#I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day but I thought writing something like this could be cute
writing-in-the-impala · 7 months
Valentine’s Day with Remus Lupin
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- he buys you flowers, not roses but your favourite flower, he spent all day looking for a florist who sells them as everyone was selling roses today
- He bought you his favourite book as he wants you to read it, he spent hours trying to find the best copy of it, it’s hardback and you know he spent a lot more money than necessary on it
- He left the flowers on the table for you because he’s too shy to give them you in person, but when he saw your huge smile he quickly encourage you to open the wrapped up present and watched you as you reacted, it filled his heart with warmth
- He cooked dinner for both of you, he kept asking if it’s oversalted while you ate but you assured him it’s perfect
- He fell asleep on the sofa as you listened to music in the evening, his arms around you. When you tried to move up to the bedroom he murmured “stay.”
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sturnioloshacker · 2 years
red roses & starry nights - a vinnie hacker short
a/n: and we’re back to writing again! a little rusty so bear with me! with valentine’s day coming up, i thought i would conjure up something cute, enjoy this one :)
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valentine’s day. the day of romance and love. the day of celebrating your love for your significant other. the day i celebrate 6 months of my relationship with my boyfriend vinnie. 
waking up to soft kisses on my cheek, i roll over to face the boy i have fallen head over heels for. 
“happy 6 months and happy valentine’s day beautiful”, he whispers against my lips before kissing them with so much passion.
whispering those same words back to him, a cute makeout session begins. we both roll out from our shared bed and begin to get ready for the day. i head to the bathroom and notice a sticky note on the mirror.
happy valentine’s day my pretty love! today we celebrate 6 months of loving each other. prepare to be spoiled. i love you so much xoxo
smiling to myself, i begin my usual morning routine. after looking at myself in the full body mirror in the corner of our shared room, i walk downstairs to find a massive bouquet of red roses in the middle of the dining table.
“vinnie! what the-?”
“it’s not much, but i got you this”.
“that’s more roses than i’ve ever seen in my life!”
“do you like them?”, nervousness lacing his voice
“like them? i absolutely adore them! thank you, thank you, thank you!”
running up to my boyfriend, i leap into his arms and press kisses all over his cute little face. setting me down, i grab the flowers and separate them into smaller bunches and place them in vases to set around the house.
as i’m placing the vases around the house, i notice more and more sticky notes, each of them containing romantic compliments that make my heart flutter. coming across the final note on my bedside table, i remove the sticky note and place the flowers in its position.
so you’ve come across the final note! i know how much you love the moon and the stars, how about you join me for dinner under them tonight?
shut. up. is he serious?! i rush to the shower to freshen up and get ready for what is about to be such an amazing night!
i head downstairs to find vinnie leaning against his rx-7, waiting for me. saying goodbye to jett, jack, max and adam, i close the door behind me and hop into the car. 
we unpack the car and enjoy a cute picnic dinner under a sky full of stars. multiple conversations about life, the future of our relationship and plans for our 1 year anniversary were discussed as well as throwing horrible pick up lines and mushy compliments back and forth between each other. after a moment of comfortable silence, i decide to speak up.
“so i noticed a bunch of blankets and pillows in the trunk. may i ask why?”
“i was thinking we sleep under this beautiful night sky. what do you say?”
“vinnie, oh my god! let’s do it!”
kissing me, vinnie heads to the car and unloads all of our bedding that was once on our bed and now on the soft patch of grass. after setting it up, we tuck ourselves in and immediately wrap our arms around each other. 
“thank you for tonight, vin! you are the best boyfriend I could ever ask for! you have made me feel so loved and so special, i honestly don’t deserve you or everything you did to-"
“shush, i don’t want to hear it. you deserve all this and more, whether you believe it or not.”
teary-eyed, i hide my face in the crook of his neck, placing small kisses there. we stay like that for a little longer before i look back up at vinnie and kiss him with everything that i have in me. 
“goodnight bub, thank you for today. happy valentine’s day and happy 6 months. i love you so much”.
“goodnight princess.  happy valentine’s day and happy 6 months. i love you so much”.
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Def Leppard Valentine's Day Headcanons
Joe Elliott
I think that if it’s your first one then he would go all out. Romantic date, flowers, favourite wine. All of that
Every year he would get you something thoughtful but unique to you
He would probably lose the gift or have to ask one of the guys to look after it for him.
I don’t think he would get you the standard red roses and chocolate every year, like it would be something you want or need
Maybe a record that you had your eye on
Or maybe he would write you a song
(now I need Joe Elliott to write me a song)
I think he would always find a way to celebrate with you, even if you are not big on celebrating it yourself
He would make the day really special for the two of you
If you had to work (and he couldn’t convince you to take the day off) then he would surprise you with dinner or something all ready for you when you get home
I don’t think he would propose on Valentines Day as when he did propose, he would want it to be a day that could be dedicated to just the two of you
Whether it was out on a fancy date or curled up on the couch at home, the two of you spending the day together so he could show you how much he loves you would be his top priority
And you can guarantee that you would have a very passionate night ahead of you
Rick Savage
For Sav I think it would be a very quiet day for the two of you
Sav would prepare a day at home with movies and snacks during the day
If you wanted her would take you out for the evening
But he would also be happy for you both to prepare dinner together
It would be so cute the pair of you dancing around the kitchen together as you prepare food
He wouldn’t really help too much but it would still be great
If you did go out for dinner then it would be something relaxed and quiet
He would definitely get you flowers
Unless your allergic 
In which case he would find you some alternative because he wouldn’t want you to suffer in any way 
(As someone with hayfever, the struggle is real)
He wouldn’t be able to keep his hands to himself all day
Like he would have to be touching you in one way, shape or form at all times
Not that you mind
And like with Joe, the night time is spent with the two of you making love
Steve Clark
Let’s say that your first Valentine’s Day with Steve is very early on in your relationship and the poor boy had no idea on what to get you
Phil had just suggested that he shag you but Steve dismissed the idea (not completely) and wanted to get you something meaningful
He would be so worried that you wouldn’t like it and would keep second guessing himself until he finally worked up the courage to give it to you
And of course you loved it and couldn’t thank him enough
Each year the two of you have your own little tradition of writing small poems in your cards for each other
Not that Steve would tell anyone that he did that for you
Because you love it so much when he plays guitar, he plays just for you in your living room, bringing you to tears every year
He is just the sweetest to you all the time and Valentine’s Day is hardly any different
The two of you end up being that typical couple that everyone either wants to be or can’t stand to be around because you are just so in love
And yet again each year on Valentine’s Day night the two of you end up tangled between the sheets
Phil Collen
I don’t think that the two of you would be out of bed all day
Like breakfast in bed with snacks in between other activities
I don’t doubt that there would be romance as well
If you weren’t in bed then the two of you would definitely be cuddled up together
With a movie on or something 
The two of you might go for a nice walk. If you live near a beach then there if not then just a local park
But when it comes down to it, the two of you will probably end up back in bed together
Not that you are complaining
When it comes to gifts, I might be wrong but I feel like he is more likely to ask what you want rather than guess 
But obviously you would love whatever he gets you
You would put a lot of thought into his gift as well 
But at the end of the day the materialistic things don’t matter 
The love the two of you have is shown in many other ways 
Rick Allen
Quiet night in for the two of you
Much like his band mates I do think he would appreciate it where the two of you can just spend some time together
No one else around to spoil it
I think you would just order some food in and just spend the day lounging around
It's not much of a big deal if you have to work but if you do then you can guarantee that something special will be done when you get home
The two of you just kind of show each other how much you love each other with small gestures
Some quiet time painting maybe
Or watching Rick paint if art isn’t your thing
Both of you believe that romance does not have to be big gestures and you are both content with however the decides to pan out
Same rule applies for a gift
Nothing necessarily big just thoughtful 
Maybe something silly that you saw and thought Rick would like and vice versa
(I’m sorry I’m running out of ideas)
Vivian Campbell
Okay last but not least Viv
I feel like something might go wrong
I don’t know what, could be he planned some sort of grand gesture that went wrong
Or a surprise gift that he ended up losing
And he would be so upset by that as well
But obviously you would reassure him that just being with him on Valentine’s Day was enough for you and there was no need to worry
That doesn’t quite make him feel better but you and I both know something else will
Anyway, I do think that he might be disheartened when he sees whatever it is you’ve gotten him and it just reminds him of what went wrong
But no matter because you love him anyway
Lots of cuddling and spending time together
Overall Viv would be really sweet to spend the day with
A/N: I would do Pete Willis but I run out of ideas and I don’t actually know as much about him to write about. Maybe next year
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hey~ I'm glad to see you back! If you have time, can you write teenager reader who decided to celebrate Valentine by taking their RoR parental figure on a father-daughter date? Characters of your choice, but please include Odin and Adam!
-He thought you were cute when you came to him, asking what he was doing on the fourteenth of February, he knew you had been plotting with your mother figures, like Eve and Brunnhilde.
-Your bright eyes and elation were worth it when he told you that he was free and you quickly asked him, “Papa, will you go on a date with me for Valentine’s Day?”
-How could he refuse a request like that!
-The day quickly arrived, and you were helped by all of your mother figures picking out a cute outfit and helped you plan the best daddy-daughter date ever!!
-The women were also helping your father figure, hinting towards him as you were getting closer to that age where you would want to start dating, that he could show you how to be treated on a date.
-This started a new problem, however, as he wasn’t prepared for you to start dating!!
-Odin- Since you couldn’t take him to his favorite bar that served strong Norse mead, being underage, you took Odin to the aquarium instead. Odin couldn’t really care where you took him, he was just happy that you put so much thought into the date for the two of you. The aquarium was a lot of fun, it wasn’t too terribly busy, as you went at opening, getting there before other couples would arrive. Odin started a game while you two looked at fishes, pointing out which fishes looked like what family members and you were both laughing hard within minutes, but you were having fun. He patted the back of your head as you looked up at the massive tank, the main feature of the aquarium, “Don’t grow up too fast, okay?” you smiled softly up at him which made him give you one in return.
-Adam- You saved up your money from your part time job, wanting to do something special for Adam since he always did special things for you, and your surprised him by taking him to Disneyworld! You both got matching Minnie Mouse ears and went on rides together, sending Eve pictures of the food you ate and pictures just around the park. Adam grinned softly as you held his hand, pulling him along like how you used to when you were little. To him, no matter how old you got you would always be his little girl. As you watched the fireworks together, you hugged his arm, “Thanks for coming with me papa.” He smiled softly, hugging you around your shoulders, “Anytime, Y/N. I got to see you so happy and that’s the best gift of all.” Your smile was so big that he felt his heart squeezing before heading home.
-Poseidon- You wanted to make this date super fancy and special and made sure to plan everything well in advance…however you did your job a bit too well. When you arrived to the 5-star restaurant, having saved up money from your part time job, you were quickly being consoled by Poseidon after you both were turned away for arriving one year too early. You had booked a Valentine’s Day dinner for next year, not this year. He was trying not to laugh, finding the situation a bit amusing, “We’ll just go on a date next year too.” Your eyes went wide and sparkly, hearing this and you instantly grinned, agreeing with him before he took you to a hot pot restaurant that wasn’t too busy, telling you that Kojiro took him here once and wanted to share it with you. While not the date you planned, you had so much fun, just enjoying a meal together with Poseidon.
-Hades- You knew exactly where to take him for your date and you made the reservation as early as you could! The café you both enjoyed had a special for Valentine’s Day, a tea party set for two, and knowing that he liked baked goods as much as you, it was a daddy-daughter tea party! You got one of the brunch reservations, so it wasn’t as busy and he grinned, seeing what you had prepared. You spent over an hour, sample the different baked gods and the different drinks you requested, talking and just having fun, just the two of you. After you were finished and both feeling hyper from all the sweets and coffee you had, he took you on a long walk around the park together. Hades smiled softly down at you, you had been his little princess for so long, and here you were now, a teenager; he wanted you to stop growing up so fast, but knew that it was a part of life. Dating on the other hand, Hades was fully prepared to threaten any boy you would try to bring home.
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siancore · 2 years
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Rating: M 
Content: Language; Dumbassery 
Words: 3K+
Summary: Sam and Bucky have an annual Anti-Valentine’s Day Movie Night where they eat junk food and watch crappy movies because Valentine’s Day is for suckers and schmucks and best spent with your friend doing the least-romantic shit possible. Too bad they’re both in love with one another...
A/N: Inspired by this glorious Richonne fic by @richonne4life 
For the @sambuckylibrary​ Valentine’s Day Bingo (I don’t know what square fill this will be, but I wanted to write something for it). 
 “Could it be any more obnoxious?” asked Bucky to himself as he held up the overly large teddy bear that was clutching a big red heart. “Is obnoxious the word? Mmm. Tacky, maybe?”
Steve snatched it away from his asshole of a best friend and said, “It’s actually adorable. You’re just – prickly.”
“Prickly?” asked Bucky with an unimpressed look of his face. “Just call me a prick. You can say it, Rogers. Go on. Say the word: Prick.”
“Who’s a prick?” a voice called out from the doorway; it was Sam.
“I am.”
“Bucky is.”
The pair of friends answered at the same time.
“Can’t’ argue with that,” said Sam playfully.
He smiled at them when he stepped inside. Bucky thought Sam’s gaze lingered on him a moment longer, before his eyes went wide when he saw the teddy bear Steve was hugging to his chest.
“What is that monstrosity of a thing?” asked Sam as he pointed towards bear.
“It’s not a monstrosity, it’s cute,” Steve defended. “And you would both think so, too, if you weren’t so offended by Valentine’s Day.”
“Fuck Valentine’s Day,” said Bucky, flatly.
“What he said,” Sam added, a little more noncommittal.
“I don’t know why the two of you are like this,” Steve said, placing the bear down on the countertop. “It’s actually a nice, sweet thing.”
“It’s a capitalist ploy that upholds heteronormative bullshit, wastes money, and leaves people who are single feeling inadequate and bad in general,” Bucky said, deadpan, as Sam eyed him and nodded his head.
“Gees, Buck. Lighten up. Being a little romantic won’t kill ya.”
“I’m plenty romantic,” Bucky retorted. “I just don’t see the point in buying flowers and chocolates and ugly ass teddy bears one day out of the year to show my special someone that they’re special to me.”
Steve sighed, having had this conversation with Bucky before, and said, “Okay, pal. I get it. I just – I want you to have nice things and be swept off your feet and feel romance, too.”
Steve’s eyes got big and soft, just like every time he had something heartfelt and earnest to say. He placed a hand to Bucky’s shoulder and added, “I don’t want you to be alone, especially on Valentine’s Day.”
“Fuck. Valentine’s. Day,” Bucky said firmly, even though his heart felt a little dull ache. “Besides, I won’t be alone. I’ll be with Sam.”
A brightness flickered in Steve’s eyes as he looked at Sam and then at Bucky. He went to say something that expressed his excitement, when Bucky said, “We’re having our annual Valentine’s Day is For Suckers Movie Night.”
“Oh,” said Steve. “That’s still a thing for you two?”
Steve met Sam’s eyes. There was a hint of something akin to sadness behind Sam’s stare. Sam looked down at his shoes.
“Of course it’s still a thing,” said Bucky. “We don’t need to observe this farce of a celebration. We’re one hundred percent happy to sit around the apartment in comfortable clothing, eat cheap takeout, and watch the most unromantic shit on TV, right Sammy?”
Something weird always happened inside of Sam’s chest when Bucky called him that. Sam looked up, gave a bright smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes, and said, “Right.”
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Sam was supine on his bed reading an old paperback, when Steve knocked on the open door.
“Hey, man,” Sam answered as he placed the book down on his tummy and glanced at his friend.
Steve entered the room, picked a football up from the desk chair, and took up a seat.
“You okay, Sam?”
Sam let out a little sigh and then sat up on the bed.
“Yeah, course. Why wouldn’t I be?”
Steve gave him the raised eyebrow of concern and said, “Bucky.”
“Bucky and I are cool.”
“Yeah, no. I know. It’s just – he’s prickly sometimes. Do you really enjoy these Eff Valentine’s Day Movie Nights with him?”
“I love hangin’ out with him.”
“I know,” said Steve with a knowing look. “That’s why I’m askin’. I know exactly how much you love the time you spend with him. Just sayin’ it can’t be easy for you, having him talk about how anti-Valentine’s Day he is when you’re a huge romantic. And when those feelings of romance are aimed at him.”
“Damn it, Rogers,” said Sam as he leaped from the bed and rushed to close his bedroom door. “He’ll hear you.”
“So what? Maybe that’s a good thing,” said Steve. “Maybe it’s high time you told him about how you feel.”
“No way,” said Sam. “Fuck that.”
“Because he’s Bucky. We’re friends and roommates and he isn’t the romantic type. Even if he was, he wouldn’t feel like that about me.”
“How do you know that, Sam?”
“Because Bucky pretty much says what he thinks all the time,” said Sam with a little shrug of his shoulders and a plaintive look in his eyes. “If he felt anything towards me other than friendship, he’d have said already.”
Steve gave Sam a sympathetic look and said, “So, you’re happy to sit with him and watch god awful movies and listen to him shit all over something you actually used to enjoy?”
Sam placed his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants and glanced down at the floor.
“At least I get to be around him,” Sam replied, his voice laced with melancholy.
“You deserve romance, Sam.”
“Maybe,” Sam replied. “Maybe I need to get over this silly crush on Bucky and just move on.”
“Or you could tell him how you feel.”
“Yeah, I need to move on and get over him.”
Steve sighed and whispered, “Oh my god, my friends are dumbasses.”
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“Stevie? What d’ya think is the least romantic meal ever?” asked Bucky as he scrolled through apps on his phone. “Every place I’m lookin’ at has a Valentine’s Day Special Menu. It’s vomit-inducing.”
“Why won’t you ask Sam out on a date?”
Bucky nearly dropped the phone, but recovered quickly.
“Dunno what you’re talkin’ ‘bout, Rogers.”
Steve rolled his eyes.
“What I’m talkin’ about is this,” Steve said as he gestured to Bucky. “You going out of your way to plan these little anti-VD movie nights –”
“Anti-VD? That’s a terrible name for what we have planned.”
“Whatever, man. Don’t deflect.”
“Not deflecting.”
“You are.”
“Am not.”
“Whatever,” said Steve, somewhat exhausted. “My question still stands. Why do you put so much effort into planning these anti-Valentine’s Day hangouts with Sam, instead of, gee I dunno, asking Sam out and actually planning a cute, romantic date for him? For yourself?”
Steve could see the deep breath that Bucky took before he raised his eyes from his phone screen to meet those of his best friend.
“Sam doesn’t want that,” said Bucky quietly. “Well, he doesn’t want that with me. So, I’m gonna take whatever I can have with him, and if that means bad food and worse movies, then I’ll take it.”
“How do you know that Sam doesn’t want more from you?”
“Because why would he?” said Bucky, in the most self-deprecating way imaginable. “What could he possibly want from me? What could I even give him?”
“I’m not good enough for Sam, okay?” said Bucky as he closed the app, placed his phone in his pocket, and looked at Steve. “He deserves better than me. If all we’ve got is our silly movie night, then so be it. I’ll take what I can get.”
“You know that’s not true, right?”
“Do I?” asked Bucky with a forlorn expression on his face. “I appreciate you tryin’ to make me feel better, or whatever, but Sammy? He’s just not interested in me, and I don’t blame him.”
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“You’re really taking that thing on the train?” asked Bucky, as he chewed on a Slim Jim and stared at Steve and the giant teddy bear.
“Yes,” said Steve as he checked his appearance in the mirror hanging near their front door.
“I hope Peggy doesn’t dump you tonight,” Bucky proffered, jokingly, as he tied his hair back from his face.
“Funny,” Steve replied.
“You look nice, Steve,” said Sam as he entered the hallway.
“Thanks, Sam. Wow, so do you,” said Steve, looking at Sam dressed in his nice jeans and a white Henley that was probably a size too small. “I didn’t know Anti-VD Night had a new dress code.”
“Anti what now?” asked Sam, confused.
Bucky couldn’t even answer as he was too distracted by how gorgeous Sam looked.
“You’re overdressed for Craptastic Movie Night,” Steve clarified.
“Oh, right, yeah,” Sam said, brushing his hands down the front of his shirt. “I, ah. I’ve got a date tonight.”
“What?” said Bucky and Steve at the same time.
Sam turned to Bucky, who looked like all of the color had drained from his face.
“Yeah, sorry, Buck. I can’t make it to movie night. Someone asked me out, and I said yes.”
“Sam, that’s great,” said Steve, watching the interaction between his friends.
Sam was looking like he might throw up; Bucky was just standing there staring.
“Who is it?” Bucky queried; his jaw clenched.
“Uh?” Sam replied.
“Who asked you out?”
“Umm last week?”
“Thought you didn’t like the romance bullshit?” asked Bucky, trying to hide the hurt in his tone. “Now you’ve got a Valentine’s Day date?”
“I never said that,” Sam replied, defensively. “I never said I wasn’t into romance.”
“So, why do the movie nights with me?”
“Buck,” said Steve, seeing there was going to be an argument coming.
“Whatever,” said Bucky, as he walked back towards his room. “Have fun on your stupid fuckin’ date.”
Sam jumped at the sound of Bucky’s door slamming. Steve went to say something, but Sam shook his head and went back to his room to finish getting ready for his date.
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Bucky felt like he couldn’t breathe. His heart was hammering in his chest and hot tears stung at his eyes. What was happening? He had never snapped at Sam like that before, except for when they had first met, but that was ages ago. Their friendship had grown and matured. Bucky thought he had, too. But when it came to the thought of Sam getting out there dating someone who was not him, well, Bucky just couldn’t handle that.
He paced a few times, wondering if he should go back out and apologize to Sam for acting so abrupt. Instead, Bucky laid on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. His mind was racing. His chest hurt. He closed his eyes and listened as Sam left their shared apartment.
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Sam was in a daze as he made his way to the quaint eatery where he was meeting Scott for their date. Their Valentines Day date. Scott was a nice guy. He had shown interest in Sam, and had finally asked Sam out. At first, Sam declined, saying that he had other plans – which he really did. He had plans with Bucky. His friend, whom he was secretly head over heels for. But it was a silly thing to do, have a crush on a friend, a friend who wasn’t interested in anything romantic, so Sam decided to move on. Decided to text Scott back and tell him he was suddenly free. And so there he was, sitting across from a smiling Scott, being somewhat distracted from the date by thoughts of Bucky.
Why had he acted that way? It was just a movie night they’d been doing for the past three years. Why was Bucky so upset? Sam’s mind was swimming, and he felt guilt creep up inside. He and Bucky had never spoken about why Bucky hated Valentine’s Day so much. They just started doing the movie nights one year, and kept doing them. Sam was breaking their tradition to go on a date with someone else, and the truth was, he really wanted to be on a date with Bucky.
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“My two best friends are dumbasses,” said Steve as he and Peggy sat at her dinner table; the bear he had gifted her with for Valentine’s Day sat in one of the chairs near them.
“What happened now?” she asked.
“Oh, only they’re both in love with one another but won’t ask each other out,” said Steve. “Have been in love with one another for years, but thinks the other doesn’t see them that way. Dumbasses.”
“Why don’t they see what’s in front of them?”
“Honestly? I don’t really know.”
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 Three years ago…
 This is it, Bucky thought to himself as he smoothed down his clothes and fixed his hair. He walked slowly toward Sam’s bedroom with the little paper gift bag in his hand. He felt kind of silly. He had gone out and bought a small plush teddy bear for Sam. A Valentine’s gift for Sam.
They had been friends for a while, eventually roommates, and Bucky was smitten. Sam was great. He was funny, kind, gorgeous, and a little shit. How could Bucky not fall in love with him?
Bucky didn’t usually get in on the romantic stuff surround Valentine’s Day. Was usually single when the day rolled around. Wasn’t the best at communicating what he was really feeling deep down inside. But he felt safe with Sam. He knew Sam wouldn’t throw his affections back in his face, or make him feel uncomfortable. Sam was his friend, and he was hoping that he could be more, so Bucky planned the romantic gesture: Tell Sam how wonderful he was, gift him with a sappy teddy bear, and ask him if he’d like to spend the evening watching romantic comedies.
He stopped at the door, gift bag in hand, and took a deep breath. He heard Sam’s voice then. He was on the phone. Bucky really should not have eavesdropped, but he heard Sam say something that stopped him in his tracks.
“I just want to be friends with him, Sar,” he said, obviously speaking to his sister. “I don’t see him like that at all. Yeah, I know it’s Valentine’s Day or whatever, but I’m just not interested. Yeah. Yeah, alright. Love you, too. Bye.”
Before Bucky could run away, Sam turned and saw him standing there.
“Oh, hey Buck. I was just —" Sam took in the look on Bucky’s face. “Everything okay?”
Bucky hid the gift bag behind his back and said, “Yeah. Yeah, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to do a movie night tonight?”
Sam felt butterflies in his tummy. Was that the moment? Was Bucky finally going to make a move? Sam tried to bite down a smile.
“Like an Anti-Valentine’s Day thing? Cheap takeout, shitty movies. Laugh at all of the schmucks who take this shit seriously. What d’ya say?”
Sam felt his heart sink, but said, “Yeah. Umm, that sounds fun. Let’s do that. I mean, Valentine’s Day is for suckers, right?”
“Right,” said Bucky, feeling his heart drop down to the floor. “Fuck Valentine’s Day.”
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Bucky was covered in Cheeto dust, and he didn’t give a good goddamn. He laid back on the sofa and stared at the screen. He didn’t even know what was happening in the movie he had chosen. Wasn’t focused. All he could think about was Sam. Sam on his romantic date with Scott. Bucky pulled a face and hugged the couch cushion closer to his body.
He let out a ragged sigh. It was his own fault. He had every opportunity to ask Sam out, but never did. If some other guy was going to wine and dine Sam, then so be it. It’s what Sam deserved. He deserved to be treated to a night out. He deserved to be adored and doted on. He deserved romance. Bucky was just sad that he wasn’t the guy who was doing those things for Sam. He really wanted to be that guy, but he had fucked it all up. Besides, Sam didn’t want him like that. And no matter how much Bucky dreamed and wished and hoped for it, Sam just didn’t want him back.
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The date was not what Sam had thought it would be. Sam wanted romance. He wanted to be wined and dined. He wanted someone to adore him and dote on him. He just wanted that guy to be Bucky. But Bucky had this aversion to Valentine’s Day and romance in general. Sam respected that. Didn’t mean he would pine any less for his friend. He let out a sigh. He was in his own head, and Scott was looking at him expectantly.
“Sam, everything okay?”
Sam tried to smile, but it was sad, as he said, “I’m sorry, Scott. I can’t do this.”
“What happened? Did I do or say something to upset you?”
“No, it’s nothing you did or said. It’s just me. I – wow. Okay, so, to be one hundred percent honest with you, I’m into someone else. I thought I’d get back out there and try dating again, but I’m not ready. I mean, I am ready to date, but I only want to date this other person. I’m really sorry it took me until now to figure that out for myself.”
Scott looked dismayed, but he nodded his head.
“I get it,” he replied. “You deserve the world, Sam. I hope this other person sees that. I hope it works out.”
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It wasn’t too late when Bucky heard the front door open. Had to be Sam. Steve was staying at Peggy’s that night. Bucky sat up on his bed and swung his legs over the side. He listened. It sounded like Sam was alone. Bucky let out a relieved breath and then got to his feet.
He found Sam standing in their kitchen drinking orange juice directly from the bottle. He startled a little when he heard Bucky approach.
“Sammy?” he said softly; he sounded so small. “I’m sorry for how I acted earlier.”
“It’s fine,” said Sam as he turned and met Bucky’s eyes. They stared at one another a beat as Bucky placed the small gift bag on the table.
“What’s that?” asked Sam, looking at the bag.
Bucky cleared his throat.
“It’s for you,” he explained, looking nervous. “It’s a Valentine’s gift that I got for you like three years ago.”
Sam’s eyes went wide.
“I thought you hated Valentine’s Day and romantic shit?”
“I don’t know if I really do hate Valentine’s Day or not,” said Bucky, running a nervous hand through his hair. “What I do know is I loved spending those nights with you. Shooting the shit. Laughing at those dumb movies. Eating questionable food that our insides were gonna pay for later. I loved sitting with you and watching your reactions. I loved when we did marathons, and you’d fall asleep on my shoulder, drool and all. I guess it didn’t really matter what the occasion was, as long as I was doing it with you.”
Sam stood there and stared at Bucky. How was this his life?
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?” Sam finally asked.
“Because I overheard your call with Sarah,” Bucky explained. “I was literally standing at your door and heard you say you didn’t want anything more than friendship. I was there to ask you out, on Valentine’s Day, and I heard you say you didn’t want that kinda stuff.”
Sam squinted as he tried to recall what Bucky was talking about. He almost rolled his eyes when he remembered.
