#I even out out a dedicated adoption call once for this purpose
howtodrawyourdragon · 8 months
A Familiar Face
Summary: Years after losing the love of her life, Astrid sees a familiar face she never thought she would see again.
Rating: General
Warning: /
Words: 1 143
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Astrid, Stormfly, Hiccup, Toothless
Pairing: Hiccstrid
Author's Notes: The Httyd side of Tumblr has been talking on a God of Dragons AU, an AU that I quite like. So I decided to share one of my own!
Constructive criticism is appreciated.
For many years now, Astrid has been the chieftess of Berk and she’s been a Dragon Rider for much longer. She has seen many things in her life, been through a lot of bad and a lot of good, her body itself is a storybook. She considers them the reason why she is the capable warrior and leader that her people need her to be today.
But this… this is a first.
It happens at the end of a battle. The Berserkers were under attack by a hostile tribe and the Hooligans responded to their call for aid, honoring their alliance. The enemy was numerous and strong, but they were still both outmatched and outnumbered by their warriors, their dragons and their Dragon Riders. Their attempt to plunder the Berserkers was cute for sure, but in the end they had to admit defeat. The Berserker Chieftess, Heather, captured their leader.
Their spat was about the dragons. Just because the Berserkers have a few, having adopted Berk’s human-dragon utopian lifestyle, they were mistaken for being them. The thought of it makes her scoff, her late-husband didn’t dedicate his entire life to his mission of helping humans and dragons co-exist just for another tribe to be given that glore, whether it was on purpose or not.
Cleaning her axe free of blood, Stormfly pads up behind her and picks at her braid.
“Stormfly,” Astrid greets her dragon, her most trusted companion. Swinging her weapon over her shoulder and turning towards her to hold her chin. They’ve survived another battle together and she can see that the other Dragon Riders have as well, it does her heart good. The twins are a little signed, but nothing that they haven’t survived before.
Astrid realizes the reason she and her friends are still alive is in part due to the help of the wild dragons in the area joining the fight. It’s not an entirely uncommon occurrence, it’s happened on occasion in the past. Astrid is just glad that their unlikely friends could somehow tell the difference between the Hooligans, the Berserkers and the enemy for once. If humans fight in a territory they consider theirs, dragons tend to think every human is an interloper, even if they’re Dragon Riders.
No matter, it means they can all go home alive and relatively unharmed. Besides a sore shoulder where she took a bludgeon, she’s okay. She has her pauldrons to thank for that, her right one is bent out of shape.
Stormfly begins to chirp and squawk, her wings flap and flutter, head bobbing as if greeting. Out of nowhere, any hint of tiredness seems to have disappeared as she’s suddenly excited.
“Stormfly!” Astrid attempts to ease her dragon, wondering just what has ruffled her proverbial feathers. The Nadder seems to be calling out to something or someone. Astrid turns to look at who or what it is. When she realizes the source for her dragon’s excitement, she feels her heart halt behind her breast.
Up there, up on top of a cliff, she sees a dragon she hasn’t seen since before she became the chieftess of her village. A black and intimidating creature rare in the Barbaric Archipelago; a Night Fury. And Astrid swears she recognizes this one.
“Toothless?” The name slips past her lips before she can stop it, she hasn’t said it out loud in years.
The Night Fury looks her way and there’s no mistaking it. That’s him. It has to be him! One of her boys!
That’s when she sees the unmistakable figure of a man kneeling next to him, looking down from the cliff at the battlefield below with interest.
At the sight of him, her heart is torn out of her chest all over again, old wounds bleed and the iron chieftess of the nigh unbeatable human-dragon tribe is moved to tears.
Not even the distance between her position and the top of that cliff can dispute it. That’s Toothless and the man next to him is Hiccup.
She doesn’t know how it’s possible.
Years ago, decades ago, her husband and his dragon left their village together with her mother-in-law and her dragon, the Stormcutter Cloudjumper, on a mission and none of them ever returned. There were no letters, search and rescue missions turned up nothing, neither allies nor enemies had any idea where they might’ve gone. Valka and Cloudjumper eventually turned up, but even they had no idea what had happened to Hiccup and Toothless.
And now here they are.
“Hiccup,” a crack in her voice, a couple of steps closer, Astrid can’t find the strength to climb up on Stormfly’s back. She should be going right up there, question him, hug him and never let him go. Hug them and never let them go.
But something stops her and that something is the details.
Astrid is no longer a young woman. She has matured, she has wrinkles and a couple of gray hairs, though time has only aged her like a fine wine and she finds she’s stronger than she was back then.
But Hiccup… it’s as if he hasn’t aged a day. Perhaps, it’s the distance, but it’s truly as if she’s gazing up at her young husband, who she lost before they could start a family. They just barely got to celebrate their one year anniversary.
Stormfly calls out again, head bobbing, and Hiccup looks over. Their eyes meet and Astrid is even more convinced that she’s staring up at familiar eyes.
But there’s… no response. No flash of recognition on his part, not a hint of softness in his features, no attempt to say anything to her, even his attire appears guarded.
Not one single battle injury can ever compare to the pain and confusion she feels. The only comparison was the devastating realization that she was never going to see the love of her life ever again.
“Hiccup!” So she takes the first step, she calls out to him and finally there’s something of a reply.
He stands and backs away, Toothless growling.
“Fishlegs! Heather!” Astrid turns to the battlefield behind her, hoping she’s not the only one to see this, hoping to get someone’s attention, alert them. But they’re somewhat isolated, they’ve ended up quite far, friends looking her way, but incapable of seeing what she’s seeing or understanding what she’s shouting. Tuffnut cups both ears, Ruffnut is waving her arms while Snotlout is staring. Fishlegs is the only one running over.
By the time he reaches her, Hiccup might be gone.
So she climbs up on Stormfly back, intending to urge her dragon to go up to where she spotted her lost love. But when she looks up, the cliff is empty. Hiccup is already gone and so is Toothless.
And just as suddenly, she can’t stop the tears or the sobs from coming.
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flycasual · 6 days
Thy Dark Brotherhood OCs ..... prithee milord .... I should like to hear of them
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Ohoho boy would I LOVE to talk about them!
The main one is, of course, Phora. Who is not in fact a member of the Dark Brotherhood any longer. Because she betrayed them. For the guy who adopted her, Forvyth (my partner's character), and brought her into it in the first place. They're both very traumatized and have SUCH a sad, messed up, turmoil filled father-daughter relationship, but they'd go to the ends of the world for each other.
Then I have a little group for a Sanctuary my partner and I made for Forvyth to fuck up, so my half includes: Fondael - Jaqspur dropout who realized one day that, actually, he just really liked killing people? It was fun and he was good at it, and he had the skills to go toe-to-toe with any actual jaqspur, and he'd rather join a murder cult about it and be around like-minded individuals. Frequently got called "fondle" by his dear family. ("You can fondle me any time!") Not that he was any better. He mostly teased Hyacil, honestly they all mostly tease Hyacil. He'd take his stuff and claim the Rite of Theft just to fuck with him and ultimately give it back. Overall a smug, self-assured bastard that got a sick kick out of murder. None of that saved him, he's the first (and only so far) to die.
Hyacil - my sweet baby boy poor little meow meow Agoraphobic Alchemist Altmer Assassin. One of many children belonging to a well-off family who showed an inclination for alchemy from a pretty young age. The fact that he accidentally poisoned a servant with an experiment was brushed under the rug, but his refusal to enter into the marriage his family had arranged for him? Disowned. Disinherited. He found himself alone and homeless in a world that he was terrified to be alone and outside in. So when the Brotherhood came knocking, he went along. He rarely leaves the Sanctuary, mostly he just provides poisons and potions to the others. He likes bugs.
Aesif - Youngest in the Sanctuary. They were infected with Lycanthropy at a young age and abandoned by their family out of fear as a result. They barely survived multiple times over, but adapted and fought to live. Eventually they were found, taken in, and trained by Mallory Moor, who soon after was given her own Sanctuary. Aesif is young and full of energy and is really just Happy To Be Here. It's nice to have a home, and a family, and a purpose. They like to have fun and don't have like, the best social skills in the world, because Mallory never really bothered to teach them.
Mallory Moor - Little is known about her and little needs to be known. She was a knight, once, but those days are long behind her. She's quiet, severe, and takes her job and her commitment to Sithis and the Night Mother seriously. She hasn’t gone on a contract on her own in years, all of her time is spent managing the Velyn Sanctuary. She raised Aesif in the loosest possible meaning of the word. She brought them into the Brotherhood when she found them because she found an effective killer, and thought it would have been a waste to leave them living like a wild animal when they would be of more use tamed and as an assassin. 
Ciiri - Oh Ciiri. Sithis' favorite little princess. When she's not on a contract she's working in a brothel nearby in the harbor. She doesn't need to, but then you could say she doesn't need to be an assassin. She's good enough at either one to support herself, but she's a little obsessed with both. A little convinced she's the best at both. Queen of sex and murder. She believes they go together, and the only thing that keeps her clients at the brothel alive is that they're clients at the brothel and she likes that job. Most in the Sanctuary just see her as a sex pest who is dogmatically obsessed with her religion, but they just don't quite realize how dedicated or dangerous she actually is. She's a powerful blood mage, and only two people in the Sanctuary know that. Even without it she's a well trained and determined assassin who is frequently given the highest value contracts without any of the others ever knowing about it. She'd kill them all for Sithis in the blink of an eye and wouldn't think twice about it. She sticks to the Green Pact in the laziest, loosest way because she barely cares. Why should she? What is Y'ffre compared to Sithis and the Night Mother?
We also have Drusilla & Regulus Tharn, who are almost never around. Distant, minor, absolute who Tharns - married when they were younger and joined the Brotherhood around the same time; after they murdered Drusilla’s entire family together over their disapproval of her desire to marry a Tharn. Asshole older rich couple who show up at the Sanctuary when they can be bothered and treat it like a hobby. Drusilla sometimes keeps trophies. 
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terraf1rma · 2 years
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Oh aren't they just the kindest? Always greeting you with warm hands and admiring eyes, it's a wonderful feeling knowing that you're the target of it all. They're not as intellectually smart as their seniors nor are they as intense but they're a much fresher breath of air than they are...
[Can be interpreted as romantic interest and you can tell I had no ideas for Razor]
He's a sweet thing really, always tripping over his feet and laughing off the seemingly cruel intentions of the big joke that luck had in store for him.
He tries his best to help, hands always grabbing onto whatever you have, a book bag, a lunchbox, maybe even a file or two. Just leave it all to him! He says with a smile. It's almost funny with how alarmingly nice he is. Alarmingly being a key word here.
Sometimes his self deprecation is just too much for you to handle but you can't ever allow yourself to explode on him, not when his mental state seems so much worse than yours. His hands are scarred from how terrible his luck is and sometimes the smiles he has on his face seem just a little too.. uncanny. 'It's not his fault' is a thought that'll run repeatedly in your mind while with him and while Bennett doesn't like taking advantage of it, it comes in handy when his hands aren't scarred unconsciously.
You're almost confused when you meet Razor, disbelief resting heavily on your tongue as you greet him. You don't mean to be so cruel, really. At least, not intentionally that is. It's just… so hard to believe that someone like him could enter this academy so easily while you had to claw your way up here. It makes you want to throttle someone honestly.
Once again, you're not mean on purpose, just angry at how stupid life is for fucking you over like that.
Despite his less than spectacular ability to talk fluently and his academic progress, Razor's personality makes up for every insignificant loss there is. He takes care of you like you're family, doing his best to make sure that all your bruises are taken care off and that you've eaten enough for the day.
He knows so much about wildlife and how to hunt to the point where he can name all the fauna and flora surrounding the school that you're almost falling over your seat when you find out that he's part of Lisa's family by adoption. Lisa, the lazy librarian's assistant that calls everyone a nickname associated with baking ingredients, the brother to this sweet thing that just happened to growl at someone who tried to talk to you? Really??
Was this boy raised by wolves or something because you were absolutely confused by the amount of contradictions surrounding Razor.
Feiyun guild. It's a title and name that you're all too familiar with. You've seen it stamped on the corners of pamphlets of businesses and on the plaques of your old school dedicated to bragging about how wonderful their sponsor was.
It's only right if the second son of such a renowned guild would be here.
What isn't right is how absolutely gremlin-like he is. You had been expecting someone prim and proper, not someone who had fucking poetry rap battles in the hallways with Hu Tao and slid jueyun chilli into his best friend's food as a joke. Rap poetry battles. If that wasn't a sign of weird rich kid vibes then you had no idea what it was.
He gives you gifts with a careless smile sometimes, as if giving expensive gifts was something anyone could do on a daily basis and maybe, just maybe, if you cared to flip through the pages of his poetry notebook, you'd find eloquently put together verses about you, some hinting at things just a little too close to home for you and your comfort.
