#I hope these tags are alright. im trying to cover my bases
seatail-mc · 9 months
This song kept getting stuck in my head whenever I heard the phrase "Welcome back, Tubbo"
So here you go!
(youtube link here: https://youtu.be/pis79NuJuoU)
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bluebeary-jay · 1 year
Halcyon days
Based on this ask (i was stupid and started writing all this as a new post and not an answer im sorryyy)
Tags: fluff. INSANE amount of tooth-rotting fluff, established relationship, takes place after the events of season 1
Warnings: none? there is swearing and suggestive humor tho ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Word count: ~3K
A/N: My sweet anon I'm sorry that I didn't write the 'looking for a place to sleep' bit but I got carried away with your lovely request and it was already longer than I expected lol. I really hope you like it!! 💕 and thank you for being my first request! 😊
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You shielded your eyes from the sun and shook your hand again, signaling for Joel to take it.
“Come on, you always whine about your back pains. It’ll do you good.”
“You think lyin’ on the cold hard ground will help me with that?” he asked with tongue in cheek.
“It's actually really soft. Come on, give it a try.” You patted the spot next to you, but the man still didn't move, scouting the area around you instead. You sighed heavily. “Alright, if it's too hard for your back I'll let you lay on me. Happy?”
Joel gave you a sultry look and finally intertwined his fingers with yours.
“I can already tell the ground will be really uncomfortable,” he said teasingly in this sexy drawl of his and you squinted at him.
“Sure you can.”
Joel craned his neck before he let himself get pulled down, and cupped his free hand around his mouth.
“Hey, kiddo!” he yelled to Ellie who was squatting near a small creek down the hill you were lying on. “You alright there?!”
“Yeah, yeah!” the girl shouted back, waving to you both. “Don't come down here, yet!”
“Okay! We’ll be right here if you need anything.”
“Sure thing! Just don't start shagging.”
You choked on air and looked in disbelief in the direction of Ellie’s voice, though you couldn't see the teen from where you were lying, as the view was obscured by high grass.
“Christ, this kid is impossible,” you mumbled as Joel sat down next to you with a loud grunt.
“Tell me somethin’ I don’t know. You didn’t hear her giving me so-called ‘relationship advices’ yesterday. And no,” he added when you opened your mouth, “m’not gonna repeat them to you. It was painful enough to have to endure it alone.”
“You know what they say,” you quirked your lips and he sent you a glare.
“I swear to god, if you quote that dumb comic again…”
You snorted, knowing he was saying it with fondness, judging by his tone and a tug of the corners of his lips. Joel shook his head and laid down slowly on the grass, closing his eyes. You cosied up next to him on your stomach and propped your chin on your hands.
For a couple of seconds you just admired his features and slow rise and falls of his chest, enjoying the quiet atmosphere around you and listening to the crickets chirping and birds singing in the tree crowns.
But of course he didn’t let you indulge yourself, because before long he cracked one eye open and sent you a suspicious glance.
“Why’re you staring?”
“You’ve got something on your cheek,” you answered without missing a beat. Joel wiped his face with an irritated look while you tried your hardest not to laugh out loud.
“Is it still there?” he asked, but you winced and tilted your head discontentedly.
“You just smudged it more. Hold on a second.”
He sighed tiredly and closed his eyes again when you shuffled closer, partially draping yourself over his torso. One of his arms automatically encircled your waist to cuddle you up while he kept the other one under his head. You smirked to yourself and took his face between your hands, pretending to hum in focus. After a couple of seconds Joel cracked his eye open and glanced up at you.
“Jesus, I can feel you burning a hole in my skull. Is my head covered in fungi, or something?”
“Not yet,” you joked. “Keep your eyes closed.”
He exhaled heavily again and relaxed under you, totally oblivious to the mischievous smirk on your face. You faked scraping something off his cheek and when you were pretty sure he lowered his guard, you surged forward and quickly gave the bridge of his nose a small peck.
Joel’s eyes immediately snapped open and a surprised – and then delighted – smile spread across his face.
“What are you doin’?”
“Nothing at all,” you answered innocently, but this time you couldn’t hide a sly grin threatening to split your face in half. “I told you you have something on your cheek.”
Joel made a sound of fake acknowledgment and took his other hand from under his head to pull you even closer and on top of himself. You giggled when he nudged your nose with his, trailing his fingers up and down the back of your neck.
“On my cheek, you say?”
“I don’t think you got it, then. You aimed at my nose,” he mused cheekily, making you laugh again.
“Oh, you’re right! Silly me.” You leaned in and kissed his jaw this time, smiling against his facial hair. “Let me…” another kiss, this time on his forehead, “...try again, then…” another, next to his eye, “...just to be sure.”
It wasn’t often that Joel let you (and himself) be so affectionate when you weren’t alone, but you guessed Ellie was far enough that he didn’t worry about it now. Or maybe he was just in a good mood – it happened a lot more often lately.
After everything that transpired in the hospital, you were worried Ellie wasn’t going to believe his version of events and shut herself off, but whether the teen still doubted your and Joel’s words or not, she didn’t seem eager to distance herself from you two.
Which was a damn big relief for you, and even a greater one for Joel – not that he’d ever admit it.
Anyone who would bother to look could see that the man was a lot happier lately. He found his brother, he had you, and he didn’t lose Ellie like you knew he feared. The three of you still went on trips outside of Jackson – or like Ellie liked to call them, ‘spontaneous adventures’ – and this was one of the places you personally liked the most. A secluded meadow with a hill overgrown with flowers and leading down to a small torrent at the base of it. Noone has ever ventured so far beyond the especially-hard-to-cross portion of the river, but the place was worth the effort as it was so beautiful, it looked like it was pulled out of a fairy tale.
Speaking of beautiful, Joel cupped your cheeks and let his warm gaze rove over your face as if he wanted to commit it to memory. You were just about to ask if you had something on your face as well, when he spoke up quietly.
“Do you have any idea how goddamn gorgeous you are?” he asked, brushing the strands of your hair out of your face.
“Stop it,” you snapped back, hiding your face in the crook of his neck, but Joel tsked, guiding your chin to look at you again.
“You are,” he said, sounding almost surprised at how bashful you got, before his lips stretched into a smirk. “Are you just fishin’ for compliments, darlin’? Denyin’ it so that I can praise you more?”
“I’m not!” You laughed at the sheer thought of that and Joel took that opportunity to plant a kiss above your mouth. “If anything, you’re just trying to rile me up and get me to compliment you.”
“Don’t even try,” he warned you seriously, but you just shrugged with a playful expression.
“Well, I have to remind you sometimes how good-looking you are,” you whispered against his lips, smiling brightly when you felt his breathless chuckle.
“Shut up.”
“Not until–”
He cut you off by sliding his hand to the back of your neck and pulling you up carefully so he could kiss you deeply. You smiled into the kiss, knowing very well what he’s doing, but not minding it in the slightest.
“You’re trying to distract me,” you accused him when the two of you parted, but he shook his head and tutted. His thumb was brushing your cheek slowly and your body burned in all places he was touching you. You reminded yourself about Ellie’s words and tried to calm down.
“Nah. You had somethin’ on your face, too, and I wanted to return the favor.”
He was so silly sometimes, you almost couldn’t believe that those hands were capable of anything else than caressing your skin so lovingly.
“Liar,” you whispered, earning yourself a low chuckle.
“I could say the same about you.”
You couldn’t help the squeal that escaped you when he turned you over in a swift motion so that now you were lying on your back with the man hovering above you. Whatever protests you might’ve had, they were swallowed down by Joel’s lips on yours, and you hummed happily at the feeling of his touch.
The two of you took several minutes to enjoy each other’s company to the fullest, planting lazy kisses on your faces and whispering silly words of affection. At one point Joel sighed contently, peppering the edge of your jaw and neck with soft kisses, and then laid his head on your chest. One of his arms snaked around your waist to hug you tighter and he closed his eyes.
You pressed your lips together not to giggle, and started to slowly run your fingers through his hair. He groaned and you felt his muscles relaxing under your touch.
“If you keep doing that, I’m gonna fall asleep,” he murmured and you kissed the crown of his head softly.
“Maybe that’s exactly my plan. You don’t get enough rest.”
“Stop,” he said again, though he didn't make any attempt to pull away or stop you himself. “Someone's gotta keep an eye on everything.”
“I’ll make sure we’re safe,” you shushed him, gently scratching the spot behind his ear, to which he made a sound not unlike purring. You suppressed a smile. “Besides, I’ve never seen an infected around here. The chances of something stumbling upon us…”
“...are much higher if we let our guard down,” he finished, his hand going to the gun lying on the grass on his other side to make sure he could reach it quickly. “I don’t want something to happen to you or Ellie.”
“I know, love,” you whispered, kissing his forehead again, trying to make some of those worry wrinkles disappear. “Just close your eyes for a moment. I’ll make sure nothing happens during this time.”
He sighed again and nuzzled his head more into your chest. “You’re a treasure, darlin’.”
“Obviously,” you murmured in response and felt his chest rumble with quiet laughter. “I love you, you know?”
“Love you, too.” He shook his head lightly, but the smile didn’t fade from his face. “Even though you’re a menace.”
“Shut up and relax already. I’ll stand guard.”
He just grumbled again. You took a deep breath of summer air and looked up to the sky.
You didn’t plan on falling asleep.
Even before you opened your eyes, having registered a tip of a shoe nudging your arm and rousing you from your nap, you felt this terrible, gnawing feeling of guilt and panic. Joel would kill you if…
But no, he was still asleep with his head lying heavily on your chest. You sighed with relief and opened your eyes, squinting at Ellie standing above you.
“Finally! How loud do I have to ‘psst!’ for you to wake up? Jesus, I started to think you both are dead.”
You grumbled and rubbed your eyes. You felt dizzy, but that was always the case when you fell asleep in the middle of the day. It was an hour or so before sunset now, and the field you rested on was bathed in a warm, orange glow.
“Not dead,” you yawned drowsily and nodded at the teen. “What’s up?”
Ellie pointed at Joel. “Wake up the old man.”
You furrowed your brows. “What? Why?”
“Because I want to push you both down the hill,” she whispered in a mocking tone and rolled her eyes when you lifted your eyebrows. “I have something to show you, if you really need to know.”
She did have one of her hands hidden behind her back, so it wasn’t completely unlikely. Still, something about it smelled fishy.
“Why didn’t you wake him up yourself?” you asked in a whisper, too, honestly surprised that you both still had to keep your voices down. Usually the slightest sound woke Joel up, but now he didn’t even stir. Ellie groaned and pointed her hand at you both, like it was obvious.
“Because last time he gave me a bunch of shit about it! And he won’t be mad at you if you do this.”
She had a point, if you wanted to be honest with yourself. Normally you would tease her for it, but lately Ellie rarely acted so secretive and excited, so you decided to humor her this time.
“I’ll blame it on you if he gets angry at me.”
“I’ll really push you down the hill if you do.”
You stick your tongue out at her, which Ellie mirrored, before rolling your eyes and shifting your attention to the man still lying motionlessly on top of you.
“Joel…” you mumbled into his skin, brushing your fingers through his hair lightly. A low grumble issued from his chest and you chuckled despite yourself, leaning down to kiss his forehead softly. You pretended not to hear Ellie gagging in the background. “Come on, I know you’re not asleep.”
He sighed heavily and finally opened his eye, but then he shifted his gaze to Ellie’s form, and let his eyelid drop again.
“Get rid of the kid,” he murmured, snuggling back into your chest.
His head started to shake from the laughter reverberating inside your chest and Ellie gasped indignantly, now having no reservations about going around you and kicking Joel’s leg.
“Fuck off and get your lazy ass up!”
Joel sighed martyrly, as if that was the greatest sacrifice somebody could demand from him, but finally got up, freeing you from under his weight but also depriving you of his safe embrace. He looked at Ellie and lifted his eyebrows, waiting.
The girl in question grinned and pulled a bunch of flowers from behind her back.
Before you realized that it actually wasn’t a bouquet, but several flower crowns, Joel was already shaking his head and actually backing away. “No. No way.”
“Oh my gosh, they’re beautiful, Ellie!” you admired her work, not paying attention to the man behind you, and shifted closer to get a better look. “Where did you learn that?”
“One of those books Tommy gave me had a guide how to do it,” Ellie explained with a wide smile. It surprised you a little that she’d be so enthusiastic about a skill like that, but then she turned back to Joel and her eyes glinted with mischief. “C’mon, try it on.”
“Can I pick one?” you asked, once again ignoring your partner. Ellie shook her head, now not even trying to hide a proud, mocking grin that widened when she saw how reluctant Joel was.
“No. Yours is the one with those small yellow shits.” You snorted at the name Ellie gave tiny, round flowers, but put it on immediately. The girl held the crown made out of blue and purple flowers on her lap, and stuck out the last one with small pink and white flowers in Joel’s direction. “And that’s all yours.”
“No,” he repeated. You sat next to Ellie and turned to him with a fake pout on your face.
“Joel, we don't turn down gifts. It's not polite.” He glared at you as you leaned on Ellie’s shoulder. “Ellie has worked on it for so long, think how exhausting it must've been!”
“Look at my poor, tired hands,” Ellie sighed dramatically, lifting her hands and wiggling her fingers, and you couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you.
Joel looked from her to you with a grimace. You mouthed ‘please?’ to him and he groaned, running his hands down his face.
And then – making Ellie snort and you jump excitedly in place – he took the flower crown from the girl and all but dropped it onto his head.
“Joke’s on you, because I know for a fact pink looks great on me.”
“Glad you think so, because…” Ellie trailed off with a shit-eating grin and threw her backpack on the ground, quickly rummaging through it. You grabbed onto Joel’s arm before he had a chance to escape when she pulled out one of those old cameras with a flip screen, making him sigh even louder. “Now move your ass.”
While Ellie was positioning herself between the two of you and turning on the device, you quickly lifted Joel’s hand to your lips behind her back, kissing his fingers with a grateful smile. He seemed to have given in to his fate, not making any attempt to move away or talk his way out of it, just rubbing his brow with a tired expression. The smallest of smiles found its way onto his face when he felt your lips on his skin and he glanced up at you with fondness.
“You two will be the death of me,” he muttered, and Ellie poked him in the ribs with her elbow.
“Shut up and smile. We don’t have much sunlight left.”
You scooted over closer to Ellie to fit in the frame, squinting a little from the reddish-orange sun blinding you from behind a cloud above the horizon. The girl snapped one photo and made a different face, and in that split second your eyes darted to Joel’s in the small screen of the camera.
He still looked very reluctant to be in a photo, but you could see he was trying to hold back a smile.
He did look good in pink. And you meant the flowers as well as the small blush adoring his cheeks.
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n0tangeliccc · 1 year
Omg Jimmy smut
Bro I’m so dumb I just realized his name is James
How did I not know that 😭😭🥹😂😂
Opening night
Jimmy x Fem!Reader
(All characters are 18+)
Warning: smut, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, exhibitionism (kinda), and humiliation kinks (I’m bad at tagging help)
A/N: Wrote this based on some hcs I wrote here! (Also this is so late omg Im so sorry😭)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧˖°.
After weeks of waiting it was finally opening night for Jimmy’s show. This was probably his biggest show to date and he was extremely excited. You had snuck your way backstage to see your lovely boyfriend before his show started to congratulate him, he’d worked so hard for this and you were so proud.
You knocked on the door of his dressing room before walking in, “Hey there Mr. Jokester” you smiled. He quickly turned to you as you walked over “Y/N! W-w-what’s up p-pretty girl” he grinned and pulled you close to him. “Oh nothing just here to see the best comedian ever” you gave his forehead a quick kiss “How are you feeling baby? There’s a big crowd out there” He laughed “Oh I k-k-know, more than 600 p-p-people out t-there doll” you gave his shoulders a reassuring squeeze “Honestly I f-f-feel like I need a l-l-little ego b-b-booster” he looked up at you with a smirk “You’re on in like 10 minutes Jimmy! Can’t you wait until after the show? Maybe a little celebration” he chuckled as he saw your face flush “C-c-come on Y/N this is like our l-l-little tradition we do t-t-this every s-show” “Yeah but…you know how loud I can be and I don’t want all those people to hear” you whispered.Anyone who had gone to any of Jimmy’s shows at South Park knew of this “tradition”, it was no secret how loud you got during sex and as hard as you tried you just couldn’t help it! “C-come on baby! T-t-that’s the f-f-fun part!”
You two had gotten caught a handful of times and as embarrassing as it was you two kept doing it. The thrill of it just turned both of you on even more, so of course you gave in to it.
That’s how you ended up on top of Jimmy with him holding onto your hips, guiding you as you rode him. One of your hands on your mouth trying to contain your moans (and failing miserably) as the other held onto his shoulder for balance. “Wow s-s-so loud, a-almost l-l-like you want to be c-c-caught” Jimmy chuckled as he watched you struggling to hold back your moans “M-maybe you should j-j-just let go d-doll” he smirked before dragging one of his hands to your bud of nerves. “Fuck!” You threw your head back in pleasure as his thumb circled your clit “T-t-there good j-j-job pretty g-girl” He had you exactly how he loved, a loud moaning mess on top of him, his ego had definitely been boosted. A knock on the door made you stop and cover your mouth once again “4 minutes Mr. Valmer” called out one of the workers. You shoot him a panicked look but Jimmy just laughed “A-a-alright I’m a-almost done” He yelled back, “We b-b-better wrap t-t-this up baby” he whispered to you before he bucked his hips up roughly into you. You groaned loudly as you moved your hips to match his movements “I’m close” “M-me too d-doll” he grunted as you both speed up your movements desperate for your release. Your nails dug into Jimmy’s shoulders as with one last moan you came, your walls tightening around his cock. “F-f-fuck Y/N” his thrust became sloppy as he held you down on him before he also came inside you.
Another set of knocks hit the door as you changed back into your clothes and helped Jimmy fix himself up “Your on in 1 minute Mr. Valmer” You smiled and placed a kiss on Jimmy’s lips “Good luck hun” “Oh I d-d-don’t need any after t-t-that” he grinned as he walked out.
You left to sit with the crowd and cheered with them as he walked into the stage. “Wow, w-w-what a terrific audience"
“N-now this f-f-for this first j-j-joke you might have h-heard me and my g-girlfriend backstage…”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧˖°.
@emyasorensen hope you like it bby🧡
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prestonmonterey · 7 months
!! plz dont send me chain asks !!
(pronouns page is linked on there but also here if you dont wanna look for it:)
ok so uhh basically the gist of it
im preston
uhh for names call me preston or pres or squid or orion or jaxon or actually just whatever you want i dont mind (more on my prounouns page) (if we're friends/moots feel free to gimme a nickname if ya want)
pronouns are it/he/they (the order of preference changes from time to time also neos are alright just anything other than she/her)
fandoms im most active in: varian and the seven kingdoms/tangled the series, camp here and there (will wood too!!), adamandi, the art of pleasing princes, starkid, spies are forever and percy jackson (mostly the musical bc im in a production of it :)
you can always interact with me! apparently im intimidating but i swear im really nice (i think) and id be really happy if you sent an ask at any time :3 i promise i wont get annoyed even if you think youre being annoying i just really like interacting with cool people :3
you can tag me in anything and everything! i promise ill look at it :3 and i try my best to do tag games and stuff (lmk if you dont want me to tag ya) but if i dont uhh, just assume i was like, really tired that day, or ive been tagged by another moot in that game before and im too lazy to dig it up :P sry
uhh im a minor too so like nsfw/18+ blogs dni
i try my best to use tone tags but if i forget and you need them please let me know!! (i also find tone tags helpful for myself) :3
theres more info on my card about like other stuff too
tag key:
#marble musings = original posts
#marble monologues = long posts/reblogs usually about chnt or just like existentialism idk
#marble draws = art/fanart/crafts/cosplay type thing
#marble games = i make games on google forms! hoping to learn to code or get an actual game engine to make full games past like choose your own adventures
#marble music = song covers :3 (yes i have all the filtered instrumentals i used for adamandi, lmk if you want them i can send em over discord or something)
#marble asks = answering stuff in my ask box
i think thats all of them :3 might add more eventually, and sometimes i forget to tag properly so sorry about that :(
i have some sideblogs if you wanna check em out (not super active on them but ill still try to respond if you shoot me an ask)
hatchetfield rp sideblogs: @thelilcloverpatch @fading-angelic-starlight @marble-man @honey-sparrow @ivy-wreathed-arches
and @hatchetfield-bone-thief
theyre all dead and uhh tw for spookies and violence and blood and sh and ritualistic sacrifice
i have a couple other blogs but those are secret :D
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aalbedo · 3 years
tartaglia x injured!reader
request: Hello! How about scenario where character offers help to injured!gn!reader, who is very mistrustful of and reluctant to accept it? I smh love the dynamic "no I don't want your help or anything to do with you but I don't really have a choice". And yeah, I feel like Tartaglia fits it well though you may choose whoever you feel like T v T
format: two-parter (part two here)
ship: tartaglia x reader
tags: reader is the traveler-ish (a completely separate character from aether and lumine, but still the traveler, does that make sense?)
warnings: blood, mildly graphic depiction of injury, stitches and needles
words: 1951
notes: this request awoke something in me, i feel like i could’ve written an entire 70k words fic on this if i had the energy. im sorry anon but i kinda went off the rails with this one hfjdkhfd i hope you still enjoy it. also yeah the header is mildly fucked up because i don’t have the energy to find a better png ok.
