essektheylyss · 2 years
got clocked right off the bat by a coworker as "really into mushrooms" and I'm still reeling from it, frankly
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elfindreams · 2 years
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did Ingo always have a pic of Ganondorf displayed by his bed, I don’t remember this from the N64 version at all????
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edwardallenpoe · 16 days
thinking about how all the gayest scenes between Bilbo and Thorin were added to the movies. Thinking about how Bilbo and Thorin didn't even have more than two seconds of talking to each other in the book. Thinking about-
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grumpygryphon · 11 months
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Do you think dragons sometimes go to pick up their kobolds and then they do that looooooong cat thing?
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blueskittlesart · 3 months
i cannot believe that there are people who still get upset about ship loyalty in 2024. i’m just putting my little guys into situations can you chill
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fallowtail · 8 months
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“So, how did you end up here?” “Well, I fell in love with a white girl with a cute, cute butt and then she inherited a haunted house and then….”
My @cbsghostsdaily Spooky Gift Exchange gift for @alexisrosemullens !! 👻
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wolvesbaned · 24 days
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i have one thing i like to draw a lot . apparently
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high-voltage-rat · 2 months
man okay so I used to play mechquest and dragonfable back in like, 2008 when I was a kid with very little patience to follow a storyline. coming back as an adult and finishing mechquest has absolutely slapped me silly with how deep and serious the story is in between all the absurdist humour. I have. so many emotions over the whole storyline, and especially so many thoughts about the unique form of tragedy that is The Reset.
You save the world but it's not the world anymore. You and your friends survive but you don't know each other anymore- have nothing left of the lives you fought to keep. You 'save' everything but it's still all gone. Everything you knew and loved, gone, and you don't even know what you've lost. You can't even keep the memory of what you had- and that's almost kinder compared to being one of the 3ish people who DO remember... and have to live around everyone else who doesn't, knowing their closest friends look at them and see a stranger, and that they may as well be because they aren't that person they remember being.
And to top it all off, that terrible sacrifice doesn't even end it. you're still left fighting impossible and devastating wars over and over. It's the tragedy of doomed time loops with extra layers of devastating all over the place. The GEARS University students being forced to become soldiers because they're all that's left to protect their homeworld. The horrors of the Shadowscythe virus taking over friends and loved ones you may be forced to put down to save yourself. The town of Falconreach burning over and over because no matter how hard they fight, it's never enough. The people like Sha'rae who sacrifice themselves to try and prevent tyrrany from seizing power, only for it to be utterly useless.
Anyway the brainrot is severe and especially dangerous since I'm coming into exam season and all my hyperfixated brain wants to do is chew on glass about these games.
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mymlody · 1 year
better alternatives to purchasing from devilinspired
after seeing the 40,000th video of lolitas ordering from sites like devilinspired and my-lolita-dress and seething/coping/fuming/etc, i’ve decided to make a post giving resources for better alternatives if you want to purchase from brands on taobao and receive better pricing and customer service while doing so!
“but why are devilinspired/my-lolita-dress bad?”
they’re not necessarily evil sites that need to be boycotted per se, but they don’t exactly have a high standard for quality control (including selling design and print replicas), price gouge pretty badly, and have had less than stellar customer service, so i thought it would be better to give people resources for smarter purchasing!
here's a 2018 breakdown comparing the prices between the shopping service 42agent and buying through taobao directly
here's a tutorial on how to navigate and purchase from taobao directly without the use of a shopping service/agent
and here is a link to 42agent’s lolita vendor site, 42lolita, which has consistently better brand quality control, lower pricing, and better customer service than DI or MLD
i’ve also crossposted this info to twitter via a thread :)
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aejiee · 5 months
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Don't ask for context on this. I don't know. Maybe he is basking in the moonlight while he can.
