#I just wanna be transparent with yall
ghostsxagain · 11 months
//alright babes. here's the sitch. my brain's been FUNKY lately. it's hard to focus on anything for too long and I feel very overwhelmed with life. I'll be here when I have the energy to be, and I'll work on owed stuff as I have the muse for them. going in order is not working for me. if it's been too long and you wish to drop things, I completely understand. if there is something you're waiting for or want to check the status of, please let me know. I want to be mindful of everyone's feelings cuzz y'all matter to me, but I'm also not going to force myself to do things beyond my capacity. love and light, sweetlings. hope life is kind to you xx//
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luna-rigain · 7 months
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This was made while trying to explain the plot of enstars to a friend but its made me laugh the entire rest of the day so you all get to see it as well
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werewolf-artfriend · 1 year
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a silly lil drawing that happened to coincide perfectly with valentines day! based on a figurine ill link in a reblog :)
timelapse under the read-more!
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odysseys-blood · 2 months
got into a family debate while at dinner for my dads bday so
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sidsinning · 11 months
the movie aint better ya goofs (don't read if you don't wanna hear my slander lol,,,)
"Movie!Gabriel is better than show!Gabriel because he actually cares for his son and gets redeemed"
istg this fandom's obsession with redemption needs to END
Morally better character ≠ better writing
Can I just get a piece of media that tells kids "hey, ur abusive parent was an asshole, and even if they had humanity you do not need to reconcile and forgive them in the end" bc I feel like that's what show!Gabriel leans towards which is great
Gabriel barely talks to Adrien in the movie and suddenly when he sees him under CN's mask his entire reign of terror, his determination to see his dead wife again ends in a tearful hug lmao come on now
("but the ending where Adrien suddenly loves his dad again???"- Astruc has been pretty blunt on Twitter that this perfect society you see in S5's ending is built off of a lie, so Adrien is def not gonna just keep that view)
"Adrien actually stands up to his dad in the movie!"
Movie!Adrien is legit a normal human boy, not a sentimonster who is literally physically incapable of fighting back against whoever has his amok
He DOES fight back (even in S1 as CN!), but people like to remember the show only up to S3. Guess what, he learns to fight back and stand up for himself through his growing bonds and relationships with those around him through character development ✨✨✨
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Also, he is an abused kid??? In the show?? How can you knock him down a peg for not fighting back,,, 😭 Adrien's lesson isn't that he needs to learn how to fight back, it's that Nathalie shoulda called cps sooner!!! In the movie they are much more of an estranged father-son pair than anything abusive. So obviously the back talk is much easier too. Movie!Adrien gets to go out alone and with friends unless his dad has specifically planted an enemy where he is. Show!Adrien has been beaten, mind controlled, forced to hurt Marinette, isolated and locked up, etc.- he has been TERRIFIED of his dad multiple times.
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"Marinette isn't an obsessive stalker in this!"
Man I am so sick of this complaint- the show has never rewarded Marinette for her obsessive behavior. BC IT IS A CHARACTER FLAW. One they use for cringe comedic purposes, but a flaw nonetheless. Every time she has done anything that hurts others in pursuit of Adrien she is punished by the writers. And bc the show has an episodic monster-of-the-week format, this plot is recycled a lot (which is its own complaint). And guess what? SHE STOPS BEING OBSESSIVE. YEAH. SHE STOPS DOING THAT SHIT- so what do you want now??? She grew out of it after it costs her the miraculous so why tf are yalls still hurling this at her like its a L,,,,
This Marinette is just a watered down boring version of show!Marinette. She's just a girl who gets insecure at times but grows confident bc she's Ladybug. Ok. So is our Marinette but MORE. Our Marinette is super smart, creative, resourceful, an overthinker, extremely kind and selfless to others, gets jealous and reckless when her emotions get the better of her, etc. She is fully formed even after watching just 3 episodes of S1.