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You fell to the ground, placing your hands right in a small puddle of your own blood, while a ruin hunter laid on the ground, defeated. Your legs had given in, as a sharp pain hit you through your entire left thigh. There was a large cut on your pants, through which you could see a long, bloody, wound on your skin left by the mechanical monstrosity. It wasn’t too deep, but damn if it hurt.
You squeezed your eyes closed, and let out a loud groan. Reaching a hand into your bag, you pulled out the antiseptic solution you always brought with you, and found out that the bottle was empty. You rummaged more through the bag, looking for a numbing cream, an analgesic potion, even just a remnant of a bandage, anything that could help. Nothing.
Panic started settling in your chest, you were completely alone, in the middle of Lisha, where Hilichurls could attack you at any moment, and you were injured just enough that you wouldn’t be able to walk, let alone run away or even fight. You laid down with your back to the ground and covered your face with your hands, as your palms suffocated another loud groan.
You would have to crawl all the way back to the city, or until you found someone willing to help you before fainting from the slow, but consistent, loss of blood. Or worse, dying from shock.
Suddenly, you heard a voice in the distance yell “hey!” Then a second time, with a clearly worried tone in their voice. The pain in your leg made it almost impossible for you to focus on recognizing who that voice belonged to, but it didn’t matter - you were about to finally get some help. You kept your eyes closed as you raised a hand and waved it, showing whoever your savior was where you were.
As you didn’t move from the ground, you heard steps, quickly getting closer to you, until you could feel the presence of someone right above you.
“Oh thank the Archons, I’m completely out of-” you opened your eyes and were met with two bright blue irises staring into yours, and all of the sudden you recognized the voice from before.
“Did that ruin hunter hit you?” Tartaglia was perched right next to your injured leg, already starting to open a backpack that you didn’t recognize as his. He moved his eyes to your thigh and reached out a hand towards it. You swiftly moved the leg away from him, forgetting that it would make it hurt even more, and whimpered when the pain grew.
“I don’t want help from a Harbinger, least of all you” you spat out as you slowly sat up and used your hands to back away from him.
“Stop moving, or you’ll make it worse,” he said plainly as he stood up and followed you, while you kept backing away ignoring the pain through your leg.
“I’ll lose a leg before I let the fatui help me.”
“Alright then, I guess I’ll just watch you crawl all the way back to the Harbor.” He crossed his arms. Oh, he thought he was being funny?
You kept backing away with your arms, until you felt something hard hit your back. A rather large rock was blocking your way, and you would have to crawl around it, and the young man laughed, slowly walking towards you as he took his gloves off and put them in a pocket. You tried moving sideways, but he was quick to crouch down and grab you by the ankle, the one on the injured side, right when you moved.
You inhaled and closed your eyes as a sharp pain shot through your leg. “Are you out of your mind? That hurt!”
He kept your ankle pinned to the ground. “Don’t move,” he ordered. He used his free hand to carefully move the ripped fabric of your clothes out of the way, and get a better look of your wound. You started to feel lightheaded as you saw him tear the fabric further.
You felt some sort of damp cloth on your skin,figuring it was being used to clean the blood off your injury. Tartaglia was being so careful that you could barely feel it, it seemed like he had done this a million times before. You closed your eyes, placing a hand over them, and tilted your head forward, suddenly feeling overcome with dizziness.
“You’re losing a lot of blood. If you hadn’t moved, it would not be this bad right n-” he interrupted himself and he called your name. “You still with me?”
“Mh- huh-uh” you started feeling uneasy. You opened your eyes slightly and caught a glimpse of the wound and immediately looked away. So much blood.
“Stay awake, don’t close your eyes again.” You heard a ruffling of fabric, the damp cloth wasn’t on your skin anymore. “Tell me about the Archons.”
“Tell me all of the Archons’ names and their elements,” he repeated. You couldn’t figure out why he wanted you to tell him, but you followed his order, keeping your eyes away from your wound, and instead fixating on the grass beneath you. You were feeling too dizzy to protest, your only choice was to trust him, despite all of your instincts yelling at you to get away from him.
“Okay, there’s... Barbatos, god of Anemo.” You heard more fabric rustling coming from him, but you refused to look at what he was doing.
“Yes, then?”
The dizziness was still overwhelming, but you managed to keep talking, “Morax, god of Geo.” Clinking of glass, probably bottles. “Tsaritsa, goddess of Cryo.”
“Mh-mh.” He sounded… focused. What was he doing?
“Baal, goddess of- Fuck!” The skin around the wound started burning, and so did the wound itself. You bit your lip hard and groaned as the burning kept going on and on, your skin was itching and for a split second it was almost unbearable. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Antiseptic potion,” he replied plainly. “I had to find a way to distract you or you wouldn’t have let me use it.”
“Bastard.” Your skin kept burning, but you slowly got used to the pain as you watched the clear potion sizzling over your still open wound.
He barked a laugh, “I’m trying to help you over here, you’re very welcome.”
You looked at his hands as he skillfully kept cleaning your wound, now there was way less blood coming out and you were starting to feel slightly more at easy. He lifted his head and looked right into your eyes.
“It’s not too deep, but it would probably be better if I stitched it.”
“You sound like you’ve done this before.”
“Of course I have, you think these healed themselves?” he asked, pointing at the seemingly long scar that started from the base of his neck and went down under his shirt. “At some point you have to learn how to stitch them up yourself.”
You exhaled deeply, still keeping your eyes on his. You realized that his irises resembled the starconches you had seen laid in the sand of Yaoguang Shoal’s beaches.
“Do you have an anaesthetic something to make the stitching hurt less, at least?”
He looked into the bag, moving things around, as if he had no idea what was actually inside the backpack. So it definitely wasn’t his.
He shook his head, pursing his lips slightly. “No, sorry.”
“It’s…” you pondered over it. You would probably have to go all the way to Bubu pharmacy to get an anaesthetic, and on the way there you might lose even more blood. “It’s okay.”
From his backpack, that you hadn’t realized was laid on the ground by your feet, he pulled out a small tin box, and from the box he took out an interestingly shaped needle, recurved like a crescent moon, then a pair of tweezers and a thread so thin you could barely see it.
Just by looking at the needle, you felt uneasy again. “Are you sure we can’t go to the Harbour and get help there?”
“We can do that, if that’s what you prefer, but I would have to carry you - I doubt you could walk at all right now.”
Somehow, the embarrassment of other people seeing you being carried, bridal style, by Tartaglia was stronger than any pain you might have to go through to get these stitches done.
“Fuck it, do it. But be quick.”
“I will try my best,” he said, and his tone sounded genuine to you. You still couldn’t believe you were trusting him like this, after everything he had done to you. “Try to think about something else, focus on anything but the stitches, it’ll hurt less.” He passed the thread through the needle’s hole with surprising skill.
“Okay, uh-” you watched him hover the needle over your skin, probably thinking about the fastest and least painful way to do the job. You moved your gaze from the open would to look at his face, and his expression seemed calm enough to put you somewhat at ease.
His lips were slightly parted and you noticed that he was biting his own tongue, the amount of focus he was putting into helping you was so intriguing to you, you could have never had imagined that he would be so… caring. At least not to you.
You suddenly felt the needle prick through your skin and you whimpered slightly. “Sorry,” he quickly said, before using the tweezers to make the needle pass through your skin and grab it again on the other end.
He repeated the process a few times, slowly pulling the thread every now and then to make the stitch tighter. You observed him the entire time, his eyes quickly darting from one spot to the other, his nose and mouth breathing at a steady pace. You saw him scrunch up his nose a few times, probably to release tension.
Each stitch hurt, you could feel the entire needle pass through your skin and come out again every single time, but you didn’t protest at all, and instead focused on counting the freckles on Tartaglia’s nose bridge, watching the muscles under his skin move every time he swallowed, and carding your fingers through the grass, accidentally ripping some every now and then.
“Done,” you heard him say in an unexpectedly cheerful tone. “I have some bandages, but I don’t think they’re enough for this large of a cut. Though, now that it’s stitched up, it’s probably safe for you to move, and I can help you get to the Harbor where you can buy some numbing potion and bandages.”
You looked down at the wound, and to your relief the stitches looked like they would hold together pretty well. “Sure, I think I can hop for a while, if you hold me.”
He picked up both his and your bag, putting them over his shoulder, then reached out a hand towards you and you realized just how bloody his hands were, as well as his clothes. You grabbed it with your own bloody hand and slowly stood up, placing your weight on the healthy leg. He placed your arm around his shoulders and put his own behind your back, holding you up.
“Ready to go?”
“Mh-mh.” You started walking in the direction of the Harbor, hopping on one leg while Tartaglia held you up.
“Whose backpack is that?” you tried asking.
“Honestly? No idea.”
“What were you doing here in Lisha, anyway?”
“Just some Fatui business, don’t worry about it,” he quickly dismissed your question.
“Always so secretive.”
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mirohtron · 3 years
in the end (it does matter)
anonymous asked: Can you make a part 2 to lonely?👁👁
@sweet-sinner69 (tumblr pls let me tag them) @why-am-i-on-this-website-anyway and @selectivegeekwithstandards also requested for a part 2 hello im sorry for the tag but i spent four days on this i will not let my work go unseen /lh
first part here.
They didn't know how it exactly happened, but one second they were on the floor of their apartment, sobbing, begging hero to not hurt them, and then next they were sitting in the booth of a McDonald's, patched up as good as hero could do.
Plasters covered some cuts on villain's hands, the ones that hadn't scabbed over yet, and underneath their sweater, the gash on their arm was firmly wrapped with bandages.
It all happened too fast; villain's mind had been going a mile a minute, and hero had to calm them down and promise they wouldn't hurt them, and, in an attempt to not stay alone with hero and get kidnapped somehow, villain had requested they go outside. More like beg. Unprompted.
That was why hero was in their apartment in the first place, right? To get villain to hero's base? Or maybe eliminate them? Villain couldn't stomach that. Being in their room with hero had been near-asphyxiating, and villain's agency had told them time and time again that the heroes wouldn't hesitate to eliminate villains.
It was why they'd brought the two of them to the mall and made hero sit in a McDonald's booth with them. There were people. A lot of people. Hero wouldn't try to kidnap them in here, hopefully. Probably. They looked professional, trained for this. They wouldn't try anything that could harm civillians.
Something in villain's chest twisted. Something regretful, something pained.
They wished they were one of those civillians.
"Do you wanna order?" hero asked gently, hands at their sides and under the table.
Villain opened their mouth to answer, but their breath caught in their throat. Did they? They didn't know if they had an appetite or not, and eating with hero could still risk being sedated and taken to hero's base.
Their left hand furled into a fist.
"I—I don't have any money," they finally answered, voice a little raw. They'd forgotten to pick up their wallet in their hurry to toss their sweater on, not wanting to risk any stranger worrying about their bandaged arm. People were too kind sometimes, and even if that societal trait could help somebody, villain didn't want to risk anything.
"That's fine," hero assured, "I don't mind a little spending. Do you wanna check out the menu?"
Villain swallowed. They didn't realise their answer could count as a "yes."
Their gaze locked onto some part of the table between them, debating.
"...how did you get in?" villain asked instead. The question had been prodding their mind even before they had realised it was hero they were crying to. Were they that horrible at keeping their location a secret? Wouldn't that mean other heroes knew their location, too? What about villains?
Their blood ran cold.
"One of my colleagues placed a track you."
If possible, their blood ran colder.
"They're a telepath," hero explained, seemingly not noticing villain's internal panic, "they put a tracker of sorts on you. Your location was determined from that."
Villain's throat felt parched. Did that mean the telepath could read their mind? Could they read their mind right now?
Some salty taste settled in the back of their mouth. They felt horribly seen. It was uncomfortable.
"Is it still on me?"
"No." Hero shook their head. "They took it off once we learned of your location."
"Oh." Villain looked at the few plasters on their knuckles. Maybe hero was lying, maybe the tracker was still on them. But they couldn't be sure. Hero hadn't tried anything malicious yet, they didn't look like they'd even hurt villain right now.
Perhaps it was because there were civillians here. They looked at one of the tiny scabs on their skin. Hero had hurt them in fights before, what would stop them from hurting villain later? What if they got home, and hero was there to beat them bloody?
They felt a little sick.
"Hey," hero said after a moment. Villain looked up, and they couldn't see a hint of malevolance in their expression. Hero looked a little guilty, on the contrary.
Hero glanced at villain's knuckles. "I—I didn't... know you were so scared. Of me." They looked at villain's knuckles again, brows furrowing, swallowing. "I was—I didn't... I'm sorry."
"Don't be."
Hero pursed their lips. They looked like they wanted to say something else, like they wanted to protest against villain's words, like they should be sorry, but instead they nodded, looking down at their lap.
Villain pressed the tips of their fingers up against their palm as the silence between them grew heavy.
"Why were you in my bed?" they asked next.
"You pulled me."
"I was expecting you to be awake," hero said, "but you were asleep. Then you, uhm, you pulled me. To the bed. I didn't want to wake you because you looked tired."
Villain pulled their hands to themself, wanting to look smaller. "Oh."
Who does that? Villain wanted to hold their head in their hands. Of course, their touch starved self would do that. Of course, since they hadn't had a nice touch in a long time, their sleeping state would want someone. They wanted to ask how long hero was stuck like that, hoping that maybe they awoke soon after, but instead,
"Why were you sent?"
that came out.
Hero laughed, like they were nervous. "I wanted to talk to you about that, actually," they said, looking them in the eye, "after you'd eaten something. I wanted you to be a little more relaxed."
Oh. Villain's breath hitched. No one really thought about their comfort anymore. They weren't expecting their archenemy to.
Tears pricked at the corner of their eyes, but villain desperately blinked them away. Oh.
Hero didn't seem to notice. They shifted in their seat, putting their hands on the table. "They told me you were harmless," they said, "after my colleague took away the mental track, they... We know it was an invasion of privacy, but."
Villain's stomach hollowed out. They read their mind, didn't they? Villain supposed they had to. Of course they would, if they were given the opportunity. All they knew was that villain was some spiteful nobody.
"You don't want to be a villain, do you?" they asked, searching villain's face for something.
Villain bit their bottom lip to stop it from quivering. They shook their head, fingers digging into the leather of their seat. They absolutely didn't. They'd choose to be a civillian over a villain over and over again, if they could.
"They said you couldn't handle it."
"I can't." Villain sniffled dryly, looking away. When had they started crying again? "I really can't."
"It'll be okay," hero said gently, "we want to take you in. For reforming. Do you want in?"
Villain's gaze snapped back up. Reforming?
They searched hero's face, looking for a lie. They hoped hero wasn't lying. Hero wouldn't lie about this, right?
The agency had always told them that heroes wouldn't want anything to do with villains. Maybe the agency was lying. They had to be, because otherwise hero would have taken villain out the second they'd laid their eyes on them, right?
A sob broke their throat, and hero had rounded the table and was by their side in an instant, holding them close and stroking their hair. Reforming? Could they be safe as a civillian now?
"I don't wanna get murdered in a dirty street corner," they said quietly, hiding in hero's neck again. They sniffled, fingers clutching their shirt desperately.
"I know, we’ll handle that for you," hero said, rubbing circles on their back soothingly, "I suppose that's a yes?"
Villain nodded, sobbing harder somehow. "It is," they said, "it's a yes."
They wouldn't have to hurt people anymore. That was good. It would be fine. 
Hero told them it would be alright, that they'd just done what they needed to to get by, that they could leave villainy behind, and that the butterfly effect wouldn't be cruel to them anymore. Bad things wouldn't pile up anymore, and they wouldn't have to use their powers to hurt ever again.
“Do you wanna order?“
In the end, they got a free McDonald's meal and a lot of nice touch.
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bisexuallsokka · 3 years
i was tagged by @zukkaclawthorne to share some snippets of my wips!
a fic that i just need to sit down and finish, based off this art by @capt-snoozles
Korra tries to cover a laugh with a forced cough, but Zuko catches it and narrows his eyes.
Asami takes pity on him. “You have a little something...” she gestures at her own neck with her hand.
Zuko looks confused, but then his eyes widen and he slaps his hand over the assortment of hickies on his neck. “Shit,” he hisses.
“I have some makeup in my backpack,” Asami offers.
Zuko sighs and slowly lowers his hand, accepting his fate with red cheeks. “Whatever. I have time to go home after this anyway. But thanks.”
Korra snickers. “I guess that answers the question of whether or not you had a good weekend.”
Zuko gives her a half hearted glare, but before he can respond, Sokka is taking the open seat next to him.
“Hey guys!” he greets, then frowns when he looks over at Zuko. “Is your neck okay, Zuko?” he asks, looking slightly concerned.
He grunts when Zuko kicks him roughly in the leg, and Zuko smiles sweetly at him. “Oops, sorry, I hope that doesn’t leave a mark.”
from a fic that i have no idea if i ever will finish, i started writing it in october and i keep ignoring for months at a time. it takes place after they break up, but this is a flashback scene:
Sokka’s nose crinkles like it does when he laughs. He looks amused, but he’s not quite openly laughing at Zuko, which is appreciated considering that he definitely deserves to be laughed at. “Are you trying to tell me something?”
Zuko’s mouth is very, very dry. “Uh, yes,” he admits, because lying about this elaborate setup doesn’t seem like the best idea now. No, Sokka, I invited you on a candlelit picnic because I was bored, definitely no need to read into any of this...
Sokka inches closer, and Zuko nearly jumps when he realizes that Sokka’s hand is on his thigh to keep his balance as he leans forward. “Do you want me to help you?”
Zuko isn’t sure what that means, but Sokka’s steady hand and that smile and that look in his eyes (eyes that dart down to his lips, he notices with a thrill running through him) reassure him, and so he nods. Whatever Sokka has in mind, Zuko trusts him.
And then...and here is where Zuko is pretty sure he falls into some alternate reality. Maybe he is asleep or passed out somewhere, or he’s hallucinating, that has to be the explanation for how Sokka is closing the distance, unmistakably going for a kiss.
from the fifth and final part of my zukka cat cafe au:
“Okay! Pictures!” Sokka says, and Izumi makes a face.
“Do we have to?” she asks.
“Please?” Sokka pleads, and Zuko matches his expression.
Izumi laughs. “Alright, fine, but I should get going, so I’m limiting you to ten.”
Fifteen pictures later, Zuko grabs the keys and kisses his husband on the cheek. 
“See you after work, babe,” Zuko says as Sokka starts putting on his own shoes to head to his job. “Love you.”
“Love you too! Love you, ‘Zumi, have so much fun at your first day of work!”
and last but not least, from an untitled wip that i am really excited about and will probably finish before anything else:
“I’ve only been gone a few weeks, who’s caught your eye? Are you finally into my brother now?”
Sokka is glad that Azula is focused on her nails again so she doesn’t see his expression.
“I’m kidding,” she says when his silence drags on for a beat too long. “But if it doesn’t work out with this new person, just remember, you marry Zuko and we’ll be legally related.”
“Is that supposed to make me want to marry him?” Sokka teases, and Azula laughs.
“Whatever, man. Do you have pictures of them?”
Sokka has spent half an hour scrolling through pictures in Zuko’s instagram. Which is kinda pathetic, considering he has so few pictures on his account. Sokka stared at them, hoping for the answer to jump out at him. Is he attracted to him? Zuko is objectively a very good looking person, and his hair is really nice, and Sokka has never realized just how soft his lips always look…
“I have a few,” he admits.
“Can I see them?”
“Boring. Do I know them?”
“You could say that.”
“Okay...would I approve of them?”
“I think so, yeah.”
im not sure who has or hasnt been tagged in this, so do it if you feel like it!
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retromotherfuckers · 4 years
Six Years (Part 3)
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Past/Eventual Bellamy Blake x Fem!Kane!Reader, Platonic!Octavia Blake
Octavia knew who she was now, but you couldn’t figure out what the hell you’d become.
so much mf angst, themes of addiction and depression, self-destructive behavior and a tiny bit of comfort in there
Word Count:
2k (i got a little ~carried away~ lol)
IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG. i wasn’t happy with the og thing i had down so i literally just rewrote the whole thing in a few hours and it’s sm better than it would’ve been. me holding off posting this did wonders and i’m more confident in it too even tho i kinda think i suck at writing but also kinda don’t idk my self esteem varies wildly
Merry Christmas Eve Eve to those who celebrate ❤️
the gif (and all the other ones) are not mine and i take no credit for them
if you want to be tagged in any of my works, send me a message or an ask and i’ll add you :)
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The girl with aqua eyes - although now they were more of a spotted gray - had only seen one moment of weakness from you. It would be the last time Octavia had seen you, and you, her. 
“We’re surviving!” She had started shouting, as if she believed that set in a lower tone, her words would be construed as lies. “The human race is surviving! That’s what matters!”
“He wouldn’t be okay with this, and you know it!” Your voice broke involuntarily as it rose to match hers. You shook your head as you tried to desperately stop the ache in your chest as you brought her - probably dead - brother up. Tears clung to your eyelashes, waiting for you to blink so they had permission to fall. Your throat had been closed for a while now, and the rest was merely a weak cry. “If this is the price that we have to pay...maybe we shouldn’t be.”
You’d never know if it was the crack in your demeanor or your choice of words, but either way, her eyes softened when you spoke.
