#I feel like I should tag that since they're all coworkers
babygirl-diaz · 8 months
Buck: *kisses Eddie's forehead* Buck: *freezes* Hen: Did you just... kiss his forehead? Buck: *nervously* Yeah, it's a new thing I am trying where I kiss everyone's foreheads when they do a good job. Buck: *grabs Chim and plants a kiss on his forehead* Great job cleaning the engines, Chim! Buck: *grabs Hen's face before she can react and plants a kiss on her forehead* Great job organizing the supply closets, Hen! Hen: *Swats at him* Get away from me! Buck: *makes a move on Bobby* Bobby: You even try to kiss me and I will fire you! Buck: Noted
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inevitably-johnlocked · 3 months
hey, steph! how are you, like, genuinely? not the small talk. i wanna listen
Hey Lovely 💜🖤
I want to apologize for putting this off for so long... which should be a clue as to how I am actually doing.
Honestly? Not good, but I'm trying my best. It's been... a time. Will put under a cut for those who don't want to read about the tagged items.
TL;DR – my real life is a bit chaotic, and I hide a lot from y'all because I REALLY try not to be negative here since my blog is where I come to be happy AND because I am a very private person, but I try my best to just keep going day to day as the chaos settles down slowly.
I've got some good things coming though, so I hope a week's rest next week when I'm off (and will probably take a break from here too) will reset my brain.
Work has been insane, and is most of the cause of my mental distress for the past few months. From Easter until Canada Day Weekend at my job is lovingly referred to as "Silly Season" simply because of how on-the-fly, balls-to-the-wall our workload is until summertime downtime officially begins for us. Without disclosing too much, it's basically non-stop, long hours for me until one of the 3 break weeks we get during the this long stretch happens where, incidentally because of the nature of my job and the team I work on, it actually gets BUSIER for us.
It actually ended earlier than we expected this year (yesterday) and we'll be "quieter" until the end of September now. See an opportunity, I actually took next week off between the two long weekends because my mental health has taken a severe hit and I'm having trouble just... enjoying things? I'm haven't gamed or drew in a few weeks, and blogging and writing feels like a chore. I literally just come home, file this blog, reply to one or two asks, and then go to bed, and do it all over again the next day. Day in and day out, for 3 months. On weekends I have to force myself out of my apartment because I KNOW I will sink lower if I don't leave.
On top of that, my brain has convinced me that literally everyone hates me: friends, coworkers, family, you guys, my damned plants. I just feel very alone these days and... I'll be real here, I've almost abandoned this blog a few times in the past few months. I feel like I make fic lists that no one reblogs or likes and tell me they're all shit. I post my art and I barely break 20 notes. I write something and I get maybe 2 likes. I can't really answer any thoughtful asks because my mental state's been in the shitter for months. I desperately want to reply to the few sexuality asks I have and I physically can't. Being on my computer – after working ON a computer for my day job for 12 hour days everyday – feels like too much, so I try to limit my time on the blog now too.
I just try to keep carrying on, encouraged by the once-in-a-blue-moon testimonial ask I get thanking me for still being here. I thank YOU guys for reminding me that people still like coming here.
Stressed about money and food and rent just like everyone else, and just getting frustrated at other things.
And finally, my uncle (my dad's brother and my godfather) hasn't been doing well health-wise, and he's being moved to assisted living next week. His health has been declining since Easter, so it's been a bit of worrying time for relatives.
Having my therapist helps a lot. She talks me through a lot of my complicated feelings, my sense of self and ways to cope with my anxiety and stress. I'm talking to her again next week, so no worries, gang. As I said, I just keep on keeping on.
Some positivity though:
I booked next week off to try to just... recenter myself. To forget about everything and TRY to get back to doing the things I love. I will probably take a break from this blog as well during that time to limit my social-media time. It's not ideal but I need a break from my computer, I think.
I go to the gym a lot more these days, which has helped with the seething annoyance I constantly have at work. Usually feel better after it.
And because of the gym and getting out more, I've been slowly feeling better physically, better than I have since before 2019. The break from work is for the mental health, LOL.
I'm getting my hair recoloured next week. Can't afford it, really, but I just REALLY need to feel better about myself again, and I always feel so different when I colour my hair. I was doing so good for awhile. I want that again.
Anyway, I'm sorry to bombard y'all with my complicated mess of a brain. I really do appreciate you asking, so THANK YOU. I rarely get asked in real life if I am okay because I keep very private due to past people betraying my trust. And I don't like seeing people unhappy, so I feel if I tell people about my problems, then I feel I am a burden, so I just... continue existing.
Thank you for letting me be a burden just this once.
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izzyspussy · 1 year
You said asks so NO PRESSURE but since you said S1 RoyJamie I now can’t stop trying to imagine it with a more realistic Roy and/or whatever other departures from the zeitgeist you would enact 👀 👀 👀 if you wanted to say anything more about that that would be exciting
Okay so, re: my tags about it being different than everyone else's that you eyeballed like. Maybe I'm just too aromantic for All This, but the biggest reason I usually don't love the season 1 royjamies that are already out there is because I feel like they warm up to each other emotionally and catch feelings and all that way too fast and imho without much actual romancing? Like, they have sex a few times and then they're like okay I was totally wrong you've never done anything wrong in your life. Which like honestly....... boring.
And my second biggest issue is usually more with Jamie's characterization than Roy's! (I mean I do always wish people wouldn't slough off a lot of Roy's anger and other various Problems and all, but that's consistent lmao). But like season 1 fics make Jamie such a woob and a sadsack and take away his agency quite a bit, like all his bad behavior is someone else's fault - and like, okay, to a degree, I GUESS, but like...... idk man him having a reason to act that way doesn't make it less of a choice that he made.
I also think there's way too much emphasis on him being protected and rescued, which like, listen. I love a good romantic rescue as much as the next guy, but it was also something I really loved in the show that Jamie got to defend himself. He got to decide to be fed up, he got to fight back. And!! He always had a belligerent do-your-worst attitude, which he maintained all the way up through season 3 to the end!! I love that about him and I find it lacking in general, but especially in season 1 fics when it should be most present, when Jamie has the most people and reason to be defensive.
Anyway, back to the first thing. I do think that having sex with each other would change their perspectives of each other significantly, but not necessarily toward romance or even friendship. Like, their Feelings develop totally independently of their physical relationship! Besides which, I feel like there's this really interesting stage in any enemies-to-whatever type of relationship, especially when it starts with a (literal) Bang, where they stop seeing each other as The Enemy and start seeing each other as a living, breathing, vulnerable human being who they happen to be enemies with. And I feel like in a lot of enemies-to-whatever things that stage is sorely neglected, and I think it would be an ESPECIALLY interesting - and vital - stage for royjamie.
So if (IF) I ever wrote one myself, it would still start with a literal Bang. They'd impulsively have sex. Not exactly hate sex, because neither of them can really hate someone they're having sex with - but that's the perspective shift isn't it. They can't hate each other anymore, but that doesn't mean they start to like each other or even really care that much about each other.
So anyway, they would sleep together, and they'd both be way different in bed than they thought the other would be. And they're a little bit mean, not quite in a fun sexy way, but not quite enough to be hurtful either. And then they'd do it again a few times, and they'd be vastly humanized to each other. But they'd still be just coworkers with workplace tension who are fucking and also sometimes Jamie stays for dinner just because they both get lonely and it's only polite for whoever lives in the place they're at to offer. They're slightly more than tolerating each other. They're empathizing with each other and being incredibly intimate - off the clock - and it's a bit weird but a bit not weird and they're just going with it because. well. what else are you gonna do.
