#I hope you'll like it because i've been working so hard on it 😭
beesinspades · 1 year
realizing that if I don't finish editing this chapter and get it betaed before friday, it means i will have to post it during my two weeks of catsitting, which means i won't have a promo pic for it 😭
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kuromi-hoemie · 1 year
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i didn't immediately get a follow-up text saying someone i hung out with had a good time
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forever-rogue · 1 year
Omg for miguel requests!! Can i request one where spider-reader is very bold and always flirting with miguel and one time he flirts back and she gets super flustered and doesnt know how to respond😭
Thank you so much!! I love your writing youre so talented
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AN | No, but this concept was aces! I hope you enjoy 🥰
Warnings | [Suggestive] Language
Pairing | Miguel x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2.6k
Masterlist | Main, Spider-Man
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You could hear his angry footsteps before anything else and you braced yourself for his fury. Instead you busied yourself with looking at your suit to make sure everything was intact…or at least pretending to do so.
"What the fuck were you thinking!?" ahh yes, there it was. He was definitely angry, but you tried to keep it cool. You weren't about to admit that he made you nervous, even if the nerves were slight. You looked up from your sleeve and blinked innocently at him, "don't do that!"
"Do what?" You kept your voice sweet and soft, "what are you talking about, Miguel?"
"You - I - you are so infuriating!" he waved his finger in front of your face and you simply shrugged, "you never listen to me! I don't know why I even let you stay on the team!"
"Oh Miguelito," you gently reached up and brushed his hand out of your face. You were well aware of what he was talking about - you'd directly gone against his orders. But, to be fair, things had turned out just fine despite choosing your own method. It wasn't like you'd fucked up some cannon event, "everything's fine and no one got hurt!"
"But you don't listen," he sighed heavily, "that's the problem. And one day, it's going to get someone hurt. I'm not going to let you do that to anyone…or yourself."
"You're so cute," a dreamy sigh escaped your lips as you touched his face, brushing your knuckles across his cheek. He lightly slapped your hand away, "but you're going to give yourself wrinkles if you keep worrying."
"I'm being serious!"
"So am I," you raised your eyebrows and sighed at him, "I won't do anything bad and I'd never put anyone else in danger. You know that."
"One more fuck up from you and you're done," his voice was low and dangerous and you pulled back slightly, "I mean it. Just because you think you're so cute and charming doesn't mean I can't see right through you."
"Miguel," you looked at him with wide eyes, "I don't think I'm cute - I know I'm cute. But not as cute as you, handsome. Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go and make a few suit adjustments."
"This isn't over!" His cheeks darkened as he watched you walk away. 
"I'd be disappointed if it was," you gave him a small salute, "see ya, Miguelito!"
He let out a sigh of exasperation as you walked away. It was definitely a challenge not to stare at your ass but he was just a man after all. So he definitely stared at your ass.
"Stop staring," Peter popped up behind him, causing Miguel to flinch, "just tell her you're in love!"
"I'm not…" he pinched the bridge of his nose, "I'm not in love with her and I'm not doing this with you right. Get back to work, Parker."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It had been a few days since what you had decided to dub the incident had occurred. You'd more or less ignored Miguel, deciding to let him cool down on his own terms. You missed getting to give him a hard time and missed getting to tease him as you loved. 
The thing was, you didn’t hate Miguel. It was…quite the contrary in fact. Over the last year that you’d been working for the man, or on his silly little team as you liked to tease him, you’d found yourself getting more and more attached to him. You really liked him and you weren’t shy about letting him know. You thought you were being obvious, but apparently you weren’t obvious at all because he didn’t seem to get it. Or, if he did, he really wasn’t interested and chose not to acknowledge your moves. It was Miguel though, and you were sure he would have just told you…but then again, would he have? Maybe he was just a simple-”
“What’s wrong, princess?” you started at the sound of his low, gruff voice. You hadn’t heard him sneak up and his sudden appearance almost scared you off your chair. Clutching at your heart, you looked over to see Miguel leaning against the edge of your desk, a lazy smile on his face. You were stunned by both his appearance and his casual display of affection, and could only manage to open and close your mouth a few times, “cat got your tongue?”
“Miguel?” you looked at him with wide eyes, “w-what are you doing…here?”
“Just wanted to come and see my favorite girl,” okay, there was definitely something going on. You highly doubted you were his favorite girl (that was probably Jessica or Mayday), let alone his favorite anything, “I have something for you.”
“For me?” your mouth ran dry as he nodded. Was he flirting with you? Surely he couldn’t be, “what would that be?”
“Here,” he reached behind his back and pulled out what looked like your suit…only this was slightly different. He placed it on the desk in front of you before moving to stand behind you. His larger frame easily dwarfed yours, and that was something you tried to push out of your mind. You looked over the suit, trailing your fingers over the soft fabric, “I made some adjustments to it. I think you’ll find it easier to access web fluid and its got better repair tech. Something new Parker was working on.”
You let out a small breath of amazement; this was an incredibly kind gesture from anyone, spider-people did happen to be generous for the most part, but this was next level. You re-familiarized yourself with the pink, blue, and purple fabric. A smile crossed your features as you turned your head to look at him. You found him watching you intently, “thank you, Miguel. This is…amazing.”
“You’re welcome,” his voice was near your ear, causing goosebumps to erupt all over your skin, “maybe it’ll help you to listen next time, hmm?”
“Miguel,” you turned in your seat and found yourself face to face with him, noses almost brushing. Whatever you were about to say quickly left your mind as you looked into his pretty brown eyes. A sharp inhale escaped your lips and you noticed the smile on his face grow larger, “I, ugh…I…”
“Hmm?’ it was a small sound of the back of his throat as he regarded you. He reached up and touched your face, brushing his thumb over your cheek, “what’s up?”
“I umm,” you stammered nervously, trying to ignore the feeling of his skin on yours, “I gotta go. I-I think Peter needed me for something.”
“He’s out on assignment right now.”
“Mayday then,” you volunteered slinking out from under his arm and grabbing the new suit, You felt your entire face warmed up as he started to chuckle, “Mayday needs me-”
“She’s a baby!”
“And I love her,” you squeaked, “so I gotta help her!”
You took off before he could say anything else or fluster you even more. Something had gotten into Miguel O’Hara and you weren’t sure you could handle it. You weren’t sure you’d survive the man you’d longed after for so long returning those very same feelings. 
Well. This was going to get interesting.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You came to the decision, made after much contemplation and tossing and turning at night, that you were going to ignore Miguel. Not ignore completely but ignore his advances. If he did happen to flirt with you again, you weren't going to say or do anything. Not that you expected them…but, you know, just in case it happened.
When you got to the headquarters the next day, you kept to yourself, taking your coffee and making your way to your little assigned corner and refusing to make eye contact with anyone. Maybe if no one saw you, you could get away with being practically invisible. 
But the universe wouldn't have it, of course it wouldn't.
"Hello there," his voice was sticky sweet like toffee and that didn't land well with you. Rather it did land well in the sense that it shouldn't have made you feel the rush you were currently experiencing, "you look pretty today."
"I, ugh," you looked down at your outfit and shrugged helplessly. You were dressed simply in a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and sandals; nothing that you would consider exceptional, "umm…thanks?"
"What's wrong?" He knew exactly what was wrong, the bastard. He could probably hear the erratic and wild beating of your heart, "you seem…nervous."
"N-no," you shook your eyes but your wide eyes and pretty pout were anything but convincing, "just…tired?"
 "Are you sure about that?"
"No," you answered. You could have beaten around the bush all you wanted, but you knew that he wasn't going to give up. That wasn't Miguel at all. The best option - the only really - was to just come out and tell him the truth. Once it was all out, the chips would fall where they may, "why are you suddenly flirting with me? W-wait, are you flirting with me?”
“I am,” he admitted this so easily that it caught you off guard. You knew he wasn’t one to lie per se, but you didn’t expect him to just outright admit it. Confusion colored your features as you tried to get your mind to function again, “I am…flirting with you.”
“Oh,” you nodded and turned back to your computer screen before it all set in, “oh?”
“Oh,” he teased, reaching forward to brush some of your rogue locks of hair behind your ear.
“Why?” you reached up and wrapped your fingers around his wrist, gently pulling his hand away, “is it because I’ve been flirting with you?”
“It’s one of the reasons…among others,” alright. Now you were curious, even more than before, as to where this was going, “is that a problem for you?”
Nope. No. Nah. Not. At. All.
“Ummm…” you felt ditzy and dazy as you looked over at the handsome man. He really had you thrown for a loop, “I just…if I made you feel uncomfortable with it, I’m sorry. I never meant it to be mean or anything. I just…meant it.”
“Meant it?” he parroted as you swallowed thickly, “you meant it all those times you were flirting with me?”
