#I dont' know but it's always the people who mainly post on tumblr/only post on tumblr who make that type of payjay content
randomuzerthelozer · 11 months
I don't know why but Tumblr Payjay is soo good man.... The specific breed of Payjay on Tumblr is so cute. It's like their both tired men who want to go to everything over with. Idk why but when I see a payjay post on tumblr I feel haipper then when I would see it on let's say tiktok
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yours-trulyy · 21 days
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' I'm not gonna help you , I'm not gonna save you. '
⋆⭒˚.⋆ :: helloo!!! <333 — updated : 9-21-24
i’m @yours-trulyy but my online alias is mainly val — i also go by marz (with an s or a z) or v!! for people who know me irl: you have full permission to call me rachel!! (i absolutely hate my real name) i’ve been on tumblr for a while now, my tumblr birthday being february 23d!! >_< (my irl bday is december 6th!!1)
a little about me: i go by she/her (cisfem,) i’m pan (male pref,) i probably have ocd and/or adhd, and i’m always open to mutuals!! i love music and yapping on this site about theories/headcanons i have about a specific game for millions of people to see and probably steal ^_^ and yes, i am a minor!!
>> you dont have to stalk my page,, trust me i love mutuals!! :^ follow me - or just send an ask and im bound to follow back !!
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— ✮⋆˙ fandoms list !!
OMORI, Death Note, Jujutsu Kaisen, Breaking Bad, Pressure (Roblox,) 8:11, Married In Red, Cold Front, Dead Plate, Elevator Hitch, Eloquent Countenance, FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN’, Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared, Bugbo, Sanrio, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, The Mandela Catalogue, Danganronpa, FNaF, Heathers: The Musical (off broadway 2014,) + more to be added!!
i mainly post about omori though because i’m a complete maniac about that game ^_^
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— 𝜗𝜚 awesome people / mutuals <3 ^^^ only adding you if i know you for a good amount of time!! :3
@6arely-living , @streetplants , @mariegolddoesthings , @2econd2ight2aver , @faceyourphobia , @furretdance , @lemon4ade <3
— 𝜗𝜚 REBLOG ACCOUNT : @yourstrulysreblogs !!
DNI + TAG + MLIST + N/A !!!!
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ben-marco · 4 months
so glad i blocked leigon and many but one a while ago simply because they did things that i personally found weird (although many but one did say on tumblr that they "didnt care" about legion proudly claiming to be a radfem.. so. idk)
i feel like the amount of slideshows and stuff of them graphically describing things that happened during the abuse they both faced was a bit odd, i mean they had TW / CWs but still. i found myself going back to those slideshows continuously to try and trigger something because, guess what, it did trigger things, and im so desperate for that smoking gun of proof that i'll do anything. which in hindsight just feels dangerous. i dont trust either of them to be good people, especially since on many but one's tumblr they just spouted slurs they couldnt reclaim in response to someone saying that a term they used is derogatory (and they defended that by saying "[alter] was using it to describe herself" which doesn't erase the meaning behind the term..)
leigon posts vents a lot without any trigger warnings, and blocks / unfollows people at random for simply disagreeing with them. ive heard that they also tend to get their followers on people's asses if they talk about how leigon spreads misinfo!
as someone with npd i used to just dismiss it by saying "oh they have npd i get it" but no... what is even going on at this point. their whole alpha to omega document is just full of misinfo (mainly the fact that not all programming types use greek letter names, i think they just pulled that out of their ass to make the document "aesthetic"), which is sad because it is really well written.
Thank you so much for bringing this up, anon. I always thought those posts were really strange, too.
When people post extremely detailed, graphic/triggering things like that, it makes me wonder what their motive is. What do they expect from those posts and from people's responses to them? What are they looking for? I've known people who post things like that and all of them have either been bad actors or people who are so unstable that they really should be working on basic stabilization before they delve into these spaces to begin with.
Posting things like that is so, so, so dangerous too. For the poster and for people seeing it. I think a lot of people are drawn to return to that kind of content to see if it triggers them-- and guess what, that content is triggering and upsetting to most sane people, survivors or not. Most people are going to be upset by, or triggered by, graphic discussions of OEA and surrounding topics.
I just...don't think those kinds of graphic posts benefit anyone. You're putting that information out there about your abuse/trauma for god knows who to see (and in Legion's case, attaching your face to it too), potentially putting yourself in danger, and for what? So someone else can see it and be triggered by it?
I said earlier that I've only ever seen this kind of behavior in people who are bad actors or just very destabilized. And honestly I feel like Legion is a bad actor at this point, especially due to their defensiveness and their willingness to weaponize their followers against anyone who disagrees with them, as you mentioned. Their transphobia and participation in radfem circles is certainly a huge problem but it's not the only issue with them or their behavior.
I don't really know anything about Many But One other than that they associate with Legion, so I appreciate you mentioning those things about them.
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Aita for 'Breaking up' with a friend?
This is going to be a loooong post so buckle up. I have been friends with this person, who I will refer to as Bread, since 2017. They were pretty much my only close friend beside my sister(Who i will call Gamer, she is important later on) but also i always found them kinda annoying, but I never said anything because i would have to see them in school everyday and it would be too awkward. So right before my school shutdown for Covid, like on the last day, I (basically) said "I don't want to be friends with you anymore." I however continued to be their friend because they acted as if nothing had happened and honestly it took me a lot of courage to say the first thing to their face anyways. This is the end to the first chapter in our story.
