#I just did it for fun and the lolz
its-a-me-mango · 1 month
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The hell is he yapping on about, you can tell him to shut up it's okay.
Anyway Hi @lemonjuicesblog !!! Your sona is so cool I love them so much and knowing that they're inspired by my own sona is so freaking cool!!!! Thats honestly such an honour to me so I had to draw them together, hope you like it!!! :3
I will stop drawing Mango shorter than everyone else when he stops being short.
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 29 days
Chapter 24
why did this chapter kick my ass?? damn!!!
Some pre-chapter notes:
soz for the unexpected delay i was moving + starting a new job + lost my grip on byakuya's slippery psyche
playing with my own headcanons for hiro and his backstory actually. bc. well. the original just is not very good at all now is it
tyyy @digitaldollsworld as always!!
Content warning tags: blood, mention of razor (not in intentional self-harm context), minor injury, nausea, panic attack, toxic obsessive stalker Toko, insecurity, mentions of self-starving
< previous - from start - next >
Byakuya drops his straight razor, and it splashes into the basin of his sink. Followed by a few droplets, hot and ruby-bright as it tracks down his jaw, vanishing almost instantly upon contact with the water.
For a moment, he doesn’t move, frozen, one hand still half-raised to his face, still curved in that loose grip. Then he braces his hands against the porcelain edge, knuckles tensing as he tries to keep them from shaking. The cut on his jaw stings, still slowly welling blood; his razor, silver and distorted, warbles in and out of sight with the water’s ripples, his eyes struggling to track its shape. He makes no move to fish it out of the water.
This was his second attempt at shaving. The evidence of his first attempt still throbs on the opposite cheek, near his ear. Despite moving glacially slow, other hand pulling the skin as taut and still as he could manage, the hard edge of the sink digging into his hip as he leaned as close to the mirror as he could, it was still proving to be a fruitless effort. The elegant blade that his mother’s family had gifted him, that he had been using since he became heir, was now simply too large and awkward for him to use. A task that should have been easy after all of Pennyworth’s guidance was now fraught with pointless danger.
…Maybe it’s not worth the trouble, he thinks, numbly. But the hollow, shattered defeatism that comes with the thought is so unfamiliar that it makes him grit his teeth, and then reach slowly into the tepid water to pull the razor out. His stubble was patchy already, especially near his jawline, and any more delay would almost certainly warrant someone commenting on it - maybe Hagakure, who couldn’t seem to keep anything to himself, or Celeste, who would delight in pointing it out while masking it as polite concern - but, at the rate he was going, he was going to draw more attention with a bloodied face.
His fingers scrape the basin, searching at a glacial pace until the edge of his thumbnail taps against the handle. He draws it out gingerly, shakes off the stray droplets, then wipes the blade with a silk cloth. Drying it carefully, meticulously - as Pennyworth had taught him, ‘it’s as good as useless if it rusts’ - before folding it and replacing it in the cupboard behind his mirror. He dries his face with the towel hanging around his neck, ignoring the way the Turkish cotton scraped against raw skin.
I could always just try again later, he reasoned with himself. Not so much as a surrender as it was a tactical retreat; and the results were bound to be better when he was calmer, more composed. He could still do it - he just needed some time.
And as for anyone who might notice it…
…Well. It wasn’t like he was spending much time around anyone else these days anyways.
Even if he wasn’t trying to seek out anyone else’s company, he couldn’t help but take note of their own routines, how they settled into their lives after feeling the world shake around them. 
It doesn’t surprise him that Celeste and Yamada have continued on as if nothing had happened at all. Celeste still maintains her airy simulacrum of a mysterious princess, occasionally inviting Byakuya to tea or dinner or a game of Othello, which he declines each time. Yamada, when he wasn’t offering himself up to be bullied and ordered around by her, would be in the newly-opened art room, and Byakuya could occasionally pass by to hear sounds of shuffling paper and the scrape of pens, and the harrowed, heavy breathing of a man possessed.
Ogami and Asahina are similar, returning to their athletic routine, though clearly more affected by the deaths of their classmates. They were attached at the hip before, but now Byakuya never saw one without the other, always in each other’s company, often holding hands - if Ishimaru were here, he might have decried it, ‘No PDA in the hallways!’ in that annoyingly shrill, school-bell voice - once, Byakuya had even overheard the two of them occupying the bathhouse together, when he had passed by with the intention of checking on Alter Ego’s laptop.
(He’d left quickly when he realized what they were doing, leaving the locker unchecked, his face hot and uncomfortable. It was all well and fine for them to cope how they pleased, but couldn’t they have some more decorum about occupying a public space? He was almost beginning to miss Ishimaru.)
…Speaking of Ishimaru. Even Mondo had found something to occupy his time with, these days.
It seemed that after that night with Alter Ego, something had shaken loose inside him, and he was an entirely new person. In some ways, he was even more troublesome than when he was depressed and languishing; loud, piercing, and always appearing when he was least expected, or at least it felt that way to Byakuya. Somehow materializing nearby, demanding to know what you were doing, why you weren’t adhering to some vague, obscure rule that he might’ve made up on the spot. An overgrown hall monitor that acted like every little infraction could mean life or death.
(It was all in the name of protecting the AI, but it was also getting on everyone’s nerves, and it almost made Byakuya regret ever involving himself in the biker’s business in the first place.)
Makoto and Kirigiri were doing whatever it was they were doing. Byakuya rarely saw them, and when he did, he never made any attempt to speak to either of them. It didn’t make much of a difference from his previous dynamic with Kirigiri, but with Makoto, it was almost like a repeat of what had happened just after the first trial. But this time, Makoto never made any attempt to approach him.
Which was perfectly fine by him. Regardless of Makoto’s intentions, his betrayal was unforgivable. There was no reason to associate with him any longer.
And lastly, there was Hagakure.
It’s not clear if the self-proclaimed clairvoyant had given up on Mondo, given the overnight change in personality (at the very least, there was no more need for a suicide watch anytime soon), but he seems to have latched on to Byakuya, for no clear reason. Frequently calling out to him whenever they crossed paths, dogging in his steps like a very determined stray. Chattering incessantly, even when Byakuya refused to deign any of his ridiculous stories with a response, often trying to herd him into the cafeteria so they could “lunch together, bond, maybe share a cup of joe? Even rich guys like joe, right?”
“...Did you mean ‘coffee’,” Byakuya replies in a flat, deadpan tone that was more resigned than irritated, during what must be the dozenth time that Hagakure had intercepted him, and maybe the third time he conceded to the other man’s insistence; if only because Hagakure had been particularly persistent recently, and would probably end up following him and broadcasting to Fukawa or Monokuma or anyone else exactly where Byakuya was seeking refuge, when not in his room.
(Not to mention that he was a little hungry himself, though he could only imagine the kind of common swill someone like Hagakure might consider coffee.)
“Hey man, to-MAY-toes, po-TAY-toes, right?” Hagakure just shrugs, and half-guides, half-pushes Byakuya by the shoulders into the cafeteria.
It’s midday. The place is empty, with even Celeste missing from her favored spot at her table. Hagakure shuffles him into the kitchen, tells him to wash his hands, and then-
-shoves two things at him. One, round, pale brown and still damp, with a slight papery texture beneath the moisture. The other, a piece of smooth, green plastic shaped like a ‘T’, with something silvery running parallel to the top. He skates his thumb lightly over it, and finds the edge of it sharp; a tiny blade.
“Whoa, careful! Don’t hurt yourself!” Hagakure tugs the tool back out of his hand, inspecting his fingers. “Like, come on. I even gave you the vegetable peeler, this is easy mode.”
Hagakure doesn’t explain right away, instead occupied with rolling up his sleeves, tying the brambled mass of his hair back with a strip of white. Arranged on the kitchen counter is a selection of tools, a colorful assortment of vegetables, and a hunk of something dark and pink, occupying the cutting board. There’s already a pot on the stove, and Byakuya watches Hagakure’s hand fiddle with some dark, invisible button across the top of the oven, and a telltale blue flame clicks to life. “We’re making gumbo! And you’re my assistant for the day.” He announces, with the same cadence of a cooking show host. He’s beaming, as if he hadn’t just said something utterly, completely insane.
It’s hard to make out, but he swears Hagakure rolls his eyes at him. Which would be infuriating enough to comment on, if he wasn’t also holding out the aforementioned vegetable peeler out, handle first, towards him. “Gumbo. It’s kinda like, curry I guess? But it’s a lot more soupy.” Apparently not put off by Byakuya’s unresponsiveness, he pushes the peeler into his slack hand. “I mean, I guess I’m not surprised you haven’t tried it. It’s not Japanese, or like…fancy, rich guy food.”
That snaps him out of it. “What,” He repeats, emphatically, with feeling. “Do you think you’re doing?”
“Um, like I said, making gumbo-”
“No, I mean-” Byakuya waves the objects in his hands, and feels only a little ridiculous in doing so. “I’m not- using these.”
Hagakure winces at that. “...No offense, Toga, but, uh…” He hesitates. “It’s…not exactly a good idea to give you a knife right now, you feel me?”
Byakuya can imagine his eyes tracing down his face, to the still-pink line on his jaw from this morning, and feels his face grow even warmer, with nothing to do with the open-flame stove not a meter away from him. “That. Is. Not. The. Point.” He hisses, emphasizing each word. “And - don’t call me that - you said we were here to get coffee.”
He spits these words like they’re poisonous, and Hagakure is still for a moment. He thinks that he’s managed to get his point across, but:
“Aww, Togster…you really did wanna get coffee with me?” Hagakure sounds genuinely touched, one hand pressed to his chest. Byakuya was about two seconds from throwing the stupid root vegetable in his hand against Hagakure’s equally stupid head. “We can have coffee after we make food. Besides, aren’t you sick of the meals we’ve been doing recently? Like I’m not a picky guy, but ramen and bread every day for the past few days is getting kinda…bleh, y’know?”
The worst part of this was that Byakuya agreed with him on that front. Even with his newfound habit of only eating when there was no one else around, or when Alter Ego threatened to stop reading for him until he took a meal, the selection was paltry to begin with and had only grown more unappealing with time.
“Your job is easy,” Hagakure continues, and grabs something hanging off the handle of a nearby oven, and drops it over his face, obscuring his vision for a moment. He jerks backwards in alarm as it settles to hang around his neck, only to realize that it’s an apron - a pale, mint-green thing that’s one size too small, with some still-visible stains splattered across it, and Hagakure had somehow gotten behind him and tied the thing in place already  - “You just gotta peel the potatoes, and I just gotta cut everything up. The roux’s already done, so all we gotta do is dump the ingredients in and let it do its thing.”
Byakuya is still reeling a little from being forced (though, there wasn’t much he could’ve done in protest, with both his hands occupied) into an apron. The things in his hands are so unfamiliar to him that they may as well be OOPart pieces in the making.
Besides him, Hagakure was whistling away, chopping meat with the silver blur of a large kitchen knife. Completely oblivious to anything around him; and Byakuya realized, he could leave right now if he wanted, and it wasn’t like the fortune-teller, of all people, could stop him.
He’s about to do just that when the other man looks up, knife stilling. “Something wrong?” He asks, with a tilt of his head. And before Byakuya could explain that, yes, there was something very wrong with this entire situation: “D’you need help?”
“No.” He says automatically, and immediately kicks himself for it.
“Oh, then-?”
“I don’t-” Byakuya says at the same time, and frowns sharply at the interruption. “I. Don’t do this sort of…thing.” It comes out a lot less assertive than he would like, and sounds a lot more pathetic than he means it to be.
“Oh. Well, yeah, I figured.” Hagakure shrugs, as he scoops up the mess of pink on the cutting board with the edge of his knife and drops it into a metal bowl. It lands with a loud, wet slap, and the bowl rings as it shakes against the counter. “No time to learn like the present though, right?”
