#I hope I don't stir anything up I just needed to yell this into the void because I feel like I'm the only one who remembers
The bad actor allegations truly baffle me because do people not remember when Stranger Things first came out and everyone down to STEPHEN SPEILBERG was praising the show for how good the child actors were. This show was largely successful because of how skilled the kids were. I remember a quote from Speilberg where he said that never in his life had he seen such talent from actors so young and that it really raised the bar on what acting could expect from young actors and the new generation.
Like, uh huh, yeah, totally Finn Wolfhard somehow became the worst actor on the planet rather than building his skill more and going on to deliver a performance so nuanced that it successfully delivered a solid and understandable miscommunication between multiple characters AND confused the audience because it was delivered SO SKILLFULLY that we can't even tell what exactly is going on through his head.
I don't know how to convince people that Finn Wolfhard is one of the best actors of his generation and he has been from the start, but I'm not wrong
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ervotica · 9 months
maybe mean!rafe x crybaby!reader? he gets mad at her for not sitting down on the couch with him and he yells at her, dragging her by her wrist and forcing her to sit with him… only if you’re okay with it(I’ve never requested anything before)
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warnings; mean!rafe, dom/sub undertones, brat taming, crybaby!reader, barry is a shit stirrer but we love him for it <3
a/n; thanks for the request, angel! hope you enjoy🥰 (side note; may or may not be thinking abt being rafe & barry’s shared gf😍 they’re just too hot together jfc)
You get agitated in a sort of frenzied way that has always driven Rafe insane; you start to twitch, tapping heel clad feet and cracking knuckles until the sound of it has his jaw ticking in vexation.
You're rocking back and forth on your heels, red solo cup clutched between clammy palms; you can see Rafe in your peripheral vision, never letting him too far out of your line of sight in fear of being left to fend for yourself at one of these parties packed with drug-addled teenagers.
The smell of cheap, stale beer and sweat pervades your senses and you cringe, the blaring music paired with the way Rafe is staring you down- cerulean eyes piercing straight through you- forcing your brain into overdrive.
"Would you quit it and come sit down already?" Rafe snaps, thick digits outstretched as an offering for you to take; your lip spills into a pout, tightness pulling at every inch of your skin as the tension pools and gathers between your crumpled brows.
"I don't wanna," you whine, dragging out every syllable plaintively until he's standing, storming towards you with a thunderous expression carved into his features that you're not often on the receiving end of.
"I told you to fucking sit down! What the fuck is wrong with you, huh? Can't even do as you're told, can you?"
You feel the tears tickling at your waterline the second he raises his voice, your gaze snapping up to him as the first wave spills over your wide eyes.
"For God's sake, kid. Come sit down," he grouses. His tone softens when your expression crumples and he hooks a thick bicep around your neck, drawing you into the warm expanse of his chest. You're pulled along in short, shuffling steps until your bum hits the leather couch and Rafe's bruising grip digs into your calves to splay them haphazardly across his lap.
"You're mean," you sniff, backs of your fingers smearing across your teary eyes until they're caked in black. He pinches your thigh before delivering a firm swat to the afflicted area, his arms a vice around your squirming body as you try to free yourself.
“I told you to sit down and be fuckin’ quiet. Take a nap or something, cranky pants.” He rolls his eyes, fingers spreading across your jaw to settle your head in the hollow of his shoulder.
You grumble something indecipherable before he feels you go slack on top of him, lashes fluttering as you fight the fog of fatigue that invades every inch of your skull. He smears a kiss along the curve of your forehead.
“Y’alright, Princess?” Barry queries, only amused by Rafe’s sudden glaring of daggers at the shorter man. “Country club bein’ mean, huh?”
“She’s fine,” Rafe snips as you stir and start to whine once again. “Just bein’ a brat. Needs a rest ‘s all.”
“I swear to fuckin’ God, kid. You be quiet or I will spank you raw in front of all these people.”
You sigh and curl up and into his embrace, exhaustion settling heavy in your bones once he cages you into his chest with a firm squeeze.
“Good girl.”
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sturniolo04 · 3 months
Mini Me- M.S.
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Husband!Dad!Matt x Wife!Fem!Reader
Summary: just a collection of cute shared moments with your daughter Lily.
A/N: If you don't like the preadded name in my stories, you can either add your own name or not read it; it's up to you :)
* @spicymuffins03 wanted me to post it today*
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"Lily time to go"
you yell to you daughter as you and matt finish packing everything to take for the road trip you guys were about to take to visit lily's grandparents in Boston.
"Baby girl"
you call out for your daughter again seeing you didn't get a response from your four year old. Lily eventually makes her way to the living room where you and matt were getting ready to load the car.
"momma i cant find m'shoes"
she mumbles fiddling with her fingers looking at her feet in her nike socks her uncle chris insisted on buying her.
'what do you mean mama"
matt questions as you look to see if you left anything in your bedroom.
"I I have one of m'shoes but i'dont know wher'the other one is"
"okay where was the last place you had it"
matt questions her kneeling down at her level. Lily grows quiet seeing that her answer was firm no.
" how about we check the playroom yeah you were in there last right"
Matt asks his daughter grabbing her hand leading her to the playroom and low and behold the nike sneaker she was looking for.
" did you guys find it"
you ask coming down the stairs.
"yes and daddy helped me"
you daughter giggles
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"what are my two lovely girls doing"
matt asks the pair walking into the kithcen.
"i'helping momma make dinner"
your daughter responds continuing to put the cut up vegetables in the bowl. As you look at matt with a look of she's doing so good.
"oh yeah and what are we making lils"
you ask your daughter continuing to stir the noodles in the boiling pot.
she slurs still intently focused on stiring the not needed to be stirred vegetables she had placed in the bowl. You shaking your head from side to side seeing she had gotten distracted from the task at hand.
"can i have a try lil"
matt asks his daughter standing next to her attempt to kneel down a little at her level. She inaudible agrees holding up a chopped up carrot to his lips as he opens his mouth eating the carrot in her hand. Lily quickly jerked her hand away because of the uncertainty of the fact she didn't know if matt was going to bite her fingers.
"is it good"
she asks matt as her eyes sparkle with hope towards her dad.
"so good baby"
he gleams kissing her forehead.
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your daughter screams as she is sitting on the couch in your guys living room.
"yes baby whats going on"
you hurriedly rush out worried.
"my tummy hurts"
lily sobs out curled up in a ball in the corner of your guys couch, breaking your heart.
"aww baby girl how bad does it hurt; what does it feel like"
you ask her kneeling down next to her at the foot of the couch running your fingers through her messy brunette hair as she continued to sob.
"like really bad"
she chokes out, hiding her face in her arms that were laying in front of her supporting her head on the couch.
"aww baby"
you coo out. You guys sit there for a minute or so as you noticed your daughter's face morphs into a very readable face.
"mom i-i gon-"
she gasps out
"you gonna throw up"
you ask her quickly as she quickly nods her head
"bathroom lets go"
you breath out as you and her make your way into you and matts shared bedroom to the bathroom.
"lily wh-"
matt trails off surprised by his daughter's and wife's entrance into the room but realizes what is going on when he hears the audibly sound of throw up spilling onto the floor, meaning she didn't quite make it to the toilet.
you gasp out seeing that she threw up all over the marble tiled floor, you knelt down behind your daughter rubbing her back and gathering the hair out of her face as she continues to release the contents in her stomach now in the toilet.
you call out as his face appears in the doorway fo the bathroom with a concerned look, then going into the kitchen to get the cleaning supplies and returning momentarily.
"thank you"
you mouth to your husband as he simply just nods his head and kisses you and your daughters heads.
"you get it all out"
you ask your daughter as she nods her head as you gather all of her tying it away in a messy bun on top of her head.
"you wanna go lay down in mom and dads bed"
you ask as she nods her head again.
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you daughter sheepishly squeaks out from the backseat of the car.
"yess lilyy"
matt responds dragging out the 'y' playfully with you giggling next to him in the passenger seat
"i h've to g'potty"
"okay babygirl hold on dad is going to find a potty"
you reply to her as matt changes his speed, knowing his daughter has a small bladder.
"momm i have to go potty"
your toddler drags out kicking her feet in the car seat in the back as a few minutes pass. As you turn in the passenger seat reaching your hand out to lilly for her to hold.
"i know lils almost there think about puppies to take your mind off of it"
you giggle at you toddler in repsonse.
"i cant im only thinking of water because we are going to the beach today and its not helping"
Lily whines out. As Matt and you chuckle at your daughter.
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"baby lily whats going on"
you ask your now 13 year old as you rush over and sit next to her on her bed rubbing her back as she raggedly breathing.
"i-i-i d-d-dont k-knowww"
she chokes out a response
you call out for your husband as he come running into his daughters room coming over to the pair.
"whats going on- lily baby girl whats wrong talk to me"
matts asks her kneeling down in front of her on her bed.
"dad i-i-i cant b-b-breathe"
she sobs out as he reaches out and grabs his daughters hand pressing it against his chest
"baby girl its okay yes you can match my breathing okay"
he responds as she raggedly copies his breathing.
"i-it's not working i cant"
she chokes out.
"yes you can look in-"
you trail off taking a deep inhale with your daughter and Matt.
"and out"
you continue exhaling along with her while still rubbing her back comfortingly.
"there you go"
matt calmy states once he see she is breathing normally again.
"im sorry i dont know what happened"
"hey hey you dont have to apologize it happens to all of us"
matt coos out taking a seat next to her as she lean her head on his shoulder.
@mintsturniolo @adirtylittleheart @wh0resstuff @spicymuffins03
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hyunnie04 · 10 months
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summary: changbin loves to spoil you, but you won’t let him.
pairing: changbin x gn! reader
word count: 1117 words
warning: small mention of financial insecurities
genre: fluff
a/n: hi! this is my first drabble/short fic on this blog, i know its a little rough around the edges but i hope you guys like it anyways! any feed back is welcomed ^^
a more recent a/n; i edited this a bit at the end just to make it more coherent!
im having binnie brainrot atm excuse me
changbin has always been an observant person. when you and changbin first started dating, he began to notice something you did often. 
when you two would go out to run some errands together, or just simply go out on a date- it would be almost a routine that you two would just walk around, looking at clothes and or just looking at necessities for your shared apartment. changbin trails behind you, glancing and observing some of the random paraphernalia on the shelf.    
you smile at the white knit sweater that you have been eyeing since earlier this year, feeling it’s nice and soft material between your fingers. oh how you wish you could bring it home, but you knew better. your wallet and your conscience was practically yelling at you to not spend a single dime on stuff you probably don't need. you suddenly feel changbin’s gaze on your figure. 
“you like that sweater?” he tilts his head towards the article of clothing, adjusting his thick black frame resting on his nose bridge.
you knew that look, his eyebrows raising in question. he wants to buy it for you. putting the piece of fabric back in it's place, you turn to him and smile. “i-no, it’s alright.” he stares at you again, making you tilt your head at him. “but you’ve been eyeing that sweater every time we pass this place.” 
“you should get it.” he continues and smiles at you. “i’ll get it some other time. I don't… have the money right now.” you lie, voice much smaller. shaking your head and waving him off, you continue to browse the isles. he strides after you, confused. “i can get it for you, you know.”
“bin, it's okay, really.” you smile and insist. you hope that he wouldn’t press on the topic anymore. his keen eyes notice once again when you hold up a ceramic cup with a silly design that he knows you love, but after staring at it for a good minute, you quickly put it back down. changbin sighs and makes a mental note of the things you were eyeing. he’d just have to make an impromptu trip back to this shop once he has some free time.
now back at home, you sigh and plop down on the plush couch. your feet are just aching from the miles and miles you two have walked the entire day. changbin presses a kiss onto your forehead and beelines it to the bathroom. grumbling about how he has to pee. you laugh.
after a while, the rumbling in your stomach signals you to finally get up and make dinner for the both of you. shuffling to the kitchen, you start with opening the stove and chopping up some veggies. a strong pair of arms suddenly engulf you from behind, startling you.
“bin! i am holding a knife, don’t startle me like that.” you laugh as he starts to trail kisses on the column of your neck. he chuckles and rests his head on your shoulder for a moment. it takes a while before he starts swaying you side to side without saying anything. you've known him for so long to know when he has something on his mind.
"what's on your mind, honey?" you hum, putting the greens into the pan. "i should be asking you that." confused, you tilt your head at his answer.
"why won't you let me buy you stuff?" you glance at him, he leans on the counter and continues, "i mean- it's just that you've been holding off buying stuff for yourself for so long. you deserve a little splurging y'know."
mouth gaping like a fish out of water, you shut your mouth and continue to stir the pan.
“now, tell me why my baby doesn’t want me to spoil them?” you deflate at his words, knowing this conversation was about to happen sooner or later. 
aside from wanting to save some money on things you probably don't need part, you grew up with this feeling- having to be ashamed of people spending their money on you, you were determined not to make changbin an exception. accepting help from others growing up meant that there we're feelings of being a bother- feelings of being a waste of time.
years and years of conditioning yourself has lead you into believing whatever mental gymnastics you did inside your head was the absolute truth, no matter how absurd it sounded. maybe your strict upbringing also had a hand in it. that's the way it's always been.
so you explain to him. in all your vulnerability, all the while stirring your hot pan of stir fry.
“but i like doing this for you.” he stresses. changbin moves to rub your shoulder affectionately in an attempt to further reassure you.
biting your lip, “i just feel guilty.” you probably say for the umpteenth time. looking at him, you open your mouth to speak but is immediately cut off, “baby, please." he sighs, and turns off the stove from behind.
"why don't we come up with a compromise?" your buff boyfriend smiles at you. "like what?"
"tell you what, if you let me buy you something you want," he leans incredibly close to you, his breath fanning your face. "you'll get a kiss from me." you blush at his proximity and furrow your eyebrows at him, his grin widening by the minute.
"how is that a compromise?" you say after mulling it over.
"well," he starts, hands trailing and drawing simple shapes on your forearms. "you would get kisses and... and...." you look at him with your eyebrows raised, now very interested in his defense.
"ah whatever!" he groans and burrows his reddening face into your neck. you chuckle and run your hands through his black hair, comforting your poor whining binnie.
