Han Jisung
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Congratulations you have officially broken him. I mean he will be really shocked In the beginning and basically be like Changbin, asking questions and all, but then later on both of you basically forget about it, until it comes to help in his studio.
Ten am. That was the time Chan had called you and told you about the current condition of your boyfriend Han Jisung, the condition being overworking again. This was the fifth time this month that Chan had to call you to take your boyfriend home from writing tens of thousands of beautiful lyrics on paper and experimenting with the sounds on Chan's laptop. Sighing to yourself, you got up grabbed your keys and helmet, and zoomed off to the JYP building on your Harley.
"Jisungie baby?" You called out his name, slowly entering the studio, to see a messy haired boy, dressed in a black hoodie, head in his hands, headphones lying abandoned at the side. He turned slowly in his chair to face you, and your heart dropped when you saw the dark circles under his eyes. "I can't do this anymore Y/N. I feel like all the lyrics make no sense and- and I feel so fucking stupid." Being quick to cup his face in your hands, you softly wiped away the solitary tear on his face. "Baby Hey look at me look at me now please." Round quokka eyes looked at you as you slowly unzipped your leather jacket. "How about I give you a bit of inspiration hm? Will you come home then?" Jisung's brain had stopped working. There you were, all dolled up in a green suit with the sluttiest bra in this world, all for him. Slowly snaking an arm around your waist, and leaving wet kisses around your exposed collarbone, Jisung took you to the recording area, ready to record your moans, just for some inspiration.
Lee Felix Yongbok
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Oh my god he would be so FLUSTERED. Like he'd have to hide in the bathroom in order to hide his burning face.
"Lixie you good in there?" Your boyfriend Felix was currently hiding in the kitchen of your apartment. You had finally told him about your old job when you were playing truth or dare (although mostly it was truth or truth) and his reaction was....adorable. His entire face had turned red as he stuttered and quickly went out of the room to the kitchen where you knew he was stress baking or more like shock baking. "Yeah! Im totally fine!" Yep he was baking, face still red, apron worn upside down, and icing on his nose and talking with an unusually high pitch. You walked up to and wiped the icing off of his nose. "Baby I can clearly notice the bulge in your pants you know that right?" You asked him to which he responded with a low mumble if the word 'sorry'. "It's alright baby. By the way, what do you think I show you my old gear?" Never before had you seen your boyfriend have this much fear and excitement filling his eyes. "Really?" You nodded to his question as he got out a tray of brownies from the oven and put them on the table, covering them with a cloth. You reached out for one but he slapped your hand. "The brownies can wait sunshine." His voice was sultry and low again as he wrapped his arms around your neck. "I wanna see that nice costume of yours."
Kim Seungmin
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Bruh he would be so chill. Like zero reaction. Literally.
"Pup I- I need to tell you something and I want your full attention." You had finally gathered the courage to tell your boyfriend Seungmin about your old job at the gentlemen's club when you were in college. He would eventually find the devil tails and high red heels which had the words 'for the eyes only' on them. Kim Seungmin was a Rubik's cube. You couldn't ever predict what he was going to do or what he was going to feel. So naturally your ass was a nervous Trainwreck when you decided to finally tell him. "What is it bub? Is it about the burnt toast I left on the terrace? Cause I told you the crows just like the toast extra crisp." Seungmin told you, putting down his book and adjusting his sage sweater, and allowing his arms to wrap around your body, which was currently draped in his hoodie. "No sweetie it's not that. It's something more serious and- and if you don't like what I'm about to say, it's ok if you break up with me." Seungmin frowned a bit and nudged his head in your neck, making you smile. "I- I used to be a stripper at the local gentlemen's club when I was eighteen to pay my bills. I don't do it anymore but I thought you should know since my old gear is still lying around somewhere in this mess of an apartment. And- and maybe if you found it one day, I thought maybe you- you'll leave me or- or You don't know what caused tears to come out of your eyes but they did and they weren't stopping. "Bubba shh. Hey look at me. Look at me it's alright." Seungmin shushed you as he put your head on his chest, stroking your hair as you calmed down, hearing his heartbeat. "Bub I really wouldn't care if you were a goddamn homeless person before. You're successful now aren't you? And all those things you did to reach here? Im proud of those bub. So please don't cry. It's breaking my heart." You sniffled a bit and looked up at your caramel haired boyfriend to give him a kiss, and wrap yourself more tightly in his arms, feeling safe and content. "So can I see that gear maybe?" "Kim Seungmin!"
Yang Jeongin
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Dude I really don't know. This man would be a combination of all the members. You tell him about this and he'll go through every human emotion to ever exist.
"Innie? Innie." Jeongin just sat there frozen on the couch, not chewing the chips which were trapped in his mouth. "Oh my god Jeongin! Yah!" You snapped your fingers in front of him. "Wh-What yeah I'm here. Im Jeongin yes and you're y/n, my girlfriend whom I love, and also who I want to see in her costume right now." His confused face turned into a smirk, as he stopped with his rambling. "I'll show you soon baby. Do you wanna, uh, swallow the chips in your mouth now." You asked him as he quickly swallowed the chips and contorted his face into a pout. "I wanna see it now!" He whined. You sighed and got up to get, your boyfriend tailing you like a lost puppy. Yep. Definetly the maknae on top.
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kimbappykidding · 7 months
Imagine TxT teasing you for your crush on Taehyun
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All of TxT were beautiful but there was just something about Taehyun that made you weak. It wasn't even his looks! You of course noticed his beautiful big eyes and charming smile but that wasn't what made you fall for him. You loved his chill personality and how effortlessly cool he was. You always liked the quiet mysterious type and that was Taehyun down to a tee. He wasn't easily swayed or won over and you admired that. Then you learned he was also a great singer, strong as hell and a nice person. That's when you stopped denying your crush and the members worked it out soon after.
You were a soloist under the same label as them and as you were similar ages often hung out and became friends. Being a soloist you were quite confident and loud but they noticed you'd become quieter in one particular scenario...around Taehyun.
When Taehyun was in front of you, you started questioning yourself more and thought over what you were going to say before you said it. In other words, you went from being a Beomgyu to being a Soobin and that was noticeable. When Yeonjun asked if you had a thing for Taehyun (when the boy had left of course) you went bright red and that answered that question.
So the boys began teasing you for your crush on Taehyun. They claimed it was to try and encourage you to ask him out but they enjoyed it just a little bit.
You worked on the same floor as TxT and shared a breakroom with them. You could have your own but being a soloist can be lonely sometimes so you happily merged with TxT. You came into the room and Beomgyu cheered "Y/n!". You smiled "hey, sorry I can't stay I'm looking for my phone". You only then noticed Taehyun was also in the room and looked down slightly. "Okay but can you help us?" Beomgyu asked "we were debating something. "Okay" you said nodding and Beomgyu smiled "what do you think is Taehyun's best hair colour? I think blonde or red but he thinks black. What do you think he looks best in?". You immediately paused trying not to react in any way. You could see Beomgyu smirking but Taehyun was just watching you, patiently waiting for an answer. You thought every hair colour suited Taehyun and so having to just pick one right in front of him was beyond hard. "Erm I quite like the new orange you've got". "Really?" Taehyun asked and you nodded. "You're not just saying that because it's what's in front of you are you?" Beomgyu asked pushing you "come on Y/n dig deep! What's your real favourite?". "I...I'm not sure but I do like the orange" you told Taehyun "it's a hard colour to pull off but you do it really well". You were looking down embarrassed so didn't see the look on Taehyun's face but Beomgyu did and he smiled. Taehyun had been a little self-conscious of his current hair colour which had started this whole debate. So your words brought a smile to Taehyun's face who was relieved to hear a girl say he looked good. "Thanks Y/n" Taehyun said and you nodded "no problem" before going back to searching.