“Y-yes,” your confession was soft and gentle as Miguel practically preened under your words. He wasn’t sure what answer he had been expecting, but somehow it wasn’t this one. He hadn’t flattered him with the idea that you would seriously like him, “I did - I do, Miguel.”
“Hmm,” he mused softly as you blinked at him with wide eyes, “do you want to know something?”
“Y-yes? Yes,” you nodded, tummy fluttering with butterflies and heart pitter-patter rapidly.
“When I’ve been flirting with you,” he leaned down so he was almost face level with you, “I’ve meant it too, princess.”
“No way,” disbelief flooded your veins as the first conclusion you came to was that he was lying. Perhaps this was all to get back for going against his direct orders during your last mission. That must have been the reason, right? You leaned away from him and almost slid off your chair as you rolled back to create a bit of distance between your bodies, “y-you’re lying. You have to be…”
“I’m not lying to you,” this time he was in disbelief. He’d never once lied to you…why would he start now?
“You have to be,” you sounded so pathetic as you grabbed your stuff and almost ran away, “you can’t like me like that!”
“Why not?!”
“I dunno, you just can’t!” you almost ran into Peter as you tried to get away, “sorry!”
Peter was dumbfounded as he looked between your quickly disappearing figure and Miguel, “what happened now?”
“I wish I knew,” Miguel exhaled heavily as he pinched the bridge of his nose, “fuck.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You kept your distance from HQ for a couple of days after your embarrassing outburst. You had replayed that very moment over and over in your head, trying to see it from all different angles.
The only conclusion you kept coming to was that he was telling the truth. And that reality was hard to come to terms with at first…but then it was blissfully exciting. Miguel liked you! But then it was more like Miguel liked you…holy shit. 
But then you decided that more than anything, you needed to know the truth. 
You practically ran over to his office, causing the curious glances of other spider-people to follow you. You could hear their hushed murmurs, but didn’t stop to address them. News traveled fast around this place and you had no doubt that as soon as whatever happened between the two of you, the news would spread like wildfire. 
“Miguel!” you didn’t even bother to knock and announce your presence, bursting into his office without ceremony. He turned around to face you, a few different expressions crossing his features before settling on surprise, “I…”
“Yes?” suddenly every single coherent thought escaped your mind as you stared at him. He cocked his head to the side and looked at you expectantly.
“Did you mean it?” you whispered, taking a step closer to him, “the other day when you said you flirted with me because you meant it. Did you mean it?”
“Yes,” he promised, closing the gap even more, “of course I did. I wouldn’t lie to you.”
“Me neither,” you insisted, catching yourself, “lie to you, I mean. So…”
“So we’re on the same page now?”
“I think so,” you smiled hesitantly at him, and the two of you locked eyes for a few moments. 
Before you could stop yourself, you closed the little bit of distance remaining between your bodies before practically jumping into his arms. Almost as if he had known what you were thinking, he effortlessly caught you, wrapping his strong arms around you. You beamed at him, melting as you watched him practically glow at you. 
“I want to kiss you,” you touched his face, and he practically leaned into your touch, “may I?”
“You may-” you prevented him from saying anything else as you crashed your lips onto his, kissing him with a fierce determination and eagerness. 
Neither of you dared to pull back until you were both breathless, looking at each other through hazy eyes and soft smiles. He gently set you back on the ground and you stared up at him. 
“Do you want some more honesty?” he asked gently, stealing a few more kisses, which you eagerly gave him.
“Of course.”
“I plan on doing that a lot more,” and yeah…that made you practically jump his bones then and there, “if you’re down for it.”
“Yes,” that came without hesitation, “I definitely am.”
“Better close the door then,” you did as you asked, looking at him with round, eager eyes, “you know how nosey they can be.”
“The nosiest…”
“Now, c’mere,” he held his hand out to you, “and let me prove I wasn’t lying to you.”
“Yes, please.”
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kalki-tarot · 4 months
Unqiue details about the person on your mind.
This is a general reading and is not guaranteed to be 100% true.
Pick one emoji :)
🌿 🍂 🌻
Pile 01 🌿
They are someone who takes everything seriously, like they are an emotionally sensitive human being and they can't handle "jokes" that demean them or people who make fun of their insecurities.
They cry while watching sad romance movies. 😭
They don't like public attention, they can be an introverted person. Or they just like to keep their achievements to themselves. They don't like public eye because who knows someone may give you an evil eye. 🧿
As I've mentioned in the first point too, they are someone who gets hurt easily, they prefer to be inside their own shell as a mechanism to feel safe. People may have hurted this person a lot with words.
They may have a cold exterior but are definitely very cool on the inside.
They are filled with surprises, evertime you talk to them, you'll find a new thing about them.
They like philosophy, self help, psychology books. They self reflect a lot.
They are a keen observer of people and situations. They have great analytical skills. They know who's bs-ing with whom.
They come from a family/background where they have been emotionally neglected a lot. They don't have a "safe place". They try to understand and validate themselves through reading psychology and self help books.
No matter what, this person is someone very resilient and secure of who they are now.
They are a great humanitarian and they do charity work or they just help people around them financially or emotionally.
They are looking for their soulmate or partner with whom they can share a deep and secure connection with. They are looking for someone long term and are not interested in hook ups etc.
They are very giving in nature and do for others more than for themselves.
Pile 02 🍂
This person likes babies.
They also like slow music and folk music too. They may like listening to Kailash Kher so much.
Their favorite bird is Koyal, idk what you call it in English you can search it online.
They are a traditional person, they value their family and sanskaars.
This person may work with children, can be a pediatrician, child specialist, nanny, caretaker, nursery teacher etc.
This person is a little dramatic, it's like everyone likes them they don't care, but if that one person does not like them, they go mad.
Sorry to say this, but they are a little ungrateful about life.
This person also stays in their mind a lot, they may overthink and create fake scenarios. They can be addicted to being sad ?
They have this tendency to stay stuck in the past, they fear new things, places, people etc. It's hard for to get outside of their comfort zone.
They believe in true love, soulmates etc. And hope to find their own.
It's easy for them to get bored though.
Their past hasn't been the best, they still can't get over their fears and traumas :(
Pile 03 🌻
They like listening to hip hop songs especially the 2000s ones.
This person has a tendency to run away when they feel like things won't go their way.
They may suffer from anxiety or intrusive thoughts.
They may have drinking issues / alcohol abuse is what i see, they get aggressive after drinking.
They may have gambling addictions too.
This person is working hard to overcome these dark obsessions and addictions.
Their father figure had some problems (can be abusive) hence they and their mother suffered a lot in their childhood. Their addictions stem from here.
They may not really like talking about their past sm, it hurts them.
Surprisingly, the song "chupke chupke raat din" is playing and it translates into smth like "I remember crying silently/while hiding."
Very heavy past traumas and issues.
They may show everyone this cool and calm demeanor but from inside they are literally hurting and fighting with themselves. Omg, i feel so sad for this person :(
They may like listening to ghazals a lot.
Bangladesh & Nepal is significant.
They have seen relationships break and turn out worse in their childhood so now they run away or fear commitments and marriage.
Or it can also be that the person they once loved feared marriage or commitment and it made them fall deeper into addictions.
They see marriage as a cage.
This person has emotionally given up on a lot of things in life like career, emotions etc.
They neglect themselves sometimes.
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walpu · 6 months
Hi, it’s me again!! >_<
When I tell you I gobbled that headcannon post up, I went down on two knees and howled /hj
Anyways, do you think you can do some headcannons on Aventurine with Bodyguard! Reader if you have the time? But this time, with a twist :3
See, reader does care for Aven, you truly do, but before that, you were tasked by Everflame mansion and by Duke inferno himself to kill Aventurine. But you can’t bring yourself to, no, not when you’ve fallen head over heels for him.
When reader does become Aven’s bodyguard, you maintain that serious, no nonsense demeanor, but if he looks closely enough, he’ll see the lovestruck puppy hiding under the hardened shell that they’ve put on.
But the guilt catches up. One day, at least a few months after reader’s betrayal to Duke Inferno, you catch sight of an assassin sent to finish the job they couldn’t do. And so, the secret is finally revealed.
Personally, I think Aventurine would be betrayed, like very, how could he not be? He’s always kept people at an arm’s length away, and when he finally lets you in his walls, and starts falling for thier charm, this secret of yours comes out. He fires you almost immediately, but the way he stares after you with misty eyes doesn’t go unnoticed.
The next months were absolute hell. Reader found a new job as a barista, and is quite enjoying the quaint and simply life it provides, even if you do miss Aventuirne. He’s probably still seething at you, right?.
Wrong. Because you’ve gone MIA, Aventurine been scouring all over the place, trying so hard to find you. He’s loosing sleep, forgetting to eat, all things that you would chide him about. Aeons, he misses you so much.