“You’re a dumbass,” said Sam, as he placed the orange juice bottle down on the counter. “I wasn’t talking about you. I was talking about Jerome from back home. He was askin’ Sarah about me. I only wanted to be friends with him. I wasn’t into him. I was into you. Dumbass.”
“Yeah, that conversation was not about you.”
“Well, why didn’t you say something?” asked Bucky, incredulous. “Why’d you agree to the movie night?”
“Because you were all like, fuck romance and shit blah blah blah. And I just wanted to be close to you, so I said yes.”
“So, you do like me like me?”
“Yes. And you actually like me, too?”
“Fuck, yes. I like you so much.”
“Me, too.”
“So, we’re both dumbasses?”
Sam let out a little laugh and said, “Yeah, looks that way.”
A beat of awkward silence floated around them before Bucky spoke.
“Here,” he said, pushing the gift bag towards Sam. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Sam gave Bucky a shy smile, and then reached behind himself to where he had set the orange juice bottle down.
He picked up a single rose on a long stem, held it out to Bucky, and said, “This is for you. Happy Valentine’s Day.”
The pair smiled bashfully at one another, and then moved forward. Bucky picked up the bag and approached Sam. He handed it over, as Sam gave him the rose.
“Thank you,” they each said in unison.
Bucky smelled the rose, and Sam peered into the bag. Inside was a small, brown teddy bear that was holding a red heart. Sam took it out and smiled.
“It’s adorable,” he said, meeting Bucky’s eyes. “I love it.”
Bucky smiled widely; happily. They swayed into one another’s orbit. Standing there, wrapped up in the sheer joy of the moment before Bucky spoke honestly, in earnest, and from the heart.
“I’m glad you love it, Sammy, because I –” he took a steadying breath, and said, “I love you. I’m in love with you.”
Sam dropped the teddy bear he had been gifted with and fell into Bucky’s space. Bucky caught him and held him close, his eyes darting from Sam’s pretty brown eyes, to Sam’s lips.
“I love you, too,” Sam whispered, as he pressed his forehead to Bucky’s.
Bucky smiled and let out a nervous, relieved laugh before saying, “I wanna kiss you so bad right now. Can I kiss you?”
“Yes,” Sam replied. “God, yes.”
They drew apart so that they could smile at one another, both giddy and scared and excited. Bucky cupped Sam’s face and said, “You’re so pretty.”
Sam blessed him with a coy smile before they leaned in and pressed their lips against one another. The kiss was unhurried and soft at first, before Bucky deepened it and Sam let him. They stood in their kitchen, kissing and smiling and giggling, each content in knowing that they had both received the best Valentine’s Day gifts ever.
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Are these just casual movie nights anymore?
Author Notes- so my friend on tiktok had done these 3 videos with her biases in each group and then what their booktok trope would be. And I told her I'd so write her these fanfics BASICALLY A YEAR AGO! AND NOW IM FINALLY PULLING THROUGH! I loved writing this tho. It made me giggle and kick my feet as I thought of the scenarios. Anyways Highway 1009 was what I was listening to on repeat... while writing this.
Pairings: Liliy & SKZ Hyunjin
Trope - Friends to Lovers
Story Tags & Disclaimers: Fluffy, Cute, Hasn't been edited or anything, it might be a little bad since I don't think I'm that good of a writer, English is my dominant language but not my first so I'm just BYElingual, Basically Idol x OC when really idol x bestie, idk what else to say... I hope yall enjoy
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For as long as they could remember, Liliy and Hyunjin always had movie nights once to twice a week since they were kids. It was always easy for them to do so when they lived right next door to each other.
Hyunjin always had a stash of Liliy’s favorite snacks in a locked box tucked away in the back of the pantry in his home, while Liliy would always have a duplicate of Hyunjin’s favorite hoodie and blanket stashed away in the small square ottoman that was always tucked in the corner of her family’s living room since no one in her family liked to use it due to its limited amount of storage space and they didn’t want to just get rid of it either. It cost good money for that little baby ottoman.
As the pair grew older, starting in middle school and continuing on, Liliy and Hyunjin started to celebrate a ‘friends’ Valentine’s Day together every year. They both weren’t really interested in casual dating like their peers.
This made many people suspicious of the true nature of their relationship but the pair always denied the dating allegations they received from both their mutual friends and classmates.
That brings us to today. Where our story takes place with a more grown Liliy and Hyunjin, now in university, living in the campus dorms.
On the opposite sides of campus from each other.
H: hey you still have time for our traditional singles valentine’s day?
L: of course, i wouldn’t miss it even if finals were around the corner
H: alright cool, give me a call when you get close to my dorm building and i’ll come out and walk you inside.
L: 👍🏼👌👍🏼
Hyunjin looked around the living room with a smile feeling accomplished and proud of the surprise that he planned with his roommates for Liliy. The boys helped him set up everything in the living room down to the sign.
They’ve been celebrating Valentine’s Day together every year since they were kids under the guise of being just friends but they just never wanted to admit the tension that would build up every year to themselves.
I know it’s pretty cliche right?
The pair had a secret crush on each other for YEARS and just kept denying it to themselves and everyone else around them, even their families.
Well- Hyunjin planned to change that forever. He wanted to make this night as memorable as possible for Liliy. He wanted this to be a joyful, one day nostalgic core memory for her. Something she can always fondly look back on as they’re growing old and gray together.
The boys were all out of the dorm suite and staying the night with their girlfriends tonight to give the pair privacy they need for something like this.
L: Jinnie Boy i am in viewing distance of your dorm building.
Hyunjin smiled at the text and took one last look around the living room before making his way to go and escort Princessa Liliy to hopefully a good night to remember forever.
Liliy eyed Hyunjin suspiciously as she was processing what he was requesting of her the moment they got to his floor. “Now, why do you want me to close my eyes before we go inside?”
“Don’t worry about it, when have I ever been unworthy of your trust?” he chuckled.
With that logic that she couldn’t deny, Liliy huffed in defeat and covered her eyes with both hands as she turned towards the front door. Hyunjin smiled and led the smaller girl inside the dorm suite making sure that she would not bump into anything.
Just as they made it to the living room Hyunjin leaned in close to Liliy tense, her heart racing a million miles per second. “Alright, you can open your eyes” he whispered as his lips ghosted over the shell of her ear.
With a small gulp, Liliy slowly lowered her hands and looked around the living room in shock. Hyunjin had set up a cozy romantic movie night picnic for the two of them. It was like something out of a romance book she had read and told him about.
“You put all of this together for me?”
Hyunjin’s heart swooned as he realized that she was getting a little emotional as she looked around the room slowly this time to take in each and every detail of the decorations, the cushions, and the picnic itself.
Before he knew it, his arms were securely wrapped around her waist, chin resting on her shoulder as he smiled, happy with her reaction.
“I hope it’s not too much, but I just- I wanted to be the one to end the friendship and take a leap in bringing our relationship to a different level”
Liliy leaned back into his embrace wiping away stray tears and giggled softly as she shook her head in disbelief. “You know it always baffled me on how you stayed single for all these years when you have treated me so well.”
“Well, I didn’t want anyone else and needed to make sure it was the right time before making this decision.” he responded as he kissed the top of her head.
“This is my official confession to you Liliy.” She pulled away from his embrace, turning to face him with a warm smile. She wanted to be as attentive as possible with the feeling that he has more to say.
“I have been falling for you more and more every day since we were in middle school. Now that we are where we are in life, I didn’t want to waste time by pretending like we aren’t anything more than just friends. I’ve finally admitted it to myself and now to you. I like you, I can feel that you like me too. So, will you officially be my girlfriend?”
She giggled as he got shy and looked down to his feet towards the end of his speech. Not sure if he was going to be rejected or not, Hyunjin kept his head tilted down.
“Yes Hyunjin, of course I will be your girlfriend”
His head shot up fast as he looked into her eyes to see if she was just joking around with him or if she was serious. With a cute little nose crinkle, she wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face in his chest. “It took you long enough to ask me, Jinnie Boy,” she teased.
Heat rose to Hyunjin’s cheeks as he wrapped his arms around Liliy in return and nuzzled her hair with a sigh of relief.
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kpophubb · 2 years
hi mia ~ I’m very happy to hear from you today even tho it’s kinda sad news …. Honestly it makes me upset that you're struggling with something and I cannot help where do anything and I can definitely feels it something is going on you know💔, as you said it yourself like you hv been there for me but it seems like I cannot be there for you…❤️‍🩹💔
Anyway I understand we deal with things in our own ways and I do respect it, I just wish you get well soon and just so you know like I'm here if you need me. But you already know that I will always stand by you..💖🤗
I thought you heard txt song , Cz u hv a bias there and it’s kinda interesting vibe SUGAR RUSH MMM
As for the job I am just so done with this like ,, u know I’m always sharing all this life difficulties , but I don’t expect you to help me anyhow , don’t worry 💖
Don’t feel pleasured to reply to this ask , take some time off if you need I just wish y well and happy Valentine's Day in advance💘
~ 🐁 anonie
Hi to my dearest and beloved 🐁 anonie 🥺💛 first of all to tell you that I’m doing so great today, see like I told you there’s really nothing about me to worry about cause I bounce back pretty fast lol.. I’m not only saying to make you feel better love but indeed I’m really so happy today thankfully 💓💓
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♡…So yesterday, I received this very special gift bouquet from a relative..I was so in tears bc she packaged it exactly like I like using vintage scrap paper and used a white dried rose and wrote a letter too in old paper. 🥹 I felt so special and you know what the gift was? A polaroid camera 😭🤍 white roses symbolise innocence, purity and loyalty that’s why she used that and she gave me a camera so I could capture my memories and adorn them. This entire gesture made me feel so so happy. I already bought a polaroid camera tho, now I have 2 haha.
♡… so then later I felt even more happy because I was journaling and I wrote poetry, it made me feel so much better cause indeed I feel so much in my element when I do these activities! Idk if you found my personal Pinterest link I left in previous ask, but I really love journaling and writing a lot so I felt so renewed and so relaxed.
♡… I was at my nana’s place these few days and believe me I felt so healed, my nana’s place is in the countryside I had so much fun plucking vegetables from the fields and also STARGAZING AND WATCHING THE MOON! 🌙✨ it felt so magical. I can’t really attach the pics here but if you’d like to see, I can write you a letter in another post and show you!!
♡…I bought some stationaries today and I also feel excited bc of it lol. I love collecting cute stationaries so much and esp the cotton candy colour palette (baby pink, baby blue, lavendar, powder orange) all these colours. They look so adorable I can’t wait to set up a desk space with them when I move! 😍
♡… I can understand how you feel my love about your life, and I also can realize how it makes you feel bad sometimes always ranting about your life to me (even tho it doesn’t bother me one bit) so for a change of topic, I was talking about my random life updates haha. You can too, for lightening the mood and helping you overcome that negative feeling love. 💖
♡… happy Valentine’s Day in advance and even tho I don’t celebrate it, I’d love to receive asks and talk to you on Valentine’s Day 🥺❤️🌹
𝕿𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖊 & 𝕴 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖄𝖔𝖚
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
Through The Heart Is The Only Way. Chapter Three. "Getting Closer." Poly!Chiffany X FEM! AFAB! Reader.
Hey, hey, hey! 
New chapter is here! Masterlist is here! Soooo I know, I know, almost two months with no new chapter, terrible of me, eh? But I got busy! Two year anniversary of this blog and my writing career, hitting 1,500 followers, doing a giveaway to celebrate and writing 15 some odd fics in like less than a month will do that. 
I appreciate the patience and I hope this 6K update is worth the wait! I am so excited to be getting back into this, I really love this chapter and the direction this is going. Just as the title suggests our triad is getting closer, more is happening and I hope you all eat this up! Let’s not linger any longer, here we fucking go!
Rating. SFW. Length 6K. Charles Lee Ray X Tiffany Ray Valentine X FEM! AFAB! Reader. She/Her Pronouns. Warnings. Alcohol Consumption. Smoking. Teasing. Flirting. Brief Mention Of Murder.Kissing. Not Much Else. 
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It’s not like you cared that much. 
Or at least that is what you tried to tell yourself anyway. 
It was hard to remain convinced of that though when they came into the club again that following weekend and that wide grin spread across your face upon seeing them. You were surprised but you shouldn’t have been, they said they would come back and true to their word they did. You had been at work around two hours and yet you found yourself fucking with your hair a little, eyes dropping down to your outfit, smoothing down your skirt, concerned that you still looked okay before you stopped. What were you doing? You were being ridiculous, they were your customers, nothing more, besides that they are together. 
You need to stop. Both the weird thoughts of wanting and the insecurity.
This was you we were talking about here and you are hot as fuck. You know that, you put in a ton of effort before leaving the house each day for work, looking good was part of your work, the better you look the better the tips after all. You shake off the current line of thought and decide to do another lap around to check on your other tables before making your way to them so you don’t seem overeager. 
You come up from behind, Tiffany was leaning against Chucky, he had an arm around her waist, they looked so good together like this. You choose when there was a lull in their conversation to greet them. “Hi! Hope you two haven’t been waiting too long.” 
They both seemingly perked up at hearing your voice, turned and you could see what they were wearing better. Did they ever look bad? Her in something short and tight and him in that space between casual and formal that he looked way too comfortable and right in. 
You wondered what they looked like outside of the setting of your work, when they weren’t dressed up for a night out. Either way their attire wasn’t helping these weird feelings you kept trying to push out of your mind. 
“Tiff look, it’s our favourite boy scout.” Chucky said easily and Tiffany gave him a gentle elbow to the ribs as her expression shifted to mild annoyance, taking what he said as if he was being a dick, “Hey c’mon now, that’s mean! She looks great.”  
You laughed, resting your drink tray on your hip. You corrected her, “No, no it’s a call back to something I said when we first met, he’s being cute.” 
Chucky rubbed at his side jokingly as if what she did actually hurt, a grin as he looked rather pleased with how you’d jumped to defend him. “Yeah, hear that? I’m being cute.” 
“Mmm real sorry for jumping to conclusions.” She said in a somewhat apologetic tone and he sighed as if he was doing her a big favour when he said, “I supposed I can forgive you.” 
“How generous of you.” She rolled her eyes fondly and gave him a kiss on the cheek. You enjoyed this, seeing how they were together, they were obviously a great fit. You liked the air about them and the banter they shared. 
You eye the light imprint of plum coloured lipstick she left behind on his face for a little too long as you ask with a smile, “So what can your loyal boy scout get you both?”
They order a couple of cocktails and you go get them and the night presses on. It’s a really good Saturday by all accounts. You get them more drinks and talk casually in between your other tables. You find yourself unable to stop yourself from constantly looking at them, stealing glances at them to see them drinking, laughing, talking, flirting, dancing and kissing. Whenever you catch those moments of deeper intimacy you do your best to force yourself to look away, you don’t want to and yet you do at the same time, something aches in your chest when you do. 
It’s only once you had bid them farewell and they left, that the club had closed down and you were walking to the train station that you realised the feeling that had settled into your chest was longing. 
You would see them being physically close and you were fucking pining, God, how pathetic could you get?
They were customers at your job and again they had each other! Who were you? Just some fucking waitress, one that they were probably just being nice to, maybe they tipped everyone this well? Were they this nice to everyone? It might be just who they are as people. You could barely focus on what Jackson was saying on the platform as you waited for your trains, you were too in your own head. You gave a small wave as he got onto his train, a nod and a promise to see him tomorrow. 
You wished you could be part of what they had but that was impossible. You made a small disgusted sound to yourself as you boarded the train, you needed to get over this. 
That night at home your bed feels lonely for the first time in a long time. 
Unbeknownst to you the pair of them talked about you on their own trip home that night. 
The club you worked at was a good time, reasonably priced as far as some other clubs in town go, a good atmosphere and better drinks but the real find, the best part? Was you. 
They liked you. They really fucking liked you. 
You were cute and fun, funny, attentive and while they were aware part of it could be simply because of you just doing your job but it didn’t read that way. The pair thought themselves able to judge people pretty well and there was some quality to you that read as being genuine in your care and interest of them. There was a possibility that you were just the best actor that they have ever seen but it was far more likely that you saw something in them the same way that they saw something in you. 
Not to mention the way you had been able to help lead them to some new victims and potentially could, to many more. 
They knew you’d been looking too, and had caught you stealing quite a few glances their way tonight. They definitely needed to do something about this. 
The next week passes by the same as always and you try not to linger on the thought of them and you manage to fall into a groove with your work and mostly stick to that. Until the weekend rolls around again. 
You expected to see them. Maybe that was stupid, no one said that they had to come in every single weekend, hell they didn’t even say: “See you next weekend!” 
So why did you keep looking to the doorway like they might come through at any moment? 
Point is they didn’t come on Friday or Saturday or Sunday and that was fine, rather you try to convince yourself it is. You’ve been trying to convince yourself of a lot of things lately it seemed.
You didn’t want to go home right away but for once all your coworkers were busy and had plans after work. You are really hungry and decide that fuck it, you can go get a little take out for yourself before going home. It’s early February, late and cold as hell and worse still it is pelting down with rain. 
You are in the mood for one thing in particular and there is only one place to fill such a craving, you rush to your favourite diner about two blocks over. You shake off your umbrella with a shiver before coming inside, it’s a near immediate relief, the diner is as warm and comforting as always. 
The place is slightly rough around the edges but the food is amazing, prices are stupid cheap, it’s open all night and right between your work and the train station. You walk up to the counter and sit down on one of the stools at the bar, a waitress with black hair that has served you countless times gave you a smile and held one finger up to show she’d be with you in a minute. 
You give a small nod to show you were fine with waiting and glanced over the menu briefly. You already knew what you wanted but still, you never know what might catch your fancy at the moment. 
She comes over and asks, “Hiya hon. What you lookin’ for tonight?” 
You push the menu aside as you ask, “Can I get an order of fries and a slice of the birthday cake special?”  She doesn’t bother writing it down and tells you it’ll just be out in just a minute.
Five minutes later the takeout boxes were bagged and you slide the money and an ample tip across to the waitress who takes it gratefully. You thank her and tell her to have a good night and she tells you the same. 
You walk over to the door, umbrella in hand and you hesitate, not wanting to brave the cold again so you take a moment, a deep breath before you are going to go back out and if you didn’t do that you wouldn’t have heard something that turned out to be vitally important. 
Two very familiar voices. One rougher telling some story in a clearly jokey tone and the other more feminine and laughing along and asking, “Uh-huh and then what happened?”
You look over your shoulder and see that the duo you’d been getting to know and had been invading your thoughts constantly were here. They were seated in a cosy looking booth in the back corner, the place was mostly empty and their voices carried easily in the space, reaching you no problem. You smile and without thinking about it you walk over and say, “No wonder I didn’t see you this weekend, you’ve been holding up here the whole time.”
Tiffany looked up at you first, with a wide smile as she said, “Oh my God, hi!” 
“Hey.” You said with a short nod to them both and Chucky asked, “What are you doing here?” 
You give a small shrug and hold up the bag as you said, “Work is done for the night and I was hungry, stopped by here for a little take out.” 
“Well it’s good to see you.” Tiffany said and it sounded sincere, they looked happy to see you. So happy that Chucky said, “Why don’t you sit down and join us?”
You weren’t expecting that. We're just going to come over and talk for a minute before facing the rain and going home to eat your food and sleep. You are a tad reluctant and so you say, “Oh I dunno-”
And they both press the issue, Tiffany asking sweetly, “Awe please?”
Chucky said after her, tone matching as he asked, “Yeah, please?” 
A beat as you really consider it and he asks with a thumb over his shoulder to the window being pelted with rain, “Are you really in that much of a rush to get back out in that shit?” 
He makes a great point. 
You are off tomorrow too, Sunday is bleeding into Monday, you got nothing to do and nowhere to be so you say fuck it to yourself and say with a laugh, “Alright, alright you wore me down, I’ll sit.” 
Tiffany made a small excited sound and Chucky shifted over on the booth seat so you could sit down comfortably and you slid in next to him.  
They both still looked good, not quite as good as they did out at the club but still way too attractive. 
You asked what they had gotten up to and they told you Friday was dinner out, Saturday was a small get together with some friends. Sunday they just stayed in and took it easy, a real lazy day, this was the first time they got out all day. The pair were having some breakfast food, nothing like eggs, bacon, toast and hash browns with fresh fruit past midnight. Once again they are showing you they have good taste. 
They asked how work was this weekend and gave a brief apology for not stopping in, to which you waved off with a scoff, “Oh God it’s fine, I mean I practically live at the club but that doesn’t mean that you should.” 
You appreciate the fact they apologised anyway though and you respond to their original question saying, “It was a fine weekend, busy, good money but not as good as it could have been.” 
Tiffany had picked up her coffee cup and asked, “What coulda made it better?” 
You were starting to unpack your take out as you said teasingly, “Obviously if my two best customers didn’t abandon me it would have gone from fine to great.” 
A small chuckle from Chucky as he asked, “You miss the extra tip money that much?”
“More the interesting conversation. I can only potlietly smile and bat away the guys tryna fuck their waitress so many times before it truly becomes dull.” It wasn’t a lie, at least a couple times a night you’d get guys who would turn to you when they struck out too many times with single girls at the club. 
“That a big problem for you?” He asked, adjusting in his seat, facing you better, his body language seemed a little more tense, was that concern? Was HE concerned about you?
You fight back the urge to grin at the thought, you push it down, mentally telling yourself to not get your hopes up. 
“Not that bad. Nothing I can’t handle.” You look between him and Tiffany who didn’t seem fully convinced until you said, “Really, I mean it, promise!” 
They both seemed to relax a touch at that and let it go, you got the sense they wanted to say more but instead Tiffany asked, “So what’d you get?”
You say, “Fries and the birthday cake special.” You pop open the containers and show them the crispy and seasoned fries and the vanilla funfetti cake with the sky blue buttercream icing, decorated further with looping swoops of bright pink on the sides and edges. 
“That your usual go to?” He asked and you nodded as you picked up a fork, “Yeah, what can I say, I’m a sucker for salty and sweet together late at night. It’s not an all the time thing but it's nice to indulge every now and again right?” 
“More than nice, I’d say it’s necessary.” Tiffany said and you asked, “Yeah you think so?” 
“I know so, you gotta give into those urges or you’ll go crazy.” The smile she wore when she said that made that same warmth flicker in your chest and Chucky gave her a knowing look, must be some shared joke or reference. You had no idea how long they’ve been together but clearly it’s been a while for them to develop this particular brand of closeness. 
“You seem to know what you are talking about. You indulge often?” You ask in a rather playful tone and Chucky nearly snorts into his coffee before saying, “More than you know.” 
She flips him off with a sweet smile and he simply grins and throws her a wink in response. You look back down to your plate as you pick up a fry and you ask, “So are you both native to Chicago?” 
That gets a laugh from her, “Does it sound like it?” Fair, that is on you.  
He fills in the blank as he says, “We’re from Hackensack, you know, in New Jersey?” 
Oh wow, decent jump, that is easily a twelve hour drive straight. You get a dumb thought and go with the urge, “Ahh that is where they invented hackie sack, right?” 
He looks unimpressed as if he’s definitely heard that one before and you giggle from his expression before going on and saying, “Oh wait. No, it’s it the home of cock and ball torture! That’s right! I always get that and hackie sack confused.” 
Tiffany laughed loudly at that, almost choking on her bite of toast and Chucky leaned forward, closer, slightly amused and he asked, “Okay, okay, and where are you from?” 
You tell him before taking a bite of your cake, it’s as delicious as always, rich and moist and familiar, hits the spot perfectly. 
He thinks for a moment, clearly trying to think of his own joke but he comes up empty and Tiffany touches his forearm as she asks sweetly, “Don’t think too hard, I know this place allows smoking but I think they mean cigarettes.” 
Fuck, she was funny. You liked seeing her tease him, it was sweet, fond. You watch as he jerks his arm away telling her with the smallest amount of bite, “Don’t patronise me.” 
“Stop making it so easy and sure, I’ll give up the habit.” She spears a piece of cantaloupe on her sharp nail and brings it up to her mouth and you make yourself look down at your own food again, you need to stop staring at her lips. 
“So why’d you leave?” You asked. 
He was dipping the end of a piece of toast into his egg yolk, you notice that he likes his eggs over easy while she prefers her scrambled with what looks like chives. 
He responds, “Sometimes you just need to get away.” 
She covers her mouth with her hand, not wanting to be rude as she was eating, “What about you?”
You shug and were honest as you said, “Same thing. Needed a change.” 
“And what do you think?” He was pulling out his pack of cigarettes from his jacket and you asked, “What?”
Tiffany gestures that she wants one and he holds it so she can snag one as she asks, “Was it a good change?” 
You smiled and said. “Yeah. Best one I think I ever made.”
“Gotta say I like it so far too.” He admitted as he held out his lighter for Tiffany to light up and she agreed with that. 
The conversation continued on, a few cups of coffee and a couple of hours later the rain had stopped and you were all leaving. The three of you stepped out back onto the damp street somewhere well after three in the morning. You had gotten some coffees yourself and the pair had paid from them on their bill while you were in the bathroom and you were thanking them again for it. 
“It was only a few bucks, don’t worry about it honey.” Tiffany assured and Chucky nodded, “Yeah, you can get us back next time.” 
Honey. Next time. She called you honey and there was going to be a next time. You liked that thought a little too much. You play it cool and tell them you’ll remember that. It’s time for you to part ways and Chucky told you,  “Have a good night, eh?”
“Yeah, get home safe!” Tiffany called out with a wave as they headed in the opposite direction and you told them, “Same for you two! Bye!” 
You come away with a better understanding of them and you walk home with a big smile, trying not to hold out too much hope and remind yourself that you shouldn’t be too excited. They were just nice, just friendly, right? 
You see Tiffany a few days later. She came into your work. She had gone out for dinner with some friends and thought of you and brought you her leftovers. “That isn’t weird right? My friends got this appetiser for the table and I didn’t have my share and didn’t finish my fries so it’s not like I actually took any bites out of it.” 
You were already smiling as you listened to her and she continued, “I thought of you and how you might appreciate the snack.” 
She thought of you. Brought food for you and you almost honestly swoon. You take out the offered box, “Thank you so much! You are so sweet. You really didn’t have to do this.” 
“Awe stop, it’s nothing.” She tucked a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear and you wished you could have done that for her. You tell her, “It’s not nothing and seriously, thanks.” 
She left shortly after that, you ate at the bar perched on a stool and the food was still warm and tasted so good. Logan tried to get one of your fries and you smacked his hand, “Did I say you could have one?”
He shook his hand as if you had seriously hurt him, over exaggerating the pain, “Ow, no, you didn’t. Where the fuck did you get this anyway? We don’t have a kitchen here and you’ve been here the whole night.” 
You picked up another fry and popped it into your mouth before saying, “Did you not see her? One of my sweet regulars came in and brought this for me.” 
“Oooh who?” He asked with a big smile and you said, “You’ve probably seen her around, tall, gothy kind of look, totally stunning.” 
“You mean the blonde bombshell who’s been splashing cash like crazy for you? She’s with that dude right? The one who wanted your name?” 
You give a single nod, “Ding, ding, ding. Correct on all counts.” 
“Well lucky you. I won’t steal anymore, you enjoy your treat.” Someone gestured for his attention and he made a move to go serve them and you told him, “Thanks, I will.” 
And enjoy it thoroughly you did. 
The next weekend they both come in again. 
You don’t play as coyly, don’t fuck around. You are attentive, almost like you can’t stay away, you spend a lot of time with them while still not neglecting your other tables. You get them whatever they need, a few drinks, some conversation and jokes and definitely a little flirting. 
You requested a song Tiffany wanted and Jackson of course played it no problem. You were bringing another round of drinks and found Chucky at their table alone. You set the cocktails down as you say, “Here you go.”
“Thanks.” He said simply before taking a drag of his current cigarette and you ask, “So tell me are you a menthol man?” 
That gets him to laugh on the exhale, “Oh my God-” You grin and ask, “What?”
“Hilarious, really. How long have you been waiting to use that one?” He sounded more amused than annoyed, a lazy smile on his face. 
“Not that long, like maybe a week?” You respond. 
“Your self restraint is somethin’ to marvel at.” He is in a really good mood tonight. But why wouldn’t he be? It’s Friday night, he’s out with her girlfriend, drinking and making merry, who wouldn’t be pleased as fucking punch?
“You flatter me with such sweet words.” You said as you decide to stop, all your other tables are good for a moment, you might have been hauling ass to make sure that could happen so you could have a small break to chat with them. You lean against the table and ask, “Where’d she get off to?” 
You were sure she’d thank you for ensuring her song got played and he gestured with the drink now in his hand, “Out on the dancefloor.” 
Your eyes follow his and see her out there, beautiful as ever in dark blue velvet and swaying to the music and you realise this whole time he hadn’t looked at you once when you came over. He was looking at her. Your gaze falls on his face and you see the expression, it’s clear how much he loves her. 
You ache a little. 
You wish for what they have. A not as quiet as you wished part of yourself wished he or she’d look at you like that. 