“Look at me.” You did as told and she gripped the back of your neck in one hand, pulling your forehead so close it almost came into contact with hers.
The air changed as Octavia came alive under the monster she wore for armor. Her mask coming off allowed you to let out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding. You would begin to regret not smashing the helmet to bits while it was off and vulnerable.
“You have to stop listening to them,” She said. “It’ll tear you apart. It’s better they get to live to hate us than die slowly and love us-”
“They don’t deserve this either, O-”
“We bare it, so they don’t have to. You’re the one that told me that. You can’t back out on me, now. I can’t do this without you.”
For so long you were okay with her needing you to do the dirty work. Besides the first time - when you did it together - she’d give the sentence and you’d see it through. Every single time, it felt like it was killing you more than them, but that didn’t matter, did it? If you weren’t going to do it, who would?
It was the last thing Octavia had asked of you and you had no intention of letting her down.
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Bellamy didn’t know what he would see when they finally dropped him down into the bunker, but it definitely wasn’t that. Surrounded by more death than he was prepared for, he couldn’t help himself to not move his gaze around the arena. The fences between him and the living reminded him of the cages the Mountain Men held him in. The walls were stained deep with crimson, leaving the dull concrete behind it unrecognizable. He looked to the blonde at his side, and they asked each other the same silent question:
What the hell happened down here?
His whiskey shaded orbs kept moving, albeit reluctantly. They stopped on Marcus Kane, who looked so much older than last time. His hair and beard were inches longer and grayer than the natural brown he used to have. He was so pale, it was unnerving - almost as if he was close to death. They connected eyes briefly and that’s when the younger saw the deadly weapon held to his neck by the hands of-
Your back was facing him, but it didn’t matter how long it had been, he’d never miss you. The locks that adorned your head were longer too, almost to your waist. The natural shade was faded though, like you had aged twenty years instead of six. He watched your shoulders heave and your hands start to shake as Kane talked to you.
He couldn’t pull his eyes from the impure red that dyed your skin and clothes.
While you were distracted, he chose to act, protecting Marcus from his own flesh and blood. He didn’t miss the gears in your head turning as your gaze landed on him. He saw your eyes sink into a trance of recognition and a deep sort of longing overtook your senses. The melancholic need you had tried to numb for half a decade came back in full force and held no mercy.
You remembered how he always smelled of the forest after the sky wept. You remembered how sure but gentle his touch was on your skin. You remembered how his remarkably soft lips would feel when they pushed against yours as they begged for more at every turn. You remembered how it felt to be wrapped in his arms, listening to his heart thump as he assured you everything would be alright, even if he didn’t think it would be.
Was that gone forever, now, too?
Bellamy noticed something else, though; something he didn’t recognize. Something he’d never seen before.
Something that scared him.
It had been hours since and neither of you had bothered to find the other. Getting everyone out was a great distraction for him. Talking to his little sister, whose eyes seemed to hold the same thing yours did, was another.  She had explained to him and Clarke that Wonkru had deemed her Bloodreina and you, Ripa. So, no, nothing as special as death from above or the red queen or the commander of death, but death, nonetheless.
People have done well not to forget that.
When Clarke told him you still hadn’t come out and no one had seen you, however, he didn’t have a choice anymore.
The halls were those of nightmares, spirits lurking around every corner and it was cold and empty. He knew the lights were kept low to save power but it felt almost purposeful, like they were meant to scare you. To tell you not to act out or some kind of monster would jump from the shadows and make you pay.
But he didn’t know if it was you or his sister.
A chill slithered up his spine.
If someone told him this wasn’t real, he’d do anything he could to believe them. He wished that he was seconds away from being shaken awake by Raven or Monty, and they would tell him it was just another nightmare. He wished he was still on the Ring, praying ignorantly to anyone that would listen that his family on earth were still okay. 
Breaking him from his thoughts, a yellow lamplight caught his attention. At the end of the windowless corridor, it shone out of a slightly ajar door. Using every ounce of strength he possessed to not walk away, he pushed it open. It cried at the motion, diminishing any and all remnants of silence that swallowed the floor.
His eyes found you catching yourself from falling caused by a failed attempt at standing. A half empty bottle of whatever works in one hand, the other one holding you up against the bed frame. The high-pitched creak pulled your attention to the front of the room with a furrowed brow and he allowed himself to take in your appearance.
A wrinkled, cotton shirt sat on your chest and it was a different one than before; faded white and thin, yet cleaner than the other one which was colored with blood. Your hair was damp - the result of taking a shower - but lazily tied back in a half-assed effort to get it out of your face.
You stared at each other for a minute. A million things were hitting your slow-moving thoughts at once, too much for you to even try to comprehend. He finally took one step towards you, parting his lips to say something but no sound came out. He was stumped, hundreds of words flooded his mind but not a single one sounded good enough.
Nothing he could say would make what happened in the arena okay.
It was unbearably painful. There he was, finally right in front of you, and you had no idea what to talk about. No idea what to start with, end with, bring up, discuss, laugh about, cry about, scream about. Nothing was good enough to say to the man that kept you alive for such a long time, such a long time ago. 
Too long ago.
You inevitably broke the silence, though your words came out cracked and in a slur. A defensive and humorless scoff left your lips, an effort to cover up the discomfort. Or it was because you were too drunk to shut yourself up. “You gonna say somethin’?”
“I don’t know what to say.”
You didn’t know why, but you hoped he’d sound different. It was childish and irrational, but you hoped that you could say you both changed too much and he would have nothing to hold against you.
Because no matter how far away it seemed, sometimes you could still remember what it felt like to be that innocent seventeen-year-old that hadn’t lived yet; what it felt like to be that girl who still couldn’t stand her father. To be that girl who sprained her ankle within ten minutes of being on earth for the first time. To be that girl who hadn’t made a friend aside from Clarke and Wells in her whole life. That girl who had just kissed a boy for the first time.
The girl who was loved and not lost yet.
“Well, that makes two of us.”
Where the hell did she go?
That made the room spin, and you had to blink a few times to make it stop, taking a seat on the thin mattress. You took a drink, making the liquid slosh from the base to the neck of the bottle and back again. When it settled, you rested your head between your shoulders as you heard him say your name. It bounced off the walls in the room, hitting each one again, and again, and again like it was a bullet waiting to find its target. You had wanted the word to fall from his lips for so long that you’d forgotten what it sounded like. You had forgotten what he sounded like, and you fucking hated yourself for it.
Then you realized he said, “Ripa,” and those four deadly little letters crushed your throat and stole the air from your lungs.
That name hadn’t felt right from the start, but it was what you had been simultaneously promoted to and reduced by. The only person who refused to call you that over the years, was your father. For two thousand days, he made sure to steer clear of it.
That’s not who you are and I know it, even if you don’t.
A sudden and hauntingly raw sob escaped, and you knew his eyes were on you in an instant.
“Don’t call me that,” You begged, meeting his gaze for the first time since he entered. Breath picking up, you were practically terror-stricken at the idea that all you were to him now was a murderer. You vigorously tried to shake the thought away, squeezing your eyes shut as everything that kept you numb seemed to vanish into thin air. “Y-You can’t-Not you too. Please, not you.”
Bellamy’s hand brushed your cheek and tears rained freely. You immediately leaned into the familiar and delicate warmth and you really fucking hoped this wasn’t your mind playing a trick on you.
“It’s okay, Y/N.” When he spoke this time, his words sounded choked too. His other hand cradled the back of your head as he pulled you into his chest and just...held you. “It’s okay.”
It was like you were standing at the edge of a building, teetering the edge before accidentally falling. Only, before you could plummet to your death, someone caught your hand, and it occurred to you that you really wanted them to pull you back up.
“Please don’t leave me again.”
Your voice was just so, so weak. Beaten down and broken.
“Never.” He said it with so much confidence and finality, you almost had to convince yourself it was real and not a dream. “I promise.”
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staywritten · 4 years
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All In│Bang Chan «Chapter TwentyOne»
Synopsis: After a messy break up your sophomore year, you decided that the best thing for you was to finish off your college career single. You wanted to focus on yourself, grow as a person and finish off your degree strong. There’d be plenty of time for love after college. But after losing your camera you become friends with the seemingly perfect boy that threatens to ruin your plans.
Genre: SocialMedia!AU, College!AU, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Smut
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Written Portion of the Chapter Below 
You stared at your arm, the light bruising on your forearm pretty noticeable. Yugyeom never hurt you in the past, not physically at least. But last night, he grabbed you so hard, you struggled against his grip and he only held tighter. You were sure it’d be gone in a few days but it still made you sick to see. 
The last thing you wanted to do was to make Hyunjin and Momo worry. They were so protective of you, Momo would risk her performance, and could lose a scholarship. Hyunjin would risk getting expelled if you told him. But you hated lying. You didn’t want to lie to them, so you ignored them. Hyunjin had been calling you all morning and you’d been texting him that you were just too busy or tired to talk, but there was only so much of that he was going to tolerate before coming to your house.
You sighed, covering your arm with your sweater. There was so much weighing on your mind. Momo’s messages about Chan hitting Yugyeom, Rosie’s sudden DM. What were you supposed to say? What could you say? Your anxiety was getting to be a bit much, but what could you say to a girl whose relationship you almost ruined.
It was almost suffocating. And you just needed a break.
Your walk ended up taking you all the way to the park on South campus. You looked out at the lake and tried to figure out what to make of Rosie’s words. You lost track of how long you just stared at the reflection of the clouds. You were hoping the fresh air would give you courage to hear her out. See what she wanted to say, but you were just so scared. And it felt like there wasn’t an impartial party for you to turn to. And for times like this you wished you could just vent to Chris again. 
“Hey!” Changbin waved, before jogging toward you. “You runaway again?” he chuckled, lightly jogging in place monitoring as his heart rate lowered from his run.
“Ha.Ha” you let out a dry laugh, but mustered a small smile “I just went for a walk, i just needed to clear my head”
“For someone that came to clear their head, you look pretty stressed” he chuckled “Would you like some company?” You nodded gesturing to the grass beside you. He took a seat and took a swig of his water. “So what’s going on?”
“What’s your honest opinion on Chris?”
“I’ve known the guy for years, and I know he broke your heart so you’re probably not gonna wanna hear this from me but...I trust the guy with my life. He was a musical partner, and my swim captain. He puts others first and takes care of people, real empathetic guy almost too much so. His worst habit is that he overthinks and that may cause him to make some bad choices because he doesn’t wanna hurt anyone.” He leaned on his knees looking out at the lake. “But I trust him”
“I heard he punch Yugyeom…”
“Trust me, if he didn’t it was only a matter of time before someone else did. That kid is a scum bag”
“Why did he punch him?”
“Listen...I know Channie-Hyung hurt you. And he was an idiot for it but no matter how much you may hate him, he loves you and he’s not gonna let someone talk about you or hurt you like Yugyeom does. If you’re fishing to try and figure out what kind of guy he is because your image of him isn’t matching up to your hatred of him or how you’re painting him to be it’s because he isn’t a bad person… “ he smiled softly “You know exactly the kind of guy he is. The guy you fell for wouldn’t cheat”
You sighed hugging yourself “But he did...He did cheat…” you pouted. “And you’re bias”
“I am” he chuckled “You’re not gonna find many people that know him that aren’t biased.”
Changbin was right, some of your frustration was based in the fact that you built your heartbreak to blame Chris for everything that was wrong. That you guys had a good thing going and he ruined it by keeping a secret. But the Chris you spent months talking to, the man that fell asleep on the phone with you, or who made you feel safe wouldn’t have done that. He wasn’t a bad guy. 
“His girlfriend...Rosie...She DM’ed me...what do I do?”
“If you won’t talk to him, than talk to her. How many other opportunities do you think you’ll have like that” he stood up to stretch his back. “You already got your heart broken, worst case scenario you get closure”
“Best case scenario?”
“You and Channie-Hyung get back together and work this out, because a lot of people are rooting for you”
“Why are you rooting for me? When he could have some beautiful model”
“Because you make him happier than I’ve ever seen” he shrugged “Like I said Chan, is like my brother. I love him, I trust him and his happiness is my happiness. He helped me and the guys out a lot over the years and I can’t repay him enough. You’re the one person that seems like they can calm him enough for him to sleep and that’s all I can ask for” he stretched his arms and gave you a little wave. “Alright I gotta finish my run but, good luck.”
You took a deep breath and looked down at your phone before opening up instagram to reply to Rosie. At the very least you could try, couldn’t you?
To Be Continued…
Hey friends! Sorry about the long wait, I’ve just had a lot of issues with my social dummy app and ended up losing all of the profiles I use for this series so i have to remake them and it’s taking a long time. >.< 
∘Tags List:@vhschs @thelustasylum @lunnanunna @yooniversalstudios @aiyalix @ph0ebevix @zaratanveerx @channieboyo @hannahdinse8 @got7-yeah-got7onmymind @itisjustpaula @ann0325441904 @etherealchangbin @7829-kamie @ateez-babygirl @lazyliyah @im-on-a-hellavator  @princejoongie1997 @skzsprinkles @ frau-moon @ introvertapple @ehiparkcarmi @lokideadontheinside @pimpnameyannie @skkzuwu @kpopstreeanon @dimpledchannie @bangtan-g7-bigbang  @cherriechurros  @moonlight-night @ethereal-chanracha @kurootetsuro-trash @dreamescapeswriting @skzsprinkles @tophuphu @hugs4chan @channieboyo @ l1th1umm
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 4 years
gruvia drabble
author’s note: well. i said it. and here it is!!! this is based off the most recent gruvia matching covers of fairy tail 100 years quest!!!:) i felt super inclined to write this bc 1. those covers are BEAUTIFUL and 2. well... last time gruvia was at a ball it.......didnt go so well!!! (end of the gmg arc......iykyk😔) SO!! i hope i did these covers justice!:) enjoys bbies!!!!! and im tagging @sobatsu bc i was instructed to lol!!:) i hope u enjoy, love!!!:)
“Wow.” Lucy lulled, taking in the grand surroundings. “I forgot just how nice this palace was.”
“Yeah, it’s been a little while since we’ve been here, huh?” Natsu finally looked up from his plate as he said with a mouth full of food.
“Natsu, manners!” Erza scolded. “Queen Hisui was kind enough to invite us here for her birthday ball. Don’t embarrass Fairy Tail.”
Juvia, however, was not taking a large part in the conversation. She was more focused on a certain someone, and how she had yet to even talk to this certain someone throughout the whole night.
Once she heard that Fairy Tail would be attending Queen Hisui’s birthday ball, she was estatic. Rather than dwelling on the fact that last time she was in that very ballroom Gray essentially rejected her, she decided to look at the glass as half full. She would reinvent herself this night. She would wear a dress even more dazzling than before, she would act so elegantly even if it killed her, and she would do everything in her power to make Gray eat the words he said at the last royal ball. Juvia would show Gray that she was an even newer version of herself, and she was a woman more than deserving of his love.
However, the fact that he seemed to be avoiding her the entire night was certainly putting a damper on Juvia’s plans. She didn’t want to overcrowd him like she seemed to last time, but patiently waiting for him to approach her was killing her. She wanted to gush over the fact that he looked so handsome in his fancy suit and sweep him off his feet onto the dance floor, but unlike her usual, she was trying to keep her cool. Unfortunately, “keeping her cool” was turning into a burning irritation. She kept her eyes glued onto Gray as she mingled with Jellal across the ballroom. They were chatting and laughing with drinks in their hand, and Juvia wanted to be by his side as he did so. Instead, she watched, and subconsciously poked at her food with her fork as her other hand tapped anxiously on the table.
Naturally, Erza was the first person to notice her agitation. “Juvia? Is everything alright?” She asked.
“Eh?” Juvia finally snapped out of her daze. She stopped her fidgeting and turned towards Erza. “Juvia’s fine.” She forced a laugh.
“Is that so?” Erza raised a brow. “That must be why you’ve been staring off and playing with your food for 30 minutes without taking a single bite.”
“Urgh!” Juvia finally dropped her fork. “Why hasn’t Gray-sama talked to Juvia tonight?! At all!” She spat out.
Erza gave a low chuckle. “I could’ve guessed that’s what this was about.”
“Why don’t you just go up and talk to him, Juvia?” Lucy chimed in.
“Because,” Juvia groaned. “At the last ball, Juvia was a bit—well— abrassive, and it totally turned Gray-sama off.” She sighed. “Juvia just doesn’t want to make the same mistake twice.”
“You know, the last ball was a long time ago. A lot has changed from then. Not only you and Gray as individuals, but as a couple as well.” Erza casually explained, tucking a loose hair that fell from her bun behind her ear.
“A c-c-couple?!” Juvia’s face turned red. Sure, she and Gray had gone through a lot together since then, but their relationship was anything but definite. They were in this awkward “more than friends” stage that Juvia just couldn’t seem to fight her way out of.
“Erza’s right!” Lucy said, optimistically. “Gray cares a lot about you, so I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you went up and talked to him or asked him to dance.”
Juvia sighed, somewhat defeated. “Juvia supposes you two are right, but I really don’t want to mess anything up tonight.” She began lightly messing with her food again.
“You should do whatever you feel is right, Juvia.” Erza gave her a reassuring smile.
Juvia finally smiled back. “Thank you Erza-san, and Lucy-san, but Juvia is sure. She will lay low tonight. Whatever happens, happens.” As much as it killed her, this is what she decided to do, and deep down she would hope Gray would eventually approach her.
“Hey, Juvia,” Natsu interjected. “While you lay low, are you gonna’ eat that?” He clearly had eyes for her plate.
“Natsu!” Lucy exclaimed.
Juvia hummed a giggle. “It’s alright. You can have it, Natsu-san.”
After all, she was far too anxious to stomach anything right then.
While Gray was paying attention to Jellal and their conversation, he couldn’t help that little thing that was itching away at his mind. Finally, he glanced over her way across the room to see she was talking with Erza and Lucy.
His index finger tapped at the glass in his hand, unknowingly to him. He quickly shook his gaze and turned back to Jellal.
“So it’s safe to assume you’re fitting right in at Fairy Tail? You’re a new member and you’re already going to all our parties.” He said to his old friend, but new guild mate.
Jellal nodded. “Well, there’s never a dull moment, that’s for sure.” He chuckled. “I would hate to miss out.”
Gray playfully raised his eyebrow. “Is there a particular reason you’re inclined to be so involved? Maybe, I dunno’, because of a certain red-head, by chance?” He teased.
Jellal’s eyes went wide. “W-what?! Erza?! I—erm— not necessarily! Why do you say that?!”
Gray couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re as cool as a cucumber all the time, but as soon as Erza comes up in conversation, you start buggin’ out.”
“I guess I can’t help it.” Jellal sighed contently and looked over to her table. “She has that effect on me.” He grinned.
Gray admired Jellal’s realness with himself. It was a trait that Gray seemed to lack sometimes, especially when it came to the feelings department. That got him back to thinking about that thing that was poking at him all night. Or rather, that thing that wasn’t poking at him. Wasn’t bothering him, wasn’t clinging to his side, wasn’t flashing that engulfing sweet grin, wasn’t talking his ear off all night.
“H-hey,” Gray finally let his anxiety fall off his lips. “Does Juvia seem...” He realized he was failing on putting the right words together. “I dunno’,” He exhaled. “Weird... to you? At all?” He finished, agonizingly.
Jella furrowed his brows. “Weird as in...?” He wasn’t sure just what Gray was getting at.
He groaned. “I don’t know, like she’s acting kind of... differently tonight, right?”
“She looks perfectly fine to me.” By the tone in Jellal’s voice, it was clear he was trying to pull something from Gray.
“Y-yeah.” Gray swallowed his thoughts.
“Or could you be getting at the fact that she hasn’t been following you around at all tonight?” Jellal pried.
“I mean, yeah! It’s not like her to— well— leave me alone.” Gray snorted. Here he was, finally getting a second to breathe from her, and he was complaining about it.
“Does it bother you that she’s not bothering you?”
“No!” Gray immediately answered, but once he saw the look he was getting from Jellal, he knew there was no fooling him. “Ok, maybe.” He turned away.
“It’s just strange to see her not being herself.” He looked at the drink in his hand and swirled it around. “So, yes, in a weird way, it does bother me that she’s not glued to my side.”
“Well, Gray, it kind of seems like you’ve answered your own question, my friend. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go ask a beautiful girl to dance.” Jellal flashed one last smug smirk at Gray, almost as if it were a nudge, and walked strutted his way across the floor. He watched as Jellal executed his plan with that very red-head that knew just how to ruffle his feathers. Shortly following, Lucy and Natsu excitedly arose from their seats and entered the dance floor as well.
Gray knew what he had to do.
He downed the drink that sat in his hand, slammed it on the table beside him, took a deep breath, and headed towards her.
For the first time all night, Juvia wasn’t looking at Gray. She had her chin resting in the palms of her hands as her elbows leaned on the table. She looked longingly onto all the couples that were dancing the night away. It was hopeless. She had been defeated for a second time.
Flower petals fell from what was seemingly the sky, as the guards released them in bushels, setting the perfect mood for the couples romantically dancing.
“O-oi!” Juvia knew that voice all too well. She snapped her gaze at that direction.
“Gray-sama?” She nearly gasped. This was the first time she’d been so close to him all night.
