#I found really cheap tickets too
natreads · 1 year
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I'm in Greece! I'm visiting my grandparents and will spend the next two weeks working on my novel, reading books and doing some work while sitting in their garden or patio
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orcelito · 2 months
Gencon is very busy...!!!
Ummmmm highlights of the day..!!!
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I maybe bought 4 Naruto figurines. Thankfully not individually expensive (though perhaps a little expensive all together...) see I wanted Sasuke but I also wanted Kakashi and I couldn't have Sasuke without Naruto and well it would feel wrong to have the 3 of them without Sakura and so I somehow. Got all 4. Haha. I'll most likely post pics later, whenever I end up opening them. I'm still at the convention center rn lol
(Putting the rest of this under a cut bc it got a little long lol)
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I was on the field of the Lucas Oil Stadium, aka the stadium that the Indianapolis Colts play at. I've attended all of One game here (not professional football, it was a high school game lol) so I've felt the size of it, but it's still fucking crazy being on the field. It's so BIG...... and obviously they've got the grass covered rn, but it's still pretty cool!!!
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I maaaade dice!!! Pretty precise process it seems, & definitely would require a Lot of work (after the sanding and the painting etc etc). I do still wanna get into it, but if I wanted to spring for stuff like the vacuum chamber or the pressure pot...
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Yeah, it'd get expensive. Add in the fact that I don't have a good place to do this away from the cats & it really is not feasible to start rn. But!!! Eventually!!!! I think I'd really enjoy it. I just need a dedicated workshop space where I can spread out without worrying about poisoning my cats lol.
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Here's some cool game set stuff I saw in the event hall. This picture is maybe... hm... a fourth of the event hall? And then when you consider that the vender hall (connected to the event hall, though it's closed right now) is maybe 1.5 times as big as the event hall?? Give or take a little...
Aka just imagine booths upon booths upon booths... I'm gonna have to take a pic of it tomorrow. I was there too briefly to think about taking a pic. Honestly I maybe managed to get through like a tenth of the whole vender hall in an hour of wandering. It's fucking huge. And So Many Dice... I bought one set of 14 (I think it was) dice. Aka an extended set. And then I got a random set bag of dice (just a basic 7). And then a d20 with a cat on it. And a dice of LETTERS. Aka I guess a d26 (I totally did not have to double check that there were 26 letters in the alphabet)(I have 702k words written & posted to ao3)(😂😂😂 I'm very tired) but with letters instead of numbers. And it's glow in the dark!!! And I found some hxh buttons, and a mighty nein poster, and uhmmmm. A cute lanyard. And that's all I bought. Which really is such restraint for me. (Omfg I just saw a dragon cosplay)(someone just dressed as a dragon)
OH YEAH I saw a fucking. Persona 5 Ryuji cosplay. Hanging out with the biker lady from Durarara. Featuring the Ryuji holding her scythe hfksbfmd which was such a funny image. I was too shy to ask for a pic but just trust 🙏 i saw this
Anyways yeah the only real big thing I bought is the naruto figurines. I'll show pics later once I got the stuff again (I dropped it all off in the car earlier)
Omfg literally as I've been sitting here (on a bench at the side of a main hallway) someone stopped by and gave me a handmade bracelet !!!
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DND's 50th anniversary!!! So cute!!!!
#speculation nation#not Too much anime stuff. tho i clearly found some stuff. no trigun yet unfortunately 😔#which i already walked thru the artist area (as much as i could)(i was getting a little stressed by how crowded it was)#so idk maybe i missed a booth or smth but it'd definitely be less likely to see elsewhere in the vender's hall#but WHO KNOWS it's a wonderful massive world in there.#im actually sitting outside it rn and staring longingly at the closed doors. tomorrow... i will be able to Actually peruse it more...#and i will quite possibly wear some ear plugs next time bcus i was getting Stressed Out!!! overstimulated!!!!#pulled in a million different directions!!!!! aaaaaaa!!!!#anyways yeah my events are all done for the night. just kinda hanging out now waiting for my sister's game to be done.#gonna collapse into bed as soon as we get back. so i should probably eat some more.#i had an overpriced and underwhelming sandwich. but there is pizza somewhere. maybe i should eat pizza.#i actually... still have the keys lol. from when i dropped the stuff off at the car earlier.#which is weird. I have the ticket to home with me. but i still wait. bc it would be a dick move to leave with them lol#and also. while i Can drive. i do not have my license. so that would be. a bad. idea.#my shoulders Huuuuurt but thankfully i dont have any combat classes tomorrow#hurting shoulders is more just from my bag bc my shoulders fucking suck. but it makes me glad i can rest more tomorrow.#oh yeah i did the sword knife and longsword today. might get bruises from that knife one. it was very focused on parrying#swords. swords. swords. swords. the longsword class made me really want to own a longsword. i dont own one. yet.#i could. i could. i could. sometime. eventually. i want a longsword. i think i technically just own uhmmm um um#a rapier? a machete? a uh. i dont know what that cheap anime convention sword is actually. OH YEA AND CANE SWORD#no longsword though. i really want to own a katana too. someday i'll own both. someday.#real swords are unfortunatelly really expensive. thats why i only have uh. uh. uhhh. oh yeah i do have those 2 swords from mountains trip#i dont really know what those are either. you know i really should know what bladed weapons i own. i dont though.#i own cool swords and knives bc oooh fun pointy things! wheeeeee!!!#i'll study up on it later. lol.#anyways i guess i should go look for more food. i have rambled enough. bye!
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unemployedhockeyfan · 3 months
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Not All Breakups Are Equal Pt. 2
Summary: Lando and Eloise deal with the fallout of their friendship after Eloise left Lando standing in his Monaco apartment.
Warnings: angst I guess and I'm pretty sure just one swear word
Notes: Hi! Thanks for the support on part one!! Sorry it took a few days for this part. I write for my adult job, too, so sometimes I'm just a little too worn out to write after work.
Part 1
The days in New York are easy. Daily life is just fast enough that I don’t even have the opportunity to think of the friendship breakup that’s constantly trying to pull at my heart. 
Days are nothing compared to nights. 
New York has seemingly earned its title of “The City That Never Sleeps.” I wish I could say it’s because I make my nights as fast paced as my days, but that would be one of the biggest lies I’ve ever told — second only to all the years I told myself I didn’t love Lando… At least not that way. 
My nights are filled with little to no sleep as I toss and turn in the bed squished into the tiny hotel room. All that fills my brain is his smile, his laugh and the look on his face as I walked out the door of his apartment. 
I never want to forget the smile or the laugh, but that last look is one I wish wasn’t burned into my brain. 
It’s been three weeks since I last saw or talked to Lando. He’s since won his first race in Formula 1. 
A race I wasn’t there for. 
I was supposed to be. I had a pass and in all honesty, I could’ve still shown up. If I did, though, I would’ve fallen back into the same pattern as before. The people-pleasing nature of my personality would’ve come out and I would’ve continued to let Lando’s new girlfriend talk ill about me. 
My mind was overflowing with the memories I had of watching Lando celebrate in Miami while I sat 1,200 miles north. I knew I wasn’t going to sleep tonight. At least not anymore than the three hours I had already barely managed. 
As I rolled over to grab my phone off the nightstand, the cheap digital clock was shining 3:30 a.m. 
“Hm, Max is probably up by now. I can call him,” was the initial thought that crossed my mind. 
Max wasn’t necessarily thrilled when he found out that my plane ticket landed me across the Atlantic Ocean, but he got over it relatively quickly when he found out I had friends from university in the area. 
It took a while, but the line finally connected, welcoming me to one of the most comforting voices in my life. 
“Eloise, long time no hear.”
“Yeah, sorry ‘bout that. I’ve been busy.”
“Really? Or are you just lying to me?” Max always seemed to be able to read my mind, no matter how much I wished he couldn’t.
“It’s a half lie. The days have been busy, the nights are just restless.”
“Yeah, I bet.”
The silence lasted for a few moments too long. It allowed Max just enough time to steer the conversation in a direction I was trying to avoid. 
“He misses you, Elle.”
“I saw his win in Miami. He looked happy. I couldn’t help but watch.”
“He wanted you there.”
I know Max is telling the truth. He has no reason to lie, and I know that truthfully Lando didn’t want me to leave his apartment just over a month ago, but I did. 
“You should call him, not me.”
“It depends, Max” 
“On what? Whether or not he’s broken up with his girlfriend?”
“Actually, exactly that.”
“I thought you told him you were OK if they were dating as long as she was nicer to you,” Max pushed back. 
“I am, I just don’t think she’s capable of changing in just a few weeks.” 
My voice was getting louder and I didn’t really want to take my anger out on Max. He hadn’t done anything wrong — maybe just pushed the wrong button or two. 
We sat in silence, the only noise being our breathing on either end of the line. It lasted well over a minute before I let out an exaggerated sigh. I was not only going to come clean to Max, but to myself as well. 
“Max, it's just… It’s hard and it hurts,” I said as my eyes slowly started to leak fresh tears. 
“I know, Eloise, I know. I don’t think anyone is expecting it to be easy for you or for him.”
“No, Max, I don’t just mean distancing myself from him. It’s hard to even be around him nowadays when I see how he treats other girls when all I want is for him to treat me that way.”
The pause in the conversation was deafening. With the phone pressed to my ear, I waited for Max to say something, to say anything. 
“Well, it’s about time you admitted it to yourself,” he said with a rather large chuckle.
“Stop, this isn’t funny.”
I was laughing too, though. I couldn’t stop. Maybe it was the lack of sleep or the fact that for the first time in a month I felt comfortable in my surroundings, but I laughed for a good three minutes before Max’s voice finally came through again. 
“You sure do laugh a lot for someone who thinks this isn’t funny!”
“Can’t help it right now.”
“I mean, I am pretty funny,” Max said with an audible smug look on his face.
“Yeah, yeah, well, looks aren’t everything.”
“Good one, Elle. I’m going to hang up on you so you have to call him.”
“I’m not going to, I need more time. Plus, he’s in Montreal right now, it’s 3:30 for him, too, and I’d imagine he’s asleep.”
“You’re stubborn, you know that, right?”
“Hm, I learned it from you.”
“Get some sleep, Eloise. Love you.”
“Love you, too, Maxy. And, I promise, I’ll call him eventually.”
It was nearly two months later before I decided it was finally time to talk to Lando again. Of course, by that point, I was well past sleep deprived between restless nights in New York and changing time zones as I returned home to the United Kingdom. 
With my brain barely functioning, I decided the best bet would be to not call Lando, but show up in Austria at his next race. I had all the passes I needed to show up thanks to both myself and Lando thinking this falling out was never going to happen. 
I managed to avoid all the areas I knew Lando would be during the days leading up to Sunday. I saw and anxiously watched as Lando raced Max for the lead. I sat and nearly cried as I watched Lando’s race come to an end just laps shy of yet another podium. 
Lando is hard on himself. He holds himself to a level that’s nearly impossible to reach, and I know his mood after this race will be anything but stellar. He’s bound to be angry, and I start to fear what his reaction will be if he sees me. 
As I stand lost and confused in the paddock, I hear my name being called by maybe one of the few people who could make me smile at this moment. 
“Eloise! Elle, is that you?”
I whip my head around to see a smiling Daniel Ricciardo jogging my way. Before I could even respond, I’m wrapped in the embrace of one of my favorite members of the F1 world. 
“What are you doing here? Does Lando know?”
“I’m assuming he’s clued you in on what’s happened?”
“Just a little, don’t know all the details.” 
“Um, yeah, well he doesn’t know I’m here. Really, I don’t even know why I’m here. I should probably leave. There was part of me that wanted to talk to him, but after everything that’s gone on just today, it’s probably best I make myself just disappear. I don’t want to make this any worse than it probably already is for him.”
“Eloise, you’re rambling.”
I couldn’t help it, I was nervous. I was standing in front of one of Lando’s former teammates and just steps away from the McLaren garage. 
“Do you want me to call him and get him down here? I really don’t think you off all people could make this moment worse for him”
“Uh, yeah, sure. Call him.”
Lando must’ve answered quickly, but it seemed to take some convincing from the Aussie to lure Lando out of his driver’s room. Eventually the word was that he was on his way down. 
I wouldn’t let Daniel leave. I couldn’t let Daniel leave. Just over a minute after Daniel had hung up the phone, I heard a voice that I’d been missing for months. 
The voice was so calming on the ears that I had a physical reaction to it. Everything seemed to calm down around me the second the first word came stumbling from Lando’s mouth. 
“What’s up, Daniel? Really just not in the mood right now.”
He didn’t respond. Daniel just stepped out of the way, revealing me to the man who still held so much of my soul. 
“Hey, Lan.” 
The tension was palpable. Lando and I stood there staring at one another as Daniel slowly disappeared to likely return to his own driver’s room. I didn’t want to say anything until he responded, but I was scared that if I waited for him, it would be silent for hours. 
“Sorry for just showing up and not calling. For some reason it seemed easier to jump on a plane than it did to pick up the phone.” 
“You’re here? In Austria? You’re here, really here? I went back home, I called and nothing. Now, you’re just here?”
“Lan, I’m sorry. I needed space. I just didn’t know the best way to come back.”
I could tell Lando was trying to not get angry. His body language becomes so easy to read after knowing him for years.
His hand ran through the curls on his head after rubbing his face almost too hard. 
“Um, let’s just go to my driver’s room. We probably shouldn’t have this conversation in public.” 
The walk to his room was awkward. There were eyes glancing at us and some whispers, too. I knew it had been awhile since I had been at one of these, but this surely wasn’t the reaction I was expecting. 
“Listen, Eloise, I’m not mad. I’m just confused. You left me in my apartment and then disappeared for months with nothing from you. I had to rely on Max to at least know you were alive.”
Lando took a seat on his makeshift bed after making room next to him for me to sit. 
“I know, Lando. I can only imagine how much it hurt you for me to leave, but I had to protect myself. I was hurting so much.”
“I never wanted to hurt you.”
Lando was crying. With the events that had already unfolded today, this really wasn’t the best time for this conversation, but it didn’t look like I could avoid it any longer. 
“Lan, I know you didn’t want to hurt me.” 
Before I could stop myself, I was wiping the tears that were starting to spill from his eyes. He looked so vulnerable at this moment. 
“And, really, Lando, I don’t think I ever really felt hurt by you. I just wanted you to hear me and it felt like you were blinded by some love.” 
“It wasn’t love. It was lust or some shit like that. It just definitely wasn’t love.”
I’m not sure how I was really supposed to take that revelation. Was he still seeing her? Was it still too new that he was just describing it as lust?
My confusion must’ve been evident on my face because before I could utter a response, Lando was talking again. He was talking to me as he slowly grabbed both of my hands in his, running his thumbs over the back of them. 
“She’s gone. She’s not in the picture anymore. The day after you left, Max and I had a heart-to-heart. Really, he kind of laid into me and wouldn’t stop. He kept saying that some fling was never going to be worth what you meant to me — what you mean to me.”
It was my turn to start crying. The tears didn’t flow as fast as they did the night I walked out of his apartment, but they were there. Lando quickly pulled me into his chest, placing a needed kiss on my temple. 
“Eloise, I will spend every day for the rest of my life apologizing for allowing her to say those things about you.”
“You don’t need to apologize,” my voice slightly muffled but my head in his chest. 