You and Chongyun are the unanimous leaders of the "xingqiu is a threat and needs to be stopped" club. Of course, because you're a good student council president, you obviously can't make it into a real club but Chongyun takes full delight in knowing that if given the chance, you'd absolutely make it a reality.
He's so kind when he's not driven by the influence of his Yang side! Always tripping over his words and so focused on wiping away any bad Feng Shui around you. It's almost a running joke between the two of you but it starts to get very strange when he insists that the people you hang around are surrounded with bad spirits.
He may come from a renowned exorcist family that practiced daoism but are his words really untrustworthy when the people around you really do act up for seemingly no reason at all?
You've known xiangling since high school, from when you'd stumble into the warm atmosphere of her family owned restaurant after a fight with someone you really didn't like (read: hated). Her hands are always so quick when they tend to you and her words are so fond and kindhearted that you doubt that she could ever hold a piece of rudeness in her. Even if her head was more involved with food on some days.
She always keeps an eye on your intake of food much like Razor but the key difference between them is that she's the one making said food. She's fascinated with what you do but has said more than once that the amount of papers you have to go through makes her dizzy to even think about and starts asking about when you'll quit school and become a cook at her restaurant instead.
You agree with her internally but withold the urge to leave behind all moral obligations and instead externally you knock her on the head.
Honestly, you can always rely on her to make you a bento, even if you've already brought one! After all, her food is world class and you can't possibly be so unkind as to refuse her efforts of making you lunch when she woke up so early for it now, can you?
Hu tao
She brutally reminds you of those strange kids from one class over, always rambling about something you have no knowledge of. She'll drag you away from your duties to hang out with her and with how flamboyant her personality is, you can't help but get swept away by her freeness.
Her rap battles with xingqiu are extremely odd and most of the time you can't help but support her despite how strangely put together her stanzas are. Sometimes she spits out silly haikus talking about ghosts and other times its free form poetry that makes you rethink your life choices.
You have no idea whether she's your friend or not with how she treats you but hey! It's Hu Tao and she does whatever the Tao she wants. Get it?
Sometimes, you get the strangest feeling that she could recite your whole family history if prompted to.
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bubblebass1 · 2 years
Living Within Time
My professor said something very insightful yesterday about living within time. We as human beings are not able to know what the future is, but we make choices within the present that will effect this future in an unknown way. So how does a human being find the courage to effect their own future? It is bizarre and fascinating how we have come to normalize this idea within society to be living within the present, but always turning the focus to the future. The ancient peoples of Greece and Egypt turned their focus to the afterlife by forming physical architecture to represent their dedication to this unknown future beyond the great barrier of death. As Americans, there is always talk of the future generations and how they will look upon us or be affected by the decisions that are made in the present. Even on a personal level, teenagers are meant to make life altering decisions at the age of 17-18 years old with having no previous decision-making experience. And here we sit locked inside the confines of time, yet peering into the future. Something to always come before (informing the decision), something always to come during (the decision itself), and then something to follow (the consequence). 
There is an opinion that people are so obsessed with the idea of the future because it is unknown. There are ways to effect the future through choices made in the present, but in reality, we will never know how things will turn out (There is a book called “The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig that I recommend to those who are interested in this idea). However, I call upon Oedipus the King when I discuss this next point. There is also the idea that human beings actually have no free will at all, and all choices are merely illusions orchestrated by some higher power.
If you are not familiar with Oedipus, I will summarize briefly the important bits you need to know in order to grasp the next point. Oedipus was known as being a very wise man who solved the Riddle of the Sphynx making him a hero to the kingdom. He was only in the kingdom because a prophecy told him that he would grow up to murder his father and sleep with his mother, so he left his family behind and found great fortune in Thebes, becoming King after his heroism. He married the Queen and fathered four children during the 20 years he was King, but there was a great plague over the kingdom which he was determined to remedy. Many soothsayers and prophecies later he found himself upon a great and horrible revelation. In a great twist of fates, it turns out that who he thought were his real parents were actually his adopted parents, and his biological parents were actually the King and Queen of Thebes. He had murdered the King on his way to Thebes all those years ago, and had since been sleeping with the Queen, his own mother. Theres more to it, but these are the important bits for my purposes. 
Once a great King, he is now known as the man who could not escape his fate and is synonymous with Sigmund Freud’s theory about all men wanting to have sex with their mothers (disgusting really). Obviously Oedipus is a fictional character, but my point is this: We are not obsessed with the future because it is unknown, we are obsessed with the future because we want to impact it. What if we made all these decisions and went through all this stress of life only to find out that everything was actually planned for us already? This is the tragedy of Oedipus in my mind. The idea that within the confines of time we truly have no say in our fate, since no matter what choice is made the outcome will remain the same. And we would know no differently. Yes, the future might be unknown, but what if it also has been decided for us by some higher power, and the experience of being human, and making choices, and creating a meaningful life is undermined by a lack of free will. This is why the future is scary in my mind, because hypothetically no matter what I do or how much I learn things have already been decided by someone who is not me. 
To clarify, I prefer not to think this way because my life has had its own tragedies that I don’t want to think were planned by the universe, but it’s an interesting concept. Im also not sure if I am making much sense today, but I am going to make the choice to stop writing here and pick up another thought bubble another day. My advice: go out and make a choice. 
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dxctxrii · 2 years
Do I make Space Dad a shipping call is the real Q on my mind tonight.
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fitheghosty · 2 years
i present to thee : 👹 messy headcanon’s 👹
- Ricky used sign language / everyone in the choir learned it so they could communicate with him better (Mischa and Noel taught him French and Ukrainian swear words in secret) / whenever they’d perform Father Marcus let him sit on a stool beside the other members to sign their songs and invited the Uranium City HOH community to the choir’s concerts and events (mostly for extra money for group activities but also to make Ricky feel more included)
- Mischa’s adoptive parents have a daughter named Arlen that moved out before they adopted him / she is the only member of that cursed family that acknowledges his existence and they are very close despite not seeing each other often / before The Accident Mischa won her a big stuffed rabbit (he calls her ‘зайчик’ which is ‘bunny’ in Ukrainian) from the shooting range / after his death Arlen made all of his (surprisingly good) music into a digital album in his memory
- St. Cassian named the school choir room after the 6 of them and Father Marcus after their passing
- Penny was super new to the school / Ocean and Constance tried to convince her to join the choir but she initially turned them down / she agreed to go watch their performance at the Wonderville Traveling Fair before making a final decision
- Noel is catfishing Mischa as Talia / Talia is a real girl in the Ukraine but Noel reached out to her after Mischa saw her on Facebook and fell in love (she understood his situation and allowed Noel to use her pictures and even taught him Ukrainian) / he’s had a crush on Mischa since he started going to school with them all in the middle of 8th grade and he started talking to him as Talia in their sophomore year / Arlen found out when Mischa and the other kids had a sleep over at her house one night
- Mischa is actually Very protective of the choir members (All of them) but he keeps it secret / people he’s fought in a parking lot : a few guys that catcalled Ocean once, one freshman that stole Ricky’s crutches during their lunch hour, the guy that Noel had a crush on after said guy stood him up on purpose to make fun of him, the man that worked at the ice cream shop across the street that made a nasty comment about Constance’s body, etc
- Ricky has a whole sketchbook dedicated to the space themed cat cafe he wanted to open someday
- Constance and her parents put up pride flags out in front of their bakery that stay out all year round (Noel cried in the bathroom inside the restaurant for 30 minutes when he first saw them)
- Ocean always waited for the other choir members to leave school first to make sure they were safe before she drove home and she’d offer rides to whoever didn’t have one (usually Ricky and Penny) but pretend to be burdened by it
- Noel always brought tacos from work to their choir performances/rehearsals so that they could eat together
aaa oh my goodness rtc headcanons!!! yay!!! thank you very much good fellow
YES!!! I love any hc that includes ricky signing/the choir learning how to sign for him. also teaching eachother languages is so cute omg :') I also LOVE that you gave ricky a bigger job in the choir, it always felt so sucky that they never found anything for him to do, and he was always just supposed to stand there
not you giving mischa someone that actually cares for him in uranium I'm gonna cry😭😭 also "bunny" adorable. and all of his music does slap and I hope people listened to it after he passed bcs he's a lyrical genius period
finally, st. cassian doing something right. they deserve it, and that makes me happy
ooo that's really interesting, I feel like penny definitely would turn them down at first. which is honestly why I find the "penny was in the choir" theory a little unbelievable. it does make sense that ocean would see a new student and spring on the opportunity as well
YES!!! THE NOEL CATFISH THEORY!!! HANDS DOWN ONE OF MY FAV RTC THEORIES. I like ur little spin on it tho. I love that you had talia in on it
mischa definitely strikes me as someone who definitely would punch someone for his friends (family) he loves them, and if he even heard a single sentence of vial language towards his friends..the person who said it better watch out
awwww,, I feel like constance would definitely help his cafe dream come true
noel😭😭 he deserves to see some support in his home town. I've always had a hc that constance's parents are the best out of all of the choir's parents, and this really just helps that hc and I adore it
ocean is the friend who loves her friends but doesn't want them to know it fr. to add to this: I feel like she would try to purposely make opportunities where she can drive the choir bcs she always has so much fun with them, and enjoys their company
I can just imagine ocean being like "eww noel, do you seriously think we're gonna eat that?" and noel gives her a glare and she rolls her eyes and starts eating cuz she secretly loves taco bell
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deleteddewewted · 3 years
Omega! Kurogiri x Alpha male Reader headcannon?
Omega! Kurogiri Headcanons
Kurogiri x M! Reader
Yaaay! Male reader here i come! Thanks for sending in a request, I hope the mild yandere/obsessive behavior is ok. Also, massive spoilers for those who haven't read the manga, so please don't read if you don't want spoilers. The anime will eventually explain this.
Omega! Kurogiri Part 2
TW: Obsessive behavior, murder, blood, fluff in places it shouldn’t be in, a bit of angst.
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He smells like death….with a hint of whiskey and a faint musk. He doesn’t particularly care what people think about his scent, his focus isn’t on that.
He never thought he’d meet someone that would make him swoon. His entire focus and purpose in life was taking care of his unofficial adopted son with anger issues.
He met you during a battle. You were both on opposite sides of the same messed up coin.
He felt like he knew you, something in the fog that covered his mind drew him to you.
It became a fixation for him, he would look around online or even when he was on duty for you.
He needed to see you, make sure that everything was fine and that you hadn't died yet.
"Kurogiri!" "Yes, Shigaraki?" "Why are you looking at the national hero ranking board?" "Don't you have a plan to get to?" "uuUUUUUUGHHHHH! You suck!"
In his dreams he finds you in a UA uniform, laughing and smiling at him. You called out for him using name he's never heard before yet felt attached to.
"Hey, _____! Come here, let me ____" He couldn't hear you, but he knew that you weren't dangerous. He wanted to be closer to you. He wanted to touch you, feel...you.
When he woke up he blinked and just stared at his ceiling in silence. He couldn't describe what he felt, but he could describe what his body did.
Crying. He was crying over something he wasn't even sure was real.
The next day, he dedicated himself to finding you. He followed you around and was able to take notice of your work schedule.
On your day off you would visit a specific grave. Oboro Shirakumo.
Your scent would change every time you would visit the specific grave. It became potent with a bitter undertone. A sharp smell that made Kurogiri shudder.
The more he watched the more he wanted. He craved to have you at this point.
His mind was going on loop these days. "He's mine, he will be mine, he's already mine." He wants everything about you.
The next time you both meet was during your kidnapping. You had been missing for a few days and Kurogiri was able to find you.
Your kidnapper never had a chance.
Kurogiri doesn't remember how thrilling it was to kill someone. He mostly left that up to the other LOV members.
But it was even more thrilling to save someone, especially when that someone was your destined.
He picked you up from the floor, keeping the blindfold on you, and took you to an empty warehouse in the outskirts of the city.
"Im sorry for the inconvenience, allow me to take the blind off of you." He took it off and once your eyes focused you couldn't help but take note of the blood all over him.
"Kurogiri." You acknowledge him but didn't want to risk anything more. You won't lie, you were terrified of him.
"My dear, could you please allow me to do one more thing to you?" You keep glaring at him. "Depends on what it is." "Excellent! Could you allow me to smell you?"
What? Smell you?
"Im sorry-" "Please, would you allow me this one pleasure?" The fear over powered anything else so you nodded.
Kurogiri was in heaven. Your smell was mouth watering just like he remembered. Remembered?
He wanted more.
He let you go but he continued to follow you. He even started to self sabotage himself and the league.
He would make himself known to you and drop off clues and information for you. In return all he asked for was to smell you. In other occasion it was to hold you.
