#I have a few more hours of work then imma be on when I get home
skullfnged · 1 year
I know i posted one last night but um... like a lil starter for my Rockstar au! Marko! still a vampire , still a bitch.
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reidmania · 2 months
STILL | spencer reid
summary ; loosing based off still by niall horan. You and spencer broke up and when you see him at a bar a month later everything comes back.
warnings; this is long pure angst with a (?) happy (?) hopeful ending. imma say female reader because there so many little things that indicate that. hella miscommunication, arguing, drinking, jealous spencer, i think its a happy ending idk tbh, let me know if i missed anything
a/n ; this is 4k words. i did not intend that at all, i honestly got so insanely carried away. im so sorry.
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You regretted everything, in this moment more than any other. You didn't know how you were possibly stupid enough to be dragged into going out tonight. When your coworkers approached you with the idea of going out for drinks after work as a way to celebrate your promotion, you shouldn't of let yourself get sucked in. It took some convincing till you eventually gave in, but you did -- give in.
Going home to change may not have been the best idea, since it gave you enough time to realise what you were doing and how much you really didn't want to go but you knew your coworkers wouldn't accept your cancelation. So instead you made yourself look presentable, good even.
Things had been difficult to say the least over the last month, while things at work were great, mentally everything was horribly. It had been a month since you and Spencer broke up. A month since the last time the two of you talked.
He had called a few times, but you could never bring yourself to answer despite how badly you wanted to talk to him, some night you would spend hours unable to sleep, staring at his contact, although you never went through will calling him, too scared he wouldn't answer.
Once dressed you left, calling an uber because you knew it was a bad idea to even take your car -- the whole point was to drink, and you would need to drink. As much as you loved your coworkers, you could only handle so much social interaction without liquor in your system.
Arriving, you noticed the group of your coworkers waiting for you outside. You pushed a smile to your lips as you approached them. You had many coworkers of course, but you had your bunch who you worked with closely, the ones here with you now.
Elise was your work best friend, you and her worked side by side everyday. She was the one who convinced you to come out. Ethan was another one who you worked with closely, but weren't nearly as close with. Frank was older, he was almost like the father of your job, and then there was Chelsea who was literally franks daughter, she was nice, easy to get along with.
"Theres they are!!" Elise said excitedly, you appreciated the way they all dressed up. You were met with a bundle of flowers, being held out by Ethan. "We got you these, as a congrats present" He smile.
You're entire face warmed as your chest did too. You were lucky to be surrounded by a group of people who cared as much as they did. "Aw, Thank you guys." You smiled widely as you took the flowers, not knowing what you were going to do with them inside the bar -- but you figured you'd worry about that later.
You followed them inside the bar, instantly finding a table. Everything sunk into place, everyone talking and chatty after ordering drinks and a round of shots, -- it was great.
But there was something missing.
You tried not to think about it as you swirled your straw around your glass, filled with alcohol. "You look bored" You turned your head to face Elise. You pushed a soft chuckle pass your lips, shaking your head.
"Im not bored" You denied, because you weren't. You were just waiting and hoping that the pit of empitiness in your stomach would disapear so you could enjoy yourself. She frowned, "Come on, Lets go get shots" She said, offering her hand which you took gracefully.
As you walked over to the table where your coworkers were sitting at to find out if they also wanted another round of shots or not, Elise grew sidetracked, helping Chelsea out with the zipper of her dress that was breaking.
"Ill come with you" Ethan opted, making you smile gratefully as you thanked him. The two of you wandered through the bar, through the crowd of people before you finally reached the bar.
You and ethan made small talk as you waited for the bartender. When he finally came, Ethan ordered. A round of tequila shots. The bartender nodded, it was busy -- so he was doing everything fast. "I am not drinking tequila!!" You gasped as you looked at Ethan.
"Yeah you are" He smiled back.
The smile stayed on your face, "Tequila makes me sad" You said honestly. He pouted dramatically, although you can tell it was sarcastic. "Well we cant have that" He sighed just as dramatically, "I promise if you do get sad, we will make sure to cheer you up"
You smiled but couldn't help but doubt his words -- you knew what you'd get sad about, and you weren't sure anything he did would cheer you up from a sadness like that. The one you could feel in your whole body, every movement.
"Important night?" The bartender asked, as he poured the shots. You went to deny it, not wanting the attention but Ethan spoke before you could. "Yep" He said popping the P, "Pretty girl here got a promotion" He said, squeezing your shoulder softly.
You forced out a chuckle as the bartender congratulated you. Pretty girl was the nickname your coworkers had given you -- it was teasing at first and it started from Elise, but it kind of just stuck.
You got your shots and walked back through the bar holding the tray carefully, as you returned to the table you immediantly got a bad feeling in your stomach, something was off, something was wrong. You could see it in Elise's face as she looked at you.
"What?" You chuckled, furrowing your eyebrows as you placed the tray down on the table. She looked almost guilty, as she shook her head, brushing it off. "Nothing" She said, reaching out for a shot.
Your concern and confusion only grew. "What?" You asked again, there was obviously something wrong. You noticed Chelsea looking in a certain direction, the same direction Elise's eyes kept drifting over to.
Your eyebrows furrowed deeper as you turned your head to look in the direction they were, despite Elise' protests. You almost wish you listened. You felt your entire heart sink.
Your breath got caught in your throat as you locked eyes with him -- Spencer Reid. He was already looking at you when you turned your head. You stomach dropped so far you swore you could feel in in your pinky toe.
You heard your name, but you could hardly pull your eyes away from him. He looked good. So good it made your head spin in a million different directions at once. Hearing your name again you finally pulled your eyes away from his, turning your head to face Elise who had concern lacing her features.
"Oh- Gosh- Are you okay?" She rushed.
You felt like your chest had been stepped on. You didn't say anything, instead reaching for the shot glass that remained, and downing it instantly. "I need to get drunk." You muttered.
"Whos that?" Ethan asked, he wasn't quite as caught up in your love life as Elise and Chelsea were. Chelsea scoffed. "Her ex, He is an ass" She said, Elise was quick to nod in agreement. Frank stood minding his own business, but you knew he was listening, he was always listening.
"He's not" You defened, because he wasn't. If there was an ass in the breakup, it was you. You weren't sure what sucked more.
Before Chelsea or Elise could say anything you spoke first, "Can we go get more drinks-- and move closer to the bar, I think ill be going there a lot" You muttered, grabbing the boquet of flowers you had been given.
Everyone was quick to agree, taking their stuff before finding an empty table closer to the bar.
You did exactly as you thought you would -- 4 drinks later, you were a lot mor tipsy but nothing seemed to take the pressure off your chest or cool the heat that Spencer eyes left on you everytime you looked over to see him already looking.
When everyone was engrossed in coversation you excused yourself to the bar, feeling the need for another drink or ten. When you literally asked for the most alcoholic drink possible, the bartender laughed but agreed.
"Congraulations" You swore your heart dropped at the voice. Your hands froze in place and you could feel the sweat building on the back of your neck. You turned your head, finally facing him.
Your eyes ran over his features -- his hair had grown out, it looked good. You wanted to tell him that but you couldn't. "H-How do you.." You wondered how he knew about your promotion, you were sure it hadn't been posted anywhere.
He rolled his eyes, nudging his head towards the table where your coworkers sat, you turned you head to look at them, noticing Ethan's and Elise's eyes on you and Spencer. "Your boyfriend isn't exactly quiet." He muttered, there was something spiteful about the way he spoke.
You whipped your head around to face Spencer, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, before the realistion dawned on you -- He had heard Ethan tell the bartender about your promotion earlier. "He isn't my boyfriend--Why do you even care." You huffed.
Spencer scoffed quietly, "Yeah Im sure, The flowers and 'pretty girl' really prove that" His tone was laced with jealously. He was jealous. You shook your head as you pulled your eyes away from his face. "It's been a month" He muttered, quieter.
You frowned at the mention at how long it had been since the two of you broke up. "I am well aware of how long its been" You held back from calling him Spence, it was like muscle memory. "The flowers were from all of them" You defended, although there was no reason you needed to defend nor explain yourself to him. "And pretty girl- its a joke-- they all call me that." You muttered.
"I called you that."
His tone still held so much jealously but sounded so much sadder. It made your stomach clench on nothing but the alcohol you had consumed, you turned your head to face him before looking away again, unable to handle the way his expression pulled on your heartstrings.
"I know" You said just as quietly.
The bartender handed you your drink with an apology of how long it took -- you hadn't even noticed. Drink now in your hands yet you couldn't find it in yourself to move. You could smell Spencer's cologne and it was consuming your senses and making your mind fog.
Spencer ordered his own drink after the bartender asked, before he turned to look at you again. "I called." He said.
You wanted to cry-- you wanted to sink into the pit in your stomach and stay there forever. You felt yourself grow dizzy -- he made you dizzy. "I know" You said quietly, scared if you spoke any louder your voice would give out on you. it broke your heart to be standing here next to him, when he had no idea you loved him, when you had no idea if he ever loved you-- let alone if he still did.
He didn't say anything, you assumed it was because he didn't know what to say. He knew you were actively ignoring his calls-- What was there to say to that.
Spencer got handed his drink, he muttered a quiet thanks, but made no movement to leave his place next to you, you didn't either. Neither of you said anything. You felt as if your feet were glued in place -- although you weren't sure if you wanted to move either. It had been a month since you had seen him, and as much as it gutted you to think about, you didn't want to leave yet just incase this really was the last time.
"He isn't my boyfriend, he- he isn't anything more than a friend." You said again, although you didn't look at him, keeping your head down as you sipped your drink through your straw. You didn't need to push so hard for him to understand -- but the last thing you wanted was for Spencer to think you had moved on that quick, it almost offended you that he genuinely believed you did.
He opened his mouth to reply, but felt a hand on his back, cutting him off. He looked behind him to see Derek. "What's taking so long, Reid" He asked, a teasing smile on his face. You looked behind you at the sound of his voice, meeting his eyes his smile fell slightly as he realised what was taking Spencer so long.
"Hi derek" You pushed a smile to his lips - of course Spencer was here with his team, you should've realised that. They probably just got back from a case, which explained Spencer's business attire, but he wore that more often then not anyways.
"Hey!! How are you doing!" He smiled back, opening his arms to hug you gently. It was friendly a simple. You were close with a lot of Spencer's friends and team, being his plus one to everything for months. Penelope had reached out after you and Spencer broke up, but just like with Spencer you couldn't bring yourself to reply.
"Im okay, how are you?" You asked. You could feel Spencer's eyes on your face and it left a burning sensation where his eyes laid as you pulled away from Derek's hug. "Im good! We've missed you around shortcake" It was a nickname, because of a strawberry shortcake shirt you had worn one time when out with Spencer.
You just smiled in response. You missed them too, a lot. They were your friends, and you hated how you lost that and Spencer all at once, but they were his friends first. "I'll leave you guys be." You muttered, forcing a smile to your lips as you avoided Spencer's gaze, pushing off the bar.
Spencer said your name and it made your head spin, it felt so natural falling from his lips, like it belonged there. If you had to pick only one person to say your name for the rest of your life, it would be Spencer.
You kept walking none the less, holding your drink in your hand as you approached the table. You put it down gently as Chelsea and Elise were instantly at your side, asking what happened or if you were okay.
"I think Im going to go home" You muttered as you felt the all familiar tingle in the bridge of your nose, matching the lump in your throat and burn in the back of your eyes. It was too much.
"Do you want me to drive you?" Frank asked, the fatherily instincts coming into play when he noticed the look on your face -- there was no convincing you to stay. You just shook your head, "Im okay, Thank you" You muttered, as you began grabbing your stuff.
"I'll walk you out" Ethan offered, but you were quick to shake your head. You didn't need to look to know Spencer's eyes were on you from across the bar, the last thing you wanted was to only deepen his concern by leaving with Ethan. "I really just want to be alone." You said, pushing a half hearted smile to your lips, he frowned but nodded.
You said your goodbyes before pushing through the people in the bar towards the door. Once outside, it dawned on you how hot you were, the cold air giving your flushed cheeks a cooling sensation. You dragged your hand over your face as you tried to process what had just happened without bursting into tears.
You opened the uber app on your phone, wanting to get home to wallow in every emotion you had been pushing down for the last month. You should've known tonight was going to end badly.
"Theres been over 3,900 cases of sexual assult or physical violence from ubers"
You turned your head to see Spencer standing at the door to the bar, not far from you but not close. The street wasn't busy, it was dark and only lit by the streetlights.
"Thats less than one percent" You muttered, pulling your gaze away from him. "Who said I was getting an uber?" You asked, despite the fact that you were, it baffled you how he seemed to know everything all the time.
"You're alone, I cant see your car anywhere and the app is open on your phone" He said as if it was nothing. He was a profiler for godsake, of course he picked up on the tiniest things.
You sighed, closing your phone you placed it in your bag, "So what?" You asked, crossing your arms over your chest - now that the heat had somewhat worn off the cold air was leaving goosebumps over your arms.
"So, let me drive you home." He said.
Your eyes widened as you turned to look at him, shaking your head. "No. Its fine. I think I can handle less than one percent" You muttered, turning away from him again when the heat began rising to your cheeks again under his gaze.
You could hardly handle standing a foot away from him, you doubted you would be able to last a ten minute drive back to your house in the car next to him, you were sure the tension would suffocate you within seconds.
"Why do you do that" He asked taking a step closer to you. You were already resting with your back against the wall, there was no where for you to back away to even if you wanted to. You furrowed your eyebrows as you met his eyes, he looked sad.
"Do what?" You asked as your voice hitched, the pit in your stomach only deepening the more you looked at him, the closer he got the tighter your chest grew, the more he spoke the more your cheeks heated.
He sighed, "Push me away!" He raised his voice slightly, not in a way of anger but pure frustration. He was so frustrated.
"I don- We broke up Spencer" You reminded.
He rolled his eyes, "I know that. Trust me I know that." He muttered under his breath as he got closer to you. "You did it our entire relationship, pushed me away, held back, and then you broke up with me, why do you do that?" He said, brows furrowed as he genuinely tried to understand.
"You know why we broke up" You muttered quietly.
He threw his arms up in distress. "No- I really don't-" He said, before dragging his hand through his hair, only making it messy. You frowned, shaking your head as you reminded him. "We were both busy -- we hardly saw each other, our heads were in different places" your voice raised to the same level as his
"My head was with you!" He shook his head, "My head was always with you!" He sighed, he wasn't shouting, not really, but it was loud enough to match your level.
Your lips parted but you didn't have anything to say. Your head was spinning at the intensity of the coversation, at him -- so close, his cologne and after shave making your stomach feel sickly.
"I thought-" You ran your hand over your face as tears brimmed your eyes.
"You thought, you didn't ask me-- you just- broke up with me" He was shouting now. You genuinely thought your heart had fallen out of your chest. "You pushed me away, and then left like it meant nothing, like it all meant nothing." His voice was breaking with every word as his voice rasied
"It didn't- i didn't think it meant nothing" You were shouting too, and tears ran down your face -- you were unable to help it, each drop hotter and heavier than the last.
"Just be honest, I just- I just need you to be honest, please" He was on the verge of tears himself, and you hated it. You hated the way his voice was breaking, the way his hand was grabbing his shirt, pressing against his chest as if this conversation was bringing him physical pain-- like it was to you.
"You want me to be honest?" You asked, you were now the one stepping closer to him, you were the one shouting -- not out of anger, but you couldn't better express the way this conversation was all consuming every part of your body, your mind, your stomach, your chest.
"I love you Spencer" Your voice cracked as the words came out, "I love you so much, it hurts. It physically hurts when you are gone, when I was spending everyday worrying you weren't going to come home, I love you so much that I thought me worrying about you was unfair because you love what you do, and I was constantly in the way of that. I love you so much that i thought if i broke up with you, you'd be happier -- I thought the how much I loved you would stop hurting." you were practiclly sobbing, you would have been embarassed if you mind was able to focus on anything other than the boy in front of you.
"It didn't, its actually gotten worse because everyday I wake up and your not there, and I still worry about you just as much -- more, i worry about you more. Everyday I wake up and im completely heartbroken. God everyday I wake up and Im still inlove with you, " You continued on your tangent, "I love you so much Spencer"
You didn't even have time to breath before you felt cold hands on either side of your face and the feeling of his lips on yours, you could taste the alcohol on his lips. It was familiar and safe and warm. Your hands found their way to his face, pulling him in closer to you. The kiss was messy and passionate and everything you had missed so much, it was the sort of kiss that made every thought in your brain disapear, it made your knees feel weak and your toes curl in your way to uncomfortable shoes.
You tried to pull away but his lips chased yours, bring you back into him and you didn't make any movement, only kissing him back until you ran out of air, feeling lightheaded. You stepped out of his grasp as you tried to regain balance.
"Ill teach, its not an issue i've wanted to teach, god ill stop working all together if it means you'll come back" He said out of breath, eyes never leaving yours. You opened your mouth but he cut you off. "I love you, I've loved you since the day that I met you." he was huffing out words as he stepped back closer to you, invading your space and you couldn't complain.
"I don't- I don't want you to have to do that, you love working." you said breathlessly, shaking your head. You didn't want your relationship to mean him stop doing what he loved.
"I want you" He said, voice cracking. "I love my job but I love you." He said it like he couldn't get enough of finally saying it. "I'll work it out so you can come everytime we have a case, please I love you" He was begging.
"What does this mean Spence" You said, heart beating out of your chest. He just shook his head. "Who cares! I love you, You love me. I will do anything, just.. stay - let me stay." He said, grabbing your hand.
"I love you" You repeated.
"I love you" He said back.
"Where do we go from here?" You ask, looking up at him with squinted eyes, you were sure your makeup was a mess, and you looked horrible but there was so much love and hope in Spencer's eyes you couldn't find it in yourself to care.
"Let me drive you home." He said. You knew that meant it was the beggining. You knew he meant that he didn't know but he wanted to try. He was begging and there was no way you were going to let him go again.
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chaos-in-deepspace · 17 days
LADS Zayne: A Good Day | NSFW
Happy Birthday Zayne!!! Our boy deserves a good day because he's our little meow meow! I'm so happy with his event and today imma play his card because I've been holding myself back and AAAAAAAH I am so ready for this. Also this is going to have two parts, the other will be posted by mid-day!
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❧ Pairings: Zayne x Reader ❧ Warnings: Fluff, Dry Humping, Cum Eating, Hand Jobs ❧ Synopsis: Zayne's birthday is finally here, and he asked to have a simple, uncrazy day. So a hike through a forest and a picnic dinner by the lake sounded perfect. Halfway through the hiking trail though, Zayne decides he wants his birthday present early. ❧ Word Count: 4.5k
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Disclaimer: This is an original fan work for “Love and Deepspace”. Do not repost on other platforms or plagiarize. All characters shown in this fic is 18+.
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Blog Information | Masterlist
Part 2
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A Good Day
Being on a private hiking trail was certainly something that you weren’t used to. The path was well kept, but there weren’t any signs to your destination. While you were always used to running into people, even if it were one or two, you hadn’t seen a single soul. It was nice, for once, to be as affectionate as you wanted to on your walk with Zayne without having to worry about random passersby.
Zayne was still a little uncomfortable with PDA so you normally tried keeping it to a minimum. This entire hike you had been clinging to his arm, randomly pulling him down for a kiss, and just being all over him the entire time. It was probably why the hike was taking longer than anticipated. He didn’t stop you once, instead leaning closer whenever you tugged on him and giving a knowing look, sometimes commenting that he wasn’t going to walk off without you if you let go.
You had full plans on making it there for an early dinner so you could sit and enjoy the sunset while you sat by the lake at the end of the trail. Zayne had thought ahead and made sure you two left earlier than expected because he knew you, and he knew you’d probably get distracted and want to take a few breaks here and there. Your loyal doctor was, of course, right in this assumption.
Which is what you were doing now, sitting on a perfectly flat rock that was clearly placed on the trail for people to sit on.  The uphill climb was more tiring than you expected, especially with how you were practically skipping because you were so damn happy to be spending a vacation with Zayne. You once swore you would never be one of those lovestruck smuck, but there was just something about this man that had you acting like an idiot.
You felt something ice cold touching the back of your neck and you let out a small yelp at the sensation, almost jumping right off the rock. You turned your head and was met with Zayne having that ‘innocent’ smirk on his face, the one he always swears he doesn’t give you whenever he’s being a little shit. Everyone always thought this man was so calm and composed, but you knew better. He always had a teasing streak when it came to you, even when it came off with his dry humor.
Your eyes went down and you saw the water bottle he was holding out to you, which was the culprit of that freezing sensation. He had used his evol most likely to make sure it chilled perfectly for you. He always told you warm water was better at quenching your thirst, but after you had complained once he always made sure it was cold for you.
“You should hydrate,” he commented as you took the water from his hand. You stuck out your tongue, and uncapped the bottle; pressing it against your lips and taking a few sips, then  wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
“Thank you, honey dearest,” You said with a teasing smile. Watching the man’s face get a small flush from your endearing nickname was adorable as you placed the bottle next to you, “We’ve only been hiking for like…what an hour and a half? Why is this hike so hard?” you were whining now, although as a hunter this was nothing, you still wanted boyfriend sympathy. Sadly though, your boyfriend was a logical man and only gave you sympathy when you actually deserved some, not fishing for it.
