#I have pretty high angst tolerance haha
somerandomdudelmao · 11 months
Hi Cass👋🏻 Be honest, is something sad going to happen?
Define the percentage of good and bad in your "sad"
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purerae · 1 year
What if the reader was high/drunk and when she’s high/drunk she’s the sweetest and very loving. How would Kieran react? Would he be all lovey with her?
warnings ;; yandere behaviour, possessive behaviour , fluff, obsession, lying (??), jealousy etc, slight angst (if you squint)
click here for the masterlist!
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Kieran walks into the party that he was dreading going to. Because he gave up hooking up with girls, going to parties was too boring for him. He can’t get drunk because he has a very high tolerance and the conversations he has with his so-called ‘friends’ makes him want to feel pain so he can shoot himself five times in the head.
The white-haired male would much rather talk with you, feel you, and joke around with you. Too bad, every time he asks for your number you mutter out a sarcastic response and switch the topic.
It’s not his fault he wants to speak with you at all times! I mean…He could just sneak into your house and watch you from there. But he isn’t going to do that of course! He’s not a fucking creep.
As he walks deeper into the house party, alcohol is pushed against his nose as his past hookups wink at him, the ones who want to be his new girl attempt to walk up to him but he just gives them a wink and pushes past them. If he got a coin for the number of people who dabbed him up and knew his name while he didn’t know theirs, He’d probably be twice as rich as he is now.
The playboy (or ‘former’ playboy) gets pulled into a conversation with the football jocks as they speak about the next game, who they’re going to go for and just basic stuff etc. Kieran makes a joke here and there and he can’t tell if they’re laughing at it because it was legitimately funny or if they’re laughing because they want to get on his good side.
With you, he never had to think that. He knows that you laugh if something is actually funny and God, it makes him feel so proud when he’s the one who gets the laugh out of you.
Speaking of you…His eyes glance away from the group for a split second and the same eyes widen at the scene in front of him. It was you. Dressed up for a party he would never imagine you would go to and hell, you looked fine as fuck. But there was no way you would go to this shitty party! Who would even invite you? The jocks?? No, no it couldn’t have been. Could it?
Maybe he’s just too obsessed with you that he’s imagining you there. He quickly disregards the conversation and walks up to the couch he’s supposedly imagining you on. But there you were, In the flesh. He gives you an infamous smirk before smoothly saying
“Woah, didn’t kn—“ “Oh, my god!! Kieran! Helloooo!!” You grin at him before jumping up from your seat, almost stumbling to the ground and give him a big hug before giggling. “Fancy seeing you here~!”
Kieran remained still for what felt like hours but was actually around 5 seconds. Why were you happy to see him? Why are you hugging him??? “…Haha hey now— What’s gotten’ into you princess?”
This was one of the first times he was almost speechless. Normally you reject his advances constantly. Even if he put an arm around your shoulder, you would give him a sharp glare and push him off. But now…You’re hugging him?!
Unfortunately for him, you let go of the blissful hug before looking up at him and pouting with wide glassy eyes.
“Are you not happy to see me…I’m r-really happy to see you, Kieran!” You sniff and flop back onto the couch. Glaring at him with narrowed eyes and a pout on your cherished lips.
The blue-eyed male recovers from his shocked flustered stare before realising…bottles everywhere, your eyes were struggling to stay open, emotions off the rail. You were obviously drunk! Your personality seemed more intimate too. He could use this to his advantage. Kieran quickly sits down next to you and holds onto your arm.
“Of course, I'm happy to see you, cutie! I'm always happy to see your pretty little face~” He flirts back at you, wondering how the drunk version of you would respond.
You lean into his touch and smile. “I knew you’d be happy to see me..!!” you look at his face and then his shirt before placing a hand against it. “Woah— your shirt suits you so much, Kier! You should wear blue more often” You compliment him with a wide smile and your eyes closed.
Kieran looks at your flushed face. In his heart, he knows it’s because of the alcohol but ignorance is bliss so he’ll pretend it was because of him. His face matched yours despite not drinking anything. The new nickname and the compliment which you never give him, gives him electrical pangs in his heart.
He looks down at you with a widened smile and you’re so close to him, he just wants to kiss your red plumped lips but decided against it. He wanted you to be sober when you guys kissed. He wants you to remember his lips on yours.
“Jesus, how much did you drink princess?” He mutters to himself, intending for you not to hear but since you guys are only 8 cm away from each other, you hear him loud and clear.
With a big frown, you say “I'm not drunk…at all… barely even dranked…drunk..drank?” you slur your words out and struggle to keep your head up before giving up and placing it on his chest.
To people surrounding you guys, it looks as though you’re his millionth girlfriend and he’s just flirting with you. But Kieran doesn’t care what people think. The male turns you around and lets you lean on his chest with a content smile, he wraps his hands around your shoulders.
“Hm? I believe you babe~ you’re not drunk at all, yeah?” He says with a humming tune in his voice.
You let out a “Mhm!” noise and you guys stay like that for a while. Kieran is flirting with you and instead of your sarcastic responses, you giggle and laugh while acting all sweet to him too. He knows if you were sober right now and saw how you were acting with him, saw the very public display of affection, You’d vomit all over the place and never speak with him again.
But he was always good at keeping secrets.
Your sweet conversation got cut off by one of Kieran’s ‘friends’ who walks up to you both with a drink in hand before laughing.
“Yoo, this your new bitch? She’s hot as fuck, where’d ya’ get her?” He yells out, obviously drunk and high and everything in between.
Kieran’s smirk turns into an angered look. Something no one has ever seen before. His eyes darken as he hears the cunt refer to the love of his life as a ‘bitch’…as well as complimenting her too! No one deserves to compliment what's his. He should be the one to call you hot, not some guy who doesnt even know your name.
He snarls out “She’s my girlfriend you freak, Say shit like that one more time and I’ll knock you the fuck out. Got it?” He places his signature smirk back on but his eyes remain the same.
The poor guy has never seen Kieran act like this before. This was a look he never wanted to see ever again. He responds meekly with a “m-my bad bro” Before scurrying off like a lost little sheep.
Kieran’s smirk drops once again as he holds you even tighter in his grasp. His fingers dig into your skin as you yelp in pain.
His touch loosens. “Sorry princess, just close your eyes again for’ me, okay?” He looks down at you and sees your tilted head staring at him with a confused and worrying stare. He raises his eyebrow before you softly explain
“I’m…your girlfriend?” Kieran laughs and nods his head confidently.
“Of course! Did my cute girl drink so much that she almost forgot?~” He pecks your nose before leaning back onto the armrest and closing his eyes, his arms still resting against your body.
You make a noise of confusion before accepting the fact that you’re his ‘girlfriend’ and get comfortable against him again.
“Ah…Sorry!” You giggle out. and hold onto his arms.
Kieran knows this is wrong. He knows that if you knew he did this, you'd hate him forever. But he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t help the domestic feeling of being a boyfriend. Your boyfriend.
Although he loves your snarky responses, He could definitely get used to the sweet side of you. Just one more hour of this. Please.
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makuta5200 · 4 months
TAGGED: 10 Characters You Identify With!
Tagged by good pal @gordhanx with this one!
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Jack Skellington - Probably my number 1 when it comes to self-identifying characters. Aside from being tall, lanky, and loving Halloween, I tend to get curious pretty easily about things and like to, like many, hyperfixate on things for a good long while. Friendly and good to his people, with maybe bit of weirdness for good measure - me to a T, always!
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Hideki Motosuwa - the actual crown prince of anime protagonists, you can fight me on this. Hideki is just a good lad, I've always admired how the most normal of dudes is out there just doing his best for the robo-girl he picked up off the streets. Bit of a goober, kinda gets hit with "The Horny" from time to time, but means and does well at the end of the day.
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Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow - if Jack is my heroic side, Scarecrow is the villainous counterpart. Equally as gangly and spooky, but with an even greater desire for the creepy and the macabre. Was also bullied a wee bit as a kid, so seeing a supervillain take his revenge on his former aggressors really hit when I started getting into comics.
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Honda-San - anyone who's worked retail can relate to Honda, imo. The day-to-day stress of the 9-to-5 grind can really get to you, but you also gotta appreciate the few good instances like cool coworkers and respectable patrons - however few and far between they may be.
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Ruler - With every passing year, I kind of get more snippity, more annoyed, just all around more crabby. I have a low tolerance for ignorance, failure, and unkindness, and most ESPECIALLY not being given the respect and dues I feel I've deserved, especially when it came to working retail in the funny haha 2020 era. Ruler embodies what happens when a hard-working individual is pushed down and the resulting animosity that arises from that kind of treatment.
(Oops got a bit too real there)
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Scanty - Kind of a stickler for rules, can let little things build up and annoy me, and I won't lie, kind of developed a bit of a temper over the years. Is why I find her so pretty though ooooooo
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Youka Naze - Youka represents a lot of what high school me used to be like. An overworking studier who put their all in their work but would get frustrated when it didn't amount to the results that I wanted. Just a lot of pent of angst and nihilism that, while I don't feel any more, DID exist in me a long time ago, and I related to it a lot so it'd be foolish not to include her as someone I DID once relate to strongly in the past.
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Patchouli Knowledge - Mostly in regards to her status as a librarian, which is what I am! I like chill, relaxing, quiet atmospheres, and so long as you abide by the rules and keep it down, we can be chill. I'll get snippy if you don't.
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Kobayashi - Again, usually pretty chill but do very much care for those close to me. I can be reserved and professional but the moment you get some drinkie-drinks in me I can be a bit of a goofball, all the ready yap your ear off with an interest or 12 of mine.
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Harvey Bullock - I swear I'm usually not so angy, but... you know the world just kinda makes me mad lol. Harvey's sarcastic, drop-of-a-hat temper flows into me whenever I get behind the wheel of a car. I BECOME Bullock. Also a bit of a foodie, always hungry.
And that's it for me! Not tagging anyone, but do it yourself if you feel so inclined!
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1. No asking me to do smut because I’ll say no. Keep in mind that I’m a minor, and I don’t particularly want to write a lot of that. Minor sexual innuendos are fine, just no straight-up smut. Go to 18+ blogs for that please.
2. Please don’t pressure me to keep writing; every once in a while is okay, but I have a life outside of Tumblr (high school wants to kill me).
3. Remember that I can and will only do things that I feel like doing. So don’t get mad if I don’t do your request.
4. I do character x reader, oc x reader, and oc x oc - no character x character (No hate, I’m just pretty bad at it; writing canon characters that are in character is hard enough for me). For a list of my OCs, go here or here (I apologize that I don't have anything on Tumblr, I just haven't had the time). To add to this, I make all of my writing gender-neutral as possible, even when gender is specified by a request (I know the feeling of being pulled out of a story when seeing the wrong pronouns, so I try to avoid it). That being said, I will do things like "how ___ would react if the reader was on their period" or something like that, but it will continue to have as few pronouns as possible. Most often, the only times that I will specify gender for a reader is if it is for a specifically trans reader (as I do have more ideas for those than cisgender readers... It's probably because I fit into the trans category haha). I will rarely write specifically for female readers as that can give me dysphoria, and I don't really like that.
5. Also, no homophobia, transphobia, queerphobia in general; I’m not going to tolerate that. To add to that, any misogyny, sexism, racism, etc is not okay (So basically, if you hate people of color (especially Asians) that were born female and are not cisgender or heterosexual, you probably shouldn't talk to me).
6. No adult x minor (because it’s illegal) and I feel really uncomfortable with that topic.
7. Please be specific in your requests for writing; include ship, what sorta plot, and what point of view (also gender of reader, if applicable, otherwise I'll make it a gender-neutral reader). Here’s a general outline:
Ship: oc x oc (e.g. Tatsuya x Kenji), oc x reader (e.g. Chisuke x female reader), character x reader (e.g. Bakugo (I love him so much-) x gender-neutral reader), character x character (e.g. Iwaizumi x Oikawa (yes my OTP))
Plot: Mood (e.g. Fluff/angst/comfort/fluff to angst), trope (if applicable) (e.g. enemies to lovers, forbidden love), actual plot (e.g. Character A and Character B get into a fight, and Character C (their mutual friend) makes them a homemade date to make them get back together).
Point of View: First person (i/my), Second person (you/your), Third person (she/he/they) (e.g. Both Tatsuya and Kenji’s point of view, changes from time to time- third person; first person, reader’s point of view; second person, Dabi’s point of view, etc)
Other: (add anything else here-) (especially any little things you want me to add (like if you want to have your pet in there or anything-)
8. I am not comfortable writing readers that are a trans female, nor am I comfortable with headcanoning characters to be a trans female (unless they canonically are). I would rather not write them at all than write something that really sucks and could be unintentionally transphobic etc. (Also since I'm already kind of struggling with trans guys (even though I'm like really close to identifying as one) I just don't want to struggle more with trying to do good representation yk.)
9. Please don't follow if you're strictly an 18+ blog? Reading, liking, and reblogging are fine but I'd rather not have blogs that aren't for minors following me, I hope you understand :)
If you’ve read these rules, like this post!
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zhongrin · 2 years
◇ characters ◇ albedo
◇ tags ◇ ⚠️ torture, gore, violence, major character death, dark themes, mindbreak(?), angst ⚠️ ⬙ just... don't tell me i didn't warn you haha
◇ a/n ◇ *AGGRESSIVELY BANGS POTS AND PANS* ALBEDO KISSERS WAKE UP I MADE FOOD *serves you a plate of stir-fried bitter gourd with jueyun chilis*
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one day, everything will return to the soil of teyvat.
humans, animals, plants, chalks - it matters not who or what you are, when celestia calls for your soul, you have to depart. it doesn't matter how hard you wish to stay. it matters not how determined the others are for you to stay. they say your death is sealed from the day you were born, and just like him who will one day turn into dust, he understands that you will do the same.
all he ever wished for was for the moment leading to your eternal rest to be a peaceful one.
why can't the cruel monsters gods at least grant him that single wish?
he's never hated alchemy in his life, but he's starting to think he does, now.
now, when bruises and cuts are blooming across your body, like some sort of a sick painting that constantly changes when touched. your eyes are unfocused, and you've long since abandoned the efforts to keep quiet, yet your screams have long since settled into silent hisses and breathless whimpers.
"feel like talking yet, chief alchemist?! now tell us where you're keeping rhinedottir's potion of wisdom!!"
"i-i don't have- there are no-" he gasps, voice thin and desperate and weak, "please-"
albedo rarely stutters - his words are always calculated and precise, and he's always been able to articulate himself perfectly, always able to unknowingly flaunt his intelligence without any conscious effort on his part. but it's like something in his brain has switched off completely.
he doesn't even know if you're conscious anymore. if you're even still alive at this point, because your blood is everywhere: the cold stone floor, the fatui mages' clothes, his tied-up hands (they had allowed him to hold you at first but they took you away out of his arms' reach when he kept denying their accusations), his clothes (they've all dried up and they clung to his skin and he felt sick from how cold they felt), and his cheek (how long has it been since you two were taken? how long until the knights of favonius arrive? how long until you decide to give up? how long until his sanity breaks?)
he thinks he hears a sickening crack when the battle boots slammed onto your palm. one of your legs twitches, but no sounds escape your throat, and there was no indication that the action has hurt you, but he knows it has to be - your pain tolerance might be high but anyone would at least respond when their bones are smashed to bits. instead, as if it was albedo's own hand that received the brutal treatment, he's the one who yelled in pain.
"i don't have it!! i don't have it i don't have it i don't have it please-"
"hmph.... hey, maybe we should've picked the kid instead."
cold blue eyes widen. teeth gritting, albedo trashes against the shackles, feeling his eyes sting even more after all the prolonged raw crying and lack of sleep for who knows how long.
yet once again, his movements halt when the female cryo mage who had just spoken shrieked in shock as your other hand suddenly grabbed her ankle. relief flooded his chest - you're alive. you're alive and conscious and there's still hope left-
an ice shard
materializes on top of you
and plunges straight onto your back.
