#I just really wanted to play Ekko :>
badluckgoboom · 2 years
As piercing as the sound of rapid gunfire was, almost as striking were the lights accompanying them. Every percussive shot flashed with a pinkish-white light, visibly swiveling around even through the mists, almost seeming to chase another light- this one a bright green, streaking around through the air. Two voices could be heard amidst the noise- one masculine, the other feminine, both strained and aggressive. The green light seemed to grow bigger, a silhouette quickly coming into view-
WHAM! A force would smack into the bystander from the side, the distinct sound of bullets shattering concrete heard where he stood a second earlier. He was swept up into the air and into an alleyway. The person who'd grabbed him- a young man, holding the hoverboard that emitted that light- looked to him incredulously.
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"What are you doing?! She could've torn you up out there- if you can't fight, run!"
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friendscfmine · 9 months
christophe: ugh kpop is so stupid and overrated 😒
christophe, behind closed doors: you know who it is... comin' 'round again... you wanNA DOSE OF THIS RIGHT NOW...
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corvidheart · 2 months
HIGHKEY don't want timebomb to ever become a thing
Everything they represent is the sacrifice Jinx made when she cast aside Powder. That's all their fight was about: Ekko realising that Powder is dead and all that's left is Jinx.
And on that note, Jinx can't possibly be redeemable. No fucking way. Not only would that be a terrible writing choice since her story is all about her descending into Jinx and we also know that this is what she is in league of legends (never played it though so I can't really talk!), but personally i think that redeemable villains are very overdone nowdays.
Back to my point, Ekko and Jinx just stand for different things fundamentally. Sure, they're both a symbol for the same people, the ones they grew up with. But Jinx has steered off that path. She's not doing anything out of the goodness of her heart or the fact that she wants what's best for them, but out of revenge and hatred. She's not looking toward a future, she's looking towards eradicating Piltover for what it's done to her. That simple.
Ekko is the leader of the Fireflies. They're the third party in the story. They're not driven by any of Zaun's (emphasis that it's not the same under city Ekko strives to protect) or Piltover's ideals. He recognises that both sides are harmful for the people. I think incorporating that into season 2 would be very interesting plot wise and politically.
In conclusion, I have steered from the point but it is that Ekkojinx isn't a romance story, it's the unraveling of a friendship. Sure, the romantic elements are very much there but I think they're for the strengthening of that argument and it makes it even more sad and tragic.
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piggycyberwarrior · 1 month
Ekko SWF-Alphabet
!not proof read!
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Ekko is the type of boyfriend that would constantely pepper your face with kisses. He knows how easily people can die- can be killed- so he tries to shower you with affection.
He likes to show you how much he loves you, because he is kinda confused with words. He is a warrior- a leader, not a big talker? he tries tho.
I would say he is pretty affectionate but mostly behind closed doors. As i said- he's a leader, he shouldn't be smooching his girl next to the firelights... he thinks its inappropriate. But in a calmer, more softer setting- boii he's all over you!!
B = Bribe (Can you bribe him?)
Yes and No.
Ekko is loyal as fuck. He would never EVERR betray the ones dear to his heart. But small and unnecessary things like
"Okay.. would you come with me if i give you one- no TWO kisses?"
Yeah. nope he would immediately jump off the couch and sprint towards you. He doesn't play there..
He kinda sees it as a payment...
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
I PERSONALLY think that Ekko likes Hugs way more than cuddles. I'll explain:
You know that one hug that hits so good? Nose burried in their neck- inhaling their scent- arms tight around the person after you saw them finally- FINALLY again and all these emotions are put in that hug.
^ He loves that so much when he comes home, tired from a mission
That doesn't mean he does not like Cuddles. I think Ekko loves to lay his head onto your Chest/boobies all the time. crushing you under his weight and laughing when you grumble because of his stupid antics
or being the big spoon (like almost never the little spoon- only when he needs comfort). he loves it that he can make you feel safe in his arms
He likes to nap while cuddling but i think he doesn't really like to sleep at NIGHT when cuddling. That! man! needs! his! space!! (Napping while cuddling is okay idk why??)
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Yes he really wants to settle down with you somewhere safe and sound- a place that doesn't exist now, unfortunately. Thats why he works so hard. maybe he can give you that home you deserve someday.
That man is a COOK. Full ass GORDON RAMSAY like its not even normal??? He even enjoys it- apron on, humming a little melody while making breakfast for the two of you.
he loves to help you at home even tho he barely has time between eating , sleeping and his duties. But you don't mind. he asks some of his people to help you out if you really need help with the chores.
is kinda shitty at cleaning- kinda never learned to do it... i mean he grew up in Zaun.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I'm sorry but like i said he is kinda shitty with words so he tries to rip the bandaid off real quick by breaking up through text...
He doesn't really feel good about it too- feels like an asshole to be honest but he can't help it :(
if they wanted to talk about it though- he tries
he is okay with the fact that you hate him because of his break-up-style
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Ekko is a little bit scared? of commitment. He kinda doesn't wanna be "caged"- he feels as if his freedom has been pushed into a box, but in reality he just needed to find the right person.
I think Ekko needs some time to really REALLY settle with the fact that he loves his s/o and that can take some time.
But oh boi when it happens- he wants to marry you immediately!! Like mentioned he knows that life is short- so he tries to marry you as quick as possible.
But he understands it if you need time to think about it or aren't ready yet.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Ekko's kinda rough around the edges as he grew up in a rough atmosphere. Sometimes his grip is too strong- his attempts to tickle you can hurt a bit and his hands are calloused as well.
But in the end he never wants to hurt you and is extremely gentle towards you as much as he can
he is so much gentler to you than to anyone else. always makes sure you aren't stressed or anything like that.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Yes.Yes.Yes!! he loves hugs like mentioned earlier. It just fits better into his lifestyle as he can quickly but passionately hug you before or after a mission and can also do that in public. he cannot cuddle you outside on the street :/
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Not that fast. Boi has some serious trust issues and you probably have to initiate the big ol' L-Word. When he finally says it- he will never stop saying it.
He willl always shower you with 'I love you's' and expects you to also say it back. he's just a sucker for that simple sentence even tho he was kinda wairy of the concept of love
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Doesn't get jealous. Just doesn't, he trusts you completely. Period.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you?)
His kisses are like him. Sweet but passionate, as well as a sprrrinkle of roughness.
he loves the traditional way of kissing you. on the lips. he is addicted to the taste of them on his and can kiss you till dawn. (he doesn't mind that you call him a simp)
He also loves to give you small pecks on your face but mostly the side of your head when you did something cute or stupid.
Always has his hands on you when you kiss- either on your throat, back or waist.
Also grins into kisses like ahhhrgcvszdc PLEASE
L = Little ones (Would he like to have Children?)
Loves children- I mean he keeps them save in the HQ too like what did you expect...
Would also love to have children when he's older.. kinda a dream of his. Probably 3 kids. Is still okay with it if you don‘t like to have kids- respects it!
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
i kind of have the feeling that dis man is such a morning grouch :/ soooorry
like he always wants to sleep more (in other words- has a fucked up sleep schedule)
Still he loves it when you kiss him awake- and he would always and i mean ALWAYS!! roll on top of you and squish you under him with a laugh before pressing kisses on your face and getting up.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
OHH THAT BITCH IS A NIGHT OWL. He is always so much goofier at nighttime (you know that weird 3am energy?? Exactly)
He likes it when you are sitting on his lap at night though, while he is fiddling at some prototype. Your fingers lazily playing with his dreads while he nuzzled himself onto your shoulder while working
Its a mix of both energy’s- late snack runs or slow evenings.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
As i said, he takes his time to fully trust you. If you grew up together- he would‘ve probably told you a lot of things already. If you didn‘t- he is kinda hesitant to tell you at first. I think he would start revealing things about himself after a good few months of dating. He takes his time with those things
still he will always listen when you have something to tell him.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It depends. When he is frustrated- his patience is very thin- but when he is in his normal mood- it’s out of gold
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
REMEMBERS EVERYTHING. It is truly getting creepy. He knows everything???
birthday, likes, dislikes, all the family gossip you told him one day- even remembering all of your family member’s names, favorite book, favorite hyperfixation at the moment, favorite place- everything you mentioned to him once.
lol he laughs everytime you think he forgot something and he proves you wrong- you‘re just like:🧍‍♀️
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
that one hot as summer night were you were both almost naked (nothing seggsual) - sweating like a pig- window wide open- not able to sleep and just talking bout shit. -> leading to you telling him you love him.
He didn‘t mind the humid heat in the end. Just feeling so happy.
always remembers that night and feels giddy when there is a hot summer night…
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they like to be protected?)
He loves it when you defend him verbally. He can fight- and doesn‘t want you to hurt yourself in the process- but seeing you argue with someone for him is making his heart race.. <3
like i said he doesn‘t get jealous but is neverthless protective. He knows that Zaun is fucking dangerous- also knows that you can protect yourself but he wants to keep any harm from you..
always being your guard dog and even fighting people that bitch at you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts?)
I think he always gets you something when he‘s in Piltover- books or small things that you like..
He likes to have dates in the privacy of your home- nothing extraordinary…. I am SO SORRY BUT THIS MAN ISN‘T A FAN OF ANNIVERSARIES!! He just doesn‘t get the point?? For him everyday is an anniversary.
He still plans the home dates (puts a lot of effort in the planning part)- and everytime you do something new fun!!
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Nail Biting, Workaholic, Insomnia, such a gossip girl 😭 its funny tho.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
That Man is proud!!! He worked so much, trained so much did everything to become the person he is- loves his muscles and is kinda concerned how he looks
(Have you seen that man? Face paint on the spot- dreads styled like that and always revealing that yummy bicep..)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
yes- next question
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
100% a cat person. He loves them but will never admit it. When he first saw one as a kid- he begged Benzo to let him adopt it. Still visits it‘s grave. Kinda has a fur allergy but he doesn‘t care 💀
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
hates hates HATES it when his partner is rude or disrespectful for no reason. (Sure, its a different story when you are getting shit on) but he just finds it so bad when you insult someone for no reason (and mean it)
has no problem when you playfully call someone (him) an idiot tho…
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He is a kicker. Like bitch, stop kicking me in the ribs while sleeping 😭. Also wakes up with his head at your feet- turns around a lot. Just an active sleeper here…
you on the other hand get many bruises from his kicking…. I am so sorry
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lady-griffin · 3 months
I'm curious, what are some of your favorite Timebomb headcanons?
I’m so sorry for this beyond late response; I really don’t know what to say other than I’m sorry.
I know my answer isn’t going to be “worth the wait,” but I still hope you (and others) find it interesting. Please bear with me and my somewhat incoherent thoughts as my love for these two has destroyed my brain.
Also, my answer is beyond long, but that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
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My Favorite Timebomb Headcanons
They’re both bi.
They’re always touching one another. Not so much in an inappropriate way (though they can get too handsy in public); this is more holding hands, cuddling, using each other as a cushion, etc.
When they’re bored or preoccupied, they'll start “fidgeting” - Ekko plays with Jinx’s hair, while Jinx plays with Ekko's hands.
Jinx doodles on Ekko pretty much all the time, while Ekko straight up writes on Jinx - specifically notes and reminders to himself.
Basically, Ekko will already be in bed and suddenly he'll get idea for a project but doesn’t want to get up or he suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night and has to immediately write down his thoughts before he forgets them and well, Jinx is right there.
Jinx honestly only minds this when Ekko won’t let her wash off because he needs to figure out what he meant when he wrote down “hextech cheese sandwich solution to dogs” at 3am and obviously it being her on her left shoulder is essential to figuring it all out.
Jinx bites. Not so much in a sexy, bedroom kind of way (though yes, obviously that too); she just sees Ekko and has to go chomp.
Ekko is slightly insecure about his height, which makes zero sense to Jinx. Seriously, what is he even talking about? Ekko is the perfect height – he’s within reach of her kisses (and bites).