"please just please let me spoil you!" he throws his hands up in defeat. changbin gives up his argument and grabs both of your hands, making his best pleading face. you can't help but laugh at your boyfriend's ridiculous sudden 180 turn. binnie continues to do his over the top aegyo at you, hoping you would crack.
"o-okay. alright! you win." you reluctantly agree with his constant pleading, his puppy eyes certainly winning you over. you turn to plate the poor neglected stir fry on the pan as he lets go of your hands and hug you from behind.
"but seriously- i'm really, really not bothered. and again, i like doing this for you- correction, i love doing this for you. so please let me?"
"...alright." you grin, already feeling lighter about the whole thing.
"thank you for putting up with me."
"anytime, honey."
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mustainegf · 12 days
hi dear 🫶🫶
I hoped I could request a part 2 of ‘Mama Said’. maybe in which the reader decides to talk to James about basically everything and they go to her place and there’s some angst and the two of them fight but then there’s a big really fluffy ending??? (I would love to see a sweet James inexperienced and clumsy with Theo)
thank you so much if you’ll do it!!🫶🫶
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𝐌𝐀𝐌𝐀 𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐃 𝑷𝑨𝑹𝑻 𝟐 ¹⁹⁹¹⁻¹⁹⁹⁷
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James stood there, looking at Theo with this awkward sweetness, this softness I hadn't seen in so long. Still though, the tension was there, a layer below. My feelings were confused, and I wasn't ready to deal with this all in the middle of a grocery store.
"Let's… let's go back to my place," I suggested, keeping my voice low and even. Theo tugged on my hand, mercifully oblivious to the storm of feelings raging within and between the two of us. "We need to talk."
James nodded, his face unreadable, but I saw the fight in his eyes, the tussle. He was different from the man who had thrown me out all those years ago, yet some part of me still felt wary, protective. For Theo's sake, I had to be.
The ride back to our apartment was silent. Theo jabbered away in the backseat, lost in his own world while James and I sat upfront bathed in this heavy, very uncomfortable silence. I could feel him looking over at me every now and then, trying to gauge my mood, but I kept my eyes on the road, refusing to give anything away.
When we finally got there, I opened the door, and Theo darted inside, kicking off his little shoes and snatching up some toy he had left beside the couch. James hung at the door, having almost decided that perhaps he was too afraid. I waved him in, but the ice was just too cold between us.
Theo ran up to me proudly, clutching his toy high. "Mommy, can I show Daddy my truck?
The word "Daddy" hit James like a tidal wave. He looked from Theo to me again, at a loss. I nodded, my heart heavy. "Of course, baby."
James knelt down, taking the small plastic truck from Theo's hand. "This is awesome, little man. You like trucks?"
Theo grinned. "Yah! I col­lect them. Do you like trucks?"
James smiled, quick, and a bit nervous, but there. "Yeah, I like 'em too."
Watching them interact stirred something inside me-something I wasn't sure how to handle, something I thought had died years ago. Part of me wanted to protect Theo from any future hurt, but another part of me so desperately longed for him to have this. To have his father. His daddy, who he already seems to adore so much.
"James, can we talk?" I asked, gesturing toward the kitchen. "Theo, why don't you play with your trucks for a bit? Mommy and Daddy need to have a grown up talk."
Theo nodded, happily unaware of the static between us, and skipped off to his bedroom. I ushered James into the kitchen, my heart racing in my chest. As soon as we were out of earshot, I turned to him.
"We need to get it out in the open," I said, putting my voice as flat as possible, though laced with years of everything I was forced to deal with. "I don't know what's running through your head this very second, but I need to understand what you want, James."
James sighed loudly and itched the back of his neck, leaning against the counter. "I don't know what to say. Seeing Theo. it's just a lot. I didn't expect this. I wasn't prepared..."
"I wasn't prepared either, James," I flashed back, far sharper than I had meant, but it felt good to get it out. "But I didn't have any choice. You left. I had to raise him alone. Do you even realize how hard that was? How much you missed?"
"I know I fucked up," he returned, voice softer now, not defensive in the slightest. He wanted to take the blame. "I know I left. And I'm sorry. But what do you want me to say? That I was scared? That I was an idiot?
"Yes!" I almost yelled, my fists squeezing tighter by the second. "I want for you to fucking see that you were wrong, that you abandoned us. I want for you to feel what you did!"
James's eyes flared with guilt, and in a second, I knew he was going to strike back, but instead, he looked aside, defeated. "I do. More than you think."
His words sat dormant on the linoleum kitchen floor, and for the first time since he'd walked back into my life, I saw the cracks in his armor. He wasn't that same arrogant man who'd pushed me away anymore. He was... broken. Angry as I was, hurt as I'd been, I couldn't deny the vulnerability now scarred all over him.
We stood there in stinging quiet for a minute, everything pressing down on us. My anger still simmered, but something else was there too. Something I wasn't ready to name yet.
"James, if you're going to be in Theo's life… you have to be all in," I said after a long moment, my voice softer now. "I won't let you come in and out of his life whenever you feel like it. He deserves so much better than that."
James nodded and his eyes locked onto mine, and for the first time, I saw true regret there. "I want to be in his life," he whispered. "I don't know how to do this, but I don't give a shit... I want to try. I want to be there for him… and for you, if you'll let me."
I swallowed deeply, not really knowing how to reply. The part of me wanted to push him away, not wanting anymore heartache for myself or Theo. But another part of me, the part of me that had once loved him so deeply, wanted to believe he could change. That maybe, just maybe, he could be the father Theo deserved.
"I'm not making you any promises," I finally spat out, trying to speak past my quivering voice. "But if you're serious… if you really want to be here for him… then we'll try."
James exhaled and nodded slowly. "I'll prove it to you. I swear."
Before I could answer, Theo burst into the kitchen holding up two trucks in his hands. "Daddy, look! These are my favorite trucks! Can we play?"
James's face gentled as he looked down at our son, a small tentative smile pulling at his lips. "Yeah, little man. Let's play."
Spent the next hour in the living room, watching Theo show James all of his toys, explaining each one with that special brand of enthusiasm. I listened intently as James fumbled in response in an attempt to interact back, but the awkwardness was cute. James obviously didn't know how to be around kids, but he was trying so hard. And that mattered.
At one point, Theo climbed into James's lap, holding up a toy truck. "This one's the fastest, Daddy!"
James chuckled, wrapping an arm around Theo. "Yeah? Let's see it."
I sat and watched them, my heart split and frayed between hope and fear, as they played. Was James finally going to be a part of Theo's life? Can he actually rise to become the father that Theo would need? Or was this some kind of joke of a moment, one that would leave us both heartbroken all over again?
As bedtime approached, Theo clung to James's leg. "Can Daddy tuck me in?"
I hesitated, not entirely sure if this was a good thing or a bad one, but James peered at me with that silent plea in his eyes. The eyes I fell in love with in the summer of '87.
I nodded, and together we brought Theo to his room. James awkwardly pulled the blankets up over him, it was obvious he had no idea how to do it right. But Theo didn't care. He just smiled up at his father, eyes heavy with sleep.
"Goodnight, little man," James said softly, his hand stroking Theo's hair. "I love you."
Theo yawned, his little fist reaching up to touch James's face. "I wuv you too, Daddy."
I watched as James's face crumpled with heartbreak, tears coming to his eyes. He leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss on Theo's forehead before straightening back up to wipe at his eyes as he turned to me.
I hugged and kissed Theo goodnight aswell. For the first time in years, I felt no anger or resentment.
James paused at the door, turning to face me. "Thanks," he whispered.
"Don't mess it up."
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lumibuns-blog · 1 year
Gojo is my life
Same bed trope with Gojo (fluffy)
I don't proof read anything so I apologize for my terrible spelling
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Gojo didn't know wether he wanted kiss or kill Ijichi for screwing up the hotel booking and booking only one room with one bed in a sold out hotel.
He was standing there next to you, both of you were speechless, just standing in place as you realize there was no backing out of this situation.
"Taking me to hotel? Wouldn't your house been a bit nicer?" He joked trying to cover up his nerves.
"Very funny" you respond "but seriously what are we going to do about this?"
"Well I obviously did the most work on the mission so far, so there for I deserve the-"
"Alright yeah you can take the bed just give me a blanket for the floor" you say cutting him off
Your friend was disheartened, he had hoped he would try and coax you into sharing the bed, but you were to nice to go against his attitude.
He sat disappointed on the bed while you changed and washed your face (he faced the opposite way to make sure he didn't see anything that would fluster him)
When you both got settled in, you could barely sleep, it was obviously uncomfortable on the floor and Gojo's tossing and turning was helping
'Is he trying to rub it in?' you think
Little did you know Gojo couldn't sleep either because he was too worried about you being uncomfortable to relax.
About an hour passed before he couldn't take it anymore and he turned to lean his head off the bed down towards you.
"Psssst hey are you asleep?" He whisper yells
You begin to sit up "well I'm trying to but-"
You suddenly realize you are face to face with him, you lips so close they could almost be touching, his eyes seemed to glow even in the dark with that mischievous twinkle.
"Oh-I um sorry" you stuttered, turning away
"It's ok, um...don't worry about it" he responded trying to play it off. "if you can't sleep the bed is big enough for the both of us and some room so you can join if ya want, I promise I wont try anything funny" he chuckles
You were half asleep and in a stupor from your last interaction with him already so surprisingly you agreed and he scooted over to make room for you.
"Night" you whisper facing away from him
"Yeah night" he sighs wishing he didn't have to sleep back to back
Within minutes Gojo finally passes out, letting himself go spread eagle with one arm and one leg flopped haphazardly on top of you. You're annoyed but also a little amused he fell asleep so quickly.
You turn over to face him and are met with the most peaceful version of your friend you've ever seen, his pretty eye lashes gently closed and his mouth open with just a bit of drool on his chin. With that image firmly burned into your memory you finally go to sleep.
Gojo wakes up at about 5:00 AM because of a certain weight on his chest. His eyes open to see that in your sleep you had grabbed onto his shirt and pulled your face right into the crook of his neck while snuggling the rest of your body on his side.
The man who always has so much to say is left speechless, he didn't ever realize his arm was curling to protectively hold you against him, he had never felt so at peace, never been held into like he was the only thing in the world. He never wanted to let you go, wanted this feeling to last forever. He relaxed into the best sleep he's had in his whole life.
You woke up in the same position Gojo had found you in, completely flustered you try to move but his arms keep you in place. All you can do is helplessly look at that handsome face
You feel him stir and watch as his eyes flutter open, for what feels like an eternity you just look at each other, blushing.
"I guess I'll need to thank Ijichi" he smirks before grabbing both sides of your face to pull you in for a long awaited kiss.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 7 months
Hi beautiful!!!!!!
Goodness I've been over your prompt list so many times. There are so many good ones I don't know which ones to choose 🥵 so here's what I finally decided on! (For now 😉) 11 and 23 with my man Hunter please!!!
Can't wait to see what you create!!!! ❤️
Hello gorgeous! My dear @dragonrider9905 I knew you'd come to me with Hunter. Not that I blame you in anyway, shape or form. Also the GIF has nothing to do with the story ... I picked it because he looked hot in it. LOL
I hope you enjoy it, it's a little short.
I Love You
Warnings: Blaster shot, headache, injury, feelings being a burden, fluff, angst, declarations of love.
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Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
You sat beside Hunter, holding his hand waiting for him to come to; the blaster to the chest knocked him out for a good while. Thankfully, his armour stopped any serious damage, but seeing him not responding was driving you crazy.
“He’ll come to, in a little while” Tech offered as he came to check on Hunter. 
“I know. I just … when I saw the blaster hole on his chest plate … I couldn’t breathe … I just need him to wake up.”
“So you can yell at him?”
You glanced up to Tech, smirking, “Maybe. But that’s neither here nor there.”
“Just try not to yell too loudly, he’ll have a horrible headache when he wakes.”
“Then my point will get across even faster.”
Tech shook his head, “You have a strange way of showing your love.”
“I know,” you answered, your smile slowly shifting. It had been something Hunter mentioned over and over again, sometimes you got a little carried away with how much you loved him. Worrying about things you didn’t need to worry about. Putting pressure on him, when you didn’t have to … it wasn’t because you were possessive, or needed to lay a claim on him. It was because you were afraid to lose him. 
You already lost so much, family, friends, home, that when you met Hunter and his brothers, it was a life line you desperately needed. 
“Don’t worry, he may grumble a little but he enjoys the way you shower him with affection.”
“Thanks, Tech.”
He nodded before moving away, and he was right. It was about ten minutes later when Hunter started to stir, “Easy.” You kept your hand on his shoulder, keeping him from sitting up. “You took a blaster shot to the chest.”
“Is that why it feels like Wrecker sat on me?” He groaned out.
“Yeah … listen, I need to say something and I want you to really listen.”
Hunter looked into your eyes ready for whatever you had to tell him, “Okay …” he could never really tell where your thoughts would run to, this could’ve gone one of two ways, you breaking up with him or you declaring your love for him. It was one of the things he did love about you, your unpredictability. 
“I want you to know, the only one who gets to kill you, is me.”
He tried to laugh a little, his head hurting with each jostle, “Not what I was expecting.”
“I’m serious,” you giggled along with him. “I’m the only one that’s allowed to kill you, so next time, duck.” You leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“I didn’t get shot because I wanted to.” He clarified, closing his eyes and relishing in the kiss on his forehead.
“I know. I just … Seeing you get hit, the smoke, the hole … I thought I lost you at that moment.” You pressed your forehead against his as you gently cupped his cheek.
“You didn’t. You won’t.”
“I can’t lose you, Hunter.”
“I know, love. I know.” He let out a sigh filled with tension and disappointment.
“I’m sorry for loving you the way I do.” You offered, you tried not to be a burden, but from the way he sighed you could tell, “My feelings were never supposed to be a burden for you.” You pulled back to look at him, “I’ll try to do better. I promise.”
Hunter shook his head as he cupped your cheek, “No. I love the way you love me. Makes me feel special, that I matter. My sigh wasn’t because I was upset with you, I was upset by what you’ve been through already. I don’t want you to lose anything else, either. I promise to be more careful.”
You turned your head and kissed his palm nodding as a tear slid down, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders knowing that you weren’t a burden to him. 
