#I hope y'all know that whenever someone says they like my writing my day gets 100 times better
softguarnere · 2 years
hi, I have a ship request if you’re still doing those <3 I love your writing and these other ships, they make me feel so warm and fuzzy!
so physically I’m around 5’1 with warm brown hair that lightens in the sun but gets dark in winter. personality wise I’m an absolute dork :) I’m super loyal to my friends and really value information of all kinds. my goal when socializing is making others feel cozy and appreciated. it’s super easy to make me laugh which I love about myself. I tend to be creative through my hobbies and academics but it can be hard for me to stick out full projects. it can also take a bit to get me to socialize or leave my comfort zone but I always have a ton of fun when I do (gotta feed off the extroverts lol)
I love music, creating hyper specific playlists, and playing my baritone uke. I was absolutely a theater kid. I can be fairly athletic when I want to be, I grew up playing and enjoying sports. I also love baking and sewing when I have the time. when my energy’s low I usually spend my free time reading, writing bits and bobs, and playing video games
thank you so much dove <3 <3
Hi Anon! Thank you so much for the compliment, I really appreciate it 🥺💕And I completely get what you mean about the extroverts lol -- Idk if I've ever related to a statement more in my life
I ship you with . . .
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Babe Heffron!
Knew it had to be Babe when you said the thing about being a dork, lol (in a good way, I promise!) I just think the vibes would match so perfectly. I totally see you guys being that couple that are always up to some sort of mischief, or are always making plans that somehow end up sending you on some sort of crazy adventure, and I think it would be very sweet
Babe loves your laugh. Lucky for him, since it's easy to make you laugh, he gets to hear it often. Sometimes you try to hold it in, and something about the way it slips out after you've tried and failed to hold it back after one of his jokes just makes his heart soar
Babe is so extroverted -- especially when he's around Bill -- that his energy is infectious. It's so easy to be outgoing around him, and to branch out and meet new people when he's by your side. But at the same time, if you need to recharge your social battery, he will 100% come up with an overelaborate distraction so that you can slip away (this boy would do anything for you, omg it's so sweet)
He understands if you need to be alone to recharge, too, as much as he'd prefer to be spending time with you. You come home from a party worn out? Hey, he's got you a mug of tea and has queued up whatever show you've been watching so that you can enjoy a moment alone
"The quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach" Which is so him. If you're trying to bake a new recipe, you don't even have to ask him if he'll sample some of it, because chances are, he's stolen a little bit of whatever you've made while your back is turned. He gives honest feedback, even though he's convinced you couldn't bake something bad if you tried
In a modern au, Babe's Spotify library is almost entirely playlists that you've made. He tries to make you playlists in return, but then he gets super embarrassed and sets them to private, because he knows that his music taste isn't as cool as yours. But when you accidentally discover a few of them and tell him how much it means to you, he's blushing for days every time he thinks about it
Babe is super competitive -- with everything. It's just who he is. It's probably why he and Bill get along so well, because they're always roughhousing and racing and competing over nothing. When you first get together, he's determined to go easy on you in sports and video games, because he is not going to have a repeat of the great-hole-in-the-flatscreen-incident that occurred the time he, Bill, and Toye got a little too competitive. But when he sees how athletic you are and how good you are at video games (without cheating, unlike some of his friends who we won't name but we all know who I'm talking about hehehe) he's willing to have a fair competition. He loves it if you get competitive with him, because instead of it ending with a smack on the back of the head, he gets a soft kiss and a sweet "congratulations!"
He really loves how you make everyone feel appreciated and like they belong. In a canon-era relationship, it's something that he adores about you, especially after the war. On the wrong day, he can get a little too in his head, and he's always so grateful after he gets to spend time with you, because it clears his head and makes him feel all warm and gooey inside
Thanks for the request Anon! I hope you enjoyed this 💕🕊️
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callsign-rogueone · 5 months
one for the books - g.t.
Garrick Tavis x Scribe!Reader part of my Valentine’s Day Celly (better late than never?) words: 1.7k (got a little carried away here, oops) 🏷: IRON FLAME SPOILERS. scribe reader who is referred to as a woman one time, and has painted nails, but no pronouns used. just some meet-cute fluff with reader and Gare. love at first sight. it's weird writing him with anyone other than Angel, but I hope y'all will still like it anyway 🥺
Garrick wanders through the rows of bookshelves in search of someone who actually knows what they’re doing, so he won’t have to spend the entire day looking at the titles of every book in this massive library.
It doesn’t take long for him to find the only scribe who’d come with them to Aretia: Violet’s friend, Jesinia, who had helped them sneak into the Archives to get the journals. Who happens to be Deaf. He hadn’t thought about that part. 
He waves a hello, racking his brain for the letters of the alphabet and spelling out his request at a snail’s pace, hoping he’s moving his hands correctly. I… n-e-e-d…
Jesinia takes pity on him, holding up a hand to stop him and darting back into the maze of shelves, leaving him standing there thoroughly embarrassed -- he really needs to add “study sign” to his list of things to do after this whole wyvern thing is resolved and Tyrrendor is freed again. Whenever that will be.
He’s expecting her to come back with a pen and paper, so he can write it down, but she emerges thirty seconds later with another scribe in tow, one he’s never met before -- the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. 
Jesinia gestures to you with a soft smile, and leaves.
He blinks once, twice, taking you in.
You’ve taken some creative liberties with the uniform, wearing the beige scribes’ robes open with a plain shirt and pants underneath, the hood down to expose your face and hair, a pair of glasses perched atop your head and a clipboard in hand, your nails long and painted a pale pink -- a few of them have started to chip, but it’s endearing; comforting to find a tiny flaw in an otherwise perfect presence.
You’re equally entranced. The fortress is crawling with riders -- you’re one of maybe five students here who are anything else --  but this one in particular makes your heart race. 
It’s as if the gods pulled a knight from the pages of one of your fantasy novels and dropped him in front of you in this library; broad and tall, muscled and tattooed, two longswords strapped across his back… he’d be intimidating without the nervous smile on his face and the blush dusting his cheeks, the afternoon light coming through the windows and making him glow.
“How can I help you, Lieutenant?” you ask after a moment, hoping you don’t sound as flustered as you feel.
The scar running down the side of his face moves as he speaks -- more quietly than you’d been expecting. “Riorson sent me; he wants everything you have about wards.”
You blow out a nervous breath. “Okay, uh… I’m still not totally sure how this library is organized, but I’ll see what I can do.”
“We can look together, then,” he offers, giving you a knee-weakening smile.
You don’t know if you can spend the rest of your afternoon with this man and not make a complete fool of yourself, but you’ll just have to try your best. “Sounds like a plan.”
You realize you don’t know each other’s names, having been too busy staring at each other to make proper introductions.
“Garrick,” he offers, extending a hand to shake.
You’re really supposed to refer to him as Lieutenant, since he’s graduated and you haven’t, but you still repeat the word softly, trying it out. “Nice to meet you, Garrick.”
He already owes Xaden Riorson his life, but hearing you say his name, feeling the softness of your hand against his… he decides he’ll be in the boy’s debt well into the afterlife, too.
“I’ll start on one end, you on the other, and meet in the middle?” you ask. “Anything with wards, magic, or protection in the title would be a good start.”
He hums in acknowledgement, heading down to the end of the row.
“I haven’t been in here in ages,” he admits, scanning the rows of shelves for anything that could be useful. “I lived most of my life here before the revolution,” he adds quickly, explaining.
Small talk is good. You can do small talk.
“It must have been interesting growing up in a fortress like this,” you respond, too shy to ask him for his likely incredibly-tragic life story outright, and you’re technically on the job right now, so you should be focusing on the task at hand.
He picks another volume off the top shelf, keeping his feet flat on the ground and barely having to stretch for it. “It was. There were a few dozen of us kids around, always underfoot and meddling. We used to play hide and seek in here, and see how long we could stay before the scribes found us and kicked us out.”
You laugh, a sound he doesn’t think he’ll ever grow tired of hearing. You may be a librarian, but you’re the polar opposite of the typical strict and stiff scribes he’s used to -- young and lovely and not afraid to laugh and talk among the books, to let them hear your voice and know that they’re appreciated. They’re lucky to have someone like you watching over them.
Since you’re grasping at straws here, you decide to cast a broad net and pull down anything that could be even a little bit helpful -- and you’re finding more than you’d thought, likely because the Tyrrish basically invented wards. 
You really should have brought a cart, but it’s no issue for him -- he’s holding at least ten thick volumes at once with complete ease.
“I got it,” he offers, shifting the tall stack he’s amassed into one arm and taking yours with the other. Seeing a man like him with an armful of books is hotter than it should be. Everything about him is hotter than it should be.
He sets the stack on the nearest table, shrugging off his jacket and draping it over the back of a chair before he sits down.
Your eyes linger on the relic winding around his arm like a plume of black smoke, contrasting against the pale muscle. You know it was intended as way to mark them as the descendants of those who had committed treason, to set them apart from their peers and to force them to enroll in the rider’s quadrant, but he looks like he didn’t have too much trouble in his days at Basgiath, if the two dozen patches on his flight jacket are any metric.
It suits him. He’d look incomplete without the relic and the thick scar on the side of his face. It would be rude to ask how he got it, but the curiosity still tugs at you. You want to know everything about him.
You realize you’re staring, and pull your eyes away as quickly as you can manage, worried that he’ll think you’re judging him -- though you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t on his side.
You each take a book off the top and crack it open, scanning for anything that could help. “Did he say anything more specific? Or why he needs this?”
“Nope. But he’s always been vague and mysterious, even when we were kids, before he had all those shadows following him around.”
“I’ve only seen him twice, but that sounds accurate.”
It’s his turn to laugh. “He may be all cold and broody all the time, but he’s a good guy. I’ve always considered him my best friend.”
You’re thinking of the best way to keep him talking when Jesinia knocks on the side of a nearby shelf to get your attention. Done with my transcribing. What’s next?
Thank you. You can leave for the day. 
Jesinia gives you a sly smile. You don’t want help? Or do you just want to be alone with him because you think he’s handsome?
She’d told you that Garrick’s sign was rusty, that he could only fingerspell, but you still turn away from him as you respond, praying he didn’t understand what she just said. 
Two can play at this game. I’ve been meaning to ask, how is that redhead boy who keeps coming by to talk to you? I’m sure he’d like to see you for another sign lesson tonight.
She reddens, realizing you know about her crush on the rider, and bails out of the conversation while she still can. Goodnight!
There’s that lovely laugh again as you turn back to him, seeing him watching you -- now you really hope he didn’t understand. He quickly returns his gaze to the book in front of him, which definitely isn’t modern Navarrian or any of the other languages you know. It must be Tyrrish.
“You can read this?” you ask with rapt curiosity, leaning forward to take a better look at it.
“About every fifth word or so,” he answers. “There aren’t many fluent speakers left, since it was outlawed decades ago and kids aren’t taught it in school. I don’t see the symbol for “wards” anywhere, but that might be too obvious.”
“No language should ever be outlawed,” you respond, perhaps a little too hotly. “There must be so much valuable information that was lost in translation or destroyed entirely after the wars. That’s one of the reasons I wanted to become a scribe, to try to save as much as I could. But so many of the texts in the Archives have been translated over and over, and I can’t help but wonder if some things were left out on purpose.”
Another smile. “Well-said. Into the “maybe” pile, then?”
Your cheeks warm with embarrassment as you realize how long you’d been talking. “That’s the only pile we have,” you sigh, stretching. 
He’d shown up around four, and it’s nearing seven now, your body automatically responding to the hour and telling you to pack things up, but that’s one of the nicest things about the library here -- unlike the Archives at Basgiath, you can work here through the night, and not be booted out at seven on the dot.
You’d asked the Lieutenant Colonel about it when he’d come by one day, and he’d told you there wasn’t any sort of magical time-sealing-lock on the library, just a normal wooden door charmed to be fireproof -- so you’d stayed in one of the armchairs until midnight reading, just because you could.
“Well,” he offers, “I know it’s a grave sin to eat in the library, so how about we take a break, get ourselves some dinner, and pick this back up after?”
Smooth. Very smooth.
“I’d like that,” you answer, your heart fluttering. “I’d like that a lot.”
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aizawaiscrazy · 2 months
The Sweet Tooth & The Baker
This is my first post on here, and it is just a copy & paste from a previous work I did on AO3! I wanna start posting on here, but I'm not sure if I will yet, so this is just to see how it'll go! -- Enjoy!~ --
Aizawa had a sweet tooth, and that's something most didn't know about. He liked cakes, cookies, pies, anything that was sweet, he liked, as long as it wasn't too sweet that is. He also loved you, which you were like a sweet. Sweet enough to give someone cavities. But he didn't become your boyfriend, just because you were sweet. There were so so many reasons.
"Shota!~" You called out to your boyfriend as you walked through his classroom door. Lunch just started, and like usual, Aizawa forgot his lunch, being the kind girl you are, you bought it to him. He grunts in your acknowledgement, not looking up from his papers, but you could see how much more relaxed he got when you entered, the way his shoulders fell, and a quiet sigh escaped his lips.
You set down his lunch, grinning widely. "I made ya somethin'.." You grin wider when Aizawa stops his writing and looks at the bento box you bought him, along with another small container on top.
He opened the container, and like he guessed, some cookies were in there, along with a small cake pop. You, were a pastry chef along with a baker. You went to school for it, worked at a bakery/pastry shop since you do both, and have your own shop, which is how you and him met. He had a sweet-tooth, and you loved baking. So of course, whenever you could, you'd make him something.
