#I honestly think the first one is funny lol I was very happy tho
hero-of-the-wolf · 14 hours
What are your thoughts on each LU hero?
cracks knuckles long post incoming!!
I feel like a lot of people forget about how much of a gremlin Time really is. He's cryptic for the bit, because he thinks it's funny, but he's absolutely willing to talk about things when asked (like when he told Wind about his entire adventure). Yeah this man's got trauma, but at the point he's at now he's healed a lot. I also think that he's just incredibly awkward, and it makes him come across as aloof and ✨mysterious✨
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Twilight is the softest dorkiest Link by far and I will DIE on this hill. He's the biggest big brother to ever brother, and he vibes like someone who feels most useful when he's taking care of other people. It's very important to him. My boy is also so so stubborn like who the heck thinks it's a good idea to try and walk off an axe wound to the gut 😭 also I know in my heart that he gives the best hugs ever and I think a hug from him would fix me actually
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People like to make Warriors this shallow jerk??? and he's NOT. He's really really not. He's just a big brother and he loves to tease. He's also really smart too, esp with battle tactics and working with other people. Also this man def knows field medicine like look at him whenever one of the others is downed in a fight, he's always right there making sure that they're okay.
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Four is so so clever and really good at teamwork (obviously lol). but like!!! I love how throughout LU you can actively see him working really well with the others and accounting for their skills and where they are in battle, like in The Shadow arc he ducks down so Time can land a hit and it's a really cool scene. I also love his inside jokes with himself lol. He keeps his secrets just because he's waiting for a big dramatic reveal and I respect him for it.
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Wind makes the best facial expressions HANDS DOWN. He's such a big brother too, and even tho he's the youngest Link I'm sure he still big brothers all the others lol. Also!!! This kid literally made the gods choose him as a hero. At every turn literally nobody took him seriously and he proved himself and killed Ganondorf!!! I'm so proud of him. ALSO Wind is so smart. He's the first one to start piecing together the timeline(s)!!
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Wild is honestly super hyper competent?? Boy knows how to live off the land. He's smart. He chooses to be silly bc he enjoys being silly, not bc he's stupid. Also he was literally a prodigy!!!! That doesn't go away just because he lost his memories. He basically started out with the master sword (as in he started his knighthood with the sword already in hand), he defeated a guardian with a pot lid, also he knows how to cook lol. He's fine vibing by myself, but he's also happy to hang out with the others too :) also yeah he has a lot of trauma and guilt over everything that happened :(
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Legend's harshness to me is def a projection. A coping mechanism, if you will. Boy's got such a soft heart (bunny hehe) and he wants to protect it from getting hurt again. That doesn't stop him from loving and caring about the others, he's just more guarded about it. And despite everything he's been through... he still loves adventuring. He really does.
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Hyrule's got SO much grit and sheer determination. And he's so powerful too, even if he doesn't think that he is. He's got spells!!! That's something none of the others really have. Boy's got the toughest enemies in the entire franchise, too. He survived the Adventure of Link. That's insane lol also he's got SUCH just a little guy energy fr and I love that for him
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I think people also forget what a troublemaker Sky is. And he absolutely gets away with all of it too bc like just look at his face. Is that the face of someone who's ever done something wrong in their entire life? yes. yes it is But he's also genuinely so so sweet too and yeah he def gives really great hugs. Also he's an insanely talented swordsman??? Like there's a reason he's called the Godslayer™️ lol. Sky is SCARY when he's angry. He just doesn't get angry all that easily.
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sysig · 9 months
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Working on some designs for one of my oldest OCs, “Cure” (Patreon)
I also managed to track down some of her initial concept sketches from 2018 - why 2018 considering I called her one of my oldest OCs?
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Well, her design has always been rather elusive, even more so since she spent so much time in my head without being brought to paper - even these sketches make mention of it!
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Pretty sure she got “Cure” in 2018 too - starting to take form!
#Doodles#Original#The quotes are very intentional lol#As stated under the cut I started designing her in 2018 but she's existed since around 2007-ish? Latest would be 2010#Part of her having such a range of uncertainty is that it took me many many years to consider putting her to paper!#She might've existed in 2007 but there's no record! She might've existed in 2010 but no record! I don't think I even wrote about her#She was a completely mentally-extant OC for many many many years#Partially because at the time I had just started drawing and knew I wouldn't be able to put down what was in my head to physicality#And then the longer she stayed in my head the more she became that kind of mental kaleidoscope ever-shifting impossible-to-draw design#But screw that! I have a few years of doodling under my belt now! Even if I can't get her quite right I can at least make an attempt!#It's especially funny because outwardly she is meant to be a pretty generic teddy bear lol - not Exactly but more like the vibe of one#Round and plush and innocent - innocuous#And really she's not like Nefarious or anything lol - she's not what she seems but she also is?? It's hard to explain lol#A lot of it does still come down to subtleties so it actually is still hard to capture but it'll only keep getting harder the longer I wait!#So at least pinning down Some things about her design that I'm happy with and can refer to helps the me down the line haha#The first one is actually pretty close! It's always a coin flip on whether the first one is a disaster or nails it haha#The heart ears and straight body are pretty good tho I gotta say#And honestly it was the little lace-ribbon bracelet that was the deciding factor for me to try drawing her again haha#I had an idea I thought was silly but to do it I needed a design to work with!#Getting there getting there - every little bit closer
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nerd-of-karasuno · 11 months
Bakusquad Sneaking into Your Dorm Room Headcannons
Eijiro Kirishima
Bakugo always knows when Kirishima sneaks out
He doesn't bother anyone but he definitely gets mad at Kirishima the next day for being too loud late at night.
The times Kirishima has gotten caught is probably around or under five times
There has been a few times where he has run into a classmate while heading to your room but was able to play it off as he was going downstairs to get water or because he forgot something
and the latter is true in most cases
He does forget quite a lot of his things in your room.
Think fast Kirishima!
It took him away to come up with that tho
after he ran into Todoroki who was kinda suspicious of him, Kirishima knew he had to make up a convincing excuse
Really he's just grateful he hasn't run into Iida yet
because Kirishima really knows he'll be doomed then.
One habit Kirishima does have when sneaking into your room is crashing into your bed right on top of you
He will tackle you gently if you're not on your bed already
Kirishima does this without fail every time
Katsuki Bakugo
surprisingly very stealthy
Even you don't know that Bakugo's coming to your room most of the time.
It may seem sometimes that your room is slowly becoming his room with how much time he spends in there especially at night and especially after the Kamino Incident.
It was completely unexpected the first time Bakugo snuck into your room
You might have brought the idea of sneaking around up but probably thought he'd never do it
We all know how he is with his sleep schedule and going to bed at a certain time
Don't worry he still keeps that schedule
He just sneaks into your room earlier.
Then when Bakugo leaves, you don't notice majority of the time
Bakugo is pretty strategic when it comes to this
He leaves early enough to get back to his own room without running into anyone
Bakugo doesn't always wake you but he always kisses your forehead before he goes
but Bakugo'll never tell you or admit that :)
Hanta Sero
honestly Sero's pretty good at getting from his to your place
he may get caught like once but that's about it
and it's sometimes surprising
because Sero will literally sneak into your room at completely random times
like he'll be like see you later when you're saying goodnight
and little do you know he actually does mean see you later when he's opening your door about ten to fifteen minutes later.
Sero will also play it super risky occasionally.
You don't know if he does it on purpose.
Class 1-A definitely have late night hangouts and when everyone eventually heads to bed, Sero will go to your room.
Sero never gets caught when he does this
even tho the hallways have quite a few people in them
yeah get this man to share his secrets
Denki Kaminari
Denki attempts to be sneaky
but he fails the first few times never even making it to your room
but through trial and error he makes it to you successfully
And he's very proud of it
look it was only one time that Denki ended up tripping on the floor very hard and waking up the others on your floor
he wants you to stop teasing him about it lol
now the challenge for Denki is staying quiet when he's in your room
Whoever's in the room next you you definitely knows that you have someone over
Denki gets carried away quite a lot
so he forgets that he's supposed to be kinda quiet when in you're room.
He always has a little celebration when he closes your door,
Denki's just happy he wasn't caught and he's able to spend the night with his favorite person.
Mina Ashido
Mina would 100% get to your room and back safely and without anyone else knowing
But I feel like she would slip up when telling the 1A girls a funny story or a video she saw when she was in your room and she would accidentally give out details that clued in some of the girls to exactly where she was at
Let's just hope Mr. Aizawa never overhears lol.
If Mina does happen to run into someone, she plays it off so well
No one suspects anything
well sometimes she heads over to your room with a bag and then someone might wonder what she's up to
Mina loves bringing over things to do in your room
Whether it be makeup, nail polish, and other fun stuff, you're having a blast when she's in your room
Oh, and Mina definitely spills the tea on whatever hot gossip there is that's been going on at U.A.
You are filled in with all the details
Honestly when Mina sneaks into your room, sometimes you get absolutely no sleep or don't go to bed until some odd hour in the morning
but hey you're always doing something that's kinda productive when Mina's in your room.
dance parties
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lilislegacy · 2 months
I actually have my own little head cannons about percy and annabeth's own family, and I'm gonna share them for no reason other than being annoying <3
Percy and Annabeth have lived in unstable homes throughout their childhood; I truly believe that they got married in their early twenties after college
Annabeth hyphenated her last name! She becomes "Annabeth Chase-Jackson" because she loves the Jacksons and is a part of their family while also keeping her last name because she's THE Annabeth chase and it's iconic
I think that they always wanted kids together, but it was always a thought for the future, even when they got married and were busy with their careers
So yes, their first kid was a total surprise, but a very happy one
They were the first of the hoo group to have a kid
Their first kid's a boy (ik unpopular opinion), with blonde hair and green eyes.
I always imagined they'd named their kids something both unique and greek, with maybe a middle name after a lost hero? Giving the first name of a lost hero sounds painful, and also defeats the whole purpose of Sally naming Percy after the only greek hero with a happy ending. An example I like is Amycus Charlie Jackson. idk tho, something more normal makes sense too.
