#I dissapeared for some time but it doesnt matter
freach · 5 months
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Hi everypony :3
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rivilu · 10 months
I have scientifically created the most mutually uncomfortable dynamic in my fucked up little lab that the world has ever seen. I'm being arrested for unsound character keeping practices
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teecupangel · 11 months
As ‘Desmond can steal/touch his ancestor when he’s Bleeding’ idea more or less can be seen as gen, I figured this absolutely AltDes version (as I sorta hinted on in the alternate POV) should have its own post instead.
The AltDes version has definitely been started by the wonderful @thedragonqueen1998
Oh, i just imagine Altair waiting for the spirit to return to him after the whole thing with the apple went down, only to never feel him again. Maybe he'd use the apple to get answers? Could defo lead to altdes if you want comfort. ^^
My reply:
Yeessssss. Let's end this with Altaïr finding a way to keep Desmond in his timeline and maybe a big scene of Desmond holding onto Altaïr's red sash for one last time before he dies and Altaïr just grabbing his hand while the Apple glows and dragging him to his timeline
From @thedragonqueen1998
oh, im just imagining Desmond going up to the Eye and he sees Altaïr standing there, with his back turned and he holds onto the sash before he puts his hand on the device. He doesnt know if hes screaming as theres only the burning pain, the intense heat, the pure whiteness, the.. feel of fine silk in his left hand.
Altaïr has made sure to keep the Apple on him, so that if the spirit returns he could hopefully anchor it. Maybe he could finally ask some questions without it dissapearing? But its been months. Where as the spirit visited every few days, theres been nothing now. Maybe he should finally put it to rest? Hide away the Apple from anyone seeking to use i-
The spirit, its back. He makes sure to make very slow moves to pull out the Apple while the spirit holds his sash.
He cant mess this up, it might be months if not years until he can get another chance to anchor Desmond to him. With the Apple in his hands he tries to link the spirit to him. To communicate with it. Thats when the screaming starts. Altaïr freezes, these arent just screams of pain, its a death call. Is this how it died? He desperatly wants to turn, to comfort the dying creature, but he cant risk it. The Apple says its 47% done with "uploading memory".
What that means, Altaïr does not know, but the Apple has never failed in granting him his wishes, though understanding the information is another matter. He doesnt know if its been seconds, minutes or hours listening to the horrid screams, to smelling burnt flesh, before they stop and the Apple says "Memory Transfer Complete. Starting Body Transfer. Body Damaged By 20%, Repairs Can Be Done. Proceed?" Repairs? Does it mean saving the spirit? If so, "Proceed".
Addition from me
Malik did not understand this entire ‘spirit’ business that Altaïr has built in his mind. He had never felt anything strange whenever he was with Altaïr. If anything, the bureau in Jerusalem felt more haunted than Altaïr himself but, even if Malik has no real concrete explanation to the disappearing cups and small items in Jerusalem’s bureau, he also wouldn’t be able to stop it from being concluded as being ‘I forgot where I put it’.
Nonetheless, Altaïr stresses that the spirit is real and his obsession with this spirit of his that is named Desmond was simply another facet of Altaïr’s personality at this point. It was his deepest secret, only told in confidence to Malik because he needed a ‘sounding board’ to talk over his theories and plans.
Malik would have suggested he get a cat but he feared that making Altaïr a cat owner would either make a very spoiled and fat cat or a neglected wild cat that would get its treats elsewhere while its owner forget its existence.
So he tried to be this quiet sounding board, even ready to simply look over the reports given to him as part of his duties as Altaïr’s Keeper when he starts to hear all these… tales of a time far beyond them, machineries that Altaïr explains but left Malik reeling and feeling quite foolish for not understanding, of this… Animus.
Malik had thought Altaïr had gone mad. That whatever power had driven Al Mualim mad when he held the Apple had taken hold of Altaïr by tempting him with what he desired more than power itself.
And a connection beyond what mortals usually have.
Malik had never thought of Altaïr as being a romantic but he was a man who liked to make dramatic entrances and exits. Cyprus would be a testament to that and, really, it was just as well that Altaïr did not do anything too stupid when he went to Cyprus. (Although a temporary alliance with a Templar woman had been risky and Malik was just glad said woman had told Altaïr that she was leaving Levant to travel elsewhere.)
Malik didn’t want to deal with that kind of headache. Malik had been ready to tell Altaïr that perhaps the Apple had been faking it but then Altaïr showed him these… ‘post its’ that Desmond supposedly left and…
The materials themselves were nothing Malik had seen before. The words he used in English were strange but his Arabic was fluent.
And looks eerily like Altaïr’s, both in the way it was written and the words used.
Perhaps that was what made Altaïr snap.
The insinuation that this Desmond didn’t exist. That Altaïr had made up this person, a person who, from Altaïr’s own description and the little papers Malik had seen, looked and sounded like the kind of person that Altaïr would fall in love with.
Kind but as lonely as him, understanding of Altaïr’s own faults and still believing in him…
Malik had feared that Altaïr would do something drastic.
He had plans already written up and was about to start preparations in secret to keep Masyaf and the Brotherhood running while he tries to get into the bottom of this entire Desmond thing.
Altaïr was slowly unraveling because Desmond hadn’t been contacting him. Just quietly visiting, Altaïr had called them.
It felt like this was the prelude to something big in Malik’s eyes.
Make Altaïr desperate for any communication, make him desire to ‘hear’ from Desmond once more… Altaïr was primed to do something stupid and Malik believed that the perpetrator had to be that damn Apple.
So Malik went to Altaïr’s private studies to finally confront him and, if need be, knock him out so he could drag him away from the Apple.
But, when he got there, he found Altaïr holding an unconscious man in his arms.
A man wearing clothes that Malik had never seen before… And a right arm charred and black with golden lines lightly glowing underneath the cracks…
Malik realized…
“I did it. I anchored Desmond to me.”
… that perhaps that spirit that has been tempting Altaïr this entire time had been one of the olden ones that had created the Apple itself.
And more ideas from @zero-saito and @thedragonqueen1998
From @thedragonqueen1998
@teecupangel oooh, thats so hood! Malik would be so suspicious of Desmond, thinking hes tricking or manipulating Altaïr, but also cant help but like him. How he makes Maliks tea exactly how he likes it, how he pushes Altaïr into taking breaks and how he treats the novices. How could a being that made the accursed Apple be so pure and good? Did it take the darkness within it and store it into the artifact? Or something else? The being, Desmond, talks very little of it. For what reason does he share such wonderous "future" ideas, but will not tell of where to find more artifacts, of their uses and purpose? Malik can only hope it is for a good reason.
From @zero-saito
@thedragonqueen1998 @teecupangel I love all of this ‘spam’ 😍 this is great!! Yes to suspicious Malik but also Desmond is so sweet he can’t be mad for long. Also altair finally calming down and stop simping over a ghost! Wait! Malik finding out that desmond was haunting the bureau and either asking for the stuff back or an explanation. Desmond having puppy eyes that break Malik like Kadar used to
From @thedragonqueen1998
@zero-saito god yes, Desmonds puppy eyes are lethal! And he feels so guilty cause his hoard didnt travel with him. And he cant help stealing more to build another. He's like a dragon, gotta hoard everything!
From @zero-saito
@thedragonqueen1998 he has to steal things from altair and Malik the old fashioned way but he might still be able to steal from ezio and Connor the usual way. He will miss his family mementos after all
From @thedragonqueen1998
@zero-saito oh, didnt think about him keeping his Bleeds. :O i cant really think of anything else to add though XD im out of ideas here.
I got you, guys XD
Desmond wasn’t sure how Altaïr had done it and Altaïr himself was still studying it but his reasoning for studying it was more on the side of making sure Desmond stayed anchored to him. Desmond was sure that there was no way for him to return to his time, not when Altaïr had taken him just as he was about to die, his last memory the sound of his own voice telling him in a robotic sounding tone that the Solar Flare has passed and that it was dispersing the remaining 10% of the shield.
Desmond didn’t know if dispersing the shield was even a good thing but he had fate in the Assassins (his friends) that they would figure something out if it didn’t.
Oh, and about Juno too.
But Desmond was going to ask Altaïr’s help on that front too once he was satisfied that Desmond wouldn’t be thrown out of his time at all.
Desmond was sure that only Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton would be able to do that anyway since it was highly possible the ones he could connect with were the only ones who could use the Apple that way.
Between the two, Ratonhnhaké:ton wouldn’t even know it was an option because he would throw the Apple into the sea as soon as he received it, knowing the danger that it possessed.
Ezio wouldn’t even think about asking the Apple such things. He had always been wary of the Apple’s power and it took Machiavelli pushing him for weeks for him to even ask the Apple where Cesare was. So… yeah, Ezio was highly unlikely.
Even if they do…
Desmond was sure he and Altaïr would end up trying to contact one another to find a way to bring Desmond back.
It would be nice to see Ezio or Ratonhnhaké:ton. To be able to talk to them and to tell them everything but…
Desmond wanted to stay in this time.
He wanted to stay with Altaïr.
So the moment he saw their backs as another Bleeding Episode hit him, he gave them a letter that explained his situation.
Desmond couldn’t believe he didn’t think of it before.
Not like there were any papers lying around that Desmond could use in any of the hideouts he’d been. They mostly kept everything in their laptops, computers and other gadgets. Any paper lying around would be important that Desmond couldn’t take or part of Shaun’s corkboard which he also couldn’t take unless he wanted Shaun to start slapping his hand like a mother batting her child’s hand before the child could take a cookie.
Here in Masyaf though…
Malik was okay giving him as many pieces of paper as he wished.
He knew Malik was still wary of him and Desmond wasn’t surprised.
He’d be more surprised if Malik wasn’t wary of him at all.
Still, Desmond was pretty sure that he was slowly whittling Malik’s suspicion of him since he had been more than forthcoming about everything.
Malik did see the small treasure hoard that Altaïr’s (and Desmond’s) room had in the corner, filled with a lot of strange items that Desmond was more than happy to explain to Malik.
He would forever miss his hoard back in the 21st century but it was fine. He knew the others wouldn’t mind helping Desmond have a new one.
He… was still not sure if he should laugh or be offended that Malik had thought he was an Isu.
But that was fine.