This arrangement continues and he eventually becomes bolder. Asking to scent you and even asked you to share heats with him. You agreed to the scenting but refuse the sharing of his heat. You were a hero which meant that you wouldn't start salivating like a numb skull alpha chad but you couldn’t do that. Share a heat even if it was just cuddling and the occasional show of affection.
You just couldn't wrap your head around the fact that a high and respected member of the LOV was wasting time with you!
When Kurogiri was captured and taken to Tartarus thats when you bothered with truly building something with him.
His scent was blocked and he was placed on heavy amounts of hormonal blockers to prevent heats. He didn't care at all, he didn't need his inner omega to tell him what to do.
You would come in and sit down to speak about everything he did in the league. You were here on business, at least thats what you told him.
He eventually was given the opportunity to walk around his little cell but he was still monitored and he would keep being on quirk suppressors.
"I dream, i hope you know this." "Why's that Kuro'?" Kurogiri shivers at the nickname. He truly loves- wants you. "I dream specifically of you, my dear."
Things further changed when you decided to step inside his cell.
Still being monitored and still under strict rules, you both managed to build on the existing relationship you had.
You would both laugh about whatever stories you had to share but it was one in particular that changed everything for him.
"When i was in high school, i had this friend who would throw himself off buildings." "That sounds reckless. Why would you surround yourself with someone like that y/n?" "You'll see Kuro'. Anyways, his quirk would let him create clouds and well, i didn't know that yet. He dragged me up to the roof and started saying that he liked me. He would go on about the little things i would do, the way i would smell, the way i would help out with our other classmates. Then, he feel off the roofs edge and i thought he died." You paused and looked at Kurogiri. You smiled brightly at him.
The fog was moving away from his mind and the image of the young man came back, all smiles and laughter.
"He popped up from the edge and was floating around on his cloud." The fog was completely lifted, there you were. You laughing at his attempt to flirt. You ran your fingers threw his cloud mist hair and held his cheek in your hand. You told him that it was a good try but that he should just stick to two word phrases.
He feel for you then and he was falling even more now.
He couldn't remember it but he told you the same thing that he told you all of those years ago.
"Im sorry, but your to perfect to just put into two words my dear."
There he was, your mate.
Here was your omega and life mate Oboro "Loud Cloud" Shirakumo.
435 notes · View notes
Mystery Writer (Spencer Reid x Reader)
Summary: Spencer finds books at a second hand bookstore that are annotated and he falls the person writing the notes. 
AN: This was part of a fic swap on @imagining-in-the-margins​ server! This is for the marvellous @definitelynotkatesblog​ <3 I really hope you like it! I had to delete the original post because it didn't show up in the tags. This will be staying up regardless of that now.
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Your name: submit What is this?
“If you need anything, just let me know!”
Spencer pressed his lips together at the person behind the till before heading deeper into the rows of second-hand books. Familiar titles, old and new, printed on spines in various states of pristine/decay, they tempted him to select and bring them home with him. The clear sections between biographies and fiction guided him deeper into the forest, deeper into finding his way out. He was hoping to adopt one such book for a day off, when he could revisit it with a fresh eye. It would be like seeing an old friend again, remembering why they were friends in the first place with a hint of that initial read through from years ago, and perhaps he would learn something new in the process.
A dull ache in his chest at the sight of The Sign of Four by Arthur Conan Doyle. But he had long since recovered from that heartbreak and he would be able to read this story without feeling that again.
Still. It had been several years since he read this book.
His nervous fingers plucked it off the shelf and the pages fell open for him. A flattened gum wrapper parted the pages like the Red Sea. Spencer lifted it out tentatively. Its creases were ironed in from its role as a temporary bookmark, an impression of scribbled black ink flattened after it was made.
Spencer’s eyes scanned over the page in search of what this gum wrapper might have been guarding.
“Women are never to be entirely trusted – not the best of them.”
In the margins was scribbled:
Product of the time, but still a prick, rude smartarse role a bit dull
Spencer found himself exhaling in light laughter. That a lack of empathy was considered “dull” by this person, when it was something he dealt with in his job almost every day. The confidence in this commentary too, this brazen critique of a much beloved fictional character was left for someone else to find.
His gaze found Watson’s opinion of Holmes’ casual sexism: “atrocious sentiment”. It was circled twice in the same black biro.
Spencer dug his thumb against the text block and flicked through the book. A waft of that book smell lifted from the paper, accompanied by the bold notes of the previous owner dotted across the text until he finally landed on the reverse of the front cover. Two letters – initials - were scratched onto it.
It was with bridled exhilaration that Spencer approached the till and held up the book with a half-smile. His hands were quick to place it down on the counter so that the shop assistant could type the price into the till. His mood was apparently palpable because they seemed just as happy as Spencer to hand him back the novel in a brown paper bag – the receipt tucked inside.
 “Love is an emotional thing, and whatever emotional is opposed to what is true, cold reason, which I place above all things. I should never marry myself, lest I bias my judgement.”  
What a lonely existence and also a lie. See: entire relationship w/ Dr. Watson!
Spencer smiled at this comment. Now all the other instances of a double underlining made sense. Each one produced itself in his mind as evidence that Mr Sherlock Holmes did in fact love. Maybe not marry, but it would have been terribly unconventional for him to wed Doctor John Watson. The unknown author seemed to understand this. They never emphasised if this love was platonic or romantic. But the way in which they proved love existed within this character oft portrayed as emotionless, Spencer simply adored. They were a romantic reader, who still enjoyed reading about the cynic
He grew quite aware of his posture in that moment and he straightened his back. A few clicks of complaint emitted as he stretched, his head twisting from side to side. Screwing his eyes open and shut behind his glasses, he revisited your deduction.
On the dot of the “i” in “lie”, there was a sprinkle of graphite around the indent from where a pencil’s lead had snapped from the effort put into topping off this point. A sprinkle of graphite smudged where the pages pressed together.
Spencer moved on to where a sentence in black biro tried to blend in with the printed words. A memory appeared at the front of his mind: when Rossi was bewildered to learn Spencer and Dr. Alex Blake wrote the newspaper crossword in pen.
The pencil markings were like mini brainstorms, something to revisit and make a solid theory with the black biro. But the planning was never rubbed out.
Little quotes were circled. This mystery critic spent half the book roasting the characters and the other half leaving little exclamation marks and circles around phrases and words when they couldn’t think of something to say. Spencer found it sweet, picturing the thrilling unfolding of events for the reader to revisit.
His heart ached in bittersweet memory as he recalled the contents of Dr Alex Blake’s book The Route of Linguistics. It was necessary pain to create a profile of who this mystery critic was. Yes, he was profiling out of work hours. His evenings were now spent trying to picture the voice behind the notes. The sarcasm, the witty blows to the character’s and author’s ego. He almost wished that he couldn’t read so fast because he finished the book, even with its additional notations, all too quickly. But there was one bonus.
Spencer traced the pad of his fingertip over the exclamation marks describing Mary Morstan. What else might a detractor of the great Sherlock Holmes read?
He had returned to the bookshop in favour of adopting another. Yet he could not find one that satisfied his unknown criteria. It was not until he found himself checking the front pages of the fifth book he had selected, that he realised he was looking for a pair of initials.
Sighing, he placed My Dear Bessie, with its empty front page, back on the shelf. The chances of finding another book containing this mystery critic were so minute. He could probably calculate them if he wanted to dedicate himself to such a disheartening statistic. He’d rather not spend his lunch break doing that, as much as he loved statistics. This once, they did not assure his safety and he remained unsupported by the fact that he could not find any other Arthur Conan Doyle books.
His desperation became most apparent when he thought that perhaps fate should just decide for him. If anything, he would come away with a random book to read through in about ten minutes on a flight back home.
He peeked around the corner of the shelves. The shop assistant at the till was busy writing something down, not paying any mind to the shop’s only customer.
“A random shot had no better odds than just picking books off one by one” is what he told himself as he closed his eyes and placed his fingers on the end of the shelf, just over the first book’s spine. In an “S” pattern, his arm moved up and down, over the books and shelves and gaps between units. His feet stepped forwards into the space he knew was clear.
Spencer stopped and opened his eyes, his finger shifting just an inch out of the way of his new book’s title.
Circe. Madeline Miller.
He tapped the top and the book fell forwards, where he caught it. Its shining dust jacket was serving its purpose, a few tears along the edges from where it had protected the hardcover. He checked the front page. A map of Aiaia in orange and brown filled it to the corners. On the next page, his heart stuttered at the sight of two initials in the same handwriting and the same biro. There was also a scribble - invisible to start with then a ball of black.
The first page with the story’s text held a scribble just above its opening line:
the power of the name
“When I was born, the name for what I was did not exist.”
He could see that the first was in a blunt pencil, but the addition was a sharpened point carving into the paper. A secondary thought that was provided after completing the novel, they had added it. Spencer lifted it to his face, his eyes crossing to keep the stipple in focus. The scent of the paper and the graphite reached him easily; the note must have been made just before Circe was gifted to him. How lucky he was to find such a treasure.
The shop assistant was cutting out a new sign for “BUY ONE GET ONE HALF PRICE!”. By the time Spencer made it to them, the sign was placed upon the pile besides him. The shop assistant smoothed out a crease on the dust jacket, ineffectively but Spencer admitted the gesture. He was glad that someone who loved books as much as him got to work in a place like this.
Spencer’s mind, definitely for worse, echoed the words off the tabloids around his head the split second he made eye contact with the headlines. He paced the shelves to somewhere a little quieter. When he found the chocolate aisle, he pretended to peruse. Ever half a minute or so, his gaze drifted up to the till area where the shop owner was on a phone call and clearly not paying attention to him.
It was not long before Spencer grew bored of looking at KitKats, and he pulled out One Thousand And One Nights. The book’s pages fell again to page 57. This shop’s receipt stood above them, still holding its place from the previous owner. It felt wrong to part the two.
No new people had entered this corner shop for 8 minutes. He’d even given the time at the receipt’s end a fifteen-minute margin either side. Given that this mystery critic took a break from work at the same time on the same day of the week – and that they worked during the day – he should have seen them. Maybe he had, and they were that man in the baggy hoodie who stunk of weed. Probably not. Hopefully not. Not that Spencer was judging him for his… recreational activities. He just wanted the mystery critic to be someone he could realistically spend time with.
Just then, Spencer’s phone trilled annoyingly loud. He received a glare from the shop manager and Spencer sent an awkward apologetic expression his way before answering JJ quickly.
“Spencer, we’ve got a case. We need you here ASAP.”
His response was immediate. “Ok, be there in ten.” Hanging up, Spencer dithered on the spot then grabbed a packet of Cheetos. He’d been there for nearly twenty minutes; he had to get something.
“Three dollars,” the manager said before returning to his call. But not before he rolled his eyes at Spencer. Spencer dropped the bills onto the counter and dashed out before he could be offered a receipt.
  An outlier in the usual length of case work had passed by in five long days. Spencer hardly ever regretted the time he put into this job. Every unsub caught was lives saved. But the absence of his mystery commentator had been niggling at the back of his busy mind and he was glad to finally reunite with them on this long flight back.
From his satchel, he recovered the copy of One Thousand And One Nights and began rereading the notes to ground himself in the story. His focus lingered on the page as if he were reading it at the average 250 words per minute. It allowed him to block out the humming of the engine.
Spencer did not take his eyes off the page as he pulled open his desk drawer and popped a piece of overpriced gum into his mouth. Half-hearted reminders bounced in his head, from when he tried smoking and chewing gum to ease his cravings. The fruit flavour was very clearly artificial and it faded within six minutes. Why his mystery critic would pick such a pathetic packet of gum to chew, he didn’t know. But hopefully the fact of its flavour disappearing fast would mean they get through the packet quicker and buy another soon. Even if today, and the days before, spent in that shop did not lean in favour of that hypothesis.
The Five People You Meet In Heaven was in the Recently Donated pile. It was near the top, slid towards the edge of the container after being placed wonkily on a copy of some sports autobiography.
Within the pages was more than Spencer could have ever hoped for. Entire paragraphs were circled, quotes underlined. A squashed mini post-it note tabbed the page and a whole paragraph was scrawled on it, about Tala. An arrow pointing to the underside, Spencer lifted the flap and saw more to read, like an interactive pop-up book that he’d gotten Henry for his second birthday. Spencer closed his eyes quick and snapped the book shut. He wanted to save it for when he was sitting comfortably, not while he was rushing back to work in time for JJ to get to her lunch break on time.
The shop assistant had just clipped the lid back onto a green highlighter when Spencer drew up to their counter. With careful fingers, he placed the book upon it. There was a twitch of the assistant’s mouth; their eyes brightened. They looked like they wanted to say something, but something else held them back from making the first move. Spencer recognised it from his school days.
