#I finally reworked the format of the post
bronzebluemind · 1 year
It’s been 7 weeks since the World Cup finale, these are the updated upcoming dates:
european games: 27.06. – 5 weeks
sgp 23: 28.07. – 9 weeks
season 23/24: 25.11. – 26 weeks
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naffeclipse · 7 days
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Woohoo! I'm opening up writing commissions! My job slows way down in the summer and I need a little cash, however, I want to make this clear: this is not replacing the usual writing that I regularly post. I will continue to write stories and share them. This is a way to earn money while continuing to do what I love.
I will be taking commissions on a 3-slot round basis as indicated on my Ko-Fi. First come. First serve.
Please click on the read more for more information! (I also transcribe my commission info above.)
Word Count - Prices:
500 — $10 1,000 — $20 1,500 — $30 2,000 — $40 2,500 — $50
Will Do:
Romance Platonic Love Angst Fluff Hurt/Comfort Mild Violence/Gore/Horror (ask me via Tumblr Ask) Suggestive Themes
Won't Do:
NSFW Incest Hateful, Offensive Themes Minor Romantic Pairings DCA x DCA (i.e. Sun/Moon) (ask me via Tumblr Ask if you're unsure what what counts as 'won't do')
I won’t post any commissions on AO3. I will post it to my Tumblr with your permission. I will keep you updated on your commission as needed. You will receive the finished piece via E-Mail or Discord (your preference) in PDF format.
Extra Notes:
Payment is accepted only via Ko-Fi in the commissions tab, then we will discuss your comm on Ko-Fi messages. I will write any DCA in AUs I’ve created (I won’t write Sleuth Jesters Eclipse, but I will write Bloodstain Fool Eclipse, Syzygy in Dedication Sun and Moon, etc.) I won’t write any AUs/DCAs that belong to someone else. Original AUs, monster OCs, monster prompts, and Creature/AU DCAs are okay. Comms will be Second Person POV non-gender specific.
More Notes (Please Read before Commissioning Me):
I will write shipping fics with the DCA, AUs of the DCA (I won’t write any AUs/DCAs that belong to someone else), and Monster OCs! So long as it's a relatively non-human being (e.g. robot, vampire, alien, swamp thing, ghostly entity, mermaid, etc) I'm down to write your scrumptious monster boyfriend/girlfriend.
I also accept prompts if you're unsure of exactly what you want but have an idea for something e.g. 'the reader discovering Mothman on the side of the road' or 'the reader repairing a Ruin Eclipse' or 'the reader with a swamp creature Sun'. I will happily run away with a prompt if you so desire.
My writing commissions are strictly pairing fics (either romantic or platonic).
All fics are written in second-person POV and are strictly non-gender-specific.
I will contact you on Ko-Fi Messages when I am ready to get started with your commission. Please be prepared with your request at the time of purchase.
We will then discuss your request. I will write a detailed outline of what I plan on writing. I will show you the outline, rework it at your desire, and once your approval is given, I will begin writing.
I will deliver your final piece in a PDF format via E-mail or Discord (your preference).
With your permission, I will post your fic to my Tumblr (you can be anonymous if you wish).
Cancellations are not allowed once I begin writing after the outline is accepted. Refunds will not be issued under any circumstances past this point so you need to be sure you're satisfied with the outline before I begin writing!
I ask for your patience, however, if I don’t contact you after 3 days of radio silence without at least an update on my situation/your commission after payment, please feel free to message me on Ko-Fi for an update.
Again, I ask for your patience, however, if I don't contact you after 2 weeks of radio silence after confirming your commission and starting on it, feel free to message me on Ko-Fi for an update.
Lastly, this is my Ko-Fi where you will find the commissions tab. You can also find my Ko-Fi in my pinned post on my Tumblr. Thank you for reading! Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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bonefall · 3 months
So, your Clear Sky post is absolutely horrifying, but it was very needed, so thank you. What are your general thoughts on tackling his abuse for the AU? Like you've said, pretending he's a good guy is not the way to go, but are you planning on toning down *some* of the situations, just to give some of the cats a break? Clear Sky is a very realistic depiction of abusers, but that seems to come across even without victim number 25, yknow? I'm very curious about how you'd like to go about this.
My most recent big change was bringing Slash back into the fold, because I realized that it was actually a disservice to not address where DOTC's themes dip into Colonialism. It's a hard topic, and I'm still trying to work out the details, but I realized it was important.
With how BB!DOTC is such a MASSIVE overhaul, to properly address abuse and the ways it impacts you, ableism and its violence, and xenophobia broadly, a huge reworking of Slash belonged here too. He's one of the greatest examples of how badly WC demonizes non-Clanborn cats. I shouldn't dance around it.
That's what I need to do with Skystar.
MANY of his victims have happier endings than canon, though. Bumble is one of the most famous, bumped up into a major character and directly responsible for the formation of ThunderClan. Bright Storm is taking most of Gray Wing's roles. Birch and Alder are getting examined, with either a father who wants his kids back or Milkweed as the mate of Misty.
A lot of people will die because of him, even more will be hurt, but I see BB!DOTC as a story about victims and survivors.
Others might grab POVs here and there, but as a response to canon which I feel is Clear Sky's story told in many parts, I center this rewrite around Thunder Storm. The path of kindness he marches down, with love and with anger, and the people he helps.
So BB!Star Flower...
Previously I was playing her as ENTIRELY just manipulating Clear Sky. She was loyal to One Eye and trying to get at Skystar to bleed him dry for 8 lives to sacrifice; but connected to Thunderstar over recognizing him as a victim who deserves her idea of justice. So, she offers Thunderstar the final kill, so her father will be grateful to him and he'll get power AND the death of his abuser.
(When Thunderstar looks upon Skystar, pathetic and neutralized down to one life, he thinks about the collateral damage that will descend upon the forest if he accepts the deal. He decides that he has found the line between Justice and Justification. Of course he wants the power to make his enemies cower, protect his people, and eliminate Clear Sky so he never threatens them again; that's not the problem.
He can still do these things. He wouldn't NEED the power of a war god to do so.
But if One Eye returns, he will be endlessly hungry, ruthlessly dedicated to revenge, and set out to devour the whole forest. Everything would get worse, and even more people he loves would die. It's where his desire to destroy a monster would lead to him BECOMING one.)
Even on its face, it was previously missing an element. There's a step between "Starf decides to bring One Eye back" and "Starf offers Thunderstar the final kill" that was bare. This is the piece that was missing-- That she, herself, is trying to reach out to the only person who's ever really understood her.
But more importantly... I do feel this topic belongs here, in BB!DOTC. Abuse is a MAJOR theme. SKYSTAR is a monster already. He's harmed two wives in BB (Bright Storm and Falling Cry) and played toxic games with all three kits (Thunder Storm, Pale Sky, Tiger Sky).
And I'd avoid Star Flower being abused... why? Because it's uncomfortable to confront the pattern that Clear Sky displays? That in-canon, he tries to cut all his victims into the same ideal shape, from Storm to Thunder to Star Flower? ...it should be uncomfortable. Everything that I described in Clear Sky Is A Monster is rooted in the same desire for control, power, and punishment most abusive people share, he just happens to be a severe example.
Yes. That includes how he treats his child and romantic partners. The parallels that are drawn between Starf and Thunder are there because he wants power in the form of obedience. Starf replaces the son as a narrative award for his "growth" of not killing random people anymore for a while.
A cookie cutter is an effective tool because IT ONLY MAKES ONE SHAPE.
You know what's more uncomfortable? Reading canon!DOTC and seeing someone who hurt you reflected almost perfectly in the character the writers think did nothing wrong. Because of "good intentions" that were not there.
I will say though, just to be clear; I don't see a purpose in being more than PG-13 about serious topics for this project. I promise none of my intentions have changed. Nothing will be more graphic or gorey than canon WC-- just more intentional.
I'm keeping the sacrifice because it's dope. No one is taking this from me. Girl Moment: Killed her awful husband 8 times to count as 8 sacrifices and offered the last life to her buddy as a show of good will. How else do you make friends outside of high school
But I know now that Star Flower NEEDS to keep the canon fact she has very little agency, UNTIL that moment she snaps.
She's sacrificing one abuser to try and bring back a bigger, badder one, because in spite of everything, her father One Eye always made her feel safe. Even though he promised her off to Skystar, and expected her to be willing to die for him. She's followed every command, every order, past the death of his mortal vessel.
The first, and only, selfish choice she's ever made was in reaching out to Thunderstar to offer him the power of her father.
Thunderstar's Justice is a story about a Thunder Storm at the pinnacle of his arc, how the survivors of his Clan are settling into the new normal after the carnage of The First Battle, how Skystar's arrogance brings a violent god to the Forest... and the connection Thunderstar makes with the daughter of a monster.
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Finally, was starting to think I'd never get anything released! Y'all ready to ROCK?!
