#I drew this a long time ago and yet I am still in dialogue with this character the same way... how odd... and wonderful
windowsandfeelings · 10 months
20 Questions Game for fic writers
tagged by @terrainofheartfelt and @slumped-in-the-arms-of-fiction (<3 <3 <3!)
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 25! (But I've written a lot more that are scattered across ffn and livejournal. I've been at this a while.)
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? 153,671
3. What fandoms do you write for? Eternally Gilmore Girls, lately also Nancy Drew, and not for a while, but perhaps most notably Gossip Girl. (I've written for other fandoms, too, but not recently.)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? All the Lights that Light the Way are Blinding (Gossip Girl) November 24, 2016 (Gilmore Girls) Met You at the Right Time (Gilmore Girls) The River in Egypt (Gossip Girl) The Boyfriend Tour of North America (Gilmore Girls)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to, but I'm definitely behind on it at the moment. I so appreciate every comment I get (okay, every nice comment I get), and I want to acknowledge them.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hmm...I don't really do angsty endings. Maybe I Am Sorry to Tell You? But that's mostly because Lost hadn't actually ended yet when I wrote it so I didn't have a way to get Rory and Jess off the island. But it wasn't really presented as angsty. (I have occasionally considered writing a sequel.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All of them? IDK, maybe MYatRT? Just because it takes such a long time to get to it, but I think it's earned.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Occasionally, yes, mostly on All the Lights..., or people commenting on other fics and shitting on All the Lights... in the process.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind? I write v v v light smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written? lol, I wrote a Barney Stinson/Buffy Summers ficlet once.
I would say I'm not a huge fan of crossovers, but I wrote a bunch of short ones back in my lj days because a couple of my friends had a crossover fic contest...really more like drabbles.
And then of course there's I Am Sorry to Tell You. Because I got really into Lost at one point and had to find a way to combine it with Gilmore Girls. And honestly I think it came out pretty well.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don't think so, but I've definitely seen stolen fics.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yeah! Someone translated All the Lights... into Russian!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I can't remember. Maybe back in my ffn days? Nothing is springing to mind.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? LITERATI 4 LYFE
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I'd like to finish Saturn Return someday, but I don't really know where it will go. Which is why it's unfinished.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, probably? I wasn't comfortable writing dialogue for a long time, but especially since taking screenwriting classes a few years ago I feel much more confident in it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I struggle hard with plot. You want me to figure out what's going to actually happen in a story? Ugh!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I would probably only do it in French or maybe very basic Spanish, because that's the extent of not English that I'm confident in.
19. First fandom you ever wrote for? I'm pretty sure the first fic I ever wrote was a continuation of someone else's post-season 1 Gilmore Girls fic that they hadn't finished, but I never published it. (I still have it. It's hand-written...and bad. Because I was 13.) The first one I ever published was a Harry Potter fic on ffn. Also bad. Very unfinished.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written? 100,000% Met You at the Right Time. I could not be more proud of that thing if I tried. It was a labor of love, but it also came out exactly the way I wanted to, which is just...nearly impossible to imagine. Like I could quibble with some of the writing, especially in the first couple of chapters, but at the end of the day...it's really good. Which is not a humble statement, but it's true.
tagging: @wonderlandleighleigh @oh-bonerline @strangenewgirls @stellaluna33 @georgianadarcies and anyone else who wants to do it
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kaus-quietis · 2 years
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H o p e l e s s n e s s   and   p r a y e r s for rain
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I have a request with dark prompts and tropes/ kinks from the list.
The Dialogues:
“Please, I have to get home.”
“Don’t move a muscle.”
(With the character Andy Barber)
Thank you in advance.
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Hard day's night
Warning: 18 + Only, dark theme, kidnapping, choking, bondage, non-consent, dubious consent, forced fingering, cream-pie
Note: hope you enjoy
Dark Andy x Reader
The parking garage was partially empty compared to when you first arrived to work. Your heels echoed off the cement garage walls as you searched for where you parked. Some days you were lucky to park on L3 the prized spot closest to the ground, but today you were late and in your hurry you couldn't remember if you were on L5 or L8.
With the car fob in hand you press the unlock button. The familiar beep signaled that you were further away than you anticipated.
The loud car horn from behind had you jumping out of your skin and screeching at the top of your lungs. With your heart hammering in your chest you turned only to be immediately blinded by the car behind you.
Blocking the light with your hand, you realized you were wondering in the middle of the driving path. "Sorry" you shouted back, moving over to allow them to pass you.
The black sedan creeped up and idled beside you. You clutched your purse and moved over closer to the side as the window rolled down. You didn't have mace, but you were sure your purse was heavy enough to wheeled as a weapon.
"Sorry I scared you" Andy leaned over, smiling as he looked up at you. It was slightly jarring seeing him like that. He had been extremely combative towards your boss during the deposition, each session ending in a screaming match.
Mr. Thomas, the defense attorney you paralegal for, had always been mild tempered. The objections during Mr. Thomas's cross drew an ire that you had never witnessed before. It was as if he sought to provoke him on purpose. Tempers were so high that Judge Peters threatened both sides with contempt, forcing several recesses to cool them off.
A process that normally lasted a few hours somehow turned into three grueling days of high tensions and long nights going over transcripts.
"Sorry I was in the way. I forgot where I parked." You jiggled your keys, almost embarrassed.
"Get in I'll help you find it. It's really late and you shouldn't be walking alone in the garage like this."
The offer was nice, but getting into the car of opposing console would surely be frowned apron at your firm.
You were about to protest when he unlocked the passenger door. With a sigh of defeat you got inside. Thankfully Mr. Thomas parked in reserved parking on the lower levels. Far from the general parking on the upper floors that you used.
"I assume your late because of me" he laughed lightly as he slowly drove on.
"Yeah its safe to say you are correct" you dryly chuckled as you hid low in the seat. The garage was slightly empty, but you didn't want to take the chance of being seen as doing something inappropriate. Idiot why did you get in the car?
Aside from him being apposing console Mr.Barber made you feel uneasy. During the hours long deposition you would feel a weird tingle, that made you look up from your notepad only to look up and lock eyes with the DA. You shrugged it off as an intimidation tactic used to get under the skin of the opposition.
Clicking your fob again you listened for your car, but somehow you were now further than you were originally. "Oh gosh can we turn back? I think I' m further up."
Andy nodded as he continued down the path. The signs above indicating 'More parking turn left' and 'Exit turn right'.
"Why are you still here?" You questioned him as you searched. The deposition ran long, but it ended hours ago.
"Oh.." He said caught off guard as he made a right turn toward the exit. "I spotted an old colleague John Wilson. We chatted for a bit, didn't and realize how late it was until the old ball and chain called."
Your office had a few former district attorneys. Most left the DA's office for the more lucrative life of defense.
"Um Mr.Barber.. you needed to make the left to go back into the garage." You pointed back when Andy made the right turn toward the garage exit.
"You know I'm impressed by your professionalism." Andy ignored and continued down the wrong path. "Thomas is lucky to have you on his team" he explained as he rolled to a stop behind a car inline to exit.
"Um thank you." You shifted in your seat at the impromptued complement. You hadn't done anything special or out of the ordinary. You just took notes like any other paralegal would.
Was he head hunting you? You heard about big firms doing stuff like that, but not for paralegals that were a dime a dozen.
Andy made no effort to change course and you felt increasingly uncomfortable as he inched closer to the exit.
"Um...you know I will just get security to escort me to my car from here." You pointed at the man in the glass box guarding the exit. "Thank you" you reached over to touch the door handle and heard an immediate click of the lock snapping shut.
"Don't move a muscle." You froze at his command.
"I wouldn't get out if I were you." He warned glancing at the rear-view. "Your boss might frown at you getting out of the apposing consoles car."
Stiffly you turned to peak over your seat, a cold chill fell over your body at the sight of Mr. Thomas car waiting in line behind Andy's in the queue. If you got out now you would be in deep shit. You slunk down low in the seat, in a veiled effort to hide. You shouldn't have gotten in this car. What the hell were you thinking?
"Come work for me" Andy casually grabbed his ticket to feed to the machine as he rolled to a stop. So this was just a job offer? If that was the case you were sure there were better ways to go about it. You had a nice chemistry with the old defense attorney and you were not interested in the stress of the DA's office or the pay cut you were sure to get.
"Um I'm not looking for a new job." You rejected him nervously. Hoping he would turn around and let you out.
"At least here my offer."
It seemed as you had no choice in the matter as he proceeded to pull out onto the road.
Your lips pressed into a frown. If you placate him, maybe he would let you go. He was a DA after all he wasn't going to hurt you tried to convince yourself.
"Fine, what is it?"
"Come work for me and I don't charge you with witness tempering"
Your eyes went wild at the allegation. "What!"
A lot of firms were dirty, but yours was not one of them. The cases you handled with Mr. Thomas didn't even rise to that level. At most he handled cases of over zealous brokers, financial fraud cases or embezzlement. The only time you ever came in contact with a witness Mr.Thomas was there with you. And even if it did you would never take penitentiary chances to get a leg up on the competition.
"Don't worry it's not true. I know your a good girl" he glanced over at you with a smirk. The praise graded you as you sat still stunned. "But that won't stop me from charging you. I'm willing to bet that until you get yourself untangled from the mess I am going to make of your life, your boss and his associates wouldn't think twice about letting you go."
You stared at him in disbelief. You barely said two words to this man, yet he was ready to blow up your life. And for what? For you to work for him? "And from what I know of paralegal salaries I would bet you could afford a public defender at best."
"Mr. Thomas would defend me" you scoffed.
"I wouldn't count on it. Because I would take him down too if he tried." He was serious.
You fell back on the seat as your head swam with the madness. You tried to think what you could've done to bring this on.
You had been to the DA's office a handful of times so when you saw the familiar building in the horizon you shrunk further in the leather seat.
Andy pulled into a reserved parking spot as the clock crept closer to midnight.
You didn't belong here. Maybe if you got out you could run for it. Make a mad dash somewhere and call the cops. But what would you say? The DA threatened you with a job, kidnapped you and took you to his office? They would think you were insane.
"Let's start your interview." He announced as he killed the engine. You pursed your lips and frowned deeply.
You were being made to interview for a job you didn't want nor ask for.
“Please, I have to get home.”
Andy paid you no mind, slamming the door in the face of your plea. Your eyes followed him as he headed toward the stone steps to the building.
What did he expect for you to do? Show up tomorrow at your office and sit on prosecutions side? You doubted the judge nor your boss would allow that to fly.
You watched him as you stayed paralyzed in the car. This had to be a joke or a dream. Had you slipped in the parking garage earlier and bumped your head. You tried pinching yourself to snap out of it only to be disheartened by the gravity of this situation.
Andy led you down the empty hallways, until he stopped at a door that bared his name.
You stood back while he unlocked it and motioned you to go inside. You couldn't move, dread cemented you in place. It was a miracle he had got you to come this far.
Andy tsked and shook his head in disappointment as he walked inside.
You tried to play back every encounter, every word you could've uttered that could've spearheaded this, but there was nothing.
You would've been surprised if he even knew your name, you couldn't even recall it being mentioned during the depositions.
While you drowned in despair Andy shimmed out of his blazer, tossing it on a chair off to the side.
"You're wasting your potential with Thomas" Andy declared, perching himself on the edge of his desk.
"I can tell your very focused and career driven." He continued on. It was surreal, watching him unbutton and roll up his sleeves. Like a disappointed father ready to reprimand their child.
"I noticed it from the start." The anticipation of what was to come became too much under the weight of his stare. You hugged yourself defensively while warm Tears streamed down your cheek.
It was as if he were a wolf ready to swallow you whole. You squeezed your eyes shut unable to hold his stare.
"Eyes on me" he said firmly. You sniffed uncontrollably as you forced them back open. "Good girl" Andy praised, adjusting his cock. He delighted in this, wetting his bottom lip, reveling in your discomfort.
"With a little more discipline and guidance you will reach your full potential. And I want to help you do that" Andy grunted as he loosened then knot of his tie.
Andy stayed sat before you unmoved by your tears as he slipped the fabric from around his neck, pulling it taunt with one hand while wrapping it around the other.
"You just need a firm hand to mold you. Or you can stay out there and watch as I turn your world upside down."
What could you say? He had you where he wanted you. You held your head low, sobbing to yourself as you approached him. You were no match for the power of the DA's office.
Andy rose from his perch and circled you like a shark with blood in the water. "Hands behind your back." He whispered into the shell of your ear. You looked back at him eyes wet with tears pleading. He sighed disappointed again taking matters into his own hands. You whimpered as he pried your hands from their hold, forcing them behind your back.
"Please Mr. Barber " you chanted as he encompassed your wrist with the tie. Knotting it so tight you feared for the circulation of your hands.
Andy's firm body pressed against you, his arms wrapped around you, roaming your body freely. The fabric of the tie burned as you struggled to free yourself. He ripped open your cheap blouse with ease, groping your breast over your bra. You withered in his embrace, unable to fight back.
"You made it hard to concentrate" he hummed into your neck while he played with your hard nipples over the fabric. The heat of his breath and the kneading of your breast electrified the coil that tightened in your core.
You tried to crouch into your shoulders, but Andy cupped your chin harshly. Forcing you to expose your neck to him and endure his assault. You went rigid when his other hand started to trail down your abdomen, tunneling past your waistline in desperate pursuit of your mound.
"Sitting so quiet, taking notes."
Your tears glazed Andy's hand as he forced you to look at him as he plunged beneath the elastic of your panties. His eyes clouded with lust at the sight of your facial contortions. Your clit buzzed as his fingers moved over it. You clamped your thighs tightly around his palm in an effort to stop further intrusion, but he pressed on. Rubbing firmly against your mound repeatedly, sparking an unwanted warmth. You felt shame and guilt as heat pooled in his hand.
"Hmmm so ready to be my perfect little helper." Andy purred.
"Are you ready to be molded by me" he teased. Andy pushed his fingers inside of you, releasing a gasp you could not contain.
"Fuck you're so tight" Andy cursed in your ear while he fingered you.
You bit down on your lip to stop the moan trapped in your throat. The embarrassing wetness, the involuntary moans, it was as if your body no longer belonged to you. Andy manipulated you like a puppet on a string.
You exhaled deeply when he pulled his fingers from you and released your neck. You panted from the over stimulation.
He built up a need and left you cradling on the edge. Without warning Andy spun you by the shoulder to face him.
"Look at you my needy little helper. Ready to learn." He smirked at you.
Your eyes went wide when he began unfastening his belt. You didn't want to find out what he would use that for. Your flight response started to kick into high gear as he closed the space between you.
Reflexively you took a step backwards, almost stumbling to the floor when you tripped on the leg of the chair behind you.
There was no way out of the room without going past him. You doubted you would get far even if you tried. The back of your legs hit his desk, halting your movements.
"Gonna be my perfect little helper?"
You opened your mouth to finally scream, but Andy swiftly rushed you. The grip on your neck felt deadly as you croaked. He leaned his weight on you, tipping you over until you slammed hard on his desk.
Whatever trinkets he had on his desk dug into your back and arms painfully. Andy wedged himself between your thighs, and haphazardly fumbled with his pants. Pushing them down with one hand as he kept you pinned with the other. You bucked and squirmed when you felt his need pressed on your pelvis.
Your skirt had rode up past your waist leaving your thin panties the last line of defense.
"Don't do this please Mr. Barber please I'll work for you please." Choked out incoherently.
You bucked more feverishly when he yanked your panties to the side. The tip of his cock lined up against your entrance.
"That's it. That's my good little helper. So wet for me." Andy praised as his sunk into you as he kept a firm hold on your neck. Your pussy pulsed around him as you strained to adjust. He made you painfully full.
Andy lifted up your left thigh, allowing himself to sink deeper. The added weight of him on top of you married with the pain from your arms.
His focused grip on your neck helped muffle your mewls, but not the sloppy sounds of your cunt. You turned away from his face as he rolled his hips into you. Only to be met with the smiling faces of his family. The facade of his wholesome life seemingly entrained by your predicament.
"Perfect little cunt fits me so well."
Your pussy clenched with every praise to your shame. There was no way to bite back the need he fed deep within you. Your stomach tensed as a staggered moan fell from your mouth.
Your feet curled in the air as your thighs squeezed around him. You felt of mix of shame and disappointment as you came around his cock.
Loosening his grip on your neck Andy could no longer hold himself back. He filled you to the brim, his seed seeped out of you as you milked him dry.
He laid on you briefly, panting heavily before pulling off. Carefully adjusting himself as he watched his cum drizzle down your raw cunt. "Get yourself cleaned up. We have cross in a few hours."
