#I had this all carefully packed away - I was someone completely different
daddestboyhalo · 11 months
I think I'm going insane. Like my eyes feel weird and nothing feels real. I honestly don't even know if I'm dreaming or not right now. I think I'm driving myself insane like actually. I gotta stop. I feel sick to my stomach.
What did I do wrong?
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littlexdeaths · 3 months
whiplash - e.m.
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eddie munson x fem reader
warnings: teeny tiny violence, reader has a panic attack, eddie is the sweetest, eddie and reader are in college
a/n: this is absolutely inspired by my first experience being shoved into a mosh pit at an avenged sevenfold concert when i was a wee teen. i hope you enjoy xx.
also shout out to my love @xxbimbobunnyxx for helping me with the title and some of the dialogue, and my bby @undead-supernova for beta reading for me. ILY BOTH SO MUCH 💕
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hot, sweaty bodies were pressed against you at all angles, nearly suffocating you. at this point you couldn’t even see the band playing on the stage, a sea of taller bodies now blocking your view.
when your best friend asked you to attend a metallica concert with her you didn’t exactly know what to expect.
but this definitely wasn’t it.
the small venue was packed, the air filled with the smell of sweat, marijuana and cigarettes. your choice of a leather jacket felt incredibly stupid as it was now tied around your waist due to the growing heat surrounding you.
your palms felt clammy as they clutched onto the hem of your friend’s shirt. the constant moving of the crowd seems to pull her farther and farther away from you. until the swirling pit of metalheads swallowed you both whole, losing sight of her head of blonde hair instantly.
your panicked shouts of her name were drowned out by the screech of an electric guitar— your body now being shoved around to the chants of ‘pounding out aggression.’ the song eerily fitting as you see a ringed fist connecting with another man’s jaw.
your heart is beating in your ears, that familiar feeling of panic washing over you as you continue to be shoved around like a rag doll amongst the group of men. until you somehow landed on top of someone… who had been knocked to the ground moments before you.
before you have time to react a large hand quickly wraps around your forearm, yanking you up and out of the dizzying circle of death. you all but let the stranger carry you through the crowd. the male shoving past throngs of people until you’ve safely reached the back of the bar.
you barely register his voice as you lean against the brick wall, chest rising and falling at an embarrassingly fast rate. your eyes squeeze shut as you attempt to get your breathing under control. those same hands that pulled you out now resting carefully on your shoulders, helping to ground you.
“hey sweetheart, you alright?”
his face finally comes into focus as you blink your eyes open, your heart now beating against your ribs for a completely different reason.
he was painstakingly gorgeous, full lips lifting up into a soft, dimpled smile. “there she is— hey man can i get some water?”
he slaps his hand on the bar top, the clear liquid sloshing out as a glass is slid over to him. his chunky rings clinking against the side as he grips it, now holding it up to your lips. “it’ll help, trust me.” you gladly take the glass from him, gulping down the lukewarm tap water.
“thank you…” you mumble, setting the now empty glass back on the bar and wiping the corners of your mouth. mentally forcing yourself to stay put, despite the bigger part of you wanting to run out of the bar from sheer embarrassment.
“are you here by yourself?” he asks, as you shake your head in reply before resting it against the brick wall behind you. the brunette seems to be studying you as you take in some slow but shaky deep breaths. letting yourself do the same as your heart begins to return to a normal rhythm.
even in the muted light you can see his dark curls were damp with perspiration, bangs sticking to his forehead. no doubt from being in the middle of that pit for quite a while. his cut off band tee showing off an extensive collection of tattoos. that soft smile morphs into a small smirk, as you realize you’ve been gawking at him.
calming breaths long forgotten.
“you can g-go back out there… w-wouldn’t want to keep you from the show.” you fumble over your words, now finding the sticky floor and your beat up sneakers far more interesting than the gorgeous metalhead before you.
the male chuckles, casually resting his shoulder against the wall next to you. his hot breath fanning over your cheek as he leans closer, “not a chance, sweetheart. until we find your friends, you’re stuck with me.”
you glance back up at him, surprise crossing your features. knowing most people would gladly leave you behind in the shadows, especially considering the band that’s owning the stage. that sentiment alone makes the butterflies raging your insides flutter even faster. the chaos of the crowd is now forgotten as he grins sweetly down at you.
“i’m eddie, by the way.”
the music has seemingly gotten louder since the two of you left the crowd, now having to shout your name back in reply despite the lack of space between you. his smile only widens as you turn to face him fully, crossing your arms over your chest. “and what is a fair maiden like yourself doing in a place like this?”
you can’t stop the giggle from leaving your lips as he gestures dramatically around the dingy bar before his dark eyes are back on you. “oh no reason at all… just needed a study break.” he can tell from the ride the lightning t-shirt adorning your frame that you’re teasing him, but he plays along anyway.
“so you stumble into a random metal concert, only to get caught in a circle of death? that’s quite the break, sweetheart.” he nudges your foot with his own, earning another giggle from you. “something like that, yeah.”
he hums in response, running a hand through his unruly curls. “duly noted— i’ll have to take study breaks like that more often,” the two of you quickly fall into easy conversation, no longer paying attention to the concert goers surrounding you.
despite having only met him less than half an hour ago, you both seem quite comfortable with each other. any embarrassment from your small panic attack now a fleeting memory as he tosses his head back with laughter. the sound warming you from the inside, out.
“gotta say i’m a little shocked, first show and you’re already hitting the pits like a pro.” he jokes, leaning in a little closer to you. the scent of his spicy cologne washes over you, making your head spin, “practically took that guy out by sitting on him.”
you groan in embarrassment, playfully shoving his shoulder as he laughs again.
“i’ll have you know i’m quite fond of the music… just not the…” you gesture towards the sea of bodies that are jumping, shoving and headbanging to for whom the bell tolls. “moshing?” he finishes for you, as you nod sheepishly.
before he has a chance to say anything else, a loud squeal fills your ears as a body slams into you at full force. nearly knocking you over in the process, “there you are, babes! i’ve been looking for you everywhere!”
earlier you would’ve been relieved to hear your best friend’s voice, but now you can’t help but feel a twinge of disappointment. hoping your emotions aren’t written across your face, but she doesn’t seem to notice. she’s a little too preoccupied with staring at the male leaning next to you.
“now who is this?” her tone is overly playful, wiggling her eyebrows at you suggestively. before she can embarrass you further, you elbow her in the ribs. effectively stopping anything else from leaving her mouth besides a little huff.
“eddie munson, certified mosh pit rescuer at your service ladies.”
he does a little half bow, causing both of you to break into a fit of giggles. “wow… a modern day knight in shining armor huh?” she teases but seems impressed nonetheless, “wish i had a hot guy to pull me out of there, i basically had to army crawl my way out.”
even in the shitty bar lighting you can see his cheeks are tinted pink from her compliment, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. “it was nothing really, just happy to help.” he shrugs before pushing himself off the wall, sliding his hands in the pockets of his ripped jeans.
“modest too? where did you find him?” she gushes, gently bumping her hip into yours. “and does he have a brother?” she whispers that part to you, ignoring the way you roll your eyes at her.
“well i see you’re in good hands now, sweetheart, i hope you enjoy the rest of the show.” as he turns to leave you feel your friend shove you forward, giving you a look that screams, ‘are you insane? don’t let him get away!’
“eddie, wait!” you shout, gently tugging on the male’s wrist before he gets too far. that dimple making another appearance as he turns back to you, “miss me already?” eddie teases, fully enjoying the flustered look that crosses your features.
“i uh, i-i’d really like to thank my knight in shining armor properly… maybe over coffee?” you nervously chew on your lower lip, praying that you didn’t read this entire interaction wrong.
but seeing his face light up squashes any doubt, watching as he grabs a pen off the bar. holding the cap between his teeth as he takes your hand, scribbling his phone number onto your palm with a satisfied grin.
“looking forward to it, sweetheart.”
he mumbles, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand before disappearing into the rowdy crowd.
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tagging some moots who seemed interested 💛
@babygorewhore @hellfirenacht @thepurplelovewitch @impmunson @voyeurmunson @madelynraemunson @take-everything-you-can @corrodedcorpses @serasvictoria @munsonhoneybaby @splendiferous-bitch @eddiesxangel @taintedcigs
all dividers made by yours truly 💕
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ghostlychief · 2 years
Pockets of Peace
Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader (goes by code name ‘Swan’)
Summary: More often than not, you find yourself in the presence of Simon Riley, aka “Ghost.” You find that your blooming friendship with the aloof Lieutenant provides you with a blanket of comfort, offering you a place of solace within his company. It’s no different when you’re injured during your next mission.
Warnings: mentions of bullet wound, blood, nothing too graphic; fluff; hurt/comfort
Wc: 3.3k+
A/n: This is purely an indulgent fic, as I’ve become obsessed with the mw2 character ghost lmao. If you stumble across it, i hope you enjoy!! I really had a fun time writing this, so i hope you have as much enjoyment while reading. <3 (sorry for any typos or grammar mistakes, i’ve read this over and over and bound to miss a few)
ALSO: I’ve deemed Peace by Taylor swift this couples’ song so have a listen when you’re reading 🫶🏻
Part 2 found here: Weighted Blanket
When you first joined task force 141, it took you some time to feel fully a part of the team and comfortable. You were more on the quiet side, and chose your friends carefully; comes with the line of work, you figure. What you didn’t expect was to become closest to the man that goes by the name of “Ghost.” He was tall, quiet, and the only thing you could see of his face were his eyes, but for some odd reason, you two clicked. You frequently got paired up during missions, working well along side one another. You guys got the job done swiftly and with little difficulty and your skill sets complimented each other as well. While Ghost used brute force and took the enemy straight on, you used your size to hide and take down the enemy by surprise, from a far distance. You were the best sniper on the team.
You and Ghost completed mission after mission with flying colors, only the occasional scratch or two indicated you were ever in combat. Did he still intimidate the hell out of you? Well, of course. His intimidation and brooding atmosphere only made you want to be friends with him more.
Your acquaintanceship with Ghost started to bloom 6 months after you joined the team. After one particularly long and exhausting mission, you and Ghost ended up drinking a 12 pack in his room. It became a regular occurrence after that, with you quickly realizing that winding down with Ghost was the best way to recover from a mission. The conversation always started off with work talk but after a couple of beers, the conversation would steer towards other topics. During these nights, Ghost became more talkative, slowly opening up to you, and you the same. One evening, after Ghost had a couple beers in him, he gave you a nickname, “Little Swan.” That was the first time he ever made your heart race.
During these late-night chats, you learned that he likes his coffee sweet with flavored creamer, but he likes his tea black. You also learned that he only wears black socks and has a whole drawer filled with skull balaclavas. One night, you may or may not have stolen one after he passed out. It was all worth it though when you showed up to the team meeting the next morning sporting it.
As you entered the meeting room the next morning for the debrief, you came up to stand beside Ghost, who had his back turned toward you. The other members in the room raised their eyebrows but tried to hide their shock, as to not to give away Ghost’s surprise.
Smiling, you bumped shoulders with Ghost and said, “Damn, I really pull off your look, huh?” You grinned up at him, eyes bright, then turned back to the table to see all the other team members with their mouths slightly agape. Ghost glanced over at you, and his eyes widened slightly before going back to normal. He shook his head, “Fucking hell,” but not without you noticing the amusing glint in his eyes.
One morning you were eating breakfast in the dining hall, looking down at your book, when someone sat across from you. Usually, you ate alone, so it was a surprise to see Ghost sitting opposite of you with a steaming mug of coffee and a banana. You just smiled at him and went back to reading, and he ate his breakfast. No words were said, but every morning after that, you and the Lieutenant ate breakfast together. There was the occasional banter, but most times, you both enjoyed the quiet morning in each other’s company.
When you weren’t on a mission, you spent your time training and hanging out with the other team members on the base.
You typically trained with Soap, whether it be shooting or hand-to-hand combat. One day while you were on the mats sparing with Soap, he suddenly stopped, smirked at you and said, “I think you’ve got yourself an admirer, Swan.” With your brows furrowed, you looked up to see none other than Ghost leaning against the wall, arms crossed, watching you and Soap train.
You grinned and waved at him, and much to Soap’s surprise, Ghost waved back. Turning back to Soap, you shrugged and said, “He’s been helping me with my form.” Needless to say, you won the next round, and you didn’t need Ghost to remove his balaclava to know that he was smiling.
You and Ghost were experts at your jobs, that’s how you’re on task force 141 in the first place. That doesn’t mean every mission goes smoothly- as you soon found out on your next one.
You and Ghost finally reached the safe house. The only downside was that it was in the middle of nowhere and at the base of a snowy mountain, which did not help your worrying thoughts of making it through the night. Ghost unlocked the door and you both did a quick scan of the place to make sure it was all clear. Once you guys cleared the space, you groaned and plopped down onto the couch, finally finding respite for your injured leg. Although the mission was a success, you guys got banged up pretty bad, nothing fatal, but just worse enough for you to immediately collapse on the couch. Ghost seemed to be faring much better than you, he didn’t get shot after all.
You don’t want to glance down at your thigh, because you know you will be met with a mess of a wound and blood. So much blood. It’s a wonder how you managed to escape and make the trek to the safe house.
You have Ghost to thank for that; he covered your ass and helped you along the way. You guys had spent the last few hours switching between a walk and jog to get to the safe house, and away from enemy lines.
The first time you guys slowed to a walk, Ghost wrapped your arm around his neck to support most of your weight. However, this turned out to make it harder to walk because of the height difference between the two of you. He was a mountain of a man, and as much as you appreciated his attempt to help, it would have been quicker if you just limped along. “I’m going to need you to make it to the safe house, Swan. I can’t have you dying on my watch.”
“Copy that, Lt.” You grimaced, now feeling the full effects of being shot in the thigh. Just your fucking luck, you think.
“Riley, call me Riley.”
That was new. You never referred to him as anything other than Ghost or Lieutenant. Despite the immense amount of pain you’re in, you can’t miss the feeling of small sparks igniting in your tummy.    
Now seated on the couch and breathing heavily, you watch as Ghost removes most of his tactical gear, the skull mask included. Although, you conclude that he probably has at least two concealed weapons somewhere on his body. You try not to think to much about where they could be placed.
You finally bite the bullet and look down at your leg. “Fuck me.”
“How’s it looking?” You glance up to see Ghost towering over you. His hands are on his hips as he assesses your leg, but the fabric of your pants is making it hard to properly see the damage, even though your cargo pants are torn and bloodied where the bullet made contact with your body.
“Well, seeing that a bullet teared through the side of my thigh, my leg has seen better days.”
Ghost lets out a low chuckle, which you think you must have imagined. You must have lost too much blood; did he just laugh? That was also new. You’ve been on this task force for a little over two years, and despite what everyone would call you and Ghost’s acquaintanceship, borderline friendship, you’ve never heard the man chuckle, at least not at something you said. This mission is breaching all new kinds of territories for you both.
“Right. We need to get it cleaned, stitched and bandaged before it gets infected.” Ghost had already set down his pack by the fire place, so he goes back over there to retrieve the first aid kit.
“You’re not expecting me to take my pants off, are you?” Your question comes out breathy, the pain in your leg getting worse and you let out a low groan when you shift.
You think you hear a scoff fall from Ghost’s lips. “I can either cut your pants, so you’re left with only one pant leg, or, you can remove them and salvage what’s left.” When you hesitate to answer, he adds, “Don’t worry Swan, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”
Now it’s your turn to scoff. Typical man answer.
You cross your arms and think about your choices, well, lack of choices. Ghost is still turned from you, which allows the warmness that bloomed on your cheeks to reside. Now all that’s left is a scowl on your pretty face. Whether you’re scowling because of the effect Ghost’s words had on you, or the sucky situation you’re in, you don’t know.
Quite frankly, you don’t want to know. You can’t let yourself spiral into the abyss that harbors feelings for a certain 6’4 man; feelings that live at the bottom, just waiting to be unleashed. What you have going between the two of you is good, fine. Your quiet routine is the perfect balance between colleagues and friends, you can’t fuck it up now.
He turns around and makes his way over to you, his heavy boots rattle the floor and his tall stature intimidates you. You find that the small sparks start to ignite again and you hate yourself for it.
Damn you, Riley.
“So, what’s the verdict?” He’s back to looming over you, and you can’t tell if he’s doing it on purpose or not. His hands are back on his hips, as he awaits your answer.
Arms still crossed over your chest, you huff out, “Looks like I’m taking my pants off, Riley. Don’t enjoy it too much.”
He slightly shakes his head, but you can’t tell if he’s smiling or not because of the skull balaclava covering half his face. A part of you, buried deep down in that abyss, hopes that he is. But you’re only privy to his eyes. Which you’ve come to find hold all the weight of his emotions. You sometimes can’t help but get lost in them, trying to figure out all of the mysteries Ghost holds within him.
He turns around to give you some privacy, and takes off his jacket. You’re quick to remove your pants, wincing when the fabric brushes over your wound.
“You can turn around now.” Your quiet voice fills the room, and Ghost turns around slowly, and his jacket is clasped in his left hand. His eyes roam from your feet to your face, and you can’t help the warmth that spreads through you. He’s probably just assessing you to figure out how badly you’re actually hurt, but your heart can’t tell the difference, and it beats erratically in your chest.
You’ve haphazardly put your pants over your lower half, trying to cover yourself up, but it barely covers you. Ghost can still make out the top of your legs and the beginning of your underwear.
How embarrassing. The first time he see’s me in my underwear is in a grungy safehouse and I’m covered in dirt and blood.
