#I just felt PAIN
xxlumos · 2 years
“Uhh a wasp will sting you if you’ll try to swat it away” bullshit. They don’t care, they will sting you anyways.
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guillotine-girly · 2 months
A desolation avatar who is the embodiment of a blizzard, your car breaks down in the middle of a snowstorm, you exit calling out for help trying to see through the thick descending snow, you turn back, your car has been buried in snow and you cannot find it, everything you love and know has been buried in snow, encased in frigid ice and soon.
you will join.
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hel1anthus-annuus · 7 months
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Love this bitch for having multiple gender filters on. He’s transmasc, he’s a woman who’s a man, she’s nothing at all
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hell0mega · 8 months
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this is incredibly niche, but what did you expect me to think after watching a movie about forbidden, never-before-seen love that is potentially life threatening to those involved?
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haunted-xander · 2 months
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intotheelliwoods · 29 days
How was he able to wear the blue shirt underneath the plastron?!👀
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Oh his little compression sleeve? Honestly? Think of it less of a shirt and more of a sports bra lmao.... This is also assuming they have a bit of a breathing room gap before their skin actually connects to the plastron, which I like to imagine they have because that would make the turtles arms more free, flexible, and less stiff imo
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crow-with-a-pencil · 9 months
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Hi @naffeclipse I'm very normal about your fic. Have some frantic midnight sketches as extra kudos along with some tag rambling :)
#my ârt#crush depth#crush depth spoilers#fnaf#tw blood#tw drowning#idk how many others apply#anyways this is midnight crow coming out of the shadow realm to scream at you#first of all a cs ramble is on the way I'm still recovering from that fic too#im biting you naff im biting you so dang hard#I don't even know much about iron lung besides watching a play through but damn do you make me want to know more#just. where do I even start. the atmosphere is established so well and even though there was such a small space to work with I FELT it#I felt the claustrophobia I felt the walls and the console and the single dim lightbulb as my only solace in this death trap#the THOUGHTS#poor yn had so much time to just get lost in their head and spiral pretty much constantly#the dread. the constant overhanging dread of knowing there's a 99% chance they're not getting out of there alive and at this point#they just want to accept it and let it end bc there's hardly anything to go back to if they live#naff. look at me. reading some parts made my chest actually tighten with dread. it was so well done.#this poor human just buried in existential horror and just wanting it to end in a slightly less painful way#and the unknowable beings trapped outside who absolutely REFUSE to let that happen#god those eldritch fish were trying their hardest but just couldn't get in#yn was trapped inside while they were trapped outside and I just#I am EXPLODING the more I think about it#thinking about when they thought they were drowning and tried to breathe again#wanting to die but still having that instinct to survive#asking to be ripped apart but still cherishing their last breath of air#I'm shaking you I'm shaking you I'm dying on the floor#ough.#I'll never mentally recover from this and I want you to know I genuinely get inspired by your writing#this has been midnight crow ramblings. I just hit the tag limit. have a lovely night.
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boywifesammy · 1 year
i feel like the boys’ representation in “it’s a terrible life” is a really accurate and insightful look into how they work on an Instinctual level.
at first it seems like just a funny bit for dean to be the one dismissing the ghost thing, but dean wesson actually fits perfectly into dean’s personality. i mean, think about it. hunter dean is OBSESSED with the job. he lives breathes and sleeps hunting. he’s proud of who he is and what he does, and he enjoys being a part of something. this episode shows how that’s part of dean’s intrinsic personality. he needs order. structure. discipline.
sam is mischaracterized as ‘the emotional one’, but i think dean’s a lot more of a romantic than him. he likes the idea of a stable life, whether that’s hunting or a cushy corporate job. he wakes up at 6am everyday, has a distinct routine and a circle of friends. he does herbal detoxes and drinks frothy rice milk lattes.
life is a package for him. dean likes fitting in. he doesn’t like breaking status quo. he instinctively looks to blend in, whether that’s in a corporate environment or with his father and other hunters. dean likes the idea of family. connection. he needs people, people who are familiar and trustworthy. he’s very community/family oriented. he’s not a lone wolf.
but sam on the other hand, he’s intrinsically in tune with weird frequencies. he’s strange and he picks up strange things. he cares about people and appreciates connection but he values himself and his gut instinct more. he loves sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. he doesn’t give a fuck about blending in. he didn’t as a hunter so he sure as hell doesn’t in a goddamn tech support cubicle.
