#I hate arabic grammar
reneeworks · 3 months
i'm so used to reading in english that I forgot what it's to not understand what you're reading even with a general idea of what words mean individually so now that I'm taking learning french seriously I'm being hit with the desperation of not understanding what two words mean together once again
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yandereforme · 7 months
Damian wayne? nah, Damian AL GHUL.
(in my perspective his al ghul blood is where he gets his yandare shii from cause yk..the al ghuls..it just fits right..)
(imagine if damian stayed in Nanda parbat)
so imagine damian going on an assasin mission in gotham and crosses paths with vigilante!reader(Female if possible xx) on the gotham rooftops where they get into a fight and for the first time, Damian loses, to a girl/woman and now he's obsessed interested in her, now I see him purposely taking missions that's from gotham just to see reader then just one night he plans a kidnapping, think several other assasins on standby so the kidnapping will be perfect and..idk anymore, I ran out of brain juice.(I'm gonna be honest this was my dream last night, and I woke up 💔)
also, me personally, Damian al ghul>damian wayne
I wanna ask without anon but I'm EMBARRASSED CAUSE IDK WHAT I TYPED SOUNDS LIKE WHEN SOMEBODY READS IT!! (and ik my grammar suckz ass cause English ain't my first language. far from that💔💔)
oh no I'm yapping again I'm so sorry
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You are not a bother at all! I love this idea, and you don’t need to be embarrassed, that’s how I write most things lol.
Damian Al Ghul x Vigilante! Reader
I’m thinking he went to Gotham to scout out his father and his subordinates (they aren’t a focus in the post)
He completely forgets about them after he meets (and gets his butt kicked by you)
You are an independent vigilante, and you have always been that way. You avoid Batman and his birds, preferring to take care of things like human traffickers, muggings, abusers, etc.
That being said, you knew enough about the big stuff that the boy in ninja gear set off alarm bells. You were prepared for his attacks, and had your weapons at the ready
You were a badass, and wiped the floor with Damian, even pinning him down before other ninjas came out of the darkness, hellbent on you.
He yells at the others in Arabic and you take your chance to slip away. This was above your pay grade, and the Bat could deal with them. You needed to continue your patrol.
Damian was expecting an easy fight, but you surprised him. When you glared down at this boy, blood streaked across your face, eyes alight with hatred as you held him down, Damian fell hard.(I headcanon that Al Ghuls fall for/become yandere for strong fighters or general badasses, while Wayne’s tends to become yandere/protective over kindness/innocence due to their trauma)
Those idiots who interrupted his fight with his beloved were killed immediately, and he immediately set his sights on finding you again.
He found your vigilante work a worthy endeavor, but your civilian life was not up to par. You worked two jobs, both of which were meant to be taken on by peasants, not by important people like you. He admired and hated the fact you survived on your own, admiring your strength but despising what you had to do to survive.
This man will fight tooth and nail to get to go to Gotham at every opportunity. He prefers to watch you on patrol, and privately dispose of the simpletons you were surrounded by
After a while, when your room and all the supplies were prepared, only then did he set up your kidnapping. He approached you late at night, outside of your suit. You gave him another worthy fight, but this time he wasn’t going to let you get away, and knocked you out quickly.
When you wake, it will be to Damian sitting across from your bed, reading one of your favorite novels (he doesn’t like this kind of book, but as his beloved enjoys it, he will be learned on the subject).
Be prepared to have a life of being Damian’s Queen, Y/n Al Ghul. By the time you wake up, he will have already removed all traces of your past from the rest of the world, making sure you had nothing to go back to, if you were ever able to escape, so your best bet is to stay as his queen, and hopefully figure out a way out(you won’t escape.)
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jewishbarbies · 2 months
I hate to be one of those “media literacy is dying/dead, academia is dead” people, but I feel like a lot of the misinformation and bias on apps like TikTok is because people don’t know what a source is and how to source information. People take everything as primary sources and not only that, but nobody uses the CRAAP test anymore.
CRAAP = currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, and purpose.
Currency: the timeliness of the information
When was the information published or posted?
Has the information been revised or updated?
Is the information current or out-of date for your topic?
Are the links functional?
Relevance: the importance of the information for your needs
Does the information relate to your topic or answer your question?
Who is the intended audience?
Is the information at an appropriate level (i.e. not too elementary or advanced for your needs)?
Have you looked at a variety of sources before determining this is one you will use?
Would you be comfortable using this source for a research paper?
Authority: the source of the information
Who is the author/publisher/source/sponsor?
Are the author's credentials or organizational affiliations given?
What are the author's credentials or organizational affiliations given?
What are the author's qualifications to write on the topic?
Is there contact information, such as a publisher or e-mail address?
