#I figure you're all here for the photos and not the captions
ryanmarshallryan · 11 days
Pride Pool Party
Here is a vore story inspired by a scenario requested by @malebellyvore987
Nathaniel and Jonathan were having a lot of fun celebrating their first pride month together as boyfriends. They went to the local parade and watched all the fun floats go by, waving to their friends who were marching along among the floats. Nathaniel’s younger brother, Hector, had never been to a pride parade but had always wanted to go, so they let him tag along.
“I think Mario’s hosting a pool party sometime later today,” Jonathan mentioned to Nathaniel as they watched a gay men’s chorus march by blasting Chappel Roan, “did you wanna stop by for a bit? Maybe after we drop off Hector?”
Before Nathaniel could chime in, Hector who had been listening blurted out “Pool party! I wanna come!”
“Hector, this won’t be like one of your college frat parties,” Nathaniel responded, adjusting his sunglasses in the hot sun, “I think the dress code is speedos… or less.”
“C’mon we don’t have a pool, and it is soooo hot. I don’t have a problem with guys there assuming I’m gay,” Hector retorted.
“Yeah, but isn't this like your first pride? We don’t wanna overwhelm you too much,” Jonathan added.
“Guys relax, I can blend in. Anyways I’d spend most of my time under the water, not bothering anybody…” Hector replied, now beginning to pull his sweat drenched shirt off over his head, “but I’ll let everyone enjoy the view.”
“Gross,” Nathaniel joked when Hector revealed his skinny toned frame. Someone on a float whistled at him and Hector spun his shirt around over his head in response.
After making their way back through the crowds and taking the subway, they found their friend Mario’s apartment complex and headed over to the secluded pool area. 
The scene had been decked out in the vomit of a rainbow monster. Multi-colored streamers adorned the fence. A rainbow-sequined fabric was strung up near a box of props for photo taking. The pool was littered with rainbow and pool donuts, and the snack table was arranged as well with donuts adorning rainbow designs. Hector admired some particularly lewd posters hanging by a changing area, and saw a caption underneath that read like “Made by an actual, full-time gay man, not but some money hungry conglomerate that showers the world in rainbows only one month a year.”
Nathaniel and Jonathan found their way into a changing area, visited with Mario and chatted a bit, then dove into the pool to cool off for a bit and socialize with the other swimmers. Jonathan began to remark “where’s Hector,” when they saw a flash above their heads as Hector jumped over them in only his underwear and did a cannonball in the center of the crowd.
“Well, there’s your answer,” said Nathaniel, wiping water out of his eyes.
Hector stayed true to his word and began exploring under the water to get out of the heat. At one point he came up to Jonathan and Nathaniel and whispered, “I’ve never seen so many yahoos in my life!”
“Yahoos? You sound like you're twelve,” Nathaniel replied.
“Hector, maybe don’t stalk guys' junk from under the water,” Jonathan added, “It’s kinda weird.”
“Only admiring, don’t worry,” Hector said, then pointing to a guy across the pool, “He’s been doing it, too.”
“I think I’m gonna go dive into the pool,” Nathaniel said, searching for an excuse to leave this uncomfortable conversation. 
Hector nodded goodbye, then went off jumping back underwater and splashing nearby swimmers who were caught off guard.
Nathaniel closed his eyes and took a deep breath and tried to convince himself that everything was going great, willing the universe to not let his brother mess up his pride pool party day. Apparently the universe had other plans. For the moment Nathaniel opened his eyes and lept head first to dive into the water, he saw a slim figure approaching from the depths of the pool, that was not his reflection.
It happened very quickly. Hector, who had been playing around sitting on the bottom of the deep end, then coming up for air at the last second, zoomed to the surface and opened his mouth as wide as he could to take in a big gulp of air. But instead he got a face full of his brother, Nathaniel, who slammed hard into the back of his throat, and kept sliding down with astonishing speed into his rapidly expanding stomach. Nathaniel felt his arms crumple against his body, as he was forced to curl up, tightly encased in the balloon of his brother’s stomach. Hector, had the wind knocked out of him from the unexpected gulp of Nathaniel, and experienced a short period of shock as he tried to suck in air but could not pull down his diaphragm. 
Jonathan swam over, planning to greet Nathaniel in the pool, and wiped the water out of his face to find Hector, who was now wheezing with his torso under the water.
“Hector, are you okay? Did you swallow a bunch of water or something?” Jonathan asked, concernedly.
Hector tried to respond but was still too out of breath to form words. But a guttural, mumbled and grumbling sound issued out of his throat. Hector took one more deep breath and opened his mouth to speak, but instead found another voice issuing from out of his throat saying, “Oh he swallowed something all right!”
Jonathan looked down in surprise. He assumed the large view of Hector’s gut was simply an illusion of the light refracting in the water. He plunged under the water, opened his eyes to the stinging chlorine, and put his ear to Hector’s deformed and distended belly, which was forming the exact shape of his boyfriend in fetal position. He could hear frustrated grunting.
“Hector, you ate my boyfriend? You ate your brother?” Jonathan yelled in confusion.
Hector replied with a sheepish, toothy smile to show apology. “In my defense he literally dove down my throat,” Hector replied, now rubbing his tight gut.
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“Regardless of how it happened, it’s time to get him out. Right now,” Jonathan tried to push on Hector’s stomach, but ended up just pushing Hector through the water to the shallow end. Swimmers they passed by stopped the conversation to gaze at the unexpected view of the tight man-filled belly emerging out of the water. “Nothing to see here people, unless you got some emetic drugs or something.”
Jonathan got Hector up against a wall of the pool and continued pushing, but that just made Nathaniel more uncomfortable, and as he tried to wriggle around to avoid being squeezed too hard by the stomach and added pressure of Jonathan’s hands, Hector moaned in discomfort as his insides were pressed tightly against his spine to make room for the comparatively gigantic mass in his gut. 
Next, Jonathan made Hector open his mouth wide again, and tried to shove his arms down Hector’s throat to grab Nathaniel and pull him out. This not only did not work, it had the opposite result, as Hector’s peristalsis kicked in and he began swallowing Jonathan as well.
Jonathan had just enough time to yell “I need a big strong bear to pull me out of this!!!” before his head was sucked in along with his arms into Hector’s powerful esophagus. 
By the time the bears had been summoned, Jonathan was up past his groin into Hector’s mouth and throat, and his arms and head had reached the stomach. Jonathan and Nathaniel got closer than they ever got before as they were crushed between Hector’s clammy stomach walls, with tingling stomach acid and sweat making it difficult to grip onto one another.
One of the bears reached his arms around the slender waist of Hector from the back and picked him up, with pressure on the lower half of Hector’s belly. Two other bears grabbed hold of Jonathan’s legs, which only the lower half of were showing outside of Hector’s mouth. Mario came over too and started chanting “1… 2… 3… Heave!!!” over and over again. LIttle by little, inch by inch, they pulled Jonathan’s body back out of Hector’s maw. Jonathan was trying his best to hold tight to Nathaniel, but as his head made it past Hector’s face, he felt his hands slipping. Luckily one of the bears noticed, grabbing onto Nathaniel’s wrist and pulling with a great might. 
Once Nathaniel and Jonathan were freed from Hector’s surprisingly powerful and durable stomach, the lot of them waded in the water with the bears, all catching their breath. The guys thanked the bears, who thanked them for an unexpected and interesting experience. One of the bears tickled Hector’s belly and joked that the little’s stomach was much bigger than his eyes it seemed. The other bear that had held Hector from the back gave Hector a slap on the butt, and swam on.
The last of the bears admired Nathaniel and Jonathan saying, “Hey if you two ever wanna have fun inside a gut that’s actually roomy enough to hold both of you, send me a message.” He pulled a sticky note pad and a pen out of his pocket and wrote his number down twice and gave it to each of them. The bear gave them a wink, and swam backwards, letting his belly rise above the water, looking like a whale coming up for air.
“How did that guy have a dry piece of paper in his pocket?” Jonathan asked.
“Honestly a lot of surprising things happened today and that’s the least of my concerns,” Nathaniel replied.
Jonathan held the paper up out of the water to avoid getting it wet, “Well, it could be fun to try something new.”
Mario dove into the water next to them and came to chat. “All right, Hector? Maybe refrain from eating these lads in the future,” he said, patting Jonathan and Nathaniel on the backs, “but if I run into any willing meals I’ll send them your way,” he said with a wink.
“Oh, no, that was all an accident, I didn’t mean to - wait, there are guys willing to - ” Hector began.
“Thanks so much for hosting, Mario. Sorry for my brother. He gets nervous and starts stress eating in crowds,” Nathaniel cut him off.
“No I don’t! Don’t make me - “ Hector began again.
“Well don’t just be food, come eat some! We’ve got a great buffet over by the changing rooms. And I mean eat as much as you can, I do not have the fridge space for all of this,” Mario implored them.
“I think I know a guy who could definitely help with that,” Nathaniel said, just before playfully punching Hector in the gut. “Race ya,” and they were off to the buffet to fill their bellies, and enjoy the rest of the pride pool party.
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hanrinz · 1 year
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secret bf! bakugou brainrots & after party runaway !! showing you to the world will always be one of the best decisions he have ever made.
content. pro-hero! bakugou, female reader, fluff, kinda ooc. secret relationship! wrote this in an hour and i just can't find it in myself to proofread :(( wc. 1.0k
notes. i luv katsuki sm it hurts, someone give me recs of katsuki fluff. I feel like im dying
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running away with katsuki at the after party and trying not to get caught by the paparazzi which proves to be quite impossible, but that doesn't really stop you from doing it. the both of you managed to slip away with your long gown in one hand and your other hand clutching kasuki's.
hastily, climbing his car and driving away from the scene, leaving with a middle finger out for the press to see.
it was exhilarating, it made your heart race, you can hear the blood pumping into your ears.
your giggles are heard throughout the night and his mouth quirks up with a small smile. he looks so handsome in his black-red suit, with his jacket around your shoulders, his cuffs unbutton and rolled up to his arms, showing his muscles. his hands are so pretty on the wheel, as he steps on the gas, driving faster on the road.
feeling the cold air on your skin, your heart warm and fuzzy, as you look at katsuki making you smile so wide, that your cheeks hurt. your managers would definitely throw a fit in the morning, but they didn't matter right now.
all you can care about is you're here with your lover, enjoying your time in the middle of the night, as the moon witnesses your rendezvous.
it all flew like a blur the night itself was to be remembered only by the two of you.
you were awakened by the multiple calls from yours and katsuki's phone, the name of your managers displayed both who had hundreds of miscalls and a few angry texts accompanied with it.
it was 10:45 in the morning. immediately, answering the call, you were hit with a loud nagging voice, "y/n where the fuck are you?"
"m' at home," rubbing your eyes, letting out a yawn indicating you've been disturbed in your sleep. "have you seen the articles? i thought both of you and the company agreed not to be out on the public?!"
you can definitely hear her frustration, you almost feel bad. well, almost.
checking the web for the latest news, your face and katsuki was definitely the first thing that popped up with the words of the news of your relationship.
and so on, the media is having a field day with both of you as the topic. with your manager still ranting and panicking in the background, begging you to at least leave a statement or help her out. you couldn't care less about what the media thinks.
immediately, hanging up the phone cutting up her voice, you could only imagine her fury, definitely not the one you would like to deal with.
but, maybe your idea would ease her worries about the press. opening your camera and propping up in your vanity, snapping a picture of yourself in the mirror in katsuki's well known black skull shirt with his sleeping figure showing a little in the photo. not enough to see his whole face, but enough to recognize that it's the well known hero.
posting the said picture, with a caption 'party afterglow <3' and the minute you upload it, your phone was already blowing up again with people in the comments and likes.
moving to the bed again as you silence your phone and katsuki's, reading some of the comments before you close it.
deku_ i was always right and no one believed me!!!
