#I had fun with the fonts so you all get to live with it
empressdede · 1 day
Me, U & Jealousy - Chapter 4
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Previous Chapter
This story is written in both present and past. Italics is the past and regular font is written in the present
Chapter four
The plan was working. With Monica tagging along with the three, Jada and Sorai were able to occupy the company of Cameron and his friends. Sorai couldn’t believe it, for the first time she was able to hang out with a boy who reciprocated feelings with her. It was a new feeling, the subtle touching, the flirting, all of it made Sorai’s heart race like crazy.
No matter how many times Joseph made fun of her for her lack of experience, this was exactly what she was waiting for. Cameron kept his arm around her shoulder damn near the whole night, and with Monica keeping Joseph busy, Sorai knew that it was going to be a good night.
And it seemed like the night was only getting better for the two sophomores. It’s been going around that Aaliyah was trying to rally up a group to go upstairs to play seven minutes in heaven. What luck would Sorai have if Cameron gave her, her first kiss tonight. The thought alone sent goosebumps to rise against her skin. And as exciting as that sounded, Sorai was actually panicking. The idea of kissing was exciting, except she’s never kissed anyone before. What if Cameron thought she was bad at it? She doesn’t think she could be able to live with the embarrassment.
"Girl, stop that and pick yourself up! You had your crush in your arms all night and now that you have the chance to kiss him, you’re trying to back out?" Jada questioned when Sorai had managed to pull her away from the group into a quiet hallway.
"Jada, you don’t understand. This could be my only chance to kiss Cameron; what if I’m so bad he decides he wants to stop talking to me? You gotta help me." Sorai pleads, eyes shining with hope at her best friend and Jada lets out a laugh in disbelief.
"Girl, how the fuck am I supposed to help you?" Jada questioned tilting her head to side.
"Teach me how to kiss. Tell me what I’m supposed to do."
"Bitch… I know you fuckin lying." Jada laughed.
Sorai huffed. "I’m serious! Tell me what to do, I know it sounds childish but I really want to enjoy it."
Jada rolled her eyes at her friend’s dramatics. It was not that serious.
“First of all, I can’t teach you how to kiss with words. Secondly, if you really want to enjoy it, you just gotta let it happen. Follow his lead, it’s not rocket science you know?” Jada teased but it didn’t make Sorai feel any better. It wasn’t what she was looking for.
Call her dramatic but she refused to get locked in a closet with the only boy who looked past her ‘brothers’ and stayed with her.
“Easy for you to say, you and almost everyone else already had their first kiss. This could be my only chance to really impress Cameron; Jada please… you gotta help me.”
“Help you with what?” The girls heard behind them and they both froze at Joseph’s voice.
Fuck, how am I supposed to get away with this? Sorai thought to herself as both girls turned to face him.
“It’s nothing Sefa, don’t worry about it.” Sorai tried but he shook his head at her.
“Too late. What do you need help with?” He questioned and when both girls refused to answer, he furrowed his eyebrows with concern. “Someone bothering you or something?”
Jada sighed, rolling her eyes at his concern. “She’s scared to kiss Cameron.” She exposed making Sorai’s eyes widen in horror.
“JADA!” She exclaimed in disbelief. Did she forget who sefa was?
“What? He was gonna tear this whole party apart if he thought someone was bothering you.”
“Telling him I’m scared to kiss Cameron is no better, stupid.” Sorai insults.
Joseph watch the two friends argue about what they should’ve said instead and he raised an eyebrow in amusement. “Are you guys done?” He questioned after letting them go back and forth for a little bit.
Jada huffed, turning to Joseph. “Can you turn off big brother Joseph and just be our friend right now? She keeps saying this could be her chance but she she’s scarred to kiss him.”
“Good.” He stated nonchalantly; shrugging his shoulders. Sorai being scared meant he wouldn’t have to get out of character to make sure Cameron stays on his best behavior.
Sorai’s frown only deepened at his response. Her friends were literally no fuckin help. “Sefa! You promised you wouldn’t be like this.”
“I’m not doing anything. You being scared is a good thing.”
“I’m only scared because I don’t know how to kiss.” Sorai stated with an attitude, rolling her eyes and folding her arms over her chest.
Sefa laughed at her. He genuinely didn’t care about her attitude either. “Okay, so what the fuck do you want me to do about that?”
“Tell Jada to show me!” She argued.
“And why the fuck would I do that?” He questioned.
Sorai continued to pout and Joseph was content with just staring blankly at her. All of this was a confidence problem and Joseph already put in his head that it’s Cameron’s fault that he didn’t reassure her worries. It wasn’t looking out to a good start with him, if Joseph was being honest.
It wasn’t until Sorai’s bottom lip started to quiver that his resolve started to crack. Joseph let out a frustrated huff, finally agreeing to help.
“Fine. Jada go tell Cameron that Sorai will meet him upstairs. You… come with me.” He stated pointing at Sorai but she was Skeptical.
“Where are we going?”
“You want me to help you or not?”
Jada noticed her friends hesitance and pushed her towards Joseph. “Just go with him. Everything’s gonna be fine. I’ll make sure Cam keeps a seat for you. Now go.”
Sefa took that as his cue to take over, he grabbed Sorai’s hand and pulled her away from the quiet hallway he found her in.
Sorai let her feet just move, following him mindlessly because she was really worried that whatever quick lesson Sefa was going to give her wasn’t going to stick.
Time ticked as if seconds were minutes and minutes were hours. The butterfly feeling in her stomach would not go away and it didn’t help that Sefa didn’t tell her what he had planned.
He had pulled Sorai into a random room and locked the door, turning to face her. “Just breathe Sorai. You look like you’re about to pass out.”
Sorai inhaled, and released a shaky breath. “Sorry. It doesn’t help that he’s probably the only guy in school who finds me desirable. I don’t know what to do.”
“That’s not true Sorai. You’re a very pretty girl; a lot of people find you desirable.” He softly stated to her and when she smiled at that, he felt good knowing that he was helping her build her confidence up.
“- Anyways, the key to kissing is to follow the other person’s lead and the slower the better.” Joseph instructed and Sorai nodded her head, letting him know she was listening.
“What if he uses tongue?”
“If he shoves his tongue down your throat, I might actually kill him.” Sefa blankly stated and Sorai let out a small laugh.
He was being serious though.
“Okay. When he kisses you, hand placement is important. On his cheeks or around his neck is fine.”
Sorai stepped closer to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, keeping her eyes on his face to gauge his reaction. “Like this?”
And he knows she was only trying to make sure she had it right but he couldn’t help the knots he felt in his stomach at her close proximity. A whiff of her Juicy Couture perfume swarmed his senses and its what fueled his next movement.
“Yeah, and if you do that, he’ll hold you like this.” And gripped onto her waist and pulled her closer to him.
The tension in the room had seemed to thicken. What was happening? Sorai was asking herself. The nervous feeling she was feeling got way more intense while she stood in Sefa’s arms.
“And then he’ll kiss me right?” She asked softly and he nodded in response to her question.
“Just follow my lead.”
“You mean his lead?” Sorai tried to correct but Sefa’s lips was already on hers.
Sorai froze.
Sefa is kissing me.
Sefa is kissing me.
Sefa is kissing me.
The thought replayed in her head as she stayed frozen in shock but it didn’t make him pull away. He squeezed her hips and started to move his lips against hers and she started to follow.
She was a little tentative at first, she didn’t know what she was doing but Sefa kept his lips on hers so she did exactly what he instructed. Follow his lead.
Her heart beating out of her chest as their lips locked. She couldn’t believe Sefa was kissing her and she was liking it.
When he pulled away, Sorai was a panting mess. A small smile etched onto his face, because it happened exactly how he imagined it would. He was her first kiss, not Cameron.
“Still nervous?” He questioned, and Sorai shook her head at him.
“No, I think I got it now. But-“ she started but cut herself off, she didn’t know how to ask her question.
Sefa was patient though. “But what?” He asked softly and Sorai leaned closer to him.
“Show me one more time?” She whispered and without any hesitation he kissed her again.
Sorai had made sure to avoid the samoan family at all cost. She also never jumped at the opportunity to interview the bloodline, she made sure to give those chances to everyone else.
Kayla always asked her why she gave up the interviews with the boys who were proudly walking around stating they were her brothers. And given that Sorai only told Kayla that these men were like her brothers, she didn’t really have an explanation to give her.
Plus, she didn’t really trust Kayla. Couldn’t risk telling her anything because who knows if she would’ve ran and told them.
It may have been childish at her big ass age but who could blame her? And even though Jada helped her keep her distance from the family, she was constantly in her ear about getting ‘closure’ and Sorai was getting tired of it.
“Its only so many times the twins gon take no for an answer Rai. Your lucky they’re only able to catch me when I’m around other people, but let Joe find out my work schedule if he want to, them twins finna be on my ass.”
“What, you gon rat me out cause you think the twins giving you pressure?” Sorai questioned turning her neck sideways at her friend.
The girls were in Sorai’s office having lunch again because she didn’t want to accidentally bump into anybody. She wanted to be cautious, she refused to take any chances running into any of them and she thought that so far she was doing a great job. Until of course Jada, as always, brought her back to reality.
“They’re giving you space but sweetie I think they’re running out of patience. I know what they did hurt you… but I don’t think they know they hurt you.” Its the same song Jada’s been singing for five years now, Sorai was over listening to it. She never really gave Jada the full story anyways.
“Jada, I don’t want to keep talking about this.” She tried to dismiss the conversation once again but Jada wouldn’t let up, she was going to get her best friend to face this as a grown up one way or another.
“Okay. Well what you gon do when they decide to stop playing and take action? What happens when the twins put you in a position where you can’t run and are forced to face them and answer the questions you know they have… then what?” Jada asked and silence took over the room.
Sorai knew Jada was right, but it wasn’t something she was ready to face. Not now. “Jada please, can we talk about something else?”
"Fine, my parents are coming back to the states.” She informed and Sorai’s eyes widened at the news.
“On my gosh really? Are they visiting or are they coming to stay?”
“They’re coming to stay for just a while. I think it’s cause of Jordan’s accident - my mom feels guilty for leaving, thinks if she stayed, she somehow could’ve prevented it from happening or something like that.”
Sorai nodded her head, she could understand that. “How is he by the way? I haven’t had a chance to go see him yet.”
“He’s fine, he’s been around Melina cause she wanna play nurse.” Jada rolled her eyes, “I hate that it took a car accident to make them realize how they feel about each other.”
Sorai shrugged, it was something she could relate to herself. “Sometimes, it takes something traumatic to happen to realize you’re in love with that person.”
Jada scoffed, “No. People know exactly how they feel, whether they decide to repress those feelings or not is up to them. Especially Melina, I’ve watched her and Jordan play best friend for years. Jordan following her like a lost puppy in love but scared to tell her. Imagine if something had happened to Jordan, she would’ve been gutted knowing she love him too and never got the chance to tell him.”
The conversation was triggering Sorai again unbeknownst to Jada, and she knew that eventually she would have to open up and explain to her friend exactly what went down with her and sefa.
“It’s not easy. You remember how long it took me to admit that I was really feeling Chris in College?”
“Sorai you did not like Chris, but whatever you say girl."
That’s fair. Sorai shrugged her shoulders because Jada was right; but that was not the point. "Okay but I thought I liked him and it was hard for me to just come out the blue and tell him. Plus, who walks around telling people they have a crush on them? That’s unrealistic."
Jada rolled her eyes; "Girl please, that’s not unrealistic. Get it off your chest and move on."
Sorai had to laugh at that, Jada was the last person to be saying that bullshit….okay maybe her then Jada. "If that’s the case, go out there and let Tez know you feeling him."
Jada let put a playful groan, "Girlluhh, that`’s different." She tried to defend but Sorai wasn’t going for none of that shit. Jada was spitting nun but bullshit.
Before either girls could speak; a knock came at her door. The person didn’t even wait for an answer, just opened the door and peek his head in. It was Eddie - the backstage producer who showed her around on her first day.
Sorai sent a smile his way, "Hey Eddie, what can I do for you?"
"Paul sent me to get you, we need Kayla elsewhere tonight so we need a journalist for a bloodline segment and they all requested you." Eddie informed.
Sorai froze - No…no…. This could not be happening. "But I thought you had to work over 90s and do a great job at that before we could interview the main event? I’ve only been here two months."
"And you’ve been working hard, give yourself some credit. Plus, Cody requested for Kayla and Joe requested for you so paul thought it checked out. We have about half an hour before they go on so meet us in their locker room to rehearse in 10." And with that he left, unbeknownst to him, leaving the girls in shambles. What the fuck was happening? And what the fuck did he mean they all requested me?
Jada watched her friend in her state of panic and felt her heart sink. Albeit she wasn’t really fully aware of what exactly those boys did to her, she could see that Sorai still carried that pain in her heart.
"You want me to come with you?" She softly asked, wanting to approach the situation as delicately as possible.
Sorai looked at her with widen pleading eyes, "Please, I really can’t go alone right now."
And Jada agreed because she couldn’t just leave her best friend like that. Too bad the boys had other plans in mind and they were all determined to get some answers.
How we feeling? All kinds of feedback are welcome 🫶🏾🤍 like, comment and share🥺
Tagging the lovelies: @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @skyesthebomb @christinabae @leighla3 @whatdoeseverybodywant @harmshake @yana3sworld @angiedawn02 @theninthwonder
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sterekunhinged · 2 months
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Six days left of this unhinged event! I hope we have all written the unhinged sterek stories we’ve always dreamed of.
Don’t forget to submit your work to the Unhinged Sterek collection and if you post it here, tag this blog!