“Juvia.” Gray took a deep breath. “Do you...” He held out one hand as his other instinctively scratched at the back of his head, as he wasn’t quite sure what to do with it. He felt the blush burn his cheeks, so he couldn’t help but look away in the moment. “Do you want to dance with me?”
Juvia’s first reaction was her eyes widening, not believing what they were seeing. Her lips parted as she finally took in a breath after what felt like an eternity with no air.
“Yes. Juvia would love to.”
Gray finally looked back at her. and the world around him completely faded away. All he saw was her. Juvia’s long waves draped her frame perfectly, as parts in the front fell and curved onto the seams of her dress. She looked at him with a hooded gaze, one that stared into his entire being, and he was mad that he orginally didn’t have the courage to look into her deep blue trance. Pink frosted her porcelain skin perfectly, and it just so happened to match the soft petals that fell onto her so perfectly, grazing her hands that were crossed on top of each other, tightly held at the center of her chest. She was truly all he could see in that moment, and he didn’t care. All he ever wanted to see, was her. It was a sight he could look at for eternity.
Finally, the nerves seemed to dull. He gracefully took her hand, and led Juvia onto the ballroom floor. She was first to wrap her arms around his neck, and Gray matched her, a bit awkwardly at first, by placing his hands onto her back.
“Juvia thought you would never ask her to dance.” She half groaned and half chuckled.
“Yeah, well, you could’ve asked me yourself, y’know.” They continued to sway back and forth, stepping with ease.
“And risk rejection?! For the second royal ball in a row?! Juvia’s heart couldn’t take it.” She dramatically explained.
“Well it’s not like you to stand on the sidelines.” Gray scoffed.
“But it paid off didn’t it?” She hummed a giggle. “Gray-sama asked Juvia to dance.” She sang
“Yeah, but I didn’t like seeing you be all—well— not yourself.” He muttered and embarrassingly turned his head to the side.
“Eh?” Juvia pushed her face towards Gray. “Gray-sama doesn’t mind Juvia’s mannerisms?” She boasted
“Urgh, well, I like you, okay?! And part of what makes you you is how you’re so loud, and giddy, and forward, and in my face about everything.” He finally looked back towards her. “So don’t go changing anything about yourself, alright? I like you just the way you are.”
For the first time ever, Juvia was at a loss for words. Without giving a verbal reply, she removed her arms from Gray’s neck, and wrapped them around his torso while she prompty pressed her cheek against his chest.
“If Gray-sama insists.” She hummed, snuggling up.
For a moment, Gray didn’t know how to react. Before he could think of a response, he was overwhelmed with a sense of familiarity. This feeling, this sensation of Juvia being so close to him was exactly right. He loved feeling this closeness with her, not only physically, but emotionally as well. Even though he wouldn’t admit if half the time, he longed for moments like this. Her embrace brought him a sense of home like no other could. He calmly wrapped his arms around her, and brought her in even tighter than before.
Finally, while in each other’s arms, just as they knew they should be, Gray and Juvia danced into the night.
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ladybugsfanfics · 4 years
The Case of the Blue Sweater | Tom Hiddleston
Pairing: Mob!Tom Hiddleston x cop!reader
Style: one shot
WC: 10.7k 
Warnings: crime, alcohol, drinking, implied sexual content (very much so), uhh, theres no blood, also NB: THIS STORY IS INCOMPLETE AND I WONT BE THE ONE TO FINISH IT! (story is also unedited to please dont hate me for any mistakes)
Summary:  Hey so I read your Mob!Tom x reader and it got me thinking.. Could you write a Fic where Tom is in the mob but the reader is a cop? And like they’re secretly dating but technically the reader has to make it look like they’re hunting him down but they really aren’t? (If that makes sense) Idk I feel like I just need this in my life rn 😂😂
A/N: i got this ask back in january i think and i jumped on it right away, but at some point tumblr deleted it so i cant tag who asked (and i know this wasnt anonymous bc i remember but i never put it in the doc annoyingly). anyways, i started writing it, got to 10k words and lost motivation and never finished it. i really like the AU but nothing ever really happened.... im so sorry.  I hope you enjoy what i have ^_^
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A loud ringing paired with the loudest on and off buzzing from your phone vibrating on the nightstand is what pulls you out of your slumber. The sounds screech in your ears and you reach over to stop it, to just slide the button over so that your ears can stop bleeding. However, as you lean out of the arms wrapped around you, their grip strengthens and you’re dragged back into the chest of the man sharing your bed. 
“Tom,” you say. A smile plays on your lips, the set of events not unusual for an early morning.
He nuzzles into your hair, places a wet kiss at the base of your neck. “Five minutes,” he mumbles into your skin. 
You shake your head slightly, as much as you can with the limited space. “Can I at least turn the sound off?” 
His grip slackens, making you able to reach the little way over to turn off the blaring alarm. The silence that comes with is welcome in every way, but the relief isn’t long-lasting when Tom drags you back into his chest, his nose quickly nuzzling back to where it was. 
Two seconds is what it takes before he’s pressing kisses to your neck. Rough, slender fingers graze up the side of your body until they reach your neck, where they brush away your hair. With Tom’s easy access, the soft kisses slowly turn into something more, something rougher, and the use of his tongue causes a slight tickle to trail through your body. 
“Tom.” You shift a little where you lay, taking away his access as you turn your head. In the shift, the man easily moves to trail kisses up your jaw, and as you whisper his name again, his lips connect with yours. 
It’s a hungry kiss. He sucks at your bottom lip and his hand grabs your jaw, holding your head in place. You lean into him, kissing him back with equal fervor, however, you’re quickly dragged out of the bliss, when your phone goes off again. 
There is no mistaking the death glare Tom sends the mini-computer. You chuckle slightly and push him off you to reach it. This time, it’s not an alarm, but a phone call. 
Your boss’s call ID lights up the screen, and you give Tom a stern look as you press to accept the call. With the phone to your ear, Tom shrugs and moves under the covers. His hands trail down your body, teasing you as his fingers trace up your inner thighs. 
“Y/L/N,” you say. 
A grunt is heard from the other side first, then, “I need you to come in ASAP.” Your boss’s voice sounds urgent, desperate. 
You check the clock. “I’m not supposed to come in in another hour,” you reply. “Is it that important?” 
“Yeah, wouldn’t have called you otherwise.” It’s like you can hear him nod and roll his eyes at the same time. “We got a lead in the case.”
“What kind of lead? And which case?”
As your boss answers, you can feel Tom’s tongue on the inside of your thigh. In surprise at the feeling you barely manage to suppress the squeal that works up in your throat, and you miss your boss’s reply. (You don’t miss Tom’s smug laugh from under the duvet, nor how he continues to work his way closer to your clit.)
“Y/L/N?” comes from the other end of the line when you gain back… well, really some of your dignity, but mostly your mind. 
“I’m here, sir.” You sigh. “Just something that happened that caught my attention. Cat nearly knocked down something made of glass.” 
(You don’t have a cat, why was that the first excuse you could come up with? Your boss doesn’t know that, though, so it’s safe.)
“Didn’t know you had a cat, but that could happen to the best of us.” Your boss clears his throat. “The lead’s pretty good, but can’t say it over the phone so you gotta come in. It’s on the case about the Blue Sweater.” 
You roll your eyes at the nickname of the case. One of the major criminals you were trying to take down is often seen wearing blue sweaters, and at a briefing you’d offered it as a code name; who knows who listens in on phone calls―they do seem to have a knack for being one step ahead of you, too. 
But you don’t mention that to your boss. “Alright, sir, I’ll be on my way as fast as I can.” 
“Make it less than half an hour and we’re good.” 
“No problem, sir.” 
Your boss is the one to hang up, and as you throw your phone down on the bed, Tom peeks his head up from under the covers. You send him a glare. “You should be happy you didn’t get started whilst I was on the phone.” 
Your boyfriend smirks up at you. “Oh, you wouldn’t have liked that?”
“I didn’t say I wouldn’t like it.” 
Tom shrugs. “You got time, right?” Though before you can answer he slides back under the cover, uses his hands to steady your hips and dips his head low. God, if only you had more time. 
The moment the elevator door opens and you step out into the crowded office space of the police station, you hear your name being called. You wish you weren’t the head detective on the, currently, biggest case pertaining to crime bosses. Just once you wish you could come to work and not have at least five people at a time want to ask you a question or pepper you with information you already have. 
You kind of wish you weren’t the head detective for another reason, too, but that’s a minor detail. Actually, that might be the reason you need to be the head detective; way easier to steer an investigation when you’re leading it. 
Nonetheless, you have no choice in which cases you lead or not. And that’s usually the reason why there’s three people cluttering your desk as you sit down. You’re not entirely sure that’s the reason today. 
You plop down in your chair and stare up at the talking men in front of you. The three of them notice you quickly (after all, it was them that yelled your name) and the chatter dies out. 
“I’m here half an hour early and I would love to know what made me skip my morning shower.” (It would have been morning shower sex, and you are a little very annoyed that you had to skip it.)
Your boss coughs, gaining your attention. “Briefing room. Five minutes.” The man looks slightly uncomfortable, but that’s not a big surprise. You’ve been told many times that you have that kind of face that makes people squirm; just something about you is, apparently, intimidating. 
And he walks away. 
“You two doing at my desk then?” you ask your coworkers. The two men are your right and left hand in most cases, but this one especially. You wouldn’t even be half the way you are now if you didn’t have them. (Though how much that says, you’re not sure, because you really have nothing.)
“Well…,” starts Mackie. His hand goes up to scratch his neck. “...really we just naturally gravitate here.”
You squint at him, and divert your gaze to Evans (who you know is a shitty liar). Even though you’re not opening your mouth to say anything and he isn’t looking at you, you can see the big man trying to make himself smaller. 
“We were gonna try and see if you’d left a hint to who you’re sleeping with,” he says, and despite the way he doesn’t meet your gaze, he says it so casually you’re actually taken aback. 
“Excuse me?” You let out a huff, and shake your head. “My sex life is my sex life. You two” ―you point at both of them― “have no business with it.” You stand up from your chair and shake your head yet again. “And if you really think I’d leave evidence lying around, I gotta figure out how to let you know that’s not something I’d do.” 
(And if you had, well, your career would for sure be over. If not worse.)
But with that out of the way, you make your way to the briefing room. Captain Cheadle, your boss, stands at the head of the table. In his hand, he holds a wireless presenter, and a few papers are scattered on the table in front of him. You take your place at the table, and as you do, your phone buzzes to signal a new message. 
The captain gives you a shrug and that’s all the permission you need to fish your phone from your pocket and check the text. 
[08.38] twh darling, you left something at your flat
[08.38] you you talking about yourself? that doesnt count
[08.39] twh that too but no, you left your keys
[08.39] you you doing anything today?? 
[08.39] twh you know i am, but i can get them to you
[08.40] you gtg but yes please or there are other solutions…
You let out a slight groan knowing you’ll have to figure out how to get your keys without actually meeting Tom. You can’t meet in public, and there are few places where you can meet without being discovered; there’s a reason you’re always at your apartment and never at his house. (well, you’ve been there once, but that was with work and it doesn’t count.)
Whatever his reply is to the latest text you sent, you don’t get to read (though you do feel the vibration on your thigh). Captain Cheadle has called for your attention, Mackie and Evans having seated themselves in the room as well, and you can’t do anything but pay attention to your boss. 
“The tip we got is an inside tip.” The captain steps aside to let the projector show a photo of the biggest crime boss currently in New York City, Tom Hiddleston. As with every other photo he’s in, he’s wearing a fucking blue sweater. “The source is reliable, as we know of their work with Hiddleston, but we’re not sure if the tip is.” 
He clicks to another photo, which is of the same man getting into a car. Only, he’s getting into the driver’s seat, something that is unusual for someone that has his own driver. “We can’t know if the tip is true or not, but we’re guessing there’s some truth to it.”
You roll your eyes slightly (not enough for the captain to notice). “Can you tell us what it is yet?”
Captain Cheadle nods. “There’s been a mystery woman in his life. None of his men know, but based on a lift in spirits and an increase in nights gone from his own house, they believe he has to be seeing someone. Rumor amidst his men, according to our tip, is that it's been going on for a few months.”
A knot tightens in your gut. A few months is a little less than correct, but yeah… It’s been six months since you started dating Tom Hiddleston. Off work, on a weekend, you met him in a bar, you got drunk and your mind didn’t work in any other way than tell you how hot he was and how good he made you feel. There was little persuasion needed for Tom to get you in a bed, naked, and screaming out his name. And so far, he’s managed to do it most nights since. 
(The case had been assigned to you a month after your first encounter. You’d known his name well before you met him, but that hadn’t stopped you. And, even as his girlfriend, you had no evidence on him whatsoever.)
Yet, after six months of no one knowing anything, you’d been fairly certain you’d get away with it. At least until either one of you got enough of pretending. Tom has enough money for you to quit your job should it come to it, the only problem being that you don’t want to because you love your job. 
“Did your source say anything about who the woman could be? Where to find her?” asks Evans. 
You wait patiently for the reply. Your gut stirs with the thought that they’d know, that just your face (usually a poker-face no one could read no matter how much you panicked on the inside) would reveal you. But you aren’t revealing anything but being deep in thought, as you can feel Mackie’s eyes on you as your own flicker across the room and a frown has pronounced itself on your face. 
“The tip was slight, but the source believes that there might be something to check at a bar. It’s one Hiddleston frequents, High Rise.”
Oh, if only the name didn’t chime with recognition at the back of your mind. There isn’t much to do but accept your fate and follow up on the lead, only try your best to avoid being recognized as the girl who left with Tom Hiddleston half a year ago. That could be rather easy, seeing as the bar was dark and you’d been wearing more make-up than usual and the dress you wore hadn’t stood out in any way, and it being six months ago.
You nod at captain Cheadle. “Anything else we should know?” 
He nods slightly. “There came one more thing with the tip, but this wasn’t a written message.” He roams around his papers for something and eventually fishes out an evidence bag. Inside is an envelope and something small you can’t see from far away. He slides it across the table to you. 
Your heart skips a beat at the sight of what lies in the bag. The envelope easily recognizable as one you’d written yourself (though you’d used a typewriter―fancy―so there isn’t any handwriting to check), and the content a barely visible silver and gold wristband inscribed with a phrase Tom has whispered time and time again in your ear (the most intimate you’ve been outside of sex); my safe spot is with you in my arms. 
Your fingers graze over it as you look at the inscription. “That’s pretty intimate,” you say, and an agreed murmur comes from your captain. 
“You traced it?” asks Mackie. 
“Untraceable. Paid in cash, no receipt, and might even have been done illegally.” 
At least you know that that’s not true, and if they’d tried just a little bit harder, it wouldn’t be that hard. 
“Fingerprints?” you ask, though not sure exactly where it comes from. (Or, well, it comes from the fact that you’ve touched the wristband on several occasions and that, unless wiped, there should be fingerprints all over it.)
You look up from the evidence bag to see captain Cheadle shake his head. “A few around the clasp, but none enough to make a full print, and any other we could find are only Hiddleston’s. The envelope’s the same”
“The question is whether Hiddleston sent it to someone or if someone sent it to him.” Evans motions for you to slide the evidence over to him, and you do. 
“He’s the biggest crime lord in New York, he’s gotta be real smitten if he’d make that to send to someone.” Mackie shrugs, not sold on the idea that Tom Hiddleston, crime boss extreme, could be sappy enough to send it apparently. 
Well, if only you knew what Tom would do for the one he loves, if only you knew.
“Well,” you say and clap your hands together, “seems we have more to do today than reports.” 
A slight chuckle comes from the three men in the room with you. 
“I want you, Mackie, with me on a trip down to High Rise. Captain, is it possible to talk to our source other than written communication?” 
A nod. 
“Then I want you, Evans, to have a little chat with Hiddleston’s ex-buddy. Let’s see if he doesn’t have more information, and if you can’t get much, try a little harder on the wristband. There’s gotta be something to look for there, maybe mention it to our source?”
“On it.” Evans gives you a thumbs up, grabs the evidence and walks out the door. You and Mackie move to do the same, and on your way there, you fish your phone out from your pocket. 
[08.41] twh i’ll have to get back to you on that, but you can probably count me in have a good day, darling
[09.27] you sounds great but, on some not so good news, you got a snitch amidst you and i have smth that belongs to you in evidence
You don’t wait for a reply, certain he’s busy and also because Mackie is a nosy asshole and you’re not gonna get caught on a text message. 
“You know where High Rise is?” asks Mackie as you make your way to your desk. 
“GPS exists, but I have a hunch,” you say as you grab your jacket. Unfortunately, that hunch is more a hunch that your relationship is getting threatened by your work. 
(“A hunch. Yeah, right, you’ve probably been there.”
“Careful what you say there, kiddo.”
“I’m older than you!”
“And yet, I’m driving.”)
[09.53] twh name? and what might that be?
[11.16] you i didnt get one but one of my guys is questioning him smth i bought you
[11.17] twh ill figure it out, and that has to be my wristband. how? 
[11.17] you you tell me
Mackie nudges your arm with his elbow as you make it inside the bar. It’s mostly deserted, highly unlike the life that was there the last time you set foot in the place. A man sits in the booth in the back sipping what looks like whiskey based on the glass and the brown liquid inside. By the entrance, a woman and a man sit across each other at a table. Each of them have a beer, though only the man looks to have touched his, and the woman doesn’t look too happy with him. 
However, you turn your attention to the bar, and the bartender behind the counter. Fortunately, he’s not the same one that was here when you were. Making your way over, you note the exits (the one you came in through, a backdoor in the kitchen, and―one you noted the first time you were there―the window in the ladies’ room). You also note the man sitting at the edge of the bar counter, back hunched over and an old fashioned placed in front of him. Untouched. 
“How can I help you?” asks the man behind the counter. A bushy beard covers his chin, ruffled brown hair the top of his head, and tattoos cover his upper arm, visible where his t-shirt sleeve ends. In his hands he holds a cleaning towel and a glass, but as you sit down, he slings the towel over his shoulder and puts the glass down. “Guessing beer for you, sir, and maybe a scotch on the rocks for the lady?”
You shake your head, and roll your eyes at Mackie’s almost nod. You’re at work, you’re not gonna drink. “Sorry, mister, but we’re here on other business.” You pull out your badge and give him a peek. 
The bartender’s eyes go wide. “Sorry, ma’am, didn’t know. You could've fooled me.” He holds out a hand. “I’m Tom Hardy, co-owner of this shithole.”
“Shithole?” Mackie eyes the man. 
“Can’t say there’s a lot of good going on in here, really. Nothin’ illegal, though.” Hardy winks at Mackie and you roll your eyes. The last thing you care about is the tiny illegal things going on at the bar. “What can I help you with? There’s not been any complaints, right?”
Mackie shakes his head. “Relax, man, it’s got nothing to do with you. We’re looking for information on a man, also named Tom, but with a different last name. Hiddleston, heard of him?”
The scoff Tom Hardy comes with is barely audible, but you catch it and cock your head to the side. 
“Who hasn’t heard of Tom Hiddleston? Supposedly a big mafia boss, but the police has got nothing on him.” 
“We got word he frequents this bar. That true?”
Hardy nods. “He’s by at least once a week, sometimes more.” 
You try to drown the ache that falls over your heart knowing he still comes by. “You know what he’s here for?” 
The bartender shrugs. “Don’t get into that shit, but I know he has a deal with my co-owner, Luke Evans.” 
Mackie pulls out a pad and a pen and writes down the name. “Hiddleston ever leave here with a girl in the last few months?” 
Hardy shakes his head. “Nah, leaves with the same men, though he has gotten different. Before he used to indulge a little more with the women, but now he seems to not want to. They want him, though.” 
The ache fades a little at that. He’s loyal, he’s trustworthy, he’s yours. “Did he use to leave with girls before?” you ask. 
“Dunno. He’s usually here when Luke works, only some shifts we got together.” Hardy shrugs. “Though the times I have been here, he’s never left with a girl. He’s followed some into the bathroom, but never left with one. Gotta be some special girl for him to leave with her.” 
You suppress the smile that tugs at your lips. “Thank you, mister Hardy. Could you get us in touch with your co-owner? We wanna have a little chat with him, too.” 
“He works tonight. Sorry, can’t give you anymore.” The man picks up a glass again. “But if we’re done here, you’re gonna have me excused. I have a job to do.”
“Thanks for the cooperation,” says Mackie and pushes away from the counter. “We might come back for more.” 
You say a small goodbye as you follow after your coworker. On the way to the door, your eyes stray to the man in the back of the bar. Something about him seems off, and even more so when he holds up his glass and tips it your way with a slight hint of a ‘cheers’. The creepy smirk that places itself on his face sparks no comfort, and you let out a sigh as you walk through the door Mackie holds open for you. 
“Something wrong?” he asks. 
“Got a weird feeling from one of the dudes in the bar. Might be nothing, might be something.” You shake your head, slowly, as your thoughts whirr around in your head. “Doesn’t matter. If he’s here tonight, I might check into it, but it’s probably nothing.” 
Mackie shrugs. “We didn’t really get that much here either, though. Hope Evans got better luck.” 
“Yeah, gotta hope. But I have a feeling our source might’ve changed his mind on talking.” You open the car door and get in, Mackie following your lead. “I have a feeling Evans might not have been very lucky.”
“You thinkin’ we might end up with… homicide?”