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
A Reader Lives a Thousand Lives // D.M.
Summary: How could you describe your affinity for books? How could you explain what they mean to you? Draco tries to understand; he’s tried to understand for years.
A/N: I’m going to be honest: I’m struggling. I don't have writer’s block, but I am so busy atm that I feel awful about not being so active. I’m a key worker in the latest lockdown and my workload has tripled. On top of that, I have be tested twice a week and that’s enough to drain you completely. This isn't a long fic, and it probably isn't my usual standard, so please forgive me.
Warnings: book talk, lots of fluff, dates, friends to lovers, pining, mutual pining, dialogue heavy
Word count: 2.1k
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How could you describe your affinity for books?
They had been there for you in times where not even your closest friends could offer you the best advice. They were there for you with every shift of your mood; you knew that you could turn to your shelves and somewhere, nestled between paperbacks and hardbacks, there would be the perfect read for your mood.
Put simply, books were your life.
Friends and family would fondly chuckle whenever they saw you, nose deep in whatever book had caught your attention. They knew not to disturb you. Instead, they knew to be there when the inevitable end would fall upon you, dragging you through its cliff-hanger or perfectly wrapped up ending.
Draco Malfoy had known you years, and he had never known you not to have a book in your hands or in your bag. On occasion, he had known you to carry a book in both, wanting something there in case you finished your current read.
He’s tried to understand your love of books. He’s a reader himself, but he has never understood how you could lose yourself in a fantasy world so quickly. Magic runs through your veins, yet you find it easier to read of fae and vampires instead of the witches and wizards of old.
Draco gave up trying to understand you long ago; deciding simply to admire you from afar. He cherished the friendship with you; adored it even, and if that meant he had to spend his only free weekend from work in a book shop with you, then so be it.
In Wizarding London there weren’t many places that catered to the publications of both muggle and magical authors. Flourish and Blotts was an excellent bookshop, but only housed books by wizards and witches. If one wanted something written by a muggle but did not want to wander into muggle society, they were best off wandering down a cobbled side street in Diagon Alley to Page Turners.
Draco knew the moment that he opened his front door to you this morning, that he was going to wind up walking through the front door of Page Turners. He had just finished his first chart review when his doorbell rang, and your knocking began. He made sure to put the lid on his fountain pen before answering the door to you.
Dark brown shelves line every wall, bordering the shop before giving away to shelves centred in the middle of the room. At first glance, the books seemed chaotic – hardbacks tucked in between smaller paperbacks, but upon closer inspection, it was clear that the books were doubled. For every paperback, there was its hardback equivalent. It looked like it shouldn’t make sense, but the further you walked into the shop, the more sense it made.
Every reader is particular. There are those who will only exclusively read paperbacks, preferring how portable they are. But there are those who much prefer hardbacks, wanting nothing more than to admire the foiled covers and sprayed edges that one can only get on special editions. The set-up of the shelves perfectly catered to that.
“Draco,” You gasp, trying your best to keep your hands to yourself until you found the books you wanted to take home with you, “Have you ever seen a place so wonderful?”
Draco’s eyes don’t leave your form as he answers, “I don’t know, I’ve seen some spectacular sights in my time.”
You don’t respond to the light flirtation, but Draco doesn’t miss the smile that crosses your face. You refuse to admit just how he makes your heart race with comments such as that; they fall from his mouth so easily that you often find yourself tied up in your emotions, wondering when on earth your feelings had turned from platonic to romantic.
Inhaling that all too familiar smell of worn leather and paper, you feel Draco’s presence behind you as you potter through the store, taking in the sheer amount of choices before you. “What’s your favourite book?” You ask absentmindedly, eyes still pouring over the surnames of authors.
He shrugs, shamefully admitting, “I haven’t read anything other than a medical journal in years.”
“Still,” You argue, “You must have a favourite book.”
He’s silent, pondering your words as he thinks back to the last time he was able to relax and read something that wasn’t for work. He thinks back to his childhood, practically hearing his mother’s voice in his ears as she recites her favourite fairytales before sending him to bed.
“It’s been so long,” He whispers, casting his gaze across the shop, in awe at the sheer amount of books he has not read.
“Then we should find you a new book to read,” You decide, stating your words with conviction as you reach for the blonde’s hand, beginning to pull him through the stacks of shelves like a woman on a mission.
“When would I have the time?” Draco argues, refusing to let go of your hand as you stop in front of a shelf filled to the brim with books.
You arch an eyebrow, “I think if I were to ask the nurses at St. Mungo’s, they would much prefer it if you would read a book instead of taking work home with you every night.”
“How do you know I do that?”
You snort, laughter brightening your eyes, “Because I know you, Draco.” Your expression turns more serious, “You need to take some time for yourself, Dray. You can’t work this hard all the time and not expect some repercussions.”
“I’m taking time for myself right now,” Draco counters, gesturing between you both with his free hand. He wasn’t going to let go of your hand until he had to; he enjoyed feeling your skin against his too much.
You roll your eyes, “You would be sat at home finishing charts if I hadn’t have shown up on your doorstep demanding your attention.”
Draco refuses to answer; knowing full well that you’ve caught him out. Before you showed up at his front door this morning, he had in fact been planning on spending the day in his office, finishing charts and then reading the latest journal on healing potions.
It hits him like a freight train then – how much time he has dedicated to his work, how much of his life had already given it. Draco adores being a Healer; much preferring this job to what was expected of him from his father. He walks into St. Mungo’s with anticipation and excitement settling deep within his bones because no two days there are the same; he doesn’t know what cases are going to land in his lap.
Yet, he gives so much of himself over to it that there is little left for him to enjoy. It happened slowly; Draco supposes. Taking a few charts home here and there, for him to finish in the comfort of his office, but then it spiralled into staying hours after his shift had finished, working on budgets and chart reviews, making sure everything is up to the standard it should be for the only magical hospital in the British Isles.
Before long, he hadn’t had a free weekend to himself in close to a year. If he wasn’t working at the hospital, he was working from home. If he was at the hospital, he was taking case after case. It wasn’t until Mary, the Head Nurse, had cornered him that Draco agreed he would take the weekend to himself – no charts, no reviews, no nothing. Mary even checked his bag before he left the hospital.
“You’re right,” Draco admits, the words rushing out of him in one breath.
“I usually am,” You tease, a wide smile on your face, “But what am I right about this time?”
“I don’t take time for myself. I don’t do anything for myself.”
Your gaze softens as you squeeze his hand, “Let’s find you something to read. If we don’t find something here, we’ll think of another plan.”
Draco nods, squeezing your hand in return. “Lead the way,” He offers, curious as to what books you would choose for him.
It doesn’t take long for you to find what you think Draco would like. You stick close to his interests, knowing just how much they have changed from your shared time at Hogwarts.
Offering him three books, you explain, “One is written by a muggle doctor, he explains twelve cases that he worked on specially as he battled an illness he didn’t know he was going to survive. The second is a classic novel, also written by a muggle author that I think you should read when you have more time on your hands – it’s Victorian so longer sentences, longer headaches. The third book is a mystery book that I enjoyed, and I thought you would too.”
“Thank you,” Draco murmurs, taking the small pile of paperbacks from you, holding them close as he gazes over their covers, wondering what exactly what is about him that drew you to these three particular books.
“What do you think?” You ask, a note of vulnerability in your voice. Choosing books for others had never truly been your strong suit despite how much you read.
Draco remains silent for a moment as he flips the books over in his hands, reading the blurbs. You chew on the inside of your cheek, worry settling in your gut. There had been an ulterior motive to you showing up on his doorstep this morning; he needed to leave the house and go out. Having known him years, you knew that Draco would spend his only free weekend of the month working, and you were not standing for it any longer. He didn’t have to choose the books you had picked out; Merlin, he didn’t to read at all, but he needed to do something else other than work.
“Well?” You prompt before sighing, “You don’t have to read a book, Dray. We can find something else; I just don’t want you to spend all your free time working.”
Draco looks up from the books, a small smile on his face, “I’ll take them. I like the sound of the first one you described.”
The smile that graces your face at Draco’s words tells him that he had made the right choice. The anxiety leaves you in a rush, leaving nothing but relief behind.
“What about you?” Draco asks, turning the subject back to you, “What are you going to buy?”
You shrug, “I’ve already picked a few but I wouldn’t mind looking for more. That is, if you’re okay with that?”
Draco is more than okay with that. He follows you around the shop, taking the basket of books from you when it looks to be getting too heavy.
“Why do you read so many books?” Draco asks before he can stop himself.
“A reader lives a thousand lives,” You murmur, flipping through the pages of one particular paperback. Draco resists the urge to roll his eyes when he sees the cover: a half-naked man wrapped up in a passionate embrace with a scantily clad woman. Romance novels were your current obsession, reading through dozens of them and still not getting your fill.
“Let me take you on a date,” Draco asks suddenly, the first notes of shyness creeping into his voice.
It’s as he watches you flick through the pages of the book in your hand that draco realises he has done this for years. He has watched you for years fall into fictional worlds and come out the other side with a new part of you for him to discover. He has watched you fall in love characters only to feel foolish once he realises the keen sting of jealousy is over a person who does not and will not exist.
Draco has watched this for years, and as he watches you add the romance novel to your basket, he realises he could do this for a lot longer. He wants nothing more than to ignore his work for the weekend if it meant he could troll around bookshops with you, watching you find more fictional worlds for you to fall in love all the while loving you just as intensely.
“What would you have in mind?” You counter, raising an eyebrow in curiosity, giving in to the butterflies raging in your gut.
He smiles, nonchalantly leaning against one of the bookshelves, watching as you reach for spine after spine. Draco knows exactly what he would plan for your date, but he would be damned if he was to tell you. Instead, he crosses his arms and leans forward, “That’s for me to know, and for you to find out.”
Books mentioned:
Twelve Patients: Life and Death at Bellevue Hospital by Eric Manheimer
Dracula by Bram Stoker
The Glass House by Eve Chase
General (HP) taglist: @chaotic-fae-queen @harrypotter289 @kalimagik @heloisedaphnebrightmore @nebulablakemurphy @figlia--della--luna @probably-peeves @big-galaxy-chaos @annasofiaearlobe @imboredandneedalife @levylovegood @awritingtree @haphazardhufflepuff @stupxfy @chaoticgirl04 @accio-rogers @starlightweasley @dreaming-about-fanfictions @lestersglitterglue @msmimimerton @obx-beach @izzytheninja @slytherinprincess03 @bbeauttyybbx @breadqueen95 @acciotwinz @kashishwrites @slytherinsunrise @kylosleftbuttcheek @remmyswritings @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon @ria-rests-here @sarcasticallywitty15 @superbturtlemakerathlete @inglourious-imagines @ithilwen-lionheart @now-its-time-for-a-breakdown @ilovejjmaybank @theweasleysredhair @theonly1outof-a-billion​ @phuvioqhile​ @moatsnow​ @storyisnotover​ @himooonlight​ @missmulti​ @amourtentiaa​
Draco Malfoy taglist: @the--queen-of-hell​ @obxmxybxnk​ @obx-beach​ @dracomalfoyswifey​ @sycathorn-slush​ @kashishwrites​ @justmesadgirl​ @detroitobsessed​ @aspiringsloth20​ @just-a-belgian-girl​ @lahoete​ @minty-malfoy​ @fallinallinmendes​ @ravenclawbitch426​ @ochrythum​ @beiahadid​ @gryffindors-weasley​ @dracosathenaeum​
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bonbonthedragon · 4 years
Can you do an hc with Hawks, Bakugou and Kiri when they find Reader clonked out on their table surrounded by their art supplies? Like they had a long night of a "creative high" and they're just covered in paint.
Ahhh yessss, I do this all the time, go on a huge artblock, then just...bam. I added Mins, hope that was ok :) enjoy :)
creative high
Warnings: cursing, flufffffff
Pairings: Mina x reader, bakugou x reader, hawks x reader, kirishima x reader
Little dialogue before you read :) ⬇️
It had been a while since you last sketched something, drawing was your life, it was always there when you got stressed and needed something to do. But lately? You brain hasn’t been agreeing with you, instead, it welcomed the hell that was artblock. With exams and studying and extra homework, you just didn’t have time to actually come up with anything or actually try and sit down a draw. So when your stress dies down and all your test were finished, you found your self ignoring your body’s wants for a much needed nap and sat at the table, a sudden burst of energy surging through you. You went all out, going through drawers and taking out everything, copics, charole and graphite pencils, prismas, acrylic, you names it. You basically didn’t have any pages in your sketch book after.
Bakubabe (3rd years)
This boy passed out as soon as he got home, kissing your forehead before slugging off to his dorm to sleep
He did indeed sleep
And since his nap turned into just going to bed, he woke up very late at night
His eyes were still tired and his body ached
He tried to roll over or get more comfortable
Didn’t work
So he grumbled, going to the only other option
He looked over at his phone, 2:45 am and some text messages, from you
They were resent, only from an hour ago
He click on them, the only things sent were a cluster of photos
He scrolled through them, the amazing artwork on display
You were indeed talented, everything you drew realistic, the coloring and shading making it pop off the page
He wondered if you were still up, about to scold you now if you were
Shuffling out of bed, he went to your dorm
He was def not ready for the sight he walked in on
There you were, hunched over your desk, passed out with some dirty water bowls, pencils, markers, and knocked over paint surrounding you
You even had paint on your face, most of it all over your hands, graphit also dug into each wrinkle
Did you just like...expload? Tf? You good?
He went over to you, grumbling under his breath about your back going to hurt tomorrow
He lifted you up, you stirred and he shushed you, picking you up and setting you on your bed before getting a hot damp rag to wipe your face and hands
You snuggled in bed, he began to pick up your table, stopping when he picked up your sketch book
It was a picture of him, not yet finished, but mostly, graphit and in fine details
Damn it you were cute, you just had to go and make his heart fluttterrrrrrr
He carefully closed the notebook, making sure to put a piece of paper in between the paved so it didn’t smudge and put it away with the other stuff
Done, he sighed and went to join you in bed, the smell of the dried acrylic and the chemicals from the markers floating around your room
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Baby bird convinced endeavor to let him off early
It worked :)
He was so exited, getting to finally come home to you
Your days of studying over and you both could finally cuddle and watch movies
He was gonna kiss your face so hard-
Stupid collage, he thought, takings all his baby birds attention
Not to mention stress
he’s never seen you go worried and worked up exept when he was gone on a risky mission
He was gonna spoil you, you made a good grade, regardless he would have spoiled you anyway
So why not celebrate
Before he came home, he picked up some red box movies and a giant bucket of chicken to munch on, two big gulps from the local seven eleven too
He kicked open the balcony door, his hands full
Right when he walked in, the small of chemicals and art supplies hit his sensitive nose, it crinkled
He was used to it, but it still took him off guard sometimes
He called after you, no response
Babybird? Where you at- I gots chimken
Walking the apartment, he didn’t find you
Going to the last room, his lips tugged up into a smile
You were in your art studio, arms crossed and snoozing away
You were absolutely covered in colorful paint
Chuckling, he set down the stuff, going over to you
He lightly shook you awake, once up, he took you in his arms, about to turn until he saw it
A giant canvas with him on it, his wings in all there glory with bits of gold in it
You were truly talented
His smile widened, taking one last glance at the masterpiece and closed the door behind him with a feather
He helped you out of your apron and cloths, starting a hot bath for you and opted to just join you
He did, sitting behind you with you in his lap as you both talked about your days and ate the chicken
Him and his dove :)
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Kirishimaaa (3rd years)
This mans was pumped
It had been weeks of studying and no gym time or cuddles
Mans always needs time for the gym and cuddles, its manly
He was ready to go back to both your daily routine
Getting back from school and hitting the gym, come back, take shower together, and cuddlessss
No more hitting the books
But nope, not lately, stupid homework and education
He pulled on his tank top, grabbing his water bottle and head band set in place and went out the door
He knocked on your dorm door, but no response
He did it again, but nothing
So he just walked in, he’s done it multiple times
He was about to shout some encouragement to get you going but immediately shut up
His heart ached and his lips went up into a wobbley smile
You were on the floor, leaning back against your bed, absolutely covered in paint, knocked out
You hand held loosely into a dirty paint brush, pallets of paint surrounding you and empty tubes
There was a huge piece of watercolor paper in front of you, on a short wooden table the tilted in your direction
As curious as he was, he wondered over
His heart did a small leap
It was him, in his hero outfit and quirk fully activated, looking badass
Did you do this? In water color?! Tf?
Jus how amazing is his s/o???
