#I have nothing against Chiron I just think this is interesting
maple-tree-hills · 3 months
Do you ever think about how TV show Chiron is an unreliable mentor? He tells Percy at the start of his quest that Hades is more jealous than Poseidon and that he deeply resents his brothers. Percy then meets Hades and he straight up tells him he doesn't do jealous. And that he doesn't want to start a war with his brothers. Just something to think about.
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Hi, I just saw your request with Leo and Reader where Jason walks in on the two of them in compromising situations, so I was wondering if you can do the same thing, just that this time is Jason and Reader and she is Percy sister, I think it would be very interesting
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ The Two Times Percy Nearly Caught Them, And The One Time He Did
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content: jason grace x daughter of poseidon! reader warning: language, sexual allusions but a bit of stretch author's note: i feel like jason is ooc but i think he should be allowed to be fun. break that romanness from him and what do you get?? a child who just wants to have fun GODDAMN IT-
percy jackson can be obvious. we know this. but, let's just see how obvious, shall we?
i. the welcome home committee
percy was finally coming back to camp after a brutally year at school. he wanted nothing more than to curl up with annabeth and waste the summer away. oh, and i guess to see his sister too. kidding, kidding, he's counting down the seconds to see his baby sister again. he was bounding up the steps of cabin three, only halting as he thought he heard two voices. he frowned and his face scrunched up, leading him to lean his ear close to the door.
"...percy's gonna be here soon." he heard y/n say, though he missed the first part of her sentence.
"i've got time," a voice replied with a laugh and percy knew he should be able to pinpoint it, but he just couldn't place it.
"that's what you think and then im gonna be without a shirt and percy's gonna swing the door open and -"
"you worry too much. just go with the flow," the voice joked once more and percy could feel the name of the person just on the tip of his tongue. thinking he'd be able to catch them, percy instantly swung the door wide open and glared over at his sister's side of the cabin.
"percy?! you're back early!! oh my gods, look at you!!" she cheered, instantly leaping from her bed and pulling percy into a tight hug. percy kissed the top of her head as she pulled him into a hug, his eyes glaring all around as he tried to see if someone was hiding under her bed or behind some curtains. once he was sure there was no one, he pulled back and began to unpack
"i could have sworn i heard two voices as i walked in," percy started, glancing over his shoulder as he put a pillow on his bed. instantly, she pointed over to where her laptop was, some movie playing. without a second thought, percy's shoulder's relaxed and he smiled brightly at his little sister.
"alrighty, then. i'll leave you to it, gotta see the misses," percy joked as he left the cabin, a pep in his step now that he was certain there were no guys snooping around his little sister.
y/n peeked out the cabin, making sure percy was going to stay gone, before looking up at the roof of the cabin, where jason was floating with a smirk.
"you're quite proud of yourself up there, huh?"
"what can i say, i'm fast on my feet!" jason cheered only to come crashing to the ground after a spirt of water splashed against his face. he looked up at the daughter of poseidon, now, who was glaring down at him.
"out?" jason assumed
ii. capture the lips - er - flag
chiron had, recently, been placing rules on capture the flag. athena and poseidon weren't allowed to be on the same teams anymore, as percy and annabeth would just end up fighting each other. no more than two cabins of the big there were allowed to be on the same team, due to unfair advantages. normally, that wouldn't be a probably as nico didn't like to play. but, since getting with will, he's grown out of his shell and said he would play in the next game with the apollo cabin. which had already teamed up with the poseidon cabin. so that meant the zeus cabin (jason. it's just jason) was with athena. to say he was disappointed was more than a lie, as he would typically use this time to drag y/n off to make out in the woods until it was over. not this time though, as jason had to suit up in a different colored armor than y/n, pouting the whole way.
then y/n marched past him, following after percy, as her shoulder's collided with jasons. she apologized and offered him a quick wink from under her helmet before chasing after her brother once more. jason looked down at his hand, noticing that a note had been shoved into it.
meet me at the creek
ps you look cute in red, does great things for your ass
jason couldn't help but smile at the note, shoving it into his jean pockets and pretending to listen to whatever orders annabeth was giving, knowing he wouldn't follow a single order from her. there was one girl in jason's life that he listened to and if she told him to go to the creek, flag be damned he'd be at that creek.
she was a vision in bronze and jason had her pinned against a tree within seconds of seeing her. both of their swords had been stabbed into the ground and helmets were tossed to the nearest location. jason had her face cupped between his hands, his lips firmly pressed against hers. then they heard footsteps, rapid, followed by shouts of protest. without much thought, y/n grabbed jason's wrist and flipped him over your shoulder, sending them both sprawling across the ground as though they were in the middle of a fight. jason groaned as he was winded on the ground, glaring over at the girl. she then produced a dagger and held it agaisnt his throat as the other campers scrambled past, will cheering as he and nico dragged the flag across the creek. once certain no one was looking, you pulled your knife away from jason's neck and helped him up.
"that was what you thought of? break my back?" jason groaned, stretching as he stood.
"you'd know all about breaking backs, huh?" y/n taunted with a smirk and jason laughed, shaking his head as he picked up both their words.
"careful, might fall in love with me."
"might? it's far too late for me," jason teased, but you could hear the seriousness in his voice. you smiled at him, leaning up to press your lips against his once more until you heard percy's voice calling for you. your eyes widened in panic and you quickly shoved jason to the ground before pulling your sword out and shoving the point of it to his throat.
"y/n! y/n! there you are- hey, good job taking care of jason! my sister kick your ass or what?" percy taunted as he threw an arm over his sister's shoulders with a wide smile. jason groaned on the ground, glaring over at the girl who offered him a sheepish smile
"something like that," he huffed.
iii. the cabin one curse
percy had just wanted to hang out with jason. his best roman bud. he didn't think anything about the fact that his sister had been missing for the whole day, or the fact that he actually hadn't seen much of jason that day either. it wasn't on his mind as you bounded up the stairs of cabin one and swung the door wide open.
"hey, superman, wanna hang out-" percy called but as he took in the sight before him, the words died in his throat. his sweet baby sister, straddle the lap of his one of his best friends. his eyes instantly sharpened on jason, who looked like a deer caught in headlights.
"you're dead, grace."
"wait- wait- c'mon man, let's talk this out like civilized people," jason all but begged, rapidly removing y/n from his lap and jumping up, holding his hands out to percy like he was a feral beast.
"civilized? you wanna talk about civilized?! someone civilized wouldn't put their hands on my sister!" percy bite back, circling jason like a shark.
"she started it!" jason blurted like a child.
"pussy!" y/n shouted from jason's bed, jumping to her feet and joining her brother in the circling of the son of jupiter.
"she's not denying it!" added jason and percy halted, turning to his sister with narrowed eyes. the girl instantly shrunk, holding her hands up as a sign of innocence.
"...you didn't," percy huffed, instantly pinching the bridge of his nose with a sigh, "i gave you specific instructions."
"no, no. you told me not to flirty with jason. we've definitely done more than flirty-" y/n replied easily before her eyes widened as she realized her mistake. she jolted forwards, grabbing hold of jason's wrist and dragging him out of the cabin. percy came running after them, chasing them as they weaved around camp.
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astrosirensblog · 2 years
Sirenas Astrology Observations
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• 8th house synastry only works with two confident and emotionally intelligent people. One of the main reasons why 8th house synastry ends up toxic is jealousy and controlling issues from one side
• people who have aries in their 4th house know how to deeply hurt people fr fr
• some people with major Saturn and Mars influence tend to be real assholes, seriously these people have no chill and they think they served you karma by giving you lifelong trauma
• saturn synastry is really not easy when one side isn’t Interested in development
• you should be highly careful with 2nd house synastry, people who have many aspects to your second house could destroy your self-esteem and the recovery will take a long time
• Chiron synastry can be really beautiful and healing
• being a taurus is exhausting because we can’t let go of our damn grudges
• People calling earth signs (especially Taurus) materialistic is so tiring because everyone sees being materialistic as something bad. We just feel good when we get to treat ourselves with gifts, there is nothing wrong about that
• another point about 1, 2,7,8 and 12th house synastry is that narcissistic people will hurt you to the core. They will see everything that is good about you and turn it completely against you and duo to the energies you guys exchange in this synastry you will feel it really intensely and you will also feel like you are stuck in that situation and they will never leave you alone. So always be careful about the way people make you feel and how much they respect and value you as a person because strong synastry can be heaven or hell (I would also count 4th house synastry because the home is a place you feel save and sometimes don’t even realize that it’s actually not a good environment for you)
• the most goofiest synastry is definitely 3th house and 5th house (depending on the placements of course) but imagine having a friend or partner with who you have 3th house synastrie in mercury and 5th house venus or moon synastry. This kind of synastry is all about fun, free communication, the inner child feeling comfortable in the relationship. It just makes the relationship really easy going and peaceful
• Saturnian and Pluto midheavens are really precocious about how they appear to the world. You will think their appearance online and in real life is really natural and cool but they actually planned on their next moves 5 years ago. They exactly know how to react to certain things and what opportunities this will bring them. They already knew you will be working with them even before you knew about their existence
• Cancers can be really dangerous because they know what to do and say to smooth you, it’s hard to stay mad at them for too long
• Jupiterians really have the biggest audacity and I’m 100% sure they do know, their behaviors and words hurt people but they just don’t care. In fact these people can lack a lot of empathy (for example miley cyrus (a sag sun) used to bully hailey bieber when they were kids and hailey talked about it once openly and miley agreed on everything she said and then just said “well I made you stronger”, this is exactly what I am talking about 😭)
• Mercury ruled people love to give reviews, fr I think most people that go online and search for the restaurant they just eat in and give a detailed reviews are people with virgo and or gemini placements
• there is something about Lillith- Asc / Pluto people and their cry. You look at their eyes and you can see how their pain is transforming into something powerful, it’s like you directly see how they turn their pain into power (I recommend you, do not hurt these people, they will get you in ways you would have never thought anyone could)
• Capricorns flirt by telling you how much money they have lmao
• You will actually heal your Chiron wound by doing exactly what you did that has caused the wound in the first place, Kim Kardashian for example has her Chiron in Taurus 5th house. The 5th house is about creativity, being in the spotlight, acting, dating and all that jazz while taurus is more about sensuality, materialism, beauty etc. So Kim was always a fashion girl and she inspired to become a international It-Girl but after her Sex-tape Scandal she was shamed on all medias and she wasn’t really taken serious besides that she once talked about how they made fun of her in a show and she was really anxious about being in front of cameras afterwards. But she buckled up and still took part in kuwtk and did modeling jobs, was a video fixen and dated openly (often rich guys) who gave her even more opportunity’s. Even now after her divorce with Kanye and he trying to embarrass her on his twitter, she still does her thing which brings her many blessings. So do what scares you the most
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takaraphoenix · 4 months
What do you think about the changes to Luke’s confrontation with Percy ?