⤷uravity you didn't tell us tho?!?
red_riot congratulations y/n-san & bakubro!!
⤷chargebolt when will it be my turn?? :((
pinky:3 the fucking audacity! i need all the tea!
⤷ cellophane i fucking knew it!
it has you chuckling, shaking your head as you dip deeper into the covers where bakugou sleeps peacefully. wrapping your hands around his waist, as you nuzzle your face into his chest. his arms coming around you as a reflex as he pulls you closer to him.
his eyes opening slowly, with a groan leaving his lips from the exhaustion from last night, parties have never been his thing. though, it was bearable whenever you were there.
giving you a kiss on the side of your head, following with a small 'good mornin' with his morning raspy voice. you smiled at him and it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, he could get used to waking up beside you. "did you sleep well, angel?"
"mhm," you hummed softly as you traced his face with your hands. "your manager was calling you a while ago, he seems mad 'suki," you snickered.
he huffed, clearly annoyed with his ever loving manager, always up on his ass and whatever shit he was doing. "oh, fuck him" he breathed out and that just makes you laugh more.
and he doesn't give a fuck of whatever his manager concern was, your melodious laughter dying down as you look at him in the eye, uttering the words he would always hear whenever you're alone together,
"love you 'suki," your eyes now glinting with love, as you whispered those words to his face, huddling closer to him. you don't know what you're doing to him, and it's driving him crazy and everything you do just gets him so worked up and it's not even funny anymore.
"i know you do, baby" he knows, and he really did want to say it back to you too, but your cute pouting face whenever you beg him to say it back would be an offer that is hard to pass up, and that is exactly what he did.
"katsuki say it back!" his smirk widened as he hears your pleading voice, you were a little too easy to tease, but he really can't say no to that cute face of yours.
"love ya too, more than you could ever imagine." he says as he leaned in to capture your lips with his.
and it was perfect like how you would always be perfect in his arms, perfectly his and as he was to you.
he was thankful that your relationship doesn't have to be a secret anymore, he can't really stand the press any longer with their fake news, and well.. he can't really stand your relationship being in the dark too.
it was all definitely worth it, because it's you.
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likes & reblogs are highly appreciated! i'm gonna cry i suck at writing dialogues <;/3
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bitchiswild · 4 months
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Us Against The World
Rosé x F! Reader Word Count:887 Warnings:none A/n:i need more music from Blackpink Requested
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You and Rosie have been in a relationship for over two years now. Both of you are former members of the immensely popular girl groups Blackpink and Twice. Lately, fans have started to piece things together and are slowly realizing the depth of your connection, wondering if you're more than just close friends but actual lovers.
The suspicions among fans began to arise due to the amount of time you and Rosie spent together. Whether it's days spent in each other's company or those instances when one of you goes live on social media, the other always seems to be present in the background, fueling conspiracies and speculations.
"Here we go again," you remarked to your girlfriend as you scrolled through Twitter, encountering numerous posts speculating about your relationship. Chaeyoung glanced over, leaning in closer to take a look. "Should we just tell them?" she pondered.
You shook your head. "Nah, I think it's kind of amusing. Let's see if they can piece it together. Besides, we're not exactly hiding our relationship; they just can't figure out if we're friends or lovers," you said with a chuckle.
Chaeyoung chuckled along with you. "You're right. Let's post another picture on Instagram, something similar, and use similar captions. That'll definitely stir up some commotion," she said with a mischievous smile, reaching for her phone to find the perfect photo.
After exchanging mischievous grins, you and Chaeyoung decided on the perfect photo and crafted matching captions for your Instagram posts. The images were almost identical, capturing a candid moment of the two of you laughing together, bathed in golden sunlight. The captions were cryptic yet playful, leaving fans guessing about the true nature of your relationship.
Within moments of posting, your notifications exploded with activity. Fans immediately began dissecting every detail of the photos and captions, drawing comparisons and analyzing potential hidden meanings. The comments section quickly filled with a mix of excitement, confusion, and wild speculation.
"OMG, are they hinting at something?!" one fan exclaimed, while another wrote, "They're definitely more than just friends, look at the way they're looking at each other!" The similarities between your posts only fueled the frenzy, with fans sharing screenshots side by side, pointing out every tiny similarity and difference.
As the posts gained traction, your Instagram feeds became flooded with reactions from fans across the globe. Some were convinced that you and Chaeyoung were indeed a couple, while others argued that you were simply close friends and nothing more. The debate raged on, intensifying with each new comment and share.
Through it all, you and Chaeyoung watched the chaos unfold with amusement, thoroughly enjoying the spectacle you had created. It was a testament to the power of social media and the fervent dedication of your fans, whose imaginations ran wild as they tried to unravel the mystery of your relationship.
The day your relationship was inadvertently exposed was one for the books, filled with unexpected twists and turns that left you and Rosie both amused and slightly stunned. It happened in the picturesque city of Paris, where you were attending a prestigious fashion show as ambassadors for YSL.
What started as a quiet, romantic date that Rosie had planned turned into a whirlwind of events when an eagle-eyed fan spotted the two of you together. They followed discreetly, capturing candid moments on camera, but things took a surprising turn when they caught you and Rosie stealing a sweet kiss amidst the Parisian charm.
The fan wasted no time in sharing the incriminating evidence on Twitter, setting off a chain reaction that sent shockwaves through social media and beyond. The photos and videos quickly went viral, sparking a frenzy of speculation and discussion among fans and even grabbing the attention of local news outlets.
In the midst of the swirling emotions and intense scrutiny that followed the exposure of your relationship, you and Rosie found solace in each other's presence. As you retreated to the privacy of your shared space, the weight of the world seemed to lift off your shoulders, replaced by a sense of calm and reassurance.
"I can't believe how crazy things have gotten," Rosie remarked, her voice tinged with disbelief as she scrolled through the endless stream of comments on her phone.
You nodded in agreement, wrapping your arms around her in a comforting embrace. "I know, it's overwhelming. But we'll get through this together," you reassured her, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.
Despite the mixed reactions from fans and the media, you and Rosie remained steadfast in your commitment to each other. As you navigated the tumultuous waters of public scrutiny, you found strength in each other's unwavering support and love.
"It's like a rollercoaster ride," Rosie mused, a hint of amusement in her voice as she leaned into your embrace.
You chuckled softly, brushing a stray lock of hair away from her face. "Yeah, but at least we're in it together," you replied, smiling warmly at her.
In the face of adversity, your bond with Rosie only grew stronger, a beacon of light guiding you through the darkest of times. And as you weathered the storm of mixed emotions together, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would always have each other's backs. It was the two of you against the world.
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kairiscorner · 11 months
OMG IF YOU WANT PLS DO WRITE THE FIC ABOUT MIGUEL SEEING OUR THIRST TRAPS 😭 salamat talagaaaa wala na kasi akong maisip maliban kay miguel
HELLOOOOO, OFC I WILL ANON, I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS HEHE this is another excuse to make more text fics bc it's starting to feel fun for me LMAO <333
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
is it not for me? – miguel o'hara x reader (reacting to your thirst traps)
a/n: kind of suggestive shit underneath the cut, sorry if you don't like it, you have every right to scroll away ^^
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after getting used to the controls and operations on social media and understanding the basic goal, or lack, of it–miguel had begun scrolling through his feed like you and lyla directed him to do. he scrolled and scrolled through the endless photos, videos, and posts sent his way by the very strange algorithm of the app. he still hadn't found the right thing for him on social media and he honestly wouldn't be here if you and lyla didn't force him to try it out so much, but when he least expected it... he happened upon your account.
he saw a photo of your back, it was you taking a selfie in the mirror with hardly anything covering your back. your behind was in full view but covered up, the lighting was dim, save for the flash of your phone's camera. the caption read: "for m, hoping you'll enjoy this three-course meal 🍓"
...that did something to miguel. it set some sort of feeling off of him, something that urged him to not just click like, but to comment right then and there: "who the shock is 'm'?" but if only he knew how to comment; all he knows how to do is click like and scroll.
he clicked the like button, unsure of how to feel about that very... eye-catching photo of yours. he tried shaking the feeling off, but he just couldn't; he couldn't stop thinking about it. he scrolled back up to see who else liked your photo, it took him a few tries to figure out how to do that. he also saw a few of the preview comments, complimenting your looks and tagging their friends who had 'm' in their names–joking that the photo was for them.
it pissed miguel off that these people could think your photos were for them, when you promised him you were all his. it damaged his ego slightly, but he figured these people were just douches, simple as that.
...but he needed to be doubly sure, so he click on your profile and looked through the posts you made. you really did love showing off your behind, it seemed like you were incredibly proud of it; miguel's totally in love with your ass, don't get him wrong, bur to know other people could see it and get to revisit the sight of your ass? oh, that made him feel a bit of a stinging pain in his chest.
he hated that feeling, where he felt like you were sharing intimate bits of yourself when you kept reminding and telling him you're all his. that, and as he scrolled through your comments, he saw a lot of people who not only loved your photos and sent you many compliments, but many who told you to get off the platform–many also catcalled you in the comments, too, much to his disgust.
"can't even keep this shit in real life, what losers." he muttered under his breath as he felt his anger rise as he kept scrolling through your comment section. he had gone through almost all of your posts, memorizing all the details of your posts and how you looked in them, feeling his face and chest flare up in a fit of heat as he looked through them all one by one. he sighed as he noticed you were a little too bold in these photos, in his opinion. he didn't want you to jeopardize yourself, seeing as how there were a lot of creeps on your account, he wanted to bring it to you attention.
hence, he messaged you all about his concerns.
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"for... her mother?" miguel repeated to himself as he reread your message to him. he sighed, not believing your excuse one bit, believing you directed it to someone with an 'm' in their name, like him, but he decided to play along for now to get you to fess up eventually. that, and he doesn't think you'd wish your mom would have a lovely three-course meal with your ass picture, but he did see that you took pictures of food afterwards, so... it was plausible. but you were not off the hook yet.
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he sighed as you laughed at his attempt at guessing who that post was for, who 'm' was. he felt a little embarrassed, a little ashamed he thought it was him, but then he thought of who would be closest to you, had 'm' in their name, and would enjoy the three-course meal that was... you already know what. he sighed as he typed and retyped his message after deleting the previous one, trying to get himself together after outing himself as being a little expectant that those thirst traps were for him.
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he finally messaged you, trying to sound stern over text, but he was completely ignored by you when you sent him a selfie of your bottom half, with little letters on your bottom that read: "good????? bad????? should i get em....."
fuck, you baited him again.
he felt his cheeks grow hot and his breath hitch in his throat as he stared at your photo for a second, hoping you wouldn't post this, that this could remain as just a little thing between you two. but then again, he couldn't control you, so he'd just try to respond back–seeming unfazed. hopefully.
