#I don't ship Sasuke with anyone
brighteuphony · 1 month
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A moment of mourning for Sakura for words she would have once given anything to hear from Sasuke....
Kind of followup to THIS comic.
But she and Saeko have had their revenge for Enji, and Sakura has had time to heal and find closure. She won't be any good to Sasuke because she's already left that path, and she won't abandon her coven/responsibilities either.
She's learned alot about Konoha over the past few years, and has to a big degree, deprogrammed herself from the Leaf's propaganda thanks to all her teachers and some brutal life experience, so she doesn't actually care if Sasuke were to raze the entire council/kages to the ground- but there ARE people (ino, Kakashi, lee, naruto etc-) who she loves and wants to protect, so she'll stay, for them.
Sasuke, for his part, is happy to have someone just verbalize that they empathize with his pain and that his desire for revenge is justified, though he's doesn't have the bandwidth to really understand where Sakura is right now, emotionally.
In this AU I kind of had an end for Sasuke where he is pardoned, but never returns to the village, though he does pass by once in a blue moon. When he does, Sakura (who doesn't end up living IN the village as much as in the forests of Konoha like their own little witch of the woods) is there to help with healing/supplies and they do end up as good, yet distant friends.
Once again, thank you so much for all the support and really nice questions/kind words for this AU!!! <3 <3
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theminecraftbee · 9 months
so a thing this fandom does that remains FASCINATING to me, as a function of the fact a lot of this fandom is people's first fandom or only current fandom, is just... assume a lot of things it does is a scourge that this fandom has invented or doesn't exist outside of it? or like, is uniquely bad here? and i won't deny that sometimes mcyt fandom is a bit more intense by virtue of numbers, but like...
duo names: confusing fandom-injokes to describe duos and groups tend to be an anime fandom thing specifically for many historical reasons, but they're not uncommon. hey quick--if you haven't been in KHR fandom, can you guess what 1827 is? no? i'll give you a hint: that's actually a ship name. or, ygo fans, tell me the difference between puppyshipping, prideshipping, violetshipping, and rivalshipping. my hint is that they're all kaiba ships and two of them are actually the same ship. good luck!
reducing characters to a specific trait: have you read fic in another fandom before? i would recommend you go do so and come back to me. my example here is "sasuke likes tomatoes", for the record.
common au fanon that's confusing to outsiders: my deep cut here is "when i got into certain tv fandoms i was baffled by the existence of sentinel/guide fics", which is a slightly older tv fandom thing so many of you probably don't know what i'm on about. but trust me: in certain fandoms it's ubiquitous and unless you've watched a completely different tv show you're gonna have to entirely pick it up from reading fic. oh hey, hybrid aus and watcher!grian, nice to see your relative here,
fanon being treated as canon: did you know there's this whole bnha character, naomasa, who is treated as canonically having a lie detector quirk? did you know that, best i can tell, that's not in canon anywhere, it just got echoed through fanon enough that everyone treated it as canon? 'fanon trait becomes so ubiquitous everyone assumes it has to be there' is not a new thing. also, batfamily fans, i have been lead to understand the tim and coffee thing is also this.
characters being treated badly to make a different dynamic look better: the fact we have the term 'character bashing' tells you all you need to know, here. if anything my one complaint on this front isn't even that it's happening--it's that i wish bashing and/or "not [character] friendly" was tagged a little more frequently, haha.
characters being reduced to their family dynamics: tale as old as time. "even the family dynamic thing" yes even that. just because this fandom tended to be particularly ship-adverse in the past didn't mean it didn't do basically the same behaviors as any fandom with shipping did with those dynamics, just gen. and other gen fandoms also do that. yes, down to the "and shipping reduces them to a ship, unlike my gen dynamic, which is very in-character; why can't people just be friends?" thing. some of you have to have been marvel fans right.
characters being reduced to their ships: some of you have to have been marvel fans right.
The Discourse: yeah this is an "actively running show" fandom thing, but also a hiatus fandom thing. ask a homestuck about vriskourse sometime. as much as i hate to say it, it probably made doomsday discourse look cute.
and those are just like... some things i've seen people complain about on my dash recently. idk it just hit me there are probably fans in mcyt fandoms who are assuming that some things (like hybrid aus or duo names) are the kind of things that only happen here, so i thought i'd offer some examples of other places they happen! i also have even more examples if you'd like.
to be clear: this isn't shaming anyone for complaining about any of these things. lord knows i go complain to my friends about it all the time, just the other day i was complaining in the category of 'they keep bashing my guy'. it's more of just... a gentle reminder that maybe we're big, maybe we're loud, maybe we have problems... but these problems aren't always unique.
so uh. we're all suffering together i guess...?
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blond-jerk-tourney · 5 months
Blond Jerk Tourney FINALS
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Propaganda from submitters Under Cut
Sharpay Evans
Blonde, HSM antagonist but it was never that deep
vote for Sharpay right now she fought sasuke
Nanami Kiryuu
She's the mean girl of the show, and a pretty interesting take on the "bitchy vain school rival of the protagonist" trope. She spends most of her early screentime being a bully and most of her later screentime being both the biggest loser imaginable and deeply sad/troubled (which still does not erase how much of an asshole she can be). She even laughs like your stereotypical mean rich girl. Nanami has so many problems and sucks so so bad. I adore her.
