#I dunno what we're gonna do for it. i really don't wanna do anything
espy-heart · 9 months
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Day 10.
My mom liked eating ice cream more in winter, so i grew up associating it more with this time of year.
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royalarchivist · 4 months
Bad: I don't think we've reached an ending, but we've reached an end for some things. [...] There are no permanent endings, Chat. There are no permanent goodbyes. Only goodbyes for now. Only goodbyes for now, ok?
Bad talks a little bit to his chat about the Egg admins leaving, and the future.
[ Transcript ↓ ]
Bad: All right, Chat. I need to have a serious talk with you for a little bit. Here Pepito, I'm gonna keep riding! Sorry Pepito, I’ll keep riding. I'm gonna have a serious talk with the Chat since we got 12 minutes to kill.
But yes, Chat. Yes, some of the… Eggies are leaving, which I know is a really sad thing to see following such a fun and happy day of Murder Mystery, which was really fun. And I know– as far as I know right now, just, I'm aware that I was– I'm aware that Pepito— er, not- sorry, Pepito is behind me, see Pepito? He's right there.
As far as I know, Chat, right now I'm aware of Richas left, or will be leaving, Lullah will be leaving, and I believe Chayanne will be leaving. And… it's really heartbreaking. And it's hard to talk about, obviously, ‘cuz we made so many memories with them over the past year. So… I think, I don't know. Obviously like, there's things I wanna say, things I will say, things I won't say, you know… And I just… I dunno. Right now just gonna… filling you guys in. But uh, yeah, they will no longer be around. So… Yeah, it’s very sad, I’m very sad. But I think… I don't think– or at least I'd say I hope that it's not the end of any particular adventures for them going forward.
And I don't know, we'll see what the future holds for any particular thing. You feel me? Just like– just enjoy the memories today. Relish in the sadness chat. Embrace the sadness for a bit, and understand that like, I think tomorrow will be better, and just give the love and appreciation to the amazing people— give the love and appreciation, Chat, to the amazing people of the project who worked so hard and put their heart and soul into everything they did. All of the Eggy actors, all the builders, all the people who worked on everything. Each one of them. I think each one of the Eggs really put themselves into their characters.
Obviously, in particular, I was particularly close to Dapper, Pomme, and Richas, and I'm gonna miss them the most, obviously, Chat. I don't know personally, I don't know what my– I can't speak necessarily on what my future holds because… you know, in regards to anything ‘cuz I'm just kinda going through the emotions right now and just kind of feeling the emotions, you know?
[Groans] I dunno, Chat. I’m just feelin’ it, and sometimes it’s hard to put things into words. You know? When you’re feeling stuff. So… It's hard to play, uh… it's hard to play Minecraft with, um, with people for so long, Chat. You know, to spend so much time with people. And you guys were here for the ride, you were here for the journey. Don't be sad when a particular ride happens, Chat. Be happy you were able to ride it to begin with. Ok?
I think– I feel– I think personally, Chat, I feel very blessed to have been able to experience the– and do this stuff I've been able to, you know?
[Long silence]
Ah, we're almost there, we're almost there, Chat.
[Sighs, then reads a chat message] “Thank you for bringing us on this journey with you” I don't think—
One: I don't think the journey is over completely, right? I can't say with certainty Chat, what the future holds, right? And I don't know– I don't know what the future holds, Chat. I don't think– I don't think we've reached an ending, but we have– we’ve reached the end for some things, yes. And as for what it means– what I mean by “an ending,” I dunno. We'll see what happens, you know? I think the chapter as far as like— obviously, like… you know, when you graduate school for example, right? It is an ending of sorts. It's an ending of THAT experience, right? The experience that you had with those particular people in that particular place. It's not an ending to those people, or your interactions with those people. You feel me?
[Sighs] There's other things I want to say Chat, but… I’m doin’ my best to just keep myself reigned in a little bit. Guess I'm feeling a little- a lil’ emotional. Trying to reign in those emotions, you know? One day at a time. But make sure you're following, and stick around, because I have a feeling we'll have more fun stuff that you guys will not want to miss. Trust me. Trust me Chat, every day is gonna be an adventure.
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katesmemes · 7 months
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feel free to change any pronouns, etc. || may contain some nsfw!
"I don't think that blush is your shade."
"I'll probably just stay home."
"This is the first critical rager of the year."
"You know what your doctor said."
"You need socialization."
"Why don't you use my tanning bed?"
"You're in need, babe."
"I'm really sorry you got electrocuted."
"Are you hot for anyone?"
"[Name], [Name], [Name], [Name], [Name], [Name], [Name]!"
"I don't know who that is."
"He doesn't play sports; he's cerebral."
"This party is gonna be clutch!"
"These things will turn your feet into hamburger helper."
"It's not haunted, just abandoned. Desecrated."
"Well, I heard [Name(s)] do witchcraft over there."
"I've never seen anybody there."
"I think it's really peaceful and quiet."
"I talk to him sometimes."
"I brought this for you."
"It's kinda morbid when I wear it so I wanted you to have it."
"That's really weird, [Name]."
"I just don't think anyone should be forgotten."
"Y'know, I wasn't gonna say anything, they were such a mess, but you look amazing now!"
"Oh my God, [Name], bag your face!"
"How do you know my name?"
"So what exactly happened to her?"
"I can never ever talk about it, for personal and legal reasons, and i also pinky swore, but I guess I can tell you. I trust you."
"I'd be screwed up if I were her, too."
"Hi, sorry, how do we know each other?"
"You're being so dramatic."
"This is not what I expected from you; you have so much potential."
"Lets find somewhere for you to sit for a bit, yeah?"
"I hate parties like this; I don't even know why I came."
"Your hair feels like easter grass."
"You know it's not nice to lead people on."
"I wish I was with you."
"It's okay; everyone does it."
"You should probably get going."
"Did you smash the mirror in the bathroom?"
"Do you know what happens to people who act out?"
"How about an apology?"
"I feel like I may want to apologize for what happened last night."
"Well, I'm glad you're okay."
"Oh, is there pizza left?"
"I think I'm gonna skip the movie."
"I'm just really tired from work."
"Do you know how hard that is on the groin muscles?"
"It doesn't even hurt anymore."
"Do you like this song?"
"We're better off up here in case anyone comes home."
"I haven't said this many words in a row in forever."
"I hate to say it, but you're either crazy, or just goddamned inconsiderate!"
"You're kind of absurd, aren't you?"
"I really don't get your fixation with that one."
"There are plenty of halfway-dece guys who would date you."
"I wanna help you, I really do, but I dunno how."
"It's a waste of time to try and fix a boy; it's better to just accept a guy's flaws."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"What happened to your neck?"
"You don't want to hold my hand?"
"This whole place gives me the creeps, okay?"
"I thought that was a really cool thing to say."
"Don't feel bad about what we did!"
"You saved me."
"Is that a rad new trend or something?"
"I don't play with dolls anymore."
"I'm sure there's some explanation."
"You know I'm usually pretty cool about things, right?"
"I have a bad feeling about this."
"You have no idea how scary this is."
"I actually feel like something's wrong."
"People are so afraid of death because they dunno when it's gonna happen to them."
"I'm not afraid of death anymore."
"I don't wanna die a virgin."
"I want to do it with someone I truly love."
"You're so supportive."
"I love our conversations."
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude."
"How about I drive since you're not feeling so good?"
"Your boobs look great by the way."
"This is just too freaking much."
"It's your fault we're screwed."
"You act like you're happy for me, and you care about me, but you're not really happy for me."
"You couldn't let me have this one thing?"
"You knew I liked him and you went after him on purpose!"
"I swear, I would never do that to you!"
"Guys usually only want me for one thing."
"It just was never gonna work out between us."
"I don't have feelings for you like that."
"Do you know how uncool that is?!"
"Uh, you're not making any sense."
"Thank you for being nice to me when no one else was."
"You're the type of person who usually bullies me or looks right through me, but you didn't."
"You actually went out of your way to try to tell people I was part of your family."
"You really actually wanted me to be your sister..."
"You're a great person, [Name]."
"Listen, we're running out of time."
"Make love to me."
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HI RAVEN!!!! 🤔 kinda a random thought not really but would you consider ace and sebek to be like? RIVALS? or to have a strong dislike towards eachother compared to other first years/students? 🤔🤔 haven’t read much sebek stuff or book 7 so maybe it’s just the way I interpret things……..
🤔🤔 for me at least I feel like ace brings up sebek especially a handful of times? and to bash on him too or at least poke fun at him. can’t think of a lot off the top of my head but in ace’s birthday jacket vignette he picks at sebek specifically when going thru dorm choices. WHICH LIKE……. I DUNNO ITS GIVING VERY “I BEEF W HIM” VIBES. I figured it could just be because he’s a fellow first year but ?? jack or epel don’t get mentioned when he was talking about their dorms so i’m not sure 🤔
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👁️👁️ but I wanna hear your take on it!!! are ace and sebek ACTUALLY beefing or was it all just a headcanon??? 😭😭 hopefully I didn’t yap too much. btw
Sorry for the lack of screenshots; I don’t own all the relevant cards in EN and didn’t want to include screenshots sporadically 💦
But!! I did my best to cite where I’m pulling my information from (main story, vignettes, etc.) and directly quote from the official localization. Hope that’s okay!
