#I don’t wanna kill them😢
randomalistic · 2 years
Spore was real fun but i advanced to the tribal stage and like … idk man… more like a god game now as opposed to “play as a little creature guy” game yknow. I’ll probably still finish it but …. Something was lost ……….💔💔
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fungusgnat444 · 2 months
König headcanons (goofy/cringe edition)
CW: mostly just könig being a silly lil guy (sorry for writing this I couldn’t sleep)
This man has absolutely no idea how to dress himself it’s so embarrassing. To give him a little credit, it would probably be pretty difficult to find clothes that fit him but still. Wanna ask him to let you take him shopping? “Nein! I dress for function not fashion”. I hate him so much
he would be an absolute nightmare to sleep in the same bed with. Snoring deafeningly loud, rolling on top of you and almost killing you, mumbling complete German nonsense, constantly snuggling you even though his body heat is like the sun. He’s a fucking pest.
wakes up at an ungodly hour then gets lonely if it takes you too long to wake up. Wakes you up even if you beg him not to. “Maus bitte. I made you breakfast” like omg go away it’s 6am on a Saturday.
Eats like an actual caveman. Eats so fast as if the food is going to run away if he doesn’t then stares longingly at your plate. You’ve barely started eating and he’s already like “you gonna finish that?”. He’s a human vacuum
If an English word is even a little bit similar to a german word he’s not even going to bother using the English word if he’s talking to you. Gets immediately annoyed if you don’t understand. Like how the fuck am I supposed to know that Brot means bread. You tried to learn German but your pronunciation was so bad he’s just like “its ok, just speak Englisch“ so mean😢
I don’t know why but I feel like this man has some sort of obscure pet like an African bull frog or like vampire crabs or something and names them the most boring name. “Don’t worry Paul doesn’t bite”, but it’s like the most absurd looking creature you’ve ever seen.
Sincerely sorry for writing this. I should be locked up I know
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nimmie-nugget · 1 year
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~Reincarnated as a Knolastname~
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Note: HAPPY SPOOKY MONTH!! 🎃👻 gonna be honest- I actually think Crimson might have cared atleast a bit for Moxxie when he was a child 😭 Anyway~ take some reincarnated Moxxie’s Sister Reader Headcanons!! 🥳 Do keep in mind that characters may be ooooooooc, and when there’s 8 O’s you know it’s extreme 🤯. Also I haven’t been doing Tokito Twin’s content for a while so I just wanna reassure that I have some HCs coming up for them 😫!! Enjoy!
P.s in the back flashes of EXES AND OOHS I think Moxxie was 4? Yeah so that makes you 7, your 3 years older 😋👌 tho age is not mentioned at all- and I will make fics of this 😤
Warnings: a lot of slang(not rlly a warning, just thought I’d mention), ooc, may have punctuation, spelling grammer/etc errors,
Info: idk man just wanted to add this 😐
Edit#2: I recommend u don’t read 💀👍
Helluva Boss Masterlist
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~Reaction to being Reincarnated~
-long story short you don’t know how you ended up here but you found yourself being the daughter of some random old ass guy that’s gonna be the main reason for your character development arc.
-at least that mom with an unknown name will provide you sweets and shit-
-gonna put sum realz shizz on this family fr.
-isn’t this Tumblr? Yeah long story short this turned into a Wattpad story for a second and the famous Truck-kun killed you 🗿 but you forgive Truck-kun since Truck-kun’s just being Truck-kun 😌.
~Inside a Mansion~
Yup this “Mansion” is someone’s womb, zamn how da heck do you still have memories of your past life? Also why does your very tiny unformed body kinda look like an imp? Just like one from your favourite show Helluva Boss? How can you even see??? It’s pitch black bro- meh it’s whatever 🤷‍♀️ it’s fun kicking at least-
…I’m not even gonna explain this 🫡 but just so you know Crimson was not there for your birth 😶
-at least you still have the same Borthdah as you did before you were reincarnated???
-Girly just 🖕 this bullshit why’d you have to be re-born in this family out of all the ones in Helluva Boss? I mean- you don’t mind being Moxxie’s gay emo sister but like- Crimson…CRIMSON. Tho make sure to start those teenager phases early so no one becomes suspicious of you when your going through the teenage thinga ma jig 😔
-but yay! You bet that Moxxie’s mom- well basically your mom now, WILL BE THE BEST 😩
-but girly you weren’t even fazed when reincarnated- just accepted it like a champ 😎
~Crimson’s First Thoughts On You~
-Absolutely nothing- 😃
-only thought of you as his heiress and DEFINITELY to lead his Mob in the future 😔
~[Unknown]’s First Thoughts On You~
-this is the Mom btw 😃
-gonna be honest I don’t know much since we’ve never really gotten a FULL view of her personality- all that I know is that she’s kind? 🤷‍♀️ Yuh so I won’t really directly say what she thought but I guess I can just- I don’t know man just read I guess 😃👌
-101% THOUGHT YOU WERE CUTE AF!! what happened to infinite%? 😢
-she felt a warm and fuzzy feeling inside, something she never felt ever since she married Crimson 😔.
~Moxxie’s First Thoughts On You~
-‘Guppa duppa poo daaah dooo’
-don’t tell me you actually expected a real thought from him- Broski was just born 😔
~Your First Thoughts On Moxxie~
-‘zamn bro’s crying on his borthduh I could never 🙄💅’
-girly he’s like a few minutes old what on Satan’s ass are you talkin ‘bout? 😀
~What Crimson Thinks Of You~
-your a nuisance, like- what do you mean when you say “put those dawgs away💀”
-yeah you definitely got in trouble so many times- this stupid MF can’t understand slang and just thinks your insulting everyone around you 😶
-forget about you being his heiress, might as well make Moxxie his heir instead 😠
-Now take a very ooc dialogue 😋 btw this is after the Mom’s death 😃
-“[Name], cut it out. That will happen if you don’t stop.” He says calmly, too calm for you to know he’s pissed. (he was implying that he will drown you just like he did to the Mom btw-)
~What [Unkown] Thinks Of You~
-Loved you from the moment she layed her eyes on you 😩 (cheesy much 😶)
-wrote more then a dictionary just to prove how much she loves you 😔
-yuh that’s all I got 😐
~What Moxxie Thinks Of You~
He’s 4 rn-
-your his sister why wouldn’t he- ?
-your basically his partner in crime 😈 both of you steal treats from the kitchen when your not supposed to 😤👍
-if the Mom found you 2 being naughty then sorry to tell you but yer’ both getting a time out 😔
-…BUT IF CRIMSON FOUND YOU- yuh that’s somehow gonna become a family issue problemo 😶💦______________________________________________________________________
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I sometimes forget writing is for fun- but I certainly had fun writing this 😎 now I’m gonna tag this in some tags that this doesn’t even relate to which will make everyone hate me but they will soon worship me after reading this masterpiece. Praise this shit rn *points gun at you*
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scarasbaefy · 1 year
u should totally continue the obsessed scara drabble and make it so that reader finds out and he confesses and she thinks it’s cute… kinda like @/celabi ‘s scummy scara?!?!!😢
GOT ME RESEARCHING N STALKING CELABIS BLOG !!! plz go follow I LOVE U @celabi n ty anon for introducing me
first pt for context
since the day you saw him in your house, you had been looking around and asking everyone if they have seen the man, giving them the best description of him you could possibly give. you did only see him for a mere second so it was kind of hard to give any specific details other than him having indigo colored hair.
the thought of someone adoring you from afar made your heart flutter. especially when the person was someone as cute as this doll-faced man. sure, he broke into your house. but he didn't cause any harm! he only took a photo of you. every second since the day you saw him, he has been in your head, running it NONSTOP! how long has he noticed you? maybe he was just shy? he was taking over every thought of yours even if it had nothing to do with him. he was always just there.