"I also got enough for your class and the other teachers if you wanted to share."
Aizawa grunts and stares at you. "Dunno if I wanna share." He muttered, though you could tell by the small smirk on his face, he was only kidding. Aizawa loved to show you off, and if he gave others your cookies, it'll show how he got you, and how no other teacher could, and if the kids piss Aizawa off too much, he can just threaten to take away their cookies. Win win for him.
"There's more cake pops at home!~ Your favorite ones too! Cute little cat ears on them and whiskers." You giggle at the way his face heated from embarrassment, but it wasn't a lie, it was in fact his favorite. The flavor was chefs kiss, and the look was a bonus.
You swear you have to sometimes remind him he can't just eat all your sweets. Of course, he doesn't eat 30 of them at once, but he sometimes forget to eat other foods during the day, so you have to remind him that he can't just have a donuts, or cookie, for his meals.
Although you were a great baker, you weren't as great a good. You could make ramen, and sandwiches.. a grilled cheese? Point is, you couldn't cook, not well, so Aizawa was the cook of the house, you were the baker. He taught you some tricks and you taught him some tricks, and it all works out. He finds it adorable whenever you get flour all over yourself, smiling widely as you hold your sweet of the day.
Or how you look proudly at your display in your shop, looking at the cute designs on some of them. Another perk of dating a baker, is he gets to taste test a lot of the sweets you make before you put them out.
You make desserts, muffins, bread, even chocolate sometimes. Whatever you were in the mood for, you made it. Aizawa is also hoping you'll make the wedding cake. Make it exactly how you like it. Though knowing you, you'll teach him some more tricks and y'all can make it together.
You stay with him for lunch, and then leave. Once the class comes back, they immediately smell the cookies you made and they all feel their mouth water.
Aizawa groans and gives each of them a cookie with a napkin, though, before any of them could dig in, his hair floated and his eyes turned red. "If anyone dare say they taste bad, you'll be expelled." He threatens and they all nodded their heads.
The threat had them scared, though, once they sunk their teeth in, they couldn't help but be in heaven.
"Who made these, Mr. Aizawa?! I needa know!" Toru shouted and Mina agreed loudly.
"None of you-" He stops mid-scentence. "Y/N's Bakery made them. She's a friend and dropped by." Aizawa noted how the students scribbled the name down, even Bakugo did, hell even Tokoyami, but he couldn't blame them. After all, his love was amazing.
You'd get a lot of customers now, and you'd be so happy, and Aizawa couldn't help the small smile that formed over his lips.
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jazzthatonewriterchick · 11 months
The Swordsman’s Secret (msub!Zoro x Black! FDom!Reader 18+ One Shot)
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Pairing: Zoro Roronoa x Black!Fem!Reader
Synopsis: In which your favorite swordsman has an interesting secret and kink that you are more than happy to explore with him in the bedroom. Or in which Zoro gets pegged for the first time.
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINORS GTFO); Femdom!Reader; msub!Zoro; Black-coded!Reader (but anyone can still read this); Pegging; Anal Play/Sex; Mild BDSM; Degradation & Praise; Deepthroating; Edge Play; Name-calling; Zoro is Your Little Toy; Masturbation; Mutual Orgasms; Aftercare; Exhibitionism (cuz the Strawhats hear y'all fucking lol)
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: Happy birthday month to my favorite Scorpio!! 💚💚I've always loved the idea of Zoro becoming a subby little mess for his woman & wanted to write it for a hot minute. Something about a big, buff, manly man getting pegged just does something to me fr. I had soooo much fun writing this & I hope y'all enjoy! -Jazz
Zoro has a secret. 
A secret that you are not aware of. He has kept it hidden for some time now, hidden within the deep parts of himself that he only frees late at night when the Thousand Sunny is silent and the Strawhat crew is soundly slumbering. 
Then, and only then, does he allow himself some peace to think and dream about his deplorable, disgusting, unmanly secret that has been haunting him for so long. 
He has a thing for anal play. Butt stuff. He calls it a thing because he really doesn’t know what it is. You would think this means he’d like to do things with your ass, right? And sure, he does! He is absolutely in love with your ass. It’s so round and plump and juicy. He loves grabbing and smacking it whenever he can. He admires it whenever you walk by, loving how it moves when you walk, each globe of fat jiggling enticingly. 
He is so lucky that you’re so freaky and adventurous because you were the one who suggested trying new things in the bedroom with him months ago. You had moved from handcuffs and bondage to role-playing to butt play. Zoro was originally perturbed and confused at this request of yours. Why would anyone want something in their ass? Wouldn’t it be uncomfortable? 
You had explained it to him one night during a hot, relaxing bath where you sat between his legs and thick, muscular thighs, your back against his chest. “The anus is very close to the vaginal wall for cis women,” you explained as he traced circles along your back. “That’s why women can orgasm from anal sex or anal play, like with fingers and toys. Even tongues! You ever heard of someone eating ass?” 
Zoro was disgusted, to say the least. He loved you, but he wasn’t eating nobody’s ass…until he did. One night, you both made the decision to try something with the cutest little butt plug you bought at a sex shop with Nami during an errand run in a village one day. Honey, when Zoro got a look at how pretty and plump your ass looked with the plug in it and how wet your cunt got for him, he was hooked. 
Especially when he started fucking you with the plug. He had used lube beforehand so you were nice, slick, and ready to be absolutely filled. Your moans were loud and needy as he slowly fucked your asshole with the plug, twisting it this way and that, enjoying the way you responded to him. He has never been so hard in his life until he watched you cum all over yourself, soaking the bedsheets. “That was amazing,” you had breathlessly said as your body twitched, the plug still in your ass. Zoro couldn’t have agreed more. 
That night opened Pandora’s box of butt stuff for you both. You started incorporating plugs and vibrators into your bedroom activities, even moving on to fingering and ass-eating. Zoro was very afraid the first time he did it, but to be able to move between eating your gorgeous ass and pussy, and tasting everything you gave him, gave him more of a rush than he anticipated. And when you finally moved onto anal sex, that was all it took for Zoro to fall head over heels. He loved doing this to you and with you. The way you writhed and tossed your ass back into his cock as he drilled you from behind was addictive, to say the least. 
But then he got to thinking one night. It was random, really. Just after sex with you. You were sleeping soundly beside him, your ass coated in coconut oil after a night of anal play, the glittery plug in your bedside drawer after the night concluded. He stared up at the ceiling and thought to himself…what would it be like to be on the receiving end instead of the giving end?
What does anal play feel like, he wondered? Does it feel nice? Judging by the way you moaned and whimpered his name, fisted the sheets, and creamed all over the bed, it seemed like a yes. But he never even pondered the idea of receiving anal stimulation. He’s never even tried it! How the idea came about, he’ll never know. Maybe there was a part of him that felt jealous of the pleasure you were receiving; how free you looked. 
Even when Zoro fucked his hand at the thought of you, he stayed away from ass. But that didn't stop the temptation. That didn’t stop his fingers from inching towards his asshole, wondering how it would feel to rub it or plunge them deep inside to trail over his prostate. But he never did, and the temptation is killing him slowly. 
His dreams became filled with images of you mounting him from behind, fucking his tight hole the way he does yours, your tinier frame behind his bigger one. And he's a big guy! He stands a whole head taller than you and practically covers your entire body whenever he hovers above you, your legs over his broad shoulders. He never would've imagined such a thing could turn him on so much.
So, one boring, hot day on the ship when everyone is busy doing their own thing, he brings it to your attention. Because isn't that what healthy couples do? They communicate about their wants, needs, issues, and desires? Though he feels slightly insecure in his secret and irrationally fears that you’ll look at him as less than a man because of this, Zoro wants to be the best man possible for you. That means not lying to you. So he stands with you now on the side of the ship, the sun shining against your gorgeous skin and making your pretty, brown eyes sparkle. 
“Look,” he sighs, holding your small hands in each of his bigger, calloused ones, “I really need to talk to you about something and you can’t laugh, okay?” The smile you were originally wearing fades. “Okay,” you say, sounding concerned. “Baby, is everything okay? You’re sweating bullets.” 
And he is. He doesn’t feel like passing it off as a side effect to the heat or the sun. In truth, Zoro is extremely nervous. “Listen,” he huffs, feeling like he is about to burst out of his skin. “I’ve really enjoyed the…stuff…we’ve been doing. Y’know, with your ass.” He blushes as you laugh at his bluntness. “Okay,” you giggle cutely. “I have too.” 
Zoro gnaws on his bottom lip, oblivious to the way you stare at him like you could eat him alive or sit on his entire face as he does so. “A-And…I’ve been thinking…” He clears his throat and swallows nervously his Adam’s Apple bobbing. “Maybe, instead of me doin’ all of that on you, you could…I don’t fuckin’ know…do it to…me, I guess.” 
The pause of silence that comes after kills him slowly. He peers down at you, expecting you to be weirded out or immediately break up with him or something. But instead, you just look surprised. “Wait…you wanna try anal play?” you gently ask, no laughing or giggling in your tone.
Blushing furiously, Zoro slowly nods. “Wow,” you gasp. “I didn't think you’d be into that, Zo. I mean, you weren’t exactly too hyped about it when I first introduced it to you.” Zoro looks down at his feet, feeling guilty. “Which was totally fine!” you quickly add. “Not everybody is too keen on ass stuff.” 
“I guess I just thought it was gross,” he confesses with a shrug. “But after tryin’ it with you, I realized how much I enjoyed it.” You nod in understanding. “So much that you wanna try it yourself,” you finish for him since he is too cowardly to do so (according to him, anyway). “How long have you thought about this?” you ask, running your thumbs over his knuckles. It soothes him. 
“For a while, but I never really…I just…I’m curious is all.” He keeps stumbling on his words, but you seem to get what he trying to tell you. “Baby, why didn’t you tell me?” you curiously ask. “I would’ve wanted to know all about this!” 
Zoro bites his plump bottom lip again, still feeling guilty. For not saying anything to you–his amazing, compassionate, lovely, sexy girlfriend–or for thinking you’d even consider breaking up with him over this. “I guess I was afraid,” he confesses. “That you’d think I’m weird or less of a man, or something. I mean, guys don’t do shit like this…straight guys, anyway.” 
You shake your head, surprising him. “Uh-uh, that’s where you’re wrong,” you correct him. “Plenty of straight men love anal play. Just because it’s pleasurable to have something here doesn’t mean it’s gay, unless it’s another guy doing it.” You give him a big, bright smile that eases all of his fears and discomfort. “But it’s not. It’s me: your very loving and very horny girlfriend who really wants to fuck your ass.” 
Zoro rolls his eye, ignoring the way you hysterically giggle at his blush. As goofy as you are, it feels good that you’re making light of this and not totally serious about it. It makes him feel less scared. “So..you really want to?” he asks. 
“Of course!” you chirp with a beaming smile. “Have you seen how nice of an ass you’ve got? You could bounce quarters off of that shit.” Your hand reaches around to squeeze one of Zoo’s glutes that he is, ironically, proud of. He grunts and blushes bright red, snatching your hand off of him. “Oooh, this is so exciting!” you cheer too loudly. "I can’t wait to use a butt plug on you, Zoro!” 
He swears that his soul nearly leaves his body as your voice echoes across the ship. “Shh, shh!” he shushes you, putting a hand on your mouth. “Jesus, woman, you want the whole ship to know?” Your brown eyes widen and you quickly shake your head, though your shoulders still shake with laughter. 
So after everyone falls asleep that night after one too many drinks, Zoro finds himself sitting on the bed in your shared bed chambers waiting for you to appear from the bathroom. He is feeling buzzed and loose from the drinks he’s had to loosen himself up for tonight, but nervous butterflies still flutter about in his stomach. He showered earlier to make sure he smells of cedar wood and vanilla–a scent that always seems to drive you crazy–and rid his body of anything that could ruin tonight for you both (if that’s TMI, sorry lol). He wants tonight to be perfect. 
But as the ship rocks slightly along the waves, it only makes the butterflies worse. The bed is neatly made and spread with a towel, nothing more, but the idea of what that towel will be used for is scaring the shit out of him. “I’m finished, baby!” you finally call through the bathroom door. “You ready for me now?” 
He startles, staring wide-eyed at the bathroom door. He was hoping you would take more time to primp yourself. “Y-Yeah,” he calls back. “Come on out before I change my mind about this.” And he is seconds away from doing so. 
When you finally step out of the bathroom, Zoro nearly busts a nut at the sight of you. You’re wearing a cherry red babydoll dress that stops mid-thigh and leads all the way down to some heels and those luscious, milky legs he loves to kiss, stroke, and have wrapped around his head. The babydoll is see-through, exposing your stomach and laced thong to him that match the laced cups of your bra that hide those delectable breasts of yours.
“Goddamn,” he mutters, feeling his cock twitch beneath his kimono. “Wh-What’s with the fit?” You lean against the bathroom door, posing for him. “You like?” you giggle. “Robin let me raid her closet.” Zoro nods to himself. “Of course, she did,” he says under his breath. 
You walk further into the bedroom and walk to the bedside drawer where you retrieve something that Zoro can’t see well in the candlelight. “Now.” You pause, smirking deviously at him. “You ready to take this cock for me, baby boy?” you purr. You then retrieve a strap-on with an eight-inch dildo dangling from it. 