He patted the spot beside him, an unspoken invitation to have you lie down in the space that you had claimed since the first time you both started dating. You smiled as you adjusted yourself, resting your head on his shoulder, as he wrapped his arms around you. 
“I love you, cyar’ika”
“I know. I love you, too Hunter.”
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joesheistyy · 2 years
Family Barbecue
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anon this was such a cute request, i love it and i hope y’all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!! <3
It was your favorite time of year, the summer time. Time to spend with family and friends and especially some drinks. Every July, the Burrow family would host a family-wide barbecue. You had been attending for years, and Joe’s parents made sure that their planning always worked with your schedule and Joe’s schedule.
Ever since Joe brought you to the first family barbecue after being together for 5 months, his family knew that you were the one for him. You always offered to help cook, clean, entertain the kids, or do anything else they needed. They all saw how Joe looked at you too, with pride in his eyes.
This was year 5 of going to the family Barbecue, and Joe’s family kept poking fun at him about how he hasn’t popped the marriage question yet. They wanted it just as bad as you did.
“Joey, are you ready to go?” You yelled up the stairs from the kitchen. Joe took just as long as a girl getting ready some days.
“Yes baby, I’ll be down in a sec,” he responded back as you heard frantic footsteps up the stairs. You were a planner, and Joe was not. You had a timeline of what needed to be done when, and Joe just went with the flow until he got distracted and needed to be directed back to what needed to be done.
You headed out the garage door, loading your cooler of drinks into the backseat of Joe’s car. The snack bag you had packed followed the drinks. Your overnight bags were packed last. Since his parents lived an hour and a half away and there would be drinks consumed, his parents offered up their extra bedroom for the two of you.
After double checking your list that was stationed on the island, Joe finally came down the stairs, looking as handsome as ever. He was wearing just a basic pair of gym shorts, a bengals tshirt, and his white Nike athletic shoes. Of course, the dork had his shirt tucked in. That was something you always messed with him about.
“Cmon babe, we gotta go or we’re gonna be way late,” you said, leading the way to the garage to finally leave. An hour and a half drive still ahead of you.
Joe grabbed a bottle of water from the garage fridge and got in the car. You settled yourself in the passenger seat with your Nintendo Switch Lite with Animal Crossing ready to go. While you didn’t hardcore game, some Animal Crossing and Minecraft here and there were sometimes what you did to entertain yourself.
After hitting the road, Joe played his music and hummed along as you were focused on your game. His hand rested on your thigh as he drove along. Eventually, you got tired of playing your game, so you decided to take a short nap. You leaned your seat back a bit and propped up your pillow between your shoulder and the window.
"Can you let me know when we're like half an hour away?" you asked, Joe replied, "Of course babe, you gonna put on your makeup then?" he questioned, glancing over at you for a second. You replied with a hum and curled to a semi-comfortable place to nap.
pat pat pat
Joe patted you awake, you stirred and lifted the back of your seat up.
"We're half an hour away honey," he said, smiling in your direction as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes.
"Thanks Joey, now don't brake check anyone," you joked with him, poking at his arm. You pulled your makeup bag out of your car bag, opting for just some eyebrow filling and mascara, and of course highlight. That was your favorite step of your makeup routine.
As you pulled into Joe's parent's neighborhood, you collected your things in your bag and freshened up your outfit. You chose to wear your favorite pair of jean shorts and a cute flowy tank top.
Pulling into the driveway, Joe's parents came to greet you. The 3pm air was hot but with a breeze. Hugs were given and passed, and as you approached the house, Joe's nephew Jordan came running up to you.
"Y/n!" he cheered with his little 3 year old voice. That alone melted your heart.
"Hi Jordan! How's my big guy doing?" you asked and picked him up, resting him on your hip.
"Good! Let's go play!" He squirmed, wanting to be put down to go run around. You could tell he was fresh from his nap that was taken earlier. If only naps for adults were that rejuvenating.
"We can play here in a minute, but could you use your big, strong muscles to help us?" you tickled his stomach. He pretended to flex. He ran out to the car where Joe and his parents were, clinging to Joe's leg. Joe picked him up and gave him a little fist bump.
"Y/n said I can use my big muscles to help!" Jordan said with a smile on his face. Joe set him down and handed him the smallest bag. You grabbed your overnight bag and the cooler and headed inside with Jordan leading the way.
After placing your things in the guest room, you followed Jordan outside to go say hi to Joe's siblings and their partners. You cracked open your first drink of the night while Jim worked on grilling up some hamburgers and hot dogs.
Jordan pulled you over to the swing set, you set him in the swing that looked like a little car, pulling him toward you to get the momentum going. You continued to push Jordan in the swing as he laughed the cutest little laugh.
Joe was admiring from afar with a beer in hand. He was standing with his dad while he grilled, watching you play with Jordan, a smile spread along his face. You two had talked about kids before, but a ring needed to come first.
The next thing that Jordan wanted to do was race you and Joe. Of course, Joe said yes, setting his beer down to race.
"Okay, Jordan count us down," you say, lining up to begin to run.
"Okay y/n, 3...2..." and Jordan was off before the count of 1. You and Joe giggled, but eventually ran and tried to catch up to him. Jordan had passed the established finish line before you and Joe could get there. He jumped in excitement.
"I'm not letting you beat me, y/n" Joe huffed out as he began to run up to you, tackling you to the ground.
"Burrow, you're a quarterback, not a defensive end, my god," you groaned after hitting the ground, allowing laughs to escape your mouth. Jordan came over and giggled, climbing on top of Joe who was still on top of you.
"Uncle Joe sandwich!" you cheered and grabbed for Jordan's hand. You all giggled and eventually, Joe wormed his way out of being between you and Jordan. He outstretched a hand to you, helping you up.
Eventually, dinner was served and everyone gathered in the screened in porch to eat. Jordan insisted on sitting between you and Joe. Jordan's mom plopped his booster seat down in the chair between you and Joe. Jordan dug into his food as soon as it was set in front of him, ketchup ending up all over his hands, face, and clothes. As you ate, you would use your napkin to dab off Jordan's face, causing your napkin to turn red from the mess he had made.
Joe looked at you admirably, adoring how good you were with kids. You secretly hoped that Joe would see how good you were with kids and want to hurry up and propose already.
After dinner, Jordan helped you clean up the dining space by taking the empty paper plates to the trashcan and leading you to the paper towels so he could help you wipe down. You lifted him up to grab the roll off the island inside, carrying him like Buzz Lightyear back out to the patio, giggles filling the air.
The rest of the family had gone to sit out by the fire pit, insisting that you not do any cleaning up. But you couldn't just not help, it wasn't like you. And you could maneuver Jordan into doing anything with you, which also gave his parents a break.
Out at the fire pit, you could see the rest of the family laughing and joking. You admired Joe from the screened in porch while you waited on Jordan to run in and take the dirty paper towels to the trash can. Jordan ran out, tugging at your arm to go join the rest of the family.
You and Jordan joined the rest of the family, sitting down on the outdoor blanket. You sat criss cross applesauce and Jordan sat in your lap and played with your fingers while letting out yawns.
After a few more drinks, Jordan was asleep in your lap. His parents seemed ready to go, so you offered to help Jordan into his car seat.
You headed out to their car, carrying Jordan with his head resting on your shoulder.
"Thanks for playing with him and taking care of him today, y/n. It was a really nice break for us, he's a wild one," Joe's brother said.
"It's really no problem, I had so much fun with this little ball of energy," you chuckled as you set Jordan in his car seat, buckling him in.
"One of these days, I want y'all to give him a cousin," Joe's brother laughed out. You hugged and went your separate ways.
Joe and his parents had transitioned to inside the house, working to clean up the kitchen.
"How can I help?" you asked as you walked in on them all doing different cleaning activities.
"Babe you helped plenty today, go take a shower or relax. We got this," Joe said as he brought you into his embrace. There really wasn't much left to clean up.
After things had been cleaned up, everyone moved to the couch to sit and relax a bit before bed. It was about 9:30 and the exhaustion from the day was hitting you. You let out a soft yawn as Joe pulled you to lean into his shoulder.
"I think we're gonna head to bed. It's been a long day," Joe announces to his parents as he stands up off the couch. You follow.
When getting to your room for the night, you headed straight for the shower. Playing with Jordan all day got you sweaty and stinky, not to mention the July heat.
"Babe I loved watching you play with Jordan today. I can't wait for us to have our own kids one day. A little Joe and y/n stumbling around," Joe said, leaning down to kiss your forehead.
"Me too Joey, me too," you sighed as you stepped into the warm shower.
After such a long day, a shower and some snuggles were great.
You and Joe were cuddled up into bed when he blurted out, "I love you, y/n and I want to marry you some day. I promise it'll be soon,"
"I love you too Joey, and I can't wait for that day. It'll be the best day of our lives," you smile as you close your eyes, drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
The next morning, you woke up alone. That's not normally how things went when you and Joe stayed with his parents. He'd wait for you so you could leave the bedroom together.
You slid on your slippers and headed for the kitchen, following the smell of bacon. When you began to approach the entrance to the kitchen, you heard conversation. Sometimes, you loved to eavesdrop, but you also hated to butt in during conversation, so you stood by the doorway, out of sight of Joe and his parents.
"So when are you finally gonna pop the question?" his dad nudged at him.
"Soon, I swear. I've got the ring picked out and everything, I just need to send it to my jeweler," Joe said as he set out silverware.
"We love her and it's about time she became part of the family for real," his mom spoke out, walking up to Joe to lovingly rub his back. His family had been pestering him for a while to propose, but he wanted to do it on his own time, which you understood.
"It'll be soon, I promised that to her and I promise that to you all. Cause after seeing her with Jordan yesterday, I know she is who I'm meant to marry. Not that I didn't have those thoughts before, it just really proved to me that it's about time I asked her to marry me," Joe responded in a soft voice, trying not to allow his voice to carry.
You stood in the doorway for a minute more just to make sure the conversation was over. Soon, you approached Joe and pulled him into a side hug. He held onto you for a minute before leading you both to fill your plates with breakfast food.
You had a peaceful morning with Joe and his parents. You loved his family and couldn't wait to officially join it.
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robin-writess · 2 months
Could u do a Kieran x reader angst scenario where reader is attacked while patrolling because she wandered too far, they steal her horse and she stumbles back into camp with whatever injuries you decide!! Maybe she passes out as soon as someone starts yelling for help, but she stops really talking much (stops visiting Kieran in the mornings etc) so he takes it into his own hands to get her horse back cuz he is in love and would do anything do hwr 🥹
Yes ofc! Thanks for the request <3
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🎀 Bruises and Apologies 🎀
Kieran Duffy x fem!Reader
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Warnings: violence, blood, slight angst (reader ignores Kieran for a while)
A/N: Sorry if this isn’t the best, I’m not the best author on this app but I really hope you’re satisfied with it<33
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You sigh as you stare off into space. You don’t know how long you’ve been out there, but you know it won’t be anytime soon for you to go back. This is exhausting. Standing around for hours at a time to guard camp. For what? Nothing ever happens. You’re just wasting time.
You’re too lost in your own thoughts to hear the group of men making their way to you. Each man carrying his own weapon. But you’re soon brought back to reality when one of them hit you in the back of your head with his gun.
You let out a grunt and quickly turn around to try to fight back, but the man hits you in the face before you could do anything. You could already feel the bruises forming, blood running down the back of your head to your back, staining the shirt you were wearing.
Your weapon falls from your hands onto the ground. You can see a few more men behind him, one of them running off with your horse. “Hey!” You yell after him, the man in front of you quickly covering your mouth so you don’t draw any attention to them.
“Shut your damn mouth lady,” he says and starts beating on you more. You can tell he’s an O’Driscoll by the way he talks and how he looks.
Whimpers and soft cries escape your mouth as you try to defend yourself from these men. He gives you a final strike to the face before him and the other guys run off.
Blood spills out from your nose, your left eye swollen and sore. Your face is covered in blood, bruises and cuts.
'What the hell just happened,' you thought as you stumble back into camp.
"Hey!" you call out, finally making it back. Your breathing gets heavier, and your vision starts to get blurry, black surrounds your peripheral vision.
"Oh my god, y/n, are you okay??" you hear Mary-Beth as she runs over to you.
She places a hand on your shoulder as she calls out for help. Before you know it, you're surrounded by people. Miss Grimshaw, Arthur, Dutch, Sean, Kieran..
Then everything went black. Your body hits the ground and Miss Grimshaw immediately picks you up and brings you to your tent.
Mary-Beth nearly jumps out of her seat as you begin to stir in your seemingly forever nap. Soon you open your eyes, a soft grunt escapes your lips as you raise your hand to your throbbing head.
"You're awake," Mary-Beth says under her breath, resting her hand on yours. "Are you okay?"
You take a deep breath, and another soft grunt comes from you. "Mm, my head hurts," you manage to croak out.
"You passed out... Miss Grimshaw took care of you." Mary-Beth says, "I helped stitch up that cut over your eye there," she points towards the injury she mentioned.
"Thank you for that, Mary-Beth," you smile, trying to sit up.
"Hey, you're going to need more rest. You're not doing good right now, lay back down and I'll come check on you later, alright? I'll bring you some food and water." She says before walking out of your tent.
You sigh, annoyed at your condition. You absolutely did not want to stay in bed all day. It drove you crazy, bored out of your mind just lying there with nothing to do. Even worse, you don't know how long it'll take for you to heal enough to get up and be out there with everyone else.
Not long after, Mary-Beth came back with some fresh stew and a cup of water.
"Here you go," she sets the food in your lap, and you take the water from her hands, downing it almost immediately. "Kieran's real worried about you, y/n."
"I'll be fine," you say dismissively, setting the cup down and stuffing food into your mouth like you've never eaten before.
"Well whether you're fine or not he's still worried." She continues. "You should talk to him when you're better."
You sigh before nodding, "Okay."
She walks out again, leaving you alone. Your own thoughts eat you alive like they always do as you finish the food she brought you.
The next day eventually comes, and you decide to finally get out instead of being stuck in your tent all day. Cool air hits you as you walk around camp. You look around, taking in the view. Some people were working, some were sitting around the fire laughing and talking, and others just relaxing. Your eyes soon land on the horses, you see Kieran with Branwen as he usually is, and then it hits you... they took your goddamn horse.
