#I just wasn't happy with the pose originally
eesomepictures · 1 month
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My Whiterose offering 🌹🤍
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yayforocs · 5 months
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I Have Once Again Been Consumed By A Fic (Redstone and Skulk by @silverskye13
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officersnickers · 2 years
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candied-pear · 1 year
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Missing Shoes
Ram's trying to find where Rin kicked her shoes off, while Rin's trying to get him to buy her every treat in sight.
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creamecream · 1 year
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A more proper Hazbin style doodle, featuring Penelope.
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sexybritishllama · 5 months
strap in folks it's time for another neopets drama update
some background reading before we begin: back when neopets wanted to introduce customisation (i.e. dressing up your pet) in 2007, they decided to 'convert' all existing pet art to align with a rigid body structure, rather than all having unique poses. it was just not feasible to create new pieces of art for hundreds of different pet poses every single time they released a new clothing them
customisation had been highly requested up until this point. however, the conversion was NOT popular. in some cases, particularly for basic colours, the change wasn't huge, but in other cases.... uh....
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you get the idea. the more expensive colours like plushie, faerie, grey, royal and darigan got the worst of it because they had the more unique poses pre-conversion, and therefore it was largely agreed that the change to the stiff 'samey', frankly kinda goofy converted look did not look great
most users did not get a choice in having their neopet converted and it was done automatically, but if you had one of these colours where the change was huge, you were given the choice of converting or retaining the old pose (but not having the option to customise your pet). those pets that retained the old, pre-conversion poses are therefore referred to as 'unconverted', or UC for short
once a pet is converted, there's no returning to UC. you also couldn't create UC pets anymore, making UCs a limited resource that would only increase in value with time, particularly as people abandon their pets, leave the site, get frozen, etc.
i could write an entire dissertation on the drama that UC pets have caused for the pet trading economy, the neopet account black market, and general retention of the userbase, but to sum it up, people REALLY want UC pets. they are the single most coveted status symbol on the site
we skip forward now to 2023
the neopets team are planning to introduce UC pets back to the site, so that people will be able to create their own UC pets again for the first time post-converstion (legally at least)
they drip feed bits of information over the year about what this will look like. the main points are
changing a pet to UC will be done via some kind of item bought with neocash, the premium currency on neopets that you need to spend real money to get
putting this item on your pet will give it the UC art style appearance
so. not much really known. but expected release is set for january 2024
yesterday, they hosted an AMA focusing on the new UC pet system and how this was going to work. noticeably absent is any explanation of how much this is actually going to cost and whether it is going to involve any kind of gatcha mechanic, so that's causing our first lot of concern
second lot of drama is that the new UCs aren't actually going to be COMPLETELY the same as the old art, as they're making some small changes for style consistency, see below (old on top, new below):
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the biggest drama, however, comes from how they're dealing with the 'original' UC pets. ALL pets will be getting forcibly converted on the 23rd, with anyone who has a pet that is already an original UC immediately receiving the UC neocash item. there's mention of possibly some kind of trophy or badge recognition for particularly old pets, but it's vague, and generally seems like it won't be possible to distinguish between the original UCs and these new ones
the people who already have OCs are not happy about this
people are allegedly pounding their pets, cancelling their premium, and quitting the site in protest. the boards are flooded with people complaining about the changes and laughing at the downfall of the 'neo-elite' in equal measure
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it's t-minus 5 days until the second great conversion goes live. let's all pray for our souls
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planete777 · 6 months
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( lando norris x fem!reader ft. oscar piastri)
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IN WHICH. getting high was never on oscar's roster. getting high and enjoying it with y/n and lando wasn't either, but that just makes it much more... exciting. (based on this ask)
WARNINGS. 16+, suggestive content, drug use (as per), high hotness pt 875443, oscar cameo (woop woop 🥳), make outs, first time getting high, oscar being whipped for lando and y/n? wbk, a bit of mxm content between drivers, shotgunning coz it's my most favourite thing ever
NOTE. LANDOSCAR!! this may probably be my favourite fic and is my longest so im looking forward to you guys reading it!!! well overdue in my humblest opinion, but i delivered hehe. enjoy my luvs and a very happy new year in advance mwah mwah mwah 😚😚 i appreciate all of you readers, thank you for all your support 💓💓💓
SIDENOTE. my askbox is now closed for requests 🤍
‧₊˚✩彡 taglist @laciijane @ferrarrigirl @norrizzandpia @mimi-luvzyu (use askbox above if you'd like to be added!)
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frankly speaking, a 'you up?' text from oscar piastri, whose entire persona was an antithesis of what that type of message usually pertained to, isn't something lando was expecting at 1am after a tedious race weekend. knows oscar to be one who sleeps in too early, as if his circadian rhythm was built upon the foundation of a restrictive curfew, and even fathoming the fact that he is awake past 12 is rather peculiar.
yet, with the mutually pre-established sense that lando would be awake (he's probably an insomniac, but it's not too concerning for him to actually check), and that oscar was asking if he was just for the sake of, most likely because he's, unusually, unable to sleep, lando replies with much sluggish vim.
fingers moving as if they played in a dream, he's able to reply with 'yh, why????' and sends it off before throwing his phone on the bed. he thinks, if he's sober, he would care more that this is oscar!!!! who is normally adamant about getting sleep!!! and not looking more sleep deprived than his naturally downturned eyes already make he seem to be!!!! but his mind feels like gooey viscous, and he counts about 3,000 peaks and troughs of the popcorn ceiling above before losing count and seeking solace in the spliff that burns his throat like a madman. he ponders if he's going crazy.
it's not long after that the undulating, monotonous buzz from his phone tickles his skin and with a sigh he goes to reply. and as he does so, his girlfriend, curiosity piqued, perks up from the foot of the bed.
"who's texting you this late?"
she looks ridiculously amusing: head hanging off the edge, loose and completely yielding like a dead body, and the only thing that reassures lando of her consciousness is the occasion movement of her arm to take another drag.
he wedges the joint between his reddened lips, lips curling awkwardly to speak, "piastri. dunno what he wants th- oh shit."
he's never felt such a sinking, crippling feeling of his high escaping him like a broken dam before. it's weirdly chilling, and for a good second, he feels brightly and vividly sober again. the texts just... stare at him and he almost wants to hurl his phone at the wall and watch it rain a litany of debris.
osc: just... forgot to give you back your stuff that i borrowed
osc: found some green leaf stuff in it lol im a bit concerned
lando's read it so many times, he's more than certain he knows just how many letters it consists of. fingers hover above the keyboard but it looks like they're weirdly swimming in air as he debates just what to write, and y/n is suddenly hissing his name, having sat up.
"— lan'! fucking hell, what happened?"
he moves on autpilot, back resting up the headboard, "he's found my weed."
y/n— y/n snorts. she sighs, moves back to her original pose, and lando's brain feels like static.
"love, i thought it would be worse."
lando splutters, "worse? babe, this is already bad! he could tell management for all i know." the mere thought of that makes lando's mind congeal. nevertheless, high out of his wits, he thinks he would somehow find a way to continue even if he was implored to stop.
she's disagreeing and laughing, and lando doesn't know what to make of it.
"nah, you're good. oscar wouldn't tell a soul," it's silent as he sees a burst of smoke ascend from the edge of the mattress, "tell him to bring it over."
lando fights with himself in his head. it's hilarious, really, watching his face morph from one emotion to another, and after 5 minutes with no whooshing affirmative of a message being sent, y/n exhales.
the bed curves in as she crawls up towards lando, before plucking the phone from his grip.
"it's really not that deep, lan'," her voice feels like cotton in his ears, "oscar isn't like that."
her fingers fly across the keyboard, how she does so in her inebriated state, lando has no clue, and just as quickly as she snatched the phone, she's sliding it back between his fingers.