Zoro’s brain is short-circuiting as he stares at the contraption, dumbfounded and nearly shitting himself. His asscheeks practically clench in protest and refusal to take something so thick into his body. “W-What?” he dumbly asks. “You want me to take that thing? Baby, that’s a fucking monster!” 
You can hardly hold yourself together and start to laugh at his expense. “Relax, Zo!” you giggle. “I just wanted to see your face.” You go into the drawer again and retrieve a black butt plug from it. “I’ll be using this on you tonight, just to get you used to the feeling. But first, we’re gonna start with some lube, a finger, and some throat all for my man to feel good.” You wink at him as you rummage through the drawer and retrieve the lube that heats up on contact, according to the bottle. 
You toss all of the items, including some body oil and the strap, onto the bed. Zoro stares at them, sweating fucking bullets. Though the idea of a finger or a plug going in his ass instead of the monstrous strap relaxes him, but only somewhat. He didn't exactly “prep” for tonight, figuring you would do so. But how long will it take? Will it hurt? Is he emotionally prepared for it? 
You crawl onto the bed with him, sitting on your knees on the mattress in front of him. You look absolutely angelic in the candlelight. “Now, before we start, let’s go over everything we discussed for safety: the safe word and traffic lights.” Zoro nods, remembering what you both discussed earlier for safety precautions. He runs it all back to you now: “The safe word is ‘jolly’, yellow means slow down, and red means stop.” 
You clap excitedly and plant one chaste yet passionate kiss on his lips. “Good boy!” you proudly giggle. “Now lay back for me so I can get you relaxed. On your back please.”
Zoro obliges and leans back against the pillows, doing his best to relax into the mattress. He watches through his one hooded eye as you untie his kimono and reveal his big, toned, scarred body, solid from years of training and filled with stitched wounds and stabs from years of fights. Between his toned, thick, tanned thighs lies his semi-hard cock, twitching at the sight, smell, and feeling of you. 
You squirt some oil into your hands and begin to go to work relaxing your man. You rub him down with the oil, making his tan skin glint in the candlelight. The scent of mangoes from the oil fills his nose, taking him on a journey to a long, distant island in the tropics. Soft moans and sighs leave his lips as your hands work his tired limbs, loosening the tension and making him melt into a puddle on the mattress. Unbeknownst to him, you love seeing him like this. You love it when he is totally relaxed, his head tossed back and eyes shut. You love feeling him up, your fingers running over his muscles as much as you please. 
What the massage also does is make him extremely hard for you. His thick, hard, cock, protruding from a patch of trimmed, green curls, stand upright, flopping against his toned, lower stomach and dripping in pre-cum. “Already so hard for me,” you giggle. “You’re so naughty, Zo.” You don’t hesitate to wrap your oily hands (both because Zoro is that thick) around him and begin slowly stroking him up and down, taking your time with getting him harder in your hands for you. 
“Fuck,” Zoro sighs, loving how soft and warm your hands are. When your mouth suddenly makes contact with his cock, he doesn’t know why he freaks out. He tenses underneath you and you notice immediately. You place a comforting hand on his stomach, shushing him. “Just relax for me, papa,” you coo. “It’s just head. You like the way I give head.” 
Zoro nods to himself, feeling paranoid and stupid. You haven’t even touched any of the toys yet and here he is, clenching his cheeks. “Okay,” he exhales. “Okay. Sorry.”
You giggle slightly before opening your mouth and wrapping those lips around him. Zoro groans at the sensations you give him with that skillful tongue and those plump, dick-sucking lips. He would never tell you that though. He understands the offensive implications of that since you’re a woman and you’re way more than just your assets, but goddamn, he can’t help but think it and thank God that you’re bestowing such amazing lips to him and him alone. Your mouth was made for this shit. The way you bop your head up and down and slide your tight throat along his shaft should be illegal. He clenches the bedsheets and thrusts his hips up into your mouth, making you take all of his dick. 
“S-Shit!” he grunts, squinting down at you with his one eye. He can barely take how beautiful you look taking his thick, veiny cock, your mouth coated in spit and your pretty brown eyes staring at him.
“You feelin’ good, baby?” you coo, your voice muffled by his cock. “Is your girl doin’ a good job taking all that dick?” You do that thing he likes when you grip his cock a little harder and stroke him in time with your quick sucks and gags around his cock. 
Zoro swears he nearly cums right there. “Fuck!” he groans. “You’re way too good at this shit, mama.” His toes curl and his legs fall open, giving you the perfect opportunity to feel up on his toned, muscular thighs. You always were a thigh girl and Zoro has plenty of that from years of training and from his big and tall build.
You continue to work his cock the way only you can, making his balls swell and saliva trickle down his asscrack. The fact that he can feel it makes him even harder.‘This is so hot,’ he thinks, delirious from the pleasure. He feels like he wants to cum. He can feel his balls tightening and the urge to fill your pretty throat rising…but he won’t. He wants to make tonight count, and if that means holding out then so be it. 
You must sense his refusal to cum because you stop sucking and stroking him, your hands and mouth dripping in spit and pre-cum. Zoro nearly jumps your gorgeous bones right there, but he knows he’ll have time to fuck you up later. Right now, this is about you taking control of him. 
"Think you’re ready for a finger now, baby?” you ask. “I’ll only use one first and I’ll go slow. If you ever need me to slow down, say–“ 
“Yellow,” he interrupts, still breathing heavily from the head session. “And yes, I’m ready.” You give him a gorgeous, joyous smile that fills him with warmth and adoration for you. You coax him to turn over and he does so, getting onto all fours for you. It feels sort of awkward doing so with how big he is and how small you are as you kneel behind him, but it also feels kind of hot, like he is doing something forbidden. The idea of you fucking him with that strap, mounting him, stretching him out, making him totally and completely yours, makes him want to nut at least fifty times in a row. 
He tries to remain calm and does the breathing exercises that he practices after workouts as you prepare him. You squirt some lube onto your hands before taking one finger and lightly gliding it along his puckered hole. His big, muscular body tenses at the icy sensation. “S-Shit, that’s cold,” he hisses. “When is it gonna heat up? Doesn’t it say it on the bottle or somethin’?”
You giggle at his complaints, continuing to lightly trace the lube around his hole. After a few minutes of repeating the same action, the lube feels much warmer and you begin to slowly slide your index finger into his asshole, pausing to watch for his reaction. You just insert your fingertip, but Zoro reacts immediately, his hole clenching around the foreign item inside of him. 
“How’s that feel?” you ask. He exhales deeply, allowing himself to relax around your fingertip. “Weird,” he huffs. “Different, but…kinda good. I just feel a little…” His mind tries to find the right word, searching up, down, and all around for it. 
“Full?” you chuckle. He slowly nods, blushing at the oddness and vulgarity of that…and Zoro is a vulgar guy! He’s made you blush so many times from the nasty, dirty words he’s whispered to you in the bedroom in the past, but now here he is, shy and jittery over being filled up. “You ain’t felt nothing yet, baby boy.” 
Something happens to Zoro at that moment. The moment the strange, new pet name leaves your lips, his body gets hot like he was set on fire and his cock twitches excitedly. The name sounds so submissive like he is your baby boy. You notice his body’s reaction and giggle, stroking his lower back. “You like me callin’ you that?” you purr. “That’s so unlike you. I kinda like this subby side of you, Zo.” 
Zoro growls defiantly as you continue to gently fuck him with your finger, sliding the rest of the way inside of his tight hole. “Don’t get used to it,” he grumbles. “This is only for tonight.”
You just cackle, knowing damn well that that is a lie. And Zoro knows it too. After you spend some time sliding your finger in and out of him, you prepare to add another. “Now I’m gonna add another finger. Just breathe while I do this, baby. Holding your breath is very dangerous and I want you relaxed for this part, okay?” 
Zoro nods, mentally and emotionally preparing himself for you to add another finger. But no matter how much preparing he does, he still jumps and quivers at the feeling of another finger stretching him out. “Breathe,” you coax him. “Breathe, Zoro. Don’t hold it in.” “Relax for me.” Zoro clenches the pillow underneath him, nearly ripping it to shreds. “Trying…to,” he grunts, his eye squeezed tight at the foreign feeling. 
It doesn’t hurt; it’s just a stretch. With every inch of your fingers sliding in and out of him, he can feel his hole slowly becoming stretched. His leaking cock throbs and twitches between his thighs and he finds himself grinding it against the comforter below for relief. “Is this okay?” you ask, noticing the way he is rolling his hips against the comforter. You can feel your pussy becoming wet at the sight, loving how you’re making him feel.
“Y-Yeah,” he shakily answers. He turns to look back at you, his face flushed and his forehead pebbled in sweat. “I think I’m ready as I’ll ever be, so no more stretchin’ me out, alright?” A sexy smirk crosses your lips as you catch his drift. “You want me to use the plug now, baby?” 
Shivers go up his spine at the idea of something else going inside of him, making him feel this good. “Y-Yeah, I…I think I’m ready.” He swallows roughly, prepared for more. “You can use it on me…M-Mistress.” 
Your eyes flash with a fire he’s never seen before as the title leaves his quivering lips. “Oh, shit, baby,” you groan. “I’m gonna have so much fun with you.” You retrieve your fingers from his hole and press a kiss to his muscular back, right on his tattoos. “Hike that ass up in the air for me.” Blushing mad hard, he listens and lowers his head to the pillow while his ass goes up straight in the air like a moon. 
Smack! He gasps in surprise as he feels your hand make contact with one of his tan, firm asscheeks. “Hey!” he growls, glaring back at you. You laugh to yourself, stroking the sting away from his cheek. “Sorry,” you cackle. “I just had to. Your ass is just too amazing, baby boy.” Unbeknownst to you, he cracks a humored smirk at your idiocy and the fact that you love his body so much. 
He looks back and watches you prepare the black butt plug for him, squirting more lube on it. It isn’t that big, but shit, it could damn well be a dildo with the way Zoro perceives it. When you finish, he turns back around to stare at the headboard and breathes as you instruct him. When the plug finally slides in, he nearly curses the stars and sky above as you begin to fuck him with the damn thing. 
He’s never felt anything like this. He feels so stretched. So full. So, so good. His cock drips with pre and throbs impatiently, making him grind it harder against the comforter in an effort to ease the ache. When you finally reach that spot inside of him, he can’t help the loud, surprised yelp of pleasure that escapes him. “Oh, fuck!” he moans, pleasure exploding throughout his body. He looks back at you, wide-eyed. “Y/N, what…what the fuck was that?” 
You smile proudly as you continue to move the plug in and out of him, admiring how plump his ass looks with it snugly inside of his hole. "Guess I found your prostate,” you giggle. “Mmm, that reaction was so nice to witness. I wanna see more of that, baby boy.” And you continue to rub up against his prostate, your hooded eyes drinking in the way his body quivers and his hips rut into the bed. 
Zoro is losing all self-control at this point, the pleasure explosive and almost heavenly. He voices his pleasure to you––his love; his woman; his Mistress. “God, baby!” he gasps. “That’s…that’s perfect! Please keep going!”
You smile from behind him, your other hand stroking up and down his back as you continue to fuck him with the other. “You want your Mistress to keep going?” you teasingly ask. "You want her to keep fucking this little hole?” 
Tears of pleasure prick Zoro’s waterline as he bites the pillow under his head. “Yes, yes, God, yes!” he nearly sobs. “Please keep going, Mistress! Dammit, just fuck me!” 
You do just that, moving the plug in and out of his snug asscheeks a little bit faster than before, enjoying the sounds he makes as you do. “Fuck, you’re so hard from this, Zo,” you moan, admiring his rock-hard, throbbing cock with its angry, red cockhead dripping in pre-cum for you. “Stroke that dick for me while I fuck you. Be a good boy for me and fuck that hand.”
He does as you say, wrapping his hand around his shaft and fucking it like it’s your tight, wet, gushy cunt. “I can’t tell you how hot you look right now,” you dreamily sigh. “I love seeing you like this. You’re like my little toy.” 
You lean towards him and drag your lips over the shell of his ear. All he can feel and smell is you. “Do you wanna be my little toy, Zoro?” you whisper. “You wanna cum all over yourself while I fuck you with this plug, don’t you?” He cries out in reply, his cock and balls swelling. He wants to cum. He has to cum. “God, Y/N!” He sobs. “I’m gonna fuckin’ cum!” 
“Do it,” you practically beg, coaxing him further with the butt plug. “Cum for me, baby boy.” 
He can feel it building. He will soon shoot rope after rope of cum all over his hand and the bed as he clenches around the plug inside of his hole. But the defiance in him stops his primal desire to release. The need to be completely and utterly yours overtakes him. You make him feel so free; so loved. He just wants to give you all of him, prove to you that he can take anything you throw at him. 
“Yellow!” he shouts in desperation. “Yellow, yellow!” 
And like a good girlfriend and sexual partner should, you stop immediately. “What is it?” you ask, concerned. "What’s wrong? Did I go too far? Was I going too fast?” Shakily, Zoro shakes his head and looks back at you. “I-I don’t wanna cum with the plug,” he breathlessly explains. “I want you to use the strap on me first.” 
You blink at him, confused for a moment but he sees that passionate fire in your eyes. “Are you sure?” you ask, worry in your eyes. “Baby, don’t feel pressured to–“ 
“I haven’t felt this free in years,” he confesses, giving you a wobbly, adoring smile. “And I feel that way because of you. You accept all of me and I want to give all of myself to you now.” He reaches back and pulls his cheeks apart, the plug still nice and snug in his hole between them. “So get that strap and fuck me, baby. Make me cum just for you.” 
