#I have plans for these boys in a campaign im planning
nixiegenesis · 11 months
I have every intention of playing something other than a Drow every time I start another Baldur's Gate 3 playthrough I swear...
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ageofwonders · 2 months
Like everyone else I think about standalone city of mist comic a normal amount, but when thinking about other possible mediums the only filmed format I think could consistently work is something like NightMare Time.
I would pay blood to see a case like Amnesia Town or The Unwanted Guest adapted like this, the series does a very good job at conveying a similarly dramatic tone as the comics and visually it does remind me of a lot of the live play shows I've seen for city of mist already.
YOu'd maybe need to exclude the. Musical numbers but I'm sure there can be a reason for them to stay as well
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gilded-gheists · 1 year
and what if i decided to plan a borderlands au for just roll with it hm? what then?
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tennessoui · 6 months
please please tell us how Obi-Wan finds out he has a "campaign manager" 🙏
im SO glad you asked currently the plan is that one of the doors anakin knocks on is either quinlan vos or satine kryze and so when anakin is like do you care about local politics/do you know who obi-wan kenobi is and would you vote for him in the upcoming election, they're like 'boy, do i know who obi-wan kenobi is'
and they're like 'wait i didn't realize obi-wan was hiring for his campaign re-election?' and anakin is like 'wait people get paid for this shit? i've been doing it for free'
and they're like 'wait. you've been canvassing for obi-wan kenobi?'
and anakin is like (lying) 'yeah im getting into politics for my university class here's my flyer of information as to why you should vote for obi-wan kenobi'
and its clearly made in ms paint and features a picture of a sweaty obi-wan kenobi post hot yoga class that is just him in sweaty leggings and a thin shirt looking very handsome and then him during a council debate looking even more handsome with his sleeves rolled up and glasses on and hair dishevelled and quinlan or satine is like....'wait are you the reason obi-wan has been recognized in the grocery store three times in the last week???'
and anakin is like maybe idk i guess?
and they're like stay right here actually i need to. make a call.
and they have a call and then obi-wan either comes tearing into the house or his campaign sends anakin an email requesting his presence at the city council's office where obi-wan gives him a please cease and desist order
and anakin says no absolutely not and then the feud begins
and yes, obi-wan has been asked to autograph the flyer anakin made with the hot yoga pictures. anakin prints 100 more.
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cream0fwheat1998 · 7 months
Girl from the Band 2 (Dark!Jason Carverxreader)
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Dark! Jason Carver, Non-con, isolation, sexism/misogyny, manipulation, fear, I prefer soft!Dark! so thats more of the direction im going in.
Y/n waited at the abandoned lunch table in the woods. It seemed like an an unsafe place but it wasnt. This is where her DnD club would me every so often to talk about their new campaign, schedules and other stuff. Sometimes Eddie would trade weed for money; not to be a pearl clutcher but Y/n denied that stuff everytime it was offered to her. She wasn't interested in any of that.
The crowd eventually gathered; everyone laughed and cherished these fleeting moments. Y/n somewhat regretted the thought she hadn't joined sooner but back then she was too scared.
Some voices from the direction of the school caused the group to look away from their plans. There stood some of the basketball team, always in their jersey's even when the season had ended.
"What are you freaks doing?" Jason asked, eyeing Eddie.
"Bro we're just playing our game. Just like you played yours'. It's no different now run along." Eddie said, his pals backing him up in unison.
While y/d knew she'd be on Hellfires side if it came to a fight, she couldn't help but feel the red-hot heat on her cheeks with Jasons boldness. He stood tall and it made him seem dominate.
Y/d cringed at her thought and put it away in the back of her mind. Embarrassed that her mind even wondered in that direction.
"Well pack it up, the boys and I are using this spot for now on." Jason said, high-fiving one of his minions.
Everyone looked to Eddie, to Jason then back to Eddie. The tension was palpable.
Eddie sighed. "Alright, we can use one of the classrooms. Maybe the utility room in the schools basement." Everyone gathered their books and bags, not in defeat but rather in a 'for now' way.
Y/n was the last one to leave and Jason seemed surprised to see the girl he was determined to make his next 'woman'. He shook his and stopped her by a light grab of her shoulder.
He swallowed nothing. "You shouldn't hang out with them. They're freaks. They're into weird shit and they could hurt you." He said, for some reason not looking her in the eye.
The physical contact is what paused Y/n completely. She wasn't use to touching me. nor men touching her. But she knew overall, this wasn't okay because he was trying to stop her from something that wasn't his business.
Y/n put her hand ontop of Jasons' and put it off of her shoulder. "I think i'll be fine, Jason. You don't even know them. You dont know me." She said, a loose smile following.
Before Y/n could leave, Jason grabbed her arm with an iron grasp. His lackies busied themselves; not concerned about his behavior towards an innocent girl.
"It's not a suggestion. I don't want to you with Eddie Munson again. Do you hear me?" Jason told y/n, getting very close to her face.
Y/n looked side to side but her attempt to see any escape or call for help was fruitless. "Okay, just let me go." She whispered.
Jason looked her firmly in the eye, trying to decide if she was lying or not. With a quick, harsh squeeze, he let go of Y/n's arm and watched her scurry away. He couldn't have his future girlfriend hanging out with the scum of Hawkins. She'd need to learn her place (with him) soon.
Jason genuinely felt entitled to the attention of a woman now that the one woman who broke his heart had moved on; with a pal of his no less.
The next day, y/n contemplated the ways she could get out of going to school. She could fake a fever or a cold but with a nurse mother, she figured any faking she'd do would be seen through immediately.
She also didn't know about skipping class; no she wasn't a goody-two shoes but there was no reason to break rules if it isn't necessary. Being scared of Jason Carver wasn't necessary. Y/n did think about going to Eddie but that seemed, pathetic, honestly.
She and Eddie weren't great friends; she only hung out with him through Hellfire but he appeared to be a good guy. Y/n also got to thinking what could Jason Carver do?
Yeah his family had some money but no tremendous pull in the town. She straightened herself out and decided to endure the day as normal. There was no reason to be afraid.
It happened at lunch. Eddie was riled up for the campaign we'd been planning for a month. He was so excited that he jumped onto the lunch table and made a fool of himself infront of everyone. But he didn't care; he never did.
Y/n couldn't help but cover her mouth as she laughed at the long-haired man bouncing around. She admired his attitude even during intense times.
But Eddie got too loud and Jason had yelled at him to stop acting out; like a parent scolding a child.
After some childish exchange of words, Eddie simmered down and laughing at Jason. They were all giggling but y/n stopped when Jason zoned in on her. He looked.....angry at her for laughing at the silliness of her friend. Unknown to her, he assumed she was laughing at him. While hanging out with the exact people he told her not to.
He'd show her where and to whom she belongs to later.
By the time last period rolled by, Y/n felt confident. Regardless of lunch, the day wasn't bad. She felt foolish really. Thinking that Jason Carver had been serious about her not hanging with her friends anymore.
Tonight there was no Hellfire meeting and her parents had a business dinner with coworkers so the house was hers alone.
*Ding Dong *
Almost alone....
Y/n opened the door to Jason Carver. With a large smile plastered on his face. "Hey, Y/n right? I know this is sudden but can I come in?"
The only sound between them was wind blowing outside and a car or two driving by. The siren were blaring in Y/n's head to not let him in.
"Oh, well I don't think so, Jason. My parents aren't home so I shouldnt have anyone here." She said but regretted it a second later. WHY WOULD YOU TELL HIM THAT???!!? The girl yelled at herself.
Jason put his foot in the door before Y/n closed it. His smile was gone but his eyes held a confident light.
"Listen. This can go two ways. Way one, you let me in and we can go about what I have planned, peacefully or.....I'll force my way in, in every meaning of the word." Jason explained in a low, raspy voice.
Y/n finally took a complete look at Jason. His once finely combed hair was disheveled. His usually neat clothes were wrinkled. He had bags under his once bright blue eyes.
Y/n tried to shut the door with force but she was no match for a guys strength. Y/n ran to the kitchen with a plan to escape through the back door.
Jason slammed the front door shut and smirked. He felt content with option 2; this is going to be fun, he thought to himself.
Y/n reached the door knob what was grabbed by the waist and thrown back to the ground. Jason stood above her, unwavering and ready.
"I expect you to listen to my words for now on; like an obedient girlfriend should." Jason said lifting Y/n back up by the arm and dragged her to the stairs.
"Where's your room?" Jason asked, his lips in a thin line.
Y/n shook her head, "Jason please. We don't know each other, don't do this." Y/n cried while trying to free herself from Jasons grip.
He shook his, "No. I've decided you're my next girlfriend. Don't pretend to be shocked; i've seen how you look at me. You should be grateful you get to live out your school girl crush."
Jason dragged the girl upstairs, "Now tell me which room is yours. You're already getting punished for hanging out with those freaks after I told you not to; don't make me add more."
Not wanting to make him angrier, she said, "That one." while hanging her head low.
Jason led her to her bedroom; he threw her in there and locked the door behind himself.
"Take off your clothes."
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pinkerthings · 7 months
the importance of mike and will simply getting each other (pt 2):
part one here !
I’ve covered the significance of Mileven simply not understanding each other, & now it’s time to talk about their counterpart !
(specifying that nothing in these posts is new or groundbreaking, I’m just covering multiple topics and gathering info in one place !)
season 1:
Episode one begins with the party playing a d&d campaign:
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When Mike goes upstairs to talk to his mom, Will discovers he’d rolled a seven, meaning the monster got him in the game. Dustin and Lucas say “Did Mike see it?” to which Will shakes his head no. “Then it doesn’t count!” Lucas replies as they scramble to leave the house.
Dustin and Lucas leave and Mike stands next to Will in the garage. After a moment of quiet, Will tells Mike,
“It was a seven. The roll. It was a seven. The demogorgon, it got me.”