So skip a few months in which we have no school. When online school starts we did it on google hangouts, and i found a way to reconnect with my school friends, i.e Bread and two other people who will become VERY important to the story. These two people who i befriend i will call Sprite and Pepsi. Sprite and Pepsi are currently two of my best friends, however Bread has had a long running history of issues with Pepsi. Mainly they set these aside for the good of the friend group. I introduce the three of them to one of my outer school friend, who is slightly older than us and therefore i will call Mentor(who actually has a tumblr so if you see this, by now you know this is me so keep scrolling.) The six of us become very good friends(for those who need a reminder, that's me, Gamer(my sister), Bread, Pepsi, Sprite, and Mentor. Cue 2021, the friend group now all uses discord and I have been invited into a side group chat, titled something along the lines of 'plans to remove Bread from the friend group.' Now, during this time skip i have mentioned a few incidents have occurred. 1) Gamer and I have gotten in heated arguments with Bread over silly things, them being really rude about Sprite's art, them not liking a documentary I recommended, several incidents where they 'introduced' us to their online friends who was just them on an alt account. Anyway, back to the group chat. I am filled in on even MORE discourse between Sprite, Pepsi, and Bread. I don't really remember any of it know and the gc has been long since deleted. We talk shit about them behind their back while also pretending to be their friend(this is partly the asshole part because we did this A LOT.) During this time Sprite is our double agent, being the person Bread always rants and vents too, despite Sprite discouraging it. During this time somthing very childish happens that i am honestly embarrased to type, so i will skip it, occurs, acting as the catalyst for all of us breaking our friendship with Bread in favor of Pepsi. During this event many hurtful words were said, mainly aimed at Bread(to their face this time.) Our break in friendship, however, does not last long, as right after we(Me and gamer) are added to a groupchat where Sprite tells us that they were a double double agent and was on NO ONE's side during this entire thing and also kind of telling Bread what was going on. They explain that this friendship stuff is dumb, and we all become friends once more (including Bread and Pepsi.) Things continue as normal. This is the end of chapter two
School reopens. I am in a class with Bread and no other friends. Each day my resentment for Bread grows. (Also a quick context for our school, Bread, Pepsi, and Sprite all use the same bus. Me and Gamer do not. Mentor does not go to our school. Many events transpired on the school bus that i am not fully aware of.) At this point I fucking DESPISE Bread. Its lots of small incidents, that i never addressed with them. Them being too touchy, invading my private space, not understanding that WHEN I PUT MY HEAD DOWN THAT MEANS I AM TRYING TO SLEEP SO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT POKE ME. At this point all of my friends and I use insta, as me and gamer have just gotten it, instead of Discord. My friends never used discord much, so now, I start talking to my friends more. Pepsi and Sprite start filling me in on more and more of Breads misdeeds. It is revealed to me how pushy Bread is, how they ignore peoples boundary's, etc, and how practically everyone in our grade fucking hates them. This is news to me. I start cutting Bread out more and more. The shit talking behind their back returns, but this time with a vengeance. This time more people are involved. This time, the friend group is larger. This time, the exclusion Bread faces is on a larger scale. It is 2023 now. I barely talk to Bread. Their friendship with Pepsi is entirely down, they had a big friendship over haul that i have not gotten into, but we're still friends, only in name, for Mentor. Anyway, I use Pepsi as a human shield. Bread will avoid us if we are near Pepsi, and wont come to a group event if Pepsi is there. Life is great, because i no longer have to deal with Bread and their bullshit.
Now i come to the final part. The actual breaking up. Bread has confronted me a few months prior about how i avoid them. I weave my way around the topic of saying I hate them because i am very non confrontational. But now, I have confidence. I just finished hanging out with my friends. Its the middle of the holidays so i can send them a message via discord and not have to think of consequences. So i do. I tell them that I don't like them. I don't exactly outline the problems, but I do tell them this has been a long tome coming. Now, comes the reasons why i could be an asshole.
One, I have been 'soft blocking' Bread for a long time before this and i should have done it ages ago. Two, They have literally no other friends now. They are entering a new school year completely friendless, and i cant completely say its their own fault. Three, Most of what I have heard about their wrong doing is passed down from mouth to mouth, so details may have been twisted and I should just confront them about it instead. Four. As their only friend, it was kinda my job to help them, isn't it? but i didnt . I just abandoned them as soon as i got fed up. Five, even when i was genuinely their friend, i was a really shitty friend, refusing to take their side in any conflict that arised. Six, Bread acts like a genuinely nice person that i don't mind hanging out with in person, its just certain things, and the way they act with others and online that pushed me to this point.
So thats it, thats my story. A few helpful things to keep in mind: This is only an abridged version of events. I will be answering any questions i can on a throwaway account to clear up any confusion, and also add more detail on what exactly Bread has done wrong. Also we are all under 18 in this story and currently, so please keep this in mind. I don't think i did anything wrong but also i am surrounded in an echo chamber of people that hate them so i need an outside view to really understand how bad of a person Bread is. Sorry for any spelling mistakes, and I hope this was, at least, entertaining to you.
What are these acronyms?
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starsinkpop · 3 months
what do you think if theres blogs that are not only deeply obsessing with finding out ateez members exact fs but they also discussing their potential body parts. I tried telling them how weird and gross it was of them but they tell me I was taking it too far. what the fuck? am sorry but this kpop tarot thing is what is taking ppls obsession with idols fs too far. its bordering on creepy rn and its not just one blog theres like several of them that mainly focus on idols fs.
some blogs be claiming they dont dig too much but then they still think it ok to even discuss idols sexuality or some other aspect of their personal life.
