#I forgot to on the paper and so had to do it digitally but each time I tried the neon qualities were destroyed
treetopgardens · 22 days
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Among the cherry blossoms 🌸
Some more experimental ones under the cut -
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sysig · 5 months
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Btw, this is what editing on this paper has been like (Patreon)
#In other words: Hell#Lol#Normally I wouldn't show my process but I Must drag this paper it is So bad#Plus you can see some of the other little tricks I do! I leave things mo~stly alone but I will sometimes cheat where I can!#I'll also reconstruct if something can't be saved or if I just forgot to draw something on paper lol - or if I ran out of room#Ughhhh these edits took foreverrrrrr#I did some quick math on it somewhat recently actually#An average single edit takes ~4 minutes of continuous work#Averaged between the low of a couple minutes and high of getting into double digits#There was a whole thing about each page having approx. 30 doodles and each doodle being 4mins of editing and each set being 6 doodles etc. e#Basically I put a lot of time into my art and the majority of that isn't even drawing lol#I have Got to find a way to flip that metric...#But with these - these Easily averaged into the double digits each#It's mostly cleaning - stray lines don't take much time at all! Even reconstruction isn't bad#But for whatever reason this paper just Textures Horribly#Leave my blank spaces blank! I don't want toning there!#You can even see! I didn't leave behind all that many guidelines! It was just the paper being awful!#Some of it's still there if you tip your screen at certain angles#I can't because - broken hinge lol - so I mostly had to guess where to hit#Ugh. I'm just glad I'm finally done with this paper#I miss Norcom so bad :( I haven't been able to track down a distributor for years now
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sanctus-ingenium · 1 year
I was wondering how achieve such a wonderful textured finish on your pieces? They are wonderful and I love their resemblance to aged photographs and the speckles of colors in the backgrounds. Your art is mesmerizing :)
you can see some of the texture brush sets i use in my #info_asks tag but i have some more (procreate) tips aside from just brushes
also hi i made this whole thing and then stupidly hit ctrl z to erase ONE word and i lost the entire bottom half of the post and all my image descriptions so fuck you tumblr i had to make this twice
to get a faded photo or old digital screen look, consider duplicating the canvas (once all the layers are merged) and using a gaussian blur tool on the new duplicated layer. then set that to low opacity to add a misty sort of look. looks nice in combination with some chromatic abberation and a small bloom effect. then a subtle noise filter on top:
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for faded print effects, it's really worthwhile to learn how to use layer masks. you can use a layer mask to non-destructively 'weather' blocks of colour or lineart, without erasing the layer itself. the weathered ink/block print effect here was made using layer masks which means that if i just hide the mask, the lineart becomes solid black again and easy to alter or colour in:
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for old paper effects you can just set a paper texture on multiply over the art sure, but you can also combine it with the blur & bloom thing, a really subtle drop shadow and canvas tilt, and highlights to make it look like an aged photograph of a card. this originally had a transparent bg but i'll post it here with a white bg so that the drop shadow is more obvious. the scuffed edges of the card (left) were hand drawn, simple white stucco brush. the bigger patch of scuffed ink (top right) was a texture stamp.
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for block print looks you can move the colour layer out of alignment by a few pixels - but only after you're absolutely sure you're done with it, otherwise you'll get something like this -
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i forgot to erase out her eye before i moved the red layer so now her eye defeats the 'look' of a misaligned print. the black lineart and red layer were also given the same layer mask treatment as described above to make them look faded or like the ink didn't stick down right to the paper
you can do this with multiple colour layers too. if the colour layers are separated and set to multiply (as in this cmyk example), it'll leave halos and edges around each shape which mimic old comic book print
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just to show what you can do WITHOUT any special brushes, here's a piece of one of my mez tarot cards from before i got any extra brushsets at all. for this one, i added a green tint over everything to mimic a sun-bleached or faded print (my actual goal wasn't 'medieval illustration' but actually 'trading card from the 60s that got left on someone's windowsill for decades'). the background texture is the procreate noise brush. the texture under the green lion drawing is the procreate concrete brush (to make it look painted onto a wall). the lettering and lineart is procreate's 6B pencil. but to properly aim for The Look of it being a printed physical object, i also used a perspective blur so that the edges are out of focus, and metallic gold highlights which don't match the lighting of the actual illustration and appear to be catching some other external light. that texture was made from the procreate noise brush
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it's pretty simple compared to my later stuff but i still really like the effect
in terms of colours, you need to keep them unified so that they all appear to be acting under the same external light source, like if someone is holding up a torch to a painting then the painting colours will be glazed with firelight even if there's no painted fire. a really easy way to do this is to slap a multiply layer over everything in one shade - grey-yellow for a weathered paper look, or greenish blue for sunbleached photos. this unifies all the colours of the drawing. or you can apply a gradient map at a low opacity so that there's only a subtle change. or just do it by hand - if you want everything to be slightly tinted yellow, just pick the colours you normally would, but move the colour wheel towards yellow to get a yellowfied version of the base colour. easy
it's really important to consider how fading and weathering can affect printed colour. white paper yellows, black fades. you will rarely see pure black or pure white. which means you can use pure black or pure white to add external effects like the white scuff marks on the hierophant card. if the whole drawing is yellowed from age but there's some white somewhere, it's an easy shorthand to show that the scuff mark or whatever was not originally part of the drawing (great way to add some nasty stains lol)
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maiko-san · 6 months
TADC x Robotic Jester! Reader (Part 3)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Continuation of the previous parts :D, I literally forgot one character that is Kaufmo. Even though he's not in the pilot, the poor guy deserves love! I know this is a short chapter but Kaufmo kinda deserves one tbh. Too many Jax x readers around lol.
ft. Kaufmo
Warning : slight angst
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There's nothing much to do around the circus as of late, Caine had been busy with his work/project and the others are doing their own things or minding their own business.
You're in Gangle's room and watch her draw characters from anime, even though she couldn't remember much about the characters or how they used to look like. Every time she draws, she feels that she is getting the characters so right!
"Look, here (Y/o/n)!" Gangle smiles as she holds up her finished drawing of an animal with a large red hat.
"A raccoon?" you questioned tilting your head to the side. "No, silly! It's a reindeer! A doctor too!" Gangle said. "Hehehe~ I'm just messing with ya, Ribbons!" you said.
"Hey, look what I've drawn!" you said. Holding up a badly drawn of yourself with Gangle with the word 'Weeb Besties' on top with hearts all over. Gangle gasps and takes the paper from you, "I'm going to pin it on my wall!" she said, hugging the drawing. She walks over to her board and pins it on the large board filled with all kinds of arts she had done.
"(Y/o/n), let's play mario—" before Gangle could finish, both of you were teleported to the stage.
Turns out, there were new people on the stage.
A clown?! Gasps! A stage buddy! Yippe :D
Kaufmo, a name that was given to the newcomer by Caine. At first, the poor guy was in a panic mess, well who wouldn't when you enter a whole different dimension in an instant.
"What—wh—where am I?! Why can't I get this thing off?????!!!" Kaufmo shrieks as he begin pulling on his face, Jax snorts "Try pulling harder, maybe you could rip—" you instantly slaps your hand on the rabbits's mouth to shut him up.
LICK— "Waa! Eew! Gross!" you cringe when Jax licks your palm as the purple rabbit gives you a smug grin.
Caine had taken Kaufmo on an instant tour around the place.
The clown didn't take it too well.
The guy was in a nervous wreck and running around the tent to find an escape from the digital realm.
"Exit! Where's the exit!" he shrieked. Jax on the other hand kinda had enough with his screaming and left, leaving you and the others.
"Alright, let's calm down and take a deep breath" Ragatha said as she walked over to Kaufmo to calm him down.
Due to Ragatha's expertise at calming people, Kaufmo finally calms down.
Everyone introduced themselves to the clown and it was your turn, "Hello, there Kaufmo! My name is (Y/o/n) the robotic jester! Hey, wanna hear a joke?" you said with a grin.
Somehow both of you became partners in the circus!
You and Kaufmo would do tricks together and tell jokes to each other, even Kaufmo's jokes weren't the best ( most of his jokes were consists of dad jokes btw ). Being a good partner, you help him improve!
Like Kinger, Kaufmo sees you as a good friend. Like you do with Gangle, you protect him from Jax's pranks and mockeries.
But even when you try to get his mind off the exit, it won't stop him or change his mind. Kaufmo were glad that you wanted to help him but....
He really wants to go home.....
"(Y/o/n)....I'm thankful that you want to help me but...I miss home and...my family. I know they are waiting for me" Kaufmo said. with a deep frown on his face. You stare into his black beady eyes as you rub your arm and look away.
