#I have such a UMA problem I need to STOP BUYING THEM
moonydustx · 4 months
Hey, Brazilian here!!! Can you write about Law x Sick!Reader?
Oi oi! Mais um dia, mais um atraso om os pedidos. Primeiro, muito obrigada pelo seu pedido <3 Aqui e aqui temos algumas histórias sobre Law x Sick!Reader. Mas como é quase irresistível escrever sobre nosso pirata favorito, hoje eu trouxe mais uma. Espero de verdade que goste!
And here’s the translation: Hi Hi! Another day, another delay with orders. First, thank you so much for your request <3 Here and here we have some stories about Law x Sick!Reader. But since it's almost irresistible to write about our favorite pirate, today I brought one more. I really hope you like it!
Requests are back soon, don't give up on me!
one piece masterlist
The isolated
Law x Sick!Reader (F!Reader)
warnings: idiots who don't know how to show their feelings, maybe there is a wrong use of DF, certainly medical errors because I'm not very good at writing this topic.
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The sun shone brightly outside the Polar Tang, matching the summer island you had stumbled upon. Beaches, parks, and even a small forest trail awaited you, and despite Bepo's grumbles, it promised to be a good time to relax.
"Are you two staying here?" you adjusted your backpack on your back and stopped beside your captain. "There's so much to do."
"I only leave here to buy ice, or ice cream." Bepo, sprawled on the deck, grumbled. Your eyes soon turned to the captain's.
"And you?"
"Maybe I'll go to the city later, need to buy some things." he said, assessing you from head to toe. "Aren't you going to the beach with them?"
"Not really. From what I saw, there's a pretty cool trail to hike, I can take the opportunity to get some new herbs."
"Hm, alright." he replied, returning to contemplating Bepo suffering in the heat.
"Any problem, Captain?"
"No, nothing serious." Lie. The invitation for you to accompany him on the small visit to the city lingered on his lips, but apparently, it would stay there. "Enjoy your trail."
"Thanks, Captain! I'll be back before the end of the day."
You disembarked from the ship without further difficulties, following the small map you had bought earlier. On the Polar Tang, Law watched from afar as you walked away. He held a certain fondness for you - one you would never suspect - making it difficult for him to approach. Despite the shared breakfasts and the plant and herb lessons you gave him, which he insisted on attending despite knowing most of the content already, he enjoyed being with you. It was a pity he didn't know there was a reciprocal feeling on your part.
On the other hand, you even expected an invitation to accompany him, but just as he didn't seem very interested in being on your trail, he also didn't seem interested in your company. The hours passed without end, and with each passing moment, you grew more and more exhausted. Even before the sun set, you were already making your way back up to the Polar Tang.
"What the hell happened to you?" Shachi was the first to ask, catching your attention as you headed towards the submarine's interior.
"What the hell what?" you looked over, seeing nothing abnormal except for the fatigue and heat in your body, likely from all the walking.
"We better call the captain." Jean Bart advised and didn't wait for a response, running further into the submarine.
You tried to see something in some reflection as you watched your colleagues avoid you as if you carried the plague within you. Your irritation with your friends was replaced by concern as soon as Law saw you. You expected a scolding, you expected some acidic comment from him, but you didn't expect the lack of words, except for the ones that made you teleport with him straight to the medical ward.
"Captain, what's happening?" you stumbled backward as he guided you not so gently to a stretcher.
"Open your mouth." he completely ignored your question, and you could tell he was more worried than usual, so you just obeyed. With a small flashlight, he checked what you believed was just your throat. "Can you breathe normally, have you felt anything?"
"I'm just a bit tired, that's all. I don't understand all this fuss." you grumbled.
Only then did Law realize that indeed, you knew nothing of what was happening or why everyone had practically become concerned. Looking for a mirror and finding it impossible to find one in the medical ward of the Polar Tang, he grabbed a small sterilized steel tray and passed it to you, indicating that you should look at yourself.
"What?" your cry echoed through the enclosed room. Your face, neck, and every piece of skin you could see were adorned with red and swollen lumps. "Law, what's happening to me?"
"At first, I thought it might be an allergic reaction. But with unobstructed airways, I rule out that possibility, given the size of these lumps, if it were an allergy you shouldn't be breathing." he touched your face, gently turning it from side to side.
"And you're speaking so calmly?"
"If I spoke more agitatedly, you'd get nervous, your body would pump your blood faster, and if it were poison it would only take a few minutes for you to drop dead here." again, that calmness in dealing with serious matters infuriated you. "It might be that," he muttered to himself.
"Poison? Am I poisoned?" you stood up and immediately stumbled, leaning against his arms. "Am I going to die?"
"Probably, maybe, and no." he helped you sit back down. "Just give me a minute, I suspect what it might be."
He disappeared from your sight, and immediately, it was as if exhaustion dominated your body. You allowed yourself to lie down and wait for a few minutes. When your eyes were already heavy - even though less than five minutes had passed - you saw him appear with a book in hand.
"Can you stand up and take off your clothes?" he asked, seeing you nod, even though it took minutes just for you to stand up.
Remaining only in underwear, Law took care not to touch your body disrespectfully. The lumps already occupied almost your entire skin, giving him some trouble finding what he needed. After turning you around a few times and bending down to see better, he unfortunately found what he suspected.
"Here!" he pointed to the side of your body and again picked up the small steel plate that served as a mirror. As soon as he showed you, you could locate two red dots. Law then stood up and took the book he had brought. "It's a type of bug common on this kind of island."
"And what does that mean?" you leaned on the cot, not bothering to put your clothes back on.
"Well, it's going to be a few difficult days, and I'll need to isolate you from the rest of the crew, but you'll be fine."
"What do you mean by difficult days?" you tried to grab his book, but he didn't allow it. The way the symptoms were written was much scarier than it should have been in reality, at least that's what he hoped.
"Some symptoms are quite annoying, but with the right treatment, in about six to seven days, you'll be cured." he explained, watching you nod slowly. "It's normal to feel a bit tired at first; you might feel a bit itchy tomorrow too."
"You said you're isolating me here, is there a risk I've contaminated someone?" contaminated you, you wanted to add, but preferred to keep the thought to yourself. "I haven't touched anyone, but you never know."
"Contamination is through fluids, so no, for now, we'll all be fine. Here, I can still use my fruit to ensure a bit more protection for myself." he closed the book and stooped down, picking up the clothes you were wearing. "I'll get rid of this, alright?"
"Can you ask Ikakku to bring something for me to wear?"
"You're isolated, for a few days, only I will be able to come here, okay?" His hand almost touched you, but retracted in the last moments. "While you're not feeling better, we'll stay here on the island, but visits to the trail will be prohibited to everyone. I'll bring your clothes in a few minutes."
Law left and left you alone for a few moments, only returning to bring your pajamas. Even though you said it didn't need to be that type of clothing, Law warned that you would still be thankful for it.
On the first day, you were completely alone as the captain made sure that no one was infected and that everyone was aware of the necessary precautions. The lumps on your face seemed even redder, and when you noticed, you were already scratching and clawing, seeking some relief from the agony crawling on your skin.
"Don't scratch, you'll regret it." Law's voice appeared, and only then did you realize that he had entered the room. "It'll hurt more afterward."
"But Captain!" you grumbled and brought your nails back to your legs, barely reaching them before he grabbed your wrist. "It's itching too much!"
"I brought this." Only then did you realize that he had come armed with things. In one hand, a small pot that from the smoke and aroma, should be food. In the other, a small bag. "Here are ointments that can help, Ikakku also set aside some more clothes and other things that you might need."
You barely waited for him to finish speaking and began rummaging through the bag, searching for the ointment. As soon as you smeared it wherever you could reach, under his attentive gaze, you didn't need to ask. It only took a single exchange of glances for him to reach out and take the ointment from you. As soon as the cold cream reached your back - and perhaps because of the gentle way his fingers slid - you swore you could melt.
"I think it's good." He returned the tube and lowered your blouse carefully. "I brought soup for you."
"I'm not hungry."
"But I need you to eat, please." His eyes seemed to plead on their own, making it almost impossible for you to refuse.
Law stayed longer than the day before, watching you eat and updating you on what had happened outside. From Shachi and Penguin almost getting beaten up by two women on the beach, to Bepo swimming with buoys and several other amenities. Although he stayed longer than the day before, it didn't take long for Law to leave you alone again.
The next morning, you understood what Law meant about regretting scratching. The vivid memory of your nails scratching your body was replaced by an unbearable burning sensation, which left you almost immobile. Except that it also itched, making you seek friction, however minimal. That morning, you were taken out of bed by Law's appearance. A tray was in his hand, and as soon as he placed it on the table, he transported two more bags in.
"How are you feeling today?" he stopped by your side, looking at your still-laying face. "Burning, isn't it?"
"Like hell!" you grumbled, and saw him laugh, as if to say he had warned you. "Can you fix this?"
"At best, alleviate it." he warned, and saw you nodding against the sheets. "But first, breakfast." His tattooed hand stretched out, and you used it as support to sit up.
Grabbing the bread and juice glass, you pushed the fruits in his direction.
"Eat too." he just waved his hand, and you insisted. "Please, Captain. It'll make me feel less strange."
"Okay, just a little." He grabbed one of the grapes and ate.
As soon as you finished, Law used the power of the Ope Ope no Mi to get you to a shower, and apparently, he had already left that isolation for you. He leaned against the outside and left you alone, washing your body. Even against his will, Law could hear your grumbles and sniffs, he knew that the contact of the water against the skin would be torture at that moment, but it was the best solution he could think of. How he wished he could take that pain away from you.
In the afternoon of that same day, you didn't expect to see him again, until once again he appeared in the room, armed with things that barely crossed your mind of what they could be.
"I-I…" he started, feeling a little insecure. He felt that perhaps, just maybe, he might be crossing the line between doctor and patient. "I believe you might be feeling lonely."
"You have no idea." you weakly laughed, accepting the package he offered. Some books, crosswords, and candies were piled in the package. "That's very kind of you captain, thank you."
"I brought more of these too." He piled some books next to you, with a glance you realized they were comics. "They help me pass the time, I think they might help you too."
"This is that story... Sora, right?" you flipped through some, excitedly. "I've always heard about it and even tried to read it, but I confess I didn't understand much."
"What didn't you understand?" he sounded almost offended, sneaking a peek at what you were talking about.
The idea was for him to just leave things there and leave you alone, but it seemed almost impossible that afternoon. Law got lost in the hours, what was supposed to be a simple explanation ended with him reading some issues aloud to you. He only realized this when he heard your stomach growl, knowing it was already dinner time.
In the following two days, you alternated between scratching, trying to avoid scratching, getting scolded by Law, and him losing hours again, talking to you. It had reached the point where Law and you were counting the hours to know when you would see each other's faces. You because you loved the company of your captain and how soothing his voice sounded when he read, or how he got excited gossiping about the "outside world," and Law felt he needed to see you up close, to ensure that you were and would be fine.
The last bout of symptoms was what worried Law, and it was when he entered the room and found you lying on the floor in a fetal position that he knew it had finally arrived. Although it meant that the illness was leaving your body, he knew it would be the most painful part.
"Law." your tearful voice called him as soon as he picked you up to put you back in bed. "My body hurts so much."
"I know, I know." he tried to calm you down and saw you curl up even more. "I promise, just one more day, and you'll be okay."
"I don't know if I can handle a whole day with so much pain." you sobbed and hugged yourself. "It hurts to breathe, it hurts to move, and-I-I don't know what to do."
He sighed, trying to think of how he could take that away from you. It was just one more day of symptoms, but it hurt him to hear from your mouth that you couldn't handle it. Just one more day, one more day, and you would be well again.
"Do you remember when the pain started?" he stepped away to start preparing a serum with medications for you.
"About two hours ago." you whispered, pulling the blankets against you and trying to press against your own body, the contact of your skin seemed like a relief.
"Okay, we have a few more hours ahead." he gently pulled your arm, and with the dexterity that only he could have, hit your vein on the first try, plugging the medication. "Maybe this will help a little with the symptoms."
Law stepped back again to get the book he had found the information about the insect that had bitten you. Most of it was that the symptoms were difficult, but they overcame themselves, and although it seemed like you were going to die, the probability was minimal. Pain and complications, pain and complications. Law finally found the topic he needed. When the disease was leaving the body, the heat provided by fire, blankets, humans could help, as well as pressure on the painful area.
"I have an idea." he murmured and began to take off his shoes.
While you were lying down, barely having strength to open your eyes, you saw him take off the shoes he was wearing and take off the hat he had on. The first thing he did was cover your head with the hat, making sure to keep as much of the top of your face covered and warm. Soon, he climbed onto the bed with you, his legs intertwined with yours, and his hands began to press against your body, promoting such relief that it drew a sigh from your lips and allowed you to stretch.
"Sorry." he apologized, his hands now pressing against your back intensely. "It's the best I could think of quickly."
"It's perfect." with some difficulty, you turned to him. "Thank you for taking care of me, Captain."
"This is my duty, isn't it?"
"Well, not when I'm a mess here, in pain, and crying." you tried to laugh, but a memory of a conversation you had some time ago struck you. "Enough, Law, you need to step back."
"And why would I do that?"
"Why do you think? Contact equals contamination, don't you remember?" you grumbled. Even though the massage he provided was the relief you needed, the last thing you wanted was to infect him.
"You're no longer so contagious. You're on the last day of the illness, full of symptom medications, and I'm protected, there's no possibility of you infecting me." he explained and felt your hand against his chest, trying to push him away. "Don't you believe me?"
"I'm a mess here, of course I'll infect you."
Instead of answering you, Law just stole a quick kiss from your lips, in an impulse of courage to show a little of what he felt and in the desperation to stop you from continuing to push him and, consequently, pushing himself out of the bed.
"I wouldn't do this if you were contagious, you know that." he simply said and pulled you closer, allowing your face and body to almost merge against his skin. "Now let me take care of you."
The last day of the illness passed faster than you expected, mainly because much of it you spent sleeping in the arms of your captain, who didn't stop for a second trying to ward off the pain from you.
The next day, you were finally free to walk around the submarine, take a shower freely, choose your own clothes, free from the small medical ward you spent those days in. As soon as you finished putting on your uniform, two knocks on the door caught your attention.
"Can we talk?" Law inquired, not waiting for the answer to enter the room. "About yesterday…"
"There's nothing I would change about that." you interrupted him, and you swore you could see a certain blush on his face. "Except the pain, I thought I was going to die."
"I would never let that happen."
"Captain?" you approached, stopping a short distance from him.