You were too annoyed at the fact that you had to stay inside all day to even remember that. It hurt, it felt like you lost a part of yourself too. That horse was special to you, he (or she) was like any other one you had. You sigh and roll your eyes, walking off to find a place to clear your mind.
A few hours pass and Kieran starts walking over to where you were. You hadn't moved, too lost to even think straight.
"Hey..." he says, twiddling his thumbs as his feet are restless, constantly moving from one spot to another.
You don't answer him, no, you just sit there, staring off into space just like you were hours earlier.
"uhm.." he grows antsy, fidgeting with his fingers more. "y/n..."
Still no response from you. This shocked Kieran, as you were usually always so happy to see and talk to him. A wave of sadness overcomes him, and he tries one last time to speak to you.
"Uhm.. I noticed your horse is uh.. missing..." he stammers out.
You let out a dramatic huff and roll your eyes before storming off, the only response he's had out of you. This just hurt him even more. Tears begin to well up in his eyes, but he doesn't let himself cry. He thinks he's just being a baby.
"It's okay, she just needs space..." he whispers repeatedly to himself as some sort of comfort.
He thinks that all you need is time alone, so he respects it, he gives you your space.
A week goes by and still no word from you... Then another week, and another. At this point he has no idea what to do. He's hurt, confused, and annoyed. He'll do anything to get you back.
Then he remembers your horse is gone. The horse you've always loved more than anyone.
Kieran doesn't even ask Dutch if he can leave camp, he just goes. Alone. He has no weapons, no protection, nothing. Just him and his desire to get your horse back. All he wants is for you to be happy.
No one even noticed his absence, not even you. That was until a day or two passed and Mary-Beth came to you out of nowhere and asked where he was.
"Y/n, do you know where Kieran might be?" She asks, "I haven't seen him anywhere around camp."
This gets your attention. "No... I don't know.." You reply.
Now you're worried. You feel horrible. Ignoring him for weeks, acting like he doesn't exist, and now he's missing...
You just wanted to curl up in your cot and cry. You get jumped by damn O'Driscolls, your horse gets stolen, and now.. your beloved Kieran goes missing... And the worst part is you don't even know if he's dead or not.
And so that's what you do. You run to your tent and just cry your eyes out. A million thoughts racing through your mind as you sob uncontrollably about everything that has happened.
It feels like forever has passed until your emotional breakdown finally came to an end. You just lay motionless on your cot. Your pillow soaked with tears, eyes puffy, tear-stained cheeks and mouth slightly agape. And there you are again, stuck staring off into space, except this time there were no thoughts eating at you, just a painful feeling of agony and grief. Your heart is heavy, and you're completely drained of energy.
You don't know how long you've been lying there, but you started hearing some commotion outside. Not normal chats between camp members, and you know they're not having a party. Part of you wants to go out and see what's happening, but you don't. Too tired to even care.
Not long after, the flaps of your tent open then close, and in walks Kieran. He's a mess, he's dirty, his old torn up clothes are worse than they were before.
"Kieran!" you quickly sit up, staring with relief and happiness.
"Hey, y/n-" he's interrupted by you practically jumping into his arms.
"Oh my God, Kieran!" a tear falls from your eye as you laugh with joy, "Where did you go?? What happened???"
You finally let go of him, looking into his eyes, smiling brightly, which earns you a smile back from him.
"I uh, got you your horse back..." He says with a soft smile.
More tears drop and you hug him again. "Thank you so much, Kieran.. Oh my God I was so scared, I didn't know if you were okay-" Kieran interrupts you, placing both of his hands on each of your shoulders.
"It's okay.." he says softly, "I'm okay, y/n, I'm okay."
He grabs your hand and leads you to your horse. "I fed him and made sure he was okay for you." he says, afterwards receiving another grateful response from you.
You smile and happily pat your horse, the large animal returning the affection by nudging you softly with his nose.
"Kieran..." you say, looking over to him. The same smile still plastered across his face, he's so proud of himself.
"I am so sorry.." you continue, earning a confused look from Kieran. "For ignoring you... and just.. I don't know, everything. I'm sorry,,"
"Hey," he says, "It's okay, I understand."
You smile softly. "I love you, Kieran."
"I love you too." He plants a soft kiss to your forehead and pulls you into a warm hug.
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Could you please write a prequel to the Daemon x Stepdaughter au where she injures her leg after tripping down the stairs so he carries her back and fondles her body while pleasuring himself after she’s drowsy from milk of the poppy.
A/N: I hope you like it!
pairing: Dark!Daemon Targaryen x Stepdaughter!Reader
summary: she injures her leg after tripping down the stairs so he carries her back and fondles her body while pleasuring himself after she’s drowsy from milk of the poppy.
Word count: 1,3K
Warnings: Somnophilia, groping, jerking off, unconscious blowjob
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
"Don't run!" Jace yelled after you trying to keep up with your quick steps. You giggled loving this game of tag you were playing with your brother.
"You can never catch me" You called over your shoulder. You scrambled down some stairs where your mother and stepfather were sat reading some papers.
You let out a loud scream when you ankle gave out under your twisting in a weird angle on the last step. Daemon and your mother were quick to their feet running over to you worried.
"Mommy! My ankle hurts" You cried tears streaming down your rosy cheeks. Rhaenyra ran a hand through your hair to calm you down.
"i'll take her to the maesters" Daemon was quick to suggest. He crouched down to pick up bridal style in his strong and muscular arms.
"I'll come with you" By then Jace had reached your small crowd. He looked worried as well, being older than you he viewed himself responsible for your safety even now when you were ten and five namedays.
"No you continue with the letters, she's in good hands" Daemon assured your mother. You leaned your head on his shoulder letting your tears soak his shirt as the throbbing grew worse.
"Alright then" She wrapped an arm around Jace to comfort him. Daemon looked down at you with a weird glint as he walked away from them.
The maester's room was not far away and soon you were laying on the bed in his room as he wrapped bandages around your ankle. You held onto Daemon for support through the pain.
"Can you not give her something for the pain? Milk of poppy?" Daemon suggested heart twisting at the sight of you in so much pain. You cried harder when the maester tightened the bandages trying to push down the swelling.
"Of course, your grace" The maester nodded at his assistant to bring milk of the poppy. You accepted the cup without a second thought wanting this pain to go away.
"Shh, everything will get better" Daemon pushed you hair back and let you lean against him when the effect started showing.
You felt dizzy and out of your own body of that were possible. One second you were in the maester's room and the next you were laying limp in Daemon's arms and soon he laid you in your own bed but it was like flashes in time for you, everything happening in a blink of an eye.
Daemon intended to place you in your bed to rest and sleep off the effects of milk of the poppy but you rolled over several times trying to find a comfortable position forcing your dress to rile up showing your silky smooth skin. He wanted to feel it, his hand moved before his could stop himself.
His fingers tickled up from your bandaged ankle up to the back of your knee and you thigh while you laid on your stomach unaware. His cock stirred noticing the dress bunched around your waist showing your linen beneath covering your behind from him.
"Oh gods" Daemon did not know what possessed him to press down on his cock but found it rock hard paining him even more.
"Oh what are you doing to me?" His rhetorical question remained unanswered as you snored away. He slowly pulled his cock out of his trouser needing relief or he will explode.
He groaned knowing you won't feel or hear anything, not when you were under the effects of milk of the poppy. His hand moved slowly teasing himself by running a finger over his mushroomed tip, red and swollen. His other hand groped your bottom feeling the flesh there, just perfect for him, enough skin for him to hold if he were to fuck you.
He whined needy at the idea of him rutting inside of you. With you on your back and your legs around his waist or up in the air or even over his shoulder while he hammered inside of you. His fist moved with the rhythm of his rutting in his imagination.
Or maybe with you on your belly moaning like a bitch in heat as he slammed is hips into your with the intend to fill you with his seed. He longed for the day he could have you on your knees before him sucking at his cock, so big for you, you would have tears streaming down your cheeks chocking and gagging with droll rolling down your chin.
"Fuck" His head fell back as his imagination ran wild, his fist moving at an impossible speed while his other one moved bellow you between the mattress and you to grope at your tits, still developing on size but perfect nonetheless.
"You're so perfect" He groaned eyes racking over your body. His imagination moved on to you on your fours with him fucking you from behind, making scream for the whole world to know who you belonged to. Even better you had a pregnant belly and still needy for him to fuck you despited having been seeded. Daemon would comply without a second thought.
"My perfect girl" He moaned as his peak washed over him. He almost fell on top of you but held himself in time. His eyes widened in joy at the sight of his cum on your bottom, perfect and thick, white in color in contrast with your black gown and matching your white linen.
"One day it will be inside of your cunny, perfect girl" He whispered in your ear. You lifted your head, eyes unfocused.
"Go back to sleep" He ran a hand through your hair. You closed your eyes obeying him feeling your head thud with pain. When he was sure you were asleep he leaned his hips closer to your lips letting his tip run over your lips hardening again already. His body shivered when a couple of drops of his cum coated your lips.
"Holy fucking shit" he cursed. He could not help himself but push further forcing your lips apart and placed his tip inside. You were too far gone to know what was going on but you felt something inside your mouth and sucking trying to get it in imagining it was food.
"Gods" Daemon cried as the suction. You groaned at the loud voice and tried again sucking it whatever was in your mouth feeling your stomach ache with hunger.
"Good girl" Daemon praised pushing the tip of his cock in and out of you. He shivered getting needy all over again.
"Perfect girl for kepa" Father. One of his hand held your head in place by your hair and the other one moved to rub the area he did not push inside of your mouth.
"Kepa" You tried saying in your sleep but it came out muffled with your mouth full. The vibrations were heavenly.
"Yes, kepa is here" he urged. You moaned feeling the effects of milk of the poppy begin to wear off making your head pound. That was the end for Daemon making him cum in your mouth. He groaned so loud he was sure the servants outside must have heard him as they passed by.
"Goddammit" he cursed pulling away from your perfect mouth. He immediately noticed you beginning to wake up the second he recovered from his second orgasm. He tucked himself back inside his trousers hissing at the touch of the fabric still sensitive.
Your eyes opened just after he had tucked his shirt inside hiding any evidence that he was indecent for a second, not like it mattered. You were still drowsy from the drug.
"Kepa" You rolled on your side holding your arms open for him wanting to be comforted. Daemon moved to lay beside you and held you in his arms smirking darkly into your hair.
"Yes, kepa is here" He muttered into your hair. He did not care for anyone walking in with you two in this position, in their eyes he was a father comforting his pained daughter even if you were not of his blood he has always treated you as such.
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sarawritestories · 8 months
I'd love to know more about Unwavering Presence!
@hellodarling1357 a sneak peek of this Cassian series awaits!
Unwavering Presence is a slow-burn Cassian x Archeron Sister (Reader) romance that will have many parts if I have anything to say about it. Y/N is Feyre's twin who ends up going to the Night Court and falling in love with our General of the Night Court. This will follow their love story from her perspective and how she finds his presence as something unwavering even in the darkest of times and it is going to get angsty.
And here is a Sneak peek that will take place in the middle of our story(and will probably be changed by the time we get there) but shows how I want to put a spotlight on his Loyalty and love for the people he is close with:
The sunrise was shimmering over Velaris another day had gone by. Sitting in the armchair looking out through the window I was beginning to lose track of the days. This body was new to me and all the heightened senses that came with it. Now that I was able to use them I could only muster up enough energy to get out of bed and on this chair. At least my room had a beautiful view of the city proof that things could still be beautiful.
There was a crash followed by yelling outside of my door that caused my whole body to tense and my eyes to squeeze shut. The shouts were growing louder and a whimper escaped my lips as I covered my now-pointed ears. The door slams open and I open my eyes in time to see Cassian shutting the door and putting a chair under the knob preventing, Feyre and Rhys, whose voices were now carrying down the hall, from coming in.
Cassian slowly took a step into the room his face pained, "Princess, I'm not going to hurt you." I slowly lowered my hands and wrapped them around my knees as he took another step. I averted his gaze held worry and looked out over the city hoping the tears would swallow back down. His voice was closer, "They wouldn't let me see you. They said you had asked them to keep me away."
A tear escaped as he took the seat next to mine. I turned my head so he wouldn't see the tears falling. I closed my eyes but his presence wrapped me in a warm embrace that made me want to fall apart. The pounding on the other side of the door subsided but I knew they were on the other side one word and they would throw Cassian out with no hesitation.
"Y/N please look at me." His plea came out as a choked sob. I lifted my head turning to face him and I took a sharp intake of breath as tears streamed down his face. His Hazel eyes met mine and he straightened in his seat and tried to compose himself and gave you a small smile reaching out his hand not touching me but to let me know I could take it if I wanted. "There's my brave girl."
Butterflies fluttered in my stomach at the sentiment, I cleared my throat, "Hi."
Cassian lit up at the sound of my voice, "We don't have to talk about what happened. I just wanted to see you." I looked at his outstretched hand, "They wouldn't even let me ask about you, I just wanted to make sure you were okay."
I absentmindedly slid my hand into his and I could feel him still for a moment before his fingers gripped my hand, as though I could disappear at any moment. "I don't think I could talk if I wanted to, Cas," I whisper as my gaze moves from his face back to the city.
Cassian hummed in response and I could feel his eyes lingering. His finger tapped against the top of my hand. He did it once more, then twice, three times until I looked at our intertwined hands. "You don't need to say anything, Sweetheart, not until you are ready." My eyes met his and he gave me another warm smile that caused the butterflies to stir again. "But don't push me away. We can do a daily check-in no words necessary." He holds up our hands and he taps once on the top of my hand, "One tap is 'How are you doing?'" He taps twice on the top of my hand, "Two taps is 'I'm not okay I need you close,'" He taps 3 times, "Three will be 'I'm not okay but you can go'," he taps 4 times, "Four will be 'I'm okay but I would like you near'". He taps my hand 5 times, "Five taps will mean 'I'm okay you can go'," He taps my hand 6 times.
Tears threaten to escape as I whisper, "What does six taps mean?"
He grips my chin and has me look up at him. "Six means, 'I'm here. I'm with you. You are not alone.'"
