#I honestly think Dazai did care about the mafia in his own way
iridescentdove · 1 year
If it is not too much trouble, may I please request a Yandere? Platonic! BSD x Arlecchino! Reader, let's say that the reader has played an important role in almost everybody's life.
For example, she took Kouyou under her wing when she failed to escape the Mafia, advised and convinced Fukuzawa to save Yosano, treated and viewed (15) Dazai as only a child and not the demon prodigy, never once used or placed Chuuya as the second choice, etc. Things like that, but the reader is still in the Fatui and does run the House of the Hearth and looks after orphans while also training them to be enlisted in the Fatui. So, they probably view reader as a parent figure and someone dear to their hearts and don’t want anything bad to happen to them.
Yandere!Platonic!BSD x Arlecchino!Reader
A/N: I immediately worked on this request on seeing it omg anon you guys do not know how much I love Arlecchino ... also for here I use "Father", but that's only because in the game Lyney & Lynette call Arlecchino that. Feel free to pretend it's mother or something else!
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You're the second whole of their hearts.
They'll do anything for you ...
It's not a coincidence. To take one for an example. KOUYOU, that poor little girl who did nothing wrong. She was such a sweet kid, someone nice ... and yet she was there in the Port Mafia. Taken away and unable to live her life like a child should.
In an attempt to leave the mafia with a man she liked, it was rather unfornature enough – both were caught red handed.
And that man? He was killed.
KOUYOU was desperately holding on, wanting him to open his eyes, to survive and still find a way. And yet deep down, she knew that it would be impossible.
Good things never last.
She began to see the light as something meaningless. That the moment a flower born in darkness is exposed to light, it will wilt and burn away to nothingness. She can't escape. Not anymore. But that also wishful thinking.
That was until you came along and helped her up.
It was like a moment's heartbeat, the moment she looked up. You were right there – holding your hand out.
Even if you weren't expressive as to be expected out of sympathy for what happened, she can tell that you were no ill-intentioned person. So what did she do? She took it. Your hand. And gave you a smile ... one that faintly shined of hope.
Of course, she never left the mafia. But she had you to take care of her ... and treat her like a true daughter.
She was ecstatic to have family of her own.
You even gifted her a little plushie. Of course, of the the most fine and exquisite type of material. Your rich ass is flexing without even saying it out loud. slay
And you never treated her as a second choice.
Just like CHUUYA. As the time passed, he too joined the Port Mafia by boss orders. Honestly – you probably didn't give much of a shit, but that obviously changed.
Even now, your fatherish figure still remains after years. And that may as well never change.
He takes some great pride on his abilities, and he's rather smug about it himself. Although – sometimes he does question himself, and his humanity. Due to basically being merged and being Arahabaki's vessel.
But no, fuck that. You treated him as your own child, and although had more better things to do in the Fatui – this kid was insecure as hell and needed a parental figure.
CHUUYA adores you from the bottom of his heart. You showed him what it was to be human. To be alive. You gave him good reason and even let him visit the orphanage you looked after. Since he was merged with basically a God, you found it curious as well.
Well Arahabaki doesn't have a Gnosis so he's luckily safe
And then also, boom. Your attention extended towards his partner! DAZAI himself, of his young age. And from that time on, you already knew something was up with him.
Honestly – it can't be doubted. He was destined to live in the darkness forever. Nothing in the world can compel that deep etched loneliness in his heart; and even his late friend ODASAKU had acknowledged that.
Even after their unfortunate deaths, you were right there.
He was almost weirded the fuck out at first. You're not treating him like a monster. Or a demon. Not even his position and affiliation. You straight out threw those ourt the trash and instead? You treated him like your son.
It comforted him a little. To know he finally had someone to call his own. At first – just like anyone, he thought he'd lose you.
But you proved him wrong in various ways.
No matter how hard he tried, you kept him his side. Trained with him and succeeded in his defeat (much to his surprise), and gave him a few fatherly hugs and gifts that he would need and like. And DAZAI couldn't help it either.
He wanted you to be his real father quite badly. You were always there, and his eternal loneliness?
What's that again?
No. Even with that in mind, you never stopped to pursue and keep going with the mafioso. You'd go as much as to take him and meet with the rest of the harbingers, maybe taking CHUUYA and other executives from time to time.
Of course, avoiding The Doctor because it might as well just give back DAZAI his trauma.
And when he keft the mafia? You came along with him. Words cannot express how happy and relieved he was. He didn't want to loose his only comfort, his family. And if any9ne ever tries to threaten your familial bond?
He's gonna pull out the fucking demon prodigy card and show them how demonic he can be
In any case, same is due to everyone else. Like the fact you just always seemed to be there in the right place, at the right time. Like when YOSANO was being forced into healing soldier after soldier in the war.
The poor girl. Safe to assume the Fatui didn't really care about such and didn't participate in the war.
Much unless the Tsaritsa commands them to stop it, they may as well do that. But as of now they didn't really care. But that was only an 11 year old child ...
A child. You just had to take her in, didn't you?
And if not – in any case, you went ahead and got FUKUZAWA to save her. You reasoned with him, quite the good convincer yourself. You were a woman of a hundred, if not a thousand faces that could easily fool others.
So he took her in to the agency.
Although YOSANO was never told about what had happened in the sidelines, the moment she saw you walking away from the both of them – she just had that feeling.
She wants to thank you, if it's the last thing she did.
From the time that came on, you continued to do what you did and appeared, woving yourself into the hearts of everyone. At first, it was obviously never easy. But that wasn't a reason to give up. And you're you, would you seriously give up from that?
Many of them expresses gratitude in multiple ways, sometimes a bit unhinged – which you were yourself. There's not a sane bone in your body.
At least, that's what people like to think.
You've come this far into giving others a new life, being a father figure that everyone cherishes dearly and adores. Oh, and if anyone try to tear away that dream or hurt you – even a single scratch on that body of yours ...
There will be hell to pay.
You'd think they got very protective of their father. They can all quite collectively agree that they need no other familial figure in their lives other than you. Dearest you, who saved them from their shameful lives and gave them a future.
Even one who isn't supposedly a kid like SIGMA – he came from a book. He doesn't have a family. But correction, he does.
And it's you.
Or anyone else from multiple affiliations across. The Decay of the Angels, the Hunting Dogs, supposedly those that caught your eye in these several factions.
Suppose the easily jealous ones of seeing you paying attention to kids more in the orphanage, or giving a certain triplets more of time can get them boiling with anger quite enough. Even if it was wrong, it just seemed so right.
And so? They try to steal more of your attention away. This is one of the time they truly act like children once more.
CHUUYA would most likely not want anyone even gazing at your direction. Must they make things worse? You're around kids almost 24/7 and taking care of them yes, but you should only be taking care of him!
DAZAI acts like a child throwing a tantrum. No! No! No one can be with his father other than himself! How dare those kids call you their father?! He's livid, and tries to hide his anger and jealousy, yet he was visibly so eerie and tense.
KOUYOU can bet it was saddening to see you paying attention to work at the Fatui. Come on now, can you blame her? If you took her under your wing, you better be responsible. So she tries to invite you to her own missions and do fun together, just like when she was little. She wants your care.
YOSANO can tolerate it mostly, although at some point she comes with a breaking point as well. She's normally kind and likes hang around you and feel protected and loved, but oh, when you're not looking? Let's see ... pulls out chainsaw
So if a child or two goes missing in the orphanage?
Let's just say it wasn't anyone's fault, dear father :)
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originalartblog · 2 years
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Answering some asks about the dad Murase lives AU under the cut because you are forcing me to think about what I've created (❤)
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Murase had to know about N's less-than-savoury work. He was hired as a security guard (thanks to his brother) for a military facility for which he was told to kill any trespassers on sight. And his brother had been legally dead for a decade! But the main difference between the two brothers is that while N will still do horrors in the name of his job, Murase has spent his life after the war trying to help people to atone for what he had to do to survive. I think having to face concrete proof of what his brother did/does, especially without the immediate pressure of war and survival to "justify" his actions, to a kid he's grown somewhat attached to? That would be really hard on him.
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Frankly I had never heard of that theory before, and after considering it, I can't agree with it. The government has expressed barely any interest in Chuuya, N seems to have acted on his own. The PM has so many ability users, and abilities are so unknown to the general public, with or without Chuuya, it was an important move to make, and there was no normal legal way of getting it.
As for Oda... I fear he's going to suffer the same fate. In another post I did wonder if Mori would try to be more careful with Dazai, since we know he was very careful to nurture Chuuya's loyalty and bond to the mafia. But after thinking about it, while Mori felt bitter after Dark Era (please read the light novel), he says he would still do it because the permit was so important to get. Chuuya going away here wasn't his fault, so I see no reason he wouldn't do things especially differently. Maybe he'd feel even more bitter though.
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If Oda dies the same way... it's a fun question. Dazai would leave, Dazai would still refuse to work for the government, so his options are limited. I can't imagine Chuuya leaving at 16, join the ADA, and the mafia not knowing a thing about it? So what would Dazai do? Chuuya left and joined a group and now that group is his only option in Yokohama. If he wants to join them, he'll still have to wait two years for his records to be erased and hidden. And he knows Chuuya is gonna be there, and he knows him!! How frustrating and stressful is that wait going to be?
I'd like Chuuya to be gone when Dazai first joins, so Entrance Exam can still take place in a similar way. Maybe he accompanied Ranpo on his contract out of town? I do wonder if he'd confront Dazai publicly or in private... I'm still not sure how much he told the ADA about his own origins.
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I've decided that Chuuya leaves after the Dragon Head Conflict (after loosing a second set of friends in the same year), because this time, he has someone waiting for him to offer him an out. And this is interesting from a skk point of view. At that point, Dazai has already met both Oda and Ango, and technically, Double Black has made a name of themselves. Chuuya would be leaving at the creation/peak of Double Black, barely giving it enough time to get their name. But all that we know (so far) of what they were up to as teenagers has happened already! And Dazai has met Oda and Ango, he has a support system now! They'll be fine. Well, as fine as their canon counterparts anyway.
This is also funny because their "history" is less than two years of absolute hell, then a 5/6-year gap, and suddenly they're coworkers again.
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Honestly I don't know if Murase would have an opportunity to see it or its repercussions? I doubt he saw Chuuya directly after Verlaine (you know, mafia and all that), and I think Chuuya would be the one to seek him out after the DHC. I truly think you could count the amount of times Corruption was maybe used by Double Black in canon back then on one hand, and in this AU, it's literally only twice. Unless Asagiri planned for another big event and hasn't told us yet, I don't think Chuuya has had to use Corruption again in this AU until Lovecraft.
MAYBE someone would notify Chuuya's dad guardian that his son charge was badly injured, but with Yosano in the room, I doubt it would make it back to him. Same thing with Dead Apple. Murase lives in a blessed world where he knows Chuuya's powerful, but doesn't know the extent of it.
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Have a lil' doodle for making it all the way down here! (it's Chuuya's first week or something)
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ashleyh713fanfics · 8 months
Dazai X Odasaku!Sister "Timeless" P1
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Hello! I've been writing for awhile but this is the first time writing bsd. I gave Oda's sister a name but I'll do a version with y/n if that's more your speed. Synopsis: After Odasaku's death Dazai searches for a way to fulfill his last request but doesn't know where to start. That is until he meets Odasaku's mysterious little sister. Warnings: Usual bsd warnings. Murder, talks of death and suicide, Dazai being a sociopath. Part 1/3
Osamu Dazai was not a good man. 
In fact, it would be absurd to even call him an average man. No, it seemed the fifteen year old boy knew just what kind of evil laid in every single cell of his body. It had always been that way, corrupting him for his entire life and there was no stopping it. 
So the mafia executive had just accepted it, falling in line as the youngest person to ever command a fleet with absolutely no mercy. That’s just the way things were, and there was no changing them. Although, it wasn’t like the boy wanted change either. 
The chaos, the destruction, the death, it was all he had known. 
Hearing his newest victim's scream seemingly brought him out of his own philosophical thought though, causing the boy to lower his eyes and focus back in on the chained man in front of him. 