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To which Mike responds with:
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This scene is the first scene we get with Mine and Will alone in the whole show. This scene sets up the entirety of their relationship, telling the audience right off the bat,
“Hey! These two boys are best friends, and they don’t lie to each other!”
First impressions are always important in media, and next we get El and Mike’s first scenes together.
Remember, Mike only found El because he was out with Dustin and Lucas looking for Will.
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Now, Mike is sweet to El that first night and next day. But keep in mind that the only reason El spent that first night in Mike’s basement was because Mike didn’t want to get in trouble by his mom, because he had been out looking for Will, something he wasn’t supposed to be doing.
Dustin says, “I think we should tell your mom,” and Lucas agrees. Mike responds with, “Who’s crazy now?”
Lucas: “How is that crazy?”
Mike: “Because we weren’t supposed to be out tonight, remember?”
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Mike makes the plan to have El sleep there for the night, then go around to the front door in the morning so Karen will know what to do with her. Mike wants her to leave in the morning so they can go back to looking for Will.
Remember, the only reason she stayed the night was so the boys didn’t get in trouble for looking for Will.
Mike keeps Eleven around 1. because “bad men” are after her, and Mike does care for her and her safety, and 2. Mike has a feeling Will is alive and El knows how to find him.
They don’t have many interactions in season 1 due to Will being in the upside down, but they reunite at the end of the season and everything is (seemingly) back to normal.
season 2:
Everyone knows season two is byler’s season ! El is living with Hopper, unbeknownst to the boys, and Mike and Will are as close as ever.
Episode 1: The party goes to Palace Arcade and plays Dig Dug. In the midst of this, Will gets a weird feeling and suddenly sees the upside down.
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He walks outside slowly and sees the Mind Flayer, followed by one person and one person only: his best friend.
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(can’t ss netflix but mike comes out and asks will if he’s okay)
Mike is the only one out of the other three to notice Will is gone and follow him out. He puts his arm around Will and walks him back inside to play Dig Dug.
Later on in episode one, Joyce picks Will up early from school for his appointment with Dr. Owens,
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and the camera zooms into Mike and Mike only, saying,
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All three boys notice something is off, but Mike is the first to say something about it.
This whole season is meant to showcase the special friendship Mike and Will have. They know each other the best and even the rest of the party knows that.
Episode 2: This episode is an important one. Max joins the party while trick-or-treating and Mike is not on board with the idea.
(sorry for the terrible grimy photos im taking these pics from another screen)
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I've noticed when the party split off into groups, it's almost always Mike & Will, Dustin & Lucas, or Lucas & Max. Mike and Will are glued to each other's hip most of the time.
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(these photos are so bad im cryin im sorry)
Mike is upset that Will allowed for Max to join them while trick-or-treating, and when Mike hurries ahead of Will, Will almost seems disappointed in himself for disappointing Mike, staring after him like Mike caught him committing atrocities and he feels guilty. lmao poor will, he just wants to make mike happy !
A moment later we have bullies push Will to the ground, resulting in him seeing the upside down & Mind Flayer again, calling for Mike and running to safety.
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When Mike finally reaches Will, he exclaims, "Will! I couldn't find you, are you hurt?" indicating that the moment Mike turned around and didn't see Will behind him, he sensed something was off and went looking for him, just like at Palace Arcade.
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While the others chase down the stairs, either cussing or verbally confused, Mike is the only one at Will's side asking him if he's okay.
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He helps Will up and puts an arm around him again, just like at palace Arcade, and takes him ho--- oh, you thought I was gonna say home? To Will's house? Nope! Mike says he's going to take Will home, and takes him to the Wheeler's basement.
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Ladies and gentlemen, how could I make a byler post without including the infamous crazy together scene !?
We have Mike and Will sitting on the couch in the Wheeler's basement, and Will is telling him all about these "visions" he's been having.
He begins describing,
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but stops, not knowing how to finish his sentence. But no worries, Mike finishes it for him!
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Will then begs Mike to keep it a secret.
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Why won't the others understand? Did the other party member not already see a demogorgon? Do they not already know what the upside down is? Will just wants to have something special--a secret only he and Mike know. He knows the others would understand, but doesn't think they'd be of any help. Unlike Mike, whom he trusts completely.
anyways that's all the photos i can fit here so I will cover the rest of s2, 3, & 4 in my next post. byeeee!!!
part 3 here !
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raainberry · 7 months
Chocolate Heart
« A strong, sweet love. »
Dahyun x gn!reader
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synopsis - confessing to your crush on valentines day very rarely goes as planned anyway
wordcount - 3K
T/W - Food, young love, crushes all that good valentine’s stuff, soft cuss word
A/N - shoutout @saiiidahyunee its as long as it took for me to write about Dahyun im so sorry💀
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The cheerful word caused you nothing but chills and fright. You blinked at the two class presidents standing before you, grinning as though disturbing your nap was the most fun thing in the world.
“For what?” You mumbled half asleep. Unless you were out for months, it wasn’t your birthday yet. Neither had you accomplished anything worth celebrating.
“For possibly going on a date in the next few weeks!” One of them cheered once more while the other revealed a pen and paper from behind her back.
The girl ignored the utter confusion on your face and shoved the pen into your hand before sliding the paper accross the table you were so comfortably napping on a minute ago.
“Do you have a crush?” Her co-president asked, and you could tell his tone went beyond the required professionalism. Just plain nosy.
You sighed as you finally realized what this ambush was about: the whole Valentines Day love campaign your school loved to put up every year in order to help fund whatever was in need.
The concept itself was fun and harmless: class presidents chasing their classmates down the halls, offering to confess to your crush for you in exchange of a couple bucks.
Deal of the year for a lot of high-schoolers, and it wasn’t even done badly. The whole thing was cute; a fresh, red rose they delivered anonymously on your behalf on D-Day. While they filled the school’s pockets, you got to see your crush smile at least once thanks to you. To a young teenager foolishly in love, the sight was priceless.
Even if you drew the shortest end of the deal—a.k.a your crush not giving a damn—they’d never know who it was from anyway. Saved you a lot of embarrassment, which in all honesty was just as priceless.
“No, I don’t have a crush.” You answered him, and the way his features noticeably fell was particularly satisfying.
“Do you now? Don’t you think we’re a little too old not to notice these things?” The girl wiped the small smirk off your lips and you blinked. “We’ve been in the same classroom all week for four years, we’ve seen the way you treat the new girl.”
The seat suddenly felt uncomfortable underneath your legs. “What does that even mean—I don’t treat her any different than I do you guys.” You chuckled, nerves unfortunately too clear for the guy not to revive his own hope.
“Sure you don’t.” The girl smiled, the pull at her lips borderline fake. “But you haven’t walked any of us home yet, have you?”
You shifted in your seat once more. “We happen to live in the same neighborhood. If you’re jealous just say that.”
The girl’s smile seemed to falter for a second, dropping only to stretch itself wider and brighter than before. You caught her clutching the small stack of paper tighter against her chest, causing you to knit your eyebrows together.
You weren’t oblivious. At least not more than she claimed herself to be. You had your fair share of secret admirers across the years, a few roses sent your way; but it was no secret that you never pulled on any of the strings thrown your way by the bravest of them.
“As if.” She shrugged off and you nodded, appreciating how she stuck to her role.
There was never any want nor need on your end. A relationship was never an idea on your mind, but it doesn’t mean you couldn’t and didn’t have a harmless thing for someone here and there.
All unrequited, as per the majority of high-school love, but you managed to find the fun of it. Silly jokes and random eye-contact rushes were satisfying enough.
Until she came along.
“So do you like her or not?” The boy cut her off, saving you both from an uncomfortable moment only to send the three of you into a silence of that same nature.
You hoped your lack of answers would get them off your back, but the longer it lasted, the more it proved their suspicions to be right.
You could see the delight on the boy’s features grow as much as the frown on the girl’s. You ignored the latter for as long as it took for her to cover it up before she tapped the paper in front of you.
“It’s our last year.” She spoke up. Her voice was softer than you were used to. It caught you off guard. “You might regret not participating at least once.”
Whatever, you thought, looking down at all the names already written down. Might as well, she won’t know anyway.
You gripped the pen, following your hand as your fingers painted the name of the girl you’d come to care so much about.
Kim Dahyun - Senior Class B
“Here.” You slammed the pen against the table. “Happy?”
“The two dollars.”
You looked up at them and sighed once more.
“Kind of a scam but okay…” You mumbled, reaching into your pockets for the remaining change of your allowance.
The bill was inconvenient. Sure it wasn’t much, but when you’ve been cut off for the next two months because of a silly prank… Might as well say you’d bet your whole fortune on this crush. It sounded cool anyway. Your grandkids would eat this up.
Valentine came around quick, and you spent all day watching people receive roses in all corners of the school.
Young love filled the air, time was nothing if not stuck in this carefree atmosphere roaming with still naive and hopeful spirits. As much as you would have liked to be cool about it all, you weren’t an exception. You couldn’t help but wonder whether Dahyun had received hers or not.
Maybe in sixty years you’ll probably laugh at the memory, but in the moment it didn’t feel half as funny.
From eight in the morning, all you could do was stress over whether she’d accept it or not. Would she even like it? If she had, did she smile as brightly as you wanted her to? Had it made her as happy as you hoped? Granted she wouldn’t know who it was from, but you hoped the gesture would actually make her smile. Your heart couldn’t stay still in your chest, eager yet nervous to see her.
You waited all day to see her, looking out at every corner of each room and hallway you walked in for a glimpse of her pretty, dark and long hair, fair skin, and cute nose appreciating whatever scent was left of that cheap flower.
By 4pm, she was still nowhere to be seen. Was she avoiding you? Did she even get that dang flower?
The bell rung the end of your last classes for the day, and you took out your frustrations out on your poor locker. You hadn’t opened its door this aggressively since you got detention for sleeping in class. Something very infuriating in failing at what you usually master.
Whatever, at least you helped the school.
You got your bag off your shoulder, glancing inside the locker for your books only to find… a rose? Had she sent it back to you?