An unexpected wave of emotion runs over you at that. You break away and excuse yourself, he seems surprised by the abruptness of your departure but lets you go all the same as he calls after you, “Alright.” 
You make a beeline for the back hall. 
Thankfully there is no line. You come into the bathroom and find an empty stall and you go inside. 
Why are you being like this? You need to get it together. You take a deep breath in an attempt to steady yourself, it sucks, this all sucks.
You click and connect with them both so well but you’ve only known them for a little over a month by this point. You need to get over it. You wipe at your eyes frustratedly, you weren’t going to let this emotional hiccup ruin your make-up when you shouldn’t even be feeling this much over practically nothing. 
You give yourself another moment to straighten yourself out before leaving the stall and you practically run into Tiffany who had somehow entered the bathroom without you hearing it. You really need to stop running into her like this, you open your mouth to say that in some attempt of making a joke but her expression makes you stop. 
She looked concerned. 
“Are you okay, hon?” She sounded concerned too. You make sure to keep some distance between you and her as you take a step back. 
You do your best to hide how you are feeling. You force a smile and say, “Yeah Tiffany, I’m fine.”
“You don’t sound fine. You don’t look fine. You look like you were almost crying.” She took a half step closer and you took one back, a nervous laugh leaving your lips. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
She was too astute and could see right through you. Lying was never your strong suit when some more serious shit was on the line, like such complex emotions. 
“Really it’s nothing-” She isn’t having it. 
She cuts you off. “It’s clearly not.” 
She isn’t gonna let this go. You need to still get her to let it go so you say, “It doesn’t matter, I just-...I have some issues that can’t be fixed. I need to just get over them.” 
A pause that is full of tension and things unsaid.
You can’t look at her. Your eyes fixed on the singular tile on the floor between your heels and hers. She says, “I think I know what it is.” 
She does? “I see you looking and I look too.”
You look up and your eyes lock with hers, surrounded and lined with black and glitter. She takes another step forward and you take one back and your spine meets the pillar between two stalls. You cannot move back anymore, she steps again and is nearly pressed to you. She is taller than you but add on her choice of heels and forget about the fact you are wearing some yourself, she still beats your height easily. 
You haven’t looked away, neither has she, you speak softly, can feel your heart rate picking up, “Tiffany what are you doin-”
Her hand takes yours and it stops your sentence short, what she says next is so sincere it is almost unbelievable but of course the tone is genuine, “You’re gorgeous to me.”
You have no time to respond, her head dips down and she kisses you. 
Your eyes go wide, your hand squeezes hers in shock and she hums sweetly. 
This is happening. You weren’t expecting this, anyone but certainly not her kissing you in your works bathroom. It wasn’t like a club bathroom isn’t used to seeing a lot of action but it just never had with you. Also she was into you? 
You thought she’d been flirting a little but who knows? You weren’t about to make a move, the odds of the woman you were into also being into men and women were nearly astronomical. Being very decidedly not straight wasn’t something most people could be open publicly about. You had to be very careful and extremely sure that the object of your affection swung that way and wasn’t just overly sweet or it could spell all kinds of trouble. Clearly, luckily, she was like you in this regard, talk about striking gold.
But this wasn’t like you, getting involved with a customer, especially one who is already seeing someone but-
Her lips are so soft, she tastes so good and she is warm and your mind swims, so you kiss her back. It feels amazing, she feels amazing, this feels so fucking right, more than it had any right to. When was the last time you had been kissed like this? Or just kissed at all?
Leaning up on the front of your heels and your lips move against hers and she presses you harder into the unrelenting surface at your back and you enjoy every shared move of your lips and hers. You recall what she said back in the diner and you decide this is a perfect moment to just not think and instead, indulge. 
It goes on for another moment that is somehow blissfully long and far, far too short.
She is the one to break the kiss with a sigh and your eyes flutter back open to see her still so close to you. God, she is beautiful and holy shit, such a good kisser. 
As soon as her hand slips from yours and she takes a step back you feel guilty. 
What about Chucky? What does this mean? You start to panic, your mind races and your breathing changes and she immediately takes notice, her hands cradle your face and she coos to you, “Hey, hey.”
You look into her eyes again and she tells you, “Listen to me. Don’t worry.”
The way she looks at you and says it, something about it just soothes you, against all odds it works. Your mind is calm and you stop worrying. She smiles and asks, “Okay?”
You take another deep breath and give a single nod with a soft smile, “Okay.”
You leave the bathroom hand in hand and once you finish walking down that long hallway that leads from the restrooms to the dance floor you let each other go. You focus on your other tables and you don’t say a proper goodbye, they both give you a wave on their way out the door because they see you are busy and you return it.  
The club closes less than an hour after that and you are still giddy. 
Jackson asked you, “Is that the same lipstick you had on earlier? I coulda sworn it was lighter.” You brushed him off as you teased him, “Duh, of course it is, maybe you are finally losing your mind?” 
It works, he laughs and drops it, “Guess so.” 
You can’t help it. 
She likes you and fuck, you like her too.
You don’t know what this means but for now you are just going to enjoy this. You go home after closing up high on her perfume and lipstick smudged on your lips altering the lip colour you’d chosen that night. You are unable to feel the February chill, much too warm for it to seep through your coat. 
You sleep insanely well that night. 
You float through your day and the next night at work the pair comes in again. You serve them but you feel a little weird about seeing Chucky. You can’t quite meet his gaze and don’t hang around them as long as you normally would. 
You keep some distance and they definitely notice. 
Tonight you were really busy and it did give you a little bit of plausible deniability, that you were occupied with your other tables and your work. The evening flies by, they leave at some point and you didn’t see them go, you feel bad about that. 
You leave the club after closing down and find that they are still there. Waiting outside sharing a smoke and Chucky says, “There she is.” 
“Hey you two.” You greet before asking, “Why are you both still here?”  
Tiffany says, “You were awfully busy tonight, feels like we barely saw you, thought we might walk you to the train station.”
Oh shit. You tried to think up an excuse why they couldn’t but your mind was blank. You didn’t give them as much attention that you should have tonight and to make up for it you should let them take you to the station, it’s the least you could do when they are so nice. 
“Yeah sure, that’d be great. Jackson is my usual walking buddy but he had to go early.” You smile and off you all head. 
You feel awkward. 
It’s quiet. Just the sound of two sets of heels, yours and hers and his dress shoes on the wet sidewalk and a thought enters your head. Something you meant to ask the other night. You speak and ask them, “How did you both meet?”
They share a look and Tiffany laughs softly as does he, “Would you believe at a nightclub?”
You smile genuinely at that, “No shit.”
“Yeah, I uh was actually out for a drink and I ended up talking with this girl and her and I clicked a little and she suggested something pretty out there and I went with it.” 
You question him, “Out there how?” 
“A threeway.” She fills in with a grin and your mouth falls open. “You suggested a threeway?!”
She had to be kidding. Chucky said, “Oh no she didn’t. Tiffany was the other girl that me and the first girl picked up.” 
Oh so he was out with someone totally different and they picked up Tiffany for a threesome? How’d they get here then? 
“Yeah and fuck am I ever glad she suggested it.” Tiffany said as her shoulder playfully nudged him.
He said, “The other girl was okay but nothin’ in comparison to Tiff. We got alone and the chemistry-” His sentence stopped to take an inhale of his cigarette. 
Tiffany says on an exhale, “Amazing, totally crazy.” 
“Right. I couldn’t keep my hands off of her, forgot about the other chick and we’ve been together ever since.” Chucky finished the story and you?
Your heart races. 
A threeway. 
That was how they fucking met, they had a threeway the very first night. You made yourself ask your next question as evenly as possible, trying to keep the massive excitement out of your tone. “So you are uh, still down for that?”
You have made it to the station, it’s quiet again. 
It’s late and there is almost no one else around. They share a look before looking back at you and Tiffany asks, “Are you down for that?”
Chucky dropped the last of his smoke, he exhaled, fingers ran through his long hair and stomped it out before he stepped closer as he asked, “Yeah are you?” 
Did they seriously just ask you that? What should you say? You knew what you wanted to say but was it a good idea or rather a smart idea?
You can’t think too hard, they are here right now, they obviously want an answer and you want to give them one. This is what you were hoping for, what you wanted, isn’t it? Why are you hesitating so much?
You work up the nerve with another deep breath, Chucky is so close to you. Whatever cologne he is wearing is so good, it pushes you forward, you nod and swallow hard. Hand reaches up, wraps around his tie once and you say, “Yes.” 
You lean up and tug on his tie at the same time and you kiss him.
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rin-eko · 3 years
Valentines Day with ToT Men 
Warnings/tags: fluff, suggestive in Marius’ part 
a/n: I know I said I wouldn’t write for ToT but I got a sudden urge so don’t mind me 
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Artem Wing 
He knows he’s been neglecting you for work. Even though he’s inexperienced when it comes to love, even he can tell that your emotional and physical needs haven’t been being met as of late.
He misses you, too. Misses seeing you smiling so sweetly when he comes home, dinner hot and ready to eat as you chat about your days. Lately he’s been coming home so late you’re already fast asleep tucked in bed and the food has gone completely cold. And even though you’re so supportive and never grow angry with him for it, he still feels guilty.
So, on valentines day he makes sure the whole day is cleared so he can make up for cancelled dates and missed calls. While you meet up with your friend for shopping in the morning, he ducks to the shops with a mask and sunglasses as if he’s on a stealth mission. Of course, he’s still wearing a designer three-piece suit as he browses the discount party store for supplies, embarrassed under the teenage employee’s baffled stare.
He has your day memorized. You’ll only be home later, and you’ve naturally assumed he’ll be working all day, so he has plenty of time to plan.
His palms sweat, wondering if you’ll appreciate the surprise or think it’s too cheesy. Is it really enough to make up for how much he’s been working and leaving you on your own? It doesn’t matter. He’ll do whatever it takes to show you how much he appreciates you.
When you open the door to your shared apartment later in the evening and turn the corner to the kitchen, you’re shocked when a shower of confetti rains upon you, streamers popping in the air.
And there your boyfriend is in the middle, with a clumsy smile and flushed cheeks as a party hat sits lopsided on his head.
Relief sweeps through him when a delighted smile spreads across your face, your eyes shining brightly. “What is this?”
“It’s for valentine’s days,” he mumbles, embarrassed. “It’s our first valentines together, so I thought it should be celebrated properly.”
You scan the kitchen. From the red petals covering the floor to the cake covered in whipped cream and fruit. Lit candles and sparklers stick out from the icing, and there’s a bunch of wrapped gifts of different sizes sitting in a pile on the counter.
You giggle, walking over to stand by his side. You reach up to touch his sparkly red party hat. “I think these are meant for birthday parties, though.”
He sighs and pulls it off. “I’m sorry.”
You shake your head with a soft smile. “No, I love it. Thank you, Artem.”
“Really? You don’t need to say that just for my sake. I know it’s cheesy, but I just wanted to do something for you because we haven’t been spending as much time together lately.”
You tackle him with a big hug, leaning up to peck kisses all over his face.
“I mean it. I understand how dedicated you need to be for your job, and I love how hard you work. I’ve never been mad at you. But thank you for this.” He’s so cute. You can’t resist leaning up to fix the party hate on his head again, fixing the elastic below his chin.
“Do you have one for me, too?”
He nods, leaning down to fish in a shopping bag for a matching hat. You both laugh when you stare at each other’s ridiculous state, made more so when you scoop some icing on your finger and wipe it on his nose.
Even though it looks more like a birthday party, and is lacking the touch of a practiced romantic, it’s perfect.
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Vyn Richter
He could go on for days about the different chemicals in the human brain that make up what people call “love”. He could say it’s a mixture of physical attraction and hormones and can be explained in a completely logical way.
But that would be hypocritical of him. Because there’s nothing logical about the way he feels for you. You have nothing in common. From the moment you met he’s tried to decipher what goes in your mind and has come up completely blank.
You’re a mystery. A mystery that he’s fallen completely in love with.
Which explains why he’s going to such efforts on a day he’s never paid any mind to before.
He wonders what stage you’re at. Surely you’re close. He’s brimming with anticipation, his heart beating rapidly at the thought of seeing you.
You had gone home, expecting to find your partner in his office but instead finding a note with his perfect handwriting.
My love, your beauty astounds me. You’re as perfectly created as blood red roses. Delicate, and yet not without thorns.
After much scratching of your head and texting him to no avail, you finally deciphered he wanted you to go into the gardens to the prickly red rose bushes, where you found another note tied neatly to a branch.
From there, you travelled from clue to clue, smiling wide at each note he had left.
The first time you told me you loved me…
In the master bathroom, after you had just moved in together and he was casually brushing his teeth. You wrapped your arms around him from behind and squeezed him tight, whispering something so life-altering in his ear.
You are the only one who has ever told me they don’t like the sound of my piano playing.
Where I’ve hidden your favourite chocolate because you never want to eat anything else, (I know you know the hiding spot, don’t try to pretend. Do you think I don’t notice when nibbles go missing?)
Note after note was left for you to find until the last one, each accompanied by a red rose until you were holding a bouquet of them.
Our favourite place…
You ran up the hill behind the house, where you and Vyn had countless picnics as he explained confusing theories and you refuted them with your own ridiculous, illogical arguments.
And there he was, standing over a picnic blanket with food and a bottle of wine.
You were breathless at the sight of him, lit so beautifully under the full moon as he reached a hand toward you and tilted his head, lips kicking up.
“Come to me, my love.”
You ran to him, jumping into his arms as he laughed and hugged around your waist.
“Happy valentine’s day, my love,” he murmured into your hair.
“Happy valentine’s day. Thank you for the roses,” you mumbled, feeling choked up over the effort he had gone to.
“You’re welcome. Shall we eat? I’ve made all your favourites.”
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Luke Pearce 
He has better things to do than celebrate Valentine’s day, to be honest. He told you as much when you asked him what the two of you would be doing.
“I’ll probably just work, I don’t think Valentine’s day is a big deal.”
Unbeknownst to him, you had deflated on this inside. You had been looking forward to celebrating your first Valentine’s day with him for months.
“Oh, okay then,” you forced a smile, retreating to your shared room to rip up the list of activities you had created for the two of you to do together on Valentine’s Day.
You think maybe he’s just saying that so he can surprise you on the day. But as morning fades into afternoon on valentine’s day and he continues to hole himself up in his work area, you realize that he really doesn’t care about the celebration.
“What’s for dinner? I’m starving,” he yawns as he exits his workspace later in the evening, scratching under his shirt.
“Instant ramen,” you reply dully.
“Yum.” He flops onto the sofa and begins scrolling though his phone. You falter. He really doesn’t know that you care about this day dedicated to love.
“I’m going to the shops,” you mumble, kicking some shoes on at the doorway and exiting before he can see tears forming in your eyes.
You’re being ridiculous, you know. How is he supposed to know if you don’t tell him? But won’t he think you’re annoying for caring so much about such a cliché day?
You return home with red-rimmed eyes and a bag full of instant ramen and snacks, finding him in the same place as before.
“Dinner will be ready soon,” you murmur, putting on the kettle.
You jump when you feel his arms wrap around your waist. “What flavour did you get? Beef laksa… sweet.”
You avert your gaze as you move about the kitchen, afraid he’ll notice the state of your puffy face.
But Luke is nothing if not perceptive, and it only takes a minute for him to take your hand, gripping your chin to tilt your face up to meet his frowning one.
“Have you been crying?” he asks.
You look down. “What? No.”
“You have. Stop,” he orders when you try to escape his grasp.
You grit your teeth, feeling your eyes well again as your emotions get the better of you.
“What’s wrong?” he panics. “Did something happen at the shops? Don’t cry.”
“Nothing happened, I’m just tired,” you furiously swipe at your eyes when more uncontrollable tears roll down. “I’m fine.” Your voice breaks and he clicks his tongue, immediately pulling you into his chest.
“You’re not fine. Talk to me, baby. I don’t like seeing this.” He leans back to wipe your tears away with the pad of his thumb.
“It’s just me being silly,” you sob, covering your face with your hands as he strokes your back. His heart clenches in pain at your tears. He’ll kill whoever put them there.
“It’s not silly if you’re crying over it. Tell me, what is it? I’ll fix it for you.”
You’re blubbering the reason out before you even realise. “It’s b-because it’s valentines day today, a-and I really wanted to celebrate it with you. I know it’s stupid, but I really wanted to!” you cry.
His chest freezes. Was that today? He’s never celebrated it before so he never cared about keeping track of it. He never really understood the hype around it.
But you clearly do, and he wants to punch himself in the face for not realizing sooner how much you wanted this.
Each of your sniffles pierces his heart. You’re so sensitive he should have realized after you had that one short conversation about valentines day months ago that it wasn’t over.
His heart aches. “Shh, baby. I’m sorry, I didn’t even realise that was today. I didn’t realise how important it is to you. I’m sorry.”
“I’m being silly! I just need to cry it out and I’ll be fine,” you pull away from him to delicately wipe the corners of your eyes with your sleeves.
“It’s not fine,” he says firmly. “Do you think I’ll be happy not celebrating valentines day after I’ve seen you cry like this? I’m only happy when you are. Get ready, we’re going out.”
You sniffle and look up. “W-What?”
“You’ve been wanting to go to that carnival, right? Let’s start there and see how we go. I promise to win you a bunch of prizes.” Not that it will make up for how he’s hurt you, but it’s a start.
He feels like he himself is about to cry when you smile in disbelief, looking at him like he’s just solved world hunger.
Fuck, if he knew how much you wanted this he would have spent months planning the perfect day for you. He never wants to see you crying because of him.
“Are you sure?” you ask. “It’s already late and you must be tired after working all day. We can go some other time.”
Yeah, he’s exhausted from being cooped up doing desk work all day. Even his brain hurts. But it’s nothing compared to the tightness of his chest when you cry.
“But it wouldn’t be a valentine’s date if we went on another day, now would it?” he cups your face, planting a quick kiss to your lips. “Go get ready, I’ll take you wherever you want to go. If it’s important to you, it’s important to me.”
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Marius von Hagen 
Marius and you have never been strict about Valentine’s Day. You have a relaxed relationship. If you want to show your love to each other, you can do it on whatever day you want. You don’t need a specific day to remind you to appreciate each other.
So on valentines day, the two of you lazily lounge in the comfort and warmth of your own home. He’s wearing loose sleeping pants and an oversized sweatshirt, showing off his elegant collarbones while you wear a short, silk robe.
You’re both sneaking glances at each other. His elegant jawline as he tilts his head to observe the painting he’s working on. The tantalizing glimpse of your breasts whenever you shift and your robe parts slightly.
You sit by the window as you read a book and listen to the rain patter outside, the stuffed bear he gifted you tucked under your arm. He’s finishing a painting, humming over the cool blues as he tries to find the perfect shade.
He’s so engrossed in the work he doesn’t notice when you put your book down and stretch before padding over to him, peeking over his shoulder.
“Mm. It’s beautiful.”
His brushes and palette clatter to the ground as he startles, having not sensed you.
“You scared me.”
“You’re clumsy,” you chuckle, bending to pick the tools up.
That is so not a good image for a son of the von Hagen family. He’s glad only you see this side of him.
You look up at him. “I’m sorry, these paints have been mixed. You’ll have to do them again.”
He shakes his head, unbothered. All he can concentrate on now is the view he has down your pajamas.
You yelp when he pulls you into his lap, silencing you with a kiss.
Your lips easily yield under his as he cups the back of your head and tilts his head up to deepen the kiss.
“I want to paint you,” he mumbles into your lips, and you shiver at the rough strokes of his voice. He smells so good. His skin is so smooth, his jaw hard and sculpted when your fingers run up it to tangle in his hair.
“You’ve painted me a dozen times,” you breathe, breathless when you pull away from the kiss. His arms wrap around your waist, yours looping his neck.
He shakes his head. “Not like that.” He leans down and picks up a brush and palette again, surprising you when he touches the brush to your skin, the paint cold against your sternum. He looks up at you. “Like this.”
You can’t look away from him as he swirls the brush over your skin, parting your robe further and further until it’s dropped off your shoulders and you’re bare in front of him.
Swirls of blue run over your body, the cool paint tightening your nipples as you concentrate on breathing and try not to look at how gorgeous he is.
“Let me… Let me do you, too,” you pant. You both assist in pulling his sweatshirt off, and then he’s beneath you, lean body perfectly smooth. A canvas ready for you to paint.
And you do. As he traces lines of blue over your collarbones and neck, you twirl brushes of orange and red over his chest and abs until you can’t take the tension in the room any longer and you have to steal another kiss from him.
He groans into your mouth, discarding his palette somewhere to the side so he can grip you tighter, pull you flush against his chest.
“You’re so beautiful,” he breathes. “So mine.”
“Look who’s talking.”
You spend your Valentine’s day with Marius covered in paint and pressed close together.
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whiskeynwriting · 2 years
Babe. Idk about you but it’s like 75 and sunny where I’m at and my brain is stuck on babycakes and daddy Jack 😍 (honestly this scenario could also work for Frankie baby) Thots below:
Spring is in full bloom. Babycakes has been doing some spring cleaning, the house is all clean,candles are lit all over, windows open to let the breeze in. She’s got her favorite sundress on, looking cute! And let’s say Jack comes home from work early to surprise her( or maybe he’s been out doing something, either way he’s not been at home lol) He’s got a big bouquet of flowers 💐 bc they reminded him of her💕 and she’s in the kitchen baking some cookies. He walks in and sees her, she has her back to him and hasn’t heard him come in so she’s just humming and baking away. Daddy Jack is so smitten and in love and the human form of 😍 bc that’s his baby! But obvi she turns around and jumps bc oh shit jacks home lol and she’s all awe 😍 when she sees the flowers and runs to him and practically jumps in his arms and showers him with kisses and the tightest hug ever.
Okay honestly I originally was thinking thots about getting railed in a sundress but this took a super fluffy turn instead lol don’t worry tho I’ll be back with thots but possibly with another Pedro boy 😉
Did I damn near make myself cry while writing this? Yes. Do I regret it? Absolutely fucking not.
Before You
Agent Daddy Whiskey x Female Reader
1k Follower Celebration
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI) mentions of sex, established relationship/marriage, mentions of death and widowship, sad Jack to happy Jack (we love to see it, that’s my baby)
A/N: This made me emotional. If this doesn’t scream “Agent Whiskey is my comfort character” I don’t know what will. Baby, I love you <3
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They reminded him of you; delicate, soft, and pretty enough to catch your eye even from a glance. He’d stopped by to pick up your favorite bottle of wine, and once he saw them, he knew he had to get them for you, too. It wasn’t a particularly special day, there wasn’t a reason to celebrate. He’d thought about you all day, replaying the events that had happened between your bedsheets last night, physical love made with gentleness and intimacy, something that made him feel so loved by you. That isn’t to say he didn’t feel loved when sex with you wasn’t gentle, it was certainly just as enjoyable. It was just that sex with you, when delicate and slow, felt like something entirely different as a whole.
He could compare the act of you coming into his life to that of a butterfly’s wings, the butterfly effect. Nothing was the same after you’d arrived; it astounds him that something as simple as the flap of an insect’s wings, as a dance between two strangers, held the ability to create the world anew.
The bouquet Jack holds in his hands are in fact comparable to you. An arrangement of light pink lilies and roses in the shade of magenta, the two flower types intermingling and tied together at their stems with a pretty, white bow. The color pink reminds Jack of the candy wrappers on Valentine’s Day, of the color of the Cherry Blossoms in his childhood front yard, the strawberries he picked every spring at the back of his parent’s farm. Something romantic, something delicate, and something sweet. And altogether, that perfectly describes you.
He thinks about his life before you, almost laughing quietly to himself as he shakes his head. There’s so much about him then, so many things he did and traits he had that are entirely nonexistent now. One-night stands with strangers from bars, endless nights spent in his empty house alone, going out to eat because he never liked making dinner for just himself, working late at the office with no one to come home to, always feeling lonely in the world because no one understood him the way that you do.
“Oh!” you jump, finally turning around and facing him.
He grins at your surprised state, having been leaning against the wall near the front door for about ten minutes now. When he came in, you were busy baking, singing along to the radio you have on. He could tell by the smell that you were making his favorite cookies, oatmeal raisin. The cleanliness of your shared home was obvious as soon as he stepped in, everything neat and tidy, a few candles lit, with the windows open to let in the smell of spring.  
“Hey baby,” you grin, gazing warmly at him.
Your eyes then flicker down to the bouquet he’s holding in his right hand, his left resting in his front pocket. And your smile grows at the sight, having not only been greeted by your loving husband, but by a beautiful bouquet of flowers, too.
“Hi honey,” he returns, his smile widening when you dart over to him.
He holds his arms out, stumbling back a step or two when you run into them. Your quiet, giddy squeal makes him chuckle, wrapping both arms around you tight, though he does his best be careful of the bouquet.
Jack feels sturdy when you leap into his arms, his deep laugh vibrating against you. Immediately, you duck your head down into the crook of his neck. You can smell his cologne here, chest squeezing tightly with happiness when you feel his strong arms wrap around you firm and snug. It feels so natural for you to be here, nuzzling your body against him. The same arms that hold you when you’re sad, the same ones that pick you up only to plop you down on your shared bed, wrapping just as tightly around you now as they do then.
“Why’re you home early?” you ask, the brightest smile still plastered on your face when you pull back.
All Jack does is smile, moving to hold up the bouquet. “Missed you, babycakes.”
Your cheeks lift even higher with joy, twirling slightly in your little dress. You then lean in, giving him a few passionate kisses before your lips move elsewhere. He smiles as you pepper his cheek and jawline with kisses, heart bursting with affectionate joy at seeing you so happy that he’s returned home.
With prudent hands you take the bundle of flowers from him, turning to bring them into the kitchen. Jack watches you with love warming his heart, following behind you and moving to lean his forearms on the stone counter. He watches as you fill a vase up with water, sprinkling in the packet of flower nutrients before setting it aside. You then go to cut the stems, making sure their length is to your liking before arranging them in the vase.
There hasn’t been a time where Jack wasn’t absolutely smitten with you, and the current moment is certainly no exception. You’re in a small sundress, the olive green one you’ve had in your closet for about a year. It’s slim-fitting and goes down to your mid-thigh, held up on your shoulders by two straps. Simple, but elegant.
“You’re so pretty, sugar, you know that?”
You glance up at him with a slightly doubtful smirk, a playful one that makes him round the counter and pull you into his arms. He hugs you from behind, watching as you continue to perfect your arrangement. Jack’s warm, soft lips find your neck, humming ever so slightly. He’d taken off his hat before he came over, setting it on the chair so it wouldn’t get in the way of his tender love. Memories of last night once again drift into his mind, his lips roaming your neck making you think the very same.
“I love you, baby.” You grin, leaning your head to the side for him. “And I really missed you, too.”
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The two of you ended up cooking dinner together, talking about your days while eating at the table. Once you were both finished with your food, you decided that cuddling up on the couch and watching a movie seemed like a nice way to end the day. Since you’d already cleaned so much today, Jack insisted on taking care of the dishes. With an appreciative kiss on the cheek, you let him, roaming off to your shared bedroom to get changed.
You decide on a pair of black shorts and one of Jack’s old army long sleeves. This one in particular was always a favorite of yours, dark green with his unit’s number on the back. A sleek ponytail seems comfortable and cute, so you tie one up before making your way back out.
You hadn’t thought you were gone that long, but apparently, you were. It was long enough for Jack to clean up the rest of dinner, putting the dishes in the dishwasher and packing up any leftover food, eventually finding his way over to the couch to pick up on an old hobby.
Immediately, it brings tears to your eyes. You continue walking down the hallway, making sure to be quiet as to not disturb him. You want to soak in every ounce of this you can get.
A curious smile forms on your face as you continue to hear the guitar’s strings. He’s humming at first, and you expect it to stay that way, but then, he starts to speak alongside the melody. You hadn’t ever heard him play the guitar before you were married, let alone sing. He’d only played one other time since Anna died, that intimate event occurring on the first night of your honeymoon. And he’d played this very song for you. So, you’re careful not to make any noise, you just take it all in, your heart filling with a combination of sadness and joy.
“Was my heart beatin’ in my chest? Was I even alive before the day we met?” it’s quiet, soft, and barely audible if you didn’t know the tune.
“Heard I was a wild one, actin’ like a child some,” he continues. “Heard I was a fast one always was the last one, waitin’ for the other shoe to fall.”
You step forward again, inching closer to the beginning of the hall, listening to Jack’s fingers rhythmically pluck the strings, his deep baritone continuing to sing.
“I’ve heard stories ‘bout the boy I used to be,”
Each tiptoe brings you closer to him, brings you closer to this melody. It’s one of the songs you danced to at your wedding, too, the one he dedicated specifically to you.
“But I don’t remember me, I don’t remember me…”
And then he sees you, smiling softly as you lean against the wall, admiring him openly. He meets your eyes, an affectionate smile now on his own face.