Quite honestly, he had forgotten what the guy was being captured and tortured for but Dazai hardly cared, knowing his orders were only to silence him permanently. 
Blood began to pour down the victim's face then, watching as the teenage boy reached for the gun on his belt only for the guy to start to scream and shout in his face. “Think about what you're doing, boy! If you kill me you’re going to regret it.” 
Dazai only turned his head though, a crazed look in his eye as he cocked the ammunition. “You should have thought about that before double crossing the port mafia.” 
Taking a step forward, the boy then pointed the barrel towards the man only for his anger to turn into pure fear, his cries turning into silence as he fully looked in the eyes of his executioner. 
And what he saw was absolutely nothing, just a soulless boy with no remorse for his actions in the slightest. “Your eyes hold no feeling, Someday that will be your downfall, someday you will regret the blood you spill so easily.” 
For a moment, the bandaged boy paused, curiosity taking up his features as he spoke through the darkness. “And why is that?” 
The prisoner then pulled against his chains, lunging for the kid to no avail as his face contorted in insanity in order for him to reply. “Because one day, there won't be a stranger on the other side of that gun. What will you do then?”
Before he could finish, Dazai’s finger pulled the trigger, piercing the enemy five times straight as his lips curled into a bloodthirsty and terrifying smile. 
And in his head, the boy replied to his outrages question as the blood began to soak his feet silently. The same thing I always do, because I don't see anyone but strangers. 
The man's lifeless body slumped against the chains a moment later as Dazai let off ten more shots into his cold dead muscles as he twitched at the impact. The move was inhumane and psychotic but that was always Dazai’s way of doing things. 
He didn’t become a port mafia executive without spilling blood after all. 
After a moment, the barrel of his gun clicked him back to reality, all the bullets emptied in order for the boy to simply put the weapon back onto his belt and leave the room in silence.  
He felt no remorse for the stranger, or for the brutal way he had ended his life. He never did. Everything had become such second nature to him over time. 
Well, there was one person that knew him better than the rest. He was the person that he trusted over all else, almost like a family he never had. The words were still heavy on his mind even now.
Oda Sakunosuke
And whether Dazai liked it or not, he knew that Odasaku was the only one that kept him from going over the deep end into insanity. He kept the fifteen year old boy together and kept him human. 
But now he was dead, so there was no one left to hold back the darkness. 
So instead Dazai allowed it to fully swallow him whole. 
Just then, his phone began to ring inside his pocket before the boy finally put his gun away and answered the call with a low murmur. “Mori, what do I owe the pleasure?” 
HIs boss’s voice was immediate, echoing through the darkness. “Ah Dazai, how’s my favorite executive doing? What’s the report?” 
Staring at the unmoving body, Dazai then sighed to himself before turning away from the sight in order to scrape some of his blood off his shoes. “The target has been eliminated just like you asked.” 
Mori only hummed at that, satisfied with the report. “Very good. Just as expected from the famous demon prodigy. I thought you could use a job after everything that’s happened. You know, to clear your mind from Odasaku’s tragic death last week.” 
At the sound of Oda’s name, the boy couldn’t help but tighten his hold on the phone as unwanted memories flooded into him without permission. 
Because try as he may, Dazai couldn’t help but continue to hear his dear friend's words in the back of his head. Oda told him to become a good man but that was easier said than done. And though he wanted to fulfill his last wish, the boy had no idea what the mere concept of good was. 
For you see, his blood was port mafia black through and through whether he liked it or not. It wasn’t a light switch he could flick in his mind. No, Dazai knew that he had been permanently tainted since he was a child, and there was no reversing that. 
He was no longer a fifteen year old kid but rather the demon prodigy. 
And demons couldn’t be cleansed into angels. They just couldn’t. 
But because of that, the boy felt a gnawing guilt at the bottom of his stomach at all times of the day. It’s like it was punishing him for ignoring his old friend's request. But quite honestly, he knew he deserved it.
Oda was wrong after all, he couldn’t become a good person. 
He didn’t even know what good was.
Dazai then felt his mind snap back into place just as he heard Mori finish one of his usual rambles as the boy narrowed his eyes. The boss totally brought up Odasaku because he knew it would garner a reaction from him. 
But he wasn’t going to allow that. No, he was too prideful to show his flaws.
Because of that, the boy then forced a smile to his lips before speaking plainly. “Is there anything else you need from me, boss?” 
The title came out slightly demeaning, Dazai using the term boss with a twinge of mocking vigor to get under his skin. The boy loved to do that, walking the fine line between respect and disrespect. 
“Not partially. I just wanted to see how you were doing. He was your friend after all.” Mori’s sharp dark laugher filled up the space as the boy physically flinched at the world friend. 
But once again, Dazai refused to give him satisfaction, the boy simply smiling to myself before turning his head to the side in reply. “I’m great. Thanks.”
Then Dazai simply hung up the phone, the empty space echoing with a long dial tone as he dropped his bandaged arm down to his side as the sunken dead look in his eyes stared at the empty walls for what seemed like forever. 
He wanted to see how he was doing?
Of course he wasn’t doing okay.
Dazai had tried to go back to his room at the port mafia but the longer the night got, the more his tired anxious eyes refused to shut. And when they did, he saw Odasaku’s life slip from his fingers, just like it had a week ago. 
The boy cursed Mori for bringing up such fragile memories so casually, his body tossing and turning with a groan before finally giving up in order to wander the night streets aimlessly as the cold winter air hit his face. 
Although he said that though, the boy quickly found himself wandering into a very familiar place, his hands reaching into his pocket in order to pull out a small silver key and push it into the lock. 
The door swung open sadly, allowing the kid to step inside before finally feeling the weight of reality crash down all around him. This was Oda’s place, the apartment where Dazai had found himself many times over the years whenever the mafia felt a little too suffocating. 
It was also the place they would go sometimes after having a few too many drinks at  Bar Lupin.
Glancing over to the empty living room he pictured a memory of the past as he imagined the ghostly silhouettes of himself, Ango and Oda as they drank around the table and laughed as the men showed him some new card game. 
And as cold as Dazai’s heart was now, he missed those times. Why did he take such a thing for granted? Why didn’t he cherish those nights more? He could never get them back no matter how hard he tried. 
In fact, the boy had come here tonight in search of something familiar, for something that reminded him of that safe comforting feeling he always had with his old friends. But now, it was cold and empty, just like how the boy felt on the inside. 
He couldn’t find Odasaku’s presence anywhere, not even in this place. 
Sighing to himself, the boy then walked over to the liquor cabinet in the corner before taking out two glasses and filling them up with whiskey. 
Then Dazai lowered his eyes before placing one of the drinks on the table where Oda used to sit before moving over to the other side with a sigh. 
Staring at the empty, cruel space across from him, the boy then took a sip of his whiskey as an unwanted wave of emotion coursed through his throat. “Odasaku..” 
Suddenly, the entrance to his friend’s apartment started to jiggle and move, like someone was on the other side, as Dazai felt his defenses awaken immediately.
 It sounded like someone was trying to break in. But who? Oda told him the only people that knew this place were him and Ango. 
Quickly taking out his gun, the boy then narrowed his eyes before slipping out of slight just as the door flew open a moment later. Whoever was trying to steal from his old friend was going to pay for sure. 
Dazai then listened carefully as a pair of shoes moved across the wooden floors, the movement halting as the stranger seemingly stopped to stare at the two strange whiskey glasses on the table. 
He couldn’t see very much from the angle he was in, only that the stranger was wearing a large black hoodie, the fabric covering up the entirety of their frame and hiding their identity completely. 
They then leaned down to touch one of the glasses as the boy quickly cocked his gun in order to place the barrel of his gun onto the back of their temple as the stranger froze. 
And when he spoke, it was lethally calm. “Who are you? What are you doing here?”
The stranger was quiet as he watched their hands reach towards their jacket pocket only for the Dazai to assume it was a gun and take action. No, he wasn’t an idiot. Like this guy could pull a fast one on him. 
Because of that, Dazai’s face immediately hardened before reaching forward in order to grab the intruder's arm, his fingers wrapping around the surprisingly slim surface before kicking their legs out from under them as they fell backwards onto the ground. 
The boy hardly noticed them give a small squeak of surprise at the move. 
Pushing the barrel of the gun towards the stranger, the boy added slowly. “You have one chance. Tell me why you’re here.” 
The person underneath him tried to squirm but Dazai didn’t let them free, tightening his hold on the trigger before narrowing his eyes. If they didn’t want to tell them who they were then he could just examine the corpse later. 
Yet that’s when they heard the intruder speak, soft and quiet, barely above a whisper. And call him crazy but they sounded feminine. “I’m looking for someone.” 
Not understanding, he dug deeper. “Who?” 
The girl was quiet then, her voice trailing away only for his gun to push even deeper to her temple in warning. No, he wouldn’t allow her to stay silent after dishonoring his old friend's old place. 
A moment later she spoke again, except this time the boy was in no way prepared for her answer. “My big brother.” 
And try as he may, the demon prodigy paused at that, his hand frozen on the gun as he couldn’t help but turn his head to the side. What the hell was she talking about? Why would her big brother be at Oda’s old place? 
Although that’s when a crazy possibility popped into his head before the boy brushed it away immediately. No, that was ridiculous. There was no way.
Scoffing at the idea, Dazai frowned. “Your what?”
The stranger then seemingly sighed to herself before lifting her hand up as his defenses slammed back up in case she tried to try something funny. “He stopped answering my letters a week ago so I thought something might have happened to him. I hopped the first flight I could get and followed the return address on his envelopes.”
Then he watched her reach into her pocket only for his hand to push it back with a lot of anxiety. He didn’t trust this girl, she could’ve been lying, screwing him over. “Nice try but I wouldn’t try anything if I were you. I’m not in the best mood right now.”
Stopping immediately, the intruder’s hand grew tense and rigid against his fingers and for a moment the boy thought she was going to fight back or use some unknown ability on him. 
Not that it would matter though considering his ability canceled out everyone else’s. She didn’t stand a chance, especially while he was holding her. No, Dazai would win. It was a guarantee. 
Yet it seemed like the girl wasn’t as dumb as he once anticipated, her hand unmoving as she allowed the boy to hold her captive. “Then grab it yourself and see I’m not lying.” 
Grab it himself? No, why would he do that? That would just give her the opportunity to stab him or inject him with some kind of poison or something.
 Yet the alternative of having her retrieve whatever it is she was trying some him was equally dangerous. No, he couldn’t allow her that kind of freedom. 
Because of that the boy narrowed his eyes before hastily reaching his hand out in order to shove it inside the girl’s small pocket on the front side of her drawstring sweatshirt only to pull out a folded envelope just like she had described. 
Lifting up the white paper to his face, the boy then recognized the very same address they were at right now, Oda’s address, the one that no one was supposed to know except him and Ango. It was suspicious and strange but she also seemed to be telling the truth. 
Just then, Dazai’s face started to grow insanely pale, shaking away the thought before crumbling the empty envelope in his fingers with a scared mutter. “What is your name?”
Her response was immediate, causing the fifteen year old boy’s eyes to widen and his world to come crashing down around him. “Asagao Oda.”
Suddenly, it felt hard to breathe, to think as the boy’s lips slipped out a breathy gasp in reply. No, it couldn’t be. She was fucking with him. There was no way, there was no way he wouldn’t have known about that. Oda was his best friend and he never mentioned this. 
Shaking his head in denial, Dazai’s hand began to shake on his gun, his teeth gritting together as he shoved the barrel further into her hidden temple. “Now I know you’re lying. How about you try again?”
The stranger could see this also though, her body moving once again in order to prop herself up onto her elbows and put her hands out in some kind of defense. “I know it’s probably hard to believe but I am..I’m....
Yet the moment Dazai saw movement, his crazed eyes snapped down to the girl before reaching forward in order to grasp onto the top of her hood with a furious shout.” Bullshit, who are you?!” 
How dare she deceive him by telling such crazy lies. She would pay for that, for soiling Oda’s honor. He just had to know who she really was first. 
