#I don’t mind
desi-lesbian · 2 months
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It’s been a while tumblrinas
Squishy arms butch is back
Men and minors dni
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swirlypurr · 6 months
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Drew riv and spears stimming because I realised I can draw whatever I want <3
Ooh they are so silly, I love these fucked up lil guys so much
Tried something new with lighting and shading, don’t expect a ton of this tho lol, but who knows
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lueddegen · 2 months
Two very unfortunate (or hilarious) things about the german version of the murderbot diaries is that not only did they manage to translate the title All Systems Red as Systemausfall (eng. system failure) when one future installation turned out to be named System Collapse, they also managed to turn Rogue Protocol into Exit Szenario (no need to translate) right before Exit Strategy came out.
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sevikasenby · 3 months
sevika, baby, i’m gonna be honest, you can’t choke me with that thing.
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meatloafzzz · 1 year
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(ˊ̥̥̥̥̥ ³ ˋ̥̥̥̥̥)♡(*´-`*)
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snaill-dragon · 5 months
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So people were interested my old fan tribes, so here’s the first one. Originally I was gonna post them all at once, but I needed more space to talk about them lol.
So. These are old. Like. I made them right before book 11 came out I’m pretty sure. So uh… I tried to keep a lot of things similar to the original design, which is why it may be kind of weird. There’s definitely a lot I’d do differently now.
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pedrospatch · 6 months
the evil boop is raider!joel booping you but with his dick
he can boop me to death with his dick if he wants
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Okay okay I know I would kill for James and the urge to be his girlfriend is killing me but imagine being his girl bsf.
Like from kindergarten you and him where friends and now you two are inseparable. Just for him to be so comfortable around you makes me feel a type of wayyy. And you two tell each other like EVERYTHING.
Because your parents are always out of town, James would always come around to your house and stay for days on days.
(Like when you two are like 15 or something) You somehow manage to get alcohol and cigarettes. So you two would just get drunk to a degree and mess around in your back yard.
Like having that kinda friendship with James to the point where you are like brother and sister is so fucking cute like OH MH GOD SOMEONE HELP ME. 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
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Someone send help this boy is too cute
like as much as i literally wanna marry this beautiful specimen of a man, just imagine being his best friend in the whole world.
you would’ve been there for all his shit and he would be there for all of yours. i feel like james use to be the type of person who didn’t know how to comfort someone that much, like he’d be more awkward ‘how do i stop her from being sad’ he would mean well but he just wouldn’t know what to do
but with you? god you’ve been friends for lord knows how long, he knows that he doesn’t even have to say anything. he knows that you just being in his embrace, hugging you for as long as you need it and him murmuring sweet words to you is enough. he knows that you’ll be ready to talk about it on your own pace. he knows not to try and give you advice. he understands that you just need someone to understand and hear you
during classes, you two wouldn’t even focus. you would just keep talking and talking, shit talking everyone you can, drawing the weirdest shit you can think of in each other’s notebooks or playing games like tic tac toe.
most of the time, one of you, if not the both of you, were asleep. you grab his wrist slowly to be sure not to wake him up and draw on his hand or write meaningless notes or insults on him. or when you’re the one who is asleep, he’d mindlessly play with the ends of your hair. i feel like he would also take notes for you if you fell asleep during smth important. you couldn’t even count the amount of times you both were late to class because both slept throughout the session, james’ back slouched against his chair while you rest your head on his arm.
he would alwayssss make sure to walk you to your class first, not caring how late he would be to his own.
sometimes, when you both were sooo done with school, you’d ditch. you would leave early and go back to your house. you would eat whatever snack you found while he shows you something new he learned on the guitar, or you’d both be in the back yard, listening to whatever was on the radio while you pass a joint back and forth, talking about whatever came to mind since there were no secrets between the two of you
james would teach you how to drive since your parents didn’t have the time. he’d make silly remarks, pretending to clutch onto the seatbelt harder than necessary as he prays to god to forgive him for everything he’s done while you tell him to shut up and not be overdramatic.
during prom, you were sort of down that no one had asked you, although you weren’t surprised since you didn’t really interact with anyone from your grade other than james.
to make you feel better, he would buy you flowers and ask you instead. he’d do the whole matching his tie with your dress and even pick you up from the front door like a gentlemen.
when you guys were in middle school, you started using this camera that you found somewhere in your house. you would take pictures of the weirdest things or take pictures of james during the most unusual timings. he could be opening a can of beer, or picking out a record, or even tuning his guitar and every three seconds, he’d feel you take a picture of him.
it annoyed him a lot at first, which only made you take more pictures of him, but after a while he got used to it. in fact, he enjoyed it and would sometimes use the camera to take pictures of you or the both of you together.
james sees you as his little sister, so he hates it whenever you’d wear something a little showy. whenever you’d go to a gig with him or a club or just anywhere, he always makes sure to stay close to you, chasing off any guy that even thinks about making a move on you. you get annoyed at him most of the time but other times, you were thankful. although you did find it irritating whenever he’d pull your shirt up or your skirt down or even giving you his jacket, telling you to cover up.