"Law, please." he corrected you. He liked to hear his title leave your lips, but hearing his name was a much more savory experience.
"Law, aside from all the pain and stress, it was good to spend these days alone with you." you confessed, seeing him nod. "Although I'm also ridiculous with those lumps that have now turned into scars, I really should have listened to you."
"Don't say that, even if you wanted to, you wouldn't be that." he refused to name you in such a rude way. "And I also enjoyed our time together."
"What does that mean?"
"It means I want to do it right." he cleared his throat, adjusting his posture and asking the question that could avoid all the stress of you having gone to do the damn trail. "Will you accept to visit the city with me?"
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burgerflight · 2 years
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Popping into FR during my Marapets fixation just to buy UMAs. 🌝 Looking at Tandoori like:
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Encore - harry hook x reader  - part 3 - the mall (aka harry stop-don’t- don’t take the shiny necklace- stap!)
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 h/c- hair color
 e/c- eye color
 h/l- hair length
 s/c- skin color
 Audrey- your name
You watched as harry looked around him with awe, tall buildings and many stores, multiple stands with items and food.
“so, they just…sell all this stuff? People don’t just take it?” you giggled at his word choice as you passed by a cotton cady soda stand, oooooh cotton candy for $3! And soda and water for $1!
Turning around you paid for two Pepsi's and one cotton candy. Jogging back to harry you handed him the fluffy candy, he raised his brows, cautiously taking the candy.
“What is this lass?” Harry mumbled, tilting the candy back and forth, not trusting the fluffy cloud of sugar.
“its food” you chirped, ripping off a piece and tossing it in your mouth “you eat it!” harry watched as you hummed happily, doing a little dance as the candy melted in your mouth.
Harry took a piece and popped it in his mouth, gasping as he did, eyes widening at the taste.
“holy fuck-AH it vanished!” harry looked giddy, grinning down at you as he ate another piece, laughing when the cotton candy melted in his mouth, you giggled, taking another piece “it'll do that~”
You walked harry over to a bench so he could eat his candy in peace without bumping into anything, softly smiling at him as he happily munched on the cotton candy.
“so harry” you started, looking around at all the shops around you “where to first?” harry stopped, looking up and around, before pointing at a store labeled ‘Hot Topic’
“tha’ one” you grinned, ohohohoo harry did NOT know what he was getting into “kay~” harry tossed away the finished candy stick away, following you into the store, licking his fingers as you entered.
You watched as Harrys eyes sparkled at the apparel and items around you, graphic tees and stylish pants, rings and bracelets, fandom shoes, piercings, necklaces, hats, belts, everything.
And harry was particularly eyeing a very shiny necklace.
“harry no” you warned, seeing that familiar look in his eyes. “harry yes” he mumbled, reaching toward the necklace before you slapped his arm, grabbing the necklace for him.
“no stealing, I have the money to buy it, you idiot”
Harry pouted, but nodded, eyeing the necklace in your hands, a marvel punisher dog tag.
Glancing at the sign you saw ‘jewelry: buy two get two free’
Smiling you turned back to harry, who was brushing through rings.
“harry, pick another accessory out for yourself, then pick two for me?”
He nodded, immediately picking out a wrapping tentacle ring. grinning you walked off, trusting harry not to take anything. a glint caught your eye and you gasped, a red leather skeleton jacket, two actually, one (your size) and the other Harrys. you grabbed them both, not bothering to look at the price tag, jogging back to the front you found harry holding two sets of rings.
one a set of the triforce symbol rings, power, courage, and wisdom, the other a...descendants 2 set.
you snorted, tapping the LOZ set “those look cooler, but if you want the D2 rings you can get them” harry nodded, glancing between the rings once more before putting the D2 rings back on the rack, picking up a skull bracelet, the tentacle ring, and the LOZ rings and handing them to you.
you showed him the hoodies which he stared at with stars in his eyes, grinning you handed them to him “carry those for a bit, if you see anything you like grab it”
15 minutes later Harry had picked out 5 tees, a black leather skull jacket, leather fingerless gloves, a Deadpool snapback, and a studded belt.
he piled everything onto the checkout desk, the clerk laughing for a second as they took in the number of items
“splurging are you?” they smiled, starting to scan the shirts
“yeah” you grinned, keeping an eye on Harry as he walked back over to the accessories. “its his first time in here, and I just told him to go for it”
“I noticed~” they laughed, watching as you watched harry with a fond smile “how long have you two been together?”
you perked up, tapping your thigh “umm, a year and a half? i think”
the clerk smiled “really? well you two seem like the perfect match” you smiled at the clerk, who was scanning the dog tag harry tried to steal “ill just take that, i think he wants to wear it immediately”
they smiled, handing it to you “alrighty then, okay so your total will be $175.64” you nodded, not hearing harry walk up behind you.
“holy shit! i didn’t know it was going to be that expensive, lassie i can put some stuff bac-” you inserted your debit card and grinned up at him. “don’t worry Harry, ive got plenty of money to last me the entire freaking year”
Harry nodded, unsure but he trusted you, smiling slightly as you handed him the necklace. “thanks” he mumbled, slipping the necklace around his neck.
you nodded, thanking the clerk and walking out of the hot topic, harry grabbing the bag and jogging after you. “thanks Audrey”
“no problem harry~” you chirped, dodging a few mall-goers and walking over to Wetzel's pretzels
 "um lassie?" harry questioned, looking up at the menu and tilting his head "why are we-" 
"I'm hungry" you snorted "forgot to eat breakfast so" you gestured to the main sign "Wetzel's pretzels~"
 “Alright then” harry murmured, taking off his hat and sunglasses for a second to scratch his face and head.
turning he bumped into someone “shit sorry!” harry called, catching the girl he bumped into. it was a smaller black girl, waving her hand as she balanced herself “no problem, you good, wasn't watching where I was going”
“aye, I wasn't lookin’ either,” Harry said, looking back to Audrey who was getting her recept.
the girl stopped, looking up at him with squinted eyes “im sorry but, you sound like someone I know?” harry scrunched his brows, turning back to the girl, only for umas face to look back at him.
‘oh shit’ harry thought, paling slightly as the girl blinked widely
“Thomas?” she asked, tilting her head, at the same time you called Harry's name “harry!”
harry turned quickly, speed walking over to you, taking your bag and whispering quickly to you
“is that umas-?” you cursed under your breath, seeing china ann McClain staring at harry with confused eyes, sighing you knew that there was no way to avoid this without her getting suspicious.
you dragged harry back over to her and said “he looks and sounds a lot like Thomas Doherty doesn’t he?” china laughed at that, disbelieving
“yeah uncanny, you sure that isn’t Thomas in a disguise?” you giggled, mentally fangirling that you were talking so casually with THE China Ann McClain.
“im sure, I’ve known him for a while, and hang out with him every day, he and Thomas are in two different places, im pretty sure he and dove are in Los Angeles?” you ended with a question, waiting for china to nod, which she did
“you right, sorry, just kinda weird to bump into an exact copy of Thomas, well, I have stuff to do” china started to walk away, not looking like she was truly convinced but needed to leave.
“Alright, have a good day!”
“thank you too”
china waved you two goodbye, and you dragged harry out of the store, leading him to a corner and slipping the hat and glasses back on
“that’s why I put the hat and glasses on dork!” you laughed breathlessly, taking the food bag from him, harry sighed “im sorry lass, I got itchy”
“it's okay” you sighed, “no harm done”
Pulling harry away you mumbled to your self “I hope”
---end of part 3---
Comment or message me for part 4
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edream93 · 5 years
I’m currently writing the next chapter of “We’ll Light the Fuse” so I’m in a weird writing zone so sorry in advance...specifically for C...
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Headcanon A:  realistic
Uma can be cruel. Those that are loyal to her she’ll protect but those that have not sworn complete allegiance to her she has no problems with cutting them down. She’ll let them think they have the upper hand and then at the right moment, she’ll strike and she doesn’t need spells or back alley contracts to steal people’s voices. She’ll do it herself with her knife and hands until they wish that the only thing she had taken was their voice. 
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
After the barrier is taken down, Uma and her crew are free to sail the sea as much as they desire. It’s not until their first journey though that Uma actually realizes that she gets sea sick...very easily. For most of their trip, she trails after the ship in her sea witch form, shouting orders at either Harry or Gil to shout back at the crew. After awhile though, Harry is the only one who is aloud to give orders to the crew because Gil keeps forgetting or misremembering Uma’s orders. 
When they make a stop at their next port, Uma makes sure to buy all the sea sick medicine she gets. It helps but none of her crew, not even Harry, let’s her forget how funny it is that a sea witch gets sea sick on her own boat.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Harry always knew Uma was a goddess, that when he reverently said her name he was worshiping her. Others laughed, called him obsessed. Even their crew, loyal completely to her, did not throw themselves in supplication at her feet like he willingly did. But he does it any way. Doesn’t shy away from the exhilaration she invokes in him. He is her most faithful follower. And in thanks for his loyalty, she gives him something not many mortal men can even claim they have: the heart of a goddess. 
Perhaps that’s why he outlasted them all. Perhaps that’s why despite his hair growing grey and his bones aching and his memory fading, and his fingers being to stiff to tie a proper knot, his goddess, as young and beautiful as she was when the barrier first fell still remained with him with her smile, her song, her dance, her touch, whispering in his ear as she held him in the bed of the home that they made together that when he was ready, only when he was ready, she would take him on the greatest adventure ever.”
He’d smile, slowly bringing her hand to his lips in utter devotion. His voice is weak but his eyes are still sharp etching in the way a tear breaks free from her eyes and trails down her eternally youthful face. “Being...able...to love...and be loved...by my goddess...was the greatest adventure...” he wheezes before the effort is too much and he falls asleep, breathing in and out...in and out...until his chest stops moving and his final breath escapes him. And Uma carries his body to the sea, walking into the water, never to be seen again...
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Descendants 2 and 3 are told from Mal’s point of view so if they were told from Uma’s point of view, we would have a very different and much more interesting story. 
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humaudrey · 5 years
TheThings is back on their bullshit
Anyone know how to delete a YouTube video from someone else's channel (or just their entire channel all together) because...
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I don't even have the words!!!!
Once again, your girl watches one of their videos (several times unfortunately to really analyze this ish) so y'all don't have to and let me tell you, this one is 1,000,000x more infuriating than the one when they belittled Uma to lift Mal and make her better in comparison (link to my post on that here).
I've been recommended this video so many times since the trailers for D3 dropped and when I saw the title, I KNEW I was gonna hate it and low and behold, I DID!
So let's go over their "5 Signs on why Audrey is the real threat", shall we?
#1. Audrey's Outburst
So, their first piece of evidence as to why Audrey's the unfathomable dark force (their exact words) is because of the fact that Audrey yelled no as Ben proposed to Mal, "ruining their beautiful moment". They then explain that it would be "natural for Audrey to be jealous since she is Ben's ex-girlfriend", being perfect okay with the ugly "black, bitter, ex-girlfriend" trope that many have loved to stick onto her in their fanfics (I see y'all 👀), and then compares that moment to when Ben asked Mal to be his date for coronation in D1, stating that she didn't react so strongly before, so why now? EXCUSE ME?! Our girl left the Tourney Field crying that her BOYFRIEND had serenaded another girl with a love song, and not a single person ran after her. She had every reason to be upset then, too. Who's to even say why Audrey's saying no? It could be a terrible misdirect on the trailer's part. The theory that Audrey's possessed is swirling around everywhere, maybe it had already begun to take effect, which is why she's "acting so strangely". D3 hasn't even been released and they're already villainizing her. Figures.
They also use the typical argument that Audrey's into titles and she wants what Mal has, and that she didn't want Chad because he was merely a prince.
She doesn't want Chad because CHAD CHARMING IS A MANIPULATIVE TOOL! Ask Evie! Chad only thinks that being king would get Audrey's attention. You wanna talk about jealousy? Titles? If ant character is jealous of anyone's titles, it's Chad freaking Charming, not Audrey.
#2. The Crown
An obvious piece of evidence is the fact that "Audrey" steals the Queen's crown and Maleficent's scepter from the museum. Whatever, right? They assume that Audrey's faking her slumber when the sleeping spell hits, giving her an alibi. They then have the FREAKING AUDACITY to say that AUDREY, a non magical princess, who has been so anti-magic since D1 (with a grandmother who she loves dearly, that's triggered by the mention of said spells and curses), was the cause of the curse. Their evidence? Well, her family's VERY familiar with it, so it makes sense, right?
Audrey has NO magic whatsoever!!! Did they forget that? The only reason her family is "so familiar" with the sleeping spell is because THEY ARE VICTIMS OF SAID SLEEPING SPELL!!!! And it's not like she could cast it, because, again, AUDREY HAS NO MAGIC!! If anyone is familiar with a sleeping spell, it's Mal. After all, she almost put Evie under just so she could grab her mother's specter from her.
How dare you take an Innocent family's trauma and turn it around to make them the bad guys?
#3. The Scepter
They continue to say that "Audrey" is to blame for the sleeping spell, rather than Celia, Hades, or Uma because "Audrey" has the specter. And immediately, they suggest that maybe Audrey's not working only. You wanna bet who they hinted Audrey was cooperating with?
If you guessed Uma, you'd be correct. All because Uma's seen laughing in her teaser. WHAT?! So, not only do you attempt to take Audrey's entire character and drag it through the mud, you take ANOTHER black girl's name that you've already tried to ruin and tarnish and say they're working together because they're BITTER?
They end their third sign with the line "We knew Audrey was a mean girl, but we didn't think she'd stoop so low".
The meanest thing Audrey has ever done INTENTIONALLY, was 1.) Tell Evie that she and her family don't have a royal status in Auradon (to which, she is technically correct) and 2.) Tell Mal that she and Ben wouldn't last because she's "the bad girl infatuation".
Jane should be branded the mean girl because she turns on the one girl that helped her with her rise to popularity (which, granted, was for malicious INTENTIONS and caused EVEN MORE self esteem issues by degrading her).
MAL should be branded the mean girl, if anyone! She's:
Dumped rotten shrimp on her former best friend because she laughed at her
Forced a guy to throw a party since his mother was away, knowing that his abusive mother wouldn't be okay with it
Then locked a girl in a closet full of BEAR TRAPS at said party all because she wasn't invited to her birthday party when they were SIX YEARS OLD
Dumped lye on another former best friend's hair because she DIDN'T WANT TO BE COMPARED TO HER
Told another girl that all she had going for her was her personality, so she needed the wand to make herself pretty
Let's see a video ranking Mal's top five worst moments, huh? There's plenty of those to use for a freaking video.
