#I don't get to choose what the brain worms want
violeteyedkiller · 5 months
honestly thinking of changing my approach to RP. I mostly find I have attention span for quick one-offs with asks or quick threads related to dash events/commentary or what not. I'm still holding onto my drafts for if I get muse to really crack into them again but
Yeah idk just felt like rambling on my lunch break
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little-annie · 1 month
Thanks to the @strangerthingswritersguild for the prompt and @eyesofshinigami for the brain worm 🪱 our conversation created.
Did you know in fan fic writing the term Rubber Ducking refers to bouncing ideas off of each other/ brainstorming with friends? Well I didn't. I thought it was a sex thing.
From that, this idea was born.
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Rubber Ducking | M | 873 WC | Steddie | Buckingham
It was a cold February night when the first sighting occurred. The air in the apartment had felt different. Charged with an electricity Robin couldn't explain.
Something was happening. And at first she had thought it was an anomaly, then maybe a coincidence. 
But then it kept happening. 
Those black empty eyes met hers and mere hours later the sound of the city was lost to the wails of the night.
It sounded like torture.
Like the stripping of flesh and bones.
But even more horrifically, Robin learned it was anything but.
Sure, there was flesh and bone, but how Steve apparently getting absolutely railed by Eddie in the next room over had any connection to the rubber ducky that ended up on the living room coffee table every so often, Robin hadn't the slightest clue.
She just knew that unfortunately there had to be one.
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A few weeks later, sitting at the breakfast bar and trying to ignore the low hanging neckline of Chrissy's already frankly obscene tank top, Robin notices the presence of yet another rubber ducky.
This one donning a Sailor's hat and suit. Similar to the one she remembers her and Steve wearing in their days at Scoops Ahoy. 
Not twenty minutes later she's met with Eddie asking if she knows where Steve hid his old uniform. Regrettably she tells him, and that night goes to bed taking precautionary measures with foam plugs in her ears.
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The following week there's a light blue ducky on the coffee table instead, then a grey ducky the week after. Then after a few more weeks there's what appears to be a leather daddy ducky. 
Sometimes in between there's a plain normal rubber ducky.
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“You figure it out yet?” Chrissy asks one evening, plopping down onto the couch next to Robin and setting her feet in her lap.
God what she wouldn't do for this girl and her polka dot pink fuzzy socks.
Looking over at the boys who are now apparently disgustingly in love, and currently trading lazy kisses and giggles back and forth in the loveseat, Robin sighs, “Unfortunately.”
She nearly had the code cracked before a drunken Steve had told her what it all meant.
Original Ducky = Someone is horny.
Sailor Ducky (Sir Butterscotch) = Someone wears the Scoops uniform. 
Light Blue (Richard) = Someone wants to give / receive head.
Grey (Bari) = Someone wants to be tied up/do the tying up.
Leather Daddy = "You really don't want to know Robin.”
So essentially flagging, she figures, but with various types of rubber duckys, which is horrific in its own way.
Now when one of them is feeling it, they pick a rubber ducky of their choosing and leave it out on the coffee table as a subtle way of asking for the represented attention.
“Sex Duck,” Robin sighs, leaning her head against the back of the couch, turning to look at Chrissy, “They have a fucking sex duck.”
“Like that show with the sex mug?”
“Like the show with the sex mug.” She answers flatly 
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Sure seeing the ducks at home was bad enough, but when they started appearing in the wild it was so much worse.
First in Steve's car on the dash, then Eddie's van, then one day at work when Eddie came sauntering in and pulled a light blue ducky from his pocket, tossing it in Steve's direction before walking off towards the employees only bathroom.
They think they're subtle, but really they're not.
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It's just another Tuesday evening when a new ducky makes its way onto the coffee table in the living room. Traditional like the first, but donning a pink bow and black painted on lashes. Feminine. Cute.
Like a game, Robin's began trying to decipher the meaning behind every duck before Steve inevitably tells her. It helps her cope with the trauma. 
This one though, makes her wonder. 
Sitting on the couch staring probably a little too intensely at the newest addition to the boys collection, Robin hardly notices when Steve plops down beside her.
She startles when she notices him, his voice catching her off guard. “Whatcha doing?”
“Trying to figure out what kink of yours this little lady represents.”
Steve hums and Eddie joins them shortly after, settling in the rocking chair across from them, giving the ducky the same odd look Robin had been moments ago.
“Whatcha doing, Buck?”
She gestures to the duck, “Figuring out her deal.”
Feminization maybe?
“Chrissy?” Eddie asks
“What?” Robin looks up from those cute long lashed eyes, “No. Your duck.”
Next to her Steve huffs a laugh, crossing his arms and leaning back against the couch. “Not our ducky, Rob.”
“Course it is.”
“Not our ducky, Babe.” Eddie repeats Steve's words.
It has to be. “Well it's not mine.” Robin grumbles.
“No, no Rob it's not.” Steve nudges Robin's knee with his, “Maybe it's meant for you though.”
Looking far too excited, Eddie smirks, “Chris is in her room isn't she?”
Well… it… it wouldn't hurt to check would it? Maybe the boys are just teasing her, playing a game. But on the off chance they're not…
“You gonna go get your girl, Rob?”
Jesus Christ, she's going to, isn't she?
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Could you please try to make octavinelle boys with a reader that have talassophobia? Bonus: reader actually is not afraid at all of them in their human form and also carries with them a hunting knife everyday they don't hesitate on choose murder when is about fighting
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Fear of the Deep | Yandere Octavinelle x Thassalophobia Reader
“Why aren’t you getting in the water (Y/n).”
Azul went out of his way to organize this beach event for the octavinelle dorm
And of course Crowley would send you as teacher assistant with camera in hand
Even if you tried confided in him about you phobia
But you stayed tucked under the umbrella and on your towel along with Grim who was already sleeping
Jade was asking 
And only Sevens would know if it was genuine
But he’d seen you swim in pools before 
So that wasn’t the problem but you wouldn’t tell him why
“None of your business…so go have fun out there.”
Without anymore words he scooped you up and began to walk to the beach 
You immediately reach for your knife fully intending to slice at the eel 
Stopped by your reaching arm before tossing you into the water
You surface quickly standing to return to the beach but you find that you can’t
Webbed hands pull you by your waist rocketing you far out from the waist-lengthed water
Still facing the beach you see Jade give a smile before diving in himself 
Now far out from the group and gaining your bearings you finally grip your knife stabbing at the force moving you farther out
Making contact you hear what sounds like a warbled scream squeal before you are left to tread by yourself 
Already going into a panic you scream
Frantically trying to keep yourself afloat as you try to call out for Crewel the acting teacher for that day
But to no avail
Left to struggle in the deep end you are flailing endlessly until your hands are grasped and placed on a sturdy set of shoulders
With no thought to who or what had grabbed you, you pulled yourself closer 
Nuzzling into a wet shoulder and neck as you began to cry 
In your frantic state you used your legs to wrap around your breathing buoy
Shrieking when you feel something slimy run across your leg
A hand, rubs the back of your head as they relish the beating of your scared heartbeat against their own
Further supporting you by they held you back with both hands 
Before carrying you to the beaches edge
“Pup!? I was looking for you! Where in Twisted Wonderland did you run off to? And why are you clinging to the mutt like that?”
You didn’t look up 
still sniveling in his neck while your arms held tight around his neck
“Everything is fine now but we had a little scare, I’ll take them back to their spot now.”
Crewel looked like he wanted to press further but he was pulled away by scolding at a certain student
“Floyd! If you drag another student under I’m whipping you to STYX and back!”