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I mean… Sebek is pretty much always pissing off his peers because of the condescending way he talks to them. It’s no wonder why he rubs people the wrong way. As for Ace, he has indicated that he finds Sebek to be a pain in the ass. I don’t know if I would personally call it “beefing” though?? I see it more as Ace just wants Sebek to shut up and chill out (though Sebek would definitely shout at Ace and fight him) 😂
Point is, I don’t see Sebek having a particular disdain for Ace (he is abrasive toward everyone), but I do see Ace having a particular dislike for Sebek. They aren’t “rivals” in the same way that Ace and Deuce are, as Ace and Sebek don’t really compete for anything or get into many instances of bickering—at least not from what we see. That might just be a product of Sebek being formally introduced later than the other first years, but even counting vignettes and event interactions, it’s still pretty one-sided; often we see Ace commenting on Sebek but not the other way around.
According to Ace in 7-11, he knows Sebek because they’re in the same Magic Analysis/Enigmics (EN writes this class as both of these so it can get confusing) elective. He also implies (in 7-34) sharing other electives with Sebek. This means Ace has regular direct experience with Sebek compared to the other first years (except maybe Deuce?)… ie more opporunities to be annoyed by Sebek’s arrogant loner attitude.
Ace reports (again, in 7-34) that “[Sebek] insults people like, all the time. He even says stuff right to my face when we're in the same group, like, 'Don't you dare slow me down, human!' And he always finds some way to make every subject about Malleus, then drones on and on about how great he is." In regards to those intense feelings about Malleus, Ace says "[Sebek] takes it to a whole other level [...] I can see why people would idolize [Malleus]. But, like, you don't have to make it your entire personality, y'know?" Ace repeats these ideas in his Birthday Boy vignettes. “[Sebek]’s always yelling something or other about his precious Malleus. Oh yeah, and he talks down to us for being human. Dude's a total fae fanboy.”
In Sebek's School Uniform vignette, Sebek yells at Ace for running in the halls. Ace responds by calling him an "uptight nag" whose yelling will disturb other students. Ace also points out how pathetic Sebek comes across as after witnessing him trip over himself to apologize to Malleus. “Dude, nothing you say's gonna impress anyone after that sorry sight.” When Ace tries to leave the scene to make it to class, Sebek shouts at him. “You wait just a minute! I'm not finished! COME BACK HERE!” It should be noted that Ace is someone who always tries to find shortcuts or ways to get out of work whereas Sebek is strict and diligent. Their mindsets and values naturally clash.
This, I think, is a very good summary of most people's problems with Sebek. Ace is just saying what's on everyone's mind--and this makes sense for Ace's character, as he has consistently been the type of guy to call others out. He also encourages Yuu to do the same (in his Birthday Boy vignettes). This detail at least implies Ace finds it amusing on occasion to tease Sebek for his shortcomings.
We see Sebek’s behavior in class for ourselves in his Dorm Uniform vignettes. Ace actually appears in them too, remarking that Sebek is a “loudmouth”. This is something he echoes in his Birthday Boy vignettes; “Loudmouth doesn't even begin to describe him.” When Sebek starts arguing with his group members (some mobs) and refusing to work with them while simultaneously extolling Malleus, Ace says “Here we go again with Sebek and his ‘liege’… Man, imagine being grouped with that guy who […] All he had to do was play nice and let [the mob students] help. He CHOSE to make things harder. How does that guy even function in society?” Side note: In Ace’s Suitor Suit vignettes, he calls Sebek the “number-one worst contender” for a groom. Ace clearly thinks Sebek is unfriendly and annoying in areas extending beyond academics or school life. This is, of course, in addition to Ace finding his loud voice grating.
Later in the same vignettes, Ace and Deuce are forced to sit close to Sebek in the crowded cafeteria. Sebek insists to Lilia that his classes are going well, to which Ace starts snickering and reveals the truth: “Dude... No problems whatsoever? You've got nothing BUT problems, bro! Haha!” Deuce pitches in: “He got into a loud argument with some classmates during our defensive magic lesson. He called his groupmates ‘burdens’ and insisted on doing their entire project by himself.” Ace then says Sebek must think highly of himself and gets annoyed when his words are taken literally. “Do you not understand sarcasm either?” He tells Sebek to fix his attitude, but it doesn’t seem to work. Ace sighs and says he’s just wasting his breath on this.
Sebek’s Dorm Uniform vignettes illustrate Sebek’s general struggles to get along with all of his classmates, not just Ace or Ace specifically. Deuce notably also calls Sebek out for causing trouble for his peers, even stating “[…] as an aspiring honor student, I can't condone your behavior. Having confidence is fine and all, but you shouldn't make things harder for others. That's just being obnoxious.” Sebek pisses off the other first years in 7-34 too, calling them “shallow” and making a terrible first impression. Ace, who is also present, says that no one wants to be chummy with him anyway—not if he’s going to act like that.
In conclusion, Ace has explained his rationale for disliking Sebek many times over. Rather than saying Ace has a problem with Sebek, I think it would be more accurate to say that Ace has a problem with Sebek and is simply relaying the opinions that everyone else holds directly to Sebek’s face. (He gets annoyed that Sebek takes none of it to heart though.) As for the other party, Sebek chides Ace no differently than he would anyone else stepping out of line, not appreciating Malleus, or… just existing as a human 💀 He doesn’t seem to have issues with Ace other than his lax attitude (which could also apply to many other characters such as Leona).
In my opinion, Ace and Sebek are not rivals (at least not major ones), nor do they have specific beef with each other outside of one-off instances or whenever Ace is in the mood to lay down The Truth and embarrass Sebek. I see Ace and Deuce as your classic rivals and Sebek as like… a villain of the week who cameos here and there after his first appearance to cause shenanigans.
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rocksibblingsau · 4 months
Love love love ur ideas!!!!
Do you have any more headcanons for Mount Rageon Branch or Adopted by Bergens Branch?
In Mount Rageon Branch, Velvet and Veneer are still a lil self absorbed and looking for the easy way out of things. They don't wanna do any hard work, meanwhile Branch is all about hard work and doing things for yourself.
Branch sees them fighting over wanting fame and it reminds him of his brothers, so he makes it his goal to help them realize their dreams AND remain close. Since they'd be training from childhood, they'd have a better shot at learning how to sing thanks to Branch.
I can't decide if they actually do end up good singers but if they do, Branch is their manager and there would be a moment where post BroZone reunion they see Branch managing and have JD flashbacks. Branch doesn't get bad like John did about controlling their image, but the sight of Branch taking charge and giving orders for show prep really reminds them of a less than happy time of their lives.
Branch: Alright guys, we're gonna open with 'Fame' and close with 'Watch Me Work'. No, wait. Open with 'Sweet Dreams' and close with 'Fame'. Now go out there and make Mount Rageous history! Bruce: Clay I hope you're also an EMT because I think I'm having a heart attack. Clay: I'm with you bro, this is disturbing to watch.
If they don't go the singing route, Branch helps them discover SOME sort of skill they can make it big with.
They don't call him 'Branch'. Velvet decided his name had to match theirs so they call him 'Vine'. They think it's a funny name since he's always on them 'like a vine'. Branch doesn't really care what they call him as long as they stop rubbing his hair trying to suck out his "singing magic".
When Velvet and Veneer found out about Bergens, her solution was "Just stay with us at all times. I'll hold onto you like the last designer handbag at a flash sale."
If they did encounter a Bergen, Velvet would hit them in the head with her purse that weighs 10 tons.
In Bergen Branch AU, Gristle is ironically the excitable kid while Branch can barely muster any enthusiasm for anything. Some people joke that it's like Gristle's a troll at heart and Branch a Bergen. Gristle doesn't go as apathetic and listless as he does in canon since I believe the catalyst was Gristle Sr telling him nothing would ever make him happy. Since in this AU he was given Branch, he was told that Branch would make him happy, so he still has hope.
When they're older, Branch is a sort of sarcastic adviser to Gristle. Everyone's kind of figured out that even if you can get one over on Gristle, the troll on his shoulder won't be fooled and he does NOT show mercy. Gristle also takes his opinion in pretty high regard about pretty much anything.
Branch also gets pretty comfortable with his concept of mortality and he makes jokes about being eaten by Bergens constantly.
Gristle: I got another letter asking if they can buy and eat you. Branch: At this rate I'd be tempted to tell you accept all of them and watch their faces fall when they realize fifty other Bergens also get a piece. Gristle: Branch. Branch: A peanut sized serving of grey troll. Gristle: Branch. Branch: That'd probably be the one thing that could make a Bergen more miserable than you already are, if that's possible. Gristle: Branch. I'm not selling you to get eaten by fifty different Bergens. Branch: You'd be doing me a mercy and ending my suffering.
Gristle: Branch I need you to help me with the audit. Branch: *lays on his palm* Eat me. Gristle: Later. For now you have to help me. Branch: F***. Branch: Is this how you derive joy? Making trolls do your paperwork? You're the only Bergen in the world who would make me do taxes instead of eating me. Gristle: You complain too much and it ruins my appetite. Branch: Has any troll ever not complained? Do you think on Trollstice we were all jumping for joy? 'Yippie! Death!' Gristle: I dunno, try it next time and we'll see if it works.