Amycus would probably be a stereotypical angel first child tbh
Because they had their first kid so early on, I think their second would be a couple years later, I think around 4.
They'd have a girl next, Daphne Zoe Jackson, with Percy's raven hair and Annabeth's gray eyes. She'd be a little more troublesome lol, but in a loving way!
I honestly think 2 kids are good enough but my heart says they'd have 3. He'd be a surprise baby, and on the younger end of the hoo group's kids (if not the youngest). I haven't thought of much characterization for him yet, but he'd get Sally's blue eyes for sure.
And they live a great life in New York, I'm sorry but they aren't moving to New Rome! Especially Percy, he's a New Yorker through and through
Annabeth works from home from time to time as an architect, mostly to spend more time with her kids, especially when they're babies.
Percy has a pretty chill job doing something in marine biology or marine vet, so he's there for the kids plenty too
Sally babysits the few times both of them are busy
Ya that's their perfect domestic life in my head hehehe >:)
thanks for the ask @littlesillyfilly!
i love all of these!!! super cute! i shall go through each one
1. same! some people think they don’t get married, but i hate the reasons why most people think that. as demigods, percy and annabeth didn’t grow up in a stable family setting. i think they would want that stability, and to do normal stereotypical couple things, because they crave as much normalcy as they can get.
2. another vote for the hyphenated name! that seems to be people’s favorite option
3. yes absolutely. they always have wanted kids. it’s not even a question in my mind
4. i agree, for some reason i’ve always had the hc that their first kid is either a total shock, or it takes a really really long time for them get pregnant. it’s one or the other 😂
5. completed agreed. honestly? i dont even know if many of their friends would have kids. i mean, frank and hazel, together or not, probably would i think, albeit much later than percy and annabeth. but i don’t know if i see anyone else having kids. i think its not super common amongst demigods, especially greek ones
6. absolutely 1000% agreed. i have always thought and said that their first is a boy with curly blonde hair and sea green eyes.
7. agreed! i like them doing a mix of things when it comes to names. and this is so funny because i always have liked the name charlie (after beckendorf) for one of their kids! it’s in my percabeth baby names list LOL. so i think i like their second son being named charlie, and then i have a girl name for their daughter that i love.
8. oh absolutely. first babies seem to always be so precious and sweet and easy. that’s how they get you. then the second one comes and all hell breaks loose
9. i agree that their second kid would come a few years later. they would need a hot minute to adjust. having kids as a demigod would be hard i think, but once they get the hang of it, they want more!
10. i absolutely agree that their next kid has percy’s black hair and annabeth’s grey eyes! personally, i always imagined it being another boy though. he is their charlie in my mind.
11. yeah, i think they would originally plan on 2 kids, but end up having three (if not 4🤭). and in my mind, number 3 is their girl! i’ve always imagined her with wavy blonde hair and blue eyes with a bit of green in them.
12. you are team percabeth living in new york? ok ok i like it. idk personally i feel like they would start out in new rome, for safety reasons. also having a community of demigod friends and family would probably be very comforting for them. but i definitely see them ending up in new york again! percy is absolutely a new yorker through and through!
13. aww annabeth being able to work sometimes at home would be cute. i can see that!
14. can i just say im so glad people are getting on board with percy becoming an aquatic/marine vet?? i’ve always been so alone in that thought, so seeing other people like it and agree with it makes me so happy!! he’d be sooo good at it! but yes, it’s a chill job so he can be around for the kids a lot.
15. sally and paul would love babysitting. 100%
i loved all of these so much and agree with nearly everything!! thank you for these!!
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notsoattractivearenti · 10 months
Goodbye, Summer (Christian Pulisic x Reader)
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Song Inspo: Summer Love - One Direction (listening to the song while reading is highly recommended!)
WC: 2.7K
Warnings: cursing, angst
A/N: after a few months i finally finished this fic!!! this is my first christian angst it felt kinda strange to write one for him lol and just so y'all know i haven't been able to write angst with a happy ending so, be aware. and the start of the ‘summer love’ is a lot different than usual hopefully not too weird for your liking tho. also this wasn't proofread, sorry if this turns out to be shit. anw hope you guys enjoy and i’d love to hear your thoughts thru ask/reply/reblog 💗 apologies for any grammatical errors! feedbacks are highly appreciated 🤍
“Cause you were mine for the summer
Now we know it's nearly over
Feels like snow in September
But I always will remember”
Summer has come to an end. Well, technically summer hasn’t ended yet – but Christian had to move to Italy and this move wasn’t exactly planned but quite expected – so yeah, to me, summer is about to end. And the moment Christian hops on the plane, there goes my summer of love. It was fun while it lasted – though I wish it would never end.
Christian told me he was leaving just a few days prior. He had been back to the States two days after the end of the Premier League season and ever since we had been spending the summer together. I knew this was coming as we agreed we would only be together for the summer but I didn’t think it would be this hard.
I met him through a mutual friend last year when he was briefly in Florida to visit his family and friends for Christmas. I still had a boyfriend at the time – even though my relationship ended the very next day, it was already broken to begin with – so we became strictly friends and I had no intentions on dating him. Jokes on me, because I had caught feelings for him but I was so wounded by the heartbreak I wasn’t even aware of it. He did catch feelings too, though he thought I needed time to process the breakup so confessing his feelings wouldn’t be appropriate.
I didn’t want a serious relationship for a while – or so I thought – therefore I didn’t even think of dating since my last one. Christian and I would sometimes text each other, but it wasn’t a constant thing. We hadn’t really seen each other in person since because of the distance, but I watched every match he played and usually texted him to give my support before the match.
One night within the second week of May, he told me by text that he was going back to Florida for summer break and looking forward to spending the rest of the summer with me. I thought to myself: why would he spend his short break with me? I responded to him by asking why just me and not his friends and family, hoping he would say something funny and odd like he always does and instead he said something I didn’t see coming.
“Because I like you and I want to be with you.”
My heart stopped the second I saw that text. Christian… Likes me? My goodness, what an oblivious idiot I had been. I was deeply wounded by my past I didn’t see what was going on in front of me the whole time. I didn’t know what else to say and I accidentally left his text on read that night.
“Y/N? Are you okay?”
“Did I say something wrong?”
“I’ve freaked you out haven’t I? Fuck I’m sorry!!!” 
Oh shit. I woke up to those unread messages from Christian – I just remembered I hadn’t texted him back last night. I immediately tried to reply but as my thumbs touched the screen to type, no words came to mind. I honestly didn’t know how to react, if I tell him I’m not looking for a relationship would it hurt him?
“If you want a relationship, I don’t know if I’m the right person for you…”
I locked my phone screen right after I sent those messages. I hoped I wasn’t being too harsh to him, but being put in this position was so overwhelming and I didn’t know what else to say. I just… I wasn’t ready. And I couldn’t tell when I would be. Not to mention he lives thousands of miles away from me and I didn’t think I could handle the distance.
An hour later, I finally heard back from Christian.
“I get it and I respect that.”
“What if we just… Be together for the summer?”
“We don’t have to think about what’s gonna happen after. Just be in the moment… You and me.”
I gave that idea of his a thought – a not-so-long thought because I was assuming I didn’t have enough time. I’d admit, while I found it interesting, I couldn’t help but wonder: would it be worth it? Would someone get hurt at the end?
Before the day ended, I finally made up my mind.
“Okay. I’m in…”
“But just for the summer.”
“And only if nobody is gonna get hurt.”
When he arrived, I was the one who picked him up at the airport. We absolutely spent our summer together everyday – there wasn’t a day that went by without him by my side and vice versa. He invited me to spend some time with his family and friends on their boats, and I had him spending time with mine on either the beach or my family’s home.
We were well aware we only had each other for the summer, thus we made sure every moment counts no matter how little or big it might be. We knew once this summer ends it also marks the end of our time together and go back to live our own separate lives. I didn’t want to think about what will happen next – I just want to live in the moment.
The more I spend my time with him, the stronger my feelings grow. It’s been messing up my mind, but I couldn’t let it ruin my summer. This was the best summer I’ve ever had in a long time, and I would not take it for granted. The memories we were creating throughout will forever live on in my head.
In the middle of our “summer of love”, Christian came to an agreement with AC Milan, and by that his time in Chelsea had come to an end and he had to relocate to Italy. And the club wanted him to join them for preseason, meaning his summer break had to be cut off sooner than he planned.
When he broke the news, I was stunned – not that I wasn’t happy about his move to Milan, I just needed time to process it. I also wasn’t ready for our summer to be over, but the circumstances forced us to cut our time short. It was pretty saddening for us that we unfortunately had to burst our little bubble.
“So… That’s it for us then?” I carefully asked.
“Let’s just not talk about it.” He refused.
I didn’t want to cause a fight at the time, so I agreed to let it go.
The entire time, I felt like I had to walk on eggshells around him. But eventually I couldn’t do that forever. You can't escape the reality no matter how much you want to.
Christian was packing his bags as he had a flight to catch the next morning. Yes, I couldn’t emphasize enough that we know our whatever-you-called-ship is coming to an end. In every hello there is a goodbye, right? But why does this feel so hard?
We have tried really hard not to mention anything about the fact that our summer love will be over soon but it is an inevitable topic. There is no way we can escape the conversation, especially on our very last day together. And I have to be the one to bring this up because Christian clearly didn’t want to – he might be the one who suggested the idea, but he is the one who is more in denial.
“Chris, you know we both have to say something, don’t you?” I tried to start the conversation.
“Can we not? Please.” He whimpered.
“We have to.” I insisted.
He kept packing in silence, not wanting to talk about the painful reality. I was sitting on the corner of his bed while he was standing across from me, avoiding eye contact since I started talking. He was looking down all the time – organizing his belongings – and not once he took even a little glance at me. I looked closely at his face, paying attention to every little detail I could. His face was red, eyes were puffy and watery, lips were tight – it was obvious to me he was trying so hard not to cry.