"how— how do you know that?"
all presumptions, really, lando thinks. they may be good friends, him and oscar, but they've still got many, many steps to go before he's reassured that the other wouldn't go running his mouth to management because he found *fucking weed* in his bag.
the little voice at the back of his mind seeths, 'you shouldn't be smoking anyway', but he ignores it. what the hell does it know?
y/n goes to straddle him, crotch digging into his. its a soft wave of pleasure that oozes from the pressure, and lando lets a small moan mix with the puff of smoke he blows out. they would've fucked if only his limbs didn't feel like they've been detached and re-stitched; maybe they'd end the night with a lazy ride.
his girlfriend smirks, all cunning and undeniably hot, sucking in as much smoke as she can before blowing it all on his face. if anybody else had done this, he'd turn feral, but there's something alluring when y/n's exhale tickles his skin like feathers.
"how do i know? well, oscar, he kinda reminds me of you—" lando interrupts with a raised brow and a questioning stare, but y/n proceeds, "both of you are- you were- itching for a release. him not as much as you, but i still see it."
and lando can't really deny that, because he sees it too. in the way oscar's eyes seem to dart with dreaded uncertainty, and the way his shoulders are always up and tense, as if he has been tied like a puppet.
"that's what i call 'destined to get high'," y/n banters. it makes lando snort and roll his eyes (ultimately omitting to dwell on the sliver of seriousness that leaks through).
"dunno why you're rolling your eyes, you were basically begging me to give you a spliff," y/n taunts, and even though he groans at the reminiscence, he doesn't deny it. doing so would be like calling himself michael schumacher.
"yeah, whatever," he takes a lazy drag, a hand sliding up and down y/n's thigh, "at least i'm sexy when getting stoned."
y/n cackles, dissolving into a small giggle as she twirls her fingers through lando's curls; she never wants to let him go.
"damn right, baby."
another ping sounds from lando's phone, and subconsciously, his hands snakes to get it.
when he turns it on, he doesn't think he can be gobsmacked with such intensity twice in a day.
landooo: yh just bring it over
landooo: you can join us if you'd like
landooo: 😉
osc: uhm sure..
he'll be fucking damned.
the laugh that is punched out of him is one of disbelief, and, quite frankly, sheer horror.
he'd only wanted to borrow some shaving cream, after all, he's not one to favour the prickly itch of stubble. and in perfect, restless lando fashion, he was given the whole essentials bag and tasked with finding it himself.
which then leads him to now, palm burning with the weight of three spliffs that had somehow tumbled out of a flat metal tin.
he stares at them for so long that he might as well have burned holes into them (ironic), and in a flurry of movement, he's stuffing everything back into the bag, zipping it closed. if he doesn't see it, then he doesn't know it's there. cool.
but he's just standing, in the middle of his hotel room, completely clueless and delirious. he doesn't know how many times he wipes perspiration off his palms and onto his shorts, neither does he know how he's able to text lando about his findings.
originally, he thought that sending the infamous, suggestively connotated 'you up?' would've trimmed a bit of the tension away, yet it seems like lando, without fail, waters the situation with a fuck-ton more.
"'join us'? fucking hell."
oscar feels absolutely scorched from the wisps of his hair to the tips of his toes, and a spark of something curls in his gut.
no, absolutely not.
it's- he flips his watch to check the time- one am for fuck's sake, and lando's— getting high. smoking weed. [most likely] with his girlfriend.
whatever it is that makes his gut its abode curls even more as he shoves his feet into the nearest shoes he can find, and tames his hair in the mirror by the doorway. finding the night already too hard to bare, he doesn't dwell on what he'd done, and heads off to lando's room with sickening anticipation swirling within the grooves of his skin.
the walk is only a few seconds long, and oscar curses the fact that they weren't roomed further apart (impractical in usual circumstances, but the current predicament is anything but usual). he guesses he stands there, navy blue wash bag clutched in a vice grip, for many minutes (his concept of time tonight is royally fucked— how has he stayed up this late?) before he musters up some courage to knock on the door. in the quietude of the night, the sound is magnified to the point where he winces and hopes that no one else on their floor wakes up.
he hears a quiet rustle from behind the door, sighs for the umpteenth time that day (honestly, he could have a smoke for himself to- no.) before it's swiftly open.
y/n stands there, no sign of a spliff in sight, but her heavy lidded red eyes (that must hurt, right?) and the pungent smell of weed is enough to tell.
"ah, golden boy is here," y/n's grinning, as much as she can do without it looking robotic, and oscar blushes.
"g-golden boy?"
"i said what i said," she opens the door wider, and oscar's vision catches a limp leg hanging off the side of the bed, "you coming in or what?"
he's never been in such a mind-tearing crossroad before. wants to be reasonable and say no, afterall his job is on the line here (just because lando hasn't been caught, doesn't mean he won't, too). but then he's thinking that he's played angel's advocate for too long, and, as if the universe wants to commit a double homicide, lando is walking over, countenance lackadaisical and bends down as he wraps his arms around her waist.
he asks for forgiveness, because such a temptation before him is completely unforgiving , and oscar finds his vascillations come to an end the second he makes eye contact with his teammate.
it's then he realises that the something that had been driving his intestines mad was sheer want, and, having a mind of their own, his feet shuffle into the room, decision finalised by the click of the door shutting behind him.
he just hopes he doesn't regret this is in the morning.
the couple, with eased familiarity, move back to the bed, leaving oscar standing there, lost and expecting. lando regains possession of the spliff, back flat against the bed and arm bent behind his head.
he's turning to oscar, several beats later, with a heated look that just pulls the australian right in.
"put the bag down, osc," he's demanding— oh fuck, "and come over here."
oscar feels rather mortified at the effect lando's assertiveness has on him. his heart curdles, drips away like goo, and he can't think straight.
toes off his shoes, sliding them out of the way with his foot, before dumping the bag on lando's luggage and tentatively making his way to the bed.
it's excruciatingly daunting, must he say, and he's sure it's blatant because y/n is grinning softly and beckoning him closer with the wave of a hand.
"you're good, oscar."
then he's fully on the bed, a thin sheen of gray blurring his vision and the stench of smoke so thick, he could get high off it alone.
lando's splayed in front of him, watching intensely as his fingers accomodate a joint between them, and y/n's at his side, right at the foot of the bed, fiddling with a metal tin of her own.
he wonders just how long they've been doing this for.
"for me, since i was 18/19 maybe. lando started about a year ago."
oscar's brain fucking spasms.
his head whips to y/n, then back to lando, who just smiles and takes another drag, "a year?!"
the girl beside him giggles, turning back to him with a freshly rolled spliff of his own, "yeah. practically drooling to take a hit."
his teammate groans, dragging a hand down his face before sitting up, they seem to go through this ordeal once or twice before.
before he can question any more, y/n points the joint at him, "you sure you want to do this?"
funny, he's asking himself this. has been ever since he read the proposition that lando (y/n) had sent, and he had replied with a seemingly confused 'sure'. heat feels like a thousands ants crawling up his body, and the silence is even worse because he's certain his ears are filled with cement.
"am i— am i gonna get addicted to... this?"
lando shakes his head just as y/n shrugs, "depends, love. if you've got good enough self control and don't rely on it too much, you'll be fine."
oscar gives a sigh of relief, but turns tense again as he looks at lando. almost telepathically, he knows what oscar is thinking.
"no osc, i'm not hooked on this. i only do it every couple of weeks or so."
his hands raise up in defense, "just asking, mate."
"and you have every right to, baby," y/n says, then scoops his hand into her grip and puts the spliff in his hand, "now take this and let lando teach you."
oscar doesn't know what to do with it. he just stares at the green stick in his hand and wills up some courage to look back up at lando. for the first time in 22 years, he's going to experience what it's like to get high, and the excitement that crawls up his spine is chilling.
"take this," lando pushes a bottle of water into his hands, and oscar looks at it in confusion.