Now, just to get this out of the way, I was really hoping to have something else done for y'all by now, that thing being the update to Flesh and Bone I mentioned in my last update post. Mechanically, it's done and has been for a while, and I'm VERY pleased with how it's coming along. However, it's proving to be a frustrating challenge to get it formatted with artwork that doesn't look awful. So, I took a much-needed break to work on something else and it's going on the back burner. It'll be out when it's out.
So what's this new thing I bring before you this day? With my main D&D campaign wrapping up, I've been working on a absolute TON of custom stuff for a new character, so that's taken up a lot of my creative energy. Now that we've had our first session and my work is done, I can pretty it up for y'all!
As one may surmise, I'm playing a heavy metal bard, so I put this together based on a combination of an existing college of metal I found on D&Dwiki and Matt Mercer's college of the maestro. The metalheads among you may have also noticed that yes, each feature and solo are named after metal songs, a lot of bangers too. Having run a combat with it, I'm already really happy with it mechanically and since it's my newest character it will be getting LOTS of playtesting. 
Another thing to mention is the little sidebar at the end. For this campaign I'm playing the 2024 playtest version of the new bard so that's what this was originally built for.  However, since most won't be playing it, I reworked it for the existing bard and added a way to "update" it for the new one for those who want it. For future content I would like to do something similar depending on how extensive the changes are, but we'll see how things shake out.
Anyway, I'm really pleased with how it turned out. A little sparse in the art department, but I think the theme I picked does a lot to carry it. Plus, I genuinely couldn't come up with anything that looked better, so hey, I'm not gonna let perfect be the enemy of done.
Anyway, that's all I got for now. So glad to actually be working on stuff again. Stay safe, don't forget to love each other, and I'll see you again soon.
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hopefuloverfury · 8 months
I know you said you might do this anyway, but what were the bachelorette's first impressions of the farmer? how did they all fall in love with them?
I had so many thoughts about this, and even though I cut out quite a bit—yes, it was worse than this—they’re still big. I actually had to rework the format because tumblr literally would not let me post the fucking text wall that was Maru's part, and then I couldn't have her part be formatted differently because that drove me insane. Jesus. Writing for Emily is still a little unfamiliar to me, and I think it reflects in my writing a little bit, but I hope I did her justice.
Bachelors are here.
Bulleted format. Scattered dialogue, self-doubt, and a little bit of thirst(Leah's fault, not mine), but mostly fluff. Mentions of injuries, blood, and the farmer being a reckless dumbass. Not proofread, please excuse any mistakes, my English isn’t great. Some of them include a bouquet, others do not. I stuck to canon for most of them, but I gotta be honest, sometimes my imagination is just so much more fun. Enjoy <3
Maru is extremely excited to meet you
Those farmlands have been sitting there for years, wasting away and falling apart with no one to care for them, and as a little girl she absolutely loved your grandpa
She was always interested in agriculture, and watching him work was never anything but interesting to her
She was heartbroken when he passed away, but because the farm belonged to your family after that, and there was a strict ‘no trespassing’ rule, she never got to visit
She could stand outside the gate, looking over the slowly deteriorating land, but never ever did she hop the fence
So the idea of the farmlands opening back up was a dream come true for her—the fact that someone was finally going to start caring for the land again filled her with so much joy
When she does finally meet you, that joy is confounded with curiosity
She can admit readily that she’s attracted to you, but she doesn’t get many opportunities to speak to you after the initial introductions, so it doesn’t go much deeper than that
You’re always so busy, and she doesn’t want to bother you, lest she distract you from your chores or responsibilities
But sometimes, you’ll come into town for your errands, and watching you flitting around with so much on your plate makes her hopeful for the future of the valley
She knows that your grandfather must be resting easy now, with the farm in your capable hands
Honestly, at first she thought you might fix up the farm enough to sell the land and make a dollar off of it, and then bounce
She’s relieved to know that you’re not doing that
And the more buildings you commission from Robin, the more excited she gets
There’s one time when she goes on a walk to take a break from a frustrating problem with one of her machines, and she ends up at the northern entrance of your farm
It’s greater than it ever was under your grandfather
The fields are full, there’s animal pens bursting with life, and you’re standing a little ways off, feeding your horse
You notice her, sensing her stare, and she’s terribly embarrassed at showing up without any invitation or warning—even if it was unintentional
But you grin, happy for the company, and usher her onto your property
She flicks open the gate, and the moment her feet touch the ground beyond the fence, she’s teleported back to her time as a toddler, when she would chase the chickens and watch your grandfather work
You’ve heard how close she was with him, and how much she looked up to him, so when she starts tearing up looking around the property, you lead her to your grandfather’s shrine
She kneels in front of the stone, holding her breath still in her chest to keep from sobbing
She’d never been able to visit the headstone before that moment, and seeing his name carved into the dark stone broke her heart
You give her permission to visit the farm whenever she likes, even when you’re not home, if ever she wants to visit him or take a break from everything
The farm is peaceful and beautiful, and she takes you up on the offer with a wet smile
She starts visiting frequently after that, more often when she knows you’re home, but sometimes when you’re not
One day in particular comes to mind: you’d run off to the desert for the day, for one reason or another
She spent the day pacing around the farm, and while she was watching the animals disappear into their pens as the sun crept below the mountains, there was an otherworldly whirring sound by your home
She investigated, and when she spotted you behind your farmhouse, she almost fell apart right then and there
Your body was bruised, and there were shallow cuts in your skin where your clothes were torn—most of them looked like claw marks, but there were also pieces of your clothing and hair that were dark and ashy, like you’d been singed by flames
You caught sight of her, and the relieved smile on your face was like nothing she’s ever seen before
She couldn’t stand to see the farm fall apart again—that was what she told herself, anyway, as she helped you into the farmhouse with a hand around your hip, fully supporting you as you trudged up the front steps
You collapse on the couch, too exhausted and sore to walk up the stairs to your bedroom
She does her best with what limited first aid supplies you have, and thankfully your injuries aren’t terrible, so she manages it well enough
But she’s terrified, though she knows that the likelihood of you dying on your couch is slim to none
While she’s bandaging a cut on your cheek, you realize that her hands are shaking terribly
Carefully, you reach up to hold her wrist, and she stops short
The air between you is charged with something new as you lock eyes
It clicks for her then
But she’s afraid that if it isn’t reciprocated, you’ll stop letting her visit your grandfather and the farm, so she keeps that firmly to herself when you ask if she’s alright
She reassures you that she’s fine, just a little shaken, and that she’ll feel better if you let her finish
She stays over that night, keeping an eye on you from the other couch as you sleep—just for her peace of mind
You wake up and you’re a little better, but she still walks you down to the clinic in the morning for Harvey to properly look you over and treat you
Her dad gives her a lot of shit for spending the night at your place, but she’s confident in her choice and doesn’t regret it, not with your injuries treated properly and your chipper smile flashing in the sunlight as you walk through the square a few days later
It’s a little tense with her father for a while afterward, but she’s not having any of it and is quick to shut him down whenever he tries to scold her—she might have his brains, but she got her mother’s spirit
You feel like shit for putting her through all of that though, and so you stay away from the caverns unless it’s strictly necessary
When it is necessary, you take a lot of food and warp totems with you, just in case—and staircases. Loooots of staircases
She’s grateful for that, but doesn’t know how much until a long while later
It’s not your fault—it was a misunderstanding
Her parents mentioned you on Friday after they got home from date night at Stardrop, and her whole world came crashing down
They told her that you looked terrible, and that you mentioned spending the day in the desert
she was out the door a moment later
Maru sprinted the whole way down to town square, praying you were still at the saloon, and when she busted through the door, you were perched at the bar with a pint in your hand
At the sound of someone nearly crashing through the front door, you lifted up your head, and she really wished her parents could be more specific
You do look terrible, but not because you’re in bad shape—you’ve just got a nasty sunburn and the most horrendous bags under your eyes
Everyone is staring at her, because she never goes to the saloon, but she doesn’t care
She’s so grateful that you’re okay, albeit a little tired
You recognize the look on her face, pay for your tab without bothering to finish your drink, and pull her right back out the door
You walk her home, gently explaining that no, you did not go into the caverns today, you only went to the desert to pick up things from Sandy’s shop and for some “exotic foraging,” for lack of better phrasing, and the sun just took it out of you
You don’t owe her an explanation, it’s none of her business what you get up to, she says, but you shut that down with a hard look, stopping still in the middle of the path to her home
She can’t meet your eyes for fear of you seeing right through her
Her worry, her fear, her paranoia and the wild look in her eyes when she spotted you at the bar was all too honest
There’s more there, and she’s terrified that you’ve figured it out
“You want it to be your business though, don’t you?”
She bites her lip hard, trying not to cry now that she knows she’s been found out
She nods, and then your hand is circling her wrist, and you’re pulling her into your chest
“I want it to be your business too.”