"Don't you miss yours, (Y/o/n)?" your eyes widen slightly at Kaufmo's question, "I wish I could be like you, ya know....Like don't worry about anything at all? All of your feelings are so genuine unlike the others, like you belong in this place....." Kaufmo said, fiddling with his gloves.
"Well, I— uh" you were cut off by a voice.
"Now, what's with all of these frowning I see?" a voice echoes, both of you look up to see the moon looking down at the two of you.
"Oh, w-we were just talking...." you said, rubbing the back of your neck "I-I I think I want to go back to my room, see you tomorrow I guess..." you said as you speed your way back to your room. On your way, you see Jax walking by and he sees you. He folds his arms behind him and extends his leg once you got close.
He trips you as you fall on the ground, but you were too deep in your thoughts to even bother about Jax tripping you.
A question mark appears on Jax's head as he watches you enter your designated room, slamming the door shut. Jax's grin left his lips, he never sees you acting like that before and it kinda bothers him to see you like that.
"Pft....they'll get over it" he snorts as he walks away but he still couldn't shake off the feelings.
Once you're in your room, you lock the door and lean on the wooden door before sliding down and sit on the floor. You cover your face with your hands and cry.....
Now that Kaufmo said it, "I u-understand how it felt...." you mumbled to yourself. Yes, you also miss your family.
Especially your beloved uncle, you couldn't remember what he look like anymore and every time you want to remember, it was all a blur in your mind.....
He was the only family you had left.....
You'd hope that he's doing alright....
You look up at a drawn picture of yourself (avatar form) and a man with a question mark on his face, both of you are holding hands.
There is a word written, "Greatest Uncle in the world".
"I...I miss you" you sobbed, rubbing away your tears.
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Heya! Can I pleaseee get a Balde one where he comes to visit you unexpectedly in your uni dorm or flat and you have to try your best to hide him 🥲🫶
Summary: “When I dialed 6-1-1, Repair Service
She said, "Hello, may I help you please?"
I told her something must be wrong with my phone
'Cause my baby wouldn't hang up on me”
You’ve been caught up with preparations for your exams and you’ve put your phone on DND. You told your parents but you forgot to tell a certain someone. 
A/N: Thank you for the requests! More Balde is on the way !!! This one's also about 2,300 words which is more than I've written for the others so enjoy!
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It was nearing midnight and your dorm room was shrouded in the dim glow of a desk lamp. The air was a mix of the vanilla-scented candle you'd lit (because who said studying couldn't have a hint of vanilla-scented goodness?), the heavy weight of late-night cramming that threatened to make you fall asleep, and the unmistakable anxiety that hung thick around these times. You were buried in textbooks and notes, fully immersed in the world of exam preparation; it was like a battlefield, and each page you turned was a strategic move. Your desk was a war room, scattered with the casualties of highlighters and sticky notes. With a crucial test looming on the horizon, you had put your phone on "Do Not Disturb" mode all day in hopes of getting all your work done and fully being prepared for your upcoming finals. With your notifications silenced, the only sounds that reverberated through your dorm were the rustling of papers and the occasionally frustrated sigh that came from the depths of your soul and empty stomach.
You had made sure to inform your parents about your temporary digital escape, not wanting them to worry and assume something bad had happened–knowing them. Thoughts of a time when they'd practically filed a missing person report because you forgot to text back for a few hours came to the surface causing a soft smile to grace your features. You were glad you had people who worried about you. Speaking of people who worried about you, you had kinda forgotten to clue in a certain someone—Alejandro, your boyfriend. With a big game on the horizon for the star football player, the anticipation was probably cranking up his stress levels so you decided it best to let him be fully focused anyway. He’ll forgive you. You chuckled at the mental image of him panicking after receiving a missing person report from your parents after you two had spent the whole day together laughing and catching up.
As the clock ticked past midnight, you were in the trenches; engrossed in your notes, oblivious to the multiple missed calls and messages from Alejandro. 
Outside your door, there was a soft melody that was almost like a distant echo, barely audible at first but gradually growing louder with each passing second. The muffled thumping of heavy bass reached your ears, accompanied by a tantalizing melody that teased the edges of your memory. You definitely knew the song, but it was so muffled that you couldn’t quite catch the words. It was the kind of tune that, under normal circumstances, would have lured you out to join the invisible party or belt out whatever lyrics were being played in the hallway.
However, irritation crawled under your skin as the music continued to infiltrate your room. At first, you tried to brush it off, but the irritation morphed into a gnawing frustration, and you felt an almost growing urge to do something about it. The fantasy of storming out into the hallway to confront the culprit played out in your mind. You imagined yourself going out there and asking if they were “out of their damn mind” and to “turn that noise down” or maybe taking the polite route and requesting to turn it down, which would be a remarkable level of self-control. Or maybe doing a little bit of both.
With a sigh and a reluctant shake of your head, you decided that enough was enough. It was time to restore the peace. Taking a deep breath, you steeled yourself for the confrontation ahead. Whether through a polite request or a no-nonsense intervention, you were not going to fail this test because you were too busy turning up to your dorm neighbor’s music.
You swung the door open, ready to give a piece of your mind, only to be met with the sight of Alejandro, a mischievous grin on his face, holding a portable speaker playing the soulful tune. Confusion flickered across your face, but before you could react, he grabbed your hand, pulled you into the hallway, and began to dance and sing.
"What in the world, Alej!? Boy, do you mind explaining why you're playing music outside my door at this ungodly hour?" you asked in a sort of hushed shout as a mix of irritation and amusement was in your tone as you crossed your hands across your frame.
He grabbed your hands again and twirled you in a spontaneous dance move, still singing, "Mr. Telephone Man, there's something wrong with my line. When I dial my baby's number, I get a click every time!"
You couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected serenade, even as your irritation lingered. "Seriously, though, what are you doing here?"
He flashed you a playful smile and continued to sing, "Mr. Telephone Man, there's something wrong with my line. When I dial my baby's number, I get a click every time!"
Your confusion deepened, and you shot him a bemused look. "Be forreal, is this some kind of weird initiation prank or...?"
With a twirl and a flourish, he sang the next line, "When I dialed 6-1-1, Repair Service
She said, "Hello, may I help you please?"
I told her something must be wrong with my phone
'Cause my baby wouldn't hang up on me!"
It finally clicks. You couldn't decide whether to be annoyed or amused. "Okay, wow. You are petty."
He finally paused his impromptu performance, looking at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Just thought I'd drop by since my baby doesn’t know how to answer the phone. I thought I’d add a little musical magic to your study night and bless you with my singing skills. You know, since I’m you’re good luck charm."
“I thought I was your good luck charm,” you raised an eyebrow, caught between a sly smirk and a reluctant smile. " And I thought you had a match coming up, so I thought I’d let you focus. I didn’t want to be a bother.” 
“We’re each other’s lucky charms.” He chuckled before he placed both his arms firmly on your shoulders as his face got serious, "And you’re never a bother. Don’t let me hear you say that again or you’ll hurt my feelings, man."
You couldn't help but shake your head in disbelief as you waved him off. "You could've just knocked, you know."
"But where's the fun in that?" he replied, starting to dance again. "Mr. Telephone Man, there's something wrong with my line..."
You sighed, unable to suppress a smile. "Alright, fine. You win. But let’s bring this inside. If anyone sees you making all this noise they’ll be on my head. People are trying to study."
With that, he pulled you into your dorm, the catchy tune of "Mr. Telephone Man" playing lightly and serving as a great backdrop. It was unexpected, ridiculous, and utterly Alejandro. You couldn't deny the warmth spreading through you as you joined him in the spontaneous dance, grateful for the interruption. Your initial annoyance melted away into laughter as he picked you up and twirled you around, still belting out the lyrics with an endearing off-key charm. The unexpected serenade had you in stitches, and you couldn't help but marvel at the lengths he went to surprise you.
“Oh, wait. I almost forgot.”
He put you down and darted back outside. You stood there, a mix of emotions swirling within, wondering if he was leaving. However, to your surprise, he returned moments later, holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a gift basket filled with snacks, comfort food, and a selection of your favorite movies.
As you peered into the gift basket, a grin spread across your face. "What's all this, babe?"
He chuckled, reaching for a snack. "Just a little something to make sure you're fueled up and relaxed for your big day. I’m also hungry though so some of these are for now."
You picked up a kisses chocolate bar and raised an eyebrow at the note attached. "Kisses for good luck?" you read aloud, a playful groan escaping your lips. "Alejandro, you're so corny."
He grinned, teasingly nudging you. "You secretly love my corniness."