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this picture of james is so childhood-best-friend trope i cant explain it, but he would totally smile this way with you only or when you tell him to smile big for the camera, he’d give you this goofy grin 😭😭
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littl3d0ll-art · 22 days
How does the goat feel about Shamura? A lot of people ship the goat and Shamura based off the idea that Shamura was the goats god, but if your goat is a golem what do they think about them, so they hate them for what the bishops did to the lamb, do they not care (would they try to use them and the other bishops to figure out narinders weaknesses and get rid of him?)
Okay I was gonna sleep on this but then I got an idea that made me go really fucking insane and now I have to rant. Sorry in advance, also I’m kinda making most of this up as I go so there’s a chance everything changes in the future. This also might not be very coherent
The goat honestly doesn’t care much for any of the bishops, they beat each of them twice already and as followers they’re non-threatening, especially once they become bishops to the lamb’s cult.
They do however attempt to grow closer to the bishops as a way of getting more personal information on Narinder, and also maybe if they’re friends with his siblings he’ll let his guard down and become friends with them too. I think this would actually be a good way to kickstart their character development… they start paying attention to others besides the lamb mainly to get rid of them so they can have the lamb all to themself, and with this they inevitably grow closer to other people and start expanding their world slowly. Then once it’s too late they realize they actually care about these other people, and that maybe their relationship to the lamb isn’t all that great, and they don’t even know who they are outside of the lamb’s influence so maybe they should work on that… anyways it’s a very slow process and takes place over the course of thousands of years because they’re very stubborn and the codependency runs deep.
For the individual bishops, once they get close to them the goat will actually enjoy being with them all even if they don’t realize it. Leshy and Shamura might be good sparring partners, while Heket and Kallamar would be good to chill out with I think. For romantic feelings… honestly if they ever get over the lamb they might just never get with anyone. If they do I guess I can see them working with Shamura, but I love the idea of my goat being with Kallamar- they’re both so fucking pathetic
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catspawcreates · 7 months
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Human Kill Code idea. I feel like I’m not so great with humans. I tend to get stuck in old ruts and bad habits with them.
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fair-city-reporter · 6 days
i had to sit here and wonder- since Tobey is the hero for my role reversal, would the villains know he’s Tobey or just not make the assumption? Like i feel there’s no way they wouldn’t but also,
If they somehow didn’t - I’m trying to figure out how much that’d work.
As for Becky, not everyone knows she’s Lexidoe and she intends to keep it that way. Some people have already speculated she’s Not Human in her villain persona, and others just think she has powers - like the rest of the EVA - but no one knows for sure.
The main thing is: do you think the villains are aware of Tobey and Technofire being one and the same? I’m hoping to continue writing tomorrow! If no delays happen again
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teecupangel · 2 years
Imagine Desmond in Crusades Era, but like with Alamut - he tries to keep aside from all that is happening. An attempt to keep the timeline as canon as possible. But... Talking to no one is hard, with what Desmond lived through. So he resorts to writing oblique stories, taking part in discussions with veiled knowledge of the Isu era and future. Somehow, this result in him becoming a well nown scholar. He and Altaїr meet when Al Mualim orders Desmond's assassination
This would work so well because Desmond would have vague ideas of the books Altaïr had read and he would be so bored doing nothing that reading all those books would seem like a good idea. Some of them only made Desmond even more bored than he already is and this snowballed to him talking shit about the book he read. This, in turn, made other scholars argue with him about how that book or another book is great or whatever and Desmond would now use the knowledge he got from the other books he got to roast this book.
From there, Desmond became known as someone who reads anything you give him but will fucking roast the book if he doesn’t like it and freaking burn you alive if you even try to defend your bad taste.
This makes him a very fun person to talk to, a very entertaining person to watch, and a very hard opponent to debate with.
Desmond is just passing his time, not understanding how fucking important the scholars are.
Like, he knows the Levantine Brotherhood uses them to blend in and there was one incident involving scholars but Desmond’s memories of that are very foggy. He also doesn’t consider himself a scholar, just someone who reads and questions the shit he reads.
Unfortunately, to the eyes of the scholars, they believe Desmond is being contradictory because that’s how he believed he and his peerage (aka them) could grow collectively. Like their very own Socrates.
The scholars love Desmond for it.
Desmond just likes talking to people and he honestly believes they’re just… talking. Nothing deeper than that.
In his free time, he writes. He writes of what he had seen but he tells people it is fiction, simply things he thought of. He had to get creative though because, well, he can’t write Assassins and not get everyone to realize that he’s talking about the Assassins in Masyaf.