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i’m not really on that side of tumblr or social media so i can’t really say much about it. i have clear boundaries. im fine with certain readings about ateez’s fs but i wouldn’t do more readings than i have online right now. we already know more than enough. i keep getting a crazy amount of asks in my inbox of people trying to fit especially san’s fs aspects. i’m deleting all of them because none of those people reading my stuff and also myself will be their fs. some people really need to touch some grass. when i see certain physical traits in a reading i point them out, however i focus on personality only. what’s bothering me is how almost everyone on here in my inbox assumes that the members are straight. making their fs a girl at all times. we don’t know their sexuality and it’s quite frankly none of our business. we don’t know if their straight or part of the lgbtq+ community. this is why i keep my readings gender neutral because we don’t know shit.
now in general i don’t want to spread any negativity because life itself is already a big struggle for most of us. i want my blog to be a place where people could just entertain themselves for a bit and. so i won’t say anything about other readers because i honestly just can’t. like i said, im not on that side of tumblr. i get your point but you have to remember you’re telling me this, im a kpop (well just ateez) tarot reader myself and i’ve done reading about their fs too so 🤷‍♀️🤣 like i said, i have my boundaries with readings, won’t do any sexual readings and i don’t focus on looks. being someone who was crazily sexualized since being a child, i really hate this side of any fandom. there’s too many obsessions going on. you wanna know what happened when i saw the most recent pool pics of the members, especially san and woo? as a gym girly i was like “woah i really need to know their routine so i can shape my body like theirs” i can just admire them. viewers here are a little too delulu and have a hard time sticking to reality and form an own opinion it feels like. and I’m sure some readers feed into that. it’s giving you a ton of likes and if that’s their main purpose for posting i guess i get it. that doesn’t mean i’m okay with that but i know many people need validation like that. whenever there’s people coming up and officially date like twice’s jihyo for example i always feel really warm around my heart. gives me the feeling they can still have a bit of a normal life.
i don’t really have anything else to say and only repeat myself. i don’t know if i’m the right person to talk to about that, i do readings and did fs readings like what you just complaint about, but i have boundaries and know what’s reality. none of us will be with any of them, ever and viewers should stop honestly believing “omg XYs fs is like this and that, i’m just like that it has to be me they have to do more detailed readings so i can make it fit for myself”.
on another note, and this is in no means anything bad or hate whatsoever, i love getting asks from you but those long asks are sometimes a bit much because im not your diary, love 🤣 no hate. but it just felt like a rant and i do really like rants but my inbox is maybe not the best place for that because i don’t want to spam any of my followers page with that you know?
edit: you can still send me longer asks, but please try fitting the stuff you want to say into one ask and not three or more 💖
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tunisian · 1 month
Genuine question here about the censoring post you made. Is tumblr not on the same boat as other apps who could "strike" you for using certain words? They've taken down certain tags, so I figured they would hit a blog with the use of certain words on text post.
I know when it comes down to tw words, I use the actual words, but with other kinds of stuff, sometimes I double guess it or remove the post after a certain amount of time.
Idk. Tumblr has changed so much, some for the better, but there's also so much uncertainty.
Anyways, thanks in advance if you answer this. 💓
hi love. i personally havent experienced or seen posts or blogs getting taken down because i or someone else said "i want to [kill] myself" or "will be watching [porn] later" or including the word "lesbian" (instead of le dollar bean/le$bian) in textposts. the only 3-strike system im aware of on tumblr is related to copyright.
the censoring post was mainly my irritation about how people keep using 'censored' words irl as though there will be real life repercussions if they used the real words. this algospeak is slowly finding its way into irl vernacular which is extremely disturbing. another anon told me they read an obituary where it literally said a kid unalived themselves. last week i saw a picture of a description card in a MUSEUM about kurt cobain saying he 'unalived himself at 27'.
tumblr is more lenient than all other social media platforms in terms of what you cannot say or tag. if youre unsure, check out the guidelines. plus from what i know, if tumblr takes down a blog or post, they will mail you why they did it and you can always appeal.
what i do want everyone to keep doing is tag the real words for trigger/content warnings. people have these filtered for a reason. and if you want to censor something because, for example, you dont want bot blogs or because you have a hot take on a ship you dont like, just use the ole * instead of a vowel. hope this helps 🫶
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mickey708 · 3 months
Doing a intro cuz ive been needing to.
About me:
Hello there gadies and lentlemen and those who are neither my name is Mickey!!! Im a young teen artist who just likes to draw for fun. So heres a bit of info about me:
I am a minor (so dont be a weirdo)
I use any pronouns!!
I have horrible social skills (but i try!!)
Im mainly on here for fun and to show art so im not big on drama
I used to draw but stopped so i am slowly reteaching myself art (since 2023)
Everything i know is self taught
Im usually always free to chat or answee any questions you might have!!!
I am hispanic but im a no sabo kid :/
I can tend to be busy sometimes so if i dont reply or answer you thats why
No. I am not mickey mouse.
Im kinda weird so i dont have alot of interests srry im a bit boring.
SMG4 (since 2019)
Murder drones
Helluva Boss (i dont like vivziepop tho)
Might add more if i can remember..
Ways u can interact with me!!
My ask box is always open on tumblr so you can ask whatever (just nothing TOO personal ok)
I unfortunately dont do commissions but id be happy to draw something for you!! (As long as its fandom related no NSFW!!)
I also have Twitter/X !!! You can go and look at my art there too! ( doggybandit34 on twt)
For the love of god. Do not make me regret saying this. Yes. I have discord but pls DM me for my user im not gonna show it publicly.
Just know im almost NEVER on discord so i dont talk much (IM SO SORRY I JUST DONT KNOW HOW TO TALK TO PEOPLE)
These are the only places i post but i do have accounts for other platforms like Tiktok and pinterest i just dont post there.
You can use my art ONLY if yougive me credits pls. I do work very hard on these drawings man. Artists are human too (A.I. art isnt real art)
If you want too feel free to make art if my oc!! (Pls tag me in it i love seeing peoples art)
This is my oc btw:
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With all that aside i hope yall learned a bit more about me and hope you enjoy my art!!
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osoreee · 3 months
Please read before interacting
First Post?
Scary...🎀 hehe qwq
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Well hello there! You must've traveled... or maybe scrolled..A long way to find me here:3 My name is Osore! (Not irl name however I'm not comfortable to use it here) and I am the host of my system :> I'm veryyy new to Tumblr so I don't get everything thats happening here just yet! I'll do my best to make the whole blog very interesting though!
What can you expect to see?
Controversial opinions that is for sure :> If you're a younger system with hundreds of headmates and Introjects then prepare yourself to get triggered :3 I know I'm gonna get a lot of shit from community here but... oh well!!