“It’s a good read.” He spoke after they had typed the price into the till.
“I know,” The assistant replied instantly, a relieved smile on their lips, “What part are you on?”
“I’ve already read it, but I wanted to revisit the passage at the diner.”
“Ahh, that’s a good bit. One of my favourites.”
Spencer’s eyebrows furrowed a fraction of an inch. His gaze dropped to the nametag on the left side of their chest. Y/N, their name’s first initial. It couldn’t be.
“What did you think about the final person, Tala?”
“Oh,” The shop assistant clutched at their heart, “I was an emotional wreck before and it hit me hard just as the rest did. So bittersweet to hear her forgiveness. It took me a few times to finish reading the end, but it was all worth it.”
He couldn’t be this lucky, to get this many books from the same person and to have them standing in front of him. Spencer didn’t believe in luck.
As he reached across for his new book, he turned over the cover, “Was this yours?”
Twisting their head around to read the publication details, the assistant – Y/N - smiled sheepishly at the initials. “Yes, and I’m glad to see it go to a new home.”
Apparently luck believed in him.
“But,” Spencer felt his brows knit automatically as he looked between the book and their previous owner, “You love it. I-I’ve seen your notes.”
A hand clapped over Y/N’s mouth, “Oh God, you must have. I mean, it wasn’t the intention initially, but I thought they might be a little entertaining for anyone who picks it up to leave them in there.”
“Oh, they were! I’d love to read more of your thoughts. Hear, hear them, if you wouldn’t mind.”
Y/N checked the door to the shop, still shut, and back to Spencer. They dropped their elbows onto the countertop with their chin in their palms. “What did you wanna know?”
From his bag, Spencer procured his – their – copy of The Sign of Four and flicked through the pages. So many places to choose, but he wanted to open with what had introduced him to Y/N’s analysis.
The pair put their heads together, leaning on the counter. Spencer could smell the chewing gum on their breath. Y/N never cut him off, and he never wanted to cut them off. There were little pauses at the end of each of their turns to speak before the other picked up where they had left off. Their voices leapt from secretive whispers to passionate orations of their favourite passages, rebounding evidence and analysis off each other like a bouncy ball. Spencer finally had a voice to put to the sarcasm, the one his mind had conjured long forgotten in the wake of Y/N’s enthusiasm.
The shop’s door swung open. Spencer leapt to attention as an older woman swept in, past the two of them towards the non-fiction section. Y/N adjusted their name tag, their back straight too. The clock behind the till announced that it was now twenty minutes after the end of Spencer’s lunch break.
Running on the rush of his hobby meeting a potential friend, Spencer asked, “Can I get your number? So we can talk more, maybe swap some more books, when you’re not working?”
His luck was still by his side as Y/N wrote out their number on his receipt, written in their infamous black biro.
  Spencer leapt over to the door of his apartment, took a deep breath, and unlocked it. Stood behind where it had been was Y/N and they too were still wearing the uniform from work. Their nametag was still on their polo shirt, the same spot that Spencer wore his FBI tag.
“Can I get you a drink?” He asked the second they made a step inside his abode.
“Tea would be great. Milk and one sugar please.”
And while he was in the kitchen, Y/N rushed over to the bookshelves, their eyes wide to take in Spencer’s collection. “Oh wow! You weren’t joking!” Their finger indicated to a hard cover copy of Mean Time by Carol Ann Duffy, “That’s one of mine. Well, yours now.”
Plucking it from the shelf, they opened it up. Spencer had written his initials beside theirs.
Spencer stuck his head out in the partition, “Ours. If we’re going to be sharing.” Y/N stood on tiptoes, teeming with delight, their hands cradling the book with all the care Spencer could hope for in a fellow reader. Joint custody of their books and their passion? What a dream.
“I just have to write a little more about the epilogue, and I’ll be with you,” Y/N took their place on his couch. A pencil began scribbling away their thoughts onto the last few pages. Their knees were their desk.
Spencer finished brewing and placed the mug in front of Y/N, who mumbled a quick thank you to him. He joined them in writing his final notes. It slowed him down a considerable amount, but he was glad to take things at a casual pace, especially considering the way that Y/N almost broke their pencil as they scrawled out their thoughts for Spencer to hear later.
“Have you thought about the next one you’d like to try?” Spencer asked tentatively. He wasn’t so sure if Y/N would want to be interrupted.
Luckily for him, Y/N paused their stream of consciousness to look back at his books, “Hmm. So much to choose from.”
Stood up, their book left in Spencer’s care. They took a deep breath, closed their eyes and used their forefinger to draw a zigzag over the spines. Spencer felt that he was almost sick with joy.
Y/N stilled their wandering hand and opened their eyes, already drawing out the selected novel, “This one.”
“And what have you chosen for me next time?”
Y/N handed over The Butterfly Lion from their bag, “Ok, I can’t wait any longer, what do you think?”
They sat back on the couch. Their legs now hung over the arm of the couch, elbows either side and face cupped in their palms. The book rested in their lap. Shifting so that he faced them completely, Spencer returned to the first page and his analysis began.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
dating the port mafia’s medic
a/n: basically headcanons of port mafia members dating one of the organization’s medics who happen to be you. i just thought this would be cute and i’m craving fluff. also these are,,, really long.
feat. akutagawa, chuuya, and odasaku
akutagawa ryuunosuke:
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you were the doctor that mori specifically assigned to him to help with his lung condition
even though akutagawa was supposed to have regular, weekly sessions he’d only come in like,, twice a month and that was after you texted mori that he hasn’t been visiting you
akutagawa isn’t all too comfortable with the fact that he has to take off his shirt so that you could put him in an x-ray gown or when you need to listen to his breathing with a stethoscope
but you’re incredibly patient with him and also the pay is good so you persist
at one point during one of your sessions, akutagawa grumbles about having to come to the clinic when he just wants to live long enough to make dazai proud
and you’re like ‘is that so?’
“personally, i’d feel kind of sad if you had to die so early”
that kind of gets akutagawa thinking. he can tell by the way you said it that you had no ulterior motives behind it
akutagawa: but,,, i'm your most troublesome patient
you: oh my god you think you're troublesome ??
you start to rant abt all the patients you had to treat before who didn't believe in vaccines or got their elbows stuck in weird places
akutagawa finds your stories really entertaining so he ends up enjoying and willingly going to his sessions with you
after that first fight with atsushi, you ended up taking care of akutagawa and patching up his body 
literal days of you just being at his bedside, worrying and hoping that he'll wake up and then you suddenly realize that maybe you have feelings for him
when akutagawa regains consciousness, he finds that he doesn't entirely hate the situation he's in because he gets to see you more often
he likes listening to more of your stories while you sit at his bedside. eventually he opens up with stories of his own (most of them are abt his missions so yeah)
akutagawa begins visiting your clinic more and one day he comes in even though he doesn't have a session and then agonizes over why the heck he did that
good guy senpai chuuya is basically all 'idk are you in love or something?'
to akutagawa it's utterly unacceptable and he hides his feelings for so long until you're the one who decides to confess to him
and to your surprise, he hesitantly asks if maybe you two would like to be in a relationship
you two are awkward about it at first. akutagawa doesn't really know if drinking tea at your clinic could be considered a 'date' but he does like these moments
both of you have pretty hectic schedules since m your patients are also mafia members and you have to be on-call all the time but akutagawa is really understanding
he likes seeing you in casual clothes but he also thinks you look good in a labcoat (he probably borrowed it when you were not looking to try it on)
because akutagawa has grown quite accustomed to your touch and initiates holding hands with you (in private ofc)
he's still not used to the idea of you taking care of him not just as a doctor but as his s/o but it makes a nice change for once
chuuya nakahara:
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the first time he met you was after a mission when he was taking one of his subordinates to the emergency room of the infirmary
you were the doctor on-duty that night and the first time chuuya laid his eyes on you he was like 'damn'
who knew the mafia doctors were this hot amirite
ofc you were also kind of starstruck to see mafia executive chuuya nakahara in the emergency room but you had a job to do and a man was losing blood
you: what's his type?
chuuya: uh,, h/c hair, beautiful eyes, labcoat...
you: i mean... his blood type
chuuya's got it bad. after that night he couldn't stop thinking about that cute medic aka you
but he didn't even know what your shifts were so he LOOKS FOR YOUR CASE FILE IN THE RECORDS
it's like he's gonna commit a murder or something but no he's looking for information on you
the guy’s pretty impressed when he looks at your resume and definitely sees why you were hired to be a doctor at the mafia but that only makes him want to see you more
but questions is, how does he make it look like he was just ‘passing by the infirmary’ and not that he’s actively looking for you
tsundere boy is tsundere
because chuuya almost NEVER gets injured in fights and he’s got a reputation for that and now does he get himself injured on purpose just to see you?
well, the opportunity presents itself in the form of him and dazai fighting cthulhu aka lovecraft but we all know its cthulhu 
chuuya wakes up on a hospital bed to you checking in on him and he almost falls off the bed in shock
but then after he gets his bearings he realizes what an IDEAL SITUATION THIS IS
although it’s kind of hard to flirt with someone when you’re in a hospital gown with an IV infusion stuck to his arm
nonetheless, he finally decides to ask you out after his last day of treatment and you’re shocked of course but agree
although your first date ends up being rain-checked because a patient comes in a new mission for chuuya comes up
actually almost all your dates get rain-checked until after a mission, chuuya decides to visit your clinic with a bouquet of flowers just when you get off your shift
chuuya: are... you free?
you: yeah. are... you free?
both of you are too tired for a fancy restaurant date so you two end up at a cozy bar to share a drink
chuuya loves listening to your stories and talking to you. he literally has his chin on his hands listening to how you made a makeshift tourniquet out of your labcoat while you were on the field
both of you are really busy people but chuuya likes to stop by your clinic once in a while
you always have fresh flowers on your table because chuuya brings them for you
sometimes he’ll come home to you already tired and passed out 
oda sakunosuke:
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the first time he met you was after a particularly rough mission and you were luckily there at the emergency room to treat him 
this guy had a concussion and needed stitches asap but instead he was asking you to treat his companions first 
you quickly treated him and let him rest and of course the first thing he asks when he wakes up is how everyone else is doing
your intrigued of course because you’ve never met a mafia member who was like him 
the second time you met him, odasaku actually brought someone from the enemy faction along because he didn’t think that leaving him to die was the right choice
he didn’t know if you would treat them because you were loyal to the mafia but you also had your own moral code as a doctor to treat patients no matter who they were
odasaku stuck around the emergency room knowing that it was going to take you hours to treat the man and when you come out, you’re surprised to see him there with a cup of coffee
the two of you end up sitting in the hallway and talking about all sorts of things. you love listening to how odasaku stopped killing so that he can fulfill his dream of being a writer
he on the other hand loves hearing about how you went through the hell that was med school because you were dedicated to saving lives
maybe odasaku doesn’t mind getting injured so much because that means he gets to see you but also you can’t help but feel worried about him
one time, one of the odasaku’s adopted kids gets really sick and the first person he ends up calling is you because he has no idea what to do 
to his relief, you show up right at the curry restaurant and are very much ready to help
odasaku admires how good you are with kids. even though they just met you, they’ve already taken a liking to your calm, sweet presence
you even pull out your stethoscope and let them take turns listening to each other’s heartbeats
until a kid walks up to oda to check his heartbeat and is like ‘uh,,, your heart is beating really fast’
cue all the kids singing “ODA LOVES Y/N, ODA LOVES Y/N”
you look up at oda and he doesn’t look away and now you know
after that day, oda asks if you would like to maybe have a drink with him or visit a cafe and you say that you would love to
odasaku loves to drop by your clinic because he’s such a caring boyfriend and he knows how stressed you are from your work
he even comes by in the morning to bring you your coffee and he memorizes your order
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
taglist (check out my post for details on being part of my taglist): @waitforitillwritemywayout @atsumu-brainrot​ @laure-chan @goodfoodxoxoxo ​ @guardianangelswings @ah-kaashi​
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johnkrrasinski · 3 years
𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜
Chapter 4: hell was the journey but it brought me heaven (final)
full masterlist // series masterlist // commission open // support my work
Pairings: bucky barnes x reader
Word Count: 2,943
Summary: blessed with telepathic abilities since birth, you were captured by HYDRA and turned into one of their weapons to kill. after the blip, you were pardoned by the government and you were obliged to check up with dr. raynor everyday which you had no clue would lead you to the one soul you’d been waiting for.
Warnings: SMUT!! (18+) dirty talk, oral (female receiving), fingering, shower sex, happy ending.
A/N: this series is dedicated to the lovely @ohmickeyhenry who commissioned this story and developed the concept. thank you for trusting me with your story. i sincerely hope you like it.