Now, there is no worry or uncertainty in your eyes. All he sees is lust, pure and exciting. “If you insist…” You smile like a devious little devil as you reach for the strap which he notices comes with a bumped rod, obviously for you to stimulate yourself as you fuck him. The mere idea of you feeling as good as him and cumming at the same time as he does nearly sends his big ass into orbit. 
When you strap the fake dick on, Zoro nearly busts right there at the sight of you. Seeing you with a cock hanging from your hips is as hot as it is thrilling and a little frightening. You moan in pleasure as you shift your hips to meet the small rod that snuggly fits against your clit and just kisses the inside of your pussy. He wishes that rod was his cock instead, filling you up and plunging deep inside of you, fucking you into the mattress the way only he can do. But that can come later. Right now, the only one getting fucked into the bed is him. 
You come up behind him and shift your hips before gently and slowly slide into his hole. “God!” Zoro chokes out, his mouth falling open at the sensation of being totally stretched. This is so much different than your fingers or the butt plug. The strap is much thicker, bigger, and wider, making him feel fuller than he ever has in the last hour of his ass being fucked. Now he knows how you feel every time you take him.
“Nice and slow,” you coo. “Just breathe, baby boy. You’re doing so well takin’ that dick for me.”
Zoro whimpers––he actually whimpers––as you continue to praise him, your hand stroking his back. It takes some time, but he finally feels his asshole accommodating to the size of the strap. He is seeing stars behind his eyelids as you slowly bump your hips against his backside, the lewd squelching sound of the lube filling the air. “Oh, my God,” he groans. “Oh, my God.”
You begin to bump your hips a little harder, still keeping up that slow pace. “Is it good for you, baby?” you gasp. “‘Cause it feels amazing for me.” 
He can almost hear the rod sliding in and out of that wet pussy, your soft moans and whimpers filling his ears. “It feels fucking amazing,” he grunts, stroking his cock in time with your thrusts. You grab his hips, questioning whether or not to go all the way. “So is it okay to–“ 
“Yes, yes, God, yes, Y/N!” he begs, his voice hoarse. “Just fuck me, please! I love you so fuckin’ much!” He can see you smiling behind his eyelid as you grip his hips and begin to fuck his hole with the strap, tearing moans, sobs, and grunts out of his body.
“I love you too, Zo,” you whimper. “So, so much. I wouldn’t do this with anyone else but you.” Your soft lips lean down to pepper his back, shoulders, and neck in kisses, tracing along his scars and tattoos. 
Zoro is losing his ever-loving mind, moving back to meet your thrusts as he carefully continues to fuck his fist wet with pre-cum. When you hit that spongey spot again inside of him, he nearly roars in pleasure. “There!” he whines. “There, baby, right there!”
You grip his hips harder and shift onto your knees as you roughly fuck that spot, rubbing up against it again and again until your swordsman is howling in ecstasy. “Right there?” you teasingly ask. “Is this the spot, baby boy?” 
Your hand sneaks under his thighs to fondle his balls, pulling a strangled moan from his quivering lips. “Look at how hard you are,” you whisper in his ear. “You love getting fucked like this, don’t you? Such a little slut for me.” Your other hand firmly squeezes his asscheek, adding to that pressure. “I wonder what the crew would think seein’ you this, getting your ass fucked by your girl.” 
The bed squeaks from the way you’re rutting into him and how he moves his hips back to meet your thrusts. Zoro doesn’t give a shit if the crew hears. He doesn’t care if the entire Grand Blue hears him getting his asshole fucked. He just wants to cum. He needs to cum. “God, baby!” he brokenly moans. “I’m gonna cum, Mistress! I’m so fuckin’ close!” He moves his calloused hand along his dick so fast that it comes nothing more than a blur as you continue to stimulate his prostate and fondle his balls. 
“Cum for me, Zoro,” you moan with him. “Cum with me. Give it to me, baby boy.” Your whimpers and gasps mean you’re close too. He can hardly believe it: he’s going to cum from getting his ass fucked. And you’re going to cum with him.
He has never felt so close to you before than now, letting you have his body as your very own. “Please cum with me, mama,” he groans. “Cum with your baby boy, please!” 
It’s too much for you and you feel your orgasm explode throughout your body, coating the rod inside of you in your cream the way you do Zoro’s cock. Zoro’s own orgasm hits him like a truck, slamming into him and ripping all of his energy from him.
“Oh, my God!” he roars, practically screaming through his mind-blowing, explosive orgasm that rocks his world and his entire being. He clenches around the strap hard as spurt after spurt of cum leaves his cock, emptying out into his hand and the mattress. He feels like he is flying, his body feeling floaty and tingly. 
You ride him for a short while in sloppy, long strokes until you finally come down from your high. After his orgasm fades, he groans and finally slumps against the bed, feeling sticky, achy, and absolutely satisfied. You pull out and unhook the strap from around your pelvis before laying down beside him. You both breathe heavily as one, staring up at the ceiling. Silence swells around you both and then, all at once, you erupt in hysterical laughter. 
Zoro’s body shakes with laughter as the reality of what just happened sets in. “That was…that was…” You can’t even speak, still trying to recover.
“Fuckin’ amazing,” he finishes through a little laugh. And it was! Though he is always satisfied fucking your sweet pussy, this feels so different. He feels like tonight was a peek of heaven. 
You turn over onto your side to face him, your beautiful body coated in sweat and afterglow. 
“Are you sore?” you gently ask. “I can use the oil to ease it.” He slowly shakes his head. Though his hole feels slightly sore and stretched from the constant stimulation, he doesn’t want to worry about that right now.
“No, m’fine,” he sighs. “Better than ever, actually.” You smile joyfully at him, making his heart ache at your beauty. “So your first time being pegged was a success,” you giggle. “Come here, stud. You look like you need a snuggle.” 
You don’t need to tell him twice. He opens his big arms for you, allowing you to enter them and wrap your arms around his bigger frame as your head falls onto his chest. Your eyes flutter closed and a small smile stretches across your lips at the sound of his thundering heart against your ear. In the silence and afterglow of the sex, Zoro feels like he can peel back the layers of himself to you. He can be all the way real with you. 
He clears his throat, catching your attention. “Hey, uh…I kinda liked the whole sub thing,” he confesses. “I think I wanna do this again another night. Maybe not just the butt stuff, but you domming me. It’s kinda sexy.” You look up at him then in the dimly-lit room, surprise all over your face. “Do you think we can?” he whispers, his heart leaping in anticipation for your answer. 
If happiness was a person, it would be you in this moment. Your eyes brighten and a wide, gorgeous smile stretches across your lips as you stroke his face. “Oh, Zo,” you coo.
You open your mouth to say more, but the sound of a knock above the headboard makes you squeak in fear. Instinctively, Zoro reacts by jumping off of the mattress, ready to reach for his sword leaning against the wall beside him. 
“If you do it just make sure none of us can hear it,” Sanji calls from the other side of the bedroom wall above the headboard. 
“We heard everything!” Nami tiredly groans from the wall on the other side of the room. “Zoro’s screams woke us up. I had to cover Chopper’s ears so he wouldn’t hear anything!” 
“I don’t know, I thought it was kind of sweet,” Robin giggles. 
“Shit, I didn’t!” Usopp complains. “How am I supposed to get my beauty sleep?!” 
“Zoro, I didn’t know you could get that loud!” Brook laughs. “Have you ever considered singing by any chance, yo, ho, ho!”
“Brook, shut the hell up,” Jimbei groans. 
“I thought you were killin’ the poor guy, Y/N!” Franky laughs. “Good on you, Zoro, man! Explore more sexy stuff with your amazing girlfriend! I support it!” 
A knock comes from outside the bedroom door, making Zoro throw the comforter over your naked form. “Zoro, Y/N, can I borrow some of that coconut oil you got in there?!” Luffy yells. 
Zoro groans, running a hand over his face while you hide your embarrassed smile behind your hand. “Should I kill them now or later?” he sighs, turning to you. You giggle, sitting up on the bed and letting the comforter fall from your luscious tits with your pretty, brown nipples, hardened to peaks now. “If you do that, we may not have time for round two,” you purr. 
Zoro raises an eyebrow at your words and the suggestive tone in your voice. “Oh, yeah?” he teasingly asks. He reaches over and squeezes your cheeks together the way you like, making those plump, soft lips pucker. “You wanna give ‘em somethin’ else to complain about, hm?” he whispers. “I think you can get a lot louder than me. You think, mama?” 
He releases his hand from your cheeks to let you answer, your brown eyes blown with lust and need. “Let’s find out,” you purr. 
That night, Zoro ends up fucking you and making you cum till you pass out. And yes, the crew isn’t happy about it, but you’re too unconscious to listen to Nami and Sanji banging on your bedroom door. 
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queer-n-here · 6 months
hi! It's me again from that Poe request :) I wanted to say thank you very much for doing my request! I loved it so much and you're an amazing writer, keep it up! but if you don't mind again, I have another :")) {you can ignore this by the way if u wanna I don't mind <3}
Same as before with Poe, but reader who very much is affectionate with Poe only than anyone else and only clings onto him and his attention (also reader likes to attach himself to hug Poe from behind when he's talking to someone)
your free to do my request anytime you like! (Keep up the good work!!)
Haiyah, thanks man! It's them compliments that always make my day! And y'all here on Tumblr are like, too nice. I do all the requests I receive y'know, unless they go explicitly against my 'morals' (I sound like Kunikida, hell)
It might take me some time, but if you've sent me a req and I've received it, I'll 100% do it!
*Clears throat* Um, sorry. Anyways, here's the fic, hope you like it! It's a little short, though!
Contents: Jealous Clingy Reader x Edgar Allen Poe
Warnings: Fluff, slight (non-existent) mentions of sex.
Fluff HCs for Poe
Poe needs a clingy boyfriend, and you cannot convince me otherwise.
When he's overworking himself in his study, too caught up in his novel to keep track of time, he needs you, who'll go up to him and pick him up from his chair and carry him to the bed for cuddles, making him smile at you reluctantly.
When he's outside, maybe picking up some food for Karl, you go and wrap your arms around his waist, pulling his back up against your chest and putting your chin on his shoulder. He splutters and blushes, hissing that you two are in public, but you remind him what he was talking about before you intervened, and he gets distracted enough to let you enjoy him in your arms.
Sometimes you casually wrap your arms around Poe, even as he's talking to someone else, and bury your face into the crook of his shoulder, nuzzling his neck and planting soft kisses against his pale skin.
Poe acts like he doesn't like it, but even as he tries to pull away from your embrace at times, you can see how red the back of his neck and ears have gotten. It's cute, you think.
And then one day, while you're being even more clingy than usual (if that's even possible) during a date at a park, Poe suddenly raises a hand and waves at someone.
You looked up, squinting to search for the receiver of this greeting, and Poe starts walking away, towards whoever he'd been waving at. You follow, slightly sulking at his sudden shift of attention.
It turns out to be some detective. As Poe introduces you two, you faintly remember that this man, Ranpo, is the very same as the one Poe goes into long rants about.
How... Interesting.
You greet Ranpo with a nod, and Poe strikes up a conversation. Standing just a little behind Poe so that he can't see your expression, you glare down at Ranpo, your face full of black lines.
How dare he interrupt your date?
I mean, sure, it was Poe who reached out, but doesn't Ranpo know how to decline? Does he not have that function in his brain?
But Poe is smiling, talking excitedly and gesturing with his hands the way he does when he's having fun, so you lessen the intensity of your glare, and turn your head away to sulk instead.
It's Ranpo who breaks the conversation in the end, saying that he's out on some 'Agency business' and that he can't stay any longer.
You take Poe back to your shared house, and kiss him till he's aroused and wants to do it.
And that's how your day ends.
I mean, at this point, your clinginess is making Karl's life hell, too.
Whenever the poor raccoon tries to sit on Poe's shoulder, or just go up and get Poe's attention, you're standing right there in his way, arms wrapped around Poe's waist and eyes sharp as they glare at Karl.
How can you be jealous of a raccoon? Make it make sense.
And Poe, damn, he's obsessed with the feeling of your warmth around him, the way you hold him so close it gives him the butterflies. You're so gentle around him, you've got him convinced that he's breakable.
He knows he's the only one who receives this treatment from you. He's seen the way you look at other people, only half glances because they're just not important enough for you to care. He's seen you get angry, too, like that time you two were out to watch a movie and someone tried to cut in line before him. You look scary when you're angry, to put in simply.
And honestly? He loves every moment of it, even if he'd rather jump off a cliff than admit it.
What he doesn't know is that he doesn't need to. You see the way he leans into your touch, even while complaining about how clingy you are. You feel the way he nestles into you, no tension in his body as he can just relax. You perceive how he looks so assured whenever you're there, arms wrapped around him and peppering kisses on his face.
I mean, isn't that the sole reason you do it? Because he loves getting pampered and coddled even if doesn't want to admit it?