Tears freefall down my cheeks as he swipes them with the pad of his thumb, as I look back out of the city gripping his hand in mine.
We sit in silence for a few moments before I adjust my hand and tap his hand twice. I'm not okay, I need you close.
He taps my hand six times, I'm here. I'm with you. You are not alone.
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Trust pt.4
Pairing- Sully family x darkfey!reader
Summary- The sullys meet a special girl.
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3
Warnings- mentions of death, mentions of killing, mentions of dismembering, rushed ass ending
A/N- I really couldn’t think of anything better for the ending and I’m so sorry it’s rushed but I hope you guys like it 😭
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After that night with Rotxo, life with the reef people wasn’t as bad. Not many people talked to you still, but one thing changed. Rotxo.
The following day after the little exchange between you two you found him reaching Tuk how to breath longer underwater.
You sit down next to him, he peeks an eye in your direction and smiles and you bow your head to him. “Y/N!” Tuk peeps and you smile at the girl. ''Hello Tuktirey.'' You say to her as she gives you a hug. ''I'm gonna go play with Kiri wanna come?'' She asks and you simply shake your head side to side and she's off running to her sister. Then it was just you and Rotxo. He had a sheepish smile on his face. ''How has your day been?'' Interrupting the silence Rotxo asked. ''It was good.'' You reply and back to silence. You looked into the setting sun and then at Rotxo who had been staring at you. ''Thank you Rotxo.'' You tell him and he gives you a confused turn of his head. ''For last night the ointment.'' You explain and he shakes his head in understanding. ''It was no problem really but,'' He said contemplating what he was fixing to ask. ''What are those scars on your back from?'' He asks and your eyes cast downward. Choking up a little bit of courage you needed, you weren't scared of anything, but this memory terrifies you. ''I trusted someone I shouldn't've.'' You say and he hums. ''So that's why you don't trust people.'' He says in a say-so voice. turning your head to him and furrowing your eyebrows slightly. He chuckles softly, ''Sorry was just an observation.'' Your forehead untenses and shake your head, ''it's true though.'' You say giving a pitiful laugh after. ''Yeah.'' He says and you look at the ground and he tilts his head to the left as he looks at you. ''But you know what the best start is to trusting people?'' He asked and at this point he is just straight up and you shake your head no and he smiles. ''Being friends!'' He says, ''So, friends?'' He asked, putting his hand out and you looked at him in complete shock as you took his hand and breathed deeply, shaking it.
And then after that you two became inseparable. Rotxo finally talked you into learning the way of water and then in return he would go into the forest with you to heal injured animals and plants and listen to you ramble on and on about the different spices all around Pandora.
And over time the more time you spent with him the more you started to trust him. Those stone walls you put up all those years ago are finally breaking down. You told him about Jamie and what you did. You thought he would be scared off but he reacted the opposite he was understanding. One thing that surprised everyone, maybe even yourself, was when he touched your back and you didn't even react. Before you and Rotxo became friends, if anyone touched your back you immediately jumped back to defense mechanisms coming up, but he just touched your back and you just went on to talking with Unpey and Tarmei.
-Present day-
You and Rotxo collected flowers before you heard screaming from the beach, dropping the flowers Rotxo jumps on an ilu and you right behind him. Vìrtì, Ivä, Tsìo, Wìsey followed you.
He comes up next to Ao’nung who gives him a scared look as you both look at the horrific scene in front of you. Ronal lied with her soul sister who was dead, her baby calf who refused to leave her next to her. Putting a hand over my mouth it parts slightly the air was silent except for the mournful screams from the Tsahik.
When you got back to the island the men and women gathered all yelling to take action. “We will protect our people!” One man yelled, stirring up the others, war yells came from all around the room, some from Rotxo. Jake came out from the crowd and held up a human made tracking device, talking about if it hit you, you would be marked for death. Lo’aks ears perk and you see as he begins to walk off you walk with him along with your four birds. “Lo’ak.” You whisper and he takes a deep breath, “I have to make sure he is okay.” He said and you furrow your brows until you remember Rotxo telling you about how Lo’ak bonded payakan the outcast of the tulkun. You nod, “Well,” you said. “I can’t let you leave,” you continued and his arms were tense. “By yourself, I can protect you in case any sky demons find us.” You finished and he wished a quick thank you as you walked faster to the ilus. One thing you hadn’t noticed was Neteyam following you.
When you made it to the deck Neteyam called out to Lo’ak and you stood off to the side letting them have their talk. But some things you did hear was “Stay your skwang ass here.” Followed by something along the lines of, “I’m not like you, the perfect son.” Making a growl escape Neteyam. “You can’t make me stay here. Y/N?” He said both now looking at you. Lo’ak looked at you pleading and how long you’ve lived together you’ve grown rather fond of his company, you have to help. Now looking at Neteyam you shrug as you and Lo’ak jump into the water. And you recently found out if you use magic while on the ilu and it’s basically like bonding if you were with na’vi. Transparent green smoke surrounded your wrist as you jumped onto a ilu and followed Lo’ak.
Neteyam watched as you two ran off as Kiri, Tuk, Tsireya, Ao’nung, and Rotxo ran up. “Where are they going?” Tsireya asked. “To warn Payakan.” Neteyam said and everyone looked confused. Why would you leave when ordered to stay?
“We have to follow them!” Kiri said and everyone agreed jumping into their own ilus following wherever you two may have been.
Back to you and Lo’ak, you finally spotted Payakan. Stopping in front Lo’ak of Payakan ``Tell me if anyone comes.” You tell Vìrtì, Ivä, Tsìo, and Wìsey and then Lo’ak noticed had something orange sticking out of him, Lo’ak touched it, it was the tracking device Jake had found. Suddenly the group pulled up and then the birds all started to argue which was just a bunch of anger chirping. “It doesn’t matter that you didn’t tell me, now stop.” You whisper to them making them stop but not before Vìrtì says something along the lines of, “Surrounded by imbeciles.” Which you glare at her for.
“Y/N!” Lo’ak grunts out, and you look over and see everyone trying to pull it out with all their strength. “A little help?” He asks and you jump off of the ilu and start helping. After a while it was clear that you couldn’t pull it out until an idea came up. “Give me that rope right there.” You tell Neteyam pointing to the rope that was on the side of his ilu. Handing it to you you wrap it securely around the tracking device and then around your ilu, as you did this you said nothing and they all just watched confused as you tug on it harshly making sure it stayed. And then you hold onto the rope and the reins to the ilu as it goes surprisingly fast. Riding back to Payakan and the group and just as you thought the device was out of him.
And then you guys hear rapid beeping from the device. “they're close.” Lo'ak asked and you looked at it, “If it does you guys go I’ll lead them away, okay?” You tell them and they nod as they mount their ilus but then someone interrupts, “You can’t go alone.” Tsireya says and you look back at her confused, “I will go with you.” She said and before you could refuse she interrupted you, “You have no choice.” You nod and say farewell from the rest as you watch them go back. You two begin to swim fast, your birds flying just as fast, hopefully faster than that demon ship, but you weren’t that hopeful.
The beeping only got stronger no matter which direction you went and then you got slung out of the water only hearing Tsireya’s yelp. You opened your eyes and hiss at the humans and fake na’vi around you. “What the hell—“ A bald Avatar said, pointing his gun at your head as he examined your strange body and horns. You’ve been on the end of many of these weapons before and you knew what to do, your palms turned into fist as all of them on deck clinged to their necks dripping there weapons. And then you heard Tsireya tell, “Stop whatever you're doing or I’ll cut her throat.” You hear a strange voice and you turn around facing Tsireya and a strange man, the very man who tried to kidnap the sullys, the man trying to kill Jake.
Releasing your hands the men gasp for air, then someone grabs your arms harshly and ties them in front of you dragging you to another room away from Tsireya.
Only a few feet away, hidden behind rocks was Neteyam, Lo’ak, Kiri, Ao’nung, Rotxo and Tuk watching as you got dragged away. “Shit.” Neteyam whispers under his breath as he and the rest speed back to Awa’tulu where their parents waited for them.
“Where have you been?!” Jake says grabbing his two sons who pull away from him making him turn around furrowed eyebrows. “The sky people they have……they have Y/N and,” Lo’ak paused as his eyes glazed over his parents and the mention of your name made Neytiri tense up as she grabbed her bow and then the Tsahik and the Olo’eyktan. “And who?” Jake asks, slightly shaking his son's shoulder. “And Tsireya.” At the drop of her name everything went so fast, harnessing ilus and skimwings, grabbing spears and weapons as they rode out.
And things with you and Tsireya haven’t gotten any better. You were put in a white room with a mirror on one wall only seeing yourself. And then you heard a door open. The man that had captured you, really captured you came into the room. He stood with his hands on his hips doing his best to be intimidating. “My name is Quaritch and I would like to know where Jake Sully is right now.” He said. “Yes.” You say and he was confused. “What?” He bluntly said and the ends of your lips lifted up slightly. “Yes, you would like to know where Jake Sully is, don't you?” You say and his jaw clenched. “Funny kid, real funny but if you don’t answer me we might have to start cutting parts off ya’.” He said and your little smirk faded to a cruel frown. “Well, I mean,” he said, touching your back, “other parts.”
You look at him and down at the ground wondering how he knows. “I know what your thinking “How did he know'' well it’s not hard finding stuff out about Pandora's dangers, and you are at the very top of that list, you know, all those years ago you would of been what 10 when those humans got there, and when you finally trusted them that boy cut your wings off boy did you rack up a body count, I mean what kind of monster would do that, I mean I’ve done some stuff, but that, that, was something else.” He jabbed and jabbed at every possible angle. “Well, I guess you won't?” He said, wiping his hands off. He walked off and to the door. “Guess we will have a little chat with your friend then.” He said pounding a code into the keypad next to the door, the door opened and he left you.
Your leg shakes up and down as you listen to his heavy footsteps get fainter and fainter until there is nothing. Immediately getting you walk over to the door putting your hand on it green smoke covers it and it shatters, stepping over it and into some glass you ignore the jabbing on the pad of your feet and pick up your pace as you hurry down the hallway, you checked every room and no Tsireya, there was only one door left and you prayed to the Great Mother that she was in here. Shattering this door you heard an all too familiar yelp. Tsireya saw it was you and her scared tears turned into happy tears but soon back to scared as two guards came up behind you, jumping at you.
But you were quick to act jumping out of the way as they knocked into trying to collect themselves. You wave your hand in front of their faces, green smoke surrounding your hands and their eyes close as they land on the ground, peacefully sleeping, well not so peaceful but still, sleeping. Tsireya had stronger skin than you so she stepped over the glass with no puncture of her skin which you kind of envied because of the cuts all over you feet but you focused on something greater than silly little cuts on your feet: getting out of here alive.
You grabbed Tsireya’s hand guiding her to the only entrance and exit of the hallway. And it led into another hallway, finally you made it to the real exit. You poked your head out and saw one woman, waving your hand as she fell asleep. Tip toeing around her. Making it to the door labeled, “Pandorian Artifacts’ you and Tsireya enter it only to have made it yet another hallway and you were getting irritated you just wanted to get out of there. This hallway had windows and out one stood all of your birds. “Thank you Great Mother.” You say opening the window letting the four birds, who luckily got away, they all land on your shoulders smothering you in love, chirping about how they thought that you were a goner. You look over to Tsireya and she had a smile on her lips, “Okay, okay we can reconcile when we are safe and need you guys to get everyone, everyone.” You say and they all straighten their wings and look at each other and then at you nodding their necks up and down once as they say goodbye to you once more as they fly out into the window all splitting in four different directions.
“What'd you tell them to do?” Tsireya asked as you began walking again. “They are getting help.” You say and you pass the last door and your back shoots straight up and you gasp as a chilling fever runs down you. “Is something wrong?” A concerned Tsireya asked. You look at the door and you have something fighting to open it, you reach your hand over touching the silver nob, cold and heavy in your hand, your heart raced as you turned it and you could have sworn the air and the world around you stopped when you pulled it open and revealed wings, huge wings encased in a glass box, they were brown in color with shades of gold when the light finally hit it, and the jagged cuts around the ends from where they were removed. It had to be a dream you decided so you bring your hand to the glass touching it flinching when it shattered under your touch. Shaking the glass that hit your hand off you look back at the wings letting your finger finally, finally touch the feathers you smiled at. It hadn't been a dream after all. Before anything could happen Tsireya gasped pushing you into a closet.
You couldn’t see but you heard, “Where’s your friend?” A man asked, no response. “No answer. It’s fine, your more than dead anyways.” He said snatching her and dragging her.
Jake and the Metkayina they finally made it to the ship, soldiers guarded the ship from above, probably more within not to mention the scientist inside. Jake’s eyes scan the ship searching for any sign of you and Tsireya, none. One person he unfortunately noticed was Miles Quaritch. He reached for his earpiece as he began talking, his eyes finally saw Tsireya being dragged out and in front of him still no you. Tsireya was passed to Quaritch and he began to speak, “Well, Sully.” He began, “It always circles back doesn’t it, you killed me, now I’m going to kill you.” He said. “Also I didn’t take you for an animal lover Sully, you know that thing with the horns and scars on her back, yeah she did a number on my ship and right now I got men looking for her and before I kill you I'm going to dismember her in front of you.” He said and Jake's breath quickened and he looked up at Neytiri on her ikran who had a look of panic for you and hatred for Quaritch as he held onto Tsireya.
“So this is how it will go,” Quaritch began again. “You’ll give yourself up and I’ll let this girl go and almost everyone else.” He said and Jake looked down from Quaritch and everyone else. He made his mind up. Placing his gun to his side and letting his tsurak pull forward and as Quaritch got his shot ready the boat shaked. Quaritch fell and before he could get up again it shook again. And then from the north side of the boat split open green smoke emerging out of it and then wings. Jake’s eyes widen before a smile breaks out on his face as he looks at Neytiri. But it quickly shut down when he saw a swarm of birds and then, Toruk.