While you were looking down the side of the sofa, Beomgyu nudged Taehyun's arm and passed him something. Taehyun looked down to see it was your phone! Judging from Beomgyu's grin he'd stolen it and was including Taehyun in the *fun*. Taehyun tried to give it back but Beomgyu wouldn't take it. So Taehyun placed it on the table hoping you'd see it but you didn't. You didn't seem to glance near him and Beomgyu chuckled happily to himself. "Maybe it's not in here" you sighed "but where is it?". Taehyun sighed and placed it on the chair beside him "hey Y/n this isn't it, is it?" he asked holding it up "I just noticed it here under this cushion". You looked up and your eyes lit up when you saw it in his hand. "That's it! Taehyun you're amazing!". "Aww Y/n that's so nice of you to say!" Beomgyu awed and Taehyun saw you get embarrassed and blush. "It's no problem" he said ignoring Beomgyu "I lose mine all the time" and with another thank you to him you rushed away. "Why did you steal Y/n's phone?" Taehyun asked and Beomgyu grinned "no reason". He'd tease you but there was no way he'd admit right to Taehyun's face that he did it because of your crush on him. He was chaotic but he was a lawful chaotic.
The next time TxT got you with their scheming it was Huening Kai, who you mistakenly thought was still an innocent baby. Their latest comeback was out and he invited you to do a reel with him for social media. You agreed and even came in on your day off to do it with him. You hadn't dressed up and came straight from the gym so didn't look your best but you were only seeing Huening! Or so you thought...
Huening texted you it was in rehearsal room 3 so you let yourself in and didn't even check through the glass to see who was in there. "I'm here! and only 10 minutes late!" you called grinning before you froze seeing Taehyun standing there. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" you cried "Kai told me it was room 3". "It is!" Taehyun said "didn't he tell you I was doing it with you instead? He wasn't feeling great this morning". You looked down at your phone and saw a message from Huening Kai "Have fun Y/n ;)". You almost gasped at the mischievous maknae and nodded to Taehyun "yeah it's just come through now". "You ready to get started?" Taehyun asked and you nodded "yeah of course and set your stuff down. Taehyun spotted your protein shake and smiled "just come from the gym?". You nodded "yeah that's why my outfit isn't shoot ready but they told me I can change into an old stage one". Taehyun nodded "yeah we can learn it first then you can change...but to be fair you look fine in that. Can we just do it as she is?" he asked the staff. Your eyes almost popped out of your skull "no! I mean I look all lazy and like I don't care". Taehyun shook his head "I don't think so, I like your gym outfit but you can of course change in you want to" and you blushed at Taehyun saying he liked your gym gear.
You moved on to learning the steps and were relieved that your brain could still work even when Taehyun was in proximity to you. He was also a good dancer teacher and you managed to pick up the steps pretty quickly. "Yeah that's it, wow you mastered that so fast!" Taehyun said praising you and you shook your head "no I just...you're a good teacher, you made it nice and easy" you insisted. "Well either way I think you're ready so fancy shooting?" he asked. You nodded "yeah I'll just go change real quick give me 5 minutes" and went to see what they'd chosen for you.
You were pleased because it was an outfit that you thought you looked pretty good in but when you came back Taehyun had also changed and he looked amazing! They'd clearly tried to match your outfits because you both had a punk vibe but Taehyun just looked amazing in his ripped white vest and leather trousers. He had some chains around his neck and fingerless gloves on. His biceps were exposed and your eyes went to them without even meaning to. "Wow" you said when you saw him and then panicked realising you'd said that out loud. "I mean you look good" you said and Taehyun smiled "so do you, who would've thought our concepts would work so well together?". "Yeah it's a happy coincidence" you agreed still not trusting yourself to look up from the floor. "Okay so if you stand together in the centre of the room. we'll do a couple of takes so even if you mess up just keep going" the staff directed you and you nodded.
Seeing Taehyun go all out right beside you was so impressive and hot. You'd seen him dance before but never this close to you and you blushed at the interactive part where he leaned an arm on your shoulder. "Y/n make sure to look up at the camera for that last part" the staff said catching you and you nodded determined to just get on with when Kai appeared. "Hi" he said sauntering into the studio "I've just got back from the doctor and he says I'm sick but I wanted to see you guys perform together. You look amazing side by side". You blushed murder in your eyes but could hardly attack Kai in front of so many people so you just thanked him and got ready to finish the shoot. Kai stood right behind the camera with a smile on his face and you were determined not to let him know he'd won. So you performed as if the rent was due and the staff all cheered when you were done. "That was so good!" they cried and you blushed "really?" and you and Taehyun leaned forwards to watch.
The footage was really good. You and Taehyun were so in sync and you looked so confident beside him! Anger was apparently your most effective emotion because there was no question about which take they were using. You tried to catch Kai after the shoot but he rushed off pre-empting your mood. You turned to grab your stuff to find Taehyun watching you. "Hey are you heading home?" Taehyun asked and you nodded "yeah I am, why?". "Could I walk with you? My gym is near you and I'm done for the day now". "You're done?" you asked and Taehyun nodded "yeah I was just filling in for Kai, it's my day off too". "Oh I had no idea, that's so kind of you!" you said reminding yourself to punch Kai extra hard for doing this to Taehyun. "It's fine" Taehyun said "Kai told me you were coming in especially and I didn't want you to come all this way for nothing". You smiled "thank you" and Taehyun shrugged "no problem" walking out with you.
"So do you work out often?" Taehyun asked you and you paused "oh not really, I only do 3 or 4 days a week. I enjoy it when I'm actually there but I find I don't have lots of time and the time I do have I don't necessarily want to spend in the gym". Taehyun nodded "that's fair enough, I'm not always in the gym either". "Really?" you asked smiling "you're known as the strongest TxT member for a reason". Taehyun blushed, looking down as you said that and you worried you might've been too forward he didn't seem uncomfortable. "Okay I am but I didn't want you to think I was one of those guys obsessed with looking strong and working out. You know whose only hobby is the gym". You were shocked he wanted you to have a good impression of him but very pleased. "I don't think that about you" you reassured him and Taehyun smiled.
You chatted more about what you did at the gym and Taehyun seemed impressed with how much weight you could lift and you were surprised to learn you both ran the same long distance. You also chatted about what else you did and it was surprisingly nice. With each word, you felt more and more comfortable with him. You were surprised how much interest he was showing in you and were you dreaming or was he actually flirting with you a little?
When you reached his gym you stopped so you could finish what you were saying you'd both been talking so much! You both stayed outside the gym for 5 minutes because you had too much to say but finally you felt like you should let Taehyun go. "Well today was super fun, maybe we should work out together sometime?" Taehyun asked and you blushed "yeah I'd love that". Taehyun smiled back "great, well I'll probably see you tomorrow at work then" and with a wave, he disappeared inside.
What on earth was happening?