sam straight up tells dean that everything about this feels wrong. and you can TELL that dean feels it as well. sam tells him that he thinks he should be doing more, it’s in his blood, he hates everything about this fake life. but dean deflects. no matter how uncomfortable he seems he pushes it down in favour of predictably and routine. even if deep down, he knows its wrong, it takes him a lot more time than sam to admit it.
this shows that sam is more than ‘hunting bad’ and dean is more than ‘hunting good’. it was never about hunting. sam refuses to turn a blind eye. he WANTS to rebel. it’s his nature. he instinctively looks for things that don’t line up and he calls that out. he doesn’t care about the backlash. dean needs stability. he needs people. he needs to feel like he’s a part of something. it’s why he brushes off that feeling of wrongness so quickly at the beginning of the episode, because he’s willing to overlook some of the bad for the benefits.
it’s just like how hunter dean is willing to defend john, defend the grisly violence of hunting, and convince himself into thinking this is his only choice. sam refuses to do that. he instead latches onto that feeling of otherness and rebels even though it costs him family and familiarity.
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mossfeld · 10 months
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We knew when the wave hit That all our fears were through I go down with you all the way Timeless in our tomb I found you in the water, you were soaking wet Falling deep into your dripping heart again (Crosses - Vivien)
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dent-de-leon · 2 months
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Forever feeling soft about the fact that Molly found love and joy after feeling so broken and empty. The way he can't help but reach out to other lost, lonely souls. Caleb's quiet, despondent, "I broke a bit." Molly telling Lucien,"We love broken things the most." The way Caleb feels like, "softness and light" to him.
Just...Caleb spending so long isolated and abandoned, believing he was only ever broken. And Molly, who awoke in a world that made him feel lifeless, and Empty, and broken--showing other shattered souls the love and compassion that saved him--
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there's one concept that i think about all the time that we briefly talked about but never did because it never made sense for fable to just up and say it: the concept that fable fucking hates ari.
and not because of who she is as a person or anything (but granted i think it's pretty clear he's not a fan of her in general) but rather that he hates what her existence means.
cause think about it. you're a major god who spent ages creating and building up mortals to be who they are now, and you want to keep them forever because you worked so hard on them, but you're not allowed. your brother takes them. and you're told that's just the way it is. tough shit.
but then. some minor god makes a baby? completely on accident??but oh, yeah, SHE gets to keep it forever. that's a given. your brother is totally cool with this.
let's be real: that'd probably make your blood boil a little bit
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skrrtscree · 4 months
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I'm going to do it! 😀 this time, Im really serious! 😀
(lyrics from 'everyone adores you (at least I do)' by matt maltese)
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froggiethelesbian · 11 months
There’s something so intimate with seeing another disabled person in public. I was walking down the street with a friend to a cafe, my red cane in hand. Coming down from the opposite street was a young women with her friend. I saw her bedazzled cane, covered in stickers and art then looked up to her eyes. She had been looking at my cane, covered head to toe in stickers, before looking up to me. We both smiled and kept walking.But with no words spoken there was a message.
“You’re just like me. We are both here, living our lives, walking with a friend like everyone else. We exist, not just online but here in person, we are not alone.”
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kyouka-supremacy · 5 months
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Finally gotten around scanning the September Animage issue. Please enjoy!!
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spkyart · 1 year
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deoidesign · 1 month
Happy EDS awareness month!
I'm a webcomic artist with EDS. be aware.
EDS affects many parts of my life. I have chronic fatigue, chronic pain, and I need to use a cane! I often find myself ruminating on themes of chronic illness in my work, whether or not I am intending to include them.
I already can't paint anymore, it hurts my hands too much... Anything that requires small details or precise motions will hurt me for days. I have a lot of grief around it. But working digitally allows me to still create!
I animate, I illustrate, I get to tell my stories. I have to go slow, take huge breaks (often against my will) and recover slowly. But, working in this space allows me the grace to do this.
So, I just wanted to share a bit of my experience with my audience, and say thank you for reading my work and supporting me! It means the world to me, and I hope maybe someone in my audience feels a little more seen through me sharing this. It causes me pain, but I love myself; and that includes my disability.
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