“So are you just going to freeze me out the entire time or?” Still no answer from him. 
I went and sat a lot closer to him and he tried to look away.
“Stop it, please! At least just look at my fucking eyes if you don’t want to fucking speak!”
And suddenly I saw tears running down on his face. He couldn’t hold them back anymore – his heart was completely shattered and it was obvious he was nowhere near ready to face the harsh reality.
“Chris… Listen…”
“Why can’t you change your mind?”
He asked a question that got me startled.
“What is it about me and the time that we had that made you certain you still don’t want a relationship?” His voice was trembling.
It took me a while to even say one fucking word to him. I felt like the worst person on earth for breaking the sweetest man’s heart. And to be honest, I broke my own heart too – and I was really trying my hardest to conceal it from him.
“Chris, you were the one who said, and I quote, “just be together for the summer”! I was being so clear I didn’t want a relationship yet you still offered me that. There’s nothing wrong with you, it’s just… I’m not ready. And I don’t know when I will be again.” I desperately tried to explain myself to him but I seemed to upset him even more.
“Yeah, right.” He shook his head and smacked his lips. “Whatever you say.”
I sighed.
“Chris… Please, why won’t you believe me?” I asked him quietly.
“I don’t buy your bullshit anymore.” He replied coldly, while wiping his tears.
Now done packing, he grabbed the car keys and put most of his belongings in the trunk.
I still wanted to have more conversation – about us, specifically – but after he was done with his stuff, he refused.
“I’m tired and I have an early flight to catch tomorrow. I think I should just go to sleep right now.” He said as he walked into his room.
“Yeah, of course...” I responded.
I tried to softly grab his hand but he swung his arm further away from me.
“See you tomorrow, Chris. Goo-”
He slammed the door on my face before I got to tell him goodnight. At the moment, I thought to myself: oh no, he really hates me.
The next morning I drove Christian to the airport. He was going to Milan with his dad and he was meeting him at the airport. On the way there, we didn’t really talk much. There was so much silence – and somehow it made everything even more painful.
I couldn’t handle the tension any longer, so I tried to break the ice.
“Hey, thank you for spending the summer with me. It was the best I’ve ever had.”
He only nodded.
“Umm, I’m sorry this only lasted for a short while...”
He looked down, he sniffed and rubbed his nose and sighed. 
“Well, have fun in Milan! You needed a fresh start and you’re about to get one… Christian, I am proud of you.”
I tried to be supportive and not say anything that could be perceived as “something wrong” because I knew he was in a fragile state at the moment, though it seemed like he wasn’t going to respond the way I hoped he would. I was genuinely proud of him by the way – always have and always will.
He looked up but still avoiding eye contact, let out a slight smile and chuckled a little bit.
“Yeah, thanks.”
“And uh… Maybe you’d forget about me with all the girls you’re going to meet there...”
I immediately regretted what I just said. Shit. What the fuck did I just say?
He finally looked directly into my eyes – a look full of disbelief and disappointment. There was a moment of silence between us. This time, I was the one who couldn’t see him in the eyes.
“Chris, I’m so, so sorry I didn’t m-”
“How could you say that, Y/N?” He cut me off before I finished talking, by the tone of his voice I could tell he was mad at me.
I froze for a minute. I knew I had fucked up but I never thought it would be so much worse – at the moment I was really, really fucking shit up.
“Do you think my feelings for you aren't real enough so other girls can easily make it go away? Do you really think I can forget you just like that? Are you implying that what we had all summer will not stick in your memories?”
“Wha- no, Chris, that’s not what I mean!”
What a mess I had made... And before I knew it, tears started to fill my eyes.
“Well to me it sounded like that. I’m appalled to know you don’t see whatever we were as something real and meaningful. Maybe it was a mistake to even ask you to give us a chance in the first place.” He sounded like he was truly aching and filled with regrets.
I glanced at him for a bit and I saw him biting his lip and his face was already all red. I never wanted our goodbye to be this heartbreaking but well… In this situation it’s bound to happen, isn’t it? Because I didn’t want to escalate our situation any further, I decided to shut my mouth and stop talking altogether. I was aware that whatever I said might hurt him deeper. Fuck, why can’t things be easier?
After what felt like a very long ride, we finally got to the airport. We met Christian’s dad, Mark, at the front gate as I helped Christian with his belongings. Mark greeted me and gave me a hug.
“Hey, Y/N! Thanks for dropping Christian off, if only you could come with us to Italy!” Mark excitedly thanked me, not knowing what happened between Christian and I.
I shook my head and slightly laughed to cover my discomfort. Then I saw Christian looking at his watch, and whispered to his dad: “let’s go.”
I took it as my cue to leave, so I said my farewell to both of them.
“Well, have a safe flight, Mr. Pulisic.” I smiled and nodded at Mark. 
Then I turned to Christian. He was still visibly upset – I didn’t have the heart to say anything, really. I had caused him a lot of pain, and I was afraid to open my mouth. But at the moment I knew I had to, since I didn’t know if we would ever see each other again.
“You too, Chris. Good luck over there.” I softly tapped his arm.
I waved at them and was ready to walk away when I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned around and it was Christian. He pulled me in for a hug – a very, very tight hug, like he wouldn’t let me go. He rested his head on my shoulder and I rubbed his back the whole time. It was a long hug – probably the longest ever for both of us – and we could no longer keep our overflowing emotions inside anymore.
“I’m sorry…” I whimpered.
“I know.” He whispered.
He stroked my head and kissed me in the forehead. His lips stayed there for a while.
“Y/N, I have to go...”
It was the hardest thing to do but I pulled away from the hug. Before he went inside, he took my hands and looked me in the eyes.
“Y/N, you will always be my greatest summer love… I will never forget you.” He said under his breath.
And the moment he walked through the gate, that was the last time I saw him in person. What we had might be short, but I will forever be thankful Christian made my summer unforgettable.
“You were my summer love
You always will be my summer love”
taglist: @pulisicsgirl @neverinadream @swimmingismywholelife @chilwellspulisic @bracedes @lovelynikol16 @thoseboysinblue @lizzypotter14 @masonsrem @landoslover
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ganondoodle · 1 year
i know i said i wouldnt be ranting about totk anymore, but i realized i didnt really count the sage dungeons as story (dont ask me why) so i thought im gonna write a better summarized version of my opinion about totk (i have around 60% of the game, all lightroots, not yet all shrines (missing like .. 20 or so, know the reward), not all krogs (dont know the reward), not all mayoi (half know the reward?) )
(in no particular order)
good stuff (in my opinion)
the. MUSIC! god the music is good, it was good in botw too but now with much more different bosses it really is probably one of my fav soundtracks of all time (most fav are all three phases of the end fight, the pre-fight to that, the build up one before all of those, Frosgeira (wind tempel boss) the glorious mASTER KOGA and more tbh)
the build up and end boss fight(s) are fantastic, i dont think im ever not gonna have my heart racing when approaching it (despite now skipping almost the entire way bc i set a teleport thing right before it) just bc the build up is so well made and the music(again) is such a banger and the fight(s) itself is so fun too, tbh i keep wanting to play it just bc its so fun
i LOVE how many themes play into the music (endfight alone had so many layers, fav probably is ganondorfs classic theme and calamity ganons both in the same piece among much more, and daruks theme in the fire temple)
ganondorfs design (x3)
ganondorfs weapon designs
ganondorfs voice (japanese)
everyone elses voice (japanese)
all voices (german)
thE YIGA!!! i love everythign about them and am so happy they got to be more than just some mini mission
(edit) also the fact that they get zonau tech to work without any special ghost powers is so ????
(edit) koga can summon and use zonau tech unlimited?? hes so cool
NO stealth mission!! (as far as im aware)
bosses are very different from each other
main dungeons are not too short and not too long and mostly fun (mostly bc i personally didnt like the gerudo one), i love that you can still somewhat cheese them and do them your way
sages felt like they got a bit more involved
(edit) you gotta do more stuff before getting to the actual dungeons and i really like that, feels less like a fetch quest but that you are actually helping
(edit) each sage is actually there in the dungeon and is required for it, which is great!
each settlement saw a much bigger danger/change (tho that has more impact if you have played botw) and its problems felt much more real
shrines are well varied tho i think overall a little easy (only got stuck on two so far and later solved them easily bc when i first started them i was tired and exhausted, no brain left lol)
NPCs felt less flat + more bigger sidequests that felt like they had more impact
cool new monsters + designs
the underground was pretty appropiately creepy
the sages abilities are neat
you can refight bosses!!
