#I discovered some lovely new brushes so it wasn’t all bad haha
aeriona · 9 months
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side order.
she was originally going to have something in her hand, but i couldn’t get it to work. so that’s why her hand is awkwardly hovering in the air haha.
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ellana-ravenwood · 4 years
“My fake boyfriend is a billionaire ?!” - Bruce Wayne x Fem!Reader
Synopsis : After a few shitty weeks of everything going wrong, you somehow find yourself faking a relationship with the one and only Bruce Wayne. 
That’s it. I did it. After 3 years posting stories on this platform, I finally succumb to one of the biggest fanfiction cliché of all time haha. The infamous fake boyfriend trope. And I really hope you will like it : 
My masterlist : @ella-ravenwood-archives
The Gap Year of Disaster
Today, you were an utter mess, and you couldn’t care less.
You know, this kind of days where you wish you would just have stayed in bed ?
Where everything goes wrong and you just want to hide under your blanket and pretend you don't have any responsibilities ?
Well today…Today was most definitely this kind of day.
It was suppose to be your first day at an exciting new job and you were so psyched about it, that you hadn’t been able to sleep all night. 
You finally fell into a deep slumber during the very early hours of the day, and…
Of course you woke up late ! You didn't have time to take a shower, or to do your make-up nicely or even to brush your hair. But worst of all you didn't have time to get coffee !
When you got out with your bike….it was pouring outside. Ah but of course, because when one thing goes wrong everything has to follow. Everything WILL go wrong. Murphy's law or some stupid things like that !
It's in those moments you wish you had a car ! Because when it rained in Gotham…It felt like Noah was ordered to built another ark !
So, sleep deprived, soaked, in a bad mood and looking like a mess, you managed, by some miracle, to arrive at your job on time.
Only to discover that this wasn’t at all what you were expecting. It was NOT what was promised to you, which was experience in an exciting workplace and a way to make the most of it. 
Instead, it was a desk job where you ran errand for everyone. Amazing. 
This was supposed to be your first try at “real life”, this was why you took that gap year from college. 
“I want to find myself, find who I really am !” You told everyone around you, ignoring those who were negative and telling you you should finish your study first. 
Now, as you were stuck in a tiny cubicle with an endless list of coffee orders you had to get for everyone else, you felt like maybe they were right, and that this wasn’t quite the way you were going to “find yourself”. 
Then again, wasn’t it through hardship that this sort of things unlocked ? Wasn’t it with great determination and knowing how it was to struggle, that you were going to thrive ? That’s what they said in TED talks dedicated to “success”...
So far in your life, things had been rather normal. Not particularly easy, but not hard either. You grew up in a small town in New Jersey, no troubles on the horizon. You then moved to Gotham for college as you had a scholarship for Gotham’s University, and as you were about to start your third year you sort of questioned wether or not this was your path...
One of your favorite professor told you to maybe take a gap year. A few semesters off, to think things through. Taking advantage of it to do some soul searching and try to know what you really wanted and...It sounded wonderful ! 
That’s when you started to have job interviews in many different fields, and it took you three months to finally find something. Three very stressful months of wondering how long you could live off of your measly savings, and wether or not you’d have to move back in with your parents (anything but that !)...Not a very good start to that gap year for sure. 
And when you landed what you thought was going to be a great job, things definitely were looking up ! Ah, but the fact that you were chosen while you had NO experience and such, should’ve been your first warning that this was too good to be true. 
You were trying to stay positive though. Maybe it was only for the first day ? Maybe their coffee person was sick or something ? It’d get more interesting later ? Yes. Yes let’s keep a positive outlook on everything. 
Except right now, as your entire morning was made of you walking up and down the building (the elevator was not working, but of course), to the coffee shop at the corner of the street, and bringing back orders for people, you didn’t feel in the mood to try and stay cheery. 
And the worst in all that ? You didn't even get ONE cup for yourself…This “real life” thing was not starting very well. 
And so here you were, during your lunch break, looking like a mess, bag under your eyes and still wet from the rain (your trips up and down the street for coffee runs not helping drying yourself off), your morale at its lowest..And…
"That'll be 3 dollars and 50 cents for the large latte with triple espresso shot, m'am."
Proof that things could ALWAYS get worst. 
As you were looking through your bag, you couldn't find your wallet !
Did you leave it at home ?! Maybe. 
People at your work gave you the money to buy them coffee (and not a single tips, bunch of cheapskates). And you didn’t notice you were missing that oh so essential part of your daily life...Your credit card. Or any type of money. 
Damn it ! 
“Um, excuse me miss, that’s 3,50 please ?”
“Oh yes yes, um, you know what I just-” 
“Here, miss, you dropped this.” 
As you were about to explain that in fact, you didn’t need coffee (even if when you asked for it you might’ve mentioned it being a question of “life or death”), too embarrass to admit you didn’t have the money to buy it, a...very handsome man handed you a twenty dollars bill. 
You were a hundred percent sure this wasn’t yours. You never carry lose cash like this. A quick look to his kind deep blue eyes, and soft smile, and you realize...
Oh. Great. A total (very handsome) stranger took pity of you. 
You probably looked even worst than you felt. You were about to say this was a mistake, but before you could, he gave the bill to the barista, and left with a last smile to you, taking his own cup of coffee away with him. 
Damn. You didn’t have time to say “thank you”. He vanished as fast as he appeared, disappearing in the crowd of the busy coffee shop. 
“Here’s your change, m’am.” 
“Ah you know what ? Keep it buddy. Thanks for the coffee.” 
“Wow, thanks !” 
You were pretty sure that barista never had such a big tip, and it oddly made you feel better, to make someone else’s day like that. Your grandma did always say that you found true joy from helping others...
Oh, yeah, ok, you just helped someone out, why was the universe so angry at you ?! 
As you turned around and started to leave, almost at the exist of the shop, mood a little better after this nice encounter with a (again, handsome) stranger, and the barista, you see him. 
Him. One of the reason you sort of decided to take a gap year. 
Your ex-boyfriend, Eric, who cheated on you with your friend Monica. Needless to say, it wasn’t a good memory. And you hadn’t seen neither him nor her since you left college, especially not since you heard they actually got together. 
Your FRIEND. With your BOYFRIEND. And it went on for a while, before you finally discovered it (that day was as shitty as today...). 
Oh. And of course Eric wasn’t alone. She, was there too. The one you thought was your friend, and who stabbed you in the back like that. Both of them discarding you like a dirty old sock. 
Great. Really. Awesome. This day was going from “bad” to “please kill me.” 
“(Y/N) !” 
He looks surprised to see you, although also a little pleased. And it makes you want to punch him in the face. You don’t care if it’s because he wished things ended another way, they both betrayed your truth and then never even tried to talk to you again afterward. 
You’re not sure you would’ve forgave them, but at least, it would’ve shown they still cared about you in a way. Nobody chooses who they’re going to fall in love with (that, you’d soon discover for yourself). But she was your best friend. And he was with you for over a year. 
She’s a little more awkward than him, and smiles, clearly embarrassed. You always knew she was a bit of a coward, if she wasn’t, she would’ve face you, right ? 
And that’s when it happened. The decision that would forever change your life.
In this great moment filled with despair and awkwardness.
From the corner of your eyes, you saw that nice stranger who paid for your coffee. The handsome one. He didn’t leave the shop, but instead went to seat at a table that was a little further away than the rest of them. 
His eyes were glued to his phone, and you thought : “Well, fuck it, all this can’t get any worst right ?”
You were sort of hoping that, since he had been nice with you once and offered you those twenty dollars without knowing you (although you were very aware it was probably just pity), maybe he could help again ? 
Maybe it was the fatigue, the fact you were getting sadder and sadder, that you had a terrible day, and that you just saw two people you loved and who threw you away like you meant nothing (oh but not before being super fake to you, pretending they WEREN’T cheating behind your back)...maybe it was a combination of all of that, that made you act crazy. 
But here you found yourself, sitting at that stranger’s table, and saying, as he looked up from his phone clearly surprised : 
“How are you guys ? As you can see, I’m great.” 
You don’t dare to look at the handsome stranger, and hope he’ll be too stunned to say anything, and you can make your ex-friend and ex-boyfriend feel embarrass enough they’ll leave quickly. But then Monica says something that makes your heart skip multiple beats : 
“You...You know Bruce Wayne ?!” 
You turn to the man who gracefully paid for your coffee, and your eyes go wide. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. How did you NOT recognize him ?! Of course. Chiseled face, beautiful blue eyes, a suit that was definitely worth your entire year’s salary, a very charming aura...
Your hazy mind full of “fuck this day” didn’t register that THE Bruce Wayne, was the one who helped you out. How did you miss that ? His face had been plastered everywhere in Gotham for the past year, since he came back to the city, in fact. 
You hear yourself wish with all your might to be struck by lightning this instant, as the two assholes who hurt you so much are looking at you expectantly and are not about to live (of course, they just met celebrity BRUCE WAYNE !! Could someone be as unlucky as you were today ?!)
And that’s when you hear a chuckle, a beautiful deep chuckle, and finally turn to look at Bruce. He smiles at you, and takes your hand, saying : 
“Honey, who are your friends ?” 
Your brain go full “ERROR 404″, not quite able to grasp the fact that THE Bruce Wayne just ran with what you were trying to do. How ? How was this possible ? You initially went to sit with him in the hope that Eric and Monica would see you were totally ok and with a hot date, not quite sure still yet how you ever thought this was a good idea and...
It was turning out alright ?! 
HOW ?! 
“Oh um, I’m..Eric. And this is my gir...This is Monica.” 
What a piece of shit. Not even brave enough to call her his “girlfriend” when he cheated on you with her for months and months. You glare at him, unable to stop this gut reaction. 
And that’s something Bruce caught. 
In fact, as soon as you sat down, avoiding looking at him and nervously looking at those two people, Bruce sort of knew you were in an uncomfortable situation. One that made you take an irrational decision. 
And oh, he didn’t like the look Eric and Monica gave you. Like they felt superior as they caught you in a bad moment. Bruce hated, people who thought they were superior to others... 
And you clearly seemed in distress and in need of help so...He ran with it. 
Bruce had to pretend to be someone he wasn’t enough that it felt natural, to run along with what your hazy mind thought was a good idea. 
“Nice to meet you, are you friends with-” 
Damn it. He realized he didn’t know your name. Quick thinking saved him, and he managed to keep his tone even, as to hide his hesitation : 
“My love ?” 
His hand around yours felt warm and reassuring, and you still couldn’t believe that, not only a total stranger, but THE Bruce Wayne was helping you out like that. Especially after you had such a bad day. 
Him calling you his “love” made your exes feel very awkward, and they shake their head “no”, suddenly pretending they’re very busy and have to meet up with someone. They leave the coffee shop, clearly stunned, whispering things to each others that you knew were probably : “how did she get a guy like him ?!”
You can’t help but glare at them some more...But then your hand feels cold again, and you realize Bruce let go off it. Well. Duh. Of course he would. 
You turn to him, your feature softening, and say : 
“Are you an angel ?” 
Ah yes. Your defense mechanism. “Humor”. 
He chuckles, and says : 
“Well, I’m afraid not. My butler would think this is very funny. But thank you.” 
Awkwardly, you rub your neck, your free hand nervously turning your cup of coffee clockwise in your palm. You don’t really know how to end this, what : “thanks for that” and leave ? 
“Thanks for the coffee. And for um...Saving my ass, just there.” 
He smiles, and wow hello white teeth and charming dimples ?! 
“You’re very welcome. They looked like they were jerks.” 
“Haha oh you have no idea.” 
“Glad I could help.” 
“Thanks again. Really. This means a lot, especially since we don’t know each others. Well, I know you. Everyone in Gotham does haha. And ok I’m going to leave now, my lunch break is almost over and I don’t want to make this even more awkward.” 
You start to rise up, but he holds you back by catching your sleeve, and says : 
“Actually miss…?”
“(Y/L/N). (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
“Miss (Y/L/N), you are kind of saving my life right now.”
“…I am ?”
A flash blinds you. Not a lightning, a camera flash. You turn, just in time to see a guy hastily hiding a camera and running away. 
“What the...” 
“A paparazzi. Good timing, for once.” 
“Huh ?” 
You wish you had some witty come back, or would just know what to say. But you’re confused. And this has been a really weird day. 
“I am sorry if this will seem forward, or like I helped you wanting something in exchange. But I promise I will make it worth your while if you just sit back down and listen to me for a few minutes.” 
You sit back down. More because you’re unsure your leg can still support you in this moment, than because he asked you to. With a smile he continues : 
“Thank you. So. Let me explain a little, and again, sorry if this is too forward. If you don’t want to help of course, I would understand. I’m about to ask you something rather odd, I guess. And I’ll clear things up with paparazzis. I also promise I did not help you with your “friends”-”
“They’re not my friends.” 
“I figured that much. And I promise I didn’t help you with them and ran with whatever you were trying, just so I could ask you this.” 
“Ask me what ?” 
“Well, you see…it’s arranged marriage season.”
“What ?”
“Every year, every single rich family try to make me marry their single daughters. It’s a very tiring season, but I’ve never been able to avoid it…I thought about having a fake fiancee before but could never find the right person.”
What he says does not register with you. His clear proposal doesn’t hit your brain. And you just stare at him, waiting for him to keep going. But he doesn’t, and by the way he looks at you, you slowly starts to understand where he’s getting at. 
You gasp, now pretty sure this is all a dream (or a nightmare) and say : 
“And I’m the right person ?”
“Well, yes. You seem to be a...“normal” person.”
“In that case it’s good. It’s very good. It means that if I’m dating you, a woman that has nothing to bring me, then it must be true love.”
“Wow, stop with the flatteries already mister Wayne, I can’t handle it…”
Ah, your slight wits are back. Good sign that you’re regaining your senses. Everything that happened in the last ten minutes still feel like a bad dream, but you’re back in reality now. 
“No no no, I didn’t mean it in a demeaning way ! But it’s just, you’re not rich, and you’re not famous or have political ties. You’re just a regular person. So they won’t think I’m trying to trick them, even if I am, do you know what I mean ?”
“Gotcha. My broke ass person cannot bring you any value, so it must be love and not just an arranged thing they can break. Cool.”
There’s a slight silence. And you find it a little fun, to play a little bit with the famous Bruce Wayne. He seemed so confident and cocky on TV, you never thought you’d be able to make him look so guilty. 
“I’m sorry if I offended you.”
He says, clearly meaning it. But you shake your head and smile at him (and oh why does he feel his heart tightening slightly at your smile ?), and reassure him instantly (you feel a little bad, actually, to mess with him while he did just really do a huge favor to you while he had no obligations to) : 
“Haha, just messin’ around with ya Mster Wayne. I’m not bothered by it, it’s the truth. I’m really broke, and I don’t think you could find more “regular” than me right now. So, and because you really did save my ass from an extremely displeasing experience back there. And also because you allowed me to see those assholes’ face of surprise and “how did she manage that ?!”, tell me more about your plan, and let’s see if I can help you back.”
And so Bruce starts to explain to you how, every year, this beginning of Fall is the worst time ever, as it’s a moment where everyone seems to want to marry off their daughter. And of course, Bruce Wayne is a good “party”. 
The plan was fairly simple. You’d fake a relationship with him, so he could avoid all of this, and in exchange...Well. You’d gain a lot in exchange. 
This is how you started to really feel like you had fallen into a “romcom” by accident...You and Bruce, became an actual living trope. 
“And then when the “marrying season” is done, you can break it off.”
“I ?”
“Well yes, I can assure you you’ll gain quite a rep if you break up with me haha.”
You raise an eyebrow, unsure you like that sort-of overly confident side of him. But you can see something behind his eyes, like a slight unsureness as he looks back at you, trying to see if you’ll agree or not.
“I don’t really need a “reputation”.”
Breaking up with THE Bruce Wayne himself. For sure people would talk about it a lot, and maybe it would help open some doors for you ? But you felt a little odd taking advantage of this like that. 
Seeing that he hadn’t convinced you quite yet, he adds : 
“Of course, I will pay you.” 
What kind of Pretty Woman sort of nonsense was this ?! You were about to protest when he added, realizing how he sounded : 
“I mean, you ARE doing me a great service. You ARE going to have to act, you know ? An...actual job ? And I will be honest with you, it won’t be easy, to find yourself in the public eye. I think it definitely justify a salary.” 
Put that way, you had to admit that, well, yeah it sort of did. Especially since you knew how crazy tabloids were about Bruce Wayne. Becoming his “girlfriend” would definitely put you on the front lines. 
“And it would truly help me tremendously.” 
Your grandma always said it : “True joy comes out from helping others !” So. What if you benefit from it a little ? If it helps you financially, and you can get a little network out of it ? First rule of Alchemy (what a weeb) : “equivalent exchange” ! Plus, he did really help you with your coffee, but also with Eric and Monica so...
And hey, this gap year was meant to help you find what and who you wanted to be. Help you go through this little twenty-something crisis. And this ? Living a literal romantic comedy cliche by faking being someone’s girlfriend ? Well, it definitely felt like the kind of adventure that could help you figure things out.  
With a smile, you finally nod and shake his hand, not knowing quite yet in which mess you actually put yourself into...
Like every “secret mission”, this one too needed a “briefing”. 
A little meeting to put all the rules down, and the goals too. 
And here you were, feeling very out of place in a huge conference room in the biggest and tallest building in Gotham : “Wayne Tower”.  
The concierge stared at you for a very long time, when you said you were there to see Mister Wayne. No “nobody” like you ever called for his boss. 
Suspicious, as it was his job, he called security on you...Until it was finally cleared up that you DID have a meeting with Bruce Wayne ! 
Both the concierge, and the security guys, stared at you as you left to take the elevators they indicated to you, wondering who the hell had the kind of credentials to go all the way up there to see their boss ?! They didn’t recognize you from anywhere, not a model, not a famous politician or CEO, just...A regular person ? 
That was odd. And they noticed, it was odd. Which you assumed was what Bruce was aiming for, but it felt so awkward, to walk through this huge hall under their scrutiny. 
You finally arrived on the right floor, and oh look, some more staring. 
From his secretary, this time. She was used to see women coming to see her boss. But they’d usually wear Prada, and have plunging necklines full of pearls and fanciness. They weren’t...like you. 
You felt like it was easy, to know that you were just a “normal” person. You were definitely not wearing any designer clothes, and you were pretty sure the way you carried yourself made you super obvious. 
Hence all the staring. You could clearly see in her eyes, that she was wondering who the hell you were... 
She had her answer when Bruce came out of his office, and made a gesture as if he was going to throw his arm around your waist, and kiss you (which made you downright panic). But then, he looked awkwardly at his secretary, and instead just shook your hand. 
Something that DID NOT go unnoticed by his secretary. 
You saw how her eyes widen, and how she clearly hitched to take her phone out and call everyone...and you realized Bruce did this awkward thing because he knew his secretary, and her tendency to be a little gossipy. 
You’d discover later, in fact, that he hired her entirely because he knew if he said something, she would pick up on it and it would help him control rumors and such. Clever. 
For the moment though, he took you to a large conference room with huge windows. 
“I’m sorry for the weird “hello” back there, I wanted Shirley to think I was embarrassed to display affection to you in front of her. Usually, I do not mind at all. So doing it would make her think that-”
“I’m someone special to you.” 
“Exactly !” 
He smiles widely as you understood his plan (not sure how you felt about it, then again, that’s why you were here for, making sure you knew where both of you stood in all this), and then tells you he’ll be back in a few minutes. 
You have time to feel anxious and stressed before he finally comes back. 
“Sorry for the wait.” 
“Oh no, I bet you’re a busy man.” 
“Yes well. Anyway. Let’s get to it shall we ?” 
“Ok. So. I thought we’d settle sort of a little contract, so neither of us ever feel uncomfortable ?” 
“Sounds good, mister Wayne.” 
“Yes well first, please call me Bruce.” 
“Only if you call me (Y/N).” 
Oh and you two were still on the path of “romcom cliches”, with this conversation. He smiles, nods, and continues : 
“Ok, then I thought we could-” 
And so your fake relationship started, with some little ground rules. Like he could only kiss you after you gave him permission, if you ever felt overwhelmed everything would be called off, etc etc. 
Most rules were in your favor, to be honest. And WOW the paycheck he was going to give you for this little farce...Hey, maybe this gap year was finally gonna get interesting ?
Meeting the Little Buddy. 
It was sort of necessary. By then, Dick had been his son, officially, for a few months. He wasn’t calling him “dad” yet (and Bruce didn’t particularly want him to, at the time...ah but everything change one day, right ?), but they were already family. 
And it was a needed step. 
It wasn’t in the little “contract” you made, and honestly you could’ve refused to meet him but...Well, you liked kids. In another life, it felt like you could’ve been a teacher (A/N : AH, like in this story ;) : “Can you be my dad’s girlfriend, please ?” ). 
And you’d feel awkward, to fake a relationship and not ever meet his boy. 
The first time he saw you, it was at the Wayne Tower, and his eyes widened as he exclaimed : 
“Wow you’re so pretty ! Are you Bruce’s girlfriend ? You’re too good for him, you know.” 
You could feel your heart melt, how adorable this little guy was, right ? You chuckled, and almost full on laughed as you saw how vexed Bruce was by the comment. 
Not that he thought he was too good for you, no, he was just a little unhappy his son was stealing the show, and thought he couldn’t land someone like you...Oh but that, you couldn’t guess at the time, of course. 
“Nice to meet you, Dick. I’m (Y/N). And...I’m not really his girlfriend.” 
“Can you be mine then ?” 
You laugh again. You and Bruce had decided to tell him the truth, Bruce assuring you that kid was good at pretending too. You answer : 
“No, I’m saving him from marriage proposal.” 
“Oooooh !” 
Good at pretending. Dick had no idea what you were on about, but he was very good at acting as if he knew. 
It’s only way later, that he finally got it. By then, he already accepted you as : “his dad’s girlfriend”, and even knowing the truth, there was no way to change his mind. And to be honest, out of everyone, little Dick Grayson was probably the most aware of what the situation truly was. 
He had a knack, to notice how people felt. 
A “family” outing.
Two months in, and it was going GREAT. Faking a relationship was actually pretty easy. All you had to do was hanging out with him (and he was very nice to hang out with), and when a paparazzi was around, quickly kiss his cheek, or hold his hand, or let him put his hand in your hair...All those cute things new couples do. 
Today was one such small date. 
You could see Bruce was nervous, though.
After hanging around with him that many times, you started to know him a little better. Started to know he wasn’t really that persona he portrayed publicly.
He was actually quite a dork. What a pity, nobody else would ever know his real self...Yet, it made you happy you were one of the few in on the secret.
“Ok, out with it mister, what’s up ?”
He looks at you with such surprise in his eyes, as if it was the first time someone guessed what he was feeling...and, well, yes. It was. It was the first time someone who wasn’t Alfred got it. Someone realized something was on his mind. And asked him about it, didn't just ignore and move on. Actually cared to know. 
“Well ? Come on, I think literally nothing can surprise me by now, given you know, I’m faking a relationship with a billionaire, and it’s like, my job now.”
He smiles, and he couldn't possibly know how soft his look was, as he gazed at you.
“I...well, people don’t quite believe in us because-”
“WHAT ?! With all the “dates” and kisses and lovey dovey shit we did ?!”
He chuckles at your reaction, loving how honest you always were, and adds :
“The problem apparently is that you weren’t seen with my son yet, so many don’t believe we’re serious.”
You met Dick. Because it felt like a necessary step to yours and Bruce’s scheme. And you knew he knew this was all fake...But neither of you wanted to confuse the boy in any way so he was kept mostly out of the plan.
“I talked to him, and it’s actually really up to wether you’re comfortable with it or not. I know he wasn’t part of our contract, and I should’ve probably thought about it, I’m sorry. But um...If you’re ok with it, we could..Do things with him, too ?”
Bruce is really nervous; And you’re pretty sure no one but you (and maybe Alfred) ever saw him like that. It’s kind of...sweet. But you let the silence linger for too long and he hurries to say :
“You really don’t have to ! It’s ok if they don’t think we’re that serious and I get some proposals. I can manage ! You’re still a great help right now. It was just an idea. Dick is a very social kid, he would go along with anything and loves to do activities outside. He would be fine. But if you’re not then we can-”
“No. No no it’s...It’s ok Bruce. The few time I saw him, Dick did seem absolutely a peach to be around. And I always have fun with you, so sure, let’s organize a little something and show those bastards we’re totally real.”
You chuckle a little, your smile and carefree face making his heart skip a beat, for some reasons...Bruce also decided to ignore how happy it made him, to know you were always glad to be with him, and instead, he smiled and settled a date.
And here you were. In one of Gotham’s biggest park, opening a basket full of delicious sandwiches made by the one and only Alfred. Pretending to have a great family outing.
“Hey, hey look !”
Dick was absolutely amazing, at acting as if you were really a thing. As if you were really a “family”. Right now, he was doing flips and cartwheels, demanding your attention with avidity.
Bruce made sure to always hide his face from pictures (he was GREAT at noticing where paparazzis were hiding, a life of practice, you assumed), as he wanted to keep as much as he could his son’s privacy (especially after he made all the headlines when he lost his parents).
It was quite adorable. And...You were really having fun.
Dick was such a lively kid, and he was full of talents. The food was good, and it was so comfortable around Bruce. It felt so natural.
This wasn't all that bad. To fake being a family. A good use of your gap year, really. 
You purposefully decided to ignore the glint in the boy’s eyes. The way you sort of suspected for him, this was getting real, and not only pretend.
You and Bruce purposefully ignored it, actually. And you both felt shitty for it. Because not only were you risking to break that little boy’s heart when it was all over but...It was too hard to accept that maybe, maybe he was right.
And that all of this ? Might’ve not been as fake as you’d love to repeat yourself.
First Official outing. 
First gala. You were terrified. So far all you had to do was hang out with Bruce in the afternoon, there and there. It mainly consisted in him buying you coffee, and keeping the addiction to caffeine real, while talking about anything that would come to your mind. The conversations between you two was always fluid and pleasant. 
Or you’d go out with him and Dick, to do some fun things like mini-golf or catching a movie. Nothing too big and scary. It was mainly just you guys, no one else. 
It seemed like he knew where the paparazzis would be (most likely because he was “anonymously” tipping them off himself), and he’d take you on random short dates when he had time in between his work, slowly fueling the rumors Bruce was not a heart to steal anymore. 
And that he was dating a “commoner” ! (He hated this name for you, while you really didn’t mind that much). 
And this gala, was what made it completely official. Finally. It was your idea, to take things “slow”, and hang out with him and his son BEFORE hanging out in public areas like this. 
It was clever, really. To make it seems like you were trying to “hide” your relationship by being low-key, to then finally announce everything in public like that, at such an event. 
Bruce went to get a drink for the both of you, and you were looking around you, horrified at the mere idea that someone would come talk to you. 
But for some reasons, nobody seemed to dare. Maybe Bruce made sure that people would leave you alone ? Even as if you were clearly the talk of the evening, all eyes on you, and not even trying to be subtle ? 
You knew he did the same with little Dickie. That he made sure he was safe from the paparazzi and that no unsolicited journalist would come around him.
Thinking of it, where was the little one ? Usually, according to Bruce, whenever there was a gala he would spend his entire time near the food table, eating as much as he could, and he would come home feeling nauseous because of it...Haha sounded like Dick alright. That kid was so-
Oh oh.
Who was that sleazy looking gal talking to him ? He seemed so uncomfortable, yet too polite to brush her off...Oh no, she wasn’t one of them, was she ?
Without thinking twice about it, wether it was your place to do what you were about to do or not, you resolutely walked towards them.
“-Think it’s because he relates to you ? As both of you lost your parents in horrific situations, you know ?”
“I-I don’t know m’am.”
When you saw Dick’s distressed face, and his eyes slowly filling with tears, there was no doubt in your mind.
This woman was not supposed to be there, and was definitely not supposed to talk to that child...
This woman was a - shiver of disgust- tabloid journalist.
Your blood boiled as you saw her take a picture of the teary eyed Dickie, and you were standing protectively in front of him before you could even think about it. When you felt the boy clutch to your sleeve, hiding behind you and holding on for dear life, you knew you wouldn’t regret it.
“Can I ask you why you’re talking to that boy, please ?”
“What, it’s illegal to talk to fellow guests now ?”
“Lady, you’re well in your thirties. He’s eight. You have no right talking to him. Not only is it weird, but I know what you’re doing.”
“Oh, and pray tell, what am I doing, lovey ?” 
“You’re trying to get a story out of him. And you should be ashamed of yourself. He’s eight ! And from what I heard, you were asking some very disgusting things back there !” 
“Shut up.”
Your words came out harsh and determined, and the woman was so shocked she stayed silent for a while. You crouch down to Dick’s level, and ask : 
“Are you ok, my little buddy ?” 
He nods weakly, and then burst into tears as he launches himself in your arms, clinging to you tightly. You turn your head towards the woman, glaring at her so fiercely she doesn’t dare to take a picture of the scene, even as she knows she could sell them for a golden price. 
“You should be ashamed of yourself. He’s just a child !” 
The woman was about to say something else, something you knew would fuel your anger further, when Bruce arrived, and it was clear from his face that he was not happy. 
A quick look to you holding his crying son in your arms, and to the lady with the camera in her hands, and he understand what happened. With a cold voice you never heard him use before, he says : 
“I suggest you leave the area now, before I force you to.” 
There was something almost scary, in his demeanor. Almost like...No. Impossible. In any case, you didn’t worry about it much, drawing soothing circles with your hand on Dick’s back, trying to calm him. 
People around quickly stopped staring as they met Bruce’s assassin glare. It was not secret, that he was very protective of his son. And of his new girlfriend, apparently. 
You picked the little boy in your arms (Dick, at the time, was still so tiny), and Bruce comes closer, trying to soothe him too. And it really looked like all this was real...
Dick fell asleep in Bruce’s arms shortly after that, and was still there when it was time for the gala official pictures. Not wanting to wake him up, for once, Bruce allowed people to photograph the boy, as long as they did not frame his face. 
He laid his free hand on the small of your back, and just like you got used to those past months, you pretend to be head over heels for him and have one of your own arm around his waist.  
“Would you please allow me to kiss you on the cheek, for the cameras ?”
His question is so sweet, softly whispered in your ears. And you felt like a tease tonight, and maybe a little tipsy too. You tell him : 
“On the cheek only ? Let’s give them a show no ? Let them forget about what happened with Dick.”
Of course, you’re only joking, but there’s a light in Bruce’s eyes you haven’t seen before and...It disappears quickly. He chuckles, of that low chuckles that would charm anyone in the world, and says :
“I don’t want to force you to do anything you wouldn’t want to. Actually kissing me, I realize, might be too much.”
You know he caught on your joke, but you can’t brush off that light in his eyes that ignited when you suggested to kiss him...You don’t know why, and it feels you’re not controlling your own words, as you hear yourself say :
“Oh because kissing you would be such a horrible thing wouldn’t it ? Oh my, you’re only one of the handsomest man in Gotham, a rather attractive fella, how could I handle kissing you ? So disgusting !”
Your tone is teasing, and a little bit challenging. He catches on that, too. He answers : 
“But I am merely here to serve. I will do as you wish. You only have to say the words.” 
His smile fills your vision. His face. And the way he softly holds your waist, even as his other arms is carrying his son (the man was BUILT). And you think...Well, fuck it ! It was time for the first (fake) kiss, right ? 
Right here, in front of the cameras, where everyone was seeing you. Making it go full circle. Making it “official”. 
“Kiss me then, if you dare.” 
You simply say. Releasing a breath you were unaware you were keeping in. And he feels his heart squeeze, and as if he’s sweating a bit. When was the last time he was nervous about kissing a woman ? 