Byakuya feels his eye twitch. In some ways, talking to Hagakure was more frustrating than negotiating with most white-collar businessmen, and more akin to arguing against a very enthusiastic wall. “I’m not supposed to do this kind of thing,” He tries again. “I’ve never had to prepare my own food in my life.”
It echoes what he told Makoto, that night he dragged Byakuya to the kitchen to prepare him a meal. But this time, it feels much less like a boast, and more like an admission. Like he couldn’t even do this much.
If Hagakure noticed the grimace passing over his face, he made no comment. Instead, he plucks the items out of Byakuya’s hands. “No time to learn like the present, my man.” He twirls the peeler between his fingers, and it spins, a foggy green circle. “It’s like a pattern, you pull the peeler down, turn it again, and repeat.” He demonstrates, hands moving quickly, with practiced ease. “Don’t worry if you miss anything. We don’t need it to be super clean, we just need most of the skin off.”
And he offers the peeler back to Byakuya, a gleam of white teeth on his face. Deceptively kind, poisonously pleasant. “Think you can handle that?”
Byakuya shoves his hand away, his patience thinning to a thread. “Take the hint,” He snaps, reaching behind himself to try and undo the knot. “I’m not doing this.”
“What? But it’s easy!”
“I don’t care,” He yanks at the ties, feels them come no closer to being loosened, and feels his face reddening with frustration, humiliation. He needs to leave, now. “I’m leaving.”
“Aw, Toga, come on-”
Byakuya reaches for the knife, left abandoned on the cutting board, and there’s a clatter as Hagakure backs himself against the ovens. “O-okay, okay, sure! Sure, jesus, okay!”
Byakuya rolls his eyes at the overreaction, already tuning him out, then starts awkwardly maneuvering the knife to try and cut the apron off. Arms twisting awkwardly to catch the bladed edge against the side of the knot. It’s not easy - he could swear, the blade seemed sharp enough when Hagakure was using it to dice meat, but now it slides clumsily against the twisted cotton, dull as a stone -
“Jesus,” Hagakure says again, but less panicked now that it was clear his life was under no immediate threat. “Okay, you’re gonna hurt yourself.”
“I am not-”
“You totally are, man. Just - don’t slash me, please, and hold still -”
Hagakure gives him a wide, cautious berth, as if still worried he would suddenly turn into some violent, knife-swinging killer, edging until he’s out of Byakuya’s peripheral and standing behind him. A slight tug around his midsection later, and the apron is flapping loosely against his stomach.
To show his thanks, Byakuya sets the knife down before he pulls off the apron, not so much as handing it over as simply dropping it in the other boy’s direction.
He makes to leave, but Hagakure stops him - or tries to, throwing one hand out while scrambling to catch the apron with the other - “Wait, wait,” He still sounds jovial, but there’s a thin edge of nervousness to it now, residual after the earlier scare. “Listen, you don’t hafta help if you don’t want to, but like…can you just hang out? Here?”
“...You want me to stay. In the kitchen.” Where it was overly warm with a pot of water building into a steady boil, heavy with the smell of various condiments and spices, and pervaded by a general stickiness on the tile. “Why?”
“U-um, well…”
Byakuya sighs. He’s wasted too much time already. The coffee he was promised earlier was looking like a lost cause, and frankly, he wasn’t interested in eating anything anymore either. It would feel too much like accepting undue pity, somehow.
Apparently sensing his impatience, Hagakure finally blurts out: “Because-! I’m, um, scared! To be alone! So…”
Byakuya only stares. Even with his hair tied back, the shape of Hagakure’s head is still a round, dark splotch, albeit smaller than usual. And it bobs up and down like a dandelion as he ducks his head, hands clasped in an exaggerated plea. “Please, man, I literally can’t ask anyone else,” He begs. “Mondo’s all psyched-out and freaky serious now, Hifumi and Celeste were weirdos to begin with, and I’m sick of third-wheeling for Hina-chi and Saka-chi! And there’s no way I’m hanging out with Toko!”
He doesn’t mention Makoto or Kirigiri. Which, Byakuya assumes, makes sense, so he doesn’t bother to ask about it. “How do I know you aren’t trying to kill me,” He says instead, deadpan. 
Hagakure snorts. “Have you seen me?” And then immediately winces. “I mean - shit, sorry - but seriously, I’m pissing my pants every time Monokuma shows up. And at every crime scene, and every trial. You really think I could get over myself to off someone?”
“None of Monokuma’s motives struck a chord with you?”
“Well - I’d be lying if the first one didn���t make me nervous,” He nods. “But I divined how my parents were doing a bunch of times, and they were always alright, so that didn’t worry me too much. And the thing about secrets; well, mine is that I’m actually on the run from this yakuza boss I accidentally pissed off. I owe him a debt of eight million yen.”
Byakuya is certain he doesn’t miss the way Hagakure glances at him then, based on the way his ponytail twitches as his head turns imperceptibly. He decides to ignore the obvious bait, and moves on: “Fine, then. Then what’s your reasoning that I won’t try to kill you?”
“Oh.” Hagakure pauses. “...I didn’t, uh…think about that.”
Right. Byakuya can’t find it in him to be surprised about that either, though some bruised-up part of his pride does rail against the implication that he wasn’t dangerous. Like being blind meant he was harmless, helpless, defanged - he struggles against the implication, but only sickens himself more with the truth of it.
“I mean…do you want to kill me?”
Byakuya snorts. “I want to leave,” He leans back against the counter, feeling the hard, smooth edge of the marble dig against his back. “Obviously, I’m not crazy enough to spend the rest of my life here, waiting to kill or be killed.” He pauses. “And…I’ve been looking into possible causes for my…circumstance, and it’s looking more and more like it would require the work of a trained doctor, using specific equipment to resolve. Which this place,” He gestures around him. “Isn’t exactly equipped to handle.”
The other boy scratches his head. “Um, yeah. I mean I know that much. We all wanna get out and all, but like…do you want to kill someone to make that happen?”
Not in the slightest. He probably held responsibility for the deaths of multiple people at this point, but he had never had to kill them himself, nor witness the moment of their end. Dirtying his hands with someone else’s blood never appealed to him, and it was far more sophisticated to orchestrate someone else handling the messy work.
But his answer must show on his face, because Hagakure nods, satisfied. “Well, there you go! Also, I ran a divination on whether one of us would die today, and it’s not in the cards or the stars or divine intention, so we’re good!” He claps his hands. “Anyways. If you don’t wanna help, that’s all totally cool. All you gotta do is stick around.”
“You can’t be serious.” He scoffs. But he was getting sick of the earlier conversation - sick of talking about himself, sick of thinking about himself - so he stays where he is, crossing his arms as Hagakure busies himself with the ingredients. “How do your divinations even work, anyways?”
“What, you interested?” Hagakure flashes another white smile, and even through the haze Byakuya gets the impression that it’s a salesman grin. He could practically hear the cartoonish chime of a register. “My current going rate’s ten-million yen a reading, but for you I’ll throw in a buddy’s discount of twenty-percent!”
Byakuya gives him the most unimpressed look he can manage. “I’m not interested in wasting money on frivolities.”
“It’s not frivol-anything, man. They’re a hundred-percent legit! …Thirty-three-percent of the time,” He amends, sheepishly, at Byakuya’s withering stare. “But when they’re real, they’re real! With a hundred-percent accuracy!”
As he talks, his hands blur, moving with practiced ease. The small pile of potatoes changing from brown to pale yellow, to small, misshapen chunks, the green stalks of celery disintegrating under a knife, sharp-smelling and darkening the wood beneath it with its moisture. There’s a steady, fluid grace to it, and Byakuya watches on, feeling a sense of deja vu - faintly envious, partly entranced - the last he felt this way, he recalls, was being a child and watching his mother work in her studio, hewing faces out of stone.
He hasn’t thought about that memory in years, and he clicks his tongue sharply, irritated. Hagakure jumps at the sound. “M-maybe it’s more like a ninety-eight percent accuracy?” The fortune-teller tries, hurriedly. “Uh, it depends on how clearly I can convey it, I mean. Like how good the client is with understanding me…dialect differences and all that, though my English is pretty solid-”
“Why fortune-telling, anyways?” He cuts off Hagakure’s rambling. “I can’t imagine it’s an inherited position. You don’t seem the type to be taking up someone else’s legacy.”
“Oh! Well…” He turns to the pot, scrapes a bowl of brown slurry into its bubbling contents. “It was my dad who got me into it - not that he was a fortune teller or anything - but he knew stories about fortune tellers and priestesses and stuff, from where he grew up. It was pretty interesting, and I guess that’s what got me started.” He stirs, sniffs, tosses a handful of green shapes into the mix. “He actually bought me my first crystal ball, though it was just a cheap souvenir thing. I couldn’t’ve been older than, like, six or something.” He laughs. “Wow, I haven’t thought about this stuff in forever.”
“Am I dredging up bad memories?” Byakuya drawls, and Hagakure shakes his head.
“Nah, just old ones. But I got super into it; started begging my Ma to read me divination textbooks for bedtime, she thought I was going crazy. Dad just said it was normal for little kids to be a little crazy about something they like, though.” He shrugs. Another sniff, a sprinkle of red seasoning. “He was the first person I did an accurate divination for, actually. Like a real divination, not just for pretend.”
He goes quiet for a moment, wooden spoon scraping against the inside of the pot. Byakuya frowns. “And what did you ‘see’?” He asks, though only about half as sarcastic as he intended.
“Saw him in the hospital. And then leaving.” He replies simply. He turns, and scoops up the chopped ingredients in his hands, tossing them in with a hiss. “It was clear as day in that little glass ball, like I was watching a TV screen, except also kinda…I don’t know, wiggly? Like a dream. But I got shook up so bad I dropped it and broke the damn thing, and the next day my Dad went to the doctor for a check-up, and they shipped him to the hospital right after. Some genetic, hereditary thing, they wouldn’t even tell me what it was. I think Ma thought it’d freak me out if I knew, but I was just more freaked out not knowing.”
He reaches blindly behind him, searching hand patting at the counter, the cutting board. Byakuya hesitates, then grabs the bowl of chopped meat and passes it over. Its contents splash into the pot. “Thanks. Anyways, the weirdest thing was that I wasn’t, like, scared he was gonna die, or anything. For some reason I knew he was gonna make it, but I was more worried that he was gonna…hurt? Get even worse?” He pauses. “I kept on doing divinations afterwards with a tarot card set, just to see how he was doing, and each time it told me he was gonna be fine.”
His voice sounds a little thick, indistinct. Byakuya was beginning to regret bringing up this topic; he would hate it if he was suddenly expected to have to comfort a grown man. But instead of bursting into tears, Hagakure leans to the side, tucks his face into his elbow, and sneezes, gunshot loud. “Phew! Jeez, the paprika.” He sniffs, and Byakuya’s unease turns back into a comfortable sort of annoyance. “Anyways. Where was I…?”
“...Your father.” He hesitates for a moment. “When he passed away.”
“When he-?” Hagakure turns fully away from the pot to stare at him, mouth open, before breaking into a laugh. Doubling over so and wheezing like he just got punched. “Dude! No way, are you- did you really think that?!”
“What? Am I wrong?” Byakuya feels his face heating red again, with nothing to do with the steam. “Shut up. The way you were talking about it, you were acting like he kicked the bucket,” He snaps, and Hagakure stifles another laugh. “It’s the logical progression of things. You saw him get sick and die, and then-”
“No, no, dude, I said I saw him in the hospital, and then leave - oh, yeah, I guess I can see how you’d think that now.” He stands up straight again, swiping a hand across his face. “Oh man. No, I meant ‘leave’ as in literally leaving, like at an airport? He got better and swung back around, but got a job offer overseas right after, so he never really came back to settle permanently in Japan.” He turns back to the pot, turning the heat down low. “He sends postcards for me all the time, and he and Ma vacation together every year around the holidays.”