stable points system is a neat way to encourage you using them
weapon fusing is neat
(edit) the forest of the krogs being corrupted like that is both creepy and a neat nod to oot
(edit) the vai gerudo outfit being gone!! (one) evil has been defeated
(edit) the health bar going so far off the middle in ganondorfs second phase is honestly just funny hnjdfdjk unfortunate that you only need the master sword and with a few perfect dodges his health melts like butter in the summer
(edit) the music when dragondorf transforms sounds so sad .. its probably meant as a oh no world is actually ending sad but i like to think of it as a oh god what did he do to himself sad
the scene where rauru seals ganondorf kinda fruity
(graphic, animations and the overall world is still fantastic)
bad stuff (in my opinion)
everything zonau they feel forced into every bit of the world and its history (i know them being somewhat alien is intentional but not like that) it feels crammed into places they werent before and shouldnt be and it makes it all feel very artificial
the glyphs/dragon tears/memories really ruined alot for me, while it gave you insight as to what happened, it felt like it showed you too much and too little at the same time and i think it would have worked better if it was all in text for once if even at all, so the past stil stayed a mystery and youd be left wondering
timetravel .. really wasnt necessary and felt more like an excuse to get rid of zelda + make her the poor little sacrificial girl again + and to make her turning into a dragon as tragic as possible, like nothing but a stepping stone to the big reveal tm
shiekah tech being not just fully irrelevant but practically erased, wiped off the world (i know about the literally last guardian parts in hateno, it feels more like an oversight tbh, purah technically using it ... tho i dont think she ever calls it that, the purah pad is jsut the sheikah stone but worse), there being no good explanation, no remains, nothing as to why it would suddendly stop working and why even the titans and ESPEICALLY the shrine of life would be destroyed, if anything why wouldnt you enshrine it as a memento to history it was such a focus in botw and so well integrated into the world that it being fully gone, not even old overgrown, or visibly reused to build homes etc., or remains of how they built the og shrines in the underground feels like a HUGE missed opportunity (seriously it would have been so easy to make the ancient shiekah base their tech on old zonau tech, without stealign the gocus but buildign a connection)
all of the continuity problems, totk feels like botw didnt happen and the excuse of 'they didnt want to confuse new players' doesnt make a lick of sense in my eyes bc; its supposed to be a sequel, if you want it to be a standalone game then dont call it a sequel- if you start to play a game with the sequel instead of the first part its your own damn fault if you get confused; if anything, it would have been a good opportuntiy to make people interested in botw so theyd buy and play that one too
ganondorfs character is very flat, you basically get to know nothing about him (yuno even calls that out midgame but its never elaborated upon nhgfrdfhkk)
the zonau and their kingdom of hyrule is presented as this so perfectly good thing to such a degree it turns creepy, the end cutscene with mineru going poof was kinda uncomfy to watch tbh
the reward for all shrines being essentially a reveal as to who the hero in the tapestry was and it being, of course, some weird half zonau is the lamest answer to a mystery i didnt want an anwser too, it doesnt feel like it came naturally either (again my point of the zonau being forced into everything)
the shrines (zonau) feel so much more unnatural than the shiekah shrines, alien in a bad way and not in a good way + really are like a bad reskin of them, their sudden appearance and use is so much less logical
back in botw i was doubtful of if the shiekah tech wasnt going to far too modern tech and cause it all to feel like a bad mix of modern tech and medival fantasy, but they balanced it perfectly (tho the eponator zero was very much the limit imo) but the zonau tech .... oversteps that line i think, it really does feel, more than anything else, that it was just bc they wanted the stuff to be in there bc it might be fun to play around with, im not against that kind of stuff mind you im all for fun, but it feels a little like they thought of a box with endless stuff to play with first and a zelda game second (if you get what i mean)
quite a few quests or things in the game seem like they are more and then end in a dead end (the worst of all is impa saying she wants to go research what could help zelda turn back, and i was excited and convinced that shed give me a quest to find some mcguffin that would do that after i beat ganon but there wasnt anything you could actually do; less bad one but disappointing nonetheless the dongos were mentioned and treated like this big awesome thing from alot of NPCs all around the map and then when you find them they are bascially just gem vending maschines)
the way zelda turns back and link gets his arm back is incredibly unsatisfying, none of them even have something like a scar, or mark from it all, zelda spent thousands of years as a dragon (a transformation that was said to cost your soul but i guess that wasnt true) and link had his arm bascially eaten by miasma and he gets it back like it was never lost, zelda returns all intact as if nothing happened, getting blasted by some magic tm by two ghosts that were supposed to be long gone is the solution to all problems!!
(edit) link losing an arm wouldnt just be super intersting but also lend itself well to lead up into the next game where his prothesis is the focus and source of abilities
(edit) zelda got done so dirty, instead of her actual interests and character to shine she just gets shoved into yet another crisis surrounded by strangers in a world that looks like hers but isnt, and all she does is beg the ancient sages to swear to help link and sacrifice herself again (can you call that fridging? bc she sure feels like she got fridged) i like zelda and i dont like how much i didnt care about her and tbh im angry at the game for that
(edit) both link and zelda not even slightly changing in the years btween botw and totk kinda boring, like a haircut can only do so much
(edit) sonia really is the wife that dies to make husband sad thing isnt she? i get that gan had to get his hands on an enigma stone but i feel like there had been better ways to do that, the fact that she dies that easily is almost funny honestly, why does ganondorf even have weapons when he can just one punch people to death (tho i find it funny to imagine he can literally just kill people in one punch but hes too prideful to do it most of the time so he always uses weapons to look more cool)
(edit) so many new characters that you barely get to see or interact with, i really ... couldnt get myself to care much
(edit) zonau tech being so irrelevant to the games story while its also the focus is .. weird, its really just play doh for the players and nothing else honestly
(edit) monsters mining sonanium feels strange bc ... they dont do anything with it? the best thing i can think of is that they were told to do that so link cant .. upgrade his battery thignies? but then again you could just destroy the mines and remaining constructs to stop it .... also you really dont need anything zonau tech related to beat gan?
(edit) ganondorf beign so utterly uninterested in their tech is weird considering how he dealt with shiekah tech (and we KNOW it can get corrupted) he should be a tech nerd tbh
my twitch VoD of the first time beating the game getting muted at the credits despite me talking over it
nitpicks (in my opninion)
(edit) ganondorf should have a bit more of a boar inspired design, as treat, i think
(edit) the enigma stone wandering back to ganondorfs forehead even after transforming is? weird? i guess an excuse for da epic last stabby but still? (how cool would it have been to have to plunge into his mouth and break it there or something)
(edit) the underground gets a lil old after a while, the fact that its pretty much the same everywhere aside from some .. very strange flowing magma is a lil boring
(edit) ganondorf could have gone way more crazy with abilities and all that, imagine hed spwan multiple miasma arms on himself when you get him to a certain level of health
(edit) i miss unique weapons, there arent even normal axes around anymore, everything is about fusing really, i miss the cool shiekah tech weapons
(edit) the forest of the krogs being largely irrelevant is kinda weird
(edit) mineru being the sage of spirit still is kinda meh, the robot is neat but i thought tauro or purah would be the surprise sage tbh
(edit) the bosses were a little easy (i did boldo gohma rather early and did it without even getting hit)
you cant talk to koga normally :(
you cant find koga again after the last fight :(
you cant refight him (to my knowledge) :(
i find it very strange that yuno seemingly lost daruk shield, despite him having inhereted it in botw
the sage powers are not .. very great integrated, while its fun to haven them run around and help you fight, to actually use their powers you have to chase after them, something that in the heat of a battle is very annoying to do, constantly activating the wrong on or them losing their charge up when they get knocked over is like trying to herd a wild pack of geese while a three headed dragon is shotting laserbeams at you
some widlife just disappearing all of the sudden is very strange (like the rhino in hebra)
some new houses or settlements would have been cool, that the material things at the sides of roads are really only for you to play around with and not to build anything that lasts
you cant fight ganondorf (non dragon, even the dragon is locked to that evening sky) in the sunlight, night or rain, i would have loved to fight him at various times of day
their refusal to show any kind of blood is honestly turnign serious scenes into very awkward ones, sonia just getting punched and she dies with not even like, losing some spit from the force or something, or the fact when you defeat ganondorfs second phase he acts mortally wounded but doesnt even look scratched is just :/
amiibo stuff while neat being included its really mostly just bloating your inventory, if i wanted 5 vaguely different link outfits then i would have gotten the amiibo for it
why hide the -now-totally-not-phantom-ganon-armor- behind such a long questline and then .. have that NOT be upgradable
they put in a house building thingy and then not let you have a roof or a tree or something :(
at some point stable points jsut get you more and more of those free staying over night tickets that i maybe used .. once at the very start and now its just accumulating in my inventory
only one new horse coat pattern :(
satori now only being a thingy that shows you caves is kinda boring, i loved the mystery around it in botw (additionally, that it shows you caves you have completed already kinda sucks)
the end of the shrines isnt that cool anymore, speaking to a mummified monk that gives you essentially his last remains of life energy is so much cooler than a statue of the oh so awesome god king and his wife
the many references and reuse of old names is neat but together with timetravel etc. it easily leads to confusing and fighting among fans for who is more 'right' and its just .. tiring
(edit) considering how much of the advertising was about the sky islands i wished there were more and bigger ones, the underground (that was a little one sided after a while, it all looking the same rly) could have been alot smaller if the sky was bigger instead
(edit) i wished there was more of a sense of .. lost life in the ruins you find, from all races, the ancient ruins are jsut some bridged and ceremonial stuff and i wished there were more like .. houses, like people actually lived there and it not being all around beign a platform for you
(edit) the fact that the half zonau hero exists mean either rauru and sonia had kids but those were clearly not important enough to ever show nor mention, or there were other mixing of them before they all mysteriously died out the fact that the ancient hero was half zonau means their genes survided till then but somehow it never came up? the tapestry still exists and impa and purah say like its a well known fact that the hero looked like that (not at all close to any modern species) when you talk to them while wearing it (the fact that the hero armor thingy is very reminiscemt of ganondorf is like some backtreading bc we were theorizing about the hero having been ganondorf once and they wanted to stop that .. but the more funny thing is the HC of its a descdendet of rauru and ganondorf nhjdfknhdgkfnhkfd) (edit to add to the HC; the game being a big battle about child support is funnier than it should be idk if nintendo knew what they were doing adding details like that)
all in all it just feels like missed opportunities, lost potential, and more a game build around some game mechanics they really wanted to get into than telling a neat story, espeically so bc they called it a sequel, most of my complaints wouldnt be there if it was some alternate thing instead
i probably forgot stuff but if i think of more i will add them later with a little note that it was added in an edit (sidenote, i find it funny how much more nuance that whole conflict would get if rauru and ganondorf were bitter exes bfdrjfbdfndk)
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luffyvace · 5 months
Hello there, could I request Feitan with a (female)reader who has hemokinesis abilities?
Also she has a pretty harsh backstory that lead her to hate most of humanity, giving her trust issues, trauma and being very secretive before actually warning up to someone
Also she's a sadist like him =)
She too is part of that organisation I mentioned in the last ask-
P.S. I love how you write! 〜(꒪⁠ヮ⁠꒪)〜
ohhh okay so reader is female! OUUU blood control is such a smart idea for a sadist s/o w feitan!! Your so creative!!