And then I'd have them stop sleeping together when Jamie gets transferred, without ever moving into that What Are We stage nevermind any further along than that. And then they become friends, semi-long distance. Texting and stuff. Kind of like the fic Waterfalls, which idr but might be gen. But also I'd probably have it even more of a slow burn than that, at least wrt Roy learning about James. Just because like... another thing I feel like happens a lot is that people have Character A find out about James and then suddenly they like Jamie after that and all. And I don't really like that either, I liked that they had all bonded at least a little before That Whole Thing in canon as well, and I'd want to keep that. OR maybe even bump it up a bit, but have them not suddenly be buddies after it. It would be interesting to explore mixed feelings on that front, where maybe Roy feels protective of Jamie and angry on his behalf, but without having a fully formed (if reluctant, at that point in canon) personal relationship with him.
But anyway so. It wouldn't really be enemies-to-lovers. It would be enemies-to-not-quite-strangers-who-fuck-and-are-intimate (I know allos cannot handle this concept, at least when I bring it up as something I want irl lmfao, they just don't get it! but listen. it happens, it can happen, and it can be pretty good too!), then half-hearted-enemies-again-to-friends, and then friends-to-lovers.
And WHO can say what I'd do or not do with Keeley. But I also hate when she gets just completely written out of the dynamic because I feel like that doesn't make a whole lot of sense and also is a bit boring. Even if it's not an OT3 endgame, I still feel like she should be all kinds of up in their business.
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inklessletter · 1 year
I can't get out of my head this steddie fic prompt, but I don't think I'm going to have time to turn this into a proper fic, so I'll put what's been bugging me in here.
Modern AU, singledad!eddie is being convinced by his hyperactive, seven year old daughter Max to join this dancing class downtown because all his friends are there and apparently they're having a blast a couple times a week (not that she cares about silly dances, of course). And Eddie is mesmerized because he's tried for her to take up anything that helps her channeling all her energy but she never agrees to do anything, and what she's tried out before, it didn't do much for her. But Eddie thinks that it might be a good sign, (mainly because it's Max who's asking for it) and when he takes her to the studio, enter danceteacher!steve, high five-ing every kid coming in, and has this killer smile to every parent dropping their kids there.
So Eddie goes to talk to hot teacher Steve and sign Max up for a trial class, Eddie still being a little bit skeptical about if this is going to work for her daughter, so Steve invites Eddie to stay behind the glass, to take a coffee and judge for himself. And it's then and there that Eddie realizes that Steve is incredibly good with kids, he makes them engage, they are having fun, and they are all monkey-ing around, jumping, spinning, singing songs, focusing (at times), laughing out loud.
But Max, poor thing, has two left feet, and she seems so lost. Eddie can almost feel the anger building up in her because she's not really able to follow up the class. His friends and Steve try to help her, going slow, doing it easy and fun, but Max is short tempered and she ends the class almost in tears.
With a sigh, Eddie figures that's the first and only class Max is taking, reading after her mood, so he thanks Steve, and Steve tells him to come back anytime. But Eddie is shocked to the core when he sees the following day that Max is practicing the routine in her bedroom. She doesn't want to quit.
So she finally joins the class officially and Eddie gets used to staying and watching for a bit when the classes start. Both Eddie and Steve would be dirty liars if they denied that they developed a dynamic by engaging through the glass, sharing funny faces, eye rolls, secretive smiles and winks that has Eddie's ears blushing, when after a few weeks coworker Robin (who doesn't teach because she can't dance for shit but manages the place) tells Eddie, out of the blue, that Steve also give dancing lessons for adults, of almost any kind of dance, in case he's interested.
But Max is doing so well now, and Eddie doesn't want to jeopardize this in favor of giving in to his attraction for Steve, so, for Eddie, longing looks and this sweet dynamic is all he's going to get.
And the thing is, it is not even that secretive anymore. All moms there are invested in this story now, because they've seen too.
So after a few months, it's Lucas' birthday and the whole bunch are celebrating after class in the next door mall, in laser tag, and the angel that is Mrs Henderson promises to take care of Max, that he can have a couple free hours if he's up to it.
That's how Eddie decides to stay in the dancing studio, because even if he can't date Steve, he can talk to him, right? Or have a coffee together, or—
—or he can stand and gawk at the door of the class, watching Steve dancing on his own a smooth latin rhythm, like it's nobody's business and Eddie has never had felt so hypnotized by anyone since he witnessed the cheerleading routine back in highschool and fell in love with Max's mom right that instant.
And it's happening again, but he's not in highschool anymore.
He has a kid now.
A kid who is happy there, and nothing should change that.
Nothing, until Steve notices Eddie standing and wordlessly invites him to the dance floor. It's not until he's corrected Eddie's stance that he explains that this is a dance for two.
Hands in his hips, he teaches Eddie the basics, and fuck if leading in a dance whose partner doesn't know anything about isn't Steve's hidden talent. After a while, Eddie feels like an extension of Steve's body, and the lines that he shouldn't be thinking of crossing start getting blurry, especially when Steve pulls him closer with a hand in the small of his back, over and over again, or the heat of their bodies mixing, or the sound of embarrassed cackles coming from Eddie from time to time after Steve's praises, or the sweet scent of Steve's breathing colliding against Eddie's chin because they're this close while dancing in the dim lights of the lonely studio.
There's nowhere to hide now, the attraction is almost tangible, but Steve's a professional and Eddie is willing to sacrifice this schrodinger relationship if that makes Max happy.
But he can take up dancing classes with Steve, especially when he tells him, once the steam is off, that Eddie definitely has dancing skills.
So Eddie talks to Max if it's okay, and he's so surprised when she immediately agrees because she can be doing homework, or playing with Lucas and Dustin while he's in his classes, so, Eddie decides to torture himself a little bit more and joins in.
It's in the dancing lessons where they speak, where they get to know each other. It's where Eddie learns about Steve's idiotic sense of humor, or his dreams of having a big family because he loves kids, but it's hard for him because he can't really have them. It's where Eddie tells Steve about Chrissy's sickness, and her passing when Max was four and the little one became his whole world. It's when Steve invites Eddie and Max to have dinner at home someday, and Eddie agrees.
And it's there, at Robin and Steve's house that he learns that Steve really cares about Max, cooking her favorite meal, when she only mentioned once like three months ago. It's when he learns that Max is so comfortable with Steve's presence that she's not cranky a single minute of the evening, and Steve complies to play rummy because it's Max's favorite game after dinner. And she's laughing, and happy, and carefree whenever she's with Robin and Steve. 
And then, Eddie knows that he's fucking fucked, because he's in love with Steve.
So he has to make a decision and on their way home, he tells Max that he's thinking about dropping dancing lessons with Steve, and he's stunned when she asks why, horrified, telling him that she thought he liked Steve. And Eddie, honest to god, tells her that he does like Steve, a lot. And maybe he shouldn't be telling his seven year old all of this, but Max is his best friend, and he has been feeling lonely and heartbroken for so long, he has no desire to keep anything from her, even if she's too young to understand the magnitude of the problem here. So when Max simplifies everything by saying "if you like Steve, why don't you date him? He's nice, I like him, too. And Robin," Eddie can do no more but to ask her if she would be okay with letting Steve come into their lives, and Max is kind of weirded out by the question. It's when Eddie has to explain, in the middle of the street, kneeling before her, that he would never do anything, or let anyone come in their lives if she isn't comfortable with it, because they're a team and Max is his most favoritest person and she always will be, so of course he's going to ask her if any changes in their lives would be okay with her. And Eddie doesn't want to cry, and he manages, but his eyes are definitely glassy when he grabs Max's cheeks and tells her with a smile that he just wants her to be happy. But he can't control a tear falling down, when Max replies with a simple, yet hammering "but I want you to be happy, too, dad."