The other members of TxT noticed you and Taehyun were closer and of course, took all the credit. "All I'm saying is we better get a toast on your wedding day" Yeonjun said when you were over at theirs for a movie night. "Yeah, and we want you to name your kids after us starting with Beomgyu!". "We're not getting married or having children, we've just started talking to each other" you argued. "Yeah but you'll get there" Huening Kai said so nonchalantly you were surprised. "Why are you guys so certain this will evolve into something more? How do you know Taehyun isn't just being nice or doesn't just want to be friends". Yeonjun went to speak when Beomgyu snorted. "What?" you asked him and then noticed him looking at something behind you. You turned to see Yeonjun shaking his head at Beomgyu and jumped "what was that?". "What was what?" he asked shooting you a smile. "What was that look?" you asked "you were telling him not to say anything! Why?". "Why can't we just tell her?" Beomgyu sighed and then Yeonjun punched him. "Ow!" Beomgyu cried "yeah good going she's not more suspicious now". The two were getting ready to argue when Huening Kai frowned "but why can't we tell her? We know her secret". "Yes but she chose to tell us" Yeonjun argued. "Not really, you asked her if she liked Taehyun and she just blushed" Soobin reasoned. Yeonjun frowned "really?" and the others all nodded. "So you bullied her into spilling big shock" Beomgyu said rubbing his arm and Yeonjun sighed "we can't! We promised we wouldn't". "I didn't! I was very careful with that" Beomgyu admitted "I nodded my head but never promised". "Fine then you do it but I want no part of this!" Yeonjun said and he went to sit away from you all. "Okay Beomgyu spill!" you cried and he turned to you "okay we're sure this will evolve into more because Taehyun's into you".
"What? No..." you said but the smiles on Soobin, Beomgyu and Huening Kai's faces made you pause "really?". "Yes!" Beomgyu practically shouted "see when we found out you liked him we started working on Taehyun too! We'd talk you up to him and point out how pretty you looked and things like that". You blushed "really? that's so sweet". It wasn't his idea!" Yeonjun said coming back over "Beomgyu did just want to torment you but I was the one who suggested we do something proactive" he explained. You smiled "well that was really kind of you thank you Yeonjun, and you think it's worked?". "Totally!" Yeonjun said "Taehyun was in his own world so you'd never occurred to him like that but when we started drawing his attention to you, you did the rest. He started checking you out more whenever we saw you in passing and dressing nicer if he knew he might bump into you. Then the day after you shot your reel he came back to the house so smiley". "Really?" you asked and the guys nodded "he watched your reel like 50 times" Soobin chuckled and you blushed. "oh my god this is so great...and terrifying".
"Terrifying?" Yeonjun asked and you nodded "now I know he's into me that puts so much more pressure on me! Before I figured I had no chance so what was there to lose but now I know he likes me and is watching me when we're together...oh god why did I wear this dress it is in no way Taehyun looking at me level". The guys were in the middle of telling you that was stupid when Taehyun walked right through the front door.
You all froze and he looked at you "what's going on?". "Nothing!" Yeonjun said "we were just...". "Okay honestly?" Soobin asked standing up "we'll tell you". "Soobin" Beomgyu hissed but the eldest held up his hands "no we can't lie to him it's not right...we were ordering the food and were going to use your free side for ourselves. We're really sorry". "You sneaks!" Taehyun called laughing "order me the chicken wings please" and he disappeared into his room while you all high-fived Soobin.
You could excuse the younger member's matchmaking to an extent but for the eldest two members, there were no excuses.
Soobin and Yeonjun figured now you knew Taehyun liked you that things could progress a little and why pass up a perfect opportunity like tonight? They texted Huening Kai and Beomgyu to let them know about the plan and then got to work.
At first, you didn't suspect anything was going on. Sure the guys all left a seat beside you for Taehyun and were doing their usual thing of drawing his attention to you with compliments etc. Then they started doing things that were just plain obvious.
When you all moved through to the living room to watch films Yeonjun practically dragged Beomgyu off the small sofa so you could sit there. He didn't even try and hide what he was doing, he just smiled at you and said "Y/n why don't you sit here?". He didn't even try and come up with an excuse and not wanting to embarrass Taehyun, you took the seat.
Then when they were distributing popcorn Yeonjun claimed they'd suddenly lost some bowls" so there weren't enough for everyone to have their own bowl. "You and Y/n don't mind sharing one right?" Yeonjun asked Taehyun who looked at you with his big eyes. "Erm she can just have it, it's okay". You shook your head "no that's not fair, I'm happy sharing if you are? Or here's an idea..." you took a crisp packet and filled that up with popcorn so you and Taehyun could both have your own. "Problem solved" you said smiling at Taehyun and then winked at Yeonjun. Yeonjun just smiled back mischievously and you knew the night wasn't over yet.
You were about 20 minutes into the film when the main character walked up to a group of women and told one of them he thought she was beautiful. "I never know if things like that are flattering or creepy" Huening Kai said and Beomgyu nodded "yeah is it too full on?". "Hmm I don't know I think it can be nice, no messing around and confidence is hot" Yeonjun argued. "But how much is too much?" Huening Kai asked and Soobin smiled. "What do you think Y/n?". You paused "oh I'm not sure" you said but Soobin wasn't giving up that easily. "Aww come on imagine it! So you're out with some friends and let's say...Taehyun here comes up to you and tells you he thinks you're really beautiful and asks for your number. Hot or not?". Soobin was a lot more devious than you'd ever realised and you almost smiled at the innocent look on his face. He'd totally planned this and now you didn't know what to say! You couldn't help but glance at Taehyun and saw him watching you like a hawk. He smiled when you looked at him but his eyes were so focused and there was something there in them that made your stomach flutter. It was then you realised the guys were right, Taehyun wanted you.
You took a breath and replied "I'd think it's hot but honestly, I can't imagine any girl not finding Taehyun hot so I don't think he's a fair test subject". Everyone in the room paused and then Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu and Huening Kai all smiled to see you flirt with Taheyun. The poor boy on the other hand was pink and looked very flustered but was also smiling widely. "I...that's not true but coming from someone like you that's a huge compliment" Taehyun replied. You smiled "you're very welcome" and could feel the excitement in the room shoot up.
It was quite easy to flirt with Taehyun after you made the initial move and Taehyun himself didn't waste any time flirting back. You'd never seen the TxT members look prouder and when Yeonjun genuinely looked like he might cry seeing you and Taehyun sat close together watching something on his phone you had to take a break. You went to the kitchen to "get another drink" and shot Yeonjun a look telling him to follow you. So when seconds later you heard someone behind you, you assumed it was him. "Why were you doing that? It was so forced and cringe! You made me so uncomfortable". "Oh I'm sorry...I'll stop" you heard someone say and spun around to see Taehyun.