And if you feel her tears drip onto your clothed shoulder, you don’t mention it
Penny stopped in her tracks the first time she saw you
It was a few days after you’d arrived in Pelican Town, maybe the third or the fourth of Spring
She was dropping Jas off at home when she saw you chopping down trees in Cindersap with a worse-for-wear knapsack slung diagonally over your shoulders, stuffed full with wood and fiber
You were sweating, and panting, and part of her was concerned for your wellbeing, because in that moment she was sure you’d collapse right in the grass beside your ax
But then you wiped the sweat off of your forehead and felled a giant pine tree, in no time at all
She was going to stare some more, but then Jas yanked on Penny’s arm and asked her to walk her inside
Penny only barely managed to tear her gaze away from you to take Jas inside and drop her off
She’s not totally proud of it, and Marnie still teases her for it a little bit, but she rushed through dropping Jas off and was a little short with both of them in her eagerness to get back outside—but not to talk to you. Oh, no.
She was much too shy to do that
But she wanted to see you one more time before you left
Unfortunately by the time she escaped Marnie’s questioning stare, and all but tumbled out of the front door in her rush, you were already packed up and gone
You didn’t go to the egg festival (you were broke, and probably forgot about it in favor of clearing your farmlands)
The next time she got to take a look at you—a proper look, this time—was at the flower dance
You were walking around the meadow, introducing yourself to some, and familiarly greeting others
And when you introduced yourself to her, she nearly forgot her own name as you shook her hand
It had been four weeks since you moved to town, and your hands were calloused from the farm work you’d been busting your ass at since you arrived
But that was the only rough part about you
Everything else was soft and kind, and the way you said her name made butterflies erupt in her stomach
And the smile you gave her afterward was so pretty
She couldn’t forget the way your eyes crinkled at the edges as you bid her good luck during the dance and went on your way
And from then on, it felt like she was seeing you everywhere
Hearing about you from the other townsfolk, catching sight of you walking through town at least twice a day, and even getting a few opportunities to talk with you herself
And then her tiff with George happened, and she swears no one had ever been so quick to defend her—she was a little starstruck when you smiled softly at her after he was gone, and reassured her that what she did was kind and good-intended
You were always smiling at her like that, heartbreakingly gentle
When she apologized for the way her mom shouted at you after trying to help clean their trailer, when you ate her poor attempt at stir-fry without complaint, and especially when you showed up during her field trip with the kids in Cindersap
Clearly just out of the fields, dirt on your knees and mud on your boots, with the most breathtaking glitter in your eyes
Your skin was flushed from exertion, and she’s never seen anyone look attractive while sweating, yet there you stood, backlit by the early afternoon sun
And watching you interact with the kids was the cherry on top
She’s always wanted a big family, but no one in Pelican Town ever seemed like a good match for her—not in the long run, anyway
But she thinks you’re kind, and safe, and you have a natural energy that makes you easy to get along with
She’s well aware that she likes you, but she’s used to things not going her way, or being taken from her, so she resigns herself to an eternity of pining after you
She tries not to fantasize too much, because it’s a little embarrassing, and it hurts a little, but sometimes she can’t help but imagine what you might look like with a child bouncing on your hip
What you’d like for breakfast—how you’d like your eggs in the morning
She thinks about what domestic life with you would be like constantly
Shortly after Robin builds Penny and Pam their house, you show up on her doorstep
You asked Robin to keep it a secret, of course, so Penny doesn’t know it was you and still doesn’t
But she invites you in, too excited to show you everything to notice the stunning array of flowers clutched tightly behind your back
She insists on showing you around, and letting you check everything out
You both step into the kitchen, and she’s gesturing grandly at the dining space, practically squealing over the hand-embroidered tablecloth Granny Evelyn gave them as a housewarming gift
She spins around. “So? What do you think?”
And that’s when you finally reveal the bouquet behind your back
“I think these might look good on the table.”
She thinks you’re being kind, or that maybe you don’t know what those bouquets are for, because there’s just no way, right?
“Oh!—I’m sure we have a vase for these somewhere, just let me—”
You stop her with a careful hand on her wrist, barely gripping just in case you’ve read it all wrong and she wants to get away from you
“Penny. Do you… know what I’m asking you?”
And she does, but she’s in disbelief. There’s no way you’d want her too, right?
And now that she thinks about it, she could’ve sworn you were interested in Haley or Abigail, because, you know, obviously they’re both really pretty, but Haley’s family has money, and Abigail’s so much cooler than her—
“If I wanted them, would I be here, giving a bouquet to you?”
After you leave—because as romantic as you are, you’re still a busy person running a farm all by yourself—she puts the flowers on the table with the dopiest grin on her face
She flops into her bed and squeals into her pillow, the fluttering in her chest so strong she swears she could float away
She has trouble falling asleep that night, too busy thinking of your smile as she stares at the ceiling fan
She’s determined to dislike you from the get-go no wonder her and Seb are friends
When she finally sees you, during an early spring trip to Pierre’s, she takes the sudden drop in her stomach as a sign that you’re bad news
Then you beat her at the egg hunt, and she’s in a sour mood for days
she will straight up refuse to leave her room if she knows you’re in the shop
Wednesday is her favorite day of the week, because she won’t have to see you
But of course you have the audacity to show up one day when she’s only just managed to get out of helping her mom with dinner
She’s getting her ass kicked in JotPK when you knock on her bedroom door
She doesn’t know why the hell you’re bothering her, and she’s suddenly embarrassed that you caught her right as she died, but then she gets an idea
She asks you to play in the hopes that you’re terrible at it so at least she’ll finally have proof that you’re not good at everything or perfect all the time
She half-hopes you say no, but then you’re sitting down and reaching for a controller, so she’s stuck with you
You make it past the first level without dying, while she gets killed within the first thirty seconds, because of fucking course
She’s halfway through thinking up a snarky barb when her mom calls for her
You set the controller down and smile at her, and then you’re reaching into your pocket
“I came over to give this to you. I found it in the mines, and it reminded me of you.”
You hand her the most opaque, gorgeous raw amethyst she’s ever seen
She has half a mind to ask why on earth you’d think about her, but then her mother is calling her again, more urgently the second time around, and you’re walking out within seconds
She stares at the amethyst for what feels like forever that night, thinking
She doesn’t get the opportunity to properly speak to you again until a week later
It’s raining, and she’s playing her flute, just basking in the whimsy feeling of the valley 
She opens her eyes after a particularly long note to find you standing a few feet off, your fishing rod in hand
The rain is soaking you to the bone, with some of your hair stuck to the delicate skin of your throat, and she short-circuits
Her gut reaction is to get defensive and ask you what you’re doing, but you handle it with grace
You ask her what she was doing, and when she says she wanted to spend time alone, the recognition on your face is palpable
You nod, adjusting the strap of your backpack on your shoulder, but she stops you, saying some bullshit about how she doesn’t mind your company
Hasn’t she minded your company since you first showed up? Why is she lying??
But the surprise and hesitance clear on your face makes her feel… not nice
So she scoots over, gesturing vaguely to the space beside her
“You’re getting soaked. Come stand under the tree.”
What progress you made with her is quickly dashed when you pull out the mini harp—because why wouldn’t you also play an instrument? 
She’s always been competitive, but she doesn’t understand why she’s so desperate to have something over you
Hearing about your trips in the mines from the other townies doesn’t help
Knowing you have the freedom to go wherever you like without any overbearing, old-school parents breathing down your neck, and the fact that you’re apparently in good standing with the two adventurers up at the guild, who speak to basically no one else?
One night her self-worth is particularly bad, and she runs off to the graveyard for some peace and quiet
Her dad is getting on her ass about “acting like a lady” more than usual and it’s been driving her up the wall
It rubs her the wrong way how no one bats an eye at the things you get up to, but everyone’s always getting on her case about acting “proper”
And of course you show up that night, too
Right in the middle of her break between drills, while she’s heaving and guzzling water
You appear out of seemingly nowhere, and the shriek she lets out is so fucking embarrassing
You don’t laugh at her for that, but she does see the mirth in your eyes when she says she was practicing her swordsmanship
As if the thought of her swinging a sword around is so funny to you
She snaps something about that, but then her entire world flips on its axis when you chuckle good-naturedly and make a joke about how pissy it must make Pierre, what with his old, dated-ass values
And then you ask if she’d ever like to practice with you—“I could use a sparring partner anyway”
And obviously Pierre catches you chatting in front of the headstones and nearly pops a blood vessel, and she’s irritated that you had to see them like that, but she’s caught totally off guard when you back her up and laugh at Pierre’s expense
“I know he’s your dad and all, so no disrespect to him, but fucking hell, the stick up his ass is massive”
That lightens her mood a bit, knowing that she has at least one more person who acknowledges that her parents are overbearing sometimes
Unfortunately for your patience, it takes a long time and a few sparring sessions before everything clicks into place for her
In the thick, humid heat of summer, she finally gets you down, her wooden sword pressed just below your jugular
The golden afternoon sunlight bounces off the sweat on your face, and it makes you glow beneath her
You give her a breathless smile, with an eager and impressed shimmer in your eyes, and suddenly, she understands
Every moment since you stepped off of the bus, she’s been pining after you
Desperate to have something over you, not because she wants to be better than you, per se, but because she wants to impress you
She cuts the session short, not glancing behind her even once as she all but sprints away from the farmlands
Once she’s home, she rushes into her room and locks herself inside, her face beet-red and sweaty from the run, and from you
The amethyst you gave her so long ago sits on her night stand, mocking her with its deep purple glow
And oh, she is so fucked.