And it's with Max's approval and a heart full of love for her kid when in the next class, Eddie invites Steve to dinner at home, and Steve asks him if it's really okay. Eddie tells him with a full smile that it's okay for everyone. And Steve is excited because he's been hopeful for so long for it to be.
So they finally, finally kiss, and it’s absolutely magical.
It’s magical for them, and it’s magical for Robin, who is watching from outside, next to the seven or eight moms with their respective kids with their faces smashed against the glass pulling a mix of disgusted and excited and surprised faces.
Max is rolling her eyes. With a smile, though.
They are oblivious to this until wonderful Mrs Henderson yells “yay, finally!” and they are startled by the applause and whistling coming from them.
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thespiritssaidso · 7 months
Call Me Cinnamon
cw for small amounts of brief, nondescriptive violence and character death
It was dark tonight. And raining. Hard. Just my luck. Of course this happened the one night I felt nice enough to take over my coworker’s shift because she was feeling a little sick.
I squinted and leaned forward a bit. I never really liked driving when it was pouring outside. I never felt like I could see all of the road, and it made me feel vulnerable.
The car speakers, connected to my phone, were blaring out some punk rock song from a playlist Spotify had made for me. The brights were turned off, since all the light was doing was making it harder to see the road by refracting through the heavy downpour.
The road I usually took to get home was extremely dangerous during storms, the rain making the asphalt extra slick. Not to mention the several hills, which you couldn’t see over until you were right on top of it.
Those conditions all added up should have been enough to convince me to take a longer, but safer, route home. But my brain was on autopilot, too busy looking ahead to make sure I wasn’t going to hit anything. So I made the turn onto the road that had been engraved into my mental map without even realizing it.
Of course, the second I noticed I had made the turn earlier than I should’ve, I was halfway down the road. So I kept going. No use in turning around now.
How wrong I was.
It was just… there, when I got to the second hill. A deer, standing in the middle of the road. In my lane. Not even moving.
Everything happened so fast.
Slamming the brakes.
Jerking the wheel.
Driving off the road.
Slamming into a tree.
Flying through the windshield.
And hitting my head against the tree trunk with a sickening crack.
Immediately, everything went black.
Then from black, to nothing at all.
It was like that for what seemed like forever. But, somehow, the darkness started to soften into a light grey.
And then I opened my eyes.
I was inside, safe, and lying in bed. A soft white light from the full moon was filtering through the windows — one regular sized and one very large — to my right.
This wasn’t my bed, or my room. It didn’t even look like it might be a hospital. Just some random bedroom that looked strangely familiar.
“Where the hell am I?”
okay, i know a lot of you are wondering "Why was this posted in the Psych tag? There's no Psych?" And to that I would like to say: this is just the prologue. It is setting up the story for later. I s w e a r Shawn will be in the next update, aka the first chapter. And yes, the title for the whole story is called "Call Me Cinnamon", I couldn't think of anything more creative. Sorry. And no, the chapters will not be this short. Again: THIS IS JUST THE PROLOGUE. I've already written most of the chapters one two and three, and they're all a little over a thousand words.
AO3 link here
Next: Chapter 1
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dotster001 · 1 year
Soft part 10 out of however many it takes for my coworker friend to like Lucifer
Summary: your new plan to fluster Lucifer into revealing his plans to win your heart is, as per usual, arriving with unexpected consequences.
A/N: *nervous laughter* it's been a long time since I updated this, so a lot of you may be behind....oops
Chapters: one two three four five six seven eight nine
"This is disgusting," Solomon said, furrowing his brow in complete confusion and disgust.
The thing he was looking at? 
You hanging off of Lucifer's arm as you whispered flirtily into his ear. Well, more like an attempt at flirtily whispering in his ear. It was clear you were not feeling it.
And as for Lucifer, he seemed to be trying to not react, and keep his face as neutral as possible. Neither of them was benefitting from this, but both were too prideful to end it, so the game of chicken seemed to have no end in sight.
Which Solomon wouldn't have cared less about…if he wasn't supposed to be teaching self defense spells right now.
As one might imagine, it was not going well, when his student and their main teacher were too busy trying to outplay one another in a game only they understood. 
He quickly shot a text to Satan.
So…Y/N and Lucifer…
Are they still doing that? 😒
Care to explain what's going on?
Not really, no.
But whatever it is, they've been doing it an entire week.
It's really annoying.
Aw, feeling neglected? 🥺
Satan stopped responding to Solomon's texts. Sighing to himself, he packed up everything he had brought with him, and started to head for the door.
"We'll try this again next week, since you both seem a bit preoccupied," he said over his shoulder, hearing what sounded vaguely like an "uh huh" from someone, but no other reaction besides that.
He really hoped one of them snapped before next week.
The first couple days of shamelessly flirting with Lucifer, you had felt nothing but deep nausea in the pit of your stomach. As the week had progressed, though, you had built up a bit of an immunity. It was easier to flirt him up. 
At least you hoped it was an immunity. There was no world where you were ready to process what it meant if it were something else.
The other boyfriends, meanwhile, were being very pouty.
"It's not fair. We loved you first. Lucifer should just get in line and wait his turn," Levi said with a pout.
The brothers had shown up in your room that morning for an unexpected intervention. You hadn't even been awake for two seconds when Levi had started talking.
Asmo wasn't even looking. He was facing the opposite way of the bed, arms crossed, face contorted into a childish pout.
"They don't even love him," he said, his protruding lower lip evident in his voice. "Well, not yet anyway. They're close but not quite there."
"I'm yer first man! If yer gonna spend all yer time focusing on one person, it should be me!" Mammon cried from the spot where he was laying his head in your lap.
"I've told you a million times, your not the first man anymore-"
"Shut yer face, Levi!"
"What are you hoping to accomplish here, that teaming up with the rest of the anti Lucifer League wouldn't?" Satan asked calmly, his white knuckles betraying the rage he was holding back.
You opened your mouth to respond, but honestly you couldn't come up with an answer. What were you hoping to gain?
"Checkmate," Belphie said with a smirk.
Suddenly, Beel locked the door.
Tag list- @leonia0 @eccedentesiast-sapphic @your-next-daydream
"You're not leaving until you can give us a real answer," Satan said, giving what sounded like an evil laugh.
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3rddimension · 1 year
Wow just like Ian's episode, today's Anthony episode of the Smoshcast is the best. I love hearing about Smosh history and bts stuff.