Does the URL reveal anything about the author or source?
examples: .com (commercial), .edu (educational), .gov (U.S. government), .org (nonprofit organization), or .net (network)
Accuracy: the reliability, truthfulness, and correctness of the content, and
Where does the information come from?
Is the information supported by evidence?
Has the information been reviewed or refereed?
Can you verify any of the information in another source or from personal knowledge?
Does the language or tone seem biased and free of emotion?
Are there spelling, grammar, or other typographical errors?
Purpose: the reason the information exists
What is the purpose of the information? to inform? teach? sell? entertain? persuade?
Do the authors/sponsors make their intentions or purpose clear?
Is the information fact? opinion? propaganda?
Does the point of view appear objective and impartial?
Are there political, ideological, cultural, religious, institutional, or personal biases?
Why does nobody question the amount of asks and posts of people saying: “Hello, my name is *insert Arab name* and I need to get out of Gaza, please send me money to help me get out of Gaza.” We see all these videos of Gazans (some of the videos are actually of syrian people), but why does nobody question why there was a camera recording?
Why was there a camera perfectly in place at the right moment and the right time?
Why does nobody vet their sources anymore?
Why are people shutting down opinions from one side because that’s the side that is deemed as “evil” to them? To the point where the fucking HOUTHIS are being celebrated????!!!!! Hezbollah and ISIS are congratulated! All to hate the Jews.
Why are lies being passed as truth?
Why are conspiracy theories being regurgitated at such a high level?
Why are people failing to recognise their own logical fallacies?
These tiktokers call themselves journalists, yet forget about the ethics of journalism and journalistic integrity standards.
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phoenixinthefiles · 3 months
Times like these I really wish this app had a text to speech function:
I’ve been thinking about citzenzhip a lot when it comes to the Batfamily, HEAR ME OUT.
Disclaimer: I am not part of an immigrant family so if anything I say is offensive please let me know
So Dick, Damian, and Cass, were obviously born outside the U.S, WHERE’S THE CHARACTER EXPLORATION FOR THAT?
Like Damian and Dick knew English before coming here but there are still other experiences they definitely would’ve gone through.
Damian probably hated/hates the U.S. He was raised on “you do things perfectly-good-you slip up-punishment” (that’s obviously horrible) but the U.S. and all its systems are oftentimes OVERLY complicated. Can you imagine how hard it would be to go from an abusive, perfectly, structured environment, to one that’s constantly divided over the simplest things?
Not to mention that if we’re going with the backstory of him having lived in the desert for the majority of his childhood, there’d be a massive climate change. Like he’d probably have allergies, and maybe eczema.
Can you imagine finally getting to meet your father and you breakout and nearly asphyxiate because of the air pollution. (Slight hyperbole)
Ra’s Al Ghul is a horrible, abusive man but he’s relatively environmentally conscious (still horrible and abusive)
And with Dick?
If we go off Haly’s Circus being an European traveling circus, and his mother possibly being a French-speaking Roma, we can understand why it’d be difficult for him to adapt to life at Wayne Manor.
You travel 3 hours from London and you end up in Paris. A kid who’s used to that type of learning environment would HATE the American school system. He’s sitting in an uncomfortable desk chair listening to a teacher drone on about something he will never use in his life. When he used to be taught physics, while doing a handstand on the railing of the freaking Ponte de Rialto.
Regardless of potentially having ADHD or not, he’s still fidgeting in his seat—yearning for recess. But because this is America (and likely around the early 2000’s or so) his teacher rudely points out his fidgeting and the rest of the class see the boy that looks different from them, acting differently from them as well. And Children can be cruel.
I can’t imagine the experience of being an extroverted child who is used to forming connections with children, who look different from him, BECAUSE of his talents and uniqueness, being thrust into an environment that discourages that,WHILE HE’S GRIEVING HIS PARENTS.
Also Damian and Dick are both tan/brown skinned, and they’re likely going to a rich private school without a lot of people that look like them. (Gotham Academy did not start gaining a more diverse population until Jason came around and that was the reason he wanted to go to public school[I stand by this headcanon…bcus fiction imitates life])
Not to mention the unreasonable amount of prejudice towards Arabs in this country and others. That’s a rough time for a 8-11 year old who JUST moved here and already has a disconnect with his peers due to his abuse and forced maturity.
SO, SO much I’ve said and so, so much I still haven’t. I haven’t even BEGUN to talk about Cass and how difficult it had to be to come to THIS country not being able to understand spoken language at all? She was a teenager when she met Bruce but that just makes different, not better.
Once again I am Black, so while I have experience as a minority in this country, I have no experience with being an immigrant so if I have said something offensive do NOT hesitate to let me know.
Also does this count as me writing something? Probably not huh?
