#I do need money and it’ll get me out of the house and good to start saving up if I get accepted into a nursing program
galariangengar · 1 year
Lowkey been thinking about getting a part time job for awhile now, and maybe applying to HomeGoods or TJMaxx cuz it’s close by, not that far of a drive, I can drive myself to and from there, and I’d get a discount cuz my mom and I do like shopping there. My mom brought it up again (even though I don’t like her tone when she asked again if I’ll get a job any time soon), and applying to HomeGoods has been on my mind since this past weekend… idk yet, maybe I’ll wait a little more
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cthonic-bunny · 9 months
1. Natal Chart Observations
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1. Libra Moon: decision paralysis that comes from feeling two contradicting ways about an issue. “I want my cake but I want to eat it too.” I feel like libra moons are the most sentimental of the air moon signs. Libra moons can constantly weigh out the pros and cons for every emotion you feel. “I want to do this but I don’t want to deal with how messy it’ll make things.” When libra moons are feeling a little lost, they can over-schedule themselves and their commitments to friends to avoid thinking about overly-vulnerable feelings. There is zero tolerance for imbalance in relationships. Poor behavior from a partner will be met with matched behavior to tip the scales back to a balanced one, even if the overall locational of the scale is descending into negativity. “You get what you give” mentality. Libra moons can be keen on the idea of karma. “Come to me with sweetness, or don’t come to me at all.” Daydreaming about romance is a relaxing way to pass time. Before maturity, libra moons might suffer from social anxieties when they find themselves in group settings where there isn’t a cohesive vibe. If someone around a libra moon doesn’t look like they are having a good time, it subconsciously makes it difficult for a libra moon to relax. The libra moon will then play the role of a diplomat or host/hostess to ensure the vibes equalize to restore their peace.
2. Mars in the 10th house: these natives are always making money. They are known for their side hustles too. They are always looking for new ways to make money and I feel like they are good at getting clientele. They will get their hands dirty for their job. For a man, this can point to a “blue collar ‘manly’ job.” I noticed 10H mars can be pretty generous with their money and services, but feel extremely terrible about getting help from others. If these natives aren’t confident where they are in their career or skill set(s), I noticed that they are likely to undersell themselves or undercharge for their services/time. It can also point to people in the workplace as perceiving the 10H mars person to be brash and outspoken. The authority figures in their career can feel a sense of competition with the 10H mars person, or wants to humble them in some way. I feel like it’s really easy for them to get good jobs or climb up the ladder when they do things the right way. They get impatient when they aren’t growing in their careers as fast as they want to. “Why am I not a millionaire yet.” They work hard for what they want and are very ambitious once they find their niche. I feel like these are often people who can find jobs that don’t necessarily need a degree. Their career mistakes feel explosive. They can be seen as “sharks” in their fields because they go in for the attack. They like to be the best and the most competent at what they do, and want their colleagues to see them as competition. “I’m the best and no one will tell me otherwise.” They can be known for being assertive and extremely determined in meeting their goals. They will work themselves to the core and utilize all their energy towards elevating themselves career and reputation wise.
3. Mars in the 1st House: These people might often be noticed for their bodies. They might be seen as someone you shouldn’t mess around with. They look athletic. Maybe they are known for fitness or for being athletic. These natives can be associated with the military, and probably look incredible in their uniforms. This is a man-eater or womanizer placement, for sure. “I get what I want when I want it.” They look like they have a rough exterior, even if they are sweethearts. They can be into martial arts. Commanding presence. They can make wonderful personal trainers. Regardless of gender, they can come off as being comfortable with their masculine energy. Reds look great on them. They might have thick eyebrows and a nice jawline. They look attractive when they are angry. They know how to make someone feel sexy. They have people chasing them or falling for them fast.
4. Pisces and 12th house placements: these people have no problem ghosting you. Pisces placements and 12H placements are always made out to be innocent and naive, but they are attracted to people and situations that have something a little “bad” about them. Savior complex. They can go through feelings where they feel detached from social settings and those they love, where they cannot fully escape the role of observer. They will always be able to fully escape into their internal landscape and get consumed by it— but it seems as though no matter how hard they try, they can’t have that same presence in the material world. This can lead to frustrating feelings of disconnection from the world and people around them. They can be smiling and staring off, but you will never fully know what they are thinking. They can make people really curious about them, because their thoughts always catch you off guard. Having an existential crisis on the daily. Casual things might have a bigger internal meaning to them that others might not always understand. We can find plenty of people attractive, but if the spark isn’t felt in the soul and doesn’t pique a deep curiosity, we will get bored and swim away. Liking people who are a bit “mean and dark” but wanting them to be sweet and soft with you. Using music to paint your daydreams, or to escape. Finding music that relates almost entirely to whatever they have on their mind feels like striking gold. They can like someone just for having the same interests as them. Feeling like a ghost in a flesh suit. Enigmatic. Can embody different vibes and personas depending on who they are around. They are sensitive and can adapt to the situations at hand. Too much self awareness can lock them in their heads. “I only jump into waters with the depth of an abyss.” Laying down for hours just to daydream and process your thoughts. Long baths feel like therapy. Moderation isn’t in our vocabulary. We love what we like, and we want to get lost in what we love. Not being able to properly process your day or interactions until you’re alone and can replay them in isolation.
5. Taurus Placements: I noticed Taurus moon women get spoiled financially by their partners. The type for their partners to say “don’t worry, I’ll work and you can be at home,” or that being their partners goal at a point. I noticed Taurus placements can enjoy the occasional shoplifting. They are not going to compromise their comfort, and if you come after that it will be met with intense stubbornness. They can seem nonchalant about a lot of things, but can be extremely unwavering in their opinions on certain things. In some cases, they can have strange eating habits or relationship to food. Thankfully, the Tauruses I’ve been around don’t project that on those around them. It’s more internal from what I’ve noticed, and they can enjoy feeding those they love and care for. They can have great taste in food. They love sensual vices and sex. They look great with pearls. They master an aesthetic and can stick to it. They are fiercely protective of those they love. They can be lazy at their worst and will not want to do anything that requires too much effort. They can be impressively good at couponing. Making money from home is the ideal setup for them. They will spoil their loved ones too, and can be great gift givers. They don’t cheap out with presents for their loved ones. They get much enjoyment from decorating their spaces and hosting their loved ones. They can be prone to overthinking and some may obsessive behaviors or crippling anxiety as well. They can honestly make the best scammers, as terrible as that sounds. They can sell someone a dream and make it sound beautiful, but can be lying through their teeth. Their jealousies can sometimes come from a place of vanity. Watch out for envying others, and appreciate your own beauty. They can focus so much on the beauty around them they forget about their own. They can be the image of beauty and grace, or strive deeply for that. They have pretty and soothing voices. Taurus placements can easily be the funniest person you know when they are in a joyful mood. I also noticed Taurus placements are wonderful at finding vintage pieces and re-selling them!
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yanderemommabean · 5 months
Hey Beans-
Hey beans, I have a bit of a hellish update. 
Yesterday was one of the worst days of my life. My grandma made a huge fight happen while I was on call with a friend, and things just escalated between me and her so badly I had to leave. When I came back home, my family was also on my ass about it all, despite knowing how she lies and how she instigates. 
She threatened to hit me, she threatened to kill Sammy, she hurled insult after insult at me and this all started because I didn't get up in time to do something she asked (Which was locking the door. I waited three seconds too long and she went off). 
When I came back after trying to let things cool down I was berated and told I had no right to be so “selfish” in the house, so on and so on, and the fight got so intense I had to just physically walk away, leaving the home and going two miles up the road because I did not feel safe. 
They made me so sick I began to pee blood again, as well as my sugar spiking and causing me to have palpitations. My heart cannot take this stress anymore, and neither can my mental health. I wish I could explain how bad the situation was. I had tears down my face, gasping for air, chest heaving and in pain, I felt like I was on the verge of passing out. 
I got in contact with some good friends of mine, who say they can help get me out of not only that home, but the entire state i'm in. But I need money to do so, for travel and gas and so on. As much as they can house me, they need me to pull my weight. 
I hate having to ask for help, I hate that I'm even in this situation, to the point I'm so sick I might have to be seen in the ER or sent to ICU. 
I need to come up with 700 dollars, and I'm willing to do some commissions, but with how sick I am I may take a bit to get back with you. I plan to leave by early June, if not the beginning of July, as that's when my friends are able to drive down and get me. 
Donations are greatly appreciated, even if you can only afford a single dollar, it’ll be more help than you know. 
If you’re wanting a commission, please don't send money and then ask, for your sake and mine. I’m incredibly overwhelmed, and I’ll do my best to get with you and explain rates. 
And if you’re willing to donate anything, here’s my Ko-fi link. 
Again, I can’t thank you enough for if you donate or even spread this post around, even well wishes mean the world to me because I know you beans care and want to help however you can.
This post was incredibly hard to make, I’m still all over the place and trying to figure everything out, so I apologize if this sounds like rambling and nonsense. There is a silver lining however, as I actually have a way out this time, and I pray I can get out before things can get worse.
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A Legacies Secret |1|
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader
Summary: You just wanted a happy life with your girlfriend but then Ghostface attacks, revealing long thought to be buried family secrets.
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Stabbing, Break in
Word Count: 3.3k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15
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“Hey babe, what’s up?” you asked.
Tara smiled, even while at work you still managed to answer her calls. She could hear you moving around, the clanging of glasses and the sound of patrons on the other end of the phone. “I miss you,” Tara said. She hadn’t seen you all day and she was home alone and bored.
You chuckled. Tara couldn’t make out the words, you sounded far away but she could tell you were talking to a customer. “Sorry,” you said, coming back to the phone. “We saw each other yesterday.” Tara didn’t say anything, pouting as she grabbed a pot to make dinner. “But,” you sighed, but Tara knew you were smiling. “I missed you too.”
“You didn’t spend the night last night,” Tara pouted, even though you couldn’t see her she wanted to make you feel guilty. “I’m home all alone.”
“You’re always home alone.”  Tara’s pout turned into a frown, she glared at you through the phone. “Besides I have an apartment, we could literally be alone together whenever you want.”
“Your apartment is tiny.”
Tara couldn’t help but smile, imagining the eye roll you’d surely give her. “Is that your way of saying when we get out of this hellhole, you’re not going to live with me?” Tara rolled her eyes; you always made everything so dramatic. “It’s fine. You’ll be going to college, living on campus, and I’ll be living in a shoebox all alone wherever you decide to go.”
“I’d love to live in a shoebox with you,” Tara giggled. “Sounds cozy.”
“Yeah?” you teased. “I thought my apartment was too small.”
“It is.” Your apartment truly was tiny. There was a living room, a kitchen, a bedroom, and a bathroom. It was tiny but it was all you. Tara knew it was the best you could do and still save money and since you were on your own it was actually incredible how well you were doing. She still loved giving you shit about your tiny apartment though. “But I like the idea of being in close quarters with you.”
It seemed you had taken the phone away from your ear again. Tara heard you mumbling and someone else, they had a deeper voice, she assumed it was your boss. “I have to go,” you sighed. “I’ve been informed this has counted as my break.”
Tara rolled her eyes; your boss could be an ass at times. “Tell them you’re dealing with an emergency. Your girlfriend is needy and wants your attention.”
You chuckled again. Tara bit her lip, she didn’t need to see you, just hearing your laugh was everything. “I’m not really sure he cares about that.”
“Ugh, fine.”
“I’ll come over after I get off.”
“I’ll wait up.”
“It’ll be late.”
“I’ll wait up,” Tara said again. She always tried to wait up for you. You worked at a bar and usually didn’t get off till well after midnight, almost early morning the next day at times. There were days you’d get off and come over and you’d be in bed for maybe an hour at most before Tara was getting up for school, those days you were always still in bed by the time she got home.
“Off the phone!” an angry voice came. They were clearly a good distance away, but Tara could hear them clear as day.
“Two seconds!” you screamed back. “I really have to go,” your voice went back to being soft, like it always was when you spoke to Tara. “I love you.”
“Love you too,” Tara smiled as she hung up. You’d been dating for almost two years and had said ‘I love you’ a long time ago but it never failed to make Tara blush.
Tara smiled to herself, swaying back and forth in the kitchen. You and her always casually talked about the future together. It wasn’t anything crazy, it wasn’t talks about marriage and getting a house together. It was simple, it was talking about moving in together once Tara graduated. It might seem rushed to most people, moving in together right after high school, especially since you were a few years older, but Tara was eighteen and she knew what she wanted.
Some of the people who thought she was crazy were her best friends, they didn’t have a problem saying it either. Tara didn’t listen to them though, you and her had a plan. Tara would graduate and once she heard back from the schools she applied to, she’d choose, hopefully she’d get into her number one choice, then the two of you would find a little place by campus and you’d work, she’d go to school, and she’d get to come home to you and wake up next to you every day.
Since she couldn’t talk to you, she decided to text Amber. She was bored and though she only needed to entertain herself for a few hours she didn’t want to do it alone. She would just have to make sure Amber didn’t spend the night. You and Amber didn’t get along to put it lightly. You basically hated each other but tolerated each other’s presence, to an extent, for Tara’s sake. Tara honestly wasn’t sure why you didn’t like each other. It was more Amber than you, you kind of just reciprocated her hatred. Amber was never fond of you though. Tara has tried to ask a few times what the deal was, and Amber only ever said she just didn’t think you were good enough.
Tara: Wanna come over? We can binge watch movies
Amber: Where’s the girlfriend?
Tara rolled her eyes. Amber always started off hostile when it came to you. Ever since Tara introduced you, even before the two of you started dating. Amber has always had attitude. Tara tried to avoid talking about you but in times like this it was hard when Amber was the one bringing you up for no reason.