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Like the fact that they didn't even bother to include the oh so important hook of the show- her lucky charm power- shows they didn't care about doing this story justice- its so transparently lazy writing 💀 (miraculous of creation where??? CN gets cataclysm for destruction but what is movie!LB bringing to the yin yang table,,,)
Legitimately all the comparisons I'm hearing from people saying the movie is better are from those who just aren't caught up with the show where Marinette is no longer toxically obsessive with Adrien, where the plot/lore is insane but 10000000x better and more creative than what the movie gave us, the love square was much better developed EVEN FROM JUST THE ORIGINS EPISODES, etc. Istg these people stopped at S3 where the show was at its worst (if I were to pinpoint it)
Everything is so watered down or changed for the worse
Adrienette bonding was 1 conversation and 2 seconds about his mom in a voiceless montage. Marinette didn't fall for him bc of his kindness after a misunderstanding, it was bc he looked handsome in the library's light lol. He called her weird and didn't think twice about putting on his earphones to listen to more alpha podcasts. You really do wonder why she likes this dude over her partner CN bc they have no connection at all.
Movie!Adrien was an asshole don't you dare do show!Adrien dirty by comparing him to this ellen degeneres alien lookin mf
When movie!Adrien is crying after Mari reveals herself as LB, unlike the show, here you're like "yeah no you only like her now bc she's LB lol"
Anyways feel free to enjoy what you enjoy but uuuuuhhhh this movie getting a 3/10 for me would not rewatch
Oh wait the good things
-Some Ladynoir scenes were cute, like them playfully fighting with the accidental wall pin
-I liked Ladybug moving away from CN's kiss- nice hint of angst
-Chloe's coffee stain scene
-Luka cameos were cute
songs were bad or mid
ya das it
I guess feel free to talk to me in my inbox about your own thoughts if you wish (respectfully plz)
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
03/01/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
OMG is is already march? Today's a long one yall.
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
= Samba Schutte =
More BTS! The particularly exciting part about this post was Samba's words:
"Last scene of the season, it was a heavy one which required extreme focus and emotion, and I decided to clown around☠️ What were they gonna do, fire me?👀 #readtheroom #ourflagmeansdeath #ofmd #ofmdseason2"
A lot of folks are feeling like there are two important points in this message:
"Last scene of the SEASON" (vs series)
"I decided to clown around"
=Vico Ortiz =
Needed more reasons to love Vico? They're a Good Omens fan as well!
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== Don't Panic! ==
Many of you have probably heard about a lot of Our Flag Means Death Props being sold off at auction. Several crew-mates have made some excellent points as to why not to panic yet. I saw a tweet somewhere and now of COURSE I can't find it, but just a reminder, props are not the SET itself. The Set not being sold off is a huge plus, props come and go.
Thank you to @OFMDBingo42 and @cumulativehchaos for your thoughts and reassurances regarding this!
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And a final note I whole-heartedly agree with from @chaotickraken91
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== New Charity Fundraisers! ==
#WeeJohnWonday Fundraiser
A new fundraiser in aid of @KristianNairn's favorite charity, Team HAVEN Belfast will be going live on Monday, March 4th! If you'd like to see last years documentation/receipts please visit #HonoringKristianNairn Source: @ForceMonument's Twitter
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== Smiles for Samba! ==
It's finally #SmilesForSamba day! Thank you to everyone who contributed to the scrapbook and fundraiser in honor of Samba!
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== Watch Parties and Events ==
== Reminders! ==
Last chance for Season 2! Marathon tomorrow! Saturday 8am CST / 2pm GMT
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= March 2 - Captain's Orders =
Tomorrow is #CaptainsOrders! Our Captain Rhys Darby has said more than once that getting out into nature is so incredibly important and healing. Weather permitting, try to get outside tomorrow even for a little bit and get some fresh air! Src: @rebels_rascal / Graphic by @SharpenYourSword on Twitter
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== #WereWolvesWhen ==
With all the buzz going around regarding "We're Wolves" being scripted finally (from the Wellington Paranormal Podcast). Our Vianton Crew have asked fellow Rhys Darby fans to start spreading the word on "We're Wolves". Wanna help? You can hop onto your favorite social media and share your favorite parts of WWDITS or werewolves in general!
Please use the following hashtag #WereWolvesWhen!
== Save OFMD Crew Updates==
=Transparency Policy=
Clarification edits have been made to the Financial Transparency Policy. The next full review period will start on May 22nd Transparency Policy
= Immoderate Citrus! =
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For National Sunkist Citrus Day, the SaveOFMDCrew wants you to send them all your citrus-related favorite! Reach out on any of their socials: Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Tumblr
= Billboard has been Scheduled! =
The #BeABillboard campaign to SaveOFMD will go live in London's Leicester Square on 11th, 12th, 18th, and 19th of March. Are you in London? Feel free to go check it out!