-Shayne's story about how Anthony said goodbye to him the last shoot day he had before leaving already make me emo, but Anthony revealing that he had specifically chased him to the parking lot to say goodbye BROKE ME, even S was emotional finding that out. He's been remembering and telling this story one way this whole time, and now there's a whole new layer
-Hearing Shayne talk about how he feels like Anthony's exit in 2018 took the pressure off of the Pit Squad, because the higher-ups were focusing on Smosh main. And how that allowed the cast to make the most fresh pit content lead by Sarah!!! How they became bonded and their friendship truly shined and that's what the dna of Smosh always had been since Ian and Anthony. I've always felt that way about that era of Smosh Pit but it's so special to hear it coming from him, and to realize that the cast (and C and S alone) probably have reflective convos about the past in this detailed manner
-Fascinating to hear S say that the recent half scripted half non-scripted Smosh Main content felt at some point like Smosh Pit second channel to them. I never thought of it that way but he's so right. Shows like funeral roasts, exes interviews and reading Dms/dating profiles do have Pit dna. Like the improve in a contained setup feels very Smosh Pit theatre. That used to be the channel youd go to see the cast's personalities and different brands of comedy interact through improve and fun. Smosh Main was always scripted/sketch. He's basically re-enforcing the idea that they were unsure what direction to go with after EBE, and they sort of leaned towards Pit type content because that was their star child and best performing channel which is insane and makes me happy. Now all is as it should be with Smosh Main being scripted sketch and any improv shows or vids should be on Pit. With Games being all types of games
-i love Shayne reminding people that it was truly Ian who saved Smosh, Rhett and Link stepped in and provided a second chance to the channel. But Ian was the one carrying Smosh through it so he should get the credit. Absolutely king dad 👑 also all the observations about Ian and his leading style and his persistence and his comedy were so sweet, Ian isn't the most sentimental guy esp when talking about himself but his coworkers and friends clearly see the value and good in him, he deserves the world
-i love this trio, Anthony sounds super profound and introspective which is refreshing, Shayne is a very empathetic person and a great listener and Amanda is so charismatic and joyful. I love seeing her learn about Smosh and the folklore behind it all, she's on the podcast representing the viewer basically,fangirling and learning bts things in real time with us
-I'm so excited about Anthony revealing that 1) Ian and Anthony are gonna launch a podcast, I love them and their friendship and I'm sure at some point they're gonna be able to pull the craziest guests. And 2) he revealed that part of their business plan is to figure out how each cast member shines and give them a show/format in which they can portray that. Clearly that's what we've been seeing with ot3 (Damien swordaf, Shayne reddit and smoshcast, Courtney's new pit endeavors coming up), it's good to have confirmation that that's a priority
Damn, thanks for the writeup anon! I watched it last night too and it's such a good episode. Gonna add smosh tag on this one. Here's the video if you wanted to watch the whole thing!
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lizardlicks · 10 months
Nine People You'd Like To Get To Know Better
I was tagged by @blu3berrydraws, @erisenyo, and @paramouradrift lol thanks guys!
Relation Status: Married to my best friend and high school sweetheart
Favorite Color: green. any green. give me a green I will show you how beautiful it is
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Sweet tooth is currently satisfied. Spicy is just kind of a bonus. I think savory is looking good rn.
Three ships: Zukka is the obvious current answer, but I am a habitual multishipper by nature, so here are three ships that I very much enjoy which might not be on your radars!
First is @ablueeyedarcher's fault: How/Piandao. The SS CapyPanda. Are they minor characters who only show up for two or three episodes a piece? Yes. Do I care? No. Let them smooch.
Number two is Jee/Bato. Look. Jee is a tired gay man, He has served his time. Let him get out there and get the good dick. He's not a home wrecker though, he's not gonna get between whatever Bato has going on with Hakoda... unless maybe they invited him to get between them more literally.
Third is Zuko/Kuei. I know the the post canon comics pitted these two sad bitches against each other but listen, here me out. They're both young, inexperienced leaders dropped head first into navigating attempting to deescalate their countries post a century of hostilities with minimal helpful guidance, and they were also both used and betrayed by the father figures they we supposed to trust and rely on. What if when left alone, face to face, they bonded over venting their similar frustrations? What if that bonding turned into an unlikely friendship? What if that friendship tripped and rolled down a rocky hill of something more and they ended up in a secret affair between the heads of two of the world's most powerful states? What if it all came crashing in on them, but they couldn't untangle their very real feelings from their duty as leaders? What then?
First ever ship: Oh snap this is reaching back into Ye Old memory banks here. If I'm being totally honest I think it was the pink and green (later white, much later all the rest of the damn colors) rangers from the original run of the American version of Power Rangers. The internet didn't exist as we know it today so it was just a group of a half-dozen 7-9 year olds G O S S I P I N G on the playground between rounds of pretending to be actual velociraptors.
Last Song:
(Two Steps From Hell is my go-to writing times tune everything out music)
Last Film: Technically it was me and the rest of the adults post Thanksgiving diner keeping a running background commentary going on the worldbuilding choices in the Paw Patrol Movie that the little kids insisted on watching. Real answer, the last movie I sat down to watch with intention was Across the Spiderverse.
Last thing I Googled: solar chistmas lights. My coworker was complaining that her only outdoor outlet shares a load with an indoor one (which?? rude!) and her partner wouldn't let her put up more Christmas lights. I had to show her. The way her face lit up as she IMMEDIATELY zoomed to Amazon and started filling her cart. Apologies to her poor family and neighbors, but I definitely made her week and possibly her entire New Year.
Currently Reading: Hey did you know that @erisenyo is already releasing stuff for zukki week because she is. you should definitely go read that.
Currently Watching: Rewatching Blue Eye Samurai while spouse watches it for the first time. He's been big into old samurai and wuxia films since I can remember so I'm just sitting here anticipating his reactions to every easter egg and trope call back they've stuffed into this show and also spotting things I missed on the first round.
Currently Consuming: Peppermint mocha and a cheese, egg and sausage tornado. Don't question me.
Currently Craving: My cozy bed. Also a nice big bowl of curry.
Currently Working On: The next chapter of Learn to Carry Love. I'm so so so close to the finish aaargh!
Current Obsession(s): *Gestures at my blog*
And with that I'm gonna taaaaaaag @ablueeyedarcher @rainbowbarnacle @paintsplattere @allgremlinart @saccharineomens @thepioden @siggymcpissyface @curlicuecal and @yandereleorio! No obligation of course, just for a fun time if you wanna :D
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laf-outloud · 1 year
I’m sorry if you’ve already discussed this or weren’t really following JIb and for the upcoming rant, but I’ve been out of the loop due to travelling home from JIB and only saw this on instagram today.
I’m sorry, but Rob is such a petty (or insensitive) asshole:
//You did it again #Roma.
Thank you @jusinbellocon and @serendipityhope for hosting another fantastic weekend celebrating love, friendship and (SPN) family.
E stato Bellissimo.
#jibcon #spn #spnfamily @jensenackles @drakerodger @jojoflei_ @jeffparise @billy.moran @jasonmannsmusic @paulcarella @dicksp8jr #francesco, #michele
*i me, @jensenackles, @housecatsswain, some of her people//
The guy literally tags Jensen twice, every guest EXCEPT Jared, HIMSELF, had a panel with Jared (which I enjoyed at the time because they were very good together on stage), has the nerve to use #spn and #spnfamily, while excluding ONLY the lead of Supernatural. The guy who made it a “family.”
I get that he might not have hung out with Jared at JIB, and Jared wasn’t at his bedside when he had his stroke so he isn’t an automatic BFF for life, but they were literally on-stage together, getting a picture wouldn’t exactly be hard. Hell, he didn’t even have to include a picture of Jared, but to leave him as the only person in attendance who he didn’t tag is some serious BS. It’s also unprofessional.
These extras are such ungrateful trash, I’m disgusted that I finally caved and spent money on an op with this fool (at least it’s not just him in the picture and I can maybe crop him out).
Like, if Jared hadn’t stayed for years longer on a show that he was thinking about leaving, these jerks would have lost their money train years sooner. But all he gets is slighted and to be made the butt of their jokes. He was even nicer to Rob onstage than any of the other guys. He is more successful than all of them, and they should all frankly be kissing his ass for keeping them employed.