Back under your umbrella, you were slow to unwrap yourself legs and arms from Jade 
Who just now was registering how much you were shaking
Speaking lowly and urgently towards Azul who seemed to already have a towel in hand
The dorm leader shook the blush off his cheeks wrapping you in a towel 
Letting his ungloved hands linger on your exposed flesh 
“I saw what happened…are you alright?”
The words felt foreign 
You stayed silent
He sat down next to you rolling Grim into the sand and in the sun
He blushed, looking at the sea as he wormed his hand into your own
You looked to him but he refused to meet your gaze 
Finally able to regulate your breathing, you huffed exhausted
Leaning onto his shoulder as you felt your consciousness fading
Which would explain why you accepted the convenient cup of juice you’d been offered
Sipping away you paid no mind to the growing fuzziness in your brain
Only smiling at the light touches of fingers dancing along your face, your neck, and chest
You only lightly jerked when you felt the familiar weight of your knife being returned
Barely registering the cold peck against your cheeks
“Sorry ‘bout that Shrimpy didn’t know that was why~!” 
You weren’t angry…somehow
Even as Jade unfurled an untarnished paper and a pen
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suzannahnatters · 3 days
I'm so obsessed with how SOFT Adar is to Galadriel, not just in ep6, but in 4 and 5 too. Like, when she captured him for interrogation, she tied him up, held a knife to his throat, threatened his children, and vowed to kill him. When he captured her for interrogation? He addressed her in Quenya by the name her husband gave her. He kept her safe from his men. He offered her roast rabbit and fresh berries. He promised her an alliance. When he DID chain her up, we even got some PRIDE AND PREJUDICE hand flex level tenderness. Adar didn't have to do any of that. He's an Uruk, for heaven's sake. He could have tortured her into giving him what he wanted.
Instead he chose to be soft. Why? Well, the Doylist explanation is that the writers of this show fully understand their assignment, to be kind and merciful and respectiful to their characters: if Adar is to get what he wants, it must be softly, not harshly. Bad things happen in the Tolkienverse, but we don't get dragged through it in explicit detail.
But the only Watsonian explanation my brain will tolerate right now is that he misses the flowers of Beleriand because he first met this woman dancing among them, and when they first joined hands they fell out of time while the stars counted out the centuries above them. And he's not that person anymore. He doesn't WANT to be that person anymore. He's chosen his new life and his new children and his new enemies.
But he still knows her better than anyone else ever could. More than ever now that Sauron has wormed his way into both their minds. And he can't resist the victory of showing her how much more alike they are than she's willing to accept.
A friend says that "there's tension, but it's not romantic tension". I agree that this doesn't HAVE to be romantic tension - but it is precisely what you would see if you WERE creating romantic tension. Because the fun of every enemies to lovers situation is this precise thing: a person who has every reason to want to hurt you instead chooses to show you tenderness, and that tenderness results in a trust far deeper than any hostility.
I don't know where this is going. After all, the tenderness in ep5 doesn't result in greater trust - it results in a betrayal, as Adar shows that his primary motivation was not an alliance, but information. Maybe he really did just want to show the elf that he was also a person, and not just a monster, and that's all there is to it. OR MAYBE HE'S REALLY CELEBORN. Because this Softness (TM) is exactly how I would be writing this season if he was.
I cannot WAIT to see where this is going.
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berk-brain-rot · 7 months
Brain worm of the day:
The way Berk uses difference in punctuation specifically between poems as a whole.
So in a previous post I did an incredibly overly detailed babble of words into how Berk uses capitalization for individual words that provide not just emphasis, but sometimes change their entire meaning from that of a verb to a proper noun/entity.
This isn't the only way they use capitalization though. Berk's poems in Lazarus Rises seem to follow a couple different levels of grammatical rule breaking basically. Some of their poems follow basic grammar sentence structure:
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What I mean by that is that capitalization occurs in the same way it would for normal sentences, with the first letter of a sentence and all I's being capitalized, as well as with periods concluding each sentences.
Sometimes they follow a form of normal sentence structure:
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Their I's are still capitalized and they still use periods, but the beginning of sentences aren't capitalized. Not only that but the sentences themselves don't follow a normal sentence structure in the form of subject-verb-object, they seem to begin and end wherever emphasis or a spoken pause would be needed.
Sometimes though they completely throw the rules out the window:
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In the case of this poem they don't capitalize a single letter or use a single period until the very end of their poem:
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Now here's the thing, this could all be Berk just messing around with style (they're entitled to playing around with it but honestly a lot of the ways Berk writes seems entirely too well thought out and specifically chosen for that to make sense to me). This could be Berk just deciding the shift key was too heavy that day (which I would argue is in itself a choice that would carry through to your poems). This could have no greater meaning to it (press x to doubt).
But regardless of whether this was all intentional (and I very much would argue it is, at least subconsciously) the fact that Berk writes in this way provides more layers to gain from their poems.
In the case of their poem X. periods hold a significance whenever they choose to use them. They provide emphasis that might not have otherwise been given, they provide a dictation for how their poems might be read aloud, they provide another layer of meaning.
The same can be said for their lack of capitalization.
"One day, I will move on from my grief." is incredibly different from "one day, I will move on from my grief." The first case could be seen on a hallmark card honestly. It's not wrong, but I kind of immediately want to throw it away in annoyance at feeling misunderstood.
But in the second case?? You can literally feel the exhaustion.
This second line means something to me. This second line comes from someone who actually gets what it's like to grieve, who gets that to put it into polite terms, is really fucking hard.
When they throw away all grammar rules though???
Their poem XIII does this :
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Tell me you didn't get to the end of that poem, and get knocked out of your chair. Look me in the eyes, and lie to me, because of course you're on the ground.
"You are not alone." hits you like a sledgehammer. Nothing else in that poem follows normal grammar. There is not a single other period or capitalized letter. So when you read that statement you can almost feel Berk trying to lovingly slam you with the idea of friendship and caring and sharing in pain together so that we are never alone again.
TLDR; Berk uses all available tools they have in the written form to knock you upside the head (/pos) with an emotion. Sometimes this is the words they choose to use, sometimes this is the way they fit those words together, and sometimes they make sentence structure their bitch in a way that I'm honestly in awe of.
As always, the source is always more interesting than anything I have to say, so if you haven't yet, go read Lazarus Rises(amongst other things) and follow them on their Tumblr @icaruspendragon because they write so many cool things beyond just their published book.
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Revival - 1: Reincarnate
How long has it been since I've haunted this place? When this gym used to be a hole in the wall training area for aspiring boxers. When I would watch my crush from long ago train to be the best until a light fixture fell on me and snuffed my life. Even though my crush has long since died, I have other plans. Another chance of life. And it all will start with this one guy who caught my attention.
His name was Mikey, but soon there will be a new Mikey in town.
I've practiced possessing the boxers here and there for short periods of time. Primarily just to get myself off through another man's body. However, Mikey was different. He was building himself up to get a twunk bod, but I want to have that bod for myself.
I watched Mikey enter the gym in these basketball shorts that showed his toned ass when he did squats. I took the initiative to follow him around while waiting for even the tiniest window of opportunity to have his body. While he was doing crunches, my eyes widened when I saw his massive bulge appearing in those shorts of his. It was at that moment I wanted his body now.
As he was in the middle of doing a crunch, I immediately wormed my way into his cock. The shock combined with the physical strain of his body was enough for me to quickly slither my essence inside of him.
