#I feel like this discussion is so polarized in both directions
homewrecking · 2 months
Ok, I am still a little confused about this discourse. Regardless of your opinion on terms like “transandrophobia” or “transmisandry”, we all generally believe that transmasculinity is a marginalized identity, right?
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sleeplesssmoll · 6 months
Reverse 1999 Theory: What is "Perception" and how does it work in arcanists? (Ngl I'm very proud of this one. Bare with me and I'll blow your mind! This game is so good!)
Vertin canonically has uncanny perception and a deep understanding for arcanum even amongst arcanists, despite her lack of skill. Arcanists are very sensitive, or rather, vulnerable to emotions. There is another arcanist known for her perception we can look at for more clues.
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Mesmer Jr. also has a "acute perception", much like Vertin.
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In Reverse 1999, Perception functions like a 6th sense in arcanists. But how does it work? I looked up to see if there is a connection between magnetic fields and emotions. Turns out there is A LOT. Specifically the magnetic field radiated by the heart.
Biomagnetic Communication Between People (source).
We have found there is a direct relationship between the heart-rhythm patterns and the spectral information encoded in the frequency spectra of the magnetic field radiated by the heart. Thus, information about a person’s emotional state is encoded in the heart’s magnetic field and is communicated throughout the body and into the external environment.
There is so much cool information in this article I'd love to gush about, but we're here for lore. Remember my psychube post that I never shut up about? It's actually missing very important information that I didn't add at the time because I could not figure out how it worked.
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The different frequencies are triggered by different kinds of emotions and we can see the heart being affected by the electromagnetic fields. My theory is that this is the key to arcanist perception. This is how they "sense" emotions. They are picking up on these frequencies. For a real life example from the same article, look at these graphs showing how the influence of emotions:
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Most people tend to think of communication solely in terms of overt signals expressed through facial movements, voice qualities, gestures and body movements. However, evidence now supports the perspective that a subtle yet influential electromagnetic or "energetic" communication system operates just below our conscious level of awareness. The following section will discuss data that suggests this energetic system contributes to the "magnetic" attractions or repulsions that occur between individuals.
Arcanists sense these waves and it can cause distress in them. Mesmer Jr. is a prime example of this. Other people's emotions get to her.
Now how does this tie into our beloved Timekeeper?
What if the reason Vertin has to stay "stoic" is because her emotions can influence the others around her and because she is extra susceptible to other people's incoming emotions. She needs to stay calm even in mental distress. Mesmer Jr. is also like this. She may come off as abrasive and snappy at times but she is described as a "an indifferent and refined machine" (Chapter 3: An Opened Sandwich). These two share a lot in common. They are both victims of trauma yet must operate in many emotionally taxing positions.
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They even say "engraved in the heart" (although this could simply be word choice it really fits)!
Both Vertin and Mesmer Jr. struggle everyday to keep the their feelings at bay. Neither of them is "used" to this life but they have to keep up the facade for their sake and possibly for those around them.
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The main story doesn't give us as much insight into Vertin's head but the traces do. She is always holding back, just like Mesmer.
Side note, do you remember the heartbeat we heard as Schneider was reversed? It raced. Interesting how later Schneider shows up in one of her dreams during Artificial Somnambulism. This could be an example of HF Polarization which generates strong and temporary mental images with very powerful emotions (assuming the heartbeat was actually Vertin's as she watched Schneider vanish). EDIT: This part is the most speculative as it could Schneider's too and the scene would still make sense. that 'assuming' is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.
This also adds an extra layer to Vertin's interactions with others. She tried to get through to Druvis and Schneider, but as for Forget-me-not and Arcana, she didn't bother. Maybe their feelings of revenge and hatred are so tangible she knew it was lost cause. However, Druvis was laden with grief and loss. She was not a malicious person. Schneider was desperate and motivated by love for her family. Vertin even mentions she knew Madam Z was not part of Constantine's game by the "look in her eyes" and never blamed her for the loss of her friends.
If anything seems wrong or if I missed something, please let me know! I'd be happy if I could refine it further.
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in the past week or so ive seen a lot of people posting about how there's this oversexualization of trans girls on the site, and I gotta agree, there are way too many people (including other trans women!) who act like we're all dtf 24/7 or always super kinky and horny. I've been tired of that stereotype for ages and i am saying this as a rather sexual trans girl myself...
...but I think people are overcorrecting a bit now, and are starting to veer into "trans women shouldnt be talked about sexually / need to be shielded from it" territory. and, to me, that's really dangerous, because outside of some queer spaces - and even within them- the sexuality of trans girls is heavily scrutinized, as is attraction to us. as much as I dislike certain aspects of the memes and jokes that kickstarted the stereotypes, I'm kinda grateful for them as well. girldick jokes helped with my bottom dysphoria, voice kink shit helped me like my voice, and the whole "tgirl tummy tuesday" thing gave me a lot of confidence in my body where I hated it before. I think this open appreciation of trans sexiness has done a lot for both me and others on tumblr.
again, obviously its got its problems - people end up assuming every trans girl is horny, or only spread positivity if its related to sex with us, and of course the people who do have dysphoria from the things that are being sexualized are left out (like those the "girls without dicks are like angels without wings" memes, ugh, feels icky every time). and on the note of comparing tgirls to angels, we also started getting treated like we're ethereal fertility goddesses and that t4t sex was some inherently sacred ritual. spoiler alert, trans girls are normal-ass people and t4t sex can be holy for the participants but its generally a pretty normal thing to do as well
coming back to the "don't sexualize trans girls" posts now, I think they were initially going in the right direction, but at this point I'm starting to raise an eyebrow at more than a few of them. I'm not gonna whip out the "youre a sex hating puritan if you post about it" accusation because that is obviously wrong but again, I think people are definitely overcorrecting and starting to turn this into a (false) dichotomy when it's not. its a complex topic and each individual trans woman will feel differently about it.
(I feel like the internet just erases any nuance in favor of a two-sided, highly polarized flamewar with unrealistic views on both sides. actually i wouldn't even say this is a super-nuanced discussion because its really not that hard to say "fetishization is bad, but so is suppression of sexuality". will this post just end up being a void scream and people will continue drawing lines between one side and the other? probably. but I am a stubborn bitch and I have hope that we can be reasonable.)
anyways I'll close this off by saying that I wrote this between around 1:30 and 2 AM on terrible sleep the night before, that I hope what I said is coherent enough, and that I will keep being a trans girl who is openly sexual, gets horny over other trans women, and is proud to be transsexy as fuck. I will keep being critical of jokes and trends and memes that stereotype us, even from our own community. I will keep being angry at how poorly us trans folks are treated with regards to our sex lives, bodies, and relationships between the two. I will keep loving and lusting over trans women without fetishizing them. And I will keep doing all of these til the day I die.
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mae-i-scribble · 11 months
I’ve been thinking so much about how ASTV goes out of its way to set up Miles and Gwen as both parallel and directly opposing each other throughout the entire film and going just a little feral so now I am subjecting my essay upon the internet.
First off we have the direct comparisons that can be made between Miles and Gwen as people, the way they both use that awful fake low voice to disguise themselves. Both of them have fathers that are in the police force who were at one point staunchly against spider-man and to whom they have to conceal themselves from. Both of them started out as superheroes around the same age. Both are established as people who despite having support groups around them who support them (miles and ganke plus his parents, gwen with her band and her dad (here on a technicality)) to be desperately lonely people because they can never discuss who they are in full with anyone, and who in turn feel a special connection with each other because of all these similarities in their unique situations. Both of them are also painted as anomalies, with Gwen being a Gwen Stacy who exists outside of the ‘girlfriend who tragically dies’ role given to her other universe counterparts (this may change in BTSV based on some creator statements but for now its all we have to go off of). And Miles, the kid who was never meant to become spider-man but who excelled at the role. Both of them are extremely skilled superheroes who keep up with the older veterans despite their age too.
And then we have some of the hard hitting differences. The polar opposite relationship these two have with both their fathers and with family in general. Even as spider-man, Miles has kept a good rapport up with his father and the police, if met with a little more annoyance from the police. Gwen on the other hand, has been hunting down like a criminal for most of her vigilante life, doubly so by her own father who even when confronted with the fact that his daughter is spider-woman, tries to lock her up anyways. Something we know with absolute certainty Miles’ dad would not do. Gwen’s dad is also the only family she has left, and even before that it seems that her support group was very small and limited to Peter and Aunt May. On the other hand Miles has both his parents and a lot of people he can at least call acquaintances (we see this in the first movie as he has always been a bit of a people person, well loved at his old school). We also see a stark difference in how they would have handled being told they couldn’t use the watches to visit. Gwen, clearly afraid of losing the one safe space she has left, keeps in line regardless of her own feelings because she cannot risk it. Miles, on the other hand, had he been put in a position to join spider-society before Gwen, would have gone to see her by any means- he was already trying to see both her and Peter from his own dimension.
There are some other scenes and visuals that also continue this trend, screencaps and explanations of those below the readmore.
First off we have the visual contrast between Miles and Gwen’s respective dimensions. Gwen’s world is a blur of color, the cityscape blends together only to focus on the things Gwen cares about. It’s painted together.
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Miles’ world, on the other hand, while having a slight blur that is reminiscent of older comics, stands out much more sharply. And while not as distinctly colorful as Gwen’s world, its a much brighter take on our everyday reality (mostly this one shot is not the best example).
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When Miles and Gwen first meet and start talking on the bank building, this shot happens. As Gwen sits with a backdrop of shadows we pan up to see Miles standing, the archway giving him the bright backdrop of sky. Right here, as they talk about what could happen if Miles’ were to reveal his identity, visually they are on two opposite sides of one story to reflect how ideologically separated they are on this topic. There’s a physical divide between them. This is coupled by the way ATSV uses the imagery of people being oriented in different directions to show their separation. It’s used in the promo art for Miles vs spider-society, and twice in relation to Miles and Gwen specifically.
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But despite their vastly different experiences, the way that their lives have played out so differently, they still have a connection, shown by the way that Miles gets down to match Gwen’s perspective. He literally meets her at her level, and by doing so they get a view that only the two of them can share. Miles is what brings them back onto the same parallel track by orienting himself to match Gwen. That divide doesn’t exist anymore.
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This one is less meaningful I just kinda thought it was cute how they essentially had the same reaction to watching the Spot’s plan play out.
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The most meaningful shot in this scene though once more brings back the separation via oriented in opposite directions though. The backdrop behind them is open, connecting them together, and they’re on the same level face to face. However, Miles is upside down. Rather than Gwen being the one in strong disagreement, now Miles is with the fact that Gwen would choose to abandon him without telling him anything. And unlike Miles, Gwen doesn’t have the chance to try and see it from his perspective.
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The last point I want to bring up is two paralleled shots in the movie. The first being when Miles catches Gwen with his web when she falls in Mumbattan. Here, the only thing that makes the web snap is when Miles’ starts glitching, literally the only thing the could have made him drop her is the universe itself interfering.
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Vs when Gwen returns the favor in Nueva York. Only this time it isn’t about the universe interfering, it’s about how she’s lost Miles’ trust so completely, so utterly, that he would rather break off this connection himself than have Gwen save him.
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All these things come together to just break my heart over what’s happened to their friendship- I really want some solid resolution to just how much both Gwen and Peter have hurt Miles in the next movie. But also the levels this movie goes to show just how these two are connected to make their intense bond over such a short period more believable is just superior film making at its best. If anyone has more examples I didn’t point out here please let me know I would love to see them.