“Before you.”
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Thank you for reading <3
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“I Don’t Remember Me (Before You)” - Brothers Osborn
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141 notes · View notes
ladyvesuvia · 3 years
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Inside of Love
PAIRING: James Potter x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: Working at a diner that’s open all hours of the day on the night before Valentine’s Day, you notice that one customer has been staying there without ordering anything for the past hour. Starting a conversation with him might give you a little bit of insight on what you want to know. [Inside of Love by Nada Surf]
WORDS: 5.7k
WARNING(S): Valentine’s Day, mentions of 1981 commercials and celebrities, couples, mentions of Grease 1978, awkward moments, awkward lines, poor writing i’m on a slump mbad + not proofread
REFERENCE(S): Hemeling Lager 1981 Commercial, Super Trouper by ABBA
A/N: I’m honestly not so proud of this because it’s got more dialogue than anything else and it’s 06:00am and it’s been a while since i’ve finished writing something so excuse the mediocre narrations idfjeiw help i don’t even know hahashs
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Watching terrible tv, it kills all thought
Getting spacier than an astronaut
The telly screwed to the upper corner of the room kept you awake on the 13th of February, 1981, probably the worst day to ever exist second to the 14th of February itself. Much to your dismay, in just three hours, it will officially be Valentine’s Day (or Day of Love, as your friends call it).
You lazily watched a man in the TV play the piano while singing with a bunch of his friends as they held their beer up high.
“Do some lagers taste soft around the edges?” said the narrator as the rest sang ‘She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain when She Comes’ together.
The man looked at his own beer, confused at how soft and flexible his glass is. You snorted.
“There’s a harder edge to the taste of Hemeling,” said the narrator of the commercial with vigor, “because Hemeling brew more sugar out so there’s more alcohol in. Result? A taste with a keener, harder—”
“Quit gadding about with the telly and get that poor couple their order!” your boss (and a close friend of your mother’s), Mrs. Campbell yelled from the open window slot of the kitchen. You preferred to call her by her first name Barbara but she had told you to call her Mrs. Campbell in the workplace.
She turned off the TV with the remote, furious.
You groaned. “Poor? How do you know they’re poor?”
“Heavens, child — look at them! They’re wet from the rain!”
“The girl has Jordache jeans and the guy looks like Tom Selleck, just how poor could they possibly be?” Groaning, you took the tray from the slot, obeying nonetheless. “Not my fault they’ve chugged down too much Hemeling and forgot an umbrella!”
“They can hear you!” hissed Mrs. Campbell.
“Oh, let them!”
Making out with people I hardly know or like
Carrying the tray of chicken wings and fries to the young couple at the second last booth of the diner in itself was a disappointingly tedious task. They didn’t seem to have heard your comment about them.
Stupid, you thought as you put the tray down on their table before laying their food in front of them. Before you left them alone to themselves, you caught sight of one guy sitting all by himself at the last booth wearing a maroon jacket, a bouquet of white lilies resting on the table instead of food. You had asked to take his order for about an hour ago and he had curtly told you he was waiting for someone. You studied him before leaving. Too edgy for my liking but . . . kinda cute?
You shook this thought aside. As soon as you got back to the counter, you hurried over to your boss, looking through the slot with a mischievous grin on your face.
“What now, child?” she said while flipping a burger patty.
You drummed your fingers on the counter. “Can I go home now?”
“Why, so you could kiss strangers?”
“Yes, so I could kiss strangers and or watch Fridays and see who the guest star is while eating expired yogurt,” you said plainly. “So can I?”
I can't believe what I do, late at night
“Oh, no, no, child, you stay here until Dalila shows up,” Mrs. Campbell declared.
“But Dalila is always late for an hour!”
Mrs. Campbell turned off the stove with a raised brow your way. “Oh, so you’re gonna leave me alone here with these shady people?”
“I thought you regarded them as a sweet wee couple?”
“Yes, but isn’t it dangerous to leave me, sweet and fragile Mrs. Campbell, all alone in this diner?”
You made a show of looking her up and down. “Eh, I don’t know, I’d say you look more butch to me — Ow! Fine, I’ll stay.”
“That’s what I thought. Now do us both a favor and get that lad’s order.” She gestured to the guy at the last booth who was simply unmoving, his eyes glued to the rain-stained window panes
“But I already did! He said he’s ‘waiting for someone,’ whatever that means.”
“He probably just got stood up by Lily.”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t blame her. Why would he even ask her to go to this shabby — just kidding — wait, you know him?”
“Oh, I’ve known James ever since he began dating Lily! They used to be regulars here, you know. They stopped visiting since . . . I’m not really sure. I reckon they broke up a while ago.” Mrs. Campbell peeked through the slot, trying to get a better look at the guy sitting at the last booth.
“How come I’ve never seen them, then?”
“Ah, well, they don’t really come on a school year. See, they go to this boarding school and whatnot,” said Mrs. Campbell. “And they stopped coming a few months ago, this is the first time I’ve seen him in a long time. That right there was their booth.”
Back in high school, you used to take your boyfriend here every afternoon after classes and what Mrs. Campbell labelled this James and Lily’s booth was yours, too. “So you do know him. You take his order, then.”
She ignored you. “Such a shame, they were really good together like you and that Gilbert boy who used to come over a lot.”
“Ew, that was a century ago, give it a rest.”
With a whine, you practically dragged yourself over to where he was seated, a laminated menu in hand.
He didn’t look up much less give a grunt to acknowledge your presence.
“I could take your order,” you said with a monotone voice, “or not.”
Finally, he looked up, the dark circles under his eyes deeper than how you had assumed it to be.
“I know the sign says we’re open for twenty-four hours but I personally haven’t got all day.” You pulled out your notepad from your apron pocket, clicking your pen open. “So you want chicken wings or a burger? What?”
He scoffed. “I’m waiting for someone.”
“Is that someone death?” Your eyes went to the bouquet of flowers.
It started raining outside again, the silent song of its telltale tune painting mist and tears across all the windows. You leaned on the table with your hands supporting you.
“Listen, James,” you started. This time, he looked at you in the eye, disbelief clouding the very eyes that stared at you. “Just order some—”
“How d’you know my name?”
“Mrs. Campbell.”
“Oh, you mean Miss Glasgow?” he said absentmindedly as he craned his head to get a better view of the kitchen behind the counter. You turned around to find Mrs. Campbell peeking through the open slot of the kitchen window with a giddy smile on her face as she waved. You cringed.
James did a tiny salute with a wink before facing you again. “On second thought, I’d like the burger with extra cheese and a vanilla milkshake.”
I wanna know what it's like
On the inside of love
The blender’s sound was deafening and it smelled more like machine than it did vanilla; its tune made you want to just throw it to the ground and watch it shatter into a million pieces.
You turned on the TV again with the forlorn remote that was tossed to the side in an attempt to take your mind off of the provoking chords of the blender.
A rerun of Mr and Mrs played, a gameshow for couples with a grand cash prize. You didn’t really get the show’s mechanics but you watched it anyway to keep yourself busy. You cocked your head to the side, wondering what it would be like to be in love again just like the couple on the telly.
I'm standing at the gates
I see the beauty above
For the past long hours of your shift, you served happy and sad couples alike. There were miserable singles, too, and as much as you felt bad that they were having a hard time, seeing them come and go made you feel just a little bit better as their presence reminded you that you weren’t alone on the night before the most dreadful day of the year.
Mrs. Campbell bringing up your boyfriend from high school had you questioning yourself: Would it be that bad to ring him on his telephone? Is he okay? Would we still be dating now if I had just given him a second chance?
From afar, one would just assume you were invested on watching the show when you were anything but.
If your mind was a place, you were incredibly far away from where you stood: You’re in your room and it’s 1976; you’re opening the window for who you thought you’d spend the rest of your life with, your heart fluttering with that sensation you’re longing for today — the warmth and solace you can only find in another’s arms.
You forced yourself to snap out of it, your eyes lingering over to the boy sitting at the last booth, his own gaze trapped to the rain-stained windows, waiting.
He’s been sitting there for about four hours going on five now. You wanted to love someone that hard again enough to wait for them. You wanted . . . to love, just love someone no matter how pathetic and desperate that sounded to who you are right now.
Sighing, you turned off the TV before turning off the blender as well, shaking it on your own. Mrs. Campbell laid a tray with one cheeseburger at the center on the window.
You poured the contents of the blender onto a tall milkshake soda glass, and next came the whipped cream and sprinkles. With one curt glance his way, you poked the straw through the creamy drink.
A moment later, you handed him his order, setting the tall glass as carefully as you could, not wanting to have it break. Cleaning it up would be a whole new story; just imagine the foamy and sticky contents of the milkshake mixing with the threatening shards of the glass . . . Oh, look, it resembles my heart!
Cringing at this thought, you slapped the tray against your head out of instinct, wanting it to go away.
The guy looked up from his seat, clearly amused (you could tell from the already forming grin on his stupidly pretty face). “Did you just hit yourself with the tray?”
You looked at him, dumbfounded. “Er — depends on how much you saw.”
“Pretty sure I saw everything,” he jeered, his voice full of contained laughter.
“Everything except for the battle inside my head,” you said dramatically. Without thinking, you sat down on the cushioned seat across from him, taking off your striped visor and putting it beside his milkshake. “Tell me, James, what’s it like to be in love?” His brows shot up at this, and so you added hurriedly, “No, no, no, I’m not making a move on you, I’m just curious is all. I’m not interested, just wanted to know.”
“How could you not be interested in me?” he said, raking his fingers through his hair. With a grin, he slid his glass of milkshake towards him. Weirdly enough, seeing him warm up to you was relieving. “That’s the stuff,” he moaned after taking a sip.
Only when we get to see the aerial view
“You say you’re waiting for someone but you still couldn’t help but hump everything that breathes.”
James snorted. “I didn’t hump you.”
“Metaphorically speaking, yes you just did,” you chimed.
Hours ago from now when the sun was still out, you’d have thought he was worthy of being laughed at but right now with the ticking clock determining midnight’s arrival, you just needed something to pass your time with and he seemed interesting enough. “Are you going to answer my question or not?”
“Well, [Y/N], love is like a milkshake,” he said with a grin just right before he took a sip of his own drink. You let out a scoff.
“How do you know—”
“I have my ways with my sneaky tactics,” said James. “Kidding, you’ve got your name tag and all.”
“Oh, so that’s what you were doing, I thought you were staring at my jugs.”
“Please, I’m a gentleman.”
You watch as he takes a loud sip from his milkshake, the contents slowly draining. “I beg to differ.”
“Ooh, Miss Naughty-cal’s begging,” James joked, his eyes brimming with what he may call ‘tears of joy.’ “Get it, yeah? ‘Cause your uniform’s got stripes and . . . nautical theme and you’re . . . naughty — seriously, people gotta start appreciating my humor.”
“You hardly have any,” you tell him. “So why milkshake of all things?”
“Milkshakes make my brain freeze. Couldn’t think well when it does so.”
“Isn’t that a bad thing?” you asked, leaning on the table.
“Doesn’t have to be. See, sometimes when you take a sip too quickly, you’d be all ‘oh, yeah, that’s the stuff’ and then suddenly you want that cold feeling out but it’s all worth it in the end.” James stirred. “Anyway, on a half-related note, I’m waiting for someone.”
“I’d say that’s highly pathetic of you but I once went to school in a white gown and a curtain for a veil so I’ll let it slide.”
“You did what?” James laughed, effortlessly making you laugh as well. How the hell does he do that? “I have millions of questions but I’ll save it just for another time.”
“Good, because I have another question for you.”
“Shoot it, [Y/N/N].”
Will the patterns show, we'll know what to do
“How do you this?” With a short chuckle, you picked up the bouquet of lily flowers.
James reached for your striped visor from the table and put it on himself, parading it as he studied his own reflection on the window. “Do what, exactly?”
“Spending the night waiting for someone who’ll never show up.”
“Hey, she’ll show up, alright?” he said, hope clear in his tone. But you knew he was losing that very faith every passing second that this Lily girl doesn’t show up. “She’s just . . . under the weather or just late or maybe she didn’t receive my letter.”
“You sent a — I’m not asking. But late? For almost four hours?”
“Okay, I know it looks bad so let’s say she really doesn’t show up.”
“I already did.”
Once again, he ignored what you had said. “I’ll stay here until she comes because I promised I would.”
“Sounds painfully idiotic.”
“The word you’re looking for is heroic.” James took another loud sip, paying your scowl no mind. “My turn to ask you something, my pal.”
“Not your pal.”
He ignored you again. “Why are you spending your Valentine’s Eve working?”
“Just waiting for my shift to end so I could go home.”
“Home to your boyfriend or girlfriend or something?” he said, teasing you.
“Nah, I don’t have any of those.”
“Oh, why not? You don’t seem that bad.”
You yawned. “What a flattering compliment.”
“So what are your plans?” he asked, also leaning in as he set his almost done milkshake, then grabbing his cheeseburger.
“I kinda promised myself I’d go home as soon as I can just so I could stay up late and watch show reruns on the telly until the sun shows up so I could wake up in the afternoon and not deal with smoochy couples.”
“Wow, that’s inspiring,” James said, laughing. Maybe it was your drowsiness kicking in but that smile was something you didn’t know you needed to see. “Who hurt you so bad that you don’t wanna go out and do dates?”
I know the last page so well, I can't read the first
“Oh, I do dates. I just bail a lot.”
“Why’s that?” James asked.
It’s a question you always found yourself asking whenever you ended things with someone be it on just the first date or the real thing. So far after your breakup with your long-time boyfriend and now ex two years ago, you’d been out with a couple of people.
They were all great, you knew that. You started off optimistic at first, waiting for that sort of magic to come back again, that spark.
But it never did.
And little by little, you just assumed that it would all end in heartbreak just like your first love. With a long sigh and a not so thorough consideration you told this person you barely knew about it, not excluding the part when you caught your boyfriend with your best friend, making out, both of which were very, very drunk.
So I just don't start, it's getting worse
“D’you think it was a bad idea to not give him a chance?”
“Of course not! You deserve better than that foul git. If I were you, I’d have held him upside down by the leg and—”
“Woah, woah, woah, pipe down, we dated for four years.”
“All the more reason to hate him then.”
It was kind of hard to believe that two hours had passed as the clock hung on the wall behind James said so.
“And that’s how I ended up being sent home after wearing the gown.”
You were both busy caught in collective fits of laughter when the two of you spotter a woman with red hair walk by from outside. James’s hand immediately went to the bouquet of flowers’ end, composing himself in the process as to not seem like a fool if it was who he expected it to be. He almost looked as if he were confused.
He was. Did he still want to do this? Hours ago during the daytime, he struggled to use the red telephone booth as he called the Evans’ home phone, but still sure he wanted to win his ex back.
“Hello?” he had started, hoping for Lily’s voice to answer back.
“Who’s this?” said a familiar voice, one not of Lily’s; was her mother’s. “Hello?”
James hung up and ran to the nearest obscure place to Disapparate, hurriedly writing a letter telling Lily to meet him at the Diner at 8 p.m., his heart in his throat as he watched the owl fly away to send it to her.
James snapped out of it.
As soon as the woman got in, you leapt from your seat and exclaimed, “Finally, Dalila! Barb — I mean Mrs. Campbell, I’m off!”
He watched as you dashed to the kitchen while undoing your apron until you disappeared from view. His eyes went to the woman who just entered, confused at how anticlimactic it would have been if it were who he was waiting for. He set the bouquet aside to stare at his empty glass of milkshake.
I wanna know what it's like
On the inside of love
A while later, he watched as you stepped out of the kitchen dressed out of your uniform and wearing your own clothes instead. You waved at him as a subtle goodbye while you searched the umbrella stand for your own transparent one until you did.
Your hands were already the door handle, ready to push it open to step out into the damp and empty street when you heard a glass whine. Alarmed, you turned to the source of the noise only to find James catch his almost toppling tall glass just in time.
“Wait!” he had called out, soon whispering words of charming apologies to the other people in the diner. He put the empty tall glass and plate to the side neatly before jogging over to where you stood, the same bouquet of lily flowers in hand. “You’re leaving?”
“Well, yeah. Only a few minutes before Valentine’s, gotta make the most of it, eh?”
“I’m coming with.” He reached out to the door handle.
“You’re what?” you gasped. “Aren’t you waiting for someone? Also, if you are, take that visor off.” You snatched it off his head, tossing it over to the counter.
“Eh,” he shrugged, grinning madly afterwards as he swung the door open. “It’s getting late, might as well mope, right?”
“That’s the spirit,” you exclaimed as you walked out first.
It was no longer raining but the puddles still sat where they were, unmoving as you walked by them. James followed suit, still cradling the flowers like a baby.
I'm standing at the gates
I see the beauty above
You walked together in the damp and cracked street in silence, your reflection’s presence in the puddles and the sound of your footsteps the only reminder that you were with a person you have only known for a few hours.
It’s kinda . . . awkward? It’s as if you two changed into two different people the moment you stepped out. Biting the inside of your cheek, you raised your wrist to check the time: fourteen minutes before the fourteenth of February.
All of a sudden, your first plan came into mind: Get out of the diner, stop by a club, make out with a stranger, go home, watch show reruns, stay awake until sunrise, and wake up when the day’s over.
“You know,” James started (you were glad he spoke first), “they said that the moment you’re with someone on Valentine’s, it’s a date.”
“Then let’s part ways in thirteen minutes.”
“You’re awfully desperate to get rid of me, aren’t you?” said James, feigning a look of heartbreak with his hand clutching his chest.
This time, you ignored him. “Where are you even going anyway? Because I’m taking the bus.”
“Oh, yeah, I’m taking the bus too.”
By the time you reached the bus stop, you ran into a young couple holding hands just across the street while talking and laughing. You stiffened next to James, and you knew he was cringing too without even looking at him.
Desperate to lighten the mood, you decide to speak. “Ew, so that’s what we looked like.”
“Oh, no, I meant we as in me and the Gilbert guy I told you about not — not we we but us we but also not that . . . Okay, why is this so awkward?”
“I don’t know, but I think you might have fallen in love with me,” James said, smirking teasingly.
“Ew,” you said with a scowl, “I like you less, if anything.”
“I highly doubt it.”
“Okay, jokes aside, do you love this Lily girl?”
He turned to you, his eyes narrowed. He opened his mouth to speak, but his inability to say anything caught him off guard. He had told you in the diner that they’d been broken up for a while now and only then did he realize that he just wanted that feeling as well.
“I did.”
“Did as in past tense?”
“Did as in past tense, I guess,” he confirmed not only to you but also to himself. “I guess it does suck to be stood up but I think I now understand why I waited.”
“Please don’t launch into a monologue,” you muttered. He only grins in response before talking anyway.
I wanna know what it's like
On the inside of love
“You know how you said you wanted that feeling?”
“Vividly, on.”
“I think I did, too. I guess I missed doing things for someone and being a romantic. It’s just — I’ve got this plan, you know? It’s set out before me and it’s all prepared and I never had a Plan B.”
“Is it weird that we’re bonding over our mutual lack of romantic dedication and commitment?”
“No, my pal,” he started, paying no mind as you corrected him again that you are, in fact, not his pal. “I think we should start a dance troupe.”
“Straying off topic there, pal,” you said as you played with your umbrella subtly. You sat down on one of the bus stop’s benches, putting it down beside you.
“Hey, you said it!” James exclaimed, gesturing at you with finger guns.
“Said what?”
“Pal — you called me pal!”
“Yeah but not my pal,” you countered.
He chuckled. “Either way, I’ll take it.”
I can't find my way in
I try again and again
You were talking to each other when a bus halted in front of you. James offered his hand to help you stand up then letting you go in first, but not without saying, “What can I say? I’m a gentleman.”
When you got in, you spot a few more couples seated here and there, their heads resting on their significant other’s shoulders. Some were even talking and laughing at whatever their topic was about. You lead him to the middle row, not bothering to go to the second floor as to avoid seeing more couples going about their day.
You take your seat by the window (James had complaints but you shut him down), watching countless vehicles drive by. “Isn’t it pretty cool that a lot of people are still awake?”
“Lots of people in clubs right now.”
“That’s sad,” you commented.
“Says the one who was planning on doing the same and going home to watch show reruns.” James turned to you again, his head craned to the side. “What time is it?”
You looked at your watch. “11:56, four minutes left before midnight. Driver better hurry up.”
I'm on the outside of love
Always under or above
“Harsh,” said James, drumming his fingers on his lap as he scanned the entirety of what he could see. “You know, I used to take Lily to that very booth in that very diner.”
“Yeah, Mrs. Campbell told me.”
“You mean Miss Glasgow?”
“What is up with that nickname?” you said with a laugh, eager to hear about it.
“It’s ‘cause when we first came in, we sat by the stools and she went up to us and went all weepy about how much young couples reminded her of what it was like with her husband.”
“. . .So?”
“Oh, right. It’s because she met him in Glasgow and they had this writing to each other thing back and fourth years and years ago. Then last year the Super Trouper song played on the jukebox so I was all, ‘Hey, Barbara! Look, it fits you both!’ And she—”
“She lets you call her Barbara? That’s unfair.”
“What can I say? I’m pretty charming if I say so myself,” said James. “Anyway, I began saying ‘I’d like a burger, Miss Glasgow!’ and it just stuck.”
I can't find my way in
I try again and again
You sighed. You already knew about how lovey-dovey Mrs. Campbell was with her husband but now you wanted to know more.
“See? I want that!”
“You want me to call you Miss Glasgow?”
“What? No! I mean, their love story is so . . . good, you know?”
“Please don’t launch into a monologue,” James cut in, quoting you. The two of you smile.
“Okay, so, I’m pretty sure I told you this already but when I was with Gil, I thought that was it. I thought I’d be walking down the aisle to say ‘I do’ to him and . . . have the kind of love Mrs. Campbell has with her husband and more. So when I cut things off with Gil, I thought it would be just as easy as it was with him but it just wasn’t.
“I dated around, positive I’d meet someone and start this epic love story pronto like the ones you read in books about and just — I didn’t. I didn’t get that. Honestly, I even thought I’d be married by now. I know it’s early but we talked about it, alright? He was literally the perfect guy and I let him go.”
James clapped in front of you, making you and a couple of passengers jump. He whispered a low apology, murmuring it to everyone near before returning his attention to you. “Hey, you didn’t lose him, he lost you. It’s his loss, not yours.”
I'm on the outside of love
Always under or above
Must be a different view
To be a me with a you
“Oh wow, that’s actually pretty sweet.”
“I know, right? It’s kind of my specialty.”
You only smile at him for a solid two seconds before turning away and facing the window as you felt heat creep into your cheeks.
One car passed by.
Another one.
And another one.
After the fourth one passed by, a drop of rain took you back to reality. You faced him.
“Tell me, James,” you say in a way that almost felt as if it could push the rain away, “why are you here with me? I didn’t know it only took a couple of hours to get you to break a promise.”
“Good things have to end to make way for—”
“Better ones?” you guessed.
“Nope, best ones.”
“I have no clue as to what you’re trying to say but okay, shut up now.”
Silence again.
“You know, you also broke a promise to be with me right now.”
“Oh yeah? What’s that?”
“Your brilliant plan of avoiding Valentine’s.”
“Guess we both broke promises to be here right now. Is it even worth it?”
“Meh, it’s alright.”
I wanna know what it's like
On the inside of love
You always thought there was something curiously romantic about sitting shoulder up to shoulder in a moving vehicle especially in a train or a bus. Now that you were in that very moment, you weren’t particularly sure whether or not to regard it as a romantic moment when you’ve only known the guy you were with for a couple of hours.
Your eyes were about to close when you spotted couples kissing one by one; first it was the pair across from your spot and then more couples the next. You rolled your eyes as you leaned your head against the window. Maybe it was the late night but the window felt a lot more comfortable than you remembered it to be.
I'm standing at the gates
I see the beauty above
Yawning, you stretched your neck to find James stifling a laugh. “Sorry,” you whispered before rubbing your eyes. “I guess you’ve got a friend in me now.”
“Mhm, you’ve got a friend in you.”
“I have a what?” You felt your drowsiness leaving.
“Oh, I meant you’ve got a friend in — never mind, sorry.”
“You just got your friend card revoked,” you said, making a face.
“Whatever happened to staying awake till the sun rises?”
“Working at the diner longer than I thought I would happened,” you said, yawning afterwards. You look down at your watch, its face twisted away from you. Groaning, you lift up your wrist, seeing that it was already a few minutes after midnight. “Oh, Happy Valentine’s.”
“Happy Valentine’s, stranger,” greeted James, “I hate to break it to you, but you’re stuck with me.”
“Yeah? Well, not for long. We’ve passed that gas station. Means the route to my flat’s not so far from here.”
“Oh, you’ll be leaving?”
“Of course I am, stop making it so obvious that you’re obsessed with me.”
I wanna know what it's like
On the inside of love
The bus halted on its umpteenth stop since you got in and a couple walked by. They seemed to have come from upstairs, and they appeared to be tired, too. You watch as they get down, their hands still together.
“My favorite color’s green,” he said randomly.
“What?” you started.
“It’s Lily’s eye color.”
“I’m saying it again: What?”
James crossed his shoulders. “Didn’t they say if it’s Valentine’s and you’re with someone, that someone’s your date? Then this is it.”
“Bringing up an ex on a date? Foul move, pal.” You mimicked him, crossing your arms. “Well, my favorite color is blue because it’s Gilbert’s eye color.”
“How unoriginal,” said James. “Anyway, my full name is James Fleamont Potter.”
“Just when I thought it’s a tragedy being named James, then you let me know you have the word ‘Flea’ in your name? My, your life just gets sadder every time.”
“This is the worst date ever in history,” James said, laughing out loud.
“Nope, the worst date ever in history would be the one I had last year when my date brought me to his grandma’s funeral.”
“That alone sounds tragic!” He had to cover his mouth to keep himself from howling out loud. “What happened?”
“I guess you’ll never know because this is my stop,” you told him as the bus slowly came to a halt. It was still raining (it had lessened a bit, though), so you reached for your umbrella only to find that it wasn’t there. Must’ve left it somewhere, you thought.
“Oh, wait, take this,” James said, taking off his jacket and offering it to you. “I’d walk you but that would mean I like you.”
“And I’d say yes but that would mean I like you,” you teased back as you took the jacket and laid it over your head. “I’ll just make a run for it.”
“Good call.”
Of course I'll be alright
I just had a bad night
I had a bad night
“Thanks, my pal,” you tell him, turning back just when he called out to you and handed you the bouquet of flowers. James grinned but you stopped him before he could even point out that you’d just called him that. “Wow, so you’re just gonna give me flowers meant for somebody else?”
“Reduce, reuse, recycle because I am a nature guy,” said James. “Stop being picky and just take it.”
“Nah, you keep it. Consider it as my gift to you.”
“Should I be honored?”
You nodded. “Very. Oh, I have to go now.”
With one last wave, you ran over to the door, stepping out with the jacket over your head, unaware that James was watching you as far as the window would allow him as the bus went on.
He could’ve went out the next stop to Disapparate but he didn’t. Instead, his eyes were studying the flowers. This time, they had a different meaning, and so did he.
You’d think that was the last of it, but it wasn’t. Safe to say that the diner and the jacket would play an important role to that part of the story.
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
An Ocean Away - Harry Styles
Sequel to Tastes Like Strawberries 🍓 !
a/n: ahhh! thank you so much for the love you showed TLS! i already had more planned for the story, but all your comments motivated me to do this part 2! it’s an emotional one so brace yourselves! further in the chapter i placed the song that inspired the title and i listened to it while writing so i suggest you do the same!
pairing: professor!Harry x Reader
warning: sexual content
word count: 12.7k
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You walk down the familiar hallway texting back Eden that you are not spending the night at home again.
Eden: You really need to tell me about the dick that keeps you so busy these days.
Y/N: I never said a thing about any dick.
Eden: Oh please, you surely got yourself a rebound after Harry, you can’t tell me otherwise.
Y/N: Don’t you get a rebound when you broke up with someone? I was never together with Harry, so it doesn’t make sense.
Eden: You had a thing!! Okay, whatever. Keep your little secrets, I guess it’s fine…
Y/N: Love you!
Chuckling to yourself you put the phone away and stop at the door you know all too well, knocking two times before you open it and poke your head inside.
Harry is sitting at his desk, his reading glasses sitting low on the bridge of his nose as he is vigorously scribbling something down into his notebook. He lifts his head at your arrival and you shut the door closed behind you.
“Hello, professor,” you smile at him teasingly, walking around his desk as he pushes himself back a little so you can sit on his lap, pecking his lips gently.
“Hey, done for the day?” he asks, his fingers tenderly stroking your thighs over the fabric of your jeans.
“Yeah. We can leave if you’re done,” you nod.
“Just a few more minutes, alright?”
“Sure,” you nod, standing up from his lap so he can finish his work while you sit on the little loveseat he has in the corner, right under the window.