You bit back a smile, holding up a Tootsie Roll with a note that read, "You'll do great, toots." "This is quite literally the corniest thing ever," you teased, groaning in affection.
He laughed, "Admit it, you love it."
You attempted to deny it with a nonchalant shrug, but the smile tugging at your lips betrayed you. "Maybe a little."
His eyes twinkled with amusement. "That smile says otherwise."
You rolled your eyes playfully, but couldn't hide the affection in your gaze. "Okay, fine. Maybe a lot."
He leaned in, planting a sweet kiss on your forehead. "That's what I thought."
The gesture left you speechless, and your eyes glistened with tears of joy. Alejandro noticed your tears and immediately grew concerned, reaching out to wipe them away. As you explained the mix of emotions that overwhelmed you, he responded with a snort, teasingly flicking your forehead and calling you a crybaby.
The music still lightly played from the speaker, and just when you thought the night couldn't get any crazier, there was a knock on the door. Your eyes quickly went over to your digital clock that read 1:30 am. Shit. A whole 30 minutes since visitation hours ended. Panic flashed across both your faces as you hastily tried to hide Alejandro. His attempts at concealment were comical at best—behind curtains, under blankets, and even suggesting he'd hide behind the door. You couldn't help but stifle a laugh at his antics.
"Hurry up, Balde! Behind the door? Seriously?" you whispered, trying to keep your voice low while conveying the urgency of the situation.
He shot you a sheepish grin, "Hey, it could work!"
You rolled your eyes, "Not a chance. Get in the closet!"
The knock persisted, and you shot a quick look at Alejandro. With a dramatic flourish, he threw himself into the closet, making you cringe at the potential noise. You shushed him with wide eyes, "Quiet! We're going to get caught."
He hushed back with an exaggerated whisper, "I'm Miles Morales, silent and stealthy."
You bit your lip to suppress a giggle. "More like Alejandro Balde. Loud as hell and clumsy. Just stay quiet!"
As you tried to rearrange the room to look somewhat normal, Alejandro couldn't resist making a joke, "If they ask, you’re going to try out for the cheer team and I was helping you practice."
You shot him a glare and pressed a hand to your lips. He returned the gesture as you closed the closet door. 
The knock on the door grew more insistent, and you quickly continued to shuffle around, trying to make everything look as normal as possible. You shot one last glance at the closet, silently praying that Alejandro could keep quiet.
You quickly adjusted yourself, doing your best to look casual as you opened the door. The RA, a stern-looking figure with a perpetual fake customer service smile, squinted suspiciously.
"Everything okay in here?"
“Hey, girl. Hey.” Real smooth. You put on your best innocent smile, "Yeah, just studying and things of that nature."
She raised an eyebrow, glancing around the room. Her eyebrows lift in appreciation as she hears the music. "Ooh, I love this song. But, don’t keep the music up too loud it’s late."
You nodded, "Of course."
She squinted, looking at the closet. Panic bubbled up inside you as she took a step closer, and you desperately tried to divert her attention.
"So, how's your night going, girlll? Any exciting plans?" you asked, hoping to steer the conversation away from the closet.
She tilted her head, seemingly amused, "Just making my rounds, you know. Checking up on everyone. I caught some people trying to sneak people in past visitation hours so I had to do a sweep of the floor."
Your neck began to get hot as you played along. “Oh wow, who would do something like that.” 
You tried to divert her attention, but she wasn't easily swayed. With a raised eyebrow, she approached the closet, and your heart raced. As she opened the door, you closed your eyes, readying yourself for an explanation.
To your surprise, she closed the door without a word, patting you on the shoulder and bidding you goodnight. Bewilderment washed over you as you rushed over into the closet, only to find it empty. You furrowed your brow in confusion, searching around.
“You need help finding something, ma’am.”
You turned to him, a mix of relief and confusion on your face. "How did you...?"
He winked, his voice barely above a whisper, "I can turn invisible, remember?"
You chuckled softly, rolling your eyes. "You're something else, Alejandro."
He laughed, "Well, we didn't get caught, did we? Now, I can think of something else we can be doing..."
You giggled but waved to him, "Uh Uh, none of that. These walls are super thin."
He pouted, "You're no fun."
You shot him a playful glare, "Says the guy who tried to hide behind the door."
He chuckled, "Fair point. But you have to admit, I added a bit of excitement to your study night."
You playfully rolled your eyes, "Yeah, yeah, Mr. Telephone Man. Let's just hope we don't get another surprise visit."
You spent the rest of the night watching movies, eating snacks, having fun, and cozying up next to someone you knew would always worry about you when you needed him to.
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deanwritings · 1 year
FwB: Chapter 1 - The Proposition
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Summary: FwB - Friends with Benefits.
After walking in on Y/N following a fun encounter, Dean and Y/N decide it would be beneficial and much easier to use each other for their needs. But can they keep it just about sex?
FwB - Master List
Word Count: 3,283
Warning: Smut (in case the title was not obvious) and 18+ themes and language.
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A/N: Just one of those fun little storylines that popped into my head. Enjoy ;)
Putting the Read More's early since it's 18+ content
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"Mhmmm," you hum, curling into yourself as you rest on the cool sheets of the motel bed. The man of the hour was re-buttoning his shirt and pulling his pants back on as you relaxed into the mattress. 
"How do you take your coffee?" His voice is light as his eyes roam your still naked body. You take a deep breath, the spot in between your thighs still throbbing from your truly breath-taking encounter.
"Light, with milk please," your voice is soft, still not having fully recovered from its overuse last night and this morning. Twice.
He nods his head, giving you one last, lingering look, a smile wide on his face, before he steps out of the room, pulling the door closed behind him.
You roll onto your side, your knees slightly tucked and your chin resting in your hand, staring at the pastel wallpaper thinking about how you ended up here.
You weren't really the type of person who had one sight stands. You typically liked to share this experience with someone you knew and trusted, but after months of hunting, and no relationships in sight, your vibrator was starting to get old and you were really missing the real thing.
So, you decided to sneak out after Dean and Sam's lights had shut off in their room, and headed to the local bar where you met Jordan; a nice-looking man, probably within a five-year age range of yourself, who caught your attention as soon as you walked in. It took you a few drinks to work up your courage, but you invited him back to your room, and as you laid here thinking about it, you were so happy you had.
You hear the door click open behind you and you slightly turn your head to the noise.
"Well that was --"
"Hey Y/--"
"Dean!" You screech, the hunter appearing in the doorway with his mouth hanging open and not a single sound coming out as his hand falls off the doorknob, his eyes roaming over your naked figure. 
"Stop looking" You scream at him again, one hand going to cover your breasts as the other desperately reaching for the kicked up comforter.
"I--" Dean's voice gets stuck in his throat and nothing else comes out.
You finally manage to grab the blanket and pull it around you, effectively covering yourself as you stand from the bed.
"What the fuck, Dean? Did you get hit in the head and forget how to knock?" You screech, your hands tightening around the scratchy comforter protecting your modesty.
"Wha--no,” He stutters before closing his eyes and shaking his head. “I know how to knock.” He finds his voice and his eyes pop open again. “I wasn't expecting you to be laid out naked on the bed!" Dean's voice is an octave higher than usual as he throws his hands towards the bed you had been lounging on.
You just glare at him and he rolls his eyes as his  hands slap against his legs. 
"I was coming to get you as check out was ten minutes ago and Sam and I have been waiting for you." His deep voice returns, a hint of annoyance to it now.
Your head whips to the digital clock by the bedside, the large, red letters reading 10:14.
Shit. You got so caught up in this morning's activities you completely forgot you were supposed to meet the boys at the car by 10am.
"Why are you naked anyways?" Dean's voice brings your gaze back to him, his brow furrowed and lips frowning at you as he looks you over, not in a checking you out sort of way, but trying to answer his own question. 
Before you can answer, the answer appears in the doorway behind Dean, two paper coffee cups in his hand.
Dean turns towards the sound, and Jordan's blue eyes look over Dean, before looking to you.
"Am I interrupting something?" He asks cautiously, and you can practically see his thoughts.
"Who are you?" Dean questions as he straightens out, and Jordan takes a step back.
"Look dude, I had no idea she had a boyfriend," he raises his hands up, still holding the coffee cups.
"He's not my boyfriend."
"I'm not her boyfriend," You and Dean say in perfect unison.
Another set of footsteps echoes off the concrete landing of the second floor, and suddenly, a larger man appears behind Jordan.
"Everything okay here?" Sam peeks into the room, a mix of confusion and laughter in his brown eyes as he takes in the scene of you wrapped in a faded pink comforter, Dean standing a few steps into the room, looking between you and Jordan, and a nervous-looking Jordon who just wanted to bring you some coffee before you said goodbye.