"ugh, gross! i thought you broke their arm!!"
"i'm pretty sure i did-"
radio static fills his ears, muting the conversations between the agents as his gaze falls towards your eyes. your eyes, where the stardusts should be sparkling and shimmering under even the dimmest light, are empty. devoid of everything, a dark pool of the color it used to be. like charred fishes floating on top of lakewater. the dead rats ransacking his 'supplies' laced with poison. the bird carcass he dissected for anatomical research.
meaningless. insignificant. fragile. 
so many hours,
he has spent with you.
and yet your death was so quick.
the whisper of your name is soft and tender against his lips. fresh tears fill his eyes, even though he's qute sure he's already far too dehydrated at this point. he weakly tries to scoot over, just to get closer to you, just a little closer-
the agent beside him moves to kick your body away from him, and gloved fingers dig onto his scalp, pulling on the disheveled strands, his usual braids long since gone, his- no, your hair tie already missing since a long time ago. he realizes you were the one who helped him tie it last, and he's lost that, too.
albedo realizes that he misses your touch already. your voice your smile your laugh i miss you i miss you i miss you-
he doesn't even hear the fatui talking to him. doesn't feel the sting on his cheek and his busted lip when they slap him for being unresponsive.
doesn't realize who just came into the cell and causes everyone to tense up and bow respectfully.
"so the puppet still refuses to talk even after their fixer perishes? how amusing."
his throat constricts when this new person flips you over with his polished shoes, scrutinizing your body from behind his odd-shaped mask. he's seen the reports of this very person, though he doesn't exactly look the same as the old photo attached to the papers, but this has to be him.
he's struggling to breathe and all he manages to say is a short plea, "don't-"
one of the man's arms reaches down to hoist your limp form slightly upwards, and the way your head lolls lifelessly like a broken doll makes him choke back a sob. the doctor turns your face this way and that, as if he's inspecting a new specimen to experiment on. his stomach churns when he realizes that... that's all you're reduced to, right now, in this madman's eyes.
"acceptable, i suppose."
"don't you dare!" the guttural and low growl scratches his throat painfully. he thinks he can taste blood - oh, wait, he did injure the inside of his mouth long before while watching your battered body accumulate more and more wounds - "LEAVE THEM ALONE!" please please please don't desecrate them any further don't hurt them even more don't no no no no no no n o please-
"don't worry, kreideprinz."
dottore chuckles as he drags your lifeless body by your hair towards the door, further and further from him, only leaving a heavy trail of blood in its wake, the doctor's last sentence ringing in his ears as he feels the last bit of his sanity leave with you.
is he not even permitted to hold you and kiss you goodbye? can't he just look at you properly just one last time?
"even if they wake up, they won't remember your weak, pathetic self anymore."
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© zhongrin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @paintingsofdragonspine | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @depressivecomforts | @sophiethewitch1 | @why-am-i-here-someone-save-me | @sunnshineflxwer
ps. if you want to be removed/added from the taglist, just send an ask!
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unoriginalmess · 3 years
Untitled Feralnette Fic Ch. 1
Hiya there anyone who happens upon this first chapter of this fic. I would like to start out by saying that this is my first fanfic ever. I've been wanting to write a fic for the miraculous fandom for a while but I haven't had any inspiration until I stumbled upon this glorious AU created by @bigfatbreak. I highly suggest checking out all of their posts about this au because they are hilarious and genius and about 100 other amazing adjectives that could be used to describe them and their posts. Anyways enough with my rant and let's get on with the fic. ⚠️Slight angst⚠️ ⚠️Swearing⚠️
When Marinette got home after her and Luka's breakup, all she could do was cry. She wanted to be with him, but her Ladybug duties came first. If lying is a deal breaker for him, then maybe it was best that they ended it now while their relationship was still in its early stages. Still, she couldn't help but feel the loss of her first relationship. She ended up crying for a whole entire day. She just hoped that Hawkmoth(or Shadowmoth or whatever the fuck he wanted to be referred to as this week) wasn't feeling particularly akuma-y today, because she didn't know if she could bottle up all these feelings, even though the world is relying on her ability to do so.
Ugggghhh!! It has been exhausting having to be "happy and perfect Marinette" and "happy and perfect Ladybug" All. The. Time. She's also pretty sure that Hawkmoth had discovered the similarities in her personality as Marinette to Ladybug, and that's why she's been targeted by multiple akumas lately. She has had to have her emotions under control even more than usual. If only there was a way to get Hawkmoth to stop targeting her. Maybe she should just not give a fuck anymore. Haha as if! It couldn't be that easy! Could it?
The more she thinks about it the more it starts to make sense. If she just let herself go completely crazy as Marinette, she would be killing like 10 birds with one stone. She would get hawkmoth off of her trail, she wouldn't have to deal with having to hide her emotions all of the time, she wouldn't have to deal with the added stress of maintaining her perfect persona, she wouldn't have to deal with the stress of Lila's lies taking her friends away if she didn't have friends in the first place, and so much more stress would be taken off of her plate! It was perfect! It might hurt a little at first, but it's for the best in the end. She spent that night planning out her outfit for tomorrow, doing her homework, and going to sleep knowing that, in the morning, François Dupont isn't gonna know what hit them.
Adrien Agreste had been having a rough week. He had been abandoned on patrol by ladybug, been broken up with by his girlfriend, and was feeling completely and utterly alone. He knows that his lady has been feeling overwhelmed by her guardian duties lately, and that he 100% deserved that verbal lasting that kagami had given him but he couldn't help but feel this way. He was also feeling guilty about lying to kagami and leading her on for so long. After she broke up with him he took some time to assess his feelings for her and realized that he had more of an admiration for her than an infatuation. He definitely didn't feel the same way about her that she felt about him. She told him that she LOVED HIM, and he was so distracted (blinded) by ladybug that he didn't even process her confession. So, he was looking forward to Sunday morning. He cleared his schedule and on that beautiful Sunday morning, he did what he is only allowed to do on very rare occasions: sleep in. Or at least... thats what he had planned on doing.
When Nathalie had knocked on his door that morning Adrien was not in a good mood. He vaguely heard her say something about father wanting him downstairs in some amount of time for something involving a business partners child and some other robotic sounding words that his half asleep brain couldn't process completely.
"I have a cleared schedule this morning, Nathalie. What could father possibly want me for that is more important than my precious sleep?" He asked snappily.
"Your father wants you downstairs to welcome the new guest that will be living in the house for the rest of the school year. You have 15 minutes to make yourself look presentable and I suggest leaving the attitude upstairs," she half informed/half reprimanded him. As she walked away, Adrien reluctantly rose from his nice warm bed and went to go get ready with only one thought racing through his mind: Who could possibly be staying with them?
Felix Culpa was not looking forward to living at the Agreste mansion for the rest of the school year, but for their parents' sake they would do what they had to. It wasn't all for their parents either, they were also concerned about the strange "dissapearance" of Emilie (who was his aunt in all ways except blood relation) and about the treatment of Adrien since said "disappearance".
You see, Felix Culpa is the heir to the Culpa Fabric Empire. The Culpas have been the sole fabric supplier of the Agreste brand since the very beginning. Felix's mom Diana was best friends with Emilie since their college days. Diana and Emilie made the deal with the two brands because as best friends who are both involved in the same industry, it just made sense to have a business relationship with each other. Diana never really cared for Gabriel as a person, but she could tell that he loved Emilie more than anyone else in the world so she could tolerate him for the sake of her best friend.
When Emilie went missing, Diana was absolutely devastated and tried anything she could to find her. She invested in missing person ads as large as billboards, organized search teams, tried to aid the police in their search for her in any way she could, but there was no leads, no legitimate calls to the number on the billboards, and the search team came up empty handed. While she was doing all of this to try to find her, she couldn't help but be furious over the fact that Gabriel was doing nothing to help in the search. All he did was hole himself up in his oversized mansion and call it a day.
The last straw for Diana was when Gabriel tried to use the "grieving my wife" excuse to try to abuse their business arrangement. That day, she told him that the Culpa brand would no longer be associated with the Agreste brand and that after the new collection is released, he would need to find a new fabric supplier. She knew that the Agreste brand would take a huge hit from having sub-par fabric, but she never thought that Gabriel would try to make up for that fact by using Adrien as a walking mannequin and locking him up in the desolate prison that he calls a home. As soon as she realized that he was doing this she scrambled to find a solution.
That is how Felix ended up here, standing in front of the mansion they would be living in for the next 9 months in exchange for Gabriel getting back into the Culpa brand's good graces. Don't get them wrong, they were excited about being able to be in Paris, home of the most innovative fashion pieces in the world, and about being able to see their honorary cousin Adrien (who wasn't half bad to be around despite him having no backbone whatsoever when it came to anything involving his father) but dealing with Mr. Agreste was definitely one of the low points of this arrangement.
They decided to just get it over with and knocked on the door. It was opened by the man that their cousin affectionately referred to as Gorilla. They nodded a thank you to the man, remembering that he was a man of few words, and proceeded to the bottom of the staircase. Mr. Agreste stood at the top with a very tired looking Adrien a few steps down. Felix wasn't even slightly surprised that this is where he chooses to welcome his guests, looking down on people must give him some sort of power trip or something. It's almost as if he heard the phrase "It's over, Anakin, I have the high ground," and made that his own personal motto. Whatever, let him have the feeling of false power if he wanted it, Felix knows that they have all the power in this situation and they're sure that Gabriel knows it as well.
"Hello Felix," Mr. Agreste greeted them with the same amount of warmth in his voice as liquid nitrogen, "while you are staying in this house you will abide by my rules. Adrien will inform you of them and show you to your room. You will attend school with him in the morning and I'm sure that you already know that you must represent not only the Culpa brand, but also the Agreste as well. I will be in my office working, do not disturb me. Contact Nathalie with any questions that cannot be answered by Adrien." He finished his spiel and left to what Felix assumed was his office space.
"Hello Felix!" Adrien greeted him with as much enthusiasm as he could muster in his sleepy state. "Come with me and I'll show you to your room."
Adrien led Felix to their room and listed all of the rules of the household that they were expected to follow. And... wow. Felix could not believe that their cousin had to live like this. The only social interaction this kid gets is at school and fencing? Pre-approved outings only with people determined socially acceptable by Gabriel? And if he gets even one "B" he isn't even going to be allowed to go to school at all? Felix knew that the living situation was bad for Adrien but know the only question running through their head was: What did they get themselves into??
And... thats it for chapter 1! Mostly background info at this point, but next chapter will be the class' reaction to feralnette and felinette meeting for the first time. I just want to say thanks again to @bigfatbreak for giving me the inspiration to write a fic for the first time ever. Feel free to leave constructive criticism, I'm always looking to improve, especially at writing since this is my first time posting anything I've written online, so I want to get better so that I can make better content for you guys, gals, and non-binary pals. If anyone wants to be tagged just let me know and I'll make a tag list for ya. :)
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merci-bitch · 4 years
I Can Make You Love Me
Riza’s girl part ll 
Riza Stavropol x Fem!Reader
Genre: Drama, small hint of NSFW, angst
Words: 3k
Warning(s): knife mark, small hint of smut, cursing, manipulation, angst
A/N: well, I’m surprised I even finished this. This doesn’t particularly mean I’m back but I’ve been fighting my own stuff but I’m starting to come back at least haha. I haven’t read through it so sorry if there’s any misspelling or stuff. Anyways, enjoy!
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I was soaked in a pool of sweat and the heat blazing down from the sun on us through her widow didn't make the situation any better. I felt like I was in a sauna and I definitely felt tired. I could feel Riza's piercing blue eyes like the clear waters of Greece targeting me. Marking me.
"Well, how was it?" I rolled over on my side to look at her. I had two options, of an answer. One would please her very much and the other one, meh. It would piss her off.
"Terrible." I mussed sarcastically. I watched the cocky smirk on her face fade and I let out a laugh. "You little bitch!" She playfully smacked my ass. "Naughty girl, aren't you?" She bit her bottom lip and watched me carefully.
"When I want to be." I smiled. Riza leant her head down and crashed her own lips onto mine. Her teeth bitting my bottom lip for an entry to my mouth. Hesitantly, I opened my mouth and felt her tongue mix with my own. She was dominating me. When she pulled away we were both panting and she looked satisfied. "I take it back. My good girl." She pulled me close and caressed my face.
I felt content in her arms but I was still on edge. "Darling?" She loosened her grip on me and cubbed my cheek with her hand. "What's wrong?" I looked down before answering. "I-sorry, I'm just...I'm just a little worried about H."
"H?" She looked angry and kinda surprised. "We just had sex and now you're thinking of H?!" She sat up.
"R-Riza, I didn't mean-"
"Oh no, my darling. You did mean it. You most certainly did. I told you he's an asshole, Y/N. I told you he's no good." Her eyes gleamed with malicious intent and I felt scared. Scared she was going to hurt me even worse then she already did.
"You still love him, don't you?" Riza was almost on the border of yelling. "Don't you?!" She got in my face and that's when I pushed her off of me.
"No! But I still care about him and he's trying his best. He's the only person I have left who's like family to me and don't I have the right to feel anyway I want? Or do you own that too." I knew that I was playing with fire but despite the fear I had for Riza, she was so beautiful when she was mad. I couldn't help but love it. How her nose would curl, adorable.
"Yes. You do but not when we're in the middle of something ourselves! For example, finishing sex! You love me, don't you?" She started to sound desperate.
"You want me. The way you've never wanted anyone befo-"
"You know I do but I told you, I believe in chances and right now? You're about to lose yours. As soon as I said those words, Riza's face dropped. A part of me regretted what I had said. She looked hurt. Betrayed. She lied down again and turned her back towards me. "Riza...Riza, I'm sorry."
"I'm not speaking to you." She said after a few minutes. Her tone was cold and it made me feel uncomfortable. "Riza, I didn't mean to hurt you but I'm worried."
"Worried about him? Worried about that fucking traitor? He's a jerk. I told you that." She spun around and looked at me. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you but I care about you, okay? I care about you more then I've cared about anyone in a while and I don't want to lose you. Her eyes turned soft.
"You won't lose me, okay? I care about you too, but I can at least have the right to know that he's alright." Riza let out a sigh. "If I tell you he's alright, will you leave the topic be?" She kissed my nose and help me tight to her. "..Yes." I breathed inwardly.
"Then he's fine. I promise." Despite the anxiety I felt, I trusted her words and slowly began to snuggle into her. "Thank you." She ran her fingers through my hair and gave my forehead a kiss. "Get some rest." I nodded my head and clutched onto her tightly. She was so warm and smelled so sweet despite all the sweat she was caked in. "I love you."
"I love you too, my precious girl."
"You bitch! This is the final straw!"
"We'll see about that."
H looked down at the ground, frowning as he'd seen you coming in and out of consciousness. "You hurt her Riza! Why would you do that? I told you that this is between you and me."
"But it's not though." She kicked the ground, showing off her tone legs through her silk dress. "Haven't you missed me, H?"
"Missed you? The thought of you repulses me. Especially now. You're lucky I haven't killed you after what you did." H said as he slowly started backing down the hallway and Riza chuckled. "Oh pretty boy, you forget that I can read you like the back of my hand." Riza pressed her body close to him and pinned him to the wall.
"Not anymore. I'm a changed person." She held his face in her hands and smiled. "Sure you are." Riza slipped one of her hands underneath his shirt, scratching the bare skin of his chest. His eyes rolled back and Riza couldn't help but smile. "And you say I don't know you."
"Riza-" He meet her eyes almost as if he was in a trace. "H." She mumbled. Their lips nearly grazed each other when H noticed her extra arm moving around him. "What are you-"
The smashed barrel of her gun hit the top of his head. H looked puzzled for a moment and Riza smiled, pushing him away from her. "How did you-" He slurred his words before dropping to the ground.