It’s been six weeks since New Year’s Eve, the new semester has officially started, you’re working your way towards your degree as this is officially your last semester, but what’s more important that you and Harry have been a couple for six weeks following the heated actions of New Year’s Eve.
Harry is still quite anxious about the whole thing, always on high alert and he even asked you to lie to Eden and Nat too. You tried to fight him on that, but you could tell how much he wanted to protect what you had so you decided to feed them this elaborate story about how you and Harry had a fight on New Year’s Eve and realized that it would have never worked out so you agreed to stay just friends. It seems like they believed, because they’ve been keen on trying to set you up with someone while you just keep dodging their attempts, sneaking around with Harry behind their back.
Other than the continuous lying and sneaking around, things have been going well with him. You’ve been spending a lot of time at his place, the only hiding spot where you can be carefree around each other without always watching out for others around you.
Today is Valentine’s day and though your opportunities to celebrate are very slim, having anything that’s slightly public crossed out of the list, that still doesn’t stop the two of you from having a good night in.
You watch him curiously as he is reading the lines of someone’s essay probably, or some test, whatever. Holding the pen ready to use whenever he finds something incorrect, he furrows his eyebrows at something before crossing out a line, mouthing the words he writes to the side of the page. He doesn’t wear his glasses that often, but he’s been complaining about having dry eyes these past days so it’s no surprised he switched to them from his contact lenses.
“You look sexy in your glasses, have I told you that?”
He glances at you, a small smirk tugging on his lips before he returns to the paper in front of him.
“Think they make me look older,” he mumbles under his breath.
“Nah, not more at least than your grandpa sweaters,” you tease him, earning a ‘Really? This again?’ look from him that makes you chuckle.
You busy yourself while Harry finishes his work and then you head out together, strictly keeping the distance between each other. Walking out of the building Harry heads to the left where the car park is while you take a turn to the right. It’s been your usual, since you can’t have anyone see you get into Harry’s car so casually, so you usually walk down to the small café near Building D, because there’s a very narrow little street running behind it where you can get into the car without anyone noticing you. You do the same now too before finally heading back to Harry’s place. Sinking into the comfortable seat, you stare out the window, thinking about how it’s just been six weeks since New Year’s Eve, but it feels like you’ve been together with Harry for months. Despite his many doubts and hesitant act, it was easy to fall into a kind of routine with him, and even more easier to get used to the thought that he is yours and you are his.
During these six weeks you’ve learned quite a few things about him, things women on campus would die to know and they were handed over to you on a silver plate by Harry himself.
One, he is a very touchy person, of course, when he has the chance for it. In the safety of his home or when you have a few minutes for yourselves in his office, he always likes to have his hand on your back or waist, he loves touching your hips or cheeks, caressing the skin wherever it shows from under your clothes. He is also very cuddly, likes to wrap you in his arms when you’re watching TV and when it’s time to sleep the first thing he does is to pull you into his embrace. You usually wake up in the morning with him completely wrapped around you, limbs thrown over you, face buried into your chest or stomach. He is a messy sleeper, but also a fucking adorable one.
Two, he is a good cook but not that good at baking. He says it’s the universe’s sign that he shouldn’t eat as much sweet stuff as he does, but in reality he just sucks at measuring the ingredients. He never follows the recipe, easily goes with things his own way and then he is surprised when it doesn’t turn out as it should.
Three, he notices the smallest things you’d never. Like how you hate it when the Sun is shining right into your face so he always makes sure to draw the blinds in the evening, or that you prefer sleeping with more pillows so he just simply gives you an extra without even asking every time you’re spending the night. He cares so much about you to the smallest details, it always makes your heart flutter.
And four, though he keeps a tough act in school, he is a lovesick puppy when no one is around, likes to be the small spoon when cuddling, absolutely adores it when you cup his face in your palms and kiss it all over. Loves it when you play with his hair or when you hug him from behind, kissing between his shoulder blades. He always tells you how pretty you are and never misses a chance to sneak a kiss from you. You couldn’t imagine him do any of these before you really knew him, but now you see that all these little things are just as much parts of him like the version of him he shows at school. You feel lucky to be able to see him like this and you’ll probably never get bored of it.
Arriving to his place you drop your bag off at the bedroom before you join him in the kitchen, already eyeing the flyer to the nearby Italian place that delivers.
“How about pizza?” he hums, eyebrows knitted together as he scans the menu.
“Sounds good. Can we order dessert too?” Walking past him you kiss his shoulder before grabbing a glass for yourself, filling it with tap water.
“Oh, no need,” he shyly answers, glancing at you. “We… have dessert.”
You watch him with curious eyes as he disappears in his little study before emerging with a plate filled with pink cupcakes. They look wobbly, the cream on top is not the same on either of them, but because you know he made them, they are the most perfect you’ve ever seen.
He places the plate to the counter with a shy smile before turning to you.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” he murmurs, hands finding your hips as he pulls you in for a kiss.
“Oh baby, did you stay up last night to make these?” you ask, touched that he took the time and energy to surprise you with something. Harry nods and you kiss his dimples softly.
“Mm, they are strawberry flavored,” he smirks boyishly.
“We are never escaping strawberries,” you chuckle softly as you dip your fingertip into the cream on top of one of the cakes, tasting it. “Hmm, this is actually good,” you tell him.
“Yeah, the cream is kind of okay, dunno about the rest though,” he admits chuckling.
“As long as it’s not poisonous, I’ll love it,” you giggle kissing his lips again softly. “Alright, but I can’t go over the fact that we agreed on no gifts for Valentine’s Day,” you say giving him a look.
“S’not a gift, just… a little gesture,” he shrugs innocently.
“Okay, then you can’t get mad over my little gesture,” you smirk at him, peeling his arms off you before you run into his bedroom to get his gift.
You really weren’t planning to give him anything, but you had a good idea last minute and couldn’t just not do it. Digging into your bag you pull out the little box and join him in the kitchen again, handing it to him.
“It’s not fair if you spent money on it,” he pouts, but you just roll your eyes.
“You spent money on the cupcakes too. But besides, I didn’t spent a penny on it. Open it!” You urge him.
Harry huffs but takes the lid off, revealing a stack of Polaroid photos. In this not too ideal situation the two of you are living in, there’s no chance you can ever post anything about him, even though there are quite a few cute photos of you with Harry. Eden recently bought a Polaroid printer and you borrowed it to print your favorite pictures of the two of you. There’s one from the morning after New Year’s Eve, just a silly selfie you took in bed, then one with the band from Harry’s birthday recently, a photo of the two of you backstage of one of his gigs you took in the mirror, he has his guitar in his hands as you stand next to him smiling widely. There are a few more with Sarah, Mitch, Charlotte and Adam and at the very end of the stack… some special ones.
You watch him go through them smiling warmly until he reaches the last few and freezes. You took the courage to take a few spicy ones of yourself in your favorite lingerie and thought it would be sexy to print them out as well and give them to him.
“I hope you’re not thinking about selling them already,” you chuckle. Harry glances up at you before shaking his head with a playful smirk.
“Was just a little surprised by them,” he admits.
“Do you… like them?”
“Oh baby, I love them, you look… wow,” he breathes out going over the pictures one more time. “But I’m gonna have to lock these away so no one finds them. Adam likes to go over my stuff when he is over, I definitely don’t want him to find them.”
“You better keep them safe because if anyone sees them I’m burying myself,” you snort.
Harry puts the stack of photos back into the box before leaning down he cups your face and kisses you gently.
“Thank you, love the pictures. All of them,” he adds cheekily and you feel yourself blushing.
He leans in to kiss you again, putting the box aside to the counter and this time it’s not just one short kiss, he carries it on, taking his time with your lips, savoring and tasting you without a worry in the world. It grows more and more passionate, tongues clashing and you tug at his hair, lacing your fingers through his locks, a moan escaping his pink lips.
You start inching backwards until your backside meets the edge of the counter. Harry doesn’t hesitate to pull your sweater off of you, throwing it behind before his lips are pressed against yours again. It doesn’t take long for his shirt and pants and your jeans to end up on the floor somewhere behind him, leaving you both in just your underwear. You kiss down his neck and collarbones, your lips gliding across his tattooed chest as you slowly slide down to your knees, hands moving over his growing bulge.
Hooking your fingers into the elastic of his boxers, you tug them down and pull his erection out, already so hard for you and you barely even touched him.
“What does my Valentine deserve for making me cupcakes?” you hum, teasingly pumping him a few times with your hands. Harry whimpers under your touch, but doesn’t answer so you stop your hands and look up at him. “Talk to me, what do you want?”
“Your mouth,” he breathes out, his eyes meeting yours, filled with lust and hunger only for you. Smirking to yourself you lick his length up before gently kissing the head, swirling your tongue around the tip before you slowly take him into your mouth.
“Oh fuck, baby!” he pants when you start bobbing your head, pumping the base in sync with your head’s movements.
His hand comes to the back of your head, fingers lacing through your hair. He doesn’t force you, he never does, just likes to hold onto you. You try to take him deeper and deeper with each movement until you fit his whole cock into your mouth, keeping it there for a few seconds before pulling away and letting him go.
“You’re gonna be the death of me,” he mumbles, helping you up from the floor, kissing your lips hard as he is already pulling your panties down your legs. “How do you want it?”
“From behind,” you tell without hesitation, turning around so you can lean onto the counter and push your ass up for him.
You feel one of his hands stroke down your spine while the other one reaches between your legs, his fingers finding your clit, drawing gentle circles on it at first before he goes a little harder, making you moan his name.
“Harry, please!” you beg, the need to feel him growing with each passing second.
He pulls his hand back, grabbing his hard cock as he lines himself up with you, one hand on his shaft, the other one holding your hip firmly to keep you in place. First he pushes just the tip inside and when he is sure you’re ready to take more, he slides all of him inside, filling you up perfectly.
“Shit, you feel so fucking good. Always so good,” he breathes out, both his hands coming to grip your waist as his hips meet your ass from behind.
He starts moving, going a little soft at the beginning before he gets rougher, his hips smacking against your ass with each thrust. You arch your back and push your ass up so you’re angled just perfectly for him, he runs a hand up your back, sliding it under the clasp of your bra and he leaves it there while fucking you from behind oh so well.
“Harry, oh my God!” you groan when he starts hitting that one spot that makes you go crazy.
“Feeling good, baby?”
“Fuck! So good!” you gasp, feeling the pleasure building up with each thrust. “Go harder!” you beg and once he has both hands on your hips again he does as you asked, railing into you hard, making you keep gasping for air.
“Getting close? Tell me when you’re about to cum, baby.”
“I’m close, please don’t stop!” you pant, hands holding onto the counter’s edge for dear life.
He reaches around you, a hand coming between your legs as his fingers find your clit again, adding to the sensation as he starts playing with it just the way you like it.
“Fuck, fuck! I’m gonna cum! Harry!” you moan uncontrollably and he growls deeply from his chest.
“Cum with me, baby. Give it to me,” he breathes out sharply and he just keeps railing you hard, fingers working on your clit until he feels your walls clench around his dick. “Oh fuck, yes, baby! Cum on my cock!” he gasps and at the same time as you go through your orgasm, you feel him twitch inside you, coming hard with you at the same time. “Jesus fuck! I love you, Y/N!”
You gasp at his words, eyes snapping open in the middle of your orgasm and all air pushes out of your lungs for a moment.
He whimpers and moans, thrusting into you a few more times before he comes to a halt, both of you panting like crazy, coming off your high. When he slowly slides his softening cock out of you, you turn around and look into his eyes. For a moment you thought he just said it in the heat of the moment and he didn’t even realize it, but when your eyes meet his, you can tell he is a little afraid of what your reaction is going to be.
“Did you mean that?” you quietly ask as he tucks his dick back into his boxers, pulling them up, but you don’t bother to put your underwear back on, standing there in only your bra.
“I-I did. I didn’t mean to say it now, but I did mean it,” he nods. “Is it… too soon?”
“No,” you smile at him, stepping closer so you can cup his face in your palms, kissing his lips softly. “I love you too.”
“You do?” he asks, surprised at your reaction.
“Of course, silly. I wouldn’t give my nudes to someone I don’t,” you joke making him chuckle, his arms coming to curl around your waist.
“Sorry, this wasn’t too… romantic,” he breathes out and you press a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“You said you love me while fucking me on Valentine’s Day after exchanging cute gifts. I think it’s romantic,” you chuckle, finally making him smile. “Besides, I don’t care about the setting, just feels nice to hear you say it.”
“Yeah?” “Mhm, care to say it again so I can see your eyes as well?”
“I love you,” he softly murmurs, his forehead resting against yours.
“Yeah, feels better when I can actually look at you,” you chuckle kissing him softly. “I love you too.”
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It’s definitely not just fun and games, being in a secret relationship that no one can know about. It surely adds a lot of tension into the situation, having to be so careful all the time and be reserved to the point where you can’t even be seen too often together.
As the semester carries on you always keep your ears open if there’s anything going on about you and Harry. Though you only limit your time together on campus to the bare minimum, only talking on rare occasions, you still want to make sure no one is getting the wrong (or right) idea about what is going on between the two of you.
The worst part is probably having to lie to Eden and Nat all the time. You spend about three nights at Harry’s every week and you have to lie every time you leave. After a while you tell them that you’re dating this new guy but he wants to keep it low-key because he recently broke up with his previous girlfriend. That gives them enough peace not to nag you all the time but you can tell they really want to meet this new man in your life.
You’ve tried to discuss it with Harry, tell him that they won’t tell anyone but it ended in a fight and you kind of gave up. Harry is way too keen on keeping it a secret and it’s clear he is not gonna make any exceptions. At least it’s the same with his friends, the two of you act like just friends when you’re out with the band though you have a suspicion that Sarah can see through the act. However she chooses not to talk about it so it’s kept hidden.
You don’t fight much with Harry, but when you do, it’s major. You both can get really into the argument and it easily gets way too heated, turning into a screaming match until you both realize you should just talk it out and have a little more understanding for each other. The makeup sex after a fight however… that’s something that makes up for every nasty thing that’s said in the heat of the moment.
Nearing the end of the semester you both start to grow more stressed, you about finishing your last classes, your thesis and studying for your finals, Harry about the growing pile of essays and tests waiting to be graded. A lot of the time when you’re at his place you both are busy with your own stuff and only have the chance to actually be with each other when you go to bed. It takes a toll on the both of you, but you’re determined to make it work. Despite the unfortunate nature of how you are forced to maintain your relationship, it’s the healthiest one you’ve ever head and you definitely won’t give up on it too easily.
Though you, Nat and Eden turn in your thesis works mid-April, the semester is still not done for the three of you, the final exams are threateningly close at this point. Spring has officially kicked in, the weather is mostly clear and sunny, allows you to stay outside again and you take advantage of it.
One particular afternoon the three of you are lounging under the pergola, all three of you buried in a book or your notes when you spot Harry walking towards the building. You keep your eyes on him as he slowly approaches you, his gaze meets yours and he smiles at you shortly. It’s all you can get out in the public, but it’s more than nothing.
“Isn’t it hard to see him?” Eden asks and glancing her way you see that she is looking at Harry who is now busy with his phone.
“Why would it be?”
“I don’t know, you clearly had a thing for him and it wasn’t even just a one-sided flirting like every other women had with him. I couldn’t be around him if it happened to me.”
“It’s not like anything major happened. It was all bad timing and the situation wasn’t good. It’s better this way,” you tell her, trying to sound convincing while the guilt is eating you on the inside. All these lies are clouding over your head and you have a feeling they will come down on you pouring one day.
“Still crazy that you are friends with his friends though,” Nat chimes in, squinting her eyes in the sunshine.
“Yeah, you are literally the only person on campus who gets to see him in his private life,” Eden nods. If only they knew how much you see him privately!
“It’s not that crazy,” you shrug, turning back to your book.
You all get back to work, forgetting about Harry, or at least Nat and Eden does, because you get a text from him shortly after he disappeared in the building.
Harry: You look very pretty today :)
Y/N: Flirting with me on campus, professor?
Harry: Can’t help it.
Y/N: You look handsome too, it’s a shame I can’t kiss you stupid!
Harry: Patience!
 “Y/N? Did you hear what I said?” Nat grabs your attention from the phone and you realize she was talking to you.
“What? Uh, sorry.”
“I said that we should go out this weekend. It’s been ages since we last did anything other than studying.”
“I’m not sure…”
“Don’t come with your usual, rambling about how we shouldn’t have any fun before we finish,” Eden rolls her eyes.
“That’s not what I say. I just think that we have priorities.”
“I don’t know about you, but it’s a priority for me to have fun, so I’m down for a night out.
“I think I’m passing,” you mumble. You already made plans for the weekend with Harry, take a hike up the hills since the weather has been nice and it would be great to spend time together outside the house. The hiking routes are far away enough from town that uni students don’t like to take the hustle to drive all the way out so you’ll be fine being together outside.
“If you want to say that you have something planned with your mystery man, don’t even bother. If it’s not his birthday, we are overruling him,” Eden scoffs and you roll your eyes at her.
“Just go without me.”
“That’s not the same!” Nat whines. “Come on, Y/N. For once choose us!”
“That’s rude I choose you guys a lot of times!”
“Not since you’ve been spending half your life with some man and the other half in the library.”
“Yeah, we feel abandoned!” Nat pouts at you, trying to make you feel bad and in all honesty, she is succeeding.
“We can doll ourselves up, have fancy cocktails and all that, it’s gonna be fun! Come on, just one night! I can’t take another Saturday sitting in my room, reading my notes,” Eden growls and you sigh in defeat.
“Alright, I guess I’m in,” you mumble and your friends start cheering as if you just declared that men and women are going to get paid equally from now on.
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You can tell Harry is bummed that you have to cancel your weekend plans, but he is also trying to be understanding.
“I couldn’t bring up a relevant argument so they made me say yes,” you growl when later that day you’re cuddling on his couch after dinner.
“S’fine,” he sighs, leaning down he pecks your lips shortly.
“Wish I could just tell them that I had plans with you,” you breathe out.
“Y/N…” “I know!” you roll your eyes. “It’s just that it would be nice if I could at least tell them the truth.”
“We already talked about this,” he sighs.
“I know, but that doesn’t change the fact that it bothers me,” you point out. “Am I not allowed to feel that way?”
“You are, I just don’t get why you keep bringing it up when there’s literally nothing I can do about it,” he retorts.
“Well there is, you just choose not to.” And with that, you officially pick another fight with him.
It’s not that you enjoy fighting with him, not at all, but the situation is so not ideal and you find his overprotectiveness a little too much at times. You don’t understand why you can’t share it with your two closest friends. You could at least tell Sarah or the other guys, have anyone know about the two of you, but literally no one on Earth knows that you are a couple and it’s bugging you way more than it probably should.
“Why are you so damn keen on making others know about us? What does that have to do with anything?” he growls throwing his hands into the air, standing in the opposite end of the room as you keep pacing the floor, the urge to keep on moving taking over you.
“Because—“ you snap, but stop yourself. You know if you say it out loud, he’ll think you’re stupid.
“Because what?!”
“Because i-it makes me feel like we are not even real! I can’t talk about us, I can’t touch you outside of this house, no one knows we are a thing and it’s so fucking nerve-wrecking, Harry!” you break down, feeling your throat closing up. You didn’t mean to get emotional over this, but you’ve been bottling it up for a while now.
Harry’s shoulder fall forward as he sees the change in you, the heat of the fight long forgotten. He crosses the room, hands reaching up to cup your face in his palms, his thumbs running across the soft skin under your eyes as he wipes the tears away.
“Baby, I know. You think I don’t want to show you off? I want to hold your hand and just take a walk with you, kiss you whenever I want to, show all the horny fratboys on campus that you’re taken. I know it’s hard, but we really don’t have a choice until the end of the semester.”
He gently kisses the tip of your nose before pulling you to his chest, your arms circle around his waist as you bury your face into the crook of his neck, trying to stop your sobs.
“I’m sorry. I really wish it was all different,” he murmurs, kissing into your hair softly.
“No, I’m sorry for bitching about this all the time. I knew what we were getting into,” you exhale sharply. “It just… really sucks.”
“It does. But we just have to be patient.”
You manage to put the fight behind and move on in peace, but a tiny thought remains buzzing in the very back of your mind. What happens when you finish school? Will it all be different? Harry will still be a professor and if people see you around together, they will know you were one of his students. What’s gonna be the difference? If he is so on edge now, something is telling you he won’t be changing dramatically and it concerns you. A lot.
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Not willingly, but you go out with Nat and Eden on Saturday. You go to a place that’s quite popular between students, you can most likely always find familiar faces from lecture halls and classes. It’s close to campus and more on the cheap side, the perfect spot for uni students for a night of fun.
As expected, you run into some people from school and they invite the three of you to sit with them at their table which comes in handy, because there’s no empty place by the time you arrive.
One drink follows the other and you easily get tipsy especially because you skipped on dinner before heading out. Though you weren’t in the mood for tonight, you find yourself enjoying the conversation and the company. It really has been long since the last time you went out with the girls and it’s nice to spend some time with them without the books and notes.
A debate starts about whose course one of the boys, Jace should take next semester.
“Professor Peltz is fucking boring, dude,” Nat growls, taking a sip from her drink. “Had him last semester, I could barely stay awake during his lectures.”
“Yeah, but they say he gives good grades easily,” Jace argues.
“Okay, but who else can you choose from again?” Lydia, a girl who lived a few doors down from you when you lived in a dormitory your first year.
“Um, Professor Makley and Professor Styles.”
You freeze at the mention of Harry, especially upon hearing Lydia’s reaction.
“Jace, choose Professor Styles! He is so fucking hot!”
“Not that it matters to me, Lyd,” Jace chuckles.
“Oh come on, I know even guys think he is hot.”
You feel like an intruder in the conversation, keeping quiet as you listen to her rave about how hot she finds Harry. It’s like you are eavesdropping on something that wasn’t meant for your ears, but it’s just the guilt bubbling inside you once again, because you know you won’t be able to say a word without having to lie.
“She has a point,” another guy, Garrett chimes into the conversation. “The man is handsome and I’m not even ashamed to admit it.”
“See?” Lydia chuckles. “He is sexy and smart, the whole package. I’ve been daydreaming about him since first year.”
You catch Eden’s look, but you just busy yourself with gulping from your vodka cranberry, feeling uncomfortable in the situation but not even for the reason she thinks. Eden must think it’s weird because you had an actual thing with Harry, but the truth is… that thing is still very much ongoing.
“I would let that man do whatever he wants with me,” Lydia adds sighing longingly, and you are having a hard time to hold your tongue. Unfortunately, you don’t succeed.
“Not sure he wants anything to do with you,” you mumble into your drink and though you hoped your comment would stay unnoticed, but you are out of luck.
“You don’t know that for sure,” Lydia slyly replies, a bit too full of herself for your liking. Yes, she is pretty and definitely doesn’t have problem with guys, but she is a little too confident about Harry if you’re being honest.
“I’m sorry?” you ask with a soft, bit annoyed chuckle.
“I’m just saying that we’ll never know who he finds attractive, because we all know he keeps himself so far from his students.”
“Yeah, maybe because he is not interested in any of his students,” you point out.
“As if he would ever make a move on any of us,” she snorts and you are losing your temper. You shouldn’t have had so much to drink, because now you really can’t hold your tongue.
“You can never know, Lydia. You can’t know if he acts the way he does because he is just trying to be professional or because he is, and consider this, not interested in you. Maybe he would actually act up on his feelings but you’re just not his type.”
Your comment is more like just a harsh comeback to Lydia’s words, but Nat and Eden kind of catch on that something is up with you. Ignoring their questioning looks you chug down your drink and soon excuse yourself to get some fresh air. No surprise that they follow you like puppies.
“Girl, what was that inside?” Nat asks as the three of you stand near the entrance of the bar, a few smoking guests littering the area.
“I have no idea what you are talking about,” you mumble, clearly avoiding to look at any of them, wrapping your arms around your upper body as if you were trying to keep your shit together physically.
“You snapped at Lydia for saying Professor Styles might have a thing for her,” Eden points out, but you just bite the inside of your cheeks.
“Because it was bullshit.”
“Why does that matter to you? Not that you’re together with him or something,” Nat argues and you roll your lips into your mouth, trying to keep a straight face but they know you way better than that. They gasp at the same time, Eden grabbing your forearm forcefully that makes you scowl.
“Hey! That hurts!” you whine, but she couldn’t care less.
“Are you fucking around with Professor Styles?” Nat whisper yells at you, eyes wider than ever.
“I mean… we’re not fucking around,” you mumble, looking down at your shoes as you kick the dirt around. “We’re kinda serious.”
“Holy fucking shit!” Eden snaps, drawing some attention at her and you let out an awkward chuckle at the glances the three of you get. “Are you fucking joking right now?”
“No, I am… not,” you admit, feeling a little relieved that you finally said it, but you also feel like you let Harry down with it.
“How long?” Nat questions in shock.
“Since New Year’s Eve. So… almost four months.”
“So he is the one you’ve been seeing all this time? The guy you didn’t want to talk about?”
“Um, yeah. It’s not that I didn’t want to talk about him, we just agreed that it’s safer if no one knows.”
“I’m speechless, Y/N,” Eden shakes her head in disbelief. “I can’t fucking believe you kept it from us for this long!”
“I know, I felt so shitty, but it’s such a complicated situation, it’s so risky, we don’t want it to ruin us.”
“Obviously,” Nat nods understandingly. “And now I see why you snapped so harshly at Lydia.”
“I just couldn’t stand her talking like that. You guys have no idea how hard it is to keep every fucking thought to myself.”
“Why do I have a feeling it has a little more to it than to just Lydia drooling over Harry?” Nat arches an eyebrow at you, folding her arms over her chest.
“Yeah, you’ve been oddly tensed lately,” Eden agrees.
“It’s just pretty stressful to have a secret relationship, it causes a lot of tension. And I’ve been… I’m not sure anything is going to change after I graduate, if I’m being honest.”
“What do you mean?” Nat asks.
“I just…” you sigh, all your thoughts you kept to yourself flooding back to you at once, overwhelming you in a situation that’s already a bit too much to handle. “We keep saying that it’s gonna change when I graduate, but I don’t see it. He is so overprotective and even if I graduate, people will find out that I was once his student. And it might not be against the rules anymore, but we’ll be judged. I didn’t think it through before, but it’s now starting to be more and more clear for me and I just… don’t know if we can make it work.”
You feel the tears forming in your eyes, you’ve been keeping this to yourself for way too long now and saying it out loud just broke the dam. When Nat and Eden sees your lips trembling and the watery eyes you’re trying to blink away, they don’t hesitate to pull you into a tight hug.
“Aw, don’t cry! It makes me want to cry too!” Nat chuckles softly as they sandwich you between them.
“It just sucks so much, because I love him, but I feel like we met at the wrong time and place,” you sob, letting them crush you.
“It happens, baby. It happens. You’ll figure it out!” Eden kisses your forehead before they let go of you. “Want to go home?”
“It’s still early, don’t want to kill the party. I think I’ll just… head over to Harry’s for now. Is that okay?”
“Of course, do whatever makes you feel better,” Nat assures you, giving your hand a gentle squeeze.
“I’m sorry I was such a party pooper.”
You call yourself an Uber and text Harry that you are going over. Twenty minutes later you are walking up the stairs to his house and he opens the front door before you could even reach for the doorknob.
“Hey, baby,” he breathes out softly and you don’t say a word, just wrap your arms around his waist, burying your face into the crook of his neck. “Hey, what happened? Didn’t have a good time with your friends?” He delicately caresses your hair, walking the two of you inside so he can close the door before wrapping both his arms around you, holding you close to his chest.
“Don’t really want to talk about it,” you mumble and it’s the truth. You’re tired of these thoughts though you know you should talk to him about how you’ve been feeling about the two of you lately. Part of you is hoping something will just magically solve the whole situation and you won’t have to deal with it yourself.
Harry makes you a tea while you take a shower and once you are both in bed, you cuddle to his side while he reads some. You are just genuinely enjoying his closeness, because despite everything that’s been haunting you in connection with Harry, you really love this man. Like no one else before and the possibility of the two of you not making it long term scares you more than it probably should.
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The next few weeks come and go in a sense of numbness. Following your emotional breakdown in front of the bar, you kind of push the whole thing to the back of your mind once again, putting all your focus on finishing school. Neither you nor Harry has the energy to put up more fights though you both can feel there’s a lot to talk about, but the end of the semester is just keeping you both way too busy to acknowledge the problems waiting on the corner.
At least there’s one less weight on your shoulders now that Nat and Eden know about you and Harry. You made them swear to their life they won’t tell anyone and you trust them to keep this heavy secret. They’ve been very supportive of the two of you, interrogated you one evening about everything that happened so far, they wanted to make sure Harry treats you the right way. No surprise, he does.
A few weeks before your state exam Harry extends his contract with the school to have him as a professor for another academic year so he is able to keep his visa as well.