So that was it. Byakuya feels an irrational surge of exasperation, as if all his previous pity had just been wasted. “What does he even do? Your father?”
“He teaches quantum mechanics.” At Byakuya’s stunned expression, he snorts. “What, I’m not kidding! He test-runs all his lectures and speeches and stuff to me, and now I know way more about that stuff than I think most people ever need to!”
‘Prove it’ is on the tip of Byakuya’s tongue, but he holds back. He probably would never recover if Hagakure did somehow manage it and make him look like a fool. Hagakure stirs the pot in silence for a moment longer, before asking: “What about you?”
“Your parents.” A shot of cold immediately runs down his spine. “Like, I know your dad’s a big rich unmarried bachelor hotshot, but what about your mom? Ah- ” Hagakure presses hand to his mouth. “She…is she, like…?”
“She’s not dead, if that’s what you’re trying to ask.” He replies, stiffly. “We’re estranged.”
“O-oh. Um. I’m sorry?”
“It’s fine.” He pauses, looks down at the tile floor. It was a mutual disavowment, around the time he made the decision to try for Togami heir. She was relieved to be rid of him, he was sure, and he was glad to be out of her house full of stone statues and hollow eyes. “I haven’t been in contact with her for several years. We’re as good as strangers.”
He really should just leave it at that. There’s no reason to elaborate any further, nor does he want to; he glares down at his feet, trying to count the tiles, and watches as the dark lines dividing them squiggle and disappear the moment he loses focus. And finds his mouth moving against his will. “My mother is Genevieve Delasol.”
“Cool.” A pause. “Wait, what!?”
Byakuya scowls and looks away as Hagakure turns back to him. “Like, the Delasol?! World-famous artist lady? With the sculptures? Miss Modern Michelangelo?!”
“Don’t call her that.” She had always hated that stupid nickname that the press forced on her, and so did he, though not for her benefit. It was a tasteless, and frankly disrespectful moniker. “But yes. Her.”
“Dude…” There’s awe in his voice, as if it were something impressive. “That’s crazy.”
“It’s not. She birthed me like any other human.”
“Still! Like, they talked about her in my elementary school art class. Her stuff is so-” He splays his fingers near his head, puffs his cheeks to mimic the sound of an explosion. “Like, I remember seeing pictures of her stuff for the first time, and it freaked me out. One of the older kids in the neighborhood told me she was freezing people into rock, that’s how real her stuff looks.”
“She’s a good artist, but she was an awful mother.” Byakuya says flatly, immediately draining the rest of Hagakure’s enthusiasm. “We’re not continuing his conversation.”
“Right, right. Um. Sorry.” He taps his fingers against the spoon, ladles some of it into a little dish to taste. “Okay, um. Could you pass me some dishes? From that cabinet in front of you - to the left - yeah, thanks.”
The concoction he scoops into the shallow dishes Byakuya hands him is…unappealing. At least visually - a muddy brown sludge that glops thickly off of his ladle - but it smells good, spicy and warm. One of the bowls is passed back, and there’s a conflict of sensation as Byakuya tries to decide if he’s hungry enough to risk it, something that he couldn’t even clearly oversee the process of making.
“You’re surprisingly well-versed in the kitchen.”
“Yeah, well. I get into hot water a lot when my fortunes don’t work out, especially with my, uh…higher class clients, so I had to get used to taking care of myself. Didn’t wanna bother my parents with it, ya know?” He flicks off the stove, covers the pot, and reaches to the right for the rice cooker. Opens it with a sharp smack to the lid. “Like, I don’t think I’ve seen my dad face-to-face in…it feels like two years. Maybe longer.”
He holds out his hand. Byakuya passes over his bowl, and he plops some rice into the center of it, before handing it back.
“I can’t finish this much.”
“Sure you can, you’re a growing guy.” There’s the roll of a drawer being pulled open, then a clatter before a spoon is being dropped into his bowl as well. “You better eat all of it, by the way. Every grain of rice has seven gods, so you gotta eat them all so you don’t get cursed.”
“...What kind of saying is that?”
“Dunno, but my Ma used to say it all the time. Come on, let’s go into the caf-”
He halts suddenly, halfway to the door. Byakuya nearly runs into his back, and just barely keeps from spilling his bowl. “What-”
“Um. Hold on.” The previous casualness of his voice is gone, and there’s a hard thread of unease running through it again. “Uh…wait out here for a moment, okay?”
“Dude, please. Just for a moment.” He sets his bowl down on the counter. “I’ll be right back.”
And then he’s out the door before Byakuya can make any protest, leaving him alone in the kitchen, now uncomfortably quiet without the soft hiss of the stove. He stands there, stunned, feeling a little bit stung - no, irked - at the sudden dismissal.
He wasn’t about to take orders from Hagakure, regardless of whatever weird pseudo-symbiotic-relationship the other boy thought they had going on. He walks towards the door, moving to elbow it open-
“I’m telling you, just leave him alone.”
He freezes, ducking his head down. Hagakure’s voice is high and scratchy with nervousness, but firm despite that. “For the last time-”
“I-I-I-” Someone else stutters. The voice is familiar, and Byakuya feels his gut drop in recognition. The last he heard it, it was seething with malice, spit like venom at his feet. “I j-just wanna l-look at him…”
Hagakure lets out a long-suffering sigh, indicating that this wasn’t the first time he’s had to deal with this. “Seven hells, Toko, I really don’t get you,” He grumbles. “You said you hated him, right? I mean, you said so at the trial, and you did…all that.” He coughs. “He wasn’t interested to begin with, and there’s really no way to turn it around after that.”
“I-It was t-to prove that we’re th-the same!” Fukawa shrieks, trigger-sudden and indignant. There’s a sharp thump as she stomps her foot, hard enough to rattle some nearby furniture. “If I d-didn’t do that, he w-would’ve never a-accepted what h-happened to him!”
Byakuya frowns at that, and sets the bowl aside in favor of sinking into a half-crouch, ear pressing up against the door, beneath the tiny window. What was she talking about? Not accepting my own condition? Don’t I know myself better than anyone else?
“That’s not up to you to decide,” Hagakure starts.
“I-It’s not up t-to you to p-protect him either!” She spits back. “Y-you’ve been keeping him a-away from me recently, wh-what’s with you? D-did you have some k-kind of awakening, or something?!”
“Hey, I’ll have you know that my type is none of your business - and anyways, ain’t it logical to wanna keep away from you?” He grumbles, then yelps. “C-calm down-! I just mean - you know, you…you don’t exactly give off warm and fuzzy feelings about hanging out with people!”
Toko barks a laugh, shrill and mirthless. “Wh-which makes him perfect for me,” And Byakuya feels disgust roll down his back. “I-I know I’m m-miserable, a-and unfriendly and unloveable,”
“Hey,” Hagakure says, a little more gently than before.
“B-but s-so is he! H-he’s just b-better at hiding it, p-pretending to be a, a perfect, white-horse prince,” She spits the words vehemently. “I-if he was p-perfect, th-then maybe, I c-could just be s-satisfied with - with being n-near him, with b-being used…”
She trails off. Byakuya fights the urge to physically cringe at the mere suggestion, instead gritting his teeth, nails scratching lightly against the door’s tacky surface. “B-but, he’s not perfect. S-so, that means I c-can reach him - i-it’s possible for someone l-like m-me to actually be with him,” She giggles, and the sound is far too childishly delighted to suit her mouth, and far too chilling to have innocent intentions behind it. “I-I dragged him off his p-pedestal, s-so now I can actually touch him.”
It’s vile, listening to her. The sound feels like a filth that clings to him, sliding into his ears, contaminating him from the inside out. Poisoning him, paralyzing him.
He’s only vaguely aware of his body sliding down lower, unable to maintain the awkward pose, curled over and unable to brace himself properly against the swinging door. He sinks into a squat, ears straining.
“...Um, ew.” Hagakure mutters succinctly. “Okay, first of all, no you can’t. Pretty sure Monokuma would have some problems about that, he’s all gung-ho about decency and stuff. Second, Toga’s still not gonna be into you. You blew that chance when you, uh…”
“When I w-what? S-strung up Chihiro?” She snorts. “H-he would’ve done the s-same if h-he was a-actually as perfect as h-he said.”
The contamination sinks deeper, claws curling cruelly into his chest. I would have never, He thinks through the tinny, lightheaded hum in his skull, but there’s a sickening sense of dread that twists in his stomach as he realizes he can’t even be sure of that. He might have. He would’ve had no use for Chihiro if he wasn’t blind, he would have barely even hesitated if the opportunity was there - to defile someone else’s corpse for nothing more than his own self-righteousness.
He’s probably had this realization already, but it’s revolting to hear it come from Fukawa. He should go out there, tell her to shut up, to leave him be-
“-a-and anyways, y-you still didn’t t-tell me why y-you’re so obsessed with p-protecting him.” She’s still saying, distantly, and it feels as if the door is suddenly several times thicker than it was previously, muffling the sound dramatically. “Y-you don’t have a-anything in c-common, I don’t s-see why you’d want t-to be near him, u-unless…y-you’re doing it for someone else, aren’t y-you?”
Hagakure doesn’t respond. Makes no sound to confirm or deny it. Byakuya waits, ringing intensifying, disease festering into his lungs. It was getting hard to breathe. His pulse thrums in his ears, too loud to think, not nearly loud enough to drown their voices out.
“I s-saw you with Makoto,” She continues, and the confirmation of Byakuya’s suspicion does nothing to make him feel better. “He- he asked you t-to do this, right? To protect him, h-how nice,” She snarls, disgusted. “L-looking out for his p-precious boyfriend, when he won’t d-do it himself-”
“That’s…that’s not it,” Hagakure protests, but he doesn’t sound convincing, voice so hesitant and soft that Byakuya barely catches it. “Mako-chi’s just…busy, right now-”
“Y-yeah, too busy trying to g-get out of here so Byakuya c-can get fixed, so he can s-stop f-feeling guilty - h-he doesn’t want to have to look at him, b-but he can’t help s-sticking his nose in anyways, he’s s-so sweet it makes me sick.” Byakuya legs shake, cramping, but he forces himself still, keeps his ear flattened to the door despite the nausea building in his gut, the light-headedness in his temples - “B-but it’s too much work t-to comfort him or drag him a-around, s-so he has to get s-someone to do it, right?”
He wouldn’t, is Byakuya’s immediate thought, but it’s weak, even in his own head. Makoto hasn’t sought him out all since that night in the bathhouse because Byakuya had requested it; had demanded that he leave him alone with as much vitriol and firmness as he could muster, and as with so many other things, Makoto had obeyed. But while Fukawa’s words are acerbic and biting, they’re also painfully, terribly logical.
He wonders now, how he must have looked to the others. Slowly falling apart, barely eating, rarely showing his face. So utterly different from how he tried to portray himself at first, an ill-fitted facsimile of how he used to be, how he should be; it’s no wonder Makoto would go behind his back to take care of him. Between disobeying him again and trying to keep him alive, the choice must have been easy.
The fact that that choice had to be made at all, however, made Byakuya want to…
There’s a thud as his legs finally give out, his knees smashing against the tile, but he hardly notices. Not while the sickness spreads, a physical decay in his torso eating away at him, swift and insatiable. He’s not hungry anymore, but he feels emptier than he’s ever been. 
The door swings open suddenly, bumping against his shoulder, and he sways, unsteady. Hands reach out, catching him before he can fall over.
“Whoa, hey,” Hagakure sounds muffled, underwater. He hooks his hands beneath Byakuya’s arms, trying to pull him upright, and only then does Byakuya realize that he’s not really breathing. Probably hasn’t been for the past few minutes. “Toga- I mean- you okay?” 