As I leaned back, I grabbed his hands once again and looked him in the eyes — those eyes that have held me captive since I was 13. 
“Why didn’t you come find me after you broke it off with her? Max isn’t that strong, he would’ve told you where I was in a heartbeat if he knew it was over.”
“I knew where you were. I knew you were tucked away in a crummy New York hotel room. I just wanted to give you space. Telling you she was gone would’ve just rushed you, and I didn’t want to do that.”
“You really do surprise me sometimes, Lando Norris. Can we go back to being friends again? I can’t do life without you in it.”
“About that…”
About what? What could Lando possibly want to say to me? I thought this conversation was going well, I thought it was oddly healing in a way. Was he about to push me out the door this time? 
“I don’t know if we can be friends again, Eloise.”
Oh my god this really is it. Our friendship is ending. After months of me not letting it die in my brain as I took my own space, Lando Norris was about to shatter my heart into a million unrecoverable pieces. 
“We can’t be friends because it’s not OK for friends to love one another the way I love you.”
“Wait, what?”
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wolken-himmel · 2 years
In which Sam steals (Y/n) away after Crewel and Crowley get into fight on who gets to spend time with the prefect.
So Sam decides to take matters into his own hands.
Request by anon.
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"I will take (Y/n) to the amusement park!"
"And why is that?"
"I already planned everything and even bought the tickets. And they weren't cheap! This is just another example of my generosity!"
"But I wanted to take the pup to a fashion show!"
Your two professors have been yelling at each other for the past hour already. You had tried your best to remain patient, but that patience was now slowly running thin — especially since no solution seemed to be in sight.
"Can you... please stop fighting?" you asked weakly.
Grim, whose ears were much more sensitive than yours, let out an aggressive growl. His attempt of blocking out their voices with his paws seemed futile when he removed them from his ears. "Great, they're so busy fighting that they can't hear you..." he grumbled and crossed his arms in disappointment. "And I was so looking forward to doinf something special today!"
"Me too..." A drawn-out sigh escaped your lips when two adults began circling each other, as if this was a brawl. The sight prompted you to pinch yourself, just to make sure that you were still grounded in reality. "But we won't get anywhere at this pace," you concluded sadly after your pinch-test.
"Psh... over here," a scrawny voice whispered.
Your head snapped into the voice's direction — it came from near the bushes and trees that decorated the front of Sam's store. Carefully, you nudged Grim's side and pointed to the flat and black creature on the ground. "Did that... shadow over there just talk?" you asked in confusion.
"Nah, must have been the wind." Grim rolled his eyes in frustration before returning his attention to the bickering professors.
"Over here. Over here..." It was that voice again.
This time, curiosity got the better of you. Your hand grabbed the cat by his arm and dragged him over to the bushes. "I really think the shadow wants something from us, Grim..." you muttered under your breath while narrowing your eyes at the mysterious black patch.
"Shadows don't talk..." Grim clicked his tongue. "You stupid henchhuman."
When your feet came to a halt in front of the shrubbery, you let your gaze wander in search for whoever had called out to you.
You almost screamed when Sam jumped out of the bush next to you. "What's up, little imps," he asked cheerfully.
With your hand resting on your rapidly rising and falling chest, you gazed at him in utter shock. Yet, after a few seconds and with the support of your equally as surprised cat friend, you managed to calm down again. A sheepish smile appeared on your lips as you asked, "Oh, Sam... So that shadow was your trick?" You eyed him curiously.
"You got it! I got curious about all the yelling in front of my store and went to check it out." A few leaves and branches clung to his clothes, which he now removed with ease. Yet, when he raised his gaze and found your eyes sunken with sadness, he let out a concerned gasp. "Are you alright, little imp?"
You lowered your gaze. "Crowley and Crewel are just fighting again..."
His magenta eyes softened in pity after he had quickly assessed the situation — from where you stood, the two professors could still be heard arguing loud and clear. The store owner shook his head in disbelief. "Poor you..." His one hand resting on your shoulder, the other gestured to the small building next to you. "You know what? Why don't you come into the store. I'll make you a nice cup of tea."
You tried your best at a smile, although it turned out a little bit wonky around the edges. "Thanks, Sam..."
"I even have some tuna-flavoured biscuits for you, kitty," the store owner announced, chuckling.
At that, Grim leapt into the air gleefully. "You're the best, Sam!"
Without wasting another second — and without Crowley and Crewel noticing your absence — Sam led you inside his store. The door creaked comfortingly under his touch and barely produced any sound when it fell it into the hinges behind you. A certain warmth came wafting your way, somehow vanquishing the chill from your bones. Without the shouting from the professors, you felt much more at ease by now.
And there were all sorts of interesting things to distract you.
"Try not to touch any of the glowing stuff. Might be dangerous," Sam warned when he found you staring at a crystal ball. "Oh and also— don't put anything in your mouth. Yes, Grim... I'm looking at you."
The cat in question gasped, offended. "Me? I would never!"
Sam and you laughed at the pout on the cat's face. Quicker than you had realised, the three of you arrived in the backroom to the store, accessible through the door behind the cash register. You could barely see a thing since candles were the only source of light. But, the small amount of light allowed you to notice strange forms and masses of complete blackness seated at the table. All of them possessed a pair of glowing eyes.
These looked just like the shadow that had lured you over to Sam a few minutes earlier.
"Here, take a seat," the store owner announced and gently nudged you to the free chairs. "Everyone, these are (Y/n) and Grim."
Your cat friend looked hesitant when one of the shadows began grinning at him. "That one has sharp teeth, (Y/n)..." he muttered and pressed himself into your side.
Sam began laughing upon noticing his fear. "Don't worry, Grim. None of them bite," he trailed off innocently. "They might nibble a little bit, though."
"That's not funny!"
Despite the protests, Grim and you soon found yourselves seated at the table, sandwiched in-between his friends from the shadow realm, as Sam had explained. In front of you, all sorts of biscuits and tea cups decorated the table — but you found yourself too intimidated by the shadows to help yourself to some of the food.
A shadow next to you seemed to have sensed your hesitancy. "May I offer you some beignets?" she asked you and held the plate with the pastries out to you.
"Oh, thank you..." You flashed her a nervous smile and quickly snatched one of the puffy treats for yourself.
"Would you like some tea?" another shadow chimed in and picked up the kettle.
"Yes please," you said, slowly but surely easing up by now.
The other shadows watched you in amusements, none of them seeming to hold any ill intentions. The shadow to your left seemed especially fond of you. "Oh my! Such a well-behaved human!" she chimed and let out a few squeals. "And so pretty, too. You look so... lively."
The joke sent you drowning in laughter.
"That wasn't even all that funny." Grim watched you sceptically as you laughed your soul out.
"Your cat's humour is dead~" another shadow exclaimed.
That remark caused your laughter to increase tenfold. Luckily, you had managed to set down your tea cup just in time before the laughter had overwhelmed you — lest you spilled any boiling tea on yourself.
Sam eyed you in satisfaction. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, impling. That's some interesting humour you have going on for yourself," he mumbled proudly. A few of his shadow friends even extended their arms to give him a high-five.
"Thanks for cheering me up, Sam," you said through your wheezing. "Though I do wonder what Crowley and Crewel are doing right now..."
"I hate roller coasters and you, Crowley... So why am I here right now?"
The wind whipped past the two grown men as they sat in the middle wagon, surrounded by small children to their front and back. Whenever they rolled through a looping, Crowley began cheering and screaming with joy — perhaps a little twinge of fear, too. Crewel, on the other hand, sat next next him with an unaffected visage and crossed arms.
"It's not that bad, is it?" Crowley yelled over to his colleague. "Besides, I couldn't let those two tickets go to waste! I already paid for the full price for them, and there is a rule that says no refunds..."
Crewel exhaled in dread when he saw another looping approaching. "Where did I go wrong in life..."
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doki-doki-imagines · 1 year
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Kitsune!Michael Kaiser x AFAB reader
TW: Smut with really little plot, religious themes, dom!Kaiser, oral sex (m receiving), fingering, scent kink, Kaiser wants you to carry his baby LOL
author notes: I didn’t want to write smut anymore and here I am with this one. I also did a damn mood board I can’t even recognize myself anymore. It’s all Michael’s fault. Hope that I will get him out of my system with this one and finally write something else for the other fandoms LOL (and if possible not smut). Anyway it's 2k words of smut, hope you'll enojoy it.
It was an old habit you got from your granny-
“Every month visit the temple we have behind our house, cook some strawberry delicacy and the God of the mountain will protect you.”
Now, it’s not like you fully believed your granny's words, a lovely woman, but that kind soul believed a little too much in rituals.
But you know? Why not try? It was also a good way to improve your cooking skill and jog in the forest.
Every time you bring to the little shrine the food you made you get heart palpitation, the luck to live near such a wonderful forest. It is a small one, and rarely people jogged there, so you often found yourself alone or with some fawns passing by, the gentle wind caressing your face; truly relaxing.
Now it is a habit of yours, every afternoon you would bring to the temple a new strawberry delicacy. Too bad that winter came, and strawberries are nowhere to be found.
“Well, I suppose the God of the mountain will have to accept an orange delicacy this time!”
Imagine the surprise when the next day, near the plate you set near the shrine you found a ticket, made with some expensive paper, the words on it still make you tremble-
“I hate oranges, bring me something better.”
So there was for real a mountain God! You always thought the animals were the ones eating your food- “No, it’s impossible” you try to regain your composure. There is no God, it must have been some dumb kid passing by that wanted to play some cheap trick. Muscles still twitching for the fear you ran back home, not spending more than a minute there, and not noticing a pair of blue eyes following your every step from behind a bush.
The next time you visit the temple it is January, exactly one month from the last time you visited the shrine and you bring the same exact delicacy as last time.
“Can’t you read? I told you last time that I hate oranges!”
The plate falls on the ground with a thud, it isn’t broken, but for sure the food you made is now spoiled. But what surprised you so much?
A guy of breathtaking beauty sits on top of the shrine, he has sharp features, his deep blue eyes adorned by a delicate shade of red eyeshadow, the same color of his lips, plump and soft, you could tell it from afar. He has blonde hair, ruffled and all over the place, but you noticed the tips to be blue, the same shade as his eyes and you can only think about how much you would pay to brush his fingers in between his gold and sapphire tresses.
“Hey! Are you deaf? Reply back human!” He stands up, and you can’t not notice how tall he is, how broad are his shoulder and how fit he looks.
And then you also see the fangs and the nine white tails waving left and right from anger.
“I-Is this a dream?” don’t wake me up “Who are you?”
“I’m the God of the Mountains. Call me Kaiser.”
You nod, a loud gulp breaks the silence between you two.
“I’m so sorry, I thought some dumb kid left the note and-“
“Shut up, I don’t care about your excuses! I protect you and this is how you show your gratitude? With this disgusting-“Did he just throw at you the food you made?  “oranges!?”
“When have you ever protected me you asshole! Never seen you around!” You shout back, trying to clean your chest; what a waste of good food.
“Maybe when I got rid of that stalker that was following you anywhere? Or when that brute of your colleague tried to punch you?”
A flash. Now you understand why all of a sudden that strange guy stopped following you, it hasn’t been going on for a long time so in the end you just thought you had similar routines. And that jerk of your colleague? You were sure he was going to punch you, but in the end didn’t, you thought he just cleared his mind and decided to let go.
“Oh I didn’t think-“
“Yeah, you don’t look like someone that has ever done that.”
Okay, this God is as much good-looking as he is irritating, but honestly, you don’t feel like angering the God even more so you let go.
“I’m so sorry for my attitude. What can I do to make it up to you?”
It must have been your trembling irises, your pupils were already blown wide, your chest slowly rising, up and down, and now pushing on his hard and broad one, faces mere centimeters apart, that gave the God an idea; a delicious idea.
“On your knees”
“W-What, umpf-“
Kaiser pushed you down and was now untying the know that kept his white linen robe in place.
“Be a faithful worshiper and pleasure your God”
At that moment you see his erect cock, such a pure white with two veins on the sides and the tip so engorged and so red, a mouth-watering contrast. You don’t complain and start by leaving kisses on his tip, they never linger, the heath subsiding immediately, never giving the pleasure the God wants to receive.
“Brat, take it”
Kaiser grips your hair and pushes in, the intrusion makes you choke, but the vibration just makes him want to abuse your throat more. You try to suck as good as you can, but you are not used to such a girth, saliva slips from the corner of your mouth, while his hands keep a steady grip on your hair, your scalp hurts, but even more your throat now that your nose brushes the blonde curls of his pelvis. You put your right hand on his hips, trying to set the rhythm yourself while the other massage the heavy balls that keep slapping on your chin.
“Yes like that, I know that you had it in you, whore”
He keeps abusing your mouth, and since you can’t still his hip you decide to use your hand where you can’t reach his length, finally relieving your sore throat.
“Look at you, squeezing your thighs together-“ finally a moan escape his mouth “you can’t wait to have me in you, mh?”
He is right, if he can stretch your mouth so much you can only imagine how deliciously he can stretch your tight pussy.
“Now darling-“ Kaiser pull out, your saliva still connect your lips to his cherry-red tip “pull out your tongue and hands, your God here is gonna bless you”
And he does, with a few strokes, his dick twitch and white hot cum cover your tongue and your open palms.
What can you do other than gulping down and licking your fingers clean? By the look on the deity’s face, you followed the right path.
“You are my fave kind of worshiper” He licks his lips and looks at you with a wicked spark in his eyes “lay down, you need to get ready”
You can’t even start to follow his order, that Kaiser already manhandled you on the ground, tearing your leggings with a swift motion, it would be a lie to say that he didn’t excite you immeasurably.
“Fuck, you don’t even wear panties? You really wanted to be railed in the mountains, bitch” His forefinger caress up and down your outer lips “Hold on me, it’s for your own good.” So you hold his biceps, while the other grip the cold ground.
It’s the last warning before his middle and forefinger start to abuse your wet core, scissoring, and curling against your spongy walls, you can’t help but let out heavy breaths in between broken whines. The God is brutal, doing this more for his pleasure, your drooling cunt must be a signal of how good he is, rather than your own.
“C’mon darling, touch your clit, it’s screaming for your help” He licks the shell of your ear, while one hand massages one of your breasts still covered by various layers of clothes.
You start to circle your clit, trying to follow the brutal peace of his fingers, but you are way too out of your mind to do that, your hips jerking totally off the peace.
You cum, your loud moan eaten by the blonde deity, his hot tongue sucking and licking yours, tasting himself on you, slapping your pussy every time you tried to escape from his mouth.
“So fucking wet, I bet anyone can understand what we are doing, fuck-“ Kaiser licks his fingers clean “delicious, better than everything you ever cooked” he pops them out from his mouth, and sit up, now in between your legs, holding your ankles and spreading you impossibly wide.
A devious laugh reverberates in the forest “Look at your cunt, squeezing nothing, it’s screaming to be fucked dumb by me, right?”
The shame finally overcomes you, this God is the nastiest being you have ever met. So you shake your head, a sigh escaping your mouth.
“Tsk, after all we’ve done you act all shy now? Just say it. Just say you want to be fucked up by me, a God”
You look at the deity, he pulled your legs down, still spread wide, but at least in a more comfortable position, his ears stand up and his tails too, his face is tinted red, and his plush lips are red and swollen; he would look so pure, if going down, you didn’t notice his throbbing cock against his stomach, in need for attention too.
