#I feel like the obvious answer is persuasion but that might not be her actual favorite
bethanydelleman · 1 year
Pride and Prejudice and/or Persuasion
You have done the world a great service! I just realized that I never posted my highly scientific (lol) rating of the sexual abilities of Austen men! So now that is on it's way.
So, first of all, when I play FMK in the Regency, I have access to both birth control and some penicillin. Like maybe I just give them a shot in the arm when they aren't looking (though I think for some certain men *cough* *Willoughby* *cough* we might need something more broad spectrum...) Also, I'm just assuming everyone is free for the taking.
F: Captain Benwick, I want some poetry, but not too much poetry.
M: Captain Harville, when you are a mother yourself, demonstrated good parenting is key.
K: Can I just maim? I'm not terribly down with murder. Mr. Elliot though. I would totally marry Sir Walter and disinherit Mr. Elliot by baby, that's some good revenge. Revenge by baby!
Pride & Prejudice:
F: Caroline Bingley. She went to an only girls school, I'm betting she has experience. She's hot. I want to listen to her drama (but not for too long)
M: Bingles. Darcy sounds like a lot of work. I need a man who can already laugh at himself. We'll just keep the sister thing quiet.
K: The obvious answer is Wickham. But I've actually got more of a beef with Mrs. Younge, who almost packed off Georgiana with Wickham and then demanded payment to recover another teenager under the power of Wickham. I feel like knocking her off might do more for the greater good.
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ryssabrin · 3 months
having actually done the creche storyline on my second playthrough, honestly tbh it frustrates me that the creche is in the mountain pass area. it muddies up the narrative in act 1 and i'm honestly surprised the game made it that way out of early access. like you're given so many leads to find how to fix the tadpole situation and the two most promising ones are lae'zel's insistence that we track down a creche and finding halsin. all the other leads (nettie, ethel, gut etc.) are fairly obvious dead ends.
however because they wanted to level gate the creche? i guess? they put it behind the point of no return for act 1 which will move the grove plot forward whether you resolved it or not. but if you do the grove plot first, by either taking out the goblins and getting halsin's help or turning on the grove and joining the cult, you're given a pretty solid answer on the tadpole front: get to moonrise tower. why would you feel the need to go to the creche at that point other than lae'zel wants to?
like i skipped it my first playthrough because it seemed like it would be as much of a dead end as the other leads. technically it is, but it's not only central to lae'zel's character arc, but it introduces so many things about the dream visitor, orpheus, the githyanki lore, etc., that end up becoming SO relevant later on the narrative doesn't make any sense if you skip it. you don't get approached by kith'rak voss so you don't know to go to sharess's caress and even if you do check it out for funsies (which not all players will, i certainly didn't and don't feel like my character would have either), you might be thinking to avoid raphael at all costs and would have no idea he holds the key to giving you a non-emperor based ending option.
i just think the creche should have been something that was unavoidable, even if you don't recruit lae'zel or kill her off. or at the very least i'm surprised larian doesn't implement an alternate path to the hammer thing. like raphael will just show up at your camp if you miss all of the spots to run in to him in the over world, why doesn't he just do that again? he wants the crown regardless. also, lae'zel will threaten to leave if you don't go to the creche but you can pass a persuasion check and keep her. she should have just left past a certain point in act 2 if you skip the creche and that whole storyline is just given to you from the emperor's viewpoint. it's SO confusing the way i got it lmao. (i would have reloaded an earlier save and done the creche if lae'zel left permanently, to be clear.)
it is interesting that for a developer that seems to always bear in mind that player behavior is entirely unpredictable at all times, the narrative is so clumsy around a character that many players don't warm up to very quickly. (they're wrong, obvs, but still.) the game accounts for you killing off every possible companion and will lock you out of recruiting karlach entirely if dammon dies for obvious reasons, i don't really understand why the same shouldn't be true for lae'zel. you fuck up her personal quest, she dips. that at least would communicate to the player that you need to do it, NOW lol.
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saphirered · 3 years
Ah I just read like 5 of your head cannons they're amazing! Could you write about the M9 reacting to a fighter s/o using magic for the fist time, and the s/o explaining that they haven't used it cause it scares them?
Thank you so much ☺️! It turned out a bit longer than I intended but more content is good right? I tried to get some variety in the types of magic users to kudos to anyone who figures out the (sub)classes. Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy this one 😘
Caleb, observant as he is caught on the fact you had more knowledge of the arcane than you let people believe. You knew things someone not schooled in some kind of magic wouldn’t have the faintest clue about. It may have left him a bit suspicious of you in the beginning but over time he saw no malicious intent or a connection to the people he’d rather distance himself from.
The first time Caleb noticed you cast a spell, you spoke the familiar words combined with the motions to deflect a hit from an enemy mid battle that otherwise might have been the death of you. You thought no one had noticed but Caleb had, and he recognised the shield spell you used. He saw you flinch the moment you cast it and fear in your eyes as if you were waiting for an aftermath. It never came but you were on edge for the next few hours.
Approaching you after noticing you were still on edge, nervously fidgeting with a coin in your hand to get rid of the more obvious jitters, you denied all claims. If Caleb is good at anything it’s providing a verbal slap in the face through reality check and calling out your bullshit. He wouldn’t press for answers because your past is your past and he had no right to demand it if you were not willingly offering it.
It took you some time but you came clean. You told him how your relationship with practical magics is destructive and hurts people. Because of that you vowed to distance yourself from magic altogether but sometimes you slip and hope no one notices and no ill effects follow you casting any spell. Caleb understands, better than anyone perhaps. He admires your restraint and capability of stepping away from the thing that causes you so much pain; something he never could.
If you’re able to and with your consent Caleb would help you work through your fears, only for your own wellbeing because one thing is undeniable; your magic is part of you and if you never learn to live with it, that it is part of you, you might never be able to accept it. What happens when you’re unable to fear the magic? Will you instead turn to fear yourself like he had himself for so long? No, if he can spare you a fate like that he’d do anything.
You never hid the fact you were schooled in the arcane. It just never clicked you are actually a very capable spellcaster especially donned in battle worn armour and your tastes for sharp edged pointy things, and a ‘will cut a bitch’ attitude whenever someone comes for you or those close to you.
Perhaps a little ashamed to admit the first time Beau actually saw you cast a spell it was a simple mage hand cantrip. You couldn’t reach a book on a high shelf at the Archive and you thought it disrespectful to physically climb the bookcases to get it. Beau may or may not have been watching you, more like admiring your muscle. Nothing better than a strong, gorgeous ripped bookworm. Mouth agape you caught Beau staring. You had to snap her out of it. Beau had a million questions, maybe half of them flirty. You answered her questions best you could, even the flirty ones but when it got to where you learned magic you sort of just shut down so she dropped the subject. Beau knows how to read the room no matter how much she might want to press for answers. She’ll refrain. For now.
This doesn’t mean Beau drops the subject entirely for all future reference though. She’d leave hooks for you in case you’d be in a more talkative mood and grow frustrated when you ignored or brushed off the so-many-eth attempt to get you to spill some beans. One day she sat you down, giving you one more chance to tell her what’s going on. If you wanted to tell her, you could. If not, she’d never ask again or try to get you to talk about it.
That’s when you broke down, explaining all the terrible memories of your ‘studies’. You were the only child in a long line of powerful mages to barely be able to cast a cantrip growing up. You were a disappointment and disgrace to your family. Rigorous hours practicing and studying from dawn til dusk without breaks. Not being allowed to go outside and play with friends until you got this one thing right. Nevermind the fact that your family let it be known you were a disappointment.
You’d been working hard already to break the circle but couldn’t prevent the bad memories haunting you every time you felt like you had to cast a spell. No matter how far you ran, whenever you reached for the components, spoke the words or performed the somatics, you were hit with a sense of incompetence. Beau’s not unfamiliar to the need of living up to the expectations of family. She’d be there for you if you wanted to take up magic on your own terms or distance yourself from magic entirely.
Didn’t have a single clue you were magically inclined. But to be fair you never gave anyone a reason to believe you were. You were born with magic and you had seen what developing those abilities had done to others like you. You like yourself the way you are and would very much prefer not to fall into the servitude of some evil entity in the hunger for more power.
You’d seen Fjord spiral into the clutches of his patron and saw him struggle to get away from the leviathan. Ritualistically you tapped into the power bestowed upon you to search for a way to break the pact between warlock and patron. Of course it was doable and your powers could show you the way but you needed to get stronger first…
Fjord grew worried. You’d begun talking to yourself, spending nights awake and an odd sense of paranoia had grasped you. A storm hit once and you had nowhere to shelter. The little voice in your head came back. You could stop that storm. All it would take is a little tiny taste. When you agreed you had no control over yourself. Hand held up to the sky, eyes white and skin ashen, a bright light emitted and the clouds disappeared. Needless to say this did not go unnoticed by anyone.
Obligatory endless questions. Obligatory none answered. You retreated within your shell choosing to ignore your surroundings and feeling the nagging in the back of your head. Fjord heard you speaking to yourself at night. Asking the skies if it was worth it. Worth what? You heard him and just because the voice in the back of your head told you not to, you told Fjord everything; how you had been trying to find a way to keep Uk’otoa at bay, how to break his connection with his patron and give him freedom and what would happen to you if you couldn’t stop yourself from reaching for more after completing that goal.
Fjord refuses to let you sacrifice yourself for his freedom. He’d rather have you fighting the evils of the world at his side than end up fighting you in an attempt to save yourself from what you might become. The two of you would work together to repress the inkling for more power and keep your powers at bay and under control. While you might want to see it differently, for the good of everything you’d stay far away from any magical forces seeking to awaken the power you were born with.
Veth made it clear she would not understand why anyone would pass on the opportunity to learn or develop magical abilities should they be available to them. She literally spoke those words and you just nodded along changing the subject. You’d rather not lie but is this lie by omission?
It was an emergency. A fight had gone south and you were losing quickly. Clerics on their last legs, a wizard down being dragged away by the monk and Veth running in arrows blazing and screaming to protect her friends. You had to get out and none of you were quick enough at this point to all get out. So you did what you had to do. A quick expeditious retreat resulted in conveniently released magic missiles at your enemies, grabbing the halfling who got out some last shots you misty stepped your way to safety. You shouted to the others you were safe immediately knowing to keep your mouth shut for the next minute. Bless the gods the surges weren’t that bad this time.
Safely returned Veth commented on what you did. Did you take those scrolls? Did you buy that misty step enchanted item after all? Those were the only logical explanations right? Yes but they weren’t true. So you told Veth the truth. No scrolls or enchanted items were involved. Why didn’t you tell anyone you could do that?! It would have been so helpful in the past! Look how many buttons you could have helped her get!
You calmly explained her you could cast spells and were actually quite good at it one point your magic is dangerous, and the surges uncontrollable the state you’re at. While this time the reward by far exceeded the risks in this situation, you’d rather prevent killing those around you in a blaze of glory if you can. Wild magic surges are no joke and you’re so afraid of hurting the people you care about you’d rather step away from magic completely than live with the knowledge you could be the end of your friends and family.
Veth still has a hard time understanding your reasoning being prone to risky behaviour herself but accepts your views and respects your decisions. While you may not practice magic you still know it and after some persuasion, the woman gets you to teach her a thing or two. Of course all used for the good of mankind of course…. She just failed to specify who’s.
You’re a special one. The Traveler told her so after all! He just didn’t tell her in what way specifically but you are special! That Traveler of hers may know a bit more than you’re comfortable with so you’ve been wary of the green cloak should he see the need to reveal your secrets. Luckily he cares about Jester and revealing your secrets would hurt you and you being hurt makes Jester upset so you can take comfort in the Traveler’s attachment to the tiefling.
Pixies came to haunt you in the night. They were meant to send you a message. Someone wanted you to stop running and accept your fate. Pissed off as you were you fought them off but when some tried to get away and your bow out of reach you were forced to release the bursts of bright green energy. Regret hit followed by fear. What if your patron could find you now? What if they came to get you or tried to hurt your friends to get you to cooperate? You will never be a puppet again and if a cantrip screwed this up for you….
“Oh. My. Gosh. Why did you never tell me you could do magic?” Jester exclaimed waking up Fjord just to tell him your eldritch blasts looked so much cooler than his. Guess the cat’s out of the bag… You had to prevent Jester from waking up the others to tell them you’d just gotten even cooler than you already were.
Successfully sending the others back to sleep you took Jester aside. Your hands still shaking, you asked her to talk to her god and ask him if he knew someone might be looking for you and getting close. The Traveler obliged but he wanted to hear the story behind your predicament. You told Jester everything ignoring the green hooded figure. How a being from another realm tricked you into an agreement. From then on you became a warlock.
You didn’t like being a warlock and you being stuck in such a binding deal lead to a very abusive relation between you and your patron so you did everything in your power to get away from them. Luckily crossing the planes is a lot more difficult and limits their capabilities quite a bit. Jester promised she’d protect you and of course the Traveler can be your new god so he’ll protect you too. Both you and the Traveler might not have been in full agreement with this statement. Jester understands you wanting to be far away and never see your patron again. She’s seen her mom get rid of the people getting a little too close for comfort or too attached and possessive so she knows how to deal with them.
From the beginning you knew you couldn’t hide anything from Caduceus no matter how hard you tried. This lead you to just never specify anything. If he picked up on thing and asked about them then you’d answer, if not, you weren’t just going to say anything. Not even to explain yourself. Let him draw his own conclusions.
You may once have been a devout follower of your god, the one who bestowed upon you the powers you’d need to uphold their tenets but you veered from that path. Not everything is as black and white as some people claim it to be. You learned the hard way afraid of repeating your mistakes you’d only revert to your old habits in the most dire situations.
Caduceus had gone down. Jester was too far away and you were the only one able to get to him in time but you were out of healing potions. A quick lay on hands later and Caduceus was back on his feet albeit a bit confused about how you had managed to get him back to the land of the living. Talk later, he told you after seeing you mortified of what you had just done through the relief of seeing Caduceus alive.
Talk later you did. You couldn’t run away from your problems. Caduceus wouldn’t let you. You told him how you had done terrible things, hurt people because your god willed it so. You thought you were doing the right thing until you were faced with the truth and consequences. That’s when you stepped away from your life as a paladin; a vessel for your god.
You kept the sword but refused to use the magic; proof of your ability to hurt people who were worthy of redemption. Over many months Caduceus would help you see that your magic is nothing to be afraid of as long as you wield it with a good conscious and to protect instead of seek vengeance. There’s a fine line between being righteous and being just. The Wildmother taught him as much. Maybe she could through him, show you the same?
Whenever someone played a happy tune or began singing you’d retreat and block out your surroundings or find anything you could to distract you from the sound. Yasha just thought music’s not for everyone and maybe these songs and melodies just were’t your style. However when you asked her to please stop humming a tune while you had watch together she became a bit suspicious.
Spending some downtime at a tavern, deep in your cups Yasha was being bothered by a rather persistent asshole. On the verge of a fight breaking out you stepped in front of the barbarian and in a singsong voice told the asshole to kindly piss off and find company elsewhere with someone actually interested. The act alone made your stomach churn so you ran off.
You didn’t like controlling people. It didn’t even take a rhyme or proper verse. All it took was some booze and a melody in your head. This couldn’t happen again. Yasha had come after you to check on you and when you told her to stop, she stopped, frozen in place unable to move. You immediately dropped the accidental spell you cast putting distance between you and Yasha.
Yasha assured her it was fine and with your permission approached. A hug from the gentle goth was all it took for you to turn into a sobbing mess. When the sobs calmed down you told Yasha how you were cursed with your voice. Song and rhymes, tunes and melodies constantly plagued you afraid you’d go along with them and people got hurt because you couldn’t control your voice.
For the longest time you were uncomfortable using your voice but with your permission Yasha would help you practice. She can take a hit if you lose control badly but this fear is no good for you. She’ll play sweet serenades, some prettier than others as she too needs practice, the both of you can practice together learning and relearning the things you grew to love together.
Mollymauk doesn’t care about your shit. Everyone hides something and as long as those secrets aren’t a danger to those around you it’s all fine. Though he can’t deny being a bit curious when you snuck off to burn a suspicious stack of paper…. lighting the flame without tinder, flint and steel, or anything.
The next few weeks involved Molly trying to get you to use magic again, asking you to do small tasks much easier to complete with magic than they would be manually. You didn’t budge. Somehow he couldn’t get you to do anything. You’d complete the task the hard way each and every time. He began to wonder if he might have imagined the whole thing.
He spent the whole night tossing and turning until he decided to give up on sleep and just face you with the question to be done with it. You were gone, the light of a fire a bit away from the rest of the group. He found you watching the flames, tears in your eyes and devoid of all emotion. He’d seen Caleb in a similar state before. That’s when it hit him. This was pain, fear and trauma and you’re disassociating to get through this.
Sitting down next to you he’d place a hand on your shoulder, when you don’t stop him he’d wrap it around your shoulder letting you know he’s here for you when you need him. His views don’t change. Everyone is entitled to their secrets and keeping their lives to themselves. If you want to talk, he’s here but he’d accept your silence too despite his curiosity. Luckily for his curiosity, you told him everything. The torments of the past and the family you lost, the pain you’ve caused countless others and how you’re trying to pay your penance and make right your wrongs.
You’re glad to have Molly at your side be that to cheer you up or listen to you. He’s there whenever you need him and will take no for an answer when you don’t want to talk about something. He won’t ask for further details but will do anything to show you you’re on the right path and leaving a place better than you found it when you can’t see it.
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gemma-collins-ily · 3 years
It’s my birthday today and I was wondering if you could do Jesper celebrating the reader’s birthday?
Jesper Celebrating the Reader's Birthday
a/n - keep in mind, fics don't normally come out this quickly, but I saw this and wanted to release it on your special day! This may be a little uncoordinated but I hope you enjoy and have a brilliant day! Also, just to let everyone know, requests are closed for a few days, just so I can catch up on requests xoxo 💞
Warnings: nothing?