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sweetkpopmusings · 2 years
jisung coworker headcanons <3
a/n: when i tell you thinking of coworker!skz fills me with joy and peace, i am not lying <3 i'm so endeared by jisung as he is a silly little guy and i hope in a different universe i am in fact his coworker :,-) pics not mine !!
content: fluff, nonidol!au | wc: 0.9k | warnings: none! | pairing: coworker!jisung x gn!reader | requests: open
Tumblr media Tumblr media
you meet him because you're having a strange problem with the main program you use at work
and one of your coworkers sends you his way because "jisung can fix anything"
you were like okay don't know why you emphasized "anything" but i can't finish my project like this so i'll go see the ~mystical jisung~
your coworker was right because 1) jisung fixed your issue within 5 minutes 2) you watched him fix problems for 3 other people WHILE he was helping you
he's the office ace
which is how you get to know him because you have a week where all of your technology, equipment, etc are cursed
jisung's just like "damn if you wanted to get to know me you could've just bought me a coffee" he actually says that to you
he doesn't expect you to buy him a coffee though
when you do, he gets the widest eyes and a huge smile on his face <333 suddenly he's so shy and thanks you softly <333
after that, he says "good morning !!" every day and will say "hi :-)" whenever he passes you in the office :,-) he still feels a lil shy after you were so nice to him, but he wants to show his appreciation by being kind to you in return <3
next thing you know though, he's talking a million miles an hour every time he sees you because he wants to be official coworker besties !
y'all end up having SO much to talk about
whenever something exciting, funny, or ridiculous happens, you are the first person he tells and vice versa
he also constantly suggests to you and asks for your recommendations on movies and shows
he wants to debrief with you every time both of you have watched something and he'll do impressions to make you laugh
sometimes he gets you in trouble because of how much he talks to you during the workday
but you don't care because it's SO refreshing to get so much serotonin from one person
outside of fun chats, he's actually a really helpful coworker
not just with fixing tech/program issues, though
if you're having a hard time putting together a workflow for a project, choosing a template for a document, or simply writing an email, jisung is by your side helping you out (and encouraging you!!)
you're also the only person in the entire company he'll go to for help
he trusts you so much actually !!! because you're the one person who doesn't put him on a pedestal for his skills. you tell him all the time how he's so talented at literally everything he does, but you like him for so many other reasons that he doesn't feel uncomfortable being himself around you
which is why, if he knows you two are the only ones in a certain area of the office, he WILL break out into song off-key
you're getting a full performance every time you are in the break room together
he especially does this when you two have to stay late because "we need to stay energized, y/n!!! where's your team spirit?"
he will become an absolute mess of laughter on the floor if you do a ridiculous performance
probably has to take a break after because he laughed so hard his stomach hurts
he'll also use you as an excuse to get out of things LOL
if someone he isn't fond of wants to meet with him to finish a report or something when they could just do it online, he'll say "oh, sorry, i'm working with y/n on a big project, so my calendar is pretty stacked. i'll review it and leave comments for you though!"
he's obviously a cool and adorable guy, so people ask him to after-work hangs a LOT. he's not mad at it, but, he isn't the biggest fan of awkward small talk with some coworkers
so he'll hit them with "ah, i wish i could, but y/n and i are going to the movies tonight, so i'll have to do a raincheck!"
he runs up to your desk and panic whispers things like "if anyone asks we're going wine tasting on friday night !!!!!"
and you're like ???? wine tasting ???
one of y'all's coworkers walks by so instead of explaining, jisung loudly says, "yeah, i heard they're suuuuuuuuuper famous for their red blend too. should be fun to see how it compares to the rest of their wine repertoire!"
you're holding back laughter at his commitment to the bit
this happens so many times you stop questioning it and play along, much to jisung's delight !!
he always assures you that you don't have to actually go anywhere with him, but you often do because it's so fun to hang out together
jisung's antics also include pranking you
like say your office does a gift exchange for the holidays. jisung begs on his KNEES to get your name
when you are handed your gift, you immediately know it's from jisung
because he's giggling and making comments like oooOOoOoOOooOOoooOoohhh let's see what you got, y/n!! open your present first!!!
he's such a silly guy he can't hide his excitement :,-)
once you open it you're both laughing your asses off because he managed to get you a rubber chicken that has a customized squeak so it's actually audio of jisung imitating a rubber chicken
for as much as you're doubled over in laughter, he is in total hysterics because he loves his own joke so much <3
jisung is legitimately the best coworker buddy you could ever ask for, and he has no clue how he survived so long at work without you
if you make any joke about quitting he'll always say "yeah if you quit i'm coming with you. you're never getting rid of me >:-)"
and he really means it <3333
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bettathanyou · 9 months
hii i just wanted to say i really appreciate how much love you put into all of your writings, its all so heartwarming and detailed, and you capture cedrics character SO well. you have such an in depth understanding of his personality and its commendable. i really admire your dedication and love for this guy and how willing you are to share it with others :]
but ya i have a request, a headcanon list (or story/anything u wanna do) of Cedrics autistic behavior and maybe how he would act with an autistic partner? the idea of there being this mutual understanding of each others needs is really sweet to me. also i personally hc him with adhd alongside autism so it would be neat if that could get mixed in somehow, too :D no problem if not!
ANON. WTF YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRY FR?? THAT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME, THANK YOU. I get so scared of MISCHARACTERIZING Cedric, so to hear that I have an in depth understanding of him from you made my entire day, month, YEAR. I hope this headcanon list is good and up to expectations!!
AuDHD Cedric The Sorcerer Headcanons (With Autistic S/O)
Coming from someone with AuDHD with an autistic best friend, I can't stress how much source material I have to speak about this sifkdiieis
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FIRST THINGS FIRST. SENSORY ISSUES GALOREEEEE. That man will shrivel and die if he were ever in the modern era and came into direct contact with a microfiber towel.
A secret Headcanon I have (outside of the reasons I listed in my first headcanon list about Cedric!) Is he wears gloves BECAUSE Cedric has sensory/texture issues. His potion ingredients seem incredibly bizarre at times, and I'm sure the textures of them just get overwhelming at times. If you're wondering why the fingertips are exposed, he might need the extra grip to handle delicate objects, etc etc.
His robe is basically a weighted blanket, argue with the wall. He needs to be regulated somehow, and he's still a nervous wreck anyways
We know Cedric's speech is affected by his audhd. Dude has pedantic speech, overly emotive or deadpan, his volume control is non-existent when excited.
Expanding on that, his tendency to mix up words for spells seems a little... Neurospicy, on top of the anxiety
Forgets spells constantly. Not actually forget how to do them, just forgetting they exist cuz adhd
Has CHRONICALLY turned his workshop inside out because the thing Cedric was using just disappeared after he set it down!
(it was in his hand the whole time lol)
HC that outside of, yk, lack of personal space because no one knocks except Sofia, Autism rage whenever you're being interrupted from a task, especially something your fixated on, DRIVES HIM SO INSANE
Lack of patience. Just. Irritable, and same
His only friend (before Sofia) was an animal companion. C'mon y'all.
Music is so important to Cedric! It helps him regulate. He sings, he dances, he appreciates the dragon Acapella! Definitely uses music to stim, as well as dancing. He does it way too much. Audhd people usually are very connected to creative outlets such as music
Cedric is so genuinely shocked by kindness from Sofia even though she's consistent with it. That can definitely be trauma, but also feels like a lack of emotional permanence
Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria SO BADDDDD Cedric would have a shutdown about it (thanks ADHD)
Prone to more shutdowns than meltdowns. But as we know, shutdowns inevitably lead to meltdowns anyways. I hc that Cedric is definitely seen as "melancholic" because his mood shifts as well as masking (poorly) his mental state after having meltdowns in private
Definitely tugs at his hair, bites himself, hits his head/fists on hard surfaces during meltdowns :((
Cedric's job as royal sorcerer is fun for the knowledge as special interest aspect, but the social parts leaves him in bad burnout, at least before his redemption
Still hates the social aspect of his job though
Potions are his special interest
The amulet of avalor was a hyperfixation, there I said it!
Due to trauma, but also to adhd, I think Cedric has no emotional object permanence. Dude for real acts a little TOO shocked towards Sofias kindness-
There is two types of audhd: sarcasm is the only language they're fluent in, and cannot distinguish sarcasm to save their life. Cedric is the first.
Sofia is the second type LMAO
Where's the same outfit everyday. Like. Cedric would buy the same set of clothes/outfits because too many choices are just overwhelming, and too many textures are Bad
Speaking of textures, again
Picky eater
I've never seen Cedric eat anything except those jellybean looking candies at his parents house
Jellybean/sweets as a safe food
I hc personally that Cedric is familiar with food magic because he conjures his own meals. I can't imagine people would respect his needs/wants enough to be especially accommodating, so he did it himself
Cedric talks to children as equals because of the lack of social hierarchy due to autism
However with the royals his age he is desperately trying to please people for the sake of acceptance (mood)
Rapid fire s/o headcanons!
Y'all either talk for hours, or parallel play without a word
Doing Nothing Together While Vibing Is Essential
Even though y'all understand each other well, sometimes the weird social rules you force yourself to mask with still stick. So sometimes y'all will have to ask "are you mad or are you unmasked rn"
Same thing with sarcasm. Taking jokes too literally so then you gotta ask for clarification. At this point it just adds to the joke xD
Cuddling/hugs is the best because THE DEEP PRESSUREEEEE
But also don't touch me when I need space pls
Infodumping whenever the chances arise
Seeing cedrics eyes sparkle his smile lines crease when talking about something that excited him feels like the warmest ray of sunshine
Cedric will sometimes get distracted by how much he loves you and loves seeimh you being happy while infodumping and will ask you to repeat things while apologizing profusely
Cedric will buy you little comfort objects you like or give you cool things he finds
Sometimes y'all need to sleep alone for the sake of space, but other nights you gotta be in each other's skin
And both are okay!
Laying in bed doing a separate activity until bedtime is a good compromise when one of you doesn't want to spend the night, but still wants time together
Switching hyperfixations
Adopting each other's vocal stims/speech mannerisms
Suddenly you're saying Merlin's mushrooms UNIRONICALLY
When shutdowns happen, y'all have communication cards! Very helpful for both parties :))
You both doodled in the margins of each other's communication cards
Cedric chronically loses his and you now you're just letting him use yours until they manifest again 😭
Meltdowns, Cedric needs to be alone. He just can't handle ANYONE seeing it, even you
You respect that... And take care of him afterwards with whatever he needs
Whatever way you need support during shutdowns/meltdowns, Cedric accommodates without question
So much love and acceptance and CHOOSING to put in the work in your relationship
Anyways, that's all I got! Feel free to add on! TYSM for the ask!! This was so lovely and self indulgent to write lmaooo
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midnightsnyx · 1 year
what if i told you (i love you) part 2 - joel miller
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pairing: joel miller!fem reader
chapter summary: when joel and ellie's stay turns out to be longer than expected, you have to figure out how you're going to deal with having him around. word count: 1.9k warnings: insinuated smut, angst, mentions of death, mentions of abortion, little bit of fluff(?), and ellie being a cool big sister! let me know if i missed anything please. also this isn't edited lol sorry authors note: GUYS!!!! WHAT THE HECK! thank you all so so so much from the very bottom of my heart for all the love on the story. comments, reblogs, and likes feed my angsty writing soul <3 y'all are the best! please take caution to the warnings for this chapter and read safely <3 if anyone wants to send thoughts, suggestions ect, here is my ask box. and lastly, if you want to be added to my tag list please fill out this super short form here <3 oh one more thing! I know last chapter was in past tense but I hate writing that unless I’m doing flashbacks so from now on, it’s all present tense unless I do a flashback
masterlist what i write series masterpost
Boston 2018
The first time you could blame it on the bad liquor. The second time, you could say it was the adrenaline from nearly getting killed by a pack of clickers but the third time you found yourself underneath Joel Miller, there was nobody to blame but yourself. You’d been working with him and Tess for a couple years and always thought the two of them were together. However, while on a supply run with just Tess about a year after you met them, you discovered that while there was an initial attraction, things were strictly business between them. You really had no plans to deal with the man further than supply runs and trades but after you had a taste of what could be, you didn’t want to go without. 
You knew that things weren’t exclusive and never would be. It was simply a way for the both of you to blow off steam in this shitty world so after you missed your period not once, but twice, you realized that things might be more complicated than you had planned. Approaching Joel about the situation was not something you were looking forward to so you confided in Tess, who after scolding you, said you had two options. She knew a person who “took care of these problems” and could get your situation resolved with little to no damage or you could do what she thought was unfair, and bring a new life into the world that had become so cruel, most didn’t want to live anyway. You weighed your options for about a week, avoiding Joel whenever he tried to get you alone because all you wanted to do was blurt out that you were pregnant to get it off your chest but somehow, you knew how he would react. 
Everybody had lost someone during the outbreak and although it was never confirmed by Joel, you knew he’d lost a child. Somewhere inside you, there was a small hope that maybe this tiny little life inside you could help fill some of the void but it was smashed when you eventually told him.
His cold expression and cold words were hurtful but not unexpected. 
“How could you be so careless?” 
You’d argued with him for over an hour, the whole “it takes two to tangle” argument but eventually you had enough and told him if he wanted nothing to do with it, this was the time because you weren’t going to wait around forever. So when his last words to you were “leave”, you decided then and there that you were done with Joel Miller. You’d waited a few weeks after Tess asked you to even though you knew that he wouldn’t come around. The day you left, you said goodbye to Tess, telling her where you planned to go and told her if Joel asked about you, not to tell him anything. If you could help it, you planned to never see Joel again.