"it's your first time, so it'll probably make you cough a ton. drinking water helps."
oscar nods, gently taking and unscrewing it open. he gulps it down like a starved animal, and almost chokes when he notices his teammates girlfriend staring bullets into his face. his heart jumps and he stops drinking.
"now put the spliff in your mouth and let me light it for you."
oscar does so, feeling the weight of the rolled joint between his lips is completely maddening.
his teammate fishes a black lighter from the bedside table, then scooches closer to oscar's crossed legs. lando's body is like a furnace of drunken heat, and it only gets worse when his hand lands right on oscar's bare thigh.
it feels perfect and oscar thinks he's surfing on the waves of euphoria already.
"this good?" lando questions his touch, and oscar doesn't waste time to nod, "alright— when i light it, you're gonna try and inhale as much as you can. don't let it stay in your throat or you're gonna cough."
oscar bobs his head affirmatively.
"if you can't, just take it in small amounts, not too much that it hits your throat."
then lando's leaning in, flame swaying from the lighter, and oscar's eyebrows scrunch as he follows it closer and closer to the spliff.
it's instaneous, the heat that fills his mouth, and in a hurried succession, oscar is inhaling and spluttering like a madman. his eyes are burning, they may already be red at this point, and his nose feels ripped off.
"take it easy, love," a hand- y/n's- rests upon his back and he finds himself needing composure, and not only from his failed attempt to smoke.
"wow uh that was— uhm..."
lando rubs his thigh, with the intention to comfort, but oscar finds himself more pent up than before. the weed is already kicking in and his mind feels chopped into pieces and mixed with cake batter, and every touch feels like a punch.
"you good to go again?" lando queries. oscar nods, his throat feeling too rough to speak up, "okay then, take your time and calm yourself down. small intakes, yeah?"
the spliff goes back between his lips, and with lando watching him like he's the best movie he's ever seen, he's sucking in the smoke cautiously and— fuck, it feels so so good. he's unravelled everywhere, not a kink left in his joint nor a knot remaining in his muscles, and when he breathes the smoke out, he lets his head fall back with a smile on his face.
"there you go," lando's voice sounds loose and airy in his mind, and oscar finds himself loving it.
"look at him, babe," y/n chimes from beside him, and his head rolls to give her an inebriated grin, "told you he was meant for it."
lando hums, agreeing, from in front of him, "gonna shotgun with him."
whatever that is, y/n is eager to see it happen, and oscar gives lando a confused look. it only evokes a cute grin from the other, who plucks the spliff from oscar's fingers.
"i'll take a hit and blow it in your mouth, if that's cool with you."
and— oscar moans involuntarily. he doesn't know where it comes from but it's practically punched out of him with how loud it is, and lando smirks widely. all oscar can do is watch as he fills his mouth with smoke and shuffles closer to him. his heart palpitates, beating like a drum piece, and his skin is damp and flushed from the intensity of it all.
lando assesses oscar's decision, confirming his consent as he nods, and slowly, lando snakes an arm around his neck, pulling him closer. oscar is compliant, body wanting and downright desperate, mouth opening on autopilot.
the second lando's lips attach to his and the smoke is pushed into his mouth, oscar fucking loses it. his eyes roll to the back of his head, and he's grabbing lando's hair and pushing his mouth deeper.
he's kissing his teammate with all he has to give, and lando— he's reciprocating it, lips hungry on oscar's, biting and licking everywhere. for a second, oscar can't think about anything, mind filled with just lando, as his tongue slips in and turns the kiss filthy.
oscar hasn't made out with anyone with such ferocity. he's encompassed in scorching heat, and the euphoria just gets better as lando trails his lips down his neck. the bites and licks are inclement, and oscar's sure there'd be marks tomorrow, angry and purple, but right now, he doesn't care. not when lando's hands creep up his shirt, and run up his torso, resting upon his nipples and twirling them around his fingers.
"oh fuck, lando," his moan is so high pitched it sounds foreign and it's almost hard for him to believe that it comes from him. but he's sure it does, because another is forced out as soft hand turns his head to the side and there's another set of lips on his in an instant.
he thinks he could hooked on y/n's kisses, warm, wet and so fucking sensual, he feels worshipped. not an inch of skin is missed by her tongue, and with every drag of her lips against his, he's concluding that this would be the perfect way to die.
oscar's so hard in his jeans from lando's stimulation, y/n's kisses, and the heightened sensation of everything from the weed, that he almost cums in his shorts. he can only imagine how plump it could be, and how a mouth on it would have him sobbing for days.
but he doesn't have to, because lando creeps a hand to his crotch and squeezes. the whine that leaves oscars mouth and into his teammate's girlfriend's is criminal.
"gonna suck you off so good, osc," lando moans in his ear, breath warm and words dirty, "you like that?"
and as oscar begs him to, he thinks that maybe getting high with lando and y/n isn't so bad afterall.
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nonsensical-pixels · 9 months
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awkward monday upload: my 4t2 conversion of @syboubou's little dino kids set... but almost completely redone, with a bunch of quality of life fixes! those include: no more annoying vignette crunchiness on the deco objects, no more t-posing plushies, and no more giant texture sizes!
major changes have been listed below the cut, but suffice to say that i've been dissatisfied with my conversion of this set for ages and was inspired to redo it when i saw an anon ask @freezerbunny-sims2 got some months ago. i'm considering this a redux and not an update, since the older set isn't specifically 'broken', just not up to my standards. you can't have both though, as they use the same guids!
credits go to @syboubou for the original meshes & textures, and to @themediocresulk, whose toddler pet beds (but for toddlers) i have cloned the new and improved toddler bed in this set from! 💗
All textures (should) now be of a maximum 1024x1024 texture size.
No more weird vignette textures! All TXMTs have been updated.
The Big Plushy (and Small Big Plushy) now have their arms in non-T-pose positions. Sorry this took so long anon, I kinda forgot!
The toddler bed has now been updated and cloned from themediocresulk's Toddler Beds as Pet Beds (but for Toddlers).
Things to Note
'T-Rex the Rex, but Tinier' is repo'd to 'T-Rex the Rex'.
Diplo toy is not decorative, it can be played with like a regular toy from the toybox!
'Dresser' and 'Dresser Small' are a hallway table and endtable, with the smaller version being repo'd to the larger.
'Ivy Bed Decor' and 'Bed Blanket' must have moveobjects and snaptogrid off to be placed.
Items Included (By Order of Folder Appearance)
T-Rex the Rex (1504 polys, General -> Child, Decor) T-Rex the Rex, but Tinier (1504 polys, General -> Child, Decor) Ceiling Lamp (560 polys, Lighting -> Ceiling Lamp, Lamp) Chair (1046 polys, Seating -> Dining Chairs, Chair) Hamper (1426 polys, General -> Child, Decor) Desk (92 polys, Surfaces -> Desks, 1-tile Desk) Thibault the Diplo (884 polys, General -> Child, Toybox Toy) Drawings (128 polys, General -> Child, Decor) Dresser (2008 polys, Surfaces -> Miscellaneous, Hallway Table) Dresser Small (2008 polys, Surfaces -> Endtables, Endtable) Hanged Chair (1740 polys, Comfort -> Living Chairs, Living Chair) Hanger Bathroom Bag (745 polys, General -> Child, Decor) Height Chart (396 polys, General -> Child, Decor) Ivy Bed Decor (356 polys, Decorations -> Sculptures, Decor) Kid Bed (1114 polys, Seating -> Beds, Single Bed) Lamp (1762 polys, Lighting -> Table Lamp, Table Lamp) Leaf Rug (274 polys, Decorations -> Rugs, Rug) Nightstand and Books (442 polys, Surfaces -> Endtables, Endtable) Pencils (880 polys, Decorations -> Sculptures, Decor) Pillows (720 polys, Comfort -> Miscellaneous, Decor) Wicker Pot Plant (534 polys, Decorations -> Plants, Decor) Popup Book (348 polys, General -> Child, Decor) Posters (852 polys, Decorations -> Paintings, Painting) Succulents (1563 polys, Decorations -> Plants, Decor) Toddler Bed (1731 polys, General -> Child, Toddler Bed) Wallpaper (8 patterns, Left-Right Variants, Wallpaper) *i removed the bed blanket; it sucked and i couldn't get it to fit to the ts2 bed... **collection file is now included because idk why it wasn't before
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if there are any issues that you find with this set, please don't be afraid to let me know! happy simming, apologies for all my inconveniences to you guys, and when you download this, do keep in mind,
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( @4t2ccdatabase )
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oracle-of-dream · 3 months
Submissive and huh?