He couldn’t remember. 
And then he kisses you, the flashes of cameras slowly fading away as his lips melt onto yours. 
Wow. What a perfect, and nice, first kiss. 
As fake as it might be.
Your room. 
Your room at Wayne Manor was bigger than your entire apartment. 
You and Bruce decided that sometimes, so you wouldn’t raise any suspicion, you’d sleep at the Manor. Paparazzi were so on top of everything, it would seem weird if he was in a “committed relationship” and you never slept at his place. 
So Alfred settled a room for you. 
Oh. Alfred ! You met him not long ago, and he was the best ! 
It felt like he could magically guess what you wanted when you wanted it, and magically appeared with that warm cup of tea you craved, or that meal you’ve been thinking about all day. 
But beyond that, he was genuinely nice and made sure to make you as comfortable as possible. He showed you around, and his conversation was so pleasant ! 
You could actually see a lot of Bruce in him. Or, rather, it was evident that Alfred had raised Bruce most of his life, because they had a lot of similar mannerism, and were both kind and caring (Ah, imagine if Superman knew what you thought of Bruce, how crazy it’d sound to him eh ? But of course, that you’d discover way WAY later). 
You never went to explore much when it was time to go to bed, too afraid to get lost. This place was huge, and you never quite had a good sense of orientation. 
One could only wonder, what would you have discovered if you ever dared to wake up during the night, and explore his home ?
Build a Bear. 
Sometimes, Bruce really had to wrack his brain for original date ideas. Ever since he came back to Gotham, his dating days consist of pretending to sleep with every model in the World. 
He’d take them to fashion shows, to galas, to charity events...All very public places, unsuitable for a “serious” relationship like he was hoping to make yours and his pass for. 
Enter : Clever little Dickiebird, who always had an idea (and who might’ve been the best wingman someone like the Batman needed...that, of course, he’d discover it way, WAY later) :
“You can take her to a build a bear !” 
“Build...a bear ?” 
“Yeah, you know. You go and you make your own teddy bear !” 
“I do know, I took you to get Chester - the name of Dick’s favorite plushie toy now, and maybe with which he slept-. But...For a date ?” 
“What ? It’s cute and intimate !” 
“Huh ?” 
It has been a long time, since Alfred Pennyworth had to hold his laughter in that hard, and try to stay impeccably neutral. And there, faced with his master Bruce, who was known as the “ultimate womanizer”, the “perfect playboy”, and who was currently taking advice from his eight years old son...It was really hard to keep a straight face. 
It was also incredibly adorable. Especially how Bruce seemed to genuinely listen to the little one, unaware that he seemed actually way too interested for things just to be for his “fake relationship” to be more convincing. 
Not that Alfred was going to tell Bruce anything. 
“Dick, you know (Y/N) isn’t really my girlfriend, right ?” 
The way the boy talked about taking you to a date, felt to Bruce like he was forgetting this was all fake. And it was important to remind him.
But Dick had to invoke all the efforts in the world to not roll his eyes as to say : “sure she isn’t”, by now, it was oh so obvious to everyone but you and Bruce that there was a very real thing forming between you two. 
Instead, he said : 
“But you’re suppose to make the public really believe it right ? If you take her to build a bear, I can assure you they will think you guys are the real deal.” 
Bruce pondered this for a little bit, and realized that his son was right. It did seem like a cute and intimate date to bring your girl to, even if she was your fake girl...
Ah. Bruce forgot his own words. “Dick is great at pretending.” He is. He really is. Just like right now, he was pretending his idea was completely innocent, while he knew it would bring you two ever so closer. 
That whenever you’d see those bears you were going to build in your home, you’d think of one another. And remember fondly of the memory. 
And oh. Oh that boy was right. 
Your bear was sitting proudly on your couch, and every time you saw it, you remembered how clumsy Bruce had been, filling his own bear up. And how cute he was, carefully thinking of his options. 
And every time Bruce saw his own bear, that Alfred, for some reason, settled in the Batcave on the “trophy shelves” (and for some reason Bruce didn’t take it off of it...), he couldn’t help but think how he had genuine fun that day. 
Genuine fun, for the first time in what felt like ages. And how your smiling and giggling face didn’t seem to leave his mind, whenever he saw that bear...
Conniving traitors. 
“We both agree, he’s in love with her right ? He’s just too dense to realize it.” 
“Oh yes, young Master Richard, he definitely is. And he is dense, at times.” 
“Should we do anything ?”
“No more than what you’re already doing.” 
“Which is ?” 
“Which is continuing to push them in the...Right direction.”
“Oh ! I get it ! I’ll keep going Al’!” 
“And I’m sure you’ll make miracles, young master.” 
Dick’s smile to the old butler was so pure and happy, that Alfred had a hard time keeping his composure once again. 
And oh. Oh how he wish they were right, and that his Master Bruce would FINALLY allow himself to be happy... 
Rumors and Truth 
Bruce was just a tiny bit older than you. 24, according to his wikipedia page. 
And you couldn't help but be a little jealous, as you were looking at the page to re-enroll yourself in Gotham’s university, knowing he was done with college.
Then again, he was obviously a genius and would’ve been done faster than you anyway, even if you were the same age, since he finished his PhD just the year before, while most people don't even START their doctorate until they're around 23/24. 
Mmmm. Made you think. Was this just yet another rumors about the man ? 
Maybe not, after all it was proven he started college at age 14, and in Ivy Leagues ones, all across the world. 
From Cambridge, to Oxford, without forgetting La Sorbonne (A/N : by the way, this is canon haha, Bruce really did start college that early and went to many different places, and honestly, is anyone surprised ?). 
This wasn't really something you absolutely couldn't believe, compared to other crazy rumors about him. And you knew he WAS smart. 
By then, you couldn't count how many things were circulating about him, and how hard it was to know the truth from just plain old rumors. 
He had over a thousand lovers, he had MORE than one PhD (impossible, right ?), he had died once but survived somehow, he was part of a cult, he often lost his status as a billionaire because he gave so much money to charities and such, but his companies meddled in so many areas that his bank account was always filled more and more…
Honestly that last part didn't really surprise you. You saw him gave his money away to things he cared about (like education and medical care) without a second thoughts, so the fact he constantly oscillated between "billionaire" and "multi-millionaire" didn't really surprise you, not when you knew him like you did now. 
You totally trusted the rumors that said that by now, he gave away more than he currently owned. It sounded like him alright…But how to know the truth from the downright crazy ? Did he really have a PhD or was this just an addition to how special and different Bruce Wayne was in Gotham ? What kind of PhD did he have anyway ? 1000 lovers, really ?!
So many questions. And not a lot of answers. Even if you grew closer (as friends, of course), Bruce was still somewhat of a mystery to you. 
He never really tried to dismiss rumors, even the bad ones (unless they touched his son). Which made you wonder if they were true or not. And you really, really, for some reasons, wanted to know more about him...
“Is something the matter ?” 
He asks. Oh goddamn you, day dreaming on one of your regular “coffee date”. 
You shake your head, sipping on your drink and say : 
“Was just thinking about...Tabloids.” 
He frowns. For understandable reasons.
“I was just thinking about wether some rumors were true or not.” 
“What do you think is not true ?” 
“I don’t really know, and you never really say a rumor is false so it’s hard to know.” 
“Do you want to know anything in particular ?” 
Bruce knows it’s dangerous, to let you enter his private life like that. There’s a reason, after all, why he never dismisses any rumors. 
It helped build his fake persona, and take away any suspicions that he might be the infamous Batman. 
But he felt weak, around you. As if he just wanted to please you, no matter what. Sometimes, he felt dangerously close to just tell you : “ask me anything and I’ll tell you the truth”, even if it meant revealing his night activities...
Crazy, right ? 
He knew it was. And that he shouldn’t let it happen. Yet here he was, asking if you wanted to know something. Craving your attention. It felt so unlike him. But...You seemed to unlock a certain part of him. 
The one that didn’t die with his parents, and remained hidden. The one that was the old little Bruce, full of hope, honesty and happiness. Full of wish for the future...Even if he knew there was none. 
“How was college, for you ?” 
You hear yourself asking, really wondering if it was true he was 14 when he started, and if it was...How different you guys were, right ? You were 21 right now, and taking a gap year after two years of college...When he was your age, he had already finished a master (or even maybe two). 
"My college years were actually pretty boring, and unlike some rumors say, weren't particularly wild. I was really young."
"Ah, I heard the rumors."
"Those are true, I'm afraid haha."
"Afraid ? You're a genius !"
Which is why you found, more and more, his "himbo" persona to be odd. WHat was Bruce Wayne trying to hide ? Mmm…
Bruce recognized that look in your eyes. The look of someone who was onto something, and it was too frightening to let it happen. So he said :
"Yes well, I feel I missed a lot, during those years. Which is why I make it up now hahaha !"
His boisterous laughter seemed genuine, and totally fooled you. You couldn't always be on top of everything eh ? And this, did answer your question about his himbo persona…Oh, Bruce was good.
And he knew it. He trained for years, to make sure nobody would ever even suspect him to be Batman.
But he had to be careful with you. He knew it. It was obvious. You weren't that easy to fool…
The Day Batman saved you. 
The fact he had to be careful with you was confirmed not long after. When, as Batman, he came to your rescue.
He should’ve known, that even with a voice changer, and a mask covering most his face, plus a demeanor that was completely different from his usual one, you’d still get suspicious...He should’ve known because he, by then, knew you quite well. 
But, what ? Was he suppose to just let you get mugged ? 
He couldn’t. 
Even if in the grand scheme of things, it would’ve been better, and he would definitely intervene if it got too rough...He couldn’t. 
He couldn’t bear the thought of you getting hurt, or feeling distressed.
He knew this was stupid. That he shouldn’t get so attached. That muggings weren’t really his area of expertise, that to stop them, he had to hit the big bosses. He knew. Small thugs weren’t his target. He had a much bigger vision. And rationally, he should be somewhere else right now. 
Yet he couldn’t resolve himself to. Because, and that was a dangerous thought and feeling, he was in l- 
“Why are we spying on your girlfriend ?” 
Dick’s voice takes him out of his reveries, good. It WAS getting dangerous. Still keeping you in his field of vision (you were slowly going back to your apartment, a few minutes still, and he could leave to do other things knowing you were safe and sound in your home), he answered :  
“We’re not spying on her, we’re making sure she’s safe. And she’s not my girlfriend, you know that.” 
“Oh yeah ? We’ve been following your “totally not girlfriend” since the night started, awfully looks to me like we’re um, you know, stalking her.”
“We’re not.” 
Bruce gives an annoyed look to his son, who had way too big a smug face right now, and says : 
“The night is calm, if something comes up we’ll go. But right now, it’s alright. And it has been made official, that she and I are a couple.” 
“Fake couple.” 
“Fake one to us, not to the public eye.” 
“Ooooooh !” 
Connections were quickly made in the boy’s head, and he understood why they were following her. After all, this was Gotham. And if THE Bruce Wayne had ONE known lover...Well, it was easy to know it’d attract some nasty business. 
Dick was about to make a smug remark of which he had a talent for, when it happened. He pointed at you, fear in his eyes, and Bruce focused your way again. 
“Stay here.” 
“What why ?! I wanna help her too !” 
“Because she’s too smart not to put two and two if she sees you with me. She knows us in our day lives. She’ll recognize us for sure, if we’re together.”
“Just stay still, ok ?” 
Without a second thought, Bruce jumped down in the street down below, under Dick’s worried eyes. If anything happened to you, he knew his dad would never be the same again. 
And he knew he couldn’t bear to lose yet another person he cared about. Even loved. Yes. Yes Dick loved you, as if you really were part of his family...
The months of “faking” family outings made it so. Your worst fear happened. Dick was getting attached, hardcore. And he really hoped you and Bruce would figure out you were actually in love with each others before the end of your “contract”, and before his sometimes very dense dad would decide to let you go...
For now though, he was anxiously looking at Bruce making his way to you, after he spotted a suspicious group of men genuinely stalking you. 
“Hey pretty girl, can we talk ?” 
You stop in your track, turning around, cursing yourself for not having the instinct to just take off running. Oh. But you can see at least one of them has a gun. You can’t run faster than a bullet... 
“Ah it is you, isn’t it ?” 
You don’t answer, knowing what they mean. Bruce sort of warned you against this. But you didn't take his warnings seriously, and here you were, going home at night, something he definitely told you not to do. 
You just couldn’t sleep that night, and needed a walk...And here you were. 
“You’re gonna come nicely with us, right ?” 
“I dont’ think so.” 
Uh ? You’re pretty sure that weird robotic voice wasn’t yours. Even if that’s exactly what you wanted to say. And that’s...oh wow. 
That’s when you see him. Batman. 
Immediately, the atmosphere grow even tenser. And you can see the thugs who wanted to take you with them fearfully looking at him. 
“This has nothing to do with you Batman, leave us alone, we didn’t do anything wrong !” 
“It has everything to do with me. Leave.” 
“We have to-You don’t understand. We have to take her to-” 
“Nowhere. Leave.” 
Even if he was protecting you, you had to admit that, that dude was frightening. He had his back to you, and even then, he looked so intimidating and tall and broad...
Bruce was tall and broad too. But he was soft and sweet, not scary at all.
One of the thug had a gun pointed at Batman. Right at his head. He didn’t have the time to enforce his helmet yet, and if he shot around his mouth, he was done for...
A rock coming out of nowhere hit the thug right in the face. 
Coming out of nowhere ? To you, maybe. But Bruce knew that this was little Dickie’s doing. “Robin always has Batman’s back”, he said often...
For the time being, the one taking his gun out being knocked out triggered a “fight or flight” reaction in the others, and as two took off running (and were mysteriously hit by rocks too, knocking them out), three decided to attack Batman. 
Bad move. 
Very bad move. 
In a matter of second, it was over. 
He turns to you, and it’s hard to discern any emotions with his lighted eyes and mask. He asks : 
“Are you alright, (Y/N) ?” 
“How-How do you know my name ?”
“Well, you’re Bruce Wayne’s girlfriend, right ?” 
There was no hesitation in Bruce’s voice as, as soon as he pronounced your name, he knew he messed up...but he trained himself to think quickly. And this “fake” relationship was a perfect excuse, of course. Everyone in Gotham knew about you two, by now. 
“Oh, right, ok.” 
You seemed a bit disappointed, and Bruce couldn’t quite understand why...
It only hits him later, as he was going to bed, why you looked like that. And it made hi heart beat widely. Because he was pretty sure that it was because you sort of hoped Bruce talked to “Batman about you...Oh...Oh this was getting dangerous. 
But of course, Bruce had a reputation to be the one funding Batman’s gadget (a really good cover for the fact he was actually Batman). So they’d know each others...
But right there and then, as he just saved you, you felt so stupid, hoping that Bruce would’ve talked to you to Batman. Why would he ? How the hell would your name even show up in a conversation between Bruce Wayne and Batman (but oh, if you knew you occupied his thoughts many times, and who he really was, maybe you’d feel less bad ? It was, in a way, Bruce talking about you to Batman, right ?). 
You smiled weakly and shyly at this impressive being in front of you, and thanked him one more time. He nods, smiling too (oh ?), and bid you farewell. 
Ah. But Bruce didn’t notice your eyes go wide, as he took off with his grappling hook, and you caught the side of his face in a certain light...
Fake ?
"You know, he smiles more when you’re around.” 
Dick tells you once, you look at him curiously, as he continues : 
“And before you say it’s “all pretend”, let me tell you there’s a difference between this smile and the fake one. Look, that’s how he pretend.” 
On that note, he looked at you and smiled widely, exaggeratedly, but his smile didn’t reach his eyes. And it was so like how Bruce portrayed himself in public, that it made you chuckle. 
It also scared you a little. 
Not because there was a possibility Bruce did smile more around you, but because as that little boy was being silly, and now imitating his adopted father further and oh so perfectly...You felt a surge of love for him. 
And that wasn’t good. 
Because the day, which was coming soon now, you’d have to “dump” Bruce Wayne, you wouldn’t be able to see that little one again...why would you ? 
It’d be too weird, right ? Someone like you, once “broken up”, would have no reasons or ways to ever interact with billionaire Bruce Wayne or his son ever again. 
That little boy was the sweetest child you ever met. He suffered a great loss so early in his life, and there he was, making you laugh and being nice by saying you made his dad genuinely smile. 
It hurt, to know that one day, you wouldn’t see him again. That he’d grow up, and you wouldn’t know what he became. 
You were sure he was destined to become a great man, and you wished you could see it...No. No this was bad. This was so bad. 
“I mean it you know.” 
His little voice brings your attention back to him. 
“I think you make him happy. With you, it feels he can be himself. He laughs more, really laughs. And it’s often that he tells me “oh this makes me think of (Y/N)” and calls you. He doesn’t need to call you for the fake relationship thing, right ? Yet he does. That means something. I think he likes you.” 
You shake your head, smiling at this little boy’s wild imagination. No way. No way was THE Bruce Wayne falling for you in any way. Were you guys becoming real friends ? Sure. But it definitely stopped there. Right ?
Oh but if only you knew Dick had a knack to see this kind of things, and to guess people’s real feelings. If only you knew, that yes, Bruce was starting to fall for you...It would make the next episode way less painful for you. 
“Catch me dead before you catch me catching feelings” - You to yourself, a few days before starting a fake relationship with THE Bruce Wayne. 
“Fuck you” - You to yourself, almost six months in faking a relationship with Bruce Wayne. 
This was...bad. 
Soon enough, you and Bruce will break this entire deal off, you will “dump” him, and you’d go on your separate ways. And...
This was bad. 
Catch those body shivering “feelings”. 
Not just for Bruce though. But for the little buddy too. 
You felt yourself fall for Bruce slowly, and as if it was completely out of your control. But you also felt like if Dick wasn't in your life anymore...You wouldn’t feel whole again. Like he was sort of your son, too, by then. 
This was so bad. How did you get yourself in this mess ? What was that FIRST rule you gave yourself when all this started ? 
Right, “Catch me dead before I catch feelings”. Damn it. 
Thanks GOD the “marrying season” was finally coming to an end. Both you and Bruce settled you’d wait a few weeks after it to make your break-up official, so nobody would be tempted to cancel any wedding plans to try and force their daughter onto him.  
And it couldn’t happen soon enough. 
Being around him now, faking being in love, was torture to you. 
Kissing him knowing he felt nothing. Holding his hand in public while you knew in your heart he was just putting a show still. And hanging out with him feeling that you had absolutely no chance of this ever evolving...
It hurt.
It hurt so bad. 
And you were slowly hoping you never agreed to being his fake girlfriend. Being a living cliche, the money and the fame were REALLY not worth the heartache. 
So not worth it...
The end...?
"Well mister Wayne, it has truly been a pleasure to be your "girlfriend" haha. Seriously, I had a lot of fun, and a little revenge on life. You know, I saw Eric and Monica not long ago. They tried to become my friends again, knowing I was with you. It was great, to ignore them like they ignored them. You’re right, they’re really not worth it. And honestly I still don’t think we’re even after they hurt me like they did but...In the end, they looked so outraged. Win-win, really. Thank you very much."
"Thank YOU, for playing along and doing more than you bargained for. You really saved me a lot of hassle and…I had fun, too."
Your taxi was pulling in front of the Manor, and honked as he parked. Clearly, not a very patient driver.
"Well, see you around, Bruce ! If you're not too busy, you know…I kinda consider you a friend by now ?"
"Me, too."
Bruce lied. A "friend" ? No, it couldn't cover and explain all his feelings for you. A "friend". How ridiculous.
As you walked away, giving him a last smile, Bruce felt a pang in his chest.
A painful and yet happy one. A longing one. One that told him that "friend" wasn't what he wanted to be…Not anymore…
But was there really a future for you and him ? Probably not. His nightly activities would get in the way. You deserve more than the life he could give you. Being his "fake" girlfriend, you only took part in his public matters. Part in a fake world full of nice things, that was far from his actual life.
"Friend", he wished he could be more to you than this.
But he knew.
He knew that for your own good, he had to stay away. And oh, oh how he wished he could be more than just your "friend" or "fake" boyfriend. 
Yet he watched as you walked away. Without doing anything. 
He watched you leave, and felt the hole in his heart expand a little more. But didn’t try to catch you, or stop you from leaving. 
And your taxi was already far, now. On its way to Gotham. 
"So you gonna run after her oooor…??"
Dick's little voice takes him out of his reveries.
“Mmm ?” 
“(Y/N). Are you gonna run after her, or stand there looking like a sad puppy for the rest of your life ?” 
“I do not look like a sad puppy.” 
“Yes you do, and you know it. Come on dad, why are you doing this ?” 
This was the first time Dick called him dad. Which didn’t go unnoticed to Bruce. It meant...It meant something was definitely happening. He felt it in his heart. Something that was dangerous. Oh so dangerous. 
Hope. Like the “old Bruce” had. Hope. Full of it. Before his parents were murdered in front of him, for no reasons. Meaningless. 
To have a family again. Ah. But...Being with you was impossible. And Dick would be enough. He would. He was already enough... 
“How long are ya gonna torture yourself exactly ?” 
That boy was too smart for his own good. Bruce said : 
“I’m not. I just...I can’t be with her.” 
“I cAn’T bE wITh hEr !! ...Why ?!” 
“You saw what happened, when it was made official we were together. She almost died.” 
“And you saved her. Your point being ?” 
“Don’t -he takes a mock Bruce voice- “Dick” me mister ! You’re afraid to be happy, and I won’t have it. You gave me another chance to have a family. A dad. And I’m not about to let my dad punish himself for feeling good. You told me yourself my parents would like for me to be happy. Well yours would too, you big idiot ! So now, you listen to me.” 
Dick, meaning business, jumps on the stairs’ bannister to sort of be on eye level with Bruce, and says, pointing his finger at him : 
“You take one of those fancy useless sport car, and you run after her. Capish ?” 
There’s a moment of silence. During which Bruce is unsure of what to do. And then...Then he smiles at his son. 
His son. 
“Capish”, he simply says, and he rushes towards the garage’s entrance, under Dick’s happy look. 
Bruce’s car was leaving the estate, when Alfred joined Dick at the front door. 
“You did it, Master Richard.” 
“I hope I did !” 
“Oh you did. You did. Thank you. Thank you for taking care of my son...”
Dick turned to Alfred, who couldn’t keep a straight face this time. Small tears gathered in the old man’s eyes, and sweet little Dick did not hesitate one second before jumping into his arms and giving him one of his famous “Grayson special” hug. 
It’s real. 
Back to square one. 
You. A bad day. Looking like a mess (this time not because of the rain, but because you cried a lot). Your gap year almost over and still not knowing who you were. With no coffee, but at least, you had a tub of ice cream. 
You already missed Bruce. And Dick. And Alfred. 
You couldn’t believe those six months of “faking” would end up meaning so much to you, and feel so devastating as they ended. 
You wish you had never met Bruce. And that you’d been ridiculed by Eric and Monica, that your life would still be pathetic...Pathetic maybe, but at least, your heart wasn’t completely shattered. 
You don’t hear the hurried knocks on your door, at first. Entranced by your own sadness. It’s only when they become loud and insistant you react. 
You really hope it’s not a journalist. They sort of tried to talk to you so many times, since you “dumped” Bruce...You knew he made sure that they’d stay away, but some were particularly persistent. 
Including that awful woman from the charity, who was asking Dick those horrible questions. “Vicky Vale”, was her name, apparently. What a witch. 
Clearly, the knocking wasn’t gonna go away, so you stood up, settled your tub of ice cream on your coffee table, and went to the door, ready to fight if need be. 
But there was no need for fights. 
At least, not in the literal sense of the term. 
“Bruce ?” 
He seems out of breath. Incredible, given how in shape he was. He doesn’t really leave you any time to say anything else, as he blurts out :
“I was wrong.”
He blurts out out of nowhere, and you’re even more confused. Before you could ask what was all this about, he adds : 
“I was wrong. When I said you were the right person because you were “normal”. You’re everything, BUT “just a regular person”. You’re the most fantastic woman I’ve ever met. You decided to help a total stranger just because. I know I helped you before, but it doesn’t compare to what you did for me. Especially on a matter that seems so silly to me now. You put yourself in a very awkward position for someone you didn’t even know. In front of the public, for a guy like me. You knew I was a “playboy”, and that I could very well use you. Yet you still put up with it. You accepted my son, even as you didn’t have to. Even as, just like me, you are so young. You were nice to Dick, even if all you needed to do was pretend. You’re...You’re...You’re just something else entirely. It feels like you know me, the real me. Like you can read my very soul. Like you’re the only one for me. I’ve known for a long time. I ignored it because I was afraid of what that meant but...but a certain little one made me realize this was time. It’s time to move on. It’s time to allow myself to be happy. And so, here I am.”
Was this...it ? The point of your gap year ? To discover that finding yourself...Meant finding your soulmate ? 
It sounded silly. While at the same time, not. Because you felt it. You felt it deep within you. From the moment Bruce handed you that twenty dollars bill, fate was in motion. 
You meeting Eric and Monica wasn’t bad luck. It was the opposite. It was the Universe’s push towards your real Destiny. 
Towards Bruce. 
“You’re not saying anything. Is this bad ? Or does it mean I blew your mind away ? I’m clearly hoping for the latter...”
Over the months, you discovered how huge of a dork Bruce Wayne could be. Even as if there was often a darkness right behind his smiles. Deep within his eyes. You discovered he wasn’t always this cocky arrogant man he portrayed himself to be while in public. How he was actually pretty funny and oh so empathetic. How...How so many things, the list seemed endless in your mind. 
And it only added to everything, that he looked so unsure. And so you smile. You just smile at him. And everything you feel is in that smile. 
You don’t even realize you’re holding each others now, and that you’re kissing...
It’s not pretend this time. 
A real first kiss. 
Though maybe all your kisses until now weren’t as fake as you pretended them to be. 
In any case, this, right now, is a real kiss alright. 
A real one. 
Full of all the pent up emotions. Free of all the fear and hurt you both felt as you realized you were in love with the other one, yet you thought things were all “fake”. 
Because it wasn't fake. It wasn’t. 
“I love you.” 
You don’t know who said it first. You, or him. You felt so in sync, that it didn’t matter. What is sure, is that you both said it. Before you closed the door to your apartment, leading him in. 
Before you spend the night in each other’s arms.
Bruce not even thinking about going out as Batman..
For the first time in years, he decided to fully embrace being happy. 
“You always told me my parents would wish for me to be happy, well yours too !” Dick said. And oh, he was so right.
By the way, I’m Batman. Surprise. 
“It’s not like I didn’t know, you know.” 
“Huh ?” 
Oh. Oh the delight to see that surprised expression on Bruce’s face. It was quite a rare one, really. And as he finally gathered the courage to tell you who he really was, risking losing you in the process but wanting to show you his full self...
It was particularly delightful. 
“Busted you on that night you saved me. As if I wasn’t going to recognized that jawline.” 
“Wait, really ? I really thought you bought my lies !” 
“Well now, you know not to underestimate me.” 
A natural smile reaches his face, and he approaches you, pulling you to him, and laying a soft kiss on your lips. Feeling fully accepted and loved, like never before. And he could see you-
“Oh NO EWWWWWW !!!” 
You pull away from Bruce’s kiss (noticing his slow grumble, displeased to lose  your warmth), and look at little Dickie (your son too, now !), staring at you two, looking disgusted. 
“Get a ROOOOM !!” 
This makes you laugh. A lot. And oh. Oh how would you ever guess, in that moment, that one day, this “get a room !!” said in such a disgusted tone would be the trademark of your children (SIX OF THEM) whenever they’d see you and Bruce display any sort of affection to one another ? 
You couldn’t guess, of course. But even in that moment, as you softly laughed, in Bruce’s arms, while looking at your son now making exaggerated noises and acting silly, you knew this...
This was what you’ve been looking for during this gap year. 
This was who you were. 
Right there. 
At the heart of a loving family, even if right now, it was just the three of you (four, let’s not forget Alfred !). 
The end. 
And here we are. I hope you liked it ? I feel particularly nervous about this one haha. Don’t hesitate to leave a little comment and reblog :),  It’s always greatly appreciated, and encouraging :D. Thanks in advance, and see you soon with a new story ! 
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elareine · 3 years
If you could, can you please write JayTim or RoyTim (whichever one you want) trying to be romantic and woo Tim (maybe with some puns, I love puns), but Tim is a bit oblivious towards it, because the other is so cool, therefore they must be trying to make friends and be nice with him and nothing more. So when he does finally realize its an italicized "Oh" moment.
Hi lovely!! Thank you for waiting so patiently for this fill. I... ended up making it JayRoyTim, I hope that's okay? It just fit so well, but I can totally write something else with JayTim or RoyTim for you if you want :)
Also, it turned out to be about pick-up lines more than wooing, sorry. I might’ve gone overboard with googling the puns. It's long enough that I put it on ao3, too. What's your username on there? Then I'll gift it to you.
if you were a transformer (you’d be optimus fine)
“Well, here I am.”
Tim looks up, utterly confused. “I didn’t call for you, but… that’s… great?”
Roy waggles his eyebrows. It looks faintly disturbing. Redheads should maybe not do that. Or, actually, Tim revises mentally, thinking of literally every other redhead Dick ever dated—that’s just Roy. “What are your other two wishes?”
“Coffee and some silence to finish working this case?”
Roy looks weirdly deflated at that, but he does get him some coffee. Tim soon forgets about it.
(“How’d it go?”
“Does obliviousness run in the family?”
“Yes. Yes it does. Have you met Bruce?”
“…okay, fair. Your turn next.”)
“Jason? What’re you doing here?”
Sure, Jason and Roy have been spending a lot more time in Gotham lately. Something to do with a case, Tim assumes. Maybe even with the one that they worked on together in Star City five months ago?
Anyway. They’ve been around, is what Tim is saying. Not at the manor, but at Tim’s apartment and his workspace, cause apparently it’s not worth rebuilding their safe house after it went up in flames, and Bruce and Damian are too often at Dick’s place. He’s not exactly surprised to see either of them anymore. (Pleased, yes. But not surprised.) However, Tim has no fucking clue why Jason is currently grinning at him from the other side of the library desk.
At least Tim has the good sense to check his name tag before he gasps: “Jason?”
“Oh, hey, Tim.” Jason’s grinning. “Guess you figured out my new job, huh?”
“Yeah.” Tim shakes his head. “Color me surprised.” So this is what Jason’s spending his days doing. He’s gotta be shadowing someone, right? Tim’ll ask him tonight.
“I’ve always liked this place.” Jason’s gaze is far away for a moment. Tim badly wants to know what he’s remembering. Then the older man seems to come back to himself and gives Tim a weird—maybe angry?—look. “It’s a good thing I’m a librarian, too, cause I’m totally checking you out.”
“Alright, I can take a hint.” Tim grabs his book and demonstratively walks over to the self-service scanners. Really. How rude.
(“Are you telling me he managed to resist you in your cardigan?”
“Aww. C’mere, babe.”)
So Roy blows things up all the time. No, really, Tim now totally understands why Dick was so happy when he heard the duo is camping out at Tim’s place for a change. His older brother even gave Tim a thumbs-up, for God’s sake. He must’ve known.
Cause yeah, there’s at least one explosion every two days. Or Roy dropping something cause he’s too focused on what he’s thinking to remember what his hands are doing. Or something dropping on him. Jason seems used to it; he just catches whatever it is or laughs at Roy. Tim… is starting to learn to do the same, actually. Whatever Roy comes up with at that moment is usually worth it, and besides, he’s kinda adorable.
Aaaaaaanyway. (He’s using that word a lot in his own thoughts right now. Almost as if he’s avoiding thinking about something. Hmm.) Tim’s not surprised when Roy walks into a room, stumbles, and slaps a hand over his eyes with a dramatic exclamation.