He gladly picked you up, carful not to step on anything
He ditched the gym idea, instead heading straight for the showers
He woke you up, letting you lean against him while he scrubbed the paint flaked off of you
After, he took you back to his dorm, seeing as it was cleaner, and let you get comfortable
The gym could wait
Rocky here didn’t even let you sleep, he just told you how amzballs that picture was until he passed out
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Minaaa (3rd years)
Girl was ready
A while two week of non stop studying and training and not partying?
Yeah no
Not to mention her slight hearing loss due to bakugou trying to tutor her
Damn prick
After all this she needed hugs and cuddles and ahhhhhh
So touched starved
She couldn’t wait to snuggle up to you, hold you and take the longest nap
First she was going to get snacks though, snacks were definitely required
She went to the kitchen to get your and her favorites
Coming back up, he felt herself get all giddy from the thought of finally being able to spend a proper evening with you
Damn she missed you, she was gonna hug and kiss you so hard-
Mina love = best love
She opened the door, not bothering to knock
She cooed out you name, stopping when she saw you
You were at your desk, arm resting on top of the table and head resting on you hand, drool slowly slipping out of your parted lips
Your hand held loosely into a colored pencil, some graphite rubbed off on your nose and absolutely staining your hands
Cute, her s/o, you were so freaking adorable
She giggled, setting the condiments to the side and peaked over your shoulder
Her breath hitched, her cheeks flushing
It was a picture of the two of you, you kissing her cheek, the picture lightly sketched out and only halve colored
She made a silent squeak, it startled you
You jumped, hand slipping and your head landing on the table with a dull thud
You groaned, rubbing the spot
Mina baby mode; activated
She shot her eyes back at you, all attention now on where you hurt yourself
You assured her you were fine
She kissed your cheek, completing the drawing
She sent you to wash your hands while she made up the bed and put your pencils away
When you got back she was already on the bed
Like I mean, leaning on her side, facing you, head resting on her arm and on leg up and bent
Yeah, that pose
You giggled, going to her
She dropped the attempted sexy act and grabbed you and pushed you to the bed
Force cuddle for the rest of the night
Though you weren’t complaining
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diwatera · 4 years
LGBTQ+ Movies I Watched Recently (Part 2)
Happiest Season (2020) dir. Clea DuVall
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Short Summary: Abby plans on proposing to Harper when they visit Harper’s family for the holidays. Her plans get derailed when she learns that Harper hasn’t come out to her family yet.
Why you should watch it: Not gonna lie, Mackenzie Davis drew me to this movie; I’ve been in love with her ever since San Junipero came out. Add Kristen Stewart, Aubrey Plaza and Dan Levy to the mix and I’m sold. If you want a sapphic romance with a happy ending, this one’s for you. 
Été 85 (2020) dir.  François Ozon
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Short Summary: Alexis recounts his six-week love affair with David during the summer of ‘85. 
Why you should watch it: If you love 80s aesthetic and music, you definitely should watch this. The movie made me nostalgic of that decade and I wasn’t even alive back then! It’s a whirlwind summer romance reminiscent of Call Me by Your Name but with a more devastating twist.
Getting Go: The Go Doc Project (2013) dir. Cory James Krueckeberg
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Short Summary: An obsessed college boy pursues his internet crush through the pretext of making a documentary about him.
Why you should watch it: The script and the acting are the one-two punch of this film. The writing is incredibly genuine, and both of the actors’ performances made the lines feel even more natural. I’m not the biggest fan of mockumentary-style films, but this one felt like it was a recording of my own life. Hyper-obsessive college grad with a Tumblr blog? Might as well have called out half the population of this damn site.
Pihalla (2017) dir. Nils-Erik Ekblom
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Short Summary: Miku and Elias find themselves, and each other, during a summer in the Finnish countryside.
Why you should watch it: I’m a sucker for gays in the countryside™ and although this one is not quite up there with God’s Own Country and Call Me by Your Name, it still makes for a good watch. Miku as a character and his relationship with his parents was chaotic and fun. His relationship with Elias felt really natural and dreamy. 
You, Me and Him (2017) dir. Daisy Aitkens
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Short Summary: Olivia, a mature responsible lawyer, wants to have a baby, but her girlfriend Alex isn’t ready for the responsibility. Things get even more complicated when their flirty neighbour, John, joins the picture. 
Why you should watch it: It is one of the most feel-good lesbian romcoms I have seen in a while. But I warn you, there are some dark parts that can really sneak up on you. Yeah, it’s hilarious, but damn it made me ugly cry, too. Oh, and if you want to see David Tennant as an alpha male douchebag, here’s your chance. (CW: **spoiler alert** p̶r̶e̶g̶n̶a̶n̶c̶y̶ ̶l̶o̶s̶s̶ )
Giant Little Ones (2018) dir. Keith Behrman 
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Short Summary: Franky and Ballas have been best friends since childhood, both on the swimming team, both incredibly popular. But after an incident during Franky’s birthday, they quickly fall apart and Franky falls from grace.
Why you should watch it: I think the film captures just how tumultuous coming-of-age stories are. Franky is going through his own journey of self-identity, and I’m happy that the movie didn’t rush in with labels. The conversation Franky has with his dad at the end also hits hard.  (CW: physical assault, allusions to sexual assault)
Our Love Story (2016) dir. HyunJu Lee
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Short Summary: A fine arts student meets an attractive bartender, and the two women begin an intimate relationship.
Why you should watch it: It’s a very intimate love story that isn’t rushed or dragged out for too long. We definitely see Yoon-Jo and Ji-Soo’s relationship bloom from start to end, but it’s not mind-numbingly boring to watch. Raw and unembellished, I definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a realistic portrayal of wlw romance.
Die Mitte der Welt (2016) dir. Jakob M. Erwa
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Short Summary: The film follows Phil and his relationship with his family, his best friend, and a newcomer at his school, Nicholas.
Why you should watch it: This is technically a second watch for me, and I’m glad I rewatched it, because I was able to catch some glaring red flags that I missed the first time. I love this movie in spite of all the heartache it caused me. The story, especially the deal with Phil’s family, struck a chord in me. And the shots! Visually stunning as well! 
Les Amours Imaginaires (2010) dir. Xavier Dolan
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Short Summary: Marie and Francis’ friendship is put to the test when a beautiful boy called Nicolas comes between them. 
Why you should watch it: Watch it for the visuals -- the colors, the costumes, the cast. Seriously, the actors included here may as well be kept in the Louvre: Xavier Dolan, Neils Schneider, Monia Chokri, hell, even a cameo from Louis Garrel! Dolan said it himself that this is a shallow film, but it’s worth the watch just to see Neils Schneider wearing heart-shaped glasses.
Closet Monster (2015)  dir. Stephen Dunn
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Short Summary: A creative and driven teenager is desperate to escape his hometown and the haunting memories of his turbulent childhood.
Why you should watch it: Right off the bat, I am going to say that this film is dark. I tried watching it back in college but tapped out within the first ten minutes because something traumatic happens. Then I tried again about a week ago, finished it this time. It’s actually a very moving film. It’s violent and gory in some parts, but also ridiculous and wholesome in other parts. IT HAS A TALKING HAMSTER NAMED BUFFY! BUFFY WAS THE STAR OF THIS MOVIE FOR ME. (CW: gay bashing/sexual assault)
Straight Up (2020) dir. James Sweeney
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Short Summary: Todd and Rory are intellectual soul mates. He might be gay but she might not care.
Why you should watch it: The dialogue in this film is undeniably sharp and witty. Loved the fast-paced back and forth between the two main characters as they discuss relationships, sex, gender, and more. James Sweeney and Katie Findlay’s chemistry just pulled you into the screen. It was funny, it was sweet, it was heartwrenching, it was great! (CW: allusions to sexual assault)
Latter Days (2003) dir. C. Jay Cox
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Short Summary: A promiscuous gay party animal falls for a young Mormon missionary, leading to crisis, cliché, and catastrophe.
Why you should watch it: I saw this in santiagonex’s top 20 LGBTQ+ films with happy endings, and I honestly thought it was gonna be a feel-good watch. Instead, I got a rollercoaster melodrama filled with early 2000s gay culture, religious guilt, buttcheeks, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Needless to say, I got more than I bargained for. (CW: self-harm, conversion therapy)
The Old Guard (2020) dir. Gina Prince-Blythewood
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Short Summary:  A covert team of immortal mercenaries are suddenly exposed and must now fight to keep their identity a secret just as an unexpected new member is discovered.
Why you should watch it: Okay, I was debating whether I should include this here, because it’s not necessarily an LGBTQ+ film as much as it is an action film with queer characters. I decided to include it, because JESUS! I have never seen such respectful and well-written representation of queer characters and relationships. Joe and Nicky are the most unproblematic couple in history. PERIOD. Pray for sequels, everyone. This is the kind of representation we deserve in mainstream media. 
. . .
Click here for more LGBTQ+ film recs
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ja-khajay · 3 years
Stuff I read (and liked) this year
As promised, here’s a list of the novels, comics, manga, etc... I read this year, focusing on the ones I enjoyed and would recommend to people. Under a cut, this is going to be a little long.
-------- Books --------
Favorite book of the year: Stranger in the Woods, by Michael Finkel
Non-fiction. Based on the interviews of the man himself by the author, it is about a man who felt so unfit for society he decided one day to leave it, and spent the next 28 years as a hidden hermit in forest in Maine. The book details how he survived there, how he was eventually found, and some of his reasons for doing so. It’s a great reflection on the nature of loneliness.
Indian creek, by Pete Fromm
...Yet another detailed tale of living alone in the woods. This time, the diary of a student who spent a winter in the mountains to help tend for salmon hatchlings, and how he spent the rest of his days hiking, hunting, meeting the locals. It’s a fun little book who, being set almost the whole world away from where I live, was a nice way to travel.
Howl’s Moving Castle, by Diana Wynne Jones
I don’t feel the need to explain this one since everyone and their mom has seen the movie adapted from it. The book, that I first read a decade ago before I actually watched the film, is a less romantized, more spirited telling of the same story. The writing is absolutely delightful and so is the world it paints, and it’s the first time in ages a book had me laughing out loud during my entire read.
-------- Comics (BD) --------
Favorite comic of the year: Monsieur Désire?, by Hubert and Virginie Augustin
A discreet young woman becomes a maid for a decadent, unbearable, byronesque young lord. Caked in the rigid and oppressive social hierarchy of the victorian era, you follow a mental and verbal joust between the two, as the lord tries his best to offend and corrupt his new unrelenting servant, to little success. The writing and especially the dialogues were stellar, drawing me into the tense atmosphere, watching this trainwreck of a character flamboyantly destroy himself. While there’s no precise content warnings that I can give, this is a mature and heavy story.
World of Edena, by Moebius
Anyone who’s followed this blog for over a month knows how much of a Moebius fan I am. Edena combines the vague, dreamlike, wordless storytelling from stuff like Arzach or The cat’s eyes with an actual plot. While I haven’t completly finished the story, the evolution of the main characters and how the story is told have been great to read through, and as always the art is beyond gorgeous. Unfortunately suffers from some good old sexism in the writing that even if minimal, tasted sour
Le roman de Renart, by Joan Sfar (book 1)
Sfar’s work always has a signature vibe of being dreamy and light without being light hearted, of being down to earth but drifting in the fantastical, and this one is no exception. It’s an adaption of a series of medieval folk tales I grew up with, who uses the same characters to tell an original story. If you’re familiar with icons like Renart as well as other mythological big boys like Merlin you’ll fit right in. There is something special in how the dialogues are written, who feel natural in a way that you’d overhear in a street corner and is very special to me.
The mercenary, by VIncente Segrelles
Another one I post about a lot on this blog. The mercenary is a king on the throne of fantasy cheese. The worldbuilding is interesting at times but the writing is a pretty pathetic display of glorious old time sword and sorcery sci-fantasy 10 years too late for it’s prime (warning for ye old sexism and orientalism that plagues the genre, cranked very high...) but you come and stay for the art. The entire thing is drawn in a series of hyper detailed oil paintings with an insane eye for technical detail, from the engineering of the weaponry, to the architecture and weather, to the anatomy of the fantasy creatures... Each panel stands out as it’s own painting which makes even flipping through it without reading the scenario a treat. Click here to see more of the art, in my Segrelles tag.
The ice maurauder, by Jacques Tardi
A short story about mad scientists entirely drawn like a 19th century engraving. In great Tardi tradition everyone is ugly and mean, it ends terribly, it’s both a hommage to the genre of late 19th cent. to early 1900s dramatic adventure novels and a critical eye on it, and it’s morbidly funny. Most people I saw online hated the way this was written but I’m not them and I really recommend this book. Die mad
-------- Manga --------
Favorite manga of the year: it’s a tie between the following two.
Cats of the Louvre, by Taiyo Matsumoto
Most wonderful comic I have read in ages. The story follows a bunch of semi-feral cats secretly living in the Louvre museum’s attic, and the small group of humans who share their life, walking through the museum as the night watch. When the cats are together, they are represented in a humanoid way, but still act like animals, and “become” cats again when a human is nearby. The plot is a sort of supernatural mystery centered around a kitten who walks around paintings. It’s a love letter to art, sincere and beautiful, with a unique art style and great characters.
Memoirs of amorous Gentlemen, by Moyoco Anno
A sex worker in early 20th century paris starts writing down a diary of the clients she meets, in a quest to cope with the troubles of her life. You follow her, her colleagues, and her bittersweet relationship with an abusive lover. I don’t have much words about this comic, but the art and writing both are amazing, it’s the perfect length and drew me in like little series had before. Obvious content warnings as this is an adult story that talks about sexuality, but also depicts both mental and physical abuse.
Hana, also by Taiyo Matsumoto 
A very short story, this was not made to be read as a comic originally, but served as storyboarding and visual development for a play, and the way it is written follows that. Hana is a slice of life story set in a fantasy world, of a young boy, his family, his village. Despite the setting being an original one, the character interactions are refreshingly... normal, and there is no huge plot to speak of, just a bit of the life of these characters. The art is beautiful, entirely black and white, with a scratchy style and an emphasis on contrast. Matsumoto is on a speedy road to becoming my favorite manga artist haha
Delicious in Dungeon, by Ryoko Kui
While not marked as my year’s favorite, I still consider this series among my favorite manga ever. The art and writing are amazing, and it’s both heartfelt, well concieved and plain hilarious. The story follows several parties of dungeon diving adventurers each on their little quests with a premise of our protagonists, on a panic rescue mission, surviving in the dungeon by cooking and eating the monsters they come across. From a DnD party turned cooking manual dinner of the week beginning, the plot creeps up on you and slowly thickens. I don’t want to spoil anything about the overarching story of this because it was a delight to discover for myself. While everything about DinD rules, I am especially fond of the design philosophy of the author, who puts great detail in the practicality and biology of what she draws, as well as the character writing. Everyone even side characters has so much charm and depth to them, the cast is so diverse and entertaining...! Each character is just a bit lame enough but endearing, and has their own little backstory that shows in the way they exist. It’s a delight
Chainsaw man, by Tatsuki Fujimoto
I went into CSM expecting a borderline campy hyperviolent dumb fun thing to read and was very surprised to find an uncomfortably well written story about a teenager being groomed. The hyperviolent dumb fun fights are here nonetheless and the series still qualifies as shonen for some reason, but the more mature character writing as well as some truly outlandish visuals make it something very special. If you can’t stand shonen, not sure you will like it, but if you don’t mind it, worth trying.
Witch hat atelier, by Kamome Shirahama
The oh so elegant fantasy seinen every cool kid started posting about this year, who I also succumbed to and fast. Witch hat is hard to explain, as most of it’s plot revolves around the rules of the world it’s set in, specifically the regulations around it’s magic and the social and historical reasons for them. It’s about growing up, learning, disability, making art. You follow a little girl taken in by a witch as an apprentice, her magical education, and learn little by little why her lovely teacher is so willing to break a lot of rules... While a bit too gentle and pretty for my taste at times, Witch hat has great worldbuilding and explores sensitive themes I rarely see in manga, much less in fantasy. And Berserk wishes it had art this good
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sugarcoated44 · 4 years
~Love over War ~  [A Technoblade x reader] Chapter 1: A Letter
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~ Welcome to the first chapter of the story I hope you enjoy! ~
[Sugar’s Masterlist]   [LOW Masterlist]
Story Cap
You and your best friend Techno are renowned across the land under your respective aliases, Technoblade and The Diamond, not necessarily criminals but popular anarchists that were either hated or adored. You both simply travel around challenging people to duels or causing chaos as you go. With few strings attached to you, it was a surprise to both of you when a favor was called in by your old friend Wilbur Soot. He was an old friend of yours and now a government leader (both to you a Techno’s distaste) who was apparently now engaged in a war over his country. Never ones to give up the chance to help overthrow a rightfully elected government you both headed down to what was left of L’manburg to help cause chaos. Was this more than you could handle and will you lose each other in the process, only time and battle can tell.