I guess now I really see why Rob will never be cast for even a bit part on Walker despite whining about it on his podcast.
Good for you Jared, keep distancing yourself from these petty losers!
Side note: I had a meet and greet with Jared at JIB and he was in a super good mood, probably because Gen was on her way there.
Again, sorry for the rant, but I had to get it out or explode.
I'm sorry you were close to exploding, I hope this helped!
As for Rob's post... I didn't really get that annoyed about it, and hopefully my reasoning will help you feel a bit better. I did see the post when it initially came out, and I also saw that in his Stories, Rob did include a picture of Jared, so he didn't forget about him completely.
The best way I can put it is to liken it to the corporate world class system. It's like if the SPN/Convention crew all worked in the same division together for 10+ years. With the ending of SPN, Jared was promoted into a separate division while everyone else either stayed in that division, or made a lateral transfer. In the corporate world, even if you were good friends with a co-worker, once they move up in the world, a different kind of relationship developers. So, Jared still attends the same company meetings and get-togethers as his coworkers from the old division, but the same kind of friendship doesn't exist because he's now in a different peer group (or class). They're all still the same people, but how they see and interact with each other has changed. And since I know that Jared is finding success outside the SPN family, and more importantly, is happily vacationing with Gen, I'm not bothered by Jared's exclusion from the tags.
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stormhearty · 7 months
Hello again, haha :)
Good luck and good work to you! I haven't read Eris's yet, just the reader's and Tarquin's (which I loved). Let's modernize it! Cass😳🙀 ah, I'm fine! It's been a bit of a slog, but today is Sunday and I've taken the opportunity to rest a bit (sleep😂).
I've never read a manwha, but it sounds good. An inspiring manwha! LOL. A recommendation of your favorite?
It's a wonder she's not dead yet. She needs to go to the police station and report him for abandoning a child🤣🤣
Maybe you need to see if the books on your to-read list are also discounted (just to check). Lmao. Well, I'm helping, since you said you have a goal of reading more!
The Narnia books give me the impression that they're much better than the movies! I'll read them one day!
A tag just for me? I feel so adorable! An emoji tag? I love ducks 🦆, or could it be a name? Emerald, because I love green things. So undecided. I could be a parrot soon, since I talk more than I should because my thoughts are always racing and I'm also racing to keep up with them so I don't forget. Make up your mind!
Don't worry, I know how working as a nurse takes up a lot of time and I'd be in bed until I had to go back to work too. I understand😹 I'm studying for today's lesson and I've jumped at the chance to come here hehe. Thank you! I love expressing my opinion, especially if it's about something I like. YES! Ms. SJM should explain a bit more about the other courts. I confess I'd like to see a bit more of the Autumnal Court(?) I don't know why, but I'd like to see more about Eris and the place my dear Lucien had to leave. I also confess that part of my curiosity is to get to know more about Eris, because, amazingly, I have a crush on him after reading a few things here! (Even though I know the poor guy barely has any screen time. Judge me) LMAO. I think a lot of fans were expecting this🤣🤣 let's make a protest for Tarquin to appear more. Maybe Helion too! Bring them all!!!😂😳 Note: Before I felt more mysterious without emoji, but I love it. I feel mysterious with a brand now😘 🦆
Sorry for the broken responses though! And I decided to just put together both of your asks~ It might be easier for me to reply to both!
And thank you! I do hope you enjoy the Eris one! It's very angsty~ Yup! I am having a difficult time with the Modern!Cassian one though~ More like always having difficulty starting it but that's a me problem.
And that's me the past few days. It was my weekend at work and all I did was lay in bed attempting to get some sleep. As usual. And then yesterday I had dinner with coworkers it was fun, that's why I haven't been able to reply to anything the last few days.
My favorite manwha reads (some are finished, some are on hiatus and some are ongoing):
Who Made Me a Princess (this is a must to read)
Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion
The First Night with the Duke
Flirting with the Villain's Dad
Villains Are Destined to Die
A Stemother's Marchen
How to Win My Husband Over
The Siren: Becoming the Villain's Family
I Married the Male Lead's Dad
The Dark Lord's Confession
Secret Lady
Roxana (How to Protect the Main Lead's Older Brother)
The Villainess is a Marionette
Into the Light, Once Again
The Archduke's Adopted Saint
I can't list all of them because it'd be so much! There are many manwha's I have dropped over the years because it got really boring or I lost interest.
But I actually own already LOTR and Narnia books! The Narnia was a behemoth of a book since it was the compilation of all the books. So I have to lug that thing around when I have to read it 🤣🤣 And they are! I did just love the actors for the movie version of Narnia.
Well, I think it has been touched on here on Tumblr that Autumn Court has so many hidden secrets and the betrayal and all that stuff, the secret affairs. It sounds so spicy compared to everywhere else. And SAME! I was in love with Eris even though he barely had any scenes. And our boi, Lucien~
Oh my god. If Rhysand wasn't Feyre's mate I would have so petitioned for Tarquin to be with her. LMAO.
Mysterious with a brand~ my duckie nonnie~
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000png · 1 year
bro I’m so sorry about the layoffs, I work in tech too and was laid off in 2020 at the start of lockdown and that shit sucked and really affected me emotionally. I’m just an internet stranger so this is completely unsolicited advice but even though you may tell yourself it’s just a job or other people may tell you that, the way work is set up in the US has pretty intense psychological effects on our sense of belonging and sense of purpose, so please take it easy and don’t feel bad if you get emotional about this and soon you’ll have a foster cat to hang out with!!!! (also I saw your tags about taking PTO, NEVER FEEL WEIRD ABOUT TAKING PTO, if a company can drop you like this then u should take the time you need when you need it)
ahhh thank you so much for sending this in!!! not unsolicited advice at all, I very much appreciate this 🥹 yeah I was kind of numb to it this morning but now that I've really digested it... yeah shit sucks 🤣 I'd be lying if I said I was surprised though, what I am surprised about is that they axed everybody 😩
ironically I am actually one of the employees who has been here the longest (just hit a little over 4 years actually which means I get an extra severance bonus lmao) but it didn't hit me until after we all gathered after the announcement and some of my coworkers (some who have been here since the startup was founded in 2012) started breaking down. we've also been working on this one project since 2019 and it was ready to have its PMA submitted by the end of the year and to see that literally get disintegrated right before our eyes... that shit hurts man.
our work would have saved lives (tldr we work in cancer diagnostics) and now it maybe never can because somebody decided it wasn't making enough money. the absolute irony considering the state of capitalism and US healthcare am I right
I'm honestly also just super bitter towards the company that acquired and then subsequently dissolved us lmao. shits gone downhill ever since they acquired us what, 2 years ago now? we haven't even fully been integrated STILL and they've dragged their feet so much with helping us in any way, if anything they've actually hindered a lot of our work (our entire devops team has a personal vendetta against their IT department) and they're like yeah you guys are underperforming so we're dissolving the entire startup 🙄 I should have jumped ship immediately after the acquisition because everything related to said big company has sucked since then but well here we are
oh also yeah hard agree on the PTO but on the bright side at least mine is getting paid out 🤣
anyways. I'm about to love the shit out of this foster cat
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not-that-dillinger · 2 months
Coffee Tea Shop AU
/* so I needed some fluff after writing the last drabble... So. have a silly AU where Ed is Actually Happy for once */
In any other world, the rejection of his appeal for readmission to the university should have brought him anxiety—with only a high school diploma, and no job lined up, his future had never been so uncertain. Instead, the first thing to cross his mind is that without the skills he would have gained from a degree in computer science, he was useless to his father.