You floated in the air as Vìrtì and the rest floated to you; they were out of breath and quickly chirped things between end gasps. “I know I’ll tell you guys later just did you tell him what to do.” You ask and Wìsey being the only one to answer with a quiet yes. And you smile and then you see the Metkayina and Toruk headed to the ship. You flew down and helped the Metkayina get to Tsireya. You put most of the soldiers to sleep not wanting to do more harm than done. Your wings flapped the water around the ship, making sure that the boat shook, keeping them off their feet. You made it to Tsireya and then you saw her ilu. Running over to her you jump in the water. “You got them back.” She said as she mounted her ilu and connected her kuru. “I got them back.” You reply and all of the Metkayina surround you and Tsireya making sure she’s okay.
“You guys get back to the village. Make sure everyone is safe and accounted for.” You tell them and they rude make and you say your farewells to Tsireya and then to the boat Toruk snatched the boats sides off many fell and you flew to him and he hissed at you and you put your hands up bowing your head to him and he bares his teeth at you for defense. “You may go home, you have helped more than enough.” You say to him and he hides his fangs bowing his head before turning back, meeting with Jake before flying off into Pandora.
And then you saw the Sullys, all of them, on the boat, fighting. “This family doesn’t know how to stay put.” You whisper to yourself as you watch Neteyam and Neytiri finish off most of the soldiers but one catches your eyes and before you could react your wing reaches over them and a bullet penetrates your wing and you hold back the gruttal scream that threatens to come out. “Are you okay?” You ask and before anything happens water begins to fill the boat everyone but Jake and Quaritch jump off.
Tuk cried in Neytiri's arms as the boat snuck under the water. Spider looked down in shame as if it was somehow his fault. And throughout your protest Kiri checks your wing. And then by the grace of Eywa Jake was brought back flinging his hands in the water Neteyam and Lo’ak helped him to the surface. Jake coughs and he looks at his son and tears spill from his eyes into his water soaked face. “Sons, I see you.” He says standing up Jake looks at everyone and he smiles holding out his injured side he brings his family and Spider into a hug as you stood to the side. “Our family is safe now.” He said and his eyes peek over to you bringing you over to him, “including you Y/N.” He says hurling you into the hug and it stunned you as you feel the warm embrace of trust.
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@tejas-kris @destinylb @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @xxnessinessiellexx @inutheangel @whos6claire @multi-fandom-rando
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
The monsters gone: Bo Sinclair x gn reader
I wanted to write something where I can comfort my sweet baby girls and I wanted to write for Vincent too. Sorry for not posting as much lately, I've been busy with school, work, and just daily life. Anyway I hope y'all like this, it's pretty short but oh well.
Warnings: Hurt/comfort, mentions of past trauma, Bo needs comfort in this but he doesn't want to ask, Trudy verbally and physically abuses Bo in this
"You are such a disappointment Bo," Trudy Sinclair says to her son. She's pacing around the kitchen while he sits at the table, fighting back tears. He knows crying will only make this worse, "You can't do anything right can you? I mean I should have known better than to get my hopes up on you! You're a failure and I shouldn't be surprised about it!" Trudy has been laying into Bo for ten minutes at this point. All because he got suspended for getting into another fight.
"Mama you don't understand. They were saying all these things to me and I just-" Bo stands up to explain himself and Trudy smacks him across the face. Although he doesn't feel the pain, he still sat back down and rubbed his cheek.
"Don't you ever talk back to me! You understand Bo?" He nods and she crosses her arms, "I swear I don't know what to do with you sometimes! When your father gets home you're in for it you little shit! All I did was love and care for you growing up but you never appreciated that! You're ungrateful and spoiled!" Bo has to look away from his mother for a moment. Unable to look her in the eye any longer.
"You look at me when I'm talking to you young man!" Trudy yells at him. He looks back up only to find his mothers face made of wax, slowly melting off her face and exposing red oozing muscles and blood underneath. Bo tries to scream but nothing comes out. He tries to pull away but his wrists and ankles are bound to the chair again. The leather straps sealed with duck tape. Blood pours from his wrists and he looks back in horror at his mother's slowly melting off wax face.
Bo shoots up in bed, his hair, face, and chest plastered with sweat. It takes him a few moments to really look around the room and understand he was just having a nightmare. He finally calms down when he sees your sleeping figure laying on the other side of the bed. He takes a deep breath and gets out of the bed, walking over to the bathroom. He takes a wash cloth and wipes off all of the sweat on his face and some of his hair. He looks in the mirror and tries to ground himself in the moment.
Eventually he comes back to the bedroom and gets back into bed. He looks over at you laying on your side, your back to him and he pulls you closer to his chest. You make a small noise and stir a bit. Bo only holds on tighter.
"What's wrong honey?" You ask quietly, barely even above a whisper. Bo presses a feather light kiss to your shoulder and shuts his eyes.
"Just had a bad dream is all. Go back to sleep, nothing is wrong." You shift again and roll over onto your other side. You wrap your arms around Bo. Either not noticing or not caring about the sweat that's on his chest. You rest your chin on his shoulder and begin to rub his back.
"You know I love you right?" You're met with a small nod, "I know you don't like talking about whatever bad dreams you have and I don't want to force you into telling me about them. But just know that I love you and I'm here if you ever need to talk." Bo nods again, letting a few tears fall from his eyes.
"I love you too honey."
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liminsendhelp · 6 months
Don't pet the flea cat
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Tags: slight description of reader (chubby, muscular, strong, denying gender as a concept), possibly slightly sociopathic/autistic reader, profanity, denial of authority, evil scientist on the way to becoming.
tags and warns are the same as in the last post, srry, I don't have time to make it more civilized and readable
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
The draft work plan, as well as the topic, was approved a week ago. Dr. Moon didn't see fit to announce it for fear of your reaction. It was a smart move on her part. You'd just push the paperwork, which was wrong, too. After all, what could tell you more about the changing mental and physical state of the fighters than the fighters themselves?
Dr. Moon looked at you menacingly again in the morning. This night you lay down at 4 a.m., knowing you'd be up in two hours so you could intercept your test subjects early.
No interceptions. Dr. Moon smugly tells you that she's already hammered out an agreement for you to meet in person with their chief.
You actively pretend it doesn't bother you. Neither his agreement, nor her interference. Nor the fact that the situation is completely out of control.
Kudos on your paranoia and your irrepressible desire for adventure. You're prepared.
You had nowhere to start your investigation and no time at all. So at night, you tried to accomplish another feat. For the sake of experimentation with the local idiots could be socialized.
Going out for a smoke at three in the morning, you pretended that you couldn't light your lighter. You hoped that at the opposite wall your acting was taken for granted. The recruits on duty, watching you especially hard that night, pulled cigarettes out of their ugly mouths as you got closer.
I wonder if they've killed before or if they're just getting used to blood?
"Got a light?"
The soldier silently held out his hand with a lighter to your cigarette. You responded with a precisely calculated amount of gratitude in a smile so he wouldn't think you were flirting.
You took a couple puffs under their harsh stares. Your neck was starting to itch from the extra attention. You need to finish before you start blushing.
"Can you tell me who I was rude to today?"
You nod. Okay.
You stand in silence until halfway through your cigarette.
"Captain Price." Another voice. Slightly higher and calmer than the first. "You can automatically add to it a list of those who sat at the table with him."
"And the rest of his wives."
Idiotic. Don't get me started, they wouldn't understand anyway.
You sigh, letting the smoke burn your throat before letting it out.
"In my defense, I apologized immediately."
"And still just as rude. You've been sheltered here. We have our rules on our turf."
You look him clearly in the eye for the first time all evening.
"We didn't ask. We were put on the spot, just like your management. That's one. Second, the territory here is not yours, it's theirs. Save your moralizing and lecturing, okay?"
You clamp the smoldering cigarette in your teeth, leaving your hands free. You're not yelling, judging by your tone you're just making conversation.
"I didn't do anything wrong, I even came to make up with you, even though you had nothing to do with the situation at all. So don't get worked up, lady."
The calmest of them all squeezes the shoulder of the guy breathing aggressively in your direction. Nice.
You throw the cigarette butt in the trash can and smile at the soldiers the way you smile at successful death jokes. As you walk away, you don't turn around, feeling your legs grow lighter with each passing second.
The unquenched thirst for the fight they've stirred up in you scrapes beneath your skin.
You do push-ups, squats, standing planks, wanking, brushing your teeth while you wash, and finally expel the unstoppable energy inside you. Closing your eyes you know that tomorrow you'll hate your decision to sleep in rather than spend two hours looking for information.
So at seven in the morning, Dr. Moon looks at your drained face with disapproval, and you stare at your laptop screen with annoyance.
There's no information on this Price guy.
Not even a Facebook page, not even a snippet in some archived newspaper.
You don't have access to local records yet, and--
You have to drink your coffee and take the first flight to the gym.
You think back to your high school days, standing here, behind the Captain's back while he lifts weights.
You're sure he must have sensed your presence, as long-serving military men often do.
But, since he decided to call you here (which by the way, caused you a lot of questions), you'll stare.
"Be polite. First impressions, dear. I beg of you, don't scare them off. The fact that you've been given a chance is already a huge breakthrough." Dr. Moon spoke. All day yesterday, before going out today.
But they already thought you were a stranger, didn't they? They've already seen the obvious fact that you don't fit into the narrow confines of the norm. So why try?
The muscles in his back were encased in a long-sleeved sweatshirt, his legs in loose athletic shorts pulling the fabric taut as he squatted with the barbell on his broad shoulders.
God, is that monster pumping his ass?
You snicker as he finishes his approaches. He catches your shameless stare in the mirror-you have nothing to hide. Let him not think you're better than you are.
His smirk lifts the neat bush on his face called a beard. He looks like a walrus.
You picture him in the shoes of that poor guy from 'Tusk' as the Captain wipes the sweat from his face with a towel.
"You're not in the database. I mean in yours, the institute's. You know about that?"
You don't answer, continuing to watch him walk. He reaches for the water bottle, apparently leaving you room to respond. You reluctantly take his offering.
"I cut myself out of it."
"Hacker, huh?" He grins skeptically.
His demeanor only triples your opinion of his treatment of you as entertainment. You bite your lip from the inside out, chewing on a piece of skin a little harder to taste the tang of blood.
"Can't find you either."
"Have you gotten to ours yet?"
"Negative, Captain." Blue eyes sparkle approvingly.
"Talked to someone, though. Good. I wouldn't have hoped so, given your performance the day before yesterday."
You remain calm. Expectedly, you need to settle things definitively now.
"I don't like the attention. I get nervous, I get creative. I find it easier to talk to work, not people." A little acting, a little honesty, a little understatement. He probably won't dig any deeper.
You step away from the wall, handing him a thin folder. There are literally two sheets in it, one of which is the cover page.
"A more detailed work plan, if you agree. I understand you'll be here for a couple more weeks." He pulls away from the text and looks into your eyes with a mute question. Even though he likes your idea, he's still deeply unconvinced of you himself. You flip to the first page and point your finger to the bottom corner. Right under Dr. Moon's signature.
"Name, yes."
That's the payoff. A little information about you in exchange for your cooperation. Never mind that he could have gotten your name just by asking the guys who let you into the base a couple months ago. Or even easier, by approaching Dr. Moon directly, she wasn't exactly hiding, all loud and stern and friendly.
But, now that you've told him the name like that, like you're apologizing... He's gonna go along with this project, right?
"How's it gonna go down?"
Oh, yeah, like a sweetheart.
It's not going exactly as expected. You had hoped that, after yesterday's brainstorming session with Dr. Moon, where she criticized you to the hilt, your work wouldn't be questionable for at least some of the required research points. But, you argue while you walk to the shower, argue while he washes, argue through the locker room door.
You're easily obsessed. Work in particular.
And when someone tries to cut your already flawed work list down to two items, you can't stop. All calm goes to hell.
Although, it's worth noting that the Captain's not as hard-headed as you'd expect. It's like he's genuinely interested in getting results.
Why, then, is he trying to take the tool away from you?
You've been sitting in his office for an hour. You've finally gotten the real reason out of him for refusing certain interviews, certain data from the archive, and the amount of time to talk to you.
If you give in to him, you'll be left with two days of interviews, unable to observe his fighters or communicate with them outside of the interview on the officially approved form. Moreover, he's not willing to give you access to official paperwork other than medical records for the last seven years.
And you're not willing to do that. You're not a fortune teller. You can't take information off the top of your head. You're already conceding on your own, unable to verify everyone's word on a polygraph, and unlikely to be able to get videotapes of their interactions over the years within the walls of the base. For all that, you're delineated by geographic boundaries. Both facilities and countries.
And so, you can be lied to, miscommunicated, kept out, overlooked, disregarded, uncooperative, not tolerated for more than two days, and even with all of that....
"What do you mean they won't let you talk?"
"He won't, your max is his medical records. And that, he's cleaning up his information too."
Okay. Minus one. Whoever this Ghost-guy is. It's all the same.
"I need three days for an interview. I'm willing to chase you and your boys all over the place, But I need more time." You watch him scratch his chin. "Tell me who I don't need to approach and..."
"You won't believe this, missy, they're not exactly sociable either. It's easier to name the ones who won't be stressed by your meddling. Two days will be more than enough."
It was starting to smell like shit.
"How many."
No yelling. No emotion. He's just probing you. Putting a price on you.
"Okay. Five people then, but a day each."
He whistles. His eyes sparkle like he's watching a lumbering animal. In that shitty uniform of his and his gleeful confidence. Santa fucker on steroids.
"Or, you give me three days and a group of fifteen men."
"What makes you think that..."
"Oh, I roughly understand how this works. You have a core squad and those who are on the backup. You can keep my head, but leave the tails. I need more data." Toward the end of your sentence, you speed up, biting your tongue to keep from saying too much.
"We're not in the bazaar."
The wrinkles in the corners of his eyes smooth out a little.
"And I'm not haggling. Ten fighters. Two days."
"Okay, what about the archives?"
"Nothing. You're not getting them."
"Put a watcher on me! Have someone control what I look at and what I report."
"There's no such person, missy. They're all busy."
"One day. I don't have to eat, I don't have to get out of my seat. Just the paperwork."
"Do you think a watcher can do that too?"
"I thought the military are supermen, sir, aren't they?" You say it so seriously that he's almost ready to start answering the question. Instead, he relaxes again, letting out a chesty chuckle.
"You'll need more days. At least one to organize all that pile of information."
"I'm a child of the internet. It'll all fall into place in my head."