it was when you were traveling back home after picking herbs that you heard something snap behind you, causing you to turn your head out of instinct, only to see the boy you’ve been asking around for. 
the sight of him made you drop your basket and turn your heels, quickly running towards him so he wouldn’t have the chance to escape again. “wait, please!!” you shouted.
scaramouche didn't run away from you this time, waiting for what you had to say. he got excited, but was still shy, about getting the chance to speak with you without it being weird. he also couldn’t just ignore you. you told him to wait, and even pleaded for him to do so. if you told him to jump off a cliff he’d do it without a second to spare, as long as you’re the one requesting for him to do so. 
he stood there patiently; eyes glued to his hands which were fidgeting around from the anxiety of you noticing him. “you were at my house the other day… were you not?” you asked in a soft and calm voice, careful not to startle him or worse– make him think you’re upset. the boy nodded without taking his eyes off of his hands, too scared to see the expression on your face. you noticed this and gently pulled his hands away. you aligned them with your own and interlaced your fingers with his, finally making him look up at you. he was flustered, eyes wide and biting his lip to keep him from making any noise from the contact. to be honest, he would’ve died in your arms on the spot but he didn’t want to embarrass himself. 
“don’t be alarmed. i’m not upset. I’ve… been thinking about you.” the look on your face after you said that made scaramouches heart flip, brain stop, body melt, face heat up, hands tremble. he literally wanted to steal you and lock you in his basement you're so cute. you had looked to the side with a pout, feeling embarrassed from the words that came out of your mouth. you barely knew this man and you were already confessing to him!!!! 
“wanna come over?” your hands squeezed his as you looked back at him once more. DO NOT KILL THIS MAN!! HE CAN’T HANDLE IT.
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©2023 scarasbaefy do not copy, edit, or post my work on any platform.
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yowyowyaoi · 1 year
Kakuzu’s Daily Texts from the Akatsuki
From Tobi
I paid already!
I didn’t break it that was Senpai!
Please Kakuzu-san come look at it, that plant made my arms so itchy 😓
If Itachi can have one why can’t I ?!
How old do YOU think I am 🤪
Don’t worry I didn’t buy it I “borrowed” it 
You don’t need to get so mad, I know how to fix it!
From Zetsu
Please inform your partner that it’s MY job to dispose of the bodies, and I don’t appreciate him interfering with my meals.
I did the scouting, he’s in that small village with the lake in the middle, house with a red roof.
You keep the money, I’m only interested in his head.
YOU try talking to her when she’s in one of her moods!
I truly appreciate your “finding” that artificial sun lamp for me. The winter should be much more bearable now.
From Konan
No more excuses. I made your favorite and you WILL come and eat.
Oh he did? Funny how this is the FOURTH time he’s made this “mistake” this month. 
I need a bigger budget than that. Have you not seen how much these guys eat?? 😒
All three of them? Together? Are you sure that’s wise? 
No more recruits unless absolutely necessary. Money aside I simply cannot “adjust” to one more person in this organization.
“Grandfather” is a bit exaggerated; you’re much too handsome for that, my friend 😏
Of course I appreciate the help but you did NOT have to kill him! 
Please come and join us. It’s a documentary but I know you’ll like it.
I’ve tried to be patient but I’m done asking. My next warning will be paper-cuts to their jugulars. 😡
From Sasori
Overexertion and poor nutrition isn’t doing a man your age any favors.
He said *I* started it? Tell him to watch himself before I decide to END it as well.
Boyfriends or babysitters? 😂
I finished the first two volumes, I highlighted the parts I thought you’d find most useful.
He needed it tightened so I’ll be sending him to you when you have a moment.
If you truly wanted one I could work on building one for you. It would be a version of my Hiroku.
Why would I contribute to that? I don’t eat.
From Itachi
I think I need a new prescription, everything is blurry again.
Thank you, I appreciate the advice.
You were sleeping so I slid the money under your door.
If he does it again I’m using my eyes and tormenting him for 72 hours 😡
Borrow it any time you like. I think we have the same hair type so mine should work great for you.
What meowing? 👀
It wasn’t that much blood don’t worry.
Kisame’s carrying him, I have Deidara.
Not really. It’s a spectrum, right?
Honestly? No. He’ll probably shred it with that scythe of his.
From Nagato
Did you pay the electric bill?
Did you pay the heating bill?
Did you pay the water bill?
You didn’t kill the bill collector did you ?
If they caused the damage, it comes from their checks.
If he feeds it himself I don’t mind.
The eye drops help a lot, thanks.
No we’ve discussed this. Anyone else, fine. But Konan NEVER sees a single bill. Understood?
If the punishment is within reason, yes. Don’t go overboard; remember they’re not immortal like you.
From Deidara
That wasn’t my fault, it was Tobi!!
My clay is an important part of my job so you should pay for it.
Can’t you gag him? I’m legit having nightmares over the sounds he makes 😣
It was only once and I didn’t break anything!
Can I get the money to you next week?
Hidan broke that guys arms and made him scream! THAT’S what got us caught, NOT my bombs 😡
He’s lying I wasn’t even in the room!
Please can you tighten the stitching? Sasori won’t do it because he’s mad I was “reckless”.
Can you just come help me pick one out? I have no idea what kind of medical books he likes.
I swear I’ll fix it before she notices, pls don’t tell her she hits so hard 😢
From Kisame
You wanna do the weights or the jog first?
Please make him think it was your idea. If he knows I sent him to you he’ll get upset.
You can eat it. I don’t want to insult his cooking but I truly dislike liver.
No, Samehada is trained better than that. 
We ate there last week. Itachi loved it but I’m not sure it’s Hidan’s type of place 🤔
From Hidan
Don’t overeat last time you got that cramp remember?
You sure didn’t seem to mind it last night …
There’s literally no point it just gets all bloody again at some point anyway right?
Wtf? No. That was completely blondie and the orange dumbass.
I’m not complaining but damn you’re a freaky old bastard aren’t you 😏🤤
Damn you just go rest. That fucking bounty can WAIT you asshole you’re gonna kill yourself 😡
Ffs Uchiha doesn’t need to come we don’t need a babysitter we’re both grown!!
Yeah but you never say No so what’s that say about YOU? 
Stop fucking with me don’t think I won’t turn this entire house inside out until I get that necklace back 😒
If I say Yes am I in more trouble or less? 🤔
If I tell her the truth she’s just gonna tear my head off and really that’s just more work for YOU.
Gay. But same 🖤
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Can you do headcanons for the gang comforting you after you break up with your s/o of 4 years? 😢 it's your choice if you wanna add that they had a crush on you while you were dating that person or if they're just comforting you as friends! Thank you!
“He doesn’t deserve you”
A/N: i absolutely hate this tbh and went wayyyy off topic but anyway. this does reference the book a lot at the end so pretend bob was never killed by pony. i mean it’s hinted at that bob is the ex but still.
Tags: fluff, all the boys, big protective mama bear darry
Warnings: a bit of violence in this one.
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“i really thought he was the one..” Y/N sat on the sofa in the Curtis house crying. “Y/N..i know you loved him, but he was never a good person. why do you think i wouldn’t let him around here? i knew from the start that something bad was going to happen but i didn’t have any reason to think that.” Darry sighed. “i should’ve told you though anyway.” Y/N wiped their eyes “No, no i get that. i just wish that i saw it. now he’s running around with that redhead Soc. why did i think he ever loved me?”