He looked shocked and upset and went to head away when you rushed after him "wait Taehyun I didn't know that was you, I thought you were Yeonjun!". "It's fine don't worry" Taehyun said but you grabbed his arm "no Taehyun I really wasn't unhappy with what you were doing in there, I actually liked it". "Then why are you mad at Yeonjun?". You laughed "couldn't you tell how much he and Soobin were pushing us together?". "Honestly no, I was a little preoccupied the second you sat next to me" he admitted. "That's so sweet! They've all been doing it, Beomgyu makes comments when you're around, Kai brought us together for the reel and Yeonjun and Soobin were creating reasons for us to interact. Like I said I wasn't upset at having an excuse to interact with you, more I thought we had it covered". "Wait how long has this been going on?" Taehyun asked "them teasing you?". You frowned "about 2 months or so, I let slip I had a crush on you and the rest was history". "So you do like me?" Taehyun asked and you nodded "yes, I think you're very impressive, hot and cool...do you need more?" you asked and then jumped because you'd inadvertently walked into the door behind you. Taehyun had slowly been coming closer to you and you'd backed up but now there was nowhere else to go. "Are you okay?" Taehyun asked reaching for your head and you nodded "I'm fine". He smiled "good and I don't need anything more just to tell you I like you too". "Really?" you asked excitedly and Taehyun smiled "yes, I've never met a girl whose simultaneously so sweet and kind and also so powerful, strong and fierce. When we did that reel I went crazy seeing the muscles in your back and you get more interesting every time we speak". Taehyun still hadn't moved away from you and your heart was hammering in your chest. When you didn't think you could take it any more you sighed "please for the love of god do something about it!" and Taehyun nodded "okay" and kissed you.
It was a good first kiss. Taehyun wasn't too full on because it was your first kiss but he was still intoxicating and everything from how soft his lips were to how nice his hair smelled froze you crazy. Your hands naturally settled against him and you loved being able to press your hands up against him. Taehyun took the lead but you fought him a little and he loved that. When he pulled away you were both smiling.
"Wow after 2 months of teasing that really hit the spot" you said and Taehyun smiled "really?". "Yeah" you said still short of breath and Taehyun nodded "give me a second" and marched back into the living room. You followed him surprised and missed the first part of his sentence but heard "you've been teasing her for her crush for over 2 months. I'm in a good mood tonight but if you ever treat her like that again I will cover you all in bruises. Are we clear?". Silence followed and then all the guys rushed to assure Taehyun they'd never tease you again. Taehyun then realised you were here and smiled at you "now would you like to finish the video or go something together darling?". You blushed as he said darling and could think of nothing better than going somewhere where you had his attention solely on you. So you held out your hand saying "together" and Taehyun nodded "let's go" and marched you out the front door.
You got in his car and drove with the windows down and music blaring. You had no idea where you were going and neither did he. Neither of you cared because all you could think about was Taehyun's hand on your leg and all he could think about was your hand on top of his. You decided you'd take being teased for 2 months if this was the result and sat back in your seat, ready to enjoy the ride.
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otakusheep15 · 2 months
Could you do a kyo x male reader?
I have had the fattest crush on him since elementary school LMAO
Anyways could it be like reader never knew kyo could turn into a cat, so when he sees kyo turn into a cat and just instantly feels his heartstrings tug. He starts cuddling with kyo's cat from till he turns back into his human form, but reader didn't know he becomes naked when he turns back so he starts freaking out about it lol.
I'm sorry if I butcher this shit up and if my English is bad and you don't understand my point. English is my first language but I get very nervous with sending in request so I feel like I butcher shit up lol.
Hi! I am so sorry for how long it took me to answer this!! I'll make it extra long just to make up for it. Thanks for being patient! ^^
Kyo Sohma x Male Reader
Okay, so, I actually love the thought of queer relationships between the zodiac. It's always been very cute to me, plus it would save them from turning into an animal when they want affection.
Also, for these headcanons, let's just say that trans men/transmascs don't have any effect so that it stays inclusive! (I know Fruits Basket isn't the most trans-inclusive, but we're ignoring that)
Anyway, this would most likely take place before you two start dating. I doubt he'd be the type to commit to a relationship before revealing this part of himself. He's not good at this sort of thing.
So, right now, y'all are just friends. Most likely, you met at school. You're in the same class, or you met through one of his cousins/Tohru.
At first, he avoided you. It had nothing to do with you in particular - he just hates being social. Eventually, you do manage to interact with him, and he decides you're chill enough to be around. So you two become friends.
One day, you, Kyo, Tohru, and Yuki are hanging out outside of school. This is the first time you've hung out with them outside of school, so this is new territory for you. Specifically, the four of you went to the library to study for an upcoming test.
You sat in a back corner, away from everyone else. Tohru had gotten up to go grab a book, but she tripped over the leg of the chair. Kyo was sitting next to her, and he's the one she falls into. Suddenly, there's a puff of smoke, and when it clears, you see Tohru holding an orange cat, and Kyo is nowhere to be seen.
Tohru and Yuki look panicked, and you're confused. The two of them scramble to come up with some kind of explanation, but all you can think about is how adorable the cat is. You assume it's Kyo, although you couldn't explain what happened.
Tohru had put Kyo down by this point, and he walks across the table to get to you. His eyes have the same deadpan look they usually do, which is funnier in his cat form. Sensing no hostility from you, Yuki and Tohru are able to calm down a little bit, and Yuki is able to get a proper explanation out. You process only some of his words, too focused on how cute Kyo looks.
Without much thought, you scoop him up in your arms, gently holding him close. Kyo makes a startled noise, but doesn't struggle too much. Yuki looks amused as he ushers Tohru away, intent on giving you two some alone time.
Kyo asks you what you think you're doing, and you're shocked he can still speak in this form. You shyly explain that you just thought he looked cute, and your body kind of just moved on its own. You go to put him down, but he doesn't budge from your arms. It's barely audible, but you swear you heard him say something about him enjoying the embrace. You chuckle at that as you hold him tighter. If you listen closely, you can almost hear him purring softly.
Then, another puff of smoke appears. When it dissipates, you see Kyo standing in front of you, back to his regular human form. Except for the fact that he's completely naked. You turn away, flustered that you saw him in such a state. Kyo also turns around, tripping over himself as he looks for his clothes. Neither of you speak a word, and it's around this time that Yuki and Tohru make their return.
Yuki still looks amused by the situation, choosing to tease Kyo. Tohru is immediately flustered, still not used to seeing the boys after they transform back. As the boys continue fighting, Tohru comes up to you, asking if you're okay. She knows from personal experience that this kind of situation can be startling, so she wants to make sure that you're feeling alright. When you respond in the affirmative, she smiles.
Kyo and Yuki stop bickering, and Kyo is fully dressed once again. He can't quite make eye contact with you, but he does apologize for what happened, if in his own tsundere way. You laugh a bit, explaining that you're fine, just a bit shocked at what just happened. The three nod, as they can all understand how you feel.
By this point, none of you are in the mood for studying anymore, so you decide to pack up for the night. As you walk out of the library, you turn away from them, as your home is in the opposite direction of where they live. However, you feel something grab your hand, and when you turn to look, you see Kyo. He's still not making eye contact, and his face is a little red, but his grip on your hand is strong.
Quietly, he asks if he can walk you home. You're shocked, and you can hear Tohru cheering in the background as Yuki tries to silence her. After a moment to recover from the shock, you smile and him and squeeze his hand, accepting his offer. He makes eye contact with you for the first time since the incident, and you can see a small smile appear on his face. He tells the others that he'll meet them at home, and you're on the way to your house.
As you walk, Kyo explains everything in as much detail as he can. He leaves out all of his family drama, as that's a story for another day, but he does bring up his curse and how it works. You jokingly remark that he wouldn't transform with you, since you're both boys, and he laughs a bit at that. He gestures to your hands, still interlocked, and states that even holding hands with a girl would cause him to transform. That makes you laugh as well.