This place…
This time…
It was peaceful.
And he knew the pitfalls that would come.
Desmond was confident that Altaïr and Malik would listen to him once he explained it all.
But for now…
He just wants to relax for a bit.
And let himself be consumed by the peace and happiness he felt.
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
LISTEN. (cw torture, barb thirst, mc infofump, mentions of murder and devildm politics, a bunch'a spoilers for Barbatos live ★ & Tea time w you-, obey me whump, conditioning, rant about newer fandom this ask is a wild ride)
But I also like the idea of him discovering what you’ve been doing & then questioning you about your methods. Like he’s impressed you would take matters into your own hands, but he is also an expert and can teach you many things~
Cue you getting taken on as the torturer’s apprentice. When you tell Solomon, he just goes pale and stammers out a joke about how he doesn’t like sharing his apprentice lol.
I'm gonna interrupt you like the potato i am but like???yes????? you do not understand my obsession with torture. I always thought I'm a masochist but I've recently figured i was wrong and Boy it Was the best feeling in rhe world to figure out whats wrong with me-
also my mc is both Sol's apprentice in magic and Barb's student in torture and baking. mhmhmmm. I also Do Not Like the brothers so much my mc was never an exchabge student. I did some black butler shit back there and now he lives in the castle. like two years before the exchange program- (no my canon doesnt follow the game's canon caue thats so very badly written) and he also helps w murdering people who are against Diavolo. and people just ?? can't believe it- there has to be some sort of a war shit going on. Dia is too kind to do this- also, if anyone figures they don't. Barb has POWERS-
and BOY DO I LOVE BARB FOR THAT. Also dia but he isnt important rn sjsksk. in the new event's card he said smth like he would cross his own boundries for the sake of Diavolo and Devildom. althought he didnt say for mc so 😔 but thats hot af still. But buT BUT vvv
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villain wannabe. wdym darkness?? you said itll be for the sake of devildom! idk im misinterpenting or no but this is so side ways I'm a bit ????ing rn
also in Tea time with you when you ask him what the fuck he did that even being a 24/7 slave butler to Diavoli won'y undo the mistake he had done?? he laughs?? HEEHEEE???? what are you Michael Jackson? and the other option he goes straight to anger so idk whats with the huge difference in replies-
anyway angry Barb is also best Barb i dont make the rules. also he's the butler of their PRINCE noone gets to harm mc. they'd dissapear. go missing. possibly either killed or very altered. Came Back Wrong™ ohoho, imagine if some of the castle workers/maids etc used to be high ranked nobles and demons and they've done smth so wrong that lowered them to this. and they don't remember it?? and noone else does remember too. just some lost names. okay not to get far-
BUT LISTEN Barb has definitly done some conditioning bs out there you can not prove it otherwise. also, Mammon keeps getting punished by Lu and hasn't changed so imagine the pain those demons have to go through for that-
JSKSKAJ!! BARB IS HOT OKAY- HES SADISTIC. I live sadistic demon butlers . also the fact that he has a torture dungeon- and who says there aren't demons in the hidden prisons waiting for their turn? i imagine Barb would randomly take one, do the things™ and leave for the next few months. the second the demons think they're forgotten/ theyre doomed. its also not in order so yep more stress. so wha i was goimg to say is imagine a very sadistic and mentally ill™ mc whos very angry tortuing some " innocent" souls in the dungeons. also, I tend to imagine Barb has taught Lucifer a few forms of torture when he fell (cough, Believer cough-) so-
Barb is such an interesting character (like Sol) and the older fandom used to really put those aspects in mind but the newer fandom is stripped completely from darkfic. like. can we have more darkfic i am begging I want obey me whump I dont want mc angst i want mc whump i want these bad boys dying of pain and being saved the last minute i want more stories on devildom politics i want more dark! demons/dark! mc aus- like can we bring that back??? can we stop w 24/7 fluff/comfort/angst thats just mc's death ?? no hate to those but can we bring back the dark shit i want to see demons getting their asses whooped in barb's dungeon or Dia being manupilative af--😭😭😭
ok ok ill shut up now😂
There is so much happening in this ask, but for some reason I keep coming back to "HEEHEEE???? what are you Michael Jackson?" because wow that made me actually LOL for real.
I'm always going to be for canon divergence. I say do whatever makes you happy! Your MC must truly have their hands full learning all that stuff with Barbatos and Solomon. But like if you're gonna learn those things, might as well learn from the best, right???
The thing I like about Barbatos is that he is very versatile. They've kept him very mellow in the game, but he has so much potential to go dark if you want to write him that way. I mean they don't even confirm that he actually has a torture dungeon in the game... I'm pretty sure it's just Mammon who says he's rumored to have one. But like by leaving it open ended like that, we can speculate all we like about it, you know?
And traditionally, wasn't that the point of demons? Aside from tempting humans, they're supposed to torture souls, right? I mean, I don't know how accurate that actually is, but it's interesting to think about.
I'm not especially obsessed with torture and I think it's pretty clear from my writing that I'm generally on the fluffier side of things lol. But it's interesting to think about, especially considering the types of characters we're dealing with here. And I really like the exploration of morality and inner evil and that sort of thing when it comes to heavy stuff like torture.
I thought it was very interesting in Barbatos Live how he calls MC his good conscience. 'Cause in Tea Time with You, he very much indicates that he used to do crazy stuff all the time, but then the Incident happened and now he doesn't. So wouldn't his guilt over whatever happened be his good conscience, like it has been all this time before MC showed up? Is he saying that MC just makes him want to stick to that even more?
Though he also says that it's like demon nature to have some darkness, so I don't know if he's talking about his specific experience necessarily. It's more like he's saying he wants to fight against his own nature? I dunno.
OH DANG but I love that idea about the maids and such in the castle! Demons that messed up so bad, now Barb keeps them at the castle to work??? What was that about not giving into the darkness???? lk;asdfkjlfd
I'm afraid I can't really comment on the amount of darkfic present in the fandom at any given time... due to being a Fluffster Extraordinaire, I'm faaaar more likely to read sweet lovey romance fics than Barb torture dungeon fics. Which isn't to say that I don't like the Barb torture dungeon situation because I do indeed find it very intriguing lol. I'm just usually like yo I want that guy to bake for me and make me tea, I don't care what he does in his spare time.
In fact, I really like the idea of a sweet and doting house husband Barbatos that pampers MC all day every day while being a ruthless and loyal demon butler the rest of the time. Like the dungeon isn't a rumor but as long as he washes off the blood when he comes back, MC is like whatever lol.
Oh but I also like the idea of MC being just as bad as him, now that I think about it. Like MC isn't ignorant, they don't turn a blind eye, they are right there with him, actively participating. The torture couple aadsflkjdfkjldf
I dunno, I think I'm considering it in more of a humorous way than a serious way, though.
Anyway, it's fun to consider all aspects of Barbatos because he has so many facets! And I think it's fun to explore the different sides of him.
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netrix-at-centric · 2 years
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also too its been his whole life being surrounded by a LiTERAL DOLL WHO HAS GONE ON MURDER RAMPAGES AND HIS WHOLE LIFE HAS BEEN AROUND “LIKE THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF” AND FOR SO LONG LIKE NO ONE WANTED TO BELIEVE HIM, AND HE COULDNT EVEN BELIEVE HIMSELF AT SOME POINT? everyone made him think for so long he lied, was being devious, and doing it out of spite and made HIM think that he was the THE ACTUALLY PROBLEM?
HE COULDNT EVEN BELIEVE HIMSELF FOR WANTING TO KILL CHUCKY at this specific moment because its been so long that he actually has built up his CONFIDENCE, STRENGTH, AND WILL POWER TO FIGHT BACK TO KILL HIM?? 
because that’s the thing about andy, after he moved into a quiet place in the cabins even when he still had the last chucky doll a part of him was so dissatisfied in his life because CHUCKY WASN’T DEAD? LIKE no matter HOW much he kept himself out, going on a date, even trying to DENY the fsct or try to come to terms that he has to actually face chucky and kill him.
GODDD HE EVEN KNEW, BY LIKE ANY CHANCE he could come back, OVER AND OVER AGAIN, and thats why he told himself to keep RUNNING to keep HIDING to keep telling himself that he should keep playing this game with chucky now because the truth is 
its always been a game to him. 
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journalentries77 · 2 months
I want to make a post formally saying goodbye to my followers on here. It's been a long time coming. If you follow me you know that this blog is basically my diary in a lot of ways and I've been through a lot on here but I think its time to say goodbye to this era of my life. I can't post on here casually. I've mellowed out and grown up a lot since janurary of 2023 and this blog witnessed a lot of that. I would write a lot of my thoughts out on here some from other people's perspectives some with hidden truths but a lot of it was just purely my reality and perspective at the time. as you may already know i have a lot of weird habits with how i use this site for starters i rarely tag any of my posts or post original photos i don't know why thats just how my brain works. anyway i know that not a lot of people will see this its mainly just closure for myself i don't wanna just dissapear from what has been my life forever. i grew up on the internet as an escape from my real life. ive tried to leave multiple times but i always come back to either reblog something or just scroll and its just not healthy. its better than it used to be i don't crave the validation from it anymore and im not blaming my past self for wanting that cuz its perfectly normal thing to want especially when ur dperived of that in your real life. i went insane for a while. having to basically parent yourself because your parents are inadequate is difficult. i would be lying if i said i didnt regret how certain things in my life went or certain "choices" i made (i do not believe you can make decsions when you are as sick as i was at the time) i don't know what to say theres so much i could talk about as the topic of life is never ending but i just i wanna say this because chances are if you know my account exists or have found my account that you also use the internet as an escape in some way. and just know that it never ends well. it doesnt matter how much u showcase or minimize your pain. no one can help you until you decide you're sick of yourself. and this will happen multiple times as it literally mirrors withdrawl and addiction for some of us. theres no conclusion to draw here. nothing is ending in my actual life. infact the opposite is happening im trying to live life for the first time and set less limits on everything if anything my narrow view of thinking is expanding and will continue to as i reach young adulthood. which is crazyy to say cuz i feel like i was 14 being a loser on twitter like it was yesterday. anyway another thing i wanna say is don't let people shame you for your past or things that you're working on changing. you're already aware something wasn't working for you. life does not have to be cookie cutter. im glad mine is not. Im done with this chapter of my life. i do have another private blog but thats just for me. if you wish to say anything to me or about my blog before i leave for good then just dm me or send an anon. I'm not playing the saviour role anymore. I'm done with self desctruction and degeneracy. I'm done with things that damage my soul.