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Minors DNI
Summary: Your friend Taerae recently learned a new term and wants your thoughts. Explaining it might help him understand properly, but do you have the strength to tell him.
Warnings: Male Reader, Idol Taerae, Student Reader, Lewd faces/Ahegao, Mention of arousal and breeding
Wordcount: 1.2k
Math classes had been kicking your ass all semester and tutoring from the professor wasn't working out. You'd ended up being assigned a study partner. The program was meant for students struggling with the class to help each other. That's how you met Taerae. 
He didn't originally introduce himself as an idol, especially since it was an online class. No one had seen his face. But when you met up with him for the first time to study together, you instantly recognized him from TV. You hit it off over a shared hate for math and spent more time together outside class.
He'd complain about his idol life issues and you'd give him any notes from class he'd missed.
You'd just gotten home from a late-night study session at the library. As if it knew, your phone lit up with a text as you sat on your bed.
TR: Yo! Y/N, I met some fans while out with the members today!
YN: Cool. Don't you meet fans wherever you go?
TR: Well these stuck out!
YN: How?
TR: Well, I noticed them, a bunch of guys, giggling in the convenience store and pointing at me and Hao while we were shopping. I didn't want to embarrass them so I just played it cool and ignored them. But then they came up to me!
YN: Okay, some brave fans? That's it?
TR: Just wait a sec! 
TR: They came to me and told me they were fans. But more specifically, MY fans! Of course, I was happy to hear, but they were foreigners because they used a term I didn’t know.
YN: What term?
TR: Submissive and Breedable?
TR: I know what submissive means, they mean I'm not an aggressive person. That's not entirely true, but I'm submissive at times.
You looked at your phone, blinking a few times. Some "fans" dared to say that!?
TR: I can't find anything when I look it up, it's probably slang, right?
Maybe telling him that his fans want to breed him wasn't the best thing to tell your friend. He was just too wholesome for that.
YN: Yeah, it is, but it's not something cool. No one says it really, it's not the trend anymore.
TR: Really? I know trends, I'm not old, but I haven’t heard of that.
YN: See? There's no reason to worry, just fans being weird.
TR: Well, the photo they wanted was also...off.
YN: Off how?
TR: They wanted me to stick my tongue out and look up at the camera, which was super high above me. To be honest–it felt a little embarrassing to pose like that.
You shook your head trying not to imagine his cute self making lewd faces for a group of boys, but it was hard. And so were you.
YN: You should be more careful, they could use photos like that weirdly.
TR: What do you mean?
YN: Let's drop it. Subject change, what are you doing now?
TR: I'm getting ready for bed, I just got under the covers.
You looked at the clock, midnight was on its face.
YN: Oh shit, I didn't even realize. You should sleep!
TR: No, no, I'm pretty awake. Plus, it's nice talking to you. Did you want to video call while you get ready for bed?
You’d done it before, talking on video call into the night, but it was always a little like Taerae just wanted to see you.
YN: Sure, I'll call you.
You pressed the video call button on your phone. It showed your reflection as you waited, automatically you straightened your hair a little and kicked some stuff on the floor out of frame.
Taerae answered the phone with a smile, the camera close to his face.
You laughed as you set your phone on your desk, "Well hello to you too, why so close?"
"No reason, I just want to see you closely."
"Well, I can see you so closely I can count your pores," You scoffed as you went into your closet to find pajamas for the night.
"Is it weird I'm holding it so close?"
"A little, but it's no big deal. If you don't wanna show yourself then why'd you wanna video call?"
Taerae didn't answer.
"Are you still thinking about what those guys said?"
He shuffled in bed, "Mmhm."
"I promise it's nothing bad."
"Then why don't you just tell me?"
You sighed, "Okay, fine, I'll spill."
Taerae's eyes peered curiously at the camera as he waited for you to come out of your closet. You settled on wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt and shorts. You returned to find Taerae's eyes filled with impatience.
You swallowed awkwardly, "You already know what the submissive part means, but the other part..."
"Breedable," Taerae reminded you.
"Yeah–It means," You struggled to find a good way to break it to him with that look in his eyes. So full of trust and purity. "It means, they wanna do it with you."
Taerae's expression dropped into surprise, "Oh, that's it? I read about that kind of stuff of fans wanting me to have sex with them. That's not so bad."
"Well, breedable means, specifically where you'd be the one getting fucked. Likely by a man. Who wants to... finish in you."
You couldn't bring yourself to look at the screen to see his expression. He'd fallen silent, thinking of a response. It felt like ten minutes passed until he broke the silence.
Taerae's voice was deep and serious, "Y/n."
"Look at the screen." You looked at the screen to see Taerae in bed, holding the camera above him to show off his shirtless torso that was mostly covered by the bed sheet except for his collarbone and neck. "Am I breedable right now?"
You felt warm in your face as you answered, "Yeah, I-I guess."
"Submissive, too?"
"Sure," You said as you looked down at your hands.
"Yes or no! Sure isn't good enough, and look at me!"
You complied, looking at him. He smiled before making a face; his eyes looking up at the camera as he stuck out his tongue and held up a peace sign with his other hand.
"Jesus, Taerae!" You looked away quickly. Your heart was in your ears, pounding as the image of sweet Taerae's lewd face was plastered behind your eyelids.
He laughed loudly. "I am, aren't I? Submissive and breedable. I take it as a compliment, they like me that much! To be honest, you look all shy... You look a little submissive too."
You moved your phone so he couldn't see you anymore.
"I was kidding! Don't hide from me!" Taerae's muffled voice shouted from the speaker of your phone. 
After you calmed down, you turned your phone back over to see him still there. Still shirtless, and holding his phone at the same seductive angle.
"You're so weird!" You yelled at Taerae, who just giggled.
"And you still like me anyway. Even with all my breedable energy."
"I'm going to hang up–"
"What!? We gotta see you do the pose too, what if you're more breedable than me, we should test how–"
You cut him off as you pressed the red dial button. You turned your phone off before he could call you again. You lay in bed, alone in the dark, thinking about Taerae's face.
And in the privacy of your home, you test if you can also feel submissive and breedable, making Taerae's new iconic look. A secret he'll never know about... As if you didn't already have a big secret.
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sebuckyverse · 1 year
roommates [chapter 1]
modern!eddie munson x fem!reader
series summary: Eddie Munson broke your heart once. Now, you have no choice but to move in with him. warnings: 18+ cussing, angst, sort of enemies to lovers lol; lmk if i missed anything word count: 1,8k a/n: hello i'm back!! happy valentines day to all my besties and my wife of course! i'm celebrating my birthday today so as a gift to you, i give you a new series! i'm nervous about this bc i'm convinced this is trash lmao LET ME KNOW WHAT Y'ALL THINK babes ps! i originally didn't intend to give this an era, but due to some things that happen in future chapters this turned out modern again lol sorryy
masterlist ↡ askbox ↡ next chapter ↠
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chapter one ♫♪♩·.¸¸
''Absolutely not!''
''Come on, he's not that bad.''
''No, Steve. I'd rather sleep on the streets.''
''You'd rather be homeless then live with him?''
Steve sighed, hands on his hips, striking his signature mom pose. ''What the hell happened between you two, anyway?''