Please, please, please though let's be respectful. My blogs aren't here to attack anyone, they are the opposite, their purpose is to spike up a polite discussion about topics. I won't be disrespectful towards you and I expect the same (Even if my opinions may be triggering)
Crumbs about my system!
As you know I am the host and I go by the name Osore and she/her pronouncs
I'm gonna be the main person who posts because my alters front only when I'm intensly triggered. Unless they would like to express their opinion then I will speak for them.
One of the main alters are
Olivia she/her
Ashley she/they
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We have 4 more alters however the communication in my system is not working out perfectly mainly because my system discovery happend only.. 6 months ago? I'm still very unsure about everything however I really want to share my experiences and find people that I can relate to!!
My system has a total of..... 0 introjects!!! The topic of introjects/factives etc etc. Will be veryy controversial here. So be careful - I warned you!
All of my alters are brain made and based on traumatic events that I went through.
I don't consider myself to be an alter. I dont want to be seen as an alter. My alters are just parts of me. Parts of me that had to split in order to protect me from terrible life events that I went through at very young age.
Therefore, I will be taking full responsibility for things that my alters may say. At the end of the day they are all me. They are my opinions split into different personalities however they are still mine.
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Thank you :3
I do not support (But it doesn't mean that I immediately fakeclaim) people like...
Systems with headmate count over 20 that are under the age of 15
Systems with headmate count over 60
Heavy number of introjects/factives systems
Systems that make their alters seem quirky (e.g. I switched and alter X ordered a pizza omg so funny guys hihihi)
Systems that act as if headspace was a physical place where alters hang out
Systems under 13 years old (that claim to know everything about their system)
People that claim to have every disorder possible
Building alters? Wtf even is that? The whole alter market
Systems that most of the alters aren't brain made
TransID or whatever this bs is.. you don't want a disorder or disability wtf is wrong with you
Acting as if DID was disorder where alters RP with each other...
There is no DNI list. I may not support you however you can still discuss with me. Please just be respectful, I'm not scared of blocking.
I'm a diagnosed Dyslexic person so I apologise for my grammar and spelling mistakes in advance! I'm trying to change if I spelt anything wrong however I cant always see each spelling mistake. This is the only diagnosis I will be open about here. The rest of my medical history will stay private.
And I think that's it.... Thanks for reading this yapping post!! I hope you'll have fun:>
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felipe-v-fanblog · 12 days
Hello, my friend. I am curious to know what good things Philip V has done for Spain.
Are there movies or shows about him?
What historical events do you wish to see if there are shows about him someday? For me, The Spanish War of Succession, his first years as king, and his struggles.
ah, i love talking about period dramas . I have been a bit sad lately so I am not very into tumblr . May answer later to answers to this post or dms. I think I have more stuff to answer in replies ? I should check out my notifications .
III i wrote a lot under the cut . I am not sad anymore hehe thinking about period dramas is one of my big passions
As for good things Philip V has done for Spain — not many, dont think so. I like him for his human side ( which is , to be honest , the most part of him because he wasnt either very interesed in politics , he had bigger conflicts by himself to bother on that stuff ) . I like him as a person but I know people do think of kings who didnt do stuff for their countries as traitors or lazy people . I dont think Philip V as a tyranical king , since he came to Spain he always had doubts and Alberoni and the princess of Urzins had to reassure him to keep being on the throne since he was 17 — which is interesting considering he will later abdicate the throne when his inner turmoil is too much for him .
I personally love french movies . I really like France as a whole so I really liked L'Échange des princesses ( I dont know its name in english , but I know its name in spanish is Cambio de princesas or something like that , I watched it on spanish and french ! Couldnt understand the spanish one tbh ) . It is really good I really really loved it . I love french period dramas I think they are just the best . This is genuinely one of my favourites period dramas . I am not good at summarizing stuff in english but it is about the french and the spanish court around the time Philip V abdicated the throne ( which does happens in the movie ) THE SCENES OF PHILIP ARE SOOOOO EPIC it makes me happy when i remember them . he is so peak . I really liked how they stylized him he did in fact had a big ass wig they didnt exaggerated it . They did a very good job portraying his character but I think he talked too much during the movie and he usually didnt talked that much IRL . He was very shy and anxious when talking to people . But eh it makes sense as he was mainly talking to family . I really liked him nonetheless . Louis XV , Louis I of Spain , some infantes and baby Charles III of Spain appear in the movie . There is also Liselotte !! The duchess of Orléans . I really love her they did such a good job at portraying her too . I LOVE THAT MOVIE I GENUINELY LOVE IT !! This is the only movie I have ever seen about Philip V but I know my spaniard gf likes this spanish series ? which is about people who travel around time as far as I know ? where he appears with a very cheap wig and there is also Isabel de Farnesio which is the star of the show . I dont really know about it but spaniards like it so I guess it must be good . Its called El Ministerio del Tiempo and I only know it because Velázquéz ( the painter ) and Blas de Lezo appear there and I wanted to watch it someday but I dont like this kind of shows . I do know about that one Netflix show La cocinera de Castamar but I dont like it when they use modern hairstyles for period dramas it gives off lazy vibes so I dont watch them . Its a pity cus I love George III but there is a netflix show about him which seems good but I cannot bear the thought of George III being a normal person . May kill myself later .