Tim, in shorts and not much else cause he got drenched in pollen earlier, just raises an eyebrow. “Alright, Roy?”
“Nope.” Roy’s hand is still covering his face, but Tim can still see his grin underneath. “I’m gonna need your name and phone number for insurance purposes.”
“Roy. You have both of these things,” Tim explains slowly, wondering if Roy sustained a brain injury or accidentally dosed himself on something. “And why insurance?”
“I was blinded by your beauty.”
God. Sometimes Tim wonders about the original Titans and their socialization for the two dudes if this is how they think making friends works. Then again, Kori, Donna, and Dick probably appreciated constant compliments about their beauty. It all makes sense. Roy must be so used to it that he even uses those same methods when someone unexceptional like Tim is around.
He smiles gamely. “I’m looking forward to hearing that phone call. Must be almost as great as the time Bruce tried to convince his insurance company that Clark dropping on his car wasn’t an act of God because God is demonstrably not a Kryptonian. Neither was the giant ape punching Clark out.”
Roy drops his hand at that. “…Batman did what?”
(“You were doing so well, too.”
“I knoooow. How much more obvious can we get?”
“I dunno, but I intend to try.”)
“Do you like Star Wars? Because Yoda only one for me!”
“Haha. No. Star Trek or die.” Tim’s answer is automatic. He’s had these discussions soooo many times with Kon before. Of course Jason also goes for the space cowboy soap opera.
Besides, Jason’s boyfriend is standing right next to him. He doesn’t mean to sound flirtatious with Tim. Or maybe he does, and it’s just good fun? Or maybe teasing him? Tim can’t figure it out, but he knows he doesn’t like the weird hollow feeling he gets in his stomach when he thinks about it, so he changes the topic.
And makes both of them sit down to watch some classic Captain Kirk, of course.
(“Should I be insulted by that pick up line?”
“Nah. There aren’t that many lines that imply a polycule, though.”
A kiss. “Alright.”)
One of the things Jason and Tim have in common is their predilection for motorbikes and fiddling around with them. Not that makes them unique in the batclan; Tim has never spent days quietly working side-by-side with Dick, though, the way he does with Jason. They started out with separate projects. Then Jason saw this vintage Ducati at an abandoned warehouse he was about to blow up and, well… Would be a shame, right? Tim just happens to have had one of these before—regrettably lost to one of Harley’s exploding baseball bats—so he offers his expertise.
It’s not because it means bending over the engine with Jason, closer than they ever are, their hands brushing when they hand each other instruments. It’s not.
Roy doesn’t join them. He’s too polite to say so, but he finds normal cars and bikes boring af. Doesn’t stop him from popping his head into the garage and whistling when he sees that they are shirtless and covered in grease. It’s a damn good look on Jason, so Tim can’t fault him for that.
Roy follows it up with a: “Are you a parking ticket? Cause you got fine written all over you.”
Tim can’t help it; he blushes at the suggestive tone. Those two never stop flirting with each other, do they? So far, he has managed to avoid stumbling over them while they’re making out (not that they’re making that easy—the kitchen? Really?), and he’d like to keep avoiding that, thank you very much. He’s already feeling guilty enough for his fantasies as it is.
“Uh. I should clean up,” he mumbles and flees.
“…do you think that was a rejection?”
“Nah. He was definitely checking me out before you came and fucked it up.”
“That’s saying something if you noticed it.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”)
So Tim has magically acquired cat ears and a very fluffy tail. Don’t ask. They’re gonna go away in eight hours, and until then, he’s gonna stay in the cave and work himself to distraction. Jason seems intent on keeping him company, though.
(It’s nice. Tim loves hanging out with Jason—that’s not the problem. The issue is that Tim is looking ridiculous, and Jason is being nice about it, and none of this is helping his stupid crush go away.)
They’re absently chatting about nothing until Jason says: “Kinda a pity you’re a cat, though.”
Tim looks up. Huh? Admittedly, he never pegged Jason as the type to go for catboys (though maybe… he did hang out with Kyle… perhaps it’s just that he definitely doesn’t go for Tims), but that’s still a weird pronouncement.
Jason is grinning. “If you were a chicken, you’d be impeccable.” He pauses. “Wait. Like even more than you already are. Uh.”
Tim sighs. Great. And now Jason is making fun of him again. “Whatever.”
(“A chicken?”
“Shut up. I panicked.” A sigh. “He was so cute with these ears.”
“…yeah, he was.”)
“You must be tired. You’ve been running through my mind all night.”
“I’m not tired,” Tim says automatically. Why does everyone keep asking him that tonight? Surely the shadows under his eyes can’t be that bad? He used concealer!
Something in Roy’s expression softens. “Aww. C’mere.” He pats the space on the couch next to him, and when Tim sits down, Roy pulls him half of on top of him and into a hug. “Relax for a bit, little bird.”
Tim sinks into the embrace, boneless all of a sudden. Roy just has that effect on him. Tim vaguely remembers thinking of him as his oldest brother’s cool friend and then Jason’s cool boyfriend, kind of a fuckboy but clearly good for Jay.
Now? Now, Roy just makes him feel safe.
(“So you spent the night on the couch just so he could sleep in your arms?”
“Yeah. Totally worth it.”
“I just wish we could do that with him every night. Bet he fits perfectly between us.”
A pause.
“We might have to up the ante or switch tactics.”)
They’re talking about their favorite books—Tim doesn’t read as much as Jason does, but they discovered a shared love of sci-fi weeks ago—when Tim says: “Actually, that book kinda reminds me of you.”
“Overly dramatic but good.”
Jason makes an offended noise, and Tim grins.
“I’m not sure which part I should argue about first.” Jason pretends to think.
Tim is always down to tell Jason that fuck his self-perception—Jason is a good man, one of the best Tim knows; that also feels too revealing right now. Instead, he gets up from their comfortable position on the couch and grabs the first stack on the table, carrying them over to the shelves to replace the gaps. “What kind of book would I be?”
“Babe, if you were words on a page, you’d be fine print.”
“Annoying and no one reads it?” Tim asks without turning around, trying to ignore the babe. That’s. That’s gotta be a slip of the tongue, right? Force of habit from spending so much time with Roy?
“No, fine,” and the emphasis is clear this time. Jason continues before Tim can reply: “Though if we’re talking books…”
Tim whirls around. “Save it. You don’t have to make fun of me just because I—“He swallows down the words.
Jason looks alarmed. “Tim—“
As if he can smell trouble, Roy chooses that moment to enter the room. Tim has barely heard him approach, Jesus. He doesn’t want to have this argument in front of Roy, though, so he just stands there in the middle of the room. Jason, too, has stopped speaking.
Roy, of course, takes one look at the awkwardness and decides to make it worse. Or more confusing.
“Did you just come out of the oven?” he asks.
“As this isn’t Hansel and Gretel, no, I didn’t.” Tim checks his shirt, just in case this is an actual conversation opener and not just a weird attempt at a distraction. “Do I have soot on me?”
“Nope.” Roy shakes his head, and he’s smiling that smile again, the one Tim is startled to recognize, the one he thought is reserved only for Jason— “Because you’re hot.”
And finally, Tim gets it. “Me?”
“Yes, Tim.” Roy’s moving in closer. “You.”
There’s a soft touch to Tim’s shoulder, and Tim whirls around, expecting Jason to be mad, cause his boyfriend is—is hitting on Tim, right, that’s what’s happening, Jason can’t be happy—
Jason is smiling down at him. His hand is still resting on Tim’s shoulder, but it slides down to his collar bone, a gentle presence as he murmurs: “You’re so beautiful that you made forget my pick up line.”
Oh. Oh.
Tim says the first thing he can think of: “Are you a raisin?”
Jason starts grinning. “I’m not even gonna qualify that with an answer.”
Tim smiles back. “Cause you’re raising my hopes for a kiss right about now.”
And he gets one. And then another, and then Roy joins in, kissing Tim’s neck and then his mouth and—Yeah.
They’re too busy for any more pick up lines right now.
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vexillumalbum · 4 years
Just saw this for mysme, but could I possibly indulge myself and ask for a MLQC headcannon or fic of the boys having a wet dream about MC? Whatever you’re feeling my love ♥️ Thank you for your beautiful work 💕💕
Thank you for your request! I hope this satisfy you haha 
NSFW below
„Victor~” your voice filled with need was one of the giveaways of how much you wanted him. And when you spread your legs, sitting in front of him on the desk in his office to show him that in the morning you had totally on purpose forgotten to put on your underwear, something inside him cracked and within seconds your skirt was on the floor.
Blood boiled in his veins and was reaching his cock, causing him to lose his temper. You were so beautiful with cheeks tinted a light shade of pink and eyes begging him to fuck you, he was unable to resist you.
A whimper left your plumped lips when cool fingers of one of his hands marveled upon your slick folds while the other hand made a quick work of his belt and zipper. You kissed him, or maybe he kissed you. It didn’t really matter. You were both too lost in a moment to care.
„So good—” Your moan reached his ears drowning his own groan as his hard length disappeared in you. A feeling so heavenly familiar yet excitingly new every single time his cock was enveloped by your heat.
The scent of your arousal - sweat mixed with floral perfumes, your sweet cries of pleasure as he was senselessly pounding into you, your warmth that was so inviting he—
Bzzzt bzzzt bzzzt
Startled, he woke up in his bed, his pajamas disheveled and sheets creased. He turned off the alarm clock, then ran a hand over his face to discover that his forehead was covered with sweat.
A low grumble got out of his chest. He instinctively glanced over to the other side of the bed, where he would normally find your figure sleeping under the covers, but now it wasn't there due to the business trip you were taking. 
Usually he could control himself and his lust, but your absence was taking its toll on him, and he'd had dreams like that for several nights now. 
Ignoring the aching hardness in his pants, he grabbed the phone to see if he had received any messages from you. And when he saw you assured him in one of your text messages that you would be home tonight that day, his member throbbed a bit.
He replied with a simple „I’ll be waiting” but in his head he already saw all the places and positions he would take you in. He had to make you regret leaving him for so long.
But for now his hand had to be enough
Too much. 
The sight of your breasts bouncing with every swift move you made, the heavenly sounds escaping your plump lips and the way your warmth welcomed him back with your every move accompanied by his feverish thrusts.
It was all just too much for Gavin.
His large hands caught your hips to encourage you to move more and as his calloused fingers dug harder into your flesh, his name left your mouth making him unable to think properly.
Your hands mindlessly wandered along the edges of his muscles and with every second your nails were digging more and more into officer’s skin leaving moon-shaped marks. He was barely controlling himself, every time you rode him, he would had to hold himself back in order not to finish too early. 
He recognized all the signs that you were close. Your hands clenched into fists on his chest as your eyes rolled back, and your pussy squeezed his cock tighter and tighter with every move. 
He had always thought you were beautiful, but it was in those moments when you were on verge, ready to plunge into the abyss of pleasure, that he considered you the most alluring.
Gavin let himself get lost in pleasure knowing yours would come soon enough and when one of your hands went to grab his hair and tugged lightly he—
Ring ring ring
He sit up frantically trying to stop the noise that caused him to wake up. Because of his actions his phone, still ringing, dropped to the floor making Gavin frown. 
Who was calling him on the early Saturday morning?!
Picking up his phone, and seeing your smiley face along with your name on it, he started panicking a bit vividly remembering his dream. Dude, relax, she doesn’t know
„Gavin? Where are you?” 
„What do you mean?” He asked shifting uncomfortably on the bed. There was a big contrast between your voice in his dream and your voice now but hearing it still made him blush.
„You were supposed to help me with rearranging the living room today! Did you forget?”
Shit, he forgot
„Ugh, no. Of course not. I’m on my way.” He mumbled. „See you soon.” He hung up before you could say anything more as he collapsed on the pillow. Painfully aware of his erection he tried not to think about you but it was too hard. He could make love to you a thousand times before but still be turned on even by smallest things so a dream like that was a lot to handle for him.
He groaned, got up and made himself presentable enough to go to your apartment. On the way out he grabbed a few packs of condoms, you know, just to be prepared in case of… ekhem
„Professor, please.” Was the only thing able to be heard in one of the lecture halls one day in the early evening. 
Your body devoid of any clothes was leaning over a large mahogany desk with your ass sticking out in the direction of Lucien, who was sitting in an office chair with a smug grin plastered to his face. His hands folded over his chest as he was watching your curves swaying slightly in anticipation of what’s to come. 
„Naughty girls do not get their treats.” He mused.
„Please! I know I was a bad student falling asleep on your lecture! I’m sorry, now please, please~”
Tired after a long period of teasing from the professor, all you wanted to do was to release the tension he'd been building inside you. But you knew you weren't gonna get what you wanted if you weren't cooperating so you patiently waited for Lucien's next move with your hands clutching the edge of a desk. 
Okay, maybe not so patiently.
You wiggled your ass and arched your back moaning his name. Your juices freely ran down your thighs glistering in the evening light of the setting sun pouring through large windows. A heavenly sight, he would think.
After a moment of silence you heard quiet metal sounds as he was unbuckling his belt and in an instant Lucien’s hands were on your hips. With a delicate kiss between your shoulder blades and a squeeze to your rear, his whole length disappeared inside you. 
The warmth that enveloped his member was addicting and he would never get tired of it. Plunging in and out of you at an insane speed all he wanted to was bring you to your release, that would trigger his and he would spill inside of you or on your ass, he hasn’t decided yet. 
You were close, and he was close and—
Beep beep beep
The sound of his alarm clock has never startled him until now. Usually he would be waking before it even had the chance to start ringing. 
His eyes shot open and for a second he didn’t know if he was still dreaming or not. But the grayish reality brought him back to earth. 
He wasn’t one to like his own dreams, usually they were nightmares, although today he wanted to go back to sleep and finish what he started. Yet, he knew he wouldn’t be able to fall asleep again. 
He reached over to the other side of the bed to hug your body to his chest and leave some butterfly kisses along the back of your neck.
After all, if he couldn't go back to sleep, he’d make his dream come true.
You moaned causing more hot blood run downwards to his member. In that moment he knew he would not let you go until he had you ravished.
„Wake up, butterfly. I think you owe me some apology for falling asleep on my lecture.” He whispered into your ear before grinding into your rear, making you very much awake.
The couch in the music studio wasn’t the most comfortable piece of furniture you’ve ever sit on, let alone have been fucked on, but with Kiro every place was good enough to make passionate love. So when Savin left the room with the producer to discuss more details of Kiro’s next album and the blonde send you one of his trademark smiles promising mischief, you knew what you were up to.
Moments later you were pinned to the cushions with your blouse unbuttoned and Kiro’s lips attached to one of your nipples kissing, biting and licking. 
You tried to keep quiet but there was nothing more that your boyfriend loved than your sweet moans so he made everything to make sure you would whimper and whine with his every move. All the people outside the room be damned.
His painfully hard length brushed against your bare thigh and when you buckled your hips to have some sort of friction one of his hands held you in place. He found your pout adorable and sexy at the same time.
„Someone’s impatient.” He sang as he positioned himself in front of your drenched pussy.
His thrusts were deep and hard and so so good your eyes were rolling back with each and every one of them. The way you clenched around him caused shivers to his spine.
„I’m close~” you sang, and when you finally reached your peak he found himself unable to control his release further. A few more snaps of his hips and—
Bang bang bang
„Kiro, wake up! You’re gonna be late for your rehearsal!” A voice, one that definitely did not belong to you, was yelling outside his hotel room door. „I’m gonna cut out all of your sweets if you won’t wake up!” Ugh, Savin
„I’m comin’. Give me a few minutes.” His reply was muffled by a pillow he put on his head but somehow his manager still heard him and left him alone. 
Palming himself through his pajama shorts he grabbed his phone and quickly dialed your number hoping you would pick up. And you did after a few signals.
„Kiro? Hello! Are you up?” Your melodious voice was a pleasant sound to his ears. 
„Good morning, Miss Chips.” His usual high voice was lower by a few octaves making you shiver at the other side of the call. „Was I in your dreams last night just as you were in mine? Because I think you should make it up to me for not being able to finish.”
You knew exactly what he meant. It wasn’t the first time you and Kiro would have phone sex due to his constant travelling and to be honest every time he called you would wish it was this time of a phone call. 
You rapidly sucked in a breath which made his cock twitched in his pants.
„Oh, Kiro~” Luckily you were still at home, so you had some time for him. 
„I hope you know that when I come back, I won’t let you leave the bed.” He purred into the phone making you wet already. „But for now this has to be enough.”
Your mouth around his cock had been his dream ever since the first time he’d seen you. 
Those pink lips stretched out to fit his girth and gentle hands pumping what you couldn't fit - he thought about it at least once a day.
So when one evening you stepped in the shower with him and dropped to your knees, Shaw thought the heavens finally listened to his pleas. 
You started slow, hungrily staring at his member, which gave him a big boost to his ego. You wanted him as much as he wanted you and hell, was he proud of that.
He slipped his hand through your hair and rested his back against the wall, letting the warm water run down his muscles freely.
„C’mon, baby.” With a little encouragement you started licking and sucking at the head. Shaw’s grip in your hair tightened causing you to moan and finally take him all into your mouth. What you couldn’t reach was enveloped in your hand.
Everything about it was perfect. How you were bobbing your head, how you were gagging with his every thrust making your throat squeeze slightly around his cock, how you would hum feeling him getting close. He had no idea where you had learned giving a blowjob so well but he wasn’t the one to complain.
A few more second and he could reach heaven with your lips around him. A few more—
Ding dong ding dong
Oh fuck
So it was a dream after all
He groaned, tossed around the mattress and stretched out before standing up to see who was knocking on his door so early in the morning interrupting his good time. Sharky lying in the corner of the room gave him a look that Shaw could only describe as disgusted, at what the man muttered "What are you staring at?”. 
Ding dong ding dong
He opened the door to reveal your annoyed, a little red face with wide eyes staring at him angrily. 
„Shaw! I’ve been standing here for— Hmph!” He interrupted you with his lips on yours and his hand around your waist pulling your figure into his chest. He didn’t even let you take a breath kissing you hungrily.
He didn’t know why you came to see him probably because you two had agreed to meet on that day and he overslept but he didn’t give a damn. He had a big problem in his pants caused by you and you were the one who was gonna solve it.
He slammed the door, slung you over his shoulder and carried you into the bathroom ignoring your confused screams.”I have to take a shower, right? I just woke up.” He told you with a hint of mischief in his tone and you knew what was going to happen.
Maybe gods did listened to his pleas after all
thank you so much for reading!
if you want to read more of my works they are here
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lucywritesreid · 4 years
Our own little island
Thank you for all the feedback from my last fic :3 I really don’t have any explanation for this other than....yeah...Spencer during lockdown haha.
Summary: Spencer and Y/N Have been living in their own private bubble during lockdown. YN has discovered a game and initially Spencer shows no interest...
There wasn’t much to say about the last few months other than they had been… weird. Weird on a global scale. You almost couldn’t believe how quickly everything went from normal to complete lockdown and watching the news every night had set you into complete panic mode. Both you and your highly germ-phobic boyfriend were more than happy to comply with the necessary restrictions. Spencer’s rational and calm mindset kept you both prepared and he did everything possible to reduce your anxiety. You would be forever grateful to have him by your side at such a horrible time.
For you the hardest adjustment was not seeing your work friends every day. It was odd to not spend every waking moment surrounded by all the people you loved the most. You didn’t realise just how much you would miss them despite seeing them all the time anyway. Friday night became the highlight. Your team, set up by Garcia, started a weekly quiz whereby everyone joined a Zoom call and one member was chosen to deliver a set of questions. Granted, it took Rossi a few failed attempts to be both seen and heard on camera, but you had all got it working in the end. Garcia’s quiz was based on cute, fluffy cartoon characters, Rossi delivered a mastermind style quiz all about the ratpack, Hotch surprised everyone with an in depth quiz about the employees of the FBI (where you realised he knew way more about personal lives of his colleagues) and you did pop culture through the ages. You had warned Spencer that ‘the history of the atom’ wasn’t in keeping with the Friday night spirit, and despite being met by many groans, he ended up presenting a fun and engaging quiz where losers had to take a shot for every question wrong. No surprise that he was the only one still standing by the end.
 The truth was that despite all the chaos and uncertainty, you realised that you were lucky to have so much time spent with the man you loved. Sure, you worked together, but that was as professional as you both could manage. Stolen kisses at the back of the jet and shoulder squeezes were as close as you could get whilst working. But at home, you both had free reign of each other. You were both night owls, sleeping through most of the sunshine. You spent your evenings playing chess, re-watching old horror movies and having a lot of sex. You were sure that you were keeping your local Thai restaurant in business, living mainly off that and tubs of ice cream. It was almost therapeutic spending your time lounging around in your comfortable clothes. Hours would pass while you both sat reading in silence (you, a few chapters, Spencer, a novel or three…), his arm slowly brushing the inside of your leg as you read. On the more anxious nights, Spencer would do absolutely anything to calm you down, making sure you were okay. He’d perform Shakespeare, teach you how to cheat cards, read to you in different languages and even let you braid the ends of his hair.
 You were very sure you were going to marry Spencer Reid.
 There was one of your hobbies that he didn’t quite understand. In the first few weeks at home, you had invested in a Nintendo Switch, mainly from the push of Garcia but you had been eyeing it up since it first came out. You spent many nights on animal crossing visiting Garcia and her magic candy land island. It was one way to experience the outside world without actually being there. There was something wholly therapeutic about going fishing, planting flowers and giving gifts to your wonderful animal villagers.
 Spencer, of course, didn’t really understand the appeal. Despite having the most wonderful brain you’d ever met, he seemed to have a block when it came to technology. He never discouraged you playing, but always looked over your shoulder with a furrowed brow whenever he saw you.
 “See that, y/n, there’s no way all those fossils would be in such close proximity to one another in such a small area.” He commented on more than one occasion. “What use is archaeology when they are just there on the ground for you to see?”
 “Spence, it’s a fictional world, I really don’t think they took into account geographical locations of fossils…” you couldn’t help but laugh whenever you spoke about it.
 “Don’t even get me started on the physical anatomy of these animals! How disproportioned they are from the real thing! And the colours, y/n! Have you ever met a purple tiger before?”
 You knew that he meant no harm from his remarks and was probably getting enjoyment out of it. So you’d shrug, offer him a turn and wait for some comment about how he was going to read an FBI report from 1987 again, and open your switch back up once he was distracted.
 One night, you had stayed up late to make wishes on your island. You really needed the star fragments to craft your new DIY recipes and had spent hours posed in position, ready to make a wish. You hadn’t realised that you were falling asleep and your switch was falling out of your hand, until…
 “YES! YES! Take that you stupid arachnid!” you heard a shout.
 Waking up and looking to your left, you blinked in amazement to see Spencer sat with your switch gripped between his fingers.
 “Spence? What are you doing? Are you okay?!” Many sleepless nights and bad dreams had left you very susceptible to fear when you heard shouting.
 He looked over to you and his cheeks flushed. “Oh, y/n, honey I didn’t mean to wake you I’m sorry! It’s just you fell asleep with your game in your hand, I went to turn it off and ended up talking about the stars with this wonderful little owl… She just tells you all these facts. And they are accurate, too! I even wished upon a star.”
 “That’s Celeste.” You commented, and yawned. “Spence, what time is it?”
 He squinted at the screen before replying, “4am.”
 You laughed. “And how long have you been playing animal crossing?”
 His focus went back to the screen but he carried on talking to you. “Oh, a few hours now! I’ve just caught a tarantula, the stupid son of a bitch bit me before! Did you know they could bite you in the game? I was just running around trying to get my bearings and it ran up behind me and bit me. But I showed it who’s boss. And hey! It turns out I was wrong about the fossils, in a sense..”
 You raised one eyebrow, “Dr Reid, wrong?”
 “Well, not wrong exactly. It’s still highly unlikely that they would be so close together, so close to houses, and be found in just one dig. But I took one to the museum after I dug it up and was really surprised. I hadn’t realised how accurate the information provided was about these fossils! And the details in the display, too! You’ve got yourself rather an impressive collection, y/n.”
“Mhmm.” Tiredness was setting in but listening to Spencer talk about your game was more than entertaining. You sat up slowly, leaned across and rested your head on his shoulder. “What else have you been up to?”
 “Well I recalculated the position of some of your flowers to maximise chances of getting hybrids. I know purple is your favourite colour so I looked into the best way to get purple flowers!” Spencer was speaking in that quick, animated tone that told you he was really into something. “I even researched the quickest and most beneficial ways of befriending your villagers to maximise the gifts that they give you. I spent a lot of time talking to the Raymond character.”
 “Raymond reminds me of you, y’know. Dapper, sophisticated, looks great in glasses…” you replied, nudging his shoulder with your forehead. “How did you find out all of this?”
 “Well, I read the whole Nookipedia website and that gave me a pretty good idea.” He turned to you and grinned. Of course, the genius had become the master of your favourite game in a matter of hours. “You can test me on any of the villagers’ names and personality types.”
 You looked down and saw piles of notepaper, all scribbled on, splayed out across the bed. You picked one up entitled ‘terraforming.’ Instead of trying to decipher Spencer’s handwriting, you decided to ask him about it. “Spence… what’s all this paper? What are these drawings?” You tilted your head and the paper simultaneously to try and get a better understanding of his scribbles.
 “Oh! I’ve been looking into reshaping your island. I came up with a few designs I thought you might like. My personal favourite is the honeybee, cos I know they are your favourite, so I calculated how we can use the terraforming tool to turn your island into a bee. Garcia would be so jealous and…” he trailed off.
 “What’s the matter?”
 He looked back at you with big puppy dog eyes. He chewed on his bottom lip a little before he spoke. “I’ve gone too far, haven’t I? This was your game, your private space, I never meant to take over. You really have done a great job…”
 All you could do was laugh. You leaned over and planted a reassuring kiss on his cheek. “Honestly? I’m really happy that you’re into this now. It means I can talk to you about it. Just you wait until you see Garcia’s island!”
“Really, you’re not mad at me?”
“It would be impossible to be mad at you, Spence. Maybe we’ll set up your own character now.”
And with that, you kissed him again, nuzzling into the comfort of his arm. “Show me what else you’ve been doing…”
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Kiro’s Entwining Date (Eng Translation)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for an incredibly s p i c y date which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
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Valentine’s 2020 Collection: Gavin // Lucien // Victor
The date begins with MC watching a live broadcast of an annual award ceremony, which announces that Kiro has won the grand award.
MC grabs the congratulatory card and present she prepared, heading out to decorate Kiro’s house for a mini celebration party.
Along the way, she receives news that for some unknown reason, Kiro was absent from a product launch that he was supposed to be a spokesperson for.
She enters Kiro’s house using the keys Savin gave her and starts decorating. 
After a while, Kiro enters the house looking melancholic, with Savin nagging behind him. Savin tells her to keep an eye on Kiro to ensure he gets proper rest and not exert himself.
After Savin rushes off to deal with the press, Kiro explains that he is unable to move his neck and back.
Kiro: I just finished dance practice and heard Savin calling me at the door. I turned my neck using too much force and couldn’t move my neck afterwards. The doctor said it’s a sprain.
Saying this, he despondently grabs a pillow and hugs it to his chest in a state of utter devastation.
Kiro: [pouting] I wasn’t even doing any big movements.
Even so, Kiro is happy that he gets a day of rest.
He suggests that they slip out to visit an interesting shop nearby. While Kiro’s puppy eyes cause MC to hesitate, she refuses so Kiro can rest. Despite his unwillingness, Kiro rests on the bed. She sits on a chair next to the bed so she can watch over him.
He grabs my fingers and plays with them restlessly. It feels ticklish. I try to draw my hand back but he refuses to let go.
Kiro: I can’t sleep. When you spend time with me, I can’t bear to close my eyes.
Kiro’s words soften my heart. Due to our busy schedules, it has been a long while since we last spent time alone together.
MC: When we’re less busy, let’s go to the interesting shop you mentioned, okay?
Kiro: Yes, let’s!
The corners of Kiro’s lips lift. As though discovering a new form of amusement, he patiently plays with my fingers one by one. 
His fingers are soft and smooth. I experience a strange palpitation whenever our fingers meet. I avert my gaze, the outer rim of my ears turning red.
Kiro: Miss Chips has very soft fingers.
MC: [blushing] They’re all right…
I’m unable to control the acceleration of my heart rate. In order to loosen my hand from his, I grab the phone off the bedside table and hand it to him.
MC: Since you don’t want to sleep, I’ll let you use your phone.
Looking as though he can’t bear to let go of my hand, he takes the phone and sees that the screen is filled with tons of notifications.
Kiro guesses that his fans are worried about the sudden cancellation of the product launch and decides to post something on his Weibo account to dispel their concerns. He tries but fails to take a selfie in his injured state, so MC helps.
On the screen, there is an incredibly adorable combination of Kiro lying on the soft bed, his messy golden hair, and the teddy bear next the pillow.
Kiro: Why is my hair so messy?
His eyes widen, dismay written all over his features. I reach out and tidy his messy hair, suppressing the urge to mess it up even more.
Kiro obediently leaves his hair to me, a smile appearing on his lips.
MC: It’s going to be perfect this time.
I look him over, satisfied, and snap three consecutive photos of Kiro before showing them to him.
MC: Don’t you look very handsome now?
Kiro has a look of satisfaction as he starts typing, reading his words aloud.
Kiro: “Even though I can’t move, it’s because of this incident that I can have an afternoon of leisure”…done!
Comments start flooding in after mere seconds:
“Does such beauty truly exist?”
“Oh my god, I can lick this face for a lifetime.” 
“I’m there, I’m that bear!”
While he’s overjoyed at the compliments, he reads on:
Kiro: “Just look, it’s obvious he has put on weight again”…I definitely did not gain weight, it’s just the angle!
In a huff, Kiro readies himself to respond to this comment with a retort. I hurriedly take the phone away from him.
MC: You should rest and not respond to these comments! Let me read them to you instead.
Kiro: Since you put it that way…
With a “hmph”, he gives up on the idea. I clear my throat and begin reading the comments.
MC: “Congratulations to Kiro for winning the award! Please rest well today! To commemorate Kiro’s face, I danced a Waltz of love!” Haha, what an expression. “My heart is in critical condition! Hugging… my husband… feels like a 100 meter sprint.”
I pause when reading the words “my husband”, feeling my face heat up. Kiro smiles as he looks at me, his eyes brimming with contentment.
MC: The next one says, “Who took the photo? Why does Kiro…”
…have such a sweet look in his eyes?
I look at the photo I had taken - Kiro stares into the camera with a sweet look in his eyes, like a little bear hugging a honey pot.
Kiro: MC? Why have you stopped?
Kiro curiously sneaks a peek at the screen, but I react immediately and lift the phone so he can no longer see it.
Kiro: Very suspicious… why aren’t you letting me see?
Kiro gets even more excited, stretching out his hand for the phone.
Kiro: Ouch!
He groans and falls back onto the bed. I get a fright, no longer caring about the phone. I immediately check on his condition.
Half of his face is buried under the covers, the corner of his eyes brimming with tears. I carefully touch his arm.
MC: Are you okay?
Kiro: [groans]
MC: Is it very serious?
I start panicking. Seeing that my guard is down, Kiro uses this opportunity to pull me onto the bed with him.
Kiro: [laughing] Did I scare you?
He laughs while reappearing from under the covers. It is only now that I realise he was joking, and I let out a sigh of relief.
At this point, MC remembers that she prepared a present for Kiro. She retrieves and gives it to him. He opens it excitedly.
The box is filled with small stars folded using fluorescent paper. In the middle of these paper stars is a golden-coloured glass bottle with moving sand.
Kiro: This is so pretty…
He carefully shakes the bottle, and the gold-coloured sand slowly drifts, reflecting sunlight.