He doesn’t say anything, and stretches his left hand out, his jacket swings towards you. You look up at him, brows furrowed and your mouth forms a slight pout. You don’t even have to ask before he’s muttering, “To cover up, your pants aren’t doing a great job and I’m sure you’re already cold.”
He locks eyes with you and you take the jacket from him, and your fingers briefly graze his, sparks getting brighter and brighter.
“Thank you, Riley.” He’s crouched down in front of you now, and you smile at him. You situate the jacket so it’s covering you up more, but leave the bullet wound uncovered so he can take care of it.
He looks massive even though he’s crouched on the floor in front of you. You’re still not taller than him even though you’re perched up on the couch. Your hands slightly twitch as you fight the urge to run them along his massive shoulders that are at the perfect height and distance for you to do so.
He takes his gloves off, and gets to work. When his hands first make contact with your skin, you slightly flinch. He glances up at you, and you smile sheepishly at him. “Cold hands.”
He lets out a grunt of understanding and gets back to cleaning the wound. Luckily the bullet wasn’t lodged in your skin so he didn’t have to go fishing for it, which would have hurt like a bitch.
You let out a hiss when the antiseptic touches your flesh, it stings so fucking bad and you’re trying not to cry. The last thing you want to do is cry in front of him, with no pants on.
Even though your leg is sizzling from the antiseptic, Ghost’s hands are gentle. One is holding your thigh, lightly grasping the inner part, as the other softly wipes the wound and blood surrounding it. You watch him as he continues and in no time, the wound is clean.
“You’re doing great little Swan, but here comes the hard part.”
You sigh and brace yourself for the stitching. You find yourself not caring if you cry anymore, you just want this to be over with. You’re cold, hungry and in pain and figure, there are worse things than to cry in front of him.
You don’t understand how someone with such big hands is so nimble and gentle, but Ghost sews you up quickly. There are tears in your waterline, on the precipice of trailing down your cheeks. One or two tears may have fallen, but you can’t recall because of the searing pain that courses through your outer thigh. The only evidence is the wetness that now coats your cheeks. If Ghost noticed, he didn’t say anything, which you’re grateful for.
He gives your leg a small pat, signaling that he’s done, then grabs the bandage. He wraps you up, and voices that you’re all set.
“Fuck, that was painful.” You sigh and rest your head back against the couch, forgetting that you’re pant-less, Ghost’s jacket doing wonders to keep your legs warm and cover your lower region.
Ghost stands, but before he walks away, you reach out a hand and lightly touch is wrist. Your small voice fills the room again, “Thank you, Riley.” The sincerity from you evident in your tired eyes.
Once again, his eyes lock on yours and he gives you a small nod, before heading to the bathroom to wash up. You take this as his way of giving you privacy to put your pants back on, which you do carefully, trying not to upset your wound.
Once you’re dressed you lay back on the couch. You close your eyes, his jacket draped over you. You remind yourself to return it to him, he must feel cold in his short sleeve shirt. I’m just going to close my eyes for a minute.
The next thing you feel are your shoulders shaking. Then screaming. Who’s screaming? The shaking and screaming don’t stop and you feel yourself start to cry, worried about what’s going on.
“Y/n? Y/n, wake up!”
You jolt awake, and only then do you realize it was you screaming bloody murder, and Ghost was shaking your shoulders to wake you from your night terror.
When you sat up, the blanket that was on top of you fell halfway off the couch. Wait, blanket? Since when did I have a blanket over me?
You’re breathing heavy and place your head in your hands, trying to hide the tears streaming down your face. Ghost is beside you, crouched on the floor and his hand rubs your back. Up down, up down. The feeling relaxes you momentarily, but you still feel on edge, your nightmare still prevalent in your mind.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you?” Your voice croaks, and you wearily glance at Ghost, who’s eyes are already on you. One might say they hold concern in them.
“You did, but don’t worry about it, seriously. I just want to make sure you’re ok.” His hand continues to stroke your back, and he reaches his other to softly push back the hairs that cover your face, tucking the strands behind your ear.
You groan, and wipe your eyes, feeling embarrassed yet again. You’re still trembling from your dream, not able to shake the feeling. The nightmares only started a few months ago but they don’t come every night. They’re sporadic, which makes them feel scarier because you never know when you’re going to be hit with one.
Ghost lets you calm down, your breathing is back to normal now, but you’re still sniffling and avoiding his eye.
He stands up, and before you can voice out another apology, he softly says, “Come here.” And before you can fully process what he said, you feel his warm hands grasp you under your armpits and he lifts you up, pulling you against him. He shifts his hand so its resting under your thigh and signals with his other to wrap your legs around his waist. You lay your arms around his neck and rest your head on his shoulder. Much to your chagrin, you’re still sniffling like a fool, and you let out a sigh. His embrace pulls you down like an anchor and you no longer feel like you’re treading through a flood of murky water. It calms and clears, and feels alleviating.
“You’re breaking my heart, little Swan.” Your only reply is tightening your arms around his neck.
He carries you to the bedroom, where he must have been before you woke him and lays you down in the spot where he was previously. You only know because it’s still warm and smells like him.
He climbs in after you and lays on his side to face you. You still look distressed, but much better than before.
It’s only when you drift your eyes up to his that you notice his mask is off. You notice a small cut near his eye. Reaching your hand out, you cup his face and your thumb glides back and forth over the cut. “You should have told me you got this.”
You feel the bed shift when he shrugs, “Didn’t want you to worry.” His deep voice pierces through you, poking the embers that rest at the bottom of your stomach.
Typical. “I always worry about you.” Your eyes flit to his as you confess this.
“Not as much as I worry about you.”
You bring your hand down to glide over his shoulder, then his down his bicep, then forearm. When you reach his hand, he intertwines your hand with his. His large hand almost completely swallows yours.
He pulls you closer to him, now there’s little to no space between you.
“It’s not a competition, Riley.”
“Simon, call me Simon.” He cups your face, then closes the distance between you and captures your lips with his.
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malebreastmilk · 3 months
pining!gojo imagines, school picnic sandwich making!
♡ pining!gojo who is busy taking in the scenery of your apartment as you begin listing off the different sandwich types that the students had requested, he feels like he’s looking right into your heart seeing how you decorated your little place with all the things you enjoyed, only snapping out of his little haze when you speak his name
“...Huh? Sandwiches! Right–what type I like? Whatevers on the menu!” ♡ pining!gojo who finds himself looking down at the little cutting board you had given him with different ingredients that needed cut, glancing over to you cutting the crusts off of someone’s sandwich, a pang of longing flooding his chest as he watched you prepare food so thoughtfully. who looks back towards his cutting board with unfamiliarity for once, unsure
 “On second thought, why don’t we just buy premade sandwiches? It’ll be easier!” ♡ pining!gojo who now finds himself frozen in place as you carefully direct your hands over the top of his to help him direct the shaped bread-cutter without squishing the sandwich and its fillings completely. who trembles momentarily as you move your hand away from his as he does his best to cut into a sandwich by himself, looking back at you, trying to meet your gaze
 “See? Easy as that. You might wanna take notes!”
♡ pining!gojo who packs away the last bagged sandwich after you finish writing the last of the names onto the front. who tries to play it off as him accidentally making an extra sandwich that you might as well eat now since he argued that he was full from the sweets the two of you had been snacking on. who can't help but feel a newly found rush of pride swelling in his chest as you bite into the sandwich, the one he himself made especially for you
“It’s that good? Well I mean– of course it's good! It was made by the one and only Gojo Satoru after all~”
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lilsluttyy · 8 months
how about geto or gojo (which ever one you wanna do or both 😏) cheat on the male reader with an girl and its like really angsty and sad
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✪ cheater Gojo X male reader
✪ warning: angst , cheating , hurt no comfort
✪ ??? Au
" Why me "
Lately you've felt as if you and your boyfriend were drifting away , Gojo always finds away to ditch you on your dates and whenever you two had the chance to hangout together he always says ' sorry babe my friend needs me with them right now ' it's always that excuse.
Everytime you asked him about his ' friend ' he wouldn't even share a single info to you.
You and Gojo's anniversary was around the corner while you were busy looking for the perfect gift he was out there having fun , how you wish you weren't blinded by love. Each time Gojo made an excuse you forgave him , even Getou and Shoko was concerned but you kept brushing it off like it was nothing. If he had fallen out of love why couldn't he just let me know and let me move on.
Why is he letting me suffer.
" you're overreacting babe I would never fall out of love with you " Gojo would always say that to your face with a bright and confident smile. ' how I wish that the words you say were true ' you could only smile and nod , at first you thought it was the paranoia getting into your head but the evidence was just Infront of you. The text from a certain girl who you never knew nor met , but you didn't question ' he's quite famous so I don't blame him for having people's numbers '
How you wish you weren't so forgiving.
" Gojo..where have you been..? " you stared at him with no emotions swimming in your eyes , he chuckled slightly " sorry babe my friend needed my help " the excuse was nothing new " what's with the decorations did you celebrate a friend's birthday? " you felt your heart breaking. All this time you've been enduring all this pain , you ignored how obvious it was that Gojo was cheating on you yet you stayed.
All because you ' loved ' him.
Time around you felt like it stopped when you see him kissing another girl , ' no wonder he isn't picking up my calls...' the gift you were holding for your anniversary now meant nothing.
You looked away , your heart completely shattered.
You sat on the couch waiting for him to arrive, your bags and suit cases packed. The only things you wanted to leave behind was all of Gojo's gift from the early days when you two were dating and in love. Now was different , you stared at the door waiting for Gojo to walk in.
Time passed and he still wasn't here , you sighed to yourself before dialing a certain someone to pick you up " Suguru do you mind coming over..." after putting down the phone you picked up your bags and placed it infront of the door , you looked back and the lost memories of you and Gojo still wonders around. You of course didn't forget to write a small note for him if he does come back , a knock on the door pulled you out of your deep thoughts.
" (m/n).."
You smiled as you opened the door and Suguru was standing there , " I'm sorry I wasn't there for you earlier..." Suguru's eyes was filled with pity and regret.
" don't apologise Suguru..it's not your fault " you softly said as you picked up your bags and walked out the door , Suguru quickly offered to help carry your bags which you accepted. The second you walked out of that door , you felt this wave of relief. As much as you loved Gojo he wasn't able to return the feeling anymore , the weight in your heart felt as if it was lifted. You took a deep breath when you walked out the apartment and headed to Suguru's car , you stopped your tracks and looked back to the tall building.
Suguru placed your bags carefully in his car and looked over to your figure.
" (m/n) are you ready "
" yeah I'm ready to let go..."
Gojo walked into his apartment after spending the night with his side piece , hickeys littering around his neck and his scent smelled like cheap perfume. He looked around and realised something's weren't there such as (m/n)'s things that he'd put on the shelves.
" (m/n) baby where are you? " Gojo called out but to his surprise (m/n) didn't answer , usually whenever he called (m/n) out he would welcome him with kisses.
As he made his way into the house Gojo sees a small note that was decorated by (m/n)'s handwriting.
Dear Gojo,
If you are reading this i hope you realise that my things are gone. I also left the gifts you left me in your room , I'm not leaving because I fell out of love.
It's because of you Gojo.
I really did thought we were meant to be , but it seems like I was just your plaything. If you had told me you've fallen out of love I would have let you go , but you decided to make me suffer and I was to in love with you to even acknowledge the fact you were cheating.
But I had enough I thought if I brushed it off , it would hurt me less but no it hurt me even worse than before. The way you forgotten everything about ' us ' hurts me , I wish you the best with you new relationship and don't ever try and find me. You probably won't anyways.
Your used to be beloved ,
The paper dropped to the ground at tears had soaked it up.
Ja jang I got to bummed out at the end
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daichiduskdrop · 11 months
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚⋆·˚ ༘ *𝙎𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 ⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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Chapter 04
Pairing: BTS Ot7 X fem! reader
Genre: A/B/O AU, Fluff, Angst, Strangers to lovers,
Warnings: none for this chapter :))
Words: 3632
Taglist: @thelilbutifulthings @ilovemoneymorethenmen @singukieee @cherrysainttt @felicityroth @mageprincess7 @lucis-noctiana @danielle143
A/N: Hello everyone! Thank you so much for reading my story, I take the support I receive close to my heart. The next two weeks I'll be away so I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update, I'm sorry if it causes any inconvenience for anyone. I'm worried that the chapters will lower in quality if I rush so I'll be taking my time with it. Please take care of yourself, xoxo
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„We will figure something out then, okay?” Answered Namjoon after a short pause. Nodding lightly, you once again rested your cheek on his chest, just letting him hold you for now.
The other men had a much harder time containing their excitement thought. While the pack alpha acted chill and laid back, they didn't bother covering up anything. Their whispering wasn't making it easy for you to pick up on their words, but you could smell the happiness, so you could guess.
You felt happy too, in a way. You had no idea what was awaiting in the future, but you wanted to explore and develop along side with them. You still had a long way to go. You have never been properly courted before, the only pack you were ever part of was your family pack, which you weren't in for over two years now.
It wasn't something you were proud of. It was always frowned upon for omegas to not have a stable pack. Usually, people mated only within the pack that they were apart of. Once they found someone they were potentionally interested in, the lower second gender individual entered their courting mate pack.
Sometimes, when a bigger mate group started forming and an alpha well enough to support and lead the pack appeared, the whole group of mates broke off their earlier pack and formed a new one.
Therefore, an omega without a fully stable pack was considered not loyal, a big deal to more traditionally thinking people. Over the time you taught yourself to not talk about your pack, always cleverly avoiding the topic.
Others often noticed you being unscented, so you would from time to time try to buy artificial scent. It could be in different forms, but mostly, it was a small piece of fabric that was scented profusely. The scents weren't from a real person, it was a fake mixture of different spices, flower smells, and even things like drinks, foods, or parts of nature. This mixture was carefully measured and listed on the label with a small letter in a circle next to it. That stood for the different second genders the scent was meant to remind you of.
These small fabric scraps could be inexpensive but very highly priced too, it all came down to the quality you were receiving. If you choose to splurge for once, the small rug would serve you for longer. The clothes you would rub it on, neck or your hair would truly smell longer too. Usually, that still lasted for only about 4 days at most, the lower quality artificial scent completely gone within the 2 days.
You weren't ready to spend over 120 000₩ on a flimsy plastic bag with a 10x10cm square of slightly itchy fabric inside, that smelled so unnatural, it pretty much stank. You did have to purchase one from time to time, but only if the situation really requested it. You just really didn't have the spare cash for that, usually being left hungry for the few following days until your weekly set budget went up again.
Plus, they made you feel quite terrible about yourself. That didn't matter if you were about to travel to a different city, or just take the public bus, or have a longer school trip. It was more than normal for a pack to scent you if you were going to undertake such a thing. All of your classmates were well scented, so you followed along, attempting to fit in.
Being pulled from your thoughts by the pack alpha once again, he softly patted your hair looking at your face.
„Do you want to go to the mall with us now? We can eat lunch there, how about that? After that we can drive you back to your apartment.” Slowly pulling away from the warmth he brought, you sat up and nodded. Not really sure what going to the mall would mean you just didn't want to upset them by rejecting any of their ideas.
„Hobi, Koo and Yoongi are at the studio now, they are finishing up some stuff, maybe they will join us later okay?” Listening to Jimin closely you did faintly remember the three alpha's leaving the house sometime in the morning after you ate. They did tell you soft goodbyes back then, but didn't prolong the exit too much. Since you were mostly focused on the movie at that time, they didn't want you to become upset from their sudden absence.
Standing up with them, you all started getting ready. You didn't have much on you at the moment, only coming to the packhouse with a wallet and keys, so you just went on to pull on your jacket, scarf and boots.
Tying the gray knit around your neck, you watched how the other man got ready, grabbing long coats, puffer jackets and warm hats. Bending to tie your shoelaces, you were too slow, warm hands already finishing up the bow knot. Startled, you gripped your fingers lightly squeezing each one in a pattern.
Standing up after kneeling down Taehyung stood taller than you, the high heel boots he wore only adding to his height. Zipping up your jacket all the way up to your chin, he smiled with how your cheeks poked out, appearing bigger.
Squeezing them he cooed loudly, making your face turn just a bit pinker. Huffing, you lightly slapped his hands off, whining. Suddenly, Tae was in your bad books, how could he make fun of you like that?
Whining louder at his chuckle, you rushed towards Jin who was holding the door open for you all. With the two alpha's already gone you also walked outside, the cold air hitting you just as it did yesterday. Snowflakes weren't falling at the moment, but according to the forecast you watched on Saturday, it will start snowing again eventually.
Walking towards the already started car, you followed the footprints stepped before you. The vehicle was a Kia, black and quite large, pretty much a mini van. The snow crunched under your feet as you walked towards the door, pulling at the handle. Tugging the heavy thing open, you slowly climbed in, looking at the layout before deciding where to sit.
The seats were made out of light tan coloured leather, and felt bit cooling to the first touch. Gripping onto the handle, you were going to sit behind the driver seat, only to be pulled back by your hand. Softly landing in the middle seat, you looked at Jimin who was sitting by the wheel.
„Sit here princess. We can see you better this way, do you understand? It's for safety, come on, buckle up now.” The said alpha said calmly, turning in his seat to pat your knee lightly.
Growing only more annoyed by this, you just wanted to sit next to the window, was that big of a deal? Still, you just whined and did what the alpha asked for.
„Good girl.”
Looking up, you met eyes with Namjoon, and after a second of the sudden stare contest, you looked down at the seatbelt you started to pull at, ignoring the soft flutter you felt in your stomach.
Sliding into the seat next to you, Jin closed the doors after himself with a loud bang, followed shortly by Tae climbing in and doing the same. Sandwiched between the alphas, you shrunk into yourself, feeling small.