Got this ask, got really confused, realized the final episode was out, went to watch it, came back here.
As with the majority of the many changes this show made to the books, I have... mixed feelings on it.
Part of me loves this much more than the books - much - more. Because it made so much more sense. Luke, trying to recruit Percy instead of just... flat-out trying to murder him again.
And! That Percy was the one who figured it out, on his own. I love how clever this show makes Percy.
It was a really tense and interesting confrontation.
Now here's the part that made me dislike it. Because it made so much sense.
In the books, Percy not taking Luke's side made complete sense, because Luke just flat-out tries to murder him, for the second time, and he is screaming and throwing so much stuff out in such a frantic way that he does sound like he lost his mind. It's very easy to conclude "My guy, you're being brainwashed by Kronos".
But this Luke? And this Percy?
The Percy who literally spent the entire damn show MAKING Luke's points. The first half of this show, every single conversation between him and Annabeth was basically Percy reciting Luke's bulletpoint list of why the gods suck and demigods shouldn't do their bidding.
And now, what? All of the sudden, just because, what, daddy dearest showed up once and saved Percy's life from Zeus, he is Team Olympus? C'mon. That was weak as fuck.
A very brief summary of a point I've made in the past, I don't want to drag this argument out again but it's important to bring up in this context: PJO is inherently a story about keeping the status quo. It follows the very tried concept of giving the villain (Luke) a very good and valid motivation to rebel against an oppressive force, but undermining the good points he makes by adding something that nobody can argue is bad (Kronos controlling everything in the background), so the hero fights the immediate problem instead of the shared oppressors, instead of just giving the very good and valid motivation to the hero and have them fight for real change.
And in the books, at least there really wasn't much of a reason for Percy to join Luke, and Luke doesn't even really ask for it either.
But this Luke asked. This Luke very coherently expressed himself.
And this Percy has made his exact talking points in the past. And nothing, aside from Poseidon stepping up once in his fucking life, has really changed. If anything, I'd say the bad - Ares, Zeus, ATHENA - really outweigh the good.
Why is Kronos worse than Zeus? Because he ate his children? Zeus did worse things to his own children in mythology, to be quite frank. Show Percy is too clever - too knowledgeable about mythology and the past of their godly family and good at putting one and one together - and too bitter toward the gods to so fully dismiss Luke, in my opinion, especially considering we removed the "I will immediately try to murder you with a killer scorpion" and added Luke explicitly trying to recruit Percy.
And I'm not saying "Percy should have absolutely joined Luke's side", but I am saying that it felt far too much like a 180 on Percy's part to be defending the gods and pretend that Luke isn't making sense. I liked that Chiron called that out in the end, but... Percy's reply was even weaker because there was no foundation for why he would be so stubborn about this.
Even if you don't pull through with it, I think that an angle of doubt, an angle of temptation, should have been played up here.
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Do you wanna hear what I think is my most unpopular PJO opinion? (don't get me wrong, I have some that would get me on lists, but this one is likely the one that would get the least traction):
Generally, demigods like quests.
(Insert booing noises here.)
Let me make my arguments:
We've all taken Annabeth's statement that campers train for the opportunity to fight monsters like the Minotaur to be a sign of how naive and headstrong she is. And... it is, but where did we get the impression that she was also the only one who thought like that?
Ironically enough, Luke's the biggest proof there is for my theory. Let's see how Luke talks about his quest.
Let’s just say I messed things up for everybody else. The last two years, ever since my trip to the Garden of the Hesperides went sour, Chiron hasn’t allowed any more quests.
Two things jump out here. While it's possible that "Chiron hasn't allowed any more quests" refers to putting his foot down and not allowing the gods to demand any, given Annabeth's attitude (and the likelihood of that holding much water with the gods), it's even more likely that it's the campers who aren't allowed to go. Luke certainly believes that he ruined things for the others by causing the ban.
Then, at the forest with Percy:
I trained, and trained, and trained. I never got to be a normal teenager, out there in the real world. Then they threw me one quest, and when I came back, it was like, ‘Okay, ride’s over. Have a nice life.’ “The heck with laurel wreaths,” Luke said. “I’m not going to end up like those dusty trophies in the Big House attic.”
Let me remind you that Luke is 19 here. There's no way Chiron and Mr. D could be holding him against his will at Camp the way they were, for example, with Annabeth and Percy at the beginning of the book. Annabeth also says that other counselors were in college, lending credence to the fact that, especially when they were older, they were free to come and go.
This is not Luke saying that he doesn't want to be stuck at camp. He's saying he doesn't want to end up on the shelf.
“You’re wrong. [Kronos] showed me that my talents are being wasted. You know what my quest was two years ago, Percy? My father, Hermes, wanted me to steal a golden apple from the Garden of the Hesperides and return it to Olympus. After all the training I’d done, that was the best he could think up.”
“Where’s the glory in repeating what others have done? All the gods know how to do is replay their past. My heart wasn’t in it. The dragon in the garden gave me this”—he pointed angrily at his scar—“and when I came back, all I got was pity.
His complaint with the quest? It was not "my dad used me as a tool" or "he put me in danger" — it was "the one he chose showed that I'm an afterthought to him". It was "he gave me no glory or recognition".
Also, "After all the training I’d done, that was the best he could think up"? Sounds a lot like quests weren't so much errand runs as rewards or shows of recognition by the gods.
But that's not the only interesting thing to happen in that conversation!
After a while Luke said, “You miss being on a quest?” “With monsters attacking me every three feet? Are you kidding?” Luke raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, I miss it,” I admitted. “You?”
Mister "I never wanted to be a half-blood" himself! (Almost as if characters are meant to change throughout a story... huh.) And let's remember this is Luke he's talking to — the only person he revealed his prophecy to. He has a history of trusting him over anyone else. There's nothing in this scene that points to him being anything but honest.
Putting aside Percy's hero complex that will have him harassing the Oracle so it will give him a quest because he's unable to stand by the sideline as his friends are in danger, how other people have pointed out that Percy was the one to propose and sometimes even force himself into most of his quests — I never saw anyone mention his admission that he liked them, at least the first one. Now, of course, it's undeniable that he does eventually get tired of it, but... to what extent, really? In TLO, he says he's ready to kick back and enjoy himself, but that's in reference to the Great Prophecy. It doesn't have both capitalization and the word great in it for nothing.
Then in Staff of Hermes:
If he was delivering a message in person from the gods, it was bad news. If he wanted something from me, it was also bad news. But seeing as he’d just saved me from explaining myself to Annabeth, I was too relieved to care.
Sure, he doesn't want a quest, but it's still preferable to a difficult conversation with his girlfriend. It's only when they really start to pile up and interfere seriously with his normal life (by, say, making him miss most of a year) that he puts his foot down.
But his is ultimately an unusual case, because others aren't as affected by their own quests.
"Except for how they're risking their lives!" you say, but...
How dangerous are normal quests?
Because all signs point to Percy's being an outlier. For starters, as a powerful child of the Big Three, he attracts more monsters than your regular demigod, and that's without taking into account the gods who hate him for it.
Then there's the fact that Kronos's rise has stirred up monster activity
“I saw a lot out there in the world, Percy,” Luke said. “Didn’t you feel it — the darkness gathering, the monsters growing stronger? Didn’t you realize how useless it all is?"
As well as brought older, stronger monsters out of the woodwork.
"The stirring of monsters." Dr. Thorn smiled evilly. "The worst of them, the most powerful, are now waking. Monsters that have not been seen in thousands of years..."
Not to mention that most of Percy's quests that we've seen involved jumping straight into a scheme by an ancient, powerful titan by the moniker "the Crooked One".
Compare them to The Stolen Chariot. That was... fun, all in all. An afternoon visit to the zoo. Got him out of class early. What if that's the standard for a quest?