Pulling the black fabric down a moment later, Dazai’s gun wasted no time, slamming the barrel into her chest as the girl fell off balance and back onto the floor with a breathy gasp. Now to see who this witch really was. 
Yet the moment he adjusted his eyes, Dazai found the very same deep crimson hair he knew for years, pouring down around the sides of the hooded jacket as he stared down at her deep blue cavendish eyes that he had looked into so many times before. 
Oh my god, she was a spitting image of his old friend, Odasaku. 
But how could that be? 
He watched her groan at the sudden force, her eyes squinting behind a pair of large round glasses that took up the majority of her face before opening them again and looking at the gun pointed at her chest. 
And though she was so close to death, the girl didn’t dare move, her eyes locking back to the boy’s before Dazai felt his voice break with utter shock.
In that moment, for a split second, the boy didn’t feel like a mafia executive but rather just a confused fifteen year old boy, his voice incredibly small.  “It can't be..Odasaku had a little sister..?”
Because if this was true, why didn’t Odasaku mention her, why didn’t he tell him about her? He thought they were friends. But was that wrong? What else did he hold back from the boy? 
Yet the moment Oda’s name slipped from his lips, the girl's eyes widened before lifting her hands up to his black jacket in order to utterly ignore the gun that was pressed to her chest. “Wait, you know my brother? Where is he? Please tell me..” 
She sounded desperate, the action causing Dazai’s finger to float above the trigger before those horrible memories of his best friend's death flashed through him once more. If she really was his sister, then he knew she’d never find him. 
Because of that, the boy told the truth, his voice dull and cruel. “He’s dead.” 
And then he waited, he waited for the girl to cry, to scream, to plead with him for something that was already determined and carried out. That’s what the normal response would be, that’s what everyone else did when someone died. 
Well, not Dazai but literally everyone else. 
Instead, the girl who claimed to be Odasaku’s sister only stayed silent, fingers not moving from his jacket in order for her to close her eyes with something that Dazai read as disappointment before she muttered sadly. “Oh, I see. I hoped that wasn’t the case.” 
Pausing for a moment, Asagao then added softly. “How did he go?” 
Flashes of that day began to play in his head once more before the boy decided to give her the truth, knowing it wouldn’t matter either way. “He was murdered. I saw it myself.” 
Once again, the large rimmed glasses girl only remained silent, like she was thinking something to herself before Asagao replied back sadly. “That must have been very hard on you. I’m sorry..” 
And for a moment, Dazai paused. Why was she saying that? Wasn’t she Odasaku’s sister? Surely she sould’ve been the one more broken up about this information. It was like she didn’t even care. 
No, that wasn’t right. It was more complex than that. She looked sad enough, but it seemed like she couldn’t make some kind of connection in her brain. In fact, the strange girl showed more emotion towards a total stranger than herself. How strange. 
Because of that, the boy turned his head in curiosity. “Why do you say that?” 
Asagao only smiled though, the tips of her mouth not quite reaching her eyes as she glanced over to the two glasses of whiskey next to them. “Because if I know one thing, it’s that anyone that pours a drink for the dead truly valued their life.”
Sighing to herself, the girl then looked back to the gun that was holding her hostage before nodding. “Either way, thank you for telling me, and for being there with him in his last moments. I’m grateful to you for that. At least now I know he was truly loved by someone.”  
Grateful? Now that was a new one. Usually his enemies weren’t grateful for the torture they received. And Dazai would be lying if he said he wasn't fascinated by the different and strange response. 
So much so, a sadistic smile spread across his face without meaning to. “Should you really be thanking me when I have a gun pressed to your chest?” 
The girl then paused before glancing back down towards the gun in order to lift her fingers up and press the barrel further into her chest with a sad smile that Dazai couldn’t decipher. 
And when she spoke, it brimmed with so much honest passion. “Now that I found out how much you treasured my brother, I wouldn’t mind dying if it’s you that pulls the trigger. Then maybe I could finally feel close to him..” 
Pausing slightly at her honest declaration, the boy processed her words with interest and confusion. No one had ever said that to him before. No one had wanted him to be their executioner before. How strange
And it was no secret that Dazai didn’t think much about life, calling it meaningless and pointless. Hell, he had tried to die hundreds of times in order to finally painlessly drift away from such mediocrity. 
But staring at the girl that somehow wore his best friend's face, he couldn’t help but be intrigued by her. She didn’t seem scared of death like others. Her face wore a sense of peace and calm he had never seen before from a victim of his. 
 No, that’s not right. She was scared of death, of course she was, but somehow this stranger found comfort in him pulling the trigger. And for a moment he wanted to ask why, to figure out the methods and inner workings of the girl who claimed to be Odasaku’s sister. 
Yet the moment his fingers graced the trigger once more, the door next to them seemingly slammed open in order for another voice to enter the space.
And this time, they sounded stressed. “What do you think you’re doing?!” 
Then all at once, both Dazai and Asagao turned in unison only to find a very familiar frazzled man staring back at them, the girl speaking first. “A-Ango?” 
Ango only narrowed his eyes though, the man gazing at the very strange and suggestive position the two were in before shaking his head in disbelief. Dazai was practically straddling the poor girl right now with his thighs and without context things did look slightly odd. 
If the gun wasn’t there the man surely would’ve thought something else was going on. 
Dazai didn’t seem to care about that though, his head turning in confusion at the strange girl. Wait, she just said his old friend's name. That meant.. “You know him?” 
Asa didn’t have time to reply though, Ango quickly pointed to the red haired female before speaking with exasperation. “You..what are you doing here?” 
The man then gave Dazai a look, causing the boy to sigh and finally let his captive go in order to put the gun back in his hollister. Ango didn’t seem on edge by her which meant that she wasn’t a threat, currently..
Feeling her lips curve up into a goofy smile, Asa then simply leaped from the floor in order to race towards Ango with her arms open wide as she beamed. “Ango! What a surprise, I guess this our first time meeting. How awkward, am I right? Ha ha ha. Small world. That’s crazy, really.” 
The man only sighed though, already expecting her moves before placing a hand on her face and pushing her back lightly in order to stop the assault. “I knew you’d come here. Good thing I had the government track your movements just in case. Looks like I got here just in time.” 
Frowning at the rejection, Asa then pouted her lips before rubbing the spot where his hand was just moments prior. “Well that’s a little invasive..”
Ango didn’t feel as carefree though, the man immediately putting a hand to his temple in the sign of a headache. “Obviously it was needed. Did you not listen to your brother’s instructions? He said for you to stay out of Yokohama, to not go looking for him. Or did you forget that?” 
Dazai then watched the girl pause before dropping her hand in order to awkwardly laugh in a fake cutesy manner. “I may have chosen to admit that part from my memory. Oops?”
Shrugging her shoulders in reply, Ango only shook his head, obviously over her antics. “Oops? That’s all you have to say? Seriously Asagao, what would Oda say..?”
Yet at the sound of Oda’s name, Dazai felt his head perk up. Even Ango was mentioning Oda and her together. That could only mean one thing. The things she was claiming were true, weren’t they? 
Not wanting to believe it, the boy called out. “Ango, was she telling the truth? Is she really..”
Although before he could finish, Ango simply put a hand up, not wanting to deal with such a revelation for some reason. “Dazai, please..” 
The way he was shutting him down was strange, almost like the man didn’t want Dazai to put together the facts that Odasaku had a little sister and that she was standing before them. But why? Why was Ango, a traitor, allowed to know and not him? 
Something was off about all of this. 
Just then, his thoughts got interrupted as Asa gasped loudly, her eyes turning towards the boy in excited disbelief. “Wait, Dazai? As in Osamu Dazai? No way, for real?!” 
And before he could process it, the girl was up in his face, her blue eyes piercing his through her circular frames in order to look at him like some sort of rare museum artwork she had just found. 
Speaking happily, the girl beamed. “Oh wow. I can’t believe it, brother wrote about you in his letters. I feel like I already know you…” 
She then reached her fingers out to touch him, causing the boy to counter only for Ango to do so for him, his voice firm. “Asagao!” 
Then Odasaku’s sister’s face lit up with some kind of realization before taking a step back with a sort of bashful smile. “Ah, right. Personal space. Sorry, my bad. I got excited. I just wanted to take a good look at you. I guess most people would think that’s rude though. My bad. You probably think I’m some sort of freak now. Ah, well that’s nothing new really. 
Putting her hands up in defense, Asa then backtracked. Well she tried, but Dazai could still see the giddy glee in her face, almost like she was trying to suppress it. “I'm just really happy to meet you, that’s all. I just know we can be good friends. Oh! I know, what if..” 
Ango only stopped her again though, almost like he was afraid of what she was going to say next. “Asagao…” 
Turning her head, the girl hummed in confusion, obviously not seeing anything wrong. “Hmm?” 
The government official only frowned though, his hands moving up to hover over her mouth with an exhausted sigh. “Stop talking.” 
Asa didn’t seem offended though, her brow turning down in understanding before nodding with an apologetic smile. “Right, sorry. Overdoing it. Got it.” 
Shaking his head in exasperation, the government official then turned away from her before pointing to the very curious mafioso that was watching. “Dazai, I need to see you outside. And you..” 
Asa pointed to herself at that, turning her head innocently. “Me?”
Nodding once, the man continued roughly. “Yes you. You better not move a muscle cause when I come back I’m sending you right back home.” 
Dazai then watched her lips open with pure shock in order for her voice to come out in a whine of protest. “Whaaa? Come on Ango. That’s not fair. I just..”
Ango only cut her off though, his tone serious. “It’s not up for debate. Your brother is gone and I promised him that you would never get involved in this. I’m not going against his wishes and neither will you. Now pack your bags and get ready. We leave tonight.” 
Then before she could protest, the man pushed Dazai out of the small apartment door, the boy looking back at the strange new girl only to watch her eyes flash to his in some sort of unexplainable longing before the door covered the sight. 
And call him crazy but it looked like she didn’t want him to go. 
How strange, he had never seen that kind of response from someone before. Usually they were glad to be rid of the demon, of the boy that had plagued their life. If anything, Asa should’ve been thankful that the guy that had threatened her just moments ago was leaving. 
But somehow she wasn’t, and that intrigued him a lethally dangerous amount. 
The cold crisp air hit him immediately, the feeling soaking into his bones and yet Dazai couldn’t focus on anything but the closed door just inches from his face. So much so, his fucked up mind started to run in all different directions without permission. 
And he’d be lying to say he wasn’t desperate to know what was going on behind Odasaku’s sister's eyes. He wanted to pick at her brain, to pry it open and see for himself the strange puzzle he had just discovered. 
He had a lot of toys but she was something different. It made him want to play around with her more often, to see what other interesting and amusing expressions she could make besides the ones tonight. 
Feeling his gaze focus more sadistically in thought, the boy suddenly took out his thoughts by his ex friend’s voice, a sense of warning in his tone. “Dazai, don’t even think about it.” 
The mafioso then closed his eyes before finally letting go of the thought in order to turn towards Ango innocently. “Whatever do you mean?” 
He only glared though, already knowing the naive tone was an act. “Don’t start. I know you better than anyone. You’re thinking about going back in there and manipulating Oda’s sister for something, aren’t you?” 
He wasn’t wrong. The boy had wanted something from her, but it was only to figure out more about her. Did that include messing around and being a little underhanded? Well, how else would he do it? That was his signature. 
Yet at the sound of Oda’s name, Dazai paused. No, he could decide all that later. Right now he needed answers. “Ango, what’s going on? Odasaku never said anything about having a little sister. How do you know her? Why didn’t he tell me?”
The information felt like a sting, coursing up the boy’s entire throat. He thought Odasaku and him were best friends. He thought they were close, that they knew everything about each other. But now it was obvious that he was keeping secrets this entire time. 
But why, what was the reason? 
Ango only sighed though, his fingers moving to his glasses in order to push them up. “It’s a long story, Dazai. I’ve actually never met her before. Oda simply put me on the phone once when he was drunk. None of that matters though. You need to forget you’ve ever seen her. No one is supposed to know she exists . She wasn’t ever even supposed to be in Yokohama.” 
Pausing, the boy frowned. “Why?” 