Just then, the rest of the gang piled in the door. “Who do i have to kill?” Steve and Dally said in sync. Y/N laughed. “We’re not going to kill anyone, i’m just going to hospitalise him.” they winked at the boys. there was a silence for a moment. “I think i’m gonna go for a quick walk. Dal come with me.” Darry announced, standing up. “will you be alright Y/N?” he looked back at them. “Yeah i’ll be alright.” they smiled before darry and dally walked out. Soda sighed “they’re gone to beat him up.” “I know” Y/N replied, way too cheerful. “im gonna follow them.” they stood up “Woah there cowboy(g/n) you really think that you can go storming out to beat your ex up?” Two-Bit put a hand on their shoulder. “yea i do. i hate his guts. That’s enough for me to be able to fight god never mind him” they snapped. Y/N quickly hugged Two before running out and down the street. After they ran out he froze. “SHIT.” Soda looked up at him “what?” Two turned to face him slowly. “Y/N took my blade..” It was now everyone else’s turn to freeze. “Shit.” they all said in union.
Meanwhile Darry and Dally were having a ‘chat’ with Y/N’s ex. by chat i mean they were completely kicking his ass. though neither of them had pulled a blade, they didn’t want to fight dirty no matter how angry they were. “Y/N is the sweetest, loyalest, most caring people you will ever meet. They’re like a sibling to me and when someone messes with my family, well, this is what happens to ya.” Darry hissed. Just then Y/N walked in. “Y/N! You’re here to stop them right?” Their ex fell to the ground, blood streaming down his face. It made Y/N feel slightly sick looking at him. “Dar, Dal. i think you got your point across. we don’t want a murder on our hands now do we?” Darry chuckled. “you really think i have that little self control? his nose isn’t even broken.” Y/N leaned down and helped their ex up. They hugged him. “This is what you get.” Before their ex could ask what they mean, Y/N drove the blade of Two-Bit’s blade into his stomach. “What..the fuck..” He whispered. Darry gasped, Dally smirked as if to say he expected it though you could see a glint of fear in his eyes. Y/N pulled the blade out and stuck it back in their pocket. “Dal, where did you say that church was? Windrixville was it?” they asked. “Y-Yea, windrixville.” dally stuttered. “well i guess i have a long journey ahead of me and hey, if they ask where i am say i’m going to Texas.” They wink before walking off into the night, leaving the two boys standing there, stunned.
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angelmichelangelo · 1 month
GIVE US THE 2/4 OF THE FIC 😢😢/lh /np
or is it a rlly long oneshot?? if so pleaseee give us fic spoilers human au my beloved <3
haha i’m tempted but alas i shall hold out until it’s fully complete :’) and no it’s a multichaptered fic. im drafting up chapter 6 and im aiming for it to be about 16 chapters long? so ive made some progress at least :)
it’s actually a kind of sequel, follow up fic to this one i wrote not long ago. i have like. an entire whole lore to this fic that’s been brainworming in my head for the last year haha so being able to just punch out most of it so quickly has been pretty fun :D
so whilst i can’t post what ive already written so far for you, i can give you a little sneak peek :)
“I could kill you, Mikey.” His brother yells, fists curling tight around the wheel, making his knuckles glow red. “I could actually kill you.”
Mikey gulps. He finds the frayed edge of the cuff again and tugs on it, like if he yanks hard enough it might unravel his whole being, and he could just turn to nothing on Raph’s passenger seat for the rest of time. “I was just the driver,” is what he offers up.
That apparently was the wrong thing to say, evident in the way Raph’s eyes go comically wide, and his jaw twitches at the strength of which he clamps it shut.
“Alopex had to bail you out,” he tells him, so angry and raw his voice cracks. “She used her money she’s worked really fucking hard on because you can’t fucking help yourself.”
The cop station parking lot gets a bit of foot traffic around where they’re parked. A young mother strolls on by with a child skipping at her side whilst a group of teenagers bounce past them, laughing as they swap phones to no doubt share videos.
“I’m sorry,” Mikey says, voice impossibly small. “But. But you knew what Hun was about, don’t– don’t act like you didn’t work for him too once upon a time.”
Raph’s hands slam against the wheel as a frustrated growl crawls up past his lips. “Jesus, Mike, is that going to be your excuse every single time?”
Mikey can’t look at him, so he stares at the dashboard. There’s the remains of a torn away sticker, something he vaguely remembers putting there himself years and years ago when this car was Leo’s and he was small enough to still have sticker books.
When he doesn’t answer, Raph keeps going.
“I made my mistakes, Mikey,” he says, voice suddenly calm and level. It makes the temperature in the car drop about ten degrees cooler. “I made my mistakes with Hun and the Dragons but I owned up to them. I fixed them. I turned my life around.”
Childishly, Mikey feels tears spring behind his eyes. He fails to blink them away in time, so he resorts to scrubbing his face with his sleeve – Raph’s sleeve technically.
“I can help you,” Raph says, he says it so tiredly yet it holds so much weight still. “Leo can help you, Mike. All we wanna do is help you.”
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lingy910y · 10 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday
thx @mybrainismelted for tagging me. but. what have you created?
name: ling
location: ny
is there a celebrity you think you look like? if so, who: nah
do you still have stuffed animals in your bed? no, my mom threw my fav out bc she said there’s bugs in it 😢
who is your celebrity crush? it’s probably cameron monaghan 😔
ok, now for some slightly embarrassing ones!
have you ever accidentally sent a naughty message to the wrong person? no
have you ever snorted your drink out your nose on a date? no i’ve never been on a date 😭
have you ever peed in a public pool: no
and we will close it out with some shameless characters bang/marry/kill:
ok i’m legally not allowed to answer the bang part so let’s replace it with kiss 😁👍
kiss mickey, marry ian, kill kev
sorry as much as i love torturing them it’s too sad to actually kill one of them. being mickey’s wife sounds terrible, he doesn’t love you and instead degrades you 💀 BUT i’ll convince him to allow a lavender marriage between me and ian. i’ll do absolutely nothing to ian to avoid getting pummeled to next wednesday and i’ll give them all the money they want 🙏
kiss svetlana, marry v, kill fiona
v is just more trustworthy than fiona but i don’t wanna kill her either 😭 and HAVE YOU SEEN SVET
kiss frank, marry kermit, kill tommy
frank will try to take all my money but i wouldn’t mind giving him a little kiss 🤷‍♀️ not marrying a homophobe like tommy get tf outta here
kiss karen, marry sandy, kill mandy
sorry after rewatching scenes i like karen more than mandy, and um it’s ok if sandy is out there doing god knows what god forgive a hot woman has hobbies!!
kiss jimmy, marry gus, kill sean
WHY IS THIS ONE THE EASIEST. i don’t need to explain my answers for this one
tagging @deedala, @lupeloto, @michellemisfit, @jademickian, @mmmichyyy, @krystallouwho, @iansw0rld, @energievie, @tanktopgallavich, @sleepyfacetoughguy & @ardent-fox 🛌🌙
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CRYTSALLLLL *plops in*
Hey! :D I finally got around to reading the newest chapter FM (I was sick and wanted to wait until I felt better to really enjoy it).
First off, WOW, major lore drop! I loved it!! There’s so much great info, and I feel like it answers some of the theories I’ve had – although I’m too lazy to look them up right now, mostly because I can’t remember where I put them.
Anyway, I have a few questions!
1. Is Aneirin Anti? Just wanted to make sure I understood that correctly.
2. Regarding the name Aneirin: it's a Welsh name that traditionally means “golden” or “noble.” Originally spelled Neirin, the "A" was added in the 13th century. It could also have Irish and Gaelic roots, symbolizing qualities like “noble” and “modest.”