Soon you're back home, and he drops you off at your door. He squeezes your hand one last time before letting it go, and he asks if you'd like to hang out again, to which your agree. You do make one more sly comment about wanting to see him as a cat again, telling him that he looked oh so adorable. He groans, but it's all in good humor. He leaves, already thinking of plans for next time.
The two of you don't start dating right away. It takes more time, but this is the first major step. Also, he's willing to be more affectionate with you because he knows he won't transform. It's nothing more than hand-holding on leaning against you for right now, but when you do start dating, he gets very clingy, especially in public.
You don't get to see him transform that often since you don't cause any of his transformations, but when you do get to see it, it's always a treat. He gets so flustered when he transforms, and it worsens when he transforms back to human. You've gotten used to the nakedness after the first few times, but he never quite does, especially when you're around. It's cute.
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mimisempai · 8 months
Without restraint
As they walk hand in hand, Aziraphale realises how familiar this and other gestures have become, and marvels at being able to touch and be touched without restraint.
Beginning of my Flufftober month
Day 1 : Touch
On Ao3
Rating G -  1066 words
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They were strolling through Saint James Park.
Aziraphale, delighted,  breathed in the air, which had that unmistakable autumn smell of damp earth, moss and dead leaves.
The colours of nature were shimmering in all shades of yellow, orange and red. The leaves crunched beneath their feet, and as the sun set, the air became fresher.
The chill made the angel all the more aware of Crowley's hand in his. Of the warmth of his palm against his, of their fingers intertwined.
If at first they'd been hesitant, looking for an excuse to touch in this way, now the gesture had become so familiar. 
So familiar that it still amazed Aziraphale.
Not just holding hands so naturally, but any kind of touch.
Because now it was part of the way they expressed their feelings for each other.
An open display of affection in the touch given and received.
Aziraphale thought back to all the times he'd wished a brush or a light touch could last a little longer.
So as not to lose that connection.
First touches that had often been the result of circumstance.
Aziraphale's arm supporting Crowley's waist as he staggered drunkenly after swallowing a bottle of laudanum.
Aziraphale's fingers brushing Crowley's as the demon returned his book bag to him in the rubble of the church in 1941.
The handshake lingering slightly as they swapped bodies on the bench in St James's Park.
Aziraphale's hand resting on Crowley's chest in the crowded pub, the touch lingering just long enough for his hand to slip until it lost contact.
Their palms touching, their fingers almost intertwining, with no time to get used to each other, changing with each turn of the dance.
Aziraphale's hand, unable to resist the overwhelming emotion, grabbing the demon's arm in front of the couple of Gabriel and Beelzebub. His hand reaching into the empty air as Crowley moved away.
His hand on the demon's back as his lips were on his, too fast, too intense, too big to really realise. Only to be aware of the loss once they were apart.
All those touches multiplying over the millennia.
Sometimes so fleeting it seems they never happened.
But never forgotten.
Leaving an invisible yet tangible trace.
Raising his head, Aziraphale's eyes met Crowley's, who looked at him with a slight concern in his gaze.
Because he could, because he had the right to, and because he wanted to, the angel, without letting go of the demon's hand, rose to his tiptoes and planted a light kiss on his lips.
He smiled in amusement at the slightly confused look on the demon's face and said softly, "Just because I felt like it."
Crowley smiled at him and squeezed his hand lightly, inevitably drawing Aziraphale's attention back to their fingers and the way they were so perfectly intertwined.
He'd never imagined or hoped to share such a gesture so naturally with the demon.
But now that he had tasted the sensation of being able to touch him freely, and even more so to have his touch wanted and welcomed, Aziraphale knew he couldn't live without it.
Although he was still shy at times and didn't dare from time to time, he loved touching Crowley's skin, or rather, he loved touching everything about Crowley.  
Stroking his cheek.
Holding his hand.
Holding his arm.
Sleeping in his arms.
Touching his hair.
All kinds of touch given and received.
As he thought, Aziraphale's eyes had returned to their entwined hands, and Crowley's slight chuckle made him look up.
The demon said softly to him, a slight teasing sparkle in his eyes, "What are you thinking about, to be so lost in your thoughts that you don't pay any attention to me?"
Aziraphale replied, looking slightly embarrassed, "What if I told you that you have all my attention because all my thoughts are on you?"
Crowley smiled and asked, "I would like to know what you were thinking to get that look on your face as you stared at both of our hands, Angel."
Aziraphale blushed slightly, but replied nonetheless, raising their entwined hands, "I was thinking about how natural this has become for us. How my hand in yours has become so familiar." 
He paused, feeling even more embarrassed, before adding, "How I couldn't live without it."
Crowley brought their entwined hands to his lips and kissed the back of the angel's hand. Then he brought his other hand to Aziraphale's cheek and gently stroked the slight blush with his thumb, "Don't be embarrassed, I feel the same. Just being able to do this, angel, is like a miracle to me."
The demon bent towards Aziraphale, who leaned his cheek into his hand and he whispered, "I'll tell you a secret, I don't think I could live without it either."
This was probably the most intoxicating thing for Aziraphale, the fact that they were exploring all this together, the fact that they were talking about what they were feeling, that they were sharing, and he realised that it was probably this that made any form of touch between them all the more precious and cherished.
Because it was connected to their hearts.
Suddenly, Crowley's lips replaced his hand on Aziraphale's cheek, snapping him out of his thoughts. The demon gave it a tender kiss, then pulled back and said softly, "It's such a simple thing, and yet it seems extraordinary to me every time. I don't know, maybe it's because we've lived denying it for so long."
Aziraphale realised that they had stopped in the middle of one of the park's avenues, people passing on either side of them, indifferent or barely glancing at them as they passed, even though they themselves felt they were experiencing something extraordinary.
He says with passion, "I don't want to deny myself anymore, Crowley, I don't want us to deny ourselves ever again, for any reason. You and I have more than earned the right to love each other freely, without having to forbid each other. Without having to restrict ourselves."
Crowleyr smiled softly, amazed at the fire that animated the angel as he spoke, and couldn't help but lean forward to kiss him tenderly, and the angel returned his kiss with equal tenderness.
It was a kiss given and received without restraint.
Because they could.
Because they wanted to.
Because they loved each other.
Because they were free.
Beautiful drawing by @rins-love-wins inspired by this prompt :
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Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Growing Love series : here (After season 2)
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here (Before season 2)
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noxnephilim · 2 years
Hi Hi Howdy...I really enjoy your content, it's so good!
I have a request if it's okay. Could I ask for Brahms with a male/reader who isn't at all scared or even slightly startled about him not actually being a doll? He took on the role of a nanny since he didn't really have much else to do in his life and he really just wanted to get out of the city. He's really shy and is pretty much a loner and he actually appreciates the company 🥺. Oh, and he's a great cook lol. Thank you so much! 🥺
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When they told you, you were very chill about it. You understood why they did that. Grief can be a powerful motivator. Wouldn't be much of a problem after all.
You went on with your chores day by day, filling perfectly the role of a nanny. You found it weird to see the doll in other parts of the mansion, but until it didn't cause problems, you weren't very concerned .
Imagine Brahms's reaction to your nonchalant attitude. You were babysitting a doll and you were so calm, like it was an everyday thing.
He tried to spice up his antics, and yet. Nothing. That wouldn't do. Why didn't you react to huh?
He was so captivated that he failed to notice one little detail: he had come out of the wall to move the doll and he remained there, musing about you and your personality .