Of course not, he wants to snap, but talking would mean opening his mouth, and that would mean breaking down into tears like a petulant infant, so he clamps his mouth shut and tries to get as much oxygen as he can through his nose. Slow, stuttered, wheezing breaths, teeth sinking into raw, just-healing skin and breaking it bloody all over again. He leans away from Hagakure’s grip as much as possible and tries to brace himself against the wall, shaky hands against the cool bumps of the tile. Trying to count them, one by one.
“I,” He manages to grit out when he was marginally more calm, ignoring Hagakure’s worried clucking. His voice quavers, and he swallows hard around the shrapnel lodged in his throat. “I’m going to go.”
“Dude, come on-”
He lurches forward, clumsily dodging Hagakure’s attempts to support him, and walks as steadily as he can out of the kitchen. The moment he crosses the open space of the cafeteria and into the hallway, he breaks into a sprint for his room. As far away from prying eyes as he can manage.
(When he opens his door later that night, he finds a plastic container and a spoon sitting by the threshold, its contents long cold.)
(He eats it anyways and scrapes it clean, and leaves it sitting empty outside of his door again.)
< previous - from start - next >
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beeqisch · 1 year
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timkon band au wip that i'll finish later. later as in... a few days.... at least a week probably....(⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠;⁠)
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disposal-blueeee · 14 days
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from this thing on twt
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soadscrawl · 2 years
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you guys seemed to really like my medic steve, so i decided to expand on it. apparently im not the first person to think of this concept, and i think its so funny we all collectively saw this violent teenage boy who punches everything and were like “what if he did the opposite of that” lmao. some notes:
-this is what i imagine his outfit for wizards would be. he still hangs out with the knights, but thats becasue hes a medic who keeps having to patch them up during the tournament and stuff
-i imagine a running gag where everyone in the past thinks steve is a medical genius bc he knows about things like washing your hands before doing a medical procedure and boiling water to purify it. a big chunk of his arc would be about him liking to feel like hes smart and not wanting to leave the past bc he feels special there since he has so much more knowledge than them.
-the longer hair is for two reasons: 1) its in some concept art and i thought it was cute, 2) in the rewrite of TOA that lives in my head theres a timeskip between the end of 3below and wizards, so it also shows the progression of time, and represents how steve has changed since the beginning of 3below.
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pteropods · 5 months
The meower
#Queued... technically March 23rd?#I mean its march 22nd in oregon. but im not there rn lolz#either way im late. SORRY !! i forfor to queue on the 20th then i was on planes for like 21 hrs total#well no 5 of those were a layover @ the airport but#ANYWAYYYYY hi future me !!!#Howww was the trip? im on my first (second actually- its 4am of the second day if u coukd the arrival) day in Hong Kong#Its rlly hot and humid so I think im gonna die. BUT ITS ALSO SUPER COOL !!#Even just from the few hours I had out earlier its amazingggg. The lights and the buildings are so cool and theres such a fun but chaotic#atmosphere - idk if its just bcs its a big city or specific to HK?#I loveee large cities in general. New york. Tokyo. HK. thats all of the ones ive been to ig#I havent seen even close to all of HK. Im in central rn but we're goin to other parts later#Dad says the other parts are totally different- Like theres LOADS of gisnt buildings here (WAY MORE THAN U SEE IN ******!!! u know that tho#and theyre almost all residential of the ones I passed. Im sure theres offices n stuff i just didnt see them in the likd 20 minutes cab#ride lolz. U know all tuis already tho#ig what im getting at is HOW WAS THE TRIP !!!!! How was the rest of HK? WHAT WAS KYOTO LIKE??#augh soo many cool things.....#Also also !! Have you learned any mire katakana?#ive JUST learned the vowel line so maybe u lesrned the k line now too?#I cant imagine school is any different. OHH DID U FINISH THE M P 10P COMIC??#I started it and got abt one page done on the plane#I think it should only end up being two or three pages idk#Ohh !! Hows the new meds going !! I think u should have ur blood test done by now so do u know if it helped at all?#I hope soooooooooooo#Mm I think thats all I have to say .... NO WAIT HAVE U HUNG OUT W/ JACKIE??#i rlly want to b friends with her ^.^#Alright Thats all !! HAVE A GOOD DAYYYYYY I LOVE U#queue drop#weather report#WAIT EDIT DID THE TRIGUN VOLUME COME. HOW IS IT
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nikossasaki · 2 years
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styxms · 2 years
If you don't mind, could I have a stimboard themed on the Nether from Minecraft? With the warped/crimson forest biomes please! .nf
absolutely !
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karouvas · 1 year
kind of want to skip straight to NH Elena in my rewatch partly just because it’s the best part of s4 but also the way I could then be so very annoying about no humanity Elena 🤝 emotionless Julian parallels..
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sungwoonha · 1 year
back frm wari wari-ing love my bffs so much<3
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maplesyrupsainz · 9 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙biscuits | CS55˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: carlos sainz x baker!reader y/n (she/her)
genre: social media au, new relationship
warnings: nothing rly, jus lots of fun interactions with drivers & some fluff w carlos tehe
summary: in which your baked goods are a hit with the grid (and so is your blossoming relationship)
a/n: hiii i loveee making fics where y/n is bffs with the whole grid lolz & by whole grid it's like 4 other drivers coz i dnt have the time & space to be writing in a thousand diff relationship dynamics nd these ppl r the ones i feel most comfy writing !
request!!!: For your inspiration maybe smau with Carlos and baker reader who gets along with everyone and bakes for everyone . And maybe make it funny like the "meme" you made with Lando *(HERE for reference)*
fc: various brunette girls from pinterest
my masterlist
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris, and 411,593 others
yourusername happy new year 🎇🫶
tagged: carlossainz55
view all 4,096 comments
user1 happy new year y/n!!!
user2 omgg her first new year with carlos?? 🤭
user3 hiii y/n :)
yourusername hi❤️
user3 OMG
carlossainz55 pretty girl
yourusername 🫶
user5 i love them
charles_leclerc it's 10pm on january 2nd
landonorris leave her alone charles she was hungover
charles_leclerc for 2 days?
yourusername dont shame me. we all saw you on carlos' birthday
charles_leclerc 🤐
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liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton, and 623,196 others
carlossainz55 a winter break update
tagged: yourusername
view all 10,821 comments
user7 i luv her
landonorris ?? those biscuits better be for me
carlossainz55 no go away
yourusername not these ones landie lou :p
landonorris boooooo
user8 not landie lou
user9 y/n is so pretty
yourusername why post that pic of us, u made me look crazy
carlossainz55 you did that all on your own my love
charles_leclerc lol 😂
yourusername you want biscuits or not charles leloser
charles_leclerc im sorry y/n
user10 the nicknames😭
user11 lol the grid is so whipped for y/n
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carlossainz55 posted a story
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liked by yourusername, danielricciardo, and 23,555 others
landonorris MY BISCUITS??
charles_leclerc FOR ME!??
danielricciardo aw we miss y/n
carlossainz55 she said she's rustling up something delicious for you & heidi 💘
danielricciardo omg feel so blessed rn
user13 😮 the poison biscuits?!?!??
user14 the heartssss she's too cute
liked by carlossainz55
danielricciardo posted a story
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liked by carlossainz55, yourusername, and 55,827 others
sry i made a typo it's meant to say FROM our angel lolz
danielricciardo we luv u
landonorris daniel she hates me
danielricciardo no ur just a beg
landonorris SHUT UP
user15 this is soooo cute
user17 in love w her
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, and 567,892 others
yourusername my vacay got gatecrashed by ferrari's worst driver 😢
view all 12,011 comments
charles_leclerc why are you always so mean to me y/n
yourusername im so sowwy charlie. will u ever forgive me??!!
charles_leclerc maybe. for some biscuits
yourusername ok deal i'll make u some biscuits
landonorris this is NOT fair
charles_leclerc suck it up little lando
user18 y/n in her biscuit era
user19 fr & the flowers are soo cute
carlossainz55 you literally love when he hangs out with us
yourusername 🤫 .
charles_leclerc ???
user20 LOL
oscarpiastri hi y/n
yourusername not you too
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, and 887,133 others
charles_leclerc winter break + biscuits 🍒
view all 9,819 comments
carlossainz55 lando is going to be so triggered
yourusername i told him to keep it HUSH.
landonorris WHAT IS THIS
charles_leclerc nooo hahahhh
landonorris im done with you charles lestinks
yourusername oh it's serious
landonorris YES IT'S SERIOUS
user21 someone make that boy some biscuits
user22 we all gonna ignore charles hands in that pic 👀
user23 oh no dw. we're looking
oscarpiastri justice for lando norris
liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, danielricciardo, carlossainz55
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liked by yourusername, estebanocon, and 822,643 others
carlossainz55 time flies
view all 16,193 comments
yourusername i love u so much cant wait to watch u this race season 🌶️
carlossainz55 my biggest supporter ❤️ i love you
user24 favs omg
landonorris aww is that you guys baking biscuits for me together?? 😊
carlossainz55 sure lando!
yourusername 🤨🤨
charles_leclerc ❤️❤️
scuderiaferrari can't wait to have our favourite girl back in the paddock!
carlossainz55 you & me both
yourusername ❤️
user25 ferrari admin is just like us
user26 the pic of them baking together is too cute
user27 AND y/n in the ferrari jacket😭😭
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liked by carlossainz55, georgerussell63, and 421,056 others
yourusername & we're back 🐎
view all 6,338 comments
user29 the nailssss
user30 she's so hot
alexandrasaintmleux so happy to be back to seeing u almost every weekend🙏
yourusername ME TOOO squealing & running round
charles_leclerc y/n you cant keep her for too long
yourusername i do what i want. sorry
alexandrasaintmleux 🤭🤭🤭
carlossainz55 my lucky charm 🍀
yourusername blushing omg. i love u
carlossainz55 and i love you
scuderiaferrari lucky us!! everyone wants what we have
yourusername oh stop it you
user31 now kiss
user32 no wag will ever top y/n
user33 most supportive wag
yourusername posted a story
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liked by charles_leclerc, francisca.cgomes, and 83,415 others
charles_leclerc 😍
user34 omg sooo cute
user35 she's gorgeous
francisca.cgomes omggg love
yourusername where are u kika we want u with us
francisca.gomes omg tehe love you i'll come see you asap
landonorris posted a story
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liked by carlossainz55, oscarpiastri, and 201,738 others
carlossainz55 safe flight ✈️
charles_leclerc are you kidnapping her
landonorris no we're not all as crazy as you!
charles_leclerc behave 👎
user37 awwwww taking flights together they're besties
user38 she's just a girl fr
user39 stealing our girl away to smelly england?
yourusername posted a story
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, francisca.cgomes, and 67,082 others
landonorris you should be making biscuits for me
yourusername i might if you stop being so desperate
landonorris 🤨
carlossainz55 cant wait to reunite with you this evening 💘
yourusername me too i miss you tons!
user40 we love u y/n
user41 well deserved :))
pierregasly kika said where's her invite
yourusername we're not even in the same country unfortunately 😢 she knows i wish she was here to hang out
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liked by lewishamilton, carlossainz55, and 817,019 others
yourusername short stint in london 🇬🇧
view all 7,952 comments
lewishamilton the most beautiful couple
liked by yourusername, carlossainz55
oscarpiastri i love my parents
yourusername strange boy
carlossainz55 dont talk to our son like that y/n
oscarpiastri dad 🥹
yourusername ...my bad
user43 LOLLLL not y/n having no choice but to parent the rookies 🥹
user44 logan too i bet
charles_leclerc monaco next?
carlossainz55 we are literally always there??
charles_leclerc yeah well i miss you guys ok..