Did you pick the name for its meaning, or just because it sounded cool and fit the story?
(I’m doing my research xD)
That’s it for me, but I’ve got some questions from my friend Sarah too! She can’t access Tumblr for some reason, so I’m acting as her messenger bird.
What disease does Henrik have? What would it be called in the real world?
Do Anti and Sam both have green eyes? (She wasn't really able to read it out from the chapter)
Now I have everything I wanted to ask ask what my friend Sarah wanted to know, I can't wait another month for the next chapter 😢 I need morrrreee AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
I wanna hug all da Boys in the fic mostly Jair but also everyone else, yes also da king would he kill me? Probably but I still wanna hug. Maybe he needs a new assistant 🤔 I volunteer 🙋‍♂️
- Hunter
*very gently gives you love, affection, food and water 💙*
Hey Hunter! Glad you liked the lore drop in the chapter! I was sitting on that since the very beginning of the story. Only took forty chapters to get to it haha.
Alright, question answering time. Yes, Aneirin is this world’s version of Anti. I wanted a name that started with “An,” so I did some research and found Aneirin. I went with it because it’s a name from that part of the world, AND there was the bonus of the meaning, which I found out during research. I almost called this character Antaios, but the name sounded too out of place, especially when paired with a simple name like Sam. (Plus it doubles as a reference to another version of Anti I’ve written! If you know you know ;) )
And now for Sarah’s questions. Yes, Sam and Anti both have green eyes. They were identical twins. And Henrik doesn’t really have a disease, per se. It’s a mental illness. All my versions of Henrik have some sort of psychosis. I don’t remember why I started doing that, but I try to do a lot of research on this so I can represent it as best I can. If Fantasy Masks Henrik was in our modern world, he would probably be diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, which has symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, disassociation, and mood swings including mania and depression.
All the boys would accept the hugs. Yes, even the King XD He wouldn’t kill someone for hugging him but he would be very snappy and mean about it… or pretend to like it so he could manipulate the hugger into thinking he’s not so bad, hehehe.
Always nice to hear from you! I’ll make sure to drink lots of water now ahskdvsk
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nebulacollege · 1 month
I’m very sorry that I’ve been gone for so long and left all of the asks hanging in my ask box for a terribly long time (since May). At first I wasn’t able to write replies at all, but then, when I finally got some free time, I prioritised writing Nebula instead. Very sorry once again 💔
Just so I won’t spam with a bunch of replies, since it’s mainly the blog dedicated to the Nebula College materials, I have compiled them into one neat post, hehe.
The dark headcanons ask will have to wait (sowwy), I’ll probably ask Ryu to write it for me because I can’t headcanon my own creation to save my life.
Anonymous asked:
I want to laugh because there’s a character whose birth would technically land them in the Unicorns (Royalty) but their personality is so far from it they would just create utter chaos and possibly fight with the members. And then mope around because no one likes them even though it’s their fault. Sorry for the info dump, I just wanted to share.
Ooohh, Anon, now I’m curious who you’re talking about 👀 If they have at least a little bit of the eliteTM aura about them (even Soma has it...), they’ll be fine. Unicorns have to deal with each other while thinking they’re the most important people in the world due to their upbringing, so they have a surprisingly working flow among themselves that saves them from getting their egos hurt, which is the most difficult problem for them to solve. They’re also supposed to behave if they don’t want to get expelled, but it’s so hard and expensive to put your child in this institution, that few boys end up like this lol But thank you for sharing anyway!
y0urm0mc0r3 asked:
Oh, I’m glad you liked it! It was my first time doing mob hands, a concept that I always wanted to draw and I thought it fit Edmund perfectly. Also, wild hand monster on the loose with the ghosts and apparently they all want to molest Edmund. 😔
(this is related to this ask)
It does fit Edmund perfectly, he’s your perfect victim for this type of stuff! And oh no, a monster wants to molest Edmund... 🥺 ❤️ if only he could fight it...
Anonymous asked:
So I follow your account on bluesky and I saw the comic with Liam and his “hobbies” and I am trying to figure out what is happening in the last panel. Sorry, I’m a bit of a pinhead 😓
(this is related to this post)
You’re not a pinhead, Anon! In fact, I’m very happy you don’t quite get what’s going on there because it’s a spoiler of his route. All the boys got this type of comic (to celebrate me finishing with the plot summaries of their individual routes), but I could post only Liam because it’s so vague and hard to understand. Nothing good is going on for Edmund, that’s for sure <3 I’m sorry, I’ll have to keep you in the dark.
Anonymous asked:
Don’t tell me…he doesn’t forgive him
(this is related to this post)
But why wouldn’t he?? It’s not like Niall did it on purpose... (you’re absolutely right)
Anonymous asked:
lol, I mostly use mods to kill sims nowadays. Or I stuff them into walls.
Ah yes, those friendly games of the cask of Amontillado those children keep talking about. Lovely stuff.
Anonymous asked:
You can’t listen to music properly? 😢 I’m sorry!
Thank you! It’s been a couple of months, and now I can, thankfully, even though it’s still hard to process and get back to my routine...
Anonymous asked:
This sounds basic but 7 rings hit me as a Unicorn song.
It's never crossed my mind, but you’re actually right! It shows their attitude to life pretty well, huh, even though I’ve always seen this song having more of a bottom bitch vibe lmao
Anonymous asked:
Here’s some songs if you like:
Spiracle - Flowerface
There I Am! There I Am Again! - TurbonicFlaws
I Wanna Be Your Slave - Maneskin
Bruno is Orange - Hop Along (More Ned-centric, IG)
Tag, You’re It - Melanie Martinez (The actual meaning of this song is messed up and matches most of the relationships, imo)
Worms - Ashnikko (The constant changes remind me of Liam)
Toy Soldiers - Marianas Trench
Wrecking Ball - Mother Mother
No Children - The Mountain Goats
Sex with a Ghost - Teddy Hyde (Lol)
hostage - Billie Eilish
I Can’t Decide - Scissor Sisters
Body - Mother Mother
I’m so crazy for youuu </3 - Rebzyyx
I Sent My Therapist to Therapy - Alec Benjamin
my strange addiction - Billie Eilish
Emo Boy - Ayesha Erotica (I am so sorry for this one.)
Alien Blues - Vundabar
Sorry if some are out there :/
Anonymous asked:
Sorry, just a few more
One Of The Girls - Jennie Kim, Lily-Rose Depp, and The Weeknd
I’m Tired - Lambrinth and Zendaya
Dollhouse - Lily-Rose Depp and The Weeknd
Thank you thank you for sending me all this stuff! I hope to get to all of it at some time lol I do recognise one song though, I Can’t Decide, so I know I’m in good hands. It’s very toxic and suits Niall/Edmund nicely, although mostly from the Niall’s point of view.