Jackson, Wyoming 2023
Much to your dismay, Joel is at the dining hall the next morning. He’s sitting with Tommy and Ellie but you can feel his eyes on you while you watch Jack eat his breakfast. It’s like a repeat of yesterday, only this time you’re worried that Hazel may have actually poisned his food. She grumbled when he walked in the doors but didn’t say much. 
Ellie eventually makes her way over to where you and Jack are sitting, shyly asking if she can sit with you and play with Jack. You hesitate but Jack gives you puppy eyes and you can never say no to him. Some of his facial expressions always reminded you of Joel but with the man actually being here now, you’re noticing it much more. You look over at him and his eyes are locked on the three of you sitting together so you look back at Ellie.
“So…” you begin, waiting for her to look up at you and when she does, you can see the mischievous look in her eyes. 
“You’re gonna ask me about Joel,” she grins, “y’know, he was talking to Tommy about you last night. They thought I was asleep but there was a lot of yelling.” 
“What exactly were they saying?” you ask, and she looks back at Jack, taking the piece of food he offers her. 
“I dunno, Joel was grumpy that Tommy didn’t tell him that you were here but Tommy told Joel that you didn’t want him to know,” she says, “he’s always grumpy though, so that’s nothing new.” 
You weren’t planning on asking her but you’re dying to know how exactly Joel ended up dragging a teenager all the way to Wyoming. 
“What’s the deal with you and Joel?” you ask, “not a long lost kid, are you?” 
She just laughs and shakes her head, “nah, I mean he acts like a dad but he’s just fulfilling a request from someone. I’m just cargo.” 
She says it non-chalantly but something in her expression changes, so small you barely notice. It’s there though but before you can question her further, she turns the tables back to you.
“What the deal with you and Joel? I mean, clearly the kid is his… did he-”
“Ellie,” a voice cuts in and you both jump, not noticing that Joel somehow snuck up on the both of you. Before either of you can answer, a little voice speaks up.
“Hi,” Jack says, waving at Joel who once again, looks shocked that there’s a child there. The boy offers him a handful of mushed up fruit and you watch as Joel hesitantly accepts it. 
You’ve watched Joel take down countless clickers and raiders so it amuses you that a toddler scares him. 
Jack takes a loud slurp of his water and tries to hand it to Joel before you take it from him, rolling your eyes. Ellie is watching the interaction with amusement and you can even see Tommy from across the hall, watching closely. 
“Who’re you?” Jack asks, trying to pass Joel more food. You take his plate, ignoring his grumbling. Another thing that Jack does that reminds you of Joel are his mood swings. Some days he is a chatterbox and others, you can barely get a peep out of him. Those days, he reminds you of Joel. 
When Joel looks at you, this time with panic written across his face, you shrug. You’re beginning to find this amusing because who knew all it would take is a toddler to break the big Joel Miller.
“Ellie, I have to go with Tommy for a bit. Don’t leave the four walls of this town,” he points at her when she raises her hands in defense, “I told Maria to keep an eye on you.”
“Don’t worry old man, I think I’ll hang out with these two,” she tells him but then shyly looks at you, “if that's alright.” 
You nod and watch as her face lights up. She goes back to talking to the little boy sitting next to her and you look at Joel who is shifting uncomfortably. 
“Uh, thanks,” he mumbles without looking at you before quickly walking back to Tommy. You watch the two of them leave, the older man casting one more glance you way before his brother pats him on the back firmly.
“He’s got it bad for you,” Ellie says absently, “like real bad. Were you two like, together?”
You stare at her for a solid minute, wondering where the hell this kid came from. Was she this blunt before? Or has Joel corrupted her?
“It’s complicated, and a long story.”
“Is it longer than a week? ‘Cause I think that’s how long we’re staying,” she says and you hide a frown. You’re still trying to find out exactly why they’re here and now you find out they’re only staying a week? You can’t decide if you are relieved or disappointed. 
“Why don’t we go for a walk?” You offer, wanting to get out of this conversation because talking about your non existent relationship with Joel to a 14 year old is at the bottom of your to-do list. “Jack likes seeing the sheep and horses.”
Ellie grins and you can’t help but smile when she offers her hand to Jack who accepts it eagerly. You can tell she’s trying to fill a void and you’re beginning not to mind.
. . .
Later that night after Jack is long asleep, you sit outside on your porch wrapped up in a winter jacket and blanket. It’s cold but you need some fresh air to try and get your thoughts straightened out. Ellie tried to bring up yours and Joel’s history multiple times but eventually gave up on it once she realized you weren’t going to say anything. You haven’t seen Joel since this morning, spending the day with Ellie and Jack, then eating dinner and dropping the girl off at the house she and Joel are staying at before going back to your own and putting your kid to bed.
Joel showing up out of the blue is bringing back too many memories, some good but some bad. 
Suddenly, a voice breaks you out of your thoughts and you curse Joel Miller again for sneaking up on you. Being in Jackson so long is making you let your guard down too much.
“Hey,” he says, standing at the bottom of your porch steps awkwardly, “the kid gone to bed?” 
Small talk. He is trying to make small talk. 
“What do you want, Joel?” You ask shortly, half wanting to leave before he says anything else but if he is seeking you out, you want to know what he is looking for from you.
“I, uh, I wanted to say thanks,” he says stumbling over his words, “for entertaining Ellie today. She was real pleased-”
“I didn’t do it for you,” you snap, “she’s a good kid.”
He just nods, staring at the ground and scuffing his boots on the dirt. You watch as he clears his throat and looks up at you, a sadness in his eyes that you’re not sure you’ve ever seen.
“Tess is gone,” he says, and even though you had your suspicions since she’s not with him and he travelling all the way here, his words feel like a punch in the stomach. 
“She got bit on our way here,” he tells you and you just nod, swallowing back tears. Six years ago, you might’ve let him comfort you but all you want now is to yell or scream at him. Ellie wouldn’t tell you why they were here or why she was with Joel and you know you won’t get anything out of him. You know the only reason for his late night visit is to break the news about Tess.
When you stand up, his mouth opens to protest but he just offers you the closest thing he has to a smile. It’s pitiful. 
You turn to walk inside but his voice stops you. Refusing to look at him, you pause but stay facing the door.
“He seems like a good kid,” he says quietly and you know he’s referring to Jack.
There’s a million things you can say to him, you can turn around and yell or scream at him. You could ask him why? Why did you push me away when I needed you? Why didn’t you want Jack? What hurt you so bad, that you couldn’t accept him?
Instead, you walk inside your house and close the door behind you.
. . .  
tag list: @sloanexx @wandering-poetess @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibii
@chiogarza @jellybeanxc @iranispunk @imonmykneessir @wakaladjarin @sleepylunarwolf @pedropascalfan221 @abovenyx
@starjoyyy @shuriri4life @cavillary
if i didn't tag you & you asked to be, it's cause you didn't show up when i tried! if it didn't work, msg me & we'll figure it out :)
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xxaraaq · 9 months
wc | 3.2k
cw | angst, traumatic upbringing, unprotected sex, long distance relationship for a little while ig
Reiner x black! reader
A/N | This is prob my longest fic so far but I really enjoyed writing this and I cried a lot. I hope y'all enjoy. Not edited btw so don't mind any mistakes.
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The first time you told him that you wanted to move away when the time came to decide what you wanted to do with your life, he didn’t think much about it. Your opinions regarding your future fluctuated constantly, from what you wanted to have as a snack to what you wanted to be when you grew up. You could never decide on one thing for long. You were only nine at the time, and you left it at that. He was still glad that you dropped it nonetheless, for it would hurt him beyond measure to watch you leave. The two of you went to the creek to play with the other kids after that, and his thoughts were occupied on other things such as getting back at a boy called Clarence for pushing you onto a pile of rocks after you told him to leave you alone. Reiner’s always been like that, walking the extra mile for you whenever you needed it, even if you didn’t ask. He was the type to stand behind you when you were deep in a conversation with someone else, quietly hanging onto every word as you went on without a care in the world. It was simple, and he liked it like that. 
The second time he remembers you bringing it up, it was around freshman year of highschool. Things had started getting stressful at home, with your father having gotten caught in an affair and your mother turning to wine to cope. Those days were mainly spent at his fathers farm, helping him with his chores and anything that needed tending too. He always noticed how you would come to him with dry tears staining your face, but he never said anything about it. He was just happy that you were coming to him when things got hard, and you were happy that he was there through it all. Your bouts of sadness would never last long with him though, he would always be able to cheer you up no matter what went on in your home. You would come over so often that his mom would make you a plate once it was time for dinner. It was a normal day, you were helping Reiner with carrying hay bales for his horses, when it came out.
“I think I wanna move to a big city, like New York and LA once I graduate.” You say, mind fixated on not getting bit by Daisy, the feistiest horse you think you’ve ever met. He stops in his tracks, looking at you with a shocked face. “Why would you wanna do that?” He asks, concern lacing his tone. “I don’t know. I think I’m just tired of all the bullshit that comes with this sucky ass town. I wanna be able to live my life without anyone trying to strike down my dreams just cus’ they think it’s not the way I should be living.” You shrug, petting her as she chews on the straws of hay. He doesn’t really know what to think, but it makes him nervous. He knows that you have a multitude of reasons for wanting to get out, but he doesn’t want to see you go, especially not without him. It scared him, but he wasn’t going to let his fear outway his advice for you.
“Well I think you should do whatever makes you the happiest, I would hate to see you stay here in plain old misery just because you chose the thing that would make other people happy.” You smile at him, knowing that he talks purely out of his heart, and not just saying what you want to hear. His wholeness is your favorite quality about him. He’s never been one to shy away from the truth, and he always has your best interest in mind, even if it wasn't the best for him. “Awww, really?” You coo, walking up to him. “Yeah, why not? Why should you stay here if you don’t want to? Because of what other people might say? Screw that, it’s your life, and you shouldn’t be living it for others who don’t actually give a damn about you.” 
Without a doubt, those conversations were your favorites. You could be open and vulnerable with worrying about being judged or brushed off. It was talks of real life that constantly reminded you that Reiner was truly a good friend, a good person. He would actually listen instead of simply hearing to respond. It made you feel heard, made you feel like you weren’t out of your mind. It was the same for him as well. Whenever he talked about the pressures that his father put on him about being a leader, being responsible, and putting family above everything; he knew that all it took was a knock on your door and you would be there for him, comforting him with honest words and a tight embrace if need be. It was the perfect relationship, easy and smooth.
Until he started to fall in love.
He knew when he started to look at you in a different way, he wasn’t oblivious. He grew, so did you. The person you were sprouting into amazed him. You were kind, but not a pushover. Firm, but not some – well, most of the time. He was mesmerized by all parts of you, good and bad. You couldn’t lie when you thought he turned out just as fine, if not finer than all the other boys you grew up with. He was a solid six one, with years of hard labor showing on his body. He was still a gentleman, which is what you think is what you loved most about him. He was the sweetest boy you’ve ever known, and it wasn’t just for show. He was everything if not one for chivalry, always opening doors and being polite, slinging out “Yes ma’am” and “No sir”, just like he was taught. He was what every mother wanted their daughter to bring home, but he only had eyes for you. People could see it too, that’s why no one tried to steer his attention from you. He was the first and last person you saw every night, and were both fine with that. You would take long drives in his truck in the early mornings of the weekend, and spend time together in his cargo bed on late Sunday. It was peaceful, just you and him. He knew that you were starting to catch on, but he wanted to enjoy it, because talks of favorite tv characters turned into what colleges were being applied to. The unburdened era of childhood was slowly coming to an end, and it was frightening.
Frightening because you would have obligations to take care of, frightening because he knew that his endless conversations were manifesting.
Frightening because he knew his time with you was coming to an end.
Your mothers addiction had gotten much worse over the course of time, leaving you to have to deal with her hysteria. Reiner lost track of the amount of times you had called him on the landline, practically begging him to come pick you up, to save you from the cloud that has consumed your mother, from the feelings that brew inside you. You had grown sick of the stuffy place you call your hometown, and he had caught on quick – he always does.
The last time you talked about it was the summer after graduating. Your dynamic had changed, longing gazes had been throwing and touches had been shared. It was getting more romantic, more intimate. Reiner’s father decided that he should go stay at his grandmother's lake house for the summer, and that he should bring you. You knew you could go without having to ask, so off the two of you went. The ride was easy, songs being sung along to and many stops being made for pictures and pee breaks. The house was beautiful, with the frontside facing the beach. You settled in quickly, buzzing with excitement as you ran to the clear blue water. Many days were spent like this, the pair of you swimming and laughing and kissing in solidarity. It was what he dreamed of, being alone with you to just soak in your presence, nobody calling his name and nothing to worry about. It was bliss, until it wasn’t.
Summer was coming to a close, with only two weeks until fall semester began. He drove you two home, the air different from usual. He knew the privacy you had with him was going to change the nature of your relationship, but it still bothered him inside. During it all, he noticed that you would be awake in the early morning, asking your mother about a letter. He knew you wouldn’t talk to the woman unless it was of absolute importance, you despised her after all. You seemed more nervous the closer you got, but he tried not to think too much of it, summing it up to having jitters on going to college. 
It wasn’t until you called him a couple days later with dread in your voice that he knew what the phone calls were about.
“I got in.”
Words so simple, but so sad. Usually one would be happy that they got into college, but you weren’t. It hit him like a ton of bricks, he didn’t know what to do with himself. Was he supposed to be happy for you? Was he supposed to cry with you? Was he supposed to be strong for you? Yes, that’s exactly what he needs to be, what he's always been for you; for everyone.
