#I have sooo many drafts and some are controversial so I don’t feel like posting them
chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I hate when ppl (mainly other bylers) talk about how bylers are focusing too much on fanon or that ppl are picking and choosing evidence or that we're reaching too far with theories. Like.. I see their point I really do and I get annoyed about some of that stuff too but at the end of the day I'm here for a fun time not a long time.
btw im living for your asks
Thank you 😊
It just feels invalidating from other bylers especially, bcs like, you know what we’ve been through.
It’s not always about focusing on the most standard obvious evidence all the time. We would have nothing to talk about at this point if that was the case. It’s nice to have a variety of posts circulating, some discussing the main ideas supporting it, as well as all the theories and analysis and art and wips and just everything.
I don’t make posts to be palatable for byler antis bc to them nothing about byler is palatable. They don’t like the obvious evidence and they don’t like the far fetched theories. To them it’s all one in the same.
And so I don’t see a point in stifling things I think or want to talk about, on the basis it makes us look delusional or something. If I think something is compelling based on a lot of subtexual and/or textual evidence, I’m gonna talk about it.
Even I sometimes see a theory that I think personally is far fetched and then I follow it up by moving on. Like it doesn’t make me get the urge to send them an ask on anon where I tell them as such.
There are some theories that blow up tho, with some insisting it’s all coincidence and means nothing, but I don’t think that would be the case every single time, if so many people are going wow that makes sense and are agreeing and resonating with it. Like it’s not like we have maybe a couple hundred posts, there are thousands upon thousands of really articulate and complex posts breaking stuff down. Some of that could be nonsense, but all of it can’t.
I think that’s what also upsets some people, like if what you don’t subscribe to blows up, then a sort of defense mechanism is to try to tear that down bc it forces you to second guess yourself.
But theories will not hurt you for being discussed. And in the case they do hurt you, block.
Otherwise, let the freaks do their business.
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elianabwrites · 4 years
100 Days of Posting
Hello Everyone! I know I have been gone for a long time with so many “I’m Back!” posts with no follow through but with this challenge I am going to try to get back into a posting schedule! Now, for my version of the 100 Day challenge I am going to have a few different topics to touch up on since I have so much time in a day to be productive. I will be posting about my writing, and I am still working on the same fantasy series that I have been for years and I’ll talk more about my process with that below! I will also touch upon my hobbies, interests, and interesting topics I am learning about in school. I’m not one to shy away from what other people think are controversial topics and I hope to open up conversations on here! Also, I will be posting about the day before so as to incorporate the entire day into my post and share the most that I can. If you want to do the challenge with me (please do, I would love to hear about what you’re learning/interested in) then please tag your posts with #EB100DaysChallenge and I will do my best to check up on them every day and interact with the community! 
If you don’t feel liking reading the whole thing at least reply with your thoughts/experiences/etc!
What forms of media do you like best? Which ones help you get motivated and why?
For my witches - What called you to your craft and how did you get started? What type of witch are you? and what do you wish the general public knew about witchcraft/Wicca/etc?
If you’re writing a book or series what are some blocks you faced and how did you overcome them?
What is your story about? Brag about it please!
How do you envision your scenes? Do you share any of my ways of imagining and connecting with them?
What are you majoring/minoring/ studying right now? Why did you choose that particular field of study? and what is the most interesting thing you have learned recently and how do you feel about it?
Day 1 of 100 - 04/08/2020
Today was such a low energy day and since my sleeping pattern has been so messed up recently I am up at all hours of the night and sleeping all day. Between public health issues and politics I have been so very distracted and have been having a hard time getting into my school work, writing projects, hobbies, and other interests. 
I’m breaking down this post into these topics:
Miscellaneous & Media
Because of all of this I took most of the day to relax and recharge. I watched Madam Secretary on Netflix (for the 400th time) and listened to some of my favorite albums and songs (Hamilton was definitely in there) and cuddled with my dog. What are some of your favorite forms of media? I love Madam Secretary because it really reflects a lot of what I want to do in my career and I simply love the main character and her family. As for Hamilton, well, not to sound cliche but I really relate to the main character because I feel like I’m always writing (~non-stop~) and I think I have a revolutionary, humanistic way of looking at the world which I believe he had as well. Anyway, I usually try to use these forms of media to get into my school work and personal interests.