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he was so easy to please sometimes.
moral of the story?
miguel loves your ass and wants to beat up the creeps in your comments section, while making it known to both you and the world that your ass is all for him–nobody else.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @fiannee @fictarian @yuridopted0 @arachnoia @meeom @ophanimgold @melovetitties @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @popeheywardssecretgf
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love-toxin · 1 year
waaaah i am perspiring just imagining the pornstar! fruity four slowly easing you into their videos and all the comments are like 👀 who dis
new phone who dis 👁
(cws: fruity four, modern spicy accountant au, f!angelface, voyeurism, filming, bruises, oral, overstimulation)
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it starts off slow. little comments here and there in the captions on their videos, harmless references to "the smoking hot sweetheart" one of them had just hooked up with. none of their fans know for sure that the four of them are in a committed relationship even though there's speculation, so there's nothing there to say that they're not just referring to a one night stand or simply another adult actor they're filming with.
until Eddie slips up and posts a video. it's clearly not Nancy or Steve laying on their belly in his bed, only the lower half of your stomach to the top of your thighs is visible, but the shorts you've got on and your figure isn't masking the fact that it isn't them. Eddie starts off by massaging your legs and roams up higher, higher, higher, until he's chuckling low and raspy as he's making you squirm and whine softly at where he's rubbing his fingers--right at the seam between your thighs, the stretchy fabric of your shorts digging into your tender flesh and making it that much harder to keep your "oh"s and "baby"s and "please"s quiet. and he shushes them all, soothes you as his fingers work to ruck down the waist of your bottoms so they peel away from your supple skin, and sinks into you from above with kisses and a hand gripping your arm as he feeds himself inside you so slowly. his hips pin yours to the bed and he barely moves inside you, just sticks to short, soft thrusts that bring out that squeaky tone of your voice to compliment the straining squeal of his bedsprings as he humps you. it's gentle and slow and sweet, so sweet that everyone is suspicious of this new person cropping up--especially when he adds the caption to that video that reads "love a good cuddle session with my angel <3" but doesn't tag anyone.
in the aftermath, the other three are a little annoyed that he failed to be as subtle as he should be, but it's barely an annoyance at all when they get to filter through all those nice comments that you get about how cute you are. people say you have a pretty voice, a soft butt, they wanna see you cum close-up and want the four to fuck you all at the same time, they wanna see your cunt gaping after they've all had their turns with you. and they're all too happy to give the people what they want.
Robin posts a photo of you with your tits exposed, littered with marks from her teeth and bruises all with the context; "if I'm a good girl and suck harder, will milk come out?" that drives the girls in her replies wild. Nancy's bold enough to post a video of her riding your face, taking it from an angle that hides your identity still but doesn't miss out on any of that glorious movement, as she drives her hips back and grinds down on your tongue to feel it stroke all the way through her sticky folds. when she cums, she nearly loses it and moans your name, but she manages to stop herself just before she collapses over you and pants so hard as the high comes down. and Steve.....Steve doesn't want to share you with the rest of the world, but he also really wants to show off how gorgeous you are and how good he fucks you. so he films a video of himself eating you out from behind, his two fingers buried in your pussy while his other two tease your clit, and he makes quite the show of messily, sloppily licking you up from every angle until you're quite literally yanking at his hair to tug him off when you're cumming for the fifth time in a row. and as punishment for Eddie, he's gotta be the one to hold the camera while he watches everyone else have fun--but that doesn't mean he's not gonna stroke himself off in the meantime, waiting with a grin for an opportunity to slip in so he can have a go at that pretty pussy for some deliciously sloppy seconds <3
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eschergirls · 3 months
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It's been 2 weeks so it's time to announce the winners of the March caption contest!
We had a lot of good entries this time and I had a very hard time choosing.  So many made me laugh, so thank you to everybody who submitted!
As usual when I have a lot of submissions, I'll choose 3 winners and 2 honorable mentions. :)
Each winner will get to choose a prize if they wish (but you don't have to, you can just participate for fun too.)  The prizes are extra Steam codes that I've acquired through bundles over the years and I figure that giving them out for contests would be fun.
Anyway here are the entries!
Claire: like a true warrior she is hitting the "crouch" command atop her fallen enemies Ordinating Aether Snow: It is a common misconception that the "death" part of her name refers to some grim reaper like mythos or to her pale complexion. The real origin of the moniker is an amusing coincidence born from academia. When biologists were first dissecting a specimen of her species they were assigning random letters to each joint on her limbs beyond the ones found on normal humans. Only afterwards, did they find that the section between her knee and hips spelt out "death."
Imry: With standard warnings doing nothing to reduce the overwhelming number of back injuries, the Coffin Comics warehouse safety team had to get more creative with their reminders to lift with your legs, not your back. Jenn Dolari: FFFFFRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPPTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! Karmazyna: I'd be holding on to my sword for dear life as well if I had to squat to pee in those heels. MaryKaye: So you thought you were clever to steal my pants? Your death will be...exquisite.
@chasedbybuildings: Was this drawn by someone from outer space who's not sure what humans look like? @cipheramnesia: *FART!!* @cipheramnesia: "Of course I'm going to fuck the sword." @cipheramnesia: "You're sure this is where you dropped your contact lens?" @cipheramnesia: "Oh hello, let me slip into something a little more comfortable." [trash compactor noises] @direwolfblackrose: That's the "these heels are killing me" squat @evilqueerwizardassociation: In today's episode of Feel Good News: woman born with right hip  ending six inches lower than the left overcomes disability to become sexualized as a knight! @failure-to-adult: "Hey fam, I'm Lady Death and I'm gonna inappropriately twerk on this battlefield! Don't forget to like and subscribe for more content!" @faunusroman: Looks like someone took the term "slay" too literally. @fluffyapathybunny: Oh wow this is all kinds of wrong, anatomy-wise. Why are her breasts so far down on her torso? @furrytechgirl: "I do have scoliosis! How did you know?" @madfishmonger: "Wait, you can't shift your butt cheeks far apart independently of each other? Skill issue." @metztreme: “I sure hope this fart loosens my wedgie” @mistakescontinuetobemade: when the thong just ain’t far enough up your ass to keep your free-floating pelvis in place @mnemonicpneumaticknife: "Are you done taking the photo?  Okay, good.  Put down the fan and come help me stand up. I can't feel my fucking legs." @vaspider: When your sword needs to go, but can't unless you go too. @wardenmcpherson: Don't judge, but she pulled Excalibur from the stone with her booty cheeks. Apparently, that was the only part of her that was pure of heart. @yourfriendlyneighborhoodhomo: when you've crouched down but you're in heels and if you try to stand wrong then you'll trip and get a face full of asphalt @zombiemollusk: "lesson learned: don't ever pole dance with a sword. most embarrassing hospital visit ever."
So first, honorable mentions go to:
@failure-to-adult: "Hey fam, I'm Lady Death and I'm gonna inappropriately twerk on this battlefield! Don't forget to like and subscribe for more content!"
@zombiemollusk: "lesson learned: don't ever pole dance with a sword. most embarrassing hospital visit ever."
And the winners:
3rd place goes to Claire: like a true warrior she is hitting the "crouch" command atop her fallen enemies
2nd place goes to @cipheramnesia: "Oh hello, let me slip into something a little more comfortable." [trash compactor noises]
And the winner is... @madfishmonger: "Wait, you can't shift your butt cheeks far apart independently of each other? Skill issue."
Congratulations to all the winners and also thank you to everybody who participated! 
Please stay tuned for a new caption contest next month!
If you won and would like a Steam code as a prize, please message me with which prize you would like.  If you came in 2nd, message me with 2 choices in order of preference, and if you came in 3rd, message me with 3 choices, etc...  I'll give you your top choice that hadn't been taken by the other winners. (To clarify, every winner only gets 1 prize, but winners other than the one in first place should give me their list of games in order of preference so if one is taken, I'll give you the next on the list.  It makes it easier for me to hand out the prizes.)
The Steam codes I have available as prizes are for:  Still Life, Riot: Civil Unrest, Castle Crashers, Hotel Giant 2, Steel Storm: Burning Retribution, Rage in Peace, Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day, Uncertain: Light At The End, and Shattered - Tale of the Forgotten Kings.
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love2angel · 1 year
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Trey Clover x Fem!Baker!Reader
Summary : You opened a small bakery downtown not long ago and a certain green haired student heard highly of your small business. He comes to visit just to make sure if it wouldn't threaten is family business..
!! Warning.s :: None
ˏˋ•╰┈➤ ᴘᴀʀᴛ 1 ,
Time flew by as it was already lunchtime for the students at Night Raven College. Two young men made their way to a closed space outside. Usually, they both eat at the cafeteria with the rest of their friends, but Trey wanted to study an upcoming exam and Cater could always use some help with his homework's.
As Trey was explaining something to Cater, the ginger suddenly sighed loudly. " You lost me Trey, I don't understand a single thing of what you said.. ". Trey looked at his friend dumbfounded. Cater changed position into a more relaxed one and pulled his cellphone out. He took a photo of the green head man who had a disappointed expression on his face. " And click! ' Boring study session with the school drunk Trey! '. ". He giggled to himself while reading his caption out loud. Though, Trey wasn't pleased with Cater's description of him. " That was really unnecessary. ". The teenager didn't seem to care about his friend words, he just suddenly gasped had what was on his screen.
As the phone was almost smashed into the young bakers face, Cater excitedly started rambling. " OMG, I cant believe I forgot to tell you about this! A new bakery opened in downtown not long ago and I tried some of their sweets. " Trey finally had a better view of the photo and saw a really well decorated café with many cute pastry's. " They were ON TOP and the service was amazing. Btw, the bakery is so pretty, literally couldn't stop myself from taking pictures! ". He couldn't disagree, the bakery was actually really fascinating and he couldn't doubt his friend on his statement of the food quality.
Trey decided that after school, he would go and take a look at it. Caters review made him intricated in this new bakery. Was it that much of a deal? Maybe after all, his family business would get some competition.
The last class of the day came to an end and the green haired man started to make his way downtown. He didn't have time to go to his dorm and get changed, because if he did, the shop would already be closed. He couldn't risk it, as he didn't want to visited in the morning knowing how much of a rush it usually is.
... - ... - ... - ... - ... - ... -
The sun was settling down and soon, you'll have to close the shop. You sighed in relief as your day is close to come to an end. You still needed to do some cleaning tasks, but it's nothing too tiring.
Focused on cleaning the counters, you almost didn't hear the front bell ring. The melody made you lift your head up only to be meet with a tall figure. A green haired man, maybe 1 or 2 years older than you, walked towards you. Standing behind the front desk, almost frozen, you had the time to analyze the stranger. You assumed he rushed here since he was still in his school uniform.
You finally looked up to take a look at the upper level of his body and saw his beautiful face features. Your cheeks began to rose up as you realized how attractive the young man was. You couldn't take your eyes away from his, well until you finally came back on earth. He was standing in front of the desk, finally looking around. " H-Hi, what could I do for you today Sir? ". You felt so embarrassed because not only did you stand there like a pole, you also didn't greet him when he entered and now you're stuttering..
The tall man attention came back to you and he gave you a faint smile, but you swear he made a small smirk. " Sorry for coming this late, I wanted to see if the rumors are true. " Your heart skipped a beat, people are starting rumors about your bakery? " I-Is that so? May I know what these rumors are about? ". Your voice was still shacky unfortunately. The green haired man chuckled lightly. ". Perhaps they're about how good of a place it is, I also heard that the sweets were quite tasty. " You furrowed your eyebrows. This man talks like he has experience, just what is he trying to do here.