She doesn’t share in the enthusiasm everyone has about you, and she honestly doesn’t really care that you’ve moved in
She has no interest in making friends with you—you’re always covered in dirt and sweat and she thinks it’s really strange gross
After you take Emily’s side over the couch cushions, she’s pretty bratty for a bit, and is convinced you have a crush on Emily in order to side with her
But if you give it a few weeks, she accepts that maybe that’s not true, given that your interactions with Emily don’t seem more than platonic
But there’s this one time, where you’re over to drop off some cloth or something, and she’s struggling with a jar in the kitchen
You open it for her without question, and when your hands brush against each other when you hand the jar back, Haley’s skin tingles
But then Emily is there and you’re leaving, so she doesn’t bother examining it further, content to move on with her life
That plan comes crashing down rather quickly though
A few weeks later while taking pictures at the beach, she notices her wrist is uncharacteristically barren
Immediate panic swells in her chest, and she spends thirty minutes pacing over the tiny dunes looking for her great-grandmother’s bracelet, not even caring when sand spills into her shoes and starts rubbing against her skin uncomfortably
She’s close to tears, paranoid and jerking her head this way and that at the slightest glimmer in the sand
Those thirty minutes pass, and she’s not found anything, and her tears start flowing freely
She spins around, and sees you
She knows how eager you are to help everyone in town—you’re helping to fix up the old community center, all of the museum’s donation placards have your name on them, and every board request outside of Pierre’s rarely goes unanswered
Besides, you’ve helped George and Shane before, and surely she’s not as grouchy as they are, so maybe you’d be willing to help her, too?
She calls you over, and you immediately rush over at her tone
The concern on your face is enough to make a wave of fresh tears push forward, but she blinks them back desperately
Your hands are on her shoulders, squeezing softly as she tries not to cry 
She resigns herself to never seeing her grandmother’s bracelet again, when your hands are leaving her skin
She feels cold immediately, even with the sun beating down on her neck
But then you start walking around, hunting for her lost jewelry with a focus unlike anything she’s ever seen, and the thought of you helping her when she’s been basically nothing but unkind makes her feel awful
Her tears get a new kick to them, clogging up her chest and making her sick to her stomach, when you’re calling out from across the beach
You rush over from Elliott’s shack, and she sees her bracelet glittering between your fingers as you hold it out 
“Is this it?”
She doesn’t bother with a verbal response, grabbing the bracelet tightly in her own hand and flinging her arms around your shoulders to hug you close
She doesn’t think she’s imagining the blush on your face as you help her put the bracelet back on, and the way you hold her wrist before pulling away makes her burn
After that moment, she’s always noticing things about you
The little things you do that show how much you care for other people, how kind and compassionate you are—the way you have everyone wrapped around your finger, and you don’t even know it
She knows that’s not true, though—she knows that you can tell the effect you have on people, but she’s struck dumb by the fact that you never use that against them
You’re never manipulative, never inconsiderate, never anything but good and kind and she’s so fucking insecure because she’s always been bratty and selfish and shallow and there’s no way someone like you would ever like her back—Oh.
She wants you, but doesn’t think she deserves to, given how she treats people
She’s never really been one to wallow, though, so she springs to action immediately
She goes through her closet and donates half of her wardrobe, she starts doing her part to keep the house tidy, she smiles and waves at anyone she passes in town—she’s even started hanging out with Emily, and she’s having fun
After a few weeks, she realizes that now she’s motivated more by her relationships flourishing, instead of trying to impress you
But she can tell it’s making a difference with you, too, and that’s a nice plus
Especially when you’re both standing in Marnie’s pens, taking pictures with the cows, and you’re so gentle with her after she gets bucked off
You insist on walking her home, carrying her camera equipment for her and watching her closely for any discomfort or limping
She’s never felt so cared for, and she can’t think of anything else while she’s washing the mud off of herself
But you don’t ask her out until a little while later, probably sometime in Winter 2
You go into her house, and Emily sees the bouquet first, immediately knowing what it’s for and all but shoving you in the direction of the kitchen
Haley’s standing at the counter, making herself some peppermint coffee in her sleep clothes yes i’m bitter it’s not an in game item shut up, and maybe it’s not as romantic as you wanted it to be, but she just looks so cute and cozy that you ask anyway
She says yes, of course, and she can’t stop smiling long enough to drink her coffee, even after you’re gone and the flowers are sitting proudly on her vanity
Leah’s world isn’t really affected all that much when you show up in Pelican Town
She’s excited to see what you do with the farmlands, and she wouldn’t be opposed to having another friend besides Elliott, but she’s not going to bust her ass to make friends with you
She’s got bills to pay on an artist’s salary, and her days are filled with foraging and working on her art, so she busy
But the first time she meets you is when she’s walking to the spring onion patch for some late morning foraging
When she arrives, she’s disappointed to find that you’re already there, yanking the last of the spring onions out of the ground
Most of her money goes into paying her bills, so her diet mainly consists of food she’s foraged in Cindersap or around the valley
She depends a little too heavily on the onions during spring, so if there’s someone else in the valley who forages for food besides Linus, she’s got to rework her schedule to make sure she gets enough to eat
She’s in the middle of asking what you did before moving to Pelican Town when you pull a face and start digging through your bag
And then you’re dropping five of the largest ones into her basket
She’s surprised by it, and her gut reaction is to tell you ‘oh, you didn’t have to do that, I could’ve found something else’—but you’re not having any of it
You’re waving goodbye and traipsing off towards the tower, the sun beating down and making you gleam like gold
She shakes it off and walks home, caught off guard by how readily kind you are to someone you only just met
And your kindness doesn’t stop there
Sometimes she doesn’t have time between her art projects to go look for anything in Cindersap, so you take it upon yourself to get things for her too
And the only reason you overhear her heated phone conversation with Kel is because you’re dropping off forage for her
She starts doing the same for you, when your farm really takes off
She’s blown away by how much progress you’ve made, and she’s honestly a little jealous, but she can’t find it in herself to be bitter because you’re so wonderful all the time
Someone like you deserves a nice life like that, you know?
She’s inspired by you and your kindness, so much that she carves a sculpture for you
She doesn’t realize she has feelings for you when you display her sculpture on your porch, even though the feeling in her chest is overwhelming and fluttery
The moment she pieces everything together, it’s your fault
She’s trying to reach a fruit high up in the cherry blossom tree, already breathless from her continued efforts, when you appear out of thin air and scare the living daylights out of her
She looks up at the fruit longingly, and maybe if she jumps off of the trunk she can reach a little higher—
You lift her up like she weighs nothing, smiling kindly as she looks down at you in surprise
She’s sitting on your shoulder, your hands supporting her under her boots, and she plucks the fruit from the branch with a few twists
You let her down, snorting dryly when she comments on your strength, and she quickly uses her whittling knife to carve off a piece of the fruit for you
She holds it out for you to take, but you glance down at your hands with a frown
You got dirt on them from her shoes when you lifted her up, and you’re not totally jazzed at the idea of eating mud and dirt with your fruit
She thinks maybe you’ll stick your hands in the pond to rinse them off, but nope.
She blushes furiously when you lean forward and take the fruit into your mouth, straight out of her hand
Your lips brush her fingertips, and she gasps at the contact
You swallow and smile, and then you’re shrugging your backpack on and walking away like you totally didn’t just flip her world upside down and turn it inside out
It’s all she can think about from then on, no matter what you’re talking about or how brief your interactions are
She tries her best not to let it show, but it’s hard when you’re all she can think about, and all she wants to do is kiss those god awful lips of yours
She invites you to her art show in town, and you show up all dressed up for the occasion, with a glitter in your eyes she’s never seen before
Encouraging her once again, and for fucks’ sake would you please stop looking at her like that???? She’s about to give a speech to the whole town, she’s already nervous!