#4. It's All About Mal (sounds like D3)
They start this point off with: "Audrey has beef with Mal".
They use the fact that Mal stole her boyfriend and her title and their families history with one another, so Audrey has this motivation to ACT OUT AGAINST HER ENTIRE COUNTRY? Not buying it! I won't buy it, especially since both parties seemed to have made amends at the end of D1 when Mal silently curtsies as a lame form of an apology that Audrey gracefully accepts anyway like the future Queen of Auroria would. Audrey's even seen bowing willingly at the end of Set It Off, and is even cheering and dancing with her friends as Mal and Ben share their moment under the fireworks, so clearly, Audrey's not broken up about it in the slightest.
They propose a theory that Audrey's absence in D2 is because she's planning her revenge in Sherwood Forest, and that she doesn't have car troubles because "Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather should be more than capable of handling it, so she's only calling Chad to help her plot her scheme.
Whatever they're smoking, I want it.
Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather can't help Audrey with her car troubles because of the MAGIC BAN!! They needed Chad to help with her car.
And I HIGHLY DOUBT that Disney would plan something so carefully since the entire series is branded with plot holes and inconsistencies anyway, so... 🐸☕
#5. Face Off Time
Their final point states that Mal has to face off against the enemy and they use the first teaser of dragon-Mal blowing fire at "Audrey" on top of the castle, and the card at the end that says "betrayal", that Audrey has betrayed all of Auradon. And since Mal only turns into a dragon against SERIOUS ENEMIES LIKE UMA IN D2, Audrey has to be a REAL THREAT.
Thank God they're probably not making a D4, because if they continue this trend of WOC wronged by Mal as the villain, I'd be scared for Evie...
So, in their words, Audrey and Uma, two of the few black girls in the entire franchise who have every God given right not to like/trust Mal, are Mal's MOST SERIOUS rivals, as if Hades doesn't at ALL pose a threat to Auradon. No, Audrey is So mUcH MOre THreATEninG thAN ThE GOD OF THE UNDERWORLD, SO SHE MUST BE STOPPED!!!
I see you, TheThings, and if I didn't despise your channel before, I hate it that much more now after enduring 5 minutes of hell with you guys.
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Like, just say you're racist and GO! Audrey's clearly influenced by some magical being, whether it be Hades (WHO WE SEE DOING SOME KIND OF MAGICAL RITUAL WITH HER AND HIS EMBER IN A TRAILER, BUT I GUESS THEY CHOSE TO IGNORE IT FOR SOME REASON 🐸☕), Dr. Facilier, Celia, or maybe even Maleficent. Your reasons for making Audrey the villain are pathetic, and I wish I could block a YouTube Channel so I would NEVER see another video from your channel ever again.
I'm so sick of how "mean" brown girls are treated in media AND fandoms. Why does Audrey get all of his libel while Mal gets away with EVERYTHING? Why are the Cheryl Blossoms, the Quinn Fabrays, the Kitty Wildes, and every other mean girl that Emma Roberts has ever played are so praised and are instant fan favorites while the Josie McCoys, the Santana Lopezes, and the Brees are seen as the bullies when, at the end of the day, they're both different sides of the same damn coin?
And if you don't see a problem with this, then, newsflash, you are the problem!
So, I end my rant with this:
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And a short tag list containing: @amityravenclawelf and @coco-rena because I know these two are looking forward to this!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
And I apologize for the typos but I was HEATED!!
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
Just put on the movie
And there we go. The dedication is there.
Oh god the rapping.
My palms will be bloody by the time this is over.
But I like the parallels to the first movie
To much auto tune
There goes my heart Disney.
Oh lord that’s high
Bbys. Smee twins
There’s my child Celia
MY BOY!!!!
I mean Mal has a point.
He thinks it through
I love him so fucking much
Loving Doug’s hair
Rat bastard. Rat bitch. Rat fairy (Adam belle Verna)
Fuck off leah chad Audrey
😍😍😍😍. This version is better then d1
Oh Evie love. Just tell him you love him
I hate you Adam and belle
Ben and the other three are adorable family
Still hating Audrey. So. Fucking. Much
Love the purple limo
Bal parent vibes are strong
They shoulda painted the limo roof purple
Dying of cuteness
Proud fiancé Mal. Love it
Fuck off leah
Here’s papa hades. And the ham.
Ah well. Nice while it lasted
So. Much. Ham.
Poor girl. Ouch.
🤮🤮🤮🤮. I still hate her and her geriatric bitch of a grandmother
Oh bitch please. First words out of your mouth were creel. And it ain’t abated
I’m supposed to be sorry for this sad act? I don’t think so
So. Much. Rapping
Still theft. Throw her on the isle with her grandmother
Lonely and friendless. Because Mal is so much better then you ya limp noodle
Gotta be bad on the back
Seriously though. The actual singing is better then the rapping. So gotta give satah her dues
Fuck off grown ups.
Blue bitch. Just like always belle
Ok. People. You can see it’s hurting bal to do this. KILL THE BEAST
Murder. The fucking. Parents
Evie. Evie’s sensible. Listen to your sister Mal.
And here comes the guilt. Like always. The narrative blames Mal
That darn cake
Ah. Pain. Hug them now
And jump scare
Oh god. Shut up Audrey. You’re a sore loser
Eh. The prosthesis look ok
Audrey. Nutter. Ben was more then ready to start the honeymoon when Mal was a dragon. Do you really think a hag would stop him?
Oh boy
That’s a lie and you know it bluey.
At least the bikes have an explanation
Why the red for Evie though
And the mutt speaks
Fuck off Chad. I hate you so much
This bitch again
So shrieky.
Kiss ass
Real original
Jump Jane jump!
So many neck cricks
No one tells him anything
Cella’s right Mal
Overly long gag. But cute
Awww 🥰🥰🥰🥰. At least he’s a good dad
Nice reference
And the fear mongering begins.
And here’s the cryptid. He shoulda died in it’s going down
Psycho bitch pirate whore
Cella’s a troll and I love it
The vehicle needs an oil change
At least he’s sleeping. Though that position can not be comfortable
At long last the reveal.
He’s funny. And hot. (I can see where @mochacake2016 is coming from)
We know! We know
And here’s the music
He’s got a point
She actually sounds like jade west here
So far. Besides the proposal. This is my favourite song. Mostly for Hades great looks. Great voice
And the tambourine
Would be better with purple and blue fire effects. But no. We can’t have nice things. They spent the budget on pirate whores make up
She’s got a point. They both do
Proud papa
C’mon girl. Cry
Of course she told her sister
He’s a good king.
T-shirt should be ripped.
🤮🤮🤮🤮. Hate her so much
And. Here. We. Go.
Benny. I love you. But did you not hear what she said to Evie when you first met the vks. Of course not. You were lost in Mal’s eyes.
Whore man is probably skunk drunk. Gil’s cute as ever though
Throw hook in the water. And keep it there.
🎶she’s back🎶
And there screwed
He makes feel physically sick
Uma. I love ya. But honestly. Mal owes no one anything. It’s not her job.
No it ain’t
Jay’s got a point
Oh honey
Hook. In the words of the irreverent Captain Jack Sparrow “if the bikes be crashed properly. You be crashed along with it”. Not you Gil. I like you
Mother hen strikes again. Uma ain’t buying what she’s selling
Pure child Celia. (I don’t use this very much but) Gil’s babey (it feels wrong to type£
Chicken arms. No brains. No wit. No dance skills. No rapping skills. Ya basically a walking corpse hook
The dogs giving me a nervous twitch.
I hate the pair of them so no. No sympathy for prince douche bag
Gil makes me cry so simply
Stab the pirate jay. Please. For all of us
Psycho bitch
I want. It. Dead. Brutally. Dead
And more music. If this weren’t Disney they coulda melted them yo pukes of goo and pour it down Harry’s throat.
Oh god
So she can’t count either. Just like her brother
Definitely cha cha slide.
Deep sigh
So much ham.
Here’s a funny idea. How about instead of a bloody pantomime. ACTUALLY FUCKING FIGHT YOU FECKERS
Synchronised armour dancing. That’s new
Oh for fuck sake
Ha ha. Save it for the sob story bitch
What’s next a kick line
Thank god I was wrong.
Hook should be suffocated under the armour right now. Put us out of our misery
Care bear alert
I had to have a flu jab today. And it weren’t as painful as every single nanosecond hooks on screen
Love the platonic affection (I hate the very concept of malvie. What did you expect?)
Mother alert
Don’t eat wild fruit honey
So cute. But so dumb
Oh. Phineas and Ferb reference
Awww babies.
Don’t you dare tell me Mal doesn’t care.
Uma’s so done with care bear bs
More singing. Yay(!)
Please. Remind me again exactly why this is a DCOM. Cause it honestly does not feel like it what with the backstory pirate whores entire existence and the choreography
How has evie not broken a leg in this number.
Believe me Mal and Uma. I feel your frustration they go together like peanut butter and chocolate spread. (Perfectly if you didn’t know)
Where is she going?
She knows how R&J ended right? Double suicide. Why the romanticism huh?
HE IS NOT A RAG DOLL! Though props to Zachary for not corpsing
How can you hate Doug. He’s adorable. Best straight couple ever
There’s ma boy. Rip Harry’s throyatvout plwae.
Ben’s always been hot. But this is definitely working for me.
Awww. Carlos helping his papa
Wet Ben. Yum
Awww. Janelos cuteness.
Love the beard. So good. 🤤🤤🤤🤤
Someone murder the man whore before I do.
He makes me wanna throw up. And I’m not physically capable of doing that
@rpsocsandcanonohmy. I get where you’re coming from. But I also get where Ben is coming from. Sunbeam did get him abducted. And man slut tried to feed him to sharks. So I do understand both points. Doesn’t mean you’re wrong though
Shoulda let Ben slash hooks throat jay. You’re slipping buddy
Mal’s eating crow
Hopefully he chad suffocates. Then she’s have done one thing that wasn’t completely worthlessly reprehensible
And it had to ruin it
Te-am work. As plankton says
Proud sister
Boys are back. (With dude and the mutt in tow)
I hate happy harry. But I do like happy Uma. Eh. Double edged sword
Shoulda gone with Janelos. Jarlos is from big time rush
Oh they’re so cute
Poor Doug.
So. Update. Might be like Mal. (Definitely loving Ben’s facial hair)
Yawning over chad. So pathetic
Her seat from him douchey mcuseless
Poor Janey
Cats outta the bag
Once again. I kinda understand all points. Yeah Mal shouldn’t have lied. But Uma didn’t really give her and choice. And Evie just kinda assumed. And no one really lets her explain anything.
Hooks still pathetic. Even hurt emotionally I still wanna punch his roger rabbit looking face (Sorry Roger)
Oh dear
Mal. Don’t apologise. You did what you felt you needed to do. And no gives you a chance to explain. Ever.
Yes. You needed to do what you could.
Excellent acting all around as usual
Evie. Look. I love you. Your favourite number seven. But WHY IS IT YOUR SISTERS JOB. WHY DOES EVERYONE MAKE IT MALS PROBLEM
Ha! Evie said it. She said family.
Oh fuck. Taken for granite
More singing.
I do want to stab Harry in the mouth with the hook
More flashback. Yay(.). Couldn’t they fill out the runtime
More dragon.
Audrey’s performance might make me a vegetarian
How is it not crushed by the claws?
Fire should be green
Yay. Auds dead. Please say yes?
The twins say literally one thing
From magical incantation to vaguely irritating verbal tick. Well alright then
Evie. Why do you sound so sad. It’s a good thing Audrey’s dying. The ultimate price and all that. You should be glad. It’s a good thing
Mal: he’s my father. Ben: shocked face. Me: makes a sound like a boiling kettle
Bye bye facial hair
Die slut
More eating crow
The in laws meet
Exactly hades. Exactly. Knee beast in the dick
God Ben’s so hot.
Bite Adam’s throat out please hades
Should’ve let Audrey waste away. And sent granny to Tartarus to meet her
OH SPARE ME YOUR BLEEDING HEART ROUTINE! I still hate you in a fundamental level
Nice little family moment
What the fuck is Evie’s dress?
Queen Mal has a very nice ring to it.
Sure you can. You owe them noting. You owe nobody anything
Jay has a pull back braid in his hair. Yay!
“Audrey would be gone”. You say it as though that’s a bad thing
“Insert woody woodpecker laugh”. Fuck you Adam
Compromise. Bring the vks over. And plop Adam Audrey chad anleah on the isle. Sink it into the ocean
Why didn’t Verna bring the barrier down. Oh yeah. Cause then she’d be useful
More singing
At least this takes place in daylight
I still hate harry
Push Harry in the drink please. IM LITERALLY BEGGING YOU
God I love Ben and Doug
Why the Charleston?
I still hate tremaine
Well. Jane. In ZM. You met Mal. She’s Carlos’s mother in this au
Giljay. It’s cute
So Harry makes me ill right upbto the end. Now he’s related to purple and blue
🎶a bitch is in the dog house🎶. And deservedly so
Sweet little king
Oh boy
Whore has a turkey neck
This is the end. Good movie. With some unneeded bits. I’m gonna change a lot in ZM part three. And both dedications broke me.
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lunaarajewel · 5 years
Answering questions because I’m bored again
1. What have you eaten today? breakfast was oats with pb and banana, lunch was a zucchini stew, and then i had oats again for dinner because why not haha ><
2. Who was your last kiss with? Was it pleasant? it was sweet, felt a bit bittersweet because i said bye until next time
3. What color shoes did you last wear? black
4. Who has made you laugh the hardest in the last week? Myself
5. What is your favorite scent? Baked goods
6. What is your favorite season? Why? Spring and or early summer, it's so nice to smell all the flowers and to hear the birds again, to feel the warmth from the sun
7. Can you do a handstand or cartwheel? I can do a headstand on my forearms and a bad cartwheel xD
8. What color are your nails? currently blank!
9. If you had to get a tattoo on your face to save your life, what would it be? a moooon
10. What is something you find romantic? Hugs from behind when i least expect it
11. Are you happy? Yeah I'm doing really good, which is surprising because i haven't felt like that in a long time
12. Is there anything in particular making you happy or sad? The thing that is making me happy is probably my antidepressants but they have helped me to get hope again.