"For fuck's sake can you two give me five minutes of privacy!" You order the Winchesters.
Sam's eyes go wide as he coughs back a laugh but just nods his head, disappearing from your view.
Dean just looks between you and Jordan, his gaze lingering on Jordon for just a moment longer, before he silently leaves your room, Jordan stepping out of his path.
Once the sound of footsteps disappears, Jordan finally steps inside the room and closes the door behind him.
"Friends of yours?" Jordan asks with a light smile as he reaches out to hand you your coffee, his body visibly relaxed now that Dean is gone.
"More like co-workers," you nod a thanks as you take the cup from him and take a sip.
You had mentioned to Jordan that you were a private detective when he asked about your occupation last night. It wasn't a total lie; a lot of your work was similar to that of a PI, but you were typically investigating monsters instead of cheating partners and missing teenagers.
"Ah," Jordan tsks and takes a sip of his own coffee as a silence falls over you.
Now came the awkward part. This being, really, your second-ever, one-night-stand, you weren't really sure what to do next. Last time you had one, you had snuck away while the guy was still sleeping, so there was no need to say "goodbye."
"Guess I better get going." You break the quietness of the room, and Jordan nods.
"Thank you for last night," you smile. "And this morning." This gets a chuckle out of both of you and Jordan's gaze falls down to his feet.
For a brief moment, you wonder what it would be like to date him; a normal man with a normal job, in a quiet, little town that now had one less ghost problem. He was funny and seemed very genuine. He wasn't the type of guy you pictured would take a woman home for just one night of fun, but you thought the same about yourself. In another life, where two infamous hunter brothers weren't waiting for you, you picture yourself dating Jordan, and your smile falls at the thought.
"Well if you ever happen to be in the area," his blue eyes find yours again. "I hope you'll look me up." He smirks and your smile finds its way back.
"I definitely will."
A few minutes later, you're fully dressed and your packed duffle is slung over your shoulder as you approach Dean leaning against Baby's hood, and Sam sitting in the passenger seat with his laptop open.
"So that was you last night?" Dean hums with a shit-eating smirk. You stop in your tracks and ball your fist before landing it against his shoulder, barely phasing the large man. "Sounded like fun."
"Shut it," you mumble, continuing your path to the trunk and throwing your bag inside, Dean's laughter following you before you hear the driver door shut.
"Sounded like fun," you mock, slamming the trunk shut with a little extra force before climbing into the back of the Impala.
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Nine hours later, the trio finally returned home to the bunker.
As soon as she stepped out of the car, Y/N hightailed it to her room, Dean's gaze following her movements, his eyes glued to her ass.
He couldn't stop thinking about how he found her this morning; lounging naked on the bed, her tits sitting perky on her chest and her smooth thighs positioned just well enough over each other that he couldn't see what was between them.
Mix that in with the noises he had heard last night and twice this morning, he'd be lying if he said he didn't have a wet dream after he fell asleep listening to the satisfied moans from the woman next door. He had just assumed it was the room on the other side of theirs. He never imagined they would be coming from Y/N's room.
To say the trip home was uncomfortable was an understatement. He tried to keep himself distracted by listening to Sam ramble about some potential cases, but he was pretty much fighting off a semi most of the drive. He would be able to calm himself with memories from his childhood, or some of their more nasty cases, like the bugs from years ago, but a glance into his rearview mirror would undo it all with one look at you.
Maybe he should have gone out to get laid last night, too. Hell, he would have been happy to scratch that itch for you had he known.
It wasn't like he was oblivious to your looks. Yes, you were his friend, and a badass hunter, but you were also a beautiful woman with eye-catching curves and gorgeous Y/E/C eyes.
He had definitely thought about it before, he'd be a fool not to, but he never let his mind wander too far before he made things weird in his own mind.
But hey, if you were game, maybe you could help each other out.
It had been a long time since he had gotten any; he had been too tired to even try after their last few hunts, and he had been avoiding his usual spot in Lebanon after his last hook up, Annie or Dani, or whatever her name was, had become a stage five clinger after their night together.
But what had surprised Dean most about this morning, well maybe not most, was that you had gone out for a hookup. In the year or so you had been living with the boys, Dean had never seen you go home with anyone or take anyone home. He had of course thought it was odd, a girl as beautiful as you keeping to yourself whenever you went out, but it wasn't any of his business and he kept his focus on his own needs instead.
But maybe you were hooking up, and just keeping it under wraps. If Dean hadn't walked in on you today, he would have never known about your night out.
Either way, after this morning's show, Dean wouldn't be able to control his thoughts about you anymore. It had been better than anything he tried not to imagine.
So he wanders down the hall until he's at your door and rasps his knuckles against the wood.
"What!" Your muffled voice responds. There's still a hint of annoyance from earlier and it makes Dean smile.
"Got a sec?" Dean raises his voice just a bit so you can hear him through the divider.
A beat passes before the doorknob shifts and you appear in the doorway.
"Congratulations on remembering how to knock," Y/N sneers as her arm rests upwards against the door. Dean starts to smile at the attitude, but quickly licks it away as Y/N stares him down.
"Can I come in?" Dean glances over your head into your room. Y/N purses her lips and squints her eyes, trying to figure out what he wants before she makes her decision.
"Fine," she huffs and steps aside, allowing him into the room.
Dean steps inside and glances around the room, set up identically to all the other bunker rooms, though decorated with pictures of Y/N's friends and the few members of family she has left. Her opened duffle was on the bed and clothes partially hung out it, Dean clearly having interrupted her unpacking.
“What do you want, Dean?” Y/N sighs as she closes the door behind him. “I swear to god if it has to do with this morning, I’m going to kick your ass.” She narrows her eyes and she turns to fully face him. 
Dean looks down and licks his lips. This was probably a bad idea, but he wasn’t really thinking. Not with his upstairs brain at least. 
"So, don't shoot me,” Dean lifts his hands up in defense before he even gets the words out, and her eyes crinkle as she squints at him, anticipating his words. “But, uh, it is about this morning." Dean smiles tightly, already anticipating her reaction as she huffs and her arms fall to her side.
"Get out!” She shouts as she points to the door. 
“Y/N –”
“No! Let’s not act like this morning wasn’t the most embarrassing moment of my life, but you feel the need to keep rubbing it in my face.” She steps towards him, now pointing to herself as she draws closer.
“And I don’t see what the big deal is, anyways?” Her arms now fly out to her side. “It’s not like you and Sam don’t do the same thing. So why does it have to be a thing when I do?” She spits, her chest heaving with her words, and Dean’s eyes linger a little too long, thinking about what’s underneath her shirt. 
“Dean!” She snaps his attention back to her raging Y/E/C eyes. 
“It doesn’t!” His tone suddenly matches her, not because he’s mad, but because he got caught ogling her and forgot why she was yelling in the first place. So his natural instinct was to yell back. 
“It doesn’t,” he holds his hands up and corrects his tone. He clears his throat and shakes his head. This conversation was getting away from him.
“There’s no shame in it, and I’m not here to make fun of you.” He watches as her shoulders relax, but she keeps her eyes narrowed at him. 
“Then what do you want, Dean?” Her voice is crisp, and he realizes if he doesn’t get to his point in the next few seconds, she was going to either kick him out or stab him. Knowing her, she’d probably go for the knife first. 
"What would you think about an arrangement?" He raises his eyebrows with a slight nod, hoping his stressed word would tell her exactly what he was thinking. 
But Y/N's brows furrow and she frowns.
"An arrangement?" She echos with confusion, her eyes looking upwards like the answer is on her forehead. 
Dean looks away and folds his lips. Maybe that wasn't the best term.
Time to bite the bullet and lay it all out.
“What do you think about a friends with benefits situation?” His eyes lock on hers, and his heartbeat is steady as he stares her down, studying her reaction.
Her body immediately shifts, her hip popping out and her head cocking to the side as her mouth hangs open. 
"You’re asking to be fuck buddies?" Her E/Y/C eyes sparkle in disbelief.
Dean’s heart begins pounding. He can’t tell if her reaction is positive or negative. She was typically very easy to read; she wore her heart on her sleeve and she rarely hid her emotions. You would know if she was pissed as her screams echoed through the bunker, or if she was in a good mood as she danced down the hallways, humming along to whatever was blaring through her headphones. Like the rest of them, she hid the hurt, but the rest of her emotions were easy to tell. 
Not this time though. 
Dean takes a deep breath and his tongue darts out to wet his dry lips, the confidence he felt a few moments ago now wavering. 