yourusername AWWW CHARLIEEE
landonorris aww look at you two
yourusername 😘 got some biscuits in the oven for you
landonorris NO WAY
landonorris posted a story
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, and 401,723 others
carlossainz55 my girl is beautiful AND generous
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 3 months
This just popped up in my mind and I just wnated you to picture this
So imagine a teen kid coming to the slendermanor and obviously they're a teen so everyone expects them to be loud and trouble in general because teens are teens at the end of the day. Just to find out that the teen is actually very mature because they were forced into a situation where they had to be mature at a young age and they're just quiet(but also have mad good murder tactics). Like i just imagine jeff trying to scare the child for shits and giggles and they just stare at him like 🙂
Summary: Quiet teen reader gets into shenanigans in the manor
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
A/n: The battle between Jeff and children is an age old war that I don't see ending anytime soon. ALSO SIDE NOTE, I'm probably gonna be changing up my format for writing majorly soon because im tired of looking at it lolz
Credits: Any Creepypasta characters used- Creepypasta, Divider- saradika-graphics, Picture- Pinterest
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Creeps x mature!teen!reader
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Generally when kids are brought into the manor, everyone's vibe is "Aw man that's really sad :(" even if they are a teen
Of course, once they get over the sadness, the anxiety starts peeking through
Like not even just teens, all kids are rowdy and annoying so no one really wants to deal with that
So when you get there and you're chill they're like "oh thank god"
No one likes rowdy kids
However, even that can have its hinderances
Like, it's definetly nothing as bad as you being crazy around the manor, but more so just concerning habits
For example, Brian can never do his job as a caretaker, because he'll be coming down the stairs only to see that all of his assigned kids are already out of bed
And when he finally finds them, they are watching T.V
He will ask "Are you guys ready for breakfast?" and they will reply "No thanks, y/n fed us!"
Or E.J, who as we know can't stand dirty things or unhygienic things, will be so confused when that pile of trash he commented on is suddenly gone only a few minutes later
Or his fridge will magically be cleaned out right when he was about to go and do it
Toby will be wondering where on earth his favorite hoodie and hatches went, only to find you out back sharpening and cleaning them, and his hoodie in the washer
Everyone is grateful for your help and all, but it's a little strange?
Like why do you feel the need to do these things? Do you just like helping out or do you feel you need to?
Then there's Ben and Jeff
No fucks given
So what if you're like 13? Jeff was being lit on fire at that age, grow tf up 🙄
Anyways, they both get a kick out of scaring kids
Jeff more than Ben, but it's a fun little friendship activity they do together <333
So when you are exploring the manor one day, suddenly Jeff bumps into you, being waaay nicer than usual
"Hey, y/n! I was just looking for you!"
"Oh, Hello Jeff. Did you need something?"
He'll grin real big and hold your shoulders "Yeah, I just need to test something real quick, so don't move. Just stay exactly like this, kay?"
You nod and do as told, but Jeff doesn't move either, he just stands still, still holding onto your shoulders and staring into your eyes
You then feel a chill go up your spine, and all of a sudden a horrifying warped face that looks as if it was straight out of an analog horror jumps right in front of you
You do jump a little, but other than that, there's no reaction
Jeff immediately drops the act and lets go of you "Ugh, really? Whatever loser, I'll go find someone else to scare"
And with that, he stomps off, but Ben stays for a little bit, his face still contorted into that scary one
He wiggles his fingers and makes an "Oooooo" sound before also walking off behind Jeff
They lose interest in you very quickly after realizing you won't give them a satisfactory reaction
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barbiiecams · 5 months
need to know
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drew starkey x reader, smut!, reader is younger and also JD’s little sister, she’s also tipsy but not drunk, kinda trash but hear me outtt 😭! & absolutely no hate to odessa i just needed a plot lolz, *not proof read*
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when you walked into the house party, the first person you were looking for was drew.
your brother, JD, was very close to him, so it made your life even better. if they hung out, you were hanging out too. and they were going to a party, you begged your brother to take you. even though you were an adult, some clubs (and some hosts of the parties) would only let a certain age in.
but now you had just turned 21, past the point of just being legal.
and now you just had to have your crush of basically 4 years.
when JD first got casted, you were so excited for him. you really did look up to your brother and admired him. because of the distance, he’d facetime you and tell you about all of the fun things he did, his fun scenes and etc.
it seemed genuinely fun, so when he asked you to meet the cast while they filmed season 2, there’s no way you would’ve turned that down.
he flew you out, helped you sort of “move in” to where he was staying at, and had you help him practice all of his lines. stepping onto the set was really nice, and so were all of the people.
everyone was so welcoming. the girls became your new besties and the boys saw you as their own baby sister as well.
but when it came to drew, being seen as a baby sister was something that almost… deflated you.
“and this is drew,” JD says as he finishes introducing you to the actors scattered all over the place.
when you locked eyes on him, you just felt your panties being soaked.
“nice to meet you,” drew smiles. blue eyes covered by his hair looking into yours and a hand sticking out. “what’s your name?”
you shook his hand, “y/n.” he nods at this before being called by one of the producers.
your shocked state might’ve been obvious, because your brother had to nudge you in the shoulder to get your attention back.
“you just turned 18, he’s 26 turning 27. don’t even think about it.” he gives you a stern look.
“think about what?” you feigned innocence. “you’re a weirdo.”
JD rolls his eyes, “yeah yeah whatever. come help me practice.”
you followed your brother over to wear his character chair was, but you couldn’t seem to get drew out of your head.
and now here you were. fast forward three years later and you were making the move. you just hoped he was actually interested and you wouldn’t embarrass yourself.
“don’t drink too much,” JD raised his voice over the music, “i wanna get wasted too.”
you rolled your eyes at him as he walked away and made it to the group of boys. you’re glad you actually watched him walk, seeing drew right there laughing and drinking.
as if he couldn’t get any more sexier, his hair was buzzed. usually, you weren’t attracted to the buzz cut. only some people could truly pull it off.
but it was drew, he could pull anything off. and when you saw him, you thought your legs were about to give out on you.
you had to really pull yourself out of thought. madelyn had spotted you and embraced you in a hug.
“hey girl! you’re finally of age!” she teased.
“i know,” you giggle. “where the drinks at?”
she laughs at you then brings you to a table where the rest of the girls are. they’re cheering, hugging you, and happy to finally see you and actually party, no rules pushed onto you.
“what’s gonna be your first drink?” laci asks with a smile.
“i want the hardest shit available.” you said, half joking yet half serious.
now all of you guys are really laughing. “getting bold i see.” madison jokes.
but that’s exactly what you get served. a gin and juice given to you all pretty and colorful, but when you took a sip, your face immediately scrunched up.
madelyn giggles, “drink it!”
“i didn’t know it was that strong!” you defend.
they’re laughing at your face while also trying to down their own hard liquor. you’re having such a good time, the headache you’ll have tomorrow morning is least of your worries.
you guys are all drinking and dancing, the time passing being the least of your worries. you’re on your second drink, and third shot of the night, and that’s when you realize you still haven’t said hi to any of the boys.
“i’m gonna go say hi to everyone else,” you tell the girls as you guys are settling back down from dancing. they all nod and watch you walk to the other side of the room, where austin is now chugging a beer while the rest of them yell “chug, chug, chug!”
as you’re walking over there, you seem to notice a girl with curly hair, standing next to drew.
‘interesting.’ you thought.
austin finishes and they’re all yelling for him. he turns around to your face and smiles. “baby sis!” he yells.
everyone turns to see you, and the screaming is now directed towards you. you were definitely walking out of here with a headache and hearing loss.
you gave them all individual hugs, saving the best one for last. (drew of course.)
“how are you?” chase gives you a pat on the back.
“more than good, i can see you are too.” you chuckle as you point out the spilled drink in his shirt.
he lets out a drunken huff, “yea blame your brother for that one.”
JD raises his head from a plate of wings he’s devouring. “you were in the way!”
you realize you’re still hugging drew, and he’s still got his arms around your shoulders. the thought ran through your mind that you looked like a little fangirl, but you didn’t care. hopefully when the night was over, you’d be doing more than just holding onto him.
he lets go of you, and you internally sigh. “you’ve been drinking?” he asks.
you nod, “not enough tho.”
he laughs at your response then turns to the girl you saw earlier, “odessa, this is y/n.”
“nice to meet you!” she waves. she’s pretty, but what was she doing around drew?
you didn’t have the guts to ask, and it would be a weird look if you did, so you left it alone and just mimicked her smile and wave.
“alright i just came to say hi, ill talk to you guys in a few!” you said, wanting to get away from them in a heartbeat as long as she was still around.
you walked away from them while they all were saying ‘see you in a few.’ getting back to the table with the girls, you immediately had to ask them.
“whos that girl with drew?” you said as you sipped your almost empty glass.
“odessa?” madelyn starts, “that’s his friend. they shot a movie together and have been close ever since. they look like a couple tho, right?” she says as she downs a piece of pizza.
hearing that made you feel good yet bad at the same time. they were only friends, yet people seemed to peep at the fact that they looked like more than just friends.
and you weren’t having any of that.
not wanting to speak any more of it, you just let out a ‘hm’ which seemed to go unnoticed.
“how come?” madison asks.
“no reason,” you lie. “they just looked really close.”
over the next two hours, you went from drinking, dancing, eating, then repeating then same process. it started to catch up with you, but that wasn’t stopping you. surprisingly, you weren’t that much of a lightweight.
walking and sort of tripping in between people over to the counter with drinks, drew’s there by himself filling up his glass. you weren’t sure were that girl odessa was, but you most certainly didn’t care to find out.
as you slightly stumble, he holds your arm as you get closer so you wouldn’t have to struggle.
“somebody’s having fun,” he laughs.
“i am, i’m not drunk just yet tho dont worry.” you giggle. you started to think your legs were actually giving out on you to the sight of him, and his hand on your arm wasn’t helping your case.
“take it easy,” he says, “JD isn’t the most sober either.”
he motioned his head over to where he was. you turned your head to see your brother doing a line of shots with everyone surrounding him, cheering and yelling some more.
“of course,” you mutter.
drew chuckles, “i got you, don’t worry.”
your stomach was doing flips at this point. his words affected you, even if they weren’t meant to be flirtatious. that’s how bad this attraction was.
it’s silent between the two of you for a second, until you decide it’s time to speak up. ‘now or never’ you thought.
“can i ask you something?” you turned back to him. he replies with a quick ‘sure’ as he put his phone down.
“are you and odessa together or something?” you blurted. maybe you should’ve reworded the statement, but the drinks had gotten your boldness up.
he seemed taken aback, “no, not at all. why?”
you didn’t have a lie for this one, “just wondering.”
he wasn’t moving on from that quickly at all. “i can tell that’s not full truth.”
that little thought came back into your head again. ‘now or never.’
“it’s just… i feel like i want you to see me more than just as a little sis.” you said. when you said this, you didn’t feel bad either. you’ve been wanting him for a good 3 years now, and you’d be damned if you let someone else get him before you did.
he’s not speaking for a good moment which makes you worried, then he finally says something.
“you’re gorgeous y/n, you know that?” he starts. you nod, but you were kind of freaking out at the same time, not really knowing where he would take it from here.
“but i’d think it be wrong if i saw you as anything else other than a little sister. you’re a lot younger, and literally the little sister of a close friend. i just don’t think it would work.” he explains.
fuck no. you were not giving up that easily.
you started to stand a little closer to him. “i’m 21! that’s enough past 18 if i can legally drink. and who cares about JD?”
“i know, i know. but JD most definitely wouldn’t like seeing his sister with his best friend.” drew tries to reason.