Shes a psychotic bully who seeks to ruin the lives and reputations of any girl who gets more of her brothers attention than she does. Reasons Nanami Kiryuu deserves to win: - she has made many attempts at physical and psychological terrorism against Anthy Himemiya (including a plotted wardrobe malfunction at a crowded social gathering) simply for drawing more of her brother's attention than her - tried to fill Anthy's bedroom with wild animals (a snail, a snake, and a live octopus) to make her out to be a freak only to find that her room was already full of wild animals - she bankrolled an elementary schoolers crush on her to turn him into her personal boyservant - briefly non-personed a member of her bully entourage for sharing an umbrella with her brother - received a luxury cowbell due to a shipping error and smugly wore it to school for weeks flaunting it like high coture - when her bully entourage rebelled against her due to her brothers manipulation she brought them back in line by just straight up beating the shit out of all of them - all in all just a petty, goonish motherfucker (she also does the ohohohohoho anime girl laugh)
she's blond: despite being Japanese her hair is yellow, unlike her brother's. yellow is even her image color. she's a jerk: introduced as a jealous and dishonest scheming bully, she is one of the more outwardly antagonistic characters in a cast where pretty much everyone is a Real Piece Of Work she's the best: the quintessential ohoho-laughing ojou, her fully-realized character arc makes people both laugh and cry even her sidekick is a blond jerk! how many blond jerks have their own blond jerk sidekick?
i don't know what you've heard but she's NOT the kind of girl who lays eggs!
The token mean rich girl of the franchise. Does the classic "ohohoho" laugh. Doesn't like either of our main characters. She never actually seems to get her way, and secretly has a lot of her own problems. also she lays eggs and turns into a cow
Absolutely THE quintessential anime mean girl. I mean literally her laughing is THE meme for the hohohoho anime laugh. Needs attention So Badly and straight up bullies anyone she deems a threat to that (so basically Everyone). I haven’t finished RGU but apparently she duels with the intent to kill and drowned a kitten once because it was taking up too much of her brother’s attention? Also she’s 13 which explains a lot
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hyuga-eyes · 30 days
NaruSasu is not a bad ship, the problem is that Naruto fandom decided to make it as if it was religion. If you support any other ship with Naruto and Sasuke you are immediatly attacked, and the most shocking thing is that some people truly believed that Naruto and Sasuke would be together in the end. As if NaruSasu would be romantically canon. I mean, really? Did you really think it would happen? Really? In our homophobic 2000s world?
I'm not saying that if it was canon that it would be a bad thing, actually, I think it would be amazing cause they do have chemestry even though I don't ship it. What I'm saying is that we should have some common sense here. It would never happen.
The fact that Sakura and Hinata are getting so much hate just prove it. Even Karin gets hate sometimes. People are completely frustrated that Naruto and Sasuke are not fucking each other canonly. They are attacking female characters for nothing. Really, all your arguments are just stupid and I'm tired of people distorting the main plot of the manga. I'm tired of people pretending that Naruto and Hinata didn't have their moments together when they do have. If you don't like it then that's okay, it's your problem, but they do have important developments together whether you like it or not.
I agree that Sakura and Sasuke together has some problems the same way as NaruSasu, and it is one of the reasons of why I don't ship it because I think Sasuke is extremely toxic. But I'm really tired of people pretending that Sakura got pregnant with her finger as if Sasuke has nothing to do with it. People keep saying they are stuck in unhappy marriages, and that Naruto and Sasuke were forced to marry them like, really, what prove do you have about it? Because if no one sends me manga panels made by Kimishomoto himself showing Sakura and Hinata pointing knives at Sasuke and Naruto forcing them to get married, then I'm not gonna believe you.
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And don't start with that shitty argument about Neji's death and Naruto feeling forced into something, there's no way to prove anything through this except that Neji was an important person for both of them. Anything else is just your distorted perception.
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I'm also thinking about making a long post analyzing Sasuke character explaining that he does have difficulty showing love because of the traumas he suffered and how this reflects on his relationship with Sakura and their daughter. After all, you can't kick a dog and expect it not to bite anyone. But only if I'm in a good mood to do it.
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mixelation · 27 days
Sasuke is young and impressionable and idolizes Itachi, who is dating a horrible weirdo seals master freak girl and everyone they know is upset about it. The only way he can surpass his brother is by dating Karin
okay. the thing is. i don't think sasuke likes girls, and also i don't think karin would come into play until his mid-to-late teens after he's over his itachi idolization. HOWEVER. consider. his poor beloved brother has been getting grief about his love life from their parents for years now. it's currently unclear if mikoto will support him marrying tori, the only girl he has ever shown interest in*. and karin is NOT shy about saying she thinks sasuke is hot
sasuke: it's okay, big brother. i can make you look good by comparison.
itachi: what does that--- SASUKE NO
although i'd actually rather have sakukarin if we're including "real" team 7 ships, so imagine the sasukarin arc going like this
karin: (runs her finger down sasuke's jaw while looking DIRECTLY AT SAKURA)
sasuke: you said i was prettier >:(
*itachi has actually not shown interest in anyone, ever. however one time at dinner fugaku said one slightly incorrect thing and they both turned their faces to him in terrifying unison so sasuke is pretty sure it's true love
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ghoste-catte · 6 months
I'm on my hands and knees asking you about your favorite gaalee moments (spin offs count bc why wouldn't they)
Anon ... I'm sorry I took a while to answer this for you, but it's because you activated my trap card. But without further ado ... here are my top 10 GaaLee moments.