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chiefguideandcentre · 1 month
Now I normally try to finish books (kindle) even if they aren’t the best bc who knows maybe the story will pick up later or whatever, but when the god damn main woman character (in this fantasy book) refuses to eliminate a threat (the villain that terrorized her her whole life, caused all kinds of death, destruction, terror, chaos, he’s completely evil and unhinged) even though she is in a position of power to do so and just puts him in jail instead bc “it’s not in my nature, I can’t 😢” even though literally everyone (that knows 10x better than she ever will) tells her that this guy needs to be killed bc otherwise the whole town and surrounding towns will never be safe again. But noooo for some reason she would rather let this a-hole live and allows his minions to continue walking free amongst the ppl with no consequences whatsoever but, fine, fine I will keep reading, surely she will change her mind soon. Que evil villain escaping (something everybody saw coming a mile away) and in his escape with the help of his minions (they were plotting???? What a surprise!!! 😒) he causes even more death, destruction, chaos, terror, at least 45 ppl die during his big escape and so the ppl come to her again and are like “well damn, that was a shit show, now he’s on the loose and needs to be stopped immediately. It’s obvious no one is safe, this guy is a rabid dog that needs to be put down. Girl holding the highest position of power now, surely you see that this can’t go on and as soon as he’s found he needs to be killed! Right?” And her god damn response after everything is basically “but but but… I don’t wanna 🥺” then no I’ve gotta quit the story I mean for fucks sake! How stupid can you be “well I don’t want my time as ruler to go down in history as violent 🥺 there must be another way, I want my ppl safe” like girl none is safe with you as ruler you absolute numbskull! “But but but my morals 🥺” fuck you and your stupid “morals”. Grow up! you don’t care about anyone but yourself. If you actually cared about your ppl you would eliminate the villain that has been terrorizing them for years. How about you give these poor people a little peace of mind instead of whining about your morals. You are more of a threat to them at this point with your inaction. You only care about your feelings and your comfort regarding certain subjects, and yet everybody around is like practically forced to coddle her and be all oh it’s not your fault it’s ok, like no it’s not ok, you are a moron and are not fit to rule! ridiculous, why am I so enraged over some shitty book on kindle? I mean this is a 3 book series, I’m abandoning it about a handful of pages into the second book, I just can’t!
#oh! oooohhh! and!#the villain and 2 of his minions kidnapped her and her friend before she had her position of power ok#the villain who is of courses obsessed with main girl he focuses mainly on her#both girls get beat up blah blah#and then the two minions drag her unconscious friend into a room and keep her there for days#after being rescued the friend has a haunted look in her eye and is a shell of who she once was#and the main girl is like I just can’t figure out why she’s so depressed#she’s not her happy go lucky self anymore#I have no idea what those two evil men did to an unconscious woman behind closed doors for days#I just can’t figure out why she isn’t recovering as fast as me from the ordeal#I mean what is with her I just don’t know#while I rack my brain I’m gonna let the exact two men who took her away to wander free with no consequences around the town#someone asks her if she wants to do something about those two men that helped with the kidnapping#no she says I’m gonna wait until they actually do something#I’m sorry what??! they kidnap you both beat you terrorize you and drag your unconscious friend behind closed doors for days#and you still can’t figure out what they did to her and yet that’s not enough for you to take action??#what the absolute fuck do you think they did with her you Imbecile!#I mean the villain has only be threatening to turn you into his s*x slave but you can’t connect that to your friends ordeal??#I mean really?#you don’t know?#I would certainly consider that enough to take action but#I just….#the idiocy physically hurts me#you are supposed to be the heroine and you are a complete idiot#I hate you girl
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iloveslllycatss · 1 year
Do denki x over obsessive gf
𝙢𝙮 𝙬𝙖𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚
𝘬𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘪 𝘹 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘷𝘦!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴/𝘢𝘯: 𝘰𝘣𝘴𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘳, 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘢 𝘵𝘰𝘹𝘪𝘤..?, 𝘪𝘥𝘳𝘬 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘧𝘧 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘐’𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝘺𝘬, 𝘪𝘯𝘷𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘤𝘺
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✪ I kinda feel like you’d be possessive bc your insecure hes gonna find someone else and leave u 
✪ he doesn’t really notice tho or mind, he just thinks that you love him more than anything (you do.) 
✪ everyone else thinks ur absolutely insane (u are 😟) and that kaminari should leave you before you “kill every girl that ever looks his way”. ESP BAKUGO AND SERO
✪ he’s constantly praising you and telling u he loves you bc if he didn’t you’d ask him every 5 minutes if “you’d ever leave me”
✪ would kinda b freaked out in beginning of relationship bc before u guys were dating you threatened most of the girls not to try and get w him 😭 
you were irritated, mad, every negative emotion was flowing through your veins rn. you were looking in the direction of two girls trying to flirt with YOUR boyfriend. and you have had enough of it. 
“hey baby, who’re these two?” you wrapped your arms around kaminaris arm, shooting a deadly glare to the two girls. “dw babe idek who they are”, you two smiled at each other and walked away.
later, you guys were in your dorm room just chilling and hanging out until break the comforting silence and ask, “hey denks, you love me right?” 
“of course I do baby what’s making u think any different?” 
“well earlier i was on instagram and I saw that u were following like 4 girls and I was scared”.
not true. earlier, while your boyfriend was in the shower, you were looking though his phone, checking all of his messages and his dms. you made sure his backround was a picture of you instead of a fun picture of ur guys class at the beach because he doesn’t need to be looking at the girls in all the pictures.
“oh I’m sorry baby here you can unfollow them” he hands you his phone and you act like your unfollowing the girls but in truth, you had already done that earlier.
after about an hour you get up with a “hey denks I’ll brb I just wanna get something rq” 
‘get something’ more like ‘do something’. 
you make your way to the two girls dorm balcony’s, one at a time (which r both in a whole other building), you knock on the glass of the first girls balcony. when she opens the door you invite yourself inside, getting your face real close to hers, your mouth by her ear and you whisper.
“if you even think about breathing the same air as MY boyfriend. i won’t be so nice and give u a warning. know your place” 
she started to tremble and u walked out, through the front door this time. heading to the second girls dorm room.
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omg why was this fr so hard to write, it was so rushed fr 😢 . I HOPE ITS UP TO UR EXPECTATIONS MAX 😞 
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plz don’t copy my work 😞 
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just watched season 3 of the mandalorian for the first time with my little brother, and boy ragnar and his dad made me so sad. can you imagine waiting for your dad to come home and then finding out through a hologram that he’s gone?? but one of your fics really made me think. how do the parents of deceased foundlings feel?? how can they handle the loss? a parents death is one thing, a foundling can honor them and become bigger than they were. but their child? if paz had lost ragnar, that would’ve killed him. so maybe it’s good that paz died over ragnar.
Hello!! ☺️💙 Thank you for sharing your insights and it tickles me pink that one of my fics made you ponder over certain things!
And—oh my!! Yep, I’ve developed a soft spot for the Vizsla clan of two, that it had quite devastated me when Paz was unalived (as far as we know… tbh Paz not having a funeral in the finale seemed like something deliberate, leaving things open-ended! I myself am delulu ahem I mean hopeful that Paz may still be alive—bacta tanks exist 😋—but half of my mind is convincing me that no one could’ve survived the hits Paz had gone through. 😢😢
(Thus the hard cope in some of my fics 😅)
But you do have a point. If you’re familiar with “The Lord of the Rings,” a character named Theoden lost his son in a skirmish. There’s a scene in the film “The Two Towers” where he stands in front of his son’s grave weeping as he says, “No parent should have to bury their child.” And it broke my stone cold heart. 🫠❤️‍🩹 Imagine our dear ol’ Paz weeping for Ragnar like that?!? For sure he’ll never ever be the same. 😭
It’s just as life-shattering for a kid, however… but if Ragnar is indeed as Vizsla as he can get, even if he were adopted (he’s referred to as “foundling” so this is what I concluded), he would have the strength to carry on. Which reminds me… I have to get on with one of my fics which has Ragnar dealing with his father’s “non-presence” (won’t get into much detail hehe don’t wanna spoil if you haven’t read it yet; it’s entitled “In Dreams, We Wake” 💙) in his formative teen years.
I really appreciate you reaching out on this matter! 😍 Really, I can yap on and on over how much I love Paz’s and Ragnar’s characters lolol… even if Ragnar has had one of the shortest screen times in Mando s3. His character is bursting with potential. (And I still wish we get some closure on Paz… if he really died or not. Truthfully I’m okay either way, as long as the storytelling going forward is as stellar as “The Bad Batch” season 3. 🥺🙌🏼)
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Sk8 Rewatch Ep10
Adam: I thought it could be a little fun, but as I expected, Cherry’s just boring. I’m going to kill this man in his sleep.