This trait scares and unnerves other trolls. Poppy asks him to stop once they befriend Bergens because she's worried they'll take offense and "They're our friends now, not troll-eating monsters. That's in the past."
"I'd like it to be in the present so I don't have to listen to another musical number."
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half-oz-eddie · 7 months
Attached, like that ❤️‍🩹 internalized homophobia tw
"...I think I'm getting too attached to you." Billy said randomly, eating the soft pretzel Steve brought him on their lunch breaks.
"What? Whaddya mean?" Steve wondered, passing the shared drink between them.
"We spend a lot of time together lately. Now, whenever I don't see you, I'm..." He fought to hold back, or tried to, but if he couldn't talk to Steve, he felt like he couldn't talk to anyone. "I get pissed when I don't get to see you. Not pissed at you, just—pisses me off. I dunno."
"I think that's normal." Steve reassured.
"I don't think it is."
"It is." Steve confirmed again. "I get pretty bummed when we can't hang out too. Only difference is...everything pisses you off. So you show anger for all your emotions."
Billy tusked, narrowing his eyes at Steve. "Fuck you."
"Lighten up." Steve playfully nudged. "I'm not givin' you shit about it. Just saying."
"Okay so, what, it's normal to be upset when we don't see each other?"
"I think so." Steve nodded. "We're friends."
"Do you get upset when you can't see Robin? Or those dweebs?"
"Hm...Now that I think about it..." He shook his head, a chuckle escaping him. "No. It doesn't bother me at all."
"So then we're too attached to each other." Billy deduced. "You know this is pussy shit, right? To be attached to another guy?"
"So what if it is?" Steve shrugged. "You mean a lot to me, Billy. We've been getting along so much better than I could've imagined."
"I can't be...that way." Billy stared off, a tense, pained look on his face. "I can't...feel these things for you. It's not natural."
"If it wasn't natural, why do we feel like this?"
"I don't have all the fuckin answers, Harrington." Billy snapped. "It...feels like I did something wrong. I did something to make me like this."
Steve turned to Billy, hoping for clarity. "Billy...do you like me?"
Billy growled as he sprang up from the spot he sat with Steve, turning his back to him. "Yeah. I fuckin like you, alright? I couldn't help it. Couldn't control my feelings. Gonna fuck off and never talk to me again, now?"
"No. I think...I like you too. I didn't think I was...that way either. But I feel the same way I felt about Nancy about you. I didn't choose this. It just happened."
Billy turned his attention back to Steve. "We gotta make it stop, Harrington. We gotta make this shit go away so we can still hang out without...becoming..." He let out a defeated sigh. "Neil would kill me."
Steve stood, slowly grabbing Billy's hand.
Billy's heart skipped a beat when their fingers touched. He pulled away and turned his back to Steve once more. "We can't do this."
"Do you wanna do this?"
Billy shrugged.
Steve stared at Billy's tense back and scrunched up shoulders, overhearing a soft sniffle.
He peeked over at Billy's face, spotting the tears when Billy pointedly turned away.
Steve placed comforting hands on Billy's shoulders prompting him to loosen up. "Look at me. C'mon." He coaxed. "We stayed up all night on prom night, talking shit and drinking. We've seriously bonded, man. You know you can tell me anything."
"I wish I didn't tell you this." Billy admitted. "Now I feel like I lost my friend."
Steve slowly spun Billy around. "No matter what happens, you're always gonna be my friend, alright? We can pretend this conversation didn't happen if you want to."
"Don't you want to?" Billy questioned. "You don't wanna be...this either, right?"
"I don't really mind. I've already come to terms with this awhile ago. But if it's too hard for you, I don't mind that either. As long as we can still hang out."
Billy intertwined his pinky with Steve's. "I can't just be your friend. The feelings aren't gonna disappear. They're too strong."
Steve gently grasped Billy's chin. Billy's heart began to race with excitement and fear. He worriedly glanced around, and Steve turned his head back towards him. "We're alone. No one's ever disturbed us in the 2 months we've been hanging out in this shed."
Billy sighed. "I fuckin' know that, but it doesn't mean I'm not scared."
"Let's take this one step at a time, then. How about a kiss—"
"No." Billy immediately refused. "If I kiss you, I'm never gonna be able to stop thinking about you. Then I'll really be in deep."
Steve laughed. "I never took you for a worrier, Billy."
"Yeah, well, I never took me for a lot of things...but here we are."
"Listen, Billy. It's our life. We can do whatever we want, and we don't have to tell anyone anything about how we feel or...what we are. We can just...be two pals in public, and we can be who we really are in the privacy of my house."
Billy liked the idea of being able to be his true self with Steve. He needed to shed away some of the expectations from his father and sort his shit out a bit, but he knew one thing for certain: He wanted Steve.
"So you like me, huh? You really like me?"
Steve nodded with certainty. "Yeah. I really do."
"So you like...wanna fuck me and stuff?" Billy asked teasingly, sticking his tongue out at Steve.
Steve turned red at the thought. "I—" He laughed. "Maybe—how about...a kiss first?"
Billy finally agreed, his lips slowly meeting Steve's. They were soft and welcoming, and tasted like pepsi and bananas. Weird combination, sure, but it was Steve's lips he kissed, and that was the best part of all.
"I uh...I have to get back to work." Steve spoke softly, their lips still ghosting one another's.
"Me too. But I'll see you later, right?"
Steve nodded. "I can't wait."
Billy stole one more kiss and watched as Steve hurried out of the shed.
They hadn't discussed the nature of their relationship just yet, but Billy wanted to take one step at a time. Each step with Steve was another step toward Billy becoming his own person.
He realized...it was okay to be...like that with Steve. It was better than being like Neil.
Billy went back to his lifeguard chair, smiling to himself, thinking about the next time he'd kiss Steve's lips.
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Hey Ikora
Link to Ao3 if you prefer to read it there
Hey Ikora,
Three-Eyes says hi. We're going on a scavenger hunt for weird Darkness bullshit and Vanguard's not invited. Back in like a week. Don't freak out.
No salutation entered, “VIP #1315”
Hey Ikora,
Apparently we've been workin for you the whole time and she only just told me. My bad. I didn't ask. Anyway, she's left a package for you. Says to send a field agent to come get it. Coordinates attached. Don't send Aunor. We don't like her.
Transmat firing, D
Hey Ikora,
You're gonna love this. Did you know there was a small Shadow Legion outpost buried in one of the rings of Saturn? We didn't neither. Fixed that for ya. Might wanna send someone to come clean it up though. We made a mess.
Have fun! Nony Mouse
Hey Ikora,
I'm typing this out exactly as she's sayin' it cuz I dunno what in the hell it means:
There is a lay line disturbance which is generating concretions of Darkness energy in the sediment which in turn are creating environmental hazards on the surface of Ganymede.
I think she wants you to send some Guardians to come and shoot it.
Toodles! Deeznutz
Hey Ikora,
You've known Moondust for longer than me. If someone wanted to get her something special that'd make her super happy, you got any suggestions? I said something hilarious and she did not agree with how funny it was. She's real pissed at me and I do love making her mad, but not this mad, ya know? Help a fella out?
Transmat firing, D
Hey Ikora,
Heard some of your spies went places they shouldn't of and now there's a mess in the Annex. You could'a just asked. Get Aunor to clean it up with a toothbrush or something and we'll call it even.
Later, N. O. Buddy
Hey Ikora,
Eris says: The sedge is withered from the lake and no birds sing. Hope you know what that means cuz I sure as hell don't.
Ciao, Noman
Hey Ikora,
Want anything from Neomuna while we're out here? Nimbus says hi. Osiris said something too but I stopped listening after he started using words like "weft" and "transmutation." Also Three-Eyes don't hate me no more. Thanks for the help.
Catch you soon, D
Hey Ikora,
Was quarantining the Annex really necessary? I already got past all those locks and shit your people put up but I need to run a business here. I left your Biohazard, Restricted Access, and No Entry signs in a pile under the stairs.
Transmat firing, 1315 in da house
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floofiestboy · 5 months
Conan Puzzle Voice Line Translations
The Conan Puzzle Match-3 gacha game has a number of voiced lines associated with its character cards. Most of these lines are anime lines or same-y game-related phrases, but there were a handful I thought were fun out of context too. I've translated them here.
[Best Friends Since Childhood] Morofushi Hiromitsu & Furuya Rei
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Special Voice 1
Hiro: Woah, Zero! You sure know your way around a knife now!
Furuya: It's all thanks to you, Hiro- ow!
Hiro: That's no good. You need to curl your left hand like a cat's paw when you're cutting. You'll struggle if you ever work part-time at a café or anything if you don't fix that.
Furuya: Don't worry. I'll never work part-time at a café.
Hiro: Huh? But you might need to for an undercover assignment or-
Furuya: (stubborn, sing-songy) I definitely won't ever work at a café!
[T/N: "Curling your left hand like a cat's paw" is a common Japanese saying for how to hold your non-dominant hand when cutting vegetables.]
Special Voice 2
Furuya: Hiro! Where are you going?
Hiro: Matsuda asked me to go shopping.