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skeletonpunching · 1 year
Buddy Daddies producer interview
Interview with Tsuji Mitsuhito (P.A. Works producer) and Toba Yosuke (Aniplex producer)
Interviewer: "Buddy Daddies" is an original work, but how did the initial concept for the project come about?
Tsuji: I'd just started parenting children of my own, and I had a discussion with Toba-san about how it might be nice to do something with that theme - that was the start of it. To be honest, I'd brought this up to various producers before, but I was told that stories about "parenting" were a hard sell…
Toba: Personally, I didn't say it was "impossible" from the start. I said first off, I'd go home and think it over. Building a new piece of entertainment around "parenting"... I thought about it, and in the past, there were foreign TV shows like the sitcom "Full House". Going with that general vibe, I thought it might be fun to have a story about people who have no affinity for parenting getting jerked around by children, and having to struggle through it. And also, I thought about including anime-typical action… For example, wouldn't it be fun if someone who usually murders people gets saddled with parenting? It might feel like "Léon" [1994 movie by Luc Besson] or "A Perfect World" [1993 movie by Clint Eastwood], wouldn't it? Something like that. And then Tsuji-san brought up the topic of the Netflix-distributed movie "Polar" [2019 movie, known for starring Mads Mikkelsen], and this became the story of a hard-boiled man raising a child.
Tsuji: The protagonist of that story was an old assassin guy, so I tried to picture him raising a child.
Toba: But characters who are "old guys" are a tough sell, so I wondered, what comes next? (laughs) And there's the common trope of an assassin taking in the child of a target they killed, but it seemed rather hard to set up a natural way for a killer to take in a child of their own accord. Like in the case of "Léon", the young girl Mathilda voluntarily seeks out the assassin herself - that's a good fit. But Tsuji-san said he didn't want the child to be old enough to make up their own mind and act on it themselves. He preferred a younger child.
Tsuji: After all, it's incredibly difficult parenting kids in early childhood, when they're getting wilful and assertive. I wanted to create a character at that age.
Toba: If so, I thought it'd be tough to develop things further… And then I met Shimokura-san [Shimokura Vio, writer for Nitroplus] on another project, and we got to chatting, and I asked for his opinion. And he said, "In that case, having a duo would work well." One of them is a guy who wants to ditch the child and leave them be, but the other's personality is the opposite, and the interactions and dialogue between these two inevitably create a back-and-forth. If you set up a scenario like this, it's bound to go somewhere, he said. I think Shimokura-san helped me immensely by coming up with this excellent idea. So I decided, let's go straight down the route of odd-couple assassins raising a child.
Tsuji: And I think that's how the idea of this as a "buddy story" really got started. The protagonists were a bit younger than the original concept, but we got them up to around their late twenties to thirties.
Toba: And I thought it'd be nice if these two men took on the roles of father and mother. The two men are bringing up a child without any blood ties to them - that's quite a modern story, reflecting how values are diversifying, and I figured this would work well. "Family with no blood ties" and "two people of the same gender raising a child" - I think both of those are really great themes.
Interviewer: In a so-called "buddy story", the way the main characters' dynamic is written is really essential - what did you focus on in the creation process?
Toba: The two of them essentially get along well, but their personalities being direct opposites is easier to work with, so we used that as a base.
Tsuji: One of the characters is in the mother's role, shouldering the main burden of parenting; the other character is a deadbeat dad who takes up the father's role anyway… Starting from this, we came up with their dialogue and personalities.
Toba: A caring mother, and a father who takes his regular job seriously but does absolutely nothing once he gets home. We basically took that setup and changed them into assassins.
Interviewer: Since this is an original work that was created from scratch, was there anything you got especially hung up on?
Toba: The question of how to depict "parenting". If I had to put it into words now, I'd say that "becoming a family" ended up being a major theme.
Tsuji: (Kurusu) Kazuki has experienced lost love, and (Suwa) Rei is a character with no idea what love is, and all this changes through living with the child (Unasaka) Miri. So portraying the changes the two of them undergo is a big part of it.
Toba: Another detail of the story is the inclusion of "relatable parenting moments". For example, how two men go about "hokatsu" (the hunt to enrol their children in daycare), or what reaction two men have the first time they visit a "specialty children's store"... that's fun to see, isn't it? A guy pedalling around with a child on his bicycle, and he's actually an assassin - stuff like that. I think that sort of minor detail brings out the comedic elements and makes the story more engaging.
Interviewer: So basically, making the details of parenting more realistic.
Toba: Of course. Since many of our staff on this project are veteran parents.
Tsuji: There are also veterans among the writers, so they incorporate plenty of "relatable parenting moments".
Toba: We have a scene along the lines of getting a call from the daycare while you're at work, and being told that your child has a fever, and thinking, "Seriously? I'm on the job (assassination) right now."
Tsuji: The protagonists are basically newbies to parenting, so how will they cope with this… I thought it'd be interesting to show that.
Toba: After all, given their positions, they live in the shadows. There's no one they can discuss this with.
Interviewer: What is the appeal of Kazuki and Rei as characters?
Tsuji: At the outset, Rei doesn't have much emotion, and has no idea about love - but over the course of all 12 episodes, he displays really subtle changes, and I hope the viewers will sense that evolution. I would be very happy if you get emotionally invested in his progression towards understanding love; it's charming and worth watching.
Kazuki's buddy dynamic with Rei, and his parent-child dynamic with Miri, are a lot of fun. Toyonaga-san (Toshiyuki) plays Kazuki, and you get to enjoy his incredible range as an actor. He puts in flourishes that we never imagined, and it's delightful; I feel like he's enhanced Kazuki's charm.
Interviewer: We've already mentioned the actors, but Toyonaga Toshiyuki-san, who plays Kazuki, and Uchiyama Koki-san, who plays Rei, are both perfectly cast.
Toba: I feel like Uchiyama-san is almost just playing himself (laughs), but Toyonaga-san suits the role so well it's like it was written for him. I was amazed just how well it fit. It's like Kazuki is Toyonaga-san and Rei is Uchiyama-san in disguise - it feels as if they themselves are on the screen. It's incredible. That's what I think, personally.
Interviewer: Was the casting this time determined by audition?
Toba: We held auditions. But before that, there was already some talk floating around about how Rei was "very Uchiyama-san". 
Tsuji: There were lots of opinions like that, about the atmosphere and the voices. Previously, I'd worked on another P.A. Works project with Toba-san, and Uchiyama-san played the protagonist there. Generally, in the anime world, you don't often reuse a previous lead actor in your next project, but this time we couldn't shake that feeling of "Uchiyama-san really would be great for this". So who would be good as Uchiyama-san's buddy Kazuki… And we decided on Toyonaga-san. The two of them were a duo in "Zetsuen no Tempest" about 10 years ago, and since then, they've co-starred in various works. They already had a strong rapport, so it seemed like they'd make a good match.
Toba: When it came to this series, I really placed a lot of weight on that aspect as well. I requested that the performances feel a little raw, and as close to their actual selves as possible. So, rather than fitting themselves to the characters, the true goal was to fit the characters to the real people themselves. At that point, we could see Uchiyama-san doing that, and then we thought, "If Toyonaga-san is a good fit too…" And he turned out to be an even more perfect fit than we'd imagined. He's practically just being himself by now. (laughs)
Tsuji: Toyonaga-san comes to pretty much every audition for a P.A. Works project, so I knew that he'd tackled all sorts of challenges in his performances, and had a very wide range. Kazuki is a free-spirited character who isn't constrained by any mould, so I thought he'd be perfect for Toyonaga-san, who can throw himself so freely into his performances, and brings so much to every role. It also felt like P.A. Works had finally found a character that would let us work at full power with Toyonaga-san.
Toba: In that sense, it feels like Kazuki was truly finalised as a character after Toyonaga-san was cast.
Interviewer: Unasaka Miri holds the key to this story - how about Kino Hina-san, who plays her?
Toba: Miri's performance was also mostly left up to Kino-san herself.
Tsuji: Miri is a 4-year-old child, and personally, I wanted to depict a realistic child in anime. So, ever since the audition phase, I requested that everyone steer clear of the sort of stock phrases and mannerisms you find in so-called "kids' anime". If possible, I wanted a naturalistic portrayal of a child. And then I suddenly found myself very taken with Kino-san's performance. In that instant, Director Asai [Yoshiyuki] and I spontaneously glanced at each other, like, "It's her." After she graced us with such wonderful acting, it was a simple decision.
Interviewer: So you wanted the tone and vocal quality to be realistically childlike.
Tsuji: That's right. I was aiming for a performance close to a realistic 4-year-old, but Kino-san is really smart, and gave a take that was uniquely hers. I'm grateful that I could watch the recording process with no worries as well. When all three of the main actors were present, it felt like witnessing a parent-child conversation for real.
Interviewer: You brought up foreign TV shows at the start - so did you consciously draw inspiration from foreign works when writing characters who were involved in the assassin trade?
Toba: It was quite a conscious decision. As mentioned before, the cast's performances were fairly raw, and we were sticklers for realism. We wanted it to feel more like a work which had been dubbed [into Japanese]. We were envisioning something like those really straightforward foreign dramas, which are so-called crime/suspense stories containing comedic elements. I was thinking along the lines of, "This is something J. J. Abrams (American movie and TV producer) would make!" (laughs)
Tsuji: Or rather, let's get J. J. to make a live-action version. (laughs)
Toba: A live-action foreign drama about an assassin raising a child has plenty of possibilities.
Interviewer: Now, please say what you think are the selling points of this series "Buddy Daddies".
Toba: The ups and downs of the buddies' interactions. The comedic contrast of usually-cool assassins being jerked around by a 4-year-old. I think those are the most enjoyable parts to watch. Of course, like I said just now, the main theme is something like "murder and parenting, work and family, which to choose?!", and what conclusion they'll reach in the end… Those dramatic parts are another highlight.
Tsuji: When Miri is riding roughshod over those two adults, she's animated in a really adorable way - I hope you pay attention to all her fun movements. Also, as mentioned before, I'd like you to carefully follow Rei's emotional development. 
Toba: By the way, Tsuji-san's child is also part of the production staff.
Tsuji: I got them to draw Miri's drawings which appear onscreen.
Toba: I said I wanted a real child to do Miri's drawings, and he was like, "Isn't there one right there?" (laughs)
Tsuji: My kid is 6 years old, but it's quite tough to get them to draw. Of course, doing all of it was out of the question, so I mostly asked them to draw the key pictures.
Toba: That sort of realism can't be achieved by an adult, even a professional animator. Getting a child to draw it is significantly more convincing. We made sure to properly include them in the staff credits; I truly hope you look forward to seeing where this art is used.
Interviewer: Finally, please give a message to everyone who is anticipating this series.
Toba: It's a really fun comedy, so I think it's just right to watch without getting too worked up. Just relax and enjoy yourself for 30 minutes.
Tsuji: Personally, I hope that people who are tired out from parenting will watch this and feel that empathy of, "Oh, I'm not alone after all!" I'd like this series to bring them some relief. Of course, not just those people - I want people with no experience of parenting to also watch this and think, "Children are pretty nice."