“i don’t care,” you drag out the word. “i’ve been crushing on you since i met you. i waited so long to finally tell you.”
you can see the light red start to form at his cheeks and the smirk come to his lips, “i’m flattered, really. but i’d rather not get my ass beat by your big brother.”
“please?” now you were really getting close by wrapping your arms around his neck. “it can be our little secret. no one has to find out. but i just need to know.”
drew’s starting to cave. he rests his hands on the sides of your hip. “need to know what?”
the smirk is starting to become more evident, and his voice starts to drop.
“how you feel, how you taste. i want you so bad.”
“you’re gonna get me in trouble, y’know.”
you don’t notice up until now how close your faces are. he lets out a sigh that sounds like he’s not going to let is guard down, but little do you know he’s been wanting to take you there just as long as you’ve wanted it.
“i’d be lying if i said i didn’t want to bend you over the minute we shook hands.” he said seductively.
“then do it now.” you tell him.
something you’ve been waiting on forever, he gives you a short kiss on the lips. he pulls back quick and make sure no one’s watching, but everyone is too busy drinking and dancing currently.
he rubs his hands up and down on your sides. “let’s go upstairs.”
it’s like a weight lifted off your shoulders. all these years of plotting finally paid off. you were so ready to give him whatever he wanted and have him take you however he pleased.
he held your hand as the two of you walked upstairs, getting to the most closest and available room, he opened the door for you and walked in behind you, locking the door.
he wasted no time either. as soon as the two of you were closed off, he started kissing you deep. forcing his tongue into your mouth, teeth clashing, and his hands working to get your pants off.
you definitely weren’t trying to waste a moment either. your hands immediately went under his shirt to feel his abs, and to take it off.
his hands worked fast. he got your pants off after pushing you down to the bed, and now your top was gone as he started to feel you through your bra. you were still trying to get his belt off.
he’s groaning into your mouth and it’s the hottest thing you could possible experience. “shit, i need to taste you. let me taste it baby.”
as he’s working to get your bra off, you finally managed taking off his belt and unzipping his jeans. he took down his own pants, then went straight to dipping his head down there and took of your panties, quite literally discarding them. he pushes your legs open and gets to work.
he opened your folds with his hands then put his tongue on you, which had you moaning in seconds.
drew knew exactly what to do with his tongue. you were already so worked up on him, and now he was eating you out like it was the first meal he’s ever had.
he brought a thumb up to your clit. “like fuckin candy, mama. so sweet.”
“drew!” you practically screamed out.
he moans against your clit, which really does it for you. “be as loud as you want, baby, nobody can hear us.”
and that’s exactly what you do. you don’t hold back your moans for a second.
he puts a finger in you and starts moving it quick, curling it while still using his tongue. he was a fuckin pro.
the release was coming quick, but he stops. he hears the sound of disappointment and sees it on your face.
he pulls down his boxers, “it’s okay. gonna make you cum around me as many times as this pussy can.”
that’s all he has to say for you to practically push yourself even closer to him.
and he was real big. you were almost afraid he wouldn’t fit. but right now, you had to have him in every way. you’ve craved him for too long and you didn’t care if it hurt.
he lines up with your entrance and rubs the tip along it. “you ready?”
“give it to me.” you say. he takes this as his cue to push his length inside you.
both of you let out a sigh when he goes in. he makes sure you feel every inch of him, moving in slowly then bottoming out completely.
“you feel too good, princess.” he groans. all you can do is whimper at how full you felt with him inside.
after a few moments of letting the feeling sink in, he starts moving. your breathing starts to heavy, and it feels like you’re on cloud nine.
“mhm, that’s right. feel me baby.” he says as the pace speeds up. he throws his head back and his hands squeeze your hips, holding you down and making sure you take it all.
he then plants a leg on the bed, fixing his position so he can hit it even deeper. you can’t even form words at this point. it’s just all moans and “ah ah ah” sounds.
you can feel him all the way in your guts. he’s in there so deep, going completely ham on your tight hole. it was so much that you reached your arms out to try and block his hips a bit.
drew wasn’t taking that. “uh uh baby. you wanted this right? you wanted to know. you wanted to be a big girl and take it, so that’s what you’re gonna do.”
“it’s so deep!” you’re able to blabber out. he puts his leg down and leans back on his knees, bringing you to sit up with him. now his hands are supporting your waist as your hands find his shoulders, holding on for dear life.
“i know it is baby i feel it,” he says against your mouth. “i knew you’d be a good girl for me tho, shit. taking this cock like a damn pro.”
as he thrusts up into you, he starts grinding your waist into him. this is a whole new feeling that has you really screaming out now.
“you like that, pretty?” he says into your ear.
“so much!” you mewl. he chuckles at the state your in. fucked out and filled with his cock.
“yea i know you do baby.” he says. “you just needed a real man to come and work you huh?”
he lets out a breath before continuing, “yea, you like your men with some experience. don’t you baby?”
you just let out more moans at his words, he knew what he was doing and he was proud.
you felt the orgasm approaching, and he could tell too. “you gonna cum?”
“yes!” you yelp.
“go ahead sweet girl. let me feel this pussy gush around me.”
when he gave you the ok, you let go. you were cumming and crying at the same time, everyone downstairs probably wondering where the two of you went. but did either of you care?
absolutely not!
“that’s it, good job baby. i knew you’d be a good girl f’me.” he says, thrusts slowing down to soak in all of your orgasm.
he laid you back down to get a few more thrusts in. now he’s chasing his own release.
“i’m gonna cum, sweetheart. you want it on your stomach?”
“anywhere,” you respond.
he looked shocked. “oh yea? what if i knock you up? then what are we gonna do?”
“i’m on the pill! promise.” you tell him.
his eyes squeeze shut. he was real close. “okay baby, here it comes.”
you feel the hot liquid squirt inside you and fill you up. you could almost cry again from how good it felt.
when he was done, he stayed inside for a little just to calm down. after that, he pulled out and laid down next to you.
“i’m glad you convinced me, best sex i’ve had in a while.” he’s still catching his breath but smiling.
you giggle, “it’s about time i got my hands on you.”
he laughs as well, holding you close and letting both of your bodies relax. “guess you’re all mine now.”
him saying that made your heart burst. it’s the only words you’ve been wanting to hear for so long. “i guess you’re all mine too.”
he smiles, but then you suddenly remember you’re at a party. “we better go back down before they start a watch party for us.” you said while getting up, trying to find where he even threw your underwear.
“right. we’re getting you a plan b tomorrow too.” he says, and you definitely have to agree.
but finally, that was your man.
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marlenesluv · 1 year
hii shawty i have another smau thought/request! max x country girl (like claire monroe/monroe derillo) and people find out about their relationship and social media hates her since shes SO country and so much younger than him
better kept secret. (MV)
hii! i can definitely do that, i love this idea as well :)
pairing: max verstappen x country reader
fc: claire monroe
warnings: some social media hate from maxs fans. not rly a warnings, but age gap! (7 years)
masterlist here -> masterlist link
^ check my list for all posts! ^
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liked by: maxverstappen1, yourbsf, and 32,184 others
y/n.user: what’s more fun than sonic at 2am?
view comments…
user61: sonic > anything else fr
f1.updates: did max like this?…….
|> wagsf1: no- no way….
formula1fans: i will not stand for this, no way max knows her
|> user4: who even cares LOL
yourbsf: you are so beautiful, HELLO????
|> y/n.user: awe, thank you hun🥹
f1.edits: i am not editing her….. ummm
|> formula1fans: who asked you to? LMAO
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liked by: y/n.user, carlossainz55, and 487,104 others
maxverstappen1: great night in monza. excited for this little break for two weeks
view comments…
f1fan: who’s the girl….
|> wagupdates: it might be @y/n.user. she liked this and he liked her most recent picture. idk, i could be wrong but it also looks like her in this pic
|> f1fan: bro she’s like 16
|> formula1fans: she’s 18. but it’s legal sooo
|> f1fan: it’s weird, babe
|> formula1fans: idk
charles_leclerc: congrats about monza!!
|> maxverstappen1: thank you!
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liked by: maxverstappen1, landonorris, and 71,294 others
y/n.user: 🍹(it’s a virgin drink lolz)
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f1.wags: don’t tell me that’s max, pls no
|> formula1fans: it rly looks like him….
maxverstappen.fp: theres no way this is the girl he’s dating. this country girl?
mv.redbull: shes way too young for him…
|> formula1fans: pierre and his gf, kika, have a bigger age gap than this… who cares?
yourbsf: my prettiest cowgirl in all of the south 💓
|> y/n.user: ilyyyyy
y/n.fans: these comments are literally not it.
lilymhe: the suit….it looks so good on you
|> y/n.user: ty lily!!!
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liked by: pierregasly, maxverstappen1, and 81,194 others
y/n.user: baes first rodeo 🫶
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yourbsf: SO FUN WOOOOO
|> y/n.user: took his rodeo virginity YEEHAW🤠😭🤭
f1wags: nah, this ain’t it.
user98: i’m so confused, is this max?
|> f1updates: i think soo…….
|> f1wagupdate: soft launch vibes but i think we all know
francisca.cgomes: the fits are givinggg💓
|> y/n.user: thank you kika😊🤍
|> f1.fans: oh, the underage gfs duo!
|> user23: you do realize that they are not underage rt?
user73: okay but, if this is maxs gf, he should stand up for her. the amount of hate is ridiculous
|> user50: fr. and why the hate? cause she’s 18? pierre and kika have a bigger age gap. not to mention that everyone is j mad cuz she’s with max
F1 Wags Updates @f1wagupdates • 7hr
here’s what we know about y/n y/l/n so far, potentially max verstappens new girlfriend:
y/n is 18 and lives in tennessee, and attends college at the university of tennessee. now, fans have not been happy with the recent posts on y/n and maxs instagrams.
we know that max, pierre, lando, kika, lily, carlos, and oscar follow y/n, so far. max has been liking y/n’s photos of her and this new “boyfriend.” just like y/n has liked max’s new picture with his alleged “girlfriend.”
we don’t know anything for certain yet, as nothing has been announced. we assume this is a soft launch for them. throwing hate in y/n’s comments does absolutely nothing. especially because she’s “too country” and “too young.”
*comments have been disabled on this tweet*
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liked by: maxverstappen1, lilymhe, and 99,273 others
y/n.user: ⚠️⚠️⚠️
*comments have been disabled on this post*
User 79 @user79 • 3hr
what are your thought on it? #y/n
User 56 @user56 • 3hr
i think that you guys are mad for no damn reason lol. let the poor girl live, she didn’t ask for this backlash, and for what? because she’s 18, which she can’t control. because she’s country? who cares? being country is so cool. because she’s dating max and you aren’t? stop being so jealous and let them date in peace
Formula 1 Updates @formula1update • 3hr
her making her comments disabled definitely means she knows what’s going on, and being a wag comes with the hate. if she can’t handle it, then she doesn’t need to date max
Wags of F1 @f1wags • 2hr
that’s actually so stupid. she’s not dating max bc he’s famous, i’m sure. so it’s not like she wants the media, hence the soft launch. honestly, you guys are being ridiculous for no reason. there are bigger age gaps with other couples, find a real problem in the world.
User 37 @user37 • 1hr
here’s the real question, why aren’t you guys behind y/n like you are the rest of the wags?
User 61 @user61 • 59mins
the real question is actually why max hasn’t said anything yet…..
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liked by: y/n.user, danielricciardo, and 1,014,194 others
maxverstappen1: my pr manager told me to keep quiet, to keep my relationship off of social media. two weeks ago, i told my girlfriend i was sick of not being able to show her off. at the beginning of my vacation, i posted a picture of us at her house, receiving all sorts of rude comments. then, the comments continued on to her page. “why hasn’t max said anything about the hate?” i couldn’t. i still technically cant, but getting facetimes at 2am because of comments making my girlfriend cry? i’m over it. if you can’t support my relationship, you are not a fan of mine. if you’re a fan of me, you need to understand that i have a personal life, which i rarely share. and the one time i do share, it can’t be an issue. to those that have stuck up for y/n and me, thank you.