13. Dogs or Cats? Cats
15. Which do you prefer:a museum, a night club, the forest or a library? Ooooo difficult question because it depends!
15. What is your style? Hmm i'd describe it as a mix of cottagecore, steampunk, astrology, herbalism, witchy stuff
16. If you could be doing anything you like right now, what would it be? Travel to japan
17. Are you in a relationship or single? I'm dating but not an official relationship nope
18. What makes you attracted to the person you like right now? Their humor, the way they are so relaxed and careless
19. If you could replace your partner/best friend with a celebrity of your choice, would you? Who with? Whaat no i wouldn't do that
20. Are you holding on to something you need to let go of? If so then what? Some toxic behaviors/habits a bit!
21. How did you celebrate last Halloween? I listened to dark music a bit extra, watched nightmare before christmas and had some halloween candy
22. Have you recently made any big decisions? I started taking antidepressants!
23. Were you ever in a school play? Yes, when i was younger i was a princess i remember
24. What movie would you use to describe your life? aaa that's difficult, i haven't watched that many movies tbh!
25. Is there something you have dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it? Learning piano properly, but i've been busy with mental health stuff so i haven't been able to. But I've been planning on taking it more seriously lately
26. Complete this sentence, “I wish I had someone with whom I could share…” all of my thoughts without judgement
27. What are two things that irritate you about the same sex? (for some, not all) Jealousy, constant focus on showing off to guys
28. What are two things that irritate you about the opposite sex? (for some, not all) Bad at communicating, bad at understanding
29. What is the best thing that has happened to you this week? I started taking the steps to honestly change my life for the better
30. What is something that makes you sad when you think about it? How I treated my ex, he was actually really kind to me but I wasn't mentally stable so I couldn't communicate well to him. But I hope he's well! I only wish him the best.
31. How long was your longest relationship? a little over a year
32. Have you ever been in love? Oh yeah
33. Are you currently in love? A bit!
34. Why did your last relationship end? I ended it because I wasn't well enough, I needed some time alone to get back to myself.
35. What jewelry are you wearing right now, and where did you get it? A heart necklace i made, handmade bracelet from a market, 3 earrings from hm
36. When was the last time you cried and why? When i first took my antidepressants i burst out crying so its around 3 weeks ago i think
37. Name someone pretty. Uma thurman
38. What did you receive last Valentines Day? Japanese snacks
39. Do you get jealous easily? Nope
40. Have you ever been cheated on? Not that i know of
41. Do you trust your partner/best friend? Yes
42. Ever had detention? hahah yeah because i skipped class to buy piercing jewelry
43. Would you rather live in the countryside or the city? hmmm, difficult question. I think i'm that kinda person that likes to switch between the two
44. What do people call you? Luna since it's my name
45. What was the last book you read? "stjärnhimlen" (a book about stars)
46. How big of a nerd/dork are you? well i'm a nerd for moss e.e
47. What kind of music do you listen to? veryyy mixed, metal, rock, indie, alternative rock, jrock, instrumental, kpop, pop, rap
48. How tall are you? 163cm
49. Do you like kids? I don't mind them!
50. Favorite fruits? Banana, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, wild strawberry, persimmon
51. Do you wear jeans or sweats more? Sweats
52. What’s your earliest memory? In kindergarten i used to dance to Westlife music
53. Ever had a poem or song written about you or to you? Nope not that i know of
54. Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? behind
55. Do you have a collection of anything? Moon stuff
56. Do you save money or spend it? I try to save!
57. What would your dream house be like? Filled with things i've made and antique stuff as well
58. What top 5 things make you the angriest? Aaa i dont know, i try not to focus on those things
59. What top 5 things always brings a smile to your face? a good meal, plants, good music, animals, finishing something i made
60. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? I would help the dog
61. 72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? Yeah i'd probably tell the ones closest to me that arent my family. then i'd just make the most of my time, i'd travel to japan for a week, france/germany for a week, a week with my family and last with the ones close to me outside of family. I would probably be a bit scared but i wouldn't try to focus on that fear too much, because well if theres nothing i can do about it then worrying about it will just stop me from enjoying the last of my days
62. Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. A heart shape ❤️
63. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Japan!
64. Do you like the beach? It's okay, not my favorite place
65. Ever sleep on the couch or a bed with someone special? Yes
66. Do you have a middle name? If so what is it! I have two middle names, Ida and Johanna
67. Do you talk to yourself? Yes, because it helps me to understand my own thoughts and situations better
68. Describe your hair. Thin, blonde
69. What is the meaning of life. To enjoy it
70. What is your ideal partner like? Calming, feels like home, a bit spontaneous romantic, supporting, good listener and communicator
71. Do you want to get married? Yeah it would be cute
72. Do you want to have kids? A bit torn on that question, can't say no or yes
73. Like or dislike your family? A bit so so
74. Are you Chunky or Slim? Somewhere in between
75. Would you consider yourself smart? Yes in some ways
76. What would you change about your life? The place I live
77. Religious or Not? Nope
78. You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with? I dont drink so no one!
79. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? Nope
80. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you? Nope, and my family doesn't say it either
81. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now? Probably sleeping
82. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in? Yes but my mom wouldn't be too happy haha
83. Do you like when people play with your hair? yes it's nice sometimes
84. Do you like bubble baths? Nope, i don't really like baths so much
85. Have you ever been pulled over by a cop? Nope
86. Have you ever danced in the rain? Yes, with my old best friend
87. Do you trust anyone with your life? Yes the ones closest to me, not really my family though
88. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning? I wanna eat haha
89. If money wasn’t an issue, what top 10 places would you travel to? (You get to stay at each place for a week) Japan for 3 weeks, France, Germany, LA, Italy, Greece, Thailand, England
90. How was your day today? It was good! I made some stew for the week
91. Play an instrument? A bit of piano, some chords on guitar but thats it
92. Describe the what you think of the ocean. It's okay, if i go i usually prefer a smaller beach with few or no people
93. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Aliens but not like in movies, anything that is alive outside of our planet so anything even if it's an ant sized creature it's an alien to me. And as for ghosts i'm open to the idea of it but i haven't really invested much time in that topic!
94. Honestly, are things how you wanted them to be? Nope, but i believe they will be someday
95. Do you have a mean bitchy scary side? Not bitchy but a bit scary maybe
96. When are you vulnerable? When i'm deeply in love
97. How much free time do you have? A lot currently but i'm taking that time to relax
98. Do you like to go hiking? Never been!
99. Odd or Even Numbers? Even
100. Would you ever go sky diving, bungee jumping , cliff diving, wing suit gliding, parasailing, snorkeling, or other extreme activities? hmmm, i can't say for sure
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 5 years
Girls’ Trip Part 5
Summary: Evie, Mal, Uma, Audrey, and Jane go on a road trip to the beach for a three-day weekend. Evie’s driving and has road rage, Uma constantly pesters Audrey, Mal thinks it’s all kind of funny, and Jane’s wide-eyed and lovably clueless as usual. Friendship feels plus Jaudrey, Huma, Jarlos, Bal, as well as Hades and Mal father/daughter feels.
  “Hold your tongue out of your mouth and say pirate ship,” Uma instructed, and Evie couldn’t resist using one hand to try it out.
  “Pile-a shi,” Evie spoke and she confusedly listened to her voice as Uma burst into boisterous, and nigh drunken laughter.
  “Pile-a shi!” Evie exclaimed once again, and Uma just laughed harder. Mal shook her head with a grin and couldn’t help but enjoy Uma’s humor.
  “I think you’re trying to get her to say a dirty word,” Jane told her, her statement quickly followed by a big yawn.
  “That’s kind of the idea,” Mal told her with a tired chuckle. Audrey yawned in response and closed her eyes as she leaned back against the seat, the darkness of the outside starting to lull her to sleep.
  “Let’s look for a place to stop,” Mal murmured to Evie, noting the exhausted aura emanating from the backseat. The bluenette nodded, feeling her own eyelids start to grow heavy at the idea of stopping.
  Mal reached over and put her hand on Evie’s that was resting on the wheel, squeezing it gently in an attempt to keep her awake. The bluenette looked over at the green-eyed girl gratefully and she removed her hand from the wheel, lacing her fingers with Mal’s firmly as she straightened.
  “Pirate ship,” Uma mumbled under her breath with a chuckle, nearly incoherently as Audrey subconsciously frowned at the sound of Uma’s mirth.
  After a few more long minutes of driving, Evie spotted a small, cozy-looking motel on the side of the road that looked like it would work excellently for an overnight stay. She slowed Charlene and turned her carefully so that she was in the parking lot of the building.
  Evie turned off the car with a sigh and looked at Mal with a soft, loving smile. Mal responded with an upward curl of her lips as she turned to look back at Uma, Jane, and Audrey.
  The pink princess currently had her head resting on Uma’s shoulder as she snoozed quietly, and Uma’s head was leaned against the window, her eyes shut as well. Jane was awake but barely, and her head kept dipping and raising back up in a manner that was reminiscent of a sleepy toddler.
  Evie and Mal got out of the car quietly, locking the doors on the car as they headed for the inside of the motel to buy rooms for the five of them.
  They walked in and the first thing that Evie noticed about the place was that it desperately needed a change in lighting. The harsh fluorescent glow of the bulbs hanging from the ceiling did not give off a welcoming atmosphere.
  There was a wrinkly old man and woman working behind the counter and when Mal and Evie approached them, they turned quickly. Evie sucked in a breath of terror upon the sight of the two of them.
  They were almost like twins from a creepy movie. Their eyes were wide and were almost protruding from their skulls and they suddenly smiled at the two girls.
  Evie glance at Mal, bordering on completely horrified and ready to run, but noted that Mal seemed completely unbothered by the two elderly people.
  “Hello, sweeties,” the old woman spoke to the both of them with a snaggle-toothed grin. “What can we do for you?” She sounded so falsely sweet. Almost like the wicked witch with Hansel and Gretel that almost ate them.
  Evie was about to bolt when Mal grabbed her arm firmly, keeping her grounded there beside her.
  “Yes, actually. We would like a room. There’s five of us in all,” Mal explained and the old man slowly tilted his head to the side.
  “Of course. We only have one bed, though. I hope that’s not a problem,” the fellow explained, and Evie could’ve sworn that he was practically leering at her with his creepy gaze. Mal hesitated for a moment, considering what he had said, but she quickly recovered, agreeing easily.
  “No, that’s not a problem. Will this work for payment?” Mal questioned, offering her credit card. The two smiled widely and nodded eagerly.
  “Certainly. Just give me a moment,” the woman took the card carefully and scanned it before handing it back to Mal.
  “Here’s your keys,” the old man offered them to Evie with a wink, and she couldn’t restrain her flinch as his hand approached her. Mal fortunately saved her from having to take them from him, simply grabbing them herself.
  “Oh, and my name’s Rose and his name is Ross. We’re twins,” the elderly woman introduced, and Evie felt a jolt of fear run through her veins upon the realization that they were just like those creepy twins that she had remembered.
  “We’ve got a pool out back if you feel like taking a dip,” the man told them. “And if you need anything at all or have any more questions, be sure to just come down and ask.”
  “Okay, then! We’ll get our friends and head upstairs,” Mal smiled sincerely, turning and starting for the door. Evie stayed close behind her, feeling increasingly unnerved as she considered the experience.
  As soon as they were out the door, Evie launched into her desperate plea.
  “M, let’s not stay here!”
  “Why not?”
  “Did you see those people?!” Evie frantically questioned. “That old man was ogling me!”
  “Evie, he was not ogling you. He looked at you only twice.”
  “He winked at me!” Mal simply rolled her eyes as she started to open her door on the Jeep.
  “Oh, and they’re twins! That’s a definite sign of evil demons!” Evie quickly added as she clung onto Mal’s arm tightly in the midst of her fear-induced hysteria.
  “E, you’re practically smothering what could be considered an evil demon right now,” Mal couldn’t help but remind her as she waited patiently for Evie to release her.
  “Yeah, but you’re a sweet demon,” Evie explained, letting go of Mal finally. The purple-haired girl sighed and shook her head at Evie with a small smile before opening the door.
  She leaned in and looked at the three in the back before climbing in and gently shaking Jane awake.
  “Come on, we’re stopped for the night. We’ve got a room at this place,” Mal spoke softly, but still loudly enough that she would perhaps awaken the other two as well.
  Jane blinked drowsily and looked up at Mal with a confused expression, shifting her bleary gaze over to the sign just outside her window. She stretched slowly, trying to wake up enough to get out the car door without falling on her face.
  Uma’s mouth had actually managed to fall open, and drool was oozing ever so slightly out the side of her mouth as she snored quietly.
  Mal reached over and squeezed Uma’s knee gently in hopes that it would wake her up. Sure enough, it turned out that Uma was a very light sleeper and she jerked awake, wiping away the drool from her face as she stared at Mal wildly.
  “Uma?” Mal asked and Uma shook her head as if she were clearing it, quickly gaining a more alert look to her.
  “Did I scare you?” Mal asked. Uma shrugged and cleared her throat, looking down at the princess that had decided to make her shoulder a pillow. Uma moved her shoulder underneath Audrey and the girl slowly rose up, looking around in a daze.
  “Where are we?” Audrey sleepily asked.
  “At a motel. We’re going to crash here for the night,” Mal informed her as she pulled out her and Evie’s suitcases, getting out the vehicle. Uma was the first to join Mal and Evie, her arms raised in a gargantuan stretch.
  “Hmm… The Cozy Cottage? Sounds like something out of a horror story,” Uma commented as Audrey and Jane crawled out of the vehicle behind them.
  Audrey emerged with a suitcase that was no doubt packed to the brim with clothes, and Jane moved around Audrey, leaned in the backseat, and took her own suitcase out of the back of the Jeep.
  “Uma, do you want me to get your suitcase, too?” Jane offered and Uma agreed, yawning as she sidled up to Mal.
  Jane pulled out Uma’s suitcase as well as her own, and the five of them walked in the motel.
  “You girls have a nice night and sleep well,” the two old people synchronously expressed, and Jane nearly jumped out of her skin at the sight of them. Uma was complete unbothered and didn’t even pay attention to them. Evie clung on tighter to Mal, and Audrey just looked at them with a strange expression.
  “You, too,” Audrey automatically replied, the lesson to respect one’s elders firmly instilled within her.
  The three of them went upstairs and Mal read the number on her keychain that she was given.
  “Number thirteen,” Mal spoke aloud.
  “That’s an unlucky number,” Uma unhelpfully noted. Mal just shrugged and was practically dragging Evie down the hall at this point.
   “M, this has got sudden death and murder written all over it! Let’s go back to the car!” Evie cried, pulling on the shorter girl. Mal grunted as she attempted to yank the bluenette behind her.
  “Evie, I promise it’s fine, c’mon!” Mal struggled, failing miserably at dragging Evie because the brown-eyed girl’s feet were locked into the carpet.