You tried to make a composed expression as you respond to the stranger. " Ohh.. Glad to hear that the rumors aren't bad! ... Well in that case, would you like to try something? ". You gestured to the several pastries further away on the counter. " After all, that's what I came here for. ". He responded with a mocking tone. Yea, something is definitely up. " Let me select you so of my best rated cooking ".
As you selected some of your sweets, you took a quick glance at the boy. He may be handsome but he sure is acting like a bitch. Who does he think he is, acting like is all above, mocking me and all ARGH. Your mind continued to drift off in the insults until you place the plate full of pastries, almost violently, in front of the boy.
Not a second after your action, he bents down close to the plate and , analyze it, well kind of? This time, he really catch you off guards.. " Um.. Is something wrong ehh.. ". He didn't even let you finish your sentence. " Trey, my names Trey and no, everything's alright. ". He said so as he came back to his previous position. He took his plate and stormed off to one of your tables. He's so weird..
You gave Trey some time to eat his selected meal and continued to clean the café. You watched over where he was and couldnt stop to wonder why was he acting this way towards you. As you cleaned a spatula, you decided to go and serve him.
" Would you like anything else Mister Trey? ". You literally forced a smile just so no suspicions was drawn towards you. As he took the last bite of the single sweet, he looked up to you. " I'm fine.. ". He took a moment before asking something. " Your pastries are.. really enjoyable, I've never ate something like this. Could you please tell me who's the owner? ". He looked like he wanted to say something else other than enjoyable, that bastard doesn't want admit that your cooking is good. " I'm the owner, Y/N L/N. Why you wanna know? ". Your polite façade was starting to fate slowly. " Because I wanna know the name of my competitor. ".
" Excuse me? ". He relaxed on his chair. " That's right, I'm a baker myself and is a part of my family's business. I wanted to make sure that your small business wasn't threating mine but guess my plans took a turn. ". You balled your fists. " I prefer not being involved in this stupid one sided competition of yours, Trey. ". You empathized the last word. He stands up from his seat. " And why is that? Is Lady Y/N scared to loose? ". He shifted his aura to a psychotic one, almost. Now, you've had enough, this man needs to be put back in is place! " Pardon?! Ill take your customers and make them mine, you insolent! ".
" Oh really, I think its gonna be the other way around, be careful with your words young lady or youll end up sulking over them. ". He brushed your shoulder as he walked towards the entry. " Prepare for your downfall. Well then, see you soon Y/N. ". He empathized his last word and walked out the door, living you fuming in the middle of your bakery. Oh boy, he fell on your bad side and there's no turning back now. This is war.
ANGEL : The ending is really rushed, sorry in advance. I know there wasn't much interactions who gave away the attraction but believe me, there's gonna be more in the next part. I already have something planned for the ending and I believe this is gonna be 3 or 4 parts in total! Ill maybe even make a sequel haha! Anyhoo, see ya in the next part!!
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cc : @ooooshirasama on twitter
Tags !!! :
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eepop-stuffs · 2 months
So, because i have a love for media preservation, and recently got a VPN, I figured I could compile some stuff from websites I couldn't visit before, like the Minmie website. The Minmie website is region-locked for the US, so I'm on a Japanese server. I chose Japan because this is a region that I know Minmie products were sold in. Like the Fulla website, it's partially lost. For the same reasons as the Fulla site, too. Ruffle simply can't open a lot of the archived pages. However, because Minmie was smart, we can actually see the home page due to the site not opening on a flash-based loading screen.
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Much more after the cut!
This capture is from February of 2006, two years after the site was launched and six before it would be taken down. The 2004 capture's flash elements are inaccessible (but still there!), and for some odd reason the animation of Minmie and her man(?)* on the Vespa is inaccessible on every later capture.
*Edit: It's her brother. I was writing this as I was going along, I had no clue who he was at first😭
That blue part of the background is animated, and the text scrolls. I forgot to capture it in the video I think, but the red mailbox hops up and down when you hover on it.
The top animation seems to restart after a certain amount of time.
The 10 squares at the bottom bring you these images, and they're the same in every capture.
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Slightly problematic "Attack Gangster" caption aside...
It's kind of weird how low quality these are, right?? This is the official website. These images literally come directly from the page those squares lead to. Also that last one of the boy character terrifies me. Also....does the seventh image imply that the boy's name is Min and the girl's name is Mie?? It would be hella weird if it did, considering that after the DJ Min image, the name Minmie was exclusively used to describe the girl in merchandising. Because they never used the boy again. I didn't even know he existed until now.
I love Minmie's art style so I'm kind of disturbed by the way male characters look in it-
I find it really interesting the way they draw her jawline sometimes, it's very round. They only seemed to do this in the 2000s, after 2011 she had an exclusively sharp jaw.
It's surprisingly low effort on everything but those little animations and transitions, there. The pages listed on the buttons are inaccessible no matter what capture you're on, although in the October 2008 capture, the "Character" button leads to a different page with content that Ruffle can't run. This is different from the others in which the buttons don't do anything at all when you click on them on the front page's archive. The "mail" option leads to an error page in the 2006 capture, although similar to the Character page, in every other capture it doesn't do anything at all. The "Shop" option leads to a site to purchase the Minmie domain instead of an archive for some reason. The "board" button seems to have lead to either a chat room or image board, but it's not accessible from the main menu and the URL is a swf, which I can't access. There's an "about me" page in the URL tab on the archive, but nothing loads.
We still have the site map, and the site map actually gives us the pages the buttons led to.
The shop page looked like this. I don't find it necessary to screenshot all of the options on the menu because all of them are pretty much the same, just with a different title, sometimes a longer page, and different inventory (the photos of which were not archived). Although I think it's very amusing how one of the shop pages is just named "bunch of keys". The "New Product" gif's background would rapidly flash black and white.
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Here's the New Product pages (there's two for some reason).
New Product 1
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New product 2
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Like I said earlier, the pages look mostly the same. Because of this I only screenshotted the pages that had a different layout. Sadly the shop page is the only part archived through the site map.
Now we look to the URL tab. There's several gifs that are unavailable, and while it was also unavailable there's two gifs with the word "avatar" in their titles. This might also be nothing, though. The domain squatting sites were and continue to be archived even after the original site went down, so a majority of the URLs are from those. A lot of the old Minmie files lead to a blank or unavailable screen, however.
But back to what I did find:
There's this strange part of the site I found, and it's a menu with some futuristic graphics. It has a lot of moving parts, and buttons.
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I have no clue what any of these lead to, the URLs that have names relating to some of these buttons just lead to the menu, again. The image to the side is blocked, and there's only one date of capture for the three URLS, so for now that's a mystery. I assume the background was a repeating pattern based on the order of the missing images in the back. Green binary over a black background, perhaps?
I found parts of the index page from 2012/11. Any other captures of this iteration of the site are fully unavailable, with many of the assets meeting the same fate as the right image in the futuristic menu page. These are super cute.
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The red text is an error message. The catalog has the same layout. I think the most interesting thing about this version of the site is that one of the catalog pages has an option that says "Minmie doll". I would love it if anyone could give me any insight about that.
There's two images here that show the site when it was active during the early 2010s.
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Both are from @tmgc's blog.
The 2011/12 site also has Wallpapers listed. They are all unavailable. there's multiple game pages (for both versions of the site, actually) but they both have nothing at all archived.
There's some more from this version of the site, I'll reblog with those images though. There's this huge image gallery of images from several events that I won't be able to fit in here
And now, we have some comic pages! They confirm the boy and girl are named Min and Mie respectively. I refuse to ever give that idea any credibility. I put them in a webtoon-adjacent order for more convenient reading :)
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[page 3-6 are missing]
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[Pages 9-14 are missing]
I have a feeling I know why these pages in specific were archived...
I'm kind of pissed about this comic??? Like why put Mie all over the marketing and merch and then....do this??? I was wondering why the brand failed so bad and the site died so quick, but now I think I may have my answer? I seriously think the 2010s cutting Min out of the picture was a good thing, if he acted like this.
As stated earlier I'll be reblogging this with more images, specifically from the 2011/2012 version of the website's event image galleries.
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donnerpartyofone · 9 months
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I'm morbidly fascinated by those "quotes" blogs. Whenever one of them makes it onto my dash I often compulsively hate-scroll through it for a couple of minutes, and I almost always find that while *some* of the blog is made up of vetted aphorisms and statements by identifiable people, a LOT of it is always some sort of extremely clumsy platitude attributed to "Unknown", as if it's a piece of ancient folk wisdom--but on closer inspection it's barely meaningful, like the one above. What does that say, "things that are hard to do are hard when you do them"? Yes, it is literally true that difficult doesn't mean impossible, is that really useful to point out? I would even get this more if the quote were something like "Impossible only means difficult"; there ya go, there's a little chicken soup for the teenage soul type of mindbender for ya. But what we have instead is just a definition of difficulty with a list of tags longer than the two sentences themselves. Thanks a lot, real inspiring. And then some of the quotes laid at the feet of poor old Unknown are just something like, "All I need is a cup of coffee, my favorite sweater, and a dog-eared book on a rainy day," and you're like Is this really a quote? Is the idea of "quotes" still worth something if we just mean "anything that could potentially come out of someone's mouth"? If you gave any of the people who run these blogs a copy of Bartlett's it would probably blow their brains out of their minds.
So because I get obsessed with things I don't understand, I start thinking about who it is that cooks these things up. There's someone, somewhere sitting at their computer trying to think of "deep" things to say, things that fit a certain tone and pattern that targets "your loneliest elderly relative on Facebook", and then they just write them down and slap "Unknown" on the end like it's some kind of profound secret that the reader is fortunate to stumble upon. To me, some of the results are just word salad. Like I think I know how this one is going to end, but then:
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Ignoring the stray hyphen...my "pure soul"? I guess this is one way of saying "it's what's inside that counts", but seriously, what the fuck. What the hell are you talking about. But I have enough self-doubt in my constitution to wonder if I just don't get something here; I start to have a waking nightmare that this is actually an unattributed verse from Rumi or some shit that I'm just too primitive to recognize or understand. So I go Google this, and of course I find 15 or so versions of this:
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And I'm back to trying to envision the culprit sitting at their computer trying to figure out how to sound like the oracle at Delphi real quick before their lunch break is over. What motivates someone to do this? Do they think they're going to get a book deal out of it? A lot of people will just do anything for attention; years ago I saw a post with this dry, formal caption about the domestic abuse incidents that led up to the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson along with regular pictures of her with VERY poorly photoshopped injuries. It was like...dude that is all a matter of public record, with real photos already in circulation, WHY ARE YOU FAKING THIS?? Maybe I'm just too much of an alien to understand why anyone does anything at all. But anyway, if this is too much negativity for you before 8am, try this version on for size, and have a terrific day.
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princessmisery666 · 2 years
Broken Promises - Part 4 - All Or Nothing Mini Series
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Summary: The broken promises have a devastating effect, causing painful decisions.
Warnings: angst, not everyone gets a happy ending, end of a friendship, self loathing. 
W/C: 2.8k
Rating: E (explicit - 18+)
Characters: Jake “Hangman” Seresin, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. 
Pairing: Rooster x fem!reader (you - no descriptions of body type or ethnicity).