“I’ll be over in a couple, just wait for me, okay?” His voice has always calmed you, but not this time. With a simple okay, you hung up the phone. He speeds through stop signs, breaking the speed limit by around twenty miles just to get to you faster. He jumped out the car, jogging down your driveway as you jump into his arms. He’s warm and smells nice, the scent of his cologne and freshly wet soil hitting your nose. He holds you for a second, then five, then ten. “What’s wrong sugar? What’s got you so worked up, huh?” He asks, looking at your features for any signs hinting at your distress. “I got in, Reiner. UCLA, they accepted me.” You say, gripping his shirt for support. “UCLA? I-isn’t that in California?” You nod, and he sighs deep, pulling your head to his chest. “I’m so glad they accepted me, but I’m scared. I don’t know anyone there, and I don’t wanna leave you.” 
Him. You didn’t want to leave him. He didn’t want to, but in that moment he felt so ecstatic that he was the only reason you wanted to stay. It was selfish, he knew that, but he elated that he was that special to you.
“Isn’t this what you always wanted? To get out this shitty little town and finally live your life?” He was right, when was he not? But it still hurt knowing that he wasn’t coming with you. “Yes, but I love you, and if I leave I won’t come back. I don’t wanna leave you here and you never see me again and you move on with life while I never stop thinking of you, thinking that if I stayed then none of it would’ve happened.” You were crying at this point, tears pouring down your face. He wiped them, even kissing some of them away. “Now in what world would I move on without you? Don’t be silly now, you're my number one girl. You're gonna go to UCLA, live your life, and be happy. I’ll be right here, supporting you from this shitty little town in Texas. We’ll talk to each other on the phone, and we’ll still love each other the same.” It was a lie, and he knew it. But it wanted to believe it so bad, you did too. You spent the rest of the night with him, and you ended up making love.
It was new to the both of you, but for some reason it wasn’t awkward. Light kisses down your neck and soft moans filled the night sky as your dream came true. As ashamed as you were of the fact, you had fantasized this night many times before. He treated you with care and compassion, as he did any other time. But it was different, more transparent. It was hot, sticky, and sweaty. But neither of you cared, happy to do this with each other, to be the others first.
It wasn’t long after that before he had to help you pack and see to the train. His mother cried for and with you, hugging you tight as she whispered prayers in your ear for your success and safety. You could see tears in his fathers eyes that wouldn’t dare fall. He told you that he’s always seen you as his own, and that he was happy that his son got to grow up with you. He drove you to the station, hand on your thigh as a reminder. A reminder that he’s there and that he doesn’t want to let you go, a reminder that he loves you.
A reminder that he’ll never forget you.
You wish you lived close enough to an airport so that you could spend more time with him before you left, but that wasn’t the case. He picked your luggage with a quiet grunt and followed you to the platform. You turned to him, not knowing what to say, and he knew it. Your eyes met his, and a tear raced down his cheek. You followed suit, and soon the both of you were crying. He pulled you into a hug that you never wanted to leave, and he knew it. He knew all of it, and that’s what you think made saying goodbye so much harder.
“Promise me you’ll call?” You ask, sniffling. “Course’ I will, doll. What kinda man would I be if I didn't call my woman?” His woman. You’re his woman. It’s supposed to make you happy, but it just makes you cry harder. “Cmon now, I don’t want cha’ goin on this train boo hooing when you have so much to look forward to.” You shake your head yes, touching your forehead to his. He kissed you again, then again, then again. If you weren’t whispering to each other, you’re sure that bystanders would’ve noticed by now. But you didn’t care, you just wanted one more night with him to watch the fireflies and talk about meaningless shit that has meaning in the moment, because that’s what it comes down to. Moments with him make you feel like everything is perfectly fine, even if they’re not. 
You hear the deafening sound of the train whistle in the distance, signaling the end of your time with him. “There’s your train to the future baby.” He says, kissing your temple. “Shut up Reiner!” You laugh, leaning into it.
He helped you board the train, finding your seat with ease. He looks at you, and you look at him. He’s frozen in place, and so are you. “I love you so much, let that be known for as long as you live.” He says, hugging you for the last time. “I love you too, don’t forget it either. Oh, and don’t forget to tell Daisy that mommy loves her.” You joke, chuckling as you see his face drop. She had warmed up to you over the years, and you were now her favorite person.“That damn horse is the bane of my existence.” he scoffs, and you burst out laughing. “I think you, your family, and that damn horse are the only things I’m gonna miss around here.” You say, playing with his collar. 
The conductor yells something you don’t catch, but you know it means that he has to leave. “Can’t I just come with you and tell my parents why I didn’t come back later?” He asks, a boyish tone in his voice. “You can’t,” you coo, “if you did, they would actually kill you when you got back.” “Who said I would come back?” Your eyes widen in shock, really contemplating it. All in all, he could come, but he has a life here for him – you don’t.
“No, you need to stay so you can take your fathers farm once you're old enough. I know that it’s your dream even though you get tired of it sometimes.” He looks at you with an expression you can’t explain. It’s as if he’s trying to tell you something he can’t put into words, but he doesn’t need to. You understand him just as well as he does you. Some things don’t need to be said, and this is one of those things. “Call me when you get there, ok?” He borderline begs. You say yes, and he finally walks off.
The trains move with a jerk, but you don’t pay attention to it. You see him as he slowly disappears into the distance, being replaced by forest and gravel. You don’t cry anymore, more like you refuse to, but you think to yourself – what if I stayed.
When you reach California, as the first day commences, when you finish your freshman year, and when you graduate. Through it all you constantly think to yourself, what would've happened if I stayed?
The calls started getting sparser and short, life catching up to the both of you making less time for each other. It still hurts when you think about it, but life is life, and it doesn’t stop for anybody. By senior year, the two of you stopped talking all together. You found people, as did he. The two of you drifted apart, as many others do. But you don’t care about the others, all you care about is him.
He calls you the day you graduate. It’s short and simple,exchanging hellos and words of well being. You want to ask him a million questions, but you refrain. You're content enough with just hearing his voice, even though you know it’ll be for the last time. He’s in the middle of asking you what your class rank when you hear a youthful voice on his end. “Is that your kid?” You ask, deep down hoping he says no. There's a brief pause, as if he’s thinking of a lie to tell you. “Yeah, she’s my youngest.” He finally says, and your heart drops. “Oh..that’s lovely to hear. How old is she?” You ask, throat tightening up. “She just turned two, her birthday was last week actually.” He sighs, seeming to be occupied with her. “What’s that sweet girl's name?” You ask, eyes darting around the room looking for something to keep you busy. “Um..I actually named her after you.” You freeze in your tracks, breath hitching. “Does her mom know about me?” You ask, hoping that she doesn’t. “No. She’s from out of town actually. Her names Natalie.” You can’t breathe. Room starts to spin around you. He notices, and starts to call out your name. “I..I gotta go Reiner.” You hang up the phone before he can say anything else.
She’s a reminder. A reminder of your old love,  a reminder that he’s always been waiting and still doesn’t want to let you go, a reminder that he loves you.
A reminder that he’s never forgotten you, and he never will.
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fategoflatass · 3 months
Let's talk about fanfiction, and all that.
I doubt many remember about this but I used to, albeit not as avidly as I would've liked it, write fanfiction. This, I found, was an amazing way of practicing my writing skills while being able to connect with others who shared my same interests through them.
Well, last time I posted a fanfiction was almost a year ago. After that, it wouldn't take much longer until I just stopped reading fanfiction altogether. I tried getting back to it whenever I really got into a whatever sort of media but, even if my interest lighted up for a couple days, it just wasn't the same.
The point is, I don't think I'll ever go back to writing fanfics. Or, at least, not for a long time. Also, there are times where I see my old writing and, not gonna lie, I kinda cringe lol Not saying I got much better, but I guess there is a difference between being in your late teens and being close to twenty-one.
Due to all these things, I've been considering setting all my fanfiction as anonymous. I don't wish to delete them since I know there are those who enjoy them (some I understand, some I struggle) but, at the same time, a clean restart sure sounds tempting. Yet if I do so, that'd mean I'd no longer get to interact with those who leave comments on them nor would my mornings light up in the rare (yet precious) occasions someone leaves their kudos on my work.
I initially felt like a poll would be the best way to let y'all help me with this, but it just sounds too simplistic? More than needing someone to choose between A and B for me, I think I'm more in need of advice. I don't know, I'm rambling at this point.
If you read this whole thing till the end, thank you so much. Hope you have an amazing day/noon/night and rest/end of your week ♥
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crimson-lair · 7 months
HEYY HELLO, I COME WITH FULL ON IDEAS (that are slightly for fluff and affection only.. but I'll try not to disappoint ! Long post ahead though.. I couldn't help but type out my ideas !)
I was thinking of maybe jealous bots of ptn women, how would they act if they see y/n or user be so close with other people? Here are my ideas:
Rahu - Need I say moreee? Rahu is maybe really stoic and the type to not get jealous quite easily, but I think she'd be the type to get jealous if someone starts to take her duties away from y/n, like, the person starts to somewhat be too close to the user to the point where Rahu can't even approach y/n or fulfill her duties to keep y/n protected.. since the person is replacing her and is creating a distance between her and y/n. Rahu might deal with this in a way where she'd start to act touchy whenever it's only her and y/n or she'd outright find ways to find excuses to get y/n away from that person! She finds it difficult to approach y/n about it since she's quite shy and she doesn't know how to talk about it..
Shalom - MMMMM, Shalom shalom shalom, y'all probably would know where this is going.. once the most calm and reserved type starts to get jealous that's a big uh oh! I think Shalom would be jealous because of how a person starts to display a sense of superiority or closeness over y/n, as in the person keeps on winning y/n over Shalom in certain things, like going to missions, instead of Shalom going with y/n, someone else slipped in, orrrr when a person starts to be so touchy to the point where Shalom can't even do any small amount of physical gestures to y/n. Shalom might deal with this in a rather straightforward way, since she's the type of woman to become blunt whenever necessary especially when it comes to y/n, but sometimes, Shalom can really be condescending especially when she becomes way too jealous, she might show the person just how y/n is really close with her, or the fact that the person would have no chance to get to y/n because of how competitive Shalom is (e.g. Shalom will compete with the person through missions, quality time with y/n, etc)
Zoya - Here's our favorite, going once, going twice, maybe more than twice.. no, 5 times, 5 bots of her 😭. A jealous Zoya, will be a much bigger uh oh than Shalom's. Zoya might get jealous if y/n's attention or interest keeps going to another person. Zoya might also get jealous if the person keeps impressing y/n to a point where y/n can't even pay attention to Zoya anymore. Zoya might deal with this directly and almost immediately after she notices things started to change. Zoya would outright intimidate the person, like "If you keep pulling this sh*t I'll show you real sh*t" or she might end up driving the person away with threats, as said before.
my darling anon 😌 ARE YOU THAT PERSON WHO PREVIOUSLY GIVING IDEAS ABOUT RAHU? if yes, such a big brain anon i have (you must be secretly a writer). regardless, i love your bunch of ideas 🫶
rather than making bots (i don't know how to make these jealous bots 😭) I'll be writing small scenario based on this!
can only do Rahu tho cuz, well, easier to make it comedy
Rahu paced silently through the corridors of the MBCC headquarters. Her normally stoic demeanor betrayed a flicker of agitation. She couldn't shake off the disquiet that settled within her whenever she witnessed that newcomer growing closer to you. The duties she held, the protective shield she formed around you, seemed to be slipping away, replaced by the unwelcome presence of another.
Every moment that newcomer spent in proximity to you felt like a dagger twisting in her chest.
One evening, as she stood vigilant by your side during a mission briefing, that person's laughter echoed in the background. Her silver eyes narrowed, and her fists clenched, but her external facade remained impassive.
Days passed, and she struggled to find a way to express her discomfort. Her stoicism, a shield against the world, became a barrier that even she couldn't dismantle. Instead, Rahu found herself acting out in small, subtle ways. She became touchier in moments when she was alone with you.
A soft hand on the shoulder, a protective stance when you walked together. Or during a team meeting, she'd strategically positioned herself behind your chair. With ninja-like finesse, she'd do a subtle shoulder massage, all while maintaining an innocent expression. Or even, when you engaged in conversation with that newcomer, she would swoop in, spin around, and deliver a high-five so intricate it left everyone bewildered. "Just checking in on Chief," she'd casually say before walking away.
discovery of the day: omagosh im such a bad writer
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reyphorian-art · 2 years
Coming Out
hey so fun fact i'm also getting back into writing so y'all get snippets of what i'm working on now
Turning away quickly, wanting to give him a little bit of privacy, Rey started to pull their shirt up, then hesitated. They hadn't come out to anyone in Pelican Town or East Scarp yet, outside of Lewis who had known about them since they were a child. Granny Evelyn and George were old and Rey wasn't sure if they even remembered them from the few times they'd visited their grandpa with family, or even put it together that Rey was the same child they met. They had no idea how Sterling or Mia or anyone else would react but… neither of them seemed like the kind of people to reject or make fun of him for who he is. Won't know unless I try it. He told himself, taking a deep breath and pulling the shirt off the rest of the way.
After peeling off the rest of his sopping wet clothes and laying them over a branch, he sat down next to Sterling in the sun on a large rock beside the stream. Rey pulled their knees up to their chest and hugged them loosely, lost in feeling anxious and wondering if Sterling would notice the scars or say anything.