“The first half is up a steep incline and we’re carrying a lot of supplies. Once we reach the peak it’ll be downhill so it should be easier,” Zayne pointed out. Right next to your feet was a rather large modified picnic basket. You had brought a lot of stuff, wanting to make sure you and Zayne would have enough for dinner. He had claimed he didn’t want to do anything extravagant for his birthday dinner, so taking it out in nature by a lake was the best solution you could find.
Just the two of you with beautiful scenery and some home cooking. You had even prepared a small surprise for him in the basket, which is why you had insisted you’d carry it. Zayne had protested a lot about that, but your stubbornness won out in the end when you told him this would be good training for you.
“Are we almost there?” you asked, knowing that Zayne had been the one to get the map so you two wouldn’t get lost. After your last little hike ended in a two hour detour because you swore you knew where you were going, he became the navigator.
“We’re about ten minutes from the top, and going downhill will only take maybe twenty minutes.” He stated and you let out a small sigh of relief. You couldn’t wait to get there and just relax and have a nice dinner. You had managed to work up a good appetite from the hike, and your stomach rumbled slightly as if reminding you it was still there.
“Good, I’m starving,” you commented. You had been preparing your dinner all afternoon, and as a result skipped lunch by accident. You did have a few samples of what you were making though, mainly because Zayne would keep stealing bits and then pressing it against your lips so you’d try it. It was most likely his attempt at making sure you didn’t become hangry later in the day. He used the excuse of helping you as well, not letting you say no when he asked, so you had given him simple tasks.
It had been fun having him helping you out in the kitchen. Especially when he had been content to just wrap his arms around your waist and rest his head on top of yours while you stirred a pot. Moments like those were irreplaceable and you wished you could do it every day. Sometimes your busy schedules were truly a hindrance. One day though, perhaps one day you two would get to have that domestic bliss every day.
“You know, you never did tell me what was in that mystery package when you put our lunch together,” Zayne said as he decided to sit down on the rock next to you. You glanced at him with a smile, knowing he was trying to pry information from you. The package was something you had made at your own apartment yesterday before you guys had even come to this cabin.
You had been very stubborn in telling him not to look in it when you placed it into the fridge, letting him know it would be for dinner. Of course it didn’t stop him from being curious, probably because he figured it was a dessert of some kind. He had been cuter than usual when he saw you place it in the fridge. He had pressed a kiss to your cheek and asked if he could have his present early. He even used your weakness of nuzzling his face into the back of your neck while cuddling, knowing it made you absolutely melt.
So far you had managed to keep it a top secret from him, but it looked like his curiosity was getting the better of him. Sometimes he really did like to push it since he knew you always caved in with a few looks and touches from him. This man knew the effect he had on you, and wasn’t opposed to using it to his advantage.
“I told you, it was a surprise,” you said, feeling his hand cupping your cheek. His thumb trailing over you then going to tuck a strand of hair behind your hair. He was being cute again, giving you a soft look. This stubborn man…
His hand went back to just resting on your cheek and you were now leaning into his touch, unable to help yourself. “Yes? Did you need something?” you mumbled, already knowing you would be caving in soon. Your resolve was already melting away and he just needed to push a little more and it was all over for you.
“Is it so wrong for me to want to look at my partner?” he asked, pressing his thumb against your lip now. You chuckled, looking at him and kissing the finger there. Zayne smiled, the tips of his ears only a little red for the time being. You leaned closer to him on the rock, your hand almost touching his thigh and he shifted himself in case you wanted to come just a little closer and close the distance between you two.
“Normally it isn’t, but I know you,” you pointed out, taking his hand in your own, and playing with it. “You’re trying to butter me up right now,” you turned his hand so you could place some kisses on his knuckles. A small shiver went down Zayne’s spine as he looked at you with slightly wider eyes. His expressions came a little easier since it was only you two right now. While to others he still seemed expressionless, you could tell from the most subtle twitch of his lips how he was feeling now.
“I’m doing no such thing, I’m simply admiring you,” it was a weak argument, but it was enough to make you blush. You let out a small whine of protest, knowing you were losing right now. He was flustering you too much, the butterflies in your stomach going batshit crazy because he was just so perfect you couldn’t handle yourself. Who told him he could act like this and make you feel things?
You suddenly felt his warm lips pressing against your cheek, causing another whine to leave you. You wanted more, you wanted to feel his lips on yours. When he leaned back he could clearly see it on your face, but instead of doing anything about it he just had that subtle, knowing smirk. You were pouting now, knowing you’d have to take charge if you wanted a kiss and play right into his hands.
Instead of giving in immediately you decided to just try to continue on your conversation, “Well, if that’s all…” you murmured, your eyes looking away from him. You squeezed his hand and he adjusted his grip to run his thumb across yours. It was his turn to bring your hand to his lips and kiss the back of it, making your breath get caught in your throat.
“However…” he began and you knew it. This was it. This was where you broke and gave the man whatever it is he wanted, “Perhaps a snack wouldn’t hurt to help us reenergize for the last leg of our trip,” there it was. It was almost relieving that you had gotten to know Zayne so well that you just knew what he was going to do sometimes.
You laughed, pushing him slightly on the chest and rolled your eyes, “I fucking knew it,” you huffed. You could see the ghost of a smile on him because he already knew he was getting what he wanted now.
“Language,” another eye roll from you was the result of his little comment. You leaned closer to his face until you were staring directly into those hazel eyes of his.
“Besides, it was merely a suggestion, I don’t know what you’re trying to imply with your comment,” he played coy, as though he wasn’t trying to manipulate you into giving him the treats you had packed. You groaned and leaned forward, pressing a kiss against his lips.
“You’re playing dirty,” you said against his mouth, feeling the tug of his smile as he leaned in for another peck. “Way too bold today…” Another peck was his response as he took your chin between his pointer and thumb to keep you in place.
“Was it not you who said the ‘Birthday Boy could have whatever he wanted today’?” he reminded you, pressing another sweet kiss to your lips. You were absolutely putty in his hands right now, wanting to just kiss him breathless.
“How dare you use my own words against me,” your complaints fell on deaf ears as he brought you in for a longer kiss. This time your mouths working together, pressed up and savoring the contact. You felt him nibble on your lower lip teasingly, making you gasp. He really was being bold today, and you were all for it. He parted before you could lean in to deepen the kiss, a small pout on your lips and you could hear him huff in amusement.
“You can’t be mad at me for being curious. You’ve been sneaky the past few weeks, claiming you were ‘busy’ and then coming back smelling like sweets,” He said after a moment, leaning away from you for a moment. You whined, knowing he was done kissing you for the time being. Normally he was the one who had no restraint when it came to these things, but the man was on a mission. 
He had probably been wondering what you had been up to since you continuously told him you had plans when he asked you to cuddle on the couch…which was easily one of the hardest things you had done in your life. Saying no to Zayne? Unspeakable. Still, you wanted this to be the perfect surprise, so even if you left his home almost in tears because you wanted to run back into his arms, you held strong.
“I told you, I was going out with Tara,” You reminded him. It wasn’t a lie, when you told your friend you wanted to do something special for Zayne, she suggested making his favorite sweets. The only issue is that his favorite sweets happened to be macarons. So she had been going to classes with you. You only thought you’d be attending one, but after failing miserably you went to four more just to make sure you had it down to a science.
“Then care to enlighten me as to what you were going out for?” He asked, trying to pry it out of you. You let out a little groan the moment you saw the look in his eyes. He was giving you those big, pouty eyes. The ones he swore he never made at you. You knew he was a filthy liar though, the look on his face could only be described as a kicked puppy. He was almost begging right now, knowing how weak you were.
“Did you want your surprise right now?” You caved in, knowing that it was futile. You shouldn’t have stopped at all, should’ve powered through the walk and gotten to the lake to avoid this. He would be the end of you. You could give him the entire world if that’s what he asked. It’s the entire reason you had made him take time off work so you could spoil him for his birthday. Spending a couple days together in a secluded cabin is all you wanted so he could relax.
You felt him kissing your cheek again, “Only if you feel like sharing with the class,” he said, happy to have won this round. You almost pinched his cheeks for that, he seemed far too satisfied knowing he got you to crumble.
Instead you groaned and nodded, “Okay, fine, but only because you’re being really cute right now,” you saw him frown a little at that. He always said he wasn’t ‘cute’, but anyone with eyes could see it, “You can only have one though. You can have as many as you want after we eat an actual meal,” you at least could hold strong on this stance. You refused to let his appetite get spoiled because he ate too many sweets. Sometimes he could really act like a child…not that you were any better. You two brought out the best of each other, the childlike whimsy coming back in each other's presence.
“That’s agreeable,” it better be. You brought him down for a quick peck again before parting and going to the picnic basket you had. The bottom compartment had a cooler in it that you had stashed the treats in. You rummaged around, finding the perfectly packed box that you had wrapped in a pale blue cloth with snowflakes decorating it.
“Alright, close your eyes,” You instructed him. He complied, closing them with a smile on his lips. You took out one of the macarons you had slaved over; it wasn’t perfect by any means. Still the top and bottom were smooth and not burnt, and the cream inside tasted amazing judging by how you kept sampling it. They certainly weren’t worthy of being sold in a bakery, but they’d suffice for the time being.
You placed one at his lips and he opened and took a small bite out of it. He covered his mouth as he chewed, finally opening his eyes to see you holding out the other half of the macaron. He took your hand and brought the rest up to him, taking it into his mouth and savoring the sweet treat. You flushed at his boldness as he made eye contact with you.
His eyes then went to the box in your lap where he could see the rest. Some of them were a little disfigured, but you could vouch that they tasted good, “You made these yourself?” he finally said and you nodded.
“Ya, I went to classes with Tara so I could make them for you, they’re not the best, but they taste good at least,” you said, suddenly feeling a little nervous. You watched as Zayne’s tongue poked out, licking the remnants off your fingers and you gasped at the action, feeling the teasing sensation on your fingertips.
“They were perfect,” he said and you swallowed thickly, not knowing how to respond. You looked away from him, your heart was beating widely now because of him. He knew what he was doing because he kissed the pads of your fingers in response.
“I-I mean they’re not that great…” you murmured, “If I bought these in a bakery I would be pretty mad,” you tried rambling on, avoiding eye contact. He let go of your hand and you felt your shoulders relax as you could now think clearly again.
“I’d prefer it if you didn’t talk down about my favorite baker,” Zayne said with a small sigh and you let out a whine from the back of your throat. His compliments were starting to get to you and you really didn’t know what you were supposed to say.
“I…fine,” you decided to just go with it. Arguing would only result in sweeter compliments being thrown your way. You sighed as you took the box and wrapped it back up, then placed it to the side so it was out of the way, “Well now that I’ve officially spoiled the birthday boy by letting you have a present early, I think we should get back to heading to the lake,”
Zayne had other ideas as you felt his hand around your waist, dragging you closer to him. You had to adjust yourself, throwing one leg over his lap so you could straddle him since you already knew this dance. Anytime Zayne could get you on his lap, he would. It was basically your favorite chair at this point, and it felt a lot better than the hard rock you were on.
“Yes?” you chuckled, waiting for him to tell you what he wanted. Instead you felt his hand on the nape of your neck, dragging you closer to him. Your lips met and you were still smiling against him. This time it wasn’t just a quick peck, it was a little more heated. His lips worked against you and made you moan once you felt his tongue prodding your lips, requesting access to your mouth.
He still tasted like macarons, sweet on your tongue as it glided against yours so perfectly. You couldn’t forget the irony of getting off of a hard rock, only to find yourself on a different hard object. Zayne’s hands went to your thighs, dragging you closer to his body, and you had to place a hand on his chest, moving your face away and watching the small string of saliva between you break as you panted.
“You’ve spoiled me, I think I want another present now,” his voice was a little more gravely as he pulled you in for another kiss. You moaned against his lips, feeling his hips rolling up into yours. You could feel his growing arousal pressing between your legs as you pushed your hips down on it. The way Zayne’s breath hitched at the movement sending a shiver right down your spine.
“Zayne, don’t forget we’re in public right now,” and on the edge of a hiking trail. Sure you guys hadn’t seen a single soul on the trail, but the thought of doing something so lewd in such an open area was…well you couldn’t say it wasn’t a turn on. You were just so used to Zayne being more modest about how he acted in public.
“This is a private cabin that the lake is connected to. Nobody else should be walking this trail,” Zayne said, squeezing your thighs a little harder. You moaned again as you began grinding down on him, “And you did say the birthday boy could have whatever he wanted today.”
With his permission you began grinding down on him again, letting out small moans as you felt his cock rubbing at you through your thin pants. His pants were already so tight that you could feel the outline of him perfectly through it.
Your hands were gingerly placed on his shoulders, giving you more support as you worked yourself on him, pressing down on him just right to hear small moans leaving him. The grip he had on your thighs was near bruising as he held himself back. He still rutted up into you, even through the layers of clothes he could still feel the warmth of your core against him.
“Zayne, you’re such a pretty boy. I love it when you become a mess just from something like this,” You moaned, looking down at his flushed cheeks. His hair was already a little disheveled, and he was panting, his kiss swollen lips parting slightly as he looked up at you with hazy eyes. Just the sight of him had your insides clenching around nothing.
He let out another groan and gasp, pulling you down tightly against his lap to stop your movements, “G-give me a minute to-,” he started and you could only chuckle. You pressed a kiss to his forehead, then another to his cheek. You could see he was taking one of his hands to bring to the front of his pants to take out his cock, so you grabbed his wrist and placed it back on your thigh.
“If you take your dick out here it could count as public indecency,” you chided, moving your hips as much as you could on his lap. There wasn’t much he could do, not when he found himself under your mercy as you rolled against his cock, the fabric only providing more stimulation to him.
He bucked his hips up into you, jolting your entire body as you began working on him again, this time pressing your hips harder onto his own, intent on making him cum just from a little dry humping.
The moment you could hear him whimpering you knew he was almost there. He always had the same, cute reactions when he was close to coming. The way his body subtly shook against yours, his thrusting became sloppy and erratic, and the way his noises got louder as he lost the ability to keep himself quiet.
“Zayne, are you fine with it in your pants, or no?” You finally said, panting now as you started pressing kisses along the column of his neck, being careful not to leave marks in places he couldn’t cover. He groaned at your words, holding your thighs still.
“No, out,” was all he managed to say between moans and you nodded. You unzipped his pants quickly and took out his dick. The moment it was in your hand you stroked it once and held your hand over the tip as he came. Your hand collected the warm fluid as he groaned, rolling his hips up into your waiting hand.
You watched as Zayne panted, pressing his forehead against your shoulder as he took a moment to calm down, his body still going through the after effects of his orgasm. You slowly took your hand away, satisfied you were able to not cause a complete mess in his pants. As much as you would’ve loved to, you knew you guys still had a full day of plans and it would probably be uncomfortable for him.
“Feel better?” You asked after a moment, noticing how his breathing started to go back to normal. He let out a small moan against you, lifting his head. He took a moment to stare at you which you decided was the perfect opportunity to bring your hand up to your lips.
You licked at his release, letting out an exaggerated moan at the taste. While cum wasn’t the best flavor, Zayne did take good care of himself so it lacked the normal bitterness. Zayne let out a groan from the back of his throat as you spoke, “Tastes even better than the macarons,”
You felt his large hand wrapping around your wrist and then dragging you forward onto him, locking your lips in a heated kiss. His tongue pressing against your own as he tasted himself on you. You smirked into the exchange, licking the roof of his mouth and making his gasp as you bit down on his lower lip.
“Is the birthday boy satisfied?” you finally asked, pressing a peck at the corner of his mouth. You watched as he cleared his throat, slowly coming back to himself. You began working his dick back into his pants and zipping it back up so he had at least some decency for the moment.
“Almost, we still need to take care of you,” Zayne said, looking down at his lap. Of course he would realize you didn’t cum just yet. You chuckled, cupping his cheek with your clean hand and making him look at you.
“You know, the picnic blanket I got is really comfortable. Maybe we can take care of one another and work up an appetite before dinner?” You watched as Zayne’s throat bobbed and he flushed slightly. It was clear he liked the sound of that, already thinking of all the ways he could have you by the lake.
“We can do that,” he said and watched as you stood up. You grabbed a napkin from your bag, wiping up the rest of the mess on your hand and running some of the water he handed you earlier. You then reached out, helping him to his feet albeit shakily.
“Oh and by the way…happy birthday,”
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Tadaaaa! And if anyone was wondering, yes the Rafayel fic is coming and soon. I just need to do the final edits and I'll post it. I wanted to get it out before Zayne's birthday, but it's a literal behemoth of a fic.
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laiiaaa · 1 year
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summary You pay Carmen a visit after a busy night to give your thanks...with a little extra love.
length 3.1k
contents MINORS DNI, smut, lots of kissing, some heavy petting, oral sex (m!receiving), semi-public sex sorry Richie, soooooo much praise, teasing, a glimpse of subby Carm make brain go brrrrrr, fluffy ending bc he’s a cutie pie, imma be fr...he splooges in your mouth…in his office…after hours…don’t look at me ik it’s FILTHY!!!…apologies to the church it’s not my fault he’s a SLUT
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Carmen’s sitting hunched over his desk in a mess of paperwork when Richie barges in.
“Your girl’s here,” he almost sighs, holding the door open as you walk in, all smiles and a Thanks, Richie slipping past your lips before he nods, shooting Carmen a look emphasized with a pointed finger: “No funny business back here, alright? ‘Cause I’ll fuckin’ know.”
When he walks away, you shut the door and lock it. Stupid fuckin’ lock, Carmen thinks, knowing that it’s mostly for show. He can’t remember the last time it actually worked. But he smiles back at you, turning his chair around when you peek over your shoulder after the fact anyway, his skin tingling with anticipation of feeling you in his arms again.
You carefully drop your bag on the floor and leave your jacket on the desk as you walk over to him, standing between his spread legs as he sits up. Your fingers tangle in his hair, voice syrupy sweet when his hands wrap around your thighs just below the hem of your skirt. “Hi, Bear.”
He looks up at you with his chin resting below your navel. An after hours haze comes over him, muscles sore and eyes heavy, and he swears you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. “Hey, baby,” he drawls, letting you play with his hair a moment longer before bringing one hand to gently lift your top just a few inches, pressing gentle kisses to the exposed skin, trailing right to your waistband to leave heated butterflies frenzied in your stomach. “Missed you a lot today…”
“Yeah?” You tug at his strands to get his attention again and lower yourself to straddle his hips. “Stressful day?”
His palms slide from your waist to your hips, pawing at your ass while he presses kisses to your jaw. “Yeah, just busy…‘n T was in a mood, so…” He trails off, too occupied with soaking in your perfume, your heavy breaths when he drags his teeth against your pulse.
“Carm?” you start, massaging his shoulders and moving to squeeze at his biceps—fuck, his arms, you just wanna…mm. You pry a groan from his throat and it only makes you want him more. “Lemme help you unwind, hm?…” 
One hand urges him to lift his gaze before you take his lips in a kiss, his hands making their way beneath the fabric of your shirt to feel skin to skin. It’s sweet, and it’s sultry, the way you kiss him, like you want him to unravel between your fingertips as you thumb at the knots in his shoulders. He’s not so sure he’d mind, what with the way you’re already turning his brain to mush with just a few cants of your hips against his. 
“Baby,” he breathes, “You don’t—you don’t have to…”
“I want to, though…” You’re nearly whining into his mouth. “You do so much for me, Carmy…”
“I, uh—” he laughs sheepishly, neck and face flushed and breath turning shallow— “I dunno ‘bout that—”
“C’mon, Bear—” you quiet your voice, leaning down close by his ear while a hand cups the opposite side of his face— “You cook for me all the time…” His fingers tease at the hem of your top again, and you peck his jaw. “You never let me lift a finger, and you always hold me…”
He sighs when your nails scratch at the tuft of hair behind his ear, head lolling into the back of the chair, eyes shut as his hands wander up your shirt dangerously close to your breasts. 
“And you make me feel so—” you drag your teeth along the shell of his ear, and put more weight against his hips, and he’s barely keeping himself calm— “so good—”
“Shhhhit—” he squeezes you tight to keep you from grinding against him again— “Richie’s just outside, baby, gotta be careful…”
“I don’t care…” Putting him in a trance, you carefully remove your top and let it fall to the floor, a pleased breath escaping when he grabs at you. “I’ve been missing you all day, y’know?”
“Yeah?” His chest is already heaving in anticipation, and it’s like he’s a virgin, cock half hard and throbbing just at the sight of bare skin he craves to kiss. “Me too, baby…”
You snake a hand down his stomach to palm him through his jeans while smiling like a minx. “And I miss your cock, Carmy—”
“Shhhhit—” he plants his hand on your mouth, and it’s painfully hard to ignore how he just twitched in his jeans— “The fuck’re you doin’?” 