Jinx really, really, really loves Ekko’s arms and hands.
His whole everything does it for her; but boy, oh boy, does she have a thing for his arms and hands, especially his hands. The amount of self-control Jinx has when it comes to Ekko’s hands is truly something to behold.
Jinx runs cold while Ekko runs hot.
Jinx always wants to cuddle with Ekko in the winter because he’s her personal space heater and Ekko always wants to cuddle with Jinx in the summer because she’s a living ice cube. The two of them like to complain, but they're not fooling anyone; they love every second of the other clinging on to them.
Jinx runs hot while Ekko runs cold.
Jinx gets uncomfortably warm, so she really enjoys being cold. Unfortunately, that’s quite rare for her nowadays due to her body producing its own shimmer; her body temperature is now basically someone with a deadly fever.
Ekko on the other hand easily gets cold and he absolutely hates it; so, he's not exactly mad at Jinx becoming a living furnace.
I’m honestly torn between these two versions and the vibes vs. 'evidence' backing them up. But does it really matter? At the end of the day one of them runs cold while the other runs hot and they balance each other out perfectly.
The Firelight’s truly love Ekko; they're beyond thankful to him and everything he's done for them. So, despite the fact that many of them hate Jinx and want nothing more than for her to be gone (dead), they are willing to accept her because Ekko loves her.
Some of them will never forgive nor make peace with Jinx, but they’re willing to coexist with her; while others are willing to get to know her and even befriend her.
It’s not easy for any of them but for Ekko, they'll do it and as time goes on it becomes less of a struggle to accept Jinx.
I’m a huge fan of Jinx being accepted by the Firelights not because they actually accept her (at least at first) nor because they’re such wonderful, good people, but because they love Ekko. He’s their savior and guiding light and they want him to be happy and Jinx makes him happy - so, of course they'll do it.
Jinx absolutely has a praise kink; she adores being praised and complimented in bed and Ekko has no problem indulging her.
I don’t have a single doubt about this. This is just fact.
Despite being so gone for each other, they both have a lot of insecurities, particularly when it comes to the others’ feelings and commitment to the relationship.
Ekko is scared he’s just a convenience for Jinx and she’ll easily abandon him again; while Jinx is scared Ekko’s going to realize he doesn’t actually want to be with her, because why would he.
To make things a bit more heartbreaking, Jinx sometimes wonders if Ekko is only with her because she’s the closest thing to “Powder” he can be with.
They have a lot of issues and it took them many years to work through them; but those issues and insecurities still make an appearance from time for time.
Ekko isn’t always great at taking care of himself; he’s always putting others first and he’s easily consumed by his projects and responsibilities.
But taking care of Jinx forces him to take care of himself.
He can’t argue she should go to bed at a reasonable hour, when he’s up at the same godforsaken hour she is nor can he complain about her eating unhealthily, when he’s eating the exact same thing or something worse.
Ekko is always running late; while Jinx (to many people’s surprise) is either on time or very early. When the two of them arrive late together, it’s because Jinx didn’t want to go to the thing and she succeeded in distracting Ekko (usually with sex).
Being together was one of the easiest things for them as their two pieces who fit perfectly together; at the exact same time though it was also the most difficult thing for them, due to their history.
Ekko has struggled with his feelings of guilt because it was so easy for him to be with Jinx and love her; he feels like he’s betraying his fallen friends and people. Jinx is responsible for many of their deaths and even when she wasn’t directly responsible, she still benefited as Silco’s daughter.  
Jinx has struggled with feeling like she’s betraying Silco and rejecting their bond as she doesn't talk about him for the sake of her relationship with Ekko. She can’t talk about Silco with Ekko at all, because anything negative about him (no matter how small) only confirms to Ekko she was abused and brainwashed; while anything positive or even neutral is like "attacking" Ekko and everything he's gone through.
Silco was the reason Jinx was happy and able to be thrive over the years and he's the reason why Ekko suffered and struggled to survive during those same years.
While they never truly come to terms about Silco, they still try and make an effort to respect the other’s feelings for him.
Gift giving is a huge part of how Jinx shows her love. She doesn't need a special occasion or reason to give Ekko gifts and she likes leaving them where he can come across them randomly. Her presents can be anything - from a cool rock she found to a specific piece of machinery Ekko wanted.
Oh and of course, a beyond valuable item she stole from some elitist Piltovan or vicious Chem-Baron who is more than willing to start a war over their stolen property.
Ekko knows she means well (at least he thinks she does); but he would appreciate it if she didn’t bring him and the Firelights more trouble with her gifts.
Which Jinx doesn’t fully understand.
It’s not that she doesn’t understand the value of things; but a cool looking rock and some wealthy Piltovan’s prized heirloom have the exact same value to her – she thought Ekko would like it, so why wouldn't she get it for him?
These two can be so beyond competitive it’s not even funny and nothing brings out their unhinged competitiveness than when they’re up against each other.
But they’re having fun and that’s all that matters in the end... ignore all the property damage and fires.
Sometimes when things get heated between them, Jinx gets a red blotchiness on her neck and chest; which she's more than embarrassed by. Ekko on the other hand tries to see if he can make her even redder and he’s more than smug when he can.
Ekko wasn’t always a great boyfriend to his previous partners, not because he was an uncaring asshole or anything but because he never opened up to them. He never shared his problems nor did he let them take care of him; he was always the caretaker. It also didn’t help that he put his responsibilities as leader and other people before his relationships.
However, this isn’t a problem with Jinx. Ekko is quite selfish when it comes to their relationship. He’s not willing to put others’ first. Not this time. Not if it costs him Jinx.
Jinx also knows him far better than his previous partners did, she sees past the front he puts up for others and is more than willing to call him out on his bullshit. Plus, Jinx is in no way shy when it comes to her wants.
Ekko has also learned that if he doesn't rely on her, she has no reason to rely on him. If he doesn't trust her, then she doesn't trust him.
Finally, Jinx tries to get Ekko to be more selfish, while this is for her own benefit (obviously), she genuinely wants Ekko to put himself first; she’s even willing to put herself second (at times), if that’s what it takes.
Over the years they balance each other out – Jinx makes Ekko more selfish and gives him the freedom to put himself first without feeling guilty, while Ekko makes Jinx less selfish and he's a good starting point for her to become more considerate to others.
Of course, Ekko will never be a selfish bastard who turns his back on his people and Jinx will never be a living saint who sacrifices herself for the greater good.
Ekko usually takes the lead in the bedroom. He loves riling Jinx up and embarrassing her in bed; he’s particularly obsessed with getting her to beg him to keep going,
However, it doesn’t take much for Jinx to ‘turn the tables' on him; her ‘begging him' is a sure-fire way to get Ekko to unravel quickly, which Jinx is more than willing to exploit for her own fun and pleasure.
Ekko accidently taught their kid(s) how to curse.
They’re packrats.
These two are very attached to their things and and look they might need that random useless thing one day, you don’t know, they obviously can’t throw it out.
Jinx is very honest with their kid(s).
She doesn’t lie nor try to hide who she is nor who she was and what she’s done. Silco was always forthright with her; Jinx knew exactly who Silco was and loved him all the same and she wants the same for herself (Silco wouldn’t have accepted anything less for her).
She doesn’t want her child(ren) to love a fake version of herself; she wants them to know and love the real Jinx – monster and all.
I honestly don’t think a threesome would be possible for these two; they’re way too jealous and obsessed with each other to let a third party involved. Especially Jinx.
Let’s be real, she would absolutely kill someone for touching her Ekko or if Ekko touched them she would 100% have the logic of “they can’t steal my Ekko if they’re dead.”
Now Ekko will never be as bad as Jinx (very few people can reach our girl’s levels) but I easily see him being like “No. Go Away. My Jinx.”
I’m torn between Ekko being concerned by how much he finds Jinx’s unhinged jealousy, possessiveness, and intense (creepy) expressions of love to be charming and beyond endearing; or if he honestly doesn’t understand why people are weirded out and concern for his safety when Jinx says she wants to rip out his heart and feast upon it.
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I hope you all enjoyed this insanely long list and maybe even accept a few of these headcanons as your own.
Thank you for reading this and thank you for the ask @nerdasaurus1200 and again, I'm so sorry for the years long wait.
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unluckiestmember · 2 years
Arcane Characters + Working at the Brothel
Summary: You finally got a job! But it’s at the brothel. Here’s how the Arcane cast reacts to it. 
Characters: Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Viktor, Ekko, Silco, Sevika, Mel, Jayce, Vander
Warning: None. Mostly SFW, some suggestive themes here and there though.
A/N: I personally would never work at the brothel. But if I did, you can catch me in the same room as the Brothel Girl ;)
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“You got a job?! That’s great news, toots! Where?... The brothel? Awesome! I’ll try and go there every week- No every day- No, no no! Every hour!”
Will literally be a super supportive girlfriend. She’s just excited at the fact you actually got a job after you’ve been complaining about being unemployed for so long. She happily goes to the brothel almost every day you work just to be your client. The visits are sweet, but also weird because sometimes she’ll pay you even though you both live together. But her actions are appreciated.
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“Oh, you got the job? No way, that’s awesome! What’s the job though?... You’re working at the brothel? Huh. Okay.”
Honestly, Vi is okay with your line of work. Though she would lie if she said she wasn’t a little fearful for you. You are her lover after all! You mean the world to her and if she was to hear that someone touched you wrong or cussed you out for doing your job, she would probably kill someone. Luckily, her fear subsided when she spoke with Babette, who assured her nothing bad would happen to you. Sometimes Vi will surprise you at work when she’s done with her job early or has a day off. When she’s your client, you two will either talk for hours on end or use the many experimental rooms around you to your advantage. Wink wink-
Caitlyn Kiramman
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“Congratulations on getting the job, darling. What will you be doing for work?... Oh. Um. Well, um. Alright. N-No, don’t worry. I’m okay… Why the brothel?”
Caitlyn is honestly against it. She might play coy and act like she’s alright with you talking to and doing things with strangers in Zaun, but she’s actually upset when you first tell her. She gives you a somewhat cold shoulder attitude for a few days until you confront her about it. It takes her some time, but she slowly warms up to you working at the brothel. She’ll sometimes show up and say she’s a customer to talk to you about her day. Be ready to have her visit you during hours if she’s had a terrible day at work.
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“Where will you be working now?... The brothel? Okay. Are you sure you want to work there though? I heard of the sort of things that happen there.”
Viktor is not against you working at the brothel. He just needs to make sure you’ll be safe. He knows Zaun can be shady with their business transactions, let alone that Zaunites can get handsy for little to no reason. If you assure him you’ll be okay, he’ll believe you. However, this doesn’t change that he will always be concerned about you when you’re at work. He’ll go to the brothel sometimes on his break just to check up on you. You can try and make him stay there for a visit, but he’ll politely decline. Besides, that’s not really his kind of setting.
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“The brothel, huh? What do you do there?... Oh, talk? That’s cool. So like therapy?... Woah. Woah! You sure you wanna do that?!”
Ekko will be super skeptical of your new line of work. He’s usually not a jealous guy, but when he hears that people will be paid to do whatever they want to you, he loses it. It’s not until you tell him that you have the decision to decline offers and choose what boundaries you have does he calm down a bit. He knows you are your own person, so he’ll let you stay at the brothel. But he’ll never tell you he has some firelights scoping out the area for your safety… Oops.
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“You? Working at the brothel? I don’t think so, my love. I don’t think so…”
Silco is definitely against you working at the brothel. He knows about the kind of men and women that go there. Hell, he knows that Sevika goes there! You can try your damndest to go to work, but this man will use any excuse and obstacle he can find. Walking there? Oh no, an investigation was happening at the entrance. Got called in? Gonna have to decline because you had to go on a mission with Sevika. Because of his actions, you almost lose your job just as quickly as you got it. You know Silco’s secretly being a clingy boyfriend, but there’s so far you can go before your actions are borderline ridiculous.