So he adds more Isu bullshit to it in the vein closer to fantasy than sci-fi. Maybe he even adds some steamy romance to it that makes most people blush because it's considered filthy by their standard while Desmond is just like "??? That's tame. You want filth? I'll write you actually kinky shit." and this entire thing gets him writing erotica that is controversial but really... like... they kinda dig it because it's something new and daring.
It becomes a kind of past time of his between ‘talking’ to the other scholars.
Sometimes, the scholars would ask for his help in books they are writing and Desmond helps out in exchange for food and lounging.
Before long, he’s living in Damascus with the other scholars, just minding his own business, not realizing that all the help he’s been doing has gotten the attention of a certain someone.
A powerful man by the name Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn.
And that’s when Altaïr receives his mission to assassinate him.
For this idea, let’s say Altaïr is sent to assassinate Desmond before he became a Master Assassin.
Because Desmond inadvertently stands in the way of a certain Templar from getting to a key position in Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn’s inner circle.
A Templar by the name of Jubair al Hakim who is supposed to lead the scholars and keep their knowledge ‘contained’.
But because of Desmond, that’s becoming harder and harder as more and more scholars are being converted to Desmond’s ‘philosophy’ (“What philosophy? I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about.”) of listening and understanding but questioning everything.
Hard to contain knowledge when the knowledge itself is being scrutinized by many scholars which gives way for more derivations of that knowledge to appear questioning it, supporting it, or flat-out rejecting it.
The Templars wish for order and Desmond’s idea that everything must be questioned is a definite fucking no to their cause.
On the other hand, Jubair himself cannot act, not when it’s clear that he is in total opposition of Desmond. He has to leave Damascus a month before Desmond is assassinated just to make sure he has a clear alibi (even if the rumors would persist anyway).
So Altaïr infiltrates the academy that Desmond is staying in, blending in as one of the many scholars and… he just… can’t. Catch. Desmond.
What. The. Fuck.
Desmond, on the other, immediately sees Altaïr as he’s coming close to the academy because Altaïr glows the brightest gold Desmond has ever seen. He knows it’s because of his connection with Altaïr so he leaves the academy just as Altaïr is approaching and tries to hide because he believes Altaïr is here for someone else.
Altaïr, on the other hand, sees him as the brightest gold in his Eagle Vision as well which was curious thing because he could see the wisps of blue around the gold but his curiosity soon turns to annoyance because. He. Can’t. Catch. Up.
Desmond always seems to be on the move and always seem to move in a way that keeps Altaïr from catching up to him while he’s trying to maintain his cover.
By the end of it, Altaïr just goes “fuck it” and just chases Desmond full speed, without a care if it breaks his cover. When he sees Desmond run, he realized…
Desmond had been running away from him from the very beginning.
Desmond, on the other hand, finally realizes that Altaïr was after him from the very beginning and he has no fucking idea why but he’s not going to stay still to find out, damn it!
This ends with them running all over Damascus’ rooftops and Altaïr recognized Desmond’s moves as more efficient in freerunning. Not only that, some of his moves are moves Altaïr used himself. Moves that belonged to the Brotherhood.
When Altaïr finally caught up to him because Desmond had just been spending a lot of his time just chilling and being a bit lazy, Altaïr doesn’t kill him immediately. Instead, he asks why Al Mualim would want him dead.
Because, as far as Altaïr can see, Desmond is an Assassin.
He checked his left hand and sees the five fingers and conclude that perhaps Desmond was a deserter from perhaps Alamut but Desmond says no and come on, it would be dumb for a deserter to freaking stay in Damascus where the Assassins had a huge presence in, right???
And that only made Altaïr more curious.
He lets Desmond go and Desmond is confused by this.
The following day, Altaïr sits next to Desmond who had been contemplating if he should just pack up and leave after breakfast. Desmond is confused and Altaïr just says…
“I’m here to observe you.”
“Al Mualim wants you dead. I want to know why.”
“Why would you want to know why the old man wants me dead? Actually, why don’t you just kill me and finish your mission anyway?”
“Do you want to die?”
“No. But I know your mission is to kill me. By not killing me, you’re going against Al Mualim’s orders.”
“I’m not. I’m doing what you have been preaching all these times.”
“What’s that? Also, I don’t preach.”
“Questioning the information the novices has gathered and listening to your side.”
“… That’s tantamount to treason, Altaïr.”
“Perhaps but… there’s something about you, Desmond, that makes me think…
… You are worth betraying everything that I know to be true.”
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mustbebunnys · 16 days
I have a soft spot for ffics that center around season 3/4 (Marina’s peak, IMO), so when it’s a multichapter hurt/comfort around Maya’s infidelity? Freaking top tier.
Forgiveness & Stuff by CKillian
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leydhawk · 4 months
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soalkie · 5 months
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As much as I loved the final version, I simply cannot let go of the sketch of this one
Bonus Trash man under the cut
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The og sketch from my sketchbook + horrible skeleton man for your viewing pleasure
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limp-macaroni-biscuit · 2 months
I need more agender characters in media ffs PLEASEEEEEE
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