You pout when he hesitantly uncovers your mouth. Feeling up his arms again, biting at your lip, you sigh. “Just showin’ my appreciation…”
He huffs, runs a hand through his hair with his eyes closed. “O-Okay, fuck…” 
How is he supposed to say no when you’re sat all pretty and topless in his lap? That wouldn’t be fair, now, would it? 
“Fuck, okay—” he looks you in the eye, brows furrowed and desperate for you like you always know he is— “We gotta be quiet, though, baby, alright?” A sweet kiss, slow and with his hands holding your face. “Gotta be quiet.”
You giggle into one last smooch. “Fine by me.” You shrug and shuffle out of his lap, sat on your heels in front of spread knees, mouth watering and eyes blown with lust as you brush your hands along his thighs.
He watches you carefully as you undress him: unbuttoning his jeans, opening his fly, looking up at him all sweet when you need him to lift his hips. By the time the denim pools around his ankles his cock is weeping pre and soaking through his briefs. 
“Oh, Carm,” you coo, kissing up and along his inner thighs past a tattoo of your name, leaving him reeling, “Why didn’t you tell me you’re so worked up?” You trail your fingers beneath the hem while lending hot kisses over the fabric, and he groans a little too loud for someone who was just worried about being caught. “I would’ve helped you.”
“F-Fuck you,” he laughs, leaning back into the chair with an arm cast over his forehead to try and calm himself the best he can when you’re breathing on his cock and peeling sticky briefs down his legs.
His dick is throbbing by the time you free it, threatening to stain his white tee, and you’re practically drooling into his lap as you wrap your hand around the base of it. It’s thick, it has your thighs pressing together and tongue going slick, and you can hardly connect your middle finger and thumb.
A breath hisses through his teeth and you hum to yourself. “Mmmm, you’re so big, Carmy.” But you notice he’s not looking at you, and you pause. “C’mon, you gotta watch.”
He squeezes his eyes shut and sighs. 
“If you want me to suck it—” wet, slobbery kisses trail from his base up toward his cherry red tip as you pump him slowww, spreading pre down his shaft— “You could at least open your eyes a little, hm?”
And oh, what a sight he is when he obliges: cheeks flushed, brows drawn tight together, golden brown curls made a mess, bottom lip barred behind teeth, preening over the look of your lips glossy with spit. He thinks he could come in record time. 
You smile up at him sweetly. “There he is…” And before he can blink you’re taking him into your mouth, down far enough to touch your lips to your hand, down far enough to have him groaning. 
“Holy shit, baby—” he moans, a sound that makes you dizzy, “Oh, fuck…” His head lolls back again, exposing a bobbing Adam’s apple as he gulps down a breath, a hand of his brushing low and past dark thick curls before squeezing the fabric of his tee and revealing his happy trail. 
You pull your mouth up on his cock and swirl your tongue around his tip to hear him whimper—whimper, all drawn out and whiny like he can’t get enough—before you let go completely, holding him by the base and watching a trail of spit and pre connect his slit to your tongue. 
“Jesus fuck—…” He bites into his fist, a pained look on his face but with lust-blown eyes. What’d he do to deserve you? “So fuckin’ sexy, baby…”
You smile and kiss his tip. “ ‘Cause I love having you in my mouth…”
A heady breath accompanies another rush of blood beneath your hands. “Yeah?”
“Mmmmm ‘f course, Carmy…” You drag your lips back down to his base and flatten your tongue to lick a stripe to the top, prodding his tip past your plush lips before smooching it again. “You have the prettiest cock…” You gather a glob of spit and Carmen can’t peel his eyes off of it as it drips…down from your glossy lips…down onto the beating head…before the words “Thank you for letting me suck it…” fall breathlessly off your tongue.
That makes his hips buck up and a moan slip past stifled by a hand over his mouth. “Fuck, baby, you’re gonna make me come—”
You squeeze the soaked base of him, taunting with a feigned frown. “But I just got started…”
“Y-Yeah,” he heaves, “That’s the problem…”
You pump his cock slow with a tight fist how he likes it, grinning as your free hand snakes up his thigh; his breath hitches, and he starts to think he’s dreaming when you grab for the hand by his navel and bring it atop your head. He smooths it over your hair a few times as he releases choppy breaths, makes a face to ask Are you sure? He doesn’t expect you to hum against his tip, sending a vibration down his cock to make him choke on nothing before you murmur, “Do whatever you want…” kissing and licking along his shaft as your hand twists around his tip, “Wanna make you feel good…”
“You are, baby…” He tugs gently on your hair and guides your mouth back to where he needs you. “Like a—” you wrap your lips around him again, and even with his hands in your hair his head rears back— “Fuck, yeah, just like that—like a fuckin’ angel—”
It’s filthy, and it’s messy and wet and dirty, the way you let him fuck into your mouth, his feet planted on the ground and pushing the back of the chair against the desk, your hands pressing into the sinew of his thighs to keep steady. “God, you’re so fuckin’ good—so fuckin’ good for me, baby—”
And you’re practically dripping in your panties, doing as best you can to relieve some of that pulse between your thighs by grinding your cunt into your heels, too caught up in Carmen’s moans to think too much about the fact you’re in his office choking on his dick because it feels so good, and he looks beautifully euphoric, eyes squeezing shut every few seconds, neck flushed crimson above a gasping chest. 
You hollow your cheeks around him and he thrusts only halfway, the added suction too much to take all the way down to your throat. “Shhhit, suckin’ me so nice—so fuckin’ gorgeous—makin’ me wanna—” but you push away from his dick, drool-smeared lips curling into a smile. He wets his lips as his chest rises and falls at the loss of release. He thinks you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen like this, all messy and covered in spit and pre with tears marring the makeup around your eyes. “Fuck me,” he groans, exasperated as he leans back into the chair and brings his hands up to his forehead. 
You sit up a bit and put more weight into your knees. You keep one hand languidly stroking his cock while the other grips his tee and pulls him forward, crashing into your lips so he can taste himself. His hands quickly take up your jaw, holding you firm against his lips to let him dip his tongue into your mouth and deepen the kiss. Your neck is craned, and his back is hunched over, but with the way you keep your hand away from his throbbing tip has him groaning for more. 
“You gotta be quiet, Carm,” you murmur before he just kisses you again anyway. 
“Can’t—” you squeeze his dick when you near his head at that— “hah, fuck—can’t be quiet when your mouth ‘s on me like that—”
You push against his sternum to send him leaning back into the chair, and his head starts spinning with want. “Figure it out then—” another kiss to his weeping cock, just as sexy as the last ten times as you thumb at his slit— “or I’m not gonna fuck you when we get home.”
“Shit,” he hisses to himself, lifting his hips to move them closer to your mouth. He likes this side of you, knowing what you want and a little demanding, a smirk poking at the corners of your mouth when you command things of him you’ll make sure he can’t fulfill. Maybe he should fuck you in the office more often. 
He doesn’t get to ponder it too long, though, because you’ve already taken him into your mouth again, both hands now gripping at the base while your tongue laps at his slit like you’re begging for him to spill into your mouth. His knuckles turn white as he grips the arm rests of the chair, and he bites down hard into his bottom lip to stifle a moan loud enough to be heard all the way at the front door. 
“I needa come, baby—” you leave your hands on his thighs as you take him all the way in, his tip prodding at the back of your throat— “Fuck—!” He thrusts up into your mouth and realizes too late how fucking loud he is—how loud all of it is, what with you gagging and moaning as you try to get some sense of release while milking his dick for all he’s worth, the sighs of pleasure that slip off his tongue no matter how hard he tries, the wet sounds from your mouth every time he bucks his hips out of the chair. 
“Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck,” he groans, a hand coming to the top of your head again to slow you so as not to let him finish too quick. “Baby—ah, fuckmmmmfuck baby, please—” He feels it churning in his gut all the way to his cock: that band stretching and stretching and threatening to snap, growing tighter and tighter every time your lips smooth over his head and your tongue laps at the frenulum. “Baby lemme—shit, lemme come down your throat please, baby—”
As soon as he begs it of you you’re moaning an affirmation, locking eyes with him for a split second before they shut again with ecstasy. He snaps with a stuttered thrust into your mouth, palms pressed hard into the arm rests as he chokes out your name as hushed as he can manage. “Fuck, pretty—” his release, bitter and salty, shoots into your mouth with a groan so guttural you feel it in your cunt.
The shift of his hips slows from a thrust to a meager cant, overstimulation crawling up his spine as you continue milking him. “Shit,” he huffs, arms going limp and jaw going slack. “Slow down, baby…needa—needa calm down…f-fffuck…” He watches as you slowly drag your lips up to the tip of his cock to clean him of his cum, another groan easing by at the sight. “Jesus fuckin’ Christ, baby—” You’re giggling and pressing soft kisses to his thighs, and all he can do is tilt his head back and shut his eyes to try and recover. 
You wait less than a minute before you’re hounding on him again, thrumming with success and the thought of him fucking you when he brings you home. “How was it?” You ask the question sheepishly, smiling up at him and wiping spit from your lips like you don’t know how much you’ve just wrecked him.
He wills himself to sit back up again. “How was it?” He smiles back, heart warm. “Baby—” he cups your face all sweet how he is after sex, muscles pliant and brain dizzy with aftershocks of pleasure— “You’re fuckin’ incredible, y’know that right?”
You shrug despite your daze. “Obviously. You came in my mouth like a virgin.”
“Shut up,” he sighs, lips perking up into a reluctant smile. His thumbs brush along your cheekbones with adoration. “Your fault for bein’ so sexy.”
A precious kiss to your forehead, one that has your eyes slipping closed before his nose nudges past yours and he seizes your mouth in a searing kiss, one that’s built on passion and lust and appreciation and awe. Your palms sit beneath his elbows and he smiles into it, flushing when he tastes himself on your tongue but kissing you that much deeper when he does. 
There’s one last sweet peck before he says, “You’re perfect. Thank you.” Another between your brows and to each cheek before he grabs your shirt, crumpled beside the chair, and hands it to you. He lets you dress yourself while he fits his half-hard dick back into his briefs and stands to pull his jeans over his hips, wiping tacky hands down on the denim. It’ll do. 
He helps you get back up and ease your sore knees back into working condition before the door knob rattles. Both of you freeze. 
“Cousin!” A hand bangs hard on the door.
You and Carmen lock eyes. “Shit,” he hisses, looking down and fumbling with his fly. You panic only half-heartedly, the other half laughing at Carmen’s struggle. 
“Cousin!” Richie calls again, shaking the door, “You fuckers better not’ve been doin’ what—” 
Just like Carmen should’ve seen coming, the lock stops working and the door swings open as he’s buttoning his pants. 
Richie catches him and his expression drops. “Oh, you son ‘f a—” he seems to catch your smudged mascara and lip gloss— “Oh, God—” He grimaces and steps away from the doorway with his hands on his head. “In the fuckin’ office, Cousin? Are you kiddin’ me?”
Carmen figures you don’t care enough to bother with the complaints, because you’re shooting him a smile and tugging on his arm to lead him right past Richie. And he’s more than happy to follow behind, a stupidly lovedrunk smile on his face. What he’s got in mind for you when you get home—perhaps a polite thank you of his own—will be worth the headache tomorrow morning.
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cultofdixon · 2 months
Day One to the Rest of our Lives
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Part 1 • Before The Outbreak - The Farm • The nurse next door always had a soft spot for the Dixons as they were her family. It took the end of the world and an almost near death experience to get the youngest Dixon to make a move • ANGST/SFW • TW: Canon Violence / Scars / Injuries / Blood Loss / Emergency Surgery / Abuse / Drug & Alcohol Consumption / Anxiety
Requested by: Anon
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Before The Outbreak
“Merle you’re a fucking dumbass” Daryl groans trying to help walk a drunk and injured Merle up the stairs to their apartment.
“That bitch deserved it!” Merle shouted only to be shushed because of the time of night it was and most of the neighbors hated him.
Except, surprisingly, Y/N. Their next door neighbor that is rarely home or seen because her other home seems to be the hospital she works as a nurse at. One of the times their paths crossed was when Y/N went to the bar Merle frequents at and got blasted after a long day but still managed to give Merle stitches when he decided the bar window was nice to go through.
When the brothers reached the top of the steps, Daryl instantly noticed Y/N sitting on the floor propped up against her door. Merle squinted to see why his brother stopped.
“Y/N WAKE UP” Merle shouted causing Y/N to flinch awake and for Daryl to groan letting go of his brother making him fall onto the floor. “Bitch…”
Y/N blinked a few times to get the sleepiness out of her eyes as she gave a confused look to Merle’s still body on the floor. She was about to ask questions but decided not to and accept the extended hand coming from Daryl.
“Do I even wanna know?”
“Besides drunk, what else you wanna know?”
“Nothing” Y/N laughed a bit, bending down to grab her backpack to get her keys out. “He needs stitches?”
“Just an ice pack, I think imma let him hang there” Daryl crosses his arms looking at his now passed out brother watching Y/N walk over to him and rolling him on his side. “What’s that for?”
“In case he throws up. I’m gonna grab a blanket so he won’t be too uncomfortable out here” Y/N returns to her door unlocking it. “I know he may have ruined it but you want a beer?”
“More so a smoke than a drink” Daryl rubs the back of his neck giving a concerned look to his brother that Y/N noticed once she was halfway through the door.
After dropping off her stuff and taking her coat off, Y/N stepped out gesturing for Daryl to follow her lead in picking up Merle. Her by his legs and him by his arms. Eventually Merle got settled on her couch still on his side and with a trash can beside his head.
“We could’ve—-“
“Nah too many extra steps to get him back in your apartment. Besides, I’m a trained professional in case other shit happens” Y/N went over to her window as she spoke, opening it up enough for her to climb through with Daryl following shortly after.
One would think anyone wouldn’t want anything to do with the Dixon brothers mainly because Merle puts trash onto their name. But Y/N likes their company, Daryl’s mainly, because it keeps her sane and human. Working in a hospital so much to the point one is accused of “living there,” anyone would want normalcy.
It’s an added bonus finding themselves sat in the fire escape, sharing a cigarette from the pack that Y/N hides in the empty plant pot that the previous owners left at her apartment.
“I had to take a decontamination shower at the end of my shift because of the vomit and blood from that singular patient”
“Sounds awful” Daryl frowns, watching Y/N smoke for a moment as he kept his gaze on how tense she was for a while before finally relaxing after exhaling the smoke. Her eyes were exhausted just as the rest of her, but they told so much more that he worried for. “Ever thought of taking a break? Vacation more like”
“With all the hours I’ve got saved, I could. But I’ve been in the hospital for so long that I wouldn’t know what I’d even do”
“Uh…well you like Merle and I, you can join us for our hunting trip” Daryl put that up in the air, looking her curious expression. “It’ll be next month”
“I haven’t gone hunting since my old man was still around…” Y/N put out the last of her cigarette thinking about the option. “You sure Merle would be cool with it?”
He didn’t think that would work. Daryl shrugs as he looked back into the apartment where Merle laid on the couch snoring loudly. “The worse to happen is Merle would hit on yea for most of it”
“I’ve dealt with worse, trust me…a lot worse”
“I’d be happy to. As long as I get a ride from work. I wanna work as much as I can before taking a few days off”
“We can pick yea up from work. Merle will be on his bike and I’ll be taking the truck”
“Works for me, I’ll give you my stuff the day before” Y/N smiles and that quickly faded along with Daryl’s when both heard the eldest Dixon vomit his stomach out. “Yup. Love his company too”
During The Hunting Trip (and the start of the outbreak)
“You wear anything other than the scrubs?”
“Sundresses, but I wasn’t going to pack one of those for a hunting trip Merle” Y/N rolled her eyes, quickly stopping when she heard something. Merle quickly but stealthily followed the noise.
It felt unreal, how quick something can escalate from standing in the open waiting for either Dixon to come back from the noises they’ve heard…to falling back in shock to the undead stepping closer.
The closer it got, the more Y/N let the shock take over that when she reached for her knife…the sicko fell on her. But thankfully with a bolt in its skull. Y/N couldn’t register what had just happened until Merle kicked the corpse off of her body making her lock eyes with the equally shocked Daryl across from her.
“You alright girlie?” Merle asks, not waiting another second as he grabbed her upper arm pulling her up on her feet. “Come on speak! Are yea bit?”
“No I’m…uh what the fuck?!” Y/N shouted once it hit her letting Merle check her arms and neck before shoving him back. “Is this what that fucking radio broadcast was about?”
“Makes sense right about now. But the fact that one is out here…people makin’ camp and bringing those who’ve been infected out here with them”
“Fuck. The hospitals must be flooded with patients with symptoms before it reaches this stage.” The worry on her face only drew an annoyed one out of Merle and an equally concerned expression from Daryl but not for the strangers. “I have to go back, see if I can help or something!” Y/N stated as she started to make her way toward the truck.
“Doll, that won’t be a smart decision” Merle planted his hands on his hips continuing the annoyed look on his face until it turned to confusion when his brother quickly caught up with her.
“You can’t go back”
“I have to! I took an oath” Y/N scrambled a bit, putting her hunting rifle in the bed of the truck dropping her pack on the floor to grab a clean scrub top. “I didn’t spend years in school to not save people’s lives——“
“Y/N, if this shit spread. The hospital ain’t safe and I can’t lose you”
His words caused her to freeze in her place before turning toward him with a much softer expression compared to her worry filled one.
“W-We can’t lose you…okay? If they didn’t figure the virus out, I don’t know what you could do”
“I wish I could do something…” Y/N felt the burning sensation of tears building in her eyes forcing her to look away.
Daryl stood for a moment wanting to pull her into his arms, but both were startled by Merle’s crazed excitement when he found something off the corpses body.
They’ll have to get used to this…new life
The Quarry
“Does it still hurt?” Y/N frowns gently dabbing the cut on Carol’s cheek with a wet rag. She pulled the rag away to wet it more with water from her canteen. “Is he really helping Shane? Or waiting for you back at your tent”
“Knowing Ed, he’s waiting back at the tent. I’m just…thankful Sophia wasn’t there” Carol frowns, flinching when Y/N went back to cleaning up the blood giving her apologies for the suddenness. “You understand…don’t you?”
“I don’t get what you mean…”
“You know…being with them at the start of all this…I doubt they were good company” Carol scoffs when they both heard Merle shouting like usual at Shane. If they weren’t labeled “typical rednecks” when they first joined this group, then they would’ve seen it was Shane’s fault for what Merle was yelling at him for.
“You’ve got them wrong.” Y/N scoffed to her words, looking over at them in what looks to be an argument. Watching Daryl try to de-escalate the situation from how intense Merle decided to make it. “Me wrong too…I’ve known them for years. I was their neighbor and while Merle did have his moments, they were both still nice to me. Hell…even there for me when I needed it” she frowns looking back to her bag to take out a bandage for Carol’s cheek and once it was placed, she stood to her feet. “Give them the benefit of the doubt instead of judging right away…”
With that she took her leave toward her tent that was next to the Dixons which were a camp away from camp because a few shared private concerns making them isolate. Y/N wasn’t about to leave them even if Merle did make the comment when they first joined this group.
“She’s more like them” is what he said
“Stupid fuckin’ pig” Merle scoffs returning to their little campsite taking a seat beside Y/N who was just as annoyed as he was but more on the melancholy side of things while his was filled with rage.
Concern only washed over Daryl when he noticed her expression but he didn’t even get a second to say anything before Merle went off.
“Y’know I bet yea that motherfucker only wants me to go on that trip just so something bad can happen and I end up a sicko”
“Wait, what trip?” Y/N quickly turned to Daryl knowing he will give a better explanation of everything while Merle only focused on what mattered to him.
“Shane, the fucking moron that tells us not to hunt at a certain hour so he could do who knows what in the woods—-wants me to join the girlies, the Chinese kid, and the other two to go into Atlanta for supplies”
“Well, he’s Korean first of all…”
“Doll like I give a fu—-CK” Merle shouted when Y/N elbowed him in the side. “They using me as a goddamn escort nobody gonna give a fuck if I meet my maker out there”
“We do” Y/N gestured to Daryl and herself. “Merle, you’re more of muscle along a few of the others from the main group. You sure he didn’t ask for yea to make sure the others are safe?”
“That’s exactly how he put it, Merle is just dramatic” Daryl sets his crossbow down beside him once he sat on the ground with them. “They’ll die without us”
“As much as people can adapt, Daryl has a point here. Shane will only lose game if he went shooting his shotgun at deers and squirrels” Y/N leaned back on her hands. “Hell, the squirrels will explode if he shot at them. They’ll need the both of y’all to bring back a lot of game to survive. Besides, you know Atlanta better than most. You can survive a few herds”
“You both are a bunch of bitches” Merle wasn’t serious when he stated such at least when it’s directed to those two, but he still didn’t like the idea of leaving with these people to Atlanta.
That when they returned with someone who wasn’t Merle, Y/N knew they were about to meet a whole world of hurt.
“Fuck no”
“I could never get Daryl to calm down” They both know that was a lie, Y/N is honestly the only person that could calm him down. But what they both can agree on is they don’t know how he will react to the news.