Tara: Work
Amber: Glad to know I’m the second choice
Tara: Stop
Tara: Do you want to hangout or not?
Tara: I’ll make the popcorn
Amber: You can do better than that
The phone on the counter started to ring. Tara looked up from her phone, scrunching her eyebrows at the ringing. No one ever called the landline, if someone wanted to talk to her or her mom, they had their cell. Hell, Tara wasn’t even sure she knew the home phone number. She shook her head and went back to texting Amber.
Tara: You get first pick of the movie?
Amber: I got some homework to finish up
Tara rolled her eyes, of course Amber was going to be difficult. The landline continued to ring. Tara was doing her best to ignore it, whoever was calling seemed persistent though.
Tara: Open liquor cabinet
Amber: Sold!
Tara: Fucking landline won’t stop ringing
“Hello?” Tara answered the landline with an eyeroll, not being able to stand the ringing any longer and hoping to get rid of whoever was on the other end quickly.
“Hello, is Christina there?” A man asked.
Tara rolled her eyes again, of course it was someone asking for her mom. “No, she’s not available. May I take a message?”
“Oh, uhh, yeah, sorry,” he stumbled over his words. Tara didn’t pay him much mind as she got the footrest and made her way over to get the key to the liquor cabinet. “I’m a friend of hers from group. Shit,” he whispered, clearly not meaning to say that.
“From her shit?” Tara smiled to herself, suddenly much more interested in the conversation.
“Just tell her I’m from group, I’m Charlie, she’s got my number.”
“Oh, she goes to group?” Tara asked, not believing for a second her mom was going to any sort of group.
“I shouldn’t have-look can you just tell her Charlie called?”
“And I’ll do exactly that Charlie, once you tell me what kind of group we’re talking about. Is it AA? NA?”
“Well, you sound exactly like she described you.”
“She talks about me in group?” Tara couldn’t believe that either, that definitely didn’t sound like her mom.
“Look, I don’t think I can really talk about that.”
Tara sighed, pulling out her phone again. She needed to tell Amber about this. Amber knew exactly what her mom was like and there was no way she wouldn’t enjoy this.
Tara: Dude I think it’s my mom’s new BF
Amber: Seriously???
“What did she say about me?” there was an edge of hostility in her tone, she wanted to hear all about what her mother possibly said about her in this group.
“Well, she loves you very much.”
“Oh, what does she love about me?” Tara asked, her sarcasm coming back.
“She loves that you’re creative, you love art and TV and movies.”
“Okay, lots of people love movies,” she shook her head, dismissing him.
“But she said you love scary movies and that you guys have that in common. She’s proud at making a fan out of you.”
“She is?” Tara slowed her movements, she used to watch scary movies with her mom all the time, but she’d never heard her mom say she was proud of her for anything before.
“Yeah, she told me the other day she wonders, what’s your favorite scary movie?” Tara ignored the way the man’s voice changed, still focusing on the fact that her mom was apparently proud of her.
“Uhh, The Babadook, it’s an amazing meditation on motherhood and grief.”
“Isn’t that a little fancy pants?” the man asked with a chuckle.
“Well, it’s elevated horror.”
“What does that mean, elevated horror?”
“You know, it’s like scary but with complex emotional and thematic underpinning, it’s not just some schlocky cheeseball nonsense with wall-to-wall jump scares.”
The man hummed, not seeming very interested in her answer. “That seems kind of boring to me. Have you ever seen Stab?” his tone changed again when he asked her the question, but once again Tara didn’t think much of it.
“Once, I think, at a sleepover, when I was like twelve.”
The man laughed at that. “You live in Woodsboro, and you don’t know Stab? Well, your mother loves that movie, she talks about it all the time in group. How well do you remember the original?”
“I don’t know, and it was like super 90s, it was really over lit, and everyone had weird hair.”
“Do you remember the beginning?”
“Not really, I mean it started with a kill scene, right? They always started with a kill scene.”
“Yeah, that’s right. That’s right,” he tone shifted again. “It’s a girl at home alone, she answers the wrong number and starts talking with the killer who makes her play a game.” Tara slowed her movements again, thinking the conversation was treading into weird territory. “Would you like to play a game, Tara?” he whispered her name. A chill went down her spine and she quickly hung up, not bothering to answer him.
Tara tossed the phone on the counter, watching it as if it would ring again. Her eyes darted around the house, looking for anything that shouldn’t be there. She pulled out her phone and locked all the doors, arming the alarm. She knew it was Woodsboro and someone always liked to make prank calls, especially around this time of year but she wasn’t taking her chances. Tara looked out the window, not seeing anyone creeping around her yard as she closed the curtains.
Tara checked the time on her phone. Only several minutes had passed since she had talked to you. She still had a few hours before you’d get off and get to the house. Her thumb hovered over your contact, wanting nothing more than to hear your voice. Tara knew she was just being paranoid, but she just wanted your comfort, you’d calm her down within seconds. She didn’t want to bother you though, she knew you were at work, you were busy, and you’d already been yelled at for just talking to her.
She left your contact and went to text Amber. She just needed to be talking to someone. It was clearly a stupid prank, but she just wanted someone to help keep her sane otherwise her imagination would drive her crazy.
Tara: It was some psycho. I’m locking the doors.
Amber: WTF??? You okay?
Tara started to type out she was fine and just a little jumpy. She knew it was probably a prank but that didn’t mean it wasn’t freaking her out. Before she could finish typing her text though the phone started ringing again, making her jump.
Amber: You should answer it.
Tara scrunched her eyebrows looking at Ambers text, she slowly lifted her eyes to look at the ringing phone again, then back down at her cell. Her thumb hesitated over the letters as she typed out her message.
Tara: How did you know my landline was ringing?
Tara: Amber?
Amber: This isn’t Amber
Tara moved to call the police; she had nine dialed, tears slowly began to fill her eyes, when another message appeared.
Tara ran back to the counter, picking up the phone. “This isn’t fucking funny Amber,” she said but couldn’t keep the fear out of her voice.
“I told you, this isn’t Amber,” the same voice as before said, this time sounding much more sinister. Just then a video was sent to Tara, when she opened it, she saw footage of Amber, sitting in her room and brushing her hair. “Amber’s looking particularly fetching tonight. She really shouldn’t leave her phone lying around for anyone to clone.”
“What do you want?”
“I told you, I want to play a game,” he talked to her as if she was a child. “Stab movie trivia, three rounds, you call the cops, she dies, you get a question wrong, she dies, her parents aren’t home, I can be in that room in fifteen seconds. You want a warm-up question?”
“I told you, I don’t know these movies,” came out in a whine, tears already getting ready to fall. “I don’t! Ask me about something I do know,” she tried to bargain. “Ask me about It Follows, ask me about Hereditary, ask me about The Witch.”
“In the first Stab movie,” he continued, completely ignoring Tara’s pleas. “What Woodsboro native was introduced as the franchise’s main character?”
“It’s Sidney Prescott! It’s Sidney Prescott and she lived on Elm.”
“Correct. You see, you’re gonna do great at this. Okay, question one.”
“Nonono, I got that one right, it should count.”
“Anyone could have gotten that one right, Sidney’s in every movie but the last one. Question one, who wrote the original book the Stab movies are based on?”
“The chick from TV,” Tara struggled to remember her name. She had never read any of the books and she certainly didn’t watch the morning show the lady did.
“The chick from TV is not going to cut it Tara,” they let out a disappointed sigh.
“Oh! Gale Weathers! It’s Gale Weathers you motherfucker.”
“Correct. Amber might live to see the sunrise. Question two, who played the dumb bitch at the beginning of Stab one who answers the phone and gets carved up by the killer?”
“Fuck you.”
“Is that the answer you’re going with?” Tara quickly typed on her phone, going to IMDB and looking at the cast for Stab. “A non-answer counts as a wrong answer Tara. Time’s running out.” He continuously repeated the words tick tock, getting faster and faster as the seconds passed, making Tara more anxious and scroll faster.
“Maybe I made a mistake,” he continued, causing Tara to halt her scrolling for a second. “Maybe Amber isn’t enough motivation.” Tara let out a shaky breath, preparing herself for his next words. “Maybe I should have gone after your little girlfriend,” he spit out, not able to hide is clear hatred. “It’d be much easier, I mean it’s late, there’s no one around. No one would even hear her scream.”
“She has nothing to do with this!” Tara screamed, sobbing into the phone. She couldn’t get the image out of her head of you leaving the bar and getting jumped by Ghostface, getting stabbed and left to bleed out in the street with no one to help.
“She has everything to do with this,” the voice snapped. Tara didn’t even have time to process the clearly emotional outburst. “Tick tock Tara,” they snapped again. “Or should I just kill both? I’m sure I can gut Amber and then make it to-”
“Heather Graham!” Tara screamed finally finding the name, cutting the killer off before he could threaten you again.
“Correct,” he said, going right back to his calmer demeanor. “You pulled that one out, now for the final question, who was the killer in Stab one?”
“Oh, I know this one you fuck,” Tara gasped, realizing she knew the answer. “It’s Billy Loomis! It’s Billy Loomis and he was Sidney’s boyfriend, and he was played by Luke Wilson, and I got you asshole,” Tara couldn’t help but chuckle, relieved at getting the answer right. “I got it! I got it right!”
“Oh, I’m sorry Tara,” he almost sounded sympathetic. “But that’s just not correct.”
“What?” Tara whispered, confused, and not believing what she was hearing. “No no no no it is, that is right.”
"The correct answer is Billy Loomis and Stu Macher, there are two killers in the original Stab. I’m afraid someone’s gotta die now.”
“Nono, Amber I’m coming!” she shouts as she sets down the phone and grabs a kitchen knife, running for her front door.
When Tara threw open her door, she was met with the sight of Ghostface who quickly slashed their knife across her left side. Tara punched them in the face and slammed the door. She fought against Ghostface as he tried to shove his way in but eventually, she got the door shut, quickly locking it.
Tara pulled out her phone again, arming the system again and hitting the button to alert the authorities. She picked up her knife, slowly backing up down the hallway as she heard Ghostface relentlessly banging on the door trying to get in when suddenly the banging stopped. Tara’s heart dropped when she heard the alarm system say it was disarmed, Ghostface had access to her system somehow. Tara quickly armed it again, but Ghostface was ready, disarming it once again. They went back and forth arming and disarming the alarm system until it finally landed on armed.
Tara stood at the end of the hallway gasping for breath as she continued to sob. The landline rang again, startling her and making her swing the knife. She held the wall, sobbing as she made her way back to the landline.
“Hello?” Tara said, her words shaky as she stood in the middle of the kitchen, keeping the hand holding the knife raised.
“Bonus question Tara,” Ghostface whispered.
“Please stop,” she begged.
“Do you think I made it inside your house before you could re-arm?”
Just as Tara’s eyes widened with the realization, Ghostface came out from behind her, stabbing her in the stomach. Tara let out a scream of pain. When Ghostface pushed her into the kitchen island she turned around, smacking him across the head before he could stab her again.
Ghostface grabbed her by the head and shoved her to the floor. Tara rolled over, kicking Ghostface in the stomach. Ghostface brought down their boot, snapping Tara’s leg. Tara rolled over, sobbing from the pain.
Ghostface brought down his knife towards her face, but she reached up, causing the knife to go through her left hand. Tara screamed, holding Ghostface’s arm up as he continued to try and push the knife towards her face despite it still being in her hand. He finally pulled the knife out and Tara kicked him, making him lose his balance and crash to the floor.
Unable to walk, Tara crawled her way to the front door, screaming for help. Just as Tara reached the door and she could hear the police sirens, Ghostface yanked her back, stabbing her in the side several more times.
“Nononononono,” Tara screamed as Ghostface brought his knife down onto her again.
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neoiightss · 27 days
Having a separate room - NCT 127
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Hii, this is my first request, so I’m really excited! Sorry for disappearing guys, I was extra busy with work, but I’m back! Please feel free to send me any requests ^ ^
pairing: y/n x johnny, taeyong, doyoung, yuta, jaehyun, jungwoo, mark, haechan. 
warnings: established relationships, pure fluff, domestic life. 
He’s understandable right off the bat. He doesn’t see a problem with it, and as soon as you mention wanting to use the extra room in your house as a personal area, he will gladly help you decorate or build the furniture. 
As you two walk through the Ikea’s aisles, picking up a desk and a chair for your space he points at a cute set of pink-colored decorative frames that would go well with the theme you wanted. 
“What do you think, babe? I could hang them right above your desk, it’ll look good, right?”
He asks excitedly, making you smile genuinely before nodding, he smiles back with your approval as he puts the products in your cart. 
Another one that will be so excited, taking it as a little project of yours, helping you decorate the place (you might have to tone him down a little, or else he’ll just make it his style). 
“Look we can install a shelf right here and fill it with my Spongebob figures set” 
He points excitedly, walking around the spare room in your shared apartment, planning all the decorations and furniture’s positions as soon as you mention wanting to use it as your home office place. 
“Yeah, but that’s yours and I don’t even like Spongebob that much, maybe I can just put some candles..” 
He pouts trying to win you over with his puppy eyes. Which, unfortunately for you, it works very well, giving in as you watch him smile brightly, walking to the next wall where he wants to graffiti a cool design for you, of course. 
He probably already has a room for himself, a little studio where he practices and records his songs and doubles it as storage for some of his clothes as well. So he gets it when you mention wanting to have a place for you, even though he loves living with you and enjoying your moments together he just wants some alone time to recharge and gather his thoughts. Will help you out with decoration if you ask, but mostly will just do the heavy work like bringing and building furniture, he doesn’t want to interfere much in your personal space, letting you do whatever you feel like.
“Right here?” 