*comments have been restricted to only those the creator follows*
y/n.user: thank you, max❤️
|> maxverstappen1: only posting what i should have posted weeks ago❤️
danielricciardo: it’s weird seeing you all emotional, dude. but i hope you guys are doing well ✌️
carmenmmundt: y/n is such a beautiful soul. it’s hard to meet people so genuine and kind. you’ve got an amazing girlfriend, max.
|> maxverstappen1: i know i do, i don’t deserve her
|> y/n.user: thank you carmen🫶 max shut up❤️
*liked by creator*
pierregasly: finally i can post all the pictures i got with you two in them
carlossainz55: congrats!!
|> maxverstappen1: on what?
|> carlossainz55: i don’t know…but congrats on announcing your relationship!!
|> maxverstappen1: right…thanks
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
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heartfeltcherie · 3 months
❝come and get it now❞
notes; birthday present for myself! this is also my first time writing something not rated pg-13 so my apologies if it’s not the greatest.
wc; i was too lazy to paste everything to google docs to figure out how many words were written lolz
warnings: mentions of smoking weed, making out, suggestive at the end. minors please don’t interact lol
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you emerge into the lounge area, looking for something— anything —to do, pure boredom clogging up your mind. you see alastor and your dead heart skips a beat.
only he’s capable of doing that.
shades of red cast in through the open door of the hotel. alastor leans against the doorway casually, smoke dancing from his lips so gracefully you’d swear he was doing it on purpose to put you in a trance.
“penny for your thoughts?” you didn’t realize you were staring. “are you smoking weed?” a dumb question. you know a blunt when you see one. “indeed it is, my dear” he answers back so smoothly and casually, like seeing him doing such a thing is completely normal.
you take a few tentative steps closer to him. he’s got his eyes trained on the outside of the pride ring. his side profile looks so beautiful. and the way he holds that blunt between his fingers with such elegance and… care? god, you wish it was your hand he was holding instead.
“didn’t take you to be a smoker” you joke playfully, leaning against the opposite side of the doorway, one leg crossed in front of the other. alastor chuckles at you. “there’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, belle” he takes another drag and blows out the smoke… your gaze goes to his lips. “my eyes are up here, darling” your eyes widen and your face feels hot as he curves his finger under your chin to tilt your head up. his eyes are so beautiful under hell’s red glow.
you both stay like that for what seems like forever, time ticking by slowly as you put a tentative hand around his wrist, carefully testing the waters. and it surprises you when he doesn’t pull away or make the distance between you two less…
he stays. and instead he uses his thumb to gently pull your bottom lip down, moving his thumb across it so teasingly and tauntingly — but what else did you expect? it’s alastor for hell’s sake. but it doesn’t stop the sudden urge you feel to open your mouth fully for his thumb to enter your mouth.
“something on your mind, cher?” alastor’s voice breaks through the silence with a smirk on his face; yeah, a certain radio demon and how badly i wanna kiss him. “may i try it?” alastor tilts his head at you, his radio coming through with muffles. “the weed”
alastor stands up straight again, taking his hand away from you (it feels cold there now). he lets out a hum, taking another puff. “oh, if you so must” he passes it to you and it gives you butterflies that your lips will be where his were in just a matter of seconds.
he watches as you put the rolled joint between your lips and he swears to himself that he’s never seen you look more angelic — which is the funniest thing, he thinks, utmost hilarious, considering you’re in the depths of hell. you breathe in the intoxicating air but your lungs decide it would be fun to betray you, making you begin coughing an ungodly amount. alastor laughs at you.
what an ass.
“al, you’re mean! i could’ve died!” you put a hand over your chest, catching your breath. “oh the dramatics, my dear. it was simply just smoke! you wouldn’t have died”
“i deserve a redo”
“a redo you say? hmm…” alastor makes a thinking face for a moment before a smirk graces his face again. he gently takes the joint out of your hand. “my dear, i’m gonna need you to stay completely still for this” you nod and watch as he takes the joint between his lips again, breathing in with ease. he leans down again, cupping your chin with his other hand as the joint rests to the side of him. he uses his thumb, again, to gently pull your bottom lip down as he so-gracefully blows the smoke into your parted lips.
you feel so giddy having an intimate moment like this with hell’s most feared overlord. it makes you wonder why people think he’s so scary when he’s always the utmost gentleman… with you.
your eyes are closed as you feel his hand go from your chin to your hip, clutching onto the material of your clothing like a vice as you put your hands over top his chest and you swear you can feel his heart beating. it’s intoxicating and dizzying and it puts you in a daze when everything’s finished. you open your half lidded eyes and he’s still nose-to-nose with you.
“was that better?” alastor looks at you with hooded eyes and all you can do is nod, feeling like you’re not even on the ground anymore. he chuckles. “oh darling, you’re too adorable…” he brings his hand back up to your cheek, stroking your skin gently with his thumb. “especially in this state”
then do something about it, you wanna say.
you swear you see him looking at your lips the same way you’re looking at his; with hunger, want, need, desire, like you’ll die if you don’t get to know the feeling of each other’s lips.
fuck it.
“what will it take for you to kiss me already”
and that sentence is all it takes for alastor to break the distance between you both, crashing his lips onto yours in a fervent motion. you sigh against his lips, your hands clutching onto the lapels of his coat because if you don’t, he might disappear. he tosses the forgotten joint somewhere outside, not caring where it lands as his only focus is hitching your leg against his hip and holding it there as he keeps kissing you with so much passion and hunger that it takes your breath away every time you hear your lips smacking together. you’re feeling so turned on and the high gives you this cloud nine feel and—
oh my fucking god, i’m high and making out with the radio demon.
alastor puts both hands on your hips as he mutters a small “jump”, refusing to bring this make out session to a halt for even a couple seconds. you happily comply as you jump into alastor’s arms, wrapping your legs around his waist as his hands cup your butt, giving a gentle squeeze and he can’t help but chuckle lowly as you gasp into his mouth. he walks you both over to the couch, stopping at the side of the arm rest before he gently lays you down on the couch. the kissing stops for just a second (much to both of your dismays) so you can watch as he crawls over top of you like a predator about to pounce on his prey.
you part your legs so he has space to slot between and oh boy do the butterflies tickle your tummy with their wings seeing him on top of you like this. your face feels like lava.
“you know, my dear, i was planning on properly courting you before doing such explicit things,” he moves some hair out of your face, looking at you with hooded eyes. “but my mind is filled with thoughts that make me less of a gentleman” you bring your fingers to card through his hair.
“i don’t want you to be a gentleman with me, al. not right now”
alastor smirks and you swear you see his pupils turn to radio dials as he leans into your neck and says lowly in your ear,
“good girl”
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tags; @alastorthirsty
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azulsluver · 1 year
Slasher!twst introduction…graphic for those who are sensitive to murder and overall fucked up shit in general.
I do not condone or support this behavior in any way, this is for entertainment purposes and for those who enjoy slasher films (it's where I got inspired off of) and not glorify actual serial killers.
basic tw. murder, human trafficking, abuse of power, clearly unhinged and purposely not good characters, mentions of snuff films, stalking, cannibalism, mentioned beheading.
Note: might come back to add more stuff and fix grammar lolz
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A doctor who craves to see his patients insides. Riddle finds everyone to be unique, during his years in the medical field he’s seen it all. Unlike most people he’s intrigued on the human body, almost taking the role as a psychiatrist but it’s nice to be up and personal with a corpse.
He wishes to understand every single aspect of the human body and brain, there is so much to learn and see. He’s kept a couple of his patients eyes in his lab, staring back at his favorites in remembrance of their once living memory.
Hot tempered however. Abuses the power that he’s a doctor, someone you should trust in health and well being. It kinda gets him off. Besides that he can’t stand patients who don’t listen, snobby and lack manners when he’s asking questions. An easy killer to avoid, just don’t catch his attention.
Did you see it coming? The friendly baker who’s pastries taste so good yet different no matter the brand. Trey is great at avoiding conflict, his victims are loners, people who don’t have much of a name. No one would suspect him because Trey made it his duty to befriend the law, clean from their records.
Trey had killed off a classmate that bothered him or snuck their nose in places it shouldn’t be. Resulting his decision to hide the evidence by making it into deserts. Or better, meals prepped for guests he plans on bringing over. When he doesn’t need to use his unique magic he eats it as it is. Human flesh doesn’t taste as bad as media says.
Calm and friendly. Someone you wouldn’t expect. Probably lures his victims by giving false hope, he can help you with anything you need. Seduction if needed, get you to isolate yourself so no one would suspect he was behind it. Another easy killer to avoid, don’t pry into his business.
Makes snuff films. Pretty popular for his cherry attitude and quirky kills. Got into this kind of stuff in high school, at first he was disturbed, but it grew on him the more his curiosity got the better of him. Becomes more self aware of people’s likes and dislikes, this sick thought that he can harm someone. Kill, someone’s daughter, son, and baby he could kill. With hopes and dreams, he can take it all.
Two-faced, he’s great at pretending, a little too good at being your trendy friend who enjoys giving his fans what they want. And he does exactly that. It was the attention he never thought he’d be addicted to. The praise and vulgar language, amusing.
Victims range from how popular and known you are, or if you really caught his eye and he thinks you can scream just right. His unique magic makes great use, multitasking on being in places he shouldn’t be, getting information and learning his victim’s routines. Those who love dressing cute, may you never cross this man.
A shitty killer, does it for fun. There’s nothing tragic for him he just thinks breaking the law is great….when he’s not caught, thanks to a little friend of his. Likes the adrenaline of a fight, resistance gets him off badly. Pants like a fucking dog if you’re bitchy, finds it hot when his victim can bite back. Brings him more of a challenge.
Picks up his victims from diners or the bar late at night. He’s got charm, unlike his high school years he’s learned to bite back his tongue and instead seduce his way through in situations. Here to impress, after a couple of failed attempts he’s gotten rid of he knows how to play his cards.
Gotten away with a lot of things. Like Trey he has befriended the law, the more corrupted side. The one that enjoys hurting the innocent, that understand the power trip of accusing and punishing. Deuce is his partner in crime, the two are almost regularly seen together.
Genuinely wanted to help those in need. He saw himself as the savior in the story, he’s doing good by getting rid of the bad guys. But it’s starting to get boring. No matter how many times he’s slapped himself with water or stare at the cells. The way some more of his aggressive officers handle their suspect started to irl him. In a way others would deem normal.
Man did he miss the feeling of slamming his fist into another’s, the crunching sound of his knuckles and their jaw was exciting. Like a rush of youth, their cowering expression brings him memories that he didn’t know existed. Who is he to lie to himself that what he’s doing is wrong, it feels right to put criminals back in their place.
Respected by all. No one would bat an eye regarding his past records of violence during his school years. Deuce is a changed man they say, even when he’s with that play boy friend of his. He’s gotten better at controlling his bloodlust, the law honors a great officer like him.
It’s gotten rather lonely and boring lately. Leona had gone into some shady places to get the things he wanted. He’s no stranger to things such as assassins and human trafficking. That was something he was interested in, you only live once to do something fun. Such as owning a person. He’s a prince, it’s the least they can do to shut their mouth and let him have this moment.
Just as him, his family is corrupted, turning a blind eye to Leona’s hobby in collecting different types of victims to play with before discarding. Too many times did he wash the blood away and under his nails. Ravishing in their cries and last moments before taking it. Maybe it was the hunt he was after, but thinking about it that way reminded him of that hunter. Possible chance of them hunting together for sport.