It’s really interesting how you can tell Cherry is a beloved member of S. Like, the S gallery, some of Adam biggest enablers are either shocked silent, crying, and muttering about how far Adam went.
Miya shouldn’t have seen that happen, god.
Langa: *Sees Cherry almost die* So, where’s Reki?
Sk8: Here’s Tadashi’s and Ainosuke’s past! Me: *Still reeling over what happened to Cherry* Yeah, I really don’t care.
Tadashi, darling, none of this is your fault.  You were a kind child who saw an abused child and decided to give him some happiness and affection. It’s not your fault that the Shindos are classist; it’s not your fault that Ainosuke started to hurt people, and frankly, this isn’t your mess to clean up either.
Honestly? Yes, take skating away from Ainosuke, let’s find him another hobby that make it more difficult to assault people and harrass minors. I hear crochet is really popular.
Oh, Reki, baby. 😢😢😢
I love Reki’s family.
Poor Nanako.
Adam: Could you be having pre-wedding jitters? I’m gonna rip his tongue out before roasting him over an open fire.
I’m upset that Oka is in so little scenes, but I do still love him.
Hmm, I actually wanna know more about these asshole who beat Reki up. Like, he was with them for three days, I can’t imagine how awful they had to have been.
Who the fuck tries to kill someone’s crush just because their girl left them? Smallest dick energy imaginable, bitchass motherfucker I’d have left him too.
Did nobody really notice this teenager in an alleyway.
That’s depression baby!!!
Big Brother/Manager Oka coming in with some good advice.
I love that the group cares so much for each other. Reki feels like utter shit, but he hauls ass to the hospital as soon as he learned Shadow was injured.
Another reason I wish Sk8 was longer so we could get a full reconciliation for Reki and Miya.
Tadashi, sweetie, how often do you run people over that you immediately think to take them to a love hotel and have money on hand to bride them with?
Tadashi: Is this your first time? In a place like this? Well I sure fucking hope so.
I love how you can immediately understand Tadashi’s words about skateboarding are because of the Shindo’s conditioning.
Reki’s speech about skateboarding is wonderful, and I’m glad it got him out of his funk, but Tadashi, DO NOT let this seventeen year old boy convince you to stop doing the right thing.
So, uhh, neither Tadashi nor Reki took that packet of money, so I’m assuming the maid for that room had a REALLY good day that day.
My boys!!! 😂😂😂
So does no one in this city think it’s strange that drones are flying everywhere?
I hate this man so much it’s unreal.
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taegularities · 9 months
I’m writing this for Rid 10 minutes after reading CMI 11 omg how dare Rid to play with my feelings like this 😭 I have so many favourite moments in this chapter okay lets go —
1. JK calling her baby constantly “Baby, babe, my baby, angel” yes im so weak for this shit🤯
2. Girlfriend - Boyfriend 🥳🥳🥳 fucking finally!!!
3. So so so proud of my baby oc standing up to her mum!! Bring it on! Though i hope down the story that they’ll reconcile!! Just like what cmi jk said, i think deep down her parents do love her. Its not just enough or maybe shown in different ways. Even parents and children irl have different love languages. But I want this to happen for them. I know they are at peace but having both their families by their side as they go through their relationship will be so reassuring and special ❤️
4. Mama Jeon 🥹 I feel like oc will get the love and comfort she craves from a mother from JK’s mum 😭 i already love her character!! And when Jk called her “Mama” I FREAKIN SWOONED
5. My favourite part of all this madness was the pregnancy scare. JK looking for her all over and his panic state, crying and his line “I’m gonna kill someone if I don’t find her..” oh my heart broke because he just wants to know she’s okay and she’s safe. It is sad truly that his first thought was he fucked up, when he didn’t. If I were JK, I would think its oc who did something wrong but I’m not wired like cmi JK, i have evil thoughts and trust issues 😐🤣
6. When oc said “You’ll leave me, because you’ll be mad.” I just wanna hug her so bad :( the trauma of people leaving and her experience of jk leaving her the first time 😭😭😭 my heart broke for the both of them tbh :((
7. I understand oc’s fear. Things are just looking up in both their careers and they are only starting their relationship. Not saying a baby is unwanted and will jeopardise what they have atm, but the arrival of a little one will surely change some things. BUT I WANT A LITTLE ONE SOON! A mini oc to give jk a heart attack 😌😌
8. The way jk reassured her - how you wrote jk seeing her face and he just rushed to her and hugged her without knowing what the heck was going on. 😢
9. “You’re not gonna leave me, right?” Yes this line again 😭😭
11. “I love you.” “I love you, angel. Saying this isn’t enough, and I can’t word it anyhow else, but. I love you… I love you, fuck.” ENOUGH SAID. I said enough. 🥹🥹🥹🥹
We finally got the Gf-bf conversation and the I Love You!!! God knows how long I pestered Rid to finally give this to us!! Wohoo wohoo!! Week is complete!! Rid you’re the best ❤️ My favourite chapter yet. No kidding, my heart was beating so fast towards the end! Also the chapter beginning in smut?? Hello!! GIMME!!! 😋🙊
Rid i freaking love you. Mwah 💋
I said what I said, you’re not going anywhere! We’ll keep you here ❤️
the way i'd been looking for this ask bc it wouldn't show up and finally found it in my inbox on mobile 🤣 THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR INCREDIBLY KIND WORDS.
now that they're warming up to that relationship (and have finally made the status of it official 🥺), she'll be hearing so many petnames from him!!! the baby and angel ones will always give me heart palpitations, but also munchkin.. </3 and yes!! we are the proudest!! she's inspiring bc she had the courage to do what a lot of people can't. and i want to hug her for standing up for herself and trying to make herself happy. but reconciliation, you say? that'd be wonderful, of course 🥺
EEHEHEHE mama jeon is the sweetest and we will definitely see more of her (and him calling her that 🤭). the ending was my favourite as well! from the moment he started looking for her till the very last sentence.. i cried a lot writing it :') so i'm super happy you enjoyed that bit, too!! oc worrying all the time, i know 😭 she needs the tightest hug!!! but yeah, her worries were why she didn't want to go home, like she was so terrified he might leave or make her leave bc yeah, they're young and as you said... a child would change a lot. but at least now she knows he'll be by her side, no matter what <3
ENOUGH SAID INDEED 🗣️ i know a lot of people were waiting for this and i really hope i put it into words well. it was such an important one. so so thrilled you loved this chapter (and that it's even become your favourite? AHHHH!!), and i appreciate your feedback so much 😭 hope you enjoy the next one just as much. i love you, and.. yes ahhh do keep me here hehe 🥹🤍
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blueiight · 1 year
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back to wiaw…keeping them home fires burning readthru.
hilde’s graduation<333 i feel like a proud dad omg she was just 7 years old yesterday😢😢😢
Martin and Kircheis, neither of whom had any estates to speak of, remained silent, Kircheis with his placid smile, and Martin looking uncomfortably at Hilde. miss martin shaking up the table.. yang’s current situation im still reeling from how sotp ended. was not in the right frame of mind to fully process & still wont be until hes in the mix once more. hilde saying ‘HANK’ is Good with a capital G. like. u dont even know his name pop!.. hilde would be the perfect lawyer fuck this stone age empire. poor kircheis out of his body here 🤣🤣😢
good friends winkwink. yang noooo😢😢u not leeching off the mariendorfs they love u theyre literally the only good family on this side of the galaxy.