Tagged: @mrs-brekker15 @i-am-the-1930s @inthegistoftime
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it is guaranteed
you hear me?
that he will try to plan you a party
it's Jesper, he has to
so he'll set up streamers and a huge poster displaying your age
for all who enter the Slat to see
he'll get Nina to distract you, taking you out for waffles probably
his words would probably be exactly like this:
"I don't know Neens, just take them away from the Slat and don't come back till, like ummm seven."
she'd look at the half hung decorations and many more still in boxes disapprovingly and ask:
"You didn't plan this out did you?"
"Are you accusing me, the Jesper Fahey, himself, of being disorganised?"
She grabbed her coat and you, covering your eyes as she went, very clearly conveying something was happening, then left without a word more.
so, by now, you knew something was happening
or at least suspected it
but would go along with it for Jesper
trailing after Nina until your feet were sore
finally having enough and asking if you could stop and sit on a bench
she agreed with a groan
so, she was obviously tired too
"How long do we need to stay out?"
"I really do not know what you're talking about, (Y/N)."
"Come on, I know there's a surprise back at the Slat, I just need to know how long I have to wait to go home."
she'd continue to blatantly refuse the very idea of a surprise until she randomly gave in
and you'd smirk, happy to get the answer
as soon as it neared seven, she'd try to drag you back to the Slat but you'd tell her they wouldn't be ready yet
Nina would not listen and take you firmly by the wrist, marching back to the Slat
when you got there you were right
of course
bestie, can you predict the future?
no, actually
you just know how frazzled your boyfriend can get
but you were surprised to see even Kaz was helping
it did not look like he wanted to be there voluntarily
but still
you take what you can get
it was an effort so you appreciated it
when Nina would let out a dramatic gasp at the sight of Kaz Brekker hanging up decor, Jes would notice you
yelling at Nina to take you out again or to your room
just go over and peck him on the lips, tell him you don't really care about the streamers and he'll relax
even if he wanted it to be perfect
you have all the calming techniques down bestie
Kaz will sigh exaggeratingly and drop the colourful swirly thing he was eyeing with disgust
it would be between his forefinger and thumb as he did so
and this meant it was twice as funny to you
oops you may have laughed
you received a glare in return
aww such a nice present
everyone say thank you Kaz
there's probably a table with gifts on it
kaz got you a new book
but left it anonymously
no message on the tag even if you know it's him
you thank him and he pretends he has no clue who gave it to you
"Awwww, thanks Kaz."
"I didn't get you a gift, (Y/N). It's obviously from someone else."
Inej would get you some sort of herbal tea I think
if you don't like tea then it's probably also a book
wow what a match for those two
thinking the same thoughts
Nina may have forgotten to get a present and would promise waffles instead
or she'd have tried to sneakily get a board game while you were out earlier
you acted like you did not notice
it's a grammy award for you
Matthias could have either gotten you some kruge because he wasn't sure what you wanted
or a new scarf, coat ect.
he has a pretty good taste in fashion
now, Jesper would either wait till later to give you his gifts
because aww, sentimentality
or he'd give you them with everyone else's to make you blush publicly
at that point, you wouldn't care
either way, he'd keep at least one spare to give to you in private
I think his gifts would be a little something like this:
a type of jewelry, whether it be a necklace or an anklet, it would have a J on it
he probably bought a matching one for him with your initial on it too
a necklace feels a little more personal but could be taken advantage of by enemies
like in finding out you were together
not like it was oBVIOUS or anything
but an anklet would ultimately be sturdier and less likely to be taken as a means of affection from a loved one
so anklet it is
chocolates that are actually quite rich in flavour and are rare in Ketterdam
he saved up some money for those
if you like to play with his rings
he'll have bought you one
again, it may be a little blander to avoid it being interpreted as a gift of love by enemies
you didn't mind it being a little more hidden
Jesper was happy with you and you with Jesper
so you felt no need to show off to the world
you would probably take it off if you had to do any good old fashioned fist fighting
pocketing it quickly
he'd also give you a nail makeover the next day
but you would have to paint on his nails in return because if he tried, he would probably mess up while using his non-dominant hand to paint the other
you could match because #couplegoals
he'd bring you breakfast in bed the day after your birthday
being so busy planning the day before, he didn't get you any
I hate to disappoint but it would not be made by him
he would burn everything
so Matthias' second present to you is the breakfast
delivered by Jesper
he'd probably be sat at the counter making snarky remarks about Matthias' cooking
until he got whacked with a tea towel
if you're an early bird
Jes would be given the task of distracting you and stopping you from walking downstairs
or getting out of bed at all
this could be easily done with the persuasion of cuddles
then Matthias would yell for him and he'd have to leave to get the tray
when he brings it up he'll sit you between his legs, leaning your back against his chest and resting the tray on your knees
may feed you bites that sOMEHOW end up like a lady and the tramp scene
even if it's a slice of french toast, he'll manage
would tactfully steal little bits off your plate
and you couldn't really be mad at him because he would just smile charmingly
(maybe with half a piece of bacon sticking out of the side of his mouth)
but charming none the less
he might have a gift hidden in the corner of a chest of drawers somewhere you find one day and he remembers he was supposed to wrap that up and give it to you
if it's almost a year later and near your next birthday
just leave it on his dresser
no words need to be exchanged
the only difference is now one of your presents is less of a surprise
oh cards
kaz would write in his a simple,
'Inej made me write this. Have a good day. You are one year closer to being dead. Congratulations.
-Signed sincerely, Kaz Brekker'
Nina and Matthias share a card
meaning she wrote it and he signed his name with an extra
'I hope you have a lovely day, (Y/N).'
Nina's message/ the main one in the card would be:
'I can't believe we're all growing so old now! Anyway, we love you, hope you enjoy the presents and your birthday. You deserve it! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Nina'
Inej's would have a very sincere message:
You are truly a wonderful friend and person, helping everyone with anything they may need. I feel so lucky to have you as my friend and I hope you will continue to be for years to come. You deserve a fantastic day and I hope you get one, I know Jes will try to make it perfect!
-From, Inej x
p.s - I tried to get Kaz to sign a card, but he was smirking and wouldn't let me see it before he put it in the envelope, so I'm terribly sorry if it's rude.'
now to Jesper's
I adore you with all my heart and wish you a truly happy birthday. I hope you like the gifts I bought, I wanted to symbolise my love for you through each. I know one or two presents are a little bland but I hope they mean as much to you as they do to me. You are the most amazing partner I could ever dream of having, and every time you do something, I never expect it.
You are unpredictable, my love, and I can honestly say I do not mind it. In fact, it is one of the many factors that made me fall in love with you. Have a happy birthday!
-Love from Jesper, xxx
p.s - Kaz looked terrifyingly happy when he finished signing your card so be careful, he probably pulled something.
you might have cried
you, a Crow, feared on the streets sniffled over even Kaz's message
knowing if he didn't actually want to, there was no way he would have signed that card
all in all, you have a great birthday and Jesper (and everyone else) makes you feel really special
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bwbatta · 3 years
two - persuasion
Abstract: Draco and you are just friends so doing him a favour and pretending to be his girlfriend wouldn’t effect your friendship, right?
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
Warnings: some swears but that’s all!
Word count: 2623
A/N: let’s go for part 2 then?! Thank you so much for all your lovely comments! Everyone who has asked to be on the taglist has been added and if you would like to be on the list, just send me a message! Dividers are by the super talented @firefly-graphics 🤩
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 3
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The plan was set.
Draco and you had talked some more about what being ‘in a relationship’ entailed, whilst at the same time avidly avoiding Pansy in your free time. In fact, you were surprised with how little you’d have to change the dynamic between the two of you.
The first point was friendship, which was easy enough you thought. There’s no point in starting a fake relationship if you don’t get on well in the first place.
Second, communication. You agreed to be open and honest with each other, this whole plan wouldn’t work if you weren’t telling each other everything.
And finally third, intimacy.
This one was obvious enough and it was more than just hand holding or sharing the odd kiss or two, you knew that. It was about selling your relationship to be believable to everyone else around you, including your closest friends.
One of which was Hermione.
The plan on paper was simple, you both said you’d start off small and work your way into being a couple, so why did you feel this pit of anxiety in your stomach?
Nerves? Sure, you chalked it down to that.
So when you entered the Great Hall the next morning, late and in desperate need of caffeine, you somehow didn’t expect your ‘boyfriend’ to approach you with a steaming mug of coffee.
You completely missed the blonde boy too as you took your normal seat with a frantic expression on your face. Your roommates didn’t wake you up like they usually did so when you woke and found no one there, you almost screamed when you checked the time.
“Coffee coffee coffee” the mantra on your tongue “where the hell is the coffee?!”
Hermione looked amused as she packed up the book she was previously reading into her bag.
“Ron finished it moments ago, there’s no more”
“What?!” You blanched “there’s none?”
Hermione shook her head, the answer a definite no.
With energy lacking and spirit deflated, you grabbed a couple slices of toast and buttered them quickly, at least trying to put some food in your stomach even if it wasn’t your usual caffeine shot.
However when Hermione froze slightly, eyes narrowly following something behind you with a glare, you frowned at her confused. That was until Draco perched on the seat next to you, holding a mug of coffee between his hands.
“Granger” he greeted in a civil manner causing the witch to freeze in shock, half expecting an offhand snide comment about her blood status. He then turned to you and offered the coffee, “thought you might need this”
“But I thought there was none left!”
“I saved you it”
“You saved me a coffee?”
“Kept it warm too”
You could’ve cried when you took the mug from him and immediately the drink warmed your hands. Eagerly taking a sip, you found the coffee itself was exactly to your liking.
You went to point it out but before a word could leave your lips, Draco rolled his eyes at you with a smile.
“What? You thought I didn’t know how you took your coffee?”
The question was rhetorical, not that you cared. Exhaustion was the only thing you felt that morning up until then, quickly being replaced with utter fondness for the Malfoy boy next to you.
“Thank you” you told him as he grinned back at you
“Don’t mention it”
Draco raised his hand and swiped away a lock of hair which had fallen out of your two second attempt to pin it back this morning in your rush.
Your breath hitched slightly as his eyes found yours and he leaned in towards your ear.
“How am I doing?”
Your brain stalled.
Of course.
He was acting like he cared about you in front of Hermione.
To convince Hermione.
Who of course, confirmed with a quick glance, was looking between the two of you with suspicion in her eyes.
Quickly painting a smile across your face like he’d said something sweet, you pulled back and shot him a dazzling smile.
“Alright, I guess” you said, vague enough so Hermione wouldn’t clock onto what he really said.
“Good” he grinned back at you before standing from the seat. “I’ll see you after class later, yeah?”
You nodded at him, and with a fond smile at you and a courteous nod to Hermione, he left the two of you be, heading to his first class.
With the thought in the back of your mind that you should probably also get to class, you were stopped by a substantially confused Hermione who looked at you like you’d grown another head.
“Was I just in some parallel universe?”
“‘What?’ Seriously, that’s how you’re going to answer that question?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” you shrugged your shoulders before standing and picking up your bag and the mug of coffee from Draco.
“What aren’t you telling me?” The Granger girl continued to interrogate you as she too stood, though with a lot more vigor.
“There’s a lot of things I’m not telling you Hermione, but if it’s anything to do with Draco, I don’t know what you mean”
Striding out the Great Hall, she quickly followed you, pestering for more information which you avoided expertly until you got to your first class you shared.
“Why did Malfoy get you coffee?”
“Because it was a nice thing to do”
“Why was he civil with me?”
“Maybe he’s seen the light”
“(Y/N)! Tell me! I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight otherwise and you know it!”
With a sigh you turned to face her.
Putting on a performance like it was tough for you to keep a secret, you ‘umm’d and ‘ahh’d under her questioning until you really had had enough of the interrogation.
“Okay, fine, we may or may not be dating” you said like it wasn’t a big deal
“Miss Granger!” Professor McGonagall’s voice snapped “if you’re so done with your conversation, perhaps you could start writing your essay?”
“Yes, Professor. Sorry, Professor”
With a glare shot your way, meaning she’d grill you later for information, the bookworm turned back to her work and started writing furiously.
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It was later that day that you found out that Lavender Brown had overheard your conversation with Hermione and so naturally, the gossip that you and Draco were dating was spread across the entire school.
Some believed the rumour, others didn’t so much. This of course included Blaise, the Weasley twins, and of course, the ever stubborn Pansy.
When the boys finally cornered each respective friend, they of course had some questions that needed to be addressed. 
Blaise cornered Draco first at Lunch. 
The Malfoy boy had just started to tuck into his food when a book slammed down on the table next to him, startling the boy. 
Blaise pinned him with a hard look.
“Is it true you’re dating (Y/N)?”
“How’d you hear that?!”
“Word gets around fast... so, is it true?”
“Yes it’s true” Draco rolled his eyes at his friend
He was honestly shocked at how quickly the rumour had gone round the castle, though he suspected some of the Gryffindor girls were behind it. They always seemed like they pounced on any gossip going.
This also meant, Pansy had probably heard it by now.
Draco’s interest peaked.
“Who’d you hear it from?” The blonde asked his friend
“Bulstrode of all people” Blaise rolled his eyes “thought I might’ve found out from my friend himself but apparently not”
“Sorry man, it only really happened yesterday”
Blaise waved his apology off
“So tell me, is this for real? It’s not a prank or anything, she knows you think you’re going out with her right?”
“Yes, (Y/N) knows we’re going out” Draco rolled his eyes in exasperation “she’s also not being forced or blackmailed into going out with me if that puts your mind at rest”
This wasn’t technically true and Draco fought the urge to cringe slightly as he remembered the deal he had made with you.
Despite the other copious Christmas presents he had to get you, being civil to Granger wasn’t so bad he remarked. They only shared a few classes, all of which were with you present, so all he really had to do was ignore the fact the muggleborn witch existed and he’d keep his side of the deal up.
“Good” Blaise huffed, finally sitting down next to him “can I ask you something though?”
“You just did”
“Smart arse” Blaise rolled his eyes but continued on “what made you ask her out?”
Draco paused.
You hadn’t actually discussed this so there wasn’t a definite plan on what response to give. The boy trusted himself to come up with a decent answer though so instead of panicking, he said the first thing that popped into his head.
“I’ve been in love with her for years”
Well... he didn’t expect that to be his response.
“You have?” Blaise asked also taken aback
“Umm, yeah, sure, she’s the one for me you know?”
Draco kicked himself once again
Why couldn’t he think straight?!
“She’s just... she’s so funny, you know? One of the funniest people I’ve ever met. Her laugh, man, is enough to make me laugh even harder because have you heard it?! It’s hilarious!”
Unconsciously, Draco began to smile at the thought of you.
“Also, she’s super talented at anything she does, which would be wildly annoying if she wasn’t so modest about it. She’s also the most sarcastic person I’ve ever met, yet also the kindest. She’s got so many good qualities it’s hard to even think about anything bad about her.”
Draco stopped, breaking out of his train of thought.
Now that... that, he really hasn’t expect to be his response.
“I’m glad you’re happy then, Draco” the Zabini boy smiled at him “seems like you really like her”
“Yeah... I do”
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You were pounced upon by both the Weasley twins not much later on, both demanding answers.
“You’re dating Malfoy?!”
“As in Draco Malfoy? The ferret?”
“He’s not a ferret!” You rolled your eyes at the pair. “And yes I am. Why? Do you not believe the castle gossip?”
“We heard it-“ Fred began
“Still working on believing it” George finished
You rolled your eyes and continued on to the library, your original destination before you got jumped by the identical redheads.
“Believe what you want” you shrugged trying to play it off.
“See (Y/N), here’s the thing, I don’t know if I believe you’re actually going out with him” Fred stated causing you to frown.
“What do you mean?”
“Freddie here believes you guys are faking it for some reason” George chucked an arm round your shoulders as they continued to walk with you.
“Why would we be faking it?!” You laughed like the idea was ridiculous.
“I just know you wouldn’t go for him” Fred shrugged “your standards are too high.”
“My standards are too high?!”
You were mildly offended at the suggestion, no matter how correct Fred was about the two of you faking your relationship.
Reaching the library quickly, you turned to the boys who had halted at the sight of the only room in the castle they adamantly wouldn’t enter.
“Well, unless your plan is to follow me into the forbidden room of books, I’ll see you guys later?”
Not waiting for an answer you swung open the door, mind now focused on studying for that test you had coming up in Herbology later that week.
“I still don’t believe you!” Fred shouted after you before the door closed shut behind you
All you could do was roll your eyes.
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It was dinner later that evening when you saw your ‘boyfriend’ again since breakfast when he’d given you the coffee.
By now, you two were the talk of the castle which is why you weren’t surprised to see a fuming brunette strut up to you. The Slytherin girl looked as if she should have smoke coming out her ears you thought, not that you’d tell her that and anger her even more.
“(Y/N)” Pansy sniffed almost impatiently as she reached you.
“Pansy” you replied innocently which seen fo infuriate her more.
“I heard you’re supposedly dating my boyfriend?”
“Your boyfriend?”
You couldn’t help but phrase the question like you really didn’t know what she was talking about.
“Draco Malfoy!” She practically growled at you
“Ohh, Draco as in my boyfriend?”
“Yes! Wait no-“
You snorted at her slip up and ignored her as you sidestepped and entered the Great Hall spying the familiar mop of platinum blonde hair, sending him a smile,
Before you could make your way over to him though, a hand grabbed your arm with nails roughly digging into your skin.
“Hey, I wasn’t done talking to you” Pansy seethed
“Well I was done talking to you” you shrugged truely bored with the girl “I’d appreciate it now though if you let go of my arm.”
“No, I’m not finishe-“
“Yes you are” Draco cut her off this time
Pansy’s expression looked like her brain had short circuited for a moment before she gathered herself and smiled flirtily at the boy.
“Hey Drakey baby”
“Firstly, for the millionth time, don’t call me that” Draco narrowed his eyes at her into a glare. “Secondly, (Y/N) also asked you to let go of her arm so I suggest you do so.”
At once, like your arm was on fire, Pansy dropped her grip which she had forgotten about as soon as the Malfoy had entered the conversation.
You rubbed your arm as you pulled it to your chest. Pansy’s nails had dug deep and actually split the skin on your arm slightly by the force she had held you by.
“And finally, I’d appreciate it if you’d fuck off and didn’t harass my girlfriend, especially about lies that we’re somehow involved.”