Seeing him engrossed with it, I drop him a hint.
MC: The bottle itself isn’t the main thing. There’s something in it.
Kiro: Is it a drink? Or perfume?
Kiro twists the bottle open, and a faint pine tree scent wafts into the room.
Kiro: This is… a scented bottle?
MC: Nope. This is a special essential oil I had an expert masseur make during a shoot. I heard that it’s effective for relaxing one’s muscles. I didn’t expect that it’d be of use now!
Kiro: Essential oil…
Kiro recalls that the shoot involving essential oil took place when the list of shortlisted candidates for the award was just announced. He is surprised that MC had prepared the gift so far in advance.
MC: …That’s because I knew you would definitely win! And even if you didn’t win, it could be used to comfort you.
There is a smile in Kiro’s eyes, and he takes my hand in his, such that my palm faces upwards.
MC: W-what are you doing?
Kiro: I want to try this gift.
A drop of oil lands on my palm and he rubs it slowly, spreading it across my palm evenly. The pine scent permeates the room, and the fragrance of fresh flowers soon follows. The liquid is quickly absorbed into my skin, and my palm seems to heat up.
Kiro holds my fingers gently, then brings himself closer to them. He sniffs my fingers lightly, his lips curling into a smile.
Kiro: It’s a nice smell. It’s a scent I like.
MC: !!
I am taken aback by Kiro’s sudden breath on my palm, and my heart beats at an unnatural rhythm.
Kiro doesn’t let go of my hand. He picks up the black ribbon resting on the gift box, taking his time to wrap them around my wrists.
His gaze shifts to me, his vibrant eyes making me forget how to react, and I let him continue.
Kiro: And like that, it’s done!
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After saying this, he holds my wrist and pulls me closer, planting the side of his face on my palm before gently leaning into it.
As his soft golden hair brushes against my fingertips, my fingers involuntarily tremble. My palm is coated with his body temperature.
He tilts his head slightly, pressing his lips onto my palm, as if branding me with a permanent kiss.
Kiro: Actually, you are the best prize and gift to me.
Sunlight streams in from between the curtains and onto his eyes, giving me a clear view of the gentleness and adoration in them. My heart feels like it has melted into a puddle. At the same time, his transparent emotions cause my heart to heat up.
MC: I… how about I give you a massage…
I feel like biting my tongue after the words leave my lips. What am I saying!
Kiro: Sure!
Before I can change my mind, Kiro has already agreed without hesitation.
Kiro: Do I need to take my clothes off for the massage?
Saying this, he shrugs off his jacket, and both hands start pulling the ends of his t-shirt to reveal his sculpted abdomen.
MC: Wait!
Heat floods into my brain and I immediately grab the bottom of his shirt to pull it back down.
Kiro: I don’t need to take them off?
Kiro blinks, looking at me innocently.
MC: I’m just giving it a try. If you remove your shirt, it’d be easy to catch a cold.
With an “ohh”, he lets go of his shirt, his face betraying a hint of disappointment.
MC: …Go lie down on your stomach.
While Kiro obediently turns to lie down, I place my hands on my chest to calm my rapidly beating heart.
MC begins the massage, applying what she learnt from the massage expert
She does it gently and Kiro is on the verge of falling asleep
She calls Kiro’s name to check if he’s asleep, and he snaps out of his daze
Feeling bad for disturbing him, MC continues:
MC: …You can sleep if you want to.
I speak gently. Noticing that a strand of hair near his eyes makes Kiro slightly uncomfortable, I reach out to sweep it away.
Kiro: But I don’t feel like sleeping anymore.
He blinks, his voice slightly nasally and coquettish.
Kiro: I felt too comfortable just now, so I almost fell asleep.
He grabs hold of my hand. In a playful manner, he gently pinches my palm twice.
Kiro: Thank you, Miss Chips.
MC: No need to thank me. It just shows that my technique is not bad, right?
Kiro: Mm, this is a great present.
His eyebrows are curved upwards and he smiles softly.
Kiro: I like the feeling of you touching me.
He interlaces our fingers together, then hooks my thumb with his.
Kiro: I realized that humans, like animals, like to be touched and have their hair combed through.
MC: Is it because it’s very comfortable?
Kiro: It is really very comfortable. If that person is a loved one, her hands and body temperature would have an even more addictive effect.
A warmth emanates from our joined palms, and I can feel myself starting to sweat.
MC starts ruffling Kiro’s hair, and they banter for a while.
Kiro: I feel very happy whenever you’re by my side. Although sometimes, I do think of being a little closer to you.
Even before I pick out the hidden meaning in his words, I instinctively seek to change the subject.
MC: My massage techniques are quite mediocre though. I’ll introduce you to the masseur another time.
Kiro: I don’t want anyone else.
Kiro pouts, turning to face me.
Kiro: I only want my Miss Chips…
His voice trails off, and I am rooted to the spot. I am leaning over him, face-to-face with Kiro. Just a slight lowering of my head would be enough for me to kiss him.
Our breathing becomes ragged, and the initially peaceful atmosphere in the room seems to turn into boiling water.
Although Kiro doesn’t speak, I can feel his quickening breaths on my face. His grip on my hand tightens.
As though being in this position is too dangerous, I come to my senses and straighten up, putting distance between us.
Kiro sits up, his hand still on mine, giving me no chance to escape.
MC: We…
Kiro: I have not finished unwrapping my gift.
His words leave me frozen.
MC: What present?
Anticipating that I would respond this way, he laughs. 
Kiro: My present… is you of course.
His voice carries an evident smile. I look into his blue eyes, which hide within them the expansiveness of the sky.
A black ribbon appears in his hands, and he wraps them around his fingers, the colour of the ribbon striking a sharp contrast against his pale skin.
MC: …Why do you say that I’m the present?
He doesn’t respond. His abrupt silence leaves me not knowing what to do. Before I repeat my question, he suddenly hooks the ribbon over the back of my neck, and my heart skips a beat.
MC: W-what are you doing?
Kiro: Make a guess?
He arches an eyebrow. His usual playful expression is replaced with a sudden sexiness.
He resumes his work with the ribbon while I remain kneeling on the bed. He slowly pulls me closer to him. Although he isn’t exerting much strength, I can’t help but give in to the tug of the ribbon.
Our breaths mingle and we can no longer tell them apart.
Kiro: Since this is a present for me, I will open it very, very slowly.
He says this languidly, curling his words with the tip of his tongue, ending his sentence in a low voice.
At this moment, the ribbon has become a string encircling my heart, letting it beat only for him.
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Kiro is unwilling to stop here. He takes one end of the ribbon into his mouth and bites it firmly, the corners of his mouth lifting with a certain look.
The light descends onto the bridge of his nose, the clear lines of his jaw, spreading to his Adam’s apple. He oozes hormones of a different kind than usual.
His free hand rubs my thigh gently, and the sound of my skirt ruffling is especially clear.
Such unobstructed physical contact feels like fire, setting every inch of my skin ablaze. My body involuntarily trembles.
My breathing becomes increasingly ragged as he continues his upward motions. My heart beats rapidly, and my mind is completely blank, only remembering to shout his name.
MC: Kiro…
Kiro: It is time to receive my present.
The corner of his mouth is raised as he slowly releases the black ribbon on my neck. The ribbon slides down my body. I look into his wide eyes and let down my defenses. In a moment, the distance between us is barely visible.
Kiro: Miss Chips, you are a gift sent from heaven, a gift that I have awaited for my whole life, a gift that is most precious to me.
His gentle voice disappears into the space where our lips meet, melting into a quiet whisper.
Unlike his gentle tone, his kiss resembles a storm, forcefully entering and occupying all available space, leaving not a single crevice untouched.
The temperature rises sharply between our intertwining lips and tongue. Our exchange of breaths strips away all my senses and thoughts.
The almost inaudible sound of water echoes in the quiet room. The arm encircling my waist pulls me even closer against his body.
All the blood in my body is set ablaze, engulfing the little rationality I have left.
Suddenly, there is the sound of a door opening in the living room, followed by a conversation between Savin and the assistant.
Savin: Kiro should be resting. You can head to the kitchen to wash the ingredients for our hotpot later.
Assistant: Sure, but isn’t this a little too much…
I snap out of my daze after a few seconds and realise the situation Kiro and I are in.
MC: They’re back!
My panic completely dismantles the earlier atmosphere, and I muster the strength to tear myself from Kiro’s arms.
Even before I shift to the edge of the bed, Kiro wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me backwards.
We both fall onto the bed, a tangled mess of sheets beneath us. The teddy bear has fallen off the bed.
Kiro holds me tightly from behind, and my back is pressed against his chest.
Sweat soaks the fabric, which clings to our closely connected skin, bringing with it an intimate and sticky feeling.
I feel his scorching breath on the nape of my neck. It weaves through my sweat-drenched hair, lingering on my skin.
The sound of footsteps outside grows louder, causing me to tense up. I open my mouth to speak, but can only let out an inaudible gasp.
Kiro’s lips are pressed against the back of my ear, and a low and raspy voice follows.
Kiro: There’s no need to be nervous. The room is locked.
Phone Call
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beCAUSE of this, myself and @notsomightymightytiger decided to steal tea leaf’s time travelling mattie au and create a whole entire fic with their ideas and also a design that @ari-is-anxious did a while back!! hope you enjoy aaaaaaa <3333 aLSO stabbies try and spot as many starboard references as you can heheheh 
this can be read on ao3 here if you prefer the format :)
tw: swearing, murder (it’s minor and resolved tho jsgh), religion (nicco my love read with care), blood, i really hope i haven’t missed anything please do let me know if i missed anything
Mattie had always been able to time travel. For as long as she could remember, her walk-in wardrobe had been lined with silver metal and held no clothes at all. As a child, this made it all the more exciting, though as she grew older and actually started to want to own clothes, it became a little inconvenient. She supposed all great inventions came with some kind of sacrifice.
Her uncle had made the time machine as a gift when Mattie was born. Her parents, like any basic adults, assumed the wardrobe-sized box was simply a toy and had taken no interest in it. Mattie, from the age of about three when her curiosity had really set in, was the one who discovered that the machine was in fact a working portal and not just a children’s toy. Since then, she had been happily travelling time and space during the darkest hours of night.
(You may have entirely valid concerns about a three year old having full access to time travel - luckily, not just for Mattie’s safety but also that of the entire human race, her uncle had set what were effectively child locks on a lot of the controls. These were diminished the day that Mattie turned thirteen. Uncle Calvin had always been a little weird, but he certainly wasn’t heartless.)
Usually, Mattie’s time travel didn’t affect her life. Sure, it made for some pretty awkward conversations as Mattie spurted some knowledge which could never have been explained through a textbook, but those could often be blamed on watching too much Horrible Histories as a child (“Mattie, I swear to God, you’re so bageling British, and yet you’ve never been there, I don’t understand.” “Horrible Histories is a masterpiece! You’re just jealous that you’re too American to have seen it.” “Actual asshole of a child.” “Farrah-!”).
It was going well until Mattie’s freshman year at Giles Corey. And then three of her fellow highschoolers were murdered. And suddenly Mattie had a way to prevent that from happening.
In some stroke of luck, she passed out at the sleepover and didn’t find out about the murders until she was sitting in the back of a cop car, driving to her house to pick up her things. She remembered thinking how weird it was that she wasn’t being taken straight to the station, but brushed that away in favour of ‘going into her wardrobe to change out of her bloody clothes’.
The time machine was cold like it always was and that forced her out of her muddled state quickly enough. She thought back to the victims. Chess. Farrah. Clark. Snapping on her goggles, she pressed a button, whirled backwards through time and space, and appeared at the gate to Riley’s neighbour’s house.
She really wished that she had actually changed her outfit - the damp blood turned cold with the breeze and sent shivers up her spine. The smell perhaps or just her sudden appearance startled the neighbour’s dogs into a frenzy. A figure, Chess, unharmed and merely confused instead of terrified, stood up from Riley’s bench, calling into the darkness. Mattie’s breath caught in her throat. The second figure, knife glinting in the dim streetlight, slipped out of the back door. Their red hair shone in the reflection of the knife with a sick kind of beauty.
Mattie could have stopped them there, taken the knife from the assailant’s grasp, prevented the tragedy of the evening. But she didn’t. She just watched.
Three minutes later, after arriving back in her present time and pressing yet another button on the wall of her closet, she watched the same scene unfold in the bathroom with a much younger victim. Twenty minutes after that, the third attack. This one was different though, an accident.
Still a little desperate and overly conscious of the police officer standing guard outside of her bedroom, she reappeared in her wardrobe, putting on a jumper before turning back time a little further. She appeared in a gymnastics centre as a girl around Mattie’s age did wolf turns on a beam. A coach entered the scene from the sidelines as the girl stopped spinning, her distinctive plait falling still against her back. Something in Mattie ached at the sight of Chess so lively and innocent, willing to give up her life for her dream of succeeding in her sport. As the two wandered into a side room, picking up water with a smile, Mattie edged forwards, collecting soft gym mats as she went. Within minutes, the area surrounding the beam had been double layered with cushioning, and Mattie could only pray that her plan would work. She’d seen enough YouTube videos to know what happened next.
Chess emerged again with her coach, hopping back up onto the beam with practiced ease. Again, Mattie was forced to just watch as she went down into her wolf turn, then rose up, did a split leap across at least half of the beam, and jumped into a twist to land on the floor. It was a messy landing, the gymnast’s ankle caving in on itself, knee twisting unnaturally in the air, before coming down hard onto her side. But, unlike in the previous videos, there wasn’t a resounding crack, only a weak cry of pain as Chess stumbled back to her feet.
Mattie grinned despite herself as snippets of conversation drifted her way.
“-not broken, don’t worry-”
“The Olympics seem out of the picture…”
“Get her a drink to numb the pain! Yes, limeade’s perfect-!”
Mattie arrived in her room again with a whole plethora of new information just inserted into her mind like it had been there all along. There was no longer and never had been a police officer outside her door. Her shirt was clean, her head undamaged. Chess didn’t go to the Olympics, but still did gymnastics in her spare time as her knee made a full and quick recovery. Farrah wasn’t dropped. Riley, in some weird twist of fate, went to the same therapist as Mattie. Life was… good for the Giles Corey Tigers.
Across town, the sleepover was still going ahead as normal. From what weird memories she just gained, Mattie knew that the team was at a rocky patch, their personalities still clashing in any iteration of the evening. But, with some relief, she knew that it would never in this timeline be bad enough for murder to even be considered as an answer. Her phone buzzed. The lies came easily as she covered up her mysterious disappearance from the sleepover she should currently be at.
Reese (school): Where are you???
Mattieeeee: I went home :( not feeling good
Reese (school): :((( that sucks
Mattieeeee: Ikr. I think it was the ice cream.
Reese (school): I told the others
Reese (school): They all say get well soon apart from Kate and Cairo who actually agreed on something for once haha
Mattieeeee: What did they say skjghdjh
Reese (school): “Tolerate the lactose, Wheeler.”
In her short-but-actually-quite-long-given-all-the-time-travel life, Mattie had witnessed a number of key historic events (and had caused about 85% by some small accident, but that’s a story for another time). The one which ended up unveiling her secret to someone in her actual life occurred overnight one February. Or maybe July. Depends. Time is weird.
She stepped into a small room, luckily through the doorway and not awkwardly through the window, as done many times before. A man sat hunched over a desk by the window, dressed in brown and using a pen-but-not-really-a-pen to craft a page of writing. From Mattie’s extensive historical knowledge, it could have been anywhere from 1000 BC to the 16th century.
“Hello, excuse me,” she began, “But I’m a little lost.”
The man startled, his not-really-pen skidding across the page and leaving a trail of thick ink in its wake as he blinked at her in the doorway. “Who are you?” He seemed perplexed as to how a young girl was standing there, in the opening to his room, in clothing not of any time now or before.
Something that Mattie had realised after travelling not only to different times, but also to a vast number of different settings around the world, was that somehow, she was never stumped by a language barrier. Instead she was always able to fluently converse with those she met in what appeared to her as American English. It was really weird; she tried not to think about it too much or it made her head hurt. She’d also learnt that it was best not to explain her full situation to her companions, becoming accustomed to pulling the classic ‘I’m not here, you’re just dreaming’ excuse. So that was exactly the tactic she applied here. “A dream figure. You don’t need to be afraid.”
The man narrowed his eyes, glancing down at the paper and then back up to Mattie’s face. “That’s a good line.” He scribbled her words down onto a scrap piece of papyrus. “Maybe I can use that later.”
Mattie grinned, sensing her chance to fuck up history just a little bit. “What are you writing?”
“How the world came to be,” the man explained. “God.”
“Ah, of course. The Bible, huh?”
“Pardon?” The scribe locked eyes with Mattie for the first time, confusion etched clearly on his face. She shook her head in response, having learnt that it was hopeless trying to explain events of the future to people who could never even begin to imagine the future that she came from. Seemingly satisfied, the man continued. “As the vision you are, I wonder if you’ve been sent to answer my queries.”
“Of course. Go ahead.”
“I’m struggling for a name. Not for the book itself, but just for this chapter.”
Mattie smiled as wisely as she could. “What do you have so far?”
“‘Generational Crisis’. The chapter describes how our world came to be - the creation of natural elements, the first humans, the beginnings of emotion. ‘Generational’ as it shall be carried on for generations, and ‘crisis’ as it’s a huge event, a crisis for the higher powers.”
Mattie choked. Her mind imagined a world where the entry chapter to the Bible was named as so, and it was a world of chaos and highly differing language choices. “That is very wise, sir. I have one suggestion: how about shortening it? Make it snappier, more catchy. I’m thinking…” She paused, feigning deep thought, “‘Genesis.’”
The man gasped, scrawling her word down at the top of the papyrus. “Genius! Thank you, child. I should write your name in my finished book, to show my gratitude for your kindness.”
“Mattie, sir, Mattie Wheeler. It’s been lovely to meet you and see your studies.” Over the centuries, Mattie had learnt to leave those she met with some kind of reassurance as the humane aspect of her hobby. “Before I go, I may be a dream spirit, but I can assure you that the work you have done right now shall be greatly appreciated for thousands of years to come.”
“You really are a wonder, perhaps a child sent from the power above.”
Unthinking, she snorted, replying, “Oh, boy, you are not ready to hear about Jesus.”
“Jesus? You mean my sister’s husband? I do hear some curious rumours about the man…”
Mattie hid her laugh behind a hand. Of course, this was hundreds of years before Jesus Christ came to be thought of. “I know, right? Jesus? More like JeSUS.” The scribe didn’t reply, mind clearly tired of its confusion and instead turning back to something it knew well. He picked up his writing patterns again. Mattie turned away, back to the doorway. “I will leave you to your writing again. Sleep well.” Leaving a small vial of dissolved sleeping pills on the desk, she stepped out of the door.
The only class that Mattie knew she would see Eva in was Religion. They didn’t actually share the class, but Mattie’s Religion teacher was Eva’s form tutor and the older girl often used the classroom as a quieter study area for her free period. Not that Mattie would call a class of thirty sophomores particularly peaceful, but apparently she hadn’t heard the noise of the senior study area, you genuinely don’t understand, last week Jacob Thomas tried to make toast using the sun on a desk and then, bam, the entire of senior year are creating chants about sun bread, it was so weird, Mattie, I transferred to a school of crackheads.
After her travel to the 7th century AD, Mattie sparked a sudden interest in her Religion classes. Eva, being the older sister that she was, watched closely as the sophomore stayed behind after class to search the Bible for something in particular.
“What’re you looking for?”
“Nothing!” Mattie didn’t look up from fervently turning the pages.
“Well, that’s a fucking lie.” Eva perched on the side of a desk, sliding across to snatch the book out of the younger girl’s hands. “Why the hell are you looking at what is essentially the movie credits for the Bible???”
Eva watched as Mattie bit her lip, eyes darting around the empty classroom. She thought for a long moment, visibly debating points in her head, before leaning over the top of the book to run her finger down a list of names. About a third of the way down the page, she stopped. Eva’s eyes followed her finger as it drew a circle around a certain name. Matte Wheyler  
“See. I was looking for that.”
Eva didn’t say anything for a while. Mattie waited with baited breath as Eva’s brain tried to make sense of what they saw. “Mattie Wheeler, what the bagel.” It didn’t bother to even be a question.
“It’s a really long story.” Mattie slumped onto the desk as well. “Hey, did you know that ‘Genesis’ would have originally been called ‘Generational Crisis’ if it wasn’t for me?”
After a glance at both of their timetables, they decided that their next lessons (biology and latin respectively) were worth missing. Instead, they stayed seated on a desk in the Religion classroom, as Mattie explained in detail how her name came to be in the Bible. It was refreshing to finally spill her secret after fifteen years of complete silence, and Mattie wondered vaguely in the back of her mind if one day Eva might be able to share in her time travelling adventures. That might take a little more explaining though, because Eva sure did have a lot of questions.
“So, you don’t change anything?”
“Not anything major. Like, I can’t stop Hitler or anything, that would change too big an event. Little things, however, like names and stuff, it’s fun to mess around with. Ever wondered why the Italian city, Pisa, has its name? I delivered pizza to the guys who were kind of like the government at the time of its naming. Hence, the Leaning Tower of Pizza.”
Eva cackled. “Wait, what?! God, dude, that’s nuts. What the fuck.”
“What can I say, all I really want in life is a little bit of chaos and also mozzarella sticks.”
Mattieeeee sent a photo.
evanescence: is that??? abraham lincoln????
Mattieeeee: Abraham Lincoln was an otter.
evanescence: how so?
Mattieeeee: Point one: look at him.
Mattieeeee: Point two: no seriously. Look at him.
evanescence: oh my god
evanescence: i cannot believe you have a literal selfie with abraham lincoln that’s fucking wild
Mattieeeee: Perks of the job :D
evanescence: literally hire me i want a selfie with cleopatra
farrah o’satanic ritual: yall i got out of the shower like an hour ago and i still haven’t changed
Imposter: What can I say, bath robes are in fashion rn
farrah o’satanic ritual: ive told you before clark stop pretending you know how to dress
Mattieeeee: Farrah did you not die in the shower?
katherine: ????mattie???????
farrah o’satanic ritual: no?? i didn’t
SmileyRiley: dang it
katherine: riLEY-
caicrow: riley i thought we’d moved on from murder
Imposter: Plot twist: Mattie was the murderer all along
katherine: CLARK-
Mattieeeee: oops-
It wasn't meant to happen, she swore up and down it was a mistake. A true and honest accident. And it kinda was? I mean Mattie hadn’t intended for the scaffolding on the new tower being constructed in Pisa to wobble, she’d already fucked up Pisa once in her career, but… Well, that's what she got for letting loose Giles and Corey (her occasional time travelling companions, who also happened to be cats) in the middle of a Italian city in 1252. She could have sworn the catnip was safely concealed in one of the pockets inside her jacket (which was filled with all sorts of trinkets from her travels in the space-time continuum), yet somehow the two had still gotten into it. She guessed that's what she got for not hydrating-feel-greating and eating-to-defeating.
An old citizen eyed her suspiciously, taking in her struggle with the two cats. Or maybe she was just more focused on Mattie’s goggles - she doubted anyone in 13th century Pisa had seen such a bold fashion statement before. The tower continued to lean in the background.
Finally, Giles and Corey settled down, each in a pocket of her trench coat. Mattie breathed a sigh of relief, which only got halfway out of her before she was sucking it back in as the old lady from across the street began to approach her.
“Young lady.”
Mattie smiled sheepishly. “Hello, ma’am. Is everything alright?”
The lady looked mildly amused. “I couldn’t help but notice your two cats going mysteriously close to the tower before it started collapsing. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”
“Oh, no, ma’am. My cats are very well behaved.” Giles gave a resounding yelp at exactly the wrong time. A hiss from Corey echoed from the opposite pocket.
“Well,” the lady grinned, “If that’s the case, why don’t you leave the animals with me? You seem fairly preoccupied with the tower - perhaps you can try and assist its reconstruction?” She held out a hand.
Mattie thought for a moment and then handed across the two cats. “Thank you ever so much, ma’am. I’ll try and be quick.” The woman nodded and Mattie sped across the square to the drastically swaying tower.
When she arrived back at the woman’s table, there was a second lady in animated conversation with her. As Mattie approached, she stood up to take her leave, pressing a kiss to the first lady’s hair as she left. Something was definitely fruity there.
“All fixed!”
“I’m glad.” The woman nudged the cats back to their owner, looking intensely over Mattie’s shoulder to the stabilised tower. “It certainly looks sturdier.”
“I should hope so.”
The woman narrowed her eyes. “Sometimes,” she said, staring pointedly at an area on the structure, “I think about crabs.”
“Oh?” Mattie tilted her head. “Do you?”
“Yes. And often when I think about crabs, I think that they shouldn’t be in Pisa, and they most definitely should not be crawling over the tower.”
Mattie gasped and followed her gaze, muttering curses under her breath. “I didn’t realise I’d brought a whole crab with me! I thought I’d taken the sea life off the rocks!”
The woman chuckled. “You seem to be a strange character. Child, where on Earth did you find not only rocks large enough to support a tower, but also a live crab in Pisa?”
Accepting her fate, Mattie decided to tell the truth. “They’re from Egypt.” At the woman’s questioning look, she expanded, “I’m a traveller of sorts.”
“Oh. Well, child, you’re a gift of a traveller. Brightened my day. Italy these days is far too serious. Maybe we should put more crabs on the leaning tower, huh?”
Tucking her cats back into their respective pockets, Mattie allowed herself to laugh. “Maybe we should.” With a nod and a smile, she wandered off, eagerly awaiting her portal.
“Why were you in Egypt anyway?” Eva asked as Mattie recounted yet another of her time-travel-gone-wrong experiences.
“Library of Alexandria.”
“Oh, yeah, because that explains so much.”
“Shut up.” She rolled her eyes. “It was 48 BC, Caesar was burning shit, this random Roman dude set fire to the library.” She pulled a book out of her backpack. “I saved this and stashed away a few of the slabs of rock. And apparently a crab.”
Eva took the book in awe. “Jesus Christ… This thing is, like, thousands of years old…”
“I know, right? Weird.” She watched as Eva flicked through the pages, tracing her finger over certain words or illustrations. “But it was such a beautiful library, I couldn’t let it just burn. So, I retaliated. Burnt the house of the soldier who set the original flame.”
She shrugged. “Setting someone’s house on fire is a survival skill.”
“Oh my God.”
“I would have done something more dramatic, but I had to get home. I had a cake which would need to come out of the oven.”
Eva laughed, the sound echoing around the empty classroom. They were skiving class again, this time PE, the one class they had which coincidentally fell at the same time for both year groups. “How are you so normal in school, but so badass when you time travel?”
“I dunno. All I can say is that cake and spite are my only motivators.”
“You’re like a superhero. ‘Time Travelling Mattie: The Only One Who Can Lead A Dual Life Successfully’!!!”
Mattie blushed, shrugging. She definitely needed to take Eva with her one day. A superhero duo. “Okay, that name needs some work. How about: ‘Sanchez And Wheeler, The Ultimate Time Travelling Duo’?”
“I think I like the sound of that.”
Eva nodded, shaking her hand like they were signing a business contract. “Yeah.”
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owlheartt · 3 years
HAHA Hey suckers I lied Star Sanses Extended chapter 1 done NOW (link to it on AO3)
It was quite the normal day.
Unfortunately. The Great Papyrus was bored. He had already recalibrated his puzzles twice, made pasta 3 times, scolded his brother 4 times, and was trying to figure out what to do 5 and 6 times (because threes are overused) when something happened. Well, not really. Sans took one of his shortcuts to appear right behind Papyrus, something he did often to try and surprise him. Have no fear, Papyrus can’t be surprised, so his brother never succeeded.
Papyrus turned around, ready to scold his brother for not simply walking. Really, his sentry station wasn’t that far from Papyrus’s. Except… that wasn’t Sans. It was! But, well, he looked different.
“SANS? BROTHER, YOU DON’T HAVE TO DRESS UP AS ME TO FEEL AS GREAT. I KNOW YOU’RE TRYING YOUR BEST.” Sans was wearing a chest plate with a light gray t-shirt peeking out. There was a bright blue scarf wrapped around his neck, tied back rather effectively into a bow. It fit him, but Papyrus felt that scarves look better when they can flow dramatically in the wind. He had on gloves that looked identical to Papyrus’s but in the same blue as his scarf. And, interestingly enough, his eyes were not his regular white but light blue. “THAT IS BETTER THAN YOUR USUAL ATTIRE THOUGH, SO I THANK YOU FOR TRYING.”
“AH,” the smaller skeleton said. He looked a bit uncomfortable. Sans was never uncomfortable around Papyrus unless he was hiding something.
“SANS? IS THERE SOMETHING YOU NEED TO TELL ME? IF YOU WANT INTO THE ROYAL GUARD, I WOULD BE HAPPY TO TELL UNDYNE!!” Papyrus gave his brother a toothy grin (what else can he give him? Skeletons can’t hide their teeth, silly) in the hopes of comforting him. But still, Sans shook his head. Ah well, if his brother wanted to keep another secret-
“I’M ACTUALLY NOT YOUR BROTHER,” Sans (not Sans? Stary Sans? Blue Sans?) looked down before straightening himself. Now that this skeleton mentioned that he wasn’t Papyrus’s brother, the bigger skeleton noticed how much different he sounded. For one, those definitely sounded like all caps. Sans hated speaking in all caps, though he’d told Papyrus that it made him sound much more commanding. Next, his posture was much better. Sans had a terrible habit of slouching. His eyelights were also a cyan color, like a lighter shade of Sans’s magic.
“IF YOU’RE NOT MY BROTHER…” Papyrus scrunched up his face. This, was a puzzle. A puzzle he intended to solve all on his own. He stared down at the skeleton, who appeared to be bracing himself.
“WOWZERS, IT’S A LOT HARDER THAN I THOUGHT TO TALK TO AN ALTERNATE VERSION OF MY BROTHER,” Not Sans smiled awkwardly and looked away before quickly forcing himself to look back at Papyrus. Papyrus paused, trying to fit in what Blue Sans just called him.
“AN… ALTERNATE VERSION OF YOUR BROTHER?” Papyrus felt ridiculous repeating back what not Sans said, but he couldn’t help it. What did he mean by alternate version? Papyrus vaguely recalled a training session with Undyne. They liked to chat while they were sparring, and this particular time Undyne mentioned something Alphys was studying in her free time. “AUs.” She said. After a bit of questioning, Undyne revealed that AU was an abbreviation of Alternate Universe, but she hadn’t really been listening beyond that. Papyrus despised abbreviations, and found it so frustrating that Undyne and Sans were so intent on using them, that the words had stuck with him despite their vagueness. “ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ALTERNATE UNIVERSES?”
Not Sans perked up, his eye lights popping into stars. His smile went from awkward to excited as he began to talk.
“I’M AFRAID MY KNOWLEDGE IS LACKING. IT WAS MENTIONED BRIEFLY BY MY FANTASTIC FRIEND UNDYNE, BUT SHE DIDN’T KNOW MUCH EITHER.” Papyrus announced, slightly embarrassed. The blue Sans faltered, but quickly regained his energy.
“…I SEE. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE THEN, NOT SANS?” Papyrus inquired. There was also the question of how Not Sans got here, but Papyrus was certain he would learn in due time.
“BLUEBERRY IS FINE! I’M A PART OF A GROUP OF SANSES CALLED THE ‘STAR SANSES’ SO MY FRIENDS AND I ALL HAVE NICKNAMES.” Nicknames, Papyrus’s worst enemy. Blueberry didn’t seem to mind though, despite him supposedly being an alternate version of Papyrus. “BUT TO GET TO THE POINT- I AM HERE BECAUSE I NEED TO ASK A FAVOR OF YOU, CLASSIC PAPYRUS.”
“IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADD A TITLE TO MY NAME, THE GREAT WOULD BE BETTER, THANK YOU.” Papyrus announced, not sure what Blueberry meant by “classic.”
“NO, NO. CLASSIC IS A REFERENCE TO YOUR TIMELINE. YOUR TIMELINE IS THE ORIGINAL, SO IT’S LABELED ‘CLASSIC.’ I’M AFRAID MULTIPLE PAPYRUS USE ‘THE GREAT’ SO IT’S NOT AS DEFINING. IF YOU HAVE A DIFFERENT SUGGESTION, I’D BE OPEN FOR HEARING IT?” Blueberry sounded apologetic. Papyrus, meanwhile, was thinking hard. What other title would he like? Classic just didn’t suit him. He had to admit, Blueberry’s reasoning was sound. It might be better than coming up with his own. Still, if he could figure out a better one…
“THEN YOU CAN CALL ME COOL GUY INSTEAD!” Papyrus announced proudly. Blueberry hesitated then smiled.
“A NAME TO MATCH YOUR PERSONALITY? FANTASTIC! IGNORING THE FACT THAT I’M COOLER THAN YOU, IT’S PERFECT!” Blueberry concluded. Papyrus was tempted to correct him, but he could guess that it wouldn’t go so well. They were alternate versions of each other after all, so it would be difficult to discover who was cooler (it was obviously Papyrus though).
“IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT JOB. WHY DO YOU STILL WANT TO BE A MEMBER OF THE ROYAL GUARD? DOESN’T BEING A STAR SANS GIVE YOU ALL THE LOVE AND AFFECTION YOU COULD DESIRE?” Papyrus said haltingly. Star Sanses protected the whole multiverse, the Royal Guard just protects the underground. If that didn’t give Blueberry enough love… What hope did Papyrus have?
“I’M SORRY I PUSHED. DOES THAT MEAN I’M NOT ALLOWED TO TELL ANYONE? MY BROTHER IS REALLY GOOD AT KEEPING SECRETS, MAY I TELL HIM?” Both brothers kept secrets from each other. Papyrus had his share, and he knew Sans had a pile. They had recently talked about trying to be more open with each other, and Papyrus wasn’t sure how he could keep his brother’s trust if he made a new secret. It was important to prevent new secrets from forming.
“OF COURSE! I WON’T LET YOU DOWN! HOW DO I HELP THOUGH? I’M NOT EVEN SURE HOW TO LEAVE MY TIMELINE.” Papyrus admitted. Blueberry looked relieved, and he stuck out his hand.
“I’M AFRAID I CAN’T OPEN MULTIVERSAL SHORT CUTS MYSELF, BUT IF YOU’D TAKE MY HAND MY FRIEND CAN BRING US OUT!” Blueberry widened his grin, and Papyrus reached out to grab his hand. There was a moment of stillness, where it was just the two of them in a snow covered forest. Some snow flurries falling from branches above. Papyrus shifted, the pause was uncomfortable. Just as Blueberry began to frown, a warm, distinctly yellow feeling began to spread through Papyrus’s bones. Blueberry even seemed to be glowing with the magic. Then pop, and he was somewhere new. It felt like a small jerk on his SOUL, more abrupt than his brother’s short cuts around the underground.
Speaking of, this wasn’t like anything Papyrus had seen in the underground. It was a large space with an orange gradient. It looked… undefinable, in the sense that it didn’t end. There were papers with small dancing images, and a number of them looked like Papyrus and his friends. Some were held up by strings while others hovered around the islands that floated about. It was a very dream-like place, like something Papyrus had imagined. It has been a long time since he dreamt something so serene, which was the only reason he could believe what he was seeing.
“Sorry about that Blue-” a new voice spoke, sounding a bit out of breath. Papyrus turned to find a golden Sans, laced with the same magic that brought him and Blueberry here. He had his hand wrapped tightly around another Sans. This one was incredibly short, he looked like a child compared to Papyrus (Not to fear! The Great Papyrus was fantastic with children!). He had a brush taller than him strapped to his back, and his outfit was all kinds of decorated- like a superhero! Both Sanses were.
“IT’S FINE. IS… IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT HERE?” Blueberry regarded the Golden Sans’s grip on the Sans with a brush. Oh dear, so many Sanses. Someone who wasn’t as brilliant as Papyrus might not be able to follow!
“Uh, yep!” The golden Sans smiled, but he looked a bit too stressed. The brush Sans, however, snapped his full attention to Papyrus. His eyelights bounced between color and shapes before finally landing on a bright sky-blue shaped as a triangle and a Royal purple as a star.
“HELLO!!!!! I’m Ink!!!!” Ink struggled out of the gold Sans’s gasp and bounced overs to Papyrus. It was disturbing how little he resembled Papyrus’s brother. “I’m the protector of the Multiverse!! You’re Classic Paps, right?!” Ink grinned wildly as Papyrus avoided cringing.
“HELLO, INK. PLEASE DON’T CALL ME PAPS, OR CLASSIC FOR THAT MATTER. BUT WOWIE, PROTECTOR OF THE MULTIVERSE SOUNDS LIKE SUCH A BIG JOB!” Papyrus couldn’t help but be in awe of Ink’s title. It sounded more important than Head of the Royal Guard. Ink’s grin grew and his purple eyelight turned yellow. He looked like he was about to respond, but the gold Sans cut him off.
“Yep, super big job, which is why he has us to keep him on track. Anyways, hello, my name is Dream. I’m the guardian of positivity. If you don’t want us calling you Classic, what should we call you?” Dream kept his smile up, but he looked exhausted.
“HE WANTS TO BE CALLED COOL GUY.” Blueberry announced. Dream managed to look more worn out before responding.
“That’s… a fun nickname. But this needs to be like a substitute for your real name? Just, please pick something different.” Dream sounded incredibly firm, and Papyrus didn’t want to wear him out anymore. So he listened.
“WHAT ABOUT COOL BONES?” Papyrus’s smile faltered as Dream’s eyelights flickered out.
“Papyrus, please, be serious.” Papyrus had been serious, but he decided not to mention it. “Just- here, think about our names for a moment? Ink, Blue, Dream,” Dream pause, looking up at Papyrus hopefully. Papyrus did his best to reconsider. He could find an alternate version of his name? Translate it into another language perhaps. There was also the history of the word itself, which he and Sans had searched up late one brotherly bonding night. While the word papyrus is a plant, it’s also a form of paper in Ancient Egypt. Paper has simply so many uses, and it’s so incredibly important (and obnoxiously underrated). The Great Papyrus wouldn’t mind being called Paper.
“I CAN BE PAPER!” He offered, and Dream relaxed into a more genuine smile.
“Oooh!!! Like the paper to my ink!!!” Ink grinned, absolutely delighted.
“No, actually-“ Papyrus (Paper?) tried to correct him. With all the meaning behind his choice, he wanted to give it the proper glory.
“WELCOME TO THE STAR SANSES, PAPER!!!” Blueberry said, cutting Papyrus off. He tried to place his hand on Papyrus’s shoulder, but after discovering he couldn’t reach Blueberry settled for patting Papyrus’s back.
“THANK YOU NEW FRIEND!!” Papyrus widened his smile, reveling in the fact that he had made not one, not two, but THREE new friends in less than an hour. He couldn’t wait to tell his brother.
“NOW THAT WE’VE GOT THAT OUT OF THE WAY,” Blueberry said, “I HAVE TO HEAD HOME, ALPHYS IS EXPECTING ME. GOOD LUCK PAPER!” Blueberry threw a glance at Dream, then he lit up with the same golden hue as last time and disappeared. Ink’s eyelights flashed to a different color as he focused again on Papyrus, who had noticed by now that Ink’s attention was short and his focus quickly shifted.
“So, buddy, what do you wanna do now?” Ink leaned forward, almost as if bowing, and he bounced a little on his heels before performing some kind of trick jump and landing on an island floating a few feet up. He was now roughly at Papyrus’s socket-level.
“We tell Papyrus how this is going to go.” Dream said, cutting Ink off. Ink frowned, one eyelight flipping to a purple question mark while the other changed to a dim reddish-orange square.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN?” Papyrus wiggled his fingers, the fabric of his gloves rubbing. Dream sounded awfully serious, a stark contrast to Ink’s carefree nature.
“Blue’s already learned how to deal with… the Bad Sanses. Since we already know what does and doesn’t work, I’d rather skip the hard-learned lessons.” Dream gave a weak smile at the end, while Ink stuck out a rainbow colored tongue, nearly pouting.
“...WHAT MIGHT THOSE BE?” Papyrus began to worry for the first time since he accepted Blueberry’s offer.
“First of all, Blue’s already tried speeches.”
“Maybe, but we don’t have the time to give the speeches, and more often than not the Bad Sanses don’t even listen, they murder while you talk.” Dream said, the spot where his eyebrows would be tilting up.
“MURDER?” Papyrus faltered.
“Did Blue forget to tell you?” Ink asked. He had plopped down and was lying on his back with his skull dangling off his island, looking far too relaxed.
“TELL ME WHAT.” Papyrus didn’t want to guess this time. Dust isn’t a puzzle he ever wanted to solve.
“Our role as Guardians of the Multiverse is to protect timelines from being destroyed. The way that happens is the Bad Sanses wipe through the entire Underground, killing anyone and everyone they meet. Once they’ve killed enough, the timeline is unstable enough for them to destroy it directly.” Dream sighed, his shoulders slumping.
“Or so we think. Timelines are weird, and there could be a whole slew of reasons for how things work!! It’s really interesting. I’ve been wanting to study it all but- OOH A BUTTERFLY!!!” Ink said, jumping up to chase the shiny indigo insect. Even though Ink didn’t finish his sentence, Papyrus could get a sense of why he wasn’t learning anything. Ignoring the eccentric skeleton, Dream just looked sad. He was staring down at the ground, one hand wrapped tightly around the fabric above his SOUL.
“WHAT HAPPENS IF WE DON’T GET THERE IN TIME?” Papyrus tried to say it softly, but he could never figure out how to speak in lowercase. At least it still sounded caring.
“The entire timeline dies.” Dream sighed. He looked up, finally seeing Papyrus’s expression. “Ah! Don’t worry though!! We win a lot!! I’m just trying to explain why I need you to listen to me!!” Dream waved his hands about, trying to dispel the dark mood that had settled.
“THAT’S ALRIGHT. YOU WERE BEING HONEST. IT’S IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND ALL OF THE PIECES OF OUR JOB. I’M GLAD YOU TOLD ME.” Papyrus crouched so as to come eye to eye with Dream. He used this tactic with his brother whenever Sans was upset. Papyrus had found that it’s easier to talk to someone who’s right there with you. Papyrus reached out his gloved hands, and wrapped the bright, cheery red around Dream’s hands. Papyrus realized for the first time that Dream wore gloves too. Maybe he was a swapped version of Papyrus like Blueberry. Papyrus made a note to ask him later, when he was feeling better.
“Thank you, Paper.” Dream took a deep breath before continuing. “We pride ourselves in not killing anyone, ever. Not even the Bad Sanses. A tactic we like to use is trapping them. Blueberry does that the most, because he has the most magic to spare, so you’ll be using a lot of blue magic. Is that ok?”
“The butterfly flew away.” Ink said, butting in. He had a pout again. Papyrus leaned toward Dream a little and whispered to him.
“DOES… DOES HE PAY ATTENTION ENOUGH TO NOT GET HURT?” Papyrus was genuinely worried, but Dream burst out laughing. His grin widened as he turned toward Ink, who had begun to… eat… grass..?
“Most of the time.” Dream said, not particularly reassuring.
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fandom-obessesive · 4 years
I never told you pt 2
A/n: here’s part 2! if you enjoy this and would like to be tagged for part 3(which will be posted tmr 7/8/20) just leave a little👋 emoji.I hope you guys enjoy and have a great day
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
Word count: 1160
Warning: Ends on a cliff hanger😢
The rest of the day you had been haunted by the look he gave you, the intensity sending shivers down your spine. You stayed after a bit to get caught up on anything else you had missed along with a promise to Chase about etching out the details for Saturday after you got home, it wasn’t long before you practically threw yourself onto your bed. Maybe it would have just been better if you had stayed home today. Instead of berating yourself any longer on decisions that could not be changed, you instead allowed your eyes to flutter shut, and let sleep take you somewhere less stressful.
Bzzt bzzt…..bzzt bzzt….....bzzt bzzt…………..bzzt bzzt
‘what the fuck’ you thought, irritated at being woken up. Flailing around in your sheets a bit before hearing a thud, you snatched your phone from the floor.
Today 6:43 pm
Heyyyyyy, you make it home okay?
Today 6:46 pm
Its Chase, from lunch by the way
Today 6:51 pm
Sorry that probably sounded a little weird,
a random number texting you to see if you
got home safe
Today 6:58 pm
Anyway, just checking to see if we’re still
on for Saturday haha
Today 7:01 pm
Yeah sorry, ended up taking a nap,
how does 11 sound? We could order
some pizza, maybe study a bit?
Today 7:03 pm
Sounds perfect!!! See you then:)
You smiled at his eagerness, finding it endearing. It felt nice being wanted after these past 2 weeks.
‘Welp, time to torture myself some more’ you thought throwing one of Paul’s sweatshirts on. You loved to steal them, especially since he was a big dude to begin with but always insisted on buying oversized ones. The material seemed to swallow you whole when you wore them. Bringing the fabric up to your face and inhaling, it still reeked of his cologne, pine, and salt.
‘I remember that day’
You and him had gone to the beach, him insisting it was going to rain and you just brushing it off saying it was always cloudy in La Push. He ended up being right and never took it back after seeing you shivering when you got inside his car.
“Don't leave me here, Paul!” You yelled as he got up and started sprinting to his Jeep as it started to pour.
“Wait” you could barely get the word out through your laughter as you got up to start running as well.
“Why are you so slow? You. Would. Be. Useless, if this was the zombie apocalypse” he yelled back jokingly running back towards you, opting to just throw you over his shoulder.
Rushing to the car, your laughter seemed to get louder as he made unintelligible noises trying to simultaneously unlock the car, open the door, and quickly seat you down. As he ducked in, looking over to you he put on as serious of a face as he could manage.
“When the time comes, I’m sorry to say, but you must be sacrificed” he said solemnly, slowly dragging his finger down his cheek.
“Dude if you don’t shut up, I’m gonna pee myself” you wheezed holding your stomach. He soon broke into laughter too, starting the car up. Without a word, he pulled the sweatshirt he had been wearing off before draping it over your head and began the 10 minute ride back to your house.
‘Still nice and warm‘ you thought, pressing your face into it. You pulled it on and smiled at him. The rest of the day had been spent eating junk food and watching The Witcher, with Paul commenting about Geralt's hair and what type of conditioner he uses, Ciri being the new Eleven, and mimicking Jaskiers songs, making his own up for the rest of the day.
That was one of your favorite memories with him, and unfortunately what seemed to now be one of your last. A frown tugged at your lips after the realization. You wondered if there was any way to capture the smell, maybe turn it into a spray so you wouldn’t have to forget.
Not for right now at least.
Running to the kitchen and grabbing some food, you quickly ate wanting to go back to bed so you could have a break from these type of thoughts that seemed to cloud your mind, and once again sleep was your only giver of peace.
Friday morning you spent almost a half hour just laying there debating if it was worth it to even go to school and risk a part 2 of yesterday.
‘I’ll just say I’m having a bad day and ask to do my work in the library’ you decided, almost forgetting to change out of his sweatshirt. Throwing on some sweatpants and one of your own sweatshirts, you got in your car and sped to school.
The day passed uneventfully, and just as suspected, you were able to hang out in the library for most of the day, haven been given a pass due to it being Friday.
As day became night, thoughts of Paul filled your mind, and you found yourself growing worried about tomorrow. You just didn’t know if you could afford anything else happening tomorrow.
‘Please let tomorrow go okay, that’s all I’m asking’ with those silent prayers in mind, you went to bed.
11 rolled around sooner than you would have liked and Chase had arrived on the dot. You had to stifle a laugh when you first realized, also trying not to think about if he got here early so he could be on time. True to your word, you guys ordered some pizzas and studied most of the day, but you were also able to learn a lot more about Chase. It was actually kinda nice once he relaxed. He ended up leaving around 7 with an awkward hug and a promise to text you later and you were once again left alone.
‘Fuck this’ running upstairs, you grabbed Paul’s sweatshirt and headed out the back door.
Living near the woods definitely has its perks, like a trail behind your house to a clearing on the cliffs. You had discovered it when wondering around one summer and quickly made it a secret hideout for you and Paul. Paul was even able to bring over a bench that you and him painted. That summer had been one of the best, so carefree and filled with memories.
Making your way up the trail, you seem to have spotted the hunched over figure sitting in your bench a second too late. A little gasp left your mouth before you could stop it. You tried quietly leaving but before you could, he spoke up.
“I was wondering how long it would take him to leave” he said, standing up turning to face you.
A/n: AHHHH IM SORRY, tmr tmr tmr tmr i promise!😂anyways I hope you enjoyed and don’t forget, if you’d like to be on the taglist simply leave a 👋 down below, thank you for reading, and have a great day😊❤️
Taglist: @chloe-skywalker @chiefjacob @fangirlanotherjust @jelly-fishy-babie @dillybuggg @Britty443 @ineedmorefanfics @lahoete
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closer-stars · 4 years
Meet Me in The Middle
Member: Wooyoung Genre: Fluff to Angst Requested: Yes, Anon requested a prompt with Wooyoung so here it is  Word Count: A lot. Sorry i didn’t check the word count LOL Content: Failed relationships. Two different coins that is. Trying and trying but it just doesn’t succeed. Will there be a next time? Patience and plans. Female reader (though i rarely use she/her and more of you/they). Implied cheating. Life just really sucks sometimes ykno.  Note: Another shot at angst. I really tried.... pls. #PentUpThoughts. The way I asked for votes and it’s 1:1... then I had to flip a coin for the title HAHA. 
You love red. 
The way the color makes you feel powerful and confident. The way the color suits you so well it brings out your best features. It was rare for you to not have something red on you. If you didn’t, you felt weird. 
For many, you’re stubborn. You see things through with a game plan. You always had a plan when something comes up. People have started to respect you for that, some even intimidated by how you’re able to come up with answer to anything. Even if you don’t get the acceptance from your parents for the choices you’ve made in your life, you put on a strong face and push through. You’re a strong one, even at the face of near impossible adversity, you manage to pull through, just as long as you had a plan. You had too much to risk for you to not move without a plan. 
So how did you come across a man who would make you question everything?
Wooyoung’s hardheaded. People are intimidated of him more than they respected him. Was he bothered by how people talk about him? Not at all. Even if his parents wonder where they went wrong with him, he continues to live. He doesn’t mind it, in fact he likes it. It’s more reason for him to prove them wrong. Despite all the assumptions about him, he lives freely. He lives with no regrets. Even if he wasn’t someone who always had a game plan, things just seem to fall into place for him. He’s lucky like that.
So how did he come across her who would make him think carefully? 
Neither of you could answer the question of how did one fall for the other. Neither of you could answer either how both of you met. Somehow, it just happened. It starts with a hi and hello. It always does. 
The greetings become small talk. He starts to notice your small habits, nervous twiddling of your fingers, the shy brushing through your hair. You notice his habits too, the way his nose crinkles in amusement, the way his eyes look so easy to understand. It’s here when the awkwardness slowly dissipates to make room for warmth. 
The small talk become idle chatting. You discover his interest in performing, his desire to sing on stage. He discovers your interest in creating things, your desire to tell stories. It’s here when he starts to look forward to talking to you, to hearing your voice. It’s here when you start to find a little bit of happiness in your everyday life. 
The idle chatting become late night talks. He realizes your need to be accepted, your fear of rejection. You realize his need to find a place in this world, his fear of a never ending tunnel. It’s here when you see him beyond his loud mannerisms and fast paced life. It’s here when he sees the you behind your red lipsticks and red heels. 
The late night talks eventually become confessions. Both feeling their hearts flutter from the exchanged words. 
“Wait what?! When?” He exclaims, tackling you into his arms. 
“News flash, asshole! I’ve been in love with you the entire time.” You giggle against his shoulder. 
In retaliation, he tickles your sides, His heart soaring high at your words and at your soft giggles as you try to inch away from him. “Good, cause God you got me wrapped around your finger.” He mumbles against your skin, too elated to do anything but to hug you tighter to his frame. Hugging you so close it was as if he was scared to lose you. 
Through the happiness of the confessions there was still a catch. He understood how your parents have made you someone so cautious, so careful as you move through life. You told him to wait. To wait until you had a game plan because you feared your parents. As he waits, he still courts you, wants you to be sure that he’s the one for you. He makes you feel secure, more secure than you ever thought with yourself. You make him patient, and he starts to see how much he missed from moving at full speed through life. He hopes you accept him in the end. 
Months pass by and both of you start to notice the small improvements in yourselves. You were taking small risks one by one, occasionally taking the chance to go against your game plan. More often than not, the detour leads to better results. You could understand why he lives his life the way he does. Your friends notice how you aren’t as uptight anymore, letting them have their way. They notice how you let yourself just be and for once they hope you got yourself a guy who has balanced you well. 
He starts to slow down, thinking his options more thoroughly. It’s only after he stops that the results are better. He starts to understand why you’re careful. Eventually, to your circle of friends, they see just how happy he makes you be. They think he might be the one to release you from your cage. His circle of friends see how he’s become a lot more understanding. They think you might be the one who can reign him in. 
“When will you tell them?” 
That question always makes your heart sink. You always tell him when the time is right. It’s hard. How can you tell your parents of your interest in him when everything you do is met with pointed gazes and disappointed sighs? He understands and drops the topic, going back to asking for more cuddles while you busied yourself with a proposal for your work. 
Things quieted down for a while. 
You should’ve known it was the calm before the storm. 
You didn’t mean to. His phone was turned up, and his messages light his phone up. 
‘It’s been awhile, how have you been? I miss you.’ 
You know that name. One of his exes, if you remember correctly from his stories of failed relationships. It makes your heart sink as your eyes lay unmoving on the phone, not even when it dims down from the lack of attention. It’s only when you hear him get back that you busy yourself with your phone. Doubt clouds your mind. You hate how lost you feel now. 
That’s the thing with looking at life with glasses the shades of red; the red flags look like roses in a field. 
Even when you had his undivided attention, you start to wonder if his heart was with someone else this entire time. It’s in your alone time that your uncertainties wrack your brain, you want to shut them out but you can’t. You feel powerless to all the doubts and questions in your head, fueled only by the want to be someone your parents can be proud of. You’re frozen in place, unable to break yourself out of your head, not even when Wooyoung’s message lights up your phone. You manage to open it but you can’t get yourself to reply. By the time your head clears, you’ve fallen asleep. 
“Why didn’t you reply?” He whines softly. 
“I’m sorry, I got too caught up with my work.” You still felt scared to let him know of how bad your thoughts destroy you when you’re alone. You didn’t want to scare him away with your baggage that you try so hard to fix as you try to better yourself. For once, you try to better yourself not only for yourself but also for him. 
“You know I don’t like being left on read.” He reminds you with a frown. He’s made it clear early on how being left on read was a pet peeve. You didn’t want to see him angry. If you had to see him angry, you would have to find a way to calm him down. How do you calm someone down who you rarely see get angry? You were too tired to shoot something in return so you just nod and hum, leaning your head against the cool wall as you wait for your food to arrive. 
Time is running out. He asks again when will you tell your parents. He’s growing impatient again. He tries to understand. You can’t blame him. Both of you try to keep the topic of your family dynamics out of your conversations. So you tell him. 
“Two months.” No explanation to what you plan to do, no room for questions. He tilts your chin to look at him in the eye. He wants to see no flickering of confidence in your eyes. He’s getting impatient, you could see from how his forehead wrinkles as he gazes into your eyes. You don’t fail to catch the way his eyes snap to your lips, the way his breath tickles your skin, how you can practically taste the milk tea on his lips. With a millisecond to spare, you turn your face back to the laptop screen. 
Even on social media, you notice how close he still is to his exes. It’s hard not to ignore the weighted messages the exes send him, that he replies to with ease. 
“You know, I’m scared she might steal you from me.” You confess veiling your fear with a laughing emoji.
He looks at your message weirdly. “No one’s going to steal me from you, you know that right?” 
You stare at his message, somehow unable to believe it. 
“No one else but you. You’re the only one I want and if I have to wait forever, I will.”
You wish you didn’t see him post a photo of him drinking with ex. 
You still push on, quitting wasn’t an option. 
Those two months never come. Your parents catch you with him, asking you as to why you would choose to date someone like him. “Mom, listen--” you couldn’t get another word out when you feel a palm against your cheek. You gently press against the sting, you couldn’t see anything anymore, much less hear what they were yelling about. All you saw was red. Your eyes dim into a steely gaze, directed at both him and your parents. “Leave.” The statement catching everyone off guard. 
“Excuse me? Don’t talk to your own parents like that!” Your mom exclaims. 
“Both of you stopped becoming my parents the day you chose to berate my choices in life and compare me to my cousins.” You snap back. Your tone cold and piercing, it leaves the three of them in shock. 
“Hey..” He tries to get you back to reality. He calls for your name gently, reaching out to you but the way you look at him has him stopping in his tracks. 
“Get out of my sight.” You hiss. You return your gaze to the two people who have made you so fearful, so weak, so lost. “Fuck you.” You state, the lack of emotion in your voice makes his blood run cold. What he had done behind your back along with your parents had tipped you over the edge. Without another word to the three, you leave the premises. 
For once, he regrets not waiting a little longer. He watches you leave, unable to stop you, and just like that you were out of his eyesight. The shock on your parents’s faces makes him clench his jaw. He doesn’t bother to give them a word and instead runs out of the restaurant, in hopes of being able to catch you. When he sees the amount of people that’s when he realizes he’s lost you.
People say love stories start with a hi, but no one tells you how they end.  
Within the next few weeks, you pack everything you own, to live somewhere away from their reach. You’ve arranged everything to make sure they were not to contact you unless it was an emergency and even then you will decide if it is indeed an emergency. Your eyes scan your new home, plain and spacious, just waiting for it to be sprinkled with your personality. It’s a hope for something new. 
You look at yourself in the mirror. Nothing about you seemed to fit what red was anymore to you. You change your red shirt for a blue button up and look at yourself in the mirror once again. It suits you. A much needed change. 
You just couldn’t look at red the same. 
Eventually you’ve taken up a different style. A different color. Blue. A reminder to take things one step at a time. You’ve calmed down, though still headstrong and opinionated, you started to choose your battles. Even with the change, you still had your red lipstick: a reminder of your passion, your strength even if it has been tamed by the comforting blue. 
In those same weeks, he hoped to see you in his notifications: a message, a tweet, a like, anything as long as it was from you. His eyes drag across the screen of his phone, his free hand scrolling through his timeline. He wonders how you’ve been. Your profile still on his screen as he wonders what you’re up to now. 
“What’s wrong?” She asks and it makes him tear his eyes away from his phone to the new girl in his arms. She catches the way his forehead wrinkles from frustration but she says nothing. 
He keeps his phone away then shakes his head, brushing his lips against her temple. “Nothing babe. You know how the guys can be.” It’s a lie. He despises himself for lying so easily, so quickly. He was hoping to see a message from you even if he has someone else in his arms. He returns his attention to her, tickling her skin with the tip of his nose. For a moment, her laughter brings a smile to his face but it doesn’t make his stomach go through that funny feeling you do to him. She just wasn’t you, no matter how hard he tried to give her the love he had for you to her, it just wasn’t enough. 
Will it ever be?
Once everything has been settled into your new home with the help of your friends that they suggest that all of you go out for dinner, just to get your mind off from everything that has happened. You don’t decline it anymore. You let them call the shots for the night, just as long as you get back sober. You didn’t want to stay up tonight missing the sound of his voice, reminiscing about how warm it was to be in his arms. 
You still don’t have the heart to delete all the photos and videos you’ve kept from your time with him. Eventually you will, but for now, you’ll heal slowly with the help of your friends. 
It’s still a mystery, how you fell for someone that made you approach life in ways you didn’t expect. You ask yourself too, what made him fall for someone like you. For now, you’ll leave that question up in the air, you want to live in the moment at least for tonight. 
You didn’t expect yourself to laugh without a care in the world as your friends updated you in the latest gossip and news in their lives. Your friends remember how broken you looked after that day, puffy eyes, flushed glossy cheeks, dark eye bags. Compared to now, your cheeks are flushed and sore from the smiles, your eyes shut tightly as you try to hold in a laugh. While your break up hit you heavier than they expected, it made you stronger, a little better.  They notice how stress wasn’t apparent in your features anymore. You genuinely seemed like you were in a better place now. As better as it could be even without him. 
Wooyoung hears something he didn’t expect to hear, much to the surprise of the boys as well. They watch him look around until he found what he’s been looking for. You. You’re with your friends, laughing, and smiling. He finds himself smiling at the sight of you, relieved to see you back on your feet, wistful to wish that the smile was for him. He catches sight of how you gaze at the waiter, how your friends nudge you playfully, how you shake your head at whatever they were telling you. He’s relieved to see you smiling again. 
He notices the change, you weren’t wearing anything red anymore. Even though you aren’t in your signature red look, your lips still wear that shade that makes him unable to move. You look a lot better, lighter even. He wonders how have you been. Have you moved on from him? Without another thought, he takes the risk of sending you a message. He pretends to go back to his meal, watching you, hoping you receive his message. It’s how your still red lips are caught in between your teeth, how your eyes scan the area that he uses his friend’s as a cover, that lets him know you still have his number. 
“That’s her isn’t it?” His friend, Yeosang quips before managing to fit a wrap into his mouth. Wooyoung turns his attention to him, failing to see that you’ve caught him.
“Yeah..” he mumbles, trailing off. The way you looked at the waiter makes him think you that you may have moved on. Maybe him waiting for you was futile in the end after all. This entire time, he’s got another girl in his arms, calling her his girlfriend, yet his heart still has you. Why can’t he let go of you? It’s a question that makes him brush through his hair in frustration. 
He never got to apologize for drinking with his ex. Even if Yeosang had told him that what he’s doing was a bad idea, he still went for it. Old habits die hard, after all. 
Some of your friends catch the way your eyes look. It’s a look they’ve come to know fairly well and one of them tries their best to look around without causing a scene. “He’s here.” She mumbles to your friends and it’s what snaps you out of your reverie. One of your friends immediately wraps his arms around you, pulling you close to his frame. They’ll do everything to make sure he doesn’t approach you, not while your wounds are still fresh. They don’t know about his text message either, you kept your phone in your bag after you realized who it came from. 
“Hey hey.” Your friend says, stealing your attention from the guy that hurt you. “Ah.” He says, making you repeat what he says before feeding you with pork neck. It’s when you eat the offered meat that he ruffles your hair and lets you go, soft laughter slipping through. 
Wooyoung wishes it was him instead feeding you. He finishes the rest of his meal quietly, waiting for the rest of his friends to finish as well. He wants to get out of the restaurant fast, to see you with a potential partner, someone that seems to fit your parents’s standards hurts him more than he’d like to admit. His ears are with his friends but his eyes and mind are on you. 
It takes a while for you to realize that he dyed his hair once more. The last time you saw him, it was platinum blond. This time his hair has turned purple and for a moment it takes your breath away. The new look makes it hard for you to look away. No one knows that the two of you have been staring at each other, taking in the new look the other has. No one knows that the two of you are falling for each other again.   