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“... Wait. What?”
Sevika will be so confused as to why you got a job at the brothel. She’ll also become more cautious of going there. She’s a regular customer, so if she were to go one day and hear that one of the clients has been talking about her rendezvous to you? She’ll just want to crawl into a hole and die. After a few days of her avoiding you, she tells you about her visits. You’re understandably upset, but you forgive her as long as she hasn’t and doesn’t cheat on you. From that day forward, Sevika is still a regular, but she’s also your number one client.
Mel Medarda
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“That’s good to hear, honey. Where will you be working?... Like hell you are.”
You can argue, you can talk it out, you can do sweet things for her, but Mel will never let you work at the brothel. She knows from her time in Noxus and through her mother how those kinds of places work. So the last thing she needed was to see or imagine you having one on one time with someone in an inappropriate manner for money. She doesn’t care if you can choose what happens to you, she will still stand against it. Before you know it, you’ve lost your job. But luckily Mel is quick to help you find another.
Jayce Talis
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“So you’re working at the brothel? What’s that? Like a church or something?”
The poor innocent fool that is known as Jayce. He has spent his entire life in Piltover, never setting foot outside of the topside to explore the undercity. So of course he doesn’t know what a brothel is! He will think you have a sweet job helping people worship an entity or guide them in life. One day though, he chose to give you a surprise visit. And when he saw what you were actually doing? Well, let’s just say Babette closed the brothel down for a while when a bunch of enforcers came crashing through her place with a vengeance. By the way, you were fired.
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“You finally got a job? That’s great to hear. So where is it, huh?... Oh, the brothel. You just gave me a reason to start going back there.”
Vander is supporting your work at the brothel. This big softy will literally pop up there occasionally to be your client for the entire day. He will take advantage of all the different rooms the brothel has and the services it provides with you by his side. Though you both have one rule; Never let the kids know, no matter what. Even if they question your line of work, keep your mouth shut. The last thing they need is their minds being blown when they hear what you do for a living.
Arcane requests are currently open! :D
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, be safe and have a good day! &lt;3
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albinokittens300 · 17 days
Okay beginning with some things we notably DID NOT SEE:
-Viktor or Mel. Like not a single frame of them. I saw someone found that some version of Jayce was in there, shown by his cuff with the gem on it. But no Mel or Viktor. Interesting. I don't think Viktor and Mel fans should worry...just be hype because they are keeping whatever spoiler-y thing they are involved with a secret. At least with Viktor. There is a slim chance still of Mel being dead but. Not huge. I am sure anything they could share of her would be spoiler riddled as well, so they aren't.
-JINX GOT A NEW LOOK. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. HER FACEPAINT. THE CUT SHORT HAIR. The veil (?) thingy. Man she looks AWESOME. Was genuinely wondering if she'd get a new look and am SO Happy about it.
-MY BOY EKKO! SO much Ekko in this. More Ekko than I expected, but I am so thoroughly here for it. Him on his hoverborad, and getting caught by Vi was just *cheifs kiss*. He also seems to have some kind of Piltover-like outfit change too? I mean we know he goes there at some point this season by the shared clip...so makes sense. I am LOVEING the manbun look on him too.
-Oh yes not to mention he's been PAINTED UP Jinx style. Like...she really isn't subtle is she XD? The scene where is is talking about letting things go to move forward you can also see in the corner Jinx's blue hair. And that is on top of that sentiment really making sense for him to say to Jinx.
-It does make me curious why they wove that in with a shot of something happening to Heimerdinger though...is something gonna happen to the small fluffly old man? Maybe. The trailer is out to maybe make us think so.
-Vi looks to be having he worst time for most of this trailer. Which isn't a shock, from what we've heard. But her in from of the mirror hurt me so bad. Can I just hug her? I feel like hugging her. There is a bit of hope seeing her working with Ekko, that lifted my heart a little.
-Cait, my girl, I hope you get through this revenge phase quickly please. I love you, I get your feelings. Talking about ripping laughs out of peoples throats is not the best approach to dealing with these things.
-That said cooperation between Caitlyn and Ambessa is...interesting. Very interesting. Makes sense with the 'you will have vengeance' line. But am very curious the way that will play out and how long Caitlyn is gonna take to catch on that working with Noxus might not be the best thing ever. Cause yea I do think that partnership isn't gonna last long.
In general, I am so hyped up. I want Novemeber to be here like yesterday.
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mollysunder · 1 year
Another Clue in Viktor's Tarot Card?
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I think I figured something out. In an older post I talked about how Arcane used tarot symbology to possibly hint at future developments for season 2. It was specifically how Viktor and Jinx fit into the role of the Magician and Death tarots respectively and how it works for Sevika. There was one thing that was bugging the hell out of me when i finished it. What was the symbol within the Machine Herald's grasp?
At first I thought it was the mathematical symbol for fish (∝), without the curves, like how Ekko' infinity symbol are sharp triangles instead of round loops. I thought it could mean Viktor needed to recognize the balance and proprtions necessary to unlock the Arcane and be an indirect reference to how similar but different Ekko and Viktor are. But I think the answer might be simpler.
It's an 'X', sideways. Obviously, the 'X' could refer to the x-factor the Magician needs to unlock the Hexcore's power. And that's the fun trick of it because there's only been one person I know in League that's been explicitly associated with this kind of 'X', it's Jinx.
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When Jinx's character debuted in League of Legends, instead of releasing a bio first, they had her 'vandalize' Vi's page with graffiti (really fun marketing move). The end of the page had a signature tag that said "X WUZ HERE" because they didn't want to reveal her name so they used this special "X" instead. Later, the tag was just replaced with "JINX WAS HERE.". I thought it was a one-time thing, but no, Jinx's special 'X' still remains in the game to refer to her presence. For example, one of Caitlyn's gag interactions has her shooting her rifle that's been tampered with by Jinx. And when it happens Caitlyn goes, "Ready, aim... (gasps) Urgh! Why am I not surprised?". Who else could it be?
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So this symbol is still associated with Jinx, specifically as a substitution for her name, and it's in the Machine Herald's grasp. I don't think this is meant to hint at any future control Viktor would have over Jinx, nor would he want to. It could mean that he will need a partner in Jinx to help him complete the Hexcore once he and Jayce have their falling out and he's cast out from Piltover (some real Silco and Singed vibes honestly). But maybe it's another hint at how similar their actions will be perceived by us, the audience, like they fly under the same banner of void-touched outcasts playing offense and defense against Piltover. And more so that they will have a deeply impact full relationship with one another. Look at Ekko and Vi, they both bare her tag and you can't pretend she hasn't left her mark on them and their motivations. It's just odd that for Viktor, her tag is in a different position. Maybe it's a past, present, future thing.
I wouldn't bring this up if the creators of Arcane hadn't said that there were plenty of hints at season 2 that the audience hasn't picked up yet, so maybe this is another one. Also, I have noticed that Jinx sometimes has Ekko's infinity symbol on her marketing but it's still solidly an Ekko thing. Even when she has it on her Flame Chomper grenades it's used explicitly to frame Ekko and the Firelights for her damage because it's so well associated with him.
Update: I don't know why I'm just remembering this, but Jinx is also just wearing a big X on her shirt. In fact she's covered in X's, her shirt, her necklacklace choker thing, her shoelaces, her belt, her bandage, the back of her shoe they all have X's in her design.
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Update 2: I found more X's! They're all over her background in the 'Enemy' music video. The art really isn't being subtle when you notice.
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Update 3: Pretty sure this is the last one... maybe. After rewatching I noticed Vi's prison uniform actually has the symbol as a part of her ID number. Altogether her ID would be X516. Though whenever Vi was referred to as prisoner 516. Alone it actually says her name in Roman numerals, 5=V, 1=I, and 6=VI (a but redundant). If we treat it the 'X' as Jinx's name it makes Jinx and Vi before Vi even knows Powder has grown into Jinx, already intertwining their identities.
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Update 4: I really thought I was done, but I wasn't. I found that both of Ekko's loc rings (which look similar to the bullet shells Jinx uses in her braids) have partial infinities that look similar to her symbol. Ekko specifically is represented with a complete hourglass, and this is literally the one exception. The fact that this symbol is visible when he talks about Zaun and Silco makes me feel ridiculous. If this is a subtle hint at the way Jinx affects Ekko... wow. Jinx isn't even dead, but she's practically haunting all these characters.
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Seriously, it's a purposeful choice to do this, his game icon has full hour glasses. But in Arcane they're not, they're drawn to be similar to Jinx's symbol. Just like with Viktor and Vi, it means internally, not even consciously, he's seeking her out for her.
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1-danid · 1 year
(pt2) dating teen vi
dating arc one vi part two, you have both aged up to arc two!
part 1 here! Go read it love!
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You worked at the bar almost for the most part of your job.
You get a lot of gossip and news whilst bartending, it’s shocking what people will tell a pretty bartender when they're drunk.
You're much better of a bartender than Thieram, bless him. And he sees you as a really good friend because Jinx doesn’t scare him as much when you're around.
Not you literally being everyone’s favourite.
Also you 100% get free drinks when you're at the bar, like Silco loves you enough to let you get that free booze.
You're Silco's inside man or woman in this case I guess.
If you're not busy as a bartender you’d 100% be Sevika’s go to dealer for any game she plays.
You don’t even have a choice she's dragging you with her and shoving a deck of cards in your hands.
If she wins shell get you something the next time she's out, if she loses its your fault (she's just a real sore loser and wants you to cheat in her favour)
You're 100% a fair dealer, but when Sevika wins almost every round people get angry at you for cheating. Sevika would beat them up for messing with you.
You're like a daughter to her, and even though she doesn’t show it all the time. SHe cares about you a lot more than Jinx. When you're not working the bar, you're definitely patching up Jinx.
Speaking of Jinx always comes to you for comfort and reassurance as you're the only family she has left, even though Powder died.
You've stuck with her and she appreciates it.
Jinx has improved so much and you're proud of her, and believe it or not you feel like you found another family with her and Silco.
Sometimes you'll cook dinners and bake treats for them when you're off, getting Markcus to buy you the supplies you need as you play with his daughter in Piltover.
He won't admit it but he's more petrified of you than Silco and Jinx combined.
You don't like to go on glimmer mission, they remind you of your old life but on the occasion that Jinx can convince you to go.
You're still a badass, even though you stick to defensive attacks (you could never hurt Ekko.) You're still a force to be reckoned with.
Sevika is much nicer to you than she is to Jinx, but that is likely because of your maturity and you never climbed on her back when she had to babysit you.
When Vi meets Caitlyn in prison, she recognises your initials on one of "Powder's" drawings.
Poor girl has only thought of you and her sister, in all her time in Stillwater she's realised that she loves you and she wanted to find you and tell you that.
So when Caitlyn gives her an opportunity to leave she takes it, if only to know that you and Powder are alive.
We all know Vi is a flirt and she does flirt with Caitlyn, the cupcake scene is a canon event. So when one of your girlfriends sees Vi she waits to see who this pretty girl is with her.
You get news of Vi before Jinx and Silco and leave on your own to clear your head, as your ex lover is proclaimed to be alive.
You're overcome with emotions like jealousy, heartbreak, fear and most of all anger (covers your sadness).
How could she be okay without you, you could barely go a day without thinking of her and the good times how could she move on? Why would she move on and forget about you?
However Jinx took you out of your hole of self pity and wallowing, and asks you to come find Vi with her. It's at that moment you remember the torch and agree, travelling to the top of Zaun to light the torch.
Throughout this Vi had fought Sevika, who was taunting her about how you and Jinx had moved on from her, (we don't talk about your last fling, it was embarrassing.) As Vi is about to be beaten, Caitlyn saves her and then continues to flirt, slowly but surely more and more people hear about Vi's reappearance.
However when you and Jinx light the torch you have hope. Vi was never one to break a promise and if it was to Powder at least.
You stood there anxious as you watches all the fuel dry up and burn from the flare torch.