"Nngg...yo what the fuck...-"
He grunted as I quickly started to worm myself into his legs and arms. I didn't want him to process my intrusion any further so I quickly pushed myself into his head and enveloped his brain. Just for added control, I started to move his soul into his cock and balls. With him now banished, I take my first deep breath and will my essence to not allow me to cum.
"Heh...not yet...~" I chuckle in my new voice as I lay on the bench and peel off this skin tight blue shirt so I can grope these pecs that Mikey was just starting to reap the rewards of attaining. I look down to see my cock throbbing wildly and stand up to see this new perky ass. I give it a squeeze before lowering my shorts so I can let my boner hang out in these silk boxers Mikey was wearing underneath.
"Mm...I wonder how long I can deny this body from cumming." I laugh mischievously before I saunter over to the mirror and grind my boner against the hard glass with growls of pleasure leaving me. "Fuck this body is so damn hot."
I hear commotion from the more populated area of the gym and decide to continue this at my new home. I don't even bother pulling my shorts back up as everyone looked at my new twunk body and raging cock. I even made my dick jump in my silk boxers when the receptionist stopped talking in the middle of a phone call to look at it. I'll definitely come back for him later.
"Damn. This body is so fluid with its movements." I say aloud to myself on the patio of my new home. I start testing my new body by utilizing the boxing equipment that Mikey had set up and I was loving every minute of it. "Knowing I've watched so many boxers train in that place I can apply all that I learned to my new body."
"Yeeaaahhh...I'll be unbeatable in the ring...~"
Those words alone makes my neglected cock throb. I look down at it with a smirk and rub my boxing glove on it to tease my aching cock further.
"Not yet. I ain't ready to let you cum yet." I say to my cock as if it had sentience.
As I was continuing with getting acquainted with my body, I can't help but feel eyes on me. As I turn to look, I see Mikey's neighbor trying to discreetly watch me from his window. Unlike him, I choose not to be discreet. When we make eye contact, I grab the hem of these silken boxers and use my body's strength to tear them off of me. I toss the shreds to the side and start moving much hips so my boner can move in tandem within these shiny black basketball shorts I'm wearing. The roommate looks in awe as I stroke my cock through my shorts as I flash him a smirk and a wink.
"You want this, you gotta come to me." I say to myself as I show the neighbor my perky ass before going back into my house. He'll come to me. And when he does, I'm gonna cum in him.
(To be continued)
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sophieinwonderland · 12 days
At best plurality is akin to a philosophy, or way of life. No way of life is “truth” necessarily, though people tend to believe that their own way is The way. It’s an alternative explanation for natural brain phenomenon. Internal dialogue is normal; however, one can choose to decipher the “other” as separate if that so pleases them. As social beings, having internal dialogues is incredibly useful. They can help broaden one’s perspective of a situation, to see another side. It can also be helpful for brainstorming, in the creative process. And of course, it’s useful from a mental health perspective, such as managing depression or anxiety. I have “voices” in my head all the time. If I’m overly anxious about something, I might tell myself to chill in a manner that isn’t my typical tone or manner, and yes it can appear to come from “outside” me. What my brain is doing is borrowing from its environment. I could of course decide to focus on this “voice” and draw it out as its own separate entity. However, I don’t see the usefulness of that. That’s then living inside my own head, rather than being present in the here and now. I spent my whole youth living inside my head and all that did was isolate me. I find living in the here and working to forge connections with my environment and the people around me brings me a much higher quality of life. Again though, that is me and what makes sense for where I am in this current stage of my life.
It can be dangerous to spread this kind of rhetoric, that plurality is an objective reality, when you have a platform that may attract younger minds not yet fully developed. This way of thinking can create a hinderance in their development. It’s one thing to talk about it as something you experience that helps you. It’s an entirely other to encourage it in hopes of propagating it. The most current research shows, for example, that encouraging the idea of separate identities to clients actually hurts their progress.
First, before we get into the bulk of what you're saying, this blog is a fact first zone. If there is a study out there that has shown empirically that encouraging the idea of separate identities is harmful then I would like to see it and know what methods they used to come to such a conclusion.
So far, internal family systems has been shown to help people. Tulpamancy is shown to help people. And while DID specialists do tend to recommend treating them as parts of one whole person, they also paradoxically want to approach each alter as a separate individual to build up communication between the system.
Many spiritual beliefs that involve speaking to some invisible other have shown positive results as well.
So if you have research showing that people treating different identities as separate is harmful then it's up to you to show it. As of right now I have no reason to take your word for it.
With that out of the way, I really find this whole argument you're making to be pretty... basic.
Despite what you say, I don't think a majority of people actually have multiple autonomous voices in their head. Aside from, perhaps, when they're sleeping. (Whole other can of worms there.)
Having these separate agents with their own memories and senses of self is not nearly a philosophy. It is a psychological phenomenon, and one that occurs cross-culturally. Yes, some cultures will say that it is a spiritual possession, just like an earlier anon mentioned that they used to consider the people they communicate with ghosts. But if you look deeper and get past people's own personal explanations for what they experience, what you will find is a lot of commonality between these phenomena, regardless of whether somebody gives a spiritual or psychological explanation.
At the same time though, this does not seem to apply to everybody. There are singlets out there who are just one person. They may be different in different circumstances as people are. But they don't experience the type of experiences that are described by plurals and wouldn't relate to them.
To reduce plurality to just being a philosophical concept does a disservice to it. Because plurality isn't merely philosophical but has very distinct psychological characteristics and understanding how plurality works might help to solve some of the greatest mysteries about how human brains in general function.
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eff-plays · 11 months
But Astarion does seem to feel guilt/remorse when meeting the 7k spawns… idk it feels sometimes he does feel guilt and sometimes he’s just heartless.,
If this is in response to this post I made, then that post was in response to this and also some other fandom bullshit.
So I'm not saying Astarion doesn't feel remorse ever, but highlighting that at the core of his being, he is deeply selfish and self-serving, which a lot of fandom seems to either excuse away, or pretend is super good actually.
Here's the thing. Astarion does feel remorse ... in the Spawn ending. And obviously he feels no remorse in the Ascendant ending. So what happens with reglier ol' Asty? Well, he's not letting himself feel remorse. Because he's still not ready for it. He's still afraid of it. And like, yes! That's a totally logical thing for his character to do in that moment.
My problem is what people do next, and it's that they assume that his being this fucked up is actually an excuse to be a shithead to his victims and to others. That we should extend sympathy only to him and not to the people he's hurt.
"Well he was forced into it!" And? If I was forced into hurting someone else for my own survival, I'd still feel bad for hurting them? Most people would. I'm not saying Astarion doesn't, but that is distinctly how he acts. Which makes sense, self-defense mechanism etc etc. And stans agree that yes, he does supposedly feel guilt but he can't express it. So why do they excuse it when he instead chooses cruelty?
Again, I'm not making a moral judgment on him, he's a fictional character. I think what he does is (generally, I agree the reaction to the kids vs Sebastian is a bit odd) logical and makes sense for what he is. But pointing out those flaws of his, that were written like that on purpose, that are acknowledged flaws both in- and out-of-universe, doesn't make someone "gross" or a bad person. People disliking Astarion for his bad traits aren't automatically bad people who just don't get him.
He's a dick! He's written to be a dick! It's fine if people don't vibe with it or joke about killing him or do outright kill him! Will they miss out? Yes! But that's their perogative. People not liking Astarion, or hell, just doing something as innocuous as pointing out that he's kind of a huge asshole, are not uwu missing the point or being "gross" or whatever. They are acknowledging a fundamental and undisputable part of his character.