And when he does find you, he’s overjoyed, and when the two finally reunite, the first thing you do is to apologize deceiving him. But he forgave your silly ass a long time ago, why else would he have spent the last months trying to find you?
Long story short, it’s a happy ending, Aventurine couldn’t be more grateful he has you to be his bodyguard, his closest confidant, and most importantly, his lover <33
I’m so sorry if I went on a ramble, but this idea’s been plaguing me so bad I literally can’t focus on anything else 😭😭
I feel like the only thing I do with each post is apologize for taking so long but right now I like from work trip to work trip so I'm actually really really sorry this madness should end soon 😭😭😭😭 Hope you'll enjoy this post, it was my goal to finish it before version 2.1
bodyguard/assassin!reader x Aventurine
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characters - Aventurine notes- gn!reader, angst, hurt/comfort, pining, no beta
It was not a fast prosses for the both of to form a genuine connection. Moreover, you know goddamn well you shouldn't get attached to him.
And at first it seems easy, like yeah another rich playboy, no big deal, you've delt with people like him before, right? Right??????????????
Yeah until suddenly he's not just a rich playboy.
The more you notice how deeply lonely and unhappy he is, the more your heart softens towards him. And the more your heart softens, the more he relaxes around you, seeing behind your cold exterior.
He's not used to people caring about him. And yes, of course he knows it's your job but still, for a man who never had a real friend before, he surely can appreciate having someone who not only won't leave him but also will listen to him and look after him.
And the part about you being paid to do it? Oh well. It's the same guy who offers you to use him as you wish and who's greeting line is "I can play a role of a friend :)"
Mf is FRIENDLESS, LONELY and PATHETIC /affectionally
He'll take what he can get okay.
But goddamn. Don't think he doesn't notice how you started going out of your ways to take care of him. How you make him eat, tend to his small injuries ("my, my, you're my bodyguard, not a doctor. perhaps someone wants a raise, hm?~"), how you drag him out of casino or his office when it's too late.
It drives him crazy. It's not beneficial for you, right? The w h y.
He won't ask. Instead he will watch and slowly fold.
You are probably suffering tho lol. You should just kill him already, you've had so many opportunities to end him. Instead you spoon feed him soup because he claims he has a hangover after a night in the casino. And this little brat looks so smug about it too!!!!
Sometimes he feels like it's too good to be true: you being here, taking care of him, looking after him. The line between professional relationship, friendship and... something more is way too blurry already, and he knows it's dangerous but it just feels so good. Too good.
Duke inferno gets tired eventually. He sends someone to remind you of your mission. To remind you who you really work for.
Well, the duke receives a warning of his own. The dead body of his little messenger.
You know, of course, that the Everflame mansion thugs are not easily intimidated. They will be back. So you better warn Aventurine and tell him everything.
You can't keep lying to him, can you?
Well. It's surprisingly not as easy as you thought. After all, even if they will send someone, you'll just protect Aven like you always do, right? He doesn't have to know. Not about your past, not about your original mission. He keeps his secrets too, so why can't you?
You know goddamn well why tho. You know and yet you still can't bring yourself to tell him the truth.
It goes on like that for several months and Aventurine notices that something is clearly off, something is bothering his darling protector. He tries to pry, to tease, to cling, to pester you. Something to make you open up. Or, at least, get distracted. He can't help but feel anxious. Why are you suddenly so reversed? Do you want to leave his side? Does he not pay you enough? Does he bother you too much? It eats him alive while he tries to mask it by pestering you even more. As if to test you. As if to make sure that it's not the case.
All the hell breaks loose one day when you discover that Duke inferno has sent another assassin to finish the job.
I you spare the details but yeah, your secret was unraveled. And it wasn't pretty at all.
You have never seen emotions so vivid on Aven's face. Part of you always wanted to see him more vulnerable, more open with you. But not like this. Not this look of utter betrayal.
He collects himself quick enough, hiding behind the mask of mock disappointment.
"Hm, well, I recall mentioning that treachery is just another tool of the trade. But it seems like our little deal is not paying off for me anymore" he says with a cold chuckle, shaking his head a little. "After all, you have very little to offer outside of your dog-like loyalty. But seems like this dog bit both hands that fed it".
You were expecting him to call for your arrest but instead he just fires you. It hurts nevertheless.
What hurts even more is that look he gives you when you part ways. It's like his pretty eyes are even more lifeless now.
At first he feels this overwhelming emptiness. It truly feels like the fate is mocking him. One time, just one time, he allowed himself to relax around someone. Just this one time, with this one person who took care of him, who listened to him, who looked out for him. And this person was supposed to kill him.
Then his stupid brain finds another way to torture him. He keeps thinking about the way you have always protected him, the way you took the hit even during the last attack, when Duke Inferno's new assassin tried to get to him. You were ready to leave your past life behind to stay by his side, weren't you?
As soon as he realizes it he goes frantic. Of course he tries to find you asap but of course someone as competent as you would be able to disappear without a trace in no time. You were an assassin, after all. A skilled one too, since he never even suspected you.
This connection the two of you had, this realization that you really cared enough to betray your client, all of this makes him realize that he needs you so, so much. He needs to feel this care again, he need to look at you again, to know that you're here by his side.
He misses you so much. Your nagging, your reassurance, your touch. He's like an addict who felt what it feels like to love and beloved in return for the first time and now he can't live without it.
He doesn't eat or sleep properly, his head plagued by the thoughts about you. What if you forgot all about him? What if you're wounded? Where are you even? His fingers itch to trace your face and your scars.
He thinks about how you would scold him for not taking proper care of himself and it makes him miss you even more.
Aven finds you after a few months. It was honestly a coincidence, one of his subordinates saw you in the coffee shop you were working at.
He though that finding you will calm him down but seeing you from afar, looking somewhat peaceful and cozy, having a regular job... it's too much. And what if you really don't need him anymore? Maybe you never did? After all, he's painfully aware that he probably needs you much more than you need him.
And yet, he decides to take this risk. He's a gambler, after all.
"Somehow I'm not surprised you're good even at that. How come you have never made me coffee before, hm?"
You literally freeze on the spot after hearing this familiar voice next to you.
When you finally get to talk, you can see he's really trying to look calm and collected but how can he? His hands are shaky and his voice cracks. It breaks your heart.
He doesn't even let you finish your apology, pressing a finger to your lips.
"Hush, darling. All is forgiven. In fact, I even have an interesting proposal. I'm can be a generous man after all".
He can't fool you. Not with this shaky soft voice. And he knows it as well.
Please hug that fool and kiss him. Swear that you won't ever leave him again. Swear that you want to be by his side. As his bodyguard, as his friend, as something more. So much more. That's all he really need to feel like he's at home.
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braxlrose · 6 months
I miss ur writings sm :(
I am so sorry that I've been gone for so long, I haven't posted any fan fiction in so many months and honestly I lost motivation 😭 so many ppl who were in this fandom and I created a community with, were slowly getting over this "phase" and it definitely affected me. But I'm going to try and get back into writing. I hope this will do good for now! Ive had a lot of ppl recently ask for 2005 bill hcs, and I've done that before so if this is repetitive for something else I've written, sorry!
content warnings: none
a/n: I'll be updating my tag list since it hasn't been updated since like August of last year and I don't want to be tagging people who don't care or want to see these posts anymore. So if you wanna be tagged, let me know!
2005!bill kaulitz x f!reader
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- I'm an alternative person so whenever I write for bill, I always imagine him with an alternative girl 😞 even though from what I've seen he's never really been w/ an alternative one, BUT LETS PRETEND OKAY 🙏🙏
• he absolutely loves doing hair together, I think he enjoys helping you do your hair in the morning and your make up. And he's even more greatful if you do his makeup. Then he can just relax while you help him.
• pookie has crunchy ass hair at the end of the day when he has to wash it out, don't make fun of him 😞
• getting piercings together is something he LOVES doing with you. Mainly early piercings because he only has a tongue and eyebrow piercing on his face.
• if you made music too, he would always go to your concerts and basically scream the entire time. Hopefully, you'd do the same for him.
• if you have longer nails, head scratches are always a must and he will lay in your lap for literal hours while you pamper him.
- I personally think he would love to learn words in your language if you keep something different than German. And despite what anybody thinks, he finds it hilarious to learn the dirty words.
• if you cook him something from your culture, he will literally die. He basically thinks everything about you is so cool, and learning about a culture different from his is so exciting
• but if you two really want to date, you'll have to both try to learn English or each other language because there is going to be a hard language barrier between you two.
- I think one of the reasons he would've fallen in love with you is because you were upfront with him. He's not the type of guy to just go up and kiss someone so if you confess first, that would make things so much easier.
- obviously, you'd have to get along with Tom, Georg and Gustav. So if you don't, there's no way he'll go out with you, especially if you can't get along or hate Tom.
-Dates together consist of stuff you guys bought somewhere, or if you guys went to a fastfood restaurant.