You shrug. “Can’t be sure, but wouldn’t be surprising. Don’t believe we’re gonna be able to connect it to Hiddelston, though.” You start the engine and pull out on the road. “Don’t believe we’re gonna have any connection other than the guy’s snitching.”
“Good enough to talk to him.”
“Good enough to blow what we have if we do.”
The police station became a place of chaos in a matter of seconds. One moment, you’re talking to Evans on what he could find (the source had disappeared without a trace), and the next, it’s like the station is on fire. 
Evans, Mackie and yourself are out of the loop. You lean against your desk, your coworkers leaning against the neighboring ones, and look at the chaos erupted around you. People run from one place to another, screaming for help or otherwise. 
Then silence consumes the crowd as someone turns up the sound of the TV in the background. You turn to see the screen. On it, there’s a picture of a fire and countless dead bodies, burnt crisps until there is nothing recognizable left to see. 
“In just a few minutes the house, that belongs to the infamous crime boss Tom Hiddleston, went up in flames. Whether the man himself was in the house or not, we do not know. Police have yet to arrive at the scene, and the firemen are doing their best to put out the blazing fire. So far, we have no witnesses and no way of knowing what caused it. We’ll be back soon with more updates.”
You lock eyes with Evans and Mackie. 
“Our source was in that fire, wasn’t he?” Mackie makes a grimace, and then shakes his head and throws his hands up in the air. “You called it. You fucking called it.”
“I didn’t want to call it.” You shake your head. “And we’re not the force to go out there either, so we’re gonna need someone to talk to Hiddleston about this, about his source, without it being suspicious.”
Evans gets up from his place. “I’ll ask Sebastian.”
“That buddy of yours?” you ask. 
“This is the kind of case he gets called out on.” 
“Go ahe―”
“Y/L/N!” You’re cut off by the sound of your captain yelling your name. “You’re going out with the team. Take one of the boys. Don’t alert Hiddleston, but he’ll know why you’re there.”
“You got it, sir.” You turn to Mackie and Evans. “Looks like we got some luck after all. Which one of you wanna join me?”
When you pull up to the scene, the fire has been put out. But the fire that is the press and the countless people that’ve decided this is something they need to see live, that has yet to be handled. 
You and Evans walk up to the police barricade tape and shove it aside. An office tries to stop you, but you easily walk past after a flash of your badge. The head officer on the case is easily recognizable where he commands what looks like some junior officers. 
“What’s the deal?” you ask. 
He turns to you, and there you find Evans’s and Mackie’s friend, Sebastian Stan. He smiles at the two of you. “Got five casualties, one critically hurt on his way to the hospital. Medics think his fate’s been sealed. Other than that the fire’s been put out, and the owner of the house arrived about five minutes ago.” Sebastian points to a male figure pacing up and down the sidewalk. “Don’t know if I’d wanna talk to him though.”
You swallow a lump in your throat. “We haven’t got much choice.” You’re about to walk from the officer, but you have one last question. “You got any identities on who died?”
He shakes his head. “Nothing, and so far it seems the fire was an accident. No fuel used of any kind, nothing weird about the source, and the six that were in the house weren’t close to it. Three of them were asleep.”
“Didn’t the house have a smoke alarm?” asks Evans. 
Sebastian shakes his head. “Nope. And you’re not gonna believe what they, as of now, believe to be the source.”
“A hair dryer. Wasn’t turned off.” 
You frown. “A hair dryer? Nothing else? It’s a pretty big house. Seems like a long shot.”
Sebastian shrugs. “So far we’ve ruled out arson, and seeing how annoyed the owner is over there, safe to say he wasn’t planning on burning his house down.”
Don’t say that. He wouldn’t care, seeing as that isn’t the house he uses mostly―that’s just the public one. 
Even Evans knows that, and you give him a look as you move away from Sebastian and towards said owner of the house. 
“Hiddleston,” you say as you near him. 
The man turns around. His expression is curious rather than angry, but something tugs at his lips as his gaze flickers over to Evans. “Miss Y/L/N, what do I owe the lovely pleasure?” 
“Your house burned down. Five of your men dead, and a sixth one just holding on. We’re thinking he’ll die, too, medics said it was critical.” You shrug. “But you already knew that, right?”
Tom smiles, and takes a step closer to you. You have to hold out a hand to stop Evans from coming in between, knowing you have somewhat of a bodyguard in the man. “Darling.” Tom’s hand comes up to cup your cheek and you have to fight the urge to lean into his touch. “How could I know that? No one wants to tell me a bloody thing.” His voice changes fast at the last sentence, the annoyance creeping in. 
“Did you set the fire?” asks Evans. 
You roll your eyes. “He doesn’t mean to ask that. But we would like to know if there are any of your acquaintances missing?” 
Tom nods. “There’s one I wanted to talk to. Name’s Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Haven’t been able to contact him since last night, and that’s unusual.”
“You think he was in the fire?” 
The male shakes his head. “I don’t believe he was there at all, but I do believe he would do this. I got the impression he isn’t quite happy with me, or my decisions lately.”
He’s the snitch. 
“We’ll let you know if he was in the fire.” You use your hand to push Tom’s hand away from your face, his touch lingering a little too long to be a play (but you weren’t going to complain.) “I have one other inquiry.”
“Go on.” 
You take a deep breath before the words leave your mouth. He should be prepared, considering you told him what was in the evidence bag, but you can’t be sure. “Any girlfriends or women in your life we should know about?” 
He smiles (god, that smile). “Other than you, love?” 
Smooth. You can practically hear Evans roll his eyes behind you. 
“Yes, other than me.”
“Then no. I have a far too busy life to deal with girlfriends,” he says, and winks, “though you shouldn’t hesitate to contact me.” Tom leans in close, his lips grazing your ear and his hand taking yours―something cold grazes your fingers. “I can give you a night you won’t forget.” 
You don’t let the hitch in your breath show, and when he places a kiss to your cheek, you only stare at him as he pulls away (and let your hand find comfort in your jacket pocket where you let go of your keys).. “Don’t leave town, Mister Hiddleston.” 
“I won’t, darling.” 
And then you walk away together with Evans. He keeps glancing behind him, and the confusion is written on his face. 
“Just ask,” you say as you reach the car. 
Evans opens the door. “How are you not fazed by that?” he asks. 
You get into the car and shrug. “Because I don’t let it. He thinks it’s fun to play with me because I don’t have a reaction―” (ehehe, yeah right) “―I think it’s fun to let him. Eventually, something has to slip and we’ll be able to catch him on the spot.”
“But you gotta allow yourself to be harassed to do so?” 
You chuckle. “I wouldn’t call it harassment, hon. I call it work.”
Evans frowns as you start the engine and pull out of the parking spot. “What do you mean?”
“Haven’t you noticed? When it comes to sexual harassment, Tom Hiddleston is the least of my worries.”
It’s supposed to be a brief stop; get into your apartment, change into something that doesn’t drag attention at a bar on a Thursday night (probably not going to be too crowded anyways), and get out. 
But when you walk in through the door, you see a pair of shoes kicked off in the entrance hall. A coat lies draped over your living-room armchair―a coat easily recognizable. 
You hurry to close the door, and kick off your own shoes. The trail of clothes leads you further into the apartment. A dress shirt folded together and placed on the cupboard in your living room. Pants lie discarded on the floor in the doorway to your bedroom. And the man who it belongs to, you find tangled in your sheets, buck naked with the exception of the tie around his neck. 
“What do you want?” you ask him, an amused smile plastered on your face as you shake your head. 
Tom lifts his head a little. A smirk colors his face and he shrugs. “Thought I could surprise you a little, before I have to get going.” He checks the wristwatch on his arm (which you first now noticed he hasn’t taken off either). “But you’ve used quite a lot of time to get here, and now we barely have time for anything.”
You shake your head, smile gone. “Sorry, babe, but I haven’t got the time.”
“What? You have plans for the evening?” There’s a teasing lilt to his voice, but it still slightly hurts seeing as you barely get out of the apartment when you get time off. Really, six months ago was a chance meeting unlike any other.
“I have work.” You move to open your wardrobe. “But if you want, you can help me figure out what to wear.” You turn your head to cast Tom a glance, eyebrow raised. 
He turns a little, enough for the sheet that had covered him to fall off and leave him fully exposed. And with just the tie as a piece of clothing, you have to turn back around. God, what that man can do. You grit your teeth as you open the door and file through the few dresses you own, patiently waiting for his response. 
“What is it for?” he asks, and his velvet smooth voice does nothing to ease the growing arousal in your gut, not with the image of him and that tie the only thing on your mind. 
You swallow before you reply, but you don’t dare turn around. “Gotta talk to the owner of a bar, and don’t wanna drag attention with people there so we agreed to act less like police. Might have to have a drink or two.” You sigh, and close your eyes. “You should have waited with this until then.”
“What?” His voice is in your ear, warm breath fanning your neck. You bite down on your lower lip, hard. “You don’t like it? You’re not enjoying it?” His hands find the hem of your shirt. Fingers graze up along your skin and you find yourself complying when he makes a move to drag it off. 
“Tom,” you whisper. You lean into him, into the fingers tracing along your bra and the way his lips ghost over the skin on your shoulder, up your neck. “I don’t―” You shudder as he presses a kiss to your jaw. “Ba― Babe, I don’t have―”
He tips your head back and his lips find yours. Barely touching, you close your eyes, and the image of Tom in bed and you using the tie to drag him to you has you swallow, almost succumbing to the pleasure you know you’ll get. His voice is low when he speaks. “Don’t have what?” 
You don’t answer as your hand shoots up to press his head closer to yours, to push your lips together. Everything you can think about is him, your boyfriend, and in a matter of seconds your clothes are off as well, and you sink into the mattress as Tom throws you down on your bed. Your eyes open briefly, to see him study the contours of your body and, even as you do give into Tom and your desire, the haste is still on your mind. 
With determination etched into you, you drag him to you with the tie and capture his lips in yours. There is no limit to what this man does to you, and there is no limit to what you let him. 
With the already extra time you used with Tom, you didn’t have the time to shower. You’d tried your best to fix your hair and do something extra with your make-up, but Tom didn’t have it in him to let you dress and time was wasted. 
Evans and Mackie pick you up outside your apartment complex in Evans’s car. As you approach, the two of them lean against it, deep in conversation. They barely notice you coming, but when they do, both give appreciative looks. 
“Looking good,” says Mackie, eyes travelling up and down your body. Evans remains quiet, the way his eyes dance over you the only comment you get (and you have to admit, you’re not really complaining.) 
You’d opted for something nice, but nothing too much. A skirt that stops mid-thigh, knee high boots with a thick heel, and a slightly revealing shirt. (You’d also opted for a thigh holster so that you could still bring your gun. 
“You’re wearing that.” It’s more a statement than a question from the naked man resting on your bed. 
You nod, and glance his way. “Problem?”
Tom’s eyes graze over you, hunger evident in them. “I would certainly like to take it off.” 
You lift the hem of your skirt, revealing the thigh holster with your gun. “This too?”
“Yes, and right now.”)
In your hand, you have a clutch and you’re also wearing a coat to keep some warmth in the cool evening air. “Shall we go?” you ask. 
And the two men both get off from where they’re leaning against the car. Mackie easily offers up the passenger’s seat to you, even though whenever it's him and Evans fighting over it, it’s first come first serve. You smile a thanks and then you’re on your way. 
Evans parks a few blocks away from the bar (his expensive Audi with tinted windows certainly drags some attention), and you use the walk there to go through the course of action. 
“Mackie’s the cop-cop. He’ll talk to Luke Evans, try something else. We try to talk to some of the people there. Whether that’s as a cop or not, I don’t really care. All we really need is a lead. If anyone sees any of Hiddleston’s associates, please alert the others.” 
The two nod. “Sure, but before we go in there, you have to fix your hair.” 
You raise your brow at Mackie. “Excuse me?”
“You got sex hair.” He gives you a ‘sorry’ smile and a shrug. “Like, we’re not judging you for having it, but if you’d told us you had a visitor we would’ve waited to come to give you more time.”
“Fuck.” You shake your head and stop. “One, help me fix my hair. Two, I wasn’t planning on it. I was ambushed.” Something that isn’t really that far fetched, it’s not like you knew Tom would be there when you came home.
Evans stops in front of you and asks with his face if he can help, and you nod. His hands move to brush a little through your hair, and fix a little on what probably stands out. 
“How could you get ambushed?” asks Mackie. 
You roll your eyes. “I got home, there were some clothes lying around, I followed the trail to a naked man in my bed and seeing as it’s the guy I’m currently seeing it wasn’t a bad sight. I tried to tell him I didn’t have the time, but he can be quite persuasive.”
As you talk, Evans tugs a little harshly on your hair and you let out a pained sound. He apologizes, but continues to try and fix your hair. 
Mackie shrugs. “How long have you been seeing him?”
You shrug. “Few months.” 
“How many months are a few?” asks Evans, his hands letting go of your hair and an approving smile on his face. He steps away to get Mackie’s blessing and the man nods affirmative. 
“Uhh, six.” 
Both Mackie and Evans stare wide-eyed at you. 
“You’ve been dating a dude for six months and not told anyone?!” If you didn’t know better (and you’re not always sure you do), you’d think there was a layer of accusation in Mackie’s voice, but you don’t believe there is. 
You shrug and begin to walk again. “What does it matter? It’s not like there’s a need to know about those things.”
“I thought we were friends.” Mackie shakes his head, a small friendly glare sent your way. 
“What made you think that?” you ask, but the same friendly feel to your words as there was to his glare. “But can we let it go? I don’t want to talk about my private life.”
Evans nods. “We’re here anyways.”
And you sure are. You look up to see the blinking neon sign of the bar. The bass from the music drifts to where you stand by the door, and with a quick glance inside, you can see it’s fuller than you expected for there to be another work day of the week left. Though you do notice the age of the people; it's possible the college kids don't have class tomorrow, or don’t care. 
The three of you make your way inside, gaining a few glances as you step in, but everyone quickly turns back to their own lives. You give a small sign to the two men you came with and move away from them. 
It’s easy to step up to the bar, and you easily recognize the bartender as the one who was there when you met Tom. You’re guessing he’s Luke Evans, and you take a breath before you signal him for a drink. Hopefully, you won’t be recognized. 
“What can I get you?” he asks. 
“A whiskey, thanks.” 
He pushes away from the counter, and easily grabs a glass and a bottle and pours. When he puts it down in front of you, his gaze lingers. “Have I seen you before?” 
You shake your head. “Has to be somewhere else than here in that case.” 
“First time?” 
You nod. 
“Recommend not drinking a lot. We get some sleazy people in here.”
“I hear you also get crime bosses. This the place to meet the Tom Hiddleston?”
Luke chuckles. “Hon, if you want to meet Tom Hiddleston, I suggest you start being careful what you wish.” He nods to the back of the bar. “Best luck is sitting down in that reserved booth. It’s his usual.”
You cock your head. “He’s coming here today?”
The bartender nods. 
“Ain’t I lucky,” you whisper and smile at him. You easily get away from the counter and make your way to the empty booth in the back. 
Sure enough, a sign reading reserved is placed on the table. Who it’s reserved for doesn’t say, nor is there a time stamp. You make for sliding into it, but a hand grasps your wrist and pulls you away. 
As you fall into the chest of the stranger, you turn your head. The man who you’d seen earlier today is the one holding you back. Up close, you notice bags under his eyes and he reeks of alcohol. You pull away from his grip and raise a brow his way. 
“I wouldn’t sit down there if I were you,” he says, and slides into the same booth he had earlier. 
He shakes his head. “Tom Hiddleston isn’t a man to mess with.”
“And how do you know so much about Tom Hiddleston?”
The man pats the seat next to him. “Sit and I’ll tell you.”
You hesitate, but eventually slide in. You leave room between yourself and the stranger. If anything were to happen, you do have a gun.
“You got any relation to Hiddleston?” you ask (you have to admit, no matter how much you want your boyfriend not to be caught, you wish you knew more about what he did do). 
“Name’s Aaron.” The snitch. 
You motion for him to go on.
“I was hired by him three months ago. He felt the cops were gaining and wanted something, or someone to try and put a stopper to it.” 
“So, Tom Hiddleston hired you to snitch on the cops?” You want to laugh, seeing as you snitch enough for Tom to never know exactly what you know, but enough to cover his tracks. 
Aaron shakes his head. “He hired me to snitch on a cop. A specific one.” 
You frown, sure if he was hired to snitch on you you’d know and he would have recognized you. Perhaps he had. 
“The cop’s here today.” Aaron’s gaze travels into the crowd of people in the bar. You see where he looks. Evans. “His name is Chris Evans.” 
“Why did he want you to spy on him?” 
Aaron shrugs. “He never said. And eventually, I got sick of it. The guy’s obviously not a threat to Hiddleston and his business. Y/N Y/L/N is, but it’s impossible to find out anything about her. Don’t even know what she looks like.”
You try not to let it show that you flinched at the mention of your own name. And you find it weird that he can’t find anything on you. Tom did so, easily. But there’s no need to dwell on that. You glance at Aaron again, unsure how to ask. 
“You say you got sick of it. What did you do? Just stop doing his bidding, or something else?”
A smile colors Aaron’s face. “Snitched to the cops. Left a message. Anonymous, but I gave them a way to contact me for more information.” He shakes his head. “Got contacted today, but never replied. But I saw you here this morning, talking to the bartender.”
You cock your head. That could be an easy way to draw the connection to you as a cop, not necessarily as Y/N Y/L/N, but you had been seen with Mackie, and usually Mackie and Evans were seen with each other. 
“I have a proposition for you,” he says. “One that means getting close to Hiddleston, and that includes spying on him. Mics, cameras, whatever. I need him in jail.”
“I’m gonna have to say no. I was just hoping for a night, a friend of mine told me he was real good in bed.” You shrug. “But if you have angered him, I got told by the bartender that Hiddleston comes in today.”
Aaron smiles. “You’ll have to excuse me, then. I hope you don’t anger him with only the intention of a one night stand. Based on how you look, I’m pretty sure you’re his type.” The male slides out of the booth, downs his drink in one go, and waves goodbye. You watch as he moves to the restrooms, and you roll your eyes when he winks. 
[10.47] you snitch is alive, in the restrooms hiddlestons supposed to come in today
[10.48] evans no snitch in the restrooms, window’s open tho guessing it was the guy that slipped past me just now
[10.48] you guess so mackie u got anything from the bartender
[10.50] mackie that hiddlestons coming in that their deal is just renting of the venue from time to time
[10.50] you well just have to do the best of it then im sitting in his booth so if he comes hell notice
[10.51] evans sure thats a good idea??
[10.51] you would very much like to know why he put someone to spy on you evans snitch was hired to keep tabs, got annoyed he wasnt keeping tabs on me
[10.51] mackie dam i wanna know that too be careful
You look up and meet the gazes of your coworkers. Evans looks uncomfortable, worried almost, judging by the crease between his brows. Mackie gives you a look of understanding and a pair of thumbs up. 
You down your drink, try to cover the hiss as pain sears down your throat, and make to sit down in Tom’s booth. On the way in, you knock over the reserved sign, making it fall to the floor. Now, it’ll look like you didn’t know. 
[10.57] mackie Incoming
The front door opens slowly. Heads turn to look who comes through, and unlike when you arrived with Mackie and Evans, everyone’s eyes stay on the man who weaves his way through the crowd. 
Tom stops by the bar, has a small chat with the bartender and turns his head to look your way. A smirk grazes his lips as your eyes lock, but he quickly turns back to the man he was talking to. 
You swallow. You have to steady your beating heart, have to shove the thought of the night’s previous events to the back of your mind, and kill the deep swirling feeling in your gut at the sight of Tom in that blue fucking suit. God, if there was something Tom Hiddleston was made to do it’s wearing suits.
The blue color suits his very being. It’s tailored to fit him perfectly; long legs encased in blue fabric that shows off his bum, suit jacket that fits his shoulders and back in a way that has you swallow. You can see his broad shoulders and some of the tightness that drags at his muscled arms. What you can’t wait to see, is how well the shirt underneath fits him. You simply can’t wait for him to pull off the jacket. 
Thankfully, you don’t have to wait very long. With two drinks in hand he makes his way up to where you sit. He doesn’t say anything as he places them on the table, nor does he say anything when he pulls up the reserved sign from where it lies on the floor. He places it back on the table, eyes you warily, and sides into the booth. 
Long arms grasp for the drinks. He pulls them in and pushes one to you. “Can you drink, darling? You’re working, right?” 
You take the glass and swirl the liquid around inside it. “I can, actually.” And you take a sip. “But I won’t drink a lot.” 
Tom moves closer to you, knocking his thigh against yours. You take a deep breath at the touch, the only one you can return―Tom flirting with you whilst you work is no news, but it would be quite different if you did the same. “Have you been waiting long, darling?” 
“No, I haven’t. I managed to preoccupy myself.” 
“Oh, can I hear?” 
You shake your head. “What good would you have of that?” you ask. When you get a shrug in return, you roll your eyes and take another sip of the whiskey. “I have a question for you, though.”
Tom cocks a brow. 
“Why did you need someone to spy on Evans?” 
Your heart beats fast as Tom moves even closer, lips coming up to ghost across your cheek. You can see that the two in the crowd of people keeping a close eye on you flinch, but you don’t make a gesture to show any discomfort. “Have you not noticed, love?” 