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i-bring-crack · 1 year
Cannot stop thinking about a sugarmommy situation between Cha Hae In and E-rank Jin Woo.
They had made a deal with each other that as long as Jin Woo was the porter of Hae In´s team, Jin Woo would be set free for life and Cha Hae In wouldnt need to deal with a strong sence so smell by her side all the time. jin Woo accepted becuase, obviously money, and also he wont get as hurt is he stood by the side of an S rank even in the highest of A rank dungeons.
They made this offer when after Jin Woo had visited Jin Chul and tried to talk him out of the proffession, but seeing that he wasnt able to, one of the chiefs actually told him about Cha´s smelling problem and said that if he doesnt want Jin Woo to die, he should try and see if Hae In is interested in having a presence which doesnt smell as bad but can also come into dungeons with him.
And thankfully Hae In had been searching for a person just like that.
Their relationship doesnt start off as good at first. She doesnt hate him, but its just that Jin Woo is too weak even compared to healers and in order for him to not be attacked as much then Hae In has to stay very close to him all the time unless they are fighting in which she will try to deal with as many hunters as possible.
Hae In doesnt like the smell of other A ranks so she and Jin Woo would usually be seperated from the group, and Jin Woo, trying not to be awkward in this kind of situation would try to make some kind of talk with her.
Eventually she would get to learn about his mother´s illness and Jin Ah and his father´s dissapearance. (and i just imagine a cute scene where years of lonelyness and the strong smell had distanced her from a lot of people, so she didnt smile as much these days but when Jin Woo talks she can slowly start opening up back again and smile more and I think its cute.)
Jin Woo could also become friends with Son Kihoon wo treats him like a little brother, Gina who likes to lift him up in the air once in a while, Seo Ji Woo who teaches him a bit of self defense, Bora Lee who from the start was amazed at how little mana he had and always tried to study him, and Han Se-mi which would be the second closest person with Jin Woo on the raid since a healer also had to be protected so they both fell on that level of not being able to move as much as they would.
While Jin Woo wasnt the strongest, he was quite good at keeping up with the S rank Hae in and also very fast at adapting to things so he didnt have a lot of problems in acting quicklt when it came to giving them the supplies they all needed. In fact he even took his job so seriously that if he couldnt reach someone in time to give an item, he would still try to get away from the safe zone and help others instead. A thing that ticked off most of the fighters like Seo Ji who, had it not been for he fast reflexes, Jin Woo would have lost more than an arm that day. Or Son Kihoon who had almost lost Jin Woo two times when Cha hae In wasnt in the strike squad at that time.
he didnt cause problems, but he wasnt helping either by being the weakest seeing that another time a ranger hit him straight on the chest and missed his heart by luckyness so Se Mi was able to heal him. Then there was another time the boss sent him flying with a punch, and he would have died instantly had Bora not put a protection spell over him. Time and time again, If Cha Hae In hadnt been an S rank or Se Mi wasnt a quick healer or Bora had forgotten to put a protector charm on him then Jin woo could have lost his life many times withing the dungeon raids.
"There is a saying that goes, If the Magician gets hurt then its the fault of the Tank, if the Healer gets hurt then its the fault of the strike squad, if the porter gets hurt then its the fault of the guild... but honestly i feel like no matter how hard we try, the mosters seem to always just want to kill you." Se mi says to him one day, and he cant help but apologize until it becomes redundant.
Hae In wanted to discuss him about that, if he wanted to cut it off and instead work for the low rank gates of the assosiation instead. But Jin Woo always relented that he felt more safe out there in the A ranks dungeons with Hae In than he had ever done in his entire life as a hunter. And that he doesnt regret this chance at all.
Instead he wants to ask if they will fire him for that. For being Weak.
Choi Jong In would have done so a long time ago had Hae In not stepped in her foot many fucking times, even to the point that she fought about it with her guild master, well she fought about a lot more things with him, so this wasnt new, and Jin Woo didnt need to know all of that. She told him that he has the choice in the matter whenever to come along with her to the dunegons or not, and that not even "The Ultimate Soldier" could do anything about that.
(Which made Jin Woo very flustered upon hearing that.)
Cha Hae In had been called yet again to the Main Attack force because they needed as much stenght as they could get from that team for this high ranked A dungeon, and on the other hand the second attack force had taken a C rank gate since all B ranks and A ranks where taken with the other fighting squads, and it was still a very equiped gate filling up with a lot of mana stone so the hunters decided to take the job. Usually the team would be composed of 11 A ranks and 6 B ranks, of ocurse that would be an overkill to this dungeon so mostly the 6 B ranks and 4 A ranks got to come, those A ranks being Son Ki Hoon, Bora and Han Se Mi.
The raiding goes absolutely horrible, most of them die. Gina would be the first to run away, Son ki hoon would take Se Mi and also run away while leaving Jin Woo to die. in this case a somewhat relevant B rank or Bora would proably be the one who betrays jin Woo, or maybe no one but who knows, the thing is that Jin Woo wakes up three days later and the first thing he sees is a sleep deprived Hae In on her twelve cup of coffee...that just fell to the ground oh boy.
From then on, and also due to not doing the daily quest, Hae in is like a hawk behind Jin Woo trying to keep an eye on him at like all times, it takes a few tries from Jin chul and Choi to actually make her leave and start working, and Jin woo also tries to convice her (pretty please leave so i can get this dungeon key open!!) so she does only when he is absolutely, completely, totally fine--- wait a minute, when did you suddenly grow so tall???
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maveras-posts · 2 days
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Jason in my opinion is one of the most innocent and the sweetest of the bunch, Jason doesn't mind the LGBTQ+ because he doesnt fully understand in the first place “If youre nice then why does it matter?”
Ghostface(Danny) to me screams (haha get it) PAN and honestly i feel like anyone who has anything to say against it or has any hate whatsoever would suddenly ✨dissapear✨ (he def dragged them back to the hole in which they came from) and he also loves pride fest!
Micheal also doesn't fully grasp the concept but he understands what its like to be an alienated group so he doesn't discriminate at all…saying that he will just kill anyone he deems killable BUT he isn't opposed to experimenting. Micheal doesn't like labels he’s been his whole life so he just does whatever he does.
Chucky is a ✨Queer Ally✨, I mean him and Tiffany have a Queer kid so he’ll probably also help us in the brawl. Period bish💅
Freddy I swear I would probably jump him with Ghostface, he is intolerant and overall a slime ball he definitely is like “YOURE ONE OF THEM QUEERS–” 
SIDE NOTE: Ghostface and I have all jumped him he is tolerable for now *Massive SIDE EYE * Ghost and I dont stand for intolerance
SAM is a child and has no time for that, he only cares about Halloween and candy
Art also doesn't really mind too much but Art is ✨Pan✨ and ✨Genderfluid✨ but Art would definitely remove ANYONE who is Homophobic or Transphobic, he honestly just cant stand rude people all together.
Leatherface also mostly keeps to himself but make no mistake is also trans and leans more into being gender fluid
Pennywise is also nonbinary and to me screams some sort of queerness I just can't quite put a finger on it but Pennywise is for sure on the spectrum
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voidselfshipp · 1 year
Elysian Meeting
Cw:s/I has an anxiety attack.
Summary: jerico wakes up in a misterious garden. And upon investigating the surrounding she meets a Man that seems oddly familiar. None the wiser to the slap in the face revelation he gives them once they start talking.
A/n: aka "I get dropped in the supernatural world and cant cope for a solid minute".
-> Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
->Word count: 2.184K
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Jerico awoke on something soft.
They grunt and shift their weight around, hearing a soft crunching sound.
Her eyes Open slowly, and instantly they cover their eyes with their hand, blocking the golden light that peeked through the tree tops.
As she sits up, she Scans the place, its a beautiful garden, lush and rich in Flora.
They stand up, feeling lost and confused.
"Last thing I remember was falling asleep while watching supernatural" they thought wandering through the forest.
Hunger was quick to set in, they gathered that it was late morning from the position of the sun.
She hears soft humming and carefully steps out of the forest into a big clearing.
Jerico has to do a double take, their attention being drawn to the three sets of wings sprouting from the Mans back.
The source of the humming was said Man, beautiful long blonde and curly hair that had her brain shutting off and not computing, paired with a pair hazel eyes and dressed in biblical robes.
He holds a sunflower in his hands, inspecting it as he humms a lullaby that is unkown to jeri.
--uhm...excuse me?-- she didnt know why she'd be speaking english right now, but something told her she should.
The Man turns to her and retains the peacefull look he was giving the sunflower. -- Yes?-- he asked-- what is the matter?
--I uhm.. woke up in the middle of that forest behind me and im lost..where am I?-- jerico asked, frozen in place by the Man's gaze. They swear he looks familiar.
--Youre in the garden of eden, of course!-- he exclaimed-- you seem very lost though...
Jerico has to do a double take again-- im sorry? The garden of eden? Like in the bible?
The winged man's peace is disturbed-- it hasnt been invented yet...how do you know about that?
--im sorry did you just say that the bible hasnt been invented yet? -- she scoffed in disbelief-- I must be dreaming...
--Im quite sure youre not...-- he said-- let me check in with uh...my boss..ill be right back
Before she can say anything, the Man dissapears as soon as she blinks, moments later hes back, looking relieved-- okay so, heres the thing, my dad sent you back in time to here, and apparently youre from another dimention too?
Jerico stares at him as if to say "the hell are you on?"
--Im not on anything-- he clarified with a smirk.-- nothing of that sorts has been invented yet
--how did you know-
--Im an archangel, I can read thoughts-- the Man explained.
--Yep im dreaming-- jerico said raising her arms.
--Youre not-- the archangel retorted, walking up to them and Gently pinching her arm-- humans cant feel pain in their dreams
They flinch and upon processing what he just said, they look shocked.
Jerico takes a Seat on the ground and starts to breathe rapidly-- what. The. Hell.