„Awhh, are you still mad at me?” smiling at you, you turned to face away from the man, choosing to instead watch out of the window as Jimin started backing out of the drive way slowly.
„Is everyone buckled up? Do you have everything?” asked Namjoon from the front seat, turning to look at all of us. Reaching his hand to pull at the belt around your shoulder, deeming it secure enough when it didn't move.
Nodding you answered just as everyone else did, so the car got on its way. The neighborhood the pack lived in was a luxurious one, not shocking you too much. You knew about their music, nowdays it was basically impossible to not know. But still you never payed enough attention to be aware of any details what's so ever. You didn't really know their names before hand, only hearing few songs in the radio or seeing them on billboards. You never really took a great interest in K-pop, only a small bit. Western music was more your style.
You always wished to travel to a western country, like the USA. You loved snow, so something like Alaska was always a part of your dreams, sadly, never achievable. You studied a major that made your future well above uncertain and risky, but still you hoped to make it one day.
The competitions you signed up for were not always too successful for you, but you loved the process of creating anyways, so you eventually always came back to them, even if you were disappointed with your results last time.
Your work ranged across many mediums, going from painting on big canvases to drawing, sculptures, or printing techniques you explored in some of your lessons. You loved all of it, often showing some of your projects to people who offered to listen in, even if there weren't too many. You didn't have a lot of friends, practically none.
The classmates you shared were often time bit too rough for you, and you still had hard time adjusting to living on your own, so going out to meet with new people was absolute no for you. You somehow always wished for it though, no matter how introverted you were.
And so with a soft music playing in the background from the radio, you felt at peace for once.
Finally, you had someone who was willing to help you, to hold you in your hardest and cherish you at your worsts. There was a coldness at the bottom of your heart, reminding you that any of the short term relationships you worked hard to form with some of your class were never truly real. They never included any of what you had with the packmates, confusing you further. Were they never actually real?
Still, you had a few you trusted, occasionally coming by to talk to them, even if they never came to you by themselves.
Streets passed by, the road was calm even if it was snowy and icy. Jimin was driving slowly, making sure to slow down before any curves to avoid any possible danger.
„Hyung, we have to take her to the Cheongdam-dong, let's go to the mall after.” Said the youngest from next to you. While you weren't that well set regarding your money, only getting payed small amount from your family as a compensation, you knew the Cheongdam-dong street. Filled with stores like Prada, Burberry, Chanel, MIU MIU, or Gucci, it was absolutely not what you were expecting to go down.
 You thought the men would take you to the mall, mingle around in new sections of the stores, you would maybe buy a lunch later and then be on your way. This seemed different though. Why would you even go there, you could never ever afford anything from such luxury brands.
Since your school hours usually started at around 8 and ended after 17, you didn't have much time or energy to do a lot after that. You could take on a part time job, and you emailed a lot of places, but after they realised you were an omega and with no pack alpha they usually stopped communicating. There was a lot of papers that needed to be signed by the pack to get the omega to work, even as a part time job at a local café. 
„Cheongdam-dong street? Why?” The discomfort in your voice was well above obvious as you looked at the man besides you. He way excitedly looking at Namjoon, smiling with his teeth showing. He was wearing a long coat and a cashmere blue and red scarf around his neck, left loose to dangle on his torso, looking chic and elegant. An outfit nice enough to go shopping in such brands, yours on the other hand was far from it. 
You did freshen up before leaving today, but you still wore the same clothes as you did yesterday and you weren't sure if the wrinkles would be appreciated. You could bet you would get kicked out before you would even try to enter.
Instead of turning to Tae, the highest ranking alpha turned to you. Watching you with soft gaze, he let his gaze linger for a minute before speaking. Namjoon was already set on starting courting you, and he wasn't about to back down. Especially since he knew that you were interested yourself, and his pack wanted just the same. 
„It's okay pup. We can just look around how 'bout that? Don't get worked up baby, let's just enjoy our day yea?” with his dimples showing, you allowed him to carres your cheek, leaning into his touch slightly. 
„I'm sure you will love it cub, the new winter collection from Dior has some really pretty jackets. Maybe you will find one you like.” Looking up at Jin he too only returned it, his eyes soft and warm. Nervously looking around, you weren't too sure about this. 
„Gucci has a new one too, did you see some photos? What did you like the most? I'll take you there so you can see, okay babycheeks?” Tae said, pulling out his phone before showing you a photos taken from a runway show. 
They were from his Camera folder, meaning that he himself visited such event, shocking you for a second. The intimidating looking women and men wore oversized suits with sunglasses, colourful patterns coats paired with just as bright pants, barretts, fur coats that dragged after them and maxi dresses. 
Leaning closer to the alpha, you watched the many photos he must have taken. When you were younger, you did look at fashion magazines, watching the makeup looks they wore confidently and the new silhouettes the current trends offered. Your mother always took you away sooner or later; whenever you asked to buy such magazines, they were always too expensive, was the reply.
Your grandmother did have sewing patterns and books on different techniques and guides for such things. In those old booklets, there was an occasional drawing of the clothing article, modelled by a girl. You always settled for those, flipping through the pages quietly.
After you got older, the fashion world just got a bit too much for you to keep up with, so instead you chose to buy what you found comfortable and interesting at the moment.
Only meekly nodding, you sat back comfortably, just as Jimin started to park the car. Stopping at a bit of a busy street, the alphas didn't step out immediately; instead, they pulled on different hats and sunglasses, pulling up face masks over their noses.
Before you knew it, a hand underneath your chin turned your face to the eldest. Pulling a soft pink face mask over your nose, he tucked the strings over your ears. Smiling at you with his eyes, he booped your covered nose while cooing.
„We need to keep you covered up, cub. We don't want to share!” His laughter got louder, making you smile lightly. With the seatbelts undone, you all piled out of the van. After locking the car, you all waited for Jimin before walking on the pavement. A lot of people were around, bundled up in soft-looking jackets. You did so too once the cold wind hit you.
A warm hand took hold of yours, warming you up slightly. When you looked up, you were once again met with the dragon eyes of the pack alpha. With your hand and cheeks warming up, you looked away.
„I don't want to lose you, pup. Stay in sight, okay? Don't wander off too far; stay with alphas for now.” Feeling able to only nod, you felt his fingers squeeze around yours before he pulled your hand with his in the coat pocket.
Walking at a calm pace, with Taehyung leading the way, you four followed closely. Watching the cars pass on the busy road, you noticed a few limousines here and there. You kept to yourself, only stopping for a millisecond to stare. Even that was easy to notice for the older man, who laughed loudly.
„I'll take you in one some day, okay? I promise, baby cub.” You didn't take it too seriously, so you only nodded. With the first luxury brand shops in sight, the small group you were a part of walked towards the first one. A tall, white architectural structure captured your attention well enough before you entered. The shapes were curved and stood tall with a simple black name planted on the front, spelling out DIOR.
The doors slid open, allowing the cold air from outside in, but after you all entered, they quickly closed again. With two guards standing next to the exit, you immediately felt watched and stared down. Before you had time to get anxious, a hand on your lower back lightly pushed you forward.
Jimin smiled at you; his soft palm slid over and stayed on your waist. Ushering you forward, you noticed Taehyung and Jin wandering off towards different sections, only to have sales attendants rush after them.
You knew that Dior was a luxury brand, but you didn't know that the inside would be so grand. You should have expected it based on how the outside looked. Right opposite the entrance was a wide and curved staircase to the left leading to a second floor. With two mannequins standing next to it, they were both clothed in the new season's styles. The one further from you wore a soft-looking checkered jacket with light tan accents and a long, pleated beige skirt. With a white turtleneck and a bag in hand, the outfit did look quite nice to your eyes.
The other figurine wore a more daring outfit: a brown leather coat that went below its knees was left open. A fur cuff around it was cheetah-patterned, matching the cheetah-print Barret she wore. Underneath, she wore a soft baggy sweater vest with a crisp white shirt left untucked underneath. A pair of loose-fitting black trousers went over her feet, so the tall heels she wore just barely peeked out, making the mannequin appear taller than she was.
The white marble flooring was shining brightly under the strong lights, reflecting everything on it. Pulling you along, the men lead you towards one of the jewellery and purse showcases. Kept under a glass, there lay many handbags, set up in neat lines. Some were small, some bigger, and they all seemed a bit too much for you.
The necklaces were mostly spelled Dior and made out of rose gold; there were also many bracelets shown. With the same logo, you liked a few but didn't dwell on them for too long. There was no way you could wear any of this stuff, so why look too closely?
Allowing the alphas to pull you through the store calmly, whenever a sales clerk appeared, they were quick to wave them off. You felt out of place, but the warmth their hands provided made you feel better, so you just complied and went with it.
Occasionally stopping, they took notes of where you were looking; if you watched over a pair of heels for a bit longer, a ring, a bracelet, or just a simple sun hat, they were quick to remember.
Eventually, you three walked up the stairs to where the clothing section was. This wasn't like the usual store you knew, where the clothes were filled with all different sizes and the clothing racks were full. Here, there were only a very few items, usually kept in one or two sizes.
You didn't have much time to look around closely before Taehyung walked towards you, with two store workers quickly trailing him. Both of them, the girl and the man, had their hands full with stuff. From bright colours to softer stuff, there was a lot they held. Taking a hold of your soft cheeks, the wide boxy smile was all you could pay attention to.
„Here, babycheeks, I found some stuff for you to try on. Why don't we do that now? Will you do a nice fashion show for your alphas, my good girl?”
„Ah, Tae, that sounds just like the best thing ever. Here princess, the changing rooms are this way. Did you already select the right sizes for our baby?” Jimin asked his younger packmate, who nodded quickly.
„Of course, don't worry. It should all fit, the clerk's chose the sizes. Here, babycheeks, we will sit here for now. You just come out once you are ready okay? Alpha's are right here.”
Pulling open the long curtain, you were lightly pushed in the large changing room. There were a few hangers in there with few clothes already hung up on them. Turning to look at the men, everything happened bit too quickly for you to realise what was going on before you were already standing in the changing room.
Before them stood a few leather armchairs, already occupied by the pack, while Namjoon and Tae had his knees spread, Jimin chose to set one over the other and rest that way. Meeting his gaze once again, the man spoke again.
„Don't worry baby, we aren't going anywhere. Be a good girl now and go try on some stuff okay? I'm sure you'll like it.”
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Would you do a fanfic about mc hurting them selfs ( brothers +dateables)
* accidentally* I should have made this clear (sorry I didn’t)
No worries at all! I just felt like the two options were drastically different, so I wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing.
Okay, so MC accidentally hurts themselves. It's a bit long but I didn't want to make two posts, so this is the brothers and the dateables all together. Thank you for the request!
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Warnings: MC gets hurt, mentions of blood, sprains, and other such injuries. Mentions of the events of lesson 16 in Belphie's part.
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Immediately locates the first aid kit. Acts completely calm and collected. His actual level of concern varies depending on how bad the injury is. If it’s serious, he will be secretly worrying about you, but he doesn’t want you to know.
Protective. Not only does he care very deeply about your well being, you are under his care and he takes that responsibility seriously.
However, he’s also aware that you have somehow managed to injure yourself. MC, he cares about you, but he has to insist that you be more careful. Lectures you, of course, but catches himself before it gets too long winded.
Whatever you’ve managed to do to yourself, he’s surprisingly gentle about taking care of you. For instance if you’ve cut yourself, he cleanses your wound and bandages you up with a soft touch. Even allows his fingers to linger on your skin for a moment, which gives away how worried he really is.
You hurt yourself? How’d ya manage that, MC? Are humans normally this clumsy?
Acting like he’s not concerned, but he’s actually very worried. Clumsy or not, you’re his human and he’s going to make sure you’re okay.
Takes action. Did you sprain your ankle? He carries you to your room. Cut yourself on something? Bandages you up. He’s muttering the whole time because he’s worried about you, but he’s actually pretty good at taking care of you. Asks you about how you're doing while you're healing.
Thank him and he’ll get flustered, brushing it off like it’s no big deal. You think this is the first time he’s had to take care of someone who hurt themselves? Hello, he has five little brothers. Still you know the truth which is that it’s different with you. His blush confirms it even more.
Panics immediately. What! You’re hurt! What should he do? How can he help you? Please tell him you’re okay, MC!
You have to talk him down at first. Let him know that you’re okay, that it’s a minor injury. Give him some directions. Tell him what you need and he instantly scrambles to get you whatever you need. Bandages? Ice pack? The entire first aid kit?! He’s on it!
Once he’s calmed down a bit, he gets serious about helping you. Gets blushy about touching you while applying bandages and the like, but powers through it because he’s worried about you.
Checks in with you to make sure everything is healing okay. Tries to be subtle about watching you carefully to make sure you don't have another accident, but you are absolutely onto him. It's pretty adorable, so you don't mind.
Another competent one who stays calm. Has plenty of knowledge about the best ways to treat various injuries. And if he’s not sure, you can bet he has a book all about it.
Depending on how bad your injury is, he will either get really focused on taking care of you or he’ll tease you a little bit. Honestly, MC, how did you manage to do this to yourself? Good thing he’s here to make sure you’re okay.
He’s definitely worried about you, but it’s hard to tell because of his confidence. However, he doesn't want you to think he doesn't care and he will tell you directly that he wants you to be more careful. Scolds you gently before taking the opportunity to flirt with you, though subtly.
Keeps track of how you're doing. Makes sure you're healing well and correctly, depending on the type of injury. If you've done something like sprained your ankle and you can't really go anywhere or do anything, he will stay beside you and read aloud to you.
Panics at first. His darling MC is hurt? Thinking about it makes him want to cry. He’s completely transparent and honest about how worried he is about you.
Isn’t paralyzed by his concern, though. Depending on how bad your injury is, he either takes care of it himself or he gets Lucifer. If it's more serious, he will stick by your side, staying close and being overly attentive.
A minor injury he can handle. Makes sure you’re comfortable while he administers first aid. Gets cheeky and kisses it better for you. Probably kisses it a couple of times before kissing your cheeks next. He just wants to make you feel better!
Pampers you of course. As long as you’re injured, he’ll do extra things for you until you’re healed. If you have to wear some kind of medical device, you can be sure he will make it adorable somehow. Whether its cutesy band aids or bedazzling a set of crutches, he's going to make sure you look fabulous, injured or not.
Due to the fact that Beel has injured himself multiple times while playing sports, he knows exactly what to do. He’s not freaking out, but there is no doubt he’s concerned about you. You can tell by the serious look on his face.
He’s so careful with you. If you can’t walk, he carries you, cradling you close to himself. If you’re bleeding, he cleans your wound, gently wiping away the blood and bandaging you up.
Tells you that you need to be more careful. You’re a fragile human, after all. He might get clingy for a bit, watching over you to make sure you don’t hurt yourself again. Gets protective and chases away anyone who seems like they're going to bother you.
Until you’re healed, he makes sure you have plenty to eat. You can’t heal if you’re not eating right, MC. Makes sure you’re getting plenty of food and staying hydrated.
Sighs in exasperation to hide how worried he is about you. Due to his particular history with you, he’s especially concerned about you hurting yourself. Even if you’ve forgiven him, he hasn’t forgotten that he was the one who hurt you in the past.
He will enlist other brothers to help him take care of you. Major injury? He’s going to Lucifer. Can’t walk? Let Beel carry you. Just a small cut? Sends someone to get the first aid kit then applies the band aid himself.
Wants to tell you to be more careful, but doesn’t feel like he can. Instead he tells you that you should rest while you’re healing. Make sure you get enough sleep, MC.
If you catch on to how he’s feeling guilty, let him know that you trust him. Ask him to help you while you’re healing. Seek him out while you’re taking it easy, napping with him or just resting next to him. It will mean a lot to him.
Makes a fuss no matter what kind of injury you have. He is not okay with a human exchange student getting hurt in any way. Even if you try to explain that it was just an accident and it was your own fault, he won’t listen. Don’t worry, MC! He will make sure you are okay!
Realizes he has no idea what to do. Has to ask Barbatos for help. With his butler’s instructions, he takes care of you himself. Applies ice packs or bandages as needed.
Depending on the severity of your injury, he may insist you stay at the castle while you’re healing so he can keep an eye on you. Sprained ankle? You can be sure he’s going to keep you close. Paper cut? Okay, he’ll let you go back to the House of Lamentation. But know that he will be following up on your progress.
You might think his concern is based on his sense of responsibility for you. However, you soon realize that’s just an excuse for him to fuss over you. He’s genuinely worried because he cares about you and he will tell you as much in a quiet moment.
You won’t be able to tell, but he’s deeply concerned about you. Doesn’t let it show and takes care of everything you need no matter what kind of injury you have. He can do basic first aid, but he can also do more advanced things if needed. He stays calm and his touch is gentle. You can count on him, MC.
While he’s taking care of you, he asks you to be more careful. He says it so kindly you almost can’t tell that he’s scolding you. This is how you know he’s worried even if he doesn’t show it.
Will use his portal ability to check in on you while you’re healing. Makes you tea that has special healing properties. Brings you your favorite dessert to go with it. Makes sure that you have everything you need.
When you’re fully healed, he will confess that he was worried about you. Tell him that you knew despite his calm reaction and he’ll be grateful that you understand him so well. He hopes you know just how important you are to him.
He remains calm, but you can see the concern on his face. He doesn't mind letting you know how he's feeling, but he also wants to be there for you. He will reassure you that everything is going to be okay.
Easily takes care of whatever you need. Has no problem bandaging you up or taking care of any other such injuries. He knows exactly what to do and he's very efficient at it. Please don't worry, MC.
Insists that you let him cook for you. You need plenty of nutrients now to heal properly. He'll mother you quite a bit - cooking for you, making sure you get enough sleep, checking in on you constantly. He'll even tell the brothers to leave you alone so you can get better quickly.