With that being said, Draco wrapped his arm around your waist and escorted you over to the spot he was originally sitting at, letting you take his seat while he forced Crabbe to move down a space so he could sit next to you.
“Thanks for that” you sent him a smile “though I can handle Pansy”
“I know” he replied with a grin of his own “I just needed to get that off my chest. Let me see your arm.”
“It’s nothing-“
With a sigh you reluctantly held out your arm so he could see the damage Pansy had done. Spotting the crescent shaped breaks in your skin, his jaw clenched in anger.
“Psychotic bitch” he mumbled under his breath barely loud enough for you to hear, “episkey”.
The wounds sewed themselves back together in no time and you send him a grateful smile.
“Heard you got cornered by Blaise earlier”.
“Heard the same about you with the Weasley twins”.
“Mmm” you shrugged “there was bound to be a few that didn’t just automatically believe we’re dating. Some might need a little more persuasion, especially Pansy. Also it is still only the first day since the gossip broke though, it might just be that we wait for the news to settle.”
“I guess” he rolled his eyes playing with the pasta on his plate with his fork, before pausing slightly, setting it down and turning to you.
His eyes glanced round the hall quickly before snapping back to you with a grin. Leaning towards you, he wrapped an arm around your waist to pull you slightly closer to him as his lips became level with your ear.
You fought the urge to shiver.
“Or... it just means we’ll have to make it all the more believable, Sweetheart.”
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Series Taglist:
(If you’re in bold, tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you ☹️, otherwise if you want to be added, let me know! 🤩):
@weasleytwinswheezes @azkabanlexi @streetfighterrichie @queen-of-the-coven @gdee703 @thatguppienamedbae @crumpets-are-better-with-jam @savcks @remmyswritings @thescarletknight2014 @w0nderr @heyiheardyouwereawildone36 @moonlightorbit @ceeellewrites @nicole-prz @depressedchilipepper @swiftlymoniquesblog
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violettelueur · 3 years
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↳ featuring : kugisaki nobara from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : grammar issues and spoilers for non-manga readers
↳ spoiler warnings : chapter 37-38
↳ form : imagine
↳ published : 20 january
↳ pronouns : she/her
↳ word count : 1.6k
↳ request : Hii!! May i request a Nobara Kugisaki x fem reader imagine, in which she has a crush on them and its obvious to everybody except her? Maybe throw in some angsttttt?? (This is the anon that requested smth similar to this)
↳ barista’s notes : let me admit, with the scenario i made, i don’t think i was able to put any angst into it ʕ ゚ ● ゚ʔ but i hope you really like it! also the next imagine will be staring mr. gojo satoru - the man that has everyone leaving their significant others hehehe ʕ→ᴥ← ʔ but other than that, i hope you enjoy you cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and please come to the cafe again soon ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆
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“Itadori, Fushiguro, this is really important announcement that I have to make.”
Both of the mentioned sorcerers looked upon their classmate with utter confusion painted on their faces as they weren’t sure on the current reason why Kugisaki had commanded them to have a meeting together without you involved. However, Itadori and Fushiguro didn’t express any disagreements due to knowing how the female sorcerer could become when she got either annoyed or extremely irritated.
“I, Kugisaki Nobara, have a crush on L/N Y/N,” Kugisaki suddenly announced causing both of the boys to look at her with surprise before unexpectedly declaring to the weapons sorcerer, “we already knew that,” leading Kugisaki to look at Fushiguro and Itadori with widened eyes of utter shock before immediately slamming her hands on the table they were sitting at as she swiftly stood up.
“HUH?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ALREADY KNOW?” Kugisaki angrily shouted as she intensely eyed her two classmates trying to find the reason or reasons on how they already had knowledge of her unrequited feelings towards you.
“I can’t lie, your feelings are quite obvious Kugisaki,” Itadori carefully mentioned, as he didn’t want to anger the female sorcerer more to which he then continued by saying, “but I don’t think L/N knows about them at all,” leading Kugisaki to drop back into her chair as she then slumped on her chair in relief due to the salmon-haired boy’s comment.
While on one end, Kugisaki was extremely content on the fact that you have no acknowledgement of her feelings towards you but on the other hand, she was frustrated that her actions towards you weren’t getting through to you at all and that she was somewhat nervous to confess to you, leading to the orange-haired girl to groan in frustration to which was caught on by both Fushiguro and Itadori.
“I don’t think there is anything to be scared about,” Itadori quickly mentioned as he tried to calm his friend down before leading his statement with, “so what are you worried about?”.
“She’s worried that L/n is only attracted to men,” Fushiguro bluntly stated, causing Kugisaki to quickly look at the shikigami user with a death glare before instantly flopping back into the dis-hearted position she was in previously.
‘Don’t be too blunt, you idiot’
However, she couldn’t argue with Fushiguro, she was completely and extremely worried at the fact that you only were attracted to men. To be honest, your actions didn’t help either whenever the four of you were on missions together.
From what she could recall since the day she arrived at the capital, Kugisaki thought you were gorgeous the second she laid eyes on you when you stood between Fushiguro and Itadori in front of Harajuku Station and she wasn’t the only one. When everyone was making their way to Roppongi, you were stopped by quite a few modelling scouts along the way to which you, of course, rejected due to your occupation of being a first-year jujutsu sorcerer only for one of the scouts to become physical with his persuasion leading to your childhood friend Fushiguro to step in and help dissolve the situation.
‘Ugh, she probably likes Fushiguro’
However, other than your physical appearance, what Kugisaki loves about you the most was your determination and strength. She clearly remembered when you were with her and Panda during the Kyoto Sister School Goodwill Exchange event and you had somehow managed to defeat Muta so quickly despite being a grade lower than him causing her feelings towards you to only manifest even more than she had anticipated from the start.
“Fushiguro, what’s L/N type since you are her closest friend?” Itadori then curiously asked, as he wanted to help Kugisaki with the whole ‘feeling towards you but doesn’t know if you like females’ situation - but he also didn’t want to be a victim with her wrath like he had been many times before.
“She never really told me what her type was,” Fushiguro muttered as he continued reading his book that he had taken out in the middle of Kugisaki’s breakdown leading to Kugisaki to place her forehead on the table with shame as she began to recall that her two classmates right in front of her was no help at all - in fact, Itadori and Fushiguro were both useless when it came to the topic of you. 
“Ahhhh Fushiguro, she probably likes you,” Kugisaki muttered under her breath as she then lifted her head up to send other menacing death glare towards the sorcerer causing the shikigami user to somehow feel shivers as he felt the dark aura exhibiting from the girl’s body.
“Fushiguro is handsome, but that doesn’t make me like him at all.”
Suddenly, upon hearing that comment, Kugisaki shot straight up and quickly looked to the side, only to find you leaning forward across the table as you gape at your childhood friend before pulling the extra seat out that was next to your now flustered classmate leading to some questions to swim in your mind.
“What are you guys talking about now? I feel left out, to be honest,” you asked, as you took your seat leading to the trio to uncharacteristically become silent.
‘Now this is awkward….’
Breaking the silence, you couldn’t help but question your three classmates further since you managed to hear some parts of the conversation they were having when you were walking around. “Did I disrupt something, because I can leave if you want,” you kindly offered, as you began to lift yourself up from your seat as quickly as you sat down. However, before you could fully stand up, Itadori quickly exclaimed that you didn’t need to leave and that he actually wanted to ask a few questions to you.
“L/N, would you rather have a male or female as your significant other?” Itadori suddenly asked you, leading you to look at your friend with slight confusion displayed on your face before looking around the table only to find that everyone else was also interested in your anticipated answer - even Fushiguro seemed to be intrigued to your surprise.
“I don’t think that really matters, to be honest, I have no issue with gender at all,” you casually answered, leading to the trio internally sign in relief at your answer since Fushiguro and itadori didn’t want to see their friend disappointed, while Kugisaki realised that she still had a chance.
“Do you have a crush on someone right now?” Kugisaki questioned, trying to act natural and confident as she didn’t want to explicitly showcase any of her lingering anxiety in front of you.
“I do, but I’m scared that they might not even like me that way one single bit,” you replied with a light tone as you then playfully sighed in disappointment leading Kugisaki to counteract your statement in a frustrated tone, “what do you mean? I bet they really like you L/N a hell of a lot, it’s crazy to think otherwise!”.
“But what if she only likes guys though, ugh that’s such a drag,” you mentioned with extreme annoyance. However, this little statement of yours caused all three of the sorcerers with you right now to gape at you with broadened eyes.
“L/N, YOU LIKE A GIRL?!” Itadori and Kugisaki screamed in shock, leading you to look at both of your energetic friends in extreme confusion before quietly commenting, “didn’t I just say that gender wasn’t an issue?”
“We can help if you want!” Itadori excitedly commented with a hint of shine in his eyes causing you to giggle slightly before saying, “thank you, but it’s fine, I’ll rather be friends with her than make things really awkward in the end,” leading to the lively duo to sit back down into their seats with a small pout on their faces.
“Why do you look so disappointed? That’s the reality of crushes you know, once you confess there is no going back no matter what answer you are given and it’s hella more awkward when they are the same gender as you when you get rejected,” you quickly explained as if you had experienced it - when in reality you haven’t at all.
“Yeah, but I like a girl as well, so we’re in the same boat,” Kugisaki confessed as she pointed at herself leading to you to look at her in shock as you didn’t accept your friend to be in the same situation as you. “I feel like she wouldn’t like me at all since I've given her some clues here and there but I do know that she likes girls, so I am kind of in the clear of that!” Kugisaki explained as she looked at you with hope in her eyes causing you to gently smile at her due to how cute she looked.
‘Ain’t she adorable?’
“Lucky you then,” you said with a small smile on your face as you turned to look at your other friends as they continued to ask questions about newly known crush leading you to answer them as briefly as possible since you didn’t want to reveal too much to them since you weren’t going to risk your secret to the girl that was next to you.
‘Maybe another time’ you and Kugisaki thought as you both continued to stare at the boys that were seated in front of you.
However, what they didn’t notice was how yours and Kugisaki’s hands were lightly brushing against each other under the table until you both unexpectedly linked your pinky fingers together causing a shy pale pink blush to appear on both your faces. 
‘Yeah, maybe another time’
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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voiceless-terror · 3 years
Of Deadlines and Drama
For @jontim-week Day Three: Late
Rating: T
Words: 2.5k
Summary: Jon’s has trouble with his expenses. Tim helps out. 
“Late again? Really, Jon?”
“I know, I know!” Jon types as fast as his shaking hands will allow, but it’s no use. It’s Wednesday and its half past twelve, meaning Rosie will not be accepting his expense report under any circumstances. She’s a stickler for deadlines- at least, when it comes to Jon. They’ve never been on the best of terms, but ever since what Jon has deemed ‘The Incident,’ she’s been downright unpleasant. 
“I thought you set an alarm this time!” Tim says, coming over to lean against his desk. Tim has an alarm for everything - waking up, eating, exercising, going to bed. Jon doesn't know how he stands it. “I didn’t hear anything go off.”
“I might have told you I set one,” he winces, avoiding Tim’s eyes. “And then forgot to.”
“Jon, Jon, Jon…”
“Don’t triple Jon me!” he snaps, attempting to focus on the meaningless numbers in front of him. “I’m stressed enough as is. God, Elias is going to kill me…”
“Why are you trying to impress him?” Tim plops down in the chair beside him and props his feet up on Jon’s desk, raising an eyebrow. He looks infuriatingly handsome in his button up and sweater, a look that Jon has tried to emulate, only to achieve ‘overworked librarian.’ “The only person you should be trying to impress is me. Your boyfriend. The light of your life, the reason you get up in the morning-”
“The reason these are going to be even later than usual,” Jon snaps and knocks Tim’s feet off of the desk with a sharp elbow. Tim yelps and throws Jon a hurt look that he tries and fails to ignore. “I’m sorry. You did tell me to set an alarm. It’s just...these things get away from me.”
“I know.” Tim’s face softens as he scooches his chair over and leans forward, resting his arms on his thighs. “How can I help?”
“You can convince Rosie to accept these. You’re very persuasive.” He turns and gives Tim his best doe-eyed look, though he already knows the answer.
“I am persuasive, aren’t I?” Jon ignores his preening. “But that’s not going to work. You know as soon as she sees your name…”
Jon sighs, resting his chin in his hand. “Yes, I know.”
“What did you do to her, Jon? Run over her dog? I know they scare you, but still...”
“They don’t scare me,” Jon lies, pointedly looking away. “I just...would rather not have them near my person. And you know I can’t drive.”
“What then?” Jon says nothing, focusing instead on chipping away at a small scratch in the wood of his desk. The whole thing’s rather embarrassing, and he’s gone this long without telling anyone. Tim moves his chair even closer, nudging it against Jon’s and squishing him into his desk. He’s effectively trapped.
“C’mon. Pleeease?”
Jon sighs at the wheedling tone. “I...may have snapped at her.” 
“You do that with everyone, though. Unless you said something especially heinous...” Another nudge to his chair. 
“And then... stumbled.”
Jon closes his eyes. “And spilled my tea all over Elias’s mail.”
Tim guffaws, as expected, and Jon can feel his face warm. It certainly wasn’t his proudest moment, he can still hear Rosie’s screeching and his own stammered apologies. “That’ll do it! God, I wish I’d seen that.”
“It was incredibly embarrassing, and I’m glad you didn’t. Elias wasn’t in, thank god.”
“You could’ve gotten it all over one of those posh suits he wears.” Jon shudders at the thought. Elias is fastidious about his appearance, he would’ve been fired on the spot. Starting to feel claustrophobic, Jon pushes back against Tim’s chair to give himself breathing room and tries to refocus. He’s dawdled long enough.
Tim hums. “Hmm, maybe…”
“Maybe what?” He tucks his head over Jon’s shoulder, probably eying the obvious errors in his report. Jon’s never been good with numbers. 
“Rosie doesn’t accept expenses after twelve, that’s true. But…” Tim trails off, definitely relishing in the small twitch in Jon’s eye when he does it. He enjoys riling him up, and he’s very good at it. Jon contains the urge to elbow him in the stomach.
“But what?” He’s starting to sound like a broken record. 
“But she doesn’t actually give them to Elias until three or four.” Tim smirks at his affronted gasp. Jon’s never been that late, but Rosie’s always going on about ‘deadlines being very important to Mr. Bouchard’ and ‘I’m sorry I just can’t accept these so late, I’ve already given him the pile.’ Jon’s wallet has paid the price for this on more than one occasion- he counts on those reimbursements, and it often leaves him short on cash for the rest of the week. Tim will pick up the check on those days, waving off Jon’s protests and trying to assuage his guilt. Before he can start raging about the newly-discovered arbitrary deadline, Tim cuts in.
“But if I distract her, you can slip them in her little pile and she’ll be none the wiser!” Tim gives him a cheeky grin. It’s...not a bad plan, but Jon’s hesitant at the thought of pulling one over on his boss’s secretary.
“Or I could just wait until she goes to the bathroom and do it then.” Tim’s face falls at the suggestion.
“Or I could distract her.” 
Ah. So that’s what this is about. They haven’t been on an investigation in weeks, and he always gets restless when they’re cooped up in the institute. And a bored Tim is a dangerous Tim.
“C’mon, it’ll be fun! This way we can control the scenario, make sure you have enough time to get in and out.”
Jon raises an eyebrow. “And what if she sees through your antics?”
Tim gives a dramatic gasp, rearing back in his seat and just barely missing a passing librarian. “Are you doubting my acting skills? I’ll have you know you aren’t the only theater kid in this place. And I didn’t want to bring it up, but...you owe me.”
Jon’s heart drops. Of course. Jon can’t coast along on his boyfriend’s paychecks, that’s asking too much. It’s his fault he’s in this predicament, and honestly, he should be thanking Tim for even offering.
“For bailing on that stakeout.” 
Jon pauses, and promptly dismisses his guilt. “I was sick! From a cold you gave me, might I add-”
“Technicalities.” Tim waves a dismissive hand. “C’mon. Do me a favor. Let your boyfriend save the day. Please?” He does his best impression of a kicked puppy, and Jon’s almost afraid he’ll go down on his knees to complete the look.
“Fine,” he sighs, ignoring the answering cheer. “If you must. But how are you going to-”
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head about it,” Tim winks, jumping up from his seat and throwing his bag over his shoulder. “Leave it to me. Finish those up, and I’ll be back before you know it.” He’s already halfway through the door before Jon can say thank you, and only pauses to call back “Have Sasha check for typos! Love you!”
Jon scowls at the snickers that follow this statement, and turns back to his screen. The numbers blurred together, and he’s pretty sure he’s subtracted when he should’ve added. It’s a wonder he ever gets these done at all. 
“Sasha? Can you look at this for me?”
Tim promptly comes back with coffee (which Jon knows he hates) and cronuts, dropping one off at Jon’s desk. “She won’t be able to resist,” he promises with a peck to Jon’s cheek. “When you see us in the hallway, that’s your cue!”
In spite of himself, he starts to feel a little excited. Tim’s exuberance is contagious, and while not as thrilling as an investigation, Jon’s not above a bit of petty revenge. Not even revenge, really, more justice for the pain and suffering of his bank account. And not ten minutes later, Tim and Rosie are chatting amicably as they walk past the library, cronuts in hand. He feels the slightest bit of envy at how easily Tim can make friends, but tamps it down as he tiptoes up the stairs and over to Rosie’s desk. Elias’s door is thankfully closed.
And her desk is...empty. Immaculate. Nothing but a tiny notepad and her usual knickknacks, not a paper in sight. Fuck. Had she already given them to Elias? Is Jon too late? Did Tim waste money on coffee and cronuts for nothing? Calm down, he tells himself, willing his heart to slow. Just...have a look around. 
He tries not to feel too guilty as he rummages through her mail trays and under her place mat. There’s nothing too personal, though he averts his eyes at a list entitled New Year, New Intentions.  It’s when he finally turns to the drawers that he sees it- the corner of a file folder, sticking out of the bottom drawer. Please be it, please be it. He tugs it out, wincing at the small tear it causes and aha! He’s found it. A pile of neatly clipped expense reports is nestled inside, and all he needs to do is stick his in the middle where she can’t see and he’ll be fine-
The voice startles him so badly he lets out a little yelp, the folder flying from his hands and papers littering the floor around him. He puts a hand on his chest to calm his racing heart and turns around to find Elias, who’s just caught him snooping through his secretary’s desk like a little thief. Jon didn’t even hear the door open. Oh god. I’m fucked. I’m fired.