Shows I would like :3 — I love love love love love loveeee imagining shows and movies I am a cinephile . I have a letterboxd account where I share my elitist taste on movies . I am a boring person who watches very boring movies and love it . I dont know if you are into that kind of period dramas ? the more experimental ones ? like the ones of Albert Serra ( La Mort de Louis XIV , Història de la meva mort , Liberté ) or Ken Russell ( The devils , Lisztomania , Prisoner of Honor ) or Derek Jarman ( Caravaggio , Sebastiane , Edward II , War Requiem ) — I am also super into the ones produced during the USSR , mainly about Ivan IV ; but I am also into normal recent stuff like Mary & George ( I LOVED this one ) and Marie Antoinette ( the 2006 movie and the 2022 series ! I really like anything Canal+ produces ) and well the Napoleon movie . Was it released last year ? Ah I do also liked Jeanne du Barry but people think that one is lame . Not me tho . I loved Jeanne du Barry I am into anything french . After saying all of this yeah I would love a biography movie á la Jeanne du Barry or Marie Antoinette ( 2006 ) or Napoleón . Something that lasts 2 hours and that the public completely hates but I will like it nonetheless . Impossible to make . Impossible to produce . No one would buy this idea . But it lives rent free on my mind . I genuinely love all of Philip V s life iiiiiiiii it makes me so happy to think of him when he was young and then when he was an adult and then when he was just trying to die in peace . Good boy . Would give him a lollipop to cheer him up . AH WHAT WAS I TALKING ABOUT . Ah yes . Ehh I think how he comes to Spain and all the weird things that happen around him — which are a lot , surprisingly , and very weird ? Like I genuinely cannot BELIEVE Alberoni was made prime minister I GENUINELY CANNOT UNDERSTAND HOW DID THAT MAN BECAME PRIME MINISTER I CANNOT UNDERSTAND — And so . Eh I think the war of succession would be very interesting yes . It would be a bit too sad . I dont think there could be any way to make that movie with a happy ending or a lesson . I think its a bad idea to produce . But I would love it but it would be a complete failure like Philip V himself ( I love him ) . Maybe I would add him to a Louis XIV series or in the last part of a movie of him , as Philip V himself is a very niche spot in history . Spain its very niche in itself . I dont really think it would ever be a Philip V movie as spaniards hate him , but I think there would be a very interesting opportunity for Isabel II of Spain or Charles V of Habsburg . I really like Ferdinand II of Spain I think they should make a movie about him and Isabel and Juana and Felipe I . Outside of Spain I want a Frederick the great biopic I DONT KNOW WHY THERE ISNT ONE OF HIM ?? ... like there is but its a nazi movie ( lol ) so its super historically innacurate . life is hard . kisses and my best wishes my friend will !! ask for period dramas to you too as i want to watch something lately
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alchemiclee · 2 months
i've been told/keep seeing posts about people suddenly not liking when people add tags to their posts with their own thoughts/feelings/opnions/experiences, and even people that say not to tag with certain common organizational tags (like ships for example i see the most. some people use a ship name for organization purposes and not necessarily for shipping. for example i use "collei and her dads" for cyno, tighnari, collei art for my organization so I cam find them again and theres been a few artists screaming not to use ship tags and that could be seen as a ship tag. so what do i do? not organize your art into my tags and let it get lost and never seen again? not share your art at all? kinda silly but whatever, ill just ignore your art).
I personally think that's all a bit ridiculous....i don't know if that's a more recent thing (like with twitter people coming here suddenly and expecting to act like this is twitter) or if it happened in the years since I took a break from tumblr. but bAcK iN mY DaY we used tags as a little whisper to add our own thoughts without interrupting the main post. adding hard comments or replies was more seen as "too much/too loud" if it wasn't something directly meant for OP. tags were usually never meant for OP and were always for the reblogger and their followers. these days more and more people seem to think tags on their posts are all speaking to them directly or interrupting their post (not to say you can't speak to OP through tags, like i'll say nice things about their art in tags) but not everything in someone's tags on a post they reblog from you is for you! you can ignore it!!!
I know on twitter (where I went after leaving tumblr a while back) people use quote retweets to speak to the OP often. but not always. I sometimes would quote a tweet to add my own thoughts while using the quote as like a citation to credit OP for the idea. but I have a few times where the OP thought I was speaking to/about them and got very upset about it. one was a large account who quoted me back and got very nasty and sent their minions after me. quotes are louder than tumblr tags. so that's more understandable, and I was always very hesitant to do it, but I personally see indirect tweets about another post as extremely rude and posting screenshots of tweets on twitter is also rude.
I loved coming back here mainly for the tag system! I missed being able to share a post and also quietly add my thoughts. go on long rambles related to the main post without stealing their post completely or needing to make a whole new post. I know most old tumblr users get that and don't care, probably. I NEVER saw anyone complain about it in the past. only say how much they love it. it was just part of how this site worked for us. a culture thing we naturally created. so i'm assuming it's mostly new users who don't get this culture? it also doesn't help tumblr made it so you now see tags in your notes tab and not just comments added and replies. before, you would have to go to "someone reblogged your post" to see if they added tags because tumblr only showed comments. I personally LOVE when people add tags to my post with their thoughts and stories and whatnot. ai i'd go to every reblog I got to see if there's tags added. it's like an uncommitted interaction. they dont expect a reply, i don't expect a reply. they are isolated thoughts, but still related. it's still a form of interaction, without the pressure of being direct, and I feel seen/heard when they add them. (it means they're not a bot, auto reblogging my posts /hj) seeing tags on my posts i'm not just shouting into the void alone and someone sees me. me adding tags to a post is a gentle "you're not alone/I hear you/im a real person not a bot" from me. but it also could be me saying "your post inspired me! I want to write something too! but im being quiet about it so i dont take away from your post and your post gets all the credit" when I add my own little tag ramble.
so the fact that people are now suddenly being upset by people adding their own experiences and thoughts to tags is super disappointing and and frankly annoying. tags don't take away from your post and you can just ignore them! no one is forcing you to expand the tags in your notes and read them! hardly anyone will see them. most will only read your post and not people's tags! I know no one usually reads my tags because i've added secret messages to the end of my tags and no one ever responds to it lmao things like send a pic in my ask and i'll draw it for you.