The Angel sat infront of them and took her hands-- easy. Breathe deep... wouldnt want you to have an anxiety attack right Now
She skips asking how does he know what an anxiety attack is, and simply does some breathing excersices, slowly calming down.
Jeri leans into the Mans touch, who gladly hugs them, leaning his head on theirs.
--Better?-- he asks.
--Be-better-- she confirms pulling back a little.
Now up close, jerico realized just how familiar that archangel looked. He was just like Richard Speight Junior, who played Gabriel in supernatural, only that he had long hair.
Throwing logic out of the Window, jerico asked-- your name doesnt happen to be Gabriel, does it?
He looks surprised-- in fact, it is, im Gabriel
Jeri looks at him in shock and awe, their body shaking as their heart picks up the pace again.
Gabriel is quick to pick up on It, but jerico pulls away a little more before they freeze on the spot.
"No. Theres no way. I have to be dreaming. He looks just like Gabriel. And hes called Gabriel. What the hell did I take before going to bed? What was in my food?" Her eyes scan his face, the archangel seems really worried.
One of his hands cup her cheek, stroking it with his thumb-- I know this is a lot to take in-- he started-- but I need you to calm down, can you do that for me, sweetheart? -- he asked with puppy dog eyes
Jeri's mind doesnt seem to register the petname, their breath becomes deeper and calmer, slowly returning to normal, though their body keeps shaking.
Gabriel pulls jerico for a hug, a tight and warm hug, his wings wrap around her like a protective cocoon, and she cant tell if its him as a whole or his angelic nature that slowly lures her body back to peace.
She takes a deep breath of his scent.Its sweet, fresh, strong but not overwhelming.
Her body goes limp against him and though surprised, he lets them relax.
The hand that was on her cheek Strokes her hair, slowly and Gently.
--Are you okay?-- he asked softly.
--I- th-think so-- she replied-- im sorry you just...-- jerico hesitates for a short moment before adding-- you look like someone that means a lot to me, Someone that...isnt Real...
Gabriel looks confused for a moment, before something clicks into place in his mind, tightening his grip around her.
--My dad-- my boss said that where youre from, theres a show called supernatural. And that in that show, the story of this world, the one youre currently in...
He said that theres a character thats just me, Gabriel the archangel, whom seems to tell my story in the future...
Im guessing, that version of me means a lot to you
Jerico tensed and hides her face further into his chest, he feels how flustered she is-- im so sorry I hope this isnt weird..
Gabriel pulls back a little, smiling warmly-- its not weird...dad told me everything about you, means a lot that I mean a lot to you, Jerico
She breaks eye contact, wanting to recoil into herself and hide from him.
He hugs them tight again-- Dont be ashamed, im not gonna judge you...-- he whispered gently-- lemme ask you somethin, can you see my wings?
Jerico pulls back and looks at the feathered cocoon surrounding her-- ....yes I can
Gabriels eyes go wide, his breath quickens and his cheeks go bright Pink. Yet a Dopey smiles appeared on his face-- I uhm.. I dont wanna freak ya out but...you know what that means?
It takes a moment for jerico to realize what he meant. Once she does though, her hands grip his sides tighter-- no. It cant be...
--Yes, we're soulmates
Jerico jolts back-- no. Theres no way. I dont deserve you- i- I dont deserve--
Gabriel holds jerico flush against his chest, his soft gaze serious, stern and worried-- dont say that. You deserve me. Just as I deserve you, thats not you talking..
Jerico takes a deep breath.
Hes right.
Its not her talking.
Its their trauma.
--Okay...say that I do Belive you, that this is the garden of eden, youre Gabriel from supernatural and youre my soulmate...now what?
--I have no idea...-- he admitted with a small smile-- but we can spend time toghether as long as we dont bother Adam and eve
Jerico again, has to do a double take.
She had too much religious trauma to deal with this.
For the Next hour (or what felt like an hour) Gabriel and jerico cuddled up inside the wing cocoon, talking softly.
Gabriel leaves for a quick moment afterwards, a sad look on his face.
He helps her up from the ground and jerico asks-- whats up?
--Ah...so uh..i spoke with dad and...heres the thing-- he started-- hes gonna send you to the present time of this dimention, we'll meet again as soon as you wake up, he told me to give you this-- his left hand is balled up in a fist, he turns his wrist so the palm is facing upwards and opens his fingers.
Inside theres a ring in the shape of six wings, made of silver-- he told me that this way ill recognize you. I wont forget who you are, neither Will you...
--I get the feeling youre not telling me everything, what is it, gabe?
He sighed looking away and quickly tapping his foot on the ground-- for you itll be a split second...for me? Milennia..
Jericos breath leaves his body, she hugs him tight and he hugs back-- ill be fine-- he promised-- dad said youll keep me going..
Jeri pulled back-- are you sure?
He nodded-- i am -- he smiled and closed his fist again-- though I think something like this Will suit you more-- upon opening his hand again, the six winged ring is now made of pure gold, with gemstones engraved on the secondary Coverts of each wing.
She gasps and he smirks, letting out a breathy giggle-- if I May...-- he asked taking her right hand.
Jeri nodded and he Gently slid the ring on her ring finger.
He takes her hand in both of his and smiles-- I know this is all too much..but if you can..or want...maybe a goodbye kiss?
--I dont know how to kiss
--honesly? Me neither
She smiled and with teary eyes she cups his cheeks and kisses him. He kisses back with a big smile and muffled giggles, his arms wrapping around her waist, his wings doing the same.
As they pull away, his hand pressed against her cheek and she closed his eyes-- see you in a bit..honey
Theres a flash of bright white light and Next thing they know, jerico is laying on a bed.
They are quick to get out of the bed and into the Hall where other rooms are.
She recognized the place in an instant.
The bunker.
The men of letters Bunker.
Jeri rushes out of the corridor and into the war room.
--And good morning to you too!-- Dean exclaimed-- dont worry, Sam Will be back with Gabriel soon enough
Jerico has a split moment of confusion as to why did Dean know her so much as to not freak out
Then, she gets the sense that they know her as much as she knows them.
And as if on cue, Sam opens the door and she hears two pairs of footsteps, one of them is quicker than the other one.
Gabriel almost rushes down the stairs and when his eyes lay on jerico, he smiles and shouts-- oh honey!-- he runs at them with arms Open wide, lifting her up from under the knees and spinning her around.
--Gabriel!--jerico shouts with a big smile, pronuncing his name in the spanish version.
He sets them down on the floor and Cups their cheeks,eyes teary-- well ill be, its you!
--It was just a moment for me but-- she started.
--Its been milennia for me. Guess dad was right. You kept me going all these years-- he admitted with a big smile-- can I kiss you?
--Yes, yes of course you can!
He kissed her with all his might, wings sprouting from his back and wrapping around her.
The kiss is fierce, passionate, needy but romantic and intimate.
Jerico kissed back, adrenaline coursing through her veins.
And the kiss lasts for maybe thirty seconds before they pull away, with jeri panting and Gabriel looking like a lovesick puppy.
--I gotta catch up with my honey here, boys. See ya later!-- he exclaimed and in the blink of an eye both where in her room in the bunker.
They lay down on the bed, dim light from the fairy lights barely illuminating the room.
Both catch up between soft whispers and gentle kisses.
Now, jerico has her face on his chest, his arms and wings wrapped around her as his chin rests on the crown of her head, both could feel the love the other had for them, it was strong and overwhelming in a good way.
--Ill grow my hair out-- Gabriel declared-- I know you dug it
--I still dig it. But I dont think ill be able to compute if you grow your hair out-- she admitted with a smirk.
--Maybe. But ill give you as Many kisses as you need to return to conciousness
She snorted and nuzzled his chest.
A comfortable silence falls and Gabriel concentrates on her breathing-- I love you -- he says Gently-- so much
Jerico doesnt even hesitates-- I love you too, so much
He smiles and nuzzled her hair. Both could use a nap before starting their New lives as a couple.
Gabriel notices how jerico is the first one to fall asleep, and he remembered that his dad had told him that he made her feel safe.
He was amazed at how quickly she had dozed off, and pride flourished in his chest.
And though he didnt need to sleep, he closed his eyes and joined her in slumber. After all...
She made him feel human.
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taichoushadow · 3 years
Make love to me - Taehyung imagine (M)
A/N: Hallo lieverds. It’s been awhile since I posted something. It’s been a tough year since last summer and everything just changed after I to had to let go of my dog Brammetje after a sick bed. In the end you find out,already do knowing how much you love that little soul and that he held you together and kept you sane. Knowing that it will break your heart when you kiss his little nose one last time as he crosses the rainbow bridge.
but I hope with writing again I’ll find myself a little more and more. It’s thanks to @taeandpuppies​ patience and understanding that I managed to write something and so this one has been dedicated to her.  This doesn’t mean my requests are open yet, as I only get to write when my mind allows it to. 
This contains love, kissing, making out, oral and sex. 
Enjoy ~
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You just hummed, putting the last laundry away after you folded them, thinking back to the delicious dinner Taehyung made you, surprising you full out not thinking he would make your favourite stew. Then again, Taehyung was always full of suprises. 
‘‘Y/N?’‘ He tried again, this time bumping his hips against your side making sure he got your attention.
‘‘Do you want to make love?’‘ 
This had your attention immediately, wipping your head to the side to look him in the face and what you saw was blinking eyes, arms wrapped over his chest as he seemed to patiently wait for your answer.  You blinked too, not finding words as you didnt really know what to answer because well you were sure you both knew the answer to that. ‘’Um, well yeah?’’ 
Taehyung huffed and dropped his arms at his side and shook his head with a chuckle. ‘’Ah. that doesnt really sound convincing.’’ and put his arm around your waist, pulling you closer. ‘’I was just thinking about it. You sit down and I will clean it up here.’’ he mumbled against your lips as he placed a quick kiss on them and you felt his warmth dissapear. This left you stuttering. Ever since he asked you that question, images automatically flooded your mind and with that you could surely feel you wanted him now. Honestly.. you always wanted him and you were pretty sure he knew that too but what just occured left you so confused that you turned around and snatched the towel of the bed, he was neatly folding and grabbed onto both his arms. 