Price is looking at it, pricing it. You can hear the hands of the clock on his desk ticking. Your gut feeling is that it's about 9:00 in the morning. Give or take an hour, over your argument you weren't really keeping track of time.
"I'll give you three days. But from five to seven in the morning and maybe in the evening. With a condition."
"All ears."
What does he want? For you to do a backflip?
"You'll be eating in the common room this week."
"It's a prerequisite. If you're working with me, it's not appropriate for you to chase your mentor to carry your own food."
"It's not a matter of business. Don't think I'm going to consider it extra time for data collection. I'm not going to talk to them while they're eating. Suddenly they'll choke and I'll be charged with state treason."
"That's not the point. You want this to work out, don't you? Then don't separate yourself from them. They'll tell you more, and they'll give me less to think about. You come with me after morning at the archives, sit at the same table with us, explain to the guys what this is all about. If they agree to cooperate on their own, I won't interfere."
It sounded reasonable, actually. But you couldn't escape the feeling that he was just bossing you around.
"Coming with you so the other soldiers can smother me with a pillow out of jealousy?"
"I go to training from seven to eight. Suppose I took the little scientist under my mighty wing, eh? Besides, that's the way it is so far."
"Thinking of killing my sleep, then my body, and then my soul while I try to talk to your sharks?"
"I'm considered a worse shark than they are, and you're doing a great job so far."
You clench your fists under the table, bite your cheek, lean back, rub your face, and sigh. The blue of his stupid eyes hover on the back of your eyelids.
"You look like a walrus." You quietly bleat into your palms on your face. He laughs.
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newobsessioneveryweek · 4 months
The Sherman x Connor art I promised to the homie in my ask box
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I made a second one where he's smiling instead
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This is unprecedented behaviour. I've never drawn ship art for anything except established and well-loved canon ships like Percabeth and Hyapollo. But I have a duty to my people (the people being those who are attached to unpopular characters). So here you go! There will most likely be more in the future.
Okay this is like--humm pshh-- chapter 8 of the Sherman and Connor fic I created while looking for pose references for the ship. Spoiler for the fic that literally has nothing but a rough outline: they start out hating each other :3
If you don't want me to continue blabbing about my possibly-to-be-written fic you are more than welcome to move along 🙈 I'm just excited.
Beginning of my blabbing
So, in the beginning, when Connor (9) and Travis (11) get to camp Sherman (10) is kind of a dick and taunts and makes fun of them a lot. Basically, he's a bully. And Connor, in this AU at least, is kind of an angry child because of his past and takes the rage bait when it's handed to him. For weeks they just go at each other, throwing out insults, yelling at each other, sometimes even throwing a punch or two. And then one day at the dining pavilion during lunch Sherman throws out a particularly hurtful comment and Connor gets pissed and just starts beating the shit out of him. It gets so bad they have to be physically restrained and Chiron calls them both to his office.
While they're there, Chiron gives them a talking to about team work and being civil with one another because demigods needed to have each other's backs in case they need to fight a common enemy and yadda yadda yadda. He orders that they build a better relationship and spend some time with each other... Over the month of chores they are now assigned together.
After their first day of chores during which they simply worked in silence Sherman follows Connor to the woods against his wishes. It's awkward for a bit before Sherman asks why they're in the woods. Connor tells him that he likes being away from everyone and tells Sheman to leave. Sherman obviously stays and keeps talking. He asks why he'd rather be alone than around his friends and Connor says that he has a hard time being comfortable around anyone besides Travis. Sherman asks why. Cue ✨par-for-the-course tragic backstory✨! Sherman realises now why his comment at lunch was uncalled for and apologises. Connor forgives him and Sherman tells him how he got to camp and they bond over their equally shitty backgrounds and form a tentative friendship.
So we've arrived at enemies to friends so far :3
Now, fast forward 5 years! They train together in their free time. They're sparring, one stumbles causing the other to trip as well. They're on the ground, face to face... Nothing happens. At least not on the outside :] they get up, dust themselves off, say goodbye and leave, now with stirring feelings 👀
Fast forward to the Battle of the Labyrinth, book 4. They're talking about the coming war and Connor talks about how he feels he wont survive and that he hopes Travis doesnt miss him too much. Sherman is upset that he's not concerned about him missing him but doesn't say anything because it's not about him. Connor says that he wishes he could be as good a fighter as Sherman so he could be more useful. Sherman doesn't take well to his self deprecation because Connor IS a good figter. Sherman himself helped train him. He yanks Connor by the arms and tells him this very passionately. Then ✨realisation✨ happens and he notices how closely he's holding Connor and Connor realises how closely Sherman is holding him and they both get flustered and Sherman lets go and Connor looks at anything but him and Sherman feels silly and apologises and Connor says its totally okay then says thank you for the encouragement and AHHHH!!
Fast forward a bit to the actual battle. Connor gets hurt really badly and Sherman frantically calls out for one of the healers. That's a scene I am itching to draw. Just thought I should mention. Moving on!
While Connor is in the infirmary he has a nightmare that involves Sherman either being killed or recruited by Luke. I haven't decided yet. He wakes up panicked and leaves the infirmary. Guess where he goes. Go on, guess. So he starts pounding on the Ares cabin door, hoping Sherman will answer. Sherman does. Once he sees that and the relief sets in, his injuries and the exhaustion catch up to him and he collapses. Sherman kneels in front of him and tries to calm him down. Connor tells him the dream and Sherman tries to reassure him that he's fine and will still be there when the war ends. He takes him back to the infirmary. Whether he goes back to his own cabin or stays there has yet to be decided.
Fast forward to the chariot discourse with the Ares and Apollo cabins. Clarisse has refused aid. Connor is begging Sherman to talk sense into her. Sherman says there's nothing he can do, Clarisse is resolute. Connor is literally pleading with him because if the Ares cabin doesn't join the fight they could lose everything and people will die. Connor will die. They're both close to crying because Sherman can't betray his cabin and Connor can't lose more of his friends because of this. Sherman says that he wants to fight but if he does he could lose his siblings' trust. Connor says that if he doesn't fight Sherman will lose his trust and now there are tears. Connor feels bad but doesn't back down from his stance. Instead he hugs Sherman and continues to beg him to talk to Clarisse. I haven't figured out how to end that scene. Stay tuned.
Fast forward to the end of the Battle of Manhattan. On their way to Long Island the "I have feelings for you" scene happens and they have their happy ending kiss before they cross the border to camp :]
The End!
There will most likely be an epilogue.
End of blab :3
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
It’s a shame that we’re not soul mates
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader (though this is all backstory)
Summary: “Grief is an amputation, but hope is incurable hemophilia: you bleed and bleed and bleed.” - David Mitchell, Slade House [5.0k]
Warnings: if you’ve been reading this far, you know what to expect
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"Janey, be careful!" You say, even though she's already on top of the counter. You put a hand on her back to stabilize her, but she wiggles out of your grasp.
"I got it." She says as she reaches up and grabs a bowl once her knees are steady against the counter. She hands it to you and jumps down carelessly, making you flinch with phantom knee pain. She giggles at your reaction as she moves back to the half-made dinner she's helping you with. 
"Stressin' me out, homegirl." 
"I'm trying to help!" She defends, and you laugh as you hand her the spoon to stir the pasta. 
"Well, you can help by stirring this," you pass off the responsibility, and she groans. If you didn't know better, you'd say she was eight going on eighteen with the way she rolls her eyes and grumbles under her breath. It's mostly funny only because you remember being the same way to your mom. "Do you have homework we need to work on tonight?" You ask as you pass behind her to grab some cheese from the fridge. Thank God for smugglers with good connections. 
"No, I already did it while I was waiting for you to pick me up." She says with enough sass in her voice for you to give her a look. She raises her eyebrows in a silent challenge, and you laugh.
"I said I was sorry, little judgy pants," you bump her out of the way with your hip so you can grab the boiling pot and carry it over to the strainer. "I had to talk to someone about work, and it took longer than I thought it would."
It's not a total lie. Lee had warned you the next shipment wouldn't come until a little more than a month after your last one. He gave you an update to let you know that smugglers from nearby would be ready to trade by tomorrow. You don't tell her you were also helping Lee move weapons. There's been a void since you killed the top weapons dealer in the QZ. "Somebody's gotta fill it," Lee reasoned as he opened boxes upon boxes of FEDRA-level armory. He doesn't seem to have any qualms about taking over a dead man's position, and you silently question just how real the hit order was. No one besides Fireflies were publicly executed that week, and no one mentioned anything about a grieving brother pushed to madness. 
Still, that money allowed you to take a month off to be with Jane. You got to wake her up to a homemade breakfast and walk her to and from school. You got to help her with her homework and sneak up to the roof to look at the stars like you did before QZs and gunfire. You got to feel like an active mother for once in your life. So maybe a little white lie on Lee's end isn't the end of the world? Besides, you got a good amount of ammunition, two new guns, and a switchblade out of his new venture. There are worse things.
Jane eyes you suspiciously at the mention of work but doesn't have time to say anything before the front door opens. You jump a little until your eyes settle over Adam and the excited glint in his eyes. His hair has gotten long in the past month, and it curls delicately over his forehead. Jane yells his name as she runs over to him and hugs him tightly. You can't stop the smile from tugging at your lips at the sight. Despite whatever relationship you two have, he's really great with her.
"Hey! How was your day, Janey girl?" He asks, crouching to her level with one hand behind his back. 
"Good! I ate lunch with Lucy!" She says, and he laughs.
"I know. I saw you guys in the lunch room," he says as he glances at you. You nod and pull a third bowl from the cabinet to keep the peace. "Hey, I've got a surprise for you and your mommy."
"Really? What is it?" Jane asks. Adam looks at you again before bringing the hand behind his back into view. Jane squeals and jumps up and down at the small radio in his hand. It's the most excited you've seen her get about anything in a long time. You laugh as you come up behind her and put your hands on her shoulders. "Mommy, it's a radio! We can listen to music again!" 
"I see. What do you say to Adam?"
"Thank you!" She says as she throws her arms around him. 
"You're welcome, honey." He says, rubbing her back. Over her shoulder, he meets your gaze, and you smile sincerely. 
"Thank you." You mouth silently, and he nods. 
Once the excitement dies down, the three of you scoop heaps of pasta into your bowls and sit at the table. You only own three dining chairs, but it's probably for the best. If you had an extra one, the space would feel too big. Three feels like a good number. Together, you exchange stories about your day and conversations with others. Jane tells you about the latest playground drama and how she's the fastest writer out of anyone in her class. There's no mention of FEDRA or Infected. Even when yelling rings out in the street, you go silent until it stops, and then it's back to the safety of your dining room. 
After everyone is full, you and Jane wash the dishes while Adam helps dry and put them away. It's always the first thing you do after dinner because they'll never get done if you don't wash the dishes immediately. Then, with Jane's help, Adam tunes into a crackly radio station playing a song you recognize. Jane deems the late 90's tune "weird" but dances along nevertheless. She laughs breathlessly when you pick her up and spin around the kitchen with her in your arms. You bounce between doing silly dance moves individually and holding hands as you dance. For ten perfect minutes, the upbeat songs of a lifetime ago echo in your kitchen, and the three of you dance like this is how things were always meant to be.
When a slower song comes on, you scoop Jane up again, and she wraps her legs around your waist so you two can sway together. It's a position you've been in so many times in your shared life. So much so that Jane didn't even question it when you grabbed her. The night of your senior prom, you stayed home with your flu-ridden toddler and slowly danced until she fell asleep in your arms. You'd dance with her at friends' weddings while everyone else danced with their partners. Whenever either of you had a tough day, you'd dance in the kitchen as a gentle reminder that you had each other, no matter what. This is the first time you've gotten to dance to actual music in years. You fight your tears and manage a smile whenever Jane picks her head up from your shoulder to look at you.
"Mommy, Adam doesn't have anyone to dance with." She whispers, and you meet Adam's eyes from where he sits at the kitchen table.
"Do you wanna dance with him?" You whisper back, and she shakes her head. "Do you want me to dance with him?" She nods. You take a deep breath as Jane wiggles out of your arms and walks over to Adam. He looks confused as he stands but still takes her hand whenever she holds it out for him. Then, so politely it hurts, she walks him over to you and slips his hand into yours. He freezes, so you take the lead, sliding your hands over his shoulders until they lock behind his neck. He gently places his hands on your waist and begins moving with you. 
"I'm not gonna bite." You mumble, and he grins as he takes a step closer. His body is warm against yours, and he smells like the good soap you smuggle in. It's a comfort to have him so close. Something you've never realized before. Sure, having someone to help deal with your frustrations was comforting, but this is different. Somehow, this feels more intimate than sex. The circles he rubs into your hips don't help you shake the feeling. The song ends with little fanfare, but you linger in his arms until Jane tugs on your arm to dance to Kurt Cobain's sputtering voice. 
You stay up dancing until well past Jane's bedtime, and she's all but nodding off in your arms as you carry her to bed. You kiss her temple, carefully lay her in bed, and pull the covers over her body. She stretches and shifts in the new environment, and her eyes blink open. "Can we dance again tomorrow night?" She asks, snuggling into her pillow, and you nod.
"Whatever you want, baby." 
"Awesome." She yawns before rolling over and falling asleep. You laugh to yourself as you tuck her in and kiss her head again. Adam is lingering in the kitchen, his hands in his pockets, when you come back out and shut Jane's door quietly. He smiles as you approach him and looks between you and the radio.
"Bought it off some FEDRA officer who said he couldn't get any signal from it anymore. Pretty sure he thought I was gonna sell it for parts." He answers your silent question.
"Why didn't you?" You ask, and he shrugs.
"Felt wrong," he says simply. "Besides, I think kitchen dances are a much better use than scrapping it." You nod in agreement as you kiss him. He's caught off guard for a moment before he kisses you back like you're made of porcelain. His hands find your waist and pull you closer for the sole purpose of being closer to you, and you let him. There's no rush, nowhere to go, no anger. It's just you and the soft press of his lips. 
"Thank you," you whisper, leaning your forehead against his.
"For what?" He asks, breathless.