His old friend then shook his head in order to speak sadly. “Because Oda knew about the kind of people in his life, he knew what they could do to her. That's why he sent her away, so she could be safe. And regardless of what happened between us I still will fulfill his wish. He was my best friend.” 
At the sound of his explanation, Dazai couldn’t help but scoff. Best friend? Yeah right, he didn’t have the right to say such a thing anymore. Not after what happened. “Says the man that betrayed us and the port mafia.” 
He then watched Ango flitch in order to dip his head in shame. Dazai still hadn’t forgiven him for the betrayal after all. This government official snuck into the port mafia as a spy and he was just supposed to trust everything he said? 
No, those bonds were already broken. 
Ango then paused before finally speaking again, his fingers balling into a tight fist of emotion. “I don’t expect you to forgive me, Dazai. But those nights at Bar Lupin meant something to me. You both meant something to me. That’s why I’m here in the first place. She needs to stay out of this.” 
Although that’s when his eyes flicked up in order to lock eyes with the young executive. “And that means she also needs to stay away from you.” 
He looked so serious, so odd that Dazai couldn’t help twist his lips into a cruel tight lipped smile. The way Ango was glaring at him, it looked like he was viewing the boy as evil incarnate. 
And though he wasn’t wrong, the boy remained silent. What a scary expression. 
Noticing his silence, Ango continued. “You asked why Oda never mentioned her to you. It’s because destruction and corruption follows you everywhere, Dazai. He knew how black your soul is and what you could do to her if given the chance. The demon prodigy has no place out of the darkness, and I'm sure you know that also.”
Dazai then felt his lips fall open with understanding, a low pain in his chest as he was hit with the reality. Was that really why Odasaku never mentioned his sister, because he was scared of his best friend destroying her? 
Ango mentioned him sending her away in order to be out of reach of the dangerous people. Did that include him also? Was Odasaku scared of the boy, of his twisted personality that much? Dazai didn’t know, and that scared him. 
But then again, it made sense. 
He was a demon, that fact was very well known. 
Perhaps Odasaku was right. If he did get his hands on Asagao then she would surely become tainted and destroyed like everyone else in his life. He was a poison, and his best friend was just trying to keep his little sister from ingesting it. 
Feeling a hand on his shoulder, the boy then looked up from his unraveling thoughts in order to find Ango’s serious and unwavering stare. “ So I’m telling this now, Dazai. Walk away. Don’t get involved.” 
Then the man simply let his hand fall before putting his hand on the doorknob with a sad mutter under his breath. “Let the last piece of Odasaku be untainted, for you and me both.” 
Just like that, Ango was gone, leaving Dazai alone in the darkness as it swallowed him whole once more, the familiar black covering his entire silhouette. 
And for once, Osamu Dazai didn’t argue with his ex-friends command. 
Almost like he knew that he was right, that Odasaku’s sister shouldn’t ever go near him.  
Ango felt the bright lights hit his eyes as he made his way into the small apartment in order to squint and walk around the living room with a heavy weighted sigh of exhaustion. This night was far too stressful. Ah well, at least it is over now. 
Yet the moment he entered the space, the man was only met with silence, causing his ears to ring with fear. “Asagao?” 
Frowning, Ango then moved over to the small table in the corner only to find a tiny yellow sticky note on the surface as the black colored ink mocked him all at once.  
Ango,  If you wanna bring me back then you gotta catch me first >:D
Crumbling the paper between his fingers, the man then looked up only to find that the fifth story window was open, the sharp breeze stunning him into silence. No, it couldn’t be. 
She was gone. 
Part 2:
Part 3:
(Just an intro to the three part short story I have.)
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merriclo · 1 month
i know he’s a controversial character, but one thing i truly hope we see before BSD ends is a backstory for Jun’ichirō Tanizaki. it’s been said many times before and by many other people, but it really is one of the points i want to understand more.
obviously, both of the Tanizakis are rather mysterious in the grand scheme of things, with no backstory aside from being students, and.. this weird excerpt from the Untold Origins light novel.
(context: the members of the Agency are discussing ideas for Atsushi’s entrance exam.)
“Democratically, huh?” Yosano raised an eyebrow. “How about we do the same thing we did for Tanizaki? How’s that?”
Yosano glanced in Tanizaki’s direction, and he instantly turned pale, shaking his head.
“I—I don’t ever…want to be reminded of that again.”
When Tanizaki was new, he had to pass what could be called a very harsh entrance exam. However, it was so harsh that all of Tanizaki’s memories of that day ended up buried deep in his subconscious. Remembering what happened would only bring underlying trauma up to the surface.
his entrance exam was so harsh and genuinely traumatizing that any and all memories of it were pushed into the deep recesses of his own mind.
and, granted, a harsh entrance exam isn’t exactly new for the Agency. Kyouka barely didn’t die, Atsushi fully thought he was, and Dazai’s was over an act of domestic terrorism. but none of them were so traumatized that their own mind refused to acknowledge it. and despite all of this, Jun’ichirō describes himself as more of an assistant at the Agency, not an actual detective.
he’s also able to?? casually fly a helicopter??? it makes sense, given his natural aptitude for reconnaissance and stealth missions (see: his ability Light Snow, his adaptability, and his skill as an actor.) he’s not exactly confident in his flying skills (literally being called the “wimpiest in the east” by the manga,) but he’s good enough to be trusted with discreetly flying Atsushi up to the Moby Dick, a risky and essential part of the plan to take down The Guild.
we know that Jun’ichirō is a competent and useful member of the Agency, and it’s clear that the others think so as well. but he’s constantly putting himself down, describing himself as average and using his own supposed mediocrity as a way to make Atsushi feel better about himself.
his fears and self-doubt seem to nearly vanish entirely, however, when someone he cares for is put in harms way. we see this first when Naomi is shot by Higuchi, and later on when he hears of how Atsushi attacked Naomi and Haruno while under Yumeno’s ability. it’s also displayed when he manages to almost assassinate Mori during the Cannibalism Arc (a moment that is not talked about enough as it should be.) and, most recently, we see him freak out after the death of Kunikida, threatening to rip an actual God limb from limb.
this is also seen heavily in the Beast universe. (minor Beast spoilers ahead!! skip this paragraph if you don’t want them!!) Jun’ichirō is the first to fully support Akutagawa’s pursuit of his sister, and even tells him to abandon all morals and forget about his place in the Agency should his sister’s life ever be threatened. he’s also the one who follows Akutagawa into the Port Mafia headquarters, and the one to guard Kyōka’s unconscious body while he waits for Demon Snow to potentially assassinate her. Jun’ichirō even says “[Akutagawa] and I are similar.” after seeing all of his violent outbursts and reckless behavior.
his moral code is genuinely fascinating to me: he won’t hesitate to act in a way that’s commonly seen as immoral, so long as it preserves the Agency. he’ll stop at nothing to ensure the safety of those he loves, not even at his own death. considering this, in terms of reputation and completing their overall goal, Jun’ichirō is honestly kind of a liability to the Agency.
and that’s. honestly all we really know?
it seems like a lot, especially when i’ve rambled on for this long, but it’s really just five things: he has a sister, he was a student before he was a member of the Agency, his entrance exam was incredibly traumatic, he has self-confidence issues, and his morals are rather gray. again, five things.
almost every other member of the Agency has an extensive backstory. Kunikida’s is still rather unknown, but even then we have a good idea of what he was doing prior to Atsushi joining the Agency.
we know nothing about Jun’ichirō. i really do hope that we get to learn about his entrance exam, as well as what made him, and his sister by proxy, the way they are.
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idk if requests r open or not but i was wondering about platonic yandere chuuya and dazai rivalry? i think its a cool concept and if u could do it thanks!
Hello, yes, I can do it. Thank you for your request!
The brother you deserve
Platonic!Yandere!Brother!Dazai x Child!Fem!Reader x Platonic!Yandere!Chuuya
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"Your brother such the asshole, you know..."
Honestly, Chuuya was right in a way. Your brother is very peculiar and in many situations could not show himself very well, even in relation to you. But even so, you knew that Dazai cared about you,
if only because he always pulled you out of any trouble you encountered. And because of your naivety and inexperience, you often encountered some troubles.
"Don't say that! Dazai is the best brother."
"Yeah, of course he is..."
Chuuya spat out caustically, looking away from you. In his head, like many who knew you and Dazai, it just didn't fit how you and he could be siblings. You, who will not leave anyone in trouble, and he, the one who drives into this trouble. However, even more it did not fit into his head how such a mistake of nature like Dazai managed to become a better brother, he probably used some tricks. And to be honest, even despite Chuuya's biased attitude towards his new partner, he was right.
"Where does this mummy even go?"
"Calm down, Chuuya."
Your small hand gently touches his sleeve and you still smile at him. Eventually, Chuuya falls to you on the bench when you move away a little, giving him more space. You saw that he was worried, and also knew the reason for this concern. You felt sorry for him.
"You know, I do not know how it is when you worry about your friends when they are in danger, but it is probably as much unpleasant as you see a person hanging himself. And this is already familiar to me. That's why I feel sorry for you."
Chuuya shuddered. This phrase reminded him again why he began to trust you so quickly, even despite the fact that you are from the mafia. You're a kid who says their true thoughts. Unlike your brother, you are open.
Then the Sheep King didn't voice his thoughts about your brother, knowing in advance how you would react to them. However, he knew that he was better suited to the role of your brother than Dazai. This suicidal maniac just doesn't understand how lucky he is to have you.
At the same time you knew that people don't hang themselves from a good life. And that for several hours they stare at the ceiling not from happiness. You have a pity for brother and you love him.
"Y/n, I..."
Chuuya reached out to you to feel sorry for you, but Dazai grabbed his wrist sharply and painfully.
"Hey! Chuuya, what do you think you're doing! She is my sister!"
"And what?! What does that mean that I can't even hug her?!"
"This means that you can't even breathe in her direction! Know your place!"
"What did you just say?! She doesn't even have friends because of a brother like you!"
They had a verbal altercation...again. You, as usual, just watched it. At least, they didn't require you to intervene to resolve the conflict.
Dazai knew that Chuuya was interfering where he shouldn't have. Namely, in your brotherly and sisterly relationship. The mafioso immediately noticed this. He saw the admiration in your eyes when you watched Chuuya make a paper crane fly. He saw with what accuracy and uncertainty you approach the Sheep King and take his sleeve. Dazai sees everything.
Chuuya feel Dazai infuriating him. Infuriates his cunning, his quibbles. It's infuriating that he has a sister like you and he doesn't appreciate it. It's infuriating that Dazai, being a disgusting brother, doesn't allow him to become for you a brother what you deserve. And Chuuya is furious to the point of gnashing his teeth that Dazai owns you.