“Look, if it’s not your thing, fine. No hard feelings, no jokes, we’ll pretend this conversation never happened.” He tilts his head towards her. “But I’ve noticed hookups don’t really seem to be your thing, so if you don’t want to go through the trouble of sneaking out to meet someone,” her head dips and her eyes find the wall closest to her. “I’d be more than happy to help you out.” 
A beat passes before she finally looks away from the wall and back at him. His lips quirk into a smile. Not cocky, not trying to charm her, but a true, genuine smile.  
“Obviously you don’t need to answer now, or really ever, but you know where to find me.” He gives her one last lingering look before gently brushing past her and out the door, closing it quietly behind him.
He takes a step to the side, away from the door, and lets his body relax against the cold concrete as he lets out a deep breath he didn’t realize had built in his lungs.
He wasn’t exactly sure what to expect, but he figures that went as well as it could have. She didn’t shoot or stab him, or tell him off, so that had to be a good thing, right?
With a glance over his shoulder, he looks at the door, as if she may appear there, but several seconds go by and nothing changes. 
With that, he pushes off the wall and heads back to his own room. He had left his duffle in the trunk of Baby, but figured at this point he could grab it tomorrow. 
He heads to the kitchen, quickly finding a cold beer in the fridge and popping the cap off before heading back to his room as he takes his first few sips. 
Typically after a hunt, everyone retreated to their rooms to decompress in their own way, and after today, Dean was going to need some much needed alone time with his right hand and his stack of Busty Asian Beauties. Specifically, Mikka on page 17 of volume 84.
Walking into his room, Dean kicks off his shoes and places his beer down on the desk across from his bed as he replaces his jeans with his gray sweats. He stripes off his dirty shirt, tossing it straight into the hamper and goes to his drawer to pull out a shirt for the night when there’s a knock on the door. 
His heart jumps as his eyes shoot to the doorway. 
What are the chances it’s Y/N?
He licks his lips as he stares at the door. Chances are slim to none. It’s probably Sam wanting to go over one of the cases he was talking about on the drive home, but in case it isn’t, he drops the shirt he had picked up back into the drawer.
He strides over to the door and takes a deep breath, his eyes looking high as he opens the door, but finds nothing. 
He can’t help the smile that appears on its own as his eyes quickly shoot down to find Y/N standing in his doorway. 
Her Y/C/H hair falls over her coral sleep shirt that has a much deeper V then the shirt she wore this morning. Dean’s eyes immediately find her cleavage, and he feels his heart nearly stop when he realizes her nipples are poking through the thin fabric.
His jaw clenches as his teeth grind against each other, and his semi suddenly returns. 
“I’m in.”
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Keep Reading - Chapter 2
For my forever tags, I didn't tag you for this as I will not tag anyone unless you ask/consent due to the sexual nature of this story. So if you want to be tagged drop a comment or shoot me a message (goes for anyone!)!
@iprobablyshipit91 @recoveringpastaaddict
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whiterexpper · 1 year
Okay so I completely forgot to mention this, it was brought up in the doodle stream a couple days ago
Basically a police au?? Idk what to call it
Nevermore is the worlds largest renowned police station, best know for their breaks in crime busts
Deans run it, obviously. They own it actually as it was handed to them on a silver platter
Annabel’s father is the commissioner
High up there, Annabel is being trained to take over his position so she’s also a detective there. She strategically plans out the busts and best ways to take down any crime ring. As much as her father hates it, she deals in homicide cases most of the time
Prospero is her partner, helping her out when he can and since they’re both quite the observant type, they tend to get things done quickly. He and Annabel trust each other to their fullest (at least to him, that’s what he thinks…)
Ada is the newbie wannabe that no one knows how she got the job as detective because she had no clue what to do half the time, if not most. But some think that it’s because Morella convinced Annabel’s father to give her a chance but Morella was responsible for whatever Ada does. And Morella took that burden bc she likes Ada and sees potential.
Montresor was ..a criminal, but he persuaded someone, no one knows who, that he could turn a better leaf for the eyes of God (ew) and show them he’s a better person.
Will followed, he always follows him. But there’s something off about him, everyone treats Will better than Montresor but still pretty bad bc of how he acts..
That’s for their lil fucked up group
They have competition, and no not from another Detective unit.
The misfits are a group of highly trained lil…well, misfits.
And they aren’t caught
It’s impossible to catch them
Because who else but Lenore snagging her family wealth every once in a while for a “business investment” to help the misfits out?
Yeah, lenore has no regrets
Lenore was born into a higher up and was supposed to be by her fathers side to help the Detective unit of Nevermore. Obviously ,,, she had other plans. When she lost her brother she lost complete interest and told her father she’d rather go into business, investing and profiting off of high end businesses.
Whenever she gets caught, she’s very VERY persuasive, and is let go. Because who else but a powerful daughter of a powerful man? Once Lenore’s father get wind of her getting in trouble it’s bad for both them both.
Duke is her right hand, and behind every lock and pick, Duke is the one who is able to get past any and all closed doors. From either dressing up as an employee or squeezing his way through tint cracks and dents, if you want in somewhere, Duke is there for you.
Pluto helps duke out but only to an extent of his knowledge. Pluto can gather any intel anywhere, maps to places, who’s working wheee, how long they worked there. He can get plans digital or on paper. Take your pick he’ll get it for you either way.
Eulalie is with Berenice, they go undercover at whatever places, mostly high end bars or restaurants. Doesn’t matter, they can get in and if they’re questioned, Lenore convinces said person that caught them that they just started..
And on their plans go.
Morella..used to be a part of it, but since she left Lenore has her tracks covered and had duke and Pluto erase any evidence she was apart of their group.
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lv0-cia · 10 months
How did you come up The idea of project and how did he come to be like what sparked your mind to create him? I’m very curious.
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Project started out as a “what if he was there in the tfa series”
He had his personality, and his design in set but had no actual background, no interest, and no story. Basically made for fun, and for me to keep to myself privately since
1. I was kinda anxious for what might people say about my character
2. I didn’t have a good following as I do now to share
Pre-Project design:
Pre-Project had quite the cartoonish style like design when I first made him
His shape and body design was kinda hard to come up and puzzle piece it together, but nevertheless, this is what I had set down on digital paper
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Some of Project’s design was inspired by an old friends art style on megaman
(I’m not into megaman, nor will I get into it, maybe someday :V)
It starts out as a fun little thing for me, myself and I, but then later forgot about him due to my expanding interest in other things
Then somehow, the character came back into my mind as I was scrolling through old art and decided to give this another try
And also ROTB brought back my fixation in transformers :,)
Spoilers for in future comics:
Small Bio of Present Project:
Project, not only is he a seeker, but is a alien robot like Team Optimus and the rest
He is not an Autobot, nor a Decepticon. Heck he’s not even a- shhhhhhh
Nevertheless, PJ is a laidback, extrovert, quick-thinking guy, who knows what to do and how to execute it, hence why he’s named Project by his parents (basically the “three steps ahead” trope personality)
Projects kind of love is to mess/joke around with the ones he cares about, but will always be there for you. He can go on and on about his interest, and that good chisme to which your become so drawn to what he got to say
Though of his chill nature, he tends to become distant when something is bothering him. In his distracted state, or when things go so wrong, he becomes frozen. Does this have to do with the fact that he might hear someone calling his name, yet no one said anything to him.
Or with the fact that he sees things that seem out of place, or those who aren’t there. Maybe even seeing things that caught his eyes that trigger a bad memories.
Why does it seem like he’s trying to block out anything of hurt from his mind. “Out of site, out of mind?”
How about when he interpreted words aim to him that are so negative, he takes it the wrong way, and becomes cautious. Yet no one said anything negative…
When meeting Project:
1. If y’all meet and get to know each other in a good way, he welcomes you with open arms, drops “the proper” act and starts to mess around with you, makes jokes, tells you all the tea/chisme that even your ancestors would be invested to hear
2. If y’all meet in a bad way, he stays as far away from you, just giving you that silent treatment, maybe even hear some snide comments in Spanish from him, or just straight up giving you that stink eye (lol side eye)
So this is the gray area
Although, it doesn’t always have to be that way though. You can earn his trust when doing good deeds, or maybe just saving him from danger, or when he saves you. He will start to warm up around you :)
Heck, who knows, maybe even become friends
3. If y’all meet in the worst way possible, like you hurting him, hurting his friends/family, and/or you become the root of all evil and vile… oh babes, you’re dead to him
Facts about Project (the updated version):
P.S: they are canon
1. He speaks Spanish
2. He can play music in his Speaker
3. The gem placement in his forehead is his heart/soul (tf terms, that’s his spark)
4. Schizophrenic
5. He does have parents :) (I’m not cliché bruv)
6. The blue side of his face is not his natural color (his face was never divided/split to begin with)
7. He likes to sing, and create murals/graffiti art
8. Can play the guitar
9. Loves to build and tinker up some nice gadgets
10. His fighting technique consists of acrobats, dance, jumping and moving so quickly. Planners got to think creatively, you can’t just be plain. Agility through the roof.