The show goes well—her sculptures were all sold, and Mayor Lewis even commissioned her for a Pelican Statue to put in the town square
Life’s going better than it has in a long time; her bills will be paid, and her confidence is through the roof
You’re walking her home after the show when you daringly thread your hands together
She looks at you in surprise, transfixed by the steady blush creeping down your neck and up to the tips of your ears
She squeezes your hand, a blush of her own spreading over her face that doesn’t go away even after you drop her off
She flops into bed with a dopey grin on her face, giggling uncontrollably and kicking her feet and holy fuck, she’s in her late twenties, why is she so giddy over holding hands???
It’s embarrassing, but no one is here with her anyway, so who cares?
You like her too.
You like her too.
She’s practically foaming at the mouth to meet you LMFAO
She had a dream about a new farmer moving into Pelican Town a month before you even quit at Joja
So when the townspeople found out you claimed your grandfather’s farm, Emily was truthfully, impatient as hell
She tried to keep her mind busy so it didn’t occupy her every day, but it got harder to do the closer it got to your arrival date
And she swore there was something different in the air when you stepped off the bus
The egg festival was the first time she spoke to you, and she’s sure it must be destiny that you spoke to her first out of everyone in the square
Right off the bat she knew there was something different about you
The way you carried yourself, and how you looked at the world around you
There was wonder there, like you had only just started living
She got the opportunity to know why when you visited the saloon one night
It was slow, and she was busying herself by wiping out a few wine glasses when you walked in, fresh out of the mines
You looked worse for wear, but when she asked if you were alright, your mood was overwhelmingly positive
Exploring the mines was easier than working at Joja at least—or so you claimed
Given how often she hears about people feeling stuck and stagnant, she’s glad at least one person in Pelican Town is taking charge of their life and trying to be happy
But the longer you’re in the valley, the better everyone’s lives seem to be going
Pam has her job back again, the minecarts are working, and then the community center is up and running—all thanks to you
She finally understands why she was having dreams before you ever showed up when the Joja Mart closes down and gets remodeled into a gorgeous movie theater a few weeks later
Everywhere you go good fortune seems to follow—the trees sway toward you, the water calms in your presence, and the wind blows a little gentler, and now the community is finally rid of that terrible corporation’s presence
When she finally realizes that she likes you, there’s no catalyst—no special moment or anything
You’re not even there when it clicks
She’s in her room, sewing a new dress for Haley for Feast of the Winter Star Christmas, and her train of thought wanders to you
She thinks of the dreams, of your influence over the townspeople, over the flora and fauna, and she knows that it was destiny for you to move to Pelican Town and fix everything
But then she sets that aside, and thinks about you
Just you
The way you look after a day out in your fields, the sound of your laugh, the dedication you show in everything you do, and the compassion and thoughtfulness of your actions
Even when you’re not fixing up the town, or dropping off gifts to some townie or another, you’re a bright spot in the middle of the gloom—the eye of the storm
You’re safe, and she gets teared up thinking about you
She likes you so much
She’s immediately abandoning the dress in favor of busting out her tarot cards, because now she has to know for sure
Is it a waste of time? Is it for her to decide? Is it destiny?
She doesn’t know, and she needs to find out before it drives her insane, and then The Lovers and Two of Cups fall out of her deck
She’s confident that the universe is pointing her in your direction, and she’s not going to ignore those signs any longer
She’s on her way to Pierre’s, coin purse in hand and jingling with the gold she needs to seal her future with you, when you run smack into each other outside of her house
You both stumble, but while you right yourself without issue, she falls backward
You catch her just in time and drag her back to her feet, apologizing profusely for knocking her down, and seeing you in front of her with your arms carefully looped around her waist, well
She confesses on the spot
It’s awkward, she’s stuttering the whole time, and you’re wide eyed in surprise as she stumbles over her words
Eventually she trails off, her cheeks as red as her dress, when you smile softly, and hold up a bouquet
She didn’t even notice it in your hands, but seeing it now, how could she have possibly missed it?????
A little bummed that you bought the bouquet first, but then again, this is the universe we’re talking about, she can’t complain about its methods
Certainly not when you’re carefully kissing her cheek and placing the flowers in her hands
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vanguard-if · 2 months
dev log - april 28 2024
good evening...everyone.....here to report that this guy IS DONE THEIR FINALS AND IS BACK HOME. meaning i will be working on Vanguard much more frequently <33 it was a crazy year for me, and i am so glad to be back home man wow i don't know if it's legal to have five finals but who knows. i've had lots of ideas for what i want to accomplish this summer, so i thought i'd just give a general update on where i'm at/what's really going on since Vanguard has been sitting woefully in the corner of Twine for like four months (mostly) untouched.
IN PROGRESS - hope to complete by the end of summer latest
character voice claims / head canons! think i've mentioned this briefly (maybe), but i've been slowly compiling voices i think fit the VG bunch. i still have Charles, Vio, and Kiera to go, and i need to find a better voice for Vera. but. stay tuned.
reworking the entirety of the game formatting. this includes fixing font colours to be more readable, revamping the character creation, and solving the mystery of why on EARTH the sidebar covers the screen on mobile.
CHAPTER ONE!!!!! and complete the MC's profile in game
completing character profiles on the blog
FUTURE PLANS - not sure when these will be done/IF they'll be done
drawing up "official" portraits for the VG bunch to add to the itch.io page. would all be consistent busts most likely.
okay wow sorry thought i'd have more ideas i think my IQ has dropped by maybe 10 points. will update if i remember anything more
also just drawing more in general lolz... there has been a severe lack of Nia and Kiera content and that is NOT good!!
hm yes i think this is it for Vanguard. for now. reminder that i also have another account @jayeyeee where i *will* post about my other OCs since i have about ten billion. i also have a tiktok, instagram, and twitter under the same handle if you feel like stalking.
goodnight everyone. thanks soooo so so much for following me, even after my pause on the game :] bye for now love u guys
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Might as well finish this post now that it's actually happening.
✨Season 4 Wishlist✨
Further UX improvements
Finally adding a codex with viewable enemy logs
Unlikely but damn I want it:
Restructure Luxcavations into something more enjoyable and weekly focused
Removal of Stamina cost for Story missions, shift XP gained from the mission to better first time XP ticket awards and add a thread award at least to Canto 1 - 3
Actual Training Mode
New Player Experience, which gifts a decent starting amount of XP, Thread, and BL Yi Sang for completing various challenges and milestones
Rework Cantos 1 - 4 to fit the 6 active 6 passive team format
Never gonna happen but I can dream:
Uptie V, however its not a resource cost but instead an individual combat challenge with story content for the IDs and EGOs.
New Game mode where you bring multiple IDs from the same sinner, grants shards, weekly
Bring back old Railways for newer players, make railways permanent with the cosmetic rewards as incentive to clear before the end of the season
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therobotmonster · 8 months
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TryannoMax, Issue 25, October 1977
Cocytus Comics Group, Story by Barry McDermit, lines by Midge Joulet & Dale Ethree, Colors and Letters by H. Haddaway.
Issue #25. It's a quiet day so the Core team gets some R&R. TryannoMax hunts down Dr. Underfang for a long-overdue confrontation, DeinoSteve and PteroDarla finally have that date, and Wally Manmoth visits home. So when Ape-Tomic Pyle returns from the grave to exact his revenge, only TriceraBruce remains to stand in his way. One wounded dinoid against a living nuclear ape-pocalypse, with the populace of Wisconsin in the balance.
Running for an astounding 80 issues, TyrannoMax was the headline comic from Cocytus in the 1970s, and was the primary motivator behind Buzby-Spurlock buying out Cocytus in '83.
While the comic series is considered the root of the empire that would create the animated series and live action movie, the concept was first introduced in short story "Humanity, My Young Cousin" in the pulp-sci-fi magazine Stunning True-Life Tales of Science Fiction, a few years earlier.
May be posting interior pages soon.
Full details under the fold.
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TyrannoMax is my AI dinosaur test kitchen, where I see how ideas work out before trying them on more serious projects.
Here, I've used Dall-E 3 through Bing and Midjourney to create comic assets, which I then de-color and rework into inks in a similar fashion to my AI-comic reworkings like Robots Ruined the Internet and Let's Gib About Ib, or any of my other fake comic covers. TriceraBruce and Ape-Tomic Pyle were generated with Dall-E 3, and the background was made in Midjourney.
This makes the basic inks, from there I correct anatomical problems, cleanup AI wonk, and generally re-ink where things are needed.
Once I have the "inks" its then a matter of doing the coloring and graphic design work the old fashioned way. I used my recreation of the 1981 DC comics palette for my colors, used post-processing to get the printed look, and there you go.
My prompt format for the characters is:
A -anthro wearing , long tail (if a dinosaur) , comic panel by 1968, in the style of 1960s Marvel comics
Because all weights are averaged a bit, to get a 1970s comic look, you have to prompt for late 60s, ortherwise it looks late 80s.