All of this indicates to you how much he cares about you. If you ask him to simply stay with you, he will stop everything to be by your side. Will hold your hand and chat with you. He'll tell you to be more careful, though he says it with a smile.
If you're seriously injured, he will drop everything to make sure you're okay. He's ready to cast any number of healing spells on you. Let him take care of it, MC.
He'll be really serious at first, asking you how you managed to hurt yourself like this. Especially if it happened while you were doing magic, he will launch into a bit of a lecture on magical safety. Tell him he sounds like Lucifer and he'll start teasing you instead.
Once he's satisfied that you're going to be okay, he loses his serious demeanor and jokes with you to lighten your mood. You can still tell that he's concerned, especially when he keeps an eye on how you're healing for a while. Might even insist that you stay at Purgatory Hall during this time.
Ask him to teach you all the healing spells he knows. He'll do it, but he's onto you. Don't think that knowing healing spells means you don't have to be careful! Seriously, MC, just promise him you'll stay safe.
Freaks right out. Especially if you're bleeding. Even though a sprained ankle is a more serious injury than say a small cut, the blood makes him anxious. Hold on, MC! He has band aids! Wait right there!
Brings you a box of brightly colored band aids. Also brings Simeon. He wants to make sure you're going to be okay. Puts the band aids on for you, but has Simeon double check that there's nothing else wrong with you.
If you have a serious injury, he'll be so worried he won't leave your side. You'll be fully aware of how concerned he is. Stays beside you even if he's too tired to stay awake and falls asleep sitting up.
Might leave you just long enough to grab some cookies he baked earlier. He wants to cheer you up with some treats. Will check in with you periodically for some time after you've already healed.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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short-honey-badger · 7 months
Life Imitates Art
Heyy. So after a lil brainstorming and talking with @writingmysanity, this has been born. I hope you enjoy!
Warnings! None yet!
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You examine yourself in the mirror, your makeup looks good, but there is just something missing from the ensemble. You brighten when it hits you and you dip the brush into the red face paint. You lean in closer and then carefully begin to dab it on the very tip of your nose. When you are finished, you drop the brush and grin widely at your reflection. 
Red has been artfully smeared across your mouth giving you a permanent smile while blue has been swiped vertically across both eyes. Crossed bones have been painstakingly painted on your forehead and your new red nose completes it. You braid your hair and then tie on the red and white striped bandana. All in all, you look like the man you admire, the man who saved your life so long ago, even if he didn't know it.
The Buggy Pirates and a group of Marines battled it out in the middle of a small town on an island in the East Blue. It was rumored that the island held riches, and that had been all that Buggy needed to hear before he and his crew had swooped in on the unsuspecting town. You, young and impressionable at the time, had watched in fascination as the pirates plundered the town. 
The captain and his crew picked and marched their way through the poor district of the town, leaving the haggard weary townspeople be. You followed after them, quick on your feet after years of running from the men in the blue coats and black sticks. You followed them until they came to the Top City, where the horrible people spit at you and your hand-me-down clothes whenever you came near. You watched with rising awe as a lion of all things toppled the large doors that separated the two districts.
The raiding truly began now that the pirates were inside and chaos quickly began to consume the streets. They broke into the impressive housing and overpriced stores, stealing anything that caught their eyes. You followed the man with the bright red nose and the massive hat with blue hair? down the street until he arrived at the bank. He cackled as he demanded the owner pack their own cash and treasure up or else things would get Choppy. 
Well, someone must have called the Navy because soon shots were being fired from all directions. Buggy laughed even louder and engaged in the fight, something he usually would not do, but you would come to find that out later. Turned out that not even Buggy the Clown would turn away from a fight when it would prove too advantageous to him. 
The fighting didn't last long. While prosperous, the military presence on the island was small and soon the Buggy Pirates stood victorious in the streets. There were a few losses and so it was proposed that they would stay here for a while to heal and recoup. Things changed for you and everyone else on that tiny island in the month and a half that the pirates stayed. While a significant difference still remained between the two directs, the poor were not so poor anymore. Not when the pirates preferred to spend their money at the bars and shops in the harbor.
It was after Buggy left that you started to dress like him. People left you alone that way, thinking that you were a crew member left behind. You liked it, it gave you the freedom you needed, that you wanted so you could be yourself. So, you learned how to steal, how to pickpocket, and how to sail a ship. You interfered on his behalf when you could. Changing news articles and threatening reporters with your little lie about being part of the Clown's crew. You spewed lies and whispered in the right ears to throw the navy off of his trail. Buggy had set you free, and you needed to repay that debt, no matter how long it would take.  
You huff. Years it would take. The longer you trailed after the Captain like some loyal puppy, the more you found out about him. Buggy the Clown was a paranoid bastard with self-esteem issues the size of the sun. He questioned anything and everyone unless they were part of his crew, and you learned that he could be cruel. 
But you also see how can be kind. He frowns harshly at the state of a decaying village while the highborn nobles laugh in their high towers. How, like some fairytale antihero, Buggy gave back to the struggling outer cities all across the sea. You came to admire, maybe even love, you weren't really sure yet, the Bombastic Clown, and you would give anything to thank him. If only the paranoid pirate wasn't always one step ahead of you. 
You had overheard that Buggy had left just that morning, and you cursed again for being literal hours behind him. You check your appearance one last time and then head out of the hotel room after shrugging on your long coat, ready to fish for rumors once more. 
Unknown to you, this would be your lucky day, because Buggy had yet to leave. The Captain had heard about his little shadow, and boy was he eager to meet you.      
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television-overload · 3 months
neither snow nor rain
(a short little X-Files fanfic)
Almost posted a headcanon that came to me this morning, then realized it worked better as a fic. So here it is:
Read on AO3
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"What's this?"
"What?" Georgie asks, looking up at her friend.
"In the mail, check it out."
Quinn tosses a stack of glossy paper through the air, nearly knocking the gadget she's building off her worktable. It lands in a heap on top of her carefully organized wiring, and she shoots him an unappreciative look, to which he responds with a shrug.
"I thought that was out of publication," he says, nodding at the item he had so carelessly thrown.
She furrows her brows, adjusting her glasses before lifting it for examination.
As she scans over the words, her eyes widen, and she looks back at Quinn, now understanding his surprise at finding this in their mailbox.
"It's been years!" she says, flipping open the front cover of the magazine eagerly. It looks a little different, but the title on the front is unmistakable.
Quinn circles the table to look at it over her shoulder, obviously intrigued that this defunct publication had resurfaced out of nowhere.
"Wait," he says, reaching over her shoulder to turn back to the front cover. "That's different, right?"
His finger points to the title, and she squints at it, trying to picture the old magazines they'd stopped receiving about four or five years ago.
He's right to be suspicious. They don't give out their mailing address to just anybody, but this magazine had been pivotal in shaping their view of the world.
In fact, it was sort of how they met and became friends, probably more than a decade ago, at this point. It's not like it was a popular publication, like Time or People or National Geographic. When you see someone out and about with the same fringe interests as you, you can't help but gravitate toward them.
"The Lone Gunman," she reads aloud. "Wait, yeah, I think you're right. Wasn't it the Lone Gunmen?"
He nods.
"I wonder what happened. Maybe They got to them."
Georgie rolls her eyes. "Or they could have just parted ways. It has been almost five years, you know. Not everything has to be so dramatic."
"The editors of a conspiracy magazine?" he says, a disbelieving look in his eye.
"You never know," Georgie says. She'd always been the more rational one between the two of them. But, he has a point.
She opens to the front page again, and notes a number of differences between this and the old design from the late 90s.
The table of contents is there, just like it had always been. But instead of having a number of contributors listed (aliases, of course), each article appears to have been written by the same author.
F. M. Luder.
Well, hey, that's a name they recognize.
So, this is legit, after all.
The page is pretty sparse, other than that, but her eyes are drawn to a note at the bottom of the page, small and unassuming.
For the Gunmen. Miss you, guys.
Signed, your friend
"Man," Quinn says, letting out a breath. "See? What did I tell you?"
She's still not sure she's completely convinced, but she nods anyway, leafing through the remaining pages of the magazine.
"I wonder if I could send in that article I've been writing on the military use of extraterrestrial technology," Georgie says thoughtfully. "You think they still have that P.O. box for submissions?"
"Can't hurt to try," he shrugs.
She smiles, enjoying the feel of the freshly printed magazine in her hands.
"Now I just need to think of a good pen-name."
The house is still sparse, all scratched wood floors and peeling wallpaper behind its creaky doors. But it's beginning to feel like home, he thinks. Stacks of magazines line the walls where furniture should probably be, but they'll get around to that eventually.
For now, he's just enjoying not having to pack up and move every few days while constantly looking over his shoulder.
There's a small desk and a computer in the study, but that's about it. It's enough to keep him occupied while Scully is away. The place feels too empty when she's gone, but he knows it's a good thing. She needs to be around people, and now with her new job at the hospital, they've got a reliable source of income to work with, too.
His work is... more of a hobby, but he thinks it could bring in a little extra cash if people even bother with magazines anymore. A lot has changed since he was last an active member of civilization, so he really doesn't know.
The sound of gravel crunching on the driveway breaks the heavy silence that he's grown used to, and he decides to call it a day. The front room seems to light up with warm sunlight when she walks in, balancing a bag of groceries on her hip and a stack of papers in her hand. Her juggling act makes it difficult to pull the keys out of the front door lock, but she manages.
"Hi, Mulder," she says cheerily. She flicks on a lamp as she passes, and he watches her with the characteristic look of awe on his face that he always has when he's around her.
"I missed you," he says truthfully, entering her space to grab the groceries from her. He presses a kiss to her lips while he's at it, never one to pass up the opportunity.
Her free hand lands on his chest, its weight a familiar comfort to him, but he can feel the prickly edges of whatever else she's carrying against his stomach.
"What'cha got there?" he asks, glancing down at the papers. Envelopes, he realizes.
A playful smirk tugs at her lips, and she pulls away from him. Brandishing the envelopes in front of him like an offering, she watches intently for his reaction.
"It seems you have fan mail, Mr. Luder," she says, pride beaming from her face despite the raised eyebrow she levels on him.
His eyes widen, and he looks down again in surprise at the substantial stack of letters she carries.
"Really?" he asks, his voice cracking a little against his wishes.
She nods, and he thinks he detects a hint of tears gathering in her eyes, too.
"I stopped by the old P.O. box on my way home," she says. "I had a hunch."
"You?" he says teasingly, unable to restrain himself.
"I only opened one, but it seems your readers are thrilled to have you back, and they send their best wishes."
He chokes back an unexpected knot of emotion and feels a breathy laugh escape him.
"I can't believe it," he says, overwhelmed by the response to his attempt to keep his friends' memory alive.
She must find his disbelief amusing, because he recognizes her smile as one he's seen more times than he can count. "You're surprised?" she asks.
"Well... yeah." To put it mildly.
Scully shakes her head and sets her bag down on the threadbare couch, and he follows.
"I've read your case reports, Mulder. I think—and Skinner would probably agree with me here—you've found your calling."
He stands in stunned silence, for the first time in a while feeling that spark of passion reignite in his chest.
"Now if only we could get them to send me money," he jokes.
Scully tilts her head, flipping through the stack of letters to find the one she'd opened.
"They have," she says casually, as she withdraws a hundred dollar bill with all the air of a magician performing a trick.
His eyes widen comically again.
"You think there's more?" he asks, grabbing a few envelopes from her hands.
"Some of these are pretty thick, Mulder," she says, a knowing glint in her eye.
The tension in his shoulders evaporates, and he tosses the letters aside to pull her into his embrace. Any worry that he'd have nothing to do, no way to contribute to this life that he's all but trapped her in, goes away in an instant. Relief overtakes him, and Scully holds him tight around the middle, smiling proudly over his shoulder.
"They'd be so happy that you're continuing their work," she says, her voice unable to muster anything more than a whisper.
Words fail him, so he presses a kiss to her forehead instead, his arms wrapped tightly around her shoulders.
"I hope so," he says, glancing heavanward as if he might see the three of them flying around like little cherubs on his water-stained ceiling.
"I hope so."
Mr. Luder,
I'm terribly sorry for your loss. My friend and I are longtime subscribers of The Lone Gunmen, and we feared the worst when they stopped publishing years ago.
Receiving the copy you sent in the mail was a wonderful surprise. I'm sure we will be writing again soon to pick your brain on some of the details in your articles (is there really confirmation of a flukeworm-human hybrid in New Jersey?).
I didn't see a form to renew our subscription, but if you include it in your next edition (I do hope you'll continue!), we will happily send along payment with it, as securely as possible.
I hope this letter reaches you. Thank you for carrying on with this important work. We (your subscribers) truly appreciate it!
Queen George (and Sir Quincy)
(P.S. I've attached a draft of an article I've been working on. You're welcome to include it in a future publication, if it meets your standards of approval. I'd happily welcome feedback, as well! If I recall, you're the expert on this particular subject.)
Tag list ♡: @today-in-fic @ao3feed-msr @agent-troi @baronessblixen @captainsolocide @cutemothman @deathsbestgirl @edierone @enigmaticxbee @figureofdismay @frogsmulder @hippocampouts @invidiosa @randomfoggytiger @skelavender @slippinmickeys @teenie-xf @whovianderson
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bambiraptorx · 10 days
I've been thinking about what Minor Interference would look like if it weren't for Draxum's oath holding him back. It would not be as light-hearted, that's for sure, especially since (at least at first) the oath is the main thing preventing him from hurting them.
So I wrote a blurb about it obviously.
Content warnings: child abuse, implied/referenced violence
Mikey's used to it by now, and some part of him hates that he is.
The pain of a broken arm is familiar, enough so that he can tell it's broken in three places. Better than shattered, but a pain in the ass to have healed, and from the looks of it, at least one of the breaks has shifted enough to require setting.
"Do you know what you did wrong?" Draxum asks. His voice is the odd sort of gentle it gets after their practice battles end.
Mikey swallows. "I, uh, I hesitated too long. I'm... too used to someone covering for me." He'd also gotten to used to Draxum's vines coming from two or three directions at most, but it's not like that particular brand of going easy on Mikey and his brothers resulted in less injuries anyway.
His mouth is dry, but no more so than usual after a lesson. No biggie, he can ask for water after the healing.
"Precisely. Had this been a battle with your brothers, your tactic might have worked, but was it only you against me. The four of you are a unit, yes, but that does not mean you will always have them by your side." Draxum takes Mikey's arm in his hands, his fingers hovering just above the skin. "Now, what kind of break?"
"Three fractures across the arm. One in the ulna, two in the- the uh-" Mikey scrambles for the name of the other bone- "the radius, sir. It feels like the radial breaks are incomplete, but the ulna split completely."
Draxum nods in approval. "Good. You've gotten better at recognizing your injuries, Marigold. It will serve you well on the battlefield."
He watches as Draxum's mystics flare a half second before settling across his arm. Draxum is careful, so careful, with setting the bone and then knitting the broken pieces back together. Mikey barely even flinches anymore, but even so, Draxum's a gentle healer. But they've both gotten used to the healing process by now, if from different sides of it.
He knows, even before he's told, when Draxum is done. He's able to sense it by now. It's kind of convenient. He flexes it experimentally once Draxum pulls his hands away, turning it this way and that to see if anything feels amiss. Draxum did a good job, as always. The only thing off right now is the itching, and that always goes away quickly.
Sometimes he wishes Draxum wasn't so good at healing, but he's only gotten better over the course of their training. Must be all the extra practice.
A hand on his head disrupts his thoughts enough for him to look up. "Excellent job, Marigold," Draxum says. "Now, send in Larkspur for me, but stay on standby. He's gotten rather arrogant lately and I may need to put him in his place. You'll get some practice with healing magic today, I think."
"I- yes, sir," Mikey responds. Heart rate elevated, stomach twisting, hands shaky. He's nervous, he knows, but it doesn't matter. It's not like he can get out of it.
And that's the worst part, really, his quiet acceptance. He's gotten used to this, whatever it is (and if he puts a label to it he knows he can never come back from that, so he very carefully doesn't name it), but he hates it all the same.
But it's not like he can stop it, and these thoughts aren't helping him any. Carefully, he packs them up and sets them in the furthest corner of his mind, where he won't be distracted by them. It's easier that way.
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do you know about any looong slowburn sterek fics preferably with smut? optional magic stiles👀
hehe thank you❤️
Hi anon. @kevaaronday made this list for you.
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Actions Speak Louder Than Words by isthatbloodonhisshirt (25/25 | 434,625 | Explicit | Sterek) “I apologize.” The cop finally looked back up at his face, seeming thrilled. “It’s just—it’s been so long. And we finally have you.” 
That was a bad word. Not found. 
Stiles wrenched his hand free and took a step back, but before he could even think up a gameplan, he felt a prick in his neck and jerked away, reaching up to slap one hand against it and twisting in the same moment. 
One of the others had come up behind him while he hadn’t been paying attention, and his vision began to swim even as his eyes caught sight of the half-empty syringe the guy was holding.
Put Down in Words by paintedrecs (31/31 | 203,776 | Mature | Sterek) “Oh,” Stiles said, his voice coming out low and breathy, “fuck me.”
“I don’t think that’s on the syllabus, but we can check to see if there’s a spot open in any of his classes,” Scott said, grinning.
“This isn’t an actual professor, though,” Stiles insisted, unable to resist brushing his thumb over the sharp line of the man’s bearded jaw. He was laughing at something off-camera, the shot taken in three-quarters view, his coat collar casually rumpled and opened to reveal a sliver of a simple grey t-shirt. The whole thing was deliberately calculated to lend him a more accessible feel, and god help him, Stiles was falling for it.