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Next Chapter>
Chapter 1: A Letter 
Y/N’s Perspective
       Today had begun as any typical day would, you and Techno both woke up at dawn rolling away from sleeping in your back to back format. It was a safety precaution, as people that traveled (and caused lots of chaos along the way) you needed to constantly be aware, and sleeping back to back ensured defense from all angles. 
You had then gone to find a river to wash up in while Techno hunted for breakfast. You usually prepared breakfast while he washed up himself. There was minimal dialogue between the two of you considering neither one of you were morning people so you were quite surprised when Techno called for you.
“Y/n it seems we have a visitor this morning,” Techno said in a groggy voice 
You walked up to him confused, not seeing anyone around him as you drew your sword, a visitor that was unseen couldn't be a good one. As you approached where he was kneeling you observed that there was in fact a visitor but quite a small one that had previously hidden from sight. You sheath your sword as you approach him noticing a small rolled piece of paper attached to a collar the fox was wearing. “Looks like he has a message for us,” you said in a questioning tone sure that Techno had already seen the item.
“I'm aware,” he said, “I was waiting for you to arrive before I opened it, I assume anything sent our way is meant for the both of us.” 
It was a reasonable assumption, the two of you were a duo, anything one of you was involved in was really for the both of you. You reached down to where the fox was patiently waiting and took the note as the creature watched you with keen eyes. You unraveled the bow tying the note to its collar. 
You picked up the note and unrolled it, noticing the L’manburg seal at the top. Techno was leaning over your shoulder, his breath tickling your neck as he looked at the message. Despite him being able to see it you read the letter aloud, 
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“To the Blade and the Diamond, 
The time has come for me to call in one of your infamous favors. As of a few hours ago ‘L’marburg’ was taken from my control. Technically there was a voted election but I’m positive it was rigged (not that either one of you cares for elections or governments), but I would like your assistance in tearing this one down. I created L’manburg and should have control over it. I will give you more details upon your arrival as I’m sure neither one of you will refuse the chance to overthrow a ‘rightfully” elected government. Assuming you have no previous obligations you can simply follow my fox back to where I am currently stationed, if you do have something to do or wish to not come to fight in my war please write a note in response so I can plan accordingly. Your backup would be greatly appreciated and I know we would succeed if we had you both on our side. I beseech you to come to our aid and I will repay you with anything you wish so long as it is my power. 
I hope to be seeing you soon.
- Wilbur Soot, Rightful President of L’manburg”
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You finished reading the note and turned around to face Techno rather than have him standing over your shoulder, the place where his breath had been brushing against you still tingling. You rubbed your shoulder briefly before saying “Well, he's certainly not wrong about us not being the kind of people to turn down an invitation to overthrow a government.” 
Techno shrugged, “He might not be wrong but that would just be us tearing down a government to start another one and I don't think we're all about that.” he said placing a hand on the hilt of his sword.
You placed a hand on your hip and sighed, Techno wasn't wrong, going in and tearing apart a government just for new leaders to step in wasn’t exactly their style. After thinking for another moment you said, “Well both of us know Wilbur isn't exactly a stable entity.” You had both met the man many times and he acted completely normal most of the time but everyone could see that he was really a ticking time bomb. “If we place Wilbur back into control of L’manburg it's likely that he will destroy the whole country within a month, but he will still have power and we could just get whatever we want out of him favor wise before he makes the country kick the bucket and then we can just leave.” you said, finishing off your thought. 
Techno considered this for a moment leaning to the side, his braid shifting over his shoulder. “If we did that,” he said, “we would have to know what to ask for up front in our agreement or immediately after we finish going through with everything.” 
There was no doubt in your abilities on either side of your duo, if the two of you set off to complete a task it would be completed. This of course led to a certain degree of arrogance and carelessness which was something neither one of you seemed to realize. Yet despite this you seldom had difficulty succeeding in your agendas. 
“Well,” you started, "What's something we want that Wilbur Soot could give us? I am lacking knowledge of what L’manburg holds of value. I know there was a lot of illegal potion brewing going on but we both prefer to brew our own.” You finished, sitting on one of the logs you had used for seats while sitting by your fire last night.
Techno sat down next to you after swinging off his large cape, “I suppose we can figure it out when we get there.” he said.
“Well then I guess you should go get washed up and I’ll make us some food before we follow this little fox to our next destination.” 
~ around an hour later ~ 
After you had eaten your breakfast and both packed your things into the saddle bag of your horse you looked at the small fox before you. 
Techno let out a series of grunts and the fox looked up at him before standing up, it seemed to wait for the both of you as you swung into the saddle of the horse allowing Techno to climb on behind you. Good horses were expensive and you two had found it easier to share one than spend the money and the time taking care of two, besides Carl was a sturdy horse and had no trouble carrying the both of you. 
The fox started forward and you took that as a signal to follow, you tapped the side of the horse to urge it forward and you began your journey towards L’manburg and the war that would follow your arrival. 
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Thank you to everyone for reading the first chapter! I’ve really enjoyed writing this thus far and am looking forward to writing more! 
Have a super POG day! - Bree <3
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speechlessxx · 4 years
Bring Him Light - x (King!Steve Rogers x Reader)
Chapter Summary: The truth finally comes out.
Warnings: brief mention of sex, mentions of death, really shitty writing tbh, dialogue driven. (NOTE: when concerning the flashbacks, he’s actually explaining to the reader what happened)
Word Count: 2.5k
Note: Feel free to send me any questions because I know this is a really crappy chapter. (of course, I’m not going to reveal the rest of the plot)
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<- Last Part -=+=- Next Part ->
You could still taste the salt from the sea on your lips. The memories of what happened aboard that ship still fresh like a wound that you’d carry forever. You stared at your hands that were conjoined with your husband’s. The wedding bands glistened in the dimmed room.
“Will you believe me if I told you everything?” Steven asked. His thumb drew soothing circles on the back of your hand. His grip tight as if he were afraid you’d disappear again.
“Everyone’s lied to me.” You whispered. You looked towards Wanda’s body, still covered with the bloodstained tarp. “What would make you any different?”
“This is the truth,” he promised. “The complete truth.”
When Steven was young, his mother doted on him because he was a sickly child. He grew up to have her compassion, optimism, and idealism. He was sixteen when his father unexpectedly died, and he was hailed King of Brooken. He wanted to carry his mother’s ideals into a new age for Brooken, but he underestimated what it meant to have a crown on his head.
The sacrifices he’d have to make, the betrayals he’d have to face, the blood he’d have to spill. He’s told more lies that he could count – all in the name of protecting his reputation and his power. A cruel king is respected after all. The lies were like storm clouds that poured hard. He drowned in them and got lost in the darkness those clouds brought. The lies burdened him more than anyone would ever know.
You squeezed hand, breaking him away from his thoughts. “Steve?” Your tone was soft, coaxing him back into reality. He welcomed the calm you brought. It eased the storm inside of him. You were ready for the truth – perhaps, you’ve always been ready. “Unburden yourself, my love.”
“I don’t know where to start.” He said, honestly. It was true. There was so much to the story. He wasn’t quite sure where it began.
“Start with Margaret, perhaps?” You suggested.
“I was young,” he began. “Twenty-one years old. Five years on the throne. They told me I needed a wife.”
“Pierce and the old council.” He answered. “Brock’s father had just died, so he took the vacant seat. At first, I thought having my cousin on the council would alleviate the tension. The lords on the council were nearly twice my age, if not more. They saw things differently than I did. They wanted different things. Sometimes I felt as if I were their puppet. I was young when I took the throne. Sixteen. I didn’t know what to expect, so I leaned on their counsel. I depended on them,” he scoffed, remembering his earlier years on the throne. “They told me I needed to continue the line succession. Thanos was beginning to make a name for himself by this time. He had lovers and spawned two daughters. His line was growing, and the Rogers’s wasn’t. So, I asked them to find me a match. Pierce brought in Lady Margaret of House Carter. I was smitten when I first laid eyes on her.”
Steven sat tall upon his throne. The room was empty. Brooken had a tradition that detailed that those in royal betrothals must meet for the first time in private. He was giddy with excitement. Lady Margaret’s portraits were presented to him a month ago. She was easily one of the most beautiful creatures he’d ever seen. Lord Pierce made the arrangements and they were to marry within a week. “House Carter is a respected house in the Old World,” Pierce advertised.
The doors opened wide and a young woman walked through. Her hair was dark as night. Her lips painted a bright red. She smiled at him and bowed. “Your grace,” she greeted. “I am humbled to make your acquaintance and, of course, honored to be your betrothed.”
“I didn’t know her, truly. I didn’t realize how manipulative she was from the beginning. She charmed and enchanted me to do her bidding. We were married for nearly a decade. No children. She didn’t want children. I didn’t want to lose her, so I agreed.
“She had many faces. A face she’d show the people that made them love her. A face she showed me that hypnotized me. And the face she’d show my allies, which were her foes. She fought with James incessantly – even tried to make me banish him. I refused. He was my oldest friend. I promised the moment I took the throne, my riches, my blessings were his to share. She was trying to isolate me. She banished my allies from court. James warned me she was a devil. I refused to listen. I thought her a gift from the gods themselves. Until I caught her poisoning my mother.”
“What?” You gasped.
Steven nodded. The haunting memory pained him still.
He woke up alone after a long night of making love to his queen. It was early in the morning; the sun had barely risen. Orange streaks painted the sky. He searched for Margaret, wanting to jest her for allowing him to wake up alone. He found her whispering to his sick, elderly mother who was bedridden due to a broke hip.
“You won’t get away with it. My son will find out,” his mother croaked.
“Not from you,” Margaret gave her a wicked smile as she slathered arsenic-riddled paint on his mother’s toast. The thick substance looked like jam, but Steve knew better. She force-fed the queen mother the poisoned bread.
“What are you doing!” Steve boomed into the room, pushing his wife aside as his mother choked. “Guards! Get a physician!”
“She died later that evening.” Steven shook his head. It was your turn to console him. You released one of your hands from his grip and rubbed his arm. He took a shaky breath. “I stabbed Margaret in the heart in front of Rumlow, Pierce, James, and Sam’s father. I didn’t know, yet, that her betrayals were much deeper than the murdering my mother.”
“Enter Sharon?” You asked.
“I was widowed for a year. Pierce brought her in. The younger cousin of Margaret.” He continued. “Married two days after her arrival in Brooken.” He chuckled humorlessly at his naivete. “I should’ve never marry a stranger.”
“We married in two weeks.” You noted. “We were practically strangers, too.”
Steven shook his head in disagreement. He didn’t feel that way. In the two weeks he grew to know you, he learned the innerworkings of your mind, your soul. He knew he was in love with you, truly, even before he wrapped the cloak around your shoulders during the wedding ceremony.
“We weren’t strangers.” He said. “Far from it. Sharon was distant. Defiant. We never consummated our marriage, not that anyone would know. She refused to sleep in my chambers, refused to be held, or anything, really. It felt as if I had married a ghost that everyone could see. I couldn’t touch her, but she still haunted these halls.”
“You beheaded her.” You said. Steven bit his lip as he nodded. “Pierce said you beheaded her out of spite.”
Steven cocked his head to the side, brows raising, as if he entertained the idea. “Well, she was spiteful.”
“The men in the prisons… They preferred her over you and you imprisoned them, correct?”
Steven sighed. He was disappointed that you were so quick to believe rumors and lies about him, but he blamed himself for not being completely honest from the start. “Sharon plotted a coup on behalf of the Mad King.”
“How can you be certain?” You asked.
“She admitted it when she was caught.”
Steven stared down at the blonde. Her eyes wide as he finished reading her encrypted letter. “You’re not subtle. You’re not discreet.” He spat at her, crumpling the paper and throwing it at her feet. “You work for the Mad King. You’re here to topple me. Rip the crown from my head and give it to him. The game’s over, Sharon. You’ve lost. Your followers all caught and imprisoned. I will get a confession and you will die for treason.”
She recomposed herself, rolling back her shoulders with confidence. “You think you can just kill off another queen? What will people think of you, Steven.”
“I am pulling the weeds from my kingdom.” He snapped. “You Carters are all the same. Traitors. Liars.”
“Margaret was good.” Sharon complimented. “She had you wrapped around her finger for a decade. If she hadn’t been caught killing your mother, then she would’ve convinced you to ally yourself with Thanos.” She turned her head to the side and gave him a smirk. “Then, she would’ve killed you along with your mother. Such a shame, she was caught.”
“You admit. You’re a traitor.”
“Of course, I admit it. But mind you, your grace, your enemies are all over Brooken. You cut me down today, someone else will cut you down tomorrow.”
“I beheaded her for treason.”
“You didn’t tell people that your queens were committed treason. You allowed rumors to spread about your cruelty to your wives.” You frowned.
“As I told you before, a cruel king is respected.” Steven muttered. “But I never wanted you to be afraid of me.”
“Isn’t it odd?” You asked. “Both queens chosen by Pierce were traitors.”
Steven nodded. “They pushed me to get married once more, but I told them, this time I’ll choose my bride.”
“It’s three years after the War between the North. Tony and I were close before. I fought alongside your father when York was invaded ages ago.”
“You fought over a disagreement over land.”
“More than land. He wanted James dead. James’s father killed your grandfather. Since James’s father had died long before, your father asked for my friend’s head. I refused. So, a war erupted.”
“You traded blows with my father on the battlefield.” You recalled. You remembered your mother’s cries and pleads with the gods, asking for them to protect your father’s life. “He returned to my mother bloodied. You cut through his armor. But you looked him in the eyes and called the war off.”
“No one won.”
“No one.” You agreed. “Three years later, you ask my father for a wife.”
“I needed a wife I could trust. Although we had our differences, I trust your father with my life. I know Tony’s blood. I know how you would’ve been raised to be loyal. You took after your father and your mother.” Steven explained. “I didn’t trust Pierce to find me a wife that could slit my throat in the night.”
“You trust me?” You asked.
“The moment I stared into your eyes and saw fear… I knew you knew the rumors. I knew you thought of me as cruel – our first encounter made that clear.” He smiled at you softly. His fingers lightly traced the scars of your wrist. He brought your wrist to his lips and pressed a light kiss onto the skin. “But, truthfully, my trust in you waned when I saw you with Brock and Pierce leaving the dungeon. I began to think you were conspiring with them.”
“I – I – I wasn’t.”
“I know that now.” He said. “I realized you were afraid of disappointing me because you didn’t … you weren’t –“
“Pregnant.” Your voice wavered, immediately brought back to the painful memory of losing your baby alone on the boat. “I should’ve told you I was, though. But I was afraid. I thought you were going to kill me. You struck me.”
“I’m terribly sorry.” Steven shook his head. No amount of apologizes could ever make up to the faded scar on your cheek.
“I was afraid for my life and the child’s. They manipulated me because of my fears. They prayed upon it and convinced me to trust them. And I did. In turn, I – I lost my best friend and my baby.”
Steve pulled you to him. Your head rested in the junction between his neck and shoulder as you cried softly into him. He rubbed your arm, comfortingly.
“They tried to turn you against me.” Steven whispered. “They tried to weaken me by trying to kill you on that boat. I thank the gods that you’re safe now.”
“Thank you for telling me the truth.” You muttered.
Steven nodded and kissed the top of your head. His arm around you tightened a bit. “You should sleep. Get some rest. You need it after what you’ve endured.”
You agreed. Steven untangled himself from you before he leaned down to press a kiss to the scar on your cheek and a kiss on your lips. He began to walk away when you felt panic begin to settle. Your hand shot out and grabbed onto his arm, preventing him from taking another step.
“Please stay.” You begged. “I… I don’t want to be alone.”
He gave you a soft smile and nodded. You scooted over the cot to make room for your husband. The positioning was a bit awkward considering his massive build, but you immediately felt safer once his arms wrapped around you once again.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
You woke up alone in Steven’s bedchamber. The sun had already set, the full moon up in the sky. The pain had subsided after nearly a day of rest. The truth settling in inside your mind.
At least now you knew everything.
The doors opened suddenly to reveal your husband. He smiled at you as you sat up on the bed. “You’re awake.”
“You left me alone.”
Steven’s smile faltered. He couldn’t register if there was sadness in your voice or not as he walked over. “I – I hadn’t meant to upset you.”