Among all the uncertainty, the one thing that was certain was that his father would not accept him back; his childhood home in silicon valley had nothing to offer him.
He'd never been more relieved in his life.
A friend was gracious enough to let him stay until Ed could pull his life together after he was kicked out of university housing, and Ed frantically searched for a job--any job. When the dust settled, a month later, he'd secured a job at an indie tea shop in downtown Pittsburgh, and an apartment above the bakery a few blocks down with two roommates.
Work was… Fine. The supervisor that trained him, Nestor, was barely older than himself. His coworkers all took turns chatting with him, asking him about his interests, the books he's read, any new movies he'd seen.
"Where are you from?" Miriam asked. Ed had learned that she had left a nearby Amish community with her brother and her girlfriend, Bat (short for Bathsheba, he'd been told), after Miriam realized her feelings weren't accepted by the church. He'd learned that most of his coworkers were working at the tea shop because the financial stability had allowed them to escape something.
"I'm originally from Los Angeles," Ed admitted.
"Oh! Los Angeles is beautiful. My girlfriend and I visited while we were rumspringen. What made you decide to move out here?"
Ed tensed. He may have been relieved to no longer be worth his father's attention, but he was still ashamed to have failed and dropped out of college. "I... came out here for college," Ed admitted.
His discomfort must have been obvious, because Miriam quickly changed the topic.
One thing Ed is ever grateful for, is that their name tags only have their first names on them. None of the customers knew the last name he bore that had been a curse since his childhood.
As it turned out, neither did his co-workers, until the next month when their manager published the updated schedule.
"Hey Ed, I just noticed your last name on the schedule, and... it got me wondering, since you're from LA," Ben said. "Any connection to--"
Ed flinched.
"Oh," Ben said.
"Order up!" Bat called.
Ed hastily left to grab the tray with the tea set, and bring it out to the table.
He was still tense when he re-entered the kitchen ten minutes later, taking time to collect dirty dishes and wipe down tables on his way back despite that not being his job.
Nestor and Bat and Matilde closed ranks around him, and Ben kept his distance for the rest of the shift. The topic was never brought up again.
One of the benefits of working at the tea shop is that Ed was a allowed all the tea he cared to drink. Ed liked to make his own blends, which quickly got the attention--and enthusiasm of his co-workers. They're all small batches that Ed mixes together in small cup but it's still enough for several pots, and while Ed could go through a pot a shift, his coworkers manage to finish off a small batch by the end off the shift.
Apparently, his teas are so good, Nestor convinced the Manager to let them list them on the menu.
The customers were mostly okay. All they serve is tea in pots, and pastries, which are served at the counter. One day in the middle of a rush he accidentally messed up an order, and the customer—an older man in a business suit—yelled at him, Ed froze. He couldn't talk, couldn't move. Bruce, the morning supervisor who had taken over for Nestor, quickly stepped in and smoothed things out, and another coworker pulled him into the office and sat him down with a fresh pot of Jasmine tea. Bruce had him trade places with Matilde, who was on dishes for the shift.
The tea shop didn't have any real food for lunch, but there were plenty of restaurants and a small grocery store within walking distance. Ed usually brought his lunch, or stopped the grocery store since it was easiest to determine what was safe for him there, but he quickly found out the Thai restaurant next door was safe, as was the mexican restaurant down the street. During his breaks, Ed read textbooks on coding and principles of computer science. He wasn't sure he'd ever go back to school, but it gave him something mentally stimulating, and it meant that maybe some day he'd be able to start his own software company or something. He worked through the exercises in the books in the evening.
His days off were Wednesday and Saturday. and Ed spent his Wednesday mornings at therapy. He spent his Friday evenings hosting his coworkers and GMing a Traveller campaign.
Ed... settles. He falls into a comfortable rhythm working at the tea shop and going to therapy on his off days. He's not sure what he wants to do with his future. The only thing he'd wanted for a long time was to escape his father's oppressive shadow, and now that he'd escaped with his whole life ahead of him, he isn't sure what he wants. He still doesn't entirely know who he is when he's not defined by his cursed name, either. Computer science had been expected of him. and he wasn't sure if that was what he wanted or not, but now he has time to figure out who he is and what he wants. Maybe some day in the future he'll return to school, once he has that figured out.
For now, he has time to heal, and he's content to just be Ed from the tea shop.
He's finally safe, and that's enough for him.
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orbitingtheson · 4 months
19 February 2240
What am I supposed to do about a coworker who I simultaneously hate and feel sorry for? This person is the lead of one of EVA crews on our cycler, and since I help run the maintenance crawlers on the radiator array I wind up hearing their radio chatter. I'm required to listen, actually, for safety. This person is loud, obnoxious, and just generally mean to everyone who works under them. The fact that they've been gone for three months has been a relief all around, and their crew's been running better and happier the whole time. On the other hand, the reason they've been out for three months is something I wouldn't wish on anyone. They were out on one of the crew's biweekly visual inspections when they got tagged by a rock. It went clean through their suit, their thigh, and their suit again. Only missed the artery by millimeters. They lost pressure, and worse, they passed out before they could get a patch on. The suit self-sealed, but not as quick as it should have, and it got a little ugly. I'm glad they've recovered, but they're back to all their old habits too. How do I keep from wishing for another rock? -petty officer
I always find it's easier to focus on doing something than on not doing something. If I want to avoid eating a certain kind of food, I try to make a point of eating other foods that I enjoy. If I don't want to think of the lyrics of a certain song, I go listen to a different song instead.
So if you don't want to wish for something horrible, maybe try wishing for something good instead. Don't focus on the idea of "I wish this person would go away" and instead maybe try something like "I wish I had the ability to not make someone else's problem my own" or "I wish I had a job that didn't involve listening in on other people's conversations"
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zhongrin · 2 years
i'm here, where you at?
◇ characters ◇ xiao, albedo, zhongli, kazuha, heizou
◇ tags ◇ modern!au, fluff
◇ a/n ◇ i would like to clarify that i do not simp for heizou but everyone around me has been smooching him and although i do not share the same sentiment i wanted to provide some food so enjoy you heizou simps~
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waits silently at the gate, arms crossed, earphones in. no one dares to approach him because of his 'resting bitch face', thank god.
y'all probably expect me to say he's wearing either a leather jacket or a hoodie. well, i say he's wearing a black dress shirt with sleeves rolled up, the first button unbuttoned, and dark-colored slacks. choker and necklace adorning his pretty neck, piercings adorning his ears, golden eyes regularly flitting down his analog watch with each moment spent without you on his sight. i will die on this hill and none of you can change my mind.
he leads you to his motorcycle and hands you your helm with a silent question in his eyes. it's the same question every time and you already know what your answer is - because every single time you would choose to spend the rest of your day with him rather than having him deliver you home.
"you're late today. did something happen?"
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another one who waits silently at the gate. big chance that he's sketching something when you spot him. but if klee is tagging along, then he's probably busy trying to make sure she doesn't wander too far.
soft knitted sweater or simple collared shirt with a warm, neutral-colored tone. the perfect embodiment of casual-soft-light-academia style. smiles softly when you tap his shoulder to gain his attention or when klee spots you and runs into your arms.
leads you to his car parked just on the parking lot nearby (klee has shotgun if she is there though). if you're alone, he holds the steering wheel with one hand and your hand in the other as he makes some small talk.