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sunbloomdew · 24 days
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he's not fooling anyone
the og meme
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queenie-ofthe-void · 9 days
Father's Day
Was going to post this for the steddie microfic June prompt, but decided it's probably not Steddie-centric. Still sticking to the reqs though, just for fun!
prompt: "stuff" || wc: 483 || rated: G || cw: none
Everyone knows Steve’s house is free reign for hangouts, yet the Party’s collectively designated Sundays as alone time for the new couple. So it’s a bit of a surprise that someone’s knocking. 
The fact someone’s knocking at all is weird.
“Hey sweetheart,” Eddie shouts from the living room, “can you grab that? I think someone’s here.”
Steve opens the door to find Dustin and Max looking slightly shy, if he had to put his finger on it. Odd, especially for them. They’re holding gift bags filled with colorful tissue paper, Max’s blue and Dustin’s red.
Before Steve can invite them in, they surge past him towards the living room. So not too far off from normal, he thinks.
He trails after them and finds Eddie right where he left him– sitting on the floor, surrounded by DnD books and a notebook perched in his lap.
“Babe, what are the sheepies doing here? It’s Sunday,” Eddie asks. He’s smiling up at them, despite the interruption.
Of course they’re happy to see the kids– always are, always will be– but only these two could get away with showing up on Eddie and Steve day.
“We brought you something,” Max says, thrusting the gift into Steve’s arms. Dustin drops his onto Eddie’s lap, scattering his loose notes.
Curious, Steve looks to catch Eddie’s expression to find him already tearing into the gift. Steve sets his on the coffee table and digs out the colorful paper.
Inside he finds a plain, white coffee mug, except it’s been hand-painted with colorful paint pens. On it he finds a basketball, baseball, and a crudely drawn version of his beloved beemer. But on the front, the word “Dingus” is written in Max’s bubble font underneath a bloody version of his nail bat. 
His eyes sting with warmth, and he looks up at Max, whose cheeks are flushed red. Steve finds Eddie holding a similar mug covered in what he assumes are DnD monsters, along with some dice, and his precious Warlock on the front with “Metalhead” underneath.
“What is this,” Steve asks, choking on the lump lodged in his throat.
“It’s all stuff you like,” Max replies, pointing at the mug, choosing the easy answer instead of the real one.
”No– why?” Steve feels like he can’t breathe, his eyes almost full, and his heart racing.
“It’s Father’s Day,” Dustin says, sniffling and wringing his hat in his hands “and me and Max, you know, we don’t–”
“You guys taught us how to play basketball, so we could practice with Lucas,” Max interrupts. “And how to play guitar. And all of the Upside-Down stuff. You’re always here.”
Steve wraps Max up in his arms, dragging her to the ground next to Dustin similarly draped over Eddie. It’s not the six little nuggets Steve asked for.
But these kids– their kids– are so much more than he ever could’ve hoped for.
To everyone out there who doesn't have a father, your father is absolute shit, or you mom was both parents -- I hope you have as good a Sunday as possible.
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jgracie · 25 days
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HOW YOU AND SINGER!LEO VALDEZ CAME TO BE ♡ for giselle ( @pinkdiorluvr ), HEAVILY inspired by dominic fike
masterlist | rules
in which you date america's (self proclaimed) favourite singer
pairing singer!leo valdez x fem!reader
warnings my lack of knowledge on how uni works sorry im only 16 i fear, matty healy reference UNFORTUNATELY iykyk (i hate that man so much guys trust)
on the radio . . . dominic fike's whole discography tbh but i made a small playlist
an listened to dominic fike and made this as a result… lmk if u want more of them 😊
You never thought you’d actually get into your dream university. Well, to be more specific, you never thought you’d get off the waitlist
When you first discovered you got waitlisted, you’d accepted your fate. Sure, you already had tons of merch and had been dreaming of your life in California for years, but not all dreams come true. You chose another school to commit to and began preparing for freshman year of university. Who gets off of waitlists anyway?
Apparently, you. As soon as you got the email confirming your spot, you thanked the heavens and immediately changed your plans, giddily packing all your merchandise and adding to your California themed Pinterest boards
Until you realised you had nowhere to live. None of your friends and family lived in California, and you really didn’t want to live in a dorm after all of the stories you’d heard about communal bathrooms (they’re my biggest fear actually). Unfortunately, it was either that or go apartment hunting and pray you could find a decent apartment that didn’t cost a fortune
Whatever, at least you got into your dream university in the end. Sharing a bathroom with a bunch of other young adults was worth it. After a few days of letting the news properly sink in, you called your childhood best friend Piper to tell her the good news
“Pipes, you won’t believe what happened!” You nearly yelled into your phone, excitedly pacing back and forth in your room. Putting her on speaker, you put your phone down and continued packing your bags
Piper hummed, pretending to think before replying with, “you finally got with a hot rockstar like you insist you will?” You huffed, rolling your eyes - she’d never stop teasing you
“No, even better!” You said, “I got into Jupiter University!”
Cue the squealing. Piper congratulated you a million times over, now pacing in her own room somewhere in Europe or Australia or wherever she was, you could never keep up with that girl’s travels
Your conversation went quiet for a second before Piper connected two very important dots, “wait… that means you’ll be moving to Cali, right?”
“Well, duh, how else am I supposed to get to class on time?” At your confirmation, Piper’s face lit up (not like you’d be able to see it)
“Oh my God, Y/N, this is perfect! I just moved back to California and my dad gave me this giant apartment all to myself, you can live with me!”
Okay, now, you were convinced some God was smiling down on you. You and Piper had toyed with the idea of living together ever since you were pre-teens, but you never thought that fantasy would ever actually come true
You moved in the following week
Living with Piper was a dream. The two of you were the same person in different fonts, so discussing boundaries and house rules was a breeze
As soon as you’d arrived, she took you to all her favourite places in California. Did this result in the two of you spending a disgustingly large amount of money? Maybe! But it was fun, so it didn’t really matter
She also promised to introduce you to all her friends, since she knew a couple people who were also starting at Jupiter University that fall. After much negotiation, you all had settled on meeting at a restaurant nearby in two weeks time, since you still needed to settle
Little did you know, you’d be meeting one of Piper’s friends earlier than the rest
Singer/songwriter Leo Valdez quickly rose in the charts after people fell in love with his unique music and his charming personality. All the hype had fueled his creativity and resulted in him releasing many albums in a very short amount of time
However, after every high comes a writer’s block, which is where Leo was at now. He wanted nothing more than to write and produce new music, but nothing seemed to inspire him - no matter how many walks he took or people he talked to, nothing good seemed to come out of him
His favourite person to mope to about his predicament was none other than Piper Mclean. He and Piper had met at some event his publicist forced him to go to a couple years ago and hit it off immediately, bonding over their dislike for how the industry worked and love of authenticity
So, after nearly breaking his guitar in frustration, Leo decided to pay Piper a surprise visit - 56th time’s the charm!
Meanwhile, you were making yourself a quick breakfast and typing up a quick grocery list. Turns out Piper had only moved back to California a couple days before you called her, so she didn’t have much to eat in her kitchen. You planned to surprise her with a variety of groceries as a little gift for her hospitality
Finishing off your list, you chose something random to watch and began eating your breakfast - well, almost
Before you could get a single bite in, someone loudly knocked on the door, disturbing your peace and causing you to nearly drop your bowl of cereal. You took a deep breath, deciding not to let this stranger ruin your day, and went to see who decided to visit Piper so early in the morning
Leo was expecting an aggravated, half-asleep Piper to open the front door, glaring at him whilst mumbling about him ruining her beauty sleep. Instead, he was met with the girl of his dreams, who looked him up and down before giving him a tentative smile
“Hello,” you said. The guy in front of you was kind of cute - brown curly hair, big brown eyes and a warm aura that radiated off of him. Something about him charmed you instantly
Fidgeting with the rings on his fingers, he said, “Uh, hi… Is Piper home?” Leo wasn’t usually shy, but you were too pretty and it was really early in the morning, he couldn’t help but lose eye contact with you
Moving to the side, you said, “yeah, she’s just asleep, but you can wait if you want.” How could he possibly turn around now?
Leo didn’t have to wait for very long, as Piper’s a very light sleeper. Hearing the conversation happening outside, she rolled out of bed, already knowing who her mystery guest is
“Leo, I see you’ve met my new roommate, Y/N,” she said, stifling a yawn as she made her way to where the two of you were sitting, “Y/N, this is my friend Leo Valdez - before you ask, yes, he’s that Leo. Please don’t feed into his massive ego.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion, you didn’t know of any Leo Valdez. Biting your lip, you began recalling all your past conversations with Piper. Various names and stories came up, but no Leo
“Am I supposed to know who he is? Sorry, I can’t remember…” you said hesitantly, hoping he wasn’t that important
For a second, everyone was quiet, then Leo said, “you seriously don’t know? I’m America’s favourite singer! Have you never heard ‘Hey Blondie’ by me? Or ‘Açaí Bowl’?” At your silence and Leo’s exasperation, Piper laughed, which earned her a very nasty glare from America’s favourite singer himself
You shook your head, now feeling bad. You really didn’t want to offend this cute guy on your first meeting, “I’m sorry, but I’ve never listened to any of your music before… I’ll definitely check you out though!”
Leo was just joking with you, but even if he were upset, he couldn’t stay mad at your kind smile and determination to make it up to him. At the same time, he felt a wave of self consciousness wash over him - what if you didn’t like his music? Leo was usually pretty confident in his abilities, but he found himself needing to impress you
Luckily, you were the inspiration he needed to start writing a new album. When Leo got home, the words seemed to flow out of him in just the right way
After that day, Leo started showing up at your’s and Piper’s apartment much more often, except now it was to see you, not Piper. When she asked Leo about the increase in frequency of his visits, Leo made up some excuse about needing you to judge his songs since you were new to his music so your opinions would be less biased
However, Piper knew the truth. Leo was in love. Was that a bit of a bold statement considering he only knew you for a week? Maybe, but anyone who knew Leo knew that when he fell, he fell hard
You were charmed by Leo too. As the days progressed and summer leaves turned brown, you and Leo got closer and closer. You began going over to his apartment every once in a while, or hanging out at parks and cafes, all under the excuse of needing to help with his songs
Just like the leaves, Leo’s songs began to shift. No matter how much he tried, he couldn’t help but write songs about you - you were on the forefront of his mind. Leo was enamoured by your bright eyes and kindhearted nature, it was only natural for him to begin writing songs about you
So, he embraced it. It was now nearing the one year anniversary of when the two of you met, so why not confess? If there was one thing Leo learnt from all the mistakes he made during his teen years, it was that there wasn’t much point in hiding things
However, he was Leo Valdez, the bad boy supreme himself, which meant he couldn’t just tell you outright. No, this had to be a special confession for a very special girl
Luckily, Leo was a pro at special confessions!
“Promise me you won’t listen to the album until the show, Y/N. I need you to get the authentic Valdez experience!” Leo told you over the phone. It was the night before the release of his new album and, to celebrate, Leo decided to host a quick and small show only a few minutes from where you lived - one you had front row tickets to
You thought this was a bit of a strange request but obliged, knowing how much this meant to Leo. At some point during his album-making journey, he started consulting you less. When you’d asked why, he said he wanted some of the songs on the album to be a surprise, which was fair enough, so you didn’t pry
Leo wasn’t lying: he did want some of the songs to be a surprise. Why? Well, because they were about you. Never in his life did Leo Valdez think he’d be writing love songs like the ones he wrote about you, especially after the horrible experience he had with his ex, Callie (wink wink)
When the night of the show came along, you and Piper got dressed and headed to the venue, matching VIP lanyards around your necks. You were really hoping to see Leo before the show and wish him luck, but Piper explained that Leo had his own special rituals to do before the show started so you weren’t going to see him. Oh well, you’d texted him a good luck message beforehand anyway
Leo rarely ever got nervous whenever he’d perform - he was used to it, after all. However, as he made his way onto the stage, his heart was beating the quickest and loudest it ever had. He scanned the crowds for your familiar head of hair, but unfortunately couldn’t spot you. However, he knew you were definitely out there
There’s no time better than the present. The crowd went silent as the first song started. The strumming of a guitar filled the venue, followed by a voice that wasn’t Leo’s
The song begun with a snippet of a voice message he’d received from you: “Fine, Leo, you’re so lucky I love you,” followed by a few giggles
Your eyes widened and at that moment, Leo finally saw you. As he looked into your eyes, everyone else disappeared. It was almost as if a show full of his biggest fans had turned into another afternoon spent in your room - you doing assignments while he played his guitar
“This is for you, I love you too,” he said, giving you a wink before beginning to sing
The rest of the concert was a blur. Was the album fantastic? Absolutely, it was one of the best you’d ever listened to. Unfortunately, you were too busy replaying that moment from the beginning of the show to be fully listening
You couldn’t believe Leo actually liked you back. You also couldn’t believe he liked you so much he was willing to announce it to the world - even though there were only a few people at his impromptu concert, the news would spread like wildfire
Somehow, you made it through the entire show without passing out. While everyone else proceeded to file out of the venue, you (and Piper) stayed behind. This conversation couldn’t wait a second longer than it already had
The security didn’t fight you as you made your way backstage, where Leo was busy tinkering with his instruments. Seeing him there as he hummed the tune of one of the songs he wrote just for you, you were filled to the brim with nothing but pure love
Piper stayed behind and watched as you ran to Leo, pulling him out of the trance his guitar pick had on him
“Hey,” he said, a goofy smile which matched yours making its way onto his face as you gave him what might’ve been the tightest hug he ever received. Leo breathed in the familiar scent of your shampoo and waited for you to pull away before saying, “I’m assuming you liked the show?”
Excitedly, you exclaimed, “liked it? Leo, I loved it! I’ve never seen anything like it!” While Leo was happy you enjoyed his concert, he still wasn’t satisfied. He needed you to acknowledge the opening song
The two of you stared at each other silently, waiting for the other to bring that up, both of you too nervous to say anything. Luckily, Piper wasn’t nervous
“Oh my God, guys, just say you’re in love with each other already!” She said, her voice cutting through the tension and allowing you to let go of a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You smiled at her then turned to Leo, your smile growing at the mere sight of him
Cupping his face, you said, “I love you more, Valdez.”