No law can touch him. Not when hush hush money is being covered. Every eye witness is ordered to be silenced with threats and a wad of cash hovering above. Leona takes great interest in enthusiastic people, they rub him off in a nice way that makes him want to see them squirm.
Works for Leona. When Leona doesn’t find the time to buy his next toy that’s where Ruggie comes in. Ruggie has a good eye for candy that’s either sweet or sour, didn’t matter as long as they’re warm and breathing. Ruggie had dug himself deep into things he shouldn't at a young age, but the money was tempting, food was scarce so often relied on the dead people left behind after harvesting their organs.
Leona often gives him a treat for a job well done, getting rid of witnesses or naughty toys. Hyenas have teeth that can easily chew through bone, he's basically a garbage disposal for him. Not that he minds. In fact he loves the lifestyle he has at the moment.
This can go multiple ways, Ruggie is either Leona's personal assassin/helper or a cannibal by heart. But he prefers to work in the crowd, working all alone can have it's flaws, no better way than to have easy access. It's simple, when Leona is happy so is he.
Some sort of vigilant. Unlike the rest, he beats himself up for not controlling his emotions better. His more animalistic side gets the better of him when he sees the weak get pushed around. Multiple times has he actually tried to stop and get help, but his brain mushes and stretches each time he's seen something dead, unmoving, bloodied and crying in front of him. As if it was right to hurt them. There's so many people who are bad, he'll do the right thing by getting rid of them one by one.
This doesn't go as planned, he's built up some degree of blood lust, a need to excuse his behavior. Slowly getting into denial that what he's doing is ok, as long as no one knows. From killing off bad people to taking in those he deemed interesting. It was normal he said, a wolf needed to protect the weak. Whether they want it or not.
Jack isn't dumb but his victims are usually scared shitless to reason with him. But with a more collected person they can try talking it out with him. Jack however can get possessive because said victim has a point. You understand Jack, you helped him with all the burden and worry. He can't let you leave now tho...
Everything Azul had was all built up from scratch. He's made some unpleasant decisions to get to where he is now. High off of power and greed he cared little. His morals stripped the second he shakes hand with governments officials. They pay large sums to trade, buy, and sell things for the sake of their country. Organs play a great game into his empire, with the help of the twins social net work he was able to be top dog. Yet up in the surface he's nothing but a gentleman.
Azul gets his hands dirty by obtaining illegal substance and trafficking. Getting himself into these types of business opened his eyes to a whole new world, people are willing to do anything to survive, it's horrible and harsh. But it's starting to grow on him.
He's built connections with corrupted officials for the sake of enjoyment, it's nothing but fun for his customers. He's all too happy to supply them with things that'll keep them satisfied. All of this influenced him to have a cute thing of his own. Wouldn't it show just how much power he has?
Jade and Floyd
They work for Azul, he's just full of surprises! Jade and Floyd are kept busy with doing Azul's dirty work, relieving in targeting their newest victim so they can be sold off. Or knocking at a mans doorstep because he didn't pay Azul back on time. It's a sense of rush, the urge to harm and cause chaos among the innocent. Their job is to keep tabs on clients for any potential scammers, snatching people off the street in the middle of the night, sort of like the mafia but worse.
There is a low chance in encountering them or becoming their victim because of connections to their business. Alter egos, well associated with celebrities or people in power. And they're mostly seen with Azul as body guards, the ones actually doing the more "dirty work" for him. Discarding bodies or simply eating them to quickly get the job done.
Jade is interested in keeping something for the sake of experimenting or true relations. Floyd often have quick hook ups with people he finds interesting before getting bored again. Horrible and cruel with their things, none yet to survive, their parents have yet to complain in need of grandchildren and to further expand family business.
Has some type of connection with Azul. Not much besides the trafficking. Something much more sinister under all those smiles, either because of his position or he's great and should do theater is the reason he faces no consequences. Family like the Leech are similar when it comes to traditions, keeping those in power satisfied with twisted and inhumane products. Kalim is probably desensitized, because at a young age it was taught to be normal to traffic those paid high enough. No longer seen as human.
Still very kind to others however, just much more aware and less dense when it comes to more darker subjects. Doesn't get his hands dirty, controls what route or person is taken in, receipts and what not. No hard feelings, maybe just don't be poor/jk
Encountering him is hard, must be related through connections or snooping too much. Like Leona, had many playthings in the past almost like a harem of those who passed his test. Nothing but sweet to his victims because he believes they get to experience pleasure before dying.
Plays the same role in canon, Kalim's bodyguard/servant. In this AU he has not yet to envy Kalim as they set foot in the same page. Instead understanding each other through words and acts of loyalty. Has killed at a young age in order to protect Kalim, finds it his purpose to enjoy life while he has the chance. Disturbingly enjoys his job because he has an urge for bloodlust, possible sociopath. Helps get rid of unwanted enemies that are after Kalim in revenge.
Taunts his victims a lot, usually uncaring unlike Kalim. Innocent or not he's ruthless when it comes to disposing of them, gives him a sense of adrenaline in hurting those who did no wrong. Power abusing his status and strength for the fun of it. When not protecting Kalim he goes on his way to meet potential clients who wish to buy someone off or have them killed.
Stalks his victims and always a step ahead, interestingly enough if he finds them intriguing he might just keep them alive for a while. It's nice getting to know someone unwillingly before taking their lives, the thought of their future and life in his hands irks him to continue. Until he gets attached.
A killer who nobody would suspect as well. Vil is a famous and well known celebrity, who knew his hobby was stalking some more attractive fans and committing unspeakable crimes. Started this hobby in high school. Was somewhat detached as a child as he used to kill small rodents and was home schooled by private and strict teachers. As an actor he does an amazing job in not getting suspected of things people wouldn't think he had the guts to do.
With his magic in going undercover the paparazzi have trouble finding him, they're exhausting so he takes out his frustrations by eyeing pretty things that either adore him or unsuspecting. His reasons are fueled with envy towards those who are kind and considerate, a nobody that catches his eye. So he starts going for both.
Money can do a lot to satisfy his killing spree taking those he favorites and keep their bodies somewhere in one of his penthouses. In a room hidden underground, their body is plastered in a way he'd call art, hanging on the ceiling or kept in glass containers.
Family tradition to take unsuspecting hikers or foreigners as a sport. Instead of hunting for animals they hunt for people. Once a year the Hunt family meet up with their victims to set them free in whichever area was picked to search for them later on. A game of cat in mouse and usually Rook beats his siblings to these types of games. Can get very attached to his victims, finds every one of them beautiful when alive and dead.
He lives rather far from the city, having to move place to place because of his family's games. This gives him more opportunities to meet new people and find potential victims. Like any hunter, he's sharp and gets straight to the point, police have trouble finding the killer that's been abducting random hikers.
Pretty basic to encounter, because he spends most of his times living in the middle of the woods far away from civilization. I've seen the trend of Rook being a slasher like ghostface and I'm here for it, this is just my take on him in this au, much more darker.
The type of slasher to get away with everything because of pretty privilege. In this au Epel willingly cross dresses to trick his victims. Bias he was inspired to become a slasher because of movies. What exactly spiraled him to get into these type of things was for the sake of petty revenge. Tired of being seen as weak and fragile, he finds it amusing to see the confused and terrified look on their face when he's revealed to be their misfortune.
He gets really into his hobby, deceiving men who assumed he was a girl and easily befriending their families in case fingers were pointed at him. In fact Epel actually has several identities regarding cross dressing. He doesn't stay very long in places and tends to move when he can.
Victims? Majority are men he dislikes when first meeting. It's rare of him to go after girls, at times he will correct them if they misgender him or he plays along. Meaning putting up the act of a girl best friend. This usually happens if he's interested.
Idia and Ortho
Corrupted during his childhood. Had access to the internet and parents just weren't watching what he was looking at. Idia has seen it all, with the murders, snuff films, and inappropriate ads. It stuck with Idia through adult hood, all his years he's lived in guilt and fear, he's more unstable and lets his thoughts get the better of him. And Ortho makes it worse. It's unsure if Idia is seeing Ortho and hallucinating his voice, he blames that he's the source for all of his killings. All of the failed experiment and loved ones that "passed" away.
Ortho is dead in this au, Idia just can't accept that. But this forms him into who he is now, his family cover up whatever shit he's done, in fact they encourage Idia to do what he must if it made him happy. I wouldn't say they are shitty, because they know exactly what they're doing.
Idia had grown an obsession with trying to revive the dead, or make humans stay longer, he already failed with Ortho and is willing to spare more lives for the sake of science. His victims are people he met online, trollers or crushes to be exact.
Malleus is a powerful fae who is influenced by his status, with that power comes a tendency for arrogance and a sense of being above the rules and law. This can be seen in his treatment of others in his kingdom, but it's (not) safe to say he prefers to go after humans instead. it could certainly lead to a sense of entitlement and a lack of regard for the lives of others. Additionally, he is a very passionate character who can easily become consumed by his emotions, and if those emotions are negative, it can lead to a desire for revenge or a need to assert his power and authority through violent means.
After years of being neglected only anger was left, he doesn't see people around him as equal rather than pawns. It's due to jealousy does he tend to lash out on those who either wronged him, throwing fits and tantrums when things don't go his way. Malleus has a glimpse of a child-like behavior when consumed by these emotions, having to replace one too many maids when crossed his paths.
He may be attracted to targets that are also powerful or notable in some way. This could include powerful magic users, royalty, or prominent figures within the magical community. Alternatively, he may also target those who have wronged him in some way, whether intentionally or unintentionally.
war veteran that craves the glory and violence when it came to the human and fae war. He’s not like crazy sadistic or anything but killing when “necessary.” Which is a bad excuse because he doesn’t feel bad when harming bystanders that accidentally trip their way into his business. Also being a war veteran he’s highly respected so no one is on his ass when suspecting.
I’d say he’d miss the way skin goes under his nails, having a life in your hands is exhilarating to say the least. It’s almost comforting to him because of how harsh his days were back then. Headcanon that Lilia fought in war at a very young age, traumatic yet he’s addicted to the very thing that harms him. It’s unhealthy but I think he’s in a position to not care, being highly respected of his status is a free way ticket.
Not a slasher. A poor unexpecting citizen who’s friends with psychos. Silver is kind of a victim in this AU…? Sometimes Silver finds things he should’ve left behind, but in the goodness of his heart he seeks out the problem of his “friends” disappearance. Because of this Lilia regularly has to keep up with Silver so he doesn’t make those mistakes again. Using magic to reduce his memory of the night he saw a woman get beheaded, his son too kind for this world.
But he can be your friend in here!!! Befriending Silver is almost like a golden token, less likely to be victim depending on who’s eye you’ve caught. Some won’t care if you’re under his protection and Lilia’s. Silver could get attached to you tho, causing him to get unpleasant thoughts of wanting to keep you safe, even by force.
Slasher of a making? Lilia would find this an opportunity to fill his head with scenarios and create a false impression of his doings. He’s right to keep you, it’s for your own good and everyone around him keeps leaving. You’re all he has left.
By slasher I mean background character lmaoo. As usual, works with Malleus as his personal guard. You could’ve been so many things to get in a situation with Sebek/Malleus, having been bought or maybe a friend of Malleus that he grows to resent. Sebek knows better then to let anger get the best of him, having blood on his hands are a normal occurrence especially when assassins tend to come left and right. So he’s always alert and very distanced when it comes to forming a relationship.
Some sort of executer, gets rid of any evidence from either within the castle or a good hunt. Much more connected to his animalistic urges but can easily overcome them. Anything grotesque sets him off to harm those around him. His hunger for any sort of flesh is unmatched, worse than any other beastfolk as he consumes it raw and alive.
Sebek would be the last person you’ll ever meet because encountering him is very very random. He’s a busy person who is barely seen in public unless it’s for important events that includes Malleus being there.
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