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(My 10th pick and rationale beneath the cut)
The Drop Kick So, I feel like we don't talk about this kick often enough. Because this is actually the first time anyone draws blood on Gaara (we see the scratch on his face once his head pops back up). As much time as was given in canon to Gaara's reaction to Sasuke drawing his blood, I don't really understand why Lee being the first to cut him wasn't as big a deal.
The Primary Lotus This is ... probably the first time Gaara's been touched hand-to-body in years. I've written a few times (and shout out to @egregiousderp for their hand in this headcanon) about how this was probably the first approximation of a hug that Gaara had since Yashamaru. He replaces himself with a sand clone halfway down, but for the initial drop, that's just Lee holding him.
The Rescue I wasn't able to find my favorite screenshot from this moment, which is the one where Gaara's sand is rushing to save Lee and it kind of looks like a heart, but anyway, I just love this pivot. The fact that Gaara uses the very weapon he used to crush Lee's dreams to save him. The way Lee still tries to be an equal partner in this fight despite his injuries. The "I don't hold a grudge!"
The Talk This moment means a lot to me. It's a deep conversation to have, and it's one that happens on two levels that I think aren't fully addressed by the narrative. Of course, on the surface, they're talking about Kimimaro and Orochimaru, but the subtext goes something like: Gaara: Even if people love me, I'm still a monster. All they would need to do is be desperate and lonely enough, and I might seem like a good choice. Lee: The fact that people love you proves you're not a monster! Obviously Gaara gets the final word in this conversation, but I do like to think it sinks in later on and influences their relationship in the future.
The Walk Home I hate that we only get to see this in flashbacks in filler episodes (although we do get to see it twice from two different perspectives!)
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But I love this moment because of the way that Gaara chooses to carry Lee: he slings him over his shoulder with one arm. If you go back and watch Gaara and his siblings returning to Suna after his fight with Naruto, that's exactly the way first Kankuro, and then Temari, carry him when he's wounded.
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This moment is during that time where Gaara's still learning how to be a person and not a weapon, and the fact that he chooses to carry Lee with such care … it feels relationship-defining.
6. The Eighth Gate That flashback that Gaara has to Gai and Lee's relationship shows that he's really internalized the defining impact Lee had on his life. The genuine care and concern that he looks at Lee with in that moment despite Lee's stubborn insistence that he won't be sad makes my heart ache for the both of them.
7. The Retreat If you've ever read one of my fics that's set during the war and notice that I mention Gaara carrying Lee around on his sand, this is what I'm talking about. I love that Lee sees the sand as an unequivocal source of safety instead of threat at this point (to the point of entrusting it to carry Gai-sensei in his frail state). And I love that this seems to be Gaara's default way of pulling Lee out of danger ... it's at least the second time he's done it, after all:
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8. Gaara-kun! This was one of The Moments for me. We as a ship had been speculating so long about the degree of intimacy of Lee and Gaara's relationship. We'd spent, I think, a decade at this point writing fics where Lee called Gaara "Kazekage-sama". Then the Perfect Day for a Wedding arc dropped, and here's Lee calling Gaara "Gaara-kun" just like he does the rest of his friends ... wind was blown into the ship's sails on this day.
9. The Double Date Gaara and Lee go on a double date with Tenten and Kankuro to Ichiraku Ramen. This is canon. 'Nuff said.
And now, for number 10 ... drumroll please ...
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10. The ILY I know, I know - those handsigns don't mean the same in JSL as they do in ASL. But my little hard-of-hearing heart can't help but see Lee shooting double "I love you"s at Gaara in this moment. And even if he's not, the starry eyes and blushy cheeks say it all. This is flirting, y'all.
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theheirofthesharingan · 2 months
Hi,it annoys me when Itachi is paired with Sakura, does anyone really think that the could fall in love with her?He won't even look at her,but how do you feel about this couple?
Anti-S*kura/ anti Ita*ku/anti ss content ahead.
I've written about it before too. Here.
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It annoys me too. This is my honest reaction to the ship. (It's probably someone's art, so if anyone knows the artist's name or blog, please let me know. i'll credit them).
I haven't interacted with her fans a lot (their general hate for Itachi just makes me want to not talk to them), so the psychology behind anyone shipping her with Itachi is entirely lost on me. He would certainly not fall in love with her. I can't see him falling in love with anyone, least of all, her. He's so damaged and guilt-ridden, and he has absolutely nothing he can offer in a romantic relationship. He's broken, suicidal, and suffers from the most severe form of PTSD, so what can he do that she will find charming? In all of Itachi's ships, his partner(s) would have to work hard to make it work. We know she isn't the kind of person who does it, or pays attention to someone unless her own feelings are being rewarded or coddled.
I don't know how she's written in the fics (I've never read them), but if the writers are making her sympathetic, thoughtful, understanding, kind, generous where her ulterior motives do not lie, then that's just not her actual personality. You can't write their core characteristics as it is and think they can be shipped together. There's absolutely nothing he'll like in her. If he did think something of her obsession towards Sasuke he would have acquiesced to SS and reached out to her instead of Naruto.
She's just shoehorned into both Itachi and Sasuke's lives as their potential life partner, which is wild because Sasuke just didn't care about her until very last and Itachi... oh, well.
You guys really made me give more thought to her in the last 2-3 days than I did in the last 13 months of having seen and read Naruto. Many people unfollowed me recently, lmao. Could be a coincidence too that some deleted their blogs or maybe unfollowed me for other reasons. But still.. xD
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variouschips · 1 year
Beware the cringe post !