He found you staring at him like it was the moon. "Finally, Brahms decided to grace me with his presence. I've been wondering who had been looting those orange and rum filled cookies" you said with a smirk
In that brief moment of clarity, he asked you, or better his adult self asked you a lot of questions. A real whole lot of them.
"Slow down dearest. First of all, yes I knew that someone was moving the doll. Second, I simply wanted to live a quiet life that suited me in the countryside. So no, I'm quite content with this job. Third, if you feel comfortable staying around, I wouldn't mind the company. Anyway dinner at 6 p.m. I made your favourite" and you left .
He was left baffled at the admission. He had to sit down and think about your declaration.
No words left the man for a good 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, you were in the kitchen, a blush covering your cheeks. You accomplished one of your goals. Being shy sometimes was hard, but you were incredibly proud of yourself for saying it out loud.
Hopefully, it goes well. You'd love to have some other human company in that massive mansion. It gets lonely without anyone.
Still, you had all the time to bask in your moment while cooking dinner. A soothing beat if you will. Not that he'd see that ...he was still too shocked to move.
Just introverts, weren't you?
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lexosaurus · 9 months
The Phantom Martian: Chapter 4
Andddd introducing VLAD this chapter! We love an antagonist who is as pathetic cringefail and smug as him! Ruh roh, scoob, what's a Danno to do?
This is a crossover between Danny Phantom x The Martian. You do NOT have to have read/watched The Martian to understand this fic. Tbh I wrote it thinking that only a few people have read this book forgetting that it had a massive online cult-like following back in the day. I didn't grow up online akjsnfskjfdn
Also! I'd like to shoutout @captain-ozone's ghost Sleetjaw, who is a medic in Frostbite's kingdom, and makes an appearance this chapter! I loved him in her fic Shift and so I wrote him in Frostbite's scene too!
Summary: When Astronaut Mark Watney went to Mars, he knew there was a chance he'd never come home. Now, though, he's determined to last long enough for NASA to save him because this whole dying for science thing is not as fun as it sounds.
Meanwhile, Danny Fenton is just trying to keep his identity a secret amidst a potential crisis with his powers. Seriously, what's up with that weird current under his skin? Why is he having so much trouble controlling it? And why does it feel so familiar...?
In a fit of determination (and possible stupidity), Danny goes to Mars to save Watney, only to add to both their crises when he arrives and can't get home. Will NASA save them? Will Danny have a home to return to if they do?
Chapter WC: 5552
Fic Tags: Danny Fenton & Mark Watney, Canon Divergence, Ecton AU
Excerpt under the cut
“So…what do you think?” Danny asked. He swung his legs off the ice-medical table, his core happily vibrating in its favorite setting: a cold, icy environment rich with ambient ectoplasm.
Frostbite towered above him, arms folded, his good arm tapping his ecto-ice prosthetic. He tilted his head back, his white jaw jutting out in thought. To his side, the head medic, Sleetjaw, stood in his traditional orange attire with claws clutching his clipboard. He mumbled something in Ghost that Danny couldn't quite make out, but Frostbite waved him off, stepping forward.
“Show me this power again, Great One?” Frostbite requested.
Danny stuck his hand out and called upon the shimmering energy that bubbled just under his skin like molten flames of emerald. The energy spiked, and he directed it to his hands, snapping his fingers to his palm as a trigger. Opening his palm, he stretched the green disc that had appeared with it, pulling it as much as he could—only a few inches across—until the bubble popped and its energy dissipated into nothing more than ambient ectoplasm particles.
“Yeah.” Danny absentmindedly shook out his wrist, batting away the sudden fatigue that had come with it. “Yeah, that's pretty much it.”
“Great One,” Frostbite said after a moment of silence. “I don't have to tell you what that is.”
Despite the chill, Danny could feel his neck prickle with nervous sweat. “What do you mean?”
Frostbite bent down and tapped Danny's chest with his ice claw. “What do you think that power may be?”
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aylinhadtimeforthis · 10 months
Dead Poets Society As Dogs
so I'd come up with this concept a long while ago but decided to post it here bc why not so here goes lol
Neil: Brown Golden Retriever
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I really tried going off their colour, size, shape language, vibes and personality and all that, and Neil DEFFO has golden retriever energy but the darker colour helps him contrast with Todd and also is in reference to his life and looks more
Todd: Cream Labrador
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Honestly I don't know what other dog to have put for Todd this is the best fit I think He is calm and chill like labs but also wouldn't hesitate to defend his friends and stand his ground :)
Chris: Samoyed
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I really didn't wanna put Chris as a light (esp white) coloured dog bc of her connotations with light colours but 😭 It literally fits so well hskdhbfjhds she looks so pretty I couldn't not do it :") and also there's not many darker dogs that fit her vibe :( She can still accessorize in darker colours tho ofc ofc
Ginny: Blue Heeler
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Nah C'MON this is SUCH a Ginny dog like the bluish blackish warmish greyish patterns on the fur is like exactly what I think she'd wear and the dark round patterns are reminiscent to her dark wavy hair :)
Dalton: Husky-Chi
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This was the only one that made a little sense to me tbh 😭 I literally tried looking for so many types of small dogs but they all looked weird and unfitting and wrong so this is the best I got 💀 Also apparently their personalities are quite unpredictable and "mystic" which I think matches pretty well with her impulsive and creative sense
Knox: German Shepherd Hound Mix
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This is such a Knox dog omg look at him he's got the same cowardly mopey doe eyed look the lil freak always has I love him I esp wanted a dog that would be of a bigger build but more quiet and kinda scared looking like Knox is, and I think it worked p well with the hound addition bc german shepherds are guard and fighting dogs and the mix totally subverting that threatening appearance fits pretty well with Knox's lack of interest in getting involved with trouble or scuffs Also he looks like he'd give good hugs which :))))))
Pitts: Husky
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Meeks: Orange Poodle
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Meeks would always accompany you and chill out with you but also judge you to the ends of hell and back and I feel like this is the right dog to convey that through Also it has his curly ginger hair :)
Cameron: Finnish Spitz
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Who's a good pretty little bitch boy? You are yeah. Now THAT'S a Cameron dog if I've ever seen one istg it's got the colour the cut the expressions and everything- also there's this title of an article I found hsjkhsdjhfbjt-
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-So true bestie too much crazy Cameron barking can be hazardous to your health anyway I hope you enjoyed this silly species-bend post or whatever one'd call it lol I just thought it'd be interesting to make :)
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i-am-too-sick · 6 months
Feeling Not So Jolly St. Nick
Did I start another new fic without finishing the last two I mentioned? You bet I did! But I actually finished this one, so here ya go!
Warning: implied food poisoning
This was the last time Toby didn't anything out of the goodness of his heart.
Sure, he got paid for it, and the second income was nice for the holidays, but there had to be other ways than volunteering to be a mall Santa.
He loved kids, or at least he thought he did, but he learned quickly that maybe that love extended only towards his little sister.
These kids—these kids were like wild animal at the zoo or literal hellions from the underworld. The crying and screaming and questioning and demanding things of him soon became more cumbersome than it was worth.
Today was exceptionally bad, because on top of everything else, Toby felt like absolute shit.
The mall was crowded with everyone trying to fit in their last minute shopping, and of course, have their kids take a picture with Santa.