He looks at you as he levels the shelf you bought, proceeding as he gets your approval, he cleans his palms in his shirt as he finishes installing the last one, internally wondering why you need so many shelves. 
“Alright I’m taking a shower, let me know if you need anything”. 
He says before leaving you to decorate the place, excited to see how it will look at the end. 
Will be the one to suggest you use the spare room in your apartment as he notices you working uncomfortably on the dinner table, sitting awkwardly as you type away on your laptop, he simply can’t have his baby in such situation! Will help you out with putting the place together and even suggesting you a few decorational itens he saw online to make the place more cozy. Will definitely spend an insane amount of money on an office chair just because it’s the “most comfortable on market”. 
“Are you crazy? That’s too much Yuta, besides I only work two days a week from home”. 
You scold him as soon as you see the price of the chair, watching him look unfazed as he puts it together. 
“My baby deserves the best. Besides it goes well with the new pc set I bought you, the reviews online says the keyboards are really egornomical”
“You bought me a what??”   
He likes to have his alone times just as much, and even tough he’s always romantic and sweet to you he’s not the clingy type. I can see him using the dorms as his personal room, a place where he’ll work on his music or just unwind for a while, especially when he’s too tired or frustrated with life, not wanting it to affect you. He doesn’t oppose when you ask to use the spare room in your house as your little craft area, finding it so cute that you want a place for yourself as well. 
Just like Doyoung he won’t interfere, just helping with the things you ask, but will definitely want to leave one item that will remind you of him, just in case you miss him.
“It’s just missing one final touch, darling” 
He smirks, trying to contain his smile after you give him a quick tour of the room, showing the way you decorated it, you look at him confused asking what is it before he takes a small Polaroid of him blowing a kiss from his pocket, placing it on your desk. 
“So you don’t miss me too much” 
He winks watching you laugh in disbelief, later on, he’ll make you take one as well for his room. 
What do you mean you want a room just for yourself? He’ll definitely whine a little as you propose it, he thought the whole idea of moving together was to be together as much as possible! It will take some explaining and pouting from you to convince him, in the end he’ll agree with you and help you organize the place, as he tries to, not so sneakily, bring his own stuff there. 
First is an extra chair in case he wants to visit, what about his music equipment? It was just laying around and won't take much space, and as soon as you realize you’re yet sharing another room with him. 
“I know what you’re doing, Woo..” 
You look at him seriously as he quietly installs his pc on the other side of the room. 
“What? You know the wifi is better here, it’s just for when I want to play with the guys, I promise baby” 
He pouts, trying to win you over this one. 
He’ll gladly accept it with no complains, he also has his own room where he built a little studio to work on his music and have his alone time so he agrees right away when you vocalize the need to have a space of your own to work on your things and just have your alone time as well, but as soon as he has his days off at home he’ll get a little uneasy not seeing you so often around the house, doing nothing on the couch or doing your cutesy crafts on the dinner table. 
He’ll come around here and there, bringing you water or a treat, or even just to give you a kiss and when you least expect he’s laying on the little couch next to you, watching you work as he plays random songs on his guitar. 
“I thought we agreed on me having this room for just myself”
You comment after a while, your tone giving in that you weren’t even mad. More else amused to see him wanting to be there with you. 
“Ah, come on babe, I’m just giving you a little ambience song, pretend I’m not even here” 
Your own room? Alone time? But he barely sees you..are you mad at him? Is he annoying you? That man is going on full whiny mode as soon as you mention it. He can’t believe his baby doesn’t want to spend all their precious time together being glued into each other. 
Believe me it will take some time to convince him it’s nothing wrong with him, you just want a place to work on your hobbies in peace and have your alone times. After a while you’ll convince him, with the promise that he has a free pass to visit you whenever he’s missing you, and just like Mark he’ll make the most lame excuses to crash onto your room. 
“Seriously, what do you want now, hyuck?” 
You look back as you feel his presence, the boy looking at you with puppy eyes as he enters your room. 
“It’s just that I think I saw a spider on our room, I’m staying here just a little bit, promise”. 
You roll your eyes, not being able to contain a chuckle as he comes in, sitting next to you, snuggling onto you. 
“Baby you know the wifi is soo good in here, maybe I could bring my pc and we’ll have a cute couple’s gaming room!” 
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choso-star · 10 months
jjk men and jobs!!
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jjk men and there modern jobs!!
gojo, geto, choso, nanami, toji, megumi, yuji, ino
authors note
wow this was a lot more than i was thinking id wrote for my first time! let me know what you think!
CONTAINS! nsfw, fluff
bartender! gojo
-i just see gojo as a bartender, i have literally no clue why i just do.
-just imagine him standing behind the bar, muscles showing through his tight dress shirt, sleeves slightly pulled up🤭🤭
-thats definitely how you guys met, him standing behind the bar on your 21st birthday, your friends long gone partying and you just sitting there, looking all sweet.
“aww look at the little birthday girl layin down and takin my cock so well” all you can do to respond to the man pounding into you is clench your pussy around his cock. “to fucked dumb to say anything? its okay baby we’ll be finished soon and i can send you back to your friends” when you do end up going back to your friends, gojo is back behind the bar serving drinks and your walking out of the bar with cum dripping down your leg.
tattoo artist! geto
-i have such a love hate relationship with this man😞
-he looks like he would genuinely be so talented, and so skillful with his hands(🤭)
-his favorite tattoos to do are definitely the more intricate ones he can really put his heart into
-you probably came into his shop, no appointment and wanting your first tattoo. normally, he probably wouldnt have done it for anybody else, but you’re just to cute to refuse.
“hold still princess, it’ll only hurt for a moment” geto says, pressing the needle to your skin, a loud cry leaving your throat. normally, this wouldnt bother him but today its just different. no matter how many times he tells you to stay quiet or for you to not move, you dont listen, you cant help it after all. “y’know what if your gonna keep bitchin i’ll make you quite”
piercer! choso
-this man has my heart he could literally do anything to me
-choso is such a sweetheart, he really is, but he doesn’t necessarily look that sweet.
-with his strong build, arms covered in tattoos, several piercings, he looks a little more rugged.
-this certainly wasnt your first piercing, but it was one of your more painful ones, and based on the reviews, choso was your best and safest bet.
-you were definitely nervous but once you saw choso you almost turned around and left. but your committed, your going to get this piercing.
“just lay down on the chair and it wont take very long” you lay down, ‘to late to turn back now’ you thought. as you lay back choso takes his seat in between your legs, preparing everything to complete the piercing. his hands slightly lifted up your shirt to expose your belly button. you would be lying if it wasn’t a great sight. “so pretty, ready for your piercing?”
ceo! nanami
-i know, i know “ceo? everyone puts him as that” its just what he is😞
-he looks so good, sitting at the desk in his office, one foot crossed over the other propped on the desk, working on paper work
-your just his little secretary bringing him coffee every morning and checking up on him every so often. i guess you wouldnt want colleagues to know what you always do at your 2 o’clock meeting.
“such a good girl bent over the desk for me” he says, fingers plunging in and out of your tight cunt. “nanamin p-please give’m more” you slur out, then feeling a sharp slap across your ass, causing you to whimper. “if you dont shut up your not getting any of my cock”
plumber! toji
-oh god he can come clean my pipes whenever 😊😊 (please send help)
-definitely fucking hates his job😭 wishes he didnt have to work but knows he needs the money bad.
-you would think he would half ass shit to get it done but he’s doing everything the best he can so he never has to come back.
-and then he came to your house, or, your daddys mansion.
“m’better hurry up before your daddy gets home” toji says, holding your hips as you bounce on his cock. “t-toji your too big., m’gonna cum soon- ah” you cried out, but your sobs fell to deaf ears as toji started fucking up into you harder “c’mon baby lets make this quick, we can do more next time”
toji didn’t fix all of your houses pipes this time, looks like he’ll have to come back to finish the job.
actor! megumi
-he’s a pretty boy so ofc he’s gonna be on screen
-all the girls want him, he’s literally the josh hutcherson of his universe. constant edits being made of him, always being shipped with someone new.
-what they wouldnt expect is the one he wants isnt an actor, a producer, another celebrity of any kind, but his own personal makeup artist
“hold still megs i have to put more blush on you” you say, slightly sticking your tongue out to concentrate. megumi’s hands find there way to your hips, and pulling you down onto his lap, causing you to accidentally get to much blush on the side of his face“megumi! now im gonna have to redo your base” you whine, but megumi doesn’t care, pulling you into a slow kiss “as long as i get to spend more time with my favorite girl”
delivery driver! yuji
-i felt bad for giving him a delivery driver (no hate to delivery drivers obvi) i feel like its so much less glamorous but it kinda fits him😭😭
-yuji is a little pizza boy, driving around the city in his busted, broken toyota camry, but whatever pays the bills right?
-but, hes a broke college student and this is the only way to pay off all his loans.
-its his last house for the night, he walks up to the door and sees you, teary eyed and holding a tub of ice-cream in one hand and a spoon in the other.
“fuck.. you like that? do i fuck you better than he ever could” he said, your pushed against the wall with yuji fucking you at a pace you cant keep up woth “mmmhm.. m’yes- y..uji soso good!” you cry out, tears spilling from your face as he keeps going “good, i’ll fuck the thoughts of him out of your mind”
firefighter! ino
-oh my lord imagine this man in firefighter gear, AWOOGA, that hose aint the only thing spraying🥰(im sorry that was so bad😭)
-ino is a caring person, putting others safety before his own, i mean thats his job as a firefighter.
-so when someone sets your apartment on fore, ino is the first one rushing in to help, even tho he has no clue who you are
-he helps you out, and then theres the investigation, but ino is the only one you trust to talk to about what happened! looks like you’ll be spending a lot more time with him!!
“cmon baby im only fucking you in here cause you basically begged for me infront of those police officers “ he says hips snapping against your own, balls slapping your ass. “i only wanna talk to that firefighter ino! cant i talk to ino!” he says in a high pitch tone meant to be mocking you. “well now im here so talk to me baby, tell me how you feel.”
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kjhbsies · 9 months
Waiting Room
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Ellie Williams x fem!reader (wc: 1,156)
Synopsis: Ellie Williams married you, but her heart is occupied with someone else.
Warnings: angst??? arranged marriage trope bc i like to suffer. this is my first time to write a story, please don't mind the incorrect grammars.
pt. II pt. III
You should be celebrating. 
Finally, the girl you’ve wanted ever since you were 16 years old married you. Of all people, you really thought you would never get the chance to be with her. After all, everyone used to say that Ellie and Dina were good together, and that they were each other’s soulmate. You can’t really disagree about that. You can see how both of them loved each other, and even if they broke up, you can feel that they cared for each other deeply.
So… why did she marry you?
Ellie and Dina broke up one year ago after a huge fight between them happened. Up until now, no one knows about it. Rumors say that Dina wanted to settle down, far away in Jackson, to start a new life with her and JJ. But Ellie couldn’t leave this town, especially her family, and Joel. Apparently, this caused them to break up eventually. Shortly after the breakup, Dina and JJ went and lived in a small town in Illinois. For months, Ellie tried to remain strong, seemingly fine and unfazed about the breakup with Dina. She went on to continue her life as if nothing really happened. For months, Ellie went on to continue the routine of drowning herself with alcohol, going home with a lot of girls, and throwing them away like trash. That was her life. And you just watched it from far away and you tried to avoid her like a plague. You liked her, but you don’t want to be her sex toy. 
Until Dina came back.
After a year, Dina and JJ moved in with their old house in Jackson when her older sister, Talia, got sick. Since both of their parents died before, no one is there to take care of her. So she came back, and Ellie’s life became worse. 
Her failure of coping healthily about their breakup started to show up when her mood became the worst. Ellie became a ball of rage, bursting into anger even in the smallest little thing. 
“You should take a vacation somewhere else. Breathe fresh air, enjoy other things, just don’t…” Joel tightly shut his eyes, “...don’t turn into a fucking monster, Ellie.”
Ellie lifted her brows before chuckling sarcastically. “So that’s what you think about me now, huh?”
“Everyone does. They’re scared of you. Do you want JJ to also be afraid when he sees you?” Joel’s voice started rising.
Ellie looked at him pointedly. “Don’t bring him into this.”
Joel sighed. “I know you were still a mess, Ellie-”
“I’m not.”
“-But you can’t keep living like this.” He says, eyes softening at her. “Forget Dina and marry someone else.”
Ellie’s brows turned into a straight line. “Are you insane? The fuck?” She coughed out a ridiculous laugh. 
“You should think about it. Y/N’s family is offering up a fortune if you marry their daughter. You knew her, right? Y/N?”
“Yeah… but-”
“Good. We can arrange a family dinner tonight.”
“Are you for real?” 
“It’ll be great. Her dad and I were pretty close and he always brings up that his daughter may have a little crush on you. Apparently, it’s in her grandmother’s will that she will not inherit the money, or have her farms and businesses if she’s single. She needs to be married in order to have those. Her dad offered that you will share a huge amount of money if you married her. Ellie, she’s a pretty young lady. And both of you need each other.”
“Little crush?” Ellie repeated, her ears perking up at those words. 
“Think about it, kid. You’ll like her, she’s a great girl.”
And yes, you are. 
Ellie thought about it for a week. Sure, she heard some great things with you. You're a prissy prim princess and the daughter of one of the richest families in the town. She’s always seen you hanging around the diner sometimes, wearing your dainty skirts and dresses, with bows clipped in your hair. She’s seen you in different spots of Jackson, immersed in your sketchbook, or oftentimes, you’re painting different portraits and landscapes. Ellie was always fascinated by you, because you and her are… contrasting.