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twst-drabbles · 6 months
Soulmates AU: Idia
Summary: You were born with a run-on sentence for a soulmate mark on your arm, from wrist to shoulder. Now you finally met the man that utters these words by a trashcan.
(I was requested and wrote this long number. Over 4000 words all written within the span of four days. I wrote this for @twst-charity. Not gonna lie, pretty proud that I wrote this much in that span of time. Been a while since I could do that, though I did end up pulling a muscle in my neck. I hope this is a fun read. It's also on ao3 as well. Right here.)
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The writings you were born with were practically illegible at birth. The font was rather fancy, overly so, and the words circled around from your wrist to your shoulder so tightly that your family was convinced it was a giant birth mark and not the words of your soulmate.
But you grew and so did the spaces in those words. It was a pretty spiral, but as age continued to feed you wisdom, you felt that this position was deliberate. Because, as far as you knew, this first sentence could very well be the ramblings of someone going mad or already is. But first words are hardly something to build assumptions on, especially when it comes to the subject of your soulmate.
These words covering your arm are about a fictional character named Alexius von Tuveria en Ris. Well, at least you hope it’s fictional. It’s kind of a silly name to give to a kid. And also you’re not exactly up for having a soulmate that’s this, uh, verbose and opinionated about an actual person. You’ve been exposed to the deeper parts of the celebrity fan culture and you’re good with staying far away from it.
…Alexius von Tuveria en Ris doesn’t deserve any of this, though not as if he’d do anything about it if he saw since that prince is just too kind-hearted and honestly kind of cheesy, though cheesy doesn’t mean cringe and cringe is something normies are so immune to it almost makes me sick…
That was only part of the sentence on your arm. Your soulmate, where ever they are, they sure do talk a lot. Like, a whole lot. You tried repeating the sentence on your arm in just one breath and you had to practice a few years just to get it right. Strong lungs on that one, probably.
And a whole lot of unique factors to help narrow down the pool of who is and who isn’t your soulmate. Alexius von Tuveria en Ris is a pretty unique name by itself. But, the uniqueness of it did return disappointment, since searching online for a character with such a name yielded no results. You made it a habit to search at least once a week or so, just in case it was a series that has yet to exist.
You were also sort of relieved to find out that there was no royal family with a similar name. Though, that still didn’t rule out the possibility. For all you know, this could be a fake name someone chose for themselves.
Either way, this name will come to exist at some point, someone or something will be Alexius von Tuveria en Ris, and you’d have to make sure to be on top of that.
But, then you couldn’t, because suddenly you found yourself in a place called Night Raven College. One minute you were living your regular life, and the next you found duty after duty from your “oh so kind” headmage with a cat that doesn’t learn to listen when he should.
It was… an adjustment certainly. The grating egos of everyone here, the casual and not so casual use of magic that can and will kill you if it hits you in just the right way, and large restrictions on your finances rarely left you with more than a few complaints, but all you could do was grit your teeth and trudge on.
At least, despite all of these annoyances and difficulties, there are some silver linings to the found here. Magic itself was something of a marvel to witness, you won’t lie to yourself about that. You will never say it out loud for anyone to head though, because you know the minute you do, people like Grim will gloat and unintentionally belittle you with a, “Well, something as simple as that would look amazing to you, huh?”
And out of a need to never hear those words uttered by anyone, you decided to use one of your privileges to lock yourself in the computer lab. It’s after curfew, so most of the students not in remedial classes are at their dorms by now.
Next to you were a couple of spiral notebooks, the blue one opened and already filled to the brim with notes about basic magic mechanics. Sure, you can’t do a single lick of magic as far as you can tell, but you don’t want to make the blunder of relying on your preconceived notions of it.
Though, as with all studying, even on a subject as interesting as this, your brain starts to fuzz up and suddenly you can’t even retain the current paragraph. Your eyes kept skimming over the same words over and over. Finally, you huffed and slumped back in your chair, setting your pencil aside.
Though, before you decide to call it quits and rest for the night, you felt one more search would be interesting. You pushed up your sleeve until you found the name of Alexius von Tuveria en Ris on your forearm, and typed that into the blinking bar.
Hehe, the name looked a little funny in this cutesy font this search engine uses. You weren’t expecting anything honestly. You’ve already cut your losses with meeting your soulmate young. You’ve had cousins and other distant relatives that haven’t met their soulmates until they were in their seventies. Knowing how that bird-brained Crowley works, you’ll probably return back home when you’re at least in your forties. Or fifties.
He’s really taking his sweet-ass time, huh?
Either way, you pressed enter and stretched. Nothing to come of it and nothing to lose with this simple search, right? You’ve already been through the phase of obsessively searching every day back when you were younger and had too much time. At this point, it does no harm to search at least once. You mean, why not?
But, it was a hit. Several pages of hits. At the top of the pastel blue search engine was Alexius von Tuveria en Ris in all bold. In fact, from the title of the website, you’d say it was an entire site dedicated to this character.
Here it was. The very thing you’ve searching for, waiting for, was right in front of your eyes.
You didn’t say anything, you just clicked. Paragraphs and paragraphs of detailed information about this person–a fictional character–laid before you. You nearly ripped your sleeve up your arm as you scrolled down the page, looking between the screen and your skin as you confirmed that what you’re reading is correct and not just a huge coincidence that’s made to make fun of you for having hope.
The name matches, the background of isolating himself in his castle matches, the huge blow out after attempting to revive his Kingdom of Paradise matches. All of it matches your arm.
You let go of the mouse, eyes burning from staring at a white screen with black text for too long, and just sat. You stared up at the ceiling…
…and quietly seethed.
For months you’ve been wanting to go back home, and often in the middle of the night, you’d find yourself wishing you never got transported here in the first place. Some part of you buried deep was starting to believe that you would never go home, and if you knew that the option of exploring a magical place came with the consequence of never going home, you never would have taken it.
But now your arm and this screen was telling you that you had no choice but to come here. That it was destined, preordained. No matter how hard you fought, you were going to be whisked away.
It… it sucked, you will admit that.
But you sighed out all the doubts and breathed in realistic optimism. You came here one way, there has to be a way out. It happened once, so it’s logical that it would happen again.
And so, with a light stretching of your sore fingers and wrists, you clicked and read as much information you can. Absorbing the series that’s apparently been running for a good twenty years with a handful of remakes and one live action that flopped on its face.
Before you know it, it was way past the dead of night and encroaching on morning. You took a minute to stretched and rub at your strained eyes before packing everything up. You’re going to regret doing all this in the morning, when classes start, but what can you say? You like living in the moment.
You walked out, locked everything up with the keys Crowley entrusted you with, and started down the path towards your dorm. Sure, you do have permission to use the mirrors on campus, but you’re pretty sure you need someone with magic to be able to use the thing. Or you probably don’t, for all you know, but you’re not in the mood to test the theory.
You found yourself on a cross section at the road that served as a nice resting spot before heading to Sam’s shop. It had a couple of fancy black benches with gaudy gold legs, a fountain so large you’re glad you don’t have to clean it, and a lot of foliage for that beautiful view and clean air.
With all these sights nicely lit by the evenly spaced lamps to take in, instead your eyes settled on someone that chose to huddle by a trashcan. You heard crinkling and, at first, you thought this person was riffling through the trash. You got closer, and while you can’t say you were wrong, the only thing in this man’s hands was a poster.
Then, finally, you were within earshot.
“And just when I found the perfect poster, I find it in a trash can of all things, wrinkled up and thrown away because some ignorant idiot thought this was only worth as much as a piece of paper,”
Kind a rambler huh? Sounds like he’s having a bad day. Or night. Should probably just leave him alone.
Hold on a moment.
You pulled up your sleeve.
“Couldn’t have the decency to give this limited edition poster back for people like me, who truly appreciate the series, to own, but no of course not, it would be inconvenient, horrible that they would wrinkle the main character’s Kingdom of Paradise that he’s always dreamed of, Alexius von Tuveria en Ris doesn’t deserve any of this, though not as if he’d do anything about it if he saw since that prince is just too kind-hearted and honestly kind of cheesy, though cheesy doesn’t mean cringe and cringe is something normies are so immune to it almost makes me sick–AH there’s a tear because of course,”
You were twisting your arm this way and that, making very sure that this random man’s rant actually matched your words. You almost pulled a muscle as he continued, eyes and neck straining to read the words on your shoulders.
You lost your balance and caught yourself just as the man before you stopped his rant with a huff.
Before he could possibly start again, you walked right behind him and said, “So you’re the dude that inked up my arm.”
Ah, you didn’t really have any special words in mind, like a lot of your classmates back in your younger days. Yes, you’re buzzing a little with excitement, but you’re so tired and drained from another emotional high that you’re in a fog. Besides, you already confirmed that this person’s your soulmate, whatever pops out of your mouth will be just as unique.
“Eep!” A high little squeak of a yelp. The student–his jacket held Ignihyde designs on it–retreated his arms to his chest, like he’s ready to either lash out or curl into a ball.
He would’ve fell backwards if your legs didn’t stop his fall.
“Whoops,” you pushed him to his feet with a hand to his shoulder, “sorry about that. You okay?”
Only then did he finally turn. His hood fell from his face and unleashed an absolute bonfire of hair. A luminous bright blue that almost blinded you.
And suddenly, his hair turned an almost violent mix of pink and purple.
He blinked, then his eyes flickered from your face to his wrist, where your words are. The man opened his mouth but his voice didn’t scream so much as it whistled before dashed to the left. He sped crawled on all fours for a moment before finding his footing.
This man, whom you would eventually find out to be called Idia, ran away upon first meeting you, his soulmate.
You weren’t offended in the least. You can understand that being seen mumbling like a maniac by a trashcan isn’t the best way to be seen by your fated soulmate. So, with that in mind, you didn’t search out for him for about three days.
By day four, you got impatient and decided to hunt down for Idia since he has not even left a hint hint about wanting to meet you. A week would’ve been the original waiting time, but this college really takes a toll on you and you just want this done before you get dragged into another magical situation.
The first day, you waited by a classroom you knew Idia attended. Well, Idia’s tablet. Being a housewarden and not a regular student, it’s rather easy to stumble upon information about him. Egocentric students love to gossip when it’s framed to either make their dorm or themselves look better.
You saw a peek of a magical tablet and grabbed without hesitation.
“Ha?” You heard clicking and felt the tablet attempt to leave your hands. You turned it around and faced the built in camera.
“Hey,” you greeted as causally as you could, “Idia, right? Met you a few nights before–”
Another click, and suddenly your entire vision went white with a flash of light. You dropped the tablet.
By the time your eyes went back to normal, the tablet was gone and you were alone again.
“So, that’s how it going to be, huh?” You’ve had your fair share of runaways. In fact, your little group was mostly made of them, running away for one reason or another, like not wanting to go to class, or avoiding cleaning duties for a mess they’ve made. This was not a new situation for you.
If Idia thinks he can run away from you forever, he has another thing coming.
The next day, you found the tablet floating in the library. You got a ladder to grab it from the bottom, but you weren’t quiet enough when you climbed it. The tablet floated right past your fingertips and dashed out the door with a “Sorry!”
Well, at least he apologized. But you still want to talk!
Another day passes and you found the man physically just as you were about to walk out the classroom. He had a stack of papers in his hands, late assignments he had to turn in physically if he wanted a chance at passing apparently. He didn’t see you, so you retreated behind the door.
When you saw Idia’s figure pass by the door, you popped out and grabbed his shoulder.
“Idia,” you firmly said with a tightening grip on his frozen shoulder, “we need to talk.”
And you were meet with a tower of papers to the face and he was gone before you dug through the pile.
By that point, you were ready and willing to start dragging your other friends into the mix. You let this skittish soulmate of yours to run off the first few times because you didn’t want to stress him out too much. But, by this point in time, it would be better to throw caution to the wind if only so you two can actually sit down and have a talk.
But, by the next morning, before you could meet up with everyone, a robot kid you recognize as Ortho shot out of the sky and landed with surprising grace. At the price of leaves and dirt flooding your mouth.
“There you are!” His voice was loud but it wasn’t grating. It was a cute kind of loud, like he was happy to see you.
You spat on the ground and leaned against a tree, still groggy from waking up. “Ortho, right? Hello. You need something? I’m kind of in a hurry.”
“To make a plan to catch my big brother right?”
His accuracy left you stunned.
“Then, please come with me!” Ortho grabbed your arm and enthusiastically, “I keep telling my brother to suck it up and meet you, but he just won’t!”
“I know that,” you gritted your teeth, feeling like your shoulder will pop out of its socket, “Mind telling me where you’re taking me though.”
“I’m taking you to–” Ortho paused, floated behind you and grabbed your shoulder, “Hold on, this will be faster. We’re going to Ignihyde!”
“Wha–?” But you were forced to eat your words, just when it was finally free of all dirt and leaves.
And before you know it, you were gently placed on your feet in front of the Ignihyde dorm.
“Huh.” If you delete the last few minutes from your mind, you’d say it was a pretty enjoyable ride. Quick, at least.
“So, future soulmate of my big brother,” You’re pretty sure he knows who you are, you’re not exactly a quiet presence with that monster fire cat always around, “I have to do other things, so you just have to go down these paths and you’ll be in front of his room! Just make sure he doesn’t run away, okay?”
Ortho even gave you a little note that straight up looked printed. A clear map of where Idia’s room is.
“Well, thanks,” you turned around to properly face him but Ortho was already blasting off into the sky with a wave.
You huffed out a laugh, just because the whole interaction was ridiculous, and went on your way. You don’t really have early morning classes to be late to, anyway. You just came early to prepare for chasing after Idia.