@vhscity idk if you want to read my rant with horrible grammar mistakes.😭😭
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bri-cheeses · 4 months
My hopes and dreams are yet again RUINED cuz of Arabic grammar cuz tell me WHYY I just learned that if there's a just one guy in a group of girls the correct way to call the whole group is guys and I wrote about lily and Mary taking Sirius and marlene to a supermarket and sent it to a competition yet again I'm crying over Arabic grammar
noooooo I hate it when grammar is like that it’s so annoying 😭
Like why can’t it just… make sense? Majority should rule there but nooo I guess not
Anyways I am very curious as to what competition this is 👀
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runawaycarouselhorse · 9 months
"Arabs think of animals as mindless" is such a racist and stupid thing of you to say. You are just projecting your own thoughts about animals It has nothing to do with the Arab's view, you just think they're mindless that's why you couldn't name any. We love animals and they're not brainless or dumb. Stop making Arabs look bad!
I am Arab and if you actually study Arabic language, animals are غير عاقل literally “without mind.” It upset me a lot in school, but this is literally Arabic grammar.
It shows how you can’t back up your own statements because you cowardly hid behind anon.
I don’t think that at all!! I always loved animals and anyone who knows me knows I’m a huge animal lover, that’s why I got so upset and defended them to my kindergarten teacher.
It’s very, very common for Arabs to think of all animals as “dirty,” unfortunately, so many hate keeping pets, with sliiight exception for cats. Many Arab boys make a game of hitting animals with stones in the streets. It’s cruel and sad, but true.
Did you actually grow up in the Arabian Gulf/Khaleej like me or not?! Especially in more suburban or even rural areas.
Have you even gone to school here and not seen how many schoolgirls scatter in fear and disgust if a cat wanders near, breaking up morning assembly?
Also, owls are literally seen as creepy or associated with witches by Arabs, many even associate it with bad luck, the “wise owl” concept only reached via Greek/Roman mythology and western concepts.
You didn’t mention a single example that is used in any common phrase as a symbol of wisdom, because none exist traditionally.
Even the raven/crow which taught us to bury our dead in the Quran is traditionally hated and associated only with death, despite its great intelligence, sense of justice (they have courts and enact punishment on those who commit crimes!), visit its elderly parents, and is loyal to its mate life-long, most people do not know this.
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Some Alfred and Alexia Ashford headcanons, but not related to twincest.
Sure! And you know what? I wanted to do some general headcanons for a while anyway.
His full name is Alfred Edward Arthur Hamish Ashford.
Alfred’s IQ as an adult is high enough to be considered a genius.
Alfred likes his coffee black with a bit of sugar. He prefers tea to coffee, though.
He’s an early bird, he likes to get up early and go to bed early. However, in reality, Alfred usually gets up early, goes to bed late, and is often somewhat sleep deprived. Sometimes, he takes a nap in his office when he is too tired.
He tried to grow a beard once, which ended after a couple of weeks with some stubbles here and there. Nothing you could consider a beard. He has very little body hair in general.
He studied business administration and graduated as the best student of the year.
He’s a walking war and military history book.
Alfred owns a massive WWI and WWII-themed collection, which includes various models and original pieces from all parties. He has collectibles from other eras too. The models are from tanks, planes, armored vehicles, ships, larger weapons, and so on. Good amounts of them are self-made scale models. Alfred is very skilled in this regard. One of his maids kind of gained a friendship status by asking him frequently about the history of his collectibles.
Alfred is a decent pianist. He never had any lessons, everything is self-taught. There is still a lot of room for improvement, though.
Alfred speaks 12 languages besides English (Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Japanese, Mandarin, Russian, Arabic, Indian, Polish, Swedish) more or less well, some even on the level of a native speaker and almost accent-free. He can’t write and read all of them, but at least he understands them and has a rather broad vocabulary and some basic grammar skills. His favorite language is Italian. Learning them resulted partially from his own interest, partially it was work-related, and partially he picked them up from the mercenaries. Learning new languages was always easy for him.
Harman cared for Alfred like his own son after Alexia went to her cryogenic sleep. Alfred appreciated his kindness even though he never saw him as a father figure. Still, he treated Harman a lot better than he treated his other employees. Harman was even allowed to criticize Alfred openly without fearing for his life.
Harman hated what kind of monster Alfred had become over the years, even though he never saw the worst of Alfred. He partially blamed himself for it.
Alfred did not immediately develop his split personality after Alexia was gone. It started when he was around 20. At first, it was less frequent and less intense, but later it happened more often. The intensity increased too. Most of the time, he was still there, more or less, even when he wasn’t in control. Later he sometimes had total blackouts for minutes to hours when he switched completely to “Alexia”. After Alexia returned and he started visiting a therapist, his condition improved significantly. He still has it occasionally, especially when he is stressed, and it will probably stay forever to some extent, but at least the blackouts are gone.