''What, he hasn't told you?''
''He's told me his version of events. You on the other hand, never seem to want to talk about it.''
Sighing, you stared into the glass sat in front of you, filled with clear liquid with a greenish hue underneath, twirling the small paper umbrella Steve added as a joke.
''It doesn't matter. What Eddie Munson and I once had, or didn't have, theoretically, is in the past.''
''Then take the room. You're both working, you'll hardly ever see each other.''
Dragging your words, you nervously played with the ends of your hair. ''I don't know...''
''Look, I gotta open the doors. You can stay in the back office tonight if you want, there's an uncomfortable leather couch with your name on it. I'd let you crash at ours, but Nance has been... emotional.''
''She okay?'' you winced, hopping of the barstool you had been sitting on the last hour.
''She thinks she can feel the baby kicking but then she realizes that it's far too early for that and starts crying.''
''Oh,'' you cooed. ''She's just excited.''
''Yeah, I know. I'm excited, too.''
You closed the door to the office space that would be your bedroom for the night. It was small, but held a small desk with various papers scattered on it, a bookshelf half empty and as promised, a worn out brown leather couch. Dropping your purse on the desk, you retrieved your phone and sat down on the couch. You rested your head on the back of the couch, eyes closed, nearly falling asleep if it weren't for the sudden rock music booming outside. You'd almost forgotten you were at Steve's place of work, a bar downtown called the Black Room.
Staring at the bleak ceiling, you bit the inside of your cheek when you felt your eyes getting watery. For the past year, after graduating high school, you had been working your ass off at a local diner across town. You were saving money for college, and other things, since you didn't receive the scholarship you hoped would change your life. Every time you got a paycheck, you withdrew some of it and kept it aside. In the year since you started working, the saved amount wasn't big, but it was still significant to you and you were proud of yourself for keeping it and not spending the money like that little devil on your shoulder keeps suggesting sometimes.
But all of that was now gone, and all it took was a simple mistake of trusting the wrong person and all of your hopes and dreams came crashing down, taking your money with it. To save some money, you moved in with an old friend from high school, Jennie. What you didn't know, was that Jennie was also a pathological liar, who was in financial debt and to ease those debts, found the money you had kept hidden under your mattress (a dumb place to hide money, you know that) and stole it to pay off some of her debts.
Throwing Jennie out was not an option unfortunately, the apartment lease was under her name, so without much thought, you turned on your heel and marched right back out. Heading down the street, you had no idea where you were going. You made it two blocks from your home and nearly collided with a lamp post, when the sound of a bus horn somewhere behind you brought you back to reality. You hopped on the bus that stopped a few feet away from you and headed straight downtown to the Black Room, where you knew Steve would be working tonight.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
You must have fallen asleep at some point, because the next thing you knew, something was kicking at your feet.
''My, my... Look what the cat dragged in.''
You'd recognize that voice anywhere; deep, sometimes raspy from all the cigarettes he likes to smoke, or at least he used to. It's the voice you used to hear late at night, reading a book out loud when you couldn't sleep due to the thunder outside, or when that same voice used to whisper sweet nothings in your ear when you weren't feeling well. It's also the voice that, one day, in less than 12 hours, turned from sweet and caring to cold and distant.
Right, you forgot he worked here too.
You were laying on your side, feet hanging off the couch. You opened your eyes and the first thing you saw were pair of black jeans, ripped from the right knee and left thigh, one of his Converse clad foot was kicking your heels. A black Henley with the front tucked into his pants, the unforgettable handcuff belt on full display with the black leather more worn out than the last time you saw it, Eddie was looking down at you like a God above, the ceiling lamp above him casting a glow around his hair, still the same as it was in high school - at least some things never change.
''Edward.'' You pushed up from the couch, wincing at the tired muscles of your back. Steve was right, that couch was shit.
The use of his full name always used to irritate him, but if it bothered him now, he didn't show it. Instead, he clicked his tongue and took a few steps to his left and sat on the desk, his hands resting beside him, gripping the edge of the table. ''Whatcha doing here, sweetheart? Haven't seen you in years.''
''First of all, don't call me that,'' you sighed. ''Second, that's none of your business.''
Eddie smirked. ''You're at my place of work, it's kind of my business.''
''What time is it?'' you felt around for your phone, but didn't find it.
''Oh, it's uh...'' Eddie pulled a phone out of his back pocket, your phone. ''02:14 am.''
''Hey! Give me that,'' you held your palm up.
Eddie looked at your hand for a moment, before handing the phone back to you, the back of his knuckles grazing your palm. You swallowed down the spark you felt speed across your arm. The sleeves of his shirt were pulled up to his elbow, exposing tattoos you had never seen before as well as his toned arms. Doing a quick once over, you noticed his physique was fuller... everywhere. Does he work out? He was pretty tall and lanky back in high school, but now he looked like he had grown into his body; the jeans were hugging his thighs and his shoulders seemed more defined.
Clearing your throat, you asked, ''Why did you even have that? Is stealing your side hustle now?''
''It was laying on the floor, pardon me. Didn't want to step on it.''
''Fine. Thanks for not stepping on it, I guess,'' you mumbled, keeping your eyes trained on the bookshelf.
''Aren't you gonna ask me what I'm doing here?''
''Don't you work here?''
''Yeah, but not tonight.''
''Okay, I honestly don't care, so...''
''Oh, don't be like that. After all, I'm here to save you.''
You turned to look at him, and that turned Eddie's small smirk into a big Cheshire cat like grin. ''Save me?''
''Steve called me and told me about your predicament.''
Groaning, you threw your head back against the couch. ''God damn Steve.''
''Look, I know we have... history and everything, but I'm only here as a friend. Consider it an olive branch for how things ended back in high school.''
You gaped at him, your eyes bulging and your mouth hanging open. ''Wow. Okay. No, thank you.''
Eddie rolled his eyes. ''You have nowhere else to go.''
''Yes, I do,'' you lied, and very obviously so. You were never any good at it.
''Then why are you sleeping on this fucked up couch?''
Gritting your teeth, you rolled your eyes and looked away from him. Damn Steve and his loud mouth, you were going to hit him on the head. Eddie sighed and got up from the desk, coming closer and crouching next to the couch.
''The offer stands 'til the end of the week. You need a room and I need a roommate now that Steve's gone. I work here every Wednesday through Saturday and after that I usually sleep for two days to get ready for my next shift. We'll hardly ever see each other.''
''Tonight's Wednesday and you're not working.''
''I needed a personal day,'' he winked.
''You know, I've heard about your gigolo way of life.''
Eddie laughed, his eyes shining in the process. ''Gigolo?''
''You're a manwhore.''
Snorting, Eddie rested his hand on his palm, covering his mouth. ''Is that what Steve told you?''
''Are you denying it?'
''No,'' he mused, his voice muffled behind his fist.
''See, that's why I can't move in. I don't want to hear that every night.''
''You used to like hearing me moan in your ear.''
Eddie must have seen the hurt flash across your eyes, since he suddenly grew quiet himself.
His voice was lower now, more serious. What he said next, made you whip your head around and look at those big, chocolate brown eyes that you used to miss so much. ''I know you hate me, I understand that. Despite what happened back then, I still care about you. As a friend, of course. Yes, I sleep around and I am a man so the place is probably messier than you'd like, but I'm offering you a free place to stay. I know you don't have any money either, I'm good to cover us both for a while. Take it or leave it.''
''Why would you do this?'' you asked, looking deep into his eyes, like you were searching for his soul through them.
Sitting so close to him, your chest constricted at all the memories and what if's that have bombarded you throughout the years. Three years after you fled high school, never looking back, he still had a hold on you and you hated him for it. Hated the way he smelled exactly the same but new at the same time, the way he looked like he used to but more mature, the way you still felt your heart nearly burst out of your throat when he looked at you with those stupid brown eyes. You despised him, because after all this time, you still felt the same. If you do this, you had to keep your heart closed, lock it away and swallow the key. Eddie Munson broke your heart once, you won't let him do it again.