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You sat on the front porch as your fingers flipped through the page of the romance novel you had your nose in. It was a beautiful day, the weather wasn’t too hot or too cold, perfect to spend hours escaping into a story outside. Alpine purred on the chair where Bucky would sit if he was here but he wasn’t because he was on an overseas mission with Sam and though you offered to come with him, Tony said that it would be best if you sat this one out. You didn’t take it personally, however, it was hard to be separated from him for nearly a month.
Bucky said he’d be coming home soon and though the mission kept delaying them to come home, Bucky called and texted you every day to let you know that he was alright and how far on completing the mission had they gone. You were glad that Sam and Bucky had each other while you weren’t around to take care of him because you knew that Sam was the only person who could ground him other than you.
You and Bucky had been together for nearly five months now, after your recovery in Wakanda and adjusting to the new life of being superheroes, you both decided that you wanted to settle in a more remote place. All of the Avengers had their own places outside of the compound so you thought, why don’t you get yours? You talked about getting your own place in Brooklyn but eventually, you came to a decision where somewhere in the country would be better for both of your mental beings, while also still residing in the New York area so that you’d be ready in case there are emergency missions.
Since moving to the countryside, you had felt much more at peace and you had learned more about yourself than before. You were in the middle of the process of moving in when Bucky was needed by Tony to take care of an international matter with Sam, so Tony helped call in some people to help you with your stuff.
The place you had with Bucky was lovely, it wasn’t anything big or swanky, it was simply a rural rustic home that blends woods and stones as the foundation. It had a large loft where you placed your bed, and the roof had upper windows which shed lights into the entire room. It was even more stunning at night where you could see the stars and the moon that illuminated the dark space. From the veranda, you could enjoy the beautiful view of greenery and the lake surrounding you. It was heaven, but most importantly, it was your and Bucky’s little heaven.
You’d often feel lonely living in the cabin, so you decided to adopt a cat while Bucky was away. You didn’t tell him because you wanted it to be a surprise. You named her Alpine. You’d always wanted to have a pet and now that you had your own place, you could have one without worrying it would bother anyone.
You talked to Bucky this morning and he estimated that he’d be coming home in two days, which means he’d be home by his birthday. You couldn’t think of a more perfect gift than this adorable, blue-eyed cat. It was as if she got them from her dad whom she had yet to meet. You also wanted to make his birthday and celebrate his coming home more special so you put down the book and went to the grocery store in town that afternoon to shop for the ingredients to bake a cake.
You had learned a lot of new things after you moved here, and baking was quickly becoming your hobby, so you were excited to utilize that new skill to surprise the love of your life. You spent the next day in the kitchen so once Bucky walked through the front door, the cake would be ready to be served. You were giddy thinking about the look on his face and how proud you would feel to make him happy with something you made of your own.
You were lying on your couch with Alpine by your feet, reading the book that you didn’t get to finish yesterday when you heard your phone notifying you a text had been received.
I’m outside, babydoll.
You instantly got up from your couch and put your book on the table. Your first thought this morning was Bucky would back to your arms this afternoon and you were ecstatic. You had missed him terribly and you wanted to curl up in his embrace and never let him go. He was your anchor and you were his rock, you both needed each other to get through the days. How you managed to survive so long without him was beyond you.
You chose a nice outfit, nothing fancy just a simple sundress that you feel your best in, put on some makeup and did your hair. Though you didn’t have a clue on makeup products, let alone apply them all over your face, you did spend a handful of times watching Youtube for guidance. You knew you didn't have to put all that effort to keep Bucky in love with you but you wanted to do something nice for him. For the first time in forever, you were a free woman who was allowed to make her own choices, you were going to revel in exploring them.
You opened the door and there he was, as handsome as the devil, as gentle as an angel. Everything about him captivated you yet, he soothed every nervous system in your body too. He was grinning at you like he had just won a prize and you couldn’t help but throw yourself at him as soon as the door was fully opened. “Bucky!”
He hugged you back, holding you so tightly to his chest and he kissed you as a lover would until you needed air. “You’re a sight for sore eyes,” he swept the hair that was falling on your face, slightly hiding your beauty.
You smiled at his flattery, “I got a surprise for you…”
“A surprise?” He looked genuinely perplexed. “What’s the occasion?”
“It’s your birthday, silly. And to celebrate you coming home, of course, because I missed you so badly.”
“Sweetheart, you don't need to get me anything, you’re all the blessing I need in my life.”
“And you are mine, but you deserve more. So, close your eyes.” You ordered him like you were an excited 10 years old ready to show off her science project to her parents. He did as he was told and you took his hand and led him to the kitchen where his cake was sitting perfectly. “Don’t open your eyes until I tell you!”
He chuckled, “okay.”
Bucky trusted you wholeheartedly so he didn’t worry he’d walk into a wall or slam his hips to the kitchen counter as he was being led down to where his cake was. “Okay, now open your eyes.” He did so and he saw you standing behind the tiny dining table, near the kitchen chanting Ta-Da! Presenting a chocolate birthday cake, in the shape of a heart in front of you.
You lit up the candles that were in the shape of 106 and you brought the cake closer to him, “happy birthday, my love.”
Bucky was grinning from ear to ear, he couldn’t contain the happiness swelling in his heart. While he was on his bike, driving from the compound to his cabin-like home, all he expected was a warm shower and being tangled between the sheets with you. Since he was turned into The Winter Soldier, he no longer cared about birthdays or his age. Time felt blurry and all that mattered was his purpose in his life which is to make amends to the wrongs he committed during his winter soldier days and the few people that he cared about.
But now you were in his life, you were going to make sure his birthdays are special and that every second you both spent together was precious. “I got another surprise for you…” You walked to the couch to carry Alpine and when Bucky saw her, his eyes lit up.
“You got us a cat?!” You handed her to Bucky gently like a newborn baby and Bucky cradled her to his chest, looking like an affectionate father.
“I did. I felt lonely while you were away so I thought I’d get a pet now that we’ve got our own place and I saw her at the shelter when I went to town and she looked so adorable, I just had to take her home, Buck,” you watched Bucky lovingly stroke the cat’s ear.
“I never had a pet before…”
“I know, and neither had I so I thought, the three of us would make a wonderful family.”
“Thank you, doll. This is… This is the best birthday gift I could ever ask for.”
“You’re welcome, love. By the way, her name’s Alpine.”
Bucky nodded, “suits her.”
“Now, as delicious as that cake looks, I really need to take a shower, would you mind joining me?” Bucky held out his hand for you.
“There’s nothing else I’d rather do,” Bucky took your hand and carried you in bridal style to your bathroom, which had rustic walls like the rest of the house and dark brown sink vanity with a mirror at the centre above.
Bucky put you down and you both began stripping out of your clothes. You helped Bucky with his once yours were on the hanger because you wanted to feel him, really feel him now. Once only his boxer remained, you slid the shower glass door and you pulled him, giggling like teenagers trying to sneak out in the middle of the night as he struggled to take off his boxer with the way you were pulling him.
You turned on the shower, just warm enough to soothe your nerves and help Bucky relax. Bucky cupped your face and you both began making out, the stream of water made it difficult to keep your eyes open but you always got so lost in his kisses that you could never keep your eyes open even if you wanted to. It felt like heaven to feel those lips again after a month of his absence.
Bucky lifted you and you wrapped your legs around his waist. He slammed you to the bathroom glass as he dominated your mouth, his tongue tangled with yours as his vibranium arm leaned against the glass. Bucky trailed kissed to the column of your neck and you threw your head back, giving him easier access. He bit the skin, marking you as his.
The water kept flowing down and you both forgot what you were there for in the first place. “Oh, missed you so fucking much, doll.”
“I missed you too,” you said as you panted.
“Those nude pictures you sent weren’t helping either. Each time I see you naked, it went straight to my cock. It was torture not to have you right away.” Bucky put you down and kissed your body, down to your stomach until he reached the part where you needed him most. Bucky lifted your right leg onto his shoulder and kissed the inside of your thigh as he left a love bite with his teeth there too.
You didn’t mind, you were his as much as he was yours and you loved it when he got a little rough or possessive, though you knew Bucky would never hurt you and if he did, you wouldn’t hesitate in telling him. But you loved to walk around with his marks on you, you wore them proudly.
Bucky dipped his head to your core, tasting your arousal like a famished man. He had been deprived of your taste for a month, he wasn’t going to hold back. He could spend hours in between your legs if you let him and he’d never get tired of it. Bucky licked a stripe of your slit, making you throw your head back again and moan.
He grabbed your arse to keep you standing, with the way he was devouring you, your thighs began to shake, and you would’ve crumbled to the floor if he wasn’t holding you. You tugged his hair, keeping his face close to your cunt. You couldn’t help but grind yourself onto his face and you could feel him smirking.
The way his stubble grazed your delicate skin was tantalizing, you’d tried to close your legs a few times around his head but he always held them back. You could feel your muscles tightening, but before you could burst, Bucky put your leg to the floor and he stood up, kissing you again and you could taste your arousal all over his tongue. It was erotic yet intimate at the same time.
Bucky grabbed your hips and spun you around, you could feel his stiff member nudging you from behind as you both fought for dominance with your tongues. Bucky took a fistful of your hair and lifted your head back, once again trailing open-mouthed kisses to your throat. His fingers made their way down to your clit, rubbing it in circles furiously as if you weren’t soaked enough already from the way his tongue ingurgitated you.
You whimpered at his touch, the way he always knew how to light up every cell in your body with his touch was a wonder. It was as if your body had given itself completely to him and it was going to comply with whatever his touch tells you to do. Like the way you willingly bared your soul to him, you didn’t fight it at all, let the love and passion you had for each other consume you.
“You’re dripping all over my hand, doll.”
“I need you to fuck me now, please.” You were losing your mind with the way he was stimulating you, you needed to have him inside you now.
“Anything for you, baby.”
Bucky used your wetness to lubricate his member, making it easier for him to slide in. You leaned against the glass with your hands against it as he gripped your hip with his flesh hand and your shoulder with his vibranium one. Bucky pushed himself until he was fully sheathed and he groaned, “oh fuck, I ain’t gonna last long. Missed this tight cunt so much.”
Bucky gave you a few seconds to adjust to his size, and once you told him to move, he began with slow paces. You threw your head back and leaned against his shoulder as he kept thrusting in and out of you at a faster speed. Bucky moved his vibranium arm to your hip and wrapped his flesh hand around your jaw, directing it to his face so he could kiss you deeply.
The sounds of your skin slapping were salacious. Bucky felt you clenched around him and the coil in your stomach tightened. His fingers that were gripping your waist once again furiously rubbed your clit, igniting the fire in your muscles. Your cries grew louder as his rhythm began to falter, and the dam in you broke, your squirts streamed down your thighs, clouding your brain with pleasure.
Bucky started to get messy as he chased his own orgasm. He followed you to the place of euphoria, releasing himself deep inside you, panting your walls with hot white gush. Bucky leaned his forehead against the glass as he breathed heavily with his heart thumping against his chest. His weight on your back was comforting so you stayed there for a while until you both began to come down from your highs.
Bucky pulled out of you and his orgasm ran down your thighs, following yours. You turned around to face him and kiss him again. “That was fucking amazing,” Bucky said as he cleaned you up.
“I should be the one doing that, I wasn’t the one who just came home from a one month mission,” you retorted as you watched him going down to scrub your thighs where your juices were sticking on your skin.
“Well, now that I’m here, let me take care of my girl, will ya?”
You only chuckled and eventually, you both helped rinsed each other off. Once the shower was done, Bucky dried you with a towel and carried you to your bed, which he had yet to sleep on since it got here.
Life was a funny thing. Sometimes it dragged you down to hell, making you question if you had ever committed such a heinous crime in your previous life that cost you such misery in your present. But then, slowly but surely, the journey that you had to endure, led you to your fate, for better or for worse.
You couldn’t change where you had been and what you had done, but you could choose how you were going to redeem yourself and how you were going to spend the remaining years of your life now. You didn’t know much about your future as an Avenger. Hell, you were barely an Avenger, to begin with, but eventually, when you were ready, you knew there’d be nothing too big to overcome because you had Bucky by your side to walk through the storm with.
You didn’t have the privilege to believe in mystical things such as lucky stars but you were going to thank whatever was out there for the invisible string that tied you to Bucky.
tags; @ohmickeyhenry @suitofvibraniumarmor @themaddies-obx @themaddies-obx @beminetokeep @bluemoon-icecream @bluemoon-icecream-blog @harprs @thefridgeismybestie @abitofeverythingg @wolfonthemoonwatchestvshows @julimelodi @bookscoffeandotherstuff @tanyaherondale @artisancowbells @ferxaniti @intothesoul @hallecarey1 @buckybarnesplumwhore @thefallenbibliophilequote @andiyholly @emizla @capxwinter @jevans2 @alwaysreadingimagineschick @swtltlmrvlgrl @extremelyblackandwhite
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Mind giving us some more Yuuki Mishima content?