yes I know "RESPECT PEOPLE BOUNDARIES" but it kind of disrespects my needs as well. theres a thin line between someone's boundaries being crosses and someone's needs not being met. but that's a whole debate i'm not willing to have so don't start it. (not that kind of boundary is easy to not cross. not bringing up arguments. but asking people to not use a main function of a website is kind of pushing it imo...) yeah I want to respect boundaries the best i can, but unless you say in the post "don't reblog and add your own tags" no one will know and you get upset when no one knows. and no, no one will read your profile/pinned post before reblogging. no one will go to the original post and read your tags. they will only reblog it right off their dash if they aren't seeing it directly from you in the tags/for you page. some people will reblog 100 posts a day. they won't go to every profile/original post before reblogging just to see if you have any special conditions and rules for your random one post out of hundreds they see a day. that's too much to expect, honestly, sorry to say!
but this is tumblr. maybe it's better for people to accept the culture/etiquette here and let it happen without complaining, or realize this isn't the place for them! because it doesn't meet their needs and boundaries! and that's ok! it doesn't have to be your place. you don't need to stay here if you don't like how it works! asking an entire website to "respect your boundaries" by not participating in a basic or essential function of the website is a little ridiculous to be fair....
no i'm not saying your boundaries don't deserve to be respected. i'm saying this probably isn't the place to have those boundaries in the first place. because there's am established way this site functions that works in counter to your wanted boundaries, so it just doesn't fit your needs. and like I said that's ok! you don't need to stay here if it upsets you that much! it's better if you find a social media where people can't share your posts. like a simple blog site that doesn't have a share function! or like Instagram? people cant share those posts. (sorry, I dont know much about social media) if you really want people to stop adding tags that bad, either turn off reblogs completely, or ask staff to add a notification option to turn off seeing added tags on reblogs! (if you're veeerry lucky, and not a trans woman, they might listen to you)
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halfusek · 1 year
Imma be honest with you, before BATDR came out, you literally held this fandom together with bandaids and stick glue. 2019-2022 was basically the dry age of Bendy content
haha thanks i tried my best
i Do enjoy being in a fandom, i've always looked up to the danny phantom phandom a lot cause the vibes there are just fantastic, there's a lot of things going on, people have many interactions with each other, so i wanted to try to introduce that to the batim fandom and i'd like to think that i sorta did
i know that it is a popular opinion to not engage with a large portion of the fandom but instead just grab a few friends and sit in a corner with them but like
engaging with a bigger portion of the fandom every now and then can be SO fun and give people an opportunity to meet other people and idk
fandoms are communities of people just united by liking A Thing so it can be challenging to make a space for many people to get along but i dont recall any super serious only fandom related dramas in batim?? weirdos are in every fandom and you just blast their asses into oblivion with a block button
and there have been cases when i felt kinda bad for blocking someone because that meant i'd exclude them from something i wanted to think of as a fandom-wide event for everyone who would obey it's rules but that's where this outlook on curating your experience into a smaller circle is very much the way to go lol
wait what am i talking about
aha yea 2019-2022 everything fucking DIED here but i was having a blast drawing my comic and also a lot of people who were into the sides of batim i was into mainly (the human characters) stayed around more than everyone else and it was really chill, i've met a lot of people and made many friendships :)
as the fandom was getting smaller there was a noticable drop in the amount of notes batim related posts were getting which is a very big symptom of a fandom dying but i think at some point it sorta stabilized who stayed there after batdr was delayed and delayed
i reblog and tag more than an usual tumblr user (when im active cuz sometimes i can not reblog anything for months because im busy lol) and that didnt start without a reason, it sure is a habit now and i really enjoy doing it, letting people know what i think about their stuff and putting nice things on display for others to see
reblogs are not just crucial for singular artists but also for fandoms as a whole, thats how you keep that train rollin
though here is a sad thing that many many artists dont reblog a lot, or reblog to their sideblogs that arent followed by nearly as many people as their main blogs
and thats like understandable, im the weirdo who puts a whole mess of many posts on my main but i think thats also the most effective way to help other people get traction and i never see this mentioned when people complain that tumblr users dont reblog as much stuff as they like
its even kinda funny to me when people complain about their stuff not getting reblogged when they dont reblog others stuff themselves at all xD though there is a bit of cyanide in that thought heheh
on the other hand reblogging doesnt work on stuff that i could see from other people: the stuff i reblog i get from browsing the bendy and the ink machine tag sorted by new + sometimes when i bored i scroll through my dash and reblog some random things but i follow 2k people so i dont really see any individuals art specifically, just a collection of random posts that i am able to scroll through in a few minutes (and every minute theres a bunch of new posts posted/reblogged by those i follow)
and that can take a long time! if ive been busy for months then scrolling through a few months worth of stuff people around the world made for bendy is so bad even on a beefy computer that it just pushes tumblr to its limits and takes HOURS to reblog and tag for me, and then i might even hit the daily post limit and have to continue tomorrow
but i enjoy doing this, bendy is my fixation after all and i fucking love art and what people can create for this thing that i like i soooooo desire to see it all
and i try to reblog as much as possible, though i dont obviously reblog *everything* from the tag, sometimes i just give a like or i just dont like the thing cuz its not in my liking and thats it
but i did make it a thing that during ink demonth i reblog all entries for the event no matter what my opinion of them is just to give some of that Exposure TM because hey maybe some of my followers Will like it
i dont run a super duper popular blog but there is a bunch of yall there and i think me reblogging something in this fandom at least may give a litol boost to the notes on a post
and its always fun to see peoples reactions that dont expect me to reblog from them but then i do and they freak out a little, i think i love it on the same level as getting comments on my own art :) its super wholesome
man by writing this post im procrastinating on something but fdnjkfdfd
but anyway thank you!! and im glad you think so because i did try to accomplish that :D
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call-me-copycat · 5 months
This is going to be reallyyyyyy random but i wanted to ask you for an advise
(Ofc if you dont feel like answering me its just fine 💕)
So i wanted to start writing fics but idk how to get to people and that people read me. So i wanted to know how you did it.