''Fine. I'll take it.''
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
18 Asks! Thank you!! :}} 🎪
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Guuuuurl does it look like I missed the boops? XDD
(I DID miss the super boops and revenge boops tho. I was trashed on the couch and stuck on mobile all day so I wasn't able to send any back to anyone💔💔)
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Uhhhmm... oh jeez lemme try to remember-- I'm assuming you mean the order I got everyone in the game..?? Cuz other than the goofy little comics I've been drawing there isn't much of a story beyond that-
Uhhh so I started with Midori(Sprigatito) obviously, thennn... I think I caught Grim(Gastly).. then I caught Gloria(Ralts). Thenn..... arrhrhhgh I thiiiink I went looking for eevees, but I found Anastasia(Shiny Kricketot) in the process and kept her. Then I picked one of the eevees I caught at random and kept him. Then lastly I found a Mareep(Bonnie) by surprise and kept her.
My memory is very poor but I thiiink that's mostly accurate <XDD If I misunderstood your question don't be afraid to send another ask! 😅
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Sorry, I don't take requests.. But hey! You already got a solid concept going and some artistic talent, you can always make it yourself for free! :0
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Not really.. I've had a surprising number of uncomfortable experiences with the fandom recently so I've decided to take a step back from Octonauts for a while..
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:DD Thank you! I'm glad you like them! :}}
And yeah that's how I pictured her XDD its becuase I use her the most out of all my Pokémon-
Now she's not bossy and doesn't have a leader or "I'm better that you guys" complex, none of that! She's just very intelligent and usually very level headed and calm. I can imagine that she's gotten the team safely through a lot of complicated situations and her plans/advice have rarely led the group astray.
Plus since I use her so often, I like to think that she's one of the most powerful Pokémon on the team. If not the most powerful. So whenever the group was met with a great danger, Gloria was probably the one to rescue them <XD
So the whole group kind'a gravitates behind her and lets/wants her to take the lead most of the time. Especially when things get complicated or dangerous!
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@nerdyskullcap (User in ask)
I took a peek at their blog, but I couldn't find any original art of the Conductor after quite a while of scrolling through that tag.. I only found reblogs of other peoples Conductor comics.. <:(
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XD That description of Gloria is very fitting! I use her the most out of all my Pokémon and she rarely loses! XDD
This was a cool read, and hey! Some of my Pokémon have some of those attacks! :000 Gloria has draining kiss and Bonnie has discharge! :D
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I'd like to think they've never fought before.. maybe some little bickering on a bad day, but never anything serious.
They have good communication and just generally get along really well and like a lot of the same things. So there's rarely conflict between them! :0
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Thank you! I'm happy to hear that you like my artwork! :}}
As for your question.. I'm afraid I don't understand/cant explain it--
Lets say I wanna draw Mario. I imagine what the drawing might end up looking like in my head, what pose I'll draw him in and what colors I'll use.. And then I just.. draw it. It might not look exactly like what I pictured but its probably close enough.
If that doesn't answer your question, I'm afraid I either don't understand your question or this is just an art thing that I don't know how to explain. <:( Sorry, feel free to send another ask with more specifics if you have them!
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If Bill ever became a lawyer? All hope is lost XDD
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I haven't really thought about the details of the crews travels and adventures.. but I'm sure that when Louis got cursed and became a crab monster? That was probably pretty memorable XD
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Probably this one honestly <XD I cant think of anything more cursed off the top of my head-
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I suppose that would be fine, but I wouldn't prefer it. As I've said many times,, just comments guys! Asks, reblogs, tags, how ever you type them. I just want comments.👍
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No problem! Getting asks are usually a pick me up :}}
As for the Dry Bones thing, that's what I meant by "not sure how it fits into the AU yet" 😅 Who'd they fight? Why did they fight? When did this happen? No idea. Its all just a neat concept with no structure yet :// And beyond the awkward living situation with the Dry Bones today, I haven't really thought about how the Koopa culture has been changed by the war. That's just way too much thinking and I'm way too sick to bother trying to figure it out atm- 💀💔 But maybe someday I'll think it through!
Now Luigi, I had this idea that he had a bizarre encounter with a 1-UP and was later bitten by a Goomba. Over the span of say... 5 days or so..? Luigi slowly got weaker and weaker until eventually he became bedridden and actually died- He came back to life moments after but it still completely shook Mario and Luigi's worlds for a sec there-
I had intended to draw a comic about this, and I made a sketch about it in the past.. but around the time I thought of this idea my Mario phase was kind'a passing over so I didn't feel like making it- <XDD
As for a potential sequel, I would like to see Wario, Waluigi and Toadsworth. Not sure why Toadsworth wasn't in the first movie- he absolutely should have been. That deep voiced purple..? council..? toad guy?? Totally should have been Toadsworth :/
And my request for the Wario bros is that they are taken seriously. 😅🤣
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I'm doing okay so far today, thank you! :}
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I haven't really figured out the details about how Tuna and Louis lost their limbs- 😅
But I'm considering that Louis lost his arm (I assume you meant his arm-) in some kind of work related accident a long time ago. It must have been a fishing accident somehow..
As for Tuna, either some kind of natural disaster/accident or.. someone "removed" them... O-O
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I do not :/ I'm not even sure what homestuck is.. I thiiink its a webcomic-
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Oooo! :00 It looks cool! :DD
And thank you, I'm hoping I get over this soon too 😅
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ghcstao3 · 5 days
vampire x monster hunter……….i am so respectfully asking for more (im foaming at the mouth)
(original post) i shall do my best. again i got a little out of hand with word count. cw blood (of course)
John knows he should be happy about Simon's return.
He knows he should be happy to be reunited with his once-best friend even if it's after over a decade, because all this time he'd thought Simon was dead. He knows he should be happy that Simon would return here, of all places, to make amends, to catch up, to do whatever it is old friends are meant to. He knows this.
And yet... John can't help but feel on edge.
John is happy, of course he is. It isn’t often he’s surprised as he was when the knock at his door had been Simon. It isn’t every day an old friend returns from the dead. But he can only be fed the same excuses over and over so many times before he grows wary in Simon’s presence, which is really, truly the last thing he wants.
Being told I'm not hungry, I'll eat later would only be of any worth if Simon had said it once or twice, and not for every meal offered. It might be a cause for concern if Simon did not still appear consistently healthy and sated in spite of it.
Not to mention the sneaking out at odd hours. New creaks and groans have since developed in John's old house, ones Simon wasn't aware of, clearly, until the first time he makes his mistakes. It all just... worries John. Frightens him. Of course people change, and certainly over thirteen years, but it all seems to raise far more questions than there are answers that Simon is willing to give.
And then all of the sudden it makes too much sense, and John finds himself wishing Simon had never come back.
With the regularity at which people disappear in and around the town, John doesn't notice any difference after Simon's arrival. No increase or decrease, no change in occurrences that might tip John off to a new creature needing to be hunted.
This particular hunt was meant to be carried out like any other; John was heading out alone as the creature he was after didn't pose so much a threat to require help, it would be clean and quick, then he'd return home. He leaves a note for Simon, who may or may not have gone out himself, grabs his gear and vanishes beneath the cloak of a cloud-filled night.
Vampire, is what little information he'd been provided with, and so vampire is what he prepares himself for.
John has long since been a stranger to bloodshed. Really, it's necessary he not be squeamish, especially when so often he comes across scenes like this—this being the messy feasting of what could only be a newer, more inexperienced vampire. The unfamiliar hunger like nothing else usually makes them far more reckless when it comes to finding food.
This fledgling isn't any different, judging by the large smears and smatterings of blood leading right to John's culprit.