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vivid-vices · 7 months
hello hi, wanna go off a bit about mori-san? whatever you want to say, just have fun~
hi :) i always wanna talk about mori!!
i can't stop thinking about the disconnect between mori and dazai that comes from mori projecting onto dazai so hard. like when they first met dazai was very much like mori - obviously much more disinterested in life but he didn't have any close human connections and was able to follow mori's commitment to the ideal solution because of it. but through chuuya and ango and especially oda, he came to develop strong bonds with people that mori simply doesn't have. and mori didn't predict that.
dazai's words to fyodor about not trusting anything you can't control could apply equally to mori. he's a chess master and the city of yokohama is the board and the mafia members are his pieces. he treats them well, doesn't carelessly throw away lives, but at the end of the day, they have a purpose to serve. and oda - he was barely a pawn. he was so underutilized. mori doesn't have the kind of relationships that would allow him to prioritize true friendship, to value people outside of their usefulness. he expected dazai to follow his logic and ultimately understand the purpose of the sacrifice.
except dazai loved oda. and oda threw a wrench in all of mori's careful planning by telling dazai to escape to the light.
because maybe, maybe, mori could've predicted dazai going off to sulk and be angry for a while before ultimately coming back to the mafia, because what else did he have in life before oda gave him a purpose? but when he first heard that dazai joined the agency, it had to be a complete shock. a slap in the face, honestly. his greatest tool, his most competent executive, the boy he trained and taught and led for four years, now part of an enemy group because of his own actions.
that had to sting a bit. not even close to enough to regret getting the permit, of course, but for mori as a person, it had to be painful.
but mori would probably never acknowledge that emotion. it was for the good of the mafia, of yokohama as a whole, after all, and that's the only thing that matters. outwardly, at least.
i think mori is a deeply lonely person and dazai was one of the few people who made a dent in that loneliness - part of the reason why elise now copies some of his personality traits. (and i could make a whole post about elise, i love her so much. elise is such a reflection of his loneliness. you don't create an entire person if you have healthy relationships and aren't a control freak, but i digress.) but his biggest failure was in thinking that dazai was equally lonely, equally alone, and equally willing to put the organization over everyone and everything.
because mori has nothing else other than the mafia. it's both his home and his prison. like he said to chuuya, he's both a leader and a slave to the organization. that will never change.
and as silly as it sounds to blame the difference between them on the power of friendship, it's the only thing that separated dazai from ending up just like mori. except dazai has a capacity for cruelty that mori doesn't and if oda hadn't told dazai to leave the mafia, i think we would've seen the results of that immediately after his death.
anyway. i'm insane about mori and dazai. i think about them so much. their dynamic is one of my favorite relationships in bsd because of the range and ambiguousness of it - it's never even close to familial, way too casual for typical boss/employee while still definitely not friendly, dazai was a complete brat to him most of the time while mori was just amused, and now there's this one-sided absolute hatred while mori holds zero resentment towards dazai so you can't really even call them enemies. there's no label for whatever they have going on. and i'm not normal about it. at all.
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Mori Ougai (I just want to talk about him)
Guys, I've been thinking a lot lately about Mori and his Beast counterpart. I really, really, really love Beast Mori and everything that he represents. He's not just the "good Mori." In my eyes, and others as well, he represents Mori's humanity (side note: I'm not saying Mori is secretly a hero or something) and what main story Mori could've been if he wasn't in the mafia.
I also just want to talk about Mori in general because he's actually very fascinating and more complex than some make him seem.
Just hear me out, ok?
Also, shoutout to @hopefull-mindset. Their analyses on BSD have been very interesting and definitely have given me a different perspective on Mori and helped me understand Beast Mori so much more.
Anyways, these are just a pile of thoughts I have on Mori as I began to understand him more. Please note: these are my personal thoughts gathered through lots of analyses digging and reflection on his character. If you dislike Mori, that is completely valid.
Understanding Beast Mori
When I first read Beast, I was so confused. How could Mori be so different when every other character had basically the same personality? Mori in the main story is cruel, cold, and manipulative. Yes, he is very pragmatic and smart, but that doesn't take away from his bad qualities. However, the more I dug deeper into the mystery of Beast Mori, the more things started to make sense. The Mori we meet in Beast is still the same Mori from the main story. And for those who question that, look at Beast Aku and Beast Atsushi. They may have swapped organizations but their fundamental traits are still the same. Atsushi, PM or ADA, still has major guilt and self-worth issues that stem from the Orphanage Director. Aku is the same. Even if he is in the ADA, he still has his intense bloodlust and determination.
So, why is Mori different? As @hopefull-mindset has pointed out in one of their posts, he's in a different environment. There are no negative influences or stressors unlike the mafia. Also, he's working with children. Children often represent innocence and positive emotions. Mori, surprisingly, is really good with kids because we the see the orphanage thrive in his care. It makes perfect sense that Mori, who likes kids (and not in the creepy way), would learn to become a more caring figure. In the main story, Mori is often presented as a necessary evil; he's the dark to Fukuzawa's light. But now that Dazai replaced him, Mori can act without always making the optimal solution at the cost of anyone that gets in its way, himself included.
Honestly, I think Beast Mori does humanize him. It doesn't erase the wrongs he did (and believe me, I haven't forgotten), but it does show you a different perspective. Beast shows us that Mori has complexities. He's not just an evil monster for the heroes to overcome. There's more to him than that.
Note: I am not saying any of his actions towards Yosano, Dazai, or any other character are justified. He hurt them emotionally and psychologically. It wasn't fun to watch or read. Saying Mori is more than a one dimensional villain doesn't take away from the bad things he did. I'm just trying to offer a different perspective because Beast Mori is that interesting, at least to me.
I've never been able to fully reconcile with this aspect of Mori. It is weird. It is uncomfortable. It is perplexing. Elise to an extent, is Mori. She is a part of him manifested and can act on her own. And I get the controversy behind it; it's not normal. That being said, never have we seen Mori in either the manga or the anime act in that nature towards her or even Yosano. He makes weird comments about Elise, sure, but nothing super explicit. At most, they're treated as weird jokes. And, for the record, that doesn't make them ok or any better. I won't argue back and forth on this topic because it's a difficult subject.
However, I don't believe he is actually a *you know what* because of Beast Mori's entire existence. Riddle me this, why would Asagiri-sensei write a character as a *you know what* and then have his counterpart work at an orphanage full of children? That, at least to me, crosses a moral line. It makes it even more weird and uncomfortable. Also, idk about y'all, but I wouldn't find it fun or quirky if someone portrayed a very famous and beloved author as a perverted creep, just saying.
So, where did Elise even come from then? Well, she's a companion to Mori in many ways. He's rarely seen without her. Mori's backstory is a mystery to us. My honest theory is that Elise manifested as a companion for Mori because he was in a really bad spot. Either he was abused in some shape or form or was very isolated and alone. We know that Mori's had her since the Great War. He was 26 at that time. That's still fairly young so I think it's safe to say he's had her since he was a child or a teenager. Of course, I could be wrong. But based off what we know about abilities so far, I think it's safe to say that Elise didn't manifest without reason.
The Optimal Solution
Going into more speculation about Mori's backstory, I have so many questions. Mori essentially has the same big question as Kunikida for me: when and why did he decide to follow the optimal solution. For Kunikida, it's his ideals. Both characters stick so adamantly to their beliefs that it leads to conflict externally and internally. Mori's optimal solution is the reason why Yosano was traumatized.
It just got me thinking, when did he develop this line of thought? After all, a kid who grew up with an average life usually doesn't worry about the "optimal solution." Between this and Elise, I strongly believe he came from a dysfunctional home. It would certainly explain why he tells Dazai that the latter reminds him of himself. Mori is very good at repressing his emotions; he's hard to read which makes him dangerous. He likes to take advantage of situations and manipulate them to his will, or whatever he deems to be the optimal solution. The battle with Fukuzawa during the Cannibalism arc is a good example of this. Mori knew he couldn't win so he decided to get Fukuzawa to let his guard down enough to strike. In my area of study at school, the home life of a person can be very telling as to why someone may act in a certain way. Mori coming from a rough home without love seems pretty plausible to me.
Mori is a very well-written character with a lot of complexities that tend to get overlooked. Why does he do what do? At what point did he decide to follow his optimal solution? It's such an interesting question because it affects so many characters and situations.
If y'all got this far, congrats! I hope that people will take the time to look deeper at his character. You don't have to like Mori. I'm just tired of people portraying him as something he's not. I also don't want fans harassing other fans because they like Mori. And I'll admit it, I was so quick to judge both him and Francis. Had I kept up my shield and continued to shoot unwarranted hatred at them, I wouldn't have appreciated their characters as I do now.
And yes, I do overhate on Fyodor (mainly bc the man is cockroach and he hurt Kunikida). I get it. However, I know Fyodor is a deeply complex character. His way of thinking is actually quite fascinating and I have so many questions about him. I don't like Fyodor, but I'm not gonna let my personal grievances stop others from enjoying him.
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hannigramislife · 3 months
I shan't say I hate Dazai, he's my pookie bear (in the way I love maggots, u know?). But tiktok genuinely kills me because they cannot FATHOM the idea that any of their favs are flawed people.
People go on and on about him slapping Atsushi during his panic attack during season 3 (?) which is not only understandable, though not acceptable, but also forgiven. Dazai is a flawed person, but so is every other member of the cast. Nobody in that show is a good person.
Media literacy death is making sure people cannot grasp moral grayness. Dazai is an 'ends justify the means' type of person, he's not a good person by any stretch of the word. He is cruel to his allies, cruel to himself as well. People think Chuuya would be a better mentor, but it's difficult to quantify 'better'. Knowing the actual author helps you understand Dazai's character. Without being able to consider how Dazai's cruelty differs from, say Yosono, you can't grasp a character. How is Dazai's mistreatment of Akutagawa different from Yosono's treatment of the soldiers. His willingness? His apathy? His violence? His age, maybe? Where does the victim end and the perpetrator begin?
People have some vision of Dazai being some monster, but he's just human. Denying his humanity brings to life his ability. Isn't his humanity what makes his actions reprehensible? How do you deny his humanity in the face of his cruelty when his humanity is exactly why he is cruel.
meemoo 👍
Hello op!! Welcome to my blog, generally for Dazai haters, but people who like him while acknowledging his bullshit are so welcomed!
Yeah, tiktok takes are braindead. They're so dumb it actually makes my head hurt. Take them with a grain of salt.
Him slapping Atsushi is honestly not as bad of a moment as people make it to be? That slap was obviously not meant to *hurt* Atsushi, it was not done in anger or carelessly – Atsushi was having a panic attack, worse than his usual crying moments, and Dazai snapped him out of it. It was a moment Dazai used to teach him, make a point go across for his own good, the same way Fukuzawa slapped Ranpo in season 4. To me at least, neither slap held malice.
Dazai is a flawed person, and so is most of the cast – that is true op. And the pondering on why his cruelty is more easily condemned than others' piqued my interest. I did some thinking.
It is late at night right now, so I can't go in an in depth analysis, but I will say this: You are right in saying that he's just a human, and it is his humanity that makes his actions reprehensible. Let's take, for example, his treatment of Akutagawa, which would show exactly why I hate Dazai's actions more than others' in the show.
Dazai's cruelty is planned. It does not come from any sort of boyish innocence or environmental bias. Dazai is intelligent - more than even your average genius – and as a Mafia executive, intimately aware of violence. He himself said that he doesn't like pain, yet he continuously inflicted it. Anybody catch that small sentence Q said as they were on the train? "You hurt me, so now I'll take revenge," or something like that. We kinda glossed over it, didn't we? Nobody seems to remember that.
He was shown kindness by Oda - he knew how it was like to be an orphan and alone, to be found by an older mentor who cared for him, was by his side when he was lost in the dark. Even with this knowledge, when Dazai himself was faced with a lost 14 year old boy who had no reason to live, he took him in for selfish purposes (as he admitted himself). Dazai had encountered kindness, but chose to use Akutagawa for his plans. Even later, when he promises Oda to "save the orphans," he abandons the siblings he himself introduced to the Mafia. Easier to save orphans who don't know what a dangerous criminal you were, right? Then, he continues to abuse the emotional attachment he cultivated in Akutagawa for his own ends, many times, thus endangering Akutagawa's life. Correction actually: sacrificing Akutagawa's life.
That's why I, personally, fnd Dazai's cruelty worse. He is deliberately cruel when it fits his plans. Other mafia members - Chuuya, Kouyou, Akutagawa – they're not like that. They fight, and they use violence, but they do so in accordance to their job. They don't control people, they don't use people and discard them like pawns.
Mori might, but are we really using him for comparison value?
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snows-2am-thoughts · 2 years
Atsushi & Dazai
I need more Atsushi and Dazai centric fics. Their bond is so special and not nearly touched upon enough. The fics can have ssk and sskk or have whatever else plot but I need more people and fics that acknowledge just how important Dazai and Atsushi are to each other. How Dazai saved Atsushi when he was at his lowest and taught him how to move forward. How special Atsushi is to Dazai not only as a friend who sees him as a good person but is the personification of all he’s done to be a better person since leaving the mafia and losing Oda. 
That little scene in Dead Apple where Dazai asks Atsushi if he really thinks he’s that good of a person and Atsushi with no hesitation just says yes. The little moments where Atsushi is exasperated with Dazai because of his shenanigans but he also wouldn’t hesitate to go to him the moments Dazai calls even if it’s just him being silly because he cares. 