Maybe you just want to be fucked dumb after all.
You finally nod and the God let out a laughter more similar to the one of a hyena than one from kitsunes.
“I knew you wanted this too.” He lifts again your legs now leaning on his shoulder, his hands planted on your sides, and bullies his cock in, a slight pain makes you shiver, but it is nothing compared to the pleasure his girth gives you.
“Fuck, you take me so well darling” His thrusts are restless like his fingers were, the loud claps of his hips against your plush ass fog your mind even more, while he couldn’t stop watching your tits, still bound but still jumping up and down thanks to his powerful thrusts.
“You fuck me so good- Kaiser!” That must awaken something in him, the deity looks at you, pupils so wide that the deep blue can be barely seen and then you see them, the fangs, getting sharper with each thrust.
“Say it again”
“K-Kaiser! Fuckfuck-“ You can only blabber, your hand now gripping his blond locks, pulling a few hair for every cruel roll of his hip, while his hand let your leg go, locking instead with your hand, still tightening on the ground.
“You want to be filled with my pups mh? Get all swollen with my cum-” His fangs get near your neck, your scent intoxicating his brain, each thrust now off peace.
“Yes, fill me! Fuck-“ You reach your apex, your glands releasing such a sweet scent that the deity has to restrain every fiber of his body not to mark you forever as his.
“Fuck take it all, I want you f-“ The God couldn’t finish, the mere thought made him cum, filling your cunt to the brim. His eyes roll back, the bitchiest moan slips from his open lips, and his tails flex to the sky, probably in tune with the roll of his toes.
After a few heavy breaths, the deity pulls out, and you feel his hot cum slipping down your core, wetting your ass together with your own wetness. He is still in front of you to notice that and push his cum back him, with the same two fingers that stretched you before.
“Don’t make anything slip. This is holy cum, it would be a sin to waste it.” Then he lays down next to you.
“Come again next week, don’t make me wait another month. And bring strawberries, next time we’ll eat them together.”
It is an order, and with your mind still fogged by bliss you can only nod, now hugging his warm body in this cold winter afternoon.
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atsoomi · 2 years
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When you first see Sakusa, it’s at a regular coffee shop.
He stands tall, intimidatingly towering over other people as he reads the menu with a disgruntled expression. You take notice of him while you wait for your usual drink, and you can tell you’re going to think about the attractive stranger at your favorite coffee shop for weeks.
His mask conceals most of his face, but his eyes catch your attention. The striking pools of onyx scan the menu rapidly as he seems to lose patience, his frown growing more by the second.
You don’t stare at him for longer than five minutes, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to overcome the embarrassment of being caught. But the outline of his figure burns in your mind as you turn to follow the worker who’s making your drink, a Mari who you’ve befriended during the frequent visits to this shop.
You think about whether he’s just having a bad day or if he’s always like this, whether he’s going to order from here or not, whether he’s ordering for just himself or others as well— friends or a girlfriend. Or someone he just likes, no tags.
You don’t hear the sound of someone approaching you over the sound of your own thoughts; in fact, you don’t even notice his presence over your shoulder until he clears his throat.
Turning to face him, you feel caught. Your cheeks warm in embarrassment, as if he could hear all the obsessive thoughts you were having about him. He stares at you blankly, and you realize his eyes are not only nicer up close, but also sharper. Being close to him also allows you to take notice of his other features— like his moles, the curve of his eyebrows, his cupid’s bow.
He leans down to your level, still keeping a safe distance like you’re carrying an infectious disease. Must be a germaphobe, you think. Getting the hint, you turn your ear to him.
“Do they add nuts to every drink on the menu?”
His voice is pleasantly deep and the whisper-tone makes him insanely attractive to you, but he asks the question with such genuine distress that you have to suppress a giggle. You turn your head back slightly to face him with a smile.
“Yeah, they’re big on the nuts thing. If you’re not a fan, you can ask them to not add nuts to your order, that’s what I do.”
He nods, still seemingly unsure, and you reflexively continue talking.
“But the coffee is really good, trust me, it makes up for the nut craze.” He stares at you with a blank expression, “trust you?”
You pale slightly, feeling like you’ve overstepped with the friendliness. But thankfully, Mari comes up to the counter, chiming in with your drink. “Here’s your usual,” she chirps as she hands you the straw.
You smile thankfully at her and she gives you a questioning look as her eyes shift between you and the tall stranger. She smiles slyly at you and you ignore her as you grab your cup.
“Well, uh, it’s up to you really.” You turn to him one more time, “You’d be the one missing out after all.”
And then you’re out the door as fast as you can. When Mari calls you that night, she’s disappointed to say the least, but she provides you with crucial information: he ended up asking for whatever you had.
The second time you see him, it’s on the court.
You learn that the guy you crushed on in a coffee shop is actually the outside hitter for MSBY Black Jackals, Sakusa Kiyoomi. Mari, who sits next to you during the game, nearly screams when she recognizes him.
She jokes about how you could’ve asked for his autograph or became a micro celebrity by dating him if you had a single romantic bone in your body; you tell her you have plenty of romantic bones in your body but he was just too intimidating.
The teasing goes on throughout the game as you both continue to be completely oblivious to the volleyball game around you. The tickets to this game weren’t cheap, and if Mari didn’t beg you to accompany her because her cousin plays for one of the teams and bought her tickets, you would’ve never found yourself seated at the front row of a volleyball game.
Granted, it’s one of the least violent sports and it’s entertaining to watch for a while. But you just couldn’t be any less interested in adult men throwing a ball around.
This game, however, seems to be much more interesting to you. Whether that’s because Sakusa is unreasonably gorgeous on court, or because Mari makes really entertaining comments on the game, you couldn’t really be sure. But watching Sakusa play was a life altering experience, you’d think about him in those shorts for months to come.
Your eyes follow him the whole time; you take notice of all his physical assets and find yourself giggling like a schoolgirl with Mari about all the athletes’ physical builds by the end of the game. She teases you about having a favorite and you can’t find anything to say in denial.
When the game ends, you’re almost disappointed that you can’t watch Sakusa in action anymore.
Later, when you’re standing outside the huge stadium as Mari talks to her cousin, you spot Sakusa’s team celebrating their win, circulating around him like a tornado. He stands in the middle of the chaos rigidly, and his ability to not crack a single smile around such cheery people astonishes you. You smile to yourself at the thought of how practice goes for the team if this is how it was when they won.
While MSBY’s blond setter (you were too focused on Sakusa during the game to catch anybody else's name) is aggressively throwing an arm around him, speaking loudly over the others, his eyes fleetingly meet yours. Your throat constricts at the brief eye contact and you reflexively stand up straight. When his teammate has moved on from annoying him, he looks back at you, and this time, the stare lingers.
He’s so intimidating and yet so breathtaking to you— standing in the middle of his friends, he seems to stick out like a sore thumb. You wonder if there’s any emotion behind his stare, if he’s judging you or if he thinks that you’re hideous and that you coming to his game is an insult— or if he finds you pretty and intriguing the way you do him.
You wonder about his dating history and his type of woman.
Before you’re too far gone in the land of delusion, Mari is back with a wide grin and mischief written all over her face.
“You should really talk to mr.loverboy at one point. I’d like to attend a wedding once in my life.”
You laugh at her as you both walk to your car. Turns out both of you are already too far gone in the land of delusion.
The third time you see him, you’re not doing too well.
The walls of Onigiri Miya are terribly familiar to you because you find yourself in the same spot every few weeks. In your mid-twenties, you’ve discovered that one of the few things that lighten the burden of existence is food— good food, something that the gracious Osamu Miya always offers at his shop.
While the world constricts around you, the place offers you the kind of comfort that only a warm meal could. Your stomach is full even if your heart feels empty, and that makes you feel a bit better.
Your monthly breakdowns at the onigiri restaurant aren’t new to you.
What you didn’t plan for, however, is the unfamiliar voice that calls your name.
You push your head off the table with a grunt to look at the caller and you’re, once more, facing the beautiful stranger that you stumbled across in a coffee shop— Sakusa Kiyoomi.
His eyes widen slightly at your face and you suddenly feel self-conscious, you don’t particularly look your best on a night like this. Out of all the times to actually meet him. The surprise on your face must have offended him because his expression reverts to his usual frown.
He stands rigidly with his hands in the pockets of his coat. His mask is pulled down for a change and you finally see the rest of his face at a closer distance; if you weren’t in emotional shambles, you’d be much more thrilled right now.
His frown is heavy as he looks at you, almost like frowning helps him think.
But before either of you have the time to think, the blond setter from the game you went to barges in on your moment and casually swings an arm around Sakusa’s shoulder. Sakusa shoots him a deathly glare but he doesn’t waver. Must be pretty good friends, you think.
“Hey omi-kun, who’s your little friend?” he asks, eyeing you with growing interest, a crooked grin on his face.
“She’s not my friend miya, get your arm off my shoulder.” Sakusa grumbles as he attempts to shake the blond’s arm off, but it stays planted on his shoulder firmly as they begin to bicker like an old married couple. Yeah, definitely good friends, you smile to yourself despite the gloomy cloud hanging over your head.
You realize that the guy Sakusa not-so-affectionately called Miya looked similar to Osamu, and you vaguely remember Osamu mentioning a brother before— a twin to be exact. The puzzle pieces come together and you’re amazed at the way fate connects people. The restaurant you visit frequently is owned by the twin brother of Sakusa’s teammate.
How many times did you come close to meeting?
Osamu comes out of the kitchen and the bickering evolves into sibling arguments as you zone out in the corner. The familial scene with Sakusa in the middle makes you bite back a smile, who thought that something so silly could be so entertaining? And entertaining enough to distract you from the things weighing you down.
The blond twin suddenly turns to you and you instinctively flinch, realizing you’re about to become part of the conversation unwillingly.
“Are we annoying you, doll?” he asks.
You hesitantly shake your head and the blond jumps to grab a paper bag out of Osamu’s hands, “See?” Osamu gives him a blank look, “you literally pressured her.”
“Did not. Now come on Omi-kun, we’ve got places to be. Everyone must be starving.” You turn to look at Sakusa (Omi-kun, as you know him now), only just realizing that he’s standing closer to you than before.
He gives the blond a stare that you’re oblivious to, and they share a moment of silent communication. Osamu looks between them and momentarily at you, seeming to understand something you don’t.
The blond twin, whose name you still haven’t discovered , slowly smirks at you with recognition. “Oh yes, I’ll go ahead. Don’t take too long now Omi.”
Then he’s out of the door, and Osamu retires to the kitchen with a knowing smile. You wonder what secret they were sharing in front of you.
Now that it’s just you and Sakusa in a nearly empty restaurant so late at night, the realness of the situation hits you like a cold gust of wind. You slowly turn your face towards him only to find him already looking at you.
Unsurely, you smile politely at him. He doesn’t return it, but he doesn’t seem like the kind to anyways. Instead, he drags the chair across from you back and plops down in front of you. The fact that you’re sitting across from the mysterious attractive guy you saw in that coffee shop is surreal.
His face finally relaxes and you notice how much prettier he looks when he’s not frowning. In this state, you don’t find it in yourself to look away from him. The dim lights of the shop illuminate his face and he’s almost god-like with his pushy brows and sharp eyes.
He seems okay with the attention you’re giving him, and you’re not sure if it’s the midnight paranoia but you swear his cheeks go pink at one point.
You’re too engrossed in admiring his physical features to notice how he hesitates to talk.
“You’re.. are.. are you okay?” His question brings you out of your lavender haze and you don’t process the question at first.
“Am I okay?” you retort in confusion.
He nods reluctantly.
Your hand comes up to cup your cheek when you realize that they’re wet, and suddenly you realize what he’s asking about. Your cheeks grow hot in embarrassment.
“Oh yeah yeah, I’m fine. Or I will be.” That explains why he was surprised when you lifted your head.
He observes you with interest and it’s your turn to feel embarrassed at the attention.
The intimacy of the scene isn’t lost on you. You sit like old lovers who never fell out of love, admiring each other in a public place that feels like it only contains the two of you. You sit together like you’ve known each other for years. You want to salvage the intimacy of the moment but a burning question comes to the front of your mind.
“How’d you know my name?”
He blinks at you, seemingly confused by the question.
“When you got here, you called out to me.” You continue unsurely. “We’ve never spoken before, how do you know my name?”
He blinks at you again as the gears in his head turn. When he realizes that he did in fact call out your name despite never asking you about it, the tips of his ears turn red. You observe the changes in his face with a slowly growing smile; you’ve noticed something he hoped you wouldn’t.
“It was on the cup. Caught it when you were leaving.”
The cup. The cup of coffee you ordered at the coffee shop you first met at. When you ran away from him. You raise your eyebrows in amusement, how did he manage to catch that? Moreover, how did he manage to remember it for weeks when you’d barely talked.
The thought of Sakusa having an interest in you since the first meeting makes you feel like a teenager getting asked out for the first time.
You look at him across the table, observing his face and everything you’ve grown to like about it. Suddenly, you think about meeting him like this more often, about getting to see him much closer than this, about being the kind of woman he’d date, and about tracing his lips with something other than your eyes.
When you notice his eyes traveling across your face, you wonder if he possesses any similar thoughts, any burning urges to reach across and touch you and set off the reaction that's been brewing for weeks.
It's so close you can almost taste it.
You lock eyes and you slowly realize that neither of you are ready to jump straight into anything. He's as hesitant as you are, maybe even more. But, if you've got to start somewhere, you know exactly where to take him.
“Sakusa," you start, already smiling, “would you like to get coffee with me sometime?"
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"get me a damned matcha" | Chapter 25: June III
{{ Chapter 24: May II | Epilogue }} Chapter Directory
I for real feel like I'm grieving! This was my first published and completed fic in a VERY VERY long time and, as frustrating as it was sometimes, I'm so glad that y'all took this journey with me 😭
✧ pairing ➼ levi ackerman x fem!reader, college x coffee shop x roommates!au ✧ summary ➼ After you find yourself plagued with misfortune due to struggles in your personal and family life, you find yourself needing to move last minute. As a junior in undergrad with little money and little social support, you considered yourself lucky when you found a sublease that was close to campus and was relatively cheap. Unfortunately, it seemed that your roommate did not seem to be so excited regarding your presence. ✧ content/warnings ➼ fluff, alcohol, reader finally coming to terms with herself ✧ word count ➼ ~5.2k
School was over, but it didn’t mean you were entirely free of responsibilities.
Paradis University hosted a graduate banquet every year, specifically to feature students that excelled academically or contributed to the community. 
You didn’t originally want to go. Your grades weren’t the best and you didn’t feel like being surrounded by your classmates that would no doubt boast about their near perfect GPA’s. However, you did start the Honors Society and it had taken off within the past few months, so you felt the need to attend since you participated in an important extracurricular. Sure, you could have just dipped out on it, but it could have been a chance to network if you decided to go down that route.
You couldn’t see it happening in the meantime. You just wanted to focus on your book, but if the opportunity arose to network, you told yourself that you’d take it.
You were dragging Levi to the banquet with you, which was met with surprisingly little resistance. The idea of spending the night wearing a formal outfit and being surrounded by people didn’t sound great to either of you, so you were more than surprised when Levi simply responded with a “sure” when you half-heartedly asked him if he’d be your emotional support throughout the night. 