Toby felt like he was suffocating. His suit was much too hot, and the fake beard prickled his skin uncomfortably. Having a kid sit on his lap only reaffirmed how sensitive his skin was and sent chills down his spine.
His food court lunch sat heavy in his gut and every hug from an innocent tyke threatened to send his orange chicken and rice pouring into his lap. He knew it had tasted funny, but the idea of finishing his shift without a meal seemed far worse at the time than the possible consequences of soiled food. Of course, he sorely regretted that decision now:
One little girl, very attuned to Santa's predicament, actually asked him if he was okay. Toby, in an attempt at a hearty chuckle, quickly brought a fist to his lips and stifled a nauseated burp.
That was the turning point.
Right after the little girl hopped off his lap, he wished her a rather lame Merry Christmas, and signaled that he needed a break.
The photographer did not show their frustration well—after all, they'd just breaked for lunch not long ago—but Toby figured they'd be even more upset if he ruined the magic of Christmas by vomiting all over himself in front of the entire mall. Now wouldn't that be the perfect Christmas picture?
He slipped into the nearest employee bathroom, ripped the fake beard from his face, and immediately started gagging. However, other than some acidic saliva and burps that tasted vaguely of Mountain Dew, Toby wasn't able to bring anything up. It seemed that whatever was curdling the inside of his stomach was content to stay there and make him miserable.
Groaning, he splashed some cold water on his face, donned his disguise, and headed back into the mall. One of the photographers helpers, dressed like an elf, manhandled his askew beard back into its proper place, while Toby readied himself to fake some over the top holiday cheer.
An hour passed, or maybe more. Time was a construct Toby couldn't even begin to comprehend, especially not with the feeling of his stomach contents slowly trying to worm their way up his esophagus. Several times the photographer reminded him to sit up straight and to stop hunching forward. Toby was sure several families would look back on their Christmas photos and wonder why Santa had an arm wrapped protectively around his belly.
He'd stopped actually listening to the kids as they read from their Christmas lists, replying instead with a few well-placed "uh huhs" and "yeahs," though a couples times all that came out were sick groans.
He could not ever remember being this nauseous. He felt lightheaded from trying to keep himself together, and he was so unbearably warm. He wore his own clothes beneath the Santa suit, and his T-shirt was sticky with sweat, unpleasantly clinging against his skin.
How long was this shift again? He could hardly think, let alone try to pretend that he gave a damn about Timmy wanting a puppy or Susie requesting a baby doll that made noises when you cared for it.
"And I want a pony, and a..."
Toby's mouth started to water. Shit.
"I also want a..."
"Okay, very good," he replied, swallowing, trying to lift the kid from his lap. "Next!"
"But I'm not done," the kid pouted.
"But I am," Toby said. In hindsight, being a jerk while dressed as Santa was probably not doing this kid any favors, but he didn't have a choice. His breath hitched. He was about to barf. "Next!"
The surprised mom came to collect her kid, and Toby signaled the photographer by making a T with his hands.
"Again?" The photographer rolled their eyes, miffed.
Toby responded with a wet belch, loud enough that the nearest helper elf squeaked and jumped back in surprise.
He sprang up from his seat, his hand clamped over his mouth. In his haste to escape Winter Wonderland, he nearly tripped on a string of Christmas lights, nearly impaling himself on the antler of a plastic reindeer.
He tore through the mall, finding the closest bathroom, for employees or not. He stumbled upon one of the family ones, and as he slammed the door shut and fumbled with the lock, he was grateful for the small bit of privacy he'd have.
Even as he felt his stomach begin to lurch, he started ripping off his costume, desperate to feel less strangled. The hat went first, then the beard, the sash around his waist. He just managed to pull his second arm out of the jacket sleeve when his cheeks puffed with an impending retch, and he angled himself over the toilet as a rush of vomit cascaded from his mouth.
The force of his heave was so great, that his vomit splattered all around the rim of the toilet. He barely had time to wonder if any landed on his shoes before another geyser shot from him, splashing loudly into the water.
He tasted soda and egg roll, fried rice and broccoli. His mouth was sticky with the sauce from his orange chicken.
He burped, chunks from his undigested lunch joining the thick slurry in the bowl. Every heave brought up a mouthful of sick, and he was dizzy from the effort of trying to catch his breath.
His stomach was making all kinds of noises, piercing his ears and echoing off the tiled bathroom walls. A sick, guttural belch erupted from him, followed by another torrent of vomit.
Even as the heaves began to space out enough for him to catch his breath, and the amount of sick he brought up became less and less, Toby still didn't feel any better.
He was shaky and warm all over, tears running down his face from exertion. He was almost certain he had a fever, and there was still a mess churning in his stomach.
He burped into the bowl, spitting the tendrils of saliva dangling from his lips.
He needed to go home. He needed Quinn.
He knew his boyfriend had gone home for the holidays—Toby had planned to return to his family as well after his Santa gig—but the thought of waiting in the cold, getting on a bus overcrowded with holiday shoppers, and then trying to make it home alone in this condition was far more than he could bear.
Not caring the least about germs in that moment, Toby set his phone on speaker and laid it down on the floor. He felt like he was going to be sick again and he didn't want to risk dropping his phone and then having to fish it out of the toilet. That thought alone made him gag again.
"Quinn..." he whimpered when his boyfriend picked up on the third ring. He hated how teary and nauseous his voice sounded. "Can you come pick me up?"
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oblonger · 2 months
Part 4 of TPiaG Body Swap AU
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@sincerely-sofie We going back to Kip and advancing the plot with this one!
Kip has a chat with his old pals
Kip could feel cracks forming in the walls he was forced to build. Every day it was more questions about Twig and why she wasn't with him.
He told them that she was visiting family, but then they'd ask where, so he said somewhere near lush prairie. Then they would say that 'they thought he said she was near Aegis Cave. Then HE'D say that it's sometimes hard to remember! Then THEY'D say they have friends and that they could send a letter to ask how she's doing! But then HE would say that it's kinda a family reunion thing and that she really doesnt wanna be bothered! Then THEY would ask if he's doing alright! And just!
They were clearly worried about him, and he hated so much that he had to keep lying to them. They've clearly noticed the way he breaks out into a cold sweat whenever they ask about Twig.
Kip was wandering home from the guild after having finished enough jobs to pay for tomorrow's groceries.
The sunset cast everything in an orange glow. The ocean looked like different colored shards of stained glass had been scattered to cover the entire horizon.
But Kip didn't have time to appreciate that. He needed to get home and figure out a reliable cover story.
Suddenly, Kip could hear laughter approaching him.
"Well if it ain't the spineless sport himself!"
Kip looked up and gave a forced smile.
"Skuntank." Kip muttered through grit teeth, as team skull approached him.
Skuntank walked up next to Kip and slapped his back.
"How are you doin' old pal!"
"Well, I was doing good."
Skuntank slapped Kips back again while the three laughed.
Kip's willingness to be nice waned thinner each second he spent around them.
"Look Skuntank. I'd love to stay and chat but-"
"Aww come on!" Skuntank interrupted. "What are you even in such a rush for?"
Kip's false smile stayed, even though it felt increasingly hard to not frown at him.
"I have to make dinner and go to bed."
"Aww, dont be such a stick in the mud mip! I'll take you out to Spinda's and we can have dinner there! How's that!"
Sounds awful, thanks.
"No, I'm good. I really do have to get home."
"Why don't you live a little!" Zubat piped up.