However, the biggest argument for quests being usually pretty simple is, once again, Luke. Let's go back to that first quote.
Let’s just say I messed things up for everybody else. The last two years, ever since my trip to the Garden of the Hesperides went sour, Chiron hasn’t allowed any more quests.
So, quests were more or less normal two years before TLT, before they were forbidden, like the chariot races, because it was judged unacceptably dangerous. So, it could be that Luke's was the last in a recent string of injuries (possible — he said himself that already the world was becoming "darker" by the time of his quest) and/or it was considered to be bad enough in itself to justify ending quests entirely. Whatever the explanation, for all the "yeah, we make a shroud whenever someone goes on a quest" rituals, Luke's injury had to have been grisly by their standards.
Like. Not to diminish it, but. It's a scar across the face. It doesn't even seem to have affected his eyesight.
Everything points to...
That your average camper, before Kronos, would have either volunteered or been selected by the gods (probably their parent) to go on quests as recognition of their skills and a chance to earn glory. OH, and don't forget a chance to be a hero. That's important. After all, you don't wanna end up in the Fields of Asphodel because your life was too boring, do you?
TL; DR: The attitude towards quests and even probably the experience surrounding them are much different than we treat them in fandom.
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heliads · 1 year
Hi Lisa, not the person who asked about Luke Castellan but I have a request since I saw you write for him!
A Luke Castellan x female reader, where they are at camp half-blood and reader and Luke have known each other for as long as reader can remember and they always train together and try and be better than each other at sword fighting, and always try to win Capture the flag if they are on opposite teams. Luke is always a bit overly flirty because he has some slight crush on the reader, but she thinks it's normal that he's flirty and doesn't pay much attention to it, deflecting it with her own flirty responses. But one day, Luke decides to tell reader how he feels but has heard that Percy Jackson wants to tell reader that he likes her too, so there's some dispute amongst them and basically it leads to them always trying to get readers attention and trying to be impressive which may lead to some fights. So it catches Mr.D and Chiron's attention and they tell them to calm the fights down and if they really want to win someone's heart they have to do so fairly which may lead to a competition of some sort. (Hopefully you get where I'm going with this, a competition thats not Capture the Flag-) and in the end Luke wins the competition therefore confessing to reader and make it a sweet fluffy ending! (Where reader accepts because I don't want poor Luke heartbroken 😭)
Thanks Lisa ! <33
this is for the luke castellan believers (i am one)
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You are not in the mood for tricks. That’s why you’re at the sword fighting arena, after all; nothing calms a dangerous temper like swinging celestial bronze at someone’s head. However, the fact that you’ve chosen Luke Castellan of all people as a partner for the afternoon would then call your sanity into question. 
If you’re so frustrated with the world around you that you’d glare this ferociously at first-summer campers for daring to walk slowly in front of you, it isn’t entirely clear why you’d go to the son of Hermes as a temporary solution to your anger issues. You tell yourself the only reason you’re walking towards Luke is because he’s the best at sword fighting here, but maybe there’s another reason, too.
Maybe you’re specifically challenging Luke to a round in the ring because you know he’ll fire up your temper even more than usual. See, one of the worst parts about Luke Castellan being your sword fighting opponent isn’t just his uncanny skill with the blade, it’s the fact that he’ll trash talk you the entire time he kicks your ass. That’s why most people choose to avoid him unless absolutely necessary.
That’s also why you like fighting against him most of all. If anyone’s got comebacks strong enough to match Luke, it’s you. You’re also his most challenging opponent. That’s common knowledge at Camp Half-Blood, even Luke has grudgingly admitted it a few times. 
Everyone knows that you and Luke would stay in the arena until both of you collapse from exhaustion if Chiron would let you. It’s a shame that the camp activities director won’t allow that to happen, but that doesn’t stop you and Luke from doing your best to get to that point every time you pick up a sword.
Luke appears to have been expecting you. He’s been challenging a training dummy the past few minutes, but he gives up his hacking of motionless targets in favor of one that can actually punch and kick.
“I thought you’d be dropping by,” he grins.
You arch a brow. “Why’s that?”
“I don’t think you can stay away that long,” Luke says matter-of-factly, “what, have you missed me since I last saw you? It has been hours, I wouldn’t blame you.”
You roll your eyes. “If that’s how you’re going to be, I’ll ask someone else to spar. Maybe Percy, he’s been good as of late.”
Luke’s jaw locks, just the reaction you’d been hoping to see. You pretend to start walking away and Luke crosses in front of you, arms folded across his chest. 
“Not so fast, L/N. I’m interested now, you might as well commit. I’ve been looking for an easy win today anyway.”
You let out a brief laugh in pretend shock. “Easy, huh?”
Luke cracks a proud grin. “Yeah, just like every other time I beat you. Easy.”
“I’ll show you easy,” you challenge, and swing your sword at his head.
Luke barely blocks the attack, immediately countering at your exposed side. You parry him with ease, taking a step back to give you enough room to put your full force into the defensive motion. Twisting your sword, you lunge forward towards Luke’s bicep. This time, you do manage to hit him. It’s the smallest of grazes, as Luke has already started sidestepping, but you do manage to slice a fine line into his skin. 
You smile when drops of red begin to bead up where you’d struck him. “First blood?”
“Won’t be the last,” Luke promises you, redoubling his attacks. It takes everything in you to defend yourself against the relentless onslaught of blows, and even your best efforts aren’t quite enough to avoid Luke’s blade. His last show of force is enough to slice through the side of your shirt, nicking you in the process.
You glare at him. “I happen to like this top, you ass. Don’t do that again.”
Luke’s grin is shameless. “You’d better do a better job at defense if you don’t want it to happen.”
You glare at him, earning only a laugh in return. The rest of the bout follows in the same vein, with you and Luke trading cuts and jabs at the other. You don’t think you’ve ever found two people so evenly matched as you and Luke. The end of the practice session finds both of you chests heaving, lying on your backs side by side in a corner of the sword fighting arena.
“Not bad,” you admit.
“Same with you,” Luke replies. You don’t have to look his way to see that same easy grin on his face. Someday you’re going to have to admit that you like knowing him better than anybody, but today is not that time.
He gets up first, crouching over you with a hand extended. You take it without him having to ask. Luke puts a little too much force into the effort of pulling you up, and you end up stumbling forward a step or two. When you look up, you’re only a few inches away from him, both of your faces turned instinctively towards the other. For some reason, you can’t quite convince yourself to walk away, not yet.
“Easy, sweetheart,” Luke breathes, “Don’t go falling for me quite yet, would you?”
His relentless sarcasm is what you need to break from your spell. You hurriedly step back, waving goodbye to Luke over your shoulder. You can’t quite meet his eyes.
You head back to your cabin in a rush, too lost in thoughts you don’t want to consider for even a second. You’re hoping to put the whole matter with Luke out of your mind, but you’ve barely flopped onto your bunk after a shower when your best friend comes rushing up to you.
“What is it now?” You ask, one forearm pressed against your eyes in an effort to stave away intrusive thoughts that should definitely stay buried.
Your best friend chuckles. “You’re going to want to hear this. Best gossip, straight from the source.”
You raise a brow. “Have you been spying on unsuspecting demigods, Tina? You really have to stop that, you know. It’s an invasion of privacy.”
Tina Hernandez, your godly half-sister and favorite person in the entire camp, doesn’t seem too affected by the irritation in your tone. “Secrets were meant to be shared, Y/N. Do you want to hear this or not? It happens to include a certain Luke Castellan.”
This is an obvious tactic meant to pique your interest and get you to focus on her. Tina is only doing it because she thinks she knows something about you, something which definitely isn’t true. If you were smart, you would ignore the bait about Luke entirely.
You open your eyes. “What is it?”
Tina grins triumphantly. “Knew that would get your attention. So here’s the thing, I was heading back from arts and crafts just a few minutes ago when I heard raised voices. Of course, that’s not exactly unusual around here, but when I heard your name being tossed around I knew I had to investigate further.”
She pauses for dramatic effect, and you wave your hand impatiently. “What was it? I don’t have all day.”
“You literally do, but okay,” Tina replies, vaguely offended by your rushing of her story, “Anyway, I did some high quality espionage and it ended up being Luke Castellan and Percy Jackson. Percy was saying something about how he wanted to tell you how he felt but Luke was having none of it.”
“Why was that?” You ask doubtfully.
Tina groans. “Isn’t it obvious? Luke likes you. He didn’t want Percy confessing anything because he doesn’t want you to be with Percy.”
You laugh incredulously. “You must be out of your mind. Luke doesn’t like me like that.”
Tina scoffs. “Of course he does. He flirts with you nonstop.”
“He does that with everyone,” you argue, but it sounds weak even to your ears.
Tina knows it, too. “Sure thing, if that’s what you want to tell yourself. Regardless, they were both unhappy with each other, and ended up storming away, but not before saying something about proving they were each better or something.”
You frown. “What does that mean?”
“No idea,” Tina admits, “but I have a feeling that we’re going to find out pretty soon. Subtle doesn’t exactly go by the name of Luke or Percy.”
You grin. “You’re not wrong about that.”
She certainly isn’t. Within the hour, you’re seeing evidence that Tina’s investigations were sound. During dinner that night, Luke and Percy can’t stop glaring at each other. The next day, they’re practically at each other’s throats, both trying to outdo each other in obstacle courses and sword training and literally every challenge under the sun. It’s insane.