"how was your day, starlight? mine was... eventful. would you like to hear all about it?"
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pulls up with his fancy-ass bmw right in front of you. probably dressed formally since he came by after a client meeting. a total head turner. if you have friends or coworkers waiting with you they would probably gawk in awe.
smiles as soon as his eyes meet yours and kisses your cheek as a greeting. you're swooning. your friends are swooning. the elderly couples across the street are swooning. hell, even the birds are probably swooning (cue 'close to you' playing in the background).
greets your friends with a polite smile. opens and closes the car door for you. whoever says chivalry is dead clearly hasn't met this man before.
launches into his full storyteller mode as he drives. has no need for a gps. will not hold your hand while he drives because safety first, but will kiss your fingers gently if you try to reach out for his hand.
you caught him wearing glasses one time and hoo whew no wonder he stars in the commercials of his company himself. his marketing people know what they're doing, alright.
"hm? glasses? oh. apologies, i seem to have forgotten to take it off. i just came from a meeting with a client, and had to read through a rather extensive contract document- .... i should wear it often, you say? hmm. i suppose if it makes you blush so endearingly, then i should."
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some days he has his bicycle with him, but more often than not, he walks to your workplace/campus. you probably have an outdoor spot where you always promise to meet at, either at a nearby park or some cute coffee shop.
he always spots you before you do, smiling quietly as he watches you look around for him. if he's feeling mischievous you might get a text saying cute things like "wrong direction, dove." or "i spy with my humble eye, a sparrow looking for its sky <;3"
when you do spot him in his oversized sweater, silver strands pulled back in a low side ponytail with the hair tie you lost a week ago, it feels like you're finally home. "i've been looking for that for the whole week!!" "what do you mean, love? it's mine?? c:"
"there you are, maple. the day has been painfully slow for me today. i missed you."
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sneaks up behind you every. single. time. and he's always so playful about it too: he'll cover your eyes, poke your sides, blow into your ears, anything to make you jump and scold him with that cute angry pout. always apologizes half-heartedly afterward and gives you a little something on the side - your favorite snack or drink, an odd thing he picked up along the way, or random small trinkets you don't know what to use for ("'zou, the hell am i going to use a smoking pipe for??" "you pose with it and look cool, duh!")
this boy is a fashion icon, with his dyed hair and #ootd. he's always keeping up with trends, unafraid of trying out a new style, and would even take requests from you. though his favorite is always when you ask him to match your outfits together!
he'll gladly walk with you to the nearest park, mall, cafe, or even either one of your houses, all the while recounting the latest development in the cases he's working on, your hands linked tightly around each other and swinging to the rhythm of your synchronized steps.
"guess who~ mm, ding ding ding! as expected of my partner! you're right on time, too! let me guess, some extra work came in and you had to run a few errands, hence you ran late today.... was i spot on? heh, what can i say, my deductive logic is unparalleled!"
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© zhongrin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @paintingsofdragonspine | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @depressivecomforts | @sophiethewitch1 | @why-am-i-here-someone-save-me
ps. if you want to be removed/added from the taglist, just send an ask!
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m-jelly · 3 years
can i ask for a request for Levi?. Something along the lines of-
Levi is ur coworker and decides to take u out on a date after crushing on u for a while. U guys go out to a restaurant and enjoy the night, he takes u home (for whatever reason idk i cant think of why). In the morning u both find out that the waiter has covid and u may have contracted it. So now ur both stuck in levi’s apartment until u get tested if ur positive or not. From there u can take the wheel i dont mind :DD
(I was inspired by a tiktok but idk where it is.)
I hope ur doing well!, its okay to take a break when needed and drink water!! :)))
Sweet <3 Happy to do this one <3 Love adorable stuff. I'm doing alright! Things have been a bit rough for me, but I keep going. Hope you're all well.
A blessing in disguise.
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: Modern AU, cute, romantic, Levi freaks about germs but likes he has to isolate with you, cute, becoming a couple.
Concept: Levi has had such a big and deep crush on you for a long time, but never acted. When he finally asks you, you both go on the perfect date together. At the end of the date, your feet are bleeding due to your shoes. Levi takes you to his place and tends to your feet, then you fall asleep at his place. In the morning, you both get an alert that your waiter has covid. So, you both have to isolate yourself at Levi's place until you can test. You're a little worried, but Levi is secretly excited that he has you all to himself.
Stunning, beautiful, cute, sexy and perfect.
Levi could not praise you enough as he sat opposite you in the restaurant. He just adored you so much and had for a long time. He had never had the courage to ask you out, but he just blurted out the word date and you said yes. So now, he had the pleasure of seeing you on a date with him.
You both talked all night. You laughed together and that only made you love Levi more than you already did. You felt honoured to hear Levi laugh so nicely and smile a little. You just want to spend as long as possible with this truly wonderful man.
You went on a romantic walk after, but your feet ruined the moment. You stumbled a little and winced. "Ow."
Levi worried right away. "What's wrong? What happened?"
You sat on a bench and slipped your heels off. "It's been a while since I've been on a date. I bought new shoes and didn't break them in."
Levi crouched down and held your feet. "You're bleeding."
You blushed a little. "It's only a bit. I'm sorry."
Levi hummed, then turned his back to you. "Hop on."
He looked back at you. "Come on."
You sighed, then climbed onto his back. "Okay."
He stood up and adjusted you, then he carried you through the part and to his apartment building. "I have things at my place that should fix your feet. You okay with that?"
You hugged him tightly. "Yeah."
Levi blushed at feeling your breasts against his back. "G-Good." He rode the lift up, then juggled you so he could get his keys out. He opened the door, then sat you on his kitchen counter. "Stay there."
You hummed a laugh at him running around. "My feet are fine."
Levi put his medkit down, then cleaned your feet. "Tch, they're in ribbons." He put on antiseptic, then put plasters on. "There, all fixed."
"Thank you."
He lifted you off the counter and put you on your feet causing you both to be face-to-face. He blushed a little, then cleared his throat and backed up. "You should rest your feet. I don't want you walking around with them the way they are."
You sat on Levi's sofa, then lay on your side. You yawned and hummed. "Okay. I'll rest them for a bit."
"Sure. I'm to clean up and I'll be right back." Levi packed his kit away, then he cleaned the blood from your shoes. He returned to you to see you were fast asleep. He covered you in a blanket, then kissed your forehead. "Sleep well."
You woke up to your phone going off. You yawned, then picked up your phone to see Levi sleeping on the floor next to you with a blanket over him. You smiled at how sweet he was to sleep there in his own home, even though he had a bed. You unlocked your phone and looked at the notification. "Shit!"
Levi sat up quickly and shouted your name. "Where are you!? I'll protect you!"
You stared at Levi with his messy bed hair and sleepy eyes. "Sorry I woke you."
He hummed and rubbed his eyes. "Oh, morning."
He yawned, then sighed. "What's wrong?"
You showed him your phone. "I've been alerted about covid. Seems like our waiter had covid and we've been asked to test and stay at home."
Levi stared at the message. "So, you're saying I was near someone dirty with germs."
"Levi breathe."
His eye twitched a little. "I'm not mad. I'm okay." He lowered his head and sighed. "I'll order the tests to my place. It means you have to stay here."
You smiled. "You okay with that?"
Levi blushed hard. "Yes." He got up. "I'll get you some clothes to change into."
He stopped by his door. "You might have to wear my boxers if we're positive."
You blushed a little. "That's okay. Thank you." You followed him into the bedroom and watched him go into his closet. You smiled and took a jumper and jogging bottoms from him. "Oh, nice and soft."