Furuya: Shopping?
Hiro: He asked for a DVD called Steamy XXX Hot Springs Vacation. He said the clerk would give it to me if I told them the name. I wonder if it's a travel documentary?
Furuya: M-Matsuda, that bastard...
[A Mission They Can't Escape] Matsuda Jinpei & Furuya Rei
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Special Voice 1
Furuya: Matsuda! Fix my alarm clock, would you?
Matsuda: Why?
Furuya: It rings an entire thirty minutes later than I set it to. That means I'm late waking you all up as well...
Matsuda: Isn't that a good thing? It means we can sleep in thirty minutes longer.
Furuya: Matsuda... don't tell me you were the one to break my clock...
Matsuda: *innocent whistling*
Special Voice 2
Matsuda: Zero! You call Morofushi "Hiro", yeah?
Furuya: Yes. We're childhood friends, after all.
Matsuda: Gimme a nickname too. Something cool like "Hiro" or "Zero".
Furuya: Hm, I wonder... what about "Ero"?
Matsuda: E-Ero?
Furuya: Don't you like it? It rhymes with Hiro and Zero too.
Matsuda: Please just stick with Matsuda.
[T/N: In case you're unaware, "ero" means perverted in Japanese.]
[Aiming To Become a Police Officer] Date Wataru & Furuya Rei
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Special Voice 1
Furuya: Leader, I'm sure you know this already, but don't tell anyone I'm in Public Safety.
Date: Yeah. I'm telling anyone who asks that I dunno what you're doing or where.
Furuya: Thank you, leader. I'm currently infiltrating an extremely dangerous organization, after all.
Date: But still, drop me a line sometime, yeah? Only seeing you when we pay our respects to graves is kinda, y'know.
Furuya: Understood. Now then, I'll be seeing you next when we go pay our respects next year.
Date: Hey hey hey.
Special Voice 2
Furuya: Everyone was so shocked to learn you have a girlfriend.
Date: This again? You guys are way too shocked about this!
Furuya: Well, I thought it wouldn't be strange if you had a girlfriend.
Date: No, I'm pretty sure you were really shocked too.
[Childhood Friends Who Know Each Other Inside And Out] Matsuda Jinpei & Hagiwara Kenji
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Special Voice 1
Hagiwara: Jinpei-chan!
Matsuda: What's up, Hagi?
Hagiwara: I'm going out on a blind group date again, but we don't have enough guys... lemme count on you again!
Matsuda: Don't wanna. You'll just take all the girls for yourself even if I go.
Hagiwara: I see... I guess I won't be showing you this video of my sister waking up in bed then...
Matsuda: That group date. Where, what date, and what time might it be? Kenji-kun.
Special Video 2
Hagiwara: Woaaaah, Jinpei-chan. You've sure got a lot disassembled here.
Matsuda: Hell yeah. It's super fun.
Hagiwara: It looks like a car, but... what are you planning to do to it?
Matsuda: I'm gonna give it gull-wing doors like a plane. Since he was going on about the Mitsubishi A6M Zero fighter jet and all.
Hagiwara: W-Wait, this car- don't tell me-
Matsuda: It's our demon instructor's RX-7!
[T/N: Gull-wing doors are doors that are hinged at the roof rather than the side (per Wikipedia)]
[A Dramatic Escape By The Skin Of Their Teeth] Hattori Heiji & Edogawa Conan
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Special Voice 1
Hattori: This puzzle game sure is fun!
Conan: So, Hattori? What did you actually come here to do?
Hattori: Like I said, ta visit ya!
Conan: Huh? Just for that for real?
Hattori: Why not, eh? It's us!
Special Voice 2
Hattori: I gotchu now, Kudo!
Conan: Not so fast, Hattori.
Hattori: Well played... I'd expect no less from the Great Detective of the East!
Conan: But well, we're playing a puzzle game, not having a deductive battle...
[Executing a Top-Secret Mission] Kazami Yuuya & Furuya Rei
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Special Voice 1
Furuya: Shall we go rest somewhere after this?
Kazami: Thank you for your consideration.
Furuya: Come now. We're going.
Kazami: Yes, sir!
Special Voice 2
Kazami: Thank you for your hard work. You were perfect again today, Furuya-san.
Furuya: Kazami. You did well.
Kazami: T-Thank you very much.
[The Santa Freeloading At the Kudo Mansion] Okiya Subaru
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Special Voice 1
Okiya: Huh? You think I'm overexcited? I don't believe so. Though I'm certainly looking forward to Christmas.
[Merry Christmas!!] Edogawa Conan & Okiya Subaru
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Special Voice 1
Okiya: So you're a reindeer? How nice.
Conan: I don't have a red nose though...
Special Voice 2
Conan: You made that cake, Subaru-san?
Okiya: It's Christmas, after all. I couldn't miss the opportunity.
Conan: You're surprisingly into this.
Akai Shuuichi (Various)
Voice Line
Akai: There's times when one can't speak the truth in order to protect someone. But if possible, I'd prefer not to lie to you.
Voice Line
Akai: I'd like to understand you more than anyone else, right by your side. So I'd like you to be sincere to your feelings in front of me as well.
Morofushi Hiromitsu (Various)
Voice Line
Hiro: It's important not to get too heated. Else, you might lose sight of what's truly precious to you.
Furuya Rei (Various)
Voice Line
Furuya: I feel quite the allure from you. It's normal to feel drawn to the strong, no?
Voice Line
Furuya: I trust you. So don't do anything to betray that trust, won't you?
Voice Line
Furuya: It's fine to throw yourself into solving puzzles, but I'd like you to pay some attention to me as well.
Voice Line
Furuya: Lies are sometimes necessary. Like lies you tell yourself in order to surpass your own limits.
Voice Line
Furuya: There's times when one must carry something through to the end, even if it means sacrifice.
Voice Line
Furuya: There's times when hatred can become one's strength. Though I can't say whether that's right.
Voice Line
Furuya: Forgoing sleep and food to throw yourself into something… there's times in this world when that's necessary.
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archangeldyke-all · 10 months
friends with benefiets sev , where she wants more but reader don't, but idk maybe comes possessive sev (jealous) and they talk and baby's have pretty relationship 🥹🫶🏻
this is great anon ty!
men and minors dni
you and sevika started hooking up a few months ago. you've been friends forever, and one night you were both drunk and complaining about how hard the dating scene is to eachother, and... one thing led to another.
so now, two or three times a week, sevika will come over to yours, or you'll go over to her's, and you'll fuck, and then you'll maybe eat together before leaving.
and does your heart break a bit every time you leave her place? sure. but sevika's a player, and dating's not her thing. you'd rather have her as a friend (and as a fuckbuddy) than as nothing at all.
and sevika never says anything so... you guys don't talk about it.
you're getting ready for bed one night when your phone buzzes, a girl you'd hooked up with a few times about a year ago texting you. you opened the thread.
"back in town for the weekend if u wanna meet up?" you grin.
you like her. the two of you had a really good thing going for about a month before her job suddenly moved her across the country. it'd be nice to see her.
so you agree.
you guys meet up at your favorite diner, catching up and flirting for a few hours.
it all goes great until sevika walks into the diner. she sees you and your sorta ex, and she scowls. you blink.
"'s that sevika?" your ex asks. you nod. "she looks pissed." she says. you nod again.
"she always looks that way." you say.
you don't think much of it until sevika's storming over to your table.
"sevika, hey." you say, looking up at her. she grunts at you.
"whose this?" she asks. you shrug.
"old friend." you say.
"yeah?" she spits out. you blink.
"what is your problem?" you ask. sevika huffs and storms out of the diner. across the table, your sorta ex laughs.
"i should probably go. looks like i'm causing problems for you." you blink at her in confusion, but she just laughs and pats your shoulder as she leaves the table. "you'll figure it out." she says.
you're left alone at the table for two minutes before you get your shit together and throw some cash on the table, then run outside.
sevika's smoking a cigarette outside the diner, leaning against the wall. she rolls eyes at the sight of you.
"i don't understand what's happening." you say, honestly, slowly approaching her. "we weren't doing anything and even if we were i thought-- i didn't think that was a problem with our deal." you say.
"what deal?" she asks. you blink at her.
"i dunno, friends with benefits?" you say. sevika huffs.
"that's not what we are."
"what? then what are we?"
"you're mine!" she shouts. she takes a final drag off her cigarette then snuffs it out and tosses it on the sidewalk. you're gawking at her.
"shut up." she says.
"that's not how this kinda stuff works! it has to be mutual-- i'm not just yours if you aren't mine!" you say. sevika growls.
"i fuckin' know that, i'm not some asshole!"
"so what are you saying?" you ask.
"i--" she pauses, her face falling. "i'm saying i've been yours for a while now." she whispers. you blink.
"is that okay?" she asks. you smile.
"yeah." you say.
"oh. okay."
"you know... if we're gonna be each other's, you're gonna have to start taking me out on actual dates." you say. sevika laughs and rolls her eyes.
"i know."
"and you can't wipe your cheek when i kiss it anymore." you say. she laughs.