I’ve also been getting into learning about witchcraft, not the fantastical version, but rather the spiritual practice. Although not all witches/witchcraft are Wicca it is an example of a belief system that practices it. I am not even a baby witch in my opinion because my journey has only just begun but the thing I find I love most about witchcraft so far is that it is really based on learning. You learn about herbs and the earth, you learn new spells and different forms of magick, there is so much history and diversity to uncover - It is just amazing! Also, the inclusiveness is so refreshing considering as a member of the LGBT community I find it hard to fit in other belief systems.
Okay, so, like, I have no excuses. I kind of suck at actually writing this book of mine but it is okay because I have not given up yet (well, I have but I always come back to it!). 
If you don’t know, or don’t remember because let’s be honest its been at least 3000 years, I am writing a series that I have been referring to as Blood Will Run. I have been rather stuck in the plotting and world building stages but I am hoping to finally, FINALLY, move on to drafting it in its entirety soon. 
I would consider myself a rather reflective person and naturally have thought and reflected far too much about why I have been so stagnant in my writing and I came to these conclusions:
I have been so caught up in writing the perfect story, with the perfect characters, writing devices, syntax, plot, etc.
I have been too focused on reading and researching any and all writing advice I can find.
I have lost the feeling of my story and, like many writers have been discovering lately, I think I have been forcing myself into being a plotter when I think I would be far happier as a partial discovery writer, at least for my first draft. 
I want my series to mean something, similar to Fahrenheit 451, Harry Potter, 1984, and Catcher in the Rye to name a few. This is, of course, a tall almost unattainable order which is very discouraging.
So, in an attempt to reclaim my story from my incredibly high standards I am returning to my old way of writing, even though I am deeply embarrassed by it. I am going to imagine my scenes, act them out from my characters different points of view, and write without thinking of how it could be better. Although, because I am trying to write a series I need to do a little more plotting (aahhh I hope I don’t fall into the plotting trap again) so as to understand where each of my books start and end and the pace that they necessitate. I’ll write more details and such about my story in my next post so stay tuned if you’re interested!
Also, if anyone needs help with plotting I love working out plot lines, backstories, and everything related to world building! Send me a message, if there’s enough people maybe we can start a little group!
I know, I know. School is not everyone’s favorite thing to talk about but I am the biggest nerd and I love it so so SOOO much! I am going into my Junior year of college and am studying criminal justice with a concentration in international and transnational crimes. I absolutely love my major and reading my textbook is as fun as reading Percy Jackson was when I was younger. I chose this major because I hope to one day work for an organization such as UNICEF, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, International Rescue Committee or anything along those lines. I have always had a need to help people, specifically children and at an international level.
Recently, I have learned that the United States is the only country within the UN member states that has not ratified the UN Convention of the Rights of a Child which is the most comprehensive human rights treaty in the world. Also, in the United States victims of child human trafficking are often those under the governments purview such as foster children as well as children that have slipped through the cracks of society and are homeless and hungry. Although the topics can be rather depressing I love learning about it because it means I am one step closer to, and a little more capable of, and more passionate about helping the world in whatever way I can. I am also very interested in learning about different cultures and how to help them without enforcing my own way of life upon them as a means to further develop their society. Every day I worry about and diligently work against perpetuating the infamous white savior complex and hope that I can avoid it in my future professional pursuits.
I really love talking about schools, majors, minors, and everything related to college so if anyone out there needs any advice or just wants a non-judgmental sounding board for ideas my messages are open to you!
I think I’ll wrap it up here as I’m not too confident with writing posts like this yet. I hope I wasn’t to terribly boring and that at least someone read to this part of the post and if not than I suppose I have 99 more days to entice you to read past my title. I hope you are all happy and healthy and staying inside as much as possible!
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