When Stiles signed up for Dr. Hale’s intro to history class, he had two goals: knock out the credits his advisor was bugging him to complete before he graduated, and spend a few hours a week daydreaming about his sexy professor’s salt and pepper beard.
Derek, a few months away from turning forty and not sure when his life had started feeling so damn lonely, had never encountered someone like Stiles before. Bright-eyed, sharp-tongued, determined to throw Derek’s carefully cultivated world into disarray…and absolutely the last person Derek should be falling in love with.
Most (Im)Proper Proposal by Welsh_Woman (72/72 | 200,136 | Explicit | Sterek) Stiles Stilinski has not seen his childhood friend for going on ten years when Derek Hale insists on meeting him in a barely reputable inn to make a rather startling proposal…
The Hollow Moon by thepsychicclam (10/10 | 180,079 | Explicit | Sterek) It's the summer after Stiles' first year of college, and he's working a crappy job and dealing with nightmares and anxiety - but he's okay, he swears. He makes it through most days without too much trouble. Then, a certain werewolf comes back into town. Which Stiles doesn't care about, nope, not at all. 
After two and a half years, Derek returns to Beacon Hills with his small Pack. Though he tried to move on, something just kept drawing him back to Beacon Hills, he's just not sure what. Now, he figures he can start building something like a life - but he keeps getting distracted by Stiles Stilinski of all people.
Teenage Love Song by HaleHathNoFury (26/26 | 155,834 | Explicit | Sterek) Stiles is sick and tired of how much he fucks up. His dad is disappointed, his step-mom judges and his step-brother can do no wrong. It's not that he doesn't love them, he just gets so tired of being different. Now he's being moved lock, stock and barrel to Beacon Hills aka the town his mom grew up in so they can go live in his grandma's house and his father can get him back on the straight and narrow. 
It's going to suck.
B.E.A.C.O.N. by Mythological_Compendium (43/43 | 140,691 | Explicit | Sterek) "What better situation could there possibly be? We'll be pretty much stuck together, we can talk, drink and maybe later even…”
A scoff. “What? Have reunion sex?”
He shrugs. “It's been four years.”
Same Old Song and Dance by Halevetica (91/91 | 125,721 | Explicit | Sterek) Raised in the hunter life after his father was killed, Stiles hates werewolves. So when he lands a contract to kill the alpha of the pack that killed his father, he's elated. Until he runs into complications. The alpha is smart and strong and playing a game Stiles can't figure out. When secrets are revealed and new enemies made, Stiles must decide for himself what side he's on and who he can trust.
Bruises and Bitemarks by orphan_account (27/27 | 121,566 | Explicit | Sterek) Biologically, Stiles is weak. When he presented as an omega, he knew that to be the truth but that never stopped him from running his mouth as a defense mechanism. However, it could only save him so many times before he ended up pissing off the wrong person. After he's attacked in the parking lot outside of school, Stiles realizes he can no longer protect himself with just pure wit and sarcasm. When the attack lands him in the hospital, his dad forces him to pick between two options, report the alphas who attacked him or join a kickboxing gym run by omega rights activist and alpha, Derek Hale, a man Stiles has been in love with for many years.
Strip by Fessst (23/23 | 117,194 | Explicit | Sterek) "Singletail whip. Your favorite, isn't it?"
Red. Stiles felt nauseated as he bent over the bench. Red. The tremble only increased when his wrists and ankles were secured with leather straps. Red. He heard the Dom behind him give a sample crack of the whip in the air. Red. This would likely pierce his skin. So fucking Red.
"What's your safeword?"
"The... the stoplights, Sir."
Stiles's first introduction to the world of BDSM was a complete fiasco. You see, he had a crush on this ridiculously hot Dom and might have slightly exaggerated (ahem, lied blatantly) a few things on his questionnaire. Five years later the two meet again under a different set of circumstances.
A rare Alphahole by Fessst (27/27 | 110,538 | Mature | Sterek) Weed sale goes wrong and leaves Stiles with a dilemma of either facing prison or enrolling himself in Beta Rehabilitation Program for the next 6 months.
Anything beats prison, right?
Once he finds out that his assigned Responsible Alpha is the asshole who landed him in trouble, to begin with, Stiles is not so sure anymore. Especially since he has to fucking marry the guy! 
the trees call your name by spaceprincessem (2/2 | 107,656 | Mature | Sterek) “That was a long time ago,” Derek finally said, his face falling into its usual cool facade.
Stiles felt like he had been punched in the gut. Two worlds, right? Except, it had never really been two worlds at all. If they lived in two worlds, Stiles wouldn’t feel this unexplainable ache that ran deep in his bones. It had always been one world, with water slipping into the cracks, until there was an ocean between them. Stiles was always caught in the riptides, dragged out to sea where he was left to drown, sinking below the surface as Derek grew further and further out of his reach.
“Yeah,” Stiles agreed, forcing his lips to turn up in the corners, noting the slight crack in his voice, “long time ago."
aka the high school friends to lovers ranch au that no one asked for, but the one that i wrote anyway. This fic is finished, I will just be posting it in two parts!
Far From Any Road by doctorkaitlyn (28/28 | 103,835 | Explicit | Sterek) Stiles Stilinski is a young, chronically sleep-deprived detective who's manipulative and morally dubious at best. He's fairly certain that, in the years since he started working for the California Bureau of Investigation, he's seen most of the horrible things that the world could possibly throw at him.
But that's before a body turns up in an alley in Beacon Hills, brutally tortured, with a symbol burned into its back. It's quickly followed by a second and third, and when Stiles is unable to find any hint as to who the culprits might be, his father decides to bring in some outside help.
His name is Derek Hale, and he too has seen some truly horrible things, only some of them on the job.
Stiles hates him immediately. But Derek may be their only hope for solving the case, so Stiles reluctantly agrees to accept his help. 
As it turns out, neither of them have seen anything close to the depths of human depravity that await them in the woods and down the back roads surrounding Beacon Hills.
All a Pack Needs is a Little Spark by thornconnelly (21/21 | 82,884 | Mature | Sterek) Fork in the road fix-it that basically changes everything starting... an hour before the show actually starts. idk.
Stiles has a premonition that he NEEDS to go into the forest on a random night and saves Laura before Peter can kill her. Stiles doesn't know what he's gotten himself into, but he decides to help out the stray dog he finds in the woods, and then ends up joining a werewolf pack... as their Spark... because apparently he's got magic. 
What ensues is my whole-hearted desire for the Hales to have nice things.
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mediocre-shark-tales · 5 months
Fated by the Stars (8)
Straykids ot8 x Reader
Warnings - Mentions of spiking drink, sexual themes, impregnanting talk, teasing, Swearing, naming calling, and Mentions of alcohol.
Summary - The boys are enthralled with you during the party, however the second they have to leave your side to give a group speech. Of course that is when the enemy strikes, leaving behind a mess in their wake.
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The song slowly came to an end as we pulled up to the huge mansion like building. The architecture was beautiful, with lime stone walls and roman columns. Wooyoung parked in a large secured parking lot next to the building. He got out first and ran around to open the door for me. I gave him a smile and took his hand, carefully getting out of the car. I had to make sure I didn't step on the dress or anything. Once the door was shut, I heard the sound of multiple feet walking towards us as someone called for Wooyoung.
I saw a group of seven other men came over, Wooyoung stepped out of the way so they could see me too. All of there faces looked upon me with equal astonishment. "Wow, is that y/n? From Chan's pack?" One asked. Wooyoung nodded. "She is, due just got done dolling her up. Oh Y/n" He looked at me. "This is my pack." He pointed and began to list off their names from left to right. "We are the Halazia pack to outsiders. But now you are my friend, so you don't have to call us that." I nodded. "Nice to meet you all, I hope to become your friend as well." I heard coos and agreement around me. "Awe you are just the sweetest little thing. I'm glad Chan and the boys are fated to you." Seonghwa said. Amongst this group, there were 4 alphas, 2 betas, and 2 Omega's. One of those omega's being Wooyoung of course.
I blushed at their compliments, however Wooyoung had my back. "Come on chill out boys, can't let her accidentally ruin her make up. Plus her pack has no idea how gorgeous she looks right now." Wooyoung held my hand and began to lead me inside. I was still trying to get used to walking in heels. The time I spent practicing with Jisung and Minho must have really paid off.
Walking inside with Wooyoung and His pack surrounding me, I saw other faces look to us astonished by the beauty in one small area. I felt like an angel surrounded by heavens most handsome men. I could only imagine how beautiful my own pack would look.
It only took me a second to spot them, they had yet to spot me. Wooyoung brought me down the steps, his pack following closely behind me. The crowd parted like the sea, I guess these boys usually beeline for my boys at stuff like this. Otherwise why would they so naturally part for us.
Finally the boys looked over, making eye contact with me. Their faces instantly dropped from smiles, but not in a bad way. They were filled with some much love and astonishment. Quickly walking up to me and the others. "Oh my moon goddess, my 'mega. You are more gorgeous than I could ever describe or even imagine." Chan said as he gently grabbed my hands. I too was enthralled and enchanted by each of their own personal beauty. Minho and Jisung had done such a lovely job at designing the perfect outfit to enhance everyones own beauty.
"You guys all look so ethereal yourselves." I said softly to them. I saw each one blush different hues and shades or red or pink. "Thank you for today Wooyoung" Jisung said giving him as smile. Wooyoung nodded and smiled himself. "she's as adorable as you guys talk about, I'm glad to have earned her friendship. I was sure to give my number to her so we can meet up later." He responded. Chan then pulled me up against him closer. "If you won't mind us, we would love to show our Omega how to have a good time here." Hongjoong spoke for the pack this time. Pack alpha to Pack alpha. "No worries, I expected as much from a newly completed mated pack. I can only imagine how much worse you will be when you all finally give her the pack mark." I heard him laugh before they all walked away.
Chan gently pulled me into their circle, placing me in the center among them. Each one placed a hand on me, Minho spoke first. "Give us a moment to fix your scent, no matter how much we love those guys, we still would rather you smell more of us." Everyone was given a chance to pull my closer, giving me a kiss and scenting me a little.
Once they were satisfied, Felix grabbed my hand and began to lead me to a nearby circle booth. He helped me slide in, so I sat in the middle amongst my boys. Jeongin and Seungmin Sat immediately next to me, the younger having his arm around my waist. Seungmin had his hand spread out on my thigh. Both their hands on me like this, I began to feel warmer as my thoughts plummeted from the heavens to the kinkiest ring of hell.
All their eyes were on me, this time Hyunjin spoke for the pack. "We already new you were beautiful, but tonight you are down right gorgeous 'mega. I'm so glad we get to experience this night with you." I smiled "I'm glad to be here with you guys aswell. You all look even more impossibly handsome tonight than I thought possible." I saw their faces all blush or shy away at my compliment.
I felt myself begin to slowly smile wider at them. I glanced around a bit as we sat here in comfortable silence. That's when I noticed the drinks, I was thirsty.
I glanced around to see everyone in their own conversations. So I gently placed my hand on Seungmins, to get his attention when he was done talking. They both stopped talking and looked at me. Looking between Seungmin and Jisung I asked, "Can I get a drink please?" Seungmin nodded but Jisung spoke first. "Have you ever had alcohol sweetie?" I shook my head no. "Okay then we will go get you a non-alcoholic drink for today." I agreed and watched as were both let out to go get me and a few others some drinks.
When they left, I felt someones hand pull me flush against their side. I looked up to see a smirking Jeongin looking back down at me. I felt his hand begin to wander up and down my waist. Caressing me gently while he continued to talk to Changbin about whatever. I couldn't pay attention as his hand slowly wrapped farther around my waist. Making his way slowly down to my heat, with every second I could feel myself twitching in anticipation.
My blush quickly returned to my cheeks when he finally had the tips of his fingers over my mound. His fingers lightly drawing circles over my clit. I could feel myself becoming slicker, the movements and scents of my pack around me were getting me drunk on the love.
I bit my lip trying to control my moans, I placed my hand on jeongins trying to get his attention. I didn't want everyone to smell my slick as he enticed it out of me. However it was too late as Chan growled. "Jeongin, there is still another 3 hours before we can leave, please do not make us suffer from the enchanting scent that is our mate's slick."
I blushed some more, before Seungmin and Jisung returned. Handing me my juice and the others their alcohol. We sat here for another long while, just indulging in each others presence and conversation. But after a while I was becoming bored, so I looked over and asked to be let out of the booth. "Whats wrong baby?" I smiled at him. "I would just like to go dance for a bit, have some fun you know?" I got a smile back before Hyunjin and Minho Both spoke up again. "Allow us gorgeous, we will take you." Minho said, followed by Hyunjin saying "I've wanted to dance with you for a while babe." I agreed
The boys let me out, as the other two grabbed my hands gently. Leading me down to the dance floor. Once we found an open spot deep in to the mosh pit, I was sandwiched between them both. The first song to play was talk dirty by Jason derulo. I smiled and decided to play a little bit with the alpha and beta I was sandwiched between. Minho was being me, so I began to grind against him in during the chorus of the song. My hands caressed and glided over hyunjins front. As another beat drops came I pulled him by the collar down to my face, mouthing the words "talk dirty to me." Then I let him go and watched as his face went from surprise to an equally evil smirk as mine.
I felt hands grab onto my hips, as Minho began to grind back into me. I could feel his growing and hardening bulge against my ass. It was leaving enough to imagination, just thinking about taking every single pack mate. Making them feel as good as I feel, being a good 'mega for them. "Someones being a little pushy today. Is our omega just that desperate for our knots?" I whined leaning back against Minho as he whispered into my ear. However hyunjin grabbed my chin, running his thumb below my lips. Barely catching my bottom lip as he passed over. "I think she just want to get pumped full of our cum, to make sure she gets pregnant with our pups." I felt myself shy away, those words having me aching more at the thought.
I felt them begin to travel their hands up and down my body hungrier. "I wish we could satisfy your wants darling, but we have to give our end of the night speech before we can leave. I'm sure we can convince chan to speed this up for us to leave." I nodded whimpering out a please.
With that they gently began to lead me back to the booth where the rest sat still. Minho let go and whispered to Chan for a bit. The formers eyes growing darker as he looks me up and down, a small flame of hunger hidden beneath those dark brown irises. He nodded and stood up walking slowly towards me. He took my hands in his and looked deep into my eyes.
"wait here for us pretty girl, we won't be long and then we can leave." I nodded and he gave my forehead a kiss before leading me to the now empty booth. Helping me to sit down and placing my drink in front of me.
I watched them all walk off to the main area, but as they disappeared into he crowd I lost sight of them. However, with them gone it seems that the devil got his own confidence.
As that awful smell, one I hoped I would never remember or experience again, it began to fill my space. Looking over to where it was coming from, I saw him. The man who filled my nightmares, left my scars. Scars that were either visible or mental. I could feel my instinct taking over, wanting to shy away from the alpha near me. My anxiety spiked more as he sat down across from me. "Well hello there Princess?" SangJun said with an ounce a venom spilling out. "Did you have a fun time playing pretend? It's time for you to come back home bitch. You were birthed for me, you are mine." Those last words ignited something in me as I growled at him. I saw surprise flash throughout his eyes.
"Oh shut up bitch, you know you deserve everything I am gonna do to you. You ran away from your pack, you were selfish and unruly. You are nothing without me, I am your alpha. Not some hot shot pack that doesn't know how omega's are supposed to be kept. Which is out of sight and silent. You are here to be my doll." He spoke to me. That when I barked at him, growling intensifying as the words I have always wanted to say spilled from my lips.
"You are the selfish one here Jun. You go around pulling everyone who holds no worth to you down. In the beginning, I thought you were everything I ever needed. Which was so childish of me, but what can you expect from an actual child. But now I have seen what the world really thinks, I know that you are one of few pack who still lead with the same mindset. Out here, Omegas are cherished and loved. Our rarity among the population makes us more worthy of love than you or anyone who follows you. My pack is my fated pack, they are my fated mates. You have no say over what the moon goddess chooses. You can't undo my love for them or their love for me. By the goddess, I wish to hurt you the exact same way you hurt me if not worse."
I wish I had paid more attention to his hands in that moment looking back on it now. Once he stood up, all he said was. "You will come looking for me soon princess, if not then I will come for you and nothing will stop me from getting you." He caressed my cheek and walked away. I rubbed my cheek trying to remove his acidic scent. Tears brimming my eyes as I tried my best to hold it back.
I took a big gulp of my drink and finally saw the boys walking over, but as they saw me their face dropped. They're paced picked upas they came closer, Changbin and Felix Knealed in front of me. The former spoke first, "What happened darling?" I sighed. "Sang-Jun is here, please can we leave now?" They all nodded and I took another gulp of my drink, however this time I recognized a very subtle flavor. It wasn't there when I had been drinking it earlier.
My heart dropped, it was the same drug Jun used to give me. One that forced me into a heat, making me easier to persuade as the Omega headspace would take over for me. I looked back at the boys with a now scared face. "We need to leave quickly. I'll explain later please." I began to cry. Changbin picked me up easily and began to carry me out the building. They speed walked to not grab any unwanted attention.
When we were outside, they beelined it to the pack van. Chan and Felix jumping in front. The Maknaes piled into the back, and I sat on Changbins lap with Hyunjin and Minho on either side. I could feel the beginnings of the forced heat slowly increase in intensity. I whined and situated myself to changbins thigh, rocking slightly against it. The double slit dress making it very easy to move as I wished.
I heard the growls of all pack members as my natural scent began to sweeten even more due to my heat. "He spiked my drink, it's the same drug he used to use to force me into heat during his ruts. it has a distinct but subtle flavor." I explained as quickly as I could, before the heat would take over too much for me to think straight.