You spend your last two weeks buried in your notes before your state exam and Harry gives you all the time and space you need, knowing well how much it means to you to earn the best grade possible.
When you are finally over your exam, you are celebrating at his place. He has bought a little cake and some champagne and you can’t wait to finally spend some time with him without having to worry about your studies.
“I’m proud of you, baby,” he smiles at you, clinking his glass against yours.
“Thank you, feels nice to be finally free,” you chuckle before taking a sip from the champagne.
“My smart girl, knew you’d kill all your exams.” He kisses your lips shortly before squeezing your hand. “How about I run a bath for us, we eat the cake in the tub and then we can watch a movie?”
“Sounds fantastic,” you smile at him before he disappears in the bathroom to get everything ready.
Finishing your champagne you wash the glass quickly and you’re about to cut the cake when your phone buzzes signaling that you’ve just gotten an email. As pull down the notification bar your lips part reading the first few lines. You open the whole thing and read through it eagerly.
It’s a job offer, but not just some lame one that also sounds sketchy at the same time. This one is from one of the biggest investigation offices in London and they are offering you a trainee position as a forensic document examiner with a possible secured spot on their team after one year. The money sounds amazing, the position is perfect, just what you’ve been dreaming of once you are done with school and they are looking forward to hear back from you about a possible interview in the near future.
“Alright, bath is coming together nicely, want to cut the ca—Wha’s up?” Harry questions upon returning from the bathroom, finding you staring at your phone’s screen with widened eyes.
“I, uhh—I just got a… a job offer,” you stutter, still rereading the lines, trying to find a sign that tells you it’s just a joke, but it seems completely genuine.
“What? Baby, that’s amazing!”
“Yeah,” you nod swallowing hard before you look up at him. “It’s in London.”
You watch his face fall from excited and happy to shocked and kind of panicky. You both know what that means, it doesn’t have to be said out loud. Harry just signed another year with the university that’s gonna tie him here for the next 12 months and if you accept the job you’ll be all the way across the world in the UK. Kind of ironic, him, the British guy stuck in the States while you, the American in the relationship, eager to go to the UK.
“That’s… wow. London.”
“Yeah, London,” you nod biting the inside of your cheeks.
“Are you… Are you gonna take it?”
“Well, they want an interview with me, but this is clearly a huge opportunity for me,” you say, not wanting to say the actual words. You feel like saying them would hit you harder than what you can take.
“It clearly is, it’s just that… You want to leave?” he breathes out, eyebrows knitting together.
“This is my only job offer and probably the best I’ll ever get.”
“So you do want to leave,” he forces and it’s pushing your limits.
“Career-wise, of course!” you finally say out loud, unwillingly.
“And what about everything else?”
“I clearly don’t want to leave everything else here, but I will never get a chance like this, Harry. This is the greatest push for someone like me, fresh out of school. I can have a secured spot in a year at a well-respected place. I’m not really in the position to reject offers like this.”
He exhales sharply, running a hand through his hair, clearly unsure about what to do or say in the situation on his hand. You can tell he has a lot to say, but you’re not sure you want to hear all of them.
“Say something?” you softly plead and his eyes meet yours again, filled with concern.
“I just… It took me by surprise, I guess.”
“I wasn’t expecting it either.”
“No, not the job offer,” he shakes his head.
“Then what?”
“That you are ready to leave so easily. It’s like you never even wanted to discuss a version where you stay here, you just decided that you are leaving and that’s it.”
“Did you hear me? I cannot pass on this opportunity, Harry.”
“I did hear you,” he nods, pressing his lips together. “I heard that you didn’t even think about saying no.”
“Why would I say no?”
“Because I’m here, Y/N!” he snaps. “Good to know that I’m not a factor when it comes to decisions as big as leaving the country!”
“You are, Harry, but I need to think about my future career now. I’m not planning to work at an office for the rest of my life and if I pass on this job I might never get anything as good as this one,” you explain, but it seems like the two of you are having two different conversations.
“But why do I feel like it was never an option for you to stay?”
You give him a confused look. He really doesn’t see your point.
“Okay, why was only I supposed to change plans for us? You coming to London doesn’t feel like an option either, why are you trying to turn this against me?”
“I just extended my contract, you know that.”
“I do, and also, while we are at it, you didn’t ask me about that either. You didn’t even wait for me to figure out what I want to do after school, you just assumed that I would be here, but I never said that.” You can tell it hit him hard in the chest but somehow still, he thinks he is right when he isn’t.
“How could have I known you’d want to move across the globe?” he throws his hands up into the air.
“You’re saying this as if I didn’t just get the email and I’ve been plotting this the whole fucking time!”
“I’m just saying that it’s a huge fucking step and you decided so easily, it says a lot about the nature of our relationship.”
“Why are you saying that?!” you snap at him. “Why are you trying to make me the bad guy?”
“I’m not! I’m just saying that it would have been nice if you at least pretended like it was up for debate. You know what it’ll do to us if you move to London.”
“Then come with me!”
“I can’t!” He raises his voice, clearly losing his temper. “I can’t break my contract and you know that too.”
“Well, I can’t afford to say no to the job either and if I’m being honest, I don’t think we could have made it work even if I stayed.” The words leave your mouth before you could think about them, and the cat is finally out of the bag. It seemingly shocked Harry and he is now staring at you with a blank expression, shoulders falling forward.
“What?” he breathes out and you can actually hear his heart breaking. You take a deep breath and rub your face with your palms, trying to collect your thoughts and not just blurt everything out.
“I’ve been thinking and… Even after I’m officially out of the school, people will know that I was your student if they see us together. And I know how important your reputation is for you so I would never put you through any of the shit we might get for us being together. People would judge, no matter what the situation is. I don’t… I just don’t think we can ever make it work here.”
He stays silent, just stares at you, taking in your words and once again, you wish you could read his mind. You almost start begging him to say something when he finally speaks up.
“So you think we don’t have a chance?”
“Not here… maybe not now. I feel like this has been the perfect example of wrong place, wrong time,” you quietly say, a pang of guilt in your tone, this is not how you planned on making this conversation. To be honest, you wished this never had to come, but you were out of luck.
Harry is awfully silent, it’s all over his face how broken he is and you feel the same. You have so much love for this man, yet fate decided you don’t get to share it with him the way you want.
Walking closer you cup his face in your palms, searching for his eyes until his green irises meet your gaze. You run your thumb across his cheekbones, the pads of your fingers gliding softly over the soft skin. His hands slowly find their way to your waist and he pulls you close to him as you kiss him tenderly, a silent confession about just how much you love him.
“I wanted this to work. I wanted this so badly,” he whispers against your lips, his fingers digging into your back as he keeps you tight in his hold.
“I know. Me too,” you smile at him bitterly.
The rest of the evening passes by silently. You take a bath together, finish the cake anyway though even the sweetness can’t help the pain you both feel. Then you lie in bed for hours, just touching and feeling each other, making the best out of the time you have left. It’s unsaid, but you both know your days together are coming to a close end. Kisses and touches turn into some passionate love making, both of you desperate to feel as close to each other as possible and then you fall asleep in each other’s arms.
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If you’re being honest, it’s all a blur following that night. You fix up an interview with London a few days later and they are not shying out of telling you straightforward that they want you there, the job is yours. You have one last short conversation with Harry about you leaving, but it’s more like just a confirmation that yes, it is going to happen and that leaves you with only a few weeks left together before you are packing up to leave the country.
You spend every possible free minute together until graduation where you finally get your degree. Your whole family comes and they cheer on you proudly, Harry standing in the crowd a little farther in the back, but still with a proud smile, a hint of gloominess in his beautiful green eyes. A week later you officially move out of your shared apartment with the girls, it’s a sobbing goodbye since all three of you are leaving in different directions following your graduation. You spend your last two weeks before your departure at home, spending as much time with your family as possible since you won’t be able to see them too often once you leave. Though your mom is dying to take you to the airport to say her final goodbye, you decided to give that time to Harry. He said he would drive to your hometown, pick you up and take you to the airport and you already know it’s gonna turn you into an emotional mess.
Leaving everything behind is hard, but having to say goodbye to Harry is the worst. It’s been a whole emotional rollercoaster for the both of you to get to this point and neither of you are ready to say goodbye, but this is what needs to happen.
That morning, you hug your parents, sister and brother tightly after you load Harry’s car with your two huge suitcases that have your whole life packed in them. You asked your family not to ask any questions about Harry and luckily, they kept quiet the whole time he was there, just treating him as a friend. You couldn’t take having to explain to them who he really is and how you met him, that’s gonna be another conversation for the future when you don’t feel like you’re about to start crying the moment you open your mouth.
The ride to the airport is silent, Harry holds your hand, your glued together palms lying on your lap the whole time. You haven’t even left but you already miss him so much.
Arriving he helps you bring all your stuff inside and patiently waits until you check your baggage in, leaving you with just your carry-on. Standing near the security check, the final moment finally comes and as soon as you look into his eyes you start bawling your eyes out.
“Oh baby, come ‘ere,” he breathes out, pulling you into his arms.
“I’m so sorry, Harry. I told you we would make everything right, but I couldn’t,” you sob into his chest as he holds you tight. You feel like if he let go of you, you’d just turn into a puddle at his feet.
“It wasn’t your fault,” he soothes you, his fingers threading through your hair.
“But it feels like it was,” you choke out. Harry leans back and takes your puffy cheeks between his warm palms, looking deep into your eyes.
“It wasn’t. As you said, it was just a matter of wrong time and place. But I think we brought the best out of it.”
“So… you don’t regret it?” you softly ask, eyebrows knitted together in concern.
“Absolutely not,” he smiles at you kindly. “I loved every moment of it. And I love you.” You notice how he didn’t use past tense when he said he loves you and you can’t decide if it aches your heart more or fills you with joy. A little bit both of them.
“I love you too,” you whisper before pressing your lips against his, savoring them one last time before you leave everything behind.
“Maybe we’ll meet again,” he smiles sweetly when he pulls back, tugging your hair behind your ear with a gentle move.
“I really hope,” you chuckle through your tears. “Take care, Harry,” you tell him, pecking his lips just once more.
“You too, baby,” he smiles, his hands falling to his sides as he lets go of you.
Turning around you walk into security and as you go with the line towards the gates, you glance back one last time. Harry is standing in the exact same spot, eyes glued to you as he watches you disappear from his sight.
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It feels like the meeting is never coming to its end. You exchange a look with Jasmine, who seems just as tired and done with this two hours long discussion as you are. She grabs her phone from the table and you watch her something type out before she eyes at your device, signaling that she just texted you.
Jas: I need alcohol after this day. Want to have a drink with me after work?
Y/N: YES PLEASE!!!!!!!
You see her smile at her screen before both of you return to your boss at the front, talking about a possible upcoming case.
“And last but not least, I want to take a moment to bring light to the excellent work Y/N, our new full-time colleague did on the Santiago case. The police were highly satisfied with the fast and precise work you did. This was your first official case since you’ve decided to accept our offer to become a full member of our team and transferred from your position as a trainee. Congrats!” William, your boss nods in your way with a proud smile as a round of applause cheers for you from your colleagues.
“You go girl!” Jasmine mouths you from across the table and you just chuckle shaking your head.
The meeting finally wraps up and everyone goes on with their day. You are walking back to your office with Jasmine by your side. Your offices are next to each other and you started working here just three weeks apart. She is the same age as you and was approached the same way as well, it’s just that she moved all the way from Australia. The two of you have grown quite close, starting a new life at the same time in a foreign country, it easily brought you together.
“So are we leaving early for those drinks or what?” she asks poking your side.
“How early?”
“I don’t know, like fifteen minutes? Come on, it’s Friday, everyone leaves early!” You shake your head chuckling at her. She can be so restless sometimes, but it’s just the right amount that she can push you out of the comfort zone just enough.
“Cool, I’ll come banging on your door,” she winks at you before disappearing for her usual coffee break.
It’s two in the afternoon, you still have a few hours ahead of you and some caffeine sounds perfect actually. Though the coffee at the office is excellent, you’ve grown to like this small place nearby, a family owned business that offers the best you’ve ever had.
You grab your bag from your office and head out for a quick coffee run. The walk to the café is freshening, the weather has been treating you well lately, the Sun is beaming and you can only hope you won’t wake up to pouring rain the next morning.
You think back to how lost you were feeling just a year ago, when all of this around you were so new and a little too much at once. One month into your time in London you even thought about quitting and moving back home. You felt alone and broken, yearning after everything you left behind. Your friends, family, loved ones, everything that was so far away from you.
It took you long weeks, even months to get used to your new life and now you can’t even imagine yourself anywhere else. It doesn’t miss you don’t miss terribly the life you had still, but now you have a lot to be happy about here as well.
Waiting at a crossroad, you find yourself twirling around the strawberry ring on your finger, your thumb fidgeting with it like every time you think about your home. You glance down at it and take a deep breath before the lamp turns green and you continue your walk to the café.
It’s not rush hours so there are only a few people lingering around the small place. You don’t have to think about what you are getting, James, the barista already knows your usual and starts making it right away as you swipe your card paying your drink.
You stand at the side, waiting for your coffee, staring out the window, watching people pass by on this lovely afternoon. Your gaze stops on an old lady sitting on a nearby bench, feeding a group of pigeons and you smile as a little girl runs through the birds, making them fly away instantly. The old lady just smiles at the girl, not holding a grudge that she just scared the birds away.
Your eyes move away, watching businessmen come and go, kids going home from school, wearing their school uniforms, everything just feels so… peaceful.
You are almost about to turn away from the window when your gaze falls on a tall figure near the Sainsbury’s across the road and your lips part as you catch a glimpse of a tattooed arm you know all too well. You blink once, twice, three times, waiting for your eyes to make sure it’s the person you think it is.
Harry is standing right there, holding a little bag of groceries, eyes glued to the screen of his phone, oblivious to your shocked gaze on him. Your feet move before your brain could think it through, they take you out of the café and you stand in the middle of the sidewalk as you call out for him.
His head snaps up at his name, eyes looking around, searching for the source before they finally find you, a shocked, but seemingly joyful expression plastering over his handsome face. He is quick to shove his phone into his pocket before he watches both ways and runs across the road to meet you on the other side. You can’t push your smile down as you watch him approach you, his tall, fit figure getting closer and closer until he is standing right in front of you, watching you in awe.
“Hey,” he breathes out, both of you a little unsure of what to do, how to greet each other.
It’s been months since you last talked. After your departure you kept in contact, you couldn’t just distance yourself from him so abruptly, but the thousands of miles between the two of you made it almost impossible to maintain a working connection, the time zones, all the work you both were buried under and just life itself made you drift away from each other.
But he is now standing in front of you and though he looks slightly different, he is still the Harry you know and love. He is your Harry.
“What… what are you doing here?” you ask, finally finding your voice.
“Did you forget I’m British?” you teases you and you roll your eyes.
“I mean, are you visiting family or something?”
“I uhh…” he glances down at his feet before his eyes meet yours again. “I’m actually back.”
“What do you mean?”
“My contract ended in July and I didn’t… I didn’t extend it. I came back a few weeks ago.”
Your lips part at the information. Harry is in London, he is now in the same city as you, for the first time in a whole year.
“Really? That’s… wow.” There’s too much you want to tell and ask him, yet you stand there, blinking at him, still lost in the feeling of seeing him for the first time again.
“I actually wanted to contact you when I got back, but I wasn’t… I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about that,” he admits with a nervous chuckle and your eyes soften over him.
“What do you mean? I would have loved it if you called.”
“It’s just that we haven’t talked in a while and I didn’t know… I didn’t know where you’re standing about me.”
“Well, seems like fate did it for you,” you smile at him warmly. “I would love to catch up. I have to head back to work now, but maybe later?”
“What about after work? When are you getting off?”
“I finish at 5.”
“I can meet you at your work if you text me the address.”
“That would be great,” you nod smiling. “My number is still the same, so you’ll know it’s me.”
“Great,” he nods, the corners of his mouth curling up in a boyish smirk. You are just now realizing how much you’ve missed him.
“I, um…” You’re trying to find the right words, still feeling overwhelmed about the sudden run-in, but at last you decide to go for a hug.
Your arms wrap around his waist, he hesitates for a moment before wrapping you in his tight embrace, pressing his cheek against the top of your head. A shiver runs down your spine as the sense of home washes over you all at once, the warmth of Harry’s body making your heart flutter. Unfortunately, the moment must come to an end. His arms fall from around you, just like they did at the airport when you said goodbye to each other over a year ago.
“I’ll… see you later then,” he smiles as you are backing towards the entrance of the café.
“Yeah, later,” you nod and turning around you walk inside.
Arriving back to the office you drop by Jasmine’s office to tell her that you have to postpone your plans after work.
“What is more important than getting drunk with me?” she gasps dramatically.
“I ran into… I met Harry,” you tell her. You told her all about Harry one evening when you were out, just a few months into your stay. It was one of those days when you were feeling extremely homesick, or maybe you just missed him terribly.
“What? Your professor ex?” she asks with widened eyes.
“Okay, you are forgiven. Go and get the man back!”
“What?” you chuckle. “We just met after a year, how do you know I want him back? Maybe I just want to catch up with him,” you say, but it’s an obvious and blatant lie and you both know that. Jasmine gives you a look.
“Please, you are still so obviously in love with the man, don’t even try to convince me otherwise.”
You don’t protest, just bite into your bottom lip. You really are in love with him, or the version you knew a year ago. He could be an entirely different person now so you can’t be sure if your feelings are the same about the man you met today.
“Have fun with him and then tell me all about it after, okay?” she beams and you just nod, leaving her to finish her work.
As time is slowly passing by you find yourself growing nervous about seeing Harry. That short little conversation on the street was not enough to calm your nerves. What is he like now? Is he the same? Does he have new hobbies? Is he as happy to see you as you are to see him? What will he think of you? What if he doesn’t like you after all this time?
You try to push the questions to the back of your mind, not wanting to overwhelm yourself too much to the point where you chicken out of seeing him. When you’re on your way down following his text that he is waiting for you in front of the building, you are trying to keep yourself together and remind yourself that it’s just Harry, he might be a little different, but he is still kind of the same.
Luckily, the moment you spot him waiting a few feet away from the entrance, you forget about everything else, he is the only one to exist. He envelopes you in a hug when you arrive, smiling at you warmly.
“Hi, ready to go?” he kindly asks and you nod.
You settle for a nearby bar you’ve actually been to with Jasmine before. Harry insists on paying for the first round of drinks as the two of you settle in a secluded booth at the back. When he is standing at the bar you catch yourself watching him in awe. The situation is quite odd, could have never happened probably back home, the two of you casually out for a drink.
“What’s gotten you so smiley?” he asks upon returning, sitting across you.
“I was just thinking how this is the first time we are out, just the two of us.”
Harry smiles softly, probably appreciating it just the same.
The next couple of hours you both try to share anything and everything that has happened in the past year. He tells you about his last year as a professor and him not extending his contact. Coming back to London he has joined a research group for a marketing company, using his excellent knowledge to analyze human behavior in connection with different type of ads.
“It’s a lot different from being a college professor ain’t it?” you tease him and he nods chuckling.
“Guess I wanted some change. But it’s been nice, I enjoy doing a lot of research and experiments.”
Then you tell him about your time as a forensic document examiner, all the different cases you worked on and how it has been, living in London on your own. He listens to your tales about everything you’ve done with Jasmine, the concerts and karaoke bars you’ve been to and just generally your life overseas.
“Sounds like you’ve found your place, then,” he says smiling softly.
“I guess. Wasn’t an easy transition, but I’m feeling good now,” you nod. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t miss my past,” you add.
His eyes wander down to your hands that are fidgeting with your almost empty glass. You see how they stop over the ring and he seems surprised as he reaches out, takes your hand in his and runs his thumb over the little strawberries.
“You’re still wearing the ring,” he states.
“Of course,” you smile and when he is about to let go of your hand, you grab it and hold it, needing to feel his touch.
You wanted to run back home so many times because you were missing him too badly, missed his voice, his eyes, his touch, everything and now, out of nowhere, he is here with you again, far away from the place where it all started and had to end for a while, still making you feel like home, no matter where you are.
At one point, you move to sit beside him in the booth. You just keep sharing and sharing even things you’ve talked about on the phone before. You’re just soaking each other in. His arm soon moves around your shoulders and you gladly lean into his side, placing a hand to his thigh, sparkles running through your body.
“I love this,” you hum to yourself upon finishing your last drink.
“Love what?”
“Being out with you without a worry. I always dreamt of this and it’s just… so natural. I wish we got to experience it before.”
“As you said, that was a wrong time and place. Wasn’t our fault.”
You lift your head, eyes meeting his curious green irises as he smiles down at you kindly. You’ve missed that smile, it still makes your heart skip a beat, just like at the beginning.
“And do you think it’s the right time and place now?” you prompt the question.
“It’s definitely… better,” he chuckles softly. “Unless you are seeing someone, because now would be the best time to tell me.”
“I’m not,” you shake your head smirking. “Tried to go on dates, but truth is… none of them were you. I gave up after a few terrible attempts.”
“I didn’t even try,” he shyly smiles. “I just… knew no one would make me as happy as you did. As you always do.”
Pushing yourself up a bit, you rest your forehead against his as he closes his eyes, his arm around your shoulder tightens and his other hand rests on your thigh, pulling you closer. Your palm slides up his chest and neck until you’re cupping his cheek. You place a soft lingering kiss to the corner of his mouth, testing the waters out, seeing how he reacts though nothing that happened tonight tells you he wants to keep his distance.
He moves his face, nose nudging against you before his lips find yours in a kiss you’ve been longing for since you left him behind at the airport over a year ago. Your fingers lace through his hair, pulling him towards you as if he could escape from your hold any moment, but he is definitely here to stay. Your lips clash again and again, savoring each other, eagerly trying to make up for the time you lost since your departure. You melt into his arms, moving your legs across his lap as he pulls you to his lap in the booth, partially hidden from the rest of the bar, wrapped up in your little bubble. He tastes like home, his kisses feel like the first warm rays of sunshine after a long and cold winter, the only thing you couldn’t really get yourself over this whole year. Because you’ve become good at pushing your feelings down to the point where you could easily carry on, but he was always in the corner of your mind, making you wonder if you’ll ever meet again and if you do, will it be the same as before?
It’s not, because it’s better. The burdens and banters that tied you both down a year ago are now long gone, you have all the time and space in the world, nothing is restricting you. You can touch him and kiss him whenever and wherever you want. There’s no more sneaking around, no one here knows who you are and who Harry used to me to you. Here, you’re just another lovesick couple, so into each other it’s almost insane.
When he pulls back his forehead stays rested against yours as you both are trying to catch your breath. His hand runs up and down your thigh, the warmth of his palm melting your body under his soft touch.
“I love you,” he breathes out, eyes meeting yours.
“You still do?” you ask with a small smile, heart beating in your throat.
“I never stopped loving you,” he admits and you let out a shaky breath, pulling him down for a short kiss.
“Not even when I was an ocean away from you?”
“No,” he chuckles shaking his head. “If that’s possible, I loved you even more when you were away. I realized how much you mean to me and I could only hope you weren’t moving on without me.”
“I could never,” you smile at him softly. “I love you too much to do that.”
“You have no idea how much I missed you say that,” he breathes out with a soft chuckle and you kiss his lips shortly, assuring him that you feel the same way. “So… are we going to try again?”
“Do you want to?”
“There’s nothing I want more, baby,” he truthfully admits, his gaze softening at you as he brushes a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “Do you want to?”
“Of course,” you smile at him widely. “I think it’s settled.”
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badassbuchanan · 4 years
Be Mine?
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REQUEST: Could you write something where the reader has never had a valentines so bucky goes all out to celebrate valentines day with her? Like she just feels so loved at the end of it? Thank you💖
Warnings: smut; unprotected sex, fluff, hand job, pussy rubbing, romantic 
Word Count: 4884
A/N: I’m sorry, I tried but romance isn’t my strong suit - anyway, happy V day!
I tossed my hand carelessly through my freshly washed hair, trying to make it look somewhat decent as I made my way through the compound. “Meet me by the elevator at six.” That’s what Bucky’s text had said yesterday, and that was the first I’d heard from him since our conversation earlier in the week. 
“If you don’t get a better offer by valentines day, we should just do something together.” Bucky suggested as he absentmindedly scrunched up his nose. We’d been chatting over a pot of tea in the kitchen after listening to all of our friends’ special plans for the upcoming romantic holiday. “Otherwise we’ll be the only two in the compound without a date.”
“I don’t really do valentines dates.” I shrugged matter-of-factly, my heart sinking as I felt a soft blush of pink cover my cheeks. Dates in general had always been a touchy subject with me, but especially valentines day dates. I’d never had one. Ever. In my life. And it was embarrassing for me to admit. 
My comment didn’t get past the clever brain of the Winter Soldier, a soft frown of curiosity appearing on his chiseled face as he lifted his mug to his lips. “What do you mean, you don’t do valentines dates?” He emphasised the word ‘do’, blowing gently on the hot beverage before taking a sip. 
His eyes were fixed on me, patiently awaiting my response as I felt my heartbeat speed up. “I just don’t.” I shrugged innocently under his stare, noticing the little frown lines which appeared on his forehead as he processed my answer. 
“You think Y/N’s ever met a guy good enough to take her out on the most romantic day of the year?” Sam’s voice immediately had Bucky’s eyes rolling, turning his head to the side to watch the chuckling avenger stroll into the room. “You’re dreaming, cyborg. Even I wouldn’t try.” 
“It’s not that!” I jumped to my own defence, not wanting Bucky to think that was the reason I’d turned him down, because it wasn’t. Bucky and I had been great friends ever since he’d arrived from Wakanda, we felt somewhat connected by the commonality of the enjoyable silence and peacefulness of being alone. Something which people like Sam would never understand. “I’ve just never had a date for valentines.”
Bucky was a selfless guy and I knew he’d only offered to spend his valentines day with me out of kindness. He was an extremely handsome super soldier with a charming personality and a heart of gold. He’d be able to get a valentines date with a beautiful girl with a blink of his eye. 
“I guess I’ve never really felt strongly enough about anyone in that way.” I elaborated vaguely, looking between Bucky who was giving Sam a fed up look and Sam, who had grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and was happily leaving the room with a chuckle, knowing he’d done his job of winding Bucky up.
“It doesn't have to be a date.” Bucky pressed his lips together in a small smile, his voice softening as he looked over at me, his steel blue eyes shining bright. “We can just hang out like we usually do.” 
I smiled over at him sweetly, thankful for his understanding nature. “Okay, sounds good.” I let out a soft chuckle as his smile widened at my answer, taking another sip of his drink as his heart skipped a beat. 
I arrived at the meeting point right on time, deciding to wear a pair of distressed denim shorts with a floral top tucked into them after much deliberation. I was nervous. I didn’t know why, I’d hung out with Bucky hundreds of times before. But it was this damn day putting so much pressure on something as simple as two friends hanging out. 
The compound was particularly quiet where the rest of the team had already left for their dates. The silence only made the loud beating of my heart more evident. Bucky still hadn’t shown up. He’d probably found himself a proper date for tonight and forgot to tell me. 
“Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y, has Bucky left the compound recently?” I asked softly, fiddling with my hair as I prepared for a lonely night of movies. 
“No, Miss Y/N. Sergeant Barnes is currently in the south living room.” The AI answered immediately, the response surprisingly me as I raised my eyebrows. The south living room was an extravagantly decorated room of the compound, hardly ever used other than for special occasions and honourable guest visits. 
“Thank you, F.R.I.D.A.Y.” I spoke as I pressed the button for the elevator, my nerves calming a little as I tried to guess Bucky’s reasoning for being in that particular room. I stepped in the elevator, feeling the metal contraption move between floors. So maybe he hadn’t blown off our date - correction, ‘hang out’. Maybe he’d just forgotten where he’d arranged to meet me.
I stepped out of the elevator and wandered down the darkness of the hall, only illuminated by the soft light coming from the living area. I dragged my fingers along the cream coloured wall absentmindedly, the quiet sound of a song playing made me tilt my head questioningly. “Bucky!” I called out as I neared the entrance to where the AI had informed me of Bucky’s whereabouts. 
My breath got caught in my lungs as I turned into the doorway, my body completely still as I widened my eyes in shock.
“Bucky, what’s all this?” I whispered softly, my heartbeat speeding up as I looked in at the busy super soldier standing in front of me. 
“Crap, is it six already?” Bucky mumbled to himself as he rushed to light the candle in his hand, placing it carefully on the coffee table. He looked up at me with an innocent smile as he shoved the lighter into his back pocket.
He was standing near the roaring fireplace, the floor almost fully engulfed in rose petals. He’d strategically placed candles and flowers on the mantlepiece and the coffee table, a rug thrown down of the floor with pillows and a bottle of champagne ready for us to indulge. 