  “Thorn, do you mind carrying this for me?” Mal told her, proffering her suitcase in Audrey’s direction as she tugged. Audrey nodded, taking it from her easily.
  After a few more moments of this torturous endeavor, Uma took pity on Mal and grabbed Evie’s other arm. Between the faerie and the pirate, they managed to get her into their room.
  As soon as Audrey walked in, she was highly displeased.
  “There’s one bed?” Audrey asked. Jane came in behind the princess and Uma quickly shut the door before letting go of Evie. Mal tried to release Evie, too, but it didn’t work in the least because at this point, Evie was too freaked out to even think of letting go.
  “Yeah. They only had one available,” Mal informed her. Audrey winced, imagining what it was going to be like to share a bed with the one person that loved to torture her most.
  “Well, might as well get changed into your jammies,” Uma announced, taking her suitcase from Jane and throwing it onto the bed. She opened it and pulled out her nightshirt and thin tights. She then proceeded to rip off her shirt.
  Jane headed to the restroom with her clothes and Audrey returned Mal’s suitcase to her, waiting by the bathroom door for her turn to enter.
  Mal along with the blue koala bear on her back headed over to the other side of the bed to change. Mal sat her suitcase down on the bed and tried diligently to pry Evie off of her.
  “You need to change. I’ll be right here,” Mal told her, truly not understanding this absurd fear of Evie’s but she was willing to be patient with her.
   Evie hesitantly began changing and Mal quickly followed suit.
  Before long, everyone was changed, and they were trying to figure out the bed hierarchy.
  “I’ll sleep on an end. It ain’t no biggie,” Uma offered and Mal slowly nodded.
  “I’ll sleep on a far side, too. Evie and Audrey should sandwich Jane. She looks terrified,” Mal murmured to Audrey as well as Uma and completely inevitably to Evie.
  It was very unfortunately true. Jane was jumping at every sound and every motion, looking ready to bolt. The other three easily agreed with her idea upon the sight of the poor young girl.
  Mal pulled back the quilts with Uma’s help and Uma settled in on one side. Audrey crawled up and settled down a considerable distance from Uma.
  “Evie, lay down, would you?” Evie didn’t really listen well, and Mal assumed she was still stuck on the old people from earlier. Mal looked Evie in the eyes.
  “Take a deep breath and calm down. It’s fine. Me and Uma could kick those old people’s butts easy. I have magic, and two little elderly twins aren’t going to be able to stand up to that,” Mal explained to her.
  “Is there any question of whether I could crack open a can of whoop-butt? I mean seriously, y’all. Check out these guns,” Uma confidently told them as she flexed her arms from her place laying on the bed. Audrey scoffed, rolling her eyes.
  “Jay’s got you beat by a mile. Have you seen his arms?” Audrey told Uma, a ridiculously dopey grin on her face at the mere thought of the muscles on her boyfriend.
  “Uh… No… But since we’re in a measuring contest with the boys, Harry’s biceps are bigger,” Uma smiled widely.
  “I think you’re a pirate ship,” Audrey told her, and everyone couldn’t help but laugh at Audrey’s attempt of using Uma’s phrase against her. It wasn’t very well-executed, but it was humorous.
  Mal could see Evie relaxing and unwinding from her earlier panic as she eased down and sat in the bed. Mal caught Uma’s gaze, mouthing a thank you. Uma just winked at her, keeping up her banter with Audrey.
  They settled in the bed, Jane in the center, and everyone couldn’t help but notice how crowded and hot and uncomfortable it was.
  “Get your cold feet off me!” Audrey cried out, jerking her legs away from Uma’s freezing toes. She paused before moving back over to the dark-skinned girl’s feet. “On second thought, bring them back, it might cool me down from this horribly uncomfortable bed.”
  There was a creak of the mattress as Audrey shifted on the bed, and Jane nearly came unhinged.
  “Guys, what was that noise?” Jane suddenly questioned, pulling the covers up to her nose as she gazed wide-eyed around the room. The many shadows dancing on the wall didn’t help her nervousness at all.
  “I think I heard it, too,” Evie suddenly spoke, and Mal resisted the urge to groan as Evie wrapped herself around the purple-haired girl.
  “Great, Jane, you’ve got Evie being paranoid again,” Mal couldn’t help but comment. “Girls, it was the bed making noise.”
  “I think you’re a hotbox or something, because you’re producing heat like a fire,” Uma told Audrey, trying to scoot closer to the edge and further away from the pink princess.
  “OW! Something bit me!” Audrey yelped, and Uma rose up a little bit to look at her. “You pinched me, didn’t you?” Audrey accused the pirate. Uma rolled her eyes, flopping back down on the bed.
  “Whatever you have to tell yourself. I didn’t touch you, though,” Uma replied. Audrey yelped again at the feel of another nipping sensation.
  “You’re pinching me!” Audrey insisted.
  “I’m not touching you! You see my hands?” Uma questioned, turning and holding them in front of Audrey’s face.
  “Don’t touch me, you pincher!” Audrey offendedly proclaimed.
  “I’m not touching!” Uma told her, edging her hands forward until they were almost in contact with Audrey’s face.
  “You’re touching!”
  “Not touching!”
  “Would you shut up?!” Mal finally exclaimed, and the other four jumped at her sudden outburst.
  “Ouch!” Evie suddenly squeaked, and Mal turned her head incrementally to look at her.
  “If you start whining about me pinching you, too, I’m throwing you off the bed,” Uma suddenly announced just as Jane squeaked in pain.
  “What is biting me?!” Jane exclaimed, and Mal finally felt what the three people in the middle were experiencing. Mal reached underneath her swiftly, pulling out the small perpetrator. Mal groaned and flicked the small creature across the room.
  “It’s bed bugs, you guys,” Mal groaned, and she steeled herself for the inevitable tirade that was surely to follow her statement.
  “Bed bugs?!!!” Audrey immediately screeched and Mal buried her face in the pillow with a groan, Evie still clinging to her smaller form.
  “You’ll get used to it,” Uma explained, repositioning herself on the mattress so that she was laying on her back.
  “I can’t sleep in a bed with bugs!” Audrey cried out.
  “Don’t worry, I don’t really think there’s that many anyway. You would be getting practically eaten alive by now if there were a lot of them,” Mal reassured her.
  Audrey shifted uncomfortably at the very idea of remaining in the bed. She didn’t want to stay in it, but she didn’t want to sleep in the uncomfortable car either.
   There were several beats of silence until Jane jerked, startling Evie who just grabbed onto Mal tighter.
  “Guys, I heard something!”
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madefate-a · 5 years
alright i’ve Finished the Film & i have Thoughts so let me shove ‘em under a cut 
right off the bat, my personal stakes were pretty low. i write jay! i’ve written jay for four years, i’m comfortable with jay, and his presence in these movies is extremely limited, at best. he got lines! he got characterization! he got to be buddies with gil, and somewhat with harry, and do his protective thing with mal, evie, and ben, and you know what? it’s more than i was expecting and who am i to complain? 
the whole movie itself, it’s actually -- not as bad as i was expecting. because it’s just about as bad as d2, in that it suffers the SAME exact problem: scope. at the end of the day, it’s deeply unsatisfying to see a feel good movie made out of a frankly dystopian setting of all-or-nothing-politics and child abuse. like, that’s literally what the problem is -- i can’t get on board with the stakes of this film because there are little children in jail for life. human rights abuse on a massive scale is!! not conducive to me enjoying my time watching it. i’m not young or naive enough (though, tbf, i can’t imagine ANY young kid rooting against the isle when it’s painted as fun and, in this movie, extremely sympathetic?) to feel conflicted over mal’s conflict of whether or not to keep the isle closed -- because it’s a human rights abuse, full stop. 
but i also can’t get on board with mal having to make that choice in the first place. maybe i’m a stick in the mud, but i refuse to believe that these teenagers recovering from SIXTEEN YEARS of neglect and abuse should be responsible for an entire kingdom’s worth of people. are they capable of it in the future? sure! your past does not define you and you can be whatever you want to be regardless of it. but they’re STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL and it takes more than a year? two? to even be okay with being YOURSELF, let alone the bearer of an entire island’s worth of hopes, dreams, and human rights abuses. it always, always, always rubbed me the wrong way that i’m supposed to sit here and believe that there’s any validity in mal being shitty to uma / that entire rivalry when the entire premise of the story was that everyone lived under the assumption that conform to being evil. that they were taught and groomed by their parents and authority figures to do bad -- and suddenly i’m supposed to take sides in a conflict between two people brought up in an environment of abuse, neglect, and the pressure to be evil ?? i’m supposed to buy uma, or any VK, as a villain in any installment of the franchise ?? bc i won’t. 
there are really interesting things happening in this movie -- after thinking about it, i DO think that in this specific position maybe mal would take this side. it felt genuine to me when she said “i did it for us” because that’s her family. that she’s been trying to protect since day 1. but she shouldn’t have to make that choice because she’s VERY YOUNG and STILL HEALING and to be vilified for reacting from a place of self preservation and fear after growing up the way she did ?? makes me sick. so there’s potential in mal’s wanting the barrier to be closed forever. there’s POTENTIAL in the idea of the evil coming from auradon. there’s potential in that exploration of what it means to move from literal prison to the Land of Plenty. there’s potential in all the little relationships being formed, in the kids coming into their own and deciding what they want for themselves and their friends and not what their parents or society tells them. there’s POTENTIAL in how the VKs feel about their parents and the isle and how it’s not just Good or Bad but hard and nuanced and difficult to understand and explain. 
i loved the budding trust and friendship! i loved the little moments of interaction! the songs were good, the sets were gorgeous -- but the stakes and the scale, as always, were completely wrong. it’s probably why d1 resonated so much with me; it’s a big conflict on a smaller scale and it focused on the characters’ interactions with each other and the world, and honestly? learning how to take care of yourself in a healthy way can be a HUGE responsibility. they don’t need more of a responsibility at this point, and that’s just. a magical, everpresent raincloud over the whole thing. 
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merryfortune · 6 years
Fizzy Feelings
Fandom: Uma Musume Pretty Derby
Ship: Gold City/Yukino Bijin
Warnings: A bath bomb is eaten & characterization is based on the mini-comics but otherwise, it’s all fluff!
Word Count: 2.3k
Synopsis:  Gold City takes Yukino Bijin on a grown-up city girl date and on that date, Gold City specifically takes Yukino Bijin to Lush.
  Gold City’s heart was still hammering, and they were approximately already forty-five minutes into their date. That is if you added up all the minutes and seconds between here and leaving the dorm and that had taken quite some time due to Gold City’s regular morning hypotension. Regardless, they got there in the end and were able to leave together. They had taken the train to the inner part of the city; where the CBD was and where a shopping mall was. And that had been the most nerve-wracking experience of her life because as much as she loved and crushed on Yukino Bijin, the girl was bit of a ditz.
  No. She was a lot of a ditz. But it was endearing and cute and gave Gold City a good excuse to hold her hand. After all, the country bumpkin couldn’t get lost if they were connected so tightly with interlocking fingers. But, of course, being exactly who she was, Yukino Bijin didn’t entirely get that Gold City was holding her hand as a romantic gesture. In fact, Gold City was beginning to wonder if this date was one-sided and that thought terrified her.
  So, for now, she played it cool. And that was relatively easy for Gold City because she was most at peace when she could be in a crowd and as they got closer to their destination, the more people clustered them on the city streets; not even glancing past them at all despite the fact they were two Horse Girls quite far from the school at this point.
  Yukino Bijin hummed a little tune under her breath as she held onto the strap of her purse and onto Gold City’s hand. She moved to the beat of her own drum, all of the time but it was nice for Gold City to have some clue as to what that tune was and, admittedly, it wasn’t all that great. It was a quirky little tune which showed that Yukino Bijin had no aptitude at all for music, but Gold City adored it nonetheless as they entered the underground complex.
  “Where do you want to go first?” Gold City asked, breaking Yukino Bijin’s tune.
  She blinked and mused thoroughly on the question. Her eyes glazing over as she weighed the pros and cons.
  “I’m right for racing shoes, at the moment.” she said at long last.
  Gold City laughed. “This isn’t a racing store; we’ll be lucky to find skirts or shorts with tail holes.” she replied and without thinking, she gave two flicks of her sandy-coloured tail.
  “Oh dear,” Yukino Bijin said, “I was hoping to buy a new casual skirt… The city has so many more options. Back home I had to sew m’own. I know! Is there a sewing shop, we can go to? And what else? I want the bon-a-fide city slicker experience, Goldie.”
  Gold City smiled. She hated it when anyone called her “Goldie” or “Goldielocks” and yet, somehow, she didn’t mind it when Yukino Bijin called her it. So, she smiled softly down on her companion.
  “Well, I suppose we could visit a few luxury shops then.” She said.
  “Ooh, for make-up and stuff?” Yukino Bijin asked.
  “Exactly!” chirruped Gold City. “I know, why don’t we visit Lush?”
  “Lush?” Yukino Bijin blinked owlishly and her face lit up with joy. “That’s the fancy sweets shop, ain’t it?!”
  “Er, no… This is an, um, bath and body lotion and hair care product shop.” Gold City explained; she was surprised that Yukino Bijin hadn’t heard of it – or had maybe gotten her wires crossed at all.
  “That sounds lovely. You have such pretty hair, Gold City. I would like my hair t’ be so silky too…” Yukino Bijin said.
  “I will very happily buy you anything you want there, hon.” Gold City quickly told Yukino Bijin because she had Gold City wrapped around her little pinkie finger – and she didn’t even know it!
  Yukino Bijin’s simple but adorable face lit up with joy. “Really?!” she exclaimed.
 “Really.” Gold City confirmed.
  “Then let’s rock’n’roll, Goldie! Let’s go shopping!” she whooped and hollered.
  Gold City smiled and soon enough, Yukino Bijin was marching them both right through the shopping centre. They got lost a few times here and there but that was okay. It gave them time to peruse the other shops on the way to Lush. They weren’t able to find any shops with pants or skirts or dresses which accommodated their needs, but they were still able to try on the occasional shirt here and there. As well as other accessories such as scarves and purses. They also wandered through the insides of a technology shop for the latest music and movies. Though Gold City had already illegally downloaded the bulk of such trendy things and Yukino Bijin had more vintage and obscure tastes. Even learning that Yukino Bijin had an affinity for ancient, country music wasn’t enough to cause Gold City to rethink her crush on her.