You just needed to know if she was alive or dead, to know if she cared about you and her own sister.
You needed to know if she had replaced you.
And that’s where I'm ending this part! I have no idea if i'll make another part but that one anon gave me motivation for this. So here you guys go. Sorry if it's all over the place, I need to rewatch Arcane. It's a bit rusty in my head. I swear I'm working on my atsv requests. I just had this in the works for longer. Hope you enjoyed be sure to leave comments and reblog it!
Next fic publishing will be after i finish updating my wattpad book. No you will not get a link to my wattpad account.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 1 month
Delta anon here again and I am loving these most recent posts. I have many ideas now.
For one, if Color was distressed enough about not knowing how Killer is doing, I feel like Delta and Epic would let him call - under the exception that they are allowed to listen in. Color obviously protests this, but they refuse to budge. Because although they do want Color to recover from the abuse and manipulation he's going through with Killer, they also know how bad his panic attacks get when he thinks a loved one is dead. But the immediate minute Killer starts guilt tripping, one single word about it, one of them physically takes the phone away and hangs up while the other restrains Color from stopping him. No hesitation.
And if he sneaks out? Oh, buddy. You have an engineer for a friend. You bet your ASS that Delta somehow managed to put a location chip on him somehow - phone, hoodie, pocket, you name it. He managed to put it in - and incredibly well hidden. So if Color sneaks out? Once they wake up and realize he's gone, they follow Delta's tracker straight to him.
Obviously once they get Color back (and once Delta and Beta are allowed their time of beating the shit out of Killer and probably psychologically fucking him over a bit, too), they first check to make sure he's ok. Then they launch straight into scolding him for it. Because really, what the fuck? We understand that you're worried for him and that you miss him, but that wasn't ok. You need to be ok with not being able to peek over Killer's shoulder (hypervigilance) 24/7 to make sure he isn't doing anything wrong. You can live without him and he can live without you.
Now this is probably about when Color starts trying to defend Killer, or get out of it somehow. They shut that bullshit down instantly.
Delta calls it as it is. It's abusive, toxic and manipulative. And although Color hates it - deep down, he knows they're right. He won't ever admit it to himself, but he knows that if Delta or Epic were somehow in this situation, he would call it what it is, too.
Epic takes a gentler approach, knowing Delta can definitely speak for the both of them, so he focuses more on making sure Color is ok at the moment and isn't getting too upset. He steps in when needed, but let's Delta do the most of the talking. Because Beta is telling him exactly what to say and how it's abusive. Because unfortunately, poor Beta knows what an abusive relationship is like.
Color, of course, would probably try to flip it - he'd try to play therapist again, asking how Delta/Beta knew about abuse, why did they? Yeah, that wouldn't fly either. That also gets shut down very quickly.
The road trip would last a very long time. The bigger a fight Color puts up, the longer it lasts. And then some on the way back. Because like hell are they gonna be letting Killer near right now. They love Color way too much to just sit on the sidelines and watch him be abused and manipulated by a mass murderer.
Oh hello again delta anon so happy to see you!! /gen
Also may i propose some bits of Ekko vs Jinx for either Cross vs Killer or Delta vs Killer.
cuz like. the exhausted walk, the death glare and sneer, the unhinged giggle, and “ooohhh..look who it is! the boy SAVIOR!” either that or ekko can be murder/dust protecting color & delta all the possibilities. or just good old delta protecting color & epic.
(But for my own sanity im gonna say it doesnt manage to ever come to this type of confrontation. please i cant take it i need them to go back to being themselves!! 😭) (thats a lie i love the drama of it all lmao)
and of course delta put a tracker on color lmao. get chipped idiot.
and like..imagine that color has a hard time putting seeing himself as completely blameless simply because killer made him into a forced perpetrator. and hes like i said that or i did that and i hurt him and delta & beta have to remind him of not only the context surrounding all of it—how killer pushed and pushed and manipulated—but also point out that killer and chara and nightmare had this exact same shit going on.
if color can claim killer wasnt to blame for what chara and nightmare made him do, then how can he be to blame for what killer made him do. breaking that cycle baby hell yeah.
oh i wonder how itll all end. Will it keep escalating, will it just be a period of enforced no contact between color and killer until killers able to get it together. or will color and killer run off eventually.
aw god imagine colors interactions with stage 1. id imagine he didnt have a clue what’s going on really—what would he ever think this was okay? where did the logic come from?—and also id imagine hed have missing gaps between the memories of color comforting him and the memories of color punishing him—why? what happened? whywhy? this cant be real what did he do?
because through it all stage 1 would immediately jump to the conclusion that he did something. he cant say why—he doesnt understand, what was he thinking? he cant connect with his other stage’s logic—and yet theres also this sense of..fear. around color.
which is thinks is fucking stupid hes the reason it even happened at all. and the whole thing sets stage 1 back entire leaps and bounds in his process and he keeps his mouth fucking shut and tries force himself to deal with the guilt and shame and misguided fear and ooh all the drama.
hmm does anyone have any ideas for what happens with stage 1 or what just happens next 🤔
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spiegelgestalt · 3 months
Timebomb feelings because of the Arcane trailer for season 2
So I just saw the arcane trailer for season 2. It's great. I'm so excited. (so sad that Victor and Jayce died in the explosion quite an apprupt ending for them i guess... /s)
but what i really want to talk about is these two pictures:
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Because it got me thinking. One of the interesting aspects of the Jinx/Ekko relationship is that they are able to communicate through other means than direct words. And that they are able to create a different image for each other.
Long and rambly explanation under the cut, which got away from me and can be summarized with: Jinx makes Ekko more violent and Ekko makes Jinx more heroic and they love each other your honor and i want to see a team up in season 2:
Jinx has a few songs (Guns for hire, goodbye, What could have been) but they are usually solos. They are usually melodic rock. And they usually concentrate on how much Jinx was wronged.
And than there is Dynasties and Dystopia. On first watch i thought it was an Ekko song. It's after all in his style (both in animation as in genre) but some words don't quite fit:
"I might just might kick your butt Go run amok then paint my nails Never learned to raise my hand Was too busy raising hell Everything I know I am You should go and save yourself Thought you had my number, huh Congratulations, you played yourself"
this just screams jinx to me. Ekko has yet to run amok. Jinx does it all the time. I don't even know what Ekko's nails look like, but we have several distinct shots of Jinxs' blue and pink nails; Ekko doesn't raise hell, if he's raising something it's paradise. And the line "you should go and save yourself" is a good continuation/rejection of the one thing Jinx says in this fight: Look who it is - the boy savior -> go save yourself! And it forshadows the way jinx will be able to get just a loss instead of a total defeat (look she was defeated- in the aftermath Ekko had a hurt leg, while Jinx needed to be revived with terrible magic drugs there is a clear winner here). Ekko thinks he has jinx figured out but he hasn't and thats why he will hesitate in the end.
But i would also argue that not all of the song is jinx:
Ooh, yeah, he mad I'm racking up white diamonds Throw me in the sky You would swear the sun shining Ooh, yeah, he mad I'm racking up white diamonds Throw me in the sky You would swear the sun shining
this verse is both of them: Basically they are saying: Look how great i'm doing (lie) Aren't you mad about it? (They will never beat the allegation that they are bitter exes.)
And I'd argue that this is Ekkos verse:
In this gothic underground city We all sin If I bring a couple rounds with me Then we all win I came back and brought the crown with me The king's den Break your nexus and your neck 'cause Everybody's on your head
and interestingly enough it's an offer. This makes sense with the visual. Encouraged through Vi who insists that Powder is still in there somewhere Ekko conjures a situation wich is similar to their old games. And it works: It's the only time Powder appears as her young self on screen. And so Ekko makes an offer he probably made before: Trust me, back down, i can help:
He starts with: We all make mistakes - one of the things that bind Powder to the Jinx personality is her guilt over having killed her entire family. But Ekko doesn't blame Jinx he blames their circumstances (something he also does in his Zaun-duet misfit toys)
If i bring a couple rounds with me, then we all win -> this foreshadows his timetravel ability. And even if he doesn't has it at this point this whole scene breaks down time itself so it still works in my head. Ekko brings the crown with him (the hextech-crystal) and he warns Jinx that everyone is going after her.
And the second refrain which I'd argue both sing once again:
Hold still while I bag that, uh Talk bad 'til I snap back, uh This ain't brown, this that dark black This that pitch black, jet black Snap yo' ex watch me give him flashbacks
Meaning: keep still, i've got this, just trust me dude!
This song shows that Ekkos and Jinx's disagreement is far more similar to the disagreement between Vander and Silco than to the disagreement between Vi and Jinx. Vi and Jinx' disagreement is personal. Vi rejects everything jinx has become and just wants her "sweet" little sister back - Ekkos and Jinx's disagreement is political. They disagree about the question what is best for Zaun. AND I'd also argue the Ekko is far less surprised by the jinx personality. He knew Powder was a bit of a shithead. He's just pissed that she's working for Silco.
Well let's finally get to these two pictures:
We see Ekko and we see Jinx drawn as hero of the resistance in Ekkos style* (compare the mural to the video of misfit toys) We know that Jinx gave Ekko a definition that didn't suit him by creating the firefly bombs and recasting him as a terrorist. And know we see Ekko who maybe drew this picture of jinx recreating her from a terrorist into a hero of Zaun.
(see me get proven wrong in the first episode of arcane season 2...)
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ffiahh · 1 year
Please Don't Leave Me.
A journey on Vi learning how to accept and give affection again.
Pairings: Modern!Touch-Starved!Sub!Bottom! Vi x Masc!POC!Dom!Top!RugbyPlayer!OC! Aspen
Content Warning: Brief self-deprecating thoughts, cursing, brief mention of sexual harassment/assault, description of brief panic attack/meltdown, self-doubt, brief mention of death/dying (no one died). SMUT WARNING: choking/gagging (fingers), fingering, face-sitting, tribbing, description of spit, power play, praise, orgasm denial, back scratching, slight description of overstimulation, dirty talk, aftercare.
Word Count: 6.9K
☾*:・゚✧. Now, now, don't look at the word count and get discouraged, that also applies to the x reader being x OC. Being top/bottom and Sub/Dom, are not the same, top/bottom determines whether you 'receive it' or not, and Dom/Sub determines control; you can be a Dom and also be a bottom; thought I would clarify. OC has vitiligo, not the focal point of the plot, but Vi likes looking at them. I know shit all about rugby, I just really like looking at hot, muscly, sweaty ladies wrestle each other for a ball. Vi is really fucking cute in here, I liked writing her in this.
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VIOLET loved affection; she loved it in any form she could get. She sought out anyone’s love language and adapted; gave them affection the way they wanted it. She always made sure she had a comforting hand on those she cared about, made sure they felt safe. Powder was one of them; the way she looked up at Vi with her large eyes, leaning into her hand, with the softest, gentlest smile. For someone who had a heavy hand; well-versed in the art of violence; Vi was incredibly gentle, loving. Violet craved just as much affection, loved the way Powder always reached up on her tiptoes to encase her in a hug so warm; it would almost burn her insides. She loved the way little Ekko would almost always jump on his feet to hug Vi. Vi was a gentle soul with a good heart.   
It was a lot more difficult now.  
Prison was a shitty place. It was dark, and cold and hard. Literally. Vi took more beatings than she had food. It was shitty enough for Vi to finally understand to keep her hands to only fighting; nobody in prison wanted to fucking cuddle. Cuddling was absent in prison; kissing wasn’t a thing and sex was something forced. Vi of course knew going to prison wasn’t sunshine and rainbows; it was horrible, and traumatic and would always follow her. It burns into the back of her brain, fizzing in front of her eyes whenever she lets her mind talk. So, the touch of a gentle hand felt foreign to her now, a mere distant memory; Vi craved it though, she had to scold herself to keep her hands in her pockets whenever she talked to Ekko, whenever she could even get the chance to speak to… Jinx; they were old now, a hollow shell of what’s left of their childhood; they didn’t snuggle into her hugs anymore, didn’t rely on the strength of her hands to let their heads rest in her palms. Whose fault is that? You stupid bitch.  