The first time you and your family went into their house for dinner, Ellie couldn’t keep her eyes away from you. You noticed it, and it somehow made you uncomfortable. So, the whole night while your parents and her dad were talking about the future wedding, you were just looking at your plate. Sometimes looking up when one of them says something funny, cracking up a small smile or letting out a silent chuckle. But you couldn’t look at Ellie.
Ellie noticed it. The whole night you weren’t even sparing a glance at her and it made her curious as to why you seem to avoid her. Did you know about her history of girls? Did you see her at the diner, drinking her ass off? Why aren’t you looking at her?
When the dinner was done, Joel and your dad stood up and went to the living room to talk further about the said wedding. Your mom politely excused herself as she went to the bathroom to have a quick touch up. And you and Ellie were alone in the dining room.
The one time you looked up at her, Ellie was mesmerized. But of course, she wouldn’t show it, nor would she accept it. You were pretty. Everyone was right. You are pretty like a precious flower; your eyes were soft and gentle as you stared at her. You are a precious gem. And Ellie is a master of destruction.
She couldn’t touch you. She’s afraid that you’ll break. And maybe you might. 
“I’m sorry.” You said, kindly, as you looked straight in her eyes.
Ellie’s brows rose. “Why? You didn’t do anything.” She said, voice raspy.
Your heart beat doubled. “You didn’t have to agree to this wedding, you know. My dad proposed this crazy scheme to Mr. Joel and I feel like it’s all my fault.” You sighed.
“I will marry you.” Ellie says, determined. “Just… don’t expect that I’ll love you. We have to agree that you won’t fall in love with me, and I’ll assure you that I won’t bother you. You will get your grandmother’s money and land, and I will share your money. Both of us need the same thing and I don’t want you to think that there’s a single hope that I will love you eventually. Is that okay?” She asked.
You should be celebrating. 
Finally, the girl you’ve wanted ever since you were 16 years old married you.
But her heart is with someone else. 
“Okay.” You agreed, while staring at the small picture frame at the corner of the dining room.
It was Ellie and Dina kissing each other.
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sadhours · 1 year
See You Again
billy hargrove x female reader
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a/n: I exist guys. requests are open!
contents: 18+ minors dni, smut, oral (f and m receiving), reader thinks she might be a prostitute, p in v
summary: you’re a house keeper, and a hot professional surfer pays you to come clean his house
When you accepted the house keeping job, you hadn’t expected the guy to be sex on legs. But here you are, wearing leggings and a loose white t-shirt, buckets of cleaning supplies in each hand while you look up into the icy blue eyes of Mr. Hargrove. He’s in a sleeveless t-shirt, golden arms on display and board shorts, his hair is wavy and long. His house was huge, you knew he was a professional surfer from your quick phone calls but seeing his house, he must’ve been really good at it. Famous maybe. You didn’t know much about surf boarding, had no clue you could make this much money from it.
“Come in,” he says, opening the door wide, “Sorry. My plans got canceled but I’ll do my best to stay out of your way.”
“Oh, no,” you gush, looking around at the vast foyer as you walk in, this might have been a crew job. You curse yourself for not asking about the square footage of the place. “Don’t even worry about it.”
The house is already clean, so maybe you don’t need more people. It’ll take you a little longer than anticipated but the guys gorgeous so you don’t really mind.
“Here,” he motions towards the hall, “Let me give you a tour.”
The house was decorated pretty minimally. There’s prints of what you assume are him riding waves all over. Tall surfboards line the back wall of the living room. It’s pretty much spotless. A handful of dishes in the sink and a light film of dust on things, but it’s very tidy.
“Your house is beautiful,” you tell him, to which he waves his hand.
“Ah, thanks. It’s a blessing I get to do what I love to afford a place like this. Anyways, I’ll let you get started. Let me know if you need anything.”
“Thank you,” you nod and set down your buckets.
Billy disappears and you get started with the kitchen, washing the few dishes in the sink and then tackle the stove, oven and fridge. The fridge is pretty empty, but it’s interesting to see what he’s got in it. A six pack of beer and a ton of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Eventually you make your way to the bathrooms, first the guest one which is very obviously unused and you can’t help but think that maybe he’s lonely in such a big house. You push the thoughts aside, you’re here for work. And he might be hot as all hell but you’re professional and besides, a guy that good looking has to have a girlfriend. You finish up the guest bathroom and the half bathroom before starting on the master one. It’s huge. A shower with two nozzles, two vanities, a rather large toilet room and huge bathtub with jets. You’re bent over the bath tub, scrubbing away at the dirt caked on the sides. It’s clear he uses the tub every day. He’s got candles all around it, along with a variety of epsom salts and soaps. As you bring the sponge along the dip of the tub, you feel two hands grabbing at your hips. You crane your head to see Billy standing behind you, biting his lip as he peers at your ass.
“Sorry,” he apologizes but doesn’t move his hands, your thighs start to warm. You’re absolutely frozen, speechless as he smoothes his hand over the curve of your ass and then squeezes. “Couldn’t help myself…” he muses, his breathing a bit labored.
You can tell him to get his hands off of you. Stand up, turn around, slap him across the face with your sudsy glove and storm out. But you can’t recall the last time a man’s been so forward with you and you liked the way his hands felt on you. And god, he’s so fucking gorgeous. He bends over, using the hand that’s not on your ass to move your hair back and whispers in your ear, “You have such a nice ass.”
A moan slips from your lips, causing Billy to squeeze your flesh again. His teeth catch your earlobe as he presses his strained erection against your ass.
“Is this okay?” he asks lowly, nuzzling his nose against the shell of your ear.
“Yes!” you squeak out, throat tight as you struggle to catch your breath.
Billy growls, maneuvering his hand underneath you to grope your tits as he kisses against your jaw. It’s happened so quick, you can’t believe it. Your body is aflame with arousal, your center soaking through your underwear and most likely, your leggings. His lips are soft yet firm, hungry as he litters kisses against your sensitive skin. His fingers hook into the waistband of your leggings, pulling them over your ass and taking your thong with them. He sits back on his heels, grabbing your ass with both hands and squeezing. He chuckles lowly, “You’re dripping.”
“Mhm,” you mumble out, dropping your head as he dips his head and licks up the slick coating your thighs. “Fuck,” you exhale, squeezing the sponge in your hand.
“Tastes so good,” he compliments and then circles his tongue around your eager hole. The action pulls a desperate whine from your chest. You feel trapped against the edge of the tub, his hands holding you in place as he spreads your cheeks and licks at your glistening folds. His tongue is strong, has all your nerves screaming out in ecstasy as he rolls it expertly up and down, finally prodding at your hole. Billy penetrates you as deep as he can with his tongue, his thumbs holding your lips open for more access. It’s excruciating. Not quite as deep as you need but incredibly pleasurable. He pulls back and then you feel his fingers pressing at your eager cunt. You can hear him spit and before you know it, he’s entering you with the digits. It pushes a moan from you, satisfied yet surprised. Billy pumps his fingers in and out, groaning as he watches.
“You’re gonna take my cock so well,” he forebodes, making your spine tingle in anticipation.
He angles his thick digits just right, hitting the pads of them against your spongy spot and you cry out, eyes crossing and doubling your vision. Suddenly, his thumb finds your clit and he’s rubbing it in tight, quick circles while he pushes repeatedly against that spot deep inside you.
“Oh, fuck,” you gasp out, squeezing your eyes shut.
Billy works quick and relentless. The pressure at the pit of your stomach is building at an alarming rate. You can’t even make yourself cum this fast. The man knows what he’s doing. And it’s something you don’t know how to do. It hits you like a ton of bricks. A rush of pleasure tearing through you as you spasm against the tub, voice wrecked with how loud you moan out. Vision goes white, a ringing in your eyes as you ride the waves. You’re panting hard and his fingers are still shoved deep inside you when you come to. Then you feel his tongue, licking up the mess you’ve made and you whine out, squirming while the grip on your hip tightens.
“Billy,” you whimper out, “too much.”
He doesn’t let up, instead moves his mouth down and sucks at your clit. You yelp, your body moving upright. You pull your gloves off, turning your body and pushing him down onto the tile floor. There’s a cocky grin on his face, looking up at you as you grab the hem of your shirt and pull it off, tossing it aside and then unhook your bra. You shimmy out of your leggings next, kicking your shoes off and make quick work of peeling Billy’s clothes off his body. When you tug his briefs down, his stiff cock pops out. The tip leaking as it slaps up against his abs. His mouth falls open as you circle your fingers around the base, squeezing slightly. His cock is beautiful. The prettiest one you’ve ever seen. Thick shaft, pulsing vein up the side of it and a plump, shiny tip. Billy lets out this breathless laugh when you squeeze him again.
“Come on,” he drawls, “you can stop staring and get your mouth on it.”
You don’t have to be told twice, lowering yourself and wrapping your lips around the head of his cock, peering up at him. Billy exhales, hand knitting into your hair while he tells you, “Atta girl.”
You swallow around him, taking him a bit deeper in quick succession until he’s prodding at the back of your throat. Breathing through your nose, you hold still as you peer up at him. He’s propped up on his elbows so he can watch, eyebrows knit together while he chews on his lower lip. His blue eyes are dark with lust and they widen just slightly as you begin to bob up and down on his pulsing cock. It’s thick, makes your jaw ache but you’re determined to give him an orgasm he’ll remember. You pull off and give kitten licks to the tip, fingers stroking his with ease thanks to the drool coating his shaft. He moans out, lips parting slightly as he rolls his hips up at you. Next, you swirl your tongue around his tip before taking him back in your mouth, humming at the salty but wonderful taste of him and absolutely loving the weight of his cock on your tongue. You lower your hand down and cradle his sack, rolling his balls in your hand which produces a particularly delicious moan from him. The timbre of his voice is intoxicating, makes you work even harder to make him cum. He knits his fingers in your hair and holds you still, jerking his hips up and forcing you to take it. A man that takes what he wants. Something you’d been needing and you didn’t even know it.
Billy chokes out another moan, “I’m close, baby.”
You don’t stop and he whines, “Fuck, you’re such a good girl. Gonna swallow every drop, huh?”
He releases, his hot spunk covering your tongue and it’s abnormal how good it tastes. You swallow it with ease and pull off, licking your lips as you peer up at him. He chuckles softly, raising his hands above his head as he catches his breath. The pair of you dress and you tuck your hair behind your ear, “I’ll uh, just finish up then.”
“Alright,” Billy smirks, a twinkle in his eyes. He leans down and kisses you softly on the lips, you try not to melt into it but ultimately fail. But he pulls away first, smacks your butt teasingly and saunters out of the bathroom.
All you have left is sweeping and mopping the expansive house. On shaky legs, you get it done before trailing to his home office. He’s at the computer, typing away when he notices you.
“All finished?” he asks as he stands, grabbing his wallet.
You nod, “Yep. It’s uh… all done.”
Billy smiles, places his hand on your waist as he guides you back to the front door. “We agreed on $250, right?”
“Uhm, yes.”
Billy opens his wallet, pulling out the bills and hands them to you, “Same time next week?”
“Absolutely,” you blush, pocketing the money. You carry your supplies out to the car and get in the front seat before you burst out in giggles, covering your face in utter disbelief that just happened.
Next week, you do something embarrassing. Well, you didn’t think it was embarrassing at first but when you actually show up to clean Billy’s house, you realize how foolish it was. You decided to wear an obscenely short skirt and a tank top to clean. But when you knock on the door, an angry looking redhead opens it.
“Uh, hi,” you flush, almost as red as her hair, “Is Mr. Hargrove here?”
“Mr— ew,” she cringes and then opens the door wider, “Billy! There’s a lady asking for you.”
You stand there, feeling ridiculous as you look at the girl. She’s pretty, looks a little too young for Billy but apparently that’s not any of your concern. He jogs up to the door, resting his forearm on the frame as he leans over the young girl and looks you up and down with a seductive smirk on his lips.
“This lady, is my house keeper. Come in,” he steps aside to let you in. “This is my kid sister, Maxine.”
“Max,” she corrects him with a roll of her eyes.
“Hi, Max,” you offer a polite smile. “I’ll just get to work, then.”
“We’ll be out of your hair,” he tells you, “I’m gonna go drop her off.”
You nod and walk further into the house, getting started on the kitchen. You’ve cleaned almost the entirety of the house by the time Billy returns. You’re dusting his bookshelf when you feel strong hands snake around your waist and lips on your ear.
“You usually clean houses dressed like this?” he purrs in your ear.
“No,” you admit, melting into his touch. “Didn’t know you’d have company.”
Billy snorts, “Either did I. Kid showed up on my doorstep. She does that a lot and then acts like she hates me.”
“You two seem close,” you turn to look at him.
“Getting there,” he shrugs, “Didn’t get along when I lived at home. It’s not important.” He smoothes his hand over the swell of your ass, kissing against your neck and then continues, “Wear this just for me?”
Your body ignites with desire but you don’t show it, not that easy. You continue dusting away, but you can’t help tilting your head just enough to give him more access to your skin. “Maybe,” you admit with a sigh.
Billy hums, grazing his fingertips along your bare thighs as he sloppily kisses at your neck. His touch almost has you melting, but you just keep on dusting the same row of books. He bites at your earlobe before he says, “Think you did. Want to drive me insane, don’t you?”
You whimper at the bite, eyes fluttering shut as you drop the feather duster. Billy presses his hips against your ass as he continues in your ear, “It’s working. Can’t wait to stuff you full of my cock.”
“Fuck,” you gasp, gripping onto the sides of the bookshelf as Billy grinds against you.