You push him away by placing a hand on his chest. “Noticed what?” You try to pull your hand back but Tom places his over yours and keeps your touch on him. A small hint of the love he usually offers you shows through the blue of his eyes. 
“The man likes you, darling. A little too much. Can’t have another man try anything with my woman.” Tom’s gaze flickers out to the crowd, and as you follow it, you see how it lands on Evans and how your coworker squirms. “Now, if only I could show him.”
“Tom,” you say, voice bordering on affectionate. His eyes flicker to you in surprise; he’s only ever been Hiddleston in public. “There’s nothing to worry about, and if you try anything, anything at all, you will have a gun to your head.” 
Tom chuckles. “Are you threatening me?” 
“You know where the gun is.” And the hand that travels up and under your skirt, grazing by the thigh holster, has you swallow. You take a deep breath as his hand travels a little further, and the only way to stop him is to grab his hand. “I didn’t say you could check.” You push at him a little, creating more distance between you two (even though you would like to sit close to him). 
“I didn’t think I needed permission, love.” He smirks and you shake your head. 
You smile innocently at him. “Usually you don’t.” You go to slide out of the booth. “Bye, Hiddleston.” 
Tom grabs your arm and pulls you back to his chest. “Have you really made that big a dent in the case of the Blue Sweater?” he whispers in your ear. You writhe in his grasp, but a firm hand turns your head to him and his face draws closer to yours. “Tell me what I need to do to have the lead again, darling. I’ll do anything.” 
And you can’t stop the sound of surprise that escapes you when Tom presses a chaste kiss to your lips. The surprise is so big you only stare wide-eyed at him, not able to kiss him back (and good is that seeing as you’re in public), and when he pulls back, you push away from him and shake your head. 
“You’re an idiot,” you say (no teasing or play in your voice), and then you walk away. You rush out of the bar, feel Evans’s and Mackie’s eyes on you, and when you get out of the front door you lean against the wall. Your heart hammers in your chest. You’re panting, and you can feel the rush of adrenaline making its way through your body. 
You may like to play with fire, letting him flirt and show affection in public, but you wouldn’t ever go this far. You wouldn’t ever think he’d even risk it. 
“Are you okay?” comes a voice from next to you. Evans and Mackie have made it outside, and you push off the wall to start walking to the car. 
“We’re not talking about it,” you say. 
Neither of them make a move to say more, and you can hear them follow after you. Tom might be the worst person in history to be in a secret relationship with. Or maybe the best. You haven’t decided yet. 
It’s no surprise to see the people surrounding your desk when you get to work. Your two usual pests sit at their own, and though not a part of the group waiting for you, they shoot you glances as you sit down. 
You try not to glare at the group, but when they all just quietly stare at you, the anger bubbles. “What?” you ask. 
A small murmur goes through them, until your impatient glare becomes too much and one voice squeaks out, “did Tom Hiddleston kiss you?” 
He has more than once, you think. 
You don’t reply, only giving them an unamused look in return. They quickly scatter, and you can hear the chatter that bubbles up amongst them. 
Not only do you not have the patience for stupid pestering (and annoyance at Evans and Mackie for spreading the word), but your morning was the worst in a while. It’s almost become a usual for Tom to sleep over, whether because he falls asleep after sex or if he just wants to cuddle, but when you came home yesterday, there was no Tom. 
And no Tom means no morning cuddles, or a goodbye kiss as you leave out the door. On top of that, he hasn’t texted either. No saying why he didn’t show. No explaining why he risked a kiss in public. 
A text you did get in the morning, was a journalist asking for an interview. Especially interesting was the lack of respect for an ongoing investigation, and the bold way to ask whether or not you were secretly helping Tom not get caught (you want to know how they would even guess it. That’s a pretty bold assumption to make about the lead detective on a case). 
Tired, you rest your elbow on the desk and lay your head in your hand. You massage your forehead slightly, and there’s no mistaking the groan that leaves your lips as your thoughts swirl. 
A knock on your desk pulls you out of it. You look up to see Mackie leaning against it. “You okay?” he asks. 
You shake your head. “It doesn’t matter. We gotta talk about what information we got, though. But I don’t trust… I don’t want to talk out here, so, briefing room in five minutes. I don’t know if Evans heard, but make sure he did.” 
Mackie scrunches his nose slightly and presses his lips together. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Briefing room’s occupied.” 
You curse under your breath and shake your head. “We got a meeting room, that occupied?” 
Mackie shakes his head. “Not that I know.” 
“We’ll meet there.” And as he gives you a thumbs up, you get up from your desk and move to the captain’s office. With a knock and a mumbled ‘come in’ you walk into the room and close the door behind you. 
Cheadle looks up at you. “I heard what happened.” 
You nod. “Yeah, but there’s something else I’m here about.” 
He quirks a brow. “Oh? Important?” 
You pull out your phone, ignore the new message you’ve gotten and find the text from the journalist. You hand the captain your phone. “Got this this morning. I want to know how they got my number, what made them think I’m colluding with the guy I’m trying to catch, and what the hell made them believe I’d ever talk to a news source about an open investigation.” 
“That is weird.” Captain Cheadle hands you back your phone (just in time, too, because a message chimes in from twh). “When you have time, come back in here. I know you’re gonna talk to the guys now, but I’d like for it to be soon. And check if they haven’t gotten the same one.”
“Yes, sir.” You sigh and walk out again. You head for the meeting room and on your way you pull open your text thread with Tom. 
[08.18] twh darling we need to talk i think i have some information you’d like to have
[08.23] you gonna talk about smth else too or just your problem??
[08.23] twh im sorry, darling, i got caught up in work we can talk about both tell me when you have time and ill show up at your flat
[08.23] you tonight, 8 
The reply goes by you as you open the door to the meeting room. Evans and Mackie already sit down, Evans with papers in front of him and Mackie with his phone out on the table. You frown, but sit down across from them. 
“I don’t know who wants to start.” You look between the two men, and when neither say anything, you shrug. “Guess I’ll go then.” You take a deep breath. “Our snitch’s name is Aaron Taylor-Johnson, the man Hiddleston mentioned yesterday when we questioned him about the fire. He isn’t dead because he was in the bar. He says he was hired a few months ago to keep tabs on Evans, but he got sick of it because, according to him, you’re not the threat. On the other hand, I am, but he didn’t know he was talking to me.”
“Did you find out why Hiddleston got him to spy on Evans?” asks Mackie. 
You shake your head. “Hiddleston didn’t answer that. Snitch didn’t know himself, but he said he tried to keep tabs on me, too, only he couldn’t. He didn’t have anything to go on, no information, no way to know what I look like. And I find that interesting. Why would Hiddleston go out of his way to make sure they couldn’t do anything to make me a culprit or anything?” 
“Maybe because Hiddleston has the biggest crush on you?” asks Evans, and there’s no mistaking the hint of spite in his voice as he says so. “Or, he finds you that big enough a threat he can’t have his guys going around doing stuff to hinder you because you’re smart enough to be able to connect it to him?” 
“I hope the last,” you mumble. “But there was definitely something he wasn’t telling me. He seemed to know more than he let on, but I couldn’t push like I usually do because then he’d know. I want to see if we can contact him again, because he knew we tried yesterday without luck.”
“We’ll try, but I don’t think we’re gonna get much either.” Evans nods, and all three of you let out sighs. 
You motion for them to start talking instead. Evans slides you a piece of paper. Not much is on it, but the words are clear. You look up at him. 
“There were some regulars there that have witnessed Hiddleston many times. The man I talked to said that.” Evans coughs. “‘He’s always alone, at least when he sits, but he leaves with men. Never has a girl around him unless they come up to him, hasn’t had one in a long time. Only once did he leave with one. She was pretty, looked rather intimidating, actually. Don’t think it lasted.’ The man also went on to ramble about how after that, Hiddleston hasn’t been seen with a girl. Well, before you.” 
“So he has left with a girl once.” Mackie confirms. “Luke Evans said the same thing. A pretty little thing that edged in on the man unlike no one he’d seen before, and that surprisingly got to leave with him. He’s never seen the woman again, and he found that odd. He doesn’t believe Hiddleston’s got someone in his life, though.” 
You bite your lower lip. “Well, that is something. Any descriptions?” 
Both shake their heads.
“There is one thing I noted, though,” says Mackie. “If Hiddleston does have someone he likes, is with, whatever. He so openly flirts with you that that woman has got to be furious, and he probably wouldn’t have kissed you either. I think the wristband was sent to him, not from him.” 
You nod. “I believe you’re right there.” You know he’s right, but that’s details you’re not sharing. “But I have something more interesting.” You fish your phone out of your pocket (ignore the new messages from Tom) and open up the one you got this morning. 
“What’s going on?” asks Evans as you place your phone in front of them on the table. They read over the text and cast eyes up to you. Something in the look both send, they’ve seen something similar before. 
“Got it this morning.” You snatch your phone back, seeing the almost pop-up about a new text and not risking who it’s from. “I need to know who believes I’m colluding with the enemy.”
Mackie nods as he opens up his own phone and slides it across to you. “We got the same text, though slightly altered. They’re asking if we know anything about you colluding with Hiddleston.”
[06.53] unkown Hi, I’m a reporter from New York Times. I was wondering if there would be released more information pertaining to the Hiddleston case, and what you know about Hiddleston and Detective Y/L/N’s relationship to the man. I heard last night that they kissed, and maybe the reason you haven’t caught him yet is something entirely else than him being good at what he does.
“Fucking hell,” you mutter. You slide Mackie’s phone back to him and let out a loud sigh. 
Things are not looking very bright. 
A/N: thats what i have. if you want to, reblog this with a continuation, but please dont steal any of this and act like it’s your own. i worked a lot on this when i still had motivaton but i wanted to at least share it even if i wont finish it, to which im deeply sorry
would always want to know what you guys think... 
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squeiky · 4 years
What if there was a mall based episode of pokemon adventures?
Ps: im on limited juice on what exactly happened after the episode of "practically pikachu" so if anything seemed off, thats why. I can only have so much spoilers.
This is a really REALLY long post, i did my best and added some wholesome satogou moments cause why not. I hope you enjoy ^.^
!!!!!SPOILER WARNING BTW!!!!!!! If that wasn't obvious.
.....(I can't do the read more thing on mobile, so stick with me here.)
So the Professor finds out about some mysterious instances of this shopping district being haunted or constantly full of mischief. So of course he sends Gou and Ash to check it out. Of course Koharu/chloe ends up tagging along with her pokemon, out of curiostiy. Of course something is seemingly following them from behind, and you hear a cute little giggle.
At first, its all nice and fun. They go sight seeing, getting a bit distracted here and there. Gou and koharu do a bit of dress up, and Ash is stuck having to be refferee on who dressed up better. You get some cute satogou moments, and some wholesome koharu and gou rivalry. Before....
The lights start to flicker..
And things go south.
See, before they got to the mall, there was a warning the Professor gave them before the went on their journey. The mall had been abandoned not to long ago, as Pokemon have been infesting it and taking over. Poison types, gost types, what ever dangers you could think of. It used to be very popular, attracting all kinds of mons and trainers from across the globe. Sadly, it had to shut down.
He told them to be careful, and stay on their guard. They did the complete opposite of that, and got distracted.
The light shuts down, and their in complete darkness. Bit of twist, but Koharu brings out a flashlight, then makes a sly remark on how reckless the two are getting. Followed by a slightly agitated gou, though ash doesn't seem to mind. Instead he focuses on another thing.
Wheres.. Pikachu?
Actually... Where is all of their pokemon?
Ash makes a slightly panicked remark about this... Slightly... PanicKEd.. ReSpoNse.. Then everyone starts to freak out. Then the lights suddenly turn on and everywhere around them seems like a battle field. Clothing racks are rolled over, there's some string from some bug pokemon, lying around and some other attack residues from not only their pokemon, but possibly other poison, or dark types. if the situation couldn't get bad enough.
They call out their pokemon names to no evail. The mall is big, even with the 3 of them, they cant possibly cover all the ground. They've only explored basically half of the entire mall.. Or atleast half of what they thought was the entire mall.
Gou gets a bit pessimistic, worrying if they where taken by some baddies like team rocket, or hurt, mabye even kidnapped!! While ash is a bit optimistic, saying they probably got away, or are off fighting them now, and winning!
Koharu though.. Shes not focused on any of that. The patterns of pokemon attack residue.. Shows a winding trail leading off into the bigger part of the mall. Making her even more curious than before..
She turns around to she ash and gou sending out their pokemon from their pokeball, luckily, who ever this was didn't think to take those. Gou explains that the mall is big, and they need as much help as they can get.
So for awhile, we see interactions with their pokemon, looking around, in union or in chaos. Slowly exploring the rest of the mall.
But.. Never once, do we stop seeing all these things happen, in someone elses pov....
We see things from the ground floor, behind clothes, in the ceiling... Anywhere.
Every now and then, we get a faint giggle.. Usually when gou is on screen.
At this point they scaled almost the entire mall. Every now and then finding little things. Nothing to eventful. But no matter what, it all keeps leading then to the same point.
Some random door that says "Antiques" on it, in this freakishly terrifying place. The area is the most rusted, old, and overall creepy place. Inside theres smashed pots and this place has alot of scratch marks and decay. The mall may be abandoned, but not for a very long time. This place looks like it has been there for decades, as if it didn't belong there. You could see a lot of struggle, with some old scratch marks and some strangely.. Fresh ones.
Everyone's tired, and worried, and a bit frightened. Though koharu.. She seems more than excited, it wss her own little adventure. It was nice. Of course, she still worried for her poor yamper.. But she couldn't help but be a bit excited too.
During the whole montage, they'd find some fur from pickachu, yamper or eevee. Sometimes left over pokefood or some old remains of what looks to be pokemon battles. Sometimes they saw some old pokeball, abandoned or even smashed. And even noticed some of the Pokemon that had been watching them through cracks or corners, or under floorboards.
Ash and gou finally catch up to koharu, who has been waiting for them in this creepy antique store. Aimlessly wandering about, searching the place. With the whole gang reunited, they discuss what they found, with koharu piecing it togther.
It seems this antique store looked to be the meeting place for who ever stole their pokemon. They show koharu some of the pokeballs they found lying about, some customized, broken and old. None of them have no strange brandings like "R" on it. Meaning people had their pokemon taken, but not by our common baddies. They found some evidence of pokemon battles, some of the tracks still fresh. Meaning they just left recently, probably during when they got here. That would explain why they kept feeling like they where being followed. They're probably all hiding.
But that doesn't explain why they'd take their pokemon or why it lead them in the antique store of all places. Ash suggests that they should look around here too, find some secret lever or something. Goh agrees, but dismisses the thought that someone would have a secret lever in a antique portion of the mall, then again.. Who has an antique store in a mall??
While they're searching for hidden compartments,
They hear a quick "PIKAA!!" Following a loud bang noise. Sending them all to a panic. Ash locates the sound, and moves one of the shelves. Surprise, Surprise, its a secret compartment. Its pitch black and you can't see a thing. Before ash can jump head first into whatever is happening down there, gou catches him. Followed by koharu, taking out that trusty flashlight, and beaming the light on the creepy old stairs. Seemingly going no where but down.
They quickly and carefully descend the stairs, though their all trying to act brave to lift up on another, you can tell everyone is absolutely terrified.
Then they find a light, like an entrance to some room. The hallway was dim and you could see pipes and some garbage, puddles, e.c.t. Gou runs towards the persumed, but ash catches him. He almost fell into a hole, without Realizing it. Koharu goes infront of gou, with the flashlight beaming infront of her.
Cut to a scene of pikachu. He's charging up a weak electric attack, and looks pretty beaten up. So does the rest of the Pokemon. Though, he is doing his best. The basement is pretty big, but its old. Theres some steel pipes that are broken and bent, scratches and marks everywhere on the wall. Its dark, with only a few lights, struggling to illuminate the room.
You can't tell how many pokemon are there, but there are many glowing eyes all around. There are many different kinds of pokemon. Seemingly coming from all different regions too. They don't seem freindly.
Eevee starts to yell out, angered and fustreated. To their suprising, a quick "umberon~" came rom the darkness.
You can see its shiny yellow rings, glowing in the darkness. It yells back at eevee, hitting the ground over and over with its tiny paws. As if it was trying to prove a point, trying to get eevee to fight like their pikachu did. Taunting them.
The umberon wears some kingly robe it got from a costume part of the mall, presumably the halloween section. Category: medieval.
Yamper could see eevee's eagerness to fight, so he lets out a bark of concern. He's huddled next to pikachu, who still wants to keep going. Determined, to stop them.
Whenever eevee hesitates to attack, umberon lets out a disappointed purr, and attacks them with a weak attack, but it stings either way. It wants a fair fight afterrall.
This was an insult to them. A fellow umberon., using smaller pokemon to rank them up, forcing them to train with them, untill they tire out. All these pokemon henchmons had some kind of scar, or evidence of training. Even the umberon had one. Most of them evolved, seemingly living in the mall, as some are wearing human items like sunglasses, or badazzled items too look cooler.
Then they hear a quick "EEVEE! WHERE'D YOU GO?!" And "PIKACHU! ARE YOU GUYS ALRIGHT?!"
They look back to see its their trainers! And gou, all rushing towards them. Immediately going into the room to protect them. Along with their summoned pokemon charging up their attacks as well.
Seeing this, umberon is pissed. You can see an onslaught of pokemon, who look just as mad. They where crossing their turf, they had to get out.
Umberon curls into the darkness.. Slowly back away from them, in silence.
Untill a tiny, soft. "Umberon" comes out of its mouth and..
They all start to attack, left, right and center. The whole team is surronded. All the pokemon are uncoordinated, but tankish, so they're pretty easy to take down, but leaves you pretty damaged in the long run.
Eventually, they get rid of most of them. Leaving 5 remaining pokemon left. These five being the strongest out of every pokemon and the biggest. Seemingly been in charge for a long time. Basically, its the boss fight.
The pokemon tired them out, and theres not much they can do at this point. Of course they fight, but get taken down, one by one, with ease.
Leading to the grand finale. Everyones on their knees, but still staying strong.
Umberon and its team start to charge this giant attack, thats going blast them into bits and peices.
They charge the attack, for longer and longer and longer. Getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger untill it basically becomes a giant wall. Then they release it. Going full blast at not only the entire team, but the Pokemon behind them that attacked them as well.
The was no where to go.
Pokemon where behind them, and infront.
What do you do then?
Just take it?
Like that?
Everyone throws their hand infront of their faces. Away from this giant charge attack, heading towards them in what seems to be slow motion. Some pokemon are running away, others are just watching this happen.
Its a pretty big basement.
Pretty dangerous basement too.
Gou looks back for a split second.
And a familiar sound plays out.
A tiny..
And then it just stops.
The attack was stuck in place..
Then suddenly, behind them in the darkness...
From the entrance of where they came..
Glowing eyes emerge, with a silent.. "Mew!"
And the whole attack backfires onto the 5 pokemon with one, full, swoop.
The place collapses onto them. Knocking 4 pokemon unconscious, except for that..
With the only expression on its face being absolute RAGE.
Everyone starts running out, a bunch of pokemon try to help move the 4 unconscious ones, and umberon runs in the opposite direction, into what might be their secret escape route. They look back, at the commotion.
The 3 little humans and their pokemon are running out, even picking up some of the pokemon, who attacked them, and helping them run away from the collapsing area.
Umberon sees this. But looks away. Muttering a "umber.." Before leaving. This wasn't the last of them.
Everyone safely makes it out of the mall, alive.
Everyone is tired, exhausted and hurt.
They look up to see the many battle scars of all the pokemon, who are just lying around, not knowing what to do anymore without a leader.
Some a bickering and arguing, some are confused and tired, others are just watching from afar.
Eeveee jumps out of koharu's hands, and onto some tall boxes and rocks lying about near he store. They yell out a "EEVEE!!" Which everyone quiets down immediately. They even stiffen up, as if they where trained to do that by the umberon. Which startles eevee and makes them feel uncomfortable.
Ash stands up, looking at his poor pikachu, for a bit. Its smiling, with its eyes closed. Ash gives them a concerned, but soft smile. He tells everyone that they should all go to a pokecenter, and get some rest. The pokemon try to argue, not wanting to go and to wait for their umberon, but they see eevee is following ash, and they end up following along.
Gou runs up to ash and softly pats ash's shoulder, and gives him a soft, but concerned look. Only followed by a smile. Then everyone starts following them to pokemon center.
It cuts to scene, where they show the pokemon center for a sky view. Its night time and everyone is tired. a bunch of the nurses and doctors are taking care of the many pokemon without question.
Ash is sitting there, next to his pikachu, with gou is standing right beside him, and koharu is somewhere off with her pokemon as well. They all have some bandages here and there, on their knees or hands, just watching as nurse joy takes care of pikachu.
She asks what the three of them had done to get not only so many injured pokemon, but get this pikachu in the state its in now.
They explained to the nurse about the whole incident, with this umberon and a giant battle in a basement, and a this abandoned pokemon infested mall. How the umberon acted and all the Pokemon who teamed up agasint them.
Nurse joy recognizes the umberon, to their suprise.
She explains its not the first time shes heard of this umberon. Apparently, its trainer had abandoned it when it was a little eevee. She said that they'd capture pokemon who they saw great potential and power in. One day, the eevee's win streak went away, losing many battles every single day. Thats when they abandoned them, or atleast, thats what they say.