A/N: I’m sorry. That’s all I have, an apology. That being said, I love this chapter.
Graphics: dividers @writercole // title card made by me.
Catch Up Here: All Or Nothing
Master Lists: Top Gun Maverick // All The Fandoms
Betas: @deanwinchesterswitch // all mistakes are my own.
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Broken Promises
It feels like emotional suicide. Jake knows no good will come of him scrolling your Instagram feed. Seeing your content smile next to Bradley’s beaming love-filled grin makes his heart sick. Yet his thumb continues, the pictures get older, and he replaces Bradley at your side.
Photos of your life together assault the tenuous state of his sanity — a holiday to Mexico, crystal clear water up to your knees, fruity, bright cocktails in hand, Jake’s arm around your waist. The Christmas you went with his family to Lapland, you sitting on Santa’s lap while Jake pointed an accusing finger as if Santa had been naughty. A picture of Jake sleeping, head in your lap with the caption - “He’s cute when he’s sleeping.” Another on his graduation day, your beyond proud smile grinning back at him. It seems like a lifetime ago, a time when the world made sense. 
It’s been four days… four days of radio silence.
Jake’s sent you messages and left voicemails, but it’s like screaming into the void. Or maybe it’s because he only ever finds the words at the bottom of a hundred proof at stupid o’clock when he’s missing you and grieving. 
I’m sorry. Please can we talk about this? I didn’t mean to hurt you. I love you, and I’m sorry for not figuring it out sooner.
Bradley has been absent from Top Gun. Phoenix reluctantly told Jake that Rooster was taking some personal time. No one asked about his busted-up face, so he assumes they’ve all been given a rundown of the events.
He steers clear of the Hard Deck, does his work, eats his meals alone, and returns to his apartment as soon as the work day ends. 
He resents the apartment. He only bought it because you convinced him to. You moved to San Diego when he knew he was to be stationed there. There were two apartments available, one across the hall from the other. — “Come on, Jake, it’ll be like our very own version of Friends.” He's never been able to resist your elated smile, and even though he didn’t particularly like the studio layout, he brought it to be close to you. 
But now, knowing you're not across the hall, his apartment feels cold and too big. 
The soft knock on the door makes him nauseous. He knows it's you. He contemplates not answering. You don’t know that he’s home. There’s no tv or radio playing, so there’s no sound to give him up.
He quietly walks to the door and rests his hand against the wood. You're on the other side; he can feel you. If he closes his eyes, he knows he’ll be able to feel the embrace you won’t give him.
He hasn’t let himself contemplate that the outcome could be positive. He expects the worst; it’s a fantasy to believe anything else.
You knock again, softer than the first. He imagines you are struggling with what's to come, should he let you in, as much as he is. He holds his breath, lungs beginning to burn by the time you knock a third time, gingerly calling out his name.
He unlatches the lock and walks further into the apartment. You take the unlocked door as an invitation to let yourself in.
He crosses the open plan space to the kitchen. Grabbing a cold beer from the fridge, he pops the cap off as he spins to face you. You stand so far back you may as well be on another planet.
He hates himself so much he can barely stomach the feel of his tongue as he licks away the drop of froth from his lips.
There’s no greeting or other pleasantries as you face each other. Your eyes scan the bruises that stain his face before finally dropping your gaze and shuffling your feet as if you feel guilty for the blemishes on his skin. 
“How’s your face?”
“Fine,” he says, shrugging, “Bradshaw hits like a girl.”
You shake your head, and he can see how done you are with his shit in the way you don’t even crack a hint of a smile. He strides to the other side of the breakfast bar, closer to you but still an ocean of distance. “Shall we get this over with?” he asks. 
You nod and use the motion to find the courage to look at him. “I need you to stay away from me.”
“You came over here to tell me to stay away from you?” 
“Jake, please,” your voice quivers, but you contain the emotion. “Don’t make this any harder than it has to be.”
“So it is hard for you too?”
“Yes!” you snap. “This is hard for me, Jake. It’s fucking devastating. It’s crushing me to do this, and there’s no way to make it easier on either of us. I want to hug you and tell you it’s all going to be okay, but I don’t know that it is. And that physically hurts,” you cry, balled fists digging into your breast bone as if to try dislodging the pain you claim.
“I’m sorry,” he says, walking around the island between you. He’s approaching but nowhere close when you back up a step, anticipating his actions. “Are you afraid of me?” 
“No, I’m not afraid of you, Jake,” you sigh. “I know you didn’t mean to hurt me, and I never thought for a second that you did. I just…If you touch me, it means something more to you than it does to me.”
“I’m sorry that I did hurt you,” he explains, and his stomach knots with nausea at the reminder he marred your skin.
There’s a heavy silence, weighted with anxiety and unease as you stifle your tears as best you can. Jake hates that he’s the cause of the wet tracks on your cheeks, and he’s dangerously close to shedding some tears of his own.
“I'm gonna need to hear you say it.”
“Say what?”
He cautiously moves closer to you as if you're a skittish animal that he’s afraid of scaring away. You don’t bolt, but he respects your need for space by stopping a few feet away. 
He holds your eyes with a firm plea. “Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t love me.” Your chest inflates to reply, but Jake quickly corrects himself to ensure there are no misunderstandings. “Tell me you’re not in love with me.”
You swipe at the tears on your cheeks and snatch the beer from his hand, downing half the contents, gasping for breath when you hand it back. 
The smile tugs on his lips; he can’t fight the glimmer of hope at your lack of denial. “You can’t, can you? I know you feel the same. You’ve just been ignoring it like I was. I was afraid to love you and leave you behind. You deserved better than that. You deserve better than that. You should be kissed and held and cherished every goddamn day, not every couple of months or when deployments allow it. But seeing you with Bradshaw made me see that it would have made it all the sweeter when we were together.”
His name comes out as a choked whisper, and he doesn’t know how to interrupt it. A warning to stop, an affirmation that he’s right? Regardless, he’s not done. 
“You said it, you said it to my parents, you said you thought about being Y/N Seresin, and I know that hasn’t just disappeared. You moved to San Diego for me; you came here for me. You still feel it.”
You shake your head, and he’s not sure if you’re trying to convince yourself or him. You speak to your feet when you beg, “Please just leave me alone.”
“Is that Bradshaw talking or you?”
“It’s me.” 
“I don’t believe you. You promised me,” he says, tone rife with injustice. “You promised me you and Bradshaw wouldn’t come between us.” 
“Don’t put this on Bradley!” you yell, and the fire behind your eyes burns bright. “You promised me, at your sister’s wedding, hell, way back in high school, that you’d never let me drown. Well, here I am, Jake. I’m drowning in the broken promises we both made to each other, and I don’t know which way is up anymore.”
“So we’ll figure it out,” Jake beseeches, reaching for your hands. 
“No,” you say firmly, snatching your hands out of his reach. “I'm asking you to leave me alone, stop calling, don’t text, and if you see me in the street, act like you don’t know me.”
“For how long?”
“Jake!” you yell frustratingly. He can see the agony it’s causing you, but he needs to know.
“We live in the same building. How am I supposed to stay away from you?”
Finally, you meet his eyes again, and he wonders if it’s to drive the point home or hurt him the same way he’s hurt you because it feels like a gut punch when you tell him. “I’m moving in with Bradley.”
He tips the bottle to his lips, gulping the remaining liquid to stop himself from breaking down. He did this. He pushed you into Bradley’s arms. He introduced you, gave you his blessing, and his latest actions have sent you scurrying deeper into Bradley’s safety net.
“We’ll stay away from the Hard Deck,” you explain while he’s unable to talk. “Let you have your hunting grounds.”
“So this is it?” he asks, breath catching in his throat. “We’re done? We can’t even be friends. The last twenty years have just been forgotten, gone, just like that?” he snaps his fingers.
“Yes,” you say with a tune of finality, squaring your shoulders. 
“Y/N, please,” he begs. “I’m so fucking sorry. I fucked up. I know how bad I screwed up. I should have told you everything when I was close to you. I shouldn’t have been so pacified being your friend. I should have said it all when I had the chance. I shouldn’t have waited.”
“It doesn’t matter!” you yell, silencing him. “You said it yourself, Jake. It’s all or nothing with me. We had it all. We were friends, and it worked. We can’t go back to that. So please, I’m asking you to stay away from me and out of Bradley’s face. If you care about me the way you say, you’ll do that for me. It’s the least you owe me.”
“If?” he questions, raising his voice as you head toward the door. “If I care about you? Are you questioning that? Is that the problem? You don’t believe me?”
You stop, half out of the door, looking at him over your shoulder. “I believe you. It just doesn’t change anything,” you admit. 
It breaks him. He drops to his knees, chin resting on his chest, heaving deep breaths to stop from roaring like a feral animal.
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You let yourself into Bradley’s apartment with the key he gave you. Standing in the hallway, you feel the metal grow warm in your palm, and it’s symbolic poetry that the key represents everything Bradley makes you feel; strong, warm, safe, loved, home.
You just hope your absence and lack of communication haven’t caused a rift between you. 
You stroll to the kitchen, and Bradley’s sitting at the breakfast bar, hugging a mug of coffee that looks as if it went cold a while ago. “Hey,” he whispers, a catch of emotion in his voice. 
“Hey,” you reply, pressing your shoulder into the door frame, uncertainty causing you to hesitate in approaching him.
“You’ve been gone a while,” he notes.
“Needed to clear my head,” you explain, “I’ve been staying with Natasha.”
“She said,” he nods, shrugging lightly. “I wanted to come see you, but I wasn’t sure you wanted me to.” 
You can’t bear the desolation in his eyes, so you look down at the floor. He sounds a little heartbroken, and you know it’s all for you. He was most likely confused, worried, and hurt by your temporary abandonment, but he looks crushed, and you know him well enough to know it’s because he couldn’t comfort you when you needed it most.
“I wouldn't have turned you away if you had.”
“Does that mean I can come over there?” he asks with such hopeful despair it makes you want to cry.
The toe of your sneakers squeaks on the linoleum floor with the speed at which you stand straighter and rush toward him. He twists on the barstool, and you plant yourself between his legs, crushing yourself against his chest hard enough that a whoosh of air escapes him. But he wraps his arms around your waist and holds you tightly, arms encasing your hips. 
“I missed you,” he says, and you can feel how much he means it when his fingers squeeze your frame.
“I missed you too,” you confess, breathing him in, placing a featherlight kiss against his skin. 
He hums low in his chest, and it vibrates through you, spreading warm gratification. This is where you belong. You’re sure of it, but it doesn’t lessen the pain of losing Jake. It somehow makes it worse. When you know your best friend is hurting, the conflict of being happy and content with Rooster makes you nauseous with guilt. 
You sigh heavily, and it’s as if you pressed a button inside Bradley. He tightens his grip and whispers, “I love you.” 
The pain ebbs, if only momentarily, and you know in time, he will banish it to the deep depths of your mind, and you’ll rarely think of it, maybe someday, even forget.
“I love you too, and I’m sorry for disappearing.” 
“Don’t be,” Bradley begins, leaning back to look you in the eyes. “I know this can’t be easy for you. Hell, I’d be concerned if it was. Hey, no,” he coaxes your head back up to meet his eyes with a gentle hold of your chin when you try to shy away. “Don’t do that,” he admonishes with a slight aching frown. “You never have to hide with me.”