“I-um, h-hello! Elias.” He gives an awkward little wave and immediately curses himself for doing it. It’s like he’s suddenly forgotten what normal people do with their hands. “I was just...looking for a pen. T-To write Rosie. A note.” 
“A note.” Elias raises one eyebrow, and it’s clear he doesn’t believe a word coming out of Jon’s mouth. To be fair, Jon wouldn’t either. When put on the spot, Jon can’t lie to save his life. “And this file…?” He bends down to pick up the folder clearly marked ‘Expenses’ in bold, black print. Jon winces.
“It...fell out?”
“Oh, Jon.” Elias tuts, and Jon refrains from full body flinching. He has a particular hatred of being scolded, and especially by Elias, of all people. The man he’s desperate to impress, who holds his job in his hands. “There’s no need for the ruse. Deadlines aren’t exactly your strong suit, are they?”
“No,” he mumbles, the words barely audible as he struggles to meet Elias’s eyes. He loves having his flaws pointed out to him. Loves it. “I’m sorry.”
“However, you do fine work.” Jon blinks and there it is- a rare, indulgent smile. It’s incongruous with those strange, cold eyes, but it makes Jon feel better all the same. “You’re one of our best researchers. But if you want to move up in the world, timeliness is of the utmost importance, yes?”
“Y-Yes,” Jon stammers, nodding his head up and down like a puppet. Move up in the world? Jon’s never considered himself ‘promotion material,’ but the thought that Elias thinks it possible fills him with excitement. You do fine work, he said. Fine work! “I’ll do my best.”
“Of course.” Elias offers the folder to Jon’s trembling hands, and gives him a conspiratorial smile. “This, however, can be our little secret, hm? I believe I saw Rosie and Mr. Stoker in the break room, but I think they’ll be back any minute. Best to tidy up before she notices.”
Jon can’t help the beam that spreads across his face. “T-Thank you, Elias. Really. It won’t happen again-”
“I know it won’t.” Elias gives him a brisk nod, suddenly all business, and turns back to his office, shutting the door briskly behind him without another word. Jon takes that as his cue to scurry across the floor, grabbing up the papers as frantically as possible while taking care not to crumple them further. It takes him a few moments, but he manages to get them in order and tucks his own into the pile. He places it carefully in the drawer he found it in, corner sticking out just as before. No Rosie in sight. Thank god.
With that, he bolted. Best not to be spotted anywhere near the scene of the crime. 
“Did it work?” Tim rushes into the library, talking entirely too loudly and plopping down on Jon’s desk, sending pens flying. Jon chooses to ignore this. “I brought Rosie her favorites, gave up my choicest gossip to get her out of that seat. Told her if Elias overheard he’d go mental.” Tim pauses to consider this. “Actually, that might’ve been true. It involves a copier and a certain someone-”
“It worked,” Jon quickly cuts him off. He doesn’t need any more info on whatever...that was. “Thank you. But Elias caught me.” Tim looks at him incredulously, as if surprised he survived the encounter. “And he was...okay with it? I mean, he told me it couldn't happen again, but he said ’it’s our little secret.”
Tim blanches at the words. “What?”
“He also said I did fine work,” Jon admits shyly. “I didn’t know he paid attention to me, but-”
“Hang on, ‘our little secret’? Fine work!?” Tim shrieks and Jon hurriedly shushes him, looking anxiously around the library. No one pays attention, used to their antics by now. “What’s that supposed to be, a euphemism?”
“A euphemism? What on earth could that be a euphemism for?”
“I don’t know!” Tim waves a hand around dramatically, and he actually looks a bit put out. Is he...jealous? Jon can’t help the small smirk and Tim notices it right away. “Don’t give me that! I don’t like the way he looks at you. Sasha’s noticed too. It’s downright creepy.”
“The grey is a bit disconcerting, I’ll give you that.”
“It doesn’t match his face! Weird, right?”
“Anyway,” Jon says, eager to cut off yet another tangent. “Your plan worked.”
“Not really.” Tim pouts, kicking his feet out like a toddler and turning away with his arms crossed. Only Tim can manage to make the petulant look work on a twenty-eight year old man.
“Yes, really!” Tim doesn’t turn around and Jon internally rolls his eyes, albeit fondly. “Look, I’ll get my check next Friday with everyone else. And then I’ll take you out to dinner. How does that sound?”
That did it. Tim tilts his head towards him, gives him a playful smile. “Gonna romance me, Sims? Pull out all the stops?”
Jon returns it. “All the second-rate sushi you want.”
“You’re a prince among men.” Tim hops off his desk and gives his forehead a kiss. Jon’s partial to those kisses and he can feel himself melting at the touch, even as his smile turns wicked.
“I could ask Elias if he’s free as well-” 
He doesn’t manage to dodge the pen that flies his way, but he doesn’t mind. Jealousy’s not a bad look on Tim.
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30103509
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mrsbrookegillespie · 3 years
Line Without A Hook Alive!Luke x Reader (Part One)
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Based Of The Song Line Without A Hook by Ricky Montgomery 
Please Read Beforehand: If you know about what's going on with Charlie Gillespie, great, if you don't, great, please do not talk about it in the comments, or ask me about it, as the comments will be removed if so. I do not define a character by it's actor, so no bashing the character because of the drama that's going on. Please, and thank you.
Description: You are Alex's little sister. What happens when it gets addressed to him that Luke likes you?... And you might like him too. (Alive!Luke x Reader) (Alex x Sibling!Reader)
Warnings: Mild swearing, mild angst (because me), some fluff.
=Line Without a Hook=
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"I'm going to tell her," Luke announces.
"Tell her what?" Julie asks from the couch, calmly yet curiously.
Alex perks up on his stool, stopping his previous movements (twirling his drumsticks). "Who?" he asks, narrowing his eyes.
"Alex! I thought you were with Y/N today." Luke adjusts his vest.
Avoiding his questionable glares, Alex stands up. "So, who are you going to tell what?"    
"Oh-um-I-did I say something?" Luke stutters.
"Julie?" Alex calls out.
"What?" Julie continues to look down at her Biology textbook.
"It seems like you know who this "her" is. So spill? Is it someone you like, Luke? Why does Julie know, but not me?" Alex starts to get worked up.
"Oh, I know," Reggie adds, stupidly.
Luke gives Reggie a 'don't' look. "Yeah, it's someone I 'like', but Alex. Okay, I-I don't know how to tell you this, but... I-I like... Y/N," he admits, the end being barely audible.
Alex gives a blank stare towards Luke. "I'm sorry." He leans his ear closer. "Could you repeat that for me? Because I must have misheard. You like who?"
Luke gulps, swallowing down his fear. "I like Y/N," he repeats, slowly.
"I'm..." Alex takes a deep breath. "I'm going to..." His voice keeps failing him. "No."  
"No?" Luke questions. "You're saying I can't tell her I like her?"
"You cannot date her," Alex argues. "I don't care if she likes you back, you--no!" Alex gestures a strangling motion towards Luke. "You can't date my little sister." He points at Luke, before pacing around the studio.
"Alex," Julie joins, dragging out the syllables of his name. "Give Luke a chance, he is your best friend, can't you trust him?"  she advises.
"No!" Alex shouts. "I mean I trust you, but not with Y/N."
Luke's eyes widen. "That doesn't make any sense . What is that even supposed to mean?"
"It means! I've seen you take and throw away girls in the matter of days I'm not going to have you hurt her. She's already so fragile, and you'll only make it worse," Alex explains. "And if something happens between you two, and you can't stand to be near each other... You know who I'll choose to side on. If I ever had to choose between the band, and my sister. I'm going to choose her."
"But, I would never hurt her," he pauses. "You're not even going to give me a chance?!"
"When did this start?" Alex asks, urgently.
"When..." Luke lets out a shaky inhale. "When I first met her."
"I knew it! From the looks you were giving her, the compliments, how you wanted her to paint you, and now you have said painting in your room where anyone can see it, the way you gave her your clothes when she was cold, I knew it wasn't you being 'friendly'." Alex throws his hands up. "Why? Why is it the first time you actually 'like' someone it's the person I care about the most? Someone I'm related to? Someone I can't bear to see heartbroken?"
"But, I really like her, and I just want you to see--"
"I said no!" Alex snaps. "Listen closely, I'm going to tell you this one more time... No."
"Give me a reason why!" Luke defends. "A solid reason why."
Alex's eyes now a dark blue. "Because she's a lady, and you're just a boy."
"What?" Luke asks, taking it as an insult.
Reggie pops up from his criss cross position. "He said she's a lady, and you're--"
"You're just a line without a hook," Alex cuts Reggie off. "You'll never be able to handle her emotions, insecurities, feelings. And you--," Alex lets out a cold laugh, "--you will never be her first boyfriend, her first everything, because I know you'll screw up her expectations."
"What's going on?" Everyone turns their head towards the entrance.
"Y/N," Julie states, standing up. "I thought you weren't able to come by?"
"I'm very persuasive," she replies, breathless. "Alex?" she questions, averting her eyes between him and Luke.
"Y/N, how much did you...?" Alex's gaze softens seeing his little sister so vulnerable. "You're crying," he observes.
"No, I'm not," she weakly assures.
Her puffy red eyes, and pale complexion justifies her claims as false. "What's wrong?" Luke asks.
"You didn't answer my question." She ignores her friends, and brother's concern.
"I can explain," Alex starts.
Y/N runs off before he has the chance to get another word out. "Don't," Julie warns Luke who tries to go after her. "Alex, it's your sister, you need to talk to her about what she wants, I get it you're scared, and you care about her feelings, but she's very mature. And as her best friend, I also worry, but I trust her."
Alex looks as Julie who's giving him a pointed look. "I hate it when you're right."
He jogs off, trying to find her. Quickly spotting her sitting down one of the stone steps outside. "I'm too tired to run off any further."
Alex laughs despite the context. He walks up to sit down next to her. "What happened today?"
She shrugs. "Got my report card," she whispers.
"Y/N, I'm sorry are you--"
"No," she interrupts. She rustles through her backpack, pulling out the sheet of paper.
Alex gasps a little. "Straight A's?" She nods. "Y/N, that's incredible!" He hugs her. "I'm so happy for you." She lets out a small smile. "So, then why are you crying? This is great news."
"Because the only reason I'm getting these grades is because of you, Luke, and Reggie. Yes, Reggie." She giggles. "You underestimate him too much. You guys help me so much, and I'm--I guess--it's stupid," she ends up saying.
"I just... I wish I could see you more, and not by lying to mom and dad about staying at Julie's. I wish they could just see how much you do for me, and love you no matter what for that. But, they're so close minded I can't even have my own guitar."
"I'm sorry," he whispers. "It's my fault."
She shakes her head. "That's not what I'm trying to say, it's not your fault."
"I should've just kept my secret between you and I."
"No!" She jumps up, scaring him. "That's the point, you took a risk, and I admire you for that. Do you know how many times a day I wish I can scream at them that I want to be an actor, and be in the music program at school? But, I can't because I'm scared, but then I see you with your band and how happy you are. And, I'm not happy!" I pause. "There's so many things I've been hiding from people, because I don't want to hurt them, and I'm scared of the outcome. But, if I live in fear, what kind of life will I be living?"
Alex eyes meet her with an unreadable glint. "God dammit, I hate it when you're right."
"What?" Y/N asks confused.
"Y/N, I am afraid of everything. But, mostly I'm afraid to see you grow up, and make your own decisions."
"Alex..." She sits back down. "I love you, and I get it, it's your job as a big brother to protect me, but I'm a tough girl, yes I have my own problems but when I'm with you, and your friends, and Julie those little things usually disappear. Because you guys make me feel more loved than anyone else." She hugs his side, him hugging back tightly.  
"You're growing up too fast," he utters.
She lets out a hearty laugh. "I learn from the best."
He shakes his head. "And if you want to date Luke, I won't stop you."
"What?!" Y/N exclaims, pulling away. "Date Luke?!" She gapes at him. "W-Why would you think...?"
Alex places a hand on hers. "It's obvious."
She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, there was that one time when we held hands and--"
Alex covers his ears. "Lalalala!" he sings. "I'll try to not be seriously weirded out by you two but please. I don't give a damn about the way you two touch when you're alone."
Y/N's face turns a bright red. "Noted."
They laugh at each other's uncomfortable glances. "Well." She raises an eyebrow at him. "There's now nothing stopping you."
She smiles widely, running off inside.
Alex lingers outside for a moment. He stares at the sky. "Wish me luck."
Word Count: 1522
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ejzah · 3 years
A/N: Based on my most recent suggestion for the premiere. Totally ignores how NCIS and FLETC operates for this particular situation. I think I’ve written similar things before, but you can never have too many Deeks FLETC stories, right?
“Are you going you to tell me where going?” Deeks asked Kensi, eyeing her as she drove to an unknown location.
“Nope,” she answered cheerfully. He tugged at the sleeves of the suit Kensi had insisted he wear. Kensi wore a knee-length capped sleeves and a heart-shapes neckline.
Glancing at him, she brushed his hands away from his suit jacket. “Stop messing with that, you look great.”
“Now if only I knew why I look so amazing and dashing.” Kensi shook her head, but didn’t give any hints.
“Don’t worry, we’re almost there.”
Despite himself, Deeks felt unusually nervous. As much as he liked to bestow surprises, he was a big fan of being on the receiving end. Especially when formal dress was required.
Eventually Kensi exited the interstate and and pulled into what appeared an elite banquet hall of some sort. It was dark out, but he could other people arriving, similarly dressed in evening wear.
“Here we are,” Kensi announced, turning to him with a smile, as she squeezed his hand. “It’s going to be fine,” she promised. Deeks reluctantly allowed her to guide him into the building.
“Kens, what is going on?” he muttered as they walked into a small foyer and were handed name tags by a woman in military looking attire and directed to a banquet room.
“A couple months ago I heard that several FLETC graduations were cancelled last year.” Deeks looked at her sharply as she continued explaining, “I convinced Hetty to use her considerable persuasive skills to have one of the make up scheduled here.”
“But I already received my badge.”
“You accomplishments were never officially recognized though,” Kensi responded. “As much as Hetty might like to think that her presence was enough of an honor, I happen to think you deserve a lot more.”
“I don’t know…” Deeks trailed off, shaking his head slightly as he hesitated a few yards from the double doors standing between them and what sounded like a few hundred people. “I’m still not sure that I actually passed everything. It doesn’t feel right.”
Kensi grabbed both his hands, brining them to her chest as she looked up at him sincerely.
“Listen to me, Deeks. You worked so incredibly hard and surpassed everyone’s expectations at FLETC. Everyone in that room who came to watch you today is just as proud of as I am.”
His throat tightened at Kensi’s passionate words, slightly overwhelmed by the sincerity in her voice. She pressed his hand to her lips and then started tugging him to towards the banquet room again.
“C’mon, the ceremony is going to start soon,” she said.
As the back two-thirds of the room was filled with rows of chairs where a couple hundred guests and graduates already sat. Kensi gave him a gentle push towards the front where the first few rows were reserved.
Several FLETC instructors and the Deputy Director of the Glynco campus gave speeches before they started calling names. It felt slightly surreal when they his was finally called and he walked to the podium.
“The title of NCIS Special Investigator is awarded to Martin Atticus Deeks,” the Deputy Director announced, smiling as he handed Deeks his certificate and shook his head.
Deeks glanced out into the audience and saw the team in the middle of the crowd, all clapping enthusiastically. He sought Kensi’s eyes, a feeling of warmth running through him at the obvious pride in her gaze.
As he thanked the Deputy Director and walked back to his seat, Deeks finally allowed himself to smile.
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hunterclaringtonjoy · 3 years
Hunter’s Choice
Who: Hunter Clarington & Frannie Fabray When: August 12, 2021 Where: Frannie’s Apartment What: Hunter considers what’s next for him now he’s graduated and has a proposition for Frannie.
Hunter’s Choice
Hunter had been lucky to be able to keep his apartment after graduation but the contract was coming to an end in just over a week and then he’d be forced to go home. Despite his father’s wishes, Hunter hadn’t signed up to join the army yet so it appeared as though going back to Canada would be his only option.
The wishes of Clarington Senior were more accurately demands in the form of daily phone calls or emails from Mr C’s “friends” in the US armed forces less than gently trying to persuade Hunter to join whatever training program they could pluck out of thin air for the son of a respected officer. Of course, none of this communication came directly from Mr C though as that would require him to give up his time to be part of his children’s lives, he could simply direct their paths from afar and continue to be hands on as little as possible. 
Between spending time with Frannie, Ollie and Benji whenever the latter wasn’t with his new boyfriend, and working with the Eagle Scouts program mentoring the young men aiming to achieve the highest award of the Boy Scouts, the summer had flown by in a blur of joy and excitement with his family which was barely keeping his fears for the coming fall at bay. 
Every time those fears threatened to overwhelm Hunter he’d go to the gym and swim lap after lap never stopping long enough to brake his concentration from his sights set on the spot on the wall at the other end of the pool and he’d only leave the water when he was in pain from either burning lungs or burning muscles from the effort he’d exerted. 
The 20th was fast approaching and Hunter needed to have a plan in place for the next step in his life, he couldn’t put this off any longer. He’d actually slept in his own bed in his own apartment the night before so thankfully he wasn’t disturbing Frannie and Ollie with his pacing, which he’d been doing for at least two hours now as he twisted the box in his hand between his fingers deftly as one might do with a pen. This was Hunters’ chance to change his trajectory and make his life his own and not live in his father’s shadow. 
Taking a deep breath Hunter walked up to Frannie’s apartment and by-passed knocking on the door and simply walking in. thinking on it hunter couldn’t even remember the last time he had knocked and waited for Frannie’s response. That apartment was more like grand central station these days what with Hunter coming and going as he pleased to spend time with Ollie, Sam and Nikko popping up whenever they wanted, and then Benji and Mason appearing out of thin air at all hours of the day or night. Hunter of a year ago would have laughed if someone had said this was going to be his life, and yet he wouldn’t change it for the world. 