Thanks so much 🩶🩷🤍
Hi! Don't worry about it, I always enjoy getting any type of asks to answer ₍₍ ᕕ(´ ω` )ᕗ⁾⁾
For me, I started straight from scratch as I had no previous online presence anywhere at all
I did read a lot for years before I decided to post anything, but to others I seemingly just popped up out of thin air (´>∀<`)ゝ
I literally only got Tumblr to be able to read more, and eventually I gathered the confidence to write a fic and post it
Bear in mind, it was small and rough, as I had no common theme or layout, and alongside that it felt as if I was screaming into the void as I didn't expect many people to check it out
But for me, consistency and tagging was key.
I wrote my first fic and immediately made a masterlist for others so they could see what they could ask of me, since I went off of other writers who allowed people to request from them
I mainly just went off of what other writers were doing, mimicking them a bit in order to gather my bearings and create a base for me to go off of
Eventually people began sending asks, and I would write what they wanted. I tagged each post with as many relevant tags as I could get it, and in turn more people saw my works
Now, I haven't written anything from scratch since that first fic, as all of my fics come from me fulfilling asks sent to me (people are certainly very creative! I love receiving such complex asks, as it shows how much these people trust me to write their ideas)
I think communication is also important to your audience, as I also read and respond to any comments suggesting things
I do think it helped that I mainly write for a popular character (Aizawa) in a popular fandom (My Hero Academia)
I also feel I should mention that even if you put your whole soul into a story, there's a large chance it'll still flop. The audience decides what they like more in the end, and I just go off of that
For example; my Escaping The Night series is my absolute favorite to write, yet it gets very little interaction (though there are some that really are into it), compared to my short story that I barely put any thought into (A Runaway's Hope) getting tons of attention out of nowhere
There are highs and lows, but we all start from somewhere, I believe it just starts with taking that first step and going from there.
I do hope this helps just a little bit, the beginning is normally a little rough for most people, but I have faith you can do it! ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧
Start off small, because as long as it's there then it's something to start you off of (๑>ᴗ<๑)
I hope you have a lovely day! If you have anymore questions feel free to send in more asks \(❁´∀`❁)ノ𖤐´-
Tumblr media
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governancestudyblr · 4 months
mandatory intro post
Hi, I am *redacted*. I am a Muslim. My pronouns are she/her. My informal tumblr blog is @walkingtalkinglibrary, if you want to know me more personally.
I am currently in my third year of pursuing my Bachelor's, majoring in *redacted*, (prof came up with the name as IR was too single disciplinary for him. it is basically the International Relations 2.0.) My minor is in Anthropology.
As to why I chose these subjects, well, liberal arts was an easy choice for me. I have always loved history and writing, a pair that composes GSG. It is very fulfilling to be able to find a major that encompasses everything I want to learn.
My career path is undecided, so I am keeping a few options open, either to research or to go in a creative field. (I draw and write apart from studying)
If I were to define my study technique, it is mainly picking out the main words in my reading and break the chunk down to study. (it probably has a name, i don't remember) I like to make things easy for me, but lately I have been strict on my attendance at university. POMODRO has always worked for me. My biggest academic flaw is missing classes, so I am trying to be strict on it.
In these three years, I have done most of my core courses and many foundations. My favorite course from my major is Gender, Equity and Development. My department is fairly new (and small) but it comes with a very extroverted club. Recently, I am asked to fulfil the role of the Director of Training and Development. Only if Allah wills, I may succeed.
Thank you for getting through my yapping so far. My MBTI is INFJ, and yes I went most of my uni without speaking to people, but it's changing (sigh). I have a group of closest people outside university, who are my family and my best friends. I study hard to keep my name among them. My CGPA is decent, not as well as I could do, because from my 2nd year I bought this idea that A's don't mean anything if I dont actually learn. So I focused only on learning and not A's. Kind of a bad decision.
A little about anthropology: it is a lot more extensive and wordy than GSG! It is insane!
Thank you for bearing with me! Wish me luck, pray for me, send good energies. Whichever you believe in.
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fictiveflowers · 1 year
do you have opinions about jk rowling
Thank you for reaching out and asking about my opinions on JkRowling, i dont think my opinion will please everyone and thats okay, we all have differeing opinions, my stance will always be about advocating for the trans and minority communities.
I believe in the power of storytelling and the ability of literature to touch the hearts and minds of readers.its is undeniable that Hp has had a profound impact on the lives of many people, including myself.but the fans have honetsly taken the storey, the characters and the back storeys to a hight that one person couldn't.Most of the things enjoy and engage in hp wise is fan created, the amazing oc's representing minorities not seen in canon being one of them.
However, it is important to acknowledge the concerns and criticisms that have been raised about JkRowlings personal views and statements people have found her comments hurtful, which they in my opinion, where, they where hurtful and invalidating to people with no agenda but living life as themselfs, its crucial to listen to and validate these voices,it fosters an environment of inclusivity and understanding
So far I've alread had one anonymous ask telling me to go and k#ll myself, another making a derogatory comment about my personal home situation, these all where sent very shortly after I made a tumblr intro for Merlin, Dr who, Tolkien , marvel and hp fic writing communities, the intro also made note that my tumblr is a safe space for anyone except transphobes ect, but it seems having hp there was enough to garner abuse, when I as an individual do not support hate or have inflicted any.
It's disheartening to see as a newly posting writer here, that people resort to making hurtful statements, especially where anonymity can embolden individuals to behave in ways they wouldn't in person.
They are a reflection of the individuals who made them and their inability to express their opinions respectfully. And obviously they are passionate about targeted minority groups and making sure they are respected, which is vital for a healthy society, as is free speech, they only way we can grow and fix issues such as hate speech, is if we can see why and where its coming from, otherwise everyone goes into hiding and the issue festers.
When it comes to understanding why people may express extreme such abuse, i always try to consider the complex nature of human behavior. At first I'm hurt and them i remember, Fear, offence, ignorance, and a resistance to change can often lead people to react in ways that are hurtful or offensive. Its important to approach these situations with empathy and a willingness to engage in constructive dialogue, even when faced with opposing beliefs
Ultmately, as a writer and a person, I strive to promote inclusivity, respect, and understanding
I do not harbor hate towards anyone, even those who say bigoted things, i hate what they say, but i dont want to hate anyone, my life is so fleeting, i have lived through too much hate in my short life to know it doesn't help the core issues, Instead I believe in the power of education, openmindedness, and empathy to challenge misconceptions and foster a more accepting society. Every individual has the right to live authentically and without judgment,and it is our responsibility to create spaces that allow forthat.