You still feel guilty, as if Jake’s actions resulted from yours. Had you led him on somehow, making him think you were more than friends? The thoughts swirl around your mind, a tornado ripping up the foundations of your beliefs, and you worry Bradley thinks the same.
“I’m sorry.” 
“You have nothing to be sorry for, not for what Jake did and not for taking some time to figure stuff out. I’m just glad you’re home.” A flare of doubt widens his eyes. “You are home, right?”
“Yes, I’m home,” you say and peck his lips quickly. Your kiss seems to have stolen his doubts, and you take on the anxiety as your own, worrying, “if that’s what you want still?”
“Yes, oh god, yes!” he assures. You feel the tension leave his body as he kisses you breathless, excitement replacing the moment’s anxiety. Bradley breaks the kiss but reestablishes the connection, resting his forehead against yours, and you both linger in the moment. “I want you to know I’d understand if you chose to forgive him. I can’t. But I won’t stop you if that’s what you want.” He shrugs and dazzles you with a slight jesting smile. “I mean, I'd like you to make him suffer a little before you forgive him.”
“It’s not what I want,” you say and feel the tears prick your eyes. “I can’t forgive him. I went to see him, to clarify that, and asked him to stay away from us.”
His eyes dart back and forth between yours, and apprehension shimmers in his. Your tears fall, and he interrupts their path with the pad of his thumb swiping over your cheeks. “If that’s what you want, then I respect it, but please,” he implores, “please, don’t do it on my behalf. You’ve been friends forever, and I’d never want to come between you. Even if you change your mind, in a week, a month, a year, whatever, I won’t stand between you two. This isn’t ‘a him or me’ type situation.”
“I know. Kinda wish it was,” you admit, “it might have made it easier.”
“Okay,” Bradley says and looks dead serious as he stares into your eyes, “It’s him or me.” He can't hold the sedate expression for long, and his kind smile breaks the mask. “But only if you choose me.”
“Always,” you confess. 
“I can’t tell you how much I needed to hear that. I was damn near terrified this conversation wouldn’t end well for me.” He smiles, so endearing it makes your heart skip a beat, and again you know you’ve made the right choice. “When I’m with you, it feels like the future, and I’m not ready to give that up.”
“You never have to.”
You seal the promise with a kiss. It’s firm but sweet and tender, and it feels as if he’s breathing in your troubles, taking them away with every sweep of his tongue. It lasts so long you feel a little lightheaded, but you don’t want to come up for air. He makes you feel like you're flying, and you’ll continue to soar as long as you have him.
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Master Lists: Top Gun Maverick // All The Fandoms
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bfpnola · 1 year
hi!!! so recently I’ve gained a big interest in building up my collection of patches to put onto my clothes and stuff in my journey to becoming more queerly punk in my presentation. my biggest goal is to make other more marginalized people in my community feel safe around me. so I’m looking into a lot of patches for BLM, stop asian hate, punch nazis, disability advocacy, etc.
I came across a bunch of patches symbolizing the BPP, and I’d really like to get one, but I do worry that that would be inappropriate in a way as a white person. I am autistic and struggle a lot to understand what is and isn’t appropriate to do/say in attempts at support and allyship, so I figured I’d ask.
my reasoning is that even though I’m not Black, the BPP is my biggest inspiration as a young activist looking to dedicate my life to racial and other forms of Justice. Their work, their platform, their impact, truly transformed my political conscience, but I know that I do not want to make the Black Power movement and the BPP centered around me, but at the same time I want to express how much they mean to me and how much they have influenced my ideas for activism if that makes sense.
it may seem like I am making a big deal over one patch or piece of clothing, this stuff is just so foundational to who I am and what I believe so I tend to be a bit seemingly dramatic about it.
anyways, I’m not here to ask you definitively yes or no if it would be appropriate of me to wear a BPP patch, I don’t want to tokenize your existence or work. But you know so much about the BPP and the history of the Black Power Movement that I really trust anything you have to say on the matter of the line between showing allyship, and centering history that’s not about me, around me. so if you’re up for answering, I’d love your personal perspective on white people using BPP symbolism to show allyship and if there’s any historical examples of why that would be good OR bad.
anyways sorry for the long ask and either way, thank you for everything you do and I hope you have a wonderful day!!
hi lovely! life has been exponentially rough for me lately so in advance, i do not have the emotional capacity to respond to this in the degree in which i'd prefer BUT i feel terrible letting it sit in our inbox forever. here's my most basic perspective for now, in bullet points to help organize my thoughts:
first off, i absolutely adore that you're collecting revolutionary patches! a friend i've made over at Queer Youth Assemble (QYA) has a similar jacket and it's always so colorful, i love it!
thank you for reaching out! i think it shows you have a lot of respect for the Black community and everything that the BPP stood for, which i greatly appreciate.
because i'm aware you hold a deep respect for the BPP, i honestly think it's fine that you have a BPP patch, so long as you understand that history. the BPP were pretty accepting of folks of all races, as shown through their acceptance of non-Black members/partners and serving non-Black communities. a few chapters still exist today around the country (i got to meet a few from the Louisiana chapter, some moved over from California) and they openly teach anyone that's willing to listen! it's just that their focus is on how Black people specifically are affected by systemic oppression and how we can liberate ourselves from such.
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[ID: A black and white photo of two children around the age of 9 or so, one white, one Black, eating at the Black Panther Party's free breakfast program. They have white paper plates with crumbs and leftovers on them, cartons of what looks like juice, and plastic utensils. The white child is wearing a Black Panther Party beret with 3 Black Panther Party pins on it as well as a thick coat. The Black child looks down at his plate, his coat zipped up all the way. The caption below the image reads, "Two boys in 1969 at a free breakfast for children program in New York City sponsored by the Black Panther Party. Bev Grant/Getty Images." / End ID]
i think, though, that this is best exemplified through the Rainbow Coalition (now co-opted unfortunately), the alliance Fred Hampton created alongside the Young Patriots Organization and the Young Lords. over time, other radical grassroots orgs began to join like the Brown Berets and the American Indian Movement! the BPP truly respected each of their orgs in their support of their respective communities and it's truly unfortunate that the coalition didn't get to fully take off.
i would refrain from wearing any full regalia though, as this would definitely come off as appropriation. respect and admiration are not the same as a full understanding of the struggle! BPP was about far more than just putting on a specific outfit or throwing up a couple symbols. it was a lifelong commitment, even after you technically left. there was real, heavy trauma associated with one's membership, especially those higher up in leadership. i remember reading elaine brown's autobiography, how she felt herself becoming more violent, having folks beat to a bloody pulp right in front of her eyes. folks frequently had to live in fear that they or their partners would be killed as well. that changes a person, and so do the years spent in jail by so many of the party's members. there was ongoing abuse, misogyny, power struggles and more. it definitely wasn't all sunshine and rainbows.
be aware that my opinion is only my own, so others may not agree!
in summary, go for the patch, just be mindful!
some resources related to what i mentioned:
How three unlikely groups worked together to achieve interracial solidarity (podcast)
This article on Richard Aoki
After the list was finalized, Newton and Seale asked Aoki to join the newly formed Black Panthers. Aoki accepted after Newton explained that being African-American wasn’t a prerequisite to joining the group. He recalled Newton saying:
“The struggle for freedom, justice and equality transcends racial and ethnic barriers. As far as I’m concerned, you black.”
Seize the Time: The Story of The Black Panther Party and Huey P. Newton by Bobby Seale (novel)
A Taste of Power: A Black Woman's Story by Elaine Brown (novel)
Assata: An Autobiography by Assata Shakur (novel)
again, i apologize that i couldn't answer this with the depth i'd like to, but hopefully this helped!
-- reaux (she/they)
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ssamou · 7 months
The more this goes on you're realizing that riddles is not Jeongguk's forte.. but he's cute and he put a lot of effort into it, so it makes you smile nonetheless. It's very easy to figure out where he's leading you to, but perhaps that was his goal? So you wouldn't get lost. This one took a bit of a drive, but you eventually arrive at the same aquarium that he had surprised you with your ideal K-Drama date. It had been rented out, nothing but you two and the sea creatures.
It had been a blast, looking at everything and when you weren't looking, admiring you, taking pictures of you. Surely, you didn't think Jeongguk brought his camera along just to take pictures of the fish and creatures, right? No. While he had done so, he made sure to get shots of you and your reactions to what you were seeing. And with those photographs, he had managed to make a photo album.
Said object was in Namjoon's hands, the note resting on top when you find him inside of the aquarium. He's holding it carefully so he doesn't stop it, or somehow rip it, determined to help his maknae's plan go off without a hitch.
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"Chaewon! my little sis. It is about time you have come. I've been holding onto this all day and looking for you. A few older ladies thought I was lost and asked me how I was. i've been around this aquarium a few times. I think some of the workers think I got stood up."
He handed her the photo album carefully and with a smile. "This is for you."
"Okay, right off the bat I will say this is one date I was most proud of. I knew you had these K-Drama fantasies, and I wanted to make one come to life with a little aquarium visit. But, because we're public figures, I had to take a step further and rent the place out so it was just you, me and the workers. This was a sweet date, and while I played around with you and admired the creatures and the beautiful views. I couldn't help but also admire you. Is it obvious yet that my eyes are always on you? That no matter what can be in front of me, you will always been the most beautiful thing in my eyes. I can stare at you for hours; never getting tired of gazing at the curve of your lips, or how sweetly your eyes sparkle when you're happy and excited. God, I truly am incredibly whipped for you. Since my first surprise with the flower fields, I have been determined to keep surprising you with dates here and there because I just adore your cute reactions. And I couldn't have been more pleased with how this surprised had turned out. I hope you enjoyed it as much as me." ─── ⋆⋅ ♡ ⋅⋆ ─── **In a place where the river's gentle flow, Our love was solidified, a promise to sow. A stand-in for the beach, by the rivers side, Where a promise ring sparkled in the fire's guide. By the bonfire's glow, our love was confessed, A promise sealed, our hearts truly blessed. To rediscover that moment, where flames danced higher, Seek the river's embrace, our stand-in for the beach by the fire.**
Almost there! Answer the riddle and proceed.
♡ 메시지 𓂃 ⋆ #koobie's scavenger hunt??
answer: when we sat by the beach side with a horribly made bonfire and you gave me the rose-gold promise ring; but that trip was in thailand.. the closest huge water source would be the han river.
she feels like she's getting a make-shift tour of seoul at this point. moving from point a, to point b. typically by now she'd be wondering when the end is, yet she's enjoying this journey a little too much. with every little touch of their memories coming back to her, it's hard to keep her giddy smile off her expression. her and jeongguk have been through a lot of things together—going past it all is like a trip to remember the small details she couldn't have before.
the next destination was one of her favorite ones. she's always loved aquariums. it is something she posts on her instagram almost constantly with short captions hoping her boyfriend would accompany her for the next one. at this point it has become a dream to experience all the famous ones with him... mostly to take photos.
once she arrived and saw the familiar face she did— she got more excited. "joonie!" chaewon practically ran because of her excitement to jump up and hug the extremely tall man she's become best friends with for almost two years now. her nerves started to come at ease with his presence and she was going to abuse that idea, because, god, was she shaky from the nerves. she's been doing this for hours now.