“Y/N, please don’t be mad.” Bucky begged as he saw the stunned look on my face. I tried to process what was going on, why he’d put all this effort in, but instead, I just stood there speechless. “I know you said you didn't want this to be a date but I just-”  “Bucky, it’s beautiful.” I spoke with eyes full of tears, my hands shaking slightly as I stepped further into the room. I’d only ever seen such a romantic gesture in movies, I’d never in a million years expected that one day it would happen to me. 
Bucky watched intensely as I walked towards him, his eyes softening into a smile as he realised I wasn’t upset with him. He sighed out in relief, holding his hand out to tug me close to him as I continued to admire the gorgeous set up he’d put together.
“You said you’d never had a date for valentines day,” He spoke deeply, shaking his leg nervously as his eyes stayed glued on me. His hand kept hold of mine as I looked up at him, attentively listening to his words. “Well neither have I.”
“Are you telling me that Sergeant James Buchnanan Barnes, even back in the roaring forties, never had a valentine?” I gasped in a playful tone, although I truthfully was surprised to hear his confession. Bucky was a catch, I would’ve thought he’d have been spoilt for choice back in his youth.
He rolled his eyes with a chuckle, reciprocating my gaze as his fingers absentmindedly massaged my palm. “Well at least I didn’t say I’d never had a date because I’d never found anyone good enough!” He raised his eyebrows accusingly, his lips falling into a sassy pout. 
“That was Wilson!” I reminded Bucky with a tilt of my head, a small smile playing on my lips as his gorgeous eyes bored into mine. I felt myself get carried away in the moment, tugging him slightly closer as I admired him.
“I made us some chocolate covered strawberries.” He mumbled shyly, a proud smile on his face as his eyes flickered down to my lips absentmindedly. 
“You really thought of everything, didn’t you?” I sighed out contently, walking passed him to sit down on the rug. I crossed my legs and looked up at Bucky who followed my lead, sitting down on the soft material next to me. 
I watched carefully as he leaned over to grab the flute glasses in his metal hand, his other grabbing the bottle which he sat between his thick thighs. Bucky’s arms tensed as he pulled the cork out with a pop, the soft music still playing in the background filled the silence. 
My heart fluttered as I gazed over admiringly, my fingers fiddling nervously with the blanket beneath us. Bucky’s brows furrowed as he focused on pouring the liquid into the glasses without it spilling over the top. 
I smiled maybe a little too widely, catching Bucky’s attention as he looked over at me innocently. “What?” He chuckled with a charming smile, placing the bottle down carefully away from where we sat. 
“Nothing,” I smiled back at him, too lost in the bliss of the moment to stop and think things through. I could feel myself falling for him, fast. The vulnerability of it worried me, but Bucky made feel safe. “You just get these cute little lines here when you frown.” I spoke sweetly, lifting my hand to touch between his brows delicately. 
Bucky smiled as he watched me, entertained by the mesmerised look on my face. “I think you’re the only person in the world that thinks frown lines are cute.” He chuckled softly, leaning over to hand me a glass of champagne. 
“I don't think frown lines in general are cute.” I corrected him, rolling my eyes with a cock of my eyebrow, our fingers brushing slightly as I took the glass from his hand. 
“Oh, so you just think they’re cute on me?” He smirked teasingly, watching my face blush pink as he caught me out. He lifted his glass to his lips, sitting closer to me now from where he’d handed me the glass of champagne. 
“Gosh, you really love making me blush, don’t you Barnes?” I sighed with a shy smile, sipping the fizzy alcohol as I watched Bucky’s smile widen. His eyes travelled up and down my body as I shuffled to sit with my legs sideways, leaning on my hand which moved me closer to him. 
“Hey, can I tell you a secret?” Bucky’s voice dropped to a serious tone as his heart started beating a little harder. I detected a slight hesitation from him as he coughed shyly, his eyes glued on mine. 
“Mmh hmm.” I nodded sweetly, my eyes softening as I tilted my head to the side, my finger circling around the rim of the glass as I anticipated his confession. 
“When I originally suggested we do something for valentines,” He looked down at his lap nervously, a small smile of his lips as he thought carefully about his words. “I wanted to ask you, you know, not just because we were going to be the only two people without a date.” 
Butterflies fluttered in my tummy as I shyly looked down into my lap, trying to hide the smile that had appeared on my face. “What was the real reason?” I asked curiously, my voice softening to match his. 
“Well, because I think you’re the greatest girl in the whole world.” He answered deeply, his eyes flicking up to my face just for a moment as he smiled at how happy I looked. “You’re beautiful, smart, generous, accepting, funny.” 
“Is this just another way of you getting me to blush again?” I cut him off, teasing him accusingly with a raise of my eyebrows. It broke the tension, Bucky scoffing softly as he took another sip of champagne. 
“No, that time was an accident.” His ocean blue eyes caught mine as he responded, both of our hearts beating a little faster than usual at the new depths of our relationship we were exploring. 
“You could’ve asked me, you know.” I spoke as I watched Bucky lean over to grab the chocolate covered strawberries he’d made from the table. He looked back at me as the plate lifted into his hand, waiting for me to clarify. “On a date. I would’ve said yes.”
“You would have?” Bucky’s eyes softened as he sat back down, strategically sitting so close that our arms brushed together. He offered me a strawberry after throwing one into his mouth, placing the plate and our champagne flutes safely on the marble base of the fireplace.
“Of course,” I nodded quickly as I ate the chocolate covered fruit, catching any of the excess juice with my tongue. “Bucky, you’re the most loving, kind, handsome, brave, loyal guy I’ve ever met.” 
Bucky held his breath as he listened to me speak, the both of us feeling so loved in a world of so much pain. “You’re not scared of me?” His voice cracked slightly as he furrowed his brows into a frown.
I confirmed my answer with a shake of my head, my heart aching a little at the thought of him worrying about people being scared of him. 
“I could never be scared of you.” I admitted softly as an intense moment started to build between us, which neither of us were able to control.
I felt the tension between us boil over, noticing Bucky’s eyes dropp to my lips as I instinctively leaned closer to him. I let my hot breath linger on him for a moment before I pressed our lips together. 
Bucky’s metal hand immediately rose to cup my cheek, keeping me close as he kissed me back, the taste of strawberries on our lips. I felt butterflies in my tummy as his stubble scratched against my skin, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. 
I sighed out in satisfaction of his mouth on me, his kisses sweet and gentle as I pressed my palm flat against his solid chest. I felt his pecs move with the rhythm of his breathing, my cheeks flushing a light shade of pink as I felt myself wanting more from him.
He was touching me with such delicacy, as if he was scared he would break me. I shuffled forward as Bucky breathed into the kiss, his hand snaking around to grab the back of my head. He pulled me against his lips harder as my hand slid up to hold the side of his neck.
I parted my lips encouragingly, mimicking his action by tugging him closer by my hand on his neck. Bucky grunted softly into the kiss which was becoming needier with every second. 
I whimpered into the kiss, our heads tilting as our lips collided. My palm held onto his strong jaw, his stubble scratching my hand as his metal fingers ran down the side of my body.
I sat up a little straighter which leaned me further into Bucky, the palm of his hand supporting me at my waist. I hummed contently between kisses, Bucky’s eyes falling to where my lips were moving to connect to his again.
I gave him a sultry look as I pulled back from his mouth teasingly, lightly tugging on the thin material of the white t-shirt he wore. Bucky immediately took the hint, removing his hands from me as he pulled the top over his head.
He shook his hair back into place as he threw the shirt carelessly next to him. I couldn’t help but stare at his body in amazement, running my fingers up to where his metal arm fused to his flesh.
Bucky’s lips pressed back onto mine, a small whimper escaping my lips as his tongue pushed its way into my mouth. I felt my wetness seap down onto my cotton panties, sliding my thigh to rest on top of his as he let his hand quickly move over my ass to grab the back of my thigh.
Bucky grunted softly as he tugged on my bare leg, the silky flesh under his metal palm had his cock stirring in his pants. I took the hint, shifting myself to sit straddling the super soldier’s lap.
It was as though all of our built up emotion had exploded in a moment, our touches getting riskier as we roamed each other’s bodies. I let Bucky’s bottom lip sit between mine, sucking on it slowly as his tongue ran over my top lip.
“Is this okay?” Bucky whispered against my lips, our chests heaving as I nodded in response. I closed my eyes when I felt Bucky’s lips travelling across my cheek, leaving little pecks in their path. 
I massaged the back of his head, my fingers dug deep in his long hair. I let out a shaky breath as Bucky’s lips reached my jaw, his tongue wetting my skin with his open mouthed kisses. 
I tilted my head to the side, granting him more access as my other hand clung to his strong bicep. His metal hand held the back of my neck, supporting me as my body gave in to the pleasure. His flesh hand tugged the hem of my top out of the shorts before letting his palm slide underneath the material.
Bucky groaned against my neck as his hand came into contact with my lacy bra, his kisses getting sloppier as they reached my collarbone. “Tell me to stop.” He huffed out as he tried to control himself, not wanting me to feel pressured into anything.
I shook my head softly as I turned my head to look at him through half closed eyes, overwhelmed by the amount of pleasure and love I felt. “I don’t want you to stop.” I whispered vulnerably, Bucky’s head lifting to look at me with his gorgeous blue eyes.
He leaned in to press his lips back against mine, a whimper escaping my lips as I rolled my hips down onto his. A groan erupted in his throat, his hand travelling back down my body as he gripped the material of my top in his hand.
I leaned back momentarily, balancing myself with my palms on his bare chest as I helped him lift my shirt off of my body.
Bucky panted as he took in my semi-naked body, his hands rubbing the start of my hips needily as he watched me let my top drop on the floor. I leaned my hands back behind my body, making quick work of undoing my bra to let my boobs bounce freely.
I could feel his hardened bulge pressing against the inside of my thigh, his eyes fixated on my tits as he moved his lips onto my chest. I whimpered softly as his hot mouth left wet kisses on my breasts, his tongue flicking over my hardened nipples. 
Bucky’s hands hugged my body tightly, pulling me as close as he could as he sucked on my tits. I ran my hand through his soft hair, biting my lip as I closed my eyes in ecstasy.
Bucky’s metal palm slid down to my exposed lower back, holding me against him as he flipped us over. My back gently hit the blanket, Bucky’s large frame hovering above me as he moved his lips back up for another kiss.
My hands slid down his toned chest, over the chiseled abs of his stomach until I reached the button of his jeans. I tugged the waistband away from his skin gently, a little huff escaping his lips as I did so.
I broke the kiss to focus on what I was doing, Bucky’s head dropping into my neck as I popped open the button of his jeans. My head flew back, little moans escaping my lips as Bucky nipped at the base of my throat softly. 
My fingers pulled open his zipper, my pussy clenching as I slid my hand into his underwear. My touch was greeted by his hard cock, heavy in my hand. Bucky huffed out softly, his eyes closing as I felt my way down to his balls. 
I gasped softly at how big he felt, his lips kissing a strip up up the front of my throat and chin. His lips reconnected with mine as I circled his swollen tip with my thumb, smearing the leaking pre-cum. 
I lubricated my hand as much as I could with his juices before wrapping my fingers around his shaft. I tugged on his member gently, feeling his whole body tense at the foreign feeling. I hummed into the kiss, my pussy aching with need as I imagined how he’d feel inside me.
Bucky moaned as my hand jerked him off, his hips bucking to meet my touch as he hovered above me. He kissed me with so much force that my head pressed hard against the floor, softened slightly by the blanket. 
I felt his cock twitch in my hand, his hips jolting forward as he tried to control himself. Bucky lifted his flesh hand from the floor and moved it down between our bodies, his fingers tracing down my bare skin. 
His eyes immediately dropped to look between our legs, he licked his lips as his fingers came into contact with my shorts. Bucky’s jaw clenched as I squeezed his cock tighter, keeping my eyes trained on his gorgeous face.
Bucky skilfully flicked open the button on my jeans, his lips dropping to kiss me as he snaked his hand beneath the material of my panties. I gasped as he cupped my mound, my wetness leaking down onto his palm. 
My fingers dropped from around his cock, clinging to his bicep as he rubbed my pussy. My hips bucked up to meet his touch, needier than ever for his attention. I moaned into the kiss, my tongue flicking his as I arched my back off of the floor, feeling Bucky sit back from where I was. 
I looked up at him innocently, all baffled and horny as I watched him hook his fingers into the waistband of my shorts. In one swift motion, but slid my shorts and panties down to my knees. I wiggled my legs, helping him get them off the rest of the way as he sat back on his knees. 
“So beautiful.” Bucky mumbled as he looked down at my naked body, his cock standing proudly against his stomach. I bit my lip shyly a I sat up, my arousal dripping down onto the rug. 
Bucky crawled closer to me, his flesh hand running up my bare thigh as his cock throbbed desperately for attention. I breathed shakily, my arms wrapping around his neck as he pushes the last of his clothing down his thick thighs before kicking them behind him. 
He hovered over my body as I laid back down, now being cradled by the pillows he’d decorated the floor with. I could feel his big member against my thigh, trying to nudge its way into my warmth. I whimpered needily, bending my knees and pressing the heels of my feet against the blanket.
“Just let me know if this gets too mu-“ Bucky cut himself off with a moan, his nose crinkling in pleasure as he felt my hand wrap around his cock again.
I guided him to my entrance, encouragingly rubbing his throbbing tip into my wetness. My hand pulled away when I felt him pushing into me, filling me up with his big cock.
I let out a sensual moan of half pain and half pleasure as Bucky’s lips parted, a shaky breath escaping them as we felt my pussy clench around him.
My thighs clenched too, squeezing around his hips as his thick length slid out from where it was half sheathed inside of me. Bucky was going at a painfully slow rate, sliding his cock a little deeper into me with every thrust.
His lips dropped down onto mine, kissing me gently as he stretched my tight little pussy with his cock. The feeling of his thick length inside me made me dig my fingernails into the muscly flesh of his back.
I whimpered against his lips, my face screwing up in pleasure as he pulls his head back for a moment to admire me before crashing his lips on mine again.
I lifted my legs to wrap around his waist, my hips desperately bucking up to him in need. Bucky used his flesh hand to balance as his metal one ran up my leg, over my waist and up to my boob, squeezing it gently.
I cried out and arched my back into his touch, still in disbelief at how good he felt inside me. His cock filled me up again as he let out a grunt, breathing heavily as his body stilled.
Bucky moaned against my lips as he felt my pussy squeezing his cock, both of us lost in the overwhelming feeling of our bodies connecting. I pecked his lips over and over as he started rocking his hips back and forth slowly, making my tits bounce with every thrust.
His balls slapped against me, the sound filling the room as I let my mouth hang open. Our breaths met in a hot mix as Bucky squeezed his eyes shut in pleasure.
His hips jerked with each thrust, feeling himself rubbing against my walls as my pussy lips hugged his length. Bucky shuffled forward on his knees, deepening the thrusts as he picked up the pace.
I whimpered out softly, the new angle hitting all the right spots as my pussy welcomed his size, his cock soaked in my juices. “Bucky” I breathed shakily as I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly against me. Bucky’s head fell perfectly into my neck, his little grunts intensified in my ear now.
A shiver ran through my body as I inhaled his manly scent, overwhelmed by the emotion and euphoric feeling of the moment. I felt my pussy tingle with pleasure, already close to my high as Bucky fucked his cock into me.
I tugged on his hair lightly when I felt his lips on my neck again, both of his hands pressed into the blanket either side of my head as he nudged his hips forward, sending his cock deeper into me. Bucky moaned into my neck, his cock twitching inside of me as he became overwhelmed with the feeling.
Bucky stopped his thrusting with such a suddenness that my eyes opened, a worried look washing over my face. He panted breathlessly, gripping my hips and supporting my back as he picked me up, sitting back on his knees with me on top of him.
I let out a moan the new angle impairing me on his cock as my arms stayed clung tightly around him. Bucky groaned full of pleasure, kissing me slowly as he started thrusting up into me, using his new position to his advantage.
Waves of pleasure mercilessly washed over me, only being intensified by the way Bucky was watching me fuck himself on top of him. He leaned his head back to watch me, his hips lifting to meet my movements as his arms clung to my body.
His eyes were soft and full of lust, his lips dropped into a pout as he watched me whither on top of him, overwhelmed with pleasure. I moaned with as gasp as my orgasm suddenly took over, my body pulsating on him as I rode out my high. 
I leaned forward and kissed him deeply, our tongues playing as he kept me in place despite how my hips were jolting at the throbbing of my clit. Bucky’s face dropped into my neck, his hot breath against my skin as I felt his warm cum spurting inside of me. I sighed out in satisfaction as Bucky grunts, wave after wave of cum filling me up.
He kept me close, our breathless bodies pushed together as we sat there in the afterglow of our orgasms. I’d never cum so hard in my life, the gentleness and love of Bucky’s actions had only topped the experience.
I turned my head and smiled lazily, kissing his swollen lips as my fingers ran through his hair. Bucky reacted by leaving soft pecks on lips over and over, his softening cock still buried inside of me.
“Y/N.” Bucky whispered softly, his breath still warm against my lips as his hooded eyes gazed into mine. “Will you be mine?” 
“Your valentine?” I softly asked, holding him tightly as I thought about the coldness I would feel once his body retreated from mine. 
“No, forever.” Bucky replied hopefully, making my heart stop as a wave of emotion flooded through my body. 
“Forever’s good for me.” I smiled as my eyes filled with tears, nothing but love for the man in front of me as I connected our lips in a gentle kiss. The perfect end to the perfect day.
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anemo-writes · 4 years
hello travelers! again, thank you for putting up with my inactivity, it’s been hard to write lately haha. anyways, i thought this would be something fun to post and for everyone to enjoy, whether you celebrate Valentine’s Day or not :) (note: this will probably be more fanon than canon so please bear with me, i’ll make it as canon as it can be :’) i also kept this pretty short, so hopefully that’s okay too,, and sorry for this being late haha—i wrote this very late at night so don’t mind any typos you find please)
much love,
~ anemo-chan <3
(The Playable) Genshin Impact Characters on Valentine’s Day (Romantically)
super romantic; gifts you a bouquet of flowers and takes you out to eat at a fancy restaurant/cooks for you.
He is nervous. He’s never paid close attention to the countless amount of people who have lined outside the tavern to ask him to be their Valentine, only to be rejected. There was absolutely no way that he would turn to Kaeya for advice, so unfortunately this was something he would have to figure out for himself. He figures that it wouldn’t hurt to go traditional, so that’s what he does; he buys a large bouquet of roses (which he had to get from Donna, seeing that at the hours that he ended work were very late and Flora’s shop was not open at the time—yeah, that was not fun) and presents himself outside your doorway, to which he invites you to join him for a late dinner—which he makes!
She leaves a letter on top of your nightstand, paired along with a singular rose. The letter states for you to meet her outside of Good Hunter, where you find her sitting at a table with a candle dimly-lighting up the surroundings. She greets you with a warm smile, gesturing for you to sit down—the two of you enjoy a candle-lit dinner as well as bolognese she specially requested for Sara to make for the two of you to enjoy together why does this remind me so much of Lady and the Tramp,,
Oh boy. It’s always a fun time spending a holiday with him, seeing that it could go two ways; one, he would be too busy to celebrate it with you on the day of, and he would take you out the day after, or two—have a store’s entire line of merchandise presented to you outside your doorstep, in which a very, very smiley Tartaglia hidden within the pile (after all, he was the best present!) After you’re done moving all of the gifts into your house (it took up the space of your entire living room), he tells you to cover your eyes and follow him. He takes you to one of the most well-known restaurants in Liyue (which currently doesn’t have a name because it is very late here!), and insists that you order whatever you want, and however much you want.
Over the years, he’s witnessed many, many couples celebrate this holiday and every year he’s wished to do the same. He finds the perfect opportunity to do so when Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and boy does he plan it out for the two of you. He’s even made sure to have his wallet on him at all times—it would be extremely rude for you to have to pay if he happened to forget his wallet. He makes sure to stop by to pick up a bouquet of flowers, as well as a bottle of perfume (not in a bad way, just to clarify) from Ying’er’s shop that he recalled you liked. He makes sure to pick you up early from your work place to make sure you made it to your appointment on time; after all, being late to an appointment was similar to breaking a contract, no?
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surprises you with homemade sweets.
Oh, she is so nervous—of course, she doesn’t show this. The entire week, she spent researching recipes to create a special batch of chocolate-dipped strawberries just for you—she even sent Oz to the nearby farms to “borrow” the freshest strawberries for the treat (the farmers were too scared to confront the talking bird who “borrowed” their strawberries, so luckily they got away with it). She dips them in a purple-colored chocolate (because what other color would she use, really?) and drizzles on a dark-chocolate syrup to top it off. She’s too shy to actually give it to you herself though, so she has Oz drop it off for her.
Even though she’s quite busy, she’s somehow found time to whip up a special batch of chocolate just for you! She shapes them into Glaze Lilies (which she found quite hard, which is why there are so few of them) and presents them to you in a neatly-sealed box. She’s quite modest when your eyes widen and tell her it’s the best chocolate you have ever eaten, claiming that she only followed a recipe, when she really made it from scratch.
Like Ganyu, you have no idea how she finds time to create a perfect array of chocolates, which she made herself! However, with her tightly-packed schedule, she has to drop it off at your house in advance, to which you accept happily. She tried to decorate them with designs of cartoon-versions of your faces, but they’re a bit...messy. Nonetheless, they’re tasty, and to her relief, you enjoy them.
Somehow, she’s managed to scrape up enough mora to buy you a necklace; yes, a necklace, and a real one at that—none of that fake, costume jewelry stuff! She even added a pendant shaped like star, just so you could be reminded of her whenever you fiddled with it or even glanced at it. She’s quite flustered when she gives it to you, ignoring the way you ask how she managed to save this much mora to be able to buy something like this, changing the subject on how you should never-ever take it off (because it looks great on you.)
One word: pancakes. (Have you seen the ones she makes for her special dishes? They’re frigging amazing) As a dutiful maid should, she wakes up especially early to prepare a homemade breakfast just for you, to which she serves to you just as your wake up in bed. The fluffy stack of pancakes are decorated with fruits cut up in heart-shapes, as well the words, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Y/N”, written neatly with chocolate syrup—it’s quite a sight to see, to be honest, and utterly delicious. Lucky you!
The day before, she tells you to meet her at the restaurant around noon. When you arrive, the restaurant is adorned with Valentine decorations, as well as a terrifying amount of food; she insists that she only made it for you, so you better eat up! Before she can show you the other dishes, the restaurant is suddenly filled with a strong, bitter smell—something burning. With a yelp, she runs into the kitchen, coming out a few minutes later with a tray of half-scorched cupcakes, their Gouba-shapes adorned with...a lot of burn marks. Oh well, it’s the thought that counts, doesn’t it?
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buys/makes a present for you.
Without your knowledge, Albedo has been creating a collection of artworks throughout all the time you had spent together. The pieces include portraits of you, portraits of you and him (sucrose helped with this), as well as just random sketches of the little things that remind him of you, such as the bare, snowy-white terrain where the two of you first met, as well as its flora and fauna. If you request it, he’ll even make the painting come alive (literally), and the two of you run to Sucrose’s dwelling, who is very shocked to see the pair of you running from a Frosted Lawachurl when she peered out her window to see if she could pinpoint the sounds of distant screaming.
Is there anything better than a matching set of wind gliders? Not only that—they were homemade! She spent the last couple of weeks putting together a pair of gliders for the two of you, customizing them to your tastes (which she nailed!) She quite literally drags you to the nearest hill to test them out, and the two of you end up challenging each other on who can get back to the Knights of Farvonius Headquarters the fastest—spoiler alert: she did.
Oh, she would make the cutest card for you—the envelope is decorated with cute stickers (some of them even had her face on it; there’s nothing like promoting merchandise, am i right? jkjks) She also pairs it off with a box of chocolates that she bought from Sara—however, what she didn’t know was that in the box was a special-edition spicy chocolate truffle. With your luck, that was the first one you chose—and boy, were you met a surprise (it was so bad that you were begging Barbara to use her Vision on you, which she refused of course). Fun times.
He’s real sweet. After his expeditions and commissions, he opens the freezer (yes he keeps them in there, don’t judge him) to an array of ice sculptures, shapes varying from flowers, hearts, and such—although it’s quite the simple gift, he’s put a lot of effort into them, even putting in the extra effort to cast a spell to make sure they would not melt; it’s all worth though, when he sees the absolutely giddy expression on your face, and the look of pure awe as you pick one up and study it closely, admiring all of the details and work that’s he put in.
She sends out informants to find out what you like, whether it be something that your gaze settled on for too long or something you’ve mentioned while talking to her—on the day of, you open your door to a mountain of gifts, with Ningguang herself peering out from behind it with a calm smile and a wave (which was the opposite of your reaction, because who has that much mora to purchase all of these gifts?!?)
He doesn’t have a clue on what the holiday until Lisa asks him if he’s planned something for the two of you during one of his lessons. When he shakes his head no, Lisa suggests that he make you something, to which he sets out on an adventure to do, looking for flowers and flower stems to weave into a pair of matching bracelets—they’re not the prettiest, but he is pretty proud of it; after all, it was his first time making something like that. He’s quite nervous to present it to you, afraid that you might not like it, but all feelings of worry melt away when you slide it on with a huge smile on your face, insisting that he wears his too.
At first, she considers gifting you a present that she created herself; of course, with her work being alchemy, she isn’t sure if that would be the safest option, despite being talented herself. And so, she resorts to buying a present for you—she is very picky with the present though, insisting that it should be perfect since she could not make one herself. She even consults Albedo when selecting some of the presents (he doesn’t help her unfortunately; he believes that she should figure it out herself haha). Like Razor, she’s quite nervous to give it to you, but lets out a huge sigh of relief as you thank her happily for the gift, wiping a bead of sweat from across her forehead (sucrose bby anything you give us would be perfect,,)
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whisks you away somewhere sentimental, where the two of you can enjoy a special date.
It’s ungodly early in the morning when Beidou presents herself in front of your doorstep, announcing that you’ll be joining her and the crew on a special ride. She tugs you along beside her until you reach the harbor, where you are met with the sight of her ship adorned with streamers and banners, varying between shades of pink and red. Onboard, there is a table filled with goodies the crew collected and made, and boy do they look delicious. The group sets out to sea, and you take your place next to the captain, who even lets you steer the boat (momentarily, at least.)
He takes you to meet his dads; yes, yes—he knows that it’s not the most romantic thing to do on a day dedicated to lovers, but he figures it’s just as important. Besides, they’ve been asking about you for quite a while—they even set up a small party within the Adventurer’s Guild, with the help of Bennett, of course. You spend the day listening to their old adventuring stories, as well as bits from Bennett’s childhood (poor boy is flustered from all the information his dads are spilling, but he’s still happy either way; after all, he’s with the most important people to him.)
He quite literally kidnaps you; one second you’re walking in the streets of Mondstadt on your way to work when suddenly someone grabs you by the waist and pulls you into an alley way (that sounds so creepy but i swear he means it in a good way). He only chuckles and shields himself with his arms as you punch him lightly, retorting that he scared you. He doesn’t care that the two of you have an overwhelming amount of work to do—after all, Valentine’s Day only comes once a year, right? Surprisingly, he doesn’t take you the tavern, but instead...Dawn Winery! Diluc received quite the surprise when he is met with the two of you standing outside his gates, with Kaeya requesting a wine/grape juice taste-testing. Yeah...you guys didn’t get any of that, but you did manage to snag a couple of grapes on your way out! Good for you!
You wake up in your bed, opening your eyes to see a very-smiley Venti laying beside you, chin propped up against his hand as he watches you yawn sleepily as you force yourself out of bed. You’re then presented with a handpicked-bouquet of Ceceilias, the freshest of the bunch, if he may add. You barely have time to thank him before he hoists you up in his arms and out of your dwelling, gliding over the city of Mondstadt as he whisks you away to Starsnatch Cliff, where he’s prepared a special performance just for you (and no, you don’t need to pay.)
While he’s not the most romantic, he does have a clue on what people look for on Valentine’s Day; after all, that’s what cheesy-romance novels were for, right? Unbeknownst to you, he takes you on a date very similar to the one the main characters in his favorite novels partook in—and you don’t find out until you catch him peeking into the pages while you weren’t (you were) looking. Again, it’s the thought that counts—
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doesn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Sadly, she probably forgets about the holiday. She’s too busy holed-up in her office to notice the couples gathered up in the courtyard, sharing moments with their lover. It’s not until she walks out to take a breather that she notices the commotion—she immediately calls you over, apologizing frantically. Of course, to this you respond that’s it’s okay, but that you would much rather her take the rest of the day off to spend time together, to which she reluctantly agrees.
“I do not have time to celebrate silly human traditions like that.” He would say as you bound up to him, exclaiming that it’s Valentine’s Day, the day where you can give sweets to your loved ones, and asking if he had someone special in mind to spend it with. He’s irked when your gaze falters and the grip on the object you’re hiding behind your back tightens—he only grows more irked as you mutter to yourself how you’ll give the chocolates you made to someone else. He scoffs loudly, avoiding your gaze as he lays out his hand in front of you to accept the chocolates (just because he doesn’t celebrate the holiday doesn’t mean he can’t get jealous!)