“Bullshit. You’re gonna have to try somethin’ so he doesn’t fucking kill the man”
“But isn’t that what you wanted?” Y/N watched the color leave Shane’s face. “For this Rick guy to remain dead so you can lay your pipe in a place you shouldn’t be laying it”
His fists clench at either side of him trying his hardest not to strike, but Y/N had enough of keeping that shit to herself. She didn’t care for what happened next…for the most part
When Daryl returned to the camp in search for Merle, ignoring everyone’s questions while he came up empty on finding his brother within the camp. But the annoyance only grew when he couldn’t find his—-Y/N.
“We left Merle. Well, I did.” Rick stated noticing the concern on Daryl’s face which led him to believe there was more to it and he instantly turned to Shane. All the man ever does was shrug but it quickly turned to pulling the youngest Dixon off his “brother”
His presence would normally bring joy in any mood she was in, but given the situation and what happened prior to Daryl finding out about his brother? Y/N was miserable and hiding something.
“You hear what those fucking sons of bitches did?! Leaving Merle chained up to a goddamn roof!” Daryl shouted, quickly stopping when he noticed Y/N flinch to his words. “Sorry—-Fuck, I’m just—-“
“Mad. Rightfully, mad” Y/N rasped, squeezing her eyes shut while she pressed her wet bandana to her cheek. “That Rick guy said he was going to go back to get his dumbass even after putting him up there.”
Daryl didn’t say anything right away as he steps around her to get a look at her front watching her duck her head. “Lori wasn’t too happy about it”
“Figured” Y/N frowns continuing to look at the ground watching his shadow grow bigger practically covering her and indicating he was knelt in front of her. Daryl gently removed what she was using as a rag to see what happened. “It’s superficial. Not like I’d have anything to do stitches anyway…you need to get Merle back”
He didn’t say a word all he did was nod while reaching for her pack to take out those butterfly bandages she has.
“Can I—-“
The youngest Dixon didn’t push her on what happened, all they talked about after he saw was the plan to get Merle’s ass back to the camp. Even if it meant she couldn’t come with which infuriated her.
But that didn’t matter. The feeling useless part passed quickly when their camp was being washed through with a herd. Y/N always had her axe beside her and didn’t hesitate to start taking out sickos while most of the women protected their children. The only thing she’d want to protect wasn’t there. She didn’t need to worry too much.
Carol let out a scream when one got too close that lead Y/N to quickly swing her axe into its skull watching her quickly get away following Lori. Y/N pulled the axe out and didn’t know of the walker creeping up behind her until a gun shot both killed the walker and almost burst her ear drum. But she quickly turned toward who fired and saw Daryl, both having a relieved look that turned into focused quickly to finish off the walkers.
Once all the dead and undead were mourn or taken care of…the plan was to go to the CDC in hopes for something to help Jim when it was revealed he was bitten. But on the way, they stopped and left him as per his request.
Y/N of course sat with Daryl in his truck with Merle’s bike strapped in the bed of it. Neither of them talked for most of the ride given they were worried, angry, and a bit upset…but not at each other. Daryl knows Y/N has her reasons for not telling him how the cut on her cheek happened but that didn’t mean he didn’t worry. She on the other hand was infuriated and struggling to keep the tears at bay. Being a nurse and feeling useless was getting to her. That bastard leaving Merle was getting to her. That stupid bitch Shane was getting to her.
“You think Merle is fine?” Y/N questions while she watches the scenery go by the woods slowly disappearing. “What kind of son of a bitch cuts his own hand off? Doubt he even knows how to properly stop the bleeding…burning it isn’t the right way”
“Merle is a roach. He’ll turn up…eventually” Daryl frowns gripping onto the wheel tight as he continued to follow the RV. The truck ran over a walker causing it to jump and for Daryl to instantly force his arm in front of Y/N as she held onto it out of anxious habit with bumps.
“Never going to get used to that…maybe we should’ve just ditched the truck and taken the bike”
Daryl took note of that
When they got to the CDC, right away one assumed that it was empty and barren. Honestly who could blame the scientists for running from this mess? The government already decided more destructive solutions that didn’t work. But when the doors opened, everyone was on edge. Thankful, but on edge. Y/N was given the hunting shotgun Daryl he had back at camp to pair with the axe strapped to her back under her pack. She raised it instantly along with the others when the doctor stepped out to greet the survivors.
Dr. Jenner was his name and he happily let them in giving them the facility for the night. He of course had them get tested for anything which had Y/N feeling nostalgic and given her background, he asked for her help in a few ways before everyone decided to enjoy the luxuries that the place gave.
Booze. Booze was the start along with food.
Y/N only drank with Daryl and Merle, so she didn’t feel comfortable drinking as much as the others were during the dinner the doctor made for them. She kept an eye on Daryl given he was drinking til he couldn’t see straight anymore, he needed it after the Merle nonsense.
But every time he looked over at her, he smiled. In a way it was to make sure she was still there but there was so much more.
When the group started to turn in for the night, everyone stayed with who they were close with. But given how much Glenn drank, Rick and Shane suggested he’d stick with Y/N and Daryl. Mainly Y/N for she has the training in case he aspirated. Which nothing a good “having him sleep on his side” wouldn’t fix.
Daryl stumbles into the room squinting at the sight of Y/N helping Glenn lay down on his side before moving to the couch which would be her bed for the night. She made Glenn’s bed out of the back cushions of the other couch knowing Daryl was going to rip them off anyway. He came to the apartment drunk once and she’d let him crash, he did exactly that before passing out.
“Did you shower? In your state?”
“Nah. Got lost” Daryl scanned around the room quickly switching the light off.
Before Daryl even thought about going to the other couch and sleeping off the effects alcohol has on the body, he brought himself to sit on the floor leaning up against Y/N’s couch. He flinched slightly when she brought her hand to his forehead before easing into the smallest touch.
“Just the alcohol. No fever”
“Just checking” She said in a hushed tone before laying back on the couch keeping her eye on him watching his brows furrow contemplating on saying something or not. “You should get some sleep, bubs”
He felt the heat rise instantly in his face as he decided the couch was no longer an option and laid down right where he was. Y/N watched him get comfortable on the floor before grabbing a couch cushion and giving it to him to use as a pillow.
The night progressed and Daryl laid awake for the most part, thinking staying conscious would subside the feeling of liquor and the strange but familiar one lingering in his chest.
Just when most thought the next morning would be peaceful after some breakfast and much needed pain killers…it was revealed what the clock was on the wall. It was a countdown for total power loss and the last of it to destroy the CDC in a fiery explosion.
Leave or Die
Leave or Die
Leave or Die
Who would’ve thought that would be a hard decision to make while most panicked around her and once Jenner finally opened the doors for them. She froze in place and felt the tightness in her chest grow.
When Daryl watched the door open he immediately turned to his side half expecting her to be with him. But soon realized she stood by the panels with the doctor and those debating to stay or know for fact. He stood there waiting. Waiting for any sign.
Even if it was Y/N simply turning around to look at him with tears in her eyes. Daryl then acted without a thought by sprinting toward her and instantly picking her up before booking it for the main lobby of the CDC. Where the commotion involving a grenade was being conducted.
“Duck!” The sheriff yelled as everyone did exactly what he said, Daryl shielding Y/N when he crouched feeling her shift out of his arms but her arms remained around his neck holding him close.
They parted when the grenade explosion dissipated, but Daryl didn’t hesitate for a second to usher her out of the building before getting himself out.
The explosion of the CDC rattled the earth and those especially barely escaping it.
“Everybody alright?” Rick asks everyone getting a few yeses and more of annoyed groans after being shaken. “We have to get out of here. Before the herd comes”
“Help me get the bike off” Daryl gestured for Glenn to help as he went to do so. Y/N instantly bringing herself to the bed of the truck grabbing their gear before they took the bike off.
“Rick, siphon the gas from the truck and fill up your cars. Should hold us up for a while or at least until we find more cars”
As they were quick to scramble and move some of the gear from the truck to the RV, Y/N was about to move into one of the cars when Daryl gripped her shoulder gently.
“Ride with me, yeah?”
“I uhm. It’s been a while, Daryl…”
“Alright…Uhm. Don’t sit with Shane, least do that for me” The look he gave her when he said that, only told her that he knew. He knew who gave her that wound on her cheek.
Y/N instantly nods and goes to join Andrea, Glenn, and Dale in the RV while Daryl got situated on his bike leading the way back to the freeway. Hopefully they can find shelter elsewhere.
The Farm
“You and Daryl seem…close. Is there like more to that?” Glenn thought maybe since there wasn’t many in the RV, and especially Daryl, that he could ask things like that.
Y/N being more open to answer after spending more time with these people. “We’re close, but if you’re insinuating what I think you are then no…”
“Is that what you want?” Andrea cuts in, looking directly at Y/N from her spot in the passengers seat. “You want something more don’t you?”
“I-…Well, why would I if the other party doesn’t seem interested” Y/N stated, only for Dale to scoff with a laugh after. “What?”
“You would have to be blind as a bat to not notice how much that man cares for you. If you really wanna know? Try and talk to Shane. About anything.” Dale gave her a look through the rear view mirror before stopping in the freeway when his RV started to make noise. “Damn thing breaking on me at the wrong time”
When the RV stopped, everyone stopped.
Daryl brought his bike to the banks of the freeway watching the RV from his spot seeing Dale get out first along with Glenn. He was about to go in to check on—-
“Hey, this’ll be the perfect time to fuel up on some gas. Even check some of the cars for anything that will be useful.” Rick interrupted his thoughts, Daryl nodded to his words watching him go ahead of him before taking a quick glance at the RV finding Y/N stepping out with a look he couldn’t fully read.
“Hey, Y/N can you take a look at these meds I found?” Lori caught her attention instantly and the second she approached him, Daryl went ahead to investigate some of cars himself.
Then things turned for the worse and a herd started to come through the cars. Most hid underneath the closest car they were near and Dale got stuck on top of the RV…but the worst to happen was the cries of Sophia had attracted some of the walkers. Leading her to run away and the sheriff quickly went after her.
‘Sophia’ Carol whisper shouted as they couldn’t entirely leave when the herd was passing, they only started to get out of hiding and took out the stragglers.
Y/N quickly pulled herself out from under the car watching Carol quickly get out with Lori trying to stop her. She wanted so badly to chase after her daughter and the walkers but Rick’s got it. He’s going to save her…
“You didn’t find her?” Carol couldn’t hold back the sobs anymore, Lori laid a comforting hand on her back.
“They’ll find her or at least try their hardest” Y/N tells Carol with concern littered in her voice even if she only wanted the first part. “There’s still plenty of people in the world even after it ended. She could’ve ran into somebody that will help her get back to you…” she gave a sad smile before turning to Daryl watching him straighten up.
“We’ll find her. We’ll keep lookin’”
This is a mother’s worst nightmare Y/N thought as she organized the trunk of their findings before being pulled away to help T-Dog in terms of his injury.
Rick and Shane left a while ago with Carl to go search for Sophia which left the others splitting into searching themselves and staying at the RV. Y/N being with the RV group given she wanted to keep an eye on T-Dog’s injury but some part of her was screaming internally over this whole situation.
Sophia hid because Rick instructed her to do so but she ran. You would run if your life was about to be in the hand of walkers…
Now Rick, Shane, and Carl disappeared. What could’ve possible gone wrong?
“Are you okay?” Y/N frowns watching Andrea come into the trailer with a bit of annoyed but equally anxious look on her face.
“Yeah, but someone took Lori. Knew Carl and her name so we are gonna go to the place they are at” Andrea sat across from her at the little table noticing Y/N pinching her arm which some spots started to bruise.
As Andrea reached across the table to take her hand to get her to stop, ultimately holding it so she wouldn’t continue. Daryl flew the door open instantly locking eyes with Y/N before stepping away to get on his bike while Glenn and Dale flooded in.
The second the RV arrived on the farm, Rick ran out of the house toward it. He gently pushed Glenn and Andrea out of the way to get Y/N taking her hand dragging her toward the house.
“Where’s the fi—-“
“Carl’s been shot. The man of the house is a vet and is doing his best. Could use another set of—-“
“I’ve got it” Y/N didn’t need to hear more to understand the just of it. She was going to be told everything by Hershel, the head of the house, anyway.
Once Shane came with the right medical supplies, Hershel was relieved to have someone with full medical training to help him fix Carl’s injuries. But that didn’t stop him from discussing certain matters.
“If you don’t mind me asking…”
“Is it about this?” Y/N gave him a confused look keeping hold of the retractor while Patricia continuously squeezed the ambu bag that Shane managed to snag for Carl.
“No…these people you’re with…you trust their judgement?”
“Yeah, a little bit. I’m still trying to get used to the fact that one of them left my—-my best friend’s brother on a roof” Y/N picked up a piece of gauze to dab at the blood that spilled. “He wa—is a racist sexist son of a bitch so. Who could blame him”
Patricia fought back a laugh as Hershel rolled his eyes but was going to take her word for the first part. He can give some trust in these people.
“Listen, Hershel. I may have not been with these people for long…but they are good people. They mean well at the end of the day even with their flaws.” Y/N finished her thought before helping him finish with the closing.
After the operation, Y/N stepped out into the kitchen where Patricia instructed her to wash her hands in the sink. As she was doing so, Lori instantly went to her and without any words she gave her a smile and let Hershel explain how everything went smoothly.
Y/N stepped out realizing how late it was and how everyone set up their tents already. Part of her wished she still had her apartment and could simply crash without having to set anything up. But when she was about to head toward the RV to get her things, she noticed her tent set up and close to his.
Sweet… Y/N felt the twitch of a smile before entering her tent and laying on the floor for a moment.
Laying on the ground in a tent after a successful surgery was very different compared to laying on the kitchen floor with a half empty bag of chips and a bottle of Merlot. Felt nicer and worse in some way.
“Y/N?” Daryl whispers, just in case she was still asleep but when she opened the tent flap he relaxed a bit from the awkward feeling. “The kid alright?”
“Yeah, he’ll probably need another transfusion but we won’t know until he improves” Y/N sat in the way of the flap giving Daryl an unreadable look and all he wanted to know mostly was if she was alright after what she had to do. But decided to focus on different matters. “Did you need something, Dar?”
“Uh. No I just…I’m gonna look for Sophia in the mornin’. Wanna let yea know”
“Thank you…be safe and back before nightfall”
“I promise, sunshine” He gave a small nod shortly leaving after, letting Y/N get some sleep even when once the tent flap closed she felt the heat consume her face when he called her that.
But that small happiness faded when her anxiety started to eat at her the more the sunlight faded in the next day.
“You need to stop pacing. You’ve done laundry, you checked Carl’s incision site, you gave Maggie and Glenn a list of drugs to look for on their run, amongst other small tasks. Creating a ditch in the dirt just from pacing back and forth is only going to wear your shoes out and not make Daryl come back any fast” Andrea told Y/N while she got up on top of the RV to take watch.
“She’s got a point. You’re wearing yourself out over possibly nothing” Dale said while handing his rifle up to Andrea expecting her not having to use it. “He’s looking for signs of Sophia or her overall and will be back. He told you that much”
“Least you know what his intentions are. Most partners don’t realize their significant other is cheating on them because they beat around the bush when asked “where have you been”” Rick stepped out of the RV saying such which in response was a confused expression from Y/N. “He is your boyfriend is he not?”
“No! We aren’t together at all…”
“Hm. Odd”
“How so?”
“I had to pull off a very angry drunk Daryl off of Shane the night we spent at the CDC. Threatened to kill him if he ever laid a hand on yea again” Rick shrugged. “That’s when I thought y’all were somethin’ more.”
Andrea laughed at the situation, earning an annoyed groan from Y/N as she turned to Dale about to question if he knew about that incident when her friend’s tone shifted.
“WALKER” Andrea shouted rising from the lawn chair. “Walker!”
“Just the one?” Rick question without a confirmation on the number but he couldn’t focus on that anymore when Shane, Glenn, and T-Dog started to make their way over to said walker. “Hold up. Hershel wants to handle the walkers”
“We’ve got it” Shane assured continuing on his way while Andrea had the brilliant idea that she can take out the walker with the rifle she has and the sun in her eyes.
Dale kept trying to tell her not to take the shot. Maybe because they were heading their way toward the “walker” and she couldn’t accidentally hit the living.
But she did that. To the walker that was actually an injured Daryl.
When he dropped, the ounce of joy Andrea felt immediately faded when all three by the RV heard the shouts of no!
Y/N quickly made her way over to the shouting and noticed the limp hunter in between Rick and Shane that she started to feel that itchy feeling that came with anger. She gripped the tank top she was in, quickly turning around and heading straight for her tent to get her scrub top before making it to the house the second Hershel was informed.
Regardless of the minor protests of having her patch Daryl up, even from the man himself, Y/N was persistent and pissed.
When the adrenaline wore off, Daryl passed out but thankfully his wounds were taken care of and he was left alone. Not entirely though. Y/N sat on the window bench watching the rise and fall of his chest every now and then. But for the most part she kept her focus on her hands and how much blood stained her skin. Especially her nails.
Just the thought and fact of it being his blood resulted in her curling up on herself and sobbing ever so softly.
The time Carol came in and told him how grateful she was that he still went out of his way to go search for Sophia, Daryl noticed Y/N’s sleeping form in the window but especially the redness slightly above her cheeks.
“She’s been here the whole time. She does a good stitch job from what Hershel says” Carol whispers with a small laugh at the end of her sentence. “Get some rest, Dixon”
Y/N woke to the sound of struggling and a few curses. Daryl thought he could go unnoticed given their group was asleep in their tents and so was the family that owned the house but the light sleeper that was his—Y/N woke up.
“Stop starin’ and give me a hand”
“You deserve to rest in a bed, Daryl…” Y/N frowns getting up from her spot and approaching him but before he could protest, she helped him stand to his feet. “Least let me help you to your tent”
Daryl nodded, letting Y/N wrap one of his arms around her shoulders before getting out of the house. She made him take it slow and practically at her pace given it was what she wanted him to go at.
The silence was killing him that when they finally reached his tent and Y/N was about to part from him, he gently grabbed her wrist pulling her back.
“What’s wrong?”
“You haven’t talked. Not a long walk but still. You just…haven’t”
Y/N stared at him. Stared into those deep blue eyes that bore into her soul for an answer which only let the damn break loose.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me?” The wobble in her voice shook him in his core. “Seeing you…in the state that you were in…yeah, you made it…but a little over and you wouldn’t be here and I would’ve lost you” she felt a few tears slip, pulling herself away enough so that she could hold his hand. “You mean…so much to me, Daryl Dixon.”
The staring from said Dixon only continued and that couldn’t help the thought of crossing a line to flood Y/N’s mind. But before she could even think to pull away and head to her tent, Daryl pulled her in and pressed his lips firmly against hers…
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heartlesscorpse · 6 months
Ghostface HCs ⋆。°✩👻🔪
Wahoo, more Ghostfaceeee. Ghostface brainrot be really taking over tho gadayum, Danny gonna drill a hole into my fucking brain; unlike Pyramid Head as he pretty much made a crater. Smh, I’m rambling too much and Imma move on from that now — yeah slightly busy week but pushing through in the mean time and having Ghostface for some fuckin’ motivation. Some nsfw shit will be mentioned and possibly some gore but nonetheless, this’ll be a fun one boys. ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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OKAY getting this shit out of the way first but Slipknot do be hitting hard for me atm and I gotta say it’s either Vermilion or Prosthetics that give me massive brainrot and Ghostface vibes.
It’s a possibility I might even write a mini fic based off of Prosthetics ngl, now there’s a fuckin’ thought.
It’s either some dumbass banter or flirting between you and Ghostface, never an in between. Most of the time 90% of whatever flirtatious remarks comes out of Danny’s mouth is a joke, but at the same time he’s also not fuckin’ kidding.
“Baby what that tongue do?” “Lick my fingers. To turn the pages of the Bible for sinners like you.”
Get ready for some nightly fucking shenanigans because Ghostface is going to drop in when you least expect it.
Despite being the flirtatious bastard he is, Danny can get clingy at times.
Like this man could demand cuddles and if you refuse he will just tie you up and have his cuddles anyways because he doesn’t give a shit if you say no. He does what he wants anyways.
He’ll have you lying there tied up and helpless on your bed, listening to whatever fuckin’ rants he’s going on about, probably something about his night or maybe shit talking about another resident in Roseville he plans to kill in some few days. ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
By the time he’s leaving he might’ve took something small of yours for keeping, not like you were gonna notice much of a difference anyways. And you’re definitely not gonna get it back.
Besides stalking his chosen targets for his next kill, Ghostface still keeps his tabs on you whenever he doesn’t happen to show up inside your home or phone in. Either he’d take some photos on random occasions while you’re in public, keeping lost items of yours, might’ve ended up building a small shrine out of that shit ngl.
It’s almost hilarious but at the same time it isn’t, because Ghostface swore to himself he would never build some sort of attachment towards his victims or anybody in general but then you came along and somehow changed that shit. 💀💀
Might’ve found out your text tbh so he could annoy you for endless hours during the day when he’s not around and playing himself as Jed and working at the Gazette.
Did I forget to mention how possessive he is??? Man’s honestly lucky to have some restraint and composure seeing some other people talking to you and breathing the same fuckin’ air otherwise he would’ve killed them already by the next night, this shit don’t apply to that drunkard who was harassing you the one Saturday night you went out to the bar with friends though. That shit was justified in his opinion.