"and i get to call you my girlfriend and you have to call me y--mmmph!" you're cut off by sevika shooting forward to kiss you.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay
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fairyhaos · 1 year
❍ the 2k event: hoshi + silly
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alternative title: the morality of silly string
pairing: hoshi x gn!reader
genre: non-idol au, established relationship, crack, fluff
word count: 1018
warnings: none
event taglist (send ask to be added): @slytherinshua @rubywonu @pepperonijem @amxlia-stars @weird-bookworm @hannyoontify @my-moarmy-heart @suminsfav @minhui896 @haocovr @lockburn-castle @sweet-like-caramel @horanghae8 @graybaeismytae @karionice @hopetiger10 @etherealyoungk
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"Are you really sure that Jeonghan will be okay with us spraying his entire house in silly string?"
"Of course not!" Soonyoung chirps, cheerfully. "He's gonna hate us for it."
You blink. "Wait, what? Soonyoung, I agreed because I thought that Jeonghan asked you to do this for him!"
Earlier that day, your boyfriend had woken you up with a grin and a kiss and asked if you wanted to come out and buy tens of cans of silly string with him. 
"It's for Jeonghan's house," Soonyoung had explained. "I'm thinking at least thirty. Maybe even fifty cans, if we wanna fully cover his entire house." 
You'd blinked. "Does Jeonghan want this?"
Soonyoung had grinned, waving his hands. "Of course he does! You know those weird moods that he gets in. He'd love his house covered in silly string."
Now, he laughs at your mildly annoyed face as you help him carry the bags of cans back home. 
"Soonyoung. Babe. Are you telling me you lied to me?"
Soonyoung just laughs harder. "I can't believe you believed me! You normally see right through my lies."
You roll your eyes as your boyfriend continues to cackle maniacally, before eventually nudging him to get him to stop when the passersby start giving the two of you more and more suspicious looks. 
"You're still gonna help though, right?" Soonyoung asks once his laughter dies down. 
"Hmm… I dunno…"
"No! Y/N, please please please help me," he begs, and he tries to clasp his hands together before remembering the plastic bags in his hands, and resorts to giving you the biggest, saddest pleading eyes that he can muster. "Do it for me! Please please please!"
You look at him for a long moment before your face melts into a smile. "Well, maybe I do secretly want to silly string Jeonghan's house, deep down. It'll be the perfect form of payback for when he broke into our house during the night and toilet papered all our furniture for April Fool's this year."
"Oh yeah!" Soonyoung frowned at the memory. "That sucked. It took ages to unwrap the fridge, too. I was starving the entire time."
You nod your head resolutely. "This can be our revenge. Let's go, Soonyoung. Let's do it tonight."
"Aw, yes!"
———————————— 🏠
"Are you sure we should be doing this? What if he gets really mad?"
Soonyoung stares at you in disbelief. "Y/N," he says. "We're at his house already. Are you seriously backing out now?"
It's the middle of the night, and you and Soonyoung are hiding behind a couple of cars parked on the street, peering over the bonnets to look at Jeonghan's house. The windows are all dark, and you're sure that Jeonghan is probably in bed right now, oblivious to the chaos that Soonyoung is hell-bent on bringing to him. 
You, however, are having second thoughts. 
"How are we gonna explain this? He's gonna be so mad. He's gonna get back at us for this, you know. What if he breaks into our apartment again as payback? And, I dunno, turns all our clocks three hours forward?"
"Um." Soonyoung's lips twitch. "That's a pretty tiresome way to get payback. I don't think Jeonghan would do that."
"You never know," you hiss back. "Jeonghan is petty as hell. He could do anything."
Soonyoung nods, agreeing. "True."
You slap his arm. "Plus, this stuff isn't biodegradable! We're damaging our planet!"
"Uh, we bought the environmentally friendly silly string for that exact reason—"
"And how is he ever gonna get this off? Silly string is sticky as hell!"
"Babe, I said that that was kinda the point—"
"And also!" You wring your hands together. "What if he finds out that we did this to his house? He's literally in there right now, he could open his curtains and see us!"
"We'll explain this as early Halloween decorations. Say we accidentally got our calendar mixed up."
"That's not gonna help explain ourselves!" you protest. 
Soonyoung shrugs. "Well, we're not gonna have to explain ourselves if we work fast and get out of here quickly."
His message is clear, for you to hurry up and stop talking, but you ignore it with a frown. 
"This feels wrong. I think this is a bad idea."
"Babe, are you really going to talk about the moral nature of silly stringing your friend's house?" Soonyoung asks, tilting his head. "Because I'm pretty sure it's not moral, but it's not immoral either."
"Yeah, it's just stupid!"
"I'm glad you agree!" Soonyoung grins, and gives you a kiss to the top of your head before jumping up, cans in hand. "I'm gonna go do his porch. You can sit here and worry your pretty little head off, or you can help me, babe. It's up to you."
And with that, he scurries away, and you're torn between being annoyed (endeared) by his behaviour and giggling at his words. 
You settle for glaring at his silhouette instead, lips twitching slightly at the hilarious sight that is Soonyoung darting from one car to another, leaping over the fence and hiding behind bushes, rolling down the pathway before getting to the porch. 
He's so weird. 
God, you love him so much. 
That's how you end up gradually creeping out from the side of the car, opening Jeonghan's front gate and slowly crunching your way down his gravel pathway until you're right next to him.
"Hey. Y/N."
You look at Soonyoung, prepared to tell him that you're gonna dump all the blame on him the second Jeonghan spots you two, but your boyfriend is grinning at you, all bright and adoring as he stops in the middle of silly stringing Jeonghan's porch, and you pause. 
He leans in and kisses you quickly. "I love you."
You roll your eyes. "You're just saying that to get me to help you silly string his house, aren't you?"
"Maybe. Is it working?"
"Ha! I knew it, you can't resist me."
"Okay, nevermind, I'm not helping."
"No, wait! Sorry. I love you. Please help me."
"...You're lucky I love you too."
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cainluvr69 · 6 months
"The Master Swordsman Smiles Fearlessly" Cain SR Story - Take My Hand
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Cain: (There really isn't much info on Kirsche Persche, huh.) (I guess for right now I'll see if anyone around here has anything, and then report back--)
???: What do you think you're doing?! Give me back my wallet!
Cain: !! (That voice came from…that alleyway.) Hey there, friends. Mugging someone in broad daylight, huh?
Riquet: …! Who…?
Grey-haired Man: Huhhh? Keep your nose outta our business and it'll stay atta… …! You fucker, you're Ventisca's katana expert, aren'tcha. Who'da thought I'd see your ugly mug again.
Cain: Again…? Oh, yeah, now that you mention it, I have seen you before. You two started getting rowdy in one of our shops, so I had to smash your faces into the pavement about it.
Scarred Man: D…don't say it like that! Damn, we're gonna pay you back big time for that!
Cain: You two don't learn easily, do you… Well, whatever. I'll take you both on. Hey, you. You should run while you have the chance. Just leave the rest of this mess to me.
Riquet: I--I'm not going to run! I couldn't possibly let them fight you two against one…
Grey-haired Man: Shut the fuck up already! Take this!
Cain: …jeez.
Grey-haired Man: Gwah?!
Riquet: !! He knocked that man so far back with just one swing…!
Cain: I'd rather not get violent in front of a kid, but… I figure smashing your faces against the pavement again might get the message to stick this time. So come on, feel free to come at me however you'd like.
Scarred Man: Th…then how's this?! --Ghh?!
Riquet: Attacking from behind is an act of cowardice! Now repent for your sins!
Cain: Rope darts…? Hey, you know how to fight? I totally thought you were some pampered rich kid…
Riquet: I am nothing of the sort! I'm perfectly capable of fighting with these. Please leave this one to me!
Cain: Gotcha! But I wanna talk to you when we're done here, alright? Let's make this quick. Hah!
Riquet: Haah!
Those Guys: Tch… R-run for it!
Cain: Whew, we're finally done… Hey, kid, you're not hurt, are you?
Riquet: No, I am not. Thank you very much for coming to my rescue, um…
Cain: My name's Cain. Good to meet you.
Riquet: Cain. My name is Riquet. Um…what are you putting your hand out for?
Cain: What, you don't know? It's for a handshake. Even if it was a brief battle, I still entrusted my back to you. I want to express my respect for you, as well as my gratitude. If you're not opposed, just grab my hand.
Riquet: Wahh, Cain, your hand is so warm…
Cain: Ahaha, I get that a lot. How about you, do you get told that your face looks like a little kid's when you're not fighting?
Riquet: Wah, n-no, I don't! Stop treating me like a kid, you're getting my hair all messy…!
Cain: Sorry, sorry. Here, I'll smooth it back out.
Riquet: Goodness gracious… You were so cool when you came to rescue me, but I see that in truth you're rather unrefined.
Cain: Am I? But, hmm, something about the way you said that… Feels oddly nostalgic for some reason.
Training Episode: Unchanging, Even In One's Dreams
Cain: The dreams you have are always so intense, Master Sage. Could you tell me more about that latest one?
Akira: Sure, I don't mind.
Cain: Let's see, it was the one where Snow was an adult, and me and Mithra were his henchmen.
Akira: Oh, yes. Riquet and I were in a different organization that was in conflict with yours, though…
Cain: By conflict, you mean I had to fight you guys? I dunno how I feel about that…
Akira: Oh, no, it never came to that! But one time you did stop me from running away when I was scared… Seeing you be so threatening gave me chills.