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Reader been through the ring of fire huh? WELL WHAT Y/N HASN’T!! 🤪 Ohhh I see I see~ Organization pt.2~
thank you! I love your creative requests! <3
ngl your backstory is practically his
so you guys relate on a deeper level seeing as though you pretty much grew up the same way
in fact you may even be from meteor yourself
i wouldn’t be surprised if you were
either way your childhood was trash so a lot of healing must go underway if you want to be a better person…
buttttt you don’t :)
in fact your a absolute sicko and sadist
quality time torturing definitely happens
And your hemokinesis 100% gets used during that 😋
draining them of all they’re worth only to pump them full a blood to the point where they think they’re going to explode
Its so funny! 😂😂
you and feitan really bond over this
its so cute💗
both you and feitan are secretive and don’t trust easily
Especially since you two are in two different organizations and such
you always sleep with one eye open in case one of you betray the other
it takes years for you two to find out even basic facts about each other
and I mean that seriously
two introverted people with trust issues and trauma?! 😆
that sounds like the ultimate slow burn 🤗
In all seriousness idk how you guys came to trust each other/open up honestly
like it probably happened with time and the fact that neither of you actually ended up betraying the other 🤦‍♀️
like you love each other! But if your unfaithful I’ll rip your heart out your chest<3
and that’s fine right?
cuz that normal love 💕
no honey, you two probably won’t ever have normal love but at least y’all happy
about your organizations they may look at you side ways for bringing love into this for one
and two if one organization tricks the other your immediately getting blamed
if it works out they’ll think you have a good eye for partnerships tho
so that’s a plus
if your organizations don’t meet and stay separate?
yeah you and feitan will prob keep things under wraps about you two
you already have trust issues
and you didn’t even trust each other for the longest time 🤷‍♀️
so if feitan introduces you to his people he doesn’t want you to be wary
but he gets why you are
he warns you about hisoka tho..
he knows you can handle yourself so he isn’t protective or anything
but he warns you about what a weirdo he is and how unloyal he is as well
He will never trust him
oh and by the way if you give in to temptations and like cheat on him or something the person you guys have been torturing y’all basement is getting switched out for you🧍‍♀️
ngl you think touché if you don’t get to him first
the troupe is split between thinking partnering with you is a bad idea and a good opportunity
Either way chrollo ultimately decides you could be a useful ally
so you stick around occasionally
doesn’t mean you trust the troupe tho
you shoot the ones you dislike glares
you probably get along with machi or pakunoda first
but you sense something fishy about shalnark’s fake smile
Chrollo thinks your okay tho!
even though you don’t really trust him because you can never tell what he’s thinking
your intelligent, it’s just that he always has this unreadable expression on his face…
if the troupe gets introduced to your organization
chrollo and your boss will likely talk to each other
And the rest of your members and the troupe either mingle or observe from accross the room
feitan will observe
he doesn’t really interact much
you could try to introduce a co worker to him but he won’t go out of his way to be friendly or anything
if any of your co workers ever betray you..
it’s time for quality time torturing!!
and this ones’ a special guest~ ;)
my apologies dear! These are rather short but I hope you enjoyed them regardless<3
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reilleclan-blog · 16 days
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They are just dancing ur honor
um i genuinely love this series i think the devs made a game not to "hype up" their main character which a lot of games and story telling does, but they made a game about changing and perspective and I respect them a lot for that. B/c these are just ppl trying to survive not superheroes or op characters. Not that there's anything wrong with stories like that i just think stories like that have gotten old.
So yes Ellie changes Abby changes but I still love the characters a lot , at times I wished Ellie stayed with Dina but I'm like maybe that's just what she needed to do to finally change/let go of the past and further more forgive Joel. It was heartbreaking to see Ellie leave Dina cause I loved their dynamic and how often does unrequited love work out lol. But I don't blame either one for their choices I was upset with Ellie but it is what it is. It makes me think like "yes this person has changed but they are still the person I knew. So do I want to keep them in my life or let them go" kinda thing.
And all power to the audience but I think ppls discourse of the game was a little biased. Everyone hated Abby which yes she killed Joel. (Oh yeah and everyone was being transphobic and homophobic in general) and then a lot of ppl were mad Ellie didn't kill Abby(this is just a lot of shit I saw ppl complain about when the story was first released) but no one really talked EVER about a lot of the symbolisms or "coincidences" that happen thru the game.
Like the switch blade and little Ottie the elephant(i think that's its name) symbolizing the innocence of a child and showing Ellie whos changed and had to kill over the years
Or the fact that Abby is shown in a Halloween store on the "Seattle day 1"(when showing Abby after Joel's death) reminding me of the left behind dlc and they play around in a Halloween store . Or the parallels of Owen and Abby's relationship to Ellie and Riley when they were younger. And one friend wanting to explore but the other is trying to go back home.
Ellie and Abby both having tank tops on during their final fights lol not that important but yah. There's more but that's all I can remember right now I gotta play the rest of this game on grounded I know I'm gonna get my ass kicked playing that shit. I ususally play on story mode cause I want to enjoy the story lol but sometimes I know I can play on normal I just don't be feeling like it.
I'd honestly give this series a 10/10 it was amazing to experience very heavy subjects and topics talked about mostly is revenge worth it or how much are u willing to change for it.
Also Abby being so caring for the two young Seraphites was so nice to see her being "motherly" and sweet to them but also gruff with the way she talked. And honestly I got a soft spot for Abby idk is it the muscles? Lol and I saw someone say Dina carried her relationship with Ellie I'd say "yes and no" I think they had a lot of "let's clear the air" but never did that b/c Ellie probably didn't want to talk about it and/ or they weren't ready to talk about it. And Ellie was trying so hard to act like nothing was wrong but it clearly was wrong. So yes they were happy together but couldn't let go. I said this already but Ellie was like a warrior that couldn't leave the battlefield cause that's all she was used to. But she didn't really "try" to be happy either. All the killing and murder and brain trauma I doubt a couple months would cure u of the fucked up shit. Trying to heal from trauma takes tim on e but she didn't really give herself that either .. so idk
Also I woke up to a pic of Ellie's leather strap shotty having 20 ppl interact with it so thank u I didn't think much of the post lol I did like the pic a lot tho. I think it's just tlou stuff is super popular either way thanks
This is a lil jokey joke but THEY HAD TO NERF ABBY JUST FOR THESE MFS TO EVEN STAND A CHANCE AGAISNST HER THAT IS SO FUNNY TO ME. ELLIE GOT A DAMN BLADE FIGHTINF A MALNURISHED ABBY BRUH. Lol Abby was just so cold and cool I loved her bruh. But on god if Dina had died cause of Ellie idk if I could've forgiven her character lmao.
Also please I don't care about shipping ship whoever u like I really don't care I don't want to see ppl arguing about ships please. I liked Dina and Ellie but that don't mean I wasn't sad for Jessie losing his girl he clearly still liked Dina lol. I'm just saying I'm very neutral when it comes to shipping characters don't argue with me argue with ya mama
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oreo102 · 2 months
Please I'm so so curious to hear your thoughts on 10/14
Ok so my thoughts on 10 are less than 14 so let’s start with him lol. I have not watched 10, so my hatred of him is more hatred by proxy of how the fandom treats him and proxy of 14, but I still do have a few specific thoughts and this will be long and definitely rambly
A) when talking about him I usually refer to him as Fandom’s Favorite White Boy or Pathetic Wet Cat/Twink mostly because it’s funny but for now I’ll use 10. The most I know about 10 is that he is angsty and in love with rose and besties with Donna��� also that he’s pathetic but that’s more vibes
So- my hate of 10 is less tangible than 14 but i still have a few points, the main one being the way i see ppl talk about how he treated Martha and how obsessed with rose he was. I don’t think it’s ever compelling to have someone’s main personality trait be loving someone a whole lot which also honestly is my problem with rose (don’t hate her but don’t care about her)
From what I have seen and heard of 10 it’s rather… boring, honestly? Like it’s mostly clips out of context but for 13 and 15 I saw clips out of context and was like “ok wth is happening? /pos” with 10 it’s more like “wtf?” Also pretty sure his episodes were some of the ones I saw when my parents had the show on that played a part in me swearing the show off so
Ok onto the more tangible hatred of 14. A lot of this, admittedly, is more about the writing and showrunner decisions than 14 but those things by proxy makes me hate him
So- I have a lot of feelings on him quite literally starting from his first appearance in power of the doctor. I am SO PETTY that he doesn’t wear 13’s silly little outfit. Like I have gone on full rants about that fact to my friends and family
I’ve seen something claim that rtd didn’t want 14 to wear her outfit because people might be transphobic and derogatory towards him (even tho Dhawan!master wore it, and it’s pretty gender neutral) but then did nothing about the shit ppl said about ruby’s actor or about ppl who would be a bitch about rose the second being nonbinary(also i remember seeing a post about their deadname being mentioned in an episode? Not totally sure that’s true tho)
The 60th anniversary specials themselves don’t really celebrate Dr who as a whole as much as 10’s run with a few old villains but that’s not really my main issue with that. My main issue with the specials is that the Doctor gets their happy ending. With Donna. And her family. When fucking 3-4 episodes prior, their happy ending would’ve been yaz. It would’ve been staying with yaz. But nope! Donna! Because that’s what 10 would’ve wanted.
And I don’t want 14 to be with yaz, btw, I mean I want them to meet and for yaz to hit him, but I don’t want them to be a thing or like be together because I believe yaz is a lesbian but that’s not the point of this so moving on
I also have very much big issues with the scene where 15 and 14 are (presumably, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the full scene) talking about women they love and mention who I assume to be River and rose but not yaz, who again, they wanted to spend forever with 3-4 episodes prior. It makes the doctor seem like a douchebag even if it’s a writing issue and not a character issue
Also 14 being David tenant overshadows 13’s departure and 15’s arrival and since he is most likely going to show up at least a little bit in s14 he’ll overshadow 15 in his own series. It’s icky at the very least.