“Hey babe,” Hunter called closing the door behind himself, feeling relaxed as soon as he was on the other side. “I wanted to talk to you about something.” He tugged nervously at his button up, smoothing down the bottom hem over top of his dark wash jeans, hoping Ollie wasn’t currently a sticky mess and ruin the white shirt. Hunt scolded himself momentarily for bothering to wear white in the vicinity of their son but he wanted to look good today. 
“You know it’s been embarrassingly obvious that I’ve had no idea what to do after graduation after you managed to talk me out of being my father’s carbon copy and I need to thank you for that somehow because I found something perfect for me, at least the next year. The swim team is looking for a coach for the next academic year. Ours is taking off and moving to New Zealand to coach an Olympic hopeful and I couldn’t pass up what seemed like a perfect opportunity. Yesterday I found out I got the job. So I’m staying here. I’ll be able to rent a home over at the on campus staff housing association so if you want, you and Ollie could live there with me?” 
Hunter had never spoken a sentence so quickly in all his life. He wasn’t the type of person to anxiously jabber on about nothing, he was brought up to be clear and concise but it was a big ask to propose such a thing to Frannie, to someone he felt so many things he’d never felt before. Frannie’s answer would be truly life changing for them all and he was about five seconds from starting to recall every single one of the Jewish Hebrew prayers Ben had taught him for luck.
Frannie's Response 
Frannie had been pulling all her classic moves to avoid talking about what was actually bothering her. Well, what had be bothering her for ages... but only now was back to the front of her mind since talking to Benji. It was ironic, really, that one of the people she was most concerned about in this whole situation was Benji, and now he was encouraging her to talk to Hunter about whatever was "weird." 
And despite what Sam kept thinking, the weirdness was not from some kind of unrequited love between herself and Hunter... but Sam had gotten into her head about what living with Hunter could mean. For a while, the thought had been circling her brain to tell Hunter that he should just move in with herself and Ollie when the lease was up now that he was no longer a student. She'd just figured that would be easier for everyone, right? And she had a spare room. Nothing had to really change, right? 
But with Benji living with her as of recent until the leases opened up for him to get his own place, the idea fell to the back of her brain. It would be weird to have him here and Hunter trying to move in too, or at least that's what she told herself. 
The door opened and she didn't even look over, just started talking. "I got more juice boxes. Also, string cheese, animal crackers, and some more p.b. and j for sandwiches, s-" She stopped speaking when she realized it was Hunter and turned her head quickly. "Oh shit, sorry. I thought you were Benji. Hey," she smiled before turning her attention back to the laundry she was folding, honestly unsure of what articles of clothing belonged to who. "What's up?" 
She nodded as she listened to him speak, glancing over every few seconds so he would know she was paying attention. She shook her head a little, her cheeks feeling a bit warmer, when he credited her with changing his mind- which seemed very unbelievable to her. But she stopped folding and turned to look at him with wide eyes when she heard his job opportunity. "Hunt! That's amazing, what the hell! You're going to be am- wait, what did you say?" She blinked, dropping the still unfolded shirt back into the basket and running her hand over her hair. "You want us to live with you? I-" She stammered a bit, letting out a small laugh. "That's- I mean, you... I was going to ask you that…"
Hunter’s Proposition 
“Good to know my brother is still actually showing up here, I swear he’s at the Smythe’s more than anyone else.” Hunter laughed, “Not that I blame him after Chris…” He huffed, grabbing down the bottle of bourbon he had hidden at the back of the highest cupboard in Frannie’s kitchen and pouring a couple of ounces into a glass to calm his nerves. Hunter still felt ill-will towards Chris after he found out Ben had needed to break up with his childhood crush, making Hunter more on edge than ever about Ben entering a new relationship because clearly people felt like they could treat the youngest Clarington like garbage and Hunter wasn’t going to stand by and let that happen again. 
Watching Frannie stumble a little as he continued to talk always amused Hunter. He was the type of person that had no qualms continuing to talk without letting people respond, so seeing Frannie go from joy about his job announcement to what appeared to be nerves or surprise in reaction to his invite made him chuckle but only because he found it adorable and endearing. 
However, the most interesting part of Frannie’s response was she took had been getting ready to ask him the same question. “Ask me to live here? As convenient as that sounds I’m ready to stop sharing a bedroom with my son, and little brother when he feels like spending the night with his ‘Mom’.” He grinned, in the back of his mind thinking about how this could be an opportunity to get into her bed… But the little voice of restraint in his mind, which oddly enough had the voice of the Smythe’s sister, told him to take it slow. 
“We can get a three bedroom over in the staff complex, they have some renovated town houses that would be perfect for the three of us so if you have exams or cases to study for I can keep Ollie occupied in a different part of the house.” Hunter explained, wandering over and picking up the discarded shirt and smiling, it was one of his that he’d often pull on first thing after waking up to bathe or change Ollie before he showered and got ready for the day himself. 
“So what do you say? Think you can live that far from Jolly Green and little Prescott?” Hunter give his best sensual persuasive smile, practically batting his eyelashes. 
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Hello and thank you for introducing to my new OTP! Your blog has made me love Frelma more than ever!
Among Fred and Velma, who do you think would confess first? What would your ideal scenario be like for this event, and what would their first date (and kiss if possible) be like? I'm just really curious because I'm rather new to this ship and want to hear other people's opinions, so I hope I haven't been bothering you😅
It's no bother at all anon! I really enjoy answering these types of questions!
I really think that Fred would be the first to confess his feelings. Despite being the more oblivious of the two, he is significantly less stubborn than Velma is and so he's more willing to introduce change into his life. I think his main struggle would come from the fear of ruining his friendship with her because Freddie is 100% that guy. Velma is basically like his partner and her companionship is incredibly important to him so if telling her how he felt put that at risk then he'd be inclined to keep his mouth shut. Because as far as he knows this attraction is a one-sided thing (even though it's totally obvious Velma is into him) and he's fine with keeping it that way. I can imagine it's only when Daph and Shag step in do we finally see some progress. Up until this point there's been clueless blushing after extended eye-contact and banter that evolves into something a little too close to flirting. Shag and Daph have been through this whole song and dance before with each other and they also are way better at reading people so they almost instantly pick up on the tension. At first they think it's funny and wonder if they were acting like this before they started dating. But then it begins to get sort of painful how much they are obviously into one another and refusing to do anything about it. Shaggy tries to prod Velma in the right direction but it's clearly a dead end so the switch tactics. After many discussions and failed attempts at persuasion, Daphne finally manages to convince Fred that Velma possible, maybe, just might, be kinda sorta, maybe a little-itty bit into him. In a romantic way.
He makes his move in the library where Velma is pouring through old newspapers trying find something related to their monster of the week. As she's scans the various articles in the filing cabinet, Fred looks down at his feet and asks, "Do you think you've ever fallen in love before?" It's so outta nowhere than it brings Velma to a halt and she stares over at him totally bug-eyed.
"Sorry - do I what?"
And sweet Freddie, blunt as ever goes, "I'm asking because I'm not really sure what it feels like or whether it's supposed to be obvious to me. Honestly I'm just assuming that I'm in love with you." He flinches once he realizes what he just said but it does the trick.
When they leave the library you can see them let go of the other's hand.
As for a first date, I honestly don't see Fred and Velma as date type of people. Shag and Daph love to go out on the town and find crazy stuff to do but Fred and Velms are "stick to their own scene" kinda people. So their first actual real date that isn't just Shag and Daph dragging them into a double date is probably something super chill. They do homework and eat brownies while listening to old noir films in the background. They do stuff like that all the time but Velma deems this particular instance date worthy because she lit a scented candle. It's comfortable. They're comfortable. And that realization makes them happy that they took a risk in the first place.
As for a first kiss - all I can tell you is Velma definitely initiates but as of right now I don't have a set in stone picture.
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willowistic22 · 3 years
Red (Redfinch)
Despite their breakup, Albert still wanted to go see Finch perform in one of his concerts when Race asked him if he wanted to come. This is the perfect chance for them to talk things out again but words aren’t cooperating for either of them. With that, Finch decides to triy a different form of communication.
Words : 5233
Part : -
Warnings : Alcohol, cursing, cigarettes, angst in general
A/N : Woah that’s a crazy word count uhh,,,, hi i’m back with another fic. Another redfinch and for that we stan lol (well idk maybe yall are annoyed by all these redfinch fics but yknow what? i’m thriving off of it) But fr I’ll eventually get into writing other ships but for now have one more redfinch combined with another tswift songs (as you do) this time with Red. Wow we are so surprised who would have thought of redfinch being associated with the song red no we aren’t surprise :D This one specifically exists in my bandsies au. you don’t need to read that first to understand this (i think?) but it wouldn’t hurt if you checked that out as well:) Tbh i can’t decide whether i love it or hate it but at least i like it enough to post it. N ee wayysss enjoy!!
His brain is screaming about how much Albert shouldn’t be doing this. Comprising a list of cons that goes on forever. And although he thinks all of the cons his brain had written is logical, that one pro his heart wrote beside the long list was all it took for Al to say yes. All the cons will be worth suffering through if he finally gets to see Finch again. And maybe it’s for the better since he’s not doing well by distancing himself from the boy.
Unfortunately, the world isn’t black and white. Meaning that even if he did choose to follow what his heart wants, all the horrible feelings will still be there. And with every step he takes, inching closer to the entrance of the building, he’s getting even more terrified by the second. Thankfully, the line for the entrance is going pretty slow which gives time for Albert to calm down.
But it’s not helping. The line is crowded and full of fans, talking excitedly about the band’s awaiting concert inside. For some odd reason, he can only hear the conversations between fans that contain one specific name. He doesn’t hear anyone mentioning Romeo, Elmer, or Jojo’s name. Not even Crutchie, who he’s been told to be the fans’ favorite. Just the name Finch, being repeated all around him. With adoration and excitement lacing the name. The line is delaying the inevitable and the people around him makes him a bit overwhelmed.
“We can still turn around if you want. I’m sure they’ll find a way to give us a refund”
If he’s actually being honest, it was his best friend that got him to come. Race returned to their shared apartment a few weeks ago and rushed to ask Albert if he wanted to go see their friends performing tonight. Race knows about Al and Finch’s break up but it’s worth asking him first. And to his surprise, he said yes.
“No, it’s fine” Albert replied, “I’m fine”
“You’re picking your pimples right now”
“It’s one of your nervous habits”
That piece of information really caught Al off guard. He didn’t think a tiny random fact about himself would actually corner him the way Race is doing now. Eyeing Albert through his glasses and raising his eyebrows despite his forehead being mostly covered by his beanie.
“Well… I-” Albert tried to come up with bullshit as fast as he could, “I like to do it on purpose too, alright?! My fingers just... get a little itchy!”
He slowly puts his hands down from previously reaching up to pick his face. And the line is still going slow, one step at a time. It’s not doing any favors for Al.
“Dude, it’s alright if you’re not ready to see him” Race continued, “It takes time, I get it”
“Race, I’ll be fine! How many more times do I have to tell you?” Albert argued, which finally made Race back down. And to make sure it’s no longer gonna be brought up, Al changes the subject, “By the way, where’s Specs and Mike? You said they’re watching too”
“They’re already backstage with the others for...  obvious reasons” Race answered casually, catching on to Albert's intentions to change the subject. “So is Kath, by the way. We’ll meet her in there though”
To that, Albert simply nods. His jittery movements turn into rocking his body on the ball of his feet while digging his lips with his teeth. Race tries to pretend he doesn’t notice, but he does. Albert knows he does. Although he’s glad he’s not bringing it up because it might make it worse.
He’d be lucky to know that he’s not the only one panicking over this. In the dressing room, an aggravated Finch throws his phone to the cushion of the couch after sending the last text to his friend Race. It sounds unlawful for Race to be ‘secretly updating’ Finch on how Albert is actually doing because it’s obviously something Albert doesn’t want to directly tell his ex.
Finch groans, placing his elbow on his armchair to support his head. The room is spinning in his view and he wishes it all to stop. Taking deep and long breaths to stabilize his shaky limbs. A little prayer starts playing in his heart, it follows the tempo of his fast heartbeat.
“He’s here, isn’t he?”
Finch opens his eyes and looks up to meet his bandmate sitting on the couch across from him. He hadn’t even been talking for a good hour because he’s too fixated with the first text Race sent him when he and Al first started making their way to the concert.
“Yeah, he’s in line” Finch replied, looking up to the blond boy who’s holding his bass.
“How are they not being mobbed?” Another voice rang. This time it’s not coming from one of Finch’s bandmates. It’s coming from Race and Albert’s bandmate, sitting next to the shortest member of Finch’s band on the couch.
Specs only ask that because their two bands have a long connecting history and their fanbase tends to be sort of the same in a way. With Specs dating Romeo and Mike dating Jojo, Race and Albert are bound to be recognized and mobbed by at least a few fans. Especially seeing that Albert is Finch’s former lover, although the fans know that as a rumor since the two never publicly addressed it.
“I’m assuming they’re wearing a lot of shit to cover their faces” Another answered, the other VIP of the show alongside Specs, Mike. He’s twirling his drink in his hand while the other keeps Jojo cuddled close to him, “I mean, Al’s head is really fucking bright!”
With the mention of that specific name, Finch sulks back in his armchair with a groan. He covers his face with his hands, hoping it’d make the world just stop for one second. He could hear a loud clean slap echoing the room, followed by overlaps of whispered scolding. If he had to guess, it was Mike who was the one getting slapped and scolded.
“This is a disaster…” Finch exclaimed to himself, still not lifting his face up.
“It doesn’t have to be unless you make it like that” this time a feminine voice spoke up. A voice he recognized to belong to Kath.
Finch hears footsteps approaching him. He feels the motion of someone softly kneeling down in front of him. His hands were gently pried open and he was met with Kath’s friendly smile.
“It takes time, but you gotta trust the process”
It’s not necessarily the words he needed to hear right now, but it still warms his heart to hear his friend still being there for him despite the sticky situation he has gotten them into.
Everything would’ve been just fine if Finch hadn’t been so pushy and upset over Albert’s decision. He was the one that decided to put his music career on hold to go get that engineering degree, which frankly seems pretty useless. Finch was so dirty for pulling the ‘you’re being selfish’ card at him when it’s not even his band at all. Race, Specs, Mike, Ike, and even their manager Denton were very supportive about his decision to get that degree. Heck, all their friends were! But not Finch. His boyfriend at the time. He argued like he secretly knew how the others felt about Al leaving when really there aren’t any secret feelings for him to know. All his arguments came from his own feelings.
However, he knows Albert’s ‘own decision’ was secretly coated by his father’s persuasive words. The whole ‘just in case the music career doesn’t work out’ argument was basically the copy and pasted words from his father. They both know it. Despite the arguments, it still seemed that Al was determined to fully focus on college anyways. Instead of following his fellow musician friends’ college path by getting a degree in the non-lecture-hall way, he followed his father’s words and actually attended his college classes in a proper campus.
In the moment, Finch was just too focused on Albert leaving. Maybe he was the one being selfish. He had only realize now that most of his arguments were because he didn’t want Albert to go. It’s too late now, since the last time they saw each other was when Al slammed the door of their apartment one last time with all his stuff and a plane ticket to Seattle. At that point, Finch was finally tired of all the arguing and told him that if this was his plan then he’s on his own.
The tears that came after were filled with sorrow and regret. Sorrowful because he missed him. Regretful because he only realized then that there was no valid reason for Finch to lash out in the first place other than for his own needs. The feeling is still present to this moment. And it’s currently the strongest right before a show because he knows he’s gonna be in the crowd.
“Look, we’ll let ya drown out your feelings with some booze later” Crutchie finally said, “But right now we got a show”
The band was all getting up from where they were seated, bringing whatever they needed to the stage. Crutchie gets some help from Jojo to bring his Bass till he properly sits on the stool on stage. But Finch stays perfectly still, holding Kath’s hand as if his life depends on it.
“I know I should talk to ‘im, Kath” Finch finally said, slowly joining the others in standing up. Kathrine follows along, eyes still fixed to her friend, “But… I can’t. I wouldn’t know what to say to him”
“Then don’t talk” Mike suddenly inserts himself in their little conversation. He gets up and approaches the two, “Sing him the new single”
“You’re fucking insane, Mike!” Katherine instantly snapped.
“Alright, your mouth will be legally sealed shut till the end of the concert” Specs joins them only to drag Mike away. There were some protests from the boy, but it was totally shut down by everyone else in the room.
“No, wait. He’s got a point” Finch suddenly exclaimed, which quickly got the whole room to freeze in time.
He looks at his bandmates, all standing by the doorway ready to kill the concert. A half confident smile appears on his face and he says, “Let’s sing that single”
The concert is held in a bar like-venue with multiple floors, slowly being filled to the brim by excited fans. Their excitement bounces off the walls of the venue, creating an ecstatic kind of environment despite the tight space. The concert is going to start any minute now and while the fans surrounding him are shaking in excitement, Albert is shaking in a nervous fit.
“Still okay there, Al?”
Albert looked to his side, seeing his good friend Kathrine looking up to meet his eyes with concern. She had just joined the boys in the midst of the crowd after hanging out behind the stage with the band.
“What? Yeah, I’m okay” He replied, “What makes you think I’m not?”
“You’re squeezing my hand a little too tight”
Al had only realized he’s been holding Kath’s hand just now. His brain was too focused on his fears about meeting Finch again to the point that he hasn’t been paying attention to his surroundings. He gets bashful all of a sudden, cheeks going a bit warm, harshly pulling away from her grasp.
“It’s okay, you can hold my hand if you want,” Katherine said gently.
“Kath, I’m fine!” Albert said, “Why won’t you and Race believe me?”
“Because we know it’s utter bullshit”
The pair looked back towards the crowd behind them where the familiar voice originated from. There, Race struggles through a sea of people with two drinks in hand. Oddly enough, he still seems to stand the heat despite still wearing his face disguise. A white cotton mask, black-framed glasses, and a grey beanie mostly providing cover for his blond curls. While Al, seeing that the venue is pretty dark and speculations has led him to believe that the fans would be focused on the concert rather than the people attending it, had already put away his mask. However, his fears still made him wear his snapback and grey-framed glasses just in case.