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crescentsteel · 4 years
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pairing: Suna  x f!reader genre: fluff with slight angst (childhood friends to lovers) wc: 3.8k summary: you planned to confess to Suna on Valentines day. Unfortunately for you, he finds the holiday stupid.
Did this in one sitting, brain went zoom zoom
Not really comfortable writing for Inarizaki for some reason. Suna and Miya twins stans, don’t come for me. 
Thank you @tokyosdawn​, @luvnami​, @fayeiparis​ (my ride or die ily) for the betaread. 
ngl. I almost wrote smut after the fluff 
Happy Valentines Day! 🖤
This is it. This is the day. 
You’re finally going to confess to Suna. 
You have been close friends for so long, and for the whole duration of it, you have tried your utter best to feel only as such. 
You became friends with the rest of the Inarikazi team because you were always present in every game, with you being the loudest person to cheer for Suna leading everyone to pester him until he introduced you to them. Knowing Suna, he wasn’t fazed by his team’s persistent request and never mentioned to you that the team wanted to meet you. 
It had been Atsumu that day who approached you during lunch break saying that Suna asked him to ask you to attend their practice after class. 
You’ve been asking him non-stop if he can come watch them practice but he strictly prohibited you from going to the gym at all, so you were thrilled that he finally let you watch.. only to find him unpleasantly surprised that you were there. 
Apparently, the whole team thought you were dating. As much as you wish you were, you could only agree with Suna when he said you were just a long-time friend. 
But that changes today. Hopefully. 
You already know what confessing to him means, and you’re not ready to lose Suna as a friend in case this doesn’t work out. However, with the  both of you being third years already, it was now or never. You keep asking him what his plans after graduation are and he’s infuriatingly very consistent with his answer - a shrug and an apathetic ‘dunno.’
While you’re not ready to lose your friendship, you’re probably going to after high school — which is why you spent almost all of your allowance to buy ingredients to make homemade chocolate. It’s not actually that it’s expensive — you wasted so much ingredients making them that you ended up having enough for only three pieces. 
But you’re satisfied because they were of three different designs. Three cute fox-shaped chocolates of different colors. They weren’t perfect but you tailored them according to Suna’s taste - just mildly sweet so he can actually enjoy it.
You smile into the February air. 
You really aren’t sure about his feelings for you, but you know that you’re special to him. 
You’re his only female friend and despite his aloofness, he actually spends time with you outside of school. It was you who he spent New Year’s with. He celebrates your birthday even if you know he’s not really into that kind of stuff. He walks you home when you stay late from club activities. 
Being his friend since elementary school, you know he’s not the kind of guy to be nice to someone just for the sake of being nice. 
So instead of dreading for your confession, you’re actually excited. 
On your way to your first class, the chaotic twins block your path with a mischievous grin from both of them, except Atsumu’s way too obvious and upfront about it. 
“So, y/n. Anything for me?” Atsumu asks as he cocks an eyebrow at you. 
“Why would she give you any, idiot?” Osamu glares at Atsumu before turning to you with a smirk that makes you wary for some reason. “When she’s obviously giving them to Suna,” he adds.
You try to not look affected at his spot-on statement, but shit, you can already feel your heartbeat just a bit faster. Are you that obvious?
“Don’t you have hoards of shit from other girls? Why the hell are you ganging up on me?” you ask instead of answering Osamu’s speculation. 
“I want to show them to Suna during practice. His pretty little childhood friend givin’ me homemade chocolates,” Atsumu teases animatedly. 
Your eyes widen from what he said. “Wait, how did you know they were homemade?” 
The two give each other meaningful looks before Osamu leans down a bit on you. “So there really are chocolates, huh?”
You go rigid when you realize you’ve exposed yourself to these two. Shit, they’re going to tease you non-stop about this. Worse, they might tell Suna before you even get the chance to do it yourself. 
“Those are some burns on your hands, y/n. Have you treated those properly?” Atsumu eyes your hand that accidentally touched the hot pan yesterday. You tug the sleeves of your uniform lower to cover the purple-pinkish marks. 
“I’m going to be late for class, bye,” you abruptly bid goodbye and hurriedly escape from the two. God knows what else they’ll get from you if you stay longer. 
You erase your encounter with the twins from this morning. You can’t buckle down now. You worked hard for this day, both in body and in spirit. You’ve already had more than a fair share of doubts and second thoughts up until last night when you successfully pushed any cynicism away. 
You won’t back down, especially when Suna is just a seat away from you now. 
“Got any chocolates yet?” You prod at the topic as you put away your used cutleries. 
“Yea,” he answers lazily. “It’s so dumb.”
“What is?” you ask with a frown.
“Valentines,” he deadpans.  “Atsumu’s gonna get a fucking diabetes from the amount of chocolates he took from me because I was about to throw them away.”
You try to not let it get to you and breathe steadily to strengthen your resolve. You’re special to Suna. Surely, he won’t treat yours like that.
“What’s more idiotic is confessing this day,” he rambles on. “If a person really likes someone, why wait for Valentines to say it?” He asks rhetorically while putting away his own finished lunch. 
You feel your stomach lurch, like riding down a rollercoaster at full speed unexpectedly. You try your best to mold your face into an impassive expression to not give anything away.
On the inside though, you’re a mess. Your head feels too loud and the air feels too heavy. You want to close your eyes and disappear.
Then he looks at you. “What about you? Did you give chocolates to anyone?”
You vaguely hear his question. You feel like you’re in a bubble and every sound is muffled -- your classmates chattering, the chairs scraping against the floor, the laughter all around you feels distant.
You planned to give him the chocolates you worked so hard on, but definitely not anymore. He hit two things right (Or wrong? Who knows anymore.) on the marks and right now, you do feel idiotic for trying so hard. 
You should’ve known better. Of course, he’d find it stupid! He’s never the person to be all excited with events like this. What were you even thinking, spending all that money and effort when he obviously thinks the whole thing is a farce?
Did you really think this was going to go well? That he’d accept your chocolates and everything would be fine and you would go on as friends? In hindsight, there is never going to be a way out of this where you win. It is a stupid idea, and you’re stupid for even thinking about it.
‘Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb,’ you chant in your head. 
You flinch and find him staring at you, waiting for your answer. His golden eyes are studying your face carefully. You think you see a little bit of concern there but you brush it off.
“Oh no,” you laugh hesitantly. “No way I’d waste my time on some boy on the very rare chance that he actually likes me back, pfft.” Your laugh turns ironic and bitter. “Like you said, it’s just a dumb holiday,” you respond with a forced smile.
“Anyways, I have to go back now. Later, Rin.” You quickly stand up and head to a comfort room because you feel like shit and you need to cry it out before your classes start again, else you’d be tearing up during lecture.
“Wait.” He grips your hand firmly, adding salt to the injury as you wince when he presses the burn you got from yesterday.
He’s startled by your sudden reaction, but doesn’t say anything. 
He loosens his hold and moves his grip to your wrist as he pushes up the sleeve of your uniform, revealing the burn on your hand along with small others on your arm. 
“What happened to you?” he asks with muted concern while his eyes are trained on your arm, fingers gently skimming over the burns.
You aggressively retrieve your arm and pull your sleeve back down while you come up with a lie, “Oka-san needed help in the kitchen yesterday.”
He furrows his eyebrows with suspicion. “Why? Everyone knows you’re useless in the kitchen.”
Yeah, but you wanted to do something for him, and the burns would have been worth it if he at least accepted the chocolates you worked so hard on. 
“Honestly, I don’t even know.” You try to laugh it off, but you’re losing it already, so you just give him a quick wave with whatever smile you can muster and saunter away from him. 
After a pathetic sobbing session in one of the cubicles, you make your way back to your classroom looking as normal as you possibly can. 
Thank goodness it’s Valentines. You’re not the only girl with eyes puffy from rejection. 
“Hey.” You feel a hand on your shoulder and solely from his voice, you can tell it’s Osamu. “You okay?” 
Maybe it would’ve been better if you had fallen for Osamu instead. Despite being always teased by him and Atsumu, he’s actually a nice likeable guy. Unlike Suna. 
God, why did it have to be Suna Rintarou?
“Come with me,” you say without looking at Osamu and drag him with you back to your classroom. 
“Uhh, okay.” He sounds unsure but he goes with you anyway. 
You ask him to wait for you just by the doorway of your classroom and grab the stupid box of chocolates you made from your bag. 
You practically shove it to him when you get back to where he is. “Happy Valentines, ‘Samu,” you greet with a dead expression. 
Osamu gapes at you then at the box in hand, an expression of disbelief spreading across his face. 
“Weren’t you asking for chocolates this morning?” 
“That was ‘Tsumu. Also,” he looks closely at the box. “It says ‘Rin.’
You immediately rip out the wrapper where you wrote Suna’s nickname and tuck the crumpled paper in your pocket.
“There. It doesn’t anymore,” you announce passively.
Osamu scratches his head with discomfort. “I can’t accept this, y/n. I can give it to Suna if you want,” he offers kindly.
“Miya Osamu. Either you accept it or I’m throwing it away right now.” Your voice is dead serious and so are you. If Osamu won’t accept it, it’s going to the trash where Suna would’ve tossed it in as well. 
“Okay, okay!” He surrenders with panic and opens the box slowly. 
“Holy sh-,” he clears his throat. “I mean, wow. These are so cute, the cutest I’ve received today,” he comments appreciatively before returning his gaze at you. “You sure about this, y/n?”
You nod, more convinced now that you saw his reactions towards it. “Yeah. I figured I’d want to give them to someone who’s going to actually like them.”
The soft ring of the bell alerts you that your next class is about to start. 
“Thanks Osamu,” you utter with a grateful smile before sauntering back to your classroom. 
“Oy ‘Samu, why are these chocolates so cute? How the hell can I eat these?” Tsumu whines.
“You shithead, those are mine!” Osamu rushes to where his twin and grabs the box protectively.
Suna just watches the two and silently waits for another fight to erupt.
“You’d just taste them and give them to me anyways. What’s the deal?” Atsumu asks with a frown.
“If you must know, ‘Tsumu. Y/n gave this to me,” Osamu announces with a condescending grin as Astumu gawks at him in disbelief. “No fucking way, you stinking liar,” Atsumu retorts.
Suna looks at the tiny box Osamu is holding and agrees with Atsumu. There is no way you’d give those to Osamu. You said so yourself this morning.
‘No way I’d waste my time on some boy on the very rare chance that he actually likes me back.’
Did you lie to him and made some for Osamu? Do you like Osamu?
Suna’s mind wanders back to the burns on your hand and arms and how your mom ‘supposedly’ asked you to help out in the kitchen. He knows something is off. You’re never asked to help out with anything that involves cooking, so why did you lie about it?
So what is going on? There’s just no way in hell you like Osamu. Not once have you mentioned liking his teammate enough for you to  venture into the ‘horrors of the kitchen’ (as you put it). And more importantly, why Osamu?
It is true that Suna doesn’t give a shit whether or not  he gets a mountain load of chocolates on this superficial holiday. He’s not eating them. 
However, he’d make an exception only if they come from you. He wouldn’t mind if they’re just store-bought ones as long as they’re from you. 
So why the fuck would you go to the troubles of making them for Osamu and not him? You can’t possibly like Osamu. He won’t allow it.
He marches to where the twins are and turns to Osamu. “Did y/n really give you that?”
Both the twins face him and while Osamu looks pensive, Atsumu wears a shit-eating grin. “Aww, Suna. Are you jealous that your beloved y/n gave us chocolates?”
“‘Tsumu, shut up for the love of God. And she didn’t give it to us. She gave it to me.” Osamu pulls the box closer to him possessively which ticks Suna off even more. 
“Did she say why?” Suna tries to sound calm despite the stupid jealousy bubbling up the pit of his stomach. 
“Obviously because-” Atsumu starts, but Osamu grabs his twin’s face with one hand to halt his babbling as he sighs to face Suna. 
“Actually, the box had your name in it,” Osamu admits. “She just ripped it out and said she’d rather give it to someone who’ll appreciate it.”
“-mmmmff Samu!” Atsumu successfully removes Osamu’s hand. “You shouldn’t have told him that! Do you realize that y/n didn’t want him to know?”
“Duh! Of course, I know. But I really can’t accept chocolates that’re supposed to be for another guy,” Osamu sighs before handing Suna the box. 
He opens it and sees the fuss Tsumu was making about it. They really are cute and are obviously made with care and precision. If someone else had told him that you made these, he wouldn’t have believed them.
But there’s something about the chocolates that he can’t ignore. 
“Why are there bites on the two pieces?” He asks as he lifts his gaze up from the chocolates. 
Atsumu puts his hands behind his head and starts whistling as he avoids Suna’s gaze while Osamu smiles apologetically. 
“Sorry, I wanted to see if they taste as good as they look,” Osamu confesses. As for Atsumu, Suna can already tell that the piss-haired setter just couldn’t help himself despite receiving so many already.
“They’re a bit bland, Suna. Tell y/n she needs to improve her baking skills,” Atsumu comments shamelessly which makes Suna scowl at Atsumu’s ungrateful ass. The fact that you made something look edible is already something commendable.
“They’re okay. Just needs a bit more sweetness,” Osamu backs his twin up.
He brings the remaining chocolate that’s still untouched to his mouth.
“What are you two talking about? It tastes perfectly fine,” he states truthfully. It’s just the right amount of sweetness that he’s able to finish it despite not really being a fan of chocolates. 
Osamu laughs softly before speaking. “She really did make them for you, Suna.”
That night, you toss and turn in your bed while trying to keep your focus on the movie you played. As entertaining as it is, you can’t fully enjoy it with constantly wanting to smash your head against the wall of your room.
For a good while, you really thought everything would go smoothly and that by the end of today, you and Suna would be more than just friends. 
Maybe today is a sign that you shouldn’t push it anymore. Suna said so himself: if someone likes a person, they don’t need the holiday to confess.
So why hasn’t he?
The answer is clear as day and you wish you were blind to see it, but you aren’t. 
There had been too many chances for you two to move your relationship forward, but not once had he shown a sign that he wanted to. 
He doesn’t like you like that. It’s just you and your delusional head. He doesn’t love you the way you love him. Even with the cute, romantic scene playing before you, you start tearing up. 
You grab one of your pillows and bury your face in it, effectively silencing the sob and stopping the tears that are coming as you remember your folly attempt to confess today. 
You should’ve been satisfied with the comfort of your friendship. If you hadn’t been so greedy, you wouldn’t have gotten hurt like this. 
You hear a text alert from your phone. You open it and see a text from the source of your misery.
‘Come out’
You don’t want to. Tomorrow you can be back to normal around him, but not tonight.
You hurriedly respond with a lie.
‘Went out zzz’
You throw your phone somewhere on your bed and lie down with your pillow still squeezed between your arms while you space out at nothing.
Your thirst brings you back to your senses so you stand up and get to the kitchen. When you come back to your room, you almost scream when you see Suna sitting slouching on your bed. 
“What the heck, Rin?! How did you get here?” 
“Your mother let me in. Why are you even asking obvious questions?”
You massage your temples as you plan to tell your mom later not to just let anyone in your room even though it’s someone she knows. You might be childhood friends but you’re no longer kids. He can’t just pop in and out of your room anymore like he used to.
“Why are you even here? I said I was out.”
“Your lights are open, dumbass,” he answers, to which you respond with a sigh.
“Didn’t it occur to you that I don’t want to see you?” 
He stands up from your bed and although his expression doesn’t change, you feel alarmed from how he’s towering over you without saying anything.
“W-what?” Your stutter betrays your attempt to sound fine.
“Why the fuck would you give Osamu chocolates that are supposed to be mine?” 
You gawk at him. He isn’t supposed to know that. That bastard, Osamu! You don’t have a prepared excuse for this kind of confrontation. 
“What’s it to you even? You would’ve thrown them away anyways,” you snap back with an accusatory tone.
“Not if they’re from you,” he discloses as his usually austere eyes soften up, holding your gaze. You feel like you’re about to melt.
You feel your heart beat wildly against your chest. Not long ago you had said that you didn’t want to see him, but now that he’s here, you don’t feel like moving. You don’t feel like going anywhere. Everything could be on fire around you but you’d still stay by his side.
But… this is not right. Did you already know? He doesn’t love you back.
You try to turn away to hide the gnawing pain in your chest, but he’s faster. He grabs your arm to pull you closer. When he dips down to claim your lips while his arms snake around your waist, you melt within his hold. 
His lips are so warm and uncharacteristically tender as he moves them intricately against yours, causing you to place both hands against his chest to feel him even more, to feel that he is real and not just a dream induced by how badly you yearn for him.
He pulls away a bit and finds a bewildered look on your face that just makes you look adorable. There had been many times when he thought about doing this, especially whenever you’re staring into nothingness with parted lips as if coaxing him to fuck everything else and just cross the boundary of your platonic relationship.
But to be honest, he didn’t like the complications of being in a romantic relationship with you when you already have this comfortable friendship. At the end of the day, he knows you have him and he has you. 
Yet, he absolutely despises the idea that you might have liked someone else. He’s never felt any resentment towards his teammates, not even to Astsumu who’s a fucking handful most of the time.
Only today.
Only when he saw that box of chocolates in Osamu’s hands that he realized that he didn’t want to share you with anyone.
It was selfish of him, wanting to keep you to himself but not really doing anything to actually make it happen.
That changes tonight. 
He removes one hand from your waist to hold your hand that’s resting on his chest.
“I love you, y/n.”
You blink twice at him, evidently surprised with his confession, but immediately recover when you look down and giggle softly. 
When you look back at him again, your eyes are a mixture of content and mirth. “I thought you said it’s idiotic to confess on Valentines Day,” you remind him with a wide smile.
His loving stare becomes a cold glare when you point out what he had said this morning. He didn’t plan to do it today. He just couldn’t wait until tomorrow, thereby forgetting that he had actually told you that. Although, he still believes people shouldn’t wait for the holiday to confess, it just so happened that today is when he decided to do it.
“Fine. I take it back,” he says out of petty spite.
“I’m kidding!” you respond defensively before intertwining his fingers with yours. “Actually, I was about to confess earlier, but you said the stuff about Valentines being dumb.”
“It still is,” he says, undeterred. In his defense, he really hadn’t been expecting you would. 
“Right. Yet, here we are,” you state as a matter of fact as you grip his hand tighter.
“Can you answer the damn confession already?” he asks exasperatedly which makes you laugh out loud. 
You settle down with an affectionate smile. “Yes, Rin. I love you too.”
He loses his stern expression as he takes your hand to his mouth and kisses it, rubbing the minor burn with his thumb, a reminder that he does appreciate what you did for him. 
“Happy Valentines, I guess,” he says before he goes for your lips again.
mlist of other stuff I wrote
taglist (those crossed out can’t be tagged)
@ameliaxo @suikrem @akaashisslave @tsumurai  @babythotshq @loving-unicorns106 @flairlust @geektastic84​ @anaiss97 @hqbeesun @megatron-1199 @lovershaikyuu
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realcube · 4 years
how haikyuu!! characters confess to you on valentine’s day💘
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characters: kyōtani, tsukishima, sugawara & akaashi 
tw// none 
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kentarō kyōtani
♡ writes you letter and puts you it in your locker 🥺
♡ but you catch him in the act FDGHJGFD
♡ he memorised that you usually arrive at school at around half passed eight so he made it a point to get to school extra early so nobody would see him
♡ but little did he know, you had the exact same plan in mind 🤦‍♂️
♡ so when you walked into school and noticed kyōtani aggressively pounding on your locked bc his chucky letter wouldn’t fit through the slot, you both froze in your tracks
♡ he realised how shady it looked that he was trying to get into your locker — plus, he was aware that he already had the appearance and the reputation of a delinquent, so he immediately thought that you would assume he was trying to rob your locker
♡ but in reality, not even for a second did you think that he was trying to steal anything
♡ but either way, mans took off 🏃‍♂️
♡ cut to you chasing him through the hallways, yelling for him to come back so you could confess to him
♡ but he thought you were chasing him bc you were angry 
♡ eventually he reached a dead-end so he had no choice but to face your wrath
♡ so imagine his surprise when - instead of screaming at him - you handed him a box of chocolates in a heart-shaped box, with a little sticky note on top with ‘be my valentine?’ written on it
♡ he was speechless so he just kinda looked up and stared at you with a blank expression
♡ ‘i know it’s cheesy but it was the best i could come up with.’ you stuttered, desperately trying to break the awkward silence kyōtani had left you in
♡ he was finally able to process what you had just given him and subtly shoved his love letter into his pocket now that you had confessed to him, ‘uh, thanks, i guess.’ 
♡ your lips instinctively fell into a frown, assuming that was a ‘no’. but to hide your disappointment, you forced a smile back on before turning your heels and hastily rushing away - planning to go cry in the bathroom now ✌ ‘okay, erm, bye, kyōtnani!’
♡ kyōtani’s eyes widened at how shaky your voice was all of a sudden and why you seemed to desperate to get away from him. had he said something to upset you?
♡ ‘uh, bye. meet me by the gates after school today.’
♡ you paused in your tracks, almost tripping over by doing so, ‘why?’ you choked, peering over you shoulder to look at him with hopeful, wide-eyes which caught him off-guard
♡ like jesus christ you looked cute-
♡ he felt his cheeks heat up at the sight so he quickly turned his head to the side and barked, ‘don’t be an idiot! obviously i’m gonna take you to the shop and buy you some chocolates - it’s only fair.’
♡ ‘like..a date?!’ you squealed, twirling around and clasping your hands together in delight 
♡ ‘no.’
♡ ‘i’ll take you on a date in the park afterwards.’  
♡ you bounced excitedly, unable to resist the urge to throw yourself into his arms and hold him in a tight embrace, ‘i can’t wait!’ 
♡ kyōtani let out a light sigh of relief as he felt your chest press tightly against his own, ‘yeah, same’
♡ although he didn’t sound too enthusiastic, he showed that he was looking forward to the date by skipping practise so you didn’t have to wait for him :))
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kei tsukishima 
♡ he does not ask you to be his valentine’s at the start of the day
♡ he just waits - not so patiently - for you to ask him 
♡ but you didn’t >:(
♡ he was livid
♡ oh and during lunch you got him so hopeful bc you were like ‘oh, tsukki! i almost forgot. i’ve got something for you!’
♡ and he was like 90% sure it was a box of chocolates to accompany your confession but it was hIS FKN CHARGER THAT HE ACCIDENTALLY LEFT AT YOUR HOUSE A FEW DAYS AGO AAAAAA
♡ grrr so since the whole day passed and you didn’t confess to him, he figured that he had to do everything himself 🙄
♡ last period, he texted you, asking for you to meet him at his house after your club
♡ (he wanted to confess in a location where there was no one around to make fun of him if he got rejected and if he was accepted, then he could take you on a date to the café near his house) 
♡ so begrudgingly, you did - but after your club 
♡ and you were under the impression that he went to volleyball club that day so he wouldn’t have to wait by his house for too long but rather, he skipped that day so he could first pop to the shops to buy a bouquet 
♡ when you arrived at his house, you were greeted by him holding at bouquet of flowers and forcefully shaking them, indicating that he wanted you to take them
♡ ‘what are these for, tsukki?’ you hummed, grasping the stems of the flowers and slowly pulling them towards you, taking a long whiff of their sweet scent
♡ tsukishima looked away shyly, unable to make eye-contact with you without blushing. damn, this was harder than he thought. 
♡ ‘for valentine’s day, duh.’ 
♡ you smirked, hugging the bouquet to your chest as you gazed up at him longingly, ‘so are you asking me to be your valentine or are these sympathy flowers?’ 
♡ tsukishima rolled his eyes, ‘asking you to be my valentine. but you’re so oblivious, i’m starting to regret it now.’
♡ that was a lie
♡ tsukishima mentally scolded himself; he was literally trying to get you to go out with him? why was he insulting you?
♡ ‘well, i’d love to be your valentine, kei.’ you cooed, your arms full with the flowers so instead of hugging him, you pressed your face in his chest and steadily, his large hand found it‘s way to your back, rubbing up and down your spine
♡ although on the outside he acted all nonchalant about it, on the inside he was setting off fireworks and celebrating 
♡ there was a long while of silence between the two of you, until he broke it by inquiring, ‘wanna go get something to eat?’ 
♡ ‘yessss!’
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kōshi sugawara
♡ probably planned for weeks beforehand
♡ makin sure he was extra fanon suga around you 
♡ so when valentine’s day rolls around, he gives you a box of homemade cookies with barely any explanation 
♡ then you noticed a lil’ sticky note on it, telling you to meet him at his house at 7PM 
♡ you acted accordingly and once you arrived at his house, you were greeted by more homemade cookies and sugawara in a tuxedo 
♡ ofc he led you to his back garden, gesturing for you to take a seat at the table he had set out under his small gazebo 
♡ the table was all set for a hot date; which you could tell by the pale tablecloth, expensive-looking ivory plates, sparkling clean cutlery and the cherry on top was the candle he had lit which sat in the middle of the table 
♡ then he came out with cloche, rushing up to you before lifting the lid - and once the clouds of steam subsided, you realised it was your favourite food- 
♡ ‘you’re so extra, kōshi.’ you whined, hiding your blushing face with your hands 
♡ he chuckled at your flustered reaction, taking a seat on the chair across from you only to lean across the table slightly to get a better view of you, ‘i just wanted this to be perfect for you, (y/n).’ he shrugged, not sure whether to take your statement as a compliment or insult
♡ ‘it is. thank you!’ you finally removed your hands from your face for him to see your grateful expression
♡ anyway, he probably makes a big deal out of feeding you the first few bites of your food bc he thought it’d be romantic but he accidently dropped some on your school bottoms smh 
♡ also, at some point in the night, he makes sure to do that thing where he leans across the table and eyes your lips while wiping some food off the corner of them 
♡ oh and knuckle kisses 🥰
♡ he genuinely didn’t want the night to end so his heart sunk when he had to escort you back to your house
♡ but at least he got to hold your hand :))
♡ you were both staring up at the gorgeous night sky that was decorated by stars in comfortable silence, until sugawara realised something, ‘oh, i didn’t even ask you to be my valentine- my bad!’
♡ before you could coo an ‘it’s okay’, suga had already skipped in front of you and fell to one knee, taking you hand in his own and bringing it to his lips
♡ ‘kōshi’ you squealed, trying to cover your face with your spare hand - your heart skipped a beat at how similar sugawara’s actions were to a proposal 
♡ suga thought you were so cute when you were shy aaaa (❤´艸`❤)
♡ ‘(y/n), will you do me the honour of being my valentine?’
♡ ‘you’re such a prince!’ you gasped upon making a connection between sugawara’s signature beam and that of a charming prince from movies
♡ suga faltered at how off-topic your comment was, ‘thank you- but is that a no?’
♡ your eyes widened, rapidly shaking your head and dropping to your knees to place a lil’ peck on his forehead, ‘nonono! it’s a yes!’
♡ suga couldn’t help but snort at your adorable actions, mimicking them and pecking the tip of your nose
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keiji akaashi 
♡ definitely a secret admirer thing leading up to valentine’s day
♡ he’s been leaving notes in your locker for months tho
♡ he just loved seeing the wide grin spread across your face while you read the letter he wrote  
♡ then he realised that valentine’s day was approaching so that gave him an excuse to confess 
♡ one day he somehow mustered up the courage to write ‘meet me by the forest at 5′ on it and as soon as he slipped it into your locker, he was panicking
♡ like he was so anxious; the biggest fear on his mind being that, what if you didn’t like him?
♡ he was even considering not showing up bc he was too nervous
♡ but the last thing he wanted to do was ghost you and potentially hurt your feelings so he turned up 
♡ when you saw him, he was acting so odd - hardly even acknowledging your presence -  that you weren’t sure if he was the one writing the letters or if it’s just a coincidence 
♡ ‘hi..’ he finally murmured, gently tapping your shoulder to grab your attention
♡ you smiled, clutching the letter to your chest as you twitched with excitement, ‘hi! are you, erm..the person who’s been writing these letters?’
♡ akaashi nodded, keeping his gaze glued to the ground while awkwardly fidgeting with his fingers
♡ ‘oh- well, they’re so beautiful! you have such a way with words and you make my day ten times brighter. thank you so much, akaashi.’
♡ he perked up upon hearing you say his name, he didn’t think you knew it-
♡ i mean, yeah, you were in the same biology and maths class but in the past, you’ve never even spared him a glance
♡ ‘it’s no problem. and seeing you smile makes my day brighter so..’ akaashi instantly cringed at how stalkerish and pathetic that must’ve sounded 
♡ so needless to say, he was pleasantly surprised when you simply giggled in response, ‘you’re sweet- anyway, i was wondering you’d like to come with me to get tea or someth--’
♡‘sure.’ he was sold at ‘tea’. 
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@the-astrumnauta @scftfairyking​ 
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