Background prompt was:
a distant city, a rocket launches from its center, flying toward the sky, comic illustration by jack kirby, inked lines, flat color, blue sky, green grass, orange rocket, from 1968
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So I wrote an entire essay comparing Loki from The Bifrost Incident to Loki from the Prose Edda for my Medieval Literature Class, and I figured I'd post it here in case anyone wanted to read my analysis on her character
Essay Under Cut--(my formatting got fucked up by the hellsite but what can you do?)
“Is this truly me? What have I left behind?”
A look into how The Bifrost Incident interacts with its source material
Title from “Losing Track” by The Mechanisms
In the early 1200s, Snorri Sturlson wrote his famous collection of Norse mythology called The Prose Edda. In this compilation, we met many gods, goddesses, and creatures, including one who is arguably the most popular Norse deity--Loki, the god of mischief and general shenanigans. The Prose Edda presents Loki as dishonest, violent, at times incompetent. Recently though, about 800 years later, Loki has attracted the interest of many modern writers who have adapted Loki’s story to explore contemporary problems. One particular adaptation, The Bifrost Incident by English steampunk band The Mechanisms, imagines her to be just,  intelligent, and loving. There are many striking differences between these two versions of Loki, the most significant being gender, mortality, and how their stories end. This is important because this album re-examines and redefines Loki’s identity, and how we view this Norse deity in a modern context.
To fully delve into how The Mechanisms’ adaptation works, I think some context for the band is necessary. The Mechanisms were an English steampunk band, self-described as “Storytelling Musical Cabaret'' that operated from 2010 until 2020. The Band members themselves were in character at all times as the immortal pirate crew of the Starship Aurora. They also took on the roles in the tales they told. So for example, Tim Ledsam was the guitarist for The Mechanisms, but when he was onstage he played Gunpowder Tim, Master at Arms on the Aurora, and when the band performed The Bifrost Incident, he voiced the character of Loki. The Mechanisms were best known for their clever reworking of mythologies, creating queer narratives and telling queer stories, and their love of tragedies. In their last concert (recorded as a live album), Death to The Mechanisms, Jonny D’ville--the band’s first mate/lead vocalist. played by Jonny Sims--and Ashes O'Reilly--the band’s quartermaster/bassist, played by Frank Voss--had a conversation that encapsulates the crew's relationship with unhappy endings: 
"We happen to stumble across tragic situations where everyone dies. I mean, obviously there are stories where people live but we just choose not to tell them."
"Yeah, 'cause they're boring."
The fact that this conversation happened during some technical difficulties in the song “Terminus”, the finale of The Bifrost Incident where the entire star system is consumed by a Lovecraftian Cosmic Horror, only adds credence to their claims. 
With that bit of explanation out of the way, let’s discuss the similarities between Sturlson’s work and The Mechanisms’ adaptation of it. Loki from The Prose Edda and Loki from The Bifrost Incident share many important similarities. These similarities are important because they make the character recognizable, giving us a reference point and allowing the audience to connect the new version to the original. The Mechanisms play on the audience’s knowledge of Norse Mythology, creating an insider audience. Listeners feel like they are in on the joke, as they understand what myths or details are being referenced. The Mechanisms also use these similarities to create puns, as they often do in their albums. For example, in The Prose Edda Baldur is killed by Mistletoe, and in The Bifrost Incident Loki kills Baldur with Missile 2 (the second missile).  
Another thing The Mechanisms’ adaptation has in common with Sturlson’s work is how they develop ideas through music. The Bifrost Incident is a musical album, with each song continuing the story, much like the soundtrack to a musical. It alternates between spoken narration and songs, weaving music into the fabric of the tale. The Prose Edda does this as well! We have evidence that the original myths were probably put to music, connecting this modern work to its source. 
This being said, there are significant differences between the Loki of The Prose Edda and the Loki from The Bifrost Incident. I’ve selected just three to discuss at this time, the ones I think are the most important. The first is gender. In The Prose Edda Loki and Odin are firmly male, using exclusively male pronouns. There is a specific instance in the text where Loki turns into a mare and gives birth to Sleipnir, Odin’s eight-legged steed. This is seen in a negative context, as a way to shame or punish Loki. In The Bifrost Incident, however, Loki and Odin are gender-bent, using exclusively female pronouns. Loki’s gender expression in the album is further complicated by how her character is voiced. Gunpowder Tim, who as far as I can tell is a cisgender man, voices this specifically female character. The use of a more masculine-sounding voice actor for a character that not only uses feminine terms and pronouns but also is married to another woman in the album introduces a new, interesting layer of queerness to the narrative. Because of this casting decision, it’s a commonly held belief among fans that Loki is a trans woman in the album. These choices help the audience explore modern queer themes through the lens of Norse mythology. And it creates a contrast to how gender, sexuality, and queerness in general, were talked about in Snorri Sturlson’s time. 
The second difference I’d like to discuss is Loki’s mortality (or lack thereof). In The Prose Edda Loki is a god, an immortal being that could affect the world around him and cause problems on large scales. This allows many myths to happen, most strikingly the ones where Loki transforms into an animal to either cause problems or fix a problem he caused. Now this is complicated by the fact that Snorri Sturlson did not believe the characters in the myths he was compiling were gods. He lived in a Christianized world, trying to compile stories to save them for poets. Either way, Prose Edda Loki is an immortal deity. But in The Bifrost Incident, it is important that all our characters are mortal. It intensifies the tragedy of Loki and Sigyn, their sacrifice and Odin’s demise. It helps us relate to the characters in a way that we don’t get if they’re immortal. In the narration “Cold Case”, we learn that Loki was thought to be dead, and in the song “Sigyn” we get the heartbreaking reunion between Loki and her wife, Sigyn. But the reason I cry every time I listen to “Sigyn” is because of how heartrendingly happy Sigyn is to see her wife, alive and in front of her, and then see that relief ripped away as she realizes that Loki doesn’t recognize her. The humanity, the fear and permanence of death, of losing those you love, is one that we as an audience can easily relate to. 
My final difference, and possibly the most important difference, is the ending to Loki’s story. After killing Baldur in The Prose Edda, Loki is chased down by the Aesir and eternally punished: He is imprisoned below the earth, tied down with the entrails of his sons, and has a snake set above him to drip poison into his eyes. His wife, Sigyn, stays with him by choice, holding a cup above him to catch the venom, but the vessel can only hold so much before it must be emptied. So when Sigyn has to empty the cup the venom gets into his eyes, and his thrashing is the etiological myth for why earthquakes happen. Eventually, Loki is destined to escape and kick off Ragnarok (the end of the world), where he fights against the Aesir--sailing in on Naglfar and fatally injuring Heimdall before dying himself. These all add up to an ultimately evil view of Loki, even if he is a bit sympathetic. He turns against the gods and his children are the cause of much destruction. However, the Loki of The Bifrost Incident has a completely different characterization. After her memories are returned to her, she leaves Odin to her madness and goes to find Sigyn. She tells Sigyn what they must do to delay the eldritch train as long as possible, keeping the end of the world from happening for 80 years-- 
“They uncouple the [train] carriages behind [them] and Loki lays upon the altar. Sigyn pushes a single line into her wife's heart and holds it tight. All she lets through is a drip drip drip, flowing through the glyphs and gears. When Loki's heartsblood is gone, the train will arrive, but until then, they are together.”
Loki chooses to sacrifice herself to stop the end of all life in her star system. This is almost directly opposite of how Loki acts in The Prose Edda. She is noble, in contrast to his cowardice. 
I think it’s important to consider why these changes were made. Some are more obvious--The Mechanisms always committed to the bit at full throttle. It’s evident from their stage presences that they cared about the storytelling more than anything else. So many of the more minor changes are to keep to the aesthetic choices the band made--setting it in space, steampunk and cyberpunk imagery, and the puns we talked about earlier. Some choices were made to turn the original myths into queer stories. Making Loki and Sigyn a lesbian couple, as well as having Loki use feminine terms and pronouns while being voiced by a traditionally masculine voice actor, fall into The Mechanisms’ commitment to telling queer stories. Many of the band members themselves are queer, and the vast majority of their fanbase identifies as LGBTQ+. And finally, The Mechanisms only tell tragedies. We discussed this at a few earlier points, how the change from god to mortal fed into the tragedy of the story they were trying to tell. 
So why does this matter? Why should we care about a Steampunk concept album written in 2017 that no one has ever heard of? The Prose Edda was written to preserve poetry, religion, mythology, and meaning post-Christianization. Why was The Bifrost Incident written? I believe that it’s a commentary on corrupt government systems, as seen with Odin, as well as a cautionary tale about the dangers of pushing too far without the proper safety precautions. It’s also just a fun retelling of myths that most are fairly familiar with in a fun, new setting we never would have expected. The Bifrost Incident takes stories written hundreds of years ago and creates a modern narrative that is as enjoyable as it is thought-provoking. And I hope this paper, if nothing else, convinces you to listen to the Album.