• He doesn't have a lot of money yet so dates wouldn't exactly be high class, hopefully you don't mind 😉
-Since this is around the time Tokio Hotel is getting increasingly famous, there are fangirls around trying to flirt and ask out bill all the time and he has to shoo them off. He reminds you every night about how much he loves you and that those fan girls shouldn't bother you.
-he likes to spoon you a lot, and you two switch back n forth between him being the big spoon and the small spoon.
• I think he also really likes it when you lay on top of him, with your face in his neck and your legs wrapped around him. (This also works sitting upwards).
• cuddling with him is so nice too because he actually smells really good 😱
- I think he still gets very insecure sometimes because of the haters and people who harass the band because they don't like them and you reassure him a lot.
a/n pt 2: sorry this wasn't too long! I'm trying to get back into the groove of writing so if this is terrible I'm sorry 😞
taglist: none right now
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cyberluvzu · 2 months
I don't know if you will want to do it, but can you make headcanons of Ben Drowned? (The fanon version of him, not the canon where he is a child 💀)
I've been seeing some of your headcanons and I loved how you write !! (This is my first request, I don't even know if I'm doing it right ✋😭)
That's it have a great day <3
(I also had to edit this while it was posted bc I accidentally clicked post 😭😭)
General Headcanons
- Pothead
- But he would probably smoke weed here and there
- Hungry when he's high
- I also like to think that he has longer hair, just long enough to be put in a pony tail
- He mostly keeps his hair up
- Would probably dress more comfy if he's just relaxing at home
- Video game shirts, basketball shorts, sweatpants, PJ pants
- If he has to like actually get dressed for any reason he would just wear something comfortable but not exactly pajamas
- More like baggy clothes, y'know?
- Buys dumb shit with his money
- "Oh look a bag of mini plastic ducks"
- Likes to hack games, but when other people do it he gets mad
- He takes it as a challenge and pops through that person's screen to absolutely terrify them
- He thinks it's hilarious
- Going off of that, he LOVES to scare people
- Specifically likes when people have over the top reactions to it because he thinks it's the funniest shit ever
- Would definitely watch those 2 hour long YouTube video essays on a topic he's never heard of
- Frequently falls down YouTube rabbit holes because of it too
- Also knows random facts about obscure topics because of that
- Takes GREAT care of his PC
- It's in absolutely top notch condition
- I like to think that he's not THAT messy like some people see him as
- More of a "I'll put everything in separate piles" messy
- Surprising clean-ish room
- Loves brain rot
- In like an ironic way though
- Let's you play with his hair
- Loves the feeling of your nails scratching his scalp
- Gives you dumb pet names
- Will absolutely call you the most cheesy, diabolical pet name and act like it's normal
- LOVESSS taking naps with you
- Like genuinely adores it
- Also really likes nose kisses
- You kiss him on the nose
- He's all yours
- "Babe can we play Minecraft"
- "It's 3am, Ben"
- He loves you and wants to play with you
- He would definitely do most of the hard work (cheat)
- Makes sure you have the best items in games
- Loves when you wrap around him
- Big fan of hugs, especially yours
- He loves how you feel and smell
- He just really likes you
- Will absolutely flirt with you in the stupidest ways possible
- Tries to pay attention to you, but if he's distracted by a game, you'll lose his full attention for a couple of hours
- He will eventually remember that he has a partner and will go bother you
- Will poke you when he wants attention or needs something from you
- Has a shit eating grin on his face the whole time
- If you get upset at him he'll fake being overdramatically upset just to make you laugh
- Loves seeing you giggle, laugh, or smile
- He would definitely let you borrow his clothes
- He thinks you're the cutest thing ever in his clothes
- Looks forward to getting into bed with you and talking about a new game he started, his day, or just about anything
- He's sweet, but can also be a complete dick
- He wouldn't really be mean to you
- Just annoying
- He's secretly hoping you kiss him to shut him up
- Would buy you and him matching jewelry
- Your name in his phone would probably be "player 1"
- Or something cheesy like that
- He loves being cringey and cheesy with you
- He's just really comfortable around you and loves you
- Sometimes he might not know how to express it because of how extreme it feels
- But he does get the point across eventually
HELLO!!! So basically I didn't proof read this for shit 😭. BUTTTTT that's bc I accidentally hit post when I wasn't ready. BUT I HOPED Y'ALL ENJOYED, SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN POSTING AS MUCH!!!!! MWAHHHHH!!!!
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anton-luvr · 1 year
can you do anton x gender neutral reader where he picks you up from a blind date your friend set up for you and you got stood up and he comforts you and they kiss or whatever 😭 sorry if this it too much
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𖦹 bestfriend!anton x gn!reader | fluff & slight angst | friends to lovers au 𖦹 note; tysm for requesting!! hope u like it hehe ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ + join my 100 followers req event here!
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"It's okay, I'm here."
For the first time that night, relief surges through you.
When your friend set you up for your third blind date of the week, you had a feeling it wasn't going to turn out the way you hoped it would.
And sure enough, it didn't.
Thankfully, you had Anton to come to your rescue; he was at the restaurant your date stood you up at in ten minutes.
"I swear to God, that dude's a jackass for not even showing up." Anton huffs as he leads you to his car, opening the door for you. "Get in, I'll take you home."
Sniffling, you merely nod and get into his car.
The curly haired boy sighs as he gets into the driver's seat.
"You know, maybe you should stop going on these blind dates," he scolds lightly, putting his car into drive. "They're starting to take a toll on you."
You didn't want to agree, but he was right.
For the past few months, you had been going on blind date after blind date, just to meet weirdos or get rudely rejected, which left your self-esteem wounded.
But for some reason, today hurt even more than usual.
Maybe it was because of the endless months of loneliness stacking up against you, nights spent alone in your bed.
Maybe it was seeing all of your friends happy with their partners, a bittersweet pain piercing at your heart in wonders when it was going to be your turn.
Maybe it was the stupid delusion that things would work out this time with a complete stranger that your friend said was "nice".
"God, I hate this." you groan, right before bursting into tears.
Anton feels terrible to see you crying, and he quickly pulls over by the side of the road.
"Hey, hey," he says softly, rubbing your shoulders. "It's okay."
"It's not okay!" you sputter, tears falling down your cheeks freely now. "I try and try and try, but I never find someone! Am I that hard to love?"
A sob escapes from your throat and you bury your face in your hands.
Anger boils in Anton's chest, upset to see you hurt thanks to irrelevant strangers who didn't know your worth.
But he lets you cry it out, his hand never leaving your shoulder as he rubbed comforting circles.
"Feel better?" he asks gently, passing you a tissue when your sobs finally quiet down to sniffles.
You shake your head, eyes puffy.
"I feel like shit, Anton." you admit, leaning back against the headrest.
He sighs, softly wiping away a stray tear.
"Listen to me." he says firmly.
"You're one of the most hardworking, gorgeous, talented, funniest, and most caring person I've ever met. Don't let these stupid idiots define your worth. You'll find the right one for you eventually, I'm sure."
You smile sadly at his words, chuckling.
"Yeah, maybe after ten years." you murmur.
Anton scoffs, folding his arms.
"Go on a date with me then."
Your turn to face him so fast, you hear a small crack in your neck.
"M-Me? You?" you stammer, pointing at him and yourself.
Anton doesn't know where his sudden streak of confidence came from, but he nods and leans in closer.
"Give me a chance," he whispers against your lips, cupping your cheek. "I promise I'll treat you right."
It sounds like a line right out of a cringy rom-com, but the genuine sincerity and adoration shining in his eyes says otherwise.
Your heartbeat rings in your ears, thoughts flying through your mind at the speed of light.
Never in a million years would you expect to be face to face with your best friend, his lips just millimeters away from yours right after he asked you out.
Yet it all made sense.
He was always there for you, be it at your lowest or your highest. He knew you like the back of his hand, remembering your favorite coffee order and your favorite songs.
So without hesitation, you close the distance.
Now, you've always wondered what your first kiss would be like, building up all sorts of different scenarios in your head before you slept.
But kissing Anton right now was better than anything else you could imagine.
His lips were so soft against yours, his sweet cologne tickling your nose as he pulled you closer to him. The kiss deepens, and all the noise in your head silences.
It's still silent when he slowly pulls away, his lips swollen and slightly breathless.
"I promise." Anton repeats, sealing it with a soft kiss to your cheek.
It was such a romantic moment, until your stomach grumbling loudly interrupted it.
Your eyes widen, and the both of you burst out laughing. "I think my stomach likes your promise," you joke, slightly embarrassed.
Anton giggles at this, kissing you on the cheek again. "Let's get you some food then, hm?"
You nod as Anton puts the car into drive again.
As he speeds down the roads, he keeps one hand interlaced with yours while the other steers effortlessly.