Ash mutters a quick and angered response of why someone would do such a thing.
Nurse joy looks at ash and gou sadly, then returns back to what she was doing. She doesn't know why someone would do that. Though, she tells them she always used to see that same eevee in the pokecenter constantly. For some reason, the pokemon really loved their trainer, to the point of exhaustion. When it got abandoned, it probably took it personally. Who knows though, that umberon is quite the mystery. Some people even tried to catch it seeing how strong it was, but they'd never succeed.
She pauses what shes doing to ask if ash doesn't mind leaving his pikachu here for the night. Its pretty injured, and needs some rest. She wants to be able to take care of it, in case it needs extra care. She says he can see them tomorrow, as it might feel better by then.
He sadly agrees, and they go home for the night.
Here, we get a nice scene, just to calm things doen a bit. The 2 boys put on their cozy pajamas, and get ready to go to bed.
We see koharu in her bedroom, with her pjammas on, petting her yamper who has a cute little "get well soon!!" Sticker, stuck on his forehead, and he has his younger sticking out, as he sleeps. She doing one of those lo-fi girl poses, as she writes in her journal about her day, as a moonlight shines on her, through her window.
We see gou sleeping on the bottom bunk this time, since he's too tired to try to climb to the top. Ash isn't in bed though. He's looking out through the window of the room. With the moonlight coming through. He's tired and exhausted, but still worried for pikachu. Gou notices he's not in bed yet, asking if he's alright. Ash doesn't give a response, he just continues staring.
So gou walks up to him, and ash speaks a bit low. He wonders if pikachu is alright, and the umberon too. The umberon was hurt too, they could've helped it.
Gou looks at him, then out the window. "Sometimes you cant save everyone, and you cant help those that don't want to be helped."
He smiles brightly at ash. "Like catching pokemon!" Ash is confused, but he tries his best to understand. "Sometimes pokemon want to be caught, and some don't. All that matters is that you tried, right?"
Ash looks at gou, and smiles back. Then looks at the window, still smiling "Yeah, you're right.. Do you think pikachu will be okay though?"
Gou softly pats him on the back. He tries his best to comfort ash. "Yeah, i think so."
It goes quiet for a bit. And it zooms out as they both look out at the window.8
With that, it ends here.
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blueeyedheizer · 5 years
“You’re not avoiding me, are you?” - Warren Worthington III x reader SMUT
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REQUEST:  okay your Billy smut was hot as shit thank you. but im soooo deprived of warren! could you do one where the reader sneaks out with the gang (jean, scott, jubilee, kurt, peter, and ororo) to go to a pool party and warren tags along cuz hes friends with ororo. But warren is nervous around the reader so he basically ignores and hides from her majority of the time. And somehow the reader and warren end up in the lil pool house on their own amnd things get steamy and kinky™…
WARNING: smut, oral (fem receiving), unprotected sex
A/N: Hi anon !!! thank you so much for requesting, I had so much fun writing this. I changed the request a little bit tho, I hope you don’t mind! Feedbacks are always appreciated xx 
"Put me down!" You laughed. "Peter I swear to god if you don't put me down now I'll—"
“You’ll what ?” Peter asked cutting you off, raising an eyebrow as he kept walking around the pool with you on his shoulder. Your eyes widened when a smirk appeared on his face and you started kicking the air, trying to wiggle off his grip
“Peter ! Put me down right now!”
“Uh ? What did you say ? You want me to put you down ?” he questioned sarcastically as he leaned towards the water and held you so close to it your hair was just touching it.
“Yes plea-”
“Alright !” Peter suddenly dropped you into the pool, earning a fit of laughter from your friends and some random people around you. Your head went under and you waved your arms forward until you were back to the surface. You pushed the wet hair out of your face and rubbed your eyes with your hands, coughing a little.
“I hate you Maximoff!”
Everyone was laughing, having fun and drinking, except Warren. You knew the boy wasn’t very talkative and was having a hard time adjusting to his new life with the other mutants, but he was slowly progressing, so you kind of expected him to make an exception and have fun with you this time. But ever since you arrived, the only person he talked to was Ororo, and he firmly refused to get into the water or even speak to to anyone else. Basically, he was playing the lifeguard, watching everyone as they were having fun.
“Hey, Y/N!” Ororo yelled, startling you out of your thoughts. “Drown him next time!” You laughed and held your thumbs up at her. She was sitting next to Warren and you couldn’t help but glance at him. But as soon as you made eye contact with him, he quickly looked away and got up, walking off towards the house. You scoffed loudly and shook your head, visibly annoyed by his behavior. You were starting to think he was avoiding you on purpose and you absolutely hated not knowing why, especially considering the fact that you had a huge crush on him.
“Seriously, what’s up with him?” you asked nobody in particular, but Jean answered anyway.
“Well…a certain someone has an effect on our bird boy.” she whispered in your ear, making you back off slightly.
“What?” you exclaimed and she smirked, rolling her eyes while doing so.
After climbing off the pool, you grabbed your towel and used it to dry your hair and soak up as much of the dampness as you could, making your way to the bathroom. You had decided to leave a little bit earlier than everyone else, wanting to get some alone time before everyone went back to their dorm. Your lips curved into a small smile when you heard your friends’ laughter coming from the other side of the wall, but you let out a gasp when you bumped hard into whoever was walking in the opposite direction. “Shit! Sorry, I didn’t see you coming-” you paused as you looked up to see Warren looking down at you.You couldn’t help but let your eyes linger on his chest and wings. They were absolutely breathtaking.
“It’s fine.” Warren said, and before you could say anything else he began walking away, but you were quick to grab his wrist.
“You’re not avoiding me Warren, are you?” you asked with a sweet innocent voice, raising an eyebrow at him.
“What ? No, I’m not.” Warren stuttered as you folded your arms across your chest and his eyes drifted down to your breast despite his best efforts. You were wearing a beautiful, black bikini and your nipples were clearly outlined by the thin fabric that was still dripping wet.
“Hey. Eyes up here, Worthington.” you smirked as you noticed the shade of pink that covered his cheeks. Well. Maybe Jean was right after all. He apologized quietly, making you chuckle. “So…why didn’t you party with us? We were having fun.” you asked and bit your lips as your eyes dropped on his chest again, watching it rise and fall slowly.
“This whole thing, it’s just…not my thing.” he answered an you nodded, resisting the urge to roll your eyes. You both looked down and an uncomfortable silence fell between you two until Warren broke the silence.
“I-uh, I should probably-.”
“Kiss me.” you suddenly blurted out, cutting him off. Warren’s eyes widened, his mouth going dry as he stared down at you.
“What ?’
’‘You heard me, Warren. I want you to kiss me.”
When he didn’t react, you rolled your eyes with a groan and slammed your lips against his, kissing him with fervor. You grinned between his lips as he eventually kissed back and his hands came up to cup your cheeks. You moaned softly into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him closer. You only broke the kiss temporarily to drag him into the closest room and get a little more privacy, pressing your lips back onto his as soon as you stepped inside the room, his hands travelling all over your body. You moaned and bit your lip as he started kissing down your neck playfully, gently nudging you against the wall.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful Y/N.” he mumbled against your skin and you blushed furiously. The need to hide your face was strong but instead you pulled him into another kiss and your hand moved into his hair, gripping his golden locks firmly as you needed him closer to you.
Soon enough your hand found his growing bulge and you started stroking him through the fabric of his boxers.
“Been wanting you ever since we met. Too fucking bad you were too busy ignoring me this whole time.” you muttered against his bottom lip, biting it as your fingers began to slip behind the waist band of his boxers and tugged them off his hips, exposing his erection. Warren moaned in response, lost in his own ecstasy. His lips left your mouth and traveled down to your jawline, your neck, then back on your lips.
You wrapped your hand around his length and started stroking him slowly from base to tip, letting your thumb run over it and using his precum as lube.
“Does that feel good, Angel…?” you whispered in his ear and he nodded, unable to form a coherent sentence as the nickname sent a shiver down his spine. You started stroking him faster and wrapped your arm around his neck to steady yourself.
You started grinding your hips trying to find any kind of friction and as soon as Warren took the hint, his hand found your clit making you cry out in pleasure. You threw your head back against the wall, eyes fluttering shut as his fingers worked to get you to that familiar sensation you craved. As you began stroking him faster Warren stopped your movement with a hand, simultaneously stopping his own on your clit which made you whine at the lack of contact. You looked up at him with a questioning look and he swallowed hard, his green orbs piercing into yours.
“Let me take care of you.”
“Y-you sure?” you breathed and he nodded before crashing his lips against yours again, tongue fighting for dominance. You shivered when you felt his hands untie your bikini top, letting it fall to the ground. He started trailing his kisses lower: from your jawline to your collarbones down to your chest, and he sunk to his knees to press hot kisses along your inner thighs. You spread them open for him and whined as you got impatient, your breathing itching with each kiss.
“I swear to god if you don’t get your fucking head between my legs I’ll push it down for you.” you groaned and he looked up at you with a smirk, his eyes darker than usual and you swore the sight of it could’ve sent you over the edge. Then in one swift move, Warren pulled your panties down and didn’t waste any time before licking a long stripe across your folds, making a low moan escape your lips. Your legs were already shaking from trying to keep you up, your nerves threatening to let you down anytime despite Warren’s strong hands holding you in place.
You looked down at him, the sinful sight of him working on you sending you even closer to the edge. You threw your head back against the wall as he lapped at your clit mercilessly, his tongue swirling over the sensitive bundle of nerves.
“Oh Angel…please…” he moaned against your core as you cried out, gripping his hair as you held his head in place between your thighs. You let out a noise that was far too close to a scream when your orgasm hit you with full force, your hand quickly coming to cover your mouth, remembering that your friends were still somewhere outside.
“Fuck…” you whispered as Warren got up and pressed a single kiss to your lips, letting you catch your breath. He rested his hands on your hips and your arms went to encircle his neck before leaning forward and resting your forehead against his. Your features contorted into a smirk and your lips found his own again as you noticed that his erection was still rock-hard. You started kissing him slowly at first, tasting yourself on his lips, then with more passion.You eagerly pressed your body against his and cupped his jaw with one hand.
“Fuck me Warren.” you breathed and he nodded breathlessly, before capturing your lips with his own again. Instinctively you lifted one leg, wrapping it around him and he pumped himself a few times before positioning himself at your entrance.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” he whispered, his voice soft and caring, and he immediately lifted one hand to stroke your cheek.
“God, yes,” you whimpered, leaning into his touch. “Please. I want you, Angel.”
And that was eveything he needed to know. You moaned loudly as Warren pushed himself inside you, and gave you a moment to adjust to his size. Then he slowly began to move, sliding every inch of his cock into your wet core.
“Warren, fuck !” you gasped, burrying your face against his neck as he started pumping hard and fast inside you, already feeling the familiar sensation building in your stomach as he hit your sweet spot with every thrust.
“Fuck.” he cursed against your ear. “You feel so fucking good Y/N.” he grunted and moved your leg higher on his hip, giving himself more access. “You have no fucking idea how long I’ve been wanting to do this.” His lips quickly attacked your neck, nibbling at your sensitive spot and it wasn’t long before you were both panting uncontrollably.
You were unable to hold your moans of pleasure when your second orgasm exploded and Warren followed closely, crying out your name as he came inside you. As you both rode the last of your orgasm, Warren slowed his motions before pulling out, kissing your forehead softly. Your legs felt like jelly and your body was still shaking from the intense pleasure as you collapsed onto his chest and wrapped your arms around him, breathing heavily. Warren wrapped one arm around you while his other hand ran through your hair, scratching your scalp soothingly. You stayed like this for a good five minutes until you pulled away and pecked the tip of his nose.
“I’m not done with you.” you whispered. “Tonight, my dorm. 10pm.” you winked at him and pecked his lips one last time before turning around and walking away with a goofy smile that never left your face.
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castiel-barnes · 3 years
In Uniform.
Pairing: WW2 pilot Poe x fem! Reader.
Summary: After lots of trouble, Poe finally comes home to you. Set in World War 2.
Warnings: Hurt comfort. Mentions of blood. Swearing.
Wordcount: 1.8k
Tags: @mandosmimi @phoenixhalliwell
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When Poe said he was going into the Air Force, you wanted to cry and slap him and tell him "no." But you also wanted to spend almost every waking moment with him and saying "I love you."
Whilst Poe was away, you spent every Monday and Friday with his father Kes. Kes was just as worried for Poe as you were. This was because Poe was his only family he had left. When Poe was young, his mother died in a flight accident. And since then Kes worried about Poe whenever he done one of his stupid stunts.
Dear sweetheart,
I honestly can't tell you how much I hate being away from you, and how much I am missing you. I wish that the two of us could be on that beach again with beebs from our last holiday. It's boring without you next to me darling. Just wish I could feel your touch again.
I'm going on a mission soon. I'm not sure how long I'll be in the air for, but it shouldn't be too long. The boys pick on me for having your picture amongst my stuff. It's in that book I said I got, to keep it nice and so it won't get creased.
Its a beautiful picture of you. I really like that summer dress on you.
I love you with all my heart.
Your pilot,
Poe xx
You smiled everytime you got a letter from Poe. Although sometimes you couldn't really read the pencil scribble, cause it was written in such haste. The two of you sent regular letters, sometimes you would add a photo and a small flower.
Darling Poe,
I think I miss you just as much as you miss me. I know that Beebs definitely misses you, he keeps sitting in your spot and whining.
I hope you are well my love. I wish you could be here holding me. Breena McKenna got a telegram the other day. Both Joseph and Richard died at Omaha Beach. Beebs and I went over there to comfort her. I wish you would've been here to help.
I hope that this war ends soon, so that I can be back in your arms again. Stay safe my pilot.
I love you so much.
Your sweetheart,
Y/n. Xx
You started to worry though. Poe's letters hadn't been arriving, and you thought that maybe he was busy. But it dragged on, and the pit of worry started to form in your stomach.
You and Breena were out on your porch, when two men dressed in military uniform came up to you. Breena looked at you, worry starting to show on her face.
"Mrs Dameron?" One asked,
"That's me." You replied feeling Breena's hand touch yours gently. The other guy gave you a telegram, and you felt your heart stutter for a moment. Opening the telegram, you saw 4 words written neatly on the paper.
'Lieutenant Poe Dameron. MIA.'
You felt tears threatening to spill onto your cheek.
"E-excuse me, what does MIA mean?" You ask to double check you knew what it meant,
"Missing in action. I'm sorry Ma'am." The first man replied. As the men left, you felt your breathing pick up.
"Y/n come inside." Breena stated quietly. But you didn't get inside, you fell to the ground and started to sob.
"H-he promised Breena. He promised me he'd come home." You whimpered as Breena held you.
Somewhere in France:
Poe's plane had been shot down by a Messerschmitt 109. Now he was floating down to the ground.
"Shit... shit." Poe said as the parachute drifted towards some trees. He managed to miss the trees and land safely on the ground.
The only things Poe had on him was a knife and his side arms. He looked around and found that he was completely alone. It was quiet and everything around Poe seemed to be completely still. That was until he heard a twig snap.
"Flash" a voice came,
"Thunder." Poe replied. Out of the woods came a platoon of airborne troopers. Easy company.
"What's your name trooper?" A sergeant asked,
"Lieutenant Poe Dameron 2nd squadron." Poe replied looking at the small platoon of airborne troopers.
"Sergeant Lypton sir. What's an air force officer doing in the middle of the woods sir?" Lypton asked,
"Plane got shot down. Just a simple recon mission." Poe stated.
"We'll get you back to our section sir and you can talk to Captain Winters." Lypton said. The platoon formed in to staggered form, with Poe walking next to Lypton.
All of the sudden bullets started to fly through the air. Everyone dropped to the ground and started to fire back. The tree near Poe exploded and wood fragments went into his leg and partially into his side. Lypton heard Poe scream in pain and instantly went to help him.
"Sir!! It's alright you're gonna be alright. Poe come on stay with me." Lypton shouted applying pressure to Poes wounds. Lyptons hands were covered in blood. In Poe's blood.
Poe could feel his body getting lifted up and carried. But other than that Poe's senses had gone and he was on the verge of passing out.
When Poe came round, he found himself in a tent amongst other men. He tried to move but as he did he felt the pain yet dulled down go through his side and down his leg.
"Try not to move sir." A voice from next to him said,
Poe looked to his side and saw Sergeant Lypton. Poe smiled a little and laid his head back down.
"Is it bad?" Poe asked, his voice slightly croaky,
"If I'm honest sir. Your leg is in quite bad shape sir, but you still have it. You're getting transferred nearer to where your base is." Lypton explained.
"Okay, thank you Lypton. Thanks for helping me." Poe responded,
"It's my pleasure sir, stay safe." Lypton stated standing up and saluting. Poe slauted back and rested for the rest of the day.
Later that day, Poe had managed to get transferred to an aid station right near his base. His best friend Snap came into the tent and found him.
"Shit Poe, we thought you died." Snap stated hugging Poe,
"I thought I did for a moment. I- I need to call Y/n she'll be worried as hell and so would dad." Poe groaned.
"Alright, here." Snap pulled up a wheel chair and helped Poe into it. "Careful Poe, I've got you." Snap continued,
Snap wheeled Poe of the Aid tent, and found a spare phone that wasn't in use. Snap left Poe for a bit, so he could talk to you and his father in private.
Your phone rang and your head snapped up from where it was reading the newspaper. You quickly went over to it and picked it up.
"Hello?" You stated,
"Y/n? It's Poe... darling it's me." Poe responded. Your heart stopped.
"Poe? It's you, are you alright? What happened? Oh I can hear you." You said sobbing over the phone,
"I'm alright apart from my leg and my side but don't worry. Baby listen to me, I'm gonna see you very soon I promise." Poe said closing his eyes, tears coming to his.
"You're coming home?" You asked,
"Yeah baby, im coming home." Poe replied. "I'll be home soon Y/n, I love you so much." He continued.
"I love you too, be careful Poe." You responded finally smiling after days. As soon as Poe hung up, you ran over to Breena's.
"Breena!! He's alive!!" You exclaimed,
"What?" She asked.
"Poe! He's alive." You said. She smiled and hugged you. Breena really didn't want you to go through what she did with her brothers.
Snap took him back to the tent, and helped him back onto the bed.
"We're gonna miss the hell out of Poe." Snap stated,
"I know you will, we'll go for drinks once this shit is over yeah?" Poe replied, snap smiled and agreed.
A few days later:
Poe was finally on his way back to you. He had all of his belongings, especially the book he had with your picture inside of it. He was in full uniform, but he was also on crutches so his leg could continue to heal properly.
You heard a knock at your door, and you quickly brushed yourself down before answering it. As you answered it, your jaw dropped to see your pilot. You smiled and hugged him and felt one of his hands come to your back.
"Hey baby." Poe whispered,
"Hi." You replied holding back a sob.
"I'm home." Poe said kissing you on the forehead. You smiled tearfully and felt him wipe the tears away. Helping Poe into the house, you looked over him fully. There he was wearing uniform, but on crutches at the same time.
"What?" Poe asked, noticing you looking at him,
"You look handsome in uniform." You responded smiling and smoothing down the lapel of his jacket. Poe blushed, and it wasn't often you could get Poe to blush.
"Thank you honey." He smiled back kissing you gently. All of a sudden you heard the quick patter and sliding of nails on hard wood floor. Beebs, your and Poe's yellow labrador came barrowling through the house and practically jumped at Poe. Poe landed with a soft grunt and a groan which quickly turned into laughter.
"Hey buddy I missed you too." Poe stated smiling "you been doing your job beebs?" He continued playing with Beebs. Poe played with Beebs a little longer and then Beebs went off to have dinner.
"Do you want help honey?" You asked Poe who was still sitting on the floor,
"Yes please darling." Poe replied, you helped him up and gave him back his crutches.
"I'm going to get out of this uniform." He continued,
"Okay sweet." You replied and watch him go off into your shared bedroom. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Breena walking up your walk. She smiled at you.
"Is he okay?" She asked,
"He's on crutches but at least he's in one piece." You replied smiling back. And speaking of the devil, Poe came back dressed in normal clothing for the first time in over a year.
"Hey Breena." Poe smiled,
"Hi Poe, how are you?" Breena asked.
"As best as i can be in these." Poe gestured to the crutches, "I'm sorry to hear about your brothers." He continued,
"It's alright, we all knew it could happen. You're a lucky man to have this lady here Poe, she has the kindest heart out of everyone I know." Breena replied smiling. You smiled and blushed a little. Breena said goodbye and left the two of you be, for the rest of the day. The two of you sat together cuddled up on the sofa, sharing soft glances and sweet kisses.
"Does it hurt?" You asked quietly,
"Only a little, but not as bad as it did when it happened." Poe replied kissing the top of your head.
You were so glad to have Poe home. Although he was still recovering from his injuries, he was there.
You had your little family back.
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stingerpicnic · 5 years
your smile brings sunshine/your tears bring rain (you're my whole world)
based on this post
read on AO3
Relationship: Mumintrollet | Moomintroll/Snusmumriken | Snufkin
Characters: Mumintrollet | Moomintroll, Snusmumriken | Snufkin
Additional Tags: Fluff, Maybe a little angst, its really not that angsty actually, Established Relationship, Purring, im HERE for some cat snufkin content alright, moomin being his sweet self, flustered snufkin
He was doing it again.