“I think we have more respectability put together than either of us have apart.” hes willing to rep reuenthal at grandpa’s funeral AND be maggie’s mutual beard.. one lazy man, roped into so much shit. its funny cuz in sotp it was maggie who was the high life baroness ‘marrying down’ but now with her 'fall' from grace itll be viewed as yang dragging her ‘back up’ into respectable society .. oh how the wheel keeps turning. or wdf this work is titled
Yang nodded solemnly. “The thing about mothers, young sir, is that everyone has one, whether she’s around or not.” stunning wisdom from our friend ‘HANK’
wiaw fred actually seems more like a haggard worn down slightly paranoid emperor than his enigmatic show counterpart. liking it. sad for yang, but dont worry my dear ‘HANK’ , at least one old man loves you (franz giving him the ring was so heartfelt). and having the emperor now dislike u should be an homage to ur waning proletarian spirit anyways
THE DREAM… ohmygod. something about how dreams neurologically work in that the mind goes into strange places but also knowing this is a fictional narrative so this means a lot. the cars running backwards. please visit my father, yang entering the door alone. wow. yeah. family. marriage. possible political problems. somethings going on here.
SIT flashbacks oh when it was all so much easier😢😢😢even if he was being a CUNT there
poppa r.. when is he ever not drunk. wait. grandpa being only 12 years older than the father.. that man said oskar’s mingling with the foreigners and the queers bc hes barely a noble (aka a ‘ bastard ‘ ) oh this family trifling & dubious AF. i love that his whole family situation is so enigmatic & haunts the narrative bc thats how it rly be in these fucked up family situations.
“He looks just like his mother, you know.” When Yang said nothing in response, Reuenthal’s father continued. “She was proud, too. I wanted her to ask me for forgiveness, but she never did, and then she killed herself rather than apologize.”
“What, exactly, were you waiting for her to apologize for?” Yang hated him.
“You know what.”
It was a testament to the brilliance of Reuenthal’s pride, that he would never apologize for existing, despite how much his father wanted him to. Yang loved him for it.
“I hope you realize someday, Herr von Reuenthal, that your wife and son never apologized to you because they had nothing to apologize for.”
“You don’t know anything,” Reuenthal’s father hissed, and Yang remembered, vividly, the same tone, the same voice, spitting at him from across the booth at Joseph’s bar, a lifetime ago. It was the same unbridled malice, when a Reuenthal was confronted with this truth, the one that they didn’t want to face because facing it would hurt too much. Only this time, it wasn’t Reuenthal-Yang’s-friend— it wasn’t Oskar— it was this living ghost.
“I know Oskar,” Yang said. “And that’s enough.”
Everything about this passage is so…my chest hurts. wiaw yang is so so sweet and loving of wiaw reuenthal in a way thats believable. its like how hes always in the mix of some bullshit in the gaidens+ canonverse wise and he doesnt wanna be there but hes there for his own interest in the topic and/or love for the person involved. and omg For Pride!!!! lotgh ep93 namedrop. it is all In the Name Of pride. but that pride is fundamentally rooted in spite which is a trainwreck we all just waiting for it to happen. this is relatable. the ova canon physical resemblance to his mother, the wiaw canon dispositional resemblance to his father in his (vilest) moments… amazing.
CH2 MITTREUEMITT on ISERLOHN together. i never mentioned it b4 but their flagships being named after 2 halves of the same city omg this is even more egregious than canonverse Brunhilde & Tristan somehow. its giving what needs to be gave
Reuenthal tapped his chin. “Stuck is an interesting word for it.”
Mittermeyer raised an eyebrow. “Dangerous talk.”
everytime someone in wiaw says 'dangerous' talk i smile like a hideous creature. wait. wait. theyre at iserlohn. and yang’s promise to braunschweig involved iserlohn. ohmygod and they dont even know💔💔
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Seeing Reuenthal regularly did something indescribable and potent to his mind, made him feel like a student again, with all thoughts of home distant and unpleasantly vague, and Reuenthal right there, so physical in front of him.
u make me feel like i am young again… omg💔💔💔💔💔
Reuenthal’s hand tangled in Mittermeyer’s hair, almost pulling on it, and Mittermeyer nipped at Reuenthal’s lips in exchange, causing him to make a soft, needy noise, his other hand digging into Mittermeyer’s uniform.
Mittermeyer pulled him back towards the bedroom, and Reuenthal easily followed. They didn’t bother turning on the light, but light spilled in from the living room, plenty to see by, and Mittermeyer gave one glance at his bedside table, confirming that he had remembered to put away in the bottom drawer the photograph of Eva that usually had a place of honor there. It was as much for his sake as it was for Reuenthal’s.
. the mittreuemitt dynamic i sold my soul for at the cost of everything else (the actual rammifications. da rammys, brah.) id pay 6 billion dollars & comm all the rly lovey dovey scenes as RARE AS THEY ARE it just makes it better when we get it (& hurt more laterz.) im still at the reuenthal knight of kapche-lanka scene. but honestly mittermeyer knowing its some fuckshit impending when reuenthal’s voice is ‘light’ ohmygod i love it pillowtalking reassignments+ their ever present disdain for obes … n the association of home with heterosexual love and guilt! ohmygod..
i am amazed. im not a multi shipper like that bc i feel multi ships tend to have a preferred chara + snub others at best i prefer discrete pairings (having multiple ships but theyre discrete relationships at different stages of a character’s lives) but the writing of these relationships moves me.. like i believe they all love eachother in their own ways and thats what makes it hurt even more.
“You want to drive?” she asked.
“No,” he said. “I want to kiss you.”
mitt is the only one of the 479 mafia who learned how to spit game so thats why he has two— not even gone say it.
does wolfgang mittermeyer eat pussy, thread locked after firey debate
YANG😢😢😢that old heffa been workin him to death smh. and omg he rly cant drive.. my boy is useless below da neck frl
“If I was being mistreated at work, wouldn’t you want to know? Even if there was nothing you could do about it but worry?” she asked, cutting to the core of the problem with her hands tight on the wheel. “I love you, Wolf, and I don’t want to be lied to to spare my feelings.”
Dinner was a pleasant and cheerful affair, but Yang kept yawning, and the dark circles under his eyes made him look almost pitiful, so Mittermeyer’s mother had tucked him up in the guest bedroom immediately after dinner. omg hes so adorable i feel bad for him too FUCK BRAUNSCHWEIG
“Some of them.” He paused, then added, “More of them bring their mistresses.” and you get to work with yours!
The convo w his mom is scaring me .. after sotp we are getting into totally original content not to say nat hasnt been incredibly creative but ygwim here my knowledge of lotgh canon will not carry me thru these next parts like they did b4 and ik canon mitt was the immortal gale wolf but that convo gave so many death flags oh my lawd
“I know.” Mittermeyer looked away. “What did they think you were going to do?”
“Oh, I think they thought that you and I had something going on.”
they may have been wrong at the time but ngl i need there to be sum that go down between the two of yall. i have never begged for poly like this before in my 95 years of existence. reuyang still need they top, gurl LIKE u know his real name😢 u mess w the same girl its meant to be.
“No,” Yang said. “A friend of mine— Boris Konev— he made it up as a joke. It just sounds almost like ‘Yang Wen-li’ when you say it fast.” He shook his head. “That was a million years ago, now.”
I FUCKING KNEW IT KONEV UR SUCH A TROLL⚰️⚰️⚰️ Ugh yang hits different bc hes such an honest sort of sentiment i cant describe it hes not just kind hes truly genial& theres just this sense of weariness in wiaw so early here that he doesnt exhibit until the near end of his life in lotgh canon and it makes me so sad.