Even though, he’s hurt you, you still harbor some feelings for him. Would you be able to give him another chance? You weren’t sure. This was a field where game plans don’t matter. This is a field that requires you to think fast, where having no plan is a good enough plan. You take this chance to pay for the bill, after all you just got promoted. None of you expected your hand to move so fast, snatching the bill from your friend’s hands, immediately making your way to the cashier, away from how Wooyoung was making your heart rush in ways you could barely control. 
He takes this chance too, to pay for everyone’s meal, much to the delight of his friends. Yeosang knew the reasoning and for once he’ll sit back. There are things in life that no advice can teach that only experience can. He has the bill in his hand and follows you to the cashier. 
It’s when you spin on your heel to make your way back to your table that you bump onto someone’s chest. His chest. Out of fear, you don’t dare to look up and instead force your eyes to stay downcast as you head back. His arm blocks your way, his free hand then handing his bill to the staff behind the cashier. 
“Can I ask for some time from you?” 
“I don’t think I have time for this.” 
“Please, just hear me out.”
“Please leave me alone. You can’t expect another reckless chance after everything.” 
That alone is enough of an answer for him to drop his arm. Once you see your opening, you dash out of his eyesight. It’s when he gets back to his table that he sees you and your friends are already gone. He doesn’t know where you went this time. 
Your group stays in a bar for the next few hours. The place is filled with mellow giggling, buzzed chatters, soft music and dim lighting. It takes a while until the alcohol hits you. Once the alcohol hits you, so does the answer. 
Maybe you fell for him because he reminded you of red. The shades of red that you wish to be but couldn’t. The red that’s fearless, steadfast, quick. He made you look at life with a little more vigor. He’s definitely taught you a few things you would have never thought you’d learn. 
God you just want to go home. 
Wooyoung reaches his place, throwing his shoes somewhere behind him as he’s back in his thoughts. Could he really do this to you and to his current lover? He looks first at his girlfriend’s profile then looks out the window, wondering where are you now. If he could take back what he’s done, he would. But to go back means the present will change. If he went back to that moment, would the two of you be together? 
The male realizes how you remind him of blue. The shade of blue that reminds him to stay steady, calm, to slow down. You’ve made him look at life as something that should be cherished rather than to speed through the chapters he hated. You’ve taught him things he never expected to learn. 
Maybe he’s meant to teach you a lesson, rather than being meant for you. Maybe you were meant for him, rather than being a lesson for him. 
No one has taught you that it’s okay to be both. That it just might be better to be both than to be either one or the other. 
A profile’s follower count went down by one that night. The photos and videos still safe in their phone, their number still saved. They didn’t have the heart to forget. 
For now both of you will continue to live through life. Until the time comes that both of you can look at each other again and maybe, just maybe, take that risk to try again. 
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
more tgcf chapters 143-173 lets goooooo
PEI MING BOO HISS except actually okay he’s mostly funny i think but still boo hiss
“hey who’s this guy who’s really pissed at you?” “oh thats my sword. i broke it.” alright then!
i think i need to go back and reread the banyue pass arc bc im still confused as to whats going on with banyue and pei su
“Banyue dropped from the sky with two pots raised. Without a word, she plummeted with the mouths of the pots facing down, trapping and detaining the shocked Ming’guang and the roaring Ke Mo within.” - THATS MY GIRL
“It must be known that, to heavenly officials, it certainly was more than natural for kingdoms of the mortal realm to fight and annihilate one another; the acts of these plays progressing on endlessly. But when it came their own turn, it was often hard to let things go. If one must stand in the same court as the one who annihilated their own kingdom, and that man cavorted in the heavens, exceedingly flashy, then it must be vexing.” - hmmmm!!
“I’ve spoken too many words in this lifetime. What are you referring to?” - okay to be fair thats a mood
okay its nice to get some pei ming backstory and its funny that he and xie lian are bonding but also still whenever pei ming interacts with a female character my hackles rise like a cat lol
“Xie Lian watched as Banyue thought really hard before cheerfully pulling out a few long, wine-red scorpion-snakes, and putting them into the bubbling pot.” - THATS MY GIRL
“Although “smell” was something colourless and formless, the instant Banyue removed the pot cover, it was as if some mysterious physical object had twisted all the air around the mouth of that pot. The group stared at the sight within the pot for a long time. Their pupils reflected an endless, bottomless darkness; like it could pull them into the abyss. No words could describe the sentiment expressed within their eyes. A moment later, Xie Lian patted Banyue’s shoulder and gave a thumbs-up.” - like father-figure like daughter-figure. amazing.
“However, what if one day mortals discovered something completely new that ran faster than horses? Then, when this new invention overtook horses, worshippers of this heavenly official who controlled horses would inevitably decrease. Such heavenly officials, flashing by like shooting stars, made up the majority of the heavens.” - obsessed with this, genuinely. life and change. worship and its purpose. my religious studies diploma on my wall is screaming at me rn. ALSO i am once again thinking about celebrities
“...” It was only then that Pei Ming seemed to notice, and started to contemplate this question. A moment later, he answered, “A habit. In a dark, creepy place like this, isn’t it normal to hold women in your arms, to comfort them and calm their fears?” “I’m sorry, but I wasn’t scared,” Banyue said.” - BANYUE I LOVE YOU. I MISSED YOU SO MUCH. god this takes me back to every college party i ever went to
LING WEN BACKSTORY????? shoeseller chosen for godhood bc she wrote a political essay and got arrested...... and now she’s face to face with the official who appointed her..... do go on.....
“Ling Wen laughed out loud, seeming to be enraged, and her voice dropped. “Very well! You said I couldn’t reach that high. Then, might I ask you: had the prominence of the Palace of Jing Wen at its peak ever reached even the knees of my Palace of Ling Wen??” - GET HIM!!!! BOO HISS JING WEN
“Compared to you, I’m not that bad,” Ling Wen said. “You’d personally order me to stay in the Palace of Jing Wen until midnight, then turn around and say I shamelessly hang around ‘til late to harass you. Words murder without form; I was much nicer responding with blatant violence.” - ling wen im love you..... also this bit... feels Real
BLOOD RAIN BLOOD RAIN BLOOD RAIN!! FLOWER PETALS TRANSFORMATION!!! see hua cheng? look as how cool it can be when you leave the story for a little while!! bc then you get to return and make an entrance!!
“Not only can you bring forth bloody rain, you can also make flowers shower. I didn’t know that. How fun!” - cute!! and in that moment we were all xie lian
“Everyone was stunned by his deed, and Ling Wen arduously gave him a thumbs-up. ”Ol’ Pei, what a man!” Pei Ming gritted his teeth. “WELCOME!” - aww three two tumors buddies!!
okay yin yu is here and xie lian did the equivalent of asking someone when the baby is due only to find out theyre not pregnant at all. then rong guang taunts yin yu and no one says anything. i do love the amount of awkward moments in this book tbh sometimes there are no words.
“All around was sand and mud crushing at him, exceedingly suffocating. The sand and mud was also moving endlessly; the feeling was like he was swallowed into the stomach of a giant monster, and that monster had also eaten a bunch of other things besides him, tumbling everything in its stomach, trying to digest” - ooooh creepy!!! the red string thing... is cute.... also xie lian being able to see hua cheng’s butterfly vision by looking directly into his eye is kinda cool. and obviously homoerotic.
“Are lower-ranked heavenly officials below other people?” Quan Yizhen asked. “No,” Yin Yu replied. Were they not? It was obvious that he himself didn’t believe in his own words, and Quan Yizhen also noticed. A good while later, he said bluntly, “I don’t like it here.” Yin Yu said nothing.” - im having emotions. and then yin yu also saying he doesnt like it there either.... also idk how this scene is going to play out but as much as im enjoying quan yizhen being an icon i can also possibly see how yin yu could eventually get to the point of “i am tired of being nice. i do just want to go apeshit” even if he really cares about qyz. it happens </3
“Indeed,” Hua Cheng said. “Half a year later when Quan Yizhen actually ascends, he won’t find it so funny anymore.” “Can we watch that part too?” Xie Lian asked. “We can. Hold on,” Hua Cheng replied.” - quan yizhen king of taking things literally. also why did this turn into hualian having a movie night
jian yu seems like the kind of asshole who would purposely give someone regular soda when they specifically asked for diet soda. god yin yu is really having a bad day i really feel for him in the whole situation with the brocade immortal
awww okay at least jian yu tried to take responsibility. im still mad at him tho that was objectively a terrible idea. god this whole situation sucked :(
“Rocks and earth crushed at them from all around, forcing their bodies to press tightly against one another, their faces brushing, their ears warm. Although it wasn’t the right time, a thought flashed through Xie Lian’s mind: “‘To die buried together’ doesn’t feel so bad.” - okay... im kind of emotional.... gay people....
okay obviously these murals and the prince of wuyong have some connection (im guessing pretty direct) to xie lian and are important but everytime they start analyzing one i feel like im back in art history class fhadskfhskjdhf not that thats a bad thing!! i liked art history a lot tbh
“Don’t worry, they’re not human,” Hua Cheng said. “It’s precisely because they’re not human that we have to worry, alright….” Xie Lian thought.” - goth ghost bf problems
xie lian: well, there is one person i trust more than anyone else, someone who’s first in my mind hua cheng, oblivious: oh :/ xie lian, also oblivious: what? hua cheng: you shouldnt trust so easily its dangerous xie lian: oh. haha. yeah. well. wanna,,, know who it is? hua cheng: its :) fine :) it :) doesnt :) matter :) but of course you can tell me if you want to gege xie lian, internally: well now ive made it weird hua cheng, 5 minutes later: actually i need you to tell me. right now. its totally for your security me: gay people smh
“As they suspected, he had been captured by Qi Rong. Although no one was bound by ropes, there were balls of greasily green ghost fires hovering over every one of their heads.” - completely off track but anybody else remember the great green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts song
“Could there actually come a day when Qi Rong was embarrassed that someone might see the manner in which he ate? Before Xuan Ji entered, she put Guzi down. Guzi, ta-ta-ta, ran in, rushing straight to Qi Rong’s side. But when he saw him, he pointed his finger. He cried, “Dad is eating bad things in secret again!” “I’m not!” Qi Rong retaliated.” SCREAM IS QI RONG LEARNING THE POWER OF LOVE NOOOO also god that poor man whose body he has im starting to doubt if he’ll ever be free jimmy novak flashbacks
everytime we get another ghost king power somewhere someone should be writing hua cheng the cyborg bf in a high tech futuristic au i think thats the only other potential setting that could truly capture this wild ride
“In truth, throughout history, there was no man in the world who didn’t love bragging. A breeze could blow the handkerchief of a brothel girl into a man’s hand, and he would turn around and say the most beautiful of renowned escorts had fallen in love with him; holding shoes and wiping benches for the emperor’s mistress’s uncle’s grandson’s cousin’s mistress would for sure become him being an important administrator at the residence of royal relatives, raising his status. Thus, men who didn’t brag were a rare species.” - SCREAM this is going in my favorite tgcf quotes folder god... mxtx come here let me shake your hand
read the story of rain master yushi huang’s ascension. why am i crying. also this bit im crying again me with my stuffed animals “Thus, while Yushi Huang was cultivating at the Temple of Yulong, every time when she went to seek water and passed that door, she would rub the head of that ox. The door knocker soaked in her essence of life, and when the Rain Master ascended, the ox ascended with her.”
okay thats enough for now i have 7 more chapters to book 4!!! woo!!!
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Survey #314
“as above, so below  /  what you reap is what you sow  /  what you give comes back threefold  /  as above, so below”
What do you do for work? I'm currently unemployed. I only get paid now and again to do pictures for people. What would you ideally like to do for work? I'd love if I could just be a photographer. What are you doing in order to achieve this? Practice and shoving my extreme discomfort about it aside and trying to promote myself where possible and not in an overbearing manner. What do you think is the worst being on the planet? "Rapists, pedophiles, abusive people in general." <<<< This. Anyone who disrespects the existence of other and equal people. Have you ever been arrested? If so, what for? No. How big an age gap is between you and your siblings? My immediate sisters and I are two years apart. My half-siblings, I don't know. I don't have their ages memorized, but I do know 5+ years, some even 10. Do/did your siblings cause trouble? Not really, we were good kids. What's your dream vehicle? I don't really have one. Are you good at taking care of your finances? What finances? And I don't mean that happily. What's your favorite comic strip? I don't have one. How many people have you texted today? Zero. Someone cheats. Second chance? Nope, byyyyeeeee. Thoughts on kids? Clay that I'm not playing with. Are you a risk taker? No. What are you listening to? I'm currently going through a phase of playing The Evil Within 2's theme nonstop, jc. Is/Was your high schools dress code strict? Not like, mega strict, but it still was overboard. No spaghetti strap shirts, and I even once got in trouble for wearing a floral mesh shirt, despite having a normal tanktop underneath it. It was weird, like no one had ever had a problem with it before, it was just this one teacher that I passed in the hall. Who was the last person to request you on a social media network - and did you accept? Someone I didn't know, so obviously not. Who was the last person’s vehicle that you rode in? Mom's. Who was the last person to make you laugh or smile, and why? Another current obsession of mine: John Wolfe, another let's player who I think is super funny. He said something that made me snicker before I turned on music and started this. Who was the last person that you took a photo with? My half-sister while she was visiting. Who was the last person to pay you a compliment, and what did they say? In group therapy the other day, one of the other women told me that even if I don't believe it, I bring so much positivity to group and she was really happy to be there while I am. I was so so super flustered but flattered, too. Who’s the last person that you visited in the hospital? My mom, following her surgery. Who is the last person that you lent money to? Actually today to Mom. What was the last food that you ate? I warmed up a burger for dinner. What did the last pair of footwear that you wore look like? They're just black flipflops. What was the last kind of bread that you ate? Just plain white bread. What was the last app that you downloaded to your phone? Oh wow, I never do this. I want to say it was a game for my niece. When was your last work shift? I haven't worked in a long time, so idk. When is the last time that you had trouble falling asleep? This is literally every single night. When was the last time you saw a significant other? I ain't got one'a those. When’s the last time that you took a risk? What was the risk? Well, I did say I'm not a risk-taker... Where was the last place that you went on vacation to? You know, how long does it have to be to be considered a "vacation?" I would say not since I went to the beach with an old friend, but it was literally a day. Where was the last place you got lost? uhhhhhhh Why did your last relationship fail? We need to work on ourselves before we could properly support each other and stay in a healthy mindset. Why did you leave your last job? I couldn't handle the stress of serving people and having so many responsibilities at once. How long has it been since you last visited a doctor? How about a dentist? I literally went to the doctor today because I had a follow-up appointment about my weight gain again. I haven't been to the dentist in a few months; I had a normal cleaning my last visit. How big was the last fish you caught? Oh boy, this is stretching years back. It was probably something small, idr at all. Give me the first initial of your last name? D. Something in your home that’s on its last leg(s)? We just moved here, so nothing that's a part of the house itself. As far as items we actually own, idk. Where do you purchase most of your clothes? I haven't gotten new clothes in so long, idk. I would probably say Hot Topic. Describe your skincare routine. I don't have one, if I'm being honest. I just shower. What’s your typical morning routine look like? I don't have one of those, either. The only thing that's consistent is going to the bathroom, eating, and taking my meds. Even brushing my teeth, the time of day when I do that (if I'm not leaving the house) varies. Then it's time to just binge stuff on YouTube and do whatever on the laptop... Are you still playing Animal Crossing? I've never played it, actually. How has the pandemic specifically affected you? It's caused a lot of stress worrying about my mom falling ill, given her being immunocompromised. It's also held me back from searching for another job (even though I don't know what I'd go for, anyway...), because I absolutely refuse to risk bringing Covid into this house by leaving it daily or whatever. What is your main source of anxiety? Being mentally ill, really. It just affects a lot. Any bands or artists you’ve recently discovered? Not very recently, no. What kind of games do you play on your phone? Just Pokemon GO nowadays. Do you have a specific aesthetic? It varies. I love dark, gothic, and gory stuff, but then I also love everything pink and pastel?????? Pastel gore is especially where it's at. Describe the moment you realized you were falling in love with someone. I'd rather not. What’s your favorite sparkling water brand/flavor? I've never even tried it before. What’s your favorite makeup brand/brands? I don't wear nearly enough makeup to be even remotely familiar with any. What’s your all-time favorite movie? It'll probably always be The Lion King. Do you have any subscription boxes? No, but they're cool. What fictional creature would you like as a pet? On deviantART today I actually discovered a fantastic artist who does a lot of HTTYD fanart, and I would say as a dragon lover, Toothless would be soooo great. Have any local businesses closed that you’re sad about? I'm certain tons have closed, but none come to mind. How do you feel about TikTok? I don't feel anything about it. Did you/do you still have a Neopets account? Haha I've had like... two or three at different stages in my life. What were you doing at 9 o'clock this morning? That's actually when (virtual) group therapy starts. Are you wearing any jewelry? Yeah; my piercings (if you count them) and then two rings that I always have on. Are you good at hiding disappointment? No. I'm bad at hiding my emotions because they're so strong. What happened the last time you cried? lmaooo I was finishing watching a The Evil Within 2 LP yesterday, and like, the last hour or so of the game just rips me apart. I was hoping so bad that my mom didn't pass by and ask what the problem was. What would your parents be surprised to learn about you? Both would be stunned to know the situation I had with Joel/my former best friend's boyfriend when I was around 12. What fictional character do you have the biggest crush on? dARKIPLIER Where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world? When all things are considered, like laws, seeing family, etc., somewhere in Canada, or maybe Alaska. Actually, Alaska would be really cool. What after school activities did you do in high school? I didn't have any, if you mean like, school sports and clubs. I did do dance once or twice a week, but it wasn't tied to my school. What’s the last book you really loved? I positively adored The Handmaid's Tale. If you could have been a child prodigy what would you have wanted to be skilled at? My writing was seen as very exceptional for my age as a kid, but it still would've been awesome if it was even better. If earth could only have one condiment for the rest of time, what would you pick to keep around? Uhhh I guess ketchup. I use that the most of all options. What is the scariest experience you have ever had? The night of the breakup. It was such an impossible concept to me that I genuinely thought my life was over, that I'd pull the plug at any moment. Who is a non-politician you wish would run for office? Oh, hunny, Markiplier lmao. Call it a bias all ya want, but he's just a genuinely incredible person that cares so much for everyone and is so serious about equality and just being a good person. Do you think it’s important to stay up to date with the news? It's very hypocritical of me to say, but yes, regardless. Do you own plants? If so, what kind of plants? If not, would you like to grow any? I've never been into growing plants, honestly. Is there a city that you have a particular fondness for? If so, what city is it and why? No, not really. When was the last time that you acted impulsively? Is this a common behavior for you? I dunno, I've gotten better at this. I probably said something I shouldn't have. If you received an allowance as a kid, what kinds of things would you buy with it? Were you more the type to save up for something big, or spend it on little things? I didn't get one. When you cuddle with someone, how do you prefer to position yourself? Would you rather be held, or do the holding? Or both? Are we sitting or lying down? Either way I think I have a tendency to lay my head on their chest while hugging them, and my legs generally curl up. If I'm upset, I definitely feel better and just a greater sense of safety if I'm the one being held, but if the roles are swapped, then I like to be the one doing the holding because I know that's what I want when I'm upset, so treat others how you wanna be treated, y'know. When you woke up today, did you find unread messages from anyone? No. Have you recently told anyone that you miss them? Yes. Can you recall the last time you turned down an offer, of any kind? Mom asked if I wanted to come with her to Ashley's a few days ago, but I said no. I wasn't in a social mood at all. Is there anyone you interact with every day on social media? No. What was the main character's name in the last fictional book you read? Sunny. Have you ever been rejected by a church? No. Is your family nice to you? Yeah. Are you comfortable with your gender? Yeah. What was your favorite Mary-Kate and Ashley film? I don't remember; we had a couple, though. What was your favorite book you had to read for school? The Outsiders. What was your favorite Nickelodeon show? ngl, I don't remember a lot of them and don't feel like looking up a list. Do you still live in the house you grew up in? No. Which Spice Girl was your favorite? I don't remember their names. Do you think you look the best you've ever looked? Oh hell no. Have you been hurt by religion? Yes, honestly. In Truth or Dare, would you rather choose Truth or Dare? I always choose "truth." Have you ever had more than one crush at once? Yeah, I think that's perfectly normal to feel, even for someone monogamous like myself. Just when you establish a relationship, then it's time to make a choice. What social issue do you care about most? This is hard to say with how passionately I hold my opinions, but probably LGBTQ+ rights. It's just... so disgusting to me that I was once homophobic. It's like I want to make up for it. Just the idea of being repulsed by love just because someone has "the wrong thing" in their pants is just... appalling. When was the last time you read a Bible? Many, maaaany years ago I started reading it, but I didn't get very far at all. Do you own a Bible? I personally don't, but I know Mom has one, maybe multiple. Do you discover new music regularly? No; I very much stick to what I know. It's great when I do, though, given that that's how I find new songs to repeat to the grave. What does your first name mean? "Of Britain" or something like that. What country do you live in? U.S.A. Do you believe that gays are born that way? Uh, yes? Who honestly believes a homosexual would *choose* to be in the discriminated minority? People are murdered and abused for simply their sexuality; no sane person would "choose" to risk that torture.
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demiwonder-a · 4 years
how do you fly with no wings? // young justice
WHO: Cassie Sandsmark, Bart Allen, Conner Kent, Tim Drake.
WORD COUNT: 4939 words.
LOCATION: New York City.
GENERAL NOTES: Young Justice is back, baby! Well, they thought they were back. A mission goes awry and Cassie falls and falls hard.
WARNINGS: Canon typical violence, guns, mentions of drugs/drug trade, mentions of past injuries. 
CASSIE: There was something in the air that Cassie felt settle deep into her bones, none of it good. Her mind whirled with possibilities of what it could possibly mean. The team was back together, officially. It couldn't be them. This was good, right? It had to be good. It felt like there was some dark cloud hanging over her head despite the joy she felt at being back together with her friends once more. 
The mission was easy enough. It was supposed to be, at least. Intervening in a drug trade that was to go down between two of the traffickers they had been following. Something for them to ease back into working together once more. Cassie was situated on the top of the building across from the meeting place, ready to spring into action as soon as Tim gave the go ahead. "In position. Is everyone else ready?"
KON: The super's eye peeked open at the sounds of his girlfriend's voice in his ear. He had been lounging atop the building where the meet up was supposed to occur for what felt like hours, just waiting to be given the go ahead to crash through the roof with only a pack of gum to entertain him. 
Phones could be tracked, according to Tim. That and he hadn't wanted a ringtone to go off in the middle of an interrogation, which, in Kon's defense, had only happened once so the fact that their fearless leader was still harping on felt a bit unnecessary to begin with. 
Either way, he popped another piece of gum in his mouth, humming at the sweet taste of juicy fruit as he pushed his sunglasses further up his nose. "Born ready, babe. I've been stuck up here for forever!" He complained, flicking his ball of foil into the air and turning into sprinkling ash with a quick flash of red, "Tim's the one taking forever, right Bart?" He snickered as he turned the volume down on his com. He'd know when it was time, and even if he didn't, it was always cooler to make a late entrance anyway. It added pizzazz to these things.
TIM + BART: "Cut the Bat-Brat some slack, Slug," The speedster's chipper voice sounded over the link, following gusts of wind and quick electric snaps. Tim had to smile. It felt so familiar, something old that resurfaced after a good dusty coat had been brushed off, still a bit rough in practice and use, but... These guys had been running their hero gig almost longer than Tim had, in the team sense at least. When Tim had left Young Justice to Cassie, it was to distance himself, to protect them from the possible consequences of his presence causing their utter demise. It was still a prevalent memory, the mass of them to be truly honest, amassing in a visceral fear that made his stomach turn every time he thought about it. Kon, Bart, gone and back within the same... No. They're here. You're all here, you're all getting back into the swing of things. Just keep it cool, keep everyone else in line like you were trained to do. You're a Robin, God damnit.
Crouching from his high vantage point, Tim could clearly see all three members of his merry band, whether they knew it or not. The shadow of the concrete around him kept him near invisible, if it wasn't for the glowing white lenses of his mask and the bright flash of red that spread over the new uniform's arms. Fingerstripes, those were Dick's thing... But Tim needed a change. Needed something new for the new Red Robin. The old one... Well, the old one died at the hands of Ra's Al Ghul, when he told himself he'd never be able to get back in the game because of what he'd done, what he was made to do to keep his city and his family and his friends safe. Besides, with his old gear either destroyed or left to ruin, he figured he'd need to do some upgrading regardless.
"You still thinkin', feather-brain?" Another breath of a laugh, shaking his head and glancing in the direction of the speedster. Bart was keeping himself occupied, as always, by playing around with the rusty lightning that haloed every appendage as he ran. Short sprints gave him just enough to practice throwing the thin bolts at the gravel, every strike leaving a blackened mark on the ground, throwing his already wild hair back further over the open top cowl. "You're almost scarin' me with how spooky silent you are. Then again, guess we've just worked with a boss that likes to be a little more commanding-" ZZRP! "... Not that there's anything bad about that, Wondy."
Bringing his arm up out of it's draped cape coverage, Tim glowered at the holographic screen appearing in his field of vision, working on typing in commands on the gauntlet. White lenses narrowed as he worked, a sly smile forming as information flooded the screen. "I'd have thought you all discovered patience while I was off the team. Guess that's what I get for assuming." Remotely, Tim snagged footage from the hidden security cameras outside of the building's loading bay. Without much more than a second to lose, the familiar lights of a transport truck came up on the screen. People or product, didn't matter, that was their cue.
"Transport approaching, East loading bay. Go for Operation Hart Protector. Flash, keep the truck from parking, watch perimeter. Superboy, Wonder Girl, bust in. Keep watch for digital storage, and don't destroy them please and thank you."
CASSIE: A small smile tugged at Cassie's lips even through the ominous cloud she felt darken with every passing moment. There was always a part of her that couldn't help brighten up around her team, her best friends. When Tim had left she had been a bit wary of leading the team herself, not wary in her skills but in everyone not wanting her to lead after having Tim as a leader. She never had trouble finding her voice, making sure it was the loudest and most commanding. Almost on the other side of the spectrum from Tim, cool and calculating while she was loud and commanding. 
"Thanks, Bart. I think," Cassie snorted out. "No destroying, you got it." This part was easy, putting herself in the mission mindset. She could push aside the looming gray cloud and the way her stomach was churning, head starting to spin. It was fine. Maybe a trip to Dr. Mid-Nite was due, but she'd keep that to herself for now. 
Cassie took to the air, flying towards the loading bay and faltered in the air as her head spun. She quickly righted herself and let out a shaky breath, shaking her head and surging forward to punch in the door. "You're slacking, Superboy!" Cassie quipped despite the words feeling heavy on her tongue. What had just happened? 
Didn't matter. She had to keep going.
KON: It wasn't like he wasn't paying attention, he was great at multitasking, after all, but he was almost always more attuned to Cassie's heartbeat than anything else. Most days it thumped solidly in his ear, grounding him when work got overwhelming and comforting him when he caught glimpses of Clark flying across the sky. He figured it was just a super thing, really, because he knew with certainty Clark did the same with Lois and he would bet his last Dr.Pepper Jon did it with Damian. It was nice, knowing that the person you loved most in the world was safe and happy but now his head snapped toward where Cassie's heartbeat was coming from, the falter in its beat making him frown. 
Cassie never got nervous. Not even when they faced foes that were far more terrifying than some drug traffickers. It worried him and a part of him wanted to rush over to her but he would never hear the end of it if he did. Not from Tim and certainly not from Cassie herself. She could take care of herself, always had. 
He tore through the ceiling with a grin, grabbing one of the few guards by the collar with a quick, "Sup?" Before grabbing onto the man's weapon and tossing it across the warehouse. 
"C'mon!" He whined, "Ladies first and all that. I was just being a gentleman." He grinned, winking at her as he tore a strip of metal from a parked van and formed it around the guards wrists in makeshift handcuffs. "You think Robin would buy us some handcuffs or do you think he'd be worried we'd use them for less than PG purposes?" He asked, dropping the man onto the ground as he glanced toward Cassie.
TIM + BART: Bart didn't need to be told to GO twice. He was off running the minute the order was given, a blip on Tim's visual radar as he appeared to just.. Appear in front of the parking truck, leaning against the hood, still humming from an engine that didn't have time to turn off. "Hi, boys. I'm gonna have to ask you to vacate the premises, orders from the boss." A gear shifted, the tires crunched against the pavement. "... Haha, oops." The speedster pushed his hands against the hood, flipping himself onto the trailer in a few quick motions, holding onto the edge for fear of getting flung off. "I don't think they bought it!!" He called out over the engine revving, the vehicle scraping the side of the building as it attempted to throw the hero off.
Tim was still waiting, a looming shadow at his post, listening and watching like a... "You do know I can still hear you all, right?" He sighed, closing down his holographic computer and standing on the edge of his vantage building. May as well get into the fray, he wasn't trained to just sit back. Besides, he'd been doing far too much of that lately. Grapple launcher in hand, the bird leapt into the air and soared for what felt like the first time in forever. Flying was really more Dick's thing, but there was a special kind of feeling in that free fall, the calculations you had to make, to get yourself to safety without hitting the ground or pulling your arm out of its socket. Without another spoken word, or much other thoughts,  the red bird swung up to fall near silently through the hole the Super left in the ceiling, crouched and ready to strike.
A loud crash against the wall and a mumbled "Owwie..." In his ear caught his attention first, head whipping over to the wall the noise. "Flash?" 
"M'fine," came the grunted reply, Bart pushing himself back up on his knees. "Truck's not parked. In fact, it's way past that." 
"Not to worry, Captain, I'm on it." Funny, Tim doesn't recall Bart ever sounding annoyed himself. His scowl deepened even as he tossed batarangs into the onslaught. There were a lot more hostiles than he'd initially thought...
"Hey, Rob, did these guys also have a weapons trade deal? 'Cause it's a little hard to catch up when I'm also being shot at."
Double shit.
CASSIE: Whipping her lasso out, Cassie snapped it out and wrapped it around the nearest man's forearm. She tugged hard and sent him flying back. A smile pulled at her lips and she rolled her eyes at Conner's attempts at flirting in the midst of them taking down the guards. "Definitely not," she tugged her lasso back and kicked out at the guard who was attempting to charge her, sending him crashing into the nearest wall and making him crumple in on himself. Tim came swinging in and it was like something clicked into place despite the persistent bad feeling that had made itself home in her chest. 
Of course, that couldn't last. Bart's voice sounded out through the comms and Cassie's heart sunk right down into her stomach. "Shit," she breathed out, trying to think of a solution and quick. "Flash, I'm coming! You two handle this!" She barked out the orders and shot out of the doors that were no longer hanging on the hinges after her hard punch. There was a memory that flashed across Cassie's mind of Bart and his knee, the way Deathstroke had put a bullet in it with no hesitation. She couldn't let him get hurt again. She wouldn't.
The dizziness was back and Cassie felt like she was seconds away from throwing up, but pushed it back. She pushed herself harder and faster, shooting through the air and throwing her lasso to wrap around the exhaust pipe of the truck. A scream tore its way through Cassie as she tugged and tugged hard, lifting the back of the truck up and dragging it backwards. Shots sounded out and Cassie tugged up harder, bullets ripping through the air and bouncing off her bracelets. Pain shot up her arms and spread throughout her body unlike she had felt before, the gas being pressed harder to try to get away from her. The exhaust pipe snapped and Cassie was sent flying back, a surprised yelp leaving her. "Oh no you don't!" 
Cassie caught herself in the air and tried to push through the dizzy spell and pain tingling in her entire body. Then something seemed to just snap as she pushed through the air, her body faltering up high in the sky and suddenly dropping down. Cassie scrambled, trying to force her body back up airborne but nothing happened, the dread setting in. 