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wigglesdtuff · 1 year
I still can't believe people don't think she's vital to the endgame. She is SO important in finding the one piece and figuring out whats up with the void century. They seriously could not do it without her, or at least it would be a whole lot harder. And even then, she's a valued member of the crew regardless. They love her and she loves them and that's all that matters.
"Also ask me about how i'm convinced robin and luffy are half siblings" oh my god i'm so curious about this, please do give me the run down
I don't know how to answer two asks at once, forgive me but this is also for @tomorrowcomest0day
OKAY Thank you for waiting, I had to run an errand and then bought a coffee SO HERE WE GO!
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I actually have so many thoughts about this you have no idea. I'm very normal about Nico Robin.
PREFACE: Okay so this is a very silly theory that is almost entirely opinion based/gut feeling related. I'm not an expert at anything and this is not at all in-depth. It does not change the core of the story in any way with regards to Luffy and Robin’s relationship. To me, it already reads as a sibling relationship, and I find it incredibly endearing and sweet - the found family aspect being super important. I just also think it would be very sweet if Robin had a little actual family left after the events of Ohara, especially someone who she already very much cares about. SPOILER WARNING. THIS WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR EGGHEAD, SO AS A PRECAUTION I SUGGEST BEING CAUGHT UP!
At a glance, Luffy and Robin are polar opposites. Luffy is loud, boisterous and impetuous. Robin is quiet, reserved and calculated. HOWEVER, these are two sides of the same coin. They are both very intelligent, but where Robin is incredibly book smart, Luffy has intuition that could rival the gods. There is an overlap where, inexplicably, they understand each other without really having to say anything - moreso than some of the other Straw Hats. The most common example being in Zou when Luffy was trying to recall the name of Marco from the Whitebeard pirates. 
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They share a wavelength, and it’s not just this. Luffy has always been particularly blunt - so has Robin. Even as far back as Ohara.
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I can dig up examples of Robin and Luffy both being blunt/grim, but I think if you’ve watched the series/read up until this point you’ve seen it. Luffy tells Coby in the first episode that he hates him. He tells Shirahoshi he doesn’t like her because she cries. Robin’s entire schtick is that she says something out of pocket. 
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Coming back to the notion that they're polar opposites and yet two sides of the same coin: The potential Sun and Moon symbolism. This one I won't go too much into, because it's entirely conjecture, but we know Luffy is the Sun God, but what in the world is up with Robin's DF and why does it seem like it's in the moon carvings?
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Nothing is really confirmed because I don't think they've really discussed Demonio, but if we get a reveal later that the Hana Hana no Mi is ALSO more than just a paramecia, I would just not be surprised. In any case, the potential for the Sun and Moon siblings is just fun to me, so take that with a grain of salt (like this entire post).
Monkey D Dragon - The deadbeat dad himself. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was two for two. So we know a fun little tidbit from one of the more recent chapters, and that's the fact that not only did he know of Ohara's existence (and subsequent nonexistence), he visited to pay his respects and promptly started the Revolutionary Army as a direct result of the Buster Call on Ohara. It's not evidence of any familial connection, but it's also not not evidence, you know? He is of age, and the only mention of Nico Olvia’s husband is vague and alludes to him possibly being dead, but we have no confirmation on that yet. Olvia has white hair, which Robin very clearly does not. She, Luffy and Dragon all have the same hair color. It’s a common hair color, so again. Not evidence. But also not not evidence. We know he was looking for her since she was the survivor of Ohara, but that could always be a cover. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that he started the revolutionary army because of Ohara and sought the one survivor for 20 years, that’s all I’m saying here. It very well could be, but a girl can dream.
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IN SHORT: They are the Sun and the Moon to me, and I think that it's an entirely possible reveal, but it also means nothing to the overall story. She is already his sister tbh. Robin deserves all the family and love in the world, and Luffy also does. I WISH I was better at putting things together, but here are some thoughts LOL. Thank you for coming to my poorly written out Ted Talk, Tumblr really messed up my train of thought.
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honey-doc · 1 year
I noticed there’s a lot of discussion about Christianity in Trigun, but I don’t really see anyone talking about Taoism (I don’t know if I just haven’t seen it but I’m gonna say something anyways lol)
I noticed that in the final fight between Vash and Knives in the og anime, their energy blasts made a yin yang symbol twice so I had to go look up the beliefs of Taoism to be sure if it was on purpose
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Taoism philosophy is based on three pillars: simplicity, patience, and compassion. I’d say these traits suit Vash extremely well. And even Knives if you switch the compassion part to plants instead of humans.
Along with these pillars, the teachings of Taoism are: Going with the flow, Letting go, and Harmony. Throughout the series Vash’s very being reflects these teachings.
-He usually tries not to stay in one place for too long and is really good at accepting whatever situation he finds himself in as long as no one is killed
-His whole thing is wanting humans to live in harmony with each other (LOVE & PEACE ✌️)
-And he even manages to let go of Rem at the end of the series to a certain degree so that he can deal with Knives in their final confrontation
Then there’s the yin yang symbol.
I’m just going to paste what I got from a site I researched from:
-The yin yang is a symbolic representation of the world's polarities, dualisms, and fundamental dichotomies: light and dark, male and female, life and death. Although the light and dark sides of the yin yang represent duality, the two halves are not entirely opposed.
-Taoism recognizes that distinction and dichotomy exist, but emphasizes the ultimate relativity of everything. What seems good at a particular time, from a particular perspective, can seem evil from a different perspective.
I think this part plays into how sometimes Vash saving a life can cause trouble later on if it’s a violent person he’s saving like in Badlands Rumble even though, ultimately, his desire to save every life comes from a good place.
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Vash is the Yin and Knives is the Yang. They both play into their respective parts of the symbol so straightforwardly. Vash’s energy is feminine, softhearted, and intuitive. Knives is clearly played as his direct opposite as the masculine, hard hearted, and logical side (especially in tristamp, I feel).
Knives’ body suit is even white while Vash’s body suit is black, and their energy blasts here also correlate with what each side is supposed to mean for each of them.
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(Best picture I could use of the two of them in their body suits together sorry) It’s really amazing how much symbolism went into the making of Trigun, man. Masterpiece.
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cheiyunn · 4 months
Kimisute main story [1部 ] Part 4
[Skyfox Record]
Sosui: Sorry for asking you over despite being so busy
Shu: Sometimes its best to discuss this amongst us 3. It was me who called the meeting after all
Sosui: I suspect what you want to discuss is in regards to your next single
Shu: Yup
Shu: Our debut created a lot of buzz so even if it isn’t a big release we’ll still sell well
Shu: At the same time, if we make something only average we’ll be soon forgotten by the average listeners
Shu: So I thought that for this one, we come in with big bang
Shu: I’m sure that both Reiji and oldie Sosui here were thinking the same thing?
Reiji: That's true
Sosui: For me, I want to confirm what your direction for this is first
Sosui: Since you’re the founder of Skyfox Record after all
Sosui: What do you want to do, Shu-kun
Shu: Lets see…
Shu: I was thinking that I’d be good if there was a big celebration or something so…
Reiji: Are you… planning to do something again..?
Shu: Don’t look at me like that, obviously I won’t go to the level of my LRfes shenanigans anymore
Shu: That time was because papa had… nah forget it. Anyways, we just need something big enough to generate talk
Sosui: I’m relieved that we’re on the same page
Sosui: You’re free to begin production but for announcements, can you hold it for a bit
Reiji: Do you have something in mind?
Sosui: A little something, perhaps
Shu: Hm~... well the I’ll leave this in the old man’s hands. But. Don’t sit on it too long, timing will pass
Sosui: I’m well aware
Sosui: Oh right, is it alright if I leave the concepting of the new song to you?
Shu: Of course. Anything other than that is a breach of contract after all
--[Shu and Reiji leave Sosui’s office]--
Reiji: Shu. In regards to making Sosui-san the representative, what exactly were the terms in the contract between the two of you
Shu: Hm~? What, you curious~?
Reiji: I’m aware of the general outline but I’m suddenly curious in the details again
Shu: There isn’t anything odd about it though? Since the creatives and management are two polar ends
Reiji: That may be true but…
Shu: More importantly, about the new song
Reiji: Do you already have ideas?
Shu: I was thinking of leaving the creation part to Haruka and Tadaomi
Kanata: Oh! Karasuma-senpai, Shu-kun, good work~~
Tadaomi: How did the meeting with Sosui-san go?
Reiji: We mainly discussed about future developments
Shu: Mainly about how it's bout time to make a new song
Shu: Since I wanna change the atmosphere a li~ttle from what we’ve done so far so…
Shu: The next song’s lyrics will be done by Tadaomi, composition by Haruka
Haruka: …kay
Tadaomi: I got it, I’ll do my best
Haruka: …are the concepts up to us?
Shu: Sure~. I’ll leave it all to you two. I’ll be looking forward to what you’ll make
Kanata: Sounds like fun aniki~!
Haruka: ………
Reiji: Let's leave the sharing up to here and start practice Shu
Shu: True
--[Time passes]--
Tadaomi: Me and Haruka-kun making a song together huh…
Tadaomi: I’m shocked that we were even allowed to think of the concept ourselves. What happened, Shu-kun
Tadaomi: I wonder if you’re thinking of another fun thing to do?
Tadaomi: … if thats so then I’m ecstatic 
Tadaomi: Since we’re working on this together, I suppose I’ll need to discuss with Haruka-kun more than I have so far
Tadaomi: If I do that… maybe I’ll be able to experience viewing expressions that Haruka-kun has never shown me up until now
Tadaomi: How can I make him show them to me..?
Tadaomi: Since its always been so boring when we’re together…
Tadaomi: Fufu… I wish to know more…
Tadaomi: I want you to show me all the emotions that I’ve never known…
Tadaomi: Not just from Haruka-kun. From Shu-kun, Reiji-kun, Kanata-kun… I want to be suffocated in everyone’s inner feelings…
Tadaomi: Fufu…
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Serial Experiments Lain Theory
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Keep Reading Below for the theory
So, I have both watched the anime and played the game, and I have made some interesting observations.
From my understanding, the videogame and the anime are not within the same universe. They are two separate stories (with a few separate characters) exploring similar topics (The wired, identity, mental illness, loss of self, technology, etc) but I would like to propose that maybe the two worlds aren’t as separate as we’re led to believe.
No, this theory is not suggesting that both stories are happening within the same universe, but I do want to suggest that perhaps they are happening at the same time. Within the same realm?
(Side question, completely unrelated, what do you call what the universe resides in? If there are multiple universes, then its impossible for them to be everything, because there are multiple coexisting. That would mean the universes themselves reside in somewhere. But what? It’s like quarts inside gallons. The multiple universes are quarts. What is the gallon?)
Anyways. I would like to begin by analyzing Anime Lain and Psx Lain and their personalities/storylines.
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Starting with Anime Lain, what do we know about her?
Well, let’s list her characteristics:
Soft Spoken
Empathetic and Sympathetic
Doesn’t want to be lonely
Extremely Intelligent
Dislikes being questioned/analyzed
Plagued by hallucinations
I want to emphasize what I believe to be 3 of her most important traits for this theory to work. Empathetic, Kind, and not wanting to be lonely. Both Lain’s experience the agony of not wanting to be alone, but I’d argue Anime Lain has a support system of sorts. Arisu (or Alice, depending on if you’re a dub fan.) When Lain finds out she is the source of death and unhappiness, she feels sorrow and deep regret, even if all of it wasn’t her direct doing. She feels responsible for those around her, she’s extremely caring, and it even ends up being the reason she erases herself from everyone’s memory in the end. All she wants is peace. She never wants to be the reason for anybody’s unhappiness, it’s not in her nature.