It takes about a day and a half before things get out of control. What started off as a harmless game of Capture the Flag ended up with Luke and Percy getting into a fight. They were both hauled off to camp headquarters to be chewed out by Chiron and Mr. D. Obviously, this is a private matter, but you can’t stop yourself from dropping by to see if you can overhear a few things later on.
Luke and Percy are being chastised appropriately in one of the rooms of the Big House. If you hover near the outside of the building, just beside a window, you can hear enough of what’s going on to piece together a few things.
You risk a glance inside as you walk over to the window. You can make out Chiron massaging his temples, looking absolutely sick of both boys’ nonsense. Mr. D. is glaring at a soda can in front of him as if willing it to turn to poison so he could down it and be rid of this nonsense.
“You do understand why you can’t be doing all of this, right?” Chiron is saying, “Both of you are role models in this camp for the younger students. That gives you extra responsibilities, some of which involve not tussling in the middle of the woods during a round of Capture the Flag.”
Luke’s voice filters out the window soon enough. “It won’t happen again.”
“No,” Chiron replies firmly, “I have a pretty good feeling that it will. In fact, these fights are going to keep happening until both of you sort out whatever animosity is brewing between you. Either you two talk it out, or you’re going to be stuck on dishwashing duty for the foreseeable future. I leave it to you to decide which fate is worse.”
Percy groans. “Look, sir, this isn’t–”
Mr. D. cuts him off irritably. “What, this isn’t our responsibility? Everything here is our responsibility, boy. Even jealous squabbles between two boys both stuck on one girl.”
You hear a sound that could be Percy choking on his own tongue. “What? That’s absurd. Why would you even think that?”
Chiron might be laughing. Either that, or it’s a truly terrible cough. “Your love lives are your own business. Trust that we want no part of that. What does concern us are the fights, however. Just clear up these problems, alright? I don’t want to see either of you in here again.”
You hear a scraping of chairs, which you assume is the boys being dismissed. Sure enough, a voice soon floats out of the window and down to you.
“This little show is over, Y/N,” Chiron says wearily, “You may now cease eavesdropping under the window.”
You take a few steps back so you can grin up at him. “Duly acknowledged, sir.”
Chiron might smile at that, although you can tell he’s still trying to look appropriately dour. “Do me a favor, Y/N, and make a choice? Those boys need to focus on something other than trying to outdo each other.”
This time you do laugh. “I’ll do my best.”
Chiron raises a hand in farewell and you follow suit before taking off back into the sprawling hills of the camp. Hands in your pockets, you stroll idly through the ranks of campers until you’re reaching the boundary of the forest. When you glance over your shoulder, you realize that there are two figures approaching you. Rapidly, in fact. When you squint to focus, you discover that they’re sprinting towards you at full force.
It appears to be a race, and sure enough, as they draw closer, the silhouettes reveal themselves to be Luke and Percy. You groan, fighting back a laugh. They truly are impossible, aren’t they?
They reach you in a matter of moments. Luke makes it there just before Percy, and you raise your hand in a clear declaration of victory. He clasps it triumphantly, biting back heaving breaths to grin over at Percy. 
Percy opens his mouth to say something, but you hold up a hand. “Luke made it here first. Apologies, Jackson.”
Percy nods solemnly and backtracks, heading towards the center of camp once more. When Luke is able to recover his breath, he straightens up and turns towards you. He looks incredibly nervous. It might be the first time you’ve seen him as anything other than overly confident.
You decide to spare Luke the trouble of going through the motions. “I like you too, by the way.”
Luke stares at you in shock. “What?”
You grin. “You’re confessing. That’s why you and Percy were racing here, I assume? Well, it’s good that you won. I’d hate to turn Percy down if he made it here first.”
A slow smile is beginning to dawn on Luke’s face. “Really?”
You raise a teasing brow. “Why are you so surprised? I assumed you already knew.”
“Well,” Luke admits, “I knew what I wanted to think. It’s surprisingly easy to doubt yourself when you’re about to say it out loud, though.”
You reach over and take his hand. “Don’t worry, then. I choose you. I’ll do it over and over again if I have to.”
Luke squeezes your hand. “I’m very glad to hear it.”
For once, he’s not joking with you. Luke Castellan is completely serious about you. You couldn’t be more happy to discover that.
pjo tag list: @w1shes43
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doevademe · 2 years
Now that I think about it. What would it be like? A PJO and HoO series in 2022 ? (cause let's be honest, the premise I'm gonna propose would never happen in the 2000s) the difference being that Nico is closer to Percy's age, he's still saved by him, still falls for him, gets to know each other better and become friends, Percy gets to realise he's attracted to boys too (specifically one devoted and sarcastic friend of his), Nico learns that even if Percy's brave and loyal (and dreamy) he's not perfect but still loves him with all his shortcomings, I imagine that here Nico deals better with Bianca's death, he's overall less traumatized than canon because this time around he's older and has a true friend in Percy (not that guilt filled bond they got in canon) he's still angry and sad and grieving but he's not alone in that, instead of this turning them against each other like attended in canon, it unites them and .... I'm rambling and saying too much on your own blog, but I really love your work and your vision of the characters so i really want your input on this, of you will 😅
I think what I amtrying to say is, I want to know what a relationship between Percy and Nico would look like if Nico was put in Annabeth's place as love interest? I don't like percabeth's dynamic, seems a good one between best friends but not as a couple, too mean spirited, whereas with Percico I think would be softer, cuter, fluffier even. Percy is caring and Nico loving and would actually blossom quicker I think than percabeth and putting them through Bianca's death, the great prophecy, Percy's disappearence, Tartarus ..etc would come up even angstier and heartwrecking! Do you see the missed opportunities, the potential, it just.....why isn't THAT the canon 😭 and I m sorry I ended up writing more 🙊
I hope you don't mind me saving your first ask (the prompt) for later, as I need to do some thinking and rereading for that one.
Like, I'm of two minds when it comes to Percy and Nico's canon relationship. On the one hand, I love how tempestous and filled with emotion it is. The reason it was so easy for Riordan to write Nico's feelings for Percy is because their relationship has always been portrayed as them being there for each other. When Nico is in danger, it is always Percy who worries and goes after him, and when Percy needs help, it's Nico who leaves everything behind for him. Their relationship is just perfect as is, except for the fact that it can't be romantic unless it's unrequited. Having them closer in age for me changes nothing, because what makes them work as a couple is not impeded by their age difference, but rather by authorial intent.
Nico is a plot device for Riordan. He knows or finds out about things because there needs to be someone to tell Percy, and Chiron, Annabeth, and the Olympians are perfectly happy keeping quiet. He gave Nico all the cool powers so he could gather info for Percy, and a penchant to help him when he needs it most, and then told everyone that it was just because he had a passing fancy on Percy and that his true love is the guy he never mentioned or noticed until the last book. That's a cop-out if I've ever seen one.
The issue with that intent is that Percy and Nico's interactions are just interesting to read and enjoyable. They talk and the scene becomes just about them. Annabeth and Rachel (Percy's actual love interests) stop existing for a while in BotL because Nico needs to talk about belonging. They can have a talk where the world is at stake, where they scare campers for fun, or where they talk about christmas gift shopping and it's the most enrapturing thing ever.
I mean, I already wrote a whole fic about rewriting PJO and HOO with Nico as Percy's love interest, so I think that answers your question of how I would do it, but writing them as a couple far earlier in the story requires more thought, because quite frankly, Nico and Percy are full of flaws and could easily make each other worse because of them. Nico expects Percy to read him like a book while also trying to keep his feelings hidden from him, and Percy expects Nico to just tell him stuff without having to ask and refuses to see hints. A healthy version of Percico while they are young can exist, and they'd be really happy, but it requires a lot of communication and maybe outside help.
That would make for a fantastic story in itself, because a Percy that loves Nico from the start would definitely get together with him as early as Battle of the Labyrinth, but to maintain that relationship and keep it healthy? They'd both have to grow a ton, and that's conflict, which makes for a good story.
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justabooknerdposts · 1 year
I've always been curious about Thalia's perspective of hanging around Percy and Annabeth once they are a couple. It's an interaction not really ever seen and I think itd be really sweet
This was a really interesting concept—I feel like I partly covered this idea in the Hamburgers after the War prompt response, so I tried to touch on some different things here.  And it kind of turned into being more about Thalia and Annabeth’s friendship, but I hope it’s still a satisfying snippet!
As she crossed the green in the middle of Camp Half-Blood, Thalia’s head was spinning a bit.  It had been nearly six months, but she still couldn’t believe that her brother was back in her life.  The warm June breeze blew through the camp, rustling the strawberry fields.  Thalia closed her eyes, taking a deep breath in.  Being back at camp was always harder than she expected.  She could start to feel the borders close in around her.  Nothing against Camp Half-Blood, but Thalia definitely preferred the freedom of being out in the woods with the Hunters.
However, it was worth being back at camp to get to spend time with Jason.  She wished there was more she could do to help him with reclaiming his memories or with the upcoming quest to the ancient lands, but her primary responsibilities now were with Artemis and the Hunters.  She’d told him to keep in touch, though, and she would do what she could.  Mostly, she was still just happy to get to see him again and talk to him. 