Cain: I can't believe the version of me in your dreams would do something like that to you. Next time you see him, be sure to chew him out for me.
Akira: Ahaha. Now that I'm awake, it just sounds funny. Besides, it wasn't like you were a super scary person in that dream or anything. Once I actually got to talk to you, it was obvious right away what a friendly, kind person you really were.
Cain: What, really?
Akira: Yes! All of the best parts of you didn't change a bit.
Cain: Ahaha. Getting complimented like that is a little embarrassing. But rather than that being kindness, I'd say it was…
Akira: Was what?
Cain: That the me inside your dream wanted to become friends with you, too. Since, hey, that was what I was thinking when you and I first met, Akira.
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marvelingjules · 18 days
19 for the romance asks
19. talking late into the night
And we're doing Buddie with this. Because I want to lol.
I found this in my drafts from months and months ago and can’t fully remember where I was going with it but hey! Enjoy? lol.
I haven’t watched the latest season so, keep that in mind.
"You know, somehow I thought birthday parties would get easier as he got older," Buck said, dropping onto the couch after the last trash bag full of napkins, plates, cake, and wrapping paper had been taken out.
Eddie snorted, storing the vacuum in the hall closet. "Why's that?"
"I dunno," Buck said, scratching at his chin. "Just. Little kids, cake - makes me think of them running wild on a sugar rush."
"Instead we get preteens that want to do wild stunts every five minutes." Eddie came and sat on the couch next to him, groaning quietly. "Thanks. For helping," he added, tilting his head on the back of the couch to look at Buck. It was soft, fond, with that little smile that was the one Eddie got when he was feeling content and relaxed.
Buck swallowed the tightness in his throat, a mix of nerves and longing. It might have taken him a while to realize just what that might mean, but he knew the chances of anything coming of it were beyond slim. And he'd rather keep the Diazes in his life than not.
"Hey, anytime," he said, glad it came out easily. "Not like I had other plans."
Eddie hummed. "Thought you were dating - Natalia, right? You trying to tell me you didn't have plans on a Saturday night we weren't working?" He raised a brow.
"Uh, no." He blinked. "I mean, no, we're not - uh, we were but..."
Frowning slightly, Eddie straightened, turning to face Buck on the couch. "But...?"
Buck grimaced. "You know when someone says something, and later they - take it back, I guess, say they were wrong and act like it's different. And you wanna believe that, but.... But you can't forget it? Like it's stuck in your head, like those sticker weeds?"
Eddie's stare was focused, listening. Buck almost looked away, and did when Eddie asked, "What did she say?"
"Uh... our first date - I told you it didn't really go great."
"Yeah. You said she was put off by the whole past girlfriends and sperm donor thing."
"She was." Buck sighed. "What she said specifically it's - it's not important, just - it didn't seem fair, to her, to constantly be worried what would be the thing to be too much again."
"Not fair to you either," Eddie said mildly. "You deserve someone that ain't gonna run just cause we lead crazy lives sometimes."
"Yeah well... I'm still winning out on the crazy."
Eddie raised his brows.
"Truck, embolism, tsunami, lightning," he listed off, keeping it light and joking. "Surprised none of you think I'm a jinx."
"Jinxes aren't real," Eddie said, like Buck expected. "And even if they were, wouldn't matter. I'd still have your back."
Buck swallowed. "I know," he admitted quietly. And then, even quieter, a confession he'd barely admitted to himself in the darkest hours of the worst nights, "I don't think I could keep doing this if you weren't there with me."
Eddie reached out, hand landing on Buck's shoulder, squeezing. His thumb stroked over the edge of his collarbone. Looking almost painfully, fiercely earnest, Eddie said, "I'll keep saying it till we're old and senile, Evan. I'm not going anywhere. No matter what."
"Y-yeah," Buck said, mentally cursing at the stutter, and how he couldn't look away from Eddie's stare, from the heat he could feel building in his cheeks. "I know."
Shaking his head, Eddie said, "I don't think you do, not really." Sighing heavily, Eddie said, "I ever tell you what my folks said to me, before I left Texas?" When Buck shook his head, Eddie nodded, lips pressing together for a moment. He glanced away, but then back, looking almost stern. "They told me I was going to drag Chris down with me."
Buck sucked in a breath, furious, ready to tell Eddie exactly what kind of bullshit that was - but Eddie squeezed his shoulder again, a silent request not to speak.
"I was so scared they were right. Even as I moved Chris here with me, I felt - I felt like it was only a matter of time until I fucked up, did just as they said. I was floundering, Buck, felt like I was one bad day from drowning.” His lips quirked and he raised his brows. “And then you came along, and without me ever needing to say anything, let alone ask… you threw me a life preserver. Over and over again, you were there. I don’t think - I’m not sure you realize how much what you’ve done for us, for me, over the years has made a difference.”
“Eddie, I-“
“I’m not going anywhere, Buck, cause I don’t want to know what a life without you in it looks like.”
Buck’s breath shook as he inhaled, a prickling feeling at his eyes and nose, throat tight. He tried to say something, anything, but his mind was blank and he closed his mouth uselessly.
Eddie’s eyes searched his, focus intense. Buck wondered just how much he saw, how much of an open book he was.
“You never have to worry that one day it’s gonna be too much. That you’re gonna be too much. Not with me. Okay? Cause unless you decide to go full supervillain on me, I can’t imagine anything separating us.” Then he grinned, teasing. “And even then, I might join you instead.”
Buck laughed, and maybe it was a little wet, but Eddie didn’t comment on it. Buck finally leaned into Eddie’s hand, just a bit, and sighed when Eddie shifted the grip to instead toss an arm over his shoulders, yanking him in.
Closing his eyes, Buck savored the closeness, the smell of Eddie’s cologne and laundry detergent, the warmth both physical and not. Unlike earlier, when words had escaped him, now they crowded up on his tongue, pushing to spill out, filling his mind.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
He wouldn’t say them. Eddie wouldn’t mean it like Buck would, wouldn’t understand how Buck meant it if he spoke them. And maybe later that would be okay. But in the moment Buck felt - fragile, almost.
And he didn’t want to ruin the moment, the late night pressing in, the comfort of what had been said earlier.
“C’mon,” Eddie said, voice low and a little raspy, probably from exhaustion. “Let’s go to bed.” He tugged Buck up, then down the hall to his room.
“I can… the couch?”
“Not tonight,” Eddie said after a moment. “Okay? Not tonight.”
Buck didn’t know really what that meant, except that Eddie apparently wanted him close, and Buck wanted it too. So he just said, “yeah, sure. Of course.”
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likedovesinthewindd · 13 days
can we please get more beychelle tashi x reader energy but spicy? 🫣
this is not really spicy tbh but it's building up I promise I'm def gonna write some more about this 🤭
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Your stared down into the two delicate glass cups that stood on display, each one proudly exhibited on their own little pedestal, a reminder to everyone of the reason for tonight's celebration.
It had been another string of wins for you and Tashi, to no ones surprise. But you were, however, surprised by the party her parents had thrown in celebration, a plethora of students, sponsorship representatives, and other important people filling their spacious backyard. You couldn't help but let pride swell in your chest at the thought of how much you had achieved.
"You two are pretty impressive," a voice spoke from behind you, causing you to turn around. "Very impressive, actually," he added once he realized he had successfully gotten your attention. You recognized him from one of your classes, not by name but by face. He didn't act like a complete asshole, as most guys you knew on campus did, so you supposed it wouldn't hurt to talk to him for a little bit.
"Thank you," you smiled before taking a sip from your drink, looking at him over the edge of your glas. "You're in my Stats class, right?" you asked and he nodded with a smile. "Yeah I am. Brian," he answered, extending his hand in greeting, which you took in a firm handshake.
The two of you fell into casual conversation, that soon gravitated to unabashed flirting. He seemed like a nice guy, very sweet and funny too, managing to get a few belly laughs from you.
A hand on your shoulder startled you untill you could smell the all too familiar jasmine of Tashi's favorite perfume invade your senses. "I'm sorry, can I steal her for a second? We have to go take some pictures," she spoke to the boy over your shoulder, not even waiting for his response before her hand was on your upper back and maneuvering you further into the crowd.
"I don't wanna take anymore pictures, we've been posing with those trophies all afternoon," you complained as Tashi's hand moved from your back to lace her fingers with yours. "We're not talking photos, I just wanted to get you away from there," she said matter-of-factly. "I wanted to dance with you," she added with a smile, which you returned.
"You know I don't like dancing," you huffed and she nodded. "I know."
"Then why'd you call me to come dance?" you asked, a hint of frustration present in your voice. She didn't answer immediately, eyes scanning over your figure, from your perfectly styled hair, down the flowy material of your summer dress down to your heeled feet.
Her hand left yours to trace the dainty gold chain of your necklace, slowing running down until it reached the small pendant at the end. The necklace was a gift from her for your 16th birthday, and you've rarely taken it off since then. "You look pretty," she said, eyes not yet meeting yours. "Thank you," you breathed softly.