‘‘Hey! I was folding that baby!’‘ Taehyung whined, a pout sitting on his lips. ‘‘No, no. Ask me again.’‘
‘‘Ask what again, babe?’‘ 
‘‘You know..’‘ you trailed off, ears slowly blossoming red. ‘‘The making love..’‘
Taehyung clicked his tongue and nodded and raised an eyebrow in amusement. His hand settled down into your hair, curling a strand around his finger ‘’Let me reprase it, if that’s okay with you?’’ without one breath you exhaled out a yes, feeling his biceps move under your arm. ‘’
‘‘What do you think about when you think of me making love to you? What do you want me to do to you? Tell me.’‘ 
This time, your breath hitched in your throat and unknowingly stepped closer to the man infront of you, the man who now placed his free hand just above your buttcheeks, feeling yourself throbbing already. 
Eventhough your heart was raising and your whole body flushing at the idea you held eye contact with the man gazing at you intently. ‘’I picture you sitting me down on the bed.’’  Taehyung hummed. ‘’And how? ‘’
‘‘How would I sit you down on the bed?’‘ Taehyung tilted his head to the side with a smug smile on his face. ‘’Show me.’’
You looked at him, he looked back and maybe it was the way he was looking at you. As if he knew you wouldn’t do it, would only stutter however he should have known you were someone that liked to prove people wrong and so you fingers clamped onto the waistband of his shorts, bringing him in closer.  ‘’You know..’’ you began, grabbing his chin between your fingers. ‘’I will show you.’’
Letting go of his waistband, you tapped his lips and pushed against his shoulder gently to sit him down on the edge of the bed, followed by you wrapping your arms around his neck and your waist beside his hips, wandering your hands through his hair, ‘’Like this.’’  your voice was low, holding eye contact. 
The lighting in the bathroom set up a romantic vibe, the soft orange glowing in the corner near the window as you could see the leaves moving on the ryhtym of the rain as you felt his lips on your neck, placing open mouthed kisses. 
‘‘As always, you taste delicious. ‘‘ Taehyung grinned when you pulled him back, the kisses getting you going a little too fast. You huffed at that with a smile, grasping onto his cheeks and capturing his lips. A passionate kiss was shared, your legs trembling around his waist as you slowly grinded down onto him while you moaned into his mouth and Taehyung answered with a low groan. 
‘‘W-wait.’‘ He stuttered when you pressed yourself onto him more and more causing Taehyung to almost fall down on the bed. Also what you intended but he stopped you by pressing a hand against your chest. Tilting your head to the side in confusion you sat more up right not being able to hold back a pout while trying to catch your breath, both of you were. 
‘‘y/n..’‘ A chuckle was heard through the room, pulling you back into his embrace. ‘‘Don’t pout on me. I just want to take it slow, thats all.’‘ and comforted you by running his hands up and down your back. You answered him back by burying your face in the croock of his neck, lips puckering against his skin. 
The dark felt somehow strangely private, not as scary as you always thought it was while gazing out the window again taking in the feel of the man holding you. You always felt safe whenever you were with him, feeling like no harm could come to you. ‘’Hands up.’’ came his words and you did what he asked you. Sitting more upright again, you held your arms high so he could take off your shirt, pecking your lips once it was off and flung it somewhere in the room. 
This time his hands traveled towards your chest, his eyes zero’ing in on your purple bra, laces of flowers embracing your beautiful curves. To him, you were magical, to him you were not human but someone from outer space. The cute childlike eyes that he always gazed in especially when they changed to a more mischevious look had him twitching in his sweatpants. The combination of those two.. 
‘‘Tae.’‘ You whined, your hands searching for his and once you felt his fingers tracing the lace of your bra, you grasped onto them moving them towards the clasp of your bra. ‘‘Please.’‘ His fingers ghosted over your skin and you shivered yet Taehyung let out a small chuckle thinking how you most likely forgot what he told you mere minutes ago but he decided not to say anything and unclasped the purple bra. Sighing out in relief when you felt the bra loosen, you kissed his cheek, his eyelid back to his nose and to his lips. Taehyung however slowly removed the bra straps down your arm while basking in your kisses. 
Once the bra too was somewhere thrown in the room, he didnt hesitate a moment to cup your breasts into his palms, gently kneeding the flesh, listening attently to your breathing how it picked up, how you dropped your head onto his shoulder, your hands clutching his shirt and thats when you breathed out ‘’W-why are you still wearing a shirt.. It has to go.’’  His breath hitched when you pushed up the hem of his black shirt, black fabric make the golden skin even more bronze. Your fingertips grazed his nipples and his breath hitched again, more noticable this time. The loss of his fingers playing with your own nipples as he had to lift up his arms in order to take his shirt off caused to better thinking and you knew what you wanted to do next. 
Slipping off his thighs you crouched down, grasping his knees as you crawled between them when he spread and tugged at the waisband of his black boxers. Taehyung lifted his hips helpfully, his body seeming to move on auto pilot. You slid your fingers up his thighs once his boxers were off, eyes zooming on his cock that stood proudly up against his abdomen, waiting to be touched. The further you got to his inner thigh, the more harder he became. So far for wanting to go slow, his body clearly told him something else. 
You liked the way he started to leak more pre cum once you grasped him into your palm, his hips jerking forwards, a silent ‘fuck’ leaving his mouth. He watched you, eyes fully focused on your hand. Thumb rubbing slowly over the tip the way you knew he liked very much so, Taehyung threw his head back with his eyes shut, fisting the sheets.
You didnt waste any moment and leaned down to take his cock into your mouth, further down your throat, tongue circeling around his grith while your hand pumped what you couldnt reach with your mouth. Hearing his gasp, your own heat started to throb more and more, begging for some relief as you felt your own panties dampening by the second but right now it was pleasuring your man who’s chest heaved up and down faster by the second, his fingers searching for something to hold onto, you knew he liked to have his hands in your hair but he didnt want to hurt you so he desperately searched and you knew the sheets weren’t enough so you slipped up the bed, eyes watching his face, searching for his hand and when you felt his fingers you turned his hand around and interwined your fingers together, letting him tug. His lower lip was caught between his teeth and when his eyes met yours a muscle in his jaw jumped. 
You knew he was close, tasting more and more precum on your tongue. You were never really fond of swallowing cum or tasting for that matter however that was until Taehyung entered your life, his moans of your name when you didnt stop blowing him when he was about to come and feeling his cock twitch in your mouth was something incredibly hot to you and so you bobbed your head up and down in a slow rythym, focusing on making him cum. 
Taehyung’s eyes were shut again, mouth fallen open and his eyes shut, lashes fluttering, his head lulling from side to side. ‘’I’m so close.’’ it seemed his whisper into the dark room, your glasped hands he brought up to his mouth and grazed his teeth onto your skin. With one last tug on his cock as you swallowed around him he gasped loudly this time biting down as he came down your throat. 
You felt his thighs trembling, as you swallowed as much as you could, your free hand caressing the trembling limp and let his member fall out of your mouth once you felt him soften his hips jerking away from overstimulation. 
Climbing on the bed, throwing your legs around his waist, your stroked his cheek, smiling down when you noticed his content smile on his face. His eyes fluttered open, kissing your intertwined hands especially on the bite marks he left but you didnt mind, it didnt hurt however Taehyung didnt seem to take his time, his mouth instantly on yours, letting your hand fall to your side as he cupped the back of your head. 
Lips were growing more pliant, ravishing your mouth slowly, tenderly, angling your head to the side as you licked his lips, Taehyung answered within a heartbeat and let your tongue press into his mouth with a growl. You didnt know how long you two kissed but once he pulled away, leaving you to whine and chase after his lips you saw how red his were, wet, slick and swollen. 
You also noticed how he was pressing against your clothed core and you slowly rocked into his lap needing to feel some friction yet Taehyung wasnt having any of it and rolled you over to the matress, him hovering over you with a smirk. 
This time it was you that your breath got stuck in your throat, your dark orbs looking into his own while his fingers wandered down from your neck, down the valley of your breast, circling your belly button to the hem of your panties. ‘’You know.’’ He began, his voice an octave lower, bending his head down until it was right beside your ear ‘’I can smell you from here.’’ 
You whimpered, thighs rubbing together ‘’And you smell devine.’’ He took in a deep breath, lips finding its place on your neck while he dipped into your purple panties that were just damp from your arousal and you couldnt help but blush once you heard the obvious sounds of how wet you were when he touched your slit. ‘’Oh my.. I knew you were wet but this wet..’’ Taehyung chuckled lowly, kissing down your neck, pressing his tongue just below your ear. 
‘‘Taehyung..’‘ Your voice trembled, wrapping your fingers around his wrist pressing his hand against your core. ‘‘What do you want me to do. How do you want me to make love to you, y/n?’‘ He lifted his head up, other hand once again settling down ontop of your left breast as his gaze focused on you. 
This man was way too gorgeous for his own good, just looking at his face, his red lips, dilated pupils and messy hair had you throbbing and you knew Taehyung definitely felt that one, him not hesitating to sink in one digit down your heat, and slowly moved his wrist, slipping in and out of you before he followed with one finger more. Your walls clenched around his finger, legs kicking up while you bit your lip trying not to cry out. ‘’Tell me, y/n. Please.’’ 
Face hot, abdomen muscles clenching, fingers digging into his arms you moan his name loud and clear when he begs you to say something, needs to hear you say it before he starts what he craves. He is a little impatient, he knows that but he promised to himself to go slow and so eventhough he begs you, he waits while slowly pumping his fingers into you, his thumb rubbing softly your clit. 
‘‘I..’‘ You start, closing your eyes shut, rolling your neck from side to side as your  legs tremble. ‘‘Yes.. say it, let me know.’‘ Taehyung cups your chin, tapping your lips as he slides in his thumb, pressing down on your tongue before sliding out. 
‘‘I want.. ‘‘
‘‘Your mouth.’‘ 
‘‘Where, sweetheart. Where do you want my mouth?’‘ 
‘‘Taehyung, please.’‘ Taehyung nudges your throat with his nose, sliding his fingers out as he traces his path downward with his lips until he is face to face with your clothed core and he cant help himself but to take a whiff. ‘‘Devine.’‘ he mumbles more to himself before he hooks his fingers into the waistband and slide them down your hips, while grazing the bare skin of your inner thighs with his knuckles. 