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Let’s move on to Psx Lain and list off her characteristics.
Soft Spoken
Apathetic towards others
At times, can be manipulative
Doesn’t want to be lonely
Tends to view everything as a game
Extremely Intelligent
Plagued by hallucinations
dislikes being questioned/analyzed
You may have noticed by now that many of their character traits overlap, but some are also polar opposites. In order for this theory to work, I will focus on traits she doesn’t have in common with Anime lain. Apathy towards others, manipulation, and viewing everything as a game. At many points in the game, Lain is revealed to be a bit of a liar. Maybe not intentionally to hurt others, but she is not afraid to twist the story if it means she gets to benefit in the end. She despised being questioned endlessly in her therapy sessions, and in response she invaded her therapist’s personal diary in order to turn her into the patient instead. She uses what little personal information she has against the people around her in order to get them to feel how she feels everyday. Most of the despair and suffering in others is by direct influence by Lain, instead of a mysterious 3rd party going around wearing her face. (Btw, as I’m typing this, I am not intending to demonize or villainize Lain for her actions. Many of her actions are not her fault, and I want to remind the reader she is a victim of severe abuse and neglect.)  
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I want to move on and discuss the 2nd aspect of my theory. The personalities and characteristics of the digital personas themselves. The “Other Lain’s.” I want to properly analyze them because when I had finished the anime and game, I noticed a very. . .interesting pattern.
I’ll start off with the Psx Alter Ego, since this one was harder for me to take a crack at.
We know very little of her, as she only really makes an appearance in Lain’s final moments when she decides to finally kill herself, thus shedding herself of her physical form and living on as a being within the Wired. She only mentions a few lines before Lain pulls the trigger.
Lain says “This is the End.”
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I want to note that when she says this line, it doesn’t feel menacing. In fact, I’d even argue it’s welcoming. She’s tempting her to her death, and yet she’s not being sinister. It sounds like she’s genuine, like she’s truly found a forever playmate. She’s assuring her that after this is done, she will continue to live on. This isn’t the end for her. And she won’t be alone either. It’s also something to note that when this Ego is trying to assure her it’ll be ok, she tells her “We;ll always be together.” Why would she have the desire to be with herself for eternity? Why is that an assurance to her? Isn’t she lonely?
I’ll go ahead and list off some characteristics that I can try and pinpoint from this Ego, and then I’ll move on to the next.
Assuring (perhaps a sign of empathy?)
I can’t really say much more without assigning my own values and personal headcanons onto her, but with this short scene, this is what I was able to compile about her character. It is still very important to keep these three traits in mind moving forward.
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Now lets move on to the meat of what got me thinking of this theory in the first place. Wired Lain. (anime Alter Ego?)
Because this Ego plays a much larger role in Lain’s story, it is much easier to name her characteristics. You may even notice a pattern that I had noticed when I pieced this together.
Apathetic towards others
Extremely Manipulative
Sees everything as a big game
Extremely Intelligent
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I will stop there as far as traits go because I’ve already listed more than needed. What I truly want to focus on is her apathetic, manipulative, and impulsive behavior. If you’ve been keeping up so far, I’m sure you may begin to understand the theory I have thought of. Here is what I propose to you.
There are 3 universes, or planes of existence, within Lain’s story, and they are all layered on top one another, playing out simultaneously.
The first plane of existence is Anime Lain’s realm. The universe where she has a support system, a sister, and undiagnosed/untreated schizophrenia. She displays care for those around her and ends up as a sacrifice for their sake. Then there is the second plane of existence, the Wired. We are all familiar with the Wired and what it entails. An internet world where anybody can be anything. Even a God. Lastly, the third plane, is Psx Lain’s world. A world where Lain had no friends, abusive and neglectful parents, an emotionally unavailable therapist and nobody to help her when she suffered through extreme depressive episodes due to her untreated (and misdiagnosed) schizophrenia.
Great, there are 3 realms, coexisting and playing out at the same time. Now what? What does that have to do with anything? It’s not like they impact each other.
That’s where the next segment of my theory comes in.
I believe in both the anime and psx, there are 4 total Lain’s. 2 alter egos and 2 “real” Lain’s. However, I believe the egos that visit them during their stories are not their own. I believe the alter ego tormenting Anime Lain is actually the alter ego of Psx Lain, and the persona that eventually greets psx Lain to her death is in fact anime Lain’s persona. I believe the Wired is the one realm where both universes are linked and can often ‘leak’ into each other via the egos. It would explain the opposite personalities, and I believe it also gives a clearer insight into why alter egos are allowed to wander without their user being logged in first to control them.
When looking back at psx Lain’s ego, you realize her ego never caused disturbance. She never actively tried to ruin her life. She didn’t have to do any of that. All she had to do was be ready to greet her into the Wired when it was her time to join. That’s why she assures her they’ll be together. Because they truly are two different people.
Alternatively, it also explains why Anime Lain’s ego is so different from her. Why she has to be so adamant that “you are not me.” It really isn’t her. It’s the ego of a child who is lashing out due to lack of care and resources for her spiraling mental health.
Now, I hear you say, “What about the ending of the anime? Wasn’t it confirmed Lain wasn’t made in the real world? Wasn’t it confirmed she was a being made from within the Wired?” To that, I say, even if she had been made in the Wired, we already know that logging into the Wired automatically makes an alter Ego for you. So essentially, a being from the wired created another being from the wired based off herself. A little confusing, but theoretically, it should be possible that anybody signing into the Wired creates an online persona. Even if you yourself are technically a persona.
Oh, and don’t think I’ve forgotten the manga. I believe there’s a simple explanation for how that ties into everything as well.
In the Manga, it is clear that most context clues would point you to believe it takes place in the psx world, however, she has a sister, and the ‘God’ from the anime visits her and disturbs her memory. Well, from what we know in the anime, Lain doesn’t actually have a family. It could be possible that the ‘God’ from the anime discovered the link between the Wired and other subsequent universes and decided to travel between them, confusing and erasing and creating memories for Lain to slip and grasp onto. I’m also not opposed to dismissing the possibility of a 4th universe in place during all this in which the manga takes place, a nice mixture of both the first and third dimension. Who’s to say there’s a limit? Who’s to say there’s not hundreds, or even thousands of Lain variants?
Anyways yeah, thanks for sticking around this long to read everything if you bothered to lmao, I know this is rather long but I’ve had this theory racking my brain for almost a year now and i figured it was time to finally jot all my thoughts down somewhere. I hope this was an enjoyable read!! <33
Let’s all love Lain.
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thenightmarerealms · 2 years
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Bee. 21+. She/her. I’m a fandom old, and have been in and out of RP'ing for many years. Minors DNI.
--- I abide by the Three Laws of Fandom, and expect my followers to do the same. All ships, potential triggers, etc. are tagged. Please filter/blacklist according to your interests. Users who send and/or promote hate for ships will be immediately blocked without discussion.
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The Corinthian - created as a nightmare three thousand years ago, the Corinthian was made to serve as the dark mirror to humanity. His primary function is to hunt and terrorize dreamers, before removing their eyes and consuming them with his own.
He is an old nightmare, one of the Dreaming’s major arcana, and his lust for blood and death makes him an ideal weapon. 
Subsequently uncreated during his century-long rampage through the waking world, he was recreated three years later after Lord Morpheus made several small alterations to his psyche.
*The Sandman show!canon is my primary characterization, with adapted comics canon beyond season 1. With mortal OCs, I generally write him appearing to them in their nightmares or during his escape in the waking world. If you’d like me to write him in another canon verse, kindly DM and we can plot.
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Dream of the Endless - I write both Morpheus and Daniel, and use show!canon as my primary characterization, with adapted comics canon for storylines that go beyond season 1.
Morpheus - Though many view him as cold, Morpheus holds himself distant from most because he must bear the weight of the collective human sub-conscious. On the rare occasion that he allows someone in, he always holds part of himself back as an act of self-preservation.
Daniel - The polar opposite of Morpheus, the newest aspect of Dream is humble, kind, and affectionate. He gives freely of himself and cares deeply for his subjects, and is unafraid to show it. His main flaw lies in his naivety, and though he has all of Morpheus’ memories, he is somewhat detached from them, and often has to stop and sift through ten billion years worth of memories before deciding on a course of action.
While he was borne from Daniel Hall’s essence, he does not answer to that name and does not consider Lyta Hall his mother.
*I generally only write Dream in the Sandman universe. So much of his characterization is dependent on his function, so please keep this in mind. I am open to AUs/other canons as long as I can still write him as the Sandman/the king of dreams. 
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STARTER TAG - open to all. No need to be a mutual to send; if you’re not sure of a plot, this is a great way to break the ice between our muses.
MEME TAG - open to all. No need to be a mutual to send.
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1) Semi-selective and Open - Semi-selective due to real life time constraints, but if you’d like to write with me, please feel free to ask! Being Open means you can send in starters and memes without being mutuals. I don’t always follow back, but don’t let that stop you from reaching out via DM’s. I’m always open to ice-breaker plots to try things out. :) You can find my starter tag here.
2) We do not have to be mutuals before you message me. If you’d like to plot, please  send an ask or a direct message, and I’ll be sure to follow back then!
Also, please note that this is a side-blog, and I follow back with my main blog: @exastrisad
3) I prefer plots that are both romantic and plot-heavy (give me angst, action, suspense and I will love you forever). I write nsfw*, but can also fade to black if my partner prefers.
*When it comes to nsfw scenes, I prefer to write my muses as the top/dominant partner, (yes, even Daniel!Dream) but I’m open to discussion.
4) I write adult threads with dark and/or mature themes. I will not write nsfw scenes with anyone below the age of 21. No exceptions.
5) I multi-ship, but in canon I enjoy Dream/The Corinthian and if the chemistry is right, Dream/Hob. I am happy to write with canons from other media, and I am very OC-friendly.
6) I only write para, multi-para, and novella threads. (Short para exchanges are completely fine, though!)
TRIGGER WARNINGS: ALL canon-typical warnings apply. The Corinthian is his own warning, so please tread carefully.