"Oh come on, H! One more dance, please!" H winced at the high pitched voice of the woman that had her arm wrapped around his waist but tolerated it. He was hammered from all the alcohol he had been drinking but who could blame him?
It was a long dat at the agency and he needed a break from it all. "Amanda, I would say yes but I'm afraid I'm spent for the night an I must get going."
"But H-"
"No Amanda. Now if you'll excuse me-" H turned around and walked straight into the chest of two alien men. "You're the agency scum that got your hands on our girl?"
The question took him off guard. Their girl? "What, I-I! Know? Come on guys that would be ridiculous." He chuckled nervously. "Wouldn't it?"
The two men in front of him didn't seem amused. The one bulkier grabbed him by his throat and pressed him against the wall. "You calling me liar?"
"No! I-I..." H felt the blood circulating through him becoming less and less. "Let him be, Dorian. He's with me. Aren't you, darling?"
H choked on his own breath and looked up at the face of savior. It was a woman, and she was beautiful. "My apologies, Riza." She let out a humming noise and pulled a blaster out of her silk dress. H got a quick glimpse of her sheer underwear and felt himself swell up with lust.
"Sure." Riza shot him and screams of panic were erupted inside the bar. H just sat there on the ground looking at her confusedly until he noticed she had extended her hand out towards him. "Shall we?"
Despite how wrong he knew it was, he took her hand and walked out the bar with her hand in hand. "What's your name handsome?"
"H. Agent H."
"Oh, an agent. Well, I'm Riza. Riza Stavros."
"Riza, it's nice to meet you."
"Likewise." She hummed. They come across a tan, Moroccan style building and Riza smiled. "I would take you back to my place, but sadly. I'm on business."
"Of course." Riza grabbed the keys out of her bra and unlocked the door, kicking off her heels right as she stepped in the door. H was baffled by her. He was sure she had to be one of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen. "Sit, darling." Riza gestured to the couch as she rummaged through one of the cabinets of her hotel room. Pulling out a glass tumbler.
"You drink whiskey?" She looked over at H while holding up the bottle. "Yes, thank you." She poured him a glass and poured one for herself and sat down next to him on the couch and handed him his glass. H took a taste, it burned his throat at first but left a smooth aftertaste.
“So what’s an agent like yourself doing here?”
The alcohol burned in his throat but left a sweet aftertaste. He thought carefully before responding. Though he didn’t know what good it would do. It was like Riza was staring into his soul. “Looking for a good time, I suppose.”
“Good time with the wrong woman, my dear.” She caressed his cheek with the back of her thumb and smiled. “You’re such a beautiful man, aren’t you? Pretty boy.” Riza said while crawling onto his lap. H didn’t know what to do or what to say. He was shell shocked and drunk.
Riza peppered kisses on his face and down his throat and H moaned. “Lustful for me already, aren’t you?” H didn’t respond. Part of him wanted to shove the woman on top of him aside but he just, couldn’t. She was just too, goddess like. “Y-Yes.”
H woke up, rubbing the back of his head. Shaking his head. That’s when he realised, he was stuck to a bloody chair. After minutes of fighting with the ties, he got lose and stood up. H’s iconic smile back on his sweet baby face. “Never do know how to tie me up, now do you Riza.”
H slowly walked out the room, moving around slowly. Begging for that big blue teddy monster not to walk around the corner. Coast is clear. H walked down the long hallway and despite the years since he’d been here. He almost no trouble finding his way around. All those drunk nights with Riza. Her hands scratching up his chest, back. Her sweet lips on his-no. Not this time. Get Y/N and get out of here.
H was too deep in thought, missing a step. “Shit!” Covering his mouth quickly. Looking around. Surprise, no one was around. H shakes his head again and continued down the hallway and took a sharp left turn. There was a door, cracked open. Hesitantly H opened it.
“Oh god.” H said as he turned back around. There she was, Y/N. But naked. He’d never seen her naked before. H felt his cheeks grown hot, like some middle  aged school boy. Damn Riza, for getting them into this. H knew that Y/N was going to be embarrassed when she saw him. If, she ever got to see him of course,
H didn’t trust Riza as far as he’d known her. How the hell did he know that she wasn’t fake sleeping?
Hesitantly he walked over to Y/N and shook her, softly. H didn’t wanna wake her almost. So looked so peaceful when she was asleep. Y/N let out a small groan and opened her eyes. “H..? Oh my god! H!” Her arms flew around his neck. H tensed his shoulders. He didn’t know if he should hug her back or not, afraid of upsetting her. “Riza told me you were alright but I thought I’d never see you again!” Ever so carefully, H ran his hand through Y/N’s soft hair. Glancing over at Riza. “Well, she definitely isn’t awake. That’s for sure. Or I’d be dead by now.”
H couldn’t help the thoughts about Y/N. Damn Riza for making him think this way about her! “Look Y/N, we don’t have much time. We need to get out of here. Your clothes?” Y/N pointed to the end of the bed. H tossed Y/N her clothes and let her get changed. H helped Y/N our of the bed, that’s when Riza stirred. Both H and Y/N panicked. The balcony! They both walked out on it and Y/N pushed H to the side.
“Now why on earth would you do that?” Riza’s deep and raspy voice sent shivers down both H and Y/N’s spines. “Do what?” Y/N asked. Riza walked up to Y/N. “This.” She gestured to her clothed body. The moon was shining on her skin, highlighting the most seductive parts.
“It felt weird to run around naked.” Riza ran her hand up Y/N’s sides. Placing one of her hands on her breast. Kneading it softly. Starting to fumble with her jeans. “I can make it more comfortable for you if you like.” Y/N let out a soft moan and leaned her head back against Riza’s collarbones. H wanted to throw up at the sight of it. The smell of sex permeating off of Riza. This scene was getting almost too nostalgic for him. H tried his very best not to let his eyes wander with how Riza’s hand touched Y/N’s body. How her mouth would launch for her throat and leave small marks.
“Why don’t you come back inside, sweetheart. Hm? What do you say.” Riza’s voice was like honey running. “Riza, we just did it. There’s no need to do it again.” H could hear Riza scoff. “You can’t be serious. It’s sex darling. Something you could do a whole day. And I’ve got a very busy day in a few hours. I need something to calm me down.” H felt himself gag. He took a few steps back and accidentally made a plant fall. Riza snapped her head around. “Oh you’re fucking kidding me. LUCA!” Riza tied her rope around herself and grabbed Y/N’s arm and dragged her inside and once again, H found himself fighting with an old friend.
“Am I some sort of joke to you?!” Riza screamed at my face. I shaked my head. Tears burning in the back of my eyes. Riza’s cheeks burning up with anger. Riza took steps back and threw her hands on her sides and scoffed and grabbed the wine bottle on her office table. “R-Riza..?” She threw the cork across the room. “Shut up. Just fucking shut up. You humans, fucking useless.” She scoffed again and started drinking directly from the wine bottle. I sat down, pulling my knees to my chest. This could only go bad.
After 3 wine bottles, she was finally starting to get tipsy. Tipsy Riza was alright, but if it was drunk angry Riza. Run for your fucking life. Where was H when you needed him?!
“Oh drop it, H won’t come this time for you. He’d be dead before he can even spell your fucking name.” Riza held the bottle to her chest and laughed out loud. This wasn’t fun anymore. “Awh, is the little human scared? You want your mommy?” She started taking small steps towards me. Making me back away slowly, towards the stone wall. The floor cold, dirty. Filled with smashed glass. She got down on her knees and crawled towards me. Giving me a good view of her cleavage. My back was against the wall, her nose touching mine. Her eyes dark and cloudy.
“Scared little puppet? Huh? Yeah? Yes!” Her voice, getting higher and higher, and she was getting more insane. “You humans don’t understand anything. Fucking pathetic!” She got even closer. She was a living nightmare. “R-Riza...” With a shaking hand, I reached up and cupped her cheek, only for her to grab my wrist and pull me up and drag me to her desk where she grabbed a knife.
“Riza, no. Let go of it!” She held out my arm and looked at me with blinded eyes and started carving the letter ‘R’ into my skin. Screaming out in pain, pushing her away. Holding my wrist, covering it up in the paper I could find. Riza turned back around and looked at me. Seeing the tears spilling down my cheeks, the blood moving down my arm. She dropped the knife. Her own hands starting to shake. “Y-Y/N, o-oh my god.”
She reached out for me, only for me to move away. Her eyes filling with panic. “I-I don’t know what came over me. Y/N, please let me help.” I shook my head and got up. “No. I’m not letting you help me. I loved you Riza, but this, this is not the Riza I loved.” Her breath shaky. “Wait, no. Please. I can make it up to you. I can love you just as good as he can!” I shook my head. “Riza no. You can see yourself. This is never gonna work.” She shook her head and walked up to me and cubbed my cheeks.
“I can make it work. I can make you love me.”
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 5 years
Out of My League (Midoriya Izuku X Reader X Bakugou Katsuki) PART 1
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Summary: They were both your friends, and they were both out of your league. And UA’s having a fucking dance...
I LOOOOOOVES me some love triangles... XD And ooh this one’s gonna have some fluff and some angst in here honeys~. School’s almost over~. So I get to write this!!
Featuring! Deku and Kacchan! And You guys!! 
But somehow I can't believe That anything should happen I know where I belong And nothing's going to happen, yeah
-’She’s so High’ Tal Bachman
It was true what they said about high school clichés.
There will always be jocks, popular bitches, preppy kids, emo kids, nerds, basket cases, class-clowns, rockers, perverts, shrinking violets and the occasional criminals.
You knew that because you were currently attending UA High with your best friends. Sure, this was a school for young students training to become pro-heroes, but it was still a high school, and naturally the high school students ACTED like high school students.
But you didn’t always entirely care about what people thought about you, or at least you tried to not care about what people thought about you. All that mattered was that you had your best friends, and the new batch of awesome friends you made during your time in UA.
It wasn’t always easy though since your two childhood friends just kind semi-hated each other, well, one of them was more upfront about it, the other one still cared a lot about him.
Yes, your best friends were Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo. Everyone knew that because they would all see you walking with either Izuku, Bakugo or sometimes both of them when you managed to convince them to just try and tolerate each other. Well… Bakugo at least.
You felt close to both of them, but you tried to make time for both of them so neither of them felt neglected. Bakugo was an asshole 98 percent of the time, but you cared about him and you cherished your friendship with him warts and all. He had a soft side, you knew it, even though you seldom saw it. Izuku? Well, you never really had any problems with him at all.
But as soon as you three grew up, things started changing…
Izuku was gradually becoming more popular, because people finally saw his charisma. And many were becoming drawn to his kind, helpful nature, his determination, wicked intelligence and overall good-boy attitude.
Bakugo was still popular, except you could tell that he was slowly maturing. But what didn’t change was his aggressive attitude, competitiveness, expertise in fighting, book smarts and the cutthroat personality.
And then there was you…
Now you were never really that popular to begin with, kind of like Izuku, except you were even more under the radar given your casual, somewhat absurd and weird attitude, tendency to make lame jokes, interest in geeky things like anime, Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, Netflix and old punk bands like MCR and Sum 41 or Avril Lavigne and Panic! At The Disco. And you weren’t particularly that powerful or intelligent, hell studying was your enemy, but your telekinesis quirk was pretty useful on some occasions.
Overall, you weren’t oblivious as you would at times walk with either Izuku or Bakugo, and you would notice some of the looks other students were giving you three. Especially some of the girls, who were looking at Izuku and Bakugo rather fondly, even giggling as the two boys walked past them without even paying attention. But as soon as they saw you, their giggles increased, and it wasn’t because they liked you.
Whatever. You told yourself as you let out a small burp and decided to go and hang out with Izuku’s crew a.k.a ‘The Dekusquad’. Again. You adored his new friends though, most of them at least. Talking with Uraraka was hella awkward because you did not entirely like the girl, at least compared to the other girls. Particularly because of how Izuku acted around her, no you weren’t jealous or anything. And if you were, you weren’t going to admit it. However, Tsuyu, Iida, Todoroki and Aoyama were all fantastic and you liked them a lot.
Izuku was fantastic, you were so glad that you stuck by him the entire time and attended the same schools as him. He never minded your company, made regular eye contact with you (as much as the shy boy could at least) and even talked to you and let you talk about the dorky things you liked because you would listen to him talk about anything he liked too. He was just great. How could you not want to stay friends with someone like that?
You would also hang out with Bakugo’s crew a.k.a ‘The Bakusquad’ every now and then too, on the occasions when Bakugo would actually let you come close to him.  You loved all of them, especially Kirishima, they were all just so fun, full of life and pretty sweet too compared to their chosen leader. Bakugo wasn’t exactly kind to you, and he wasn’t shy about showing it in front of his friends, but he wouldn’t seriously hurt you.
Except maybe your feelings.
Bakugo was a different story compared to Izuku. You and he used to be real close, but much like with Izuku, as soon as his quirk manifested his attitude changed and he chose to bully other students he saw as below him. Especially Izuku, but you weren’t safe either, he bullied you too and mocked you for your telekinesis quirk, and several other things such as your eating habits, interest in TV and other things. 
While he didn’t exactly hurt you like he did Izuku, he wasn’t above pushing you to the ground or throwing things at you especially when you stood by Izuku to try and defend him.
You weren’t the most observant child in the world, but you did notice some things that others didn’t you liked to think. Such as how when a bird would land so close to a tree to pick up a flower, or whenever a spider was crawling about and no one could see it.
And how Izuku was such a kind boy, never ceasing to help people out who needed it even if they did push him away and then mock him for his lack of a quirk and they would say ‘how could YOU help?’ and it made you angry.
But what could you do? You were young so you weren’t sure how to really help your poor friend other than be his friend whenever someone was mean to him. You thought as you watched him admiring the snow and catching a small flake and he was blissfully unaware that you were staring at him.
He was actually kinda cute…
You let out a loud ‘AH!’ when you felt a ball of snow smack you in the back of your head, “EEK! Cold! Cold!” And you shrieked when the VERY cold ice pieces instantly melted on your warm skin and made it cold…
“HAHA! (Y/N)’s got a boyfriend~!”
It was Bakugo. Of course it was bratty Bakugo picking on you and throwing snowballs at you, he was always, ALWAYS looking for a chance to pick on you or Izuku anytime he found one. And to make matters worse now he was insisting something icky about you and your friend!
“N-NO I DON’T!” You immediately shouted back as your face turned hot, and you finally saw that Izuku had turned to see you and Bakugo shouting at each other, “Hey Deku! (Y/N)’s your girlfriend now~!” And he didn’t spare Izuku, he never did, he always had to make fun of him too.
“W-What?!” But the poor boy turned bright red at the thought, he couldn’t have a girlfriend! He was too young! Being a girlfriend meant being a mama and daddy…
“K-Katsuki shut up! He’s not my boyfriend!” You were less naïve than that, but you still yelled back at Bakugo for being a jerk. And he was still making fun of you and laughing at you, but the worst part is he actually looked happy when he was teasing you. You hated that he was smiling because Bakugo had a cute smile…
Just not a cute mouth…
“Losers belong together! So it’s perfect isn’t it? The girl with the lame mind quirk and the quirkless nerd.” He then shoved you to the snow so he could sneer down at you, snickering when he saw you trying to glare at him.
“Kacchan stop it…!” Izuku was at least sweet enough to try and stop him, but it wasn’t working either. Bakugo was quick to get a snowball much to the other boy’s shock as he stood his ground in terror. Only to shriek when Bakugo’s fastball suddenly whacked him right in the face and sent him falling to the snowy ground.
Bakugo laughed at both yours and Izuku’s expense. He always did. Izuku got up from the ground though. He always did. And you honestly weren’t sure what to do. You never did.  
You disapproved of Bakugo’s meanness, but always tried to at least help Izuku.  Those things you always did.