  Nonetheless, they were able to get where they were going, but they did stop for macarons and drinks first. An iced coffee for Gold City and an apple juice for Yukino Bijin. After that little pit-stop, the two Horse Girls continued on their way and eventually made it to their end goal destination and when they arrived, it was like Yukino Bijin’s eyes had been opened to the promised land. They utterly sparkled as she looked around the rather narrow and skinny little place that Lush resided in. Gold City didn’t quite understand the appeal but maybe it was because she was used to these sorts of things.
  Regardless, they milled around the insides of the shop with a few other customers and the staff as well. The store smelt very strongly of all its different, all-natural products. It gave Gold City something of a headache but Yukino Bijin embraced it as she admired all the little knickknacks available on the shelf. Gold City followed after her, explaining the uses of all these different things.
  Eventually, Yukino Bijin decided on some sort of leave-in shampoo and a body scrub but then, they got to the final frontier that Lush was known for and Gold City won’t lie, she had her reservations about it due to the type of idiotic girl Yukino Bijin was. She was very quickly infatuated with the baskets of bath bombs available. Her eyes widened over them as she inspected the different, crumbly spheres and she licked her lips.
  “I was right,” she said, “they do sell lollies here.”
  “N-No, they don’t,” Gold City said, “honey, these are bath bombs.”
  But it was too late. Yukino Bijin was far too in her own head to want to listen to anyone else and with great gusto, she took a bite out of the bath bomb. She hummed as she ate it like one would eat an apple. White powder dusted her lips as she mused over the taste.
  “Mm, crunchy!” she said, enthusiastically. “I like it.”
  “Th-Those are bath bombs, sweetheart.” Gold City stuttered.
  And it was in that moment, so awkward and embarrassing, that Gold City was truly able to confirm how far her feelings for Yukino Bijin ran. If her liking of dorky music couldn’t kill off the infatuation, then neither could her ability to eat bath bombs apparently because Gold City was swept head over heels for just how unique a girl Yukino Bijin was. She was so stupid and so cute all at once. Gold City’s heart thumped in her chest as she wished, quite dearly, to kiss Yukino Bijin on the lips; even if they were crumbed with bath bomb dust. It was a fizzy feeling which she genuinely enjoyed no matter the circumstance.
  “Um, excuse me, ma’am…?” a voice, terrified and exasperated, appeared from behind them.
  A chill was sent down Gold City’s spine as she turned around so that she may address the poor, beleaguered employee who had to deal with them. Meanwhile, Yukino Bijin was still enjoying her snack. Gold City awkwardly fidgeted with her hands; her ears twitched as she forced a smile.
  “Don’t worry, I’ll, um, pay for that…” she said.
  Yukino Bijin nudged Gold City then thrust the half-eaten bath bomb towards her. “You want some? It tastes really good. Mostly sugar though. Like a jawbreaker! But easier on th’ teeth.”
  “I’m right, thank you, Yukino Bijin.” Gold City told her, brushing her off as courteously as she could.
  Yukino Bijin shrugged. “Awright, if ya say so.” And then, she went back to blissfully tucking into her bath bomb.
  “Yep, don’t worry… I’ll pay.” Gold City told the Lush employee.
  “Thank you; this way then girls, I’ll – I’ll, um, ring you up.” She said.
  “Not a problem.” Gold Citu said through gritted teeth.
  She followed the employee and Gold City sighed dejectedly as she glanced back towards Yukino Bijin who was still purveying the wicker baskets of bath bombs. Thus, Gold City thought she would come to the counter prepared and got out extra money so that Yukino Bijin could buy another two bath bombs. Whether or not they would be for the intended enjoyment was a different story but honestly, as long as Yukino Bijin was happy then it was money well spent.
  With that, Gold City had decided that Yukino Bijin had gotten up to enough rabblerousing in the big city and made the executive decision to send themselves both back home. That way, they could join the other girls in the dorm for afternoon tea; although the temptation to duck into a WcDonalds was present but Yukino Bjin absolutely did not need sugar in her system. Not after eating an entire bath bomb, anyway.
  Still, despite the hiccups, Gold City had enjoyed her little quasi-date with Yukino Bijin. Together, with all their bags in tow, they stepped off the train and started to make their way back to the dorms at the school. They were slowly beginning to run out of conversation topics as Yukino Bijin had looped back to the same sort of idle musings that she had begun their morning together with.
  As they walked, Gold City still found herself enamoured with her companion. She was so cute and stupid, how could she not have fallen in love with Yukino Bijin?
  “Hey, Yukino…” Gold City murmured as they drew in closer to the school gates, breaking off Yukino Bijin’s reverie about the state of crops back home and how she didn’t mind the hot weather even if it was detrimental, but it made playing under sprinklers fun.
  “Yeah, Gold City?” Yukino Bijin chirruped; completely blanking from all her previous trains of thoughts.
  “Did you have fun today?” Gold City asked awkwardly.
  “Well of course I did!” she beamed. “I feel like a real city girl today. Going to Lush an’ buyin’ make-up. It was great fun.”
  “I’m glad.” Gold City murmured. “But, um, would consider what we went on…” Her cheeks began to go red and her heart pounded. “But would you consider it a date?”
  “Huh?” Yukino Bijin stopped right in her tracks and her eyes went as wide as dinner plates.
  Gold City stopped too, but only after taking a few regrettable steps forward because she hadn’t immediately noticed that she had stunned Yukino Bijin like that. Her palms began to sweat and her mouth dried. She worried upon worries that perhaps she had overstepped things and was now compromising her solid friendship with the wildly different Horse Girl.
  “Y-You mean… This was a…? Well I’ll be… A sexy… A sexy city girl like you Goldie… wants to take me on a date?” she asked.
  “Well, um, yes.” Gold City replied, and she was miffed by such words coming out of Yukino Bijin’s mouth; they didn’t quite suit her, but she was flattered, nonetheless.
  “Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle…” she murmured. “Yes! Yes, a thousand times yes, Goldie!”
  “You’ll… You’ll be my girlfriend then?” Gold City asked.
  “Abso-blinking-lutely!” Yukino Bijin cried out.
  Gold City squealed in delight and she dropped her bags, without thinking, and pounced on Yukino Bijin with a great hug. She squeezed and squeezed and squeezed her newly crowned girlfriend until Yukino Bijin had to tap out due to not being able to breathe.  Reluctantly, though with much panic, Gold City did let her go.
  “Sorry.” She murmured, her face still red and she was vibrating with uncharacteristic excitement which was hugely endearing to Yukino Bijin.
  “Aw, no skin of my teeth, Goldie.” Yukino Bijin told her flippantly.
  “Do you want to, um, kiss, Yukino?” Gold City asked.
  “Would I?!” exclaimed Yukino Bijin and before Gold City could even blink, Yukino Bijin took the iniative.
  She went up on her tip-toes and planted a sloppy kiss on her girlfriend’s lips. Completely ruining Gold City’s lipstick but Gold City didn’t mind as she kissed back with just as much passion. She held onto Yukino Bijin’s tiny hands with her coarser than she imagined but she didn’t mind. She also didn’t mind how Yukino Bijin’s kiss very strongly tasted of soap and sugar and what might be blueberries.
  Eventually, they broke from their kiss with shining eyes and emptied lungs. But their bodies were filled with this reverberating excitement, exchanged through colourful smiles and lovestruck glances. It was sweet, and Gold City felt very accomplished with herself. Yukino Bijin, feeling very similar as this cushy and sweet feeling swelled in her chest.
  “We should go on another lush date soon, I reckon.” Yukino Bjin chirruped.
  “I love you, but absolutely not. I’m so not letting you eat another bath bomb.” Gold City quickly scolded her, though her expression left much to be desired. It was more cutely amused than annoyed, after all.
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
Speaking about Descendants headcanons, lemme just spam you with my personal parental headcanons for the kids. Because why not, I’m bored.
Mal: Mushu/Maleficent - Listen, maybe this happened before she got banished and dragons just carry longer than humans, who knows. But we don’t exactly have a lot of dragons in the Disney-verse and if they were both in dragon form when it happened, oh well.
Evie: Hunter/Grimhilde - This makes the most sense, really. He was kind of a villain too, even if he did spare Snow in the end, he didn’t really help her either. It’d make the most sense plot-wise too.
Jay: Aladdin/Jasmine - I’m sorry, he is not Jafar’s son. Especially not after we actually saw Jafar and met the guy. This handsome stealing streetrat has more traits of Aladdin than he does of Jafar and I am just not buying it. I have yet to come up with a plausible reason for how he ended up on the island and how Jafar could have stolen him... but then again, considering how much the “good guys” in this world condemn any and all bad behavior... maybe Aladdin had a slip-up and he ended up on the island too and so did his son for stealing something when he was really small? I really don’t put that past the good guys who literally lock babies up on an island for the deeds of their parents. And there is just no genetic way he’s Jafar’s son.
Carlos: Horace or Jasper/Cruella - It makes the most logical sense. It was a drunk one-night-stand, they do not talk about it at all anymore. There was never anything more than drinks between them, but the bitterness of being locked on the island...
Uma: Facilier/Ursula - Doubling down on the magic. Also because the actress who plays Uma also voiced Facilier’s daughter, making Freddie and Uma half-siblings, but one grew up with daddy and the other with mommy because Freddie didn’t turn out the way Uma did. Personally, I would prefer for it to be Captain Hook but there is no indication that Harry and Uma are more than friends so I am guessing it was a drunk one-night-stand among magic-users.
Harry: Captain Hook/Mermaid - There are enough mermaids. And since many of them tried to flat-out murder Wendy, I’m guessing they got put on the island too.
Gil: Gaston/Claudette - It’s one of the Bimbettes and I’m going for the red one because of the whole color-scheme going on. But yeah, it’s definitely a Bimbette. And Gaston probably kids with the other Bimbettes too. They were so in love with Gaston, they would have followed him to the island. And even though Gaston was pretty dedicated to Belle, now that she got him banished and definitely picked the Beast, yeeeah he is not going to kick the three hot blondes out of his bed.
Dizzy: Hans/Drizella - She really wanted to marry into royalty. He doesn’t want to marry, but damn if he doesn’t want to fuck either. Being the asshole he is, he of course leaves her with the kids. But considering how fucking many siblings Hans has in his movie, it’d explain how Drizella ended up with like seven children. He makes a lot of them.
But generally speaking, Descendants needs to stop giving every single villain a kid without actually providing a second parent. Because unless you want us to believe they just hook up with random background villains, that is mathematically becoming a bit of a problem here.
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vanilla107 · 6 years
I thought we were best friends (Part 2)
Hey everyone! When I posted the first chapter of this fanfiction, I didn't expect to get so much feedback in one day! For everyone who commented, you seriously made my day <3 Like I always say, comments make we write faster and motivate me, so...y'all know what to do if you want the third chapter out asap! ;) I'm also planning to release a different Catradora fanfiction soon, so be on the look out! (I know it sounds like a terrible idea because I'll be writing two different Catadora stories at once but...I DON'T CAREEE).
Stay healthy! vanilla107 xoxo
Part 1
She ra Masterlist
Catra woke up slowly, the sun peeking through her curtains. She rolled over and checked her phone to see what time it was and she cursed.
It was 9:00 in the morning.
She never woke up so early and she blamed it on how early she had left the party last night.
Last night.
All at once, the memories of the night before hit her and she clenched her sheets to keep herself from breaking down again.
“Breathe Catra. You’ll...you’ll get through this,” she whispered as she picked up her phone, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep after getting a shock to the system.
She unlocked her phone and her breath caught in her throat.
13 missed calls from Adora.
She wanted to scream and cry. Was this a joke to Adora? Was she trying to mess with her feelings?
“Catra, don’t be stupid! Adora would never do that to you…” she whispered and opened up her text messages.
She had 34 messages.
Entrapta @ 10:00 pm Hey Catra, I hope you’re okay <3
Entrapta @ 10:00 pm If you ever need anything from me, just let me know
Entrapta @ 10:02 pm I’m sorry you’re in so much pain...
Entrapta @ 10:07 pm Do you mind if I study your emotional behaviour? I find it fascinating!
Catra rolled her eyes but felt a rare warmth grow from her chest. She knew that Entrapta has trouble expressing her emotions sometimes because she was so caught up in her science experiments and robots, but it was nice to see the rare Entrapta who cared about her friends. She replied with a black heart emoji and went into Scorpia’s messages.
Scorpia @ 10:05 pm Hey feline. Remember you have us, okay? We love you.
Scorpia @ 10:06 pm I’ll buy your favourite foods and we can have a movie day tomorrow, sound good?
Scorpia @ 10:07 pm I have taken Entrapta’s phone because she will probably ask you questions about your emotional state and we do not need that right now!
Catra chuckled and scrolled through the rest of Scorpia’s messages, mostly telling her what movies she planned to get and snacks. She scrolled down and her heart stopped.
She had messages from Adora and 2 unknown numbers.
Okay Catra, read Adora’s messages first. Rip off the band-aid. She took a breath and opened it.
Adora @ 9:10 pm Catra, are you okay? I’m worried about you.
Adora @ 9:10 pm Please message me so that I know you’re okay.
Adora @ 9:20 pm Even though we broke up it doesn’t mean I don’t care about you…
Adora @ 9:21 pm I still want to talk to you about...us. Glimmer interrupted us last night and she feels really bad.
Adora @ 9:23 pm Do you want to meet up for coffee sometime this week to discuss everything?
Catra breathed a sigh of relief when she read the last message.
At least she hadn’t asked if we could ‘still be friends’ through a message. That would’ve sucked. But then again, Adora did always prefer talking face to face.
Catra thought about her response, because if there was one thing Adora hated more than anything, was her messages being read and then no reply.
“Wait? What am I doing? Why should I be nice when Adora freaking ripped my heart out last night? Maybe I should leave it...I don’t want to send an angry message and drive this thing into a trench” Catra sighed and she decided she would reply to Adora’s messages when she felt calmer.
She then read the first unknown number’s messages.
Unknown @ 9:31 pm Hey Catra. It’s Glimmer...I just wanted to apologize for last night. I disturbed you and Adora and I swear I didn’t know that you were the ex-girlfriend.
Wait what? The ex-girlfriend? Is that what Adora is seriously saying? Catra clenched her jaw and saw she still had a few more messages from Glimmer.
Unknown @ 9:32 pm Catra...I think it’s best that you know that...she’s really hurt. Adora deserves the world and you two need to sort out your relationship once and for all.
Catra let out a bitter laugh.
“Is this girl seriously trying to give me relationship advice? She doesn’t even know what I’m going through yet she has the audacity to say that?” Catra rolled her eyes.
Catra saved Glimmer’s number and continued to read her messages.