You winced at the thought, the pinch in your heart taking you by surprise.
So this is heartbreak…, you sighed reaching for the flower. If that wasn’t painful enough, one of the thorns poked your finger and you almost laughed at life’s comedic timing.
You watched the small wound on your skin as it reddened slowly. It’ll heal fast enough. Couldn’t say the same for the one in your chest though.
This was the stupidest idea ever, why did you even give in to their pressure…
You wiped your finger on your shirt, a small stain you’d come to regret later but held very little importance in your eyes when a small card fell to the ground.
The book you’d grabbed felt heavier with each second you took to identify where it had come from. The only logical answer was your locker, but how had you not noticed it?
Shoving the homework material in your bag, you bent down to pick it up before closing your locker. Your eyes were glued to the writing on the folded paper, widening as all sense suddenly hit you.
Your name… the careful and precise calligraphy… The rose… It was her.
Maybe she hadn’t given the flower back to you. Or maybe she did, but her gesture meant something entirely different.
Your fingers were hesitant on the card’s edges, grazing and ghosting papercuts as you gathered enough strength and composure to open it.
You pulled out what you had rightly guessed as a letter, handwritten by the cutest of them all. Your eyes were eager at the thought of unveiling her thoughts, brushing past every single one of her words before finding the ones you wanted to see the most.
« I hope you actually like me, Y/n. You’ll regret it if you don’t. »
Okay, maybe this wasn’t the way you’d wanted them, but it was enough to pull a giggle out of you. It was a running joke, it was known across the school how no one should mess with her. Rumors of her song at the talent show being about an ex, those did a great job at spreading the word. Whether or not they were true, her songwriting was good enough of a threat for anyone who might have dared to.
Judging on the speed of your heart alone, she had nothing to worry about in that regard. Her written confession had you a mess, you couldn’t wait to meet her for more.
You wanted to hear her say all those things to you. How she liked your eyes whenever they were on her. How she liked your smile whenever you tried to see hers. How she liked your laugh whenever you tried to hear hers. How she fell for you and could only hope you’d catch her.
You were soon running through the streets, rose in hand as you ran past people, leaving bits and pieces of that love and hope behind for the nosiest of them.
You sprinted to the nearest park, the one you usually parted ways at on your way home from school. Why didn’t she wait for you today? It would have saved you the extra gym class.
“Dahyun!” You yelled, way too loud for the remaining distance separating you from her, but at least you caught her attention.
The way she turned around… You could have tripped at how beautiful it all was; the scenery that drew itself around her.
The grass looked beautiful, fresh and green at her feet as if her standing there only did the opposite of killing it. The sky, the clouds, the sun all indecisive over the weather, like her presence was enough to throw them off balance. Only the wind seemed to stand its ground, carrying those dark strands of hers as gently as it could. A present for you, offering you a chance to picture her perfect charm in your mind.
It was an instant, she turned to answer your call and faced you with eyes as sweet as ever while your lungs fought to keep themselves and yourself alive a little longer. Breathtaking had just taken a whole new meaning.
You could only hope it felt as cinematic on her end, but the way she laughed into the wind, carrying the sound all the way to your ears as you ran towards her significantly reduced that hope by at least 50%.
Oh, well. At least you made her smile.
“Is this yours?” You asked, holding up the rose as you slowed down, finally close enough to her.
You waited for her answer, breathless as you took great care in stopping before bumping into her. You made sure to leave enough space in between the two of you, but the air that filled it was suddenly heavy with anticipation.
Your breath hitched in your throat. There went that pinch in your chest again. This wasn’t something you wanted to get used to. “What?”
“I think it’s yours.” She said, pulling out another one from her back. “This one’s mine.”
“Wh—Huh?” You grimaced, eyebrows furrowing together as you glanced back and forth between the two roses. “Then what’s this?”
“I guess someone has a crush on you.” She said, her voice soft. You barely heard it, but the slight loss of light in her eyes was enough to make you piece it together.
She wasn’t joking around. She really wasn’t the one who’d put that rose your locker.
“Oh.” A nervous chuckle escaped you as you glanced at the rose. You had an idea as to who it was from, but you couldn’t care less at the moment. You weren’t going to let this ugly miscommunication ruin your chances. “Well, here. Two for one.”
You handed her the rose in hopes of bringing back the glow that suited her features so well. It was never too long until you managed to do so, and this time was no exception.
“Are you seriously recycling someone’s love right now?” She chuckled and you shrugged. You actually were thinking of it as a proof of only having eyes for her, but alas…
“You’re never too green for the planet.” You joked out of habit. “It’s the least I can do to thank her for these beautiful flowers.”
“For the planet.” She nodded, grabbing the stem carefully as to not hit any of its thorns. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” You smiled, and the heavy air turned awkward.
You eyed the space in between, making out every single unspoken word in the short yet frightening distance. Both of you were aware of them now, yet neither dared to cross it.
“Why didn’t you buy me one?” You asked, suddenly curious. If she had planned to confess today of all days, it only seemed logical for her to do so.
“I did. Just not the ones from school.” She said, bringing up the small gift bag she’d been holding on all this time.
Your face lit up and you stepped forward to look inside, something that made Dahyun’s heart pick up the pace. “Oh my gosh, you did!”
How lovely was your smile from up close. Overwhelmingly so. “I made you some chocolates too.” She mumbled as you struggled to keep still.
“No way!” You held onto the baby sized rose in your hand, digging inside the bag with the other to pull the small box at the bottom. “You didn’t…”
Dahyun only nodded, hiding herself behind the sudden need to tell you all about the day she’d spent planning her small confession.
You smiled all the way down to your heart, listening to every one of her words. She’d spent a whole afternoon in the kitchen to make sure everything came out perfect. Her evening was spent writing out her feelings for you, erasing and rewriting every word as she tried to find the right ones only to spend her night tossing and turning in her sheets, nervous and excited about sharing it all with you today.
“Dahyun they’re so good, thank you so much.” You hummed as you tasted one of her chocolates. “Did you have some?”
Dahyun only giggled, glancing down at the ground to avoid your playful ones. It never lasted too long though, only a second as she couldn’t fight the way her eyes were so easily drawn to you.
“Here have one.” You offered, holding what seemed to be a dark chocolate one to her lips. “Come on.” You insisted when you noticed she was hesitant, which only lead you to a playful fight as she resisted you trying to feed it to her. “Please enjoy it! You did all this for me, and I only got you a cheap flower, how does that make me look?”
“I don’t know.” She laughed as your hold on her loosened, defeated. “I mean…”
You cleared your throat at the sudden feeling of your arm around her waist.
“Right now you’re looking very pretty.”
Maybe it was the proximity that reassured her; that gave her enough confidence to confess those thoughts of you. How close you were to her, it felt as though you could only catch her if she jumped that distance.
So she did. She jumped, but failed to close it. Her lips were still and shy near your own, so you brought a hand up to her chin, guiding her towards the smile she’d caused.
Again, it was only an instant. A soft press of your lips, capturing each other’s in a gentle and warm feeling you discovered for the first time together.
It was funny, how she could taste the sweet chocolate on your lips despite herself. And not to pat her own back, but she did a great job.
It was addicting.
Or was it your lips? She couldn’t quite tell just yet, but surely she’ll have time to figure that out.
“So you knew?” You grinned, unable to hold back the happiness you felt.
Dahyun nodded, pressing her lips together as a sign of nerves still high. “Did you know too? About me?”
“Well, I definitely do now.” You chuckled, pulling away to hold her card up, still smiling at the words it contained. She blushed at the same thoughts. “You’re a very talented writer, Dahyun. You make me sound much better than I actually am.”
You joked yet again, suddenly remembering your beloved “class-clown” title. You weren’t exactly proud of it, but you did take pride in bringing joy into this class. That’s what made you so popular, what allowed you to break out of your own shell and make friends with about anyone.
“No. That’s just how good you are to me.”
You took care in making sure no one was ever left behind, especially the quiet and smart ones like Dahyun—often despite themselves—by pulling everyone and anyone into your banter.
As the new kid, Dahyun purposely sought a lack of attention. She kept to herself, but you caught her laughing along with everyone. Maybe that’s exactly what caught your attention at first, and you were surprised she didn’t push you away the first time you approached her.
That’s what usually happens when an academic ace and a class clown are paired together.
“Glad my efforts didn’t go unnoticed.”
“I mean, it was hard not to notice them…”
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justmeinadaze · 10 months
Take It Out On Me Part 24 (Steddie X Plus size You)
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A/N: Im doing anything I can to keep these beautiful beings in our lives because I love them so much lol
Warnings: Daddy Steve/Sir Eddie/ Sub Fem Plus Size Reader, SMUT, dirty talk, spanking, choking, handcuffs, slightly rough (the same that comes with these three), dp, slight degrading (whore, etc), FLUFF, *glances at image with knowing grin*, ANGST, the boys talk about how they'll never hurt her like their parents did them, readers weight is mentioned (she talks about her past relationships and how her weight played there sexually with how men viewed her as a big girl).
Word Count: 6084
“Steve. Eddie. Y/N and I need your help with something. Can you both come over by the theater downtown please and thank you!”
Masie can’t help but laugh when the BMW’s tires skid to a stop. 
“What’s going on, Maze? Everything okay?”
“Yes, Steve. Everything’s fine. Breathe and calm down a bit. I made that call because Y/N said you two could always tell when she’s up to something.”, she giggles as both boys huff, thankful that you’re alright. “Onward.”
Taking their hands, she yanks them across the street to a shop where a lot of fancy clothes were hanging in the window. 
“Gentlemen.”, Wayne smiles as he stands. “I’m supposed to help find ya’ll something to wear here.”
“D-Did someone die?”
“No, Edward. My God. Now pick a tux, please.”
“Ugh do I have to?”, he whines. 
“No, but trust me, you’ll regret it if you don’t.”
“Is he threatening me?”, Eddie whispers as he leans towards Steve.
“It sounded a bit like it, yeah.”