You shook your head. “I understand. You’re a king. Your duty is to the people, not to me.”
“I am your husband, first.” Steve argued. “My duty will always be to you, my love.” He took your hand in his and helped you off the bed. “Come. There’s something I must show you.”
He led you to the balcony doors, opening it and allowing the air rush into the room. You breathed it in. The mixed scents from the gardens below overtook your senses, washing out the pained sea salt smell that still haunted you.
Steven guided you out onto the terrace and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in front of him. You gasped as you looked up to the sky. Along with the bright moon and the stars were lanterns that floated into the air and painted the dark sky.
“For years, I stumbled alone in the darkness. Feigned love with false queens who sought to destroy me. And here you are. The true gift the gods bestowed upon me. I truly believe you were crafted to be my soulmate, (Y/N).” He murmured in your ear. “I wish I could take away the pain you’ve endured, but I cannot. I can only tell you whatever comes next, we will face it together as husband and wife.” Tears swelled in your eyes and cascaded down your cheeks as you stared up into the bright sky. “I love you, my light, my love.”
You smiled and turned to him, cupping his bearded cheeks in your hands. “I love you, Steve.”
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twdmusicboxmystery · 3 years
Beth’s Memory Loss Arc, Part 2
So, about that line during their fight in Still. She’s referencing Sophia coming out of the barn and says, “I remember.”
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I started wondering if it, too, could represent the memory loss. Like literally. In a template. So, I reverse engineered and what I found just makes total sense. Again, nothing we haven’t said before, but I think they laid out Beth and Daryl’s entire arc in the Still fight. That’s probably why (one of the reasons) it ended up being so powerful.
So, it starts when they enter the moonshine shack and goes all the way up until the hug. (I actually think we could extend it to the porch scene, but I’ll touch on that at the end.)
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First, let me remind you of something I said very briefly a long time ago, about how Sasha and Bob in Alone are also Bethyl proxies. In that case of course, Bob = Beth and Sasha = Daryl. It’s just significant that Sasha is searching for her brother and Daryl will be searching for his brother, Rick.
Bob’s dialogue especially keeps running through my head. At one point, he tells Sasha she doesn’t have to be afraid, and she says forcefully, “I am not afraid.” That’s pretty much exactly what Beth and Daryl say to each other in Still.
Beth: “You don’t get to treat me like crap just because you’re afraid.”
Daryl: “I ain’t afraid of nothing.”
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Later, Bob asks Sasha, “Why do you think Tyreese is dead?” He knows her well enough and can discern her mental state to surmise that the reason she keeps trying to stop, and doesn’t actually want to get to Terminus, is that she’s terrified she’ll get there only to find that Tyreese didn’t survive. She’s afraid to hope.
Now think about how that will translate with Daryl. Despite being determined to go find Rick, he may start dragging his heels at some point because he’s terrified that he’ll get there and find out it was all a hallucination, and that Rick isn’t really alive. Especially in the wake of Leah. I think Beth will talk him through that, just as Bob did with Sasha. That’s also when we see Sasha and Bob kiss, which probably means that this part of the story is where we’ll finally see ACTUAL on-screen romance between Beth and Daryl.
So, that’s just important to keep in mind as I go into this Still template. It will make more sense if you have that on the brain.
So, I’m gonna go through most of the fight here, and I’ll need to restate it even though I know we all pretty much have it memorized. Bear with me. What I’m going to show here is that the chronological order of the dialogue here corresponds with events in their arc. But it extends beyond where we are now to when they reunite, get together romantically, and perhaps beyond.
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First there’s the “what are you, my chaperone?” line. I think this represents how Daryl felt about Beth in early seasons. I don’t think that he ever felt personally responsible for her, beyond her just being a member of the group, and of course a member of the family, but he always saw her as someone who needed to be protected and couldn’t survive on her own. So, his relationship to her was somewhat chaperone-like.
Then they start the game. I actually love when Daryl says, “I ain’t never needed a game to get lit before” and Beth says, “Wait, are we starting?” I feel like that’s the writers telling us this is the beginning of their arc, their relationship, their story together, etc.
Then they start the game. Beth begins with, “I never shot a crossbow.” Putting Still aside (I know; why would we, like, EVER do that? ;D) the next thing that happens in their story in 4x13, is he teaches her to shoot a crossbow.
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Next, Daryl says he’s never been out of Georgia, which we all know happens right after Grady. So we’re going along in the chronology.
Beth says she’s never been drunk and done something she regretted. I think this probably represents them burning down the moonshine shack. And it’s interesting, because they don’t exactly regret it. But I still wonder if them burning down the shack somehow drew attention to them, and at some point we’ll learn that doing that is exactly what got Beth kidnapped to begin with. They drew a lot of attention to the smoke in 4b, even having Carol and girls comment on it several times.
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Then he says the thing about never having been on vacation. I had to think a while about what this represented. I’m not claiming to have it totally pinned down, but I think this may just represent his time with Beth. For the first time, he feels emotionally safe and happy. To him, that probably felt like a relief. Like a vacation. Especially since vacations only last a short time before it’s back to real life, and he didn’t have very long with Beth before the shit hit.
Then Beth says she’s never been in jail, as a prisoner. Now, this may seem out of order, as Grady happens before Daryl leaves Georgia. But, 1) these could represent their two separate arcs and so they don’t need to line up that way. I think it’s more likely that 2) this represents Beth’s entire time in the CRM, not just Grady. And that will extend to long after Daryl leaves Georgia.
Of course, the prison question sets Daryl off and he gets up to “take a piss.”
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So, I find this particular element of this template really interesting. Even though their separation has lasted for 5+ seasons, the part of this scene representing their separation only lasts about 30 seconds, and that’s a bit counterintuitive.
Think of it this way: Daryl gets up and walks away. We generally see representations more of Beth disappearing, but in this case, he walks away, leaving her behind. Leaving her back where he previously was.
Then we get his whole slew of I-Nevers. Never eaten frozen yogurt, had a pet pony, got nothin’ from Santa Claus, relied anyone for protection, or anything.
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Some of these we think we’ve already seen, such as through Buttons. And maybe we have. But we can’t be sure. Maybe buttons, and all the ice cream references were just foreshadows of something to come. Or maybe not. No way to be sure, yet. (And remember that we have a huge ice cream theme this season at the Commonwealth. I’m just mentioning. ;D)
No matter what they point to, I think these represent things that either have or will happen before Beth returns.
Now, this is about to get really subtle and granular. I think the “Santa Claus” reference represents the moment when we, the audience, and maybe Carol, see Beth and know she’s alive, but Daryl doesn’t yet. The reason I think that is because at that point, when he’s saying all this, he’s still across the room from her. They haven’t come back together, yet. Therefore, all these things happen between the time he leaves her behind, and when they reunite. And Santa Claus = resurrection.
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Most of us have thought for a long time that the line about not relying on anyone for protection points to Beth saving Daryl at some point. And notice that that comes after the Santa Claus line, but before the reunion. And I’m not saying she’ll necessarily save him before she reunites with him. That wouldn’t make tons of sense, unless it’s saving him from afar or something. But maybe it’s a matter of him not realizing it’s her in some way.
Oh, and then there’s a line I’ve never homed in on before. When Daryl is kicking stuff around and Beth is telling him to be quiet, he says, “Sounds like our friend out there is trying to call all his buddies.”
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He just means the walker is being loud, which is in response to his yelling, but that just screams Carol is going to call Daryl (her buddy) to tell him about Beth.
So, then he eventually grabs her arm and drags her outside, right? Yes, I think that represents them coming back together. And I hear you: that’s a little weird since he’s being pretty borderline abusive right here. You’d think we’d have some indication of some tenderness or joy on his part. And I’m not saying there won’t be that wonderful, joyous reunion we’re all waiting for.
But here’s the thing. We’re all on the same page about Daryl maybe not believing it’s her because, especially because of Leah, he doesn’t trust his own sanity. He doesn’t trust his own eyes. I actually think that’s what most of the rest of this fight will translate to. Even when he does see her, I don’t think he’ll believe it’s her. 
That’s why they did the Leah the way they did. To show that she felt very real to him, and he really can’t tell the difference. I think we’ll have a whole thing (probably more than just one scene, as this is; it may be an arc that’s several episodes or seasons long) where she has to convince him that she’s real. But more than that, she has to show him how to get his faith and sanity back. She’ll heal his psychosis and this whole hallucination problem, so he CAN tell the difference moving forward.
And like I said in my analysis of the Daryl Origins episode, she’ll have to convince him to open up to her emotionally again, just as she did in Still. Something no one else has been able to get him to do.
Think about everything they say here. When she talks about the people they lost mattering, she could be talking about their shared history prior to Grady, OR about everything that’s happened in the last 8 years since they saw each other.
Then check out these next two lines and think about how they fit in.
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“You look at me and you just see another dead girl…
“…but, I made it!”
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See how those work so beautifully? He literally thinks she’s the ghost of a dead girl and she’s trying to convince him that she never died.
Then the lines that so perfectly mirror Sasha and Bob.
“You don’t get to treat me like crap just because you’re afraid.” “I ain’t afraid of nothing.”
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And then the remember line that started me thinking about this. “I remember.” Which may represent her getting her memory back. I think that will have already happened at this point, but maybe she tells him about how she had memory loss but now she remembers.
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And the REALLY interesting thing is that here, she’s talking about Sophia. When this happens between her and Daryl in the future, they’ll be talking about her. About what happened at Grady. Because Beth = Sophia. The lost girl Daryl searched for. Which, incidentally, is probably why Kirkman said the thing about Daryl not caring about Beth any more than he did Sophia. Clearly, he’s trying to throw people off track, but I truly think that was code-speak for the symbolism, not a commentary and the romantic nature of Bethyl.
I still don’t know how the “you ain’t never gonna see Maggie again” line will translate in the future. No way to tell, yet. But we’ve always known it’s significant that he mentions Rick being dead. Where we are here, in the narrative, he believes Rick is dead, and then there were all those clues in the Daryl origins episode.
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And then, of course, the hug. I think that probably represents the same thing it did here: her finally getting through to him, him finally opening up to her. Which means at that point, his faith in his own sanity will return and he’ll finally believe she’s real. It might also represent the romance angle.
So, that’s what I’ve been thinking about the past few days.
I did also say we could extend it until after the fight. I just have less to say about that. Them talking on the porch could foreshadow getting to know one another as a couple, or even just swapping stories from the past 8 years. Maybe every line in that convo will also translate to a future event, but I can’t be sure about that.
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As for them burning down the shack, I just think of Dwight and Sherry in Fear and what the showrunner said of them. That they’ll be a badass power couple, now. So maybe this foreshadows Beth and Daryl burning down the CRM or something. Which I would 100% support. ;D
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Ameridan’s End: Talk to Ameridan
(Previous quest - Ameridan's End: Assault the Jaws of Hakkon)
Main questline: Ameridan’s End: Talk to Ameridan
Characters involved: Ameridan
This is the second part of “Ameridan’s End” questline.
Gurd Harofsen is defeated. The time magic surrounding the dragon begins to falter. Inquisitor Ameridan is revealed.
PC: Inquisitor. (Bows their head.)
Ameridan: Inquisitor.
(If the Inquisitor is a human.) Ameridan: How fares Drakon? Has he brought the Chant to the whole world yet? [1]
(If the Inquisitor is an elf.) Ameridan: Andaran atish'an. I am glad Drakon's friendship with our people has remained strong. [1]
(If the Inquisitor is a dwarf.) Ameridan: Has Drakon's empire brought in even the children of the stone? [1]
(If the Inquisitor is a Qunari.) Ameridan: Drakon's empire has spread far while I slept. [1]
[1] Dialogue options:
History: You've been gone a long time. [2]
Elf: No. The humans betrayed us. [3]
General: I am sorry. I have news. [4]
General: You're a little out of date. [5]
General: Drakon is dead. [6]
[2] History: You've been gone a long time.
PC: Inquisitor Ameridan, you disappeared in 1:20 Divine, around the time of the signing of the Nevarran Accord.
Ameridan: You say it as though it was… [7]
[3] Elf: No. The humans betrayed us.
PC: It has not. Drakon's son, Kordillus the Second, destroyed the Dales.
Ameridan: Drakon's son… [7]
[2] General: I am sorry. I have news.
PC: Inquisitor Ameridan, you have slept longer than you perhaps understand. [7]
[3] General: You're a little out of date.
PC: How long do you think you've been here?
Ameridan: You say it as though it was… [7]
[4] General: Drakon is dead.
PC: Emperor Drakon died a long time ago. [7]
[7] Ameridan: How long?
Party comments:
Cassandra: You were the last Inquisitor. There has not been another since you disappeared 800 years ago.
(If no companion makes a comment.) PC: There has not been an Inquisitor since you disappeared... 800 years ago.
Ameridan: Drakon was my oldest friend. He would have sent someone to find me.
Party comments:
Vivienne: He would have, had the Second Blight not swept across Orlais, demanding his full attention.
Solas: He never had the chance. The darkspawn that rose in the Anderfels threatened all of Orlais.
Dorian: I'm afraid Drakon was a little busy with the darkspawn pouring down from the Anderfels.
Ameridan: I see. [Go to 7a]
(If no companion makes a comment.) Ameridan: But evidently he was occupied elsewhere. The darkspawn, perhaps, or… [Go to 7a]
[7a] Telana escaped the battle. Did she... do the records say what became of her? [8]
[8] Dialogue options:
General: She lived well. [9]
General: She died trying to reach you. [10]
[9] General: She lived well.
PC: Telana died of old age many years later. She never forgot you.
Ameridan: You lie well, but I hunted demons and maleficarum long before I was Inquisitor. (Sighs.) [11]
[10] General: She died trying to reach you.
PC: She returned to the island. From what we can tell, she died trying to reach you through dreams.
Ameridan: I asked her not to. She was a good hunter and the love of my life, but she never... (Sighs.) [11]
[11] Ameridan: I never wanted this job. Hunting demons was so much simpler than politics. [Go to 12 or 13, depending on whether Cassandra is in the party]
[12] (If Cassandra is not in the party.) -> [Go straight to 23]
[13] (If Cassandra is in the party.) Cassandra: Inquisitor Ameridan, how could the leader of the Seekers be a mage?
Ameridan: Has history forgotten so much? I was not a Seeker myself, as most Inquisitors were. I used my magical gifts in the hunting of demons and maleficarum. Do the Seekers no longer welcome the aid of mages?
Cassandra: No. That was forgotten... among many other things. [14]
[14] Dialogue options:
Special: We know the Seekers' secrets. [15] (If Cassandra’s personal quest “Promise of Destruction” was completed and the truth about the rite of Tranquility was uncovered.)
General: Cassandra is a Seeker. [16]
General: Not the time, Cassandra. [17]
[15] Special: We know the Seekers' secrets.
PC: Cassandra is a Seeker... and after the Seekers went rogue, she discovered the truth about them.
Cassandra: We learned they developed the Rite of Tranquility.
Ameridan: You mean sundering one from the Fade? The Seekers do it briefly when granting an initiate their abilities.
Cassandra: It has become a way to control mages deemed dangerous. They are left Tranquil. Permanently.
Ameridan: (Sighs.) Killing a man is ugly work. You learn not to look to it as your first recourse. But sundering them from the Fade is easy. Bloodless. I told them spreading such a "solution" would lead to abuse. They swore that would never happen. They promised. I am so sorry. [18]
[18] Subsequent dialogue options:
Special: Cassandra is rebuilding them. [19] (If Cassandra was encouraged to rebuild the Seekers after completing her personal quest “Promise of Destruction”.)
General: It was not your doing. [20]
General: That doesn't matter now. [21]
General: Sorry doesn't solve it. [22]
[19] Special: Cassandra is rebuilding them.
PC: Cassandra will rebuild the Seekers into an organization to be proud of again... with the Inquisition's help.
Ameridan: Then you both have my thanks.
Ameridan: I was a good hunter. I did not want to lead an organization. [Go to 23]
[20] General: It was not your doing.
PC: You could not have known.
Ameridan: The Inquisition was a vital force, but feared. We fought so many dangers... with so many terrible weapons. I had no wish to chase a dragon to the far reaches of nowhere. I had my people to deal with... and the Nevarran Accord. [Go to 23]
[21] General: That doesn't matter now.
PC: What matters now is the dragon you hunted. [Go straight to 29]
[22] General: Sorry doesn't solve it.
PC: The Inquisition created the templars and the Circle as we know it. Do you know how many mages died when templars abused their power? How many people died when the mages rebelled?