Speaking of talking to people…there was one other person Thalia needed to stop and visit before leaving.  But when she poked her head in the Athena cabin, there was no one there.  She found the cabin at arts and crafts, but minus their head counselor.
“I think she’s at the Big House,” Malcolm Pace said.  “Doing more research.”
Thalia thanked him and made her way up to the Big House.  Sure enough, she found Annabeth on the porch, sitting cross-legged in a rocking chair, blonde hair falling out of a messy bun, head bent over a silver laptop.  She was so absorbed that she jumped when Thalia said her name.
“Oh, hi.”  Annabeth brushed her hair back from her face.  “What’re you doing here?”
“I stopped in to see Jason.”  Thalia hopped up on the porch railing.  “And I thought I’d check on you.”
“I’m fine,” Annabeth said, her voice flat, not even trying to hide the lie.
“You’re not,” Thalia said, and she knew she was right when Annabeth didn’t bother to correct her.
Annabeth turned her eyes back to her laptop.  “Have you heard anything?”
Thalia shook her head.  Annabeth was still looking at her laptop, but she must have been watching Thalia in her peripheral vision because her shoulders slumped.  After a moment, she said, her voice small, “I miss him, Thalia.”
“I know.” 
They were quiet for a couple of minutes, Annabeth tapping away on her laptop, Thalia alternately watching her and occasionally glancing through the rec room window, where Mr. D, Chiron, and a couple of satyrs were engaged in a game of pinochle.  It had been nearly six months since Percy had disappeared from his bed in the Poseidon cabin.  For six months, Annabeth had spent nearly every moment searching for her boyfriend.  They hadn’t really been together that long, just a few months, but Thalia knew their relationship had deeper roots than that.  She’d been there when Percy had snuck on the quest to rescue Artemis, more determined to rescue Annabeth than the goddess.  She’s spent a semester as Annabeth’s roommate, hearing stories about Percy this and Percy that, and their adventures from the previous two summers at camp.  The moment that stood out the most, though, had been from last August, on Olympus, when the staircase connecting the mountain to the elevator had begun to crumble.  Thalia, Grover, and Percy had made the jump, but Annabeth, injured, hadn’t had the strength.  When she’d leapt, she’d only managed to half grab the ledge.  When she’d started to slip over the side, Percy had been the first to grab her.  Thalia could still recall the intense look on his face when he grabbed Annabeth’s arms.  It had hit her, in that moment before she and Grover had grabbed Percy in turn, that there was no way he was going to let Annabeth fall. 
She told Annabeth some of this, then pretended not to notice as Annabeth surreptitiously wiped her eyes.  Finally, Thalia said gently, “You’re not fine, kiddo.  But you will be.”
Annabeth smiled slightly at the old nickname.  “You know, I’m older than you now.”
“Doesn’t matter.”  Thalia swung her legs back and forth.  “I can still picture that seven-year-old kid who threatened Luke with a hammer.”  They shared a smile, then Thalia added, “She was tough.  She still is.”
Annabeth swallowed and swiped her hand across her eyes again.  She dropped her eyes to her laptop and, in a tiny voice, said, “Jason showed up with no memories.  Like, none.  What if…” she bit her lip as her voice trailed off.
Thalia’s heart squeezed.  She slipped down from the railing and instead perched on the arm of Annabeth’s chair, putting her arm around her friend’s shoulders.  Annabeth leaned her head against Thalia’s side, a tear slipping down her nose, and Thalia was reminded of a night nearly ten years ago, after the fight in the Cyclops mansion.  It had been their last night before reaching Camp Half-Blood.  None of them could sleep, but they’d been too tired to keep trekking across Long Island.  Annabeth had laid down, but Thalia heard her sniffling.  When she’d touched the little girl’s shoulder, Annabeth had at first flinched.  Then, she’d turned over and buried her head in Thalia’s side, letting Thalia hold her as she cried.  Now, as then, Thalia’s chest ached, wishing she could do something to make her friend feel better.  But she knew now, like then, that there was nothing she could do to fix this heartbreak.  So she simply stayed there on the arm of the chair, her arm around Annabeth’s shoulders, and let her friend cry. 
Because sometimes, just being there was the best she could do.
***Thanks for reading!  Happy almost-release day for The Sun and the Star!***
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i never let myself fall in love. i never let myself even think about loving someone. love was nothing but pain, nothing but anguish.
i’m not saying i feel love towards this boy. i feel something though. chiron told me his name is percy jackson. i’ve just been helping out chiron, helping this boy heal. the news about his “grand entrance” into camp has been spreading like wildfire, and let’s just say it ain’t pretty.
apparently, he beat the minotaur. yeah, that would be impressive for anyone at camp, i think. but… because of my past? holy hera… who is this boy?
he intrigues me, i’ll admit. we’ve been giving him so, so much ambrosia. even a little bit would kill any mortal. you have to be really careful when giving it out, even to someone who is a demigod.
i guess i should explain some things. hi, my name is annabeth chase. my dad is just a normal guy (aside from being a jerk that is), but that’s basically the only normal thing about me. my mom is athena, the greek goddess of wisdom. yep, the greek gods are real, surprise! they have navigated to different areas over time, until they arrived here, in new york.
i live at camp half-blood, a safe place for demigods to stay and train for battle. it’s located in long island sound, at the end of a farm road 3.14. you see, demigods are chased by types of ancient greek monsters, so we need to be ready when we go against them. the real world is way too dangerous for a large majority of us, so a lot of us stay at camp. more people than not go home when summer ends, but i don’t. i’ve lived at camp since i was seven, when i ran away from my dad’s home in virginia.
chiron, the camp director, has been there for me ever since. i honestly would trust him with my life. well, i guess i do. i think he trusts me too, since i’ve known him for quite some time now. if anyone were to be my dad, i would want him to take on that role. yes, he is the same chiron who trained the heroes from greek mythology. he migrated to america when the gods did, been here ever since.
percy keeps coming in and out of consciousness, making random noises as he does. he must be on the literal verge of death. at this point. i’m not going to let him jump off this cliff, though. not just because he’s so interesting, but because he’s a person. he, as with anyone else at camp, deserves to live a life.
he’s strong, i know that at least. how could anyone, but specifically a twelve year old defeat a horribly powerful, ancient monster? it shouldn’t be possible. my mind has been running a thousand miles a minute, ever since he has arrived. although, it always does. i have adhd, dyslexia too. a lot of demigods do. adhd helps give us fast reflexes on the battle field, and dyslexia helps us read greek. it’s wired in our brains, there to help us survive.
i won’t let myselt get attached to him, i won’t. he’s just another camper… right? he was probably just lucky. probably.
i help him sip some nectar, and then he drifts back into a state of sleep. i let myself look at him, observe him. his eyes are fluttered shut and his hair is colored jet black. he makes me almost angry. there’s no reason for it, he’s just a boy. but he does. he makes me so unbelievably rageful.
what is it about you, mystery boy? what is it that intrigues me so? and how do i make it stop?
love is dangerous, that’s something i’ve known since a very young age. love makes you do stupid things, like ruin people. like ruin lives.
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shanastoryteller · 3 years
Happy birthday! I adore anything Percy Jackson 😍
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Hermes’s cabin is overflowing and Percy is fourteen years old and exhausted and reckless. He’d been tagging along with Annabeth to show the new kid around, but this is too much. 
“This is stupid,” he says, looking at the eldest Hermes’s kid try to push sleeping bags nearly on top of one another to make room for one more. 
“Percy, be quiet,” Annabeth hisses, but he doesn’t listen. 
Instead he claps his hands and gets everyone’s attention. “Hey! Unclaimed kids. Come with me.” 
“You can’t just stick us all in Poseidon’s cabin,” one of them pipes up. “It’ll make him mad.” 
“Who said anything about putting you in my dad’s cabin?” he asks. “Stop asking questions and follow me, unless you want to spend another night on the floor.” 
They all trade curious glances, but everyone follows him, even the Hermes kids. Annabeth scoffs and crosses her arms, but doesn’t protest. They gather more curious glances and then more of a crowd, kids tossing down their swords and abandoning their translation work to join the crowd, knowing the beginning of something interesting when they see it. 
But he walks right past his own cabin and walks straight to the second largest cabin in the circle. 
“Percy!” Annabeth shouts, reaching forward to grab him. “You can’t, have you gone mad?” 
“Probably,” he answers absently, stopping in front of the cabin. 
The cabins in the camp are representations of the thrones on Olympus. It would be a very foolish thing to disrespect a cabin, since it’s disrespecting the god who it belongs to. 
“Hera,” he says, and everyone instantly quiets. “Hera of the Heights, of Argos, of the Mound. Hera the cow eyed, white armed goddess of marriage and of family.” 
Annabeth almost looks impressed underneath her fear. Thunder rumbles in the distance and the perfectly sunny day is suddenly overcast. 
It seems he has his mother’s attention. 
“You are the mother goddess, the goddess of family,” he says. “There are lost children here. They are without their mother, without their family, and far from home. Won’t you shelter them?” 
He takes a deep breath and steps forward, ignoring how several campers lunge to stop him. 
He presses his hands against the front of the door. Several people gasp, but nothing happens to him, of course. This is his mother’s cabin. It won’t shock him or hurt him or reject him. But no one else knows that. 
Mother, he thinks. You can’t claim me. I understand that. But you can protect them.