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== Adopt Our Crew ==
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Today @AdoptOurCrew hosted a These Thems watch party! There was a whole lot of engagement and they were kind enough to share some BTS bits that Vico shared with them! Check them out over on Instagram!
I've posted the images here as well for those of you who don't have access. All photos and posts regarding #TheseThems are courtesy of @adoptourcrew!
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Didn't get to join the Watch Party? Check out These Thems On Youtube!
= More AOC Analytics! =
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= #OurFlagTurns2 Bingo =
Did you know that our friends over at @adoptourcrew are running a Bingo game in celebration of OurFlagMeansDeath turning 2 on Sunday? Give it a whirl if you'd like! Feel free to hop on over to them on Twitter or Instagram and let them know how it's going!
Twitter / Instagram
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== Fan Spotlight! ==
More cards from @melvisik! Thank you for letting us collect them all! Today is Con O'Neill!
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== Dgdd Gwyl Dewi Hapus! (Happy St David's Day!) ==
Happy St David's Day all! Several fans are honoring our lovely David Jenkins on this Welsh holiday! Thank you @wastingyourgum for the dedication and the translation!
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== Articles ==
TV Shows That Were Canceled In 2024
== Love Notes ==
Hey my darlings. As you can tell, today has been a very VERY long day. There is just SO MUCH going on. I don't know about you but it feels like something's building. Maybe it's just til OFMD's 2rd anniversary on Sunday the 3rd, idk, but i've got a good feeling.
Either way though, whatever that hype is, it's so nice to see everyone having fun and engaging so much. You are all so wonderful and deserve to smile and enjoy yourselves.
You are allowed to be loud and excited about things! In fact, please be! It makes us all excited too, and I love "seeing" you smile and in your element.
I'm off to bed, but I'll leave you with @thelatestkate's latest picture that's so very true. You deserve to be considered. You Count. Love you all.
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== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
I'm a bit lazy tonight so we're doing a combo, but to be fair it's one of my faves. Gif courtesy of @shegoesbyjoy
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gettinshiggywithit · 11 months
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Scenario:- Chuuya helps the reader through a tough night.
Pairings:- chuuya x gn!reader (highschool au)
Genre:- comfort?
Type:- oneshot
A/N:- HEY THEREEE!okay yes ive been pretty dead on here but I promise that’s only because of school! Hope this piece isnt cringey and see yall soon!🥲
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Was all he got
Eight minutes to midnight.
And he gets this?
A cryptic ominous and yet terrifying message from his beloved.
He contemplates what he should do.Does he let you sleep it off or does he go to you?
He decides it’s too risky to let the former happen so he settles on the latter. He goes to you. He goes to you in the dead of night.
Chuuya Nakahara was by no means a stranger to the rather tricky art of climbing into someone’s room via their window,but when in haste anyone would mess up.
Nevertheless he climbed up,landed on your balcony and knocked three times.paused and then knocked twice.it was the little indicator the two of you had decided on to make sure you knew it was him and not some stranger.
He could see you from his place on the balcony.
you were bent over your phone,typing furiously,your feet crossed and on your bed.
You didnt hear him.
So he shoots you a text,
surely you’ll see it?
A simple
“Im here”
Your head shoots up and you dart to your window,pulling the almost transparent curtains back,you open the window-esque door and he steps right in. Sure he wasnt the biggest guy,but he was nimble and quick oh his feet.packing a punch capable of knocking out someone twice,no, thrice! His size. with an attitude that scared off bullies and a sense of charisma that could charm anyone,he was perfect.
But most importantly,he made you feel safe.
at home.
Something even your own house failed to do.
He opens his arms and you slowly walk into them,your hands wrapping themselves around his slender torso and holding onto him with a death grip.
As he began to rub your back and sway just a little you began to cry.
Tears streamed down your face and stained his hoodie but he didnt care. His shirt could be washed,cleaned or even replaced.But not you. Never you.
And when the sniffling crying and shaking lessened,he pulled away a little and looked at your face before slowly lowering both you and himself to the fuzzy blue carpet under your feet.
When he looked at your face he was met with puffy eyes a leaky nose and a sight which broke his heart.
He first felt anger then fear then concern as he tried to figure out what to do.
He wanted to end whoever did this but he needed you to be okay first.
For a senior in high school,he acted more like an adult than anyone you knew;other than your classmate kunikida,that is.