Ameridan: I can guess. The Inquisition hunted evil. It was too easy to see threats wherever we looked. I did everything I could to transform them into a force for peace. I had no wish to chase a dragon to the far reaches of nowhere. I had my people to deal with... and the Nevarran Accord. [Go to 23]
[16] General: Cassandra is a Seeker.
PC: This is Cassandra Pentaghast. She is a member of the Order of Seekers.
Cassandra: I am honored, Inquisitor.
Ameridan: As am I. Your predecessors were good men and women in difficult times. As the Inquisition joined the Chantry, we required a leader who inspired loyalty, not fear. [23]
[17] General: Not the time, Cassandra.
PC: Cassandra, we have more pressing concerns.
Ameridan: You do indeed. [Go straight to 29]
[23] Ameridan: But Drakon told me I was needed... as I suspect you were needed. [24]
[24] Dialogue options:
Sad: It takes everything from you. [25]
Mad: I didn't want this. [26]
Pleased: I’m all right. [27]
Stoic: Let's focus on the present. [28]
[25] Sad: It takes everything from you.
PC: I wasn't Inquisitor by choice. Whatever my life was before…
Ameridan: Take moments of happiness where you find them. The world will take the rest. [29]
[26] Mad: I didn't want this.
PC: I had goals for my life. I had plans and dreams.
Ameridan: And now you have responsibility... including that which I was unable to fulfill myself. [29]
[27] Pleased: I’m all right.
PC: It hasn't been all bad.
Ameridan: I am glad to hear it... and sorry to burden you with my unfinished business. [29]
[28] Stoic: Let's focus on the present.
PC: What matters now is the dragon you hunted. [29]
[29] Ameridan: The dragon carries the spirit of an Avvar god. I lacked the strength to kill it. My own magic was able to bind us all, locked in time. But when the cultists drew that spirit into another vessel, it disrupted my bindings. It is breaking free. [30]
[30] Dialogue options:
General: I will carry on for you. [31]
General: Fighting gods is old news. [32] (If the main game wasn’t completed.)
General: I've killed gods before. [33] (If the main game was completed.)
General: We will kill it together. [34]
[31] General: I will carry on for you.
PC: I'd be honored to finish what you started.
Ameridan: Thank you. [35]
[32] General: Fighting gods is old news.
PC: I'm already fighting one would-be god. I can make time for one more.
Ameridan: Then I leave the world in good hands. [35]
[33] General: I've killed gods before.
PC: I killed the would-be god who unleashed the Blight upon the world. He had a dragon, too.
Ameridan: Then I leave the world in good hands. [35]
[34] General: We will kill it together.
PC: You won't be fighting it alone this time.
Ameridan: No. You will. [35]
[35] Ameridan: The passage of years can be delayed, but not ignored. I will soon join Telana at Andraste's side. Take this. It holds the last few memories of an old hunter who was neither as wise nor as strong as he thought. Fight well, Inquisitor. I am honored to have met you.
(Ameridan dies. The dragon escapes the time-freezing spell.)
Party comments:
Blackwall: We'll have to deal with that dragon, especially if it's possessed again.
Cole: She still has Hakkon inside her. We have to stop her before she hurts people.
Cassandra: We need to stop the dragon. It still carries the spirit of Hakkon.
Iron Bull: (Grunts.) Still need to deal with the dragon at some point. Probably has the Avvar god back inside it.
(Next quest - Hakkon Wintersbreath)
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jlf23tumble · 4 years
Hi! I've seen you rec fics before and I'm wondering if you have any recommendations for Harry Styles fics that deal with gender. Like Harry being either nonbinary or that being the focus of the plot in some way. Thanks!
I have GOT YOU, my friend! I answered a similar ask a long time ago, so I’ll bring those recs over, plus add newer ones, just to keep us up to date. Same caveat as before, though--these fics delve a bit deeper into the genderfluid side of the fine line rather than just the “harry in panties” side because I think you’re more interested in the former, but if I’m wrong, let me know! Enjoy!
Us, Me, We, @homosociallyyours, 2.3 (Harry/Harry, Harry/Louis). Featuring Harry trippin’ balls and truly seeing “her” in the mirror.
you make me wanna (how deep is your love), orphan_account, 2.5k (harry/louis). As the notes say, “straight up porn,” featuring trans Harry.
Friendly Fire, @vondrostes, 2.6k (Harry/Ny). Look, you’ll see a lot of Terran here, I had to hold *back*, but he writes tons of pairings, so there’s something for everyone, and I rec it all! In this case, Harry learns an important lesson about why he shouldn’t date straight women.
No Control, thegirlwthekittentattoo, 2.6k (Harry/Louis). The dialogue here is EVERYTHING, it’s cute and hot and emotional yet still funny, like Harry’s bra being named Christi with an “i”, and I loveeee how much is packed in here.
Silent Night, @sulkingroom, 2.7k (Harry/Xander). I’m 99% sure this is Melissa, not orphan_account, but she’s another author who writes stunning fics that play with gender, this one featuring trans Harry at Christmas.
She, Myself, and I, @vondrostes, 3k (Harry/Nick). Angst city, with Harry telling Nick exactly who “she” is.
Every Drop of Rain, haemophilus, 3.3k (Harry/Taylor). Told through Taylor’s eyes, a fascinating look at Harry and his gender journey. (I highly rec this author’s work in other pairings for similar vibes!)
if they find out, will it all go wrong? blankiexrry, 3.4k (Harry/Louis). Gender exploration behind the scenes when the D played MSG, plus extra kink added!
The Assassination of Harry Styles’ Dignity, wishforwishes, 3.5k (Harry/Nick). This one was in the pubefest, and it’s gryles angst hours gorgeously done as Harry ponders shaving past and present (highly rec this author for gender exploration in other pairings, too).
She Feels So Good, Zedi, 4k, and its sequel, Turns Out She’s a Devil In-Between the Sheets, 3k (Harry/Louis). Mannnn, this universe is so good! Part one is behind the scenes of the Late Late Show after Kiwi, and part two is sexi times in Italy. I utterly adore how this Harry shifts right along with her pronouns.
Fertile Ground, Blake/ @newleafover, 4.4k (Harry/Louis). Jesus wept specifically at this story, CHRIST, so much dysphoria-related angst!! The sheer number of moments guaranteed to make you stare at the wall for one (1) hour, help!
into joy i’m sailing, @hereforlou, 4.6k (Harry/Louis). The tenderness LEAPS off the screen in this one, Harry forgets he’s wearing a dress when Louis comes over for dinner, and I peel my heart out of my throat every time.
weird honey, orphan_account, 5.4k (Harry/Louis). I’m a big lurker in fic comments, and these ones give me joy because big names from a time when this Harry drew even more hate than today are here, spreading love and support--who was this author? This story is so GOOD, I’d love to know what else they did! (In this case, a sex toy helps Harry deal with not having a vagina.)
violence of my own touch, 14hrflight/ @got2ghost, 5.2k (Harry/Louis). Chi is yet ANOTHER author to read for spot-fuckin’-on genderfluid characterization (here, it’s alpha/alpha with all kinds of bdsm, dysphoria, angst, and more).
it’s you i want to take apart, orphan_account, 5.9k (Harry/Louis). This author--in the year of our lorde 2012--watched the nail polish interview and created a work of art that went even deeper, their MIND!!! What else did they foretell??!!!!!
Love at Home, @vondrostes, 6.9k (Harry/Xander, Harry/Zayn/Xander). This fic is HYPER-current, like, mid-quarantine, and it features some Zarry history, some pregnancy-related dysphoria, and so much more, plus horses!! (The horses aren’t actually all that involved, I just love to see ‘em.)
Vinyl and Lace, objectlesson/ @alienfuckeronmain, 7.5k (Harry/Louis). This one kills me because it’s XF days, and you get the full-on sensation that this is meant to be kinky play funtime, but it’s going to end up being something much bigger on so many fronts, we love to see it!
Are You Gonna Be My Girl? LoadedGunn, 7.5k (Harry/Louis). EASILY my fave fic this author wrote, basically, Louis talks about his first time with a girl, Harry decides to be that girl, and the dirty talk hits different in the end!
call me anything you like, but my name is, wishforwishes, 9.9k (Harry/members of CHASM). [muffled internal screaming whenever I think of this fic] It starts with BSE Veronica/Zayn and ends with Harry Veronica/Zayn, and so much revelation happens in between, goddddd bless.
fallin’ and laughin’ at the drinks we spilled, enbyharry/ @non-binharry, 14k (Harry/Louis). Asia’s description in the notes kills me, but #vanlife Louis runs into proud Harry in some bar and shenanigans ensue is the upshot!
But She Doesn’t Know Who I Am series, jaerie, 15k (Harry/Louis). I love that one of the tags here is “louis asks inappropriate questions” because that’s honestly most of what happens!! 
o/o angst series, HappyPrincess/ @pattern-pals, 17k (Harry/Louis). I miss Nina’s writing like a phantom limb, and I doubt they’ll return to this universe, but I swear, I will read (and rec) ANYTHING they produce when the muse visits them again! This one is as its title says, and it doesn’t disappoint, heavy sigh.
Grenadine Sunshine, objectlesson/ @alienfuckeronmain, 18k (Harry/Louis). This fic is a peach of a pearl written as a gift for one of this fandom’s best authors, and it perfectly captures the Mood of that author, with so much softness, makeup, gender, and tender.
Alpha Louis/Alpha Harry series, 14hrflight/ @got2ghost, 22k (Harry/Louis). SO MANY GENDER ISSUES EXPLORED HERE, WOW!! College roommates come to terms with their identity, and, mannnnn, do I love it when a/b/o gets unstraightened, if you will, chef’s kiss all around.
Nothing You Can Do (But You Can Learn How to Be You in Time), Teumessian, 28k (Harry/Louis). Also known as the pinterest fic, this one is just so soft and lovely, an identity story told through hair (among other things).
genderfluid!harry series, istajmaal, 33k (Harry/Louis). This entire series hits just as hard today as it did when it was written in 2013, a time when people were aggressively trying to make fetch frat boy Harry happen (some of ‘em still are, lmao). Anyway, this is another author I highly rec for all their other fic, but this one does an A+ job of describing Harry’s gender exploration mid-D madness. 
Amor Victorious, HappyPrincess/ @pattern-pals, 38k (Harry/Louis). Another brilliant work from Nina, you feel like you’re on this journey with them, PLUS it dives deep into gender identity struggles, PLUS it throws a/b/o for a loop, all of which equals a big yes from me!
hush., wankerville, 41k (Harry/Louis). One of my all-time faves, this one tackles so many phobias, all while being set in a small-town America high school AU and managing to be the softest, most gorgeous, most hopeful thing in spite (because?) of that.
Time Passed, coffinofachimera/ @belialsmiracles, 66k (Harry/Louis). LISTEN, I WILL NEVER, EVER SHUT UP ABOUT THIS FIC, I can only hope the author will bless us with a timestamp or something else entirely, it’s so beautifully done, it makes you think of nothing else for days, it RUINS you for other fic (I highly rec the author’s other work, too). You’ll never look at Tokyo Harry the same way again (or listen to “She” or “Fine Line” without getting more than a little misty). GOLD STAR!
Made of Lightning, @vondrostes, 74k (Harry/Louis, Harry/Liam, Harry/Louis/Liam). Just...the tags on this don’t do full justice to the journey of it, to the imagination of this specific timeline! I adore how Terran writes trans Harry!
Second Spring, @vondrostes, 103k (Harry/Louis). Speaking of Terran writing trans Harry, this one covers all the ins and outs of her surgical transition, how she recovers, and how she and the people around her deal with puberty no. 2. 
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stardancerluv · 4 years
Gotham Lockdown 2020
Part 17a
Summary: You finally see Roman’s inner sanctum
Warning: towards the end...implied and promises of future smut (daddy/dommy Roman) Gotham Lockdown Chapter 11a referenced here when reader almost dies & here is the last chapter
As Roman stood in the elevator with you, he couldn’t believe he was doing this. Years ago this would have never happened. This would always be his inner sanctum.
A struggle in him raged. He wanted to go on a rampage for what had almost happened to you. Sure those directly responsible paid but he was still angry. If this had been years ago. They’d still be downstairs begging for relief. Not that he softened because of you but he worked smarter. He did not like the idea that you so easily could have been snatched away from.
As the elevator dinged and as he led you over to the door. He could remember how this was where Victor and him would take people who wronged him. Victor would even keep his trophies there.
Deep down, he had grasp onto how grateful he was that, whoever or whatever was looking over had not called you to death’s icy embrace. He was not ready or did he even want to contemplate what life without you would be like.
So he took you here, to his inner sanctum ever since he had acquired the building. At first, it had been just Victor and him. When Doll-Face’s showed where her loyalties lied, she went in.
You were the woman he loved. He would have never planned on this. He knew he’d never be able to keep everything mum, about what he did from you. Damn reporters and the stories they publish. He had always wanted you to not have this side of him clouding your mind or heart. You already were his beauty or his darker, beast like nature. The beast you showed love.
He paused before putting in the code. “Y/N,” It almost felt funny calling you by your name but this was serious. “I am showing you this because of your nightmare,” He inhaled. “And because I almost lost you.” He swallowed.
“Roman, I will never leave you.”
“You didn’t see...”
You placed a finger on his lips and he stopped talking. Knots formed in the pit of his stomach, he was realizing more and more these days how much he changed.
“I know.” You whispered. “I fought to live, I fought to be with you. And if anything, “ he saw you look away before looking back at him. “would ever happen to you, I’ll be there and fight for you.”
To be honest, things had been going fairly well despite being shot by a couple of hoodlums that he honestly could not even imagine anything worse happening. Not many wanted to mess with him any more.
He drew close and took your hand, and put it over his heart. “I will always fight. I will till my dying breath.”
He brushed aside your tears that came from his words. “Baby. No tears. We’re so close to Christmas.” He whispered and you nodded.
You shivered in your tank top and shorts. You were dressed for the cozy, warmth of upstairs. Not this dank parking garage. Though, he held you close brushing aside the tears that had blossomed in your eyes at the words he spoke.
When you heard him speak like this it shook you to your core. You thanked your lucky stars, that he was the man who had your heart.
He punched in a code and opening the heavy door, “Come on in.” He welcomed you.
It was considerably warmer and the entire atmosphere was words different from dark and shadow filled garage with its concrete walls.
The room opened up, and was far bigger then you could have guessed. It had wonderful wood paneling and wooden floors with some elegant tiled floor in other places. You smiled as you took it all in.
Tucked into the wall before you there were more suits, long coats, and an entirely different array gloves. You turned and raised an eyebrow. “More suits? Clothes?”
He smirked, “These are bulletproof.”
“Oh..oh...well that makes a lot of sense.” You nodded. You were surprised you had not thought of it.
Turning, you saw what looked like a small arsenal of guns and their respective ammo. Along with rows of knives that came in all sorts of shapes an sizes.
Continuing further in you gasped as you saw an entire wall of masks. “There are so many.” You remarked.
He came up along side you. “One, has to be ready for any occurrence.” He shrugged.
You smiled at him. “I can only imagine.”
Seeing a large table you went over and just marveled at all the maps that were there.
“I thought you had a lot upstairs.”
He smirked. “One can never have enough maps. Especially, with my ever growing territory.”
Tears that had subsided blossomed once again. “You have a photo of us on your desk down here?”
Picking up and glanced at the old photo of the two of you. He came around and wrapped his arms around you. Turning, you did the same.
You smiled up at him. “Do you remember that first Halloween?”
He smiled, “You were so lovely.”
“You had a magnificent dress made for me.”
A smug smile spread across his face. “You were a fantastic inspiration.”
As the two of you watched, A Muppet Christmas Carol with Roman, you began to get a hankering for the sugar cookies you made earlier. “I’ll be right back?” You whispered and kissed Roman’s cheek.
“Want me to pause?” He held up the remote.
You shook your head. “I won’t be gone that long.”
Once in the kitchen, you put some cookies on a plate. You also made a point of grabbing some of the baby tubes of frosting. You had not frosted all the cookies since you knew that Roman sometimes liked them plain or sometimes he enjoyed putting on his own frosting on them.
You stopped as you watched him chuckled over the dialogue between Rizzo the Rat and Gonzo. Sometimes, he could be really cute.
You came back and easily tucked back under Roman’s arm. He smiled and took the plate from you. “We’ll keep them here.” He placed the plate in his lap. Looking, up at him you raised an eyebrow. “You better not gobble them all up, Mr. Sionis.”
He smirked, “No promises.” And he grabbed one.
Grabbing a cookie you added the extra frosting then happily enjoyed it. A few moments later you did again but not before giving him another sidelong glance. He glanced down at you before he took one himself.