There’s something inherently bad about having the fandoms Favorite White Boy be with a contentious casting decision (because I have no faith in the Dr who fandom not to be bigoted) and even if no one has an issue with 15 being black and maybe gay (is he gay? He gives gay vibes) it’s still setting him up for failure by pairing him with 14
Also bigeneration is so fucking dumb and I hate it
Also also stop giving the Dr 19 year old companions it’s getting kinda weird now
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thegreymoon · 2 months
I am really not the target demographic for Red, White and Royal Blue and honestly, the entire premise sounds dumb af from where I'm sitting, but all the gifs that crossed my dash looked hilarious and that main actor is beyond gorgeous, so I am going to give it a shot tonight. My expectations are so low, that unless this movie gets a shovel and starts digging, there is no chance it cannot exceed them. I am so ready to eat my words, just give me some pretty people, mindless fluff and basic comedy and I will be happy, I swear!
You guys, I'm going to be honest here, I don't think I have it in me to sit through this 😭😭
LOL, only a younger brother 🤣🤣 They did not have the guts to go all in and make him the heir to the throne.
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Also, lol @ "Prince of England's hearts" but even more so at "whom all the world adores" 🤣🤣 I cannot. I am absolutely not the target demographic for this and I don't think I have it in me to just go along with this, fictional British royal family or not. Who speaks like this? Who even believes it?
Anyway. Abolish the monarchy, Guillotine them all. Long live the glorious revolution!
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Well, at least he looks equally disgusted.
If we can't off the royal family, how about we just off this news announcer? Because I am getting so much second-hand embarrassment.
LMAO, OK, he gets ONE point 🤣🤣
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OK, fine, two points, because he is stupid beautiful and the reason I sat down to watch this in the first place 😤
Yassss, girlfriend has great taste!
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I'm two minutes in and so far, she's my favourite. I would totally watch a two-hour movie of her touring London and giving commentary on the yumminess of various guys she encounters.
LMAO, is he going to get hammered and smash the obscene 75-thousand-pound cake? 🤣🤣
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Because why else would they mention that price point and also show the cake in all its humongous 8-tier glory 🤣🤣
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Here for the diplomatic incident, ngl, I would totally read the shit out of that in the tabloids the next day 🤣🤣
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Okay, I am laughing 🤣🤣
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I saw it coming from a mile away, but goddamn, it DELIVERED! 🤣🤣
I can't stop laughing 🤣🤣
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Watching this was such a good decision 🤣🤣
LOL, if this was a real-life event, I would spend a week gleefully reblogging it on Tumblr, no lie 🤣🤣
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Also, it is a 9-TIER CAKE, not 8 🤣🤣 The more, the messier!
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Also, OMG! Uma Thurman! 😍 It's been a hundred years since I watched her in anything!
"Sunshine of my heart" 🤣🤣
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This movie is hilarious 🤣🤣
Wait, Sarah Shahi??
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I loved her in Life! I also watched Fairly Legal for her and thought she was stunning in The L Word! I'm forever bitter we never got to see that Nancy Drew adaptation with her in the main role 😕
The thing that is the most difficult for me to suspend my disbelief for is the idea that these two overly privileged young men involved in their countries' respective politics are actually nice people.
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I keep chanting to myself, "You are not here for realism! You are not here for realism! YOU ARE NOT HERE FOR REALISM!"
To varying levels of success 😕
Romantic comedies are so not my genre. And I am so not here for ex-boyfriends or whatever this guy is.
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I need Alex and Henry to get back together ASAP and start smashing cakes again because I'm starting to get bored.
These are gutter-level jokes.
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Seriously, they couldn't get more creative?
They have the most basic taste in literature ever. It doesn't even feel authentic, more like what a nineteen-year-old girl thinks good taste in literature should look like.
I feel like I am extremely uncharitable towards this movie (the cake thing was funny tho) but it is very hard to take their bland flirting, pedestrian romance and pathetic humour seriously when you're coming into this from 2ha 😕 The standards that have been set are on another planet compared to what we are being given here.
Please 😭
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And smash another cake, otherwise I don't know how I'm going to make it through another hour-and-a-half of this 😭😭
The things I will watch for pretty people 😭
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He truly is stupid beautiful and makes this thing infinitely more watchable every time he's on screen.
I'm with Henry on this one, this party is like something straight out of my worst nightmares and crushing on the tall, hot guy seems like the only tolerable thing in this whole hellscape.
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Aww, baby, he is not having a good time.
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He wants to kiss him for New Year's too!
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Well. That escalated 🤣🤣
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And some women! 👀
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She's my favourite character in this thing, lol, followed closely by Sarah Shahi and Uma Thurman. And then Prince Henry 😅
This guy stands no chance to the level that it's embarrassing he still keeps trying.
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I almost feel sorry for him, but I kinda have the feeling that he's going to be the one to out Alex and Henry, so my sympathy is very shallow. Just know when you've lost, my man, and MOVE ON.
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quimichi · 16 hours
Or get to know me whatever you want lol
Antonia, 18, cis female, she/her, german, medical assistant student, infp, pisces, hufflepuff
EYES: Green, blueish, grayish lol HEIGHT: 1,58m, 5'4(?) OTHER: natrually pale, lots of moles, no tattoos, natrual eye bags, fox eyes, small dimples, full lips, small mouth, long lashes, resting bitch face lol, high nose bridge, long brown hair with highlights, wavy/curly, super shiny, pretty skinny, average curves, long neck lol, no make up, long nails, small hands STYLE: comfy and oversize, but in summer i wear more dresses and skirts, more girly, bit also still girly with oversized clothes, it's grunge like but i honestly wear any style if I like it
FIRST IMPRESSION: people say i look younger than i am, I'm very polite and kind by nature but i seem like that 120% more at the beginning than later lol
POSITIVE TRAITS: I'm polite or at least try to be, I have this helping syndrome I always need to help, I'm very open minded and I like to try new things, there are specific patients who adore me so ig I'm really likable-, even the complicated ones like me?? that's a compliment ngl, my friends say im really funny
NEGATIVE TRAITS: always sleepy, sometimes really lazy, very sarcastic and i have a dark humor, small anger issues but i control them really really well, many things can annoy me easily tho, many people say I'm too quite but in reality I just give no fuck lol I'm actually really loud, like I'm both and both is depending on the situation not good--, i talk a lot and yeah-bad in class-ik when to shut up tho
LIKES: Wind, rain, the night, stars, music, video games, sleep, my cornflakes lol, watermelon and strawberries, my super soft bed, family and friends, snow, winter in general, fog cause pretty, horror movies, ducks and chickens, especially my plush duck, cacti oh and palm trees
DISLIKES: pushy people, no manners, disrespectful behavior, pineapples cause idk not my thing, strong smells, beards cause--no, alcohol, I'm strictly against that for a good reason
LOVE LANGUAGE: Quality time (giving & receiving)
DEAL BREAKERS: the basics lol, no addictions, no job, bad temper, bad behavior, bad hygiene and so on
LOOKING FOR SOMEONE...kind, respectful, honest and loyal, the basics...I have low standards
@ i have asthma @ look, ik I'm pretty, nothing wrong with confidence, but having random people telling me 4 times i look like a pinterest model made me so so happy @ I'm REALLY good at parking backwards lol @ i rarely go out, like i don't need to i love it at home but if i go out i also like it more peaceful @ i love parking lot dates, getting food and sitting in the car for hours talking, my fav @ its hard to scare me, or make me feel really disgusted. I can look at all things, even smell and i wouldn't be fazed by it at all. But touching is a no-- @ super scared of deep waters like--what if something is underneath me??? @ i love plants but plants don't love me @ i can draw really well-i think so at least @ hardcore dreamer @ I'm not really touchy. Like i don't need physical affection that much or at all. Cuddles aren't really my thing, they're ok sometimes--- @ no matter when and where, if i wanna sleep I'm out in 10 minutes or less @ I'm 18, in germany it's legal to drink beer with 16 and any other alcoholic drinks with 18. I never drank one sip and never will. Super scared of alcohol, i feel very uncomfortable with it around me. Drunk people scare me so much that i wanna distance myself. It can even get to a point where i will constantly distance myself from that person so much that our contact breaks, if they abuse alcohol.
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firefly-sky · 8 months
For the ask game: Butters! I can't decide on which questions so... all of them! (Or how ever many you feel like answering.)
oh this should be fun-
My first interpretation of them
Honestly I just felt bad for him. I basically knew him as the kid who got grounded all the time and he seemed sweet enough, he was actually one of my faves from the beginning haha
2. When I think I started to truly like him
Honestly the Fun With Veal episode. And in the Butters’ Bottom Bitch episode where he just kept going ‘do you know what I am saying?’ I just thought it was funny lol
3. A song that reminds me of them
(Kinda a joint one) but You and Me (But Mostly Me) from Book of Mormon is SO Butters and Cartman. Also The Weight of Us by Sanders Bohlke.
4. How many people I ship them with
I don’t really do ships lol, I liked him and Charlotte tho, they seemed cute.
5. My favorite ship of them
Probably him and Charlotte
6. My least favorite ship of them
Him and Cartman. Absolutely him and Cartman.
7. A quote of them I remember
“I’d rather be a crying little pussy than a faggy goth kid anyway.”
8, My favorite outfit on them
Professor Chaos or his Stick of Truth costume
9. My least favorite outfit on them
The bear suit Paris Hilton made him wear in Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset. I felt awful for him
10. Describe the character in one sentence
Sunshine boy with horrible family members
11. What’s the first thing I think fo when I think of this character?
His accent. I dunno, I just have a knack for remembering stuff like that lol-I could honestly just listen to his voice all day, it’s soothing for me
12. Sexuality hdc!
I’m torn between him being pan and being straight lol, but I do think he’s on the ace spectrum.