He took the end of his hoodie sleeve,made a little sweater paw and wiped your tears away,reaching into his pocket and pulling out his emergency tissues for your nose.
And as he was finishing up, he looked at you,with the softest gentlest look in his eyes,asking, “what happened y/n?”
You sighed heavily at that.
“I wanna go home…”
This statement took him by surprise!
But You were already in your home? Where else could there be?
If you could name a place,he made an internal decision to take you there where ever it may be,right then and there.
He could deal with your parents later,they both loved and trusted him like their own so it’d be a breeze.just as long as you were okay.
“But how-“
You held him closer at that,as if you believed he would simply vanish into thin air.
He too held you close,giving you a kiss on the forehead and urging you to go ahead and talk about it if you wished to.
“Its just that,im sick of everything…of home of school,of life,of needing to be happy! I dont want it anymore!i want peace i want calm I want home. Youre all I have only you and what if you get tired of me i wont have a home again.ill be alone alone alone alone alone alone alo-“
He listened to you with concern and then his hands went to your shoulders.
“Hey! Hey! Im not going anywhere and youre not going to be alone not on my watch!and definitely not off my watch!”
You sniffed at that.
“Promise?” “Please?”
And his only reply was to nod,the sincerest nod in existence.
“Thank you….”
You said as you brought your head back to his chest.
“Anytime love…do you wanna talk about it?”
“No….not right now….please ?”
“Sure,im here for whenever you need me.what can i do?”
“Please stay…i cant be-be alone….please?”
“Mhmm dont worry…m’not goin anywhere..”
“Thank you…”
And so you sat there,just the two of you in a dark room past midnight.
He rocked you,hummming softly and when he realized you’d fallen asleep,he lay you down gently on your bed and places your blanket and favorite plushy over and beside you.
Be waits thirty minutes more and when he’s totally sure you’re out like a light,he leaves.
When you wake up you vaguely remember the previous nights proceedings and when he asks you if you’re okay,you nod rather embarrassed. He looks at you and gives you a quick peck before you both go hand in hand to your next class.
(He lets you hold his hand during class if you need it too❤️)
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Tagging:- @diagonal-queen @kemis-world
All rights reserved © 2023 gettinshiggywithit . Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
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wackiwhimsi · 2 months
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Hi all!! It’s been a minute :D PLEASE bear with me I have so much I wanna say😭 Here’s a bunch of a traditional doodles I’ve whipped up recently, I also added an aggie piece I did of Iggy :3
BUT FIRST PSA, i had a name change on here! I was previously “koopaling-enthusiast” (in case some of my followers are confused😭),, i changed my insta account to the same username as my current too (wackiwhimsi) :3 … I wanted a change to include my sona’s name (who hopefully in the coming months i can finally post on here🥳)
ALSO ALSO GUHHH,,, AS U CAN SEE IGGY IS MY HYPERFIX NOW,!,!!!! U_U i just can’t stop drawing him man!! as a fellow silly person, i must do my due diligence in drawing the silly as well :D (he rlly does live in my brain though,, a rent free tenant SMH…. But i don’t have it in my heart to kick him out mannn!!!! Cx) OH HES ALSO MY MAIN IN MK8 NOW SO THATS BEEN PRETTY FUN TOO!!! :3
If i’m being 100% transparent, I’ve also kinda been going through it recently in terms of my art…sometimes I feel like I’m not improving at the rate I want to be :c But!!! Recently i’ve also been hearing extremely kind, supportive words from friends/supporters, and that’s what’s been keeping me going☺️ gave me a huge confidence boost. yall know who you are!!! <3 The support means SO MUCHHH more to me than you could ever imagine. Koopaling luvrs unite!!!
Also!!! I’ve getting more art supplies recently, experimenting with acrylic paint markers, prismacolors, copics, and so much more. Excited for how this can help me translate all of the other countless koopaling visions i have in my brain at the moment (and boy do I have A LOT😅)…. Hm, I also find that I’m more creative when I’m drawing in my backyard/when I’m outside so that’s what I’ve been doing :)
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theman-and-themachine · 2 months
Commissions on hiatus. may not come back! glad to have tried it out though!