When you did, you got a playful idea. Glancing, one final time you grabbed one of the tubes of frosting. You opening it, you squeezed a small spot on his hand as it rested on you. You licked it away.
Roman’s elegant profile was still illuminated by the twinkling lights from the tree and the tv.
You honestly couldn’t believe you had done that. Rolling your eyes, he could inspire the most wicked thoughts. So you put the tube down, and turned your attention back to the movie.
Feeling something you glanced down. A spot of frosting landed on your own hand, while he frosted his own cookie.
“Oh? Did I get some on you?” You brought your hand up before and but his hand took yours and his warm lips that took the frosting away.
“You didn’t think I noticed what you did?” His voice had grown deeper, his fingers idly traced the hem of your shorts. He put what was left of the plate of cookies on the end table.
Your heart picked up speed. “No, no of course not.” You stumbled a little.
He smiled, he turned off the movie. “Come here baby.” Easily, he pulled you onto his lap.
You watched as he left squeezed a little of the frosting where his throat met his chest. He gave you a wordless challenging look. You moved, so your lips and tongue moved together. You felt as his dipped back into the cushions of the sofa.
Once you pulled back he looked at you with hooded eyes. You took the frosting tube from his hand, “Roman” you breathed and drew a small sugary line up your throat.
He shifted but then you let him pull you close. His hands held you just so then his mouth and lips were on you. A soft moan came from you. “Yes.” Was all you say.
Yet, he didn’t stop when the frosting was gone. He continued to lick and nibble on you. You trembled.
“Daddy, always makes you feel good doesn’t he?” His words rasped in your ear.
You licked your lips. “Yes.”
A dark chuckle came from him. “Shall, I continue or should I keep you in my lap where you belong as we continue to watch the movie?”
@darling-i-read-it @spn-obsessed-dean @vintagemichelle91 @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @ewanfuckingmcgregor @zodiyack @angel98624 @frenchgirlinlondon @nebulastarr @emyliabernstein @thepeachreads @itsknife2meetu @omghappilyuniquebouquetlove @nomnomnomnamja @poe-kadot26 @top-rumbelle-fan @babydoll97 @hazel-nuss @vcat55 @feelthemadnessinside @rosionis @queenofgotham800 @brookisbi @peachthatdrinkslemonade @johallzy @foreverhockeytrash @frostypenguinoz @starwarsslytherin @proffesionalclown @chogisss @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @shantellorraine @xxinvisiblexx @pooshnulooshnu @speedypartyducksuitcase @blondekel77 @corey-clown @drarrylov3r @i-cant-hear-you16
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tbhwhocaresanymore · 4 years
Nancy Drew 2x6
As promised I am done with my most stressful finals and am now posting my review albeit two weeks late, and let me say to start off that this episode would have made a fantastic season premiere.
Ghost kiddies: 1 Lamia: 0
Speaking of things I need to get off my chest wow I can’t believe the arraignment for the morgue break in finally happened. I assumed it had happened and she got off, or that everyone just forgot about it but more the fool am I. Because it is back and kicking off our second season.
And for the record as someone who despises insects and all forms of creepy crawlies with a passion this episode was a teensy bit horrific and not in the fun way.
Like I said at the top though, this episode would’ve made an amazing season premiere. It set up a whole bunch of fun new season plot lines in addition to being a killer episode in its own right. For example I’m assuming with Nancy’s 443 hours of community service to go we’ll be seeing more of Connor the Surly Coroner, and what if his flower shop wife works at the place the gang scammed a few weeks ago to get AJ Crane’s address? I mean be real how many flower shops can one small town have.
In other news I continue to yearn for Chief McGinnis to return. Like WHY in the name of all that is holy would you throw away a perfectly good, lovable book character, not to mention Native American rep, in favor of this new asshole that nobody likes? (This is only 10% me being bitter about my Tamura being AJ’s son theory not panning out.) The only (ONLY) upside to Tamura being here is that Nancy and McGinnis were becoming friends, and now we have a very rude cop for Nancy to be sassy to. “Not a real holiday.” “Not a real necktie.”
Speaking of lovable book characters, it causes me pain how Hannah and Nancy’s relationship was like shot in the head and dumped in a ditch. Like must she eternally be at odds with one of her book parental figures? For those of you who don’t know, in the books Hannah Gruen is the Drew’s housekeeper/cook, and a surrogate mother to Nancy. Like I’m thrilled that Nancy and her dad are back on good terms and working their way towards being the iconic father/daughter duo we all know and love, and I understand that Hannah has every right to be furious with Nancy, but the pain is still there.
Moving onto more lighthearted aspects of the episode, I love the balance this show has found between comedy and horror. Riverdale could never. The scene with the five of them in Nancy’s kitchen and the autopsy was comedic gold. Ace and Bess and George, fairly quickly getting on board with it, Nick convinced they all want to send him back to prison in possession of the group’s one brain cell. But then he immediately loses the brain cell because when somebody shows up AT THE FRONT DOOR, NONE OF THEM THINK to hide the body in plain view in the kitchen??? Guys! Oh and that absolutely iconic bit of dialogue: “No, we are not performing an autopsy in your kitchen!” “No you’re absolutely right Nick, we should do it in the living room there’s more space.” *wheeeeze*
So that’s the comedy now for the horror. So many little delightfully creepy moments sprinkled throughout the episode. George drifting off and singing in French, when the body in the back of the van opens its eye, when the dad stops the car and gets out and it SITS UP, when Charlie and Ted see something outside and all you can see is its silhouette, when the lamia is like sucking their souls out looking like a skeletal cretin straight from the depths of hell. Delightful.
Getting back to season long arcs, my writing sixth sense is tingling and it’s telling me the Women in White are going to be important. How? I don’t know. But there is sooo much potential. What if they’re all comatose a la Sleeping Beauty waiting for someone to call them back once some sort of evil reawakens? What if they’re immortal and walking the earth solving problems in secret? What if they were corrupted and had to be killed by their loved ones? The possibilities are endless and I’m here for it.
Time for my Drewson shipper talk so if you’re not into that skip this paragraph. Ooooh Lordy the scene with Nick and Nancy in the seamstress house made my heart do a happy little tap dance. Really any time they share the screen at the same time, but they had lines directed at each other and it was beautiful. And that gorgeous line of dialogue, “Hey, you can still fix this. No one’s gotten hurt yet.” aeexoijxoij
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Now I will close out with some thoughts I had while watching.
Nancy can be so smart but also so dumb, like she hears a mysterious thumping sound and Hangs Up The Phone??? Girl it could be a human killer!
And is it just me or does it seem like if twelve children in a small town were all murdered on the same day and the killer was never caught that would be the sort of thing that lives on in town legend
Nick has the absolute WORST British accent oh my GOD. Understandable, because the actor is Scottish, so at that moment he was a guy with a Scottish accent pretending to have an American accent faking a British accent but still.
Cannot believe on their way to the Claw to stop a soul sucking spirit they had to stop at the grocery store for caramel apples and candy canes like them all running around must have been a hell of a sight for whatever sleep deprived Safeway cashier was on duty
Finally, what in god’s name is George going to tell Jesse? Not the truth I imagine, but I have no idea what possible lie she could sell. Personally I think I’d just tell her I drugged the water as a joke and gaslight her until she forgot about it.
Normally this would be the part where I theorize about what could happen in the next episode but at this point you already know what happens in the next episode so I’ll sign off with my typical schtick instead. Ahem
Writers give me Lucy Sable
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theholycovenantrpg · 4 years
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Admin Jen: Say, I wish there were words to describe my joy over your application. Not only because you’re bringing us my beloved Pale Rider, but because of the beautiful way with which you captured them. There was so much to love about your app, but I have to admit that it was the para sample which stole my heart. Ryuk’s voice, his image of the other Horsemen and the way it bled into his dialogue throughout, the nuance in his perspective and the small tics in his mannerisms. It was all so vivid, so visceral, and so mesmerizing to take in. Although I absolutely cannot deny the impact of all the other sections in the app, which only served to amplify the portrayal and bring it to life in a way that left me so thrilled to leave Ryuk in your hands. I trust you with him completely, and I pray for the New World to bear their arrival. Please create and send in your account, review the information on our CHECKLIST, and follow everyone on the FOLLOW LIST. Welcome to the Holy Land!
ALIAS | Say.
AGE | 25.
ACTIVITY LEVEL | Hopefully around 6/10! I check the dash basically every day for replies, but whether I get to them or not is a completely different story 🥴 Also, given that this is a highly literate roleplay, it may take me a tad longer to craft replies and post them, but I’m confident I can meet the 8 post/month minimum that you outline in your guidelines. 
HOW DID YOU FIND THE GROUP? | A mutual of mine reblogged some of the first promo posts onto my dash. From then I’ve been following the group, and I finally got a chance to read through all of the lore / word-building you guys have done and I am super impressed.
I will admit that when I was first browsing, I had the worst choice paralysis because all of the biographies were compelling in their own way. The Angels and their pretentious morality, the Demons with their freewheeling madness, the Gifted toeing the line between mortal and divine, desperate to survive in a world with their powers… That being said, I kept on going back to Horsemen because of their remarkable existence across Caelum, Sanctus Terra, and Infernum. Not quite Angels or Demons, and far from mortal, I interpreted them to be the closest beings to God the world has, given that they were torn from the flesh of God Himself. 
This steadfast solidarity between Viktoria, Ryuk, Nerissa, and Dmitri really hit me square in the chest. Four distinctive beasts, hungry for bloodshed, are dropped into a world already ravaged by devastation at the hands of God’s own creations — so they take solace in each other, even broken from their original purpose. And yet, even amongst these four outliers, Ryuk stood out to me even more, because of their innate understanding of the ravaged world before him. While Nerissa raged for their stolen war, while Viktoria mourned their own creation in Purgatory, while Dmitri adjusted their child-like senses to their surroundings so starkly different whence they came, Ryuk intrinsically knew of their role on this plane of existence. 
I recognized the subtle intricacies woven into Ryuk’s biography, and wanted to challenge myself by writing a character whose desires, motives, and perception of the world is markedly unique from how I interpret my world. What sort of purpose could a Horseman have when stripped of their divine right and design? What do the immortals fear when they are bound with eternal life? What could Death himself fear, when they know the unknowable, and have the power to exact their purpose? 
All beings, regardless of their time on earth, fear death in some way. For divine beings, it is the possibility of their destruction through their infinite life, and for mortals, it is the inevitability of it that induces fear. But what about Death himself? Is it possible that they could be terrified of it as well? 
DISCLAIMER: I illustrated a few points that rely on the development of other characters, most specifically the Horsemen, but it will all obviously rely on me working out the details with other players. 
I. A HUNGER FOR DEATH PROMISES A STARVATION OF LIFE — a division amongst a former whole.
We begin the story with the Horsemen being a single unit, working alongside each other in relative harmony, existing as mercenaries for the highest bidder. In a world teetering on the fragile truce between the Angels, Demons, and Mortals, the Horsemen of the Apocalypse walk alone, united in their understanding that they are unlike anything else walking the holy grounds. Without each other, they have nothing — so they remain close together out of deficit rather than benefit. However, in each of the Horsemen’s biographies, you’ve outlined a faint, yet irrefutable line dividing the four. As it stands, the division relies on recognition; Ryuk has always understood Nerissa and her cause more than he sympathizes with Nerissa or Dmitri. So what if that line became a crack? 
I’ve interpreted the current division to lie within the fundamental conflict of bloodlust vs. power, with Ryuk and Nerissa lying firmly in the former camp, though this would all be hammered out with the appropriate muns. But the interest lies within the Horsemen, and what would happen if their loyalties suffered an upset — who would they pledge their allegiance to? 
II. MONSTERS, WE ARE NOT SO UNALIKE, YOU AND I — an unlikely understanding.
This brings me into the next plot point, which involves Ryuk’s connections to the other factions.
Within my app, I sought to base much of Ryuk on what he is not — and their antithetical existence to Cade is something I played with deeply in this application. As hungry as they are for blood, there is a distinct lack of intention behind their killing, as if they inflict death because they are a Horseman. It is why the division is so crucial for Ryuk to begin to align themselves to a cause. A trap I don’t want to fall into while writing them is not giving them a fear to hold onto. I think the fascinating part about Ryuk is that they were birthed out of God’s terror of His unknown — and that is precisely what they fear the most. They feel safe and powerful when aligned with his fellow Horsemen, but without them, what do they know? 
The details of what would sweeten their attraction to any cause is something I want to keep open, rather than delineate extensively here, but the core of it is the same: to lower them down so that they may see the light in another’s faith. 
III. IN MY END IS MY BEGINNING — a touch of Death. 
And here, we end with a renewal of their perspective. Some sort of mortal injury happens that gives Ryuk a taste of their own medicine, perhaps in saving something they have truly learned to care about, as much as their dark heart will allow. 
Given that they fear losing their power and dominion over mortals, throwing them into a situation where they are possibly injured by one is a surefire way of allowing Ryuk to face what truly lies dormant underneath: what is their purpose? And why are they here and living, despite having their purpose erased so long ago with the death of their Creator? 
Perhaps this will finally give them a hunger for something more than just taking souls and money for it. 
As long as it serves a specific purpose for the long-term prospects of the group’s plot, 100% yes.
I admit that this is the one of the parts of the application I struggled with, because for all intents and purposes, Death’s purpose has been ripped away from them. They, along with the other three Horsemen, were created for Earth’s apocalypse — but now that they’ve been thrown into the world without it, in some ways they are lost beyond comparison. 
Even so, Ryuk was still built to thirst for mortal blood at their hand, and as of now, that base instinct is what they actively rely on to move through the world. They are desperate and hungry for the souls they’ve been promised by God, and nothing more. 
And yet, I think they are also terrified of what it means to be stripped of their purpose. There’s this tentative resentment they hold for the world that no longer needs the Horsemen to wreak havoc, and yet, a terror that overtakes them when they think of fully relinquishing what they’ve been handed down from God. A fear of incompetence, the unknown, and the uselessness they feel is what drives Ryuk to continue to do what they’ve always known. After all, it’s easier to believe in a belief they’ve held close to their chest for so long. 
( + ) RESOLUTE | Permanence: it is the one thing Ryuk knows to be true. Mortal blood expires, and nobody knows it better than the harbinger of Death himself. It is what makes them loyal, unwavering in their beliefs in their tar-black soul once he has made up their mind. ( + ) ASTUTE | It is impossible to be foolish when he has the ghosts of the past right at his fingertips; a history, laid before them like an open book. And what are first impressions, when they have the still-lingering souls to guide him along? Not much escapes their eyes or ears, and they use their gift well, for himself first, and for the Horsemen second. ( + ) VIGILANT | All that knowledge, always within reach — it would be a shame if they did not apply it well. Though he can be quick to react, it is rarely out of ineptitude or  undisciplined impulse; it is precisely the wealth of information he gleans that makes them all the more wary to enter into a situation without identifying the risks first. They are adamant on victory, not by anyone else’s terms but their own. ( – ) DUPLICITOUS | He has no qualms about trickery, or resorting to underhanded means to get their way. After all, what is integrity to a being that values Death above everything else? What is honor to a Horsemen without a future, when Death is the period, the endmark to every creature with a beating, bloody heart? ( – ) RUTHLESS | When Ryuk first learns of the word mercy from the spirits’ whispers, they can barely fathom the concept. Sparing another out of the benevolence of one’s heart? It’s practically laughable, given their own penchant for cruelty when faced with their victims. He is ( – ) PASSIONLESS | And one wonders: what could make such a merciless killer unflinching in the face of their purpose? Yes, they relish in every single kill, just as much as his compatriots, but in the end, he does it because it is all he knows. One cannot mistake the devotion they show for passion, the very fire that ignites the circle of life. No, Death will not and cannot be acquainted with life, no matter how many live souls they take for themselves.
“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.” — Matthew 24:36
From the beginning, at the very break of their conception at the hands of God, Ryuk is told they are the antithesis of emotion. It is an age-old story of the hero, their origin a simple blip in the vaporous, golden-god kingdom from which he is torn, cast into darkness until their path is clear — but Ryuk is not a hero. No, they are told that some day, they shall wreak havoc across the mortal realm that He has forged to collect their birthright of the damned souls roaming the earth. When? It’s insolence, a rare bit tumbling out for his Creator, He who has torn a part to make their whole.
You will know, and it is thunderous, the cadence of his voice, that even Death quivers, when the gates to the mortal realm opens. And then, they are thrown into their realm, devoid of anything but dust and half-formed souls. They know this, because the moment they’d slipped into the aphotic depths of His plan is the exact moment they hear their wails, deafening, ululating, even for their immortal senses. 