You were older now, all grown up in fact! In your opinion, so you were sure you knew what to do now for the most part.
Except for now…
The year was almost ending, and there was an upcoming ball to celebrate the end of the second semester called ‘The UA Ball’ and then students would get that 2 week Winter break that everyone was so looking forward too. Yeah you were sure some of your classmates and friends were going to be training during the break but still, everyone was getting a break. And THAT’s what you were looking forward to so you could just stay home all day, watch Friends, Game of Thrones of The Office and snuggle in the blankets and then train later.
But you had this ball to get over with first…
You had no idea why you cared about it so much, it’s not like you even enjoyed dancing or dances in general. Those were invented for the prettier girls and the handsome boys, not for anyone else who couldn’t fall in line with those labels…
No one ever asked you out, and no one wanted to go out with you either. You remembered that pretty well just last year!
Sadie Hawkins.
You wanted hack whoever invented that bullshit with a machete. And also punch whoever decided it was a good idea to bring that concept to your Japanese school in the face. The girls had to ask out the guys, but you could barely ask the guy at McDonalds to fix your burger that he screwed up without feeling like you would stutter and stumble on your words.
On top of that you were pretty sure that no guy would want to go with you even if you asked. You weren’t smart back then because for some reason you thought Bakugo of all people would want to go to the dance with you. And you weren’t even in the same classes together, just the same grade and you still knew each other.
Of course at that time, his attitude changed for the worst even more from when you were 6 years old and now he decided that it was perfectly fine to treat you and Izuku like garbage and he wasn’t above taunting you or bullying you like he did Izuku. Except he treated Izuku just slightly worse than you.
The logical side of you was screaming at you to turn back as you nervously glanced at Bakugo with his sycophantic cronies and barely took a step forward to approach him, but the emotional side of you was saying ‘Just ask him already! He might say yes!’
Dammit why did you have to crush on him? He was an asshole, so why did you like him? Was it because you guys were friends at a time? Was it because he still looked at you at least once or twice a month and still gave you (negative) attention? Or was it also because he grew up to be even cuter and even a little handsome now that he was older?
You had no idea…
“Uh… ahhh uh…” You opened your mouth, but barely any volume or words came out and you thoroughly became self-conscious of yourself and froze the second Bakugo’s vermilion eyes met your (E/C) eyes as your body trembled. Dammit your hair was a mess, as it always was but it was still not pretty, and you even tried to wear your favorite (D/S) socks in an attempt to look cute.
“What do you want Shitty Girl?” Bakugo hated it when you stuttered because it made you look even weaker than you already were, and yet he was smirking when you tried to talk again. It was so amusing to see you try…
“Um… uhhh…” You stammered and Bakugo just kept staring at you as his cronies snickered at you, which made your face heat up even more as you closed your eyes and heard your heart beating in your ears so loud you thought it was going to pop out of your chest. “K-Katsuki… I uh… we… we’ve… k-known each other f-for a while a-and uh… w-we uh… live close to each other a-and uh… l-like the… there’s gonna be… d-dance in like three days…” You finally got it out but you couldn’t see the smirk on his face and you froze as soon as you heard him snicker.
“Oh God… you’re not seriously asking me out to the dance are you…?” His question was like a bullet to your beating heart as you opened your eyes, face going bright red as the boys started laughing and making you sweat in your forehead, pits and back.
“N-No…! Haha no… ohhh hell no… dance…? I don’t… I can’t even…” You shook your head and tried to laugh with him even though Bakugo’s laughter was directed at you.
“Good.” However, Bakugo’s tone turned a little less casual and a bit cooler even though he still kept that smirk on, but it looked much crueler. “Cuz I’m gonna put this to you nicely… guys prefer to be with cute girls, which is why you shouldn’t be asking out guys, especially not me, I’m way out of your league. You’re a fucking dork, and you’re gross. I wouldn’t dance with you if you were the last girl on earth.” He moved closer to you just so you could hear everything he had to say to you, even though you were constantly glancing down and refusing the let tears well in your eyes as you willed your lip to not quiver.
Why did you just say okay?! Why didn’t you smack him? You were so angry you wanted to, but you were also so sad you wanted to cry and run away. “Good, now get lost.” Bakugo gestured for you to leave and you did…
God you were pathetic, and they knew it as they laughed at you when you walked away for a bit and then broke out into a sprint as far away as possible, letting some tears slip out until you were outside. Wiping at your eyes angrily as your breath hitched, “S-Stupid! Stupid Katsuki… I hate you… I hate you so much…” You sniffled and quietly cried to yourself…
But you stopped and gasped when you heard Izuku’s concerned voice, and there he was approaching you with a very worried look. “A-Are you all right?! Are you crying…?”
“N-No!” You were NOT going to look pathetic in front of Izuku, the last thing you wanted was to vent to him about how much of a jerk Bakugo was. Again. “No I’m just… ugh allergies…” You lied really badly but Izuku was kind enough to not pry anything out of you.
“O-Okay… um… h-how about we go home?” He suggested to you nicely, in hopes that it would get your mind off of whatever was really bothering you, and you nodded at that.
Izuku was so sweet, he was way too sweet to put up with all the shit Bakugo put him through. You glanced at him fondly when he wasn’t looking as the two of you walked home together as you often did, and quickly enough to avoid Bakugo picking on you both again. Maybe Izuku would want to go out with you?
“Izuku…?” You suddenly asked, your emotions acting without your brains permission as you shook when Izuku looked right at you as soon as you called him. “Y-Yes?” He paid his full attention to you. He cared about you, and if you needed him for anything he’d do whatever he can to help you, sure he didn’t have a quirk but he wanted to at least be a good friend to you.
You swallowed hard as you felt his sweet big eyes on you as you struggled to ask, again… except somehow this was easier than it was with Bakugo… sort of. “I… uh… w-well… um…” You were stuttering again, but Izuku was being patient with you instead and was actually more worried than anything because of how anxious you looked. “Izuku we… w-we’re friends right…?” You asked him that instead and he perked up, and started blushing quite madly even though yes, he considered you a very dear friend. Possibly his best friend since Bakugo became such a jerk over the years…
“O-Of course! I-I uh… yeah! (Y/N) you’re one of my… m-my best friends… m-my only friend…” He mumbled rather bashfully and somewhat sadly since although he was okay with his solitude, he liked having a friend by his side too.
You smiled at him tenderly but shyly, blushing quite heavily yourself, “W-Well uh… m-maybe… uh… h-how about you and I…?”
Izuku gasped quietly, blushing even harder because he remembered the dance, and it was that Sadie Hawkins style where the girls ask out the guys. Were you going to ask him out?! It made him so nervous yet excited he was trembling and heard his heartbeat drumming loudly in his chest.
You somehow caught onto his nerves but thought that you were making him uncomfortable instead so you quickly nixed it. “G-Go see a movie maybe…?” Your question immediately deflated the excitement he had…
What was he thinking? Of course you weren’t going to ask a loser like him to the dance. You were way too good for him and he wasn’t good enough for you. You were way out of his league.
“Oh… y-yeah… sure… I would like that…” He knew it wasn’t a date, because he had gone to hang out with you at times as friends. That’s all you guys were… just friends…
“Hee-hee awesome… I mean… it’s just… everyone’s going to that dance and… dances are just so dumb… like… we don’t need to be a part of that bullshit ya know?” You asked him with a bit of a forced smile, and Izuku smiled back at you, it was forced as well.
“Y-Yeah… i-it is… kinda dumb…” He pretended to agree with you, although it WAS a little dumb he still wouldn’t mind it if you asked him out. But he knew you’d never ask him out…
Because you and him were just friends.
You and Izuku were just friends. You and Katsuki were just friends.
They were just friends with you and that was all, and yet for some reason that really made you groan and bury your head into your desk. At least until you looked over to see Uraraka smiling and happily talking to Izuku, who looked extremely flustered just talking to the girl.
That’s right. Uraraka was a girl. He told you that much when he first met her, and what did that make you?
You narrowed your eyes at her in annoyance as you scoffed. You take that back, you were jealous of the girl and frankly you didn’t really care that you were, you were never a fan of her.
Dances were dumb. You stood by that. At least…
“Hey…! (Y/N)!” You saw a familiar, INVISIBLE face right in front of you, well you couldn’t actually SEE her face but you knew by the floating clothes that it was no one other than Hagakure. “Hey Tooru…” You mumbled lowly, thankful for her though because you were getting tired of being by yourself and didn’t feel like bothering Izuku’s friends or Bakugo’s friends. Out of the girls, Hagakure was your closest friend.
“I see you looking at Midoriya again~.” She was giggling and probably cheekily grinning at you and you rolled your eyes and blushed, “He’s my friend, of course I’m going to look at him…”
“Bakugo’s your friend too but you look at him a bit differently. Hee-hee… but he’s kinda mean so… I see why you’d rather look at Midoriya. He’s so nice!” She chirped a bit and you smiled and nodded, he was SO nice.
“Yeah… he really is…” You said rather fondly and Tooru put her hands on your shoulders. “And that’s why you need to ask him out.” She said so suddenly you perked up and widened your eyes.
“W-What…?! A-Are you cray?! No way…! I… tried once and… it didn’t go well…” You muttered, even though it was Katsuki it didn’t go well with…
“Okay I’m lying no no it was Katsuki I asked first… that went horribly… I tried to ask Izuku but… I chickened out and… I dunno… maybe it’s the universe’s way of saying something…” You sighed heavily as Hagakure paid attention to you, smiling even though you couldn’t see it.
She so knew that you liked Izuku, and she was determined to help you win his heart, “Well you can redeem yourself! Ask him out to the dance! This is your chance to do that now!” Hagakure said cheerfully but you just blushed even more, even though she had a point.
But you and Izuku were just friends…
You told yourself that, “Argh I don’t know Tooru… he’s like my best guy friend… what if he thinks I’m weird? Ugh god and I’d be sticking with that lame-ass cliché that guys and girls can’t be just friends? Oh my GOD what the fuck’s wrong with me…?”
“Hey, hey! Cliches don’t matter in real life! Midoriya happens to be your best guy friend and it’s okay if you like him! I mean he is pretty cute isn’t he?”
“Are you kidding? He’s as cute as an otter slithering in a swimming pool with it’s little whiskers and paw-paws…” Putting your hands on your cheeks you quietly squealed when you envisioned the little otter in a swimming pool, and then Izuku was in the swimming pool with the otter swimming around him and giving him those little kisses.
That time you didn’t hold back that squeal as Hagakure jumped a bit, “Ah! Hee-hee… oh gosh… yeah you totally like him, and you totally wanna ask him out~.” She teased you a little bit as you blushed and pouted a little bit, dammit you did want to ask him out… not just to make up for your botched attempt, but also because you really wanted to ask Izuku out. He deserved to be asked out, and you… you liked him… you were certain you liked him…
Part of you still liked Bakugo, but Izuku… you couldn’t forget Izuku either…
“Okay… I will…!” You whispered with a determined voice as Hagakure quietly cheered for you. That’s it. It was time to stop being such a nervous nilly and just go and ask him out already. How bad could it be? You were both just friends going to a dance right? Yeah… who cares if Izuku had muscles now? And who cares if he’s so cute and yet attractive?
Man how did both of your childhood friends grow up to be so attractive? Of the three of you altogether, you were definitely their DUFF...
Everyone else was certainly intending to ask out someone they found attractive, ESPECIALLY Kaminari and Mineta...
“I can’t wait to see the girls in their dresses...! Oh God I hope it’s something that shows skin...!” Mineta was drooling and blushing at the mere thought as Kaminari’s friends just glared at him in disgust. Kaminari KINDA hoped the same but he wouldn’t be vocal about it like that... he had more respect for the girls than that... 
“Heh, well... I can’t wait for this dance, maybe I’ll get lucky~.” You could hear Kaminari talking to Bakugo, Kirishima and Sero though as you got up from your desk. “Ya think so dude?” Sero was a BIT skeptical though as he kinda poked fun at his friend.
“Haha I don’t know if I’m asking anyone… how about you Bakugo? Got anyone you wanna ask out~?” Kirishima was a bit shy when it came to things like that, but wouldn’t shy away from asking his friends about it, except Bakugo could honestly care less about dumb dances.
“HELL NO! Dances are fucking stupid and a waste of time… I don’t get why schools even have them in the first place, they’re pointless…” He angrily grumbled; it was true though he never ever got the point of dances. They were stupid and on top of that hardly anyone was worth going with, no one was good enough for him to give the time of day. He hated dancing too, and he remembered that time where he was almost asked out.
Oh that’s right, YOU had tried to ask him out and he kinda cruelly rejected you. He remembered that, and he felt… bad…? No, why would he feel bad? He didn’t wanna go to the dance with you, you were just some dumb girl that stuck to him and Deku like glue and didn’t go away. You were just slightly less annoying than Deku, that’s why he picked on you. You were a dork, and he liked picking on you because you were a dork.
What were you thinking asking him out last year? He was the most talented guy at school, he couldn’t just go to the dance with a dork… it’s not like it was anything personal or anything. Of course he didn’t forget that you seemed pretty upset about it, but at the time he didn’t care if he hurt your feelings. He still didn’t… or at least he tried to tell himself that he didn’t, but for some reason it was making him feel bad about it.
It’s not like you liked dances anyway, you weren’t a dancer and he remembered how you’d stick your tongue out and go ‘Ewwww!’ with him whenever you, him and Izuku watched some movies where they’d have those gross kissing scenes.
That just wasn’t you.
However his eyes widened as soon as he heard you call Deku. God you STILL called him Izuku, dammit why did he hate it whenever you called him by his first name instead of Deku? He told you from the beginning that Izuku is ‘Deku’ but you still called him Izuku.
And Izuku perked up in surprise when he was called, looking a tad bit startled as he looked at you, concerned. “(Y-Y/N)? Are you… okay?” He asked you as Uraraka, Iida and a few other classmates looked at you and you realized that you called him a little louder than you intended to.
“I uh…”
Oh God you were stuttering again, and it never ceased to amuse Bakugo. You were SUCH a dork it was almost endearing. 
“Uhhh… ummm… uhhhh… oh fuck it… Izuku I need to talk to you about something school-related…” You ignored the looks you were getting and the rather surprised look from Izuku and didn’t notice the shock on Bakugo’s face.
What did you need to talk to DEKU for? It was SO not school-related…
To be continued... 
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bnhablessings · 4 years
I was thinking about a one-shot in a modern AU where Mina is a really successful fashion designer and fem!Reader works at some lame retail job but dreams of becoming a model. That's all I really have for a concept and was hoping to leave the rest up to you haha. My bi-ass heart needs more best girl content;;
Challenge accepted for taking this anywhere. Mina deserves love and it is my first female character request so thank you omg. I have been waiting for this moment.
I use everyone’s last names but with Mina, I always use her first name, yes I know that it looks weird because of that haha
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Warnings: All characters are aged up, Fluff and silliness, just a wee little bit of angst
Words: 2693
Ashido Mina x Female Reader
The clock seems to take forever as your shift comes to a close. Soon, just soon you can go home and have the next day off. You desperately needed it. This week and the hours here have been so long. If only some entity would have mercy on you for things to by faster.
Unfortunately, you were tasked with dealing with the last three customers before closing time. Your manager of course already dealing with the cash registers, not in use, and fixing up the store. Your eyes remained glue to the three adults that seem your age. They looked awfully familiar too.
“Dude! Look, look! I fucking told you she would grow! She has her own section here,” The black-haired male states.
The redhead looks to be entranced and the dorky blond with them starts to take photos immediately. You gave them a few minutes but now… It appears they have no sense of the time. Or they don’t care about making the employee suffer.
“Kaminari, you’re smallest of us, you should try on the clothes for her. Don’t you think so Sero?” The redhead asks with a stunning smile.