He mouths at your pulse point, moving his hands around to grope your chest. Your head falls back to rest on his broad shoulder, hand snaking up to lace through his sandy curls. His broad tongue licks up your neck, erection apparent through his shorts against your inappropriate skirt. Suddenly the thought hits you, this is prostitution, right? You’re going to let him fuck you against his bookshelf, mop his floors and take a handful of cash. Sounds a lot like prostitution.
“You can’t pay me,” you gasp out but make no moves to stop him from groping you.
“And why’s that?” he laughs, pinching your perked nipples through your thin top, “You’ve done such a good job. Place looks spotless.”
“Because I’m about to let you fuck me against your bookshelf,” you insist.
“If we move to the bed can I still pay you?” he teases and you whip around.
“I don’t want you to pay me for sex.”
Billy blinks at you, a curious notch in his brow as his lips twitch upwards, “I’m not paying you for that part.”
“We agreed on two fifty for cleaning, yeah?”
You nod.
“And what did I give you?”
“Two fifty,” you reply.
His face looks pensive now, tilting his head, “Don’t ya think I would’ve gave you more if I was paying for the sex?”
You hadn’t really thought of it like that. That’s a good point, you figure. Because you really did clean and you would’ve charged the same price had you not sucked him off.
“Okay, fine,” you relent and turn back around, “you can still pay me.”
“Atta girl,” he praises as he spanks you playfully before pulling your skirt up over your ass and hooks his fingers in your panties. He peels them down and you kick them off your ankles. Then you feel the swollen head of his cock rubbing between your cheeks. You sigh out, holding onto the shelves as you spread your legs a little further. His lips are back on your neck as he swirls his tip around your eager hole. He groans, muffled against your skin while he slides the head in. It’s so lovely, stretches just right and he’s huffing the deeper he goes. His breath is hot on your face, fanning against your cheekbone and the slight minty scent raids your senses. You blink up at him, drunk on attraction. God, he’s so pretty. More than pretty. Beautiful, angelic. Golden curls against soft, clear skin and his lips are so pink. He thrusts his hips languidly but deep, holding onto your waist for leverage as he pants against your face.
“Billy,” you whine as he bottoms out, feeling wonderfully full. “Fu-uck…”
“Yeah? Feel good, kitten?” he asks, flicking his tongue against the corner of your mouth, “So perfect, taking me so well.”
“God,” you gush, rocking your ass back against his thick thighs. “So fucking good.”
“Pussy’s so tight,” he growls, low and guttural.
Billy snaps his hips harder, dragging you along his cock as he fills you so deep you feel it in your throat. It’s exhilarating. The fact that you know nothing about this man but there’s this intense, animistic connection between you. The pair of you just cannot control yourselves and that’s why you’re letting this absolutely beautiful stranger fuck you raw in the middle of your cleaning duties. It seems foolish; he’s willing to fuck you without a rubber, how many any women get the pleasure? Because it it’s a pleasure. The heat of his cock, the veins not being cushioned by thin rubber is amazing. And it feels incredibly intimate. Passionate— because it’s so rushed and desperate, that neither of you even thought about a condom.
Billy’s fingers dig into your hips while he pounds into you, panting against your face. He slides his hand down and starts working the pads of his fingers in circles against your clit. It’s over for you. If this doesn’t become a routine, you are absolutely doomed because there’s absolutely no way another man is ever going to fuck you like Billy is now. Books are tumbling down to your feet, his thrusts so powerful that your spine tingles.
“I’m coming,” you gasp, tossing your head back as your orgasm crashes through you.
“Good girl,” he purrs in your ear, “Cum all over my cock. Just like that.”
You whimper, riding out the waves that seem never ending because Billy doesn’t slow down or go easy. He grabs tighter on your hips, driving his cock in deep as he pants against your ear. Billy pulls out, painting your ass cheeks with his hot spunk. He groans as he does so, then spins you around and grabs your jaw, pulling you in for a deep kiss. You’re completely lightheaded from it and you almost collapse when he pats your thigh and asks, “Why don’t you stay for dinner?”
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This is a follow up to Story #145
“Is she and the kids on their way?...  Good.  Begin stripping.  It’s about damned time that trip to Spain finally pans out.  I mean how many fucking times did she change the dates making me rearrange my schedule so that I can have you with me the entire week.  Why the fuck did you forget to put on your pecker cage?  You know there is only one cock in this house that matters, and it sure as hell ain’t that one between your legs.  We have a lot to talk about.  Kneel.….  No just remain there at my feet and take off my socks and shoes.  Leave my feet alone for now….  And what the goddamned fuck is that wedding band still on your finger?  You know that thing gets taken off when you walk in and placed on the table beside the door.  Take it off now and put it on the table next to you….
“I have to say this.  You’ve been taking what we have going for granted.  Since our college days you have been serving me on my terms.  Even when you got married to that cunt of a wife, I told you that I still need to be serviced.  I gave you expectations on how to submit to me regularly.  But once a week turned into every other week, and now I’m lucky to get once a month.  We select a week, and her needs bump what we set up to a different week, and then to another week. 
“Then when you get here, your focus is not on servicing me by offering your ass, but rather on expecting to be fucked, like I’m your personal dildo.  You don’t lick my ass the way you used to.  And the foot worship you give is a foot massage—no licking or sucking on my toes.  You balk at drinking my piss, saying that your stomach is upset or something else.
“Your focus is on her.  It’s always on her.  You are worried about her finding out that you long to be a cum dump faggot whore to not only me, but the men I demand you service.  I knew when you said you were getting married that you were making a mistake, and here we are.  That mistake is affecting my needs and wants and desires.
“Pick up that fucking wedding band.  Put it in your mouth.  Taste that 22 karat gold.  That’s her money.  That’s represents the life you pretend to want.  You complain about her just about every time we are together.  I don’t want to hear about her.  I’m tired of it.  You also complain that your kids are entitled brats.  Why?  Why do you do this?  Why do you do this to me?
“Get up and go get me Scotch on the rocks.  Also bring me a glass of warm water… warm top water.  No, keep the ring in your mouth.  It keeps you quiet….
“This week is going to be a challenge to you.  Not only am I going to use you and your cunt, but I am going to set your mind back to where it should be.  And it is going to start with a toast. 
“If you notice, the Scotch is the bottle you gave me when you came back from Scotland in February.  It is one of the best Scotches I have ever tasted.  I would offer you a sip, but it’s too good for you.  The only way you are going to drink something this smooth is once I’m done with it.  You don’t deserve anything more than that tap water. 
“To us, and here’s to setting your head back on track….  No, no, no.  Don’t you dare spit out that ring.  I want you to do something else to it.  Use that glass of water to swallow it.
“Don’t look at me like that.  You’ll get it back in a few days.  Plenty of time to retrieve it before she comes home.  And it’s gold; it’ll be fine.
“No?  Well then, you can get your clothes and get the fuck out.  Simple as that.  And don’t bother coming back….  I’m not joking.  I gave you an order.  I want that ring in your stomach, or the last twenty something years you and I had is over.
“Put the glass of water to your lips.  That’s right.  Just do it.
“Atta boy.  See, you can follow orders.  Depending on how well you serve me, I might not have you swallow it again a second time once it comes out.  
“You pecker is rock hard.  We need to fix that.  Bring me that cock cage over on the dining table….  No, don’t kneel down; stand next to my chair.  Place your balls in the palm of my hand.  Yeah, you know what I’m going to do to them.  Hesitating will only make me squeeze harder. 
“Quit fidgeting.  They’re just balls.  If you weren’t hard by the idea of me making you swallow your wedding ring, you wouldn’t be in so much pain….  Look your four incher is now shriveled to nothing….  This is a new cage, a smaller one.  There, it won’t get hard for a while.
“…You know what?  I don’t like your pubes.  I’m going to shave them off.  I want you smooth….  It’s not like your wife is having regular sex with you.  You have been complaining about that for months now.  So she won’t see it.  And if she does, make up something.
“How does the cage feel?  Very tight?  It’s one that doesn’t pull away when your pecker tries to get hard.  When we go out to Bike Pit on Saturday, the bikers will have a field day.  I spoke with Oiler and he was pissed that you had to rearrange your time with me and we had to push back your gang bang a few weeks.  I told him you’ll make it up to him by spending some time under his rimseat….  I know you love doing that.
“Go get the lube and come and apply it to my cock.  Bring the bottle….
“Lube me up.  And don’t make me too sloppy.  Remember, lube is to increase my pleasure; it’s not to decrease your pain….  You know I’m going to tear you up, right?...
“Now go and lean over the armrest of the couch.  Point your cunt towards me.  Legs further apart.  Now look back at me.  Look at my phone.  We haven’t added anything to the blackmail file in a long time.  So here goes.
“I want you to tell me how hungry you are for my cock, how you are tired of being viewed and acting like a real man, and that you need to be treated like what you really are, a cunt, to be used over and over all week long, by dozens of men.  While you are saying that, put whatever’s left of the lube from your fingers on your cunt lips, but reach up between your legs to do that, just like those bitches do in straight porn.
“…Good.  Now that that’s out of the way, get ready to be cunted.  I’m going right to the root….
“No, no, you don’t need no poppers, just take my damn fucking cock.  You’ll learn to love not using that shit anymore.
“That’s it!  Scream in pain.  Does your cunt feel so good!  Oh fuck, I want this cunt all the time. 
“I need to cum quickly, we have a drive ahead of us.  There’s this big beefy carnie I met last week at Ruby’s bookstore.  We wound up spit roasting four or five fags.  I told him about you, and he’s interested in double fucking you.  You ever have two dicks in your cunt at the same time?...  We’ll break that cherry tonight. 
“Do that thing with your cunt.  Ohhhh that!  Fuck yeah!  Oh I need this nut.  Keep working that cunt….  MY CUNT.  This cunt belongs to me.  Clamp down!  Fuck, fuck, fuck.  Ah ahhhh! AHHHH!...  Fucking hell.
“Spin around and do your clean up duty.  Oh man!  You got me to break out one hell of a good sweat.  I am going to smell real rank for you tonight.
“Don’t pull off me when you are done sucking the last drops of jiz from my cock.  I need to take a piss.
“Oh man, this is the life.  To have at the snap of the finger a fag bitch cunt take a hard pounding, clean off my cock, and then drink a load of my piss.  I’ve needed this for some time.
“The thing is I shouldn’t need it.  I should just have it. 
“…Keep swallowing.  I have a full bladder for you….
“…You should be mine like it was back when we were in college, or when we had next door apartments.  Shit the amount of fun we had back then.  But you had to get married to that cunt.  Goddamned I hate her.  I hate your marriage.
“I want you.  I want you all the time.  You once told me you loved me when it was just us, and I blew it off.  We were young and stupid back then.  We thought that a straight life with a little fun on the side would be the answer.  We were wrong. 
“I want you.  At the end of this week, I don’t want you to go back to her.  I’m willing to fight for that.  I want you to start the process to get a divorce.
“Don’t you dare pull off my cock.  I’m not done pissing on your fucking wedding ring at the bottom of your stomach. 
“Yeah, I want you to get a divorce.  I mean it.  You are miserable with her.  You tell me every time we hook up.  When she gets back you will tell her.  If you won’t,…
“You know we joked about it all these years, but I have kept every single one of the videos I made of you doing nasty things to hundreds of men.  But all I need to show her is the one I recorded of me taking your ass-cherry filmed less than an hour before you and her exchanged your vows.  I will do it, if you won’t.
“I read your prenuptial agreement, and you will walk away with a modest amount of money.  She’ll want the kids, good.  I’m not as rich as she is, but I have enough of a savings and a decent six figure job, that you will live comfortably with me.
“Now pull off.  Look up at me.  I’m serious.  I’ve wanted to say this for a few years now.  You’ve joked about it.  You know your life with her is shit.  It’s just like your wedding ring.  You know, after you shit it out, there is no amount of polishing and making it look pretty that will change the fact that it is shit, literally shit.
“Don’t say anything now.  We have plenty of time this week to plan this out.  You and I both know this is the right thing to do.  I’m not going to let you go.  I will be right beside you.  Keep that in your thoughts.
“But right now, we need to plug that cunt.  I already have something lined up for it and my load inside.”
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Right After All
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~800
Warnings: none
Summary: Your twin sister throws a party and invites her hot boyfriend and his brother. You're nothing like she is, and Dean sees he might have chosen the wrong sister.
Square Filled: tattoo (2021) for @spndeanbingo​
Author’s Note: i appreciate any and all comments! <3
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You’ve never seen your house so crowded before. Your twin sister invited everyone she knew to a housewarming party that turned from a few friends to a full-blown frat house. You’re more of an introvert while your twin is a severe extrovert. She needs to be around people to feel most comfortable while you can stay in your room all day either reading or playing video games.
It's only for one night, Y/N. Enjoy it and mingle.
The backyard is filled with people playing in the pool, smoking God only knows what, and playing on the mini basketball court your dad installed years ago. Inside the living room, people are playing ‘spin the bottle’, playing beer pong, and dancing to whatever music they put on. No one should be going upstairs, but you could have sworn you saw two people go up there in the midst of the chaos. 
The kitchen is the only place where there aren’t a lot of people because the kitchen isn’t that big anyway. There are a few getting drinks, but they quickly leave to rejoin the party.
The only people you’d love to converse with are your twin, her boyfriend, Dean, and his brother Sam. You’ve known them ever since they started dating a year ago. She doesn’t treat him like how he deserves, but you try to stay out of their relationship. She’s into partying, drinking, hooking up with Dean, and always spending whatever money he makes.
It sucks knowing he’s a good guy and seeing him get treated like trash.
You grab whatever alcohol is on the table and pour yourself a simple drink. Sam walks in with an uncomfortable smile on his face.
“You okay?” you chuckle.
“Yeah. I guess some girls don’t know the word ‘no’.”
“Yeah, they’re my sister’s friends. Sorry about that.”