And oh, did they wail. Told stories of dominions and dirt, of princes and peasants, a swarm of the dead desperate for the ear of a God — or however close they could get to such a being. Time and time again, Ryuk would swat the cloud away, gaze always focused in the distance, where the dark smoke broke into a line of halcyon shimmer, and they’d ask Him ( pray, a soul whispers ) for their birthright, their infernal kingdom of souls. 
Ages pass. They hear nothing. They see nothing. The gilded line shrinks. But what is time for an immortal? Still, they hunger for the permanence of their existence; here, in this inchoate cavity of God’s creation, they are useless. The void is a steadiness of not quite death, but the absence of life — a temporary, an unhappy medium that they cannot satiate themselves on no matter how hard they strived. When? They think again, but He is long gone, in His heavens with His angels and His mortals He’d bore out of Love. 
In the ages to come, they will begin to understand this. Tales brushed in human concepts, of Love and Fear and Ecstasy and Hope, of those dominions and dirt, the princes and peasants. In the ages to come, they will see that the mortals flourish, souls rising to Heaven and Hell without their touch. They will see the expanse of God’s love for His children, in fractured pieces of the half-gone souls’ shrieks, wondrous at how He could destroy something He’d built from the sands of the lands. They will ask why did the mother forbid her to marry her lover? and the souls will answer, because she loved her daughter, a babe she’d birthed for nothing in return.
“For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” — Matthew 24:7
And what they mean to say is — no, they do not understand. How could God, in all his love for his mortal creations, bring their deliverance, Famine and War and Conquest and Death, upon the moral planes? What is their purpose aside to destroy what He has created? To understand the world is to hold it in one’s hands and inflict upon it an inconceivable love, of which they had none in their ichor-stricken heart. 
They resent God for this. They resent their purpose, and yet, they walk the earthly plains alongside their comrades, knowing that even God has succumbed — and so they hold their faith, deal their foreordained havoc in spades.
“For they are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty.” — Revelation 16:14
“You must have mistaken me for a being of mercy, of which I am not.” Viktoria’s nostrils flare. Ryuk’s voice is low enough that the others do not catch the impertinent remark, the subtlest of digs on what she prized most. Within visible distance, Dmitri fiddles with a mortal contraption, one of the many gifts from his beautiful admirers, and far off, in the other direction, Nerissa sharpens her blade on a slick slab of quartz, eyeing her two comrades with a watchful eye.
Among them all, fallows, burnt yellow and unseemly, spread out across either side, an end distant and impossible. In this part of land, there is nothing but rainfall and smog, untraversed by even the most seasoned of travelers, which, of course, had made it ideal for the likes of the Horsemen. Nothing but tar black clouds roamed the sky, save for the sliver of white in the horizon, a marker of Caelum to the North. The line glows, and Ryuk is briefly struck by the likeness of their environment to the emptiness from which they came. If they listen diligently enough, the winds almost mimic the agonized shrieks of undamned souls, and it completes the resemblance, far too uncanny for their liking. He shifts on his feet, left and right, and tugs on his ear. A cue, he’d learned, then committed to muscle memory, to ward away the spirits when they were not needed. 
“And as always, you have failed to listen. And they say you can hear the spirits with those ears?”
It is Ryuk, this time, that prickles under the weight of the insult. Viktoria, as always, has fashioned herself as the brains of their expeditions, always pointing out their next destination. He cannot blame her; of the quad, they all know she is the weakest, but her passion for their good fate flares stronger than his own. Viktoria, always the one hungering for something more. A desire for a bite of the heavens whence they came. 
To each their own, they suppose. 
“I have provided all of us with good information, have I not? Saved our good health, if I remember correctly,  more times than I desire to count.” Their sharp glare meets the other’s steel-bit fire, and she huffs. 
“And what are your qualms of this plan? Do you plan to serve this diseased Tridium for our eternity?”
Besides him, the souls begin to howl. Cry out, they will hunt and kill you, they have weaponry, blessed by the something dark and holy, and yet, another faction beckons, they are no match for the Apocalypse, they are not as strong as you believe —
“What is it?”
They snap out of their trance. In the centuries they have known each other, they have all learned each other’s behaviors like their own kin. Like the flicker in Nerissa’s jaw when she lusts for blood, the fondness glimmering in Dmitri’s eye when he spies a mortal he desires. They’ve all seen the half-slack stupor Ryuk undergoes when he channels the voices of the dead, most of all Viktoria, but he brushes her away, throat cleared with a rumble. 
“Nothing. They caution us against it.”
The sinew in their neck tenses. “And there is nothing else. We all know that some mortals are still gifted. They hold the power to our demise as much as we for theirs.” 
Viktoria scoffs. It is clear, in her stance, from her gaze, that she does not believe he is giving her the entire truth. “We will need more than that if we are to carry through with it; perhaps, they can tell us the size of their armory, or perhaps how it could be of use to us...“ Eyes averted, she begins to pace a small distance. They can already see the cogs turn in their brain, assembling their scheme for an upset of power across the lands. 
“And who has agreed to carry through with this design? Dmitri?” 
They look up. Viktoria, who’d been addressed; Dmitri, who’d believed they'd been summoned; Nerissa, who’d smelled the whiff of conflict. The lines, there are always the lines. Viktoria with Dmitri, himself with Nerissa. Left unsaid, but voice did not negate the fact that the line is a truth, hanging amongst them like an errant thread, impossible to sever even with the sharpest of blades. “You don’t believe we can do it?” 
They stare, unflinching against her black gaze, because for all that they lack with their deadened atrophy and rot, they fill themselves with the faith that there will always be more souls to take. They do not prescribe themselves to a greater fate other than the one that has been given to them, from God, their Creator. What use do they have of power, when they had all that they required in the present? 
“If we take this job, do this favor for this mortal, we will secure an ear in the ranks — a cousin of a member of the Round Table, and we can use leverage, to raise our status, to find these heavenly instruments to mine for crystallis —” 
“Of which he has none, Viktoria, in case you have forgotten!” 
From the corner of their eye, they see Dmitri flinch, Nerissa cease her movements to sharpen her blade. They are always like this, vying for a position that neither of them particularly desire, but ages have passed since they’ve come to terms with their uncertain fate. They’d been dropped amongst mortals and divinity alike, across barren lands and built cities, alone in their status as creatures of God, literal in every sense of the word. He had torn them, the four of them, from His own celestial body, had He not? 
They are quiet again. 
Mere mortals would have raged, now Ryuk knows this. It is the security of more that protects (or rather, exposes) the others to wars, seething with blood and blades, to the black certainty of hatred that infected the strength of their ranks, susceptible and raw. Their net, of course, had perished along with the annihilated remains of God’s and Lucifer’s immortal bodies. They had nobody, and would have nobody else, until the end of time. 
Perhaps they all realize this, sheepish expressions flitting across their eyes, the sunken hollows of their cheeks. Jagged as they are in countenance and disposition, Ryuk has realized they have gone too far in their words. His head hangs an inch lower, shoulders hunched in sour defeat. It is all that they need for the mood to lift. Viktoria nods, and they mount their horses, in implicit agreement that they would defer the conversation for another time. 
They scan the fields. It is still sunken, stinking of something burnt yet still living, sodden with the foul scent of mortal dirt. The gales have only reinforced their vigor, screeching through the vast space, washing away their bitter anguish — but the winds are just that, the earlier parallel lost, if only because they had three others by their side. They have survived the fire, and they will survive, untouched, riding their noble steeds into the winds, not separate, but as one.
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the-l-spacer · 4 years
Safe (Dragon x Defiant hurt/comfort)
ao3 SB
Summary: Based on the fic dialogue prompt "Please just… just hold me"
Takes place a little before Teneral e.3 - Preoccupied with helping Dracheheim, Dragon hasn't had much time to process what had happened to her during Gold Morning. Some hours spent alone changes that, and Colin helps her to deal with the aftermath.
Note: This is my first fanfic for Worm/Parahumans so! Please b nice! Also, I am. Very sorry in advance if this reads as OOC for either Dragon or Defiant, and I'm sorry if I got any canon details wrong oops-
All that said, enjoy some Dragon/Defiant fluff n angst! I heard this fandom isn't big on shipping but hey hope u like it anyways 👉👈
Dragon was fine.
All fine. Tip-top shape. Of perfectly sound body (which went without saying) and mind. She totally wasn’t having one of those bad days, and she definitely wasn’t letting her mind wander to a dark place. To memories of him. After all, there were countless other matters to worry over, weren’t there?
Or at least, that was what she tried to tell herself.
And she wasn’t wrong, at least not completely. In the wake of Scion’s attack, the damage done and the many needs of the few survivors had consumed her every hour. Already, the remaining Capes were being run ragged fighting for resources and dealing with conflicts among their people, simply trying to stay afloat long enough to rebuild. As one of the few capes that required little to no rest, her and Defiant had found themselves scrambling from place to place, trying to help wherever they could.
Did the people in this settlement have enough food? Did this family have enough firewood to last the winter? Would that group of children even live to see their teenage years?
After all was said and done, Dragon never had more than a few minutes of time to herself in a day, and she liked it that way.
Now she sat, in the cabin her and Defiant built together overlooking the village of Dracheheim. Defiant was out repairing their craft, and insisted that she stay inside and rest, the first time she had an hour or more to herself in months.
She had put on some stupid comedy on TV to distract herself, but as she curled up on the couch, she felt her mind wander to places against her will, places she tried so so hard not to go. For with every thought consumed with ensuring humanity’s survival, she didn’t have to think about the time she had spent at his mercy.
At Teacher’s mercy.
She felt a little growl of frustration leave her. Dragon was more than well aware of that old mind trick; if one was told not to think of a pink elephant, one would do just that, instinctively. So she shook her head, once, twice, tred to pay attention to the movie instead of dwelling on events that had happened months ago.
But it was hard. Just as she would begin to lose herself in a plot thread, something small would come up. This time, it was the personality of one of the mentor characters that made her side-slip. His smug mannerisms, his skeeviness rammed images to her mind’s forefront Memories of hands reaching and digging into her brain. Icy fingers forcing neural pathways in directions that just felt wrong. Teacher violating her, leaving her completely helpless under him. Powerless.
When she felt a hand settle on her shoulder, she jerked away, out of the ball she had unconsciously curled into, caught herself on the couch’s edge with her arm.
“Shit!” She swore, craning her head to fix a scowl at the culprit. “Colin, don’t creep up on me like that!”
“Didn’t mean to, sorry.” Like her, Colin was out of his power armour, clad in a heavy jumper and sweatpants to ward off Dracheheim’s chill. “You alright?”
“I’m— wait, let me turn this thing down. I feel ridiculous talking to you with Legally Blonde on— I’m fine.”
“Never watched it,” he remarked, settling on the couch. “But I don’t care about the movie, I’m worried about you.”
Always to the point. It’s one of the things she loved about Colin.
“I know you’ve been telling me you’re ‘fine’, but I somehow find that hard to believe. You’re never caught off your guard like this. Usually, you can sense me coming even when I’m trying to be quiet.” He had positioned himself carefully, close to her, but not so close they were touching, and for that she was grateful.
“Well, I—”
Before she could play her off as nothing more than a faux pas, deflect playfully like she was planning to do, Colin cut her off.
“Something’s bothering you.”
Not phrased as a question, but a statement of fact. For all her boyfriend bemoaned his inability to ‘people’, he was surprisingly perceptive when it came to her. Drat.
“It’s nothing major. And really,” she emphasised, “I’m fine.”
Colin raised an eyebrow.
“... Lately, I haven’t had the time to be anything other than.”
A nod of understanding. “I get that. This has to be, what, the first time you’ve had more than fifteen minutes to yourself in God knows how long.”
“Exactly.” Dragon sighed. “The curse that comes with being a workaholic; I never know what to do with myself when I’m forced to take a break, so… unpleasant thoughts start working their way in.”
Colin stayed silent, waiting for her to continue. Nothing else for it, then. She drew her legs up on the couch, rested her chin on her knees. Softly, she asked the question that had been weighing silently on her ever since Gold Morning, “Colin, do you think it’s possible? To undo what Teacher did to me?”
He frowned, a crease forming on half of his forehead that still remained organic. “You know I’ve b- I’m still trying. In every spare moment that I’ve had--”
“-- not a lot, I know, we’ve both been occupied--”
“--I’ve been staring at your code, making sense of it. I think it is possible, but progress will be… slow. I’m sorry.”
There were moments when she didn’t regret building herself a body as close to a real human as possible, a body that allowed her to touch, feel, taste, and even experience pain. The feather-light touch of snowflakes settling in her hair was some such moments, along with the comforting press of the weighted blanket (that she had gotten Colin as a birthday gift) against her body. But regret was precisely what came at her boyfriend’s statement, as she experienced the thoroughly unpleasant feeling of her stomach dropping, a chill running up her spine.
“I understand.” That was all she could manage, numbly, before falling silent.
Colin got up abruptly, and the empty spot on the couch somehow made things worse.
“No, no. Listen to me. I will figure it out. If it means not eating or sleeping, that can be managed. You know I can optimise my body further. I’ll do everything it takes to free you.”
He was getting worked up, pacing on the carpet before her, but somehow, his words failed to reassure.
“And if you can’t wait that long, I’ll recruit people. Tinkers. Scientists. I’ll keep your identity a secret of course, and with a team, there’ll be a chance of progressing faster, making more progress than I could on my own.”
“And if that fails, I’ll hunt Teacher down. No hole that motherfucker could hide in would be safe. I’ll force him to undo his own handiwork, and after, I’ll kill him.”
He stopped pacing, hands flexing as if to wring an imaginary Teacher’s neck. Upon seeing her expression, he deflated.
“I’m talking out of my ass. I’m sorry.”
“No, stop apologising to me. None of this was your fault.” She breathed in, out, regulating her artificial heartbeat, which had gone faster and faster since the start of his indignant tirade. “I just asked because I wanted to know, and I appreciate your honest answer. You seriously don’t need to modify yourself more than you already have on my behalf. You know you’re the only one I trust with my code, and you definitely don’t need to go on a crusade against Teacher just yet, what with the amnesty and all.”
The unspoken but hung in the air.
“But it’s hard,” she said, voice cracking on the last word. “I can’t have a spare moment to myself, can’t even watch a stupid movie without being reminded of him, of what he did to me. Even once you fix my code -- don’t give me that look because you will manage it, somehow-- I don’t think it’ll ever go away.”
She wrapped her arms around her knees, curled into herself.
Colin leaned over, hovering anxiously.
“What should I do, then?” He asked, helpless, “I’m guessing you don’t want me to leave and work on the problem.”
“No!” She blurted out, a tad more forcefully than she intended. Then, quieter, “No. Stay here, please. Just… just hold me.”
She felt him sit back on the couch beside her, felt hands encircle her. She flinched back, ever so slightly, the memory of Teacher’s cold touch almost overwhelming her. His fingers interlocked with hers, assuring her that he was here, that she was with him. She latched on, focused on the callused fingers of his left hand, the cool metal of his right.
Then, she let go. His arms folded around her, and she fell into his embrace.
This was what made having a ‘human’ body worth it; the way she fit against him, her head tucked under his chin, eyes shut tight, as she just breathed.
Teacher didn’t exist. No one else did, outside the both of them, wrapped together on a small couch in their small home.
She was safe.
Eventually, they had to break apart. Colin was still human, under all his cybernetic augmentations, and staying locked in one place for too long tended to end with sore muscles.
Instead, they cuddled. Dragon propped her legs up on her boyfriend’s lap, and leaned against his shoulder. In response, Colin reached out, pulling the weighted blanket over the both of them.
After a while, he spoke. “I won’t lie, I can’t promise you that everything will be okay. That I’ll reverse the damage to your code.”
She hugged his arm. “You’re brilliant. I’ll trust you to figure things out.”
She expected some smugness on his part, after that little boost to his ego. Instead, he sighed. “This isn’t false modesty. You know I don’t do that. I… I genuinely don’t know if I’ll succeed with this. Doesn’t mean I won’t try my damndest, though.”
Dragon hummed. “Good enough for me. And in the meantime… keep me grounded, on the bad days?”
“You already do that for me,” he said, a slight smile on his face. “It's about high time I returned the favour.
They kissed once, twice.
A knock on the door.
Colin growled in annoyance. “Don’t suppose it’s not urgent?”
The knock came again.
“We.. had better go get it. Someone probably needs our help.”
“Probably.” Colin agreed. “Until our next breather?”
She kissed him one last time.
“Until then.”
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