“Oh my God! Hurry! We are on a timetable here!”, Maze shouts as she claps her hands. 
While Masie helped Steve get into his outfit, Wayne focused on Eddie as he adjusted his wardrobe. 
“Y/N told me she was the girl you defended when she got pushed to the ground in middle school. It’s always been amusing to me the way you describe her…like she’s a fair maiden or princess.”
“She is. Honestly, she’s kind of what I pictured when I have a princess in my campaign.”
“But a badass princess who can wield a sword and stuff.”, Steve cuts in making him smile.
“She’s a good girl. I like her a lot and you to Steven.”
“Thank you, sir.” Wayne and Masie switch places as she goes to fix Eddie’s wild hair. 
“I want you to know that for what’s about to happen, Y/N did try and invite your parents but your dad hung up on her and your mom politely declined.” Steve growled at the thought of them disrespecting you. “Oh, I assure you, son, that didn’t bother her at all.”, he chuckles. “More than anything she wanted you to have family to be there for you—”
“When we’re sacrificed?”
“Shut up, Eddie.”, Wayne scolds causing him and Masie to laugh. “I told her that, well, Edward feels like you’re a brother to him which means you’re my son to so…”, he trails off as he pats him on the shoulder.  
“Thank you, Wayne. For everything.”
“Alright Miss Collins, we’re ready when you are.”, Mr. C announces as he appears from a back area. “Mr. Harrington…Mr. Munson…”
“Mr. C! Did you plan this? Are WE finally getting married?”
“No, Mr. Munson. I’m already married, thank God.”, he sighs in faux annoyance. 
“I’m ready. All right, close your eyes, boys, and NO PEAKING!”, Masie warns, prompting them to immediately do as she commands. 
Shuffling slowly forward, they feel themselves being lead somewhere before they are stopped and spun into a certain position. 
“Don’t move.”
“This where we make our last stand, Steven. Oh, and we’ll have witnesses.”, he retorts when he hears people giggle around them. 
“Oh, wow. You guys look so good.”, you breathily exhale as you take them in. 
“Y/N? What’s going on?”
“I thought about what you guys said about wishing we could get married. For a while I thought it was just something you thought I wanted but then I realized you both wanted and deserved a wedding to. Now, I can’t give you wedding either but I can give you a reception…”
“Ok, boys, open your eyes.”, Masie murmurs from beside them.
As they slowly do what she commands, the sound of someone off to the side taking pictures reverberates through their ears. Your friend had brought them into a small dance hall where other people surrounded you three watching the event before them. The entire Hellfire gang was in their suits beaming with pride while the other 3 members of Corroded Coffin stood patiently on stage. Eddie’s mom, husband, and her children were standing next to Wayne as he grinned happily at their reactions.
Robin and her girlfriend were beside your cousins with your uncle and aunt who flew down from New York just to take part in your surprise. Your mother wiped away a tear as your father pulled her closer to his side while Masie’s parents took pictures of their own. Mr. C and some of the kids from your class came down as well including a boy with a professional camera that you had hired to take photos of the event. 
When their eyes landed on you, you took their breath away. Maze, of course, did your make up in an elegant manner that made your eyes pop while leaving your hair down but curling parts just so that they framed your face beautifully. One side was pulled back with a silver flower clip that exposed earrings underneath and the sheer veil clipped to the back of your head.
The wedding dress itself was sleeveless with a flower pattern that blended in drawing attention to all of your gorgeous curves as the bodice hugged your body. The bottom had lace that puffed out ever so slightly blending with your veil as it touched the floor. 
Steve was the first to break, his palms clasping together over his mouth as he starts to cry. 
“Oh no.”, you giggle as you reach forward to wipe at his eyes. The room chuckles with you as he takes your hand in his and brings it to his lips. 
“You look so beautiful. Oh my god. I always pictured…imagined…but my brain didn’t do you justice, honey.”
Eddie squished his fingers in his eyes as his shoulder lightly shook. Grabbing his wrist, you lightly pull his hand away from his face and press your forehead against his. 
“I don’t deserve this. I don’t…I don’t deserve a gorgeous angel like you.”, he whispers.
“Yes you do, baby. After everything you both have been through, you both deserve so much more. I love you.”
“I love you to. You look absolutely breath taking.” As he wipes his eyes, he addresses Wayne. “Now you know why I describe her like a princess.”
The guests laugh again with a few awes mixed in. 
As the evening progressed, everything ran like a regular reception. Wayne catered the room with food he made himself that everyone enjoyed. You threw the bouquet, giggling in excitement when Robin caught it with her girlfriend blushing beside her. Your parents paid for the cake but instead of doing the whole smush the cake in your face thing, Eddie dipped his finger in the frosting and placed it on the end of your nose that Steve promptly leaned forward to kiss off.
You grinned as Eddie danced with his half-sisters while Steve did the same with Robin. When the metalhead’s mother asked to cut in your own mom disconnected from your father to ask the other boy if he would dance with her as well. 
“I’m sorry your parents aren’t here.”
“It’s alright.”
“It’s not. I know…we didn’t react well the first time we heard about you three but after seeing how you are together and everything you’ve done for her… I wish they could see what we see. It would have killed me to miss this.”
Steve glances towards where you were swaying with your father, smiling widely at something he was telling you. 
“Honestly, I wouldn’t have wanted them here anyway even if they did approve. My father has always been a stubborn asshole and he would have ruined this for her. I’m just glad you guys and Lynn are here for them.”
“Mr. Harrington, you don’t have to put on that protective suit of armor for me. You don’t have to be the big strong man 24/7. It’s ok to put that shield down.”
When your eyes meet his, he smiles and you deliver him a tiny wink.
“I’ve only ever done that with her.”
You giggle as Steve swings the front door to your house open and lifts you into his arms as he carries you through the threshold. Eddie runs in front of you two with a handheld camera Masie gave you guys as a present, recording you as the other boy places you on your feet and playfully spins you around.
“You really do look amazing in that dress, babe.”
“Why thank you, Eddie.”
He chuckles as he passes the device to Steve and picks you back up to carry through the threshold of the bedroom before tossing you onto the bed. You laugh as he falls in beside you and undoes his collar as Steve follows and does the same. 
“Did you guys have fun?”
“More than.”, the man responds, holding the camera above your heads so he can get all three of you in the shot. “Maze had everyone say a little something on this thing. Maybe we should say something to. We didn’t get to say vows or anything.”
“Like?”, you press playfully as you smile up at him. 
“Like I love you and you’ve completely changed my life.”, Eddie answers. “That I would do anything for you and I promise you’ll never have to worry about the same things my mother did.”
Your instinct was to stop and console him; to tell him you’ll never have any of those worries anyway but something also told you he wasn’t just telling you this but himself.
“I would never hurt you in anyway or our future kids. I won’t abandon you or end up in jail. I’m always going to be here for you and our family. You’re always safe with me, princess.” His palm grabs your cheek as he guides your lips to his. “For as long as we both shall live or some shit.”
You and Steve laugh at his curse as he passes the camera to Eddie so his own hand can come down to caress your face. 
“Your mom and I talked a bit while we were dancing. She said it was ok for me to let my guard down and that I didn’t always have to be the protector guy. Truth is she doesn’t know how high my wall actually was when we first met you. My parents made me believe I had to. My dad’s been scolding me since birth.”, he chuckles nervously as you turn your cheek further into his palm and kiss the skin. “Honey, you’re safe with me to. I’m never going to make you or our kids feel like they don’t measure up to some imaginary standard. I’m NEVER going to cheat on you or make you feel like you need to follow me around 24/7 to make sure I remain loyal.”
“I love you to, baby, and if our daughter or son comes home one day and says they are in love with two people we definitely won’t kick them out.” Eddie laughs as Steve grins and leans forward to kiss your smiling lips. “For as long as we both shall live or some shit.”
“Those first few months of our relationship, I was always so confused about you two. I thought Steve was a spoiled daddy’s boy and Eddie was just the town bad boy. People told me about your dad growing up, Ed, but it always seemed so out there. I never thought too much about it though because I didn’t know you. When I started getting to know you both, I got even more confused.”
“You were nothing like them and you still aren’t. I’ve never been afraid of you hurting me like your parents. More than anything, I was always afraid of being hurt again like with my ex. When you both showed me you were nothing like Christian, I became scared of hurting you.”
“That I’m A Burden damage?”, Eddie asked.
“Yeah.”, you giggle before sighing. “But I promise I never will. Eddie, you’ll never have to worry about me disappearing or casting you aside. Steve, you’ll never have to worry about me treating you like you aren’t enough. You both always go above and beyond for me. I love you both so much. For as long as we both shall live or some shit.”
Laughing, the metalhead turns off the camera and places it on the bed side table before nuzzling into your neck. 
“I have one more surprise if you guys are up to it.”
“Oh, honey, you’ve done so much for us already.”
“I know, Daddy, but this is kind of a thing is for me to.” You grin when he moves out of your way before pausing and pointing to the back of your dress. “Would you mind unzipping this part here, please?”
After doing what you ask, Steve holds your hand as you step out of it and lays it on the bed. 
“Would you mind putting this away for me while I get ready? And don’t get out of your suits! I think you both look really sexy like this.”
“Can we at least take off the jackets?”
“Yes, Sir, you can.”
Both men casually talk while they wait for you to come back out. Unlike in New York, the ensemble you were about to display for them wasn’t as complex. You wanted it to be simple and easy. As you stepped back out of the bathroom, Eddie’s eyes caught you first as his jaw fell open. 
The white nightie you were wearing was sheer as it did very little to hide your beautiful curves underneath. The spaghetti straps held on to your shoulders as the bottom just barely reached the middle of your thighs. Your breasts were blocked by the white satin but nothing was covering your core except for the see through garment. White stockings with cute little bows on the corner accented your legs as you displayed them side to side. 