"What were you and that guy talking about?" she asked, completely disregarding your question as she fiddled with the little charm om your necklace. "We just talked," you said with a shrug. "Maybe flirted a little. He invited me to his dorm, actually," you added as you recalled the conversation. "Oh," she said, voice showing the obvious surprise she tried to hide in her face.
Were you planning on taking him up on the offer? You couldn't even remember. It was hard to think of anything else when your focus was on Tashi's warm hand playing with your necklace.
"Are you gonna go?" she asked, finally looking up from your neck to you, deep brown eyes staring at you intently. "I dunno," you shrugged, "do you want me to go?"
"It's not about what I want," she said almost too soft to be heard over the music playing, but you heard it clearly. "It is, though," you countered. There was a beat of silence between the two of you before Tashi spoke up. "I don't want you to go to his dorm," she said plainly. "I know," you smiled before grabbing her hand from your neck and once again interlacing your fingers. "Let's go dance now."
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rottenstrawberrymilk · 2 months
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jigen daisuke x reader
1.9k words
      "Move over." 
        His voice is gruff but you know that he just sounds like that. He's not angry at you. Actually, you're not sure if Jigen is even capable of being angry with you. All you know is that he's back and you're nothing but happy to see him. Just like every time. You obey, scooting over to the side of the couch as he throws his jacket off onto the cushions. 
        "Jigen!" You smile as he sits down and you throw your arms around him, practically colliding against his body hard enough to elicit a soft grunt on his end. Your cheek presses to his affectionately and sinks to rest in the crook of his neck as one of his hands goes to steady his hat on his head and the other wraps over your shoulders. 
        "What, you missed me?" he asks, head against the back of the couch. You can see the slight smile on his face. That makes you feel aglow. 
        "'Course I did! I miss you every time. It's boring here without you..." 
        "Don't lie, (Y/N)--I know you just nap around all day when I'm not here." 
        You fake an outraged gasp. "Only because you're not here! I can't think about how you're not around if I'm sleeping, right?" 
        You feel Jigen's shoulder shrug against you. "You're gonna fuck with your sleep pattern if you keep it up. Pick up a hobby or somethin'." 
        "I'm trying! Sometimes I practice darts. I'm gonna beat you one day, just watch me." 
        Jigen snorts. "Keep dreaming." 
        You fall a bit quiet, feeling as though something was off about him. Still, you don't move off of him, if anything holding him closer. "You alright?" You ask, a bit quietly. 
        Jigen simply sighs, readjusting his position on the couch so his head is at the end of it and his legs are stretched towards the opposite side. You move so you're on top of him, head on his chest, breathing in his cologne as you get comfortable. His hand goes to your hair and your eyelashes flutter slightly. The same usual exhaustion that his arrival had banished before was quickly returning to you. Stubbornly, you tried to stay awake for his answer. 
        "Long day. That's all." 
        "Where's the others?"
        "Lupin and Fujiko are off doing whatever the fuck. Dunno where Goemon went off to. They'll probably be back soon, don't worry." 
        You giggle. "Trust me, I'm not. I just wanna know how much time I have before you get all mean."
        "Whadya mean?" You can feel his fingers tighten a little bit in your hair and still. You swallow a bit nervously. For a moment, you're silent, before you decide to come clean with your concerns. Good relationships have good communication right? If there's a problem you should tell him...
        A soft sigh leaves you. "I don't know...you just get kinda...cold, I guess. Like whenever Lupin or Goemon or Fujiko or just anyone are around it's like you don't wanna be near me. And...I guess it stops when we're alone together but that doesn't happen a lot, so..." You trail off, not sure what else to say. Jigen can feel you tense in his arms.  
        Jigen is quiet for a second or two. You figured he was trying to find the best way to answer without hurting your feelings. "I don't mean to make you feel like that," he eventually tells you. His fingers go back to absentmindedly tangling through your hair and you can't help but stifle a sigh of relief. "I just...don't really like putting on a show, y'know? I like us having privacy. It's nice. If you want someone to stick their hand up your skirt or something in front of everyone, Lupin's gonna be more your guy-" 
        Your head lifts suddenly with shock, eyes wide. "Jigen!" 
        He laughs. "Sorry. I like seeing you get all huffy, it's cute." His hand becomes snug against the small of your back, bringing you closer to him. His thumb rubs slow patterns into your skin and your head drops back down again, cheek pressing into his shirt. 
        One of your hands goes to fidget with his tie as you ignore the heat flooding your face. 
        "You mind if I nap a little?" he asks, reaching his arms up behind his head in a slow, tired stretch. Guess he wasn't lying about it being a long day for him. 
        "Not at all. Want me to move?" 
        He quickly shook his head. "No. Stay here with me." He doesn't say it directly to you much, but you know he misses you just as much as you miss him. He doesn't need to explain that to you. 
        Jigen stretches out once more and you adjust your own position as well until you're comfortable, higher up on him. Your head nestles under his head, in between his neck and jaw. Either of your hands clasp faintly at the collar of his dress shirt. One of his hands briefly closes around your balled up ones, giving them a slightly squeeze. He pulls them up slightly, dipping his head so he can softly press his lips to the back of your hand. His beard scratches over your wrists as he lets your hands drop again back to his chest. 
        The gunman reached up, taking his hat from his head. Gently, he brings it to rest over his face and the brim in turns covers your face as well. The darkness it provides is actually surprisingly welcome and you already begin to close your eyes again. That, and the overwhelming scent of the product he used in his hair was extremely soothing and had you falling asleep within minutes. 
        You didn't know how long you'd been out for this time, but you figured it'd only been a short period. Jigen's hand was gently jostling your shoulder in an attempt to wake you up further. Tiredly, you stretch out over top of him, face rubbing into his neck as you yawned. He takes his hat from your face, fixing it back on his head. 
        "Wanna move?" He asks, voice rough from waking up. "My neck's getting sore." 
        Sleepily, you nod. He sits up, pulling you up with him. You shift so you slide off of his lap and stand up. He's at your side, hand reaching for the small of your back. With ease, he guides you down the hall, ignoring your bleary stumbling. You only look up once when approaching his room's door. Your eyes become less foggy as you lean forwards to focus--trying to make out exactly what's been newly taped to the door. Eventually, it becomes clear and you smile.
        A picture of you and Jigen cuddling on the couch, your arms wrapped around him, his hand looped over the small of your back while the other hung off the side of the couch--of course with his hat over both of your faces. 
        Jigen shoulders you gently to the side to get a better look himself. Bent over slightly, he tilted his hat up with the bend of his finger. 
        He didn't say anything in that exact moment. Instead, his hand went to his gun. With easy familiarity, he switched off the safety. You watched him turn and storm off, in the direction of Lupin's room, muttering something about "putting a bullet in that damn camera". You knew he'd be back soon enough.
        Yikes. All right after his little "valuing privacy" speech too. 
        Still, you turned back to the door. Gently, so you wouldn't tear the polaroid too roughly from the adhesive on the door, you pulled the photo off. You held it in both of your hands, almost a bit too fondly now that Jigen is far out of sight and you don't have to pretend to be angry about the photograph too. Under any other circumstance, you're sure this would have all been super creepy. But knowing it was probably just Lupin who took it, you felt a lot more at ease. No doubt he genuinely thought it was cute and wanted to tease Jigen a little bit. 
        I hope he doesn't think it's embarrassing, being seen with me by them. That'd be kinda fucked up..." 
        It's hard to question the state of your relationship with the gunman when you're fawning over the way his arm was wrapped around you in the picture and how closely you held him in return. You bring the picture up at your fingertips, briefly pressing it to your lips before folding it in half and tucking it in your back pocket. You'd think of a place to hide it later. For now, you just wanted to finally get some good quality sleep, instead of another mini nap.
        You opened his bedroom door, leaving it open behind you as you entered. You knew he'd be coming back soon.
        With a heavy sigh, you collapsed onto his mattress a bit dramatically. You bury your face in the nearest pillow, inhaling his scent once more. God you didn't think there'd ever be a more perfect combination than cologne, cigarette smoke, whiskey, and whatever that certain thing was that made Jigen...well...Jigen. Your fingers curl almost longingly into the pillowcase as your expression softens with oncoming drowsiness. 
        About five minutes later, Jigen crept in, shutting the door with his heel. His bunched up suit jacket hung from one of his arms as he undid his tie with his free one. Quietly, he tossed both of them off to the side of the mattress, kicking off his shoes as he approached his side of the bed. Slowly, he settles down onto the sheets of his bed, setting his hat onto the top of the lamp on his nightstand.
        You seem to sleep easier when his arms wrap around you once more. One of his hands drifted up the backside of your upper thigh, slow over the curve of your ass. As his palm brushed over your back pocket, it suddenly stopped. Jigen put his thumb in your pocket, letting the rest of his fingers rest on you. Upon feeling a papery corner brush over the pad of thumb, Jigen's head lifted a little bit. 
        Easily, he pulled the paper from your back pocket without waking you. He unfolded it.
        The photo.       
        You'd kept it. He flipped it over between two fingers. Jigen stifled a chuckle. He could see the tint of your chapstick against the picture. After he glanced over the picture once more, he carefully folded it back in half. His hand reached back over your hip, to your back pocket, slipping it back in. 
        Jigen smiled as you shifted closer, unconsciously, into his chest.