Yang shook his head. “I have no idea.” The melancholy in his voice was almost painful for Mittermeyer to listen to. He crouched down next to Yang, and handed him back the box with the engagement ring. Yang turned it over in his hands. “I have no idea what he’d think of me now.”
“You don’t think he’d be proud of you?”
Yang rubbed the back of his head. “I don’t even think he’d recognize me.”😢😢😢😢😢😢
chapter 3’s title. Oskar von Reuenthal Was Born Innocent. We gettin into it Na Chile
The thing that made him clench his hands into white knuckled fists was the second part of the message, which said that Reuenthal had inherited everything that there was to inherit.
He didn’t want it. Not the money that was listed there in the message, not the investments that his father had made, not the house, not the land it sat on. He didn’t want any of it, and he had thought— by virtue of his father striking him from the family record almost a decade ago— that he would be free of it. He hadn’t given much thought to what would become of the property if his father failed to assign an heir (though the mental image of it crumbling into dust sometimes flashed through his head, when he remembered it,) and he had taken as much pride as he could in making his way in the world without any hope of an inheritance to fall back on.
As with every other thing his parents had given to him, it was his burden to bear, and he would bear it.
This is so powerful. and evocative. this is also the worst time for him to receive the sort of news about yang& maggie. this is perfect.
He didn’t even know if that was what he truly wanted— he knew he shouldn’t want it— but there was this sensation of pressure behind his eyes, an impulse that said the only way to free himself was to crash into something with great force, full body: a train, his face into a wall, a fist. It didn’t matter what. His body hungered for the pressure, a release valve for whatever thought he couldn’t put a name to.
like… i dont even have words i just love this. he drank instead. but he drank.
im fighting the urge to post every single paragraph of reuenthal in his father’s mansion. but im gnawing at it. just know. and in this. i remember reuenthal is the only living person who calls yang by his first name. and only in select moments. im...
“Come to my place.”
“I’d like to see you,” Yang said.
Reuenthal took a long moment to weigh Yang’s tone. If he was offering out of pity, Reuenthal had no interest in seeing him. But if it was a genuine want on Yang’s part…
“Come here, then,” Reuenthal finally said.
“Okay,” Yang said. “I will.”
im horrified at seeing my pathology reflected here but poor yang can barely drive! and mind u its snowing ! ohmygod. OH wait we getting good fucking use of that tag i knew of it from em’s beautiful drawing but the Context makes it so much more meaty.
But Reuenthal didn’t need to keep his mother’s dresses as a reminder of anything. He had better ones. WAIT WHAT. AND WE WILL NEVER GET TO KNOW CUZ YANG IS HERE. AND.
He looked at Yang for a long moment more, the dream frozen. But then Yang stepped forward into the room, crossing the threshold, and the dream fell away, and it was just them once again, Yang coming towards him as he sat on his childhood bed. THE DREAM IS ACTUALLY SHARED AND ITS REUENTHAL’S NIGHTMARE?. WHAT IS IT WITH THESE FUCKING DOORS.
A housewarming party. im sure thisll go well/sarcasm
“Okay, then invite Evangeline too.”
“She won’t come anywhere near me unless Baroness Westpfale is also in attendance.” WHY U SO MEAN TO HER . I KNOW WHY. AND I WILL KILL U WITH ROCKS
Personally, Reuenthal didn’t feel like there was that much tension— Magdalena seemed perfectly willing to give better than she got— but Yang had been tugging at his hair watching their back and forth.
Tears ran down my face from how much i laughed at this. stop ittt ur hurting her (yang seeing two ppl he cares about go blow for blow). this is why i love wiaw cuz ppl love to force cringe ~sappho~ ~mulm~ soldiarity bullshit but maggie being brash and reuenthal being a sexist is so essential. im sure theyll get along even worse (/positively said. i love terrible things.) when he gets the tea abt maggie n yang </3. how can i speedrun to the elfriede reuenthal floor shit that i heard about
blue flowers in a gold and black beer mug. like . get it the fuck together girl.
MITTERMEYER. I SEE WHY THEY CALL YO ASS THE GALE WOLF. CUZ U MOVE FAST. this is the mittermeyer i love. i love how yang is so easy w/ reuenthal like easy kisses fade to black scenes do u want me to come by? in the snow? & i cant drive? while mittermeyer just jumps him hands on his hips while his ole lady upstairs. teeth clacking in the kiss. insane. insane. the 479 trio gets down hanny
reuenthal @ eva
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“Oh, I don’t think that Hank has either the ability or the desire to dictate what I do.”
“Then you would make a poor wife,” Reuenthal said flatly. “And I would not wish you on him.”
There was a moment of awkward silence around the table, then Magdalena laughed, very loudly. “Oh, gods, Oskar, you are hilarious. I hope you come to our wedding and stand up and loudly object when they ask if anyone has a problem with us.”
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this is the one of the only fanfic to ever exist. “Being married to Mittermeyer might be nice.” like. im cackling. this is one of the worst days in his life
“I’ll let you know.” He would not let her know.
If Magdalena wanted the tour, he would give her the tour.
FUNNIEST thing ever. the trauma congaline is even funnier. ohmygod. pop dont ever get help💜💯DID YOU WANT ANY LEFTOVERS. THERES PLENTY OF CAKE. IM IN TEARS. hes so demented
Yang muttered. He finished his drink in what looked like one gulp, then leaned further on Reuenthal until his head settled, catlike, in Reuenthal’s lap. “I still do feel bad, though.” Yang’s eyes were closed, and Reuenthal stroked his hair. Magdalena watched, sipping her own drink, and Reuenthal silently dared her to say anything.
theyre so cute ohmygod. yang is so cute.. little kitty . im going to cut my fingers off and eat them. this is my most disorganized wiaw read (as if any of this shit was ever put together) im so gone rn. magdalena faking like shed throw the glass.
“I want to try this on,” she said, holding up Yang’s uniform, which he hadn’t noticed her carrying out of the bedroom in the dark.
ANOTHER USE OF THAT ILLUSTRIOUS TAG OMG she literally says in gaiden she would love to wear a uniform. oh my god this story is perfect
“Come on,” Magdalena said. “Call me sir. Just once.”
“Yes, sir,” Reuenthal said. It alarmed him how easy it was to indulge her.
Guys is this.
is this what.
“I don’t think this even belongs to him. I think you’re trying to trick me, for some joke.” He pulled the ring off his finger. He held it up to the light, then moved to toss it into the fire. She let out a yelp of surprise and grabbed his hand before he could let go of it, gripping tight with wide eyes and fingernails that dug into his skin. It was the first genuine reaction he thought he had ever gotten out of her, and he was smugly satisfied by it.
U wont be able to come back down 3-1 …
This simulacrum was close enough to be disturbing and fascinating, in a way that he couldn’t refuse outright.
OH WE SHOLL IS GOING THERE OHMYGOD. maggie wearing hank’s clothes in this simulacrum. her desire to take on these roles. ‘Hank’. he never got a chance to kiss ‘Hank’. theres this thing u did here w how reuenthal randomly has these moments of being in his head in the ova& getting caught up in his own illusions / head (“but im not a poet im just a vulgar warrior!” girl u was just waxing poetics about history wanting its blood n spacing out at the commander’s chair thinking about the police taking pics of ur mom’s death.) at times that. in wiaw its handled in such a tantalizing way is just. so so. wow. some ppl may find it tangential or slightly ooc but ur working magic out of scraps here n ppl dont see it. ppl dont see it. and it hurts my soul
And the morning after. i feel like something was fucked here thatll never go back the same. this and sotp is like. a complete fuckening. if thats even a word mane. omg. i done died
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