So....I made something....don't judge me...👀
(⚠️ If you don't like those ships just ignore my post, if you don't want to ignore it don't be hateful, thank you in advance 😊)
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I always saw those kind of templates and never tried them, so here it is !
It was really fun to do it 😂, but at the same time I was like "what the hell am I shipping ?!" 😭 (still won't stop me from shipping them though 👉🏼👈🏼😖)
In case you don't know the characters or where they come from :
- Because it's adorable : Snufkin and Moomintroll - Moominvalley
- Because it's hot : Crocodile and Doflamingo - One piece
- Because it makes sense : Naruto and Sasuke - Naruto (Shippuden)
- Because it's sweet : Sam and Guy - Green eggs and ham
- Because of its potential : King boo and Luigi - Luigi's Mansion
- Because its healthy : Bert and Ernie - Sesame Street
- Because its new : Red guy and Duck - Don't hug I'm scared
- Because it's canon : Fizzarolli and Ozzie - Helluva Boss
- Because they understand each other : Lupin and Zenigata - Lupin the III
- Because they're different : Spongebob and Squidward - Spongebob
- Because they're the same : Sam and Max - Sam & Max
- Because of subtext : Aziraphale and Crowley - Good Omens
- Because of fanwork : Donald and José - Los 3 caballeros
- Because they're underrated : Gabu and Mei - One sormy night
- Because I don't see them with anyone else : Dakota and Cavendish - Milo Murphy's Law
- Because I CAN : Perry the Platypus and Dr. Doofenshmirtz - Phineas and Ferb
I'm not gonna argue about it, I'm too lazy
Also I could've put some of them in many others cases, it was hard to only choose one for each of them 😂
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tamelee · 13 days
i just saw a posts about novels that went like
sarada told sasuke he has lipstick stain, sasuke tries to wipes it off and she says he doesn't have one and sakura doesn't wear lipstick.
how do they defend this novels with their lives? it confirms sasuke never kisses sakura and doesn't know if she wears lipstick or not and kisses someone else who wears lipstick. it also confirms naruto likes to wear lipstick XD.
Please. These novels are ridiculous. Kishimoto already confirmed they’ve never kissed in Gaiden. Twice. 
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(* something nicer = meant the forehead poke)
Though I wouldn't believe anyone if they said they actually like these novels, because the story (or lack thereof) is complete shit, but it’s fine if they do. A good story isn't the intention unfortunately. I genuinely wish that people understood what exactly it is they are defending. I’m writing a post for someone who asked something regarding canon, but I need to take brakes from it because it pisses me off that this happens constantly to franchises— not just Naruto. 
And in this case it’s even worse, or perhaps it’s just a prime example, because Jun Esaka (writer for some of these novels) made such a fool of herself on twt by making it all too obvious what her intentions were by writing them. (If it wasn’t already obvious.) First, when people pointed out the many flaws, she admitted that it’s “just her story” and “just her interpretation” (she had only read 'Naruto' for the first time a few months before that), but when other ss-shippers started to defend her and said she was a better writer than Kishimoto (as there’s 0 love between SS when he writes), she basked in that glory and went along with it. Even to the point that she completely disrespected Kishimoto, the story, the craft, openly made fun of other characters (mostly Hinata) and ships like NH and demanded her other novels to be animated as well. It’s unprofessional af. And then when fans asked her for a nsfw novel for SS she agreed and told them to harass the company about it. (She didn’t say ‘harass’ exactly, but come on you can’t be that dense given their reputation with staff.)
What are they defending? 
How can you defend anything when the motive is so obviously just personal bias/gain and/or financial profit to a company where both in this case don’t give a shit about the original story. It's not about shipping though, it happens all the damn time to all my favorite franchises and I'm genuinely sick of it. And it's not even about a writer writing about what they want either because I already expected that, but Esaka did her absolute best to try and disprove the bond between Naruto and Sasuke and change narratives completely even for individual cases for the sake of telling her "story". SNS-moments weren’t romantic to her and she quite literally made fun of it by copying them in her story to point out its "irrelevance", but give them to her het-ship and now all of a sudden it is romantic???? She basically calls Kishimoto a liar because ‘Sasuke Retsuden’ in particular is a direct response to ‘Gaiden’ (made by Kishimoto). She blatantly tried to disprove anything he said and indicated about her ship. She wrote about characters that, yes, have the same name as those in ‘Naruto’, but are so out of character it hurts. It took me months to recover my lost braincells. 