There’s another, much louder crack of thunder. 
Then the door swings open as the sun peaks through the clouds. 
“Unclaimed,” Percy says as he gestures to the open door, hating the word but lacking another, “welcome to your new home. Cabin Two.” 
When Chiron hears what’s happened, he blinks several times and his face becomes unreadable. Percy tells himself it means nothing. He tells himself that it’s impossible for anyone to guess he’s Hera’s son from this, otherwise his mother wouldn’t have done it. 
When Mr. D hears about it, he chokes on his diet coke, and that’s pretty satisfying all on its own. 
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ohmydamgods · 2 years
Riordanverse Opinions I refuse to budge on:
Hot takes part three?? Ig?? These aren’t hot takes at all at this point and if you know me you’ve probably heard me talk about these points multiple times
The punch line for Leo in ToA was atrocious. There was nothing funny about it and the entire scene was just uncomfortable not to mention down right stupid.
Calypso should’ve joined the hunters instead of Reyna. She didn’t necessarily need a romantic relationship, just connection. She clearly has a strong sense of family and it would’ve done her good to see the world while in a sisterhood
Rick literally made Calypso almost stupid and helpless for absolutely no reason?? I’m not sure if anyone else remembers in the dark prophecy when she kicked that metal monster and got hurt and then immediately punched it and broke her hand but why. Then she literally was forced to hobble with her boyfriend and Lester. Literally why would she do that. I’m not really a giant fan of her, but Rick giving one of the most feminine characters no fighting ability and then removing her powers gives me the ick.
He probably did it to make Leo seem like a better, caring boyfriend. which is also stupid. Despite all the many issues with Caleo, we know both of them care about each other. Calypso didn’t need to look stupid to show that Leo cares about her
I like the idea of having a Greek version of New Rome. I had no idea that some people were so strongly against it but I think it’s cool and fun
People who go into whole rants about why Annabeth is so much smarter than Leo are annoying 💀
I think the fact that Annabeth was afraid of Percy in Tartarus was dumb. I’ve heard so many arguments against it because ‘it reminded her of Luke’ or ‘she was scared for him’ etc, but I still think Annabeth would never be scared of him considering their history and his fatal flaw
I really dislike the whole little plot with Percy and Annabeth being uncomfortable with Tyson. I get how it was supposed to be read, but it came off really weird
This isn’t really an opinion but we should look into why so many Annabeth anti’s ship Lukercy or Pernico. If you hate Annabeth whatever I disagree, but the Annabeth anti to Lukercy/pernico pipeline is weird
I like widely beloved Camp counselor!Annabeth much better than widely beloved Camp counselor!Percy. Annabeth is the camp sweetheart and Percy is that one counselor who only a select few trust because everyone finds them intimidating
It’s very interesting to me that people widely disliked Lester x Reyna (as they should) but are still okay with Calypso x Leo even though it’s practically the same thing
When criticizing characters theres so much to think about. Yeah ig you can say Piper has internalized misogyny but then you have to remember Piper might not like dresses and makeup because the way native women are over-sexualized. Same with other characters. Call out Leo’s gross behavior but remember that the way Rick wrote him includes lots of gross Latin stereotypes
Chiron is annoying as hell 💀 pisses me off now that im rereading
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cloodcuckooland · 2 years
some thoughts about TSOA
(I don't really make posts, much less long ramblings like the one below but my chest was going to burst if I didn't write this so here goes nothing) (TLDR: ideas about why Thetis, Patroclus and Achilles are written the way they are in The Song of Achilles)
So now that my brain has more or less finished digesting TSOA I would like to formulate opinions about it, especially since I see quite a lot of people thinking it's the Worst Thing Ever, and I can't really wrap my head around that.
One of the main argument I saw directed against TSOA is that Thetis has become evil for no reason, whereas in The Iliad she's a good mother and doesn't seem to have any particular hate towards Patroclus. Or that Patroclus being not good at fighting is not coherent with how he's depicted in the Iliad, that he has been reduced to Achilles's wifey,, and I totally understand that you might not like those changes, that you prefer the Iliad version of those characters, but I needed to voice out why the author would have made those choices and why it's coherent in the narrative. (i'm really going to write an essay, aren't i...)
First Thetis. It's not so much that she's depicted as evil, as that Patroclus's view of her is where she does not really show her nicest self. I haven't read a lot of theories/meta about TSOA or even the Iliad but here is how I see it: Thetis is hostile to Patroclus because he's like a literal embodiement of Achilles's humanity. Thetis's story is that she wants her son to become a god, to become better than her father (possibly to spurn the gods who were cruel to her by making her marry a man she didn't love?). She will go to extreme lenghts to protect him, but she also wants him to rise and become divine. So she has him train in secret from a young age, then has Chiron, teacher of heroes, educate him, all so he can be better than he is now, and maybe have a chance to becoming like Herakles, who actually became a god thanks to his heroic deeds.
And then you have Achilles who chooses Patroclus as his closest companion, his lover. Patroclus, who is not very good at fighting, not paticularly strong or quick, or interested in heroism at all. Of course Thetis would hate him and would want to separate them, he's everything she doesn't want her son to be! Just Some Guy™ ! (And of course, we know that he isn't just some guy, that his qualities lie elsewhere, and that's why Achilles love him). She's like one of those parents that want the best for their children, to the point that they try to control their lives and their relationships if they don't fit their vision. And since TSOA is framed from Patroclus's point of view, we just see her hostile side, and she has this image of a negative character.
It's even more symbolic than that, Patroclus has those very "humane" qualities: he's compassionate, gentle, mindful of others, modest. Now we recognize those traits as positive, but those are still seen as "feminine" and judged badly in a man. Even more so in a context where people are encouraged to go to war or whatnot for glory... And you have Achilles. He's not a psychopath, but he doesn't really care about people, at least not so much. He doesn't see the other boys that his father foster back in Phtia, he doesn't remember the names of soldiers during the war. He just loves Patroclus, and he will go out of his way to help him. If Patroclus says to save girls, he will try and save them. Patroclus is his tether to humanity... so when he dies, Achilles loses his humanity and on a that famous murderous rampage.
So, why make Patroclus so weak physically, not a fighter contrary to his Iliad version? I personally think it reinforces those humane qualities in him, that are already present in the Iliad, where everyone basically loves him because he's sweet and nice. But also (and I'm going to get emotional here) but it's also such a strong demonstration of love from Achilles's part. Achilles loves Patroclus not despite the fact he's a fighter, he loves him entirely. It's right there at the very beginning of the book, when Peleus asks Achilles why he would choose Patroclus, and Achilles says he's different. And then they have this exchange, where Peleus comments that Patroclus won't give him any glory, and Achilles just answers that he doesn't need him to.
He doesn't need to be strong, or win wars, or love fighting and glory. Of course it's implied that Achilles also means that because he will be glorious enough for the both of them. But it also shows that he just accepts him as he is. He doesn't ask him to change, and when Patroclus has always been rejected by his father because he was never enough it's just so meaningful.
And the contrast between them, the fact that they're so different, that Patroclus has qualities which are not positively seen in that era, and Achilles sees that and still loves Patroclus more than anything...
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lonesilverw0lf · 2 years
Miraculous School AU Idea!
I’ve been sitting on this for God knows how long, and just now have gotten around to posting it. Hello procrastination my old friend~
I really don’t have any real inclination to write this, but if anyone does all I ask is that you tag me so I can read it.
This is a kind of mix of Miraculous Ladybug, Harry Potter, and Percy Jackson. Please don’t jack me if I get some details wrong, I’m a casual fan. If you have ideas for this, I’d love to hear it.
 There is a school type setting where gifted children go to learn of their powers.
Magic is real and it’s known, but not everyone has it.
Think like Bending in the A:tlA. That kinda commonplace.
One has just as much of a chance of having magic as the next. Class, birth, status, history, none of it matters.
Having magic in your bloodline does help your chances of having magic yourself though.
The children are gathered to learn how to harness their powers and use them for the betterment of humanity and defense against the Others.
While normal classes are present, like math, history, science, more active ones happen too, like magical potency, combat, survival, and other things.
There are school wide competitions between class years, Houses, groups, clubs, and so on.
There is also a system of ‘jobs/chores’ that the students do.
Kids need to learn practical life and critical thinking skills, not rote memorization.
There are classes based on age, others based on proficiency and interest, and some based on your House.
The students are ‘Housed’ by the Miraculous they wear and called by the animal they are.
Tikki’s charges are called Ladybugs, Plagg’s are called Cats, Sass’s are Snakes, Loong’s are Dragons, and so on.
I’m thinking the space of the School is huge. Like sprawling.
The Kwamii are kinda like House Mascots, Teachers, Counselors, all rolled into one.
Each house has their Human teachers and Counselors as well.
They wear Miraculous-like jewelry to identify themselves, kinda like House Colors in Hogwarts.
But the jewelry is just that, jewelry. Nothing magical there.
Even after graduation, many’ll tend to wear their jewelry as homage to their Kwamii.
Each Kwamii House has certain specializations when it comes to magic. Foxes are superlative at illusions, Turtles are masters of barriers, etc.
That’s not to say others can’t use those same abilities like it’s an exclusive thing, but they’ll never come to the same level of skill or power as a naturally Housed child would.
Even still, a whole lot of people choose to specialize in just their House.