Donate to me though if you want at kofi bongothebear
*general tumblr info: PLEASE message/send asks/send requests. I lvoe talking to people. If i am annoying, no hard feelings, just block/softblock/or let me know. i apologize in advanced ;D
Older post versions below. keeping them up to be transparent because, involves money and serious topics i'd rather not have missing/contextless. Likely will make new pinned post later but idc rn
':3 thank yall so much. I just wanna make sure i get these ones done.
After these ones i will likely change up pricing and maybe add a seperate, cheaper commission. Making it geniunely QUICK doodles instead of me actually trying to make them properly good hwbhshajsnehdd
Feel free to still donate tho. At kofi bongothebear
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Heres daisy encased in a blanket from right now. Vet check up in like.... an hour.
Old text below..no changes and stuff still applies for now. Just ya know.
(this was once a read-more)
Get 'em hot and ready. At this ko-fi. bongothebear
You get a quick doodle, I get money to help my cat and her cancer situation.
You get to choose if you want the art Traditional or Digital.
(Art is colored digitally, even with traditional images. All traditional images will be on lined paper. All art will be doodle-level quality, not rendered)
Please don't screw me over with weird disputes or refunds. If you really want something for free, send me an Ask and I'll get to it when I actually have money saved to help my cat's cancer(and the free-time).
This is a glorified donation page. Please don't screw me over, because you'd also be screwing over my cat. She's turning 10 this May.
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Most recent photo of her. She is home now and everything's going a lot better this time around.
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slash-void · 1 year
im so obsessed with bouncy brisket i need to have transparent bouncy girl please 🥺
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Im not exactly sure how to do transparent GIFS but would just white background one work for yall? I wanna see you all put bridget in places she shouldnt be (or should be, she deserves to be everywhere)
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markophoenix · 2 months
i want to see people’s fabby designs and i just want to have fun!
so everyone you got til 14th may to draw your fabby.
when you are done reblog this with your drawing WITH A transparent background!! when its 14 May i will put all the drawings together in a big art piece
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littlestardescendants · 4 months
Hey yalls just wanted to let you know; I really like you 💞
And I got this like dumb idea because I wanted to draw your MCs hanging out with Mirjami but I'm too shy to ask you if it's okay to draw our MCs together so if you wanna draw your MC with mine in this pic go ahead it'll be fun x3
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( They're sitting at a park watching fireworks/concert (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) )
It's transparent but if you wanna draw them chilling with a demon/other characters I'm cool with that LOL
Just wanna show my appreciation for those who visit my blog often 💗
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inmydeepestdreams · 2 months
“Hey everyone, it’s Missy, back with another sims stream.” I said into the mic, the sims 4 loading screen playing cheerful music.
The stream already had over a thousand viewers, even though it was just a casual sims video.
I took a moment to recap what happened in the last stream, our sim, Mya, went out with friends and hooked up with a mysterious stranger. I let excitement fill my voice, then I took a second to sip from my water bottle and read the chat. I was already quite full.
I’ve been really stupid lately, holding while live.
It’s…I know it’s stupid. I know it. But fuck, I can’t help myself. It turns me on so much I feel less like a person and more like an object. It helps when there’s people in the chat calling me beautiful, which there usually is.
The house I built for Mya loaded in, my game is modded to high heavens, and Mya has been fucking almost everyone she can get her hands on while I sit and watch like a freaky whore. Though, I have to keep that off stream as it’s inappropriate watching my sim get covered in come by six guys at once, or watching her suck dick in the middle of the sidewalk.
I shifted in my chair, I was pretty sure Mya was pregnant, which was not part of the plan. I could terminate the pregnancy, I hadn’t decided if I wanted to keep it or not.
The stream and I watched Mya think about rattles.
“Oh boy,” I said. She would’ve got pregnant from my solo playing, not from the last woohoo, and fhe chat would find out when it was born.
“I don’t know, I think this is gonna interfere with our challenge…y’all know I have mods. I think I’ll just take care of it.”
She had the unwanted pregnancy moodlet. I sipped from my bottle, feeling my half full bladder slosh around inside me. I read the chat while my sim was away.
“Omg but a baby from spencer would be so cute,” I read from the chat, hand gripping the mouse.
“Guys i don’t have time for a baby right now, oh man, you’re gonna wanna make me keep it.”
I read the chat again.
Have you been playing off stream?
I did not read that one aloud.
“Im just going to give her an abortion, we’ll have a baby later in the challenge, don’t worry y’all. We’re pro choice here on this stream.”