Glimmer @ 9:34 pm If you won’t sort out your problems with Adora then I will. I will be forced to intervene and help Adora myself. I can’t understand how you could go on knowing how much you hurt her.
Catra felt anger in her veins. “Is she….is she threatening to take Adora away from me? She doesn’t even know the whole freaking story!”
She felt a new found dislike simmer for the girl inside her. Glimmer had met her last night had one conversation with her. She was making assumptions on one meeting. Catra let out a growl in annoyance.
“How could she be Angella’s daughter? She doesn’t seem to think rationally!”
She swung out of her bed and stomped to the kitchen were Scorpia was already making breakfast. Entrapta was sitting at their table, playing a game on her phone, while the scent of pancakes wafted through the air.
“Mornin’ Kitty, I hope you had a good-”
Scorpia stopped when Catra angrily slammed the bathroom door and Entrapta looked at her with worry.
“I thought you said she would be better? Why isn’t she in a better mood?” Entrapta said looking at the bathroom door the cogs in her head trying to figure out what was going on.
“I...I don’t know,” sighed Scorpia, as she flipped a pancake. “We can try to talk to her later...just be gentle with her, okay?”
In the bathroom, Catra opened the last unknown message, hoping to just get on with her day.
Unknown @ 12:00 am So…you and Adora broke up?
Catra looked at the message in confusion. Who sent her this? She didn’t recognise the number at all.
Unknown @ 12:05 You may have left me but I still keep a very close eye on you, Catra. I told you that you’d never been good enough for Adora.
I told you that you’d never been good enough for Adora.
Catra’s hands were shaking and she dropped her phone on the tiled floor. She could almost hear that voice in her head.
How? How did she get my number? She should not be able to contact me!
Catra stripped off her pajamas and hurriedly switched on the shower and hoped the hot water would somehow help ease the rising panic in her body.
But when she tasted her tears, she knew that it was not going to be a good day at all.
Catra swallowed the popcorn uneasily, the buttery taste only making her want to throw up. It was a few hours after she had received those messages and she was still spooked.
She was curled up in the middle of Scorpia and Entrapta and they were watching action movies, her favourite. Kill Bill was on and as Catra watched Uma Thurman slice a man’s head off, she breathed out slowly and felt the tears slide down her cheeks.
She felt Scorpia wrap her pincer arm around her and she let out gut-wrenching sobs.
“We got you kitty,” Scorpia murmured and Entrapta’s hair wrapped around them both. She shook with every breath and they were silent.
“Okay, I don’t know about you but I think we need some fresh air,” said Scorpia and Entrapta nodded.
“Research shows that fresh air and a nice walk help the body rejuvenate and release endorphins!” said the scientist happily and she immediately cleared their snack table and went to the kitchen to wash up.
“Really Catra, I think this will do you some good and what’s the probability of us bumping into Adora?”
“Zero...she usually has yoga on a Saturday afternoon. She probably invited Glimmer to go with her,” she hissed bitterly and Scorpia raised her eyebrow in confusion.
“Glimmer? Who’s that?” asked Entrapta as she sat down on the couch.
Catra sighed and repeated the events from the night before as well as Adora’s ‘ex-girlfriend’ conversation. She felt her vision swim with tears when she explained the crushing memory and buried her face into her knees.
“Does...does she not remember that conversation at all? How she always wanted to be friends with her exes? Why am I suddenly the ex-girlfriend? What did I do? I never cheated on her or did anything seriously wrong. I know for a fact that Adora had worse partners before we started dating but why…?”
Catra was already tired and she deflated into the couch.
“It doesn’t help that Glimmer practically threatened me this morning…” she mumbled and gave Scorpia her phone to see the messages from Glimmer.
“Wow...she sounds like fun,” Scorpia said sarcastically and Catra snorted.
“That’s the thing though. She’s already judging me and acts like she’s been Adora’s friend her whole life when she literally popped out of nowhere!” Catra felt the same anger from this morning rush through her
“Catra, are you jealous that Glimmer might steal Adora from you?” asked Entrapta and Scorpia glared at her.
“What? We need to know this!” said Entrapta with reason. “If Catra is jealous then maybe Adora is trying to get you back by ‘fake dating’ Glimmer or trying to make it look like she's with someone else! Or maybe Glimmer is a rebound?”
Catra stared at Entrapta and Scorpia hoped that Catra wasn’t going to claw Entrapta right then and there.
“No...Adora...she wouldn’t do that to me...she’d never do something to hurt me like that…right?” Catra became quiet and Scorpia stood up suddenly.
“Okay, let’s go for that walk!”
Fifteen minutes later, the three of them were walking through the communal park, the sun shining brightly and bursts of laughter could be heard from the children playing in the playground. Catra strugged off her hoodie and gazed at the sun through her dark sunglasses.
“It’s so warm today!” squealed Entrapta as she took out her recorder. “I wonder if it will affect the plants if it suddenly had to rain tomorrow?”
Scorpia pointed to an ice-cream truck that had just parked in their direction.
“Ice-cream on me!” yelled Scorpia and they walked to the truck.
Catra got her vegan chocolate ice-cream since she was lactose intolerant, Entrapta got black cherry and Scorpia got strawberry. They continued their walk and Entrapta and Scorpia looked at each other with worry. Catra hadn’t said a word since they left the apartment.
“Hey, I have some bread crumbs that we can feed the ducks! Let’s go!” said Scorpia in a desperate attempt to get their feline friend out of her funk.
“Ohhhh...I can watch survival of the fittest in front of my very eyes!” shrieked Entrapta as she took off to the pond with her notebook in her hand.
“It’s okay, Scorpia...I...I think I’m going to find a bench and eat my ice-cream. Don’t worry about me, okay? I know I’m not being the greatest friend right now but I...I need to be alone...”
Scorpia sighed and nodded.
“Okay, but if there’s anything you need help with, just call me.”
Catra gave her a rare smile and walked away.
Catra found a shady bench and sat down, enjoying the brief reprieve from the beating sun. She wasn’t a huge fan of hot sunny days since it was difficult for her to get cool. Her fur didn’t help either and she always had to wear shorts and crop tops to get rid of the excess heat. She looked down at her blue cropped top and shorts.
It’s not that she didn’t like wearing them, it’s that a lot of catcalling tended to happen to her especially when she was wearing shorts and crop tops. Being an actual cat humanoid didn’t help either and she knew she couldn’t sucker punch the catcallers because when she did that once, she nearly beat the guy to a pulp. Thankfully, Adora was there and she stopped it from happening.
She ate her ice cream and smiled sadly.
I wish I could be happy with Scorpia and Entrapta. They're my friends and they’re trying so hard to make me happy.
She closed her eyes and listened to the sounds around her, her ears flickering to a new sound each time. She tried to relax and slowly felt herself letting her guard down and unwinding from the vision of everyone.
Being alone helped. Catra had been alone for most of her life anyway, and being an orphan wasn’t fun. Adora was the only light in her life in her darkest periods and she wished that things could’ve been simpler for them-
“Hello? Catra?”
A voice woke Catra from her thoughts and she inwardly groaned.
Why was it so hard to be alone for just a few minutes?
She opened her eyes and clenched her jaw when she saw Glimmer standing in front of her.
“What do you want?” Catra growled, venom dripping off of her tone.
Glimmer’s eyes widened and she glared at the feline.
“What I want is to talk to you about Adora.”
Catra let out a humourless laugh.
“Oh? You want to talk to me about my ex-girlfriend? How I hurt her when the only one who seems to be hurting is me? How I seemingly don’t care?Well how about this, you stay out of my business and stop claiming like you know Adora and our relationship when you barely know her and me.”
Glimmer was visibly angry, her hands clenched into fists.
“Well I wouldn’t have to intervene if you just spoke to her! Do you have any idea how much Adora has cried over you? I’ve lived with Adora for the past two weeks and I think I know her better than you do!”
Catra snapped and she didn’t hold back. She didn’t care how harsh her words were going to be, she just needed to put this little insect in her place and not bother her anymore.
“And how am I supposed to do that when you, an annoying little mosquito, keeps hovering around? Honestly, Glimmer I was going to give you a chance because you seemed nice but your messages this morning really changed my mind. Are you trying to steal Adora from me when she’s the only person that has ever been there for me since we were kids? Because that’s what it looks like. And you? Know more about Adora than me? Don’t make me laugh.”
Catra was breathing heavily and Glimmer looked angry but also looked like she was on the verge of tears.
“Adora was the only one looking out for me when we were younger. I don’t think you realise how deep the pain we’re feeling goes. You need to back off and let us sort out the problem. This is between me and her. Not you. Once we sort out this thing between us, I’ll be out of your life and you can have her for yourself since you want to be with her so badly.”
“I do not want to be with Adora!” Glimmer hissed but her red cheeks gave it away.
“Oh really? You think I didn't notice how long you stared at her last night? I know you like her, Glimmer. Don’t deny it,” Catra purred, a smirk forming on her face.
“I...I-” Glimmer began but then her eyes widened and Catra spun around to see Adora, standing there in her yoga tights, yoga mat and tank top, frozen in shock.
Catra gave Glimmer a poisonous smile.
“Oh look, your girlfriend is here to protect you. Guess I’ll leave now.”
Catra walked away, her body warm with rage. She turned at a corner but stopped when she felt a hand on her forearm.
“Catra, what’s going on?” the familiar voice like honey asked, concern evident.
Catra felt her heart squeeze. She loved how Adora said her name.
“I’m leaving you two lovebirds alone. Now let me go,” Catra said sharply but Adora didn’t let go of her.
“No! I don’t understand! Why are you so angry with Glimmer? What did she do to you?” Adora demanded.
“It’s not just Glimmer!” Catra said harshly and spun around to face Adora.
“It’s you. Glimmer claims that you’ve cried over me. Well guess what? I’ve cried every single day over you. Last night was the first time that I left the house in two weeks and that’s because Scorpia dragged me to Perfuma’s party. I didn’t want to be there because I knew you were going to be there.”
Adora looked hurt and Catra continued.
“You always said that you liked being on good terms with your exes. So what makes me. so. damn. special. that I get called the ex-girlfriend huh? Do you not remember the conversation we had at all?”
There was silence between them and Catra sighed. She needed to leave before anything else was said to hurt either of them. She looked into Adora's clear blue eyes and clenched her hands into fists to avoid her from grabbing Adora and begging her for them to be together again.
“Bye, Adora,” Catra whispered and she walked away.
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glitterysummerkitty · 6 years
Dr Bombshell & Mr Hollywood
A Jake Gyllenhaal Fan- fiction
Prologue// Chpt 1// Chpt 2// Chpt 3// Chpt 4// Chpt 5// Chpt 6
Chapter 7
        Sunday evening was by far the most phenomenal day Candice had, in terms of fun, in a very long time. As soon as the game began Candice fell completely in her zone and she had even managed to impress the hell out of everyone present. At the end of the day Dave had been a proud captain and both Jaylon and Ronnell were all praises with Ronnell even trying to bribe her into abandoning Dave and joining him for the following matches.
      Even Mabel was surprised and after the glorious victory of the Omega- 3’s, the first question Mabel had asked her was ‘Where the hell have you been? Jheez Candy! I didn’t even know you were so good at this sport.’ Candice blushed but didn’t think it important to remind her best friend that she had been the captain of her team college team and they had won several trophies. She even won several awards, which were now displayed proudly in a pristine glass shelf at Washington State University.
      At the end of the friendly match Pizza’s and beers were ordered and jokes and stories about their spouses and children were shared. Candice kept mum and tried to stay out of anyone’s focus but more often it had been futile since she was the star player of today and so everyone’s attention was on her. Especially Uma. Candice had never thought at the beginning of the evening that she would ever be comfortable with Uma but surprisingly at the end she found out how hilarious Uma really was. Basically Uma was Gemma multiplied hundred times. Candice believed she could handle Uma and her eccentric behaviour.
      After such a beautiful Sunday came Monday bringing along with it, its infamous blues. Candice groaned as she reached out and shut the alarm. She tilted her head and looked outside the window. It was still dark out there and although it wasn’t snowing anymore it was drizzling. Candice saw the little droplets of water glistening under the streetlight against the glass surface. Candice sighed. Strange fact check about Candice- she hates rain. Yes, she loves snow but hates rain. Why? Don’t ask because even she didn’t have a reason for it.
      With the comforts of her warm sheets and Mr Ruskin’s hot body pressed against her sides, Candice didn’t feel like getting up. But work was work and so she closed her eyes counted from five to one backwards and then hopped out of her bed.
      She barely got time to breathe on Mondays as she had three classes to teach and the clinic is almost always full on Mondays, filling up her schedule for early evening to late night. The first class was with master’s student and their class had been on a topic which was more challenging and close to her heart- Maternal Nutrition and it’s consequences. They had discussed and critically analysed some of the studies out there and compared the methods and their varied results. It was fun.
      But then her next class was with first year Grads and that wasn’t something she enjoyed especially considering she would have to face Zachary. After that day, when she had kicked him out her class, she hadn’t seen him and it made her slightly nervous. Also, after just having such a challenging class, to have to talk about the process of digestion wasn’t something appealed to her.
      Mentally preparing herself, Candice pushes open the door to the large hall and entered it. As she did, the rambunctious class fell to a low hush. As usual, on the very first row at the very centre the seat was occupied by one of her least favourite students Brianna. Candice had observed how the slightly obese girl with a bad case of acne and a harsh expression, never mingled with her other classmates. She always sat by herself and had minimal to no contact with her mates. Candice had also made an observation as to how Brianna seemed to have a problem with her although she would never understand why.
“Good morning class. I hope you all had a great weekend.”, she started as she scanned the class and found it devoid of Zach. She didn’t know if she should be relieved by it or not.
“We sure did!”, someone said but Candice couldn’t point out.
“How was yours Dr Averell?”, a slim, blonde seated two rows up from the front row asked in her sweet voice as she twirled a piece of hair in her finger.
“Better. Thank you Cameron.”, Candice smiled back.
“So... Today I am going to talk about the whole process of digestion, absorption and Metabolism.”, there were some groans, some exited rustling of pages showing eagerness to write down notes while some just sat straight with their nose buried in their phone screen.
“Digestion is the first crucial stage where food is broken down to smaller chemical constitutes for absorption. There are two ways this is achieved- Mechanically and chemically.”, Candice moved to the next slide on her presentation, when the door to the hall opened and in strode Zach. Instantly every girl’s, except Brianna, attention was consumed by him and Candice felt compelled to roll her eyes but she didn’t.