Spreading your legs fare enough to lay between them, he winks up to you and bite his lips with a teasing eyebrow raised and laps up your arousal from your slit. This has your tighs immediately closing around his head but he tuts against your core, hands finding its home on your thighs as he holds them. ‘’Let me make you feel good. ‘’ The vibration of his voice causes your hips to stutter, butt lifting from the matress, almost grinding against his lips. ‘’It’s okay. I’ve got you.’’
Teeth find your bundle of nerves, and rolls them between them, tongue carefully flicking against it, his grip on your legs thightening when he feels them tremble. He sucks, lips covering your mound as he crawl closer to let go of your thighs to settle them on your buttcheeks and lift them up from the matress now being able to suck you a little more deeper. 
He notices how his fingers are close enough to your lowerlips to spread them open and he does, sinking his tongue down into your heat and you let out a scream, hips bucking into him, legs shaking in the air. 
‘‘Taehyung.’‘ You stutter, gripping the pillow behind you as you feel your release building up, your body feels hot, too hot. Your cheeks burn from pleasure, your mouth falling open as you feel how he never stop pleasuring you, his nose rubbing your clit, tongue licking your inner walls and with one last stutter of your hips, you cum. You feel your body tensing before it lets go completely and you find Taehyung’s bicep. 
He laps you up, licking up your arousal with a grin on his face and crawls towards you, letting his body rest ontop of yours. ‘’How was that?’’ 
You just watch him with a tired but satisfied smile on your face. ‘’As usual. That was amazing.’’ you manage to get out and cant help but to giggle as his grin grows wider. ‘’I love you.’’ Taehyung mutters, wiping the hair that sticks to your skin from your forehead and leans up to peck your lips. While he leans up to kiss you, you both moan as you feel his hardness press against your core. 
He looks at you, licks your lips and both close your eyes as you open up for him, this time its his tongue that kisses yours, grinding his cock against your slick heat. Moans tumble out and he does not wait, his hands lay flat against your slick heat, moving up and down until he grips his hard cock and pumps it a few times making sure your arousal lays on his member as lube and guides himself towards you core. Once he feels the tip slipping past your lower lips, he lets go, settling his hand down beside you and he moves his hips forward, falling deeper and deeper into your heat until his hips meet yours.  
Your own arms lay around his neck while he taps your thigh and you wrap your legs around his waist and apparently that movement has him sinking in that one last inch, now being fully settled in. 
He buries his face in the croock of your neck and slowly pulls his hips back to only move it tenderly slow forward again. ‘’You feel out of this world.’’ Taehyung’s own voice trembles, fingers touching the back of your neck featherlight. He strokes your scar, rocking his hips slowly into you, grunting out your name over and over. The sensation of his cock tickling down your walls, his fingers caressing your scar as he keeps his eyes on you once he takes one sharp thrust where you dig your fingers into his shoulderblades. ‘’Look at me. Look at me when I make love to you. Does it feel good?’’
‘‘Yes! It feels so so good!’‘ Your tongue doesnt hesitate to let those words fall from your mouth while trying to remain eye contact with your boyfriend. 
‘‘It feels too good. Taehyung, please.’‘ You cry out, tears pooling in your eyes from all the pleasure you’re feeling. His rocks his hips a little faster, in and out of you, taking bliss into the wet sounds he hears from your arousal. He feels how your arousal drips down his member and he breaks the eye contact for his own pleasure as he sits back and lift you up, you’re now seated in his lap, his arms caging you against him. 
The way he sits still in your heat, has you clenching around him your body asking for his thrusts and his body instantely responses, bucking his hips up into you and Taehyung throws his head back in pleasure, a loud grunt bouncing off the walls and you are following suit with a whimper slipping past. 
‘‘You gotta help me, princess.’‘ His jaw clenches as he grabs your waist and begins to buck up his hips, hitting your spot over and over again and sink down onto him when he thrusts up. 
‘‘Yes, just like that beautiful. Just like that.’‘ 
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, and fight against falling over, feeling no strength at all but Taehyung has a tight grip onto you, and you see how his eyes are focused on how his cock slips in and out your heat while he bites his lip, a layer of sweat both coating your bodies. 
He hums. 
‘‘Taehyung.. ‘‘ You try again, desperately fighting against your orgasm as you only want to let go when you have his eyes locked on you. And he doesnt make it any easier when he starts to rub your clit soothingly, never stopping the ryhtym of his hips until you start to clench harder down on him and he knows, he knows and snaps his face up to you when he hears his name loud and clear. 
Your expressions tells him everything, the way your eyebrows are scrunched together, your mouth falling open while deseperately gazing into his warm eyes has his own hips stuttering. ‘’I know. I got you, babe.’’
And you do, your vision blurs. sounds fade away as you let go, release bursting through your body, your walls clamping down on his cock in a tight grip and you drool, you cant help but drool when your release feels like an enternity and Taehyung.. Taehyung cries out a loud loud moan and you collapse against him with a tired laugh, not believing how good you are feeling. He catches you and lays you down on your back and he follows, resting his body ontop of yours as he takes a few minutes to come down from his high. One hand plays with his hair, other hand strokes up and down his back while placing pecks all over his face. 
‘‘I love you too, Tae. More than I ever can explain.’‘
resting his cheek against your belly, you catch a content smile on his face.  He is silent, wanting to bask in your warmth before he slides out of your heat and rolls off of you and lays down beside you. ‘’Hmm. I wouldn’t know what to do without you. You are literally my home.’’ and with that he plants a loving wet kiss against your lips, and cages you into his arms, your back to his stomach. 
‘‘Should we shower?’‘ You ask after a few minutes. 
‘‘Yes, yes we should.’‘ 
Yet the two of you dont move, enjoying the peaceful stillness of the night while listening how your hearts slowly beat to a softer pace.  
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kumacyy · 3 years
Hello how are you me im doing good can i request a one shot where nanami and fem!reader are at a mall (and can the reader be chubby?) and the reader look at a girl that is thinner than her and nanami notices this and her takes the reader home and has gental sex with her and prasies her and tells her she is beautiful and she doesnt need to change?
You're Perfect
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Hey!! It's good to hear that you're alright sorry it took so long I had a writer's block so I hope you don't mind me going silent for a while anyways I hope you like it.
《Warnings》: 18+, gentle sex, praising, and body worship
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Nanami Kento x Chubby! Reader
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You were walking with your very handsome daddy boyfriend in the mall bonding with each other since we sure as hell all know that Nanami needs a break. Especially when a certain man child is nearby. But enough of that you and him were walking around the mall doing some window shopping and occasionally buying clothes.
Whilst you were walking around you noticed a HUGE crowd of people some were screaming some were taking their phones out but they're mostly pushing each other running to your direction. 'Probably someone famous' you thought and unfortunately for you; you got dragged by the crowd no matter how much you held on to nanami your grip just slipped and ofc this caused you and nanami to panic.
And getting dragged caused you to meet the lady that the people has been going crazy on... it was Kitagawa, Megumi (from say I love you) out of all the models that you have seen she was the one you loathed the most (sry I still hold grudges '^') I mean with just a single look at her pictures in the magazine you immediately knew she was fake. Well maybe loathed is too much but you still hated her so at first interaction with her you grimaced on the inside knowing it would offend her if you did it openly.
"Oh! I'm very sorry I just got dragged in the crowd" you apologized.
"No, no it's fine I understand it wasn't your fault anyways" she responded.
"Anyways sorry again bye!" You said trying to leave immediately while respectfully giving a wave.
"Farewell!" She said while waving her hand in response.
And with that you dissapeared in the crowd trying your best to navigate through it and of course because you're a clumsy hoe person you tripped and fell well almost fell luckily for you your sugar dadae boyfriend was there to catch you and with that you were thankful. Once both you finally left the crowd you were back to window shopping but with you more spaced out.
I mean could you blame yourself you just met a model a slim model to be more precise. The more you think about her the more insecure you become and nanami having to always be busy does not help at all. I mean what if he was just using his job as an excuse to mingle with women. No. I doubt it, he wouldn't would he? I mean he's a handsome and muscular man he can easily attract women and the fact that he settled with someone like you a fat girl is just weird.
And with more thoughts going through your head the more you get insecure which results with you unconsciously scowled at the thought which did not go unnoticed to your boyfriend. He knows you're thinking ill of yourself your expression alone made him think you're insecure which means he also knows that you were doubting his loyalty which hurt him not gonna lie. But that wouldn't stop him from loving you nonetheless.
He's for sure has to comfort you at home in a way so that you wouldn't think ill of yourself nor doubt his loyalty. It's a win win situation he gets to comfort you and you get to know how much he loves you plus he's been missing you for a while now.
And with that after hours of window shopping it was finally evening. While going home the atmosphere in the car was very tense and awkward for you but to nanami he's just thinking of ways to make sure you know he's loyal. Once you guys want home he immediately locked the front door and placed your things on the ground and went to grab your wrist. Not too hard to hurt you just enough so that you won't break free and dragged you to your shared bedroom.
Of course you didn't expect this after you went home you just expected it to be awkward so you were definitely confused.
"Nanami?" You questioned
"..." he didn't respond he just kept dragging you to the bedroom.
And once you finally reached the bedroom he immediately locked the bedroom door and pinned you against it. And started kissing you in a gentle way that you found very comforting and kissed back. Seconds later you guys released being out of breath he started giving you butterfly kisses.
"I love you so much." He mumbled in a husky voice it was low but still audible enough for you to hear.
And hearing what he said made you skip a beat and blush so out of embarrassment you hid your face on his chest which also made you hear his heart beat. It was beating very fast as if he was nervous to make the wrong move. While you were deep in thought he carried you to the bed and made you sit on it.
With a plop you snapped out of your thoughts and looked at nanami confused and with that he started to take your clothes off in a very gentle way like he's handling a very fragile object. After your clothes has been removed completely leaving you in your underwear and out of instinct you immediately covered your body with your arms. Which he had predicted and held your arms instantly uncovering it and started kissing your body that you were insecure about.
"Chu~ I love you" he said while kissing your cheeks.
"Chu~ I love this" he said again but instead of kissing your cheek he kissed your nose.
"Chu~ and this-" he said kissing each and every stretch marks on your body.
"Chu~ and this-" he continued and kissing your stomach and thighs.