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doritofalls · 1 year
You mentioned you wanted to rewtite the love hotel suite? 👀
well it's not as much that i actively want to rewrite it, but i did have a dream about rewriting it. which is reasonable of my subconscious because we all know it is a trainwreck. i will talk about kiyo's love suite scene in detail under the cut and while i will try to remain as non-explicit as possible i will discuss the themes of consent and lack of consent and talk about sexual themes, so please only proceed if you are old enough to buy smokes in most european countries. i have also added the mature community label to be safe. 
most of my main gripes with the canonical kiyo love hotel scene isn't even the bondage element - it is fairly possible that by that point he has canonically brought up that he likes ropes, fucking, whatever, ok. working only by canon when writing a love suite event extra scene, let's keep that for the time being. it is not even that it's more explicit - it is by far not the only explicit love hotel scene next to miu's and angie's and tsumugi's kind of. i would argue that as far as kiyo and angie goes, their upbringing and personal traumas (implied csa in both ends) could even result in them acting overtly sexual for their age (we are ignoring whatever the hell miu's doing for argument's sake), and the love hotel scene isn't the only example of that, either.
i do find the element of consent (tho not only in kiyo's scene, obviously) clumsily handled and oddly written, though. kiyo is a victim of multiple instances of csa and familiar with the culture around bdsm, even if he by all means shouldn't be. i do not think it fits kiyo's character to ignore consent the way he does in the love hotel scene, when it is just not something that he does in other elements of his interpersonal relationships. if anything, kiyo seems to prefer explicit verbal consent to be a big part of most of his interactions, posing frequent tag questions. he tends to draw clear boundaries but other than the love suite event he is not seen crossing other people's boundaries in canon. it just comes out of left field, and it's weird and ooc.
now comes the lack of context, again, because it's not like the player is supposed to know the other characters' romantic fantasies - and even if you are, the catch is that they are fantasies. which muddies the water significantly when judging korekiyo's behavior in the love suite event. does he have fantasies of a reluctant partner who does get into things as they progress? a partner who is just shy? does he have fantasies of an unwilling partner entirely? even if that was the case, you can hardly judge someone for having fantasies, only being played out through fanservice fuckery, especially with the backlog of kiyo’s rape trauma. even if his fantasy includes shuichi as a fully willing and consenting party, is it possible that shuichi’s reluctance to play along makes the entire sceneiro have to reroute and get from point a to point b? 
we don’t know!! there is a severe lack of context. but that being said, i do just hate the whole love hotel scene and feel uncomfortable with the direction it takes, even if it IS just essential fanservice. implying that 3 out of 16 characters would ignore sexual consent is. bad guys. that’s bad. 
while in the dream i mentioned it was a situation where kiyo woulda had a chance to meet his sister in the flesh again with some possession/reincarnation switcharoo, i do actually like that the event isn’t about his sister. like i have mentioned it before, i do not think kiyo is truly in love with her - if anything, she is an unmovable element he must plan and wrap this fantasy around to feel wanted and in control. the sort of emotions his sister makes him feel are the polar opposites of his love suite event, and i think that’s a meaningful difference to showcase, even if i largely hate the entire thing. i do think kiyo having a good cry similarly to kirumi’s love hotel event woulda been much more productive use of this time, because canon makes it seem like sexual encounters are not all that rare for kiyo... so a moment of emotional intimacy slash relief would probably have been both more notable and more worthy of being a “fantasy” in his mind. though, that being said, i doubt kiyo allows himself to have fantasies that are unrelated to sister in some sort of capacity, so maybe physical encounters are as far away as he can get from her without it feeling like a betrayal. 
iunno....tldr hate kiyo’s love hotel all my homies hate kiyo’s love hotel 
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aurorabird · 2 years
Australian Dream & Race
“The Australian Dream” Documentary Analysis 
by 10153 Jules Sawyer. Screen Language A 2022
“Racism is embedded in Australia - the birth of our Nation.” “When I was born in 1963, I was still counted as part of the flora and fauna of this land.” “I remember sitting in the bath and trying to rub the colour out of my skin.” - Stan Grant. The effect that racism has had on Aboriginal Australians has been ongoing for centuries. Grant and Goodes both agree that these experiences have been shared with thousands upon thousands of Indigenous citizens. From Goodes being called an Ape by a 13 year old girl at one of his AFL games, to Sam Newman doing blackface for The Footy Show in 1999, to female and male Olympic athletes getting called racial slurs to their face - even by other Australian citizens, like Nova Peris (1996 Olympics), this informational documentary film makes the ever important point that ‘Racism stops with me.” (Adam Goodes).
‘The Australian Dream’ is a 2019 documentary film directed by Daniel Gordon and produced by Madman Productions, discussing the huge ongoing issue of racism against the Indigenous Peoples of Australia, the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders. The film follows AFL star Adam Goodes (b.1980), an Indigenous Australian, and tells his story of how racism is embedded in Australian culture. A biographical community history styled film, it is expository as an advocacy for social concerns within the Australian society and community.
The physical qualities of a film have a great effect on the audiences who view the media. This can include background noise, special effects, editing and cinematography. There’s the sound of people cheering when Stan Grant, a famous Indigenous Australian journalist narrates through voice-over on how great Australia is, but when Goodes says “That’s the saddest day for our culture”, all music stops, leaving an empty uncomfortable space. This gives the effect of humiliation, grief, discomfort and unease. When talking about the 2014 and onwards AFL games, the “booing'' of the stadium crowds gets louder and even worse. It gets to the point where Goodes was getting booed not just for kicking a goal, but for going near the ball in the first place. Since the film is seen through the eyes of Goodes’ personal experiences, this should make the audience upset. And rightfully so. The documentary film is edited out of chronological order, flipping back and forth between the present day, Goodes’ past, and his mother’s past. Some special effects include the scene 1 hour and 17 minutes in, where Goodes has gone in a downward spiral and is feeling extremely sick with everything that’s going on. He drives away from home, and the cinematography in the tunnel reflects how ill Goodes’ feeling, with the blaring yellow and blue lights going faster and faster, all blurring together and giving you a headache. In one of the opening shots of the film, there’s a shot (see below) where there’s a stark contrast with polar opposites. Divided by a literal barrier of a pole, dividing up the screen, one side has the sun shining upon the peoples, and the other side is shadowed in blue. The shot makes a clear statement about the divided nation of Australians when celebrating Australia Day. “Raped, murdered, massacred. No one celebrates the Holocaust. Why do people celebrate it? It’s a tragic, tragic story” (A. Goodes).
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And the impact of music. When Goodes shows the film crew around his house, showing them the family portraits and his personal history, there’s nostalgic music playing in the background, representing he and his brother’s childhood. The 2005 Grand Final has bass guitar rock music - a classic exciting experience using rock music to give energy to the scene. When Goodes and his team of the Sydney Swans win the trophy, there is piano music, symbolising the humbleness and thankfulness Goodes is feeling about his teammates. At 1 hour 17 min, there is a change in musical direction - and the film delves into darker material: the Stolen Generation, and Goodes wanting to get away from his loved ones and do something to harm himself. When driving at night, there is an eerie ringing in his ears - high piano notes with quivering strings for tension building up. Low cello notes representing his hopelessness. You get the feeling something bad is going to happen. So Adam drives into the red-soiled desert the next morning to reconnect with his ancestors. (“The best way to connect with your ancestors is to put your feet in the soil where others did.” - Aboriginal Elder. “Home matters. It’s a place to go to heal. Where you are loved. Where the spirits of [our] ancestors are.” - Stan Grant). Instead of the artificial-looking green and grey of the sports stadium, here the film switches to the red and orange soil of the Indigenous Australians. The colours are complementary and contrast with the blue sky during day time, and the warm yellow sparks of the campfire during the night scenes. The musical instrument of the Duduk plays. It is a traditional woodwind instrument, made of natural materials from the earth, just like Goodes’ ancestors played for thousands of years. In serious moments when director Daniel Gordon wants you to listen to the words and statements by Aboriginal men, the music halts. It makes a point. The end credits song “I Stand” has original music made for the documentary, and in it are Aboriginal instruments in a contemporary tune, giving the end of the film an upbeat pop/rock style, representing today's society and to hope for a better Australia. “Music, like sport, is something that combines different groups of people together with a common interest” - Australian reporter. The final statement in this documentary is that we are all one people. 
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The final scene of ‘The Australian Dream’ (2019) ends with young Aboriginal kids aged 10 and younger playing football on red soil, laughing and giggling in the outback, with the sun shining through the clouds. A memorable way to end the documentary film, and a way to keep looking and moving forward.
Many citizens around Australia are unaware of the pressing issue on the topic of racism, and just how much it affects Aboriginal Australians today on a daily basis. And for those that do know of it, it’s important to share how dreadful and upsetting those racial slurs are, so that they learn to stop. The documentary isn’t aimed at one specific gender, rather its intended impact is for Australian citizens to bring light to the topic of racism against Indigenous Australians, the “First Nations People of this land we are so blessed to live on” (Stan Grant). For all Australians, the question is asked: will you join the fight against the ongoing issue of racism against the First Nation Peoples of Australia. Do you Stand with Adam?
0 notes
twopoppies · 2 years
My Policeman screening - Part 3
Part 1
Part 2
All the discussion of the screening, including the specific questions my friend has answered about it can be seen here.
Many people asked for their thoughts about the acting, music, overall direction etc. This post has their thoughts as they sent them to me. Again, I haven’t seen the film and please consider everything below the cut to be spoilers.
Harry and Emma are FANTASTIC together. Emma played it so wonderfully. You feel for her because she seems naive. But then you hate her for her actions and the way her very presence keeps Patrick and Tom apart. But similarly you become frustrated with Tom because he’s lying to her, though he does try to offer affection and protection (since she’s his protection against society after all). Emma had me feeling all the range of emotions I felt when being inside Marion’s head when I read the novel. She’s scared and angry, then hopeful because she thinks she got her husband back after Patrick is sent away. But she’s obviously guilty. And the scene with her coworker is ugly and cruel when she double downs on rejecting homosexuality. But then she obviously is hurt and defensive because she realizes she’s been lied to all along. Emma and the writing made it complex when Marion easily could’ve been a villain.
But she wasn’t one note at all. She’ll be compared to Michelle Williams’s performance in Brokeback Mountain, I think. I mean that has a compliment, of course. Emma gave a very strong performance. Really, no one got lost at all. The cast is the highlight.
I think people might take it to think that the writing intended to make Marion sympathetic when she literally has a gay man sent to prison. I did dislike Marion more in the novel. But I think the point of the screenplay was to make her a little deeper, a littler scarier, a little more desperate, so very flawed but ultimately someone who is trying to repent. All the characters are so miserable, it’s tragic. And Emma’s Marion even tells Patrick in prison “none of us won”.
She’s a polarizing character. The guy next to me said “wow, she’s a nice lady” when Marion leaves in the end to really push Tom to accept Patrick again. And I thought “what an interesting conclusion!” But I think that speaks to her complexity even more.
I know you had an ask about the soundtrack. A lot of period 50s music was used. It actually starts with a very upbeat song, an interesting contrast since the first scene is Patrick arriving from the assisted living facility. but I don’t remember the specific titles, unfortunately. I really did like it, it was all period appropriate. The score seemed really great too, perfectly placed to capture the right emotions. There’s the scene with Tom, Patrick and Marion driving into the country for a picnic and they’re singing along to the radio. If you didn’t understand the dynamic, you’d think these were lifelong friends (or two boyfriends and a sister) living their best lives. So what I’m saying is I need a buddy/rom-com film with these 3 because I loved watching them together. 😂
It did feel that the film was complete. The editing was smooth, nothing seemed to be confusing or require major reworking. I didn’t notice any scenes missing music/dialogue or needing any color correcting or cgi. I was surprised there wasn’t more swimming, it’s really just mentioned. The only time you see Tom swim is with Marion when he’s teaching her at the community pool. So I wondered if they were going to add more in because it looked like more was filmed there. But if it’s not added, I don’t think it’s a major component that a general audience member would mention or even notice.