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coffeeandbatboys · 1 year
The Art Of Stupidity (Peter Quill x Fem!reader)
In which Peter nearly gets killed because he's a dumba** so you do a lot of screaming at him.
Warnings: swearing (whaa ikr?) Injury, insult to injury, Rocket being himself, Peter being an idiot (aka himself) mebbe some slight foreshadowing for vol. 3 but it ain't a spoiler if you don't think too much about it.
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"Rocket, where's Peter?" You gasped.
In your glorious retreat back to the Bowie, you'd lost him in the chaos that he caused. How does the idea of stealing a heavily secured antique piece of junk sound now?
"He had to go and get the damn Zune he dropped in the hallway of that security station."
"He told me he was down to one blaster!?" You shrieked, realizing that this was not, in fact, going well.
"And he's the lazy asshole who didn't charge them up!"
"You didn't think to, I dunno, COVER HIM?" You flapped your arms in disbelief.
"Hell no, you're the girlfriend!." The insufferable Raccoon snarled. "If you wanna go get Star munch, he's all yours missy."
You muttered under your breath as you turned to go get your boyfriend. "That stupid Zune is gonna be the death of him someday I swear. Thanks a lot, Yondu."
You readied your blaster and dodged bullets in the space between the ship and aforementioned security station, before kicking the door open to find an incredibly absurd sight.
The Doobie Brother's 'What a Fool Believes' blasted from the ridiculous object he went back for, as he was trying in vain to fight off the security droids. Sighing, you stepped in and blasted to your heart's delight, until the two of you (or, mostly you) successfully eradicated the rest of them.
"Thanks, babe." Peter offered a sheepish smile and you just rolled your eyes in frustration.
"Let's go before these guys blow a freaking hole in our ship!" You growled.
His eyes widened and the smile dropped. "Ohh ok yeah you're like really mad."
Once again you we're crossing the distance back to the ship, only this time, you didn't dodge one of the bullets as it lodged itself in your calf. You were already frustrated beyond rational capacity, and physical pain just added insult to injury. But you were too hyped up on adrenaline to care. Tumbling into the ship, Peter in tow, you sat down and glared.
He wasn't sure whether to apologize or leave you be, when he noticed your leg trembling. That's when your world went fuzzy and you sorta just, checked out of reality while somehow staying conscious.
"Shit! I need a med pack and a pair of tweezers." He hollered for anyone in earshot as the ship lifted off and set out for Knowhere. Soon, the bullet was pulled out of your leg and the med pack placed over the hole.
And this...this, is where you snapped back to reality.
"You asshole!" You screamed, "You could've gotten yourself killed!"
Kraglin, who had brought the medical supplies, just cringed and stepped away, leaving you two alone.
"I'm sorry, y/n..."
"Sometimes I feel like that stupid thing is more important than any of us!"
You regretted the statement as soon as it left your mouth. The Walkman was one of the only things he had left of his younger years, and when his father had destroyed that, the Zune was all he had left of Yondu.
His eyes fell and your heart broke. He moved to stand up, but you stopped him.
"No—wait. I'm sorry. I shouldn'tve said that. I'm sorry." You repeated.
He relaxed and sat back down, giving you a lopsided apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry I freaked you out. I wasn't trying to get killed back there. I feel like it was my fault that you got shot, too."
"Its fine, baby." You smiled sadly. "If I hadn't been seeing red, I probably would've payed more attention."
The med pack needed a bit more time, and Rocket was calling for him, so he kissed your forehead, then your nose, before finally catching your lips in a sweet, tender kiss.
One that would take priority over anything else.
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Star Lord fics are back in business baby!!
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eisforeidolon · 9 months
Question: I got to ask Jensen this a few years ago, but you were not there [?] -
Jared: Well that sounded judge-y.
Question: Because Supernatural was on the CW and a regular network, there were standards and practices. How do you think Sam's character or storyline would be changed or been different had it been on, say, HBO?
Jared: That's actually a better question than I think it sounds like. Sorry I wasn't there years ago -
Jensen: What'd I say?
J2: [crack up]
Question: You were onstage with Misha and you both looked puzzled but you went, I'm just trying to say that we're not having sex.
Jensen: That tracks.
Jared: That's the opposite of what I was gonna say -
Question: The entire panel went downhill from there, and I've been blamed for that for years.
Jensen: That also tracks.
Jared: You know what's funny is that I've thought about this, and I wonder what Ackles thinks. We've kind of talked about it here and there over the years, but I - and we talked about this yesterday in the Meet & Greet - I kind of really enjoy that there are guidelines. It's sort of - if you can just do anything? There was a funny interview with -
Jensen: You get The Boys. That's what happens.
Jared: Which is great, but - You kind of have to be more creative within boundaries. That's how I parent, these are the guidelines, these are the rules, this is the box you can't leave, play within it. As opposed to just do anything and everything. And I think you can lose some of the art - and The Boys is amazing. Like The Boys wouldn't work on the CW and -
Jensen: [laughing] No.
Jared: But that's what it is. And, you know, that's what it is. Like, I don't know if, when we come back, I wanna say fuck on a network. But I dunno. It's gonna be a discussion, between he and I - he and me - and among whomever else, but I don't know there's something magical and universal. And, I mean, there were probably a dozen or two dozen children here yesterday that if we're running around naked or saying this that and the other, it might not translate. And hopefully parents wouldn't show that to their kids. Yeah, I don't know. I'm happy, I'm happy with the CW, and also because we have y'all and because of the CW and they let us work through our growing pains, we did fifteen years and I think anywhere else we would have been dead in the water. After Dead in the Water, as a matter of fact.
Jensen: That's right. I think if anything it would be just maybe an elevated gore version of Supernatural. There was a lot of - like I don't think necessarily, y'know, more colorful language or, yknow, more skin or anything like that? I don't think that that would really benefit the story, necessarily. But I think what we could and couldn't show in regards to scare and blood and, y'know, that kinda stuff, we had to temper that. So I think maybe we'd probably elevate that to an extent if we were on a network or a streamer that allowed that to happen, where there weren't standards and practices. But there were - we pushed the envelope. The writers definitely pushed the envelope, like one thing I remember is we couldn't say prick. But we could say dick. So they wrote an entire season with a guy named Dick Roman just so we could hammer that home. And I think that was -
Jared: Wow. We could say hammer as well. [hits forehead on mic repeatedly]
Jensen: That's right. So it's like Jared said, there were ways of trying to push the envelope a bit with staying in the parameters that we had to and those guidelines. And I think as a show that was on a broadcast network we probably took a little bit more of a risk and took some chances, moreso than I think most network shows? And I think that was exciting for us, but I think if there were no parameters and we were able to do just whatever we wanted to, I'm not sure it would be that much different, because I don't know that it would serve the story as well.
Jared: Yeah, if the puzzle has no rules then is it really a puzzle? Y'know? That's a strange question, sorry.
Jensen: [exaggeratedly reacting] What?!
Jared: Have a happy Sunday. I'm saying if someone just gives you a thousand pieces of a puzzle but anything goes anywhere, then who gives a shit? If it's like -
Jensen: What?!
Jared: [exaggeratedly reacts] I love puzzles.
Audience member: We get it!
Jensen: You don't understand! Stop placating him!
Jared: Thank you for your question. Oh, you're still going?
Question: Basically Jensen many years ago you had mentioned at some convention that maybe Dean had had a history of sex work as a child* -
Audience: What.
Jared: You did what?
Jensen: [baffled] Huh?
Question: Someone said it to you, that maybe as a teenager with John being gone a lot, Dean may have resorted to sex work.
Jared: That was probably in jest, if he ever said that, I'm sure it was not a legitimate, like, character backstory.
Jensen: Yeah, no.
Jared: Just speaking for him here, because I think he's a little -
Jensen: [sarcastically] It's too bad we're on a broadcast show, I really think he would have done some teenage sex work. Yikes.
Question: I'm a writer so it sparked ideas -
Jensen: [flatly] Great.
Question: but you know like drug use, other things that maybe you would not mention in the show -
Jared: Thank you for your question.
Jensen: She has a high regard for Dean Winchester, clearly. No, thank you.
Jared: Thank you.
*Someone brought this up as a thing they vaguely remembered a while back here on tumblr and there was a discussion attempting to track down a source. Which eventually only came up with this quote from a 2008 interview [X]
“Dean’s a bit of a pool shark and also a bit of a gambler. It doesn’t really show it all the time, but it’s definitely implied that there are poker games and pool matches that they can win some money on. And who knows? Dean’s a promiscuous kind of guy. Who knows how he drums up the funds that they use?”
Which seems more than a little facetious, and while suggestive? Is not equivalent to what fandom wanted to remember it as. Putting aside how weird it is to ask about an off-the-cuff remark from fifteen fucking years ago even with a source? She's clearly repeating the source-less fandom rumor since she claims it was at "some convention" - because as we all know, fandom is always both accurate and honest about things like that! Even putting all of that aside, which we really shouldn't? It's such a questionable topic to bring up in a convention hall full of people, to J2 who have made it clear several times they want to talk about canon not fanfic. Who literally just finished answering your first question by saying they weren't interested in making the canon any more salacious! Just ... woof.
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