I don’t think that Dazai expected to become as close to Atsushi as he did. He tends to keep people at arms length even when he cares a lot about them, choosing to be logical over emotional in any situation. However, Atsushi is one of those people that can work their way into the hearts of even the more closed off members of the agency (I’m looking at you Ranpo). I like to think of the chair and table analogy when it comes to their bond. Dazai’s heart is like a table where he has a set amount of chairs around it. He chooses when someone sits in a chair and chooses when he kicks someone out. However there are those who bring their own chair and refuse to leave when he says so. Atsushi is someone who he planned to use to further his own agenda but Atsushi pulled a chair right up to his heart and sat down and is not planning on going anywhere. 
I don’t ship it romantically but their bond is honestly one of my favorite things in bungo stray dogs and it deserves a lot more attention. 
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Hello, i was just wondering what do you think of akuhigu as a ship? I mean I'm curious about how higuchi ended up being under akutagawa's direct command and why did she fall in love with that guy who constantly hits her and treats her poorly?! I really want asagiri to explore their relationship and not just show it as a one-sided crush without any explanation!!
As a ship? Erm, sorry no. As a dynamic? Heck yeah.
I'm curious as to how Higuchi ended up joining the Mafia in general. I'm already quite intrigued by the notion that she may have some connection to Mori - she's called into his office directly at the beginning of the manga, she's paralleled with Yosano in the scene where both Fukuzawa and Mori succumb to the Cannibalism Virus. There's been some thoughts on a healing type ability, given that she clearly reached out to an injured Akutagawa to do something. Also I know the story only really focuses on her crush, but she's got so much else going on that isn't ever elaborated on - she works hard ostensibly for her little sister, clearly has a "work persona", and is capable of shutting off her emotions and being cold and extremely professional during missions - remember the way she didn't even flinch at Dazai and Kunikida's ridiculousness? Honestly, I just want more Higuchi in general. She was the first Mafia character we the audience meets - why her?
And when it comes to Akutagawa, I think it's really easy to write off as "he just doesn't care about her at all" but I'm going to be honest - I don't think that's true. Akutagawa ranks above Higuchi, but she actually holds a fairly high rank herself, being his support essentially and able to command the Black Lizard - I sincerely doubt he would've kept her in such a position or have her be effectively his right hand if he didn't at least consider her very competent. 55 Minutes has them work quite well together if you're interested and haven't read it already anon, and I think it does show that he respects her at least a little.
He asks her for her thoughts on whether a captive is telling the truth
They bounce intel off of each other very smoothly
When the bomb goes off, the first thing we see him do is call out for Higuchi
Higuchi wasn't sure she could take out a set of guards alone so she tricked them into drinking what I'm assuming was a drugged bottle of sake to knock them out - Akutagawa thought this clever, and was genuinely amused by it
There's also moments in the series too, however brief. He does indeed apologize to her. He also intervenes shortly before Kyouka tries to slice her trigger finger - it could just be lucky timing but I like to think he intervened intentionally.
However, this does not change the fact that he demands her obedience (his rationale often being "because I said so"), and as you said, hitting her repeatedly. This is. Uncomfortable. I'll be honest I don't like Higuchi's writing in the series and this dynamic is largely why. If you're going to write a dynamic like this we could at least delve into it more and denote some interest - I know this whole set up is likely related to one of irl Higuchi's works (Jūsan'ya) where a woman is persuaded to stay in an abusive partnership because the man she is married to is upper class and provides for her lower class family. Higuchi-sensei's works I believe also have themes of unrequited love, and she chose to focus her writing on mostly lower-class people living their lives in general (at least, this is what I've seen. I'll admit I'm not especially familiar with her works.) The author did fall in love with her mentor and the love was unrequited - I'm assuming this is in part the inspiration here. Meanwhile, we know Akutagawa has this mentality of "cruel treatment gets results", which is in keeping with that ongoing theme of abusers in this series largely having good intent, but god-awful execution that is horribly unnecessary. Akutagawa is a product of his own experiences with this, which he projects onto others. I had hoped that this dynamic might've been the first one we got any change in as his character development furthers... but instead it just kind of got sidelined. ...not that I really fully trust it to be given a proper resolution anyways. This kind of stuff is very touchy to me for personal reasons, I'll be honest. :/
On the subject of Higuchi's crush though, I do think Akutagawa is actually aware. Higuchi's not exactly subtle about it, and I take his constant ignoring and changing the subject as discomfort rather than complete obliviousness. If their dynamic does end up becoming a little healthier, it would be kind of funny if it ended a similar way to irl Higuchi's crush... who grew to consider her like a sister instead. Lol. Heartbreaking for poor Higuchi, but actually rather heartwarming for Akutagawa - to admit he considers Higuchi as family? To have family other than Gin? That would be cool tbh.
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larathia · 10 months
Dazai in the Mafia redux: Response
Specifically, to this post here; I'm linking rather than copying so that it's ignorable, but I did want to make my case.
While I concede that Mori just might try to use the favor to pull Dazai back into the Mafia, I really don't think Dazai would go. Definitely not as a self-sacrificial move. There's one, and only one, exception I can see to that, and I'll get to it, but for the most part, no. I don't think Dazai's ever going back.
So. My responses!
Re: The bandages, the 'mafia in agency clothing' art:
I'd like to point out here that Dazai has spent an entire arc being his darkest, most manipulative self, in order to bring about the death of the Agency's most dangerous enemy. Everything he did in Muersault was either to give Fyodor a disadvantage, or to take away an advantage he saw Fyodor as having. He manipulated to a huge degree, far more than he's ever had to do for the Agency before. Mafia-level manipulations. So the art may be portraying that in a more literal fashion; the mafioso in agency clothing. It doesn't have to be any more than that.
Re: Dazai being unfit to lead the Mafia because he's 'too emotional'.
Honestly? I agree. Dazai is too emotional and Mori implying that Dazai can't lead if he's going to go around throwing tantrums because his best bud was a perfect pawn and got killed is...accurate, as far as the Mafia goes.
I'll even agree that Mori might just think that Dazai's recent sacrificial behavior means he's grown out of that and is now 'ready' to lead the Mafia. That's where I do think it's possible Mori might ASK for Dazai.
Here's where I think Mori's dead wrong though - Dazai didn't do this for pure cold logic. He did it because he cares about the Agency. He cares about the Agency as much as he cared about Oda. He's put his own life on the line for the Agency, and what makes that stand out from his usual suicidal behavior is he actually put the agency above death, above discomfort.
The mafia is the agency's enemy. Dazai can overlook that on an individual level - get along with individual people in the Mafia just fine. But organizationally it's not going to work. If Mori tries to put Dazai in charge of the Mafia, I think Dazai would take it - and run the Mafia right into the ground. Feed it bit by bit to the Agency. Because he doesn't give a flying rat's ass about the Mafia, or whether it's powerful. He cares about the Agency.
That's still emotional attachment. Dazai gets along with a few people in the Mafia. But he cares about everyone in the Agency. They're his friends, as Oda was his friend. They've had his back, the way Oda had his back. He's every bit as emotional as he's ever been. These are the friends that Oda gave him and he will protect them.
Re: Dazai's crimes
Honestly...I mean, I wish I could say we could use this to predict future plot, but frankly, we can't.
Asagiri might say "well, now the cat's out of the bag, and Dazai has to return to the Mafia because now Fukuzawa knows what he's done and won't let him stay" or some such (though I can bet Atsushi and a few others'd go to bat for him even so.)
Asagiri could just as easily say "Mushitaro erases all evidence of Dazai's crimes again and things go back to the way they were".
Or even say that Dazai, having had a hand in saving the entire planet from Fukuchi's group, has earned a pardon for all his past crimes and now has a clean slate.
Or even even say that Dazai has very publicly broken out of Muersault and been responsible for the deaths of a lot of guards and even other inmates and he's going to be executed next chapter.
You see? There's too many options. Whatever Asagiri decides to do with Dazai will determine what happens, but until some resolution is offered, I don't think we as an audience can truly guess what's afoot.
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iridescentdove · 1 year
of seeing so many Yandere! BSD x Reader, and it’s always the character or everyone being Yandere for Reader, I have to request a Platonic! BSD x Yandere! Teen! Reader, in which Reader is in any organization of your choice, and since Reader is underage, they see said organization as their family, precious people that they hold dear to their hearts, and don’t wish for any of them to die or leave and abandon them. This triggers their Yandere instincts, and ultimately they kill anybody who’s hurt their darlings in any way or attempts to "steal" their attention or worse, guide them away from Reader.
platonic!bsd x yandere!teen!reader
A/N: It's nice to go a bit gruesome sometimes lol- anyways, so I just decided to choose the PM for this.
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Let's just say you were similar to Dazai in a way. As a homeless young child, you had no home or family and friends to even call your own.
And to say the least? It was a little lonely.
This was something rather different, as you grew up to have an understanding that the world is never fair. Even before being taken into the Port Mafia by MORI, you were already much of an unhinged criminal yourself.
In a way, it was bad due to how young you were, but given this was a wretched world on it's own – many things can happen.
You killed, you stole, you did many things. At some point you probably rivaled Dazai's crime list because yours looked like an entire fucking receipt.
And that is what lesd you to the mafia.
MORI had found you, and went 'fuck it', deciding to just grab you and take you back with him to the base.
Well at first – you got a bit defensive, not knowing his real intention and thinking of fighting back yourself. But it was when he gave you new clothes, gave you food, and actually took responsibility of you was when you realized.
This man was just ... taking care of you.
And for the first time? You were really excited. It didn't take very long for you to grow accustomed to the Port Mafia.
Sure they made you do dangerous and gruesome missions, but you were used to it honestly. So it didn't matter that much. You met new faces and grew very attached to them, the dreaded loneliness that creeped into your heart grew into–
Yes, that's right. You found no other reason to dislike them at all, and they treated you like no one else ever did.
Like family.
CHUUYA was rather nice to you, despite his aggression and the rough edges he seems to pull off. Since you're underage, he drinks grape juice with you. Lmao ye, we love that shit. You liked being around him, defending him against accusations and giving him a shoulder to lean on.
He was like a brother to you. You adored most things about the fancy hat man. Scratch that, everything about him.
He releases one of those rare genuine smiles – mostly only to you, and he just thought you were the sweetest.
Oh, how wrong he was.
It was only one simple conversation. CHUUYA was talking to another mafia members in the lower ranks, discussing about the topic for the next PM meeting at hand.
Of course at first glance, they didn't look close at all. Just a normal chat between acquaintances. But did it make you mad?
Obviouely it did.
The very next day, the orange haired-man was looking for the same said man he spoke with the day before. Yet he was rather confused to see he wasn't around.
What the hell? Well that was weird, he could have sworn that he asked to meet them in this same spot right now.
Well, guess he wouldn't be meeting with them after all. In the distance, you were smiling – hiding that dead, cold expression on your face as you wiped the blood off the saw, a few splashee of blood and guts on the weapon.
But of course, you wouldn't let him know anything~ ♡
And simply, KOUYOU made it much easier. She was like a sweet, elder sister that spoiled you and taught you everything that you needed to know.
You simply loved her, and loved the times when you'd just hang around each other and dress one another up in various clothes. Be it trendy outfits or putting makeup on one another.
She took care of you as she should, and she grew very attached as well. KOUYOU was rather protective and sweet.
So when you saw her spoiling another girl in the picture, you were fucking livid.
How dare she pay more attention to another kid than you?
She was treating KYOUKA in private as if she was more important than you ever were. And it began to hardem your heart once more, growing angry at your elder sis paying more attention to some useless assassin.
You were way better than her, stronger even.
So imagine how relieved and prideful you felt when that girl had left the mafia to be with the detective agency instead. She wasn't even loyal! She doesn't deserve to be in the PM!
It left KOUYOU feeling agitated and sad, so you did what a younger sibling would do. You were the one comforting her, even manipulating her with your sweet words. You lured her in and had her give you more attention than before.
Just like how you wanted it to be.
AKUTAGAWA was honestly a tough nut to crack. You can easily tell he doesn't care about you at all. Well, he'd acknowledge your abilities a little but that's all you're getting.