13. My favorite friendship they have
Him and Kenny. Definitely
14. Best storyline they had
Butters’ Very Own Episode. I felt bad for him but it’s one of my favorite episodes
15. Worst storyline they had
Probably in the earlier seasons when he was just used as Kenny’s counterpart for the shows punching bag. Idk, it just felt like he didn’t really have any character or personality back then
16. A childhood headcanon
He lived on a farm for a little bit when he was a baby. They moved from Hawaii to say Oklahoma, then to South Park when he was three. Hence the accent. He also had a pet chick up until he was 7 or so named Toast. His parents made him give the chick away tho
17. What do you think their first word was?
Probably just mama or something. I do have a headcanon he still calls his mom (or his unofficial mother figure) mama sometimes.
18. How do I think he was as a kid?
He was probably really hyper. He subdued when he got older tho because his parents kept grounding him for accidentally breaking stuff when he would run around
19. The most random ship I’ve seen with this character
Butters x Craig. Like ???? They never interacted in the show lol-
20. A weird headcanon
Butters has a huge sweet tooth and if there’s candy or sweets in his vicinity he’ll devour it in an instant and likely suffer from a bellyache later
21. When do I think they were at his happiest?
Probably when he moved out and went to college tbh. He was just happy to get away from his toxic ass family. Or when his grandma finally dies.
22. When do I think he was at his lowest?
I do headcanon that when he’s in middle school he finally snaps. He becomes angry and kinda becomes a bully because he doesn’t feel like he has anyone who cares about him, it’s probably only for a few days at most but he just snaps at everyone, makes fun of everything everyone does, but after a few days Kenny (and maybe Cartman or Kyle) kinda confronts him and he ends up apologizing and trying to find someone to talk to.
23. Future headcanon
I wanna imagine that he lives on a farm, he has a bunch of chickens and goats (his favs) and some cows, pigs, even ducks. He gets a pet dog (a Border Collie) named Waffles. He kinda owns a petting zoo of sorts where younger kids just stop by and he educated them about animals and stuff. He also owns a bakery. He names it ‘Buttery Bliss’ or something
24. What do you think i’d a secret they’ve never told anyone?
Probably the thing with his sphincter and how he has to wear diapers in school sometimes. He probably only told AWESOM-O because he thought it was just a robot. But after that he didn’t tell anyone because he would definitely get made fun of :(
25. When do I think he’s acted the most ooc
Probably in The Worldwide Privacy Tour. Kyle even said ‘this is really out of character for you, Butters.’ so probably that lol, or in Going Native. I mean he literally wanted to kill a bunch of innocent people
26. When do I think they were being “themselves” the most?
Honestly? Probably when he was singing the Loo Loo Loo song, it kinda just showed his cuter side. Or in Cartman Sucks when his parents sent him to the Pray teh Gay Away camp because he was just so oblivious to where he was but still stood up for himself and his friends in the end
27. If they could meet a certain character from a different show/movie/book, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
Hello kitty. This kid would be in HEAVEN if Hello kitty was real. Either Hello kitty or Tails the Fox. Him and Tails are pretty similar. Plus fluffy fox meets sunshine boy, they’d get along-or just him in the pokémon world. Yes.
28. The most unnecessary thing they ever did?
Probably when he was trying to get the Hawaiian tourists killed in war
29. How do I think they’d be as a parent?
Honestly? He spoils the shit out of his kids. He’s a huge pushover, but not to the point where his kids become spoiled brats. He probably exposes them to animals early so he could get them to know what’s good and what isn’t when on the farm. He supports his children, but he’s probably a very sheltering parent if that makes sense. Has no idea what he’s doing at first but eventually gets the hang of it. He loves playing make believe with them, would totally play dress up and such.
30. The funniest scene they ever had?
When he’s Professor Chaos and trying to be all menacing and Dougie has to keep telling him the Simpsons already did his idea and he’s just like ‘aw hamburgers :(‘
Hope this is good!
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akookminsupporter · 3 months
It's a very simple thing that even if jimin and jungkook are sleeping in different rooms with the people who has same duties as them that still mean they're in the same living area even if the platoon nd squad is different. Like they're still in same unit so they can easily meet eachother and have eachother around for their comfort. If they didn't even want to see eachother there wasn't any need of them to enlist through buddy program like they could simply go enter MS individually and have chosen their own jobs and be at safer place than frontline.
The jjks and tkkrs trying to drag jkk saying "omg jk is finally free" like girll he had a chance of freeing himself from jimin for 18 months so that he don't have to see jm for long time yet he chose to see jm daily for 18 months. Like jk is still in close enough distance to jm that he can see jm every day meet him whenever he wants something he can't do with any other members and can meet them during their vacations only that is also if their vacations align with other members or if the members are doing 9-5 job like yg whom he can meet anytime he go on vacation if he wants.
What i don't get from tkkrs is how you gonna drag jkk saying omgg he's free when jk is still there in the same unit as jm and can meet jm daily and has chosen doing it by himself something he didn't do with tae and he can't meet tae daily (my sound rude for that) like you have some bigger fish to worry about cause it's still jm who's gonna be the first person to comfort jk and be his frnd who jk can talk with face to face, meet with, and can comfort eachother with someone tae is not there to do so physically so literally nothing they trying to drag jkk can be drag when jk used buddy program to enlist together with jm and not with tae. Like where the heck is drag? Is it really a drag that he can't sleep in the same room with jm when thing is he's in same unit and livin' area as jm something tae is not?? Is that honestly a drag even?? Be honest with yourself and tell me if you would not be happy if tae and jk were in same unit that not being in same div or company at all? Than being kilometres away from eachother??
It's honestly funny to see them run around along with jjks to say "jkk using Buddy program is the biggest prove of them not being a couple cause the govt don't allow homos" and yet trying hard for the past 4 months to find any small thing to cope and say they're not together lol. It's same as them trying to drag jkk saying jm didn't visit jk for his b'day (we don't know the exact truth tho cause they both never said it but could be right) but if i ask them tell me atleast one single time tk celebrated their b'day together like jkk did then would they have anything to show me at all?? NO. Second example is them trying using that one ss of jk teasing jm saying no when jm asked him to come visit more often (even tho right after that he said yes 😭) i mean he atleast went to see jm rehearse but if i ask show me when he went to tae's any rehearsal mv shoot when tae was working on his solo debut album what would they show me??? Like it's always dragging jkk over something tk has never even done together (things that someone who's couples would atleast do ) but yeah let's drag jkk, honestly lame and clownery.
Rosie you were asking why we're sure jk is doing this job is i think as other anons said there were rumours going around him being a cook and jm doing different job and now that he mentioned cooking and cleaning it's just you know inclines more towards that rumours and the military accounts said looking at his post looks like he's a cook or kitchen police. and since then jjks and tkkrs started their insecurity that jm and jk are not together and are in different place when we all know by officials that they're in same unit. The only thing could be that they're sleeping in different rooms and again they could still be sleeping in same room we will never know until jkk shares the news or some other Soldiers shares their story and all.
Thing is from all the posts and videos i have seen regarding buddy program we can't say that every pair that enlist through buddy program goes to same experience cause for some people even their units and div are different despite using buddy program (i have seen ss shared by people who's relatives has been in sk's military, meaning served there) like everyone is going through different things one is not always same as other. Atleast in jkk's case they're in same div and same unit. Now they're are ppl under buddy program who did diff jobs and slept in different rooms but there are also people under buddy prgrm who did diff jobs yet slept on the same bed so important thing to note here is that we cannot be sure unless until jkk shares it by themselves or their colleagues. We can't be like 100% sure like "oh he went through this meaning jkk will go through same" cause it can be 100% same and it cannot be same also.
All in all they're in same div same unit (we established that already after their training but some ppl are trying to refuse even that lol) only thing is they might be doing different job but they're in same unit so same living area cause of Buddy prgrm only difference could be their sleeping arrangements like i said before they could be sleeping side by side or in different rooms near one another (which shouldn't be big deal but have seen ppl talk about it hence telling) so the base is they're still together and get to see eachother daily when they have free time of the day and all or could see while jm is going to eat his meal and all. And this job think might keep changing based on their promotion as they progress so yeah that is also there.
Sorry for long ass post and probably rant too.
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souryogurt64 · 4 months
the essay!!!! i read that shit instead of studying for my exam so if i fail it is your fault miss yogurt (kidding). i am continuously amazed at your abilities and your perfectly dry-but-witty journalistic style that i am ohsoinlove with. reading the sentence “(Also unsurprisingly, Gray is about gaslighting a girl until she dies.)” took me out lma. ! i love all of ur writing, tho i am obviously biased since it’s on topics that interest me - however, the amount of work and dedication that you are able to designate not only to a complex split of a band, but also personal relationships, biographies, lyrical and prose analysis is astounding! anyway,,,, i guess i just want to thank u !
thank you this message is really genuine and sweet <333 i re-used that joke from the gray dissertation lol
Tbh i was not happy with a lot of parts of this one. Sorry to rant about this appended to your ask specifically <3
mainly I think i shot myself in the foot with the way i structured the last one where i covered the moment panic got signed in excruciating detail and then rushed through 10-15 years really fast. at the time i did not think these were that serious or were going to reach as far as they ended up reaching and it was just like for my tumblr followers so i knew it was like a bad idea but i was just like "whatever!!!!"
anyway that made the beginning really rough because i didnt really have a set place to start. the first like 5 pages were also completely different too which didnt help
Also about 70% of the way through i realized it was really weird that i didnt give brendon any kind of dramatic introduction. I had so much fun writing the dramatic introductions they got a lot longer than when i outlined the essay which made that even more noticeable
But honestly, writing this and watching so many presplit panic interviews i actually started liking brendon a lot more and remembered why people used to love him and i knew whatever i wouldve said would have been things people didnt really want to read, so instead he just got his villain monologue at the end
It was also kind of weird that i didnt introduce spencer or jon at all but i figure anyone reading a 50 page essay about panic at the disco already knows who these people are anyway so i just had 2 move on
Also i was not very happy with the verlaine section, i felt like it was a lot of very dense information to synthesize and like also I didn't want to over explain it and be accused of being like a gay truther but like im sorry. its not even gay truthing its just gay by virtue of existing so i feel like i under explained it
Other parts too. However my research capabilities are absolutely unmatched and i do think im funny. im not sure if most other people think im funny but i sure think i am <3
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hakkais-hoe · 2 years
Okay last request I promise
Please do this Catch up request: SHINICHIRO with an aggressive S/O who is most aggressive when hangry/sleepy but is overall a sweetheart to him (unless he does/says something TOO stupid then he gets reminded of his place lol) 😜
It's the other boys who get the worst of it (even wakasa lol I'm not sorry) because they're teenagers at the time (I count 18-19 as a teenager still) and teenagers are not known for smart decision making skills and good judgement... Nevermind their tendency to open their mouths like they get paid for it 😂
Thank you 🖤
Proof read n edited by the lovely @loonashadow 🥰
Age rating: 16+
Warnings: gang mention ofc, swearing, fighting.