“I was kind of hoping I could get mean Eddie and Steve but I didn’t think you’d be able to call me a whore in something like this. But…”, you coo as you place your hands behind your back. “With that roleplay we did, maybe, if you saw me as an innocent virgin… you could still be a little bit condescending.” 
After exchanging a look, their eyes fall on you again and slowly glaze over with a dark energy you had come to love when you three played together. 
“What makes you think we wouldn’t be able to call you names while wearing something like that?”, Steve asked with a slight edge. “You think just because you look beautiful in this thing here you’d be at some kind of advantage?”
“No, Daddy.”, you answer with a playful pout as you continue to guide them mentally where you need them. “I would never think to undermine big, strong boys like you that way. I just thought… this made me seem fragile…and you’d be too afraid to break me.”
“You say that like you don’t like being broken.”, Eddie sighs in annoyance as he rolls his eyes. “Baby, no matter what wrapping your in, you’re still a whore but—”
“You’re our whore.”, Steve finishes. “Always have been.”
“I have not always been a whore. YOU corrupted me. I was a good quiet little girl till you two came along.”
The rest of their demeanors caught up with their eyes as their smiles faded and they sat up straighter causing your breath to hitch at the sight. This is what you wanted, unable to contain a small smirk as they fully dropped into this particular dominate headspace. Now they just needed to help you fully step into yours. 
“Is that so? I specifically remember a few instances with empty classrooms, locker rooms, and storage areas that would disagree.”
“All memories that involve you two.”
“That you said yes to. That first night you didn’t say no or tell us to fuck off. Why is that?”, Eddie asked but even you knew it was rhetorical as he rose to his feet. “Because you, sweetheart, are a needy little girl who knew we could take care of you.”
“Did I?” 
You both stared defiantly into each other’s eyes as his chest rose and fell heavily. 
“So I see we’re doing this the hard way then?”
As you turned to glance towards Steve, you took note of his nonchalant demeanor as he remained on the bed leaning back on his palms. His eyebrows rose and fell quickly as if to challenge you to do what you were thinking. The way their eyes were burning into you so confidently pushed you into that innocent headspace that made you feel like the Y/N they first met; the scared, timid, introverted girl. You remembered the feeling of Steve staring at you and smirking when you got startled by the teacher. You remembered Eddie’s gaze boring into you as he stood in front of you, lingering over the desk when he asked why you were there and not even looking away when the other boy answered for you. 
You allowed that familiar feeling to wash over you and even though you had known these men for five years you suddenly felt afraid of how they were making you feel. They allowed you all the time you needed to get where you needed be mentally and when your gaze shifted back towards the metalhead, he knew you were there.
“Boo.”, he chuckled and as soon as the word left his mouth you ran. 
One benefit of having a home now was more room for the chase. That was honestly half the fun and it drove you crazy in a good way. Steve caught you first, cutting through the kitchen and blocking your exit as your practically barreled into his chest. 
“Whoa, baby girl! Where are you goin’?”, he mocks as he grabs your bicep and starts pushing you backwards. 
“Let me go!”, you shout as you shove your arms against him to no avail. 
His large palm roughly pinches your cheeks as he yanks you closer to him. 
“Stop. Fighting. We both know you want this so just take it like the good girl you claim to be.”
Something cold digs into your lower back and he quickly releases you long enough to grip your curvy waist and lift you onto the kitchen counter behind you. Steve’s lips crash to yours as he reaches between your bodies to unbuckle his pants, freeing his cock from his slacks. 
Spitting into his hand, you watch with wide lust blown eyes as he stokes himself a few times before guiding himself into your heat. He doesn’t inch his way in nor give you any time to adjust as he bottoms out and in this moment you welcome it. Wrapping your arms tightly around his neck, you inhale everything that is Steve as he pounds roughly into you. 
“J-Jesus, yes, Daddy. Please.”
Leaning back, his dark eyes lock with yours as he circles both hands around your neck and lightly squeezes. 
“Yeah? We told you that you wanted this. Fuck. Why do you fight it?”
“I’m sorry. I just want to be a good girl.”
Releasing his grip, Steve loops both his arms under your knees, pulling you closer to him as you balance on your palms behind you. At this angle, he slams into that soft spot deep inside you that has your eyes rolling as you whimper.
“You want to be Daddy’s good girl? Then fucking cum on my dick, honey.”
Trembling, you fall flat against the countertop as your back arches and your pussy quivers around him as you do what he commands. Chasing his own high, his hips aggressively hit your own till you hear him grunt and open your eyes to watch his face as he spills his release inside of you. 
As you both try and catch your breath, you turn your head towards the couch in the living room to see Eddie nonchalantly twirling your handcuffs on his pointer finger as his other hand palms the massive bulge in his slacks. The sight alone turns you on causing you to clench around the boy inside of you making him groan. 
“Better refuel, Stevie. We aren’t even close to done.”, the metalhead smirks as you look at him in confusion. “Oh yeah, princess. We’re going to fill all your holes tonight.”
After pulling out, Steve picked you up and placed your feet on the floor, promptly catching you as your knees buckled. 
“Oof. It’s ok, baby girl. Daddy’s got you.”, he coos as he guides you to the sofa and lowers you onto your knees in front of Eddie.
“Give me your hands, sweetheart.” You do as he requests and he kisses the back of each one as he locks the leather around your wrists behind you. “Oh, Harrington. Little girl seems to be behaving now. Your dick must be magic.”
You pout as they both chuckle before ringed fingers firmly grip your chin to lift your face.
“No pouting, little one.”, Eddie scolds as he loosens his hold and caresses your cheek. “Fuck me, you look perfect like this. On your knees looking up at me with those beautiful needy eyes.”
Sighing at his touch and praises, you turn your face into his hand and kiss his thumb as it runs along your lips. A low pleasure filled growl leaves his throat as he tugs you to your feet and yanks you towards the other side of the couch while unbuckling his belt. Flopping down onto the cushions, the metalhead pushes down his pants enough to free his cock and motions for you to sit on his face.
You hesitated too long; their eyes clouding over with anger again as Steve stomped around to where you were standing and spanked your behind making you yelp. 
“Why did I spank you just now?”
“Because you have to repeat yourself.”, you whisper. “But Daddy with my hands cuffed I can’t support myself—Oop!”, you hiccup when he spanks you again. 
“I don’t care, Y/N. Do you trust your Master?”, he scolds, his face pressed to the side of yours.
“With my life.”, you murmur.
“Then WHY are you hesitating when he’s telling you to do something?!”
“I’m sorry.”, you whimper.
Steve’s hands cup your cheeks as he turns you fully to face him. 
“Honey, that gorgeous woman we saw today in that stunning wedding dress deserves to be eaten out properly and cum as hard as she can. Eddie knows what he’s doing.”
“Unless it really makes you uncomfortable.”, Eddie whispers as he reaches out to rub your side.
“No, Sir. I’m not uncomfortable.”
Completely unbuttoning his shirt, he lays back flat and opens his arms. 
“Then climb aboard, princess.”
Keeping a strong hold on your bicep, Steve guides you till you were straddling the long-haired boy’s face. Leaning over his cock, you spit over his tip and watched it fall down his length as he moaned in pleasure. Eddie’s palm came down hard on your ass as his mouth wrapped around your clit.
Mewling, you tilted down and fully encased him between your lips as your tongue swirled around him. 
“Atta girl. Fuck, you taste so fucking good after you cum. Stevie, can you help me keep your cum inside her?”
“I’m gonna be leaning over you a bit. Is that ok?”
“Uh oh, Harrington. Are you turning into little miss here? I wouldn’t have asked if it wasn’t.”, Eddie chuckled as Steve smiled and rolled his eyes. 
Sliding two of his fingers into your pussy had your moan vibrating heavily around the metalhead’s cock making him groan as his tongue flatted and flicked against your swollen bundle of nerves. 
Energetic hands roamed your body as Eddie alternated from clinging to your hips to sliding them under your nightie to roughly kneed your tits and play with your nipples. Steve clung to your shoulder, allowing you some leverage so you wouldn’t fall completely forward as he pumped his fingers deep inside of you. 
“Shit. Lower, sweetheart. Get me nice and wet.” You do as he asks, lowing your head till you feel his cock hit the back of your throat. “That’s it. You like that don’t you, dirty girl.”
A palm suddenly gripped your hair holding you in place as Eddie thrust his hips roughly, his eyes rolling at the sound of your gags.
“Don’t…Don’t let her up yet, Steve. FUCK!”
Squeezing your own eyes shut, you remained still as you allowed him to use your mouth. Tears stung the corner of your eyes as you felt and heard him grunt loudly between your legs before his spend shot out in ropes, hitting the back of your throat. While both men picked up their pace, you swallowed every drop he gave, whimpering as you fell against his thigh till you shuddered and came as well.
As Steve tried to help you off his friend, you both misjudged your balance and the two of you tumbled to the hard wood floor. 
“Oh shit. Baby, are you alright?”, he asked moving your hair out of your face and smiling when he noticed you giggling. 
“Yeah, Daddy, I’m ok.”
Eddie slowly slithered to the floor, throwing off his shirt and fully pushing down his slacks. 
“This part I think should be the other side of us you like. The nice and slow part.”, he grinned as he tenderly kissed your lips. “Do you need a blanket or anything for you back?”
“No, Sir, the cold floor actually feels good against my skin.”
“Come here, pretty girl.”, a now naked Steve murmured as he took hold of you and placed you on top of him. You couldn’t help but smile as he smirked up at you, his glimmering eyes raking along your body. “So beautiful, baby girl.”
Balancing on your knees a bit, you lifted yourself up just enough for him to guide his cock into your entrance. He tried his best to control his features but you could tell it was contorting in a mixture of both pleasure and pain. 
“Daddy? A-Are you ok?”
“Yeah…yes…I mean, fuck… I’m, uh, still a bit…a bit sensitive.”, he stuttered through pants turning you on even more. 
“Pfft. You had more time to recoup than me, Harrington, but trust me. The high is so much better when you’re sensitive. Right, baby?”