Violet hates affection now. She doesn’t know who to give it to, she doesn’t know who to ask it from. Violet was unsure if she would enjoy it now, if it would feel different because she maybe grew out of the affectionate person she was; all because she was trying to survive. Violet has other things to worry about; like getting Powder back, or worrying if someone was going to attack her. Vi had to look over her shoulder, she never stopped but somehow it felt more daunting doing it all alone. Violet was an adult; it was time she started acting like one.
Aspen changed that though, she bulldozed her way through with that stupid, cocky smirk, with her insane, towering height and impressive build. Vi reluctantly let her through; Aspen was persistent and annoying, she tells herself that; but secretly enjoys the way Aspen so effortlessly flirts with her, or the way she could see Aspen’s dark eyes, and smouldering gaze wash over her figure. It was refreshing, and Aspen was funny. 
Meeting Aspen for the first time felt like a ton of bricks fell down her head and through her body. Aspen was annoying, never stopped flirting with her and was never embarrassed about admiring Vi.
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Vi remembered the day she walked into the Last Drop; she had just gotten out of prison; and somehow, Vi felt no ounce of feeling. Hollow maybe was the right word, there but not there. Zaun was here, Ekko was, Jinx as well, but Powder was gone, Vi could barely remember what Mylo and Claggor looked like; and she saw Vander in that large statue every time she walked through Zaun. It was surreal being back in Zaun after so many years, everything was the way it had been when she left, but she felt unfamiliar; like as if she would get pelted by rocks until she was forced to leave. It was her home, but it was cold.
Vi was thankful for her hood, she could easily slip into the bar without gaining any sort of attention. Vi didn’t bother looking around the Last Drop, it wasn’t her home anymore; she had no right to melt away into the familiar scent of alcohol anymore. It wasn’t her home anymore.
Vi was a taking a sip from her glass when she first felt the gaze from Aspen; she could literally feel her presence; it was large, as large as her; with her large shoulders and thick thighs that strained against the fabric of her trousers. It felt as though the bar would part per her demand, kneel in front of her just to get her approval. There was an air of authority around her, one that wafted through her and lingered behind her, much like a cologne; a deep burnt scent.
The rest of Vi’s night carried on like that, with Vi- at first- feeling wary with Aspen’s glances before it turned into something softer, and inviting. They didn’t talk that night, or the night after that, or the night after that.
“Hey.” Until one night. Vi looked up from her glass, her eyes running over the expanse of Aspen’s legs, over her exposed torso- God, those V-lines, to her face. Aspen’s face held a small smirk, one hand lazily in her pocket. “Is this seat taken?”
Vi seemingly flushed by Aspen’s sheer, demanding presence and insane beauty just nodded as she scooted over the booth, allowing space for Aspen to sit.
“I haven’t seen you around from here. Just moved?”
This is my home. “Yup. Came from a land far away from here.”
Vi quickly realises that she has a big mouth, with no fear to speak her mind. And that her name is Aspen.  
“You’re pretty, does someone have you?”
Vi stops midway from taking her drink, her cheeks heating up as she sneaks a glance at Aspen. “No. Why? You want me?”
Aspen doesn’t answer Vi’s question, just lets her eyes flicker down Vi’s form as a smirk tugs on the corner of her mouth. “Alright.”
“Alright.” Aspen repeats, she’s about to take a sip from her drink before she catches Vi’s incredulous look. “What? I can’t ask a pretty thing like you if you’re taken? Are you uncomfortable?”
Vi blinks up at Aspen, she was expecting a taunting tone from Aspen’s second question, but just gets a lilt of genuine concern in Aspen’s voice, and a slight furrow of her eyebrows on her otherwise playful face. Vi snaps out of her daze, with a small shake of her head. “You just didn’t answer my question.”
Aspen just smirks again, that same lazy one that’s lopsided and sexy. “Okay.”
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“Hey, Bubblegum.” 
Vi rolled her eyes, taking a sip from her drink as she sneaked a glance at Aspen from the corner of her eyes. The purple neon lights of the bar washed over Aspen’s skin; the way it brightened the lighter patches and the way it seemed to melt into the rest of her darker skin. Always so beautiful. “Stop calling me that.” 
Aspen lets out a playful scoff, taking a seat on the booth next to her. “Only if you stop dying your hair red. Besides, it suits you.” 
Vi scoffs quietly, rolling her eyes. “How? And don’t say my hair.” 
Aspen smirks from behind her glass, the corner of her lip pulling up, before her eyes trail down Vi’s form. “Definitely not cause of your bubble butt.” 
Vi can feel her cheeks heat up, she takes another gulp from her glass. “I don’t-” Vi trails off, her eyes washing over Aspen’s face; the arch of her nose; the way her nose ring shimmered under the light, the odd splotches of white on her otherwise dark skin, or the way her dark hair looks so thick even with an undercut. Vi greedily lets her gaze wander over Aspen’s form; her broad shoulders, or the relaxed abs, or the happy trail peeking from her trou-
“You checking me out, baby?” 
Vi blushes, turning her head. She hopes the dark lighting and the colour of her drink hides her red cheeks. “No.” Shit, Vi. You answered too fast and you couldn't keep your eyes to yourself. 
“No?” Vi could hear the tease in Aspen’s voice, she could feel Aspen’s eyes on her. “I don’t mind. I want your pretty eyes on me.” 
Well, fuck. 
Vi could only take another sip from her drink, swirling the alcohol in her glass, before she puffs her cheeks out in embarrassment. “Well- it was just- you-” Vi ends up sighing, drinking the last of her drink before placing it on the table. 
Aspen only hummed; her eyes flitting down Vi’s form again with a smirk, before she lets her head hang backwards, leaning back in her seat, her legs separating to find a more comfortable position as she closed her eyes. Vi’s eyes widened, her cheeks burning up again. Is she doing this on purpose? What is she- why does she look so good? “Wh-what are you doing?” 
Aspen turned her head to look at Vi, her dark gaze once again washing over her form. “Relaxing. Why?” 
Vi shrugs, leaning back in her seat as she takes the courage to look at Aspen. “You’re just usually so loud and annoying.”
Aspen lets out a short laugh, revealing a set of white, almost crooked teeth. “Very funny. Just tired, sweetheart.” Aspen lets out another long sigh, settling back into the booth chair. “Rugby’s been kicking my ass.” 
“Wh-” Hot. “You play rugby? That definitely explains the physique.” 
Aspen smirks, her eyes opening slightly. “Knew it. You were definitely checking me out.” 
Vi blushes again, averting her eyes. “Shut up.”
“You want to come to my rugby match? You can see more of my hot, sweaty muscles.” 
And die at the scene of Aspen’s hot, muscled body straining as she tackles other players? No, thank you. “Yes.” Fuck.
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Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the short life of Vi: ex-convict, anarchist and raging fucking lesbian.
Vi should have disagreed, she should have put her foot down and told Aspen she would be busy clipping her nails. Vi was stuck in a crowd full of loud, angry rugby fans, the wind was cold; nipping her ears and nose, and some stupid kid was kicking the back of her chair. The worst part? Vi could see the way Aspen looked; dressed in her uniform; the short sleeves hugging the curves of her biceps. She saw everything. The way Aspen’s hair flew around her face in her ponytail; the way her thick, dark eyebrows furrowed in concentration and the oh so wonderful sight of Aspen’s muscles contracting whenever she effortlessly tackled another player. The worse worst part? Vi was sitting in front of row.
Vi didn’t know anything about rugby, she just knew how much it affected her to see Aspen play the sport. The Gods hated her apparently, because it seems as though Aspen was popular among the crowd; her face showing up on the large screen from time to time. Vi didn’t think she was good with eye contact, it was a vulnerable feeling; it was awkward, but with Aspen it was easy; like breathing. Vi soon looked away though, glad that the cold air can be an excuse for her red cheeks, and even in the cool air; her whole body burned with Aspen’s gaze washing over her, her stupid smirk falling into a concentrated stare before Vi could even stare at it. The crowd didn’t mind watching her move across the field, getting a little louder every time she showed up; and for whatever reason that irked Vi.
Aspen’s team won, and somehow Vi found herself with Aspen and her friends in a restaurant. Aspen had asked her so sweetly, and Vi was tired, worn out, but she didn’t have the heart to refuse Aspen. Aspen’s friends were loud, much louder than Aspen; and it rung in her ears a little, but Vi could at least zone out as she snuck glances at Aspen’s tattoo that ran in between her breasts; it was a simple one: the life cycle of the moon, but it enhanced Aspen’s beauty, melted well with the rest of her mismatched skin that Vi’s own tattoos couldn’t compare.  
The next thing Vi gave her attention to was well-deserved too; it was the soft tuft of dark hair that hung from Aspen’s belly button, through the faint lines of Aspen’s muscled abdomen and disappeared into the band of her trousers. Vi could only thank Aspen’s choice to wear a shirt that was split open in the middle, tucked into her trousers; showing the curve of her breasts.
Vi sneaked a glance at Aspen, who was weirdly quiet. Her eyebrows were drawn in; not in the way she looked when playing rugby, but in the way that it also pulled her top lip into a subtle snarl. Aspen’s jaw was locking, as she grinded her teeth together so hard, Vi could almost hear it.
Aspen was jealous, because Vi realised that one of Aspen’s friend had taken a liking to Vi. She would have felt flattered or embarrassed that somebody liked her enough to give her glances, but it was amusing to see Aspen so possessive over someone she hasn't even got.
“I need to use the bathroom.” Vi announced, stepping up from her seat, a few of them acknowledged Vi, so she left without another word. Vi didn't bother to acknowledge the gaze that Aspen had on her until the bathroom door closed behind her. She could almost feel it burn a hole in her back.
Vi was washing her hands when the bathroom door opened, she only looked up briefly before she looked down to dry off her hands. “Need to tinkle, Aspen?”
“No.” Aspen felt much closer, Vi had barely any room to turn. She said nothing as she rested against the sink, her arms crossed over her chest as she looked up at Aspen.
“What?” Vi didn't feel nervous, though she could hear feel her heart pounding in her chest at the close proximity of Aspen. Vi breathed in through her nose once and concluded she smelt like burnt wood.
Aspen’s eyes trailed over Vi’s face, creating a map of her most favourite points on Vi’s face; her bent bridge, her large puppy dog eyes; the scar running through her top lip and eyebrow. Aspen wanted to kiss it all. “I want to kiss you so bad.”
Vi didn't need to strain her ears to catch what Aspen was saying, it flew from Aspen’s mouth easily, like as if she had been saying it out loud over and over again. She just fluttered her eyes, letting out a brief sigh and small nod.
Vi didn't stop her when Aspen caught her lips with her own, she definitely didn't stop her when her fingers dug into Vi’s waist. Vi could feel Aspen’s chest press into hers, she could feel the edge of the sink digging into her back, but Vi could only reach up to claw her fingers at Aspen’s neck, hoping to bring her closer. Their kiss was crazy, and rushed. It was loud and wet, and put Vi into a daze where nothing but small whimpers came from her mouth.
Everything around them was a blur as they moulded their mouths together and when Aspen let go with a small ‘pop’, her chest raising and falling rapidly as she sucked in sharp breaths, Vi had to stop herself from leaning on her feet to reach Aspen’s mouth again. Vi could feel her own chest moving to let more air in, and could feel the pad of Aspen’s thumb run across Vi’s lips.
“Are you comfortable enough for me to take you home?”
Vi felt like a bobble head, nodding as she tried to keep her hands around the edge of the sink. She's touched Aspen enough.
Aspen didn’t feel like it was enough; she caught Vi’s lips with her own again; pressing her body unbelievably closer to Vi’s. She could feel Aspen’s hands claw at Vi’s shirt, almost as if she wanted to undress her here; in the dingy bathroom at the equally dingy restaurant.