I drank deeply from my bottle as I waited for my sim to get back from the lot.
“Why are you drinking so much?’ Because I’m thirsty yall. Thirsty girl.”
I pressed my legs together and continued with the stream. The men in my chat section took off with that last comment and I had to ignore them for a minute.
As the stream continued, I decided to make repairs to the house, and I finished my water bottle.
That was a mistake. Clearly. Usually I do two hour streams, but I hadn’t even made it to the hour mark when I felt like I was about to wet my pants.
I tried not to squirm, knowing the chat would see it. The mouse creaked as I held onto it, laughing about something my sim was doing, trying to distract myself.
Fuck, I was throbbing. It felt so good, especially knowing I had hundreds of eyes on me. I needed to rub my pussy, it was making me insane.
I pretend to adjust on the chair and complained about the quality of the microphone. I dragged myself across the chair slightly, and wow, it was good, despite the layers keeping me from actual contact.
“Why are you blushing? It’s the lighting, guys,” I said, swallowing, looking back at the game. “Ooo, she’s back and she made bank!”
During the loading screen, the chat said:
Take off your shirt.
I of course, did not read this, as I did not encourage these kinds of comments. They may secretly turn me on but I didn’t want these men to think it was okay to go into other women’s streams acting like that.
“What brand water bottle is that? Guys honestly, I stole this from my buddy, I think he got it at like, a work function.”
I held it up to the camera, it had a business logo on it, which I mostly covered with my hand. It was transparent, showing off its emptiness.
“Damn you drank that fast,’ y’all are really commenting on my water intake tonight. I stay hydrated, drink water!”
The game continued, my sim beat someone up, stole something, kissed a stranger, then another.
“What do you guys think? Should Kimmy become the love interest?”
Once again I saw another objectifying comment: your tits are huge.
This was true, and reading it, knowing someone was looking extra closely, god I just wanted to touch myself, I felt insane. I was going to have to end the stream early.
But then my sim got abducted by aliens, and it was so startling that I jumped, gasping, and pissed my pants a little.
Of course, I was a professional. I had to play this off. I shouted, reacting boldly to her abduction to entertain the crowd.
“Oh my god guys, is she gonna die? Is she okay?”
I read the chat. “Yes she’ll just come back pregnant?”
“Yes and also get naked.”
“Hey that’s inappropriate,” I didn’t mean to read that aloud and I felt extremely embarrassed. That’s when I remembered, I had shot a jet of piss into my jeans.
The stream couldn’t see below the waistband, that was by design, of course, they didn’t need to see me cross my legs and squeeze.
The squeezing sent ripples of pleasure running through my body.
“Gonna block you,” I said, pretending to block the person as I tapped at the screen, moving forward in the chair, as this could be an excuse to move.
“Oh she’s back! She’s dazed. Oh no, I hope she’s not pregnant again. I have to get this girl some birth control.”
I did not, because I had a light breeding kink, and any kink I had, my sims did as well.
I played on, noting the time.
“Guys I think we’re gonna end soon. I know it’s a little-“ I stuttered, pausing, as I felt another dribble hit my pants.
“A little early,” I was breathing heavy, suddenly, flushing red, and I could tell the stream was taking notice, everyone, not just the men that wanted to fuck me.
God I wanted to hold myself, snake a hand down there and just press. It would make me feel so good, so safe. It would press my little accident into my flesh and make me feel it all over.
I felt sweaty.
“Are you feeling okay?”
“Thank you for your concern, I’m getting over a cold.”
I was not. I continued to play, send my sim home. I watched her walk silently for over two minutes before the loading screen began. This fucking game I swear to god.
I gasped, audibly, as the rolling waves of desperation disappeared all at once, only for a tidal wave of piss to flow out of me.
I looked straight at the camera, shocked, the chat was filled with concern. I started talking, afraid they’d hear the loud sounds of me wetting myself uncontrollably.
“No-no im fine,” I was a stuttering, blushing mess.
Oh god, oh god, they were all watching me have an accident. Why was the screen still loading.
“This takes forever. Don’t worry guys, im fine.”
I was still pissing. It had pooled in my lap where my legs crossed and I was afraid there would be a loud splash when I uncrossed them, so I waited, only for the center to fill up and start to stream down both sides of my thighs.
I stopped looking down, afraid I was caught.