He has problems distinguishing between the real Alexia and his alter ego.
Alfred is quite popular among the UBCS soldiers. Despite the intense training, they have a rather good life on Rockfort Island because he invests a lot of money to fulfill their basic desires. (Actually, it’s not his money, it’s Umbrella’s money, Alfred is just good at bargaining.) The only requirement is that the soldiers follow his rules. And since Alfred loves collective punishments, that’s not too hard to enforce. The soldiers keep each other in check.
Alfred rarely interacts with the lower-ranking soldier unless he has to. It is below him. Some have never even seen him the entire time they were on Rockfort Island. However, he is less aloof with the higher-ranking soldiers. When he’s in a good mood, he even has a few drinks with them.
The giant worm is his pet. Umbrella had little interest in this BOW, too impractical for broader use. They said Alfred could have it if he wanted it. No one knows how Alfred tamed it, but it is friendly toward him and even follows simple orders.
And because Alfred is a sick fuck, have some darker headcanons too.
Most prisoners on Rockfort Island are there for interrogation. Once this is over, Umbrella doesn’t need them anymore. Obviously, they can’t let them go, so they often become test subjects, or the UBCS can use them for training. As long as they die, Umbrella doesn’t care too much about how it happens. This means Alfred can do whatever he wants with most of the prisoners.
Watching Alexander suffer after Alexia infected him filled Alfred with joy. He could have watched this for hours while smiling from ear to ear. At first, he thought it was because he finally got his revenge, but the warm feeling returned when a worker had a fatal accident in front of him.
He tortured and killed a couple of prisoners himself. It was messy, and he realized that he preferred watching rather than doing it. Then he started using other prisoners for it. He promised to let them go if they would do what he said. A lie, obviously, but they often fell for it. Or he paid the mercenaries. Most have little to no morals anyway, and it is easy work for good money. This went on until he found Enoch Stoker (the anatomist). The guy clearly wasn’t right in his head, but he was intelligent, well-educated, and most importantly, he did everything Alfred wanted. Not only that he enjoyed it. The two even became something like friends.
Alfred sometimes recorded everything, but these snuff movies never gave him the same satisfaction as live performances.
War isn’t the only topic he has a lot of knowledge about. He’s also an expert in historic torture methods and outdated medical procedures from all around the world. Alfred is aware that he probably can’t replicate all of them, but he can try.
He tried to get into big-game and trophy hunting. The animals in his mansion are his kills. Soon Alfred realized that animals don’t do it for him. He preferred prey that was more intelligent. Alfred has a private hunting ground on Rockfort Island. Stronger prisoners have a good chance of visiting it instead of his torture chamber. (His aim is a lot better when he has slept well.) He owns a mare, which he often rides while hunting.
Her full name is Alexia Veronica Elisabeth Nora Ashford.
The cryogenic sleep made her age slower. Physically she’s about 20 years old, not 27. Mentally she obviously didn’t age during that time.
Due to the mutations from the virus, Alexia can lift 40 times her body weight like an ant.
The twins have a cook, but when Alexia has time for it, she likes doing it herself. It reminds her a bit of working in a lab. She always wears safety glasses while cooking, possible helpers must wear them too. Her cooking is pretty good.
She doesn’t like sweets particularly. Sometimes it’s ok, but most of the time, she requests fruits as dessert.
Caffeine junkie. She likes her coffee with milk and without sugar.
Alexia loves opera, musicals, ballet, and concerts. She’s a good singer herself.
She is a night owl. Her sleeping schedule is slightly better than her brother’s, but not by much. She often stays up way too long and regrets it in the morning.
Alexia loves invertebrates. Ants are her favorites, but she loves other ones too. She has a large room where she keeps various species of invertebrates as pets in hundreds of enclosures. Alexia also has some beehives and started making her own honey.
She has collected porcelain dolls since childhood but has never played with them. Some are very old and rare. Her first doll was a gift from her surrogate mother. Alexia only knows this because Alexander told her so.
Alexia thought about getting into wine growing. Alfred loves wine, she loves wine, and she is generally interested in the process. So why not buy a suitable piece of land and hire some people to grow her own wine?
Alexia completed her studies mainly by distance learning. She attended the university only for exams and other events where she had to be present in person. The practical work was done in a lab in Antarctica that Alexander had built specifically for this purpose. She was still too small to work in a regular lab. After some inspections, the university allowed it. Alexia finished her Ph.D. with an A+. Her examiner didn’t go easy on her, but the defense was a breeze for Alexia regardless.
She secretly admired William Birkin. His achievements impressed her and gave her more motivation to work harder and outdo him. Alexia only met him once in person at an Umbrella intern conference shortly after she started working for them. He wasn’t very friendly, but they still debated until 4 a.m. (Alexander wasn’t with her). Both enjoyed it. Birkin would never admit it, though.