“I can handle it,” he shrugs. “How’s school going?”
“One more year and I graduate! I’ve got an internship at the hospital this summer that will help me get a job there. How’s hunting going? I can’t imagine it’s ever good.”
“We’re managing. We got some hunters under our belt that are training so we don’t have to respond to every case.”
“That’s good. You know, I’d love to come over and see this Bunker of yours. I’ve only ever heard you talk about it. You’re making me think it’s a mythical place.”
“Yeah, we’d love to have you and Clarissa over some time.” Dean comes stumbling into the kitchen with a drunk grin on his face. “And I’m out.”
“Hey, Dean. You doing okay?” you ask.
“Never better, sweetheart.”
Dean walks over to you and pulls you into him. Before you have a chance to object, he plants his lips on yours. You’ve thought about this moment since you met Dean, but this isn’t right. He licks your bottom lip to get access inside your mouth, and you’d like to let him in but you don’t.
“Baby! That’s not me, dumbass!” your twin screeches from the kitchen door.
“What?” Dean asks and pulls away from you.
She rolls her eyes and grabs her boyfriend’s arm to drag him away. Dean might not remember this moment, but you will for the rest of your life. You were going to make a move, but your sister got to him before you could. You never said anything to Dean for fear that it’ll ruin their relationship to the point where you couldn’t see him anymore.
It’s better to have him around as a friend than not have him around at all.
Suddenly, this party has turned into a box with walls that keeps getting closer and closer to you. No one noticed you leaving the party until it was over. Some people crashed wherever they could sleep because they were too drunk to drive, leaving you to pick up their mess. Sam is in the backyard cleaning up what he can while you’re in the living room.
You look up and see Dean by the stairs. Clarissa isn’t anywhere near him which means she’s probably passed out somewhere.
“Did you enjoy the party?” you ask and stuff red solo cups into the black trash bag.
“Yeah, I did. Your sister throws a helluva party. Let me help you.”
“I don’t---” He’s already picking up empty glass bottles and red cups. “Do you remember anything about the party?”
“You mean besides that kiss we shared?”
“Listen, no harm no foul, okay? We can just forget about it. You probably will in the morning.”
“I wasn’t drunk.”
Dean walks over to you, backing you up into the large unlit fireplace.
“I knew what I was doing,” he whispers. “You know the difference between you and your twin? You have that pretty little tattoo right here.” Dean leans closer to your neck where you have a single rose tattoo right behind your ear. He brushes your hair away and plants a single kiss on the rose. “She doesn’t have one.”
He knew what he was doing. He kissed you on purpose knowing you were you and not your twin. What does this mean for you and him? For him and Clarissa? Dean pulls away from you and puts some distance between you and himself. Right before he leaves the room, he winks at you.
Maybe you and him are right after all.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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afewfantasies · 23 days
Lucky Strike 🎯 🎱 - Confirmation - IV
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Pairing: Benny Cross (Bikeriders) X Reader
Summary: You and Benny reconnect and learn a little about your lives here and now.
Word count: 2K
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“You’re doin’ laundry and combing your hair” Kathy comments entering the house to a sight that was new to her. They had shacked up pretty quickly, Kathy and Benny. It had been instant attraction and Benny was bull headed and handsome. Then after one of the meetings she’d made a comment about marriage and Benny had agreed with a shrug. Since then nothing had gone right between them. It was like the prospect of forever was a curse. Kathy only wanted to get closer to him, learn about him and have the same things every other woman wants. But there were things Benny would never talk about, never open up about and never share. The emotional distance became a wedge between them. Kathy needing someone to blame took it out on the club. But in all of their fights she’d never come home to Benny’s clean clothes laid out on the couch folded. Benny turns to her cigarette between his lips as he tucks the comb in his back pocket.
“One less thing for you to complain about” Benny mumbles.
“What are the other girls gonna think and say about me huh Benny? She makes her man do his own laundry?!” She snaps.
Benny sighs.
“Where were you it’s been two days?” She asks with folded arms. 
“Christ,” Benny mutters in his head looking up at the popcorn ceiling. He didn’t know where to start with Kathy, it was starting to become a nightmare. 
“Had a dress dry cleaned for you, there’s someone I want you to meet” he mutters. Kathy’s suspicions dissolve in an instant.
“Benny, babe it looks better than new” she smiles holding it too her. “Where are we going?”
“Johnny’s kid’s getting confirmed. There’s gonna be a dinner party afterword.” Benny mumbles.
“And this person’s gonna be there?” She raises a brow.
“Yep” Benny nods stepping back. He folds his black denim pants hoping it’ll do well enough and gets a black shirt. It was as formal as a bikeriders got. In her head Kathy’s heart flutters hoping for a proposal. Heading upstairs she gets all dolled up. Benny sits waiting on the couch. He wonders how today is going for you. He hopes your father’s family isn’t running you too ragged. Hopes your errands for your mother are going well. Most of all he hopes you’ll come tonight. The gang all seemed to like you and want you around. In his mind he couldn’t help but wish Kathy had your disposition about the club, it would make things a hell of a lot easier. He needed to be around you again, needed to feel safe, at peace and revel in the quiet. Half the reason he joined the club was for the chaos. There was always noise somewhere between the boys, the engines, boots, glass on the bar, the hum of the tv or radio, the hiss of a match being lit. The sound of pool balls being hit.  The sound of cigarettes being popped out of their cartons, the flick and snap of metal lighters. There was no room for thoughts, no room for anything but the present.
“How do I look?” Kathy smiles interrupting his chain smoking.
“Good” Benny forces a smile getting on his feet. Tiptoeing Kathy kisses him.
“Thank you” she says. It’s a rarity.
“You’re welcome” Benny nods leading the way out and to his bike. He starts the engine and she holds on tight.
You stand against the wall overwhelmed by the bustle and the informality. You hold the gift for the boy’s confirmation behind you as the place bustles with activity. It’s not your expectation of a church. There are no long robes, candles or stained glass. You forgot how forgotten this part of Chicago was. So much so there was no money to pry out of congregants to make the church beautiful. You see some of the guys being put to work ad women looking you over. You’re about to leave when Johnny catches your eye. He pauses a moment before smiling and passing off what’s in his hands to Cal.
“You came” Johnny smiles.
“I did. For your boy” you smile handing him a present and his eyes light.
“You didn’t have to” he says.
“It’s bad manners to come to a party empty handed” you shrug.
“Have you met us?” Johnny jokes. He’s was like the father figure you wish you had. “Come with me” he says giving you a half hug. “Babe, this is Benny’s old neighbour. The one I told you about. She brought the kid a gift and is standing all alone. Make her feel comfortable” Johnny says.
His wife turns to you with an easy going smile.
“Stylish, you look like you can set a table” she says.
“I can” you nod and she smiles.
“You don’t look like you’re from Benny’s neighbourhood” she says entering the basement with you. Everything has been plopped in a pile on the table.
“I am, moved away as a kid though.” You explain.
“Never known Benny to have women friends, he’s more of a lone wolf” she comments.
“I wasn’t a woman when we met. I was three.” You explain. “We had a tough childhood Benny was there for me more than my parents were and vice versa” you explain. Her eyes go misty before she swallows shaking her head.
“I know what it’s like” she smiles. “You're gorgeous and the girls can be territorial but don’t worry Johnny’s the president and I’m his old lady. You’re okay with me” she smiles touching your shoulder. You work together on the party decor making it cheerful. When you’re finished you head back upstairs with Johnny’s wife who introduces you to her friends and family. 
That’s how Benny finds you bouncing a baby on your knee. He smiles.
“What’s she doing here, Johnny has some nerve bringing his -” Kathy starts.
“Stop it Kathy, that’s who I want you to meet. We grew up together” Benny snaps being short with her. Leaving her behind he goes to you and the little one.
“Hey” he smiles hugging you again.
“Hi Benny” you smile holding the chubby baby on your hip.
“Everyone been treating you well?” Benny asks.
“Johnny made sure I was taken care of, he’s a good man” you tell Benny just as a throat clears. The woman from the precinct emerges looking dissatisfied.
“Kathy, I’m Y/N, Benny and I grew up together” you smile holding out a hand. She looks at it for awhile so you withdraw just as she decides on shaking. It’s awkward and you smile shaking her hand anyway. When you look up at Benny you can see he’s upset from the glare he’s giving Kathy.
“Benny, it’s alright” you assure him patting his side. The baby squirms from the tension and you anticipate tears. “Let me go find the boy’s mom” you force a smile leaving the couple. Kathy isn’t what you pictured for Benny as far as personality was concerned. You give Benny space not wanting to complicate his life at home and stay with the kids until it turns into taking to the guys. The service is short and sweet and everyone mixes. It’s a cast of characters but it feels like family. There’s none of the terror of your childhood or the sterility of your adolescence with debutant balls, straight posture and decorum, decorum, decorum.
You're trying to keep up with the kids’ new dance moves when you feel a hand on your waist.
“Easy there” he smiles drawing your movement to a stop. You turn to face him, every time you lay eyes on him he’s dreamier.
“You combed your hair” you smile. 
“I did” he nods letting his hand slip from your waist to your hand. He walks from out of the basement leading the way. You don’t ask questions heading up onto the roof. His eyes are all over you taking you in.
“I’m sorry about Kathy” Benny apologizes.
“Don’t be sorry” you shake your head.
“It makes me sick to see you mistreated” Benny confesses. It’s a childhood trauma of his reimagined.
“Benny, we’ve survived worse. I’m okay” you assure him.
“You shouldn’t have had to” he sighs and you take his large hand.
“Benny don’t let me be the reason you get so mad. I don’t like to see you like that. We don’t deserve to live like that again” you remind him.
“I mean look at you you're all fancy and you don’t turn your nose up at this, why should she be like that” Benny reasons.
“She probably comes from a good family Benny. Where the parents were together and functional, maybe the mom bossed the dad around and the dad nodded along in quiet compliance like in the pictures.” You shrug.
“Look at me” Benny points at himself and it’s the second time today.
“Practice in the mirror, yes Kathy, no Kathy” you tease making Benny laugh. Sighing he looks up at the stars.
“It won’t work, I’m gonna end things so I don’t end up a version of our parents yelling all the time” Benny mumbles knowing it’s for the best.
“Can’t you work it out?” You ask.
“No. She hates the club” Benny sighs sitting he leans against the sloping roof. You go to sit beside him. “It’s dirty” he warns but you sit beside him anyways. “We should go to the fair and have our pictures taken before you leave” Benny whispers pulling you in.
“Ok” you agree.
“Just the two of us” he specifies.
“I’d like that, hope the bike’s given you practice for handling the rides” you tease and he laughs. He’s laughed more in the past seventy-two hours than in all the years you were gone. “Benny don’t be careless with her, treat her well please.” You say remembering your mothers tears.
“You don’t know her, you should be on my side” Benny Scoffs.
“I am” you smile pinching his cheek. “Little Benjamin never wanted to make girls cry” you tease. Benny laughs before nodding and recalling the promises he made to myself.
“I’ll clean things up and then we’ll go to the fair” He relents.
“Good, pick me up from the hotel. I’m gonna get going.” You say.
“I can drop you,” Benny says.
“it’s alright Johnny’s wife offered. Says it’s better to skip out before the boys get crazy and after the other night I’m with her” you smile standing again. Benny follows you down the stairs and back down from the roof. You both stand outside looking out into the fields. Benny watches you, the furthest he’s been while in your presence before he walked up on you at the funeral. You’re away in deep thought, he can feel you floating, in your head and away from the party, away from him. A few steps clears the distance and he stands beside you.
“There you are, I was looking for you” Johnnys wife smiles exiting the venue. You smile at her and her son.
“Needed some fresh air and quiet” you tell her and she nods.
“Benny, you should head in and speak to Kathy” she smiles at him but in a moment Kathy materializes.
“See you later Benny, bye Kathy” you smile going to leave but Benny follows you. In plain view of Kathy he holds you tight. The trauma of you driving off without a proper goodbye fresh in his bones.
“See you for the fair” he says placing a kiss on the top of your head.
“See you then Benny” you smile letting him go and getting in the back seat.
“Benny, where were you?!” Kathy snaps as the car walks pulls off.
“I was on the roof with Y/N” Benny sighs.
“You think disappearing with a strange woman is okay? What if I did that? An old guy friend of mine comes around and I disappear with him?” She asks as Benny’s eyes follow the car down the long road.
“Kathy I don’t want to argue right now” Benny says his temper wearing thin.
“Benny!” she shouts.
“Kathy, I’m done. I’m leaving I’m clearing all my shit out. It’s over okay?! I won’t be here any longer to make you so got damn miserable. There’s nothing more to talk about” He snaps silencing her. Swallowing Kathy realizes she’s pushed too far again. He hated arguing so much leaving was always the best option in his mind.
“We can work it out later on”
“Ain’t no working it out Kathy. Do you want me to take you home?” Benny asks. “Okay get your things” he sighs after Kathy nods. Cigarettes calm his bad nerves. Kathy arrives looking sheepish. Getting on the back of Benny’s bike she holds on tight again, not wanting to let him go.
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Authors Note: Thanks so much for reading🩵 🎆 ! Don't forget to comment, like and reblog.