There’s either two reasons and two reasons only why Ghostface would’ve made a drop inside your house, either this man is wanting attention from you and to talk, or this mfer is horny as shit. There’s no in-between.
Dude’s into kinky shit you name it, stuff like: bondage, blood play, knife play, things like that. Blood play might’ve been off the table for the first half however he might’ve brought it up some time around when you got comfy enough where you weren’t constantly having to get into some cat fight with the guy.
Might I add, the first time he met you and he was picking you off as one of his victims he got a fuckin’ hard-on from your fear and seeing the bit of blood smeared on your arms or cheeks while you were fighting for your life.
Mirror sex, semi-public sex, a quickie, phone sex, dude’s up for some small bit of risks and that mainly goes with semi-public ofc because he finds it fun and adds more spice to the situation.
He’s still paying close in mind wherever he does it so he himself isn’t getting caught in that position with you and shit would somehow escalate. He doesn’t do it often a lot but maybe to some rare occasion or something like that.
He likes hearing you beg and looking like an absolute flustered mess under him. 😌
Rough sex is also a big yes, he doesn’t do it gentle much but it might’ve happened in some rare chances even if you didn’t ask for it.
Mask stays on babes he’s not taking it off during sex.
He’s also pushing you to overstimulation because he can and will, and he takes fuckin’ joy out of it >:))
Gets a small power trip out of it too, knowing he’s the one driving you insane this way and making you plead for his cock.
Shhh that’s just his way of showing how much he loves you.
He’s pretty good with aftercare, cuddles in bed afterwards and a short nap in the mean time before morning where he’ll have to bounce by then and get to work.
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dollfaceirene · 7 months
do better or stay bitter
So i'm finally off my blog posting break and i came up with this idea a few days ago so i decided today to finally write it up as a post today.
Imma cut it short and keep it blunt, some of yall do alot more complaining than changing and its like don't yall find it tiring?
Some of yall will come on apps to complain about "not being able to manifest", someone gives you advice or recommends useful posts and yall read over the post and never actually apply it to your own mindset/state and its like, don't yall find it tiring?
It comes to a point where y'all will be aware that you are re-affirming the same assumptions that simply don't benefit you and keep reinforcing the fact you are in a state of lack rather than actually taking time to reflect and affirm & make assumptions that are actually beneficial to what you want.
☆ lemme give an analogy,
We have Samantha and we have Jessica. Both Jessica and Samantha found out about the law of assumption around the same time and have recently finished their uni degrees.
Both Samantha and Jessica are currently applying to work at their dream jobs. Samantha, working at a bank and Jessica, working as a pharmacist.
Currently, both Samantha and Jessica haven't been having much success with looking for jobs as they either don't get any interviews or just don't get any callbacks.
This put Samantha and Jessica into a spiral of them affirming stuff of lack, e.g. "i will never be able to find a job" and since its their dominant assumptions, they are constantly shown in the 3D that they find it hard to get a job.
One day, Jessica was scrolling through her phone and saw a loa youtube video from a youtuber she subscribed to awhile back. She decides to watch this video and it gives a simplified summary of what the law of assumption is & how to apply it. She decides to keep affirming that she has her desired job no matter what was shown in the 3D. If she saw she didn't get any callbacks, she would keep affirming that she did have her desired job and that she was in control of her reality. Awhile later, she gets an interview to work at a private pharmacy and ends up landing the job there.
Meanwhile Samantha starts to overconsume alot of law of assumption posts, success stories, etc and never wants to apply the information. She always feels insanely jealous of people who have manifested desired things. She one days decides to do a mental diet however, instead of being disciplined with her thoughts & flipping any thoughts that didn't benefit her, only a few hours into the mental diet, she "quits" saying its too hard and that the law of assumption never works for her, even though it is universal & can be used to manifest anything.
the main point i want yall to get is that,
i) anyone is capable of changing their dominant assumptions
ii) only you can change your reality
iii) the law of assumption is neutral
Yall need to stop sitting on the sidelines while reading other success stories wishing it was you, newflash, it can and will be you once you've decided you have that in your reality.
Do better. Start that mental diet, listen to your affirmation tapes, do whatever helps you feel fulfilled or whatever. Stop going back to old story once you see something unfavourable in your 3D. Stop moping around how you "wish the loa will work for you" when it does! it works for everyone, you are no exception.
Be the Jessica of your reality. Be the one who identifies & decides that they have their desire no matter what instead of being the one who allows themselves to be the victim of their reality (which they can easily change) *cough, cough* Samantha.
Words of comfort: i just want to close off this post by saying i know alot of the time, circumstances can be so overwhelming that its so hard to affirm against it and can just be so frustrating at times. I hope you find peacr & comfort in your reality and wishing you all the best <3 rooting for yall, you can do this :)
stay limitless, xoxo irene
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tesalicious2 · 2 months
Kesett Modern AU Headcanons:
Boba is the youngest of his fam, with his dad being Jango then goes Cody (married to Obi, both 26), Bly 25 (married to Aayla 25), Ponds 24, Wolffe 22, Fox 22 (married to Quinlan 24), Rex 20, Boba 18 (other clones are 1st cousins)
Cal and Boba were 16 when they met each other
All Mandalorians live in a community, kinda like Arabic Communities, just sprinkled around with Mandalorian Shops nearby and some neighborhoods with large groups of them
They all know each other and talk/gossip, especially about the younger Gen.
Because of this, Boba keeps his social life away from all that
Cal attends the same high school and they share a few classes (that’s how they met)
They both went to a party, got high, and made out/mostly talked in the backyard for several hours
The Monday of school, Boba asked Cal out on a date and they’ve been together ever since
They both really like each other but Boba keeps it a secret from his fam (Cal’s fam knows and have met Boba)
They are able to keep it a secret for a long time with the help of their friends
Bobas family have met Cal but under the pretense of being friends
At first they kept it a secret because they didn’t know how serious they were. When they were ready, it was hard to bring it up
Cal is adopted by Jaro Tapal, who isn’t home during the week due to work, but he is home on weekends
Boba and Cal are eventually caught by Bossk, Boba’s other father (not in a relationship with Jango but Jango needed help and Bossk was there a lot)
Boba and Cal were kissing outside of the school at the end of the day and Bossk went to pick Boba up (Boba’s car was being borrowed by Wolffe) and Bossk came too early
Bossk is like ‘okay why do I care’ and doesn’t tell anyone bc he thinks Boba’s panicked face is funny
Bossk’s condition for keeping it a secret is that he gets to be there when Boba tells everyone
It ends up during a large family party (a lot of relatives are there, not his brothers spouses, just his brothers), one of Boba’s cousins who hates Boba asked about Boba’s boyfriend at the table, like everyone knew
He pretended to be shocked that Boba hadn’t told anyone (he eavesdropped on them talking about dates and sneaking out)
You could hear a pin drop
It was quickly a brawl between the two, with Boba winning via breaking his nose
He ran out with his brothers clamoring after him, stopping when his father came into the yard and yelled at them
Boba ended up at Cal’s place, spending the night there
Both of them went over the next day, to introduce Cal quietly
Unfortunately, all his brothers and their partners were still there so it was more
Boba walks in and calls for his dad, everyone peaks out to see them, Cal pales and tries to walk out, Jango seats them all away and talks to the boys outside
it goes pretty well, Jango likes Cal but doesn't give him the shovel talk because Cal already looks like he's about to keel over and die
Jango doesn't pity him enough to save him from his children and has Cal go inside while talking to Boba outside
Cal looks traumatized after that and has yet to say a word without seeming like it was under duress
The whole night goes well but no one really *knows* anything about cal by the end of it
Fett Fam: we aren’t that intimidating, whys he so afraid? Cal: *inside his head* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA but also Boba asked me to be here so imma do my best :D but also AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
It isn’t until a few more meetings that they actually start to get to know him
Unfortunately, due to his fam knowing, Boba and Cal are more limited in their dates (and other more intimate activities, tho no one knows about this)
Bad to worse when a month or so later Rex walks in on them making out that’s more bordering on having sex with clothes on
Cue the ‘use protection talk’ that turns into ‘you’ve been doing this how long’ to ‘my baby brother is innocent and is a baby!’
So now they are limited to any fun activities outside of either home which has caused problems but they deal
Cal has a chance to meet the Fett family spouses during a family dinner turned storm hideout for the weekend
It was raining hard and supposed to be bad but as dinner continued the power went out and the streets were undrivable so no one could get home
Cal bonded surprisingly well with Aayla Obiwan and Quinlan and they eased him about being a part of the family
Despite being introduced to both families, they keep it rather private and just between them
A few weeks before leaving for college, both families decide to have a whole get together to meet (though Boba limited them to just his direct family, no cousins or aunts/uncles)
Cal and Boba are nervous but Jaro and Jango do the ‘dad’ thing and talk shop about whatever dads talk about and that eases everyone
To no one surprise, they get married after college and move into an apartment an hour from Jango’s home
They use Mandalorian traditions for the wedding, gifting knives, the vows, and exchange arm cuffs worn on the upper arm (instead of the vambrance, a modern substitute. Cal gets a set of armor later.)
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soggyriceee · 1 year
Brothers Best Friend ~ Konig NSFW
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[Hello! This is probably gonna be one of my favorites to be honest. No trigger warning on this one, just smut.]
" Go ahead. You can put your bag here." Your brother said, motioning his tall friend to the living room couch. You watched the tall guy drop his bag, smiling to your mom and father. " Thank you for giving me a place to stay for a bit. I cant begin to tell you how appreciative I am." His deep voice boomed, his German accent coming through. You kept your eyes on him, looking him up and down slowly. " Don't even mention it. I know what it's like to have toxic parents. You're always welcomed here." Your dad smiled, shaking his hand.
You were assuming he. had just gotta kicked out. He sat on the couch, looking over to you and giving a small wave. You smiled and waved back before looking to your parents. " I'll be in my room studying. It was nice to meet you Konig." You smiled before standing and walking towards your room.
As you closed your door, you turned back towards the living room to see Konig looking at you as your parents spoke to your older brother. You smirked and closed the door. You had to admit, he was hot. He was like 6 foot something, deep voice. He had long shaggy brown hair with a nice undercut and dark, dark brown eyes. He was beautiful.
A few hours had gone by, it was about 10 or so. Your parents had ordered take out for the night so fortunately you were able to eat in your room. You were watching a show on your laptop when someone knocked on your door. You yelled come in and slowly, the tall male walked in the room. " Oh hi Konig. Is everything okay?" You smiled to him, pausing the show.
" Yeah I-i was just a bit cold. I was wondering if you had a-a spare.. blanket." He replied, his hand gripping the knob still. " Hot in the summer? Couldn't think of a better excuse to talk to me?" You smirked, putting down the take out box. His cheeks turned a bright pink and he looked down. " I-i uhm.." You stood and walked over, pulling him into your room. Your parents and brother were long asleep as they all had work in the morning. " Im watching this drama. Wanna watch with me?" You asked, turning to meet his wide eyes and pink face.
" W-wont we g-get in trouble?" He asked, pointing to the closed door. You shook your head, grabbing his hand and pulling him onto the bed. He was tense, half his body sliding off the bed and avoiding any eye contact with you. " Konig.. get comfy. You're making me feel uncomfortable." You pouted, pointing to his legs. He hesitated but moved more onto the bed, sitting tensely next to you. You smiled and pressed play, grabbing your food.
Minuets pass by and Konig slowly becomes more and more comfortable. He even chuckles at the show. " Imma go get water, do you want any?" You asked as the show credits play. He shook his head, looking down at you. " No thank you." He said softly. His doe eyes only made you stay at him longer. It stayed like this, both of you staring at each other. Finally you speak up. " You know.. I know its wrong to say because of how close you are with my brother but.." You shift, sitting on your knees to even your height with his.
" You're really hot." You whispered. Scanning his body you realized the bulge in his striped pajama pants. You smirked, palming it gently. A whimper left his lips, a gasp shortly after. " We.. we can't.." he breathed out, his eyes stuck on your hand. " We'll just have to be quiet." You responded, sliding onto his lap. Your hands wrapped around his neck, looking into his eyes, smirking. He looked at you with desperation, his hands still put beside his hips.
" But.. if you really want we can stop." You spoke, realizing this might be a lot for him at once. As you began to move off, his hands quickly moved to your hips, moving you back to where you once were. " N-no.. please." He breathed out. You smirked and leaned in, pressing your lips to his. Quickly he kissed you back, his hands holding you hard against his bulge. A whimper left his lips causing your pussy to clench around nothing. You broke away, his bottom lip being tugged gently by your teeth. " That was so hot.. you should make that noise again." You smirked, beginning to grind your hips slowly.
He gasped, looking down as your hips moved against his. He closed his eyes, bitting his bottom lip as to suppress his cute moans. You grabbed his face, forcing him to look at you. " Does it not feel good? ill have to stop if I dont know if your feeling good baby.." you whispered, halting your hips. "n-no it f-feels so good .. please keep going." he said, shaking his head and pushing his lower half into yours.
You jerked up at his sudden actions, a small laugh coming from you. How could such a tall, muscular man be so submissive to someone he's met once in person? You moved your hips back and forth, feeling him grind against your clit. You sucked in a breath, looking down as your hips moved. His head fell back against your wall, his eyes shut. this was the perfect chance to attach your lips to his neck and you did just that.
He gasped, his grip on your becoming stronger. " Fuck.." he breathed out, guiding your hips faster. you moaned into his neck, leaving behind red and purple bruises. But suddenly, he halted your hips. You pulled away from another mark you were leaving on his skin, looking into his shiny, pleasing eyes. " I-i don't think this is a good idea. w-we could get caught. or what if one of us grows feelings? or both of us?" he asked, his hands dropping to his side.
at first you pouted. you were having so much fun and you could tell he was too. " Konig.. if your that anxious we can stop. I dont want this to be a bad experience for you." you said softly. "but.. you just begged me to keep going." you said, still feeling his aching dick on your core. "I-i know but.. I wasn't thinking about everything that could go bad." you smiled softly before leaning in, slowly. you wanted to see how he'd react. but when he didn't move, you pressed your lips onto his, softly. not a heated makeup session way, just a regular, gentle kiss.
he sighed into it, pulling you closer. you smirked and pulled away, his eyes opening seconds after you. " well don't think of the negatives baby. let me take care of you." you whispered, then, very slowly, kissing from his ear, down his neck and to his shoulder. he shivered at your touch, goosebumps covering his skin. he didn't reply, his body did all the talking this time. your hands slid up the t shirt he had on, feeling his abs. you hummed at his fit body, smiling softly. " may I take this off?" you asked, tugging his shirt. quickly, he nodded.
within minuets both of you were naked, you on your knees at the end of your bed, while he sat at the edge. his dick, standing straight up, threatened you. it was huge. and thick. never have you felt more anxious to have sex with someone so much in your life. what if he literally snaps you in half? "y-you dont have to. I know my size is.. often too much." he said, beginning to move backwards. but you gripped his calves, shaking your head.
" im just thinking about how many times I could make you cum tonight.." you whispered, looking in his eyes. his cheeks and ears turned a bright red and he looked away. you smiled before moving up, taking him in your, compared to his, small hands. your other rested on his thigh as you prepared for him inside your mouth. you kissed his thigh before looking up. " are you ready?" you asked.
he had mentioned to you that he'd never gotten head. why? look at the size of him. any sane person would quickly realize that he'd never fully fit. most people would probably puke because of how far back he'd reach. but you were determined. determined to hear this man whimper again. " yes but.. if it feels uncomfortable then tell me.. I don't mind stopping." he breathed out, nodding slowly. You flashes him a quick smile before licking your lips and slowly, painfully slow, taking him in your mouth.
His breath hitched for a moment. His eyes were wide at the new feeling. It was a bit different than it being inside someones pussy. Not super different, but different enough. His breath was stuck in his throat as he watched you stay still, almost halfway down his length. " A-are you okay?" He asked, gulping at the sight of you. Your eyes looked up at him and you nodded, tears pricking the corner of your eyes.
After a moment of getting used to him in your mouth, you slowly moved down as much as you could. At this point his tip hit the back of your throat and still, he wasn't completely in your mouth. You knew your limits and you weren't going to force yourself more. Slowly, your brought your head back up, your tongue pressed flat against the side of his length. His breath hitched, his eyes fluttering closed. Again, you moved your head back down, watching his every reaction. " O-oh my.. oh~" he whimpered, his hands gripping the sheets.
You moaned onto his length, sucking the tip gently once you moved your head back up. His hips jerked up, forcing himself down your throat. You gagged, holding his thighs for support. " O-oh my God Im so sorry! I d-didn't mean to." His head shooting up, looking down apologetically at you. You pulled away, smiling. "It's okay Konig. It's your first time having this done to you I was expecting it." You chuckled, looking at his soaked, veiny dick inches away from your face. You wrapped your hand around his base, moving up slowly and back down just as slow.
" A-are you su..sure you wanna continue?" He asked, looking down at you. You nodded, pushing yourself up again, sliding his dick down your throat as much as you could. His head immediately fell back, resting his body on his forearms. You began to move your head a bit faster, hollowing out your cheeks. Every time you came up, you made sure to suck a bit more hard at the tip, always earning a whimper from his pretty lips. " F-fuck your so good..at this." He moaned, his back resting his back on the bed.
It didn't take long before you felt him twitching in your mouth, his whimpers slowly growing louder and louder. He was in a trance, had no idea what his body was doing. To the point he hadn't realized you had stopped moving your head completely, his hips fucking into your mouth. " I-i'm gonna..im gonna cum." he moaned, his hips moving faster. His body shot up, a strained moan leaving his lips as his cum filled your mouth, his hand gripping your hair to make sure you took every single drop. He gasped, his legs shaking, his eyes closing tightly.
Slowly you moved your head up and down along his tip, helping him ride out his high. You looked up at him, saliva and a bit of cum connecting the two of you as you pulled away. " i... Im s-sorry for-" " It was hot Konig.. Im soaked.." you said, looking up at him, your lips puffy and wet. His eyes were locked onto your face, his breathing slowing down. " C..can I fuck you.. please." He whispered. A smirk spread across your lips as you stood, pulling the hoodie off your body. His eyes landed on your breasts, your pointy nipples calling out for him.
" Please fuck me Konig.." You whispered, slowly pulling your panties down, pooling them at your feet. He immediately stood, lifting you so your legs were wrapped around his waist. He walked over to your vanity, placing you gently on top of it. His hands spread your legs, gently pushing you back against the mirror. His eyes were dark, scanning your body as if he was trying to decide what to touch first. His eyes landed on your breasts, his lips latching around your right nipple, his fingers playing with the left. A gasp left your lips, your eyes fluttering closed. You felt his length at your core, begging for permission to get in. " Your so fucking hot libeling.. but such a fucking whore. Fucking your brothers best friend when he's only a room away from us." He said against your breast, his other hand moving down to move his length against your clit.
Your body jerked back, a moan leaving your lips. You have had sexual encounters before, but none this.. sexy. This risky. " Aren't you such a whore?" He whispered, removing his lips fro your nipple and moving to the left. " Y-yes i..im a whore Konig." You breathed out, the amount of pleasure you were getting from him overwhelming. He chuckled before standing straight up. " Then i'm gonna fuck you like one too." He said before slipping his length into you. A yelp left your lips, his hand immediately going to cover your mouth. His hips stoped, letting you adjust to what was inside you before moving more inside you. Once all of him was inside, he showed no mercy.
His hips slammed into you, his hand still covering your mouth. Your head fell back onto the mirror, your hands gripping his shoulders for support. His head dropped, watching him disappear inside you, and when he did pull out, your slick coating him completely, his dick shiny. He whimpered at the sight, biting his lip. " f-fuck baby.. your so t-tight." His head fell back, his hands now gripping your thighs. " Oh K-Konig.. p-please go..go faster." You whimpered, your nails digging into his skin.
" You pathetic slut. Can't.. be grateful for what you got huh?" He growled, his nails digging deeper into your skin. He pushed you down a bit more, half your body hanging off the vanity. He wrapped your legs around his neck, allowing himself to hit deeper inside you. As his hips slammed into you, the vanity shook, things dropping every now and then. " K-konig.. fuck!" You squeaked, your hands gripping his forearms. His hair stuck to his forehead, his eyes staring you down. " You like it? You like fucking your brothers best friend?" His accent was thick, only turning you on more. " Y-yes.. fuck I love it. I l-love it so so much." You whimpered, locking eyes with him. He growled, pulling out and dragging you down. " Turn. Now." He breathed out.
Quickly, you turned, facing yourself in the mirror. He shoved your top half down, kicking your legs apart. He slid back in with such ease, a moan leaving the both of you immediately. His hips wasted no Tims in slamming into youths hand pulling your hair back. " Look at yourself when I fuck you.. l-look at how.. pathetic you look." he groaned, watching you in the mirror. You clenched around him, a whimper coming from his plump lips. " K-Konig im g..gonna cum." you moaned, your hands pressed against the mirror. He was looking down, watching him disappear and reappear. " Coat me baby.. coat me in that sweet.. cum.. fuck~" he whimpered, his free hand gripping your hip as he moved faster, deeper.