"Don't worry omega, we got you. We will take good care of you, don't be nervous." I heard changbin growl out into my ear. Minho speaking next. "And when this is all over, we will make sure that sorry excuse for a man is run through the ground till he is six feet below. We have had enough of his antics."
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icycoldninja · 6 months
Fluffcember #5: Dante x Reader
You frowned thoughtfully, biting your lip as you stared down at the array of foodstuffs that lay on the table before you. Today was the weekend; you were packing a picnic for yourself and Dante--the latter was nowhere to be seen at the moment. "That's good," You thought to yourself. "Gives me time to prepare the food without him butting in." As you were painfully aware, Dante was a foodie. A huge foodie. The moment he caught wind of an appetizing dish, he would track the scent like a dog until he found it's source; a quirk that often hindered your attempts to make surprise meals for him. However, today was a completely different day! Dante was "busy" at Devil May Cry, most likely browsing through pinup magazines or chatting away to the others rather than doing work, but who cared? He was out of the house, which gave you time to pack your picnic. The dishes you'd prepared were all of Dante's favorites:Four pepporoni pizzas with NO olives, strawberry sundaes (in a cooler, obviously), and Coca Colas. Nodding satisfactorily to yourself, you carefully plastic-wrapped the pizzas and loaded them into the picnic "basket", which was more of a large plastic container than a basket, double checked the cooler to make sure the lid was on right and the ice packs inside hadn't warmed up yet, and loaded everything into your car. The preparations had been made--all you had to do now was get Dante himself to come with you and the picnic day would offically kick off. You pulled out your phone and dialed Dante's number. "Heya, babe," Came the greeting. "Hi, Dante." You responded, smiling in anticipation. "Can you meet me at the park at lunchtime?" Dante chuckled, "Yeah, sure. I'll see ya there." After a brief goodbye, the both of you hung up and you drove yourself (and the picnic) to the park so you'd have a little more time to set up and get things looking just so.
A while later, at lunchtime, you'd finished setting up all the food on a checkered tablecloth on the ground. You sat there, smiling at how tasty it all looked. "Dante's gonna be so happy," You thought, imagining how his pretty blue eyes would light up with excitement when he saw his favorite food--and so much of it--laid out for his enjoyment. You were so lost in your daydreaming, you didn't notice the white-haired devil slayer creep up behind you and wrap his strong arms around your waist, pulling you in for a hug. "What's a gorgeous thing like you doing outside, all alone, without someone to keep you company?" You laughed, leaned into the hug and smiled up at him. "I have a surprise for you." Dante's brow crinkled in curiosity. "Oh really? Like what?" You shimmied out of his grip and gestured to the spread before you two. "Behold! Pizza!" At the sight of those delicious pizza pies, Dante's demonic instincts clicked in. "Aw yeah, pizza!" He cried, practically leaping over you to get to the food. "You have no idea how hungry I am right now!" He seized a slice of pizza and crammed it into his mouth, still talking in between chewing. "You're a lifesaver, babe-" He paused to swallow, then snatched a bottle of Coca Cola from the cooler and guzzled it. "A real lifesaver. I love you." You couldn't help but giggle, watching the way your wacky boyfriend gobbled up pizza and soda the way a dog would consume tasty meat. "I love you too, Dante," You chuckled, taking a bite out of some pizza yourself. "I really do." But of course, Dante didn't hear you--he was way too busy scarfing down a big bowl full of strawberry ice cream and LOTS of whipped cream.
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Secret Santa
It's Christmas Eve in my country, so i thought of doing a Christmas special with my 2 favorites Haikyuu characters. Merry Xmas!!
If there’s something that Sakusa dreads about Christmas season, apart from the cold, is whenever someone wants to do a secret Santa, and when he had to participate in it. Whenever his family or his high school team wanted to do it he groaned in frustration; he just never knew what to give others, always ended up in awkward situations because of them.
Once he entered the Jackals he thought he will be completely free of them, and it would have been that way if only Hinata had stay quiet.
“So who did ya got Omi-omi?” Atsumu ask him once in their locker room
“It’s call secret Santa for a reason, Miya, is a secret” he rolls his eyes ignoring the nickname that Miya keeps using. In his pocket he has the paper that he picked with your name on it, carefully folded to keep it safe. You had been the first person he got close to once entering the team, you were witty and patient, were able to calm Bokuto and Hinata down, keep Miya in lane; he, surprisingly, feels way too comfortable with you around.
“C’mon! Is no fun without telling others! Unless ya got me?!!”
“Thank god you aren’t. Now move, I’m leaving” he says moving away from the blonde one. Despite having a week to buy your present he was already trying to think what to give you. He remembers you mentioning a speaker that you saw, some hair treatment you read about, a book that you been wanting to buy. His mind was so busy that he didn’t see you in front of him.
“Hey Omi-kun, what’s wrong?” you ask
“Eh? Nothing”
“Suure, it’s just weird that you don’t pay to your surroundings” you add with a chuckle. He glares at you softly, not actually trying to intimidate you. He noticed that you were wearing a different lipstick, how did he knew you it was different? He didn’t know, but he did notice the difference “I like your lipstick”
“Thanks! I really like this one, I literally put it in the morning and it hasn’t move at all!” you said excitedly as you show him the product, he looks at the brand and quickly tries to remember it as both of you go out of the gym.
He has an idea now.
The week pass fast and soon enough everyone was gathering around to do the secret Santa thing on Christmas Eve. He wasn’t really paying attention, he would rather be anywhere else than hearing Atsumu rumble about the shoes that Hinata gift him. The only time he paid attention was when it was your time to give Bokuto his gift, he liked watching your reactions.
“Sakusa-san, is your turn” Hinata calls him, making him finally pay attention. He takes the big box he had behind his back, goes to the center of the group with what most will call an annoyed expression (he glares at Miya when he said to be excited) “My secret Santa is Yn”
“Me?” you stand up going beside him, which made his stomach twirl in a funny way. You look at the big box in between his hand, frowning in confusion “What the hell is this Omi? Why is it so big?”
“Just open it and find out” he says shortly, pulling his mask as he feels his face start to go red. You break the wrap off and find the many packs of the lipstick that you said you liked, in all the different colors they had
“Omi! You didn’t seriously buy all of this for me?”
“You say you liked it, of course I’ll buy them for you” he looks away, noticing his teammates smirks
“Omi-Omi, ya knew that the maximum was 15000 ¥, right?” Atsumu asks “would ya have spend that much if it was any of us?”
“Shut up Miya” he says blushing even more, he had completely forgotten about the money limit, the only thought on his head was to make you happy
“Leave him alone Tsum. Thank you Omi, you’re amazing” you hug him by the waist, and even though he tense up once he felt your arms, he didn’t take them of him “Are we done now? Is there anyone else left?” You ask still comfortably hugging him
“Yeah, we’re all set, so we all going to go now, right boys?” answers Meian making the team quickly taking their things and leaving, the fastest that you’ve ever seen them leave the place
“Anyways” you chuckle “do you want to go an eat something together? Unless you have something planned for Christmas Eve, of course”
“Sure, let’s go. I wanted to spend this evening with you anyway” he says without processing the words that came out of his mouth, quickly realizing the mistake “I mean, eh…I”
“Let’s go then” you smile taking his hand and pulling him out of the gym “I wanted to spend today with you too”
The Nekoma team, for the first time ever, was having a Secret Santa for Christmas. In the many years that Nekomata has been in the school he never seen the teams do something like this; but then again, this team was much closer than the previous ones, mainly because of Kuroo, who clearly was the most excited.
Kenma, on the other hand, had mix emotions. He chose you as your secret Santa, but he didn’t knew if he should feel excited because of that, nervous because of you, annoyed at Kuroo for even suggesting this activity, or confused because of what to give you.
He wasn’t particularly sure as of why he was feeling this way towards you; he got to know you a lot better ever since you became the manager of the team, and admittedly he liked you better than all of his teammates, but he doesn’t understand the weird twists his stomach does lately whenever you were close to him.
However, he was extremely suspicious about Kuroo when he easily guess that he got you, almost as if he had plan to help him get you a gift from the beginning. But who was he to deny help when his friend seem so excited to help him?
He knew that you liked similar games than him, and even though you weren’t particularly amazing at them, you liked seeing him play; but Kuroo had other plans for his gift despite him not being your secret santa. He made him walk around the whole mall, showing him from necklaces to flowers, claiming that it has to be ‘romantic’ for some reason.
He was walking through the games section while Kuroo was buying his own gift when he saw it. A huge cat plushie. An while it was on the more expensive side, but something was calling him to buy it for you.
(Once Kuroo saw his best friend struggling to walk with he plush he burst out laughing, he knew that Kenma was whipped but not to this extend)
Finally the day of the exchange arrived, but Kenma being himself, decided to ignore everything Kuroo say about waiting until the end of practice.
“Yn, can you come with me for a sec?” he quietly ask you once break started
“Of course Ken, are you okay? You’re quite red” you ask him while walking outside, taking his hand to stop him and pressing your free one in his forehead “you don’t have any fever”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine” he looks away from your eyes, holding your hand tighter as he guides you to the gym. He doesn’t look at you the whole way there, effectively ignoring your confused expression “can you close your eyes for a second? I need to go and get it”
“Sure, but what is it? Secret Santa shouldn’t be until later”
“Don’t worry about it, just close your eyes”
“Fine, fine, I’ll do it” you close your eyes as he walks towards the changing room where the plush was waiting with a bow (which the team teased him for once they saw it). He struggled to get it out, putting it right in front of you once he did
“You can open them” he says out of breath. He sees you open your eyes, which go wide at the sight of the gift, making him go into a slight panic “I’m your secret Santa, this was very expensive so you better like it”
“Ken, this is so pretty” you say in awe, quickly going towards him and giving him a hug. It took him by surprise in the beginning, but he quickly hugs you back with a smile appearing, his heart beating faster than in any game he ever played “You’re so amazing, Kenma”
You kiss his cheek after saying that a bunch of emotions appearing in his body. He finally realized that you were more than a mere friend thanks to that kiss; how did he not notice while he was buying the expensive plush? He doesn’t know, but better late than never.
Sadly, he couldn’t escape the teasing from the rest of the team, especially since you made sure to brag about it and hug it whenever you could (which despite the embarrassment he was glad he saw you so happy).
Sure, he got made fun of that day, but he couldn’t care less since he finally ended up with you.
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
I’m sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for this next update.
The B.OB series
Word Count: 5.5k
Warnings: mentions of miscarriage. Fluff, Angst. Bob Floyd pairing. Jake Seresin antagonist 
“I want to treat this as a misscarrige—“ you couldn’t quite process what Bomber was saying. You were watching her lips moved as she spoke to you but the sound of your heartbeat beating in your ears drowned at the chief medical officer aboard the HMAS Hammersley. “Do I nessisarily think it’s a miscarriage? No—but protocol would see you be flown back to base as soon as possible to be seen by an OB if it were to be.” She spoke as carefully as she possibly could as she finished up examining you, pulling her stethoscope out of her ears and placing it around her neck. “I’d like those protocols to be followed.”
“What exactly happened then?” Hangman stood in the corner of the medical bay, his arms crossed over his chest as he tried not to not linger his eyes on you.
Jake Seresin was a lot of things, you’d argue he was self centred, selfish, juvenile, reckless, self destructive and above all—obnoxiously egotistical. But he’d proven yet again that when things got bad? He’d be there. A true friend. You couldn’t bring yourself to look his way either, opting to stare directly up at the ceiling as your hands cupped your stomach.
“It’s perfectly natural for bleeding to occur in the first eight weeks of pregnancy, it’s why most mothers don’t realise they’re pregnant this early on because they think it’s either a light flow or they’re late period coming in.” Bomber explained as she packed her things away. “I don’t think you’re having a misscarige, I think that the stress of an escalated argument brought it on.” Bomber looked Hangman’s way as he stared back at her, he knew that the situation you had both just been in could have been avoided very easily if he had just said congratulations. “But I want you to see someone for a second opinion.”
“I need to call my husband.” You sat up slowly with a soft groan. “Need to talk to Bob, he’ll kill me if I don’t tell him something’s happened.”
“Good things he’s not the type to say I told you so—“ Jake mumbled under his breath, just enough so that you’d hear him.
“Yeah, he’s more the type to leave that up to the jerks.” You hissed back. Completely and utterly exhausted. Bomber just chuckled to herself as you and Hangman bickered back and forth.
“I’ll go tell Ro to have the radio ready to contact Navcon.” Bomber interrupted as she let a gentle hand fall to your shoulder. An all knowing smile on her face, full of sympathy. “Go home ma’am, get checked out, there’s always another Operation Specialist on call, but this is your family.”
Captain Flynn made his presence known soon after. Already in the process of figuring out who would take you place. A decision he didn’t take lightly. You were the best of the best, any choice under you would be just that. A disservice to this mission. To the Navy.
“Radar—“ Captain Flynn went to speak but you were quick to cut him off.
“With all due respect sir—“ you paused for a moment. Thinking for a second about what you were about to say. “I think I’m okay, and I’d like to stay aboard and—“
“Are you on crack?” Jake hissed as he stepped forward from the corner of the room. Completely and utterly dumbfounded at your request to stay. “You were just told two seconds ago by a medical professional to get a second opinion!”
“I feel fine!” You snapped back, sitting up and you let your legs hand over the medical bed. You knew you were being stubborn, but stubborn is what got you here in the first place. So successful in your career.
“Yeah well, I beg to differ—“ Jake hissed at you. “You look like you just had a major medical episode, and Bob, you know? Your HUSBAND, who’s probably going to have a heart attack when he hears about this, is going to beg and plead that you get that second opinion—“ Jake paused, he was going to say your name, your call sign, but after the blow up in the galley. He settled for sonority. “Ma’am—“ you took it all in. Letting a sigh escaped as you stood. Fixing your uniform the best you could. Ignoring what Hangman had to say as his nostrils flared. His words fell on deaf ears.
“Requesting to return to duty, sir.” You uttered out. Hangman groaned in defeat as he pushed past you, exiting the medical bay in anger. He cared too much about you to watch you suffer, but he wasn’t going to sit ideally by. If you were going to play this game? He could too.
“I’d rather you stood down and returned to base, Radar, your health and safety is paramount at this stage.” You couldn’t tell if Captain Flynn was making a suggestion or if that was an order. Settling for the latter, you pressed.
“All due respect, sir, I’d like to continue my work and focus on making sure these aviators make it home to their families.” You paused again, trying to read Captain Flynn’s expressions. “I’m okay, Bamber doesn’t think it’s a misscarrige, and quite frankly I—“ Captain Flynn held his hand up, stopping you from finishing your sentence. “Sir—?” With a grunt in his voice and a lingering anger. He raised his tone. Eyes serious.
“My last Operations Specialist is not on board this ship for quite a few reasons, one of which was his increasing habit of leaving a large space between any sentence he happened to utter and the word, sir” Captain Flynn scolded you. “I have no question of you experience and your skill, Radar, but I suggest you pay a little bit more attention to your syntax and your health. Do I make myself clear?” You held back tears, perhaps it was for the best that you returned home. Hell, maybe even Jake was right—he wasn’t going to be the worse you had to deal with. With a nod and pressed lips you replied, still trying to process the entire event that had transpired.
“Yes sir Captain Flynn sir.”
Bob didn’t have his phone on him. Up on the roof cleaning out the guttering, Bob wiped the sweat from his brow. Pulling piles of decaying leaves out of the gutters that ran all the way around the home you shared. A job he told himself time and time again that he’d get around to doing but never did. Making it ten times harder for himself as he watched the piles drop from his gardening glove clad hand to the ground below. Yet another job he’d have to complete— tidying up the lawn.
“I should have brought a garbage bag up here.” Bob mumbled to himself before he made the decision to descend the ladder. Doing exactly so, Bob made his way to the kitchen to grab the roll of garbage liners from under the kitchen sink. His phone vibrating on the island bench. His heart sank into the pit of his stomach when it caught his attention. The caller ID only meaning one thing. Picking his phone up with a shaking hand, Bob answered.
“Lieutenant Floyd speaking.” Bob's voice was mousy. He could breathe, he’d forgotten how to use his lungs. Was this the phone call he’d been dreading?
“Jesus Bob the Radio Officer was about to throw me overboard if you didn’t pick up this time!” Jake hissed with a sigh of relief. Ro was a decent enough guy but he had his limits—especially when there were other pressing matters to attend to. His time was valuable and at this very moment he left like Hangman had been wasting it like a gluttonous child. Bob couldn’t quite make out who was speaking. Uttering out whatever his brain would allow him to.
“I’m sorry, who is this?” Pulling his phone away from his ear to look at the caller identification again. Bob confirmed again where he thought the call was coming from. Navcon.
“It’s Hangman, Jake, Jake Seresin man c’mon—“ Bob's eyes grew with curiosity. More confusion bubbled to the surface as he walked around the kitchen, leaning back against the island bench as he crossed his arm over his chest. Holding his phone in the other.
“I’d say it’s good to hear your voice but I’m not too sure why I’m hearing it entirely—“ Bob questioned with a tone of annoyance in his voice. Why on god’s green earth would Jake Seresin be radio calling him.
“Listen, I’m on board the HMAS Hammersley, it’s Renee—she’s” Jake couldn’t finish his sentence quick enough before Bob’s ears were heating up. His face? hot to the touch. His heart racing.
“What about my wife?” The panic was so evident in Bob's voice Jake decided it was best to rip the Band-Aid off instead of beating around the bush.
“You remember how you asked me to look out for her?” He sighed, letting his elbow lean against the small Radio Officers desk. The headset he wore making his ears sweat.