"stood up? i may be late all the time, but i'd never stand you up.. especially at a pretty place like this," obviously that was a tease but it made her laugh anyways.
she'd continue the conversation with him, she just didn't want to keep anyone else waiting longer than they already have. thus, she grabbed the letter, then allowed her heart to swell at all the contents written out by the man that might as well be a mystery by now. yet this riddle she had to take time to think about.
she knew what event he was talking about. when they went to thailand with a group of friends, where he gave her the promise ring she swore to never remove.. it was just overseas. after looking around at her collection of ducklings trailing after her, she figures out an idea. the closest bank of water in seoul would have to be the han river. that's it, isn't it?
that river is extremely massive, though. how was she going to find the next person?
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bread--quest · 11 months
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[ID: The first image is two notebook pages with pencil doodles in them. The pencil doodles have been traced over digitally in places, erased in other places, and the handwritten text has been replaced with typed text in places. The doodles are all simplistic and entirely lineart, in a variety of colors. The second image is entirely digital doodles, with one photo of a drawing from the actual notebook. They are broken up into "days". The main person in the drawings is Sonder, who is a person with short curly hair and large round glasses. Details of the drawing are under the cut. End ID.]
ogh god these are So Big. click for quality please i am begging.
anyway i went to a very fun young writers camp last week and i did a fun little doodle diary thing!! and then i digitized it...weirdly. its my first time doing art journaling be nice to me
detailed id/transcript under cut because this is Beeg
Day 1: A pencil drawing of a girl with long, dark hair and dark eyes, labeled "little cousin :( wish we'd had longer to talk!" / A person with long curly hair floats behind Sonder and says with a solemn expression "They wouldn't have to worry about flooding if they were on a big hill." Sonder, reaching for a doorknob, says "yea". The person adds "Big hill wins everytime." / Sonder, with a slightly manically delighted expression, says "omg you hate us back??" Another person, with short, swoopy hair, says with a look of confusion and distaste "yeah you cheat at sports".
Day 2: A small drawing of a nondescript figure with a neutral expression, with lines all around them indicating a shaking feeling. Text scattered around it says "one of those days where i feel like - if i stop too long to think - it won't be good" / A brown line curling over itself, labeled "only benefit of the heat: my curls are curlier" / A colored drawing of garlic bread, captioned "everyone eats too fast, so i eat alone (except for the counselors). at least the garlic bread is good"/ Someone's hand over their mouth, surrounded by dark scribbles and the text "ah. there it is". it is captioned "Air Quality Alert. Breathe easy! You're in Maine."
Day 3: A colored drawing of a Dunkin Donuts cup, captioned "truly everyone here runs on dunkin" / a rough sketch of four people sitting around a table, smiling and gesturing to each other, captioned "at lunch we all discovered we had to play recorder in school" / a drawing of Sonder with a tearful expression and an arrow pointing at xem reading "overcome by sudden emotion of desert bluffs" / a drawing of a round purple candy in a clear wrapper, with text around it reading "jawbreaker - sign of love - 4 candies - 1 for each of us!" / a drawing of the same 4 people from before, walking, one of them carrying an umbrella, all smiling, captioned "walking back!"
Day 4: "Movie Night!" written up at the top in all caps. / Sonder looking at the poster for the movie No Hard Feelings and saying "We should kill summer people", while "this is a romcom" flies over her head. / A small sketch of an alpaca captioned "saw the most beautiful advertisement. alpacaland..." / A small sketch of a bird captioned "on the way back we saw a quail! or a partridge?? or something." / A drawing of Sonder looking happy with a little heart next to them and the text "some people in the row ahead of us told me to shut up during the movie and afterwards everyone was very righteously pissed off on my behalf". / A drawing of Sonder standing by a road. "Then I told a car to fuck off". "Fuck off" is in all caps and in a speech bubble, indicating that Sonder is yelling it. The car speeding by on the road is labeled "assholes". / "Also got into maybe the funniest internet fight yet". A drawing of a person with long hair labeled "friend from SI" saying "we have many islands and by many i mean like 5", and Sonder, in response, putting sunglasses on as xe points at a snippet from Wikipedia saying that Maine has 3166 coastal islands and says "fuck with me".
Day 5: A pencil drawing of a roasted marshmallow. / A small comic consisting of headshots. Sonder, looking off to one side, says "holy shit that guy is wearing a beanie in like 80 degree weather." Dany, a headmate of Sonder, who has a short asymmetrical haircut, multiple eyes, and is wearing a beanie, pops up next to her and says "i wear a beanie all the time and you're never impressed", his eyes all very large and shiny with sadness. Sonder, looking unimpressed, says "you're not corporeal you don't have to deal with Heat". They both then look over as Mud, another headmate, who has short, spiky hair, pops up and says in all caps "80 degrees literally isn't even that hot y'all are just cowards." Dany and Sonder, faces overlapping slightly and text doubling to show that they're in unison, both angrily shout "Shut the fuck up", and Dany adds "California!" Mud sticks out its tongue and flips them off.
Day 6: A picture of Sonder holding a fork in front of a plate, with their eyes gone wiggly and a distressed expression, captioned "on my first day here i ate fake maple syrup by accident". Next to it is a picture of Sonder smiling widely as xe pours something onto a plate, captioned "i have not made the same mistake twice". / Sonder high-fiving another person, both with expressions of frustration and exhaustion, both saying "go jews". / Sonder and another person, captioned "*watching spiderverse*". Sonder says "new york is so pretty in this movie :)", and the other person says "ehhh its really dirty in real life though". It then shows a closeup of Sonder looking upset, a series of question marks and exclamation points by his head. It then shows Summer, a catgirl headmate with curly hair, popping up next to Sonder to say "the dirt literally adds to the raw sex appeal smh". Sonder flatly replies "i am not saying that". / A drawing (in pencil, taken directly from the notebook), of Sonder lying with one hand behind their head and the other holding their phone, wearing headphones and looking sad. Text next to them reads "...shit." There is dark shading around them. Text digitally added shows an arrow pointing to them labeled "listening to noah kahan and Experiencing". / A comic featuring Sonder, a person with short straight hair drawn in teal, and a person with long wavy hair drawn in light yellow. Teal: "you know how there'll be tires just kind of lying around?" Yellow: "no??? what??" Teal: "damn, we got a city slicker here" Sonder: "ha!" Yellow (now looking mildly embarassed): "i go to school in the back of a gas station..." Teal (facing Sonder): "her town has 60,000 people!" Sonder: "60,000!" Teal: "that's more than portland!" Sonder: "that's more than portland!?"
Day 7: Sonder with zer eyes closed, smiling. A road runs by over their head, with blurred silhouettes of cars and trucks on it. Text reads "i can hear traffic from the road right outside my window. its oddly peaceful". / Sonder asks "hey what's for breakfast today?" and another person replies "uhhh it's grab and go so we just got dunkin". Sonder, now angered, says "No. You know what? You've gotta draw the line somewhere. You've gotta make a line in the sand. You gotta make a statement. You gotta look inside yourself and say 'What am I willing to eat today?' Not! Fucking! Dunkin!" The last three words are allcaps and handwritten in red. A very small doodle Sonder then types "googles cafe open nearby" into their phone. / Dany, the headmate from before, saying "sonder i am so proud of you. my beautiful hipster child" as Sonder says "dunkin is mainstream". / A drawing of Sonder holding a muffin in one hand and giving a thumbs-up with the other, smiling happily. It is captioned with "anyway i went to a cafe and got a blueberry muffin and it was really good, support local businesses", with "really good" onwards in allcaps. / Sonder happily eating a muffin while Dany and Mnemosyne, a different headmate with hair in a bob, watch. Dany has his hands over his mouth and looks overjoyed, and is saying "look at my progeny…all grown up…finding a local cafe...judging their music taste..." Mnemosyne, with a somewhat amused expression, says "Eating a muffin with its fingers like some sort of ravenous beast..." Dany says "that too".
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unearthlycat · 8 months
jumping on this bandwagon i guess (part 2 here)
#rain world
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🌀 trans-scension 🔁 goldenjetfish
✨ yeekoftheweek Follow
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[Image: Navigation directions for a road with a roundabout. An alternate route goes directly through the roundabout. It is labeled "if you;re not a coward ;)"]
got this from my drone nav today
is my iterator fucking okay
👤 herecomestherainagain-deactivated1529700 Go home No Significant Harassment, you're drunk.
🪈 pipe--yard okay im like 99% sure this is fake but i just gotta highlight the audacity of saying "go home" to the guy whose house youre literally driving on top of
🪈 pipe--yard edit: IT'S REAL??!?!
wild-flower-ride-deactivated1532056 void and saints below yall really live like this
📿 guardianknittingneedles-deactivated1534459 Happy one solar-cycle anniversary to the drunk No Significant Harassment post
🪱 cutest-lil-pipe-beast Follow i've only seen this post in screenshots and i still can't believe it's real
🟩 nsh-heritage-posts Certified No Significant Harassment Heritage Post
#rule of laughter #happy 7 sol-cycle anniversary to the drunk nsh post everyone #tumbling stones heritage posts
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☁️ fourteenblueclouds
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[image description: Two painterly images of the sky, as viewed from a Metropolis balcony on Five Pebbles during a dry spell. The first shows the sky, uninterrupted save for the spires of distant communications towers. The other, a single figure leaned over the railing of a balcony, looking out over the cityscape.]
the summers up on pebbles were always the worst, but as the end approaches i'm coming to miss them
#original art #artists of tumbling stones #my artwork #painting
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🗡️ nine-sharp-stones it really feels like everyone is ascending these days. this place is a ghost town. i just wish i could join them but i know i'll never be enough. there's too much of me. if i go it'll twist me into something i don't want to be. and all i can do is be afraid.
i miss my parents. i miss everyone. my best friend ascended last cycle. we couldn't be friends anymore because i was "holding them back".
i just wish i could have gone with them.
#vent #do not reblog #delete later
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🌀 trans-scension 🔁 halo-of-seven-suns
⛆ raindeerstampede-deactivated1534012 It still gets me every time that even living up here with an abundance of water, we choose to maintain a system of pipes to ensure access to it.
I have to pay a water bill.
It rains so hard every night my balcony has a hands-breadth of standing water when the shields unroll in the morning.
Does nobody see the contradiction here?
🪻 metropolitanghost Follow op have you ever heard of a drainage system
do you like. realize how nasy that water gets
and you want to DRINK it?
🧃 five-pebbsi-official Follow Why drink rainwater when you could be drinking Five Pebbsi, the official drink of the Five Pebbles Metropolitan Zone?
Quench your thirst and contract 0 intestinal parasites! None!
🪈 pipe--yard
#wow thanks five pebbsi official brand account that doesn't sound suspicious at all
#thank you five pebbles official you sound very trustworthy #i am sure your drink contains nothing else that would be of concern
#what an incredibly trustable source! i am sure if i perform a search query for five pebbsi i will definitely not find anything concerning on the ingredient list!
🖸 pleading-intellects-hot-robot-bod
#it has WHAT IN IT
i would like to wish everyone finding out about the ingredients of five pebbsi from this post my Deepest Condolences but also, Rest In Pieces
#rule of laughter
35,045 notes
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🪨 one-cup-of-pebbles 🔁 memes-to-make-you-ascend
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[screencap: a greyscale photo of a cup of gravel tea, with two twigs artfully arranged on a plate. Caption reads, "Working on denying the fourth urge this week! #fourthurge #gluttony #graveltea #dietarypurge #releasethe4"]
these guys have got to be stopped
#i am losing my mind over this
4,823 notes
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💬 wondering-ottoman 🔁 leviafantastic
🌘 lingeringluna Follow
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[Image: a shiny chitinous box containing unidentifiable bluish-white mush.]
living block just got the new ration shipment today. what the [2].