Alexia hoped Birkin would get along better with her, but she would never ingratiate herself. If he hates her, then so be it. Apparently, it doesn’t stop him from having elaborate conversations with her.
The last time she cried was when she was a baby.
She lacks a bit sense of shame. She is also uncomfortably direct in conversations, no sugarcoating, no lies to not hurt someone’s feelings.
She likes to try out new things. Even if she doesn’t like them in the end, the experience is still worth it.
Alexia has started to act more and more childish at times around people she is familiar with. As a child, she was dead serious. That’s how she was brought up, that’s what people expected of her. But now, she’s an adult, rich, and can do whatever she wants. And if necessary, Alexia can switch back to serious in a matter of seconds.
Alexia is fascinated by mundane things, like supermarkets. She never had these in Antarctica, and during the rare occasions Alexander took her somewhere else, they stayed far away from such places.
Alfred was born first, Alexia 7 min later. Their birthday is the 27th of January, 1971.
Alexander took the DNA from Edward and Veronica to create the twins. That’s also where their second names are coming from.
They have platinum blonde hair and pale blue eyes. The twins resemble Edward more than Veronica.
They can read the other one so well that they can’t lie to each other. Sometimes it works for minor things, usually, it doesn’t.
Harman started his own investigations after Alexander’s disappearance. He found out what the twins did to him but never said anything. Harman thought it was unnecessarily cruel, and still, he could somewhat understand them. Despite his good intentions and all that he provided for them, Alexander was a terrible father. Harman felt sorry for the twins most of the time.
They tend to talk about other people who are right in front of them as if they are not there. They don’t mind if these people find it unpleased.
In any kind of competition, the twins never let the other win. They consider it disrespectful not to give 100%.
The twins often play chess together. When they were children, Alexia used to win all the time. Alfred improved a lot over the years, but he could never defeat her. As adults, it’s the opposite. Alexia tried many strategies, but she wasn’t able to beat Alfred once.
Alfred and Alexia started fencing as a hobby. Both are equally good. Often, they use the floret. Sometimes, they also try rapiers or sabers.
They like to travel and do sightseeing. Alexander rarely took them anywhere, and there wasn’t much to see in Antarctica.
Both work a lot. Alexia thought they could need more time to relax, so she introduced a spa day for them once a month. She also hoped that it would have a positive effect on Alfred’s mental health.
Alexia drags Alfred into everything that sparks her interest, like museums or theaters, and, to his dismay, into amusement parks, shopping malls, or supermarkets as well. Sometimes he can convince her not to go there, but not very often. If she really wants it, he gives in and accompanies her. Alfred’s worst experience so far was when Alexia dragged him into a strip club.
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One thing I learn about many people on tumblr is that if you're white and have been treated better by the patriarchy, you will always carry that attitude no matter what that somehow you can dictate other people's experiences and fear because of you have never experienced something bad in life in general or perhaps not worse.
I'm pretty sure you're trying to roast me here but the grammar is pretty bad so I can't even really tell.
Is this about me? If so, who said I'm white? You'd have to scroll down FAR on my blog and read all of my tags to find anything on the colour of my skin.
Who said I've been treated well or even better by the patriarchy? You don't know me, and I certainly don't sell my own misery online for pity points.
Who said I'm dictating other people's experiences? If you feel unsafe around all men, that's your problem to deal with. Frankly, I'm not a therapist. If you come into my inbox talking about how unsafe you feel around all men, the best I can do for you is tell you to go to therapy. I usually don't, because people only tell me this to harrass me into letting them be dicks, but that's besides the point. Fearing 50% of the population just isn't a nice way to live, and there are things you can do to ensure your safety at night/on dates/in clubs that don't require you to live in fear. Caution is not the same as fear.
And to be honest, I as a man shouldn't have to be the victim of your fear. Aside from the fact that the phenomenon known as white woman tears has genuinely cost black lives, especially those of black men, and therefore I don't really have faith that that "fear" is genuine a lot of the time, I don't think most people take a second to think WHY it is that they're scared of someone.
Because the truth of the matter is that black men are frequently portrayed as aggressive abusers who leave their children and commit a lot of crime. Trans men are portrayed as predators and liars who take advantage of their "female socialisation", if they're not outright seen as traitors who are trying to leave womanhood behind for the bliss of privileged manhood. Jewish men are portrayed as greedy and evil, and Arab/Islamic men are seen as extremist oppressors who force their women to veil. Asian men are portrayed as misogynistic, and historically also as predators to white women. Disabled men are portrayed as boundary-disrespecting creeps, and fat men as incels. The intersections of these identities face worse.