As for the questionnaire afterwards, they asked us to rate the performances of each actor. They used this photo of Harry
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Just the first one you find on google. And we had to rate each person (both the younger and older cast). Their names were listed along with their character names. They asked us to list three movies that were similar that we had watched. So I believe I chose Brokeback Mountain, Carol and Weekend. They asked generally to rate on a scale of excellent to not interested (I think that was the lower scale) on the plot, specially on the dynamic between Emma, Harry, and David. They asked us to list our most and least favorite. They asked if we would recommend the movie to other people. I said yes, of course, haha. They pulled a random focus group of 30 people afterwards, so those people got to stay for a longer talk back.
I was trying to consider what, if anything, I would improve. I know I came out gushing so some people are naturally skeptical about an overwhelmingly glowing review when DWD missed the mark for me on multiple levels. I did miss some scenes from the novel but the adaptation is solid. And this happens with every adaption, so it was to be expected some things I loved would be cut. The additional details missing will be saved for the book so we can have both.
Editing wise, as I said, it was easy to understand the flow between the timelines. The pacing was natural. At least for me, that means I didn’t notice any choppy cuts or harsh jumps between the different decades that pulled me out of the story. While I didn’t agree with the decisions of the characters, it made sense within the context of the story. I wasn’t surprised by older Marion’s confession but it got a good reaction from the audience so I was happy to hear they were responding appropriately. The water imagery was very strong, just like in the novel. When I watch again, I want to take note of that more since we had the absence of Tom swimming. Water can mean a lot of things, here my initial reaction was the contrast between something calmly flowing vs violent currents.
It’s shot extremely well. Nothing experimental or out of the norm but beautiful landscapes. I think the cinematographer/dp took their inspiration from the painting admired by Tom in the museum. The sex scenes between him and Patrick are shot like a painting. Not rough or gratuitous, they look like an Italian Renaissance piece, which has to be intentional.
And no, Harry doesn’t show hole for like the 100th time. Can people stop? 🤣 It’s so dumb I can’t help but laugh. But even if he did, I’m sure it would’ve been lit beautifully 😆😆😆
The end scene with younger Tom hugging older Patrick could’ve easily been so cheesy. But Rupert Everett is stellar, his face reflected so many different emotions in such a short time. I really can’t say enough about David Dawson. The man’s voice is fantastic, for one. And when he was playful with Tom, his Patrick was electric. No wonder he bagged his Policeman.
The actor playing older Tom is an interesting performance. I could hear the same cadence of Harry’s natural voice so they must’ve practiced that for sure. He alternated between completely closed off and isolated, as he would try to be out and away from the home once Patrick arrives. So he was so reserved and not seen as often, like older Marion and Patrick, that I couldn’t decide how I felt about him until the scene when he breaks down alone in the car after seeing a gay couple in a shop. He immediately has to compose himself because Marion gets back in. But those few moments he let himself feel regret? Bravo 👏🏽
I don’t have to tell you this, but the movie does NOT glorify policeman. Of course if someone does feel triggered or completely uncomfortable watching content with police in it, I completely understand. It is a tough watch. And with the fucked up “don’t say gay” bill passing in Florida, it’s not like the concepts in the film are completely foreign.
Thinking about it more, I wish the script had maybe allowed for that line from Sylvie to be included where she heavily hints to Marion that Tom is gay. I think it would’ve allowed us to understand more why he was able to have that moment with Patrick during the first meeting/drawing. But Marion does tell her coworker that Patrick is encouraging Tom’s “proclivities” so that line is probably meant to replace that.
Also, why was he so quick to just allow this man to give him a blow job after 3 drinks? Maybe if they had shown Tom going to another sitting, or 3 and they got drunk on the third meeting or a similar timeline to the book, it wouldn’t seem so rushed. But the small touch to the neck does say so much. Patrick just freezes and the camera stays on his face while you see Tom’s fingers stroking so slightly. And then Patrick nuzzles back. Oof, it’s a lot. So I think they let the chemistry between Harry and David do the work there. And it was successful but I wouldn’t be surprised if some people found their relationship a little rushed since you don’t see the first meeting until later.
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ijustwant2write · 3 years
Call Me By My Name-Pietro Maximoff x Powers!Reader
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(GIF credit to @dailymarvelposts​)
Tags: @bloodorangemoonlight​ @amirahiddleston​
Requested by @husherstan​ : ‘could you write a one w pietro maximoff? idk if you know about a trend on tik tok where a gf or bf call them partners by they first name. Reader and Pietro are enemies cuz them both are always trying to be the best of t team, reader calls him by others names and when she (or gn) calls by him real name he was like "why are you calling me like that? whats wrong with you? are you feeling bad today?" (and he likes her so fucking much, a simp)’
Characters: Pietro Maximoff x Reader, Avengers team x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name   
(Character has the power of force fields, that both generate electricity and provide protection for them/others)  
Warnings: Name calling, bullying, arguing, fluff
“For the last time, watch where you’re going Speedy Gonzales!” I snapped as Pietro almost knocked me over again.
His form whizzed around the room once more before stopping in front of me.“Maybe try keeping up next time.”
I was startled by the force he left behind as he ran off again making a show of circling the entire training room multiple times, creating a small wave of air. I groaned loudly as I went back to jogging. He was such a show off, it infuriated me. We weren’t here to compete against each other, we were supposed to be a team; but when he waltzed around the place boasting about how fast he was, it was really hard not to step up to the plate. 
Pietro was running faster than usual, trying to overlap me dozens of times, more than he would have done in a normal session. It got on my last nerve, making me stop, my powers already flowing through my arms. It would be hard to pinpoint him, so I charged up a huge ball of electricity, casting it out harshly. I just managed to catch him, laughing as he yelped out in surprise, being thrown high into the air before landing on the sparring mats. I saw him slowly get up, clearly I had caused some pain. My fun was soon ended as he ran towards me again, having to quickly put up a force field that would protect me. Pietro bounced off it, though I hadn’t put any charge in this one, so he only fell on his backside.
“Enough!” Wanda yelled out, though we still kept our guard up around each other.“Really (Y/N)? You can relax now.”
“I don’t trust him.” I replied.
She sighed.“Come on, Steve wants to talk about the mission.”
“Why? We debriefed three days ago.”
“Something to do with it being on the news.” she shrugged, walking away.
Pietro glanced back at me, looking me up and down before following his sister. However, he didn’t look at me with disgust or anything of the sort, it was almost as if he was checking me out. I tutted at myself, why on Earth would he ever look at me like that?
I wasn’t happy joining the meeting in my sweaty state.Everyone else was dressed and put together, but at least Pietro looked similar. The team was gathered around a table, looking to Steve who was stood at the front, his arms crossed over his chest. He had the look of disappointment on his face, which meant bad news for the rest of us...or whoever was in trouble. With no seats left, I copied Steve’s stance at the back of the room, rolling my eyes when Pietro stood beside me.
“Sorry to call you guys in on such short notice.” Steve started.“But I feel that we have to discuss something that’s starting to effect the team.”
He pulled up a screen showing the news. It had images and videos of our last mission. We were raiding an old factory on the edge of the city, finding a terrorist group hiding out there as they worked on their gadgets. News coverage showed the team fighting from a helicopter view, and we were all confused as to why Steve was showing us this.
“Fastest man alive,” Pietro repeated what the reporter said,“it has a nice ring to it.”
“I wouldn’t put that in your Tinder bio.” I quipped, causing a few chuckles.
Steve looked at me.“And this is why we’re here today.”
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.“What?”
“You and Pietro are always at each other’s throats. It’s...well frankly, it’s exhausting listening to you two arguing all the time. And it could seriously put someone in danger whilst on a mission, even you two.”
“He always starts it-”
Pietro held up a finger.“Hold on, you do too-”
“You’re just proving his point guys.” Natasha spoke over us.
“As I was saying,” Steve brought the attention back to him,“the media has also caught onto this. There’s multiple images of you two clearly arguing, or even getting in each others way during the mission. At one point, you’re both trying to save the same person, but almost miss that chance because you’re so invested in being better than the other!”
Steve was really mad, and from everyone else’s faces, they thought the same thing.
“So until all of this changes, you two are suspended from any missions.”
“What?!” we both exclaimed.
“And you may not approach any other team member for assistance with training.”
“Why are we both being punished?” I demanded to know.
“Oh, do not play the victim here Mrs Incredible!” Pietro snapped.
“Mrs Incredible is super stretchy, it’s the daughter who has the same powers as me, you idiot!”
“See? You’re further showing me that I made the right decision. I felt bad at first, but now I know that this is the right direction to go in.” Steve raised his voice.“You’re both dismissed.”
“Well, what are the rest of you doing?” Pietro dared to ask.
“We are going to go over all the planning we have done for upcoming missions. Everything has to change because of you two. Now please go.”
I held it together as I left the room, not wanting to appear like a toddler stomping away in a tantrum. It was impossible to get away from Pietro, what with him being ‘the fastest man alive’, but I was going to try. I didn’t need another argument right now, I was upset, needed to be alone. Apparently, I wasn’t going to get that.
“Leave me alone.” I warned Pietro as he followed me.
“I can’t believe this! They’ve kicked us off the team because you always have to say something-”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“And to think, they’re going to risk not having me on the team. I help them with everything, I’m a crucial part-”
“Pietro!” I shouted, spinning on my heel to face him. 
His eyes widened at that, glancing down to my clenched up fists, little electric sparks running over them, before looking me in my teary eyes. 
I sighed, relaxing my tense shoulders and hands before leaving. There was no point trying to explain. He wouldn’t understand. We would both get mad, probably fight, the team would have to break us up; I had no energy to do that. Slowly turning away, I was surprised by the silence that followed, Pietro didn’t even follow me. 
I checked the time on the lock screen of my phone, seeing that an hour had passed since I fled from Pietro. It also made me realise how dark the room had become, the sun would set in a few minutes. But I didn’t bother turning on any lights, instead leaning back again on the chair. I was sat in an empty lobby, it was a small room, facing the floor to ceiling window that showed the landscape that surrounded the headquarters. Besides just sitting here, I should have distracted myself. Perhaps put on a film, relax after training, something to take my mind off of things. Instead, I decided to sit with my thoughts.
“H-hey.” I heard Pietro quietly say from the doorway. 
Looking over my shoulder, I didn’t reply, facing the window again when he began walking towards me. He hesitantly turned on a lamp near us, sitting on the chair beside mine. Pietro also looked out of the window, clasping his hands together for a few seconds before fidgeting. I tried to ignore it, though after an hour of peace and nothingness, it became irritating quickly.
“Can you stop?” I blurted out.“Please?”
“Are you annoyed by everything I do?” he asked.
“Not...everything. I just...doesn’t matter, it’s not like you care anyway.”
“That’s not true.”
“I’m not falling for this Pietro.”
“Why are you saying my name?”
“You never say my name. Actually, we never say each others names.”
“And why does that matter?”
“It just feels, it feels serious.”
“I mean, we’ve basically been kicked off the team, so yeah, it’s serious.”
“We’ve not been kicked off the team (Y/N).”
“We could be if we don’t get our act together.”
“It won’t go that far-”
“But it could! I can’t believe how calm you are about the whole thing.” I stood, distancing myself from him.“I’ve worked too hard for this. Imagine what would happen if word got out that I was disbanded from the Avengers because of a tiny argument, with a team member who is so narcissistic that he can’t put others before himself!”
I realised I had began ranting, stopping myself before I said anything else hurtful. But by the look of Pietro’s face, it was already too late.
“I...I’m sorry (Y/N).” he never broke eye contact.“And before you say anything, I mean it.”
“Pietro, I-”
“I can see how much this job means to you.”