11. Loves to fly so much, the wind make him feel so free and relief.
In Conclusion:
Overall, I am so happy to see my character come this far from being kept to myself, to him finally being shared and coming into the limelight.
Although, there are some rough edges that are in need of soothing out, some that I’m aware, and some that I’m not aware, I am proud to see my character being loved by all of you :) ❤️
And thank you so much for being here, loving my work and everything
Spoilers for Prison Break:
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ask-lute · 18 days
Brittle Shells
Pt. 1: Messages in the Dark
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A few days before Lute was tipped off to Pentious's identity everything seemed radio silent. Sera and Emily...mostly Emily were watching over Sir Pentious. Making sure his existence wasn't in danger of being exposed. The Exorcists trained as if nothing had happened in Hell, though it was painfully obvious to the women that Lute was shaken deeply. Adam's absence was noticed by angels and winners alike but the truth is a lot of them didn't miss him. Even some of the Exorcists shared this feeling. Still, Heaven was missing an important piece of their legacy. Sera was conflicted. She thought Adam was careless, brash, and downright insolent at times, yet she put up with it because until the last extermination everything worked fine.
Ever since the battle at the hotel, Sera had it in her head that Lute was going to be a loose cannon if Pentious was ever found out, and she had been making plans for it. She kept her dealings secret from even Emily, it was easier on her that way. She loved Emily but she was too headstrong and naive for her own good. Sera suggested that she prep Lute and the Exorcists for the reality that sinners can be redeemed, but she wasn't sure if Emily had done so yet. Probably not.
On Sera's desk sat a file on Sir Pentious. Who he was in life, in Hell, and how he got to Heaven. Apparently the powers that be found self-sacrifice to be a redeemable quality, even for sinners. Sera was uneasy about it all. Heaven was meant for people who proved themselves in life, not for people who finally decided not to be selfish during their “eternal” punishment. She wasn't as angered about it as much as she was anxious about what this could mean for Heaven's status quo. When he arrived she had taken photos of him for his file, not something you'd typically do for a soul new to Heaven, but she thought it was best to be as detail oriented as possible. Seven photos laid out in front of her, she examined each one with skepticism as to how this happened.
“Sir Pentious,” She says to herself. “what am I going to do about you? We can't hide you forever.”
She has other work to do, so she moves his file off to the side and grabs a letter she needed to send to someone in the Soul Processing Bureau. This is less about organization of Heaven itself, but more about peace of mind for Sera herself. She hasn't sent any information on Sir Pentious yet, which is killing her need to have everything accounted for. The letter, written on golden paper, is her preferred method of file keeping. It seems old fashioned considering how far advanced heaven is but they're all digitized anyway so it doesn't matter in the end. Her head is full of images, she wonders how this will work out. She remembers something she forgot with Pentious's photos so she puts the letter aside and begins to scribble detailed information on the back of each one. Things like date of rebirth and any changes he reported upon materializing, a few pictures of him without the mask, a few of him in his mask. While all these details are something you could find within the file itself she wants to make sure the specific details are their on the photos for basically a bullet point of him. She puts six photos back into his file and takes one final look at it, her expression one of melancholic uncertainty.
She shakes her head free of the thoughts that plague her, as she folds the letter over any attachments it has and slides it delicately into the envelope. She looks pensively at the file and puts it away.
“I hope this will go smoothly.” She says while eyeing the location of the file.
She gets up and heads off to deliver the letter, thinking that taking a walk will ease her mind anyway. She had heard Pentious was being escorted out to one of the zoos today, something about finding the rest of his eggs. She isn't sure how many are up here, but she would prefer it if they were kept to Emily's house too. She exhales one last time before leaving her office.
((OOC Yes I'm still taking tonight off, but I won't leave you with nothing.-💜Lilith))
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lyloneliness · 2 months
This will have nothing to do with bsd and will be very personal so those who follow me for bsd stuff you can stop reading if you want ₍⸍⸌̣ʷ̣̫⸍̣⸌₎
Actually, I don't think many remember, or have even read the tag game (edit: my bad, it was an ask) in which I said I actually have something similar to a Dissociative Identity Disorder.. Well, even if no one reads this I just wanna put my thoughts down so it's okay anyway.
I just realized that now that I'm dissociated, what is 'me' as an alter (alternative personality), or more as a person is supposed to be way more defined... Or restricted in a way. I was always a weird person, with many changes of heart, of moods, of likings and other stuff... Well, in everything really.
Back then, if I was to use only one word to define myself I would always answer "changing", or "inconsistent". One time I even got very upset at my parents and cried because they said it was a bad word, a bad thing, that I shouldn't describe myself as inconsistent... I felt like they rejected the fact that I am like this, or just basically, like they rejected me.
Anyway, now I know that it was because the different parts of 'me' that were supposed to assemble in one identity at the end of early childhood didn't assemble like with most people, those who don't struggle with severe dissociation. And with people with a 'complete' DID, they don't assemble at all, and one becomes the main while the others appear later in life to help the 'whole person'/system navigate in life, adaptating to situations by switching. But for me it was just like a child doesn't knowing how to combine many things to make a proper collage just taped a ripped sheet of paper together to vaguely maintain it, faking it being whole.
That's why I was like that, I was literally different persons stitched together and coexisting throughout my life.
And now that each of us is separated from the others, and well defined, they all know what they like, how they are, who they are. Well, they don't even have to acknowledge it, they just ARE like that.
All but me.
I'm the 'main', the one to whom all this life is attributed to, the base of our existence until now. And all the memories I have are supposed to be mine. My feelings, my likings, my relationships, my behaviors.. But now I know most of them were the other alters', and I don't know anymore what I like. What is 'me' in all of this?
I don't know how to make the distinction. I don't know what I like, how I'm supposed to act like. The person I was supposed to be wasn't really me all this time, so the image I had of myself is crushed.. I always felt like I wasn't properly someone, I never knew who I was, so I made efforts. But turns out all the progress I thought I had made over the years to construct my personality just split at the same time as us, I'm back to before I constructed everything I'm supposed to be. There is nothing left for me..
I can't even say what my favorite colour is.
I don't have an identity.
I feel like a digital painting to which all the layers were took away to make a complete painting out of each, and all is left is the blank canvas. That's indeed a weird comparison but well, I'm supposed to be an artist so I couldn't think of something else.
I feel like I'm a middle schooler in the middle of an existential crisis when I'm supposed to be 19 in a little more than a month. Everyone always said I was a mature one, turns out one of my alters was 4 years older all this time, and now I can't seem to see things from a distance, cool my head and try to understand anymore. Everything is blurry and I'm scared. Honestly, I forgot what it was to be lost and scared. 'I ' almost didn't feel anything in a year and now I'm blending with a big mess of feelings that I don't even know are mine or not, and how I need to react to them.
I don't even know if I'm tired of being in this void, or sad, or disappointed by this loss of self... I drown myself in hypersomnia to avoid existing like this and thinking about what I'm gonna become and how I'm supposed to become it (well, I don't even know what I want to be to begin with.. ), only to have weird dreams that I don't know are whose since I switch even in it, and deciphering it all seems exhausting.
I don't know what to do. I don't even know if I actually want to do anything..
Well, this is all for the rambling! (≡^∇^≡)
I kinda feel sorry for anyone who'd get until here reading all this mess... If you wanna say smth or ask questions I'm all open really. Even if it's quite unlikely.. but yeah, "just in case", yknow (=ㅇ༝ㅇ=)
Oh! And something that made me laugh (bitterly but still) :
*Incoming screenshot of when I was writing*, for those with the blue theme like me
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Auto correct didn't even consider this possible 😹😹😹
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ask-pentious · 18 days
Brittle Shells
Pt. 1: Messages in the Dark
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A few days before Lute was tipped off to Pentious's identity everything seemed radio silent. Sera and Emily...mostly Emily were watching over Sir Pentious. Making sure his existence wasn't in danger of being exposed. The Exorcists trained as if nothing had happened in Hell, though it was painfully obvious to the women that Lute was shaken deeply. Adam's absence was noticed by angels and winners alike but the truth is a lot of them didn't miss him. Even some of the Exorcists shared this feeling. Still, Heaven was missing an important piece of their legacy. Sera was conflicted. She thought Adam was careless, brash, and downright insolent at times, yet she put up with it because until the last extermination everything worked fine.