You can't on one hand wax poetic about how complex he is and how he lashes out because he's in such deep pain, and then take issue with people who point out how he lashes out and how it hurts others when he does so.
Speaking of, the thing about his reaction to the spawn kids? And how he supposedly feels bad but can't express it? He's all about killing them again! He wants to kill them! And when does he express remorse over both this wish and his actions toward them when he first victimized them? In the Spawn ending. The one that requires you to tell him no. Don't do that shit. It's bad. What you want is bad for you and for everyone else, even if it makes sense why you want it.
As a friend pointed out, it is kind of wild to see how life imitates art. In order for Astarion to get better, you need to acknowledge and push back against his cruelty and challenge his view of the world. That includes challenging his shitty coping mechanisms and reactions to things. And yet, it seems some people can't even do that.
You can acknowledge the complexities of his writing without using it as a cudgel against any and all criticism. And in particular, you can sympathize with him without attacking anyone who doesn't have the same level of sympathy, for usually quite understandable reasons.
Like I keep saying. Just because you understand how he acts doesn't make it somehow correct!
Anyway, sorry about that. I just had some thots because my brain is so big and full of worms.
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
Let me start by saying I love femslash and have a few favorite F/F ships myself, and *most* femslash fans are not who I'm talking about with this.
But there really is a certain contingent (not all, not even the majority) of femslash shippers who feel personally victimized when M/M ships have the audacity to exist. Sometimes they'll get mad at authors for only mentioning a female pairing as a background reference (and tagging "background [ship]" as appropriate or clarifying in the description that it's a minor appearance, I know it's annoying to see it clogging the main tags, but I have literally seen people effectively complain that the author hasn't written an entire fic of their favorite pairing when they have done their due diligence to properly label their work) when it's like... dude, do you not want me to put them in there at all? I could just omit them entirely if you want, although the story would probably lose something for it. because no matter what, I'm gonna keep writing my favorite M/M pairing, and I might give background shoutouts to other pairings I also hc even if I don't really have a complete story idea just for them.
it's like these people think writing is just a product that can/should be churned out to meet some kind of market need (for free! on a fanfic archive!) and not just an idea that strikes someone that they choose to write about for the joy of it alone. My brain worms just didn't tell me to write femslash, idk what to tell you. If you have a story you need to read, the best way to make that happen is to write it. Sorry if you feel like that's too hard and you need other people to do it or something, but all it takes is practice, and it's not my job to write your stories for you - do it yourself. M/M authors didn't choose for femslash to be underrepresented. We didn't do that. We didn't create systemic lesbophobia, and honestly, I think straight up having lesbian relationships in our stories is the least complicit we could possibly be without directly writing lesbian-centric fic. We're literally just vibing. Us (e.g. gay/mlm authors such as myself) telling our own stories is not hurting anyone even if those stories are well-represented already.
TL;DR representation discourse is kind of stupid when it involves shitting on other marginalized communities for not being you.
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dailydegurechaff · 9 months
I wanted to know how do you interpret Tanya's gender. After reading chapter 58 of the manga i got the impression that she is definitely trans coded, but maybe thats just me
Very good question.
To be honest, when I think too hard about Tanya’s gender (and sexuality, for that matter) it gives me brain worms. Fun brain worms, but brain worms nonetheless. I can’t explain it. Everything she’s got going on is complicated as shit there’s way too much to think about.
Like, she was a man, but now she's a girl. But at some points she says she still sees herself as a man internally so is this MtFtM? How does that work. And if she accepts she's a woman now, is that just MtF or do we add more letters. More importantly: Was Being X being Transphobic or being the Greatest Trans Ally of All Time with the free divinely issued sex change.
Ok ok, jokes aside. Confession: I actually do not keep up with the manga, so I had to go find the chapter and read it first. Having read it now though, I see what you mean.
The conversation she has with the Salaryman/herself in that chapter really does read as essentially saying “I’ve accepted who I am now.” It’s a far cry from a much earlier part of the manga I remember where she has a breakdown about being a man/people seeing her as a girl.
A friend of mine was actually showing me stuff from more recent chapters of the manga (don’t know which chapter tragically, but I know it’s not currently translated to English) and from what I gathered of it, Being X was showing Tanya a dream of being back in her past life and in response she basically demanded to go back to being Tanya immediately. It is definitely not just you, I 100% see the trans-coding you’re talking about.
As for my personal interpretation of her gender, I touched very briefly on it once before, but I honestly think she wouldn’t want to label herself as anything. At first, this is out of hesitance and not wanting to acknowledge that anything might be ““wrong”” or ““different”” about her. Later on it turns into character growth, more along the lines of, “I don’t need the label to define me, I just am what I am/like what I like. I don’t care about it any more than that.” Yes this is 100% projection on my part. No, I won’t apologize for it lmao.
Of course, that's entirely my own headcanon. I definitely am not saying it’s the only way to interpret her, it’s just my personal thoughts. Especially since my opinion is subject to change on a dime depending on what I’m reading/working on myself. The Tanya gender is, in fact, transient, shifting like water.
Like. A transfem Tanya fic that focuses on her adapting to life in her new world and coming to discover she doesn’t actually hate her new body? I’d totally read that. I’ve seen a few fics that include that as a part of the narrative and those scenes of acceptance were among my favorite parts.
I get the feeling this is the route that the manga is going as well. It’s a bit of a shame that we don't have those aforementioned scenes in the light novel (or at least, I don't remember them), but I don’t think that Carlo Zen really intended that to be the focus/narrative in the first place. And honestly, I also think that’s a good thing because it allows for so much more room for interpretation and headcanon around Tanya’s character.
Anyway, the other direction is also compelling to me. A transmasc Tanya fic where, after feeling uncomfortable and hating how feminine he looks for years and years, he finally goes ‘Fuck this, I’m gonna go back to being a man’? I would read the fuck out of that too.
Could also be paired with him finally choosing to defect, where they think about it like, ‘Well there’s nothing to hold me back now, right? I don’t have to maintain appearances anymore. Also, since I’m defecting this would be a great way to hide myself. They’d all be looking for the wrong person. Two birds with one stone, how efficient.’ …Now we’re getting to fic ideas I won’t ever get to so it’s time to move on I think.
Semi-related to the Trans Tanya Concept, this actually brings me to a bit of a lore/headcanon/idea/question I want to present to the public for opinions. In Norden, during the inciting battle of the war, Tanya uses magic to “dope up” so she could enhance her strength and reaction time and kill pain. I took this to mean she used a formula to synthesize the narcotics/adrenaline hormone/whatever else directly into herself, right?
Can you see where I’m going with this? As long as you know which hormones to make, how they’re made up, and what quantities you need… Well, don’t you think magic HRT is completely possible? Of course, as I'm not sure it makes sense for Salaryman to have known the detailed specifics about it from the modern world, it would require a lot of in-universe research/science advancement for someone to actually do that, but theoretically...
The magic system in this universe has so much potential to be explored, I’m fascinated by what you can theoretically do with it. Although, this is long and off-topic already I think this should be the end, lol.
I think I talked too much? I’m sorry, you were probably not expecting such an answer. I told you, Tanya gives me brain worms (mental illness).
I guess the TL;DR is this: that kid definitely ain’t cishet.
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hotheadedhero · 3 months
Request Rules!
Currently closed! Here for more info
Here be the masterlist!