Fists of Purpose - 2
~Ten Years Ago~
*Jin Kazama and Ling Xiaoyu stand in a doorway, looking in on a five year old boy hesitantly playing with blocks as though he's never seen anything like them before*
Jin: There's no doubt?
Xiaoyu: None. I'm- I'm sorry Jin.
Jin: Damnit, how the Hell does something like this even happen!?
Xiaoyu: ...Jin, with everything we've been through... is that even a serious question?
Jin: Point. It's just... I swore...
Xiaoyu: You swore that the Devil Gene would end with you. I guess these guys had other ideas.
Jin: How did Umbrella Corporation even get ahold of my DNA?
Xiaoyu: It's hard to say. As the Gaming Multiverse gets bigger threats can come from any angle.
*Jin stares at the little boy like he's looking at a ghost*
Jin: Well... just... get rid of it. Put it up for adoption and get it out of my face.
Xiaoyu: Jin!
Jin, turning to leave: It's too dangerous to be kept around me. Get rid of it!
Xiaoyu, grabbing him by the arm: Jin, this isn't some company you can buy off! This is your son!
Jin, wheeling on her: I never wanted to have it!
Xiaoyu: Well he's here!
*silence reigns between them for a moment before Xiaoyu puts a gentle hand on his shoulder*
Xiaoyu: Jin... you could never be Kazuya.
Jin, laughing bitterly: Can I not? It's always the same with us Mishima men.
Xiaoyu: I thought you were Kazama?
Jin: Kazama may be my name, but it's Mishima blood in my veins. You know how it goes for us, how we screw things like this up.
Xiaoyu: But it doesn't have to be Jin. You could break the cycle. Right here and now.
Jin: I- I don't know how.
Xiaoyu: Be for him what your mother was for you.
*Jin stares a the child for a long moment. He takes a hesitant step forward. Then another. Then he is crouching beside the child.*
Jin: ...Hello.
*The Child just stares at him.*
Jin: Do... uh... do you have a name?
The Child: Mishima.
Jin: *winces* No, uh, that is your surname. What is your name.
The Child: Mishima.
Jin: You do now have a name?
*The Child shakes his head*
Jin: Would... would you like one?
*The child hesitates but nods*
Jin: ... ..Yuuki. Do you like that name?
Yuuki: Yuu-ki. Yuuki. Yuuki Mishima. *he smiles for what is perhaps the first time* I like that.
Jin: I am glad.
Yuuki: And who are you?
Jin: I am- I- I am... *he summons up his courage* I am your father.
~Present Day~
*A black limousine pulls up to Ryu's dojo and Jin gets out. He approaches Ryu, who is meditating on the porch.*
Ryu: Jin.
Jin: Ryu.
Ryu: Yuuki is in town with that... talking... cat... thing.
Jin: Good. *He sits across from Ryu* I am here for an update on his progress.
Ryu: I see. *he finally opens his eyes* Would you like some tea as we talk?
Jin: No. Just talk.
Ryu: *snorts* Very well.
Jin: Don't get smart with me, hobo.
Ryu: No matter how the wind howls. the mountain cannot bow to it.
Jin: Just. Tell. Me.
Ryu: Very well. Your son is making great strides in the basics of the Ansatsuken and we are beginning to move into more advanced forms and techniques.
Jin: And?
Ryu: And?
Jin: The Devil Gene you bumbling bufoon!
Ryu, unshaken We have not activated it as of yet. He requires more self-discipline before we venture into that territory.
Jin: And how, pray tell, will he get that.
Ryu: With Time and Dedication. I provide the first and he provides the second.
Jin: And how long do you think that will take?
Ryu: That depends.
Jin: On?
Ryu: On how soon he can find a true purpo- *Ryu starts as though he's been struck*
Jin: What the- *Ryu suddenly stands*
Ryu: The Dark Hadao... he is here.
*In town*
Yuuki, finishing his sushi: Ahh, gomen. That was lovely Mona-san
Morgana: Heh, don't mention it kid. Good food makes any situation better.
*There's a buzzing from Yuuki's pocket*
Yuuki: Eh? Ah. *he pulls out his phone* An update on the Phan-site.
Morgana: Yer still runnin' that thing?
Yuuki: Yeah! Ever since the Galeem Cataclysm the Phantom Thieves have become celebrities and the Phan-site has been going off.
Morgana: Oh yeah. Joker and his pals have been real frustrated they can't use any of that fame without unmasking.
Yuuki: Yeah... I hope I can join them once I master my Devil-
???: Mishima-san?
*Yuuki starts at the familiar voice and turns to them*
Yuuki: S- Suzui-san?
*Sure enough, Shiho Suzui stands before him at the entrance to the Sushi Bar*
Yuuki: Shiho- I mean- Suzui-san! I- uh- I didn't know you were- Hi!
Shiho: You may call me Shiho, Mishima-san.
Yuuki: I- uh- okay. But only if you call me Yuuki!
Shiho, nodding politely: Very well, Yuuki.
*There's an awkward silence*
Yuuki: Uh... would you like some sushi, Suzu- Shiho?
Shiho: I- I wouldn't want to impose.
Yuuki: It wouldn't be! I- I mean. It's fine. Mona's paying!
Morgana: I'yam?!
Shiho: I- well- *her stomach gurgles at that very moment* I suppose I am hungry. *she sits beside them*
Yuuki: So, uh, what are you doing out here, Shiho?
Shiho: Mother thought It would be good for me to get out of the city after- after everything.
Yuuki: Oh. Yeah. That, uh, that makes sense. How- uh, how's that been going?
Shiho, actually smiling a little: Well, actually. I like it out here. And my therapist has been very helpful.
Yuuki: Cool.
Shiho: Is... is that why you're out here?
Yuuki: Oh, uh, kinda. I'm actually training at Ryu-sensei's dojo up in the forest.
Shiho: Really?
Yuuki: Yeah. I- I wnated to learn how to protect myself after, you know, everything.
Shiho: Right... I keep forgetting... Kamoshida had many victims.
Yuuki: ... Your... uh... your mom sounds great!
Shiho: She is. She's been wonderful through all this.
Yuuki: Wish I knew who my mom was. And if she was half as cool as yours.
Shiho: Still, I'd kinda like a father who's one of the richest men in the world.
*They both laugh and some of the tension is eased*
Yuuki: Uh... Shiho... would, uh. Would you like to... walk to the river once we're done here?
*Morgana get's up*
Morgana: Eh-heh. I getcha. I'll give you two some space. *he lays a credit card on the bar* Put whatever they get on there.
Shushi Chef, in a very tired voice: Whatever you say, talking cat.
*Morgana leaves*
Shiho: Well, actually, that sounds lovely.
~Across the street~
*On a bench across the street, Akuma sits, pretending to read a newspaper*
Akuma, mentally: He is truly new at this, if he cannot sense me this close. Perfect to be molded.
*He watches Yuuki and Shiho finish their sushi and walk away. After a moment, he follows them*
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theysayitscrazy · 3 years
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Chapter Three:
Once Kara had given the guys the all-clear to head into Clay’s room, they went in pairs, and Metal convinced Kara she needed to get some food. Jason had to marvel at the relationship between Metal and Kara. He’d never seen Metal act like he did with Kara, like he genuinely cared about her; and Kara seemed to let her walls down whenever Metal would ask her something or call her out on her selfcare.
Jason was headed down to the main entrance of the hospital with Ray, Metal, and Kara. As they walked into the waiting room of the Emergency Room, Hawkins called out to them from across the room. Kara smiled as he and Nic walked over. “Hey, how’s Clay doing?” Nic asked with a friendly smile.
“He’s doing okay,” Kara answered easily. “The guys are with him. I’m gonna head out with these guys for a few to get some food.”
Hawk tilted his head and looked at her. She stared right back him, clearly daring him to say something. “He’ll be fine,” Nic spoke up, looking between the two of them. “We’ll keep an eye on things.”
“Besides, Hawk,” Metal drawled, staring right at Hawkins. “Our girl here needs to take better care of herself, right?”
Hawkins nodded once but didn’t look away from Kara. “Right.”
As they were standing around in circle talking, Kara looked to the left and glanced at a dark-skinned man wearing a heavy jacket and talking on a cell phone. He was speaking a language Jason didn’t know. Her eyes darted back to Hawk as she tilted her head to listen better.
“What’s happening?” Hawk asked her, watching her intently.
“How’s your Swahili?” she questioned him.
“Not great,” Hawk narrowed his eyes on her. “You?”
“Fluent,” she shot back immediately.
“Alpha Seven, sit-rep,” Metal immediately demanded, voice low.
Kara snapped into action, her eyes stayed on Hawk as she spoke, a small smile graced her face. “Fighting age male, dark-skinned, wearing a heavy black coat, speaking Swahili on the phone. He specifically stated that he was wearing a vest and was ready. 2nddark-skinned, fighting aged male twelve o’clock, also wearing a heavy dark coat. It’s 85 degrees outside. There are 34 people in this room. 6 children, 15 women, including Nic and myself, and 9 men not including the four of you. Of the 15 women, 3 are geriatric.”
Jason was immediately on alert. The moment she started speaking and rattling off the statics of the room around them, Jason was able to zero in and see what she had seen in a moment’s notice. Sure enough, there was 2nd possible tango near the wall of windows that overlooked the parking lot beyond the hospital.
“You caught all that the moment we walked in here?” Ray asked.
“Kara can see the matrix,” Metal explained.
Jason turned to Metal and raised an eyebrow. Metal only nodded back at him. Jason looked down at Kara who was still looking at Hawk with a slight smile on her face, being completely inconspicuous. “Alright, how do we handle this?” Jason asked, differing to her and Metal for a plan.
“Hospital policy dictates in a potential hostage situation to immediately call 911 and avoid contact,” Hawkins stated and pulled out his phone from his pocket.
“We need to go into lockdown,” Nic said. “Keep people from entering the building. We could pull the fire alarm,” she suggested.
“We do that, and every door closes and locks, and we’ll be trapped in this room with two true believers and roughly 40 victims. No, we alert the staff and do a compacity close,” Kara turned to Nic. “Nic, send out a code 8 alert. Close the hospital to all incoming ambos and patients. It’ll lock all exterior doors.”
Nic immediately pulled out her phone and started texting.
Kara turned back to Hawkins, “Call 911, discreetly explain the situation,” Kara ordered.
Hawkins walked away, phone pressed to his ear and purposely going in the opposite direction.
“Won’t that draw suspicion?” Ray asked.
“Not if we play off the overcrowding,” Nic answered looking around.
“I’m gonna need you guys to blend in,” Kara said, and glanced at Metal.
He nodded once to her, clearly trusting her.
Kara glanced around the Emergency Department and sighed. They had gathered attention. Both men were watching them. Kara suddenly laughed and grabbed Nic’s hand in an exaggerated belly laugh as she doubled over. “Oh my god! You’re right!”
Nic immediately followed and laughed too, clutching Kara as they stumbled away from their little group over to the check in desk.
The girls finished what seemed to be a lively conversation in front of the reception desk before they both looked down at the check in sheet. Jason, Ray, and Metal headed dispersed amongst the crowded waiting room, looking for a seat that would allow for a clear line of sight in case they needed to do anything. Without weapons though, it was going to be hard.
Jason could see Nic talking to the check in girl who nodded once before she stood up and headed into the room behind the reception desk.
Kara picked up the sign in clipboard and looked it over before she then looked around the room. “Alright everyone, listen up!” she called out loudly over the noise of the waiting room. She waited briefly for the noise to die down before she continued. “Welcome to Chastain Memorial Hospital in Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA,” Kara drawled, adopting her best gameshow host voice, and letting her eyes make a slow and casual sweep of the room. “My name is Dr. Kara Spenser. As you can see, we are quite busy here in the Emergency Department. Yes, Emergency department. It is no longer classified as just the Emergency Room; we are a whole department. A whole department dedicated to ensuring you get the absolute best care you so rightly deserve. So, I have one rule, and one rule only here in my E.D. and that is, ‘My way or the highway. My word is law.’ If you don’t like that rule, I don’t really care. I’m not here to be your friend, I’m here to ensure that you do not bleed out. And there will be no blood on my E.D floor,” she smirked at Hawkins, who had walked back in the room with his phone nowhere to be seen. “So, this how we’re going to things,” she turned toward Nic. “This is Dr. Nevin, she’s going to take our children directly up to pediatrics. Why wait here, when you can wait there?”
There was a bit of a grumbled from the parents of the children, but they slowly gathered their things and their children and followed after Nic, roughly clearing out a dozen people.
Ray’s throat tightened when he saw Naima walk out of the back room behind the reception desk and glance around.