As you nod to his question, his palm tilts you forward till your head falls in the nook between Steve’s shoulder and neck. After spitting between your cheeks, he gradually pushes his length into your ass. 
“God fucking damn it.”
Both men take hold of your wrists, Eddie on your wrists themselves and Steve on your forearms just below, and slowly but firmly begin thrusting into you. You swore you could feel every vein and throb as they dragged against your walls.
Their moans were strangled as they tried to control themselves from just pounding into and ending the immensely pleasurable feeling they were experiencing. Because of this they had become uncharacteristically quiet so you took over comforting them in that regard. 
“Fuck, Daddy, baby. You feel so good. I can feel you both so deep inside of me.” His head turned slightly into your voice and in return you gently kissed his jawline to the shell of his ear. “I’m yours, Steve. Forever. I love you so much.”
Tugging your hair to lift your head, his lips kiss your own and you melt into them both as Eddie bends down to rest his chin near your shoulder. His rings bite ever so slightly into your neck, bringing your head back even further so you were level with the side of his face.
“I’m yours to, Eddie. I love you, baby. Please—mmm—please make me cum again.”
After a quick but sloppy kiss, the metalhead pushes back up onto his knees and slams into you faster as they cling to your body. With nothing to hold onto, you allow yourself to let your body go, trusting that they have a good hold on you as you slip into the euphoria and cum hard around them both. 
Eddie’s palms roughly grip your hips till he grunts and spills inside of you, smacking your ass for good measure as he empties into you. Steve soon follows, wrapping his around you as he thrusts his seed into your cunt for the second time that night. 
“Fuck me.”, he heavily exhales, pausing when he notices you wince.
“Slow. Slowly please.”, you beg.
“We got you, sweetheart.”, Eddie whispers, rubbing your back as he carefully pulls out of you and comes to your side to your release your binds. 
Once your hands are free, you try to balance them in front of you but you’re still so shaky that you almost tumble forward. 
“Whoa, honey. Like Eddie said, we got you. You took care of us today, let us take care of you tonight.”
“For as long as we both shall live.”, the other boy teases making you smile as he guides you off his friend and to your feet. Lifting you bridal style again, he carries you to the bathroom and sets you on the edge as he begins getting the bath together. 
“I’ll never understand how you two can pick me up so easily.”
The metalhead’s eyes flick towards you with genuine confusion before focusing on his task once again. 
“I mean, I just take you in my arms and lift. Nothing complicated to it.” Placing his palms against the porcelain, Eddie turns to face you, his nose almost level with yours. “Is there a particular reason you feel like it should be harder?”
“Baby, I know you two have never cared about my size but that doesn’t change the fact that I AM a big girl.”, you playfully whisper as you bring your lips to his.
“Have any of your exes ever tried?”, Steve asks from his place by the sink. “To pick you up I mean.”
“No…no actually.”
Kneeling in front of you on his heels, the man takes your hands in his. 
“Then, honey, how do you know you’re too heavy to pick up?”
You had genuinely never thought about it before. It was almost like a mutual understanding between you and the men you had dated in the past that you were a big girl so certain things like trying to pick you up was a no go.
“I think I’m noticing a pattern here, Harrington.”
“Oh yeah? What is it, Munson?”
Taking hold of your arms, they guided you into the water before taking their own usual places behind and in front of you. 
“I’m going to take a wild stab in the dark here and you correct me if I’m wrong, babe, but you never sat on Christian’s face, yeah? Had you ever before us?”
You shook your head to his question.
“Mhmm. And with your exes, how often were you on top?” A small knowing smirk painted his lips as he watched you slowly come to the realization. “Y/N, sweetheart, how many times did you ask for things like that?”
“I…I didn’t know how. I mean…I’m…” You gesture towards your curves. “Of course I’d be too heavy…right?”
“Why of course? You’re not too heavy for us.”, Steve responded. “Honestly, baby, you’re not heavy at all.”
Eddie eyes had continued watching your face as you absorbed what they were saying. 
“No wonder your feelings for us scared you that first time around. Dating douchebags like Christian made you believe certain things about yourself and your body. To suddenly meet two who were the exact opposite in every way. Hell, I’d be nervous to.”
“WERE you nervous? You said you never dated anyone like me before.”
“Uh huh. Probably because I never actually dated anyone before.” Eddie’s grin grew as you made a face at him like you didn’t believe him. “Why do you think I’ve never mentioned anyone? I’ve had, I don’t know, partners but no one ever really wanted to go out with me. I’m too mean remember?”
“Yeah you are.”, you tease as you lean forward to kiss him. 
“Stevie here is the slut.”
“Yeah, yeah calm down, Munson.”, Steve smiled as you turned to look at him. “I may be the opposite but my outcome was the same. I’ve never been in a relationship. Like your mom said, Steve Harrington…out on the town every night with a new girl on his arm. I think the closest I got was some girl I was with for about a month.”, he sighs before shifting his gaze to you. “This is going to sound stalkery but I was always more curious about you.”
“A little creepy.”
“Noooo… Don’t listen to him, Daddy. I want to hear more.”
“I’ll make you deal. I’ll tell you more if you let us dry you off and get you in bed.”
After kissing his cheek, you nodded your head and allowed them to finish their aftercare routine with you. Grinning like a kid waiting to be tucked in, you sat on the edge of the bed as you watched them organize the discarded clothes and place them aside to be dealt with tomorrow. 
“This was gorgeous on you, princess.”, Eddie smiles as he delicately places your wedding dress on a chair in the room. 
“Thank you. Masie came with me and we got to do a whole little bridal thing with my mom. I have pictures but we need to get them developed.”
“I can’t wait to see them.” Steve beamed as he threw a shirt over his head and jumped into bed behind you to start brushing your hair. “I’m glad your kids and Mr. C came. I wasn’t expecting that.”
“Oh!”, the metalhead exclaimed as he bounced onto the mattress in front of you. “What did Mr. C say when you told him about all this? Was he jealous? I know that man is obsessed with me.”
“No, you goof.”, you giggle. “He thought it was a good idea. He, um, he paid for the venue. I insisted he didn’t have to but he insisted he wanted to calling it a gift.”
“Wow. That’s amazing.”
“I was going to tell you this tomorrow but my parents and Wayne also got us something, referring to it as a gift.” You point at your bag and Eddie hastily gets up to get it before sitting cross legged in front of you. You hand him an envelope, gesturing for him to open it as Steve finishes his task and wraps his arms around you as he waits. 
“Holy shit, Harrington.” 
“What is it?”
“Three fucking plane tickets to Italy.”
Completely bewildered, he snatched the contents out of his hand to look for himself. 
“They said it was for our honeymoon.”, you softly smile. 
“They didn’t have to do that.”, the man whispered.
“I said the same thing but Wayne told me to hush.”
They both laughed as Steve set the tickets on the bedside table and pulled you towards the pillows. Eddie followed and you immediately rolled into him, pressing your back into his bare chest.
“You were always so timid in high school.”, Steve stated as he turned off the light and shuffled down into the sheets. “So any time I saw you laugh or smile, I wanted to know more. In class, you were one of the first to raise your hand and when you were with your friends on the basketball team you were so animated.”
A pleasant sigh left your lips as he reached out to caress your cheek. 
“I was curious about what made you tick and I wanted to know everything about you. I wanted to be the one that made you laugh or feel safe. I wanted to be the one to give you everything you ever wanted. After we left that first night, I told Eddie how I felt. When he told me he felt the same way, I knew… I knew you belonged to both of us.”
Intertwining your fingers with his, you brought his lips to yours for a kiss before turning your head to do the same with Eddie. 
“Thank you for today, baby.”, Steve murmured. 
“And for every day before, sweetheart”, the metalhead added.
You can’t help but smile as your eyelids begin to get heavy.
“Till death do us part.”
@manda-panda-monium @sherrylyn628 @eddiesguitarskills
@needylilgal022 @local-stoner-bitch @katethetank @nailbatanddungeon
@sidthedollface2 @justanotheryn @pedropascalslilbaby
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@wroteclassicaly @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
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@paleidiot @mrsjellymunson @dashingdeb16
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the0retically · 5 months
The Suckening #12: The Twilight Zone:
Thoughts and quotes below, a wild first half of the finale
- I’ve put this off for too long it’s time to do this
- Oh hi le frog
- God Condi and bizly having to switch accents is so funny it sounds SO WRONG CONDI CANT DO IT AND BIZLY IS JUST DOING HIS OWN VOICE
- Love that the plan hinges on Taylor launter??
- Shilo being so adamant about not punching Emizel but then just doing it, I love them
- But oh god shilo has to talk to Theo because he looks like emizel
- Love music coming up when they’re going over the plan and then immediately cutting out when Arthur said demons instead of dangs
- “I know you hit it off with Viv” “my homegirl yeah” ARTHUR??
- “Who is it?” “It’s me” “…alpha” I cannot believe this
- “Good boy” “…..” “HA I WAS GONNA SAY GOOD MAN”
- I shouldn’t be sad that emizel can’t actually talk to Theo
- Also it scares me every time charlie asks what phone they’re using
- “I already told him about the plan to change faces” “then WHY THE HELL AM I DOING THIS?” “I don’t know I forgot”
- “This is such a classic Theo move I love you” :((((((
- Awwww them all being so excited emizel is the phantom flipper is so fun
- Bizly losing his mind over the dangs new plan is so funny
- Forgot how Edwards voice sounded god
- “You know the plan, to be yourself” oh god
- Emizel you’re doing so bad this is awful
- 6 different Edwards??
- Why have they heard about shilo?
- Oh god this whole scene is like playing in my head I can see it so clearly
- Chester Chesser is such a cool name
- Paul with the unseen one freaky little dude I like him
- Ok yeah I love Paul he’s so fun
- You know who I miss though? Grefgore :( where is my boy
- Chet is insane??? Oh my god. The energy here is unmatched. Love Charlie and Condi just immediately going into laughter
- God the audio design is incredible in this campaign, the overlapping voices for Charlie is so good I love it
- “People think I’m weak do you think I’m weak?” “…you say that out loud in front of everyone?” OH GOD
- Paul and Chet being Emizel’s buds is so on brand I love it
- Oh it’s masquerade breakers that are competing
- …….and deacon rounded them up
- Interact with the show???