As much as you would like to take the time to admire the hallways of the Ignihyde dorm, you’re too eager to get this meeting over with.
And then you’re finally in front of Idia’s room. You reach out to knock but the door pulls open, as though avoiding your knuckles. Idia was there, hood over his head like he was going to sneak around again like the first time you’ve met him. He spotted you in a second and slammed the door right in your face.
You waited a few minutes just to see if some miracle would happen and Idia opens the door on his own.
He didn’t.
“I’m not moving from here, if you’re wondering.”
You heard a sharp gasp and then a heavy, shaky, defeated sigh.
“…of course you’re not…” And then heard the slide of fabric against the door before a soft thud at the bottom.
He sat down, and so you got yourself comfortable as well.
“So,” you leaned back on your hands, “you’ve been running away from me.”
“I have…” and then under his breath like he thought you wouldn’t hear, “…any normal person would give up but of course my soulmate would be more stubborn than that…”
You whistled and that caught his attention with a gasp.
“Hey, focus on me,” you knocked on the door for good measure, “Why were you running? That first meeting could not have been that embarrassing.”
“Says you,” his next words came out muffled, like he’s shrinking into his hoodie, “Of all the days to meet you, you just had to see me right next to a trash can like I was some kind of degenerate rat. Anyone would think I was a loser of a freak, stroking that wrinkled poster like that. Well, I’m not! Only true fans would love this series as much as I do. So if anything, you were probably seeing me at my best moment!”
You can practically hear Idia deflate from behind the door. “’Huh?’ You say… Yeah yeah, think what you want, I can’t even begin to change it.”
You… have a doozy of a soulmate huh?
“Certainly didn’t help that you were flash banged me, almost made me fall down a ladder and threw papers in my face.”
Idia shrank further. “…sorry…”
“Hmm? What’s that?”
“Sorry!” It was a burst of a yell and you had to back up a bit, “I was terrified alright?! I mean, I played all sorts of scenarios and even made a game to prepare for this moment. I had all these scripts in my head and I thought I was ready to trigger the romance flag alright?! But instead, I was stuck in my own head and completely missed it! I messed up and I panicked! You have any idea how scary that is?! You weren’t supposed to see me like that! I was supposed to be at max level by the time I met you but instead, I’m just this unevolved mess!”
You opened your mouth but Idia cut in.
“Fate is inevitable, just as death is… I was going to met you regardless and I guess, I thought, that maybe I had more time. But I didn’t. So I just, wanted you to stay away until I thought I was going to be ready… Ha, either way, it’s my fault…”
…alright, how are you going to handle this? You’re not exactly the best when it comes to emotional comfort.
Well, may as well just use what you already have on hand. Or on arm.
“Didn’t Alexius von Tuveria en Ris think he was ready to rule his kingdom when he brought it back from the ashes?”
You heard a sputter. You continued.
“I mean, the dude was kind of young wasn’t he? Well, not like it matters, he brought it back and someone had to rule it whether he liked it or not.”
Then, you heard Idia actually honk. “No, that’s not what happened! Alexius von Tuveria en Ris wanted to bring back the Kingdom of Paradise not because he thought he was fit to rule it but because he thought it didn’t deserve that fate. It’s not his fault that he was put in that position when he brought it to life!”
Ah, there we go. Switching the subject, your best skill!
You egged him on. “But shouldn’t he have been prepared for that, then? The series did say that he likes to prepare for every thing imaginable because it was a kingdom he was reviving.”
“What the–that’s stupid! He can’t see the future! No matter how much he reads or writes, there’s no way he could’ve predicted that! And even if he did, it wouldn’t have mattered! He couldn’t have stopped the tragedy anyway!”
“Oh that’s right!” you clapped your hands, “Thanks for reminding me. Totally slipped my mind.”
“As long as you know. I hate it when people don’t pay attention.”
Huh, he sounds huffy. That’s cute.
“Sorry, it’s kind of hard to remember with all the stuff that happens in the latest Red Sky Arc, where Alexius just–”
You heard a hard slam against the door. “No spoilers! I haven’t gotten to that arc yet!”
You closed your mouth, almost biting your tongue in the process.
A few seconds, then a minute, and then you burst out laughing.
Idia, meanwhile, was stunned. “W-what? What did I do?”
“No no,” you relaxed, “that’s just the loudest you’ve been.”
“I… I guess that was a bit too loud.” The tone in his voice made him seem bashful. “But I’m seriously not at that part yet. I don’t want to get a head start just yet.”
“Alright, I’ll keep my mouth shut then.” You pushed yourself up and dusted your pants. “I think I’ll be taking my leave here. Don’t want to bother you too much. I just needed to hear an apology and an excuse.”
“Wait, what?”
You turned around, stuffing the map Ortho gave you into your pocket. “See you later, Idia.”
“Wait!” The door slammed open. You turned around.
Idia’s hair was pink at the tips, but at least he didn’t look like he was going to explode. He did look like he was going to collapse though. Poor man looked out of breath.
“I-I,” the pink began to climb upwards the longer he looked at you, “I, uh, I happen to have that season downloaded… on my PC… so if you want to, you know, update your out of date stuff then, maybe you could, you know… watch it with me?”
His head practically disappeared in his hoodie and hair, but you heard him clear enough.
You could tease him, but you don’t know each other well enough so…
You nodded, “Sure, I have time. A lot of time actually.”
That one is a bit of a lie, but you just want to spend time with Idia. You have a number of excuses on hand anyway. You’ll send one off right before settling down.
“Huh? Oh, uh” Idia moved to the side, holding the door like it’ll protect him from his feelings, “C-come in then.”
You stepped inside.
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nozunhinged · 7 months
I finally managed to put my overall thoughts about Playboyy into words and hoooooo boy do I have a lot to say.
I watched the mdl ratings go down, the blatant hate towards the plot, the actors, the scenes, the sex. There was nothing that wasn't torn apart about this series and yet I wasn't phased for a second and I kept wondering why because usually get very passionate about defending the things I love.
And then I realized that this series is the cinematic embodiment of a very lonely path that I've been walking for decades and I am already very, very used to the shame around it.
Sex is not just my special interest, I also had the privilege to grow up with excellent sex education (thanks parents) and on top of that I never struggled with my (pan)sexual identity. Sex plays a significant role in my life. But I learned VERY quickly that I should keep this to myself if I don't want to be ostracized or bullied.
"You're autistic AND you like sex? You like porn? What the fuck is wrong with you??? That's impossible."
And all the comments I read about playboyy are exactly the same just in different fonts. Ew sex. Ew kink. Ew porn. Ew sex work. Sex can't have storytelling, plot, it's just for shock value. We all read it.
And sadly it's a very accurate representation of the role sex plays in our society. Which - ironically - playboyy exactly is about.
Playboyy is a visual collection of all the experiences of lives and people in which sex plays a significant role - even the lack thereof (looking at you zouey and all you lovely aces).
It's a collection of very important social commentary, with all the characters, sets, plots and visuals as a medium. Because this way, the points they make come across even stronger and draw out all the emotions they want us to feel - which is in the rarest cases, pure arousal. Because this is, in fact, storytelling. Even if many don't want to hear it.
Telling stories about sex is so stigmatized and shunned, it only has the tiniest place to exist freely. Just like sex itself. Every sex worker, sex educator, sex therapist, everyone who has a profession that deals with sex will tell you about it. The shame. The misunderstanding. Look at the state of sex work and porn in the world. It tells you everything you need to know.
And it's happening in the middle of the "modern" western society - Yes I'm talking about you, UK and I can't not plug this here:
*btw I am not a sex worker I'm just very passionate about letting people not just live their lives but giving them a CHOICE to do what they want or don't want to do
I existed in this tiny place for decades now and I got really comfortable in my tiny lil corner, but to see a show like this go "mainstream" talking about all the topics that tickle all the knowledge I collected over the years feels so amazing. And I can tell you, all you lil smartass purists, everyone involved in this show doesn't care an inch what you think, just like me. We're used to it, believe me.
I could go on for ages about how carefully all these topics of the show are treated but what I actually want to say is that I find it incredibly ironic that a show that depicts the struggles and stigmas about sex, exactly draws out the reactions and treatments it criticises.
If you don't want to join in on the fun, that's totally fine. I get that it's not for everyone (just like sex, he). But treating it as a piece of trash just because it's a thing you personally find icky is exactly the reason the issues Playboyy talks about exist in the first place. Hence you can thank your stuck-up ass yourself that debauched individuals like me get a gem like this to enjoy.
And the fact that it didn't just find a crew, but also the funding and the mainstream distribution proves that I'm not alone in this.
It's not my lonely little corner anymore and I'm absolutely thriving on that. Cry about it.
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south africa but i've never been there also i'm drinking
HELLO MAGGOTS this is the good omens mascot here hello hello. my psychiatrist just spent today telling me how I won't be able to be out in college when it starts in May and I'll be misgendered etc etc it's all a good time. So my solution:
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My darling cousin @imchronicallyonlinesowhat (the one who thought Sir Terry Pratchett looked like Sudha Murthy, was a kindly old woman and was married to Neil Gaiman because their book cover fonts were similar, OG maggots know the PAIN) who lives in South Africa asked me to make a South Africa post. FYI, she's moving to Australia for college, so you can be assured I shared my Australia posts with her she is SO prepared she won't say marmite instead of vegemite and she knows the Wibbles are inherently sexual. SOUTH AFRICA (I've only had a teeny weeny bit of cheap ass wine so far):
There a lot of white people there it's ineffable. There are enough of them there that my cousin regularly talks about not ever marrying someone who doesn't have some masala.
Afrikaans is a gorgeous language. I thought my cousin was showing me her Afrikaans notes once. She wasn't. It was her English notes, she just has the most illegible yet neat handwriting in the world.
They don't say yo but they say YOH and it sounds very much like a bass drum.
People at my cousin's school pump their hands in the air while saying jesus-jesus.
There's a trio of white boys that rule the school kind of like a genderswapped mean girls. They all look the same haircut-wise, they're Catholic and they're called the Triumvirate.
I'm realising here that my knowledge of South Africa is limited to cuzzy's school. But the wine is shit and I promised my blood-relative so I am continuing.
The books are fucking expensive and so everyone has to pirate shit. This sounds like the US.
Everyone is TALL. Like VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY TALL. The standard of height is insanely different from India. TALL.
If you don't have a last name you're going to get into legal trouble.
The no hat no play rule applies here as well as Australia apparently.
The wine cost like 2.5 dollars in USD if my conversion rates are correct, it smells like battery acid and tastes of rotted grapes. Nothing to do with South Africa, it's just that I cannot remember a single other thing about South Africa other than it's a country in Africa that's presumably in the South.
My braincells are already frying. For my cousin's sake, I'm going to compile all my Australia posts here so that she knows what to expect! Australian maggots your continent is about to be graced with the Good Omens Mascot bloodline. Notably the one with the Sudha Murthy fuck up so that's doubly fun. @howmanyholesinswisscheese, @im-a-sentient-magic-carpet, @madfangirlontheloose @obsessed-sketches @drconstellation and any other Aussie maggots be prepared and welcome her.
Toot Toot Chugga Chugga by the Wiggles is an Ineffable Husbands Song
Deaths in Australia in 2015, an ask
VEGEMITE IS NOT MARMITE, another passionate ask
Pt I Australia but I've never been there
Pt II Australia but I've never been there
Oh I hate cheap wine. @imchronicallyonlinesowhat I hope you appreciate this, blood of mine. I'm such a great cousin.
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famemonsterrr · 8 months
Astrological couples that are match made in heaven🪽
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(This is post in ONLY about romantic pairing that I have noticed they work really well or they should be a thing🤍 that’s my personal opinion pliz don’t even bother to get triggered we all have our views and thoughts)
Virgo and Scorpio✨
Okay but both are just amazing for each other and so similar. Both are obsessive and really sexual (yeah believe it for Virgos). Their ability to see everything and calculate everything makes them a powerful pairing. They respect boundaries but at the same time they like to treat each other with love and acts of services. Both love to help each other and always want to make each other better because they are perfectionists. A really good example is the couple that inspired this post. Blake lively being a Virgo and Ryan being a Scorpio, honestly they love each other so much, have the same sarcastic humour and probably really active (if you know what I mean) since they have 4 kids. Truly match in heaven✨
Leo and Libra✨
Are we suprise here? They are perfect for each other- both love to look beautiful,to be loved and be social. Leo and libra have eye for the aesthetic and the "beauty" in other people. I can see them being a power couple of fashion, social media ect. Definitely they are the same but Leo is more explosive and dramatic than the "let’s talk about it” libra but I’m sure they can figure it out. However I can see them bonding over the fact that Leo wants attention and love and libra can provide that since they are loving people and they want in return to be understood and included so the loyal leo can give them that cause when they love someone they treat them like family, like it’s their god.
Pisces and Sagittarius✨
Many would argue that cancer is a better fit for a Sagittarius but it’s not. Since Pisces is also ruled by Jupiter. They share a lot of qualities that makes them to be a perfect match. Honestly they just the same people but with different fonts. When a Sagittarius decides that wants to settle down the best choice is a free spirited,spiritual and caring Pisces. Both of them are sensitive and love to have this type of connection that is outwardly. See the good in the world and support each other to be a better version of themselves. Pisces will help Sagittarius to be more open emotionally and get a little bit softer and Sagittarius will help Pisces to be more social and an explorer of real life. I love this pairing so much and a great example is Taylor Swift with Joe they even lasted 6 years. 