A blood curdling scream escaped Cassie as she yelled out, "CONNER!" She was falling down towards the ground at a rapid speed and unable to stop it.
KON: He smirked, happy at the sight of his girlfriend's lips twitching into a small smile at his antics. He swiftly dealt with another guard, tossing him against a wall and pointedly ignoring the man's loud groan of pain. "Hey, if you didn't want to deal with us you probably shouldn't be doing... whatever it is you're doing here," he said before turning to Tim, "What are they doing here again?" 
His head whipped toward Cassie, his eyes following as she punched her way through the metal doors and off toward Bart. "Goddammit," He sighed, turning to Tim, "Does she seem a little off to you? Her heartbeat is going crazy." 
He sighed, pulling Tim behind him as a barrage of bullets came through the open door, a large truck screeching to a halt as "What are we supposed to do n-" His words were cut off when he heard, once again, Cassie's heartbeat falter and then, no more than a second later, the terror-laced scream of his name. He glanced at Tim, eyes wide but before the man could say anything he was flying up through the roof once more, dropping Tim onto a different building before he pushed himself toward the sound of the scream. 
His heart raced and he swooped down, his heels digging gouges into the street as he skidded right under Cassie, his arms ready to catch her before he was shooting back into the sky with a relieved laugh, his arms pulling her closer to his chest. "What the hell was that, Cass? Are you okay?"
TIM + BART: This was... Too familiar. Too nostalgic. The staff in his hands seemed to transport him back to a time when he was just a teen, a teen in green tights, a little too obsessed with ninjas, given the gruff command to take care of his own team as his predecessors before had done. A near mirror image of the League, the ones stuck to their sides or in their shadows. The wind in his hair as he whirled around, added more to the momentary illusion, and he forgot for a fleeting moment that the four of them had ever been apart. It was clockwork, just as easy as muscle memory...
That was, until things went wrong. 
Just their luck, the world gave them a sign that they should've kept to themselves, it seemed. Tim barely had the chance to answer Kon's questions before the scream nearly blew out the speaker in his ear. White eyes went wide with shock, a whispered "Cass-" making it's way out of his throat. It didn't take much more than a shared look of fear to know that his teammate had heard it too, possibly a million times louder than either of them wanted to hear. He was trying to think of a plan, to send Kon off so he could fend off the rest of the hoard himself, to call back Bart and get at least someone on his 6, but his brain doesn't run on super speed, the ground flying away from him faster than he could start to talk again.
"What the hell-?!" Another sentence, reflexive and reactive, and again barely spoken before he was dropped out of the air again. Damn it all. Tim rolled to a kneel again, looking up to see a blurred streak racing off into the horizon, his plans fizzling out like a match in a puddle. They had this, they had this under control and ready to get done. What the hell was going on that he didn't plan for?? He wanted to make a retort, tell the other that he was fine, that he should've just left him there to duke it out, but... He worried. Lips pulled into a tight frown, masked eyes watching the blur fade away, he waited... Listened... Watched. It's what he was good at, right?
Bart skidded to a full stop just behind the capture zone, though his gold, sparking eyes darted from the sky to the road. "Grife, they're gone," He sighed, a gloved hand flicking through the windblown nest of hair, letting it fall into his face. He wasn't about to get another hospital trip out of them coming together again as a team, no sir. Besides, he had the plates, make and model, and gaudy off-white color scheme committed to memory, it wasn't like it was going to be hard to find with a now broken exhaust. 
It was a moment of silence from the both of them, just staring at what they could only assume was the super-couple above them. All was quiet until Tim decided it was time to speak up again: "Status report."
CASSIE: There was a certain sense of helplessness as Cassie fell down, down, down. The wind caused her hair to whip past her face, not because of her pushing her body through the sky but from her descent down towards the ground. Her eyes squeezed shut as tears stung at them, so many faces flashing in her mind as the air rushed past her body.
Conner, Bart, Tim. Her team she had let down in a course of action she hadn't even seen coming. Donna and Diana, two Amazons and her sisters she had felt so disconnected from for far too long. She didn't feel a part of the Amazons and entirely too much like a boat floating far out to see. There was Kara and Jon, the two other Kryptonians that had wormed their way into her heart. The anger she had quietly held for Kara despite being able to relate far too deeply. There was a regret in the fact she had been angry with her in a place that had only come from wanting to protect Conner. Her mom. Her mom, who had only wanted to take care of her and was horrified when she decided to become a hero. Her mom who she hadn't talked to in so long and ached for her in this moment. Maybe she was right, Cassie didn't know what she was doing and hadn't in a very long time.
Suddenly, arms were around Cassie and she was shot back up into the air. She let out a startled gasp and her eyes opened, arms scrambling to wrap around Conner's neck tightly. She parted her lips to answer and wasn't even sure what to say. What did happen? 
"...I don't know," Cassie whispered weakly, a tear escaping and rolling down her cheek. She wasn't one to fall apart like this, but she had been scared, terrified even. "I was...I've been feeling off lately. Dizzy and just like something wasn't right. I ignored it for awhile, was gonna go visit Dr. Mid-Nite...then I just—" Failed them. She failed them and the mission. Their first mission back as a team and she had ruined it. 
"I was flying after the truck and it was like someone tugged the power chord on my powers. I just...fell. I couldn't make myself fly no matter how hard I tried. If I had to guess I probably can't even make a dent in a door I punch. I'm...useless. I don't have any powers." The reality came crashing down on Cassie swift and fast. She didn't have any powers. She had had powers for so long now, was one of the heavy hitters on the team alongside Conner. What good was she without them? 
Tim's voice crackled to life in the comms unit and Cassie's response was half hearted—monotone at best. "I'm fine." She didn't feel it. Not in the slightest.
KON: She was safe, here in his arms with her heartbeat fluttering wildly and her voice breaking. He looked down at her and his teeth dug into his bottom lip as his fingers squeezed a little tighter only to ease up again in an instant. His flight wavering as his brows stitched together in concern. 
There had never been a time that he could remember that he had been scared to hurt her, but now as he looked into her eyes and saw the vulnerability shining there he had to take a deep breath just to collect himself. He shifted her weight into one arm and brushed away the stray tear as best as he could, his lips pursing as they continued to flow. He landed them on the ground and glanced around, a small dry chuckle bubbling past his lips as he ran a hand through his hair. They were farther out than he had anticipated, somewhere upstate from the look of it. He had been so terrified, so panicked in the moment that he hadn't even realised how fast they were flying. His only thought had been getting her away as quickly as possible but now he felt guilty. Bart needed him, he had left Tim on a random roof, his need to protect her so strong that he hadn't given a second thought to abandoning the team, his best friends. 
They could have been captured, they could have been hurt, they could have been killed. 
He took a shuddering breath, his eyes squeezing shut as he reached blindly for Cassie's hand and cradled it in his own. He needed to focus on her right now. Bart and Tim were smart and capable and probably already tracking them. 
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, hating how just a few weeks earlier she had asked him the same question. When did they start keeping secrets? Lying by commission? That wasn't them, was it?
"You are not-" he huffed, snatching the comm from his ear and pinching it between his fingers until he heard a satisfying crunch. "Look, we'll figure it out, Tim will- I don't know, do Tim things and we'll fix it, okay? Don't cry," he said pulling her into a hug, "I hate when you cry."
TIM + BART: No visual, they disappeared... That wasn't too odd in a normal sense, but this wasn't a normal mission. He knew they were out there at least, knew they were still alive. He wished that was all the assurance he needed. Cassie wasn't fine, and Kon wouldn't be fine unless she was. Something had gone terribly wrong here. Possibilities flooded his head, nearly blocking out the mental work he'd already put in that he'd take on solo to try finishing what the four of them had started. Maybe it was easier that way, anyways-
Nope. Fuck. Stop that, you promised you'd stop that. You're fine. Just breathe.
A deep grumble sounded at the back of his throat when he pulled up his screen again, typing quick commands to try and find the pair... And noticed he could only see one dot on his radar. Damn it. Damn it all. "Well, at least he won't get to whine about calling it off."
"Yeah, he can get pretty whiney, huh?" Without a second to spare, it seemed, the yellow-clad speedster had come up to flank the vigilante, his eyes slightly glowing from the sparks that threatened to take his vision for the moment. "I don't think he'll be doin' much of that now, though."
“What happened?" Tim asked, concern filtering through the gruff mask he attempted to put on his voice.
"She just..." Lost, confused, worried, the speedster looked back up at the sky. "She just kinda' fell."
The two shared a moment of silence, each one lost in their own thoughts. If Tim wasn't trying to figure it all out at once, he'd have to laugh at the fact that this was probably the longest time Bart had ever stayed quiet. Deep down, Bart knew it too, but he was stuck in place, rooted, grounded, frozen. All words he never wanted to be. But... What could either of them really do? No one had the full story, least of all Cassie, they were sure.
"... Head back home, Bart," Tim eventually sighed, closing down the holograph screen, turning his head at the familiar sound of an engine on the streets below. Hello, old faithful. "Get some rest. I'll send a report when I can." Walking, not running, Tim dropped off the edge of the roof and onto the waiting top of the Redbird, waiting until he was actually in the old car to lean back and... 'Relax'. To say he had a bad feeling would be rhetorical.
And Bart only watched, still at a loss for words. Did he really want to go 'home' tonight? It felt like he shouldn't, he should let the two of them be alone as much as they could. Maybe he should leave a note, send them a text, maybe he should go to the Garricks or his old place he shared with M-... No no, don't do that, Allen. With the feeling of tears threatening to take his eyes, the speedster set a sort of concentrated scowl on his face at the horizon line. Without another second to lose, he was gone in a flash, taking off to no destination in particular. There were no problems while he ran free, there wasn't anything he had to worry about if he just kept going.
He'd be back tomorrow anyways, always smiling, always happy.
CASSIE: Conner was trying, but all Cassie could feel was a never ending sense of dread and disappointment. She hated letting them down, had been afraid of it for so long even. Back when she was the leader of the team that was a constant fear. For as confident as she was, she truly had lost all faith and confidence in herself steadily over time. She saw Diana, even Donna, and didn't know where she fit into the picture. They were Amazons through and through, but she...she wasn't. She could pretend all she wanted, but she was just some girl who happened to be part god and was only ever gifted these powers by her deadbeat of a grandfather who just so happened to be Zeus. 
Why didn't you tell me? The question was enough to make Cassie grimace and flinch the tiniest bit. She had told Scott, breaking down in a similar fashion in the man's new home on Genosha that something was wrong with her. She hadn't said anything to anyone else, almost afraid if she uttered any more about it that something would happen. Little did she know, she was doomed regardless. 
"I didn't mean to...I was scared. I thought something was wrong and I was afraid if I talked about it then there would actually be something wrong with me. How am I supposed to explain that? I can't explain it other than I had a terrifying gut feeling that there was something absolutely fucking wrong with me." Cassie sighed weakly and scrubbed at her eyes tiredly, she felt completely drained. Whether it was from the loss of powers or just...emotionally being completely destroyed was up for debate. The lasso at her hip felt entirely too heavy and she wanted to rip it apart, throw it away with her bracelets and never look at either again.
"Yeah. We'll figure it out." Cassie parroted halfheartedly at best. She had a feeling that they wouldn't. That she would be...stuck like this and wouldn't be needed. By anyone. "Let's just...can you take us home, please?" She requested quietly, moving to wrap her arms around Conner's neck once more as his arms moved around her. The wind in her hair and the clouds in the sky were a far different experience when someone was carrying her rather than her flying through them herself. Her head fell to Conner's shoulder and she squeezed shut tightly. They'd figure it out. They had to. Right? Right. (She hoped so at least. She didn't know what she'd do if she was stuck like this forever. She could only hope and try not to let that diminish for now.)
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mintymiknow · 5 years
Old-School [Seungmin]
Summary: [High School AU] When Seungmin unexpectedly enlists your help for a project he’s working on in exchange for a book, you agree. Little did you know that something else would be gained with this deal. [WC: approx. 3.2k words]
Genre: Fluff
Tumblr media
People nowadays are different. Different in a good way, different in a bad way. So many things trending and happening in this generation too. Maybe that’s why people always thought you were unique.
You were labelled “old-school” or “an old soul” due to your love for anything retro, vintage and well…old-school. You were fairly young and up-to-date with all the news and technology whatnot, but you lived for the simplicity, classiness, and rather romantic values of the older days. You didn’t care though. It was what made you yourself. You loved taking vintage-inspired polaroid pictures, going to vintage boutiques, and antique bookstores.
And that was precisely where you were. You breathe in the scent of old books, probably with tattered and stained pages. Your fingers brush across the spines of each book on the shelf as you walk along the aisles, and soon, your eyes spot the book you were looking for. With a smile, you reach up to take it, only for the book to be yanked out by someone else. You’re met with puppy-like eyes and a boy with an equally surprised expression as yours at the opposite side of the shelf. You’ve seen him somewhere, but you can’t exactly figure it out. “Were you going to get this?” he asks with a smile.
“Yeah, but you can get it. You got it first.” you chuckle sheepishly.
Now it’s the boys turn to chuckle as he walks to your side, handing the book over to you. “It’s fine. You should get it. I don’t mind.”
You blush for no apparent reason and gently take the book from him, “If you’re really sure, then alright.” you look up at him and smile, “Thank you…?”
“Oh, right. Seungmin.” he grins, “My name is Seungmin. I think we have a few classes together.”
Ah. Kim Seungmin. He was a student at your school, often hanging around Jeongin and Woojin. He had some classes with you, but being your introverted self, you never talked to him. You didn’t even know him personally. You simply saw him either in class or the library. “Y/n.” you say plainly, nodding your head slowly.
“And I kind of have one condition for you getting the book instead of me.” Seungmin laughs lightly.
You tilt your head to the side curiously, “What would that be?”
Seungmin scratches the back of his neck, “I need your help…with my photography project.”
Your eyes widen in surprise as you point to yourself, “My…help?”
Seungmin looks around, an innocent look in his eyes, but his tone is teasing, “Yeah, you. You don’t see anyone else around here, do you?”
You laugh, clutching the book tighter, “Yeah, ok, I got it. I just meant, me? Why me?”
“Because,” Seungmin smiles, “you’re perfect for the theme of my project.”
You stand there speechless, trying to wrap your head around the idea that “you’re perfect for his project”. Seungmin tilts his head to the side, continuing to tease you, “So, do you want that book or not? I’d be glad to take it from you if you’re not going to help me.”
“Yes, ok! Fine, I’ll help you!” you say a bit too excitedly, causing him to chuckle softly.
“Great. I’ll tell you more about it in school. Library after class.” he waves at your before heading to another area of the bookstore.
You stand there with a grin of disbelief plastered on your lips before scoffing to yourself, “What is he doing? What am I doing?”
Seungmin was reading some book on lighting tips and tricks when you slid into the seat across from him. He doesn’t look up and simply says, “You actually came.”
You grinned at the boy and chuckle, “I mean, yeah. I made a deal with you after all. I wouldn’t back away.”
“Good to know.” Seungmin says flatly before cracking a smile at you, “So, about this project...”
He went on to explain how the photography club he was in chose him as the member who would be making the annual photo collection. His photos would be compiled into a magazine or photobook which would be sold at the annual school festival so that proceeds could be given for donation. This year’s theme was “vintage”, and Seungmin was more than happy to participate. “I just got this vibe that you liked those sorts of stuff.” Seungmin tells you plainly.
You slowly nod, “Yeah, I actually do. I’m pretty much old-school.”
“Jeongin did say that as well.” Seungmin grins, “And that is why I asked for your help. You know the theme better than anyone else.”
“You’re going to want to stick to a color scheme of sorts.” you start, “Like maybe browns, beige, white, neutral tones like that? Oh, and sepia! Yes, of course!”
Seungmin watches you ramble on about color palettes and aesthetics for almost an hour, and you don’t seem to notice the fondness and amusement his eyes are holding. There’s a twinkle of curiosity and wonder in your eyes, and Seungmin finds himself captivated, capturing the image in his brain like a built-in camera. When you finish rambling, you finally make eye contact with the boy, tilting your head, “What? Why are you staring?”
“You talk a lot, don’t you?” Seungmin teases.
You blush, “Actually, I don’t. I’m very introverted.”
“Where? I don’t see it.” Seungmin pushes.
“Haha you’re funny.” you playfully mock him, “I only talk this much if I like the topic.”
“Noted.” Seungmin says nonchalantly before gesturing towards the door, “When do you want to start? I have to finish finalizing the photos in a week, by the way. The editors want to make the layout and whatnot perfect.”
You shrug, “We can start now. I know a vintage-themed coffee shop nearby.”
“Lead the way then.”
You both arrive at vintage, almost rustic, looking café. Before stepping inside, you whisper to Seungmin, “The owner is my older sister’s best friend. She’s very open to photoshoots and picture-taking in her café as long as it doesn’t disturb customers.”
Seungmin nods and makes no delays in going inside. You’re both greeted by the owner whom you happily greet. You order something for you and Seungmin and find yourselves seated near a window. “What are you waiting for? Go ahead and take photos. Everything here is perfect for the theme!” you smile.
Seungmin mocks your enthusiasm, earning a pout from you. He laughs afterwards and gets up, camera in hand. You watch him as he goes around the quaint café, taking photos of the objects and even a few candid shots of customers. As he takes photos, you notice how his smile is so bright after he checks the photos he took. He looks at his camera screen with passionate eyes, and you can tell from his grin that he really loves and is dedicated to what he is doing. You find yourself smiling as the owner starts to talk to him, his chuckles and smile a little shy. When he starts walking back to you, his face is very much pleased. “This place was perfect. I already got a lot of shots.”
You grin, “Well, I know a lot more places.”
Seungmin nods, “That’s good, but it will have to wait ‘til tomorrow. I need to do my homework.”
Your eyes widen, “Oh my gosh. Me too! This is bad.”
Seungmin raises an eyebrow and teases you with a straight face, “Relax, granny. You still have time, which is why we should call it a day.”
You mimic his eyebrow raise and mumble, “I should probably stop helping you.”
“You said you wouldn’t go back on your word.” Seungmin counters, “Besides, I gave you the book in exchange for your help.”
“Blackmailer.” you joke, a sly smile on your lips.
“I am not.” Seungmin chuckles, “I’m giving opportunities.”
“Mhmm, sure, whatever.” you nod, but you both end up smiling at each other before you turn into awkward and flustered messes.
That Saturday, you meet up with Seungmin at a place called “Pink Parlor”, and his face immediately tells you that his does not like it in there. “Oh come on! I did mention in my text that it was a fashion and cosmetics store!” you stifle a laugh.
Seungmin nods, “Mhhm. Just to be clear…it is still vintage-y?”
“Duh. I wouldn’t have told you about it if it wasn’t. It’s got a lot of pink, maybe pastel stuff, but it’s like those vintage Tumblr aesthetics girls are always crazy for.” you explain.
Seungmin looks at you with a mischievous glint in his eye, “Wow y/n, you know what Tumblr is?”
“I like old stuff, but I’m not old, Seungmin.” you playfully hit him. “I am very aware of Tumblr.”
“Ok, ok. Let’s go.”
You and Seungmin go inside the store, and without further ado, Seungmin is snapping away with his camera. Meanwhile, you start looking at the collections of makeup, unaware that Seungmin has shifted his subject from the rooms and objects to you. “Hey, y/n,” he starts, “tilt your head a little higher.”
“What?” you question, but Seungmin just repeats his instruction.
You do as you are told, but you don’t expect him to reach out and tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. Your heart leaps at the action, but you swallow hard to remain calm. When Seungmin captures the photo, he smiles, “Perfect shot.”
He shows you a photo of you trying one of the blush compacts, and it looks so candid and almost like a painting. You grin widely, “I admit. You really are good.”
“Of course I am.” he laughs.
For the following days, you and Seungmin go around different places that have some sort of vintage vibe. You went café hopping, visited some antique bookstores, went to antique and second-hand shops, and even planned photoshoots with friends. In one particular photo session, you both had asked Hyunjin to be a model of sorts, and he was happy to comply, delivering some vintage boyfriend looks for the photos. “I like these suspenders” he said during the photoshoot. Throughout those days, you and Seungmin became quite close with each other, discovering that you had a lot in common. You learned that he liked to sing, which is why he was usually with Woojin and Jeongin. He was also very sarcastic in a way, but he also expressed a caring and kind side. Seungmin learned about your love for reading and anything creative, admiring the sparkle in your eyes. He observed how you were indeed an introvert, but you did have a talkative side if he played his cards right. Seungmin wouldn’t tell you directly, but he knows that he’s attracted to your delicate, curious and wonderous self. You, on the other hand, were just as attracted to this dandy, savage yet passionate and sweet boy.
Today was the last day Seungmin was going to take photos before finalizing the ones that would make it to the collection. You were at the park, holding a small bouquet of white and yellow flowers. “I don’t see why it has to be me as your subject.” you mumble shyly.
Seungmin shrugs, “Why not?”
“Other girls are better at this than I am.” you admit, “I’m camera shy.”
“Nonsense. Just act natural.” Seungmin says as if it’s the easiest thing to do. “Ready?”
You sigh and hold the flowers close, posing as Seungmin takes multiple photos. After a few photos, you start giggling and hide your face behind your hands. Seungmin still takes a photo nonetheless, and he somehow feels his heart fluttering at your shy sight. He smiles to himself softly before getting ready to mess with you again, “Y/n, what’s gotten into you? Are you ok there?”
“Ah, Seungmin!” you laugh, “I can’t do this, I’m laughing at myself. This is embarrassing!”
“Really now?” Seungmin challenges before getting close to you and taking random photos, causing you to laugh and turn away from him.
Within seconds you keep twisting and turning to avoid his camera, but Seungmin is persistent and laughs as the shutter clicks. You get tired from moving too much and finally stop, but your hands still cover your face. Seungmin huffs before smiling and taking your wrists in his hands, effectively pulling your hands away from your face. “What?” you blush.
Seungmin stands there, quiet, as his eyes search your own. He’s lost in thought, and for a moment, neither of you do anything. Not until Seungmin cracks a small smile and says, “Meet me at the photography club tomorrow after class. No questions.”
You simply nod and look down, flustered at the proximity you’re sharing with the male. Seungmin finally lets go of your wrists and walks ahead, “Come on, it’s getting late. I’ll take you home, granny, old-fashioned and all.”
“Funny, Kim Seungmin.”
You met up with Seungmin as planned after class. He was seated on a couch in the photography club’s room, laptop on his lap as he went through his files, picking which photos were the best. You entered quietly, but Seungmin noticed anyway. “Finally.” he jokes.
“Yeah, I just came from a math class. I’m doing fine, thank you.” you joke back, causing the male to chuckle.
You plop down beside him on the couch, and soon, you’re both looking through his files together. You agree on some photos, causing you to occasionally high-five each other. When you disagree on some photos, you argue for about a minute before settling everything by playing good-old rock-paper-scissors. Seungmin needs one last photo before completing the collection, and he simply opens the file for his chosen pick. “Maybe this one? It’s too perfect to not include.”
Your eyes widen and your cheeks heat up the minute the picture loads. It’s a photo of you at the first café you visited. You were seated on the cushioned seat, coffee mug in one hand, a book in the other. There was a delicate and gentle smile on your lips, and your features were so relaxed, you could almost feel how peaceful it was. “When did you take this?” you say quietly, admiring how everything – from lighting to angle – worked out perfectly.
“Obviously when we were at the café.” Seungmin shrugs.
“Of course.” you scoff, “But I never saw you take my photo…” you accidentally blurt out, eyes widening as you did.
Seungmin senses your panic and smirks, “Oh, so you were watching me?”
You shake your head vigorously and exclaim, “No! Of course not! I mean, you know – ”
Seungmin laughs and grins softly, “Relax, y/n.”
You clear your throat and turn your attention back to the photo, “I do like this one. Very much.”
Seungmin faces you and notices the softness in your expressions, his very own expression softening as well. “Me too.”
You turn to face him, only to be met with his eyes already on you. You both stare at each other for a few seconds. Your eyelids threaten to flutter shut as you struggle to keep them open. You settle for looking down, anywhere but his eyes, as you speak, “So, are we done choosing?”
Seungmin clears his throat and backs away, his attention back to the laptop screen as he hides his red cheeks, “Yeah, we are. Thanks.”
You both sit in an awkward silence before another member of the club enters the room. You take this as your cue to leave, so as soon as you give Seungmin a high-five, you scurry out the door.
You don’t see Seungmin for a week due to being busy studying for finals and whatnot, but on the day of the school festival, you walk around campus and admire the sight, stopping by random stalls set up by students and guests. You stop by the photography club’s booth where they were selling the photobooks. Picking one up, you smile to yourself before saying, “He really did an amazing job with these.”
A member manning the booth chuckles, “You bet he did. Maybe he was inspired.”
At that moment, you start to blush and cough awkwardly, “Have you sold a lot?”
“Yeah,” the member smiles, “At least we get to donate a lot.”
You nod and attempt to go to another booth when the member calls you. “Wait, you must be y/n, right?”
“Yes, why?”
“Seungmin said to give this to someone named ‘y/n’. He said this y/n person was this girl in the photos.” the member explains, handing you a small, beige envelope.
“Oh, thank you.” you mutter before taking the envelope and walking away.
You stand somewhere to the side and open the said envelope to reveal a small letter with its paper stained like the old books in an antique store. You read the letter:
“Is this old-school enough for you, granny y/n? Just kidding. I just wanted to say thank you for helping me on this “project”. It means a lot, and you helped a lot. Come to the photography club again later at 5:00 pm. No questions. Just come.
- Kim Seungmin
p.s. hand-written letters are old-school, so you better come. I made an effort to write this when I could have texted you.”
You grin surprisingly wide at the note, putting it back into the envelope and holding it close to you. “You’re a surprise, Kim Seungmin.”
At precisely 5:00pm, you find yourself quietly entering the photography club’s room again. No one is inside, so you go further into the room. “Seungmin?” you call out, looking for the male, but no one responds. “Trickster.” you mumble to yourself.
“Excuse me, I’m right here.”
You quickly turn around and see Seungmin standing by the doorway, a mischievous smile on his lips, in contrast to his innocent features. His hands are behind his back, and you cautiously step closer in front of him. “I liked the letter, by the way.” you grin.
Seungmin grins back, “That’s not all.”
Before you can respond, Seungmin reveals a bouquet of pale roses and holds them out for you. You reach out and take them, holding it close to your chest, “Thank you, but what for?”
“To thank you.” Seungmin blushes, and this is the most nervous you have seen him.
You smile shyly, blushing yourself, so you turn your gaze to the roses in your hand. “I love it.”
“And…” Seungmin nervously scratches the back of his neck, “maybe you’d like to go get dinner with me? My treat…to thank you for all the effort. If you want to.”
You don’t stop the smile from spreading on your lips as you reply, “I’d like that.”
Seungmin smiles as you giggle softly, holding the flowers even closer. “You know, you’ve written me a hand-written letter or note anyway, given me a bouquet of flowers, and now you’re asking me out for dinner. You’ve just done three of the old-school things that I love the most.”
Seungmin offers his arm, and you happily hook yours around his. He smiles down at you as he starts walking, “What can I say? I guess I’m pretty old-school too.”
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honeyjaez · 5 years
Maze of Miroh- Chapter 4 “Their Reason”
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Authors note:
A lot goes down in this chapter explanation wise. Why they fight, etc. If you have any questions ask me! I’m worried it might not make sense haha
Minho wiped the giant droplet of rain that fell on his cheek. A few hours past from his previous conversation with Chan and the others, Minho now found himself walking down an abandoned street with Woojin and Seungmin on either side of him. Both of them were having their own conversation, something about who was going to do the dishes when they got back but honestly he could care less.
His brain was too preoccupied with his current situation. 
“You know” he mused, interrupting their conversation “Isn’t this going against everything Chan just told me to do? Why are we walking around in the middle of day?”
He had changed his clothes on, wearing now a rather oversized hoodie and baggy jeans. As per instructed by Chan before leaving, Minho lifted the hood in hopes to try and cover his face. But Minho didn’t understand it. This was not subtle whatsoever, and just one close look at him and he would be discovered.
His traveling companions however had no qualms about being outside, and as Chan described it, neither got out very much so there was less risk of being caught.
Seungmin, who trudged along in a bright red rain coat scoffed at him, a noise Minho has learned was his signature trademark “Well if somebody wasn’t so adamant about getting some stupid picture himself and had just let us get it we wouldn’t be in this situation now would we?”
Minho closed his mouth, knowing the younger boy was right but unwilling to admit it. He didn’t want to tell them the real reason he had been so insistent on coming.
Minho’s heart broke as he thought of the orphaned 12 year old boy on his own. Sure he has their other neighbors to take care of him, but Minho and Hyunjae were like older brothers to the boy. He must have been so worried about them after the incident in the factory, and he knew he couldn’t just ask Chan to go out and find him to bring him with them. So, he decided to go out and see if he could find the boy himself. He needed to bring Jeongwoo with him, the thought of leaving him alone terrified him.
“It should be fine.” Woojin hummed, turning his head towards the rain “It’s Free Day and it’s raining. No one will really be outside. Not even Agents”
“Fine by me” Seungmin sniffed “Less people, the better.”
Minho turned his head towards the red headed boy, a smirk on his face, “You really don’t like people huh?”
Seungmin let out a small chuckle, like Minho had just asked the stupidest question on the planet.
“Not at all. I like to keep to myself and not deal with idiots. Less headaches that way.”
“Awww come on Seungminnie” Woojin cooed from Minho’s other side. “You love us don’t you?”
Minho watched as Seungmin peered over at the older boy, his eyes unamused. “I tolerate you idiots. There is a big difference.”
The older boy chuckled, not looking at him as they continued down the rainy street “Whatever you say Minnie.”
Minho winced at the nickname, his heart contracting in pain. He hadn’t even realized he had stopped walking until he noticed Woojin and Seungmin stilled as well. The eldest boy looked over at him, worry in his eyes.
“Minho? What’s wrong?”
Minho stared down at their feet, suddenly fascinated by them. “Hyunjae hyung used to call me Minie…” he trailed off, his voice woven with sadness and guilt. A hand was felt on his shoulder and he looked up to see Woojin looking at him with a comforting smile.
“Don’t you worry.” He said “Felix will find him.”
“Yeah if there is even anything lef-“
A hiss from Woojin cut Seungmin off before he could finish his harsh sentence, but Minho wasn’t even listening anymore. Because Woojin’s words reminded Minho of a whole other situation that caused him uneasiness in his heart.
The freckled boy looked so dejected from Minho as he left and Minho could help but feel responsible.
“Well you know Minho hyung.” Felix interjected after Chan turned down his request to help. “There is one way you could help us.”
The whole roomed turned silent, as they all turned their eyes to the red headed boy speaking. Minho’s eyes perked up, waiting to hear what the boy had to say.
“You could always just join us.”
The whole room froze. Minho’s own eyes widened in response as he looked at the very serious expression Felix was giving him.
“Him? Join us?” Changbin growled out loud. “Now wait just a minute Lix! You can’t just-“
“Channie hyung said it was alright!” Felix rounded on the smaller boy, hands on hips.
Changbin’s mouth gaped open as he looked now at Chan. “Is this true hyung?”
Chan shrugged his shoulders slightly, closing his eyes and turning away from the group. “I told Felix that we could do as much as ask. But-” he stopped, turning to give Felix a stern look “I also told him to wait until I could talk to everyone about it.”
“No offense to Minho-ssi.” Seungmin spoke up from his place on the chair “But we literally do not know anything about him other than the fact that he liked your story and he is an idiot with a death wish, or just bad eye sight I can’t figure out which.”