A/n: honestly I did the last one to come though first so loonas req might make it seem like I’m ignoring everyone else’s but I’m not dwdw 😭 gettin to em
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Shinichiro Sano
Poor baby probably saw someone pretty n thought “21st time lucky”
Boy, was he lucky he’s ended up with the most aggressive little shit of a partner
Spends most of his time watching his partner scream bloody murder at his nicotine addicted vice leader over the slightest annoyance
Or kicking the ever loving shit out of anyone who pisses you off, or pisses him off for that matter; and you, being rather protective of your beloved boyfriend ofc
Tbf Shin enjoyed your aggressive side at the beginning of your relationship, he found it adorable
Luckily he’s rather placid n laid back with his partner, just clingy n likes to always touch you
When you’re having a food meltdown however, he can tell the moment he goes to touch you
Retreats the moment you lash out at him
Will immediately get you food (all of your favourite ofc cus he’s amazing)
“Here sweetheart got your shit! Uh food that is…” he trails off when he sees the disgust on your face
Watches Wakasa n his stupid cocky attitude get on the complete wrong side of you
Probably cries laughing when you end up beating the shit out of Waka or Keizo when they say something inappropriate or touch your food
I see him being very gentle with a sleep deprived s/o; probably ends a whole day with his gang the minuet you start yawning n takes you back to his to nap together
Wakasa Imaushi
He’s a little shit
Probably thinks it’d be funny to hide your snacks just to see how mad you get
Like he knew you were a ‘tad’ aggressive but he didn’t think he’d be walking home with a limp n two nice shiners on his face that one night
Steals your food n pisses you off way too much, doesn’t matter how much you love his pretty face you’ll still snap some harsh words n kick the shit outa him
Petty baby; will pout about it all day till you say something nice n give him some attention
Very good with you when you’re getting grumpy cos your sleepy tho
Without a doubt he wants to nap with you curled up against him
Probably just tells Shin he’s leaving, sits you on the back of his bike n drives home to sleep for however long you need
Does get the brunt of you anger most the time, but when on occasion it’s someone else pissing you off he cheers n whoops behind you
“Go on baby, give him a whack~ Think he deserves it~” Probably coos it like endearment 🙄
He’s such an annoying hoe
Will not let you ever leave him tho
Takeomi Akashi
Doesn’t have snacks on him ever
Probably offers you a cig 😭 mans not even joking cos it satisfies his hunger
Sighs when you’re threatening to kick the shit outa him n just walks off to get you snacks
Brings it back n hands it to you at arms length like feeding a feral cat
Also calls you a “feral kitten” unironically 🥲
He’s actually one of the better ones outa all of em though he’s pretty sweet with you n makes sure, after the first time, that you have all the food n snacks you want; keeps some in his bikes hold
You have to sit in his lap while you eat tho cos he’s clingy n wants to cuddle you when you’re happy
Loves loves loves when you’re getting sleepy n grumpy cos he can always tell when you start grumbling n pouting more that you definitely need to sleep
Feels you sag in his arms after a little bit so he lets Shin know n plonks you on the front of his bike so you don’t fall n takes ya home to bury the both of you in blankets
Keizo ‘Benkei’ Arashi
Only one that’s slightly prepared
Keeps snacks n shit in the hold of his bike
Usually refuses to share them cos he gets hangry too 😭 but when it comes to his baby they can have whatever they want
Starts stocking your favourites after a few times seeing you have a violent outburst cos you’re hungry, and probably only knows because you keep shouting about Waka stealing your last snack 😭
Loves watching you fighting with Wakasa; his best friend n s/o kicking the shit outa one another is the height of comedy to him
When you start getting sleepy and angry he literally just lifts you into his lap n lets you fall asleep on him
Giant teddy bear rly just lets you snuggle into him n probably keeps a jacket or summat on hand to wrap it around you
The best one outa all of em he’s so cute n feeds his baby all the time now
100% gentle giant
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Taglist: @loonashadow @bontensbabygirl @coldcoffeeholic @reiners-milkbiddies @wakasagurl @sunahyejin @haitink @honeybachira
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oreo102 · 2 months
What's your favourite episode of 13's run and why?
Ok! I surprisingly enough do have a favorite episode… but it’s by such a small margin I’ve made an executive decision to talk about 2 other of my favorites episodes and then a few honorable mentions and why I love them
I’m half sorry for how long this is, I’m fully sorry for the fact that it took a while to actually put my thoughts to words
We’re starting with my absolute favorite because that’s what was asked lol. The Power Of The Doctor is my favorite episode, the plot is fun but it’s really the characters that make me love it so much! Every character that shows up is used really well.
Yaz is absolutely the star of the episode. I love her in every episode but especially in this one she shines a lot. She takes charge so well and really does fill the docs shoes with flying the tardis and making the plans and all that jazz. Her interactions with everyone is amazing to watch but especially the master, their dynamic is so interesting to me! Mandip also does a great job portraying emotions in this one- her anger at the master, and sadness about 13 regenerating in particular is one of my favorite parts. Also yaz with a gun is hot, and I fully believe she woulda shot the master if he gave her a reason so this episode would be in my top five just for that
Speaking of the master! This is 100% his best appearance. The dancing, the outfit, his interactions with yaz being a mix of cruel and endearing, in a way? Maybe that’s not the right word… interesting at the very least. The way he talks to her like they’re friendly, like they both know the doctor very well… kinda like they’re two sides of the same coin, in a way?
13 is lovely in this episode. A) I ADORE the navy version of her coat and am so happy they brought it back in the inbetween cliff (or whatever that was) B) her regeneration might just be one of my favorite scenes, even if it pains me to watch (ignoring 14’s existence for this) and the hologram is so smart (btw does yaz still have that? Do you think it activates still?) also love the fugitive doctor appearance even if it was hologram form. Her comforting yaz, their conversation, the icecream <333333
Love ace and Teagan and vinder, they’re all great but especially ace is SO FUN and I love her interactions with graham(did they flirt?) who btw, I love that he was right back! Too bad Ryan isn’t there tho, it’s fun to see how the dr leaving affects the companions, the bitterness Teagan holds is definitely a really fun bit that I’m glad they included. Also Kate is amazing as she always is! Dan wasn’t that bad either but I’m still glad he didn’t stick around
Also! I really like the plot! I saw someone complain about having all 3 cybermen, daleks and the master in the same episode but honestly it was just super fun- and the master was really the main villain with the cybermen and daleks as minor/background/subvillains. I much approve fun plots over anything else and having the master dance to Rasputin is very fun!
Onto The Woman Who Fell To Earth!
Yes, 13’s first and last appearance are my favorite episodes! This will be much less in depth but I did recently rewatch this one so it’s as fresh in my mind as the first.
I really like how… snappy they all are, in a weird way? The fam kinda mellow out through the series, especially Graham. Theyre all somewhat aggressive in this one and it’s very fun! It’s too bad grace died… she’d have made a great companion
Also the plot, the plot is great. 13 making her own sonic, not remembering who she is but knowing she has to help people, picking up the first humans she sees (which she has a habit of throughout the series, lol), being super smart! Just lovely! Also her in a suit is hot
“I’m calling you yaz, cuz we’re friends now.” Is 100% one of my favorite quotes too
Also Swiss army sonic should’ve been a running gag, it’s funny! I think that’s everything- my thoughts on this episode are very disconnected but oh well
My third favorite: the witch finders!
I’m not actually sure why I love this episode so much? Actually yes I do, soaked 13 is hot- that’s not the only reason tho, promise.
The fam is great, as always, but especially yaz this episode. It portrays how kind she is really well! 13 experiencing sexism and being pissed about it is also really cool, I kinda wish we got at least one other episode where it happened but I understand why we didn’t . Also the king being gay for Ryan is funny as fuck and I didn’t notice it my first watch
The background(side?) characters are also really good- the possessed lady is a fun antagonist, and the king is wonderfully incompetent at his job.
Also 13 telling them not to interfere and then immediately interfering is fantastic. I don’t think I have much to say about this one? I just really like it
Honorable mentions!
The timeless children, solely for the scene with Graham and yaz being family and for yaz being halfway to the portal by the time Graham is done asking who’s first- tbh this is my least favorite appearance for the master and I think the cybermasters are stupid so
Arachnids in the uk I love yaz’s family, i love jade, i love that the bitch ceo gets schooled by women in stem and yaz’s mom, i like that when asked if she and the doctor are together yaz’s response is “we’re [just?] friends!” But when asked the same about ryan it’s a very emphatic “no!”, I love “more of the universe… more time with you.”
Demons of the punjab “we can’t have a universe with no yaz!”, young umbreen is so much like yaz it’s amazing, i love yaz in this episode (this, ive realized, doesn’t say much, I love her in every episode), the plot is really fun and again i love yaz’s family
The legend of the seadevils my beloved gays. The characters are all really fun, the plot is great, all the thasmin moments I love and they hurt my heart, and Dan has a stupid outfit!
Eve of the daleks once again: my beloved gays! The plot is so fun, and even though the side characters aren’t my favorite I still really like them
Fugitive of the judoon FUGITIVE DOCTOR MY BELOVED <333333 also Jack is cool
Oh also My least favorite is resolution because it’s boring. Ok I think that’s everything… hope you don’t regret asking!
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