Sero just snickers and Kaminari seems to actually consider the idea. Not wanting them to risk endangering the clothing you are quick to sneak up behind them and speak.
“Is there something you are looking for in particular?” You force a smile that shows the exhaustion you are feeling.
However, they seem dense to your state as all three of them share a look and somehow come up with an idea. It’s written all over their faces and somehow you fear they are all sharing one singular brain cell between them.
“What the hell is taking you guys so long?” A new voice questions behind you.
It nearly made you wet yourself from how aggressive the voice is and how it came from out of nowhere. However, when you turn around to see the person you smile from seeing the familiar face. “Kaachan!”
You ignore the wince Bakugou makes from the nickname and throw your arms around him. To your surprise, he doesn’t push you away at all. Instead, he returns the hug but with complete rigidness.
“What? You know the pretty lady?” Kaminari asks.
You ignore the flirty tone he uses as Bakugou nods his head. He really has changed a lot from the last time you saw him in your primary school years. He’s not as… aggressive. It’s still there but he appears more gentle.
“Yeah. She’s my childhood friend. (Nickname), these are the stupid extras I’ve hung out with during high school,” Bakugou says looking away.
You can see he truly cares for them. You also realize that is why they all look familiar. You recognize them from Bakugou’s social media posts and tags he was included in.
The redhead smiles even brighter (somehow that seems so impossible from how smiley he already is). He shares his idea that the other two boys had with him earlier. “Well, I am Kirishima. That is Kaminari and Sero. Right when you asked us if we were looking for anything particular we had an idea! We were wondering if you would be willing to try on some of these clothes for us. You see our friend loves this brand and wasn’t able to come shopping with us-“
Bakugou is already trying to disuse the idea planted within their heads. The whole thing is rather endearing. It’s been a while since you last saw a group of adult friends like this. It definitely reminds of your high school days.
“Don’t say anymore. I would love to model for you guys. It will have to real quick though we are closing soon,” You state.
The three boys cheer with victory as Bakugou just huffs. The three choose a few pairs of clothing to mix and match before sending you off to the dressing room. Bakugou thankfully keeping your manager busy and away with his glare. Like the manager even cares.
In the dressing room, you observe the clothing brand they want you to try. The brand name is Ashido but the name is in a heart. It was cute. The clothing itself is to die for if you were being honest. It wasn’t exactly cheap but not too expensive either. From the clothing, they gave you it looks as if the designer was trying to aim for a cool “hip” chic design. Almost tomboyish but could be matched with other clothing to find a perfect match for someone’s personal taste.
It honestly makes your chest start to bloom with excitement.
Your personal dream of becoming a model trying to rise with each passing moment of putting on the clothes. You manage to ignore it until you come out of the dressing room and all four boys’ mouths drop open.
It takes a few seconds before one of them manages to snap the photo. “Holy fuck, you look gorgeous!” Kaminari states.
“Here try a few more poses than one more outfit, please! We owe you one for this!” Kirishima says trying to get the heat he’s feeling on his cheeks to go away.
You shrug but do as asked and honestly you live for it. They start hyping you up and you end up trying on two more outfits. Time passed by the blink of an eye and your heart wanted to burst from how much fun you were having with this small group.
Eventually, though, all good things have to come to an end. Bakugou breaks things up from becoming too restless which is good since your manager was now giving you the even eye. You looked at the time and saw it was half an hour past closing. Oops.
You are quick to change to your clothing and kick them out with a goodbye, clocking out, and apologizing to your irritated manager. Thankfully you get off with just a warning since you both have a good relationship with each other which is all just bonding over the sadness of working at this stressful job.
By the time you reach your car you get a message from a number, you don’t know and a smile spreads on your face as you see it’s signed from Bakugou.
Bakugou: *Sent Image* You don’t look half bad. Sorry, those damn extras took their time.
That was it but it made you happy to see that Bakugou has grown from such an intolerable little brat to a little bit hostile but tolerable man. And his friends? You already adore them but too bad it was only for a moment.
The new thought makes your heart have that sinking feeling and gives you a small feeling of dread. You quickly try to reverse the thought. Tomorrow you get your day off!
“Then it is back to the normal schedule,” You mutter.
Wow… There goes for trying to be positive. You rest your head for a moment on the steering wheel before gathering yourself together.
“Whoa! Who is she?! She’s so pretty! Look at her! Look at my clothing! They fit her so well she could be a model!” Mina states while holding onto her phone with an inhuman grip.
The pictures Kirishima sent were spectacular.
Kirishima laughs and points to their blond friend. “You got lucky then. Kaminari was the one ready to model your clothing. You’re getting pretty big with your name out there, keep it up, bro!” He says happily.
“Yeah, I would’ve been a great model too! You two joining us. It’s been a while since we all played a game,” Kaminari says changing the subject as he pulls out a few remotes to his console.
The two ignore him and Sero is the one to take a remote while speaking up. “That girl though? She was so cute and nice! You would’ve liked her Mina.”
Mina nods with excitement as she observes your features in the picture. “Oh my god. I just had a great idea! She should actually model for my designs!”
“Really? Are they hiring?” Kirishima asks.
Mina can feel the excitement grow as she latches onto the idea. She replies to his question, “Well sort of! I need to get my designing team in on it but once they agree they’ll hire her. We need her to create a portfolio though…”
“Why not go and ask her?” Kaminari asks.
The suggestion makes Mina feel rather light and fuzzy and the desire to recruit this astonishing female is too strong. Of course, her three close friends had to crush her hope immediately. “I don’t know man, isn’t that weird? Shouldn’t you get to know her first? See what type of worker she is?” Kirishima questions.
“I don’t know. If Bakugou was that nice to her I think that is equivalent to being an amazing worker.”
Mina decides to ignore them now. With one final look at the photo, a feeling of giddiness enters her. It’s final. She decided that this beautiful girl is going to be her model! Of course, that means she has to have her roommates take her to the store. So that is exactly what they do the next day.
The group minus Bakugou went straight there to look for her only to see that she wasn’t there. They did ask if she was working today from the employees saying they aren’t allowed to disclose any information.
“Well, what about the manager working last night? I would like to report him for…” Kaminari starts only to not come up with anything.
It was truly a good try but nothing came from it. They are on the verge of giving up when (Name) herself comes out of the employees’ area with a small box in her arms and her eyes slightly red and puffy from obvious crying.
You hate getting all emotional but truly you have a good reason. You just wish you could hold it in longer. The slight sniffling is the dead giveaway that you are coming close to crying. The feeling worsens only slightly upon seeing the familiar faces from last night with a brand new face.
However, you don’t interact with them all and even ignore their concerned looks.
You can’t talk when you are on the verge of tears so you rush past them and ignore their calls. Without any second thoughts, you hop into the car of your friend’s and start bawling your eyes out as he starts to take you home.
Thankfully, he doesn’t say a word until he reaches your place. Though you can feel his dread and worry for you that is practically leaking from him.
“Do you want me to come in and make you a warm beverage?”
You shake your head and hold the box tightly. “No thank you. You driving me home was enough for me. Thank you so much Izuku. You’re my best friend and you’re always there for me. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” You are quick to give him a brief hug so you don’t worry him any further.
Then you leave his car and disappear into your apartment where you feel the dread of what happened sinking in. Not knowing what else to do you go into defense mode and curl up into a blanket on the couch.
You are unsure how much time passes by but when you do come to it is because someone is knocking on your door. The knocks are gentle before turning harsh. There are multiple voices and that confuses you until you open the door.
Bakugou stands in the doorway and he is quick to say, “Sorry these damn extras wanted to come over and stupid Deku told me the address.”
The other three boys give you the puppy eyes, begging to know what happened. The girl with them stares at you with curiosity and concern. You invite them all in deciding the company is worth it rather than the dread you would feel by yourself.
“I got fired. So did my manager.”
All of them fall silent as they suddenly piece together what happened. “It’s our fault,” Kirishima murmurs.
You shake your head. “No. It was my fault. To be honest, the management team was looking for any excuse to get rid of a few employees. Not my loss but the panic of not having a job is slowly setting in. I’ll be fine but it is a bit scary.”
They stay silent not knowing what to say. That is until Bakugou stands up. “C’mon, let’s leave them to talk.”
The three perk up making you confused and a bit worried until the girl smiles at you. Her pink locks bring out the brightness of her smile and ease your discomfort. As soon as you hear the door close the girl takes a seat close to you and puts out her hand.
“Ashido Mina! Apologies for the late introduction but I wish to be your friend! That and I went to the store earlier because I saw the pictures of you trying on the clothing I made and I want to offer you a job as a model!” Mina states.
You need a moment to process this. It is obvious as you just stare at her with an expression of a fish. She laughs lightly at this but waits for a reply with the patience of an angel.
“Well nice to meet you Ashido. You probably know already but my name is (Last Name) (First Name). I didn’t realize that you were the designer of the clothes. That’s pretty cool but… You want me to be model them?” Your voice shows an obvious lack of confidence.
That is no problem to Mina. You are a beauty and she is going to make it her goal to prove it to you. She nods her head eagerly. “Yes! My breath was literally taken away for a moment when I saw the photos. I… Think you should be the face of my brand! My team is already on board so you are practically hired! I wouldn’t be your boss either but a co-worker so we can still have fun! We would just need to create a portfolio of you modeling the clothing and other clothes to send to my boss but besides that, you are in only if you want!”
It… Is a lot of information but your heart starts to pound. It’s the same feeling you got last night when the boys hyped you up. Clarity seems to wipe over you for a moment and it feels like the turn of events were meant to happen just for this moment.
You agree.
Mina jumps up and down before pulling you into a very much needed hug on your part. She is then quick to pull away after realizing what she has down. Her own heart feels like she’s drinking a bunch of energy drinks from how fast it is beating.
“I, oh wow. I don’t want to push my luck but I feel like I have to. I want to get to know you of course as friends would but to celebrate you being hired when you do, I was wondering if you would like to celebrate with a date? Oh my god, sorry that must be weird and too straightforward-“
You shut her up by laughing. It made her wince before she realizes your laughter isn’t one of malice. It is one of joy.
“I don’t think it is weird at all. I do want to take it slow of course but I think I already like you from what I’ve seen. We’ll see where it goes… But… Ashido, thank you for taking an interest in me. It means a lot.”
You two have a moment, sharing a smile with each other before sadly it is ruined by the door awkwardly opening and three out of four boys peek in who have eavesdropped on what was said. Mina’s face turns a deep red before you just burst out laughing again.
You are honestly so glad those three came into your work last night.
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lilliagradiewrites · 4 years
baby pogue (part 1) pogue life
Series Summary: Lily Routledge is John B’s fourteen year old little sister, making her a pogue by default. After Big John’s death, John B is left responsible for his sister’s safety and well being. he enlists the help of the pogues to keep himself from cracking under the pressure. A rising freshman, Lily finds herself to be mature and independent. John B, on the other hand, sees her as the exact opposite. A young girl wanting to be grown -up like her brother’s friends, and an older brother begging the girl to not grow up too fast. A collection of stories from the life of Lily Routledge: the littlest pogue.
A/N: I’m so hyped to begin this new series!! Each part of this series will be a little different. Some will be longer like a classic fic, and others will be simply headcanons. These don’t need to be read in order!! Each is a separate story, just with the same characters. This will have a little bit of angst, a little bit of fluff, but will overall just be a cute and wholesome collection of stories:) Iw ill create a masterlist once I upload more parts! I hope somebody enjoys this series :)))
Part Summary: Lily learns that pogue life isn’t as easy and carefree as she thought. (kind of an introduction type beat)
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, mentions of death, dirty jokes/sexual innuendos, swearing, mentions of weed and underage drinking. (pretty much what’s in the actual show lol)
(i did not proof read so i apologize for any mistypes or spelling mistakes! if you see one don’t be afraid to point it out!)
let’s do it!
     Lily Routledge didn’t mind the pogues. Not at all. In fact, she loved them. Each and every one. She cared about each one of them in different and complex ways, but she loved them all nonetheless. 
     First, there was the unofficial leader of the group: John B. Lily’s older brother. Of course she loved him. She loved John B more than she loved anybody or anything else on this planet. They’d been through hell and back two times over, but had still managed to make it through. though they fought like cats and dogs, Lily would take a bullet for her brother, and she knew he wouldn’t hesitate to do the same.
     Then there was JJ Maybank. John B’s right hand man since third grade. Jj had also been through hell and back, but on his own. Lily had been made aware of his “home situation” since she was little. The blond would come over, beaten, bleeding, and bruised. When she asked questions, “home situation” was the only answer she received. As Lily grew older, she deciphered the what the statement meant by herself. Over the years, she had come to love JJ like a brother, and thought he was one of the strongest people she’d ever met.
     Pope Heyward. At this point, his name spoke for itself. Known as the poster boy for success in the cut, Lily knew Pope’s name before she knew him. Being Heyward’s son was helpful of course, but Pope had created a name for himself. He was polite, well-raised, respectful, responsible. He was astonishingly intelligent, and always did wonderfully in school. So, Lily couldn’t help but be surprised when Heyward’s boy joined the pogues. 
     Next comes Kiara. Where to begin? Kie was a kook, no doubt, but had the heart of a pogue. While most girls of her age and class had a soft spot for designer dresses and high heeled shoes, Kie’s soft spot was for baby sea turtles and the environment. Lily was endlessly grateful for Kiara. Not having a mother figure in her life was difficult, and it was wonderful for Lily when Kie swooped in like the older sister Lily had never had. Kiara had taught the youngest routledge everything she knew about boys, life, and being a female. Lily felt as if she could never repay Kie for her help.
     Finally, there was Sarah. Sarah was the kook princess, known throughout the whole island for her stunning good looks and rich parents. Somehow, she and John B had fallen in love, beginning Sarah’s journey with the pogues. At first, Lily hated the blonde. But only because Kiara hated her, and Lily was faithful to Kie no matter what. When Kiara learned to tolerate her, so did Lily. The three girls became quite close, and the two older girls fought to make sure Lily was included. 
     Lily didn’t even realize she was also considered a pogue until Kie told her that she was.
    “I am?”
     Kiara rolled her eyes and smiled. “Of course you are! Not only are you John B’s little sister, you’re our friend.”
     Lily had attempted to act as if this proclamation didn’t affect her, but it did. A pink crept into her cheeks and she couldn’t hold back a smile. Kiara had noticed and grinned right back.
     Lily had grown up with the pogues. When her father was taken from her, she felt as if she had been blessed with a group of loving older siblings as a form of compensation. She looked up to the group with admiration and slight jealousy. They could do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted. John B and JJ hardly went to school, even though John B made Lily go. Kiara’s parents trusted her wholeheartedly, meaning she could spend the night wherever without prior plans, and could go wherever she felt like going. Sarah’s parents had their own issues, and couldn’t be bothered with worrying about what their daughter did. Pope’s father was a lot more strict, but Pope seemed to get away with everything anyway. 
     They were young and wild and free. Lily longed to be like them. Whenever they went out to the marsh on the HMS pogue, and Lily had to stay home and study, she reminded herself there was only a few more years before she could join them. Be them. Truly be a pogue.
     She expressed these thoughts to her brother over a dinner of 79 cent ramen one night. John B furrowed his brows at what his little sister had said.
     “Is that really what you think? You think we do nothing? All day long, we drink and smoke and hang out on the boat? That’s what you think?”
    Lily simply nodded, shoveling nooddles into her hungry mouth. John B shook his head and set down his fork. By this, Lily could tell she was in for a lecture.
     “No, Lily. That’s not what we do. Me and JJ don’t go to school anymore because we can’t afford it. We have to work. In order to stay alive. If i went to school, we’d starve. We’re so damn lucky we own this house, and have our own water source. We’re damn lucky Uncle T pays our phone bill. If he didn’t, we’d have gone completely broke months ago. I work so hard, every day, and can barely pay our electricity bill. I can barely feed us. It’s not fucking fair. These kooks own million dollar houses, with three vacation homes in other states, and they can’t pay me enough to feed my little sister. 