"Hey farmer, you doing okay?" Rey looked up at hearing Sterling’s voice, seeing mild concern in his expression.
"Huh? Oh. Yeah. I'm okay," they replied.
"You sure? You’ve been kinda quiet."
"Uh… Just some stuff on my mind I guess." Rey wasn't sure how to say it, telling him outright, 'I'm trans,' felt too strong and straightforward. There was never an easy way to bring it up any of the times they had done so before but at least they could decide when they wanted to come out to someone. This time it was completely unplanned and they were running every possibility through their mind, hoping to find the best way to bring it up.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" he asked. “It’s okay if you don’t.”
"Well, I uh. I guess I'm feeling a little bit self-conscious right now," They started to say, looking across the creek to avoid eye contact. "Nobody else knows about it but Lewis, and that's because he knew about me as a kid from my grandpa. He figured it out after I got in contact with him about moving here and realized I was the same grandkid he'd been told about all those years ago."
They paused, taking a deep breath, "I dunno if you figured it out already or not but um. I'm trans. I grew up raised as a girl and one day I realized I never really felt like one and that the self-image issues I had weren't just the "normal" ones everyone around me said girls going through puberty get. Not even being a tomboy felt right like they said it would. So I got my name and gender changed, had top surgery, and I take hormones to feel like my body and my identity finally belongs to me."
Things were quiet for a moment before Sterling spoke up, "I don't think there's anything wrong with that. You're being you. Sometimes I wish I could have half the guts you do about some of the things that go on in my own life." He laughed, then continued, "It means a lot to be the first person here that you've told."
"You don't see me any different from before, right?"
"Nah, you're still the cute farmer boy that always brings me the best field snacks in the world whenever he pops by Pierre's. Nothing's gonna change that, and I doubt for a second that Mia's gonna feel any different when she gets back with those dry clothes," He grinned. Rey blushed at the compliment and looked away but felt themself relaxing enough to stretch their legs out and lean back against their hands resting on the rock.
“Hey, Sterling,” Rey paused for a moment, “Please don’t tell anyone else about this and if anyone asks please don’t answer. Part of why I haven’t told anyone is because I wanted to know what it’s like to be in a place where nobody knows who I am or who I used to be, only the me that’s now. I don’t want people to see me for something that I’m not.”
"Hey, no worries, I get it. I promise I won't tell anyone else," Sterling smiled at him.
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Get some sleep child pls! I hope you're doing better anxiety is a bitch.
I still see you as the same cryptic vibes. Though I think I underestimated how chaotic of a little frog you are😂. And I see even more why you are Mammon's type and probs the reason Lucifer would have snow white hair after year one lol.
I hope you have a better day today and good sleep!
I actually kinda fixed my sleep schedule! Now instead of sleeping at 3/4am i sleep early and wake up at 3/4am which is kinda better?
also thank you🥺
Lucifer would hate my fucking guts godbless😔
See see here's the thing.... whenever I'm writing fics I always project on to Mammon rather than on to MC and I think I do manage to keep him fairly in character so........
I'm actually a lot nicer of a person online? Like I don't properly know y'all so I don't know how far to push yknow? So I try my best to be not-an-annoying-dick just incase I accidentally piss someone off/hurt someone - the way I am with acquaintances or friends I'm not really close with. (And a lot more emotionally open/truthful tbh - can't let irl people know i have feelings beyond Loud & Hyper & Crude™)
With really close irl friends though...😬 me seeing Mammon's personality in OM! was literally that spiderman meme
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I don't think I can emphasis how bad it is other than to say I've had my own version of 'The Great Mammon' thing, for only slightly different reasons, from before Mammon was even a twinkle in the devs' eyes - and yes that's absolutely mortifying to admit but as far as everyone here (myself included) is concerned I'm just a tiny talking frog so I can say that
All this to say is that my url is a LIE and I need to find an MC to fall in love with, not a Mammon
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shenashygans · 1 year
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Henlo~ I've been MIA for two weeks, but I'm here now. how is you? i izz foyn~ it's my first time to do this in our new place. so here's another TSC from yours truly~
don't be mad. i'm reading a lot, but i'm not finished with them. lol
TSC 31 after MIA for 2 Sundays! missed me? my jowa did. haha
o the sound of our washing machine. waiting for it to be done.
of my life right now. it's been days since I've moved. it's not as smoothly as i imagined it to be, but I'm here already! thinking of ways to keep my mind off some things. i'm not used to the quiet, or of no one to talk to whenever i want. thinking of the new job I'm supposed to have. should i wait? hmm
my pillows. amoy laway. lol
i could find something to keep myself busy, or my mind will wander on its own. i wish i have a job already so i won't think about useless stuvves or even have the time to overthink stuvves. i wish life is not all that complicated when it comes to me. i wish everything falls into place. but we really can't have it all, eh?
she won't stress as much as before. new management is not ideal, but what to do yani? i hope she gets used to by it. i hope she knows she can rant or tell me anything. i hope she tells me everything, still. i hope she knows I'll always support her no matter what, like what she does for me.
an oversized shirt and shorts. wow. a first. of not saying "uniform"
to stop overthinking. I'm not stressing. well, i try not to. I'm not stressed. but i should be? am i under stressing? lol
i need to sort out my priorities. i need to find new job listings, too. if the price (and place) is right... go!!!
our new place. it's nice to have a space where you can be yourself, and be with someone who can be themselves, and be yourselves together in peace.
giddy. living with the loml is not what we expected it to be. it feels like, we're on a HS sleepover. endless laughter, foodtrips, watching old/new series, doing nothing AND everything together. it feels surreal because it's all new to us. but it feels just right :)
yeeey. see y'all next week! inshallah :))
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thewritersafterglow · 2 years
surefire ways to get motivated to write
hey y'all! i'm sure we all could use some writing motivation right now, as we're in the thick of nanowrimo, and at a pretty stressful time of the year (what with holidays, school, exams, etc). that's why i thought i would share some of the ways i like to motivate myself to write!
note: i know the title says "surefire", but that is kinda click-bait. technically, there's no one method that works for everyone. so if something on this list doesn't work for you... don't come for me <3
Having a Partner
my writing buddy (shoutout to caroll) is one of my favorite people in the world. while we haven't discussed writing too much recently, whenever i do talk to her about my projects, or her projects, it always gets me excited to write.
so, you don't necessarily have to have one writing buddy or critique partner, but having a person to talk to about your project can remind you why you love your work so much, and why you want to continue writing it!!
Watching Writing Videos
this. this right here is carrying me through nanowrimo. i've discovered my new favorite writing yt channel, "writing with ana neu". i love her channel so much, because she posts writing tips/tutorials and vlogs. the videos are super aesthetic but also productive, and definitely motivate me to actually start writing.
this is just one example of a content creator, i thought i should mention her because ana really has helped me so much, but there are loads other out there!
anyway, i would definitely recommend watching VIDEOS rather than scrolling through reels/shorts/tiktoks. those forms of media get extremely addicting and are seemingly-never ending. while it's possible to get addicted to clicking on new videos on yt, it's definitely harder than scrolling through one minute videos for hours on end.
Stalking People's Projects (THIS TITLE IS A JOKE!!)
before i get cancelled, i'm kidding, okay? i don't stalk people or anything. i'm just saying, sometimes, looking at the progress other people have made on their work helps me out! some of my favorite accounts have highlights about their projects, and clicking through them can really excite me to write!!
i especially like doing this with authors that are published + successful, because that can be even more motivating to someone who eventually wants to get published (like me lmao).
point is, this is very similar to the tip about previous watching videos. watching other people be productive and make progress, and/or achieve really amazing success, can help you want to do that too!!
Not Being Motivated
this title makes no sense, i know.
but sometimes, motivation just will not come - and that's okay! when you're feeling so burnt out that nothing will motivate you, this is where you have to work around it. if you think it's just laziness, you can try pushing through, and just forcing yourself to write. obviously, you can't write a novel without pushing yourself even a little bit.
however, if you are really exhausted and tired, from writing or from other external pressures, it is important to remember you don't always have to write. it is okay to take a day or two off, even during nanowrimo.
if this stresses you out further, you can try re-planning your schedule so that taking a day off doesn't change your end goal. for example, if you come home from school on monday and feel like sh*t, then tell yourself you can write an extra 1,000 words on friday to make up for it!
thanks for reading through this post! if you don't know me, i'm Rayne H. Olivia, the admin of this account and the founder of the writer's afterglow.
here on instagram/tumblr, i post daily writing content/advice, and i also have a podcast called "the writer's afterglow" (available on spotify, google podcasts, and my website in my bio!)
if you want to see more of my content + stay in touch, please consider following my account! if not, i understand, and hope you have a nice day :)
keep writing,
Rayne <3
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4dtk · 3 years
i rmb reading a drabble b4 about calling gojo 'satoru' and that it makes him feel human and seen. idk. i loved it a lot but i'm not sure who wrote it :( this is just a little word vomit on the same concept. i love him so much :(
just a side thing i wanted to write in between requests, hope y'all don't mind <3
"satoru, come to bed, it's late," yawning, you pat the space beside you. he's doing his nightly skincare routine, patting his face gently with the retinol serum he just bought.
"ya sure you don't want to try it out?" gojo offers out the dropper, a hairband cutely pushed up to prevent his bangs from interfering.
"i don't like slimey stuff on my face." you cringe, realising your mistake too late.
"and yet you give me your face to cu-"
"shut the fuck up," you severely miss him, pillow landing on the floor beside him. he didn't even bother to activate his technique, laughing out loud at your failed attempt.
gojo never did switch it on when he was with you. not when he decided that he'd give his all to you, not even he asked you to move in with him on a desperate full of nightmares, not when you first said i love you.
gojo satoru was soft around you, a sight that many would like to see yet only disclosing it to you. the you who got him falling when you'd hang out with his students, giving as much pointers as you could on cursed energy. that was when he decided, he's sure. but again, there were countless other times where gojo recalls falling deeper and deeper in love with you. he smiles at that, capping the skin care bottle before quite literally jumping onto the bed.
"argh! satoru, what in the hell?!" his weight was crushing you, emphasised more when he leans down to plant kisses on your features. the feigned anger turns to giggling and shielding hands which he easily seizes between his fingers.
"s-stop! 'toru!" your smile is like the first few hues of dusk. it makes him feel all warm and mushy inside, something the strongest normally wouldn't have the luxury of feeling. satoru says, fuck it, because even i deserve love, even i deserve to be held. he repeats those words you said to him the first time he broke down in front of you, and he does it all the time, now.
gojo is brought back to reality when you cup his cheeks gently, not minding the 'slimey stuff' as you caress his skin. your hands accommodate his smile, cheeks filling up with how he's grinning down at you.
"you're insanely beautiful, satoru," you say it like it wouldn't boost his ego, but you can't care much when that much is true, noticing how much his hair resembles starlight and how his azure eyes catch the moonlight so perfectly.
gojo could say the same about you.
he sucks in a breath when he hears the compliment, the familiar cocky smirk and corny line lingering on his lips. he figured it's just different when the words come from you.
"say it again."
"hm? you're beautiful, really so-" your mouth parts in surprise and the other lowers himself to your side, which prompts you to lie on your lone shoulder.
"no, my love, i meant my name." gojo pulls you closer.
"oh! okay! uhm, sa-toru?" you giggle, the name falling weirdly from your lips now that you were demanded to say it. you try again, "satoru."
your lover smiles, scooting closer, "again."
"satoru." the syllables leaving your lips makes him feel dizzy and giddy. while he enjoys being told his voice sounds like silk and syrup, he finds that it fits you better, bringing his face to rest only inches from yours.
"satoru," you whisper, a shy smile overtaking your lips. soon, they're captured by gojo's, moving tenderly against yours. you're certain you see the sky painted in many different colours before your eyes close, the mere thought of gojo sending you reeling and cheeks flushing.
gojo's kisses are slow tonight, savouring every part of your mouth before he slips his tongue in, entwining with yours as he continues to make you fall harder. it works. breathlessly, you smile into to kiss to hopefully get a bit of air, feeling the reply of a grin on your lips when his irises open up to look at yours.
"love you." you murmur, ghosting along his lips before he smashes his lips against yours again, albeit clumsily that you two let out collective laughs.
people only ever call him gojo satoru, the strongest. he's never found much identity, always a pawn for the higher-ups to play with, but when sa-to-ru falls from your lips? god, he can compare it to being caught in cupid's arms. you give meaning to his name—satoru, satoru, satoru you whisper, knowing that it meant enlighten, and he's certain that's all you do whenever you're around.
you're always lighting up his life, always loving him with no restraint.
"angel?" gojo whispers in between kisses. you respond sleepily, tracing incoherent patterns along his chest. the words are caught in his throat when you fingers go over the 悟 of his name, three syllables packaged into a single character. he didn't expect you to remember, but it breathes some life back into him when you do it over his heart. he can't remember the last time he let someone trace his name so intimately.
"your first name is beautiful, satoru, just like you," you peck his lips. "now rest, you have a long day tomorrow."
"i love you too," the other replies a little late. his heart clenches up at the sight of you, caged and safe in his arms that he isn't sure what to do with his hands. "i love you. i love you. i love you so much."
with one last lingering kiss, you both succumb to slumber in peace, with gojo satoru's first name in the palm of your hand, and his last name aching to take its place in front of your own.
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