I don't think my post about it is still up, but to name a few things in that novel if you're interested: Sasuke resents Naruto and his test-tube daughter because he’d rather travel with Sakura, his wife whom he loves so much. But he has to do stuff just because Hokage Naruto said so and his daughter wants to stay in Konoha so he has no choice but to comply. Being apart from his wife-(did we mention he loves her so much? because he does. so much.)- makes him feel so very lonely and he misses her body so much because he knows it so well. He fails to do anything other than being jealous about the women-deprived prisoners going after the new hot doctor, Sakura, who is his wife btw. that he loves a lot in case you missed it. and he rather stares at trees that remind him of her than helping his friend Naruto who’s apparently dying from his own chakra or whatever kind of bs. Sasuke lets himself be bullied by prison-guards that aren’t even Shinobi, for having long hair and looking like a girl, though Esaka makes sure to mention how so very handsome he is and he looks like a cat. Sasuke loses a battle against an overgrown lizard and tries the same damn jutsu 4 times(!!!!) before realizing it may actually not work, I think because he forgot how to fight, but he can however create anything from ice like Elsa (Frozen), or from dirt like some Gaara-hybrid to make Sakura a ring because he loves her so much ofc… oh and he’s now a healer too. Sasuke sacrifices people’s lives even when it’s not necessary at all bc ig Esaka thinks he's a killer, and also he wouldn’t mind being brought back with Edo Tensei if it means he can stay with Sakura, because fuck everything they’ve been through in the original story, yeah? They also immediately forgive the bad guy cuz he's so relatable even though he just murdered I dunno how many people. SS kiss while an injured Naruto is squished in between them because SS-shippers have some sort of “Naruto has to watch our ship being in love to really make it legit because that’ll learn him for getting in between!”-kink (that's real actually) and according to Esaka, Sasuke is so worried about his daughter and in fact did meet up with them during those 10+ years because he loves them oh-so-much and fuck you Kishimoto that’s why. 
Be so fr right now. It’s such a joke. And these are just the few things on the top of my head that I remembered ;-; ...
Again, what are they defending exactly? It would be nice to just have a genuine fan of the story write an actual story. No other motive other than "I really like the story and would love to explore some options while respecting Kishimoto's work because it'd be fun!" Except, that's unfortunately not very marketable and ffs it's just sad. (I know there's a Kakashi version and I personally really want to know more about his role as Hokage and what he's done etc, but alas.)
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nardo-headcanons · 4 months
it's been an age since i've been into naruto, and now that i have plans on making my own version on how naruto shippuden ended, i was wondering, how do you think naruto shippuden should've ended? like are you pro or anti naruhina? pro or anti sasusaku? whats your opinions on how the fourth war was played out? if you already spoke about this i'm sorry lol but im just wondering.
OMG HIIIIIIII @ofrolysdogs you're one of my OGs! How have you been????? Please please tag me or let me know once you create your rework. that sounds so intriguing!
This post is gonna be controversial, beauties.
How do you think Naruto Shippuden should've ended?
Ideally, with Naruto realizing that he doesn't need to become hokage to get the attention and validation from the people he loves and cares about. Or at the very least, with Naruto becoming hokage but abolishing the shinobi system. Maybe even make Danzo hokage along the way, just when Tsunade falls into her coma, and slowly make Naruto question the system more and more. Also, Sasuke's whole "redemption" arc should have been handled differently. First and foremost, he was a victim. He did a few things that were wrong, and I agree that there need to be consequences, but for this redemption arc I'd rather have him travel around and teach people around the world about the customs and culture of the Uchiha.
Are you pro or anti naruhina? pro or anti sasusaku?
I am both Anti NaruHina and Anti SasuSaku, but for two different reasons. I used to be a hardcore SNS shipper, but not so much nowadays. NaruHina had so much potential, they could have explored their class and privilege differences together, learning from each other and stuff. But Neji dying for their ship to sail? That was a hate crime. The reason I'm Anti SasuSaku is because I simply don't really like the thought of shipping Sasuke with anyone. He has enough to go through and putting him in a romantic relationship is not something that would make it more interesting or add stakes to it, although I wouldn't mind seeing him adopt a kid or two, given how family oriented Sasuke is.
Whats your opinions on how the fourth war was played out? I found the use of Edo tensei very interesting, albeit a little cheapened here and there. The Itachi and Sasuke vs Kabuto fight was a little disappointing. Don't get me wrong, I loved seeing he two of them fight together side by side, and Itachi's final parting was very touching - but them fighting Kabuto of all people? Maybe if Kishi fleshed out Kabuto's story a little more, he clearly had no idea what to do with him. Poor bastard.
Madara just 'knowing' the hand signs of edo tensei is actually not so unlikely, but it still irks me how he was able to just "come back" when Edo Tensei was released.
And let's not talk about the power scaling, which went completely through the roof in the end. Oof. Kaguya, as is, ruined the storyline completely. It could have worked, but not in the way it was executed in shippuden.
But alas, I suppose there is only so much Kishi can do within the confines of a genre.
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maoam · 5 months
Why are there so many Sasuke stans in the pro Sasuke tag who are anti Naruto? It feels like they can't separate their own dislike for Naruto as a character from what Sasuke himself—the character they supposedly love and understand so much—feels for Naruto.
Like they deadass think Sasuke should have won the fight in vote 2 and that Sasuke's feelings about Naruto at the end of vote 2 came out of nowhere, and then they call themselves true Sasuke fans because they don't ship him with anyone.
Sorry for the rambling.
It's one thing to dislike Naruto themselves, it's another to claim Sasuke dislikes Naruto as well or that his feelings in 698 are "retconned" (lol). These people just did not read the manga at all.
I have written several posts about Sasuke's side, so here's some of them:
[link] [link] [link] [link] [link] [link] [link] [link]
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bibibbon · 18 days
So, I'm not into any specific ships. No hate to any shippers, anyone can ship whoever they want. But, I can't help but notice that BNHA for the last 20- 25 chapters really focused on BKDK. Like, is the mangaka really want to focused only on Midoriya and Bakugou's relationship? Sorry if I'm wrong. Kinda like, until the end, all that Naruto think about only Sasuke, right? What do you think?
⚠️(This post isn't safe for bkdk shippers proceed with caution)⚠️
Iam not sure what horikoshi himself plans to do with BKDK and if he really wants to make it canon. I sometimes doubt that horikoshi would actually do it (I honestly don't want him to make it canon) but it's a possibility at this point.