Ever since the battle at the hotel, Sera had it in her head that Lute was going to be a loose cannon if Pentious was ever found out, and she had been making plans for it. She kept her dealings secret from even Emily, it was easier on her that way. She loved Emily but she was too headstrong and naive for her own good. Sera suggested that she prep Lute and the Exorcists for the reality that sinners can be redeemed, but she wasn't sure if Emily had done so yet. Probably not.
On Sera's desk sat a file on Sir Pentious. Who he was in life, in Hell, and how he got to Heaven. Apparently the powers that be found self-sacrifice to be a redeemable quality, even for sinners. Sera was uneasy about it all. Heaven was meant for people who proved themselves in life, not for people who finally decided not to be selfish during their “eternal” punishment. She wasn't as angered about it as much as she was anxious about what this could mean for Heaven's status quo. When he arrived she had taken photos of him for his file, not something you'd typically do for a soul new to Heaven, but she thought it was best to be as detail oriented as possible. Seven photos laid out in front of her, she examined each one with skepticism as to how this happened.
“Sir Pentious,” She says to herself. “what am I going to do about you? We can't hide you forever.”
She has other work to do, so she moves his file off to the side and grabs a letter she needed to send to someone in the Soul Processing Bureau. This is less about organization of Heaven itself, but more about peace of mind for Sera herself. She hasn't sent any information on Sir Pentious yet, which is killing her need to have everything accounted for. The letter, written on golden paper, is her preferred method of file keeping. It seems old fashioned considering how far advanced heaven is but they're all digitized anyway so it doesn't matter in the end. Her head is full of images, she wonders how this will work out. She remembers something she forgot with Pentious's photos so she puts the letter aside and begins to scribble detailed information on the back of each one. Things like date of rebirth and any changes he reported upon materializing, a few pictures of him without the mask, a few of him in his mask. While all these details are something you could find within the file itself she wants to make sure the specific details are their on the photos for basically a bullet point of him. She puts six photos back into his file and takes one final look at it, her expression one of melancholic uncertainty.
She shakes her head free of the thoughts that plague her, as she folds the letter over any attachments it has and slides it delicately into the envelope. She looks pensively at the file and puts it away.
“I hope this will go smoothly.” She says while eyeing the location of the file.
She gets up and heads off to deliver the letter, thinking that taking a walk will ease her mind anyway. She had heard Pentious was being escorted out to one of the zoos today, something about finding the rest of his eggs. She isn't sure how many are up here, but she would prefer it if they were kept to Emily's house too. She exhales one last time before leaving her office.
((OOC Still taking tonight off, but at least I gave you something. ;)-💜Lilith))
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eigwayne · 7 months
Today's Project: Creature Crafting!
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This is a method of inspiration for creature designing, for any gentle readers who are writers or artists or game masters- or anyone, really, your purposes are none of my beeswax. If it looks useful or fun, try it!
I might have posted this method of monster creation before, but if I have it's been a long time and I'm almost certain I didn't include pictures last time. So please enjoy it today, despite the weird fish monster I greeted you with.
What you do is take parts of skeleton illustrations, mash them together, and draw a new form around it to turn this chimeric mess into a new creature. I primarily use illustrations of extinct animal skeletons, which adds a prehistoric feel and lets me decide whether and where to add feathers, fur, osteoderms, and spikes without the original animal informing the decision.
That is, in theory. If you've read about paleontology you'll probably catch your knowledge of the actual animal creeping in a little too much. It's one thing to go "The original's eye sockets are the middle ones, not the big ones in the back." It's quite another to get stuck on "This torso was a mesohippus so the front feet have to be hooves no matter what." If that's the case, purposely adjust the design to be different and that should reboot your creative juices. No one needs to know the original animal had hooves if they no longer appear in the final result.
Actually doing stuff:
TLDR Short Version:
Gather reference images. Suggested sources are extinct animal skeleton illustrations.
Cut into three pieces: heads, torsos with front legs/flippers, and hindquarters with rear appendages and tails.
Shuffle each category of parts up.
Select one of each type- one random head, one random torso, one random tail.
Sketch new creature based on the random parts.
Add details, embellishments, or notes based on the new creature from the sketch.
The Details:
To start, gather your references. I cannot supply mine because I printed them out and no longer have links, but search for things like "paleozoic skeleton illustration", "extinct animal skeleton", or "dinosaur skeleton reconstruction" to start. I advise using "extinct" or "reconstruction" and synonyms thereof in pretty much any search to avoid getting recent dead animals, human remains, or reconstructions with fleshy bits and exteriors that might influence your design. Also illustrations are easier to interpret than photos once they're cut up. Trust me.
Once you have your source images, you can go digital by slicing the images and saving the pieces as different layers or images, or manual by printing them out and cutting them with scissors. I cut mine into three parts- head and neck, front limbs with torso and spine, and hips/hindquarters with rear appendages and tail. Keep each type/category of part together and once they're all cut up, shuffle the stacks.
I suggest keeping the parts in a folder (or physical parts in an envelope) so you can use them in the future. Mine are separated like so:
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Also if you're smarter than I am, you'll flip your images so they're all facing the same way. I have six envelopes instead of three because I forgot, resulting in "heads facing left", "heads facing right", "torsos facing left", etc.
To start creating, select one piece from each pile. I like to arrange mine at the top of a sheet of paper, photocopy it so I can keep the skeleton images but reuse the parts again later, and sketch the animal on the photocopy. I did one this morning and took photos to illustrate the rest of the process. First, my paleo parts:
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I'm pretty sure this is a terror bird's tail and a mesohippus torso with that turtle head. First, sketch the basic shape this creature suggests. I usually start with the hindquarters and back, then sketch in the upper legs (because if there are issues, I'm most likely to change the feet over anything else, to make things more logical, but the shape of the haunches usually stays close to the same).
That torso tells me this is most likely a four-limbed creature. The tail is unfortunately from a photograph so parts are hard to make out. I'm not sure what that thick bit of pelvis in front of the tail is, so I'm most likely going to ignore it. Maybe I'll make the rear legs a little chunkier to suggest it's there. The front limbs have a slope to the shoulder blade so even if I didn't know this is most likely a mesohippus, I'd give it a horse's shoulder because that just makes sense with the bone shape.
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After the shape of the animal is down, you can evaluate what details it tells you. This one, despite the claws in the rear, looks like a grazing animal so I decided it uses the strong beak and feet to eat grass and dig for tubers. It has high protrusions on the spine above the forelimbs, where the withers would be on a horse, but with the low head and neck, it doesn't looks very rideable. So I sketched a rear view showing the high spine compared to the round sides. Then I sketched the feet to sort those out (this is where the "This was a mesophippus" thought I mentioned earlier happened, which is how this creature got stumpy claws on both rear and front toes later). And I did a couple different possibilities for the facial horns, with the thought that maybe the males have big horns for defense and display. Then I figured, why leave the lady turto-rhino-phosrhaco-ponies out, and figured they can have out-sized horns too.
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At this stage, I add notes to myself. I know my handwriting is bad so here's the most relevant ones:
maybe add some fur or fat
no good for riding if domesticated
-if adding fur, could turn into hump (this is in reference to the tall withers)
grazing and digging (with an arrow toward the hooked turtle beak)
floppy ears could work but it'd look even more rhino-like
And that's the gist of it! After this, you can move on to a new creature, try something different with the same skeleton, or polish this animal up a bit.
Want to see a similar method by a professional illustrator using just skulls (3D rendered, no real skulls involved), with dynamic results? I happen to have found one today! Try this video from Youtube channel Jazza: Drawing Insane Creatures from Mystery Skulls!
And here's another example from me:
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Happy Chimera Creature Crafting!
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braincelle · 11 months
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pairing: dk x fem!reader genre: fluff Summary: photographs are much more than just images on paper. they hold memories we sometimes forget. language: english word count: 528 warning(s): mentions of hospital, virus, emergency room, someone’s passing (neither of the main characters) author’s note: something for those who yearn for a love that lasts.
There was nothing but photographs. Scattered all over the room were photos of all kinds. Polaroids, film, digital. Some dangled over her head. Some were stuck on the walls. Others were plastered on a screen on full display. She giggled at some and felt sad about others. These were the moments they had. Moments she kept in her heart.
She admired each photo. There was one on their first date. DK had his arm around her. He held on tight as if letting go meant never having her in his life. There was one at the hospital. He fell ill and she took it upon herself to drive him to the nearest emergency room. She forgot what he caught exactly, just knew that it was a virus. There was one at the school they worked for. It was her first day but DK guided her so much that the nerves she felt faded to nothing. The students were welcoming too which helped a lot. 
There was at least one photograph for every moment that stood out in their 35-year relationship.