You were currently trying to focus on just the next hour or two to keep your mind off the banquet. The tickets were paid for and the outfits were bought. Even if you really wanted to skip out on it, you had already spent time and money preparing, so to have that go to waste would feel just as bad as forcing yourself to go for the night.
Sighing, you looked down into your bag, double checking that you had picked up both sandwiches that you had ordered. You were dropping off lunch for Levi before planning to hang out in the cafe for the rest of his shift before heading home to get ready for the banquet. 
Your head shot up as you saw something orange moving out of the corner of your eye. It was small and barely drew your attention, but you looked off into the distance and your eyes fell on a nearby dumpster. You saw something shuffling around near the corner before disappearing under it.
Any intention for you to shrug and move on disappeared as soon as you heard a meow. 
Your eyes widened as you immediately set your bag down on a nearby bench and headed directly towards the dumpster, doing your best to ignore the subtle foul smell coming from the opening. You got onto your hands and knees and knelt down to peek underneath the dumpster, a small gasp coming from your lips when you saw a lone kitten squatting in front of you. The kitten was thin, but didn’t look like it was starving. They were definitely dirty and you could already imagine Levi’s face if he was the one staring at the kitten. Some of its fur was matted and the dirt covered what you assumed would have otherwise been a vibrant orange coat.
It didn’t seem actively afraid of you, so you reached out your hand towards it without fully extending your arm, to offer that you were friendly but to not be too intrusive or scare them off. It made eye contact with you before gradually approaching you, tentatively watching you before deciding that you were a nice human and immediately crawled onto your lap.
Clearly more smitten with the kitten than you were disgusted by the amount of dirt and grime on its coat, you picked them up and brought them over to the bench, suddenly remembering your tuna sandwich. You carefully unwrapped the sandwich as the kitten watched you curiously, smelling the tuna as soon as you exposed the sandwich from its wrapping.
You scooped up some of the tuna with your pinky and extended your hand out to it again and it took all of your willpower to hold back the massive smile building on your face as you watched it happily lick at your finger. All that willpower was immediately thrown out the metaphorical window as soon as you heard it begin to purr.
You felt your heart ache as you stared at it, noticing that it wasn’t wearing a collar. You kept telling yourself that no matter what, you were not going to take it home with you, despite already being unable to part from it. You already knew that Levi was going to question why it took you so long to pick up the sandwiches, yet you couldn’t get yourself to get up and walk away.
You weren’t going to take the cat. You didn’t have the capacity to adopt it. You told yourself you wouldn’t do it.
You ended up taking the cat. 
Your hands were full with your bag and the sandwiches, so you settled for placing the kitten in the hood of your jacket. Although he seemed to shuffle around a bit, your hood was large and sturdy enough that there wasn’t a risk of him falling out, even if he was wiggling around.
Once you finally arrived at the cafe, you let out an internal sigh of relief once you saw that there weren’t a lot of people inside. You opened the door to the cafe with your foot since your hands were occupied, making eye contact with your grumpy barista-turned-roommate-turned-boyfriend. 
Levi was in the middle of making you your Matcha before looking up and seeing you slowly make your way inside, noticing that you seemed a bit more disheveled compared to usual. That, plus the fact that it took you as long as it did for you to pick up sandwiches from a deli shop two blocks away made him immediately suspect that something was up.
“You get lost again?”
It took you a second to respond and Levi could immediately tell that your attention was directed elsewhere.
“Really took you 30 minutes to walk down the street?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yep,” you immediately responded, somewhat avoiding eye contact with him. You were stiff and moving slowly, as if you were afraid of knocking something over. 
The more he looked at you, the more suspicious Levi became over what the hell had happened on your little field trip to the deli shop. He watched as you reached into your bag and handed him a sandwich. 
He eyed you skeptically as he took the sandwich from you, immediately grimacing upon opening it and smelling the tuna coming from within the loose wrapping.
“I didn’t order tuna,” he commented with a disgusted expression.
“You’re so extra,” you sighed as you rolled your eyes at him, swapping out the sandwich you grabbed for yourself after realizing that you accidentally gave him yours.
Levi grabbed the correct sandwich but then looked up as soon as he began to unwrap it. He had heard a certain noise coming from the back of your hood. Raising an eyebrow, he gave you a skeptical look and noticed that you were purposefully avoiding eye contact with him. If he didn’t know you better, he would’ve assumed that you were just focusing on eating your sandwich, but he knew that was bullshit.
“Did I just hear meowing?”
He saw you pause for a split second, making it glaringly obvious that you were hiding something.
“I don’t know, did you?” you asked innocently while still avoiding eye contact.
You couldn’t see it, but you could essentially feel the glare that Levi was shooting in your direction.
A meow came from the back of your hood again. It must have been the tuna.
Levi’s unamused expression turned into a full frown as you continued to awkwardly look away.
“Show me your hood,” he demanded in a stern tone of voice.
“What?” you asked, looking up at him, trying your best to maintain a neutral expression. “Why?”
His gaze was unwavering, and his expression was unchanging. You could tell that he wasn’t going to back down from his request.
After a few seconds of desperately trying to maintain your mask, you sighed and pulled your hood to the side and grabbed the kitten from within, having it rest on one arm while you used your other hand to poke at your sandwich, offering more tuna to your new furry friend.
“Really?” Levi asked with an exasperated sigh.
“What?” you responded defensively. “I found him underneath the dumpster. I think he’s orphaned.”
You looked up towards Levi and saw an expected look of disgust appear on his face as soon as you mentioned the dumpster. His eyes fell from you down to the cat, noting that its fur looked a little matted, but otherwise didn’t look completely filthy. He watched as it happily licked the tuna off your finger, noticing that it was purring.
“Please don’t say you’re taking it home.”
“Where else am I supposed to put him? Back near the dumpster?” you responded nonchalantly, indicating that you had already made up your mind about adopting the dumpster kitty. “Look how much he loves the tuna.”
Levi had moved on from glaring incessantly at you to having an intense staring contest with the cat, adamant about not allowing it to come home with you. It got harder and harder to keep that frown on his face once he saw you smiling endearingly at the cat.
“Fine ,” he grumbled with a groan, rolling his eyes as he brought his attention back to making your Matcha, “but you’re feeding him something other than tuna from a cheap deli shop.”
You tried to hide the shit-eating grin that was beginning to appear on your face as you finally heard Levi give in to your somewhat impulsive decision to adopt a cat. Seeing that the cat was no longer sniffing at your sandwich, you scooped him up out of your arm and back into your hood.
“He’s going to get our clothes for the banquet all furry,” Levi mentioned as he looked back over at you.
“Well, I guess we’ll buy a lint roller on the way home,” you rationalized, earning a quiet grunt to come from Levi’s lips.
You rolled your eyes.
“Full of problems today, aren’t you?” you grumbled. “Just get me the damned Matcha.”
He looked back up at you with a frown as he hesitated in sliding your Matcha over to you.
You stuck your tongue out at him as you reached for the beverage, your eyes widening once he moved it away from you so you couldn’t reach.
“Only if you quit being a little shit.”
You glared at him and reached across the counter, dodging his efforts to shoo your hand away, smirking once you finally wrestled the cup away from him, although he wasn’t trying very hard to keep it out of your grasp in the first place.
“You’re so annoying,” he scolded.
“And you’re a dick,” you retorted.
“You’re distracting me.”
“And you’re choosing to get distracted.”
He rolled his eyes at your response, but you saw the slightest hint of the corner of his lips tugging up as well as the presence of an amused look in his eyes. He was enjoying your banter, despite his multiple claims regarding how annoying you were being to him at this moment.
Levi eventually walked away to tend to his station since he was still on a shift, but it was next to impossible for him to take his eyes off you for the rest of the shift. You were doing nothing other than sitting at your usual seat as you made your way through your sandwich, occasionally throwing a comment back to your new fur child when you heard him calling from behind you, musing over potential names for him.
“Mr. Whiskers? No? Don’t like that?” you proposed, gauging the cat’s reaction as you muttered off a list of potential names. “What about…Mashed Potato? I think you can look like a scoop of mashed potatoes. Don’t like that either? If you ask Levi, he’d probably just constantly call you a little shit, would you prefer that?”
Levi snorted to himself as he watched the ridiculousness that was the conversation you were having with the small furry creature that was meowing at you in response.
“Marmalade?” you asked, your eyes lighting up when you weren’t met with a meow of protest. “Nice to meet you, Marmalade.”
Levi watched closely as you introduced yourself, saying your name and some random facts about yourself, before pointing at Levi and introducing him as the one Marmalade will have to answer to if he leaves too much fur on the furniture. 
You looked up, making eye contact with Levi again, realizing that he was listening in on your conversation. 
“Levi might still refer to you as a little shit regardless, so I guess we’ll have that as your backup name.”
You were in a rush to the banquet. You had stopped at a pet store on the way home, buying a comfortable kennel, a litter box, a food and water bowl, and some kibble and canned food, although Levi was mumbling about being unsure if the kibble was good enough for Marmalade, clearly indicating that he was going to take this cat dad thing seriously. After taking Marmalade home, giving him a quick bath so that he wasn’t tracking dirt all over the apartment, and setting everything up for him, you were more than pressed for time.
“Told you he was going to get fur all over our clothes,” Levi grumbled from the driver’s seat as you picked off some stray strands of fur that the lint roller had failed to catch.
The drive to the banquet was relatively quiet, likely due to your nerves regarding having to be around that many people, but Levi’s brows furrowed together as he heard you incessantly squirming around in your seat. His eyes flashed over towards you and he saw that you were fumbling around with a waist-clincher that you were wearing underneath your dress. It looked more than uncomfortable and you kept on adjusting it in an attempt to make it more bearable to wear. 
“Tch, just take that damn thing off,” he scolded. “You look fine.”
You paused, holding still without further adjusting it or taking it off, hesitant to fully remove it. You haven’t ever worn a formal dress without it, although you knew that it was due to lingering traces of that facade you had spent the past few months trying to unravel.
Realizing that it wasn’t worth the discomfort, you unbuckled the back of the waist-clincher and tossed it into the backseat, immediately feeling better and like you could finally breathe after taking it off.
Levi was right. It was unnecessary and barely made a difference. Even if it did, you realized that you really didn’t care anymore.
The amount of students that showed up to the banquet wasn’t terrible, but given the fact that most of them brought someone with them, you began to feel cramped fast. Most of the students walked in with their parents, with some that were like you, bringing their significant other instead. 
The general expectation was to bring family and Levi was the closest person that you could realistically call family. You had cut your aunt off and had no intention of reconciling with her. You vaguely recalled a phone call two weeks ago from your aunt to chat about ‘future plans’. The question itself was innocent enough, but then she started going on about how writing isn’t an ‘actual job’ and you finally decided you had enough. You remembered snapping at her about how it was none of her business and then hung up. You haven’t responded to her since.
By the time you sat down at the table after finally locating your placecard, you were already beginning to feel overwhelmed from the amount of people cramped into a small conference room. 
“This was a mistake,” you grumbled.
“Was it?”
Levi took a seat next to you and adjusted the tie that he had neatly put together about an hour prior when you were in a rush to leave. You watched him closely, paying particular attention to how his dress shirt seemed to fit his shape perfectly, with the color of the tie further accentuating his eyes. His fingers neatly dug into the collar of his shirt to adjust his tie, and you found your mind immediately wandering elsewhere as you became fixated on the dexterity of his fingers.
Feeling your cheeks heat up, you immediately ripped your eyes off him and shook your head a bit, sipping on the glass of water in front of you to keep yourself from feeling a certain way that would have made getting through this night even more difficult than it was already going to be.
“Oh, you came.”
You looked up as you saw Petra’s somewhat skeptical expression. Her tone of voice indicated that she legitimately did not think you were going to show up despite the fact that you turned in your RSVP and had a table card.
“Did you expect me not to?” you asked with a frown.
She shrugged as she sat down, hanging her purse off the back of the seat as she got settled. 
“You just sounded pretty disinterested when we were chatting about it. That’s all.”
You took a second to recall that conversation that you vaguely remembered. It was a few weeks ago, roughly around the time that you had spent on figuring out how to move forward with properly grieving your parents’ death. This banquet was the last thing on your mind.
“Was distracted,” you eventually remarked. “Sorry.”
Your eyes shot up as you watched some other students sit down at the table with their family members. With everyone taking a seat, the crowd seemed a little less chaotic, so that was a plus, but you’d be expected to maintain one-on-one conversations now, which seemed just as draining.
“Honestly, I probably would have run it differently.”
“Hmm?” you said as you looked towards Petra, her comment pulling you out of your thoughts about how dreadful these next few hours were going to be. You knew she was referring to the Honors Society, since that’s what you were specifically invited to this banquet for. You already knew that she was going to say one of her comments that were genuine and did not come from a place of malignant intent, but always seemed to rub you off wrong.
She began giving examples of some things she would have done differently had she been the one that started it and you felt yourself getting increasingly irritated the more she spoke.
“Like any financial issues could’ve been mitigated through having member dues-”
“Should’ve run it yourself then,” you finally snapped as you scowled at Petra, whose eyes widened at your sudden remark.
You didn’t even notice the upturn of Levi’s lips that appeared as soon as you snapped, no doubt proud that you were finally standing up for yourself. You stood up, grumbling under your breath about how you were going to need a drink if you were going to have to deal with this type of thing all night, and headed straight for the bar.
It was the subpar university catering service, so you were less than impressed with their cocktail options, electing for the first fruity one that you saw. It tasted more like watered down juice than anything else.
You took a sip through the straw, looking over to the side as you saw Levi take a seat next to you.
“She send you to talk me down?” you asked dryly.
“No,” Levi said as he motioned for the bartender to get him a glass of whiskey. “Was too surprised to say much of anything.”
You kept your gaze fixated on your drink, watching the ice spin around as you stirred the liquid with your straw. You had known about how much your friendships were lacking for quite some time now, but you really did question why you kept all your friendships at surface-level. You legitimately couldn’t think of a reason as to why, other than maybe falling under the influence of your shitty ex-boyfriend.
Clenching your jaw, you let out a frustrated breath. You were going to resolve to do better and set boundaries when needed, instead of being the person that tedious tasks got thrown on to. You were going to be seen as a person and not as a means to an end.
You knew it was going to take a while. This part of you had been deeply engrained into you ever since high school. You’d have to fight back against any instincts you’ve developed since then, and then unweave all of the relationships that you had made based on this facade.
It was going to be hard and take a long time, but you knew that it was what you needed to do to continue moving forward. 
You had to find out who you really were and how that ultimately changed the relationships around you, taking apart each superficial thread one by one until people began seeing you for who you really were.
Even after you gathered yourself and conversed your way through the dinner and beginning speeches, you got quickly drained again and found yourself back at the bar. You were more than annoyed, with the crowd being a bit more scattered as people began to socialize amongst each other. 
You noted that Petra was chatting with the dean, likely doing some sort of elevator pitch to get into medical school, and that Oluo was chatting with Shadis, likely to ask about Shadis’ graduate program. This was essentially what all of the students present were doing: networking.
Now that you were here, you realized that you couldn’t really care for networking. You had no plans. You had no elevator pitch to give, and you were over pretending to be someone you weren’t.