It makes sense that BKDK would be promoted a lot in the manga especially now because of what majority of the fanbase likes. I guess what Iam trying to say is that majority of the fanbase likes and hypes up BKDK. Heck have you seen some bk stans who would see like one panel of bk and that's all they would talk about in the chapter instead of actually understanding the stuff thats going on. Now this obviously doesn't apply to every bk or BKDK fans but it applies to a lot of them.
I kinda of get where you're coming from when you say that BKDK and Sasunaru are similar but I believe that they aren't in the way they're written. To me Sasunaru has better development and build up but that isn't to say that it's also heavily flawed and the Naruto ending + war arc was horribly written. A lot of the time Naruto's character is lacking (and thats something that a lot of Naruto blogs have rightfully pointed out) so whenever he would talk and it would be about sasuke it may feel like thats the only thing he talks about without him developing as a character learning about his clan, the corruption in the system and what it actually means to be hokage.
I feel like when it comes to BKDK the reason it gets so much attention from hori is because he himself focuses on it to please the fans whereas with sasunaru it's a bit complicated because sure it's somewhat well written (honestly it could use a lot of work with both characters especially naruto), has a large fanbase (as far as iam aware) but i dont think you can hse the reason of "kishi simply wrote them to please fans and he was never gonna make them canon".
Don't quote me on this but I remember hearing that apparently Naruto and sasukes dynamic was written and somewhat inspired by some BL manga like devilman crybaby so I see where the queer coding of that relationship comes from.
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 3 months
Can I ask, if you have top favorite romantic couples (can be canon or non canon) of all time from any media? Why love them? Thx :D
... now this, took a minute to answer in some ways. There a lot of ships I like, so this was really easy and hard to answer at the same time. Some ships it was an immediate yep yep and others I had to go '... but is it a fav of all time, though?" But I think I got it narrowed down.
So here we go, fav ships of all time from any media, no particular order. I didn't get any specific no. to do so I'll just list a handful until I can't think of any others. (Anyone who comes across this that sees a ship on here you don't like and feels the need to say something about it, stay in your lane this ain't about your opinions it's about mine.)
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The main FMA ships
Arakawa Hiromu, nigga, you cooked. Imma just put the FMA ships as one and leave it there because if I do it separately, we'll be here all day. But if you wanna see me diving into why I like these ships in a manic ramble, here's a post I made on that here. The romance in FMA is literally a category and a discussion all on its own that I can go about on for hours. FMA has the best romances in shounen so anyone who has consumed FMA will know what I'm talking about. Like, whenever anyone tries to use a manga being 'shounen' to justify shitty romantic writing, I point at FMA's brilliant riding. An animanga's demographic is not an excuse for terrible executions in romance. EdWin, RoyAi, LingFan, AlMei and all the side ships drank and left no molecules.
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Toxic shippers, again, stay in your lane, I don't feel like dealing with y'all any day. I have been shipping this shit for years, always have, always will. Ignore the fact I ship Sakura with literally everyone from the Akatsuki to Hinata to Sai to Shikamaru. (Y'all I used to look up Kisame/Sakura fics, unironically TAT). (Same for Naruto honestly, I've shipped him with Sasuke, Ino, Temari, Tenten, the list goes on and on.) The way Sakura goes from finding Naruto annoying to almost dying multiple times to keep him safe, I will never EVER be over that. Naruto's love going from puppy to something as passionately red as the thread of fate itself. The MinaKushi parallels. I have a lot (and I mean a lot) of ships in Naruto pertaining to these two, but NaruSaku is my absolute favorite. Like it was literally confirmed that Sakura got over Sasuke and then it got retconned for some bullshit. Saying it with my whole chest, argue with a wall, it should have been them. I won't dog any other ships, but yeah, it should have been them. 699 chapters of Naruto being in love with one woman, I sing the praises everyday.
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Hinata's prince charming is literally Sakura. I have a whole ass fic I am slowly, painstakingly writing about what Naruto would have been like if Hinata had a crush on Sakura the whole time. I just think they're really cute together, have amazing chemistry and balance each other out. I didn't expect to like SakuHina as much as I did but here we are.
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I mentioned it before in another answered ask but Fruits Basket was my first manga (if you're curious what my first anime was, it was Yu Yu Hakusho) and Kyoru was probably my first OTP. There are two characters I think upon so many rewatches and rereads that were prime game for who Kyo and Tohru could have ended up with had things been different (which, I do really ship as well. Multishipper here guys) but I'm not mad about the endgames that we got. From start to finish, Kyo and Tohru's relationship is beautiful and you can feel how strongly they feel for one another. It's like, wow, Takaya really gave us one of the best ships in shoujo and didn't even apologize for it.
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Red + Blue = True. They had chemistry, supplemented for what the other lacked and we really don't need to have me diving into the bs that was VLD. That show wasn't even out long, my god, it was a mess.
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Should I explain to you the romanticism of Hydro x Hydro? Oof how I love them. A Genshin ship after my own heart, truly. But if anyone is trying to against MiHoyoverse (I was here from the Mihoyo days, leave me alone) in terms of seeing who ships NeuviFuri more, we all lose. They literally paid people to do an ice dancing program in NeuviFuri cosplay, paid a guy to make a companion piece to Furina's song from Neuvillette's perspective and several other animations concerning their relationship in some way. But the Mihoyoverse shenanigans aside, it's the build up of 400+ years of working together, the care they still have for one another and yes the complementary abilities and color palettes. Not enough time in the day to talk about them, I don't think.