"Do you want McDonald's? Or something like Waffle House?" he asks, eyes flickering between the GPS and the road.
"Anything is fine," you assure him, squeezing his hand. "I love free food."
Anton laughs, jokingly rolling his eyes at you.
"Anything for my favorite person in the world." he whispers, smiling at you.
"It's giving simp behavior." you tease, cheeks flushing red nevertheless.
He gasps dramatically, clutching his heart as if it was wounded.
"Okay, no more free food then," he declares, shrugging.
"Hey, I was just joking!" you protest.
He laughs again, slowing down the car as he starts parking.
"Alright, time to be a simp and get you your free food!" he announces cheerfully, turning off the engine.
You've barely taken your seatbelt off when he's already out of the car, running to open your door for you.
"I see that chivalry's not dead," you say, taking his stretched out hand as you step out of his car.
"Simp behavior, remember?" he boasts.
You laugh, holding on to his warm hand.
"My best simp."
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© anton-luvr, 2023.
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hoes4hoseok · 10 months
enhypen as midnights
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txt version ☆ folklore version ☆ masterlist
it feels like it's been ages (because it's been nearly NINE MONTHS) since i've done an enhypen x taylor post but here it is! i feel kind of nervous posting this but whatever, i just gotta hit the button at some point.
sunghoon as snow on the beach
"you wanting me tonight feels impossible, but it's coming down, no sound, it's all around, like snow on the beach"
falling for sunghoon would feel so tragic at first because you'd think there's just no way he likes you back?? 😭
&& it'd consume a lot of your time just thinking about what it would be like if it did
so when you'd realize that he does when he finally tells you?? it'd feel magical
&&, not to be extremely literal, but a kiss on a snowy beach with sunghoon?? that WOULD be magical
initially, i considered having sunghoon being maroon instead of this song, so tell me what you think!
jay as midnight rain
"he was sunshine, i was midnight rain"
jay is ambitious. so for the record, i'm not saying that he isn't.
however, if you were dating him while he was already successful (aka now) & you weren't where you wanted to be, i think it'd naturally cause a rift like this song describes
&& sometimes, you'd look back & think about the life you would've had together
but ultimately, it may be for the best that you broke up because you wouldn't have been able to pursue your dreams together
(i do not wish this fate on any of you.)
ni-ki as question...?
"i don't remember who i was before you painted all my nights a color i've searched for since"
seeing ni-ki after you broke up would f with your head
not because he did anything on purpose, but because it would be really freaking hard to see him and think about him being with someone else
&& you'd hope that no one compares to what you & him had for him, because that's how you feel
but in reality, you'll never know
&& eventually, hopefully you'd move on. or run back to him? there's no moral of the story here.
sunoo as karma
"karma's a relaxing thought, aren't you envious that for you it's not?"
this song focuses on good things karma has brought to him rather than bad things it’s brought others
&& i think that’s a mindset sunoo would/does share
sunoo minds his business & good things come to him (in this case, you! you're the good thing that came to him!)
it’s been happening since i-land era we KNOW 👏(idc he was popular for a reason)
jungwon as sweet nothing
"outside, they're push & shoving, you're in the kitchen humming, all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing"
is anyone surprised by my choices for jungwon anymore? because these are so predictable i swear LMFAO
so i chose this song because jungwon seems like the type to not hold you to the same high standards that everyone else does
&& you'd be able to do the same for him, especially since he probably feels a lot of responsibility as the leader of the group
he'd give you that feeling of it not mattering what everyone else thinks because you have each other 🤧
heeseung as paris
"romance is not dead if you keep it just yours"
having a private relationship with heeseung is probably in the top 10 most romantic things ever 🫶🏽
so romantic that it feels like everything else fades away when you’re together & you’re somewhere else 😭
&& you wouldn’t have to put a ton of work into keeping that up because yeah, sometimes the relationship doesn’t feel like paris
&& that’s okay. it’s worth it for the good times :)
jake as glitch
"a brief interruption, a slight malfunction, i'd go back to wanting dudes who give nothing"
falling for jake when you're used to people who treat you like trash would feel so unreal
because that man would be such a good boyfriend <3
&& when that happens you'd kind of second guess whether you deserve to be treated that well
&& it would feel like something that isn't supposed to happen & you'd suspect that you'll return to the pattern of trash guys "after him"
but you deserve him & you deserve to be happy,, & he'd make that very clear to you in his actions and words
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txt version ☆ folklore version ☆ masterlist
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panelshowsource · 5 months
rather than who you would like to see on the next taskmaster series, who do you think will be on it? like just your predictions or any inklings you may have!
anon if you're still around then you'll know i really took my time with this hahaha so sorry! i hope anyone reading this takes it as just a bit of fun and nbd, who knows who we'll get or who alex & the network have in mind! i'm answering thoughtfully (bc i always feel guilty not to 😩 so sorry this is long lol) but it's really just fun!!
i will say, of the more recent-ish series, i did get a few right!!! krishnan guru-murthy, nicola coughlan, alan davies, judi love, sue perkins, john robins, and joanne mcnally were people i just knew would eventually be on if the show could get their schedules right, and i was also certain sarah millican and dara ó briain would be asked — though not necessarily that they'd actually agree. when you have a level of seniority and esteem, the "it's such a great opportunity" aspect of the show isn't such a draw 😅 for some reason i feel SO PROUD about guessing nicola! i was just WAITING and wish sooooo much she had done a full series 😭😭😭 (how fun would saoirse-monica jackson be too!)
anyways, as for people who haven't been on yet — and this isn't to say i want them all to be, just that i think it's likeliest they have been asked or will be asked; i talked about who i want to see a little while ago here — it's important to consider the casting 'roles' the network has in mind when working with the producers to form a series, so i will keep that in mind too!
established comedian, typically a straight white man over 40: bill bailey, vic reeves, harry hill, geoff norcott, kevin bridges, adam buxton, ade edmondson, paul whitehouse (tommy tiernan? god i feel bad for not saying ed byrne but why do i feel like he's not gonna make it in the next few series? i'm on the fence with nick helm — unless he's friends with alex, then his chances go up significantly imo — and tom allen for some reason, and i feel like john bishop is almost too much of an ask?)
fresh talent comedian, typically a man under 40: rhys james, huge davies, ahir shah, darren harriott would be my top guesses but tbh any of the semi-recent edinburgh comedy award finalists are good bets as a majority of the winners from the last ~10 years have been on the series + throwing out tom rosenthal (i know he's not fresh fresh and also mostly an actor)...and, like, jazz emu?...just because if taskmaster know how much its audience adores weird little white twinks then they'll cast them
female or non-binary comedian: 100% sarah keyworth + harriet kemsley, maisie adam, jess fostekew, suzi ruffell. i've shifted away from betting on cariad lloyd and catherine bohart for some reason... (joanne was my no.1 lady bet for the last like 4 series hahaha)
non-comedian: this is very, very hard to predict because between comedy actors, non-comedy actors, tv presenters, news people, reality & social media stars... the potential predictions are just so endless! logically, the most likely is an established actor with a lot of comedy connections (think sally phillips, lolly adefope, liza tarbuck, sian gibson, daisy may cooper, susan wokoma; this category is where tm gets quite a few of its female contestants): matt holness, kevin eldon, amanda abbington, tom davis, sharon horgan, kathy burke, georgia tennant (also friends w alex?), su pollard, tom basden, apparently anyone from the cast of ghosts, and so on and so on and so on... + i'll also throw out maggie aderin-pocock as a serious contender + i really feel like one of the spice girls will be on new years treat
friend of alex: john robins was the prediction for the past few series, so just worth keeping in mind other people in this circle include elis james, matthew crosby, tom neenan, and so on
freebie answers because alex/greg have mentioned them before: jack dee, lorraine kelly, joanna lumley (i want jennifer saunders SO BAD give us an epic series w both ade and jen pleaseeee tm gods!!!!)
complete wild card bets that are either my instincts kicking in or my bias taking over: limmy, adam buxton, paddy mcguinness, diane morgan, daniel sloss, joel dommett, jess hynes, spencer jones??, alasdair beckett-king or josh pugh + if suzy izzard wasn't doing a big nyc show i'd say that's a good guess if only bc you know greg & alex grew up big fans
did i mention too many people?? if i had to put my money behind a single person it would be either ahir shah or sarah keyworth
these are almost all of my fr big heavy hitters when it comes to placing bets! but there are of course so many people i didn't name who i could totally see on either a main series or the ny treat — so many people just make sense and that's the beauty of taskmaster!!
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weird-is-life · 1 year
Hi Love! You Spencer fics give me life btw, Okay, so idk if you've seen NCIS,but there is this goth character named Abby and she is like a forensic scientist . I would love to see Spencer (maybe later seasons) having to work with a reader like Abby. Opposites attract kind of thing / love at first sight/mutual pining .