You quietly groaned to yourself as you sipped on your cocktail, having ordered another one from the menu in hopes that it was better than the first one. It wasn’t. You grimaced upon tasting the liquid. It was too bitter and the ratio of alcohol to mixer was off. You’ve had better drinks at fraternity parties than whatever it was that the university catering service decided to deem as quality alcohol.
“Wanna get some air?” 
You looked over as you saw Levi approaching you again after he went off to converse with Erwin, who was there to recruit more potential students for his lab. The extra personnel was much needed. Your eyes immediately lit up once you heard the offer.
“Please ,” you responded, although it sounded almost like begging, indicating how desperate you were to get out of that stuffy and noisy room. 
Levi led you through the crowd and out one of the side doors that led to a balcony overlooking the downtown area. He shut the doors behind you to dampen some of the noise from within before leaning on the balcony railing next to you. It was much quieter outside. There were a few stragglers, but most of the guests had either gone home or were inside socializing. As far as you were concerned, it was only the two of you here, enjoying the cool night breeze and the beauty of the downtown lights below you, the street lamps illuminating up the street in a way that made you almost want to leave the building entirely just to walk underneath those lights.
You sipped on your drink again—likely just out of instinct since you still held the drink in your hand—and immediately grimaced again, being rudely reminded of how shitty it tasted.
Levi grabbed the glass by the rims and placed another drink in front of you. While yours was clear and flat with an orange slice inside it, the one he just handed you was bubbling from the carbonation and had a pretty mix of red and orange colors leading to the bottom of the glass. 
You took a sip, not being all that surprised when it tasted much better than the one you previously had. Whatever he ordered tasted more fruity than it did alcohol, while still providing that slight kick. Realizing that he likely customized the drink instead of directly ordering something from the menu, you eyed him as you sipped on the thin straw.
He knew your flavor profile. It wasn’t that surprising to you. After all, he had been making you your drinks for two years while also living with you. The drinks that he made were clearly very different from the ones served from behind a traditional bar, but he knew your likes and dislikes enough to craft you a cocktail you’d actually enjoy.
Levi sipped on your old drink, underestimating how bad it actually was, immediately scrunching up his nose in disgust upon tasting it.
“Really?” he questioned as he shot you a skeptical look.
“It’s what they had on the menu,” you said quietly, your cheeks slightly heating up in embarrassment.
“And by ‘they’, you mean the shitty university catering.”
It was the graduate department that was hosting the event, so their catering events included alcohol, but it was still university catering, which usually resulted in their menus being written from a more economic standpoint instead of one designed to provide the guests with satisfactory food and drinks.
You shrugged in acknowledgement, having accepted that you probably should have just tried to mix something up yourself. Still, the fact that Levi went out of his way to get you a drink you’d like brought a small smile to your face. 
You swirled the drink with the small straw for a while before sipping at it again, looking over towards Levi afterwards. He had turned around to set your old drink down onto the mini-table behind you, and was now headed back towards you. 
As he turned to face you, you couldn’t help but notice how his hair moved about in the wind, revealing his undercut, or how his dress shirt had the two top buttons undone, showing off his collarbones. He elected to also undo his tie and have it hang around his neck. His suit jacket was off due to how warm it was inside, and he had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Your eyes drifted down to his hands and you felt your mind wandering off towards your memories of how his hands felt on you, recalling some of the more intimate things he’s done with them to you.
You found yourself staring straight at him as your face rapidly heated up again as you desperately tried to pull your mind out of the gutter.
“What?” he asked, noticing the fact that you were just staring at him, ripping you out of your daze.
“Hmm?” you responded as you slightly shook your head to reorient yourself. “Nothing, just…”
You trailed off as you awkwardly shuffled from side to side, scratching at the back of your head.
“Just what?”
You took a moment to look directly into his eyes, noticing that they had softened in the past few minutes that he was standing outside with you. Part of you didn’t believe that this was the same person that pissed you off so much two years ago, but you were able to acknowledge that pretty soon after you moved in, he was there for you in a way that you desperately needed, but could never get prior to him.
“Just…thinking about how making me hate you was probably the best thing you could have done for me.”
That was not the answer that Levi was expecting, as evidenced in the way that he blinked at you as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“What?” he asked, bewildered at your response.
You looked down at your drink again as you tried to gather your thoughts into something that would make sense.
“...I remember how pissed I was those first few weeks of living with you,” you began, your voice gradually rising from a quiet whisper as you continued to speak. “Kept on questioning how I was going to survive even another week with you…but I think that it’s because I hated you so much that I was able to be myself around you.”
A gentle breeze blew through the both of you, as if it was trying to carry your words directly to him.
“...because I hated you so much, I was able to form something…real with you.”
His eyes softened again as he looked into your eyes, shifting his stance so that he was facing you more.
“Well, you were pretty easy to hate,” he mumbled nonchalantly, immediately earning himself a gentle shove from you in retaliation, the edges of his lips pulling up into a subtle smirk.
“I’m serious,” he continued after readjusting his positioning after you rudely forced him to move. “I remember dreading coming home because I knew your annoying ass was going to be waiting for me.”
“And I remember grimacing every time I heard the door open because I knew I had to see your cocky face again.”
He scoffed and flicked at your forehead in response to your comment and you swatted his hand away, rubbing at your forehead afterwards as you pouted at him.
You felt your face heating up again once you saw the affectionate look in his eyes as he watched you.
“...just strange…”
“What is?” he asked, slightly tilting his head, never taking his gaze off you.
“...that within the span of two years,” you spoke quietly, “I went from hating you…to loving you.”
You felt your breath get caught in your throat as you realized what exactly you had just said and admitted to—that you loved him. You felt your heart beating through your chest as your entire body heated up in embarrassment—but there was also truth to the sentiment. You really did love him. He had been there for you in ways that no one ever had been before. He pulled you out of the shitshow that you found yourself drowning in and helped push you forward, even if he was being a bit of a dick at times.
You thought back to how sneakily he had snuck up on you, and how devastated you were when you thought you had lost him. Even through all the fighting you had at the beginning and how difficult he was as you tried to sort through your feelings, you’d be willing to go through them every single time if the result was you standing here next to him in this moment.
“...love you too, brat,” he whispered, gently running his fingers down the side of your face, before pulling you into a gentle kiss.
You pressed your lips up against his, smiling into the kiss as you ran your fingers through his undercut, stepping closer to him.
Once you finally pulled away, you looked directly into his eyes, the two of you now being close enough that your lips were just inches apart.
Nothing else mattered to you right now except for him. Being able to hate him, meet him, and fall in love with him made going through undergrad worth it, even if it didn’t feel like it at first. You’d do it over and over again if it led to this conclusion.
You parted your lips to speak, your voice barely audible as you whispered to him.
“Thank you for being my found family.”
#: @levisbrat25 @gothgril69 @sckerman @berrijam @notgoodforlife @meowjaa @averysmolbear @roseofdarknessblog @bejewelledd @hhighkey @ayame236 @sad-darksoul @velouria17 @kamyru @l1zk4 @layenacreates @lamees004 @whoami-72 @highgoon69 @chaotic-on-main @levishotgf @nube55 @chosos-mascara @heichoucleanfreak @svftackerman @v4mp-wife @moonchild-angel @astri-ackerman @auriuswolve @noctemys @you-always-made-me-blush @raginginferno267 @sugurusdiscordmoderator @jennamelinda12 @noodlejitsu @nalu-trashytrash @creigh-h @gina239
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pixiesfz · 10 months
Lucy Bronze x reader
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plot: you and your best friend go to the Lioness vs Matilda's game and are taken back when a player from England walks up to you at the end of the game.
warnings: a confident lucy and drunk friend
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You and your best friend of two years would always try and watch any game where your countries battled each other, from cricket all the way to hockey. You loved it and when you could you would find cheap tickets and drink till your head spun and you called a single kick a goal very loudly.
But here you were in your yellow and green Matilda's top you bought from the market years ago that was filled with signatures from past players, an overpriced beer in your hand, and your best friend in light blue blabbering on about your 'restricted view' tickets and how they were actually really good.
"y/n you don't get it I can literally touch Alessia Russo" your best friend bagged on "oh yeah" you challenged "Me and Mackenzie Arnold are going to be best mates after the game" your Aussie accent shining through since it was your second beer and the teams were still doing some light training before the match started.
You felt someone staring at you as you quickly turned around back to the ground to see all the teams kicking around until you made eye contact with one of the players from the England team.
It made sense you thought, your friend had bought tickets with a bunch of other England players so you stuck out like a sore thumb, the player laughed to herself with a smirk that made your eyes widen a little as it was so simple but was very attractive.
"Soccer games are my favorite" you reminded your best friend "Yeah because soccer women players are your perfect type, cocky, sporty, and most of the time, also into women" your friend mocked you and you rolled your eyes "Sure, sure, I'm only familiar with Matilda's, I don't fraternize with the enemy"
You and your friend laughed again before the players started to get into positions, the same player you made eye contact with, starting in front of you as a defender, she looked over to your crowd again and the area cheered very loudly, making you laugh
"she must be popular," you remarked and your friend blankly stared at you "That's Lucy fucking Bronze y/n!"
The game continued on as England scored 1 up and your best friend stuck her tongue out at you as you flipped her off, as you watched the game unfold your best friend scoffed "I have never seen Lucia Bronze look at the crowd so much"
"We said the same thing about Gorry last time and figured out it was because her missus was in the crowd" you gasped before you both turned around to look at the crowd.
"She's hot," you remarked about the player "so her girlfriends gotta be special" your best friend agreed as you scanned the crowd but found no luck as most of your area were filmed with men or mums and daughters and sons.
The first half ended with England leading and you were getting very close to slapping your best friend for her comments.
Nothing improved in the second half, Australia had scored giving you hope but England secured the win in the last 10 minutes with another goal, your ears almost blasting from the cheers around you. When the game finished you didn't leave as quick as you wanted to because your friend wanted her new top to be signed before quickly a figure ran over to you too.
"you look like you're going for the wrong team" a thick English accent popped up, you turned your body to meet the eyes of the defender who kept on looking at the stands but now that she was closer your breath hitched.
maybe you should go for other teams as well as Matilda's.
You didn't reply straight away giving your now-drunk best friend an opportunity to jump in as Lucy signed her top.
"Tell me about it, no matter how many sports her support for her country is thick and through" you furrowed your eye brows at your friends statement and the defender laughed "I guess your gonna have to support a new team from here on" she smirked
and then your jaw almost dropped to the floor.
The defender took off her jersey with one arm revealing a six-pack of abbs that your friend nudged your shoulder about very hardly as she wrote something on the back of it and passed it to you.
"See you at other games yeah?" she asked and left without waiting for an answer.
With your jaw dropped you turned the top around.
'call me 04XX XXX XXX'
"fuck me"
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idesofrevolution · 2 years
The Last Possession
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Yeah. That’s me. And yeah, I’m not cheap. You can’t afford to look this good workin’ a nine to five every day. Nah. I’m a freelancer. Call me a life coach for those who need some assistance finding who they really are. Sometimes you just need to have a little push in the right direction, eh? Plus, you know I’m the real deal by just lookin’ at this bod. If I do say so myself, I’m pretty damn hot.
Let’s cut to the chase. I take over the bodies of nerds, has-beens, washed ups, losers, and everyone else in between. Over the course of a few days, normally, I change them into exactly what they wanna be. Cocky, sexy, built himbo bad boys. And they pay top dollar for the privilege.
That’s exactly what Michael asked for. For whatever reason, he was unhappy with his pretty okay life. He was a game designer in Seattle, a pretty decent looking otter boy, and well off. I’m not gonna lie, I was on vacation, so I wasn’t too excited to take a job out here in the Bahamas. But the pay grade was just way too good, and I had a nice little vacancy in my bedroom since my twat of an ex dumped me. “Too many good looking guys coming out of the apartment” apparently.
Pssh, what did that fucker know? I brushed whatever dumb scraps of affection I had for him aside, and took the kid’s offer. The dude bought a ticket and flew out to Nassau, and drove to my holiday place. From the picture, I wasn’t sure what he was looking for. He was pretty good looking already!
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My clients are usually the old creepers, absentee fathers, and middle aged former jocks. Median age: 40. So, when this guy showed up at my door, looking like an adorable little gamer guy, I couldn’t hold back my curiosity. I handed him a Mai Tai, and we sat by the pool, where I asked him his reasons for wanting a transformation. His reasoning was super simple, and it took my by surprise.
“I just wanna try something new, I guess.” It was no skin off my back if he didn’t think it through. Even if he did, I had doubts he knew the full extent of what my plans were. I asked him about his life back in Seattle, probing to see if he had a family I had to worry about, a dumb bimbo, or anything like that. Nothing. Just his dog. Just how I liked it. The more we talked, the more I started to like this guy. He just really seemed like a cool dude that was a bit… Disillusioned with his life. There was just something about him. I don’t know.
I asked him when he wanted it all to go down, and to my surprise, he shucked his shirt off and turned his back to me. This dude had a majorly casual vibe about the whole thing. I wasn’t sure how to approach it. After a few seconds of really thinking about it, I thought, “Fuck it” and dove right in.
Now to give you some perspective: this guy was like 6′3, where I was like 5′9. He was super skinny too. This was gonna be a tight squeeze, but not anything I hadn’t done before. I placed my hand on his shoulders, just starting out with a light massage. I smelled a light dash of cologne. It was so cute, he tried to impress me with some expensive Gucci-knockoff he found at Kohl’s. But, as my hands started to knead harder, and they began to sink underneath his pasty white skin, I thought about the others I had changed.
They hadn’t gone the extra mile to even put on deodorant. I’m not talking about that sexy, musky smell that I gladly add to my clients charge-free. They were stinking like the geriatric ward, or like they just got back from a burger-flipping job. All they cared about was getting me in, and becoming something else. But this dude… Michael… He actually thought about me, and my experience throughout the entire thing. It was a little thing, but it was more than anyone else had done for me…
I had sank into him at a forearm’s length. Crossing my legs around his waist, I could hear him moan a bit. I nibbled on his ear, letting my hot breath caress him, allowing him to shudder. For the first time in a possession, I smiled. This wasn’t work, this was pleasure. I felt my arms slip into place, fingers into his own as a well-fitted glove. I brought his hand to his cheek, caressing it, sticking a finger into his mouth, letting it roll onto his lips.
I was sinking ever faster into his body, his warming skin inviting more of me into him. My built, muscular body effortlessly crept inch by inch into his being, taking up every available ounce of space. Through me, his hands explored his body, stroking and prodding everywhere. I had almost all of me within him. By the end, all that was left was my head, protruding from the back of his neck. A lot of guys ask me what it feels like at this point. Imagine being submerged in a hot tub filled with heavy jello. That’s the only way I can describe it. Everything is slick, tight, compressed, yet extremely buoyant… This time was that much more intense, as I had gone the extra mile to really give him a ride. You know, let him go out with a bang.
I slowly pressed my forehead against the back of his head, feeling his hard skull give way to the same dense, gelatinous feeling that surrounded the rest of me. It takes a minute for me to adjust myself within him before I can actually see out of his eyes, but that first breath… Damn. It’s always exhilarating. I let the humid, hot air of the Caribbean into my lungs, and opened my eyes to the bright, tropical sun. Michael, for all intent and purpose, was relatively gone. Well, normally he would be.