“It’s my fault too. I always try to outdo you or challenge you.”
“No, don’t be humble.” he got out of his seat, standing in front of me.“It’s almost always my fault that we argue. And I hate myself for it.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I’m usually very good with the ladies.” he grinned, though it disappeared when he realised it wasn’t time to joke.“But not around you apparently. It’s probably because you’re extremely strong and sure of yourself, and I go for a different type, the polar opposite to you.”
“Pietro, I...um...”
“I was really impressed by you when we first met. It made me nervous actually.”
“Yeah, all I can do is run really fast.”
“But, you’ve been on much more missions than I have. Doesn’t that say something?” I hung my head.
“Are you crazy? You’re not on those missions because they don’t need you.”
My head whipped up to see his smile drop.
“I didn’t mean it like that! I meant that those missions are for Avengers like me. The ones they can use over and over without worrying about them being too tired for the next one. What I’m trying to say is, you’re too important.”
“I never thought I would say this, but Pietro, you’re an important part of the team too. I always rose to your challenges because I felt I needed to prove something to the others. I was new, then I was accepted after all my relentless training, but when you and Wanda came along, I instantly became old news. And you didn’t even go through the rigorous regimes like I did, so I just assumed you were better than me.”
“It seems we were both wrong about each other. We were going through a lot of effort to outdo the other when we could have saved that energy for...well, anything else really.”
“Yeah. I suppose so.”
Pietro held his hand out.“Truce?”
I smiled up at him as I shook it.“Truce.”
A cheeky smirk appeared as he raised an eyebrow at me.“Let’s not tell the team about this just yet. I feel like there would be a lot of ‘I told you so’.”
“It’s like you read my mind.”
“And another thing.”
I noticed he was still holding my hand, though they were lowered now, and his grip wasn’t as firm.“Yes?”
“Can we start calling each other by our actual names?”
“I mean, I assumed we would anyway.”
“Oh, good. I just...”
“You just?”
“I just like the way it sounds when you say my name.”
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goingmorry · 3 years
Trafalgar Law [A-Z Alphabet Fluff]
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Synopsis: How is Trafalgar Law like as your romantic partner? 💖
Count: 2813 words
Reading. Law is an avid reader. He loves to read all kinds of material, both fiction and non-fiction, such as short stories, novels, comics, articles, news, and medical textbooks. As such, you took it upon yourself to read together with him. During nights, when the rest of the crew retires to their quarters, you and Law take turns reading to each other. As your quiet and gentle voice fills the silent room, Law visibly relaxes. A faint but genuine smile graces his normally impassive features. When it's his turn to read, you enjoy the calm and soothing nature of his voice.
Resting/pillow talk. While Law is known to suffer from insomnia, he enjoys resting in bed together with you. This is usually accompanied with reading, but when you're both exhausted, both of you lie together in silence or in hushed sounds through light conversations. For the most part, you talk while Law listens. Law also tends to overwork himself so you being with him ensures that he unwinds for the day.
Medical assistance. Law is the doctor of the ship. As such, one of his primary duties is to perform both minor and major medical procedures when his crew sustains injury. He typically doesn't need assistance to conduct his minor medical duties; however, your insistence in helping him whenever possible has prompted him to seek your support. Despite your lack of medical knowledge, Law is not opposed to instructing you. You've proven yourself to be a reliable assistant. Truthfully, he enjoys having you adopt a nurse role by his side.
Your compassion. Despite Law's outwardly aloof demeanor, he finds your kindness endearing. He’s used to incessantly berating you during the many times when you put your life in danger to save others; however, he's resigned to the fact that your compassion for others is one of your defining qualities. It's what drew him to you after all.
Law is perceptive. He can tell when you're feeling down, and he can definitely tell when you're about to have a panic attack. He's quick to shift to his doctor persona, guiding you through breathing exercises as you breathe in and breathe out while slowly coming to your senses.
Law is not overly affectionate, but if you desire hugs or other forms of physical contact, he will give them to you without hesitation. You have his undivided attention.
When you recover, Law is cautiously optimistic and takes your vitals. He asks if you're feeling better and if you'd like to talk about it, but he's not forceful if you're not willing to disclose information to him.
In the moment. Law is happy to live in the moment with you. Thinking of the future unnerves him, as his carefully arranged plans do not always develop the way he expects them to.
Fate. Just like his meeting with Cora-san during the most tragic part of his life, he believes meeting you was fate. Your fates were intertwined from the moment you first encountered each other, and they will continue to be until the day both of you breathe your last.
Dominant. Law has expressed his aversion for being told what to do. As the Captain of the Heart Pirates, he prefers to issue orders. While his dominance extends toward your relationship, this doesn't mean that he doesn't respect and value your opinions. He treats you fairly, as an equal, always making sure he listens to your input when you have something to say.
Law is dominant but not overbearing. As someone whose freedom was stripped away the moment he was born due to the Amber Lead disease, Law would never dream of taking away your freedom in any capacity.
Forgiving. It might surprise you to know that Law is an extremely forgiving person. He understands that couples get into disagreements; it's natural. So long as you don't betray his trust, he is willing to forgive and learn from most arguments.
Law usually appears collected when arguing with you; however, he loses his cool when you are quick to put yourself in harm's way. Law is not one to hold resentment after making up with you, preferring to be with you here and now.
Attentive. Law is aware of what you do for him. You try to be subtle, but he's quick to catch on. He tries to keep a calm façade, but he's overwhelmed with affection for you on the inside. You can expect him to snuggle closer to you tonight.
Law shows his gratitude indirectly. "Here. I got this on the way to town," he says, handing you a bag of your favorite sweets. He doesn't say it, but he loves watching your face light up in excitement at the prospect of stuffing your cheeks with delicious desserts.
Although Law is honest, he tends to fill you in with the details after the fact. He doesn't do this out of malice but out of necessity. As Captain of the Heart Pirates, ally of the Strawhat Pirates, and a member of the Worst Generation, his life is in constant jeopardy. Now, with you by his side, he's paranoid and won't risk being caught off-guard until the threats have been neutralized. He prefers to do now and talk later.
When reminiscing about the past—as it relates to his childhood in Flevance and being under the care of the Donquixote family, specifically Cora-san—he struggles to share these painful memories. Although he opens up to you eventually, he won't willingly share all the moments when something reminds him of his past. How your kindness reminds him of Cora-san. How your love for festivals reminds him of Lami. He refuses to burden you with these thoughts.
Law is kind. Cora-san's sacrifice made sure of that.
Although Law regained his humanity, he doesn't put himself out there to assist others in need if doing so will jeopardize his plan. Instead, your insistence to help others forces his hand.
While Law believes that pirates should not do kind things, his actions contradict his statement. He will honor the Hippocratic Oath and use his Devil Fruit powers (Ope-Ope no Mi) to treat others to the best of his ability.
Law takes issue with being seen as a kind person by strangers. He refuses to accept others gratitude. When confronted, he will make up an excuse in an effort to portray himself as a selfish and ruthless pirate. Regardless, the recipients of his acts of kindness are not fooled.
Watchful. Law is protective. How could he not be when you look so radiant? So full of life, warmth, and affection? He trusts you. It's strangers he doesn't trust. He's worried other people will take advantage of your benevolence.
He deals with his jealousy by keeping you in his sight whenever feasible. If he can't be with you, he'll ask his crewmembers to accompany you. The life of piracy is a dangerous one, so one can never be too certain if danger lurks around the corner. "It's best to be prepared," Law states decisively.
Great kisser. Law did not have any prior romantic experiences prior to being in a relationship with you; however, since then, he's had a lot of time to practice. He's able to perfectly balance sucking, biting and using his tongue when kissing you. When he initiates a kiss that's more than a peck on the lips, such as kissing your erogenous zones, it leads to a full-blown makeout session.
First kiss. Law's lips moved hesitantly over yours, his tattooed fingers skimming your blushing cheek, before deciding to gently cradle the side of your face. You were pleasantly surprised at how soft his lips were considering his roughened exterior. The kiss remained tentative at first, both you and him feeling overwhelmed with each other's company. You weren't certain when his hand moved from the side of your face to the back of your head. You felt his calloused fingers interweave with your flowing hair, lightly tugging until you opened your mouth to moan softly. Law deepened the kiss by slipping his teasing tongue inside, eager to hear more of your voice as you moaned for him once more.
Love Confession
You are the first to express your love for him. Law is flabbergasted. How could someone, as kind as you are, have romantic feelings for a man like him? It's a dangerous thought, one he refuses to answer. Meanwhile, Sengoku's words in Dressrosa echo in his head. "Don't ever attach a reason to someone's love." His recklessness presents itself and he allows himself to act.
Staring at you with you such longing in his golden irises, he grabs your arm, intent on closing the distance between your bodies. His grip is gentle yet firm as he drags you over to him, and your face flushes under his observant gaze. Although you were nervous, you refuse to break eye contact, determined to show him how sincere you were. Law responds by molding your eager lips against his. After all, actions speak louder than words.
Indifferent. There is no doubt that Law loves you; however, he is indifferent about marriage. If you bring it up as a discussion point to him, he will start to consider the prospect of marriage life. Growing up, he’s seen how happy his parents were, and how much love and affection they showed him and Lami. He wonders if that reality is plausible for him too.
Once the way has been paved for the New Generation of Pirates, Law proposes. In the Captain’s Quarters of the Polar Tang, he presents you with a small velvet box with an inscrutable expression on his face. His golden eyes betray him as they waver in intensity, carefully scrutinizing your face and eyes for movement, for your reaction during this vulnerable moment. When Law proposes, it’s direct and sincere. No flowery language. He speaks from the heart.  “Marry me. I love you.” You were more than happy to oblige.
Being married to Law is primarily the same as it was when you were dating—with two differences being the wedding rings in your left hands, and that you can now refer to one another as a wedded couple.
Law doesn’t use nicknames. He prefers to address you by your actual name. Prior to being in a relationship with you, he addresses you by your epithet as described in your wanted poster. Now, “S/O-ya” is his go-to.
On Cloud Nine
Inconspicuous. Law is the king of keeping your relationship concealed to strangers. While Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin were the first to discover your relationship with the Captain, the rest of the Heart Pirates weren’t aware of your relationship with Law until one year in. Outside the privacy of your bedroom, don’t expect anything more than occasional longing glances passed between each other.
When Law falls in love, he does so gradually. He doesn’t mean to fall in love until he realizes that you have been increasingly pervading his thoughts. At this point, he's in denial. Love is an inconvenience, a weakness that will distract him from his goal in finding the true meaning of the Will of D.
Law eventually comes to terms with his love for you. He feels undeserving, attempting to distance himself from you until you confront him about his aloof behavior. Your stubbornness convinces him that he can't escape. A smile tugs on the corner of his lips before he can stop himself.
Discreet. You can expect your relationship with Law to be on the down-low. Most people, outside of his crewmates, won't be able to tell that he's in a relationship as he treats you the same way as he would a member of his crew. If people observe him long enough, they'll be able to catch his eyes as they settle on you, wandering a little too long on your form, from across the room.
On the off-chance that someone asks about your relationship with him, Law won't explicitly confirm or deny his relationship with you. He's afraid that word will spread that he’s found a lover, leading to his enemies targeting you to get to him.