A figure sits hunched in the dark, accompanied only by the sound of tearing flesh. When John had first been learning, the lack of breathing that should be present when drinking so fiercely had made him uneasy, but now it merely serves as a reminder that he should hold his own breath, lest he catch the vampire's attention.
John wields a silver dagger, creeping forward as carefully as he might in approaching a wild animal—these monsters are just about the same, anyway.
But John underestimates how elevated this particular fledgling's senses would be. They pause the moment John takes a step toward them, sitting up straighter, immediately alert. Their face remains obscured, but John can see them cock their head, presumably listening for his pulse.
He expects an attack. Expects a fight so as to not become the next course.
What John hadn't expected—or maybe a subconscious part of him had—was for the figure to rise slow and cautious, head bowed in what John might dare call shame. What he hadn't expected was for the vampire to turn on their heel and have John met with none other than—
His head remains hung, silhouette still impossibly imposing. It's hard to discern much in the low light, but John imagines Simon's irises are currently a scarlet red as opposed to their usual warm coffee brown, if evidenced by the blood that covers his face and drips from his chin.
"Johnny." His voice is hoarse, but it's most certainly Simon's. He can probably hear the way John's heart picks up pace, be it out of fear, or be it out of use of a nickname Simon has so far avoided since their reunion. "Johnny, I'm sorry."
“Simon, wha—“ John frowns and finds his guard falling, yet his grip on the hilt of his knife only tightens. “I don’t—“
“I can’t help it,” Simon rasps, begging. “I can’t… I learned how to control myself, I did, but when I’m around you…”
Simon is directly in front of John in the blink of an eye, frigid hands curling around John's, around the dagger. He allows the tip of the blade to dig into his abdomen, unflinching as it pokes past clothes and just barely breaks skin. John holds steady, more than capable of pushing it further, but unwilling to hurt—or kill—Simon until he's given a reason to.
Never mind the mangled corpse on the ground just a few feet away.
"How long?"
"How long, Simon?"
Simon doesn't meet his eyes. They're dark either way like this, in this lack of light, but John still feels like something isn't quite right about it.
"A few months. A year, maybe. Two," Simon confesses. "It's all muddled."
For reasons John can't describe, somehow it stings knowing this... affliction has only been short-term. Because instead it could have been an explanation for Simon's disappearance—let alone that of his family's that he still often wonders about. Because instead it could have been a reason for Simon to have stayed away for so long even as an adult.
But it's not.
"Then why come back now? And why come back here?" John hisses. "You're a fuckin' dafty, y'know that?"
Simon's mouth parts, and for the first time since his arrival John finally catches a glimpse of his fangs; razor sharp and promising a swift but violent death for John should Simon's instincts get the best of him.
He then seals his lips in a thin line, swallowing whatever words he may have had prior. Simon offers a solemn nod of his head, his theme of shame so insistent.
Against John's better judgement, he retracts the knife. Tucks it away, and forces space between them. The overwhelming stench of iron is beginning to make him nauseous.
Softer, much softer than Simon deserves at the moment, and far too reminiscent of a past long gone, John says, "You were supposed to be the leveller-head between us."
Simon huffs. "'Be easier if constantly listening to your pulse wasn't driving me mad."
"Oh." The pounding in John's ribcage does him no favours in picking up speed again. Then, suddenly realizing where and why he is, John attempts to steel himself, clenching his jaw and taking deep, slow breaths to calm the flutter of his heart. "Well, quit listenin' then."
Simon regards him curiously, in a way so painfully familiar to a past life.
A silence stretches on between them, tense and riddled with uncertainty. John tries, pointedly, to ignore the elephant still in the room, but between the blood and the smell and the looming issue of them being a vampire and a monster hunter, it's nigh impossible.
But even still—John thinks it'd be less right to kill Simon now, than to let him free. To bring him home.
John sighs, suddenly and immediately overcome with fatigue. He pinches the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger for just a moment, rubbing the skin to unsuccessfully self-soothe. He wishes there was some sort of... protocol, for this. Maybe then things could be easier. Could make more sense. Just for once.
"I'm not—" John pauses, takes a breath, shakes his head. "I won't kill you, Simon. Not... now, at least."
Simon nods. "That's all I can ask for."
"Good, because that's all you're getting." It's a lie, and they both damn well know it, but just a little longer would John like to linger in ignorance. "Now just... clean this up before anyone sees. We'll talk about this more in the morning, alright?"
John offers a tight smile, whether or not Simon can really see it.
"Right. Goodnight, Simon."
"Goodnight, Johnny."
John hovers only a second, hooked on that nickname as he's always been, before he finally pivots on his heel and starts off the other way, turning a dutiful blind eye like he really shouldn't be doing.
He had missed Simon, he really had—but he's afraid to start wondering if this will all be worth the trouble, in the end.
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little-sleepy-owl · 3 months
ᴄʜᴀʀʟɪᴇ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
the reader is a sinner woman, who starts to act all motherly around the princess of Hell.
platonic, fluffy and wholesome.
originally I was going to publish this after Alastor x virgin!reader thingy. but holy hell, this weekend wasn't kind to me, and it seems this work week will not be kind either. so while it's still in progress, i offer you this little thing.
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she's very quick to pick up on what's going on. she's is in so much doubts and mixed feelings it drives her crazy.
yeah, her mother wasn't around for seven years, but still… how can she betray her? how can she let another woman fill this role just like that?
but you're so good to her. she can't help, but feel safe and secure and happy, when you ask about her day, care for her and fuss over her in this way.
you support her on every step she takes and it sometimes genuinely makes her cry of joy.
oh, how she missed that feeling. she missed being a little girl in her mother’s arms.
sooner or later she'll definitely have a talk about this with Lucifer. a heavy one.
he's not happy with the whole situation at first, but still supports her feelings and urges to let her heart guide her.
she doesn't have to give up on her real mother to accept the found one, right?
she thinks of how your hands are so warm and welcoming. and how your eyes are so gentle when you look at her.
maybe... maybe it's okay to allow herself this happiness.
deeply nervous, yet somewhat exited, she'll come to you and ask if it's okay if she calls you “mom” sometimes.
and the warmth that spreads in her chest the moment your face lights up tells her that she made the right choice.
ooh, she wants to do so much stuff together now!! all things she was scared to allow herself before with you. go shopping, have little silly sleepovers in her and Vaggie’s room (you basically get two daughters for the price of one), draw each other, read books by roles, and go to Lu Lu Land of course! yaay, rides with hell's horses!!
she loves engaging in the silliest things. you gotta get used to this.
at one point Lucifer will come to have a talk with you. he sees how much genuinely happier and relaxed Charlie has become, and mostly now approves of your new role. still, he has to be sure you understand that he won't tolerate it if you hurt her.
“you're taking care of my little girl? Ỳ̴̲͈̻̒͊o̷̬̗̙̦͒́̇̂ͅŮ̸͍̺͝ ̵̣͎̼̖̝̞̋̒̃̾͋͘B̷͔̹́̐̉͌̚E̶̼̺͗͋͛̌̕t̵̛̛̜̮́͛͆Ṯ̵̡̢͉͕͉͇̋̈̋̏͝͠e̸͍͖̅͐̐̂́̊̊̌́ͅR̷̰͚̩̜̲͖͍̈́̓̃͗̐͆̀͐͘̕ͅ ̸͚̌̀͒̈̃̉̈́̃̋̕b̵̯̥͓̦̺͈̫̑É̷̩̤͕͈̂̂͒̕͠͝ 👹” basically.
don't worry, if there's ever some little dispute between you and Charlie, he won't just kill you for it on the spot. probably.
(the man will develop some soft feelings for you, so really. it's fine. he can't help, but be fond of someone who Charlie adores so much.)