"Chu~ and this of course" he said kissing your curves (hips, waist, bobs and a$s)
"Chu~ and this as well" he said kissing you body hair (armpit hair, leg hair, arm hair, and the hair underneath your belly button)
(A/n please keep in mind I'm not saying you guys have these insecurities it's just there because I think those are some of the things that most people have insecurities on (I researched about it) and also mines we all have insecurities all we have to do is to accept them.)
And with that it made your insecurities and doubts get washed away solely because you saw and heard how sincere he really is on about how much he loves you. He then pulled away and took his clothes off hastily and eagerly and after he took his clothes he is now in front of you buck naked. And with him standing it gave you a clear view of his huge cock which made you Yelp and cover your eyes immediately and made him chuckle at how cute you were being.
And he took your underwear of and carried you and placed you on his lap making you straddle him and entered in your womanhood which made your breath hitch and moan for having to be stretched after months of not doing it. And since he's a very patient man he waited for you to adjust which wasn't long. Since it was specifically made to take his cock in.
"N-ngh. yo-u.. can m-move." You stuttered having a hard time speaking because of the pleasure you were receiving.
And with that he started to gently move you and with you also helping by moving up and down. Then the room was know filled with skin slapping, and moans and groans of pleasure.
And after going at it for hours you guys finally are close to your end which you both know.
"I-I'm close.." he said
"I-I'm c-close too.." you said
And with that you finally released together which made you scream in ecstasy and him groan loudly and with that he finally pulled out and placed you on the bed in which you were still in a dazed state and went to put his boxers on and went out the bedroom to get towels and water bottles then came back with fresh underwear for you.
And went to clean you up and gave you water which you thanked him for and then layed beside you and pulling you into his embrace.
"I love you so much" he said kissing your forehead
"I love you too" you said snuggling closer to his chest and slowly drift to sleep.
After seeing you asleep made him smile lovingly ant your sleeping face and mumbled to himself then started drifting to sleep as well.
"You're Perfect..."
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Hey guys I hope you like it and thanks so much for reading.
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ganyuslily · 3 years
archons, even with blood smeared on his cheeks he still looked beautiful.
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pairing: childe/gn!reader
category/extra notes: angst, dead bodies and blood, wounds, major character death, TO BE HONEST IDK WHATS GOING ON HERE EITHER
note: my head hurts so much and i dont know why; also this is um very chaotic? so excuse me if it doesnt make sense
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he snaps his head towards you. your voice is high; nervous, perhaps? or maybe scared? but what did you have to be scared of? he was here, right? 
there was no danger around, at least not anymore. the moon is hanging up high in the sky, gentle breeze carresing his hair (as you clutch the wound on your stomach you think that even with this crazed expression he still looks so... peaceful. at ease)
you flinch when you see him move to you. he doesnt seem to notice (or maybe he does? you think u see hurt in his eyes, but its gone in a flash. maybe your mind is just playing tricks on you. you were just so tired now. why were you tired though? you couldnt remember)
with clear waters and beautiful flowers, it was a pretty place. it was located somehwere near wangshu inn, although you couldnt exactly pin point where (you felt as if there was a fog in your brain preventing you from remembering it. thinking took so much energy. you couldnt come up with coherent thoughts) — childe showed it to you the first time you accompanied him for some of his work related matters. since then, you always tried to stop by here everytime there was a chance.
it looked a little bit different now though — with countless bodies decorating the scenery and blood splattered everywhere, the usual sun and colorful trees nowhere to be seen. the night was darker than usual, even with moon shining in the sky (or maybe it wasnt even that dark. maybe it was just your sight giving up on you. you felt so light headed. what happened again?)
it was only you and childe. childe and you (because it was childe, right? your childe. wait, was that his real name?)
as he reaches to hold you (you pray that he doesnt notice that you flinch again. but why where you flinching? you shouldnt, right? he was your lover, after all), his expression seems to soften a little bit. you try to lift your hand to move his hair out of his face, only to notice that its all dirty.
archons, even with blood smeared on his cheeks he still looked beautiful (but whose blood was it? was it yours? it wasnt his, no, it couldnt be. he didnt seem to wear any wounds. maybe its from the bodies around? but whose were these bodies? why were they here? what happened. you couldnt remember)
you dont really notice the moment a blade pierces you from behind. you dont really care. you hold his face in your hands so dearly, as if you were afraid he would suddenly dissapear. you dont care it was his blade. he was your lover, after all.
as your eyes close, you could swear you see panic settle into his eyes, looking with desbelief at what hes done.
you want to tell him not to worry. that you forgive him. in the end, he was just a puppet — he couldnt disobey the tsaritsa. but you dont manage to say anything else.
(it was a pretty place to die. you werent mad)
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hopefullyababe · 2 years
overthinking side of my brain: ok but whats e point of having friends you can do everything yourself for the most part and NO ONE can stay friends forever its literally impossible so if you intertwine your roots with someone it just makes it so much more painful and sad when you loose contact why would anyone lean on ANYONE with the threat of them DISSAPEARING FROM UNDER YO-
me: i mean think of the benefits tho
overthinking side of my brain: WHAT BENEFITS
me: enjoying time with them. thats like. a benefit. like talkin abt shit. making jokes. laughing about things. talking seriously about things too. enjoying eachothers company in silence. are you getting this
overthinking side of my brain: >:(
me: i think youre overthinking this a bit. shits not like. about how things end up right. like yeah. that kinda matters but. here let me explain like this
me: if you plant a strawberry bush right. and you foster it and water it until it grows some strawberries. and for a couple years you eat those strawberries right. and they nurish you and you enjoy them. and it takes lots work to keep the bush alive and healthy but you do it
me: eventually its just. easy.
me: like you dont even have to think about watering it every day. you dont have to plan around tending to your little bush because its just part of your routine.
me: maybe sometimes you hit a snag where its really cold or something and its hard again but your little bush is worth it right
me: you tend to your strawberry bush. and you get strawberrys from it back.
me: but maybe eventually you have to move out of that house and you cant take your strawberry bush with you right. or your strawberry bush dies.
me: that doesn't negate the nurishment you received from the strawberries for like. years. right?
me: just because the strawberries arent around anymore doesnt mean they never mattered. you know?
overthinking side of my brain: thats so fucking stupid
me: hey now. its not a perfect metaphor but it gets the job done.
me: its just. hard sometimes. i know that. you cant think too hard about the big picture tho. because thats not what its about. its like. the little bits. the shit that makes you happy. thats. thats what it is. loving eachother.
overthinking side of my brain: ...
overthinking side of my brain: okay.
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goosedawn · 3 years
goose lore?? goose lore! :D!!! .... loredump abt species and stuff under the cut because i sat down yesterday and went “im making a new species from scratch :']” 
goose is basically a construct made of coalesced magic, lilypads and goose feathers. she was unfortunate enough to get picked up some inexperienced poachers who took her from her home shortly after she awoke. they escaped purely by chance- usually when a construct wakes they are basically an empty shell for a while as sentience seeps into them, and are sapient but not sentient for a few months or so. goose however, woke with a consciousness and memories about a week after their creation. unfortunately this week was long enough for the poachers to have taken her far from her place of origin. she knows she was not always a construct, but their memories from before are hazy at best. they think they were an acolyte of a minor deity, and are searching for information. they think if they can find the place they were taken from they may be able to answer some of those questions.
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In areas of intense arcane activity it is not uncommon for residual magic to "cling" to an object or location. Given time, this magic residue may develop into g'val sevraq, or, as they are more colloquially known as: Garden Constructs, due to their propensity to appear in gardens or wooded areas.
[Note: These creatures may also be referred to as g'val, sevraq, or just constructs.]
These creatures will latch onto the location they were formed in (their "source" of magic), often taking on characteristics of the environment including plants and animals, as well as items that are in the general vincinity. Rarely, if there are no non-sentient creatures or organic structures to mimic during their creation, a sevraq may take on an entirely inorganic form.
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Each individual construct varies in the way its components tie together, as well as how humanoid they present. Some constructs may be mistaken for hybrids, but some notable difference is that the organic or inorganic components cannot be
G'val may take on characteristics of larger animals, such as wolves or deer, but will maintain a size similar to that of a borrower or a fairy, as the coalesced magic may destabilize if they take on a larger form. If left in their place of origin however, a g’val may take the shape of an animal they have bonded to, but removing them from said location in this state will make them unable to switch back until returned. Inorganic sevraq are unable to shapeshift, but often have better control over the items their body is made out of, and tend to become skilled craftspeople and mechanics.
Constructs will often take care of or protect the location they formed in, be it a person’s garden, a city, or a shrine. They are not stuck in their place of origin, but they are bound to it- destined to return no matter how far they travel.
While sevraq do not tend to socialise with other sevraq, purely due to how spread out they are, they are social creatures and can be found interacting with other sapient and sentient species. 
Sentience in sevraq grows over time, when they first form they are an empty shell, with animalistic instincts as they learn about the world they have developed in. These "shells" are often preyed on by poachers, to extract the magical resources in the budding creature. Removing a young construct from their home is considered unethical, as their forms are still unstable in the weeks following their creation. If taken from their place of origin during this time, they will dissipate into magic.
Older constructs are able to travel far from their homes, however they will often bond with "anchor homes" where they will attempt to cultivate their original environment in a new area, or otherwise settle into a space. This is only done when a sevraq has developed an emotional attachment to a location. Anchor homes are also created by constructs who are unable to return home, either due to it getting destroyed or the construct getting lost. While anchor homes will not provide the g'val with a source of magic, it allows them to feel more comfortable
In some cases it is possible for a construct to develop an anchor home that is not a physical space, as 'home' may be a vague term. Sometimes an anchor home may be a certain situation or a group of people. In the event of a sevraq bonding with one or more people, the term "anchor family" may also be used to refer to them.
also more info that didnt fit into that lore dump that i wanna share:
- g'val sevraq is what constructs answered with when asked about what they were
- despite rarely interacting with other constructs, they also appear to have their own laguage that uses common syllables and sounds, but in a different order/combination. they use this to talk to one another but take to learning other languages quickly if given the chance.
- g'val sevraq does have a meaning and it uses a common code lmao
and goose specific info:
- goose anchors to aperson and later apersons kids :>
- they often dissapear to go look for more information, but they always, always return.