Competitive. While Law doesn't willingly participate in contests, he finds himself reluctantly dragged into them by you. Due to his physical prowess and mental aptitude, Law is quite skilled in winning a variety of competitions, such as carnival games, trivias, and sports events. He gives the prizes he wins from them to you as a reward for cheering him on.
Cliché. Prior to being in a relationship with you, Law does not familiarize himself with the ways of courting. Hesitantly, he approaches Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin for advice on how to woo you. Within five seconds of that decision, Law regrets it as the trio begin to pester him with the details of your affair. He knows they mean well, but he can't help his annoyance. "You can't go wrong with flowers and chocolates, Captain," the trio states. He glares at them in acknowledgment, gathering the aforementioned gifts, away from prying eyes.
Law quickly learns that if he wants to make you happy, he needs to be upfront and ask you directly. He is thoughtful, tailoring his gifts toward your preferences. You do the same.
Supportive. Having spent over a decade planning for Donquixote Doflamingo's downfall, Law understands what it means to be committed to achieving one's ambitions. He has nothing but belief in your ability to achieve your goals. With him by your side, he will do everything in his power to assist you. You need only ask.
Routine. Law doesn't have the liberty to ponder over new and creative ways to show his love for you. You and him have settled into a comfortable routine. If you're feeling neglected, he expects you to be direct with him. He's not opposed to trying out new things to spice up your relationship; however, he's not a creative man so you should expect to be the one to initiate and propose new ideas.
Law is an observant man. He understands you as a person, what makes you laugh, what makes you cry, what motivates you. He also has an exceptional memory and has made it a point to remember your favorites and your least favorites as they come up in conversation.
Having experienced pain and grief through losing his loved ones, Law is especially empathetic to those who have suffered the same fate.
Above all else. The love Law has for you is different to the love he has for his crew—his nakama. He loves you above all other things in his life. He is reckless, but knowing that you love him and will never forgive him for being negligent with his life makes him value himself more.
You are worthy of his love, but often times, he thinks to himself, is he worthy of yours?
Wild Card
Law enjoys brushing your hair. He loves the feel of your silky smooth hair and the way you hum in contentment under his care. His hands are always so gentle as he grasps your hair, treating you with a delicacy one can expect from a pirate handling their most prized treasure, which adds to the intimacy of the act.
Law is not overly affectionate. Prior to being with you, he was touch-starved. Expect to be the first to initiate intimacy. Kissing and cuddles took some time to get used to. But once that period passes, Law does not hesitate to initiate romance by trailing kisses along your neck, playing with your hair, and feeling your smooth skin beneath your clothes. He prefers the privacy of his quarters when showing you any sort of physical affection.
On the surface, Law hides his yearning for you well. During times of separation, he thinks of you as he lies in bed. He thinks of your warmth, your body heat combined with his as you snuggle against each other underneath the comfort of your bed. He thinks of your lips, curled up in a carefree smile, turning into subdued laughter. He returns your mirth with a smile of his own. He thinks of your face and how much he wants to caress your cheeks, feel the smooth skin beneath the roughness of his fingertips. He misses how your face would warm up in response to his touch, how you lean into him, eager for more. He reaches out instinctively, before realization kicks in. You weren't here. He misses you.
Law is willing to go to great lengths for your relationship. He's grieved so much at such a young age from losing his mother, father, Lami, and Cora-san. His life is yours. He'll be damned if anyone stands in the way of him and you.
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katsukeis · 3 years
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alpas. (v.) a tagalog word meaning: to become free, to break loose.
(tala’s notes: I found something mindblowing when I was writing this story. I’ll explain it in a post later hehe and yes I was crying when I was writing the ending.)
character/s: tsukishima kei x reader
genre/s: angst
warning: swearing, breakups
You've only wanted one person in your life. Tsukishima Kei. The whole world almost knows how badly you want him to look at your direction. Adore him from afar or steal glances on him in your classes.
And the day came, you were partnered by your Literature teacher with Tsukishima. Luck’s on your side I guess. With that, you had the courage to talk to him and approached him at lunch that day. Kind of nervous but at least this is your chance being connected to him. Getting inches closer to his desk, you can't help but appreciate his features. Slight messy blonde hair, fixed glasses, his headphone hugging softly around his nape, and those long slender fingers where his head rests.
"Hi Tsukishima-san, I'm Y/N, we're partners on our Literature class." you said. He raised his head up to look at you.
"Uh yeah hi. About the work that we will do... What type of literature do you want to do? Or do you have any specific topic that you want to work on?" he asked. Of course you told him what you wanted to do and how both of you will work it out. You can't help but stare at him while he was discussing about it. Zoning out when he asked you again another question. "So, when and where do you want us to do it? Any location in mind?" you were just staring at him then a few seconds you snapped into reality.
"Huh? Uhm we can do it at a cafe or at my place, I'm the only one living there." you gave him your address written on a piece of paper. "Oh do you also need my contact number if ever you want to come? So, I can prepare and clean my apartment."
He scanned the paper in his hands. "You're just a few blocks from my house. I'll check my schedule on my free time and tell about it. Thanks."
You nod, going back to your seat and ate your lunch.
After that interaction at class, Tsukishima came over for the first time and will come over on weekends or his free time to your apartment and the both of you started working on your project as usual. You finished the project early. It goes on for a week or two. And both of you are growing closer than ever and he's coming over more often, sharing jokes and little gossips that happened in your class. Of course, it’s Tsukishima Kei we’re talking here so the snide remarks won’t be missing.
Until one night, it ended up with you confessing your feelings to him under the light of the moon and stars in the sky. Shinning and twinkling for the both of you. Witnessing the confession you're about to say to the boy you've been yearning for.
"Tsukishima-san, I like you, no I love you by this time now. Like for half a year now. It's okay if you don't like or love me back. I will understand it." you were surprised of what he did next. His lips connected to yours. And he said while smirking, "I love you too, dummy."
"I- Tsukishima-san-"
"Kei." he blurted out cutting you off. "You can just call me 'Kei', Y/N."
"Uhh..." Speechless. Is he for real? He's already letting you call him by his first name. "S-sure, Tsuki- I mean Kei. Are you sure you love me too? How? I- I can't believe it. What?" You blurted too quickly with a flushed face turning away from him. You can see on your peripheral vision that he's plastering a smirk on his lips.
"I'm fond of you ever since I laid my eyes on you. You're sweet and kind. I really thought I won't have you because we are polar opposites." You can feel his eyes staring at you. "I want you to be my girlfriend. I want to go to dates with you. I want to give you the moon right here, right now. I think this what they call 'love at first sight', right?" Tsukishima said while looking at the moon. Fast thumping of your heart causes all the blood to travel all over your system specifically to your face.
“Kei-" he cuts you off again.
"But what if I tell you my feelings has disappeared already?" you should see how you frown and your eyes lost all of its colors because of what he said. You heard him chuckle. "I'm kidding. You should've seen your reaction just now. You look really sad." he said teasing you.
"You're being a jerk right now, Kei." you slightly punched his arm, can't help but smile again. "You should be thankful that I love you."
"Me? A jerk? Nah. Remember that I will love you forever. I promise. I will make you fall for me harder, Y/N be ready" He said intertwining your fingers together.
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That night was the most memorable time to you. Just you and Kei, admiring the moon, locked fingers, and being in love with each other. If that's the case then how did it turn out this way?
Ah... right. After a few months of 'being in love', there comes the arguments and obstacles, screaming match every night, ignoring each other, sometimes you think that maybe it's normal for him already that you're like a ghost in your shared apartment. But now, here he is after you confronting him not making effort for your relationship anymore.
"Kei, do you even still love me?! Because these days, it's like I am ghost in this relationship! Like I am the only one sacrificing for our sake!" You can't help but explode with rage. You're getting tired but you can't because you still love and want him. You want to save this crumbling-to-pieces relationship of both of you.
But he said nothing, just standing there, done with all your bullshit. He keeps rolling he's eyes on you whenever you complain to him. "Can you please shut up already? I don't want to hear your nonsense right now, Y/N."
You scoffs. "Nonsense? Our relationship? Is just a nonsense for you? Great then. Why am I even here fighting with you for some 'nonsense' relationship of ours? Answer Kei!" Tears are now can be seen rolling down in your face. You just want him to fight for your relationship too. Hurt can be heard on your voice. "Why did you even say you love me for a hundred times before when you're just gonna ignore this relationship after? You even promised me."
"Well, I guess I shouldn't have promised that thing to you back then." He was emotionless when he said that phrase. You can't identify anymore if he mean it or not.
You can't take it anymore. It's too late now. He did it already. It broke. Your heart is broken now. Rushing to your room, packing your things then heading to the exit while your tears are dropping on the floor. Kei snapped and realized what he said. He hugged you from the back.
"Let me go, Kei. Stop." He soften his grasps from you so you can get out of the door already.
"Wait, Y/N-" reaching out again for you but failed. You already left. Are you still going back? You're just mad, right? You know that I don't mean what I said, right? He thought.
But weeks passed in a glimpse, Kei texted and called you thousand times but you're too tired moving, crying, thinking about everything. Your friend let you stay at her apartment and decided that you need to pull yourself together now. It's time.
Kei received a message from you.
(Y/N: I'm under the cherry blossom tree. I'll be waiting.)
Cherry blossom tree. He only knows one cherry blossom related to the both of you. The tree where you confessed to him. With that he rushed, grabbing his jacket and keys. On the way to you, thoughts are running in his mind. Are you going back to him again? He missed you. He can't wait to cuddle with you again.
Right there and then he saw your attractive figure sitting under the same tree that's important to you, watching the orange sky and the sun almost setting. Approaching you.
"Hey, Y/N." You looked up to him. "How are you? I missed-"
"I'm doing fine now I guess." you cut him off. Kei is now sitting beside you. "I called you here because I want to make things clear now. We need... We need to end things now."
Kei's mouth gaped. He can't believed what he's hearing from you right now.
"Don't please, Y/N. Please...I will be better. I love you." he pleads.
"You keep saying that you love me but can't even show me that you do anymore." You're on the verge of tears but you didn't let the tears fall.
"It's just... this is not working anymore for us, Kei. I'm tired to be the only one doing effort in this relationship, it's turning out like a one-sided love." You forced a chuckle out of you.
Kei is quietly listening to you.
"Kei, the sunset is beautiful isn't it?" You looked up to the beautiful color of the sunset. The sun is disappearing so as your feelings. You gotta move on. Both of you do gotta move on.
"What? Are you bored yet? Should we go now?"
"I'm sorry Y/N... really."
"I'm sorry too, Kei. This is the last time we will see each other. I loved you. Thank you for the memories we made. Thank you for everything."
And that was it. You said the words. This is where you're going to part ways. This is for the better. You'll never look back again because if you do, you'll just trick yourself to falling for him again. Both of you need to break free from the pain. Under the same cherry blossom tree where it started. The same moon and stars that witnessed both your confession, is now witnessing the pain you feel for the boy you once yearned for.
You've once wanted a person in your life. Tsukishima Kei.
He became yours and you became his.
The whole world knew how badly you wanted him to look at your direction.
He used to but he never did it again after that.
Adored him from afar or steal glances on him in your classes.
Now, the two of you are breaking down and you never steal glances ever again to him.
Maybe someday... Tsukishima and you will be better again. Maybe this is what fate wants to happen. Maybe it's time to take a break. Maybe you'll love again... Maybe...
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reblogs are appreciated.
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