Gemini and Gemini✨
They deserve each other…no okay I’m being a little meanie haha. Although they understand better each other than anyone else would. My parents were both gemini with 2 weeks difference and even tho they were the opposites in term of personal styling , they had so many things in common. Loved to have fun and flirt a lot, no pressure to be together everything was flowing like water. Some brains, same communication style, same attitude towards life and love. It only seems fair to be with someone who is just as open minded and free as them. So yeah take my parents as an example they are literally soulmates
Cancer and Capricorn✨
Yeah I know very stereotypical of me to mention it but they truly match better than any other sister sign duo. Cancer is loving and nurturing person who wants to give love and so does Capricorn. Both are very similar but they express it differently but that doesn’t mean they can’t communicate. Yeah Capricorn is more realistic or dry sometimes but they provide or giving a lot to the person they love and makes a cancer to feel loved and important. Cancer on the other hand is like a safe blanket to them and hugs them with their understanding and caring aura. Since Capricorns don’t trust people or don’t open up easily. A cancer with a warm heart will help them be more honest and emotionally stable in return Capricorn will balance and calm down the unpredictable waves of cancer. If you will both are homebodies and will create a beautiful family and household together.
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That’s all for the is part🪽
Maybe I will do part 2 and I hope you liked it since it’s something new for me.
Stay healthy,hydrated and healthy🥰
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blondeboyfriend · 11 months
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[ PAIRING ] Eren Yeager x f!reader x Zeke Yeager [ AUTHOR'S NOTE ] This is what Zeke's house looks like. Enjoy the fantasyyyyyyy. (This is from 2021!) [ SYNOPSIS ] You and your best friend, Eren, decide to spend a week on the coast with his half-brother, Zeke. Shit gets weird. This is pure pwp. [ WORD COUNT ] 6k [ CONTENT ] Modern AU, dubcon, jerking off, rough sex, oral sex, facefucking, throatfucking, nipple play, groping, exhibitionism, voyeurism, fingering, finger sucking, degradation (slut), spit play, hair pulling, praise kink, creampie, pussy slapping, impact play (spanking), petnames (baby, dude lol), threesome (duh), spitroasting, a facial.
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You ached for Eren. You desperately wanted him to touch you, to feel you. To take you in his arms and fuck you into oblivion. You imagined him saying he owned you, that you were his. You thought about his rough hands and the places he could put them. Your brain lingered on the sensation of his rugged fingers in your mouth.
But you put these things out of your mind. As much as you wanted Eren you told yourself he was off limits. Why live out the cliché of childhood best friends falling for each other? It crossed your mind to ask him out before you went your separate ways after high school, but you decided not to risk it. Eren was too important.
College kept you two separate for a couple years. You stayed in contact, little texts here and there. The distance did you wonders. For the most part you were able to rid yourself of your lust for Eren. It was when summer arrived that things got complicated. It was the first one you had spent together since you graduated high school and Eren had the genius idea to stay at his weird half-brother’s house in Big Sur.
“It’ll be fun,” Eren whined.
You and Eren were sitting on a bench at a local park watching American coots paddle around in a pond. You mostly agreed to humor his request because he’d foot the bill for coffee. He alternated between talking the place up and absolutely roasting it.
“We can hike. Oh, and there’s this whiskey bar in Carmel we can go to before we get to Bixby Bridge. I know Zeke has cable so we can watch TV and he said there is a convenience store in the fucking village he lives in.”
You sighed and went to respond only for him to cut you off.
“But get this, he said a 12-pack of beer costs a shit ton because all them rich fucks can charge whatever they want. Yeah, he’s into drinking wine now. Did you know these ‘towns’ along the highway are barely towns? Do you know how expensive gas is around there?”
“Oh my god, chill. I can barely follow your thought process.”
Eren ignored you again.
“Oh! But they’ll probably sell those weird, cheesy magnets your mom likes. You know the ones I’m talking about.”
You knew exactly the ones he was talking about. Kitschy magnets with the names of places written in ugly fonts on them were something your mother had an affinity for.
“I’m in. I guess,” you said, resigning yourself to a strange summer.
“Oh, dope,” he said right before stealing a sip of your coffee.
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Zeke lived right on the coast, a nice change from the city you languished in. On the drive there you dreamt of harmless fun. You’d flirt with Eren. You’d probably have an awkward kiss or two outside the convenience store. You’d sip port wine and hang out with a bunch of geriatrics in the hot springs. A dream you were ready to indulge in.
But rather than harmless fun you spent your first night drunk off your ass with Eren and Zeke, frolicking on the coastline after dark like a bunch of idiots. You noticed how Zeke’s eyes would linger on your body, taking in every inch. You tried your best to ignore him, but he made no attempt to hide his leering. He needed you to know he was looking whether you wanted him to or not.
“Can I help you?” you slurred.
“Can I help YOU?” he asked mockingly.
You scoffed and attempted to find Eren amongst the redwoods. You needed him as a buffer between you and Zeke. You called out Eren’s name but got no response.
“Maybe he died,” Zeke said, his tone almost cheerful. He was already making his way back to the house.
“Don’t say shit like that. What if he is dead? The cliffs are not stable. We shouldn’t be walking along them anyway.”
Zeke strolled back over to you.
“Aw, are you scared?”
He slung an arm around your waist, pulling you to his side. He reeked of the overpriced tequila you’d been drinking.
“Don’t worry. Eren’s strong.”
“Strength doesn’t really help when you’re tumbling off a cliff,” you said, the worried tone in your voice increasing with every word.
“Hush. You look cold.”
Zeke used his free hand to tweak your nipple. You smacked it away even though part of you enjoyed the attention.
He leaned in closer to you and whispered in your ear, “He’ll find his way back. Who knows when we’ll get any alone time again?”
Zeke started to grope you. Shoving him away had some semblance of appeal, but you didn’t. You let out a small moan as shoved his hand up your shirt and pinched your nipple between his nimble fingers once more. Your breath hitched as he moved behind you and started to grind up against your ass. His cock was hard as a rock.
“I almost died! Okay, not exactly. I did trip over 80 ice plants, but it’s fine.”
Eren stumbled out from the trees, bottle of tequila in hand. Zeke quickly dropped his hands and stepped back from you.
“The fuck you guys doin’?” Eren asked, squinting his eyes as if that would help him ascertain the situation.
“Nothing, your friend here wanted to head back without you.”
“Dude!” Eren yelled, utterly aghast at Zeke’s comment.
“What? I—No!” You struggled to find the words, you were still plagued with lust. “Zeke wanted to leave you!”
“Rude. My own brother… Can’t believe this shit.”
Eren took a swig from the bottle and glared at you both.
“Can’t trust family!” He gestured at Zeke with the bottle.
“Can’t… I… I can trust you. I didn’t think so at first. I kinda thought you were like being a bitch which sucked because you’re like my best fucking friend and like…Oh, fuck. I gotta sit the fuck down.”
Eren softened his gaze and wandered over to you. He rested his head on your shoulder. You cautiously rubbed his back. His shirt was sticky with sweat and it clung to his body.
Needless to say Eren did not sit the fuck down as he so crudely put.
“Rub it,” Eren loudly whispered.
You patted Eren’s back gently while Zeke cackled and started to head back.
“You know…” Eren trailed off, losing his thought mid-sentence.
He nuzzled his face into your neck and nipped at it. His lips were unbelievably soft. He wrapped his arms around you and proceeded to grab your ass. You fidgeted uncomfortably, desperately trying to ignore your throbbing clit.
“You… know what?” he mumbled. “I think we should go fucking eat some food.”
Eren let you go and wandered back towards the trail leading to Zeke’s place.
“If I don’t eat like macaroni and cheese I’ll end up doing something you’ll, fuck, I’ll regret.” He tossed his hands up in the air. “I mean, we’d both regret it. Equal opportunity regret, dude.”
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“So, you’re really not his girlfriend?” Zeke asked over dinner, which was definitely not macaroni and cheese.
Zeke took to teasing you mercilessly much to Eren’s annoyance. Zeke thought of himself as being incredibly clever when he was actually incredibly obnoxious.
Eren answered for you. “No. Just friends. I’ve known her since I was fucking five. How many times do I gotta tell you?” Eren stabbed at a rogue green bean on his plate. You’d never seen him so angry at a vegetable.
“Sounds like a textbook romance to me.”
Eren proceeded to fling the bean at Zeke. However he totally missed; the bean hit the wall with a little, quiet thud.
“Why?” Zeke asked.
“I don’t need a reason.”
You sat in silence during their bickering. There was no point in getting involved.
“What do you have to say about this?” Zeke asked, glancing over at you, eyes narrowed.
Something in his tone made your skin warm. He lit a cigarette. Eren mentioned he had a nasty habit of doing so at the dinner table.
“Me and Eren? Please. I’ve seen him naked. Not. Im. Pressive.”
Eren sat at the table mouth agape.
“We were 15! And the only reason you saw my shit was because you pantsed me in PE. Also, I was flaccid! Flaaaaaciiiiiiiiiid.”
“Oof, guess I got all the big dick genes then,” Zeke said.
“Big dick genes? Big dick genes!?” Eren pointed his fork menacingly at him. “Who’d you get them from? Our dad? Did you inherit our dad’s enormous dick, huh? Big dick dad genes!?”
You stood up, needing to escape their nonsense. As you walked away you could still hear them arguing about dicks.
“Why are you talking about our dad’s dick? Shut up.”
“Never! I will never shut up!”
“Get out.”
“You get the fuck out!”
“Eren, I live here!”
You stepped inside the bathroom and sighed. You stared in the mirror questioning your decision to come. You leaned against the sink and played with your phone. Once you thought they were done bickering, you walked into the room without announcing yourself, startling Eren and Zeke.
“Oh, hi!” Eren cheeks were flushed.
“Welcome back. You missed absolutely nothing,” Zeke said.
You took your seat at the table. Both of the men averted their gaze from you. It was only vaguely awkward.
“So, what’s the plan for the rest of the night?” you asked.
“Bed. We’re going to fucking bed, okay?”
“I’m not really tired,” you admitted.
“Never mind! Ugh. Bye!”
Eren stood up abruptly and stumbled into his room, slamming the door. Zeke sighed.
“He’ll be fine,” he said.
“I know. He tends to get emotional when he’s drunk and sleepy… and didn’t eat mac and cheese.”
“I’m an adult. I don’t eat that.”
You stared at him in complete disbelief.
“You must be so miserable if you ascribe age to certain foods.”
Zeke lit another cigarette, taking a rather large drag. His grey eyes were fixed on you.
“You’re not wrong,” he said, smirking.
“I never am.”
Zeke swiftly kicked you underneath the table. You winced as pain radiated up your leg.
“Cockiness isn’t very attractive.”
“You’re not very attractive,” you said, not realizing you put yourself on blast until it was too late.
“I find that hard to believe.” He stood up and walked into the kitchen, grabbing two shot glasses and that cursed bottle of tequila Eren had been carrying around. “You clearly have a thing for me.”
“What? No I don’t. You wish.” The words flew out of your mouth too quickly, it was clear you were lying through your teeth.
You were incredibly attracted to Zeke. Something about him made you feral and desperate to be fucked. He resumed his seat across from you. You watched as he poured two shots and nudged one towards you.
“I do wish. It’s too bad you don’t.”
You both knocked back a shot.
“You’re gross,” you said, wiping tequila residue from your lip.
“You don’t even realize how gross I can be.”
There was something almost sinister about his tone. It made your hands clammy.
Zeke continued. “I can show you, of course. I’m not averse to that.”
Zeke stood up and walked over to the couch. He fell backwards on it, sighing happily as he thudded onto it. You followed him and sat on the opposite end, keeping your distance from him. You weren’t sure what he was capable of. He might as well have been a rabid animal.
“Don’t be scared. I’m not even going to touch you. You just sit right there and be your precious self.”
“Uh, okay.”
He fiddled with his belt and pulled down his jeans revealing quite the erection. Your eyes widened; you couldn’t believe how ballsy he was. He stroked himself through his boxers, groaning ever so slightly. You couldn’t help but stare as he pulled out his cock and started to jerk off. Nothing could have pulled your attention away from him. He watched you, eyes half-lidded, clearly enjoying your gaze. Zeke let out an audible moan which made you look away, face hot with embarrassment. There was something heavenly about the way he sounded and you were ashamed you were so taken by it.
“Look at me,” Zeke demanded.
You met his gaze; his eyes were dark with ardor. He continued to pump his cock which had grown pink at the tip. You stared as pearls of precum dribbled down it. You were breathing heavily, trying to ignore how wet you were getting. Zeke relished in you falling apart at the seams.
“Do you realize how badly I want to cover your face with my cum?”
“No,” you said transfixed by Zeke jerking off.
“S—so bad,” he said through gritted teeth. “I’d make you knock on Eren’s door so he could see too.”
“You’d like that wouldn’t you?”
You nodded.
“Say it. I w—want to hear you say it.”
“Yes, what?”
“I would like that a lot.”
“Fuck,” Zeke said, blushing. He angled his cock upward and came on his shirt. “Well, got that out of my system.”
Zeke sprung up off the couch and patted you on the head.
“You should go to bed. Get some rest.”
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Eren knocked on your bedroom door early the next morning. It wasn’t a particularly gentle knock so you assumed something bad happened. You got up out of bed, not bothering to put on your robe. Your body was on full display under your thin, cotton nightgown.
“What? What’s going on?”
The urgency in your voice confused him.
“Nothing? I wanted to see you.”
“You see me all the time.”
He looked you up and down. The nightgown you wore did little to preserve your modesty. Luckily you didn’t really give two shits.
“Not like this. Never like this.”
He bit his lip, clearly trying to look flirtatious. You couldn’t help but laugh. Eren was so embarrassing sometimes. He reached out and brushed the strap of your nightgown down.
“Is that your attempt at undressing me?”
“It was, but now I kinda like the idea of you keeping it on. It’s hot. You almost look innocent.”
Eren looked like garbage. His hair was thrown up in a messy bun and his eyes were bloodshot. He absolutely reeked of alcohol.
“I’m assuming you didn’t sleep,” you surmised.
He yawned, stepping inside your room. He quickly shut the door behind him.
“Is it obvious?”