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Almost thought I wouldn't have a gif for them, then I remembered THEY GOT A MOVIE. Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe is one of my favorite books in the world. I have reread it once a year religiously since 2017 when I first discovered it. This is such a beautiful novel and relationship and if you haven't had the pleasure of reading it or the sequel, please do yourself a favor and buy it or rent it from your local library. It's just, the way Ari has been in love with Dante for so long and didn't even realize it but it's so, so clear to the reader because of just how he talks and describes him? I don't even want to go to deep into this one just in case there's someone here that hasn't read this book because it deserves to be read and experienced blind. Just, just please y'all read it.
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harley-rose25 · 21 days
In which I give the longest explanation of my opinions on Eremika and why I don't like it.
If you see my other AoT post, I likely give the impression of being a hardcore eremika anti; and while I'm not clearly not a fan of the ship I also don't believe that it just came out of nowhere, or was completely unexpected; like some eremika antis seem to think. Seasons 1-3 I honestly expected an eremika ending. Season 3 I had some thoughts that maybe we were getting a erehisu instead, but ultimately I assumed either an eremika or a no-pairing ending even by the end of season 3.
This is not because I thought the ship was built up well or had really good moments pointing towards a mutual romance/love. There are some moments where Eren shows some level of care or affection towards Mikasa; but, to me, it doesn't come off like he's in love with her. It can be interpreted that way, but I felt it was more like showing general platonic care and that those more romantic feeling could be built up or in some cases like his feelings were moving in that direction. The reason I assumed it was the most likely end game ship if there was to be a ship is because of other cannon ships where one character is in love, often obsessively so with the other and the other is either oblivious, doesn't really care, or actively seems to dislike them until the end of the series when suddenly they're also in love. ie; Sakura and Sasuke, Hinata and Naruto, Aang and Katara. Eren and Mikasa dynamic reminded me of these, especially Sakura and Sasuke.
My main issues with the eremika ship are: 1. how it compares to erehisu; Eren and Mikasa do have deep emotional moment together but Eren and Historia have deep emotional moment because of each other. That is, Eren's emotional moment with Mikasa would be just as emotional even if she wasn't there, where as Historia is integral to the moments she has with Eren. In season 4 the erehisu ship is really build up by how desperate Eren is to protect Historia, how he angrily jumps to her defense, how he's shown visiting her at the farm, how he smiles at her and no one else. Even other characters notice this; in season 3 Jean tells Eren he should stop holding hands with Historia all the time (I'm aware that the hand holding was because they were trying to get more memories/activate the founding titan, but it means that Eren and Historia had a lot of confirmed off screen time together), and in season 4 Hange looks at Eren smiling at Historia and then later tells Eren that She thought He would never sacrifice Historia; strongly indicating an assumption of a deeper level of care. All in all I think erehisu had better scenes to building a relationship of mutual care and understanding and also better scenes showing that Eren cares about Historia in a way that isn't shown with anyone else (save maybe Armin) This means that when we end up with eremika now it feels a little cheap or just off. If we got more moments showing a deeper level of care and understand between Eren and Mikasa or if The moments between Eren and Historia, and Erens reactions to Historia didn't have so much weight then an eremika ending would make more sense.
reason number 2: What it does to Mikasas character; Mikasa's love for Eren seems born out of an obsession that comes from losing her parent in a violent murder/kidnapping and then being saved by him. This is then compounded when Eren's mom dies since she was like an adoptive mother to Mikasa. She's a traumatized young girl who never actually deals with her trauma and instead hyperfixates on Eren. Mikasa entire character arc is her chasing after Eren like a neglected dog until that one scene where for like 5 minutes she finally starts to see Eren for the violent psychopath he actually is and questions what she had seen in him; but never mind that because she's back to being so obsessively in love with him that even after he dies she spends that rest of her life visiting his grave with her (probably husband and kids) and also never takes off that scarf.
reason number 3: Mikasa doesn't understand Eren. People argue that Mikasa understood Eren in a different ways, that she understood certain parts of him, but that's literally just admitting that there's clearly parts of Eren she doesn't understand. Actually, I'd argue that as its depicted Mikasa doesn't seem to understand Eren on a fundamental level. Examples: When he failed at the initial ODM gear test she told him to give up being a soldier and then went on to say that he needn't drop out alone, that she would be following him; when he passed the ODM gear test she says that he's relieved that he wont be separated from her. She assumes that the reason he'd be upset about failing to make it as a soldier is related specifically to her and not wanting to be apart from her; When Connie is angry about Eren laughing after Sasha's death he asks Mikasa why he would do that and she can't answer; despite the fact that she's witnessed him laughing in an emotional and traumatic situation before and should have been able to understand that he does it as a coping mechanism. She'd also completely blind to his obvious anti-social personality disorder (psychopathy), though to be fair so is everyone else including most Eren stans. (like, I love Eren, I stan Eren but he is like text book certifiably ASPD psychopathic)
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gojuo · 4 months
Is satosugu a queerbaiting ship?
Yes and no. No, it's not queerbaiting in canon because Gege is not writing anything romantic in their relationship; Yes, it's queerbaiting coming from the fandom because the majority of stsg shippers are genuinely convinced there's something romantic between them in canon, and fandom is what a fan engages in way more than just canon therefore people get brainwashed/gaslighted into thinking stsg is meant to be canon.