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Hiii, thank u so much for this request. I am sooooooo sorry, that this took me like 2 months to write 😭I hope this isn't too bad (1k) warnings: talk of bombs, fluff
Sometimes you think, that Spencer likes you, like more than just a friend. It's always when you catch him staring lovesick at you or hear him giggle at your stupid science jokes. It makes your heart swell everytime.
But you stop daydreaming about this, when the reality sets in and you realise the big difference between the two of you. Like there's just no way Spencer likes you the way you like him.
You two are complete opposites. Well, that's not entirely true. You and Spencer share love for science and solving things, which is exactly why you are both at the FBI. But other than this, you don't think, that you have much in common.
Your thinking about Spencer is cut short, because there's a literal bomb being placed in front of you. The team is working on a local case. There's a very dangerous bomber, which they are trying to catch.
Your task is to analyse the bomb as best as you can, even the tiniest detail can help the team. It's not often you get to work with the team, especially this close, so you want to do good and not mess it up.
You put on your favourite band and closely study the bomb. As you bop your head to the blasting music, you write down everything that seams important, even the stuff that is not so important, down.
You work fast and in like 2 hours, you are done and happy with you analysis. You sent a text to Penelope, she is usually the one that comes for the papers and you like her, she is a total sweetheart everytime she comes to your lab.
You don't expect her to come right away, so you don't turn the music down even one bit. Honestly, a big mistake from your part.
It's not Penelope, who comes to grab the analysis papers and also it's not later, it's right away. Spencer was basically pushed towards the elevator to go to your lab by Penelope. Of course, she knows that you two fancy each other (she thinks you'll be the cutest couple) and she's decided, that she's going to get you together, whatever it takes. Even if it means dragging Spencer towards you.
Spencer finds your lab easily, he's been here too many times. But he's never heard the music playing so loud. You don't even hear the door opening or him coming inside. He only gets your attention when he carefully puts his hand on your shoulder as to not scare you, which goes totally the wrong way.
You flinch so hard and jump away from him instantly, that you almost fall on the floor, not to mention the curse words slipping out of your mouth.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Spencer worriedly apologises.
"Doctor Reid, you scared me," you say with a surprise, you definitely weren't expecting him here. You lower the volume of the music.
"I'm sorry, I called out your name, but I think it was too loud," he explains, stepping from one foot to another.
"It's okay, it's my fault. I put it way too loud. It's just...It's my favourite band,"  you grin sheepishly at him. Your pink blush in contrast with the black lipstick and eyeliner.
"Really? Have they been your favourite band for long now?" Spencer asks, giving you a small smile.
"Gosh, for so long, I don't even know. Maybe since I've discovered how much I love music," you must have been a kid then, when you found you passion for music, " what about you Dr. Reid, what's your favourite band?"
"Spencer, please call me Spencer," it's his turn to blush again, when he says it. You always call him dr. Reid and even if he knows you are joking, he prefers you calling him Spencer, " a-and I don't really have a favourite band or-or a song."
"What? What do you mean?"
"I just don't really know any music, maybe just some classical," he shrugs his shoulders, " I know, it's bad." He adds when he sees your wide eyes.
"Oh my god, this is actually a crime," you dramatically say, " I would gladly give you some recommendations, but I think time isn't on our side right now." You don't think Spencer would like your kind of taste of music, metal probably isn't his type, but you could definitely look something up for him.
Spencer would like that, like a lot. But yeah, he can't waste time by chatting with you, when there's a serial bomber in the streets.
He really wants to tho, I mean he wouldn't say no to spending time with you, maybe it would give him an actual chance with you. So with these kind of thoughts, he does something very, almost too brave.
"How about over a coffee?" he nervously blurts out and you don't quite know if you've heard right or your imagination is playing tricks on you.
"Over a coffee?"
"O-or tea, whatever you drink...."he adds, words stammering.
"Sure," you agree and give him the nicest smile you can do.
"R-really?" Spencer isn't expecting you to agree, he thinks, you are way out of his league, too pretty to even talk to him.
"Definitely, I'd love that," you reassure him and before you know it, these words escape your mouth, " it's a date, then."
Your dread goes away, when Spencer returns your shy smile and states," can't wait for it, I'll text you, yeah?" He starts to slowly back out of the lab.
"Okay," you giggle, because you realise, that he is forgetting the one thing he came here for, " don't you want the analysis of the bomb?"
"Ohhh," his cheeks go red again," right." He quickly comes back for it and heads for the door. At the door he looks at you for one last time and accidentally walks with his shoulder into the edge of the door.
You can't help but to giggle some more as he embarrassingly laughs and leaves your lab.
In your happy mood, you put the music back on and start thinking of the right songs for Spencer.
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meiiuka · 1 year
Hellooooo mod Toko!! I recently found your blog and your work is soooo cuteeee ❤️❤️ I hope you are having a good day ❤️❤️
I want to make a request, I hope its okay. I will like to request for Rantaro, Shuichi and Kaede finding out that soon will be their s/o's birthday but they didn't tell them because s/o is used to that their family just doesn't give much importance to their birthday and don't do nothing too special for it
I hope its okay or it isn't too confusing, Im just a little sensitive with the topic of my birthday right now and I will like a little comfort, but don't worry I don't want to rush you, please take your time
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANON!! & thank you sm for the kind words <3
rantaro amami, shuichi saihara, and kaede akamatsu when it's their s/o's birthday:
category: fluff, comfort, headcanons
notes: i hope your special day gets brighter ^^
Rantaro Amami:
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• he's been preparing a very special gift for you for many, many months now and has had the day of your birthday marked down in all his calendars • "of course i remembered your birthday" he chuckles and plants a kiss on the top of your head. "how could i not? out of the 365 days in the year this is my favorite one." • even though you didn't remind him, he knew it was your birthday. i guess he just has his ways as a guy who's pretty savvy at a lot of things ;-) • "you should open up the present i got you babe. i need to see your pretty face light up with excitement" • inside the intricately wrapped box he hands to you there's a scrapbook. inside there are love notes and memorable photos of the two of you that were clearly well thought out. it must've taken him a while! • "wait.. wait.. that's not all, you think i wouldn't spoil you a little on your big day? c'mon baby, i know you know me better than that." he gives you a little wink as he hands you a small gift bag with crinkled paper sticking out at the top • you're pretty overwhelmed with emotion at this point, as the amount of effort that he's put into this is not really what you're used to. he reaches his arm around you to hold you while you dig into the bag. • "i've thought of you every time i've traveled this past year. when i visit new places, i try to find souvenirs that you'd like. so... what do you think?" • you hold up a necklace, bracelet, and a keychain that contain references to an island that he's visited recently • "i hope you love it, you know i just wanna make you happy. i love you. now, where do you wanna go for dinner? i'll take you anywhere, it's my treat." he puts one of his hands on your cheek, his expression soft as he leans his head in to give you a gentle kiss Shuichi Saihara:
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• you get a call from your boyfriend shuichi. you pick up the phone and he answers with, "hey y/n, i wanted to take you out today... can we meet in like, an hour? if that's okay with you, of course..." he sounds a little nervous on the phone. "i got it all covered, just stand outside and i'll swing by to take you on an adventure." • at first you think to yourself, "well, shuichi didn't mention my birthday... does he know it's today? or are we just going on a date?" • once you get ready for the day out, your boyfriend waits outside for you just as planned. his entire face lights up when he sees you and he's blushing so hard you can see it through the tinted window of his car 😭 • "oh wow, uhm... you're so ... attractive..." he's stumbling on his words and is struggling to maintain eye contact with you as you get in the passenger side of his car. it's just the two of you and you put some songs on the aux as he drives you • "your outfit," he can barely focus on much else but you. "i... love it. you look super nice..." he gives a light laugh and puts a hand on your leg • when you ask him where you two are going, to which he replies, "oh, you'll see, it's a surprise!" • after driving for a little, you see that he's taken you to an aquarium. it's a really scenic area and you're excited to go on a romantic excursion with your boyfriend
• "wait, um, before we go in, can i show you something? it's actually in my trunk." he opens up the back of his car and it's literally full of gifts. like. you're shocked at the pure volume of gifts he's brought you. • "surprise, love..! happy birthday... i'm sorry if it looked like i forgot, i promise i'd never ever. i stayed up all night wrapping these and making sure i could get things just right..." • you practically yourself into his arms, and he holds you close against his chest. "now, let's go have a good day. you deserve it after all" Kaede Akamatsu:
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• you wake up on the morning of your birthday with approximately 50 message pings on your phone. they're all text messages from your girlfriend kaede- • one of the first things you read is "i'm so so sorry if i woke you up, but i needed to let you know that i'm thinking about you on this very special day... happy birthday my angel!" • the rest are all long, extensive messages about how much she loves and appreciates you, and how she's going to make this day memorable for you
• after getting ready for the day, she knocks on your door to come visit. she won't stop reminding you it's your birthday, making sure you feel the love you deserve • it's clear that she's been planning out what she wants to do to surprise you for literal months now • she planned a surprise party at her place that she's about to take you to, one with all your mutual friends that she's planned the events, catering, and activities for • "don't worry hon... i'm sure you'll love what's to come." she gives you a swift wink and kisses your cheek. • when you two arrive at kaede's place, you get surprised by all of your friends and a well decorated living room, kitchen, and hallway • "surprise! i thought i'd plan this out for you so i could make your day extra special... i love you so much, y/n. please never forget how much you mean to me, and to everyone else." • the rest of the day, kaede showers you with a ton of physical affection and makes sure everything goes according to plan. she even baked the cake from scratch and made sure to decorate it in a personable way for you :') • "okay look... i know the cake doesn't look professionally made but it's made with love" she laughs and she gives you a warm hug. the cake is actually really tasty, despite the slightly lopsided look <3
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
Hey again. Saw the burn out yeah I kinda predicted it😭 there were so many You were gonna need a little break so I. Please take one! Lol I’m bouta be contradicting rn but For a little request how about a HXH fluff? I’ve been having a Rough day/week and need some fluff in my life. And a serious hug. As you know I love feitan. But you can do kurapika. Meruem ( not sure if you write him ) Illumi, shal or Franklin depending if you write meruem. Also the fluff could be anything from head to toe.💜
Hi, thank you for the ask! Yes there was a lot, like way more than I would've wanted of just dorm leaders x [insert different franchise character]!s/os that I wasn't really feeling it anymore. I might get to those at some point again, but as of now no. I've never written for Meruem before, and these might just be more platonic since I don't see him having romantic feelings for anyone haha. Hope your week gets better too!