“Whats that on your lap?” I read before it was too late. “Oh god, guys I have to go, I’m going to be sick!” I lied, and quickly shut down the stream.
I stood as soon as the stream blinked thst it was over, my wet pants were now in full view of my camera, which was no longer on. Piss loudly fell off me, soaking down my legs and onto the floor, and my socks.
I almost fell onto my desk, I grabbed on, righting myself before I ate shit, gasping as my legs shook.
I shoved a hand over my mouth. With my other I started to rub myself over my soaking jeans. I was still. Peeing. My god this was the most I’ve ever wet. It was euphoric, and everyone kind of knew, I had never had an accident on stream before. I only held and then ran to the bathroom afterwards. God, that was close.
Did someone see? The thought sent waves of pleasure through my body. I needed to come, I needed my vibrator.
I stopped pissing, I held tightly on myself and stopped the flow, my jeans were soaking. I stripped them down and left them in a wet puddle on the floor, and jumped onto my bed. In my soaked panties, I pulled my vibrator out of the drawer and sat up on my knees, this was how I wanted to do this.
I grabbed my chest over my shirt, bra still on, unfortunately, and began to rub the vibrator on the outside of my wet panties. It wasn’t on yet, and I could only take the teasing for a few seconds before I had to switch it on.
I pulled my wet panties down until they stuck uncomfortably around my thighs.
I turned the vibe on and pressed it against my clit.
My hips rolled forward as I gasped and moaned, my orgasm was approaching quickly, as was the last of my control. As I just started to come, the rest of my accident shot out of me, landing on the panties still between my legs and my bedspread. I cried out, falling forward, I caught myself on a shaky arm as I came, before fully submitting, my arms gave out, and I twitched and moaned against the bed, waves of pleasure rolling off me, my piss receding to a few dribbles, then nothing, as they soaked into a wet spot on the center of my bed.
I had collapsed facing my setup, and when I opened my eyes, through strands of my hair, I could see a blinking red light.
Oh god.
I had shut the stream off. I know I did.
I sat up, staring with shock. I could see the chat going from here.
Tears welled in my eyes. No. This couldn’t be happening.
But it was. It was happening. I must have started it again when I fell against my desk.
I cried as I stumbled over to the desk, panties still stuck between my thighs, I pulled them up to cover myself, not like it mattered, though. The entire internet has seen my pussy.
The chat was saying all kinds of things. Calling me a whore, calling me hot, a freak, disgusting, degrading me. They were degrading me so much I felt my pussy react.
I cried.
“Im sorry, I thought I turned it off.”
No you didn’t, you wanted this, you whore.
Your career is over.
See you on pornhub, that’s your only source of income from now on, slut
I watched in horror for a minute before the stream shut itself down, and I received a swift and shocking ban from the website.
I whimpered in the empty room, soaked in my own piss. What was I going to do?
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keviintrans · 5 months
has it really been that long since i last used this blog 😭😭😭
well uh. hi to all who have stuck around!! hope everyone's been well and hope everyone's new year has been off to a good start--and if it hasn't, i hope things only go up from there!!
just here for a hot second bc i miss yall 😭 i'm not really into spn anymore and (full transparency) idk if i ever will be again (at least to the extent of having a whole separate blog dedicated to it--but hey, who knows) but again i just miss yall 🥺 might make a pinned post and rb/queue it a few times to circulate other ways you can find me/reach out bc i'd love to make new/keep old friends!! you can block '#find me here' if you don't wanna see these kinds of posts--i totally get it lol you presumably followed this blog for spn, not for random other stuff
in any case, you can find me @violentlydefending for unhinged reblogging sprees or if you liked my art you can find me @concord-and-cliches!!
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falling-skyzz · 8 months
Hello there! I got a question for the pride pfps, is there any way we could get the art without a background so we can put our own custom flags behind them? Its totally fine if not! Wanna ask just in case yknow?
i dont see a problem with that as long as yall arent putting problematic flags behind em and/or erasing my tag!! ill post transparent versions whenever i get the chance <3
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embers-archive · 2 years
1K colouring pages !
Genuinely thank you guys for 1K that's wild ahdvdh love yall :]
So for 1K here's a bunch of transparent line art that yall can colour
Rules :
Don't remove my signature, if you want to add your own just put it next to mine
Tag me when you post it !! I wanna see!!👀
That's it aksjjdjd here ya go :]
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