At this point neither of you were too worried about the noise. You both felt too good to care. Your highs were gonna wash up on each other hard, the desperation from you both growing more and more with each thrust. " I-im.. fuck!" Your body tensed up as you felt yourself release, your legs shaking as your breath caught in your throat. His hips moved faster, both his hands now gripping your hips as your face pressed against the mirror. " fuck fuck fuck.. fuck!" he whimpered, his thrusts jagged as he filled you, his head dropping onto your back. He gave small thrusts, riding out his high and yours, whines leaving his lips.
For a minuet you both stayed there, trying to catch your breathes. " a..are you okay?" he whispered, slowly raising himself off you. but you were too tired to say anything. he chucked and slid out and he felt you clench around him, a small chuckle leaving his lips. His cum and yours ran down your wobbly legs, a sigh leaving his lips. " thats so hot.." he mumbled to himself. you felt his arms wrap around your waist as he lifted you slowly, leaving the room and walking towards the bathroom. " here. pee while I get you some clothes." he smiled, closing the door.
you stared at the door in somewhat awe. a few moments ago he was degrading you and now, he's taking care of you. the most gentle kind human. usually after these things your left to take care of yourself. for the first time, you were being taken care of. " here. ill go back to the couch im a bit tired. if you need anything-" "sleep in my bed." you cut him off. he froze, his eyes wide. "w-what no your brother and parents would kill me." "they all work in the morning. they never check my room and if anything, just write a quick note saying you left for the gym. just please sleep with me tonight." you said, looking up at him from the toilet.
he smiled and nodded. "okay. ill be waiting for you." he smiled, closing the door and heading back to your room. you blushed and looked down at your hands. were you actually growing a crush on him? when you were done, you slowly walked back to your bed, Konig already laying down. " just sent your brother a text saying ill be at the gym in the morning." he smiled, putting his phone down.
you laid next to him, taking in his scent. " Konig..?" you whispered. he hummed. " I enjoyed having sex with you.. and I hope we can do it again." he chuckled and pressed a soft kiss on your forehead. " we will.. trust me."
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
hi! if you're feeling up to it, may i request tadc cast reuniting with the reader after escaping the digital circus? (not sure if caine would work though, sorry caine fans ;_;) tysm! btw, A+ gif choices :>
Reunited! (TADC cast x reader!)
Except Caine <|3 I kept putting this up because I uh uh
Kinda kept forgetting <\3 I'm so sorry anon 😭😭
This ended up more so being what you guys get up to after reuniting in the real world!
Written on mobile!
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Sure she may have wanted to escape the digital world... a lot... but she never thought she would actually escape, and with everyone else too..! So that's nice! Imagine her shock when by pure chance she runs into you. More so shocked than anything, but relieved.. she was so tied up from being free again that she didnt realize how much she missed you.. it feels.. weird holding your real body.. but it's not unwelcome!
Honestly the hardest thing for jax is to tone down his whole.. asshole thing, because people in the real world arent trapped in a space. Actually it would be this reason that you almost dont recognize him..! Woah jax not being an ass for once? Thats not your man!!!!!
As for feeling stuff... oh boy I think I mentioned somewhere that hes a clingy shit behind closed doors, or maybe that was a hyper specific request.. but get ready to have to carry this dude around for a few hours
I know I mentioned this. a few times but I love the idea of ragatha and her partner opening up a little bakery together. I can see her being into baking plus I think it fits her aesthetic; if she didnt get into Doll making and stuff... ponders... tearful reunion for you two, ragatha cant help but get a little touchy when she realizes it's you.. though she awkwardly pulls away and apologizes for that.. please hold her and dont let go
Its.. nice... I already have two teary reunions in this post.. hmm.. I don't think kinger would cry. The way I can describe it emotion wise is when you find an old trinket from your childhood. Nostalgic, maybe? I think he takes the longest to build himself back up to where you guys were in your relationship.. the trauma (which realistically they all have, however I think so far at least its hit kinger the worst), losing his possible wife (queener/queenie), reconnecting with his kids (I hc he had at least one kid!!), ect ect
You guys are going to have to take it slow, you know? I have a second request with this prompt for kinger so imma go more into that there!
Writing this down first before I forget but you guys open up a body mod shop together. Piercings, tattoos, ect ect ect. Idk zooble just kind of gives off those vibes, and I feel like you guys would do that together. You guys move in a.. longish..while after reuniting in the real world and confirming who you are to one another.. it's not so much as zooble wants to make sure it's really you, its more so zooble needs time to get used to the real world again + they're cagey about their space !
Another tearful reunion, she cant believe it's really you. She really thought that she would never see you again... but you're here..! Similar to jax, shes going to cling right onto you and not let go.. you guys hand out nearly everyday for the next few weeks while you try to sort things out, perhaps quickly moving in together
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
Bot Buddy the single parent with a sparkling and being friends with Swerve
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain reader
Swerve has a lot of respect for Buddy.
Who else goes on a ship looking for a new life for them and their sparkling?
Not a lot of bots sadly.
Buddy and Swerve first met in one of Blurr’s races.
Swerve had just left with his supposed hero’s number in servo when he noticed a bot holding a sparkling trying to open a door with their pede.
Swerve opens the door for the bot.
The bot looks in surprise at the open door and looks down at Swerve.
“Please, after you.”--Swerve
The bot goes through and turns to smile at him.
“Thank you so much! I’ve been trying forever to try and get that door open, but you can only do so much when your servos are tied.”--Buddy
Swerve just smiles before looking at the sparkling who was staring at him curiously.
“No Problem! Happy to help!”--Swerve
The bot looks at a nearby confection stand.
“Hey, let me buy you something as a way to say thanks.”--Buddy
“Oh, there’s no need—”--Swerve
The bot smiles a bit.
“I think they’re insisting too…”--Buddy
“Oh! The names Swerve!”--Swerve
“That’s a nice name, I’m Buddy.”--Buddy
After a bit of talking the two had exchanged numbers and the rest was history.
Buddy doesn’t go on the ship immediately; they ended up on the ship as Megatron’s official guard.
It took a lot of convincing to get they’re only sparkling to come aboard the ship.
When Swerve heard about his friend joining the ship, he made sure to be one of the first to meet them.
Buddy was so relief to see a familiar face when they entered the ship’s entrance.
The sparkling was just cooing and giggling hearing the familiar voice.
Swerve loves the little sparkling.
The sparkling gets very attached to him and their parent when more and more unfamiliar faces start to appear.
“Hey Swerve, have you seen—”--Buddy
The sparkling is crawling on the floor with Swerve crawling behind them.
“Imma getcha! Imma get—"--Swerve
Swerve pauses and looks at Buddy who’s leaning on the door frame with a tired smile.
“I take it you got them?”--Buddy
The sparkling perks up and happily crawls to their parent.
Buddy picks up their sparkling as Swerve stands up brushing the imaginary dust from his armor.
“We just finished one of those Earth dino films and they wanted to play dinos so…”--Swerve
Buddy chuckles a bit and pats Swerve on the helm.
“Thanks Swerve.”--Buddy
Swerve looks a bit more at Buddy’s tired face.
“You know I don’t mind watching them for a while longer. Really! Anyways I think a few hours of recharge would do you good. You look like Whirl after that 36-hour cocktail binge last month.”--Swerve
“I’m fine Swerve—”--Buddy
Swerve gives them a look.
Buddy sighs before giving him their sparkling.
“Only for an hour.”--Buddy
“I’ll wake you up Buddy.”--Swerve
Buddy smiles at Swerve and their sparkling and walks back to their habsuite for some extra sleep.
Swerve knows that Buddy’s job isn’t easy and long night are a common thing, but it turned into a real nightmare when the sparkling was awake or had a nightmare.
He did his best to help Buddy with their sparkling so they could at least get an hour or two of sleep or work done.
One of the best ways he has figured out to get both Buddy and the sparkling to relax a bit was through movie nights.
He has all sort of kid’s movies or softer toned ones to entertain them both or just the sparkling and let buddy sleep through it.
It’s mainly a minibot club that joins in for the movie nights, but on the occasion, they’ll get other bots to join in.
While watching Beauty and the Beast.
“When is Belle going to use that knife and kill the Beast?”--Whirl
“Whirl this is a kids movie!”--Swerve
“And? The last ‘kids’ movie you put on had that earth cats creator die from that free fall.”--Whirl
“Wait he died!?”--Tailgate
“Yes?! Weren’t you—oh yeah, you left in the middle for a snack break.”--Whirl
“Shhh! Buddy’s sleeping. Keep it down a bit.”--Rewind
Whirl sassily waves his claw dramatically draping part of his frame on Cyclonus who was holding Tailgate in his lap. Tailgate was holding the sparkling on his lap, both extremely invested in the movie.
The sparkling is very shy meeting the new bots but does warm up to them with some time and with enough talking.
They prefer the minibots a lot more than the rest of the crew.
It may or may not be because they associate smaller bots to Swerve.
Tailgate loves playing around with the sparkling.
But he can only play certain things with them.
One time Tailgate thought it was a smart idea to bring the sparkling on his hoverboard to take a quick ride around the ship.
Buddy, Swerve, Cyclonus and Whirl walking down the hall.
“Do you think they’re okay? It’s been a couple of hours…”--Buddy
“You worry too much Buddy; Tailgate isn’t going to let anything happen to them. Tell them Cyclonus.”--Swerve
“Tailgate would never put your sparkling in harm’s way.”--Cyclonus
“Please! What is the worst thing Panic buttons gonna do? Take them on a high speed chase—”--Whirl
Tailgate zooms past them with the sparkling strapped on their sling.
“HI! BYE!”--Tailgate
Rodimus is chasing after him with Drift following closely behind.
“…I stand corrected.”--Whirl
Buddy falls backwards fainting.
Swerve is by their side slightly panicking that his friend just passed out.
Rewind shows pretty colors and shapes to the sparkling.
He teams up with Chromedome in trying to get them to say their first words.
Both secretly think this is their idea of practice in case either wants a kid in the future.
“C’mon say ‘Rewind’.”--Rewind
“Or Chromedome.”--Chromedome
“That’s too long.”--Rewind
“And Rewind is too complicated.”--Chromedome
Brainstorm comes into the room.
“I brought the new binary gun designs—”--Brainstorm
Brainstorm picks up the sparkling who just looks confused while Rewind face palms and Chromedome just chuckles a bit.
“Buddy is not going to like this.”--Rewind
Swerve is the sparklings favorite.
They have him wrapped around their digit and everyone knows that.
He gives the best bedtime stories, and they love hearing his voice.
The sparkling will get excited whenever they hear their parent of Swerve talk.
Swerve is Buddy’s go to babysitter but knows that they can’t rely on just him and the mini’s. They do take more of an effort to formally introduce their sparkling to the rest of the crew.
A safety precaution if you will.
Buddy pointing at a picture of Swerve.
The sparkling nods.
Buddy shows them a picture of Lockdown.
The sparkling shakes their helm.
Buddy shows a picture or Whirl.
The sparkling nods their helm.
“HA! Take that Magnus!”--Whirl
Whenever Buddy has a mission out of the ship and Swerve is babysitting them at the bar, he puts up a sign announcing when the baby is present.
This is a universal sign of being on your best behavior or he will sic Magnus or Ten on you.
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maltesejjong · 4 months
after being ia for so long, and losing the passwords to my original tumblr and wattpad accts, i am happy to say i am BACK, even if you don’t know who i am lmao. For now, imma be doing reposts of my old tumblr and wattpad posts before i start new content. Enjoy!
꒰ঌ(⃔ ⌯' '⌯)⃕໒꒱
What’s Really Going On?
Summary: you and you boyfriend Minho have been together for a while now. Years, as a matter of fact. There’s no reason for there to be secrets, especially when it comes to your body. But after missing an appointment you had been anticipating and tension from an argument nights prior still brewing, the truth comes spilling out
WARNINGS: dom!minho, afab!reader, oral sex (both receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it please y’all don’t be stupid), use of traffic light system, fingering (reader receiving), swearing, mentions of pregnancy complications, i think that’s it? Please lmk if i missed anything
Wc: 5971
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5:30 pm
You sigh and pocket your phone. Fifteen minutes. He's fifteen minutes late.
Of course, he's been late before, but never like this.
Fifteen minutes, you normally let slide. You just can't imagine that he'd be late when today is so important.
"Y/n! Babe!"
You turn at the sound of your name, and somewhere in you, even though it's not fair, you think eighteen minutes.
Nevertheless, you pocket your frustration and smile the smile only he can draw from you.
He comes up to you, putting his arm around your waist and kissing your cheek. "I'm so sorry, baby. Traffic was horrible," he explains.
You understand, of course. It's a random Wednesday, but a major band is in town, and 500 lucky people in the area got free tickets.
But that isn't why today is so important to you.
"Why didn't you leave sooner?" You ask, slightly miffed that he ignored your suggestion to stay the night with you, so you would both be on time.
Minho doesn't answer, but you're sure you know what he's thinking. "Babe," you say, holding his arm to make him look at you, " I'm not mad, okay? It was just a bit...much." You bite down in the apology trying to jump from your lips, knowing it could just do more damage.
"What?" He looks slightly confused, as if he forgot the argument you two got in a few days ago. "Oh," he says as the memory resurfaces, "I know. I'm just thinking. Nothing bad, y/n. Just work stuff."
You arrive your appointment with ten minutes to spare, feeling thankful for the cop that had created a barricaded lane for people not going to the concert, making it easier to navigate the traffic-choked streets of your usually quiet city.
"Wait here," you whisper to Minho. "Hi," you say as you approach the lady behind the desk, "I have an appointment with Mia Loffe."
The secretary, who you've never seen a day in your life at Mia's, types something on her keyboard. "Of course... Let me see... Okay, what's your name, dear?"
You swallow the reaction trying to escape at being called "dear" by someone so young. "Y/n Bang."
"Bang... Bang..." she mumbles to herself, searching what must be a busy schedule. You know Mia's been slammed with work, but she made sure there there was at least an hour for you to come in.
You even booked an appointment, something you never do with Mia, just in case.
"Okay, um, Ms.Bang?" Dread fills your stomach. "It says here that some things had to be rescheduled, but Ms. Loffe has maybe ten minutes, if you'd like to pop back there real quick."
"I, uh... No, that's alright," you say, knowing that Mia is probably getting ready for her next appointment. You don't hold it against her for not letting you know that between last night and today, there was a shift in schedule. "Can I leave a message with you? I don't want to call her while she's working. Will you please just tell Mia to call me when she's not busy?"
The secretary scratches the note onto a pieces of paper and sticks it onto her computer. "Of course. Is there anything else I can do?"
"No," you say, trying to fight the sinking feeling in your chest. "No, thank you though. Have a nice day."
"You, too, Ms. Bang."
You round the corner to see Minho scrolling through his phone. "C'mon," you say quietly.
Minho looks up at you. "Hey." He stands up. "Did Mia kick you out or something?"
You don't answer, except to say "There was a change in schedale, so i'm comine back another You don't answer, except to say "There was a change in schedule, so I'm coming back another day." You can't help but feel annoyed at your boyfriend for his lateness. Mia had even said to make sure you were there at least thirty minutes beforehand, just in case. This, you feel, is largely Minho's fault.
Minho picks up that you don't really want to talk, and doesn't pry as you drive back to your place together.
"Babe," Minho says softly once he's closed your front door, "What's wrong?"
You keep your back to him, trying to contain your feelings. "Nothing, Minho. I'm just a little tired," you lie.
"Why don't you change, and we can watch a movie?" He suggests. "I'll order takeout later, okay?"
You agree, and go change into one of his hoodies and a pair of shorts. When you come back to the living room, you see that your boyfriend's hands have not been idle. He set up a little nest of blankets and pillows on the couch, just the way you like it when you watch movies together, snuggled in close and pressed against one another.
"Is this okay?" He asks when he hears you behind him. "I wasn't sure how much you wanted snuggles, but..." he trails off as he turns and takes in your outfit. No matter how often Minho has seen you wear something of his, it gives him a rush every time.
Clearing his throat, he says "What do you want to watch?" Your ongoing agreement is that you get authority over movie snacks, and he gets authority over what food gets ordered. You both always pick what the other likes most, though, and you switch off who gets to pick the movie.
"I don't really care," you say dismissively. "You can choose. I just want muddy buddies and popcorn."
He smiles warmly, hiding his concern behind deep chocolate eyes. "Choi's alright?"
You nod, as he knew you would. "Don't forget the crab ran-goons and crispy beef," you say, putting a bag of popcorn into the microwave and nuking it.
"Oh, and egg rolls."
"Babe, I got it," he teases. "You act like I haven't known you for twelve years."
"And loved me just as long," you say to yourself, remembering the day your older brother, Chan, came home with his newfound friend, someone named Lee Minho. It wasn't the fact the he was Korean. No, Chan had lots of Korean friends, and you had you fair share. It wasn't his name. It wasn't his age or complexion.
It was his eyes. The way his nose crinkles when he smiles. It was how he acts like the mom of the group, even to the guys older than him, reminding someone to put on sunscreen, or, more often than not, cooking for everyone.
Later, it was also the way he started to look at you, like you weren't "Chan's kid sister" but a girl worth his attention, even though you're three years younger than him. It started as getting more "older brother" attention than the others. Then, you learned what flirting is. It became shy touches and bold smiles. Inside jokes and feeling jumpy if Chan was there when you were together. It became hidden kisses and climbing onto one another's rooftop in the middle of the night to watch the stars and talk. It became Chan walking in the room right when your lips touched Minho's, blouse slightly unbuttoned.
The microwave beeps, bringing you out if your trip down memory lane. Carefully picking the hot bag up by a corner, and reaching for the bowl you had put on the counter. You sigh as the smell of butter and salt taunts your stomach. You hear sounds from the TV as Minho skims past different movies.
Minho glances over his shoulder at you while you shake some ttekboki into a bowl. You can feel the worry and questions rolling off him. It took years for you to recognize the care, hidden beneath such a brash and forceful facade. He always plays his emotions close to vest, but knows how and when to pull back. That hasn't changed, except now, he has a heart that's completely open to you.
"What did you choose?" you ask, coming into the living room.
He's standing in front of the TV, arms crossed, remote pointed at the screen. "Action movie?"
"Okay," you say, setting the snacks onto the ottoman.
You lose yourself in the movie, and eventually, you don't even notice what's going on in the plot, because, as always, you re more tuned in to the Minho show. Every point where your bodies touch, his warmth, this feeling of security. You smile as his lips touch your neck for what must be the tenth time.
"I'm gonna put the order in," he says, his words warming your skin.
"Okay," you mumble, somewhat sleepily. "I'm taking a bathroom break."
He nods, his phone to his ear.
When you come back, you decide to get some water. You go to the kitchen and reach into the dish rack to get a glass. You aren't really paying attention, and nick your finger on the knife you washed this morning, after cutting an avocado. In your preoccupation with your appointment with Mia, you had left the knife pointing upwards.
"Shit," you yelp, waving your hand.
Minho comes into the kitchen. "What happened?"
"Nothing. Just cut my finger," you say, sucking on the cut, blood staining your tongue.
He gently pulls your finger away and examines the cut. "It's not deep," he says, sounding relieved. "Here." He turns the knob on the sink, and water starts flowing from the faucet.
You gingerly put your finger under the water, hissing at how cold it is. Minho stands behind you, his chest touching your back as he massages your hand under the chilly water.
"You gotta be more careful, y/n," he says with a slight laugh.
You ignore his words, and instead focus on the feeling of his fingers kneading your hand, his breath on your skin. Your pulse quickens predictably. As it always does with him.
"Thanks, babe," you say, gently pulling away, trying to calm yourself, but not entirely sure you want to.
Minho opens the medicine cabinet, searching for a band-aid. "Food'll be here in about half an hour. Maybe 45 minutes," he says, his back to you.
Something in you says "fuck it" and you go over, hugging him from behind.
You feel his muscles jump, but his voice is steady as he says "Hey, pretty girl. What's wrong?"
"Nothing," you say, your cheek pressed against his back. You know you should talk to him about the appointment with Mia, but you don't want to. Not yet. You have other things on your mind.
You stand on your tiptoes and press your lips to the back of Minho's neck. He brings his arms down, abandoning his search for a bandage. "Babe?"
"Minho," you say quietly, in the same tone you use every time you're feeling a little naughty.
You can hear him swallow. "Y/n?" He turns to face you and you look into each other's eyes.
After a moment, you lean forward and kiss him, keeping your lips closed. You know he finds this as both an annoyance and a turn-on.
When you pull away, you see confusion in your boyfriend's gaze as he tries to decide which route to take. You know that he's going to wait to see what you do first.
Looking him dead in the eye, you say "Stop being such a gentleman." The code word you use to let him know what mood you're in.
You know he's decided to go with it, that he wants this too, when he says "I've never known a lady who doesn't wait for the man to make the first move."
He kisses you, hard. No playing around, no lead-up. You know this is going to get rough. Just how you like it.