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khttrpg · 4 days
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Cracks knuckles.
Alright team. Let's talk the next few months.
The short version is I'm going to have a basic version for v0.3 out by mid-September. The current plan is to finish work on it through June, finish privately testing it by mid-August, and then do a closed playtest with Patreon supporters through the rest of August. I'll make any further adjustments, playtest one more round if needed, and then throw it out to The People!
This is going to be a more compact initial release than previous versions. The version of the game to release will be through about level 21 (out of 100 levels). Unlike V0.2, though, it will be playable at release - no waiting to learn how to make enemies. There are several reasons for this smaller release, but the most important is changeability: this way, instead of needing full years to adjust everything I've made if something about the base game is completely off course, it'll only take a month or so. Quicker turnaround for adjustments!
I'll be sitting down to do a sort of psuedo-Q&A on Friday, June 28 on my Twitch at 7 PM EST- playing some Kingdom Hearts, answering questions as they come up, talking about what I've been up to and longer-term plans. If there's anything in this post that you don't understand or want elaboration on, send an ask, and I'll answer it on that stream!
Some of the big changes you can expect in V0.3, under a cut for brevity (some of the details and names may be subject to change still!):
Combat Stats. You know, in retrospect, there was no good reason to not use KH's existing ATK/DEF/MAG stats and just directly translate abilities using them. The new version has the actual stats used in KH games connected to the more roleplay-oriented Stats from previous versions - e.g. ATK being connected to Body - but ultimately separated in terms of usage.
Sword, Shield, Staff. This will appear in very basic form in this version, to be elaborated on once the core game has been adequately playtested. I've wanted to include the chance to "choose your path" since day 1, but could never find a way to integrate it; the addition of Combat Stats provided a clean opportunity to try it out!
Dice. This was something that got brought up relatively early on in the Discord, but at the time I didn't have the experience to handle it. Now I do! Attacks have a more standardized pattern and there's no longer going to be a situation where you can hit and do 0 damage. Not unless you intentionally do some really bad numbers. I can't stop you from that.
Job Classes -> Job Paths. There was a consistent issue in the first two versions, where the intent of job classes - to be loose guidelines rather than strict classes, with lots of mixing and matching - was unclear. They've been re-contextualized as sets of Abilities, with one feature being a prerequisite to the next. My hope is that this will allow people to view them closer to as intended, on top of some other interesting things that have opened up to do with them.
MP. I really wanted to stick to KH1-style MP because I love the low numbers and wanted so badly to make them work. But ultimately, the MP numbers from KH2 and KH3 were easier to deal with. There's just no #/5 equivalent to 12/100.
Hordes. Yes I've reworked them again. I'm so happy with them this time though!! I think I finally struck a balance to make it both quick and large. Hopefully. Playtesting permits.
Memories. Will finally be a full part of the game! There'll be ~5 options minimum at time of initial publishing. I'd REALLY like to get it up to 7 for that sweet sweet number symbolism, but that won't be a priority for this initial release.
Leveling. There will be a way to calculate the EXP for level ups, and that leveling is simpler to understand.
And other stuff! Some of it in too early stages to talk about for this release, some of it is just formatting, some of it is hard to explain quickly.
I will not be updating monthly, because after trying to make myself do that for several years now, I'm forced to accept that I'm not capable of doing so on a for-fun project. But I will make a concerted effort to be more present here and to keep everyone appraised of the Big milestones, like when I open up playtesting for patrons.
Thank you all so much for your patience, as always! <3
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
it's high time that i redid the ✨masterpost✨ of all the shit floating around this blog where i say anything arguably insightful, existential/philosophical, or even just teetering on the cusp of being vaguely intelligent, so voila here you go and fucking enjoy:
worth having a looksie through this: longwinded anon (LWA)✨ masterpost
and then because i am actually so proud of these i did video edits to lewis capaldi (he's my hozier fight me) and im sorry but my beat matching is insane, godlike even:
season 2 (forget me)
season 1 (heavenly kind of state of mind)
did i get emotional over crowley's fall and having to leave behind his creations and aziraphale's various conflicts in faith? you're goddamn right i did (credit to hillywood for the fall scenes that sent me into a frenzy)
stuff that is potentially relevant to s3 or is essentially my safe space to shit on these two incompetent-ass characters for being the most ridiculous beings god ever conceived:
(be warned, all of these will conflict each other bc im a loose cannon, a wildcard, and can't settle on a single thing)
(no seriously my opinion changes over time so interpretations that i once held might no longer be the interpretation that i have now, ya feel me)
you wanted a s3 plot prediction, right?
aziraphale brought an ak-47 to a fist fight and ohooo boy did it have Consequences
god i really ought to work out a tagging system in here, huh - this is my ramble on what i think could have happened during the fall
just a small one on the 1967 scene and the holy water thing (tw: suicide)
crowley found the book of life and tbh it was very james bond of him
saraqael rapidly slotting into my top 5 GO characters based on a singular hc wahoo
fuckin ✨1941✨ (this also upsets ALL of my interpretations of the Final Fifteen which... well what can u do)
a fucking rug just put shivers down my spine
more on raphael/azazel/scapegoat/fall theory, glorious smart anons are feeding me yummy soup
perhaps a more comprehensive rambling on omelas, scapegoats, and Those Promo Photos
an updated maggie rambling why not, she's still giving me a headache (and this ask neatly summarises some stuff too!)
my boy crowley really doesn't like change, does he wee baby (may develop this into a full meta who knows)
you know i think heaven might just be the bad place, i know - shocker
god i hope i was possessed by agnes nutter when i wrote this
a gifset format bc i cba to write, but aziraphale might have been, or might become, raphael
ive lied like a rug in previous theory posts: THIS one, this time travel clusterfuck, is the bottom of the barrel
spent hours studying michael sheens face in utter disbelief that he is capable of portraying every emotion known to man, and wrote about it (ie my take on the kiss)
i think goob might have been more important in the mega miracle than we initially thought (and no - not in the way you're currently thinking)
aziraphale and suffering are pretty well acquainted with each other (warning: i absolutely HATE this meta it's so bad)
um i guess you could term this as god is dead theory? nietzsche strikes again anyway
we REALLY hit rock bottom in the theory stakes with this one, lads (it's about whether crowley does in fact fully remember the fall)
(REWORKED) greasy johnson is the second coming. that's it. that's the post.
finally wrote about the book of life well done me
crowley was offered the same chance as aziraphale, im fairly sure, and as far as ive seen noone noticed??
the motif of lies in job made me come over all poetic
relativity is NOT my milieu especially in GO but giving it my best shot
hahaha is everything aziraphale's fault hahahaha
EVERY DETAIL MATTERS? YEAH I SHOULD FUCKING THINK SO (and im still keeping this on here bc if im right in s3 im never going to shut up)
job is crowley and crowley is job except job didn't get sent to sit on the naughty step
never thought id see the day where i analyse richard curtis' 4WAAF but this show has got me whipped, jumping through hoops and over stalls like a fucking show pony
i have the dreadful feeling that we might have been fools by sleeping on aziraphale's own angelic importance all this time
did the costume department just simply go ham in s2 or are the angel costumes Important?
more on outfits
ruminations on the fall, morality and omniscience vs. free will, and making choices as if i have any idea what im talking about
okay this one is a little shitpost-y but the message is sound and im an un-apologetic aziraphale supporter, sue me
a sprinkle of s2 symbology, a dash of ineffable plan speculation, and laure girlbossing on how the two go together mwah
this was sooooo tasty i love talking about nietzsche
honestly this one doesn't even have a theme i just like talking to people
okay so this is the genesis of my aziraphale defence league (population: like 15% of the fandom) but i will not stop until he gets the recognition and empathy he mf deserves
Cancel Metatron 2k23
this was pre-s2 but the concept still stands: something feels icky about crowley's fall narrative and the book of life is ringing alarm bells
the concept of pedestals is one of my juicy favourites in psychology and you will find out just how much if you stick around this blog long enough (aziraphale's critique)
and lastly crowley's narrative of his fall? hm, big issue there and honestly the root of all Crowley discourse on this blog, be duly warned
old stuff if you fancy having a giggle at my expense
come chat to me about things
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linaket · 5 months
Monthly Update (Feb 6, 2024)
It has definitely been... a January. This year, I had a lot of plans and goals relating to my writing, but a lot of them are already not going through. One was to do weekly or monthly updates, kind of like when I did weekly updates while working on TS. But, it's still early in the year, so I figure its better late than never. Also still early in the month even if I didn't manage to get this out there at the end of January...
My personal life has been a bit hectic. First thing was that some major projects in the house I planned to have completed last year were finally finished this month--I have all new windows installed in my house now, and a new door, and while I didn't personally do the windows (I did install the door, though) it takes a lot of time to prep before and clean up after reno projects and get the house back in order, so I've spent the last two weeks on this. Additionally, I'd applied for a promotion at work, and then was coated in stress waiting for the results... (which I received a few days ago... and I got it! Been a long time coming, really.)