“Sorry I am late, Dr A. I was eating breakfast and went in deep thought about all the things I could do during the time I waste during your class and lost track of time.”, he smirked as she took to his usual seat. Immediately the class broke out into an “Ooooohh” and “Burn”. Candice gave the entire class a sharp look before finally settling her glare at the infuriating boy.
“Really?”, Candice feigned surprise, “Well from observing Mr Meyer’s performance in class for an entire year one would assume that he’s incapable of deep contemplation but I am glad to know you can.”, with that Candice turned her attention to her PowerPoint. She ignored the snickers and Zac’s stabbing glare as she went on about peristalsis.
      Candice decided to grab lunch from the ‘Four Hundred Guild’- a restaurant within the campus that served exclusively to the faculty and staff of Pruitt and Hearst University- before going to her next class. She shot Mabel a text, letting her know where she was and then decided to call Bethany to check up on her aunt. Apparently Aunty Aubrey wasn’t doing so well. Her latest cycle of chemo had left her very weak. It had Candice worried but Bethany assured her that she and a few women from the church were doing everything to help her through this. Candice end the conversation with a promise to send some more money by the weekend and also a request to fill her hospital room with some Calla Lily. “She loves them.”, Candice said.
      Over a lip smacking lemon thyme chicken, Candice narrated the whole incident over Zach to Mabel, who was flabbergasted by Zac’s audacity and also found it hard to believe that Candice had stood up against him.
“While I am very proud of you for what you have done, I am also worried. What if he decides to take action on his threat? In my opinion you shouldn’t continue to antagonise him. It’s a question of your career.”, she advised as she shoved a brussel sprout in her mouth.
“I know. It’s just he’s so infuriating.”, Candice grumbled.
        At half past three Candice left from the university. Once again she made a stop at Starbuck on her way to clinic and faced the same server as the last time. She placed her order without making much eye- contact and then sat down at the table. This time Candice had time enough to have her drink at the café.
      As she waited for her Tarragon Chicken Salad Sandwich and a tall cup of Americano she got her laptop out to check her e- mail. There lay a tiny dose of happiness waiting for her and Candice grabbed it.
Date: 19 Feb 2018, 10:00 am
 Dear Lynne,
    I have finally got time today and I am determined to spend the day reading and hopefully get to the end of your book. As I am typing this mail, on my desk lies your book, a tall mug of coffee and a lot of snacks. Believe me when I say that I am on a mission to finish this book today.
      You can expect to hear from me by tonight on my opinions on what I thought about the book. Until then I am signing out! Xoxo
                                              An Avid Reader
        Candice grinned. She loved the reader’s enthusiasm and could only hope she felt as enthusiastic once she finishes reading the book. Candice wasn’t one to care much about what other’s opinion. She wrote ‘Love Knows no Bounds’ because it was something she believed and something that she wanted to write about. It didn’t matter if others didn’t buy what she had to sell. But for some unknown reason ‘An Avid Reader’s’ opinion mattered to her very much. She giggled silently to herself at the (xoxo) part making her wonder who the reader could be. Was it a man or a woman? Was he/ she old or young? Which part of US was this person writing from?
Date: 19 Feb 2018, 3:45 pm
 An Avid Reader,
  Your enthusiasm towards my work is encouraging. For any artist, I believe, appreciation of their work means above all and they while they can do without it, when a reader like you shows so much eagerness it really gives much pleasure. I hope you continue to show similar gusto until the end and after that too.
      I will be waiting to hear from you as well. Until then happy reading!
                                            Lynne Brooks
                                              (Author of-
                                         “Love Knows no Bound”)
        As she ate she went through some more fan sent e- mails and replied to few. She reached clinic on time and Ashley greeted her with a great news that owing to the bad weather, Mrs Laine had cancelled her appointment and so had two other patients.
“Dr Averell. Do you think I could leave early today? Actually it’s my boyfriend and I seven month anniversary.”, Ashley asked. In the three months that Ashley had been working here this was the first time she had asked for anything so Candice didn’t have the heart to say no.
“Sure. Oh and I probably think it’s a good idea because on Wednesday I need you here late. I want all the patient files organised and prepared for the next month’s audit.”, Candice informed. The red head looked happy.
      Candice saw the few patients who had braved the weather while using her free time to update her patient’s information into the software. The said task was mundane and taxing to Candice but something that she had to be done. When only one file was left on the table she opened it and the name sent both, shivers down her spine and anger through her veins. Candice marvelled at being able to experience two varied emotions belonging to different spectrum, simultaneously, at the sight of the same name.
      There is a knock on the door and Candice looked up, expecting to see Ancil walk in but it was Ashley.
“Dr Averell your seven o’ clock is here. I just wanted to ask if it’s alright if I leave?”, Ashley fidgeted with her fingers. Candice thought, amused, if she came off intimidating to Ashley.
“Of course you can leave. Thank you Ashley.”, she smiled. Ashely smiled back nervously before scrambling out the room. Candice wondered what she ever did to intimidate the poor girl.
“Good evening Dr Averell.”, that familiar baritone voice filled her room making her tremble in her seat.
“Good evening Mr Dumont. Please have a seat.”, she mumbled as she motioned for him to take a seat. It didn’t matter if Ashley found her intimidating or not but Ancil managed just fine to drain every ounce of courage she possessed.
“You look gorgeous. As always.”, he lowered his voice and by the time he said always it was merely a whisper. Candice squirmed in her seat as she felt her muscles in her stomach and everything south of it clench.
“Thank you... How are you today?”, she said a little out of breath and blushed deeply. She kept her gaze fixed on the file before her.
“Better than I have been in days.”, he replied.
“Good. How much of the plan have you been able to follow?”, she asked as she made notes on her file.
“Hhhmm...”, Ancil trailed off forcing her to look up when he didn’t say anything for a while. Candice watched mesmerized as he tapped his lean finger against his lips. His face looked like he was genuinely trying to recollect. Candice wanted those lips wrapped around her own, she wanted to run her tongue over it, she wanted to...
      Candice flushed as she found him smirking at her, apparently having caught her staring at his lips. While she knew her body had its natural cravings, she chastised herself for fantasizing about her patient right in front of him. Embarrassed she turned her attention back to the file and for the rest of the session didn’t look up until necessary.
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“I Won’t Say I’m In Love” // Harry Hook x Reader (Daughter of Hades)
Hey hey hey ! Second imagine is ready ! Thanks so much guys for all the likes on the precedent one, I love you so much !! Hope you’ll like this one as much ! xoxo
Summary : You really hate Harry Hook, but you just couldn’t stop thinking about him since he conforted you...
"How can he be your first mate ?"
You were seated next to your best friend Uma in her mother's shop. The question crossed your lips as your eyes left Harry Hook who had just left the room after wincking at you. Harry was the first mate of Uma and you really hated him. He was annoying, flirting with you all the time despite all your efforts to push him away. He was maybe the person you hated the most in the world, after Mal and her gang who went to Auradon two months ago.
Uma looked at you like if you had turned mad.
"Harry is the most annoying guy on the Isle !"
"But he's the best sword fighter of my crew." She stopped talking for a minute or two before she asked : "Tell me, Y/N… Aren't you a bit in love with him ?"
"What ?" you yelled louder than you wanted. Everybody looked at you. "Are you crazy, Uma ? No, of course not ! He's such a…"
"So why are you always talking about him ?"
"I have never said…"
"No, never, just yesterday, the day before and the whole week…" she smiled. "Come on, you can tell me everything."
"Uma, I'm not and I will never be in love with Hook" you answered as you stood up. "Gotta go, my brother's waiting for me. I'll see you tomorrow."
"See ya, Y/N. I'll tell Harry you say hi" she laughed. You felt your hair becoming hotter, a sign that you were really angry. You got that - the fire hair - from your dad, Hades, the Lord of the Underworld.
On the way back to home, you couldn't stop thinking of what Uma said. Why are you always talking about him ? Aren't you a bit in love with him ? Come on, tell me.
If there's a prize for rotten judgement, I guess I've already won that No man is worth the aggravation That's ancient history, been there, done that
Here was the truth : two weeks ago, your boyfriend broke up with you. You were so sad, you spent almost a week crying about that. You usually went out of the town to be alone and cried and yelled after him as much as you needed. But this day, you heard someone.
"Well, well, well, who's that guy that makes a such beautiful girl crying like this ?"
"Go away, Hook !" you shouted, wiping your tears.
You didn't want to see him. But you heard his steps and guessed that he stopped next to you.
"Seth, uh ? Facilier's son ?" he continued. "Uma told me he..."
"I said leave me alone."
"I don't like him. But I'm sorry for you, lass."
You couldn't believe what you've just heard. Harry Hook, sorry for you ? You looked up at him. He was smiling.
"Y/N, you're a great person, and he didn't deserve you."
"But I loved him ! I really did ! And he just… he just…"
"Acted like an asshole. Honnestly, you couldn't keep dating a guy like him. You deserve someone who really care about you, who will never let you down. He hurt you, and that's the proof he was not made for you."
He kneeled in front of you, his blue eyes fixing yours. You wiped them again.
"I won't let anyone hurt you again like that, Y/N. Now stop crying, please" he whispered to me. After a minute of silence, you asked :
"Why are you so nice with me ? You know I don't like you."
"Well, Uma would kill me if I let people causing you pain" he laughed. "Seriously, I hate seeing you hurt. Maybe you don't like me, but I care about you. Even if you don't succumb to my natural charm."
You smiled against your will. He smiled back and gave you his hand. You took it and get up before you quickly released him. He escorted you to your home without added anything.
"Hook ?"
"Yes, Y/N ?"
"You're still annoying. But thank you."
"Whenever you need, princess of the Underworld."
He imitated a reverence before he turned back and you entered into your house.
Who d'you think you're kidding He's the earth and heaven to you Try to keep it hidden, Honey we can see right through you Girl you can't conceal it We know how you're feeling Who you thinking of
Why couldn't you chase Harry away from your mind ? You hated him, you knew he was even worst than your ex Seth Facilier. Harry would play with you and your feelings before he let you down. He seemed to care about you, but for how long ? If you would let him become your friend or… more, he would break you, like Seth did, but this time it would be worse.
"Come on, Y/N. Put yourself together. Stop thinking about him !"
But it was like an obsession.
I won't let anyone hurt you again… I hate seeing you hurt. I care about you !
Aren't you a bit in love with him ?
In love with him ?
You stopped walking and hit the ground with your feet.
"I can't be in love with him ! Y/N, you can't love a guy like him !"
"Everything's alright, Y/N ?" you heard a voice saying behind you.
You turned round. A girl, older than you, with short black hair and blue eyes, wearing black clothes and lots of black make up, smiled at you. She was Harriet, Harry's older sister. You always thought she and Harry looked a lot like each other. Harriet was three years older than you, but you knew her from your brother. Fun fact, they were close friends while you hated Harry.
"Hi, Harriet. Yeah, I'm fine."
"You don't look like you really are. 'Have a problem with a guy, uh ? I heard ya."
"Actually… yes" you answered as Harriet started laughing. "I think I kinda have feelings for him, but I hate him at the same time." Harriet laughed even more.
"Sweetie, I'd love talking with you 'bout that, but I'm lookin' for Harry. Did ya see him ?"
"He was at Ursula Fish & Chips earlier, but he left before I did. Maybe I can help you to find him ?"
"You can go to the docks, I'll look for Uma. She probably knows where he is."
You left Harriet, determined to find Harry and talk about you two.
No chance no way I won't say it, no no (You swoon you sigh why deny it oh oh) It's too cliche I won't say I'm in love I thought my heart had learned its lesson It feels so good when you start out My head is screaming "Get a grip girl Unless you're dying to cry your heart out"
You didn't know how long you searched him. But for sure, he was not on the docks. You suddently had an idea. Why not… where he found you the last week ? He knew that place, and no one ever came there.
You were right. Harry was seated where you were the last week, looking at some invisible point on the ground. His brown hair were messier than usually, his black eyeliner making dark marks under his blue eyes like he had… cried ?
"Are you ok, Hook ? Your sister's looking for you."
He didn't answer. Something was clearly wrong with him. You finally stopped and sat next to him. He took his face in his hands. That really hurt you to see Harry like that.
"Harry ? Is everything alright ?"
"Would you… stay with me ? Please" he begged with a broken voice.
"Of course" you answered without thinking. "If you want to talk, I'm here. You can tell me anything."
For about five minutes, none of you said a word.
"My dad."
You bit your lip. There was no a single adult on the Isle who was a good parent with their children. You perfectly knew some of them were abusive, yelled, insulted their kids. Your dad wasn't the worst - the only thing you worried about him were the moments of anger when his hair caught fire.
"He… He had always prefered my sisters. I'm just… I'm just a stupid boy, I don't even deserve to be a pirate."
"What !"
You looked at him, chocked. You saw something broken in his eyes, that you have never seen. And he looked so sad… You put your hand on his shoulder.
"Don't listen to him, Harry. You are amazing, you are Uma's first mate !"
"He said I'm nothing. I…"
"Harry Hook ! Stop bullying yourself !" you yelled. Surprised, he looked at you. "You are wonderful, Harry. You are the best sword fighter of the Isle. You are loyal, always there for the people you love. You are the boy who stayed with me when I was sad, even if I tried to push you away, even if you thought I hated you. You are not perfect, but no one is. And if your father doesn't want you, I do. I…"
You stopped talking. What were you saying ?
Girl you can't deny it Who you are is how you're feeling Baby we're not buying Hon we saw you hit the ceiling Face it like a grown-up When you gonna own up that you got got got it bad
Harry was still looking at you. And you did something that amaze yourself. You wrapped your arm around his neck, brought your face closer to his and kissed him. You closed your eyes as you connected your lips at his. Harry took only a few seconds before kissing you back. And you loved every seconds of that moment. You loved his salty lips, their softness, you loved feeling his hand on your cheek trying to bring you even more closer.
"What a nice surprise" he muttered against your lips. "Maybe I'll be depressed more often if you kiss me like that every time."
"Don't push it, Hook. I still hate you."
"Of course, darlin' of course. I love you too."
He kissed you one more time, before you stood up.
"My gosh, Harry, because of you I'm late ! My brother's waiting for me, I have to go."
He get up too and put his arm aroung your waist.
"May I escort you, Lady of the Underworld ?"
You rolled your eyes, making him laughed. He kissed your forehead before you two walked back into town.
No chance no way I won't say it, no no (Give up, give in, check the grin you're in love) This scene won't play I won't say I'm in love (We'll do it until you admit you're in love) You're way off base I won't say it Get off my case I won't say it (Girl don't be proud it's okay you're in love) At least out loud I won't say I'm in love
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