He's still leaning against the counter, and you wrap your arms around his neck, feeling his tongue meet yours. You make some vague noise at the back of your throat as he somehow manages to kiss you even deeper. His hands grip the hem of his hoodie that you're wearing, and he pulls it over your head.
"Thought so," he murmurs against your mouth.
You aren't wearing a shirt. Somehow, no matter what, he always knows. One of the Minho mysteries you have yet to figure out.
Not wanting to waste any time, you yank his shirt over his head. He laughs, tousle-haired and swollen-lipped. You trail your fingers over his lean torso, one of the many results from years of dance. You love that he's a dancer, that he couldn't give less of a shit about stereotypes. It's sexy as hell.
You lean into him, forcing him to practically bend backwards, kissing him as roughly as you possibly can. He slips a hand into your waistband, his fingers teasing. You bunch his hair into your fists, knowing he won't go any further.
Not after the other day.
Not unless you tell him to.
His touch is like fire, burning into your skin. You moan slightly against his lips as his fingers slowly move to your clit, waiting to see if you'll stop him.
You don't.
What you do do is drag your fingers down his chest to his jeans, and start to unbutton them. Something you've done so many times that you could do it with one finger and your eyes closed.
There's a nervousness zapping your spine and bubbling in your stomach that hasn't been there in a while, making you fumble.
Thinking that your slip is due to him, Minho starts to pull back, but you grab his wrist with your other hand, leaning back to look in his eyes.
"Don't stop," you say.
He swallows, seeming to feel the same nervousness.
He nods and places his lips on yours, kissing his way down your jaw and to your neck, his lips gentle while his fingers are anything but, making your walls clench like crazy.
"Damn, y/n," he mutters.
"Minho... the couch. Please," you say in a strained voice.
He gathers you up and moves into the living room, a short transition in the small apartment.
You lay on your back, biting his neck, his lips, his tongue, as he works a second finger into you. Your hips lift off the couch.
You look at him, seeing the question in his eyes.
You nod slowly, feeling your stomach jump. You watch him pull his fingers out, covered in your juices. He pulls your shorts down your legs, followed by your panties. He runs the same fingers that were just inside you up your ankle, your leg, to the inside of your thigh.
Minho makes eye contact with you again and you nod firmly. Yes. The green light.
He kisses the inside of your thigh, working his way to your entrance. When he gets there, you re clenching so hard around nothing it hurts. You ball your fists, trying not to make the noises so desperately trying to escape.
You wait, anticipation racking your body until he pushes your legs a little farther apart. Then he gets to work.
Finally, you can't take it anymore. "God, Minho," you moan.
"That's it, baby. Let it go. Sing for me, I want to hear that angelic voice if yours."
It feels so good. Perhaps too good. You can barely believe that you picked an argument with him over this.
You arch your back as his tongue enters your body and he makes some noise when your walls tighten even more. He pulls back and says "Relax, y/n."
"I'm trying," you mutter through clenched teeth.
As if to help, Minho starts rubbing your thigh. "No, babe, that doesn't—-" you cut yourself off, trying to get a grip. "Minho- I can't- agh-"
"Just let go, babe"
That's exactly what you're trying not to do. It's what you got so upset about on Sunday. The way you just lost control, how he encouraged it. He was a little confused, because you used to love it, the rush, the feeling, and now, he said, you're acting like it's your first time all over again. He was hurt because you called him greedy. You regret it, and you know he's going to make sure to make you such a mess and so needy that you really regret it.
One strong suck is all it takes to make you come.
You moan, grabbing at the couch as he pulls away, a devilish smirk on his face. He comes back with his fingers, shoving three fingers into your pussy, his thumb stroking your clit.
"Minho, I can't... You're gonna make me- uh!" You exclaim, coming all over his fingers.
"You know you want me," he hisses, but not maliciously. You shake your head, trembling. "Don't you?"
Again, you shake your head.
"Are you sure?"
"No. I don't want—"
"I can't hear you." He pushes his fingers even deeper.
You bite your lip, trying to pull him closer so you can kiss him, but he just raises an eyebrow in that way that drives you wild and pushes his fingers against your walls.
"One more chance, y/n. You know you want me, don't you?"
Yes," you gasp out. "I want... so bad..."
He smirks. "Who's the greedy one now?"
"Me," you pant. "Greedy bitch. I know. I'm such a dirty-"
"Keep going," he says.
"Dirty ho." Your clit aches painfully against his fingers as a fourth stretches it out. "So... such a- a slut,” you pant, somewhat hysteric.
"Mmm. You can do better than that."
You push him onto his back, yanking his jeans and boxers away.
"There you go," he says.
"In me," you beg. "Please?"
"Hmm.. I don't think you've said 'thank you' yet."
You start kneading around his dick. "Why should I?"
“I require payment," he says, his voice still so steady.
You cup your hand around his erection and start moving up and down. You take the tip of him in your mouth, tongue circling as you suck gently.
"Good girl."
You decide to show no mercy and suck as as you can, making him groan.
"Y/n. I can't-"
"To bad," you snap. "Try."
"God, you're so hot when you're fired up."
"Stops fighting."
"Oh, but then there'll be nothing left for you."
"There always is," you reply. "I’ll even be nice and help you," you say, right before he lets go and comes all over your hand and chin. "There's a good boy."
He pretends that he didn’t whine at the pet name. “Shall we call it even?" He asks, even though you know he's in no way finished.
"Oh, no," you say. "I'll let you choose."
"On your back," he orders. You comply. "And get the bra off. Stop acting like you're some innocent angel."
You drop your bra to the ground, right before he starts kissing your neck, his hands squeezing your breasts.
He moves to sit on your stomach, and you know what's coming. He holds his hand under your chin, and you spit into his palm, obliging. He uses your spit as a lubricant for his dick before he positions it between your tits, moving them back and forth, rubbing against him.
You feel him go hard almost instantly and smile inwardly. You knew he wasn't done yet. He's never down for the count that early on.
"Minho. Stop wasting time."
He raises his eyebrow again. "Who's in charge here?"
“Asshole,” you spit out. “I just fucking tolerate your orders.”
He hums in consideration. "What do you think?”
You stroke the tip of his dick, making him shudder. "Fuck me, Lee Minho. Show me what you've got."
The second you say it, you wish you could take it back.
"Challenge accepted."
This is going to be a long night.
You're leaning against the arm of the couch, watching your boyfriend enthusiastically eat a bucketful of shrimp lo mien the same way he had eaten you out not too long ago.
"You hungry?" He asks, using his chopsticks to gather the noodles into his mouth.
"Mmm. Maybe later. I'm just exhausted. Tired."
"But not tired of me, right?"
You flash him an amused look. "Unfortunately not." Your entire body is sore, your legs are weak as hell, and your clit is pounding with pain. You give him an appraising look. "You seemed to hold your own longer than usual."
Minho shrugs, mouth full of noodles. His hair is a tousled mess, his bare chest and neck covered in hickeys and teeth marks. You're sure that you're no different.
You tug the sleeves of his hoodie down over your hands and pick up your phone. "Oh, fuck," you say, realizing that you have a missed call.
"What's up?"
"Mia tried calling me earlier," you tell him. "But..."
"You were a bit busy," he supplies with a shrug. He twists away from you to grab another carton of lo mien, and you see that his back is bright red and covered in scratches. You reach out and trace a puffy red line, feeling him shiver under your touch.
"God, babe. Your fingers are freezing."
You trace another line, realizing that there are tiny beads of blood on his back. "Holy shit. Minho. Baby. Why don't you ever stop me?"
He shrugs, opening the lo mien. "I'm fine with it. I like it. You seem to like it. It also kinda kills the mood.
"But if it hurts—"
"It dushnt," he tells you, noodles hanging from his mouth like octopus tentacles.
"Still. What if I scratch too hard and actually cut you instead of just scraping the surface of your skin? Stop acting like 'the mood' is more important that your health."
He doesn't meet you eyes as he quietly says "Are we really going down this path again?"
You sigh and push your fingers into your hair.
"Maybe. Yes. I don't know!"
"Babe. I don't really know what you want me to say anymore. I told you not to worry about me."
"I'm not just worrying about you, Minho. I'm also thinking about me."
He twirls his chopsticks in the lo mien container. "Do you, y/n? Because you seem to have a tolerance the size of fucking Kilimanjaro. You never tell me to stop, even if, quite frankly, I'm exhausted and can't keep going. But I do. I do for you."
You feel your neck getting warm. "Well maybe it's your own fault for not telling me you need to stop."
"I do, though. I do, and you listen when I tell you I'm out. I'm more so a bit ticked off that you never tell me to stop. Do you remember what I said to you all that time ago? Did you even care? Because that was me, caring."
You close your eyes, remembering the color system that he devised for you, signals as to when to tell him to stop, if something he's doing hurts. "Yes, Minho. I remember. But I said that also goes for you! And you-"
"Use it when I really need to," he interjects.
"Well... well maybe I just don't really need to, then," you huff.
He cocks an eyebrow, and you tell yourself it's just an eyebrow, not a sexy move from your boyfriend. Definitely not something that turns you on.
The truth is, you've always been scared to use the light system. It's always green. Green means go. Even though you and Minho had had feelings for each other since you were in primary school- the last year, but still— that didn't stop him, who was three years older, from meeting other girls and going out with them, and you didn't try to stop him. You yourself went out on dates, kissed guys and did everything short of getting fucked for real. You wanted Minho to be the one to get your cherry. And he didn't disappoint.
Through it all, though, he had plenty of experience, experiences that you couldn't compete with unless it was oral. He told you green light means all good. Yellow is "I need a break" and red is stop. No questions asked. Whatever you're doing ends and you do something that doesn't involve sex. Red and yellow both mean "this hurts, I'm uncomfortable" of some degree.
Though you've definitely needed to, you've been worried about how Minho would react if you tell him to stop. It's one of the other reasons you argued with him on Sunday, but he doesn't know it. You made it seem like he just takes and takes, when really, it was that it hurt. You couldn't keep going, even though it hadn't even been 15 minutes when the pain kicked in. You were embarrassed. He was able to go on for God knows how long, and you weren't lasting anywhere near as close as him that day.
The look Minho gives you tells you that he's calling BS.
You look at him. "Minho?"
"Look." He's always down his container of noodles and shrimp. "I know that's not the case. Why don't you try telling me what's actually up."
A spark of frustration heats your chest. "What's up, Minho, is that, thanks to you being late, we missed our appointment with Mia!"
Minho leans forward, massaging his temples. Finally, he drops his hands, his elbows balancing on his knees, and he looks over at you. "Is that what this is all about? I'm not ignoring the fact that you're dodging my question, but why didn't you say something to me?"
"Because... because it's just-"
"Not worth it? Babe, clearly it is. You wouldn't even tell me why this appointment was so fucking important to you. So important that I had to be there, which I found odd, because you usually tell me you want to see Mia alone. Which is fine, because I know that's the only girl time you two get together, so I found it strange that you wanted me there."
You clench your fists, hidden from view by the long sleeves of your boyfriend's hoodie, trying not to explode.
"And," he continues, "you still haven't told me the full story as to why you were actually upset on Sunday. You just called me greedy and said you weren't in the mood anymore. So please, please, will you tell me what's wrong? What's been going on?"
"I..." you look into his amber eyes, trying to fight the truth.
Minho puts a hand on your knee. "Y/n. Baby. Please."
The words come spilling out. "It's not that you're greedy. It's not that I don't enjoy the sex anymore. It's that... it's that I'm scared," you blurt. His expression is startled, incredulous as you go on.
"I'm scared to tell you no. To tell you to stop, that something hurts. It makes me feel like shit, when something hurts and I start to feel tired by the fifteen minute mark when you haven't even gotten started. It's not every time. But that's what was happening on Sunday. Sometimes it makes me ashamed, how much I just... it's like I'm a different person when we have sex. Sometimes I don't recognize me. Like, I turn into a mess. You turn me on like that" —you snap your fingers— "and somehow, you get me to cum four times in less than half an hour. I needed to feel justified in my feelings of 'I can't anymore' and I was scared to flat out tell you to stop, so I told you that you were being greedy and it was a turn off. And I'm sorry, Minho. I'm so so sorry for calling you greedy and disgusting. The truth is, I feel greedy and disgusting, wanting so badly, wanting so much, when I can't go on, or when you need a break. Sometimes I feel annoyed that you need to stop." You bury your face in your hands. "God, I'm such an asshole." You try to prevent the tears prickling behind your eyes.
"Y/n. Look at me. Please." You lower your hands to see Minho. "I'm sorry. Babe, why haven't you said something? If it hurts, if I'm hurting you, then you should tell me. If you can't anymore, tell me. Yellow light. Red light. Doesn't matter. Don't feel ashamed, okay? To tell you the truth, sometimes I can tell you're tired, but I'm never sure whether or not I should slow down and stop because you never tell me to, and I worry about accidentally offending you. I don't want you to think I'm assuming you're weak."
"Anyone that can ride Lee Minho for even fifteen minutes cannot be weak," you joke.
"Point taken. As for being a totally different person during sex? Well, yeah, you're gonna act differently when you're fucking. Think about it: do you go around constantly calling yourself a dirty ho and greedy bitch when you're at work?"
You don't say anything.
"I mean, unless you're getting it on with a coworker. Then we might have some problems."
That gets a laugh from you. "God, no. No, Minho. I understand what you're saying. It just... I feel ashamed and dirty after the fact. Like 'was that really me'?"
He smiles gently. "Yes, and I get that. But you have to know that there's no reason to feel that way. I don't think any less of you. And, in case you don't remember, you aren't the only one yelling and moaning and talking dirty, okay? You also aren't the only one that gets turned on instantly and cums a billion times. Then again, I, personally, can't really help it."
You smile again, that special smile that you save for him.
"Now. What about this appointment with Mia?"
The smile drops from your face as a slight panic sets in. "What about it?"
"Baby, please don't shut down now. Keep this going, okay? Why were you so upset to miss a meeting with Mia?"
You bite your lip, contemplating. "I... I'm maybe... something came up, and she... she's had a few times dealing with this with other people and knows what to do and I wanted you there so we were on the same page."
"Okay," he says slowly.
You feel your hands start to shake. "I guess it has to do with why I was so punchy these past few weeks..."
"Oh. I though it was PMS."
You shake your head. "No. Maybe a little bit, but mainly no. The truth is.." you hesitate, trying how best to go about this. "I have a rare immunodeficiency."
Minho looks at you with disbelief. "What?"
"I... I have a rare immunodeficiency," you repeat shakily.
"What is it? How did you find out?"
"Well... I actually found out from... from us having sex."
Minho's eyes widen. "Have I somehow gotten you sick? What happened? Does this have to do with why it hurts you so much?"
"No, I'll explain in a second, and possibly." You look down at your hands. "Let me ask you this: you'd say we're usually pretty... careful, right?"
He nods. "If I remember correctly, told me to download that app that tracks your cycle so we both have a record of your ovulation schedule and know what days to avoid completely. And you regularly remind me to make sure I have condoms both here and at my place and you have some sort of birth control, but you stopped taking it because it was causing some sort of issue, so no more of y/n's birth control. Correct?"
You nod. "But we're only human, and even technology can't predict something that fluctuates like a woman's period. Because it does change."
Again, he nods. "True... Wait." He looks up at you, lips parted. "Are you..?"
You shake your head. "No, babe. I'm not pregnant. Not anymore."
You nod. "Yes. I've technically been pregnant five times in the past two years."
Your boyfriend stares, mouth agape.
"After the fourth time, I went to the doctors. Do you remember how I had that constant bout of sickness?"
"I remember."
"Well.." you squeeze your fingers, preparing yourself. "I was getting so sick because my body was thinking that each fetus was actually a virus. At the same time, my body was naturally like 'okay we've got a life force in here to grow and protect'. Essentially, my body was waging a two-sided war on itself. One side to protect the baby, the other trying to get rid of it."
"But why?" You can't help but be thankful for how calm he's staying.
"You're taking this remarkably well. Better than I thought you would, anyways." You hug your arms to your chest. "Explanation: my body isn't accepting your DNA."
"So, essentially, I'm making you sick. But only when you end up pregnant?"
He shakes his head. "God, y/n. Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I... I wasn't sure how," you say meekly. "I mean, I'd be like 'hey, babe, guess what? I'm pregnant. Surprise!' Just to be like 'Ha. Sike!I'm not pregnant anymore' within a month."
He sighs. "True. Holy fuck. Five times?"
You nod and laugh a little. "Yeah. Guess we know what that means."
He nods conspiratorially. "Yep. Probably should've listened to everyone being like 'be smart. Be safe. Always use protection', huh?" He rubs the back of his neck. "Is there a way to fix it?"
"Fertilization treatments," you say glumly. "I hear they're absolute hell."
"But it'll be worth it, right? I mean, you don't get sick and... I mean, if you don't want kids, that's fine, I just thought... I'm not saying I'm assuming anything. I mean, obviously it's your choice, I just thought..."
For the first time, you realize just how… nervous this news is making him. Your boyfriend, the always cool, calm and collected Lee Minho is a flustered and stuttering mess. It also hits you that he actually, really, truly wants kids. He wants kids... with you. Which must mean...
No. You can't get sidetracked. Whether or not he proposes is up to him. You'll always be ready to say yes.
Back to the task at hand.
"Minho. Babe, calm down. Of course it'll be worth it."
He starts shaking his head, almost frantically. "No, no, no. Don't make a decision based on me. Do it because you want to. Don't-"
You put your hand on his knee. "Hey. Deep breaths. Yes, I want the treatments."
His body sags in relief.
"I want to get this fixed. I can't have a family if my body is killing off our kids. I dare say you'd prefer it if your children actually made it out alive."
His eyes widen at your statement. You run it through your head, trying to catch your mistake.
Then you realize: you just laid out a future of togetherness, marriage, and parenthood with Minho in those three sentences.
You try to backpedal, feeling like you've overstepped, even though you've talked about a future together many times. "I just meant, if you were me— I didn't mean—"
He cups your face in his hand. "I'd prefer it if my children made it out alive," he says softly, placing a hand on your abdomen.
You smile, relieved that you've finally told him. As Minho leans in to kiss you oh so softly, you close your eyes, envisioning your future.
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bullet-prooflove · 29 days
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It me again and this time imma come attacha with a Roy Kent request.
Between the Ditches; 14 And you are unforgettable I need to get you alone.
It just reads Roy. Many thanks!
Tagging: @kmc1989 @issieruby @sisinever @eryberry109 @thump31
Companion piece to:
A Perfect Night - Roy spends a completely perfect night with you.
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Roy’s first night with you is unforgettable. It’s teasing fingertips that chase all over his body, it’s sinful kisses that leave him begging for more, it’s that first exhale when he enters you, your thighs tightening around his hips drawing him deeper.
It’s the most sensual experience of his fucking life.
It’s a couple hours later that he wakes up to find you putting on your dress. That’s the deal after all, neither of you are looking for anything serious. You travel too much and Roy, he just doesn’t have the emotional availability.
“I had a great time.” You tell him before you lean over the bed and kiss his mouth in that filthy way of yours. “Good luck with the match.”
It isn’t until he hears the front door click shut that he realises he didn’t even get your number.
You’re all he thinks about over the next few days. The way you felt underneath him as he hitched your thighs just that little bit higher, the taste of you on his lips, that sound you made as you climaxed against his mouth and then on his cock.
The next time he runs into you is a couple of weeks later at the BBC’s Children In Need Charity Event. You’re wearing a dress that looks like it’s been crafted right out of the night sky, and Roy wants to strip it from your shoulders, to guide it down your waist, until it’s in a pool at your feet. He can tell you want it too from the look you give him when your eyes finally meet.
It’s maddening how long it takes to get you alone. You’re constantly surrounded by people congratulating you about the latest episode of your podcast and Roy, he’s just itching to get his hands on you. It’s when you slip out to take a breather that you find him waiting for you in the hallway, those dark heated eyes of his drink you in and before you know it, your fingers are running through his unruly curls as he kisses you into oblivion.
You’ve never met a man who loves you the way that he does, passionate but tender, firm but intense. It’s intoxicating knowing just how much he needs you, you can feel him pressed right against you core as he pins you to the wall, his hips rutting up against you.
“Come home with me tonight, let me fuck you again.” He murmurs, his lips ghosting along the curve of your jaw.
“Say please.” You murmur and you can tell that does a little something for him because Roy Kent, he’s used to being in control and in this moment he wants so desperately to lose it.
“Please.” He whispers into the hollow of your throat. “Please let me get on my fucking knees and worship you the way you deserve.”