Kurapika, Meruem, Illumi, Shalnark, Franklin helping you get through a tough week
You two should get a break together honestly with how busy the two of you are haha
But on a serious note, he will try to support you but it may just be through words of "you need to take a break" or getting you a cup of tea. With how fixated he is on his own tasks it's unlikely he'll do a lot but know that he wants to help you
If you two are away from each other (ie you're not on traveling with him on his path of revenge) he might give you calls from time to time. This is really rare though since he's...well...refusing to pick up his phone from anyone
If you happen to meet him before his whole "revenge is good" path, he would've given you hugs when you two were alone. Lots of supportive words, making sure you're doing well. He might just pick you up from whatever you're doing to get you to sleep since you've been working so hard
Overall he's like a mom friend but it only goes so far with how busy he is with his own work. If you do happen to see a box of your favorite snacks on your desk when he's gone, know that it's from him and there's likely a little note on it too telling you he's there for you
How did you get on his good side? Who knows, maybe you're a Chimera ant that works well with the rest of the royal guards, or he's taken interest in you similar to his situation with Komugi. Whatever it is, he doesn't really understand the concept of "stress"
He sees you with dark circles, running around the halls of the palace Meruem stole took and he can sense you're tense all over. Finally, getting tired of seeing you look almost lifeless, he stops you and tells you to go get some rest
Meruem's not the type of person to hear objections, and if you try to he might threaten to cut your limbs off so you can't move from whatever you'll be resting on :/. He's trying, he just needs to learn a bit more on how he's supposed to be supportive
Will ask a royal guard to keep an eye on you, most likely Pitou since the rest of them won't care about you if you're human (Pouf might kill you for all Meruem knows). Meruem will frequently visit you while you take breaks, making sure you're doing better than before. He won't hug you because he's scared of breaking you he doesn't see a point in it, but he will listen to whatever you have to say or get off your chest
Similar to the two above, he's not really known to be that caring. However, seeing you not in the best shape you can be might worry him, especially if you're someone he considers close.
He might pick you up and knock you out just so you can get some sleep haha. But the most common thing you'll get from him is a really blunt "You look tired, stop what you're doing and take care of yourself." If you ask him for a hug, he won't really object but he won't show that he likes what he's doing either. Might end up squeezing you too tight and causing your ribcage to almost break :/
He's also the type to listen to you if you want to talk to him. He might be busy with something else while you vent, but he's listening.
Now if you happen to be stressed because of an individual, he might ask you who it is. Expect the person to suddenly die though. Illumi thinks that if the problem gets eradicated, then you'll feel better :/
He might not show that he cares for you that much, but know that he keeps an eye out for you. Usually before you even complain he's already spotted signs of stress from you and will try to get you feeling better
Though he's a member of the troupe, he's shockingly much better at giving you fluff than the rest of the people we've already talked about
He's going to give you hugs. He might just give you them out of the blue, saying that "hugs are healthy" even if you object to him. If you ask him for hugs he'll just open his arms and tell you he's totally fine with them
Lots of supportive words. He's a bit chatty so expect him to go on and on about how you need to take a break, how you're already doing well and he doesn't think you'll fail, etc. It's all really sweet coming from a guy that's also known to be part of a notorious group of thieves
He might not be the best listener, but he tries to when you want to vent for a bit. Just know that he's better at giving you words than accepting them, but nonetheless he's there for you
Overall I feel like he's the type to surprise you with sudden boosts of energy or support. He might also just pick you up from whatever you're doing to get you to rest haha
He's sort of like a gentle giant. He won't push you to take breaks but will frequently check up on you and might bring you some snacks or drinks to get you feeling better
He's really good at listening. If you need to get something off your chest he'll sit down and listen to you. Also, you can trust him with your words, he's extremely good at keeping things private, so know that you're safe with him
If you want hugs, he might be a little hesitant at first because he doesn't want to accidentally hurt you, but he's super gentle and the hugs are really nice. He might pat you on the head sometimes too
I can imagine you falling asleep on him from time to time whenever you guys are just sitting together. He won't budge, and he tries to keep other troupe members from waking you up if they happen to walk by. He doesn't want you losing sleep because of him anyways
Overall he feels very therapeutic. Like a cozy sort of feeling you get when you're inside with a warm cup of tea in your hands while it snows outside.
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Help Secure Stable Housing for Schluter Family. Click link below.
❤️Please read! Please share! This is my BFF Bestie! who is asking for help!❤️
I know I don't use tumblr very much these days, and when I do, it's when I need something. This time, it's my best friend, and I REALLY need this to spread! My best friend is nearing an eviction notice (due to circumstances beyond their control) unless they can come up with $4,800USD to catch up and cover rent.❤️ I'm doing what I can, therefore...𝙈𝙮 𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙧𝙚 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙥 𝙞𝙨 25% 𝙤𝙛𝙛! 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙙𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙧 𝙢𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙜𝙤𝙚𝙨 𝙙𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙘𝙝𝙡𝙪𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙂𝙁𝙈! Go get yourself some stitching!
(or donate at my Ko-Fi account at ko-fi.com/sturdynerdystitchery because there, you can get free patterns!)❤️
I have 3,200 followers. That's a wide audience. Those followers have dozens, if not thousands of followers. That's an even wider audience. People who have been in those shoes, can empathize, and can donate. Even if you can't donate, sharing is free and even THAT helps reach more people.
I've seen the community come together. I've seen other communities come together. Can we surpass that $4,800 goal? I sure hope so! 💰I've already done the first $100 donation...anyone want to match that?💰 We've all been, or know someone who has been, in those struggle shoes.
⭐TLDR: Husband's job started slashing everyone's pay by HALF, when they were already barely getting by. Sara found work, but it only pays minimum wage ($14.42) while she is doing her 6 weeks of training. Of which, she has one more month left. They are struggling so much, and now. Eviction notice. They have 2 kids, 2 dogs, and a kitty who just birthed kittens 2 weeks ago!
Please keep reading to hear the full story. Please!!! I don't want to lose my best friend! 😭😭😭 (plus, you'll get treated to kitten pictures)
This isn't a case of "Well, maybe they should have...." because those sentiments are NOT what is needed right now! Those sentiments DO NOT help! It's not a matter of giving up Starbucks. It's about a shitty employer who cares nothing for it's employees.
Donating, no matter how big or how small, makes a difference. Even if you can't donate, sharing is free, it helps reach a wider audience, and that in and of itself makes a difference.
I know that often, when a GoFundMe comes into a feed, it's less likely to get shared if you don't know the person. Well, I know this person. Sara, her husband David, and their 2 kids moved to Colorado a year ago. Along with their Golden Retriever, Mia, their Brindle pupper, Kelce, their kitty who just had 3 kittens. Aren't they cute!
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We became friends over the summer. Since then, she has wormed her way into my heart and for the first time since WE moved to Colorado in 2019, I can gratefully say that I found a best friend BFF bestie who would be my ride or die, and vice versa.
She was living with her father in order to save up for their own place. She had to move out because it was a horribly abusive situation and she had to get her family away for their safety.