Are you afraid of these men because your fear is genuine, or are you afraid of these men because of the stereotypes that cause biases that you're unwilling to check? Are you keeping yourself safe in public in a manner that is reasonable, or are you actively discriminating against marginalised by perpetuating these stereotypes? Can you bring enough self-awareness to the table to acknowledge you might be doing the latter?
And if you have been scrolling through my tags, you will know that my original post is largely about how men are treated online. On the internet, you can't be put in immediate danger the same way you can in real life. You can't hide behind the excuse that you're treating men poorly because you're keeping yourself safe. So what does it say about you that you still feel the need to come into a (marginalised) man's inbox to complain about how he doesn't respect your real life fear enough when he's talking about how people on the internet should not be treating him poorly for being a man?
Nevermind that in real life I should also not have to hear that "all men are evil" and that someone wants to "kill all men". I deserve to live in comfort without being hated and treated poorly for who I am, just like everyone else. Despite the fact that I am and always will be a man.
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crownspeaksblog · 1 year
When i think about it Arabic is genuinely a beautiful language. Complex but beautiful.
It's amazing how school manges to suck out any passion or care you mighty develop for anything. Now when i think of the Arabic language i don't think about it being beautiful, i don't think about how fantastic the poetry is.. instead i think about how i hated having to learn grammar because i felt stupid, i think about how i had to sit at home for an hour to two having to memorize a section of a poem that i barely understood what 70% of the words meant.
This is not how we're supposed to "learn" a language in school, especially not writing and poetry. The fact that we never had to read books for school is insane to me..
And here's the worst thing now i don't care about trying to care about Arabic writing and poetry, i just don't. I don't care about so many things i had to learn in school.
It's insane how much of "learning" in school is just memorizing..
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bluebeetle · 2 years
new to comics sorry, can i ask why ppl hate tom taylor?
he's a bad writer who takes criticism waaaay to personally on twitter and will subtweet and screenshot people who dont like his work, which usually causes his fans to harass them (and he knows it lbr). for example a mutual of mine just made a tweet that said something like "when will nightwing be free [email protected]" and he posted the screenshot of it on his twitter, instagram, AND facebook with some inane reply and correcting their grammar, something that always makes someone look good when they do it /s
also hes like, kinda racist. his run on nightwing has him trying to make use of Dick's Romani heritage but he straight up has a character say Dick has a "Romani smile" which ummmm what. also in Injustice, he has superman force palestine and isreal sign a cease fire and peace agreement, with the entire scene framing it as something with two equal sides fighting, and not a colonist country that is using state violence against to subjugate and steal from the people already living there; he straight up would quote tweet people (usually arab fans) who disliked this handling and get them harassed.
also when he hyped up Dark Knights of Steel as being "queer as hell", people ended up disappointed to learn that Superman and Batman are siblings in that book, and he acted like people were whining for no reason despite the fact that he totally fed into the Superbat shipping stuff that had come from the early previews of it....... and also afaik that promise of it being gay in any way still hasnt come true lol and he acts like him making Jon Bi makes him a special martyr or whatever. Also, see: jon meeting his boyfriend at a school shooting.
anyways he just kinda sucks, hes not a good writer and he constantly makes a clown of himself on twitter to any one who doesnt say nice things about him or his writing. also yknow, like many of dc's white writers, lowkey racist in much of his stuff.
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menalez · 2 years
What do you think about the grammar rules in languages such as French and Germany where the male version of gendered speech is always the norm? For example ”they” in French is ”elles” if you are referring to a group of two and more people where all are women, and ”ils” if you are referring to a group of two and more people where all are men. But if you have a mixed group it’s always ”ils”, even if you have say ten women and one man that you are referring to as ”they”, it’s always ”ils”. Is this something being discussed at all by French feminists? When I learned French I just noted it and learned the grammatic rules of the language, otherwise I wouldn’t be speaking it correctly..
i hate tumblr i wrote so much for u and it just crashed 😭😭😭 so here i go again.
i don’t rly know french but im near fluency with german and im fluent in arabic and both do this. in german if a group is female-only you add an “innen” so freunde is a group of friends (neutral, can be all female except for one guy, or all male) and freundinnen are all female. in arabic there’s similar, like "صديقات" are all female whereas “أصدقاء" can either be neutral, all male, or all female except for one. with pronouns in arabic it’s the same, for neutral it’s male. in german the plural is sie which is the same as the feminine pronoun but grammatically speaking plural sie is different from singular woman sie. i know in german they’ve been trying to make changes there to stop the neutral being male and saying stuff like freund*innen or freund innen, to emphasise both sexes. personally i think it’s not of the greatest priority especially not when we’re talking about arabic but i do think that having a male default is bothersome and contributes to the idea of men as the default humans. i also hate that plural is either neutral or all female, like an all male group is not noteworthy. or like one male in a group of women somehow just defaults to the same plural as the one for all males. its just weird to me and i always thought it didn’t make much sense, and it’s so common of a phenomena that it exists in several languages and sometimes i rly wonder why that is and what underlying beliefs allowed language to form this way.