At this point in the possession, I get the memories and thoughts of the host, and usually I just wipe it clean, for the sake of a clean slate. Though, this time, as his memories flooded me, I knew everything about him. He was a good kid. Like, unbelievably so. He cared about others, and not an ounce about himself. Yet, this deep-seeded insecurity he fostered… It actually broke my heart a bit.
Lounging on that pool-lounge, at that beachside Bahamanian mansion, I decided this was my final possession. And this was gonna be the crown jewel. My magnum opus. Maybe it was for selfish reasons, but I couldn’t let this one go. He’d be mine. I mean after all, what more of a prize is there than my smokin’ hot ass?
I spent days in his body, reversing the clock, rewiring his brain, encoding his genetics. It was like shopping for a christmas gift for myself! He’d be just as cocky as I was, a show off to everyone he’d meet. Sexy, lean muscles underneath a perfectly sunkissed skin, painted with tattoos. From his mesmerizing frost-green eyes, to his gigantic, size 16 feet; this 6′3 God among men was going to be a blast to finally meet.
The last day, laying on the pool lounge where it all began, I thought about the last few tweaks. You know, the pierced ears & cock, finger tattoos, finishing up his background, changing his vocal range, making him an alpha top… I had thought long and hard about it over the transformation, and I had decided it was time. This lovable goofball would love me, and I’d love him back. As I pulled myself from his bronzed body, I left his consciousness intact. He was still him underneath it all. He remembered everything. He knew what it was like to have me within him. By the time my exhausted, sweaty body was finally detached from him, he had already opened his eyes for the first time.
He brought his inked hands to his face, smirking a smug grin. I watched him from the cement ground, flexing and kissing his biceps. Our eyes met, and the alpha bravado I had programmed oozed out of him. Yet… I could see Michael in his eyes. He pulled me into a kiss, gentle at first, then passionate and fiery. That mouthwatering musk poured into my nostrils, just as I wanted it to. I tasted that wintergreen tic-tac breath of his, just as I had intended. He groped me and bit my tongue, smiling at me. I had never been so into a guy before.
I knew that Michael would be proud of who he is now. He is truly experiencing something new. He also had a stud by his side to experience it with alongside him. I enjoyed every minute of his invading tongue in my mouth, of his strong fingers tenderly wrapped around my neck. He was perfect. This was perfect. Besides, the best Christmas gift came as he picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. A sizable, delicious, musky, uncut package waited for me to unwrap it.
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enjoythesilentworld · 3 months
Simon's Month - Travel
day 10! @youngroyals-events <3 tack för allt
Simon and Wille take on a new city, and a new tour, and Simon neglects to read the fine print (again).
Or, FoodTour!Wilmon part 2
read below or on ao3 (M, 2.5k) (cw: implied sexual content)
As it turns out, Wille’s embarking on a solo travel trip had been even more spontaneous than Simon. He’d told Simon, that next morning over breakfast, that he’d spent his whole life having every trip planned out for him down to the second — fancy hotels and yacht tours and five-star restaurants — so he felt it was necessary to try zero planning for once. So, allegedly, he’d just bought the first plane ticket he found and left, and has been living night to night in hostels for a few weeks now. All for the sake of freedom, or choices, or something like that. 
Wille cites this reasoning when Simon asks what he wants to do, and he simply says, “Whatever you want to do. Really, Simon. I just like spending time with you.” 
Simon isn’t totally certain if he’s being truthful. Surely there are other things Wille would rather do than follow Simon around the city all day. But, he’s so flattered by Wille’s adoring gaze and entertained by his jokes that Simon decides to keep him around, anyway. 
They spend a few more days wandering around Barcelona. It’d become obvious that booking romantic food tours, as fun as it had been, wasn’t the most economical activity. So, instead, they hit all the popular spots. They climb to the top of church towers for windy-swept selfies, stealing kisses in the tight stairwells. They get wine-tipsy over lunch then stumble through museums, muffling their giggles into each other’s skin. At the end of each day, they end up on the beach, lounging in chairs and soaking up the sun, or tackling each other into the water and reveling in the coolness of it. 
One of said evenings, still a few hours before sunset, he turns to Wille over their makeshift beach-picnic dinner. 
“Tonight’s my last night here.”
Wille looks at him with guarded eyes. “Where are you off to next?” he asks, casually. 
Simon smiles softly. Clearly, the man is bracing for a goodbye. 
“Porto, Portugal.” 
“I hear it’s beautiful.” 
Simon hums. “Yeah, I’ve heard the same.”
Because Simon’s a bit of a shit and he’s learned enough about Wille in the past few days that he knows he can get away with it, he lets the man squirm for a bit. He watches as Wille tears the label off his soda bottle and begins to shred it into tiny pieces. 
“Where are you going next?” 
Wille shrugs. He looks a bit dejected, but is hiding it well, and Simon cracks. 
“Do you want to come to Porto with me?” Simon asks, then reaches out, grabbing Wille’s hand and stopping his attack on the damp paper label. 
A sunny, hopeful smile grows on Wille’s face, and he squeezes Simon’s hand. 
“Can I?”
Simon nods. “I’d really like it if you did. I hear it’s beautiful.” 
Wille laughs brightly and jumps over the food to tackle Simon back into the sand. Their lips meet in a sloppy kiss, half lips and half teeth because they’re both laughing now. He tastes like soda and strawberries and the warmth of him against Simon feels just as electric as it did earlier today, and the day before that, and on that first day on the pier. 
Through no small feat of luck, they book incredibly cheap flights for the next morning and grow even closer as they navigate the chaos of airports and budget airlines. In less than 24 hours after that short conversation on the beach in Barcelona, they’re standing, shoulder to shoulder, at the front desk of a hostel in Porto. 
“Private room? Or bunks in a dorm?” 
“Uh—” Simon stutters, glancing over at Wille. 
Somehow, during the hours they’d spent the night before, huddled around Simon’s phone in the hostel bar, looking up places to visit in this new city, this part had not come up. There was definitely a growing tension between them. There was only so much making out one could do before it got to be too much, and slipping into a bunk with eight other people in the room wasn’t exactly mood-setting. Maybe when he was 16, he would’ve let Wille ravish him in the hallway, stumbling down to their shared dorm room, without caring if they might be seen. Unfortunately, now that he’s an adult, he’s not too keen about the idea of stripping down for a quick one in a hostel bunk. Still, Simon would most definitely like to have a private room, so he could finally put his hands on Wille for real, but he didn’t want to presume—
“Private,” Wille says slowly, almost a question, meeting Simon’s eye. Simon bites back his grin and gives a single nod. Wille nods, too, then, more sure this time, repeats, “Private. Please.” 
Out of the corner of his eye, Simon sees the small smirk on the face of the front desk person.
It’s still too early to get into their room, so they drop their bags and head out onto the streets, slowly meandering their way towards the river that flows through the city. Though it’d been a bit of a joke before, Porto really is beautiful with its colorful buildings, charming squares, and unreal views of terracotta roofs by the water. That, along with the low hum of people and Wille’s hand in his, brings a certain comfort to Simon. They have nowhere to be, nothing to do, except be with each other and walk down these stone streets, smiling at street vendors and pointing out pretty architecture. 
After some time of chatting and leisurely strolling along the river, they settle down for a late lunch, at a beautiful little cafe near the river, and Wille says, “We should do another tour of some sort.” 
“You’re just flush for cash, aren’t you?” Simon teases. 
He blushes lightly. “I just meant— You took me on a tour date, even if it had been a sort of accident, it feels only right that I get to take you on one now.” 
“Oh, was that a date?”
Wille sticks out his tongue and steals a bite off Simon’s plate. They get distracted for a moment, taking food from each other and laughing. Simon accidentally dips his forearm in a bit of sauce in the process and Wille licks it off sloppily. In order to not think too hard about that, Simon scrunches his face in mock disgust and pushes Wille away, giggling. 
Once they are back seated mostly in their own chairs, though they’ve shifted to sit a bit closer to each other now, Simon asks, “What kind of tour were you thinking?”
“Well,” Wille starts slowly, “I was thinking we could just do one of those sightseeing tours. You know, where you hire someone to drive you around and you see all the big attractions?” 
Simon nods, then tilts his head in confusion when Wille chews on his lip for a moment, nervous eyes flickering over Simon’s face, before continuing, “Maybe that way we get all those done in one day and we’ll have more time to spend,” he leans forward slightly, “in that private room of ours.” 
“I see,” Simon muses, leaning forward as well, until there’s only an inch or two separating them. 
“I just wish I could have one minute alone with you,” Wille breathes, gaze flitting between Simon’s eyes and lips, “without a dozen other people around.”
“We’ll just have to make that happen,” Simon whispers and moves the rest of the way to close the gap between them. It is a soft, rather quick kiss, but it holds a promise, for later. 
Though Wille refuses to let Simon pay anything, they scroll through websites together, deciding on a car tour around Porto. Simon does the booking, claiming that Portuguese is much closer to Spanish, and he’ll have an easier time making sure everything is booked correctly. That being said, he is a little distracted by thoughts of their previous conversation, and thoughts of finally having Wille alone tonight. Somehow, he successfully books their tour, handing the phone to Wille to complete the payment, and then they abandon their meal to chase each other back to the hostel. 
Simon thought he’d learned his lesson last time. Apparently he had not. (Although, with how last time had gone, with what — who — he’d found as a result of his lack of reading, there hadn’t been much of a lesson to learn. Except, maybe, don’t read the fine print and you might just find the potential love of your life.) 
The next afternoon, after many hours spent in bed but very little sleep, they show up to the agreed upon meeting place and find the small, retro car parked along the street. A small, older woman hops out of the car and greets them with a wide smile. 
She introduces herself as Leonora and they go through a whole bout of pleasantries and explanations of things to come on the tour. Then, just as Wille and Simon slide into the backseat, she asks, “So, how is the honeymoon so far?”
A small laugh bubbles up from Simon’s chest. “I’m sorry?” 
“Oh,” Leonora glances at them in the rearview, eyebrows knitted, as she drives off towards their first destination, “Did I read the reservation wrong? You booked the honeymoon package, did you not?” 
Simon tries to think back to the booking website, all the English mixed in with Portuguese and the not-built-for-mobile website. But, all his mind returns are flashes of Wille’s tongue and eyes and hands and the things he whispered in Simon’s ear. 
Floundering for how to respond, Simon turns to look at Wille, who’s grinning at him with bright, amused eyes. 
“That’s right,” Wille says cheerily, keeping his eyes locked on Simon. “The honeymoon is going great, thank you.”
He gives Simon a tiny shrug, as if to say, Why not? 
And, well, they’d seemingly successfully convinced everyone on that food tour that they were together, when really they’d just met. It wasn’t too far of a jump to pretend they’d just gotten married, even though they’d only known each other for a few days. 
It really has only been a few days, but Simon feels like it’s been longer, like he’s known Wille for years. It’s simply so easy for Simon, being with Wille. Spending time with him and listening to him ramble about art and architecture. Kissing him and running hands over his skin, trying to pull as many desperate sounds as possible. 
“Yes, I’d say it’s going very well.” Simon smiles back at him and slides across the seat to tuck into Wille’s side, placing a warm hand on his thigh. 
Leonora coos at them from the front, but thankfully doesn’t ask any questions about their non-existent wedding. Instead, she points out buildings as they pass, explaining the history and adding little personal anecdotes. 
In a sly attempt to figure out exactly what they’ve signed up for with the ‘honeymoon package’, Simon asks what the difference is between their tour and a normal tour. Apparently, along with stopping by some of the more romantic churches and gardens and lookouts in Porto, they’ll finish the tour along the coast, with a pre-organized dinner on the beach. 
It’s all rather nice, and Leonora gives a wonderful tour, but no matter what he does, Simon can’t really make himself pay attention. He tells himself it’s to convince their tour guide that they’re actually on their honeymoon, but, really, Simon just can’t keep his hands off Wille. He’s nearly sitting in the man’s lap by their third stop in the city, whispering jokes in his ear and doing everything he can to steal kisses whenever possible. Wille doesn’t seem too upset about it, giggling ceaselessly at Simon’s comments about the silly American tourists and every phallic-shaped sculpture they pass, one hand around Simon’s waist and the other holding his hand. 
Presumably because this is how every honeymoon package tour goes, Leonora doesn’t seem too plussed about it, either, continuing to spout facts about the sights even when Simon and Wille get a little too lost in each other. They do break apart occasionally for Wille to ask a question about some art installation or for both of them to hop out of the car to grab a sweet drink from a street vendor. 
Eventually, they make it to the coast, and they roll the windows down and turn the music up loud, and Simon realizes he’s missed most of the tour, too busy ‘pretending’ to be drunk in love on his honeymoon, which doesn’t feel too much like pretending anymore. Wille’s hair is whipped wild by the wind and his smile is so wide. He reaches out with both hands towards Simon, cupping his face and bringing him in for a giggly kiss. 
“Today has been really fun,” he murmurs into Simon’s ear, nipping lightly as he does so. 
Simon gulps down a breath of the fresh, salty air and tucks his face into the space between Wille’s collar and his jawline. Pure joy and heat spreads across his body.
“Yes, it has.”
Leonora pulls the car up to a parking lot, and guides them down the beach a ways, which is surprisingly uncrowded. They are led into a small cove, a spot of sand hidden away from view of the rest of the beach, tucked into the rocks. Inside the cove, there’s a small table set up with a grazing display for dinner, scattered rose petals, and a pile of pillows and blankets off to the side. 
Their tour guide bids them goodbye for now, saying she’ll be back with the car in two hours. 
Officially alone, Simon laughs at the ridiculousness as Wille takes his hand and leads him closer to the table. The food spread is a fancier version of the lunch picnic they’d been having when Simon invited Wille to join him here in Porto, all the way down to the bottles of chilled champagne and sparkling grape juice for them to sip on.
“How did we not notice the price of this? There’s no way all this was cheap,” Simon asks, looking around at everything with wide eyes. 
Wille chuckles and wraps himself around Simon from behind. “We were a little distracted when we booked it, if I remember correctly.” 
Simon hums, “I suppose we were,” and tilts his head back to rest onto Wille’s shoulder, exposing his neck to the man and enjoying the warmth of his hands on Simon’s hips.
Wille takes the invitation in stride, attaching his lips to a spot of skin under Simon’s jaw, then nipping and sucking lightly.
“Do you think we should eat first,” A kiss to his jaw, fingerprints pressing into skin, “or take advantage of this private spot of beach first?” 
Hands roving now, Simon bites back the low sound crawling up his throat. He pretends to consider, but quickly loses his train of thought when a finger dips into the waistband of his pants. 
“We did the food tour thing already,” Simon breathes, and Wille’s giggle vibrates across his skin.
They nearly fall over into the sand as they stumble, laughing, unwilling to let go of each other, over to the makeshift beach bed and fall into the pillows together.
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Just posted a Wright train ride au on ao3! Here's a sneak peek! You can read the rest on ao3 - @littlemissmoonjelly
Like a sunflower dancing in the breeze, Phoenix could not take his eyes off him, for he was the sun.
Phoenix was panting, perspiration dripping from his forehead, he absolutely could not miss this train. He was bound for the Statewide Attorney's Conference; it would be his very first year there.
“Phew!” He sighed as he handed his ticket over, getting looks from passersby as he rushed onto the train. “Ac…2a…2b…!” He counted down each row until he found his, across from a man around his age who showed a general apathy to Phoenix's presence.