"I like my comfort."
"Me too."
Levi smiled at you, then blushed when he realised he hadn't moved. "Ah, sorry. I should leave."
You waved to him, then put on his clothes and felt so happy. You loved how good it smelt and how it was like Levi was hugging you. You took your clothes to his cleaning room and started putting your things in the wash, along with Levi's things. You felt so at home in his place.
Levi leaned in the doorway and smiled at you working away. He loved you in your date outfit, but there was something so pretty about you wearing his things. "Tch, thanks."
You turned to Levi with a smile on your face. "I thought it was only fair I wash our things."
"I appreciate it. So, the tests have been ordered and they should get here tomorrow, or the day after. You okay staying that long?"
You nodded. "It'll be fun. An extended date."
Levi offered his hand. "Come. We'll watch some movies while we wait."
You held his hand and walked with him to the sofa. You sat with him and watched movie after movie. As the day went on, you ended up cuddling up to Levi and the stiff awkward atmosphere was gone. You both were comfortable with each other. You made most of the steps because Levi was a little bit reserved.
Levi made lunch and dinner for you and him. When it came to bedtime, you and he shared his bed due to you insisting he sleeps next to you instead of the sofa or the floor. You rather liked sleeping next to him and he was in heaven sleeping next to you. Levi wanted to hold you in his arms so tightly, but he didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable.
Levi blushed in the darkness. "Yes?"
You gulped and shuffled closer. "Can we cuddle?"
Levi pulled you close and held you. "Tch, better? Now sleep."
You hugged him and hummed in happiness. "Perfect."
You and Levi slept in each other's arms the whole night, then he made you breakfast in the morning. You spent the whole day together and no tests turned up. Levi was happy that it meant more time with you. He was so happy to get closer to you and a chance to really deepen your bond. Levi had liked you for so long that you really were all his.
You blushed and walked over to Levi as you felt courage inside you. "Levi?"
Levi turned to you and said your name as he took you all in. "Hi." You smiled a little. "You look cute in my things."
You hummed a laugh. "Thank you." You gulped and stopped in front of him. "Levi?"
He blushed a little as you both locked eyes. "Yes?"
You cupped the back of his neck, then pulled him in for a kiss. You were a little shy at first as you worried about how Levi would react to you, but he surprised you. Levi yanked you against him when his brain registered what you were doing. He ran his hand up your back, then bent you back a little.
You hummed with laughter, then inhaled in surprise when Levi's tongue pushed into your mouth. You moaned as he explored your mouth. His tongue was so hot against yours. You felt your head turning to mush. Levi placed his hand on your bum, then lifted you up. You wrapped your legs around Levi and squeaked a little when he pressed you against his wall.
You tangled your fingers in his hair and hummed in delight. You and Levi forgot all about your tests, even when they were posted through his door as you were both exploring each other against his wall.
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glassprism · 3 years
Saw this post that accused Raoul of gaslighting Christine when he said "there is no phantom of the opera". Any thoughts?
Which post. There are so many of them. So... very... many. I'll just assume it was this one, since it was the most recent that I saw crossing the Phantom tag, but I could probably point out more.
Anyway, my thought as always for these kinds of posts is, "Why oh why can't people learn the actual definition of gaslighting?" Gaslighting, as defined in the The Gaslighting Recovery Workbook, is "a cruel, deceptive activity put in place by an abuser to make their target doubt themselves and their real-life decisions, start to feel confused, and think they’re going crazy." The Gaslight Effect also describes a gaslighter as someone "who needs to be right in order to preserve his own sense of self and his sense of having power in the world."
What this means is that gaslighting is not just telling someone they're wrong when it turns out that they're actually right, which seems to be what a lot of people think gaslighting is. I mean, by that definition, then an argument between myself and a coworker about how to do a certain piece of paperwork would be "gaslighting". Instead, gaslighting is deliberate, done specifically to make someone doubt themselves and place trust in the gaslighter, and usually, long-term and part of a pattern of abuse.
None of that fits with what Raoul is doing in the rooftop scenario in the musical. For one thing, Raoul is not being deceptive; he truly does not believe there is a Phantom; phantoms are ghosts, and the notes, the threatening voice, Carlotta’s sabotage, Buquet dying, all of that are results of a human act. (And, you know, he's right, there really is no Phantom, he is a man.) For him to be deceptive and to fall more in line with the definition of gaslighting, he'd have to continue insisting there is no Phantom even, say, if both he and Christine witness the Phantom, like say during the Red Death scene, but then he goes to Christine and keeps going, "No Christine, you made it all up, nobody showed up to the masked ball." But as we see in the musical, that doesn't happen; once Raoul sees the Phantom with his own eyes, he immediately figures it out ("And so our Phantom's this man").
Furthermore, Raoul does not tell Christine there's no Phantom to make her doubt herself or to acquire power over her. He tells her that because she is literally panicking in that scene. Take a look at her lines with Raoul's removed:
"He'll kill me! His eyes will find me there! Those eyes that burn! And if he has to kill a thousand men, The Phantom of the Opera will kill and kill again! My God, who is this man who hunts to kill? I can't escape from him, I never will! And in this labyrinth, where night is blind the Phantom of the Opera is here, inside my mind."
Christine is not calm during this scene; she literally dragged Raoul to the rooftop of the opera house and starts telling him things that, to any other person, would seem fantastical. This is completely understandable on Christine's part, I should say, but if you pretend as an audience member that you never saw the first lair scenes, then you might be like Raoul and think she was just panicking.
I think the post I linked also stated that Raoul is not saying that the Phantom is a man, because he says line, "What you heard was a dream and nothing more" after Christine starts describing her experiences, but the entire context of that scene suggests not:
CHRISTINE: Raoul, I've been there - to his world of unending night. To a world where the daylight dissolves into darkness. darkness. Raoul, I've seen him! Can I ever forget that sight? Can I ever escape from that face? So distorted, deformed, it was hardly a face, in that darkness. darkness. But his voice filled my spirit with a strange, sweet sound. In that night there was music in my mind. And through music my soul began to soar! And I heard as I'd never heard before. RAOUL: What you heard was a dream and nothing more.
While Christine is not full-blown panicking in this scene, she's just come out of her previous state of hysteria (and moreover, is heading into an equally worrisome state of trance). Moreover, she's still describing equally unbelievable things. We the audience know all this is real, but to Raoul, a deformed man living in "unending night" and Christine apparently hearing angelic voices in her mind or spirit or whatever? It really does sound like a dream, and in the context of Christine running around panicking, it's like Christine is going stream-of-consciousness style, connecting the murder to superstitions about a ghost to her own dreams.
Finally, as part of the definition above, gaslighting is also usually long-term and part of a pattern of abuse. None of this is shown in the musical either. The rooftop scene is the only time we see Raoul telling Christine the Phantom does not exist; afterwards, he's fully on board and working to take down the guy. We also don't see Raoul exhibiting any other classic signs of abuse, such as controlling behavior, isolating her from friends and family, humiliating, judging, criticizing, or dominating her, withholding affection, undermining, trivializing, name-calling, or threatening her, or of course, hitting or hurting her or sexually abusing her. I suppose one can argue that we only see parts of their relationship and maybe he was doing that during the six months that pass between Act 1 and 2, but there's no textual evidence for or against it, so that can only exist in the realm of headcanons.
So there's my thoughts not only for that post, but for any post that accuses Raoul of gaslighting, and let this be the end of it.
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