It wasn’t long until Aspen was guiding Vi out of the bathroom, her hand placed on the small of her back; dangerously close to the curve of Vi’s ass. Aspen didn’t bother bidding bye to her friends, only gives Vi an eager kiss, and when she reaches up to try and smack Aspen’s shoulder in hopes of living through her embarrassment; which didn’t work because Aspen’s friends only cheered on; where the rest of the patrons in the restaurant could only look on in distaste.
Things got calmer when they reached Aspen’s house, and by the time Aspen had taken her to her bedroom; Vi suddenly found the patterns on Aspen’s blanket interesting, she was feeling doubtful and nervous, Aspen could see that; as much as she liked looking at Vi when she couldn’t hold eye contact; she could see it. Aspen crouches by the bed, her hands resting on Vi’s knees.
“What’s wrong?”
Vi just shrugs, still refusing to look at Aspen; she’s glad that her hair’s covering her face. She felt stupid, so stupid that she eagerly agreed to come back here, only to not follow through with it. It felt like a promise broken, and yet Vi was determined to fulfill.
“You nervous?”
Vi purses her lips, puffing her cheeks out slightly before she shakes her head. Vi blows out a short breath from her mouth. “Why would I be nervous?”
“Could be anything. We don’t have to do anything-”
“I want to! It just-” Vi sighs, she can feel her heart thundering in her chest; her mouth felt dry and her eyes felt too watery. Vi closed her eyes tight, pursing her lips as she looks away. “I haven’t had a-a normal human interaction since- when- since before I got arrested. I-It- it was- it was my fault. I led everybody to that stupid apartment, we-we just wanted to find some things to steal, and- and it went wrong-”
“Okay, hey.” Aspen reaches out her hands to hold Vi’s face, squeezing her cheeks; letting her thumbs run over the bridge of her nose and her cheek. “Take deep breaths for me, okay?”
Vi swallowed deeply; her lips trembling as she let her eyes trail over Aspen’s face. Her heart was still beating against her ribcage; she could almost see the curves and jumps it made across her chest; it thundered throughout her whole body.
“When was this?”
Vi was quiet as she racked her mind for an answer, she didn’t get distracted by the open view of Aspen’s torso under her open shirt. She was starting to remember everything now; and wanted to bury it all again. Vi could only let her head rest heavily against Aspen, when she chose to sit on the bed next to Vi. “Seven years... I think?” 
“Seven- that was- you were kid then. For something as petty as theft? That was not your fault, and you shouldn’t have gone through that, okay?”
“Okay.” Vi didn’t believe her.
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They ended up not having sex, they just curled around each other as they slept through the night. Vi didn’t mind; Aspen was warm; even if she did sleep shirtless; her skin warmed up quickly. Aspen certainly didn’t mind; she like the feeling of holding Vi to her chest as she slept.
Vi woke up; feeling warm; enveloping her back and chest, and realised it was the closeness of Aspen pressed against her back, and the weight of her heavy forearm wrapped around Vi’s shoulders and a firm hold on her waist; Vi was literally caged in, so she didn’t bother moving. Vi stayed quiet as she ran the tip of her nose across Aspen’s arm, feeling the sparse hair tickling her face. She stayed like that; her face buried in Aspen’s forearm, under the golden glow of the sun swimming through the room. It felt like the morning after sex, except Vi’s body didn’t feel sore and Aspen hadn’t touched her at all.
Soon the hand wrapped around her hip twitched, followed by a momentary squeeze around her body before Aspen let go; stretching her limbs with a quiet groan. Aspen soon settled back in, her arms finding home again around Vi’s body. “Have you been awake long?”
Vi nearly shuddered at Aspen’s voice, it was gravelly and deep; the kind that scratched at the back of the throat. “Not long.”
Aspen hummed, before she rolled over to get out of bed, leaving Vi to recoil at the absence of her touch. “You wanna take a shower?”
Vi looked up at Aspen; who was shuffling through her wardrobe. Vi’s mind momentarily stopped at the sight of Aspen’s back and shoulder muscles, contracting as she moved. Thank you, rugby. “You telling me I stink?”
Aspen laughed, standing up with a towel and a change of clothes for Vi. “No, of course not, baby. I like your natural musk.” Aspen teased.
Having a shower made Vi feel better, her body felt cooler; her muscles were more relaxed. Aspen’s shirt on her just about fit, hanging over her broad shoulders and stopping just below her hips. Her trousers fit her better, Aspen insisted it was because of her ‘bubble butt’.
Aspen soon walked out a towel wrapped around her waist, her chest out on display as she used a smaller towel to dry her hair. Vi didn’t feel embarrassed at her exposed torso; privacy was a gift in prison. Her eyes kept wandering back to Aspen’s pierced nipples; the pretty golden hearts; melted well against Aspen’s mismatched skin. Vi wasn’t ashamed to keep staring when Aspen’s towel falls to the floor; her eyes trailing over the curve of Aspen’s well sculpted ass, the corded muscles in her back and the way her thighs flexed when she put her tracksuit bottoms on.
Vi sighs, leaning back on her hands on the bed as she stared at Aspen. “Do you not want to have sex with me?”
Aspen stops tying the drawstring on her tracksuit bottoms as she looks up at Vi; her dark eyebrows were furrowed before her face softens as she lets her hands fall to her sides. “Only if you’re ready. Are you ready?”
“Thought I was last night.”
“You nearly had a breakdown, Vi. You weren’t in the right headspace; I would never take advantage of you like that.”
Vi was quiet, as she bites the inside of her mouth. She looks away when Aspen lazily saunters over to Vi; puffing her cheeks out.
Aspen lets out a quiet laugh; her fingers squeezing Vi’s chin, before they slide up to Vi’s jaw. “Why are you pouting?”
Vi huffs, subconsciously leaning into Aspen’s hand, failing to keep her eye roll contained. “Am not.”
“Now, you’re being a brat.” Aspen warns, her thumb digging into the side of Vi’s jaw, before they slide over Vi’s mouth, tracing the divot of her scar. “Want me to fuck you, Bubblegum?”
Vi swallowed thickly, her lips parting to form a sentence before it gets stuck in her throat. Her mind had left her body as she can only stare up at Aspen, it was hazy and Aspen wasn’t even doing anything. She stood over Vi with that imposing height, and that lazy grin.
“Hmm?” Aspen’s hand doesn’t let go of Vi’s jaw, her other hand slipping into the pocket of her tracksuit bottoms, as she stared down at Vi. When Vi doesn’t answer, Aspen merely chuckles; her forefinger and thumb gently pinching Vi’s bottom lip, pulling on it slightly. “Quite the sight. Lovely angle.”
Vi averts her eyes, feeling the heat seep into her cheeks; that was mistake as the only thing she could see was the faint ridges of Aspen’s abs, dusted with a trail of hair hanging from her bellybutton. Vi let her eyes dart over the various milky puddles on Aspen’s brown skin, before her breath hitched at Aspen’s command.
“Open your mouth, sweet thing. Tongue out.”
Vi listens, letting her lips part as her tongue rolls out. She can feel her heart thunder in her chest, as she anxiously waits for whatever comes next. Vi realised she quite liked this scenario; liked the way Aspen had a hold on her figuratively and literally. Perhaps, it was the rush of adrenaline or the excitement of doing something other than surviving. She felt grounded and she felt safe.  
She swallowed thickly when the weighted feeling of Aspen’s fingers sat on her tongue; Vi listened before Aspen had opened her mouth, closing her lips around her fingers; swirling her tongue over Aspen’s rough pads of her fingers.
“Good girl.” Aspen coos, her lip curling up as she hears a small, quiet sound from the back of Vi’s throat; something akin to a hum and whimper. Aspen doesn’t bother moving, just tilts her head as she stares down at Vi; the way her large eyes blinked up at Aspen. “Feel good?”
Vi just blinked blearily up at Aspen, a quiet whine spilling past her mouth; as she sucked harder on Aspen’s fingers. Vi didn’t feel embarrassed; she didn’t really have time to feel it, just very, very eager to please Aspen; and if that meant letting Aspen stuff her fingers down her throat, then so be it. Vi hummed around Aspen’s fingers, squirming slightly on her seat on the edge of the bed: she could feel the tips of Aspen’s fingers slide closer to the back of her mouth; it was so slow that Vi nearly didn’t catch it.
Vi whined again; her mouth widening slightly as tears sprung her eyes; she felt the urge to gag; her fingers quickly finding Aspen’s forearm, tightening around the muscles. Aspen’s fingers were so far down her mouth; it probably should have come out from the back of Vi’s neck.
“Breathe, baby. Through your nose. You can do it, pretty girl.”
Vi felt her skin heat up at the praise, as well as the familiar tingle up her spine. She listened, taking deep breaths through her nose, before the weight of Aspen’s fingers felt lighter. Vi didn’t think she’d enjoy this power play; but she definitely felt her boxers soak through, she might as well be sitting in a puddle of her own cum.    
Aspen still didn’t let go when strings of saliva fell from Vi’s mouth; and down Aspen’s hand. Aspen merely spared it a glance before they slid up to Vi again. In Aspen’s eyes, Vi looked divine; the way her grey eyes seemed larger, softer; almost as if she’d fall into a deep sleep, just by looking at Aspen. Maybe it the sight of Vi submitting so easily, even with the witty and snarky exterior, or perhaps Aspen just liked looking at the curves and sharp ridges of Vi’s muscles throughout her body; especially at this angle.
Aspen cooed, when she felt Vi’s mouth tighten around her fingers with a strangled whine. “I know, I know, it's messy. But you're doing so well for me.” Vi couldn't help but follow Aspen with her eyes, her mouth not letting go of Aspen’s fingers, as Aspen found a seat behind Vi. “You’re a good girl for me, aren’t you?”
Vi let out a tiny gasp, as Aspen’s fingers suddenly disappeared from her mouth. “Yeah.” Vi could only pant, placing a hand on her chest to calm her racing heart; she could feel some wet patches of her trousers, and could feel the sticky dried spit down her chin.
Vi leaned back into Aspen’s chest, her hand clutching onto the edge of the mattress while the other tentatively rests on Aspen’s thigh, and when she got no resistance did Vi squeeze her fingers around the muscle.
Vi squirmed, feeling Aspen’s hand run over her thighs, and her warm breath hit the back of her neck and ear. “You gonna let me play with you, baby girl?”
“Fu- yeah. Yes please.”
Aspen laughed, a quiet soft sound that swam through Vi’s ears like butter. “So polite.” Aspen had to stop herself from groaning out loud, as her fingers slipped slowly into Vi’s boxers; easily slipping through her folds, Aspen could already feel the familiar sticky substance on the pads of her fingers. “Taking my fingers in your mouth excited you a bit too much, eh?”
Vi sucked in a sharp breath, biting her bottom lip as she tried to keep her hips from bucking into Aspen’s touch. “Sh-shut up.”
Aspen said nothing, but instead leans in to press a few kisses across the curve of Vi’s neck and over her shoulder. Aspen’s fingers were lazy, just running through her core and purposely missing the round nub that sat atop her pussy.
“Y-you're doing that on purpose. Fuck me better.”
Aspen laughed, her teeth sinking into the muscle on Vi’s shoulder, before licking it gently. “I wanna take my time with you. You wanna leave me that quickly?”
Vi tuts, the sound turning into a little whine when Aspen’s thumb pressed into her nub, sending a glare at Aspen when her thumb slips down her folds.
Aspen laughed again, her spare hand reaching to rest on Vi’s stomach, her fingers running over Vi’s relaxed muscles. “Needy little thing, aren't you?”
Vi huffs out, her cheeks puffing slightly as she bites the inside of her mouth. Her fingers dig into Aspen’s thigh, feeling the muscle ripple under her palm in response before she looks up to Aspen. “J-just touch me. Please.”