Felix turned towards him, fire in his eyes. “You guys didn’t know me either! Channie hyung and Changbin hyung found me in the sewers! Eating trash like a rat!” Minho grimaced at the sheer amount of agony that was could be heard within Felix’s voice as he spoke. He knew he wasn’t crying, but he was damn close. “And yet you all opened me with welcome arms!”
“Lix’” a soft voice whispered.
Minho had to do a double take when he realized it was Changbin, foul mouth, grumpy, harsh Changbin who spoked so softly to the boy. He watched as Changbin put an arm on Felix’s shoulder, squeezing it in comfort. “I know you mean well.” He said so quietly that Minho barley heard it. “But this is different”
Felix ripped his body away from the smaller boy, turning back to look directly at Minho “How?!”
“Because you had skills” a harsh voice said, and Minho glanced to see Jisung staring directly at him as he spoke. “This isn’t some pretend game we are playing Lix’. This is real life. We aren’t some charity case and we need good people. People who can help us. Not uesles-“
Felix growled. Like actually growled, cutting Jisung’s harsh words off. The sound was so foreign to Minho that it caused his heart to jump a little and he could feel the room freeze at the noise. Jisung, who had been staring at Minho now turned to gaze evenly at Felix, neither backing down. He saw worry reflected in the others as the room fell silent to the heightened tension.
“He isn’t useless.” Felix seethed “No one is useless.” His tone was so dark that Minho actually feared the boy for a few moments. Even Changbin stepped away from him.
Jisung and Felix continued to have their stare off, neither of them moving as they sized one another up and it wasn’t until Chan clapped his hands to signal them to knock it off that Minho realized he had been holding his breath.
“Knock it off you two” Chan said intimidatingly. “Lix’ no one is saying Minho is useless.” He soothed, placing a hand on the smaller boys’ head. Minho watched as Jisung opened his mouth to say something but was silenced when he caught the glare his leader was giving him. Felix seemed to relax a little in the embrace of older boy, seemingly shaking is shoulders of tension.  
“That being said” a new voice spoke up and Minho turned to see Seungmin getting up from his chair now. “We don’t know anything about him, and it doesn’t look like he has anything special about him other than being a pretty face.” His words were harsh, but he said them so matter of factly that Minho couldn’t argue. Seungmin then turned towards Felix, a brush of sympathy on his face and a very unusual bit of softness to his voice. “Think about it for him Lix’ He can’t fight. We would be sending him into danger after danger. It would be safer for him not to join us.”
Yes. Safer. Minho thought.
“B-But-” Felix sputtered “We could teach him how to fight! We could teach him-“
“Felix” Seungmin interrupted “Why do you want him to join us so badly?”
Felix froze, his voice going silent as he contemplated Seungmin’s question. It seemed like hours had passed in those few fleeting moments, but Minho watched through wide eyes as the freckled face boy then turned towards him, eyes emotional.
“I….I don’t know…..honestly I don’t.” he trailed off trying to find his words. “But when I look at him, I can’t help but feel….I don’t know…. like he is it. He is the completion. The final puzzle piece to our unfinished puzzle.” Felix started to walk towards him, never breaking eye contact. Eventually he got close enough to where he could place a single hand over Minho heart. “I saw it on my first day working with him, and I saw it again when we spoke for the first time… I truly believe he wants nothing more than to change this world….he just doesn’t know how.” Felix’s voice was so soft that Minho himself found his heart melting. A sense of pride washing over him as he looked at the strange boy.
He sure is an unusual one.
“Channie-hyung sees it too!” Felix added “There is something about Minho hyung…I just can’t quite understand it, but Channie hyung agrees with me.”
“Is that true Chan?” Woojin asked, looking serious at the other boy who had stayed silent during Felix’s confession. Minho turned his head towards the boy in question but froze when he saw his expression. The leader had a hand on his chin and he eyes were narrowed looking straight at Minho, like he was trying to figure something out.
“Felix is right” he finally said after a few more moments “I can’t figure it out either, but I feel it too…There is just something about Minho that makes me want him to join us.”
There were quiet murmurs between Woojin and Hyunjin and Seungmin placed his own hand on his chin, mirroring Chan. He seemed to think for a brief moment before looking straight at Minho, eyes hard.
“I don’t know….” he trailed off “but Chan has crazy accurate intuition….if he thinks you are good enough….then I have to believe you are.”
There were nods of agreement from the others and Minho gritted his teeth, his fists clenching up into balls.
He was nothing. There was nothing special about him. Nothing.
“You’re wrong”
Felix eyes widened at Minho’s sudden confession, removing his hand and stepping back. Minho gritted his teeth even harder, clenching his fists.
“You’re wrong about me. I’m no savior. I don’t wish to be a hero” his tone was so dark with despair that it even shocked Minho himself. But he had to do this. He was no hero and He had to make Felix see that. “I applaud you all for being so brave” he turned towards the others “But this is your fight. Not mine. This is your world and I don’t want to live in it.” He almost spat the words out, anger glistening in his eyes.
Minho turned his whole body towards Chan, turning away from the smaller boy. “I am sorry, but I will not join your group. I don’t want any part of this stupid fight.”
“Doesn’t matter what you want” an ice cold voice said and Minho turned to glare at Jisung once again. What was his problem with Minho anyways? Why is he trying to pick a fight with him?
“What do you mean?” Minho hissed out, getting more and more frustrated with the boy.
Jisung matched his anger filled eyes and stood up. Suddenly it felt like it was the only two of them in that room as they stared at one another, anger bristling in their eyes.
“’It’s not my fight’ or ‘I don’t want any part of this.’” Jisung mocked. “It doesn’t matter what is or is not your fight. It doesn’t matter if you do not want to be a part of this.” Jisung spoke rather slowly, his tone dark and serious. “The fight is coming. The fight is coming whether you want it or not. You can either be on their side….or ours….but either way being on their side won’t keep your friends any safer. You will see….”  Minho heard the pure feeling of brokenness laced within the younger boy’s words. He only knew the sense of brokenness because it was a feeling he felt pretty regularly. Suddenly Minho couldn’t help but feel sorry for this boy.
What did they do him that has left him so broken?
“I’m sorry…”
Minho watched as Jisung flinched slightly at his words, breaking him out of his daze. Minho then turned towards the others, his gaze sympathetic “Too all of you. I’m so sorry for whatever The Order has done to you.” Finally his gaze landed on Felix’s his eyes kind, but hard. “But I am not a player on this chest board. All I want” he flinched back as his voice broke slightly “Is my own little make shift family that I’ve created…. That’s all I want. Do I think the world would be better off without The Order? Yes. But….I will sit through the pain if it means my family is safe.”
Felix opened his mouth to say something but was cutoff with Chan raising his hand.
“That is enough Felix” he said gently “Minho has given us his answer.” He turned towards him, his eyes somewhat sad but understanding. Minho couldn’t understand it. Hadn’t they just met? Why were they acting like they have known each other for years?
“That’s that I guess. No hard feelings with asking eh?” Chan turned back toward Felix who was no longer looking at Minho, his shoulders sagging slightly. “Don’t forget you made a promise to Minho.” He added with a smile “You’ll find his hyung in one piece got it?”
Felix looked up from the ground, his eyes still sad, but they now held a sense of determination in them. “Yes of course hyung.” And without another word left the room, not even glancing at him as he left much to Minho’s dismay.
Minho let out an audible sigh as he replays the memory over again in his mind. He thought over what transpired in their house, thought back to what Felix said. To what he said.
Truth be told he didn’t have any regrets about saying no…..right?
He remembered flinching when Jisung called him useless, despite knowing it to be true. He agreed wholeheartedly with him. Minho was useless. His only skill being that of running, and the occasional dance. Neither were skills needed to take down a massive adversary like The Order.
But even if he had skills….would he want to use them?
The Order was horrible. A repressive government that only benefited the higher class. Lower people like Minho and Hyunjae and millions of others were just punching bags and rats to the order. Honestly, the world would be better off without it.
But he was just….too scared.
Too scared to fight them. Too scared to stand up for what’s right. Too scared to oppose them and help others.
That’s why he was angry earlier. Not at the other boys. Not at Felix. But rather with himself. He can’t fight The Order like them. He wasn’t brave like them.
He wasn’t like Hyunjae.
All his life he knew one thing. Follow The Order. Never cause trouble, and never fight back. The Order existed and there was no changing that. Wasn’t that what he was taught?
He remembered when he first heard about S-K-Z. They originally didn’t go by that name, but were a group of nameless faces trying to fight back, trying to tear The Order out by its roots. He remembered Hyunjae telling him about them and how Minho scoffed at the idea. There was no point in fighting the order. No use causing trouble. And here was this group, causing trouble, blowing up buildings, shooting agents in the streets. It was just a group of angry people who didn’t care who they hurt as long as they met their agenda and took as many people down with them.
But even now, as they walked down in the rain filled street he turned to look at both Seungmin and then Woojin respectfully. Neither of them seemed like heartless killers. They seemed…..nice. Which begs the question.
“Neh…Woojin-ssi? Minho spoke up suddenly.
“I told you, call me hyung.”
“Alright, Woojin hyung…” Minho started. “Can I ask you two something?”
Seungmin made no notion he heard him, but saw Woojin nod his head once. “Sure. Ask away.”
“Why do you do it? Why do you want The Order gone so badly?”
Woojin must have been caught off guard by the question because he hummed in response, grabbing a hold of his chin thinking.  “Well…” he started “It’s a long story.”
Minho smiled softly looking at him. In their short amount of time he quickly grew rather fond of the older hyung. If he wasn’t a member of a super dangerous terrorist group he would want to invite him over to dinner sometime with the others.
“It’s a long ways away from my place.” Minho offered.
Woojin nodded, smiling in understanding. “I guess I’ll go back to the beginning. But first Minho….let me ask you something. Do you remember how the world almost ended nearly 125 years ago?”
Minho nodded instantly. Everyone knew. It was taught in every school. “There was a plague…” he started softly “No one knows how it got out into the world, or where it started….but it killed nearly everyone…”
Woojin nodded, not taking his eyes off the road in front of them. Minho took that as a sign to continue.
“It was insane I guess. The people who survived kept trying to kill each other for food and shelter. Endless fights broke out everywhere. They were lawless.”
“And that’s when The Order came in.” Woojin interjected.
Minho nodded “From a small town north, The Order of Typhon, or rather just The Order started to place people together. They wanted to bring the human race back to what we used to be. They began creating laws and a government in place to help the people. Right?”
Woojin nodded “That’s what they were supposed to do……” he trailed off and stole a glance at Seungmin who Minho didn’t realize was incredibly tense. “Tell me Minho” Woojin continued “What do you know about ‘Miracles?’”
Minho’s eyes widened at Woojin, his eyebrows furrowing down in confusion. “Aren’t they a myth?”
Woojin winked at him “I don’t know…are they?”
Minho sighed, confused by the hyungs’ weird behavior. “It was said when the plague first broke out…. There were one of three reactions your body would have to it. One was the virus shutting down your system and you died within minutes. The Second was that if you were exposed and your body didn’t shut down then you were fine…..” he trailed off
“And the third reaction?”
Minho’s eyes furrowed down even more. “They say there was a third reaction to the virus. Certain individuals did not die, nor did they go unaffected by it…… but rather their DNA began to go through a transmutation. Gaining abilities not usually given to the Human race. They were known as
‘Miracles’- But hyung!” Minho stopped midsentence “Miracles were just a legend, no one had any documented proof of these super humans. They were just written off as a bad joke!”
Woojin hummed in response “Yes a poor joke written off by The Order… doesn’t that seem fishy to you?”
Minho stared at the older boy. “You are not seriously suggesting The Order killed these people?”
“-ing. ing as in they are still doing it” Seungmin hissed from his other side interjecting himself into the conversation. Minho jumped slightly, almost forgetting the smaller boy was there. He gaped at the boy “But the virus has been dead for at least 90 years. There shouldn’t be any Miracles left! And even if they were, why would The Order cover it up? Why would they be hunting them?”
“Quiet down will you!” Woojin scolded “We may be alone right now but don’t forget we are 3 fugitives walking about!”
Minho bowed his head in an apology as Woojin continued.
“The Order was scared of Miracles. Miracles were a symbol of power, and they took that as a threat against their government. So of course they would kill them.” Minho grimaced at the older boy’s words, knowing the logic was sound. He turned back towards Seungmin who had an unreadable expression on his face.
“The Virus is gone, but the DNA it changed remained in those humans to be passed down.” The boy said “The few Miracles who escaped The Order ended up reproducing and their DNA got passed down to their kids.” He got very quiet as he looked down on the ground below him. He watched as Woojin stretched an arm across him to pat the cherry red headed boy.
“Seungmin’s older brother was a Miracle.” Woojin explained. “He wasn’t super faced, or super strong, but he had a brain that was hardwired for tech. He could create things that no normal human could just out of a battery and some string.”
Minho tried to swallow all this information in one gulp but it didn’t work. His ears and mind just couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Super humans actually existed? Like ones with super strength and speed? Those who could read minds? They were all real?
“Does that mean?” Minho thought out loud “that YOU’RE A Miracle too?” he asked as he pointed accusingly at the younger boy. He watched as Seungmin shook his head, trying to break out of the wave of sadness that Minho saw in him. “Nope…guess the genes don’t go to everyone. Thank god for that. If I was a Miracle on top of being this smart I would be too perfect for anyone.”
“So what?” Minho asked looking back and forth between the two of them “You guys created the group to protect the remaining Miracles from The Order?”
Seungmin looked up at him, generally shocked for a brief moment before he wiped it back to be emotionless. “That’s basically how it is. I’m shocked your tiny brain deduced that so quickly.”
“Uhh Thanks? I guess?”
Woojin laughed, placing a hand over Minho and pointing at Seungmin. “Technically S-K-Z wasn’t the original name, nor were we all the original members of the group. The group was technically started by Seungmin’s and Jisung’s older brothers who had a group of their own. Their leader, Sungjin was the one who proposed the idea to protect Miracles like Wonpil who were being hunted down by the government. Create a space where they could live in peace. It worked really well for a while. But when Sungjin’s group separated, and Chan took over leadership he wanted nothing more than to continue Sungjin’s dream of a paradise for them. It was at that moment Channie realized there would be no such thing as paradise if The Order was still in charge. That’s why we focus on taking them down.”
“What happened to them? Sungjin and Wonpil and the others?”
Seungmin tensed beside him and Minho could feel the pressure coming from the younger boy. Woojin smiled sadly, waving his hand in the air. “That story was before my time. And not mine to tell.”
Minho nodding, knowing to respect the boundary placed there.
“But that’s not all why we do it.” Seungmin started “Yeah sure, it might have started as a way to just help Miracles. But along the way, we wanted to take them down, not just for them, or for ourselves. But for everyone. Everyone repressed by this evil power. No more kids have to go to bed hungry and alone anymore. No more parents having to work themselves to death just to provide for their family.  We wanted to do this….for everyone.”
“That’s….” Minho stared at him “Very Noble….of you all.”
He paused,uncertain by his next question.
“Weren’t you scared?”
Woojin smiled at him, a knowing look on his face. “Every damn day.” He looked over at Seungmin who nodded once, confirming his own fears. “But not for myself.” He shook his head “No. If anything I fear for my brothers. I fear that our message will die with us and no one will take over when we are gone. That we did all of this…..for nothing.” Woojin paused, thinking at his own words.
 “I just worry that if we all die, that means I’ll be stuck in Hell with Changbin for the rest of my life.”
 Seungmin random confession caused the two boys to stare at the other before breaking out in a fit of giggles. Minho stopped when he noticed something in the corner of his eye catch his attention. The youngest looked slightly offended at both them, sticking his tongue out “I’m only half joking you butts!-”
 But Minho was no longer listening to the boy’s ranting, his mind and eyes now stuck to a single sheet of paper that hung on a nearby pole. Minho knew this pole. He walked by it every day on his way to work. It was home to many ‘Missing Person’s’ poster. People used this pole to find loved ones who had gone missing. He can’t count how many time he put a poster up for Jeongwoo’s sister on here.
 But as he walked closer to it Sejeong was not the face he was looking at.
 Minho’s mind went blank with pure fear, ripping the small piece of paper off the pole. He heard shuffling behind him and knew Woojin and Seungmin came to investigate. Minho’s started to breathe sporadically, hands trembling with the paper still in his grasp.
 First his parents…
 Then his sister…
 It’s been only a week since I last saw him….
 It seemed like life was laughing at him, ruining everything good about his life in the matter of day. First he was a fugitive, wrongly accused, forced into hiding. Secondly his Hyunjae hyung was a prisoner of The Order, probably being tortured to try and get information out of him on Minho. And now…..
 His family. His little make shift family that has kept him alive over the years. His family that he wants nothing more than to protect…
 He stared down, a single tear flowing down his cheek, as Jeongwoo’s face stared back at him. The words ‘Missing Person’ in big black letters above his picture.
 Now…Jeongwoo was missing.
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horansqueen · 5 years
BabyGirl 10.0
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♥ this is based on a concept i received a few weeks ago and ppl asked that i made a story with it. ♥ i planned 3-4 long parts but i think it’ll be 8-10 short parts okay more like 15 parts? lol ♥ 3.4k. fluff. ♥ there may be smut but i doubt it and IF it happens it wont be as explicit as my other smut works. ♥ i didn’t proofread and if you read my stuff you know i never do because im a lazy ass. ♥ I wrote the thing about socks without even thinking about Niall’s socks obsession (just because one of my daughters used to love socks sooo much) and then I remembered so I added something about it haha!  ♥ im so sorry it took so long, really. i will try to update quicker next time! ♥ if you have any questions please dont hesitate.
♥ PART 1  // PART 2 // PART 3  // PART 4 // PART 5 // PART 6 // PART 7 // PART 8 // PART 9
                                 10.0 SHOPPING & PRINCESS THINGS
I felt a bit disoriented when I woke up. The sun peaked through the living room windows and I could hear the tv in the background. I groaned low, sensing it was way too early to even think of getting up, but finally sighed and opened my eyes slowly. I felt someone move against me and gripped her tighter, pulling her closer to me. She let out a low whimper and it made me smile fondly. I turned my head to look at her sleeping, her mouth slightly open and her hair a mess, and it made my heart twist. A bunch of memories rushed through my mind and I brought my hand to move her hair out of her face. I could keep pretending I didn't love her, but I would just be lying to myself, and I was pretty much the only person who still believed my lies.
I let the tip of my finger slide on her jaw until her chin and it made the left corner of her lips move up. She moved her shoulder closer to her face and whimpered again, her eyes fluttering open slowly. They met mine and I smiled more as she did the same.
"Morning." she breathed, licking her lips.
"Morning." I replied just as low. "Slept well?"
She smiled more and stretched herself and for some reason, I felt suddenly endeared by the way she woke up, stretching her arms up and squirming slightly the rest of her body as a low groan escaped her lips. But It's only when she turned on the side and her arm wrapped around my chest that my heart jumped in my chest.
"Surprisingly, yes." she pointed out, looking up at me. "Your couch is amazing."
She was so close and my eyes roamed on her face, letting thoughts and memories invade me the way I never let them before. For once, I was making the choice I wanted, and not the one I knew I needed to make. I was allowing myself to go against what I thought everyone else wanted to do something I desperately needed and I was sure I wouldn't regret it for a second. I bent down slightly, brushing my lips against hers. They immediately curled and I chuckled, pressing my lips firmly on hers.
"Mommy, I'm hungry."
The voice made both of us jump and I instantly remembered the sound of the television playing when I woke up. It should have been a hint that Chelsea was awake but it simply didn't come to mind at that moment.
Her mom sat up and I did the same as she tried to comb her hair with her fingers. I was nervous, not really sure of what our daughter had heard or seen, and I cursed at myself mentally. Just yesterday, we had decided to start again but not tell Chelsea to be sure not to hurt her and the first thing we did was going against that, even if it wasn't intentional.
"Mommy!" she repeated in a whiny voice, making me raise my eyebrows.
"Chelsea." I replied without thinking. "Mommy just woke up, so give her some time okay?"
The confidence in my tone surprised everyone in the room, especially me, and I held my breath, a bit scared I would be told to mind my own business. They both stared at me, blinking a few times, and my daughter finally sighed, turning back to the television.
"Okay uncle Niall."
I swallowed the lump in my throat and turned to my girlfriend (the thought made my heart jump in my chest) who was sending me a fond smile that I quickly returned. She brought her hand to my cheek  and I felt a shiver cross my whole body when her fingertips brushed on my jaw.
"You're gonna be good at this." she whispered before getting up and walking to the kitchen.
We made toasts and eggs in silence, just moving together in my kitchen like we were used to cook together all the time. It was easy to be around her, just like it felt natural for the three of us to be under the same roof, and when we all sat at the table to eat, I started wondering when was the last time I felt that degree of happiness in my life.
Of course, there was always the shows, and the fans, and the recording, but feeling this happy in my own personal life was definitely on a different level.
"So Chelsea, you remember we're going at the mall today to buy you new clothes?"
Her face illuminated and it made me grin. I always thought kids hated shopping, especially for clothes. Clearly, it depended of the kid, and I had to stop being surprised at how special Chelsea was. I was way past thinking it was just my biased ass who imagined that she was unique. She had done nothing but surprise and endear me since day one.
"I will be able to pick dresses?" she asked in a high tone full of hope.
"Yes, of course."
"And and and hats?" she kept going. "AND SOCKS?"
The last word made me chuckle and I turned to her mother, my eyebrows raised up.
"Socks?" I mouthed, making her smile more as she nodded. "She likes socks?"
The thought of my own socks collection made my lips curl even more and i shook my head. I enjoyed discovering that we had things in common even if I didn't see her grow up. I guess it was a way for me to feel closer to her in a sense.
"But first, we have to go back home to get changed." she pointed out, taking me out of my thoughts. "We shouldn't stay in yesterday's clothes."
Chelsea nodded a bit exaggeratedly and jumped down the chair. I watched them leave to the bathroom to clean and I decided to go change too.
My room was almost cold, making a shiver run up my spine. I was happy she fell asleep in my arms on the couch and that thought made me smile. I quickly emptied my pockets, placing everything on my bedside table but held my breath when I noticed the silver heart again. I stared at it for a few seconds, swallowing the lump in my throat as the memory of it came back to my head. It was a gift for our anniversary and I made the vow to surprise her with every gift. This time, though, it was cheesy and I knew it, but I preferred to see it as romantic. I noticed she was not wearing the key that made a pair with the heart anymore and I couldn't hide that it was hurting me a bit but at the same time, I couldn't blame her for trying to forget. I put new pants on but slipped the heart in my pocket again, wondering if I should bring it up or not. I didn't have much time to think when I heard them get out of the bathroom and search for their coats.
We made a quick stop at their place and I waited for them in the car, slightly nervous about how the afternoon would go. I hadn't had a girlfriend in so long I could barely remember what it was like. That thought hit me hard and reminded me of that conversation I had with Louis, when he was looking for my watch. I meant almost everything I told him on that day, except when I said I had never been in love, but now that I had decided to try with her again, I felt completely different. It's crazy how only a few days can change everything. Or perhaps it was my daughter that changed me. Either way, I felt new, and It was a permanent change.
"Okay Chelsea, where do you want to start?"
My daughter looked around, her eyes roaming on all the stores and she pressed her lips together, moving them quickly from left to right as she pondered in silence.
"Dresses. I want to start with dresses." she affirmed with conviction, making me smile.
I was not really surprised as she seemed to have a keen interest in princess dresses and we made our way to a specific store I was not even aware existed before today. My eyebrows raised when I noticed all the pink and I slipped my hands in my pockets, playing with the small silver heart hidden in the right one. I felt out of place and I was not sure why but I simply followed them until a very specific section. Chelsea chose a few dresses to try on and when they got closer to the dressing rooms, she turned around and looked up at me.
"I want you to help me."
My girlfriend let out of a chuckle and bent down to her level to look at her.
"I don't think Niall's at ease yet." she explained kindly. "I'll help you and you can show him all the dresses you picked, is that okay?"
She stared in her mom's eyes and simply nodded before turning to me again. "I'll show you all of them!"
She rushed in a room and I let out a chuckle again at how endearing and incredible she was. They both disappeared behind the door and I waited a few minutes for them to get out. Chelsea walked out first and turned on herself as soon as she stepped out, making the bottom of her dress dance around her. It was pink with some white sparkles and my smile grew again. It only left when she turned to the mirror and I noticed the necklace she was wearing. A simple key with a purple gem laying nicely around her neck could be clearly seen on her reflection and I held my breath. I thought my girlfriend had gotten rid of it when we weren't together but she actually kept it to give it to our daughter and the gesture made me emotional. I swallowed the feelings threatening to burst out but it still invaded my whole body, bringing an unknown until now sensation inside me. I didn't know if it was love, endearment, gratitude or happiness but it felt like a mix of all of those.
"I love your necklace, Chelsea." I finally managed to let out after clearing my throat.
My girlfriend stopped moving and looked up at me in the mirror, her reflection staring at me. I couldn't quite decipher her expression but I didn't want her to feel bad about it and I sent her a fond smile. It took her a few seconds but her traits eventually softened and she smiled back at me with a relieved sigh.
"Thank you!" Chelsea answered, making my gaze move down. "It's from my daddy!"
My heart twisted in my chest and I swallowed an emotional lump for the second time. Knowing my girlfriend told our daughter about me, even without telling her who I was, made me happier than I thought it would.
After half an hour, she had picked the dress she wanted and I watched as my girlfriend took her card from her purse. I grabbed her wrist gently and her eyes met mine.
"Please, let me."
We looked intensely at each other for a while without even blinking and she nodded slowly, licking her lips. I knew that was not what she brought me here for but I wanted to do something more for my daughter, and also for her mother. I didn't know if she struggled a lot or not, but I knew it hadn't been easy on her and I was ready to do my part and help in any way I could.
My girlfriend bent down and told Chelsea something but her voice was too low for me to hear. When we walked out, my daughter turned to me with a huge smile.
"Thank you uncle Niall!" she let out a bit too loud. "I will think about you every time I wear it!"
At that point, what really hit me was not how polite she was, or how grateful she seemed to be that I paid for her dress. What hit me was how bad I wanted her to call me 'daddy" instead of 'uncle'. I wanted her to know I was her father, and that I was sorry for being absent all those years. I wanted to tell her that I loved her even if I didn't know her, or even that she was alive. I wanted her to see me like a daughter sees her father. I didn't just want her to know that she had a father that loved her, I wanted her to know it was me, and that in only a fraction of second, she had became my world and would be forever my priority from now on.
I swallowed an other lump of emotions and simply grinned.
"You're welcome, princess." I bowed down low enough. "I'm honored."
Watching them interact was more amazing every time. There was a bond forming between them and seeing it tighten in front of me was incredible. I almost felt like I didn't belong and although I loved spending time alone with Niall, being the three of us together brought me a kind of happiness I hadn't felt before.
We kept following Chelsea through the mall, checking the stores she was interested in and refusing to buy every single thing she asked me whenever we entered a new place. The dress was a gift but she really needed new pants and t-shirts. It took a long time to pick tops and bottoms that actually matched when we finally left the last store, Niall and I were not only exhausted but also a bit annoyed by all the shopping we had made. On the other hand, Chelsea still had a lot of energy. We stopped for fast food and when we were about to walk out of the restaurant, Niall stopped by a small vending machine. Chelsea and I stopped too and walked back to him as I frowned. He put a few coins in it and turned the handle. We watched as something fell and he bent down to grab it, opening it quickly and handing it to our daughter.
Her face seemed to illuminate and he got down on one knee, smiling to her. I couldn't help but feel endeared by the scene in front of me. I knew what kind of boyfriend Niall was, but I didn't know what kind of father he could be. I now realized that he was just as adorable.
"A princess deserves a pretty ring, don't you think?"
She smiled and nodded as he took the plastic ring and grabbed her hand, slipping it on her middle finger. The ring was slightly too loose but it didn't seem to bother Chelsea at all. Her lips curled as much as they physically could and she finally threw herself into Niall's arms. He seemed surprised at first but he took her into a warm embrace and closed his eyes.
"Thank you."
Her voice was low, almost a whisper, and it was surprising I even heard it. Niall smiled more, his eyes still closed, and at that exact moment, I realized something. I always thought Chelsea needed a father. It was in the way she asked me about him, and how it seemed to be something missing in her life. But as I watched Niall interact with her and giving her all the love she deserved, I realized that he needed her just as much as she needed him. Maybe more, even.
"You're welcome my princess."
The fact that I denied him four years of this made me feel even more guilty and I held my breath, trying to calm the erratic beatings of my heart. If only I could go back in time...
It kept bothering me through the whole day, and the feeling of culpability became harsher by the minute. It had never really left me since the day we saw Niall again but now that I was completely aware of all the wrongs I did and pain I caused, it was even worse. I kept both of them from so much love and happiness with each other through these years and I clearly would never forgive myself for it. I knew Niall would never forgive me either and It took me all my strength not to start crying. Would Chelsea ever forgive me? She probably wouldn't be mad at me when she'll find out but in a few years, she'll be able to understand exactly what I did and thinking about my own daughter hating me was something that scared me more than I thought it would.
I kept quite until we were sitting in Niall's kitchen once again. I played with my food, not feeling hungry at all, while Niall and Chelsea were having a discussion. He was telling her about his socks collection and she excitedly asked to see it. I stopped listening to them, lost in my thoughts, and jumped slightly when I heard my name.
"Are you okay, love?"
Chelsea laughed and I looked up, watching as Niall's eyes moved to her.
"What makes you laugh, Chels?"
"You called her 'love'" she pointed out, making a small smile form on my lips. "That means you love her."
She was still young and didn't really understand it was a simple nickname and that Niall used it with many people. The nuances were not as obvious for her as they were for us. I chuckled low but remained silent, curious to find out how Niall would get out of this one. I knew he was very good at twisting things around to be sure he wouldn't have to answer a question he didn't like. I leaned my elbow on the table, placing my chin in my hand, and stared at him.
"Maybe I do, Chelsea." he simply said. "In fact, I do love her."
I held my breath, my heart now beating so hard against my rib cage I felt like it was going to just fly out. My brain had a hard time processing his words and my lips parted slightly in shock.
"And I also love you, Chelsea."
I blinked a few times, trying to get back to my senses and inhaled deeply, turning to look at my daughter who was smiling.
"I love you too, uncle Niall."
He brought his hand to her cheek and caressed it gently before raising his eyebrows and pointing her plate with his chin.
"Are you done?"
She nodded slowly and yawned, rubbing her eyes with a sigh. It took me all my strength to move but I finally got up and turned Chelsea's chair my way.
"Bed time, we had a long day."
"Nooooo! I want to watch a movie!" she whined.
It would normally make me smile but I was too startled to be completely normal. I knew it would take me a few minutes to let everything that just happened sink in and I was barely aware of what I was doing.
"It's late. You can watch a movie tomorrow." I pointed out. "Do you want to sleep here again tonight?"
Chelsea seemed to think and finally nodded just as Niall got up too, his chair making an annoying noise.
"I'll put her to bed if you want."
Our daughter rushed to him and threw herself in his arms, making him laugh. I looked up and our eyes met. He sent me a fond smile and I felt my heart melt and my lips curl. I had so many questions that needed immediate answers, so many thoughts I wanted to share, and so many memories that rushed back to my brain.
"Yea, thank you."
He winked at me and I smiled more. I remained motionless, standing in the middle of the kitchen, a bit overwhelmed by everything that had happened in the past few days. I kept wondering if he meant what he had said a few minutes earlier and if he did, what exactly did it imply? In the end, I just shook my head. Niall loved me, that's what he said. And I loved him, I never stopped. There was nothing to process or comprehend. I let the truth flood my insides and swallowed hard as tears invaded my eyes. Even in my wildest dreams, I hadn't allowed my imagination to go that far.
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