“I hate to break it to you, but yes. You look like you got released from the drunk tank too early. Are you gonna be able to hike today?”
“Yes, of course. But can I please get in bed with you? I promise I won’t try anything.”
You didn’t believe him, but you agreed to it anyway. You both crawled into bed; Eren snuggled up behind you.
“How does your hair smell nice?”
“I showered before I got in bed, dingus.”
“Shush. Go to sleep.”
You shut your eyes and tried to ignore the fact that a very shirtless Eren was spooning you. You breathed deeply, centering yourself. You thought of Eren and you as dumb kids, hoping it would strip you of your need to grind up on him. You thought of every time he ate shit on his bike, that one time you caught him picking his nose in third grade, and that other time he called you mom.
You snickered at the last one.
“The fuck you laughing about?”
You continued to laugh. “Nothing, I just—Remember that time you called me mom because I told you not to jump off a roof?”
“I hadn’t in forever. Many thanks for reminding me.”
His hand trailed from your shoulder to your waist. He took a deep whiff of your hair.
“I know I said I wasn’t gonna try anything, but I’m having a hard time not popping a boner right now.”
“Does that interest you at all?”
“If I say yes you won’t tell you brother, right?”
“Why does that matter?”
“It doesn’t, I guess.”
Eren started to massage your clit, his fingers rubbing it in a circular motion. He pushed his fingers inside you, and slowly pulled them out.
“Open your mouth.”
Your lips parted as Eren put his fingers in your mouth, you sucked them clean. You pressed yourself up against him, grinding against his stiff cock. He stifled a moan as Zeke pounded on the door.
“I made coffee if you’re interested, which I know you are.”
“Cool! Thanks!” you said freeing yourself from Eren’s grip.
You sat at the edge of the bed and tried to make yourself presentable. Eren sighed.
“I’m surprised he didn’t barge in.”
Eren got off the bed and handed you your robe.
“Is that something he would do?” you asked, pulling it on.
Eren shrugged even though he definitely had an inkling as to why Zeke would do such a thing. It occurred to you to press him for more details, but you wanted today to be normal. You wanted a normal hike to Pfeiffer Falls, one that would end with you all sitting on the ground eating granola bars, complaining about the lack of bathrooms.
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That night you all opted to have a quieter evening watching television mindlessly. You were sitting on the couch, wedged between Eren and Zeke. A bottle of port that Eren bought earlier that day sat half empty on the table.
You were all rather exhausted from the hike. Eren rested his head on your shoulder, his hair still wet from his shower. He was shirtless, as per usual, and wearing light grey sweatpants that left little to the imagination. It was almost like he was actively trying to seduce you. Zeke however seemingly took a more casual approach, though just as obnoxious. He wore a simple, fitted white t-shirt and pajama pants that looked like they were made from the floral wallpaper of a dentist’s office in 1996. You opted once more for a nightgown.
“More wine?” Zeke asked, grabbing the bottle off the table and filling his glass to the brim.
“Ugh, no,” Eren responded.
“And the lady?”
“She says no too.” Eren punctuated his sentence with a pout.
“As much as I hate Eren speaking for me, I have to agree. I’m good for now.”
“Suit yourselves,” Zeke said, taking a sip from his glass.
You tried to focus on the TV. You hoped the calming voice of David Attenborough and clumsy penguins would distract you. Zeke glanced over at you with a slight smile on his face. His rested his hand on your thigh, giving it little squeeze. His hand trailed up, stopping once he was near your vulva. Eren quickly looked over and gasped.
“What? Come on, Eren. Can’t I have some fun while you guys are here?”
“This isn’t what we agreed on,” Eren said.
You pivoted towards Eren, face growing hotter by the second.
“What… did you agree on?”
“Nothing,” they said in unison.
Zeke squeezed your thigh again, you turned towards him.
“You’re into it, huh? You seemed pretty turned on watching me jerk off last night.”
“You what?!”
“Eren, relax. She liked it. Isn’t that right?”
Zeke placed his hand on your cheek and kissed you deeply but it was over before you knew it. Eren was seething.
“Come here,” Eren seethed.
Eren grabbed your face and shoved his tongue down your throat. There was a level of desperation to his kiss, like he was trying to prove something, show you how devoted he was. His tongue glided against yours and he tangled his fingers in your hair. He took your hand and placed it on his hard cock. You massaged to tip causing Eren to moan ever so slightly.
“F—fuck,” he choked out.
“Alright! Well, you two have fun,” Zeke teased.
He got up and walked out into the yard, lighting up a cigarette.
You pulled down Eren’s sweatpants and started to stroke his cock. He had his green eyes fixed on you while he panted.
“Want a blowjob?” you asked playfully.
“Please,” he begged.
You leaned over and licked the tip of his cock. You glanced up at him and he looked like he was in a daze, suspended in utter disbelief.
“S—so good, baby.”
Baby. You never dreamed he’d call you something other than dude. You breathed through your nose and gradually swallowed more and more of his cock, pausing once you got the entirety of it in your mouth. You looked up at him, eyes watering.
“I’ve been waiting so long for this,” he cooed.
Eren pushed your head further down on his throbbing erection. You let him facefuck you as a deluge of drool exited your mouth. You choked, causing Eren to pull you off his cock by your hair.
“You okay?” he asked, eyes still plagued with lust.
You went to answer but noticed Zeke was standing outside, watching you two through the window. He was laughing his ass off, clearly he had seen everything. Eren looked over at him and rolled his eyes.
“We can just ignore him,” he muttered.
You resumed sucking Eren’s cock. His hips bucked against your face, each thrust filling your mouth with more of his cum. He moaned loudly, not making any attempt to quiet himself. You happily swallowed every drop you milked from his cock. Once you finished you looked up at Eren, praying for praise. He smiled.
“I’m in awe of you and your skill.”
He stroked your face and gave you a small peck on the lips.
“Are you guys decent?” Zeke asked, opening the door a crack.
Eren sat there with his semi-hard dick hanging out.
“Yeah,” he responded.
You pulled Eren’s sweatpants up. Zeke strolled over and took his seat next to you.
He put his arm around your shoulder and whispered in your ear, “Great form by the way, even if you nearly choked.”
Eren sat in silence, blushing like crazy. He fidgeted a little. Zeke leaned forward to look at Eren.
“You really should be gentler with her.”
“I know!”
Zeke turned his attention back to you.
“So do you want to fuck or?”
You didn’t expect him to be so forward. You looked at Eren, not sure how to answer.
“I don’t care, do what you want,” he said, getting off the couch and retreating to his room.
Zeke lifted you onto his lap. He pulled your nightgown over your head, revealing your breasts. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. He cradled your face in his hands while your tongue collided with his. His mouth tasted like tobacco and wine. He pulled his cock out of his pants and rubbed up against your clothed clit. You pushed your underwear to the side and slid Zeke’s cock inside you.
“That’s a good girl,” he said, as he started to thrust.
“F—f—feels so good.”
He slowly plunged his cock inside you, his gaze fixed on you, taking in every wince and gasp you let out. You held onto him, relishing in him stretching you out. His cock felt divine as it throbbed within you.
“Do you mind if I pick up the pace a little?” he asked with a velvety tone.
You nodded and Zeke immediately started to fuck you like the world was ending. He pounded his cock into your cunt with no mercy. You cried out as he slammed against your cervix, the pain shooting up through your core. Your breathing labored as he continued to thrust harder and harder. You dug your nails into his shoulders, and moaned his name. Your orgasm inched closer and closer.
“Call for Eren to come out here.”
“What?! No,” you said, bobbing up and down on Zeke’s cock.
“Do it. Or I won’t let you come.”
“But,” you whined.
“Be a good girl and I’ll reward you.”
You sighed as Zeke immobilized you on his cock. You squirmed around, hoping to pleasure yourself. It was a thankless task. You resigned yourself to what was going to happen.
“Hey, Eren,” you shouted.
Zeke started to fuck you again. Eren cracked open his door and peeked his head out.
“Yeah? Oh, you guys are still going at it.”
Just as he went to shut the door, Zeke called out to him.
“Come spit in her mouth. You know, as punishment for being a slut or something. I don’t know, I didn’t really think about it,” he said, bottoming out in you.
Your eyes widened. Eren strolled out of his room with a blanket wrapped around him. Zeke pulled on your hair, cranking your neck back. You stared up at the ceiling until Eren came into view. He stood over you, gazing down at your breasts.
“Hi,” you said awkwardly. Zeke’s cock was still pulsating inside you.
“Open wide,” Eren said, as he carefully spit in your mouth.
Lucky for you it didn’t taste like much, maybe a tad sweet if anything. Zeke let go of your hair as Eren wandered back off to his room. This time he didn’t shut the door all the way.
“You’re so obedient,” Zeke said as he resumed fucking you.
He kissed your neck, beard tickling your skin, as you were overcome with pleasure. You tried to stifle your moans but it was no use. Your orgasm radiated throughout your body. Volume control was no longer an option. You wondered what Eren was doing right now. Was he listening? Was he into it? Or was he just going along with it, all the while harboring some deep seated resentment towards you and Zeke?
Zeke finished inside you with little fanfare. He lifted you off his cock and got up off the couch.
“Are… you going to bed?” you asked, wondering if he’d invite you to sleep next to him. You looked around for your nightgown.
“Probably, why?”
“I wanted to—”
“Go cuddle with Eren. He’ll be crabby if you don’t.”
Zeke walked away, shutting his bedroom door. You stood there, cold and naked, unable to find your clothes.
You turned around and it was Eren. He came towards you and wrapped you up in the blanket that he was previously bundled up in.
“Sorry for spitting in your mouth,” he said sheepishly.
“It’s… okay.”
“Did you like it?”
“I—I did.”
Eren cleared his throat.
“I, uh, did too. It involving, you know, Zeke was… something.”
“Are you, like, okay with all this?”
He scratched the back of his head.
“I think so. I mean, I don’t hate it. It’s… weird. But I… I mean, look at you. I can see why he is,” Eren struggled to find the right words, “into you.”
You smiled at his nervousness.
“You can see why? Are you into me?
“You just swallowed my jizz. Of course I’m at least kinda into you.”
He gave you a noogie, harkening back to the days when you were rambunctious kids. He led you to his room and you collapsed on the bed with him. He sprawled out almost immediately; he went full starfish. His brown locks laid around him on his pillow like a halo. You cuddled up next to his side and he wrapped an arm around you. You held your head to his chest; his skin was warm. It was welcoming, it felt like home. You craved familiarity after something so strange had occurred. You drifted off listening to the waves crashing against the cliffs.
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It was a lazy morning the next day. Eren was draped over the couch like pashmina. You were planted next to him, with Zeke on the floor between your legs. A Chemex sat on the coffee table, brewing at a snail’s pace.
“Why don’t you just get a normal coffee pot?” Eren asked, his hand pressed to his forehead giving the question a certain dramatic flair.
“Come on, look at it.” Zeke gestured towards it. “Don Draper had one.”
“Who the hell is Don Draper?”
“Main character from Mad Men,” you answered.
Eren rolled his eyes. “Ew. My mom watched that show.”
“Your mom has good taste,” you said, playfully grabbing Eren’s foot.
“No, she doesn’t. Look who she’s married to,” Zeke quipped.
Eren perked up and glared at him.
“Don’t talk about my mom.”
“What are you going to do if I—ow!” You flicked the back of Zeke’s head.
“It’s too early for this,” you chided.
The brothers sighed and ceased their nonsense. You noticed the coffee was done and poured it into the three mugs on the table. Eren and Zeke groaned in unison as they reached for them, as if they were in excruciating pain from such a minor movement.
“Have we decided what we wanna do today?” Eren asked, cautiously sipping his coffee.
“We could take a boat to McWay Falls,” you suggested.
“I hate boats, dude.”
“We could fuck,” Zeke chimed in.
You and Eren nearly choked on your coffee.
“You,” Zeke gestured towards you. “We could fuck you. I didn’t think I needed to specify that. Didn’t realize you were a couple of degenerates that think I would fuck my brother.”
“How, uh, does that sound?” Eren asked, nudging you with his foot.
Your cunt was throbbing at the mere thought; it was hard to think straight, to articulate something coherent. You would have been lying if you tried to say it hadn’t crossed your mind. You were curious as to what it’d be like to have both of them worshiping your body, their hands roaming all over you.
“I—I could be down for that.”
Zeke turned around and started to pull down your pajama shorts, wasting no time. He peeled off your underwear, soaked with your juices.
“It doesn’t take much to get you going, does it?” Zeke asked with a devilish grin on his face.
He kissed the inside of your thighs. His beard tickled your skin; you couldn’t help but tremble. You ran your fingers through his hair as dragged his tongue along your cunt, prodding its entrance. You tossed your head back and moaned. Eren crawled over to you. He pulled off his shirt, revealing his chiseled abs. He held your face in his rough hands and started to make out with you. You happily welcomed his tongue, rolling it against his. He shoved his hand under your shirt, groping you.
Zeke sucked on your clit; you could hear him faintly moaning as he did so. You savored the indecent noises he made as he lapped at your wet cunt.
“Are you having fun?” Eren asked, stroking your cheek.
“Y—yes,” you said, trying to maintain composure.
“Good,” he replied, lifting up your shirt and tossing it to the side.
Eren started to suck on your breast, tracing his tongue around your pert nipple. You moaned loudly, resigning yourself to the debauchery taking place. Zeke nibbled on your labia; you instinctively shut your legs, pressing his face between your thighs. He groaned and pushed your legs apart, his rough hands gripping you hard enough to bruise.
“Didn’t like that, huh?” He asked, adjusting his glasses.
“It was su—surprising. I w—wasn’t expecting it.”
You looked over at Eren and noticed a wet spot growing on the crotch of his sweatpants. He kept sucking on your nipple, his eyes closed in ecstasy.
“You might as well fuck him.”