I currently accept headcanon/one-shot requests for 2007, 2012, Bayverse, and Rise. 2003 will be included once I've watched the show all the way through and refreshed myself (will later edit when that changes). Or, if you do want to make an 03 request, nothing plot-heavy
Be patient with me for I am a lowly worm trying my best. I'd like to adhere to a schedule but, unfortunately, my brain doesn't function well with routine. Whilst writing tmnt fics is my lifeline, it can be quite overwhelming, too. If you're waiting a while for your request, it's probably because of that or work but I will try my darndest to fulfil your wishes
Keep your requests simple-ish if you can, please. It's often quite difficult to follow through how I believe an idea can go if half the story has already been written for me
I hold the right to refuse a request should I choose to. This isn't anything malicious, sometimes I may just struggle with what has been asked of me
Where smut/18+ is concerned, I'm still a little nervous about uploading anything of the sort. That doesn't mean I won't give it a go, though. As long as you're prepared to deal with some potentially awkward writing XD
I love receiving fluff and angst requests! Nothing is too cute or too dark. I'm not past getting into something gory
This may seem like a weird one but I reckon I very much prefer to stick to human reader fics. Can't quite explain this one. Only that's how I always envision the circumstances when I'm writing
With 'reader' specifications in mind, I default to fem unless directly asked to write in gn. It's not that I don't think I could make a male reader but I definitely don't feel as confident
No Turtle x OCs, please. Just general reader stuff :)
I also won't write x child readers. The best way I can describe it is by explaining how I go about my process. I put myself in the reader's shoes during my writing to help me flesh out a story. It's probably why I also can't do male readers because it's a perspective I can't confidently replicate. The same goes for child readers, I'm an old lady who has forgotten what those youthful days were like 😭 At least, this is how it feels with my writing method, idk
No Tcest, which also means no poly x reader stories. I don't think I need to explain this one
(This may be edited along the way subject to any changes that I deem necessary at the time)
Finally, may everyone have fun and enjoy themselves on this board! We're all just here to enjoy the spoils of creation 💚🫶
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mae-dwrites · 10 months
DPxDCxMLB Prompt:
“The Wizard was a Ghost King”
Now I love Danny Phantom, even though I haven’t had the pleasure to watch even a 1/4 of the show. But I love crossovers, and DPxDCxMLB is one of my favorites honestly, but there isn’t a lot.
This is more about lore stuff and is my personal brain worm of figuring out how to fill in a plot hole in Miraculous via crossovers.
So in Miraculous apparently a Wizard somehow learned about the Kwami. Now how could an alive mortal know of these beings? Now we could say they used magic, but let's go a more fun route!
This “Wizard” was actually a Ghost King, because from what I’ve gathered there have been multiple unless I’ve been lied to through headcanons. (I promise I’m getting to doing proper research on Danny Phantom, kinda got a list) Also, I don't recall most of what was actually said about this “Wizard” in the cannon.
This Ghost King could have been one of the kind or kinder ones, or just another selfish ghost craving for more power.
The “Kinder” Ghost King was friends with the Kwami hearing his friends complain or weep over not being able to truly interact with the creatures in one realm or another. Only tipping a few scales here or there, leading them somewhere else, among other things(Like Plagg committing genocide on the Dinasours or however cannon went…). The Kwami could only do so much in their current state, as they didn't have ties to the physical level/plane. So the Ghost King gave them options, for them to be tied to an object that could be handled by the creatures of the realms.
(Maybe they were acquaintances, or the Kwami came to the Ghost King for help to be on the physical plane of these other Realms? There are so many ways this can go)
The Kwami got to choose the realm(or Universe if you want to refer to it as that) that they could reside in.
It may even be the duty of the Ghost King to tie new Kwami to items and send them to their Realm, or to enact it when a Kwami would wish to join the world that their brethren now are in.
Now if you want to go the Selfish-Power-Hungry route, the “Selfish” Ghost King saw the potential in the Kwami and wanted to use it for himself. So to abuse their power the Kwami were tied to their objects, the “Selfish” Ghost King would be overthrown(the Ancients might have played a part if I'm remember who those are correctly), and the Miraculi would somehow end up their eventual Realm/Universe.
Or another one I came up with, the Ghost King of that time was a wizard in their part life! Or it could have just been a super powerful ghost, but the GK route is funner…
So imagine Kwami haven’t gone to a Ghost King in so long cause they’re wary, but these newer or older ones (older ones probably just didn’t want to join the physical plane) have heard of Danny even before he was crowned or was to be crowned. So they take a chance to ask for him to tie them to the physical plane of the realm their fellow Kwami reside in.
So chaos ensues on Earth as magic users, Guardians, and Amazonians alike feel the arrival of the new Miraculi for the first time in hundreds of years.
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morgana-ren · 10 months
What IS up with kar'niss. Did he go insane because of the isolation or did the absolute scramble his brains and is the her he's referring too lothl?
Alright, so Kar'niss is described as sort of having a 'fractured mental state.' It's not exactly elaborated on as far as I know, but it is depicted as him hearing voices, speaking to entities that aren't present (the Absolute, namely) and just struggling with his perception of reality in general. I think a lot of his anti-social mannerisms can be attributed to being a drider (cast out and shunned from Drow society, abandoned by his God-Queen, etc) but not all driders have this strange, almost erratic behavior.
I'm not sure you ever explicitly and without a doubt find out what is wrong with him (and I could be wrong here) but I have some speculations.
He describes himself as 'hearing voices.' When he speaks, he more than often isn't referring to you the player or even the goblins he's with, but seems to speaking directly to the Absolute, as if in constant communication with her-- as if she is at his side constantly. He tends to use the royal 'we' when speaking, as if referring to both of them congruently. She never seems to respond in kind, but this doesn't stop him from talking to her directly.
You can actually choose to prey on perceived insecurities and call him 'ugly' basically. He gets offended seemingly not on his own behalf (not on a base and shallow level anyway) but seems to take offense on behalf of the Absolute.
"To insult me is to insult her Majesty! It is to mock the Absolute!"
And frankly, he doesn't seem to have much care for the appearances of his compatriots either, as evidenced with his line "The Absolute My queen has ordered me to guide Her followers through the dark-- however imperfect they may be." or something along those lines, although I guess this could be more of a projection than anything if you want to look deeply into it. It's said sneering at the player, however.
This is entirely speculation, but I feel like driders in specific might be more open to the manipulations of the Absolute, as with most groups 'shunned' in one form or another by either 'civilized' society, or by their own racial groups. Driders were abandoned by Lolth, and that is a brutal betrayal. Lolth isn't a distant theological concept, but a tangible part of their lives. To lose her is to lose their stability, their homes, their entire belief system, etc. They know their goddess is real, and she has spurned them without a doubt. They have their arachnid bodies as proof of this abandonment.
It creates a vacuum of sorts. It doesn't seem implausible that the Absolute could play on this abandonment and act as a sort of surrogate mother for them in the stead of the one they had before their 'failure' and subsequent transformation. Drow are raised to be wholly faithful to Lolth, and when they lose that aspect of their lives, it leaves a hole that is yearning to be filled. She could fill that hole.
However, remember, the "Absolute" is a fucking Netherbrain. They rely on mental manipulation and psionic tactics. They put a worm in your head that fucks with your mental faculties and connects with you a virtual network of basically everyone else with said worm-- some more subservient than others. Kar'niss has one of these worms.
It's entirely possible that this broke Kar'niss somehow. His mental state might've been poor enough as it was, but to have his mind meddled in by the absolute might've been the straw that broke the guar's back.
We don't meet any other driders in our adventures, so it's rather difficult to tell, as we don't have a control group to compare it to. We have other people infected, of course, but none are quite like the driders.