Theories you read? That's fandom. Art you reblog? Fandom. Memes you consume and regurgitate? Fandom. Sending me asks about JJK? You're engaging in fandom. When you only—and I really mean only—read the manga and do not engage in any other aspect of JJK in online spaces, then you are not engaging in fandom therefore you have no stsg shippers forcing their headcanons down your throat and manipulating you into believing that shit. However... not engaging in fandom really isn't the reality for most JJK fans ... and because the majority of the JJK fandom are stsg shippers ... and because the majority of stsg shippers are truly convinced Gege wrote those two with a romantic dynamic ... people start to think there's actual romance happening and therefore he's queerbaiting bc "Gege will never have the balls to make stsg canon so he just sprinkles in random hints bc he's being censored by homophobic Shueisha!!!!" even though JJK has a lgbt couple and openly trans character like ... Lmfao.
The answer is no, there's no queerbaiting going on because there is no romance between stsg happening. Neither Gege nor his editors have never insinuated anything of the sort, nor have the voice actors, or anyone from the animation team. In canon, Gojo and Geto's relationship has only ever been portrayed as platonic. Any stsg cope that their friendship is secretly romantic is manipulative gaslighting. They keep twisting facts to suit their narrative and it's so annoying. "My one and only" is not romantic, the line before that is literally "My best friend"; "My soul knows otherwise" is not romantic, Gege said in the fanbook it's about the way Kenjaku's CT interacts with Gojo's Six Eyes; "Geto is the only deep bond Gojo has with a person" Literally a lie but this is also because of the age-old issue of Shonen writers' misogyny.
The biggest and greatest example of this issue is what Kishimoto did with Naruto/Sasuke/Sakura. To keep it short, Kishimoto, self-described as "I don't know how to write women", put all his effort into developing both Naruto and Sasuke as independent characters, their dynamic with each other, their relevance to the plot, their narrative arcs, etc. etc. and Sakura? She was just ... there. Not saying she was a nothingburger character but the gap between Naruto & Sasuke vs Sakura was considerably evident. And what happened when Kishimoto gave way more depth to the two guys in the trio over the girl? Mass shipping and delusional nrss is canon takes and egg hunts everywhere, even though it was clearcut that nrss was nothing but platonic. It's the same story with Gojo/Geto/Shoko (she literally disappears during HI like fuck you Gege), and the same story with Yuuji/Megumi/Nobara. Hell, I'd even go as far as to say it's the same with the Special Grades: Gojo/Geto/Yuuta/Tsukumo. There's a big disparity between character work for Gojo, Geto & Yuuta vs Tsukumo.
Gege might not make his female characters do fanservice like panty shots, unreasonably big tits, mad sexualization, KYAAHHH!!!, etc. all the time but that don't mean he's above being misogynistic to his female cast .
Gege did a lot of character work for both Gojo and Geto in HI which led up to the iconic Kenjaku reveal moment in Shibuya arc. Great. None of that shit was romantic in any way though. Had he given Shoko the same care and love he's given to the boys, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. Because that would mean that the fujos would have to engage with her character and her dynamic with other characters in a meaningful way. Alas... that didn't happen because Gege said this is a sausage fest.
Now, all this doesn't mean that you can't ship stsg. It just means that stsg is not a canon ship, Gege is not being censored so he can't "confirm their love", it means that in canon there is no romantic love between those two and there never has been. But you can still ship it, though. Hell, I ship TojiGo! Literally negative romance there in canon obviously, but that won't stop me because exploring character dynamics outside of the confines of canon and the what-ifs is what shipping is all about! (Majority) stsg shippers are just annoying as fuck because they genuinely believe their ship is canon, try to force their headcanons and misinterpretations of the material down everyone's throats, and send death threats to anyone who dares to ship Gojo with literally anyone else. And then gaslight the part of the fandom that isn't into shipping culture so bad that people start to think this fujo ship is queerbaiting. Goddamn.
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skykashi · 1 year
Just a thought about one recent ask. If the parallel between the team 7 and team Minato is 100% canon, and if is canon that Sasuke at the begin had some hidden feelings for Sakura confirmed by the arigato he told her before leaving the village, why it is so hard to say that Kakashi had feelings for Rin? Is not a shipping question but just logic, to me is kind a cliché plot, isn’t it?
Thank you for the ask 😊
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this is exactly why I always thought that if Rin had a chance to live she would have ended up with Kakashi not Obito and Obito would have most likely grown out of his crush for Rin the same way Naruto did with Sakura and would have also found someone else, in my answer to the ask you're referring to, I specifically mentioned that both Kakashi and Sasuke were too traumatized to think about love, I don't believe that kid Sasuke at the time had any romantic thoughts towards anyone, he was too consumed by what happened to his clan and how he would get stronger to avenge them and restore the Uchiha clan's honor after what Itachi did to think about anything else, kid Kakashi too was too consumed by what happened to his father and getting stronger so he can restore the Hatake clan's name after what his dad did to think about anything else, the only difference here is that all the members of team Kakashi had a chance to live and grow, a lot of things had changed in the way and among them was Sasuke, while team Minato didn't have that chance at all, Kakashi was the lone survivor who lived, grew and changed, his team weren't there to grow or change with him. So as I said, I believe that both kid Kakashi and kid Sasuke at the time either didn't have any romantic feelings for anyone or if they did, they didn't show it or maybe even realize it because it wasn't their priority at the time.
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