TAGS: @mrsalwayswrite @ughdontbeboring @astrogrande @palomavz @thesaturngurl @peggyao3
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sturnskiss · 1 month
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florida!!! ! ᥫ᭡
pairing: bsf!rafe cameron x reader
summary: reader’s boyfriend cheats on her so rafe plans to make her forget all about him by taking her to florida.
warnings: no smut, not much, rafe laces someone’s cocaine with fent, protective rafe, i don’t really know 😊
authors note: FIRST RAFE POST!! i know ive only ever posted for sturniolo tumblr but id like to preface my account isn’t solely for them, and i will be posting content for other fandoms as well!
love left me like this, i don’t want to exist so take me to florida
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when naive!kook!reader and her boyfriend, a good-for-nothing fuck boy, one to a worse degree than her best friend rafe was, broke up… rafe was more than happy to finally step in.
it was as simple as that rafe couldn’t let that man sleep peacefully knowing that he broke his poor best friend’s heart.
when you showed up at tannyhill, your big doe eyes all teary eyed and smeared mascara running down your cute cheeks, rafe already knew it had something to do with that little boyfriend of yours.
secretly, he had been waiting for this exact moment. he had been waiting ever since you told him that one of the boys he plays golf with asked you on a date. you were just too sweet for him. for any of these boys on the island. no, you needed someone who could really protect you and make you feel feminine and comfortable, something these boys couldn’t do except for him. he knew you better than anyone and had much more to give you than everyone else, but being the naive girl you are, you didn’t see past the friendship.
“aw, baby.” he frowned before embracing you in a tight hug. you wrapped your arms around his neck, silently crying into his arms.
your voice broke, “he cheated on me,”
rafe’s jaw clenched, but he wasn’t surprised. not one bit. “ ‘m so sorry.”
he didn’t ever directly warn you about boys like him. he couldn’t ruin the happiness you had when that guy started showing interest in you.
this wasn’t even supposed to happen, actually. you weren’t aware of this, but rafe may or may not have told every guy who ever expressed interest in you to fuck off. a simple hands-off rule. he’d threaten them, say that if they so much as talk to you, they’d wish they didn’t. only one person dared to test that rule. he started flirting with you and commenting on your instagram pictures. rafe solved that problem quickly and easily by lacing his next bag of coke with a little bit of fentanyl. he didn’t die. it taught him a lesson. taught mostly every boy on the island a lesson, except for your now ex-boyfriend.
so he couldn’t put fentanyl in this fucker’s coke this time because the boy never mentioned you to him. they played golf regularly, never speaking of you. and then one day, rafe picks you up from your house to take you shopping and you excitedly tell him how one of his friends followed you on instagram and asked to take you out. that guy knew what he was doing.
he maneuvered the hands-off rule because he knew rafe would never let it happen.
after a few minutes of consoling you, rafe broke the silence. “y’wanna go to florida?”
you stopped crying, pulled away from the hug and peered up at him. “what?”
he grinned, “i’m serious. let’s go to florida, yeah?”
you shook your head, “that won’t fix anything, rafe.”
truth be told, rafe believes money can in fact buy happiness. and he’d spend every last dime in his pocket if it meant you forgot all about that stupid boy and became happy, especially if it meant you were happy with him.
“it’ll be fun. lemme show you a good time, promise you’ll forget all about him. it would be good for ya to at least get out of the obx.”
“why florida?” you asked, sniffling and wiping a tear. rafe lifted up his shirt, revealing his lower toned abdomen, and wiped your mascara off your face, wiping your nose too. something only dad’s do for their young daughters, and rafe too, you guess.
he shrugs, “why not? we gotta place there. nice place right on the miami coast. just a change of scenery, s’all.”
so the next day, rafe pulled into your house’s driveway. you stood by the front door, a suitcase next to you. rafe smiled as he got out of his car, “only one suitcase?”
“you think i need more?” you asked in a surprised tone.
he shrugged, “i just planned a couple things snd you might need more than a couple outfits for ‘em. s’all good though, we can buy you some more when we get there.” he said while grabbing your pink suitcase effortlessly and placing it in the backseat of his car.
you were completely unaware of rafe’s true intentions by this out of the blue trip to florida. you didn’t think anything of the sweet things rafe did for you. he was your best friend, and he looks out for you. he just cares for you, like any friend would.
once you arrived in florida, being taken there by the cameron’s private plane, the first thing you did was get a fancy facial from a very luxurious med spa. one sarah went to anytime their family visited florida, which is why rafe knew of the place. he paid for you to get the longest, most expensive, and best treatment there was.
afterwards, you guys went out to dinner at a small restaurant on a dock.
you thought he was just being sweet.
you thought he was just being sweet when he bought everything you laid your eyes on in small boutiques and even large luxury stores like chanel and tiffany.
and rafe’s plan worked. by the first four days, your ex’s name never came out of your mouth. the only name on your lips was rafe, and his next plan was to keep it that way.
all that’s left to do was convince you there was someone better for you out there. and that someone was him. you didn’t see it yet, but you would by the end of the trip. he would make you his.
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kawowoa · 8 months
retwists with sukuna <3
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synopsis : it’s been a few months since your last retwist, your boyfriend thinks it’s stupid for you to go out and get it done when he’s right there
character : sukuna
info : gn. black reader, sukuna swears but not that much, but he’s nice and very loving, minimal dialogue n weird pacing, not beta read or proofread
wc : 1k
a/n : first jjk fic!! bare with me pls i never had locs so if some parts are a little inaccurate lmk!
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you stare at yourself in the mirror, twirling one of your locs between your fingers. it’s been a few months of constant oiling and moisturizing your hair with products your mother bought and shipped to your house under the guise that it’ll keep your hair healthy and long (and possibly grow longer!)
she wasn’t wrong—your hair grew a lot, so much that you can’t see your scalp anymore. you silently curse but bless your mother for her unnecessarily good products
“the hell are you doing?” you hear his voice say from your left. you let out a small huff, turning to face your boyfriend. sukuna looked at you with a small frown, his eyes squinting at you almost like he was silently judging you
“just looking at my hair, think i need to book an appointment for a retwist” you explain to him, turning back to the mirror. you brush your locs out of your face, pouting when they only bounce back over your eyes
sukuna let out a short laugh, now standing behind you. he dragged his hands up your forehead, using his hands as a makeshift headband, only to yank his hands back, causing your head to snap back
you let out a small yelp, whining about his unnecessary use of his strength. he was always so heavy handed, stemming from the hours he put into the gym. a grin tugged the corners of his lips, earning a frown from you
“you don’t need to waste your damn money like that. let me do it for you” sukuna murmured against your skin. he stared down at your face, watching how your eyebrows pinched together as you contemplated his request
there’s no way he, your boyfriend, the most impatient man you know wants to do your retwist. the same man that was grumbling and pouting because you took too long too long to come back with food. the same man that would complain when you took too long to get ready for bed
there’s just no way
“you sure?” he nodded. “positive?” he nodded again. “okay then” he grinned
“fuck this shit, you got too much damn hair”
you knew something like this would happen, barely ten minutes in and he’s already complaining
you were seated between sukuna’s legs on the floor, his heavy hands giving you whiplash as he moved your head every which way. sukuna grumbling in your ears as his eyes darted from the laptop screen playing a tutorial and back down to your hair
you couldn’t help but laugh at him. it reminded you of your mother, you could practically hear her voice through sukuna’s words, the same tone complaining about your thick hair
it warmed your heart, a dumb grin on your face that sukuna couldn’t see
“you wanted to help, don’t go complaining now” you teased, tilting your head back to look at him with a cheeky grin
he frowned, his eyes narrowing at you behind the thin red framed glasses. he pushed your head back down, grumbling about how you’re ‘so damn annoying’
he was lying, not really. but you didn’t care, you loved him anyway
the two of you fell into a comfortable silence except for the buzz of hearing the lady speaking into the mic, instructing each of sukuna’s movements
it was a constant pattern sukuna easily fell into: using the comb to make a part, smoothing it out with the gel then twisting the hair in the comb
palm rolling had to be the hardest part for him, you could tell with the way he would grunt and how the loc would slip from his fingers, messing up his rhythm
it was cute, everything about him was
a few hours pass, if you went to a shop—like you had planned to before sukuna came into the picture—they would’ve been done by now. not that you cared if it meant spending more time with your boyfriend
“almost done, jus’ got the top of your big head to do” sukuna said, you could hear the grin in his voice. maybe you should’ve went to the shop instead
“rude! my head isn’t big!” you shot back, eliciting a hearty laugh from him. it made you smile, almost making you forget how he basically insulted you
“mhm, whatever helps ya sleep at night” sukuna presses the tips of his fingers against your temple, tipping your head back to press a feather light kiss onto your forehead
it made you pout, in return you just get a snide smirk before he tipped your head back forward, making you stare at the wall
the cool metal of the comb slid through your new growth as sukuna formed your favored part. his hands moving your head front, back, side to side as he made sure everything was even
he didn’t want his partner leaving the house with a messed up part. he’d be damned if he knew he was the cause of it too
“im done, go look in the mirror” sukuna said after almost another twenty minutes of silence
your head felt heavy, all the small metal clips that kept your hair in place made themselves very apparent as they clinked against each other while you made your way back to the bathroom
you could hear sukuna snickering behind you as he followed you to the bathroom. ignoring him, your eyes fall onto your face in the mirror, analyzing your hair as your fingers brushed through your locs, being mindful of the clips
you let out a noise mixed with surprise and amusement. he was leaning against the doorframe once you faced him, his shoulders tensed up, you could tell he was interested in what you have to say
“it looks good! for your first time, you did it perfectly!” you praised him, a bright smile on your face
it affected him, enough for him to have a bashful look on his face. “i know, i know. now you don’t need those shitty stylist who want to scam you out of ya money”
“okay, now you’re being dramatic”
“i’m jus’ saying”
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anvilsims · 9 months
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Been working on this for a long long time and I finally reached a point that I'm happy with it. I hope Simmers who are also big Nintendo fans like this.
Shout-out to @tomatomagica/@sims4niya for helping me out with making certain goals and just looking over the rules in general. :)
UPDATE: Slightly changed the goals in Gen 8, please reblog this version.
General Rules:
No cheats unless otherwise stated in generation rules, needed to reset a sim, or for decoration/building purposes.
Mods are okay, provided they do not give you an unfair advantage. What constitutes an unfair advantage is up to you.
Complete each generation's Aspiration
Above all, have fun. If that means continuing onto the next generation without finishing all of the previous gen goals, that’s okay.
(Generations beyond the cut)
Generation 1 Animal Crossing:
Traits: Loves Outdoors/Outgoing/Maker
Aspiration: Curator
You have moved into a new town with nothing but the clothes on your back. Well at least Mr. Nook was nice enough to give you a new home even with the work you'll have to do to pay him off. It’ll be tough but you’ve quite the knack for building and your neighbors seem more than happy to cheer you on.
Move into an empty lot and build a small house. (Optional: Make your house a Tiny Home Residential lot and choose what tier to work with from there.)
After one day, move two single townie sims into your neighborhood and become friends with them (If one of them becomes your founder’s spouse, make a new neighbor to move into their old house.)
Neither the founder nor spouse will hold a job, they will make money via at home activities like painting, fishing, etc.
Have a room to display your collections
At the end of every sim week, use cheats or mods to remove half of your household funds (to pay off your debt to Mr. Nook) until both your sim and their spouse reach the adult stage.
Generation 2 Splatoon: 
Traits: Creative/Dance Machine/Party Animal
Aspiration: Famous Celebrity 
Despite your humble beginnings, you always dreamed big. You were often found drawing outfits from fashion magazines or singing along to your favorite pop idols or doing cool poses for selfies at the pool. Once you became a teen, you started taking little steps to join that glamorous world.
Become a simfluencer as a teen
Move to San Myshuno or Del Sol Valley once you become a Young Adult
Reach the top of the Style Influencer career (Trendsetter branch)
Host a party once every sim week
Either become or marry a merperson. Heir however must be just a sim.
Max out painting, dancing, and singing skills
Generation 3 Legend of Zelda:
Traits: Good/Adventurous/Music Lover
Aspiration: Jungle Explorer
Everyone expected you to become a spoiled brat but thankfully you turned out to be a good kid with a love for music and a dream of exploring far-off ancient ruins. You make a friend who supports you all the way but you also make an enemy constantly getting in your way.
Make a friend as a child or teen, become BFFs with them, and stay that way for as long as either sim lives (friend can be a future spouse) 
As a child or teen become enemies with one sim and stay enemies for as long as either sim lives. Win at least five fights with them. (Optional: Have this sim be an evil sim)
Max out the Archaeology skill and one instrument skill
Complete the Ancient Omiscan Artifacts Collection
Get the “Brave” reward trait
Generation 4 Earthbound: 
Traits: Goofball/Active/Geek
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Because of your parent’s travels, you never lived in one spot for too long. Despite that, you still liked making new friends and finding ways to keep in touch. And you learned to appreciate the magic in every world… figurative and literal.
Live in four different worlds before becoming a young adult
Make three friends and create a club with them (Optional: Make these friends as a child and grow up together)
Max out photography and comedy skills
Become a spellcaster as a teen and work on reaching the top rank
Complete the Postcard Collection
Adopt a dog when your first kid becomes a child
Generation 5 Pokemon:
Traits: Dog (or Cat) Lover (Animal Enthusiast)/Vegetarian/Socially Awkward
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals or Country Caretaker
Ever since you were little, you were obsessed with animals and even got along better with them than people. Your friends blame your childhood obsession with Voidcritters (even if some of them weren't really animals). When you grew up, you knew you were going to surround yourself with animals.
Complete the Voidcritters Collection
Adopt at least eight pets over your lifetime including at least one stray.
Have both cats and dogs
Open a Vet Clinic (pokemon center) and get it to five stars
Max out Veterinary and pet training skills
Complete Voidcritters Collection
Adopt a fox or raccoon
Have at least one of each farm animal (chickens, cow, and llamas)
Win first place in each animal fair in Henford-On-Bagley
Learn all the animal treat recipes
Generation 6 Mario:
Heir 1 Traits: Family Oriented/Bro/Loyal
Heir 2 Traits: Squeamish/Clumsy/Bro
Heir 1 Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Heir 2 Aspiration: Mansion Baron
You and your sibling were as thick as thieves growing up and neither of you really liked the idea of one of you moving away so they stuck around. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have their own adventures.