They found a house to rent, and have been there several months.
A few weeks after they moved in, they get notice that her husband's job is slashing everyone's pay in half. DoorDashing to make up the difference wasn't doing it. Countless job applications, and her husband is still struggling to find work.
She found work, however. They only pay minimum wage while she is doing her 6 weeks of training (Bullshit, I know). She still has 1 month to go.
They have a 2 year old and a 12 year old. The pets. Their everything.
That everything could be gone because we live in a society that treats people so unfairly. They might have to move back to Missouri.
She is waiting on the mail today. Waiting for that eviction notice, and it breaks my heart into a million pieces. I cried this morning. She is a good friend, a good mom, a good provider. Her husband is hard working, a stand up man. Work gave him the shit end of the stick.
She is panicking. She says she has never been more afraid in her life. She doesn't have to say it, but I know she feels broken, and defeated.
I refuse to lose my best friend to circumstances that she had no control over. Her husband is still looking for a new job. Even if she looked for a new job while currently working, and happened to find one...it still won't help cover what they need.
My heart is breaking.💔 So much. I know that some might think it selfish of me to use my social media for personal reasons, but this reason is important to me. This reason is my best friend.
So, pleeeeaaaaseee! even if it's only a dollar. Or even better, if someone is rolling in dough and can drop the entire $4,800!
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fatuismooches · 10 months
Hello smooches, i hope you are doing well and also good luck on ur finals!
I've been reading a lot of ur Dottore ramblings with others and fics, and i have a random thought about Foxtorre and the pufftorres always beefing with Dottore and other segments 24/7 😭 like whenever Dottore commands them to leave reader's room (he wants to have some alone time with his s/o 👀), Foxtorre and pufftorres are either giving him the nastiest side-eye or just pounch at him. Poor reader have to stop or scold them every single time 😭
AHH YESS THE LITTLE GUYS ARE ALWAYS BEEFING WITH HIM 😭. And they will fearlessly do it too because they know you'll always protect them, you'll scoop them up in your arms and scold Dottore for trying to hurt your babies! How dare he! When Dottore tries to kick Foxttore out of the room, he bites the scientist, which doesn't hurt too much considering his strength but, it's a surprise, and the angry creature holds on for dear life no matter how hard he tries to shake it off. You end up having to remove Foxttore and cradle it in your arms for the rest of the day, making your husband even more irritated. Why does an abomination get more attention than your own husband...? He hugs you from behind all while glaring at the creature. Puffttores aren't any better. Will try and crawl all over his body to distract him from work but he bullies them more because they can't particularly fight back...
Dottore holds a scalpel to Foxttore but the creature doesn't even flinch, in fact it seems to be smirking at him to say 'you can't do it otherwise [Name] will never forgive you.'
Dottore doesn't know how or when that little abomination got so smart.
The only segment they like is Zandy of course. He cuddles with them sometimes when you're not around.
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asexual-society · 4 months
Just looking for some advice about how to tell my best friend I’m aroace. I was trying to find a way to ask other people in the community and found this blog so I hope it’s okay to ask. I do apologise if it’s not.
About three years ago, I tried telling her. I hinted at it, but in the end, I was too scared to actually tell her. I have two other really close friends that know, but one of them figured out I was ace before I did haha. They’re both very understanding of me due to their respective identities.
Recently, it’s been eating at me more and more. I write fanfiction and have been really wanting to explore aroace characters. We are actually co-writing a fic now and she’s one of my beta readers too. One of the characters I write the most about gives me major aroace vibes and I want to write about it and discuss with readers about it. The problem is that she reads my stuff. She’s supportive like that.
I’m just scared about her reaction is all. I don’t particularly care about what my family thinks because I have no intention of telling them. Not out of fear or anything, but for other reasons that don’t really matter at this point in my life. It’s my best mate I’m worried about :/ I don’t want her perception of me to be changed nor do I want her to start saying things like “you haven’t met the right person” or whatever.
This was long. I’m sorry 😭 I kept it anonymous because even though she doesn’t have tumblr, she knows my account and I’d rather not risk her seeing this :)
Hey Anon, I'm not gonna lie, I hate coming out. I've been putting off coming out to some people closest to me for so many years. But on the other hand! I totally understand having a hard time ripping the plaster off, and the feeling of it eating at you, so I can give you a couple of low-confrontation methods that might work in a pinch, and a couple of slightly scarier options and how to deal with them in case you're feeling brave?
You said she knows your blog but doesn't have tumblr, so you could try posting more about aroace stuff on here, or put it in your bio. That way, since she doesn't follow you, the chances of her seeing it are low enough that you have plausible deniability that you didn't think she would see it, and if she does, you were Definitely just about to tell her. Effectiveness: 3/10, she might not see it, in which case you'll be worrying about it for nothing.
A similar vibe of coming out is letting someone else do it for you. This only works if you have mutual friends, either online or irl. You don't have to be there when it happens, but I find it's less unpleasant if you are; finding out someone has outed you after the fact is for sure worse, even if you intended it to happen, but someone else offhandedly bringing it up takes the power out of your hands, which is scary in a different way, but it can technically work. Effectiveness: 5/10, it'll do, but it will not feel good. Requires mutual friends. If one of your friends is a loudmouth with no filter it might even happen organically at some point, but you can't count on it, so if you are there (even just in groupchat form) being able to steer the conversation in that direction might give you the small push you need to say it yourself, since it's way harder to just bring it up out of the blue by yourself, and also having another already supportive person present who has your back always helps. Effectiveness: 8/10, getting onto the topic might be hard, but having moral support is good. Requires mutual friends.
Similarly, you could engineer a situation where you're coming out to her and one other person who you know will be supportive (or you're already out to, if you're okay with a little deception) at the same time. She can't say anything shitty if there's someone else already there being cool about it. You don't even have to be coming out to the other person, you can just mention it while they're there (so it works the same as the above, except a little more intentional). Effectiveness: 8/10, points deducted for deception, but if it gets the job done, does it matter? Requires mutual friends.
Bargaining. Set yourself a deadline and have people to hold you accountable to do it. Effectiveness: 3/10, absolutely would not work on me, will probably not feel good, could be the kick you need to do it but only if your brain works that way.
Come out to someone else first and use the momentum to tell her right after. Works best if the first person you tell isn't close enough to you that it'll be really bad if they suck about it, but if they do suck, you can use that as a jumping off point to tell your friend (e.g. I told someone I was aroace and they said XYZ shitty thing), and you can sneak in an example of something that was hurtful that your friend will know to avoid saying. And if they don't suck about it (fingers crossed!), it could give you the confidence and boost you need to tell your friend. Effectiveness 6/10, requires you to come out twice as many times. You may be able to substitute in someone else being aphobic but not directly to you as a jumping off point instead.
You could try testing the waters by mentioning that you headcanon the character as aroace and seeing her reaction, if you haven't already, and then you can say "I sort of relate to them actually" and see where that gets you? Effectiveness: 5/10, high chance of backing out at the last minute, high uncertainty means this might be the scariest option.
If you have ways of making yourself do scary things already, do as many of those as you can, but if not, I can tell you that when I want to do something I'm low key terrified of but I know will help me in the long run, I write myself a letter to open as far in the future as I feel like (there are websites you can use for this), and I tell me-of-the-future about what I want to do and that I'm scared about it, and then I imagine them reading it and imagine how it'll be by then if I haven't done it yet, and how much better it'll be for them if I do.
Sometimes it's really hard to do things for ourselves, but imagining you're doing them for you-of-the-future gives yourself enough distance that you can convince yourself that you're actually doing it for someone else. It might also help to imagine that you of the future will be proud of you for doing it, and this is a pretty instantaneous reward situation, because you get the little kick of someone being proud of you before you do it just for deciding to do it, and then as soon as you've done it you get to be proud of yourself. Effectiveness: 8/10, high risk-high reward, will feel really good if you do it, but you have to do it.
If you're still worried about her saying specific unsupportive things, coming up with a few good responses to the most likely ones that you can use in the moment without even thinking can take some of the power away from her (or anyone else) saying them. If your friend is only attracted to one gender you can use the "how do you know you just haven't met the right [person of gender she isn't into]?" or "it hurts me that you think I don't know myself well enough/that you don't trust me to know this about myself". If someone you come out to isn't supportive you are legally allowed to be petty or guilt trip them, if they know you're not just gonna back down when they try to disagree with you, it shows you're serious, even/especially if you wouldn't normally go on the offensive like that. Effectiveness: ?/10, depends on your personality and how assertive you are, and can be difficult if you're worried about confrontation with your best friend, but it could just be what needs to be done, and is likely but not certain to get your point across.
I'm not saying all of these are good methods, but they are definitely methods that you could use. And hey, if you do it, let us know how you did it and how it went!
Best of luck, I hope you figure it out <3
~mod key
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