"Making her smile." His Adam's apple bobs at your words, but he doesn't say anything. He just kisses you again. For once, you let him unbutton your shirt, lead the way back to your bed, and take his time. His hands are soft against your skin and draw all the breathiest noises from you. You try not to hide from him like you usually do. You even let him fall asleep next to you once you're done, chests heaving in tandem. It's nice. It's more than a comfort. The fuzzy, warm, confusing feeling in your head scares the shit out of you as you watch him sleep next to you. 
He doesn't need to see me— all of me— just yet. Let me live in this a little longer, you think, as the sun rises. You slide out from under his arm seamlessly and begin getting ready in the quietest way possible. You're supposed to meet the smugglers before noon, and the walk is long for both of you. You should leave sooner rather than later. You're fully dressed with your boots and backpack on when your rickety drawer stirs Adam awake. You freeze as he shuffles until his eyes open to you, one hand on your gun and the other on the edge of the bed to keep you balanced. 
"Are you going on a run?" He asks, his voice gravelly and thick with sleep. You think about lying about the shipment or telling him Lee needs you for something. You think about not answering at all and just leaving. But then, you remember the lightness in his body as you danced in the kitchen and the way he shivered under your touch. 
"It won't take long. I'll be home before Jane even gets out of school."
"We're supposed to go together."
"Adam," you start, but he sits up before you can finish.
"No, this wasn't a part of the deal. You were supposed to tell me about the next drop so we could go together. You said you'd show me." He says, and you sigh. The betrayed look in his eyes presses on a bruise deep in your heart, and you have to look away. You grab your gun and put it back together, hitting the magazine with the palm of your hand.
"The group I'm meeting with doesn't like strangers. If they see you, they could freak out and start shooting," you say. "I'm not going to put you in that position."
"But you're fine with that possibility?” He snaps as you tuck your gun into your waistband. 
"Please, just stay here. I can handle them myself." 
"No," he stands his ground. "No. I'm not letting you go alone. Do you know how fucking scary it is to watch you walk out that door, not knowing if you're gonna come home? Even before I knew you were smuggling, I was always scared. When you were late last time, I almost went out there looking for your body." You knew he often stayed up to make sure you got home in one piece, but you didn't know he was ready to go out looking for you. He's probably the only other person who would notice if you went missing. You feel like you could choke on your shame.
"I didn't know that." 
"Because we don't talk. We fight, and we fuck, and that's it. Last night was the first time I felt..." he trails off, shaking his head. Of the two of you, Adam has always been more in touch with his thoughts and feelings than you have, which makes sense considering most of your day is spent in survival mode. "Last night was the first time I felt like you actually wanted me around." He says, and you take a deep breath. You slide your backpack off your shoulder and perch on the edge of the bed, grabbing his hand. 
"Hey, look at me," you urge, squeezing his hand. You only continue when he lifts his head. "I do want you around, okay? Not just for Jane or because it's convenient but because..." You fumble with the words, and Adam scoffs, pulling away.
"You can't even say it." 
"I don't care what happens to me," you say suddenly, getting his attention. "I don't want you to go with me because I don't care what happens to me or what I have to do to come home. I'm reckless and dangerous and don't hang out with good people because I'm not a good person. And I'm scared you'll leave the second you realize that and try to take Jane with you." You blame the years of guilt and dishonesty in your veins for the word vomit, but seeing how his face contorts makes you feel like you could actually vomit. You look away, but his hand on your jaw turns you to look at him again. "If you're here while I'm there, that's the best way to keep you safe." 
"Who keeps you safe?" he mumbles. "Please, let me help you. Just this one time. Please." You know you're going to lose the argument. You feel it. You can scream and push him away, but you won't win. 
"Can you handle a gun?" You ask, and he chuckles.
"Yeah, I can handle a gun."
"I've never seen you carry." 
"It's not the most appropriate thing to bring to school." He says, and you take a shaky breath as you stand and walk over to your closet. You spin the combination on the safe until it pops open to reveal rounds of ammo and another handgun. You make sure the safety is flipped before releasing the magazine and pull back the slide to eject the bullet left in the chamber. 
"Can you handle something like this?" You ask, holding the grip out for him to grab. He takes it and turns the cold metal over, inspecting all the grooves and indentions with reverence. He nods after a moment, and you nod back. You hand him the magazine and watch him shove it into the gun. "If you're really gonna do this, you listen to me. You don't wander. You don't talk to anyone unless I talk to them first. You don't pull your gun until I pull mine. Even then, you don't shoot until I do. Do you understand?" Your voice sounds like it does when you're talking to Lee. Mechanical, robotic, mean. Adam takes it in stride, only blinking at you. 
"I understand." He agrees.
"Let's go, then." 
While Adam gets dressed, you go to Mrs. Carmichael's apartment and ask her to take Jane to school. Being retired with no living children frees up her schedule pretty nicely, so she agrees. You give her the same rundown you've given Adam a million times, and she nods along, listening intently. "And just... tell Jane I love her, and I'll pick her up after school." You say.
"Oh, honey, of course. We'll have a great morning! You go on to work." She says, and you smile as Adam steps out of the apartment. You hug Mrs. Carmichael and thank her quickly before leaving the building and walking out to the street. You're silent the whole way to Lee's building, where he gives you the stuff you're trading, and you grab some full magazines from your cache under the floorboards. 
"Since when did Golden Boy start coming with you on drops?" Lee whispers as you stuff the bullets in your backpack. You glance over your shoulder to look at an otherwise oblivious Adam and shake your head.
"This is a one-time thing. He twisted my arm." 
"C'mon, nobody twists your arm. What do you owe him?" 
"Drop it, Lee." You seethe, and he rolls his eyes. 
"Fuck you, too." He mumbles as he walks away, but you don't take it personally. You're sure he'll do nothing but sing your praises when you return this afternoon, or that's your hope, at least. After bidding Lee a semi-forced goodbye, you and Adam continue on your way. He stays quiet when you pass through the Areas and under the wall. As you get further and further away from the QZ, Adam will turn around to check the distance like he can't believe he's actually outside the walls. His eyes light up when he sees how nature has taken over the city you once recognized, like this is a field trip.
Meanwhile, your anxiety is off the charts. Every little sound has you reaching for your gun and whipping your head around to identify the source. If this were a normal day, Adam might make fun of you for being so jumpy. "Lighten up a little," he'd probably say. "We've made it this far." But he doesn't say anything. He watches you work and listens when you warn him of falling into craters or teach him how to avoid Infected. Overall, you have to give him props for actually following your instructions, and you make it to the old Shell station in record time. 
"Do you trust these people?" Adam asks as you lean against the crumbling wall of the gas station and wipe sweat from your brow. 
"Trust is a big word for people like this," you say as he settles next to you. "But, yeah. For the most part, they're honest people who're just trying to feed their families."
"How many groups of smugglers are there?" 
"Probably hundreds. I deal with five or six from different QZs to get what I need. Some are small, like Lee and I, and others are a huge network of people. It's hard to know just how many are out there."
"And how long have you been smuggling?" He finally asks, and you take a deep breath as you kick at a rock under your foot. 
"Since we moved into the apartment. I tried doing the shitty FEDRA jobs for a while, but it just wasn't enough money. I was desperate, and there was a need for people willing to go over the wall, so it just made sense. Lee found me about a year into my smuggling and took me in. Helped me actually turn a profit and get Jane some new clothes or better food. I owe him a lot." You say, remembering how you went hungry for days so Jane could eat. They say a hungry dog is the most dangerous, and you're living proof. 
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks, his voice soft and sympathetic like he would done anything to change the past if he could. You shake your head and pick at your cuticles.
"Cause I didn't want to look weak. I'd spent the last five years keeping our heads above water and keeping her safe, and then... it was all ripped away. I didn't ask for help when I was sixteen, and I sure as shit wasn't gonna start at twenty-one." 
"Someone should've been there to help you," he says. "Matt should've stayed."
"I don't know. I think we turned out alright." You shrug off his sincerity and push off the wall to walk a little way out, leaving him and the conversation by the wall. You don't want to talk about Matt. Not to him. Not ever and never more than you have to to answer Jane's questions about the amorphous blob that is her father. "Where are they?" You ask, mostly to yourself, as you look around in either direction. Adam comes up next to you with either a question or an apology on his lips, but the sound of footsteps jerks you away from him.
"Help me, please." A man clutching his bloody stomach steps into your path, and you pull your gun and point it at him. Adam stops and looks between you and the stranger, uneasiness passing over him. 
"Stay where you are," you order. The man takes another step, and you cock your gun. "Don't make me repeat myself," Adam mumbles your name, but you shake your head. 
"Please. I'm hurt." 
"What happened?" Adam asks, and you give him a look. "How can we help?" A twig snaps behind you, and you whip around to see five other men surrounding you and Adam. Raiders. There's little to no coverage besides collapsed walls and stray cars. You really hope Adam wasn't lying about his ability to handle a weapon. You fire first, a bullet easily ripping through the distraction's head, before grabbing Adam and diving to hide behind a car. Gunfire rings in your ears as you try to assess where the shots are coming from. You aim under the car and take out two pairs of feet, taking the lethal shot when they collapse to the ground. 
Three left, you think. Three is manageable. You glance over at Adam in time to see one of the raiders gunning for him with a knife. "Duck!" You shout as you raise your gun and fire the shot. Adam barely moves out of the way in time, and you hit the guy's shoulder. Before you can fire the next shot, a pair of arms wraps around you and pulls you from behind the car. You kick and scream as you watch the guy you shot and another raider grab Adam. 
You're not exactly sure what happens next. You know some punches landed on your face, and pain travels through your body. You hear Adam yell for you. You feel someone just barely press a knife into your skin. The rest is a mess of blood and gunshots and ringing in your ears. You think— no, you know— you killed the last three men. The blood on your clothes and staining your hands is enough of a sign. When your eyes land on Adam again, there's blood pouring from the side of his head, but he's upright. He's alive. He rushes toward you, and you have to fight the twitch of your hands from pointing your gun at him. He says something you can't hear, but before you can ask for confirmation, he grabs your hand and runs back towards the QZ. 
He doesn't look back at the bodies you left in your wake, but you do. You have to know you're still here, and they aren't. You have to know you won. 
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The bathroom is quiet as he leans against the sink, struggling to keep himself upright as you dab blood from the cut on his head. Now that the adrenaline has worn off, everything hurts, and your vision blurs in the corners. He groans and winces as you reach for the antiseptic. "I know, I know. I'm sorry." You whisper.
"Just finish it." He says through gritted teeth, and you nod. You pour the clear liquid over his cut and cover it with the rag, keeping him from moving away from you. He curses loudly and shakes under your touch, but after a minute or two, his breathing evens out, and you lift the rag again.
It doesn't need stitches. It'll probably heal over into a scab more than anything else. You don't know if it's a result of the fight or your bullet grazing his head. You don't want to ask. You silently clean his blood and press bandages to the inflamed skin to encourage the wound to close. Worst case scenario, he has a scar no one else knows about but you. It wouldn't be the first.
Once you're done, you carefully push him out of the way so you can wash your hands, and you have to look away as the red spins around the drain before disappearing completely. You scrub at your skin until it's raw and clean. Jane still has another hour left of school. She doesn't need to see the blood on your hands. Adam is the one to turn off the sink and hand you a dry rag to distract you.
"Are you okay?" You ask quietly, hoping he'll avoid the subject of your frenzied hand washing, and he gives you a look. 
"I should be asking you that. You got knocked around more than I did." He says, reaching out to push your hair out of your face to get a better look at your black eye. His hand lingers on your jaw, much too gentle fingers swiping over your skin. Slowly like he's giving you time to pull away, he kisses the bruised skin around your eye. It's too soft, too sweet, too perfect. 
"You don't have to stay," you blurt out. "I got you into this mess. I can clean myself up." 
"I made you take me."
"But I pulled the gun first. I started the fight."
"You also protected me."
"Stop trying to make me the good guy here, Adam," you snap. "This is what I do every fucking day. I killed those guys without blinking, and the next time something like this happens, I'll kill them again because I have a kid at home. And guess what? I'm never even home on time to see her. I'm not a good person." Despite the anger rising in your chest, Adam doesn't flinch. Instead, he takes the towel from your hands and turns the tap to cold, soaking the rag. He presses it under your eye, soothing the swelling heat of your skin. 
"I don't think you're a bad person." He whispers, and you scoff. 
"How can you think that?" You challenge. He takes a big breath and puts the rag down, his eyes scanning your face.
"Because you could've left me to die. Because you could've killed me the first time we kissed, and I wouldn't have blamed you. Because even after years, you still refuse to shit-talk Matt in front of Jane because you don't want her to think you hate him even though you do. Because I've seen you read your daughter bedtime stories and dance with her in the kitchen. Because only good people could create such an amazing human," he says. "And because I know you. I know you on your good days and especially on your bad days. And even when you slam the door in my face and try to make me disappear, I still come back because you are one of the most extraordinary people I've ever met." He's so gentle and patient, and you are so fucking mean to him. 
"I'm not afraid of you." He says, and tears cloud your vision. You stare down at your blood-stained shoes and swallow around the lump in your throat. I am, you think. I'm afraid of me.
"Thank you," you say instead, feigning a smile. He doesn't look like he believes it, but he doesn't say anything. He just pulls you into a big hug and does his best to shield you from your own thoughts. He's warm and sturdy and real. More real than the images floating around in your head and more real than the stinging feeling in your hands. It's nice. "Thank you." You repeat, and Adam nods, believing you a little more than he did the first time. He kisses your hairline, and you feel his lungs expand with a breath.
"We need to be more honest with each other if we're gonna keep doing… whatever it is we're doing," he whispers into your hair. "No more secrets."
"I'd like that," you mumble. "But it's gonna take me some time. I can't... I can't change overnight."
"That's okay. I'll wait." He says, making a piece of you want to collapse into him and cry. You don't. You keep yourself upright and count his heartbeats as his words echo in your mind.
For the first time, you let yourself think about more days wrapped in his arms, protected from your internal war. You imagine nights spent dancing with Jane and kisses that you don't have to hide and mornings where you don't kick him out of bed. You imagine a future. A dangerous, perfect future with him and Jane. If you fight hard enough, you can make it happen, right? You can be enough to keep them alive. You could do it. 
You could stay alive for them.
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