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topshelf2112-blog · 2 years
Ignore that hate anon. Based on the terrible grammar, I’m guessing they’re a younger person who hasn’t yet grasped the concept of “don’t like, don’t read”
Keep writing Charles/Klinger. We need more biodiversity in this fandom.
Thanks, anon!
I think the confusion may come in because, yes, there were racist aspects of the show. Part of my joy in writing Charles is seeing him evolve and confront those aspects of himself that might have been typical for his class/race at the time.
I’m quite proud of Jamie Farr for his representation of Arab-Americans and impressed with the grace with which he handled aspects of the script that would have made me flinch.
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fatimaah · 4 months
48 hour days
I feel bad for my future self. I will hate me I know it. I am doing so much and still doing almost nothing. I see assy and firuza studying so hard and I ask myself, what is stopping me from being like them? At least a little bit. One or two hours a day. At least a little bit.
But it's hard and I don't know why. Studying Arabic is easy for me. Not easy but it doesn't drain me. Math? Russian grammar? History, especially of Uzbekistan? Noo
I can't do it I don't even care abt my future uni. I am not learning this sorry my brain only takes things I enjoy. I can't force myself to like it. I'd rather learn Arabic or something connected with sports. Something linguistics or poetry related. I think I'd love to...I love the practice not the theory.
I'm a trier not a learner
I want to try everything but it feels like every year, in June July and August, everyday passes like the day before it...every day. Same old day. And it's boring. And I have so many free time and I'm not using it correctly and I hate myself for it and I will hate my life if I don't live it like I want but it's kinda impossible to live it like I want, it feels like a whole universe is trying to make me believe that certain way of life will make me happy. It won't. I can either hate myself or hate my life. I don't hate any of these two rn. I just don't like neither of them.
I don't like any of them. I don't like summer. Not this type of summer, please.
I miss the fun summer.
June 3, 2024
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louisiananeedsme · 4 months
The Louisiana Times #1
WARNING!!!!!!! the longing for something and sad laufey songs really got to me halfway through writing this so apologies in advance ♥ also none of this is proof read..
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎I've been waiting for this day for ages, it's easy—very easy to get bored and grow tired of studying. But i have also been dreading this day. Yes, i would be mercy'd of the pain of studying and trying to relearn the curriculum with every exam but this is still bittersweet. I won't see most of my friends again and forced to make new ones, which is a great opportunity to meet new people and maybe improve my social skills instead of being cold and practically unresponsive to everyone i meet— (Social anxiety, you know how it is,). However, i won't see my favourite teachers again, i won't pass the halls to familiar faces anymore, i won't sit in class and daydream of what could've been, and i won't be able to keep track of how many times he looked at me for.
Yes, i know that being sad over a boy is very, very pathetic. call him ugly, call him bad but you can't deny that he did bring my spark back. i wouldn't care about people seeing me skipping down streets and singing— despite my singing voice sounding atrocious. I was happy and it gave me a reason to get out of bed every morning although the ringing of my alarm dreaded me every single night i'd sleep. It gave me something to think about, to dream about. Instead of hating to go to bed because of what was to come the next morning, it would help me sleep faster. Instead of trying my best to have an excuse to be absent when i was sick, i would still go even when i felt like i was dying and that i wasn't going to make it by the end of the evening.
I don't recognize myself I'm dancing down streets Smiling to strangers Idiotic things I trace it all back, three-thirty AM That night, something turned in my heart While you were sleeping, I fell in love
While You Were Sleeping by Laufey
"It's so sad that you like him THIS much and he doesn't even know", it's only fair that i address the elephant in the room. It is upsetting to say this but he just doesn't like me back. It's probably a little too far-fetched to say that he totally hates me but i know that if he was even a little interested he would've at least made an effort to talk to me. It was just the way he looked when he was confused, the little downwards smile he'd do, his hand movements and mannerisms. This is all really pathetic and i feel embaressed to even admit half of this but i had every single one of his facial expressions memorized and embeded in my head, every poem i wrote with my limited speech and rhythm, every out of tune melody i came up with that i couldn't even sing properly couldn't have described how i felt.