Also, to be considered, when you raise Kar'niss after battle, and you ask him about the pixie, he says "I hear many voices, but hers-- the loudest."
Pixies are fae. Tricky little shits, even in a sticky situation. And he was with her always. It's also entirely possible that as revenge for trapping her, she played her little tricks on Kar'niss' mind. Bane knows she had enough time to do so while he was shepherding people back and forth from Moonrise Towers.
It's also possible that she just annoyed the hell out of him and that's why he says what he does. However, that is his response when you ask him "How did you trap the pixie in the lantern?"
Another angle is the shadows themselves.
Kar'niss is terrified of them. One of the goblins, given that the appropriate dialogue options are picked, will throw a bone into the shadows, and one of their hyenas will dart off to retrieve it. You are privy to exactly what happens when you stray from the light.
Kar'niss loses it, almost killing the goblin in the process. "We do not taunt the shadows!"
It's apparent that he is afraid. Even with the light of his beloved goddess held close like a security blanket to a small child, he is still afraid.
Recall He Who Was. A Shadar-Kai driven mad by exposure to the shadows, so much so that he basically, in a way, spurned his own Raven Queen. He never strikes me as quite right in a similar way to Kar'niss. He does not necessarily hear voices, but it's clear his mental state has been equally fractured.
The shadows are not natural shadows. That is made very apparent over the course of act 2. Long term exposure, even while avoiding death within them somehow, seems to have extremely negative effects on the humanoid psyche. The main exceptions to this are those holed up at Last Light, as they have the blessing of Selune holding them at bay.
But Kar'niss? He is stealing a pixies magical aura, basically. It's not quite the same as a blessing from a goddess. Back and forth he goes, bringing initiates to and from the shadowlands towards Moonrise towers, essentially living within them.
Since we don't know what Kar'niss was like before the Absolute got her filthy tentacles on him, we can't entirely be sure exactly what the fuck is going on. It could be all of these things. It could be none of them.
Or there could be some very simple dialogue that I missed that literally explains it. I'm no expert lmao.
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fantasy-mixtapes · 6 months
Riz Gukgak Season 1 Playlist Breakdown
Yeah so I really quickly posted my Character playlists to get them out there asap but god I put sooooo much thought into them and I love them so much so I want to talk about each song so you can take a peek into my brain and see what the worms have been cooking. I'll make like a masterlist with links and stuff once I get more out but yeah this one's going first because I decided to go table order right to left.
For all my playlists I choose songs based on a bunch of criteria which is but is not limited to :
whether I think the character would like the song/artist
whether I can picture the song playing in the background
If the lyrics match up to a specific scene or feeling
if, when put together the general character arc can be reflected in the playlist
if the songs cohesively go together (i.e. similar vibes, genres, themes)
For Riz, the playlist consists of a mix of Alt Rock, 80s/90s, Math Rock, and Punk/Grunge. Here's the playlist if you haven't listened to it
Without further ado... Lets get into it
1. Happy to Hide, Pile of Love
Smiling between my teeth Acting up accordingly Why do I waste my time performing? I don't see the comedy you see In all the scenes involving me As if I wasn't dull and boring I'm happy to hide I'm happy to leave with no goodbye Would you believe me if I said I couldn't cry?
I wanted to start with the classic early 2000s "I'm a nerd in high school" movie song. I can picture this at the start of a movie starring Riz, where he gets to school and gives out his business cards, and it's Not Working, and he doesn't understand why. I also love the way that being "happy to hide" works with his rogue class :)
2. We Are Detectives, Thompson Twins
Someone is on our tail We think they're openin' up our mornin' mail (Whoa) And now each time the telephone rings We think of frightening things We are detective We are selective We are detective Come to collect
This song is so fun and so camp, very 80s alt, I think Riz would love it. I also think it kind of shows how while Riz is definitely extremely serious about the Missing Maiden Case, he is also playing out one of his biggest fantasies and is a high schooler snooping around corners.
3. Daysleeper, R.E.M.
I see today with a newsprint fray My night is colored headache gray Don't wake me with so much The ocean machine is set to nine I'll squeeze into heaven and Valentine My bed is pulling me, gravity Daysleeper
We love our insomniac little guy
4. Cops and Robbers, The Hoosiers
Got your revolution, now you're waging war again Marching on the spot when you should have made amends You say you fight for us, cross your heart and hope to die You're a bully in the playground and we'll hang you out to dry Blame Simon 'cause he said You've got two lives down and one life left Blame Simon 'cause he said You could think better with a hole in your head
Listening to The Hoosiers brings me back to my high school days. This song for me really gets at the change in tone that the "mystery" goes through, specifically with Riz and his relationship with Biz Glitterdew. The way the song kind of starts out as a fun kitchy romp and then devolves into a screeching violent swirl really shows how out of everyone, even though Riz was probably the closest with Biz at the start, he was definitly the one ready and willing to hold him violently accountable for his actions. Riz shows you how to deal with violent incels.
5. Big Sea, Crash Of Rhinos
We'll stand trial, our will won't be broken Your mistake is not that you care, it's that you don't notice Our favorite part is not how this ends It's just how its starts And just that it starts I'll paint you from my memory
I do think that Riz would absolutely love math rock and I do not mind going to jail for that opinion (because every guy that I've met that likes math rock has been proven to be not great - but I'm holding out). Either way, do you guys remember how they literally were in jail for months. Like Riz "son of a cop (at the time)" "The Ball" Gukgak spent several months in jail not being able to do anything but ruminate on the case, what he could have done differently, and what could be happening without them present. Yikes.
6. Black Dragon Fighting Society, My Chemical Romance
Yeah, I drink juice when I'm killing 'cause it's fucking delicious ... Switing out my style bring a friend out with Better grab your soul from the fingers of death I got a medical emergency A medical emergency We got a medical emergency A medical emergency (Mayday, they call the shots, yeah)
This is the type of song that you play during a full throttle drag out feral goblin fight, and its' the song that Riz deserves to end the season with, since he and his mom ate the fucking dragon that killed his dad. Hell yeah.
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sassenach082 · 6 months
i'm curious: since mav is bradley's legal guardian (permanent, I assume) does that mean he's probably on shore assignments (or top gun, i guess) for the majority of his naval career instead of what he does in the original canon (quits top gun, never goes back to teach after that first time, presumably is on deployment a lot before he gets in trouble for something and gets put in the test pilot program?) that's an interesting prospect to me since it seems similar to a lot of pre-tgm fic, where mav just... like, stayed at top gun after '86, and never left, but obvi in most of that, he didn't have a kid to take care of. i mean, things probably change a lot after bradley... maybe cuts ties in the 00s?? if the pulling papers things still happens, but with all the family support and no mention of carole ever explicitly telling mav in the beginning about not letting bradley fly, i'm also curious how that plays out too since it's also probably v canon-divergent. and also — how do u think ice's career trajectory goes? ive seen many takes on how he got to compacflt lol
Hey nonnie! Whew, buckle up, I have a lot of thoughts.
They're going to be at Top Gun for a while, but they won't be staying there. Ice will come back later on, but Mav will be doing other things. This is going to be long and rambly so if you want to read (and aren't bothered by vague spoilers) more under the cut!
With wars coming up they're going to be shifted around back to active duty flying, particularly in Desert Storm. Mav figures out a way to make it work but he refuses to let Ice go without him, and Bradley gets it because he's a military kid. They also aren't going to always be together; actually, they spend quite a few years apart, which is going to hurt my heart to write.