But that won't stop you from killing those who tried to get even the slightest close to him.
After all, family members must stay with one another forever.
You didn't really mind much about that blonde girl who admires him and follows him around. It's not like she can take him away, he doesn't give a damn about her.
Plus, his sister was very nice! She gave you the love you needed, and she actually cared. Even though her brother was pretty cold, you'd think she also was – but in reality, GIN is a sweet, somewhat shy girl who gave you gifts and attention.
No matter which mafia member it was – wheneve ryou were with them, you were so sweet and caring, such an adorable teen who looks out for all of them and their wellbeing.
Yet behind closed doors, while they weren't looking, you glared daggers at other kids or people they payed attention to, your greedy self wanting all of it to yourself.
It wasn't fair.
It wasn't!
You never held back. You spilled their guts out, you ripped out those fools' hearts – crushing it under your foot, knowing you deserved the love more than their ignorants asses ever did.
And most of all? No one noticed a thing. MORI had continued to send you out mission after mission. He didn't notice the desperate pleads of those immature adults, the heartbreaking cries of those innocent children.
If it was for family, you'd do anything.
After doing all that – you give them a sickly sweet smile, as you pull them to hang out and play with you, no questions asked.
They never noticed.
And quite clear, you were a sadistic young teen. After being so pissed seeing those people getting close to them, it's like a breath of fresh air when you hear the bloodcurdling screams coming from their mouths.
TACHIHARA wasn't that observant, but he could tell that there was something not right about you at all. Yet, he himself was not free from the depths of your pure, honest love. He'll find himself spoiling you, loving you – like you're his very own sister.
He was going to fall into the trap whenever he likes it or not, because you love them way too much.
If someone else tries to destroy that happiness,
They'll just have to dissapear like the rest.
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lake-archive · 3 months
Chapter 10 - Her Father
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Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs
Characters: Osamu Dazai, Karl May (OC)
Words: 1,102
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To be a man who was putting others’ well beings before his own, even if it was just reserved for a select few people. The man would talk about them a lot, going from how much he missed his wife’s cooking to looking forward to seeing his daughter again who was probably busy playing with the pet cat. Though these were conversations he had witnessed from a distance, staring at the man with slight annoyance. It was always the same old conversations with him, wasn’t it? When it’s not the missions it was usually the family. And even then he was known to keep it vague. No name, no faces. Just that they existed apparently. And yet, all the same, he couldn't stop fawning over them. That part may be endearing yet given that it is all everyone knows it made Karl May a curious character… Something had just never sat right with Osamu, at least not at first. One may already question what he had been doing here to begin with. Karl just always seemed to be unfitting, out of place.
It had already started with the attitude. It was the opposite of most, being still serious yet having a light hearted tone about it. He had a way of pursuing people, always choosing his words carefully. And his accent made people pay attention. And yet he was still an old man in the end, messing up with simple usage of technology. A clumsy old man, that was how he had presented himself and kept doing so. And most would not look beneath that surface he was presenting. That alone can make someone ask why he is here. He lacked the competence, was old and more of a family and his usage of words was impressive. He may as well have become a politician or something like that. But here, with the mafia? No one really understood. He was ‘too kind’, or so some others might say. How true that  was could debate. Though Osamu had his skepticisms. Even if it was only in short bursts yet when looking at Karl it just automatically happened. It was not dislike, just him feeling out of place. A man with secrets… Maybe it was that attitude which had gotten him a little on edge as he was an old man who no one knew what to expect from.
So, during their very first interaction, Osamu had been a little irritated back then.
“A boy who is as old as my very own daughter.” Karl had begun as he had walked over to Osamu for the very first time. Unlike most he was rather calm about this, not even caring who he was standing in front. Was he a fool or did it truly not matter for him? “Didn’t expect them to hire kiddos.”
“Maybe they do. What’s it to you?” Osamu responded, a little dismissive maybe. That guy…
And yet all he did was laugh out loud, sounding rather laid back. “Nothing. Just needed a conversation starter.” He said. “Don’t think you’d tell me your business anyways.”
“Would you?”
“Probably not, no.”
Of course he wouldn’t. That wasn’t a secret. “Is there something you want?” Osamu asked, just wanting this to be over with. Honestly he expected the old man to back off rather quickly when glaring at him. And yet that didn't happen. Instead Karl had a smirk on his face, one which would make just about anyone’s skin crawl. 
“Do I need something to talk to someone now?” He added. “I just felt like talking. Since I see you a lot around.”
“You don’t need to bother, really.”
“Why not? After all, aren’t you the praised kid who is also the youngest boss within the Port Mafia?” So it had reached that far… 
“So what?” Osamu asked Karl, the skepticism only increasing by the second. Or was it because it felt so unbearable to talk to him? Only a few words had been exchanged and he already did not feel like saying any more. Especially if the old man remained so laid back. Did he not care if he could end up dead on the sidewalk?
“Not one for big words, are we?” He said, though his smirk was rather amused than anything. “Can’t blame you boy. I’m on edge too.”
The old man sure didn’t look like it. All while giving Osamu the creeps. There was nothing wrong with Karl’s words, it was just… He himself had the power to come off as unsettling. Did he know? Who knew… It was just not comfortable to talk to this man in any capacity. Or it was all just excuses to not say that he doesn't like talking to Karl. 
“Though wouldn’t you want to connect to people your age a little more? Isn’t it a little lonely?”
“Should you be the one asking me such questions old man?” Osamu retorted.
“Too personal? Sorry~” And yet, something could tell a person that Karl meant none of these words. “Though something tells me that my daughter would really like you. Maybe—”
“Not interested.”
“I was suggesting that you might want to befriend her.”
“Still not interested.”
“Maybe I was getting a little ahead of myself here. It’d be inconvenient if you two met at this point.”
“It’s always your wife and daughter with you. Do you have anything else?”
“What can I say? I miss my girls.” Karl responded. “Maybe once you have a family of your own you will understand.”
An annoyed groan escaped the boy’s lips and he turned away. “Did you just need someone to talk about them again?”
“No, of course not. It just crossed my mind.” Karl laughed yet again… This irritating laugh. “Teenagers really are a handful to handle.”
Karl May… Needless to say Osamu’s first impression was a mix of emotions. While at first not thinking highly of the man he came around eventually. The old man seemed distant yet not cold, at least when it came to his family, the only time he seemed to feel something. Maybe it was them who kept him going, his reason to see everything through to the bitter end. It could only leave someone curious… And yet, wasn’t it obvious? After all, there is a good reason envy had devoured him whenever just seeing or hearing Karl…
The man had a reason to live.  
Not just that he really predicted the ironic twist of fate. Maybe Karl knew all along… 
But that is something which can no longer be answered… Yet it was still somewhat hilarious to think about.
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monstersqueen · 1 year
Why do you ship Dazai and Ango?
Well, why not ?
Also I didn't expect to ! one moment I'm like : "wow wouldn't it be fucked up if ango and dazai started a relationship just after odasaku's death ? With dazai's resentment and self-destructive's tendencies and ango's feelings of guilt and his inability to stop caring about dazai?" and the next it's one week later and not only have i read everything in the ao3 tag in english, i've started making the not-english fics go through google translate, visit the tumblr tag every day, and am considering opening a word document to write. Which i have done by now.
All the time going 'yeah but. i really don't feel that vibe from them in canon???'
But. I should have expected it.
Why do I ship Ango and Dazai ?
I've got a Thing about friends-to-enemies-to-lovers
the messier the break up the better
i like it where the feelings afterwards are complicated, especially since it seems like the feelings are murderously complicated :p
i really like ango and i want good things to happen to him, and that means getting dazai back in his life
i really like ango ! he's fascinating ! It's so easy to simplify him to the one government dude but. it's more complicated. It's also more complicated than him putting his friends above all - that's the way i've been going for a while, because he does love them a stupid amount, but it comes down to is his own personal moral code.
he's not in the government because he believes in it - it's a job that gets in the way of what he thinks needs to be done sometimes actually ! he helps odasaku and dazai (or try to :( ), and helps the ada and dazai, and part of it is affection but part of it is that it's the right thing to do.
but the interesting part is that. even though it matters to him it's also in flux and gets limited by the reality of working for the government and "I shall never walk in the light again" oh my god
and it's interesting because he's a liar ! he's an incredibly good actor !
anyway he is interesting and that makes me like him a lot and so i want good things for him. and also to see him break down crying. he's earned it
and honestly the thing about dazai ? is that for someone who doesn't really see the difference between right and wrong, not beyond protecting and caring the few he's chosen, it's interesting to look at the people he did choose !
in the whole mafia he regularly drinks with guy who doesn't kill and the dude they picked up because in the midst of a war he refused to reduce deaths to numbers
he has a deep respect for kunikida's principles, for all he loves needling him?
there's a point also about chuuya and the depths to which chuuya care, and his conviction, to make here to
anyway the thing is that what dazai likes in people is inner goodness and a strong moral code. which are things that are not his !
which makes sense. for all the noises shibusawa and fyodor make about how boring and predictable ordinary people are, i kidna think. someone who thinks like is in fact even more predictable and so even more boring.
and besides even the question of interesting i think dazai just likes people who makes him see the value in living. and people who sees value in life are so interesting.
anyway i really like dazai? and his attempts to live ? he's holding a lot for someone for which there's no inherent joy in living
there's something to be said for someone whose natural talents are manipulation and scheming but who's decided to use those for good
also they have very strong feelings for each other ? sure at one point dazai's strong feelings was 'pull his own gun on ango' but it's also 'everything i would never want to lose is always lost' and no i'm not crying
also right now ango is listening to dazai's heart which honestly in terms of symbolic is some crazy romantic shit. also he was stopping time (via proxy) to communicate back, seriously, with the right framing this is peak romance
also how the fuck did they put that together. when. did dazai manage to go through that conversation without letting some of his anger show his true nature as heartbreak ? i want to know
seriously the ada matters a lot to dazai; he cares for everyone in it, and not just because that's how he can keep his promise to odasaku, he cares about them
so ? right now ? he's relying on ango to make sure what his intentions and thoughts get to them. that's absolute trust. that's not "you betrayed me once but i'm giving you a chance and we'll see" that's "we were friends once and i know you and i know you still care and so i trust you completely" and even that is not possible without acknowledging one way or another that he still cares too
i'm absolutely crazy about ango risking his carreers because he trusts that dazai is doing the right thing. i think there isn't a lot he wouldn't do for dazai, but i also think he's trusting in dazai's good intentions
which given the while 'sabotaging his airbag' thing is ALSO a whole lot of trust
ango is going against the entire government, basically inflitrating it as a reverse spy (again), because he trusts that dazai is truly trying to protect people.
and risking his job. at the very least. can't wait to see where it all ends up for him
anyway we're talking about two people who used to be close, who were torn apart in ways that tore them both to shreds, left their relationship at the 'wow it would be fucked up if they got together now, that certainly wouldn't be love and it would be toxic as fuck' and 'pull your own gun on you' and 'sabotage your airbag' stage, and SOMEHOW got at "i'll trust you absolutely in a situation where the world has been turned against us"
in short i ship ango and dazai because dazai went from "i knew i was going to lose you because i would never want to" to "i'm going to pull your own gun on you and at least consider shooting despite that that would really fuck me and my team over" to "you are the one i trust when i can't help myself anymore" and that's. that's.
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grymmnox · 2 years
weekly fic recs #4
here we go. think these are all bsd fics, except for one, which is a bsd crossover,, so. still a bsd fic. have fun
& = platonic, / = romantic
sweetness and a dash of msg; Oxalisalis - bsd
teen | 4.2k words | dazai & ranpo
Dazai has always found sympathy from others a little too saccharine, but Ranpo’s brand of astringent care might just be palatable enough for him to accept.
Dazai has a habit of forgetting to eat. Ranpo’s solution is to drag him along on sweets excursions.