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fatuismooches · 3 months
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EVEN MORE CUTE DOTTORE MOMENTS TO MAKE YOU SMILE 🙏 (because I am too tired to post anything of quality)
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essektheylyss · 11 months
Honestly, I'm very excited to find out what happened to Caleb and Beau, but specifically because Ludinus's current status is WILD for Caleb's epilogue in particular. It means his boyfriend is basically free and clear of everyone who has explicit material knowledge of the deal he made. It means the goal he planned to dedicate his life to is basically complete within six years. It means that virtually no one left on the Assembly cares much what kinds of changes he makes to Soltryce from here on out.
Ludinus is on the moon and probably not coming back, given the general expectations of the heroic fantasy genre, and the rest of it is a whole lot of "not Caleb's problem".
What does this man even do with the rest of his life?
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ivymarquis · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
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Good morning here is a sneak peek at “john price hates his neighbor’s boyfriend”
@direwombat @glossysoap @luminousbeings-crudematter @391780 @kneelingshadowsalome @divine--serenity @thanksbutno98 @g0dspeeed @strangefable @stargirlrchive @ceilidho @socially-awkward-skeleton @agentmarvel @miggyswhore
I need to make a list of my mutuals and my break is almost over so if we’re moots and I didn’t tag you then Im sorry and I still love you and this is your tag 💕
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doctorwhoisadhd · 2 months
one thing about me is when i was 12 or 13 i DID in fact go on itunes to buy dr who music and what i legitimately did was pick out several individual tracks SPECIFICALLY because they were leitmotifs. so i have literally just always been this way
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yinyuedijun · 27 days
mama mao 🥺 💕 please assign me a honkai 🤲🏾 if you will
mimi my beautiful daughter 💗 I would love to assign u a honkai 💫 please answer these horrible questions from my matchup game and I will assign u 🙏
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creaturefeaster · 29 days
Any tropical islands on theia??
Yes!! There's many across Theia, and maybe one day I'll have a full world map to elaborate on, but for now I can tell you about the ones localized around Stolla.
Also I hope you're ready for lore beyond their climates heehee.
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There's a lot of islands littered around Stolla but the ones with tropical-like climates hang out on the south-eastern half of Stolla, which harbors the warmest and most humid climate out of the 5 vertices of the continent.
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This cluster of eyots by the mouth of the Splitriver are the truest of tropical islands within Stolla. A couple are accessible via a local port, which mainly host small, low-denisty villages. Many of these eyots however are nautically inaccessible due to sheer cliff faces, or are too thick with growth & inhospitable to most humanoids of the region.
During cooler times of the year these islands are nearly always shrouded in a dense and humid fog kept in place by the cooler ocean waters below.
The sands surrounding the lower and more accessible islands are a glittery cyan color, a noteable feature almost exclusively seen along the coasts of the Irrandiant Gulf, so they're quite the spectacle for western & mid Stolla inhabitants!
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Speaking of the Irradiant Gulf, all other tropical like islands sit in this gulf's surrounding waters. These very large islands are more sub-tropic, a little further away from the equator. They are still just as humid, and despite how I lazily colored in the vegetation on this map, much of the jungle within these islands actually glow and glitter vibrantly in a range of cool colors from sea-green to indigo.
The two largest islands are populated heavily along their coasts, but very few people live far inland. The largest of the islands exports many unique and unusual magical goods and ingredients to the rest of Stolla.
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And finally these two small islands in the outer center of the gulf have a somewhat sub-tropical climate, but are notably less rainy and have colder winters. Any island more northern than these in this area begins to reach more temperate climates.
These islands are home to chiefdoms of Payans and Garbeators that reject trade and much contact with the rest of Stolla. Though nobody knows how they exist, these islands happen to be right on top of an ancient meteor impact site, the same one that created the gulf, and caused the great flooding of it's surrounding provinces. Also the one that brought all that glittery magic to the world in the first place ^_^.
The islands sport several sheer rock formations of varying heights laced with colorful crystals that influence the growth and behaviors of all life within their surrounding area. Many living things from these islands beyond Payans and Garbeators have more than two eyes, for reasons yet to be understood.
As I mentioned previously, there are many more tropical and sub-tropical islands in the world of Theia, these are just the more relevant ones to the story-focused part of the world.
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