They try to stick to the West Coast. I don't know how much you know about the Navy, but the two main hubs are San Diego and Norfolk, Virginia. In real life they shifted Top Gun out to Fallon, Nevada, but since in the canon of the movie it's still in Fightertown it will be staying there. Most Naval Aviators on the west coast are actually stationed at Lemoore, a base in the middle of California which is a bit of a shithole if my cousin Jay is to be believed, lol, while the east coast aviator hub is Oceania, Virginia. Aviators go through cycles of on a ship, leaving a ship, and then into fleet replacement training to go back on a ship. As soon as my cousin the aviator gets a good night sleep I'm going to pick his brain more about it. If anyone reading this is an aviator or knows one hit me up! I adore my cousin but talking is not his superpower. I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS.
Anyway to answer your question it's going to be a bit roundabout. IRL you have to have a plan for your dependents in case of deployment and Mav gets it figured out with Ice's help as for who will watch Bradley which will be a whole other can of worms but I don't think Mav or Ice are the type to watch their friends go off to war without them. I haven't fleshed it all the way out but Mav is going to CHOOSE the test pilot path, mostly because it keeps him close to Bradley, and he's going to be doing some special ops shit because in my brain that's literally the only reason the kids in the movie have no fucking clue who he is even though they've all been to Top Gun and walked past his picture EVERY DAY in the atrium, haha.
He's still Mav so yes he will still be pissing off Admirals.
As for Ice, I haven't figured out exactly how I want to get him there I'm still doing research. I do know that they have to command ships so at some point he'll get a carrier most likely because he's Ice and who the hell better to hand a carrier to, in my opinion. He leaves the sky fairly early in his career if you look at the whole span of it, partly because flying is something he loves but doesn't define him like it does for Mav, and this way he can keep Mav up there doing what he loves while he also gets to climb the ladder. It's a lot of politics which I hate so I'll be grumpy about having to research all that shit but I mean COME ON, it's Ice. Of course he gets a fucking Fleet. I also headcanon that the Joint Chiefs are beating his door down and he's just like that Obama eye meme saying THEN PERISH because he likes being able to go to the ocean to escape them.
Anyway back to the Navy, not sure if you or anyone who is into Top Gun knows this, but Ice is quite literally AS HIGH as you can go in the Navy. There hasn't been a Fleet Admiral (with the five stars) since Nimitz died in '66 and has only ever been held by four dudes: William Leahy, Ernest King, Chester Nimitz, and William Halsey Jr. (names you may recognize if you know your WWII Naval history but I digress). So basically four-star Admiral is IT, like that is the top of the ladder, unless you get asked to join the Joint Chiefs of Staff and work directly with the president. Tom likes to be in charge of things so I think the Joint Chiefs would be hard for him - they have no direct control over the Navy at all and it's a desk job in Washington D.C.
Maybe one day he could become the Secretary of the Navy, but I don't know if I can see Tom doing that, tbh. They have to be 5 years removed from military service at minimum. So I dunno. Still up in the air as far as Tom! Right at this moment he's being an asshole on an aircraft carrier in 1987, so there's that.
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elvisabutler · 2 years
summary: elvis loves his guns. you think he loves you. question is are those mutually exclusive. fandom: elvis presley | elvis 2022 pairing: elvis presley x female reader rating: m word count: 3328 not even remotely talking about it. it happened alright? warnings: gun kink. elvis's sexual issues. minor implied food kink maybe? use of a gun in penetrative ways. masturbation ( m and f ). implied future oral ( f ). older/later elvis described/implied. ( i'm not meaning that in a warning re: weight, it's more i do know that some would prefer to not interact with elvis as he was toward the end of his life in ways that are sexual ). minor daddy kink, as in reader calls elvis daddy and he refers himself as daddy. it's not super in your face. minor mommy kink on elvis's part. also unhealthy bdsm practices because you know, no one in this is necessarily fully sober/in good states of mind. just really y'all, this is a...ride. also thigh riding and squirting. author's note: okay. so let me explain myself. this gif is not indicative of the exact time frame for elvis i chose for this though have at it, pick austin elvis and 73ish as ya man here if you want. i definitely did not. so. i read a set of fics that had kinks i don't have in the slightest because i was curious ( because i've been in fandom/the internet too long and i look at dead dove don't eat on some fics and think it's a challenge ) and i faintly regret my choices with it. but it made me basically be like jimmie where i say things like "i don't know what i'm thinking". said fic set has wormed its way into my brain where it lives and tosses me like two pennies and a bit of lint for rent. this is the bit of lint. i am sorry for this. if y'all actually want another gun kink fic from me, i'll probably write it come november but i wanted to do something different with this. i don't know what this is. when i said unhinged, i didn't necessarily mean sexy. watch this be accidentally sexy. also hi, yeah this is day 13 of kinktober, gun kink with elvis. and yes i have had to edit this three times.
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Elvis- You love Elvis. God help you and saints preserve you, but you love him. You love him enough that you forget how he can be, how you forget how he slowly is becoming a version of him that you're not sure you want to be with. He's possessive and mercurial on his best days, possessive and terrifying on his worst. Priscilla had warned you, Linda had warned you, they had both told you that Elvis takes and takes and takes and while he gives and gives and gives it's complicated. It's maybe never what you need.
You're giving though, you're the type of girl Elvis needs right now. Someone to keep him in check, to try and slide him into something inching toward health even as his body wants to rebel against him.
But Elvis takes, Elvis has desires that he'd keep unspoken for some girls. But Priscilla took it, Linda took it- his true girls- his girls he wanted to keep would take it. Would take what he wanted to give them. Elvis likes to combine the things he loves into something he figures is better than the two things apart. It's with his food, his music and truthfully his needs and wants in the bedroom. You're his girl and they're his girls and the values them more anything in the world other than little Lisa. They even outrank you and you know it. Girls may come and go but Elvis's guns? Oh those girls are forever, his personal harem to pick and choose from and keep close.
Elvis doesn't sleep well after shows, everyone has told you that from the second you said hello and he said ain't you the prettiest thing this side of the Mississippi. You are always riled up after shows, always a squirming mess he carts off to the bedroom the second he gets to the hotel. Some nights- like this particular night he's not up to the task of fucking you. A sign of his age, maybe a sign of how his body wants to betray him at the one thing he enjoys as much as- well as much he knows things are twisted in his head. He is hungry after the shows though and after this particular show he's got you in his lap, on one of his thighs, your body bouncing and grinding as you use its substantial size to provide pressure to your clit, to your cunt to every part of your body in between your legs. You're facing him and occasionally your hands drift down to his stomach, wanting to feel it, wanting to feel his chest and every part of him. He always gives you a look over his glasses before moving your hand back up to his arm. He can see your face starting to twist like he knows it does when you're heading toward your release, he's impressed tonight. Normally you require his fingers on your clit or pinching at your nipples. Maybe these big thighs were good for something, tonight.
"Make a mess of your Daddy, darlin'. Stain the jumpsuit, hm?" He murmurs into your ear before feeling you shudder against him, your body taking his words to be a command. He places a light kiss against your neck. You find that it feels sticky.
"Are you-" You start and pause, eyeing Elvis, watching him stare at you with those eyes that if nothing else- if all else fails him- would draw in even the strongest of individuals. "Do I need to help you?"
He hums before exhaling, shifting his body to get a little more comfortable on the chair he's sitting in. "Depends on your answer to my question."
"What is it?" You're genuinely curious, Elvis's eyes seem a little brighter today and you have hope tonight might be a good night for both of you.