- this is goose before they were a construct:
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- gooses(??) wings are drippy and wet, seemingly surrouned by a layer of water
- yes thats a halo
- i redacted it for the purpose of "c!goose doesnt know" but theyr the "herald of the dawn"
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bigtittydemonwife · 4 years
Yandere creeps? 👀
Of course! since you didn’t specify who you wanted I decided to do Toby, Masky, Hoodie, Liu, EJ, LJ, Jeff and Jane
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Ticci Toby
Honestly it wouldn’t take much for this man to go yandere honestly. Just show him kindness. He’s been shown cruelty his whole life so someone treating him with basic decency and not expecting anything out of it? Yeah he’s in love.
While he will treat you like a queen, if you fight back you will be punished. He doesn’t want to physically hurt his S/O, but he’s not below anything mentally. He will murder your loved ones right in front of you. All while saying things like “It’s you’re fault, I’m the only one who is allowed to love you”
But if your completely fine with being with him? (Don’t @ me I know there are some of you out there) He’s so happy! Expect cuddles everyday, they’re mandatory. He’s still possessive as all hell though. While he trusts you not to run away he does NOT trust others to not steal you away. No matter what you’re leaving the house for he’s coming with you. Taking out the trash? Wait for him. Getting grocery’s? Let him get his shoes. This leads to quote unquote dates a lot.
He needs you with them so don’t ever try to leave, love him and you should be fine. But don’t think it’s all happiness. He’s a PTSD ridden Schizophreniac with most likely trust issues and intimacy issues. There are days where you can tell him you love him a thousand times and he’s yelling about how you’re lying. But in a hour he’ll be back crying and begging for forgiveness.
He struggles with emotions so remember, he was major trouble showing love. The way he does it headpats, cuddles and not murdering you.
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Eyeless Jack
Now this man is a mystery rapped in a enigma rapped in a riddle. For him, its tougher to figure out why he’s obsessed with you. But I’d say its how you are psychologically and what you’re life’s like.
Maybe its because of how generally kind you are despite knowing how shit life and people can be. Maybe he wants to protect the innocence he used to have?
Who knows. But as with Toby, Mans Possessive. Not in a lock you up kinda way (That would come later). But stalkerish. You may think you’re alone but you never are. Man knows you’re whole shecdual. And while he won’t KILL anyone who hurts you, that would draw way to much attention. But what he does is much worse.
He probably takes the longest out of all the creeps to show himself to you. And not even in person. He’d start with notes. If you return his feelings your safe and now have a cannibalistic stalker protector. If you don’t......well...We’ll unpack that someother time.
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Again, Show him kindness, But its still a little different from Toby. If you fully understand what he’s done, the person he is. But still think he deserves kindness. He thinks you’re naive. Yeah, He starts off thinking your fucking stupid. Starting.
But as it goes on, and you continue to show him kindness. Even when you know what he’s done, He starts to warm up to your kindness. But if you witness him cold blooded murdering someone. He’s ready for you to leave. But if you dont. You still treat him kindly. He wants to save this nativity. Being naive in this world is a death wish. So he’ll barely let you leave the house. And he’s always with you. Unlike EJ. He will murder anyone who fucks with you. And leave no evidence behind. As far as anyones concerned they’ve dissapeared from the earth.
Once again if you love this man. You have to put up with this. No negotiations. He loves you and thats how he shows it. But if you do put up with it. And show this man all the love. Maybe it will be alright.
But like EJ, Never try and leave him, Unlike some creeps he will hurt his S/O physically, but then will cry into their arms begging them to forgive him. Or a different punishment might go an NSFW way if you know what I mean.....
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Again, Complicated. His obsession probably comes very quickly. Someone whose creative like him, Who questions the bigger things in life. Someone he could have a intelligent conversation with.
He’s a stalker. He watches his S/O all day. Nothing they do could bore him. But he gets jealous very easy. Why else do you think the cute person in the library that gave you their number hasn’t come back? Or hasn’t texted you?
He’s probably take a while to show himself to his S/O. And once he finally gets the courage. He’ll send them a letter. You two’ll become penpals. He’s kept every single one of your letters and keeps them in a folder.
He does have trouble showing his emotions though, Showing his S/O He loves them would be returning letters, Giving them small trinkets (like a magpie) and not murdering them.
Prefurs not to hurt his S/O, If they try to run away he’ll just psychologically torture them. Following them and disappearing when the call the police. Making them think they’re the only one who can see him. Anyone who they care about disappears. But this only happends if you run away and don’t love him back.
So love him and you’ll be good....you’ll just have to deal with Possessiveness, Paranoia, Obssession, and Jealousy.
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Jane The Killer
With most of the creeps. Be kind to her, But not just her. If your a generally kind person who shows others respect but refuses to to bow down to bullies. Shes in love
Shes quite quick to talk to her S/O, She’ll ask for they’re number, and because of how normal she looks (And how pretty she is) you say yes.
Late night texts about random things, if you rant to her about your interests she could listen all day.
(To quote The Killers) Jealousy
Its her life quest to keep creepers who remind her of Jeff away from you, Speaking of Jeff is he ever went near you shes starting a riot.
She loves cuddles, intamacy is a must. She needs you to stay near her. Once again won’t hurt her S/O but if they try to run away they’re getting locked in a room alone untill they’re begging for her to come back so they can hear someone’s voice that isnt their own and touch them. She’s not above depriving her S/O of intimacy should the moment call for it.
Possessive. You need her and only her. Everyone else doesnt matter. Show her love and no one else.
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Jeff The Killer
He’s most likely to become obsessed with someone whose nice to people. But will fight a bitch. If your sassy and don’t take shit he’s in love. But remember hes a twisted psychopath who murdered his family and his neighbours. His love isnt what you’d call socially acceptable. He’d kill for you in a flash. Anyone, people you love or hate. They’re dissapearing.
Unlike the others, he won’t show himself to you quickly BUT he will not hide his love. Scribbled love notes written in blood. Dead animals on your porch. He’s kinda like a dog.
He will hurt his S/O if they don’t love him, Mentally or Physically he doesnt mind, He see’s it as a necessary step.
He needs physically affection.
Isnt a soft relationship to be honest. Cuddles and kisses yes. But no soft words. Just sass, violent outbursts, Hate sex, Angry sex, Makeup sex. Yeah lots of sex.
He’s a horndog what can I say?
But maybe, just mayyybeee once In a blue moon, you’ll be cuddling and he’ll think your asleep, and whisper he loves you in his ear. Pretend your asleep though.
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Laughing Jack
He needs someone he can laugh with, Someone with a sort of wonder to them. He likes those type of people.
Since he’s a childs imaginary friend(?) He doesn’t really understand love, But obsession? Yes.
He’s not gonna show himself to his S/O for ages. I mean, Hes like a seven foot tall clown. Total boyfriend material.
He’ll leave candy on your doorstep, Or cute little trinkets, Like music boxes.
Gives the best hugs honestly. He’ll lift you right up off the ground and spin you around. Honestly he carries you everywhere like a princess.
Anyone, literally anyone makes you feel sad or makes the wonder in your eyes leave. They’re loved ones are getting turned into candy, then they’re forced to eat them. Then they get murdered gruesomely. He’s all you need and he’ll protect you.
He loves to slow dance with you. He’ll play some old classical music.
(I headcanon he has a British accent)
He’ll cut you off from all your friends, or make them disappear, He’s all you need.
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Homicidial Liu/Sully
(Its so hard to find good gifs for these boys)
This boy needs a hug, Him and Sully.
Stalkers. They need affection. They’ll follow they’re S/O wherever they go. No mater what they do.
They’re S/O has a partner? Not for much longer.
Liu gives cute gifs and notes like Flowers, or shiny trinkets, Sully gives weirder stuff, Like random stones or shiny things. And his notes are scrubbed much more.
Nickname them Magpie they’ll love it.
While Liu is defiantly the more sweeter one, He’ll never hurt his S/O, but he will score them if he must. Sully on the other hand, all for scaring them. Despite what others think he loves them, and he doesn’t want to hurt them to much because he wants them to be his. And they can’t be his if they’re dead.
You know all the jealousy I said Jeff had? Imagine that but doubled.
Thats your realtionship. While Liu will be more defensive if someone’s hurting or flirting with you. Sully aggressive. Back away from whats his.
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make-a-memory · 3 years
Imagine Phil keeping the Techno "doll" around because he misses Techno, and the "doll" seems to like spending time with him so if he cant be with his actual friend he may as well protect this smaller version of him. Even if its just a toy he doesnt like seeing how some of the other people here treat it when they get their hands on it. They can fuck around with the other "dolls" like the one of that Jack guy sure whatever, he even might enjoy fucking with some of them himself. The Tommy one especially is fun to just keep knocking over until it starts shouting at him. But he misses Techno and this thing is the closest he has to him right now. So he starts just keeping it with him as often as possible, letting it sit in a pocket or on his shoulder.
It seems to stay quiet while he talks to it about anything, like its actually listening to his rambles. And it seems to have started copying him and just rambling with its own little noises sometimes, Phil will let it finish when it does this or else it gets sad. It seems a little sad by the end no matter what though.
He tries to keep it safe, but he cant be watching it 24/7 and it'll dissapear for a while from time to time. Either because someone took it when he wasnt paying attention or Phil will find it in its respawn chamber. It always appears very happy when he finds it again. Phil isnt sure how hes supposed to feel about how life like these things are, but if little Techno is happy then thats all he needs to care about.
Phil keeps the doll with him most of the time - he's not Tubbo, missing his friend but more importantly than that, willing to believe in self-aware AI - he still thinks it's just a doll. But it's a doll that looks like his friend - that kind of acts like it too - and maybe he's just a little attached.
Techno's not happy about being small - and he's quickly forming a hit list, they may think he's just a doll but honestly that just makes it worse - but he's glad he can spend time with his friend, even if they don't understand each other.
(On the other hand, when they finally find out that the dolls that look like their friends are actually their friends, there is so much teasing.
"Really Phil? You couldn't tell it was me? Am I that forgettable?"
"Shut up, I'm not meant to be an AI expert or something."
Techno forgives him, but that doesn't stop the teasing)
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