     And Kie? her parents care. She’s had to prove herself trustworthy. And Kie works her ass off constantly at The Wreck. She’s come crying to me so many times, worrying about the resturant being understaffed. But they can’t afford any more staff. She’s struggling too.
     And don’t even get me started on Pope. His dad works him to the bone almost every day. Delivering shit across the island, and then coming home and studying for his merit scholarship for hours. Heyward is constantly on that kid’s ass. He’s going through it.
     And, yeah, Sarah’s life may seem perfect. But it’s not. It’s far from it. Sure, she doesn’t have any financial struggles like the rest of us do. But her Dad’s a dickhead who hasn’t paid any attention to her for years. Her older brothers’ a drug addict and a violent asshole. Her stepmom’s a bitch. Her life may be easier, but it sure as hell isn’t easy. 
     We’re all fucked up, Lily. In astronomical ways. We drink and smoke and go out on the pogue to take some of the edge off of life. We do that shit because we’d break down if we didn’t. I make you go to school to keep you safe. You’re smart, Lils. Smart like Pope. You could get a scholarship or something. You could make it out of here. I don’t want this life for you. You deserve better. But you have to work hard, okay?”
     By the end of his rant, John B was crying. Lily moved over to him and hugged him as he sobbed into her shoulder. After a few moments, John B pulled away. “I don’t let you do shit with me and my friends because I love you too much to let you in on the shitshow that is our lives.” 
     Lily nods. They finish their food in silence. Eventually, John B announces he’s going to his room for the rest of the night. The siblings said their goodnights and i-love-yous before retreating into their rooms.
     That night, Lily sat in her bed and cried. Everything she’d thought was a lie. How could she not have seen how they were struggling? She wished she could help, but knew that she couldn’t.
     Being a pogue wasn’t perfect. Not at all. They may not have money, or good parents. But they had each other. Always,without fail, they had each other.
   That, Lily decided, was enough.
A/N: There’s the end! This ended up being much longer than I anticipated and I kind of don’t like the way it turned out. It’ll get better I promise!!!! Thank you for reading it, if you did. If you could reblog i will be so thankful <3 more parts are coming soon! I hope somebody actually liked this haha. Please drop feedback/tips/words of advice in my asks, anon or not! I welcome all comments, whether criticism or praise :) 
WAIT! Before you go I just wanted to remind you that you are so so so loved. Never forget that. You are beautiful and incredible in every way. Please never let anyone tell you otherwise. You are unstoppable. And you are loved <3
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youtiaoshutiao · 5 years
go go squid! eps 1-30 - thoughts
i’ve actually read the novel for this a few years ago as a teen and it was just alright in my estimation, it was cute overall and a fun read but i largely forgot about it in the past few years. checked out the drama out of curiosity as to how they’d adapt it. have watched up to ep 30 at this point and i’d say i’m rather ambivalent (though i’m still pretty engaged) so here’s some rambling about my thoughts about my watch so far.
Ngl, the first 7 eps were unbearable to watch imo. I have a super low tolerance for secondhand embarrassment when watching movies and dramas (which is why i can’t get behind some high school movies/dramas) and it was uttermost torture watching tongnian stalk her way (very incompetently too, i must add) to k&k’s resting quarters, even getting his identity wrong (despite being fully capable of baidu searching him given that she knew his full name + found out he was part of a famous team), intending to go to watch him the next day but not even thinking about buying tickets till she was actually at the event venue and then being all righteous about not buying tickets from scalpers... Worrying about causing a misunderstanding among gun’s trainees yet continually getting near him and hence causing a misunderstanding anyway... Though i knew that it was part of her character setup (high iq genius but nil experience in love?) but i couldn’t bear to watch all this unfold haha. Coupled with the very draggy endless flashback scenes and all the testosterone-pumped angst about solo (and now 30 eps in i’m very into Li Xian’s turn as han shangyan but my eyebrows were hurting watching him furrow his brow 24/7) i was almost prepared to quit but was told that everything would get better around ep 8.
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And lo and behold... it did. As predicted, around ep 8/9 a switch flipped and i began to be more engaged and enjoy the drama more. I was trying to pinpoint what exactly changed my opinion and i think above all, it was the character of han shangyan that really captivated/held my interest. I started seeing gun not just as the typical 霸道总裁 trope that’s just meant to be confident and commanding and therefore hot but more as a very complex and well fleshed out human (more so than the novel i think, but i can’t really remember at this point as it’s been years, and anyway the novel is a pretty short book while this drama is considered quite long for a modern fluffy cdrama thus allowing more room for exploration).
I really appreciated seeing all the dualities to his character, e.g. his god-like status in his industry and being the idol of thousands and thousands of youth yet seeing how this celebrity status does not translate to being estimated highly by the people around him, and how it does feed into his ideas and perception of himself to a certain extent, though he is also adamant on doing what he deems right, not caring what people think. How he as a leader of k&k appears unflappable, in control, and is determined, eyes fixed on the prize; yet his softness and care for his boys and the elderly he employs and his past teammates shine through in quiet moments and little actions. He has lofty dreams and big goals and aspirations for the future of his team, yet he is also a man bogged down by tons of emotional baggage, stuck in ruts of nostalgia and guilt and unprocessed anger about the past and unable to let go of past enmities or relations. Even his small little quirks amuse/intrigue me, like his sucking on sweets whenever he’s bothered, like his weird obsession with that one Beyond song and playing it whenever he’s Brooding about his past (though it’s probably just the drama’s way of shilling Netease Music lol)
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Reading Han Shangyan’s personality/character arc as such, I found myself very invested in what was happening to him/what he was doing/his interactions with the other characters in the story. Even the flashback scenes and SP team scenes that I found very droll initially and still do to a certain extent now held more of my interest as a gateway to understand HSY more. He’s definitely not a perfect character and is deeply flawed, but I appreciated that they portrayed him in such a manner as he definitely felt more real. (though when it came to how this comes into play with regards to his r/ship with Tong Nian, I had rather mixed feelings about it, which I’ll elaborate on further below)
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Similarly, I also enjoyed the fleshing out of side characters like Mi Shaofei, Solo, Su Cheng, Xiao Ai etc. Mi Shaofei’s arc especially was very moving and wistful to me, seeing him have his dream of being a champion rekindled at the start of the drama and going back to be a competitive CTF athlete, yet having his age and his lack of practice cause him to not be in top form and doing badly, and eventually making the decision to retire. Seeing him express regret having quit together with Han Shangyan back in the day in a pique of anger and not having this arc resolve in a neat, fulfilling way - I really appreciated it and thought it illuminated quite a sobering reality that timing and circumstances may not always yield the best outcome, that actions from the past that you thought were the right thing to do may come back to haunt you, that you may regret your past actions, that you may have to close the door on certain things even if you really want it. And I really like Mi Shaofei’s personality as well, seeing how he has a good read on his friends’ temperaments and personalities and knows how to diffuse tense situations (especially when Han Shangyan is being prickly and abrasive), how he values the collective above himself, like being happy that SP team scores improved greatly even when the improvement came about due to his retirement. I’m glad that he now has a new path which he can work towards his original dream of being a champion, albeit in a different way that he had initially envisioned.
The main thing niggling at me/making me feel conflicted as I watch the drama is actually Tong Nian’s character/Tong Nian and HSY’s relationship. I don’t really know how to explain what exactly bothers me so much about this, but here’s a shoddy attempt:
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In comparison to how well fleshed out Han Shang Yan’s character arc is, Tong Nian’s arc sadly feels very underwhelming in comparison, and I wish similar character development was afforded to her character. 30 episodes in, I literally know nothing about her inner thoughts, motivations, character etc that is not Gun-related gushing. And this is all the more a pity given that her character’s setup was so cool - being so smart and intelligent, being so advanced in a STEM field, also having such a successful online career out of her singing hobby - all these hint at such an interesting female lead, but ultimately feels like an empty shell of a person. There really is no scene where she exists independently, separate from Gun or Gun-related thoughts pervading her mind - e.g. even when she is pitching some cool project idea showcasing her computing skills to the police department, she’s hung up on Gun after breaking up with him; when she’s invigilating a class she’s still thinking about him; she’s coding some new game for him; she’s doing some debugging... but that’s because she’s devastated after he behaved in a shit way towards her; she’s at some tryouts to be the singer for the ctf theme song! she’s showcasing her singing! but somehow... the show still managed to make it all about how she’s heartbroken over him; she uploaded a new song! ... but it’s about how she’s in love with him...
The show tells me she has a life outside of her crush on Gun, but it doesn’t show it as such. Though I also understand that this is due to the drama being centered on esports and hence involving HSY more, and Tong Nian is an outsider to the esports scene and thus her own activities would not be featured as much. It is possible that should they have chosen to feature more about Tong Nian, it might have affected the cohesiveness and pacing and how tight the plot is. But but but... she is the female lead, after all?? I literally know more about Mi Shaofei than about Tong Nian, and he is a supporting character! And precisely because the show did such a good job of fleshing out HSY, whose job and aspiration and passion and friendship-related angst etc lend a lot of fodder to shape his character and that is totally unrelated to his romance with Tong Nian, Tong Nian’s character development seems really lacking in gravitas in comparison.
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This sense of imbalance spills over to my perception of them as a couple. I definitely am not opposed to or feel squicked out by huge age gaps in principle, as long as there isn’t some power imbalance and no teenagers are involved. But something about the combination of Tong Nian being all about Han Shangyan (at least that’s how the drama portrayed it, even if it was unintentional) while Tong Nian is only one part of Han Shangyan’s life + Tong Nian’s almost worshipful sentiments towards Han Shangyan + the show’s tendency to highlight how much sleep or time she sacrifices to do stuff for him, on top of the huge age gap made me slightly uncomfortable...?
I think I felt it especially during the plot arc of the second break up. The events of this arc were standard asian drama angst fare - interference from well meaning but biased parent leading to melodramatic wallowing in angst and mean behaviour attempting to drive the other party away... If purely viewing this arc from the lens of character exploration, I think the (rather ridiculous) events in that arc like HSY promising Tong Nian’s mother to not bother Tong Nian anymore and all his subsequent shitty behaviour towards Tong Nian shed some light on HSY’s inner self abasement and 自卑感 and was fascinating in that regard. But then seeing how Tong Nian who definitely puts him on a pedestal just internalised all of that horrible behaviour and accepted it and even kept on excusing his actions or asking him if she had done something wrong or if he was mad at her about the cat (though i also was mad that she just got a pet as a gift without asking beforehand lolol) or if he wanted her to do anything... that was SO painful to watch. (Until he implied that he cheated on her, thankfully she drew a line at that!!) I felt like it was bordering on cold violence to some extent? Not that any part of the second break up was Tong Nian’s fault, but just the way the show portrayed Gun’s way of pushing Tong Nian away and Tong Nian’s subsequent response made it harder to just dismiss the entire saga as just pure asian drama typical noble idiocy angst and left a really bad taste in my mouth. And above all what made me quite exasperated was how in the end, HSY didn’t even apologise to Tong Nian about it, and even attempted (and was successful) to get back into her good graces by listing all the reasons why he should be pitied and hence activating Tong Nian’s ‘Han Shangyan is so pitiful and I love him and want to give him everything’ mode, and being so smug about it??
(I feel like I come off as being rather inconsistent here lolol, earlier gushing about how much I love HSY’s character and now ranting about him. I think I just feel very confused about what to feel when watching the drama, and partially I think it’s because the entire romantic plot and all the events of the drama... require some suspension of belief and are not really very cohesive or well plotted, in the sense that it doesn’t seem to flow organically together with the characters’ emotions and responses? i.e. the character’s emotions/motivations/thoughts don’t correspond to their subsequent actions and the other characters’ subsequent responses to said action doesn’t seem proportional at times. So at certain plot points like how HSY got back together with Tong Nian so easily I’m not sure if I’m supposed to feel outraged or just take it in my stride?? I’m not sure if I’m making sense)
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Oh, another thing that bothered me was this weird machoism (?? not sure how to explain it) that I sensed at some parts. An example off the top of my mind would be the entire sequence of HSY and Mi Shaofei going out together after Mi Shaofei announced his retirement, with Tong Nian and Yaya trailing at their heels. Once again, from a character development angle, I enjoyed the dialogues between MSF and HSY, between MSF and Yaya. But seeing MSF and HSY pass their coats to Yaya and Tong Nian then embarking on some bromantic tension-filled run together, while Yaya and Tong Nian are left hovering around waiting for them to return and holding their coats; or seeing MSF and HSY give each other Meaningful Looks and then downing a whole bowl of alcohol in some testosterone-fuelled display of Manly Sorrow and Solidarity as Tong Nian and Yaya watch from the sides, worried... Then having Tong Nian and Yaya each attempting to comfort their respective men... idk, i think coupled with the fact that the show is centred around esports, and most of the esports characters are male, and a larger proportion the main female characters we see are not directly involved and are more on the sidelines, it just gives off the sense of like, the men in this drama having their struggles, their aspirations, their sorrows be forefront and central in the plot, while the women are just there to fawn over them and support from the sidelines and tend to the guys’ emotional needs and baby them when they are being grown children. I’m definitely not explaining this well enough and I’m not sure if my impression is valid or I’m just being a hater or being subconsciously misogynistic and projecting or something lol. I’d love to hear what anyone thinks heh.
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Thankfully, that part of the plot is over and now the romance part of the drama seems to be settled and the drama I’m assuming is gearing up towards winning the championships. This is promising haha because personally feel like the esports plotline is more captivating than the romance. I sense that now that Tong Nian/Gun are a properly established relationship and both are fully on board the dynamic might change a bit so I shall see how I feel about their relationship in the last quarter of the drama!
With regards to the cast, there was all round quite solid acting imo. I thought Li Xian seemed to be overdoing it with the frowning and grouchiness initially but I think it was alright after a few eps. His microexpressions and meaning-loaded gazes and quirked-lip-smiles are pretty affecting. I watched some interviews of him and he seems really different from Gun in real life so that’s quite impressive. Plus I love his slight slouchiness when portraying Gun in the more personal scenes where the facade of gruff boss!han shangyan disappears lolol. For all my problems with the way Tong Nian’s character was portrayed, Yang Zi does a great job in her role too. I think her crying scenes have always been on point and it was no different here. Special shoutout to the actors for Mi Shaofei, Solo and Xiao Ai, who portrayed their roles really well I think!