Albert takes his rightful drink, and with a free hand, Race takes off his own mask and stuffs it in his pockets. He complains about the stuffiness from wearing the mask all while doing so, which made Kath laugh. It appears the Albert-scolding has been forgotten for the time being, as Kath and Race starts engaging in their own conversation, which Al doesn’t mind because he’d much like to down his beer quickly.
And then the concert finally starts.
An exciting intro starts playing as the band enters the stage. The wild crowd welcoming the band is deafening to Albert’s ear. Time freezes and everything in between fades away. All he sees is Finch, up on stage wearing a smile brighter than the lighting of the venue itself. He’s using his old dark green guitar. The same one he uses when he’s writing songs in bed or when he just feels like strumming the strings. Albert remembers the memoirs of all the guitar string scars he had earned throughout the years of knowing him. Some of them were even caused by Albert himself.
Lucky that Finch hasn’t noticed Albert has been staring at him the whole time. He hasn’t taken his eyes off of the boy since the start of the first song, shimmering under the spotlight with amazing vocals. Laughing about at his fellow bandmates’ antics on stage. Oh, that laugh. It gives him butterflies in his stomach like it was the first time hearing it.
He can feel two pairs of familiar eyes on him. But he’s too far gone to care. Albert really did make a big mistake for letting Finch go that easy. Because at the end of his previous college days, he still loves him and misses him dearly. His little Finchy. It doesn’t matter to Al anymore if Race and Katherine are eyeing him with sorrow or the whole world were to look at him weirdly for fixating his own eyes towards the beautiful boy on stage. He was his beautiful boy. Good lord, does he long to see the days when he got to call Finch his.
“Holy shit, I fucked up” Albert muttered under his breath, only Kath and Race could hear it, “I should’ve never had left”
His friends were definitely not expecting Albert to verbally exclaim his regret. They already knew from the start despite the redhead’s previous denials. But hearing him say it just makes it all more real. Even Albert himself was hit by a truck of reality just by loudly announcing it.
“Well, now you know” Katherine started, gentle voice on the same volume as his own despite the volume of their current surroundings being incredibly loud, “Go tell him that after the show”
“I can’t. I shouldn’t” Albert replied, fully turning away from the stage to properly look at his friends. A glint of sorrow and desperation flashes before his face, “I might make things worse!”
“Well, you’ll never know till you try” Race said, sounding a little hesitant at the start. He offered a warm smile at his friend and a hand on his shoulder, since there isn’t much he could do in the moment.
With a heavy sigh, Albert turns back towards the stage only to witness the biggest surprise of his life. Finch looked back. Straight into Albert’s eyes, it pierced right through to get his heart thumping loudly in his ears. He just realized the song the band was previously playing had ended and they were waiting for the fans to quiet down. While Romeo playfully over-dramatize his thank you’s to the crowd and gets scolded by Elmer and Crutchie, Finch was continuously staring at Albert. The hands that were previously used to play with his guitar hang idly because his center of attention wasn’t at his instrument right now.
It might just be some form of hallucination Al retained from the high, but Finch seemed to be smiling at him a little. Just a little curve at the end of his lips while he’s still staring back.
Albert doesn’t know how to interpret this other than to just stare back. Deep down, his heart is flipping in all kinds of ways and his thought process is no longer comprehensible. He’s trying to read the other boy’s emotions but it’s too neutral to tell. Other than the fact that he’s smiling a little at him but that still doesn’t give him a proper answer.
Eventually Finch becomes the first one to look away, seeing that the audience had settled down for the band. Albert’s eyes were still glued to Finch, retaining his focus back to the concert. He opens his mouth for a moment to say something into his microphone, although he unexpectedly stopped. The flow of words seemed to cut short. He saved himself by pulling himself away from the microphone up front and towards the rest of his bandmates. Judging from the body language, they seem to be whispering.
“What’s happening?” Albert whispered, more to himself rather than to his friends.
“I’m not sure…” Race replied, taking a step closer to where Al is standing.
The band kept the discussion short and quickly got back to their places. Finch seems to hesitate the second time he opens his mouth to speak. But this time, he gets the words out.
“Uhh… sorry ‘bout that. I uhh… I just got the urge to go a bit out of our fixed setlist and uhh… hope you guys don’t mind” Finch explained with a little giggle at the end. The crowd couldn’t care less and cheered on. Finch smile widens at the agreement, “We thought we’d give ya an early access to our newest single that hasn’t been released yet”
A euphoric feeling passed through the crowd as the cheering got louder. It baffled Finch so much that he laughed into his mic.
“Oh my god, they’re actually doing it” Katherine commented under her breath.
But Al’s ears were sharp enough to catch it. He snaps his head around to face the girl behind him, “Do what?”
Katherine was rendered speechless to that question, despite obviously knowing what’s going on. Albert turns to Race but he has no idea. He finally turns back to the stage where Finch’s gaze was already waiting to be returned by Al himself.
Without breaking the gaze, Finch speaks into the mic with a little smile, “It’s called ‘Red’”
It was Albert’s turn to be speechless. He had no knowledge of a new single since he’s mostly been staying away from his ex’s social media for the sole purpose of moving on, which he had failed miserably. And none of his friends had told him anything about a single that’s title was a secret language only Finch and Albert share, littered with all sorts of vintage romance.
“Holy shit…” Race exclaimed, “...I had no idea they were gonna play this song”
The opening of the song starts with Jojo lightly plucking a few strings of his acoustic guitar. The crowd goes wild once again, energy bouncing off one wall to the other.
“Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street
Faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly”
Crutchie sang the first line smoothly. At this point the other’s had joined in with their instrument. Finch fully ignoring the crowd and focused on looking at Al. Those blue eyes are trying to send a message to Albert and it’s being coded with the song they’re currently playing.
The song had carried on till it reached the chorus. All the instruments peaked at that moment and collaborated with each other to create a very euphoric sound. The crowd jumps along to the beat of the song along with a loud cheering, obviously enjoying the tune they have yet to listen to. Some were holding up cameras to capture this moment, most likely to later share it with the fans that didn’t get the chance to witness it live.
At this point, Finch had turned his face away from Al. There was a troubling look in his expression but it was quickly covered by closing his eyes as if he’s trying to concentrate on singing the chorus with the others. But Al is no fool. He knows that look on Finch’s face is when he’s trying to avoid something, and that something is him.
“Losing him was blue, like I'd never known
Missing him was dark gray, all alone
Forgetting him was like trying to know
Somebody you never met
But loving him was red”
The words moved something in Al. It was written in a way Albert recognized it to be Finch’s writing style. Every single part of the song. From the melody, the chord progression, even the lyrics. Especially the lyrics.
“Fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword
And realizing there's no right answer
Regretting him was like wishing you never found out
That love could be that strong”
As Finch harmonized that line with Jojo, he stole a little sad side glance at Albert. The song returns to the chorus once again, Finch gets dragged with the beat and lightly moves his body along.
Albert gets captivated along with the music. He can feel the corner of his lips slightly rising up, which is pretty ironic seeing that Finch is singing a breakup song about them. Maybe because he’s relieved to hear Finch sing about how he’s not fully over him. Or maybe it’s because he gets to see Finch embracing the break up, which could potentially mean that he’s okay with it. But whatever it is, he’s happy seeing Finch like this. Or just seeing him in general.
“Remembering him comes in flashbacks and echoes
Tell myself it's time now gotta let go
But moving on from him is impossible
When I still see it all in my head”
The chord progression’s pattern slightly changed. Finch sings his line into the microphone, closing his eyes as if to soak up all the intoxicating energy he gets from the crowd. Of people flailing their hands into the sky and a loud chorus of undecipherable shouting. But at the last line, he steals a proper glance back at Albert.
“In burning red”
The lyrics really says it all. There’s no more hidden message that Albert needs to decipher, as it's being presented right in front of him.
Finch takes over the next part of the song, shredding his guitar which makes the crowd go wild. At the moment, it looks like he’s feeling himself. Moving along with the motion of his fingers that creates each note.
“Oh, losing him was blue, like I'd never known
Missing him was dark gray, all alone
Forgetting him was like trying to know
Somebody you never met
'Cause loving him was red”
The song is supposed to be a punch to Albert’s guts, and yet he finds himself laughing at it. He catches a glimpse of Finch’s eyes, sneaking its way to look back at Albert every so often. And this time, he wears a smile while jumping along to the song. And it made Al smile back.
“His love was like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street”
As the song ended, the fans went wild. The look on Finch’s face seems satisfied at the success of the single they have yet been released to the world, shining at the sight of a hype crowd. He steals one last glance at Albert with a little smile on his face. Albert would dare to say he’s being a bit shy. To that, Albert smiles back with a disbelief laugh escaping his lips before Finch pulls his gaze away from the other boy.
After playing a few more songs, the concert ended. There was only one thing in Albert’s mind, which was talking to Finch. Race and Albert quickly put their disguise back on before the crowd had realized who they were as they exited the venue. The three stay behind as the venue gets emptied, Race and Katherine making quick work with their fingers on their phones to contact their friends backstage.
Jojo was the first to respond to either of them. He said that Finch is smoking behind the venue alone. One could only assume that he’s not in his best state after spontaneously choosing to sing that single. But Jojo assured them that he’s still good to talk to. Crutchie then responded, saying that Specs and Mike can pick them up to get them into the backstage.
It didn’t take them long, but Albert wasn’t keen on seeing the others right now. After being pointed towards the back door, Albert was already off. Adrenaline coursing through his veins as he makes quick steps towards it.
He gently opens the door, to avoid surprising the boy in case he was nearby. Albert steps out to a parking lot, open-spaced with another parking lot above it as its roof. At a first glance it was completely empty, only a few lights turned on to keep the area lit. His eyes gandered even further and spotted the boy he was looking for, back facing Al and his body leaning on metal bars as he enjoyed the nightlife of the city.
Albert took a deep breath to calm his adrenaline, slowing down his walking pace. The area is eerily quiet. Only a few things that can be heard: his footsteps, his thumping heart, and the sounds coming from the streets three stories below them. With every step closer, he slowly unraveled his makeshift disguise. Shoving his mask and glasses in the pockets of his jeans but left the snapback on.
“‘Loving him was red’” Albert said to catch Finch’s attention, “Did you mean it to be that obvious?”
Finch didn’t fully turn his head around, only halfway so Al can see the little grin of amusement forming on his face. A little chuckle escaped his lips, causing his chest to pulse along before he continued, “Not really. But it has a nice ring to it”
Albert takes a few steps closer towards the metal bars, leaning his body on it like what Finch is doing. Now he can clearly see the half burnt cigarette on Finch’s hand. Al tries to make eye contact with him, but Finch is purposely turning his head the other way and giving Albert his head full of blond curls.
“You came back” Finch suddenly said, voice hushed and low.
“Of course I came back” Albert replied, “You didn’t think I’d fully leave like that, did’ja?”
“Well, no. It’s just that you seemed so hellbent on going to college”
Albert slowly nods at that, moving his gaze towards the streets below like the other boy. They sit in the silence for a few minutes. Hearing different vehicles pass by the street below them and honking from the distance.
“Finch, I’m so sorry I left ya like that” Albert suddenly started, fully turning his face towards him. He couldn’t find a way to word it and so he resorted to just telling him the truth. Finch stays quiet to let him continue, “I was an idiot to let ya go that easily and all because I was selfish”
“You weren’t actually being selfish” Finch said, smiling a little at his words, “You did it because you wanted to. And it wasn’t hurting anyone anyways”
“It did. It hurt you”
Finch turns his head towards Albert. Now their eyes are looking into each other closer than before. The closest they’ve ever been since their breakup. A mixture of unsaid emotions made the gaze feel so intimate and it terrifies Al a bit. 
“I hurt myself trying to get you to stay” Finch said softly. His next words got stuck in his throat. He gives his brain a few seconds to focus with a sigh out of his mouth and dragging his gaze away from Al, “I knew you never wanted to get that engineering degree in the first place which is another reason I didn’t want you to go. But at the end of the day, it was your decision to make and not mine. I lashed out on you and said you were selfish but… I was the one that was being selfish”
Finch turns his eyes back towards Al, his face looks more sorrowful than before, “I’m sorry”
A small smile formed on Al’s face, tilting his head to the side by a few inches, “It ain’t your fault for knowing me more than I know myself”
They leave the conversation at that for the time being. Letting the streets below fill the void of their silence. Both boys focusing their gaze towards the view they got from this height they’re on again. Finch and Albert left speechless at each other’s words.
Albert’s hands unconsciously reach up to his forehead, itching to pick a pimple like earlier. His next words almost got stuck in his throat but he was able to pull through just enough to get to his point, “Well, at the end of the day we uhh… we both fucked up. Fucked our relationship, that’s for sure-”
“Stop picking on your pimples, Al” Finch casually said. The surprise look on Al’s face got Finch to side eye him with a giggle.
Al pulled his fingers away, stuttering in his movements but still continued on his words with more confidence, “What I’m trying to say is… I want to try again as long as you’re willing to”
There was a good few seconds of silence that Finch used to just stare at him. Albert could only wonder what he’s thinking about inside that head, “So we just… what? Forget the breakup ever happened? Move back in together? You know I can’t just do that, right?”
“That’s not what I mean. We don’t need to rush things. I know you can’t do that” Albert said, “Just… let me start by making it up to you? Whatever you want. Just name it”
Finch didn’t respond instantly, letting the silence between them linger for a few more minutes. But it’s deeply agonizing to Albert’s ears. A blank space of two eyes locked in a gaze, and one is obviously dying to get out of it.
“Please, say something” Albert begged. Hands suddenly reaching back up to his face to pick on his pimples again.
With a free hand, Finch reaches towards Al’s hand on his face. He pulls it down to the bars, holding it in place to make sure it doesn’t repeat its mistakes again. The grip was firm, but warm and calming to Albert’s soul. It made him go blank for a good few seconds from being so touch deprived of Finch’s soft hands. He retains his sense of reality when their eyes finally meet again.
With a little smile forming on Finch’s face, he finally answers, “I’d like that very much”
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Hold Me, My Hands Are Cold pt. 1
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Fili x Reader x Kili
These cold nights suck, but being sandwiched between two pretty princes doesn't suck in the slightest. 
*There are two other parts on my AO3 that are smut if you're interested*
Traveling during the days is rather easy for the most part. 
All you really have to do is keep an eye out, not fall off your ride, and follow the group. If there's conflict you hide in the middle of the group, and joining in on pleasant conversations is basically second nature. 
These things are all a cinch. Easy as pie. Simple. 
What isn't so simple, is staying warm at night when your little body simply refuses to retain heat. 
Your body just doesn't stay warm all that easily, and as frustrating as it is you certainly can't complain about it because it's your choice. You prefer not to sleep in the middle of the group despite the persuasion of the others.
"It's safer." They insist.
"It's so much warmer." They assure.
"It's quieter." They promise. 
"We won't bother you."  They lie.
On night one you knew that there is no way you'd be able to stand another night in the midst of this pile of dwarves. Bilbo shared much of the same sentiments, too. So the both of you sleep together at the end of the group, but he doesn't need the warmth like you do. And, believe it or not, Bilbo Baggins is also a horrible blanket hog. 
Now, you've only actually slept next to Bilbo, Dori and Nori, and Bofur so you don't know if all of their sleeping habits are the same, but you simply cannot afford multiple sleepless nights in a row. 
Only that's exactly what you've got now that the air has turned icy and the ground frozen as the nights get colder and colder the deeper you get into winter. 
The cold was bearable at first because the beginnings of winter aren't usually that bothersome, but after the first week it really began to freeze.
It was at this time you began to share your sleeping space with Bilbo, and though the first two nights of sleeping next to the hobbit were nice, he didn't take long to show his true colors. In the middle of the third night, you awoke to the feeling of your warm covers being literally ripped off of you. One look to the right told you that it was Bilbo who had done it, and unconsciously too. 
No matter how hard you pulled on that blanket or how vigorously you shook him, you simply could not get him to let it go. So you eventually gave up and lay there on the freezing ground with nothing to cover you other than the chilly air. 
This went on for another week. 
Eventually you reached your breaking point, though, and explained to Bilbo as kindly as you could that you think your sleeping arrangement is going to have to end. He actually seemed kinda bummed about it and asked you why. 
"But you get so cold at night, what's prompting you to leave?" 
"I don't know if you've noticed, my dear Bilbo, but your sleeping habits are going to be the death of me. Every morning I wake up nearly frozen through, so while I very much enjoy sleeping next to you I'm afraid I just can no longer handle it when it's so cold." You reach up and place your hand on his shoulder, smiling sympathetically. "I hope that isn't too harsh. Once the heat returns, though, I'll be back." 
At the end of your explanation Bilbo is smiling, so you assume that you haven't hurt his feelings and go about the rest of your day. Little did you know, the two princes were eavesdropping not too far back. 
When night falls once more and the sun is replaced with the white light of the moon, Thorin calls for everyone to stop and set camp for the night. 
You assist Gloin and Bofur in securing the ponies as part of your nightly duties, then move on to your things which you'd settled against near a tree off to the side and further from the fire than you'd like. 
Before long Bombur has some soup cooking in his large pot, and the smell wafts over to your sleeping area. 
Not 10 minutes later is said dwarf calling for everyone to come get their food, but you decided to wait until everyone has got their before going to get your own to avoid the hassle. 
Two pairs of feet disrupt your meal time, and when you look up to see who belongs to those feet, you smile. It's Fili and Kili, and they've both got their dinner in hand as well as an extra bowl held in Kili's other hand. 
"Hello, boys. What can I do for you?" You ask, moving to stand up. 
You're stopped when Fili places his free hand on your shoulder and urges you to sit back down. "We just came to eat with you, is all. We brought you a bowl as well." The older brother explains.
Suspicion makes you look between the two of them distrustingly before you zero in on the food that Kili is holding. "What did you do to it?" Your approach to this is wary, for you're not entirely certain that they wouldn't mess with your food just to prank you. 
"You think we would mess with your food? I'm hurt that you think we're stupid enough!" Kili exclaims with a good-natured laugh. 
You sigh and pat the spots next to you, "Well, sit down then. But I'm warning you, any funny business and I'll skin you both." Your delivery isn't the most threatening you will admit, but it was meant as more of a joke anyways.