“Eren. I mean, look at him. Could he be more pathetic?”
“Go fuck yourself,” Eren said, his breath balmy against your breast.
“I’d rather be fucking her.”
“If anyone gets to fuck her it’s me; you already had your turn.”
Zeke rubbed your clit with his thumb.
“Are you jealous? I wouldn’t blame you if you were. You should have seen her, she was practically trembling on my dick. Weren’t you?”
A muted “mhm” was all you could manage. Eren furrowed his brow and grabbed your wrist.
“Can I?”
“Please,” you said, starry-eyed.
“Get on your hands and knees, now.”
You glared at him. Eren’s authoritative tone gave way to one you were more familiar with.
“Get on your hands and knees now, please?”
 Zeke let go of you and you did as you were told. You snickered as Eren positioned himself behind you. He slapped his cock against your cunt. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head, drunk on the stinging pain it left behind. Zeke patted your head as he slowly stroked his cock. His breath hitched as he palmed his tip, his hips gently bucking against his hand. He stared down at you, eyes half-lidded. You met his gaze, his eyes full of desire. He took his cock and brushed the tip against your lips leaving them glossy with precum. You went to open your mouth, anticipating his cock, but he pulled it away just as it was in your reach.
“Don’t tease her,” Eren growled.
You opened your mouth only for it to remain empty.
“This… this is kind of weird, isn’t it?” Zeke mused.
Eren slid this cock into your cunt with total ease. He grunted as you tightened around him.
“It’s not that weird. She’s in between us, it’s fine. Just like you’ve been saying.”
“I know but I didn’t really think hard enough about it,” Zeke said, tacking on a nervous laugh.
“Uh?!” You said with more urgency.
“What?” Zeke asked, his tone bristling with annoyance.
“Was this your plan the whole time?”
“Not the whole time,” Eren panicked. “It was that night at dinner. We—we talked about it as a joke.”
“Are you backing out, Eren?”
“No, if anything you are. I’m already inside her,” Eren sniped.
Eren thrusted furiously. His cock slammed against your cervix as he drove himself deeper and deeper inside you. You looked up at Zeke and grabbed his cock. You thumbed the tip.
“You know you wanna fuck my mouth, Zeke,” you teased.
“What makes you so sure?”
“I—fuck! Eren!”
Eren smacked your ass, the shock reverberating through your body. Zeke laughed and slid his cock into your mouth. He held onto your head as he thrust in and out.
“You’re too good at this,” Zeke moaned.
“It’s kinda surprising, baby,” Eren said.
Eren dug his nails into your hips as he thrusted away, his balls clapping against your taint. His cock pulsed inside you as he grunted. Zeke continued fucking your throat. Both of their cocks were thicker than you were used to taking. You moaned as your body was in the throes of an orgasm. You would have collapsed had they not been holding you up.
“I’m close. Like really close,” Eren said through his teeth.
“Pull out, I have an idea.”
Eren and Zeke removed their cocks from you.
“Knees,” Zeke commanded.
You got on your knees and opened your mouth. You weren’t stupid; you knew where they were going with this. They started jerking off. You gazed up at them, totally fucked out. Eren came first and his cum landed perfectly on your tongue. It dripped down your chest as you sloppily swallowed it.
“Sh—shit,” Zeke sputtered as he painted you white with his load. Your cheek was dappled with his cum.
“Did it get in your eye?” he asked, voice tinged with concern.
“No, I would be screaming and calling the fire department if you did that.”
Eren grabbed his sweatpants off the floor and gingerly cleaned you up.
“I’d say let’s all shower but that’s a little much even for me,” Zeke said, getting off the couch. “You two have fun, don’t get too crazy.”
Eren lifted you off the couch and bridal carried you to his room.
“I can’t believe we did that,” you said, tucking a lock of his hair behind his ear.
He beamed down at you. “Me neither. You’re, uh, down to again, right?”
You laughed. “I mean, we’re here for a week. What else are we gonna do? Hike every day? Pick sand out of our asses?”
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romiantic · 10 months
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how your faves act after an argument
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→ GENRE + WARNINGS: fluff/crack + joking of death
→ A/N: literally had sooooooooo much fun writing this cause I genuinely can see these characters like each category 😭. especially the jjk mfs
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dramatic ass mfs — they are literally screaming and crying, BEGGING for you to forgive them. they didn’t mean to yell at you bae, please take them back. no but for real, please take them back, even their friends are hoping every single day that y’all make up and won’t have to hear anymore crying. they’re constantly replaying y’all arguments in their head and wishing they didn’t say what they said or did what they did. they love you so much and hate seeing you get mad at them, even over the smallest thing. you’re their heart’s lifeline and will feel like they’re goners without you by their side. they’re the embodiment of shitting, crying, sliding down the wall in slow motion, throwing up, when y/n is mad at them. please shut them up and forgive them
GOJO, deku, kaminari, atsumu, OIKAWA, yuji, kise, jean, 1610!miles, luffy, SANJI, bachira, connie, sasha, nobara, bokuto, reo, kagami
alright mr/ms. idgaf ! — these “nonchalant” ass mfs act like they don’t give a damn that y’all fought, it’s whatever. no it’s not. these mfs are literally hurting in the chest, they just know how to cover it up well that’s all it is. well, at first they will play it off as if they genuinely don’t care and continue on with their day, playing a game of “who falls first” and believing they’ll win. but as the day goes on, they feel a growing pit of pain and regret. they feel like something is missing and start to spiral when they realize they miss you too much. they can’t keep living like this and call you quickly but cover the much earlier mood by acting nonchalant. they’re pretending that they ain’t care that much, don’t believe them babes !
BAKUGO, ymir, yelena, TOJI, megumi, nanami, choso, 42!miles, geto, zoro, AOMINE, murasakibara, midorima, kuroo, osamu, rin, SAE, barou, eren, levi, maki, dabi, hawks, porco, suna, chigiri, oliver
auntie music is playing — I genuinely don’t know which is worse, them or the dramatic mfs. they start out as dramatic, begging for forgiveness but seeing that you won’t, they continue their day with dreary and sadness. they think of how they shouldn’t have done what they did and concoct a plan to figure out how to win you back, through music. I mean, a way through a person’s heart is through music, prove me wrong? exactly. they’ve stalked your music profile and gathered what you listen to on a regular day, creating a playlist off it. they think of an idea that is brilliant, so brilliant that they’re standing outside your window at two a.m. with a boombox (yes they still make those) in their hand, and “be without you” by mary j blige is playing. they’re screaming screeching the lyrics at the top of their lungs until you text them to stop and come inside. the music stops and they walk inside with quickness and ridiculously stupid smile on their face <3
CONNIE, isagi (bachira’s idea), shidou, todo, GOJO, yuji, bokuto, hinata (haikyuu), nagi, HOBIE, tanaka
i apologize a trillion times — they are in the same category as dramatic but more subtle??? I mean they’re not snot-nosed crying on instagram or posting pictures of you two with some corny music playing in the background with the captions “guys tell y/n to take me back” “I miss my bae” “I’d rather d*e than let y/n leave me”. but depending on the person, they would find any way, shape, or form to apologize. I mean anyway, through a message from an airplane, sending you ten text messages, yes ten, of long paragraphs saying that they’re sorry and they love you so much. they’ll even apologize to you through email, with the subject saying “BABY I MISS YOU”. in conclusion, they’re just “dramatic ass mfs” in a different font
kirishima, aizawa, ARMIN, choso, REINER, mikasa, onyankonpon, kunigami, akashi (knb), kuroo, iwaizumi, akashi (haikyuu), kuroko, YUTA, inumaki, miguel, gwen, shoto, usopp, ace, aran, eren, OLIVER
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⭑ literally felt like gojo, connie, and eren could fit all 4 categories ngl 💀
⭑ okay but the amount of fun I had making this-
𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐏 💗: Psalm 139:14
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥 𝗋𝗈𝗆𝗂𝖺𝗇𝗍𝗂𝖼. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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chubsonthemoon · 4 months
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next round of binderary books are done! these are some paperbacks of three wonderful fics by dear friend @bisexualbluesargentt! they are:
savior complex: the first fic i ever read by bisexualbluesargent that altered my brain chemistry...so so good. Great Pretender, laurent/makoto, post-case 4, phone calls, the ocean...as they say in their tags, it's all here! tried to mirror a lot of those elements in the design, heh. also had to google which font iPhones use and went down a rabbit hole there, which was great fun.
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and eat it, too: THEE hisoillu fic for me. i reach for this fic mentally any time i need to write hisoka or illumi, it's just. SO good and so delicious! was quite pleased with this cover paper--it's a blend of dark colors (there's like...a very faint purple gradient I couldn't get to show up on my camera) and neon hisoka/illumi color-coded sprinkles which i found v fun and fitting. also did some coloring in CSP with sections of the cake graphic on the title page to make it look a little like blood/innards :3
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there are violets in your eyes: MY BELOVED. this is a rebind of the same fic from 2022, which I made a post about here! it's almost exactly the same in terms of materials used and the typeset, except for the size--I'm really into quarto letter books right now, so wanted to make another to complete this set! this is such a great tamaki/kyouya fic that has lived rent-free in my mind for years now and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. bisexualbluesargent is SO good at nailing the kind of push-pull ship dynamics that make me go insane.
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(and some comparison pics with the pamphlet bind! matchy matchy heh)
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and that's all for today!! making these was such a blast, and I got to reread some of my favorite fics all over again when I was typesetting them :D
@bisexualbluesargentt thank you so much for letting me bind your work, friend!! i can't wait for you to receive your copies soon <333
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Here’s a 3am Steddie rant I think every Steddie lover (and possibly hater) should hear. I have no goal to convert anyone—just to say that the ship did not actually “come from nothing.” Here’s why:
I don’t understand how there wasn’t Steddie foresight in the writer’s room.
So they play it up in season 3 like Steve just can’t get the girl and when he does she’s not the right girl and yada yada yada—cool beans. I love his character arc with Robin, their friendship, her queerness. I love their entire bathroom interaction.
Specifically: “It’s somebody that I didn’t even talk to in school. Maybe cuz Tommy H. would’ve made fun of me, or I wouldn’t be prom king…. First of all, she’s hilarious. So funny. I feel like this summer I have laughed harder than I have laughed in a really long time. And she’s smart—way smarter than me…. She’s honestly unlike anyone I’ve ever met before.”
Traits Robin Also Has that Eddie Shares:
Band Kid
The Witty Banter
Eddie’s personality is VERY Robin. Not perfectly so, but maddeningly close.
Another point:
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This is just the same person in different gender specific fonts, A.K.A. Steve’s “love interest” versus a guy who called him “big boy” completely unprompted and interrupted a tender moment between him and his “love interest” and complimented him for an entire scene while Steve wore his clothes.
So, really, one of them’s Steve’s love interest and the other is Nancy Wheeler /hj.
I write a lot, and as someone who both writes and consumes an abhorrent amount of media, whoever wrote this down, casted and costumed this way, and allowed for the interactions between Steve and Eddie to be as nuanced as they were (EX: the scene in which Eddie steps forward like he has more to say to Steve before he goes off and kills himself) had to have known what was going to happen. There is simply no way of not seeing it.
And if they didn’t want people shipping Steddie at the scale which they do, here’s what went wrong:
First: defaulting to Steve wanting his ex back is just plain shitty writing. It means you don’t know where to go with the character anymore, and since you’re certain he’s done all the growing he can do, he’s just gonna double back to the conflict he was in in the FIRST SEASON.
Are you serious right now, bro?
Steve’s arc as a character has been absolutely heartwarming to watch. If anything, he’d have been better off given the “I need to figure out how to be happy on my own” narrative. Throwing him back at Nancy is a cop out, a big one.
Second: Eddie. Throwing Eddie in the mix was absolutely a WILD decision, because he looks like Nancy, he banters like Robin, and GENDER IS NO LONGER A PLAUSIBLE REASON FOR AN AUDIENCE TO DENY CHEMISTRY, OR EXPLAIN IT AWAY. Not in the year of our lord 2023, no sir. Not unless you’re going to explicitly state in some way to an audience that these characters are DEFINITIVELY STRAIGHT. And with Eddie, they went as far off that course as possible.
The outcast stuff. The D&D stuff. The hatred of the system. The mysteriously living with his uncle and not his parents. THE HANKERCHIEF IN HIS BACK POCKET.
So essentially, this is what they did:
They took a beloved character, flubbed over his character arc because they weren’t sure what to do with it.
Then, they created a SECOND beloved character, made him likable, lovable, even, and relatable. Then they gave him half and half personality and looks of Steve’s last two love interests. Then they gave us scenes of them together where they showed chemistry, genuineness, and playfulness.
Then they EXPECTED that we as an audience had enough heteronormativity left as a society to say—oh, those two guys aren’t flirting with each other even a little bit because they’re two guys and obviously that doesn’t happen.
Pick a side pick a side, are your characters fucking gay or is your audience fucking blind?
Point being, I have some friends IRL who don’t really get this. They think Steve and Eddie hardly interacted enough for there to be romance at all, but I think it’s less about how much they interacted and more about the (unintentional) set up they were given by the writers.
Steve’s a truly beloved character and I don’t know on ST fan that wants to see him just end up back with Nancy Wheeler like his entire character arc was just to “get the girl” and “have six kids.” Which he already has by the way.
Anyway, that’s just my two cents. I’m not advocating for anyone to ship them, I’m just saying it’s honestly a perfectly logical conclusion to make, especially if you CARE about Steve as a character, you know? We want him to be with someone genuine, someone who challenges him to be better, to be different than he was. Nancy couldn’t handle doing that. Robin could, but they’re platonic af.
So why wouldn’t it be Eddie?
Rest in peace, by the way. You would’ve loved this text post.