- “If there’s any invisible around” SO SMART ARTHUR
- Paul?? Oh they’re like the cameras. That’s really cool
- It’s fortnite, it’s fucking fortnite. Ok Charlie ok
- “I’d like to start-“ “ok shilo” “crying”
- Arthur is so cool I love him
- Oh there are humans—oh god it’s the dangs yikes that’s horrible
- “But I am walking the same amount of time!” “No” “….yuh-huh!”
- Charlie’s manic laughter was so fun who does shilo see?
- Love that they just keep saying minecraft and Charlie is like nah it’s fortnite building
- “Fortnite vampire” thanks Charlie
- “Now you’ve met the real devil” HOLY SHIT???? ARTHUR??
- A wolf you say? Oh god the squirrel
- 3 roll off in a row?? That’s epic
- Uhhhh shilo? Please be ok
- Grangle!! Love him
- “Can I talk to satan?” “I’m not a say no dm am I? Oh god” PLEASE WHAT A MOOD
- Bizly losing his mind when Chet started talking is perfect I love Chet so much
- “Hands too fast can’t stop them” Everyone breaks down laughing
- Oh, :( one of the old people. It’s the people who know about the masquerade
- “Can you take me home?” “Yeah I’ll take you home” oh I’m gonna sob
- “I just walk with him for a while” “and then what?” “I don’t know. I keep walking. I don’t know where to take him” “ok, just keep walking” “Ben can you tell me about your family or anything you like?” And he just pointed out a bird in the trees :(( NOW HIM AND SHILO ARE TALKING ABOUT BIRDS IM NOT OK
- :( I agree with bizly this is the saddest thing Charlie has ever done
- I get why bizly said this destroyed him because I agree Ben’s whole situation is so incredibly sad
- Gotta wait to do part 2 but that was a phenomenal first half of the finale I loved it!!
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soupthecoolest · 10 months
alright! so CnD, or "Creation and Destruction" is my homebrew "dnd" campaign!! i have dnd in quotes just cause. well my autism got too strong and i made an entire handbook with my own mechanics LMAO so it's really it's own Thing at this point. which is super cool n fun. after everything's been wrapped up i might publish that handbook but WE SHALL SEE.
anyway CnD is my own personal excuse to make my friends rp with me and my crazy ocs. SO.
it all started when the 11 party members crashed on the beach in a town they'd never seen before. looked totally normal until at the end of the first session they found a portal!
jumping in, that just... kept happening. small adventure, portal, repeat. with no end in sight. as the party began questioning why all this was happening, they met these two little FREAKS named mayhem and maelstrom. (i'll add all refs i have below!!)
anyway mae n may mentioned an elusive “She” that they’re working for, which led my players down an insane conspiracy rabbit hole in which they guessed 90% of hullabaloo’s vibe based on a PRONOUN. ONE PRONOUN I DROPPED I CAN’T TELL THESE MFS ANYTHING
next, they met pandemonium, (@weedsmokingbfs's oc!!! owe you my life muppy) who told them that: these portals aren't taking them place to place, it's transporting them around purgatory. and they've all died.
since then it's been up to the party to navigate their purpose, how to escape, all of it.
then they met bedlam, who explained to them this crazy prophecy and the reason they're all trapped there, which connects to a decision he made 800 years earlier.
enter callie.
my god this is so much to explain IM CRAZY ok. so callie and dee (@percexe) had been meeting in the void for centuries. he'd see callie there when he died and never knew why. 2 idiots had an unspoken pact to not talk about their pasts, but boy they should've!
it would've revealed that callie is actually named chaos, and directly related to all the other crazy clowns they'd meet across the campaign.
they're called the Story, the main 6 pantheon of gods i've set up in this universe! so we've got (in order of like. "hierarchy")
mayhem and maelstrom: gods of war and balance (he/they)
pandemonium: trickster god of illusion (he/it)
bedlam: god of magic and prophecy (he/him)
hullabaloo: goddess of joy, day, and spontaneity (she/her)
chaos: goddess of narration, night, and tradition (she/he)
the Story are basically the worlds most fucked up family, all considering each other brother and sister. in the beginning they were fine, but as time went on things just naturally got more and more messed, and now everything is just a nightmare
chaos and hullabaloo are kinda a tier above the rest of the story, part of their own subset called the Storytellers.
hullabaloo wanted more power and betrayed chaos, trapping her in the void for eternity, as she wanted to rule the universe herself. which all circles back to how callie met dee.
in the void, chaos didn't feel like himself and took on the name calypso, which is how she introduced herself to dee once they met.
and nobody found out anything out of a series of insane miscommunications and lack of info! what fun!
but now in the campaign timeline, everyone's basically caught up. we've finished the first season and are heading into the second in a couple weeks!!! also excuse if this feels rushed at all it's because it is <3 LMFAO there's just so much with CnD, this barely scratches the surface.
there's so much i couldn't cover here like the prophecy binding the party to purgatory, bedlam's entire role in that, the mages, etc. we're like 25 sessions in and so far i've planned 40 more. i am SO normal!!!!
PLEASEEE ask about it if you're curious!! im so insane about my campaign it is my pride and joy :]]
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in order there: hullabaloo, chaos, bedlam, pandemonium, and mayhem and maelstrom! ART CREDS for pandemonium and may&mae refs @weedsmokingbfs !!! once more muppy i owe u all my beans
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artharakka · 1 year
im very interested in your dnd oc Rhiam, i think its really cool and rarely done to have a trans character actually transition during the course of the game, was it always your intention for her to be trans or did this evolve naturally in the campaign? also i love her design especially the colour pallete with the earthy tones and rich blue accent colours <3
Hi! And thank you because ough I also love Rhiam so much even if (and because) she's my own character 🧡
Rhiam is one of those characters that just starts to live a life of its own, you know? I can plan things for her but some things just feel right or wrong. Because at the beginning I was thinking that "now for a change I'll make a dude character, just a regular humble lad". I think I even said something like that out loud to our DM haha, so it was not planned from the start.
What I did plan quite from the beginning was that Rhiam, coming from the huble countryside, was determined to start a new and less dull life in the city. She wanted to become a proper mage and actually do something with her magic. I think her original plan was to try to become a performer (though she noticed that performing magic tricks to strangers rather than your own siblings is slightly more daunting). So while I didn't know everything about her, I did know that she desired to be something else than a farmer boy. And I knew that she desired to have earrings and jewelry and beautiful outfits. Then at some point we thought with our DM that hmm maybe there's something else besides just not wanting to be a farmer, maybe she desires not to be a boy as well. But yeah, we have also tought that it's funky that it happened gradually and during game like this. I think we got to have conversations and themes we wouldn't have had if I had just made her trans from the start (not that there wouldn't have been anything wrong with that but yeah, this was interesting!) Especially since our group really likes to take time to dwell in little moments and details (for real, our average game session spans over a weekend and lasts mmm around 18-24h in total? with pauses of course) Her final transformation (heh) also happened in a neat transitioning phase as they are currently in a mountain pass between two countries.
Oh and speaking of transformation, I also gave Rhiam alter self spell that she used to try what it would be like to be a girl/woman. And since I have actually made short poems for her every verbal component spell, I used lines that referred to our D&D world's shapeshifting god of the forests Iija Iki-Mettä and asked aid from her. And eventually Iija invited Rhiam to her sacred pond and transed her gender more permanently than what Rhiam alone could do. So I'm now multiclassing her as druid. Another thing I said I wouldn't do since I wanted to try some other class than druid for a change. "This time I will do a man guy boy who is not a druid" I said. "Congrats lil buddy that's the worst anyone's ever done it" I say to myself now (and wouldn't have it any other way <3).
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fitzrove · 5 months
Fun fact! If you put in "Exlibris & Supralibros: Kronprinz Rudolf" into the austrian national library's online search, you can find a small selection of books they have that are from crown prince rudolf's library xD I know there are maybe 3 people who care about this but among the books he had are:
"Humoristische Schriften : 1 : Das Soldatenleben im Frieden" (= Humorous writings : 1 : The life of a soldier in peace) from 1872. This would've come out when he was like 14 so I'm assuming it's like, teenage boy literature ajjajjd. Like how publishers (used to?? Maybe it was a 00s thing) make loads of these joke collection books with crass and not that great humor which I (an 8 year old girl XD) would then read. Wait omg he actually also had parts 2, 3, 4 which are titled "Wachstubenabenteuer 1/2/3"... I don't know how to translate "wachstube", it's like a military/police break room xD So um. break room adventures...
All of Carl von Clausewitz's big huge multi-part military theory work "On War" from the 1830s (I anticipated this lmao)
Books on roman law
"Guide to cattle breeding" (??? xD I'm assuming a lot of these are his school books)
"Textbook of zoology for grammar schools, secondary schools, forestry and agricultural colleges, pharmaceutical institutes etc. and for self-instruction". 1874
French hypnosis guide on "animal magnetism" (12 easy steps), 1879. Omg I need to read this wtf ajsjjffj. It's like mesmerism stuff. Maybe Rudolf was hate reading it... If anyone else speaks French here's an archive.org link
"The Russian-Turkish campaign in European Turkey in 1828 and 1829. With maps and plans" by Helmuth von Moltke the Elder (an extremely prominent Prussian military commander)
It's so wild to me that the literal actual books still exist in the ÖNB's collections ajdjdj amazing
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jegulily-stuff · 4 months
Girls DnD night headcanons:
Peter DMs for them, he has a campaign planned already from when the boys were going to play before they (Sirius and James) realised they didn't have the patience for it. DMing's kinda like chess if you think about it.