Phoenix sat down and took out a granola bar, which he loudly chewed on. As the plastic crinkled he glanced over to see the man next to him scowling at Phoenix's poor etiquette. “My bad!” He apologized, spitting crumbs everywhere.
The man rolled his eyes and went back to observing the cattle the train was passing.
Phoenix shoved his bag back into the overhead compartment, the straps hanging out the door. This elicited a grumble from the ornery stranger.
This was going to be a long ride. It was the first time Phoenix had traveled representing the firm without Maya, he wasn't sure how to pass the time.
Just as he took out a book, the cart came squeaking around to Phoenix, and he ordered a soda, and the other man ordered a tea. “That's pretty classy, huh?” Phoenix laughed as they handed the quiet gentleman his teacup.
“Not particularly,” He scoffed. “It's a rather cheap cup, the design is printed.” The man held it up, examining it thoroughly.
“If it's not to your liking I can find a replacement, sir.” The attendant stammered, fidgeting with her fingers.
Setting the cup down, he apologized. “Ah! No, it's really quite all right. Thank you.”
He was polite under all that ego, Phoenix thought to himself. Phoenix took out a book and began to read to himself while he drank.
The man looked over and his eyes widened. “That's my favorite book.” He remarked, his prior indifference gone.
Phoenix smiled and set the book down roughly. “Really? I've never met anyone who's read this!”
Smiling, the man boasted “I've actually met the author.”
“Wow! What was she like?” Phoenix replied, in awe.
“She was my client in a case, hence it was strictly professional.” He paused. “But I did get a signed copy of the book.”
Pausing, Phoenix raised an eyebrow. “Are you a lawyer?”
“Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth, yes.” He answered smugly.
Phoenix giddily pointed to himself and smiled, “Me too! This is my first year at the conference!” He paused, “Wait, Edgeworth?”
“Yes, that's me?”
“You're speaking at the conference, aren't you? You're the demon prosecutor!” Phoenix blurted out.
Edgeworth's gaze dropped and he frowned. “So you've heard of me then.”
“You're not nearly as mean as they make you out to be.” Upon further inspection, Phoenix noticed how gentle Edgeworth truly was. He had folded his coat and put it up in the overhead compartment, his smile lines were gentle (though you could see much more evidence of him furrowing his brows), and he smelled of lavender and some kind of English tea.
Edgeworth shot Phoenix a polite smile. “Thank you…” He trailed off, mumbling under his breath.
“The name's Phoenix Wright.”
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lavenderthe8 · 2 months
haikyuu!! edm artists
i go to a lot of raves and this is an idea ive been poking at for awhile so enjoy xx
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melodic bass
think: seven lions, trivecta
literally the sweetest DJ everrrrr
when he plays festivals, he never goes to the fan meet and greets
likes to walk around instead and meet his fans face to face (and he never wants them to pay money to see him)
is always fighting with the ticket companies to lower the ticket prices for his fans
also, is an avid kandi kid
literally was making full on rotating cuffs at like age twelve
he loves to collab with other artists, although he just can’t get behind hardstyle or dnb
he went to a warehouse rave like one time when he was in university, and just never went back again (it scared him a little bit)
yamaguchi actually sings a lot of the vocals for his songs, too
and of course, anyone that went to karasuno gets free tickets for lifeeeee
and ofc hinata always shows up to a few of suga’s shows, usually four or five a year
makki (and mattsun)
think: troyboi, alison wonderland
literally just started remixing songs together in high school for the parties that oikawa would throw and it kinda just spiraled from there
started to just fuck around and do his own thing, and after awhile he stopped remixing and just started to make his own beats
actually stopped it for a long time after he graduated high school
kinda forgot about it before he heard that kyoutani had become pretty famous off his edm music
so he decided to go back and start playing around with it again
started releasing his songs, and eventually he got to open at a super small show near him
just like blew up after that
mattsun (and makki)
think: gammer, headhunterz
same thing with makki, DJing was not really at the top of his priority list, like, ever
he played around with makki’s mixer a lot when they were in school together, but he never really gave it much thought
makki was crashing at his place for a bit, and he mentioned that he was playing a show near them, so mattsun decided to tag along
literally fucking FELL in love with makki’s set, and immediately wanted to learn how to make songs too
they worked at it for awhile, and eventually mattsun found a type of edm that he really enjoyed making
started collabing almost immediately after, and got like a massive amount of fans really quickly
also, their visuals are like so silly
(lots of shrek and whatever stupid shit that’s been viral that week)
kyoutani also refuses to play shows with them because makki and mattsun have so many bad pictures of him from high school that they use on their merch and promotion videos and stuff
dubstep (duh)
think: subtronics, wooli
come on, you know this boy loves dubstep
as far as headbangers go, kyoutani gets whiplash at literally every show he goes to
super into edm growing up, and he always knew that he wanted to be a DJ
he bought himself a cheap starter kit in high school and from then on his career was pretty much set in stone
pretty bad at promoting himself, most of his social media literally was just him pointing at the camera and bopping his head along to one of his own tracks
but he DOES have a really big following
mostly because people would fall in love with him when they saw him playing a set (can you blame them?)
picks up A LOT of girls because of it
also, oikawa never lets him live it down, but kyoutani doessss have to give him credit for his DJ name lol
really wants to collab with kenma one day (it’s in the works, don’t worry)
and no comment on the makki and mattsun merch, although he does buy a new shirt every time they drop one with his face on it
think: space 92, hi-lo
tendou was going to underground raves since he started high school idcidc
the music helped him focus soooo much, he would literally listen to it when he was studying
he even used it to fall asleep sometimes
after graduation when semi joined his band, tendou would tag along to the studio with him
eventuallyyyy he learned how to produce rock music, and then he started making his own beats
he also doesn’t really take inspiration from other artists, which is cool
just hears the track in his head and BOOM — he makes it into a song
doesn’t really have a following, he just plays when and where he can
but people love his energy, so he always has a good sized crowd watching him
bass house
think: space laces, ac slater
experimented with a lot of different sounds before he finally found something that fit
eventually though, he fell in love with the dancing more than he did the actual music
he would go to shows to try and find inspo and would end up watching the ravers more than he would the actual DJ’s
eventually learned how to rave shuffle, and that’s when he realized that bass house was his calling
when he was playing a set and looked out to the crowd, it made him sooooo happy to see people dancing to his music
is also the type of DJ to call out 1… 2… 1, 2, 3, 4 before every fucking drop
it made osamu so mad when they were playing a show together
he also only listens to house music, even on his off days
so when he can’t find any new music to listen to, he just makes his own
has a really big following, but definitely wants to push himself and start headlining at festivals one day
drum and bass
think: subsonic, noisia
prettiest DJ award goes to suna
he just knows exactly how to read the crowd
is very good at knowing the vibe and matching what the crowd wants
also, is just very beautiful
but his sets are always, like, super weird
lots of really experimental sounds and his visuals are like… scary? in a way
so his music definitely isn’t for everyone
has more of a cult following than anything, but he doesn’t care much about being in the spotlight
he plays edm because HE likes it, he could give a fuck what anyone else thinks
is also never seen without a beanie on
it’s sort of a game to his fans — “take a picture of suna without his fucking hat on”
(they never can)
midtempo bass
think: rezz, kloud
doesn’t have flashy visuals or lasers or anything like that
gets criticized a lot because some people say that his shows are “boring”
but his true fans know that’s not true
osamu is there to play music! he isn’t there to put on a light show
has a really big group of fans that are ride or die for him — a lot of them say that if you’ve never been to one of his sets, you’re not a real raver
sort of a staple DJ in the “sober rave” community
is super supportive of his fans, and he even has a link on his website for people to send in their own personal stories about what it’s like to be a sober raver
also HATES to collab with other people that he doesn’t know, it’s hard for him to understand their vision
which is why he usually only collabs with atsumu
also, is known for not saying a word during his shows
he walks on, plays some music, and walks off (and people love him for it)
progressive house
think: acivii, zedd
biggest DJ of his generation
like, let me just make it clear, kenma is very very famous
he doesn’t really care about the spotlight though
he just loves to play music
doesn’t interact with his fans much, kuroo runs all of his social media because he knows that kenma gets overwhelmed a lot with stuff like that
for the most part though, his fans are super respectful
kenma headlines at the same festivals every year, and he consistently sells out shows at massive venues
feels truly happy when he is DJing
one of his fans sent him a pair of cat ears that they made, and kenma wears them to almost every show he plays
has never actually been to a rave himself
takes a lot of inspiration from very early edm artists
just makes people really happy with his music
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honorable mentions
designs all of kenma’s merch
usually never attends the shows, he and kenma just have a sort of working relationship where kenma vaguely describes what he wants, and akaashi fulfills his request
does sit through every video that bokuto shows him after a rave, though
he also doesn’t have any social media for himself, he created an account literally to promote kenma
also, says he hates edm, but kenma is his number one spotify artist every year??
bokuto sees through his lies (and is taking him to a rave in a few months)
akaashi says that he isn’t excited (but he actually really is)
atsumu’s manager
is so good about keeping him on track with scheduling and stuff
“omi, can we go get ice cream?” — “no, atsumu, sound check is in ten minutes.”
is sooooo good about keeping atsumu hydrated
this boy does not drink water, like ever
so omi has literally stopped his set before only to make atsumu down a bottle of water
atsumu ALWAYS dedicates his sets to kiyoomi
and kiyoomi secretly loves him for it
iwaizumi and oikawa
complete rave baes
oikawa’s entire social media presence is: volleyball, volleyball, rave, rave, rave, iwaizumi, iwaizumi at a rave, volleyball
it was actually iwaizumi’s idea to wear matching shoes to their first ever rave
the tradition never stopped
iwaizumi will complain that oikawa takes too many pictures of them during shows but he will also post every single picture of them together
one of oikawa’s “essential” items at a rave is a custom pashmina he had made with a picture of kyoutani sleeping
(they love to torture this poor boy)
will be rave dad’s one day — it’s cannon
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popcorn-plots · 4 months
Hey there! We are a family of 5 (4 youths, one 55 year old) planning a 10-day trip to England and Scotland in month of June 2024.
We are planning to spend 4 days in London, one day trip from London to either Oxford or Wales. 1-2 days in Edinburgh, around 2 days in Inverness. Any other recommendations?
Can you guys help me with some pro tips? Some things we are interested in are
hidden gems/off beat attractions
local activities
best/cheap travel options - car rental for Scotland? Trains are expensive - are they worth it?
What's the best way to reduce too much walking for the 55 yr old family member? Maybe like scooter rental options? - Lime e-scooters?
vegan food options
Recommended stay options - recommended serviced apartment under 250 GBP a night?
Money saving tips - visitor oyster cards, London pass, Explorer pass. I've read britrail pass isn't worth it? What are things I can book in advance apart from accommodation and train tickets?
Best way to spend - contactless forex card
Things to buy
Things not to do
What to carry - a raincoat, water resistant shoes, layers for clothing
Any month specific attraction? - Mayfield Lavender fields
Is there anyway I can catch a play/show that stars celebrities during this time? (no points for guessing I'm interested in anything with Benedict/Martin)
Sherlock related attractions - shooting locations, souvenir shops, found this awesome BBC Sherlock Guidebook
Anything else you recommend?
Thanks a lot!!
Okay, I'm finally getting around to answering things-- (sorry it's taken so long)
Anyways, I'm not completely sure what your budget it, so I'll just go from my experience. As for the trip itself, I hope you guys have so much fun! London is amazing and I wish I could come with you.
Now prepare yourself for an academic essay (not really) of a post with pictures included (below the cut) because I am a nerd.
For the day trip to Oxford or Wales, I loved both places (Wales in a really fun cultural experience), but if you're concerned for time, Oxford is closer (1 hour drive) while Wales is a 4 hour train ride. My group did a tour of Oxford college while we spent a good two or three days in Wales. I was in Oxfordshire at the same time Benedict Cumberbatch was, but he was 23 miles away and I was so sad
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As for Inverness, Inverness Castle is a really cool stop and Loch Ness was so much fun to see. I would definitely bring an umbrella though. My entire group forgot their umbrellas and we got absolutely drenched. Also, if you have a little time on your hands, the Hogwarts Express bridge from Harry Potter is just an hours drive from Inverness and it has a great hiking spot and a fun little gift store. It's at Glenfinnan Viaduct and it was fun to see. There's also a Platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross Station (I know there's been a lot of stuff with JK Rowling, but liking Harry Potter and liking JK Rowling are two very different things and it's perfectly fine to like Harry Potter and hate JKR.)
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One of my favorite things to do as a tourist is to... be a tourist (which sounds weird) so I absolutely love to go to all the major attractions. However, I've found some really fun places. Gelato shops, for one, are very nice (and tasty!). Speedy's Cafe from Sherlock is an actual place, as well as 221B Baker Street. Speedy's Cafe is on 187 N Gower St, Euston Rd., London NW1 2NJ, United Kingdom, and it can range from 1-10 pounds a person for food. That same street with Speedy's is the filming location for the outside of 221B Baker Street. The real Baker Street is a little ways away, but there is a Sherlock Holmes museum. With a student ID, tickets are around 8 dollars a person (otherwise, it's 16). The wait time is a bit much, but it's worth it. There's a lot of Sherlock Holmes tours that are really exciting, but if you don't want to go on a guided tour, they filmed in a lot of easily recognizable parts of London such as Trafalgar Square. There's also a lot of tourist sites online that have said locations, and it helps that London is an easily walkable city (and the public transport is a literal godsend compared to Utah). Bletchley Park is also a must-see, but only really for people who are interested in the behind-the-scenes of WWII, in a way, and Alan Turing. And yes, it looks exactly like it did in The Imitation Game. However, tickets are a bit pricey and the hour train ride to Bletchley is also quite pricey.
Arthur Conan Doyle was actually born in Edinbrough so there's some things to do there, if they put the statue back. Edunbrough Castle is a great visit and it is supposedly the inspiration for Hogwarts. There's also a grave with the name Tom Riddle in what is supposedly one of the most haunted cemeteries in the UK if that's interesting for you. Also, in Endinbrough, there are bagpipes everywhere. There is, quite literally, a bagpipe player on every street corner. It's amazing.
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When I did the study abroad, my group rented two coaches for Scotland (we had 29 people -- 22 students, two directors, and then the five of the directors families) so I don't have a lot of experience with the trains. My advice, however, is to create a spreadsheet somewhere and make a list of what you want to do, how much it would cost, and how much you're willing to spend and go from there. Find train and car rental websites and find one that works with what you plan to do. Also, if those sights have any reviews, look at them. Find what other people are saying about the particular service -- everyone has different opinions, but if one site has more positive reviews from more people, than that could be a good starting place for what you want.
London has really great public transportation, and Oyster Cards are very useful for getting around. Most of the tube stations I went on have both stairs and elevators, and the busses are enjoyable for tourists. Other than that, I'd find some tourist websites that talk about accessibility in London.
Again, I'm not completely sure about stay options as my group had our accommodations provided by the college (but ooooh boy that is a long story--), so I would recommend the spreadsheet and travel websites. AirBnB's are also a good option.