Kara glanced over at her briefly before she launched into her next spiel, “Next we have our lovely elderly patients. You’ve done a lifetime of waiting now, so we’re gonna get you up and out of my E.D. The lovely nurses Naima and Brenda here, are gonna assist you lovely ladies on up to our geriatrics ward.” There was a shuffle as Naima and Brenda helped the three patients to their feet and they shuffled out.
Kara started to pace the room as she continued. “The rest of you, I apologize for the wait. Dr. Conrad Hawkins and I will be with you shortly. We have your check in information. We will go down the list according to who checked in first.”
Jason had to admit he was impressed with Kara’s quick thinking. She managed to clear half the people out of the room, including Naima and the front desk woman Brenda. All the children and elderly were evacuated. All that was left was the four trained Navy SEALS, Hawkins, Kara, two armed men, and roughly ten others that they could hopefully get out of harm’s way before the men decided they were done waiting.
As she finished speaking one of the men, the one that had been talking on the cell phone, had decided he was done waiting and stood up managed to grab Kara as she was walking by. He managed to get an arm around her neck and pull out a gun before Kara could even move. She froze and flashed her gaze to Metal, as the gun was waiving around in front of her.
The gunman started yelling and chaos erupted in the E.D.
“Hey, hey,” Jason tried to call over the yelling of the room, but the gunman yelled louder.
A hush finally settled over the crowd in the E.D while the gunman assessed the situation around him. He was flighty and waiving the gun in front of Kara. His other arm was locked in a headlock around Kara’s neck. She was clawing at his arm to no avail.
“Come on man, let her go,” Metal’s voice was soft and gentle in a commanding sort of way.
Kara’s eyes left Metal’s and landed on the other man in a coat in the room. The man stood up, pulled out a 9mm and turned his back on the crowd behind him. With his back turned, it took Jason all of a second’s decision making to tackle the man.
His gun went flying out of his hand and scattered across the floor at Kara’s feet.
She made a split-second decision and a tossed her head back into her assailant’s head, with a sickening crunch in her ear, his nose broke. He broke his hold on her and she dropped her weight and lunged for the 9mm lying at her feet.
In a trained and liquid move, she grabbed the 9mm, rolled onto her back and with both hands on the weapon, fired off two shots into the extremist’s chest in a tight pattern. His body hadn’t even hit the floor before she turned her body and eyed Jason struggling with the man in the vest. With the gun trained on them, she watched the extremist knock Jason off his back and reach for his torso.
Kara fired off a single shot, straight through the skull.
There was a moment of deafening quiet in the E.D before Kara got to her feet, holding the gun down and aimed at the ground as she assessed the situation around her. Both assailants were dead, everyone else in the room was crouched down, except for the SEALS that were on their feet also looking around for a threat.
Metal slowly walked over and pulled gun out of her hands and flipped the safety into place before he pulled her into a hug. She didn’t even hug him back, just rested her forehead against his chest and breathed in deep, taking in his familiar and comforting scent. “Good work, Alpha Seven,” he stated clearly as he pulled her against him.
Kara had to chuckle softly as she shook her head. “Fucking hell,” she grumbled and wrapped an arm around his waist.
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Random SF ideas
It has a lot of Travis ships because that's my feral lil bby. I'm having fun keeping him from bullying people by bullying him instead lol
Every time he enters school Sal mutters “anything can happen in the Bronx”. Todd is the only one that doesn’t understand.
Travis is emotionally constipated and will take it out on others, but later do small things as his form of apologizing. Philip and his mother are the only people that understand him and understand why. Sal thinks he may be bipolar and Larry has probably called him the r-slur under his breath. (Stinky boy probably would say it openly if not for Sal's disdain for that word).
Maple and Travis bonding over jewelry and make up. Travis won’t admit it to anyone but her but he likes the way Maple accessorizes. Obligatory Chug appreciation to keep on her good side, later forms a healthy and wholesome friendship.
Travis and Larry fight verbally. It doesn’t get physical unless Larry loses control and shoved Travis. This prompting a snarky reminder that Larry is no better than Travis’ own father. They cuddle and fall asleep later tho, after Sal puts them in their get along corner.
Nicknames. Travis’ weakness is nicknames. Lisa discovers this and shows Larry and Sal who abuse this power. Travis’ tan cheeks are bright red anytime he’s out public with them because of their stupidly sweet nicknames. Their go to for reactions are baby(boy), sweetheart and bottom
Shameless PDA when Sal is jealous. Travis learns the hard way how easy it is to make him jealous when a hand is in his waist and holding him close to the shorter. Fingers tracing any exposed skin to keep Travis focused on him. Sorry Lar, you took up too much Travis time..
Travis’ mom being an absolute babe. Apple if her eye is her sweet boy. Probably passed while he was young and had to watch him grow in that unhealthy environment.. maybe reaches out to Sal for help since he’s more intuitive. Def terrifies Larry a couple times as a prank. He hit her son, bully or not, it just felt right to braid his hair to his bed post a couple times and paint his nasty thoughts on his chest.
Travis hates surprises and loud noises because of his father. They don’t learn that until they throw a surprise birthday party with cheering and loud pops of confetti balloons, his panic attack damn near gave him a heart attack. (He refused to accept apologies for something they didn’t know. Instead demanding they spoil him for the rest of the week as compensation for his hospital trip on his birthday)
I said it once, and I’ll say it again. Service. Animals. Mr. Phelps legally obligated to give him a service animal and Travis is somewhat saved from Kenneth's abuse. Taking more time outside for walks (the dog can’t bare letting Travis stay in the house for long with his father home). He genuinely bonds with other students over his new dog (the dog allowing contact when not in uniform but if Travis’ needs are present will attach itself to Travis’ hip.
Religious trauma and coping. Because PLS, can we please address the amount of abuse because of the Bible?? That boy may stay and follow the proper words of his lord. Or he could detach himself from the church entirely (especially because of the cult!)
Travis ships: Salvis and Larvis
Asked out: Oh. Oh no. How did they fall for Travis?!? What did they do to find that feral little kitten so cute?? Was it they dyed hair? The dresses when he shows off more legs than they anticipated? Him apologizing and changing for the better?? What happened to him to make him so interesting!? Sal absolutely starts approaching Travis cautiously. Taken aback when he's greeted with a warm smile and compliments. They start to grow as friends and spend time together often. Sharing eachother with their friend groups and on their own. It takes a couple of years before Sal nervously asks Travis if he would be interested in getting closer. Travis doesn't understand and Sal just awkwardly blurts out if he would try dating him... for an experiment or anything. Travis is excited, he wants to be closer and happily hugs onto Sal as his answer.
Larry is a lot ore aggressive. Cornering Travis and glaring down at him. Demanding to know what his game is. Travis doesn't fight he just nervously asks if Larry hates him. Larry almost says he does but gets distracted by the trembling and cowering kitten before him. Fuck, he can't possibly hate Travis. Larry instead starts approaching Travis. At first Travis is afraid that Larry will hit him if he doesn't like something he does. Larry hates to admit it, but Travis infested his mind. Dreams were no longer sacred when teenage hormones and a new love interest were involved. Many a times he had to look away when Travis were a particular skirt or dress because his dreams seemed to run rampant with those items. When they finally talk, Travis initiates it. He Pushes Larry into a bathroom stall and demands he explain himself. He's staring at him like a piece of meat and following him around. Larry is scaring HIS friends. Larry doesn't even hesitate to pounce on Travis. Mouth to mouth and hands on ass. Travis surprised but kinda into it allows the kiss until Larry gets too handsy. He returns to his friends with an angry red hand print on his cheek. It takes a month of apologizing Travis finally agrees to give Larry a chance. (Larry tells his mom and dances around the apartment that night)
First kiss failures: Larry got too into the kiss and starts feeling up the poor boy. Sal pecks him in his sleep and never tells Travis. He just happily holds the memory of kissing his sleeping princess.
First dates: Larry tries to show Travis the fun things to do in this sleepy little town. Travis is excited just to go anywhere other than church and school. At first there are a few hiccups, maybe weather, maybe places are crowded or cancelled. But it still ends well with the boys passed out in the truck, snuggled under a blanket Larry stores with a big smile on their face. Sal is much more romantic. Candles and flowers. Dresses up nice and styles his hair in a neat bun. He wants to impress Travis and assert he can be the man for him by presenting more masculine (Travis snorts and tells him even in a dress Sal could fight a bear). Its a simple dinner at home with Gizmo as their lazy server, sleeping on the couch in a little suit. The night ends well with the boys enjoying a night stroll and admiring the calm and almost desolate surroundings of Nockfell.
First Times: Sal does NOT expect Travis to offer it. In fact, he almost shattered his favorite mug with the tight grip he put on it. Travis thinks this means Sal doesn't want him, but no nono, Sal wants it/ He wants Travis bad. That simp wastes no time scurrying to their room, cleaning his bed and all necessary items are prepared. He was well stocked for... college purposes, but Travis offering to give Sal his first?? (Yes. He did a victory dance and scream in the tree house when he thought he was alone.)
First Time: Larry would waste no time, grabbing Travis and making sure, this is what he wants. Larry may sleep around before they got together but he would never expect Travis to offer his first time so soon. Travis agreeing and Larry in tears hugging onto the confused man. He has never been so gentle with a partner and savored every second, sound and action. It may not have been Larry's first but he was more than happy to say it was his best. Larry would 100% scream to Sal about it later though. He is a man that appreciates his partner and would be an aftercare fiend. Relishing in any reactions Travis gives him while massages and treats the poor tired bum.
Living together: Hell hath no fury like Travis on cleaning day. The boys no not to be in his way if he has his cleaning apron and swiffer. The only one allowed to interrupt his most sacred day is Gizmo and any animals they adopt. Larry has to moderate his metal music or sleep on the porch, he tried to test Travis and found the porch uncomfortable during a rainstorm. No ghost hunting after 11pm. If you even think Travis will allow you in the house after hunting ghosts he will promptly pack your bags and ship them off to your parents. Sal has his own room dedicated entirely to clothes and accessories. His prosthetics he tries to hide at first but after a harsh scolding from Travis (while he literally hand cleans every single prosthetic so Sal doesn't get an infection) Sal starts putting them away where he feels comfortable and clean. They don't expect Travis to be semi nude half the time. Especially before they marry and start a family, no pants. Never wearing pants. Larry hams up the free skin. Sal is too embarrassed of his sinful thoughts.
Proposals: Travis would be terrified of marriage after what happened to his mother. If they were to propose they ould make sure he is fully comfortable and settled in their new life. They would make sure he is loved and never feels any of the fear his father had instilled in him. Larry mentions marriage in passing to gauge his reaction. Ig Travis tenses, he kills the conversation and instead distracts Travis. If Travis reacts positively he would sneak a ring on his finger and just smirk until Travis realizes and smiles. Sal =, however, is sneaky. Keeping close tabs on Travis. If Travis starts showing signs of interest, he would 100% plan the biggest proposal for Travis and make sure he feels cherished during every moment.
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hualianff · 3 years
head empty, hands full (from petting your dog & holding your hand)
Modern AU where HC has been released from the military due to health reasons, both physical and mental. After serving for over a decade, HC struggles to adjust to life outside of the military and find another fulfilling purpose.
HX, an old comrade, convinces HC to adopt a puppy once he settles down back at home. A part of it has to do with the lingering PTSD and anxiety HC developed from being in the military.
Never having the opportunity to own pets in his childhood, HC quickly realizes that puppies need to be trained. A lot.
The largest pup of the litter he adopted was a wild card from the start. Even though HC knew he wanted her as a companion at first hand-lick, HC certainly can’t have the little vermin tearing up his sofa or peeing wherever she likes.
HC brings his puppy, E’Ming, to a top-rated training class. The first day consists of rambunctious puppies and puzzled new dog owners. HC internally breathes a sigh of relief knowing he isn’t the only one with an uncontrollable beast. However, one would think the more training sessions, the more progress would be made.
With E’Ming, it’s a little more difficult than that.
It’s honestly a bit embarrassing when the other dog owners can clip leashes onto their dog’s collars with a simple snap while HC has to full-on wrestle E’Ming to gain access to the ring where the leash attaches. Fortunately, E’Ming is quite a big puppy compared to the other dogs in class, even for a Dobermann. HC doesn’t have to worry too much about squishing her.
During the times E’Ming does not obey regardless of what HC says or does, the instructor comes over to personally help. The instructor’s name is Xie Lian, a youthful and gentle character who never fails to make HC’s heart race. It seems he isn’t the only one, as E’Ming listens to XL when told to sit, roll over, and high five. It takes HC five minutes to get her to sit–even when he dangles her favorite treat in front of her nose!