“Regrettably—“ Bob still to this day thought that asking Hangman to watch you back was not one of his finest moments. He tossed it in the blinded by love, adrenaline mixed with stupidity basket.
“Yeah well, she’s being sent back stateside, Bomber said it’s nothing serious but it’s best she gets back stateside as soon as she can.”
“What the hell is going on!?” Bob raised his voice slightly, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose as he looked around for his car keys.
“We got into an argument.” Jake began to explain, only to have Bob chime in before he could get to the punch line.
“About—What exactly? what could you two have been butting heads over so aggressively she needs to be sent back to base?” Bob huffed as he continued to look for his keys. Why weren’t they in the key bowl by the front door? Huffing out a frustrated grown Bob stood still, his mind racing.
“She let it slip she’s pregnant alright? I know! Congratu fucking lations but the way.” Jake spat in Bob's ear. “She started feeling unwell, there was blood and—“
“No, don't say it.” Bob felt sick, physically sick to his stomach. Everyone used to tell him that the sky might fall one day, but he never really believed them. But in that moment Bob felt his whole world shatter. “Don’t you dare tell me—“
“It’s not, she’s okay, just needs the proper people to confirm it.” Hangman confirmed with Bob, he knew he’d be unraveling at the seams. “The Medical Officer said not to worry, but to get a second opinion.”
“Jake—what would you do if a Medical Officer told you not to worry?” Bob questioned as he held back tears, anger pooling in his stomach and love leaked from every part of him. He needed to get to you, hold you, comfort you and be right by your side for whatever was to happen next. Jake was silent for a moment, tossing up between the two truths and a lie he could tell Bob right this second to answer his still lingering question. Closing his eyes and utterly a small ‘fuck’ Jake told the truth.
“I’d worry like hell—“
On the bright side, at least you hadn’t gone too far off the coast. You could still see the horizon. The wind raced around your face as you stood by the edge of the carrier. The HMAS Hammersley would not be another notch in your belt, perhaps this was always the way it was supposed to be. Perhaps you were meant to be home with Bob. Perhaps—well maybe you just weren’t meant to be a mother? As your mind raced a million miles an hour you felt a presence lingering behind you. Tall. Brooding. Egotistical.
“How did my husband take the news?” You sassed, looking over your shoulder as Hangman came to stand beside you. His hand gripping the guard that stopped sailors from going overboard. “God I bet you took so much pleasure in that—“ you hissed. Shaking your head as you tried to control your rage. “Ro wouldn’t let me radio base, told me you’d already done that when Captain Flynn was taking shreds off me.”
“Bob’s worried about you.” Hangman replied as his eyes caught the sight of the Horizon. “I’m worried about you.” Jake's shoulders slumped ever so slightly. “I’ve seen you work exceptionally under immense pressure, I’ve seen you stand up against admirals and I’ve watched you bring home an entire team of highly skilled, highly trained aviators all the while keeping your emotions in check. Keeping it together while you had to.” You listened carefully, you didn’t remember most of your time on board the Leyte Gulf. You remembered throwing up a lot, crying. “What I wanna know is what's different this time round that’s making you so reckless with your own health?”
You let silence linger momentarily while you decided if you were going to be truthful. Because in all honesty? You were fucking terrified of the fetus that was going inside you. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to be a mother, no. You wanted that more than anything in the world. But much like Bob, you were fucking terrified to be one. You’d been responsible for other people before, in a professional manner. But this was for life, a lifelong commitment to another human. To raise them, love them unconditionally, teach them good core values, how to feel empathy. How to love and accept people. How to know right from wrong.
How could you ever not fuck that up. You didn’t have a training manual for this. You didn’t want to disappoint someone who relied solely on you. On Bob. To disappoint a child would be the biggest failure of all and you didn’t want to fail. You weren’t someone who took failure easy.
“I’m beyond terrified—“ you said just barely above a whisper. “What if, what if I’m not a good mum?” Jake looked at you like you were speaking gibberish. How could you ever doubt your ability to be not only a good mum, but one of the best. Jake couldn’t take his eyes off you.
“Get your ass on that chopper and stop doubting yourself OS.” You frowned for a second at Jake's response. “I’m serious, I’m not going to pity you.”
“I wasn’t asking you too—“
“No you were asking me to blow smoke up your ass, gas you up, list all your good qualities so that the doubt you feel about being ready or not to bring a life into this world wouldn’t be so intimidating.” Jake smirked as you stared at him speechless. There was something real about Jake that you loved to hate and hated to love. He was a good friend, despite his flaws, his inability to play well with others, and the obvious fear or rejection he called heavy on his shoulders, Jake Seresin was a damn good friend, colleague and someone you knew would always come to bat for you.
“You know I hate you right?” You chuckled, leaning into his side as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close as he kissed the top of your head gently. A moment he’d cherish forever. There was a line there, he might have crossed it. But Jake didn’t care, because holding you as a friend was better than losing you as a fleeting lover. He’d get over it. Hopefully. Your head lulled softly to the side, resting against the dip of Jake's shoulder.
“Love is the pursuit of a fool—“ Jake smirked to himself. Knowing at that very moment you kept your eyes focused on the coastline, pining for that last kiss you shared with Bob, your loving husband before stepping aboard. A permanent truth, a means to get through. Heart swollen with your love for him. Only him.
“What did you say?” You questioned as you pulled away. Hearing the helicopter settle on the helipad. A gentle hand resting across your stomach, a hopefulness returned. If Jake could now, He'd tell you never to love Bob, that he could give you everything and then some. Would walk across water, would run across fire, he’d lay his life on the line just to see you smile. He’d made a promise to take care of you, And that wasn’t a promise that would crack over time.
“Bob’s probably waiting at Navcon right now—“ Jake chose to remain a constant. Knowing to have you as a friend was better than to lose you all together. He wanted to be a part of your life, but it wasn’t up to him what part he would play. “Go, get outta here.”
“I’ll send an update.” You replied, knowing there was something else in Jake's mind. His eyes lingered way past you. Focusing on something else. A thought. “Thankyou—for just.”
“Radar—“ hangman interiors when you couldn’t find the words to say thankyou. “Go.” Jake gestured to the helicopter. Nodding you pressed your lips together before you made your way slowly to where the helipad was. Jake stood still as he watched you.
“There she goes, Seresin.” Jake spoke to himself as he watched you step up into the helicopter. His heart aching. “Let her go.”
Bob sat quietly in the civilian waiting room at the naval headquarters. Navcon. Sure, they would have let him wait in another section. But he would have been alone. There was a lady and her two twin boys waiting in the same zone as him. Both sat playing with the toys that came from the old toy box in the corner. Their imaginations taking them a million miles away.
Bob couldn’t help but wonder who they were waiting for, perhaps their father? That would be the most obvious person.
“Who are you waiting for?” The woman who sat reading what was probably a six month old magazine asked. Bob looked at her with glazed eyes. Still trying to process what she’d said.
“Who are you waiting for?” The nurse asked sharply just as you came through the emergency room doors. Your arm in a triangle sling draped across your body. Bob stood quickly as he gestured to the nurse who looked as if she was ready to tell Bob the chair he was sitting on wasn’t for rent and he’d have to leave that he was waiting for you.
“What’s the verdict?” Bob asked as you met him in the waiting room of the Lamoore emergency department. “You good? Is it broken or—?”
“Just a popped shoulder, in this stupid thing for at least a week.” You tried to move your arm but your shoulder felt stiff. It felt like it wasn’t your own. Signing you linked your hood arm with Bobs. Walking towards the exit side by side, handing Bob your discharge papers knowing your best friend would want to read everything. “I’m fine—“
“You know in hindsight, we shouldn’t have been running in the rain.” Bob mumbled as he read what the doctor had reported.
“Yeah well, we’re lacking in our cardiac fitness Robert, you know we won’t pass without that fitness test.”
“A 10.6 seems unrealistic—“ Bob scoffed, leading you towards his car.
“It’s the multi stage fitness test Bob, it’s mandatory to at least get a 10.6.” You reminded Bob. It wasn’t something you were both necessarily good at. Running. But it was something you were working on together. Bob craved the moments alone he got with you, and the early morning runs you would go on together before going about your days before meeting back up in the mess hall for lunch were always his favourite time of the day.
He thought the way the early morning sun would hit your face made you look like a goddess. He thought the way you challenged him to keep the pace was endearing when you noticed he’d fall behind to admire you. Bob loved the way you would just listen to him, you’d laugh at his attempts at shitty jokes and would give him advice on things from holding down his breakfast when flying so he didn’t have to smell like ginger all the time to how to talk to girls. He’d only ever  use your own advice against you.
Bob appreciated how you’d carry his glasses in your bum bag when the bridge of his nose got too sweaty for them to stay on right and he would never let you run next to the road. He was always between you and whatever road you decided to run beside. Just in case.
Bed tried his best to break your fall when you slipped. He’d never make bed so quickly. But it was no use. The scream of agony you let out was a sound Bob wished he’d never hear again. Your shoulder, gone—not where it was supposed to be.  He’d never let himself live that down.
“It’s touture—“ Bob replied as he opened the passenger side door of his car for you. Trapping you inside as you stood to face him. His arm outstretched to lean against the car, the other doing the same on the open door. “And now.” Bob pretended to look at the watch he wasn’t wearing. “You have about half an hour before advanced navigation and I have about—“ Bob paused for a moment before looking at you teasingly. “About ten minutes before my tackling defence lesson.”
“Captain O’Riley is gonna make you do two hundred push ups isn’t he?” You cringed. Sliding down into the passenger's seat as Bob followed you. Crouching on the ground.
“And every single rep I’ll be thinking about you ya little clutz.” Bob teased, ruffling your hair before he stood, shutting the passengers door for you like the gentleman he was before racing around to the drivers side. Hopping in with a huff. “But in all seriousness I'm glad it’s nothing serious, you had me worried with the whole I'm dying Spiel.”
“Please—“ you cooed, your head lulling to the side. You tried to stress less about the pain that radiated over your shoulder. You didn’t want Bob wasting precious time on you. He had a career to think about, and sure his smile lit up whatever room you were in with him and you’d kill to hear him laugh. The way he made you feel like you were the only person on earth made you crave his presence more. But there was nothing more valuable than time, and to waste it sitting in a waiting room for you? “Don’t ever sit in a waiting room for that long waiting for me again, promise.” You stared at Bob as he hesitated, he knew he’d do anything for you. Come hell or high water. His best friend.
“Don’t make me make promises you know I won’t keep.”
“I’m sorry—what did you say?” Bob shook his head as he rid his mind of memories of you. The lady chuckled to herself.
“I asked who you were waiting for? You seem, well, stressed?” She cooed. Sending Bob a soft smile as her children played. “My husband is on his way home from a six month stint.” She explained. “
Petty Officer Josh Holiday.” Bob didn’t know the name, but he felt comfort in her smile. The fact he was coming home to his family, safe, was always a good thing.
“I’m uh, waiting for my wife.” Bob explained, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “Operations Specialist Renee Soener-Floyd.” Bob beamed, he was so proud of you.
“She's been on deployment?” The lady asked, totally invested in Bob’s story. Why he was here. She sometimes wished people would ask her more often whenever she was waiting for her husband
“Just left actually.” Bob chuckled nervously. “She’s pregnant, first trimester, somethings not right so she’s being sent back to base to make sure everything’s okay. Medical officer onboard wants a second opinion from an OB.” The small smile Bob wore had faded. His heart was beating too fast in his chest for it to be considered normal. The lady sent him a solemn look. Sympathetic and caring.
“I’m sure she’ll be okay, I’ll keep you both in my prayers.” Bob couldn’t help but to question her faith. He didn’t say anything, but as he rubbed his palms on his jeans he questioned why bad things happened to good people.
“I appreciate that.” Bob replied. “Thankyou.” Sure Bob had dabbled on the edge of having faith. But as he got older, he started to wonder if all Gods, all Goddesses, from all religions could somehow all live harmoniously with one another. That was his belief—and he did pray, to whatever god or goddess would hear him. That every version of you that Bob had loved since the day he met you, his best friend, his wife, his fire, his ice, his coworker, his everything—would be alright. And he prayed to whatever otherworldly entity who’d seek pity on a man stuck down by love that his unborn child, his mark on the world, would be okay too.
“I just want my husband—“ Bob heard you just down the hall from the waiting room. You sounded drained, tried. “Where is he?” You asked, the worry that laced your Tongue had Bob shooting up out of his chair. Racing towards you. Rounding the corner his arms grew wide at the sight of you. Watery eyes. A rollercoaster of emotion overtaking, consuming every part of you as Bob took you in his arms. A solid embrace that had you hiding your face in the crook of his neck. His hand holding the back of your head close to him. His Cologne consuming you, the smell of him bringing an otherworldly comfort. “I’m so sorry—“ your voice cracked as tears streamed down your face. Had you done something wrong, was this your fault? Of course it was, it's your body. “I’m sorry I—“
“Hey—“ Bob pulled away as he cupped your face gently, the pads of his thumbs working to dry the tears that fell. Your face was hot to the touch under his palms. “You’ve done absolutely nothing wrong.”
“Bob the baby—“ you whispered, your bottom lip trembling. “What if, what if somethings wrong.”
“Then we’ll get through it together, yeah?” Bob leaned in to kiss your forehead before pulling you back into his warm embracing, his heart breaking. “Forever and longer.”
Your wedding was a simple backyard intimate ceremony. Only a handful of family members and beloved friends. Bob struggled for months trying to write his vowels, he didn’t want to disappoint you, the love of his life, the most beautiful woman have ever met. He didn’t really know how to describe you, describe his love for you. All Bob really knew was that it was overpowering. So he wrote what he wanted you to know. From his heart.
“I don't believe that there was a single moment that I knew that I would marry you.” You tried your best not to cry as you read your vows to Bob. He looked so handsome, so happy. “Ever since that very first day five years ago when we met in the cafeteria of the naval academy, I knew you were something special.” You paused for a moment as you wiped your tears away. “I remember writing to my mum telling her all about the new friend I had made.” You chuckled as Bob beamed at you. Holding back his own tears. “Of course that wasn't the start of our love story, but it was the start of the best friendship I have ever known.” You took a deep breath to hold back your tears. “I used to think I needed a love that would complete me, but then I met you, and you showed me that I was already whole.” Bob wipes a tear that had escaped from his waterline. He didn’t know how he would cope with reading his own. “I know I can be a little indecisive at times, but today I stand here making the easiest decision of my life, becoming your wife. You my love are my greatest adventure and my home, today I might be giving you my hand but my heart has always been yours and forever will be.” Bob felt like he couldn’t breathe, the sight of you in your wedding dress had him melting in a puddle. His heart was full as he pulled his vows out of his back pocket. Shaky hands unfolding the paper as he cleared his throat. Nervous.
“Renee— you are the most thrilling and most heartbreaking woman I have ever met.” It was all from his heart, Robert Floyd had never been good with words, talking to people wasn’t something he was necessarily good at. But you made that easy. “The kind of woman people write novels about, sing songs about and cry deeply for.” Bob smiled as he looked up at you crying, full of joy. Full of love. “One of my greatest fears in life is to die, to its joys and pains while I’m still alive— To lose reverence.” Bob knew what you did for a living, respectfully, was dangerous. But so was being in love. “Being around you is to be relentlessly rescued Into the beauty of feeling.” Bob paused as he took a deep breath. Holding back tears although they still fell over his waterline. His cheeks stained with tears. Happiness leaking from every single atom of his being.
“Renee you are a divine gift to the world and it will never be lost on me how fortunate I am to call myself your husband. I realise that you gain a deeply piercing understanding of someone while doing difficult things with them in life. This life is short and every day I get to spend with you is a blessing and nothing less.” You reached for Bob's hand as you saw his chest heaving. He was about to lose it, crack under the pressure of unconditional love and admiration. Collecting himself with your simple touch Bob pressed on. “But I’ve come to know one thing more than anything and that is that loving a girl whose mind is like watching a thunderstorm during a sunset is something I could do forever. How long will I love you? Forever and longer.”
“I tried to call—“ you sighed, wiping your face as you exhaled. “I don’t think I was thinking all too straight in the med bay, Jake kinda beat me to it huh?”
“Yeah he’s—“ Bob paused as he questioned his own response for a second. “He’s good people.” Bob smirked at you before kissing your temple, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. Pulling you close. “Let’s go get you checked out.”
The doctor's office felt sterile, a clean and perfectly organised room. Bob sat as close to you as he possibly could. “I see all the vital organs are starting to develop, a good sign.” Your OBGYN Dr. Sarah spoke calmly as he rolled the ultrasound handle against your stomach. The gel cool like ice melting against you skin. “Baby is about half to three fourths of an inch, about the size of a raspberry.”
“But nothings wrong?” You asked, panic still evident in your tone. Shaking her head Dr. Sarah confirmed with you nothing was wrong.
“Everything seems to be perfectly fine with your little raspberry here, I am a little concerned about your iron levels though. They aren’t dangerously low but they’re not as high as I’d like them to be.”
“Why did she bleed on the carrier?” Bob questioned, his hand squeezing yours. “That doesn’t seem normal?”
“Rest assured dad that bleeding is totally normal during pregnancy as long as you take them seriously, you did the right thing coming back stateside mumma.” It was a sigh of relief that left you both respectfully. Bob beamed your way as he kissed your palm. Overjoyed you were alright, his baby was right. That his family was alright. “Always trust your gut.”
“I think it’s probably a good time to talk to someone about an extended stateside posting.” Bob cooed. “I don’t want you having to go through this again and something more serious happening when you're a million miles away from the nearest hospital.”