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Happy Ending | Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
Note: This has been ghosting around in my head for some time now because of the song "Wallpaper" by Megan Cromwell. I noticed that whenever I don't have the pressure of a request in the back of my head for a story it's much easier to write. That's why I wrote this rather easily and quickly. I just wanted to post something again lol. So yeah, have some good ol' super dramatic angst. I'll be more active again hopefully.
Fandom: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (2022)
Warnings: Angst, Heartbreak, Unrequited Love, Mentions of NSFW Stuff, Trauma, Reader has some Issues
Summary: Ghost wants a happy ending but not with you.
Word Count: ~2k
If you want to be tagged in my stories send me a pm with the fandom/character name! Or comment on the fic :)
Call sign: Vigil
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"We can't do this anymore."
You had known from the start that sleeping with him was a bad idea.
Generally, people advise you against sleeping with a co-worker. Because it makes things complicated. Even more complicated when you're both in the military.
Because technically you’re not allowed to fuck, your actions could be clouded by emotions, potentially risking not only your but the lives of your fellow operators as well. But that little clause in your contract was printed in that tiny font, and so you decided to ignore it.
It didn’t stop you from getting involved with your lieutenant. You were never a big fan of rules after all. Your rank as a sergeant after so many years of service in the military said enough about that.
But at the start, you truly believed that a physical relationship with him wouldn't cause trouble to you or anyone else.
You thought you had it under control. At least in the beginning.
Yes, you had been attracted to him since your first meeting when you had signed your contract with Taskforce 141. Mysterious men were your thing, and he embodied such a man with his skull mask.
So yeah, you did allow yourself to daydream about him, and have some dirty thoughts every once in a while. It wasn’t like you were the only one.
You were attracted to him and you knew he was attracted to you. It was mutual and actually pretty obvious.
You could feel his searing gaze on you just a few days after you had joined the taskforce; the way his eyes trailed up and down your body. The looks he gave you were charged with want.
But attraction doesn't necessarily lead to a romantic relationship, right?
He was a good-looking man in your opinion; tall, rugged, buff, with muscles and fat in the right places, just the way you liked it.
His face couldn't be considered conveniently attractive yet that made it so much better for you. The arch in his brows, the dark eyebags, the scars on his cheeks, his cheekbones. He was your type. And his rough appearance fuelled the fire in your lower stomach and your imagination.
What was the harm in joining him in the sheets and having a bit of fun? It wasn't like you loved him.
That’s what you had asked yourself.
It was much better to get rid of your pent-up frustration with him instead of a toy or a rare one-night stand when you were off-duty.  And damn, was he good in bed.
Rough, fast-paced, keen to try out every possible position, and not shy of pleasing you. You could've expected it. He was a man who wasn't afraid to get down and dirty. Dirt, blood, sweat, and other fluids... It didn't matter.
Short summary: It was pure ecstasy every time.
You two had lots of fun together in lots of different positions and locations, and that was all it was. Just some fun.
No strings attached, as you both declared at the start. Just fuckbuddies.
"I'm not a relationship kind of guy, Y/N" he had told you after you had spent your first time together.
You had snorted because shit, you weren't either. Both of you were too broken and bruised by the baggage of your pasts. Your traumas would probably weigh you both down in the long run. So you were fine with the line he had drawn between you.
It was okay. No emotions, no obligations, no lovey-dovey shit, just a means to an end.
Just a meeting in your room after a mission, a phone call on your days off, then a quick meet-up in a hotel. Just pleasure. Not love.
Until it wasn't just that anymore.
You two had settled into a routine where he would join you in your room late every other night.
After you had pleasured each other enough, he would leave soon after, and somehow - with time, you began to miss the warmth next to you on your bed.
The feeling came slowly creeping, and it took you by surprise.
You never asked him to stay; you didn't dare cross the line. To ask for a bit more affection. But you wished.
That he held you just a bit closer during the act. That he remained next to you just for a few more minutes after it. That he kissed your scars, your lips. That he touched you as if you were something, someone precious to him. Someone important.
Sure, you liked it when he treated you like an unbreakable object when his grip left bruises on your body - in a way, they satisfied your need for more. They marked you as his. But just for once, you wanted to be treasured by him. To feel that you meant something more to him.
You didn't know when your feelings for him had turned into a fluttering mess in your chest. He wasn't just a means to an end anymore. You valued him. Not just as a soldier who had your back. Not just as a friend. But as a man, a partner. A man you wanted close to you. For the rest of your life. No matter how long that would be.
Because Simon had done something no one else had been able to do before.
He made you wish. For a future. A future with him.
He made you wish to be better, to be a little less broken. To pick up the pieces that had once made you whole. You wanted to be better. A better version of yourself. For him. To have a chance to be truly happy. To get that fairy tale life others dream about – you once had dreamed about when you were younger, your shoulders lighter.
His attention made you excel, it made you stronger, faster, harder. You were just better when he was around. A better soldier, a better woman, a happier person.
And you thought, no, believed that he understood that. That he helped you to be better. That you needed him. Not just in your bed, but by your side. As your other half.
You both were people of few words, so you thought that through your actions, your eagerness during missions, and your gentle touches during your time together, you conveyed all these feelings. That he got it, saw how you felt about him.
But you never spelled it out. Never said; I've come to love you.
Just let these feelings simmer under your heart, hoping that one day he'd get what you felt for him.
"We can't do this anymore, Vigil."
You'd love to say that it came as a surprise when he, one day, called you to meet up and told you these words.
But you knew subconsciously. Felt it. Long before he actually said the words, they were coming.
His calls had been less frequent, his visits rarer, and to your confusion, his eyes began to look different whenever you saw him. They looked clearer, and happier.
Only after you saw him at the party after your successful operation in Chicago did you understand. He did look happier.
But not because of you.
And only then did you realize that your brain had played a trick on you. You were so consumed by your feelings for him that you didn't realize how big the rift between you two had gotten.
He laughed.
Simon Riley laughed heartily for the first time since you knew him. Not just one of his usual chuckles that he reserved for your or Soap's jokes.
No, true deep laughter that came from deep within his chest.
And all because of a joke that the woman next to him had told him.
You didn't know her; you had never even seen her face before. She was a complete stranger to you, and yet Ghost rested a hand on her hip as if she belonged to him. As if she was his fucking girlfriend.
Soap looked at you, then who you were staring at.
"That's Ghost's new lass, I heard. Can't believe that guy found someone before us, eh? Surprised me too, I tell ya."
His words were like poison, and you tasted bile in your mouth. So much made sense to you now.
"Why not? I thought you liked it?! I enjoy it every time."
"That's not relevant anymore. I'm just telling you, Y/N. This thing is done. I won't come here anymore."
"Let's just forget this happened, alright?"
You hadn't even been able to argue. Or tell him your feelings.
After all, you were the one who said you could never be in a relationship with him or fall in love with him. It was pathetic to get back on your words and admit it in front of him.
So you just shut your mouth and accepted his words for the time being.
A tiny voice in your head whispered that you could tell him your feelings later when he calmed down a bit. When he started to miss you.
You knew the whole situation with Hassan was getting to him and the others, so you cut him some slack. You thought he would change his mind. Believed it. Blindly.
But now, here you were. Looking like a fool. Feeling like one. Being one.
And the thing was, you couldn't even say anything to him.
He was the one who made you happy. Who made you want to be better. Less traumatized, more whole.
You could see in his eyes that she was that to him. Not you.
So, what right did you have to intervene?
You wanted him to be happy, after all.
How could you deny him that? You both had gone through so much.
She seemed to be the complete opposite of you. She basically glowed in the room, her smile radiant, and her aura was light as if the world had blessed her to never know hardship.
Her frame was soft, and her skin unblemished, untainted by the cruelty and darkness that existed in the world.
You couldn't help but compare yourself to her.
Your cracks, the marks of your trauma, made themselves known through various scars on your body. Your hands were rough, covered with old blisters; so unlike hers, and you were all jagged and sharp edges, while she looked so cute and bubbly.
You could see her appeal, and it hurt to think that way, but in another world, in different circumstances, you could see her as your potential friend. She just had the appearance and aura of someone who people gravitated toward. A soothing soul.
In that sense, you could understand Ghost. Why he searched her side. But you fucking hated it.
As lovely as she seemed, right now in this bar; you couldn't help but despise her.
She took him from you.
A voice whispered in your head. The ugliness of that thought made you want to throw up, because didn't it prove that you weren't completely right in the head?
Ghost wasn't your property. He had his own free will, and just because she appeared didn't mean she stole him away.
After all, he never belonged to you anyway.
This was probably why Ghost didn't chose you, you thought to yourself. Your ugly jealousy and possessiveness were rearing their heads.
I wouldn't choose myself either.
You felt like crying, but you couldn't even do that.
You hadn't cried for years now, and although the pain in your heart was worse than any of the bullet wounds you had received during your career, not a single tear welled up in your eyes.
You were truly broken. And the man who could fix you wasn't at your side. He would never be.
You looked at the two of them once more. An ugly thing clawed at your chest, begging to get out. Your vision turned red. You clenched your fists.
You had to get out of here. Now.
"You okay, Vigil?" Soap asked next to you, noticing that you seemed a bit off.
"Yeah. I just- think I didn't turn my stove off. I got to go."
You mumbled before you turned around and hurried to the exit of the bar. Soap tried to protest, but you were out the door before he could even finish his sentence:
"But you just arrived- Damn... off she goes."
He sighed and looked towards that woman and Ghost. They made eye contact. As if Simon was already looking at him. Or you.
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I’m about to literally yeet myself off of the bear tumbler until after I watch season 3. Like most of you guys are really super cool and I’ve had some genuinely awesome conversations about meta and characters with really cool mutuals. That being said.. SOME, AND I MEAN SOME NOT ALL, ARE WAY WAY TOO INVESTED IN THE PERSONAL LIVES OF THESE ACTORS AND YOURE NOT SEPARATING THE ACTORS FROM THEIR CHARACTERS. This I feel like mostly applies to Sydcarmy (as I’ve observed). Like I said, SOME of you want sydcarmy to happen so bad (which is fine) that you would go as far as to push the same narrative onto the actual actors. Why do you care so much about what they do? Why speculate on the nature of their relationship? Why hate or obsess over it? If they haven’t come out and said “yeah we’re a thing” or some shit then it’s not really anybody’s business what they do or don’t do. Whether that would be together or separately as their own people. I completely understand the love for shipping the characters but literally leave the actors alone.
And also while I’m at it, I think having favorite ships is fine and shipping in general is fine, but I’m almost kinda to the point where I’m tired of digging through all the shipping content for the bear (all ships really) to try and get to the actual stuff people post about individual characters, plot lines, meta. Like yes, I think shipping is fun and I generally don’t have any thing against it all, it’s just that at this point within the plot the relationships and priorities of characters feel like they need individual focus. We literally ended last season on close up contemplation for each individual character within the show. They are all trying to grasp their own personal struggle with the chaos and all feeling different about it. There needs to be more of that. They all have stuff to work on individually. I just don’t think we need these characters forming romantic or intimate stages to their relationships with each other or others until they settle the situation the storyline took us through last season. I may be the only person that feels that way but idk🤷🏻‍♂️ like I need so many other plot points explored before any sort of romance or intimacy. I need carmy to fucking get his shit together and figure out if he wants to do this restaurant shit. I need syd to do the same thing just in a little bit of a different font. I need Richie and Carmy to fix their shit. I need to see what Marcus is gonna do. I need carmy and Nat to lay more of their Mikey shit out on the table. I need more syd taking the reins and being acknowledged for said effort. I need Carmy to call his fucking mom. I NEED CARMY TO JUST FUCKING SAY SOMETHING AND IT NOT BE A TOTAL DEFLECTION. BRO I NEED HIM TO LIKE ACTUALLY INTAKE OXYGEN FOR A MINUTE. AND I KNOW THERE HAS TO BE MORE MIKEY FLASH BACKS. THERE ALSO HAS TO BE MORE WORLD BUILDING IF THATS THE CASE. WE’RE ONLY TWO SEASONS INTO THIS SHOW AND THERE IS SO MUCH MORE SHIT I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT.
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gothicwill · 9 months
Please make a post abt the marketing/promo of hannibal im geniuenly curious
Gladly. I will take any chance to bitch about this lol
ok so um. The Hannibal promo sucks. This is a well known and joked about a lot on here. The big reason that it’s bad is because the NBC execs wanted an American actor (they proposed Hugh grant) to play Hannibal, but Bryan fuller pushed hard for mads.
He finally succeeded in casting him, but at that point the network had lost faith in the show and didn’t expect it to do well anyway.
The lack of interference and expectation from nbc DID allow fuller to make the show much more campy and experimental though, so it’s not all horrible :)
Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Promo is there to attract audiences to a show. It’s meant to vaguely capture its aesthetic, themes and give an idea of the plot.
So here what we got:
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Nice grey void. I guess there’s animosity?? I couldn’t tell you anything about these two.
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This one kinda captures the gothic-ness with the color scheme, but that’s it. They could’ve used body parts on that table or something. Someone on tiktok said that this would’ve worked better if it was set up like the last supper painting and I couldn’t agree more!
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This is as good as it gets. The colors are nice. The eyes not being visible is mysterious. The handkerchief is a nice touch to people who know about Hannibal lecter from the movies and such. But the heart of this show is the relationship between Hannibal and will, and that’s never shown.
I’ve already mentioned in a previous post how much the logo sucks so I won’t get into it again lol.
Let’s contrast this with a show that I think has excellent promo: good omens
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I can tell you at a glance what this show could maybe be about. The logo is in a fun and flamboyant font, which reflects the tone of the show (Plus angel and devil motifs!!). The opposing colors tell me that the angel and devil have different personalities. One is holding tea and the other wine. They live on earth. It’s perfect.
Sorry for the long ass post, I’m just very passionate about this 🫡. I only covered the season 1 promo because I think it’s the worst, but it’s similar with seasons 2 and 3.
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