On money saving, Oyster Cards are incredible. I don't know how much they cost, but I used mine at least two times a day, sometimes even four during the entire 3 week stay. Definitely get an oyster card. I'm not completely sure about the other passes, however (SPREADSHEET). Other things to book might be some activities -- London has a lot of fun tourist areas that may be enjoyable. For example, Buckingham Palace, Kensington Palace, etc. Also, in terms of souvenirs -- it's really exciting to get things on site, and sometimes that's the only place you can get stuff, but a good rule of thumb is that you can generally get the same thing for a lot cheaper somewhere else. An example would be that I wanted a SIX sweatshirt when I went and saw it life. Sweatshirts were around $60 dollars while Amazon had them for around $20. You don't have to get everything from Amazon, but if you're worried about it, there are cheaper options elsewhere.
Some advice about European Culture if you didn't know them already: take-out is called take-away, and you usually have to flag the waiter down at restaurants (or simply raise your hand). Also just be polite, and Americans are generally really loud compared to Europeans so, assuming you're American, just be aware of your surroundings. In other parts of Europe, like Greece, pick-pocketing is a big deal, so we had to keep a closer eye on our belonging (I would hold my phone or put it in a front pocket). I'm not sure if this is a big thing in London, but still -- be aware of your belongings. General safety also applies in trusting your gut, using buddy system, and not being out alone at night.
One of the best tips about London is Tesco. If not for the joy of having a row with the local pin machines, than for the 4 pound meal deals -- a main, a side, and a drink. My family lived on these lunch deals. They are pretty good, they have a decent selection, and are in literally every single Tesco you go to. Tesco also has pretty decent prices and, if you're smart about it, you can feel a family of 5 for a week on one trip.
For things to carry: umbrella (in the summer the rain isn't so bad, but it's there), good walking shoes, definitely layer up. London can go from 90 degrees to 50 in an hour, and can go from not a cloud in sight to torrential downpour. My SH tour was caught in the second one -- that was an experience to say the least. Don't forget things like an oyster card and maybe some extra cash if you feel you may need it.
I have no idea about celebrity shows, but West End is literally the Broadway of London (but a whole lot cheaper). My family saw 10 shows on West End during our 3 three week stay. It was amazing, and if you fancy a night out, China Town is literally just around the corner.
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That's pretty much all I have right now! It's pretty long, but I hope it's what your looking for! If you have other questions, feel free to ask. (spreadsheets will be your best friend if you know how to use them)
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droughtofapathy · 3 months
how do you see so many shows so often? I want to start seeing more shows but I don’t know where to find really cheap tickets
This is my favorite question and the answer is actually not rush or lottery. I never pay full-price for anything unless it's a very rare circumstance (like the Follies concert where I didn't care what I paid so long as I was in that room).
Here's what you need to do:
TDF: $35 yearly membership fee (first year only, after that it's $40) for the best discounts across NYC theatre. Tickets cost between ~$11-$60, depending on the class, and seats are assigned by the box office. I've been able to sit prime orchestra in seats costing hundreds for about $60. It's gotten a little pricier over the years (used to be $54 for a Broadway musical back in 2019, now it's $63, including fees). Membership is closed to specific groups/communities, but nearly everyone is eligible. It pays for itself within a show or two, so it's worth it.
Age-based discounts: the non-profit Broadway companies all have some sort of "30 under X" discount for young theatergoers. Many off-Broadway companies have really great student/under 30 deals too if you just do some searching before you buy.
Second Stage is "30 under 30" and I've found that by buying the season subscription (five shows for $150, so same price as single ticket sales), I get access to much better seating choices. Can be ordered online or at box office (sans fees). The shows are a mix of two Broadway, and two or three off-Broadway, and possibly a small fringe show thrown in depending on the season. Last season it was two Broadway and three off.
MTC is "30 under 35" and consistently has great shows. Can be ordered online or at box office (sans fees). The MTC's theatre (Friedman) has the most comfortable mezzanine seats in all of Broadway. Plush, high back, wide. It's luxury. And the side seating has pretty good sightlines, so there's not a bad seat.
Roundabout has the most generous one at "30 under 40" with their HipTix program, and this also eschews any fees even when ordering online. It's the easiest out of the three, though slightly more restrictive in what seats are offered. Never sit in the rear mezzanine of either the Todd Haimes or Studio 54 theatres. Bad times for very different reasons. Go side orchestra every time.
All three of these programs allow two tickets per show, though some won't allow guests of any age and some will.
Comp Tickets: There are a few paid programs you can join to get access to free (with a $5 per-show ticket fee) tickets. Last year I did TheatremaniaGold for $80, and this year WillCallClub for $15. Neither are really worth it, if you ask me. Most of the shows are the weird little fringe things that aren't selling, and while that may be fun, it doesn't really end up being great if you want to see Broadway unless it's a Big Flop. The Broadway shows I've seen listed include: Bad Cinderella, The Shark is Broken, and Lempicka, to name a few.
I'm also somehow on some comp lists where I get emails every now and then to see shows for free. I cannot tell you how to get on these lists, because I didn't do anything. It just happened. That's how I got to see Kimberly Akimbo so many times for free.
In-Person Box Office: If I have to get a ticket outside of these avenues, I always go to the box office to save on the online fees, which can be anywhere from $9 to $17, and that's money I want for me, not the predatory sites like telecharge and ticketmaster.
NYU ScholasTix: As an NYU alumnus, I get access to the school's discount program, but I've found the tickets aren't that discounted, and the seats are bad. And also you have to go all the way downtown to the NYU box office at Skirball Center to pick them up instead of going to the theatre box office before showtime. I hate it, and it's inaccessible, and the accessibility service is garbage, so I don't do this unless there are no other options (i.e. really popular Broadway play that won't ever be on TDF). Many city schools have similar programs, and you should definitely check because they don't advertise well.
Rush/Lottery: Every now and then, I'll do a digital lottery or rush. I don't do it in person because I just can't with my knees. Also, I have an adult job and can't just stand around the box office at ten in the morning. Shubert Broadway shows use the telecharge rush system. Jujamcyn/Ambassador use Lucky Seat for lottery only. Nederlander shows use Broadway Direct. Then there's the off-Broadway companies and non-profits that use the TodayTix app, and that one's a bitch to win, but hey, it's possible.
Seatplan: If you're like me and see too much Broadway, you can start uploading seat pictures to SeatPlan to earn rewards points. Every 4,400 points, and you get a free $50 telecharge gift card. Depending on how many points you earn per show (between 40-120), you can get a card every 36-50 shows, so that's easily one a year for me.
Other programs I don't use include:
The Theatr app, which is a new thing where people can sell tickets their not using either at cost or discounted, so it's never a situation where resellers profit. Anyone trying to sell fraudulently is immediately removed, and their customer service is pretty quick on the trigger.
TKTS booths at Times Square and at Lincoln Center. Those are day-of tickets usually going for 30-70% off depending on the show. I've gotten tickets through them before, but I don't stand in lines anymore. It's decent for the tourists though.
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fortemelody · 3 months
miku expo was legit the best day of my life so i wanna ramble about it
edit: found this in my drafts and wanted to revive it even if this took place like a month ago now lmao
first off i wanna kinda stress something that i honestly might get flamed for
i was in the pit, literally the third row, and around the halfway mark people who didn’t have wristbands on (that you get if you’re in the pit) finagled their way in and no security stopped them. this was like 5 people near me and like 3 more on the opposite side of the chairs. i could barely move cus i was so squished in by them and beforehand i was taking the opportunity to jump and dance becus i was in the aisle becus it was very spacious.
i personally see this as wrong. like i understand the feeling so much of not having good seats becus they are expensive. my bsf’s parents payed for these seats and that was the closest i’ve ever been/probably will ever be at a concert. i am eternally greatful for them. however, if i were at any other concert with my regular nosebleed seats, i would not move up to somewhere where the seats were obviously filled and payed for. people work hard to have the kind of money to spend on good tickets, and i felt like they were stripping away all of that just becus there was some open space and no one from security happen to be watching
i do feel kinda bad becus my friend was complaining a little too loud and vulgarly without a proper confrontation and i was saying things like “yeah” and “real” and i think they eventually kinda heard us but they didn’t do anything in response until i finally asked them nicely to at least step back so i could move around. most of them listened then but one person didn’t.
i want to acknowledge that i probably wasn’t perfect either in a different aspect becus i was legit screaming my head off and i realize now that behavior can definitely be distracting. i forgot that convention idol etiquette very much applies to even a virtual concert because there are others around me that might not appreciate my loudness who aren’t performing, along with the band members (although they prob couldn’t hear me from backstage).
wanted to address my thoughts on the screen too. honestly i still think it’s a weird call (and would make a lot of sense if it was by crunchyroll) and i still think it’s rather cheap but i can at least acknowledge that the visuals were pretty crisp. im assuming it also helped people see it from super far away better. it was definitely not an experience ruiner by any means but it was pretty jarring for the first 10 mins or so.
anyways, on to the good moments. at the end i shouted thank you to the band members when they came out and one of them saw me gave me the heart hands AND IT WAS SO FUCKING SWEET AHHH
i went into this only knowing about 5 songs for the set list and i’m so glad for that becus the suprises kept hitting me. some of the most hyped songs for me were unknown mother goose and fraulen biblioteca. i was so happy they played a wowaka song becus he deserves to be honored in multiple countries. and with fraulen i have a video recording of it where me and my bsf’s convo went like this:
“i can’t believe they did it”
(for context we were debating which songs would get played on the way there and we wanted this one but thought it had a slim chance. also meiko is my fav soooo)
ALSO we didn’t know we got VIP till someone told us (thank you kind stranger). the tote bag is really nice and i’ve gotten a ton of use out of it. and i used the fan in place of a penlight the whole time- idk how it didn’t break. as for the other stuff it was just kinda meh to me.
lastly we got a shit ton of confetti from the cannon and passed some out to people and took a couple for ourselves too. i’m so glad they did that it was a nice touch and it looked so beautiful as it was falling tbh
i think that’s all i gotta say but i might make some fanart to commemorate it later (i just said this same thing in a post a couple days ago and i haven’t even started *that* drawing yet….oopsies).
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starsstuddedsky · 2 years
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Spending Halloween with Seventeen
summary: how you spend halloween with each member of seventeen <3
a/n: happy halloween!!! i love halloween and i hope everyone is having fun and being safe! enjoy these lil imagines (one of these may turn into a full story one day ehehehehehehe)
warning: sickening fluff ahead
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He really should have said no when you asked, but everyone else (minus seokmin who had a brain) was going and he couldn’t say no to you when you clearly wanted to go, so he found himself in the haunted house trying to pretend he wasn’t a giant coward because it was only your third date. Loses the act at the first jumpscare, except you do too and the rest of the house is spent being shuffled forward by your friends because neither of you will let go of each other. Once free, you both swear never to do that to yourselves again. 
Fully prepared to do cute couples things (i.e. scare the shit out of you as many times as possible) but when you come exhausted from a very stressful shift at work cancels all the plans and buys last minute overpriced candy and watches whatever movies you want until he realizes halfway through Men in Black III that you’re asleep in his arms and can’t quite find the energy to wake you up (the next morning both of you are rather stiff because couches aren’t even made for one person to sleep on, let alone two) 
Super excited about the corn maze, doesn’t expect you to actually get lost and has to spend an hour trying to find you because you split up once and now you’re gone forever. Seriously is starting to get stressed because the sun is going down but he finally finds you (chilling in the center chatting with the employee that found you half an hour ago) and doesn’t let you out of his arms for the rest of the night 
It’s his favorite holiday to be a couple on, which you say should be Valentine’s Day but he disagrees, citing watching horror movies as an excuse to cuddle (you’ve given up on pointing out that he does that on a regular basis). What you don’t expect is his obsession with couple’s costumes, planning them months in advance and making half of them from thrifted clothes because the store bought ones were “too cheap.” You stop complaining after the first year when you show up to the party and absolutely destroy the costume competition, and apologize for ever doubting Jun because you really do look perfect together. 
You always think about that quote from Mean Girls when you think about your boyfriend on Halloween, not because he dresses like a slut, but because he wears the same tiger costume every year and argues “no one can judge me!” and he’s kind of right because no matter how ridiculous he is, you can’t deny that he looks good in it (it has nothing to do with way he smiles every time you tell him that, nothing at all). 
Not in the Halloween spirit but unfortunately you are, you drag him to buy decorations and spend four hours carving your pumpkin to look exactly like him (complete with round glasses) while he makes one that literally looks like :) because “that’s how you look, babe.” though Halloween isn’t his favorite holiday, he’s happy to do anything that makes you smile. 
somehow remembers that you invited him to a party but forgets that it’s Halloween and he should be in costume. answers, “someone with an actual job” when anyone asks what he is supposed to be and is generally unhappy to be there until he finally finds you, and he can’t help but smile when you wrap your arms around his shoulders, more than a little drunk. He’s stuck to your side for the rest of the night, rolling his eyes and pretending to be annoyed, but when you hold his hand because you can’t seem to balance on your own, he doesn’t let go. 
You were convinced by your friend to work the horror festival despite the fact that you are a huge coward, but you spend the entire event hiding in your booth collecting tickets. You’re very tired by the end of the event and don’t notice the clown until it’s right in front of you and you scream except the clown takes off its mask and you find a very cute (and apologetic!) boy. He offers to repay you by buying you a late night dinner (which ends up being fast food because nothing else is open) and it’s only when he asks to do this again sometime that you realize it might have been a date. 
“Anything as long as it’s not scary” is what he says when you ask what he wants to do for Halloween. You decide going to the festival they set up for kids is a safe choice until some kid dressed as Michael Myers jumps out of a bush and Mingyu trips trying to run away and nearly breaks his nose. The rest of Halloween is spent on the couch holding an ice pack to his nose with Mingyu apologizing for ruining the night. Cuddling with him (and the ice pack) on the couch, you aren’t really sure the night was ruined 
Loves babysitting on Halloween, drags you to take his little nieces and nephews trick or treating and you can’t even be mad because he’s right the kids are adorable and seokmin is even cuter, asking what candy they got and groaning when it’s something healthy. You hold his hand and never want to let go, and catch yourself wondering what it would be like to do this with your own little kids 
Wants to go to the little festival for the hayrides, didn’t read the fine print that it’s a zombie hayride and was VERY confused when they handed him the paintball gun. Spends most of the ride clinging to your side and too scared to even think about shooting, regrets everything when you get off until he sees your grin and the slightly crazed look in your eyes after having a little too much fun shooting the zombies. Lets you pull him to ride it again but this time he just watches you have fun and maybe it isn’t quite so scary 
Somehow convinces you to do a horror movie marathon with him, even though you have told him over and over again that you are terrible with horror movies. Lets you hide in his shoulder for most of each movie and doesn’t get upset when you scroll through your phone through the rest of it, thanks you for sitting through it and listening to his film analyses at the end. He doesn’t complain when you call him every night to fall asleep to his voice because you can’t stop thinking about the movies (he hopes maybe by next year he can comfort you by his side instead of through the phone).
Someone (Jun) convinced him Halloween is the perfect time to confess and Chan decides doing it after the haunted house is the perfect idea (adrenaline highs and all that). He grabs your hand as soon as you and your friends escape, except you don’t realize that it’s Chan and think it’s a demon trying to drag you back and Chan ends up with a slap to the face (he says it’s okay you can just go on a date with him and he’ll call it even)
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