Dorcas - Paladin. Oath of Devotion and she takes the guidelines very seriously. Has to put 'doing the right thing' before strategy because of her commitment to the roleplay. Dies a lot because of that. Picks goliath, and when that character dies replaces them with a gnome also artificer with the same name. 'Oh yeah im their cousin.' <- cheating character death to avoid being sad.
Marlene - Fighter. They made her run it with high charisma so someone could get them through persuasion checks but she wouldnt main bard cuz she wanted a cool sword. Sometimes forgets her character cant just do magic cuz its her default irl. "What do you mean the door's locked and I don't have Knock?" Superstitious about dice. Would be so sad if her character died (plays recklessly anyway).
Lily - Wizard (or maybe druid?), she loves all that nerdy stuff, and always knows her spells. Dice love her. Animates their figurines so its like wizards chess. Uses her character abilities so well Pete has to constantly adjust his plans to keep the campaign from being too easy. Befriends npcs the most, never lets Pete's narration convince her their suspicious behaviour makes them evil without real evidence.
Mary - Ranger, you wouldnt get it, this is the best choice, you'll all be crying when there's difficult terrain. Paranoid player, always doing random perception checks. Never gets caught in a trap. Only one to not get attached to an npc because she doesnt trust any of them. She was supposed to pick Cleric because the party needed a healer but decided not to. (Pete plays an npc Cleric to fill the gap). She's got proficiency in survival checks ;)
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mixedkid-matchup · 2 years
tournament where you vote for your fav multiracial (or multispecies!) character(s)!
inspired by polls like: @blackandpinkbracket @blorbo-archers-tournament @blueandyellowbracket @ultimatepinkgirl @homoeroticbetrayal @adhdswagcompetition @autismswagsummit @beefy-babe-showdown (HIII) tagging @competition-list
twas not planning on taking submissions, BUT IF YOU HAVE SOMEONE I DONT ALREADY then send me an ask bc im too lazy to make a google form. (characters i have are below cut + rules)
Submissions will stop being taken on Thursday, March 9th @ 7PM MST Tonight at 7PM MST SUBMISSIONS CLOSED
Rules: 1. fictional characters only. i’d love to put myself on the poll for kicks but fr I don’t know how your fave youtuber would feel about being put on a tumblr poll lmao.   2. pjo characters do not count. their greek ancestry is not incorporated in dna (this is stated in the books, but there is evidence against it, like percy’s greek eyes, but this is a fantasy/mythology book so like whatever. also this is stated so the characters can date outside their cabin.) 3. you can submit more than one character but dont submit one more than once 4. my matches so far are color-coded based on anime character, cartoon character, comic/graphic novel character, live action character, and book character. so in the beginning i will match the anime ones together and so forth to keep it fair for at least the beginning. 5. dont submit the entire family in the poll. keep it to like a pair of siblings that are the focus or something. or the main character. 6. polls will last 24 hours because im impatient 7. you can campaign!!!!! TAG ME!!!!!! I’LL SHOW IT OFF!!!! 8. you do not have to be nice in the comments and tags idc!!! trash talk!!! have fun!! just dont like actually legit send death threats or slurs to people. in seriousness. and to people you dont know. Characters so far: - Tamaki Suoh (white-french/japanese) - Luz Noceda (afrolatine/black dominican) - Kipo (black/korean + mute/human) - Inuyasha (human/demon) - Miles Morales (afrolatine/puerto rican + black) - Hiro Hamada (white/japanese) - Glimmer (asian/??? whtever tf her mom is ig) - Damien Wayne (white/arabic) - Alex Russo (Wizards of Waverly Place) (white-italian/mexican) - Alina Starkov (white/asian) - Sabrina Spellman (mortal/witch) - Aquaman (atlantean/surface dweller LMAO WHY DID THE CREATOR SAY IT LIKE THAT) - Keith Kogane (galra/human) - Raven (human/demon) - Mark Grayson (human/vultrimite + white/asian) - Marceline (half human) - Scott Mccall (white/hispanic) - Steven (Steven Universe) (gem/human) - Marinette Dupain-Cheng (white/asian) - Cassandra Cain (white/chinese) - Alex (Totally Spies) (afrolatine + white) - Aster (The Witch Boy) (black/white) - Ginny (Ginny and Georgia) (black/white) - Wednesday (white/hispanic) - Mako and Bolin (LOK) (fire/earth bender) - Elisa Maza (black/indigenous) - Carter and Sadie Kane (black/white)
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intertexts · 2 months
HI ROS !!!!!! coming into ur inbox this lovely afternoon with a random question bc i like your taste in things. I need a new work podcast bc im caught up with most of my other ones. I've got TWO saved because of you so I thought I'd get ur opinion: which one first. hello from the hallowoods or skyjacks :] ik u like them both (and I DO plan to get thru them both eventually but I need 2 do them one at a time or else I'll explode)
OH GOD. INSANELY HARD QUESTION!!!!!!!! FUCKED UP!!!!!!! umm. ok. ok. they're both still currently ongoing, hfth has 160 episodes so far & skyjacks has something like 230. hfth has a sort of anthology structure with many different key characters and protagonists and plot threads that all get woven together through vignettes, skyjacks is just one overarching narrative. that's the quick comparison.
-hfth: good if ur still the kind of guy who gets really emotional over casual trans & queer rep in the year of our lord 2024 despite it being "everywhere now" and "not a big deal." (me LMAO) it's not like, a podcast About That, & it's kind of reductive to say that as the first thing about it, but like. it is deeply and fundamentally and lovingly a gaytrans show. it's horror, but like, the horror equivalent of spiced tea before bedtime, more strange and warped and delightful surrealism than much else. doesn't leave u with the Residue (neutral!!! feeling awful after u finish a horror thing is like frequently part of the appeal!!) that heavier horror does. anthology with overarching plot & it's really really fun to figure out the way all the pieces fit together. there are very endearing terrifying eldritch gods and gay sad little demons and ghost boys and older butches and sentient skulls inside a weird tank body. many very resonant themes and motifs. tons of really great character work, i can think of off the top of my head at least five or so characters u will love, very fun show. makes me miss living in the woods!!!!
skyjacks: okay man. you KNOW this is my favorite ttrpg show of all time. c'mon. okay. yeah despite the insane way pd has taken over my brain (& it is a REALLY good n fun show i think) & the way im constantly talking about friends at the table as a seminal actual play show that does some of The best writing in any of the space & is easily the Best, etc. skyjacks is so fucking good. james d'amato is an incredible gm, the sound design is really lovely, the worldbuilding is. my favorite. sometimes i just sit and kick my feet around giggling and smiling and thinking about spéir. its so fucking sick it feels like folklore and fairy tales and historical romances. there are huge birds u can fly on instead of horses. the sea is angry and has spit you out. the gods are dead and the stars have fallen out of the sky. pirate story, also, btw. u will fall in love with the uhuru. maybe partially why i haven't started riptide bc skyjacks is already The pirate campaign to me. i also already know Exactly which pc u will latch onto. honestly the pcs & their dynamics are also all really compelling, nobody at the table fucking misses.
anyway. TERRIBLE answer to this question ummm i would listen 2 the pilot of both of them n then choose! they're both two of my all time faves!!! enjoy!!! :3333
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annonniiiiieeeee · 2 years
I think one of my question just got eathen by tumblr-
Anyways how or what are going to be the kids nimpos? like example Kaida has fire- /imagine the chaos of that/ or smt like that when do their nimpos unlock? ect. /u dont have to answer complety but im curius since you know Ume and Sakura arent related to the Hamatos even tho it isnt neseceraly to be biological but since they are from Usagi word/
.... Now i have a mental image of Kaida nimpo being fire- and boy aint pretty hjshdjkshdjshdsjhdsk
Sorry friend I’m behind something g force with my responses. I’ll get to them all but life is crazy right now.
All the Hamato clan members get nimpos. It is the power of the families love for one another. Bio kids and adopted kids all get powers (even in-laws might get power) as long as the clan accepts you your good.
I am still planing some of the powers out for characters. I know the twins for sure.
Her nimpo is a pastel pink
Her’s is based of of the spells sunbeam or sunburst in dnd with my own flare.
She glows. As she gets control she can determine the brightness and also manipulate other light sources.
When she is young they are blinding flashes of light that blinds the people around her.
She learns how to control her glow. She can limit it to certain parts of her body (glowing eyes) and she will act as a walking glow stick in dark areas.
Later she learns how to manipulate other light sources, such as fire embers into dancing shapes. Sparkles of light dancing around. She used this to enhance dance performances but also to distract enemies.
She thought it was a little lame when she was younger but grew to really love her power. She plays with light all the time bending the shape and creating colors.
It will be fun to play with this as both a combats power and a defensive power.
Her nimpo is a pastel orange
She actually has two abilities.
The fist is invisibility. This makes her the opposite of her twin. Where Sakura glows Ume disappears. I think she often feels in her out going twins shadow and their powers show that dynamic.
Eventually Ume comes into her own. Her ability is super helpful on missions and Sakura often used her light to distract from where her twin is.
The second power is astral projection. Her spirit appears as a pastel orange version of her. She can move around unknoticed at first but as she gets more practice her projection can have a caporal form as well.
She is the spy of the group.
Jotaro and Kaida
I am still debating these two.
You suggested fire for Kaida but I already have some fire plans for someone else.
But it did make me think of ice and fire for them but as stated I have fire planed for someone else.
I will let you know when I have the two of them figured out.
(Though Kaida with fire reminds me of a dnd campaign I did with my friends. I got chese/blessed with fire powers. I tried to make a flame in my palm to light up a cave for my companions but I failed the roll and set myself on fire. My dm tried to give me damage and I argued back that I was Tiefling and was fire resistant. They agreed that I took no damage and oh boy was that a mistake. I lit myself on fire all the time from then on. We need light? I’m on fire. We need to intimidate an enemy? Fire. Poor sales man doesn’t discount items? I set myself on fire and threaten to burn down the store. Needless to say fire abilities and me do not mix well.)
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