When XL introduced himself on the first day of class, he talked about his general love for animals, especially dogs. Since he was young, XL volunteered at a no-kill dog shelter where he would take part in cleaning the kennels and playing with the dogs. Since then, this passion has stayed with XL. 
XL is back in university after taking a years’ long break because he couldn’t afford school once his parents cut him off after not following in their family’s business footsteps.
He’s now studying to be a veterinarian and trains dogs on the side for money. As the first few weeks go by, HC can clearly see XL loves what he’s doing from the bottom of his heart.
HC’s exterior remains guarded but he grows to admire XL and his determination and compassion. It’s refreshing, a different type of dedication HC knows from the military. 
When XL works with E’Ming, HC spends time with Ruoye, XL’s own dog who he uses for demonstrations. Ruoye listens to HC without a problem–even nuzzles against HC’s hands for pets–meaning HC must be doing something right. (Ignoring the fact that XL has probably trained Ruoye flawlessly.)
During the third week, HC observes from the side as XL pampers E’Ming with praise after successfully completing three rounds of basic commands.
“Who’s a good girl!? Who’s a good girl!? Oh, I think it’s you. Yes, you’re the good girl, the bestest- '' XL coos as he strokes along E’Ming jaw, scratches behind her ears, then eventually rubs her belly as she rolls onto her back.
HC watches with starstruck eyes. Of course, XL knows what he’s doing. It doesn’t mean HC isn’t amazed by his work every time. At this point, HC is gradually learning that having a dog is not about molding E’Ming into the companion he expects her to be, but about working together to best meet both her and HC’s needs in their relationship. 
As XL finishes showering E’Ming with affection, he looks over and catches HC staring. HC, aware that his face must either be one of evident enamoration or resting bitch face, awkwardly clears his throat as he straightens his already rigid back. 
“You’re doing a great job with her,” HC says truthfully. His heart is warm and full from the interaction between his dog and XL. He wonders if E’Ming will ever act so carefree with him, going on to joke that, “Perhaps she would prefer to have you as her owner instead.”
XL laughs lightly as he slowly stands up. He shakes his head. “I highly doubt that. She just needs to know that she can trust you.”
Realizing her belly rubs are over with, E’Ming flips onto her feet with a confused whine. She goes to nudge at XL’s leg, tail wagging as XL pets her one last time. With a bark of satisfaction, E’Ming bounds over to HC. 
Judging by the excited expression on E’Ming face, HC can tell she is preparing to jump. HC does not encourage this behavior by any means. He is lucky that he is tall and strong enough to catch her sixty-pound body without toppling over. Other people do not have the same privilege, especially strangers who unknowingly entice E’Ming to come over.
But HC doesn’t have it in him today to scold her before she jumps. So he allows it. He allows E’Ming to leap into the air with the expectation to be caught by her owner’s arms and coddled against his warm chest.
The Dobermann happily licks HC’s neck. Saliva pools into HC’s collarbones. 
“See? You already have her trust. Additionally, you have the discipline and verbal cues down. The top thing I recommend to improve your teamwork is to be more expressive with her. It wouldn’t hurt to freely display your emotions to back up your commands, ” XL suggests. He walks a little closer until he stands right in front of HC. “This will let E’Ming know you trust her just as much.”
HC nods in understanding. Growing up and spending his youth in a constant cycle of order or obey, his default attitude is indifferent yet respectful. While HC is not overly eager to wear his emotions on his face, he’s willing to make an effort to change in hopes it will strengthen the bond he has with E’Ming.
To think, HC’s closest company he’s had over the last two months is an over-energetic, unhinged puppy. 
“All right. Thank you, Xie-xiansheng.”
“San Lang, how many times have I said that you can just call me Xie Lian? I’m only thirty-five; Xie-xiansheng makes me feel too old,” XL says, smiling. HC briefly thinks XL is the first person to smile at him like that. 
“My apologies.”
“No apologies needed, San Lang. If it’s not out of my place, may I ask how old you are?”
“Ah, so you’re my didi. How about San Lang refers to me as gege?”
HC doesn’t take more than three seconds to nod his affirmation. He bets none of the other participants get to call XL “gege.” Or at least, he hopes.
“Hmm. Gege sounds...nice.”
“I’m glad. I’ll see San Lang next week for our next session?” XL cheerfully asks. “We’ll be working on proper etiquette for walking your dog out in public.”
E’Ming lets out a high-pitched yip as she wiggles around in HC’s hold; almost as if she can understand XL’s words. 
Oh boy, the magic word to trigger every dog into a buzzing ball of energy. Walk.
HC leans down to put E’Ming back down on the ground but pauses when she growls lowly in warning.
This little brat, HC thinks with exasperation. XL patiently waits for them to leave since they are the last ones left before he closes up the training space.
HC conveys a look of “you win this time, but watch yourself” to E’Ming as he readjusts her in his arms. HC starts to walk towards the door with his spoiled dog snuggling up to his chest.
“Yes. See you next time, Gege.”
They exit the building, both anticipating next week’s class, with the instructor both dog and dog owner are hopelessly infatuated with.
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tg-headcanons · 3 years
I’m in love with hidekane headcanons! Please please please more of hidekane please? Like... a fix it headcanon after root a where hidekane got together instead. Alsooooooo is it just me but I totally see hide begging to train with ghouls
I don’t know who you are but I love you. So this is pretty similar to an AU I’m working on! The Ghouls Are Alright, where Hide saved kaneki from Jason before he went apeshit and has been working with anteiku to protect his boyfriend. And my guy I have IDEAS
So no one at Anteiku can deny that this boy is one of them in all but blood, obviously they’re wary of him at first, being a part time  bureau investigator and all, but he brought their boy back and is in love with them so they take him in.
Hide volunteers to help with some files at work, if one or two pages of information on the eye patch or the devil ape happen to go missing, no one will think to blame to intern.
Kaneki goes back to school and basically resumes his life the way it was, only now Hide, and occasionally Nishio, walk with him between classes for a couple months just in case since they’re still shaken up about him being kidnapped before
They’ll stay late at the cafe when it’s Ken’s day to close and have coffee (and leftover pasteries for Hide)
Amon has the classic conspiracy theory Red Yarn Connecting Pictures And Notes board dedicated to figuring out the eyepatch. Hide talks with him about it to purposely give him bad leads away from his boyfriend
Ghouls will instinctively scent their loved ones, it’s not weird to them to just rub the side of their head against someone to let them and other know that they’re with you. They’ll do it with humans too as a way of saying “fuck of this is mine” to other ghouls, so of course Ken does it too. He does it often enough in fact that Hide smells like a weak ghoul rather than human at this point and is often mistaken as one of them
Hide wants to know ghoul culture better, so he hangs out a lot with the Ape Faces and Black Dobers. He’s used to being mistaken for a ghoul due to the scenting and is painfully nice, so when someone offered him a little chunk of human flesh once he was 100% about to eat so as not to be rude until Ken slapped it out of his hand. It’s now a running joke that he’d cannibalize to be nice
Part of getting close with ghouls is learning how to fight with them. Hide is surprising good at adopting the fighting style as best he can without kagune, mostly by being able to dodge hits from them and yanking them down by their rinkaku or Bikaku when they strike. He’s not that great at avoiding Ukaku though, and Touka is not allowed to train with him after accidentally stabbing him in the thigh with an Ukaku shard
Kaneki still has nightmares about his time with Jason and when things are getting bad he stays over with Hide. Even if they don’t do anything, it’s easier to sleep next to him, and he thinks it’s cute waking up with Ken’s rinkaku curled around him
When Hide is called in to do field work, he’ll sometimes be tailed by one of the people from Anteiku in case it gets dangerous. When he has to fight ghouls he goes full storm trooper and shoots as poorly as possible to avoid hitting them while not raising suspicion
Kaneki becomes known in the 20th ward and surrounding areas as the Weirdly Helpful Humanfucker since he apparently has his human working on the inside. Hide has caused quite a bit of trouble for the CCG by taking pictures of attack plans and assignment documents to share with ghouls in the area so they can avoid getting killed
Yoshimura tried to advise Kaneki against fully trusting Hide since he’s a human at first, but upon seeing the way Hide worked to protect ghouls and the way Ken was happy around him, he gave Kaneki his blessing as the closest thing he has to a parental figure
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thesunshinydays · 3 years
alright i promised a rant and im gonna deliver:
its genshin vision analysis applied to blaseball time i hope youre all ready
(under the cut because im a merciful poster haha no im not im maintagging this)
SO in genshin impact the only people who can naturally wield elemental magic are people called vision holders. a vision is a small gem that serves as a focus for elemental power, but more than that its a literal manifestation of a persons goals, ambitions, determination, etc and if someones vision is taken away it actually also causes significant damage to them mentally because a lot of their motivation and even sometimes their memories go with it. it is quite literally their vision for themselves. 
each vision holder controls only one element and there are enough characters that have been released now to notice trends among what types of people can control which element. in genshin there are seven: anemo (wind), geo (earth), electro (lightning), hydro (water), pyro (fire), cryo (ice), and dendro (plants, though i wont be talking about dendro bc we dont have any dendro characters yet)
so here are what i think a vision holders element says about them as people:
(note if you dont play genshin you can skip the parentheticals its genshin character talk)
anemo: cannot be stopped in pursuit of their ambitions, even by themselves (see: jean insisting on going into a domain even though shes so sick that she passed out, sucrose being so possessed by curiosity that she cant stop investigating until she answers her questions, sayu’s endless game of cat and mouse w the shrine maiden, xiao being the last yaksha to hold out against the karmic debt)
geo: incredibly dependable and/or known to keep their word (see: noelle’s constant help to everyone around her, albedo taking care of klee while remaining dedicated to his research, ningguang sacrificing the jade chamber)
electro: girlbosses and their adopted teenage sons (kidding). people who are integral to the functioning of a community (see: lisa as a force of nature in her care for her library and its patrons, sara as a general, razor and the wolves, yae as head priestess, keqing as the yuheng of the qixing, fischl as the princess of her (imaginary) kingdom)
hydro: they know how to put on one hell of a show, some aspect of their identity is based around performance or facade. (see: barbara aka mondstadts idol, mona’s whole enlightened astrologist demeanor even though shes very broke, xingqius idolization and imitation of martial art book protagonists, sangonomiya having to put on a brave face for her troops, childes gladiatorial love of combat but also lying about it to his younger siblings)
pyro: they press on or even thrive in the face of adversity and/or social stigma (see: xinyan using rock n roll to fight prejudice, xianglings insistence on culinary experimentation even when others think its a bad idea, ambers pride in being the last outrider and also getting her gliding license revoked like once a month for sick tricks, benny’s luck, dilucs vigilanteism, klee being a 5yo w explosives, i could go on theres so many pyro holders)
cryo: their job/sense of purpose is tied very tightly to their identity, often antagonistically (see: every single rosaria voiceline, chongyuns ability to exorcise ghosts just by being to close to them, dionas job as a bartender and her hatred of alcohol, the interactions between eulas lineage and her job as a knight, literally everything about ganyu, etc)
so anyway now im going to assign visions to some blaseball players for fun
mike townsend (has a pyro vision): weve all heard the disappointment song this guy just kept pitching in spite of all the people who wanted him dead good for him
jaylen hotdogfingers, cryo vision: this woman is the face of the discipline era, she was tied so tightly to the game that she was the first to kill for it. 
tillman henderson, hydro vision: points to the original “im the guy who sucks” tshirt fanart (hi marn). he took being awful at the game and turned it into performance art
wyatt mason/NaN, electro vision: all of the tacos were him for a while and also he facilitated the god killing with the mic and also there were like ten of him and there are still like two more and NaNs been on like every team and and and anyway name a character more integral to the blaseball community you cant
esme ramsey, anemo vision: if i think too hard about esme ramsey never missing a game ill start to lose my mind the woman is unstoppable. maybe this should actually count as geo i dont know. but she deserves a vision
edric tosser, pyro or geo vision: really stuck on this one tbh. pyro for thematic consistency and the being from an arson team but having been put on the firefighting team or geo for being the person who burns things for the guys in the trench. both iconoclastic and dependable we are all love edric tosser
chorby soul cryo vision: [insert jaws theme] the ritual scape goat can have a little ice magic, as a treat
declan suzanne geo vision: you can always depend on declan suzanne to be a great fire fighter and a terrible blaseball player, tumblr user socksmaybe has convinced me of this
jessica telephone, hydro vision: you dont get that popular without an inherent charisma and sense of performance, regardless of which version of jt you subscribe to
tiana takahashi electro or cryo vision: sometimes you make an incredibly popular trading card game out of cards for a blood splort and gain a fan following on the internet then start playing that splort irl and thats valid
bonus round: i think albedo would start on the hellmouth sunbeams and get feedbacked to the philly pies as a part of the always sunny friendship trades
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