Charlie will want a new portrait with you and her together to hang inside the Hotel.
just choose the place and pose, and a painter will be ready to start! you two can also drag Vaggie with you for this one.
maybe even Lucifer, too? or you can have a separate one with all four of you.
ah, what a nice family.
congratulations, now you're practically a new Queen of Hell, but by adoption of the Princess, instead of a marriage with the King.
although it only serves as a matter of teasing by other staff/patrons of the Hotel, still, kinda cool.
long live the Queen and her adorable loving daughter!
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sunnysam-my · 3 months
Stolas' Lament VS Just Look My Way
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I wasn't really a fan of this song when I first heard the beginning, so I only watched both the original and the official version now, and, oh boy, do I have some thoughts.
The song was first released as a fan single by PARANOiD DJ. Two years later (2023) an officia music video was released, on Vivzie's account, with an updated instrumental and lyrics.
I've highlighted the differentces in lyrics. On left is the original version on right is the official.
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This song is actually really great when it comes to it's meaning and development of Stolas. But, OMG, what is with those changes???
But dearest, I know better now I must give you this choice.
Come now, my little impish plaything We both made our choice
What's left for me and my broken heart If I cannot have you?
What's left for me in this broken house If I cannot have you?
I'll give you everything you need What more is there? What more to plead? Just look my way, just look my way What can there be that I don't know? Will you never tell or be so bold? Just say, "please stay" Look my way
Is this what you feel? Scorned by a realm that cannot comprehend What you are, so I'll grant you this mercy this bind on our souls needs to end
Is this how she'd feel? Abandoned, all alone and left to fend for herself for some semblance of happiness that doesn't have to end
The official version just makes Stolas into a selfish asshole! While also try to make him look better at the same time. In both versions he is lamenting the fact that Blitzø doesn't care about him, for some reason Blitz doesn't want to say he doesn't accept that Stolas actually loves him despite their status and agreement. The difference is that in the OG version Stolas actually reflects on what he'd done and how he hurt others. He knows it's his fault, but he doesn't knows how to fix it. It's not about him being sad because he is hurt, like in the official ver, but because he hurt and destroyed everything and everyone around him. In the changed version he makes everything about him.
The change that convinced me to make this post is change of "What's left for me in this broken house, If I cannot have you?" to "What's left for me and my broken heart, If I cannot have you?". I'm sorry, but this is one of those moments that make me go "Ah yes, fandom knows the characters better than the author". It's completely downplays just how much this relationship means to Stolas. I've seen a lot of criticism saying how the agreement between Blitzø and Stolas didn't really posed any threat to Stolas, because of how privileged he is, and I'm sorry, but that's such bullshit. Stolas risk everything for this relationship, despite that he gets the worst part of the stick. And he did loose it all, if Blitzø leaves him, it was all for nothing. He is a royalty! You have to be incredibly naive to think he can just do anything he wants and pay no consequences. Stolas is a tragic character of his own demise. He brought his own downfall on himself. Him choosing to cheat with Blitzø was bound to destroy his marriage, his status, his relationship with his daughter and interfere with his duty.
It just really shows where the show is heading with Stolas. Instead of actually make him a redeemable, tragic character by making him relatable in his struggles to escape his inescapable duty and, well, not being allowed to be a person (remember, he wasn't even allowed to not only show, but also feel strong emotions, even as a child on his birthday), they make him tragic, because "poor owl boy didn't get what he wants and is heartbroken :("
(If you see this as overreaction to a simple change to song's lyrics, that's because I'm not mad about this song in particular, but how the characters turned to more shallow versions of themselves in this show.)
Lyrics without highlights, separately:
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hexmari · 3 months
FINALLY DREW RACE WITH A DESIGN I’M HAPPY WITH! I've been struggling to draw him in a way that matches the way he looks in my head for a while so I decided to just do a sketch.
I know my design is very far from what most of the fandom sees him as— Blonde hair blue eyes Ben Cook. But I take most inspiration from the 92 movies when it comes to design.
I always headcanon him to be South Italian (specifically Sicily) with some Greek roots so I wanted to draw him that way.
This sketch wasn't originally ment to be posed since it's kinda rough but I ended up liking it enough.
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goodboyaudios · 5 months
So I was rewatching the "betraying your friends" ep from MOTH, and was wondering something...when Cataclysm offered power to Zed, what if he DID accept it? What would happen then?
I actually made a while AU about this on Discord so I'm happy to share it here!
I'm now calling it: BIRTH OF THE SECOND SUN In this timeline, Mirrin is killed by Mahann and Zed is humiliated by Mahann and Gienne. He does manage to snatch away the Demonomicon, but he is truly alone with no one to warn him or comfort him in any way. Without hesitation, he accepts Cataclysm's offer…
After accepting Cataclysm's gift for power, Zed becomes a sorcerer of Untempic and Faenic elements. He is now just as powerful as the guardian, but while the guardian has a balance on such energies, Zed does not. On top of that, the quick influx of power overwhelms him, forcing him to go crazy, but he doesn't become the next Anarchanist, he transcends it. He sees things beyond normal perception, witnesses events that may never happen, but always had, he decides to continue where his long deceased mother left off.
He teleports straight to Makkaro's house in a display of divine fury. Makkaro, realizing the power Zed has received, panics and flees to his castle, narrowly avoiding his death. He knows its only a matter of time before Zed finds him again. He summons forth the Snake Titan and prepares for battle. Both of them are connected in some way to Cataclysm and they both have similar goals, but while Makkaro wants to do it in the name of justice and revenge, Zed wants to do it to unify and prepare the Manasians for something that could spell the end of everything. Just as Makkaro has set up a few rudimentary defenses, Zed appears.
The battle is hard fought and the effects are felt across the world. The undead and vampires pose no threat to Zed and are instantaneously dealt with. The snake titan is the only edge Makkaro has over Zed as its body cannot be destroyed, nor can it even be penetrated by anything from Manas. Even the Guardian couldn't defeat it. So instead, Zed, being the little smarty-pants he is, uses his incredible power to create time magic out of thin air, and using it to reset Shee Khan into it's original form. It is now alive, containing its soul that was once trapped in the desert of Shee, and it is pissed off at Makkaro.
But Makkaro isn't a fool either. He wasn't sure if Shee Khan would be always willing to serve him, so he implanted magical runes within the body of Shee Khan to send it back to the desert if something were to go awry. The downside of this teleport is that it causes massive seismic and ecological damage to the ocean, creating chasms and sending tsunamis to the east and west. Now, its just Zed and Makkaro. Makkaro attempts to reason with Zed. He asks him what he wants, to which Zed responds, "To crush any opposition". Makkaro realizes that he has no choice now, but to fully submit himself to the demonic magic. In order to prevent this tyrant from rising, he must become what he was doomed to be. A Lich Anarchanist. After submitting to his dark power, the fight truly begins…
Raze, the Guardian, hasn't been able to be touched, because the magic that gets near her cell fizzles away to nothing. However, that doesn't stop the shockwaves from knocking the walls loose and allowing Raze to rescue Taurus. Upon reuniting and seeing Zed and Makkaro go at it like Dragonball characters, Raze intervenes. She realizes she can't kill either of them as Makkaro's lich form seems to be un-killable and Zed is using BS time magic. As she looks at the two fighting, she remembers the time she entered through the Lightmaster engines. She recognizes that these two, through their conflict have become a source of infinite power. They have become the sentient light.
While I'm still thinking about this, I'd like to say Raze also made Makkaro and Zed dream in the Second sun. In this dream, Zed and the guardian went on an adventure and ran into Detective Aetherward and Gienne on another case. While working together, Zed realizes that he just wanted a family and Makkaro and Gienne have talked about children. In this timeline, Makkaro and Gienne are safely together without threat from the family. And Zed's family isn't murdered, but just travels a lot and doesn't have as much time for him. Zed becomes adopted by Makkaro and Gienne and even becomes a big brother to their birth child. The Guardian watches over them as a close friend and even helps Zed reunite with his long lost family on occasion. But in the end, it's just a dream shared by two dying consciousnesses.
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