Aspen’s face softens, her eyebrows curling in as her mouth curls into a playful pout. “Aw, well... if you keep looking at me with those large puppy eyes...” Aspen obliges, pressing her thumb into the small nub, smiling when Vi hisses in pleasure; leaning further back into Aspen’s body.
Aspen was cruel, Vi decided. No matter how many times Vi glared up at Aspen or dug her nails harder into her leg, Aspen wouldn't let her cum; going as far moving her hand back; marvelling at the sight of Vi slowly being pulled out of her pleasured state, with a small snarl and angry curve of her eyebrows.
“Aspen! This is the 3rd time now!”
Aspen laughed at Vi’s cute glare, reaching to kiss the cute little scrunch on her broken bridge, reeling back just in time to avoid Vi’s teeth biting down on her cheek.
Vi huffs out a breath, roughly grabbing ahold of Aspen’s hand, pushing them down Vi’s boxers again, settling back down once she feels Aspen’s fingers press against her entrance.
Aspen raises an eyebrow, her hand momentarily stopping to stare at Vi with a teasing smile. “Oh?” Aspen eyebrows raises even further when Vi sits up.
Her hands hover over Vi’s hips, as she turns around in Aspen’s lap; kneeling on either side of Aspen’s thighs. Aspen looks up at Vi, the tip of her subtle fang peeking through, as she finally settles her hands on her waist. “Oh? Taking the lead are we?”
Vi lets out a grunt, her thighs shaking slightly when Aspen finally, finally slips her hands down her trousers again. Vi lets out a quiet breathless moan, cursing under her breath when Aspen’s fingers slip inside her easily. “Y-you're so annoying. Ah- sh-shit.” Vi curses under her breath again, her fingers absentmindedly clawing at Aspen’s shoulders, before she presses an eager kiss to Aspen’s mouth.
“Is that why you're fucking yourself on my fingers, baby?”
Vi doesn't say anything, just presses her forehead to Aspen’s shoulder. She can feel her thighs jerk every time Aspen’s presses into her, whining when Aspen's fingers move at a faster pace. “You better let me cum this time.” Vi can feel herself getting closer, can feel it in the way her body shook, and the way she kept pushing her hips into Aspen’s hand.
“Hm, I don't-” Aspen cut off that thought when Vi looks up, her eyebrows drawing as she glares at Aspen. “Alright! You can cum, baby. You've done so well.” Aspen coos, leaning forward to press a trail of kisses across Vi’s shoulders, pushing her shirt out of the way to carry on down her chest.
Vi orgasm- finally- hit her hard, it was easier to hold onto Aspen as she fucked her through the orgasm, and she didn't let up until Vi had to push her hand away to avoid the onslaught of overstimulation. “T-too much, Aspen.”
Vi let out a breath, letting her body fall forward into Aspen, burying her face in Aspen’s neck. “I did it.” Her voice was quiet, but Aspen heard it clearly, and made it her smile.
“Yeah, you did. So proud of you. You did so well for me.” Aspen ran her hands over Vi’s hips and thighs, as she waited for her to come down from her high, before wrapping her arms fully around Vi’s waist.
Vi let out a yelp, feeling her body fall back onto the mattress, and blinking up at the sight of Aspen leaning over her. Vi was speechless; Aspen at this angle, looked good. She liked the way her muscles tightened under her skin, and the way her dark hair created a short curtain around her face.
Vi spluttered, leaning up on her elbows when she felt Aspen tug on her trousers, pulling them down along with her boxers. “More? Are you even human?”
Aspen laughed, her thumbs slipping past the band, and sliding it down her muscled legs. “I'm a hungry man, I’ve got a taste, I want more.”
“Wh- you're not tired?”
“I'm a rugby player. I’m never tired.”
Vi ended up finding herself digging her nails into the muscled expanse of Aspen’s back, scratching them deep enough to break skin and definitely leave marks. Vi tried to keep her moans in, but they kept spilling out breathlessly; she could feel the warmth of Aspen’s pussy grinding against her own, and the embarrassing sound of squelching every time Aspen pressed against her harder. Vi dug her fingers in deeper, pulling at the skin at Aspen’s back when she felt Aspen hurl her hips higher; feeling the pressure of pleasure buzz through her.
Aspen bit her lip, closing an eye as she smirked tiredly down at Vi. “Damn, baby. You're the scratching type, huh?” Smiling wider when Vi’s eyes roll into the back of her eyes, another whine slipping past her mouth.
Vi curses under her breath, she could feel the bed creak under their weight, and the tight hold she had on Vi’s waist. She could only grunt, and lightly slap Aspen’s back. “Sh-shut up.”
Aspen speeds up a little; letting out her own moan when their clits brushed against each other, liking the way Vi’s body moved under hers, one hand reaching up to move a strand of hair from Vi’s eyes. “A slapper as well? You're gonna bite me next, sweetheart?”
Vi pants, falling back on the pillow, and hissing in pleasure. “Y-you're insufferable.” Vi felt her body shake, squeezing her eyes shut. “G-God, please like that…”
“Good girl. Stay like that for me.” Aspen laughs, and suddenly Vi can feel the heavy weight of Aspen’s hands on either side of her head. “I'm annoying, but you're begging so sweetly with that pretty mouth of yours. Who are you fooling, darling?”
“Shit.” Vi couldn't say anything else, she could only grab onto Aspen’s wrists for support. She felt incredibly sensitive, it didn't help that Aspen slowed every time she saw Vi was close to orgasming again. “Aspen, please.”
Aspen stopped, her chest heaving as she let Vi's hips gently down onto the mattress. Aspen couldn't help but run her hands over Vi’s thighs, marvelling at the sight of her muscles contracting under her touch, before her eyes slid over Vi’s body; taking in the sight of her flushed skin, and her dazed eyes. “I need you to sit on my face.”
Vi raises an eyebrow, falling out of her daze. “You're going to die. Are you crazy?”
Aspen shrugs. “Maybe I am. Send me to heaven.”
Vi could only let out a startled laugh, when she feels Aspen’s hands take hold of her hips; trying to move Vi over her face. Vi holds onto the headboard tightly, looking down at Aspen; who seems very happy at this new position. “You sure you want this?”
Aspen peeked out from under Vi’s legs, looking up at her with an incredulous look. “You know, you can at least break my nose.”
“Come on, baby. I’ll wear it with honour. I’ll tell ‘em all that my lady did it to me.”
Vi couldn’t help but blow a raspberry in hopes it would keep her laugh in; it did not work. Her whole body shook as she laughed, and Aspen could only look on with a slight look of impatience as she stared at Vi.
Aspen opened her mouth to speak, but Vi was quick to shut her up by putting her entire weight on Aspen’s face. “Stop talking. Just- f-fuck.” Vi felt the onslaught of Aspen’s tongue quickly; feeling it run through her folds, stopping just above her clit.
Vi’s thighs trembled over Aspen, her fingers digging into the wood of the headboard, while she reaches with her other hand to knead her breast. Aspen liked that view, moaning into Vi’s cunt, as her fingers reached to sink into her own cunt.
Vi gasped out a moan, feeling Aspen’s tongue stretch her entrance slightly as her nose dug into her clit. She couldn’t help but grind herself further into Aspen’s mouth; instantly whining when Aspen wraps her lips around her clit, sucking on it before flattening it out with her tongue.
At some point, Vi could feel her cum leak down her folds, dragging along the inside of her thighs, and she could feel the muscle tense in her thighs for holding herself up for so long. She loses feeling in her thighs, and giving out as she lands on Aspen’s face. Vi leans back up again, with an apologetic whine before gasping as she feels Aspen pull her down again. Vi soon reaches her release, with her hands fisting the pillow underneath Aspen’s head, and Aspen practically suffocating happily under Vi’s weight.  
Sadly, Aspen did not break her nose, Vi found that amusing, and also disgusted that Aspen wanted to kiss her.
“Aspen!” Vi laughed, trying to fend off an eager Aspen; who’s lips were puckered ready for a kiss. “I am not kissing you with that dirty mouth! Clean it.”
Aspen huffs, reaching behind her to pull out tissue paper, wiping her mouth hastily; throwing the soiled paper over her shoulder and pouncing back toward Vi, only to whine out a response when Vi pushes her back. “With water.”
Aspen rolls her eyes but obliges, running into the bathroom. Vi had to keep her amused smile in when she could see the haste mess Aspen was making in her trail to get to Vi quickly, and this time Vi let her settle in; smiling whenever Aspen pressed another kiss to her mouth. “You’re the needy one.”
It was quiet between them after that, Vi was nestled in Aspen’s shoulder, her arms tight around her waist. It was a calm feeling, one that Vi enjoyed a lot; she could feel the tips of Aspen’s otherwise rough fingers trace the lines of her back tattoo. It was a comfortable silence.
Aspen hummed, tightening her arms around Vi as she rests her chin on top of Vi’s head. She could feel the chill on her open, naked body but made no move to fix it. Vi didn’t bother to cover herself up either, just melted into Aspen’s arms.
“Are you sad that I didn’t break your nose?”
Vi laughs, sneaking a glance at Aspen before shaking her head. “You’re crazy.”
“Crazy is what got you under me, ain’t it?” Aspen grins; her hand sneaking down toward the curve of Vi’s ass. “No matter, though. We’ll try again next time.”
Vi should have been focused on the persistent thought that Aspen wanted to sport a bruise after having Vi sit on her, but she was too focused on the next time. “You’d want this again with me?”
“Of course, I would. Not just sex either; I want to take you out and show you off, and date you and introduce you to my friends and my family-” Vi’s heart thundered in her chest at that comment.
“I was good?” Vi mumbles, her eyes averting and her cheeks reddening; she was so quiet that Aspen had to strain her ears, until she heard what she said.
Aspen looked down at Vi and her beautiful, beautiful puppy eyes. Aspen smiled, a certain softness to it rather than her sharp playfulness. “You’re the best girl. You listened so well. You were so good for me.”
Vi could feel a new softer feel blossom in her chest, it warmed her insides and created fumes of happiness that leaked from her pores. Vi just hid her face in the pillow, her fingers running across Aspen’s forearm. “You took control a lot…”
Aspen nods, pulling Vi in closer to her chest; kissing the back of her neck. “I can give up control next time.”
Vi pulls out from her hiding place, looking up at Aspen. “You’d do that?”
Aspen scoffs playfully, her eyes running over Vi’s entire muscled body. “Yeah. Look at you. Muscle mummy. My legs are open.” Aspen lights up, leaning up slightly on her elbows as she gapes down at Vi. “Are we doing this now? Take me. Take me now.”
Vi laughs, tightening her fingers around Aspen’s shirt, pulling her back down on the bed. “Lie back and cuddle me.”
Maybe coming back to Zaun was worth it.
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katz-rambles · 2 months
hello! proud member of the arcane fandom here, can confirm we are alive and well ! may i suggest a little something with ekko and a gn (or masc) reader? perhaps comforting ekko after the bridge incident of episode 7- thank you ! and take care <3
Yess! I js finished rewatching Arcane today, and the bridge scene is still one of my favorite fight scenes! Take care, as well, Anon!!
1k words, so it's a little on the short side.
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(fluff, gn!reader, reader has some medical knowledge (but I don't, so I apologize if this is inaccurate), Ekko's a tease, illusions to sex but nothing actually happens.)
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It's safe to say that the day didn't go as planned for either of you. You're waiting at home, pacing around the room. You had a bad feeling about the whole ‘going to topside’ thing Ekko told you about. It's the day after, and there's still no sign of him. Even Scar hasn't heard from him. All your mind does is go to the worst. Could the enforcers have killed him, you don't know, and you're not sure if you'd want to know.
You were hoping that by the time you woke up, he would be there. You spend the whole morning pacing and panicking. You try to take your mind off it by getting out and seeing some of the other firelights.