Chose two siblings to serve as Double Heirs, they do not need to be twins
Both heirs take a part time job as Manual Laborers until one of them gets married then the married one joins the Doctor career
The other heir maxes out the Medium skill and becomes a Paranormal Investigator
Both heirs max out Handiness skill
One heir unlocks Sylvan Glade and the other unlocks Forgotten Grotto
Generation 7 Kirby:
Traits: Foodie (or Glutton)/Cheerful/Childish
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
You grew up in a very supportive environment with family members encouraging you to try a little bit of everything. You liked helping your family cook but you also discovered a love for acting from trying so many different hats. At that point, you decided that you were gonna be a superstar!
Join Drama Club as a child or teen
Max out the Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, and acting skills
Reach the top of the Actor career
Reach pristine public image
Gain the People Person lifestyle
Once you become an elder, retire from acting and open a business selling cooked meals.
Generation 8 Metroid: 
Traits: Loner/Unflirty/Noncommittal
Aspiration: Strangerville Mystery
While your parent enjoyed the spotlight, you preferred to keep to yourself with exercising and star gazing. As soon as you were able to, you moved out into your own place in a quiet out of the way town called Strangerville. However it seems your wish for a normal quiet life wasn’t meant to be.
Max out body and wellness skills
Reach the sixth level of the Astronaut career and quit after one shift.
Only take odd jobs after quitting your career
Have an alien child (feel free to cheat/mod to get an abduction or to get a female sim alien pregnant)
Gain the Techie lifestyle
Never marry
Generation 9 Pikmin:
Traits: Hot headed/Overachiever/Genius
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Despite your alien heritage, you adored the world you grew up in but that isn’t to say you had no interest in the stars. You enjoyed helping out at the school greenhouse along with watching for comets and UFOs on weekends. It didn’t take long before you started to wonder if there was a way to combine your love for both worlds.
Join Scouts as a child
Master gardening and rocket science skills
Visit Sixam and befriend three different colored aliens
Complete the Geode and Space rock collections 
Find all three alien plants on Sixam and plant them in your garden (Do NOT buy them in Henford-On-Bagley)
Generation 10 Fire Emblem:
Traits: Bookworm/Proper/Ambitious
Aspiration: Leader of the Pack 
Growing up, you admired stories of brave knights and kind heroes. While you eventually outgrew the fairy tales, you still wanted to help people like the brave hero kings and queens in the stories.Thus together with your closest friends, you decide to try to make a positive difference in the world.
If a sim dies, you cannot plead with the Grim Reaper nor can you resurrect them in any way
Max out Charisma, writing, and research & debate skills 
Reach the top of the Political Career (Politician branch)
Form a club (forming an army) and eventually build up to recruiting eight members
Marry a member of your club (and if they aren’t already, have them join the military career)
Write a Bestseller Fantasy book
If you give the challenge a shot, either @ me or tag "NintendoLegacyChallenge"
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paperultra · 10 months
Pairing: OPLA!Nami x Fem!Reader Word Count: 1,004 words Warnings: None
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cingulomania (noun): a strong desire to hold a person in your arms
Wherever she goes, misery follows.
Nature cracks itself open and wails when Nami sets foot in Coco Village, the sun drawing back, the clouds purpling. Raindrops burst open and bleed out on her skin and run in rivulets down the street. Somewhere in the distance, a sharp flash of lightning warns of thunder – and yet, all she can hear is the sharp clink of coins as they fall back into the tribute box.
Gaze unyielding, she sweeps it over the drenched crowd and comes to a stop on Nojiko.
“Not everyone’s here today.”
Her sister does not flinch the way everybody else does. “I brought her amount along with mine,” Nojiko says, and that is all.
“Did you, now.”
Nami knows the weight of what her village owes. She knows how it should fill the box, how it should feel in her arms and on her shoulders. Still, she makes a show of counting the money, slowly, deliberately. The rain continues to beat down on her head, weighing on her hair and turning the dirt into mud beneath her feet.
“You’re short.”
“It’s everything we have, Nami.” Mr. Genzo speaks up this time. “Please.”
“How can I trust that,” Nami replies, her voice colder than the air, “when not everyone is here?”
“She’s sick, Nami,” Nojiko snaps. Her blue hair is dark with rain. “She doesn’t have to be present, does she? All you need and care about is her money, right?”
“I care about her paying the Arlong Pirates what she owes. No more, no less.”
The words taste bitter in her mouth.
(You always get sick before it rains.)
The people, Mr. Genzo, they’re all silent. The tribute box snaps shut as Nami pushes through them and heads down the street.
Nojiko shouts her name. She can hear the slosh of her sister’s footsteps catching up, and when she does, there’s a warning fury on her face as she leans in close.
“Don’t you dare, Nami.”
Nami holds her head high and keeps walking.
“What are you going to do, stop me?”
“I wish I could do more than that.”
“But you can’t.”
Box clutched against her chest, she leaves Nojiko behind and continues on alone.
Your house is near the outskirts of the village – not as far out as her own childhood home, but far enough for privacy and a good bit of land for your animals. They huddle underneath the shelter and watch her with black, beady eyes.
They would fetch a good price.
Nami opens your door and enters without knocking.
She looks around, sees the cold pot of ginger tea on the stove, the unwashed dishes on the table, the heap of blankets on your bed in the corner that shifts. It smells like sickness.
She shouldn’t be here, she tells herself a moment too late.
“Nojiko, is that you?” Your voice slithers out from underneath the pile of blankets, and Nami grimaces at the hoarseness. “I told you I can clean up after myself.”
She thinks to answer. But something keeps her from doing so, and so she sets the box down on the kitchen counter and kneels down to shove some logs into the stove instead.
(She shouldn’t be doing this. She shouldn’t be doing this. She shouldn’t –)
“Nojiko?” The mattress creaks. Nami hears a soft gasp and closes her eyes, gritting her teeth. She hastily stacks branches and then some birch bark on top on the logs. “Nacchan –”
“Don’t call me that.”
“You’re home,” you rasp.
Home. Her heart squeezes so hard she thinks she might just die.
“Don’t sound so happy,” Nami says. Finding a match and striking it, she sets fire to the bark and waits impatiently for the flames to build. “I’m only here to collect the tribute.”
“Oh.” There’s a carefulness in the way that you answer, the kind that she’s come to hate. A loud, horrendous cough bursts from your chest before you continue. “Is it enough?”
“Just barely.”
She’ll make up the difference. Dip into her own savings, make another deal with Arlong. He’s cruel, but not completely unreasonable. She can do it. It’ll be okay.
The heat from the fire dries her skin. She shuts the stove door and stands up.
“Thanks, Nami.”
“I didn’t do it for you.”
Nami makes the mistake of looking over her shoulder at you as she answers. It is a mistake because you grin at her, and suddenly – she’s a child again, at your house for a sleepover –
Your mom is still alive and warming milk on the stove –
You’re giving her a bracelet because that’s what best friends do –
She’s hugging you because you hug the people you love –
And she aches. And she wants. Not just your smile, but everything, the warmth of your back against her palms, your cheek pressed to hers. She wants to clean and put away all your dirty dishes and stay until the fire has warmed each corner of your home and you’re well again.
She wants she wants she wants.
Greed has always been her vice.
“Don’t let all of your tea boil away,” Nami says. She takes your cloak from the hook on the wall and puts it on, then tucks the tribute box underneath her arm. It’s still raining, after all, and she looks after herself above all else.
“I won’t,” you say, and it is quiet before you add, softly, “Stay safe, Nami.”
Nami leaves without another word.
Nojiko is waiting outside, arms crossed, and they meet eyes for only a moment before Nami passes her by.
She retraces her steps away from your house, down the road, into the town square where everyone but Mr. Genzo has already dispersed to escape the foul weather. Coco Village does not bid goodbye when she passes through the gate again, her steps a few million beri heavier.
In the distance, a sharp flash of lightning warns of thunder. Nami wraps her arms around the tribute box, cold, and thinks of you.
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familyvideostevie · 1 year
october first
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day one: steve harrington after the events of august, steve and bee girl (you) wake up in your new house | no good at waiting one-shot, fluff | 1.1k
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You wake up with a shiver. The morning sun bathes one wall of your bedroom in pink light. Your sheer curtains flutter in the wind and you snuggle deeper into your bed, tugging on the covers.
“Hey!” someone next to you grumbles. “S’cold in here, give it back.”
Steve tugs on the duvet but you don’t relinquish your hold, instead rolling with it until you’re pressed against his back.
“I know,” you mumble, eyes fluttering. Your bedroom isn’t really decorated yet but you’ve got the basics. Mattress, bed frame, dresser. Mismatched bedside tables you found at an antique sale two towns over and a rug Joyce gave you from the Byers garage. The rest of the house is coming together slowly. You have yet to get a dining table but you do have a couch and lots of kitchen utensils. Bob gave you an old bookshelf and the kids pooled money together to buy you a welcome mat. The good people of Hawkins have treated you and Steve moving into the little farmhouse as an invitation to get rid of all of their junk.
You love it.
Steve groans and shifts, releasing the duvet and turning so that he’s facing you, nose to nose. You can barely see the eyes you love so much through his lashes. “Morning,” he says. “We’re going to have to buy more blankets if you’re going to steal them every morning.”
“You’re the one who left the window open last night,” you remind him. He scoots even closer to you and shoves his face into your neck.
“Because you like fall air,” he says. His lips are warm on your skin. “Never say I don’t do anything for you.”
Living with Steve is pretty much a dream. Even when he leaves his shoes in the way, even when he doesn’t clean his toothpaste from the sink. Even when you forget to do the dishes or don’t put your laundry away. It’s fun. It’s like every day is a dream come true.
“No one says that,” you laugh. You twine your fingers in his hair. “Especially not me.”
Steve makes a pleased sound. “What are we doing today?” he asks. The last two months have been nonstop. Finishing the house, finding furniture, moving out of Bob’s for you and the farm loft for him. You haven’t had time for a proper housewarming yet.
“Nothing,” you say. He pulls back to look at you, eyebrows raised.
“Hell yeah,” he says, running the pad of his finger over your top lip. “Finally a day off we don’t have to spend running around town.”
“We have to go see about that table tomorrow, though. After work.”
Steve flops back on his pillow. “It never ends,” he says.
“Nope,” you say, popping the p. “But it’ll be worth it.”
“Well, duh.” He raises his arms above his head and stretches. “We need a table so we can play beer pong at our housewarming.”
“And so we can eat at it, Steve.”
He smirks. “Oh, yeah. That too. And so we can do all sorts of nasty things on it—”
You place your hand over his mouth. “That’s enough from you, Harrington.” He licks your palm but you don’t pull it away. “Behave.”
His expression morphs into what you think he thinks are puppy dog eyes but really he just looks like he ate something sour unexpectedly. He mumbles against your hand and you remove it. “Christ, honey,” he says. “I was gonna suffocate.”
“What a way to go,” you deadpan. He laughs and turns away from you, throwing his legs over the edge of the bed and stretching again. You admire the freckled expanse of his bare back.
“You hungry?” he asks. “We could do pancakes.” He stands and wanders to the closet where he pulls out two sweatshirts. One he throws to you and the other he drags over his head.
“When we get a dog are you going to make it breakfast, too?”
Steve’s head pops out of the hoodie — one of yours, you’re pretty sure — and scoffs. “You think you’re funny with this dog-dad shit,” he says. “You watch. I’m going to be so normal. Nothing like Dustin’s mom and their cat. Nothing.”
“Sure, Steve,” you coo. You sit up in bed and pull on your own sweatshirt, borderline giddy with the sheer serenity of the morning.
Here you are, in your home with the person you love most in the world, talking about getting a dog.
This time last year you weren’t even friends yet. You remind him.
Steve snorts and crosses his arms, leaning on the dresser. “I was half in love with you already.”
“Was not,” you gasp. “We’d only been mean to each other!” You hadn’t really liked Steve until you both sat soaking wet in your car. You’d been curious about him before that. Interested. A little obsessed. But it warms you from head to toe to know you’d had him captivated from moment one.
He grins his most boyish grin, the one he usually sends you before he’s about to do something that will make your face hot. “Exactly. I had a dream about you the first day we met.”
He nods and rubs the back of his neck like he’s suddenly embarrassed. “Yeah,” he says. “I don’t think I told anyone, though.”
“What was it about?”
Yeah, he’s totally blushing. “Uh.” he says. “It wasn’t anything big. Just you buying apples from me, I think.”
You can’t help it. You laugh. You laugh so hard your stomach aches. “Oh my god, Steve,” you gasp. “I told you to fuck off and you had a dream about me.” You’ve almost been together a whole year and he still surprises you. You hope it’s going to be like this for the rest of your lives.
He’s scowling. “Yeah, whatever.” Even as he grumbles he makes his way back to the bed and sits on the edge of it. He puts his hand on your leg through the duvet and squeezes gently. “Okay, funny girl, do you want apples or chocolate chips?”
“I’ll help,” you say. “Both, obviously.”
“But first…” Steve says, leaning in. Your eyes flutter shut and he pauses a breath away from your lips. “Your breath stinks,” he whispers.
“Speak for yourself,” you whisper back. He snickers and then leans in, hand framing your face. His lips are a little chapped but his kiss is as sweet as always, tender and loving. He kisses you once, twice, then trails his lips along your cheek.
“Morning,” he says, as if you’d just woken up. “Love you, bee girl.”
You sigh with happiness. “Love you back.”
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