“We got kinda lucky this time didn’t we?” You replied softly.
“We did—we really did.” Bob wondered what could have happened, but he didn’t dwell for too long, promising whatever god or goddess it was that took pity on him that he’d do good by you. He’d always be there for you. That he’d continue to love you unconditionally. Making a mental note to himself to let Jake know you and the baby were in fact okay.
“Almost as if there’s people rooting for this to happen.” You teased, chuckling softly as you watched the monitor of your baby. Bob did the same. He knew what he was looking at now—a baby the size of a raspberry. “I’m rooting for this to happen.” You cooed. Bob squeezed you hand in response before whispering against your palm.
“So do I, more than anything—“
Tags: @kkrenae @lexhalstead3 @justanothermagicalsara @luckyladycreator2 @milesrooster @a-serene-place-to-be @marantha @red-undead-raptor @shanimallina87 @sarahjoestewy-blog
266 notes · View notes
June 1986
Eddie Munson lived by the skin of his teeth, or rather the skin of whatever those demon bats didn’t chew like he was a discount steak at the worst grocery store in town. The healing process was exhausting, and humiliating. For his entire life he’s been able to be independent with just Wayne seeing his most vulnerable and carefully hidden parts of himself. The problem with fighting an evil wizard from hell isn’t the chronic pain and constant nightmares, but the ragtag stubborn family that follows after
While the Byers-Hopper family was in California packing to move back to Hawkins (why they would do that Eddie has no goddamn clue) Nancy, Robin, and Steve made Eddie’s and Max’s recovery their personal missions. Red he gets, she’s just a kid, a kid that’s been through this shit three times with them compared to Eddie’s measly one. Of course Eddie’s only Upside Down encounter would be the one that almost took him out. Even baby Wheeler hasn’t been this close to Death’s door. There was no reason for these former classmates to care this much. And yet they practically never left his side. He’d like to complain about it, but them helping out had taken a lot of the pressure off of Wayne’s shoulders, and that was the most important part of it for Eddie
If you told Eddie a year ago he’d be becoming close with King Steve himself he probably would’ve hissed at someone or just spoke some broken latin and let the general pop believe he was a demon. In hindsight that didn’t make it easier for Hawkins to believe he wasn’t a satanic serial killer. The point is he’s not supposed to be friends with people like Steve. Robin he gets, they make sense. His friendship with Nancy was surprising but after getting to know she was a complete and major dork, they clicked in a really cool way. But Steve? Steve was funny in a way that was different from anyone else Eddie knew. Steve cooked for him and his uncle during the toughest part of Eddie’s recovery, not well, but it was hot and filling. Steve held him as he cried from nightmares and when he was completely exhausted from his physical therapy appointments.
Eddie was in love with him and completely fucked.
The June heat was sweltering, Wayne was on a fishing trip, it was one of the first nights being left to his own devices since he could get around a lot better now. He was spending his solitude getting acquainted with his Darling, since his Sweetheart was destroyed and honestly now associated too much with death and near death experiences alike. The phone rings, Eddie grunts, stands and makes his way over to the phone, it takes him an embarrassing amount of time to get there with his aching knee, but he manages.
Before he could even get out a greeting the caller was already speaking, “Eddie hi! Hey Eddie, it’s me. Um me being Steve. Harrington. Shit you probably knew that–”
“Stevie, you have a shift with Robs today?” Eddie grabs a bit of hair to twist around his finger, lip bitten to hide his smile. No one’s home but him whose he trying to fool? Himself mostly. It’ll go away repeats in his head over and over waiting for Steve’s reply.
Steve chuckles into the line, Eddie’s heart is about to burst out of his chest Alien style. “Yeah we did have a shift together which I guess explains my totally out of character rambling. Don’t let that keep you from remembering what a cool and not dorky guy I am.”
“Hm sorry, but that’s not ringin’ any bells over here sweetheart, you sure we’re talking bout the same Steve? Steve Harrington? You know the major dork who babysits all these kinda freak kids who are definitely too old for babysitters?” Sweetheart? Sweetheart? Did he really just call his strictly platonic, straight friend sweetheart? It takes all of Eddie’s self control (which is admittedly extremely low already) not to brain himself with the heavy phone receiver.
Steve laughs a real genuine laugh at that. The rollercoaster of emotions Eddie is navigating through is enough to make his stomach hurt. “Apparently one in the same then.” He quiets after another small chuckle, and takes a deep breath, “Listen Eds I was wondering if you wanted to get out of the house for a bit? With me?“
"You know I actually am capable of taking care of myself for a few days even without a babysitter on standby? Just because Wayne’s not home doesn’t mean I’m about to croak in the night” Eddie huffed suddenly annoyed.
Steve lets out a tired sigh. Eddie’s gut twists in guilt at the sound. “Yeah I know that you drama queen, but um my parents are home actually. For once, and I. I just don’t want to be here tonight.” His voice goes even quieter, softer now, and filled with shyness, “I like spending time with you Eddie, even when I don’t have to make sure you aren’t dying in your sleep.”
“Give me twenty minutes to get ready.” Eddie goes for casual, he doesn’t think it works, given how fast the words leave his mouth.
If he didn’t die and come back a few months before today, he’d surely think he’s dead, or at least dreaming this moment, he’d sooner believe in a hell dimension… Damn he’s gotta get a new improbable scenario to describe the insane situation this moment absolutely is.
Okay so maybe it’s not as improbable as he’s making it out to be. Because obviously it is indeed happening.
Every summer Eddie always feels like a drowned rat, which is true today. His hair is frizzing everywhere, just sitting is causing him to sweat profusely. Steve however looks the best he’s ever looked, golden skin, perfect hair, his sun kissed face bringing out his freckles. He wants to reach out and touch, to stop himself he grabs his rubs at the twinge in his left knee. Steve clocks that action annoyingly quick. Maybe if he’s lucky Steve won’t call attention to it.
And because he’s a Munson the universe holds a giant middle finger to his prayers.“
How’s your knee today?” Steve asks him obviously trying to make it sound like a casual question, when they both know this is a long standing argument neither is backing down from.
Since he came home from the hospital Wayne and Steve have been conspiring to get him to use a cane. Which okay. Whatever. But at what point was using the cane just admitting defeat? He’s supposed to be getting better. Is getting better. Adding a cane to the mix was like adding a crutch (ironic but it emphasizes the point) he didn’t want or need. So sure, sometimes there will be days he can barely get out of bed to take a piss, but maybe if he kept at it, he’d be able to play, and jump around on stage like he’s always dreamed of.
“Fine, Steven,” Eddie bites out, because he’s nothing if not petulant.
Steve barks a laugh, Eddie’s heart drops into his ass, “Aw c’mon don’t Steven me, I just told you my parents are home.” He pouts but his eyes are shining so brightly with mirth.
Eddie scoffs and takes a piece of his hair to give his fingers something not stupid to do, like grabbing Steve’s lip and giving it a tug. “Yeah, I know, you good though? Or should I go grab Nancy for a little chat with good ol Rich Harrington?”
“Oh my god, you’re a menace. Did you know that?” Deflecting, Eddie notices.
“It’s been mentioned, alongside satanic cult leading murderer, but you know I get menace every now and then.
”Steve’s brows furrow, he looks at Eddie almost like he’s searching for something, he must’ve found it because he shakes his head and moves their conversation along, “Well I happen to know you’re innocent, and I also know your dinner order at Flo’s place. One grilled cheese with tomato, pickle on the side, curly fries, and mostly because I think you’re special, a strawberry and mint chocolate chip milkshake.” He holds the cup and wags it a little before putting it in what has become Eddie’s dedicated cup holder.
Eddie gasped, and his eyes started to take up most of his face, “No fucking way man, there’s no way you swung that. I’ve been begging Flo to do that for years! How the hell did you manage that?”
“Okay so I know this totally sounds like a cool line but I promise you it's the truth, but Eds, if I told you I’d have to kill you, then probably myself.” Eddie starts to laugh and Steve can only roll his eyes. “Flo is scary dude!”
“Says Hawkins residential monster hunter, huh a little waitress is scarier than a full grown Demogorgan?”
“No contest! I’d even take the junkyard ‘dogs’ a hundred times over before double crossing Florence Foster. And anyone who says otherwise has a death wish.” Steve starts pulling out his own dinner, his sun pink cheeks matching the setting sun. He must catch Eddie staring because he clears his throat and gestures for Eddie to fiddle with the radio.
It takes him a few minutes to settle on a station, but then he just ends up on his go to metal station. 102.9 The Metal Shop hosted by none other than the annoying Master Metal. Like seriously, he couldn’t come up with anything better? But it gets the job done. Plus it’s normie enough that Steve’s able to tolerate and even like some of it.
So they talk, and the night is warm but there’s a breeze now so they’re able to roll their windows down. Steve’s hair is lightly blowing around every few gusts. He looks so beautiful, and Eddie can feel his cheeks getting hot, he’s choosing to blame it on the heat. He’s also choosing to believe the swooping feeling in his gut every time Steve laughs is due to the greasy take out.
Before he can start believing in any other of his made up bullshit Master Metal cuts in declaring that for the next sixty minutes will be the dreaded Dedication Hour. He groans and goes to change it, but his wrist is now caught in Steve’s hand.
“What’s your problem? You love this station.” And Steve’s head is tilted in that way where he looks exactly like a dog in one of those shelter commercials.
Eddie is kind of baffled by this whole interaction, so he says exactly what his problem is, “Yeah of course I do, but it’s the Dedication Hour, they’re going to play the same bullshit non metal love songs, because people think they have a better chance to get their song on than all the other appropriate stations for their pedestrian tastes. No offense I'm sure that’s very much up your alley Romeo. You got a song on there for one of your many conquests eh Casanova?” Jesus Christ, even he knows he’s laying it on thick.
“First gross don’t call them conquests ,” He throws a fry at Eddie’s face, who in turn picks it up and dips it into his milkshake and laughs at the revolted face Steve makes. “Second, no I didn’t. That’s too romantic, maybe I would've for Nancy, but that wasn’t really her thing anyway.” His eyes stay on his hands, he takes a shaky breath, looks up at Eddie through his lashes. “Eds I’ve got a confession.”
All of the air gets punched right out of his lungs, he has to basically wheeze out an okay Stevie, eyes hopefully conveying to Steve to continue.
Steve sighs, tan hand scrubbing at his jaw, clearly nervous. He’s avoiding Eddie’s eyes, “My parents aren’t home Eddie.” He pauses, in that pause Eddie’s heart crumbles of course that’s what it is. So he’ll sweep up his heart to be put back together much later, and instead comfort his friend. Because at the end of the day, as much as he wants Steve, he’ll also take what he can get, so if Steve only ever offers friendship he will happily take it.
“Oh Stevie–”
“I just wanted to spend time with you Eddie, and I thought if I told you I needed a distraction from my shitty parents, it would’ve hid what I want to say, what I’ve wanted to say since fucking April.” He’s running a hand through his hair, completely flushed now. He’s never been more beautiful.
For the first time in his life Eddie doesn’t feel the need to run in order to avoid inevitlby fucking up what could be a good thing, a great thing. “Eddie Munson, I am so unbelievably infatuated with you, I want to kiss you so fucking badly baby, and and if I’m overstepping you’ve got to tell me Eddie because I’m two seconds away from just doing it even if you end up punching me.” His hand comes up, his thumb brushes away tears Eddie didn’t even know he was shedding.
“Steve Harrington, you are something special.” With a watery laugh Eddie’s hands are now cupping Steve’s face, his eyes are taking in every single detail, before he knows it they are both leaning in.
The kiss is soft, slow, and more tender than it has any right to be. They both took their time, afraid to break this delicate bubble they found themselves. This goes on for a few minutes longer until Steve, reluctantly, and annoyingly pulls away. Eddie huffs, and Steve has the nerve to fucking giggle.
Grabbing Eddie’s hand, he plays with the rings on his fingers, “I have one more thing to say.” He is quiet now, almost shy as if they weren’t just swapping spit two seconds ago. “Um so, this isn’t a casual thing for me Eddie. I like you in the way, where this has the potential for me to be forever, and I don’t want to lose you for being too much too fast, but this is something I can’t negotiate on. If we do this, it has to be the real thing. And if you don’t feel the same, we can forget this and pretend I didn’t ruin our friendship.
Eddie’s shocked that Steve could think he wouldn’t, couldn’t, feel the exact same way, if not more. “I don’t want to forget this Steve, this could be my forever too, I want it to be forever. I think we should do this, I’m all in big boy.”
They laugh, they kiss, and eventually Dedication Hour is over. Hand on his sore knee rubbing soothing circles that ease the pain a bit, Steve suggests going back to Eddie’s to have a real adult conversation about what they’re starting. To which Eddie agrees so long as after they’re done talking they can have an adult conversation with their bodies, and Steve pushes him back in his seat rolling his eyes before enthusiastically agreeing.
December 1986
It’s freezing out and yet Eddie couldn’t be warmer if he tried. There they sat in Eddie’s van, two pizza boxes between them, because according to Steve, Eddie’s preferred pizza toppings are abhorrent. Eddie has tried to argue but almost everyone he knows complains about his pineapple, peperoni, and mushroom pizza. A heavenly combination, especially when he compares it to Steve’s ham and extra olive monstrosity.
“You know babe, when I said we should grab dinner tonight, I was thinking something a little, I don’t know… balanced.” Steve sighed, while shoveling another bite in his mouth Eddie notices. Eyes squinting at his boyfriend’s hypocrisy.
Eddie opens his mouth to argue, “Steve, Stevie, Sweetheart. It’s Pizza Hut, it even has a salad bar.”
“Eds we got takeout.” Steve deadpans.
“Yeah but the salad is out in the open air getting its nutrients on the pizzas by osmosis.”
“There’s no way that’s true.”
“What, you don’t trust me?” Eddie asks, feigning shock. “Don’t forget I’ve taken biology three times.”
“Even if you were right, this definitely is not covered under biology.”
“Well what the hell do I know anyways? I had to take biology three times.”
“Oh my god.” Steve’s trying to sound annoyed but the fond smile on his face is betraying him.
Seeing that look on Steve’s face nearly melts Eddie. In the last six months of dating Eddie’s sap meter has gone way up, and like the sap he’s turned into (ignoring the fact Wayne keeps wrongly insisting Eddie has always been a sap) he can’t help but lean into it. Steve makes him want to be that guy, that boyfriend. Which is why Eddie set up this whole night.
Eddie spent his whole childhood being told by his sperm donor that the Munson Curse existed and that’s why their lives were so bad. Absolutely nothing to do with Al’s poor life choices, that long effected his son even after getting locked up. But nights like this, with the snow falling, with Steve’s pink cheeks, and warm laugh, it has to mean something. It has to be the universe’s way of apologizing for all the bad shit. His mom dying, his ‘dad’ being a piece of shit, his near interdimensional death, having to now use a cane to get around, and not to mention all of the horrible stuff Steve’s been through, maybe it all wasn’t in vain.
So maybe the universe wasn’t so bad. It’s not great, every day is still a fucking struggle to get through. But the man next to him, made the hurt a little more dull.
The low radio pulls Eddie back to the present. Master Metal in the middle of announcing the dedication hour, when in the corner of his eye he sees Steve hands reach to change the station. Without thinking Eddie grabs Steve’s hands and entwines their fingers.
Steve turns toward Eddie, brows lifting with a questioning tilt. “I think I’ll survive one night of cheesy love songs sweetheart.”
“Uh huh, who are you and what did you do with my boyfriend?”
Eddie rolls his eyes, “I contain multitudes.”
“Since when?”
“April.” Which silences Steve who is very much biting his lip to avoid smiling.
In the brief silence that follows their conversation Master Metal is speaking again, “And now for the first dedication. For Big Boy,” Steve’s eyes shoot to Eddie, he goes to speak but Eddie just squeezes his hand, and whatever Steve was about to say dies on his tongue. “The last six months have been the best of my life. The fact that I’m even still alive is all because of you with the help of the family we’ve been able to build together. I love you, with every fiber in my being. I used to be so scared of loving anyone, running at the first sign of a good thing, but you are the best thing, the only thing. And I’m done running, so I’ll love you as long as you’ll let me, even while trekking back into Mordor. Love forever and always Joan Jett. Now here’s Journey’s 1982 hit Open Arms. ”
Steve is crying, big, fat tears, looking at Eddie almost in disbelief. He takes a grounding breath before frantically throwing the pizza boxes in the back. With the boxes out of the way Eddie finds himself with a lap full of Steve, which he’d never complain about.
With a hand gently stroking Eddie’s hair, and the other hand cupping his jaw, Steve leans in and gives Eddie’s forehead a kiss. Then both his eyes, his nose, his cheeks, finally his lips. Steve basically breathes his next words, “I love you too, so fucking much.” A pause, then a smirk flashes across his face, “Joan.”
Eddie’s eyes are now misty, but that doesn’t stop him from groaning at Steve’s response. “I confess my love for you and you tease me for my alias. For shame Steven for shame.”
“You’re right I’m sorry, this is genuinely the most romantic thing anyone has done for me you know.”
“I know it baby, but you Steve Harrington, you deserve all the big gestures. And I’ll spend the rest of our lives proving to you just how easy you are to love.”
Steve doesn’t even say anything to that, just lets his body do the talking, he’s attempting to pour in every last bit of his love for Eddie into the kiss, while not so subtly tugging his boyfriend into the back of the van.
Eddie’s laughing again, “No way gorgeous, I’m taking you home so I can show you just how much I love you. We are not going to defile the van after confessing our love to one another.”
“When did you become sensible?”
“I’ve been keeping company with some good influences.”
“I love you, Eddie Munson.”
“I love you, Steve Harrington.”
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