I have no idea how some of these powers would work in this setting though, like Bunnies and Time Travel for instance. If you have ideas, let’s hear it.
The Houses all have their own quirks and stereotypes. Turtles tend to be longer lived, Dragons are honor hounds, freedom fighting Eagles, yada yada.
Fuu is a few hundred in this and a beloved headmaster. Kinda takes on the Dumbledore/Chiron/Gandalf type role.
Via an undetermined magic, the kind that Kwamii have an instinct for but can’t explain, the children are grouped up by the Kwamii they work with/have an affinity for.
The closer to the center of the Miracle Box their Kwamii is, the more powerful potential they possess, and typically the rarer they are.
There’s no real way to determine which House you’ll be in beforehand. Roll for initiative.
Ladybugs and Black Cats are the absolute rarest, obviously. Like shiny Pokémon. (ooh, shiny!)
Bugs and Cats have less stereotypes and more rumors and legends. There haven’t been enough to make those kinds of overarching assumptions.
A few things are certain though:
o   There has never been a Bug without their Cat and vice versa.
o   They’re soulmates of some kind: platonic, romantic, whatever.
o   As they have the greatest potential, they also carry the biggest burdens and danger.
o   They naturally have the longest and hardest roads to walk.
o   Apart, they’re formidable. Together, they’re unstoppable.
o   The chances of being chosen as a Bug/Cat is so low, it’s almost nonexistent.
o   They have not only the powers of Creation/Destruction, but there are things known only to and things achieved only by Bugs/Cats.
Beyond that, mostly hearsay.
It’s been said that the main founding members of the School were a Bug/Cat.
There have been many powerful and notable figures throughout history, good and ill, magical and non, but Bugs/Cats seem to have a league of their own.
There is no guarantee of what House you will be in when you get there, but some are still convinced at keeping a ‘Pure Bloodline’.
It’s not illegal, but very ‘elitist’ in a supercilious way. (Look it up, seriously. It’s a fun word.)
It ‘works’ in a way that you take on the traits of those you grow up with, so are more likely to get into said House. So it’s a ‘yes but no’.
Every House has at least one family that does this. It’s as dumb as it sounds.
Soulmate magic is a thing, but it’s just as unpredictable as normal magic.
Think of all the differing Soulmate side effects, put them in a grab bag, and then pull out one or few dozen.
Sabine and Tom are soulmates despite not being magic users themselves. This is more uncommon than having a soulmate bond. Most soulmates are magic users.
The kids are mid-teens, young adults when they’re given the notice of joining the School. Gives them time to be kids for a little bit.
Marinette was surprised that she has magic potential at all, being a normal baker’s daughter and all. Adrian was excited to go to the school his parents did.
There are tests that measure if a person is capable of going to said school well beforehand, but few can actually afford it and has a low accuracy rate.
There’s also some side issues with the test that have their own debates.
The ‘Sorting’ takes place a few days after they arrive, which the trip takes a few days in itself.
The theory is that the new bloods will more easily mingle without things like House stigmas holding them back.
This usually works as a lot of classes are mixed House and/or year anyway, but cliques still happen. School, duh.
It’s nowhere near as divided as Hogwarts was, but more of a chaotic unity of Camp Half Blood. (it’s been a while for both, don’t quote me)
While it’s true that getting chosen as a Bug/Cat is an off chance at best, everybody has fantasized being one at least once.
But by the time the Choosing comes around, they’re old enough to know how horrifically improbable it is and aren’t heartbroken when they aren’t chosen as such.
There’s always a small ‘underground’ betting pool that, while not really encouraged, happens every year. Sometimes those that should know better are in on it.
I figured the Sorting would be something between the sorting in HP and PJ. A nice little ceremony with moderate fanfare. Nothing too big.
Plagg doesn’t bother with any of the proper etiquette stuff, he just plops himself on Adrian’s head and takes a nap.
“My Cat, deal with it.”
All the Kwamii are excited, but he could have at least waited his turn…
“Marinette! Marinette! Did you see that?! We have a Cat in our year!!”
“Alya, was it? She might see better if you weren’t shaking her like that.”
Tikki decided to have mercy on the rest (and prevent a riot) and claimed Marinette quickly.
Fuu and the staff knew that they got their work cut out for them. It’s never quiet when a Bug/Cat appear. Ever.
If it is quiet, for any length of time, something’s wrong.
Instant celebrities, but big titles make for big targets. See: Harry Potter and Percy Jackson.
No secret identities here. Mwahahahaha! *crickets* Ok, I have no idea how that’d work.
No clue for the Love Square either, as much of a lovely chaotic mess that is. Ideas are welcome.
It’s ‘highly suggested’ that you sit with your House for the first few days to get acquainted with your new ‘siblings’.
This means that Marinette and Adrian have a small table all to themselves with two miniature gods and most every eye on them.
A girl with adhd/anxiety and a boy with emotional baggage/socially clueless issues alone at a table. Who happen to be soulmates of a sort.
I’ll take Awkward for 200.
The other Kwamii typically have to spread their time out among their students.
Even though they have to split their time, they are much more involved in their young ones’ lives than a Demigods’ parent.
It’s almost like having a third parent for most children.
Tikki and Plagg have no such limitations, so they go everywhere with their Bug/Cat.
That’s not to say that Mari and Adrian, or any others, will only be seen with their Kwamii, ‘Kwamii Swaps’ happen all the time. It’ll just be more obvious and more understandable with those two.
Everybody can see and talk to any Kwamii. Some have better advice for certain situations.
While Bugs/Cats are the responsibility of Tikki/Plagg, the other Kwamii don’t hesitate to lend a hand when needed.
True they’ll do that for most anyone but Bugs/Cats especially.
As Bugs/Cats have the longest road, they need the most help.
Each House has a kind of ‘Cabin’ sort of rooming. They’re not hidden per se, but you need permission to enter if you’re not a resident.
Each Cabin has their own unique style, feel, and history to them.
The House Cabins are separated for space and privacy. Bugs and Cats are technically separate, but they’re basically sharing an apartment.
I’ll take Awkward for 500.
Logically it makes sense: why have a whole section for a Cabin like the others when Bugs and Cats are so few and far in between? They’re Soulmates anyway.
The other Houses have no issues with students. There’s always been a handful in their House at any time.
Marinette takes one look at her new pad and thinks “this is bigger than my house!” Adrian thinks it’s rather modest.
On the upside, it offers some of the best views. Rather private too.
Who knows what other secrets their Cabin has…
Or the School for that matter.
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tagthescullion · 3 years
📁 x (however many you have) for an AU where Bianca survives and is recruited into the Titan army (#dark!Bianca)
Okay I spent literal weeks on this bc I have a WIP of Bianca being alive and I have yet to decide whether I want her to be on the good side or the bad side.. you see, having more Big Three Kids on the bad side is such an interesting concept to me bc they're the ones with the strongest powers and the fight would've been much more equal.. anyway here we go:
(This became a bit long, I'll just add the cut)
(And in the end I decided this is how I'll be continuing my WIP after all)
Also this was for the: send me 📁 and I'll send you a headcanon!
Bianca doesn't die, she accidentally falls into the Labyrinth where she runs into Chris Rodríguez
They get out of the Labyrinth in Arizona where Clarisse finds them and recognises Chris and Bianca's name and accidentally tells Bianca "oh whoops, your brother ran away and nobody did shit about it :)" bc I love Clarisse but she's on the brutally honest side
Bianca is, understandably, very upset, you're a kid, you hand your brother to authorities who are there to help and send him to a safe haven and they just... let him go... bitches
Anyway, Bianca's bitter. Nico's gone, Zoë, her big fat crush, is dead and Artemis "did nothing to help" (bear in mind Bianca wasn't present there), and the only people to help her are a well-meaning but unequipped daughter of Ares and her petite and strong-willed mother (who loves Bianca bc she can stumble through French and play Bach on the piano)
So Bianca's picked up by the Hunters, lieutenanted by none other than not-a-fan-of-the-gods Thalia Grace
Thalia doesn't mean to put Bianca against the gods, hell she herself had an almost fall-to-the-Dark-Side moment, but she doesn't like the gods all that much, with perhaps a few exceptions
The only difference was that Annabeth was there to make Thalia see sense, whereas after months of looking Bianca doesn't have a fucking clue where Nico is
Thalia takes the Hunters to NYC, first they visit darling Percy who Bianca used to see like such a heroic figure but now? Damn now in her eyes this older boy has let her little, helpless brother alone in a foreign country plagued by pagan gods who seem to give no fucks about their children
Percy's explanation doesn't satisfy her at all, and then he goes and says "btw I think we know who your godly father is" and Bianca's like "??? I killed skeletons when none of you could, I know bc the Force told me so that my beloved Zoë is in Elysium, shadows stick to me like sand on the beach??? And I remember my mamma calling dad Ade??? who's my papà then?"
Sarcasm aside tho, Bianca is upset bc she had vague memories of a caring father but this god isn't the same, he didn't help Nico? he didn't find her? he almost let her die? what a father, eh?
Thalia realises Bianca's about to escalate into a full blown fist fight with Percy and she's like my money's on the girl "let's go to CHB, see if they know anything, why don't we?"