It works. Talking with them and then playing with a couple of the kids helps. I'm mainly playing with the kids, though. It's fun. They convince you to play house with them, and one of them hands you a little doll. It reminds you of your childhood, and it makes you happy knowing that they get to have a somewhat normal childhood.
There's suddenly a lot of voices and clamoring when the entrance opens. So you go and check it out, it can't hurt to. You have to ,gently, push past some of the small crowd to get to see what's actually going on. “Hey, sweetheart,” Ekko groans and stumbles, and you're quick to wrap your arm around him to help stabilse him. When you look down, you're met with an odd sight. You can check having a councilor inside the fireflights base now. He clings to your side and lets you help him get up into your shared room so you can assess the damage.
You let him sit down on the bed, and he sighs, resting his head back on the headboard. You scan him for any big injuries. There's one that catches your eye, a bleeding wound across his stomach. “It wasn't supposed to go this way,” he starts, helping you lift up his shirt so you have access to the wound and the continuing, “it was just supposed to be, I go across with Vi and the other girl. Give them the stone, and then everything would be better. But no.” He winces when you pat some of the alcohol down on it, cleaning it so you can stitch him up. “I know, I'm sorry.” You sigh and press your free hand on his cheek. One of his hands covers yours, and he leans into your touch.
“This is going to hurt like a bitch, you know.” You warn him and grab a pair of tweezers when you notice the small pieces of metal lodged inside the wound. He lets out a shaky breath and nods, one hand grabbing onto the sheets of the bed. You can hear him wincing and groaning when you start to grab the metal, slowly pulling it out, trying not to hurt him too much. You drop the metal on the nightstand and stand up to grab the stapler. You dab some of the numbing cream around the wound in hopes that it won't hurt too bad when you close it. While you wait for it to kick in, you get on your knees and take a look at his ankle.
“It's not broken. Nothing a splint won't be able to fix.” You say as you feel his ankle for swelling or a broken bone. You grab the wooden splints from the nightstand, glad you grabbed them just in case, and place them on either side, securing them in place with a nice layer of bandages. You grab the stapler and Ekko groans in protest, “oh fuck, is that part really necessary?” You scoff and shrug. “I could just knock you out and do it,” You offer, pulling out a vial of anesthetic from the kit. You laugh when he stares at you like you just grew another head, “besides, I've already numbed the area, so this is the best it's going to be.” You say and press the stapler to his skin, internally wincing every time the sounds of it goes off and Ekko moans and groans with each staple. You thank whoever's listening that you didn't have to do too many staples. You don't think you could handle any more of hearing him in pain before you gave in and actually knocked him out.
“There.. all done.” You smile at him and rub the side of his leg. He nods, and you grab the bandages, wrapping it before you go and grab a new shirt for him to put on and take the old one. “Come here, please?” He asks and grabs your hand, pulling you towards the bed. Who are you to deny him, so you give in and crawl into the bed beside him, careful of his injuries, and lay your head on his shoulder. “Thank you,” he mumbles and kisses your cheek, leaving smaller pecks on your nose and forehead before he kisses your lips, “what would I do without you?” He mumbles against your lips, and you laugh. “I don't know.. staple yourself and probably miss.” You tease, and he scoffs, giving you a glare before he kisses you again. You're just glad he made it home in one piece, and so is he.
“I guess this means I'm on bed rest for a bit, huh?” He mumbles, and you roll your eyes. “When have you ever complained about bed rest?” You scowl, and he laughs, a real laugh, not a fake one to make someone happy, a real one. You kiss him again, and he rests his hands on your waist and pulls you closer to him, his hands going lower until they rest on the curve of your hips and you smack his hands away. “What part of bed rest did you not understand?” You groan and push yourself back, hearing him laugh and rest his head on your chest. Finally resting. You're glad he's here.
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Arcane Analysis : Jinx didn't actually change.
I was thinking about the moment where Vi tells Ekko she can save Powder and that made me realize this was a thing I struggled understanding while watching the show for the first time.
Because there is no one to be saved.
A lot of the show is about Jinx and others accepting her new self, her new personality.
And that's something I struggled to understand because Jinx actually didn't really change?
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She just grew up.
She tried to fight as a child, and she grew up and trained, so she became better at fighting.
She used to try to build explosives as a child, she grew up, and succeeded because she kept trying.
She used to fight bad people, and she still does !
Like she literally threw a bomb at a child on ep1, it just didn't work. But she did throw an explosive at a child, because he was a villain in her head. She even did that again on ep3, and it did work this time, just a little too well-
She grew up with Silco telling her how bad Piltover is for Zaun, struggling with enforcers and firelights to sell shimmer. Of course enforcers and firelights became the bad people for her, and yes she kept fighting and throwing explosives at bad people. Without any empathy for them, yes, but she didn't as a child either (you could say she didn't show much empathy because she was a child, but you're still affected by violence even at 8, she just doesn't show empathy for ''bad people'').
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Yes she did change her name, but it seems that it's more a way to distance herself from her past, she's not a whole new person, she just wants to distance herself from what hurts her the most, she tries to escape her past, that's it. Powder just reminds her of her childhood and so of that night, it reminds her of everybody she had and that she lost there, including her sister.
And if we're speaking of her hearing voices and dissociating, that's literally the consequences of her traumas. She's not a new person because of PTSD or any other mental illness she's suffering from.
I understand Vi's point of view now, who wants to bring back her little sister who wouldn't harm anybody, but she didn't harm anybody as a child just because she failed. There's actually nobody to bring back, no Powder to be saved, no kind girl to bring out of Jinx, she literally is the same person. She attacks just as much. She makes the same explosives, she still wants to fight, she just grew up, so now, her attacks work.
I of course also understand Jinx pov because nobody accepts her ''new her'' (but Silco), but actually nobody just accepts the fact that now her plans work ?
They all see Powder as a harmless, kind but smart girl who loves playing and laughing with her friends. But she is still kind to the people that are kind to her mind (Silco, ''Chuck'' for example), she still loves to play (see the moments where she plays with Silco eye thing in EP 4, even the paint bomb at ''Chuck'' is a joke to her), she laugh less, because she lost everything, has deep traumas and actually she just doesn't have any reason to smile or laugh, but she still loves creating things (mostly explosives actually) exactly as she did as a child, the explosive she made back then didn't work, so that made her harmless. That's it.
Just wanted to write this because I feel like lot of people see Jinx and Powder as whole different persons, and even if that's what Jinx would have liked, I really think they aren't and feel like we often forgets that she does the exact same things Powder used to do, she just became better at it.
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Finally we have some art to go with the fan-lyrics.—-
Vander: We don’t talk about Silco, no, no, no! We don’t talk about Silco… BUT! It was revolution day! Benzo: It was Revolution day! Vander: We we’re getting ready and there wasn’t a cop in the Lanes. Benzo: No cops allowed in the Lanes! Vander: Silco walks in with a malicious grin. Benzo: Bloodshed! Vander: Oi! You tellin this story or am I? Benzo: I’m sorry, boss, go on. Vander: Silco said “to commit regicide.” Benzo: There’s blood in the waters! Vander: “You’ll have to create genocide.” Benzo: Look out for your daughters! Vander: Our operation was suicide! Benzo: What a casualty— but ANYWAY! We don’t talk about Silo no, no, no! We don’t talk about Silco! Ekko: Hey! Grew up on fear of Silco drugging and mugging. I could always see him scheming and screaming. I associate him with the sound of piercing flesh—Shh! Shh! Shh! It’s a heavy task for my host of fireflies. Gotta cut down all his host of deadly spies. Speaking of ambitions few could understand…. Will you take a stand? Vi: Five foot-frame, needles in his brain! When you play his game, there’s nothing left to gain, Cupcake! We don’t talk about Silco, no, no, no! We don’t talk about Silco! Marcus: He told me I would die. The next day DEAD— Wha— GAH (BOOM!) Sevika: He told me I’m his right hand— and just like he said! (Click) Finn: He said my jaw would disappear, now look who’s talkin!!? You fate is sealed with every ounce of dread! Jinx: He told me that the family of my dreams would be promised and would never die. He told me I was perfect and sly, like the fires that rain from the sky! Mel: Jayce is on his way. Viktor: He told me that the man of my dreams would be just out of reach. Betrothed to another! It’s like I can sense him now. Jinx: Hey Cait, I want not a sound of you! Viktor: I can see him now. Caitlyn: Um, Silco. Yeah about that Silco. I really need to know about Silco. Give me the truth and the whole truth, Silco! Brothel Owner: Violet, Sevika is here! All: Time for Battle! Five-foot frame (It was Revolution day, it was revolution day) Needles in his brain! (We were getting ready) When you play his game (and there wasn’t a cop in the Lanes) there’s nothing left to gain! (No cops allowed in the Lanes!) Yeah, when you play his game. (Silco walks in with a malicious grin) there’s nothing left to gain! (Bloodshed!) Oi, you tellin this story or am I!? I’m sorry boss, go on. Silco said “to commit regicide”. (Five-foot frame, needles in his brain) You’ll have to create genocide. Our operation was suicide! He’s here! Don’t talk about Silco! Caitlyn: Why did I talk about Silco? Not a word about Silco! Caitlyn: I never should have brought up Silco!
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Hi, ok hear me out. An arcane AU with marauders characters. Black brothers angst, etc.
(Just an Idea don’t feel pressured to write anything at all I just really love your style of writing and if anyone was to write an arcane au, I would want it to be you that’s all ily bye bye now)
i actually have an arcane au just for me that’s centered around regulus and mariela (my oc jegulus’ daughter) with mariela as jinx and regulus in silco’s position. it’s mariela’s pov so i won’t be publishing it or anything since it’s just a silly OC story, but god it’s. So important to me.
in terms of what i would publish though🤭regulus as jinx has always been so deeply felt as Canon in my heart and soul. like. oh the youngest sibling curse is REAL and the thought of him being Haunted his entire life, alone and abandoned, raised to be more weapon than person OH I JUST AHHHHH GNAWING AT THE BARS OF MY ENCLOSURE.
plus we all know i’m a slut for transmasc genderfluid regulus, so imagine a pre-transition regulus in powder’s position, and then once he reunites with sirius (who’s in vi’s position — bro gets falsely locked up in every universe lmao), there’s a whole other layer to the “refusing to call jinx by her new name” thing because regulus is trans!! he’s trans and it’s Not Who Sirius Remembers and it just furthers regulus’ mentality that he’ll never be accepted as he is.
“i thought…maybe you could love me like you used to. even though im…different…”
i’m not sure whether i’d want to play into the exact dynamic of jinx and silco, in which case i’d have bellatrix be in silco’s position, if i’d want to play into the softer parts, in which case i’d have narcissa be in silco’s position, or if i’d want to play into the fully toxic and manipulative parts, in which case i’d have tom riddle be in silco’s position.
and okay hear me out: pandora as viktor. LITERALLY OPENING PANDORA’S BOX HELLO!!!!!!!! pandora as viktor, and i can’t decide who would be jayce, but im thinking maybe barty?? the Diplomat’s Son dabbling in forbidden sciences only to discover something genius (mr twelve O.W.L.s over here).
with mel (side note she looks so good in season two promos im SWOONING) i could see her being lily or dorcas. i’ve wanted to write bartylily for a while but never got the chance to, so lily in mel’s position would be the perfect opportunity for their twisted little dynamic, but dorcas’ slytherin cunning up there running the council?? that’s also just. too good to pass up yk??
i’d probably combine elements of both lux and ekko for james’ character. i’m a lightcannon girlie through and through, but for this fic id defo make an exception for jegulus <3 KISSING ON HOVERBOARDS YES PLEASE <3
but yeah a regulus-centric arcane au has been On The Brain since i first watched the show. just. the dinner scene plays over and over in my head, and i just think, what if that was regulus? what would she do? who would be his silco? it’s absolutely a concept i intend to write, hopefully sooner rather than later.
also “if anyone was to write an arcane au id want it to be you” is probably one of the most flattering things anyone has ever said to me thank you so much??😭
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