He really wished Snufkin wouldn’t do this. They had been having such a nice time, too. Leaning against each other, tails hooked and paws held between them as they waited for fish to bite. It was a perfect autumn day. But Moomin felt the soft line of pressure on his side become harder as the minutes went by, the tail entwined with his growing restless. With every cool breeze that blew past them he could feel the pressure get just a little harder, a little more tense.
Still, he wasn’t going to bring it up himself. It was always best to let Snufkin take things at his own pace. He might be ready to do a great many things at a moments notice, especially where Snufkin was concerned, but Snufkin so often wasn’t. And the last thing Moomin wanted to do was trap him in a situation he wasn’t ready to deal with. Snufkin would speak when he was ready.
Moomin felt he had an idea what this was about, anyways. Just a couple years ago it would have been him in Snufkin’s position, but he felt so much more secure in their relationship now. Snufkin would come back in the spring and he really did need his winter journey. Moomin could see the difference it made when he returned in the spring. A certain tightness would begin building behind the mumrik’s eyes as autumn passed until the moment he left on his journey and it would have vanished by the time he returned.
So, Moomin understood that Snufkin had to have to leave him for the winter, he really did, even if it still made him a little sad to think about. Snufkin was obviously not ready to try staying through winter. Maybe he never would be. Which was fine, obviously. While Moomin would absolutely adore having Snufkin to cuddle up to during his hibernation, there was a certain joy seeing him race through that last stretch of forest to greet him in the spring, of seeing that expression of joy and relief and love , that nothing else could quite replicate.
He just would have thought that Snufkin understood that.
“I’ll have to leave soon.” Evidently not, though, if the guilt buried beneath a half-formed attempt at a matter-of-fact monotone had anything to say about it.
Moomin hummed, tightening his hold on the paw in his own. Snufkin squeezed back, which is a good sign.
“I really do have go,” that sounded even more anxious. They were really going to have to sit down and have another talk about this. Moomin hated seeing him do this to himself over something he so obviously needed.
“I know,” he said, trying his best to keep his worry and frustration out of his voice, instead softening it with as much care and understanding as he could.
“Do you have any idea where you’ll go this year?” he asks instead of “You know you don’t have to feel bad about that, right?” or “Do you really believe it isn’t fair of you to need this now that we’re together? It’s fair. I promise. I understand. The added closeness doesn’t have to trap you. I know you’ll come back. It’s okay,” or even “You know I love you, don’t you? And that nothing could change that?” like he wants to. He’s asked those questions before and he knows their answers. He also knows asking them now will only make Snufkin feel more guilty.
“I don’t know. I suppose I’ll go wherever my feet take me. Maybe I’ll visit that town with the light festival I saw a couple years ago again, it was wonderful to see the first time and I got the feeling the presentation would be different every year. That might be interesting.”
For a while after that, Snufkin was quiet, staring at the calm water in front of them. But Moomin could tell he wasn’t done. There was a certain feel to the silence that told him so. The air isn’t sitting right for that to be it. The hard line of pressure against his side hasn’t softened, Snufkin’s tail is beginning to twitch against his in earnest, and a glance at his face confirms that the tightness hasn’t lessened any.
Then, Snufkin pulls away, untangling them from each other, putting some distance between them. He doesn’t stand up, he’s not quite that worked up yet, but Moomin notes that his tail is well and truly thrashing now. He searches for his eyes and finds them already staring pleadingly into his, not avoiding his gaze at all. And while Moomin could stare into those beautiful eyes forever, seeing the full brunt of the distress on his face is not as fun.
Oh, honey , he thinks, you’ve really worked yourself into a right fit about this, haven’t you. Really, this isn’t what he’d meant when he’d said he wished Snufkin would talk to him about things. He had hoped it make him bring things up before it got this bad. They’d really have to talk about this later when they were both feeling more level headed.
He just hoped that it might stick this time. But if it doesn’t, he’ll do it again, and again, and again. He’ll tell Snufkin that he loves him, that he understands, that it’s okay he has needs he needs to be alone to fill until the mumrik believes him. And he’ll continue to do so even after that, because it’ll never stop being true.
It’s what Snufkin did for him, anyways, when his insecurities about their parting, about the possibility of him forcing Snufkin into something he doesn’t want, of making him feel stifled and trapped, reared their ugly heads. It was what you did when you loved someone. You told them so every day until they believed it and then you kept doing it.
It was a little ironic that they’d switched roles here, though.
“I have to leave, I have to see the world!” Snufkin was speaking again, but Moomin felt the words were less for him and more for Snufkin himself, somehow. “The world is so so big and it’ll only feel like I’m wasting it if I stay in one place all the time. Please understand, Moomintroll,” there was a hint of quiet desperation in his voice that broke Moomin’s heart to hear.
He had to think of something to say soon. Fortunately, he thinks that Snufkin just gave him the perfect opening.
As casually as possible, he says, “Oh, the world can’t be that big.”
Snufkin blinks at him, momentarily thrown out of whatever torrent of repressed emotion that had been raging inside his head by the sheer unexpectedness of such a response. “...What?” he asks like someone who’s read the same book a thousand times only to find another copy that read differently.
“Well, you know, it can’t be that big. I’d say it’s surprisingly small, actually, after hearing all the times you’ve gone on about how big it is” he says.
“...You only say that because you’ve seen so little of it,” Snufkin says, the words dragging out of him like he’s not entirely sure it’s wise to say them but still curious as to where he’s going with this. Oh, he can tell that Moomin is up to something with this line of conversation. He probably thinks he’ll ask to join him on his travels again.
Moomin hums a dissenting note. “ I’ve seen enough to know it’s beautiful and lovely and wonderful. It’s full to bursting of so many good, lovely things and still, surprisingly, small enough that I can fit the whole of it in my paws.” Gosh, he sounds soft to his own ears saying that, like melted chocolate and plush pillows. He finds it appropriate.
Snufkin looks even more confused now, face scrunching up in a way Moomin can’t help but think is adorable. But he looks like he’s about to protest, so Moomin decides to get on with it, carefully reaching over and cupping Snufkin’s face in his paws like he’s the most precious thing in the world, because he is.
“There, see? It fits perfectly.”
Snufkin’s eyes widen, mouth dropping open. His face just keeps getting redder as the seconds tick by. Moomin can feel the heat of his blush through his fur and he quietly thinks that a flustered Snufkin is also an adorable Snufkin. He should really do things like this more often. It’s been such a good distraction technique so far, too.
“...Moomintroll…” Snufkin whispers, sounding awestruck and quite like he’d like to pull his hat down over his face right about now. But he doesn’t, he continues looking back at him, refusing to hide from this, from him.
Instead, slowly, Snufkin’s paws come up to cover his own, like he’s been given something unbelievably fragile. He’s staring up into Moomin’s eyes like he’s the most wonderful thing he’s ever seen, like Moomin hung the stars in the sky for him to admire, like he’s lovestruck, and it makes warmth bloom in Moomin’s chest. It’s so much he feels like he might burst. He’d very much like to kiss him right now, he thinks.
So he does. He softly presses his snout into Snufkin’s forehead, knocking his ha askew in the process, because he can think of nothing sweeter than forehead kisses and he finds that appropriate. Snufkin deserves nothing but the sweetest things the world has to offer. He feels Snufkin’s temperature raise another degree. He’d be worried if he didn’t know it was just a blush, but nothing bad could possibly be accompanied by the loud purring that erupts from Snufkin’s chest, anyways.  As it is, he’s pretty proud of himself.
When he pulls back, he sees something move out of the corner of his eye. “It looks like we got a bite, Snufkin!” he says, carefully pulling his paws out of his hold and managing to sound at least mostly normal.
Snufkin, though, is still frozen in place, purring loudly with wide eyes and a red face, while Moomin moves off to calmly reel in their lines and place the their latest catch in the bucket they’d brought along.
“I think we’ve caught enough fish for today,” Moomin says, glancing at the bucket.
He walks over to Snufkin, holding his paw out to help him up, “How about we head back and make ourselves a meal?”
“...Yeah, sure, sounds good,” is the dazed response he gets, but Snufkin paw closes around his own and pretty soon they’ve cleaned up and are walking back home with paws clasped, so Moomin counts the day as a success.The purring he doesn’t stop hearing for the rest of the day lets him know he’s done something right, anyhow. Even if he doesn’t see Snufkin’s face again for the next several hours due to a certain green hat.
They’d have that talk a little later, but they would have it, so help him.
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peaky-shelby · 5 years
When he sees me [4]
Pairing: Chris Evans x oc
Summary: Delilah is a simple shy girl. What will happen when famous actor, Chris Evans sees her? Will she hide, will she run again? Will he make her come out of hiding instead?
Episode 4: The one with the double date
Read:  prologue, episode 1, episode 2 , episode 3
Words: 2.656
Based on When he sees me by Sara Bereilles
Warnings: mentions of sex, awkwardness, fluff, mentions of anxiety and Sebastian Stan.
Author’s note: this one is practically the begging of the story. The beginning of the battle that Delilah will have to go through. Will they survive? Thanks again for reading and please don’t forget leave your thoughts💘 and if you stop answering I’ll just assume that you want me to stop tagging you♥️
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On the drive from the club to the house Delilah didn’t shut up. She kept mumbling about all these reasons why the double date was not a good idea. A part of her knew that Laura wasn’t really listening but she kept going. You see, she talks a lot when she has something to say.
”how could you think of something like that?„ Delilah shut the door to their apartment and threw her back on the nearest chair, her entire body was shaking, her mind was a maze, she had so many things to say, so many worries to express and she couldn’t get them together. She kept pacing back and forth like she was trying to find her sense around the room.
“Would you calm down? I think It’s the perfect idea and everything will go alright—„
“You thought ‘stole his car’ was a metaphor for sleeping with him! Excuse me but I don’t trust your judgment. How am I supposed to go on a double date? I don’t even go on alone dates—„
“This is exactly why I suggested it, you needed a date—„
“I didn’t Laura! That’s my point! I’m happy! Maybe I haven’t dated in a while but that doesn’t mean I’m sad! I don’t need a date, i need to be calm and right now I’m not calm!„
“For God’s Shake Chris Evans asked you out—„
“No!„ She paused her pace and pointed at Laura “It was your idea! He’s just too kind to say anything! You forced him in to asking me out and now it’s going to be a disaster—„
Laura rolled her eyes and went to the kitchen to make herself some tea. She had witnessed these kind of meltdowns many times, soon it would be over. “Or maybe it will be a really fun night!„
“Well we’ll never know cuz I’m not going!„ Delilah left the living room and went to her bedroom, she sat on her bed, trying to keep her body still but her leg kept trembling against the ground. She heard Laura’s sigh from the kitchen and she could imagine her rolling her eyes again. After her 4th meltdown, Laura stopped getting worried, instead she’d use her wit and sarcasm to help, it was more efficient.
“If you keep hitting your foot against the floor, Ms. Reynolds will come shouting again.„ she said entering the room with two cups of tea. Delilah lifted her feet and sat with her legs crossed on her bed. Then Laura handed her one of the cups and sat next to her.
“This is madness! I can’t even go out with the cat guy across the hall and I’m supposed to go on date with Chris Evans? What am I even going to say?„
“Pff that’s obvious!„
“Is it?„
“If you went out with America’s president you’d talk about politics, so considering you’re going out with America’s ass you can talk about butts„ Laura sipped her tea, looking at Delilah cheekily.
“Here im having a serious problems which you created and you’re making jokes—„
“Oh D, come on, what’s your serious problem?! That You have a date with America’s Ass?„
“Stop calling him that!„
“You’re being a child! I get it you’re worried but you have nothing to lose! No matter the out come we are going out with Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans and you’re sitting here whining about what may or may not happen instead of spending your time trying to find the right dress! Literally a child!„
Delilah didn’t respond. She looked down at her cup, saw her reflection in the tea. It was a blur, exactly how she felt on the inside, a blur. Laura wasn’t wrong, she knew that but she couldn’t just ignore the anxiety that she was feeling about the coming night. Her thoughts came to a pause when Laura placed her hand on her shoulder “I’ll be with you, watching everything, if it gets really bad, I’ll drag you out of there myself but don’t let that noise in your head take away this amazing chance. It’s just noise Delilah, just noise. But he is real and right now he is worrying about you the same way you are worrying about him, if he wanted to say no, he would have said no.„ she smiled, pushed Delilah on shoulder gently to make her look up. “But he didn’t.„
Delilah raised her head, her eyes connecting with her friend’s. Laura was her safety net, the one person in the world her head made no noise about. She was always sure about their friendship, they were a family, chasing dreams in LA. Somehow Laura would always find a way to convince her into doing things, she usually wouldn’t. Maybe that was because she knew deep down that even if things went completely sideways, Laura would be there to catch her. Even if she was the one that pushed her off the cliff in the first place.
“I have been on a date in so long I’ve forgotten how to do it.„
Laura laughed “hun, that’s exactly why I’m here! I got experience on that area.„
“Right yeah.. last night, I think you got a little more experience in that area.„
Laura giggled and nodded “yeah I think I did!„
“How did that happen?„ asked Delilah.
“I don’t know... it wasn’t supposed to happen. I had met him ones or twice before in different events, we kept in touch and last night we got a little tipsy and you know.. things just happened.„
“So you like him?„
“Yeah, Yeah I do and I don’t think it’s just fun and games.. he’s a nice one D. I got a good feeling about it.„
“Well I guess we’ll find out tonight.„ Delilah smiled.
They spent the rest of their time, arguing about what they were going to wear. Laura wanted to go with a sexy kind of style, whilst Delilah wanted to keep it simple. At one point they even had a clothes war, Dresses, pants and shirts were thrown all over the house. In the end Laura wore a white top with a portrait neck and a short black flower skirt. Delilah wore a blue dress with flutter sleeves.
As planned Chris and Sebastian were under their house at 8. Delilah saw them arriving in Chris’ car from the window and she instantly panicked.
“I don’t wanna go!„ she whined. Laura ignored her cries and held her arm, pulling her with her out of their apartment.
“There’s my girl!„ Sebastian walked over to Laura immediately “I’ve been waiting to kiss these lips all day.„ he said, leaning down and acting on his wish. Delilah laughed as she watched them, she kinda wanted that but she was too scared to ask for it.
“Hey.„ his voice was like a summer evening breeze. It awoke her from her meaningless thoughts in such a calming way. His tall presence behind her, warmed her entire body even tho he wasn’t touching her. Slowly she turned and looked at him, her cheeks slightly blushing under his watch.
“You look really pretty.„ he said. This is a good start, she thought and smiled.
“Thank you, you too.„
At that moment ditching Laura and Sebastian and staying alone with Chris didn’t seem such a bad idea but—
“Alright! Let’s go! Come on, I’m hungry!„ said Sebastian.
Chris was driving, Delilah was shotgun and Sebastian and Laura were in the back. They couldn’t keep their hands to each other for the whole drive.
“Goodness if they keep going like that they’ll eat each other.„ whispered Delilah, hoping only Chris would hear.
“Sebastian did say he was hungry.„
“Ewww!„ She exclaimed in a high pitched voice making Chris laugh at her reaction.
“Try not to make babies in the restaurant!„ advised Chris, when they arrived at the restaurant. They all followed him in, Delilah was right behind him, hidden by his tall body and the other two were only a few steps behind. The waiter showed them to their table, Laura made sure that they’d sit in the right way for Delilah to be next to Chris.
During the night he’d noticed the little things, how her laughter differed when she actually found something funny from when she was just been kind. How excited she’d get to talk about her favorite books and theater and how she’d let her mind wonder from time to time in thoughts only she could hear. And In that moment while she was talking with Sebastian and Laura about books, he caught himself staring at her . She looked like the ocean in her blue dress, natural and yet ethereal. He could only see the right side of her face, a strand of her was covering her rosy cheek so in a very gentle movement he stretched his hand and moved her hair behind her ear. She looked at him as soon as she felt his warm hand against her skin. Chris pulled his hand back quickly, idiot— that was so weird why would you do that?
“Sebastian don’t we have this thing to go to?„ Said Laura unexpectedly.
“What thing?„
That question got him a punch in the shoulder.
“Oh the thiiiiing— Yeah we should go to the thing.„
“you don’t have a car„ Delilah tried to stop her friend from leaving.
“We’ll get an Uber!„ answered Sebastian
“You should know every nice love story starts with an Uber—„ Laura was cut off by Delilah’s murderous look. “Lets go before she kills me!„
Sebastian left money on the table for Chris and left with Laura. Chris and Delilah didn’t say anything for a couple of minutes, it’s like they had forgotten how two humans communicate.
“What do you think the thing is?„ asked Chris, trying to make a conversation. Obviously there is no thing, She probably thinks I’m an idiot.
“Obviously there is no thing. I mean there’s his thing which she’ll be getting—„ Delilah’s cheeks blushed immediately after she said the joke and she let her head drop on the table, feeling like a total idiot. “God I’m so sorry— that was really inappropriate I had too much whine—„
Chris laughed, she’s adorable.
“It’s alright— you’re probably right.„
She giggled at his reassurance, he tapped her on the shoulder so she’d look at him and smirked “wanna get out of here too?„
“Honestly? Yeah.„
“Lets go I have an idea.„
“Goodness this is so cheesy“ she whispered getting out of the car. Chris chuckled at her comment.
“I’m sorry it’s the best I could come up with last minute.„
“Well I’m not complaining, I’m just saying—„
“It’s cheesy.„ he completed her sentence, making her laugh a little.
Living in a LA for the last 3 years this was actually the first time she had gone on Mount Lee at night. The view was beautiful, the lights of the street looked like diamonds, the world looked so peaceful from up here, like a painted picture.
“You always see the Hollywood sign from down there... it’s so weird to be up here looking down there.„ she smiled, tilting her head to look at him “it’s cheesy but it’s beautiful.„
Chris looked down at her with so much affection. Night has never looked so beautiful on a person, it was like it was tailored for her to wear it.
“You know... when you are in Hollywood, so deep in the fuss of it, the fame and the craziness you forget how beautiful it is as a place. The history, the magic, the secrets, the art...everything about it. So I like to come up here, enjoy the view and remember.... and I feel so privileged to be able to say that I’m part of it, not because of the fame or the money but the—„
“History.„ she finished his sentence like he had done earlier “..and the beauty.„ she added in a whisper making him smile. He took a step forward and turned his whole body to her.
This is the perfect moment, right? She wants me to kiss her. I’ll just do it, but I’ll go in slow in case she wants to stop me— please don’t stop me. I bet her lips taste like caramel. Only a few inches closer, just a little bit—
Delilah stopped him by placing her hand on his chest. Chris looked at her worried but she wasn’t even looking at him, she was watching something behind him.
“I think there are two people doing it behind the bush.„ she whispered, trying not to laugh. Chris immediately turned and sure enough there were two people behind the bush totally getting it. He tried his hardest to contain his laughter but Delilah gave up and broke down in chuckles.
“Let’s get out of here!„ he suggested and pulled her with him to the car. When they got in they both started laughing like kids and Chris drove away quickly. And when they were in a fair distance he asked her if she wanted to go home and Delilah said yes.
“This is it.„ she whispered when they arrived. Chris smiled at her, he wanted her to stay.
“We should do something again.„
“I’d really like that.„ she whispered and leaned in to gave him a gentle peck on the cheek. His beard stroked her face, making her heart flutter. Their connection was so tender and sweet. She pulled away and gave him one last smile before she exited the car. Chris watched her leave until last minute he remembered:
“Oh god the bracelet!„ he got off the car and run to her. “Sorry! I almost forgot!„
“What happened?„
“You lost this, again.„ he pulled the bracelet out of his pocket and placed it on her hands. “Next time I’ll find it, I’ll keep it!„ he added. Delilah laughed and nodded.
“I’ll be more careful I promise. Thank you Chris!„
They stood still for a moment. Chris was only looking at her not saying anything. “There’s one more thing..„ he started saying.
Do it. Kiss her. If it wasn’t for the pervs making out in the bushes, she would have kissed you. Kiss her.
He stepped closer and curled her hair behind her ear, Delilah watched his movements carefully, her heart was about to drop out of her chest but she wasn’t going to stop him.
He leaned closer and closer and closer until there was no space between them and his lips met hers. It was quick and sweet, only a little peck on her lips and nothing more but Delilah was still feeling like he stole her voice and her breath. She opened her eyes and found him looking at her with his golden eyes like he was asking for permission to kiss her again. She gave it to him with a simple smile and Chris moved closer to her, kissing her one more time. His right hand was placed gently on her cheek while she had very awkwardly placed her hand on his hips, holding on his jacket. She had forgotten how to do this, it was like it was her first time. Chris sensed her struggle and pulled away, giving her a reassuring smile. Delilah giggled in embarrassment and looked away. “I’m sorry..I— I’m not used to this. I..should really go.„ her anxiety was very slowly but surely raising from her toes up to her head and she knew that soon the noise would start playing in her mind. She had to leave before he could hear it. The giggles stopped and she stepped away from him. He nodded and waved “goodnight..I’ll call you„ he smiled.
“Goodnight Chris.„
She walked in the building and fast in her apartment. Shutting the door and as soon as she did that the noise began.
@annoyinglydarktriumph-us @purely-myself-03 @yelyahcardella @tessvillegas @thejemersoninferno
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