So this is the first one of these... just gonna throw things out here and decide on a format as they go.
Books Read
Finally completed The Fifth Season trilogy by N. K. Jemison. I wanted to finish this one last year, but the last book lingered into the new year.
All the Hidden Paths by Foz Meadows
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw
The Dead Take The A Train by Cassandra Khaw & Richard Kadrey
Important Posts
I shared a summary of my 2024 writing goals/wips on instagram. I meant to bring this over to tumblr and do a bit more on it but... didn't. Maybe this month?
Shadow's Prey: Act 1 wip intro here on tumblr
30k on Mortal Teeth. 15 chapters done of.. ?? a lot probably. 40 something, at least, if not 50-60 range. This completed the second major arc/goalpost (there are about 5 of these at the moment)
Shadow's Prey: Act 1 formatting is moving along well, and so it's still on time for a March release. I may aim more for mid March, depends on how quickly I'm able to finish up the extras and get some promo in. I really wish I could figure out exactly what size image it takes to make a full-page image in ebooks, but I think I'm going to have to settle for the title page not being... perfect. Which. Does not make me happy. But there really isn't a way to appease every e-reader, as they are all different sizes, so I am finding there is only so much I can control here.
Favorite Excerpt
I wrote a lot of things in Mortal Teeth that I was proud of this past month, but one of my favorite things I ran across when writing was realizing that my writing has improved... massively. It's been a while since I've had a leap of growth that I can easily pinpoint, but the extra I planned for SP Act 1 was partially written, and I needed to work on it. I kept getting stuck on continuing because something about it felt off/forced when I tried, so I did the classic open a new doc and retype/rework as I go... and quickly realized why I was having trouble working on it. My style had shifted dramatically....
This isn't a major point in the short, but I wrote the beginning of this around the middle of last year and it went from this:
Whereas Kanna actively ignored Masao’s approach, Ira glared at him in challenge. “Here,” Kanna said, drawing Ira’s attention by offering Amon’s reins as a lead. “Find someone to tend him, and get me a count of the survivors.” Masao’s voice at her back carried a smirk she could feel between her shoulder blades. “What about the casualties?”
to this:
While Ira glared at Masao in challenge, Kanna actively ignored him. Though she was coated with the blood of those she’d killed, her hands to her wrists to her elbows with it, Masao delighted in his stain. Even here, with the smell of death in the air and the unholy silence that followed battle, he smiled. The joy he radiated amidst destruction unsettled her, something deep inside of her flinching from it. Kanna gathered Amon’s reins, drawing Ira’s attention by offering them. “Find someone to tend him, and get me a count of the survivors.” Masao’s voice at her back carried a smirk she could feel between her shoulder blades. “What about the casualties?”
Final Thoughts
I was excited to get through another phase of MT in writing, but I don't think the time I've allotted to finish the draft is going to be enough. This stresses me out a bit, because I gave myself a pretty tight schedule for the year with all the releases (there are 4 ebooks, and I was considering restarting Act 4 in the serial which would be 5 releases total....)
I'm actually... thinking once again that I won't go back to serial posting for SP. Tapas was/is my primary platform for it, and I am simply... no longer a fan of the platform, and not really interested in others, either. So that might be one of the things in the "coming this year" that ends up pushed to next year or later this year, depending, as it will likely be an ebook release instead of serial and... I'm still working on drafting the teeth wip and I don't see it taking a backseat for a while, until I'm truly stuck.
I've been trying not to beat myself up about not doing the things I said I'd do at the start of the year (daily journaling, more updates here and other platforms, etc) because it's simply... not great for me. And really, I'm not sure I would have had the aforementioned improvement in my writing if I'd continued to stress myself out about writing itself, on top of doing all these other things that I'm supposed to do. I took it pretty easy last year after a massive disappointment, shutting down a lot of my online presence and focusing on reading and writing for myself, and I think that's what allowed me to become comfortable again and led to growth. I don't want to feel as defeated as I had that time, because its the kind of thing that would have led to me completely giving up in my younger years, and I also don't want to get stagnant because I'm trying to do too much that isn't... the actual writing. So... I guess we'll see how this goes?
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inkbarista · 1 year
are you planning on making uploading your comic to tapas or webtoons?
Honestly, no. For one thing I feel weird posting fancomics on sites like that, the format is pretty inconsistent due to having to change art styles frequently to adapt to how much time/energy i have to make them, AND its been put on the backburner for the time being because admittedly? I've fallen out of love with it for the time being. I have my own personal works I've been working on (ironically a rework of an HK AU) and I've also been on a huge Final Fantasy 14 kick and want to make stuff for that.
Sorry to disappoint yall but VGF won't plbe posted anywhere but here, and it'll be a hot minute before I work on it again. If I do, it'll be exclusively for my patrons in Patreon and will take some time to make it on Tumblr.
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sciopticonexe · 3 months
not final formatting, but close to it.
i was thinking abt making the formatting of card titles different for each color for flavor but idk if that stays (especially bc idk what blue would be)
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also some other goodies (structures are a much more integral component of the game than this post lets on, theyre just being reworked mechanically atm so i dont have any to show)
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batman-daily · 1 year
Big Updates Coming Soon!
So it’s come to my attention that the links to the story arcs in the pinned post are broken. Yay. Welp, rather than try to restore them as they were, I’m taking this opportunity to do something a little different.
Coming soon, I’ll be posting the COMPLETE story arcs, including all color Sunday strips! Well, I’ve needed to scan those for ages anyway, so this is a good excuse to finally do that!
This way, I can present the most accessible, readable version of the Batman comic strip, much better than scrolling backwards through the archives like everyone had to do before. I’d thought about trying to rework the whole thing in webcomic format (y’know, tabs for “first,” “next,” etc), but I don’t know how to do that. So we’re going the big-ass masterpost route! Hopefully that will be okay with everyone.
It’s going to take me a while, since scanning, cropping, and color-adjusting the Sundays alone is very time-consuming and… well, you know me, I’m prone to burnout. Subject to moods.
A note about scan quality: I’m still using my old scans for the black and white, and the color scans are turning out to be… okay. I’m trying not to be too much of a perfectionist, between all the extra work it’d take and the fact that I still want DC to publish these with the care and quality they deserve. I’d hate to think that my posting these might hinder any potential for a collection, but DC has still shown no internet in reprinting it, so I’m taking this next step to hopefully spread more awareness of this forgotten Bat-gem.
The only thing to decide is if I should post them in reverse chronological order so they can appear in chronological order on the main page (if that makes sense) or if that’s silly. But I’ll worry about that after I’ve drafted all the posts. The first arc with Catwoman is already in the bag!
For everyone who has already read the strips, despite the awkward format, THANK YOU! And whether you’re already a fan or curious to read it for the first time, these masterposts will hopefully give you a fresh, accessible way to read this saga! Now, let’s just hope I actually manage to pull this off!
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justworthlessreblogs · 5 months
what made you decide to post Waffleverse as a series of works instead of in a single work? Did you know that it would expand this far, or did you just think it fit the vibes better? (sent twice cause I’m not sure it sent the first time, sorry)
i did get the first one, but tumblr is notorious for eating asks, so don't worry!
i decided to post waffleverse as a series of works for a bunch of reasons:
writing a multichapter makes me put even more pressure on myself to update - with a series of one-shots, it at least has a soft ending if i ever lose interest/motivation and abandon it (not that i'd abandon waffleverse, it's my baby). multichapters feel more open-ended
while writing altered reflections, my hacha au/rewrite, i felt really constrained by the multichapter format, since i felt that i had to go in a linear format even though i only really wanted to focus on the big events that diverged from canon. this led to some chapters i'd planned out feeling really filler-y, since the multichapter format meant i couldn't just skip from one big event to the next without screwing up the pacing. i really do want to get back to AR someday, but i think i'm gonna rework it into a oneshot format
third, i do also think a oneshot series fits the vibe better. this originally was supposed to be a multichapter, but as i wrote out part 1 i realized that oneshots would work better with what i was going for, because otherwise i was gonna have another altered reflections on my hands and i didn't want that. i think that original part 1 document might still be named "kirakira drabbles", which would have been the format for the multichapter version. i'd have to go back and check
finally, i had no idea it would expand this far! once i'd settled on a oneshot format, it was originally supposed to be three parts - part 1, a ciel fic, and waffle fic. then i shuffled the order around to part 1, waffle fic, ciel fic. ciel fic was then planned to have a section post-noir fight where ciel encouraged rio to start connecting with his teammates, but i only really had ideas for the yukari part. i ended up expanding that section into part 4, i decided "well i can't just end with this" and the rest is history
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