Koffing spoke next. "Yeah! Do something while you're not attached to your mommy's hip!"
Kip was about to snap at Koffing before Skuntank spoke again.
"Speaking of, I heard she's back already. Maybe he's in such a rush because it's past his bedtime!"
The three jerks chortled as Kip felt a bolt of panic rush through him.
"Where, uh. Where did you hear that?" Kip tried to suppress the shaking in his voice.
Thankfully, Skuntank didn't seem to notice, or care, as he sat down to scratch his ear.
"I dunno. I think I overheard someone talking to Keckleon and they mentioned Sunflora or something."
Kip bit down on the inside of his lip.
Kip was about to dismiss it as baseless gossip before Skuntank's face lit up.
"Hey! Why don't we pay swig a visit!"
Kip felt his eye twitch
"Uhh, no I dont think she'd like that!"
Skuntank smirked at him.
"Aww! But it's been so long! Why wouldn't she want to see her old pal Skuntank!"
Because we hate you.
"Uhh. Because she's sick! And she doesn't want to see anyone right now. It's a pretty bad cold."
Skuntak raised an eyebrow.
Please believe me, please believe me, please believe me-
"Ohh!" Skuntank slapped his back again, it was starting to sting.
"Well why didn't you say so! We'll go tell Chimechow and tell her she needs a checkup"
Kip felt a chill coming on from all his sweat.
In perhaps a voice that was more desperate that he'd hoped, Kip said "I thought you were banned from entering the guild!"
Skuntank gave a nervous chuckle. "Ah, well we can just catch her at Spinda's diner then!"
Kip gave a chuckle that sounded like it was on the verge of a sob. "I really don't think that's necessary! She's fine! She just needs to stay in bed for a while! You don't need to do that!"
Skuntank slapped his back again. "Aww, don't be so modest, slip! What'r friends for anyway!"
Kip choked out some half words about how they shouldn't bother Chimecho, but it fell on deaf ears as the three sauntered off towards Spinda's diner. Cackling the whole way.
Kip stood there in the middle of the street before sitting down.
Frick frick frick frick frick.
Great job man. You were too nice to them and now Twig is going to die.
This is your fault.
Kip slowly trudged his way back home, taking a detour through a forest trail to delay it as much as possible. Tears were silently running down his face the entire time.
He kept his eyes locked to the ground. What was he going to tell her? That what Darkrai said was right? That all of this would be for nothing?
He felt sick. This entire thing was a pointless exercise in misery.
Every step felt heavy. He'd ruined everything. And it was because he tried to give a second chance to a scumbag that didn't deserve it!
Dumb, naive, stupid, idiot-
Kip's thoughts were derailed when a ball gently bumped into his side, he turned to see a little Kricketot jogging over to him.
"Sorry mister! That's mine! Can I have it back?"
The kid didn't even wait for Kip to respond before grabbing the ball that was nearly half his size.
Kip heard someone shout "Ricky!" From behind a few trees.
A Beedrill emerged from behind them.
"What did I say about wandering off!" She scolded. The Kricketot flinched a bit before muttering an apology.
The Beedrill huffed, before she saw Kip and her eyes widened. "Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't even see you there!" She landed on the ground. "I'm Beedrill and this is Kricketot! We just moved in from-..." Beedrill looked at Kip and her expression became concerned. "Are... are you okay honey?"
Kip forgot that he was still crying while he stared at her like she just grew a second head.
Kip looked down at the ground.
He had an idea.
He had an idea that didn't sound like it would ruin everything again.
It was an idea that might actually work.
Kricketot yelped in suprise when Kip spun around and started sprinting as fast as he could to the post office.
Twig was getting worried. It was much later at night than Kip usually returned. Maybe he got stopped by someone while out and about?
She was about to leave the home to look for him when she could hear Kip huffing as he ran back towards the entrance. He nearly tumbled down the stairs as he entered, and then proceeded to start rummaging through things, looking for something.
She noticed the red around his eyes. A clear sign that he'd been crying.
"Kip! What's wrong?"
He didn't respond as he pulled out an envelope, a paper and some ink. He took the things over to the table, sat down, pulled out some papers from his satchel and began writing something.
Darkrai growled, being awoken by the noise. He pulled his blanket a little more over his head. "Cease that infernal racket."
Twig shot a glare at him before looking at Kip again. His focused eyes not leaving the paper.
"Kip, would you tell me what's going on? I'm worried."
"We're moving." Kip spat out. He continued writing.
Twig flinched. Even Darkrai seemed a bit surprised
"What?! Why?!" Twig asked.
Kip didn't respond as he continued to furiously pen his letter.
"Kip! This is your home!"
Kip hesitated for a moment before he continued.
"Doesn't matter. It's not safe here anymore."
Twig stammered as Kip finished writing and wiped the ink off his foot.
"Where would we even get the money for a different place?!"
Kip folded the letter and shoved in into the envelope. "You never spent any of yours. You could probably just buy the house outright."
Twig stammered again before nearly shouting his name.
Kip gave a harsh sigh and looked up at her. "What?"
Twig didn't say anything and just gestured to herself.
Kip's eyes went wide and he slapped his hand against his forehead.
"Shoot. I can't withdraw your money, can I..."
"Dude." Twig leaned forward. "Can you please just tell me what's wrong?"
Kip sharply inhaled through grit teeth, and held his head in his hands, propped up on the table.
"I screwed up, Okay? Skuntank heard rumors that you were back from some trip and I screwed up and said you were sick and now he's going to tell Chimecho and..."
Kip shut his eyes, forcing any tears back, before glaring at the ground next to him. "We can't stay here anymore."
Twig was stunned, she couldn't think of anything she could say.
Kip sighed again. "Does Duskull only do withdrawls in person?" He asked.
Twig tilted her head at him.
"Right. You can't.... Ugh."
Twig was worried that Kip might give himself an ulcer with how he'd been acting.
Kip's eyes widened a bit and he turned his head towards Darkrai.
Oh no.
"Leave me out of this." Darkrai snarled.
Kip looked the angriest she thinks she ever saw him.
"You are going to help us." He demanded.
"I refuse."
Kip shouted. "Why!?"
"I lothe the both of you."
Kip was red with anger. He propped himself up on the table.
"Don't you want to live!?"
Darkrai's tail snapped and crackled a deeper shade of purple than it already had been. He pushed himself up on all fours and spun around to face Kip.
Twig launched herself towards Darkrai and grabbed him by the neck, pinning him to the ground. Her eyes burned with a barely restrained fury.
"You are going to shut up and do what he says, or I swear to Arceus, Cresselia will be the least of your worries." Twig hissed.
Darkrai glared back at Twig. Smoke poured out of both sides of his mouth.
"Do I make myself clear?"
Darkrai sneered at her.
"Release me." He growled.
Twig let go. Her eyes never left Darkrai as he stood up to walk into the kitchen while he rubbed his neck. His deep purple tail flame having a few bright green embers fly out.
She heard him lie down on the floor in there.
Twig turned to look at Kip.
Twig's eyes widened as she saw that Kip's were wet with tears
He raised a hand. "No, stop." Kip closed his eyes and a few tears escaped. He took a shaky breath. "I just-. I just need some sleep."
Kip walked over to his bed and layed down. Facing away from Twig.
Twig stared at him before layed down in her own bed, staring at the ceiling. Wishing she had never stopped Cresselia.
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