Mr D is mildly concerned under a façade of disinterest and Chiron's full of "we're so sorrys" that remind Bianca of when her neighbours got letter from the government saying "KIA we're so sorry he died bravely" which ofc pisses her tf off
She wonders out loud how can gods be so careless specially when they're losing campers to Kronos' side all the time
And guess who's there to hear her? Ah, yes, our darling spy. Silena wastes no time sending word to Luke that there's this Hunter who's two seconds away from storming up to Olympus to murder them all
Luke's still recovering from the fight in Mt Othrys, but he still knows Thalia's not happy with the gods, he knows she'll unknowingly help poison Bianca bc he knows about CJ now, and knows that a certain Jason Grace is there bc he was taken by Juno when he was a toddler, and that it's a big part of why Thalia was so hateful towards the gods
Luke knows Thalia well, and Thalia sees the parallels between her lost little brother and Bianca's little brother... at the time, Thalia has no clue Jason's alive nor does she know whether Nico's alive
"He is" Bianca insists, but "what does she know?" Thalia thinks but out loud she only says "the gods don't care about us, they're just slightly better than Kronos"
Not particularly convincing ofc, and Luke tells Silena to take advantage of a potential recruit in the Hunters, who they haven't been able to get hold of so far
And how tf does a daughter of Aphrodite contact the Hunters without calling attention on it? through no other than Clarisse
Because Bianca has a soft spot for Clarisse, after all, Bianca's a kid, she's hurt and confused, and Clarisse offered her shelter when she was at her lowest, so ofc Bianca keeps in contact with her
Clarisse and Silena are best mates ;) and eventually Silena discovers such a pretty music box that plays that same song Bianca played for the La Rues
Clarisse is a bit surprised Silena remembered that particular detail but eh, Virgos are like that, so she tells Silena she can hand it over to Bianca whenever they saw each other again
Clarisse ofc thinks it's such a Silena move to gift pretty thing to little girls who feel sad, she's a good Samaritan and what not, isn't she? such a lovely friend
Bianca likes going over to the La Rues every so often, Clarisse shares every bit of information she has, and Bianca grew fond of the mother-daughter pair, and then Clarisse gives her that music box... it's so pretty
Pretty and useful, she finds out
The music box has a little ballet dancer, if you press it, it sounds like... what was it that Nico and his little friend in Westover liked to play with? walkie-talkies!
And she messes around for a while saying dumb random things and getting no reply until one day she hears Silena's voice come back to her
At first it's chit chat, "did you like the music box?" "isn't it cool that it does that?" "it's okay to be upset about your brother" "how come Artemis hasn't helped yet?" and that's the thing about pre-teens, they're so easy to convince
Besides, Kronos is no fool, the moment Silena gets a hit with the "gods are so insensitive" he throws dreams Bianca's way... the true destruction of the war she can't remember properly, runaway demigods unsheltered and alone, and finally: Nico.
He is alive, she knew it! But he's by himself, he looks so thin and dirty and... devastated. He looks devastated.
It's all the gods' fault. Their civilisation's rotten!
Kronos tells her it's easy to get him back... but not with the gods' help. what has your father done for the both of you? what has your Artemis done to get him back? niente, Bianca, niente
Bianca's not an idiot, she knows this creepy, powerful voice is up to something, and her grandfather has always told her no big favour comes for free. "what do you want from me?"
"Information." "That's all?" "That's all."
Bianca wants proof, no deal is made without insurance. Kronos shows her Nico again, he shows her Minos, the danger Nico's in, and bc Kronos is a stronzo and we know it, he lets her think it's her fault. you abandoned him, you owe him this.
Bianca falls for it. Kronos is right, isn't he? she left him with camp, camp didn't do shit. she should've known that!
"How do I help him?" "Keep us informed about the Hunters' whereabouts and plans" "How?" "The music box"
And so Bianca's now a spy
This was so long, I'm soooo writing this now
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ceyrann · 2 years
if you don't mind, could I please ask about charis? I saw your reblog and thought it would be cool to check it out bc what you said was really fascinating
mine is in leo at 29° and in 5H, trines chiron and asc, squares jupiter and saturn
I could think of it being a placement that make me appealing to authoritative positions, like bosses or teachers etc. I also think it might mean that I'm appealing to "popular" people, or I'm just a soft spot for leo's haha
I'd love to know what you think ❤
Hi! What I said was only on my personal understanding of my own uhhh charm and charisma lies.
Also, disclaimer: I am in no way an astrologer. I'm just a smol fry who's interested in astrology and whatever I say below would only be based on my personal understanding, as well as things I've read before from other posts. So there are high chances on whatever I say may not resonate. Do remember to take them with a grain of salt.
Before I get there, a couple of things that are important in looking asteroids in your charts are
1. It's sign, house, degree
2. How prominent it is (how many aspects, how tight the orbs are, etc.)
So with that in mind, let's look at yours! At first glance, I feel that your Charis has a very prominent Leo energy, so you may vibe well with people who know how to enjoy, have a good time, have fun. Most prolly random people would like to invite you to their house party or some gatherings? Or situations where they talk to your friend and goes, "oh, you're friends with jellymoonbear? Invite her along to the party we're hosting next month!" kinda thing.
But fun and popularity aside, I feel that there may also be a chance where you can easily gain unwanted attention? Cuz you shine so bright where people may not like you taking the spotlight (not to mention 29° is also a critical degree, where you can refer here for more details. Sure, it is a fame degree, but there's always something else behind the scene of glamour, which we must always remember). This can be difficult to deal with when you lack the experience and maturity to tackle issues at hand.
It trining your ASC gives me the impression that your vibrance and joyfulness matches your appearance, how you dress yourself, and people are comfortable with how you express yourself, which allows you to be able to mingle easily.
Trining your Chiron sounds healing for me? Cuz easy aspects with Chiron gives me the feeling that whatever pain and hurt that you have gone through will be something that can transform you into a better person. Idk how to properly express this in words, but let's say some people find scars on the eyebrow attractive. Scars are proofs of injury and hurt and they've healed, and they somehow became a plus point to your personal charisma, kinda thing. So by putting this in an emotional sense and personal experience/development kinda situation, whatever you've gone through in the past made you stronger and more charismatic. Yeah this is what I feel it may be (you'll need to of course, take your Chiron's sign and house into consideration as well).
Squaring Jupiter and Saturn feels like.... Hmmmmmmm... Chances of being too... Fun and end up having problems with your own discipline and may hinder your studies? Idk this is what I usually correlate for Saturn and Jupiter hshshs. But also, there may be chances of people of authority, for example, disciplinary teacher (combination of Saturn and Jupiter in one lmAO) may not like you yet could do nothing against you. That.
But yeah, Leos are nice people and they're really fun to hang out with! It's fine to have soft spots for them and most of all, remember to go with your vibe and gut feeling!
Thanks for asking and have a nice day!
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flightfoot · 3 years
Predictions for Trials of Apollo Fandom wars and discourse if it ever gets a TV adaptation (that’s mostly faithful)
Wars between PJO/HOO and TOA fandoms, with PJO/HOO thinking TOA sucks especially (this already happens to an extent, but TOA’s small enough atm that it doesn’t come up much).
Some fans projecting onto Apollo to the point that the “every character is wronging the MC” thing kicks in, and Betrayal plots and bashing for every character that “mistreats” Apollo abound. Reyna, Percy, Chiron, Leo, Rachel, Calypso, and Piper would be likely targets I think, with most of those people having teased or been upset with Apollo at some point, and people getting mad at Chiron for not helping enough.
But Meg would get it worst of all. She’s a somewhat contentious character even now, quite a few people at least aren’t fond of her, but with the fandom ballooning in size due to being on TV and how those fandoms tend to go, I expect that Meg would have a lot of terrible things done to her. (Right now salt in fics against her is mostly limited to her getting a stern talk-to about not abusing her power over Apollo).
Lots of discourse about shipping Apollo with minors. We had this when I was in the TOA fandom too, but no one was actually interested in shipping Apollo with minors, so nothing beyond that happened. Apollo just didn’t get shipped with minors. With a wider fandom, it could get nasty.
I love Litpollo, and as soon as The Dark Prophecy starts up, I’m betting it would quickly become HUGE. There just aren’t that many other good ships for Apollo in TOA, especially if you’re limiting yourself to shipping Apollo with adults. Most people I knew at least thought Litpollo was cool, and I do too. Heck, I betaed the first Litpollo fic on AO3. ...Unfortunately, I’m betting the Litpollo fanbase would get nasty, especially flinging accusations of queer-baiting because the ship doesn’t become canon (within what we see of the series anyway).
A small following for Apocalypse starts up, though they’re in the minority. I really want this to happen because Apollo and Calypso have such a cool ship name, but no one I knew ever actually shipped it. I think I spitballed the ship mostly when trying to come up with viable candidates for Apollo to be shipped with. I expect that Apocalypse shippers would be pretty chill, relatively speaking.
Discourse starting up about how Apollo’s just one of those white male protagonists with a tragic life and people being tired of jerks getting redemptions and how he ruined the lives of everyone around him and how you’re racist/sexist/whatever for simping for Apollo.
I’m just gonna keep this in my back pocket for like, ten years from now if this starts up so I can go “hey, this is predictable and highly unpleasant, it’s not my first rodeo, can we skip all this stuff please?”
(Written 6/23/21, because I really expect I’ll bring this post up again, if I remember it exists by the time it’s relevant anyway).
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