The two dwarves settle on either side of you and Kili hands you the extra bowl, and the rest of dinner goes in comfortably with nice conversations and lots of joking around. 
Eventually, though, the soup is all gone, bellies are full, eyes are droopy, and it's time for lights out. 
When Fili and Kili left that ever present cold returned, so you burrow into your bedroll and cover your head with your blanket in hopes of warding off the mid-night chills. Like you expected though, it does very little. 
You don't know how much time passes, but pretty soon you're more focused on warming up than you are on actually sleeping. For a split second you even regret your decision not to sleep next to Bilbo anymore. 
At some point your teeth begin to clack together upon their own accord, and you've since pressed your knees to your chest and wrapped your arms around them in hopes of keeping all of your heat centered. The cold has also decreased blood flow to your fingers, toes, and face, so everything has begun to feel frigid and stiff. It's gotten to the point where all simple movements are a chore. 
Right as you're about to accept your fate of becoming an ice cube, there is movement somewhere just in front of you. 
You're alert right away, but, not wanting to notify whoever it is that you're awake, you don't immediately jump into action. Instead, you grasp a part of your blanket and slowly tug it down to catch a glimpse of the intruder. 
But it's no intruder at all. Rather, you're met with two handsome faces hovering over you less than 5 inches away. You jump and pull your blanket back over your head reflexively, startled at how close they were (how did they move so quietly??). 
Quite chuckles register just above you and it successfully makes you huff indignantly. 
You reach up and pull your blanket back down, glaring up at the pair of them suspiciously much like before. "W-What are you two planning?" You stutter out despite trying to appear cross. The chattering of your poor teeth is just too strong to stop with speech, apparently. 
They look at each other and have a silent exchange instead of answering you, and when it seems that they've come to a conclusion they both straighten up. 
So you try again. "Hey, whatever shenanigans you're getting up to I want no part of." 
Still they do not answer. 
Verbally at least. 
Before you can even open your mouth to demand acknowledgement again Fili is at your feet and Kili has moved behind you. You try to sit up but a pair of arms coming up beneath your armpits and hands grabbing your ankles halt your movements. 
You almost complain, but Fili's hands are really damn warm on your icy ankles and- holy shit these two are strong. 
They lift you up like you're nothing and walk you over towards where their things are, still offering no explanation to their antics might I add, and moments later you're being lowered to the ground gently to lay between their things. You almost get up to return to your things, almost, but when Kili walks back over and grabs all your belongings and brings them over, you realize you just don't care enough. And they've already succeeded in kidnapping you away from your cold patch of ground anyway, and their patch of floor is much warmer than your own. 
You don't really know what you were expecting when they came over and 'woke you up' and literally carried you over to their area, but when Kili settled down to your right and Fili did the same at your left, suffice to say Y/N.exe has stopped working. 
Warmth spreads to your cheeks as you look back and fourth between the two, meeting their eyes each time you turned to look at the other and vise versa. 
"Did we startle you?" Fili asks suddenly, amusement sparkling in his pretty blue eyes. 
You just nod dumbly, looking at him silently as you try to process what the hell is going on. 
Then Kili speaks up, "We've shocked her dumb." It's meant as a joke, you know, but yeah he's not wrong though. 
"I'm not used to being ambushed like that. Especially by two handsome princes who are constantly pranking everyone else." You reply evenly despite your horrid mixture of embarrassment, flattery(?) and incredulity. 
"Aw, she thinks we're handsome." Fili speaks up again. 
Oh god did you actually say that part out loud?
They laugh again.
Shit you didn't say that in your head either.
You shake your head quickly and pull your blanket up to just under your chin. "W-Well, why did you bring me over here anyways?" An attempt to be nonchalant is made on your part, but you don't really think it's working. 
"Isn't it obvious? You're cold, and we are quite warm. Just because we like jokes doesn't mean we'll let the cutest member of our group freeze in the night." God the way Kili says that is so natural it's almost like he isn't complimenting you in an obvious attempt to fluster you. 
"Aye, Kili's got it exactly right. And there is no recollection of you saying you want us to bring you back, so..." 
Ah, now you get it.
They may have brought you over here by force, but they by no means intend to make you stay if you don't wish. 
Who knew they are actually total sweeties behind... nah you knew that the whole time. 
Deciding that their explanation was good enough, you look back up at the sky and lay your arms by your sides. "I'll accept that. But I'm not getting any warmer over here by myself." You state in an attempt to be confident. 
You only fluster yourself with your words though, and when a blush settles across your face again, they decide to poke and prod at your cheeks. 
"She's gone and made herself blush." Wow, great observation Fili. It's not like it's obvious or anything. 
"Okay, okay, we shouldn't bother her anymore. I'd hate to see her explode... or leave." Kili states in a softer voice than before. 
It seems they've had their fill of teasing you (finally), because you're suddenly being engulfed by two strong (WARM) pairs of arms. 
Fili, who is still at your left, turned onto his side and wiggles his right arm beneath your head and ushers your head to rest on his shoulder. Then he moves his not-pinned arm to lay on your stomach, curled so his hand lies on your sternum, between your breasts. It's not a sensual touch in the slightest, and the heavy weight there makes you feel protected.
Meanwhile, Kili has also turned onto his side with his heavy arm settled across your midsection. You can feel his chin pressing lightly against the top of your bosom, his head resting on your shoulder as his leg comes up to wrap around your own. His fingers press into the soft flesh of your side, and you release a quite, pleased sigh. Much like Fili, his touches and the placement of his head is in no way meant to be venereal. 
Being wrapped up between Fili and Kili like this makes your heart thump in your chest, and for a few moments you're not sure what to do with your hands of if it's okay to move.
"Relax love, just get comfortable." Kili mumbles muffledly against your chest. 
You try to do as he says and shift around slightly, closing your eyes as you lay your right arm just below Kili's and grasp his hand while simultaneously turning your head to press against Fili's neck because of the access this position gives you to it. 
Right away you're wrapped up in a cozy warmth and two safe embraces, and for the first time since this horrible winter has started, you feel comfortable. 
Sleep came quite easily to the three of you that night, and for the first time since this damn winter settled in, you actually slept through most of the night. 
When you wake, it's still dark and you aren't quite sure what time it is. 
It doesn't seem like anyone else is really awake yet other than Ori, who is on watch and minding his own business like a good boy, so it must mean that you've got a good few hours left to sleep.
You simply stare up at the sky above for a little while, before an obvious weight on your chest comes to your attention when someone moves. 
At some point in the night, Fili removed his arm from behind your head (no doubt because it fell asleep) and it was no tucked beneath him. His left hand had somewhat migrated in the middle of the night and now, instead of on your sternum, his heavy hand, quite literally, is placed on top of your left breast. Thank god it's the left one, though, because it's your favorite. One of his legs is hooked around your left one too.
While you're gazing down at your intertwined legs, you see that your other leg is entrapped as well, stuck between Kili's as he's basically on top of you. 
Kili's head also migrated in the middle of the night so that it's now laying on your sternum between your breasts in place of where Fili's hand was before (now you're beginning to wonder if it really is accidental, I mean come on, both of them?). His right arm is curled around your midsection too, and your right arm is sprawled out off to the side.
Your left hand is no longer clutching Kili's, for instead it simply rests on your stomach. 
Slowly you lower your head back to the ground, allowing your eyes to slip shut once more when they begin to droop. You're much to comfortable, more so than what's good for you probably, and you find that you loathe the idea of getting up any time soon. 
It doesn't take long for sleep to get ahold of you again, and when it does, you're basically dead to the world. 
The next time you wake up, it's not a natural occurrence. 
Movement and soft whispers bombard your senses, and, wanting to things to stay as they were, you whine and mumble a quiet, "Shh... 'm tryin' to sleep..." 
The shifting stops right away and silence ensues once more.
Right when you're at the edge of sleep again, though, you feel something gentle sliding down your cheek and another 'something gentle' caressing your arm. 
With a quiet sigh, you open your sleepy eyes and release a big yawn, eyes watering from the action. 
The first thing you see is Fili's face hovering above yours and his hand gently rubbing your cheek. You glance down and are met with soft brown eyes looking up at you with an expression you've never seen on that face before. His fingers are gently stroking the cool skin of your arm, and it successfully causes goosebumps to spread across your arms and legs. 
You break eye contact when heat begins to spread to your face, and you look back up at Fili who was watching you the whole time. 
"G-Good morning." You stutter out shyly, gaze flickering down to Kili's briefly. 
They both grin at you and reply in unison, "Good morning, Y/N." 
They're whispering, you notice, and with a quick graze of a look around camp you see that only a few early risers have begun to get up for the day, for the sun has only just begun to peek out from the horizon. 
The weight on your chest suddenly disappears, and another face comes up next to Fili's. 
You don't try to get up and instead just look up at the both of them. "Um... hello." You greet again. It seems your brain has ceased all rational functions, because you can't come up with anything witty or sassy to say for once. 
"Hi." Kili whispers back, not seeming amused by your loss for words like he normally would. 
Okay now it's getting kinda weird. 
You reach up slowly and pinch their cheeks in your hands, watching as Fili's nose twitches and Kili straight up glares at you. 
"I guess we haven't broken her after all." Fili muses, sitting back to give you some space. 
You sit up into a seated position once they're both out of your way and you stretch your arms above your head to loosen your tight muscles, squeezing your eyes shut from the effort. You groan softly from the pleasant stretch of your limbs, arching your back slightly to raise your hands higher. Once you're satisfied you allow your hands to drop back to your lap and reopen your eyes, looking between the two who are, still, staring at you. 
A blush unconsciously stains your cheeks again, and you begin to wonder when you've become so self conscious around these two. 
Whatever trance they were in seems to have broken, because suddenly they're both smiling again and moving to gather their things. 
"Now wasn't that much better than freezing to death?" Kili asks, slinging his arm around your shoulders after shoving all of his items at his older brother. 
"Hm, good question," You pause as a bashful smile curls at the corners of your lips, "I'll have to try it again before I can decide." 
Your answer seems to please him, because his grin grows and he looks over at his brother, "What do you think?" 
Fili only rolls his eyes at Kili's antics as he packs your blanket back into your pack for you, "Of course she has to try again, no one can make a decision after only trying something once." 
"Yes, I do suppose you're right, Fee." 
"Of course I am!"
"I wonder what else we can do to shock her?"
Gods these two are going to be the death of you. 
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lohastings · 3 years
characters → @jackson-knight @emprince  @ilana--reed
location: outside the event
Logan: After emptying the contents of her stomach once more Logan wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, she looked back to see where everyone was. Noticing them getting closer, she struggled to push herself up even though her energy was shot from her last attempt. She just had to get out of here before they could get to her, this way she could drown in her own misery in private. Inching herself back up to a standing position as everything began to spin again, she put a head to her head. Looking over to see them practically next to her and she held up her other hand to signal them to stop. "No, I don't need healed I'm fine." That was a lie, but she refused to let herself be spared the pain she deserved tonight. "I'm just going to go meet with the Council and go home. My injuries are fine. Ilana go heal others who actually need you." She got out before she felt sick once more and went to vomit, but instead fell back to the ground unable to balance herself. "I'm fine."
Jackson: The night was proving to be more than he’d signed up for, but no part of him had wanted to leave. From the moment he’d saw Logan and just how roughed she’d gotten, Jack had once again felt morally obligated to check in, even if she wanted him to do everything but that. With Ilana and Emily following suit, Jack closed the distance between the trio and the blonde who seemed desperate to be anywhere but near them. “Logan,” he exhaled weakly, not sure she’d even want to listen. “You’re not fine. You can’t even walk. You don’t want to see the Council like this,” he assured, looking back at the other two females before bending down to break the fall of the blonde. “You’re not fine, Logan. Just let Ilana do her thing and you’ll be good, right?” Eyes traveled up to the woman in question, hoping that it was as simple as that.
Ilana: If Logan hadn't already been injured Ilana would have smacked her right then and there. She and Emily had made their way back to the blonde, and all of the worry that Ilana had been storing was turning into anger now that Logan was refusing her help. "Logan you're very clearly concussed and you've lost so much blood you can barely stand. Let's think about not being a self-sacrificing idiot for like... one day." She sighed, moving closer to assess Logan's injuries. They were far from minor, but she had plenty of magic to heal them. After all she was conscious. That was at least something. Ilana flashed a thankful look at Jackson for catching her. "Seriously Lo, just let me heal you."
Emily: Emily should’ve known better than to leave Logan alone. Her will was far too strong to just...stay put, but they needed help, so she’d had to go and find Ilana. It almost didn’t surprise her when they returned to find Logan in Jackson’s arms, and Emily responded with an almost defeated sigh. “I thought you were going to wait there,” she frowned, approaching with caution by Ilana’s side. “You really do need to let her help you, Logan. You weren’t even conscious when I found you. I’m no doctor, but I don’t think that’s good.”
Logan: Hearing her name from Jackson and she sighed knowing already she was in trouble and they'd caught her. "I am fine. I'm just having trouble with my feet, but give them a second and I'll be fine." She promised him. "They've already seen me like this, everyone has. So might as well just continue on in the misery." Leaning back into him for support when he caught her, it was nice to have something steady to be again. "No." Informing both Jackson and Ilana. "I'm fine. This isn't me being a self sacrificing idiot. I got injured so let me heal like a normal person." Looking over at Emily before giving her an eye roll. "Please like I was going to wait. I was just taking a nap though, my head hurt but I'll be fine. People get concussions all the time." Stating like it was the most normal thing. "Jackson just let me know and I'll go home I promise."
Jackson: Stubborn women were nothing knew to him, but somehow Logan topped them all. “Feet stop working often?” He could admire her willingness to push forward, but nothing about her current state was even remotely okay. “None of this is your fault,” he pointed out, unwillingly to pull away despite her request. “Look, Logan, I don’t know how to say this,” he trailed off, worried that if she walked away like she wanted, something worse would happen. “You’re not some normal person.” She was the supreme, which meant she needed to be healthy and all that, right? “Just let her heal you. Please,” he continued, voice a little lower as he stared down at her. “Let her heal you and you can go wherever you want.”
Ilana: Ilana sighed deeply. She couldn't fix how Logan was feeling right now, that would have to come later. But she was going to heal her best friend, whether she liked it or not. She rolled up her sleeves before shooting a determined look towards Jackson. "Jack, can you hold her still for a second?" Without waiting for his answer she moved in, putting her hands out and starting to channel the healing magic through them. She knew Logan was going to fight this, but she wasn't the only one ready for a fight. "You're getting healed one way or another."
Emily: “No, people don’t get concussions all the time. But when they do, they normally need some help through them.” Emily kind of sucked at the whole persuasive thing, at least when it came to words. She simply nodded along with their arguments as to why Logan should accept the help, shooting a worried glance toward Jackson, and figuring that if she really needed to, she could try to compel her at some point. For now, she was naive enough to believe Ilana had things under control, so just stood closely by, ready to assist if need be.
Logan: Logan was half tempted to kick him when he made his comment asking if her feet stopped working often. Instead she chose to ignore it and continue to struggle. "Yes, it is my fault!" She shouted back. "All of this is my fault if I hadn't been weak and actually defended myself then we wouldn't be in this position and I could have stopped everything. I wasn't there to stop the potions or stop any of this." Feeling herself getting overwhelmed the more she thought about herself as a failure, she could feel the tears threatening to fall. "Enough. Let me go." Ignoring all of them when she saw Ilana channeling her magic, even though she knew she could barely stand she closed her eyes. Letting all the anger and rage she had inside come to a boiling point, when she opened her eyes they were red with fury. "I said no, Ilana." Trying to hold up her hand to produce fire, but the most that she could force out was a few sparks. "Fuck." Trying to channel her magic again, but it was like a drained battery." Snapping her fingers quickly as she attempted to keep trying until there was a tiny flame. "You can't heal me if I say no."
Jackson: He understood wanting to take the blame for something, even when it was something out of her control. There was plenty he took the blame for that night, but nothing had stopped him from trying to fix everything he could, Logan included. “None of this shit is your fault.” Whatever had happened, he was almost certain that there wasn’t much she could’ve done to change the night. Truth was, waiting until all of the species were mingling amongst one another was the perfect hunting ground for someone looking to strike for chaos. If that’d been the goal, then goal fucking achieved. “I can’t do that,” he argued, unwilling to walk away just because she wanted him to. “Logan,” he exhaled, noticing the change within her as he assumed she was channeling magic. “C’mon,” he pleaded, jaw clenched tight as his grip tightened around her. “Just let her heal you.”March 27, 2021
Ilana: Ilana exhaled, trying to maintain what little calm she had left. "Please Lo, just agree so I can heal you. You're not in any shape to fight this." Her anger was running out, replaced mostly by concern for her best friend. It had been an incredibly long night and she just wanted to make sure no one was seriously hurt so that she could go home to her bed and just curl up and sleep. She flicked a grateful glance at Emily, remembering that she had found Logan and brought her out of that building. Ilana would say thank you properly once all the chaos had died down, but it couldn't have been easy while Logan was bleeding. The brunette had a lot of thank yous to deliver, thinking about how Jackson had helped her get out of the building and set up a small recovery camp outside. "Let me at least heal you enough that you can make it home safely."
Emily: No part of this was Logan’s fault, Emily was confident about that, but she could see how hard she was blaming herself. If she had a beating heart, it would’ve totally broken for her, and all Emily could really do was pin her with a sympathetic look, one she was sure Logan didn’t necessarily want. She returned Ilana’s glance with a weak smile, before turning her focus to Logan again. “Hey, look at me,” she instructed gently, figuring that if she could hold her gaze, she could attempt to compel her. “None of this is your fault, okay? Just let Ilana fix this, and if you still want to be mad at yourself after, you can. Just not right now.”