Lastly on a random note, I’m quite amused by how the soundtrack copiously borrows from the Suddenly This Summer soundtrack, but I’m not complaining because the OST is pretty evocative and whimsical and makes me hugely nostalgic for STS :)
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howlingmoonrise · 6 years
Dear Yuletide Author
thank you for signing up for yuletide, i hope you have fun!
i’ve put all my letters in one place so you don’t have to juggle links around, feel free to send me an anon (is that allowed?) if you’re in doubt as to whether i’d like a certain trope or not! (and so sorry about all the ranting oops)
things i like in general:
pining. TONS of pining. ALL the pining! i have a lot more fun reading about idiots in love that aren’t together yet than if they’re already in an established relationship
i’m good with either gen or romance if you’re not comfortable with shippy stuff! what really works for me is the relationship itself, platonic or not, the development of it, and the interactions/feelings regarding the other. when it comes to the characters i’ve picked, for me it makes sense for them to develop trust and fondness/affection for the other before they get into any sort of relationship so gen is all good!
i’m veeeeeery fond of enemies/rivals-to-friends-to-lovers, and bickering pairs overall (as you can see by all my choices in characters lmfao) since they’re so much fun and provide such an opportunity for character and relationship development :D
continuing from above, nothing kills me as much as characters that bicker all the time but in the end they rely on the other and go to each other before they go to anyone else
conceptual AUs are fine! by this i mean stuff like soulmate AUs, AUs where they met differently from canon, i’m-your-next-door-neighbour-and-i-had-to-break-into-your-flat-to-get-my-cat-back AUs, canon divergence, that kind of thing - AUs like that are super fun!
fun tropes (sorry, these are a bit romance-heavy): fake dating, “accidentally got roped into x thing and shenanigans are happening”, What Do You Mean We’re Not Dating?, “oh no there’s only one bed”, misunderstood confessions, trope subversion in general is also GREAT
i REALLY like the canon and characters for all the fandoms i picked, so sticking at least to their characterisations and the overall “tone” of canon are a huge plus!! “missing scenes” and “what if” canon-divergent situations are excellent but like i said, i also like conceptual AUs so don’t be afraid to mix up the scenario a bit if you enjoy it, because i do too!
things i don’t like a lot in general:
kidfics. unless it’s petshop of horrors - where Chris and the pets are an exception - next gen and stuff are a pass for me
far into the future fics in general, actually - what really does it for me is the development, so if we skip ahead to much later on i feel like we end up missing it all
i usually don’t like most angst stuff since it feels a bit gratuitous to me when it comes to most fandoms and characters. the one exception for this is psoh (see below if you’re picking this fandom) or when it’s introspection fic. as a result of this, i’d pass on most content with major character death, sexual abuse, self-harm, the like, though of course there are always exceptions to the rule and you’re free to write as you wish! 
hard AUs are a bit ehhh to me - by this i mean world-heavy stuff like harry potter AUs, where the focus ends up more on the setting than the characters more often than not. i’d also pass on high school AUs (gsnk being the obvious exception) and ABO. 
i heavily dislike things involving cheating/infidelity, and genderbending is a bit ehhhh for me
script-based or roleplay fic is not really my preferred format, i really enjoy prose instead of nearly all dialogue!
if you’re going for nsfw:
kinks: moderate sadism/masochism, bondage, choking/breathplay, xenophilia and tentacles (which only make sense here for like... 1.5 fandoms lmfao), moderate degradation, edging
squicks: scat, vomit, praise kink, daddy or baby kink, vore, forced feminization, pet play, gore
i’m usually not partial to angst AT ALL but psoh is the one fandom where i don’t mind it if you wanna go ahead - psoh is RIPE for angst. we got two people with abandonment and inadequacy issues: leon who decided to leave his whole life behind to chase someone who gave him life and left him after thinking that he didn’t care for him at all, and d who is supremely fucked up by his upbringing and had to push leon off the ark to continue his family’s mission and let drop one (1) single tear that he was not supposed to cry over a human.
THAT BEING SAID, i also!!!! love slice of life shit for them!!!!!!!! GODS i love how much they bicker but then they turn around and the other is the person they rely on the most and who they trust above all others and how they keep roping each other into ridiculous shenanigans. neither of them are particularly communicative with a few rare exceptions, so there’s also a lot of room for introspection there on both sides, which i LOVE. my son leon in particular is also super underestimated when it comes to his intelligence and tolerance for gay shit both in canon and fandom, and he performs ridiculous leaps of logic and instinct that somehow turn out to be right but that are super ???? for everyone else involved, and that’s always fun to see. hell, just another missing scene where leon brings d some cake and they banter fondly over tea is A++++ to me!!
nsfw???? bring it!!! this is the fandom amongst these three where you’re free to go super dark and kinky if you wanna, or if you wanna write tender loving reunion sex where d cries a little while leon cherishes every bit of him that’s also excellent! 
psoh is the most excellent genre triangle where i’d be super happy to receive anything on the slice-of-life/angst/smut corners! (also, slash is 3249823% acceptable if you couldn’t tell by my ranting)
yuzuki seo is my absolute favourite character on the series and i love her and how ridiculous she is! waka is also gr9, and i really love that little sadist streak he has going like when he kept teasing seo with his “confessions”, that was probably one of my favourite chapters! 
for gnsk either canon-verse or a conceptual AU would be excellent - if you’re going AU, i’m very fond of those where seo is a siren/mermaid and possibly man-eating (because those are the best kind amirite??) canon-wise i LOVE their interactions and how waka keeps accidentally getting taken on lowkey dates while resolutely defending they’re not even friends and even more accidentally retributing those with thoughtful gifts and the like haha
another thing i love is when waka is capable of looking past appearances to see seo, like in the chapter where they gave her the “lorelei” makeover and no one recognized her but him. i also love how stupidly happy seo is whenever she sees waka, it’s so cute!!
the thing i like the most in hmc are the characters’ flaws! i love the ghibli movie, don’t get me wrong, but they took away the bits i liked the most - sophie’s stubbornness and nosiness and temper and howl’s cowardice and vanity and his silver-tongue whenever he tries to slither around sophie, and all their banter and arguing. 
there’s nothing quite like their stupid arguments where sophie pretends she didn’t mess around with things she shouldn’t and howl is torn between being amused and exasperated at her expense - even better if he’s trying to do something good sneakily behind her back so he won’t be accused of being a good person before he finds another excuse to justify it. 
for this fandom i’d really prefer it if it were from anywhere from the beginning of the first book to before their marriage (i haven’t read the sequels and prefer non-established relationship anyway), but a conceptual AU would also be pretty nice! hmc in particular is very good for trope subverting, which i’m extremely fond of! for example, take a soulmate AU with the first words written on the skin thing: we could mess it up a bit since calcifer was in possession of howl’s heart and as such his first words would be on sophie instead of howl’s - cue shenanigans while sophie wonders how someone can have a soulmate bond with a sentient fire with no words of his own, howl panics internally about sophie not returning his mark, and so on! 
another thing i love about the book is the writing style and that incredible sense of humour in the writing, so something lighthearted and in the spirit of canon would be great!
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darkfire-kai · 7 years
A lewthur fic with Arthur having Hanahaki disease, please? Some angst with happy endind (becauseIwannaseemyboyhappyandlovedattheenddamnit), like Arthur having the disease even before the 'incident', but he hides it for the sake of his friends' relationship and his friendship with Lewis. After Lewis' death, Arthur refuse to do the surgery, considering it self-punishment for what happened. But then Lewis comes back (ofcourse). From here we'll see what happens next. P.s. I love your writing.
….Hanahaki Disease? *Looks it up* Huh… A disease one suffers from having a one-sided love, by coughing up… Ooooooh. Okay! Sure thing Nonny! I’m going to branch off of canon here so you’re warned, but I hope it is enjoyable all the same. Also oops, it turned into a small book. Haha… I have to break this up into parts actually, so consider this part one. I hope you don’t mind but I wanna answer this thoroughly for you Nonny. It’s been awhile since someone wrote me a request~.
~Hope you like it.~
Part 1
It had happened shortly after they met. The pain that burned in Arthur’s chest plagued him for awhile, for weeks, but he did not understand what caused it. He mentioned the pain to his best friend Vivi, but their new friend Lewis…he couldn’t make himself say it.
As they grew closer together, the pain only grew worse. Doctors didn’t have a reason for it, some blaming his anxiety for it. However, as he and Lewis grew closer, another symptom appeared. The pain in his chest turned to coughing, and the first time he was lucky enough to be alone. The violent cough sent something crawling up his throat, and he ran for the bathroom. He expected to see his lunch. He wasn’t expecting to see the bright blue petals that fell from his lips.
He was confused, his breathing rising through the rough before causing him to cough more, and more petals fell out of his lips. He didn’t understand it at all, and he had no idea who to talk to. He let it go on for awhile, seeing as the petals were mostly harmless. He didn’t want to worry anybody, after all. He wanted his friends to stay happy, and they worried about his scrawny ass anyway.
He started carrying a handkerchief to hide them in, letting his friends write it off as a chronic cough alone. It was only after graduating High School that he finally took a chance at telling his Doctor.
He didn’t expect to actually get an answer: Hanahaki. It was a complicated disease that Doctor’s still couldn’t find an origin for. However, there was a surgery that could fix it. Alternatively, the doctor offered him another solution that sounded simple enough.
Talk to your true love, tell them how you feel, and it should go away when they accept your feelings. Sure, it sounded easy enough.
One huge problem though.
His true love and his best friends were already in a relationship, one that had started in their freshmen year of High School. They were overwhelmingly in love with each other, always holding hands and exchanging hugs and kisses.
They were perfect for each other, and there was no way he could get in between. They were always in sync, and they took care of each other. He should’ve just been grateful they kept him around as a good friend.
He dealt with the coughing, with the pain, and with hiding the flower petals. They were happy and he could tolerate it.
Solving mysteries was not the most profitable, but every dollar went into savings. He planned on getting the surgery when he could afford it, and perhaps his friends would never have to know. Then it would be happily ever after.
If only.
The green cave should have been turned down. They didn’t have enough information, the place was marked with danger signs, and they simply lacked in the proper equipment.
Yet at Vivi’s excitement, they still went inside, together. However after that night, they would never leave together again.
“Lewis…? Lewis I don’t like it here…” Arthur whimpered out as he followed his friend up a tunnel, the torch the only source of light around. It made it hard to see anything, but he lightly clutched at the back of Lewis’ shirt. “Can we just…turn back and leave instead…? I…I don’t want to go…”
A warm, deep chuckle came from in front of him, and Lewis turned his head back to look at him. His beautiful purple eyes shimmered in the torch light, his soft smile spreading across his face in an attempt to convey some comfort.
“It isn’t something to be scared of Arthur…It’s just a cave,” He said firmly and hummed. Arthur felt his heart flutter, then his chest hurt at the motion, but he still wasn’t convinced. Lewis could see that though. The man could read the squirming little blonde pretty well, and after a moment he let out a sigh. “Okay, how about this? We explore to the end of this tunnel, then we can go back and try to convince Vivi to go home. It’s a waste of our time or something. I bet if I bribe her with Chinese food on the way home, she’ll leave more willingly.”
Arthur swallowed gently, still not liking the idea, but he knew Lewis would keep his word. It was just a little farther down the tunnel, how bad could it be?
“I…I guess you’re right,” He conceded and sighed gently. Lewis chuckled and leaned back a little, making sure he could pat Arthur’s back a few times. His warmth and radiating smile made his fear melt away. He just seemed so sure that everything was okay, so how could Arthur not feel the same?
The next thing he remembered was waking up in the hospital. The pain shot through his body like he was on fire, and the doctor’s were scrambling to get him subdued properly. He felt like they were burning his entire arm, his fingers growing numb as he cried out in fear.
He looked at a nurse who was desperately pleading with him, probably telling him to stay still, but then he looked down at his arm. It hurt like mad, and he expected to see blood, or burn marks, or even bone sticking out.
Instead, he stared at nothing, an empty space that almost mocked him. All he heard was his own scream before everything went to black again.
Several weeks had to pass before his broken mind picked up the pieces. He understood the green entity that stole his body and made him do…do…the unspeakable. He could remember the feeling leave his body, starting with the offending hand, and quickly traveled up his arm. His skin had turned a sickly green, like it was rotting away from the inside, and a dark voice rang in his ears.
“It’s not fair…is it? You’re suffering… You’ve been suffering…all because this guy… All because he can’t see you…”
His throat was paralyzed, his own voice dead in his throat as he saw Lewis walk into an opening at the end of a tunnel. One eye could only see the light Lewis carried, but the other caused the scenery to tint green. He could see the end of the tunnel, the tall platform Lewis walked onto, and the endless abyss that was underneath him.
“It’s not fair…wouldn’t it just be better…if he didn’t exist?”
Why did his body have to move? Why wouldn’t it stay? Why wouldn’t his voice work? He couldn’t tell the reason why and the pain that wrecked his body was growing more intense. He could feel himself trying to fight, but he grew closer. One hand grabbed at the bad appendage, trying to make it stop.
“Or maybe if he just…disappeared?”
All he remembered was the feeling of that soft vest underneath his skin, before his nightmares were plagued with blood curdling screams and blood. He wake up screaming, and soon he’d have his Uncle in the room, trying to calm him back down again.
It was all his fault. The one he’d been in love with was gone forever, and he’d been the one to push him over the edge. It made him stay up late at night, and wake up way too early the next day. It made his appetite fade away, the blonde just unable to find his appetite most days. He still ate, but only what he thought would be enough. It caused his anxiety to build, and his relationship with Vivi was becoming more and more strained.
She didn’t remember Lewis at all, probably from trauma, and thus he had no one he could really talk to about that night. His word was falling to pieces, but the worse part was that the damn flowers never stopped. Lewis wasn’t around anymore, yet still he coughed up ugly petals, most having turned grey now, and the pain grew more intense every day. Sometimes even, he found it very difficult to breathe because of those petals. One day, it would definitely kill him.
“Mr. Kingsmen, your condition is becoming very severe,” Dr. Benson said firmly as he looked at his chart. “The Hanahaki Infection in your system has rapidly spread throughout your lungs, and the amount of petals you cough up daily is unhealthy. I must insist that you get the surgery, before it puts your life in danger.”
Arthur listened to every word his doctor said, but a bitter smile spread across his lips.
“I know… I know you would but… I refuse…” He answered, a little sigh escaping his form. “I…Is that all? Can I please go home now?” He looked up at the doctor, the tired bags underneath his eyes as he looked to him. It had been nearly a year since the incident, and his heart and soul still ached.
The doctor seemed to take pity on him, backing off with a sigh as he wrote something down in his files.
“Alright Arthur… I’m continuing your diazepam prescription, but I’m also going to add a pain killer that you can take when you need it. Your chest pain is natural with your condition, but since you refuse the surgery, this is the next best thing I can give you. You can always refuse to take it, but I would not recommend that. Please have someone call me in if your condition gets any worse… Okay…?”
Arthur bit his lip and nodded his head. The doctor stayed where he was for a moment, before speaking out firmly. “Okay?!” Arthur got the hint this time and looked up at his doctor.
“Yes Sir… I understand,” Arthur said firmly and gave him a half smile. Feeling more satisfied, the doctor stepped out and had a nurse come back with discharge papers. Arthur took the papers in his hands and sighed as he walked out to his van, before leaning back against his seat. He bit his lip and closed his eyes, letting his chest settle down. “How can I…?”
How could he put an end to his pain through surgery? How could he do that when the one he had loved so much, was all gone? He couldn’t feel anything anymore. This pain that bubbled in his chest…this was the least he deserved.
He loud out a harsh cough as more petals fell into his hand, an exasperated sigh escaping his form as he whimpered out gently. He took the clump of petals and tossed them out the window, before taking the key and turning it in the ignition.
A light buzz from his cellphone gets a sigh and he answers it, fully expecting it to be Lance asking about the appointment.
“Hey Artie~,” He heard Vivi practically sing through the phone, making his voice catch a little in his throat.
“Oh hey Vivi! I wasn’t expecting a call from you!” He immediately responded, trying to return her cheerfulness. It was hard to match that energy, especially when he felt like a hole was being torn in his chest.
“I know its been awhile, but I need a ride to a house outside of town,” She said happily. “I promise to buy you pizza on the way! My first ride bailed on me. Plus, I really want to hang out! You’ve been avoiding me lately, and don’t even try to deny it.”
Arthur immediately clicked his teeth shut, closing off a response that he had prepared for Vivi. He swallowed a moment, looking down at the metal arm he had been keeping at his side. He felt chills roll down his spine when he saw it, and he bit his lip again.
“O….Okay…. Where are you at…?” He asked tentatively, before listening to the girl give him directions. Feeling uncertain, he slowly drove to the shop she worked at.
She hopped in the car, he hung up the phone, she turned on the radio, and Arthur started driving in the direction she pointed out. He felt a light cough rack his form, his hand covering his mouth as he forced himself to swallow some petals. They tasted bitter, but he didn’t say anything until he knew he’d gotten rid of the evidence. “So…So where are you going exactly…?”
“I’m going to a cute little house on the edge of town,” Vivi responded with a happy little giggle. There was a suspicious lilt in her voice, and Arthur raised an eyebrow at her.