His hands move to cup your face, pulling you in for a soft kiss. You have to climb up onto him a little from your position but you find you don't mind. From his pleased hum you can feel vibrate against your body you figure he doesn't mind either.
"I wanna see you play with my guns. One of my favorites. I'll take the ammo and everything out just for tonight." He can already picture it, picture you on the bed, him in this chair, his cock in his hand and you- and you on your shared hotel bed writhing as you brushed your clit against the metal. "'m not feeling up to fuckin' ya tonight, but I wanna come watching ya."
You force a smile on your face, it's not that you don't want to do it- it's a strange request, but not unwelcome- it's just you had hoped it would not be a take take take night and instead be a give give give night. "Which one, daddy?" You added daddy to see him smile.
It works.
He chose one with a long barrel, whispering as your ground your ass against him that it was to give you the length he knew you craved. Sure, you enjoyed his girth in more ways than one but sometimes it was just the length you needed. His pajama pants are down by his ankles as he settles into the chair and you allow your fingers to play with yourself, slowly getting yourself prepared for what you're going to do. You're always a little more wet than normal when you have Elvis watching you and tonight is surprisingly no exception. You never used to be like this, never used to be turned on at the thought of someone watching you but Elvis has a way of turning things you thought you knew about yourself on its head. His eyes are zeroed in on your cunt, watching your fingers disappear in and out, glistening ever so slightly with your juices and he can't help the low groan he lets out at it, his hand moving to lazily stroke his cock. Yes, he'd like to get off watching you on his gun, watching you come all over it like you did his thigh not even an hour before, like you have on his cock but he's not in a rush. Next show isn't even for another few days, so if he wants he could lay you out on this bed like the buffet you are and take his time savoring every last morsel and drop of you.
"What are you looking at?" You whisper a little breathlessly, two of your fingers teasing your clit like Elvis had many times before.
"You." He answers simply, his thumb brushing over his tip. "Watchin' how you're preppin' yourself. Thinkin' I oughta help, but there's somethin' about watching ya."
Your lips curl into a lazy smile. "You're always- You know I love it when you do. Maybe tomorrow morning you can play with me like this? Spread my pretty lips open and taste me. Maybe there will be a hint of the metal."
If a growl leaves his throat, if a growl leaves his throat and has him sounding like his Harley revving up, you and him don't comment on it. "Don't be a tease, baby. Think you might be prepped enough. It's thinner than me, 'member that."
You hum before letting out a heavy and mildly overexaggerated sigh. "I guess you're right." Your hand encircles the grip of gun, noting how cold it is with a shiver. Your eyes look up at Elvis before you tilt your head and drag the barrel across your skin, starting from your neck and moving down to your chest, letting the cool metal brush against your overheated skin. "It's cold."
He gulps as he pumps his cock, watching how your npples pebble after the barrel swipes by them. If he could, if he wanted to get up from this chair, he's walk over to you and warm them up, take your nipples in his mouth and suck on them, bite at them, watch you keen and writhe against him. He won't though, because he just wants to watch you.
When you finally reach your cunt, you practically jump at the first brush of the metal against your cunt. You think maybe you should have sucked on it first, given it some warmth before you had it touch you, but it was too late for that. You take a deep breath and look at Elvis unblinking as you slowly shove the barrel of the gun into your cunt. If you were closer to him you'd likely see how the blue of his eyes is completely taken over by the black of his pupil, you'd see how his mouth has dried out from the small pants he can't stop himself from taking and you'd notice how he looks- he looks like he does onstage. He looks completely full of life and ready to strike at the one person he has in his gaze. You.
His breath is shallow the longer he looks, the longer he looks and pumps himself, the precum covering his cock, his jar of lube unused for him. "Goddamn, little one, you should see- drive a man wild, fucking yourself on his gun. Gonna smell like you, won't be able to be at the range without remembering you- won't be able to shoot it without remembering this. Gonna have to explain to the boys why I popped a boner like a fuckin' teenager."
You huff out a laugh, your body letting out a shiver as it tries to adjust to the intrusion of something you're not used to. "Don't wear such tight pants and they won't know. Is this going to be your new favorite?"
He nods. "Gonna have it tucked in somewhere every damn show. Maybe it'll be a good luck charm."
A good luck charm for you and him, a sign that you two will last like him and 'Cilla didn't, like him and Linda didn't. You did this for him, they didn't, they had- your limits are always far more malleable than theirs were. Not a bad thing but it give him some hope.
You pull the barrel out of your cunt and press it against your swollen clit, hissing as you do. "Christ, Daddy, I didn't realize I'd be so sensitive. I'm- how close are you?"
You want to come, but he hasn't and you refuse to be that greedy, not for him right now. Not for him when he's having a good night, not a great night, but a good one and you want to savor it. If you're trying not to move the gun, letting the barrel stay pressed against your clit in order to stave off your impeding orgasm he doesn't say anything.
His hand moves faster, knowing that he is pretty close, he wants to come for you, wants to show you what you've done to him, how you've made him feel. "Talk me through it, Mama."
Your eyes had slipped closed as you lost yourself in the sensations of the metal, the smell of your arousal and sex in the room, the taste of what Elvis had been eating earlier lingering on your tongue. Your eyes had been closed but they shoot open at the word Mama. He was- oh, he was in that sort of mood. Oh, you could oblige.
"Talk you through it, sweetheart? Talk you through how Mama wants to see you come? I worked hard, I took your gun for you. Would have taken it all night for you but your thigh- You let Mama come on your thigh earlier, she doesn't have that many in her tonight." Your voice is practically a murmur but you know Elvis can hear you, can hear how you sound how your voice has an edge of neediness. "I need you to come so I can, sweetheart. You don't need to wait. The sooner you do it, the sooner we can clean up and we can go to sleep. You'd like that, wouldn't you? Us taking care of each other like that tonight. You did good tonight, just like I did. Come for Mama, Elvis, show me how much you appreciate me."
That does it, you asking him to show how much he appreciates you doing this, how much he appreciates you in his life. He comes with a groan, coating his hand and the towel he had put underneath him with his come. He doesn't say anything, doesn't have the energy to, his head lulling to the side a little as he watches you finally move the gun, finally allow it to press against your clit- rub against your clit in a way that has you shivering. You're close and you know that you could likely come without the penetration, you should come without it, but you decide at the last second to slide the gun barrel back inside you as you flutter around it, coming with a hiss because everything is so overwhelming that your throat can't even manage anything else. When you pull the gun out it's covered in your fluids, glistening in the light of the room. You look at the sheets and realize you might have squirted. A bit of shame twists in your gut at that, because this what what made you squirt? Fucking yourself on your boyfriend's gun? What kind of woman were you? Elvis still hasn't gotten up from the chair, his eyes lazily moving between you, the gun and the wet spot. His lips curl into a smirk.
"Ruined the sheets and my jumpsuit. Ain't you a menace to fabrics." He whispers as you stand up and move towards him. You stop and hold out your hand to pull him up from the chair. He eyes it and shakes his head. You keep it there until he takes it with a huff, stepping completely out of his pants as he does.
"I'm your menace, Elvis. Shower?" You hold his hand, linking your fingers together as you lead him to the bathroom.
"Then bed. Gonna let me lay on ya chest tonight?" He asks, pulling you closer to him, his arms wrapping around you like he's that teddy bear he sang about almost two decades ago.
"If it helps you sleep tonight, yeah." A pause. "Love you."
A low hum and a kiss to your temple is the only answer you get back. You'll take it for now.
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