A Study in Mafia Black; eluvion - bsd
teen | 13.7k words | dazai & ranpo, ADA & dazai, background chuuya/dazai + poe/ranpo | READ TAGS
If he’s being honest, good and bad don’t matter so much to Ranpo as truth does. Good and bad are subjective, clouded with human error, and honestly, they’re quite boring. Mystery has always been more interesting than morality with the way each string weaves together, creating a tapestry of crime, blood and ash writing their own story. Dazai is still as much of a mystery as he was at first glance, and Ranpo is just as ready to pick apart the truth from whatever plays behind those eyes. Or; a friendship, of sorts, between the two smartest members of the Armed Detective Agency.
no one ever made us feel that much higher; mxlysar - bsd
mature | 13.7k words | poe/ranpoe | READ TAGS
Ranpo had run out of luck. He was known for his impeccable mission record, for being able to get by on wits alone. There was no such chance this time.
Hanging his head, Ranpo sank to the ground, accepting his rotten situation. He’d catch his breath before making his next move, to scour the city for the supplies necessary to make it back home. His current location allowed him the necessary time to formulate a plan (he wasn’t quite as fast as Dazai on this skill, but he easily held his own). Anyone with functioning sensibilities would take one look at him and turn away, danger written in every line of his being—humans were self-preserving, he expected no less.
At least, he did. Until someone decided to take any shred of that presumption and dump it into the dumpster reeking up his nostrils beside him.
(Or, Port Mafia executive Edogawa Ranpo encounters a mysterious American)
How To Obtain A Child And Husband Entirely By Accident; Insomnia_Productions - bsd
general audiences | 2.2k words | chuuya/dazai
“Um… who are you?”
“I'm your dad, kid.”
“No you're not, shut the hell up, now leave forever and stay the fuck away from my son.”
· ~ ·
Or: Chuuya accidentally adopts a kid.
Pride and shame; athenaistired - bsd
mature | 7.7k words | chuuya/dazai, chuuya & dazai | READ TAGS
He was a canvas.
The first time he tried to draw with a kitchen blade across his skin he was only eight years old.
home (where my thoughts escape me); advanced_fanatic - bsd
not rated | 1.6k words | not typing all of these relationship tags; it’s basically fukuzawa & the ADA
Fukuzawa Yukichi never wanted children. Somehow, he ended up with nine anyway.
grim’s notes: part of a series! alas, i have yet to finish the series, but even just this fic is incredibly enjoyable
Touch; athenaistired - bsd
mature | 5.4k | chuuya/dazai | READ TAGS
"Nothing happened. Nothing happened. Nothing happened." Dazai whispered under his breath. The voices inside his head kept laughing at him, insulting him and mocking his being. There was nothing that he could do except cover his ears and sink further into the ground in hopes that something would swallow him whole.
Dazai fucking hated when people touched him.
stay soft; sugarfruitbat - bsd
teen | 11.3k words | chuuya/dazai
“What the fuck.” Chuuya’s voice is flat and extremely loud in the silent room. It makes him feel a little – not bad, because he doesn’t care how the stupid fish feels, but... mean, when Dazai jumps about a foot in the air at the volume of his voice.
Two dark, slanted eyes meet Chuuya’s over the fold of Dazai’s arms across his knees. It’s only thanks to years of working in the dark that Chuuya’s eyes can adjust well enough to even see him.
“Chuuya’s loud.” Dazai mumbles.
“There’s an intruder in my house at three in the morning, I think I’m allowed to be loud about it.”
or, dazai comes to chuuya during a bad mental state, with a bit of "i didn't know where else to go" trope mixed in <3
those marks we never spoke of; starfolds - bsd
teen | 3.8k words | chuuya/dazai
Everything that could possibly go wrong during their first official mission together as partners goes wrong. Stuck in a cabin in the middle of the forest, they're both wet and muddy and Chuuya is so pissed he's going to have to strip a barely conscious Dazai to make sure he doesn't freeze.
He's not prepared for the amount of bandages Dazai is hiding under his clothes.
This is a boundary Chuuya is not prepared to cross. He doesn't know Dazai, no matter how much they yell and gripe at each other.
This is beyond private and something he's not allowed to see.
Who Needs Money Anyway? (Spoiler Alert: It’s Us); fandomsandshit - bsd
teen | 7.9k | not typing these out; the entire ada bonding w/ each other
Their funding has been cut.
Akiko stares blankly at the sheet Haruno is holding out to her, hands sweaty and shaky, and resists the urge to scream.
It’s been a long time coming. As much as she hates to admit it, Akiko is honestly surprised it took this long for them to lose some of it; what with the monthly shootings, consistent suicide attempts and general shenanigans of the Agency members.
But how on earth are they going to make enough money now?
---------- (modern-ish au where the ada causes too much property damage for proper funding, and so yosano leads them into the wonderful world of twitch streaming to make money)
Complete Fics
I Was Screaming Your Name Through The Radio; ElectricSplatter - bsd
mature | 10 chapters | 256.7k words | chuuya/dazai | READ TAGS
“Four months from now will be the seven year anniversary of when you and Osamu Dazai released your hugely successful first and only album Double Black and its diamond single Corruption. After performing with Dazai earlier this year, are you planning anything special to celebrate?”
“Corruption is insanely overrated, and I would prefer to never hear Dazai’s voice for the rest of my fucking life.”
light a match, leave the past, burn the ships (and don’t you look back); Seito - bsd
teen | 15 chapters | 33k words | unrequited chuuya/dazai
“Do you think you would ever leave the Port Mafia?”
“Haa? What the fuck is that kind of question?”
A question was asked, an answer was given, and choices were made. Sometimes love wasn’t enough.
Sometimes it was about learning to let go.
You Have Cat to be Kitten Me; quinnlocke - bsd
teen | 5 chapters | 11.1k words | chuuya/dazai
A wayward curse results in the ADA turning into animals, the only cure is to reveal a deep secret.
Dazai thinks he's got it all under control, until an orange cat with a talent for gravity manipulation decides to make an appearance.
Secret-Revealers Club!; Allegory_for_Hatred - bsd
not rated | 9 chapters | 25.5k words | ranpo & yosano | READ TAGS
5 times Ranpo tries to make Dazai reveal his secret, and the 1 time it works
What's under Dazai's bandages? Ranpo intends to find out!
grim’s notes: really not sure what to describe this fic as. crack and angst. crangst?
corpse of a would-be suicide; seneca_milestone17 - bsd
teen | 17 chapters | 32.1k words | dazai & oda, ADA & dazai | READ TAGS
“He could only consider me as the living corpse of a would-be suicide, a person dead to shame, an idiot ghost.” ― Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human The Book is unforgiving in its grip and it is neither merciful nor cruel in its methods.
For something to change, it must follow the laws of karma – for something to happen, a sacrifice must be made.
Oda Sakunosuke is that something.
Dazai Osamu is that sacrifice.
But what happens when the Book refuses to let go?
Incomplete Fics
deer in the headlights; doingthewritethings - bsd
mature | 2/3 chapters | 6.7k words | dazai & everyone, chuuya & dazai, dazai & kunikida | READ TAGS
Before he can respond, everyone grows silent. Kunikida follows their gazes over to a small form in the corner that rubs its eyes and groans melodramatically.
or, the one where an Ability reveals something Dazai would rather hide, and his friends try to pick up the pieces.
grim’s notes: hasn’t been updated in 2 years; the author has responded to recent comments though, and hasn’t stated it’s discontinued or abandoned. no guarantee it’ll update, obviously.
where the tides take us; kempine - bsd/mha crossover
mature | 10/? chapters | 79.2k words | chuuya/dazai, chuuya & shinsou, aizawa & shinsou | READ TAGS
Dazai seems to be back to his usual I-love-giving-Chuuya-a-headache self, and thus, loudly and proudly declares: “I have two guesses as to where we have been transported!” he pauses purely for the dramatics and just stares at Chuuya smugly, “wouldn’t you like to hear them, chibi?”
Chuuya rubs the bridge of his nose, shutting his eyes tightly, “Just spit it out, bastard.”
“So rude,” the mackerel whines at him, at which he can just groan desperately. However, the gods smile at him from the skies above, through the tiny break of sunshine in the sea of clouds, and Dazai finally gets to the point. “We have either travelled to the future, or we were transported to an alternate universe. I am more inclined to believe the first one.”
Or: Chuuya and Dazai work out their relationship while being chased by a hero or two.
grim’s notes: hasn’t been updated in a year or so. dunno if it ever will be, as i’m not the author. still enjoyable nonetheless
hhhhhhhhhhhhhgabsdanf l i am tired. spent far too long onthis, as per usual. maybe i should just start typing them out as the week goes along,, that’d probably be smarter, really.
anyways, if any links are broken or whatever, feel free to tell me. i’ll do my best to fix them.
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rainswept · 3 months
alright FINE i guess i'll elaborate. (you better be asleep by the time i send this.)
dazai and kaz are so similar and yet so different in a fascinating way. aside from the obvious parallels—ambiguous morality, unsettling auras, and terrifying intelligence—there are a few notable differences. kaz is fuelled by a deep desire to avenge his brother and tear down his enemies 'brick by brick', while dazai strives to live a good life and fulfill oda's last wish. they both live for the memory of someone dear to them, but one memory pushes them to vengeance, while the other pushes them to solace.
this is only slightly related, but i said before that akutagawa is a person who inherently lacks purpose, and honestly i would argue dazai is the same. (i wonder if that is why dazai treats him the way he does... if he sees a kindred spirit in him... if he resents the way akutagawa clings to him so desperately, because he knows that will never achieve him true wholeness, so he refuses to give it to him.) before, he cared very little about whether he lived or died; he had no morality nor values of his own. he was just a blank slate, covered in shadows and bloodstains that did nothing to hide its barrenness.
HOWEVER prior to oda's death, before he became mafia traitor dazai osamu, he was the youngest mafia executive in history. that is the dazai that i associate that quote with. of course, his bloodied reputation isn't wiped clean so easily, and of course it lingers like a noose around his neck even when he is a part of the agency. but back then, it is so much more powerful when he is actively cultivating an image of a ruthless monster.
when everyone knows you’re a monster, you needn’t waste time doing every monstrous thing.
isn't that true? who knows if every atrocity tied to his name was even done by him, or some other creature that lurks in the dark. the only thing that truly matters is that people think of him as merciless, dangerous. his hands have brought so much destruction that he doesn't even have to kill someone to stop their heart, the suggestion is enough. for a creature that spills blood on a whim (he is very careful with who he kills; death is useful move, but he would be a fool to waste a pawn), whose empathy couldn't extend to another if he tried (his emotions are buried, but they are still there), what else would they expect?
what would a monster be, if not monstrous?
so. that's my elaboration. i feel like it is underwhelming, sorry. obligatory THIS IS ALL MY INTERPRETATION dazai is a very complex character but a lot of him is still a mystery in the story, and i am foaming at the mouth waiting for more of his past to be revealed.
ambiguous morality, unsettling auras, and terrifying intelligence
guys i think i have a type!!1111
this is only slightly related, but i said before that akutagawa is a person who inherently lacks purpose, and honestly i would argue dazai is the same.
aren’t we all? 🤨 what purpose does life have but what we give it? (and what purpose can be given by someone who has no desire to obtain one?)
if he resents the way akutagawa clings to him so desperately, because he knows that will never achieve him true wholeness, so he refuses to give it to him.)
before, he cared very little about whether he lived or died; he had no morality nor values of his own. he was just a blank slate, covered in shadows and bloodstains that did nothing to hide its barrenness.
HELLO??/?/ poetr.y. killme neow
and of course it lingers like a noose around his neck even when he is a part of the agency.
noose. Dazai. oh my hod avery ur gonna be the dEATH OF MEEEEE
ok actually i need to stop quoting things because every single line in this was like a punch to the gut and i’d just end up screaming over every single one holy SHIT. pls tag me if u ever write a dazai fic (throws up)
(he is very careful with who he kills; death is useful move, but he would be a fool to waste a pawn), whose empathy couldn't extend to another if he tried (his emotions are buried, but they are still there)
ok i lied about stopping because GOOD GOD. AVERY??/?// IM GOIJGNTO DIE/ WHATTHHE HELL. THIS IS SOMGODO
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