“Why do I feel there’s more?” He asked, though he wasn’t sure he wanted the answer.
“Oooh~. That’s nothing,” She cooed and smiled at him. Arthur visibly sighed and shifted to rub his forehead.
“Okay okay, it’s just a little job,” Vivi answered and giggled. “A nice home owner asked me to check out her house. She says she thinks there is a ghost haunting it, but they haven’t shown any violent actions or concerning actions. So I think maybe it’s a lost spirit looking for a place to return.”
Arthur’s sigh rocked his body, and he felt his chest ache a little.
“You’re just… You wanted to go all alone?” He asked sharply, Vivi shining him a casual smile.
“Yep!” She responded and hummed some more.
You are a terrible liar…
The whole reason she called him, was probably because she knew Arthur would not let her go into some creepy place alone. He audibly sighed, before he stopped the van at a gas station and looked over at Vivi.
“You’re not fair…” He muttered unhappily, and she tilted her head over in joy.
“Oh whatever do you mean?” She asked, her dog Mystery finally showing his head from the back seat. He must have been distracted to miss when he got into the car.
“Cut the crap… You should just ask me if you want to do a mystery together…” Arthur said bluntly. Vivi pouted at him, then let out a little chuckle.
“Well you would find a reason to get out of it, and this way, I would know you totally don’t before hand,” Vivi said firmly, before leaning closer. “Arthur… You’ve been really cooped up lately… It’s been a long time since you’ve done…anything! And I…I want you to hang out with me more… I thought we were best friends.”
A small pout, but genuine and sweet eyes made his heart melt. He knew she was right, that he’d been avoiding her for awhile now, but this wasn’t the way he wanted to do it.
I would have never met with her again though…not on my own.
“We need to talk about this later but I… I won’t let you go alone,” Arthur said firmly and sighed. “So…Give me the details.”
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omgkatsudonplease · 7 years
Same anon. Agree with everything you said. I love mafia au but I think I can count on one hand the number of YOI fics I would really consider dark. I’d actually love to see your thoughts on angst at some point! It’s something I’ve been thinking about recently. My idea of it seems to be a lot heavier than what often gets labeled as angst now. I wonder if that’s partly influenced by how extensive tagging is now? Author’s tagging every bit of conflict/sadness in their fic as angst? Idk
Okay so this is a week or so late but @exile-wrath and I are here to talk about angst in YOI fandom (you didn’t ask for his opinion but he let himself into my house to Loudly Complain anyway):
(note: the following rant is all Wrath haha)
The quintessential angst fic has to not just be founded on something like a ‘misheard conversation’. It has to cause conflict, it has to drive people apart. It needs to have a meaningful impact on the characters in order for it to have a meaningful impact on the readers. Angst has to be tailored to the story, or it’ll be like you are just hitting checks on a list in an attempt to make the reader sad. That’s not how you make good angst – good angst comes about organically. It comes from characters’ motivations going against each other: character A wants something, character B wants another thing, but only one of them can have what they want. Like how some characters just wanna live, and others want them dead – or for a more real-life example, character A needs money to live, and so does character B, but character B’s job will negatively impact character A in some way. 
You can’t just slam things down, pull out classic “tropes” like sudden terminal illness, rape, homophobia/transphobia, racism, etc in order to make the reader sad. The problem with a lot of “angst” fics, especially in this fandom, is that they utilise those “tropes” as cheap angst tactics to shock and upset the readers. The reason why they elicit reactions is because they’re common in real life. It’s easy to make someone indignant because of real-life prejudices or tragedies intruding upon what we take to be an escapist, feel-good canon like YOI. After all, those are popular ideas that mainstream media feeds upon to add drama to their stories. 
But fanfiction cannot just rely on just on popular ideas, or they fall flat. People read fanfiction primarily out of an emotional attachment to the characters, so in order to write effective angst, you have to create a conflict that is borne out of those characters’ personalities or circumstances. We don’t want to read about things that we could also experience or hear on the news; we want to read about struggles that have been personalised to these characters and the setting they’ve been placed in.
The problem with YOI fanfiction specifically is that it is prone to cheap angst. And due to the content of the show, people do feel disproportionately affected by that. Because people are so ecstatic over the representation and the lack of homophobia in the show, they also do tend to place on a pedestal the sanctity of Viktor and Yuuri’s connection, and express (sometimes very shoddily) discomfort at the merest hint of dissatisfaction or conflict between them. 
This is definitely a result of the fact that the most serious conflict in the show is from Yuuri and Victor Just Not Communicating Well, so that’s the route that most of the angst takes. Hannibal fic angst goes along the lines of manipulation and murder and betrayal, Kingsman angst plays with the high-risk life that spies lead and classism, all of which are present in their canon stories.
So in comparison to those media, Yuri on Ice’s conflict is very low-key and can be solved fairly easily. Thus, the fanfiction reads the same, and it can come off as dissatisfying. Conflict makes the resolution feel more satisfying. When characters go through their lives getting everything they want with little conflict, it can get quite boring because it’s the journey that makes reaching the destination worthwhile. No one can mature as a person if their life is always smooth-sailing. A protagonist needs to struggle and experience difficulties in order to obtain a happy ending or it inherently feels cheap because their payoff was bigger than the price they paid. A problem with ham-handed angst is that they’re just there to make the reader sad, instead of letting characters grow. When it’s just angst for angst’s sake, the narrative suffers as a result. 
So many stories that I have read in Yuri on Ice (AND I HAVE READ MANY) cannot bear to hurt Victor and Yuuri and the rest of the cast in any way. So as a result, they barely have much conflict that can change their dynamic, as people are attached to their existing canon dynamic, and they don’t mature as people, much less as a pair. And simply, that grows tiring pretty fast. I want to see these characters change from what they are in canon, or change from who they were at the beginning of the fic.
That’s Wrath’s two cents, and my own views generally align with him, with some things that he is too pissed to articulate. I believe people have varying tolerances of angst, and that YOI fandom in particular is full of newcomers to fandom, who may not have had the same exposure to classic “tropes” of angst fics such as terminal illness, sexual assault + its fallout, dealing with prejudices, etc. Someone’s first exposure to those topics, especially in a fandom with a feel-good canon like YOI, can understandably be upsetting. But eventually the tropey stuff starts to get repetitive, and so readers can get densitised to them as a result.
This entire rant is not to say that fluff is inherently weaker or bad or any of that. It’s just a reaction to the fact that the fandom is actually 90% not-dark, if you take tags such as mafia au + rape/noncon + abuse + incest + underage + dark Viktor + dark Yuuri + darkfic and compile them together against the rest of the YOI tag on AO3. The amount of fluff in this fandom is astounding, and honestly, I applaud anyone who consistently consumes all of it, because I personally (we, actually) can get a bit burnt out after a lot of a good thing like fluff. For us, variety is the spice of life, and sometimes we look for that spice in darker themes, or in angst. For me, the hallmark of a good fic involves the writer deciding to take the initiative to give Yuuri and Viktor some conflict that they can resolve and come out stronger for it. That shouldn’t necessarily amount to angst, but the generally conflict-averse nature of YOI fandom (which is kind of a generalisation, but it is definitely a trend I’ve seen) means that even the slightest hint of trouble in paradise gets people scrambling for the tissues (case in point, my allusion to a breakup in RH au has people side-eying me for angst when I don’t fully intend on going into actual angst territory – or as Wrath puts it, mistaking water for vodka).
TL; DR: there is a difference between conflict and angst, though good angst originates naturally from conflict, and should not be forced in via ham-handed authorial intent trying to check off a list of Things That Upset Readers. 
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aegyotrashcan · 7 years
Masterlist [Boys Scenarios]
Overall Masterlist: here
As Fathers Series:
BTS EXO Winner
Special Tags:
x highschool!au x babysitter!au x mafia!au x vampire!au x insane asylum!au x baby kookie x vampire jun x doctor baekhyun x college!au x office!au x demon!au x werewolf!au
Seventeen - Woozi’s Bday is Coming Up + the Boys Need Your Help
- J-Hope and Suga getting mad when their crush becomes close to Jin
I’m Somewhere In Between A Dream And Reality [Kyungsoo/D.O] [fluff] ↳ For as long as you could remember, a boy had haunted your dreams. Brown-eyed and mysterious, you presumed that he was just a creation of your active imagination. Until one day you both met and destiny was set in motion, revealing that he was a lot more than just a dream.
The Boss’ Daughter [Minseok/Xiumin] [angst] [mafia!au] ↳ Being the daughter of the head of the Mafia had its perks. One being money. Another being Daddy’s hot bodyguard.
Someone Call The Doctor [Baekhyun] [insane asylum!au] [angst] ↳ If any of the other asylum doctors knew how much Baekhyun loved you, a patient, they just might think he was insane …
First Kiss [Taehyun] [fluff] ↳ Accidental first kiss with Nam Taehyun
Over Stimulation [Seungyoon] [smut] ↳ Your daddy was kind and very caring. He loved to look after you and pamper his baby. But one thing he did not tolerate was disobedience
Kiss Kiss Kiss, Baby [Taehyung/V] [fluff/slight smut] ↳ Keeping your relationship with V a secret was hard, especially with him being a teasy little shit.
R To The M [Namjoon/Rap Monster] [smut] ↳ Who cares about homework or studying when you can make out with Rap Monster instead?
You’re Like A Butterfly [child!Jungkook] [babysitter!au] [fluff] ↳ 5 year old Jungkook likes three things for certain; ice cream, slides and his pretty babysitter.
Save Me, Save Me [child!Jungkook] [babysitter!au] [fluff] ↳ Jungkook looks at his reflection in the mirror, wondering if he was really going to do this. Your humming reaches his ears and he thinks,“Yes, I’m a man now. This is something I have to do”
Happy Hope Day! 2017 [JHope] ↳ This is in celebration of Hobi’s bday 💖
Mafia!AU: Jung Hoseok [also for Hobi’s bday :D]
Fuckboy!Hoseok [for Hobi’s bday ... again haha]
A Broken Heart [child!Jungkook] [babysitter!au] [fluff] ↳ Young Jungkook finds out one weekend what a broken heart really feels like
Practice Makes Perfect [Jimin] [fluff] ↳ Jimin tries to teach you the choreography to “Save Me” and only ends up looking even more beautiful instead.
Pied Piper [Hoseok] [romance] [mystery] ↳ After an attack, you become obsessed with solving your own crime. Too bad that criminals can hide in unexpected places.
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing [Jungkook] [assassin!au] [smut] [angst] ↳ Jungkook may seem like your typical boy next door on the surface. Except he’s anything but that. He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing and the only one who knows is you.
I Adore You, Enough To Get Dizzy [Seungcheol/S.Coups] [fluff] ↳ Kisses from S.Coups were powerful enough to leave you dizzy.
I Took A Pill In Ibiza [Jisoo/Joshua] [angst/fluff] ↳ “I took a pill in Ibiza / And when I finally got sober, felt 10 years older” / But sobriety was only first achieved with a gentleman’s help.
Midnight Snack [Jun] [vampire!au] [angst-ish] ↳ Vampires weren’t just the stuff of legends. They were real, they were hot and they were hungry
Chubby Cheeks [Hoshi] [fluff] ↳ You just can’t stop kissing Hoshi’s soft, precious cheeks.
Family Dinner [Woozi] [fluff] ↳ A day in the life of Woozi and his wife taking care of their four children; Jeonghan, Joshua, Seokmin and Seungkwan.
Threesome [Vernon + Seungkwan] [college au] [smut] ↳ Curiosity, hormones and alcohol all led to this moment. Not that anyone’s complaining.
Feel So Good [Daehyun] [fluff] ↳ Grocery shopping is never fun. Unless it ends with a hot date
Limitless Love [Taeyong] [fluff] [high school!au] ↳ Sunbae Taeyong can’t help noticing how attractive Mark’s friend is & his friends decide to help him out with that
SM’s New Trainee [Mark] [fluff] ↳ Trainee life is hard. But having someone to help you through it makes it just a little easier. Especially if that person is Mark Lee
Professor Turned Call Boy [Taeyong] [smut] ↳ You call a sex line, only to find out that Lee Taeyong, your strict professor, has a side to him you never knew.
Monsta X
Eggs and Bacon on Toast [Shownu] [fluff] ↳ Morning cuddles with Shownu
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bellassan · 7 years
SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
REPOST. Don’t reblog.
What’s your OTP for your Muse?:  Ferus/Roan, because it’s canon damn it and because it means the damn world.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?: a lot of things! I don’t mind dysfunctional ships at all, or ships that don’t work out, or unrequited ones. I’m game for awkwardness and misunderstandings and sex and AUs and fights and angst and domestic stuff, like. if I like the pairing, every aspect of it is fair game. I will NOT ship padawan/master ships or anything akin to that, and I personally really don’t like pregnancy plots, so I’m not going to touch those. and for ferus specifically I’m not willing to bend his sexuality for the sake of a ship, because I think it’s very important that he is gay, and exclusively so (obviously this does not apply to one-sided ships). I think that’s it? I’d let you know if there’s something I don’t want to touch.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?: depends on the age of the parties involved. with teenagers and young adults the age gap should be smaller, but the older the muse is the bigger it can be. I don’t have a hard rule for this, it’s very circumstantial.
Are you selective when shipping?: maybe? I’m very open to the ideas of most ships and am very interested in exploring what they can bring to the table, but I want there to be chemistry between the muses (romantic, sexual, aggressive, platonic doesn’t matter, but I need some kind of interaction that ‘clicks’ with them) to move forward with a ship. I also get way more excited and invested in ships if I have good communication with the other mun - not a requirement, but the likelihood of shipping rises dramatically the more we yell about our kids at each other.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?: haha boy I’m not sure. I have a fairly high nsfw tolerance (and full disclosure I’ve read and drawn smut at work before so aHAHA) but respect that some others don’t. I generally start tagging when things get inherently and more explicitly sexual, but before we’re at such content I tag #nsfw ish because it’s a grey area to me. idk what’s a good rule here. feel free to talk to me about it if you want??
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?:  I ship Anakin and Ferus on occasion (depends on the mun) because I like exploring their dysfunction, and angry/hate/enemyships is a weakness of mine. nothing else has really come up or been given an opportunity, but I’m always open to suggestion.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?: not necessarily, but it’s definitely an approach I recommend, haha. like I said previously, odds are much better for shipping if we’re talking about it. if you’re interested in a ship with me and I appear to be unaware of this or your muse’s feelings then definitely bring it to my attention. but if a crush or attraction is budding between the characters, or for just one of them, I’m likely to come yell at you about it anyway, so hey. just be open to talk about it pretty much that’s about it.
How often do you like to ship?: I mean, I’m never opposed to shipping, ever. but my focus isn’t solely on shipping either. I like to explore ships in about equal part to exploring friendships, family and enemies.
Are you multiship?: yep!
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?: haha I’m probably a bit more ship obsessed than I’d admit, but particularly for Ferus, there’s so much interesting stuff to explore with him (and he has his husband here on tumblr) that I don’t really lack for shipping when I’m not actively doing it. but yes, I do like to ship. it’s fun. come at me.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?: honestly my own ship because look Ferus/Roan is the most beautiful ship to grace my star wars life. but I’m also rooting big time for Poe/Finn, and who can resist Siri/Obi-Wan.
Finally, how does one ship with you?: Come into my IM and start yelling about our kids and then go ‘OKAY BUT WHAT IF’ and I’ll in all likelihood go ‘HOT DAMN, TELL ME MORE’. even if the ship doesn’t work out, it’s fun to look at why and the aftermath of that kind of thing, so I’m usually up for exploring ideas if they’re thrown at me - again, assuming there’s chemistry.
TAGGED BY: stolen from @tachiisms who said to do it if we hadn’t done it
TAGGING: whoever else hasn’t done it yet, because hey, it’s probably good info!
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