🌘 lingeringluna this is what they feed the iterator technicians i think
👤 beyondthewinds-deactivated1528045 Technical side of Tumbling Stones, can you confirm?
🧮 sixgrains-official Follow yes i am a real iterator technician and i eat this every day,, for my lunch and for dinner i eat neuron flies. hope this helps
👤 beyondthewinds-deactivated1528045 Thank you, definitely official account of famous iterator architect Six Grains of Gravel, Mountains Abound
#this is an old and humorously meant post i know but… #but no really what?! #i knew it was bad for the stragglers but i had no idea… #at least once we all ascend it'll be a bygone worry i suppose… #tw gluttony
29,761 notes
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🌀 trans-scension 🔁 halo-of-seven-suns
⛓️ atopthespires becoming an iterator technician with high ambitions but i'm incredibly clumsy, introduced to them on the first day of the job and i am simply so charming they cannot help but fall in love with me for "research purposes" and i become their specialist little technician attending their every whim despite being the least qualified individual to do so <3
⛓️ atopthespires some of you are very confused what i mean by this, so let me make it clear: i want to [U.] the iterator
⛓️ atopthespires
#op do you understand that the puppet is just a simulacrum of a body? #they are much vaster than your reproduction-addled mind can concieve of i promise you that
the simulacrum being puppeted by a vast inconcievable machine is part of the appeal. whats not clicking
⛓️ atopthespires
#you realize the councils would literally throw you into the void fluid vats for that right #if you don't get excommunicated first
might i introduce you to this Wondrous New Skill called: lying
#rule of laughter #heresy tw #not safe for worshippers
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alexstorm · 9 months
It is another pap friendly location, definitely. Other celebrities have been caught there. So can't really decide if they were called or paps were simply present. He looks drunk and the fact he goes to the right side of the car might confirm that. Louise had to drive him home. The outfit is the same as from the after party. Don't know what she wore. /
Can you figure out exactly which pub they were photographed outside or at least in which area of ​​Los Angeles? I can't understand it and they don't explain it in the photo captions
It's a famous (among all kinds of celebs) sushi restaurant on the Strip.
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aspenmissing · 11 months
𝚁𝚘𝚊𝚍𝚔𝚒𝚕𝚕 (𝙿𝚝 𝟸)
Molly is pacing in one room, looking through the photo album; Sam, Dean, and Y/N waiting in another room nearby.
"I think we should just tell her about her husband," Sam says, sighing.
"We can't," Dean says.
"Dean, it's cruel, letting her pine for him like this. I don't like keeping her in the dark," Y/N adds.
"I'm sorry, Sam, but it's for her own good," Dean insists. Y/N gets up. "Man, I know you feel guilty, all right? But let's just stick to the plan. Let's get her out of here. Then we'll tell her." Molly approaches.
"Tell me what? What aren't you telling me? It's about David. You know what happened to him," Molly demands.
"Sam, don't," Dean interrupts.
"Don't what? Don't tell me because I'll mess up your hunt? You don't care about me or my husband."
"That's not true."
"Really? Then whatever it is, tell me, please," Molly pleads. They hear a radio turn on, static, then the song 'House of the Rising Sun' begins to play. "He's coming."
"Stay with her," Y/N says to Sam.
Y/N and Dean cautiously move towards the sound. Y/N uncovers the dusty radio that has powered itself on and looks at Dean before crouching down to find a broken, frayed power cord. They hear another noise and head toward the front door. It frosts over, and the words 'SHE'S MINE' appear in the frost. In the other room, Molly is standing by the window. Sam steps cautiously forward toward the next room. Suddenly, a figure crashes through the window behind Molly and grabs her. She screams as she is dragged outside. Dean and Y/N come running back.
"He's got Molly!" They three leap through the window and chase them through the woods. They lose sight of them and return to the house.
"This guy is persistent," Y/N remarks.
"We gotta find Molly," Dean insists.
"We gotta find Greeley's bones. And, uh, no pressure or anything, but we got less than two hours before sunrise," Dean says.
"Hey," Sam says, looking through the photo album.
"What you got?" Y/N asks, and Sam reads the caption on a photograph.
"February 6, 1992."
"That was like two weeks before the accident, wasn't it?"
"Yeah. I mean, it looks like the hunting cabin, but, I swear there's a tree there right where they're standing," Sam notes. The three look up. "I should've thought of it."
"What?" Y/N asks.
"It's an old country custom, Guys. Planting a tree as a grave marker."
"You're like a walking encyclopedia of weirdness."
"Yeah. I know," Sam says somewhat bitterly.
"And that is good for us," Y/N says.
Molly is hanging from the ceiling by her wrists.
"Where's David? What did you do to him?" Molly asks.
"You shouldn't worry about him anymore," Greeley responds ominously.
"Oh, my goodness."
"You should worry about yourself."
"I didn't do anything to you."
"Oh?" Greeley says. Molly groans as Greeley runs a filthy hand over her face.
"I know...I know about your wife. Hurting me won't bring her back."
"My wife is gone. All I got left's...hurting you." He slides a finger across her collarbone, slicing flesh; Molly screams.
"P-Please. Just let me go."
"Go! You're not gonna leave. You're never...gonna leave." He drags a finger across her belly, gouging deep. She screams in pain. Sam, Dean, and Y/N approach the cabin from the outside, carrying shovels.
"Go get Molly," Sam says. As Y/N heads inside, Sam and Dean begin to dig around the tree. Inside, Greeley is approaching Molly menacingly when his head explodes in a shotgun burst, revealing Y/N behind him, causing Molly to gasp.
"Oh, thank goodness," Y/N smiles.
"Better than God, call me Y/N." Greeley appears behind Y/N, who turns to face him. Greeley gestures, and Y/N cries out, a cut appearing on her cheek. "This guy's really pissing me off." Greeley gestures again, and Y/N flies backward, slamming against the wall. Outside, Sam and Dean dig feverishly. They hit something hard, and they look at each other before looking down to see bones. From inside, the two can hear Y/N yell.
"Hurry up, boys!" Inside, Y/N is still struggling against the wall. Greeley reaches out, and a knife flies into his hand. “This isn’t gonna go well." Sam empties a box of salt into the open grave as Dean empties a container of gasoline into the grave. Greeley approaches Y/N with the knife. Greeley and Y/N struggle. Dean lights a match and looks to Sam, who nods, and he drops it in. Greeley freezes and rears back in pain.
"No, no," he says. The corpse in the grave catches fire and burns. Greeley bursts into flame, is consumed, and disappears. The knife falls to the floor.
Dean, Sam, Y/N, and Molly approach the Impala. Y/N and Dean pat her lovingly.
"Oh, baby, it's been a long night."
“Now let’s get you back on the road,” Y/N says as the twins drop their bags on the back floor before they get in their respective seats. Sam then opens the back door for Molly.
"All right. Let's get you out of here."
"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what happened to my husband," Molly says.
"All this time...I've been looking for him, and you knew that...You knew that Greeley killed him, didn't you? He's dead."
"No, Molly. David's alive," Sam says.
"What? You're sure?"
"I'm sure. We'll take you to him. Come on." Molly smiles in relief and she gets into the car.
They pull up in front of a nice suburban home and they see that the lights are on inside.
"He's in that house, right there," Y/N says.
"I don't understand."
"You will." They get out. She approaches the window, and can see David inside. He is older, wearing a bathrobe, and pouring a cup of coffee.
"That's...not...It can't be." Sam, Dean, and Y/N are watching Molly. They all share a look. David looks up and a woman in a bathrobe comes up to him, kissing him on the lips. "What's happening?" Molly turns back to Sam, Dean, and Y/N. "Who is that?"
"That's David's wife," Y/N says. Molly turns around to look at the house again, then back to Sam, Dean, and Y/N. "I'm sorry, Molly. 15 years ago, you and your husband hit Jonah Greeley with your car. David survived."
"What are you saying?"
"We’re saying there isn't just one spirit haunting Highway 41. There are two. Jonah Greeley and you."
"For the past 15 years, one night a year you've been appearing on that highway."
"No, that's not possible. It was our anniversary...February 22nd--"
"Yes," Molly says.
"Molly, it's 2007."
"Oh, god."
==Flashback – Winchester's POV==
"All right. Tell us about Highway 41," Y/N says, leaning forward.
"12 accidents over 15 years. Five of them fatal, all of them happening on the same night."
"So, what are we looking at...Interstate dead zone? Phantom hitchhiker? What?"
"Not quite. Year after year, witnesses said the same thing made them crash. A woman appearing in the middle of the road, being chased by a man covered in blood."
"Two spooks?"
Sam, Dean, and Y/N find old newspaper articles referring to Molly and Jonah's death.
"Now, where is Molly buried?" Y/N asks.
"She...she wasn't buried anywhere. She was cremated." They walk out.
"So much for burning her bones," Dean says.
"Yeah, but then what's keeping her here?"
"Some spirits only see what they want," Sam says.
"David?! David?" Molly runs out onto the road, stopping the Impala. "Stop! Stop!"
"Shit-!" The Impala brakes.
"You have to help me!"
"Guys, I don't think she knows she's dead."
"Please!" Molly bangs on Sam's car window. "Open up! Please!"
"Okay, okay! All right, all right. Just calm down. Tell us what happened."
"What are you gonna tell her?" Dean asks.
"The truth?"
"She's gonna take off running in the other direction," Y/N says.
==Flashback End==
"Some spirits hold on too tight. Can't let go."
"And Greeley?" Molly asks.
"Each year he punishes somebody for his death...ah, chasing them. Torturing them. And each year, that somebody is you."
"But I don't remember any of it."
"Because you couldn't see the truth, Molly," Y/N says.
"So that's why he won't let me off the highway. Because...I killed him. I killed us both."
The group continues to stay outside of David's house as the dawn is nearing, Molly sitting on the steps.
"Why didn't you tell me when you first saw me? Why wait until now?"
"You wouldn't have believed us."
"And you needed me for bait," Molly says to Dean, accusingly.
"Well, we needed you," Sam says.
"Molly, we brought you here so you could move on," Y/N says.
"I have to tell him --"
"Tell him what? That you love him? That you're sorry? Molly, he already knows that. Look, if you want to go in there, we're not gonna stop you."
"Yeah, but you are gonna freak him right out. For life."
"David's already said his goodbyes. Molly. Now it's your turn. This is your unfinished business," Y/N says.
"What am I supposed to do?"
"Just...let go. Of David. Of everything. You do that...we think you'll move on."
"But you don't know where," Molly says, crying.
"No. But Molly, you don't belong here. Haven't you suffered long enough? It's time. It's time to go." Molly nods sadly, then steps slowly away from the house. She turns her face upwards as the first light of dawn creeps over the rooftops. Bathed in light, she becomes part of the light and vanishes.
"I guess she wasn't so bad, for a ghost. You think she's really going to a better place?"
"I hope so."
"I guess we'll never know. Not until we take the plunge ourselves, huh?" Y/N says.
"Doesn't really matter, Y/N. Hope's kind of the whole point."
"All right, Haley Joel," Y/N smacks him in the shoulder. "Let's hit the road." They cross the road and get back in the Impala as a light rain begins to fall.
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