Logan: Shaking her head at his words, she knew that deep down it wasn't her fault but rationally she couldn't get it out of her mind. Her eyes shifted over to Emily who was approaching closer, she looked back at her. Wanting to eye roll as Emily tried to compel her and she waited until she was finished. "My ex fiancé is a vampire who wants me back and is still in love with me, you don’t think I take vervain to prevent being compelled?” Answering like it was the most obvious thing in the world, she raised an eyebrow at Emily. Trying to jerk away from Jackson once more, she knew that this was a losing battle, especially when she couldn't even hold a flame. Feeling frustrated and overwhelmed tears started to stream down her face in defeat. "I don't deserve being healed. This is all my fault." Sinking back into Jackson as she stopped fighting and continued to cry. Looking over at a blurry Ilana, she started to cry harder. Knowing that no matter how much she kept trying to fight between the three of them she wasn't getting out of here. "Fine.' Giving them the okay to heal her despite the fact she wanted to continue living with this until she healed like a mortal.March 28, 2021
Jackson: Jackson hated hearing about her ex who didn’t seem to get the point. It was frustrating, but Logan could hold her own and truth was, it didn’t concern him. Giving Emily an apologetic look, Jack‘s hold on Logan eased slightly as she submitted to healing. “Nothing is your fault,” he assured once more, forehead leaning against the side of Logan’s head gently. He didn’t mind the dirt or the blood, not when she needed comfort. He could hear it in her heartbeat, just like Emily could. “Just focus on something,” he hummed quietly, hoping more than anything that it could be done quickly. Then again, the only time he’d been healed by a witch was during a moment he couldn’t even remember. “Do your thing,” he exhaled weakly, ready for the night to be over and for everyone to be safe.
Ilana: Ilana felt the hint of a smile twitching at the side of her mouth when Emily tried to compel Logan. It was fun to watch, though if it had worked she and Logan would have had to have another stern conversation.  She hated hearing Logan blame herself, but she honestly didn't think she'd be able to convince the blonde otherwise right now. She needed to heal physical wounds now, and she could make Logan feel better later. She was relieved to see the resignation from Logan, although the crying was starting a ripple effect that she couldn't really control. So there they were, Ilana reaching over and healing her, both of them crying. "You know I'm a sympathetic crier." She worked her way over most of Logan's body quickly, spending most of her time worrying over the head wound. Eventually she stepped back. "There. You've still lost a lot of blood so please take it easy for a bit, but you're healthy enough that I'll let you leave my sight." She sighed, leaning her head on Emily's shoulder and wiping tears off her cheeks. "You both have super-healing, the potions didn't mess that up right?" Her question was directed at Jackson and Emily. She wanted to make sure they didn't need healing either, but to be honest she was starting to get tired, even with the power of the coven to draw on
Emily: “It was worth a shot,” Emily murmured, pushing back the frown that began to crease onto her face. Fortunately, Logan seemed to relent anyway, so she just watched sympathetically as Ilana performed her healing magic. This night had been exhausting for everybody, probably Ilana and the other potion witches more than most, so as she leaned into her, Emily dutifully wrapped an arm around her middle. “Yeah, we’re fine,” she answered for the both of them, shooting Jackson a quick glance, before turning her attention back to Logan. “Why don’t you let Jackson take you home?” Then, to Ilana, “and I can stay here and help a little if you need it.”
Logan: Logan had appreciated Emily's attempt even if it had failed, if it were any other time she would have been impressed. Hearings Jackson say it wasn't her fault didn't make the situation any better, but it did help to calm her. Leaning back into him when she felt his forehead against her, welcoming the action. Tears still streamed down her face as Ilana made it over to her, she gave a soft laugh at Ilana mentioning being a sympathetic crier. It had been the reason growing up that Logan had avoided crying often, because she knew that Ilana would be in tears with her and nothing hurt more. "I know I'm sorry for crying." She apologized. Following Jackson's words and she moved her hand up to his and interlocked their fingers before looking back at him; he'd wanted her to focus on something so she focused on him. Letting Ilana heal her as she kept her blue eyes focused on him, slowly the dizziness and pounding headache all faded. Turning her attention back to Ilana when she spoke, she knew she was right. Despite being healed she wasn't in any shape to fight or even pick a fight, she was weak and tired. "Thank you." Looking over at Ilana, she bit the inside of her cheek feeling embarrassed by the whole episode. "I'll listen to you, I pinky swear." Using her free hand to hold up her pinky to Ilana, it had became their promise maker ever since they were children, she had yet to ever break one. "Are you okay?" Asking Ilana as she looked her over, she could tell she was tired.  At Emily's words she gave a nod letting her know it was okay, she would even bother fighting it, not when her was one of the few people who actually made her feel safe. "Can you please make sure she gets home? I'm worried about her too. She needs to stop healing before she drains herself." Logan warned too Ilana, she looked over at Emily.
Jackson: All Jackson wanted was for everything to be over and for everyone to be somewhere safe. There were too many people for a night of chaos to consume and quite honestly, he was tired. He was tired of it all and with an aching body and soul, he just needed a break. When Logan turned to him, Jack gave a knowing nod, keeping his eyes trained on hers in an attempt to offer whatever distraction she needed. "You're kind of badass," he grinned, noticing the difference in strength as her grip tightened in his the longer Ilana healed her. Once finished, Jack looked back toward Emily, giving her a weak grin as if saying thank you without any words at all. He'd definitely owe her, even if she didn't see it that way. "I'll stay with her," he hummed, nodding toward Logan. He didn't know much, but he knew how close the women were. "She's right though. You've done a lot." All of which paid off. "If there's anything you need, just call," he directed to Emily, knowing how important it was that she was safe too.
Ilana: Ilana was glad to hear that no one else needed healing. She had done all she could between brewing antidotes and healing injuries. She was glad Logan had started to calm down, but even more glad to see Jackson would take her home. She could trust him to take care of her. After all, he'd helped her get out of the building in the first place. Ilana could trust him with her best friend. "I'm all right. Definitely tired though. I think I needed that cry, so thanks. I hadn't really taken time to freak out over everything happening here yet." She flashed a smile at Logan and Jackson before directing her thoughts to Emily. "Emily, just promise me something," she said, the yawn betraying how tired she was before continuing "I want to eat something, but no pickles."
Emily: Emily watched the tension in the air begin to quickly dissipate. They’d had way more than enough drama for one night, so despite both Logan and Ilana’s tears, she felt like things were likely getting back on track. As much as they could taking everything into consideration, anyway. She instinctively tightened her arm around Ilana—hopefully not enough to hurt her; Emily didn’t always know her own strength—in an attempt to give her somewhere to rest. “Yeah, of course,” she promised, “she can come back to my place, or I’ll go back with her. I don’t know, we’ll figure something out.” She cast Ilana a quick glance, wordlessly asking her if that was okay. The corners of her pursed lips twitched into an amused smile. “I can’t promise you that. That’s, like, my signature dish,” Emily teased, finally dropping her arm from around Ilana’s small frame. “I’ll call you,” she nodded toward Jackson, sending him more of an apologetic smile than intended. They probably all had plenty of things to apologize for, all things considered, but that could wait until tomorrow. For now, they definitely needed to rest.
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The Unknown - Chapter 7. Perseverance  [Minho x Reader]
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Title: The Unknown - Chapter 7. Perseverance  ➔ Chapter 8. Here! Pairing: Minho x Female!Reader Published: 4 June, 2020 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore The Unknown Masterlist | Masterlists
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The next morning I woke up, got ready and walked out of my room to see all the Keepers walking towards the Council Hall. I walked up to Chuck who was standing in the middle of the Glade to ask him what was going on.
"Hi Chuck." I greeted him making him jump in his place.
"Morning Y/N." He replied and looked down on the ground. I grabbed his chin and made him look up to me.
"I'm here, not down there." I said chuckling and I saw a smile appear on his face too. "Do you know what is going on? I saw all the Keepers together." He slowly nodded.
"They have a meeting every month to discuss how the different jobs are performing or to discuss issues that the Gladers shouldn't be involved in." He explained.
"Oh okay." I replied and started pulling Chuck towards the kitchen. "Let's get some food." I stated simply and pulled the poor boy behind me. I felt him tense up when I touched him, but slowly he started getting more relaxed. We took a plate each and sat down at one of the empty tables. Almost no-one was present, only two or three boys were wondering around.
We ate our food quietly. I sensed Chuck didn't really feel like talking and I didn't want to force him to. However I knew it was my chance to start my war against Minho in regards to becoming a Runner.
"Do you know when this meeting is finishing?" I asked Chuck taking the last bite in my mouth.
"Should finish soon. They never stay longer than an hour." He said. I nodded, waved bye to him and took my dishes back to the counter. I walked out of the kitchen and sat down at the bottom of a tree a few meters away from the Council Hall.
I didn't have to wait before the door opened and people started leaving the room. Some of them looked at me curiously as to why I was sitting there, but didn't focus much attention to me. As Alby walked out he stopped in front of me.
"Is everything okay?" He asked and I nodded.
"Yep, I'm just waiting for someone." I replied. I kept looking towards the door when Minho appeared alongside Newt. "And here he is." I jumped up and walked up to the boys. "Hi!" I greeted them and stood on Minho's other side. He looked very confused at my appearance. Newt frowned at first, but he already knew I was planning something. The grin appearing on his face reassured me.
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"How are you, Y/N?" He asked chuckling.
"Very well, Newt." I replied.
"Okay, what is going on? This is creeping me out." Minho joined the conversation.
"I came to visit you." I said and he looked at me with wide eyes. As if I just told them a horror story of some kind.
"What do you want again?" He asked sighing.
"I told you yesterday. I want to be a Runner and I will not give up until you give in." I grinned at him hooking my arm into his. "Your life will become full of my constant nagging." I stated.
"I feel lucky." He said sarcastically while pulling a face. "I told you I will not change my mind. You will not be a Runner." He said and tried to pull his arm out of mine.
"Oh I will be! And you will make me one. Don't underestimate how pressuring I can be." I flashed a sly smile.
"Do I look like the kind of person who can be manipulated that easily?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
"No, you definitely do not." I answered honestly. "But everyone has a breaking point and I plan to find yours in turn to become a Runner." I held his arm stronger.
"You are very creepy sometimes." He said while still struggling to get out of my hold. Of course if he really wanted to pull his arm out, he easily could have, but I knew he didn't want to hurt me in the process. He might have been a pig-head, but he wasn't a bad person.
"Oh well, it's my charm." I replied acting as cute as I could. But he shook his head grimacing and I laughed at his reaction.
As it was Keepers' meeting on the morning Minho didn't have to leave the Glade, therefore he stayed in all day. Luckily it meant I could be around him and annoy him as much as I wanted. At some point people started whispering things like we were a couple, or we had something between us, but I just ignored it. It didn't really bother me as I did find Minho very attractive. An eye-candy of some sort.
"Minho!" I shouted after him as he left the Map Room and started walking towards his room. "Hi!" I said innocently.
"You again? Aren't you getting bored?" He asked letting out a tired sigh.
"I'm all good." I grinned at him. "So how about the Runner thing?" I asked and his eyes were glaring at me like he wanted to put daggers in me.
"Do I look like a faulty recorder to you? Why do I have to keep repeating everything when it comes to you? My answer is no and it will stay that way." He said and put his hands on his eyes.
"And now?" I asked chuckling, but he just glared at me.
"You are shucking annoying." He said sighing deeply. "Newt!" He shouted to the boy working at the Fields. "Get this baggage off of me." He asked him as if I was some kind of an unwanted luggage left behind.
"Sorry, can't help you out." He grinned and focused on his job.
"What are friends for?!" He said seemingly giving up.
"So? Did anything change?" I pushed his shoulder jokingly.
"Not in the slightest." He said and started walking away from me. I grabbed his arm again this time with my injured wrist and I hissed in pain. I stopped following him and started inspecting my wrist. "Pay attention you shuck-face." He stopped a few meters away from me. I looked up at him surprised, but soon changed into a grin at his attention and I run over to him.
"You don't have to worry about me. I'm tough." I said linking my arm with his while he put his hands in his pockets.
"Who said I was worried?" He scoffed.
"You don't have to say it. It was way too obvious." I replied shrugging my shoulders.
"Think what you want." He said. I chuckled at his response.
"Does that mean I can think that you agreed that I can be a Runner?" I smirked looking at his profile.
"Not that." He sighed and I knew I was close to making him give in. I could be very persuasive when needed to be. I just felt it in my bones.
As we walked to the kitchen to grab something to eat, a few heads turned at the sight of us linking arms. I just grinned at them and they quickly turned away. We took a plate each and sat down with Alby, Newt and the two of the same runners who were sitting with us the day before. I really should have learned the names, but it seemed to be the least of my worries.
"What's going on?" Newt asked. "You seem to be very strong-headed about it." He smirked.
"She is like a cockroach. You can't get rid of her." Minho stated with a bored expression while stuffing his face.
"Awww thank you." I cooed and he looked at me so confused, his food almost fell out of his mouth. He coughed and opened his mouth to reply.
"That was not at all a compliment." He shook his head.
"That actually is. Because you said you can't get rid of me, meaning you will have to give in some time, because you will not be able to handle my annoying behaviour much longer." I explained with a smirk spreading across my face. He just sighed and continued eating.
Notes: If you enjoyed it, don’t forget to like the chapter. Thank you :)
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ejzah · 4 years
Part 3 is here! This is now officially called The Agent and the Lawyer. Because everything else about this is ridiculous so why not? Thanks to everyone who’s commented and such, I really appreciate the response on this crazy story.
The Agent and the Lawyer, Chapter 3
“Mr. Deeks, you already know Agent Blye. And these are Agents Sam Hanna and Callen. Gentleman, this is Martin Deeks, attorney at law,” Hetty said by way of introduction. Callen nodded at Deeks, but Kensi noticed he was scrutinizing him.
“You’re letting a lawyer consult,” Sam said, looking at Deeks with obvious distaste.
“Yup,” he answered, popping the “p” and grinning even more widely. Kensi swore she saw a vein in Sam’s head twitch. “Is this seat taken?” Wordlessly, they all watched as Deeks sat at the spare desk, making himself comfortable.
“Because Mr. Deeks happens to have relevant information to the case,” Hetty said, smiling indulgently at Deeks.
“I think I know why Greg was killed,” Deeks offered. “And it’s just Deeks by the way.”
“How on earth did you find that out in two hours?” Kensi demanded, annoyed and, even more annoyingly, impressed.
“I told you, I can be persuasive.”
“And annoying,” Sam said under his breath. Ignoring him, Deeks added,
“I asked Greg’s paralegal if he knew anything and it turns out the man is a natural gossip. I learned way more about Greg’s sex life than I ever need or wanted to know. Anyway, he told also me about several calls he overheard and then got me access to one of Greg’s private emails. After a little digging, I figured out he was involved in some kind of money racketing scheme.“
“I can’t believe it.” Kensi knew her tone was less than flattering, but Deeks didn’t seem to notice or care.
“I know where the bodies are buried,” he said proudly and then frowned, adding, “The metaphorical bodies, not the literal ones. Because that would be illegal.”
“Get to the point, Deeks.”
“Sam-is it ok if I call you Sam?”
“No,” Sam answered sharply.
“Ok. I called this guy that Greg had been in contact and told him that I had evidence linking him to the murders. I told him if he didn’t let me in on the operation, I’d take my evidence to the police and I knew how to make it stick. I’m supposed to me him at six at an old AC storage facility,” Deeks finished and then placed his hands behind his head, leaning back in his chair.
“Great, so me or Sam will meet this guy in your place,” Callen started to say, but Deeks shook his head.
“Yeah, no, that’s not going to work. He knows what I sound like. Besides, he’d spot you as a fed right away,” Deeks said.
“But you’re not an agent and you’re definitely not qualified.”
“I feel like I should be offended.”
“Hetty,” Sam said, turning to the their tiny leader.
“Your concerns are noted, but Mr. Deeks will be going undercover. We will provide any necessary backstopping and prepping he might need,” she said.
“Sweet!” Deeks said, like he’d just one a prize at the circus and not agreed to a dangerous mission.
“Hetty, this is not a good idea,” Kensi said, approaching her boss’s desk. They’d spent the last couple hours explaining agency protocol to Deeks and run through several different scenarios depending on what his contact might do. “He is not prepared.” She lowered her voice in case Deeks might happen by.
She’d noticed he had an annoying habit of popping up at the most inconvenient times.
“Yes, I think you, Mr. Hanna and Mr. Callen have all voiced that opinion quite adequately,” Hetty said patiently. When she said nothing else, Kensi sat down in one of the low armchairs without invitation.
“He has no training. I doubt he knows how to fire a weapon, and even if he did, we can’t give him one. What if he gets killed?” Hetty cocked her head, observing Kensi in a way that was completely disconcerting.
“You seem very worried about him.”
“Of course I am! He’s a civilian. Four hours ago he was just a witness and now we’re putting him in a position where it’s very likely he’ll be hurt, or worse.” Hetty reached out and patted her hand.
“Kensi, believe me when I say that we will do everything in our power to keep Mr. Deeks safe,” Hetty assured her.
“Deeks, please tell me you’ll consider,” Kensi said as she watched Deeks slid a tie through his collar and expertly adjusted it. Hetty had pulled out all the stops in the wardrobe department and she had a feeling when Sam and Callen saw, they would be jealous.
“Careful Agent Blye, I might think you actually care,” he teased. Without thinking, Kensi reached out and touched his arm. He followed the gesture with a look of surprise. His skin was warm through the linen of his shirt and sent a shiver down her back; she pulled back quickly, awkwardly smoothing her hair behind her ear.
“You don’t have to do this.” He stopped fiddling with his tie and crossed his arms over his chest, emphasizing his biceps and upper chest.
“Your lack of faith in me hurts. Seriously though, why do you think I can’t handle this? I actually do know how to handle myself in a rough situation.”
“But this won’t just be a rough situation. This guy your meeting might have killed three people. And two of those men were highly skilled members of the military,” she said, telling herself that her concern was purely due to him being a civilian, and nothing more.
“That’s why I have you to watch my back,” he said, smirking again. “You’ll keep me from doing anything too stupid, right?” Kensi squeezed the bridge of her nose, trying to hide her own smirk.
“I don’t think that’s possible.”
“You wound me Blye.” He shrugged on the suit jacket Hetty had provided, which was a dark gray, and spun in a quick circle. “What do you think?”
Kensi thought he looked even better in person in a suit and marveled at how well it fit him for not being tailored. And Hetty had definitely made a wise choice going with a blue tie, it emphasized his eyed.
Keeping her face impassive, she shrugged.
“You’ll do.”
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