There was a photo of him outside her former apartment after their third big fight. The reason for the argument had long been forgotten. However, his efforts to be forgiven never left her mind. There was a photo of her by the beach at their best friends’ wedding. It was the very first wedding they attended as a couple and many more followed suit. There was a photo of her beside her cousin. She was a close friend and relative who was someone she kept close. Sadly, the day the photograph was taken was also the last day they spent together before her passing. There was a photo of her at the school. It was her last day before retirement and he wanted to be the one to accompany her on that very day.
Every moment with DK was documented. Those 35 years produced enough pictures to cover this small room. Who knew it would be this fulfilling and joyful?
As she followed the trail of photographs he put up, she wondered where this all ended.
It ended with a photograph of her standing pretty in a white dress with her man in his best suit. It ended with a moment at their wedding perfectly encapsulated in a photograph. A big photograph of just them laughing, the flowers, and the love they shared.
“Thirty-five years is a long time, love,” she said when she was reunited with DK outside the room.
DK smiled at his aging wife, “Those thirty-five years were imperfect but memorable,” he said as he tuck back her hair, “If I’ll be allowed to, I’ll love you for thirty-five more.”
He hugged her tight and savored her warmth. “I’ll make sure to love you and choose you each and every day.”
“Oh, you smitten man,” she said giggling, “I promise I’ll do the same. Even if you will slowly lose your memory of me.”
DK kissed her one last time before they headed back inside to reminisce some more. It was true. His memory slowly faded as the months passed. But, the love never did.
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allhandsondeck1 · 4 months
Do you have a friend, partner, sibling, etc. that loves kpop? Is their birthday soon? Do you want to give them a bouquet, but don't know what flower to give them? I HAVE THE PERFECT THING FOR YOU! A BIAS BOUQUET!!!
Okay so along with my sister's birthday being.. literally rn (it's 1 am for me at the time of posting this), it's also right before valentines day! She's my best friend, and my sister, and she deserves a bouquet. She is obsessed with kpop. Like, can hear the first few seconds of a song and name the group, song, album, and who is singing at each moment(she scares me). She has like, a million favorite groups, so I had made a list and broooo.. I didn't even use half of the list, and the list was at least 20 or more members.. AND IT WASNT EVEN ALL OF THEM
So you can tell what my motive for this was, yeah? It's actually hella easy! I didn't take progress shots, because I got school later and didn't have the time to stop and take pictures, but here's what you need!
An editing or art app
lamination sheets
Wooden skewers
A foam cone
Tissue paper
Pipe cleaners (optional)
Sticky notes (optional)
Soo to start I went to pinterest and downloaded a few photos of my sister's favorite idols. You don't have to do all of them, you can do one group or just a bunch of photos of their favorite person! Whatever you want. I used the app IBISPAINTX to put them all together in different sizes, so it was easier to print and cut out and they can vary in sizes. Use whatever app or website you think works!
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I basically just put them in collages like this.
I emailed them to myself and then printed them out on cardstock paper, just so they were stiffer and would last longer, but if you don't want to/don't have that, regular printer paper will work!
Jm using a digital version, just to show it(also in courtesy of the girl bc its my sister's favorite and I forgot to print her out 😭) but after they are printed, cut your idols out, just the perimeter around it!
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Then, this is also optional, but I used lamination sheets over the pictures! Try and fit as many of your idols on the sheets just to save, but be careful, because you want to make sure when you cut them out, they have a small gap on the lamination, just so the lamination doesn't peel off. The lamination will just make the pictures last longer, so your person can keep them after! *the gray represents the lamination!*
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Now, I bought a foam cone fromWalmart, but yoh can probably grt it at micheals or any craft store! Mine was a little small, I don't have exact dimensions cause I just guessed, but I think eying it and guessing too will do just fine! I also got some skewers, which can be found anywhere, I just found them in a drawer lol. Next thing is tape!
Youre going to take your idols and your skewers, just tape the back onto the skewer before you stick it into the foam. Now, this part is optional too, but I used some purple pipe cleaners to wrap around the skewers! I just measured the part that was stuck into the foam, then I taped the idol on after I pulled it out,and then I wrapped the pipe cleaners above the line and to the bottom of the picture, and stuck it back in
Another optional thing is to make paper hearts! I found a tutorial on YouTube to make inflatable ones! I used the skewers to poke through the top and then layer purple and pink ones. I made seven so it could start on one color and end in the same color! I made three of these pattern heart things, but you can make as many as you want! (This works well if it's for a romantic partner or for valentines day!)
Finally I just used purple and pink tissue paper to hide the cone, and taped it together to keep it in place! Here's the final product in horrible lighting
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I can only name like, 5 people on this bouquet, and then the girl on my demonstration but idk how to spell her name lol
Anyways! There's a good, decently cheap present for your local kpop lover!
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thegoldenshi-shi · 1 year
Sunny Simp Anon here!
I had ordered the zine when preorders first started and when I saw that you were in the zine many months later i got very excited!!
I took a pic and sent it to Smooch and shared the rest of the art with them and their friends and we loved it all and I love what you did with Jazz ans Prowl!!
The officiator: Any one object?
Prowl: *silently glaring*
Jazz: *had a cannon* :D
Also they look so good and I want to frame your art on my wall but I cant because it’s in a book but it’s so pretty and I love it and i want to hug it but it’s paper and akskdldkdk
Many conflict here you see
Also personal update myself, I probably didn’t do good on one of my exams today because i forgot there was an exam and I didn’t have my book and it was open book and so like, i didn’t do good but it is what it is
Also I want to hold your sideswipe so much, he is such a pretty boi and when he pops up he overtakes Sunny for a minute and is the star of the show and he knows he’s a pretty boi and will use it
I want to hold him so badly and domestic soft thoughts are my enemy cause I want them to be happy and heal from their pain and they are twins and they know each other the best and they went through hell and back and deserve good things!!!
Let Sunny become a famous artist again, let Sideswipe help with selling his brother’s paintings and also maybe own a lil bar and stuff also Bob being his cute self and get doted on and Sunny also maybe makes vent arts and let out his pain
I do personally headcanon that Sunny makes some vent arts but keeps some of them secret cause he doesn’t want to worry Sides too much with how he feels and it helped to just draw it out
Also me and my friends in the JazzProwl discord server made a lil meme thing into a bug angsty au and then we talked about the future after they mostly heal and it was from dark and angsty and stuff to more fluffy but still some angst(it’s with the Elite trine but i am gonna ask if we wanna include other ships and other lil stories besides the elite trine’s)
Anyways! I hope to be in your inbox again soon but some smaller things jn my life came up that needed my attention so I had to focus on those for a lil bit but i will return
-Sunny Simp Anon💛
Oh! You ordered a Monochromatic zine?
That's so exciting! I just got mine a few days ago~ I'm so happy to hear that you like my piece! I was really nervous about it because it was kinda spoofy compared to the others. It's pretty silly even by my normal standards hehe As far as my digital work goes, Sideswipe has been given so much love lately. It's great that his "pretty boi" status has been recognized. I purposefully designed him to look more friendly and open, so if he's making you think soft domestic things then I have done my job correctly hehe. On the subject of Sunstreaker's art habits, I think all artists make vent pieces at some point, writers and other creative mediums too (I know I do). So Sunny does probably have some pieces squirreled away here and there, I agree. I'm glad you're having fun on the JazzProwl server, and hope you get through whatever requires your attention now.
Don't rush through anything, I will still be here when you get done hehe.
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akannuoli · 2 years
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Oh shoot I forgot to post here but! Go stream Sam Kaplan's "The Girl With Silver Hair (part 2)" right now!!!
!!!! I cannot properly describe just how good it is!!! HEAVY spoilers for Eldermourne finale tho if you have not listened to it.
This is a piece I did for the music video. Sam had a beautiful vision and asked different Naddpod fanartists to each draw a piece for the video and it's beautiful. To my knowledge 14 artists in whole.
This is the first time I've ever took a part in this kinda collab and it was super awesome and a great experience! I learned a lot!
This drawing took as a whole maybe 23 hours. I did the sketch on paper and everything else on Ibis Paint X on my phone. Ibis Paint says that the time spent on this one was 22 hours(RIP).
This was my first time doing digital lineart in a piece! I was surprised how not-impossible it was!
I had some troubles with the background and leaves, because I usually don't do any backgrounds. I'm not perfectly satisfied with this, but it is what it is! :D
Also, I did Fia's runes and forgot to turn the layer on in the final piece so in the video you can't see them. So, whoops. I wrote 'Irina' in runes on her forearm. I wanted to write 'deez nuts' but it didn't fit.
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