Love Roy? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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archangeldyke-all · 10 months
idk why but i feel like sev has a mommy kink in the sense of like...calling her sub mommy. i just imagine reader like comes home from a stressful day at work and sev is just doting and rubbing on them like "lemme take care of you, mommy, i got you..."
and then later when she's balls deep in you with her strap and she's got that FUCKING VOICE in your ear like "yeah? feels good? talk to me, mommy, tell me more about your day so i can make it better" ahshajshjamsnmnasbhnnggggg im foaming at the mouth and biting at the bars of my enclosure rn~
ANON ANPasdjfs;ljANPN I'asdl;kf;ajsd fqpwoijefpoiqhwer; ofijq;lkdsjf;lsqkdjf ANON.
do you have an IQ of a million maybe? becaue i think you mihgt. holy shit. holy shit. holy shit. you've unlocked something in me and i'll never be the same...
men and minors dni
it starts as a joke! or at least, that's what you think.
a few months into your relationship, sevika starts teasingly calling you 'mommy.'
it starts casually.
she'll show up at your door to pick you up for a date and whistle as she takes in your outfit. "damn, mommy, you look good enough to eat." she'll say. you just roll your eyes and kiss her hello.
or sometimes when she's annoying you and you're pouting at her, fishing for an apology, she'll grin at you and swoop in to kiss you. "'m sorry, mommy." she whispers against your lips. "you're just so cute when you're angry."
the first time it slips out in the bedroom, sevika's got you face down, ass up, pounding into you with loud, sticky, wet, smacks, as you moan into the mattress beneath you.
"'y take me so fuckin' well, honey, you're fucking dripping. shit, mommy, 's it feel good?" she grunts.
there's a moment of awkward silence where sevika's thrusts stutter as her mind catches up to her mouth and your breath leaves your lungs, but then you whine so sweetly and so prettily that sevika mentally puts 'mommy' at the top of her pet name list, right underneath 'baby' and 'honey.'
you know you're in for the dicking of your life when sevika starts sweetly calling you mommy.
she usually reserves it for when you need some extra loving, when she's trying to take care of you.
if you wake up with a stuffy nose and sore throat, sevika's cooing at you as she hand feeds you soup.
"lemme take care of you, mommy." she whispers. "all you gotta do is lay there and look pretty, i'll take care of everything else." she says as she puts the bowl down on the night stand and starts kissing down your body. "i heard orgasms help clear the sinuses, or something." she mumbles as she helps you out of your jammies.
she'll fuck you until you pass out, and when you wake up, she'll feed you more soup and tea and medicine, before fucking you back to sleep again.
or if you're having a rough week at work, sevika will draw you a bath and let you relax while she pours you a big glass of wine. she sits on the toilet and watches you soak, listening to you bitch about your boss.
"'m sorry." you grunt out at one point. "i'm being a spiteful bitch."
sevika chuckles and presses a kiss to your head.
"you're a saint. i'd have killed him by now if he was my boss. plus, i like seeing you all worked up and angry, mommy. kinda gets me goin'." she says with a cheeky smile.
an hour later, she's got you in a mating press, shoving her tongue down her throat when she's not busy talking to you.
"there you go, mommy, imma fuck all the stress outta you. you're so fuckin' perfect. so good." she grunts.
you whimper underneath her.
"yeah? 's feel good?" she asks with a grin. you gasp and nod, your nails scratching your nails down her back as you start to spasm beneath her. she leans down to peck your lips before speaking in your ear, her raspy, sexy voice practically a growl as she speaks, "cum on this cock, mommy. 's all yours."
you do.
(and then you do again, when she flips you over to fuck you doggy, and then one more time when she cleans up her mess with her mouth.)
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity
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j-onedrabbles · 11 months
Hey hey can I pls request going on an Ice skating date w Hyunjin but he ends up getting hurt and getting a concussion and you have to call Felix to help. I’m in the mood for some fluffy comfort ❤️‍🩹🥹
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     Winter was on the horizon which meant a lot of cute winter dates—walking in the snow, coffee shop dates, holiday window shopping, just to name a few. Hyunjin had found an ice skating rank nearby and asked his partner if they wanted to go. Obviously, the idea of a cute ice skating date was worth braving the cold.
     Hyunjin was glad the day they decided to go was one of the slower days. Not too many people there so he could have a peaceful date with his partner. They still went with as many layers and face masks to hide themselves from cameras, and to keep warm.
     Hyunjin paid for the rental skates and the couple sat down to switch into the skates before taking to the ice. Hyunjin got on the ice first and held onto the side wall before offering his hand to Y/n.
     “Have you ever done this before babe?” Y/n asked as they joined him.
     “Maybe once when I was a kid.” Hyunjin sighed as they slowly moved along the side, gloved hands joined together.
     Hyunjin kept Y/n on the inside near the railing to keep them safe more than anything, just like he would when they were walking down the street. They moved slowly on the ice as people skated by. Occasionally stopping to take a few pictures for keepsakes. 
     The couple spent probably an hour skating around the rink before calling it a day and going to get something warm to eat. Hyunjin made sure Y/n got off the ice safely before he got off. But got too confident and slipped, falling back on the ice.
     Y/n gasped and rushed to help their boyfriend up as he groaned. They’d seen a few people fall so no one made a scene when the undercover idol fell. Y/n managed to help him up and get on a bench.
     “You okay?” Y/n fretted over him 
     “Back hurts and I hit my head,” The male groaned
     “Imma grab our shoes real quick, okay?” Y/n asked
     Hyunjin nodded as Y/n kissed his forehead quickly and went to the shoe storage area and grabbed their belongings. Getting back quickly and helping him switch back into his street shoes before switching hers.
     “How do you feel baby?” Y/n asked as they saw him leaning forward and covering his eyes.
     “Dizzy, too bright.” Hyunjin groaned, head just feeling too heavy.
     “I’m gonna call someone okay babe? Stay here real quick.” Y/n pulled out their phone and looked to see which of the guys would be free. She knew the producers were busy working on things. Jeongin was at a vocal practice, and Seungmin and Lee Know were at Music Core. They were pretty sure Felix was off like Hyunjin.
     They grabbed the skates and took them back to the desk as they clicked his contact, letting Hyunjin know they would be right back.
     “Hello?” Felix answered
     “Hey, are you busy?” Y/n asked handing both pair of skates to the worker before making their way back to their boyfriend.
     “No. Aren’t you and Hyunjin ice skating?” Felix asked
     “We were. We got off the ice a little bit ago and Hyun slipped and fell. He hit his head on the ice.”
     “Is he okay?” Felix sounded worried
     “Said he feels dizzy and the light is bothering him.” Y/n took a seat next to their boyfriend.
     “Head hurt, any nausea?” 
     Y/n moved their phone away and asked the dancer if he was feeling anything else.
     “Really bad headache,” Hyunjin said
     “Said he’s got a bad headache? You think he got a concussion?”
     “More than likely. Send me what rink you’re at and I’ll come help you guys back to the dorm. Try and wait outside for me.” 
     “Okay. We’ll see you soon.”
     Y/n hung up and slowly helped their boyfriend up after sending their location to the Aussie. Y/n helped their boyfriend up and out of the area. They sat him down on a bench as they waited for Felix.
     Hyunjin wrapped his arms around them and hid his face in their stomach. Trying to block the light that was bothering him and just wanting his partner near him right now.
     “Does your back hurt?” Y/n asked him, rubbing his shoulders.
     “Yeah,” He mumbled.
     “We’ll get you home soon. Sure Felix is almost here.” Y/n assured him as a car pulled up next to them.
     Felix got out and walked over to the two. “How’s he doing?”
     “Not better but not worse,” Y/n sighed
     “Let’s get him back to the dorm.”
     The two got the idol into the car and made it back to the dorm. Y/n made sure his room was dark so the light didn’t bother him more. Felix said he would call their manager to let them know what happened. Y/n thanked him and started unwrapping Hyunjin from his outer layers.
     Felix came back into the room with some medicine and told Hyunjin to rest for the day. They didn’t have any big schedules this week, nothing to film, just rehearsals but the company was still going to put out a notice— not saying anything as to the real reason being the idol went on a date and fell.
     “I’ll text you if we need anything.” Y/n thanked him
     “I’ll call Chan and let the guys know to be quiet when they come home,” Felix told them before going back to his dorm
     Y/n sat their boyfriend up to have him take the medicine before tucking him under the covers. “Lay with me,” Hyunjin said
     Y/n shrugged off their layers and crawled under the covers with their boyfriend. Hyunjin wrapped his arms around them, laying his face in their chest and closing his eyes. “You’re the best partner I could ask for.” He said 
     “Get some rest bub. You need to get better and let that pretty brain heal.”
     “Your brain is prettier,” He mumbled
     Y/n laughed a bit and kissed the top of his head, lulling him to sleep.
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T A G S ✧ @junebug032 @the-sweetest-rose @hanjingin @hyunjinshairband01 @miintmochii @ohish @changbinisabigboy @dreamingaboutjisung @tattywood @stepout-09-15 @cello--190 @just-randomm-stuff @greysweaters @hazyspirts @mhasimp666 @slay-and-gay @smally97 @bloom4yu @itstorimf @linoyouknow @fjseung @jungsodesjoyyy @jjwhorehouse @carinathefairy @litepowee @babyphotos @inniecore @jeonginssa @dolceem @stvrfir3 @tasteskzsworld @ultimatestayandminoronce @seungincore @tinyelfperson @greyyeti @dimpledsatan @camixiez @chansbabygirlsstuff @thatlonelyalto @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @donut-crazs @meloryme @rubyshoedpixie @cecepop15 @punks-rad @somsungiex @mcratyomama @lilylouise @stayconnecteed @kiko-o-luck @hyunjinswifeee @red-airhead @niaalove @emyferra08 @lovesunshinefelix @bunniieesstuff @enhaskzbtstxtsvt @nandinxoxo @producedbyy3racha 
© 2023 jonedrabbles. Please do not copy, translate, or republish my works anywhere.
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berylcups · 5 months
Abbacchio x Reader :drabbles
“Just Friends”
Cw: drinking, dubious consent? (It’s like tipsy consenting but imma tag it as dubious just in case. Drink wisely lovelies 🍷) also this is OOC AF but for it’s myself indulgence lol MINOR DNI
Notes: here’s some drabbles from my storage. Hopefully this will keep y’all full until I got my other work completed. Let’s just say there’s some cuck fuckery going on mwahaha 💜 Beryl
Y/N was the 2nd to last addition to Bucciaratis' team. They were quiet,and reserved. They didn’t like to talk much so it was a breath of fresh air for Abbacchio. The last thing he needed was another talkative brat to annoy him. He did find them to be a little suspicious…of course it turned out they just had social anxiety.
The rowdy boys would scare Y/N back into their shell and they’d stop opening up for a while. Much to bucciaratis dismay he would have to scold the others into behaving properly so Y/N felt comfortable enough to open up and bond with the rest of the team.
What’s a way for Y/N to loosen up? Alcohol of course. Specifically wine. The team was celebrating another win for taking down a rivaling group in their territory. It was past hours at the restaurant so they all drank and ate as much as their hearts desired. Now all that’s left is Abbacchio and Y/N. Y/N is much more relaxed and talkative when they are tipsy. They 're pretty fun to be around!
“Prosecco? Pfft you’re a lightweight and a wine newbie.” Abbacchio teased.
“I only like what tastes sweet. The dry stuff makes my face pucker and upsets my stomach.” Y/N stuck their tongue out.
“Of course it upsets your stomach. You’re drinking it way too fast. You’re supposed to sip it.” He snickered. “ Here, try some of mine with the dark chocolate since you like sweet things so much.” He offered his glass to them and they took a sip and ate a piece of chocolate.
“Hmm…tastes better this time .” Y/N said concentrating on the flavors lingering in their mouth.
“See? I told you it’s better when you drink it slowly. Now you don’t have to rely on those cheap newbie wines anymore.” He said acting smug.
“Yeah but… I still like the sweeter one better .” Y/N teased.
“ You uncultured brat.” He chuckled.
Abbacchio was surprised to find someone that he could genuinely get along with. This was the first time Y/N truly bonded with any of the team. When sober, Y/N was still a little shy and pretty reserved but around Abbacchio they felt completely at ease. They were low key about it but they became close friends.
When Y/Ns CD player stopped working they were pretty frustrated. He offered one of his ear buds to listen to his music. This raised a few eyebrows, abbacchio never shared his music before.
You two had an evening ritual that just seemed to develop on its own where you would be the last ones up at night. You both enjoyed each other’s company and the comforting silence that came with it. Just drinking wine and listening to music. An occasional conversation would eventually pop up whenever he felt the need to say something.
“You should really stop biting your nails Y/N. It’s a bad habit and can cause nail damage.” Abbacchio would gently scold. “ Let me paint your nails. That will help you curb your habit. I think this color would look good on you.” He held your hands and filed your nails to an even length. Feeling how soft and small your hands are compared to his larger ones made him feel some sort of way… he never felt a feeling like this before. Is this what love is? No way, you wouldn’t like someone like him. Better suppress those feelings. He doesn’t realize how his low confidence is blinding what he’s seeing in front of them. He can’t see that you like him just as much but lack the confidence yourself as well.
When Giorno joined he saw how quickly you went back into your shell again. Great- we made all this progress and this brat waltzes in and fucks everything up. You always clam up around new people and get shaky. He’ll gently place his hand over yours under the privacy of the table to calm you down. He’s gonna put you at ease by doing an old party trick…perfect for tea parties. You completely forgot about your anxiety seeing him put his back to you and hear him pissing into the teapot.
“You gotta be shitting me…” You thought in shock.
“Here… I hope you enjoy it. I made it myself.” He said deadpan to the newbie.
“?!” They clasped a hand over their mouth to keep themselves from bursting out laughing. They could feel the tears beginning to prick their eyes.
Of course your laughter would turn to horror when you see the young blonde down the “special tea” like it was his first drink he’s had in days.
Giorno would be a hindrance to your peace of mind but if it wasn’t for him, Abbacchio wouldn’t feel the desperate need to hold onto you tighter.
“Eggplant parmigiana again Y/N? You don’t wanna try anything new? Here, try my Pasta alla Genovese. You’ll like it I promise.” He knew you were afraid of trying new things in case you didn’t like it and end up offending someone. He didn’t really understand the fear of offending someone but he knew it was just how your personality is. You were considerate of everyone and he thought that endearing but could also be a hindrance to you.
He pushed his plate closer to you so you could get a forkful, and you hesitantly put it in your mouth. He was right! It was delicious, you kinda regret not getting it.
“Wow you were right. That is good. It’s super meaty.” You said covering your full mouth while talking.
“I’ll give you half of mine if you give me half of yours.” He offered.
“Yessssss” You said excitedly.
“But you can only drink Chianti.” He smirked
“ fine— you wine snob.” You huffed pretending to be annoyed.
“Hey- how about sharing with us huh? Give me half of half your Genovese and you can have half of half of my fagioli!” Narancia complained.
“Shut u-“Abbacchio says before getting cut off by a fuming Fugo.
“Half of half?! Don’t you mean a QUARTER?! Have you LEARNED NOTHING?! you STUPID BASTARDO!.”Fugo blew a gasket and stabbed Narancias with a fork…again.
You have a habit of falling asleep during long travels and you always somehow end up with your head on Abbacchios shoulder knocked out like a log. The smell of his shampoo and his cologne blend together perfectly and listening to the music he shares just puts you into another world where you forget about being crammed in a van with a bunch of rowdy boys.
“Aww aren’t you sweet letting Y/N sleep on you like that!” Mista teased. “You both look adorable ~”
“Shut the fuck up. You’re gonna wake them up and we’re just friends.” He gave Mista and the rest of the giggling crew the middle finger.
“…just friends…” you repeated in your sleep.
“Suuuuurrrreee buddy.” Mista teased as he gave him the finger guns and a cheesy ass wink.
“Get bent.” Abbacchio proceeded to throw an empty water bottle at him for that.
“…Are we there yet..?” You yawn, squinting your eyes as you adjust to the light.
“Not even close…” he growls. “ just go back to sleep. Y/N.”
Abbacchio gives Mista a scornful look that could kill him.
“H-hey don’t look at me like that! You throwing shit is what woke them up!” Mista said, trying not to fuel Abbacchios anger further.
It was another night of you two drinking together but you decided to take it up into his bedroom for some privacy since a couple were still up playing video games in the living room. You were admiring the amount of makeup he has.
“You always know how to look so nice. I don’t even know how to put the stuff on other than foundation and mascara.” You sheepishly confessed .
“You have a nice natural look. But if you’d like I can show you how to use some of mine to change it up a bit. I have a few lipstick colors that would look amazing on you” he said getting some makeup off his makeup vanity.
His hand was gentle when he held your face, his ametrine eyes felt like they were staring directly into your soul as he applied the eyeliner on your face. You could feel your face getting red from the intense eye contact, his eyes were so gorgeous. You have never seen a 2 toned eye color before.
“If your eyes are hooded it’s best to go with a thinner line so it doesn’t smudge…” he said, focusing on the other eye now. “You can go thicker if you want but you need to wait a little bit to make sure it dries.”
“Okay…” was all you could mutter out. Him being so close made you get a little shy again like when you first met.
He wanted to keep staring into your pretty eyes, they were hypnotizing up close but he had to break contact to get out the lipstick.
It was your favorite color and it compliments your skin tone well. Looking at your lips as he put it on you was giving him impulsive thoughts. The way he instructed you to pout your lips made you look so kissable. His mind went into autopilot mode, he moved closer to you and you did the same. He kept staring at your perfectly colored lips and gently brushed his lavender ones against yours.
“Shit!” He realized what he did and jumped back and started apologizing profusely.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to do that—I’m kinda drunk so I’m not thinking straight-“
You cut him off by kissing him back.
“?!” If it wasn’t for his full coverage foundation his entire face would be red.
“You’re fine.”you say. “I…uh… kinda always wanted to do that.“ you confessed looking away sheepishly. “I really like you a lot .”
“Oh? And you kept this from me all this time?” He said trying to regain his confidence.
“And you didn’t notice all this time?” You gently teased.
“You brat.” He smirked and roughly pulled you closer to kiss you deeply.
You never did get a good look at how he did with your makeup. Confessing your feelings and making out is much more confidence boosting than a makeover.
You two decided to be lowkey about your relationship, the last thing you two wanted was to be teased by the others. Also neither of you are a fan of PDA, it just adds unwanted attention and it’s kinda gross having people watch you.
That doesn't mean he doesn’t mean doesn’t make his affection known. Under the privacy of the table he likes to hold your hand. If he’s feeling flirtatious his hand is on your thigh. He'll run his hand up your inner thigh, give a good squeeze and massage it a bit. You have to do everything you can not to blush or just cream yourself.
At the restaurant he would sneak off with you into the bathroom to have some impromptu alone time. Around you he just gets so needy so easily. He has you against the wall with one of your legs hiked around his hip as he grinds his clothed erection into your crotch. He’s muffling your moans with open mouth kisses and lots of tongue. He always tastes like his favorite wine and with how good he makes you feel it’s like you could get drunk off of his kisses.
He always has to have a handkerchief and an extra tube of lipstick on him to keep both of your little secrets a secret. He’s definitely looking for a transfer proof brand of lipstick for both of you to wear so you don't have to worry about all the smudging. But… seeing his lip prints all over you gets him off hard.
When you don’t have missions together and you’re spending a few nights apart it’s tough on you both. But distance does make the heart grow stronger, and so does your neediness for him. You both make the best of the situation with what you have. Late night conversations that end up leading to some heavy sexual topics. He texts the lewdest things that you have to go read in private and even touch yourself to due to how graphic he’s being.
“Oh the things I would like to do to you right now... I’d kill just to have you with me.”
“You think you could ride me when I get home? I love watching your cute face as you try to take me all in.”
“ I want to watch your mascara run down your face as I make you cry my name.”
“You think you can take my entire load or do you think it will leak out? The thought of creampie-ing you is making me feral.”
“I can’t wait to get out of this hell hole. These brats are annoying me. The minute I get home I’m going to blow your back out. I swear I’m going to fuck the living hell out of you”
When you have missions together you make sure to get a room. Bucciarati spares no expense and makes sure that everyone has at least a decent place to stay for the night. You think a nice hotel would have thicker walls but poor Narancia and Fugo did NOT get any sleep that night.
He had you on to your back in a mating press pounding mercilessly into your sopping wet cunt.
“Shit Leone~!”you mewled clinging on to him.
“That’s right bambina. You keep saying my name” he panted while nibbling on your ear.
“Fuck you’re tight… I’m never sharing you. You’re all mine” he growled.
Your feet were hitting the wall as he buried his cock deep into your tight cunt at a brutal pace. He let go of one of your legs and rubbed circles on your clit.
“Oh god~ Leone~ you’re going to make me cum!” You cried as tears ran down your cheeks.
“That’s right- you cum for me. Cum with me!” He grunted.
You felt the warm release inside making you feel pleasantly full. The knot in your belly tightened and legs spasmed, your toes curled, you felt the fire in you intensify and the knot finally snapped.
“Oh fuck~ Leo I’m cumming!” You howled as you arched your back.
You didn’t have time to bask in the afterglow, you both suddenly felt weightless for a brief second and a loud crash. You both broke the hotel bed!
A zip sound came from the door-“ I heard a commotion! Abbacchio are you being attacked?!” Bucciarati burst in and his eyes fell on the both of you and his face went red.
“!!!” You quickly covered your chest with the sheet. “Uh-um….” You couldn’t form any sentences.
“Let me guess…Just friends huh?” Bucciarati teased with a shit eating grin
“Bucciarati…with all due respect-please get the fuck out.” Abbacchio said deadpan trying not to get embarrassed.
“Oh alright… but you’re paying for the damages.” He smirked as he opened the door and left.
So much for keeping everything a secret…
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