I should cut this talk short. No matter what i say, what i think, what i wish upon will change anything that has happened. Here's something i will miss instead of some boy: My maths teacher complementing me at every giving moment and saying that seeing me smile makes her calm and comforted (unlike my science teacher who literally said that she feels upset whenever she looks at me because i look mean and angry when i rest my face, i guess? i wont be missing that woman anytime soon). She hugged me today and told me to never forget her, i never will. i'll miss my social studies teacher for being one of THE coolest people ever and actually made me care about this hellscape of a subject. I'll miss my arabic teacher for being one of the most patient people ever and one of the funnest teachers. And i will ESPECIALLY miss my english teacher, the first english teacher i've liked ever since first grade, and actually made me understand grammar (she could look at this and point out at least 20 grammar mistakes and i'd thank her for it)— and has since made me question every sentence that comes out of my mouth on if it is grammatically correct or not. That she'd come closer to my desk just to hear my answer and that i was the first one she picked when she asked a question (unlike my previous english teachers). I'll miss that she would go out of her way to make sure we understood the material instead of skipping the material, which shows that she really does care. i'll miss when we'd go and sit next to her on the floor in the hall monitors room during winter because it was too cold outside and talk with her while she was grading exams or literature assignments. when our last day as a class we sat down next to her and listened to her talk about her least favourite students in class. and i will forever regret not saying goodbye to her today.
Truth be told that i was not aware that cats can get pregnant at 4-6 MONTHS old. Stupid (The Skinny One), Is one of the big family of Stupids™, that include and are not limited to: Stupid (The Fluffy One), Stupid (The One That Stares), Stupid (The Great) which is most likely to be the mother, Stupid (The Cross-Eyed One), and Stupid (The Blind One). My brother had suspected that Stupid (TSO) was pregnant but i didn't believe him as i thought she was too young, but apparently this WHORE went and popped too much feline pussy, i didn't think teenage pregnancy existed in animals aswell..
My little slut little pussycat recently gave birth to three little kittens, but unfortunetly one of them died. But we still have the other two whom i've named tim (the grey cat) and tootsie pop (mixed breed probably) ‎
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TIM: (تمتم tmtm in arabic):
NAME ORIGINS: *Looks like Tom from Tom&Jerry so i named him Tim.
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TOOTSIE POP: (توتي tootie in arabic):
NAME ORIGIN: *idfk first thing that came to mind that matched w timtim 👍 hope this helped!
Stay Tuned for more tim an tootsie stories to come!!!
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bittersweettweet · 42 years
Today, my alarm went off at 4:30 am, but I snoozed it and went back to sleep until 6 am. I wanted to do some studying before school. When I woke up, I noticed that Dad was awake and packing for his trip. I tried to look like I was studying by holding my book up, but I couldn't focus. I was too worried about Dad going away.
I had three tests today: Farsi, Grammar, and Arabic. And guess what? They were all scheduled for the same hour! It felt overwhelming, but I had to get through it. Before leaving, I had my favorite breakfast, which Mom made for me. It was feta cheese, bread, tea, and sugar. Yummy!
After saying goodbye to Dad, I headed out. I went to Sherry's apartment, which is on the second floor across the street. I rang her doorbell, but after waiting there for 5 minutes, I realized that nobody was home. Ugh, she must have left early so she wouldn't have to go to school with me. I was so mad and ready to let her know about it as soon as I saw her.
Yep, there she was, at school. I was about to start yelling at her when she asked if I went looking for her. I replied, "Yeah, of course, I hate you." Then she explained that she was at a gathering and slept over, coming straight to school from there. Man, she's so lucky! She has tons of cousins her age, and they're all cool and fun. They even have boyfriends and girlfriends, and their parents are okay with it. They always have parties. Meanwhile, we never go anywhere exciting.
Anyway, I forgave her in a second. Second period is always so long! I can't stand Geography and History. Third period was creeping up quickly. I heard from other classes that Ms. Mahdinia hadn't shown up for work. Suddenly, Sherry walked in and told us, "Hey guys, Ms. Mahdinia actually showed up and took the tests. They were super hard!" I said, "You're lying!" But then Roya, her classmate, walked in. Mehri blocked Sherry, so she wouldn't give any signals. I asked Roya if the teacher had really shown up, and she confirmed it, saying, "Yep, she did." So Mehri and I started walking and studying together.
Finally, Sherry jumped in front of me, laughing. She said, "Nope, she didn't show up. I totally fooled you!" Mehri and I caught her, planning to give her a little beating, but instead, we ended up tickling her and laughing. Suddenly, the principal showed up instead of the teacher. She blabbered so much that I got a headache trying to understand what she was even talking about. I couldn't keep up with it.
When I got home, I found out that Mom and Behnaz's mom had gone shopping. They only got me some fabric and this book to write in. They also gave us some chocolate, which was nice. I really hope Ms. Mahdinia doesn't show up tomorrow either. Wait, that came out wrong. I mean, I hope she doesn't break her leg or anything. Oh my God, what am I saying? I hope nothing bad happened to her because she never misses school. Alright, that's all for today.
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ghostlyfrog-413 · 2 years
i hate arabic grammar
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