I do appreciate your question about J.K. Rowling, and I hope that me appreciating fan made work isnt too devisive. And i will say again my tumblr is a safe space for LGBTQ PLUS individuals, its a mainly about writing progress,(lack of) and my wip rants.
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wittywallflower · 1 year
(I haven't finished any of your stories yet, sorry. 😓But...) For the fic writer ask game, how about 1, 60, and 70, please?
no worries! i never really expect anyone to read my fic. my best friend in the world for almost 20 years now has never read a single one of my fics lol. Fic can be so highly selective. First there's gotta be overlap in a fandom that i write that you want to read fic for. Then that fic has to have a pairing or tags that appeal to you. And a summary that you are interested in reading. And then you gotta open it up and see if my writing style even sounds good to you. a lot of factors gotta come together here, is what I'm saying. maybe those stars aren't aligned yet, oh well. lol
Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
one-shot scenes come easier to me, but i always feel like i need a lot of set-up to get to that scene, so they turn into multi-chaptered fics despite me. I cant just post 3.7k with an author's note like "okay in this scene X has happened so Y&Z are in a confrontation but avoiding talking about ABC because Y did 123".
this is mainly me making things difficult for myself. i suck at finishing multichapter fics so i really should settle for posting shit as one-shots instead of sitting on them for two years because i tell myself i need transition scenes to lead in and out or whatever
60. Have you had a writer you admire comment on your fic? What was that like?
I am gonna be flat out honest with you: I dont pay attention to who authors fics i read. unless it is coming to me from the author who is a mutual on tumblr "here read this fic i wrote about our fave blorbo" my mind simply does not retain the author's name. Honestly it rarely retains the story title either. I will be halfway through the first chapter and only remember the summary and the wordcount and that's about it. "was this the rated G or was this the PWP? *scrolls back up* sometimes i forget what the main ship even is until I'm like "wait why aren't these two flirting with each other like usual? Oh shit this isn't for THAT otp"
so when i get lovely comments, i don't even know if its from another writer unless i think to go check their profile.
70. When asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
one of two situations is happening when i talk to people about writing:
-its online, so they know of fanfic. they probably read fanfic themselves. i feel no embarrassment mentioning I write it
-its IRL and the people i interact with IRL are very Not-Online. they dont know what fanfic is. I rarely care enough to bother explaining and will just list the genres i tend to write fanfic in when they ask what i write.
I'm not embarrassed by it because i really don't give a shit about the opinion of someone who didn't know what fanfic was until i explained it. And since i don't care about their opinion on it, i don't tend to waste the time explaining it to begin with. lol
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jackienautism · 1 year
going 2 be real for a sec
i usually keep this stuff to myself since its super personal and i probably will just sound like a crazy person bu t i really just want to get something down and post it and MAYBE get some sort of like ? validation. that im not the only one who feels this way or does this LOL
so just. long story short. does anyone get like physically ill over seeing someone else like . engaging and doing "more" with a special interest slash interest youre really really into? like. just like 10 or os minutes ago somethting happened and i started lowkey shaking and shit (but maybe its just bc its real hot where i am rn but idk) and felt sick to my stomach all bc someone was engaging "more" with something i rly rly like and i just uuuuugh
ive had this feeling ever since i got into until dawn and the quarry lol...... this feeling has been occurring a lot less frequently than during like last year. which like. speaking of. when the quarry first came out the feeling came and WEEEENT....... ALLL THE TIME. like i wasnt even into the game that much yet but seeing other ppl engaging w/ and making content for it...... made me feel suuuper ill. or maybe was it when i first started getting into it? yeah i think it was when i first started hyperfixating. but anyway LOL IT WAS A TERRIBLE FEELING. AND IT HAPPENED SO OFTEN TOO
luckily its gotten a lot better in terms of the quarry. especiailly after joining tumblr and all. but until dawn? naaah its still very much there lol. as i said earlier, it doesnt happen as much as it used to (in regards to UD) but. it stilll happens. as i just fucking found out. ive settled down quite a bit now but good god
until dawn is such a dead fandom but theres just some things that when i see it it still makes me go wiiiild (negative). i dont know why. it makes feel so sick. and i dont hold it against anyone of course, it just affects me interacting w/ slash following people LOL! and it mainly has to do w/ sam and emily LMAO especiallly sam as ive come to find out.... i think its becasue ive projected sooo much of myself onto her that im like super protective and shit. like... shes not your fictional public character shes MINE. and thats not your public piece of media. its MINE. you know?
and its liike. i KNOW that there are ppl who are more into UD and have been into it longer than i have. i know that. and htat doesnt always affect me. but tthen therr are just osme other times where it seriously DOES and its just.... man. i wish i werent like this LMAO
i think thats like the. basis of it. im just. man. and its such a hard thing to shake off ): i know im just gonna have to "get over it" and "learn to live w/ it" but man!!!!!!
idk man. just seeing others "understanding" a character "more" than i do and seeing others do suuuuper in depth character analyses just..... ESP if its characters i rly relate to and basically projected every part of ,my being onto........ it makes me ill!!!!!! like genuinely!!!!!!!!!
and its like weird bc like. i was SUPER into mean girls the musical back in 2019 / 2020 and so forth. but i dont ever remember getting THIS BAD over others being "more" into it than i was. and this isnt just straight up jealousy. i know how that feels and its DEFINITELY not that. i truly dont know what makes until dawn / the quarry so different. maybe becasue this was the first time ive engaged more with the fandom? especially on tumblr? i dont know man. i dont kn ow
hopefully this makes sense. im just tired
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